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CRC/GC/17 CRC_GC_17E.docx (English)CRC/GC/17 CRC_GC_17C.docx (Chinese)
General comment No. 17 (2013) on the right of the child to rest, leisure, play, recreational activities, cultural life and the arts (art. 31)关于儿童享有休息和闲暇、从事游戏和娱乐活动、参加文化生活和艺术活动的权利(第31条)的第17号一般性意见(2013年)
Document CRC/C/GC/17Document CRC/C/GC/17
I. Introduction一. 导言
The importance of play and recreation in the life of every child has long been acknowledged by the international community, as evidenced by the proclamation in the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child: “The child shall have full opportunity for play and recreation […]; society and the public authorities shall endeavour to promote the enjoyment of this right” (art. 7).1. 国际社会早已认识到游戏和娱乐在所有儿童的生活中发挥的重要作用。 1959年的《儿童权利宣言》中所作的声明――“儿童应有游戏和娱乐的充分机会[…];社会和公众事务当局应尽力设法使儿童得享此种权利”(第七条)――即证明了这一点。
This proclamation was further strengthened in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (the Convention) of 1989 which explicitly states in article 31 that “States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.”1989年的《儿童权利公约》(《公约》)进一步强化这一声明,在其第31条中明确指出:“缔约国确认儿童有权享有休息和闲暇,从事与儿童年龄相宜的游戏和娱乐活动,以及自由参加文化生活和艺术活动。”
However, based on its reviews of the implementation of the rights of the child under the Convention, the Committee is concerned by the poor recognition given by States to the rights contained in article 31.2. 然而,委员会基于对《公约》之下儿童权利落实情况的审查,对缔约国对第31条所载权利认识不足表示关切。
Poor recognition of their significance in the lives of children results in lack of investment in appropriate provisions, weak or non-existent protective legislation and the invisibility of children in national and local-level planning.对这些权利在儿童生活中发挥的重要作用认识不足,导致没有为提供适当设施进行投资,保护性法律薄弱或根本不存在,以及国家和地方层面的规划不考虑儿童等问题。
In general, where investment is made, it is in the provision of structured and organized activities, but equally important is the need to create time and space for children to engage in spontaneous play, recreation and creativity, and to promote societal attitudes that support and encourage such activity.一般而言,投资被用于提供有规划和有组织的活动,但同样重要的是,必须为儿童创造时间与空间,使他们能够从事自发游戏、娱乐和创造性活动,并促进社会支持和鼓励这类活动的态度。
The Committee is particularly concerned about the difficulties faced by particular categories of children in relation to enjoyment and conditions of equality of the rights defined in article 31, especially girls, poor children, children with disabilities, indigenous children, children belonging to minorities, among others.3. 委员会尤为关切的是,某些特定群体儿童,特别是女童、贫困儿童、残疾儿童、土著儿童、少数民族儿童等在享有第31条规定的权利和获得平等条件方面面临困难。
Furthermore, profound changes in the world are having a major impact on children’s opportunities to enjoy the rights provided for in article 31.4. 此外,世界的深刻变革对儿童享有第31条所载权利的机会产生了重大影响。
The urban population, especially in developing countries, is increasing significantly, as is violence worldwide in all its forms – at home, in schools, in mass media, in the streets.城市人口,尤其是发展中国家的城市人口正在大幅度增加,与此同时,全球范围内各种形式的暴力――在家中、学校、大众媒体和街头的暴力与日剧增。
The implications, along with the commercialization of play provisions, are influencing the ways children engage in recreation, as well as in cultural and artistic activities.这些暴力的影响,加上所提供游戏设施的商业化,都影响着儿童参加娱乐及文化和艺术活动的方式。
For many children in both rich and poor countries, child labour, domestic work or increasing educational demands serve to reduce the time available for the enjoyment of these rights.对富裕和贫穷国家的许多儿童而言,童工、家庭工作或教育要求的提高使他们可用于享受这些权利的时间减少。
This general comment has been developed to address these concerns, raise the profile, awareness and understanding among States of the centrality of the rights in article 31 in the life and development of every child, and urge them to elaborate measures to ensure their implementation.5. 编写本结论性意见旨在应对这些关切问题,提高第31条所载权利的地位,促进缔约国对这些权利在每个儿童的生活和发展过程中发挥的核心作用的认识和理解,并促请缔约国制定措施,确保落实这些权利。
The rights in article 31 have universal application in the diversity of communities and societies in the world and respect the value of all cultural traditions and forms.第31条所载权利普遍适用于世界上各种各样的社区与社会,尊重所有文化传统和文化形式的价值观。
Every child should be able to enjoy these rights regardless of where he or she lives, his or her cultural background or his or her parental status.每个儿童不论生活在何处,文化背景如何,其父母的地位如何,都应能够享有这些权利。
This general comment only touches tangentially on the issue of sport, as it is a major issue in its own right.6. 本结论性意见仅在表面上触及体育运动这一议题,因为它自身就是一项重要议题。
In respect of cultural life, the general comment focuses primarily on aspects related to creative or artistic activities, rather than the broader definition embraced in article 30 on the right of the child to enjoy his or her own culture.就文化生活而言,本一般性意见主要侧重与创造性或艺术活动相关的方面,而非第30条所述儿童享有自己的文化的权利这一更广义的定义。
II. Objectives二. 目标
The present general comment seeks to enhance the understanding of the importance of article 31 for children’s well-being and development; to ensure respect for and strengthen the application of the rights under article 31, as well as other rights in the Convention, and to highlight the implications for the determination of:7. 本一般性意见旨在促进对第31条对儿童的福祉和发展所发挥的重要作用的理解;确保尊重和加强适用第31条所载权利以及《公约》所载其他权利,并突出强调影响,以便确定:
(a) Consequent obligations of States in the elaboration of all implementation measures, strategies and programmes aimed at the realization and full implementation of the rights defined in article 31;缔约国在制定旨在实现和充分落实第31条所界定的权利的所有执行措施、战略和方案方面应尽的义务;
(b) The role and responsibilities of the private sector, including companies working in the areas of recreation, cultural and artistic activities, as well as civil society organizations providing such services for children;私营部门的作用和责任,包括从事娱乐、文化和艺术活动的公司以及为儿童提供这类服务的民间社会组织的作用和责任;
(c) Guidelines for all individuals working with children, including parents, on all actions undertaken in the area of play and recreation.就游戏和娱乐方面可采取的所有行动,向包括家长在内从事儿童工作的所有人提供指导。
III. Significance of article 31 in children’s lives三. 第31条在儿童生活中的重要意义
Article 31 must be understood holistically, both in terms of its constituent parts and also in its relationship with the Convention in its entirety.8. 理解第31条必须采纳整体方式,既理解其组成部分,还需理解该条与整个《公约》之间的关系。
Each element of article 31is mutually linked and reinforcing, and when realized, serves to enrich the lives of children.第31条的各项要素是相互联系、相辅相成的,满足这些要素可丰富儿童的生活。
Together, they describe conditions necessary to protect the unique and evolving nature of childhood.这些要素结合在一起,构成为儿童独特和不断发展的天性提供保护的必要条件。
Their realization is fundamental to the quality of childhood, to children’s entitlement to optimum development, to the promotion of resilience and to the realization of other rights.满足这些要素对童年生活的质量、对儿童享有最佳发展的权利、对促进韧性和实现其他权利至关重要。
Indeed, environments in which play and recreational opportunities are available to all children provide the conditions for creativity; opportunities to exercise competence through self-initiated play enhances motivation, physical activity and skills development; immersion in cultural life enriches playful interactions; rest ensures that children have the necessary energy and motivation to participate in play and creative engagement.具体而言,一种环境如果能够为所有儿童提供游戏和娱乐机会,就为创造性提供了条件;有机会通过自发游戏发挥能力,可促进激励、体力活动和技能的发展;融入文化生活可丰富有趣味的互动交流;休息能够确保儿童拥有参与游戏和创造性活动所需的精力和动力。
Play and recreation are essential to the health and well-being of children and promote the development of creativity, imagination, self-confidence, self-efficacy, as well as physical, social, cognitive and emotional strength and skills.9. 游戏和娱乐对儿童的健康和福祉至关重要,可促进创造性、想像力、自信、自我效能以及身体、社会、认知和情感力量和技能的培养。
They contribute to all aspects of learning; they are a form of participation in everyday life and are of intrinsic value to the child, purely in terms of the enjoyment and pleasure they afford.游戏和娱乐可促进学习的所有方面;游戏和娱乐是参与日常生活的一种形式,它们具有内在价值,正是因为它们为儿童提供了享受和快乐。
Research evidence highlights that playing is also central to children’s spontaneous drive for development, and that it performs a significant role in the development of the brain, particularly in the early years.研究证据强调,游戏对儿童自发产生发展动力至关重要,对大脑的发展发挥重要作用,尤其是在幼年时期。
Play and recreation facilitate children’s capacities to negotiate, regain emotional balance, resolve conflicts and make decisions.游戏和娱乐有助于促进儿童谈判,重新平衡情感,解决冲突和作出决策的能力。
Through their involvement in play and recreation, children learn by doing; they explore and experience the world around them; experiment with new ideas, roles and experiences and in so doing, learn to understand and construct their social position within the world.通过参加游戏和娱乐,儿童在行为中学习;他们探索和感知周围的世界;尝试新的想法、角色和体验,并在这一过程中学习理解和构筑他们在世界中所处的社会地位。
Both play and recreation can take place when children are on their own, together with their peers or with supportive adults.10. 儿童可在独处时、与伙伴在一起时或在有成人支持的情况下游戏和娱乐。
Children’s development can be supported by loving and caring adults as they relate to children through play.儿童的发展可得到关怀和爱护他们的成人的支持,因为他们通过游戏与儿童沟通。
Participation with children in play provides adults with unique insights and understanding into the child’s perspectives.参加儿童的游戏使成人获得独特的洞察力,并能够从儿童的视角出发理解问题。
It builds respect between generations, contributes to effective understanding and communication between children and adults and affords opportunities to provide guidance and stimulus.成人参与儿童游戏培养两代人之间的相互尊重,有利于儿童和成人之间有效的相互理解和沟通,并创造了提供指导和激励的机会。
Children benefit from recreational activities involving adults, including voluntary participation in organized sports, games and other recreational activities.成人参与娱乐活动,包括自愿参加有组织的体育项目、竞赛和其他娱乐活动可使儿童获益。
However, the benefits are diminished, particularly in the development of creativity, leadership and team spirit if control by adults is so pervasive that it undermines the child’s own efforts to organize and conduct his or her play activities.但是,如果成人施加过多控制,以致于破坏了儿童自己组织和开展游戏活动的努力,则会降低可在培养创造性、领导能力和团队精神等方面取得的收益。
Involvement in a community’s cultural life is an important element of children’s sense of belonging.11. 参加某一社区的文化生活是儿童获得归属感的重要因素。
Children inherit and experience the cultural and artistic life of their family, community and society, and through that process, they discover and forge their own sense of identity and, in turn, contribute to the stimulation and sustainability of cultural life and traditional arts.儿童继承和体验其家庭、社区和社会的文化及艺术生活,通过这个过程发现和塑造自身的认同感,并反过来促进对文化生活和传统艺术的激励,加强其可持续性。
In addition, children reproduce, transform, create and transmit culture through their own imaginative play, songs, dance, animation, stories, painting, games, street theatre, puppetry, festivals, and so on.12. 此外,儿童通过自己的想像游戏、歌曲、舞蹈、动画、故事、绘画、比赛、街头戏剧、木偶游戏、节日等活动,复制、改变、创造和传播文化。
As they gain understanding of the cultural and artistic life around them from adult and peer relationships, they translate and adapt its meaning through their own generational experience.随着他们从大人和伙伴关系中获得对周围文化和艺术生活的理解,他们会通过自己这一代人的经验解释和调整这种生活的意义。
Through engagement with their peers, children create and transmit their own language, games, secret worlds, fantasies and other cultural knowledge.通过与伙伴的玩耍,儿童创造和传递自己的语言、游戏、秘密的世界、幻想及其他文化知识。
Children’s play generates a “culture of childhood,” from games in school and in the playground to urban activities such as playing marbles, free running, street art and so on.从儿童的游戏当中生发出一种“儿童文化”,从学校和游戏场所的游戏,到城市儿童的活动,如玩弹球、自由奔跑、街头艺术等等。
Children are also at the forefront in using digital platforms and virtual worlds to establish new means of communication and social networks, through which different cultural environments and artistic forms are being forged.儿童也是率先使用数字平台和虚拟世界建立新的沟通方式和社交网络的人群,这类网络正在塑造不同的文化环境和艺术形式。
Participation in cultural and artistic activities are necessary for building children’s understanding, not only of their own culture, but other cultures, as it provides opportunities to broaden their horizons and learn from other cultural and artistic traditions, thus contributing towards mutual understanding and appreciation of diversity.参加文化和艺术活动不仅有利于帮助儿童形成对自身文化的理解,也帮助他们理解其他文化,因为这种活动为他们提供了扩大视野和从其他文化和艺术传统中学习的机会,有利于相互理解和欣赏多样性。
