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CRC/C/GC/8 2006043912_ENG.doc (English)CRC/C/GC/8 2007040770_CHI.doc (Chinese)
page 15 CRC/C/GC/8 page 2 UNITED NATIONS CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child儿童权利公约
21 August 200621 August 2006
COMMITTEE ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD Forty-second session Geneva, 15 May-2 June 2006CRC/C/GC/8*
general comment no. 8 (2006)page 7
The right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment (arts. 19; 28, para.CRC/C/GC/8*
2; and 37, inter alia)page 8
GE.06-43912 (E) 110906*
Page07-40770 (C)
I. OBJECTIVES050307 050307
1 - 3儿童权利委员会
II. BACKGROUND2006年5月15日至6月2日,日内瓦
4 - 9第8号一般性意见(2006年)
3儿童受保护免遭体罚和其他残忍或不人道形式惩罚的权利 (尤其是第19条、第28条第2款和第37条)
10 - 15
IV. HUMAN RIGHTS STANDARDS AND CORPORAL页 次 一、目标.........................
16 - 29- 3 3 二、背景......................................
V. MEASURES AND MECHANISMS REQUIRED TO- 9 3 三、定义..............................
30 - 524
8四、人权标准和对儿童的体罚....... 16 - 29 6 五、消除体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式惩罚的必要措施和机制: 30 - 52 9
1. Legislative measures1. 立法措施........................
30 - 3730 - 37
2. Implementation of prohibition of corporal punishment2. 禁止体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式惩罚的 落实情况
and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment38
38 - 43- 43
3. Educational and other measures3. 教育及其他措施...........................
44 - 4944 - 49
4. Monitoring and evaluation4. 监测和评估..............................
50 - 5250
12 VI- 52
I. Objectives一、目 标
1. Following its two days of general discussion on violence against children, held in 2000 and 2001, the Committee on the Rights of the Child resolved to issue a series of general comments concerning eliminating violence against children, of which this is the first.1. 在2000年和2001年举行了两次关于暴力侵害儿童问题一般性讨论日之后,儿童权利委员会决定发表一系列关于消除暴力侵害儿童行为问题的一般性意见。
The Committee aims to guide States parties in understanding the provisions of the Convention concerning the protection of children against all forms of violence.这是其中的第一个意见。
This general comment focuses on corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, which are currently very widely accepted and practised forms of violence against children.委员会旨在指导各缔约国了解《公约》关于保护儿童免遭一切形式暴力的条款。
2. The Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international human rights instruments recognize the right of the child to respect for the child’s human dignity and physical integrity and equal protection under the law.一般性意见注重探讨目前广为接受和采用的暴力侵害儿童的形式,即体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式的惩罚问题。
The Committee is issuing this general comment to highlight the obligation of all States parties to move quickly to prohibit and eliminate all corporal punishment and all other cruel or degrading forms of punishment of children and to outline the legislative and other awareness-raising and educational measures that States must take.2. 《儿童权利公约》及其他国际人权文书确认,尊重儿童的人的尊严和人身安全权以及依法受同等保护的儿童权利。
3. Addressing the widespread acceptance or tolerance of corporal punishment of children and eliminating it, in the family, schools and other settings, is not only an obligation of States parties under the Convention.委员会发表这项一般性意见以着重指出所有缔约国都有义务迅速行动,禁止和消除所有对儿童的体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式的惩罚,并概述了各国须采取的一些立法措施及其他提高认识的措施和教育措施。
It is also a key strategy for reducing and preventing all forms of violence in societies.3. 解决在家庭、学校及其他背景下普遍接受和容忍对儿童的体罚,不只是缔约国依据《公约》承担的一项义务。 这同时也是各社会减少和防止一切形式暴力的一项关键性战略。
II.二、背 景
Background4. 委员会从其最早的届会起就特别关注强调儿童受保护免遭一切形式暴力的权利。
4. The Committee has, from its earliest sessions, paid special attention to asserting children’s right to protection from all forms of violence.在审查缔约国的报告以及最近联合国秘书长关于暴力侵害儿童问题的研究报告中,委员会都极为关切地注意到,对儿童实行体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格的惩罚方式具有普遍合法性且长期来得到社会认可的现象。
In its examination of States parties’ reports, and most recently in the context of the United Nations Secretary-General’s study on violence against children, it has noted with great concern the widespread legality and persisting social approval of corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading punishment of children.1 早在1993年,委员会在其第四届会议报告中就指出,委员会“认识到,体罚问题对改善增进和保护儿童体制的重要性,并决定在审查各缔约国报告的过程中继续关注这一问题。
Already in 1993, the Committee noted in the report of its fourth session that it “recognized the importance of the question of corporal punishment in improving the system of promotion and protection of the rights of the child and decided to continue to devote attention to it in the process of examining States parties’ reports”.” 2
United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, due to report to United Nations General Assembly, autumn 2006.5. 在审查缔约国报告的第一个十年期间,委员会向各洲130多个国家提出了禁止在家庭和其他背景下一切体罚的建议。
For details see 委员会感到鼓舞的是,越来越多的国家正在采取适当立法措施和其他措施,增强尊重儿童的人的尊严和人身安全权和依法受到平等保护的儿童权利。
Committee on the Rights of the Child, Report on the fourth session, 25 October 1993, CRC/C/20, para.委员会悉知,到2006年已有100多个国家禁止在学校和刑事体制中对儿童实行体罚。
176. 5.越来越多的国家已在家内和家庭以及一切其他形式的替代照料禁止体罚。
Since it began examining States parties’ reports the Committee has recommended prohibition of all corporal punishment, in the family and other settings, to more than 130 States in all continents.4
The Committee is encouraged that a growing number of States are taking appropriate legislative and other measures to assert children’s right to respect for their human dignity and physical integrity and to equal protection under the law.6. 2000年9月,委员会举行了两个关于暴力侵害儿童问题一般性讨论日的第一次讨论。
The Committee understands that by 2006, more than 100 States had prohibited corporal punishment in their schools and penal systems for children.该讨论日集中探讨了“侵害儿童的国家暴力”问题,随后,委员会 通过了详实的建议,包括禁止一切体罚和发起公共宣传运动“以提高公众认识和敏感意识,认清此领域侵犯人权行为的严重程度及其对儿童的有害影响,并消除在文 化上认可对使用儿童暴力的问题,从而倡导对暴力的‘零容忍’。
A growing number have completed prohibition in the home and family and all forms of alternative care.” 5
All the Committee’s concluding observations can be viewed at 2001年4月,委员会通过了关于“教育目的”的第一号一般性意见,强调体罚不符合《公约》:“儿童不会因为走进了学校大门就失去了人权。
The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children provides reports on the legal status of corporal punishment at例如,开展教育的方式必须尊重儿童的固有尊严,使儿童能够根据第12条第1款表达自己的意见和参加学校生活。
6. In September 2000, the Committee held the first of two days of general discussion on violence against children.教育工作中也必须尊重第二十八条第2款中反映的对纪律措施的严格限制,并在学校内倡导非暴力理念。
It focused on “State violence against children” and afterwards adopted detailed recommendations, including for the prohibition of all corporal punishment and the launching of public information campaigns “to raise awareness and sensitize the public about the severity of human rights violations in this domain and their harmful impact on children, and to address cultural acceptance of violence against children, promoting instead ‘zero-tolerance’ of violence”.委员会在结论性意见中一再表明,体罚手段既不尊重儿童的固有尊严,也不尊重关于学校纪律的严格限制”。
