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General comment No. 16 (2013) on State obligations regarding the impact of the business sector on children’s rights关于商业部门对儿童权利的影响方面国家义务的第16号一般性意见(2013年)
Document CRC/C/GC/16Document CRC/C/GC/16
I. Introduction and objectives一. 导言和目标
The Committee on the Rights of the Child recognizes that the business sector’s impact on children’s rights has grown in past decades because of factors such as the globalized nature of economies and of business operations and the ongoing trends of decentralization, and outsourcing and privatizing of State functions that affect the enjoyment of human rights.1. 儿童权利委员会认识到,过去几十年,由于经济和商业活动的全球化性质以及影响到人权享有情况的国家职能的不断下放、外包和私有化趋势等因素,商业部门对儿童权利的影响加大。
Business can be an essential driver for societies and economies to advance in ways that strengthen the realization of children’s rights through, for example, technological advances, investment and the generation of decent work.商业可作为一种基本驱动力,通过技术进步、投资和创造体面的工作等,推动社会和经济以加强实现儿童权利的方式前进。
However, the realization of children’s rights is not an automatic consequence of economic growth and business enterprises can also negatively impact children’s rights.但经济增长不能自动实现儿童的权利,商业企业也会给儿童的权利造成不良影响。
States have obligations regarding the impact of business activities and operations on children’s rights arising from the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict.2. 国家在商业活动和业务对儿童权利的影响方面负有的义务源于《儿童权利公约》、《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品的任择议定书》和《关于儿童卷入武装冲突的任择议定书》。
These obligations cover a variety of issues, reflecting the fact that children are both rights-holders and stakeholders in business as consumers, legally engaged employees, future employees and business leaders and members of communities and environments in which business operates.这些义务涉及各种问题,反映出儿童作为消费者、合法参与的员工、未来的员工和企业领导人以及企业经营的社区和环境中的成员,是企业的权利拥有者和利益攸关方。
The present general comment aims to clarify these obligations and outline the measures that should be undertaken by States to meet them.本一般性意见旨在说明这些义务,并指出国家应为履行这些义务采取的措施。
For the purposes of the present general comment, the business sector is defined as including all business enterprises, both national and transnational, regardless of size, sector, location, ownership and structure.3. 在本一般性意见中,商业部门被界定为包括一切国内和跨国商业企业,无论其规模、部门、地点、所有权和结构如何。
The general comment also addresses obligations regarding not-for-profit organizations that play a role in the provision of services that are critical to the enjoyment of children’s rights.本一般性意见还涉及在提供对享有儿童权利至关重要的服务中发挥作用的非营利组织的义务。
It is necessary for States to have adequate legal and institutional frameworks to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights, and to provide remedies in case of violations in the context of business activities and operations.4. 国家需为尊重、保护和落实儿童的权利制定适当的法律和体制框架,并在商业活动和业务侵犯儿童权利时提供救济。
In this regard, States should take into account that:在这方面,国家应考虑到:
Childhood is a unique period of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development and violations of children’s rights, such as exposure to violence, child labour or unsafe products or environmental hazards may have lifelong, irreversible and even transgenerational consequences;儿童时期是身体、智力、感情和精神发展的独特时期,对儿童权利的侵犯,如暴力、童工、不安全的产品或环境危害等,可能会造成终生、不可逆转甚至是跨代的后果,
Children are often politically voiceless and lack access to relevant information.儿童往往没有政治发言权,并缺乏获得相关信息的机会。
They are reliant on governance systems, over which they have little influence, to have their rights realized.他们靠治理制度来实现自己的权利,但对这些制度几乎没有丝毫影响力。
This makes it hard for them to have a say in decisions regarding laws and policies that impact their rights.这使他们很难在影响其权利的法律和政策决定中拥有发言权。
In the process of decision-making, States may not adequately consider the impact on children of business-related laws and policies, while, conversely, the business sector often exerts a powerful influence on decisions without reference to children’s rights;在决策过程中,国家可能不会适当考虑商业相关法律和政策对儿童的影响;相反,商业部门往往对决定有很大影响,而不顾及儿童的权利;
It is generally challenging for children to obtain remedy – whether in the courts or through other mechanisms – when their rights are infringed upon, even more so by business enterprises.儿童在其权利受到侵犯,尤其是受到商业企业侵犯时,通常很难获得救济――无论是通过法院还是其他机制。
Children often lack legal standing, knowledge of remedy mechanisms, financial resources and adequate legal representation.儿童往往没有法律地位,缺乏对救济机制的了解、资金和适当的法律代理。
Furthermore, there are particular difficulties for children in obtaining remedy for abuses that occur in the context of businesses’ global operations.另外,对于在企业的全球业务背景下受到的侵犯,儿童尤难获得救济。
Given the broad range of children’s rights that can be affected by business activities and operations, the present general comment does not examine every pertinent article of the Convention and its protocols.5. 鉴于可能受到商业活动和业务影响的儿童权利的广泛性,本一般性意见并不具体审查《公约》及其议定书的每个相关条款。
Instead it seeks to provide States with a framework for implementing the Convention as a whole with regard to the business sector whilst focusing on specific contexts where the impact of business activities on children’s rights can be most significant.相反,本意见力求为各国提供一个在商业部门实施《公约》的整体框架,同时侧重于商业活动可对儿童权利产生重大影响的具体情况。
The present general comment aims to provide States with guidance on how they should:本一般性意见旨在为各国提供指导,指出应如何:
Ensure that the activities and operations of business enterprises do not adversely impact on children’s rights;确保商业企业的活动和业务不给儿童权利造成不良影响;
Create an enabling and supportive environment for business enterprises to respect children’s rights, including across any business relationships linked to their operations, products or services and across their global operations; and为商业企业尊重儿童权利创造一个有利的、支持性的环境,包括在与其业务、产品或服务有关的任何商业关系及其全球业务中尊重儿童的权利;
Ensure access to effective remedy for children whose rights have been infringed by a business enterprise acting as a private party or as a State agent.确保权利受到以私人当事方或国家代理身份行事的商业企业侵犯的儿童能够获得有效救济。
The present general comment draws from the experience of the Committee in reviewing State parties’ reports and its day of general discussion on the private sector as service provider in 2002.6. 本一般性意见基于委员会审议缔约国报告的经验及其2002年举行的关于作为服务提供者的私营部门的一般辩论日的情况。
It is also informed by regional and international consultations with numerous stakeholders, including children, as well as by public consultations that have taken place since 2011.此外还参考了与包括儿童在内的各种利益攸关方进行的区域和国际协商以及2011年以来的公共协商。
The Committee is mindful of the relevance to the general comment of existing and evolving national and international norms, standards and policy guidance on business and human rights.7. 委员会认识到商业与人权方面现有和不断发展的国家和国际规范、标准和政策指导与本一般性意见的相关性。
The general comment is consistent with international conventions, including the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions No. 182 (1999) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and No. 138 (1973) concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment.本一般性意见与国际公约相一致,包括国际劳工组织(劳工组织)关于禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式童工的第182号(1999年)公约和关于准予就业最低年龄的第138号(1973年)公约。
The Committee recognizes the relevance of the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights adopted by the Human Rights Council, and of the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinationals and Social Policy.委员会还认识到联合国“保护、尊重和补救”框架和人权理事会通过的《工商企业与人权指导原则》以及劳工组织《关于多国企业和社会政策的三方原则宣言》的相关性。
Other documents, such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the Global Compact, the United Nations Study on Violence against Children and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles have been useful references for the Committee.其他文件,如经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)的《多国企业准则》、《全球契约》、《联合国暴力侵害儿童问题研究报告》和《儿童权利和商业原则》也为委员会提供了有益的参考。
II. Scope and application二. 范围和适用
The present general comment principally addresses States’ obligations under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto.8. 本一般性意见主要涉及各国根据《公约》及其任择议定书承担的义务。
At this juncture, there is no international legally binding instrument on the business sector’s responsibilities vis-à-vis human rights.目前,在商业部门的人权责任方面,并没有具有法律约束力的国际文书。
However, the Committee recognizes that duties and responsibilities to respect the rights of children extend in practice beyond the State and State-controlled services and institutions and apply to private actors and business enterprises.但委员会认识到,在实践中,尊重儿童权利的义务和责任超出了国家和由国家控制的服务和机构的范围,也适用于私人行为者和商业企业。
Therefore, all businesses must meet their responsibilities regarding children’s rights and States must ensure they do so.因此,所有企业都须履行在儿童权利方面的义务,国家应确保它们做到这一点。
In addition, business enterprises should not undermine the States’ ability to meet their obligations towards children under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto.此外,商业企业不得损害国家根据《公约》及其任择议定书对儿童履行义务的能力。
The Committee acknowledges that voluntary actions of corporate responsibility by business enterprises, such as social investments, advocacy and public policy engagement, voluntary codes of conduct, philanthropy and other collective actions, can advance children’s rights.9. 委员会承认,商业企业自愿的企业责任行动,如社会投资、宣传和公共政策参与、自愿行为守则、慈善活动和其他集体活动等,可以促进儿童的权利。
States should encourage such voluntary actions and initiatives as a means to create a business culture which respects and supports children’s rights.国家应鼓励这些自愿行动和举措,以创建尊重和支持儿童权利的商业文化。
However, it should be emphasized that such voluntary actions and initiatives are not a substitute for State action and regulation of businesses in line with obligations under the Convention and its protocols or for businesses to comply with their responsibilities to respect children’s rights.但应强调指出的是,这些自愿行动和举措不能替代国家根据《公约》及其议定书规定的义务而采取的行动和对企业的监管,企业也不能因此而不履行尊重儿童权利的责任。
It is important to recall that the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto engage the State as a whole, regardless of its internal structures, branches or organization.10. 应当回顾,《公约》及其任择议定书规定的是整个国家的义务,而不论其内部结构、部门或组织如何。
Furthermore, decentralization of power, through devolution and delegation, does not reduce the direct responsibility of the State to meet its obligations to all children within its jurisdiction.此外,通过权力移交和授权进行的权力下放,并不能减少国家对其管辖范围内的所有儿童履行义务的直接责任。
The present general comment first considers the relationship between State obligations regarding business activities and the general principles of the Convention. It then defines the general nature and scope of State obligations with regards to children’s rights and the business sector.11. 本一般性意见首先探讨国家在商业活动方面的义务与《公约》一般原则之间的关系,然后界定国家在儿童权利与商业部门方面义务的一般性质和范围。
An examination follows of the scope of obligations in contexts where the impact of business activities and operations on children’s rights is most significant, including when business enterprises are service providers, children are affected in the informal economy, States engage with international organizations and businesses operate abroad in areas where there is insufficient State protection for children’s rights.接下来讨论商业活动和业务对儿童有很大影响情况下的义务范围,这些情况包括:商业企业是服务提供者;儿童受到非正规经济的影响;国家与国际组织有联系;以及企业在国外开展业务,而在所处地区,国家对儿童的权利保护不充分等。
The present general comment concludes by outlining a framework for implementation and dissemination.本一般性意见在最后提出了实施和传播框架。
III. General principles of the Convention as they relate to business activities三. 与商业活动有关的《公约》一般原则
Children’s rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated.12. 儿童的权利具有普遍、不可分割、相互依存和相互关联性。
The Committee has established four general principles within the Convention as the basis for all State decisions and actions relating to business activities and operations in conformity with a child rights approach.委员会以《公约》的四项一般原则作为各国在与儿童权利方针相一致的商业活动和业务方面所有决定和行动的基础。
