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CRC/GC/5 CRC_GC_5E.docx (English)CRC/GC/5 CRC_GC_5C.docx (Chinese)
General comment No. 5:第5号一般性意见:
General measures of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (arts. 4, 42 and 44, para. 6)执行《儿童权利公约》的一般措施(第4条、第42条和合第44条第6款)
Thirty-fourth session (2003)第三十四届会议(2003年)
1. The Committee on the Rights of the Child has drafted this general comment to outline States parties’ obligations to develop what it has termed “general measures of implementation”.1. 儿童权利委员会起草了本一般性意见,概述缔约国所承担的制定其称之为“一般执行措施”的义务。
The various elements of the concept are complex and the Committee emphasizes that it is likely to issue more detailed general comments on individual elements in due course, to expand on this outline.鉴于这一概念的要素错综复杂,委员会强调指出,在适当时可能会颁布有关个别要素的更为详细的一般性意见,以扩充阐述本纲要。
Its general comment No. 2 (2002) entitled “The role of independent national human rights institutions in the protection and promotion of the rights of the child” has already expanded on this concept.委员会题为“独立的国家人权机构在保护和增进儿童权利方面的作用”的第2号一般性意见(2002)已扩大了这一概念。
Article 4第4条
“States parties shall undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized in the present Convention.“缔约国应采取一切适当的立法、行政和其他措施以实现本公约所确认的权利。
With regard to economic, social and cultural rights, States parties shall undertake such measures to the maximum extent of their available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international cooperation.”关于经济、社会及文化权利,缔约国应根据其现有资源所允许的最大限度并视需要在国际合作范围内采取此类措施。 ”
I. Introduction一、导言
2. When a State ratifies the Convention on the Rights of the Child, it takes on obligations under international law to implement it.2. 国家一旦批准了《儿童权利公约》,即根据国际法承担了执行《公约》的义务。
Implementation is the process whereby States parties take action to ensure the realization of all rights in the Convention for all children in their jurisdiction.执行是个过程,缔约各国为此要采取行动,确保在其管辖范围内实现该《公约》所规定的所有儿童应享的一切权利。
Article 4 requires States parties to take “all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures” for implementation of the rights contained therein.第4条请缔约国采取“一切适当的立法、行政和其他措施”以实现本《公约》所确认的权利。
While it is the State which takes on obligations under the Convention, its task of implementation - of making reality of the human rights of children - needs to engage all sectors of society and, of course, children themselves.尽管履行《公约》义务的是国家,但要落实执行《公约》的这一任务,即实现儿童的人权,却需要社会各阶层、当然也包括儿童本身的参与。
Ensuring that all domestic legislation is fully compatible with the Convention and that the Convention’s principles and provisions can be directly applied and appropriately enforced is fundamental.最根本的一点是,确保所有国内法与《公约》保持充分一致,并且使《公约》的各项原则和规定能够直接适用和适当的执行。
In addition, the Committee on the Rights of the Child has identified a wide range of measures that are needed for effective implementation, including the development of special structures and monitoring, training and other activities in Government, parliament and the judiciary at all levels.此外,儿童权利委员会已确认了种种为确保有效执行所必须采取的措施,包括在各级政府、议会和司法机构建立专门机构和开展监测、培训和其他活动。
3. In its periodic examination of States parties’ reports under the Convention, the Committee pays particular attention to what it has termed “general measures of implementation”.3. 在定期审议缔约国根据《公约》提交的报告时,委员会特别注意它所称之为“一般执行措施”的部分。
In its concluding observations issued following examination, the Committee provides specific recommendations relating to general measures.委员会在审议之后发表的结论意见中,就一般措施提出具体建议。
It expects the State party to describe action taken in response to these recommendations in its subsequent periodic report.委员会希望缔约国在其后续定期报告中说明针对这些建议所采取的行动。
The Committee’s reporting guidelines arrange the Convention’s articles in clusters, the first being on “general measures of implementation” and groups article 4 with article 42 (the obligation to make the content of the Convention widely known to children and adults; see paragraph 66 below) and article 44, paragraph 6 (the obligation to make reports widely available within the State; see paragraph 71 below).委员会的报告准则对《公约》条款作了分类安排,首先说明的是“一般执行措施”,其次将第4条与第42条(使儿童和成人都能普遍知晓本《公约》的内容的义务;见下文第66段)和第44条第6款(向其本国的公众广泛供应其报告的义务;见下文第71段)归为一类。
4. In addition to these provisions, other general implementation obligations are set out in article 2: “States parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention to each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind … ”.4. 除了这些规定以外,第2条也规定了其他一般执行义务:“缔约国应尊重本公约所载列的权利,并确保其管辖范围内的每一儿童均享受此种权利,不因…而有任何差别”。
5. Also under article 3, paragraph 2, “States parties undertake to ensure the child such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being, taking into account the rights and duties of his or her parents, legal guardians, or other individuals legally responsible for him or her, and, to this end, shall take all appropriate legislative and administrative measures.”5. 另外根据第3条第2款,“缔约国承担确保儿童享有其幸福所必需的保护和照料,考虑到其父母、法定监护人、或任何对其负有法律责任的个人的权利和义务,并为此采取一切适当的立法和行政措施”。
6. In international human rights law, there are articles similar to article 4 of the Convention, setting out overall implementation obligations, such as article 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and article 2 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.6. 在国际人权法中,有一些条款与本《公约》第4条相似,也规定了全面的执行义务,譬如,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二条和《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第二条。
The Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights have issued general comments in relation to these provisions which should be seen as complementary to the present general comment and which are referred to below.人权事务委员会和经济、社会、文化权利委员会曾就这些规定提出一般性意见,应将其作为对本一般性意见的补充,这些一般性意见可参阅下文。
7. Article 4, while reflecting States parties’ overall implementation obligations, suggests a distinction between civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights in its second sentence: “With regard to economic, social and cultural rights, States parties shall undertake such measures to the maximum extent of their available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international cooperation.”7. 第4条说明的是缔约国的全面的执行义务,但第二句中也暗示了公民和政治权利与经济、社会和文化权利之间仍有所区别,“关于经济、社会及文化权利,缔约国应根据其现有资源所允许的最大限度并视需要在国际合作范围内采取此类措施”。
There is no simple or authoritative division of human rights in general or of Convention rights into the two categories.对一般人权或《公约》权利并没有任何简单或权威性的划分。
The Committee’s reporting guidelines group articles 7, 8, 13-17 and 37 (a) under the heading “Civil rights and freedoms”, but indicate by the context that these are not the only civil and political rights in the Convention.委员会的报告准则将第7、8、13至17条和第37条(a)项归入“公民权利和自由”项下,但从上下文来看,仍然说明了这些权利并不仅仅是指《公约》所载列的公民权利和政治权利。
Indeed, it is clear that many other articles, including articles 2, 3, 6 and 12 of the Convention, contain elements which constitute civil/political rights, thus reflecting the interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights.实际上,有一点是十分清楚的,即其他许多条款,包括《公约》第2、3、6和12条,都包含了构成公民/政治权利的要素,这也反映出所有人权的相互依存性和不可分割性。
Enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights is inextricably intertwined with enjoyment of civil and political rights.享有经济、社会和文化权利与享有公民权利和政治权利息息相关,无法分割。
As noted in paragraph 25 below, the Committee believes that economic, social and cultural rights, as well as civil and political rights, should be regarded as justiciable.如下文第25段中指出的,委员会认为,经济、社会和文化权利以及公民权利和政治权利应被视为可予审理的权利。
8. The second sentence of article 4 reflects a realistic acceptance that lack of resources - financial and other resources - can hamper the full implementation of economic, social and cultural rights in some States; this introduces the concept of “progressive realization” of such rights: States need to be able to demonstrate that they have implemented “to the maximum extent of their available resources” and, where necessary, have sought international cooperation.8. 第4条第二句反映了一种对现实的认同,即资源――财政和其他资源――不足,有可能妨碍某些国家充分执行经济、社会和文化权利;为此采用“逐步实现”此种权 利的概念:各国必须能够表明它们业已“根据其现有资源所允许的最大限度”执行了公约规定,并视需要开展了国际合作。
When States ratify the Convention, they take upon themselves obligations not only to implement it within their jurisdiction, but also to contribute, through international cooperation, to global implementation (see paragraph 60 below).缔约国一旦批准《公约》,即有义务不仅在其管辖范围内予以实施,而且有义务通过国际合作促进全球范围内的执行(见下文第60段)。
9. The sentence is similar to the wording used in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee entirely concurs with the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in asserting that “even where the available resources are demonstrably inadequate, the obligation remains for a State party to strive to ensure the widest possible enjoyment of the relevant rights under the prevailing circumstances …”.9. 该句与《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》使用的措施相似,委员会完全同意经济、社会和文化权利委员会的看法,即“甚至在明显缺乏可得资源的情况下,缔约国仍有义务努力争取保证在这种条件下尽可能广泛地享有有关的权利…”。
Whatever their economic circumstances, States are required to undertake all possible measures towards the realization of the rights of the child, paying special attention to the most disadvantaged groups.无论其经济状况如何,缔约国都必须采取一切可能的措施,努力实现儿童权利,同时特别关注处境最为不利的群体。
10. The general measures of implementation identified by the Committee and described in the present general comment are intended to promote the full enjoyment of all rights in the Convention by all children, through legislation, the establishment of coordinating and monitoring bodies - governmental and independent - comprehensive data collection, awareness-raising and training and the development and implementation of appropriate policies, services and programmes.10. 委员会所确认的和本一般性意见中所述的一般执行措施的目的是,通过以下手段促进所有儿童充分享有《公约》载列的所有权利,这些手段可以是立法、建立政府一级和独立的协调和监测机构、综合性数据收集、提高认识和开展培训,并制定和实施适当的政策、服务和方案。
One of the satisfying results of the adoption and almost universal ratification of the Convention has been the development at the national level of a wide variety of new child-focused and child-sensitive bodies, structures and activities - children’s rights units at the heart of Government, ministers for children, inter-ministerial committees on children, parliamentary committees, child impact analysis, children’s budgets and “state of children’s rights” reports, NGO coalitions on children’s rights, children’s ombudspersons and children’s rights commissioners and so on.本 《公约》在通过以及几乎普遍获批准之后,取得了若干令人满意的成果,其中一项成果是在国家一级建立了各种新的以儿童为重点的和对儿童问题有敏感认识的机构 和结构,并开展了各种有关的活动,譬如在政府内部设立儿童权利部门、儿童事务部长、部际儿童问题委员会、议会委员会、儿童影响分析、儿童问题预算和“儿童 权利状况”报告、非政府组织儿童权利联盟、儿童事务监察员和儿童权利事务专员,等等。