Finally, rest and leisure are as important to children’s development as the basics of nutrition, housing, health care and education.13. 最后,休息和闲暇对儿童发展的重要性不亚于营养、住房、医疗保健和教育等基本要素。
Without sufficient rest, children will lack the energy, motivation and physical and mental capacity for meaningful participation or learning.如果得不到充分的休息,儿童就缺乏进行有意义的参与或学习所需的精力、动力及体能和心智能力。
Denial of rest can have an irreversible physical and psychological impact on the development, health and well-being of children.剥夺儿童的休息权可能对儿童的身体和心智发展、健康和福祉造成无法挽回的影响。
Children also need leisure, defined as time and space without obligations, entertainment or stimulus, which they can choose to fill as actively or inactively as they wish.儿童还需要闲暇,即没有任何义务、娱乐活动或刺激物的时间和空间,他们可以选择按照自己的意愿,以活动或不活动的方式填补这些时间和空间。
IV. Legal analysis of article 31四. 第31条法律分析
A. Article 31, paragraph 1A. 第31条,第1款
States parties recognize the right of the child to:14. 缔约国承认儿童享有以下权利:
(a) Rest: The right to rest requires that children are afforded sufficient respite from work, education or exertion of any kind, to ensure their optimum health and well-being.休息:休息权要求允许儿童能够从任何种类的工作、教育或消耗体力的活动中充分恢复过来,以确保他们的最佳健康状况和福祉。
It also requires that they are provided with the opportunity for adequate sleep.这一权利还要求为儿童提供充足睡眠的机会。
In fulfilling the right to both respite from activity and adequate sleep, regard must be afforded to children’s evolving capacities and their developmental needs.在帮助儿童实现活动后恢复体力和充足睡眠的权利时,必须考虑儿童能力的变化及其发展需要。
(b) Leisure: Leisure refers to time in which play or recreation can take place.闲暇:闲暇指的是可用于游戏或娱乐的时间。
It is defined as free or unobligated time that does not involve formal education, work, home responsibilities, performance of other life-sustaining functions or engaging in activity directed from outside the individual.其定义是自由时间,即不指定用途的时间,在这一时间中不进行正式教育、不工作、不承担家庭责任、履行其他维持生计的职能或参加个人以外的其他人指导的活动。
In other words it is largely discretionary time to be used as the child chooses.换而言之,这是主要由儿童按照自己的意愿自由处置的时间。
(c) Play: Children’s play is any behaviour, activity or process initiated, controlled and structured by children themselves; it takes place whenever and wherever opportunities儿童的游戏指的是由儿童本身发起、控制和组织的任何行为、活动或程序;只要出现机会,游戏可在任何时间、任何地点进行。
Caregivers may contribute to the creation of environments in which play takes place, but play itself is non-compulsory, driven by intrinsic motivation and undertaken for its own sake, rather than as a means to an end.看护人可帮助创造游戏环境,但游戏本身并非强制,它受内在动力驱使,游戏本身就是目的,而非达到最终目的的手段。
Play involves the exercise of autonomy, physical, mental or emotional activity, and has the potential to take infinite forms, either in groups or alone.游戏有利于发挥自主性、包括身体、心理或情感活动,其形式可能没有穷尽,可能在团体中或单独进行。
These forms will change and be adapted throughout the course of childhood.这些形式在整个童年期间不断变化和调整。
The key characteristics of play are fun, uncertainty, challenge, flexibility and non-productivity.游戏的关键特征包括趣味性、不确定性、挑战、灵活性和非生产性。
Together, these factors contribute to the enjoyment it produces and the consequent incentive to continue to play.这些因素结合在一起促进了游戏激发的快乐感,并为继续游戏提供动力。
While play is often considered non-essential, the Committee reaffirms that it is a fundamental and vital dimension of the pleasure of childhood, as well as an essential component of physical, social, cognitive, emotional and spiritual development.经常有人认为游戏并不重要,但委员会重申,游戏是儿童时代快乐生活的一个根本和重要方面,也是身体、社会、认知、情感和精神发展的一项关键要素。
(d) Recreational activities: Recreation is an umbrella term used to describe a very broad range of activities, including, inter alia, participation in music, art, crafts, community engagement, clubs, sports, games, hiking and camping, pursuing hobbies.娱乐活动:娱乐是一个总括术语,用于描述形形色色的各种活动,其中包括参加音乐、艺术、手工活动、社区活动、俱乐部、体育运动、竞赛、徒步旅行和野营、培养爱好等。
It consists of activities or experiences, chosen voluntarily by the child, either because of the immediate satisfaction provided or because he or she perceives that some personal or social value will be gained by accomplishing them.娱乐活动包括儿童自愿选择的活动或体验,或者因为完成这些活动或体验能够使儿童立即得到满足,或者因为他/她认为自己能够从中实现一些个人或社会价值。
Recreation often takes place in spaces specifically designed for it.娱乐经常在专门为娱乐而设计的空间中进行。
While many recreational activities may be organized and managed by adults, recreation should be a voluntary activity.虽然许多娱乐活动可能是由成年人组织和管理的,但娱乐应当是一项自愿活动。
Compulsory or enforced games and sports or compulsory involvement in a youth organization, for example, do not constitute recreation.例如,强制或被迫参加竞赛和体育运动或强制参加青年人组织都不属于娱乐。
(e) Appropriate to the age of the child: Article 31 emphasizes the importance of activities appropriate to the age of the child.与儿童的年龄相宜:第31条强调活动与儿童年龄相宜的重要性。
In respect of play and recreation, the age of the child must be taken into account in determining the amount of time afforded; the nature of spaces and environments available; forms of stimulation and diversity; the degree of necessary adult oversight and engagement to ensure safety and security.就游戏和娱乐而言,在确定提供的时间、可用空间和环境的特性、激励的形式和多样性、必要的成人监管程度以及确保安全和保安等问题时,必须考虑儿童的年龄。
As children grow older, their needs and wants evolve from settings that afford play opportunities to places offering opportunities to socialize, be with peers or be alone.随着儿童逐渐长大,他们的需求和愿望会发生变化,从希望提供有游戏机会的场所转变为提供社交机会,与伙伴相处或独处的场所。
They will also explore progressively more opportunities involving risk-taking and challenge.他们还会逐渐探索更多需要承担风险和应对挑战的机会。
These experiences are developmentally necessary for adolescents, and contribute to their discovery of identity and belonging.这些体验符合青少年的发展需要,有利于他们找到认同和归属感。
(f) Cultural life and the arts: The Committee endorses the view that it is through cultural life and the arts that children and their communities express their specific identity and the meaning they give to their existence, and build their world view representing their encounter with external forces affecting their lives.文化生活和艺术活动:委员会赞同一种观点,即儿童及其团体正是通过文化生活和艺术活动来表达他们的特定身份及其赋予生存的意义,并在与影响其生活的外部力量碰撞之后建立他们的世界观。
Cultural and artistic expression is articulated and enjoyed in the home, school, streets and public spaces, as well as through dance, festivals, crafts, ceremonies, rituals, theatre, literature, music, cinema, exhibitions, film, digital platforms and video.文化和艺术表现形式可在家中、学校、街头和公共场所进行,还可通过舞蹈、节日、手工、庆祝活动、仪式、戏剧、文学、音乐、电影、展览、影片、数字平台和视频等方式实现。
Culture derives from the community as a whole; no child should be denied access either to its creation or to its benefits.文化发源于整个社区;不得剥夺任何儿童创造文化或从中获益的权利。
Cultural life emerges from within the culture and community, rather than imposed from above, with the role of States being to serve as facilitators not suppliers.文化生活来自文化和社区内部,而非自上至下强加于人,国家担任提供便利者而非供应者的角色。
(g) Participate freely: The right of children to participate freely in cultural life and the arts requires that States parties respect and abstain from interfering in the child’s access to, choice of and engagement in such activities, subject to the obligation to ensure the protection of the child and the promotion of the child’s best interests.自由参加:儿童自由参加文化生活和艺术活动的权利要求缔约国根据确保保护儿童和增进儿童最大利益的义务,尊重儿童获得选择和参与这类活动的权利,避免对其实施干涉。
States parties must also ensure that others do not restrict that right.缔约国还必须确保这项权利不受到其他人的限制。
The child’s decision to exercise or not exercise this right is his or her choice and, as such, should be recognized, respected and protected.儿童决定行使或不行使这项权利是个人选择,因此,其决定应得到承认、尊重和保护。
B. Article 31, paragraph 2B. 第31条,第2款
States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child:15. 缔约国应尊重并促进儿童的以下权利:
(a) Participate fully in cultural and artistic life: The right to participate fully has three inter-related and mutually reinforcing dimensions:充分参加文化和艺术生活:充分参加的权利具有三个相互联系并相辅相成的方面:
(i) Access necessitates that children are provided the opportunities to experience cultural and artistic life and to learn about a wide range of different forms of expression;“接触”要求为儿童提供体验文化和艺术生活及了解各种不同表达形式的机会;
(ii) Participation requires that concrete opportunities are guaranteed for children, individually or as a group, to express themselves freely, to communicate, act and engage in creative activities, with a view to the full development of their personalities;“参与”要求保证为儿童个人或团体提供切实机会,使他们能够自由地表达自己、沟通、表现和参加创造性活动,从而使他们的个性得到充分发展;
(iii) Contribution to cultural life encompasses the right of children to contribute to the spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional expressions of culture and the arts, thereby furthering the development and transformation of the society to which he or she belongs.“促进文化生活”包括儿童有权促进以精神、物质、智力和情感方式对文化和艺术的表达,从而推动其所属社会的发展与转型。
(b) Encourage the provision of appropriate opportunities: Although the requirement to encourage the provision of appropriate opportunities specifies cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity, the Committee interprets it as including play also, further to article 4 of the Convention.鼓励提供适当的机会:虽然鼓励提供适当机会的要求具体列举出文化、艺术、娱乐和休闲活动,但委员会根据《公约》第4条对这一条所作的解释也纳入了游戏。
States parties must therefore ensure the necessary and appropriate preconditions for participation to facilitate and promote opportunities for the realization of the rights under article 31.因此,缔约国必须确保为儿童的参与创造必要和适当的先决条件,以推动和促进实现第31条之下权利的机会。
Children can only realize their rights if the necessary legislative, policy, budgetary, environmental and service frameworks are in place.只有在制定了必要的立法、政策、预算、环境和服务框架的前提下,儿童才可能实现其权利。
(c) Provision of equal opportunities: Every child must be afforded equal opportunities to enjoy his or her rights under article 31.提供均等的机会:必须为每个儿童享有第31条之下的权利提供均等的机会。
V. Article 31 in the broader context of the Convention五. 第31条与更广泛的《公约》背景
A. Links with the general principles of the ConventionA. 与《公约》一般原则之间的联系
Article 2 (non-discrimination): The Committee emphasizes that States parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that all children have the opportunity to realize their rights under article 31 without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.16. 第2条(不歧视):委员会强调,缔约国应采取一切适当措施,确保所有儿童有机会实现其在第31条之下的权利,不受任何种类的歧视,不因儿童或其父母或法定 监护人的种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、伤残、出身或其他身份而有任何差别。
Particular attention should be given to addressing the rights of certain groups of children, including, inter alia, girls, children with disabilities, children living in poor or hazardous environments, children living in poverty, children in penal, health-care or residential institutions, children in situations of conflict or humanitarian disaster, children in rural communities, asylum-seeking and refugee children, children in street situations, nomadic groups, migrant or internally displaced children, children of indigenous origin and from minority groups, working children, children without parents and children subjected to significant pressure for academic attainment.应 尤其关注某些儿童群体的权利,其中包括女童、残疾儿童、在贫困或危险环境中生活的儿童、贫困儿童、惩教机构、医疗保健机构或收容机构的儿童、处于冲突或人 道主义危机处境的儿童、农村社区的儿童、寻求庇护和难民儿童、街头儿童、游牧民族儿童、移徙或内部流离失所儿童、土著儿童和少数民族儿童、童工、无父母的 儿童以及面临极大学业压力的儿童。
Article 3 (best interests of the child): The Committee emphasizes that the realization of the rights under article 31is, by definition, in the child’s best interests.17. 第3条(儿童的最大利益):委员会强调,依照定义,实现第31条之下的权利符合儿童的最大利益。
The obligation to consider the child’s best interests applies to children as individuals and as a group or constituency.考虑儿童最大利益的义务适用于儿童个人及其团体或群组。
All legislative, policy and budgetary measures, as well as measures relating to environmental or service provision, which are likely to impact on the rights provided for in article 31 must take into consideration the best interests of children.所有的立法、政策和预算措施以及可能影响到第31条规定的权利、涉及环境或服务规定的措施都必须考虑儿童的最大利益。