A. The right to non-discrimination (art. 2)A. 不受歧视的权利(第2条)
Article 2 of the Convention calls on States to respect and ensure rights to each child in their jurisdiction “without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of a child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status”.13. 《公约》第2条要求各国尊重并确保其管辖范围内每一个儿童的权利,“不因儿童或其父母或法定监护人的种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、伤残、出生或其他身份而有任何差别”。
States must ensure that all legislation, policies and programmes that deal with business issues are not intentionally or unintentionally discriminatory towards children in their content or implementation; for instance, those that address access to employment for parents or caregivers, or access to goods and services for children with disabilities.各国必须确保涉及商业问题的所有立法、政策和方案在内容或实施上不得有意或无意地歧视儿童,例如关于父母或照料者的就业或残疾儿童获得商品和服务问题的立法、政策和方案。
States are required to prevent discrimination in the private sphere in general and provide remedy if it occurs.14. 各国应防止整个私人领域的歧视,并在发生歧视时提供救济。
States should collect statistical data that is appropriately disaggregated and other information to identify discrimination against children in the context of business activities and operations and mechanisms should be established to monitor and investigate discriminatory practices within the business sector.国家应收集适当分类的统计数据和其他信息,以查明商业活动和业务中对儿童的歧视,并建立监督和调查商业部门歧视性做法的机制。
States should also take steps to create a supportive environment for business to respect the right to protection from discrimination by promoting knowledge and understanding of the right within the business sector, including within the media, marketing and advertising sectors.国家还应采取措施,为商业部门尊重免遭歧视的权利营造支持性的环境,提高商业部门,包括媒体、销售和广告部门对这一权利的了解和认识。
Awareness-raising and sensitization among business enterprises should be aimed at challenging and eradicating discriminatory attitudes towards all children, especially those in vulnerable situations.对商业企业开展的提高认识和宣传活动应当着眼于质疑和消除对所有儿童、尤其是弱势儿童的歧视性态度。
B. The best interests of the child (art. 3, para. 1)B. 儿童的最大利益(第3条第1款)
Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention provides that the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration for States in all actions concerning children.15. 《公约》第3条第1款规定,在有关儿童的一切行动中,各国应以儿童的最大利益作为一种首要考虑。
States are obliged to integrate and apply this principle in all legislative, administrative and judicial proceedings concerning business activities and operations that directly or indirectly impact on children.国家应在关于直接或间接影响儿童的商业活动和业务的所有立法、行政和司法程序中,纳入并适用这项原则。
For example, States must ensure that the best interests of the child are central to the development of legislation and policies that shape business activities and operations, such as those relating to employment, taxation, corruption, privatization, transport and other general economic, trade or financial issues.例如,各国必须确保在制定影响商业活动和业务的立法和政策,如与就业、税收、腐败、私有化、运输和其他一般经济、贸易或金融问题有关的立法和政策时,以儿童的最大利益为核心。
Article 3, paragraph 1, is also directly applicable to business enterprises that function as private or public social welfare bodies by providing any form of direct services for children, including care, foster care, health, education and the administration of detention facilities.16. 第3条第1款还直接适用于履行公共或私人社会福利机构的职能、为儿童提供包括照料、寄养、卫生、教育和拘留设施管理在内的任何形式直接服务的商业企业。
The Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto provide the framework for assessing and determining the best interests of the child.17. 《公约》及其任择议定书提供了评估和确定儿童最大利益的框架。
The obligation to make the best interests of the child a primary consideration becomes crucial when States are engaged in weighing competing priorities, such as short-term economic considerations and longer-term development decisions.在国家权衡相互冲突的优先事项,如短期经济考虑和长期发展决定时,首先考虑儿童最大利益的义务十分关键。
States should be in a position to explain how the right to have the best interests of the child considered has been respected in decision-making, including how it has been weighed against other considerations.国家应能说明在决策中是如何尊重儿童的最大利益得到考虑这一权利的,包括与其他方面的考虑相权衡的情况。
C. The right to life, survival and development (art. 6)C. 生命、生存和发展权(第6条)
Article 6 of the Convention acknowledges that every child has an inherent right to life and that States shall ensure the survival and development of the child.18. 《公约》第6条确认,每个儿童均有固有的生命权,各国应最大限度地确保儿童的生存与发展。
The Committee states its understanding of development of the child in general comment No. 5 (2003) on general measures of implementation of the Convention, as a “holistic concept, embracing the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral, psychological and social development”.委员会在关于执行《儿童权利公约》的一般性措施的第5号一般性意见(2003年)中,指出它将儿童的发展理解为“一个综合的概念,包括儿童身体、智力、精神、道德、心理和社会多方面的发展”。
The activities and operations of business enterprises can impact on the realization of article 6 in different ways.19. 商业企业的活动和业务可对第6条的实现产生不同的影响。
For example, environmental degradation and contamination arising from business activities can compromise children’s rights to health, food security and access to safe drinking water and sanitation.例如,商业活动造成的环境恶化和污染会损害儿童的健康、粮食安全以及获得安全饮用水和卫生设施的权利。
Selling or leasing land to investors can deprive local populations of access to natural resources linked to their subsistence and cultural heritage; the rights of indigenous children may be particularly at risk in this context.向投资者出售或租赁土地可能会剥夺当地人口使用与其生计和文化遗产相关的自然资源的机会,在这方面,土著儿童的权利尤其会受到影响。
The marketing to children of products such as cigarettes and alcohol as well as foods and drinks high in saturated fats, trans-fatty acids, sugar, salt or additives can have a long-term impact on their health.向儿童销售香烟和烈酒等产品以及饱和脂肪、反式脂肪酸、糖、盐或添加剂含量高的食品和饮料,会给他们的健康造成长期影响。
When business employment practices require adults to work long hours, older children, particularly girls, may take on their parent’s domestic and childcare obligations, which can negatively impact their right to education and to play; additionally, leaving children alone or in the care of older siblings can have implications for the quality of care and the health of younger children.当企业的雇佣做法要求成人长时间工作的时候,年龄大的儿童、尤其是女孩可能会承担起父母的家庭义务和照料儿童照料的义务,这会给他们接受教育和玩耍的权利造成负面影响;此外,把儿童交给年长的兄弟姐妹照料会影响到照料的质量和年幼儿童的健康。
Measures for implementing article 6 with regard to the business sector will need to be adapted according to context and include preventive measures such as effective regulation and monitoring of advertising and marketing industries and the environmental impact of business.20. 在商业部门落实第6条的措施需要视具体情况而定,并包括预防措施,例如有效管理和监督广告和促销业以及企业对环境的影响。
In the context of care of children, particularly young children, other measures will be needed for creating an enabling environment for business to respect article 6 through, for example, the introduction of family-friendly workplace policies.在儿童、尤其是幼小儿童的照料方面,还需采取其他措施,为企业遵守第6条创造有利环境,例如实行关爱家庭的工作场所政策。
Such policies must take account of the impact of working hours of adults on the survival and development of the child at all stages of development and must include adequately remunerated parental leave.这类政策必须考虑到成人的工作时数对处于各种发育阶段的儿童生存和发育的影响,并且应包括适当支付报酬的育儿假。
D. The right of the child to be heard (art. 12)D. 儿童表达意见的权利(第12条)
Article 12 of the Convention establishes the right of every child to freely express her or his views, in all matters affecting her or him, and the subsequent right for those views to be given due weight, according to the child’s age and maturity.21. 《公约》第12条规定,儿童有权对影响到其本人的一切事项自由发表自己的意见,对儿童的意见应按照其年龄和成熟程度给予适当考虑。
States should hear children’s views regularly – in line with general comment No. 12 – when developing national and local-level business-related laws and policies that may affect them.根据第12号一般性意见,各国在制定可能影响儿童的国家和地方商业相关法律和政策时,应当经常听取儿童的意见。
In particular, States should consult with children who face difficulties in making themselves heard, such as the children of minority and indigenous groups, children with disabilities as stated in articles 4, paragraph 3, and 7 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and children in similar situations of vulnerability.特别是,各国应与很难表达意见的儿童协商,如少数和土著群体儿童、《残疾人权利公约》第四条第三款和第七条所指的残疾儿童和及类似弱势情况的儿童。
Governmental bodies, such as education and labour inspectorates, concerned with regulating and monitoring the activities and operations of business enterprises should ensure that they take into account the views of affected children.与管理和监督商业企业的活动和业务有关的政府机构,如教育和劳动监察部门,应确保这些活动和业务考虑到受影响儿童的意见。
States should also hear children when child-rights impact assessments of proposed business-related policy, legislation, regulations, budget or other administrative decisions are undertaken.国家在对拟议的政策、立法、规定、预算或其他行政决定进行儿童权利影响评估时,也应听取儿童的意见。
Children have a specific right “to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child” (art. 12, para. 3, of the Convention).22. 儿童享有“在影响到儿童的任何司法和行政诉讼中陈述意见”的明确权利(《公约》第12条第3款)。
This includes judicial proceedings and mechanisms of conciliation and arbitration that concern abuses of children’s rights caused or contributed to by business enterprises.其中包括与商业企业所造成或助长的侵犯儿童行为有关的司法诉讼及调解和仲裁机制。
As set out in general comment No. 12, children should be allowed to voluntarily participate in such proceedings and be provided the opportunity to be heard directly or indirectly through the assistance of a representative or appropriate body that has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of the decision-making process as well as experience in working with children.如第12号一般性意见所述,应允许儿童自愿参加这种诉讼,并使之有机会直接或通过代表或适当机构发表意见,这些代表或机构应充分了解决策进程的各个方面,并且有与儿童打交道的经验。
There may be instances when business consults communities that may be affected by a potential business project.23. 有些情况下,企业会与可能受某一潜在商业项目影响的社区协商。
In such circumstances, it can be critical for business to seek the views of children and consider them in decisions that affect them.在这种情况下,企业征求儿童的意见并在影响儿童的决定中对这些意见予以考虑,是极其重要的。
States should provide businesses with specific guidance emphasizing that such processes must be accessible, inclusive and meaningful to children and take into account the evolving capacities of children and their best interests at all times.各国应为企业提供具体指导,强调这种进程必须具有可及性、包容性,对儿童具有意义,并始终考虑到儿童不断发展的能力及其最大利益。
Participation should be voluntary and occur in a child-friendly environment that challenges and does not reinforce patterns of discrimination against children.参加应当是自愿的,在对儿童有利的环境中进行,并对歧视的儿童做法提出质疑而不是予以加强。
Where possible, civil society organizations that are competent in facilitating child participation should be involved.可能的话,应让能够促进儿童参与的民间社会组织介入。
IV. Nature and scope of State obligations四. 国家义务的性质和范围
A. General obligationsA. 一般性义务
The Convention provides for a set of rights for children that impose a particular level of obligations on the State in view of the special status of children; there is a particular gravity to violations of children’s rights because they often have severe and long-lasting impact on child development.24. 《公约》规定了一系列的儿童权利,鉴于儿童的特殊地位,这些权利赋予国家特殊的义务;侵犯儿童权利的行为极其严重,因为它们往往会给儿童的发展造成严重和长期的影响。
Article 4 sets out the obligation for States to undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the implementation of the rights in the Convention and devote the maximum amount of available resources to the realization of economic, social and cultural rights of the child.第4条规定国家有义务采取一切适当的立法、行政和其他措施,实现《公约》所载的权利,并根据其现有资源所允许的最大限度,实现儿童的经济、社会和文化权利。
Under international human rights law there are three types of obligation on States: to respect, to protect and to fulfil human rights.25. 根据国际人权法,国家负有三类义务:尊重、保护和落实人权。
They encompass obligations of result and obligations of conduct.其中包括结果义务和行为义务。