Committee on the Rights of the Child, day of general discussion on State violence against children, Report on the twenty-fifth session, September/October 2000, CRC/C/100, paras. 666-688. 7. In April 2001, the Committee adopted its first general comment on “The aims of education” and reiterated that corporal punishment is incompatible with the Convention: “... Children do not lose their human rights by virtue of passing through the school gates. Thus, for example, education must be provided in a way that respects the inherent dignity of the child, enables the child to express his or her views freely in accordance with article 12, paragraph 1, and to participate in school life. Education must also be provided in a way that respects the strict limits on discipline reflected in article 28, paragraph 2, and promotes non-violence in school. The Committee has repeatedly made clear in its concluding observations that the use of corporal punishment does not respect the inherent dignity of the child nor the strict limits on school discipline ...”. Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 1, The aims of education, 17 April 2001, CRC/GC/2001/1, para. 8. 8. In recommendations adopted following the second day of general discussion, on “Violence against children within the family and in schools”, held in September 2001, the Committee called upon States to “enact or repeal, as a matter of urgency, their legislation in order to prohibit all forms of violence, however light, within the family and in schools, including as a form of discipline, as required by the provisions of the Convention ...”.6
Committee on the Rights of the Child, day of general discussion on violence against children within the family and in schools, Report on the twenty-eighth session, September/October 2001, CRC/C/111, paras. 701-745.8. 2001年9月举行了关于“家庭内和校内暴力侵害儿童问题”的第二次一般性讨论日之后,委员会呼吁各国“依照《公约》条款要求,紧急颁布或废除法律,以禁止家庭内和校内一切不论多轻微形式的暴力行为,包括以纪律惩罚为形式的暴力行为......。 ”7
9. Another outcome of the Committee’s 2000 and 2001 days of general discussion was a recommendation that the United Nations Secretary-General should be requested, through the General Assembly, to carry out an in-depth international study on violence against children.9. 2000年和2001年两个一般性讨论日的另一项结果是,建议要求联合国秘书长通过大会深入开展有关暴力侵害儿童问题的国际研究。
The United Nations General Assembly took this forward in 2001.联合国大会于2001年推进了这项建议。
Within the context of the United Nations study, carried out between 2003 and 2006, the need to prohibit all currently legalized violence against children has been highlighted, as has children’s own deep concern at the almost universal high prevalence of corporal punishment in the family and also its persisting legality in many States in schools and other institutions, and in penal systems for children in conflict with the law. General Assembly resolution 56/138.8 2003至2006年联合国进行研究期间着重指出必须禁止目前一切针对儿童合法使用暴力,并着重强调儿童本身对家庭体罚现象极普遍深感担忧,以及体罚长期以来在许多国家在校内、其他机构内流行,在刑事制度中对触法儿童施加体罚也为合法的状况。
III.三、定 义
Definitions10. 依照《公约》对“儿童”的界定,“儿童系指18岁以下的任何人,除非对其适用之法律规定成年年龄低于18岁”。
10. “Child” is defined as in the Convention as “every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier”.9
Article 1.11. 委员会界定“身体”或“肉体”的惩罚是任何运用体力施加的处罚,且不论程度多轻都旨在造成某种程度的痛苦或不舒服。
11. The Committee defines “corporal” or “physical” punishment as any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light.大部分情况下是用手或某一器具――鞭子、棍棒、皮带、鞋、木勺等(“拍打”、“打耳光”、“打屁股”)打儿童。
Most involves hitting (“smacking”, “slapping”, “spanking”) children, with the hand or with an implement - a whip, stick, belt, shoe, wooden spoon, etc.但是,这也可涉及例如,踢打、摇晃或扔掷儿童;抓、捏、咬、抓头发或抓耳朵,强迫儿童做不舒服的姿势、烙烫、辱骂或强迫吞咽(例如,用肥皂清洗儿童的嘴,或强迫儿童吞咽辛辣作料)。
But it can also involve, for example, kicking, shaking or throwing children, scratching, pinching, biting, pulling hair or boxing ears, forcing children to stay in uncomfortable positions, burning, scalding or forced ingestion (for example, washing children’s mouths out with soap or forcing them to swallow hot spices).委员会认为,体罚的程度虽有不同,但总是有辱人格。
In the view of the Committee, corporal punishment is invariably degrading.此外,还有其它一些也是残忍和有辱人格的非对人体进行的惩罚,因而是违反《公约》的行为。
In addition, there are other non-physical forms of punishment that are also cruel and degrading and thus incompatible with the Convention.这些惩罚包括例如:贬低、侮辱、毁誉、替罪、威胁、恐吓或者嘲讽儿童。
These include, for example, punishment which belittles, humiliates, denigrates, scapegoats, threatens, scares or ridicules the child.12. 在许多情况下,包括在家庭内和家中、在一切形式的替代照料内、学校和其他教育机构内,在司法体制(既作为法庭判刑,又作为刑事及其他机构施加的惩罚)中、当童工的情况中以及在社区中均会发生对儿童进行体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式的惩罚的情事。
12. Corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment of children take place in many settings, including within the home and family, in all forms of alternative care, schools and other educational institutions and justice systems - both as a sentence of the courts and as a punishment within penal and other institutions - in situations of child labour, and in the community.13. 委员会虽拒绝接受任何对儿童采用暴力和污辱形式惩罚的理由,但绝不反对正面的纪律概念。
13. In rejecting any justification of violence and humiliation as forms of punishment for children, the Committee is not in any sense rejecting the positive concept of discipline.儿童的健康发育取决于家长及其他成年人依照儿童不同阶段接受能力,给予必要的引导和指导,培养儿童走向对社会负责的生活。
The healthy development of children depends on parents and other adults for necessary guidance and direction, in line with children’s evolving capacities, to assist their growth towards responsible life in society.14. 委员会确认,家长抚养和照料儿童,尤其是婴儿和幼儿,需要不断地给予体力行动和干预行动,以对儿童进行保护。
14. The Committee recognizes that parenting and caring for children, especially babies and young children, demand frequent physical actions and interventions to protect them.这完全有别于造成某种程度的痛苦、不舒服或有辱人格的蓄意和惩罚性地使用武力行为。
This is quite distinct from the deliberate and punitive use of force to cause some degree of pain, discomfort or humiliation.作为成年人,我们本身知道保护性的人体行动与惩罚性攻击之间的区别;在涉及儿童的相关行为方面,要进行这种区别并不会更困难。
As adults, we know for ourselves the difference between a protective physical action and a punitive assault; it is no more difficult to make a distinction in relation to actions involving children.各国的法律,明确或示意性地允许使用非惩罚性和必要的武力来保护人民。
The law in all States, explicitly or implicitly, allows for the use of non-punitive and necessary force to protect people.15. 委员会承认,在某些例外情况下,教师和其他人,例如,那些在教养机构内从事儿童工作的人以及从事涉及触法儿童事务的人,都有可能会面临危险的行为,使之有理由运用合理压制手段控制这种危险行为。
15. The Committee recognizes that there are exceptional circumstances in which teachers and others, e.g. those working with children in institutions and with children in conflict with the law, may be confronted by dangerous behaviour which justifies the use of reasonable restraint to control it.在此,出于保护儿童和他人所需而采用武力,与为了惩罚采用武力两者之间明显有区别。
Here too there is a clear distinction between the use of force motivated by the need to protect a child or others and the use of force to punish.随时随地都必须适用,在最短的必要时间内使用最小程度必要武力的原则。
The principle of the minimum necessary use of force for the shortest necessary period of time must always apply.同时还需制定详细的指导原则和进行培训,既要在最大程度上减少采取限制措施的必要性,又确保所使用的任何方式都是既安全,又与情况相称的,而不是作为一种控制形式而蓄意制造痛苦。
Detailed guidance and training is also required, both to minimize the necessity to use restraint and to ensure that any methods used are safe and proportionate to the situation and do not involve the deliberate infliction of pain as a form of control.四、人权标准和对儿童的体罚
IV. Human rights standards and corporal punishment of children16. 在《儿童权利公约》通过之前,《国际人权宪章》,即《世界人权宣言》及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》和《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》这两项公约都坚持 “人人”都有权得到对他/她的人的尊严和人身安全以及依法受同等保护的尊重。
16. Before the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Bill of Human Rights - the Universal Declaration and the two International Covenants, on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - upheld “everyone’s” right to respect for his/her human dignity and physical integrity and to equal protection under the law.委员会在强调各国有义务禁止和消除一切体罚或其他一切有辱人格形式的惩罚时指出,这是《儿童权利公约》立足的基础。