This would apply, for example, to regulations relating to health and safety, solid waste disposal and collection, residential and transportation planning, design and accessibility of the urban landscape, provision of parks and other green spaces, determination of school hours, child labour and education legislation, planning applications or legislation governing privacy on the Internet, among others.例如,这一条适用于涉及以下问题的规章:健康和安全、固体废弃物的处置和收集、居住和运输规划、城市面貌的设计和无障碍性、提供公园和其他绿地、确定学校作息时间、童工和教育立法、实施规划或制定有关互联网隐私权的法律等。
Article 6 (life, survival and development): State parties must ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the life, survival and development of the child.18. 第6条(生命、存活与发展):缔约国必须尽最大可能,确保儿童的生命、存活与发展。
In this regard, the Committee draws attention to the need to recognize the positive value of each dimension of article 31 in promoting the development and evolving capacities of children.在这方面,委员会提请注意,必须认识到第31条的不同方面对促进儿童发展和提高其能力发挥的积极价值。
This also requires that the measures introduced to implement article 31 are in accordance with the developmental needs of children at all ages.这一点也意味着用于落实第31条的措施应符合所有年龄儿童的发展需要。
States parties should promote awareness and understanding of the centrality of play for children’s development among parents, caregivers, government officials and all professionals working with and for children.游戏对儿童的发展发挥核心作用,缔约国应帮助家长、看护人、政府工作人员和所有从事儿童工作的专业人员提高对这一问题的认识和理解。
Article 12 (right to be heard): Children, as individuals and as a group, have the right to express their views on all matters of concern to them, which should be given due weight, in accordance with their age and maturity, and they should receive adequate support to express their views, where necessary.19. 第12条(发表意见权):作为单独的个体和一个群体,儿童有权对影响他们的一切事项发表意见,对儿童的意见应按照其年龄和成熟程度给以适当的看待,必要时应对儿童发表意见给予适当支持。
Children are entitled to exercise choice and autonomy in their play and recreational activities, as well as in their participation in cultural and artistic activities.儿童在从事游戏和娱乐活动以及参加文化和艺术活动时有权选择和发挥自主性。
The Committee underlines the importance of providing opportunities for children to contribute to the development of legislation, policies, strategies and design of services to ensure the implementation of the rights under article 31.委员会强调,必须为儿童提供促进制定法律、政策、战略和设计服务的机会,以确保履行第31条之下的权利。
Such contribution could include their involvement, for example, in consultations on policies related to play and recreation, on legislation affecting educational rights and school organization and curriculum or protective legislation relating to child labour, on the development of parks and other local facilities, on urban planning and design for child-friendly communities and environments, and their feedback could be sought on opportunities for play or recreation and cultural activities within the school and the wider community.例如,儿童在这方面的贡献可包括参与涉及以下问题的磋商:与游戏和娱乐相关的政策、影 响受教育权、学校架构及课程设置的法律或与童工相关的保护性法律、建设公园和其他地方设施、城市规划和设计对儿童友好的社区与环境,还可向儿童了解他们对 学校和更广泛的社区提供的游戏或娱乐及文化活动等机会的反馈意见。
B. Links with other relevant rightsB. 与其他相关权利之间的联系
Article 13: The right to freedom of expression is fundamental to the right to participate freely in cultural and artistic activity.20. 第13条:言论自由权是自由参加文化和艺术活动权的基本内容。
Children have the right to express themselves in whatever way they choose, subject only to restrictions as defined by law and when necessary to ensure respect for the rights and reputations of others, and for the protection of national security, public order and public health or morals.儿童有权以他们选择的任何方式表达自我,仅在必要时受到法律规定的限制,以确保尊重他人的权利和名誉以及保护国家安全或公共秩序或公共卫生或道德。
Article 15: Children have the right to exercise choice in their friendships, as well as membership of social, cultural, sporting and other forms of organization.21. 第15条:儿童有权选择朋友,也有权参加社会、文化、运动和其他形式的组织。
Freedom of association represents an integral dimension of their rights under article 31, as children together create forms of imaginative play that are rarely achieved in adult-child relations.结社的自由是其在第31条之下享有权利的一个组成部分,因为儿童可一同创造在成人和儿童之间很难进行的各种形式的想象游戏。
Children need to engage with peers of both sexes, as well as with people of different abilities, classes, cultures and ages, in order to learn cooperation, tolerance, sharing and resourcefulness.儿童需要与同性和异性的伙伴以及与拥有不同能力、来自不同阶层、文化和年龄不同的伙伴相处,以便学习合作、容忍、分享和随机应变。
Play and recreation create the opportunities for the formation of friendships and can play a key role in strengthening civil society, contributing towards the social, moral and emotional development of the child, shaping culture and building communities.游戏和娱乐为结成友谊创造机会,能够在加强公民社会、促进儿童的社会、道德和情感发展、塑造文化与建设社区等方面发挥关键作用。
State parties must facilitate opportunities to enable children to meet freely with their peers at the community level.缔约国必须加强提供机会,使儿童能够在社区层面与他们的伙伴自由相处。
They must also respect and support the right of children to establish, join and leave associations, and the right to peaceful assembly.缔约国还必须尊重和支持儿童设立、加入和离开社团的权利以及和平集会的权利。
However, children should never be compelled to participate or join organizations.然而,决不应强迫儿童参加或加入组织。
Article 17: Children are entitled to information and materials which are of social and cultural benefit and which derive from a diversity of community, national and international sources.22. 第17条:儿童有权获得可带来社会和文化收益、来自不同社区、国家和国际来源的信息和资料。
Access to such information and materials is essential for their realization of the right to participate fully in cultural and artistic activity.获得这类信息和资料对他们实现充分参与文化和艺术活动的权力至关重要。
States parties are encouraged to ensure that children are provided with the widest possible access, through different media, to information and materials related to their own culture and to other cultures, in a language that they understand, including sign language and Braille, and by permitting exceptions to copyright laws in order to ensure the availability of printed materials in alternative formats.鼓励缔约国确保通过不同媒体,尽可能地为儿童广泛提供与其自身文化和其他文化相关的信息和资料,使用他们理解的语言,包括手语和盲文,允许版权法给予特例,以便确保以其他形式提供印刷资料。
In so doing, care must be taken to protect and preserve cultural diversity and to avoid cultural stereotypes.同时必须认真保护和保留文化多样性,避免文化偏见。
Article 22: Refugee and asylum-seeking children face profound challenges in realizing their rights under article 31 as they often experience both dislocation from their own traditions and culture and exclusion from the culture of the host country.23. 第22条:难民儿童和寻求庇护儿童在实现第31条之下的权利方面面临深刻挑战,因为他们常常在经受自身的传统与文化错位的同时受到东道国文化的排斥。
Efforts must be made to ensure that refugee and asylum-seeking children have equal opportunities with children from the host country to enjoy the rights provided for in article 31.必须努力确保难民和寻求庇护儿童拥有与东道国儿童均等的机会,以享有第31条规定的权利。
Recognition must also be afforded to the right of refugee children to preserve and practice their own recreational, cultural and artistic traditions.还必须认识到,难民儿童有权保留和实践自己的娱乐、文化和艺术传统。
Article 23: Accessible and inclusive environments and facilities must be made available to children with disabilities to enable them to enjoy their rights under article 31.24. 第23条:必须向残疾儿童提供无障碍和包容性的环境与设施,使他们能够享有在第31条之下的权利。
Families, caregivers and professionals must recognize the value of inclusive play, both as a right and as a means of achieving optimum development, for children with disabilities.家庭、看护人和专业人员必须认识到具有包容性的游戏的价值,它既是残疾儿童的权利,也是其实现最优发展的手段。
States parties should promote opportunities for children with disabilities, as equal and active participants in play, recreation and cultural and artistic life, by awareness-raising among adults and peers, and by providing age-appropriate support or assistance.缔约国应促进为残疾儿童提供机会,使其平等和积极地参与游戏、娱乐和文化与艺术生活,方法包括提高成人和残疾儿童伙伴的认识,以及提供与其年龄相宜的支持或援助。
Article 24: Not only does the realization of the rights provided for in article 31 contribute to the health, well-being and development of children, but also appropriate provision for children to enjoy the rights under article 31 when they are ill and/or hospitalized will play an important role in facilitating their recovery.25. 第24条:实现第31条规定的权利不仅可促进儿童的健康、福祉和发展,而且有关生病和/或住院儿童享有第31条所载权利的适当规定可对促进儿童康复发挥重要作用。
Article 27: Inadequate standard of living, insecure or overcrowded conditions, unsafe and unsanitary environments, inadequate food, enforced harmful or exploitative work can all serve to limit or deny children the opportunity to enjoy their rights under article 31.26. 第27条:生活水准不足、不安全或过于拥挤的条件、不安全和不卫生的环境、食物不足、强迫从事有害或剥削性工作,上述这些情况都限制或剥夺了儿童享有第31条所载权利的机会。
States parties are encouraged to take into account the implications for children’s rights under article 31 when developing policies relating to social protection, employment, housing and access to public spaces for children, especially those living without opportunities for play and recreation in their own homes.鼓励缔约国在制订有关儿童,尤其是在自己家中没有机会游戏和娱乐的儿童的社会保护、就业、住房和使用公共场所的政策时,考虑这些政策对第31条之下儿童权利的影响。
Articles 28 and 29: Education must be directed to the development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to the fullest potential.27. 第28和29条:教育必须以在最大程度上发展儿童的个性、才智和身心能力为导向。
Implementation of the rights under article 31 is essential to achieving compliance with the right provided for in article 29.实现第31条所载权利对遵守第29条所载权利至关重要。
For children to optimize their potential, they require opportunities for cultural and artistic development as well as participation in sports and games.儿童要发挥最大潜力,需要文化和艺术发展以及参加运动和竞赛的机会。
The Committee also emphasizes that the rights under article 31 are of positive benefit to children’s educational development; inclusive education and inclusive play are mutually reinforcing and should be facilitated during the course of every day throughout early childhood education and care (preschool) as well as primary and secondary school.委员会还强调,第31条之下的权利能够使儿童的教育发展获得积极收益;包容教育和具有包容性的游戏相辅相成,应在幼教(学前)以及在小学和中学阶段的每一天中为这类教育和游戏提供便利。
While relevant and necessary for children of all ages, play is particularly significant in the early years of schooling.虽然游戏对所有年龄的儿童都很重要和必要,但在就学的前几年尤其具有重要意义。
Research has shown that play is an important means through which children learn.研究表明,游戏是儿童学习的重要方式。
Article 30: Children from ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities should be encouraged to enjoy and participate in their own cultures.28. 第30条:应鼓励来自族裔、宗教或语言少数群体的儿童享受和参与自己的文化活动。
States should respect the cultural specificities of children from minority communities as well as children of indigenous origin, and ensure that they are afforded equal rights with children from majority communities to participate in cultural and artistic activities reflecting their own language, religion and culture.缔约国应尊重来自少数群体的儿童及土著儿童的文化特性,确保给予他们与来自多数群体儿童均等的权利,使他们能够参加反映其自身的语言、宗教和文化的文化与艺术活动。
Article 32: The Committee notes that in many countries, children are engaged in arduous work which denies them their rights under article 31.29. 第32条:委员会注意到,在许多国家,一些儿童从事繁重的工作,导致他们被剥夺了在第31条之下的权利。
Furthermore, millions of children are working as domestic workers or in non-hazardous occupations with their families without adequate rest or education, throughout most of their childhood.此外,有数百万儿童在整个童年时代的大部分时间中与其家人一样担任家庭工人或从事不危险的工作,得不到充分的休息或教育。
States need to take all necessary measures to protect all child workers from conditions that violate their rights under article 31.各国必须采取一切必要措施保护所有童工,使他们免受侵犯其在第31条之下权利的待遇。
Articles 19, 34, 37 and 38: Violence, sexual exploitation, deprivation of liberty by unlawful or arbitrary means and forced service in armed conflicts impose conditions that seriously impede or even eliminate children’s abilities to enjoy play, recreation and participation in cultural life and the arts.30. 第19条、第34条、第37条和第38条:暴力、性剥削、以非法或任意手段剥夺自由以及强迫在武装冲突中服役等情况严重阻碍,甚至完全剥夺了儿童享有游戏、娱乐和参加文化生活与艺术活动的能力。
Bullying by other children can also be a major impediment to the enjoyment of the rights under article 31.受到其他儿童的欺负也可能成为享有第31条之下权利的主要阻碍因素。
Those rights can only be realized if States parties take all necessary measures to protect children from such acts.缔约国只有采取一切必要措施,保护儿童免于遭受这类行为,才可能实现上述权利。
