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CRC/GC/4 CRC_GC_4E.docx (English)CRC/GC/4 CRC_GC_4C.docx (Chinese)
General comment No. 4:第4号一般性意见:
Adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child在《儿童权利公约》框架内青少年的健康和发展
Thirty-third session (2003)第三十三届会议(2003年)
The Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as “every human being below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable, majority is attained earlier” (art. 1).《儿童权利公约》界定儿童系指“18岁以下的任何人,除非对其适用之法律规定成年年龄低于18岁”(第1条)。
Consequently, adolescents up to 18 years old are holders of all the rights enshrined in the Convention; they are entitled to special protection measures and, according to their evolving capacities, they can progressively exercise their rights (art. 5).因此,直至18岁的青少年是《公约》所载一切权利的享有者;他们有权享有特殊的保护措施,并依照儿童不同阶段的接受能力,逐渐行使其各项权利(第5条)。
Adolescence is a period characterized by rapid physical, cognitive and social changes, including sexual and reproductive maturation; the gradual building up of the capacity to assume adult behaviours and roles involving new responsibilities requiring new knowledge and skills.青春期是以身体、认知和社会意识迅速变化、包括性和生殖成熟为特点的时期;逐渐地形成具备成年人行为和作用的能力,承担须掌握新知识和新技能的新责任。
While adolescents are in general a healthy population group, adolescence also poses new challenges to health and development owing to their relative vulnerability and pressure from society, including peers, to adopt risky health behaviour.虽然,青少年在总体上是一个健康的人口群体,但青春期因青少年相对的脆弱性和来自社会(包括同龄人)的压力而可能染上健康风险行为,因此也对健康和发展构成新的挑战。
These challenges include developing an individual identity and dealing with one’s sexuality.这些挑战问题包括个性特征的形成和如何处理个人的性问题。
The dynamic transition period to adulthood is also generally a period of positive changes, prompted by the significant capacity of adolescents to learn rapidly, to experience new and diverse situations, to develop and use critical thinking, to familiarize themselves with freedom, to be creative and to socialize.由于青少年有很强的能力迅速地接受新事物,体验新的多种多样的经历,发展并运用批评性思维,接受自由意识,有创造力和有社交能力,因此充满活力的向成人的过渡阶段一般也是积极变化的时期。
The Committee on the Rights of the Child notes with concern that in implementing their obligations under the Convention, States parties have not given sufficient attention to the specific concerns of adolescents as rights holders and to promoting their health and development.儿童权利委员会关切地注意到,各缔约国在执行《公约》所规定的义务时,并未充分地注意到青少年作为权利享有者的一些具体关注问题,并未注意增进他们的健康和发展。
This has motivated the Committee to adopt the present general comment in order to raise awareness and provide States parties with guidance and support in their efforts to guarantee the respect for, protection and fulfilment of the rights of adolescents, including through the formulation of specific strategies and policies.这促使委员会通过了本项一般性意见,以提高各缔约国的认识,指导和支持缔约国采取包括制定具体战略和政策在内的办法,努力确保尊重、保护和充分履行青少年的权利。
The Committee understands the concepts of “health and development” more broadly than being strictly limited to the provisions defined in articles 6 (right to life, survival and development) and 24 (right to health) of the Convention.委员会从较宽泛的含义理解“健康和发展”概念,并不严格限于《公约》第6条(生命、生存和发展权)和第24条(健康权)界定的范围。
One of the aims of this general comment is precisely to identify the main human rights that need to be promoted and protected in order to ensure that adolescents do enjoy the highest attainable standard of health, develop in a well-balanced manner, and are adequately prepared to enter adulthood and assume a constructive role in their communities and in society at large.本一般性意见的目标之一,就是为了指出必须加以增进和保护的主要人权,以确保青少年切实享有可达到的最高健康水平、全面发展,并且为进入成年做好充分的准备,从而在他们的社区和社会中发挥建设性的作用。
This general comment should be read in conjunction with the Convention and its two Optional Protocols on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and on the involvement of children in armed conflict, as well as other relevant international human rights norms and standards.本项一般性意见应当与《公约》及其关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题和关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的两项任择议定书,以及其他相关国际人权准则和标准一并阅读。
I. Fundamental principles and other obligations of States parties一、基本原则和缔约国的其他义务
1. As recognized by the World Conference on Human Rights (1993) and repeatedly stated by the Committee, children’s rights too are indivisible and interrelated.1. 正如世界人权会议(1993年)所确认和委员会一再重申的,儿童权利也是不可分割和相互关联的权利。
In addition to articles 6 and 24, other provisions and principles of the Convention are crucial in guaranteeing that adolescents fully enjoy their right to health and development.除了第6条和第24条之外,《公约》的其他条款和原则也是青少年充分享有其健康和发展权利的关键保障。
The right to non-discrimination不受歧视权
2. States parties have the obligation to ensure that all human beings below 18 enjoy all the rights set forth in the Convention without discrimination (art. 2), including with regard to “race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status”.2. 缔约国有义务确保所有18岁以下的人不受歧视地享有《公约》所载的一切权利(第2条),包括不因“种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、伤残、出生或其他身份”而有任何差别。
These grounds also cover adolescents’ sexual orientation and health status (including HIV/AIDS and mental health).上述这些还包括青少年的性倾向和健康状况(包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及精神健康状况)。
Adolescents who are subject to discrimination are more vulnerable to abuse, other types of violence and exploitation, and their health and development are put at greater risk.糟歧视的青少年更容易蒙受虐待、其他类型的暴力和剥削,并使他们的健康和发展面临更大的风险。
They are therefore entitled to special attention and protection from all segments of society.因此,他们有权得到社会各阶层的特殊关注和保护。
Appropriate guidance in the exercise of rights行使权利的适当指导
3. The Convention acknowledges the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents (or other persons legally responsible for the child) “to provide, in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child, appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the Convention” (art. 5).3. 《公约》承认父母(或其他对儿童负有法律责任者)有责任、权利和义务“以符合儿童不同阶段接受能力的方式适当指导和指引儿童行使本公约所确认的权利”(第5条)。
The Committee believes that parents or other persons legally responsible for the child need to fulfil with care their right and responsibility to provide direction and guidance to their adolescent children in the exercise by the latter of their rights.委员会认为,父母或其他对儿童负有法律责任者必须悉心履行他们的权利和责任,引导和指导他们照管下的青少年儿童行使其权利。
