CVN/CAT/OP CVN_CAT_OP_E.doc (English)

CVN/CAT/OP CVN_CAT_OP_C.doc (Chinese)


[CHI] CVN_CAT_OP_C.doc [~]

[ENG] Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

[CHI] 禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约任择议定书 [~]

[ENG] Adopted by General Assembly resolution 57/199 of 18 December 2002

[CHI] Adopted by General Assembly resolution 57/199 of 18 December 2002 [~]

[ENG] Entry into force: 22 June 2006

[CHI] Entry into force: 22 June 2006 [~]

[ENG] Text: United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2375, p. 237; GA Resolution A/RES/57/199 of 9 January 2003.

[CHI] Text: United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2375, p. 237; GA Resolution A/RES/57/199 of 9 January 2003. [~]

[ENG] C.N.25.2010.TREATIES-1 of 29 January 2010 (Proposal of corrections to the original text of the Optional Protocol (authentic Russian and Spanish texts) and to the certified true copies; C.N.244.2010.TREATIES-3 of 30 April 2010 (Corrections to the original text of the Optional Protocol (authentic Russian and Spanish texts) and to the certified true copies.

[CHI] C.N.25.2010.TREATIES-1 of 29 January 2010 (Proposal of corrections to the original text of the Optional Protocol (authentic Russian and Spanish texts) and to the certified true copies; C.N.244.2010.TREATIES-3 of 30 April 2010 (Corrections to the original text of the Optional Protocol (authentic Russian and Spanish texts) and to the certified true copies. [~]


[CHI] 序 言 [~]

[ENG] The States Parties to the present Protocol,

[CHI] 本议定书缔约国, [~]

[ENG] Reaffirming that torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment are prohibited and constitute serious violations of human rights,

[CHI] 重申酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚一律在禁止之列并且构成对人权的严重侵犯, [~]

[ENG] Convinced that further measures are necessary to achieve the purposes of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) and to strengthen the protection of persons deprived of their liberty against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,

[CHI] 确信需要采取进一步措施实现《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》(下称《公约》)的目标,需要加强保护被剥夺自由者免受酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, [~]

[ENG] Recalling that articles 2 and 16 of the Convention oblige each State Party to take effective measures to prevent acts of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in any territory under its jurisdiction,

[CHI] 忆及《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第2条和第16条要求每一缔约国采取有效措施防止在其管辖的任何领土内出现酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚行为, [~]

[ENG] Recognizing that States have the primary responsibility for implementing those articles, that strengthening the protection of people deprived of their liberty and the full respect for their human rights is a common responsibility shared by all and that international implementing bodies complement and strengthen national measures,

[CHI] 确认各国负有执行这些条款的首要责任,确认加强保护被剥夺自由的人和全面尊重其人权是所有各方的共同责任,并确认国际执行机构机制的作用是补充和加强国内措施, [~]

[ENG] Recalling that the effective prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment requires education and a combination of various legislative, administrative, judicial and other measures,

[CHI] 忆及有效防止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚要求进行教育并综合采取立法、行政、司法或其他措施, [~]

[ENG] Recalling also that the World Conference on Human Rights firmly declared that efforts to eradicate torture should first and foremost be concentrated on prevention and called for the adoption of an optional protocol to the Convention, intended to establish a preventive system of regular visits to places of detention,

[CHI] 又忆及19936月在维也纳举行的世界人权会议切实宣告,为消灭酷刑而进行的努力首先应注重预防,并要求通过一项《公约》的任择议定书,以便建立一个预防性的定期查访拘留地点的制度, [~]

[ENG] Convinced that the protection of persons deprived of their liberty against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment can be strengthened by non-judicial means of a preventive nature, based on regular visits to places of detention,

[CHI] 坚信以定期查访拘留地点为基础的预防性非司法手段可加强对被剥夺自由者的保护使其免受酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, [~]

[ENG] Have agreed as follows:

[CHI] 兹协议如下, [~]

[ENG] PART I General principles

[CHI] 第 一 部 分 一般原则 [~]

[ENG] Article I

[CHI] 1 [~]

[ENG] The objective of the present Protocol is to establish a system of regular visits undertaken by independent international and national bodies to places where people are deprived of their liberty, in order to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

[CHI] 本议定书的目标是建立一个由独立国际机构和国家机构对存在被剥夺自由者的地点进行定期查访的制度,以预防酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚。 [~]

[ENG] Article 2

[CHI] 2 [~]

[ENG] 1. A Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of the Committee against Torture (hereinafter referred to as the Subcommittee on Prevention) shall be established and shall carry out the functions laid down in the present Protocol.