Article 39: States parties should ensure that children who have experienced neglect, exploitation, abuse or other forms of violence are provided with support for recovery and reintegration.31. 第39条:缔约国应确保为遭受忽视、剥削、虐待或其他暴力形式的儿童提供康复和重返社会方面的支持。
Children’s experiences, including those which are painful and damaging, can be communicated through play or artistic expression.儿童的经历,包括那些痛苦和使之受到伤害的经历可通过游戏或艺术表现形式传达。
Opportunities to realize the rights under article 31 can provide a valuable means through which children can externalize traumatic or difficult life experiences in order to make sense of their past and better cope with their future.提供实现第31条之下权利的机会可作为一种重要方式,儿童可通过这种方式表达创伤或痛苦的人生经历,以理解其过去,并更好地应对未来。
Play and artistic expression would enable them to communicate, better understand their own feelings and thoughts, prevent or resolve psychosocial challenges and learn to manage relationships and conflicts through a natural, self-guided, self-healing process.游戏和艺术表达能够使他们通过一种自然、自我引导和自我治疗的过程,传达和更好地理解他们自身的感受和想法,预防或解决精神问题,并学习管理人际关系和冲突。
VI. Creating the context for the realization of article 31六. 为实现第31条创造条件
A. Factors for an optimum environmentA. 最佳环境的要素
Children have a spontaneous urge to play and participate in recreational activities and will seek out opportunities to do so in the most unfavourable environments.32. 儿童拥有对游戏和参加娱乐活动的自发渴求,即使是在最为恶劣的环境中也会寻找机会进行这类活动。
However, certain conditions need to be assured, in accordance with children’s evolving capacities, if they are to realize their rights under article 31 to the optimum extent.但是,要使儿童能够在最大程度上实现其在第31条之下的权利,有必要根据儿童不断发展的能力,确保提供某些条件。
As such, children should have:正因为如此,儿童应拥有:
Freedom from stress;不受压力束缚的自由;
Freedom from social exclusion, prejudice or discrimination;免受社会排斥、偏见或歧视的自由;
An environment secure from social harm or violence;免受社会伤害或暴力的安全的环境;
An environment sufficiently free from waste, pollution, traffic and other physical hazards to allow them to circulate freely and safely within their local neighbourhood;足以避免浪费、污染、交通阻塞和其他物质危险的环境,使他们能够在自己的当地街区内自由和安全地行动;
Availability of rest appropriate to their age and development;与其年龄和发展相适宜的休息;
Availability of leisure time, free from other demands;不受其他命令约束的闲暇时间;
Accessible space and time for play, free from adult control and management;用于游戏、不受成人控制和管理的空间和时间;
Space and opportunities to play outdoors unaccompanied in a diverse and challenging physical environment, with easy access to supportive adults, when necessary;在多样化和具有挑战性的户外物理环境中无人陪伴进行游戏的空间和机会,并且在必要时可便捷地寻求成人支持;
Opportunities to experience, interact with and play in natural environments and the animal world;感受自然环境和动物世界、与这类环境和世界交流,在其中游戏的机会;
Opportunities to invest in their own space and time so as to create and transform their world, using their imagination and languages;投身于自己的空间和时间的机会,从而利用其想象和语言创造和改变其世界;
Opportunities to explore and understand the cultural and artistic heritage of their community, participate in, create and shape it;探索和理解其社区文化与艺术遗产、参与、创造和塑造这一遗产的机会;
Opportunities to participate with other children in games, sports and other recreational activities, supported, where necessary, by trained facilitators or coaches;与其他儿童一道参加竞赛、体育运动和其他娱乐活动,在必要时得到经过培训的培训师或教练支持的机会;
Recognition by parents, teachers and society as a whole of the value and legitimacy of the rights provided for in article 31.家长、教师和社会作为一个整体承认第31条所载权利的价值与合理性。
B. Challenges to be addressed in the realization of article 31B. 实现第31条需应对的挑战
Lack of recognition of the importance of play and recreation: In many parts of the world, play is perceived as “deficit” time spent in frivolous or unproductive activity of no intrinsic worth.33. 游戏和娱乐的重要性得不到认可:在世界许多地方,游戏被视为没有任何内在价值、被用于无意义或无产出活动的“亏损”时间。
Parents, caregivers and public administrators commonly place a higher priority on studying or economic work than on play, which is often considered noisy, dirty, disruptive and intrusive.家长、看护人和公务人员通常更加重视学习或经济工作,而非游戏,因为常常认为游戏吵闹、肮脏、有破坏性并令人反感。
Moreover, adults often lack the confidence, skill or understanding to support children’s play and to interact with them in a playful way.此外,成人常常缺乏支持儿童游戏并且以玩耍的方式与儿童进行交流的信心,技能或知识。
Both the right of children to engage in play and recreation and their fundamental importance of those activities for children’s well-being, health and development are poorly understood and undervalued.不论是儿童参加游戏和娱乐的权利,还是这些活动对儿童的福祉、健康和发展发挥的根本重要意义,都得不到理解而且受到贬低。
When play is recognized, it is usually physically active play and competitive games(sport) that are valued above fantasy or social drama, for example.例如,当游戏得到认可时,通常要求身体活动的游戏和竞技比赛(体育运动)比幻想或社会戏剧更受重视。
The Committee emphasizes that greater recognition of the forms and locations of play and recreation preferred by older children is particularly necessary.委员会强调,进一步认可年长一些的儿童偏爱的游戏和娱乐的形式与地点尤为重要。
Adolescents often seek places to meet with their peers and explore their emerging independence and transition to adulthood.青少年经常寻找一些地点与伙伴见面,探索其正在形成的独立性并向成年过渡。
This is an important dimension for the development of their sense of identity and belonging.这是培养认同和归属感的一个重要方面。
Unsafe and hazardous environments: Features in the environment which impact on the rights provided for in article 31 can either serve as protective or risk factors for children’s health, development and safety.34. 不安全和危险的环境:影响第31条所载权利的环境特征既可能成为儿童健康、发展和安全的保护因素,也可能成为风险因素。
In respect of younger children, spaces which provide opportunities for exploration and creativity should enable parents and caregivers to maintain oversight, including by means of eye and voice contact.就较年幼的儿童而言,在为他们提供探索和创造性机会的空间的同时,应能够使其父母和看护人保持对他们的监督,包括通过目视和语言交流的方法。
Children need access to inclusive spaces that are free from inappropriate hazards and close to their own homes, as well as with measures to promote safe, independent mobility as their capacities evolve.儿童需要进入具有包容性的活动空间,避免不正当危险,并且空间接近其住所;随着他们能力的变化,需要采取促进其安全和独立行动的措施。
The majority of the world’s poorest children face physical hazards such as polluted water; open sewer systems; overcrowded cities; uncontrolled traffic; poor street lighting and congested streets; inadequate public transport; lack of safe local play areas, green spaces and cultural facilities; informal urban “slum” settlements in hazardous, violent or toxic environments.35. 世界上大多数贫困儿童面临物质危险因素,如污染的水源;开放的排污系统;过于拥挤的城市;不受管治的交通;街头照明不足和街道拥挤;公共交通不足;缺乏安全的当地游戏地带、绿地和文化设施;处于危险、暴力或有毒环境中的非正式城市“贫民窟”等。
In post-conflict environments, children can also be harmed by landmines and unexploded ordnance.在冲突后环境中,儿童也可能受到地雷和未爆炸弹药的伤害。
Indeed, children are at particular risk both because their natural curiosity and exploratory play increases the likelihood of exposure and because the impact of an explosion is greater on a child.的确,儿童面临的风险尤为严重,一方面是因为他们天生的好奇心和探索游戏加大了发生危险的可能性,另一方面是因为爆炸对儿童的影响更为严重。
Human factors can also combine to place children at risk in the public environment: high levels of crime and violence; community unrest and civil strife; drug and gang-related violence; risk of kidnapping and child trafficking; open spaces dominated by hostile youth or adults; aggression and sexual violence towards girls.36. 综合的人为因素也可能使儿童在公共环境中面临风险,这些因素包括:较多的犯罪和暴力事件;社区不安定和内战;与毒品和帮派相关的暴力;绑架和贩运儿童的风险;由有敌意的青年或成年人占据的开放空间;对女童的侵害和性暴力。
Even where parks, playgrounds, sports facilities and other provisions exist, they may often be in locations where children are at risk, unsupervised and exposed to hazards.即使存在公园、游戏场所、运动设施和其他场所,但这些场所所处位置经常使儿童面临风险、得不到监视、被暴露在危险之中。
The dangers posed by all these factors severely restrict children’s opportunities for safe play and recreation.所有这些因素造成的危险严重限制儿童安全游戏和娱乐的机会。
The increasing erosion of many spaces traditionally available to children creates a need for greater Government intervention to protect the rights under article 31.传统上为儿童提供的许多空间日渐受到侵蚀,因此需要政府的更多干预,以保护第31条之下的权利。
Resistance to children’s use of public spaces: Children’s use of public space for play, recreation and their own cultural activities is also impeded by the increasing commercialization of public areas, from which children are excluded.37. 拒斥儿童使用公共空间:公共地带的日渐商业化和将儿童排斥在外,也阻碍了儿童使用公共空间进行游戏、娱乐和自己的文化活动。
Furthermore, in many parts of the world, there is decreasing tolerance of children in public spaces.此外,在世界的许多地方,公共场所对儿童的容忍度逐渐下降。
The introduction, for example, of curfews on children; gated communities or parks; reduced noise-level tolerance; playgrounds with strict rules for “acceptable” play behaviour; restrictions on access to shopping malls builds a perception of children as “problems” and/or delinquents.例如:对儿童实行宵禁;在社区和公园设置门禁;降低噪音容忍度;游戏场所规定严格的“可接受的”游戏行为规则;设置进入商场的限制等现象,形成了一种将儿童视为“问题”和/或犯罪者的概念。
Adolescents, in particular, are widely perceived as a threat by widespread negative media coverage and representation, and discouraged from using public spaces.大量的媒体负面报导和媒体机构尤其将青少年广泛视为一种威胁,不鼓励他们使用公共空间。
The exclusion of children has significant implications for their development as citizens.38. 排斥儿童的行为对他们作为公民的发展产生重要影响。
Shared experience of inclusive public spaces by different age groups serves to promote and strengthen civil society and encourage children to recognize themselves as citizens with rights.不同年龄段的成员共享包容的公共空间的体验可促进和加强公民社会,鼓励儿童认识到自己是享有权利的公民。
States are encouraged to promote dialogue between older and younger generations to encourage greater recognition of children as rights holders, and of the importance of networks of diverse community spaces in local areas or municipalities which can accommodate the play and recreational needs of all children.鼓励缔约国促进较年长和较年轻的几代人之间的对话,以鼓励进一步认识到儿童是权利所有者,各地方或城镇提供各种社区空间网络以满足所有儿童游戏和娱乐的需要,这一点至关重要。
Balancing risk and safety: Fears over the physical and human risks to which children are exposed within their local environments are leading, in some parts of the world, to increasing levels of monitoring and surveillance, with consequent constraints on their freedom to play and opportunities for recreation.39. 平衡风险与安全:因为害怕儿童在当地环境中面临物质和人为风险,导致世界一些地方提高了监测和监视的程度,结果使儿童游戏的自由和娱乐的机会受到限制。
In addition, children themselves can pose a threat to other children in their play and recreational activities – for example, bullying, abuse of younger children by older children and group pressure to engage in high risk-taking.此外,儿童本身也可能在游戏和娱乐活动中对其他儿童构成威胁,例如:欺负、较年长的儿童虐待小孩,以及参加高风险活动的群体压力等。
While children must not be exposed to harm in the realization of their rights under article 31, some degree of risk and challenge is integral to play and recreational activities and is a necessary component of the benefits of these activities. A balance is needed between, on the one hand, taking action to reduce unacceptable hazards in children’s environment, such as closing local streets to traffic, improving street lighting or creating safe boundaries for school playgrounds, and on the other hand, informing, equipping and empowering children to take the necessary precautions to enhance their own safety.虽然儿童在实现第31条所载权利时不应受到伤害,但一定程度的风险和挑战是游戏和娱 乐活动的组成因素,也是这类活动产生收益的必要要素,需要达成一种平衡,一方面应采取行动减少儿童所处环境中不可接受的危险因素,如社区的街道应禁止机动 车通行,改善街道照明或划定学校游戏场所的安全界限,另一方面应告知、帮助和扶持儿童采取必要的预防措施,以加强其自身安全。
The best interests of the child and listening to children’s experiences and concerns should be mediating principles for determining the level of risk to which children can be exposed.儿童的最大利益及听取儿童的经验和关切问题应作为确定儿童可承担的风险程度的协调原则。
Lack of access to nature: Children come to understand, appreciate and care for the natural world through exposure, self-directed play and exploration with adults who communicate its wonder and significance.40. 无法亲近自然:儿童通过亲近自然、自我引导的游戏、与成人一道探索自然、从成年人那里了解到自然的奇迹和重要意义,进而学会理解、欣赏和爱护自然界。
Memories of childhood play and leisure in nature strengthen resources with which to cope with stress, inspire a sense of spiritual wonder and encourage stewardship for the earth.童年时代在大自然中嬉戏和休闲的记忆能够加强他们的应变能力,他们可利用这种能力应对压力、从精神上激发对地球的赞叹,鼓励其爱护地球的责任感。