11. While some of these developments may seem largely cosmetic, their emergence at the least indicates a change in the perception of the child’s place in society, a willingness to give higher political priority to children and an increasing sensitivity to the impact of governance on children and their human rights.11. 虽然其中一些事态发展在很大程度上不乏有做表面文章之嫌,但其出现至少也表明了人们对儿童在社会中地位的认识发生了变化,愿意从政治角度对儿童问题给予更优先考虑,并且逐步对施政给予儿童以及儿童人权的影响增强了敏感认识。
12. The Committee emphasizes that, in the context of the Convention, States must see their role as fulfilling clear legal obligations to each and every child.12. 委员会强调,就《公约》而言,各国的作用就是履行其对每一儿童所承担的明确的法律义务。
Implementation of the human rights of children must not be seen as a charitable process, bestowing favours on children.落实儿童人权,绝不是一项慈善工作,在对儿童施恩。
The development of a children’s rights perspective throughout Government, parliament and the judiciary is required for effective implementation of the whole Convention and, in particular, in the light of the following articles in the Convention identified by the Committee as general principles:整个政府、议会和司法机构必须孕育一种儿童权利观点,方可全面而有效地执行《公约》,尤其是按照委员会所明确为一般原则的《公约》下列条款行事:
Article 2: the obligation of States to respect and ensure the rights set forth in the Convention to each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind.第2条:缔约国有义务尊重《公约》所载列的权利,并确保其管辖范围内的每一儿童均享受此种权利,不应有任何差别。
This non-discrimination obligation requires States actively to identify individual children and groups of children the recognition and realization of whose rights may demand special measures.缔约国要履行这项关于无差别的义务,必须积极确定承认和实现其权利可能需要采取特别措施的儿童个人和儿童群体。
For example, the Committee highlights, in particular, the need for data collection to be disaggregated to enable discrimination or potential discrimination to be identified.例如,委员会尤其着重指出,数据收集需要加以分类,以便可以确定存在或可能存在的差别。
Addressing discrimination may require changes in legislation, administration and resource allocation, as well as educational measures to change attitudes.要解决差别问题,可能需要在立法、行政和资源分配方面进行改革,以及采取教育措施来改变人们的态度。
It should be emphasized that the application of the non-discrimination principle of equal access to rights does not mean identical treatment.应当强调的是,应用平等享有权利的无差别原则,并不是说待遇相等。
A general comment by the Human Rights Committee has underlined the importance of taking special measures in order to diminish or eliminate conditions that cause discrimination.人权事务委员会的一项一般性意见强调了采取特别措施的重要性,以减少或消除造成差别的条件。
Article 3 (1): the best interests of the child as a primary consideration in all actions concerning children.第3条第1款:关于儿童的一切行动,均应以儿童的最大利益为一种首要考虑。
The article refers to actions undertaken by “public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies”.该条提及“公私社会福利机构、法院、行政当局或立法机构”采取的行动。
The principle requires active measures throughout Government, parliament and the judiciary.该原则要求政府、议会和司法机构都要采取积极措施。
Every legislative, administrative and judicial body or institution is required to apply the best interests principle by systematically considering how children’s rights and interests are or will be affected by their decisions and actions - by, for example, a proposed or existing law or policy or administrative action or court decision, including those which are not directly concerned with children, but indirectly affect children.每个立法、行政和司法机关都必须采用最大利益原则,系统地审查其所作出的决定和采取的行动在目前或以后将会对儿童权利和利益产生何种影响,例如,拟议或现行法律或政策或行政行动或法院判决,包括与儿童没有直接关系、但对儿童产生间接影响的那些政策或行动。
Article 6: the child’s inherent right to life and States parties’ obligation to ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child.第6条:儿童固有的生命权和缔约国最大限度地确保儿童的存活与发展的义务。
The Committee expects States to interpret “development” in its broadest sense as a holistic concept, embracing the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral, psychological and social development.委员会希望各国将“发展”作为一个综合的概念,从最广泛的意义上加以解释,它包括儿童身体、智力、精神、道德、心理和社会多方面的发展。
Implementation measures should be aimed at achieving the optimal development for all children.执行措施的目的应当是实现所有儿童的最适发展。
Article 12: the child’s right to express his or her views freely in “all matters affecting the child”, those views being given due weight.第12条:儿童有权对“影响到其本人的一切事项”自由发表自己的意见,对这些意见应给以适当的看待。
This principle, which highlights the role of the child as an active participant in the promotion, protection and monitoring of his or her rights, applies equally to all measures adopted by States to implement the Convention.这项原则虽然强调儿童在积极参与增进、保护和监测其应享权利方面所发挥的作用,但也同样适用于各国为执行《公约》所采取的一切措施。
Opening government decision-making processes to children is a positive challenge which the Committee finds States are increasingly responding to.政府决策进程向儿童开放,是一种积极的挑战,委员会认为各国目前正日益对之作出响应。
Given that few States as yet have reduced the voting age below 18, there is all the more reason to ensure respect for the views of unenfranchised children in Government and parliament.鉴于将投票年龄降低到18岁以下的国家至今仍寥寥无几,政府和议会就更有理由确保尊重无公民权的儿童的意见。
If consultation is to be meaningful, documents as well as processes need to be made accessible.要使磋商富有意义,就必须为儿童提供文件及程序。
But appearing to “listen” to children is relatively unchallenging; giving due weight to their views requires real change.但是,就作出“倾听”儿童呼声的举动而言,这不成问题;而对他们的意见给以适当的重视,则需要有切实的改变。
Listening to children should not be seen as an end in itself, but rather as a means by which States make their interactions with children and their actions on behalf of children ever more sensitive to the implementation of children’s rights.倾听儿童的呼声,其本身不是目的,而是国家与儿童交互作用以及使国家为儿童采取的行动更加注重实现儿童权利的一种手段而已。
One-off or regular events like Children’s Parliaments can be stimulating and raise general awareness.儿童议会这类一次性或经常性活动有可能激励和提高普遍认识。
But article 12 requires consistent and ongoing arrangements.不过,第12条仍要求各国作出连贯一致的持续安排。
Involvement of and consultation with children must also avoid being tokenistic and aim to ascertain representative views.使儿童亲身参与以及与儿童进行磋商,还必须防止只作表面文章的现象,目的应当是了解有代表性的意见。
The emphasis on “matters that affect them” in article 12 (1) implies the ascertainment of the views of particular groups of children on particular issues - for example children who have experience of the juvenile justice system on proposals for law reform in that area, or adopted children and children in adoptive families on adoption law and policy.第12条第1款强调“影响到其本人的一切事项”,这就意味着要确定特殊儿童群体对某些特殊问题的意见,例如,体验过少年司法制度的儿童对该领域法律改革提案的意见,或被收养子女和领养家庭的子女对收养法和领养政策的意见。
It is important that Governments develop a direct relationship with children, not simply one mediated through non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or human rights institutions.重要的是,政府应当与儿童建立一种直接的关系,而不是仅仅以非政府组织或人权机构作为媒介开展工作。
In the early years of the Convention, NGOs had played a notable role in pioneering participatory approaches with children, but it is in the interests of both Governments and children to have appropriate direct contact.在《公约》通过的最初几年里,非政府组织在倡导采取儿童参与式办法方面发挥了显著的作用,然而,进行适当的直接接触,是对政府和儿童双方均有利的事情。
II. Review of reservations二、对保留的审查
13. In its reporting guidelines on general measures of implementation, the Committee starts by inviting the State party to indicate whether it considers it necessary to maintain the reservations it has made, if any, or has the intention of withdrawing them.13. 委员会在其关于一般执行措施的报告准则中,首先请缔约国说明其是否认为有必要保持以前作出的保留(如果有的话),或者是否有意向撤销保留。
States parties to the Convention are entitled to make reservations at the time of their ratification of or accession to it (art.《公约》缔约国有权在其批准或加入《公约》时作出保留(第51条)。
51). The Committee’s aim of ensuring full and unqualified respect for the human rights of children can be achieved only if States withdraw their reservations.委员会旨在确保充分和无条件尊重儿童人权的目标,只有在缔约国撤销其保留的情况下,才有可能真正实现。
It consistently recommends during its examination of reports that reservations be reviewed and withdrawn.委员会在审议报告过程中,自始至终都建议缔约国重新审查并撤销其保留。
Where a State, after review, decides to maintain a reservation, the Committee requests that a full explanation be included in the next periodic report.如果缔约国在重新审查之后仍然决定保持其保留,委员会则会要求该国在下一次定期报告中予以充分说明。
The Committee draws the attention of States parties to the encouragement given by the World Conference on Human Rights to the review and withdrawal of reservations.委员会提请缔约国注意世界人权会议鼓励重新审查和撤销保留。
14. Article 2 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties defines “reservation” as a “unilateral statement, however phrased or named, made by a State, when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to a Treaty, whereby it purports to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the Treaty in their application to that State”.14. 《维也纳条约法公约》第2条对“保留”的定义为“一国于签署、批准、接受、赞同或加入条约时所作之片面声明,不论措辞或名称为何,其目的在屏除或更改条约中若干规定对该国适用时之法律效果”。
The Vienna Convention notes that States are entitled, at the time of ratification or accession to a treaty, to make a reservation unless it is “incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty” (art. 19).《维也纳公约》指出,国家在批准或加入某一条约时有权提具保留,除非该项保留“与条约目的及宗旨不合”(第19条)。
15. Article 51, paragraph 2, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child reflects this: “A reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the present Convention shall not be permitted.”15. 《儿童权利公约》第51条第2款表达了这一思想:“不得提出内容与本公约目标和宗旨相抵触的保留”。
The Committee is deeply concerned that some States have made reservations which plainly breach article 51 (2) by suggesting, for example, that respect for the Convention is limited by the State’s existing Constitution or legislation, including in some cases religious law.但有些国家提出的保留显然违反第51条第2款规定,例如,认为对《公约》的尊重不应超出该国现行宪法或立法所允许的范围,包括在某些情况下不应超出宗教法所许可的范围,委员会对此深感关切。
Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides: “A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty.”《维也纳条约法公约》第27条规定,“一当事国不得援引其国内法规定为理由而不履行条约”。
16. The Committee notes that, in some cases, States parties have lodged formal objections to such wide-ranging reservations made by other States parties.16. 委员会注意到,在某些情况下,缔约国对其他缔约国提具的此种含义广泛的保留提出正式异议。
