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CRC/GC/1 CRC_GC_1E.docx (English)CRC/GC/1 CRC_GC_1C.docx (Chinese)
General comment No. 1:第1号一般性意见:
The aims of education教育的目的
Twenty-sixth session (2001)第二十六届会议(2001年)
The significance of article 29 (1)第29条第1款的重要意义
1. Article 29, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is of far-reaching importance.1. 《儿童权利公约》第29条第1款具有深远的重要意义。
The aims of education that it sets out, which have been agreed to by all States parties, promote, support and protect the core value of the Convention: the human dignity innate in every child and his or her equal and inalienable rights.其中所列经所有缔约国商定的教育的目的促进、支持和保护《公约》的核心价值:每个儿童固有的人的尊严及其平等和不可剥夺的权利。
These aims, set out in the five subparagraphs of article 29 (1), are all linked directly to the realization of the child’s human dignity and rights, taking into account the child’s special developmental needs and diverse evolving capacities.第29条第1款分五项列出的这些目标,全部与实现儿童的人的尊严和权利直接相联,同时考虑到了儿童的特殊发展需要和不同的发展能力。
The aims are: the holistic development of the full potential of the child (29 (1) (a)), including development of respect for human rights (29 (1) (b)), an enhanced sense of identity and affiliation (29 (1) (c)), and his or her socialization and interaction with others (29 (1) (d)) and with the environment (29 (1) (e)).目的是:充分发展儿童的的全部潜力(第29条第1款(a)项)、包括培养对人权的尊重(第29条第1款(b)项)、增强对特性和属性的意识(第29条第1款(c)项)、儿童的社会化和与他人(第29条第1款(d)项)及社会(第29条第1款(e)项)的交往。
2. Article 29 (1) not only adds to the right to education recognized in article 28 a qualitative dimension which reflects the rights and inherent dignity of the child; it also insists upon the need for education to be child-centred, child-friendly and empowering, and it highlights the need for educational processes to be based upon the very principles it enunciates.2. 第29条第1款不仅为第28条所确认的受教育权增加了一个实质层面,反映了儿童的各项权利和固有尊严,而且还坚持,教育的必要性应以儿童为中心,与儿童友善并扶持儿童,该款突出了教育进程应以所述各项原则本身为基础。
The education to which every child has a right is one designed to provide the child with life skills, to strengthen the child’s capacity to enjoy the full range of human rights and to promote a culture which is infused by appropriate human rights values.每个儿童有权享有的教育是为了培养儿童的生活技能,增强儿童享有全面人权的能力和促进渗透着适当人权价值观的文化。
The goal is to empower the child by developing his or her skills, learning and other capacities, human dignity, self-esteem and self-confidence.这一目标是要通过培养儿童的技能、学习和其它能力、人的尊严、自尊和自信来扶助儿童。
“Education” in this context goes far beyond formal schooling to embrace the broad range of life experiences and learning processes which enable children, individually and collectively, to develop their personalities, talents and abilities and to live a full and satisfying life within society.这种“教育”远远超过了正规学校教育的范围,包含着广泛的生活经验和学习过程,使儿童个人和集体能够发展自己的人格、才智和能力,在社会中全面和满意地生活。
3. The child’s right to education is not only a matter of access (art. 28) but also of content.3. 儿童的受教育权不仅是一个途径问题,而且也是内容问题。
An education with its contents firmly rooted in the values of article 29 (1) is for every child an indispensable tool for her or his efforts to achieve in the course of her or his life a balanced, human rights-friendly response to the challenges that accompany a period of fundamental change driven by globalization, new technologies and related phenomena.将内容坚实地植根于第29条第1款的价值观中的教育,对于每个儿童在生活过程中以稳妥和有益于人权的方式应付在全球化、新技术和相关现象推动之下的剧变时期带来的挑战,是一种必不可少的工具。
Such challenges include the tensions between, inter alia, the global and the local; the individual and the collective; tradition and modernity; long- and short-term considerations; competition and equality of opportunity; the expansion of knowledge and the capacity to assimilate it; and the spiritual and the material.除其他外,这种挑战包括全球与局部、个人与集体、传统与现代、长期考虑与短期考虑、竞争与机会平等、知识扩张与了解知识的能力、精神与物质之间的种种矛盾和紧张。
And yet, in the national and international programmes and policies on education that really count, the elements embodied in article 29 (1) seem all too often to be either largely missing or present only as a cosmetic afterthought.然而,在真正起决定性作用的国家和国际教育方案和政策中,往往看不到多少第29条第1款的内容,或只是用这来作一种点缀。
4. Article 29 (1) states that the States parties agree that education should be directed to a wide range of values.4. 第29条第1款写明,缔约各国同意,应用广泛的价值观作为教育的方向。
