CRPD/GC/1 1403120E.doc (English)

CRPD/GC/1 1403119C.doc (Chinese)



Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


Eleventh session


31 March–11 April 2014


General comment No. 1 (2014)


Article 12: Equal recognition before the law


I. Introduction

. 导言

1. Equality before the law is a basic general principle of human rights protection and is indispensable for the exercise of other human rights.

1. 法律面前人人平等是保护人权的一项基本的一般性原则,也是行使其他人权所必不可少的。

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights specifically guarantee the right to equality before the law.


Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities further describes the content of this civil right and focuses on the areas in which people with disabilities have traditionally been denied the right.


Article 12 does not set out additional rights for people with disabilities;


it simply describes the specific elements that States parties are required to take into account to ensure the right to equality before the law for people with disabilities, on an equal basis with others.


2. Given the importance of this article, the Committee facilitated interactive forums for discussions on legal capacity.

2. 鉴于这一条的重要意义,委员会提供各种便利,促进对法律行为能力讨论的互动论坛。

From the very useful exchange on the provisions of article 12 by experts, States parties, disabled persons’ organizations, non-governmental organizations, treaty monitoring bodies, national human rights institutions and United Nations agencies, the Committee found it imperative to provide further guidance in a general comment.


3. On the basis of the initial reports of various States parties that it has reviewed so far, the Committee observes that there is a general misunderstanding of the exact scope of the obligations of States parties under article 12 of the Convention.

3. 根据迄今已审查的各个缔约国所提交的初次报告,委员会认为,总体而言对缔约国根据《公约》第十二条应承担的义务的确切范围存在误解。

Indeed, there has been a general failure to understand that the human rights-based model of disability implies a shift from the substitute decision-making paradigm to one that is based on supported decision-making.


The aim of the present general comment is to explore the general obligations deriving from the various components of article 12.


4. The present general comment reflects an interpretation of article 12 which is premised on the general principles of the Convention, as outlined in article 3, namely, respect for the inherent dignity, individual autonomy — including the freedom to make one’s own choices —, and independence of persons;

4. 本一般性意见是对第十二条的解释,该条是以第三条所提出的《公约》的一般性原则为基础的,即尊重固有尊严和个人自主,包括自由作出自己的选择,以及个人的自立;



full and effective participation and inclusion in society;


respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity;


equality of opportunity;




equality between men and women;


and respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities.


5. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities each specify that the right to equal recognition before the law is operative “everywhere”.

5. 《世界人权宣言》、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》和《残疾人权利公约》均具体规定在法律面前获得平等承认的权利是普遍的

In other words, there are no permissible circumstances under international human rights law in which a person may be deprived of the right to recognition as a person before the law, or in which this right may be limited.


This is reinforced by article 4, paragraph 2, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which allows no derogation from this right, even in times of public emergency.


Although an equivalent prohibition on derogation from the right to equal recognition before the law is not specified in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the provision in the International Covenant covers such protection by virtue of article 4, paragraph 4, of the Convention, which establishes that the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities do not derogate from existing international law.


6. The right to equality before the law is also reflected in other core international and regional human rights treaties.

6. 法律面前人人平等的权利也体现在其他主要的国际和区域人权条约中。

Article 15 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women guarantees women’s equality before the law and requires the recognition of women’s legal capacity on an equal basis with men, including with regard to concluding contracts, administering property and exercising their rights in the justice system.


Article 3 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights provides for the right of every person to be equal before the law and to enjoy equal protection of the law.


Article 3 of the American Convention on Human Rights enshrines the right to juridical personality and the right of every person to recognition as a person before the law.


7. States parties must holistically examine all areas of law to ensure that the right of persons with disabilities to legal capacity is not restricted on an unequal basis with others.

7. 各缔约国必须全面审查所有领域的法律,确保残疾人的法律行为能力不遭受与他人不平等的限制。

Historically, persons with disabilities have been denied their right to legal capacity in many areas in a discriminatory manner under substitute decision-making regimes such as guardianship, conservatorship and mental health laws that permit forced treatment.


These practices must be abolished in order to ensure that full legal capacity is restored to persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.


8. Article 12 of the Convention affirms that all persons with disabilities have full legal capacity.

8. 《公约》第十二条重申所有残疾人均有充分的法律能力。

Legal capacity has been prejudicially denied to many groups throughout history, including women (particularly upon marriage) and ethnic minorities.


However, persons with disabilities remain the group whose legal capacity is most commonly denied in legal systems worldwide.


The right to equal recognition before the law implies that legal capacity is a universal attribute inherent in all persons by virtue of their humanity and must be upheld for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.


Legal capacity is indispensable for the exercise of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.


It acquires a special significance for persons with disabilities when they have to make fundamental decisions regarding their health, education and work.


The denial of legal capacity to persons with disabilities has, in many cases, led to their being deprived of many fundamental rights, including the right to vote, the right to marry and found a family, reproductive rights, parental rights, the right to give consent for intimate relationships and medical treatment, and the right to liberty.


9. All persons with disabilities, including those with physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, can be affected by denial of legal capacity and substitute decision-making.