They have an obligation to take into account the adolescents’ views, in accordance with their age and maturity, and to provide a safe and supportive environment in which the adolescent can develop.他们有义务根据青少年年龄和成熟程度,考虑他们的意见,提供安全和扶助性的环境,从而可使青少年得到发展。
Adolescents need to be recognized by the members of their family environment as active rights holders who have the capacity to become full and responsible citizens, given the proper guidance and direction.青少年的家庭环境成员必须承认青少年是积极的权利享有者,只要给予适当的引导和指导,他们有能力成为完全的、负责任的公民。
Respect for the views of the child尊重儿童的意见
4. The right to express views freely and have them duly taken into account (art. 12) is also fundamental in realizing adolescents’ right to health and development.4. 自由表达意见,并且给予其意见应有考虑的权利(第12条)对于实现青少年健康和发展权也具有根本意义。
States parties need to ensure that adolescents are given a genuine chance to express their views freely on all matters affecting them, especially within the family, in school, and in their communities.缔约国必须确保,尤其在家庭、学校及其社区中,青少年有真正的机会,就一切涉及其本人的事务自由地表达他们的意见。
In order for adolescents to be able safely and properly to exercise this right, public authorities, parents and other adults working with or for children need to create an environment based on trust, information-sharing, the capacity to listen and sound guidance that is conducive for adolescents’ participating equally including in decision-making processes.为了使青少年能够安全和恰当地行使这些权利,公共当局、父母以及其他与或为儿童工作的成年人必须创造一个基于信任、相互沟通、能够倾听并提供良好指导的环境,从而有助于青少年平等地参与包括决策在内的进程。
Legal and judicial measures and processes法律和司法措施及程序
5. Under article 4 of the Convention, “States parties shall undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized” therein.5. 《公约》第4条规定,“缔约国应采取一切适当的立法、行政和其他措施以实现本公约所确认的权利”。
In the context of the rights of adolescents to health and development, States parties need to ensure that specific legal provisions are guaranteed under domestic law, including with regard to setting a minimum age for sexual consent, marriage and the possibility of medical treatment without parental consent.在关于青少年健康和发展权方面,缔约国必须确保根据国内法保障各项具体法律条款,包括确定在未征求父母同意情况下,表示性同意、婚姻和给予可能的医学治疗的最低年龄。
These minimum ages should be the same for boys and girls (article 2 of the Convention) and closely reflect the recognition of the status of human beings under 18 years of age as rights holders, in accordance with their evolving capacity, age and maturity (arts. 5 and 12 to 17).上述最低年龄对男、女孩应一视同仁(《公约》第2条)并密切地体现出,根据18岁以下者的能力、年龄和成熟程度的各个阶段,承认他们为权利享有者的地位(第5条和第12至17条)。
Further, adolescents need to have easy access to individual complaint systems as well as judicial and appropriate non-judicial redress mechanisms that guarantee fair and due process, with special attention to the right to privacy (art. 16).此外,还必须在特别注意到隐私权的情况下(第16条),便利于青少年诉诸于保证公平和适当程序的个人投诉体制以及司法和适当的非司法性补救机制。
Civil rights and freedoms公民权利和自由
6. The Convention defines the civil rights and freedoms of children and adolescents in its articles 13 to 17.6. 《公约》第13至17条界定了儿童和青少年的公民权利和自由。
These are fundamental in guaranteeing the right to health and development of adolescents.这对于保障青少年健康和发展权具有根本意义。
Article 17 states that the child has the right to “access information and material from a diversity of national and international sources, especially those aimed at the promotion of his or her social, spiritual and moral well-being and physical and mental health”.第17条指出,儿童有权“能够从多种的国家和国际来源获得信息和资料,尤其是旨在促进其社会、精神和道德福祉和身心健康的信息和资料”。
The right of adolescents to access appropriate information is crucial if States parties are to promote cost-effective measures, including through laws, policies and programmes, with regard to numerous health-related situations, including those covered in articles 24 and 33 such as family planning, prevention of accidents, protection from harmful traditional practices, including early marriages and female genital mutilation, and the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances.若缔约国要促进具有成本效益的措施,包括通过法律、政 策和方案,处治与健康相关的许多问题,包括第24和33条所列的诸如计划生育、防止事故、提供保护避免包括早婚和女性生殖器残割在内的有害传统习俗、酗酒 嗜烟及其他有害毒品之害,青少年悉知适当信息的权利具有决定性意义。
7. In order to promote the health and development of adolescents, States parties are also encouraged to respect strictly their right to privacy and confidentiality, including with respect to advice and counselling on health matters (art. 16).7. 为了增强青少年的健康和发展,还应鼓励缔约国严格尊重青少年的隐私和保密权,包括关于就健康问题提供的规劝和咨询意见(第16条)。
Health-care providers have an obligation to keep confidential medical information concerning adolescents, bearing in mind the basic principles of the Convention.保健服务提供方必须铭记《公约》的基本原则,有义务保证有关青少年医务资料的保密性。
Such information may only be disclosed with the consent of the adolescent, or in the same situations applying to the violation of an adult’s confidentiality. Adolescents deemed mature enough to receive counselling without the presence of a parent or other person are entitled to privacy and may request confidential services, including treatment.这类资料只有在得到有关青少年同意的情况下,或者在适用于违反成年人保密的同样情况下,才可透露被认为具有足够成熟程度的,不需要父母或其他人在场的情况下接受咨询意见的青少年,应享有隐私权并可要求保密性的服务,包括治疗。
Protection from all forms of abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation为免遭一切形式虐待、忽视、暴力和剥削提供保护
8. States parties must take effective measures to ensure that adolescents are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation (arts. 19, 32-36 and 38), paying increased attention to the specific forms of abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation that affects this age group.8. 缔约国必须采取有效措施确保青少年得到保护,免遭一切形式的暴力、虐待、忽视和剥削(第19条、第32至36条和第38条),更多地关注危害这一年龄组的各种特定形式的虐待、忽视、暴力和剥削。
In particular, they should adopt special measures to ensure the physical, sexual and mental integrity of adolescents with disabilities, who are particularly vulnerable to abuse and neglect.各缔约国尤其应采取专门措施,确保尤其易遭虐待和忽视的残疾青少年,在生理、性和精神上的完整性。
States parties should also ensure that adolescents affected by poverty who are socially marginalized are not criminalized.缔约国还应确保,社会上遭排斥的贫困青少年不被视为犯罪者。
In this regard, financial and human resources need to be allocated to promote research that would inform the adoption of effective local and national laws, policies and programmes.为此,必须拨出财力和人力增强研究,从而为制定有效的地方和国家法律、政策和方案提供情况。