It commends any action which contributes to ensuring the fullest possible respect for the Convention in all States parties.委员会赞扬所有缔约国为促进确保最大限度地尊重《公约》而采取的一切行动。
III. Ratification of other key international human rights instruments三、批准其他主要国际人权文书
17. As part of its consideration of general measures of implementation, and in the light of the principles of indivisibility and interdependence of human rights, the Committee consistently urges States parties, if they have not already done so, to ratify the two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (on the involvement of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography) and the six other major international human rights instruments.17. 作为其对一般执行措施的审议工作的一部分,以及遵循人权不可分割和相互依存的原则,委员会始终促请尚未批准《儿童权利公约》两项《任择议定书》(关于儿童 卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书和关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书)的缔约国批准任择议定书,以及批准其他六项主要国际人权文书。
During its dialogue with States parties the Committee often encourages them to consider ratifying other relevant international instruments.在与缔约国开展对话过程中,委员会经常鼓励各国考虑批准其他有关国际文书。
A non-exhaustive list of these instruments is annexed to the present general comment, which the Committee will update from time to time.有关这些文书的非详尽清单作为附件列于本一般性意见之后,委员会将不时予以增补。
IV. Legislative measures四、立法措施
18. The Committee believes a comprehensive review of all domestic legislation and related administrative guidance to ensure full compliance with the Convention is an obligation.18. 委员会认为,缔约国有义务全面审查所有国内法和有关行政准则,以确保《公约》得到充分遵守。
Its experience in examining not only initial but now second and third periodic reports under the Convention suggests that the review process at the national level has, in most cases, been started, but needs to be more rigorous.委员会对根据《公约》提交的初次报告以及第二次和第三次定期报告的审议情况表明,国家一级审查过程大多已经开始,但还需要更加紧进行。
The review needs to consider the Convention not only article by article, but also holistically, recognizing the interdependence and indivisibility of human rights.此种审查不但必须对《公约》进行逐条考虑而且还必须从整体上考虑,应承认人权的相互依存性和不可分割性。
The review needs to be continuous rather than one-off, reviewing proposed as well as existing legislation.审查不是一次性任务,它必须连续不断地开展下去,即审查拟议立法,也审查现行法律。
And while it is important that this review process should be built into the machinery of all relevant government departments, it is also advantageous to have independent review by, for example, parliamentary committees and hearings, national human rights institutions, NGOs, academics, affected children and young people and others.尽管在所有有关政府部门中应将这一审查过程形成一种制度,但由以下各方进行独立审查也不无好处,譬如,议会委员会和听证会、国家人权机构、非政府组织、学术机构、受影响的儿童和青年人以及其他机构。
19. States parties need to ensure, by all appropriate means, that the provisions of the Convention are given legal effect within their domestic legal systems.19. 缔约国必须采取一切适当措施,确保《公约》各项规定在其国内法律制度中具有法律效力。
This remains a challenge in many States parties.这对许多缔约国来说,仍然是一大挑战。
Of particular importance is the need to clarify the extent of applicability of the Convention in States where the principle of “self-execution” applies and others where it is claimed that the Convention “has constitutional status” or has been incorporated into domestic law.尤其重要的是,实行“自动执行”原则的国家,以及其他声称《公约》“具有宪法地位”或已将《公约》纳入本国法律的国家,都必须阐明《公约》在该国的适用范围。
20. The Committee welcomes the incorporation of the Convention into domestic law, which is the traditional approach to the implementation of international human rights instruments in some but not all States.20. 委员会对将《公约》纳入国内法的行动表示欢迎,这是执行国际人权文书的传统做法,但只有部分国家而非所有国家这样做。
Incorporation should mean that the provisions of the Convention can be directly invoked before the courts and applied by national authorities and that the Convention will prevail where there is a conflict with domestic legislation or common practice.纳入国内法是指可以在法庭上直接援引以及国家当局可以直接适用《公约》的规定,并且当国内法或习惯法与之相抵触时,将以《公约》为准。
Incorporation by itself does not avoid the need to ensure that all relevant domestic law, including any local or customary law, is brought into compliance with the Convention.即便将《公约》纳入国内法,也不是说就不需要确保所有有关国内法,包括任何当地法律或习惯法与《公约》取得一致。
In case of any conflict in legislation, predominance should always be given to the Convention, in the light of article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.根据《维也纳条约法公约》第27条规定,法律相抵触时,应当始终以《公约》为准。
Where a State delegates powers to legislate to federated regional or territorial governments, it must also require these subsidiary governments to legislate within the framework of the Convention and to ensure effective implementation (see also paragraphs 40 et seq. below).如一国授权地区或领土联邦政府以立法权力,它就必须要求这些下级政府在《公约》框架内制定法律,并确保《公约》得到有效执行(又见下文第40段及以下各段)。
21. Some States have suggested to the Committee that the inclusion in their Constitution of guarantees of rights for “everyone” is adequate to ensure respect for these rights for children.21. 一些国家向委员会表示,在其国家宪法中写明保证“人人”应享权利,这就足以确保尊重儿童的这些权利。
The test must be whether the applicable rights are truly realized for children and can be directly invoked before the courts.检验标准必须是,适用儿童的权利是否真正得到实现,以及是否可以在法庭上直接援引。
The Committee welcomes the inclusion of sections on the rights of the child in national constitutions, reflecting key principles in the Convention, which helps to underline the key message of the Convention - that children alongside adults are holders of human rights.委员会欢迎在国家宪法中纳入有关儿童权利的条款,体现《公约》的各项主要原则,这有助于着重突出《公约》所传递的要旨,即儿童与成人同样享有人权。
But this inclusion does not automatically ensure respect for the rights of children.但是,宪法中纳入此种条款,并不会自动确保尊重儿童权利。
In order to promote the full implementation of these rights, including, where appropriate, the exercise of rights by children themselves, additional legislative and other measures may be necessary.为了促进充分实现这些权利,包括适当时由儿童自己行使权利,可能还需要立法措施和其他措施。
22. The Committee emphasizes, in particular, the importance of ensuring that domestic law reflects the identified general principles in the Convention (arts. 2, 3, 6 and 12 (see paragraph 12 above)).22. 委员会尤其强调必须确保在国内法中反映《公约》所确定的一般原则(第2、3、6和12条,见上文第12段)。
The Committee welcomes the development of consolidated children’s rights statutes, which can highlight and emphasize the Convention’s principles.委员会欢迎制定儿童权利综合法规,此种法规可以突出并强调《公约》载列的各项原则。
But the Committee emphasizes that it is crucial in addition that all relevant “sectoral” laws (on education, health, justice and so on) reflect consistently the principles and standards of the Convention.不过,委员会也强调,除此之外,非常重要的一点是,所有有关“部门”法律(关于教育、卫生、司法等)也都要一致反映《公约》所阐述的原则与标准。
23. The Committee encourages all States parties to enact and implement within their jurisdiction legal provisions that are more conducive to the realization of the rights of the child than those contained in the Convention, in the light of article 41.23. 委员会鼓励所有缔约国,根据第41条规定,颁布并在其管辖范围内执行较为有利于实现儿童权利的法律规定,而不仅限于《公约》载列的那些规定。
The Committee emphasizes that the other international human rights instruments apply to all persons below the age of 18 years.委员会强调说,其他国际人权文书适用于所有未满18岁的人。
V. Justiciability of rights五、权利可否诉诸司法审理问题
24. For rights to have meaning, effective remedies must be available to redress violations.24. 权利要切实具有意义,就必须规定有效的补救办法来纠正侵权行为。
This requirement is implicit in the Convention and consistently referred to in the other six major international human rights treaties.《公约》中隐含了这一规定,其他六项主要国际人权条约也都一致提到这一点。
Children’s special and dependent status creates real difficulties for them in pursuing remedies for breaches of their rights.由于儿童身份具有特殊性和依赖性,他们很难寻求补救办法来纠正对其权利的侵犯。
So States need to give particular attention to ensuring that there are effective, child-sensitive procedures available to children and their representatives.因此,各国必须特别注意确保为儿童及其代表提供有效的、对儿童问题敏感的程序。
These should include the provision of child-friendly information, advice, advocacy, including support for self-advocacy, and access to independent complaints procedures and to the courts with necessary legal and other assistance.这些程序应当包括提供方便儿童的信息、咨询、辩护,包括对自我辩护的支持,以及使用独立申诉程序和向法院申诉的机会,并获得必要的法律和其他援助。
Where rights are found to have been breached, there should be appropriate reparation, including compensation, and, where needed, measures to promote physical and psychological recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration, as required by article 39.如果法院认定权利受到侵犯,就应当给予适当补偿,包括赔偿,以及必要时按照第39条规定,采取适当措施,以促进儿童身心康复、复原和重返社会。
25. As noted in paragraph 6 above, the Committee emphasizes that economic, social and cultural rights, as well as civil and political rights, must be regarded as justiciable.25. 如上文第6段所述,委员会强调指出,经济、社会和文化权利以及公民权利和政治权利必须被视为可予审理的权利。
It is essential that domestic law sets out entitlements in sufficient detail to enable remedies for non-compliance to be effective.至关重要的一点是,国内法必须就应享权利作出充分详尽的规定,使违约行为的补救得以有效执行。
VI. Administrative and other measures六、行政和其他措施
26. The Committee cannot prescribe in detail the measures which each or every State party will find appropriate to ensure effective implementation of the Convention.26. 委员会不可能就每一缔约国为确保有效执行《公约》所要采取的适当措施作出详细规定。
But from its first decade’s experience of examining States parties’ reports and from its ongoing dialogue with Governments and with the United Nations and United Nations-related agencies, NGOs and other competent bodies, it has distilled here some key advice for States.不过,根据委员会过去十年审议缔约国的报告的经验,以及从与各国政府和联合国以及联合国有关机构、非政府组织和其他主管机构不断开展的对话来看,委员会在此列出一些重要的意见,供各国参考。
27. The Committee believes that effective implementation of the Convention requires visible cross-sectoral coordination to recognize and realize children’s rights across Government, between different levels of government and between Government and civil society - including in particular children and young people themselves.27. 委员会认为,要有效地执行《公约》,就必须在整个政府内部,即不同级别政府之间和政府与民间社会之间,尤其包括儿童和青年人自己之间进行跨部门协调。
Invariably, many different government departments and other governmental or quasi-governmental bodies affect children’s lives and children’s enjoyment of their rights.许多不同政府部门和其他政府或准政府机构历来都会对儿童的生活和儿童对其权利的享有有所影响。
Few, if any, government departments have no effect on children’s lives, direct or indirect.对儿童的生活没有任何直接或间接影响的政府部门,即使有的话,也是寥寥无几。