This agreement overcomes the boundaries of religion, nation and culture built across many parts of the world.这一协议克服了跨越世界许多地方所建立起的宗教、民族和文化界限。
At first sight, some of the diverse values expressed in article 29 (1) might be thought to be in conflict with one another in certain situations.初看上去,第29条第1款明示的多样化价值观在某些情况下可能被认为是相互矛盾的。
Thus, efforts to promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all peoples, to which paragraph (1) (d) refers, might not always be automatically compatible with policies designed, in accordance with paragraph (1) (c), to develop respect for the child’s own cultural identity, language and values, for the national values of the country in which the child is living, the country from which he or she may originate, and for civilizations different from his or her own.因此,第1款(d)项所提到的促进所有人民之间的理解、容忍和友谊的努力可能并不总是与第1款(c)项所述为培养对尊重儿童自身的文化认同、语言和价值观、儿童所居住国家的民族价值观、其原籍国以及不同于其本国的文明而制订的各项政策自动相符。
But in fact, part of the importance of this provision lies precisely in its recognition of the need for a balanced approach to education and one which succeeds in reconciling diverse values through dialogue and respect for difference.但事实上,这一规定的部分重要性恰恰在于承认需要以兼顾稳妥的方式对待教育,通过对话和对差异的尊重,成功地调和不同价值观。
Moreover, children are capable of playing a unique role in bridging many of the differences that have historically separated groups of people from one another.而且,儿童有能力发挥一种独特作用,弥合曾经在历史上将不同的人民分隔开来的许多差异。
The functions of article 29 (1)第29条第1款的功能
5. Article 29 (1) is much more than an inventory or listing of different objectives which education should seek to achieve.5. 第29条第1款远远超过了综述和罗列教育应当实现的不同目标的范围。
Within the overall context of the Convention it serves to highlight, inter alia, the following dimensions.在《公约》的整体之内,第29条第1款除其他外,起着突出下列各个层面的作用。
6. First, it emphasizes the indispensable interconnected nature of the Convention’s provisions.6. 首先,该款强调了《公约》各项规定必不可少的互联性质。
It draws upon, reinforces, integrates and complements a variety of other provisions and cannot be properly understood in isolation from them.该款发展、加强、综合和充实了大量的其它规定,脱离这些规定孤立地看是无法正确理解的。
In addition to the general principles of the Convention - non-discrimination (art. 2), the best interest of the child (art. 3), the right to life, survival and development (art. 6) and the right to express views and have them taken into account (art. 12) - many other provisions may be mentioned, such as but not limited to the rights and responsibilities of parents (arts. 5 and 18), freedom of expression (art. 13), freedom of thought (art. 14), the right to information (art. 17), the rights of children with disabilities (art. 23), the right to education for health (art. 24), the right to education (art. 28), and the linguistic and cultural rights of children belonging to minority groups (art. 30).除了《公约》的不歧视(第2条)、儿童的最 大利益(第3条)、生命、生存和发展权(第6条)、表示意见和意见得到考虑的权利(第12条)等一般原则之外,还可提到许多其它规定,例如但不仅限于父母 的权利和责任(第5条和第18条)、表达自由(第13条)、思想自由(第14条)、知情权(第17条)、残疾儿童权利(第23条)、受保健教育权(第24 条)、受教育权(第28条)及少数人群体的儿童的语言和文化权利(第30条)。
7. Children’s rights are not detached or isolated values devoid of context, but exist within a broader ethical framework which is partly described in article 29 (1) and in the preamble to the Convention.7. 儿童权利并不是脱离实际的抽象或孤立的价值观,而是存在于范围更广的道德框架之内,《公约》第29条第1款和序言对此作了部分阐述。
Many of the criticisms that have been made of the Convention are specifically answered by this provision.这一规定具体回答了对于《公约》提出的许多批评。
Thus, for example, this article underlines the importance of respect for parents, of the need to view rights within their broader ethical, moral, spiritual, cultural or social framework and of the fact that most children’s rights, far from being externally imposed, are embedded within the values of local communities.例如,该条强调必须尊重父母,需要在较大的道德、道义、精神、文化或社会框架内看待权利,以及必须考虑到多数的儿童权利并不是外部强加的,而是从当地社区的价值观中产生的。
8. Second, the article attaches importance to the process by which the right to education is to be promoted.8. 第二,该条规定高度重视促进受教育权的进程。
Thus, efforts to promote the enjoyment of other rights must not be undermined, and should be reinforced, by the values imparted in the educational process.因此,教育进程所灌输的价值观绝不能妨碍促进享有其它权利的努力,而是应当加强这方面的努力。
