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CRC/GC/15 CRC_GC_15E.docx (English)CRC/GC/15 CRC_GC_15C.docx (Chinese)
General comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (art. 24)关于儿童享有可达到的最高标准健康的权利问题的第15号一般性意见(2013)(第24条)
Document CRC/C/GC/15Document CRC/C/GC/15
I. Introduction一. 导言
The present general comment is based on the importance of approaching children’s health from a child-rights perspective that all children have the right to opportunities to survive, grow and develop, within the context of physical, emotional and social well-being, to each child’s full potential.1. 本一般性意见立足于儿童健康需从儿童权利的角度着眼的重要性,认为儿童在体格、心理和社交能力的健康方面,在充分发挥每个儿童的潜力的情况下,人人有权获得生存、成长和发展的机会。
Throughout this general comment, “child” refers to an individual below the age of 18 years, in accordance with article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter “the Convention’’).“儿童”一词在本一般性意见中自始至终指《儿童权利公约》(下称“《公约》”)第1条规定的18岁以下的人。
Despite the remarkable achievements in fulfilling children’s rights to health in recent years since the adoption of the Convention, significant challenges remain.尽管近年来,自《公约》通过以来,儿童健康权的落实方面取得了卓越成就,但仍然存在着挑战。
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter “the Committee”) recognizes that most mortality, morbidity and disabilities among children could be prevented if there were political commitment and sufficient allocation of resources directed towards the application of available knowledge and technologies for prevention, treatment and care.儿童权利委员会(下称“委员会”)承认,如果政治上有承诺,划拨的资源充足,争取利用现有的预防、治疗和护理知识与技术,则儿童的死亡率、发病率和残疾问题多数是可以预防的。
The present general comment was prepared with the aim of providing guidance and support to States parties and other duty bearers to support them in respecting, protecting and fulfilling children’s right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (hereinafter “children’s right to health”).编写本一般性意见的宗旨是为缔约国及其他责任承担者提供指导,支持他们尊重、保护、落实儿童享有最高标准健康的权利(下称“儿童健康权”)。
The Committee interprets children’s right to health as defined in article 24 as an inclusive right, extending not only to timely and appropriate prevention, health promotion, curative, rehabilitative and palliative services, but also to a right to grow and develop to their full potential and live in conditions that enable them to attain the highest standard of health through the implementation of programmes that address the underlying determinants of health.2. 委员会将第24条界定的儿童健康权诠释为一种包容性权利,不仅指预防、健康促进、治疗、康复和姑息治疗服务,而且也指儿童有权尽可能充分地成长和发展,有权享有一定的生活条件,使其健康能够在实施各种解决保持健康的根本决定因素的方案之后达到最高标准。
A holistic approach to health places the realization of children’s right to health within the broader framework of international human rights obligations.一种全方位处理健康问题的方针是将落实儿童健康权的工作置于国际人权义务这个更广大的框架之内。
The Committee addresses this general comment to a range of stakeholders working in the fields of children’s rights and public health, including policymakers, programme implementers and activists, as well as parents and children themselves.3. 委员会这个一般性意见针对的是一系列从事儿童权利和公共卫生工作的利益攸关方,包括决策人员、方案实施人员和积极推动人员、以及家长和儿童本人。
It is explicitly generic in order to ensure its relevance to a wide range of children’s health problems, health systems and the varied contexts that exist in different countries and regions.本意见显然具有通用性,为的是确保意见确实关系到范围广泛的儿童健康问题、卫生体系以及各国和各区域存在的各种不同情况。
It focuses primarily on article 24, paragraphs 1 and 2, and also addresses article 24, paragraph 4.其重点主要在第24条第1和第2款,也涉及第24条第4款。
Implementation of article 24 must take into account all human rights principles, especially the guiding principles of the Convention, and must be shaped by evidence-based public health standards and best practices.实施第24条必须考虑到所有人权原则,尤其是《公约》的指导原则,必须按基于证据的公共卫生标准和最佳做法开展。
In the Constitution of the World Health Organization, States have agreed to regard health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.4. 各国在《世界卫生组织组织法》中一致商定将健康视为一种体格,精神与社会之完全健康的状态,而不仅仅是疾病和羸弱的消除。
This positive understanding of health provides the public health foundation for the present general comment.对健康的这种积极理解,为本一般性意见提供了公共卫生基础。
Article 24 explicitly mentions primary health care, an approach to which was defined in the Declaration of Alma-Ata and reinforced by the World Health Assembly.第24条明文提到初级保健,这是一种经《阿拉木图宣言》定义并由世界卫生大会加以强化的方针。
This approach emphasizes the need to eliminate exclusion and reduce social disparities in health; organize health services around people’s needs and expectations; integrate health into related sectors; pursue collaborative models of policy dialogue; and increase stakeholder participation, including the demand for and appropriate use of services.这个方针强调必须在卫生方面消除排斥,缩小社会差距;围绕人们的需求和期望组织开展卫生服务;将卫生与相关各部门结合起来;实行政策对话合作模式;加强利益攸关方的参与,包括各种服务的需求和适当使用。
Children’s health is affected by a variety of factors, many of which have changed during the past 20 years and are likely to continue to evolve in the future.5. 儿童健康受到各种因素的影响,其中许多在近20年来已有所变化,今后有可能继续发展变化。
This includes the attention given to new health problems and changing health priorities, such as: HIV/AIDS, pandemic influenza, non-communicable diseases, importance of mental health care, care of the new born, and neonatal and adolescent mortality; increased understanding of the factors that contribute to death, disease and disability in children, including structural determinants, such as the global economic and financial situation, poverty, unemployment, migration and population displacements, war and civil unrest, discrimination and marginalization.这包括关注新出现的卫生问题及不 断变化的卫生优先事项,诸如:艾滋病毒/艾滋病、大流行性流感、非传染性疾病、精神卫生保健的重要性、新生儿的护理、及新生儿和青少年的死亡率;提高对造 成儿童死亡、疾病和残疾的各种因素的认识,包括结构性决定因素,诸如全球经济和金融形势、贫困、失业、移徙和人口流离失所、战争和内乱、歧视和边缘化等。
There is also a growing understanding of the impact of climate change and rapid urbanization on children’s health; the development of new technologies, such as vaccines and pharmaceuticals; a stronger evidence base for effective biomedical, behavioural and structural interventions, as well as some cultural practices that relate to child-rearing and have proved to have a positive impact on children.人们对气候变化和高速城市化对儿童的影响也在提高认识;新技术的开发,诸如疫苗和药物等;有效的生物医学、行为和结构性干预以及育儿方面证明对儿童有积极影响的文化习俗具备更加有力的证据基础。 6. 信息和通信技术的进步为落实儿童健康权创造了新机会,也带来了新挑战。
Advances in information and communication technologies have created new opportunities and challenges to achieve children’s right to health.信息和通信技术的进步为落实儿童健康权创造了新机会,也带来了新挑战。
Despite the additional resources and technologies that have now become available to the health sector, many countries still fail to provide universal access to basic children’s health promotion, prevention and treatment services.尽管卫生部门目前掌握的资源和技术有所增加,但是许多国家仍然未普及基本的儿童健康促进、预防和治疗服务。
A wide range of different duty bearers need to be involved if children’s right to health is to be fully realized and the central role played by parents and other caregivers needs to be better recognized.如果儿童健康权要得到全面落实,需要广泛动员不同的责任承担者参与其中,父母及其他照顾者发挥的主导作用需要得到更彻底地承认。
Relevant stakeholders will need to be engaged, working at national, regional, district and community levels, including governmental and non-governmental partners, private sector and funding organizations.也需要动员相关的利益攸关方参与,在国家、区域、地区和社区各级发挥作用,其中要包括政府和非政府伙伴、私营部门以及提供资金的组织。
States have an obligation to ensure that all duty bearers have sufficient awareness, knowledge and capacity to fulfil their obligations and responsibilities, and that children’s capacity is sufficiently developed to enable them to claim their right to health.各国有义务确保所有责任承担者都有充分的认识、具备足以履行其义务和责任的知识和能力,确保儿童的能力得到充分的开发,使其能够主张自己的健康权利。
II. Principles and premises for realizing children’s right to health二. 落实儿童健康权工作的原则和前提
A. The indivisibility and interdependence of children’s rightsA. 儿童各项权利的不可分割性和相互依存性
The Convention recognizes the interdependence and equal importance of all rights (civil, political, economic, social and cultural) that enable all children to develop their mental and physical abilities, personalities and talents to the fullest extent possible.7. 《公约》确认所有权利(公民权利、政治权利、经济、社会和文化权利)相互依存,同等重要,使儿童能够尽量发展自己的心智和体格方面的能力、个性和天才。
Not only is children’s right to health important in and of itself, but also the realization of the right to health is indispensable for the enjoyment of all the other rights in the Convention.不仅儿童的健康权本身十分重要,而且落实健康权也是享有《公约》中所有其他权利所必不可少的条件。
Moreover, achieving children’s right to health is dependent on the realization of many other rights outlined in the Convention.此外,实现儿童健康权有赖于落实《公约》列述的许多其他权利。
B. Right to non-discriminationB. 不受歧视权
In order to fully realize the right to health for all children, States parties have an obligation to ensure that children’s health is not undermined as a result of discrimination, which is a significant factor contributing to vulnerability.8. 为充分落实所有儿童的健康权,缔约国有义务确保儿童健康不因受歧视而遭到破坏,这是一个造成脆弱性的重要因素。
A number of grounds on which discrimination is proscribed are outlined in article 2 of the Convention, including the child’s, parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.《公约》第2条概述了禁止歧视的若干理由,其中包括儿童、家长或法定监护人的种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、残疾、出生或其他状况。
These also include sexual orientation, gender identity and health status, for example HIV status and mental health.这种理由还包括性取向、性别认同和健康状况,例如艾滋病毒状况和精神健康。
Attention should also be given to any other forms of discrimination that might undermine children’s health, and the implications of multiple forms of discrimination should also be addressed.此外还应注意可能破坏儿童健康的任何其他形式的歧视,多重形式歧视的影响问题也应处理。
Gender-based discrimination is particularly pervasive, affecting a wide range of outcomes, from female infanticide/foeticide to discriminatory infant and young child feeding practices, gender stereotyping and access to services.9. 基于性别的歧视更是无所不在,造成一系列后果,从溺杀女婴/杀胎到歧视性婴儿和幼童喂养习惯、性别成见及歧视性的获得服务机会。
Attention should be given to the differing needs of girls and boys, and the impact of gender-related social norms and values on the health and development of boys and girls.应该关注女童和男童不同的需求、以及男童和女童的健康和成长所涉及的以性别为转移的社会规范和价值观的影响。
Attention also needs to be given to harmful gender-based practices and norms of behaviour that are ingrained in traditions and customs and undermine the right to health of girls and boys.此外还需注意扎根于传统和习俗、损害女童和男童健康权的那些基于性别的有害行为惯例和准则。
All policies and programmes affecting children’s health should be grounded in a broad approach to gender equality that ensures young women’s full political participation; social and economic empowerment; recognition of equal rights related to sexual and reproductive health; and equal access to information, education, justice and security, including the elimination of all forms of sexual and gender-based violence.10. 所有涉及儿童健康的政策和方案应该立足于一种广泛的性别平等方针,保障年轻女性全面参与政治;赋予社会和经济权力;承认其性卫生和生殖卫生方面权利平等;有同等机会获得信息、教育、司法和安全,包括消除一切形式性暴力和基于性别的暴力。
Children in disadvantaged situations and under-served areas should be a focus of efforts to fulfil children’s right to health.11. 处境不利和服务不足地区的儿童应该是努力落实健康权的重点。
States should identify factors at national and subnational levels that create vulnerabilities for children or that disadvantage certain groups of children.各国应该在国家和国家以下各级确定造成儿童易受损害的情况或造成某些群体儿童处境不利的各种因素。
These factors should be addressed when developing laws, regulations, policies, programmes and services for children’s health, and work towards ensuring equity.在制定儿童健康方面的法律、规章、政策、方案和服务的过程中应该针对这些因素,努力争取实现公平。
C. The best interests of the childC. 儿童的最大利益
Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention places an obligation on public and private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities and legislative bodies to ensure that the best interests of the child are assessed and taken as a primary consideration in all actions affecting children.12. 《公约》第3条第1款责成公办和私营社会福利机构、法院、行政主管机关和立法机构保证注意儿童的最大利益,将其作为涉及儿童的一切行动的首要考虑的因素。
This principle must be observed in all health-related decisions concerning individual children or children as a group.一切涉及儿童个体或儿童群体有关健康问题的决定必须遵守这项原则。