States are not relieved of their obligations under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto when their functions are delegated or outsourced to a private business or non-profit organization.国家将职能授予或外包给私营企业或非盈利组织后,并不能解除其根据《公约》及其任择议定书承担的义务。
A State will thereby be in breach of its obligations under the Convention where it fails to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights in relation to business activities and operations that impact on children.因此,一国在影响儿童的商业活动和业务方面若未尊重、保护和落实儿童的权利,就违背了根据《公约》承担的义务。
The scope of these duties is explored further below, whilst the required framework for implementation is discussed in chapter VI.下文探讨这些义务的范围,必要的实施框架则在第六章讨论。
B. The obligation to respect, protect and fulfilB. 尊重、保护和落实的义务
1. The obligation to respect1. 尊重的义务
The obligation to respect means that States should not directly or indirectly facilitate, aid and abet any infringement of children’s rights.26. 尊重的义务意味着国家不得直接或间接为任何侵犯儿童权利的行为提供便利以及协助或教唆实施这类行为。
Furthermore, States have the obligation to ensure that all actors respect children’s rights, including in the context of business activities and operations.此外,国家还有义务确保所有行为者尊重儿童的权利,包括在商业活动和业务中。
To achieve this, all business-related policy, legislation or administrative acts and decision-making should be transparent, informed and include full and continuous consideration of the impact on the rights of the child.为此,所有商业相关政策、立法或行政行为和决策都应是透明的、知情的,包括充分、持续地考虑对儿童权利的影响。
The obligation to respect also implies that a State should not engage in, support or condone abuses of children’s rights when it has a business role itself or conducts business with private enterprises.27. 尊重义务还意味着一国不得在其本身扮演商业角色或与私营企业开展业务时,实施、支持或纵容侵犯儿童权利的行为。
For example, States must take steps to ensure that public procurement contracts are awarded to bidders that are committed to respecting children’s rights.例如,国家必须采取措施,确保将公共采购合同授予承诺尊重儿童权利的投标人。
State agencies and institutions, including security forces, should not collaborate with or condone the infringement of the rights of the child by third parties.包括安全部队在内的国家机关和机构不得与合伙实施或纵容第三方的侵犯儿童权利行为。
Furthermore, States should not invest public finances and other resources in business activities that violate children’s rights.另外,国家还不得将公共资金和其他资源用于侵犯儿童权利的商业活动。
2. The obligation to protect2. 保护的义务
States have an obligation to protect against infringements of rights guaranteed under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto by third parties.28. 国家有义务保护《公约》及其任择议定书保障的权利不受第三方侵犯。
This duty is of primary importance when considering States’ obligations with regards to the business sector.在考虑国家在商业部门方面的义务时,这种保护义务极其重要。
It means that States must take all necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures to prevent business enterprises from causing or contributing to abuses of children’s rights.它意味着国家必须采取一切必要、适当和合理的措施,防止商业企业造成或促成对儿童权利的侵犯。
Such measures can encompass the passing of law and regulation, their monitoring and enforcement, and policy adoption that frame how business enterprises can impact on children’s rights.这类措施可包括:通过法律法规;监督法律法规的执行;以及实行就商业企业对儿童权利的影响作出规定的政策。
States must investigate, adjudicate and redress violations of children’s rights caused or contributed to by a business enterprise.国家必须对商业企业造成或促成的侵犯儿童权利的行为进行调查、裁定和补救。
A State is therefore responsible for infringements of children’s rights caused or contributed to by business enterprises where it has failed to undertake necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures to prevent and remedy such infringements or otherwise collaborated with or tolerated the infringements.因此,一国如未采取必要、适当和合理的措施,防止和纠正商业企业所造成或助长的侵犯儿童权利行为,或者以其他方式合伙实施或容忍了这种行为,则应对此负责。
3. The obligation to fulfil3. 落实的义务
The obligation to fulfil requires States to take positive action to facilitate, promote and provide for the enjoyment of children’s rights.29. 落实的义务要求国家采取积极行动,便利和促进儿童享有权利并为之创造条件。
This means that States must implement legislative, administrative, budgetary, judicial, promotional and other measures in conformity with article 4 relating to business activities that impact on children’s rights.这意味着国家必须根据第4条,就影响儿童权利的商业活动采取立法、行政、预算、司法、宣传和其他措施。
Such measures should ensure the best environment for full realization of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto.这些措施应确保为充分落实《公约》及其任择议定书创造最佳环境。
To meet this obligation, States should provide stable and predictable legal and regulatory environments which enable business enterprises to respect children’s rights. This includes clear and well-enforced law and standards on labour, employment, health and safety, environment, anti-corruption, land use and taxation that comply with the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto.为履行这项义务,各国应当创造促进商业企业尊重儿童权利的稳定和可预测的法律和监管环境,包括在劳动、就业、卫生和安全、环境、反腐败、土地使用和税收等方面制定明确的、符合《公约》及其任择议定书的法律和标准,并加以充分执行。
It also includes law and policies designed to create equality of opportunity and treatment in employment; measures to promote vocational training and decent work, and to raise living standards; and policies conducive to the promotion of small and medium enterprises.此外还包括旨在实现就业方面平等机会和待遇的法律和政策,促进职业培训和体面工作及提高生活水平的措施,以及有助于推动中小企业的政策。
States should put in place measures to promote knowledge and understanding of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto within government departments, agencies and other State-based institutions that shape business practices, and foster a culture in business that is respectful of children’s rights.各国还应制定措施,在制定商业做法的政府部门、机关和其他国家机构中增进对《公约》及其任择议定书的了解和认识,并培养尊重儿童权利的商业文化。
4. Remedies and reparations4. 补救和赔偿
States have an obligation to provide effective remedies and reparations for violations of the rights of the child, including by third parties such as business enterprises.30. 国家有义务就侵犯儿童权利的行为,包括商业企业等第三方实施的这类行为提供有效的补救和赔偿。
The Committee states in its general comment No. 5 that for rights to have meaning, effective remedies must be available to redress violations.委员会在第5号一般性意见中指出,权利要切实具有意义,就必须规定有效的补救办法来纠正侵权行为。
Several provisions in the Convention call for penalties, compensation, judicial action and measures to promote recovery after harm caused or contributed to by third parties.《公约》中的一些规定要求采取处罚、赔偿、司法行动和措施,促进从第三方造成或促成的危害中恢复。
Meeting this obligation entails having in place child-sensitive mechanisms – criminal, civil or administrative – that are known by children and their representatives, that are prompt, genuinely available and accessible and that provide adequate reparation for harm suffered.履行这一义务意味着要建立对儿童敏感的机制,包括刑事、民事或行政机制,这些机制应为儿童及其代表所知,应当快捷、真正可及和可用,并为受到的危害提供适当赔偿。
Agencies with oversight powers relevant to children’s rights, including labour, education and health and safety inspectorates, environmental tribunals, taxation authorities, national human rights institutions and bodies focusing on equality in the business sector can also play a role in the provision of remedies.拥有与儿童权利相关的监督权的机构,包括劳动、教育、卫生和安全监察部门、环境法庭、税务当局、国家人权机构和侧重于商业部门平等的机构等,也可在提供补救方面发挥作用。
These agencies can proactively investigate and monitor abuses and may also have regulatory powers allowing them to impose administrative sanctions on businesses which infringe on children’s rights.这些机构可积极调查和监督侵权行为,并可拥有使之能够对侵犯儿童权利的企业实行行政制裁的监管权。
In all cases, children should have recourse to independent and impartial justice, or judicial review of administrative proceedings.无论如何,儿童应能诉诸独立和公正的司法,或者是对行政程序的司法审查。
When determining the level or form of reparation, mechanisms should take into account that children can be more vulnerable to the effects of abuse of their rights than adults and that the effects can be irreversible and result in lifelong damage.31. 在确定赔偿的程度或形式时,各机制应当考虑到,儿童比成人更易受到侵权行为的影响,这种影响可能是不可逆转的,会造成终生损害。
They should also take into account the evolving nature of children’s development and capacities and reparation should be timely to limit ongoing and future damage to the child or children affected; for example, if children are identified as victims of environmental pollution, immediate steps should be taken by all relevant parties to prevent further damage to the health and development of children and repair any damage done.它们还应考虑到儿童发展和能力的不断变化,及时给予赔偿,以免今后给受影响儿童造成持续的损害。 例如,如果确定环境污染对儿童有害,所有相关方应立即采取措施,防止给儿童的健康和发展造成进一步的损害,并对已经造成的任何损害予以弥补。
States should provide medical and psychological assistance, legal support and measures of rehabilitation to children who are victims of abuse and violence caused or contributed to by business actors. They should also guarantee non-recurrence of abuse through, for example, reform of relevant law and policy and their application, including prosecution and sanction of the business actors concerned.国家应向遭受商业行为者造成或促成的侵权和暴力行为之害的儿童提供医疗和心理援助、法律支持和康复措施,并应保障侵权事件不再发生,例如改革相关的法律和政策及其适用,包括对有关商业行为者的起诉和制裁。
V. State obligations in specific contexts五. 特定情况下的国家义务
Business activities and operations can impact on a broad range of children’s rights.32. 商业活动和业务可对儿童的各种权利造成影响。
However, the Committee has identified the following non-exhaustive, specific contexts where the impact of business enterprises can be significant and where States’ legal and institutional frameworks are often insufficient, ineffective or under pressure.不过,委员会以非穷举的方式,确定了商业企业可能造成重大影响,而国家的法律和体制框架往往不足、无效或面临压力的以下特定情况。
A. Provision of services for the enjoyment of children’s rightsA. 为儿童享有权利提供服务
Business enterprises and non-profit organizations can play a role in the provision and management of services such as clean water, sanitation, education, transport, health, alternative care, energy, security and detention facilities that are critical to the enjoyment of children’s rights.33. 商业企业和非盈利组织可在提供和管理对儿童享有权利至关重要的服务方面发挥作用,如清洁水、卫生设施、教育、交通、保健、替代照料、能源、安全和拘留设施等。
The Committee does not prescribe the form of delivery of such services but it is important to emphasize that States are not exempted from their obligations under the Convention when they outsource or privatize services that impact on the fulfilment of children’s rights.委员会并不规定提供这些服务的形式,但应当强调的是,将影响儿童权利落实情况的服务外包或私有化,并不能解除国家根据《公约》承担的义务。
States must adopt specific measures that take account of the involvement of the private sector in service delivery to ensure the rights enumerated in the Convention are not compromised.34. 各国必须采取考虑到私营部门参与提供服务的具体措施,确保《公约》规定的权利不受损害。
They have an obligation to set standards in conformity with the Convention and closely monitor them.国家还有义务制定与《公约》相一致的标准,并予以密切监督。
Inadequate oversight, inspection and monitoring of these bodies can result in serious violations of children’s rights such as violence, exploitation and neglect.对私营机构的监督、监察或监测不力,会导致严重侵犯儿童权利的行为,如暴力、剥削和忽视。
They must ensure that such provision does not threaten children’s access to services on the basis of discriminatory criteria, especially under the principle of protection from discrimination, and that, for all service sectors, children have access to an independent monitoring body, complaints mechanisms and, where relevant, to judicial recourse that can provide them with effective remedies in case of violations.国家必须确保服务的提供特别根据免遭歧视原则,不会基于歧视性标准而影响儿童获得服务;并确保在所有服务部门,儿童都能求助于可在侵权情况下为其提供有效补救的独立监测机构和申诉机制,并在相关时诉诸司法。
The Committee recommends that there should be a permanent monitoring mechanism or process aimed at ensuring that all non-State service providers have in place and apply policies, programmes and procedures which are in compliance with the Convention.委员会建议,应当建立常设监测机制或程序,以确保所有非国有服务提供者都能制定和实施符合《公约》的政策、方案和程序。
B. The informal economyB. 非正规经济
The informal economy engages an important part of the economically active population in many countries and contributes significantly to gross national product.35. 许多国家的经济活动人口中,有很大一部分人口从事非正规经济活动,并为国民生产总值作出了重要贡献。