Policies and strategies should be reviewed regularly and revised accordingly.应定期对政策和战略进行审查并作相应修改。
In taking these measures, States parties have to take into account the evolving capacities of adolescents and involve them in an appropriate manner in developing measures, including programmes, designed to protect them.缔约国在采取这些措施时,必须考虑到青少年各阶段的接受能力,并且以适当的方式让青少年参与旨在保护青少年的制订工作措施,包括各种方案的制订。
In this context, the Committee emphasizes the positive impact that peer education can have, and the positive influence of proper role models, especially those in the worlds of arts, entertainment and sports.为此,委员会强调,同龄人的教育具有积极的影响力,以及恰当的榜样,尤其是那些艺术、文艺和体育界的榜样具有积极的影响作用。
Data collection资料收集
9. Systematic data collection is necessary for States parties to be able to monitor the health and development of adolescents.9. 为了能够监测青少年的健康和发展情况,缔约国必须系统地收集资料。
States parties should adopt data-collection mechanisms that allow desegregation by sex, age, origin and socio-economic status so that the situation of different groups can be followed.缔约国应设立资料收集机制,以便按性别、年龄、血统和社会经济状况进行详细分类,从而可跟踪各不同群体的情况。
Data should also be collected to study the situation of specific groups such as ethnic and/or indigenous minorities, migrant or refugee adolescents, adolescents with disabilities, working adolescents, etc.数据的收集还可对少数民族和/或土著人、移民或难民青少年、残疾青少年、工作青少年等各特定群体情况展开研究。
Where appropriate, adolescents should participate in the analysis to ensure that the information is understood and utilized in an adolescent-sensitive way.应酌情让青少年参与这些分析,以确保按敏感地关注青少年的方式理解和运用这些资料。
II. Creating a safe and supportive environment二、建立安全和扶助性的环境
10. The health and development of adolescents are strongly determined by the environments in which they live.10. 青少年所生活的环境有力地决定了青少年的健康和发展。
Creating a safe and supportive environment entails addressing attitudes and actions of both the immediate environment of the adolescent - family, peers, schools and services - as well as the wider environment created by, inter alia, community and religious leaders, the media, national and local policies and legislation.要创建安全和扶助性的环境,就必须解决好青少年所处的直接环境――家庭、同龄人、学校和各服务部门形成的环境,以及尤其由社区和宗教领导人、传媒、全国和当地政策和立法形成的更广泛环境――这两个环境的态度和行动。
The promotion and enforcement of the provisions and principles of the Convention, especially articles 2-6, 12-17, 24, 28, 29 and 31, are key to guaranteeing adolescents’ right to health and development.宣传和实施《公约》条款和原则,特别是第2至6条、第12至17条、第24条、第28条、第29条和第31条,是保障青少年健康和发展权的关键。
States parties should take measures to raise awareness and stimulate and/or regulate action through the formulation of policy or the adoption of legislation and the implementation of programmes specifically for adolescents.缔约国应通过制定政策或颁布立法并落实专为青少年制定的方案,采取措施提高认识并促进和/或调节行动。
11. The Committee stresses the importance of the family environment, including the members of the extended family and community or other persons legally responsible for the child or adolescent (arts. 5 and 18).11. 委员会强调了家庭环境,包括大家族家庭和社区成员,或其他在法律上对儿童或青少年负有责任者的重要性(第5和18条)。
While most adolescents grow up in well-functioning family environments, for some the family does not constitute a safe and supportive milieu.虽然大部分青少年是在家庭运作良好的环境中成长的,但某些青少年家庭,并非安全和扶助性的环境。
12. The Committee calls upon States parties to develop and implement, in a manner consistent with adolescents’ evolving capacities, legislation, policies and programmes to promote the health and development of adolescents by (a) providing parents (or legal guardians) with appropriate assistance through the development of institutions, facilities and services that adequately support the well-being of adolescents, including, when needed, the provision of material assistance and support with regard to nutrition, clothing and housing (art. 27 (3)); (b) providing adequate information and parental support to facilitate the development of a relationship of trust and confidence in which issues regarding, for example, sexuality and sexual behaviour and risky lifestyles can be openly discussed and acceptable solutions found that respect the adolescent’s rights (art. 27 (3)); (c) providing adolescent mothers and fathers with support and guidance for both their own and their children’s well-being (art. 24 (f), 27 (2-3)); (d) giving, while respecting the values and norms of ethnic and other minorities, special attention, guidance and support to adolescents and parents (or legal guardians), whose traditions and norms may differ from those in the society where they live; and (e) ensuring that interventions in the family to protect the adolescent and, when necessary, separate her/him from the family, e.g. in case of abuse or neglect, are in accordance with applicable laws and procedures.12. 委员会呼吁各缔约国以符合青少年各阶段接受能力的方式,制定和执行立法、政策和方案,促进青少年的健康和发展:(a) 为父母(或法律监护人)提供适当的援助,通过设立各种机构、设施和服务部门,包括在必要时提供有关营养、衣着和住房等方面物质援助,以充分地支助青少年的 福祉(第27条第3款);(b) 提供充分的信息和为人父母的支持,以便建立起信赖和信任关系,从而可公开地讨论例如性和性行为以及有风险的生活方式的问题,并寻求尊重青少年权利的可接受 的解决办法(第27条第3款);(c) 为身为青少年的父母提供有关其本人及其子女福祉的支持和指导(第24条(f)项)、第27条第2和3款);(d) 在尊重少数民族和其他少数人价值观和准则的情况下,特别关注、指导并支持那些生活中的传统和准则可能与其生活的社会中其他人不同的青少年及父母(或法律监 护人);和(e) 确保对家庭采取干预行动是为了保护青少年,并在必要时,例如在发生虐待或忽视的情况下,按照适用的法律和程序,将他/她与其家庭隔离。
Such laws and procedures should be reviewed to ensure that they conform to the principles of the Convention.此类法律和程序应加以审查,确保它们符合《公约》的原则。
13. The school plays an important role in the life of many adolescents, as the venue for learning, development and socialization.13. 学校作为学习、发展和社会交往的场所,在许多青少年的生活中发挥着重要的作用。
Article 29 (1) states that education must be directed to “the development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential”.第29条第1款指出,教育必须旨在“最充分地发展儿童的个性、才智和身心能力”。
In addition, general comment No. 1 on the aims of education states that “Education must also be aimed at ensuring that … no child leaves school without being equipped to face the challenges that he or she can expect to be confronted with in life.此外,关于教育目的的第一号一般性意见指出:“教育还必须旨在确保…儿童在离开学校之后不会毫无准备地面对他或她在生活中预期会遇到的挑战。
Basic skills should include … the ability to make well-balanced decisions; to resolve conflicts in a non-violent manner; and to develop a healthy lifestyle [and] good social relationships … ”.基本的技能应包括…有能力做出周全的决定;以非暴力的方式解决冲突;并且形成健康的生活方式[和]良好的社会关系…”。