9. 所有残疾人,包括有心理、精神、智力或感官障碍的人,都会被剥夺法律行为能力和被置于替代决策制之下。

However, persons with cognitive or psychosocial disabilities have been, and still are, disproportionately affected by substitute decision-making regimes and denial of legal capacity.


The Committee reaffirms that a person’s status as a person with a disability or the existence of an impairment (including a physical or sensory impairment) must never be grounds for denying legal capacity or any of the rights provided for in article 12.


All practices that in purpose or effect violate article 12 must be abolished in order to ensure that full legal capacity is restored to persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.


10. This general comment focuses primarily on the normative content of article 12 and the State obligations that emerge therefrom.

10. 本一般性意见主要侧重于第十二条的规范内容和其中规定的国家义务。

The Committee will continue to carry out work in this area so as to provide further in-depth guidance on the rights and obligations deriving from article 12 in future concluding observations, general comments and other documents.


II. Normative content of article 12

. 第十二条的规范内容

Article 12, paragraph 1


11. Article 12, paragraph 1, reaffirms the right of persons with disabilities to be recognized as persons before the law.

11. 第十二条第一款重申残疾人享有在法律面前人格获得承认的权利。

This guarantees that every human being is respected as a person possessing legal personality, which is a prerequisite for the recognition of a person’s legal capacity.


Article 12, paragraph 2


12. Article 12, paragraph 2, recognizes that persons with disabilities enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all areas of life.

12. 第十二条第二款承认残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上在生活的各方面享有法律能力。

Legal capacity includes the capacity to be both a holder of rights and an actor under the law.


Legal capacity to be a holder of rights entitles a person to full protection of his or her rights by the legal system.


Legal capacity to act under the law recognizes that person as an agent with the power to engage in transactions and create, modify or end legal relationships.


The right to recognition as a legal agent is provided for in article 12, paragraph 5, of the Convention, which outlines the duty of States parties to “take all appropriate and effective measures to ensure the equal right of persons with disabilities to own or inherit property, to control their own financial affairs and to have equal access to bank loans, mortgages and other forms of financial credit, and … ensure that persons with disabilities are not arbitrarily deprived of their property”.


13. Legal capacity and mental capacity are distinct concepts.

13. 法律能力与心智能力是完全不同的概念。

Legal capacity is the ability to hold rights and duties (legal standing) and to exercise those rights and duties (legal agency).


It is the key to accessing meaningful participation in society.


Mental capacity refers to the decision-making skills of a person, which naturally vary from one person to another and may be different for a given person depending on many factors, including environmental and social factors.


Legal instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (art. 6), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (art. 16) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (art. 15) do not specify the distinction between mental and legal capacity.


Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, however, makes it clear that “unsoundedness of mind” and other discriminatory labels are not legitimate reasons for the denial of legal capacity (both legal standing and legal agency).


Under article 12 of the Convention, perceived or actual deficits in mental capacity must not be used as justification for denying legal capacity.


14. Legal capacity is an inherent right accorded to all people, including persons with disabilities.

14. 法律能力是赋予所有人、包括残疾人的一项固有权利。

As noted above, it consists of two strands.


The first is legal standing to hold rights and to be recognized as a legal person before the law.


This may include, for example, having a birth certificate, seeking medical assistance, registering to be on the electoral role or applying for a passport.


The second is legal agency to act on those rights and to have those actions recognized by the law.


It is this component that is frequently denied or diminished for persons with disabilities.


For example, laws may allow persons with disabilities to own property, but may not always respect the actions taken by them in terms of buying and selling property.


Legal capacity means that all people, including persons with disabilities, have legal standing and legal agency simply by virtue of being human.


Therefore, both strands of legal capacity must be recognized for the right to legal capacity to be fulfilled; they cannot be separated.


The concept of mental capacity is highly controversial in and of itself.


Mental capacity is not, as is commonly presented, an objective, scientific and naturally occurring phenomenon.


Mental capacity is contingent on social and political contexts, as are the disciplines, professions and practices which play a dominant role in assessing mental capacity.


15. In most of the State party reports that the Committee has examined so far, the concepts of mental and legal capacity have been conflated so that where a person is considered to have impaired decision-making skills, often because of a cognitive or psychosocial disability, his or her legal capacity to make a particular decision is consequently removed.

15. 在委员会迄今已审议的大多数缔约国报告中,心智能力和法律能力的概念被混为一谈,当某人由于认知或心理社会残疾而在决策技能方面有缺陷时,作出某一决定的法律能力就随之被剥夺。

This is decided simply on the basis of the diagnosis of an impairment (status approach), or where a person makes a decision that is considered to have negative consequences (outcome approach), or where a person’s decision-making skills are considered to be deficient (functional approach).


The functional approach attempts to assess mental capacity and deny legal capacity accordingly.


It is often based on whether a person can understand the nature and consequences of a decision and/or whether he or she can use or weigh the relevant information.


This approach is flawed for two key reasons: (a) it is discriminatorily applied to people with disabilities;

这种方法存在缺陷,原因主要有两个:(a) 它被歧视性地适用于残疾人;

and (b) it presumes to be able to accurately assess the inner-workings of the human mind and, when the person does not pass the assessment, it then denies him or her a core human right — the right to equal recognition before the law.