This includes not only the content of the curriculum but also the educational processes, the pedagogical methods and the environment within which education takes place, whether it be the home, school, or elsewhere.这不仅包括教学大纲的内容,而且也包括教育进程、教学方法及开展教育的环境,无论是在家,在校还是在其它地方。
Children do not lose their human rights by virtue of passing through the school gates.儿童不会因为走进了学校大门就失去了人权。
Thus, for example, education must be provided in a way that respects the inherent dignity of the child and enables the child to express his or her views freely in accordance with article 12 (1) and to participate in school life.例如,提供教育的方式必须尊重儿童的固有尊严,使儿童能够根据第12条第1款表达自己的意见和参加学校生活。
Education must also be provided in a way that respects the strict limits on discipline reflected in article 28 (2) and promotes non-violence in school.提供教育的方式还必须尊重第28条第2款反映出的关于纪律的严格限制,在学校宣传非暴力。
The Committee has repeatedly made clear in its concluding observations that the use of corporal punishment does not respect the inherent dignity of the child nor the strict limits on school discipline.委员会在结论性意见中一再表明,体罚手段既不尊重儿童的固有尊严,也不尊重关于学校纪律的严格限制。
Compliance with the values recognized in article 29 (1) clearly requires that schools be child-friendly in the fullest sense of the term and that they be consistent in all respects with the dignity of the child.遵守第29条第1款确认的各种价值观显然要求学校最充分地与儿童友善,在所有方面合乎儿童的尊严。
The participation of children in school life, the creation of school communities and student councils, peer education and peer counselling, and the involvement of children in school disciplinary proceedings should be promoted as part of the process of learning and experiencing the realization of rights.在学习和体验权利实现的过程中,应当推动儿童参与学校生活,建立学校社区和学生会,互帮互学,以及由儿童参与校园的纪律决定。
9. Third, while article 28 focuses upon the obligations of State parties in relation to the establishment of educational systems and in ensuring access thereto, article 29 (1) underlies the individual and subjective right to a specific quality of education.9. 第三,第28条的重点是缔约国在建立教育体系和确保教育准入方面的义务,而第29条第1款强调了享有特定教育质量的个人和主体权利。
Consistent with the Convention’s emphasis on the importance of acting in the best interests of the child, this article emphasizes the message of child-centred education: that the key goal of education is the development of the individual child’s personality, talents and abilities, in recognition of the fact that every child has unique characteristics, interests, abilities, and learning needs.这种规定符合《公约》对于本着儿童最大利益行事的重要性的侧重,突出了教育以儿童为中心的意思:教育的关键目标是培养儿童个人的个性、才智和能力,确认每个儿童均有独特的性格、兴趣、能力和学习需要。
Thus, the curriculum must be of direct relevance to the child’s social, cultural, environmental and economic context and to his or her present and future needs and take full account of the child’s evolving capacities; teaching methods should be tailored to the different needs of different children.因此,教学大纲必须与儿童的社会、文化、环境和经济情况直接联系,与儿童的现在与未来需要直接联系,并充分考虑到儿童的发展能力,这些方法应当兼顾不同儿童的需要。
Education must also be aimed at ensuring that essential life skills are learnt by every child and that no child leaves school without being equipped to face the challenges that he or she can expect to be confronted with in life.教学目标必须是确保每个儿童学会基本的生活技能,不能有一个儿童在离校时还没有掌握应付生活挑战的能力。
Basic skills include not only literacy and numeracy but also life skills such as the ability to make well-balanced decisions; to resolve conflicts in a non-violent manner; and to develop a healthy lifestyle, good social relationships and responsibility, critical thinking, creative talents, and other abilities which give children the tools needed to pursue their options in life.基本技能不仅包括识字和算术,而且也包括生活技能,例如有能力作出妥善的决定,以非暴力方式解决冲突,培养健康的生活方式,良好的社会关系和责任,辨别是非,创造才能及使儿童掌握追求生活目标的工具的其它能力。
10. Discrimination on the basis of any of the grounds listed in article 2 of the Convention, whether it is overt or hidden, offends the human dignity of the child and is capable of undermining or even destroying the capacity of the child to benefit from educational opportunities.10. 基于《公约》第2条所列任何理由的歧视,无论是公开歧视或是隐蔽的歧视,都是有悖于儿童的人的尊严的,可能破坏甚至摧毁儿童从教育机会中获益的能力。
While denying a child’s access to educational opportunities is primarily a matter which relates to article 28 of the Convention, there are many ways in which failure to comply with the principles contained in article 29 (1) can have a similar effect.剥夺儿童的受教育机会主要是《公约》第28条涉及的问题,但还有不符合第29条第1款所载各项原则的许多其它方式,会产生类似的结果。