However, children’s rights can be particularly at risk from business activities that take place outside of the legal and institutional frameworks that regulate and protect rights.但在规范和保护权利的法律和体制框架外开展的商业活动可能会使儿童权利面临极大的危险。
For example, products that are manufactured or handled in this context, such as toys, garments or foodstuffs, can be unhealthy and/or unsafe for children.例如,在这种情况下制作或加工的产品,如玩具、衣服或食品,对儿童来说可能是不健康和(或)不安全的。
Also, a concentrated number of children are often found in hidden areas of informal work, such as small family enterprises, agricultural and hospitality sectors.而且,一些儿童往往被发现从事不为人知的非正规工作,如小家庭企业、农业和酒店餐饮业。
Such work frequently involves precarious employment status, low, irregular or no remuneration, health risks, a lack of social security, limited freedom of association and inadequate protection from discrimination and violence or exploitation.这种工作往往没有就业保障,报酬低下、不固定或没有报酬,存在健康风险,缺乏社会安全,交往自由有限,并且没有免遭歧视、暴力或剥削的适当保护。
It can prevent children from attending school, doing schoolwork and having adequate rest and play, potentially infringing articles 28, 29 and 31 of the Convention.它会妨碍儿童上学、做作业和进行适当的休息和玩耍,从而可能违反《公约》第28、第29和第31条。
Moreover, parents or caregivers working in the informal economy often have to work long hours to obtain subsistence-level earnings, thus seriously limiting their opportunities to exercise parental responsibilities or care for children in their charge.此外,在非正规经济部门工作的父母或照料者为得到能够糊口的工资,往往工作很长时间,从而严重限制了他们履行父母责任或照料儿童的机会。
States should put in place measures to ensure that business activities take place within appropriate legal and institutional frameworks in all circumstances regardless of size or sector of the economy so that children’s rights can be clearly recognized and protected.36. 国家应制定措施,确保商业活动――无论规模大小和所属经济部门――在任何情况下都不超出适当的法律和体制框架范围,以明确承认和保护儿童的权利。
Such measures can include: awareness-raising, conducting research and gathering data on the impact of the informal economy upon children’s rights, supporting the creation of decent jobs that provide adequate pay to working parents or caregivers; implementing clear and predictable land-use laws; improving the provision of social protection to low-income families; and supporting informal sector enterprises by providing skills training, registration facilities, effective and flexible credit and banking services, appropriate tax arrangements and access to markets, inter alia.这类措 施可包括:提高认识;开展研究和收集关于非正规经济对儿童权利影响的数据;支持创造为父母或照料者提供适当工资的体面工作;实施明确和可预测的土地使用 法;加强对低收入家庭的社会保护;以及通过技能培训、登记设施、有效和灵活的信贷和银行服务、适当的税收安排以及进入市场的机会等,支持非正规部门企业。
States must regulate working conditions and ensure safeguards to protect children from economic exploitation and work that is hazardous or interferes with their education or harms their health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.37. 国家必须规范工作条件,确保制定保障措施,保护儿童免遭经济剥削并免于从事危险的、影响其教育或危害其健康或身体、智力、精神或社会发展的工作。
Such work is often found, albeit not exclusively, within the informal and family economies.这种工作虽然不是完全存在于、但却经常存在于非正规经济和家庭经济中。
Therefore, States are required to design and implement programmes aimed at reaching businesses in these contexts, including by enforcing international standards regarding legal minimum age for work and appropriate conditions of work, investing in education and vocational training and providing support for the satisfactory transition of children to the world of work.因此,国家应制定和实施对这类企业的宣传方案,包括执行关于最低工作年龄和适当工作条件的国际标准,对教育和职业培训进行投资,并为儿童顺利向职场过渡提供支持。
States should ensure that social and child protection policies reach all, especially families in the informal economy.国家应确保社会和儿童保护政策惠及所有人,特别是非正规经济中的家庭。
C. Children’s rights and global operations of businessC. 儿童权利和企业的全球业务
Business enterprises increasingly operate on a global scale through complex networks of subsidiaries, contractors, suppliers and joint ventures.38. 商业企业日益通过复杂的子公司、承包商、供应商和合资企业网络,在全球范围内运营。
Their impact on children’s rights, whether positive or negative, is rarely the result of the action or omission of a single business unit, whether it is the parent company, subsidiary, contractor, supplier or others.它们对儿童权利的影响,无论是积极还是消极影响,很少是一个业务单位作为或不作为的结果,不管是母公司、子公司、供应商还是其他。
Instead, it may involve a link or participation between businesses units located in different jurisdictions.相反,它可能会涉及位于不同管辖区的业务单位之间的联系或参与。
For example, suppliers may be involved in the use of child labour, subsidiaries may be engaged in land dispossession and contractors or licensees may be involved in the marketing of goods and services that are harmful to children.例如,供应商可能会使用童工,子公司可能参与对土地的剥夺,承包商或许可证持有人则可能参与对儿童有害的商品和服务促销。
There are particular difficulties for States in discharging their obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in this context owing, among other reasons, to the fact that business enterprises are often legally separate entities located in different jurisdictions even when they operate as an economic unit which has its centre of activity, registration and/or domicile in one country (the home State) and is operational in another (the host State).在这种情况下,国家尤难履行尊重、保护和落实儿童权利的义务,原因除其他外包括:商业企业往往是位于不同管辖区的具有法律独立性的实体,即使它们是作为一个经济单位运营,其活动中心、注册地和(或)常驻地在一国(母国),经营则在另一国(东道国)。
Under the Convention, States have the obligation to respect and ensure children’s rights within their jurisdiction.39. 根据《公约》,国家有义务尊重和确保其管辖范围内儿童的权利。
The Convention does not limit a State’s jurisdiction to “territory”.《公约》并未将一国的管辖区限于“领土”。
In accordance with international law, the Committee has previously urged States to protect the rights of children who may be beyond their territorial borders.根据国际法,委员会以前曾促请各国保护可能不在其领土边界内的儿童的权利。
It has also emphasized that State obligations under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto apply to each child within a State’s territory and to all children subject to a State’s jurisdiction.委员会还强调,国家根据《公约》及其任择议定书承担的义务适用于其领土以内和受其管辖的所有儿童。
Extraterritorial obligations are also explicitly referred to in the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.40. 《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品的任择议定书》也明确提及域外义务。
Article 3, paragraph 1, provides that each State shall ensure that, as a minimum, offences under it are fully covered by its criminal or penal law, whether such offences are committed domestically or transnationally.第3条第1款规定,每一缔约国应起码确保本国刑法充分涵盖议定书规定的罪行,不论这些罪行是在国内实施还是跨国实施的。
Under article 3, paragraph 4, of Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, liability for these offences, whether criminal, civil or administrative, should be established for legal persons, including business enterprises.根据《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品的任择议定书》第3条第4款,应当确定包括商业企业在内的法人对这些罪行的责任,包括刑事、民事或行政责任。
This approach is consistent with other human rights treaties and instruments that impose obligations on States to establish criminal jurisdiction over nationals in relation to areas such as complicity in torture, enforced disappearance and apartheid, no matter where the abuse and the act constituting complicity is committed.这种做法与其他国际条约和文书相一致,这些条约和文书规定,国家有义务在酷刑同谋、强迫失踪和种族隔离等方面确立对国民的刑事管辖权,无论侵权和同谋行为是在哪里实施的。
States have obligations to engage in international cooperation for the realization of children’s rights beyond their territorial boundaries.41. 国家有义务为在其领土边界外落实儿童权利进行国际合作。
The preamble and the provisions of the Convention consistently refer to the “importance of international cooperation for improving the living conditions of children in every country, in particular in the developing countries”.《公约》的序言和规定一致提到“国际合作对于改善每一国家、特别是发展中国家儿童的生活条件的重要性”。
General comment No. 5 emphasizes that “implementation of the Convention is a cooperative exercise for the States of the world”.第5号一般性意见强调,“执行《公约》是世界各国的一项合作行动”。
As such, the full realization of children’s rights under the Convention is in part a function of how States interact.因此,充分落实《公约》规定的儿童权利在一定程度上是各国互动的结果。
Furthermore, the Committee highlights that the Convention has been nearly universally ratified; thus realization of its provisions should be of major and equal concern to both host and home States of business enterprises.委员会还强调,《公约》几乎已获普遍批准;因此,落实其规定应是商业企业的东道国和母国同样关注的重要问题。
Host States have the primary responsibility to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights in their jurisdiction.42. 东道国负有尊重、保护和落实其管辖范围内儿童权利的首要责任。
They must ensure that all business enterprises, including transnational corporations operating within their borders, are adequately regulated within a legal and institutional framework that ensures that they do not adversely impact on the rights of the child and/or aid and abet violations in foreign jurisdictions.它们必须确保所有商业企业,包括在其境内运营的跨国公司,都在一个法律和体制框架内受到适当监管,该框架确保这些企业不给儿童的权利造成不良影响,以及(或者)协助和唆使在外国管辖区内实施侵权行为。
Home States also have obligations, arising under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto, to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights in the context of businesses’ extraterritorial activities and operations, provided that there is a reasonable link between the State and the conduct concerned.43. 根据《公约》及其任择议定书,母国也有义务在企业的域外活动和业务中尊重、保护和落实儿童的权利,前提是该国与相关行为之间有合理的联系。
A reasonable link exists when a business enterprise has its centre of activity, is registered or domiciled or has its main place of business or substantial business activities in the State concerned.当商业企业的活动中心、注册地、常驻地、主要营业地或实质性商务活动位于该国时,即存在合理的联系。
When adopting measures to meet this obligation, States must not violate the Charter of the United Nations and general international law nor diminish the obligations of the host State under the Convention.在采取措施履行这项义务时,国家不得违反《联合国宪章》和一般国际法,也不得减少根据《公约》承担的东道国义务。
States should enable access to effective judicial and non-judicial mechanisms to provide remedy for children and their families whose rights have been violated by business enterprises extraterritorially when there is a reasonable link between the State and the conduct concerned.44. 当国家和相关行为之间存在合理联系时,该国应为利用有效的司法和非司法机制提供便利,以便为权利受到域外商业企业侵犯的儿童及其家人提供补救办法。
Furthermore, States should provide international assistance and cooperation with investigations and enforcement of proceedings in other States.此外,各国还应为其他国家的调查和诉讼程序提供国际援助与合作。
Measures to prevent the infringement of children’s rights by business enterprises when they are operating abroad include:45. 防止在国外运营的商业企业侵犯儿童权利的措施包括:
Making access to public finance and other forms of public support, such as insurance, conditional on a business carrying out a process to identify, prevent or mitigate any negative impacts on children’s rights in their overseas operations;在获得公共资金和其他形式的公共支持如保险方面,以企业查明、防止或减轻海外业务对儿童权利的任何负面影响为条件;
Taking into account the prior record of business enterprises on children’s rights when deciding on the provision of public finance and other forms of official support;在就提供公共资金和其他形式的官方支持作出决定时,考虑到商业企业以前在儿童权利方面的记录;
Ensuring that State agencies with a significant role regarding business, such as export credit agencies, take steps to identify, prevent and mitigate any adverse impacts the projects they support might have on children’s rights before offering support to businesses operating abroad and stipulate that such agencies will not support activities that are likely to cause or contribute to children’s rights abuses.确保在商业方面发挥重大作用的国家机构、如出口信贷机构在为海外经营企业提供支持之前,采取措施查明、防止和减轻其所支持的项目可能对儿童权利产生的任何不良影响,并规定这些机构不得支持可能造成或促成侵犯儿童权利行为的活动。
Both home and host States should establish institutional and legal frameworks that enable businesses to respect children’s rights across their global operations.46. 母国和东道国均应建立体制和法律框架,促进企业在全球业务中尊重儿童的权利。