(b) 它假定能够准确评估人脑的内部活动,并在一个人未能通过评估时剥夺其核心人权――在法律面前获得平等承认的权利。

In all of those approaches, a person’s disability and/or decision-making skills are taken as legitimate grounds for denying his or her legal capacity and lowering his or her status as a person before the law.


Article 12 does not permit such discriminatory denial of legal capacity, but, rather, requires that support be provided in the exercise of legal capacity.


Article 12, paragraph 3


16. Article 12, paragraph 3, recognizes that States parties have an obligation to provide persons with disabilities with access to support in the exercise of their legal capacity.

16. 第十二条第三款确认缔约国有义务便利残疾人获得他们在行使法律能力时所需的协助。

States parties must refrain from denying persons with disabilities their legal capacity and must, rather, provide persons with disabilities access to the support necessary to enable them to make decisions that have legal effect.


17. Support in the exercise of legal capacity must respect the rights, will and preferences of persons with disabilities and should never amount to substitute decision-making.

17. 在为行使法律能力提供协助时,必须尊重残疾人的权利、意愿和选择,不得以协助取代决策。

Article 12, paragraph 3, does not specify what form the support should take.


“Support” is a broad term that encompasses both informal and formal support arrangements, of varying types and intensity.


For example, persons with disabilities may choose one or more trusted support persons to assist them in exercising their legal capacity for certain types of decisions, or may call on other forms of support, such as peer support, advocacy (including self-advocacy support), or assistance with communication.


Support to persons with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity might include measures relating to universal design and accessibility — for example, requiring private and public actors, such as banks and financial institutions, to provide information in an understandable format or to provide professional sign language interpretation — in order to enable persons with disabilities to perform the legal acts required to open a bank account, conclude contracts or conduct other social transactions.


Support can also constitute the development and recognition of diverse, non-conventional methods of communication, especially for those who use non-verbal forms of communication to express their will and preferences.


For many persons with disabilities, the ability to plan in advance is an important form of support, whereby they can state their will and preferences which should be followed at a time when they may not be in a position to communicate their wishes to others.


All persons with disabilities have the right to engage in advance planning and should be given the opportunity to do so on an equal basis with others.


States parties can provide various forms of advance planning mechanisms to accommodate various preferences, but all the options should be non-discriminatory.


Support should be provided to a person, where desired, to complete an advance planning process.


The point at which an advance directive enters into force (and ceases to have effect) should be decided by the person and included in the text of the directive; it should not be based on an assessment that the person lacks mental capacity.


18. The type and intensity of support to be provided will vary significantly from one person to another owing to the diversity of persons with disabilities.

18. 提供协助的类型和强度因残疾人的多样性而有很大差异。

This is in accordance with article 3 (d), which sets out “respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity” as a general principle of the Convention.


At all times, including in crisis situations, the individual autonomy and capacity of persons with disabilities to make decisions must be respected.


19. Some persons with disabilities only seek recognition of their right to legal capacity on an equal basis with others, as provided for in article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention, and may not wish to exercise their right to support, as provided for in article 12,

19. 一些残疾人只要求根据《公约》第十二条第二款,在与其他人平等的基础上享有行使法律能力的权利,并不希望在根据第十二条第三款行使权利时获得协助。

paragraph 3. Article 12, paragraph 4


20. Article 12, paragraph 4, outlines the safeguards that must be present in a system of support in the exercise of legal capacity.

20. 第十二条第四款简要提出了在协助行使法律能力的制度中必须作出的保障。

Article 12, paragraph 4, must be read in conjunction with the rest of article 12 and the whole Convention.


It requires States parties to create appropriate and effective safeguards for the exercise of legal capacity.


The primary purpose of these safeguards must be to ensure the respect of the person’s rights, will and preferences.


In order to accomplish this, the safeguards must provide protection from abuse on an equal basis with others.


21. Where, after significant efforts have been made, it is not practicable to determine the will and preferences of an individual, the “best interpretation of will and preferences” must replace the “best interests” determinations.

21. 若在作出重大努力后,仍无法确定个人意愿和选择时,必须以对意愿和选择的最佳解释来取代最大利益决定。

This respects the rights, will and preferences of the individual, in accordance with article 12, paragraph 4.


The “best interests” principle is not a safeguard which complies with article 12 in relation to adults.


The “will and preferences” paradigm must replace the “best interests” paradigm to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy the right to legal capacity on an equal basis with others.


22. All people risk being subject to “undue influence”, yet this may be exacerbated for those who rely on the support of others to make decisions.

22. 所有人都有可能受到不当影响,但对于依赖他人协助作出决定的人来说,这种情况可能更为严重。

Undue influence is characterized as occurring, where the quality of the interaction between the support person and the person being supported includes signs of fear, aggression, threat, deception or manipulation.


Safeguards for the exercise of legal capacity must include protection against undue influence; however, the protection must respect the rights, will and preferences of the person, including the right to take risks and make mistakes.


Article 12, paragraph 5


23. Article 12, paragraph 5, requires States parties to take measures, including legislative, administrative, judicial and other practical measures, to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities with respect to financial and economic affairs, on an equal basis with others.

23. 第十二条第五款要求缔约国采取措施,包括立法、行政、司法和其他具体措施,确保残疾人在与他人平等的基础上掌管财务和处理经济事务。

Access to finance and property has traditionally been denied to persons with disabilities based on the medical model of disability.