Rigorous monitoring of implementation is required, which should be built into the process of government at all levels but also independent monitoring by national human rights institutions, NGOs and others.对《公约》执行情况必须进行严格监测,这应当纳入成为各级政府的工作程序,而且国家人权机构、非政府组织和其他机构也可进行独立监测。
A. Developing a comprehensive national strategy rooted in the ConventionA. 制定以《公约》为基础的全面国家战略
28. If Government as a whole and at all levels is to promote and respect the rights of the child, it needs to work on the basis of a unifying, comprehensive and rights-based national strategy, rooted in the Convention.28. 要使整个政府及各级政府都来促进和尊重儿童权利,就必须制定一项以《公约》为基础的统一、全面和基于权利的国家战略的基本原则。
29. The Committee commends the development of a comprehensive national strategy or national plan of action for children, built on the framework of the Convention.29. 委员会建议制定以《公约》框架为基础的一项全面国家战略或国家儿童行动计划。
The Committee expects States parties to take account of the recommendations in its concluding observations on their periodic reports when developing and/or reviewing their national strategies.委员会希望,缔约各国在制定和/或审查其国家战略时,考虑到委员会在有关其国家定期报告的结论意见中所提出的建议。
If such a strategy is to be effective, it needs to relate to the situation of all children, and to all the rights in the Convention.此种战略要切实有效,它就必须符合所有儿童的状况,并与《公约》所规定的所有权利相一致。
It will need to be developed through a process of consultation, including with children and young people and those living and working with them.战略的制定需要有一个磋商过程,包括与儿童和青年人以及与他们共同生活和工作的那些人进行磋商。
As noted above (para. 12), meaningful consultation with children requires special child-sensitive materials and processes; it is not simply about extending to children access to adult processes.如上文指出(第12段),要使与儿童的磋商富有意义,就需要提供对儿童问题有敏感认识的特别材料和过程;问题不仅仅是为儿童提供参与成人过程的机会。
30. Particular attention will need to be given to identifying and giving priority to marginalized and disadvantaged groups of children.30. 对于确定和优先考虑被排斥和处境不利的儿童群体的问题,还需要给予特别重视。
The non-discrimination principle in the Convention requires that all the rights guaranteed by the Convention should be recognized for all children within the jurisdiction of States.《公约》规定的无差别原则要求缔约国在其管辖范围内承认所有儿童均享有《公约》所保证的一切权利。
As noted above (para. 12), the non-discrimination principle does not prevent the taking of special measures to diminish discrimination.如上文所述(第12段),无差别原则并不妨碍采取特别措施以减少差别。
31. To give the strategy authority, it will need to be endorsed at the highest level of government.31. 此种战略要具有权威,就需要得到最高一级政府的核可。
Also, it needs to be linked to national development planning and included in national budgeting; otherwise, the strategy may remain marginalized outside key decision-making processes.同时,也必须将该战略与国家发展规划联系在一起并将之纳入国家预算编制;否则该战略就可能依然脱离重要决策过程。
32. The strategy must not be simply a list of good intentions; it must include a description of a sustainable process for realizing the rights of children throughout the State; it must go beyond statements of policy and principle, to set real and achievable targets in relation to the full range of economic, social and cultural and civil and political rights for all children.32. 该战略绝不应仅仅罗列一系列良好的意图;它必须阐述在全国实现儿童权利的可持续进程;它绝不能仅限于对政策和原则的阐述,而是应规定实际和可实现的目标,保证所有儿童享有一切经济、社会和文化权利及公民和政治权利。
The comprehensive national strategy may be elaborated in sectoral national plans of action - for example for education and health - setting out specific goals, targeted implementation measures and allocation of financial and human resources.全面国家战略可通过制订部门性国家行动计划,例如,教育和卫生行动计划,加以详细阐述,行动计划则应列出具体目标、目标明确的执行措施,以及财政和人力资源的分配。
The strategy will inevitably set priorities, but it must not neglect or dilute in any way the detailed obligations which States parties have accepted under the Convention.该战略必然会明确优先事项,但无论如何,缔约国根据《公约》所承担的具体义务不得予以忽视或削弱。
The strategy needs to be adequately resourced, in human and financial terms.缔约国还需要为该战略提供充足的人力和资金。
33. Developing a national strategy is not a one-off task.33. 制定国家战略并不是一促而蹴的事情。
Once drafted the strategy will need to be widely disseminated throughout Government and to the public, including children (translated into child-friendly versions as well as into appropriate languages and forms).战略草拟出来后,还需要向政府各个部门以及公众和儿童广为传播(改编成便于儿童阅读的文本以及以适当语文和形式出版))。
The strategy will need to include arrangements for monitoring and continuous review, for regular updating and for periodic reports to parliament and to the public.该战略还需要作出适当安排,以便监测和进行不断审查,经常更新资料,并向议会和公众提出定期报告。
34. The “national plans of action” which States were encouraged to develop following the first World Summit for Children, held in 1990, were related to the particular commitments set by nations attending the Summit.34. 在1990年举行的第一次儿童问题世界首脑会议之后鼓励各国制定的“国家行动计划”,与出席首脑会议各国所作的具体承诺联系在一起。
In 1993, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights, called on States to integrate the Convention on the Rights of the Child into their national human rights action plans.1993年,世界人权会议通过的《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》呼吁各国将《儿童权利公约》纳入其国家人权行动计划。
35. The outcome document of the United Nations General Assembly special session on children, in 2002, also commits States “to develop or strengthen as a matter of urgency if possible by the end of 2003 national and, where appropriate, regional action plans with a set of specific time-bound and measurable goals and targets based on this plan of action … ”.35. 2002年,联合国大会儿童问题特别会议结果文件也要求各国“尽可能在2003年底以前作为紧急事项制定或加强国家行动计划,并酌情制定或加强区域行动计划,其中将根据本《行动计划》制定一套带有时限并可衡量的目标和指标…”。
The Committee welcomes the commitments made by States to achieve the goals and targets set at the special session on children and identified in the outcome document, A World Fit for Children.委员会欢迎各国承诺实现儿童问题特别会议上所提出并在结果文件“适合儿童生长的世界”中予以确定的目标和任务。
But the Committee emphasizes that making particular commitments at global meetings does not in any way reduce States parties’ legal obligations under the Convention.但委员会也强调指出,在全球会议上作出具体承诺,绝不应减损缔约国根据《公约》所承担的法律义务。
Similarly, preparing specific plans of action in response to the special session does not reduce the need for a comprehensive implementation strategy for the Convention.同样,响应特别会议的呼吁而拟订具体的行动计划,也不得减少制定《公约》全面执行战略的必要性。
States should integrate their response to the 2002 special session and to other relevant global conferences into their overall implementation strategy for the Convention as a whole.各国应当将其对2002年特别会议和其他有关全球会议作出的反应纳入各自制定的《公约》全面执行战略。
36. The outcome document also encourages States parties to “consider including in their reports to the Committee on the Rights of the Child information on measures taken and results achieved in the implementation of the present Plan of Action”.36. 该结果文件还鼓励缔约国“考虑在提交给儿童权利委员会的报告中,说明在执行本《行动计划》方面采取的措施和取得的成果”。
The Committee endorses this proposal; it is committed to monitoring progress towards meeting the commitments made at the special session and will provide further guidance in its revised guidelines for periodic reporting under the Convention.委员会核可了该项建议;它承诺对各国在履行特别会议上所作承诺方面取得的进展情况进行监测,并通过经修订的《公约》定期报告准则提供进一步指导。
B. Coordination of implementation of children’s rightsB. 协调儿童权利落实工作
37. In examining States parties’ reports the Committee has almost invariably found it necessary to encourage further coordination of government to ensure effective implementation: coordination among central government departments, among different provinces and regions, between central and other levels of government and between Government and civil society.37. 在审议缔约国的报告时,委员会几乎历来都认为必须鼓励进一步协调政府工作,以确保儿童权利的有效落实:中央政府各部门、不同省市和地区、中央一级和其他各级政府以及政府和民间社会,相互之间都需要加强协调。
The purpose of coordination is to ensure respect for all of the Convention’s principles and standards for all children within the State jurisdiction; to ensure that the obligations inherent in ratification of or accession to the Convention are not only recognized by those large departments which have a substantial impact on children - education, health or welfare and so on - but right across Government, including for example departments concerned with finance, planning, employment and defence, and at all levels.协调的目的是要确 保各国在其管辖范围内,尊重《儿童权利公约》载列的所有原则和标准;确保因批准或加入《公约》而承担的义务不仅仅得到那些对儿童具有极大影响的主要部门, 即教育、卫生或福利等部门的承认,而且,得到所有政府部门,例如,与财政、规划、就业和国防有关的部门以及各级政府的承认。
38. The Committee believes that, as a treaty body, it is not advisable for it to attempt to prescribe detailed arrangements appropriate for very different systems of government across States parties.38. 委员会认为,作为一个条约机构,试图针对缔约国差异极大的政府制度规定适当的具体安排,是不明智的。
There are many formal and informal ways of achieving effective coordination, including for example inter-ministerial and interdepartmental committees for children.实际上有许多正式和非正式方法都可以实现有效协调,例如,包括部际和部门间儿童问题委员会。
The Committee proposes that States parties, if they have not already done so, should review the machinery of government from the perspective of implementation of the Convention and in particular of the four articles identified as providing general principles (see paragraph 12 above).委员会建议缔约国从执行《公约》,尤其是执行确定为提出一般原则的四个条文的角度出发,对政府机构加以审查,如果它们尚未这样做的话(见上文第12段)。
39. Many States parties have with advantage developed a specific department or unit close to the heart of Government, in some cases in the President’s or Prime Minister’s or Cabinet office, with the objective of coordinating implementation and children’s policy.39. 许多缔约国已有效地在政府核心部门设立了专门部门或单位,有的就设置在总统或总理或内阁办公室之下,目的是协调执行工作和儿童政策。
As noted above, the actions of virtually all government departments impact on children’s lives.如上文所述,几乎所有政府部门的行动都会对儿童生活产生影响。
It is not practicable to bring responsibility for all children’s services together into a single department, and in any case doing so could have the danger of further marginalizing children in Government.将有关所有儿童的工作统由一个部门来负责,这一做法不切实际,并且无论如何,此种做法还有可能使儿童进一步处于政府工作边缘地位。
But a special unit, if given high-level authority - reporting directly, for example, to the Prime Minister, the President or a Cabinet Committee on children - can contribute both to the overall purpose of making children more visible in Government and to coordination to ensure respect for children’s rights across Government and at all levels of Government.不过,如果赋予某一专门机构以很高的权力,例如,可直接向总理、总统或内阁儿童问题委员会负责,这就有助于实现在政府工作中将儿童问题摆在更加显著位置上的这一总目标,并促进协调工作,确保整个政府和各级政府都来尊重儿童权利。