Play in natural settings also contributes towards agility, balance, creativity, social cooperation and concentration.在自然环境中游戏还有助于提高灵活性、平衡感、创造性、社会合作与专注的能力。
Connection to nature through gardening, harvesting, ceremonies and peaceful contemplation is an important dimension of the arts and heritage of many cultures.通过园艺、收割、庆祝仪式和静思等形式与自然界联系是许多国家文化艺术和遗产的重要组成部分。
In an increasingly urbanized and privatized world, children’s access to parks, gardens, forests, beaches and other natural areas is being erodedm, and children in low-income urban areas are most likely to lack adequate access to green spaces.在城市化和私营化日益严重的世界中,儿童接触公园、花园、森林、海滩和其他自然场所的机会正在受到侵蚀,在低收入城市地区生活的儿童最有可能无法充分接触绿地。
Pressure for educational achievement: Many children in many parts of the world are being denied their rights under article 31 as a consequence of an emphasis on formal academic success.41. 学业成绩的压力:在世界许多地方,因为强调正式学业取得成功,许多儿童被剥夺了第31条之下的权利。
For example:例如:
Early childhood education is increasingly focused on academic targets and formal learning at the expense of participation in play and attainment of broader development outcomes;早期幼儿教育越来越注重学业目标和正规学习,导致游戏时间减少,阻碍实现更全面的发展;
Extracurricular tuition and homework are intruding on children’s time for freely chosen activities;课外教学和家庭作业导致儿童进行自由选择的活动的时间减少;
The curriculum and daily schedule often lack recognition of the necessity of or provision for play, recreation and rest;课程安排和日程表常常体现出对游戏、娱乐和休息的必要性认识不足或提供的这类活动不足的问题;
The use of formal or didactic educational methods in the classroom do not take advantage of opportunities for active playful learning;在课堂上使用正式或说教式的教育方法,没有利用主动在游戏中学习的机会;
Contact with nature is decreasing in many schools with children having to spend more time indoors;许多学校减少了儿童与大自然接触的机会,儿童有越来越多的时间不得不在室内活动;
Opportunities for cultural and artistic activities and the provision of specialist arts educators in school are, in some countries, being eroded in favour of more academic subjects.在有些国家,因学术课程增加,学校提供的文化和艺术活动的机会及专门的美术老师正在而减少;
Restrictions on the type of play in which children can engage in school serve to inhibit their opportunities for creativity, exploration and social development.对儿童能够在学校进行的游戏种类的限制阻碍了他们发挥创造性、探索和发展社会能力的机会。
Overly structured and programmed schedules: For many children, the ability to realize the rights provided for in article 31 is restricted by the imposition of adult-decided activities, including, for example, compulsory sports, rehabilitative activities for children with disabilities or domestic chores, particularly for girls, which allow little or no time for self-directed activities.42. 过于有组织和有计划的日程:对于许多儿童而言,实现第31条所载权利的能力因为成人决定并强加于他们的活动而受到限制,例如,强制运动,残疾儿童的康复活动或家中的杂活(尤其是女童),导致儿童没有或几乎没有时间进行自己主导的活动。
Where Government investment exists, it tends to focus on organized competitive recreation, or sometimes children are required or pressured to participate in youth organizations not of their own choosing.在涉及政府投资的情况下,投资通常重点投入有组织的竞技娱乐活动,有时儿童被要求或迫于压力参加不是他们自己选择的青年组织。
Children are entitled to time that is not determined or controlled by adults, as well as time in which they are free of any demands – basically to do “nothing, if they so desire.儿童有权享有不受成人决定或控制的时间,以及可不遵守任何命令的时间,也就是说,如果他们愿意,在这个时间里可“什么都不做”。
Indeed, the absence of activity can serve as a stimulus to creativity.具体而言,不参与活动能够激发创造性。
Narrowly focusing all of a child’s leisure time into programmed or competitive activities can be damaging to his or her physical, emotional, cognitive and social well-being.狭隘地将儿童的所有休闲时间用于有计划的活动或竞赛活动可能有损于儿童的生理、情感、认知和社会能力的良好发展。
Neglect of article 31 in development programmes: Early childhood care and development work in many countries focuses exclusively on issues of child survival with no attention paid to the conditions that enable children to thrive.43. 发展计划忽视第31条:许多国家的幼儿看护和发展工作仅仅注重儿童生存的问题,完全不关注能够使儿童茁壮成长的条件。
Programmes often only deal with nutrition, immunization and preschool education with little or no emphasis on play, recreation, culture and the arts.这方面的方案往往仅涉及营养、免疫和学前教育,极少或完全不重视游戏、娱乐、文化和艺术活动。
The personnel running the programmes are not appropriately trained to support these aspects of the child’s development needs.实施这类方案的工作人员没有接受过有关对儿童这些方面的发展需要提供支持的培训。
Lack of investment in cultural and artistic opportunities for children: Children’s access to cultural and artistic activities are often restricted by a range of factors, including lack of parental support; cost of access; lack of transport; the adult-centred focus of many exhibitions, plays and events; failure to engage children in the content, design, location and forms of provision.44. 缺乏为儿童文化和艺术活动的投资:儿童接触文化和艺术活动的机会常常受到若干因素的限制,包括缺乏家长的支持;参加活动的费用;缺乏交通方式;许多展览、戏剧和活动以成人为中心;提供的活动内容、设计、地点和形式没有儿童参与。
Greater emphasis is needed in the creation of spaces to stimulate creativity.有必要进一步强调提供激发创造性的空间。
Operators of arts and cultural venues should look beyond their physical spaces to consider how their programmes reflect and respond to the cultural lives of the community they represent.艺术和文化场所的经营者应超越实际空间看待事物,考虑他们的方案可如何体现和响应其所代表社区的文化生活。
Children’s participation in the arts requires a more child-centred approach which commissions and displays children’s creations and also engages them in the structure and programmes offered.要使儿童参加艺术活动,就需要一种更加以儿童为中心的方针,专门委托儿童创作并展示他们的作品,以及吸收儿童参与活动的组织与计划。
Such engagement during childhood can serve to stimulate cultural interests for life.在儿童时代参与这类活动可能激发一生对文化的兴趣。
Growing role of electronic media: Children in all regions of the world are spending increasing periods of time engaged in play, recreational, cultural and artistic activities, both as consumers and creators, via various digital platforms and media, including watching television, messaging, social networking, gaming, texting, listening to and creating music, watching and making videos and films, creating new art forms, posting images.45. 电子媒体的作用日益提高:世界所有地区的儿童正在通过各种数字平台和媒体,用越来越多的时间、同时作为消费者和创作者参加游戏、娱乐、文化和艺术活动,包 括看电视、发送信息、通过社会网络沟通、游戏、发布文本、听音乐和创作音乐、观看和制作视频和电影、创造新的艺术形式、张贴图像等。
Information and communication technologies are emerging as a central dimension of children’s daily reality.信息和通信技术正在成为儿童日常生活的一个核心组成部分。
Today, children move seamlessly between offline and online environments.如今的儿童在现实和网络世界之间自由往来。
These platforms offer huge benefits – educationally, socially and culturally – and States are encouraged to take all necessary measures to ensure equality of opportunity for all children to experience those benefits.这类平台在教育、社会和文化等各个方面提供了大量收益,鼓励各国采取一切必要措施,确保所有儿童拥有均等机会体会这些收益。
Access to the Internet and social media is central to the realization of article 31 rights in the globalized environment.接入互联网和社会媒体是在全球化的环境中实现第31条所载权利的关键。
However, the Committee is concerned at the growing body of evidence indicating the extent to which these environments, as well as the amounts of time children spend interacting with them, can also contribute to significant potential risk and harm to children.46. 然而,委员会表示关切的是,有越来越多的证据表明,这类环境以及儿童与这类环境接触花费的时间也有可能使儿童面临严重风险和伤害。
For example:例如:
Access to the Internet and social media is exposing children to cyberbullying, pornography and cybergrooming.接触互联网和社会媒体使儿童面临网络欺凌、色情制品和网络诱拐等风险。
Many children attend Internet cafes, computer clubs and game halls with no adequate restrictions to access or effective monitoring systems;许多儿童加入网吧、电脑俱乐部和游戏厅没有充分的进入限制,或没有有效的监管制度;
The increasing levels of participation, particularly among boys, in violent video games appears to be linked to aggressive behaviour as the games are highly engaging and interactive and reward violent behaviour.主要由男孩参加的越来越多的暴力电子游戏似乎与进攻行为有关系,因为这类游戏非常吸引人,互动程度很高,并奖励暴力行为。
As they tend to be played repeatedly, negative learning is strengthened and can contribute to reduced sensitivity to the pain and suffering of others as well as aggressive or harmful behaviour toward others.儿童一般反复玩这类游戏,加强了负面学习,结果可能导致降低对他人所受疼痛和伤害的敏感性,以及助长对他人的进攻或伤害行为。
The growing opportunities for online gaming, where children may be exposed to a global network of users without filters or protections, are also a cause for concern.越来越多的在线游戏机会可能使儿童在没有过滤屏障或保护的情况下接触到全球用户网络,这也是令人关切的原由之一。
Much of the media, particularly mainstream television, fail to reflect the language, cultural values and creativity of the diversity of cultures that exist across society.许多媒体,尤其是主流电视台未能反映出整个社会中存在的各种文化所拥有的语言、文化价值观和创造性。
Not only does such monocultural viewing limit opportunities for all children to benefit from the potential breadth of cultural activity available, but it can also serve to affirm a lower value on non-mainstream cultures.这种单一文化视角不仅限制所有儿童从可能提供的广泛的文化活动中获益,还可能强化一种贬低非主流文化价值的看法。
Television is also contributing to the loss of many childhood games, songs, rhymes traditionally transmitted from generation to generation on the street and in the playground;电视还导致许多儿童游戏,歌曲、传统上在街头和游戏场所由一代人传给另一代人的歌谣丢失;
Growing dependence on screen-related activities is thought to be associated with reduced levels of physical activity among children, poor sleep patterns, growing levels of obesity and other related illnesses.有人认为,儿童活动对屏幕的依赖越来越多,导致儿童的体力活动程度降低、睡觉减少、肥胖程度增加和其他相关疾病。
Marketing and commercialization of play: The Committee is concerned that many children and their families are exposed to increasing levels of unregulated commercialization and marketing by toy and game manufacturers.47. 游戏的营销和商业化:委员会表示关切的是,许多儿童及其家庭面临玩具和游戏制造商日益增加的不受监管的商业化和营销行为影响。
Parents are pressured to purchase a growing number of products which may be harmful to their children’s development or are antithetical to creative play, such as products that promote television programmes with established characters and storylines which impede imaginative exploration; toys with microchips which render the child as a passive observer; kits with a pre-determined pattern of activity; toys that promote traditional gender stereotypes or early sexualization of girls; toys containing dangerous parts or chemicals; realistic war toys and games.家长迫于压力,购买越来越多对其子女的发展有害或与发挥创造性的游戏相悖的产品,如宣 传电视节目、有既定人物和故事、阻碍发挥想像力的产品;带有微型处理芯片、使儿童成为被动观察者的玩具;预先设定活动模式的成套产品;宣传传统的性别定型 观念或导致女童性早熟的玩具;含有危险化学物质的玩具;仿真战争玩具和游戏等。
Global marketing can also serve to weaken children’s participation in the traditional cultural and artistic life of their community.全球营销活动还有可能削弱儿童参加社区传统文化和艺术生活的程度。
VII. Children requiring particular attention to realize their rights under article 31七. 需要特别关注以实现其在第31条之下权利的儿童
Girls: A combination of significant burdens of domestic responsibilities and sibling and family care, protective concerns on the part of parents, lack of appropriate facilities and cultural assumptions imposing limitations on the expectations and behaviour of girls can serve to diminish their opportunities to enjoy the rights provided for in article 31, particularly in the adolescent years.48. 女童:承担家务和照看兄弟姐妹及家人的重负、家长的保护心理、缺乏适当设施、对女童的预期和行为施加限制的文化假定,上述因素结合起来,限制了女童享有第31条所载权利,尤其是在青少年时期。
In addition, gender differentiation in what is considered girls’ and boys’ play and which is widely reinforced by parents, caregivers, the media and producers/manufacturers of games and toys serve to maintain traditional gender-role divisions in society.此外,从性别上区分女孩和男孩的游戏被广大家长、看护人、媒体及游戏和玩具制造商/生产商强化,导致社会上仍然保持传统的性别作用划分。
Evidence indicates that whereas boys’ games prepare them for successful performance in a wide range of professional and other settings in modern society, girls’ games, in contrast, tend to direct them towards the private sphere of the home and future roles as wives and mothers.有证据表明,男孩的游戏为他们在现代社会中成功从事各种职业和适应另一些环境作准备,反之,女孩的游戏通常引导她们进入家庭这种私人生活领域以及未来充当妻子和母亲的角色。
Adolescent boys and girls are often discouraged from engaging in joint recreational activities.青少年男女常常被阻止进行联合娱乐活动。
