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CRC/GC/3 CRC_GC_3E.docx (English)CRC/GC/3 CRC_GC_3C.docx (Chinese)
General comment No. 3:第3号一般性意见:
HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child艾滋病毒/艾滋病与儿童权利
Thirty-second session (2003)第三十二届会议(2003年)
I. Introduction一、导言
1. The HIV/AIDS epidemics have drastically changed the world in which children live.1. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行彻底改变了儿童生活的世界。
Millions of children have been infected and have died and many more are gravely affected as HIV spreads through their families and communities.数百万儿童已受到感染并死亡,随着艾滋病毒在家庭和社区中的传播,更多的儿童受到严重影响。
The epidemics impact on the daily life on younger children, and increase the victimization and marginalization of children especially on those living in particularly difficult circumstances.此流行病对年幼儿童的日常生活造成了影响,使儿童尤其是生活特别困难的儿童日益成为受害者和被边缘化。
HIV/AIDS is not a problem of some countries but of the entire world.艾滋病毒/艾滋病不是几个国家的问题,而是全世界的问题。
To truly bring its impact on children under control will require concerted and well-targeted efforts from all countries at all stages of development.真正控制艾滋病毒/艾滋病对儿童造成的影响,要求处于不同发展阶段的所有国家做出一致和目标明确的努力。
Initially children were considered to be only marginally affected by the epidemic.最初认为儿童只略微受到此流行病的影响。
However, the international community has discovered that unfortunately, children are at the heart of the problem.然而,国际社会发现儿童不幸地处于该问题的中心。
According to UNAIDS - the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS - the most recent trends are alarming: in most parts of the world the majority of new infections are in young people between the ages of 15 and 24, sometimes younger.联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合方案(艾滋病方案)认为,最近的趋势令人震惊:在世界多数地区中,新感染者大部分是15至24岁之间的年轻人,有时甚至年龄更低。
Women including young girls are also increasingly becoming infected.妇女包括年幼女的感染人数也日益增多。
In most regions of the world, the vast majority of infected women do not know that they are infected and may unknowingly infect their children.在世界大部分地区,绝大多数被感染的妇女不知道已被感染,可能无意间传染给她们的子女。
Consequently many States have recently registered an increase in their infant and child mortality rates and child mortality rate.结果,最近在许多国家婴儿和儿童的死亡率上升。
Adolescents are also vulnerable to HIV/AIDS because their first sexual experience may take place in an environment in which they have no access to proper information and guidance.青少年也容易感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病,因为他们的初次性经历可能发生在未获得适当信息和指导的环境下。
Children who use drugs are at high risk.吸毒的儿童面临着高风险。
Yet all children can be rendered vulnerable by the particular circumstances of their lives being mainly: (a) children who are themselves HIV-infected; (b) children who are affected by the epidemics because the loss of parental caregiver or teacher and/or because their families or communities are severely strained by its consequences; and (c) children who are most vulnerable to be infected or affected.但所有儿童都可能因其特殊的生活状况而极易受到伤害,特别是(a) 儿童自身是艾滋病毒感染者;(b) 儿童受到此流行病的影响,因为失去了父母照顾或者教师的照顾,或者他们的家庭或社区受到此流行病的严重影响;(c) 儿童最容易被感染或受到影响。
II. The objectives of this general comment二、本一般性意见的目标
2. The objectives of this general comment are:2. 本一般性意见的目标是:
(a) To strengthen the identification and understanding of all the human rights of children in the context of HIV/AIDS;进一步确定儿童在艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下的所有人权并加强对这些权利的理解;
(b) To promote the realization of human rights of children in the context of HIV/AIDS as guaranteed under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereafter, the Convention);在艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下促进实现儿童的人权,如《儿童权利公约》(下称《公约》)保障的人权;
(c) To identify measures and good practices to increase the level of implementation by the States of rights related to the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the support, care and protection of children infected with or affected by this pandemic;确定各国提高与预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及支持、照料和保护感染上这种病毒或受这种流行病影响的儿童有关的权利的实施水平方面的措施和良好做法;
(d) To contribute to the formulation and promotion of child oriented Plans of Action, strategies, laws, policies and programmes to combat the spread and mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS at the national and international level.促进制定和推广以儿童为中心的行动计划、战略、法律、政策和方案,在国家和国际级别制止艾滋病毒/艾滋病的传播并减少其影响。
III. The Convention’s perspectives to HIV/AIDS三、从《公约》的角度看待艾滋病毒/艾滋病:
THE holistic child rights-based approach以儿童权利为基础的综合方法
3. The issue of children and HIV/AIDS is perceived as mainly a medical or health problem, although in reality it involves a much wider range of issues.3. 尽管实际涉及更广泛的问题,但儿童与艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题主要被视为医学或健康问题。
In this regard the right to health (article 24 of the Convention) is, however, central.在此方面,健康权(《公约》第24条)是中心问题。
But HIV/AIDS impacts so heavily on the lives of all children that it affects all their rights - civil, political, economic, social and cultural.但艾滋病毒/艾滋病对所有儿童的生活产生了极大的影响,乃至影响到儿童的所有权利――公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利。
The rights in the general principles of the Convention - the right to non-discrimination, (art. 2), the rights of the child to have her/his interest to be a primary consideration (art. 3), the right to life, survival and development (art. 6) and the rights to have her/his views respected (art. 12) - should therefore be the guiding themes in the consideration of HIV/AIDS at all levels of prevention, treatment, care and support.因此,《公约》一般原则所载的权利――不歧视权(第2条)、以儿童的最高利益为首要考虑权(第3条)、生命、生存和发展权(第6条)、以及儿童意见应得到尊重的权利(第12条)――在所有级别考虑艾滋病毒/艾滋病的预防、治疗、照料和支助中,应成为指导主题。
4. Adequate measures to address HIV/AIDS can be provided to children and adolescents only if their rights are fully respected.4. 只有儿童和青少年的权利得到充分尊重,才能采取解决艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的适当措施。
The most relevant rights in this regard are - in addition to the four above-referred general principles - the following: the right to access information and material aimed at the promotion of their social, spiritual and moral well-being, physical and mental health (art. 17), their right to preventive health care, sex education and family planning education and services (art. 24 (f)), their right to an appropriate standard of living (art. 27) their rights to privacy (art. 6), the right not to be separated from parents (art.9), the right to be protected from violence (art. 19), the rights to special protection and assistance by the State (art. 20), the rights of children with disabilities (art. 23), the right to health (art. 24), the right to social security, including social insurance (art. 26), the right to education and leisure (arts. 28 and 31), the right to be protected from economic and sexual exploitation and abuse, from illicit use of narcotic drugs (arts. 32, 33, 34 and 36), the right to be protected from abduction, sale and trafficking as well as torture or other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (arts. 35 and 37) and the right to physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration (art. 39).除以上所指4项一般原则以外,在此方面最相关的权利如下:获得信息和资料,尤其是旨在 促进其社会、精神和道德福祉及身心健康的信息和资料的权利(第17条);预防保健、性教育和计划生育教育及服务的权利(第24条(f)项);适当生活水平 的权利(第27条);隐私权(第6条);不与父母分离权(第九条);保护儿童免遭虐待的权利(第19条);得到国家特别保护和协助的权利(第20条);残 疾儿童的权利(第23条);健康权(第24条);享有社会保障,包括社会保险的权利(第26条);教育和闲暇的权利(第28和31条);受到保护以免遭经 济剥削、性剥削和虐待及非法使用麻醉药品(第32、33、34和36条);保护儿童免遭诱拐、买卖或贩运、酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚 (第35和37条);身心康复并重返社会的权利(第39条)。
