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CRC/GC/2 CRC_GC_2E.docx (English)CRC/GC/2 CRC_GC_2C.docx (Chinese)
General comment No. 2:第2号一般性意见:
The role of independent national human rights institutions in the promotion and protection of the rights of the child独立的国家人权机构在增进和保护儿童权利方面的作用
Thirty-first session (2002)第三十一届会议(2002年)
1. Article 4 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child obliges States parties to “undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized in the present Convention”.1. 《儿童权利公约》第4条责成缔约国“采取一切适当的立法、行政和其他措施以实现本公约所确认的权利。”
Independent national human rights institutions (NHRIs) are an important mechanism to promote and ensure the implementation of the Convention, and the Committee on the Rights of the Child considers the establishment of such bodies to fall within the commitment made by States parties upon ratification to ensure the implementation of the Convention and advance the universal realization of children’s rights.独立的国家人权机构是促进和确保执行《公约》的重要机制,儿童权利委员会认为建立这种机构属于缔约国在批准时所作关于确保执行公约和促进普遍实现儿童权利的承诺的范围。
In this regard, the Committee has welcomed the establishment of NHRIs and children’s ombudspersons/children’s commissioners and similar independent bodies for the promotion and monitoring of the implementation of the Convention in a number of States parties.在这方面,委员会欢迎建立国家人权机构和儿童监察专员/儿童专员以及类似的独立机构,以促进和监督一些缔约国对《公约》的执行。
2. The Committee issues this general comment in order to encourage States parties to establish an independent institution for the promotion and monitoring of implementation of the Convention and to support them in this regard by elaborating the essential elements of such institutions and the activities which should be carried out by them.2. 委员会发表本一般性意见的目的是,鼓励缔约国建立促进和监督执行《公约》的独立机构,并通过阐明这类机构的基本要素及其应开展的活动在这方面予以支持。
Where such institutions have already been established, the Committee calls upon States to review their status and effectiveness for promoting and protecting children’s rights, as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other relevant international instruments.对已经建立这种机构的国家,委员会呼吁它们审查其地位及其在促进和保护《儿童权利公约》和其它有关国际文书所规定儿童权利方面的效力。
3. The World Conference on Human Rights, held in 1993, in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action reaffirmed “… the important and constructive role played by national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights”, and encouraged “… the establishment and strengthening of national institutions”.3. 1993年举行的世界人权会议在《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》中重申,“…国家机构在促进和保护人权方面的重要和建设性作用,”并鼓励“…建立和加强人权机构。”
The General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights have repeatedly called for the establishment of national human rights institutions, underlining the important role NHRIs play in promoting and protecting human rights and enhancing public awareness of those rights.联合国大会和人权委员会多次呼吁建立国家人权机构,强调国家人权机构在增进和保护人权,提高公众对这些权利的认识方面可发挥的重要作用。
In its general guidelines for periodic reports, the Committee requires that States parties furnish information on “any independent body established to promote and protect the rights of the child … ”, hence, it consistently addresses this issue during its dialogue with States parties.委员会的《定期报告一般准则》要求缔约国提供关于“为增进和保护儿童权利而建立的任何独立机构…”的资料,因此,它在与缔约国的对话中不断提到这个问题。
4. NHRIs should be established in compliance with the Principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the “Paris Principles”) adopted by the General Assembly in 1993 transmitted by the Commission on Human Rights in 1992. These minimum standards provide guidance for the establishment, competence, responsibilities, composition, including pluralism, independence, methods of operation, and quasi-judicial activities of such national bodies.4. 应根据联合国大会1993年通过的《关于国家机构地位的原则》(“巴黎原则”)设立国家人权机构。上述最低标准由人权委员会于1992年传达,这些标准提供了关于这种国家机构的设立、权限、职责、组成,包括它们的多元化、独立性、活动方法和准司法活动等方面的指导。