Individual children’s best interests should be based on their physical, emotional, social and educational needs, age, sex, relationship with parents and caregivers, and their family and social background, and after having heard their views according to article 12 of the Convention.儿童个体的最大利益应该以其体格、精神、社会和教育需求、年龄、性别、与父母和照顾者的关系、及其家庭和社会背景为依据,并在依照《公约》第12条听取其意见之后确定。
The Committee urges States to place children’s best interests at the centre of all decisions affecting their health and development, including the allocation of resources, and the development and implementation of policies and interventions that affect the underlying determinants of their health.13. 委员会促请各国将儿童的最大利益放在一切涉及其健康和发展的决定(包括资源的配置)以及对其健康的根本决定因素有影响的政策和干预措施的制定和执行工作的中心位置。
For example, the best interests of the child should:例如,儿童的最大利益应该:
Guide treatment options, superseding economic considerations where feasible;指导治疗方法的取舍,凡有可能不作经济方面的考虑;
Aid the resolution of conflict of interest between parents and health workers; and协助解决家长和卫生工作者之间的利害冲突;并
Influence the development of policies to regulate actions that impede the physical and social environments in which children live, grow and develop.影响有关政策的制定,规范有碍儿童生活、成长和发展的物质和社会环境的各种行动。
The Committee underscores the importance of the best interests of the child as a basis for all decision-making with regard to providing, withholding or terminating treatment for all children.14. 委员会强调儿童的最大利益必须作为对所有儿童提供、暂停或结束治疗的全部决策工作的依据。
States should develop procedures and criteria to provide guidance to health workers for assessing the best interests of the child in the area of health, in addition to other formal, binding processes that are in place for determining the child’s best interests.除现有的其他具有约束力的确定儿童最大利益的正式程序之外,各国还应该制定相关程序和标准,指导卫生工作者如何评估儿童在健康方面的最大利益。
The Committee in its general comment No. 3 has underlined that adequate measures to address HIV/AIDS can be undertaken only if the rights of children and adolescents are fully respected.委员会在其第3号一般性意见中着重指出,只有在儿童和青少年的权利得到完全尊重的情况下才能采取适当措施处理艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题。
The child’s best interests should therefore guide the consideration of HIV/AIDS at all levels of prevention, treatment, care and support.因此,儿童最大利益应该指导所有各级预防、治疗、护理和支助部门考虑艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题。
In its general comment No. 4, the Committee underlined the best interests of the child to have access to appropriate information on health issues. Special attention must be given to certain categories of children, including children and adolescents with psychosocial disabilities.15. 委员会的第4号一般性意见强调儿童能够获得健康问题方面的适当信息是其最大利益,必须特别关注某几类儿童,包括有社会心理残疾的儿童和青少年。
Where hospitalization or placement in an institution is being considered, this decision should be made in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the child, with the primary understanding that it is in the best interests of all children with disabilities to be cared for, as far as possible, in the community in a family setting and preferably within their own family with the necessary supports made available to the family and the child.如果正在考虑入院或入住机构治疗,这种决定应该本着儿童最大利益的原则作出,其中首要的一点是,让所有残疾儿童尽可能在社区内,在家庭环境里,而且最好在自己家里进行护理,向其家里和儿童提供必要的支助,这符合残疾儿童的最大利益。
D. Right to life, survival and development and the determinants of children’s healthD. 生命、生存和发展权以及儿童健康的决定因素
Article 6 highlights the States parties’ obligation to ensure the survival, growth and development of the child, including the physical, mental, moral, spiritual and social dimensions of their development.16. 第6条突出规定缔约国有义务保障儿童的生存、成长和发展权,包括其成长过程的体格、心理、道德、精神和社交层面。
The many risks and protective factors that underlie the life, survival, growth and development of the child need to be systematically identified in order to design and implement evidence-informed interventions that address a wide range of determinants during the life course.作为儿童的生命、生存、成长和发展的基础的那众多风险和保护性因素必须系统地查实,以便构思并执行有根据的而且考虑到生命历程中一系列决定因素的干预措施。
The Committee recognizes that a number of determinants need to be considered for the realization of children’s right to health, including individual factors such as age, sex, educational attainment, socioeconomic status and domicile; determinants at work in the immediate environment of families, peers, teachers and service providers, notably the violence that threatens the life and survival of children as part of their immediate environment; and structural determinants, including policies, administrative structures and systems, social and cultural values and norms.17. 委员会承认落实儿童的健康权需要考虑到若干决定因素,包括诸如年龄、性别、学业、社会经济状况和居住地等个人因素;家庭、同辈、教师和服务人员环绕的环境 中起作用的决定因素,特别是儿童周围环境中威胁其生命和生存的暴力;以及结构性决定因素,包括政策、行政机构和制度、社会文化价值和准则。
Among the key determinants of children’s health, nutrition and development are the realization of the mother’s right to health and the role of parents and other caregivers.18. 儿童健康、营养和发育的关键决定因素是落实母亲的健康权及父母和其他照顾者的作用。
A significant number of infant deaths occur during the neonatal period, related to the poor health of the mother prior to, and during, the pregnancy and the immediate post-partum period, and to suboptimal breastfeeding practices.相当数量的婴儿死亡发生在新生儿阶段,与母亲怀孕前后及产后健康状况不佳有关,也与次优的母乳喂养方法有关。
The health and health-related behaviours of parents and other significant adults have a major impact on children’s health.父母及其他关系重大的成人的健康和涉及健康的行为对儿童的健康有着重大影响。
E. Right of the child to be heardE. 儿童发表意见权
Article 12 highlights the importance of children’s participation, providing for children to express their views and to have such views seriously taken into account, according to age and maturity.19. 第12条强调了儿童参与的重要性,规定儿童可发表意见,其意见可根据年龄和成熟程度得到认真考虑。
This includes their views on all aspects of health provisions, including, for example, what services are needed, how and where they are best provided, barriers to accessing or using services, the quality of the services and the attitudes of health professionals, how to strengthen children’s capacities to take increasing levels of responsibility for their own health and development, and how to involve them more effectively in the provision of services, as peer educators.这 包括其对提供的卫生服务方方面面的看法,例如包括哪些服务是必要的,如何以及何处提供最佳,获得或使用服务的障碍,服务的质量及卫生专业人员的态度,如何 加强儿童的能力以逐渐提高他们对自己的健康和发展所负责任的水平,如何让他们作为同等教育者更加切实有效参与服务的提供等问题。
States are encouraged to conduct regular participatory consultations, which are adapted to the age and maturity of the child, and research with children, and to do this separately with their parents, in order to learn about their health challenges, developmental needs and expectations as a contribution to the design of effective interventions and health programmes.鼓励国家经常举行适合儿童年龄和成熟程度的参与性磋商,与儿童一起调查研究,另外与其父母分开进行研究,了解儿童的健康难题、发展需求和期望,以此作为国家对制定切实有效的干预和卫生方案工作的一份贡献。
F. Evolving capacities and the life course of the childF. 不断发展的能力和儿童的生命历程
Childhood is a period of continuous growth from birth to infancy, through the preschool age to adolescence.20. 童年是从出生长成婴幼儿、从学龄前到青少年一个不断成长的时期。
Each phase is significant as important developmental changes occur in terms of physical, psychological, emotional and social development, expectations and norms.每个阶段都举足轻重,因为体格、心理、情绪和社交能力的发展、期望和准则方面发生着重要的发展变化。
The stages of the child’s development are cumulative and each stage has an impact on subsequent phases, influencing the children’s health, potential, risks and opportunities.儿童的发展阶段是累积渐增的,每个阶段对以后的各阶段都有影响,对儿童的健康、潜能、风险和机会也影响。
Understanding the life course is essential in order to appreciate how health problems in childhood affect public health in general.要体会童年期间的健康问题对一般公众健康有何影响,必须了解人的生命历程。
The Committee recognizes that children’s evolving capacities have a bearing on their independent decision-making on their health issues.21. 委员会确认,儿童不断发展的能力对其在自己的健康问题上独立决策有影响。
It also notes that there are often serious discrepancies regarding such autonomous decision-making, with children who are particularly vulnerable to discrimination often less able to exercise this autonomy.此外,委员会还注意到这种自主决策方面往往存在严重的差别,特别容易遭到歧视的儿童往往不那么能够自主决策。
It is therefore essential that supportive policies are in place and that children, parents and health workers have adequate rights-based guidance on consent, assent and confidentiality.因此必须制定支助性政策,必须在同意、赞同和保密方面立足权利适当指导儿童、家长及卫生工作者。
To respond and understand children’s evolving capacities and the different health priorities along the life cycle, data and information that are collected and analysed should be disaggregated by age, sex, disability, socioeconomic status and sociocultural aspects and geographic location, in accordance with international standards.22. 为应对和理解儿童能力的不断发展提高以及生命周期中健康重点的不同,应该根据国际标准,将收集分析的数据资料按年龄、性别、残疾、社会经济地位和社会文化层面以及地理位置分类编排。
This makes it possible to plan, develop, implement and monitor appropriate policies and interventions that take into consideration the changing capacities and needs of children over time, and that help to provide relevant health services for all children.因此就有可能规划、制订、执行和监测其中考虑到儿童不断发展变化的能力和需求的政策和干预措施,从而为所有儿童提供有针对的卫生服务。
III. Normative content of article 24三. 第24条的规范性内容
A. Article 24, paragraph 1A. 第24条第1款
“States parties recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health”“缔约国确认儿童有权享有可达到的最高标准的健康”
The notion of “the highest attainable standard of health” takes into account both the child’s biological, social, cultural and economic preconditions and the State’s available resources, supplemented by resources made available by other sources, including non-governmental organizations, the international community and the private sector.23. “可达到的最高标准健康”的提法既考虑到儿童在生理、社会、文化和经济方面的先决条件,也考虑到国家的现有资源,加上其他方面、包括非政府组织、国际社会和私人部门等提供的资源。
Children’s right to health contains a set of freedoms and entitlements.24. 儿童的健康权包含一套自由和权利。
The freedoms, which are of increasing importance in accordance with growing capacity and maturity, include the right to control one’s health and body, including sexual and reproductive freedom to make responsible choices.自由随着能力和成熟度的提高而越来越重要,其中包括掌握自己健康和身体的权利,包括性和生殖上作出负责任选择的自由。
The entitlements include access to a range of facilities, goods, services and conditions that provide equality of opportunity for every child to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health.权利包括获得一系列设施、商品、服务和条件,为每个儿童提供平等享有可能达到的最高标准健康的机会。
“and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health”“并享有医疗和康复设施”
Children are entitled to quality health services, including prevention, promotion, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care services.25. 儿童有权获得优质卫生服务,包括预防、促进、治疗、康复和姑息治疗。
At the primary level, these services must be available in sufficient quantity and quality, functional, within the physical and financial reach of all sections of the child population, and acceptable to all.这些服务中初级服务的提供必须保质保量,能起作用,在儿童群体各阶层的物力和财力能够达到的范围之内,并且能够为所有儿童所接受。
The health-care system should not only provide health-care support but also report the information to relevant authorities for cases of rights violations and injustice.保健系统不仅应该提供保健支持,还应向有关主管部门告发侵权和不公的事件。
Secondary and tertiary level care should also be made available, to the extent possible, with functional referral systems linking communities and families at all levels of the health system.二级和三级保健也应该尽量提供,并有发挥作用的转诊制度将社区和家庭与各级卫生系统联系起来。
Comprehensive primary health-care programmes should be delivered alongside proven community-based efforts, including preventive care, treatment of specific diseases and nutritional interventions.26. 综合初级卫生保健方案应该与立足社区行之有效的工作、包括预防性护理、具体疾病的治疗和营养干预等同时开展落实。
Interventions at the community level should include the provision of information, services and commodities as well as prevention of illness and injury through, e.g., investment in safe public spaces, road safety and education on injury, accident and violence prevention.社区级干预应该包括提供信息、服务和商品,并通过投入资金建设安全的公共场所、道路安全及预防伤害、事故和暴力的教育等途径,预防疾病和伤害。
States should ensure an appropriately trained workforce of sufficient size to support health services for all children.27. 各国应该确保建立一支经过适当训练、规模相当的队伍,支持为所有儿童提供的卫生服务。
Adequate regulation, supervision, remuneration and conditions of service are also required, including for community health workers.此外还需要适当的、包括针对社区卫生工作人员的调控、监督、报酬和服务条件。
Capacity development activities should ensure that service providers work in a child-sensitive manner and do not deny children any services to which they are entitled by law.能力培养活动应该确保服务人员以体恤儿童的方式开展工作,为儿童提供其法定有权享有的任何服务。