That approach of denying persons with disabilities legal capacity for financial matters must be replaced with support to exercise legal capacity, in accordance with article 12, paragraph 3.


In the same way as gender may not be used as the basis for discrimination in the areas of finance and property, neither may disability.

正如不能以性别作为在金融和财产方面歧视的理由一样, 也不能以残疾作为歧视的理由。

III. Obligations of States parties

. 缔约国的义务

24. States parties have an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the right of all persons with disabilities to equal recognition before the law.

24. 缔约国有义务尊重、保护和落实所有残疾人在法律面前获得平等承认的权利。

In this regard, States parties should refrain from any action that deprives persons with disabilities of the right to equal recognition before the law.


States parties should take action to prevent non-State actors and private persons from interfering with the ability of persons with disabilities to realize and enjoy their human rights, including the right to legal capacity.


One of the aims of support in the exercise of legal capacity is to build the confidence and skills of persons with disabilities so that they can exercise their legal capacity with less support in the future, if they so wish.


States parties have an obligation to provide training for persons receiving support so that they can decide when less support is needed or when they no longer require support in the exercise of their legal capacity.


25. In order to fully recognize “universal legal capacity”, whereby all persons, regardless of disability or decision-making skills, inherently possess legal capacity, States parties must abolish denials of legal capacity that are discriminatory on the basis of disability in purpose or effect.

25. 为了充分承认人人享有法律能力,即所有人(无论是否残疾或决策能力大小)与生俱来具有法律能力,各缔约国必须废除以残疾为由、无论是目的还是后果具有歧视性的对法律能力的剥夺。

26. In its concluding observations on States parties’ initial reports, in relation to article 12, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has repeatedly stated that States parties must “review the laws allowing for guardianship and trusteeship, and take action to develop laws and policies to replace regimes of substitute decision-making by supported decision-making, which respects the person’s autonomy, will and preferences”.

26. 残疾人权利委员会在就各缔约国初次报告作出的关于第十二条的结论性意见中,多次重申有关缔约国必须审查允许监护权和委托权的法律,并采取行动制定法律和政策,更换替代决定制,采取辅助决定制,以尊重人的自决、意愿和愿望

27. Substitute decision-making regimes can take many different forms, including plenary guardianship, judicial interdiction and partial guardianship.

27. 替代决定制有各种不同形式,包括绝对委托权、司法禁令和部分委托权。

However, these regimes have certain common characteristics: they can be defined as systems where (i) legal capacity is removed from a person, even if this is in respect of a single decision;

然而这些体制都有一些共同特征,可以将这些体制界定为:() 剥夺某人的法律能力,即便只是针对某一项决定;

(ii) a substitute decision-maker can be appointed by someone other than the person concerned, and this can be done against his or her will;

() 由本人以外的另外一个人任命替代决定者,并有可能是违反本人意愿的;

and (iii) any decision made by a substitute decision-maker is based on what is believed to be in the objective “best interests” of the person concerned, as opposed to being based on the person’s own will and preferences.

() 替代决定者的任何一项决定的依据本人据称的最大利益,而非依据本人的意愿和选择。

28. States parties’ obligation to replace substitute decision-making regimes by supported decision-making requires both the abolition of substitute decision-making regimes and the development of supported decision-making alternatives.

28. 缔约国以辅助决定制取代替代决定制的义务要求废除替代决定制并发展辅助决定的各种选择办法。

The development of supported decision-making systems in parallel with the maintenance of substitute decision-making regimes is not sufficient to comply with article 12 of the Convention.


29. A supported decision-making regime comprises various support options which give primacy to a person’s will and preferences and respect human rights norms.

29. 辅助决定制包括各种不同的辅助选择,优先考虑本人的意愿和选择并遵重人权规范。

It should provide protection for all rights, including those related to autonomy (right to legal capacity, right to equal recognition before the law, right to choose where to live, etc.) and rights related to freedom from abuse and ill-treatment (right to life, right to physical integrity, etc. ).


Furthermore, systems of supported decision-making should not over-regulate the lives of persons with disabilities.


While supported decision-making regimes can take many forms, they should all incorporate certain key provisions to ensure compliance with article 12 of the Convention, including the following:


(a) Supported decision-making must be available to all.

(a) 必须向所有人提供辅助决定制。

A person’s level of support needs, especially where these are high, should not be a barrier to obtaining support in decision-making;


(b) All forms of support in the exercise of legal capacity, including more intensive forms of support, must be based on the will and preference of the person, not on what is perceived as being in his or her objective best interests;

(b) 必须根据个人的意愿和选择,而非他人对此人真正的最大利益的看法,提供行使法律能力方面一切形式的协助(包括较高强度的协助)

(c) A person’s mode of communication must not be a barrier to obtaining support in decision-making, even where this communication is non-conventional, or understood by very few people;

(c) 个人的沟通形式不应作为获得决策方面辅助的障碍,即便这种交流方式不寻常,或只有极为少数的人能够明白;

(d) Legal recognition of the support person(s) formally chosen by a person must be available and accessible, and States have an obligation to facilitate the creation of support, particularly for people who are isolated and may not have access to naturally occurring support in the community.