Home States should ensure that there are effective mechanisms in place so that the government agencies and institutions with responsibility for implementation of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto coordinate effectively with those responsible for trade and investment abroad.母国应确保建立有效的机制,使负责执行《公约》及其任择议定书的政府机构能够与负责国外贸易和投资的机构进行有效协调。
They should also build capacity so that development assistance agencies and overseas missions that are responsible for promoting trade can integrate business issues into bilateral human rights dialogues, including children’s rights, with foreign Governments.母国还应进行能力建设,以便发展援助机构和负责促进贸易的驻外使团能够将商业问题纳入与外国政府的双边人权对话,包括儿童权利。
States that adhere to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises should support their national contact points in providing mediation and conciliation for matters that arise extraterritorially by ensuring that they are adequately resourced, independent and mandated to work to ensure respect for children’s rights in the context of business issues. Recommendations issued by bodies such as the OECD national contact points should be given adequate effect.遵守经合组织《多国企业准则》的国家应支持其国家联络点就域外发生的事项进行调停和调解,确保它们拥有适当的资源,具有独立性,并授权其努力确保在商业问题中尊重儿童的权利。
D. International organizationsD. 国际组织
All States are called upon, under article 4 of the Convention, to cooperate directly in the realization of the rights in the Convention through international cooperation and through their membership in international organizations.47. 根据《公约》第4条,所有国家应通过国际合作和国际组织成员身份,为实现《公约》规定的权利开展直接合作。
In the context of business activities, these international organizations include international development, finance and trade institutions, such as the World Bank Group, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, and others of a regional scope, in which States act collectively.在商业活动情况下,这些国际组织包括国际发展、金融和贸易机构,如世界银行集团、国际货币基金组织和世界贸易组织,以及国家可在其中集体行事的其他区域组织。
States must comply with their obligations under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto when acting as members of such organizations and they should not accept loans from international organizations, or agree to conditions set forth by such organizations, if these loans or policies are likely to result in violations of the rights of children.各国在以这些组织的成员身份行事时,必须遵守《公约》及其任择议定书规定的义务,在贷款或政策有可能导致对儿童权利的侵犯时,不得接受国际组织的贷款,或者同意这些组织的条件。
States also retain their obligations in the field of development cooperation and should ensure that cooperation policies and programmes are designed and implemented in compliance with the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto.国家仍然承担发展合作领域的义务,确保根据《公约》及其任择议定书制定和实施合作政策与方案。
A State engaged with international development, finance and trade organizations must take all reasonable actions and measures to ensure that such organizations act in accordance with the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto in their decision-making and operations, as well as when entering into agreements or establishing guidelines relevant to the business sector.48. 与国际发展、金融和贸易组织合作的国家必须采取一切合理行动和措施,确保这些组织在其决策和活动中,以及在订立协议或制定与商业部门有关的准则时,依照《公约》及其任择议定书行事。
Such actions and measures should go beyond the eradication of child labour and include the full realization of all children’s rights.这类行动和措施应超出消除童工的范围,充分实现儿童的所有权利。
International organizations should have standards and procedures to assess the risk of harm to children in conjunction with new projects and to take measures to mitigate risks of such harm.国际组织应制定标准和程序,对新项目可能给儿童造成危害的风险进行评估,并采取措施,降低这种危害风险。
These organizations should put in place procedures and mechanisms to identify, address and remedy violations of children’s rights in accordance with existing international standards, including when they are committed by or result from activities of businesses linked to or funded by them.这些组织应建立程序和机制,根据现行国际标准查明和处理侵犯儿童权利的行为并提供补救,包括与其有关或由其供资的企业活动所造成或促成的侵权行为。
E. Emergencies and conflict situationsE. 紧急和冲突情况
There are particular challenges for both host and home States in meeting their obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child when businesses are operating in situations where protection institutions do not work properly because of conflict, disaster or the breakdown of social or legal order.49. 当企业在保护机构由于冲突、灾害、社会或法律秩序混乱而无法适当工作的情况下运营时,东道国和母国在履行尊重、保护和落实儿童权利的义务方面面临着特殊的挑战。
It is important to emphasize that the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto apply at all times and that there are no provisions allowing for derogation of their provisions during emergencies.应当强调的是,《公约》及其任择议定书适用于任何时候,并且没有允许在紧急情况下减损其规定的条款。
In such contexts, there may be a greater risk of child labour being used by business enterprises (including within supply chains and subsidiaries), of child soldiers being used or of corruption and tax evasion occurring.50. 在这种情况下,商业企业(包括供应链内的企业和子公司)使用童工以及使用儿童兵、腐败和逃税的可能性更大。
Given the heightened risks, home States should require business enterprises operating in situations of emergency and conflict to undertake stringent child-rights due diligence tailored to their size and activities.由于风险加大,母国应要求在紧急和冲突情况下运营的商业企业根据其规模和活动,对儿童权利予以更严格的应有注意。
Home States should also develop and implement laws and regulations that address specific foreseeable risks to children’s rights from business enterprises that are operating transnationally.母国还应制定和实施法律法规,处理跨国经营的商业企业给儿童权利带来的可预见的具体风险。
This can include a requirement to publish actions taken to ensure that companies’ operations do not contribute to serious violations of children’s rights, and a prohibition on the sale or transfer of arms and other forms of military assistance when the final destination is a country in which children are known to be, or may potentially be, recruited or used in hostilities.其中可包括要求公布为确保公司活动不会促成严重侵犯儿童权利的行为而采取的行动,并禁止向已确知或有可能征募或利用儿童从事敌对行动的国家出售或转让武器,或提供其他形式的军事援助。
A home State should provide businesses with current, accurate and comprehensive information of the local children’s rights context when they are operating or planning to operate in areas affected by conflict or emergency.51. 母国应为正在或计划在受冲突或紧急情况影响的地区运营的企业提供关于当地儿童权利情况的最新、准确和全面的信息。
Such guidance should emphasize that companies have identical responsibilities to respect children’s rights in such settings as they do elsewhere.这种指导应强调,在此种情况下,公司尊重儿童权利的责任与其他情况下相同。
Children can be affected by violence, including sexual abuse or exploitation, child trafficking and gender-based violence in conflict zones and this must be recognized by States when providing guidance to businesses.儿童可能会在冲突地区受到包括性暴力或性剥削在内的暴力行为、贩卖儿童活动和基于性别的暴力的影响,国家在为企业提供指导时,必须认识到这一点。
The obligations of host and home States under the relevant provisions of the Convention should be emphasized when business is operating in areas affected by conflict: Article 38 requires respect for the rules of international humanitarian law, article 39 obliges States to provide appropriate psychological recovery and social reintegration and the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict contains provisions regarding recruitment of children into armed forces under 18 years of age.52. 企业在受冲突影响的地区运营时,应当强调东道国和母国根据《公约》相关规定承担的义务:第38条要求遵守国际人道主义法规则,第39条规定国家应提供适当 的心理康复和重返社会援助,《关于儿童卷入武装冲突的任择议定书》则包含关于招募18岁以下儿童加入武装部队的规定。
When operating in areas affected by conflict, business enterprises may employ private security companies and may risk being involved in violations such as exploitation and/or use of violence against children in the course of protecting facilities or other operations.商业企业在受武装冲突影响的地区运营时,可能会雇用私人安保公司,并可能在保护设施的过程或其他业务中涉嫌侵权行为,例如对儿童的剥削和(或)暴力。
To prevent this, both home and host States should introduce and implement national legislation that includes a specific prohibition on such companies recruiting children or using them in hostilities; requirements for effective measures to protect children from violence and exploitation; and mechanisms for holding personnel accountable for abuses of children’s rights.为防止这一点,母国和东道国均应制定和实施国内立法,其中明确禁止这些公司招募或使用儿童从事敌对行动;要求采取有效措施,保护儿童免遭暴力和剥削;并包含对侵犯儿童权利的人员追究责任的机制。
VI. Framework for implementation六. 实施框架
A. Legislative, regulatory and enforcement measuresA. 立法、监管和执行措施
1. Legislation and regulation1. 法律法规
Legislation and regulation are essential instruments for ensuring that the activities and operations of business enterprises do not adversely impact on or violate the rights of the child.53. 法律法规是确保商业企业的活动和业务不给儿童权利造成不良影响或侵犯这些权利的基本文书。
States should enact legislation that gives effect to the rights of the child by third parties and provides a clear and predictable legal and regulatory environment which enables business enterprises to respect children’s rights.各国应颁布要求第三方落实儿童权利的立法,并创造一个促使商业企业尊重儿童权利的明确和可预测的法律和监管环境。
To meet their obligation to adopt appropriate and reasonable legislative and regulatory measures to ensure that business enterprises do not infringe on children’s rights, States will need to gather data, evidence and research for identifying specific business sectors of concern.为履行采取适当和合理的立法和监管措施确保商业企业不侵犯儿童权利的义务,各国需要收集数据、证据和开展研究,以确定令人关切的特定商业部门。
In conformity with article 18, paragraph 3, of the Convention, States should create employment conditions within business enterprises which assist working parents and caregivers in fulfilling their responsibilities to children in their care such as: the introduction of family-friendly workplace policies, including parental leave; support and facilitate breastfeeding; access to quality childcare services; payment of wages sufficient for an adequate standard of living; protection from discrimination and violence in the workplace; and, security and safety in the workplace.54. 根据《公约》第18条第3款,国家应在商业企业中创造就业条件,协助就业的父母和照料者对其照管的儿童履行责任,例如:实行关爱家庭的工作场所政策,包括 育儿假;支持和便利母乳喂养;提供优质的托儿服务;支付足以达到适当生活水平的工资;保护免遭工作场所的歧视和暴力;以及工作场所的安保和安全。
Ineffective taxation systems, corruption and mismanagement of government revenues from, among others, State-owned businesses and corporate taxation, can limit the resources available for the fulfilment of children’s rights in accordance with article 4 of the Convention.55. 无效的税收制度、腐败和对来自国有企业和公司税收的政府收入管理不善等因素,可能会限制用于根据《公约》第4条落实儿童权利的资源。
In addition to any existing obligations under anti-bribery and anti-corruption instruments, States should develop and implement effective laws and regulations to obtain and manage revenue flows from all sources, ensuring transparency, accountability and equity.除了根据反贿赂和反腐败文书承担的现有义务外,各国还应制定和实施有效的法律法规,获得并管理一切来源的收入,确保透明、问责和公平。
States should implement article 32 of the Convention to ensure the prohibition of economic exploitation and hazardous work for children.56. 各国应执行《公约》第32条,确保禁止对儿童进行经济剥削和让其从事危险工作。
Some children are above the minimum working age, in line with international standards, and therefore can be legitimately working as employees, while still needing to be protected, for instance, from work that is hazardous to their health, safety or moral development and ensuring that their rights to education, development and recreation are promoted and protected.有些儿童超过了国际标准规定的最低工作年龄,因此可以作为员工合法工作,但仍需获得保护,例如免于从事危及其健康、安全或道德发展的工作,并确保其教育、发展和娱乐权利得到促进和保护。
States must set a minimum age for employment; appropriately regulate working hours and conditions; and establish penalties to effectively enforce article 32.各国必须规定最低就业年龄;适当规范工作时数和条件;并规定处罚,以有效执行第32条。
They must have functioning labour inspection and enforcement systems and capacities in place.国家必须拥有有效的劳动监察和执行制度及能力。
States should also ratify and enact into domestic law both of the fundamental ILO conventions relating to child labour.国家还应批准劳工组织与童工有关的两项基本公约,并将其纳入国内法。