Accountability mechanisms should be incorporated to ensure that quality assurance standards are maintained.为确保坚持质量保证标准,也应建立问责机制。
“States parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services”“缔约国应努力确保没有任何儿童被剥夺获得这种保健服务的权利”
Article 24, paragraph 1, imposes a strong duty of action by States parties to ensure that health and other relevant services are available and accessible to all children, with special attention to under-served areas and populations.28. 第24条第1款规定缔约国必须采取行动确保所有儿童都有条件而且都能够得到卫生及其他相关服务,其中特别注意服务不足的地区和人群。
It requires a comprehensive primary health-care system, an adequate legal framework and sustained attention to the underlying determinants of children’s health.这要求具备一个综合初级保健系统、适当的法律框架以及对儿童健康的根本决定因素始终不断地予以关注。
Barriers to children’s access to health services, including financial, institutional and cultural barriers, should be identified and eliminated.29. 儿童获得卫生服务的各种障碍,包括财力、体制和文化障碍,应该查明并加以消除。
Universal free birth registration is a prerequisite and social protection interventions, including social security such as child grants or subsidies, cash transfers and paid parental leave, should be implemented and seen as complementary investments.普遍免费出生登记是一个先决条件,社会保护性干预,包括诸如儿童赠款或补贴在内的社会保障、现金转账以及带薪育儿假等干预措施,应该贯彻落实,并视为一种补充性投资。
Health-seeking behaviour is shaped by the environment in which it takes place, including, inter alia, the availability of services, levels of health knowledge, life skills and values.30. 寻求保健行为的形成因素是其发生的环境,其中主要包括是否存在卫生服务、具备何种水平的卫生知识、生活技能和价值观等。
States should seek to ensure an enabling environment to encourage appropriate health-seeking behaviour by parents and children.各国应该力争保障一种有利的环境,鼓励父母和儿童适当的寻求保健行为。
In accordance with their evolving capacities, children should have access to confidential counselling and advice without parental or legal guardian consent, where this is assessed by the professionals working with the child to be in the child’s best interests.31. 根据儿童能力不断发展的情况,如经从事儿童工作的专业人员评估认为秘密辅导和咨询服务符合儿童的最大利益,则儿童应该能够在没有得到父母或法定监护人的同意的情况下获得此种服务。
States should clarify the legislative procedures for the designation of appropriate caregivers for children without parents or legal guardians, who can consent on the child’s behalf or assist the child in consenting, depending on the child’s age and maturity.各国应该明确规定相关的法律程序,为没有父母或法定监护人的儿童根据其年龄和成熟程度指定适当照顾者,照顾者可以代表儿童表示同意或协助儿童表示同意。
States should review and consider allowing children to consent to certain medical treatments and interventions without the permission of a parent, caregiver, or guardian, such as HIV testing and sexual and reproductive health services, including education and guidance on sexual health, contraception and safe abortion.各国应当审查并考虑允许儿童在没有得到父母、照顾者或监护人的同意的情况下,表示同意接受某些医疗和干预,诸如艾滋病毒化验以及性卫生和生殖卫生服务,包括性卫生、避孕套和安全堕胎有关的教育和指导。
B. Article 24, paragraph 2B. 第24条第2款
In accordance with article 24, paragraph 2, States should put in place a process for identifying and addressing other issues relevant to children’s right to health.32. 根据第24条第2款,各国应该制定一种确定和处理涉及儿童健康权的其他相关问题的程序。
This requires, inter alia, an in-depth analysis of the current situation in terms of priority health problems and responses, and the identification and implementation of evidence-informed interventions and policies that respond to key determinants and health problems, in consultation with children when appropriate.这主要需要深入分析重点健康问题和应对措施方面的现状,在酌情与儿童协商之后,确定并实施有理有据的应对主要决定因素和健康问题的干预措施和政策。
Article 24, paragraph 2 (a). “To diminish infant and child mortality”24条第2款(a). “降低婴幼儿死亡率”
States have an obligation to reduce child mortality.33. 各国有义务降低儿童死亡率。
The Committee urges particular attention to neonatal mortality, which constitutes an increasing proportion of under-5 mortality.委员会促请各国特别注意新生儿死亡率,因为它在五岁以下儿童死亡人数中的占比在不断上升。
Additionally, States parties should also address adolescent morbidity and mortality, which is generally under-prioritized.此外,各缔约国还应解决普遍重视不足的青少年发病率和死亡率。
Interventions should include attention to still births, pre-term birth complications, birth asphyxia, low birth weight, mother-to-child transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, neonatal infections, pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, under- and malnutrition, malaria, accidents, violence, suicide and adolescent maternal morbidity and mortality.34. 干预应该涉及:死胎、早产并发症、出生窒息、出生体重过低、母婴传染艾滋病毒及其他性传播感染、新生儿感染、肺炎、腹泻、麻疹、营养不足和营养不良、疟疾、事故、暴力、自杀以及青少年产妇发病率和死亡率。
Strengthening health systems to provide such interventions to all children in the context of the continuum of care for reproductive, maternal, newborn and children’s health, including screening for birth defects, safe delivery services and care for the newborn are recommended.建议在生殖、孕产妇、新生儿和儿童健康一条龙护理的情况下,加强卫生系统向所有儿童提供这种干预,包括出生缺陷的排查、安全分娩服务和新生儿护理。
Maternal and perinatal mortality audits should be conducted regularly for the purposes of prevention and accountability.为预防和问责起见,孕产妇及围产儿死亡率审计应定期进行。
States should put particular emphasis on scaling up simple, safe and inexpensive interventions that have proven to be effective, such as community-based treatments for pneumonia, diarrhoeal disease and malaria, and pay particular attention to ensuring full protection and promotion of breastfeeding practices.35. 各国应特别强调扩大采用简单,安全而廉价的并已证明行之有效的干预措施,如立足社区进行肺炎,腹泻病和疟疾的治疗等,并应特别注意确保母乳喂养的做法得到充分的保护和提倡。
Article 24, paragraph 2 (b). “To ensure the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care to all children with emphasis on the development of primary health care”第24条第2款(b). “确保向所有儿童提供必要的医疗援助和保健,侧重发展初级保健”
States should prioritize universal access for children to primary health-care services provided as close as possible to where children and their families live, particularly in community settings.36. 各国应该优先保障儿童普遍能够获得尽量靠近儿童及其家庭居住地提供的初级保健服务,尤其是在社区内提供的服务。
While the exact configuration and content of services will vary from country to country, in all cases effective health systems will be required, including: a robust financing mechanism; a well-trained and adequately paid workforce; reliable information on which to base decisions and policies; well-maintained facilities and logistics systems to deliver quality medicines and technologies; and strong leadership and governance.服务的确切配置和内容各国会有所不同,但是切实有效的卫生系统无论如何是需要的,其中包括:坚实可靠的供资机制;训练有素而薪酬得当的员工队伍;确定的政策就可靠的信息依据;维护良好的设施和提供优质药品和技术的物流系统;以及坚强有力的领导和治理。
Health-service provision within schools provides an important opportunity for health promotion, to screen for illness, and increases the accessibility of health services for in-school children.校内提供的卫生服务是增进健康、排查疾病的重要机会,提高了在学儿童获得卫生服务的机会。
Recommended packages of services should be used, for example the Essential Interventions, Commodities and Guidelines for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.37. 提议的各种配套服务应该利用,例如“生殖、孕产妇、新生儿和儿童健康基本干预、商品和准则”。
States have an obligation to make all essential medicines on the World Health Organization Model Lists of Essential Medicines, including the list for children (in paediatric formulations where possible) available, accessible and affordable.各国有义务生产世界卫生组织基本药物示范目录上的所有基本药物,包括提供儿童药物目录(如有可能以儿科配方的方式),使之能够获得而且承受得起。
The Committee is concerned by the increase in mental ill-health among adolescents, including developmental and behavioural disorders; depression; eating disorders; anxiety; psychological trauma resulting from abuse, neglect, violence or exploitation; alcohol, tobacco and drug use; obsessive behaviour, such as excessive use of and addiction to the Internet and other technologies; and self-harm and suicide.38. 委员会十分关注青少年精神健康欠佳,包括发育和行为障碍;抑郁症;饮食失调;焦虑;虐待、忽视、暴力或剥削利用造成的心理创伤;酒精、烟草和毒品使用;强迫症行为,诸如互联网和其他技术的过渡使用和迷恋成瘾;以及自我伤害和自杀。
There is growing recognition of the need for increased attention for behavioural and social issues that undermine children’s mental health, psychosocial wellbeing and emotional development. The Committee cautions against over-medicalization and institutionalization, and urges States to undertake an approach based on public health and psychosocial support to address mental ill-health among children and adolescents and to invest in primary care approaches that facilitate the early detection and treatment of children’s psychosocial, emotional and mental problems.委员会告诫各国防范过渡依靠医药治疗及动辄送专门治疗机构,促请各国采取一种立足公共卫生和心理支持的方法来解决儿童和青少年中间精神健康欠佳问题,投入资金发展初级保健,促进早期发现治疗儿童的心理、情绪和精神问题。
States have the obligation to provide adequate treatment and rehabilitation for children with mental health and psychosocial disorders while abstaining from unnecessary medication.39. 各国有义务向有精神健康和心理障碍的儿童提供适当的治疗和康复,尽量避免不必要的用药。
The 2012 resolution of the World Health Assembly on the global burden of mental health disorders and the need for a comprehensive coordinated response from health and social sectors at the country level notes that there is increasing evidence of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions to promote mental health and prevent mental disorders, particularly in children.世界卫生大会2012年关于精神疾患全球负担以及国家层面的卫生和社会部门进行综合性协调应对的需求的决议指出,有越来越多的证据表明增进心理健康和预防精神障碍、特别是增进儿童心理健康的干预措施切实有效而且具有成本效益。
The Committee strongly encourages States to scale up these interventions by mainstreaming them through a range of sectoral policies and programmes, including health, education and protection (criminal justice), with the involvement of families and communities.委员会大力鼓励各国在家庭和社区的参与之下,通过一系列部门政策和方案,包括卫生、教育和保护(刑事司法)等使干预措施主流化,从而扩大这种干预。
Children at risk because of their family and social environments require special attention in order to enhance their coping and life skills and promote protective and supportive environments.因家庭和社会环境关系而有风险的儿童需要特别关注,提高他们的应付和生活技能,提高环境的保护性和支持性。
There is a need to recognize the particular challenges to children’s health for children affected by humanitarian emergencies, including those resulting in large-scale displacements due to natural or man-made disasters.40. 必须承认受人道主义紧急状况影响的儿童面临特别的儿童健康挑战,包括由于自然灾害或人为灾难造成大规模流离失所的挑战。
All possible measures should be taken to ensure that children have uninterrupted access to health services, to (re)unite them with their families and to protect them not only with physical support, such as food and clean water, but also to encourage special parental or other psychosocial care to prevent or address fear and traumas.应该采取一切可能的措施确保儿童不间断地获得卫生服务,使他们与家庭团聚(团圆),不仅给予物质支持,诸如食物和干净水等以保护他们,还要提倡特殊的父母或其他社会心理护理,以防止或消除恐惧和心理创伤。
Article 24, paragraph 2 (c). “To combat disease and malnutrition, including within the framework of primary health care, through, inter alia, the application of readily available technology and through the provision of adequate nutritious foods and clean drinking-water, taking into consideration the dangers and risks of environmental pollution”第24条第2款(c). “消除疾病和营养不良现象,包括在初级保健范围内利用现有可得的技术和提供充足的营养食品和清洁饮水,要考虑到环境污染的危险和风险”
(a) The application of readily available technology(a) 应用现成技术
As new, proven technologies in children’s health, including drugs, equipment and interventions, become available, States should introduce them into policies and services.41. 随着儿童健康方面经过验证的新技术,包括药物、设备和干预措施的出现应用,各国应该将其纳入政策和和各项服务中。
Mobile arrangements and community-based efforts can substantially reduce some risks and should be made universally available and these include: immunization against the common childhood diseases; growth and developmental monitoring, especially in early childhood; vaccination against human papillomavirus for girls; tetanus toxoid injections for pregnant women; access to oral rehydration therapy and zinc supplementation for diarrhoea treatment; essential antibiotics and antiviral drugs; micronutrient supplements, such as vitamins A and D, iodized salt and iron supplements; and condoms.流动安 排和基于社区的努力可以大大降低某些风险,应该普遍提供,这些包括:预防儿童常见病的疫苗;成长和发育监测,特别是童年初期的监测;为女童进行人类乳头状 瘤病毒疫苗接种;为孕妇注射破伤风类毒素;能够通过口服补液疗法和补锌治疗腹泻;基本的抗生素和抗病毒药物;微量营养素补充剂,如维生素A和D、碘盐和补 铁剂等;以及避孕套。
Health workers should advise parents how they can access and administer these simple technologies as required.卫生工作人员应该向家长介绍如何获得和掌握应用这些简单而必要的技术。