To take an extreme example, gender discrimination can be reinforced by practices such as a curriculum which is inconsistent with the principles of gender equality, by arrangements which limit the benefits girls can obtain from the educational opportunities offered, and by unsafe or unfriendly environments which discourage girls’ participation.一种极端的例子是,不符合男女平等原则的教学大纲、限制女生获益于教学机会的某些安排、不利于女生入学的不安全或不友好的环境都可能助长性别歧视。
Discrimination against children with disabilities is also pervasive in many formal educational systems and in a great many informal educational settings, including in the home.在许多正规教育系统和大量非正规教育的环境中,包括在家庭内,也广泛存在着对残疾儿童的歧视。
Children with HIV/AIDS are also heavily discriminated against in both settings.受艾滋病毒感染和患有艾滋病的儿童在这两种环境中也受到严重歧视。
All such discriminatory practices are in direct contradiction with the requirements in article 29 (1) (a) that education be directed to the development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential.所有这些歧视做法都直接违反了第25条第1款(a)项关于教育方向是最充分地培养儿童的个性、才智和身心能力的规定。
11. The Committee also wishes to highlight the links between article 29 (1) and the struggle against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.11. 委员会还愿强调第29条第1款与反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍的斗争之间的关联。
Racism and related phenomena thrive where there is ignorance, unfounded fears of racial, ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic or other forms of difference, the exploitation of prejudices, or the teaching or dissemination of distorted values.在愚昧的地方、在没有根据地对种族、族裔、宗教、文化和语言或其他形式的不同感到恐惧的地方、在偏见受人利用的地方,或者传授和散布扭曲的价值观的地方,种族主义和相关现象必然盛行。
A reliable and enduring antidote to all of these failings is the provision of education which promotes an understanding and appreciation of the values reflected in article 29 (1), including respect for differences, and challenges all aspects of discrimination and prejudice.可靠和长久地克服所有这些荒谬的一种办法是提供教育,促进对第29条第1款所载价值观的理解和赞赏,包括尊重不同,并对歧视和偏见的所有方面提出质疑。
Education should thus be accorded one of the highest priorities in all campaigns against the evils of racism and related phenomena.因此,在反对种族主义和相关现象的邪恶势力的所有运动中,都应把教育放在最高优先地位。
Emphasis must also be placed upon the importance of teaching about racism as it has been practised historically, and particularly as it manifests or has manifested itself within particular communities.另外还必须侧重有关种族主义的教学,因为种族主义有其历史背景,尤其是在特定社区之内表现或曾经表现出来。
Racist behaviour is not something engaged in only by “others”.种族主义行为并不仅仅是“别人”才有的。
It is therefore important to focus on the child’s own community when teaching human and children’s rights and the principle of non-discrimination.因此,在开展关于人权和儿童权利及不歧视原则的教育时,必须以儿童本身的社区为重点。
Such teaching can effectively contribute to the prevention and elimination of racism, ethnic discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.此种教学可有效地促进防止和消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍现象。
12. Fourth, article 29 (1) insists upon a holistic approach to education which ensures that the educational opportunities made available reflect an appropriate balance between promoting the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of education, the intellectual, social and practical dimensions, and the childhood and lifelong aspects.12. 第四,第29条第1款坚持以全面的方式对待教育,确保所提供的教育机会能够恰当地兼顾促进教育的身体、智力、精神和感情方面,知识、社会和实践层面,以及童年和人生的各个方面。
The overall objective of education is to maximize the child’s ability and opportunity to participate fully and responsibly in a free society.教育的总体目标是尽可能扩大儿童全面和负责任地参加自由社会的能力和机会。
It should be emphasized that the type of teaching that is focused primarily on accumulation of knowledge, prompting competition and leading to an excessive burden of work on children, may seriously hamper the harmonious development of the child to the fullest potential of his or her abilities and talents.应当强调,偏重知识的积累,推动竞争和导致儿童作业负担过重的教学类型可能会严重妨碍儿童和谐发展,不能最充分地发挥儿童的能力和才智。
Education should be child-friendly, inspiring and motivating the individual child.教育应当以儿童为友,激励和推动儿童个人。
Schools should foster a humane atmosphere and allow children to develop according to their evolving capacities.学校应当培养人文气氛,使儿童按照自己能力的发展得到培养。