In asserting States’ obligation to prohibit and eliminate all corporal punishment and all other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, the Committee notes that the Convention on the Rights of the Child builds on this foundation.每一个人的个人尊严是,国际人权法的基本指导原则。
The dignity of each and every individual is the fundamental guiding principle of international human rights law.17. 《儿童权利公约》序言确认,序言依据《联合国宪章》原则重申《世界人权宣言》“对人类家庭所有成员的固有尊严及其平等和不移的权利的承认,乃是世界自由、正义与和平的基础”。
17. The preamble to the Convention on the Rights of the Child affirms, in accordance with the principles in the Charter of the United Nations, repeated in the preamble to the Universal Declaration, that “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”.序言还回顾,联合国在《世界人权宣言》中宣布:“儿童有权享受特别照料和协助”。
The preamble to the Convention also recalls that, in the Universal Declaration, the United Nations “has proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance”.18. 《公约》第37条要求各国保证:“任何儿童不受酷刑或其他形式的残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚”。
18. Article 37 of the Convention requires States to ensure that “no child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”.这项条款得到第19条的补充和扩展。
This is complemented and extended by article 19, which requires States to “take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child”.第19条要求各国“采取一切适当的立法、行政、社会和教育措施,保护儿童在受父母、法定监护人或其他任何负责照管儿童的人的照料时,不致受到任何形式的心身摧残、伤害或凌辱,忽视或照料不周,虐待或剥削,包括性侵犯”。
There is no ambiguity: “all forms of physical or mental violence” does not leave room for any level of legalized violence against children.在此绝不含糊地指出:“所有生理或精神暴力形式”绝未留有任何可合法地暴力侵害儿童现象的余地。
Corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment are forms of violence and States must take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to eliminate them.体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式的惩罚都是暴力形式,各国必须采取一切适当的立法、行政、社会和教育措施消除这些行为。
19. In addition, article 28, paragraph 2, of the Convention refers to school discipline and requires States parties to “take all appropriate measures to ensure that school discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child’s human dignity and in conformity with the present Convention”.19. 此外,《公约》第28条第2款提及了学校纪律并要求各缔约国“采取一切适当措施,确保学校执行纪律的方式符合儿童的人格尊严及本公约的规定”。
20. Article 19 and article 28, paragraph 2, do not refer explicitly to corporal punishment.20. 第19条和第28条第2款并未明确地提及体罚。
The travaux préparatoires for the Convention do not record any discussion of corporal punishment during the drafting sessions.《公约》的准备工作文件并没有记录阐明在起草会议的讨论期间,对体罚问题进行过任何讨论。
But the Convention, like all human rights instruments, must be regarded as a living instrument, whose interpretation develops over time. In the 17 years since the Convention was adopted, the prevalence of corporal punishment of children in their homes, schools and other institutions has become more visible, through the reporting process under the Convention and through research and advocacy by, among others, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 21. Once visible, it is clear that the practice directly conflicts with the equal and inalienable rights of children to respect for their human dignity and physical integrity. The distinct nature of children, their initial dependent and developmental state, their unique human potential as well as their vulnerability, all demand the need for more, rather than less, legal and other protection from all forms of violence. 22. The Committee emphasizes that eliminating violent and humiliating punishment of children, through law reform and other necessary measures, is an immediate and unqualified obligation of States parties. It notes that other treaty bodies, including the Human Rights Committee, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee against Torture have reflected the same view in their concluding observations on States parties’ reports under the relevant instruments, recommending prohibition and other measures against corporal punishment in schools, penal systems and, in some cases, the family. For example, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in its general comment No. 13 (1999) on “The right to education” stated: “In the Committee’s view, corporal punishment is inconsistent with the fundamental guiding principle of international human rights law enshrined in the Preambles to the Universal Declaration and both Covenants: the dignity of the individual. Other aspects of school discipline may also be inconsistent with school discipline, including public humiliation.” Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 13, The right to education (art. 13), 1999, para. 41. 23. Corporal punishment has also been condemned by regional human rights mechanisms. The European Court of Human Rights, in a series of judgements, has progressively condemned corporal punishment of children, first in the penal system, then in schools, including private schools, and most recently in the home. The European Committee of Social Rights, monitoring compliance of member States of the Council of Europe with the European Social Charter and Revised Social Charter, has found that compliance with the Charters requires prohibition in legislation against any form of violence against children, whether at school, in other institutions, in their home or elsewhere. Corporal punishment was condemned in a series of decisions of the European Commission on Human Rights and judgements of the European Court of Human Rights; see in particular Tyrer v. UK, 1978; Campbell and Cosans v. UK, 1982; Costello-Roberts v. UK, 1993; A v. UK, 1998. European Court judgements are available at European Committee of Social Rights, general observations regarding article 7, paragraph 10, and article 17. Conclusions XV-2, Vol. 1, General Introduction, p. 26, 2001; the Committee has since issued conclusions, finding a number of Member States not in compliance because of their failure to prohibit all corporal punishment in the family and in other settings. In 2005 it issued decisions on collective complaints made under the charters, finding three States not in compliance because of their failure to prohibit. For details, see Human_Rights/Esc/; also Eliminating corporal punishment: a human rights imperative for Europe’s children, Council of Europe Publishing, 2005. 24. An Advisory Opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, on the Legal Status and Human Rights of the Child (2002) holds that the States parties to the American Convention on Human Rights “are under the obligation ... to adopt all positive measures required to ensure protection of children against mistreatment, whether in their relations with public authorities, or in relations among individuals or with non-governmental entities”. The Court quotes provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, conclusions of the Committee on the Rights of the Child and also judgements of the European Court of Human Rights relating to States’ obligations to protect children from violence, including within the family. The Court concludes that “the State has the duty to adopt positive measures to fully ensure effective exercise of the rights of the child”. Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Advisory Opinion OC-17/2002 of 28 August 2002, paras. 87 and 91. 25. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights monitors implementation of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. In a 2003 decision on an individual communication concerning a sentence of “lashes” imposed on students, the Commission found that the punishment violated article 5 of the African Charter, which prohibits cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. It requested the relevant Government to amend the law, abolishing the penalty of lashes, and to take appropriate measures to ensure compensation of the victims. In its decision, the Commission states: “There is no right for individuals, and particularly the Government of a country to apply physical violence to individuals for offences. Such a right would be tantamount to sanctioning State-sponsored torture under the Charter and contrary to the very nature of this human rights treaty.” The Committee on the Rights of the Child is pleased to note that constitutional and other high-level courts in many countries have issued decisions condemning corporal punishment of children in some or all settings, and in most cases quoting the Convention on the Rights of the Child. African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Curtis Francis Doebbler v. Sudan, Comm. No. 236/2000 (2003); see para. 42. For example, in 2002 the Fiji Court of Appeal declared corporal punishment in schools and the penal system unconstitutional. The judgement declared: “Children have rights no wit inferior to the rights of adults. Fiji has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our Constitution also guarantees fundamental rights to every person. Government is required to adhere to principles respecting the rights of all individuals, communities and groups. By their status as children, children need special protection. Our educational institutions should be sanctuaries of peace and creative enrichment, not places for fear, ill-treatment and tampering with the human dignity of students” (Fiji Court of Appeal, Naushad Ali v. State, 2002). In 1996, Italy’s highest Court, the Supreme Court of Cassation in Rome, issued a decision that effectively prohibited all parental use of corporal punishment. The judgement states: “... The use of violence for educational purposes can no longer be considered lawful. There are two reasons for this: the first is the overriding importance which the [Italian] legal system attributes to protecting the dignity of the individual. This includes ‘minors’ who now hold rights and are no longer simply objects to be protected by their parents or, worse still, objects at the disposal of their parents. The second reason is that, as an educational aim, the harmonious development of a child’s personality, which ensures that he/she embraces the values of peace, tolerance and coexistence, cannot be achieved by using violent means which contradict these goals” (Cambria, Cass, sez. VI, 18 Marzo 1996 [Supreme Court of Cassation, 6th Penal Section, 18 March 1996], Foro It II 1996, 407 (Italy)). Also see South African Constitutional Court (2000) Christian Education South Africa v. Minister of Education, CCT4/00; 2000 (4) SA757 (CC); 2000 (10) BCLR 1051 (CC), 18 August 2000. 26. When the Committee on the Rights of the Child has raised eliminating corporal punishment with certain States during the examination of their reports, governmental representatives have sometimes suggested that some level of “reasonable” or “moderate” corporal punishment can be justified as in the “best interests” of the child. The Committee has identified, as an important general principle, the Convention’s requirement that the best interests of the child should be a primary consideration in all actions concerning children (art. 3, para. 4).但是《公约》与所有其他人权文书一样,都必须被视为一项活的文书,对文书的解释应与时俱进。
The Convention also asserts, in article 18, that the best interests of the child will be parents’ basic concern.自《公约》通过十七年来,通过《公约》规定的报告程序和各国人权机构和非政府组织等各方面展开的研究和倡议,已更加明显地表明了,儿童在其家庭、学校及其他机构中遭受体罚的情况十分普遍。
But interpretation of a child’s best interests must be consistent with the whole Convention, including the obligation to protect children from all forms of violence and the requirement to give due weight to the child’s views; it cannot be used to justify practices, including corporal punishment and other forms of cruel or degrading punishment, which conflict with the child’s human dignity and right to physical integrity.21. 一旦认清了这种情况,这种体罚行为显然与尊重儿童的人的尊严和人身安全的平等和不移的权利直接相冲突。
27. The preamble to the Convention upholds the family as “the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children”.儿童明确的独特性质、儿童最初的依赖性和发育状况、他们特殊的人的潜力以及儿童的脆弱性,都需要获得更多,而不是更少的法律和其他方面的保护,以免遭受一切形式的暴力侵害。
The Convention requires States to respect and support families.22. 委员会强调通过法律改革和其他必要措施,消除对儿童的暴力和污辱性惩罚是各缔约国直接和无条件的义务。
There is no conflict whatsoever with States’ obligation to ensure that the human dignity and physical integrity of children within the family receive full protection alongside other family members.委员会指出,其他条约机构,包括人权事务委员会、经济、社会、文化权利委员 会和禁止酷刑委员会都在就缔约国依相关文书规定提交的报告作出的结论性意见中发表了同样的观点,建议禁止并采取其他措施制止学校、刑事体制,甚至有时在家 庭中的体罚。 例如,经济、社会、文化权利委员会在关于“教育权”的第13号一般性意见(1999年)中阐明:“委员会认为,体罚不符合《世界人权宣言》和两项公约序言 所载国际人权法的基本指导原则:个人尊严。 学校纪律的另一些方面也可能不符合人性尊严,如当众羞辱。 ” 10 23. 各区域人权机制也谴责体罚。 欧洲人权法院的一系列判决逐步展开了谴责,首先谴责刑事体制,而后谴责学校、包括私立学校,最近谴责了家中对儿童的体罚行为。 11 监督欧洲委员会成员国对《欧洲宪章》及《修正的社会宪章》恪守情况的欧洲社会权利委员会认为,为遵循《宪章》就必须立法禁止不论在学校、其它各机构、儿童 在家庭或任何其它地方以任何形式侵害儿童的暴力行为。 12 24. 美洲人权法院关于“儿童的法律地位和人权”(2002年)咨询意见认为,《美洲人权公约》缔约国“有义务......采取一切必要积极措施,不论是在儿童 与公共当局之间的关系,还是与其他个人或与非政府实体之间关系中,确保儿童受到不受虐待的保护”。 法院援引了《儿童权利公约》条款、儿童权利委员会的结论,以及欧洲人权法院关于国家有义务保护儿童免遭包括家庭暴力之害的判决。 美洲法院得出结论“国家有义务采取积极措施,全面确保有效落实儿童权利”。 13 25. 非洲人权和人民权利委员会监督《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》的执行情况。
28. Article 5 requires States to respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents “to provide, in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child, appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the present Convention”.2003年,在裁定一个关于对学生判处“鞭笞”的判决的个人来文时,委员会认为,鞭笞惩罚违反了《非洲宪章》第5条所禁止的残忍、不人道或有辱人格的惩罚条例。
Here again, interpretation of “appropriate” direction and guidance must be consistent with the whole Convention and leaves no room for justification of violent or other cruel or degrading forms of discipline.非洲委员会要求所涉政府修订法律,废除鞭笞的刑罚,并采取必要措施确保对受害者提供赔偿。
29. Some raise faith-based justifications for corporal punishment, suggesting that certain interpretations of religious texts not only justify its use, but provide a duty to use it.委 员会在这项决定中阐明:“个人,尤其是某个国家政府无权就所犯罪行对个人采取人身暴力行为。 这种暴力权将相当于认可国家支持《宪章》所述的酷刑,违反了人权条约的根本性质。 ”14儿童权利委员会高兴地注意到,许多国家宪法法院和其他高级别法院作出的判决谴责在某些情况下或所有情况下对儿童施加体罚,并在大部分案件中援引《儿 童权利公约》。 15 26. 当儿童权利委员会在审查某些缔约国的报告时向它们提出了消除体罚问题时,有些政府代表有时会提出某种 “合理”或“轻缓”程度的体罚是为了儿童“最大利益”的理由。 委员会确认,作为一项主要的总原则,《公约》规定,在涉及儿童一切行为中,首先应考虑到儿童的最大利益(第3条第1款)。
Freedom of religious belief is upheld for everyone in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (art. 18), but practice of a religion or belief must be consistent with respect for others’ human dignity and physical integrity.公约还在第18条中强调,儿童的最大利益应是家长主要关注的事。