Such a unit can be given responsibility for developing the comprehensive children’s strategy and monitoring its implementation, as well as for coordinating reporting under the Convention.此种单位可负责制定全面儿童问题战略并监测战略的执行情况,以及协调《公约》报告工作。
C. Decentralization, federalization and delegationC. 权力下放、联邦式分工和分权
40. The Committee has found it necessary to emphasize to many States that decentralization of power, through devolution and delegation of government, does not in any way reduce the direct responsibility of the State party’s Government to fulfil its obligations to all children within its jurisdiction, regardless of the State structure.40. 委员会认为有必要向许多国家强调指出,无论国家结构如何,通过移交和分授政府工作来实现权力下放,并不减轻缔约国政府在其管辖范围内履行其承担的所有儿童的义务的直接责任。
41. The Committee reiterates that in all circumstances the State which ratified or acceded to the Convention remains responsible for ensuring the full implementation of the Convention throughout the territories under its jurisdiction.41. 委员会重申,在任何情况下,凡批准或加入《公约》的国家,都有责任确保在受其管辖的领土全境充分执行《公约》。
In any process of devolution, States parties have to make sure that the devolved authorities do have the necessary financial, human and other resources effectively to discharge responsibilities for the implementation of the Convention.在任何权力移交过程中,缔约国都必须确定受权当局拥有有效履行执行《公约》所需的财政、人力和其他资源。
The Governments of States parties must retain powers to require full compliance with the Convention by devolved administrations or local authorities and must establish permanent monitoring mechanisms to ensure that the Convention is respected and applied for all children within its jurisdiction without discrimination.缔约国政府必须保留要求受权行政当局或地方当局充分遵守《公约》的权力,并且还必须建立常设监测机制,确保《公约》得到尊重并且在其管辖范围内无差别地适用于所有儿童。
Further, there must be safeguards to ensure that decentralization or devolution does not lead to discrimination in the enjoyment of rights by children in different regions.此外,还必须制定保障措施,确保权利下放或权利移交不会导致不同地区儿童在权利享受方面存在差异。
D. PrivatizationD. 私有化
42. The process of privatization of services can have a serious impact on the recognition and realization of children’s rights.42. 服务私有化进程可对承认和实现儿童权利产生重大的影响。
The Committee devoted its 2002 day of general discussion to the theme “The private sector as service provider and its role in implementing child rights”, defining the private sector as including businesses, NGOs and other private associations, both for profit and not-for-profit.委员会2002年一般性讨论日的主题是:“作为服务提供者的私营部门及其在落实儿童权利中的作用”,对私营部门的定义包括了企业、非政府组织和其他营利和非营利性民间协会。
Following that day of general discussion, the Committee adopted detailed recommendations to which it draws the attention of States parties.在一般性讨论日之后,委员会通过了种种具体建议并提请缔约各国予以注意。
43. The Committee emphasizes that States parties to the Convention have a legal obligation to respect and ensure the rights of children as stipulated in the Convention, which includes the obligation to ensure that non-State service providers operate in accordance with its provisions, thus creating indirect obligations on such actors.43. 委员会强调,《公约》缔约国负有按照《公约》规定尊重和确保儿童权利的法律义务,包括确保非国家服务提供者按照《公约》规定行事的义务,从而使此种行为者也承担间接义务。
44. The Committee emphasizes that enabling the private sector to provide services, run institutions and so on does not in any way lessen the State’s obligation to ensure for all children within its jurisdiction the full recognition and realization of all rights in the Convention (arts. 2 (1) and 3 (2)).44. 委员会强调,使私营部门具有提供服务,经管机构等能力,绝不能减少国家确保在其管辖范围内所有儿童的所有权利得到充分承认和实现之义务(第2条第1款和第3条第2款)。
Article 3 (1) establishes that the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private bodies.第3条第1款规定,关于儿童的一切行动,不论是由公共还是私营机构执行,均应以儿童的最大利益为一种首要考虑。
Article 3 (3) requires the establishment of appropriate standards by competent bodies (bodies with the appropriate legal competence), in particular, in the areas of health, and with regard to the number and suitability of staff.第3条第3款要求主管当局(有适当法律权限的机构),尤其是在卫生和工作人员数目和资格方面,制定适当的标准。
This requires rigorous inspection to ensure compliance with the Convention.这就需要实行严格的检查措施,以确保《公约》规定得到遵守。
The Committee proposes that there should be a permanent monitoring mechanism or process aimed at ensuring that all State and non-State service providers respect the Convention.委员会建议,缔约国应建立一种常设监测机制或过程,以便确保所有国家和非国家服务提供者都能做到尊重《公约》。
E. Monitoring implementation - the need for child impact assessment and evaluationE. 监测执行情况――儿童影响评估和评价的需要
45. Ensuring that the best interests of the child are a primary consideration in all actions concerning children (art. 3 (1)), and that all the provisions of the Convention are respected in legislation and policy development and delivery at all levels of government demands a continuous process of child impact assessment (predicting the impact of any proposed law, policy or budgetary allocation which affects children and the enjoyment of their rights) and child impact evaluation (evaluating the actual impact of implementation).45. 为了确保在一切有关儿童的行动中均以儿童的最大利益为一种首要考虑(第3条第1款),以及确保《公约》所有规定在各级政府的立法和政策制定与实施中得到尊 重,这就需要有持续不断地对儿童的影响进行评估(预测任何拟议法律、政策或预算拨款对儿童和儿童对其权利的享有的影响)和对儿童的影响进行评价(评价执行 工作的实际影响)。
This process needs to be built into government at all levels and as early as possible in the development of policy.这一过程必须成为各级政府的工作,并尽早纳入制定政策的工作。
46. Self-monitoring and evaluation is an obligation for Governments.46. 自我监督和评价是政府的一项义务。
But the Committee also regards as essential the independent monitoring of progress towards implementation by, for example, parliamentary committees, NGOs, academic institutions, professional associations, youth groups and independent human rights institutions (see paragraph 65 below).但是,委员会认为由其他机构,比如,由议会委员会、非政府组织、学术机构、职业协会、青年团体和独立的人权机构对执行工作进展情况实施独立监测,也同样极其重要(见下文第65段)。
47. The Committee commends certain States which have adopted legislation requiring the preparation and presentation to parliament and/or the public of formal impact analysis statements.47. 委员会赞扬某些国家通过立法,规定必须编制正式影响分析报告,提交议会及(或)向公众公布。
Every State should consider how it can ensure compliance with article 3 (1) and do so in a way which further promotes the visible integration of children in policy-making and sensitivity to their rights.每一国家均应考虑如何才能确保遵守第3条第1款规定,并且在这样做时应进一步促进明显地将儿童问题纳入决策过程及提高对儿童权利的关心认识。
F. Data collection and analysis and development of indicatorsF. 数据收集及分析和编制指标
48. Collection of sufficient and reliable data on children, disaggregated to enable identification of discrimination and/or disparities in the realization of rights, is an essential part of implementation.48. 收集有关儿童问题的充足和可靠数据,并在加以分列后应可确定实现权利方面的差别和/或差距,这是落实工作不可或缺的组成部分。
The Committee reminds States parties that data collection needs to extend over the whole period of childhood, up to the age of 18 years.委员会提请缔约国注意,数据收集所涉时间跨度应包括整个儿童成长期,直到18岁为止。
It also needs to be coordinated throughout the jurisdiction, ensuring nationally applicable indicators.在整个管辖范围内也需要进行协调,确保获得全国范围内适用的指标。
States should collaborate with appropriate research institutes and aim to build up a complete picture of progress towards implementation, with qualitative as well as quantitative studies.各国应当与适当的研究机构进行合作,目标是制定一幅完整的落实工作进展情况蓝图,提出数量和质量两方面的研究报告。
The reporting guidelines for periodic reports call for detailed disaggregated statistical and other information covering all areas of the Convention.定期报告准则要求提供详细分类的统计资料和其他涉及《公约》所有领域的资料。
It is essential not merely to establish effective systems for data collection, but to ensure that the data collected are evaluated and used to assess progress in implementation, to identify problems and to inform all policy development for children.重要的不仅仅是建立有效的数据收集系统,而且还要确保对所收集的数据进行评价并用于评估落实工作进展情况,确认问题,并让儿童了解所有政策发展情况。
Evaluation requires the development of indicators related to all rights guaranteed by the Convention.评价需要制定与《公约》保证的所有权利有关的指标。
49. The Committee commends States parties which have introduced annual publication of comprehensive reports on the state of children’s rights throughout their jurisdiction.49. 委员会赞扬缔约国采取每年出版有关其管辖范围内儿童权利情况的综合报告的这一做法。
Publication and wide dissemination of and debate on such reports, including in parliament, can provide a focus for broad public engagement in implementation.出版和广泛传播此种报告并就报告开展辩论,包括在议会散发,都可以提供一种关注焦点,促使公众广泛参与执行工作。
Translations, including child-friendly versions, are essential for engaging children and minority groups in the process.报告翻译,包括编写儿童易懂的文本,对于动员儿童和少数人群体参与进程来说,也是必要的。
50. The Committee emphasizes that, in many cases, only children themselves are in a position to indicate whether their rights are being fully recognized and realized.50. 委员会强调指出,在许多情况下,只有儿童自己才能够说明他们的权利是否得到充分承认和实现。
Interviewing children and using children as researchers (with appropriate safeguards) is likely to be an important way of finding out, for example, to what extent their civil rights, including the crucial right set out in article 12, to have their views heard and given due consideration, are respected within the family, in schools and so on.与儿童谈话以及让儿童自己来考察问题(有适当的保障措施),这很可能成为一项重要方法,譬如,可以查明儿童公民权利,包括第12条中规定的重要权利,即儿童发表自己的意见并使此种意见得到应有考虑的权利,在家庭、学校等方面得到尊重的情况。
G. Making children visible in budgetsG. 使儿童问题在预算中占有显著位置
51. In its reporting guidelines and in the consideration of States parties’ reports, the Committee has paid much attention to the identification and analysis of resources for children in national and other budgets.51. 在其报告准则中以及在审议缔约国报告的过程中,委员会始终十分重视在国家和其他预算中对儿童问题所获资源的确认和分析。
No State can tell whether it is fulfilling children’s economic, social and cultural rights “to the maximum extent of … available resources”, as it is required to do under article 4, unless it can identify the proportion of national and other budgets allocated to the social sector and, within that, to children, both directly and indirectly.任何国家如果不能确定国家和其他预算向社会部门并从中直接或间接为儿童拨款的数额所占比例,它也就无法说明其是否按照第4条规定,“根据其现有资源所允许的最大限度”落实了儿童的经济、社会和文化权利。
Some States have claimed it is not possible to analyse national budgets in this way.有些国家声称以这种方式来分析国家预算是不可能的。
But others have done it and publish annual “children’s budgets”.但也有国家采取了这一方法,并且每年公布“儿童预算”。