Children are confronted with serious challenges to their above-mentioned rights as a result of the epidemics.由于此流行病,儿童在上述权利上面临着严峻的挑战。
The Convention and in particular the four general principles with its comprehensive approach provide a powerful framework for efforts to reduce the negative impact of the pandemic on the lives of children.《公约》尤其是提供全面处理办法的四项一般原则,为减少流行病给儿童生活带来的消极影响进行的努力,提供了有力的框架。
The holistic rights-based approach required to implement the Convention is the optimal tool to address the broader range of issues that relate to prevention, treatment and care efforts.执行《公约》需要的以权利为基础的综合方法,是解决与预防、治疗和照料的努力相关的广泛问题的最佳工具。
(a) The right to non-discrimination (art. 2)(a) 不受歧视权(第2条)
5. Discrimination is responsible for heightening the vulnerability of children to HIV and AIDS, as well as seriously impacting the lives of children who are affected by HIV/AIDS, or are themselves HIV infected.5. 歧视造成儿童感染艾滋病毒和艾滋病的脆弱性上升,严重地影响着受艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响、或者自身是艾滋病毒感染者的儿童的生活。
Girls and boys of parents living with HIV/AIDS are often the victims of stigma and discrimination as they too are often assumed to be infected.由于父母是艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者,女孩和男孩经常成为歧视的受害者,因为他们通常也被认为感染上了艾滋病毒。
As a result of discrimination children are denied access to information, education (reference to general comment No. 1 on the aims of education), health or social care services or from community life.歧视造成的结果,是儿童被剥夺获得信息、教育(见委员会关于教育目的的第1号一般性意见)、健康、社会照料服务、或者社区生活。
At its extreme, discrimination against HIV-infected children has resulted in their abandonment by their family, community and/or society.在极端的情况下,对感染艾滋病毒儿童的歧视,造成他们被家庭、社区和/或社会遗弃。
Discrimination also fuels the epidemic by making children in particular those belonging to certain groups like children living in remote or rural areas where services are less accessible, more vulnerable to infection.歧视也助长了此种流行病,使儿童特别是某些群体的儿童,如生活在偏远或农村地区不易获得服务的儿童,更容易被感染。
These children are thereby doubly victimized.因此,这些儿童成为双重的受害者。
6. Of particular concern is gender-based discrimination combined with taboos or negative or judgemental attitudes to sexual activity of girls, often limiting their access to preventive measures and other services.6. 特别值得关注的是,基于性别的歧视加上禁忌以及对女孩性活动采取的消极和道德审判态度,通常限制她们得到预防措施和其他服务。
Of concern also is discrimination based on sexual orientation.还值得关注的是基于性取向的歧视。
In the design of HIV/AIDS related strategies, and in keeping with their obligations under the Convention, State parties must give careful consideration to prescribed gender norms within their societies with a view to eliminating gender-based discrimination as these impact on the vulnerability of both girls and boys to HIV/AIDS.在制定与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的战略时,遵守《公约》所规定的义务,缔约国必须认真考虑社会中规定的性别规范,以消除基于性别的歧视,因为这些规范影响到女孩和男孩感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的脆弱性。
States parties should in particular recognize that discrimination in the context of HIV/AIDS often impacts girls more severely than boys.缔约国应特别认识到在艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下的歧视对女孩造成的影响通常比男孩更严重。
7. All the above-mentioned discriminatory practices are violations of children’s rights under the Convention.7. 以上提到的所有歧视性做法,违反了《公约》规定的儿童权利。
Article 2 of the Convention obliges States to ensure all the rights under the Convention without discrimination of any kind, and “irrespective of the child’s or her or his parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status”.《公约》第2条责成缔约国确保对《公约》规定的所有权利,不存在任何形式的歧视,“不因儿童或其父母或法定监护人的种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、伤残、出生或其他身份而有任何差别”。
The Committee interprets “other status” under article 2 of the Convention to include HIV/AIDS status of the child or her/his parent(s).委员会解释《公约》第2条的“其他身份”,包括儿童或其父母的艾滋病毒/艾滋病状况。
Laws, policies, strategies and practices should address all forms of discrimination that contribute to increasing the impact of the epidemics.法律、政策、战略和作法应解决导致此流行病的影响扩大的所有形式的歧视。
Strategies should also promote education and training programmes explicitly designed to change attitudes of discrimination and stigmatization associated with HIV/AIDS.战略也应促进明确旨在改变与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的歧视和耻辱的教育和培训计划。
(b) Best interests of the child (art. 3)(b) 儿童的最大利益(第3条)
8. Policies and programmes for prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS have generally been designed for adults with scarce attention to the principle of the best interest of the child as a primary consideration.8. 预防、照料和治疗艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的政策和方案,一般是为成年人制定的,很少注意到以儿童的最大利益为首要考虑的原则。
Article 3 of the CRC, states: “In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.”《公约》第3条第1款规定:“关于儿童的一切行动,无论是由公私社会福利机构、法院、行政当局或立法机构执行,均应以儿童的最大利益为一种首要考虑”。
The obligations attached to this right are fundamental to guiding the action of States in relation to HIV/AIDS.此项权利带来的义务,对指导国家与艾滋病毒/艾滋病有关的行动至关重要。
The child should be put at the centre of the response to the pandemic, adapting strategies to children’s rights and needs.应把儿童置于对此流行病作出回应的中心位置,有关战略应适应儿童的权利和需求。
(c) The right to survival, life and development (art. 6)(c) 生命、生存和发展权(第6条)
9. Children have the right not to have their lives arbitrarily taken, as well as to benefit from economic and social policies which will allow them to survive into adulthood and develop in the broadest sense of the word.9. 儿童拥有生命不被任意剥夺和受益于经济和社会政策的权利,以使儿童能生存和成长为成年人,并得到最广泛意义的发展。
State obligation to realize the right to survival, life and development also highlights the need to give careful attention to sexuality as well as to the behaviours and lifestyle of children, even if they do not conform to the society’s determination of what is acceptable under prevailing cultural norms for a particular age group.国家实现生命、生存和发展权的义务,也强调需要对儿童的性特征、行为和生活方式给予认真的关注,即使不符合社会对特定年龄组确定的可接受的普遍文化规范。
In this regard, the female child is often subject to harmful traditional practices such as early and or forced marriage, which violate her rights and make her more vulnerable to HIV infection, including because such practices often interrupt access to education and information.在此方面,女孩经常受到早婚和强迫结婚等有害传统做法的影响,造成她们的权利受到破坏,致使她们更容易感染艾滋病毒,因为这些做法通常妨碍她们获得教育和信息。
Effective prevention programmes are only those that acknowledge the realities of the lives of adolescents, while addressing sexuality by ensuring equal access to appropriate information, life-skills, and to preventive measures.在通过确保平等地获得适当信息、生活技能和预防措施解决性行为问题方面,只有承认青少年生活现实的预防计划才是有效的计划。
(d) The right to express views and have them taken into account (art. l2)(d) 表示意见并得到考虑的权利(第12条)
10. Children are rights holders and have a right to participate, in accordance with their evolving capacities, in raising awareness by speaking out about the impact of HIV/AIDS on their lives and in the development of HIV/AIDS policies and programmes.10. 儿童是权利持有者,根据其能力的发展,有权通过发表意见参与宣传艾滋病毒/艾滋病对其生活造成的影响,并参与制定关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的政策和方案。
Interventions have been found to benefit children most when they are actively involved in assessing needs, devising solutions, shaping strategies and carrying them out rather than being seen as objects for whom decisions are made.当儿童积极参与需求评估、制定解决方案、对战略施加影响并进行实施,而不是被视为决策影响的对象时,干预才会产生最有利于儿童的效果。
In this regard, the participation of children as peer educators, both within and outside schools, should be actively promoted.在此方面,应积极促进儿童作为同侪教育者参加学校内外的活动。