Considering the importance of appropriate education for the current and future health and development of adolescents, as well as for their children, the Committee urges States parties, in line with articles 28 and 29 of the Convention to (a) ensure that quality primary education is compulsory and available, accessible and free to all and that secondary and higher education are available and accessible to all adolescents; (b) provide well-functioning school and recreational facilities which do not pose health risks to students, including water and sanitation and safe journeys to school; (c) take the necessary actions to prevent and prohibit all forms of violence and abuse, including sexual abuse, corporal punishment and other inhuman, degrading or humiliating treatment or punishment in school, by school personnel as well as among students; (d) initiate and support measures, attitudes and activities that promote healthy behaviour by including relevant topics in school curricula.鉴于适当的教育对青少年当前和 今后健康与发展及其子女的重要性,委员会促请各缔约国遵照《公约》第28和29条,(a) 确保向所有人提供便于就读的高质量免费义务教育,并且向所有青少年提供便于就读的中等和高等教育;(b) 提供运作良好的学校以及不会对学生造成健康风险的娱乐设施,包括供水和卫生设备以及上下学的旅途安全;(c) 采取必要的行动在校园内防止和禁止学校工作人员以及学生之间发生一切形式暴力和虐待行为,包括性虐待、体罚和其他不人道、有辱人格或侮辱性的待遇或惩罚; (d) 通过在教学大纲中设定有关的课题,倡导和支持增进健康行为的措施、态度和活动。
14. During adolescence, an increasing number of young people are leaving school to start working to help support their families or for wages in the formal or informal sector.14. 越来越多的青年人,在青春期离开学校开始工作,以养家糊口,或者在正规或非正规部门工作挣取工资。
Participation in work activities in accordance with international standards, as long as it does not jeopardize the enjoyment of any of the other rights of adolescents, including health and education, may be beneficial for the development of the adolescent.依照国际标准参加工作,只要不损害青少年享有任何其他权利,包括健康和教育权,也许有利于青少年的发展。
The Committee urges States parties to take all necessary measures to abolish all forms of child labour, starting with the worst forms, to continuously review national regulations on minimum ages for employment with a view to making them compatible with international standards, and to regulate the working environment and conditions for adolescents who are working (in accordance with article 32 of the Convention, as well as ILO Conventions Nos. 138 and 182), so as to ensure that they are fully protected and have access to legal redress mechanisms.委员会敦促各缔约国采取一切必要措施,从消除最有害的形式着手,废 除一切童工形式,经常不断地审查全国最低就业年龄条例,以期使这些条例符合国际标准,并(根据《公约》第32条以及国际劳工组织第138和182号公约) 管制就业青少年的工作环境和条件,从而确保青少年得到充分保护并可诉诸法律补救机制。
15. The Committee also stresses that in accordance with article 23 (3) of the Convention, the special rights of adolescents with disabilities should be taken into account and assistance provided to ensure that the disabled child/adolescent has effective access to and receives good quality education.15. 委员会还强调,根据《公约》第23条第3款,应当考虑到残疾青少年的特别权利并提供援助,确保残疾儿童/青少年的有效参与和得到质量良好的教育。
States should recognize the principle of equal primary, secondary and tertiary educational opportunities for disabled children/adolescents, where possible in regular schools.国家应确认,只要有可能,就应让残疾儿童/青少年在常规学校平等地接受初级、中级和高等教育的原则。
16. The Committee is concerned that early marriage and pregnancy are significant factors in health problems related to sexual and reproductive health, including HIV/AIDS.16. 委员会感到关注的是,早婚和怀孕是涉及性卫生和生殖健康,包括与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关健康问题的重大因素。
Both the legal minimum age and actual age of marriage, particularly for girls, are still very low in several States parties.若干缔约国内的法定和实际最低婚姻年龄,尤其是女孩的婚姻年龄仍然很低。
There are also non-health-related concerns: children who marry, especially girls, are often obliged to leave the education system and are marginalized from social activities.同时,还有一些与健康无关的关注问题:结婚的儿童,尤其是女孩,往往被迫离开教育体制,并被排斥在社会活动之外。
Further, in some States parties married children are legally considered adults, even if they are under 18, depriving them of all the special protection measures they are entitled under the Convention.此外,有些缔约国对已婚儿童,即使年龄不足18岁,也在法律上当作成年人,剥夺了他们根据《公约》规定应享有的一切特殊保护措施。
The Committee strongly recommends that States parties review and, where necessary, reform their legislation and practice to increase the minimum age for marriage with and without parental consent to 18 years, for both girls and boys.委员会强烈地建议各缔约国审查并酌情改革其立法和做法,将得到和未得到父母同意的男女孩最低婚姻年龄提高到18岁。
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has made a similar recommendation (general comment No. 21 of 1994).消除对妇女歧视委员会也提出了类似的建议(1994年第21号一般性意见)。
17. In most countries accidental injuries or injuries due to violence are a leading cause of death or permanent disability among adolescents.17. 在大部分国家中,由于暴力造成的事故性伤害或损伤是导青少年致死亡或终身残疾的根源。
In that respect, the Committee is concerned about the injuries and death resulting from road traffic accidents, which affect adolescents disproportionately.在这方面,委员会关切地感到,青少年因公路交通事故造成的伤害和死亡比例偏高。
States parties should adopt and enforce legislation and programmes to improve road safety, including driving education for and examination of adolescents and the adoption or strengthening of legislation known to be highly effective such as the obligations to have a valid driver’s licence, wear seat belts and crash helmets, and the designation of pedestrian areas.缔约国应颁布并实施包括对青少年驾驶教育和驾驶考试在内的立法和方案,提高公路安全,以及通过和增强已知高度有效的立法,如必须持有有效驾驶证、系好座椅安全带,戴防护头盔,以及划定行人区等。
18. The Committee is also very concerned about the high rate of suicide among this age group.18. 委员会还极为关注青少年年龄群体自杀率高的问题。
Mental disorders and psychosocial illness are relatively common among adolescents.青少年的精神紊乱症和心理社会疾病相对较普遍。
In many countries symptoms such as depression, eating disorders and self-destructive behaviours, sometimes leading to self-inflicted injuries and suicide, are increasing.在许多国家中,忧郁症、饮食紊乱和自毁行为等症状有时导致自我损伤和自杀的现象日趋增长。
They may be related to, inter alia, violence, ill-treatment, abuse and neglect, including sexual abuse, unrealistically high expectations, and/or bullying or hazing in and outside school.这些情况尤其可能与学校内外的暴力、虐待、欺凌和忽视,包括性虐待、不现实的期望过高,和/或欺压和欺负行为相关。
States parties should provide these adolescents with all the necessary services.缔约国应当为这些青少年提供一切必要的服务。