The Committee needs to know what steps are taken at all levels of Government to ensure that economic and social planning and decision-making and budgetary decisions are made with the best interests of children as a primary consideration and that children, including in particular marginalized and disadvantaged groups of children, are protected from the adverse effects of economic policies or financial downturns.委员会需要知道各级政府采取了什么步骤,确保在作出经济和社会规划和决策以及预算决定时是以儿童的最大利益为一种首要考虑,以及确保儿童,尤其是被排斥和处境不利的儿童群体得到保护免受经济政策或财政紧缩的不利影响。
52. Emphasizing that economic policies are never neutral in their effect on children’s rights, the Committee has been deeply concerned by the often negative effects on children of structural adjustment programmes and transition to a market economy.52. 委员会强调经济政策绝不会不对儿童权利产生影响,对结构调整方案和向市场经济过渡常常给儿童带来不利影响表示深为关切。
The implementation duties of article 4 and other provisions of the Convention demand rigorous monitoring of the effects of such changes and adjustment of policies to protect children’s economic, social and cultural rights.为了履行执行《公约》第4条和其他规定的义务,需要对此种变革和政策调整进行紧密的监测,以保护儿童的经济、社会和文化权利。
H. Training and capacity-buildingH. 培训和能力建设
53. The Committee emphasizes States’ obligation to develop training and capacity-building for all those involved in the implementation process - government officials, parliamentarians and members of the judiciary - and for all those working with and for children.53. 委员会强调缔约国有义务为所有参与执行进程的人,即政府官员、议员和司法机关成员,以及为所有从事儿童工作的人提供培训并进行能力建设。
These include, for example, community and religious leaders, teachers, social workers and other professionals, including those working with children in institutions and places of detention, the police and armed forces, including peacekeeping forces, those working in the media and many others.这类人中包括社区和宗教领袖、教师、社会工作者和其他专业人员,还有福利机构和拘留所、警察局和武装部队,包括维和部队中的儿童工作者、媒体工作者以及其他许多人。
Training needs to be systematic and ongoing - initial training and retraining.培训必须具有系统性和连续性,既有初次培训,也有再培训。
The purpose of training is to emphasize the status of the child as a holder of human rights, to increase knowledge and understanding of the Convention and to encourage active respect for all its provisions.培训的目的是强调儿童也同样享有人权这一地位,以增进对《公约》的了解和认识,并鼓励主动尊重《公约》的所有规定。
The Committee expects to see the Convention reflected in professional training curricula, codes of conduct and educational curricula at all levels.委员会期望看到在专业培训课程、行为准则和各级教育课程中都能反映《公约》的精神。
Understanding and knowledge of human rights must, of course, be promoted among children themselves, through the school curriculum and in other ways (see also paragraph 69 below and the Committee’s general comment No. 1 (2001) on the aims of education).当然,还必须通过学校课程和其他方式促进儿童自己对人权的认识和了解(另见下文第69段和委员会第1号一般性意见(2001)“教育的目的”)。
54. The Committee’s guidelines for periodic reports mention many aspects of training, including specialist training, which are essential if all children are to enjoy their rights.54. 委员会的定期报告准则提到培训的诸多方面,包括专门培训,要使所有儿童都能享有自己的权利,这项工作也是不可或缺的。
The Convention highlights the importance of the family in its preamble and in many articles.《公约》序言部分和许多条文都着重阐明了家庭的重要性。
It is particularly important that the promotion of children’s rights should be integrated into preparation for parenthood and parenting education.尤其重要的是,促进儿童权利应当与做父母的准备和为人父母的教育结合在一起。
55. There should be periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of training, reviewing not only knowledge of the Convention and its provisions but also the extent to which it has contributed to developing attitudes and practice which actively promote enjoyment by children of their rights.55. 应当定期评估培训效果,审查内容不仅是公众对《公约》及其规定的了解程度,还有培训对确立可积极促进儿童享有其权利的观念和做法所起到的促进作用。
I. Cooperation with civil societyI. 与民间社会的合作
56. Implementation is an obligation for States parties, but needs to engage all sectors of society, including children themselves.56. 落实《公约》是缔约国的义务,但落实需要全社会各部门的共同参与,包括儿童自身的参与。
The Committee recognizes that responsibilities to respect and ensure the rights of children extend in practice beyond the State and State-controlled services and institutions to include children, parents and wider families, other adults, and non-State services and organizations.委员会承认,实际上,尊重和确保儿童权利不仅仅是国家和国家管理的服务部门和机构的责任,儿童、父母、大家庭、其他成人以及非国家服务部门和机构也都有责任。
The Committee concurs, for example, with general comment No. 14 (2000) of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the right to the highest attainable standard of health, paragraph 42, of which states: “While only States are parties to the Covenant and thus ultimately accountable for compliance with it, all members of society - individuals, including health professionals, families, local communities, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, as well as the private business sector - have responsibilities regarding the realization of the right to health.比如,委员会同意经济、社会、文化权利委员会关于享有能达到的最高健康 标准的权利的第14号一般性意见(2000),该意见第42段指出:“虽然只有国家才是公约的缔约国,从而对遵守公约负有最终责任,但社会的所有成员―― 个人,包括卫生专业人员、家庭、地方社区、政府间和非政府组织、民间社会组织,及私营企业部门――在实现健康权方面也都负有责任。
States parties should therefore provide an environment which facilitates the discharge of these responsibilities.”因此缔约国应为履行这方面的责任提供一个有利的环境”。
57. Article 12 of the Convention, as already emphasized (see paragraph 12 above), requires due weight to be given to children’s views in all matters affecting them, which plainly includes implementation of “their” Convention.57. 如已强调指出(见上文第12段)的,《公约》第12条规定,对儿童对影响其本人的一切事项发表的意见应给以适当的看待,这就包括了执行“他们的”《公约》。
58. The State needs to work closely with NGOs in the widest sense, while respecting their autonomy; these include, for example, human rights NGOs, child- and youth-led organizations and youth groups, parent and family groups, faith groups, academic institutions and professional associations.58. 国家必须与最广义的非政府组织进行密切合作,尊重它们的自主权;这些组织包括人权非政府组织、儿童和青年领导的组织及青年团体、父母和家庭团体、宗教团体、学术机构和专业协会。
NGOs played a crucial part in the drafting of the Convention and their involvement in the process of implementation is vital.非政府组织在起草《公约》方面发挥了极其重要的作用,因此,促使它们参与执行进程,至关重要。
59. The Committee welcomes the development of NGO coalitions and alliances committed to promoting, protecting and monitoring children’s human rights and urges Governments to give them non-directive support and to develop positive formal as well as informal relationships with them.59. 委员会欢迎建立致力于促进、保护和监测儿童人权的非政府组织联盟和同盟,并敦促各国政府给予其非指示性支持,并与之建立积极的正式关系及非正式关系。
The engagement of NGOs in the reporting process under the Convention, coming within the definition of “competent bodies” under article 45 (a), has in many cases given a real impetus to the process of implementation as well as reporting.非政府组织参与《公约》规定的报告过程,如果属于第45条(a)项含义内的“主管机构”,在许多情况下都会切实促进执行及报告过程。
The NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child has a very welcome, strong and supportive impact on the reporting process and other aspects of the Committee’s work.非政府组织儿童权利公约小组对报告过程和委员会工作的其他方面都产生了一种深受欢迎的、强有力的和有扶持性的作用。
The Committee underlines in its reporting guidelines that the process of preparing a report “should encourage and facilitate popular participation and public scrutiny of government policies”.委员会在其报告准则中强调指出,编写报告的过程,“应鼓励和推动大众参与和对政府政策的公开审查”。
The media can be valuable partners in the process of implementation (see also paragraph 70).媒体在执行过程中也可成为重要的伙伴(另见第70段)。
J. International cooperationJ. 国际合作
60. Article 4 emphasizes that implementation of the Convention is a cooperative exercise for the States of the world.60. 第4条强调指出,执行《公约》是世界各国的一项合作行动。
This article and others in the Convention highlight the need for international cooperation.这一条及《公约》其他条文都强调开展国际合作的需要。
The Charter of the United Nations (Arts. 55 and 56) identifies the overall purposes of international economic and social cooperation, and members pledge themselves under the Charter “to take joint and separate action in cooperation with the Organization” to achieve these purposes.《联合国宪章》(第五十五和五十六条)确认了国际经济和社会合作总的宗旨,并且会员国也通过《宪章》保证“采取共同及个别行动与本组织合作”,以实现这些宗旨。
In the United Nations Millennium Declaration and at other global meetings, including the United Nations General Assembly special session on children, States have pledged themselves, in particular, to international cooperation to eliminate poverty.在联合国《千年宣言》中以及在其他全球会议包括在关于儿童问题的联合国大会特别会议上,各国特别保证要加强国际合作以消除贫穷。
61. The Committee advises States parties that the Convention should form the framework for international development assistance related directly or indirectly to children and that programmes of donor States should be rights-based.61. 委员会向缔约各国提议,应将《公约》作为与儿童有直接或间接关系的国际发展援助的框架,同时捐助国方案应以权利为依据。
The Committee urges States to meet internationally agreed targets, including the United Nations target for international development assistance of 0.7 per cent of gross domestic product.委员会促请各国实现国际社会商定的目标,包括联合国提出的将国内生产总值的0.7%用于国际发展援助的目标。
This goal was reiterated along with other targets in the Monterrey Consensus, arising from the 2002 International Conference on Financing for Development.在2002年发展筹资问题国际会议上产生的《蒙特雷共识》,重申了这一目标及其他目标。
The Committee encourages States parties that receive international aid and assistance to allocate a substantive part of that aid specifically to children.委员会鼓励接受国际援助的缔约国将其中一大部分援助明确划拨给儿童。
The Committee expects States parties to be able to identify on a yearly basis the amount and proportion of international support earmarked for the implementation of children’s rights.委员会期望缔约各国每年能够从国际支助中划拨一定数额和比例的款项,指定用于实现儿童权利。
62. The Committee endorses the aims of the 20/20 initiative, to achieve universal access to basic social services of good quality on a sustainable basis, as a shared responsibility of developing and donor States.62. 委员会赞同20/20倡议提出的各项目标,作为发展中国家和捐助国的一项共同责任,在可持续性基础上实现优质基本社会服务普及。
The Committee notes that international meetings held to review progress have concluded that many States are going to have difficulty meeting fundamental economic and social rights unless additional resources are allocated and efficiency in resource allocation is increased.委员会注意到,为审查进展情况而举行的国际会议得出的结论是,许多国家在实现基本的经济和社会权利方面仍有困难,除非划拨额外资源并且提高资源划拨效率。
The Committee takes note of and encourages efforts being made to reduce poverty in the most heavily indebted countries through the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP).委员会注意到并鼓励大多数重债穷国目前通过减贫战略文件为减轻贫穷所作出的努力。