(d) 必须在法律上承认个人所正式选择的协助人,并便于获得这种承认,国家有义务提供协助便利,尤其是为那些孤独的人及难以利用社区中自然存在的协助的人提供协助。

This must include a mechanism for third parties to verify the identity of a support person as well as a mechanism for third parties to challenge the action of a support person if they believe that the support person is not acting in accordance with the will and preferences of the person concerned;


(e) In order to comply with the requirement, set out in article 12, paragraph 3, of the Convention, for States parties to take measures to “provide access” to the support required, States parties must ensure that support is available at nominal or no cost to persons with disabilities and that lack of financial resources is not a barrier to accessing support in the exercise of legal capacity;

(e) 为遵守《公约》第十二条第三款提出的规定,即缔约国必须采取措施为获得所需协助提供便利,缔约国必须确保残疾人只需花费很少的钱或无需任何花费就能获得这种协助,而且缺乏财政资源不成为在行使法律能力方面获得协助的障碍;

(f) Support in decision-making must not be used as justification for limiting other fundamental rights of persons with disabilities, especially the right to vote, the right to marry, or establish a civil partnership, and found a family, reproductive rights, parental rights, the right to give consent for intimate relationships and medical treatment, and the right to liberty;

(f) 为决策提供协助不应成为借口,限制残疾人行使其他基本权利,尤其是选举权、结婚或建立民事伴侣关系及建立家庭的权利、生殖权、父母抚养权、同意建立亲密关系权、医疗权以及自由权;

(g) The person must have the right to refuse support and terminate or change the support relationship at any time;

(g) 残疾人必须有权在任何时候拒绝接受协助,以及停止或改变协助关系;

(h) Safeguards must be set up for all processes relating to legal capacity and support in exercising legal capacity.

(h) 必须在法律能力和为行使法律能力提供协助相关的所有进程中建立保障。

The goal of safeguards is to ensure that the person’s will and preferences are respected.


(i) The provision of support to exercise legal capacity should not hinge on mental capacity assessments;

(i) 为行使法律能力提供协助不得取决于心智能力评估;

new, non-discriminatory indicators of support needs are required in the provision of support to exercise legal capacity.


30. The right to equality before the law has long been recognized as a civil and political right, with roots in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

30. 在法律面前人人平等的权利植根于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,一向是获得承认的一项公民权利和政治权利。

Civil and political rights attach at the moment of ratification and States parties are required to take steps to immediately realize those rights.


As such, the rights provided for in article 12 apply at the moment of ratification and are subject to immediate realization.


The State obligation, provided for in article 12, paragraph 3, to provide access to support in the exercise of legal capacity is an obligation for the fulfilment of the civil and political right to equal recognition before the law.


“Progressive realization” (art. 4, para. 2) does not apply to the provisions of article 12.


Upon ratifying the Convention, States parties must immediately begin taking steps towards the realization of the rights provided for in article 12.


Those steps must be deliberate, well-planned and include consultation with and meaningful participation of people with disabilities and their organizations.


IV. Relationship with other provisions of the Convention

. 与《公约》其他规定之间的关系

31. Recognition of legal capacity is inextricably linked to the enjoyment of many other human rights provided for in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including, but not limited to, the right to access justice (art. 13); the right to be free from involuntary detention in a mental health facility and not to be forced to undergo mental health treatment (art. 14); the right to respect for one’s physical and mental integrity (art. 17);

31. 对法律能力的承认与享有《残疾人权利公约》所规定的其他许多人权密不可分,其中包括但不局限于获得司法保护的权利(第十三条)、免遭非自愿被关押在精神病 设施的权利和不被强迫接受精神病治疗的权利(第十四条)、身心完整性获得尊重的权利(第十七条)、迁移自由和国籍权(第十八条)、选择在何处和与何人一起 生活的权利(第十九条)、言论自由的权利(第二十一条)、结婚和建立家庭权(第二十三条)、同意接受医疗的权利(第二十五条)、选举和被选举权(第二十九 条)

the right to liberty of movement and nationality (art. 18); the right to choose where and with whom to live (art. 19); the right to freedom of expression (art. 21);


the right to marry and found a family (art. 23);


the right to consent to medical treatment (art. 25); and the right to vote and stand for election (art. 29).

32. 为实现法律面前人人平等的目标,不得以歧视的方式剥夺法律能力。

Without recognition of the person as a person before the law, the ability to assert, exercise and enforce those rights, and many other rights provided for in the Convention, is significantly compromised.


Article 5: Equality and non-discrimination


32. To achieve equal recognition before the law, legal capacity must not be denied discriminatorily. Article 5 of the Convention guarantees equality for all persons under and before the law and the right to equal protection of the law. It expressly prohibits all discrimination on the basis of disability.


Discrimination on the basis of disability is defined in article 2 of the Convention as “any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of disability which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms”.


Denial of legal capacity having the purpose or effect of interfering with the right of persons with disabilities to equal recognition before the law is a violation of articles 5 and 12 of the Convention.


States have the ability to restrict the legal capacity of a person based on certain circumstances, such as bankruptcy or criminal conviction. However, the right to equal recognition before the law and freedom from discrimination requires that when the State denies legal capacity, it must be on the same basis for all persons.


Denial of legal capacity must not be based on a personal trait such as gender, race, or disability, or have the purpose or effect of treating the person differently.