Under article 39, States must take all appropriate measures to promote the physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child who has experienced any form of violence, neglect, exploitation, or abuse, including economic exploitation.根据第39条,国家必须采取一切适当措施,促进遭受任何形式暴力、忽视、剥削或凌辱虐待,包括经济剥削的儿童身心得以康复并重返社会。
States are also required to implement and enforce internationally agreed standards concerning children’s rights, health and business, including the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and relevant subsequent World Health Assembly resolutions.57. 国家还应实施和执行关于儿童权利、健康和商业的国际商定标准,包括世界卫生组织的《烟草控制框架公约》、《国际母乳代用品国际销售守则》和世界卫生大会后来通过的相关决议。
The Committee is aware that the activities and operations of the pharmaceutical sector can have a profound impact on the health of children.委员会认识到,制药部门的活动和业务可对儿童健康产生深刻影响。
Pharmaceutical companies should be encouraged to improve the access, availability, acceptability and quality of medicines for children taking into consideration existing guidance.应鼓励制药公司根据现有指导,改善药品的获得、供应、可接受性和质量。
Furthermore, intellectual property rights should be applied in ways that promote the affordability of medicines.此外,知识产权的适用应能提高药品的可负担性。
The mass media industry, including advertising and marketing industries, can have positive as well as negative impacts on children’s rights.58. 包括广告和促销业在内的大众媒体行业既可对儿童的权利产生积极影响,也可产生消极影响。
Under article 17 of the Convention, States have obligations to encourage the mass media, including private media, to disseminate information and materials of social and cultural benefit to the child, for example regarding healthy lifestyles.根据《公约》第17条,国家有义务鼓励包括私营媒体在内的大众媒体传播在社会和文化方面有益于儿童的信息和资料,例如关于健康生活方式的信息和资料。
The media must be regulated appropriately to protect children from harmful information, especially pornographic materials and materials that portray or reinforce violence, discrimination and sexualized images of children, while recognizing children's right to information and freedom of expression.必须对媒体进行适当监管,以保护儿童避免接触有害信息,尤其是色情材料和渲染或加强暴力、歧视和儿童性图像的材料,同时认识到儿童享有信息权和言论自由。
States should encourage the mass media to develop guidelines to ensure full respect for the rights of the child, including their protection from violence and from portrayals that perpetuate discrimination, in all media coverage.国家应鼓励大众媒体制定准则,确保充分尊重儿童的权利,包括保护他们免遭暴力,并避免所有媒体报导对他们进行导致歧视长期存在的刻画。
States should establish copyright exceptions which permit the reproduction of books and other printed publications in formats that are accessible for children with visual or other impairments.国家应规定版权方面的例外情形,允许以存在视力或其他障碍的儿童能够接受的形式,对书籍和其他印刷出版物进行翻制。
Children may regard marketing and advertisements that are transmitted through the media as truthful and unbiased and consequently can consume and use products that are harmful.59. 儿童可能会认为通过媒体发布的促销和广告信息是真实、客观的信息,并因而消费和使用有害产品。
Advertising and marketing can also have a powerful influence over children’s self-esteem, for example when portraying unrealistic body images.广告和促销还可对儿童的自尊产生很大影响,例如在展示脱离现实的身体形象时。
States should ensure that marketing and advertising do not have adverse impacts on children’s rights by adopting appropriate regulation and encouraging business enterprises to adhere to codes of conduct and use clear and accurate product labelling and information that allow parents and children to make informed consumer decisions.国家应通过采取适当的监管措施,以及鼓励商业企业遵守行为守则和使用清楚准确的、让父母和儿童能够作出知情消费决定的产品标签和信息,确保促销和广告不会对儿童的权利产生不利影响。
Digital media is of particular concern, as many children can be users of the Internet but also become victims of violence such as cyber-bullying, cyber-grooming, trafficking or sexual abuse and exploitation through the Internet.60. 数字媒体尤其令人关切,因为许多儿童可能使用互联网,但也因此成为暴力受害者,如网络欺凌、网络诱拐、贩运或通过互联网进行的性虐待和性剥削等。
Although companies may not be directly involved in such criminal acts, they can be complicit in these violations through their actions; for example, child sex tourism can be facilitated by travel agencies operating on the Internet, as they enable the exchange of information and the planning of sex tourism activities.虽然公司不一定直接参与这些犯罪行为,但可能通过其行动成为这些侵权行为的同谋;例如,在互联网上运作的旅行社可能会助长儿童色情旅游,因为它们便于交流信息和策划色情旅游活动。
Child pornography can be indirectly facilitated by Internet businesses and credit-card providers.互联网企业和信用卡提供者可能会间接为儿童色情制品提供便利。
As well as meeting their obligations under the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, States should provide children with age-appropriate information regarding web-related safety so they can manage the risks and know where to go for help.在履行根据《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品的任择议定书》承担的义务的同时,各国还应为儿童提供适合其年龄的网络安全相关信息,使之能够应对风险,并知道去哪里求助。
They should coordinate with the information and communication technology industry so that it develops and puts in place adequate measures to protect children from violent and inappropriate material.国家应与信息和通信技术行业协调,制定适当措施,让儿童远离暴力和不适当的材料。
2. Enforcement measures2. 执行措施
Generally, it is the lack of implementation or the poor enforcement of laws regulating business that pose the most critical problems for children.61. 总的来说,是商业监管法律得不到实施或执行不力给儿童造成了最严重的问题。
There are a number of measures States should employ to ensure effective implementation and enforcement, including:国家应采取一些措施,确保有效实施和执行,其中包括:
Strengthening regulatory agencies responsible for the oversight of standards relevant to children’s rights such as health and safety, consumer rights, education, environment, labour and advertising and marketing so that they have sufficient powers and resources to monitor and to investigate complaints and to provide and enforce remedies for abuses of children’s rights;加强负责监督与儿童权利有关的标准,如卫生与安全、消费者权利、教育、环境、劳动以及广告和促销标准的监管机构,使之拥有实施监督、对申诉进行调查、并就侵犯儿童权利的行为提供和落实救济所需的充分权力和资源;
Disseminating laws and regulations regarding children’s rights and business to stakeholders, including children and business enterprises;向包括儿童和商业企业在内的利益攸关方传播与儿童权利有关的法律法规;
Training judges and other administrative officials as well as lawyers and legal aid providers to ensure the correct application of the Convention and its protocols on business and children’s rights, international human rights standards and relevant national legislation and to promote the development of national jurisprudence; and对法官和其他行政官员以及律师和法律援助提供者进行培训,确保准确适用《公约》及其关于商业和儿童权利的议定书、国际人权标准和相关国家立法,并促进国家判例的发展;
Providing effective remedy through judicial or non-judicial mechanisms and effective access to justice.通过司法或非司法机制以及有效诉诸司法等途径,提供有效的补救。
3. Children’s rights and due diligence by business enterprises3. 儿童的权利和商业企业应有的注意
To meet their obligation to adopt measures to ensure that business enterprises respect children’s rights, States should require businesses to undertake child-rights due diligence.62. 为履行采取措施确保商业企业尊重儿童权利的义务,国家应要求企业对儿童权利予以应有的注意。
This will ensure that business enterprises identify, prevent and mitigate their impact on children's rights including across their business relationships and within global operations.这将确保商业企业确定、防止和减轻对儿童权利的影响,包括其商业关系和全球业务对儿童权利的影响。
Where there is a high risk of business enterprises being involved in violations of children’s rights because of the nature of their operations or their operating contexts, States should require a stricter process of due diligence and an effective monitoring system.商业企业因其业务性质或经营背景而很可能侵犯儿童权利的,国家应要求制定更严格的应有注意程序,并建立有效的监督制度。
Where child-rights due diligence is subsumed within a more general process of human-rights due diligence, it is imperative that the provisions of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto influence decisions.63. 当对儿童权利的应有注意属于对人权应有注意的更广泛进程的一部分时,《公约》及其任择议定书的规定应当能影响决定。
Any plan of action and measures to prevent and/or remedy human rights abuses must have special consideration for the differentiated impact on children.任何防止侵犯人权行为和(或)进行补救的行动计划和措施都要特别考虑到对儿童的不同影响。
States should lead by example, requiring all State-owned enterprises to undertake child-rights due diligence and to publicly communicate their reports on their impact on children’s rights, including regular reporting.64. 国家应发挥表率作用,要求所有国有企业对儿童权利予以应有的注意,并公开传播关于它们对儿童权利影响的报告,包括定期报告。
States should make public support and services, such as those provided by an export credit agency, development finance and investment insurance conditional on businesses carrying out child-rights due diligence.国家应规定公共支持和服务,如出口信贷机构提供的支持和服务、发展融资以及投资保险等,以企业对儿童权利予以应有注意为条件。
As part of child-rights due diligence, large business enterprises should be encouraged and, where appropriate, required to make public their efforts to address child-rights impacts.65. 作为对儿童权利应有注意的一部分,应鼓励并酌情要求大型商业企业公开其为处理对儿童权利的影响所作的努力。
Such communication should be available, efficient and comparable across enterprises and address measures taken by business to mitigate potential and actual adverse impacts for children caused by their activities.这种信息通报应当可供查阅、高效、具有企业间的可比性,并涉及企业为减轻其活动对儿童的潜在和实际不良影响而采取的措施。
Business enterprises should be required to publish the actions taken to ensure that the goods and services they produce or commercialize do not involve serious violations of children’s rights, such as slavery or forced labour.应要求商业企业公布采取了哪些行动,确保其生产或销售的商品和服务不涉及对儿童权利的严重侵犯,如奴役或强迫劳动。
Where reporting is mandatory, States should put in place verification and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance.如果报告是强制性的,国家应建立核查和强制执行机制,确保遵守这一规定。
States may support reporting by creating instruments to benchmark and recognize good performance with regard to children’s rights.国家可为报告提供支持,创建制定基准并确认儿童权利方面良好业绩的工具。
B. Remedial measuresB. 补救措施
Children often find it difficult to access the justice system to seek effective remedies for abuse or violations of their rights when business enterprises are involved.66. 儿童往往很难诉诸司法系统,就商业企业参与的侵犯其权利的行为寻求有效补救。
Children may lack legal standing, which prevents them from pursuing a claim; children and their families often lack knowledge about their rights and the mechanisms and procedures available to them to seek redress or may lack confidence in the justice system.儿童可能没有法律地位,这会妨碍他们提出赔偿;儿童及其家人往往不了解自身权利以及可用于寻求补救的机制和程序,或者对司法系统缺乏信任。
States may not always investigate breaches of criminal, civil or administrative laws committed by business enterprises.国家可能并不总是对商业企业违反刑法、民法或行政法律的行为开展调查。
There are vast power imbalances between children and business and, often, prohibitive costs involved in litigation against companies as well as difficulties in securing legal representation.儿童和企业之间的力量很不平衡,起诉公司的费用往往较高,而且很难获得法律代理。
Cases involving business are frequently settled out of court and in the absence of a body of developed case law; children and their families in jurisdictions where judicial precedent is persuasive may be more likely to abandon undertaking litigation given uncertainty surrounding the outcome.在无发达的判例法体系的情况下,涉及企业的案件往往在法庭外解决;而在有令人信服的司法先例的管辖区,由于结果的不确定性,儿童及其家人也许更有可能放弃诉讼。
There are particular difficulties in obtaining remedy for abuses that occur in the context of businesses’ global operations.67. 对于在企业的全球业务背景下发生的侵权行为,是很难获得补救的。
Subsidiaries or others may lack insurance or have limited liability; the way in which transnational corporations are structured in separate entities can make identification and attribution of legal responsibility to each unit challenging; access to information and evidence located in different countries can be problematic when building and defending a claim; legal aid may be difficult to obtain in foreign jurisdictions and various legal and procedural hurdles can be used to defeat extraterritorial claims.子公司或其他公司可能没 有保险,或者责任有限;跨国公司由不同实体组成的方式可能会导致很难确定和分配每个单位的法律责任;在提出索赔和进行抗辩时,获取位于不同国家的信息和证 据会很麻烦;在外国管辖区,可能很难获得法律援助,而为了驳回域外索赔,会设置各种法律和程序障碍。