19. Violence results from a complex interplay of individual, family, community and societal factors.19. 暴力源于个人、家庭、社区和社会各因素之间相互复杂作用的结果。
Vulnerable adolescents such as those who are homeless or who are living in institutions, who belong to gangs or who have been recruited as child soldiers are especially exposed to both institutional and interpersonal violence.那些无家可归或生活在养育院内的、参加团伙帮派或被招募为儿童兵的脆弱青少年,尤其易遭受体制性和人与人之间的暴力。
Under article 19 of the Convention, States parties must take all appropriate measures to prevent and eliminate: (a) institutional violence against adolescents, including through legislation and administrative measures in relation to public and private institutions for adolescents (schools, institutions for disabled adolescents, juvenile reformatories, etc.), and training and monitoring of personnel in charge of institutionalized children or who otherwise have contact with children through their work, including the police; and (b) interpersonal violence among adolescents, including by supporting adequate parenting and opportunities for social and educational development in early childhood, fostering non-violent cultural norms and values (as foreseen in article 29 of the Convention), strictly controlling firearms and restricting access to alcohol and drugs.根 据《公约》第19条,缔约国必须采取一切适当的措施防止和消除:(a) 摧残青少年的体制性暴力,包括在与青少年有关的公共和民间机构(学校、残疾青少年收容所、少年管教机构等)中,采取立法和行政措施,并且培训和监督那些负 责被收容儿童的工作人员,或者那些因为其工作与儿童接触的人员,包括警察;和(b) 青少年相互之间个人的暴力,开展包括充分支持如何为人父母和机会在内的儿童早期社会和教育发展,树立起非暴力的文化准则和价值观念(正如《公约》第29条 所设想的),严格控制火器,限制酒类和毒品的渠道。
20. In light of articles 3, 6, 12, 19 and 24 (3) of the Convention, States parties should take all effective measures to eliminate all acts and activities which threaten the right to life of adolescents, including honour killings.20. 根据《公约》第3、6、12和19条以及24条第3款,缔约国应采取一切有效措施消除危险青少年生命权,包括为名声杀人的行为和活动。
The Committee strongly urges States parties to develop and implement awareness-raising campaigns, education programmes and legislation aimed at changing prevailing attitudes, and address gender roles and stereotypes that contribute to harmful traditional practices.委员会强烈敦促各缔约国制订和开展宣传运动、教育方案和立法,旨在改变流行的观念,并扭转形成有害传统习俗的性别角色和陈规陋习。
Further, States parties should facilitate the establishment of multidisciplinary information and advice centres regarding the harmful aspects of some traditional practices, including early marriage and female genital mutilation.此外,缔约国应推动建立多学科信息和咨询中心,探讨有关某些传统性习俗,包括早婚和女性生殖器残割等有害问题。
21. The Committee is concerned about the influence exerted on adolescent health behaviours by the marketing of unhealthy products and lifestyles.21. 对于推销不健康的产品和生活方式对青少年健康行为形成的影响,委员会感到关切。
In line with article 17 of the Convention, States parties are urged to protect adolescents from information that is harmful to their health and development, while underscoring their right to information and material from diverse national and international sources.缔约国必须根据《公约》第17条,在强调青少年有权了解来自各类国家和国际渠道的信息和材料的同时,保护青少年免遭对其健康和发展有害的信息的影响。
States parties are therefore urged to regulate or prohibit information on and marketing of substances such as alcohol and tobacco, particularly when it targets children and adolescents.因此,委员会敦促缔约国管制或禁止尤其是针对儿童和青少年的有关酒类和烟草等物品的宣传和销售。
III. Information, skills development, counselling, and health services三、信息、技能培养、咨询和保健服务
22. Adolescents have the right to access adequate information essential for their health and development and for their ability to participate meaningfully in society.22. 青少年有获得对其健康和发展以及使之能有意义地进行社会参与至关重要的充分信息的权利。
It is the obligation of States parties to ensure that all adolescent girls and boys, both in and out of school, are provided with, and not denied, accurate and appropriate information on how to protect their health and development and practise healthy behaviours.缔约国有义务确保所有男女青少年在学校内外得到,而不是被拒绝,关于如何保护其健康以及形成并奉行健康的行为的准确和适当的信息。
This should include information on the use and abuse, of tobacco, alcohol and other substances, safe and respectful social and sexual behaviours, diet and physical activity.这应包括有关使用和滥用烟草、烈酒和其他物品、安全和得当的社会和性行为、饮食和体育活动的信息。
23. In order to act adequately on the information, adolescents need to develop the skills necessary, including self-care skills, such as how to plan and prepare nutritionally balanced meals and proper personal hygiene habits, and skills for dealing with particular social situations such as interpersonal communication, decision-making, and coping with stress and conflict.23. 为将这些信息充分地落实在行动上,青少年必须培养形成各种技能,包括诸如如何筹划和准备营养上平衡的饭菜,适当的个人卫生习惯之类必要的自我照顾的生活技能,以及诸如如何开展人与人之间的交流、决策以及应付压力和冲突等特别社会情况的技能。
States parties should stimulate and support opportunities to build such skills through, inter alia, formal and informal education and training programmes, youth organizations and the media.各缔约国尤其应通过正规和非正规教育以及培训方案、青年组织和传媒,促进和支持培养此类技能的机会。
24. In light of articles 3, 17 and 24 of the Convention, States parties should provide adolescents with access to sexual and reproductive information, including on family planning and contraceptives, the dangers of early pregnancy, the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).24. 根据《公约》第3、17和24条,缔约国应当使青少年有机会了解性和生殖信息,包括有关计划生育和避孕、早期怀孕的危险性、预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病和性传染疾病的预防和治疗方面的信息。
In addition, States parties should ensure that they have access to appropriate information, regardless of their marital status and whether their parents or guardians consent.此外,缔约国应确保,不论青少年的婚姻状况如何,及其父母或监护人是否同意,青少年都能获得适当的信息。
It is essential to find proper means and methods of providing information that is adequate and sensitive to the particularities and specific rights of adolescent girls and boys.至关重要的是,要找到充分的并针对男女青少年特点及其专有权利的适当方式和方法提供这些信息。
To this end, States parties are encouraged to ensure that adolescents are actively involved in the design and dissemination of information through a variety of channels beyond the school, including youth organizations, religious, community and other groups and the media.为此,鼓励各缔约国确保通过学校以外的各类渠道,包括青年组织、宗教、社区和其他群体和传媒,促使青少年积极地参与编制和宣传这些信息。