Freedom to practise one’s religion or belief may be legitimately limited in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.但是,对儿童最大利益的解释必须与整个《公约》相符,包括保护儿童免遭一切形式暴力的义务,以及对儿童意见给予必要考虑的规定;儿童的最大利益不能用于为某些行为,包括体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式的惩罚作辩护的理由,体罚违反儿童的人的尊严和人身安全权。
In certain States, the Committee has found that children, in some cases from a very young age, in other cases from the time that they are judged to have reached puberty, may be sentenced to punishments of extreme violence, including stoning and amputation, prescribed under certain interpretations of religious law.27. 《公约》序言申明,家庭为“社会的基本单元,作为家庭所有成员、特别是儿童的成长和幸福的自然环境”。 这与国家确保儿童与家庭其他家庭成员一样在人的尊严和人身安全方面得到全面保护的义务绝无冲突。 28. 第5条要求各国尊重父母“以符合儿童不同阶段接受能力的方式,适当指导和指引儿童行使本公约所确认的权利”的责任、权利和义务。 在此再一次阐明,对“适当”指导和指引的解释,必须符合整个《公约》,绝没有任何运用暴力或其他残忍或有辱人格的纪律管束形式的理由。
Such punishments plainly violate the Convention and other international human rights standards, as has been highlighted also by the Human Rights Committee and the Committee against Torture, and must be prohibited.29. 有些人提出了基于信仰施行体罚的理由,声称对某些宗教案文的解释不仅认为体罚是合理的,而且还规定了使用体罚的义务。 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》(第十八条)维护每个人信仰宗教的自由,但信奉宗教或信仰必须符合对他人尊严和人身安全的尊重。 个人信奉宗教或信仰的自由可以受到合法的限制,以保护对他人的基本人权和自由。
V. Measures and mechanisms required to eliminate corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment委 员会发现,在某些国家中有时一些极年幼的儿童,有时另一些被认为已经达到成年年龄的儿童,可能被判处遭受极端暴力的惩罚,包括按对某些宗教法的解释,被判 处投石击毙刑和截肢。 正如人权事务委员会和禁止酷刑委员会已着重指出的,有些惩罚显然违反了《公约》和其他国际人权标准,必须予以禁止。 五、消除体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格 形式惩罚的必要措施和机制
1. Legislative measures1. 立法措施
30. The wording of article 19 of the Convention builds upon article 4 and makes clear that legislative as well as other measures are required to fulfil States’ obligations to protect children from all forms of violence.30. 依据第4条编撰的第19条措词清楚地阐明,立法以及其他措施都是为了国家全面履行保护儿童免遭一切形式暴力所需的。
The Committee has welcomed the fact that, in many States, the Convention or its principles have been incorporated into domestic law.委员会欢迎,许多国家将《公约》或其原则融入了国内法。
All States have criminal laws to protect citizens from assault.所有国家都列有保护公民免遭暴行的刑法。
Many have constitutions and/or legislation reflecting international human rights standards and article 37 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which uphold “everyone’s” right to protection from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.许多国家宪法和(或)法律维护“人人”得到保护免遭酷刑和残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或惩罚的权利,体现了国际人权标准和《儿童权利公约》第37条。
Many also have specific child protection laws that make “illtreatment” or “abuse” or “cruelty” an offence.许多国家还制定了特别的儿童保护法,规定“虐待”或“凌辱”或“残暴” 行为为罪行。
But the Committee has learned from its examination of States’ reports that such legislative provisions do not generally guarantee the child protection from all corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, in the family and in other settings.但是,委员会在审查各国的报告中得悉,此类法律的规定一般无法保障儿童在家庭和其他情况下得到保护,免遭所有体罚或其他残忍或有辱人格形式的惩罚。
31. In its examination of reports, the Committee has noted that in many States there are explicit legal provisions in criminal and/or civil (family) codes that provide parents and other carers with a defence or justification for using some degree of violence in “disciplining” children.31. 委员会在审查报告时注意到,许多国家在刑法和(或)民法(家庭法)中列有明确法律条款,为家长和其他照管人在“管教”儿童时采用某种程度暴力提供了辩护或理由。
For example, the defence of “lawful”, “reasonable” or “moderate” chastisement or correction has formed part of English common law for centuries, as has a “right of correction” in French law.例如,“合法”、“合理”或“轻微”惩戒或管教行动,几个世纪以来一直是英国习惯法的一部分内容,法国法律中规定的“管教权”也一样。
At one time in many States the same defence was also available to justify the chastisement of wives by their husbands and of slaves, servants and apprentices by their masters.在许多国家中,这曾经一度作为丈夫惩罚妻子,主人惩罚奴隶、佣人和学徒为合法手段的辩解论点。
The Committee emphasizes that the Convention requires the removal of any provisions (in statute or common - case law) that allow some degree of violence against children (e.g. “reasonable” or “moderate” chastisement or correction), in their homes/families or in any other setting.委员会强调,《公约》要求废除(在法规或普通案例法中)在家庭/家中,或在任何其他情况下,任何允许对儿童采用某种(例如,“合理”或“轻微”惩罚或“纠正”)程度暴力的规定。
32. In some States, corporal punishment is specifically authorized in schools and other institutions, with regulations setting out how it is to be administered and by whom.32. 有些国家列有如何实施和由谁来实施体罚的条例,具体准许在学校和其他机构中采用体罚。
And in a minority of States, corporal punishment using canes or whips is still authorized as a sentence of the courts for child offenders.在少数国家中,仍然准许采用藤条或鞭子进行体罚作为法院对儿童犯罪者判处的刑罪。
As frequently reiterated by the Committee, the Convention requires the repeal of all such provisions.正如委员会一再重申的,《公约》要求废除所有此类条款。
33. In some States, the Committee has observed that while there is no explicit defence or justification of corporal punishment in the legislation, nevertheless traditional attitudes to children imply that corporal punishment is permitted.33. 委员会注意到在某些国家,法律虽没有明确地为体罚提供辩解或理由,然而,对儿童所持的传统态度,意味着可准许体罚。
Sometimes these attitudes are reflected in court decisions (in which parents or teachers or other carers have been acquitted of assault or illtreatment on the grounds that they were exercising a right or freedom to use moderate “correction”).有时法院的判决即体现出了这种态度(法院以家长或教师或其他照管人有权采用轻微“管教手段”或有采取此种手法自由为理由,就他们的侵害或虐待行为判处无罪的判决)。
34. In the light of the traditional acceptance of violent and humiliating forms of punishment of children, a growing number of States have recognized that simply repealing authorization of corporal punishment and any existing defences is not enough.34. 面对在传统上接受对儿童暴力和有辱人格形式惩罚的现象,越来越多的国家认识到,仅废除准许体罚和消除任何现有的辩护理由是不足的。
In addition, explicit prohibition of corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, in their civil or criminal legislation, is required in order to make it absolutely clear that it is as unlawful to hit or “smack” or “spank” a child as to do so to an adult, and that the criminal law on assault does apply equally to such violence, regardless of whether it is termed “discipline” or “reasonable correction”.除此之外,各国还必须 在其民法或刑法中明确禁止体罚和其他残忍或污辱性形式的惩罚,从而明确地规定,打儿童或对其“打耳光”或“打屁股”和对成年人的这种行为一样都是不合法 的,而且有关侵害行为的刑事法同样确实适用于此类暴力行为,不论这种暴力行为是被称之为纪律管教,还是“合理的管教行为”。
35. Once the criminal law applies fully to assaults on children, the child is protected from corporal punishment wherever he or she is and whoever the perpetrator is.35. 一旦对侵害儿童行为完全适用刑法之后,儿童即得到保护,免遭不论在何时何地和不论由谁实施的体罚。
But in the view of the Committee, given the traditional acceptance of corporal punishment, it is essential that the applicable sectoral legislation - e.g. family law, education law, law relating to all forms of alternative care and justice systems, employment law - clearly prohibits its use in the relevant settings.但委员会认为,考虑到体罚在传统上被接受,适用的部门专门法律――例如,家庭法、教育法、关于一切替代照顾类形式的法律和司法体制、就业法都必须明确禁止在相关情况下采用体罚。
In addition, it is valuable if professional codes of ethics and guidance for teachers, carers and others, and also the rules or charters of institutions, emphasize the illegality of corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment.此外,教师、照管者和其他各方面的人的职业道德守则和准则及其他体制规则或章程如能强调,体罚和其他残忍或不人道形式的惩罚均为不合法行为,则会具有重大意义。
36. The Committee is also concerned at reports that corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading punishments are used in situations of child labour, including in the domestic context.36. 委员会还关切地感到,有报告称存在针对童工,包括家庭雇工采用体罚或其他残忍或有辱人格惩罚的现象。