The private sector, which includes business enterprises and not-for-profit organizations that impact on health, is taking an increasingly important role in the development and refinement of technology, drugs, equipment, interventions and processes that can contribute to significant advances in children’s health.42. 私营部门包括有卫生作用的工商企业和非营利组织,在研制和改进能够促使儿童健康大幅改善的技术、药物、设备、干预措施和工艺方面发挥着日益重要的作用。
States should ensure that benefits reach all children who need them.各国政府应该确保凡是有需要的儿童都能由此受益。
States can also encourage public-private partnerships and sustainability initiatives that can increase access and affordability of health technology.此外,各国还可以提倡公私合伙以及经济可承受性举措,能够增加卫生技术获得机会和可承受性。
(b) The provision of adequate nutritious foods(b) 提供足够的营养食品
Measures for fulfilling States’ obligations to ensure access to nutritionally adequate, culturally appropriate and safe food and to combat malnutrition will need to be adopted according to the specific context.43. 有必要根据具体情况采取措施履行各国的义务,确保儿童能够获得营养足够、文化上适当和安全的食物,消除营养不良现象。
Effective direct nutrition interventions for pregnant women include addressing anaemia and folic acid and iodine deficiency and providing calcium supplementation.对孕妇的直接有效的营养干预包括治疗贫血以及叶酸和碘缺乏症,补钙。
Prevention and management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, should be ensured for all women of reproductive age to benefit their health and ensure healthy foetal and infant development.所有育龄妇女都应得到预防和掌控先兆子痫和子痫病的保障,以利于她们的健康,确保胎儿和婴儿的健康发育。
Exclusive breastfeeding for infants up to 6 months of age should be protected and promoted and breastfeeding should continue alongside appropriate complementary foods preferably until two years of age, where feasible.44. 六个月以下的婴儿纯母乳喂养的做法应该受到保护和提倡,母乳喂养在可行的情况下应该在补充适当的食物的同时最好继续进行到两周岁。
States’ obligations in this area are defined in the “protect, promote and support” framework, adopted unanimously by the World Health Assembly.世界卫生大会全体一致通过的“保护、促进和支持”框架规定了。
States are required to introduce into domestic law, implement and enforce internationally agreed standards concerning children’s right to health, including the International Code on Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and the relevant subsequent World Health Assembly resolutions, as well as the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.国家在这方面的义务。 各国必须在国内法中纳入并且贯彻执行国际商定的儿童健康权标准,其中包括“国际母乳代用品销售守则”和随后各项相关的世界卫生组织决议、以及《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》。
Special measures should be taken to promote community and workplace support for mothers in relation to pregnancy and breastfeeding and feasible and affordable childcare services; and compliance with the International Labour Organization Convention No. 183 (2000) concerning the revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952.应该采取特殊措施推动社区和职场在怀孕和母乳喂养及可行而且负担得起的托儿服务方面支持母亲们,遵守关于修正保护产妇公约1952年修正案的公约的《国际劳工组织第183号公约》(2000)。
Adequate nutrition and growth monitoring in early childhood are particularly important.45. 适当的幼儿期营养和成长监测工作特别重要。
Where necessary, integrated management of severe acute malnutrition should be expanded through facility and community-based interventions, as well as treatment of moderate acute malnutrition, including therapeutic feeding interventions.严重急性营养不良的综合管控工作,凡有必要应该通过立足设施和社区的干预和中度急性营养不良的治疗、包括食疗干预加以扩大。
School feeding is desirable to ensure all pupils have access to a full meal every day, which can also enhance children’s attention for learning and increase school enrolment.46. 学校供餐的办法可取,有助于并确保学生每天能饱餐一顿,这也可以增强学生的学习注意力,提高入学率。
The Committee recommends that this be combined with nutrition and health education, including setting up school gardens and training teachers to improve children’s nutrition and healthy eating habits.委员会建议这与营养和健康教育结合起来,包括建立学校菜园,训练教师如何改进学生的营养,培养健康的饮食习惯。
States should also address obesity in children, as it is associated with hypertension, early markers of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, psychological effects, a higher likelihood of adult obesity, and premature death.47. 此外,各国还应解决儿童的肥胖病问题,因为这涉及到高血压、心血管疾病的早期标志、胰岛素抵抗、心理影响、成年肥胖病发病率高以及过早死亡。
Children’s exposure to “fast foods” that are high in fat, sugar or salt, energy-dense and micronutrient-poor, and drinks containing high levels of caffeine or other potentially harmful substances should be limited.儿童接触高脂高糖或高盐、高能量及缺乏微量营养素的“快餐食品”以及含有高浓度咖啡因或其他可能有害物质的饮料,这应该加以限制。
The marketing of these substances – especially when such marketing is focused on children – should be regulated and their availability in schools and other places controlled.这些东西的销售,尤其是集中向儿童销售的情况应该加以调控,学校及其他地方能够买到这些东西的情况应该加以控制。
(c) The provision of clean drinking water(c) 提供清洁饮用水
Safe and clean drinking water and sanitation are essential for the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights.48. 安全清洁的饮用水和公共卫生是充分享有生命权及所有其他人权的的关键。
Government departments and local authorities responsible for water and sanitation should recognize their obligation to help realize children’s right to health, and actively consider child indicators on malnutrition, diarrhoea and other water-related diseases and household size when planning and carrying out infrastructure expansion and the maintenance of water services, and when making decisions on amounts for free minimum allocation and service disconnections.负责水和公共卫生的政府各部委和地方主管机关应该认识到自己有义务帮助落实儿童的健康权,并在规划和执行基础设施扩建及水务养护工作时,积极考虑有关儿童营养不良、腹泻及其他与水有关的疾病以及居民户规模的各项指标。
States are not exempted from their obligations, even when they have privatized water and sanitation.各国即使已经将水务和公共卫生事业私有化也免除不了这种义务。
(d) Environmental pollution(d) 环境污染
States should take measures to address the dangers and risks that local environmental pollution poses to children’s health in all settings.49. 各国应该采取措施处理地方环境污染在这种环境下对儿童健康构成的危险和风险。
Adequate housing that includes non-dangerous cooking facilities, a smoke-free environment, appropriate ventilation, effective management of waste and the disposal of litter from living quarters and the immediate surroundings, the absence of mould and other toxic substances, and family hygiene are core requirements to a healthy upbringing and development.适当的住房条件包括没有危险的烹饪设施、无烟环境、适当的通风、有效的废物管理以及生活区和周边环境垃圾的处理、没有霉菌和其他有毒物质。 适当的住房和家庭卫生是健康成长和发育的核心条件。
States should regulate and monitor the environmental impact of business activities that may compromise children’s right to health, food security and access to safe drinking water and to sanitation.各国应当调控监测工商业活动的环境影响,因为这种活动可能会损害儿童健康权、食物保障以及获得安全饮用水和享有公共卫生的机会。
The Committee draws attention to the relevance of the environment, beyond environmental pollution, to children’s health.50. 委员会提请注意环境污染之外环境对儿童健康的相关程度。
Environmental interventions should, inter alia, address climate change, as this is one of the biggest threats to children’s health and exacerbates health disparities.环境干预应该首先针对气候变化问题,因为这是对儿童健康最大的威胁之一,有扩大健康差距的作用。
States should, therefore, put children’s health concerns at the centre of their climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.因此,各国应当将儿童的健康问题置于其气候变化适应和缓解战略的中心位置。
Article 24, paragraph 2 (d). “To ensure appropriate pre-natal and post-natal health care for mothers”第24条第2款(d). “确保母亲得到适当的产前和产后保健”
The Committee notes that preventable maternal mortality and morbidity constitute grave violations of the human rights of women and girls and pose serious threats to their own and their children’s right to health.51. 委员会指出,可预防的产妇死亡和患病是对妇女和女童人权的严重侵犯,对她们本人及其子女的健康权构成严重威胁。
Pregnancy and child birth are natural processes, with known health risks that are susceptible to both prevention and therapeutic responses, if identified early.怀孕和分娩是自然的过程,众所周知存在健康风险,如果及早确定,预防和治疗都比较容易。
Risk situations can occur during pregnancy, delivery and the ante- and postnatal periods and have both short- and long-term impact on the health and well-being of both mother and child.危险可能发生在怀孕、分娩以及产前和产后期间,对母婴的健康和福祉既会有短期也会有长期的影响。
The Committee encourages States to adopt child-sensitive health approaches throughout different periods of childhood such as (a) the baby-friendly hospital initiative which protects, promotes and supports rooming-in and breastfeeding; (b) child-friendly health policies focused on training health workers to provide quality services in a way that minimizes the fear, anxiety and suffering of children and their families; and (c) adolescent-friendly health services which require health practitioners and facilities to be welcoming and sensitive to adolescents, to respect confidentiality and to deliver services that are acceptable to adolescents.52. 委员会鼓励各国在童年的各个不同时期始终采取体恤儿童的卫生方针,诸如(a) 保护、促进和支持母婴同室和母乳喂养的爱婴医院倡议;(b) 注重训练卫生工作人员如何提供优质服务、尽量减少儿童及其家属的恐惧、焦虑和痛苦的儿童友好型卫生政策;和(c) 要求卫生从业人员和设施欢迎和体恤青少年、尊重保密性并提供青少年能够接受的服务的青少年友好型卫生服务。
The care that women receive before, during and after their pregnancy has profound implications for the health and development of their children.53. 妇女怀孕前后和怀孕期间得到的护理对其子女的健康和发育有深刻的影响。
Fulfilling the obligation to ensure universal access to a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions should be based on the concept of a continuum of care from pre-pregnancy, through pregnancy, childbirth and throughout the post-partum period.履行确保妇女普遍能够利用一套全面的性健康和生殖健康干预措施的义务应该立足于从怀孕前、妊娠期间、分娩到整个产后期连续不断的一条龙护理的理念。
Timely and good-quality care throughout these periods provides important opportunities to prevent the intergenerational transmission of ill-health and has a high impact on the health of the child throughout the life course.在这几个阶段始终提供及时优质的护理,可以为防止健康欠佳的代际传承提供重要的机会,对儿童整个生命历程中的健康有着高度的影响。
The interventions that should be made available across this continuum include, but are not limited to: essential health prevention and promotion, and curative care, including the prevention of neonatal tetanus, malaria in pregnancy and congenital syphilis; nutritional care; access to sexual and reproductive health education, information and services; health behaviour education (e.g. relating to smoking and substance use); birth preparedness; early recognition and management of complications; safe abortion services and post-abortion care; essential care at childbirth; and prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission, and care and treatment of HIV-infected women and infants.54. 在这整个一条龙护理过程中应该提供的干预措施包括但不限于:包括新生儿破伤风,妊娠疟疾和先天性梅毒在内的基本卫生预防和推广以及治疗护理;营养保健;获 得性卫生和生殖卫生教育、信息和服务的机会;健康行为教育(如关于抽烟和有害物质使用)、分娩准备;并发症的早期识别和掌控;安全的堕胎服务及堕胎后的护 理;分娩时的基本护理;艾滋病毒母婴传染的预防以及感染艾滋病毒妇女和婴儿的护理和治疗。
Maternal and newborn care following delivery should ensure no unnecessary separation of the mother from her child.分娩后的产妇和新生儿护理应该确保不发生母亲及其子女不必要的分离。
The Committee recommends that social protection interventions include ensuring universal coverage or financial access to care, paid parental leave and other social security benefits, and legislation to restrict the inappropriate marketing and promotion of breast-milk substitutes.55. 委员会建议社会保护干预措施包括:确保护理、带薪育儿假和其他社会保障福利的全面覆盖或经济上负担得起,以及立法限制母乳代用品的不当推销和市场营销。
Given the high rates of pregnancy among adolescents globally and the additional risks of associated morbidity and mortality, States should ensure that health systems and services are able to meet the specific sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents, including family planning and safe abortion services.56. 鉴于全球青少年怀孕率很高加上与之相关的发病和死亡危险很大,各国应该确保卫生系统和服务能够满足青少年具体的性健康和生殖健康需求,包括计划生育和安全堕胎服务。
States should work to ensure that girls can make autonomous and informed decisions on their reproductive health.各国应该努力保障女青年能够在知情的情况下自主作出自己的生殖健康决定。
Discrimination based on adolescent pregnancy, such as expulsion from schools, should be prohibited, and opportunities for continuous education should be ensured.基于青少年怀孕的歧视,诸如开除学籍等,应该加以禁止,应该保障她们继续受教育的机会。
Taking into account that boys and men are crucial to planning and ensuring healthy pregnancies and deliveries, States should integrate education, awareness and dialogue opportunities for boys and men into their policies and plans for sexual, reproductive and children’s health services.57. 鉴于男青年和男人是规划和确保实现健康怀孕和分娩的关键,各国应该在其型卫生、生殖卫生和儿童健康服务政策和计划中纳入男青年和男人教育、觉悟和对话机会的内容。