States should focus their attention on removing social, economic and juridical barriers so that children can in practice have access to effective judicial mechanisms without discrimination of any kind.68. 国家应重点消除社会、经济和司法障碍,以便儿童实际上能在不受任何歧视的情况下利用有效的司法机制。
Children and their representatives should be provided with information about remedies through, for example, the school curriculum, youth centres or community-based programmes.应通过学校课程、青少年中心或以社区为基础的方案,向儿童及其代表提供有关补救办法的信息。
They should be allowed to initiate proceedings in their own right and have access to legal aid and the support of lawyers and legal aid providers in bringing cases against business enterprises to ensure equality of arms.应允许其本身启动诉讼,并在提起针对商业企业的案件时获得律师和法律援助提供者的支持,以确保权利平等。
States that do not already have provision for collective complaints, such as class actions and public interest litigation, should introduce these as a means of increasing accessibility to the courts for large numbers of children similarly affected by business actions.尚未规定集体申诉,如集体诉讼或公共利益诉讼的国家,应当实行这些办法,以增加受到企业行动类似影响的诸多儿童向法院诉讼的机会。
States may have to provide special assistance to children who face obstacles to accessing justice, for example, because of language or disability or because they are very young.国家可能须为由于语言、残疾或者年龄幼小等因素在诉诸司法方面遇到障碍的儿童提供特别援助。
Age should not be a barrier to a child’s right to participate fully in the justice process.69. 年龄不应成为儿童有权充分参与司法程序的障碍。
Likewise, special arrangements should be developed for child victims and witnesses in both civil and criminal proceedings, in line with the Committee’s general comment No. 12.另外,应根据委员会第12号一般性意见,为儿童受害者和证人参与民事和刑事诉讼作出特殊安排。
Furthermore, States should implement the Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime.另外,国家还应执行《关于在涉及罪行的儿童被害人和证人的事项上坚持公理的准则》。
Confidentiality and privacy must be respected and children should be kept informed of progress at all stages of the process, giving due weight to the child’s maturity and any speech, language or communication difficulties they might have.应当保守机密,尊重隐私权,并在程序的各个阶段向儿童告知进展情况,同时对儿童的成熟程度及其可能在言语或交流方面存在的任何困难予以适当考虑。
The Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography requires that States enact criminal legislation that also applies to legal entities, including business enterprises.70. 《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品的任择议定书》要求各国颁布也适用于法律实体、包括商业企业的刑事立法。
States should consider the adoption of criminal legal liability – or another form of legal liability of equal deterrent effect – for legal entities, including business enterprises, in cases concerning serious violations of the rights of the child, such as forced labour.国家应考虑在涉及严重侵犯儿童权利如强迫劳动的案件中,对包括商业企业在内的法律实体追究刑事法律责任或其他形式的法律责任。
National tribunals should have jurisdiction over these serious violations, in accordance with accepted rules of jurisdiction.根据公认的管辖规则,国内法庭应当对这些严重侵权事件拥有管辖权。
Non-judicial mechanisms, such as mediation, conciliation and arbitration, can be useful alternatives for resolving disputes concerning children and enterprises.71. 非司法机制,如调停、调解和仲裁等,可作为解决涉及儿童与企业的争端的有效替代办法。
They must be available without prejudice to the right to judicial remedy.它们不得影响儿童获得司法补救的权利。
Such mechanisms can play an important role alongside judicial processes, provided they are in conformity with the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto and with international principles and standards of effectiveness, promptness and due process and fairness.这类机制可与司法进程一起发挥重要作用,前提是必须符合《公约》及其任择议定书,以及关于有效、快捷、适当程序和公平的国际原则和标准。
Grievance mechanisms established by business enterprises can provide flexible and timely solutions and at times it may be in a child’s best interests for concerns raised about a company’s conduct to be resolved through them.商业企业建立的申诉机制可提供灵活、及时的解决办法,通过它们来解决对公司行为表示的关切,有时可能符合儿童的最大利益。
These mechanisms should follow criteria that include: accessibility, legitimacy, predictability, equitability, rights compatibility, transparency, continuous learning and dialogue.这些机制应当遵循的标准包括:可获得性、合法性、可预测性、平等性、权利兼容、透明度、持续学习和对话。
In all cases, access to courts or judicial review of administrative remedies and other procedures should be available.在任何情况下,均应提供诉诸法院或要求对行政补救和其他程序进行司法审查的机会。
States should make every effort to facilitate access to international and regional human rights mechanisms, including the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure, so that an individual child or a group of children, or others acting on his/her/their behalf, are able to obtain remedy for State failure to adequately respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights in relation to business activities and operations.72. 各国应尽一切努力,促进利用包括《儿童权利公约关于来文程序的任择议定书》在内的国际和区域人权机制,使儿童个人或集体,或代其行事的其他人能够因国家未能在商业活动和业务方面适当尊重、保护和落实儿童的权利而获得补救。
C. Policy measuresC. 政策措施
States should encourage a business culture that understands and fully respects children’s rights.73. 国家应鼓励创建了解和充分尊重儿童权利的企业文化。
To this end, States should include the issue of children’s rights and business in the overall context of the national policy framework for implementation of the Convention.为此,各国应将儿童权利与商业问题纳入执行《公约》的国家政策框架的总体范围。
They should develop guidance that explicitly sets out government expectations for business enterprises to respect children’s rights in the context of its own business activities, as well as within business relationships linked to operations, products or services and activities abroad when they operate transnationally.各国应制定指导意见,明确指出政府期望商业企业在其自己的商业活动中,以及与其业务、产品或服务和跨国经营情况下的国外活动相关的商业关系中尊重儿童的权利。
This should include the implementation of zero-tolerance policies for violence in all business activities and operations.这应包括对所有商业活动和业务中的暴力行为实行零容忍政策。
As required, States should signpost and encourage adherence to relevant corporate responsibility initiatives.各国应按照要求指导并鼓励遵守相关的企业责任举措。
In many contexts, small and medium-sized enterprises represent a large part of the economy and it is particularly important that States provide them with readily available tailored guidance and support on how to respect children’s rights and comply with national legislation while avoiding unnecessary administrative burdens.74. 在许多情况下,中小型企业占经济的很大一部分,国家在如何尊重儿童权利和遵守国际法立法,同时又避免不必要的行政负担方面为这些企业提供有针对性的现成指导和支持,是十分重要的。
States should also encourage larger companies to use their influence over small and medium-sized enterprises to strengthen children’s rights throughout their value chains.国家还应鼓励大型公司利用对中小企业的影响力,在整个价值链中加强儿童的权利。
D. Coordination and monitoring measuresD. 协调和监测措施
1. Coordination1. 协调
Full implementation of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto requires effective cross-sectoral coordination, among government agencies and departments and across different levels of government, from local to regional and central.75. 《公约》及其任择议定书的全面执行要求政府机构和部门以及从地方到地区和中央的各级政府之间进行有效的跨部门协调。
Typically, the departments and agencies directly involved with business policies and practices work separately from departments and agencies with direct responsibility for children’s rights.一般来说,直接介入商业政策和做法的部门和机构与直接负责儿童权利的部门和机构是各自独立工作的。
States must ensure that governmental bodies, as well as parliamentarians, that shape business law and practices are aware of the State’s obligations with regard to children’s rights.各国必须确保制定商业法律和做法的政府机构及议员了解国家在儿童权利方面的义务。
They may require relevant information, training and support so that they are equipped to ensure full compliance with the Convention when developing law and policy and entering into economic, trade and investment agreements.他们可能需要相关的信息、培训和支持,以确保在制定法律和政策以及签订经济、贸易和投资协议时充分遵守《公约》。
National human rights institutions can play an important role as catalysts for linking different governmental departments concerned with children’s rights and with business.国家人权机构可发挥重要作用,推动与儿童权利和商业有关的不同政府部门建立联系。
2. Monitoring2. 监督/监测
States have an obligation to monitor violations of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto committed or contributed to by business enterprises, including in their global operations.76. 国家有义务监测商业企业实施或促成的违反《公约》及其任择议定书的行为,包括其全球业务中的这类行为。
This can be achieved, for instance, through: gathering data that can be used to identify problems and inform policy; investigating abuses; collaborating with civil society and national human rights institutions; and making business accountable publicly by using business reporting on their impact on children’s rights to assess their performance.具体办法可包括:收集可用于查明问题和作为政策参考的数据;调查侵权行为;与民间社会和国家人权机构合作;利用企业关于其对儿童权利影响的报告来评估其业绩,让企业公开负责。
In particular, national human rights institutions can be involved, for example in receiving, investigating and mediating complaints of violations; conducting public inquiries into large-scale abuses, mediating in conflict situations and undertaking legislative reviews to ensure compliance with the Convention.尤其是,国家人权机构可以受理、调查和调解侵权申诉;对大规模的侵权行为进行公开调查;在冲突形势下进行斡旋,并开展立法审查,以确保遵守《公约》。
Where necessary, States should broaden the legislative mandate of national human rights institutions to accommodate children’s rights and business.必要时,各国应扩大国家人权机构的立法授权范围,将儿童的权利和商业包括在内。
When States develop national strategies and plans of action for implementation of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto, they should include explicit reference to the measures required to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights in the actions and operations of business enterprises.77. 国家在制定执行《公约》及其任择议定书的战略和行动计划时,应明确提到在商业企业的行动和业务中尊重、保护和落实儿童权利需要采取的措施。
States should also ensure that they monitor progress in implementation of the Convention in the activities and operations of business.各国还应确保监测在企业的行动和业务中执行《公约》的进展情况。
This can be achieved both internally through the use of child rights impact assessments and evaluations, as well as through collaboration with other bodies such as parliamentary committees, civil society organizations, professional associations and national human rights institutions.为此,可在内部进行儿童权利影响评估和评价,并与其他机构,如议会委员会、民间社会组织、专业协会和国家人权机构合作。
Monitoring should include asking children directly for their views on the impact of business on their rights.监测应包括就商业对儿童权利的影响直接征求儿童的意见。
Different mechanisms for consultation can be used, such as youth councils and parliaments, social media, school councils and associations of children.可以利用不同的协商机制,如青少年委员会和议会、社会媒体、校委会及儿童协会。
3. Child-rights impact assessments3. 儿童权利影响评估
Ensuring that the best interests of the child are a primary consideration in business-related legislation and policy development and delivery at all levels of government demands continuous child-rights impact assessments.78. 为确保各级政府在制定和实施商业相关立法和政策时以儿童的最大利益作为首要考虑,需要不断进行儿童权利影响评估。
These can predict the impact of any proposed business-related policy, legislation, regulations, budget or other administrative decisions which affect children and the enjoyment of their rights and should complement ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the impact of laws, policies and programmes on children’s rights.这些评估可预测任何拟议的商业相关政策、法律法规、预算或其他行政决定对儿童及其享有权利情况的影响,并应补充就法律、政策和方案对儿童权利的影响进行的持续监测和评价。
Different methodologies and practices may be developed when undertaking child-rights impact assessments. At a minimum they must use the framework of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto, as well as relevant concluding observations and general comments issued by the Committee.79. 在开展儿童权利影响评估时,可以制定不同的方法和做法,但至少要使用《公约》及其任择议定书框架,以及委员会发布的相关结论性意见和一般性意见。
When States conduct broader impact assessments of business-related policy, legislation or administrative practices, they should ensure that these assessments are underpinned by the general principles of the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto and have special regard for the differentiated impact on children of the measures under consideration.各国在对商业相关政策、立法或行政做法开展更广泛的影响评估时,应确保这些评估以《公约》及其任择议定书的一般原则为基础,并特别注意所考虑的措施对儿童的不同影响。