States, international agencies and NGOs must provide children with a supportive and enabling environment to carry out their own initiatives, and to fully participate at both community and national levels in HIV policy and programme conceptualization, design, implementation, coordination, monitoring and review.国家、国际机构和非政府组织应向儿童提供支持和有利的环境,使其能实施自己的倡议,并且在社区和国家级别充分参与艾滋病毒政策和方案概念的形成、设计、执行、协调、监督和审查。
A variety of approaches are likely to be necessary to ensure the participation of children from all sectors of society, including mechanisms which encourage children, consistent with their evolving capacities, to express their views, have them heard, and given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity (art. 12 (1)).可能需要通过各种方法确保来自社会各方面儿童的参与,包括根据儿童能力的发展,鼓励儿童表达意见、听取其意见、并且按照其年龄和成熟程度给予适当考虑的机制(第12条第1款)。
Where appropriate, the involvement of children living with HIV/AIDS in raising awareness, by sharing their experiences with their peers and others is critical both to effective prevention and to reduce stigma and discrimination.儿童艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者适当地参加提高认识活动,与同龄人及其他人分享其经历,对有效地预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病及减少耻辱和歧视至关重要。
States parties must ensure that children who participate in these awareness efforts do so voluntarily, after being counselled, and also that these children receive both the social support and legal protection to allow them to lead normal lives during and after their involvement.缔约国应确保参加提高认识活动的儿童在获得咨询后自愿地参与,确保他们得到社会支助和法律保护,在参与活动期间及其后正常地生活。
(e) Obstacles(e) 障碍
11. Experience has shown that many obstacles hinder delivery of effective prevention and care services and the support of community initiatives on HIV/AIDS.11. 经验显示,许多障碍阻碍着艾滋病毒/艾滋病的有效预防、提供照料服务和向社区倡议提供支持。
These are mainly cultural, structural and financial.这些障碍主要是文化、结构和资金方面的。
Denial that a problem exists, cultural practices and attitudes, including taboos and stigmatization, poverty, patronizing attitudes towards children, are just some of the obstacles that may block the political and individual commitment needed for effective programmes.其中一些障碍是,否认存在任何问题、以及文化方面的做法和态度(禁忌和耻辱)、贫困、屈尊俯就的态度对待儿童等,会阻碍作出有效计划所需的政治和个人承诺。
Concerning financial, technical and human resources, the Committee is aware that those resources may not be immediately available.关于资金、技术和人力资源,委员会意识到可能无法立即得到这些资源。
But with regard to this obstacle the Committee likes to remind the States parties of their obligation under article 4.但委员会希就此障碍提请缔约国注意根据第4条承担的义务。
It further notes that resources constraints should not be used to justify States parties failure to take any or enough of the technical or financial measures required.委员会进一步注意到,缔约国不应以资源限制作为未采取任何所需的技术和资金措施或努力不足的理由。
Finally, the Committee wants to emphasize in this regard the essential role of international cooperation.最后,委员会希强调国际合作在此方面的重要作用。
IV. Prevention, care, treatment and support四、预防、照料、治疗和支助
12. The Committee wishes to stress that prevention, care, treatment and support are mutually reinforcing elements and provide a continuum within an effective response to HIV/AIDS.12. 委员会希强调,预防、照料、治疗和支助等因素相互促进,在对艾滋病毒/艾滋病作出有效回应中,提供了一个连续的统一体。
(a) Information for HIV prevention and raising awareness(a) 艾滋病毒的预防信息与提高认识
13. Consistent with State party obligations in relation to the rights to health and information (arts. 24, 13 and 17), children should have the right to access adequate information related to HIV/AIDS prevention and care, through formal channels (e.g. through educational opportunities and child-targeted media) as well as informal channels (e.g. targeted to street children, institutionalized children or children living in difficult circumstances).13. 与缔约国对健康权和获得信息权(第24、13和17条)承担的义务相符合,儿童有权通过正式渠道(例如通过教育机会和针对儿童的媒体)以及非正式渠道(例 如针对街头儿童、被收容的儿童、以及生活在困难环境中的儿童)充分获得关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的预防和照料方面的信息。
States parties are reminded that children require relevant, appropriate and timely information which recognizes the differences in levels of understanding among them, is tailored appropriately to age level and capacity and enables them to deal positively and responsibly with their sexuality in order to protect themselves from HIV infection.提请缔约国注意,儿童需要得到相关、适当和及时的信息,注意到儿童的不同理解水平,恰当地适应儿童的年龄层次和能力,以使儿童能积极和负责任地处理性行为,保护儿童免受艾滋病毒的感染。
The Committee wishes to emphasize that effective HIV/AIDS prevention requires States to refrain from censoring, withholding or intentionally misrepresenting health-related information, including sexual education and information,委员会希强调,对艾滋病毒/艾滋病进行有效的预防,要求各国避免对与健康有关的信息,包括性教育和有关信息,进行审查、扣留或故意不进行如实报道。
and that consistent with their obligations to ensure the survival, life and development of the child (art. 6), States parties must ensure children have the ability to acquire the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and others as they begin to express their sexuality.与缔约国确保儿童生命、生存和发展权所承担的义务(第6条)相符,缔约国必须确保儿童有能力获得知识和技能,在开始表达其性欲时能够对自身和他人进行保护。
14. Dialogue with community, family and peer counsellors, and the provision of “life skills” education within schools, including skills in communicating on sexuality and healthy living, have been found to be useful approaches for delivering HIV prevention messages to both girls and boys, but different approaches may be necessary to reach different groups of children.14. 已经发现与社区、家庭和同侪顾问进行对话,在学校提供"生活技能"教育,包括就性行为和健康生活方式问题进行沟通的技能,是向女孩和男孩传达关于预防艾滋病毒的信息的有益方法,但对不同儿童群体可能需采用不同方法。
States parties must make efforts to address gender differences as they may impact the access children have to prevention messages, and ensure that children are reached with appropriate prevention messages even if they face constraints due to language, religion, disability or other factors of discrimination.缔约国必须为解决性别差异作出努力,因为这些差异可能影响儿童获得关于预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病的信息,并应确保儿童获得适当的预防信息,即使他们因语言、宗教、残疾或其他歧视性因素面临着限制。
Particular attention must be paid to raising awareness in hard to reach populations.应特别关注难以抵达的人群提高认识的问题。
In this respect, the role of the mass-media and/or oral tradition in ensuring children have access to information and material, as recognized in article 17 of the Convention, is crucial both to provide appropriate information and to reduce stigma and discrimination.在此方面,正如《公约》第17条所承认,大众传播媒介和/或口头传递在确保儿童获得信息和资料方面的作用至关重要,可提供适当的信息并减少耻辱及歧视。
States parties should support the regular monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns to ascertain their effectiveness in providing information, reducing ignorance, stigma and discrimination, as well as addressing fear and misperceptions concerning HIV and its transmission among children, including adolescents.缔约国应支持和定期监督及评估艾滋病毒/艾滋病的宣传运动,确保有效地提供信息和减少愚昧、耻辱及歧视,解决对艾滋病毒的恐惧和错误认识及其在儿童和青少年中的传播。
(b) The role of education(b) 教育的作用
15. Education plays a critical role in providing children with relevant and appropriate information on HIV/AIDS which can contribute to a better awareness and understanding of this phenomenon and prevent negative attitudes towards victims of HIV/AIDS (see also the Committee’s general comment No. 1 on the aims of education).15. 教育在向儿童提供艾滋病毒/艾滋病的相关和适当信息方面发挥着关键的作用,可有助于提高对此流行病的认识和理解,防止对艾滋病毒/艾滋病受害者采取消极的态度(又见委员会关于教育目的的第1号一般性意见)。
Furthermore, education can and should empower children to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection.此外,教育能够并应该使儿童具备保护自身免于感染艾滋病毒的能力。
In this regard, the Committee wants to remind the States parties of their obligation to ensure that primary education is available to all children, whether infected, orphaned or otherwise affected by HIV/AIDS.在此方面,委员会希提请缔约国注意,有义务确保向所有儿童提供小学教育,不论是感染上艾滋病毒的儿童,还是因艾滋病毒/艾滋病成为孤儿或受到其他影响的儿童。