Article 24, paragraph 2 (e). “To ensure that all segments of society, in particular parents and children, are informed, have access to education and are supported in the use of basic knowledge of children’s health and nutrition, the advantages of breastfeeding, hygiene and environmental sanitation and the prevention of accidents”第24条第2款(e). “确保向社会各阶层、特别是向父母和儿童介绍有关儿童保健和营养、母乳育婴优点、个人卫生和环境卫生及防止意外事故的基本知识,使他们得到这方面的教育并帮助他们应用这种基本知识”
The obligations under this provision include providing health-related information and support in the use of this information.58. 本条款下的义务包括提供有关健康的信息以及对利用这种信息的支持。
Health-related information should be physically accessible, understandable and appropriate to children’s age and educational level.有关健康的信息应该能够具体获得和能够理解的,适合儿童的年龄与教育水平。
Children require information and education on all aspects of health to enable them to make informed choices in relation to their lifestyle and access to health services.59. 儿童需要有关健康的所有方面的信息和教育,以便他们能够在决定自己的生活方式方面作出知情的选择,获得适当的卫生服务。
Information and life skills education should address a broad range of health issues, including: healthy eating and the promotion of physical activity, sports and recreation; accident and injury prevention; sanitation, hand washing and other personal hygiene practices; and the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and psychoactive substance use.宣传和生活技能教育应该针对范围广泛的一系列健康问题,包括:健康的饮食方法以及提倡体育活动、运动和娱乐;事故和伤害的预防;公共卫生、洗手及其他个人卫生习惯;以及酒精、烟草、和精神活性物质的使用。
Information and education should encompass appropriate information about children’s right to health, the obligations of Governments, and how and where to access health information and services, and should be provided as a core part of the school curriculum, as well as through health services and in other settings for children who are not in school.宣传和教育应该包含儿童健康权的相关信息、政府的义务以及如何在何处能够获得健康信息和服务,应该成为学校课程的核心内容,通过卫生服务并在非在学儿童的其他情况下提供。
Materials providing information about health should be designed in collaboration with children and disseminated in a wide range of public settings.提供卫生信息的材料应该与儿童合作构思编写,并广为分发。
Sexual and reproductive health education should include self-awareness and knowledge about the body, including anatomical, physiological and emotional aspects, and should be accessible to all children, girls and boys.60. 性卫生和生殖卫生教育应该包括关于身体的涉及解剖、生理和情感方面的自我意识和知识,应该向所有儿童、无论男女一律开放。
It should include content related to sexual health and well-being, such as information about body changes and maturation processes, and designed in a manner through which children are able to gain knowledge regarding reproductive health and the prevention of gender-based violence, and adopt responsible sexual behaviour.这种教育应该包括涉及性卫生和性健全方面的内容,诸如对身体变化和成熟过程的了解,应该设计得让儿童能够获得生殖卫生和预防基于性别的暴力的相关知识,并能够采取负责任的性行为。
Information about children’s health should be provided to all parents individually or in groups, the extended family and other caregivers through different methods, including health clinics, parenting classes, public information leaflets, professional bodies, community organizations and the media.61. 儿童健康问题的信息应该通过各种方法,包括卫生所、家长班、宣传传单、专业团体、社区组织和媒体等,向所有父母个别或集体提供,向其大家庭或其他照顾者提供。
Article 24, paragraph 2 (f). “To develop preventive health care, guidance for parents and family planning education and services”第24条第2款(f). “开展预防保健、对父母的指导以及计划生育教育和服务”
(a) Preventive health care(a) 预防保健
Prevention and health promotion should address the main health challenges facing children within the community and the country as a whole.62. 预防和健康增进工作应该在社区和整个国家内解决儿童面临的主要健康挑战。
These challenges include diseases and other health challenges, such as accidents, violence, substance abuse and psychosocial and mental health problems.这些挑战包括各种疾病及其他对健康的挑战,诸如意外事故、暴力、有害物质的使用、以及心理和精神健康问题。
Preventive health care should address communicable and non-communicable diseases and incorporate a combination of biomedical, behavioural and structural interventions.预防保健应该针对传染和非传染性疾病,应该结合运用生物医疗、行为和结构干预措施。
Preventing non-communicable diseases should start early in life through the promotion and support of healthy and non-violent lifestyles for pregnant women, their spouses/partners and young children.非传染性疾病应该通过提倡和支持孕妇、其配偶/伙伴及年轻子女采取健康、非暴力的生活方式,在生命早期即开始预防。
Reducing the burden of child injuries requires strategies and measures to reduce the incidence of drowning, burns and other accidents.63. 减少儿童伤害的负担需要采取降低溺水、烧伤等意外事故发生率的对策和措施。
Such strategies and measures should include legislation and enforcement; product and environmental modification; supportive home visits and promotion of safety features; education, skills development and behaviour change; community-based projects; and pre-hospital and acute care, as well as rehabilitation.这种对策和措施应该包括立法和执法;产品和环境的改造;配合性家访和安全功能的宣传;教育、技能培养和行为改变;立足社区的项目;入院前和急性护理及康复治疗。
Efforts to reduce road traffic accidents should include legislating for the use of seatbelts and other safety devices, ensuring access to safe transport for children and according them due consideration in road planning and traffic control.努力减少交通事故应该包括立法规定适用安全带及其他安全装置,确保儿童能够利用安全的交通运输,在道路规划和交通管理中适当考虑到他们。
The support of the related industry and the media is essential in this respect.相关行业和媒体的支持在这方面是必不可少的。
Recognizing violence as a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in children, particularly adolescents, the Committee emphasizes the need to create an environment that protects children from violence and encourages their participation in attitudinal and behavioural changes at home, in schools and in public spaces; to support parents and caregivers in healthy child-rearing; and to challenge attitudes which perpetuate the tolerance and condoning of violence in all forms, including by regulating the depiction of violence by mass media.64. 委员会确认暴力是儿童、特别是青少年死亡和患病的重要根源,强调必须创造一种环境,保护儿童免遭暴力,鼓励他们参与在家里、学校和公共场所的态度和行为变 革;支持父母和照顾者实行健康的养育;对那种允许容忍和姑息一切形式暴力的行为存在下去的态度提出挑战,包括监管大众媒介渲染暴力的做法。
States should protect children from solvents, alcohol, tobacco and illicit substances, increase the collection of relevant evidence and take appropriate measures to reduce the use of such substances among children.65. 各国应该防备儿童接触溶剂、酒精、烟草和非法物质,加强收集相关证据,采取适当措施减少儿童使用这种物质的情况。
Regulation of the advertising and sale of substances harmful to children’s health and of the promotion of such items in places where children congregate, as well as in media channels and publications that are accessed by children are recommended.建议限制有害儿童健康的物质的广告和销售,监管这种物质在儿童聚集的地方以及通过儿童能够接触到的媒体渠道和出版物进行推销。
The Committee encourages States parties that have not yet done so to ratify the international drug control conventions and the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.66. 委员会鼓励缔约国批准其尚未批准国际药物管制公约和《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》。
The Committee underscores the importance of adopting a rights-based approach to substance use and recommends that, where appropriate, harm reduction strategies should be employed to minimize the negative health impacts of substance abuse.委员会强调对有害物质使用必须采取一种立足权利的方针,建议酌情运用危害减少策略,最大限度地减少有害物质的使用对健康的不良影响。
(b) Guidance for parents(b) 对父母的指导
Parents are the most important source of early diagnosis and primary care for small children, and the most important protective factor against high-risk behaviours in adolescents, such as substance use and unsafe sex.67. 父母是幼小儿童早期诊断和初级保健的最重要来源,是防止诸如有害物质使用和不完全性行为等青少年高危行为的最重要保护因素。
Parents also play a central role in promoting healthy child development, protecting children from harm due to accidents, injuries and violence and mitigating the negative effects of risk behaviours.此外,父母还有促进儿童健康发育、保护儿童免遭意外事故、伤害和暴力的伤害、减轻危险行为负面影响的关键作用。
Children’s socialization processes, which are crucial for understanding and adjusting to the world in which they grow up, are strongly influenced by their parents, extended family and other caregivers.儿童的社会化过程对理解和适应其成长的环境十分关键,受到其父母、大家庭及其他照顾者的强烈影响。
States should adopt evidence-based interventions to support good parenting, including parenting skills education, support groups and family counselling, in particular for families experiencing children’s health and other social challenges.各国应当采取以证据为基础的干预措施,支持父母做好养育工作,包括养育技能的教育、支助团体和家庭辅导,尤其要支持面临儿童健康及其他社会挑战的家庭。
In the light of the impact of corporal punishment on children’s health, including fatal and non-fatal injury and the psychological and emotional consequences, the Committee reminds States of their obligation to take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to eliminate corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment in all settings, including the home.68. 鉴于体罚对儿童健康有影响,包括有致命和非致命的伤害以及心理和情绪的影响,委员会提醒各国注意有理由采取一切适当的立法、行政、社会和教育措施,消除各种情况下(包括家里)进行的体罚及其他残忍或有辱人格的处罚方式。
(c) Family planning(c) 计划生育
Family planning services should be situated within comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services and should encompass sexuality education, including counselling. They can be considered part of the continuum of services described in article 24, paragraph 2 (d), and should be designed to enable all couples and individuals to make sexual and reproductive decisions freely and responsibly, including the number, spacing and timing of their children, and to give them the information and means to do so.69. 计划生育服务应该定位在综合性性卫生和生殖卫生服务范围之中,应该涵盖性教育,包括辅导,可以将其视作第24条第2款(d)所述一条龙服务的一部分,应该 将其设计得使所有夫妻和个人能够在性和生殖问题上自由负责任地作出决定,包括子女生育的数量、间隔时间和时机,为他们提供作决定的信息和手段。
Attention should be given to ensuring confidential, universal access to goods and services for both married and unmarried female and male adolescents.应该注意确保已婚和未婚的女性和男性青少年都能普遍并保密获得产品和服务。
States should ensure that adolescents are not deprived of any sexual and reproductive health information or services due to providers’ conscientious objections.国家应该保证青少年不会由于信息或服务提供方的坚决反对而剥夺其获得任何性卫生和生殖卫生信息或服务的机会。
Short-term contraceptive methods such as condoms, hormonal methods and emergency contraception should be made easily and readily available to sexually active adolescents.70. 诸如避孕套、激素避孕方法和紧急避孕法等短期避孕方法应该让性活跃青少年能够很容易随时采取。
Long-term and permanent contraceptive methods should also be provided.长期和永久性避孕方法也应向他们提供。
The Committee recommends that States ensure access to safe abortion and post-abortion care services, irrespective of whether abortion itself is legal.委员会建议各国确保人们能够获得安全的人工流产和流产后保健服务,而不论人工流产本身是否合法。
IV. Obligations and responsibilities四. 义务和责任
A. State parties’ obligations to respect, protect and fulfilA. 缔约国的尊重、保护和落实义务
States have three types of obligations relating to human rights, including children’s right to health: to respect freedoms and entitlements, to protect both freedoms and entitlements from third parties or from social or environmental threats, and to fulfil the entitlements through facilitation or direct provision.71. 各国有三类涉及人权的义务,包括儿童的健康权:尊重自由和应享权利,保护自由和应享权利免遭第三方或社会或环境的威胁,通过创造便利或直接提供的办法落实这种应享权利。
In accordance with article 4 of the Convention, States parties shall fulfil the entitlements contained in children’s right to health to the maximum extent of their available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international cooperation.根据《公约》第4条,缔约国要尽其现有资源并且在必要时在国际合作框架内落实兑现儿童健康权所载的各项应享权利。
All States, regardless of their level of development, are required to take immediate action to implement these obligations as a matter of priority and without discrimination of any kind.72. 所有国家,不论其发展水平如何,均需立即采取行动,一视同仁地优先履行这些义务。
Where the available resources are demonstrably inadequate, States are still required to undertake targeted measures to move as expeditiously and effectively as possible towards the full realization of children’s right to health.如果现有资源明显不足,国家仍需采取有针对性的措施,尽量从速有效地争取全面落实儿童的健康权。
Irrespective of resources, States have the obligation not to take any retrogressive steps that could hamper the enjoyment of children’s right to health.各国不论资源如何均有义务不采取任何倒退步骤,避免阻碍儿童健康权的享有。
The core obligations, under children’s right to health, include:73. 儿童健康权下的核心义务包括:
Reviewing the national and subnational legal and policy environment and, where necessary, amending laws and policies;审查国家级和国家级以下的法律和政策环境,必要时对法律和政策作出修订;
Ensuring universal coverage of quality primary health services, including prevention, health promotion, care and treatment services, and essential drugs;确保优质初级卫生服务,包括预防、健康的增进、保健和治疗服务、以及基本药物等实现全覆盖;