5. While adults and children alike need independent NHRIs to protect their human rights, additional justifications exist for ensuring that children’s human rights are given special attention.5. 虽然成年人和儿童都需要独立的国家人权机构保护他们的人权,但还有一些原因说明对儿童的人权必须给与特别注意。
These include the facts that children’s developmental state makes them particularly vulnerable to human rights violations; their opinions are still rarely taken into account; most children have no vote and cannot play a meaningful role in the political process that determines Governments’ response to human rights; children encounter significant problems in using the judicial system to protect their rights or to seek remedies for violations of their rights; and children’s access to organizations that may protect their rights is generally limited.这些原因是:儿童处于成长时期,他们的人权特别容易遭到侵犯,他们的 意见仍然很少得到考虑;大多数儿童没有投票权,在决定政府对人权的反应的政治进程中不能发挥有意义的作用;在利用司法制度保护他们的权利或者争取对侵犯他 们权利的行为作补救时,儿童遇到严重的问题;儿童诉诸可以保护他们权利的组织的权利普遍有限。
6. Specialist independent human rights institutions for children, ombudspersons or commissioners for children’s rights have been established in a growing number of States parties.6. 越来越多的缔约国设立了专门处理儿童问题的独立人权机构、监察专员或人权权利专员。
Where resources are limited, consideration must be given to ensuring that the available resources are used most effectively for the promotion and protection of everyone’s human rights, including children’s, and in this context development of a broad-based NHRI that includes a specific focus on children is likely to constitute the best approach.在资源有限的地方,必须考虑确保将现有资源最有效地用于增进和保护每个人的人权,包括儿童的人权;在这方面,逐渐建立一个基础广泛的国家人权机构,其中包括一个具体处理儿童问题的联络中心,这可能是最佳办法。
A broad-based NHRI should include within its structure either an identifiable commissioner specifically responsible for children’s rights, or a specific section or division responsible for children’s rights.基础广泛的国家人权机构应在其组织结构内设一个专门负责儿童权利的职能明确的专员或者设一个具体负责儿童权利的科或司。
7. It is the view of the Committee that every State needs an independent human rights institution with responsibility for promoting and protecting children’s rights.7. 委员会认为,每个国家都需要有一个负责增进和保护儿童权利的独立人权机构。
The Committee’s principal concern is that the institution, whatever its form, should be able, independently and effectively, to monitor, promote and protect children’s rights.委员会关注的主要问题是,这种机构,不管其形式是什么,均应能够独立有效地监督、增进和保护儿童权利。
It is essential that promotion and protection of children’s rights is “mainstreamed” and that all human rights institutions existing in a country work closely together to this end.对儿童权利的增进和保护必须“纳入主流”,各国现有的所有人权机构必须为此密切合作。
Mandate and powers任务和权力
8. NHRIs should, if possible, be constitutionally entrenched and must at least be legislatively mandated.8. 设立国家人权机构应在尽可能在宪法中作出规定,必须至少有立法授权。
It is the view of the Committee that their mandate should include as broad a scope as possible for promoting and protecting human rights, incorporating the Convention on the Rights of the Child, its Optional Protocols and other relevant international human rights instruments - thus effectively covering children’s human rights, in particular their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.委员会认为,它们在增进和保护人权方面应当有尽量广阔的任务范围,包括执行《儿童权利公约》及其任择议定书和其它有关的国际人权文书,从而有效地涵盖所有的儿童人权,特别是他们的公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利。
The legislation should include provisions setting out specific functions, powers and duties relating to children linked to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols.立法应参照《儿童权利公约》及其任择议定书作出有关具体职能、权力和义务的规定。