The Committee reiterates that the Convention and other applicable human rights instruments protect the child from economic exploitation and from any work that is likely to be hazardous, interferes with the child’s education, or is harmful to the child’s development, and that they require certain safeguards to ensure the effective enforcement of this protection.委员会重申,《公约》和其他适用的人权文书保护儿童免遭经济剥削,而且禁止他们从事有碍儿童教育或有害儿童发展的任何有可能危害性工作,并要求制定某些确保有效实施这项条款的保障措施。
The Committee emphasizes that it is essential that the prohibition of corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment must be enforced in any situations in which children are working.委员会强调,在儿童从事工作的任何情况下,至关重要的是切实贯彻禁止体罚和其他残忍和/或有辱人格形式的惩罚。
37. Article 39 of the Convention requires States to take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of “any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”.37. 《公约》第39条要求各国采取一切适当措施,促使遭受“任何形式忽视、剥削、或凌辱虐待;酷刑或任何其他形式的残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚”的儿童受害者的身心康复和社会重新融合。
Corporal punishment and other degrading forms of punishment may inflict serious damage to the physical, psychological and social development of children, requiring appropriate health and other care and treatment.体罚和其他有辱人格形式的惩罚有可能对儿童的身心发育和社会发展造成严重伤害,必须给予适当的健康和其他照料和治疗。
This must take place in an environment that fosters the integral health, self-respect and dignity of the child, and be extended as appropriate to the child’s family group.这应在一种能促进儿童的整体健康、自尊和尊严的环境中进行,并可酌情扩展至所涉儿童的家庭群体。
There should be an interdisciplinary approach to planning and providing care and treatment, with specialized training of the professionals involved.规划和提供照料和治疗计划必须采取跨学科领域的方针,对所涉专业人员开展专门的培训。
The child’s views should be given due weight concerning all aspects of their treatment and in reviewing it.在所有与儿童治疗的相关方面,儿童意见应得到应有的考虑,并在审查治疗情况时亦复如此。
2. Implementation of prohibition of corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment2. 禁止体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格 形式惩罚的落实情况
38. The Committee believes that implementation of the prohibition of all corporal punishment requires awareness-raising, guidance and training (see paragraph 45 et seq.38. 委员会认为,要落实禁止一切体罚,就必须提高所有所涉者的认识,提供指导和培训(见下文第45段及其后段落)。
below) for all those involved.这就必须确保,尤其是在牵涉到家长或家庭其他亲密成员施加体罚的情况下,法律的运作方式应考虑到受害儿童的最大利益。
This must ensure that the law operates in the best interests of the affected children - in particular when parents or other close family members are the perpetrators.为禁止家庭内对儿童的体罚,推行的法律改革的第一个目的是预防:通过改变态度和习惯,强调儿童享有平等保护权,并为保护儿童和为推行积极、非暴力和参与性的抚养儿童形式奠定明确的基础,以防止暴力侵害儿童。
The first purpose of law reform to prohibit corporal punishment of children within the family is prevention: to prevent violence against children by changing attitudes and practice, underlining children’s right to equal protection and providing an unambiguous foundation for child protection and for the promotion of positive, non-violent and participatory forms of childrearing.39. 为实现明确和无条件地禁止一切体罚,各缔约国将需要开展不同程度的法律改革。
39. Achieving a clear and unconditional prohibition of all corporal punishment will require varying legal reforms in different States parties.这有可能需在涵盖教育、少年司法和所有替代照料形式等方面的部门专门法律中制定具体的条款。
It may require specific provisions in sectoral laws covering education, juvenile justice and all forms of alternative care.然而,各国必须明确地阐明,关于侵害行为的刑事法条款也适用包括家庭在内的一切体罚行为。
But it should be made explicitly clear that the criminal law provisions on assault also cover all corporal punishment, including in the family.这就可能要求缔约国在刑法中制定一项新的条款。
This may require an additional provision in the criminal code of the State party.然而,民法或家庭法也可列入这样的一项条款,禁止采用一切形式的暴力行为,包括一切体罚。
But it is also possible to include a provision in the civil code or family law, prohibiting the use of all forms of violence, including all corporal punishment.禁止体罚条款强调,当家长或其他照管人被按照刑法起诉时,他们再也不可援用采取(“合理”或“轻微”)体罚的做法,是家长或其他照管人的权利的任何传统的辩护理由。
Such a provision emphasizes that parents or other caretakers can no longer use any traditional defence that it is their right (“reasonably” or “moderately”) to use corporal punishment if they face prosecution under the criminal code.家庭法还应正面强调,家长的责任包括不以任何形式的暴力,为儿童提供适当的指导和引导。
Family law should also positively emphasize that parental responsibility includes providing appropriate direction and guidance to children without any form of violence.40. 儿童与成年人一样享有包括在家庭中免遭侵害的平等保护原则,并不意味着所有被揭露的家长对子女进行体罚的案件,都会导致对家长进行起诉。
40. The principle of equal protection of children and adults from assault, including within the family, does not mean that all cases of corporal punishment of children by their parents that come to light should lead to prosecution of parents.法律不过问小事的原则――即法律本身不过问微不足道事件的原则――确保只有在极其例外的情况下,成年人之间的轻微暴力行为才会提上法庭;对儿童的轻微侵害行为也同样如此。
The de minimis principle - that the law does not concern itself with trivial matters - ensures that minor assaults between adults only come to court in very exceptional circumstances; the same will be true of minor assaults on children.各国必须制定出有效的报案和呈报机制。
States need to develop effective reporting and referral mechanisms.一切侵害儿童行为都得到适当调查并确保儿童免遭重大伤害,其目的在于通过采取扶持和教育性的干预行为,而不是惩罚性的干预行动,制止家长采用暴力或其他残忍或有辱人格的惩罚做法。
While all reports of violence against children should be appropriately investigated and their protection from significant harm assured, the aim should be to stop parents from using violent or other cruel or degrading punishments through supportive and educational, not punitive, interventions.41. 儿童所处的依赖性地位和家庭成员之间具有的特殊密切关系要求,在决定起诉家长或以其他方式对家庭采进行正式干预时,应极其谨慎小心。
41. Children’s dependent status and the unique intimacy of family relations demand that decisions to prosecute parents, or to formally intervene in the family in other ways, should be taken with very great care.起诉家长在大部分情况下不可能符合其子女的最大利益。
Prosecuting parents is in most cases unlikely to be in their children’s best interests.委员会认为,只有出于保护儿童免遭重大伤害之所需并符合受影响儿童最大利益时,才可提出诉讼或进行其他正式干预(例如,接走儿童或带走体罚行为者)。
It is the Committee’s view that prosecution and other formal interventions (for example, to remove the child or remove the perpetrator) should only proceed when they are regarded both as necessary to protect the child from significant harm and as being in the best interests of the affected child.对受害儿童的意见应根据其年龄和成熟程度给予应有的考虑。
The affected child’s views should be given due weight, according to his or her age and maturity.42. 为保护儿童体制所涉所有各面,包括警察、诉讼当局和法院提供的咨询和培训,都应强调这项贯彻法律的方针。
42. Advice and training for all those involved in child protection systems, including the police, prosecuting authorities and the courts, should underline this approach to enforcement of the law.指导方针也应当强调,《公约》第9条要求,儿童与其家长的任何分离,必须出于对儿童最大利益的考虑,并可在包括儿童在内的当事各方出庭情况下经依据适用法律和程序进行司法复查。
Guidance should also emphasize that article 9 of the Convention requires that any separation of the child from his or her parents must be deemed necessary in the best interests of the child and be subject to judicial review, in accordance with applicable law and procedures, with all interested parties, including the child, represented.当分离被视为合理时,应考虑在家庭外对儿童的替代安置,包括带走体罚实施者,缓刑等方式。
Where separation is deemed to be justified, alternatives to placement of the child outside the family should be considered, including removal of the perpetrator, suspended sentencing, and so on.43. 尽管制定禁止并开展正面教育和培训方案,当揭露出了例如,家庭之外――校内、其他机构和替代照料形式下的体罚案件时,起诉可能是合理的对应措施。