25. Under article 24 of the Convention, States parties are urged to provide adequate treatment and rehabilitation for adolescents with mental disorders, to make the community aware of the early signs and symptoms and the seriousness of these conditions, and to protect adolescents from undue pressures, including psychosocial stress.25. 依据《公约》第24条,敦促缔约国为患有精神紊乱症的青少年提供充分治疗和康复护理,使社区了解早期迹象和症状,以及这些症状的严重程度,保护青少年免遭不应有的压力,包括心理社会压力。
States parties are also urged to combat discrimination and stigma surrounding mental disorders, in line with their obligations under article 2.同时敦促缔约国依照第2条规定的义务,制止对精神紊乱症的歧视和消除就此形成的耻辱感。
Every adolescent with a mental disorder has the right to be treated and cared for, as far as possible, in the community in which he or she lives.每一位患有精神紊乱症的青少年都有权在他或她的生活社区内得到尽可能的治疗和照顾。
Where hospitalization or placement in a psychiatric institution is necessary, this decision should be made in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the child.当必须住院或安置在精神病院时,这样的决定必须符合儿童的最高利益原则。
In the event of hospitalization or institutionalization, the patient should be given the maximum possible opportunity to enjoy all his or her rights as recognized under the Convention, including the rights to education and to have access to recreational activities.在住院或安置在精神病院时,患者应给予尽可能大的机会享有《公约》确认的他或她的一切权利,包括获得教育并从事娱乐活动的权利。
Where appropriate, adolescents should be separated from adults.只要适宜,青少年就应与成年人分开。
States parties must ensure that adolescents have access to a personal representative other than a family member to represent their interests, when necessary and appropriate.缔约国必须确保,除其家庭成员之外,在必要和适当时,青少年还可有同代表其本人利益的个人代表的沟通渠道。
In accordance with article 25 of the Convention, States parties should undertake periodic review of the placement of adolescents in hospitals or psychiatric institutions.根据《公约》第25条,缔约国应定期审查安置在医院或精神病院内青少年患者的情况。
26. Adolescents, both girls and boys, are at risk of being infected with and affected by STDs, including HIV/AIDS.26. 男女青少年都面临着遭受性传染疾病,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病传染和影响的风险。
States should ensure that appropriate goods, services and information for the prevention and treatment of STDs, including HIV/AIDS, are available and accessible.各国应当确保供应并开放适当的物质、服务和信息,以预防和治疗性传染疾病,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病。
To this end, States parties are urged (a) to develop effective prevention programmes, including measures aimed at changing cultural views about adolescents’ need for contraception and STD prevention and addressing cultural and other taboos surrounding adolescent sexuality; (b) to adopt legislation to combat practices that either increase adolescents’ risk of infection or contribute to the marginalization of adolescents who are already infected with STDs, including HIV; (c) to take measures to remove all barriers hindering the access of adolescents to information, preventive measures such as condoms, and care.为此,敦促各缔约国:(a) 制订有效的预防方案,包括各种措施,旨在改变有关的文化观念,认清为青少年提供避孕器具和预防性传染疾病的必要性,并且解决围绕着青少年性问题的文化和其 他禁忌;(b) 制定立法制止各种增加青少年受传染的风险,或造成对已经感染了性传染疾病(包括艾滋病毒)的青少年排斥的做法;(c) 采取措施消除妨碍青少年获得信息、避孕套之类预防措施和护理的障碍。
27. Adolescent girls should have access to information on the harm that early marriage and early pregnancy can cause, and those who become pregnant should have access to health services that are sensitive to their rights and particular needs.27. 少女应当能了解早婚和早孕可造成危害的信息,而那些已怀孕的少女应当得到敏感地关注到她们的权利及特殊需要的保健服务。
States parties should take measures to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality in adolescent girls, particularly caused by early pregnancy and unsafe abortion practices, and to support adolescent parents.各缔约国应采取措施,减少少女产妇,尤其是因早孕和不安全堕胎手法造成的患病率和死亡率并支助成为父母的少年。
Young mothers, especially where support is lacking, may be prone to depression and anxiety, compromising their ability to care for their child.年轻母亲尤其在得不到支助时易陷入沮丧和焦虑的情绪,会损害她们照顾其子女的能力。
The Committee urges States parties (a) to develop and implement programmes that provide access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, contraception and safe abortion services where abortion is not against the law, adequate and comprehensive obstetric care and counselling; (b) to foster positive and supportive attitudes towards adolescent parenthood for their mothers and fathers; and (c) to develop policies that will allow adolescent mothers to continue their education.委员会敦促各缔约国:(a) 制订和落实提供性卫生和生殖健康服务的方案,包括计划生育、避孕器具和在堕胎不违反法律的情况下,提供安全堕胎服务,以及充分和全面的妇科保健和咨询; (b) 鼓励青少年的父母对青少年已经生儿育女采取积极和支助的态度;(c) 制定可使少年母亲继续接受教育的政策。
28. Before parents give their consent, adolescents need to have a chance to express their views freely and their views should be given due weight, in accordance with article 12 of the Convention.28. 在父母表示同意之前,必须让青少年有机会自由地表达他们的意见,并且根据《公约》第12条,赋予青少年意见以适当的份量。
However, if the adolescent is of sufficient maturity, informed consent shall be obtained from the adolescent her/himself, while informing the parents if that is in the “best interest of the child” (art. 3).然而,若青少年具有足够的成熟程度,则应征得青少年,他或她本人知情的同意,同时通报父母,只要这样做符合“儿童的最大利益”(第3条)。
29. With regard to privacy and confidentiality, and the related issue of informed consent to treatment, States parties should (a) enact laws or regulations to ensure that confidential advice concerning treatment is provided to adolescents so that they can give their informed consent.29. 关于隐私和保密和与接受治疗的知情同意相关的问题,缔约国应:(a) 制订法律或法规,确保向青少年提供有关治疗的保密咨询意见,从而他们能够做出知情的同意。
Such laws or regulations should stipulate an age for this process, or refer to the evolving capacity of the child; and (b) provide training for health personnel on the rights of adolescents to privacy and confidentiality, to be informed about planned treatment and to give their informed consent to treatment.这类法律或条例应当规定,适用这项程序的年龄,或者阐明儿童各不同阶段的接受能力;和(b) 对保健工作人员就有关青少年的隐私和保密、了解治疗方案并就治疗给予知情同意等方面的权利开展培训。
IV. Vulnerability and risk四、脆弱性和风险
30. In ensuring respect for the right of adolescents to health and development, both individual behaviours and environmental factors which increase their vulnerability and risk should be taken into consideration.30. 为确保对青少年健康和发展权的尊重,应当考虑至那些会加剧青少年脆弱性和风险的个人行为和环境因素。