If the NHRI was established before the existence of the Convention, or without expressly incorporating it, necessary arrangements, including the enactment or amendment of legislation, should be put in place so as to ensure conformity of the institution’s mandate with the principles and provisions of the Convention.如果国家人权机构在《公约》存在之前就已建立,或未把执行《公约》明确纳入其职能范围,则应作出必要的安排,包括颁布或修订立法,以确保这种机构的任务与《公约》的原则和规定一致。
9. NHRIs should be accorded such powers as are necessary to enable them to discharge their mandate effectively, including the power to hear any person and obtain any information and document necessary for assessing the situations falling within their competence.9. 应赋予国家人权机构有效执行任务所必要的权力,包括听取任何人的陈述并获得评估属它们授权范围的情况所必要的资料和文件的权力。
These powers should include the promotion and protection of the rights of all children under the jurisdiction of the State party in relation not only to the State but to all relevant public and private entities.这些权力应包括根据缔约国的司法,不仅对国家,而且还对所有有关的公共实体和私人实体开展增进和保护所有儿童的权利的活动。
Establishment process国家人权机构的设立
10. The NHRI establishment process should be consultative, inclusive and transparent, initiated and supported at the highest levels of Government and inclusive of all relevant elements of the State, the legislature and civil society.10. 在国家人权机构的设立应通过与各方面进行协商,应具有透明度,并由政府最高层发起和得到其支持,征求国家各部门、立法机关和民间社会的意见。
In order to ensure their independence and effective functioning, NHRIs must have adequate infrastructure, funding (including specifically for children’s rights, within broad-based institutions), staff, premises, and freedom from forms of financial control that might affect their independence.为了确保独立性和有效监督,独立的国家人权机构必须有充足的基础设施、资金(包括在基础广泛的机构内专门用于儿童权利的资金)、工作人员、房舍、并不受影响其独立性的任何财务控制。
11. While the Committee acknowledges that this is a very sensitive issue and that State parties function with varying levels of economic resources, the Committee believes that it is the duty of States to make reasonable financial provision for the operation of national human rights institutions in light of article 4 of the Convention.11. 委员会承认这是一个非常敏感的问题,而且各缔约国掌握的经济资源多少不同,但认为,根据《公约》第4条,为国家人权机构的运作提供合理的资金,是国家的义务。
The mandate and powers of national institutions may be meaningless, or the exercise of their powers limited, if the national institution does not have the means to operate effectively to discharge its powers.如果国家机构不具备有效行使权力的手段,其任务和权力就会失去意义,或其权力的行使就会受到限制。
Pluralistic representation多元代表性
12. NHRIs should ensure that their composition includes pluralistic representation of the various elements of civil society involved in the promotion and protection of human rights.12. 国家人权机构应确保它们的组成的多元代表性,包括参与增进和保护人权的民间社会的各种群体。
They should seek to involve, among others, the following: human rights, anti-discrimination and children’s rights, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including child- and youth-led organizations; trade unions; social and professional organizations (of doctors, lawyers, journalists, scientists, etc.); universities and experts, including children’s rights experts.它们应主要从事下列活动:人权、反对歧视和儿童权利非政府组织,包括由儿童和青年领导的组织;工会;社会和专业组织(医生、律师、记者、科学家等);大学和专家,包括儿童权利专家。
Government departments should be involved in an advisory capacity only.政府各部门只能以咨询身份参加。
NHRIs should have appropriate and transparent appointment procedures, including an open and competitive selection process.国家人权机构应具有适当透明的任命程序,包括公开和竞争性的选举程序。
Providing remedies for breaches of children’s rights儿童权利受侵犯的补救措施
13. NHRIs must have the power to consider individual complaints and petitions and carry out investigations, including those submitted on behalf of or directly by children.13. 国家人权机构必须有权审议个人申诉和请愿并进行调查,包括代表儿童或者儿童直接提出的申诉和请愿。
In order to be able to effectively carry out such investigations, they must have the powers to compel and question witnesses, access relevant documentary evidence and access places of detention.为能够有效进行这种调查,它们必须有权迫使证人做证并向他们提问,有权获得有关的书面证据,有权进入拘留地点。