43. Where, despite prohibition and positive education and training programmes, cases of corporal punishment come to light outside the family home - in schools, other institutions and forms of alternative care, for example - prosecution may be a reasonable response.对体罚实施者进行其他纪律制裁行动或解除职务的威胁,也应作为明确的威慑行动。
The threat to the perpetrator of other disciplinary action or dismissal should also act as a clear deterrent.极为关键的是,应向儿童以及所有情况下从事与儿童相关或儿童事务的人广为宣传,禁止一切体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格的惩罚,而一旦采取了这类惩罚做法,将受到制裁。
It is essential that the prohibition of all corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading punishment, and the sanctions that may be imposed if it is inflicted, should be well disseminated to children and to all those working with or for children in all settings.对纪律教制度和儿童待遇的监督必须按照《公约》要求成为对所有体制和安置单位进行持久监督的一部分。
Monitoring disciplinary systems and the treatment of children must be part of the sustained supervision of all institutions and placements which is required by the Convention.所有此类安置单位中的儿童及儿童的代理都必须拥有直接和保密的联系渠道,可获得敏感地关注儿童的咨询意见、倡议,甚至投诉程序,以及最终获得诉诸法院必要的法律和其他援助。
Children and their representatives in all such placements must have immediate and confidential access to child-sensitive advice, advocacy and complaints procedures and ultimately to the courts, with necessary legal and other assistance.各个儿童机构,都必须举报和审查任何暴力事件。
In institutions, there should be a requirement to report and to review any violent incidents. 3. Educational and other measures 44. Article 12 of the Convention underlines the importance of giving due consideration to children’s views on the development and implementation of educational and other measures to eradicate corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment. 45. Given the widespread traditional acceptance of corporal punishment, prohibition on its own will not achieve the necessary change in attitudes and practice. Comprehensive awarenessraising of children’s right to protection and of the laws that reflect this right is required. Under article 42 of the Convention, States undertake to make the principles and provisions of the Convention widely known, by appropriate and active means, to adults and children alike. 46. In addition, States must ensure that positive, non-violent relationships and education are consistently promoted to parents, carers, teachers and all others who work with children and families. The Committee emphasizes that the Convention requires the elimination not only of corporal punishment but of all other cruel or degrading punishment of children. It is not for the Convention to prescribe in detail how parents should relate to or guide their children. But the Convention does provide a framework of principles to guide relationships both within the family, and between teachers, carers and others and children. Children’s developmental needs must be respected. Children learn from what adults do, not only from what adults say. When the adults to whom a child most closely relates use violence and humiliation in their relationship with the child, they are demonstrating disrespect for human rights and teaching a potent and dangerous lesson that these are legitimate ways to seek to resolve conflict or change behaviour. 47. The Convention asserts the status of the child as an individual person and holder of human rights. The child is not a possession of parents, nor of the State, nor simply an object of concern. In this spirit, article 5 requires parents (or, where applicable, members of the extended family or community) to provide the child with appropriate direction and guidance, in a manner consistent with his/her evolving capacities, in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the Convention. Article 18, which underlines the primary responsibility of parents, or legal guardians, for the upbringing and development of the child, states that “the best interests of the child will be their basic concern”.3. 教育及其他措施
Under article 12, States are required to assure children the right to express their views freely “in all matters affecting the child”, with the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with age and maturity.44. 公约第12条强调必须对儿童的发展意见给予应有考虑和采取教育及其他措施消除体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式惩罚。
This emphasizes the need for styles of parenting, caring and teaching that respect children’s participation rights.45. 鉴于对体罚传统上普遍被接受,因此禁止本身无法实现态度和习惯上的必要改变。
In its general comment No. 1 on “The aims of education”, the Committee has emphasized the importance of developing education that is “child-centred, child-friendly and empowering”.必须予提高对儿童受保护权和体现儿童权法律的全面认识。
See note 11.根据《公约》第42条,各国承诺采取适当和积极的手段,使成年人和儿童都广为知晓《公约》原则和规定。
48. The Committee notes that there are now many examples of materials and programmes promoting positive, non-violent forms of parenting and education, addressed to parents, other carers and teachers and developed by Governments, United Nations agencies, NGOs and others.46. 此外,各国必须确保始终不断地向父母、照管者、教师和所有从事与儿童和家庭相关工作的人推行非暴力的关系和教育。
These can be appropriately adapted for use in different States and situations.委员会强调,《公约》要求不仅消除对儿童的体罚,而且消除所有其他残忍或有辱人格的惩罚。
The media can play a very valuable role in awareness-raising and public education.《公约》虽无须详细规定父母应如何处理他们与子女的关系或如何子女的引导,但是,《公约》确实提供了指导家庭内,以及教师、照顾者及其他人与儿童之间关系的原则框架。
Challenging traditional dependence on corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of discipline requires sustained action.儿童的发展需要必须得到尊重。
The promotion of non-violent forms of parenting and education should be built into all the points of contact between the State and parents and children, in health, welfare and educational services, including early childhood institutions, day-care centres and schools.儿童不仅汲取成年人的言传,而且还感受成年人的身教。
It should also be integrated into the initial and in-service training of teachers and all those working with children in care and justice systems.当与儿童关系最密切的成年人在与子女的关系中运用暴力和污辱性的行为时,成年人行为对人权显示出的不尊重,传递了潜在和危险的误导,误认为不尊重人权的行为是解决冲突或改变行为举止的合法方式。 47. 《公约》强调儿童作为个人和人权持有者的地位。
The Committee commends, as one example, UNESCO’s handbook, Eliminating corporal punishment: the way forward to constructive child discipline, UNESCO Publishing, Paris, 2005.儿 童既不是父母的财产,也不是国家的财产,更不只是一个关注的目标。 本着这一精神,第5条要求父母(或在适用时,广泛的大家庭或社区成员)以符合儿童不同阶段接受能力的方式,适当的指导和指引儿童行使《公约》所确认的权 利。 第18条强调父母或法定监护人对儿童的养育和发展负有首要责任,并阐明,“儿童的最大利益是他们主要关注的事”。
This provides a set of principles for constructive discipline, rooted in the Convention.根据第12条,国家必须确保儿童有权“就影响到儿童的一切事项”自由发表自己的意见,以其根据儿童的年龄和成熟程度,给予儿童意见应有的考虑。
It also includes Internet references to materials and programmes available worldwide.这 就强调家长必须采取尊重儿童参与权方式的照管和教育孩子法。 委员会在其关于“教育目的”的第一号一般意见中强调“以儿童为中心、有利于儿童和赋予权利的方式”,发展教育的重要性。 16 48. 委员会指出,各国政府、联合国各机构、非政府组织及其他方面为家长、其他照管者和教师编制了推广以正面、非暴力形式抚养和教育子女方面的材料和方案,现在 有许多这方面的实例。 17这些材料经适当改编后可用各不同国家和不同的情况。 媒体在提高认识和公众教育方面可发挥极重要的作用。 要想扭转体罚和其他残忍或不人道形式纪律管教方法的长期以来的依赖,必须采取持久的行动。 在国家与家长和儿童之间的所有各个接触点面,保健、福利和教育部门或早期儿童教育机构、托儿中心和学校内树立起推广非暴力形式父母抚育和教育的风气。 这还应当融入对教师和所有从事儿童照管和司法体制工作者的初步和在职培训。
49. The Committee proposes that States may wish to seek technical assistance from, among others, UNICEF and UNESCO concerning awareness-raising, public education and training to promote non-violent approaches.49. 委员会提议,各国不妨寻求儿童基金会和教科文组织等各方面有关开展提高认识、公共教育和非暴力方式培训的技术援助。
4. Monitoring and evaluation4. 监测和评估
50. The Committee, in its general comment No. 5 on “General measures of implementation for the Convention on the Rights of the Child (arts. 4, 42 and 44, para.50.