As the central, country-led strategy for achieving the millennium development goals, PRSPs must include a strong focus on children’s rights.作为实现千年发展目标的国家级核心战略,减贫战略文件必须将儿童权利作为重点列入。
The Committee urges Governments, donors and civil society to ensure that children are a prominent priority in the development of PRSPs and sectorwide approaches to development (SWAps).委员会促请各国政府、捐助者和民间社会在制定减贫文件和全部门发展办法时,确保将儿童问题列为主要优先事项。
Both PRSPs and SWAps should reflect children’s rights principles, with a holistic, child-centred approach recognizing children as holders of rights and the incorporation of development goals and objectives which are relevant to children.减贫文件和全部门发展办法都应反映儿童权利原则,提出以儿童为中心的综合方法,承认儿童享有权利,并纳入发展目标和与儿童有关的目标。
63. The Committee encourages States to provide and to use, as appropriate, technical assistance in the process of implementing the Convention.63. 委员会鼓励各国在执行《公约》过程中提供并酌情使用技术援助。
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and other United Nations and United Nations-related agencies can provide technical assistance with many aspects of implementation.联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)、人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)和其他联合国机构和联合国有关机构也可以在执行工作许多方面提供技术援助。
States parties are encouraged to identify their interest in technical assistance in their reports under the Convention.委员会鼓励缔约各国在其根据《公约》提交的报告中明确说明是否对技术援助感兴趣。
64. In their promotion of international cooperation and technical assistance, all United Nations and United Nations-related agencies should be guided by the Convention and should mainstream children’s rights throughout their activities.64. 联合国及联合国所有有关机构在促进国际合作和技术援助时,应以《公约》为指导,并且在其所有活动中将儿童权利列为主流。
They should seek to ensure within their influence that international cooperation is targeted at supporting States to fulfil their obligations under the Convention.它们应谋求在其影响范围内,确保国际合作以支持各国履行其根据《公约》所承担之义务为目标。
Similarly the World Bank Group, the International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization should ensure that their activities related to international cooperation and economic development give primary consideration to the best interests of children and promote full implementation of the Convention.同样,世界银行集团、国际货币基金组织和世界贸易组织也应当确保其与国际合作和经济发展有关的活动应以儿童的最大利益为首要考虑,并促进《公约》的充分落实。
K. Independent human rights institutionsK. 独立的人权机构
65. In its general comment No. 2 (2002) entitled “The role of independent national human rights institutions in the protection and promotion of the rights of the child”, the Committee notes that it “considers the establishment of such bodies to fall within the commitment made by States parties upon ratification to ensure the implementation of the Convention and advance the universal realization of children’s rights”.65. 委员会在其第2号一般性意见(2002)“独立的国家人权机构在保护和增进儿童权利方面的作用”中指出,委员会“认为建立这种机构属于缔约国在批准时所作关于确保执行公约和促进普遍实现儿童权利的承诺的范围”。
Independent human rights institutions are complementary to effective government structures for children; the essential element is independence: “The role of national human rights institutions is to monitor independently the State’s compliance and progress towards implementation and to do all it can to ensure full respect for children’s rights.独立的人权机构是对有效的政府儿童部门结构的一种补充;基本要素是独立:“国家人权机构的作用是独立监测国家的遵守情况和在执行方面的进展,并尽力确保充分尊重儿童的权利。
While this may require the institution to develop projects to enhance the promotion and protection of children’s rights, it should not lead to the Government delegating its monitoring obligations to the national institution.虽然这可能要求人权机构制定项目,加强增进和保护儿童权利,但它并不应造成政府将它的监督义务委托给国家机构的情况。
It is essential that institutions remain entirely free to set their own agenda and determine their own activities.”机构必须完全保持制定自己的议程和确定自己的活动的自由”。
General comment No. 2 provides detailed guidance on the establishment and operation of independent human rights institutions for children.第2号一般性意见就建立和管理独立的儿童人权机构提供了详细的指导方针。
Article 42: Making the Convention known to adults and children第42条:使成人和儿童普遍知晓《公约》
“States parties undertake to make the principles and provisions of the Convention widely known, by appropriate and active means, to adults and children alike.”“缔约国承担以适当的积极手段,使成人和儿童都能普遍知晓本公约的原则和规定。 ”
66. Individuals need to know what their rights are.66. 个人必须知晓自己的权利。
Traditionally in most, if not all, societies children have not been regarded as rights holders.通常来说,大多数(即便不是所有)社会都不把儿童视为权利享有者。
So article 42 acquires a particular importance.第42条也为此而极其重要。
If the adults around children, their parents and other family members, teachers and carers do not understand the implications of the Convention, and above all its confirmation of the equal status of children as subjects of rights, it is most unlikely that the rights set out in the Convention will be realized for many children.如果儿童身边的成人、他们的父母和其他家庭成员、教师和照料者并没有认识到《公约》的含义,尤其是《公约》对儿童作为权利主体所享有的平等地位的确认,许多儿童就无法享有《公约》所规定的权利。
67. The Committee proposes that States should develop a comprehensive strategy for disseminating knowledge of the Convention throughout society.67. 委员会建议,各国应制定一项向全社会传播《公约》知识的全面战略。
This should include information on those bodies - governmental and independent - involved in implementation and monitoring and on how to contact them.这项战略应包括有关这些参与执行和监测的政府及独立机构的资料,以及如何与之联系的资料。
At the most basic level, the text of the Convention needs to be made widely available in all languages and the Committee commends the collection of official and unofficial translations of the Convention made by OHCHR.最基本的一点是,必须广泛提供以所有语文出版的《公约》文本(在这方面委员会赞扬人权高专办收藏了《公约》正式和非正式译本)。
There needs to be a strategy for dissemination of the Convention among illiterate people.另外还需要制定一项向文盲人口传播《公约》知识的战略。
UNICEF and NGOs in many States have developed child-friendly versions of the Convention for children of various ages - a process the Committee welcomes and encourages; these should also inform children of sources of help and advice.儿童基金会和许多国家的非政府组织都已编制了儿童易懂的《公约》文本,供不同年龄的儿童使用。 委员会对这一进程表示欢迎并给予鼓励;这些材料也应向儿童说明可获得帮助和建议的渠道。
68. Children need to acquire knowledge of their rights and the Committee places special emphasis on incorporating learning about the Convention and human rights in general into the school curriculum at all stages.68. 儿童必须知晓其权利,因此委员会着重强调所有国家均应在学校课程中加入有关《公约》和一般人权方面的知识。
The Committee’s general comment No. 1 (2001) entitled “The aims of education” (art. 29, para. 1), should be read in conjunction with this.对于委员会题为“教育的目的”(第29条第1款)的第1号一般性意见(2001),应结合这一点加以考虑。
Article 29, paragraph 1, requires that the education of the child shall be directed to “… the development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms …”.第29条第1款规定,儿童教育的目的应当是“…培养对人权和基本自由的尊重…”。
The general comment underlines: “Human rights education should provide information on the content of human rights treaties.该一般性意见强调:“人权教育应当提供关于人权条约内容的信息。
But children should also learn about human rights by seeing human rights standards implemented in practice whether at home, in school or within the community.但儿童也应该通过目睹人权标准在实践中的执行而了解人权,无论是在家,在校或在社区内。
Human rights education should be a comprehensive, lifelong process and start with the reflection of human rights values in the daily life and experiences of children.”人权教育应当是一种全面、终生的进程,起点就是在儿童的日常生活和经历中反映出人权价值观”。
69. Similarly, learning about the Convention needs to be integrated into the initial and in-service training of all those working with and for children (see paragraph 53 above).69. 同样,在对所有儿童工作者的初期培训和在职培训中,也需要纳入有关《公约》的知识(见上文第53段)。
The Committee reminds States parties of the recommendations it made following its meeting on general measures of implementation held to commemorate the tenth anniversary of adoption of the Convention, in which it recalled that “dissemination and awareness-raising about the rights of the child are most effective when conceived as a process of social change, of interaction and dialogue rather than lecturing.委员会提请缔约国注意它在为纪念《公约》通过十周年而举行的一般执行措施会议之后作出的建议,其中委员会回顾,“宣传儿童权利和提高这方面的意识,如果被看作是一种社会变化过程,一种相互交流和对话的机会,而不是说教,可能最有成效。
Raising awareness should involve all sectors of society, including children and young people.提高意识,涉及社会所有阶层,包括儿童和青年。
Children, including adolescents, have the right to participate in raising awareness about their rights to the maximum extent of their evolving capacities”.儿童,特别是青少年,有权按自己能力的不断变化,最大限度地参与关于自己权利的宣传活动”。
“The Committee recommends that all efforts to provide training on the rights of the child be practical, systematic and integrated into regular professional training in order to maximize its impact and sustainability.“委员会建议,尽一切努力使儿童权利的培训更加实用、系统,并与正规的专业培训相结合,以取得最大效果和持久性。
Human rights training should use participatory methods, and equip professionals with skills and attitudes that enable them to interact with children and young people in a manner that respects their rights, dignity and self-respect.”人权培训,应该采取参与性办法,向专业人权传授各种技能和态度,使他们以尊重儿童和青年权利、尊严和自尊心的方式与儿童和青年相互交流”。
The media can play a crucial role in the dissemination of the Convention and knowledge and understanding of it and the Committee encourages their voluntary engagement in the process, which may be stimulated by Governments and by NGOs.媒体在宣传《公约》及了解和认识《公约》方面可以发挥重要作用,为此委员会鼓励媒体自愿参与这一进程,发起该进程的可以是政府,也可以是非政府组织。
Article 44 (6): Making reports under the Convention widely available第44条第6款:广泛供应根据《公约》提交的报告
“… States parties shall make their reports widely available to the public in their own countries.”“…缔约国应向其本国的公众广泛供应其报告”。
70. If reporting under the Convention is to play the important part it should in the process of implementation at the national level, it needs to be known about by adults and children throughout the State party.70. 如果根据《公约》提交报告要起到其在国家一级执行进程中所应起到的重要作用,就需要使缔约国全国的成人和儿童普遍知晓这项工作。
The reporting process provides a unique form of international accountability for how States treat children and their rights.报告进程提供了一种独特形式的国际问责制,说明各国对待儿童及儿童权利的方式。
But unless reports are disseminated and constructively debated at the national level, the process is unlikely to have substantial impact on children’s lives.但是,如果报告未予以传播,并且在国家一级未开展富有建设性的辩论,这一进程就不可能对儿童的生活产生巨大的影响。
71. The Convention explicitly requires States to make their reports widely available to the public; this should be done when they are submitted to the Committee.71. 《公约》明确规定,各国应向其本国的公众广泛供应其报告;这项工作应在向委员会提交报告时同时进行。