They also have a duty to seek to ensure that children have effective remedies - independent advice, advocacy and complaints procedures - for any breaches of their rights.它们还有义务争取确保儿童对任何侵犯他们权利的行为获得有效的补救――独立咨询、维护和申诉程序。
Where appropriate, NHRIs should undertake mediation and conciliation of complaints.在适当的情况下,国家人权机构应对申诉作调解和调停。
14. NHRIs should have the power to support children taking cases to court, including the power (a) to take cases concerning children’s issues in the name of the NHRI and (b) to intervene in court cases to inform the court about the human rights issues involved in the case.14. 国家人权机构应有权支持儿童向法院提起诉讼,包括有权(a) 以国家人权机构的名义承办涉及儿童问题的案件以及(b) 介入法院案件,让法院了解案件所涉的人权问题。
Accessibility and participation可接触性和参与
15. NHRIs should be geographically and physically accessible to all children.15. 国家人权机构在地理位置和体制上应便于所有儿童接触。
In the spirit of article 2 of the Convention, they should proactively reach out to all groups of children, in particular the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, such as (but not limited to) children in care or detention, children from minority and indigenous groups, children with disabilities, children living in poverty, refugee and migrant children, street children and children with special needs in areas such as culture, language, health and education.根据《公约》第2条的精神,它们应积极接触所有儿童群体,特别是最弱势和处于不利地位的群体,如(但不只限于)受监护或被拘留的儿童、少数人群体和土著群体的儿童、残疾儿童、生活贫困的儿童、难民和移民儿童、流浪儿童和在文化、语言、健康和卫生方面有特殊需要的儿童。
NHRI legislation should include the right of the institution to have access in conditions of privacy to children in all forms of alternative care and to all institutions that include children.关于独立的国家人权机构的法律应包括这种机构在保护隐私条件下接触各种替代性监护下儿童和进入收容儿童的所有机构的权利。
16. NHRIs have a key role to play in promoting respect for the views of children in all matters affecting them, as articulated in article 12 of the Convention, by Government and throughout society.16. 国家人权机构对促进政府和整个社会根据《公约》第12条尊重儿童在影响到他们的所有事务上的意见可发挥关键作用。
This general principle should be applied to the establishment, organization and activities of national human rights institutions.这一普遍原则应适用于国家人权机构的建立、组织和活动。
Institutions must ensure that they have direct contact with children and that children are appropriately involved and consulted.机构必须确保它们能直接接触儿童,而且儿童能适当参与并被征求意见。
Children’s councils, for example, could be created as advisory bodies for NHRIs to facilitate the participation of children in matters of concern to them.例如,可创立作为国家人权机构的咨询机构的儿童理事会,以便于儿童参加他们关注的事务。
17. NHRIs should devise specially tailored consultation programmes and imaginative communication strategies to ensure full compliance with article 12 of the Convention.17. 国家人权机构应制定专用的磋商方案和富有想象力的交流战略,以确保充分遵守《公约》第12条。
A range of suitable ways in which children can communicate with the institution should be established.应建立一系列的适当途径,使儿童能够与机构交流。
18. NHRIs must have the right to report directly, independently and separately on the state of children’s rights to the public and to parliamentary bodies.18. 国家人权机构必须有权直接、独立和单独就儿童权利的状况向公众和议会机构报告。
In this respect, States parties must ensure that an annual debate is held in Parliament to provide parliamentarians with an opportunity to discuss the work of the NHRI in respect of children’s rights and the State’s compliance with the Convention.在这方面,缔约国必须确保议会每年举行一次辩论,以便向议员提供讨论独立的国家人权机构在儿童权利和国家遵守《公约》方面的工作的机会。
Recommended activities建议进行的活动
19. The following is an indicative, but not exhaustive, list of the types of activities which NHRIs should carry out in relation to the implementation of children’s rights in light of the general principles of the Convention. They should:19. 以下是国家人权机构在根据《公约》普遍原则落实儿童权利方面应该开展的各种活动清单,它只是示范性的,并非包括全部活动:
(a) Undertake investigations into any situation of violation of children’s rights, on complaint or on their own initiative, within the scope of their mandate;在授权范围内,对有关侵犯儿童权利的任何情况、申诉或主动进行调查;