In many communities where HIV has spread widely, children from affected families, in particular girls, are facing serious difficulties staying in school and the number of teachers and other school employees lost to AIDS is limiting and threatening to destroy the ability of children to access education.在许多艾滋病毒广泛传播的社区中,来自受影响家庭的儿童,特别是女孩,在继续上学方面面临着严重的困难,教师和学校其他雇员由于艾滋病死亡的人数很高,对儿童受教育的能力带来限制和威胁。
States parties must make adequate provision to ensure children affected by HIV/AIDS can stay in school and ensure the qualified replacement of sick teachers so that children’s regular attendance at schools is not affected, and that the right to education (art. 28) of all children living within these communities is fully protected.缔约国必须作出适当的准备,以确保受到艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响的儿童能继续上学,确保以符合质量的教师替代生病的教师,使儿童的正常上学不受影响,使生活在这些社区内的所有儿童的教育权(第28条)得到充分的保护。
16. States parties must make every effort to ensure that schools are safe places for children, which offer them security and do not contribute to their vulnerability to HIV infection.16. 缔约国应尽一切努力确保学校对儿童是安全的场所,能给儿童提供安全,不使儿童感染艾滋病毒的可能性增加。
In accordance with article 34 of the Convention, States parties are obliged to take all appropriate measures to prevent, inter alia, the inducement or coercion of any child to engage in unlawful sexual activity.根据《公约》第34条,缔约国有义务采取一切适当的措施,防止引诱或强迫儿童进行任何非法的性活动。
(c) Child and adolescent sensitive health services(c) 关心儿童和青少年需要的健康服务
17. The Committee is concerned that health services are generally still insufficiently responsive to the needs of human beings below 18 years old, in particular adolescents.17. 委员会感到关注的是,健康服务仍普遍对18岁以下儿童特别是青少年的需要反应不足。
As the Committee has noted on numerous occasions, children are more likely to use services that are friendly and supportive, provide a range of services and information, are geared to their needs, ensure their opportunity to participate in decisions affecting their health, and are accessible, affordable, confidential, non-judgemental, do not require parental consent and do not discriminate.正如委员会已经多次注意到,儿童更愿意使用的服务,是友好的,提供支持的,能够提供广泛的服务和信息,适合他们的需求,给他们机会参与影响其健康问题的决策,可以获得、支付得起、保密和非审判性的,不需得到父母的许可,以及非歧视的。
In the context of HIV/AIDS and taking into account the evolving capacities of the child, States parties are encouraged to ensure that health services employ trained personnel who fully respect the rights of children to privacy (art. 6) and non-discrimination in offering them access to HIV-related information, voluntary counselling and testing, knowledge of their HIV status, confidential sexual and reproductive health services, free or low cost contraception, condoms and services, as well as HIV-related care and treatment if and when needed, including for the prevention and treatment of health problems related to HIV/AIDS e.g. tuberculosis and opportunistic infections.在 艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下,考虑到儿童能力的发展,缔约国应确保健康服务系统雇用经过训练的人员,在向儿童提供与艾滋病毒有关的信息、进行自愿咨询和化验、 了解儿童感染艾滋病毒的状况、提供保密的性健康和生殖健康服务、免费或费用低廉的计划生育方法和服务、所需的与艾滋病毒相关的照料和治疗,包括预防和治疗 与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的健康问题(如肺结核和机会性感染)时,充分尊重儿童的隐私权(第6条)和不歧视原则。
18. In some countries, even when child and adolescent friendly HIV-related services are available, they are not sufficiently accessible to children with disabilities, indigenous children, children belonging to minorities, children living in rural areas, children living in extreme poverty or children who are otherwise marginalized within the society.18. 在一些国家中,即使存在有利于儿童和青少年的与艾滋病毒相关的服务,但残疾儿童、土著儿童、少数民族儿童、生活在农村地区的儿童、生活在极端贫困中的儿童、以及生活在社会边缘的儿童,不能充分地获得这些服务。
In others, where the health system’s overall capacity is already strained, children with HIV have been routinely denied access to basic health care.在其他国家中,健康服务的总体能力已经十分紧张,一直不向感染艾滋病毒的儿童提供基本医疗服务。
States parties must ensure that services are provided to the maximum extent possible to all children living within their borders, without discrimination, and that they sufficiently take into account differences in gender, age, and the social, economic, cultural and political context in which children live.缔约国必须确保向生活在其境内的所有儿童提供可能的最大程度的服务,应不歧视并充分考虑儿童的性别差异、年龄及其生活的社会、经济、文化和政治环境。
(d) HIV counselling and testing(d) 对艾滋病毒感染者的咨询和化验
19. The accessibility of voluntary, confidential HlV-counselling and testing services, with due attention to the evolving capacities of the child, is fundamental to the rights and health of children.19. 获得自愿、保密的艾滋病毒辅导和检查服务,并适当关注儿童的发展能力,对保护儿童权利和健康至关重要。
These services are critical to children’s ability to reduce their risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV, to accessing HIV-specific care, treatment and support, and to better plan for their futures.此种服务对降低儿童感染和传染艾滋病毒的风险,获得专门针对艾滋病毒感染者的照顾、治疗和支助,以及更好地规划儿童的未来十分重要。
Consistent with the obligation under article 24 of the Convention to ensure that no child is deprived of her or his right of access to necessary health services, States parties should ensure access to voluntary, confidential HIV counselling and testing for all children.《公约》第24条确保没有任何儿童被剥夺获得必要的健康服务权利的义务,缔约国应确保所有儿童获得自愿、保密的艾滋病毒辅导和检查。
20. The Committee wishes to stress that as the duty of States parties is first and foremost to ensure that the rights of the child are protected, States parties must refrain from imposing mandatory HIV/AIDS testing of children in all circumstances and ensure protection against it.20. 委员会希望强调,由于缔约国的首要义务是确保儿童的权利得到保护,缔约国必须避免对儿童在任何情况下进行强制性的艾滋病毒/艾滋病检查,并确保儿童得到保护。
While the evolving capacities of the child will determine whether consent is required from the child directly or from their parent or guardian, in all cases, consistent with the child’s right to receive information under articles 13 and 17 of the Convention, States parties must ensure that prior to any HIV-testing, whether by health-care providers in relation to children who are accessing health services for another medical condition or otherwise, the risks and benefits of such testing are sufficiently conveyed so that an informed decision can be made.虽然儿童能力的发展,将决定是否直接需要得到儿童、父母或监护 人的许可,但在所有情况下,依照《公约》第13和17条规定的儿童获得信息的权利,缔约国必须确保在进行任何艾滋病毒检查之前,不论是由保健服务提供者对 儿童的其他健康状况进行所需的医疗服务进行评估,或者是其他情况下,把此种检查的风险和好处充分地告诉儿童,以便作出知情的决定。
21. States parties must protect the confidentiality of HIV test results consistent with the obligation to protect the right to privacy of children (art. 16), including within health and social welfare settings,21. 与缔约国承担的保护儿童隐私权(第16条)的义务相符合,缔约国必须保护艾滋病毒检查结果的保密性,包括在保健和社会福利机构当中。
and information on the HIV status of children may not be disclosed to third parties including parents without consent.关于儿童感染艾滋病毒状况的信息,未经儿童许可不能透露给第三方,包括父母在内。
(e) Mother-to-child transmission(e) 儿童经母体感染艾滋病毒
22. Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) is responsible for the majority of HIV infections in infants and young children.22. 儿童经母体感染艾滋病毒是大部分婴儿和幼儿感染艾滋病毒的原因。
Infants and young children can be infected with HIV during pregnancy, labour and delivery, and through breastfeeding.婴儿和幼儿可以在怀孕、生产、以及通过母乳喂养感染艾滋病毒。
States parties are requested to ensure implementation of the strategies recommended by the United Nations agencies to prevent HIV infection in infants and young children.请缔约国确保执行联合国机构建议的在婴儿和幼儿中预防艾滋病毒感染的战略。
These include: (1) the primary prevention of HIV infection among parents-to-be, (2) the prevention of unintended pregnancies in HIV-infected women, (3) the prevention of HIV transmission from HIV-infected women to their infants and (4) the provision of care, treatment and support to HIV-infected women, their infants and families.这些战略包括:(a) 在即将成为父母者中间进行艾滋病毒感染的基础预防;(b) 防止感染艾滋病毒的妇女非计划怀孕;(c) 防止感染上艾滋病毒的妇女向婴儿传染艾滋病毒;(d) 向感染上艾滋病毒的妇女及其婴儿和家庭提供照料、治疗和支助。