Environmental factors, such as armed conflict or social exclusion, increase the vulnerability of adolescents to abuse, other forms of violence and exploitation, thereby severely limiting adolescents’ abilities to make individual, healthy behaviour choices.诸如武装冲突或社会排斥之类的环境因素,增加了青少年易遭受虐待、其他形式暴力和剥削的脆弱性,从而严重地限制了青少年做出个人、健康行为选择的能力。
For example, the decision to engage in unsafe sex increases adolescents’ risk of ill-health.例如,参与不安全性行为的决定,会增加有损于青少年健康的风险。
31. In accordance with article 23 of the Convention, adolescents with mental and/or physical disabilities have an equal right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.31. 根据《公约》第23条,精神和/或肢体残疾的青少年具有享有可达到的最高身心健康水平的平等权利。
States parties have an obligation to provide adolescents with disabilities with the means necessary to realize their rights.缔约国有义务的为残疾青少年提供实现其权利的必要手段。
States parties should (a) ensure that health facilities, goods and services are available and accessible to all adolescents with disabilities and that these facilities and services promote their self-reliance and their active participation in the community; (b) ensure that the necessary equipment and personal support are available to enable them to move around, participate and communicate; (c) pay specific attention to the special needs relating to the sexuality of adolescents with disabilities; and (d) remove barriers that hinder adolescents with disabilities in realizing their rights.缔 约国应:(a) 确保为所有残疾人提供并开放保健设施、物质和服务,而且这些设施和服务会增强残疾人的自立能力及其对社区的积极参与;(b) 确保提供必要的设备和个人支助,以使他们具备行动、参与和交流的能力;(c) 特别关注残疾青少年有关性问题的特殊需要;和(d) 消除妨碍残疾青少年实现其权利的障碍。
32. States parties have to provide special protection to homeless adolescents, including those working in the informal sector.32. 缔约国必须向无家可归的青少年,包括那些在非正规部门中工作的青少年提供特殊的保护。
Homeless adolescents are particularly vulnerable to violence, abuse and sexual exploitation from others, self-destructive behaviour, substance abuse and mental disorders.无家可归青少年尤其易遭受他人的暴力、虐待和性剥削;易陷入自毁行为、滥用毒品和精神紊乱。
In this regard, States parties are required to (a) develop policies and enact and enforce legislation that protect such adolescents from violence, e.g. by law enforcement officials; (b) develop strategies for the provision of appropriate education and access to health care, and of opportunities for the development of livelihood skills.为此,缔约国必须:(a) 制订出政策并颁布和实施立法,保护此类青少年免遭诸如执法人员等暴力之害;(b) 制订各项战略以提供适当教育、医疗保健以及培养生活技能的机会。
33. Adolescents who are sexually exploited, including in prostitution and pornography, are exposed to significant health risks, including STDs, HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, violence and psychological distress.33. 遭性剥削,包括卖淫和制作色情制品的青少年面临着重大的健康风险,包括感染上性传染疾病、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、不希望的怀孕、不安全的堕胎、暴力和心理压抑症。
They have the right to physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration in an environment that fosters health, self-respect and dignity (art. 39).青少年有权得到身心上的康复,并在有助于健康、自尊和有尊严的环境中重新回归社会(第39条)。
It is the obligation of States parties to enact and enforce laws to prohibit all forms of sexual exploitation and related trafficking; to collaborate with other States parties to eliminate intercountry trafficking; and to provide appropriate health and counselling services to adolescents who have been sexually exploited, making sure that they are treated as victims and not as offenders.缔约国的义务是颁布和实施禁止一切形式性剥削以及与之相关的贩运;与其他缔约国协作消除国家间的贩运活动;并为那些遭受性剥削的青少年提供适当的健康和咨询服务,保证不将他们视为犯罪者,而作为受害者对待。
34. Additionally, adolescents experiencing poverty, armed conflicts, all forms of injustice, family breakdown, political, social and economic instability and all types of migration may be particularly vulnerable.34. 此外,那些遭受贫困,武装冲突,各种形式的不公正待遇,家庭破裂,政治、社会和经济不稳定,以及各种类型的移徙的青少年尤其易受害。
These situations might seriously hamper their health and development.这些情况都可严重地妨碍青少年的健康和发展。
By investing heavily in preventive policies and measures States parties can drastically reduce levels of vulnerability and risk factors; they will also provide cost-effective ways for society to help adolescents develop harmoniously in a free society.缔约国在预防政策和措施上做出大量投入,可大幅度地削减易受害程度和风险因素;并将为社会提供具有成本效益的方式,协助青少年在自由社会中得到和谐的发展。
V. Nature of States’ obligations五、国家义务的性质
35. In exercising their obligations in relation to the health and development of adolescents, States parties shall always take fully into account the four general principles of the Convention.35. 缔约国在履行其关于青少年健康和发展的义务时,应当始终充分考虑到《公约》的四项总的原则。
It is the view of the Committee that States parties must take all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the realization and monitoring of the rights of adolescents to health and development as recognized in the Convention.委员会认为,缔约国必须采取一切适当的立法、行政和其他措施,实现并监督《公约》所确认的青少年的健康和发展权。
To this end, States parties must notably fulfil the following obligations:为此,缔约国尤其应履行下列各项义务:
(a) To create a safe and supportive environment for adolescents, including within their family, in schools, in all types of institutions in which they may live, within their workplace and/or in the society at large;在家庭、学校、一切可能安置青少年生活的机构、其工作地点内和/或乃至整个社会中,为青少年创建一个安全和扶助性的环境;
(b) To ensure that adolescents have access to the information that is essential for their health and development and that they have opportunities to participate in decisions affecting their health (notably through informed consent and the right of confidentiality), to acquire life skills, to obtain adequate and age-appropriate information, and to make appropriate health behaviour choices;确保青少年能了解到对其健康和发展至关重要的信息,并使他们能够有机会参与(尤其是以知情同意和保密权的方式)涉及其健康的决策,获得生活技能和充分的、与年龄相宜的信息,以及作出适当的健康行为选择;
(c) To ensure that health facilities, goods and services, including counselling and health services for mental and sexual and reproductive health, of appropriate quality and sensitive to adolescents’ concerns are available to all adolescents;确保向所有青少年提供适当质量并针对青少年关注问题的保健设施、商品和服务,包括有关精神和性卫生及生殖健康的咨询和保健服务;
(d) To ensure that adolescent girls and boys have the opportunity to participate actively in planning and programming for their own health and development;确保男女少年有机会积极地参与为其本身健康和发展制订计划和方案的工作;
(e) To protect adolescents from all forms of labour which may jeopardize the enjoyment of their rights, notably by abolishing all forms of child labour and by regulating the working environment and conditions in accordance with international standards;保护青少年免除一切形式的可能有损于他们享有各项权利的劳动,尤其是通过废除一切形式童工制度,并根据国际标准管制工作环境和条件;