(b) Conduct inquiries on matters relating to children’s rights;对涉及儿童权利的问题进行调查;
(c) Prepare and publicize opinions, recommendations and reports, either at the request of national authorities or on their own initiative, on any matter relating to the promotion and protection of children’s rights;应国家当局的要求或者主动就涉及增进和保护儿童权利的任何问题拟订和公布意见、建议和报告;
(d) Keep under review the adequacy and effectiveness of law and practice relating to the protection of children’s rights;不断审查涉及保护儿童权利的法律和做法是否适当和有效;
(e) Promote harmonization of national legislation, regulations and practices with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, its Optional Protocols and other international human rights instruments relevant to children’s rights and promote their effective implementation, including through the provision of advice to public and private bodies in construing and applying the Convention;促进国内立法、规章和做法与《儿童权利公约》及其任择议定书和与儿童权利有关的其它国际人权文书的协调,促进它们的有效执行,包括通过在解释和适用《公约》方面向政府机构和私人机构提供咨询;
(f) Ensure that national economic policy makers take children’s rights into account in setting and evaluating national economic and development plans;确保国家经济决策者在制定和评估国家经济和发展计划时考虑到儿童权利;
(g) Review and report on the Government’s implementation and monitoring of the state of children’s rights, seeking to ensure that statistics are appropriately disaggregated and other information collected on a regular basis in order to determine what must be done to realize children’s rights;对政府落实儿童权利和监督儿童权利状况的情况进行审查并提出报告,争取确保对统计数字作适当分类,并定期收集其它资料,以确定在落实儿童权利方面必须采取的行动;
(h) Encourage ratification of or accession to any relevant international human rights instruments;鼓励批准或加入有关的国际人权文书;
(i) In accordance with article 3 of the Convention requiring that the best interests of children should be a primary consideration in all actions concerning them, ensure that the impact of laws and policies on children is carefully considered from development to implementation and beyond;根据关于要求在所有涉及儿童的行动方面最优先考虑儿童的最大利益的《公约》第3条,确保仔细考虑法律和政策从拟订到执行以及执行以后对儿童的影响;
(j) In light of article 12, ensure that the views of children are expressed and heard on matters concerning their human rights and in defining issues relating to their rights;根据第12条,确保在涉及儿童人权的问题上和在确定涉及他们权利的问题方面表示和听取儿童的意见;
(k) Advocate for and facilitate meaningful participation by children’s rights NGOs, including organizations comprised of children themselves, in the development of domestic legislation and international instruments on issues affecting children;倡导和促进儿童权利非政府组织,包括由儿童自己建立的组织有意义地参加拟订影响到儿童的问题的国内立法和国际文书;
(l) Promote public understanding and awareness of the importance of children’s rights and, for this purpose, work closely with the media and undertake or sponsor research and educational activities in the field;促进公众了解和认识儿童权利的重要性,并为此与媒体密切合作,开展或赞助实地研究和教育活动;
(m) In accordance with article 42 of the Convention which obligates State parties to “make the principles and provisions of the Convention widely known, by appropriate and active means, to adults and children alike”, sensitize the Government, public agencies and the general public to the provisions of the Convention and monitor ways in which the State is meeting its obligations in this regard;根据《公约》第42条要求缔约国承担的义务,即“以适当的积极手段,使成人和儿童都能普遍知晓本公约的原则和规定,”使政府、公共机构和大众了解《公约》的规定,监督国家对这方面义务的履行;
(n) Assist in the formulation of programmes for the teaching of, research into and integration of children’s rights in the curricula of schools and universities and in professional circles;协助拟订教授和研究儿童权利,并将儿童权利纳入学校和大学以及专业界的课程的方案;
(o) Undertake human rights education which specifically focuses on children (in addition to promoting general public understanding about the importance of children’s rights);开展特别重点在儿童的人权教育(除提高公众对儿童权利的重要性的认识以外);