23. To prevent MTCT of HIV, States parties must take steps, including the provision of essential drugs, e.g. antiretroviral drugs, appropriate antenatal, delivery and post-partum care, and making HIV voluntary counselling and testing services available to pregnant women and their partners.23. 为预防儿童经母体感染艾滋病毒,缔约国必须采取步骤,包括提供基本药物,如抗反转录病毒药物,以及适当的产前、接生和产后照料,向怀孕妇女及其伴侣提供自愿的艾滋病毒咨询和化验服务。
The Committee recognizes that antiretroviral drugs given to a woman during pregnancy and/or labour and, in some regimens, to her infant, has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of transmission from mother to child.委员会认识到,在妇女怀孕和/或生产过程中,对婴儿使用抗反转录病毒药物,表明可显著减少儿童经母体感染艾滋病的风险。
However, in addition, State parties should provide support for mothers and children, including counselling on infant feeding options.然而,缔约国除此以外应向母亲和儿童提供支助,包括婴儿喂养方法选择方面的咨询。
States parties are reminded that counselling of HIV-positive mothers should include information about the risks and benefits of different infant feeding options, and guidance in selecting the option most likely to be suitable for their situation.提请缔约国注意,向艾滋病毒阳性母亲提供咨询,应包括关于不同婴儿喂养方法的风险和益处的信息,指导母亲选择最适合其情况的喂养方法。
Follow-up support is also required in order for women to be able to implement their selected option as safely as possible.还需要提供后续支助,使妇女能够尽可能安全地实施她们选择的喂养方法。
24. Even in populations with high HIV prevalence, the majority of infants are born to women who are not HIV-infected.24. 即使在艾滋病发生率很高的人群中,大部分新生婴儿的母亲未感染艾滋病毒。
For the infants of HIV-negative women and women who do not know their HIV status, the Committee wishes to emphasize, consistent with articles 6 and 24 that breastfeeding remains the best feeding choice.对艾滋病毒阴性的妇女和不了解感染艾滋病毒状况的妇女生育的婴儿,委员会希强调,依照《公约》第6和24条,母乳喂养仍然是最佳的喂养选择。
For the infants of HIV-positive mothers, available evidence indicates that breastfeeding can add to the risk of HIV transmission by 10-20 per cent, but that lack of breastfeeding can expose children to an increased risk of malnutrition or infectious disease other than HIV.对艾滋病毒阳性母亲所生的婴儿,现有的证据显示,母乳喂养会导致传染艾滋病毒的风险上升10-20%,但缺乏母乳喂养会使儿童营养不良或感染艾滋病毒以外的其他传染性疾病的风险增加。
United Nations agencies have recommended that where replacement feeding is affordable, feasible, acceptable, sustainable and safe, avoidance of all breastfeeding by HIV-infected mothers is recommended - otherwise exclusive breastfeeding is recommended during the first months of life and should then be discontinued as soon as it is feasible.联合国机构建议,在替代性喂养方式可以支付得起、可行、可以接受、可持续、安全的情况下,建议感染艾滋病毒的母亲避免一切母乳喂养;否则,在婴儿出生后最初几个月内建议只进行母乳喂养,然后尽早地结束母乳喂养。
(f) Treatment and care(f) 治疗和照料
25. The obligations of States parties under the Convention extend to ensuring that children have sustained and equal access to comprehensive treatment and care, including necessary HIV-related drugs, goods and services on a basis of non-discrimination.25. 缔约国根据《公约》的义务,扩大到确保儿童在不歧视基础上可持续地和平等地获得与艾滋病毒相关的全面治疗和照料,包括必要的与艾滋病毒相关的药物、货物和服务。
It is now widely recognized that comprehensive treatment and care includes antiretroviral and other medicines, diagnostics and related technologies for the care of HIV/AIDS, related opportunistic infections and other conditions, good nutrition, and social, spiritual, and psychological support, as well as family, community and home-based care.目前普遍认为,全面治疗和照料应包括抗反转录病毒药物和其他药物,艾滋病毒/艾滋病的诊断技术和相关照料技术、机会性传染和其他疾病,良好的营养、社会、精神和心理支持,以及家庭、社区为基础的照料。
In this regard, States parties should negotiate with the pharmaceutical industry in order to make the necessary medicines available at the lowest costs possible at local level.在此方面,缔约国应与药物制造业进行谈判,使当地能够以尽可能低的价格获得必要的药物。
Furthermore States parties are requested to affirm, support and facilitate the involvement of communities as part of comprehensive HIV/AIDS treatment, care and support, while nonetheless complying with their own obligations under the Convention.此外,请缔约国确认、支持和协助社区参与提供艾滋病毒/艾滋病的全面治疗、照料和支助,同时遵守缔约国自身根据《公约》承担的义务。
States parties are asked to pay special attention to addressing those factors within their societies that hinder equal access to treatment, care and support for all children.呼吁缔约国对解决社会存在的阻碍所有儿童平等地获得治疗、照料和支助的因素,给予特别关注。
(g) Involvement of children in research(g) 儿童参与研究
26. Consistent with article 24 of the Convention, States parties must ensure that HIV/AIDS research programmes include specific studies that contribute to effective prevention, care, treatment, and impact reduction for children.26. 依照《公约》第24条的规定,缔约国必须确保艾滋病毒/艾滋病的研究计划中包括有助于有效预防、照料、治疗和减少对儿童造成的影响的具体研究。
States parties must nonetheless ensure that children do not serve as research subjects until an intervention has already been thoroughly tested on adults.但是,缔约国必须确保一种治疗方法已经对成人进行全面试验之后,才把儿童作为研究对象。
Rights and ethical concerns have arisen in relation to HIV/AIDS biomedical research, as well as HIV/AIDS operations, social, cultural and behavioural research.涉及艾滋病毒/艾滋病的生物医学研究、艾滋病毒/艾滋病的活动、以及社会、文化和行为研究,产生了关于权利和伦理问题的关注。
Children have been subjected to unnecessary or inappropriately designed research with little or no voice to either refuse or consent to participation.儿童被作为不必要的或设计不当的研究的对象,而儿童对拒绝或同意参加研究极少拥有或者没有发言权。
In line with the child’s evolving capacities, consent of the child should be sought and consent may be sought from parents or guardians if necessary, but in all cases consent must be based on full disclosure of the risks and benefits of research to the child States parties are further reminded to ensure that the privacy rights of children, in line with their obligation under article 16 of the Convention, are not inadvertently violated through the research process and that personal information about children which is accessed through research is, under no circumstances, used for purposes other than that for which consent was given.根据儿童能力的发展,应征求儿童的许可,如有必 要可以征求父母或监护人的许可。 但是在所有情况下,必须在充分透露儿童研究的风险和益处基础上给予许可。 进一步提请缔约国注意,依照《公约》第16条的义务,应确保儿童的隐私权在研究过程中不因疏乎受到破坏,在任何情况下研究中获得的儿童个人信息不应用于已 经许可的目的以外的其他目的。
States parties must make every effort to ensure that children, and according to their evolving capacities their parents and/or their guardians, participate in decisions on research priorities and that a supportive environment is created for children that participate in such research.缔约国必须尽一切努力确保儿童(根据能力的发展)、父母和/或监护人参加研究的优先项目的确定,并且为参加此种研究的儿童创造支助环境。
V. Vulnerability and children needing special protection五、脆弱性与需要特别保护的儿童
27. The vulnerability of children to HIV/AIDS resulting from political, economic, social, cultural and other factors determines their likelihood of being left with insufficient support to cope with the impact of HIV/AIDS on their families and communities, exposed to a risk of acquiring infection, subjected to inappropriate research, or deprived of access to treatment, care and support if HIV infection sets in.27. 由于政治、经济、社会、文化和其他因素导致儿童感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的脆弱性,决定了儿童可能得不到足够的照料,难以应付艾滋病毒/艾滋病对其家庭和社区带来的影响,面临着感染艾滋病毒的风险,成为不适当的研究对象,当感染上艾滋病毒时无法获得治疗、照料和支助。
HIV/AIDS-related vulnerability is most acute for children living in refugee and internally displaced persons (IDP) camps, children in detention, children living in institutions, as well as children living in extreme poverty, children living in situations of armed conflict, child-soldiers, economically and sexually exploited children, disabled, migrant, minority, indigenous, and street children, but all children can be rendered vulnerable by the particular circumstances of their lives.最容易感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的儿童是生活在难 民营和国内流离失所者营地的儿童、被拘留的儿童、被收容的儿童、生活极端贫困的儿童、生活在武装冲突中的儿童、儿童兵、遭受经济和性剥削的儿童、残疾儿 童、移徙儿童、少数民族儿童、土著儿童、以及街头儿童。 然而,所有儿童都可能因其生活的特殊状况而容易感染上艾滋病毒/艾滋病。