33. Freedom from discrimination in the recognition of legal capacity restores autonomy and respects the human dignity of the person in accordance with the principles enshrined in article 3 (a) of the Convention.

33. 在承认法律能力方面免受歧视是根据《公约》第三条第()款所载原则恢复个人的自主和对人类尊严的尊重。

Freedom to make one’s own choices most often requires legal capacity.


Independence and autonomy include the power to have one’s decisions legally respected.


The need for support and reasonable accommodation in making decisions shall not be used to question a person’s legal capacity.


Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity (art. 3 (d)) is incompatible with granting legal capacity on an assimilationist basis.


34. Non-discrimination includes the right to reasonable accommodation in the exercise of legal capacity (art. 5, para. 3).

34. 不歧视包括在行使法律能力方面有权获得合理便利(第五条第三款)

Reasonable accommodation is defined in article 2 of the Convention as “necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms”.


The right to reasonable accommodation in the exercise of legal capacity is separate from, and complementary to, the right to support in the exercise of legal capacity.


States parties are required to make any necessary modifications or adjustments to allow persons with disabilities to exercise their legal capacity, unless it is a disproportionate or undue burden.


Such modifications or adjustments may include, but are not limited to, access to essential buildings such as courts, banks, social benefit offices and voting venues; accessible information regarding decisions which have legal effect; and personal assistance.


The right to support in the exercise of legal capacity shall not be limited by the claim of disproportionate or undue burden.


The State has an absolute obligation to provide access to support in the exercise of legal capacity.


Article 6: Women with disabilities


35. Article 15 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women provides for women’s legal capacity on an equal basis with men, thereby acknowledging that recognition of legal capacity is integral to equal recognition before the law: “States parties shall accord to women, in civil matters, a legal capacity identical to that of men and the same opportunities to exercise that capacity.

35. 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第十五条规定妇女与男子享有同等的法律行为能力,并确认承认法律行为能力是承认法律面前人人平等的不可分割的一部分:缔约各国应在公民事务上,给予妇女与男子同等的法律行为能力,以及行使这种行为能力的相同机会。

In particular, they shall give women equal rights to conclude contracts and to administer property and shall treat them equally in all stages of procedure in courts and tribunals” (para. 2).


This provision applies to all women, including women with disabilities.


The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes that women with disabilities may be subject to multiple and intersectional forms of discrimination based on gender and disability.


For example, women with disabilities are subjected to high rates of forced sterilization, and are often denied control of their reproductive health and decision-making, the assumption being that they are not capable of consenting to sex.


Certain jurisdictions also have higher rates of imposing substitute decision-makers on women than on men.


Therefore, it is particularly important to reaffirm that the legal capacity of women with disabilities should be recognized on an equal basis with others.


Article 7: Children with disabilities


36. While article 12 of the Convention protects equality before the law for all persons, regardless of age, article 7 of the Convention recognizes the developing capacities of children and requires that “in all actions concerning children with disabilities, the best interests of the child … be a primary consideration” (para. 2) and that “their views [be] given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity” (para. 3).

36. 《公约》第十二条规定法律面前不分年龄人人平等,而第七条则确认儿童的能力处于发展阶段,要求在一切关于残疾儿童的行动中,应当以儿童的最佳利益为一项首要考虑”(第二款)以及残疾儿童的意见应当按照其年龄和成熟程度适当予以考虑”(第三款)

To comply with article 12, States parties must examine their laws to ensure that the will and preferences of children with disabilities are respected on an equal basis with other children.


Article 9: Accessibility


37. The rights provided for in article 12 are closely tied to State obligations relating to accessibility (art. 9) because the right to equal recognition before the law is necessary to enable persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life.

37. 第十二条所规定的权利与无障碍进出方面的国家义务(第九条)密切相关,因为在法律面前获得平等承认的权利是残疾人独立生活并充分参与生活的各个方面所必需的。

Article 9 requires the identification and elimination of barriers to facilities or services open or provided to the public.


Lack of accessibility to information and communication and inaccessible services may constitute barriers to the realization of legal capacity for some persons with disabilities, in practice.


Therefore, States parties must make all procedures for the exercise of legal capacity, and all information and communication pertaining to it, fully accessible.


States parties must review their laws and practices to ensure that the right to legal capacity and accessibility are being realized.


Article 13: Access to justice


38. States parties have an obligation to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to justice on an equal basis with others.

38. 各缔约国有义务确保残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上获得司法保护。

The recognition of the right to legal capacity is essential for access to justice in many respects.


In order to seek enforcement of their rights and obligations on an equal basis with others, persons with disabilities must be recognized as persons before the law with equal standing in courts and tribunals.


States parties must also ensure that persons with disabilities have access to legal representation on an equal basis with others.


This has been identified as a problem in many jurisdictions and must be remedied, including by ensuring that persons who experience interference with their right to legal capacity have the opportunity to challenge such interference — on their own behalf or with legal representation — and to defend their rights in court.


Persons with disabilities have often been excluded from key roles in the justice system as lawyers, judges, witnesses or members of a jury.


39. Police officers, social workers and other first responders must be trained to recognize persons with disabilities as full persons before the law and to give the same weight to complaints and statements from persons with disabilities as they would to non-disabled persons.