13. Fifth, it emphasizes the need for education to be designed and provided in such a way that it promotes and reinforces the range of specific ethical values enshrined in the Convention, including education for peace, tolerance, and respect for the natural environment, in an integrated and holistic manner.13. 第五,该款强调,涉及和提供教育的方式需要促进和增强《公约》所载一系列特定的道德价值观,包括以综合全面的方式开展和平、容忍及爱护自然环境的教育。
This may require a multidisciplinary approach.这可能需要采取一种多学科方式。
The promotion and reinforcement of the values of article 29 (1) are not only necessary because of problems elsewhere, but must also focus on problems within the child’s own community.促进和增强第29条第1款所载价值观不仅由于其他方面的问题而成为必要,而且还必须注重儿童本身社区内的问题。
Education in this regard should take place within the family, but schools and communities must also play an important role.这方面的教育应在家庭内开展,但是学校和社区也必需发挥一种重要作用。
For example, for the development of respect for the natural environment, education must link issues of environmental and sustainable development with socio-economic, sociocultural and demographic issues.例如,为了培养对自然环境的尊重,教育必须把环境和可持续发展问题与社会经济、社会文化和人口问题联系起来。
Similarly, respect for the natural environment should be learnt by children at home, in school and within the community, encompass both national and international problems, and actively involve children in local, regional or global environmental projects.同样,儿童也应在家庭、学校和社区内学会爱护自然环境,关心各种国内和国际问题,还应积极地使儿童参与当地、区域或全球的环境项目。
14. Sixth, it reflects the vital role of appropriate educational opportunities in the promotion of all other human rights and the understanding of their indivisibility.14. 第六,这一规定反映了恰当的教育机会促进所有其他人权和有利于人们了解人权不可分割性的关键作用。
A child’s capacity to participate fully and responsibly in a free society can be impaired or undermined not only by outright denial of access to education but also by a failure to promote an understanding of the values recognized in this article.儿童充分和负责任地参加自由社会的能力不仅会由于直接剥夺教育机会,而且也会由于不能增进对本条所确认的价值观的了解而受到妨碍或破坏。
Human rights education人权教育
15. Article 29 (1) can also be seen as a foundation stone for the various programmes of human rights education called for by the World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna in 1993, and promoted by international agencies.15. 另外,还可将第29条第1款视为1993年在维也纳举行的世界人权会议要求并得到国际机构推进的多种人权教育方案的基石。
Nevertheless, the rights of the child have not always been given the prominence they require in the context of such activities.然而,儿童的权利在这些活动中并没有始终得到所必要的突出地位。
Human rights education should provide information on the content of human rights treaties.人权教育应当提供关于人权条约内容的信息。
But children should also learn about human rights by seeing human rights standards implemented in practice, whether at home, in school, or within the community.但儿童也应该通过目睹人权标准在实践中的执行而了解人权,无论是在家,在校或在社区内。
Human rights education should be a comprehensive, lifelong process and start with the reflection of human rights values in the daily life and experiences of children.人权教育应当是一种全面、终生的进程,起点就是在儿童的日常生活和经历中反映出人权价值观。
16. The values embodied in article 29 (1) are relevant to children living in zones of peace but they are even more important for those living in situations of conflict or emergency.16. 第29条第1款体现的各种价值观涉及的是在和平中生活的儿童,但对生活在冲突或紧急局势中的儿童来说,这些价值观更为重要。
As the Dakar Framework for Action notes, it is important in the context of education systems affected by conflict, natural calamities and instability that educational programmes be conducted in ways that promote mutual understanding, peace and tolerance, and that help to prevent violence and conflict.如《达喀尔行动框架》所述,在受冲突、自然灾害和动乱影响的教育体系中,执行教育方案的方式必须促进相互理解、和平和容忍,有助于防止暴力和冲突。
Education about international humanitarian law also constitutes an important, but all too often neglected, dimension of efforts to give effect to article 29 (1).对于落实第29条第1款来说,关于国际人道主义法的教育也是一个重要的努力方面,但经常受到忽视。
Implementation, monitoring and review执行、监测和审查
17. The aims and values reflected in this article are stated in quite general terms and their implications are potentially very wide-ranging.17. 这一条款所体现的目标和价值观是以相当一般化的措词阐述的,内中的含义可能很广。
This seems to have led many States parties to assume that it is unnecessary, or even inappropriate, to ensure that the relevant principles are reflected in legislation or in administrative directives.这似乎使许多国家认为,在立法或行政指令中体现相关原则是不必要或甚至是不适当的。