Even in times of severe resource constraints, the Committee wishes to note that the rights of vulnerable members of society must be protected and that many measures can be pursued with minimum resource implications.委员会注意到,即使在资源受到严重限制的情况下,社会脆弱成员的权利也必须得到保护,并且可以使用最低的资源采取许多措施。
Reducing HIV/AIDS-related vulnerability requires first and foremost that children, their families and communities be empowered to make informed choices about decisions, practices or policies affecting them in relation to HIV/AIDS.减少对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的脆弱性,首先要求儿童、家庭和社区具备能力,可以就与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的影响到他们的决策、做法或政策作出知情选择。
(a) Children affected and orphaned by HIV/AIDS(a) 受到艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响及成为孤儿的儿童
28. Special attention must be given to children orphaned by AIDS, children from affected families, including child-headed households, as these impact on vulnerability to HIV infection.28. 应特别关注由于艾滋病沦为孤儿的儿童,来自受艾滋病影响家庭的儿童,包括户主是儿童的家庭,因为这些因素对感染艾滋病毒的脆弱性具有影响。
For children from families affected by HIV/AIDS, the stigmatization and social isolation they experience may be accentuated by the neglect or violation of their rights, in particular discrimination resulting in a decrease or loss of access to education, health and social services.对来自受艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响家庭的儿童,由于他们的权利被忽视或破坏,特别是受到歧视,使他们获得的教育、健康和社会服务减少或无法获得,可能加剧其遭受的耻辱和社会孤立。
The Committee wishes to underline the necessity of legal, economic and social protections for affected children to ensure their access to education, inheritance, shelter, health and social services, as well as to feel secure in disclosing their HIV status and that of their family members when the children deem it appropriate.委员会希望强调向受到影响的儿童提供法律、经济和社会保护的必要性,以确保他们获得教育、遗产、住房、健康和社会服务,并且使儿童感到可以在其认为适当的时候安全地透露他们及其家庭成员感染艾滋病毒的状况。
In this respect, States parties are reminded that these measures are critical to realization of the rights of children and to give them the skills and support necessary to reduce their vulnerability and risk of becoming infected.在此方面,提请缔约国注意,这些措施对实现儿童权利、给予儿童必要的技能和支持、减少感染艾滋病的脆弱性和被感染的风险,具有关键的作用。
29. The Committee wishes to emphasize the critical implications of proof of identity for children affected by HIV/AIDS, as it relates to securing recognition as a person before the law, safeguarding the protection of rights, in particular to inheritance, education, health and other social services, as well as to making children less vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, particularly if separated from their families due to illness or death.29. 委员会希望强调,证明受艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响的儿童的身份,具有重要的意义,因为这涉及到获得法律对人的承认,维护和保护权利,特别是继承、教育、健康和其他社会服务权利,减少儿童被虐待和剥削的脆弱性,特别是因疾病或死亡与家庭分离的儿童。
In this respect, birth registration is critical to ensure the rights of the child and is also necessary to minimize the impact of HIV/AIDS on the lives of affected children.在此方面,出生登记对确保儿童的权利至关重要,而且对把艾滋病毒/艾滋病对儿童生活造成的影响减少到最低程度也是必要的。
States parties are therefore reminded of their obligation under article 7 of the Convention to ensure that systems are in place for the registration of every child at or shortly after birth.因此,提请缔约国注意根据《公约》第7条承担的义务,确保存在儿童出生时或出生后立即对每个儿童进行登记的制度。
30. The trauma HIV/AIDS brings to the lives of orphans often begins with the illness and death of one of their parents, and is frequently compounded by the effects of stigma and discrimination.30. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病对孤儿的生活带来的创伤,通常始于父母一方患病和死亡,经常还伴随着耻辱和歧视造成的影响。
In this respect, States parties are particularly reminded to ensure that both law and practice support the inheritance and property rights of orphans, with particular attention to underlying gender-based discrimination as it may interfere with the fulfilment of these rights.在此方面,特别提请缔约国注意确保法律和有关做法维护孤儿的继承权和财产权,特别关注可能妨碍实现这些权利的基于性别的歧视。
Consistent with their obligations under article 27 of the Convention, States parties must also support and strengthen the capacity of families and communities of children orphaned by AIDS to provide them with a standard of living adequate for their physical, mental, spiritual, moral, economic and social development, including access to psychosocial care as needed.与缔约国根据《公约》第27条所规定的义务相符,缔约国还必须支持和加强因艾滋病毒沦为孤儿者所在的家庭和社区的能力,向他们提供与身体、心理、精神、道德、经济和社会发展,包括获得所需的社会心理照料相适应的生活水平。
31. Orphans are best protected and cared for when efforts are made to enable siblings to remain together, and in the care of relatives or family members.31. 在努力使孤儿在亲属或家庭成员照料下与同龄人生活在一起时,孤儿能得到最大的保护和关心。
The extended family, with the support of the surrounding community, may be the least traumatic and therefore the best way to care for orphans when there are no other feasible alternatives.得到周围社区支持的扩展式家庭,可能是受创伤最小的方式,因而当没有其他可行的替代办法时,是照料孤儿的最佳方式。
Assistance must be provided so that, to the maximum extent possible, children can remain within existing family structures.必须尽最大的可能提供援助,使儿童能留在现有的家庭结构当中。
This option may not be available due to the impact HIV/AIDS has on the extended family.由于艾滋病毒/艾滋病对扩展式家庭造成的影响,这种选择方法也许不存在。
In that case, States parties should provide as far as possible for family-type alternative care (e.g. foster care).在此种情况下,缔约国必须尽可能地提供家庭式的替代照料(例如寄养照料)。
States parties are encouraged to provide support, financial and otherwise, when necessary, to child-headed households.鼓励缔约国在必要时向以儿童为户主的家庭提供资金或其他形式的支助。
States parties must ensure that their strategies recognize that communities are at the front line of the response to HIV/AIDS and that these strategies are designed to support communities in their determinations as to how best to provide support to the orphans living there.缔约国必须确保本国的战略承认社区处于对艾滋病毒/艾滋病进行回应的前线,这些战略的目的是协助社区确定如何向生活在其中的孤儿提供最佳支助。
32. Although institutionalized care may have detrimental effects on child development, States parties may nonetheless determine that it has an interim role to play in caring for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS when family-based care within their own communities is not a possibility.32. 虽然机构照料可能对儿童的发展具有不利影响,然而,当不可能在儿童生活的社区内进行基于家庭的照料时,缔约国可以确定在照料由于艾滋病毒/艾滋病沦为孤儿的儿童时,机构照料可临时发挥作用。
It is the opinion of the Committee, that any form of institutionalized care for children can only serve as a last resort, and measures must be fully in place to protect the rights of the child and guard against all forms of abuse and exploitation.委员会认为,对儿童进行任何形式的机构照料,只应作为最后的手段,应为保护儿童权利充分采取措施,防止一切形式的虐待和剥削。
In keeping with the right of children to special protection and assistance when within these environments, and consistent with articles 3, 20 and 25 under the Convention, strict measures are needed to ensure that such institutions meet specific standards of care and comply with legal protections.在这种环境中生活的儿童有权得到国家的特别保护和援助,依照《公约》第3、20和25条的规定,需要采取严格的措施确保此种机构达到照料儿童的具体标准,并符合法律保障的规定。
States parties are reminded that limits must be placed on the length of time children spend in these institutions, and programmes must be developed to support any children who stay in these institutions, whether infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, to successfully reintegrate into their communities.提请缔约国注意,必须对儿童生活在这些机构中的时间长度作出限制,必须制定计划使生活在这些机构中的儿童,无论是艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者或者受到其影响的儿童,能够成功地重返社区。
(b) Victims of sexual and economic exploitation(b) 性剥削和经济剥削的受害者