(p) Take legal proceedings to vindicate children’s rights in the State or provide legal assistance to children;进行法律诉讼,在全国维护儿童权利,或向儿童提供法律援助;
(q) Engage in mediation or conciliation processes before taking cases to court, where appropriate;在向法院提出诉讼前,酌情开展调解和调停工作;
(r) Provide expertise in children’s rights to the courts, in suitable cases as amicus curiae or intervenor;在适当的案件中作为“法庭之友”或者调解人在儿童权利方面向法院提供专门知识;
(s) In accordance with article 3 of the Convention which obliges States parties to “ensure that the institutions, services and facilities responsible for the care or protection of children shall conform with the standards established by competent authorities, particularly in the areas of safety, health, in the number and suitability of their staff, as well as competent supervision”, undertake visits to juvenile homes (and all places where children are detained for reform or punishment) and care institutions to report on the situation and to make recommendations for improvement;根 据《公约》第3条要求缔约国履行的义务,即“确保负责照料或保护儿童的机构、服务部门及设施符合主管当局规定的标准,尤其是安全、卫生、工作人员数目和资 格以及有效监督等方面的标准”,对少年收容所(和为教养或惩罚而拘留儿童的所有场所)和照料机构进行访问,提出情况报告和改进的建议;
(t) Undertake such other activities as are incidental to the above.开展上述活动附带的其它活动。
Reporting to the Committee on the Rights of the Child and cooperation between NHRIs and United Nations agencies and human rights mechanisms向儿童权利委员会提交报告以及国家人权机构、联合国机构和人权机制之间的合作
20. NHRIs should contribute independently to the reporting process under the Convention and other relevant international instruments and monitor the integrity of government reports to international treaty bodies with respect to children’s rights, including through dialogue with the Committee on the Rights of the Child at its pre-sessional working group and with other relevant treaty bodies.20. 国家人权机构应为《公约》和其它有关国际文书所规定报告的编写工作作出单独贡献,注意政府向国际条约机构提交的关于儿童权利的报告是否全面,包括通过在会前工作组会议上与儿童权利委员会进行对话和与其它有关条约机构进行对话了解对报告的意见。
21. The Committee requests that States parties include detailed information on the legislative basis and mandate and principal relevant activities of NHRIs in their reports to the Committee.21. 委员会请缔约国在提交委员会的报告中提供关于国家人权机构的立法基础、任务和主要有关活动的详细情况。
It is appropriate for States parties to consult with independent human rights institutions during the preparation of reports to the Committee.缔约国在编写提交委员会的报告过程中应与独立人权机构磋商。
However, States parties must respect the independence of these bodies and their independent role in providing information to the Committee.但是,缔约国必须尊重这些机构的独立性及其在向委员会提供资料方面的独立作用。
It is not appropriate to delegate to NHRIs the drafting of reports or to include them in the government delegation when reports are examined by the Committee.不宜委托国家人权机构起草报告或者在委员会审议报告时将它们纳入政府代表团。
22. NHRIs should also cooperate with the special procedures of the Commission on Human Rights, including country and thematic mechanisms, in particular the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.22. 国家人权机构还应与人权委员会特别程序,包括国别和专题机制,特别是关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题特别报告员以及负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表进行合作。
23. The United Nations has a long-standing programme of assistance for the establishment and strengthening of national human rights institutions.23. 联合国在建立和加强国家人权机构方面有一个长期的援助方案。
This programme, which is based in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), provides technical assistance and facilitates regional and global cooperation and exchanges among national human rights institutions.该方案设在人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)内,它提供技术援助,促进国家人权机构之间的区域和全球合作和交流。
States parties should avail themselves of this assistance where necessary.缔约国应在必要时利用这种援助。