Child-rights impact assessments can be used to consider the impact on all children affected by the activities of a particular business or sector but can also include assessment of the differential impact of measures on certain categories of children.80. 儿童权利影响评估可用于审评某一特定企业或部门的活动对所有儿童的影响,也可包括关于各项措施对特定类别儿童不同影响的评估。
The assessment of the impact itself may be based upon input from children, civil society and experts, as well as from relevant government departments, academic research and experiences documented in the country or elsewhere.影响评估本身可基于儿童、民间社会和专家及相关政府部门的投入,以及学术研究和国内或其他地方记录的经验。
The analysis should result in recommendations for amendments, alternatives and improvements and be publicly available.分析应提出关于修改、替代方法和改进的建议,并应予以公开。
To ensure an impartial and independent process, the State may consider appointing an external actor to lead the assessment process.81. 为确保公正和独立性,国家可考虑任命一个外部行为者,主导评估进程。
This can have significant advantages, but the State, as the party ultimately responsible for the result, must ensure that the actor undertaking the assessment is competent, honest and impartial.这样会有很大好处,但国家作为结果的最终负责方,必须确保开展评估者是独立、诚实和公正的。
E. Collaborative and awareness-raising measuresE. 合作和提高认识措施
While it is the State that takes on obligations under the Convention, the task of implementation needs to engage all sectors of society, including business, civil society and children themselves.82. 虽然履行《公约》的义务由国家承担,但执行工作需要社会各方面,包括商业部门、民间社会和儿童本身的参与。
The Committee recommends that States adopt and implement a comprehensive strategy to inform and educate all children, parents and caregivers that business has a responsibility to respect children’s rights wherever they operate, including through child-friendly and age-appropriate communications, for example through the provision of education about financial awareness.委员会建议国家采取和实施全面的战略,通过对儿童友好和适合年龄的交流方式,例如提供经济认识方面的教育,让所有儿童、父母和照料者知道企业有责任尊重儿童的权利,无论它们在哪里经营。
Education, training and awareness-raising about the Convention should also be targeted at business enterprises to emphasize the status of the child as a holder of human rights, encourage active respect for all of the Convention’s provisions and challenge and eradicate discriminatory attitudes towards all children and especially those in vulnerable and disadvantaged situations.还应对商业企业开展关于《公约》的教育、培训和提高认识活动,强调儿童作为人权持有者的地位,鼓励积极遵守《公约》的所有规定,并质疑和消除针对所有儿童、尤其是处于弱势和不利境况的儿童的歧视态度。
In this context, the media should be encouraged to provide children with information about their rights in relation to business and raise awareness among businesses of their responsibility to respect children’s rights.在这方面,应鼓励媒体为儿童提供关于他们在商业方面权利的信息,并提高企业对其尊重儿童权利的责任的认识。
The Committee highlights that national human rights institutions can be involved in raising awareness of the Convention’s provisions amongst business enterprises, for instance by developing good practice guidance and policies for businesses and disseminating them.83. 委员会强调,国家人权机构可参与提高商业企业对《公约》认识的工作,例如为企业制定良好做法指导和政策并加以传播。
Civil society has a critical role in the independent promotion and protection of children’s rights in the context of business operations.84. 民间社会在独立促进和保护商业活动背景下的儿童权利方面,起着关键作用。
This includes monitoring and holding business accountable; supporting children to have access to justice and remedies; contributing to child-rights impact assessments; and raising awareness amongst businesses of their responsibility to respect children’s rights.其中包括监测和追究企业的责任;支持儿童诉诸司法和获得补救;促进儿童权利影响评估;以及提高企业对尊重儿童权利的责任的认识。
States should ensure conditions for an active and vigilant civil society, including effective collaboration with and support to independent civil society organizations, child and youth-led organizations, academia, chambers of commerce and industry, trade unions, consumer associations and professional institutions.国家应确保为建立一个积极、警觉的民间社会创造条件,包括与独立的民间社会组织、青少年组织、学术界、工商会、工会、消费者协会和专业机构有效合作并为之提供支持。
States should refrain from interfering with these and other independent organizations and facilitate their involvement in public policy and programmes relating to children’s rights and business.国家应避免对上述组织和其他独立组织的干预,并为它们参与同儿童权利和商业有关的公共政策和方案提供便利。
VII. Dissemination七. 传播
The Committee recommends that States widely disseminate the present general comment with parliament and across government, including within ministries, departments and municipal/local-level bodies working on business issues and those responsible for trade and investment abroad, such as development assistance agencies and overseas missions.85. 委员会建议各国在议会和各级政府,包括各个部委、部门和处理商业问题的市级/地方一级机构,以及负责国外贸易和投资的机构,如发展援助机构和海外使团中广泛传播本一般性意见。
The present general comment should be distributed to business enterprises, including those operating transnationally, as well as to small and medium-sized enterprises and actors in the informal sector.本一般性意见应分发给商业企业,包括跨国经营的企业,以及中小型企业和非正式部门的行为者。
It should also be distributed and made known to professionals working for and with children, including judges, lawyers and legal aid providers, teachers, guardians, social workers, officials of public or private welfare institutions, as well as to all children and civil society.还应向从事儿童工作的专业人员,如法官、律师和法律援助提供者、教师、监护人、社会工作者、公私营福利机构官员以及所有儿童和民间社会散发和宣传本一般性意见。
This will require translating it into relevant languages, making accessible and child-friendly versions available, holding workshops and seminars to discuss its implications and how best to implement it, and incorporating it into the training of all relevant professionals.这需要将其译成相关语言,提供可以获得和适合儿童的版本,举办关于讨论本意见的影响及如何予以充分实施的讲习班和研讨会,并将其纳入对所有相关专业人员的培训。
States should include information in their periodic reporting to the Committee on the challenges they face and the measures they have taken to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights in the context of the activities and operations of business enterprises both domestically and, where appropriate, transnationally.86. 各国应在向委员会提交的定期报告中,说明在国内经营以及跨国经营的商业企业的活动和业务中尊重、保护和落实儿童的权利所面临的挑战和已经采取的措施。
Adopted by the Committee at its sixty-second session (14 January – 1 February 2013).委员会第六十二届会议(2013年1月14日至2月1日)通过。
Committee on the Rights of the Child, report on its thirty-first session, CRC/C/121, annex II.儿童权利委员会,第三十一届会议报告,CRC/C/121, 附件二。
See Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to be free from all forms of violence, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/67/41), annex V, para. 59.见儿童权利委员会,关于儿童免遭一切形式暴力侵害的权利的第13号一般性意见(2011年),《大会正式记录,第六十七届会议,补编第41号》(A/67/41),附件五,第59段。
See General Comment No. 14 (2013) on the right of the child to have his/her best interests taken as a primary consideration: article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, forthcoming, para. 6.见关于儿童的最大利益得到首要考虑的权利第14号一般性意见(2013年):《儿童权利公约》第3条第1款,即将印发,第6段。
See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/59/41), annex XI, para. 12.见《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第41号》(A/59/41),附件十一,第12段。
General comment No. 11 (2009) on indigenous children and their rights under the convention, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/65/41), annex III, para. 35.关于土著儿童及其在《公约》下权利的第11号一般性意见(2009年),《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第41号》(A/65/41),附件三,第35段。
See general comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the highest attainable standard of health, forthcoming, para. 47.见关于儿童享有可达到的最高水准健康的权利的第15号一般性意见(2013年),即将印发,第47段。
See passim general comment No. 7 (2005) on implementing child rights in early childhood, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/61/41), annex III.见关于在幼儿期落实儿童权利的第7号一般性意见(2005年) 各处,《大会正式记录,第六十一届会议,补编第41号》(A/61/41),附件三。
General comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/65/41), annex IV.关于儿童表达意见的权利的第12号一般性意见(2009年),《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第41号》(A/65/41),附件四。
General comment No. 9 (2006) on the rights of children with disabilities, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/63/41), annex III, passim.关于残疾儿童权利的第9号一般性意见(2006年),《大会正式记录,第六十三届会议,补编第41号》(A/63/41),附件三,各处。
See Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 13 (1999) on the right to education, Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2000, Supplement No. 2 (E/2000/22), annex VI, para. 46.见经济、社会和文化权利委员会,关于接受教育的权利的第13号一般性意见(1999年),《经济及社会理事会正式记录,2000年,补编第2号》(E/2000/22),附件六,第46段。
General comment No. 5 (2003), para. 24.第5号一般性意见(2003年),第24段。
States should also take into account the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law adopted by General Assembly resolution 60/147 of 2005.各国还应考虑大会2005年第60/147号决议通过的《严重违反国际人权法和严重违反国际人道主义法行为受害人获得补救和赔偿的权利基本原则和导则》。
For example, see Convention on the Rights of the Child, arts. 32, para. 2; 19; and 39.例如,见《儿童权利公约》,第32条第2款、第19条和第39条。
See Committee on the Rights of the Child, report on its thirty-first session, CRC/C/121, annex II.见儿童权利委员会,第三十一届会议报告,CRC/C/121, 附件二。
See general comment No. 5, para. 44.见第5号一般性意见,第44段。
General comment No. 6 (2005) on treatment of unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/61/41), annex II, para. 12.关于远离原籍国无人陪伴和无父母陪伴的儿童待遇的第6号一般性意见(2005年),《大会正式记录,第六十一届会议,补编第41号》(A/61/41),附件二,第12段。
See Convention on the Rights of the Child, arts. 4; 24, para. 4; 28, para. 3; 17 and 22, para. 2; as well as Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, art. 10, and Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict, art. 10.见《儿童权利公约》,第4条、第24条第4款、第28条第3款、第17条和第22条第2款;以及《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品的任择议定书》第10条和《关于儿童卷入武装冲突的任择议定书》第10条。
General comment No. 5, para. 60.第5号一般性意见,第60段。
See Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, principle 25 (2012).见《关于国家在经济、社会和文化权利领域的域外义务的马斯特里赫特原则》, 原则25(2012年)。
Such as the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and/or the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.如经合组织《禁止在国际商业交易中贿赂外国公职人员公约》和(或)《联合国反腐败公约》。
See general comment No. 17 (2013) on the right of the child to rest, leisure, play, recreational activities, cultural life and the arts (art. 31), forthcoming.见关于儿童有权享有休息、闲暇、玩耍、娱乐活动、文化生活和艺术(第31条)的第17号一般性意见(2013年),即将印发。
ILO Conventions Nos. 182 (1999) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and 138 (1973) concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment.劳工组织关于禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童工的第182号公约(1999年)和关于准予就业最低年龄的第138号公约(1973年)。
Human Rights Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Companies in relation to Access to Medicines; Human Rights Council resolution 15/22.《制药公司在药物提供方面的人权准则》;人权理事会第15/22号决议。
See general comment No. 15, para. 82; World Trade Organization, Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2.见第15号一般性意见,第82段;世界贸易组织,《关于与贸易有关的知识产权协议和公共卫生的宣言》,WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2。
See UNICEF, Save the Children and Global Compact, Children’s Rights and Business Principles (2011).见儿童基金会,救助儿童和全球契约,儿童的权利与企业原则(2011年)。
Adopted by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 2005/20.经济及社会理事会在第2005/20号决议中通过。
Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, John Ruggie, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework, A/HRC/17/31, guiding principle 31.人权与跨国公司和其他工商企业问题秘书长特别代表约翰 •鲁格的报告,工商企业与人权:实施联合国“保护、尊重和补救”框架指导原则,A/HRC/17/31, 指导原则31。
General comment No. 5, para. 37.第5号一般性意见,第37段。
General comment No. 5, para. 45.第5号一般性意见,第45段。
General comment No. 14, para. 99.第14号一般性意见,第99段。