This assumption is unwarranted.这种假设不可取。
In the absence of any specific formal endorsement in national law or policy, it seems unlikely that the relevant principles are or will be used to genuinely inform educational policies.如果在国家法律或政策中没有任何具体的正式认可,有关原则似乎不可能也不会被真正用作教育政策的参照标准。
The Committee therefore calls upon all States parties to take the necessary steps to formally incorporate these principles into their education policies and legislation at all levels.因此,委员会呼吁所有缔约国采取必要措施将这些原则纳入所有各级的教育政策和立法。
18. The effective promotion of article 29 (1) requires the fundamental reworking of curricula to include the various aims of education and the systematic revision of textbooks and other teaching materials and technologies, as well as school policies.18. 切实推行第29条第1款要求从根本上重新拟订教学大纲,纳入各项教育目标,有系统地修订教科书和其他教学材料和技术以及学校政策。
Approaches which do no more than seek to superimpose the aims and values of the article on the existing system without encouraging any deeper changes are clearly inadequate.简单地将这一条款的目标和价值观塞给现行制度而不鼓励任何更深入变革的方法,显然是不恰当的。
The relevant values cannot be effectively integrated into, and thus be rendered consistent with, a broader curriculum unless those who are expected to transmit, promote, teach and, as far as possible, exemplify the values have themselves been convinced of their importance.如果理应传播、促进、施教和尽可能以实例验证这些价值观的人本身并不相信其中的重要性,有关的价值观就不可能切实融入和符合范围较广的教学大纲。
Pre-service and in-service training schemes which promote the principles reflected in article 29 (1) are thus essential for teachers, educational administrators and others involved in child education.因此,增进第29条第1款所体现的各项原则的任职前培训和在职培训,对于教员、教育行政人员和参与儿童教育的其他人员至关重要。
It is also important that the teaching methods used in schools reflect the spirit and educational philosophy of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the aims of education laid down in article 29 (1).另外,学校的施教方法也必须体现《儿童权利公约》的精神和教育理论以及第29条第1款列明的教育目标。
19. In addition, the school environment itself must thus reflect the freedom and the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes, and friendship among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups and persons of indigenous origin called for in article 29 (1) (b) and (d).19. 除此之外,校园环境本身也必须体现第29条第1款(b)项和(d)所要求的各项自由和各国人民、族裔、民族和宗教群体以及原为土著居民的人之间的谅解、和平、宽容、男女平等和友好精神。
A school which allows bullying or other violent and exclusionary practices to occur is not one which meets the requirements of article 29 (1).一所学校如果容许发生欺压或其他暴力和排斥行为,就是不符合第29条第1款规定的学校。
The term “human rights education” is too often used in a way which greatly oversimplifies its connotations.“人权教育”一语的使用现在往往严重地将其内涵加以简单化。
What is needed, in addition to formal human rights education, is the promotion of values and policies conducive to human rights not only within schools and universities but also within the broader community.除了正规的人权教育之外,目前需要的是,不仅在各类学校和大学内而且也在更广泛的社区内促进有利于人权的价值观和政策。
20. In general terms, the various initiatives that States parties are required to take pursuant to their Convention obligations will be insufficiently grounded in the absence of widespread dissemination of the text of the Convention itself, in accordance with the provisions of article 42.20. 一般而言,如果不能按照第42条的规定广为散发《公约》文本本身,要求缔约国按照《公约》义务采取的多种行动就不会有坚实的基础。
This will also facilitate the role of children as promoters and defenders of children’s rights in their daily lives.散发《公约》文本也有利于儿童在日常生活中发挥儿童权利促进者和捍卫者的作用。
In order to facilitate broader dissemination, States parties should report on the measures they have taken to achieve this objective and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights should develop a comprehensive database of the language versions of the Convention that have been produced.为了便利广为散发,缔约国应报告为实现这一目标而采取的措施,人权事务高级专员办事处应当为已经发行的各种《公约》文本开发一个综合数据库。
21. The media, broadly defined, also have a central role to play, both in promoting the values and aims reflected in article 29 (1) and in ensuring that their activities do not undermine the efforts of others to promote those objectives.21. 广义而言的大众媒介在促进第29条第1款的价值观和目标方面,以及在确保其活动不会破坏其他方面促进这些目标的努力方面,也可发挥中心作用。
Governments are obligated by the Convention, pursuant to article 17 (a), to take all appropriate steps to “encourage the mass media to disseminate information and material of social and cultural benefit to the child”.按照公约第17条(a)项,各国政府有义务采取适当步骤“鼓励大众传播媒介散播在社会和文化方面有益于儿童的信息和资料”。