Providing an adequate response to the underlying determinants of children’s health; and对儿童健康的根本决定因素提出适当的对策;并
Developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies and budgeted plans of actions that constitute a human rights-based approach to fulfilling children’s right to health.制定、贯彻、监测和评价作为立足人权贯彻落实儿童健康权的方针构成内容的政策和编有预算的行动计划。
States should demonstrate their commitment to progressive fulfilment of all obligations under article 24, prioritizing this even in the context of political or economic crisis or emergency situations.74. 各国应该展示其逐步履行第24条下的所有义务的决心,即使在经济危机和紧急情况下也应将其放在优先地位。
This requires that children’s health and related policies, programmes and services be planned, designed, financed and implemented in a sustainable manner.这要求以可持续的方式进行儿童健康和相关的政策、方案和服务的规划、拟订、融资和执行工作。
B. Responsibilities of non-State actorsB. 非国家行为体的责任
The State is responsible for realizing children’s right to health regardless of whether or not it delegates the provision of services to non-State actors.75. 国家无论是否责成非国家行为体提供服务都负有落实儿童健康权的责任。
In addition to the State, a wide range of non-State actors who provide information and services related to children’s health and its underlying determinants have specific responsibilities and impact in this regard.除了国家之外,范围广泛的一系列非国家行为体提供有关儿童健康及其基本确定因素的信息和服务,他们在这方面负有具体的责任和特别的影响。
States’ obligations include a duty to promote awareness of non-State actors’ responsibilities and to ensure that all non-State actors recognize, respect and fulfil their responsibilities to the child, applying due diligence procedures where necessary.76. 国家的义务包括提高对非国家行为体责任的认识、确保所有国家行为体都认识到、尊重并履行自己对儿童的责任,如有必要还需应用尽职调查程序。
The Committee calls on all non-State actors engaged in health promotion and services, especially the private sector, including the pharmaceutical and health-technology industry as well as the mass media and health service providers, to act in compliance with the provisions of the Convention and to ensure compliance by any partners who deliver services on their behalf.77. 委员会要求所有从事健康增进和卫生服务工作的非国家行为体,特别是私营部门的非国家行为体,包括医药和卫生技术行业以及大众媒体和卫生服务提供商,遵照执行《公约》条款,保证任何代表他们提供服务的伙伴方确实遵照执行。
Such partners include international organizations, banks, regional financial institutions, global partnerships, the private sector (private foundations and funds), donors and any other entities providing services or financial support to children’s health, particularly in humanitarian emergencies or politically unstable situations.这类伙伴方包括国际组织、银行、区域性金融机构、全球性合伙企业、私营部门(私营基金会和基金)、捐助方、以及任何为儿童健康、特别是在人道主义紧急状态或政局不稳的情况下为儿童健康提供服务或资金支持的其他实体。
1. Responsibilities of parents and other caregivers1. 父母及其他照顾者的责任
The responsibilities of parents and other caregivers are expressly referred to in several provisions of the Convention.78. 父母及其他照顾者的责任在《公约》的若干条款中明文提到。
Parents should fulfil their responsibilities while always acting in the best interests of the child, if necessary with the support of the State.父母在行事始终为儿童最大利益着想的同时,应该履行自己的责任,必要时在国家的支持下履行责任。
Taking the child’s evolving capacity into account, parents and caregivers should nurture, protect and support children to grow and develop in a healthy manner.父母和照顾者应该根据儿童不断发展的能力培育、保护和支持儿童健康地成长和发展。
Although not explicit in article 24, paragraph 2 (f), the Committee understands any reference to parents to also include other caregivers.虽然第24条第2款(f)没有明文规定,但是委员会的理解是,凡是提到父母当然也包括其他照顾者。
2. Non-State service providers and other non-State actors2. 非国家服务提供方及其他非国家行为体
(a) Non-State service providers(a) 非国家服务提供方
All health service providers, including non-State actors, must incorporate and apply to the design, implementation and evaluation of their programmes and services all relevant provisions of the Convention, as well as the criteria of availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality, as described in chapter VI, section E, of the present general comment.79. 所有卫生服务提供方,包括非国家行为体在内,都必须在其计划方案和服务的设计、执行和评价工作中纳入和适用《公约》的所有相关规定,及本一般性意见第六章E节所述的存在性、可及性、可接受性和品质的各项标准。
(b) Private sector(b) 私营部门
All business enterprises have an obligation of due diligence with respect to human rights, which include all rights enshrined under the Convention.80. 所有工商企业在人权方面均有尽职调查的义务,这里所说的人权包括《公约》规定的所有权利。
States should require businesses to undertake children’s rights due diligence.各国应该要求工商业对儿童权利进行尽职调查。
This will ensure that business enterprises identify, prevent and mitigate their negative impact on children’s right to health including across their business relationships and within any global operations. Large business enterprises should be encouraged and, where appropriate, required to make public their efforts to address their impact on children’s rights.这将保证工商企业查明、防治和减轻它们对儿童健康权的负面影响,包括在它们的全部业务关系以及任何全球性业务活动中造成的负面影响,应该鼓励并酌情要求大型工商企业公布自己给儿童权利造成的影响的处理情况。
Among other responsibilities and in all contexts, private companies should: refrain from engaging children in hazardous labour while ensuring they comply with the minimum age for child labour; comply with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and the relevant subsequent World Health Assembly resolutions; limit advertisement of energy-dense, micronutrient-poor foods, and drinks containing high levels of caffeine or other substances potentially harmful to children; and refrain from the advertisement, marketing and sale to children of tobacco, alcohol and other toxic substances or the use of child images.81. 私营公司在其他责任方面而且在一切情况下都应:不让儿童从事危险劳动,同时确保自己遵守童工最低年龄的规定;遵照执行《母乳代用品国际销售守则》及世界卫 生大会此后的相关决议;限制能量密度高、微量营养素缺乏的食物和咖啡因或其他物质浓度高可能危害儿童的饮料的广告;不向儿童广告宣传、推销和销售烟草、酒 精和其他毒性物质,不使用儿童形象。
The Committee acknowledges the profound impact of the pharmaceutical sector on the health of children and calls on pharmaceutical companies to adopt measures towards enhancing access to medicines for children, paying particular attention to the Human Rights Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Companies in relation to Access to Medicines.82. 委员会承认医药板块对儿童健康有深刻影响,吁请制药公司采取措施,日争取确保儿童能够获得药品,其中特别关注《制药公司在药物可获问题上的人权准则》。
At the same time, States should ensure that pharmaceutical companies monitor the use, and refrain from promoting excessive prescription and use of, drugs and medicines on children.同时,各国还应确保制药公司监督使用情况,不向儿童推介药物的过度处方和使用。
Intellectual property rights should not be applied in ways that cause necessary medicines or goods to be unaffordable for the poor.知识产权不应该应用到穷人买不起必要的药物或产品的地步。
Private health insurance companies should ensure that they do not discriminate against pregnant women, children or mothers on any prohibited grounds and that they promote equality through partnerships with State health insurance schemes based on the principle of solidarity and ensuring that inability to pay does not restrict access to services.83. 私营医疗保险公司应该确保不以任何被禁的理由歧视孕妇、儿童或母亲,本着团结的原则,通过与国家医疗保险计划合伙,确保无力支付并不限制获得服务的机会,从而促进平等。
(c) Mass and social media(c) 大众媒体和社交媒体
Article 17 of the Convention delineates the responsibilities of mass media organizations.84. 《公约》第17条界定了大众媒体组织的责任。
In the context of health, these can be further expanded to include promoting health and healthy lifestyles among children; providing free advertising space for health promotion; ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of children and adolescents; promoting access to information; not producing communication programmes and material that are harmful to child and general health; and not perpetuating health-related stigma.在卫生方面,这种责任还可以进一步扩大而包括增进健康和提倡儿童的健康生活方式;为健康增进工作提供免费的广告版面、保障儿童和青少年的隐私和保密性;提高信息的可获性;不制作危害儿童健康和一般公众健康的传播节目和材料;不让以健康相关的羞辱行为永远继续下去。
(d) Researchers(d) 研究人员
The Committee underscores the responsibility of entities, including academics, private companies and others, undertaking research involving children to respect the principles and provisions of the Convention and the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects.85. 委员会强调进行涉及儿童的研究的包括学术界、私营公司等在内的实体有责任遵守《公约》和《涉及人体生物医学研究的国际伦理指南》的各项原则和规定。
The Committee reminds researchers that the best interests of the child shall always prevail over the interest of general society or scientific advancement.委员会提醒研究人员铭记,儿童的最大利益永远高于一般社会或科学进步事业的利益。
V. International cooperation五. 国际合作
States parties to the Convention have obligations not only to implement children’s right to health within their own jurisdiction, but also to contribute to global implementation through international cooperation.86. 《公约》缔约国不仅有义务在其本国管辖范围内落实儿童健康权,而且还有义务通过国际合作推动全球落实工作。
Article 24, paragraph 4, requires States and inter-State agencies to pay particular attention to the children’s health priorities among the poorest parts of the population and in developing States.第24条第4款要求各国和国家间机构特别注意人口最贫困部分儿和发展中国家儿童健康的优先事项。
The Convention should guide all international activities and programmes of donor and recipient States related directly or indirectly to children’s health.87. 《公约》应该对捐助国和接受国一切直接或间接涉及儿童健康的国际活动和方案有指导作用。
It requires partner States to identify the major health problems affecting children, pregnant women and mothers in recipient countries and to address them in accordance with the priorities and principles established by article 24.公约要求伙伴国确定影响接受国儿童、孕妇和母亲的主要健康问题,并根据第24条确立的优先事项和原则处理这些问题。
International cooperation should support State-led health systems and national health plans.国际合作应该支持国家领导的卫生系统和国家卫生计划。
States have individual and joint responsibility, including through United Nations mechanisms, to cooperate in providing disaster relief and humanitarian assistance in times of emergency.88. 各国在紧急情况下有责任个别和联合,包括通过联合国机制,合作提供救灾和人道主义援助。
In these cases, States should consider prioritizing efforts to realize children’s right to health, including through appropriate international medical aid; distribution and management of resources, such as safe and potable water, food and medical supplies; and financial aid to the most vulnerable or marginalized children.遇到这种情况时,各国应当考虑优先努力贯彻儿童健康权,包括通过适当的国际医疗援助;资源的分配和管理,诸如安全饮用水、食物和医疗用品等的分配和管理;以及财务上向最弱势或变化的儿童提供援助。
The Committee reminds States to meet the United Nations target of allocating 0.7 per cent of gross national income to international development assistance, as financial resources have important implications for the realization of children’s right to health in resource-limited States.89. 委员会提醒各国勿忘国际发展援助拨款达到联合国规定的占国内生产总值0.7%的目标,因为财政资源对于资源有限的国家落实儿童健康权有着重要的影响。
In order to ensure the highest impact, States and inter-State agencies are encouraged to apply the Paris Principles on Aid Effectiveness and the principles of the Accra Agenda for Action.为确保产生最大的影响,欢迎各国和国家间机构应用《援助实效问题巴黎原则》和《阿克拉行动议程》的各项原则。
VI. Framework for implementation and accountability六. 落实工作的框架和问责制
Accountability is at the core of the enjoyment of children’s right to health.90. 问责制是儿童健康权享有问题的核心。
The Committee reminds the State party of their obligations to ensure that relevant government authorities and service providers are held accountable for maintaining the highest possible standards of children’s health and health care until they reach 18 years of age.委员会提醒各国勿忘自己有义务确保责成相关的政府主管部门和服务提供机构将儿童健康和卫生保健工作保持在尽可能高的水平上,直到他们满18岁为止。
States should provide an environment that facilitates the discharge of all duty bearers’ obligations and responsibilities with respect to children’s right to health and a regulatory framework within which all actors should operate and can be monitored, including by mobilizing political and financial support for children’s health-related issues and building the capacity of duty bearers to fulfil their obligations and children to claim their right to health.91. 各国应当为儿童健康所涉问题调动政治和财政支持,建设承责方履行其义务以及儿童主张其健康权的能力,以此创造一种有利于所有承责方履行其对儿童健康权所负的义务和责任的环境,并建立一个监管框架,所有行为体均应在这个框架内运作并且能够受到监督。
With the active engagement of the Government, parliament, communities, civil society and children, national accountability mechanisms must be effective and transparent and aim to hold all actors responsible for their actions.92. 在政府、议会、社区、民间社会和儿童的积极参与下,国家问责机制必须切实有效而透明,争取达到所有行为体都对自己的行动负起责任。
They should, inter alia, devote attention to the structural factors affecting children’s health including laws, policies and budgets.问责机制首先应该关注影响儿童健康的结构性因素,包括法律、政策和预算。