Furthermore, girls generally have lower participation rates in physical activities and organized games as a consequence of either external cultural or self-imposed exclusion or lack of appropriate provision.此外,由于外部文化或自我施加的排斥或缺乏适当条件等因素,女孩参加体育活动和有组织游戏的程度普遍较低。
This pattern is of concern in the light of the proven physical, psychological, social and intellectual benefits associated with participation in sports activities.这一状况令人担忧,因为已证明参加体育活动可带来身体、心理、社会和心智等方面的诸多收益。
Given these widespread and pervasive barriers impeding girls’ realization of their rights under article 31, the Committee urges States parties to take action to challenge gender stereotypes which serve to compound and reinforce patterns of discrimination and inequality of opportunity.鉴于广泛存在这些制约女童实现其在第31条之下权利的普遍障碍,委员会促请缔约国采取行动与性别定型观念作斗争,因为这类观念助长并强化歧视的形式及机会不均等的现象。
Children living in poverty: Lack of access to facilities, inability to afford the costs of participation, dangerous and neglected neighbourhoods, the necessity to work and a sense of powerlessness and marginalization all serve to exclude the poorest children from realizing the rights provided for in article 31.49. 贫困儿童:接触不到相关设施、没有能力支付参加的费用、危险和受到忽视的街区环境、必须工作以及无助感和受到边缘化的感觉,所有这些因素都阻碍最贫困的儿童实现第31条所载权利。
For many, the risks to their health and safety outside the home are compounded by home environments which provide no or little space or scope for play or recreation.许多儿童不仅面临健康风险和家庭以外的安全问题,其家庭环境也完全或几乎无法为之提供游戏或娱乐的空间或场所。
Children without parents are particularly vulnerable to loss of their rights under article 31; children in street situations are not afforded play provisions, and are commonly actively excluded from city parks and playgrounds, although they use their own creativity to utilize the informal setting of the streets for play opportunities.没有父母的儿童尤其容易丧失第31条之下的权利;街头儿童没有游戏的条件,通常被城市公园和游戏场所有意排斥在外,但他们发挥自己的创造性,在街道这种非正式场所寻求游戏机会。
Municipal authorities must recognize the importance of parks and playgrounds for the realization of the rights provided for under article 31 by children living in poverty and engage in dialogue with them in respect of policing, planning and development initiatives.城镇政府必须认识到公园和游戏场所对贫困儿童实现第31条所载权利发挥的重要作用,应就部署警力、规划和发展举措等问题与他们进行对话。
States need to take action to ensure both access to and opportunities for cultural and artistic activities for all children, as well as equal opportunities for play and recreation.各国都需采取行动,确保所有儿童能够接触和获得参与文化与艺术活动的机会以及参与游戏和娱乐的平等机会。
Children with disabilities: Multiple barriers impede access by children with disabilities to the rights provided for in article 31, including exclusion from school; informal and social arenas where friendships are formed and where play and recreation take place; isolation at the home; cultural attitudes and negative stereotypes which are hostile to and rejecting of children with disabilities; physical inaccessibility of, inter alia, public spaces, parks, playgrounds and equipment, cinemas, theatres, concert halls, sports facilities and arenas; policies that exclude them from sporting or cultural venues on the grounds of safety; communication barriers and failure to provide interpretation and adaptive technology; lack of accessible transport.50. 残疾儿童:残疾儿童在实现第31条所载权利方面面临多重障碍的制约,其中包括:被可以交朋友和进行游戏和娱乐的学校、非正式和社会场所排斥在外;在家庭中 受到隔离;仇视和排斥残疾儿童的文化态度和负面偏见;公共场所、公园、游戏场所和设施、电影院、剧院、音乐厅、运动设施和场馆等地存在进入障碍;以安全为 由禁止他们进入运动或文化场所的政策;交流障碍和不能提供翻译和适应其需要的技术;缺乏无障碍的交通方式等。
Children with disabilities can also be hindered in the enjoyment of their rights if investment is not made to render radio, television, computers and tablets accessible, including through the use of assistive technologies.如果没有相关投资,用于帮助残疾儿童接触广播电台、电视、电脑和平板电脑,包括采用辅助科技帮助其接触这些设施,也会限制这些儿童享有其权利。
In this regard, the Committee welcomes article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which emphasizes the obligations of States parties to ensure that children with disabilities have equal access with other children to participation in play, recreation, sporting and leisure activities, including in the mainstream school system.在这方面,委员会欢迎《残疾人权利公约》第三十条,该条强调缔约国有义务确保残疾儿童享有与其他儿童一样的平等机会参加游戏、娱乐体育及休闲活动,包括在主流学校系统参加这类活动。
Pro-active measures are needed to remove barriers and promote accessibility to and availability of inclusive opportunities for children with disabilities to participate in all these activities.有必要主动采取措施,消除障碍,促进无障碍性,为残疾儿童参与所有这类活动提供包容的机会。
Children in institutions: Many children spend all or part of their childhood in institutions, including, inter alia, residential homes and schools, hospitals, detention centres, remand homes and refugee centres, where opportunities for play, recreation and participation in cultural and artistic life may be limited or denied.51. 收容机构的儿童:有许多儿童在收容机构中度过所有或部分儿童时代,这类机构包括收容所和学校、医院、拘留中心、青少年拘留所和难民中心等,在这些场所,他们游戏、娱乐和参与文化与艺术生活的机会可能受到限制或被剥夺。
The Committee stresses the need for States to work towards the de-institutionalization of children; but until that goal is reached, States should adopt measures to ensure that all such institutions guarantee both spaces and opportunities for children to associate with their peers in the community, to play and to participate in games, physical exercise, cultural and artistic life.委员会强调,各国应努力避免将儿童安置在收容场所;在实现这一目标之前,各国应采取措施,确保所有这类机构保证为儿童提供空间和机会,使他们能够与同一社区的伙伴交流、玩耍和参加游戏、体育活动及文化与艺术生活。
Such measures should not be restricted to compulsory or organized activities; safe and stimulating environments are needed for children to engage in free play and recreation.这类措施不应局限于强制或有组织的活动;有必要提供安全和激励的环境,使儿童能够进行自由的游戏和娱乐。
Wherever possible, children should be afforded these opportunities within local communities.应在可能的情况下,在地方社区为儿童提供这类机会。
Children living in institutions for significant periods of time also require appropriate literature, periodicals and access to the Internet, as well as support to enable them to make use of such resources.在收容机构长期生活的儿童还需要获得足够的文学作品、期刊及接触互联网,还应为帮助他们使用这类资源提供支持。
Availability of time, appropriate space, adequate resources and equipment, trained and motivated staff and provision of dedicated budgets are needed to create the necessary environments to ensure that every child living in an institution can realize his or her rights under article 31.有必要提供时间、适当的空间、充足的资源与设备、训练有素和自觉的工作人员及专门预算,以便创造必要的环境,确保所有在收容机构生活的儿童能够实现其在第31条之下的权利。
Children from indigenous and minority communities: Ethnic, religious, racial or caste discrimination can serve to exclude children from realizing their rights under article 31.52. 土著和少数民族儿童:族裔、宗教、种族或种姓歧视可能导致儿童无法实现在第31条之下的权利。
Hostility, assimilation policies, rejection, violence and discrimination may result in barriers to enjoyment by indigenous and minority children of their own cultural practices, rituals and celebrations, as well as to their participation in sports, games, cultural activities, play and recreation alongside other children.仇视、同化政策、排斥、暴力和歧视都可能成为障碍,妨碍土著和少数民族儿童实践自身的文化习俗、仪式和庆典,并阻碍他们与其他儿童一道参与体育、竞技、文化活动、游戏和娱乐活动。
States have an obligation to recognize, protect and respect the right of minority groups to take part in the cultural and recreational life of the society in which they live, as well as to conserve, promote and develop their own culture.各国有义务承认、保护和尊重少数群体参加在其自身生活的社会中的文化与娱乐活动,以及保护、促进和发展其自身文化的权利。
However, children from indigenous communities also have the right to experience and explore cultures beyond the boundaries of their own family traditions.但是,土著儿童也有权体验和探索其自身家庭传统界限范围以外的文化。
Cultural and artistic programmes must be based on inclusion, participation and non-discrimination.文化与艺术方案必须以包容性、参与和不歧视作为基础。
Children in situations of conflict, humanitarian and natural disasters: The rights provided for in article 31 are often given lower priority in situations of conflict or disaster than the provision of food, shelter and medicines.53. 在冲突、人道主义危机和自然灾害处境中的儿童:在发生冲突或自然灾害的情况下,第31条规定的权利享有的优先级别常常低于提供食物、庇护场所和药品。
However, in these situations, opportunities for play, recreation and cultural activity can play a significant therapeutic and rehabilitative role in helping children recover a sense of normality and joy after their experience of loss, dislocation and trauma.然而,在这类情况下,儿童在遭遇损失、混乱和创伤之后,游戏、娱乐和参加文化活动的机会可在帮助儿童恢复正常和快乐感等方面发挥重要的治疗和康复作用。
Play, music, poetry or drama can help refugee children and children who have experienced bereavement, violence, abuse or exploitation, for example, to overcome emotional pain and regain control over their lives.例如,游戏、音乐、诗歌或戏剧能够帮助难民儿童和遭受丧亲、暴力、虐待或剥削的儿童克服情感伤痛,重新把握自己的人生。
Such activities can restore a sense of identity, help them make meaning of what has happened to them, and enable them experience fun and enjoyment.这类活动可恢复认同感,帮助儿童理解在他们身上发生的事件,并使他们找回乐趣和享受。
Participation in cultural or artistic activities, as well as in play and recreation, offers children an opportunity to engage in a shared experience, to re-build a sense of personal value and self-worth, to explore their own creativity and to achieve a sense of connectedness and belonging.参加文化或艺术活动以及游戏和娱乐使儿童有机会分享体验、重建个人价值感、探索自身的创造性以及获得一种联通和归属感。
Settings for play also provide opportunities for monitors to identify children suffering from the harmful impact of conflict.创造游戏环境还为监测者提供了查明遭受冲突有害影响的儿童的机会。
VIII. States parties’ obligations八. 缔约国的义务
Article 31 imposes three obligations on States parties to guarantee that the rights it covers are realized by every child without discrimination:54. 第31条要求缔约国履行三项义务,保证所有儿童都能够不受歧视地实现该条所载权利:
(a) The obligation to respect requires States parties to refrain from interfering, directly or indirectly, in the enjoyment of the rights provided for in article 31;尊重的义务要求缔约国不可直接或间接干涉享有第31条规定的义务;
(b) The obligation to protect requires States parties to take steps to prevent third parties from interfering in the rights under article 31;保护的义务要求缔约国采取步骤,防止第三方干涉享有第31条之下的义务;
(c) The obligation to fulfil requires States parties to introduce the necessary legislative, administrative, judicial, budgetary, promotional and other measures aimed at facilitating the full enjoyment of the rights provided for in article 31 by undertaking action to make available all necessary services, provision and opportunities.落实的义务要求缔约国采取必要的立法、行政、司法、预算、促进和其他措施,通过采取行动,提供一切必要的服务、设施和机会,以促进全面享有第31条规定的权利。
While the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provides for the progressive realization of economic, social and cultural rights and recognizes the problems arising from limited resources, it imposes on States parties the specific and continuing obligation, even where resources are inadequate, to “strive to ensure the widest possible enjoyment of the relevant rights under the prevailing circumstances”.55. 《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》在规定逐步实现经济、社会和文化权利并认识到资源有限会引起问题的同时,也规定缔约国有具体和持续的义务,即使在资源不足的情况下,也应“争取保证在这种条件下尽可能广泛地享有有关的权利”。
As such, no regressive measures in relation to the rights under article 31 are permitted.因此,禁止任何与第31条之下的权利相关的倒退措施。
Should any such deliberate measure be taken, the State would have to prove that it has carefully considered all the alternatives, including giving due weight to children’s expressed views on the issue, and that the decision was justified, bearing in mind all other rights provided for in the Convention.如果有意采取这类措施,缔约国必须证明已认真审议了所有替代方法,包括对儿童就此问题表达的看法给予适当重视并且决定拥有合理的解释,铭记《公约》规定的所有其他权利。
The obligation to respect includes the adoption of specific measures aimed at achieving respect for the right of every child, individually or in association with others, to realise his or her rights under article 31, including:56. 尊重的义务包括制定具体措施,旨在实现对每个儿童个人或与他人一道实现在第31条之下权利的尊重,包括:
(a) Support for caregivers: Guidance, support and facilitation with regard to the rights under article 31should be provided to parents and caregivers in line with article 18, paragraph 2, of the Convention.为看护人提供支持:应根据《公约》第18条第2款,就实现第31条之下的权利,向家长和看护人提供指导、支持与便利。