39. 必须为警察、社会工作者和其他直接接触残疾人的人提供培训,以承认残疾人在法律面前的人格,并且对残疾人提出的申诉和证词给予与非残疾人相同的考量。

This entails training and awareness-raising in these important professions.


Persons with disabilities must also be granted legal capacity to testify on an equal basis with others.


Article 12 of the Convention guarantees support in the exercise of legal capacity, including the capacity to testify in judicial, administrative and other legal proceedings.


Such support could take various forms, including recognition of diverse communication methods, allowing video testimony in certain situations, procedural accommodation, the provision of professional sign language interpretation and other assistive methods.


The judiciary must also be trained and made aware of their obligation to respect the legal capacity of persons with disabilities, including legal agency and standing.


Articles 14 and 25: Liberty, security and consent


40. Respecting the right to legal capacity of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others includes respecting the right of persons with disabilities to liberty and security of the person.

40. 尊重残疾人在与他人平等的基础上享有行使法律能力的权利,包括尊重残疾人的自由和人身安全权利。

The denial of the legal capacity of persons with disabilities and their detention in institutions against their will, either without their consent or with the consent of a substitute decision-maker, is an ongoing problem.


This practice constitutes arbitrary deprivation of liberty and violates articles 12 and 14 of the Convention.


States parties must refrain from such practices and establish a mechanism to review cases whereby persons with disabilities have been placed in a residential setting without their specific consent.


41. The right to enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (art. 25) includes the right to health care on the basis of free and informed consent.

41. 享有可达到的最高健康标准的权利(第二十五条)包括在自由和知情同意的基础上获得医疗保健的权利。

States parties have an obligation to require all health and medical professionals (including psychiatric professionals) to obtain the free and informed consent of persons with disabilities prior to any treatment.


In conjunction with the right to legal capacity on an equal basis with others, States parties have an obligation not to permit substitute decision-makers to provide consent on behalf of persons with disabilities.


All health and medical personnel should ensure appropriate consultation that directly engages the person with disabilities.


They should also ensure, to the best of their ability, that assistants or support persons do not substitute or have undue influence over the decisions of persons with disabilities.


Articles 15, 16 and 17: Respect for personal integrity and freedom from torture, violence, exploitation and abuse


42. As has been stated by the Committee in several concluding observations, forced treatment by psychiatric and other health and medical professionals is a violation of the right to equal recognition before the law and an infringement of the rights to personal integrity (art. 17); freedom from torture (art. 15); and freedom from violence, exploitation and abuse (art. 16).

42. 正如委员会在几项结论性意见中所指出的那样,精神病专业人员和其他医护专业人员施行的强制治疗构成侵犯法律面前获得平等承认的权利以及侵犯人身完整性的权利(第十七条)、免于酷刑(第十五条)和免于暴力、剥削和虐待的权利(第十六条)

This practice denies the legal capacity of a person to choose medical treatment and is therefore a violation of article 12 of the Convention.


States parties must, instead, respect the legal capacity of persons with disabilities to make decisions at all times, including in crisis situations;


must ensure that accurate and accessible information is provided about service options and that non-medical approaches are made available;


and must provide access to independent support.


States parties have an obligation to provide access to support for decisions regarding psychiatric and other medical treatment.


Forced treatment is a particular problem for persons with psychosocial, intellectual and other cognitive disabilities.


States parties must abolish policies and legislative provisions that allow or perpetrate forced treatment, as it is an ongoing violation found in mental health laws across the globe, despite empirical evidence indicating its lack of effectiveness and the views of people using mental health systems who have experienced deep pain and trauma as a result of forced treatment.


The Committee recommends that States parties ensure that decisions relating to a person’s physical or mental integrity can only be taken with the free and informed consent of the person concerned.


Article 18: Nationality


43. Persons with disabilities have the right to a name and registration of their birth as part of the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law (art. 18, para. 2).

43. 残疾人有权获得姓名和出生登记,这是他们在任何地方在法律面前获得人格承认权利的一部分(第十八条第二款)

States parties must take the necessary measures to ensure that children with disabilities are registered at birth.


This right is provided for in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (art. 7);


however, children with disabilities are disproportionately likely not to be registered as compared with other children.


This not only denies them citizenship, but often also denies them access to health care and education, and can even lead to their death.


Since there is no official record of their existence, their death may occur with relative impunity.


Article 19: Living independently and being included in the community


44. To fully realize the rights provided for in article 12, it is imperative that persons with disabilities have opportunities to develop and express their will and preferences, in order to exercise their legal capacity on an equal basis with others.

44. 为了充分落实第十二条规定的权利,残疾人应有机会充分发展并表达自己的意愿和选择,从而在与其他人平等的基础上行使法律能力。

This means that persons with disabilities must have the opportunity to live independently in the community and to make choices and to have control over their everyday lives, on an equal basis with others, as provided for in article 19.


45. Interpreting article 12, paragraph 3, in the light of the right to live in the community (art. 19) means that support in the exercise of legal capacity should be provided through a community-based approach.

45. 根据在社区里生活的权利(第十九条),对第十二条第三款进行解读,意味着为行使法律能力提供协助应采取立足社区的方针。

States parties must recognize that communities are assets and partners in the process of learning what types of support are needed in the exercise of legal capacity, including raising awareness about different support options.