33. Girls and boys who are deprived of the means of survival and development, particularly children orphaned by AIDS, may be subjected to sexual and economic exploitation in a variety of forms, including the exchange of sexual services or hazardous work for money to survive, support their sick or dying parents and younger siblings, or to pay for school fees.33. 被剥夺了生存和发展手段的女孩和男孩,特别是因艾滋病沦为孤儿的儿童,可能以各种方式受到性剥削和经济剥削,包括以性服务或有害的工作换取金钱,用于生存、援助生病或将去世的父母和年幼兄妹、或者支付学费。
Children who are infected or immediately affected by HIV/AIDS may find themselves at a double disadvantage, experiencing discrimination on the basis of both their social and economic marginalization and their, or their parents, HIV status.感染上艾滋病毒/艾滋病的儿童或者直接受艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响的儿童,可能发现他们处于双重的不利地位――由于在社会和经济上被边缘化、以及儿童或者其父母感染艾滋病毒的状况而遭到歧视。
Consistent with the right of children under articles 32, 34, 35 and 36 of the Convention, and in order to decrease children’s vulnerability to HIV/AIDS, States parties are obliged to protect children from all forms of economic and sexual exploitation, including ensuring they do not fall prey to prostitution networks, and that they are protected from performing any work likely to be hazardous or to interfere with their education, health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.与《公约》第32、34、35、36条对儿童权 利的规定相符合,为减少儿童感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的危险性,缔约国有义务保护儿童免受一切形式的经济剥削和性剥削,包括确保免于落入卖淫网络,保护儿童免 于从事任何可能影响或阻碍其教育、健康、身体、心理、精神、道德或社会发展的工作。
States parties must take bold action to protect children from sexual and economic exploitation, trafficking and sale and consistent with the rights under article 39, create opportunities for those who have been subjected to such treatment to benefit from the support and caring services of the State and non-governmental entities engaged in these issues.缔约国必须采取大胆的行动,保护儿童免遭性剥削、经济剥削和贩卖,并依照第39条规定的权利,为曾遭受此种待遇的儿童创造机会,使他们受益于参与解决这些问题的国家和非政府机构提供的支助和照料服务。
(c) Victims of violence and abuse(c) 暴力和虐待的受害者
34. Children may be exposed to various forms of violence and abuse which may increase their risk of becoming HIV-infected, and they may also be subjected to violence as a result of their being infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.34. 儿童可能受到各种形式的暴力和虐待,可能使儿童感染艾滋病毒的风险加大,儿童也可能由于感染上艾滋病毒/艾滋病或受到其影响而遭受暴力。
Violence, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse, can occur in the family or foster setting or be perpetrated by those with specific responsibilities towards children, including teachers and employees of institutions working with children, such as prisons and institutions concerned with mental health and other disabilities.包括强奸和其他形式的性虐待在内的暴力,可能发生在家庭或寄养机构中,肇事者也可能是那些对儿童承担具体责任者,包括教师和与儿童相关的机构的雇员,如监狱、精神健康机构和其他残疾机构。
In keeping with the rights of the child according to article 19 of the Convention, States parties have the obligation to protect children from all forms of violence and abuse, whether at home, in school or other institutions, or in the community.依照《公约》第19条规定的儿童权利,缔约国有义务保护儿童免受一切形式的暴力和虐待,无论在家庭、学校、其他机构或社区内。
Programmes must be specifically adapted to the environment in which children live, their ability to recognize and disclose abuses and their individual capacity and autonomy.保护计划必须具体针对儿童生活的环境、儿童认识虐待和对虐待进行控告的能力、及其个人能力和自主能力。
The Committee considers that the relationship between HIV/AIDS and the violence or abuse suffered by children in the context of war and armed conflict requires specific attention.委员会认为,艾滋病毒/艾滋病与战争和武装冲突中儿童遭受的暴力或虐待之间的关系,值得特别关注。
Measures to prevent violence and abuse in these situations are critical, and States parties must ensure the incorporation of HIV/AIDS and child rights issues in addressing and supporting children - girls and boys - who were used by military or other uniformed personnel to provide domestic help or sexual services, or who are internally displaced or living in refugee camps.在这些情况下,预防暴力和虐待的措施十分重要。 缔约国必须确保将艾滋病毒/艾滋病与儿童权利问题纳入解决下列儿童(女孩和男孩)的问题并向其提供支助:被军事或其他穿制服的人员用来提供家庭服务或性服务的儿童、国内流离失所的儿童或生活在难民营中的儿童。
In keeping with States parties obligations, including under articles 38 and 39 of the Convention, active information campaigns combined with the counselling of children and mechanisms for prevention and early detection of violence and abuse must be put in place within conflict and disaster affected regions, as well as within national and community responses to HIV/AIDS.依照缔约国的义务,包括《公约》第38和39条规定的义务,必须在受冲突和灾害影响的地区结合对儿童提供咨询展开积极的宣传运动,建立预防和早期发现针对儿童的暴力和虐待的机制,并且成为国家和社区对艾滋病毒/艾滋病所作的回应的一部分。
Substance abuse滥用药物
35. The use of substances, including alcohol and drugs, may reduce the ability of children to exert control over their sexual conduct and, as a result, may increase their vulnerability to HIV infection.35. 使用包括酒精和毒品在内的药物,可降低儿童对性行为进行控制的能力,可致使感染艾滋病毒的危险性增加。
Injecting practices with unsterile equipment further enhances the risk of HIV transmission.使用未经消毒的工具进行注射的做法,进一步加大了艾滋病毒传染的风险。
The Committee notes that greater understanding is needed of substance-use behaviours among children, including the impact that neglect and violation of the rights of the child has on these behaviours.委员会注意到需更多地了解儿童使用药物的行为,包括忽视和违反儿童权利对这些行为造成的影响。
In most countries, children have not benefited from pragmatic HIV prevention programmes related to substance use, which even when they do exist have largely been targeted at adults.在多数国家中,儿童未能受益于与使用药物相关的艾滋病毒实用预防计划,即使存在这些计划,也主要是针对成年人的。
The Committee wishes to emphasize that policies and programmes aimed at reducing substance use and HIV transmission must recognize the particular sensitivities and lifestyles of children, including adolescents, in the context of HIV/AIDS prevention.委员会希望强调,旨在减少药物使用和艾滋病毒传染的政策和计划,必须认识到在预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病方面儿童包括青少年的特殊敏感性和生活方式。
Consistent with the right of children under articles 33 and 24 of the Convention, States parties are obliged to ensure the implementation of programmes that aim to reduce the factors that expose children to the use of substances, as well as those that provide children that are abusing substances treatment and support.依照《公约》第33和24条规定的儿童权利,缔约国有义务确保执行旨在减少导致儿童使用药物的因素的计划、以及向滥用药物的儿童提供治疗和支助的计划。
VI. Recommendations六、建议
36. The Committee hereby reaffirms the recommendations, which emerged at the day of general discussion on HIV/AIDS (CRC/C/80) and calls upon States parties to:36. 委员会在此重申关于生活在有艾滋病毒/艾滋病的世界中的儿童的一般性讨论日(CRC/C/80)产生的建议,并呼吁缔约国:
1. Adopt and implement national and local HIV/AIDS-related policies, including effective Plans of Action, strategies, and programmes that are child-centred rights-based and incorporating the rights of the child under the Convention including by taking into account the recommendations made in the previous paragraphs of this general comment and those adopted at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children (2002).在国家和地区级别通过和执行与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的政策,包括以儿童为中心、基于权利、纳入《公约》规定的儿童权利的有效的行动计划、战略和方案,把此一般性意见前面的段落提出的建议、以及关于儿童问题的联合国大会特别会议(2002年)通过的建议考虑进去;
2. Allocate financial, technical and human resources to the maximum extent available to support national and community-based action (art. 4), and when appropriate within the context of international cooperation (see hereafter under 7).尽最大可能划拨资金、技术和人力资源,支持基于国家和社区的行动(第4条),适当时在国际合作下进行(见以下第7段);