Such support could be in the form of practical guidance, for example, on how to listen to children while playing; create environments that facilitate children’s play; allow children to play freely and play with children.例如,这类支持可采取现实指导的形式,指导包括如何在游戏时倾听儿童的声音;创造便于儿童游戏的环境;允许儿童自由游戏和与其他儿童游戏。
It could also address the importance of encouraging creativity and dexterity; balancing safety and discovery; the developmental value of play and guided exposure to cultural, artistic and recreational activities.该指导还应强调鼓励创造性和灵巧;平衡安全问题和探索发现;价值对发展的重要性以及在指导下接触文化、艺术和娱乐活动等。
(b) Awareness raising: States should invest in measures to challenge widespread cultural attitudes which attach low value to the rights provided for in article 31, including:提高认识:缔约国应投资于一些措施,对不重视第31条所载权利的普遍文化态度提出质疑,包括:
Public awareness of both the right to and the significance of play, recreation, rest, leisure and participation in cultural and artistic activities for both boys and girls of all ages in contributing to the enjoyment of childhood, promoting the optimum development of the child and building positive learning environments;使公众认识到游戏、娱乐、休息、闲暇及参与文化与艺术活动不仅是所有年龄的男孩与女孩拥有的一项权利,而且对促进他们享受童年、促进儿童的最佳发展以及建立积极的学习环境具有重要意义;
Measures to challenge the pervasive negative attitudes, particularly towards adolescents, which lead to restrictions on the opportunities for the enjoyment of their rights under article 31.采取措施,质疑普遍存在的,尤其是针对青少年的负面态度,这种态度限制他们享有第31条之下所载权利的机会。
In particular, opportunities should be created for children to represent themselves in the media.具体而言,应为儿童创造机会,在媒体中展现自我。
The obligation to protect requires that States parties take action to prevent third parties from interfering in or restricting the rights provided for in article 31.57. 保护的义务要求缔约国采取行动,防止第三方干涉或限制第31条规定的权利。
Accordingly, States are obliged to ensure:因此,各国有义务确保:
(a) Non-discrimination: Legislation is required to guarantee access for every child, without discrimination on any ground, to all recreational, cultural and artistic environments, including public and private spaces, natural spaces, parks, playgrounds, sporting venues, museums, cinemas, libraries, theatres, as well as to cultural activities, services and events;不歧视:须制定法律,保证每一名儿童都能够不受任何理由歧视地接触所有娱乐、文化与艺术环境,包括公共和私人空间、自然空间、公园、游戏场所、运动场馆、博物馆、影院、图书馆、剧院,以及文化活动、服务与项目;
(b) Regulation of non-State actors: Legislation, regulations and guidelines should be introduced, together with the necessary budgetary allocation and effective mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement, to ensure that all members of civil society, including the corporate sector, comply with the provisions of article 31, including, inter alia:对非国家行为者的监管:应制定法律、规章和准则,同时制定必要的预算分配和有效的监测与执行机制,以确保公民社会的所有成员,包括企业界遵守第31条的规定,其中包括:
Employment protection for all children to guarantee appropriate limitations on the nature, hours and days of work, rest periods and facilities for recreation and rest, consistent with their evolving capacities.为所有儿童提供就业保护,保证对工作的性质、小时和天数进行适当限制,保证根据儿童不断变化的能力规定休息时间并提供用于娱乐和休息的设施。
States are also encouraged to ratify and implement ILO conventions Nos. 79, 90, 138 and 182;Minimum Age Convention;鼓励各国批准和执行劳工组织第79、90、138和182号公约;
Establishment of safety and accessibility standards for all play and recreational facilities, toys and games equipment;为所有游戏和娱乐设施、玩具和竞赛设备规定安全性和无障碍性标准;
Obligations to incorporate provision and opportunity for the realization of the rights under article 31 in urban and rural development proposals;履行在城市和农村发展计划中纳入有关实现第31条之下权利的条款及提供相关机会的义务;
Protection from cultural, artistic or recreational material which might be injurious to children’s well-being, including protection and classification systems governing media broadcasting and film, taking into account the provisions of both article 13 on freedom of expression and article 18 on the responsibilities of parents;保护儿童免于接触可能对其福祉产生伤害的文化、艺术或娱乐资料,包括对媒体播放的内容和电影规定保护和分级制度,同时考虑关于言论自由的第13条和关于家长的责任的第18条的规定;
Introduction of regulations prohibiting the production of realistic war games and toys for children;制定禁止为儿童生产仿真战争游戏和玩具的规定;
(c) Protection of children from harm: Child protection policies, procedures, professional ethics, codes and standards for all professionals working with children in the field of play, recreation, sports, culture and the arts must be introduced and enforced.保护儿童免受伤害:必须针对在游戏、娱乐、运动、文化和艺术等方面从事儿童工作的所有专业人员,制定和执行有关儿童保护的政策、程序、职业道德规范、法规和标准。
Recognition must also be given to the need to protect children from potential harm that may be imposed by other children in the exercise of their rights under article 31;还必须认识到,有必要保护儿童在行使第31条之下权利时免受可能由其他儿童导致的潜在伤害;
(d) Online safety: Measures should be introduced to promote online access and accessibility, as well as safety for children.网络安全:应采取措施,促进网络的接入和无障碍性以及儿童的安全。
These should include action to empower and inform children to enable them to act safely online, to become confident and responsible citizens of digital environments and to report abuse or inappropriate activity when it is encountered.这类措施应包括扶持和为儿童提供信息的行动,使他们能够安全上网,成为数字环境中自信和有责任的公民,并报告遇到的滥用或不当行为。
Measures are also needed to reduce impunity of abusive adults through legislation and international collaboration; limit access to harmful or adult-rated material and gaming networks; improve information for parents, teachers and policymakers to raise awareness of the potential harm associated with violent games and develop strategies for promoting safer and attractive options for children;还需要采取措施,通过立法和国际合作,减少对滥用互联网的成人有罪不罚的现象;对有害或评级为成人使用的资料及游戏网络设置进入限制;为家长、教师和政策制定者提供进一步资料,以提高他们对暴力游戏相关潜在风险的认识,并制定促进为儿童提供更安全和有吸引力的选择的战略;
(e) Post-conflict safety: Active measures should be taken to restore and protect the righhts under article 31in post-conflict and disaster situations, including, inter alia:冲突后的安全:应采取积极措施,在冲突后及灾害情况下恢复和保护第31条之下的权利,包括:
Εncouraging play and creative expression to promote resilience and psychological healing;鼓励游戏和有创意的表达方式,以促进韧性和心理康复;
Creating or restoring safe spaces, including schools, where children can participate in play and recreation as part of the normalization of their lives;创造或重建安全的空间,包括学校,使儿童能够参加游戏和娱乐活动,作为其生活正常化的一部分;
Ιn areas where landmines pose a threat to the safety of children, investment must be made to ensure the complete clearing of landmines and cluster-bombs from all affected areas;必须在地雷对儿童安全构成威胁的地带进行投资,确保完全清除所有受影响地区的地雷和集束炸弹;
(f) Marketing and media: Action should be initiated to:市场营销与媒体:应开展行动,以便:
Review policies concerning the commercialization of toys and games to children, including through children’s television programmes and directly related advertisements, with particular regard to those promoting violence, girls or boys in a sexual way and reinforcing gender and disability stereotypes;审查有关儿童玩具和游戏商业化,包括以儿童电视节目和直接相关的广告形式实现商业化的政策,尤其关注宣传暴力、以性感方式呈现女孩或男孩以及强化性别偏见和对残疾人的偏见的广告;
Limit exposure to advertising during peak viewing hours for children;限制儿童观看高峰时间的广告;
(g) Complaint mechanisms: Independent, effective, safe and accessible mechanisms must be in place for children to make complaints and seek redress if their rights under article 31 are violated.投诉机制:必须为儿童制定独立、有效、安全和可用的机制,使他们在第31条之下的权利受到侵犯的情况下能够提出投诉和寻求补偿。
Children need to know who they can complain to and how (what procedure) to do so.儿童需要了解他们能够向谁投诉和如何投诉(程序如何)。
State are encouraged to sign and ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure (OPIC), which will allow individual children to submit complaints of violations.鼓励各国签署和批准《儿童权利公约关于设定来文程序的任择议定书》,允许单独的儿童提交有关权利受到侵犯的投诉。
The obligation to fulfil requires that States parties adopt a wide range of measures to ensure the fulfilment of all the rights provided for under article 31.58. 落实的义务要求缔约国制定一系列措施,确保落实第31条规定的所有权利。
In accordance with article 12 of the Convention, all such measures, both at the national and local levels, and including planning, design, development, implementation and monitoring should be developed in collaboration with children themselves, as well as NGOs and community-based organizations, through, for example, children’s clubs and associations, community arts and sports groups, representative organizations of children and adults with disabilities, representatives from minority communities and play organisations.根 据《公约》第12条,不论是在国家还是地方层面的所有这类措施,包括规划、设计、制定、执行和监测等措施都应与儿童本身以及非政府组织和基于社区的组织合 作制定,例如,可通过儿童俱乐部和协会、社区艺术与运动团体、残疾儿童和成人的代表组织、少数群体和游戏组织的代表开展合作。
In particular, consideration should be given to the following:具体而言,应考虑以下问题:
(a) Legislation and planning: The Committee strongly encourages States to consider introducing legislation to ensure the rights under article 31 for every child, together with a timetable for implementation.立法和规划:委员会强烈建议各国考虑制定确保每名儿童实现第31条之下权利的法律,同时制定执行时间表。
Such legislation should address the principle of sufficiency – all children should be given sufficient time and space to exercise these rights.这一法律应采纳充足性原则――应给予所有儿童行使这些权利的充足的时间与空间。
Consideration should also be given to the development of a dedicated plan, policy or framework for article 31 or to its incorporation into an overall national plan of action for the implementation of the Convention.还应考虑针对第31条制定专门的计划、政策或框架,或将其纳入执行《公约》的总体国家行动计划。
Such a plan should address the implications of article 31 for boys and girls of all age groups, as well as children in marginalized groups and communities; it should also recognize that creating time and space for children’s self-directed activity is as important as the provision of facilities and opportunities for organized activities;该计划应考虑第31条对所有年龄段男孩和女孩的影响,以及对被边缘化群体和社区儿童的影响;计划还应认识到,为儿童自己主导的活动创造时间与空间与为有组织的活动提供设施与机会同样重要;
(b) Data collection and research: Indicators for compliance, as well as mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating implementation need to be developed in order to ensure accountability to children in the fulfilment of obligations under article 31.收集数据和研究:需要制定衡量遵守情况的指标以及用于监测和评估的机制,以便确保在履行第31条之下的义务方面对儿童负责。
States need to collect population-based data, disaggregated by age, sex, ethnicity and disability, to gain an understanding of the extent and nature of children’s engagement in play, recreation and cultural and artistic life.各国需要收集基于人口的数据,按年龄、性别、族裔和残疾状况分列,从而了解儿童参加游戏、娱乐及文化和艺术生活的程度与性质。
Such information should inform planning processes, and provide the basis for measuring progress in implementation.这类资料应当为规划程序提供参考,并作为衡量执行进展的依据。
Research is also needed into the daily lives of children and their caregivers and the impact of housing and neighbourhood conditions in order to understand how they use local environments; the barriers they encounter in enjoying the rights under article 31; the approaches they adopt to surmount those barriers and the action needed to achieve greater realization of those rights.还需要对儿童及其看护人的日常生活及住房和住所周围环境条件的影响开展研究,以便了解儿童及其看护人利用当地环境的情况;在享有第31条之下权利时遇到的障碍;为跨越这些障碍采纳的方针以及进一步实现这些权利所需的行动。
Such research must actively involve children themselves, including children from the most marginalized communities;这类研究必须积极吸收儿童本身,包括来自最边缘化社区儿童的参与;
(c) Cross departmental collaboration in national and municipal government: Planning for play, recreation and cultural and artistic activities requires a broad and comprehensive approach involving cross-departmental collaboration and accountability between national, regional and municipal authorities.国家与市镇政府的跨部门合作:对游戏、娱乐和文化及艺术活动进行规划要求纳入一种广泛和综合的方针,涉及国家、区域和市镇当局之间的跨部门合作和问责。
Relevant departments include not only those dealing directly with children, such as health, education, social services, child protection, culture, recreation and sports, but also those concerned with water and sanitation, housing, parks, transport, environment and city planning, all of which impact significantly on the creation of environments in which children can realize their rights under article 31;相关部门不仅包括直接处理儿童事务的部门,如卫生、教育、社会服务、儿童保护、文化、娱乐和体育等部门,还包括与水和卫生设施、住房、公园、交通、环境和城市规划相关的部门,所有这些部门都对创造能够使儿童实现第31条之下权利的环境产生重要影响;