6) ”, emphasizes the need for systematic monitoring by States parties of the realization of children’s rights, through the development of appropriate indicators and the collection of sufficient and reliable data.委员会关于“执行《儿童权利公约》(第4、42和44条第6款)的一 般措施”的第5号一般性意见强调,各缔约国必须通过制定适当指数与收集充分和可靠的数据,系统地监测实现儿童权利的情况。 18 51. 因此,缔约国应当监测其在消除体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式惩罚方面取得的进展,由此实现儿童受保护权。 以保密方式并按适当的道德保障条款与儿童、其家长和其他照管者进行面谈,开展的研究是精确地评估家庭内侵害儿童暴力形式和儿童待遇现状的关键。 委员会鼓励每一个国家尽可能从代表整个人口的各群体展开/委托进行此类调研以提取基准资料,然后,通过定期间隔检测来衡量进展情况。 这些调研的结果也可成为重要的指导,用于制定普遍和针对性的提高认识运动,以及培训从事与儿童相关或儿童事务的专业人员。 52. 委员会第5号一般性意见还强调,通过诸如议会各委员会、非政府组织、学术机构、专业协会、青年团体和独立的人权机构,对执行情况实行独立监测的重要性(另 见委员会第2号一般性意见,“独立的国家人权机构在保护和增进儿童权利方面的作用” 19 )。 这些均可在监测和实现儿童受保护权,免遭一切体罚和其他残忍和有辱人格形式惩罚方面发挥重要的作用。 六、根据《公约》规定的报告要求 53.
Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 5 (2003), “General measures of implementation for the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, para.委员会期望各国在其下次根据《公约》规 定提交的定期报告中列入资料,说明在家庭和其他背景下禁止和防止一切体罚和其他残忍或有辱人格形式惩罚的情况,包括关于提高认识活动和增进积极、非暴力关 系,以及缔约国评估全面尊重儿童受保护免遭一切形式暴力的权利方面所取得的进展情况。
2. 51.委员会还鼓励联合国各机构、国家人权机构、非政府组织及其他主管机构向委员会提供相关资料,说明体罚的法律地位和目前情况以及在消除体罚方面取得的进展情况。
Therefore States parties should monitor their progress towards eliminating corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment and thus realizing children’s right to protection.
Research using interviews with children, their parents and other carers, in conditions of confidentiality and with appropriate ethical safeguards, is essential in order to accurately assess the prevalence of these forms of violence within the family and attitudes to them.1 拟定于2006年秋天向联合国大会汇报的《联合国秘书长关于暴力侵害儿童问题的研究报告》。
The Committee encourages every State to carry out/commission such research, as far as possible with groups representative of the whole population, to provide baseline information and then at regular intervals to measure progress.详情见:。
The results of this research can also provide valuable guidance for the development of universal and targeted awareness-raising campaigns and training for professionals working with or for children.2 儿童权利委员会第四届会议报告,1993年10月25日,CRC/C/20, 第176段。
52. The Committee also underlines in general comment No. 5 the importance of independent monitoring of implementation by, for example, parliamentary committees, NGOs, academic institutions, professional associations, youth groups and independent human rights institutions (see also the Committee’s general comment No. 2 on “The role of independent national human rights institutions in the protection and promotion of the rights of the child”).3 委员会所有报告可在以下网址查阅。
These could all play an important role in monitoring the realization of children’s right to protection from all corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment.4 终止所有对儿童体罚的全球倡议在以下网址提供了有关体罚法律地位的报告。 5 儿童权利委员会关于伤害儿童的国家暴力问题一般性讨论日。 2000年9/10月,第二十五届会议报告,CRC/C/100, 第668至688段。 6. 儿童权利委员会2001年4月17日关于教育目的的第一号一般性意见,CRC/GC/ 2001/1, 第8段。 7 儿童权利委员会2001年9/10月,关于家庭中和校内伤害儿童暴力问题一般性讨论日,第二十八届会议报告,CRC/C/111, 第701至745段。 8 大会第56/138号决议。 9 第1条。 10 经济、社会、文化权利委员会,1999年关于教育权的第13号一般性意见,第41段。 11 欧洲人权委员会的一系列决定和欧洲人权法院的一系列判决都谴责了体罚;见1978年,Tyrer诉联合王国;1982年, Campbell和 Cosans诉联合王国;1993年,Costello-Roberts诉联合王国;1998年,A诉联合王国。 欧洲法院的判决可查阅:。 12 欧洲社会权利委员会,2001年关于第7条第10款和第17条的意见,《结论》XV-2号,第一卷,概览,第26页;从那时起,该委员会颁布了各项结论, 查明若干国家未践约,因为这些国家未能够禁止在家庭和其他情况下的一切体罚。 2005年,该委员会就根据宪章提出的集体申诉下达了裁决,认为3个国家未践约,因为这些国家未能禁止体罚。 详情见:;同时,参阅2005年欧洲委员会发表的“防止体罚:欧洲儿 童当务之急的人权”。
Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 2 on “The role of independent national human rights institutions in the promotion and protection of the rights of the child”, 2002.13 美洲人权法院2002年8月28日, OC-17/2002号咨询意见,第87和91段。
---14 美洲人权和人民权利委员会, Curtis Francis Doebbler诉苏丹,第236/2000(2003)号来文;见第42段。
VI. Reporting requirements under the Convention15 例如,2002年、斐济的上诉法院宣布,学校和刑法体制中采用体罚做法不符合宪法。
53. The Committee expects States to include in their periodic reports under the Convention information on the measures taken to prohibit and prevent all corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment in the family and all other settings, including on related awareness-raising activities and promotion of positive, non-violent relationships and on the State’s evaluation of progress towards achieving full respect for children’s rights to protection from all forms of violence.判决宣布:“儿童拥有的权利绝不亚于成人权利。
The Committee also encourages United Nations agencies, national human rights institutions, NGOs and other competent bodies to provide it with relevant information on the legal status and prevalence of corporal punishment and progress towards its elimination.斐 济批准了《儿童权利公约》。 斐济宪法还保障每一个人的基本权利。 政府必须恪守遵重所有个人、社区和群体权利的原则。 儿童按照其地位必须得到特殊保护。 我们的教育机构应当是学生和平与丰富创建的维护地,不应是恐惧、虐待和损害学生的人的尊严的孽地”(斐济上诉法院,Naushad Ali诉政府,2002年)。 1996年,意大利最高法院,罗马最高上诉法院下达的一项判决实际禁止所有家长使用体罚。 判决阐明:“......为教育目的使用暴力再不可视为合法之举。 为此有两个原因:首先,[意大利]法律体制赋予保护个人尊严的绝对重要性。 这包括如今拥有权利的‘未成年人’,而且他们再也不是单纯受家长保护的对象,更加不再是被蔑视为家长可以任意处置的对象了。 第二个原因是,作为教育的目的,采用与下列目标相悖的暴力手段,不可能达到确保儿童本着和平、容忍共存的价值观念,和谐发展人格的目的”(1996年3月 18日最高上诉法庭第六刑事庭,Foro It II 1996年,407(意大利))。 还请见南非宪法法院(2000年),南非Christian教育学院诉教育部长,CCT4/00;2000年(4)SA757(CC);2000年 (10) BCLR 1051 (CC),2000年8月18日。 16 见注11。 17 委员会赞赏实例之一,即教科文组织编纂的“消除体罚:走向建设性的儿童纪律管教法”,教科文组织出版社、巴黎、2005年。 这份手册制定了以《公约》为根基的建设性纪律管教原则。 手册还包括了可在世界范围内进行检索的材料和方案的互联网网址一览表。 18 儿童权利委员会第5号一般性意见(2003年),“执行《儿童权利公约》的一般措施”,第2段。 19 儿童权利委员会第2号一般性意见(2002年),“独立的国家人权机构在保护和增进儿童权利方面的作用”。
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