Participatory tracking of financial resources and their impact on children’s health is essential for State accountability mechanisms.参与性跟踪财政资源及其对儿童健康的作用,对国家问责机制极为重要。
A. Promoting knowledge of children’s right to health (art. 42)A. 宣传儿童健康权(第42条)
The Committee encourages States to adopt and implement a comprehensive strategy to educate children, their caregivers, policymakers, politicians and professionals working with children about children’s right to health, and the contributions they can make to its realization.93. 委员会鼓励各国通过并实施一种综合性战略,对儿童、其照顾者、决策者、政治家和从事儿童工作的专业人员进行儿童健康权的教育,使他们了解自己为儿童健康权的落实能够作出的贡献。
B. Legislative measuresB. 立法措施
The Convention requires States parties to adopt all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the implementation of children’s right to health without discrimination.94. 《公约》要求缔约国采取一切适当的立法、行政等措施,一视同仁地贯彻落实儿童健康权。
National laws should place a statutory obligation on the State to provide the services, programmes, human resources and infrastructure needed to realize children’s right to health and provide a statutory entitlement to essential, child sensitive, quality health and related services for pregnant women and children irrespective of their ability to pay.国内法应规定国家有法定义务提供落实儿童健康权所需的服务、计划、人力资源和基础设施,规定孕妇和儿童不论其有无支付能力,一概有法定的权利享有体恤儿童的基本优质保健服务及相关服务。
Laws should be reviewed to assess any potential discriminatory effect or impediment to realizing children’s right to health and repealed where required.应该对法律进行审查,评估其是否有任何潜在的歧视作用或对儿童健康权的实现有无任何阻碍,如有必要应加以废除。
Where necessary, international agencies and donors should provide development aid and technical assistance for such legal reforms.国际机构和捐助方必要时应该为此种法律改革提供发展援助和技术协助。
Legislation should fulfil a number of additional functions in the realization of children’s right to health by defining the scope of the right and recognizing children as rights-holders; clarifying the roles and responsibilities of all duty bearers; clarifying what services children, pregnant women and mothers are entitled to claim; and regulating services and medications to ensure that they are of good quality and cause no harm.95. 立法部门应该在实现儿童健康权方面发挥一些额外的职能,规定健康权的范围,承认儿童是权利人;澄清所有责任承担人的作用和责任明确规定儿童、孕妇和母亲要求获得哪些服务;对服务和药物进行监管,保证其品质良好,没有致害作用。
States must ensure that adequate legislative and other safeguards exist to protect and promote the work of human rights defenders working on children’s right to health.各国必须确保具备足够的立法等保障措施,保护和促进从事儿童健康权工作的人权维护者的工作。
C. Governance and coordinationC. 治理和协调
States are encouraged to ratify and implement international and regional human rights instruments relevant to children’s health and to report on all aspects of children’s health accordingly.96. 各国应该批准并执行儿童健康方面的国际和区域性人权文书,并据此报告儿童健康所有方面的问题
Sustainability in children’s health policy and practice requires a long-term national plan that is supported and entrenched as a national priority.97. 儿童健康政策和实践的可持续需要一项长期的国家政策,作为国家的优先重点事项得到支持而且地位稳固。
The Committee recommends that States establish and make use of a comprehensive and cohesive national coordinating framework on children’s health, built upon the principles of the Convention, to facilitate cooperation between government ministries and different levels of government as well as interaction with civil society stakeholders, including children.委员会建议各国根据《公约》的原则制定并运用一个有凝聚力的综合性国家儿童健康协调框架,方便政府各部与各级政府之间的合作,便利与民间社会利益攸关方(包括儿童)的互动。
Given the high number of government agencies, legislative branches and ministries working on children’s health-related policies and services at different levels, the Committee recommends that the roles and responsibilities of each be clarified in the legal and regulatory framework.鉴于负责有关儿童健康的政策和服务的各级政府机构、立法部门和部委众多,委员会建议在这个法律和监管框架中明确规定每个机构的作用和责任。
Particular attention must be given to identifying and prioritizing marginalized and disadvantaged groups of children, as well as children who are at risk of any form of violence and discrimination.98. 必须特别注意确定哪些儿童群体被边缘化,处境不利,哪些儿童有可能遭受任何形式的暴力和歧视的危险,并排定轻重缓急加以处理。
All activities should be fully costed, financed and made visible within the national budget.所有活动均应作充分的成本核算和资金安排,并在国家预算内明确列出。
A “child health in all policies” strategy should be used, highlighting the links between children’s health and its underlying determinants. Every effort should be made to remove bottlenecks that obstruct transparency, coordination, partnership and accountability in the provision of services affecting children’s health.99. “一切政策均涉及儿童健康”的战略应该采用,突出表明儿童健康以及基本确定因素之间的联系,应该尽一切努力消除各种瓶颈,以免其有碍儿童卫生服务提供工作的透明度、协调、合伙和问责。
While decentralization is required to meet the particular needs of localities and sectors, this does not reduce the direct responsibility of the central or national Government to fulfil its obligations to all children within its jurisdiction.100. 为满洲地方和部门的特殊需要,必须实行权力下放,但是这并不减少中央或国家级政府履行对其辖内所有儿童的义务的直接责任。
Decisions about allocations to the various levels of services and geographical areas should reflect the core elements of the approach to primary health care.将权力分配给各级事务部门和地区的决定应该体现出这种初级保健方针的核心内容。
States should engage all sectors of society, including children, in implementation of children’s right to health.101. 国家应该调动社会各阶层、包括儿童参与落实儿童的健康权。
The Committee recommends that such engagement include: the creation of conditions conducive to the continual growth, development and sustainability of civil society organizations, including grass-roots and community-level groups; active facilitation of their involvement in the development, implementation and evaluation of children’s health policy and services; and provision of appropriate financial support or assistance in obtaining financial support.委员会建议这种调动工作包括:创造条件以利于民间社会组织(包括基层和社区级团体)的不断成长、发展、绵延不绝;积极便利民间社会组织参与儿童卫生政策和服务的制定、执行和评价工作;提供适当的资金支持或协助获得资金支持。
1. The role of parliaments in national accountability1. 议会的国家问责作用
In children’s health-related issues, parliaments have the responsibility to legislate, ensuring transparency and inclusiveness, and encourage continued public debate and a culture of accountability.102. 议会有责任在儿童健康相关的问题方面立法,确保透明和包容,鼓励公众继续辩论并养成一种问责的风气。
They should create a public platform for reporting and debating performance and promoting public participation in independent review mechanisms.议会应该创建一个公开的业绩报告和讨论的平台,推动公众参加独立的审查机制。
They should also hold the executive accountable for implementing the recommendations emerging from independent reviews and ensure that the results of the reviews inform subsequent national plans, laws, policies, budgets and further accountability measures.此外还应查问执行部门落实独立审查产生的各种建议的责任,确保审查的结果体现在国家计划、法律、政策、预算和深入问责措施之中。
2. The role of national human rights institutions in national accountability2. 国家人权机构的国家问责作用
National human rights institutions have an important role to play in reviewing and promoting accountability, providing children with relief for violations of their right to health and advocating systemic change for the realization of that right.103. 国家人权机构具有审查和促进问责工作、为其健康权遭到侵犯的儿童提供救济以及主张进行系统性变革以落实该项权利的重要作用。
The Committee recalls its general comment No. 2, and reminds States that the mandate of children’s commissioners or children’s ombudsmen should include ensuring the right to health, and the mandate holders should be well-resourced and independent from the Government.委员会回顾了第2号一般性意见,提请各国注意儿童事务专员或儿童问题监察员的任务应该包括保障健康权,负有这种任务的人员应该掌握足够资源,与政府相对独立。
D. Investing in children’s healthD. 儿童健康的投入
In their decisions about budget allocation and spending, States should strive to ensure availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of essential children’s health services for all, without discrimination.104. 国家在其预算分配和开支的决定中应该争取确保所有儿童一视同仁应享的基本健康服务可得、可及、可接受而且高质量。
States should continually assess the impact of macroeconomic policy decisions on children’s right to health, particularly children in vulnerable situations, prevent any decisions that may compromise children’s rights, and apply the “best interests” principle when making such decisions.105. 各国应该不断评估儿童健康权宏观政策决定对影响,防止作出任何可能有损儿童权利的决定,并本着“最大利益”原则作出这种决定。
States should also consider obligations under article 24 in all aspects of their negotiations with international financial institutions and other donors, to ensure that children’s right to health is given adequate consideration in international cooperation.各国还应在与国际金融机构及其他捐助方谈判的方方面面考虑到第24条之下的各项义务,保证国际合作充分考虑到儿童的健康权。
The Committee recommends that States parties:106. 委员会建议缔约国:
(a) Legislate for a specific proportion of public expenditure to be allocated to children’s health and create an accompanying mechanism that allows for systematic independent evaluation of this expenditure;制定立法确定一定比例的公共支出分配给儿童健康工作,创建一个相应的机制,得以对这种支出进行系统独立的评价;
(b) Meet World Health Organization-recommended minimum health expenditure per capita and prioritize children’s health in budgetary allocations;达到世界卫生组织建议的人均最低卫生支出标准,在预算拨款中将儿童健康列为优先;
(c) Make investment in children visible in the State budget through detailed compilation of resources allocated to them and expended; and详细编制为儿童划拨和支出的资源,以此在国家预算中将儿童健康的投入列于显著的位置;并
(d) Implement rights-based budget monitoring and analysis, as well as child impact assessments on how investments, particularly in the health sector, may serve the best interests of the child.实施立足权利的预算监督和分析、以及对儿童影响作用的评估,以确定投资、特别是在卫生板块的投资如何才有可能服务于儿童的最大利益。
The Committee underlines the importance of assessment tools in the use of resources and recognizes the need to develop measurable indicators to assist States parties in monitoring and evaluating progress in the implementation of children’s right to health.107. 委员会强调了评估工具对资源利用的重要性,确认有必要制定可衡量的指标,协助缔约国监测和评价儿童健康权落实工作的进展情况。
E. The action cycleE. 行动周期
States parties’ fulfilment of their obligations under article 24 requires engagement in a cyclical process of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to then inform further planning, modified implementation and renewed monitoring and evaluation efforts.108. 缔约国履行第24条规定的义务需要周期性地进行规划、执行、监测和评价,然后为进一步规划,调整执行并重新着手进行监测和评价等工作提供信息。
States should ensure the meaningful participation of children and incorporate feedback mechanisms to facilitate necessary adjustments throughout the cycle.各国应确保儿童真正参与,并且建立反馈机制,以便在整个周期中不断作出必要的调整。
At the heart of the development, implementation and monitoring of policies, programmes and services that aim to realize children’s right to health is the availability of relevant and reliable data.109. 旨在落实儿童健康权的政策、方案和服务的制定、实施和监测工作的核心是具备相关可靠的数据资料。
This should include: appropriately disaggregated data across the life course of the child, with due attention to vulnerable groups; data on priority health problems, including new and neglected causes of mortality and morbidity; and data on the key determinants of children’s health.这应包括:经适当分类编排的整个儿童期的数据资料,其中适当关注到弱势群体的情况;重点健康问题的数据资料,包括新的遭到忽略的死亡和发病的原因;以及儿童健康关键决定因素的相关数据资料。
Strategic information requires data collected through routine health information systems, special surveys and research, and should include both quantitative and qualitative data.战略信息资料需要通过日常卫生信息系统、专门的调查和研究收集的数据,其中数量和质量两方面的数据都包括在内。
These data should be collected, analysed, disseminated and used to inform national and subnational policies and programmes.收集、分析、传播和使用这些数据的目的应该是为国家和国家级以下的政策和方案提供资料依据。
1. Planning1. 规划
The Committee notes that, in order to inform the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities to fulfil obligations under article 24, States should carry out situation analyses of existing problems, issues and infrastructure for delivery of services.110. 委员会注意到,为了实施、监测和评价为履行第24条之下的义务开展的活动提供资料,各国应该对现存问题和提供服务的基础设施进行情况分析。
The analysis should assess the institutional capacity and the availability of human, financial, and technical resources.分析工作应该评估机构的能力以及人力、财力和技术资源的实际情况。
Based on the outcome of the analysis, a strategy should be developed involving all stakeholders, both State and non-State actors and children.在分析结果的基础上,应该制定出一种发动所有利益攸关方(国家行为体和非国家行为体)及儿童参与的战略。
The situation analysis will provide a clear idea of national and subnational priorities and strategies for their achievement.111. 通过情况分析将明了国家和国家级以下的优先事项以及落实这些事项的战略。