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) also offers expertise and technical cooperation in this area.联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)还在这一领域提供专门知识和技术合作。
24. As articulated in article 45 of the Convention, the Committee may also transmit, as it considers appropriate, to any specialized United Nations agency, OHCHR and any other competent body any reports from States parties that contain a request or indicate a need for technical advice or assistance in the establishment of NHRIs.24. 根据《公约》第45条的规定,委员会还可以在认为适当时向联合国专门机构、人权署和其它主管机构转交载有在建立国家人权机构方面要求技术咨询或援助或者表明这种需要的缔约国报告。
NHRIs and States parties国家人权机构与缔约国
25. The State ratifies the Convention on the Rights of the Child and takes on obligations to implement it fully.25. 国家批准《儿童权利公约》,承担充分执行《公约》的义务。
The role of NHRIs is to monitor independently the State’s compliance and progress towards implementation and to do all it can to ensure full respect for children’s rights.国家人权机构的作用是独立监督国家的遵守情况和在执行方面的进展,并尽力确保充分尊重儿童的权利。
While this may require the institution to develop projects to enhance the promotion and protection of children’s rights, it should not lead to the Government delegating its monitoring obligations to the national institution.虽然这可能要求人权机构制定项目,加强增进和保护儿童权利,但它不应造成政府将它的监督义务委托给国家机构的情况。
It is essential that institutions remain entirely free to set their own agenda and determine their own activities.机构必须完全保持制定自己的议程和确定自己的活动的自由。
NHRIs and NGOs国家人权机构与非政府组织
26. Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in promoting human rights and children’s rights.26. 非政府组织对增进人权和儿童权利可发挥至关重要的作用。
The role of NHRIs, with their legislative base and specific powers, is complementary.国家人权机构的作用因其立法基础和具体权力,是辅助性的。
It is essential that institutions work closely with NGOs and that Governments respect the independence of both NHRIs and NGOs.机构必须与非政府组织密切合作,政府尊重国家人权机构和非政府组织的独立性。
Regional and international cooperation区域和国际合作
27. Regional and international processes and mechanisms can strengthen and consolidate NHRIs through shared experience and skills, as NHRIs share common problems in the promotion and protection of human rights in their respective countries.27. 区域和国际进程和机制可通过交流经验和技能加强和巩固国家人权机构,因为国家人权机构在各自国家内面临共同的增进和保护人权问题。
28. In this respect, NHRIs should consult and cooperate with relevant national, regional and international bodies and institutions on children’s rights issues.28. 在这方面,国家人权机构应与有关国家、区域和国际机构以及负责儿童权利问题的机构磋商并进行合作。
29. Children’s human rights issues are not constrained by national borders and it has become increasingly necessary to devise appropriate regional and international responses to a variety of child rights issues (including, but not limited to, the trafficking of women and children, child pornography, child soldiers, child labour, child abuse, refugee and migrant children, etc. ).29. 儿童的人权问题不受国界限制,现在越来越有必要为解决各种儿童权利问题(包括但不只限于贩卖妇女儿童、儿童色情制品、儿童兵、童工、虐待儿童、难民和移民儿童等等)制定出适当的区域和国际对策。
International and regional mechanisms and exchanges are encouraged, as they provide NHRIs with an opportunity to learn from each other’s experience, collectively strengthen each other’s positions and contribute to resolving human rights problems affecting both countries and region.应鼓励建立国际和区域机制和交流,因为这可为国家人权机构提供相互学习经验,集体加强各自的地位和促进解决影响国家和区域的人权问题的机会。
General guidelines regarding the form and contents of periodic reports to be submitted by States parties under article 44, paragraph 1 (b), of the Convention (CRC/C/58), para. 18.《关于缔约国根据公约第44条第1款(b)项所提交定期报告的形式和内容的一般准则》(CRC/C/58),第18段。
Principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the “Paris Principles”), General Assembly resolution 48/134 of 20 December 1993, annex.《关于增进和保护人权的国家机构地位的原则》(“巴黎原则”),1993年12月20日联合国大会第48/134号决议,附件。
Commission on Human Rights resolution 1992/54 of 3 March 1992, annex.人权委员会1992年3月3日第1992/54号决议,附件。