(f) To protect adolescents from all forms of intentional and unintentional injuries, including those resulting from violence and road traffic accidents;保护青少年免遭一切蓄意和无意的伤害,包括由于暴力和交通事故造成的伤害;
(g) To protect adolescents from all harmful traditional practices, such as early marriages, honour killings and female genital mutilation;保护青少年摆脱诸如早婚、为名声的杀害行为和女性生殖器残割等一切有害的传统习俗;
(h) To ensure that adolescents belonging to especially vulnerable groups are fully taken into account in the fulfilment of all aforementioned obligations;确保在履行上述一切义务时,尤其充分考虑到属于特别弱势群体的青少年;
(i) To implement measures for the prevention of mental disorders and the promotion of mental health of adolescents.实施防止青少年精神紊乱症和增进精神健康的措施。
36. The Committee draws the attention of States parties to the general comment No. 14 on the right to the highest attainable standard of health of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which states that, “States parties should provide a safe and supportive environment for adolescents that ensures the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting their health, to build life skills, to acquire appropriate information, to receive counselling and to negotiate the health-behaviour choices they make.36. 委员会提请缔约国注意经济、社会、文化权利委员会关于实现可达到的最高健康水准权利的第14号一般性评论。 该评论指出,“缔约国应为青少年提供安全和扶助性的环境,保证能够参与影响他们健康的决定,有机会学习生活技能、获得相关的信息、得到咨询,和争取他们自 己做出健康行为的选择。
The realization of the right to health of adolescents is dependent on the development of youth-sensitive health care, which respects confidentiality and privacy and includes appropriate sexual and reproductive health services.”要实现青少年的健康权,就要建立起敏感地关注青年,尊重保密和隐私,包括适当的性和生殖保健服务的健康保健制度。”
37. In accordance with articles 24, 39 and other related provisions of the Convention, States parties should provide health services that are sensitive to the particular needs and human rights of all adolescents, paying attention to the following characteristics:37. 根据《公约》第24、39和其他有关条款,缔约国应以敏感地关注全体青少年的需要和人权的方式,提供保健服务,尤其关注以下特点:
(a) Availability.可提供性。
Primary health care should include services sensitive to the needs of adolescents, with special attention given to sexual and reproductive health and mental health;初级卫生保健应包括针对青少年需求的服务,尤其关注性卫生和生殖健康及精神健康的问题;
(b) Accessibility.可获取性。
Health facilities, goods and services should be known and easily accessible (economically, physically and socially) to all adolescents, without discrimination.应毫无歧视地让所有青少年都了解并容易地获得(经济上、物质上和社会上)卫生设施、商品和服务。
Confidentiality should be guaranteed, when necessary;必要时,应保证保密性;
(c) Acceptability.可接受性。
While fully respecting the provisions and principles of the Convention, all health facilities, goods and services should respect cultural values, be gender sensitive, be respectful of medical ethics and be acceptable to both adolescents and the communities in which they live;在全面尊重《公约》条款和原则的同时,所有的保健设施、商品和服务都应尊重文化价值观、要有性别敏感性、尊重医德,并且为青少年及其所生活的社区所能接受;
(d) Quality.质量。
Health services and goods should be scientifically and medically appropriate, which requires personnel trained to care for adolescents, adequate facilities and scientifically accepted methods.保健服务和商品应具有科学和医学上的恰当性,必须配备训练有素的人员护理青少年、充分的设施和科学上可接受的方式。
38. States parties should, where feasible, adopt a multisectoral approach to the promotion and protection of adolescent health and development by facilitating effective and sustainable linkages and partnerships among all relevant actors.38. 只要可行,缔约国就应采取多部门的方式,推动所有各有关行为者之间建立有效和持久的联系和合作,以增强和保护青少年的健康和发展。
At the national level, such an approach calls for close and systematic collaboration and coordination within Government, so as to ensure the necessary involvement of all relevant government entities.为在国家一级采取这类方式,必须在政府内实行密切和系统的合作与协调,从而确保所有各有关的政府实体必要的参与。
Public health and other services utilized by adolescents should also be encouraged and assisted in seeking collaboration with, inter alia, private and/or traditional practitioners, professional associations, pharmacies and organizations that provide services to vulnerable groups of adolescents.国家应鼓励和协助青少年所使用的公共保健与其他服务部门争取尤其与民间和/或传统合作伙伴、专业协会、医药界和各个为青少年弱势群体提供服务的组织携手合作。
39. A multisectoral approach to the promotion and protection of adolescent health and development will not be effective without international cooperation.39. 若无国际合作,增强和保护青少年健康的多部门方针就不可能有成效。
Therefore, States parties should, when appropriate, seek such cooperation with United Nations specialized agencies, programmes and bodies, international NGOs and bilateral aid agencies, international professional associations and other non-State actors.因此,各缔约国应酌情寻求与联合国各专门机构、方案和机关,国际非政府组织和双边援助机构、国际专业协会和其他非国家行为者建立起此类合作。
These include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.这些包括《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》、《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》、《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》、《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》和《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》。
See also the reports of the Committee’s days of general discussion on “Violence against children” held in 2000 and 2001 and the Recommendations adopted in this regard (see CRC/C/100, chap. V and CRC/C/111, chap. V).还参见委员会2000和2001年举行的关于“对儿童使用暴力”问题一般性讨论日的报告,以及就此通过的建议(见CRC/C/100,第五章和CRC/C/111, 第五章)。
As proposed in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (2003) of the World Health Organization.正如世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》(2003年)中所提出的。
For further guidance on this subject, refer to the Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and for the Improvement of Mental Health Care, (General Assembly resolution 46/119 of 17 December 1991, annex).关于这一专题的进一步详情,请参阅《保护精神病患者和改善精神保健的原则》(大会1991年12月17日第46/119号决议附件)。
Ibid., in particular principles 2, 3 and 7.同上,尤其是第2、3和7条原则。
For further guidance on this issue, see general comment No. 3 (2003) on HIV/AIDS and the rights of children.关于此问题的进一步情况,参见关于“艾滋病毒/艾滋病与儿童权利”的第3号一般性意见(2003)。
United Nations Standard Rules on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities《联合国残疾人机会均等标准规则》。