22. The Committee calls upon States parties to devote more attention to education as a dynamic process and to devising means by which to measure changes over time in relation to article 29 (1).22. 委员会呼吁缔约国更多地注意教育这个动态进程,并订出方法结合第29条第1款衡量随时间发生的变化。
Every child has the right to receive an education of good quality which in turn requires a focus on the quality of the learning environment, of teaching and learning processes and materials, and of learning outputs.每个儿童有权受到质量良好的教育,而这就需要注重学习环境的质量、教学过程和教材的质量以及学习结果的质量。
The Committee notes the importance of surveys that may provide an opportunity to assess the progress made, based upon consideration of the views of all actors involved in the process, including children currently in or out of school, teachers and youth leaders, parents, and educational administrators and supervisors.委员会注意到各种普查十分重要,通过普查有可能以考虑这一进程所有参与者的意见为基础评估取得的进展,这些参与者包括目前在校或离校的儿童、教师和青年领袖、父母以及教育行政人员和监管人员。
In this respect, the Committee emphasizes the role of national-level monitoring which seeks to ensure that children, parents and teachers can have an input in decisions relevant to education.在这方面,委员会强调力争旨在儿童、父母和教员都对涉及教育的决定提供投入的国家级监测所具有的作用。
23. The Committee calls upon States parties to develop a comprehensive national plan of action to promote and monitor realization of the objectives listed in article 29 (1).23. 委员会吁请缔约各国制订一项全面的国家行动计划以增进和监测第29条第1款所列各项目标的实现。
If such a plan is drawn up in the larger context of a national action plan for children, a national human rights action plan, or a national human rights education strategy, the Government must ensure that it nonetheless addresses all of the issues dealt with in article 29 (1) and does so from a child-rights perspective.如果是在国家儿童行动计划、国家人权行动计划或国家人权教育战略的较大框架内制订这样一项计划,政府就必须确保这一计划无论如何处理第29条第1款述及的所有问题,并从儿童权利的角度入手。
The Committee urges that the United Nations and other international bodies concerned with educational policy and human rights education seek better coordination so as to enhance the effectiveness of the implementation of article 29 (1).委员会敦促联合国和其他与教育政策和人权教育有关的国际机构更好地相互协调,以便增强落实第29条第1款的实效。
24. The design and implementation of programmes to promote the values reflected in this article should become part of the standard response by Governments to almost all situations in which patterns of human rights violations have occurred.24. 设计和执行用以增进本条所列价值观的方案应当成为各国政府应付发生了各种侵犯人权情况的几乎所有局势的标准对策。
Thus, for example, where major incidents of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance occur which involve those under 18, it can reasonably be presumed that the Government has not done all that it should to promote the values reflected in the Convention generally, and in article 29 (1) in particular.例如,在发生涉及18岁以下少年儿童的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍重大事件时,就可以合理地假设,政府没有作到为增进整个《公约》和尤其是第29条第1款所述各价值观而应当作的所有工作。
Appropriate additional measures under article 29 (1) should therefore be adopted which include research on and adoption of whatever educational techniques might have a positive impact in achieving the rights recognized in the Convention.因此,应当按照第29条第1款采取适当的其他措施,包括研究和采用对于实现《公约》确认的各项权利可能产生积极作用的任何教育方法。
25. States parties should also consider establishing a review procedure which responds to complaints that existing policies or practices are not consistent with article 29 (1).25. 缔约各国还应考虑建立一种审查程序,处理关于现行政策或作法不符合第29条第1款的申诉。
Such review procedures need not necessarily entail the creation of new legal, administrative, or educational bodies.此种审查程序并不一定涉及建立新的法律、行政或教育机构。
They might also be entrusted to national human rights institutions or to existing administrative bodies.也可将这一任务交给国家人权机构或现有行政机构完成。
The Committee requests each State party when reporting on this article to identify the genuine possibilities that exist at the national or local level to obtain a review of existing approaches which are claimed to be incompatible with the Convention.委员会请每一缔约国提出有关本条的报告时说明对于据称不符合《公约》的国家或地方级现行方法加以审查的实际可能性。
Information should be provided as to how such reviews can be initiated and how many such review procedures have been undertaken within the reporting period.应当说明如何发起此种审查,在报告所涉期间执行了多少次此种审查程序。