Reports should be made genuinely accessible, for example through translation into all languages, into appropriate forms for children and for people with disabilities and so on.报告应真正便于公众获得,例如,将报告译成各种语文文本,并编写适于儿童、残疾人等群体使用的文本。
The Internet may greatly aid dissemination, and Governments and parliaments are strongly urged to place such reports on their web sites.因特网可大力协助传播资料,同时委员会强烈促请各国政府和议会在网上公布此种报告。
72. The Committee urges States to make all the other documentation of the examination of their reports under the Convention widely available to promote constructive debate and inform the process of implementation at all levels.72. 委员会促请各国广泛供应其对根据《公约》提交的报告的所有其他审查文件,以促进开展具有建设性的辩论,并向公众通报各级执行进程情况。
In particular, the Committee’s concluding observations should be disseminated to the public including children and should be the subject of detailed debate in parliament.各国尤其应当向公众以及儿童传播委员会的结论意见,并应在议会中对其开展详细辩论。
Independent human rights institutions and NGOs can play a crucial role in helping to ensure widespread debate.独立的人权机构和非政府组织在促使确保开展广泛辩论活动方面,可以发挥极其重要的作用。
The summary records of the examination of government representatives by the Committee aid understanding of the process and of the Committee’s requirements and should also be made available and discussed.委员会向政府代表提问的简要记录,对认识这一进程和委员会的要求亦有所助益,简要记录也提供给公众并对之开展讨论。
The Committee reminds States parties that, for the purposes of the Convention, a child is defined as “every human being below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier” (art. 1).委员会提请缔约国注意,为本《公约》之目的,儿童的定义为“18岁以下的任何人,除非对其适用之法律规定成年年龄低于18岁”(第1条)。
In 1999, the Committee on the Rights of the Child held a two-day workshop to commemorate the tenth anniversary of adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations General Assembly.1999年,儿童权利委员会举办了一个为期两天的讲习班,以纪念联合国大会通过《儿童权利公约》十周年。
The workshop focused on general measures of implementation following which the Committee adopted detailed conclusions and recommendations (see CRC/C/90, paragraph 291).讲习班主要侧重于一般执行措施,委员会随后通过了详细的结论和建议(见CRC/C/90, 第291段)。
General guidelines regarding the form and content of initial reports to be submitted by States parties under article 44, paragraph 1 (a) of the Convention, CRC/C/5, 15 October 1991; general guidelines regarding the form and contents of periodic reports to be submitted under article 44, paragraph 1 (b) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC/C/58, 20 November 1996.《关 于缔约国根据<公约>第44条第1款(a)项所提交初次报告的形式和内容的一般准则》,CRC/C/5, 1991年10月15日;《关于缔约国根据<儿童权利公约>第44条第1款 (b)项所提交定期报告的形式和内容的一般准则》,CRC/C/58, 1996年11月20日。
Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 3 (thirteenth session, 1981), article 2: Implementation at the national level; Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 3 (fifth session, 1990), The nature of States parties’ obligations (article 2, paragraph 1, of the Covenant); also general comment No. 9 (nineteenth session, 1998), The domestic application of the Covenant, elaborating further on certain elements in general comment No. 3.人权事务委员会,第3号一般性意见(第十三届会议,1981年),“第2条:各国的执行工 作”;经济、社会、文化权利委员会,第3号一般性意见(第五届会议,1990年),“缔约国义务的性质”(《公约》第二条第一款);以及第9号一般性意见 (第十九届会议,1998年),“《公约》在国内的适用”进一步详细说明了第3号一般性意见中的某些要素。
A compendium of the treaty bodies’ general comments and recommendations is published regularly by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6).人权事务高级专员办事处定期出版的条约机构的一般性意见和建议汇编(HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6)。
General comment No. 3, HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6, para. 11, p. 16.第3号一般性意见,HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6, 第11段,第16页。
Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 18 (1989), HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6, pp. 147 et seq.人权事务委员会,第18号一般性意见(1989),HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6, 第148页及以下各页。
General guidelines regarding the form and contents of periodic reports to be submitted under article 44, paragraph 1 (b) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC/C/58, 20 November 1996, para. 11.关于缔约国根据《儿童权利公约》第44条第1款(b)项所提交定期报告的形式和内容的一般准则,CRC/C/58, 1996年11月20日,第11段。
World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25 June 1993, “Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action”, A/CONF.157/23.世界人权会议,维也纳,1993年6月14日至25日,“维也纳宣言和行动纲领”,A/CONF.157/23。
World Summit for Children, “World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s”, CF/WSC/1990/WS-001, United Nations, New York, 30 September 1990.儿童问题世界首脑会议,《儿童生存、保护和发展世界宣言》和《1990年代执行儿童生存、保护和发展世界宣言行动计划》,CF/WSC/1990/WS-001, 联合国,纽约,1990年9月30日。
World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25 June 1993, “Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action”, A/CONF.157/23.世界人权会议,维也纳,1993年6月14日至25日,《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》,A/CONF.157/23。
A World Fit for Children, outcome document of the United Nations General Assembly special session on children, 2002, para. 59.“适合儿童生长的世界”,联合国大会儿童问题特别会议结果文件,2002年,第59段。
Ibid., para. 61 (a).同上,第61(a)段。
Committee on the Rights of the Child, Report on its thirty-first session, September-October 2002, Day of General Discussion on “The private sector as service provider and its role in implementing child rights”, paras. 630-653.儿童权利委员会,关于其第三十一届会议的报告,2002年9月至10月,一般性讨论日“作为服务提供者的私营部门及其在落实儿童权利中的作用”,第630段至第653段。
General guidelines regarding the form and contents of periodic reports to be submitted under article 44, paragraph 1 (b), of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC/C/58, 20 November 1996, para. 20.《关于缔约国根据《儿童权利公约》第44条第1款(b)项所提交定期报告的形式和内容的一般准则》,CRC/C/58, 1996年11月20日,第20段。
Ibid., para. 3.同上,第3段。
The following articles of the Convention relate to international cooperation explicitly: articles 7 (2); 11 (2); 17 (b); 21 (e); 22 (2); 23 (4); 24 (4); 27 (4); 28 (3); 34 and 35.《公约》以下条文明确提及国际合作问题:第7(2)、11(2)、17(b)、21(e)、22(2)、23(4)、27(4)、28(3)、34和35条。
Report of the International Conference on Financing for Development, Monterrey, Mexico, 18-22 March 2002 (A/CONF.198/11).发展筹资问题国际会议,蒙特雷,墨西哥,2002年3月18日至22日(A/ Conf.198/11)。
HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6, para. 25, p. 295.HRI/GEN/1/Rev.6, 第25段,第295页。
Ibid., para. 15, p. 286.同上,第15段,第285页。
See CRC/C/90, para. 291 (k).见CRC/C/90, 第291(k)段。
Ibid., para. 291 (l).同上,第291(l)段。
The Committee held a day of general discussion on the theme “The child and the media” in 1996, adopting detailed recommendations (see CRC/C/57, paragraphs 242 et seq. ).委员会于1996年举行了为期一天的一般讨论会,主题是“儿童与媒体”,通过了详细建议(见CRC/C/57, 第242及以下各段)。
Annex I附件一
Ratification of other key international human rights instruments批准其他主要国际人权文书
As noted in paragraph 17 of the present general comment, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, as part of its consideration of general measures of implementation, and in the light of the principles of indivisibility and interdependence of human rights, consistently urges States parties, if they have not already done so, to ratify the two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (on the involvement of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography) and the six other major international human rights instruments.如 本一般性意见第17段所指出,作为其对一般执行措施的审议工作的一部分,以及遵循各项人权不可分割性和相互依存性的原则,委员会始终促请尚未批准《儿童权 利公约》两项《任择议定书》(关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题和关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书)的缔约国批准任择议定书,以及批准其他 六项主要国际人权文书。
During its dialogue with States parties the Committee often encourages them to consider ratifying other relevant international instruments.在与缔约国开展对话过程中,委员会经常鼓励各国考虑批准其他有关国际文书。
A non-exhaustive list of these instruments is annexed here.有关这些文书的非详尽清单作为附件载列于此。
The Committee will update this from time to time.委员会将不时予以增补。
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;《公民权利和政治权利国际公约任择议定书》;
Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty;《旨在废除死刑的公民权利及政治权利国际公约第二项任择议定书》;
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约任择议定书》;
Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约任择议定书》;
Convention against Discrimination in Education;《取缔教育歧视公约》;
ILO Forced Labour Convention No. 29, 1930;劳工组织1930年第29号《强迫劳动公约》;
ILO Convention No. 105 on Abolition of Forced Labour, 1957;劳工组织1957年第105号《废止强迫劳动公约》;
ILO Convention No. 138 Concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, 1973;劳工组织1973年第138号《就业最低年龄公约》;
ILO Convention No. 182 on Worst Forms of Child Labour, 1999;国际劳工组织1999年第182号《最有害的童工形式公约》;
ILO Convention No. 183 on Maternity Protection, 2000;国际劳工组织2000年第183号《保护产妇公约》;
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 1951, as amended by the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees of 1967;1951年《关于难民地位的公约》经1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》修正;
Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others (1949);《禁止贩卖人口及取缔意图营利使人卖淫的公约》(1949年);
Slavery Convention (1926);《奴隶问题公约》(1926年);
Protocol amending the Slavery Convention (1953);《关于修正禁奴公约的议定书》(1953年);
The Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery (1956);《废止奴隶制、奴隶贩卖及类似奴隶制的制度与习俗补充公约》(1956年);
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime of 2000;2000年《联合国跨国有组织犯罪公约》的《禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童的补充议定书》
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War;《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》;
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I);1949年8月12日《日内瓦四公约关于保护国际性武装冲突受难者的附加议定书》(第一议定书);
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II);1949年8月12日《日内瓦四公约关于保护非国际性武装冲突受难者的附加议定书》(第二议定书);
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and of Their Destruction;《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约》;
Statute of the International Criminal Court;《国际刑事法院规约》;
Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption;《关于在跨国收养方面保护儿童和进行合作的海牙公约》;
Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction;《国际儿童拐骗事件的民事问题海牙公约》;
Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children of 1996.1996年《关于在父母责任和保护儿童措施方面的管辖权、适用法律、承认、执行和合作的海牙公约》。