3. Review existing laws or enact new legislation with the view to implement fully article 2 of the Convention and in particular to prohibit expressly discrimination based on real or perceived HIV/AIDS status as to guarantee equal access of all children to all relevant services with particular attention for the child’s right to privacy and confidentiality and other recommendations the Committee made in the previous paragraphs relevant to legislation.审查现有法律并制订新的立法,以实施《公约》第2条的规定,特别是明确禁止基于实际或感觉的艾滋病毒/艾滋病状况的歧视,保证所有儿童平等地获得一切有关服务,特别关注儿童的隐私和保密权,以及委员会在前面的段落中作出的与立法有关的其他建议;
4. Include HIV/AIDS Plans of Action, strategies, policies and programmes in the work of national mechanisms for monitoring and coordinating children’s rights and to consider the establishment of a review procedure, which responds specifically to complaints of neglect or violation of the rights of the child in relation to HIV/AIDS, whether this entails the creation of a new legislative or administrative body or is entrusted to an existing national institution.将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的行动计划、战略、政策和方案纳入负责监督和协调儿童权利的国家机制的工作当中,考虑建立一个审查程序,对与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的忽视或破坏儿童权利的控告作出具体回应,无论这涉及建立新的立法或行政机构或者授权现有的国家机构负责;
5. Reassess their HIV-related data collection and evaluation to ensure that they adequately cover children as defined under the Convention, disaggregated by age and gender and ideally be done in five-year age groups, and as far as possible reflect children belonging to vulnerable groups and in need of special protection.重新评估与艾滋病毒相关的数据收集和评估方法,确保充分地覆盖《公约》所界定的儿童,根据年龄和性别分类,理想的是以五年为一个年龄组,并尽可能地列入属于脆弱群体的儿童以及需要特别关注的儿童;
6. Include in their reporting process under article 44 of the CRC information on national HIV/AIDS policies and programmes and, to the extent possible, budgeting and resource allocations at national, regional and local levels, as well as within these breakdowns the proportions allocated to prevention, care, research and impact reduction.根据《公约》第44条,在报告过程中列入与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的国家政策和方案的信息,并尽最大的可能列入在国家、地区和地方级别的预算和资源划拨情况,在这些分类中列入用于预防、照料、研究和减少影响的预算划拨比例。
Specific attention must be given to the extent to which these programmes and policies explicitly recognize children (in light of their evolving capacities) and their rights, and the extent to which HIV-related rights of children are dealt with in laws, policies and practices, with specific attention to discrimination against children on the basis of their HIV status, as well as because they are orphans or the children of parents living with HIV/AIDS.必 须具体关注这些方案和政策在多大程度上对儿童及其权利(根据他们能力的发展)明确地给予承认,与艾滋病毒相关的儿童权利在多大程度上在这些法律、政策和做 法中得到解决,具体关注基于儿童感染艾滋病的状况、因艾滋病毒/艾滋病成为孤儿、或者其父母是艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者,对儿童产生的歧视。
The Committee requests States parties to provide a detailed indication in their reports of what it considers to be the most important priorities within its jurisdiction in relation to children and HIV/AIDS, and to outline the programme of activities it proposes to take over the succeeding five years in order to address the problems identified.委员会请缔约国在报告中详细指出,在国家管辖范围内与儿童和艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的最重要的优先工作,概述今后五年国家为解决已确定的问题打算实施的活动计划。
This will allow these to be progressively assessed over time.这样可以对活动的进展情况进行长期的评估。
7. In order to promote international cooperation, the Committee calls upon UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA, UNAIDS and other relevant international bodies, organizations and agencies to contribute systematically, at the national level, to efforts to ensure the rights of children in the context of HIV/AIDS, and also to continue to work with the Committee to improve the rights of the child in the context of HIV/AIDS.为促进国际合作,委员会呼吁儿童基金会、卫生组织、人口发展基金、艾滋病方案和其他有关国际机构和组织,有系统地对国家一级为确保在艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下的儿童权利作出的努力进行捐款,并且为改善艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下的儿童权利与委员会继续共同工作。
Further the Committee urges States providing development cooperation to ensure that HIV/AIDS strategies are designed so as to fully take into account the rights of the child.此外,委员会敦促提供发展合作的缔约国确保在制定艾滋病毒/艾滋病战略时充分考虑儿童的权利。
8. Non-governmental organizations, as well as community-based groups and other civil society actors, such as youth groups, faith-based organizations, women’s organizations, traditional leaders, including religious and cultural leaders, all have a vital role to play in the response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.非政府组织、社区团体和其他民间社会行动者,如青年团体、基于信仰的组织、妇女组织、传统领袖(包括宗教和文化领袖),在对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行病作出回应方面都可发挥关键的作用。
States parties are requested to ensure an enabling environment for civil society participation, which includes facilitating collaboration and coordination among different players and that they are given the support to be able to operate effectively without impediment. (In this regard, States parties are specifically encouraged to support the full involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS, with particular attention to the inclusion of children, in the provision of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment and support services.)呼 吁缔约国为民间社会团体的参与提供有利环境,包括便利各个行动者之间的合作与协调,向这些小组提供所需的支持,使其能不受阻碍地有效运行(在此方面,特别 鼓励缔约国在提供艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防、照料、治疗和支助服务方面,支持艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的充分参与,并特别关注让儿童参加)。
In its seventeenth session (1998), the Committee on the Rights of the Child held a day of general discussion on the theme of HIV/AIDS and children’s rights in which it recommended a number of actions be taken including facilitating the engagement of States parties on HIV/AIDS issues in relation to the rights of the child.在儿童权利委员会第十七届会议(1998年)举行的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病与儿童权利的一般性讨论日期间,委员会建议采取一些行动,包括促进缔约国参与解决涉及儿童权利的艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题。
Human rights in relation to HIV/AIDS has also been discussed at the Eighth Meeting of Persons Chairing the Human Rights Treaty Bodies in 1997 and been taken up by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.1997年举行的第八次人权条约机构主持人会议、经济、社会、文化权利委员会以及消除对妇女歧视委员会也讨论了涉及艾滋病毒/艾滋病的人权问题。
Similarly, HIV/AIDS has been discussed annually by the Commission on Human Rights for over a decade.同样,十几年来人权委员会每年都讨论艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题。
UNAIDS and UNICEF have emphasized the rights of the child in relation to HIV/AIDS in all aspects of their work, and the World AIDS Campaign for 1997 focused on “Children Living in a World with AIDS” and for 1998 on “Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign with Young People”.联合国艾滋病方案和儿童基金会在其工作的所有方面都强调涉及艾滋病毒/艾滋病的儿童权利。 1997年世界艾滋病运动的主题是“生活在有艾滋病世界中的儿童”,1998年是“青少年-迎战艾滋病的生力军”。
UNAIDS and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights have also produced The International Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights (1998) and its Revised Guideline 6 (2002) to promote and protect human rights in the context of HIV/AIDS.联合国艾滋病方案和联合国人权事务高级专员办事处还制定了《艾滋病毒/艾滋病和人权国际准则》(1998年)及其《修订的准则6》(2002年),以在艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下促进和保护人权。
At the international political level, HIV/AIDS - related rights have been recognized in the United Nations General Assembly Special Session Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, A World Fit for Children of the United Nations Assembly Special Session on Children, and in other international and regional documents在国际政治级别上,与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的权利已经在联合国大会特别会议通过的《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的承诺宣言》、关于儿童问题的联合国大会特别会议通过的《适合儿童生长的世界》以及其他国际和地区性文件中得到承认。