Benchmarks and targets, budgeted action plans and operational strategies should be established along with a framework for monitoring and evaluating policies, programmes and services and promoting accountability for children’s health.在制定一个框架,监测和评价儿童健康政策、方案和服务并促进对儿童健康问题的责任制的同时,也应该制定有关的基准和目标、编有预算的行动计划和业务战略。
This will highlight how to build and strengthen existing structures and systems to be consonant with the Convention.这将着重表明如何建设并加强现有架构和制度、使之与《公约》一致的途径。
2. Criteria for performance and implementation2. 业绩和落实工作的标准
States should ensure that all children’s health services and programmes comply with the criteria of availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality.112. 各国应该确保所有的儿童卫生服务和方案符合可得、可及、可接受和高质量等几项标准。
(a) Availability(a) 可得
States should ensure that there are functioning children’s health facilities, goods, services and programmes in sufficient quantity.113. 各国应该确保本国确实具备数量充足的实际运作的儿童卫生设施及商品、服务和方案。
States need to ensure that they have sufficient hospitals, clinics, health practitioners, mobile teams and facilities, community health workers, equipment and essential drugs to provide health care to all children, pregnant women and mothers within the State.各国需要保证具备足够的医院、诊所、卫生从业人员、流动医疗队和设施、社区卫生工作人员、设备和基本药品,向国内所有儿童、孕妇和母亲提供医疗保健。
Sufficiency should be measured according to need with particular attention given to under-served and hard to reach populations.是否足够应该按照需要加以衡量,其中特别注意服务不足和难以企及的人口群体。
(b) Accessibility(b) 可及
The element of accessibility has four dimensions:114. 可及性的内容有四层:
Non-discrimination: Health and related services as well as equipment and supplies must be accessible to all children, pregnant women and mothers, in law and in practice, without discrimination of any kind;不歧视:卫生及相关服务以及设备器材必须在法律和实践上向所有儿童、孕妇和母亲不带任何歧视一律开放;
Physical accessibility: Health facilities must be within accessible distance for all children, pregnant women and mothers.实际可及性:卫生设施必须处在所有儿童、孕妇和母亲可及的距离之内。
Physical accessibility may require additional attention to the needs of children and women with disabilities.实际可及性可能需要格外注意残疾儿童和妇女的需要。
The Committee encourages States to prioritize the establishment of facilities and services in under-served areas and to invest in mobile outreach approaches, innovative technologies, and well-trained and supported community health workers, as ways of reaching especially vulnerable groups of children;委员会鼓励各国优先在服务不足地区建立设施,提供服务,投资发展流动卫生服务和创新型技术,培养训练有素、有得力支助的社区卫生工作人员,以此惠及特别弱势的儿童群体;
Economic accessibility/affordability: Lack of ability to pay for services, supplies or medicines should not result in the denial of access.经济上可及/承担得起:缺乏服务、器材和药品费用支付能力不应成为拒不提供的理由。
The Committee calls on States to abolish user fees and implement health-financing systems that do not discriminate against women and children on the basis of their inability to pay.委员会呼吁各国取消使用费,实施卫生筹资制度,不以无力支付为由歧视妇女和儿童。
Risk-pooling mechanisms such as tax and insurance should be implemented on the basis of equitable, means-based contributions;诸如税收和保险等风险分担机制应该在基于收入公平供款的基础上加以落实;
Information accessibility: Information on health promotion, health status and treatment options should be provided to children and their caregivers in a language and format that is accessible and clearly understandable to them.信息的可及:有关增进健康、健康状况和治疗方案的信息以儿童及其照顾者有机会接触到并明白易懂的语言和方式向他们提供。
(c) Acceptability(c) 可接受
In the context of children’s right to health, the Committee defines acceptability as the obligation to design and implement all health-related facilities, goods and services in a way that takes full account of and is respectful of medical ethics as well as children’s needs, expectations, cultures, views and languages, paying special attention to certain groups, where necessary.115. 在儿童健康权方面,委员会将可接受性定义为一种义务,即设计和落实一切涉及卫生的设施、商品和服务时务必充分考虑到并尊重医德以及儿童的需求、期望、文化、看法和语言,必要时要特别关照某些群体。
(d) Quality(d) 高质量
Health-related facilities, goods and services should be scientifically and medically appropriate and of good quality.116. 涉及卫生的设施、商品和服务应该在科学和医学上得当而且高质量。
Ensuring quality requires, inter alia, that (a) treatments, interventions and medicines are based on the best available evidence; (b) medical personnel are skilled and provided with adequate training on maternal and children’s health, and the principles and provisions of the Convention; (c) hospital equipment is scientifically approved and appropriate for children; (d) drugs are scientifically approved, have not expired, are child-specific (when necessary) and are monitored for adverse reactions; and (e) regular quality of care assessments of health institutions are conducted.确 保质量主要要求:(a) 治疗、干预和用药必须立足于现有最佳证据;(b) 医务人员技术熟练,经过适当的孕产妇和儿童保健培训以及《公约》原则和条款的培训;(c) 医院设备经过科学核定,适合儿童需要;(d) 药品经过科学核定,没有过期,(必要时)需属儿童专用,并对其进行不良反应监测;(e) 对卫生机构经常进行医护质量评估。
3. Monitoring and evaluation3. 监测和评价
A well-structured and appropriately disaggregated set of indicators should be established for monitoring and evaluation to meet the requirements under the performance criteria above.117. 为达到上述业绩标准规定的要求,应该制定一套有章有法、编排适当的监测和评价指标。
The data should be used to redesign and improve policies, programmes and services in support of fulfilment of children’s right to health.数据资料应该用于重订和改进政策、方案和服务,支持儿童健康权的落实。
Health information systems should ensure that data should be reliable, transparent, and consistent, while protecting the right to privacy for individuals.卫生信息系统应该确保数据资料可靠、透明和一致,同时有保护个人的隐私权。
States should regularly review their health information system, including vital registration and disease surveillance, with a view to its improvement.各国应该定期检查其卫生信息系统,包括关键的登记备案和疾病监测,以期改进这种系统。
National accountability mechanisms should monitor, review and act on their findings.118. 国家问责机制应该监测、审查其调查结果,并根据结果采取行动。
Monitoring means providing data on the health status of children, regularly reviewing the quality of children’s health services and how much is spent thereon and where, on what and on whom it is spent.监测意味着提供有关儿童健康状况的数据资料,定期审查儿童卫生服务的质量和开支额和以及支出的地方、内容和对象。
This should include both routine monitoring and periodic, in-depth evaluations.应该既包括日常监测,又包括定期深入的评价。
Reviewing means analysing the data and consulting children, families, other caregivers and civil society to determine whether children’s health has improved and whether Governments and other actors have fulfilled their commitments.审查指分析数据和征求儿童、家属、其他照顾者和民间社会的意见,确定儿童健康是否有所改善,政府及其他行为体是否履行了自己的承诺。
Acting means using evidence emerging from these processes to repeat and expand what is working and to remedy and reform what is not.采取行动指运用这些过程中产生的证据,复制并扩大起作用的,去除和改造不起作用的。
F. Remedies for violations of the right to healthF. 健康权遭到侵犯的补救办法
The Committee strongly encourages States to put in place functional and accessible complaints mechanisms for children that are community-based and render it possible for children to seek and obtain reparations when their right to health is violated or at risk.119. 委员会强烈鼓励各国建立立足社区、发挥作用的、儿童能够诉诸的申诉机制,使儿童在其健康权遭到侵犯或威胁时能够寻求并获得赔偿。
States should also provide for broad rights of legal standing, including class actions.各国还应规定范围广泛的有法律依据的权利,包括集体诉讼。
States should ensure and facilitate access to courts for individual children and their caregivers and take steps to remove any barriers to access remedies for violations of children’s right to health.120. 各国应该确保和方便儿童个人及其照顾者能够求诸法院,采取步骤排除障碍,以便健康权遭到侵犯的儿童获得补救。
National human rights institutions, children’s ombudspersons, health-related professional associations and consumers’ associations can play an important role in this regard.国家人权机构、儿童事务监察员、卫生方面的专业协会和消费者协会在这方面能够发挥重要作用。
VII. Dissemination七. 传播
The Committee recommends that States widely disseminate the present general comment with parliament and across Government, including within ministries, departments and municipal and local-level bodies working on children’s health issues.121. 委员会建议各国与议会和整个政府上下,包括各部委、司局及市级和地方级处理儿童健康问题的机构一起广泛传播本一般性意见。
Adopted by the Committee at its sixty-second session (14 January – 1 February 2013).经委员会(2013年1月14日至2月1日)第六十二届会议通过。
Article 24, paragraph 3, is not covered because a general comment on harmful practices is currently being developed.第24条第3款未涉及,因为关于有害习俗的一般性意见目前正在拟订。
Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 22 July 1946.1946年7月22日纽约国际卫生会议通过的《世界卫生组织组织法》的前言部分。
Declaration of Alma-Ata, International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma-Ata, 6–12 September 1978.《阿拉木图宣言》,初级保健问题世界会议,1978年9月6日至12日,阿拉木图。
World Health Assembly, Primary health care including health systems strengthening, document A62/8.世界卫生大会,初级卫生保健,包括加强卫生系统,第A62/8号文件。
General comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/59/41), annex X, para. 6.关于青少年健康关于《儿童权利公约》框架内的青少年健康和发展问题的第4号一般性意见(2003),《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第41号》(A/59/41),附件十,第6段。
General comment No. 3 (2003) on HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/59/41), annex IX.关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病与儿童权利的第3号一般性意见(2003),《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第41号》(A/59/41),附件九。
General comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/59/41), annex X, para. 10.关于在《儿童权利公约》框架内青少年的健康和发展的第4号一般性意见(2003),《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第41号》(A/59/41),附件十、第10段。
See general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to be free from all forms of violence, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/67/41), annex V.见关于儿童免遭一切形式暴力权的第13号一般性意见(2011),《大会正式记录,第六十七届会议,补编第41号》(A/67/41),附件五。
See Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, general recommendation No. 24 (1999) on women and health, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/54/38/Rev.1), chap. I, sect. A.见消除对妇女歧视委员会,关于妇女和健康的第24号一般性建议(1999),《大会正式记录,第五十四届会议,补编第38号》(A/54/38/Rev.1),第一章,A节。
See general comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/65/41), annex IV.见关于儿童发表意见权的第12号一般性意见(2009),《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第41号》(A/65/41),附件四。
The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, A Global Review of the Key Interventions Related to Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (Geneva, 2011).产妇、新生儿和儿童健康伙伴,生殖、产妇、新生儿和儿童健康方面关键干预措施全球审查(2011年,日内瓦)。
Resolution WHA65.4, adopted at the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly on 25 May 2012.第WHA65.4号决议,世界卫生大会第六十五届会议2012年5月25日通过。
See International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, art. 11, and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 12 (1999) on the right to adequate food, Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2011, Supplement No. 2 (E/2000/22), annex V.见《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第11条和经济、社会、文化权利委员会关于适足食物权的第12号一般性意见(1999),《经济及社会理事会正式记录,2011年,补编第2号》(E/2000/22),附件五。
See WHO and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (Geneva, 2003).见世卫组织和联合国儿童基金会(儿基会),《婴幼儿喂养全球战略》(2003年,日内瓦)。
General Assembly resolution 64/292 on the human right to water and sanitation.大会关于水和公共卫生人权的第64/292号决议。
UNICEF/WHO, Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (1991).儿基会/世卫组织,《爱婴医院倡议》(1991年)。
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961; Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971; United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988.1961年《麻醉品单一公约》;1971年《精神药物公约》;1988年《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》。
General comment No. 8 (2006) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/63/41), annex II.关于儿童受保护免遭体罚及其他残忍或有辱人格形式处罚的第8号一般性意见(2006),《大会正式记录,第六十三届会议,补编第41号》(A/63/41),附件二。
See also Human Rights Council resolution 15/22 on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.也见人权理事会关于人人享有可达到的最高水准身心健康的权利的第15/22号决议。
Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences/WHO, Geneva, 1993.国际医学组织理事会/世卫组织,1993年,日内瓦。
See general comment No. 2 (2002) on the role of independent national human rights institutions in the promotion and protection of the rights of the child, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/59/41), annex VIII.见关于独立的国际人权机构增进和保护儿童权利的作用问题的第2号一般性意见(2002),《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第41号》(A/59/41),附件八。