(d) Budgets: Budgets should be reviewed to ensure that the allocation for children, in respect of cultural, artistic, sports, recreational and play activities, is inclusive and consistent with their representation as a proportion of the population as a whole, and distributed across the provision for children of all ages, for example: budgetary support for the production and dissemination of children’s books, magazines and papers; various formal and non-formal artistic expressions for children; accessible equipment and buildings and public spaces; resources for facilities such as sports clubs or youth centres.预算:应审查预算,确保纳入为儿童的文化、艺术、体育、娱乐和游戏活动划拨的 预算,并且与儿童在总人口中所占比例相符,并在所有年龄段的儿童中进行分配,例如为以下活动提供预算支持:制作和发布儿童书籍、杂志和文章;为儿童提供各 种正式和非正式艺术表现形式;无障碍的设备与建筑及公共空间;为体育俱乐部或青年中心等设施提供资源。
Consideration should be given to the cost of measures required to ensure access for the most marginalized children, including the obligation to provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equality of access for children with disabilities;还应考虑确保最受边缘化儿童使用设施所需措施的费用,包括有义务提供合理的食宿服务,确保残疾儿童可平等地使用设施;
(e) Universal design: Investment in universal design is necessary with regard to play, recreational, cultural, arts and sports facilities, buildings, equipment and services, consistent with the obligations to promote inclusion and protect children with disabilities from discrimination.通用设计:投资于通用设计在游戏、娱乐、文化、艺术和体育设施、建筑、设备和服务等方面是必要的,与促进包容和保护残疾儿童免受歧视的义务相符。
States should engage with non-State actors to ensure the implementation of universal design in the planning and production of all materials and venues, for example, accessible entrances to be used by wheelchair users and inclusive design for play environments, including those in schools;各国应调动非国家行为者,确保在规划和生产所有材料和建造所有场馆时实施通用设计,例如:可供轮椅使用者无障碍通行的入口以及游戏环境的包容性设计,包括学校的游戏环境;
(f) Municipal planning: Local municipalities should assess provision of play and recreation facilities to guarantee equality of access by all groups of children, including through child-impact assessments.城镇规划:地方市镇当局应对提供游戏和娱乐设施的情况进行评估,包括通过对儿童影响的评估,保证所有群体的儿童可平等利用这些设施。
Consistent with the obligations under article 31, public planning must place a priority on the creation of environments which promote the well-being of the child.按照第31条之下的义务,公共规划必须优先关注创造能够促进儿童福祉的环境。
In order to achieve the necessary child-friendly urban and rural environments, consideration should be given to, inter alia:为了创造所需对儿童友好的城市和农村环境,应考虑以下问题:
Availability of inclusive parks, community centres, sports and playgrounds that are safe and accessible to all children;提供安全和能够为所有儿童无障碍使用的公园、社区中心、运动和游戏场所;
Creation of a safe living environment for free play, including design of zones in which players, pedestrians and bikers have priority;创造适于自由游戏的安全生活环境,包括设计一些游戏者、行人和骑自行车的人有优先权的地带;
Public safety measures to protect areas for play and recreation from individuals or groups who threaten children’s safety;采取公共安全措施,保护游戏和娱乐地带免受威胁儿童安全的个人或群体的影响;
Provision of access to landscaped green areas, large open spaces and nature for play and recreation, with safe, affordable and accessible transport;提供安全、可负担和无障碍的交通,使游戏和娱乐能够利用自然环境中的绿色地带,大范围的开放空间和自然;
Road traffic measures, including speed limits, levels of pollution, school crossings, traffic lights, and calming measures to ensure the rights of children to play safely within their local communities;采取道路交通措施,包括限制时速、污染程度、设置学校交叉路口、交通信号灯、以及减少噪音的措施,以确保儿童在当地社区安全游戏的权利;
Provision of clubs, sports facilities, organized games and activities for both girls and boys of all ages and from all communities;为所有年龄和来自所有社区的女孩与男孩提供俱乐部、运动设施、有组织的游戏和活动;
Dedicated and affordable cultural activities for children of all ages and from all communities, including theatre, dance, music, art exhibitions, libraries and cinema.为所有年龄及来自所有社区的儿童提供专门和可负担的文化活动,包括戏剧、舞蹈、音乐、艺术展览、图书馆和影院。
Such provision should comprise opportunities for children to produce and create their own cultural forms as well as exposure to activities produced by adults for children;这方面的工作还应包括为儿童提供机会,制作和创作自己的文化形式以及参加由成人为儿童提供的活动;
Review of all cultural policies, programmes and institutions to ensure their accessibility and relevance for all children and to ensure that they take into account the needs and aspirations of children and support their emerging cultural practices;对所有文化政策、方案与机构进行审查,确保其无障碍性并与所有儿童相关,并确保其考虑儿童的需要和愿望,支持他们新出现的文化行为;
(g) Schools: Educational environments should play a major role in fulfilling the obligations under article 31, including:学校:教育环境应对履行第31条之下的义务发挥主要作用,包括:
Physical environment of settings: States parties should aim to ensure the provision of adequate indoor and outdoor space to facilitate play, sports, games and drama, during and around school hours; active promotion of equal opportunities for both girls and boys to play; adequate sanitation facilities for boys and girls; playgrounds, play landscapes and equipment that are safe and properly and regularly inspected; playgrounds with appropriate boundaries; equipment and spaces designed to enable all children, including children with disabilities, to participate equally; play areas which afford opportunities for all forms of play; location and design of play areas with adequate protection and with the involvement of children in the design and development;物质环境:缔约国应努力确保在上学时间和这一时间前后提供充分的室内和室外空间, 为游戏、运动、竞赛和戏剧活动提供方便;积极促进女孩和男孩的平等游戏机会,为男孩和女孩提供充分的卫生设施;游戏场所、游戏地带和设备应保证安全、接受 定期和适当检查;为游戏场所划定适当边界;设计能够使所有儿童,包括残疾儿童平等参与的设备与空间;提供游戏地带,为所有形式的游戏提供机会;游戏地带的 地点和设计纳入充分保护,并且由儿童参与设计与建设;
Structure of the day: Statutory provision, including homework, should guarantee appropriate time during the day to ensure that children have sufficient opportunity for rest and play, in accordance with their age and developmental needs;每天的时间安排:包括有关家庭作业的法律规定应保证在白天提供适当时间,确保儿童能够根据自己的年龄和发展需要获得充分的休息与游戏机会;
School curriculum: Consistent with obligations under article 29 concerning the aims of education, appropriate time and expertise must be allocated within the school curriculum for children to learn, participate in and generate cultural and artistic activities, including music, drama, literature, poetry and art, as well as sports and games;学校课程设置:根据第29条与教育的目的相关的义务,学校的课程设置必须分配适当的时间和专门课程,供儿童学习、参与和创造文化与艺术活动,包括音乐、戏剧、文学、诗歌和艺术以及运动和竞赛等;
Educational pedagogy: Learning environments should be active and participatory and offer, especially in the early years, playful activities and forms of engagement;教学方法:学习环境应是积极的,鼓励参与的,尤其在幼教时期提供游戏活动和不同参与形式;
(h) Training and capacity-building: All professionals working with or for children, or whose work impacts on children (Government officials, educators, health professionals, social workers, early years and care workers, planners and architects, etc.), should receive systematic and ongoing training on the human rights of children, including the rights embodied in article 31.培训和能力建设:所有从事儿童工作或其工作对儿童产生影响(政府官员、教育家、卫生工作者、社会工作者、幼教和看护人、规划者和建筑师等)的专业人员应接受有关儿童的人权,包括第31条所载权利的系统性和持续培训。
Such training should include guidance on how to create and sustain environments in which the rights under article 31 can be most effectively realized by all children.这类培训应包括提供指导,学习如何创造和维持使所有儿童最有效实现第31条之下权利的环境。
International cooperation: The Committee encourages international cooperation in the realization of the rights provided for in article 31 through the active engagement of United Nations agencies including UNICEF, UNESCO, UNHCR, UN Habitat, UNOSDP, UNDP, UNEP and WHO, as well as international, national and local NGOs.59. 国际合作:委员会鼓励就实现第31条所载权利开展国际合作,通过联合国各机构,包括儿童基金会、教科文组织、难民署、联合国人居署、联合国体育促进发展与和平办公室、开发署、环境署和卫生组织以及国际、国家和地方非政府组织的积极参与开展合作。
IX. Dissemination九. 宣传
The Committee recommends that States parties disseminate this general comment widely within Government and administrative structures, to parents, other caregivers, children, professional organizations, communities and civil society at large.60. 委员会建议缔约国在政府和行政管理系统内向家长、其他看护人、儿童、专业组织、社区和整个民间社会广泛宣传本一般性意见。
All channels of dissemination, including print media, the Internet and children’s own communication means should be used.应当使用各种传播渠道,包括印刷媒体、互联网和儿童自己的交流渠道。
This will necessitate translation into relevant languages, including sign languages, Braille and easy-to-read formats for children with disabilities.这就需要将一般性意见译成相关语言,包括手语、盲文和方便残疾儿童阅读的格式。
It also requires making culturally appropriate and child-friendly versions available.还要求提供适合特定文化和适合儿童的版本。
States parties are also encouraged to report fully to the Committee on the Rights of the Child on the measures they have adopted to encourage the full implementation of article 31 for all children.61. 还鼓励缔约国向儿童权利委员会全面报告为鼓励所有儿童充分实现第31条采取的措施。
Adopted by the Committee at its sixty-second session (14 January – 1 February 2013).在委员会第六十二届会议(2013年1月14日至2月1日)上通过。
UNESCO, Education for the twenty-first century: issues and prospects (Paris, 1998).教科文组织,《为了二十一世纪的教育:问题与展望》(巴黎,1998年)。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 21 (2009) on the right of everyone to take part in cultural life, para. 13.经济、社会和文化权利委员会,关于人人有权参加文化生活的第21(2009)号一般性意见,第13段。
See UNESCO, “Mexico City Declaration on Cultural Policies,” World Conference on Cultural Policies, Mexico City, 26 July - 6 August 1982.见教科文组织,《墨西哥城文化政策宣言》, 世界文化政策会议, 墨西哥城, 1982年7月26日至8月6日。
See the Committee’s general comment No.12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard.见委员会关于儿童表达意见权的第12(2009)号一般性意见。
See Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, arts. 7, 9 and 30.见《残疾人权利公约》,第七、第九和第三十条。
Marta Santos Pais, “The Convention on the Rights of the Child,” in OHCHR, Manual on Human Rights Reporting (Geneva, 1997), pp. 393 to 505.Marta Santos Pais,“《儿童权利公约》”,载于人权高专办《人权报告手册》(日内瓦,1997年),第393-505页。
UNICEF, Child Safety Online: Global Challenges and Strategies. Technical report (Florence, Innocenti Research Centre, 2012).儿童基金会,Child Safety Online: Global Challenges and Strategies. Technical report(《儿童网络安全:全球挑战和战略-技术报告》)(佛罗伦萨,因诺琴蒂研究中心,2012年)。
UNESCO, International Charter of Physical Education and Sport, 1978.教科文组织,《国际体育运动宪章》,1978年。
General comment No. 9 (2006) on the rights of children with disabilities.关于残疾儿童的权利的第9(2006)号一般性意见。
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (General Assembly resolution 61/295, annex).《联合国土著人民权利宣言》(大会第61/295号决议,附件)。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 3 (1990) on the nature of States parties obligations, para. 11.经济、社会和文化权利委员会关于缔约国义务的性质的第3(1990)号一般性意见,第11段。
ILO conventions No. 79 - Night Work of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations); No. 90 - Night Work of Young Persons (Industry); No. 138 -; No. 182 - Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention.劳工组织第79号公约――《未成年人(非工业部门就业限制)夜间工作公约》;第90号公约――《(受雇用于工业的)未成年人夜间工作公约》;第138号公约――《准予就业最低年龄公约》;第182号公约――《最恶劣形式的童工劳动公约》。
General comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence.关于儿童免遭一切形式暴力侵害的权利的第13(2011年)号一般性意见。
Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War (Protocol V to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons).《战争遗留爆炸物议定书》(《特定常规武器公约》第五号议定书)。
General comment No. 2 (2002) on te role of independent national human rights institutions in the promotion and protection of the rights of the child.关于独立的国家人权机构在增进和保护儿童权利方面的作用的第2(2002)号一般性意见。
General comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard.关于儿童表达意见的权利的第12(2009)号一般性意见。
The term "universal design" was coined by Ronald Mace to describe the concept of designing all products and the built environment to be aesthetic and usable to the greatest extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability or status in life; see also art. 4, para. 1 (f) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.Ronald Mace创造了“通用设计”一词,这一概念指得是在设计所有产品和建造环境时尽最大可能符合所有人的审美并能够为所有人所用,不论其年龄、能力或生活状况如何;另见《残疾人权利公约》第四条第一款第(六)项。
General comment No. 1 (2001) on the aims of education.关于教育的目的的第1(2001)号一般性意见。