States parties must recognize the social networks and naturally occurring community support (including friends, family and schools) of persons with disabilities as key to supported decision-making.


This is consistent with the Convention’s emphasis on the full inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in the community.


46. The segregation of persons with disabilities in institutions continues to be a pervasive and insidious problem that violates a number of the rights guaranteed under the Convention.

46. 将残疾人隔离安置在机构中的做法仍然是一个普遍和隐蔽的问题,同时也违反了《公约》所保障的一系列权利。

The problem is exacerbated by the widespread denial of legal capacity to persons with disabilities, which allows others to consent to their placement in institutional settings.


The directors of institutions are also commonly vested with the legal capacity of the persons residing therein.


This places all power and control over the person in the hands of the institution.


In order to comply with the Convention and respect the human rights of persons with disabilities, deinstitutionalization must be achieved and legal capacity must be restored to all persons with disabilities, who must be able to choose where and with whom to live (art. 19).


A person’s choice of where and with whom to live should not affect his or her right to access support in the exercise of his or her legal capacity.


Article 22: Privacy


47. Substitute decision-making regimes, in addition to being incompatible with article 12 of the Convention, also potentially violate the right to privacy of persons with disabilities, as substitute decision-makers usually gain access to a wide range of personal and other information regarding the person.

47. 替代决定制除了不符合《公约》第十二条的规定之外,还有可能违反残疾人的隐私权,因为这些替代决策者通常能够获得残疾人大量的个人资料和其他资料。

In establishing supported decision-making systems, States parties must ensure that those providing support in the exercise of legal capacity fully respect the right to privacy of persons with disabilities.


Article 29: Political participation


48. Denial or restriction of legal capacity has been used to deny political participation, especially the right to vote, to certain persons with disabilities.

48. 对法律行为能力的剥夺或限制也被用作剥夺某些残疾人的政治参与,尤其是剥夺投票权的手段。

In order to fully realize the equal recognition of legal capacity in all aspects of life, it is important to recognize the legal capacity of persons with disabilities in public and political life (art. 29).


This means that a person’s decision-making ability cannot be a justification for any exclusion of persons with disabilities from exercising their political rights, including the right to vote, the right to stand for election and the right to serve as a member of a jury.


49. States parties have an obligation to protect and promote the right of persons with disabilities to access the support of their choice in voting by secret ballot, and to participate in all elections and referendums without discrimination.

49. 各缔约国有义务保护和增进残疾人在不受歧视的前提下以秘密投票的方式选举他们愿意支持的人以及参加所有选举和公民投票的权利。

The Committee further recommends that States parties guarantee the right of persons with disabilities to stand for election, to hold office effectively and to perform all public functions at all levels of government, with reasonable accommodation and support, where desired, in the exercise of their legal capacity.


V. Implementation at the national level

. 国家一级的执行工作

50. In the light of the normative content and obligations outlined above, States parties should take the following steps to ensure the full implementation of article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:

50. 鉴于上文提出的规范内容和义务,各国应采取以下步骤确保全面落实《残疾人权利公约》第十二条的规定:

(a) Recognize persons with disabilities as persons before the law, having legal personality and legal capacity in all aspects of life, on an equal basis with others.

(a) 确认残疾人在与他人平等的基础上在法律面前的人格,在生活所有领域拥有法律人格和法律行为能力。

This requires the abolition of substitute decision-making regimes and mechanisms that deny legal capacity and which discriminate in purpose or effect against persons with disabilities.


It is recommended that States parties create statutory language protecting the right to legal capacity on an equal basis for all;


(b) Establish, recognize and provide persons with disabilities with access to a broad range of support in the exercise of their legal capacity.

(b) 建立、确认和为残疾人提供有助于行使他们法律行为能力的一系列范围广泛的协助。

Safeguards for such support must be premised on respect for the rights, will and preferences of persons with disabilities.


The support should meet the criteria set out in paragraph 29 above on the obligations of States parties to comply with article 12, paragraph 3, of the Convention;


(c) Closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in the development and implementation of legislation, policies and other decision-making processes that give effect to article 12.

(c) 通过残疾人各自的代表组织与残疾人、包括残疾儿童密切协商,并让他们积极参与制定和执行旨在落实第十二条的立法、政策和其他决策进程。

51. The Committee encourages States parties to undertake or devote resources to the research and development of best practices respecting the right to equal recognition of the legal capacity of persons with disabilities and support in the exercise of legal capacity.

51. 委员会鼓励各国承诺或划拨资源,在尊重残疾人的法律能力获得平等承认和为行使法律能力获得协助的权利方面开展研究和制定最佳做法。

52. States parties are encouraged to develop effective mechanisms to combat both formal and informal substitute decision-making.

52. 鼓励各缔约国建立有效机制,防止正式和非正式的替代决策。

To this end, the Committee urges States parties to ensure that persons with disabilities have the opportunity to make meaningful choices in their lives and develop their personalities, to support the exercise of their legal capacity.


This includes, but is not limited to, opportunities to build social networks;


opportunities to work and earn a living on an equal basis with others;


multiple choices for place of residence in the community;


and inclusion in education at all levels.


See the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, art. 13 (b).


See the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 2, in conjunction with art. 5.