26. In order to better focus the process of examining States parties’ reports dealing with article 29 (1), and in accordance with the requirement in article 44 that reports shall indicate factors and difficulties, the Committee requests each State party to provide a detailed indication in its periodic reports of what it considers to be the most important priorities within its jurisdiction which call for a more concerted effort to promote the values reflected in this provision and to outline the programme of activities which it proposes to take over the succeeding five years in order to address the problems identified.26. 为了更好地着重审查缔约国述及第29条第1款的报告,并根据第44条关于报告应说明各种因素和困难的规定,委员会请每一缔约国在定期报告中详细说明为了促 进这一规定所载价值观,缔约国认为在其管辖范围内需要进一步更多协调努力的最重要优先事项,并且要说明缔约国为处理查出的问题而在今后5年拟议开展的活动 方案。
27. The Committee calls upon United Nations bodies and agencies and other competent bodies whose role is underscored in article 45 of the Convention to contribute more actively and systematically to the Committee’s work in relation to article 29 (1).27. 委员会吁请联合国各机关和机构及《公约》第45条强调了其作用的其他主管机构更为积极和更有系统地促进委员会在第29条第1款方面开展的工作。
28. Implementation of comprehensive national plans of action to enhance compliance with article 29 (1) will require human and financial resources which should be available to the maximum extent possible, in accordance with article 4.28. 为促进遵守第29条第1款而执行全面的国家行动计划需要人力和财力资源,应根据第4条尽最大可能予以提供。
Therefore, the Committee considers that resource constraints cannot provide a justification for a State party’s failure to take any, or enough, of the measures that are required.因此,委员会认为,资金局限不能成为缔约国不采取任何或足够必要措施的理由。
In this context, and in light of the obligations upon States parties to promote and encourage international cooperation both in general terms (articles 4 and 45 of the Convention) and in relation to education (art. 28 (3)), the Committee urges States parties providing development cooperation to ensure that their programmes are designed so as to take full account of the principles contained in article 29 (1).在这方面,并考虑到缔约国一般而言(《公约》第4条和第45条)和在教育方面(第28条第3款)促进和鼓励国际合作的义务,委员会促请提供发展合作的缔约国确保设计方案时充分考虑到第29条第1款所载各项原则。
In this regard, the Committee takes note of general comment No. 13 (1999) of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the right to education, which deals, inter alia, with the aims of education under article 13 (1) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.在这方面,委员会注意到经济、社会、文化权利委员会关于受教育权的第13号一般性意见(1999),其中除其他外,阐述了《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第十三条第一款所述之教育目标。
The Committee also draws attention to the general guidelines regarding the form and contents of periodic reports to be submitted by States parties under article 44, paragraph 1 (b), of the Convention (CRC/C/58, paras. 112-116).委员会还提请注意关于缔约国根据《公约》第44条第1款提交定期报告的格式和内容的一般性准则(CRC/C/58),第112至116段。
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Learning: The Treasure Within, Report of the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century, 1996, pp. 16-18.教科文组织,“学习:内在的宝藏”《21世纪国际教育委员会的报告》,1996年,第16-18页。
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Edgucation, 1994, p. viii.教科文组织《关于特殊教育需要的萨拉曼卡声明和框架》,1994年,第.viii页。
See general comment No. 5 (1994) of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on persons with disabilities.见经济、社会、文化权利委员会关于残疾人的第5号一般性意见(1994)。
See the recommendations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child after its day of general discussion in 1998 on children living in a world with HIV/AIDS (A/55/41, para. 1536).见儿童权利委员会1998年关于生活在有艾滋病毒/艾滋病的世界中的儿童的一般性讨论日之后通过的建议(A/55/41, 第1536段)。
See General Assembly resolution 49/184 of 23 December 1994 proclaiming the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education.见1994年12月23日宣布联合国人权教育十年的大会第49/184号决议。
Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitments, adopted at the World Education Forum, Dakar, 26-28 April 2000.2000年4月26日至28日在达喀尔举行的的世界教育论坛会议通过的《人人享有教育:履行我们的集体承诺》。
The Committee recalls the recommendations in this respect which emerged from its day of general discussion in 1996 on the child and the media (see A/53/41, para. 1396).在这方面,委员会忆及1996年关于儿童与传播媒介的一般性讨论日所产生的各项建议(见A/53/41第1396段)。