[CHI] 1. 应设立禁止酷刑委员会预防酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚小组委员会 (以下简称预防小组委员会),该小组委员会应履行本议定书所规定的职能。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The Subcommittee on Prevention shall carry out its work within the framework of the Charter of the United Nations and shall be guided by the purposes and principles thereof, as well as the norms of the United Nations concerning the treatment of people deprived of their liberty.

[CHI] 2. 预防小组委员会应在《联合国宪章》的范围内工作,并遵循其宗旨和原则以及联合国关于被剥夺自由者待遇的准则。 [~]

[ENG] 3. Equally, the Subcommittee on Prevention shall be guided by the principles of confidentiality, impartiality, non-selectivity, universality and objectivity.

[CHI] 3. 预防小组委员会还应遵守保密、公正、非选择性、普遍性和客观性原则。 [~]

[ENG] 4. The Subcommittee on Prevention and the States Parties shall cooperate in the implementation, of the present Protocol,

[CHI] 4. 预防小组委员会和缔约国应在执行本议定书方面相互合作。 [~]

[ENG] Article 3

[CHI] 3 [~]

[ENG] Each State Party shall set up, designate or maintain at the domestic level one or several visiting bodies for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (hereinafter referred to as the national preventive mechanism).

[CHI] 每一缔约国应在国内一级设立、指定或保持一个或多个预防酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的查访机构(下称国家预防机制) [~]

[ENG] Article 4

[CHI] 4 [~]

[ENG] 1. Each State Party shall allow visits, in accordance with the present Protocol, by the mechanisms referred to in articles 2 and 3 to any place under its jurisdiction and control where persons are or may be deprived of their liberty, either by virtue of an order given by a public authority or at its instigation or with its consent or acquiescence (hereinafter referred to as places of detention).

[CHI] 1. 每一缔约国应允许第2条和第3条所指机制按照本议定书的规定对其管辖和控制下任何确实或可能按照公共机关的命令或怂恿或在其同意或默许下剥夺人的自由的地方(下称拘留地点)进行查访。 [~]

[ENG] These visits shall be undertaken with a view to strengthening, if necessary, the protection of these persons against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. r

[CHI] 进行这种查访目的在于必要时加强对这类人的保护,使其免于酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚。 [~]

[ENG] 2. For the purposes of the present Protocol, deprivation of liberty means any form of detention or imprisonment or the placement of a person in a public or private custodial setting which that person is not permitted to leave at will by order of any judicial, administrative or other authority.

[CHI] 2. 为本议定书的目的,剥夺自由指任何形式的拘留或监禁或将人置于公共或私人扣押之下并由于按照任何司法、行政或其他公共机关的命令而不准其凭意愿离开。 [~]

[ENG] PART II Subcommittee on Prevention

[CHI] 第 二 部 分 预防小组委员会 [~]

[ENG] Article 5

[CHI] 5 [~]

[ENG] 1. The Subcommittee on Prevention shall consist of ten members.

[CHI] 1. 小组委员会应由十名委员组成。 [~]

[ENG] After the fiftieth ratification of or accession to the present Protocol, the number of the members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall increase to twenty-five.

[CHI] 在五十个国家批准或加入本议定书后,预防小组委员会委员应增加到二十五名。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall be chosen from among persons of high moral character, having proven professional experience in the field of the administration of justice, in particular criminal law, prison or police administration, or in the various fields relevant to the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty.

[CHI] 2. 预防小组委员会委员应从品德高尚的人士中遴选,这些人士应确实具有裁判领域公认的专业经验,特别是刑法、监狱或警察管理或与被剥夺自由者待遇有关的领域公认的专业经验。 [~]

[ENG] 3. In the composition of the Subcommittee on Prevention due consideration shall be given to equitable geographic distribution and to the representation of different forms of civilization and legal systems of the States Parties.

[CHI] 3. 小组委员会的组成应适当考虑到委员的公平地域分配以及缔约国的不同文明形式和法律制度的代表性。 [~]

[ENG] 4. In this composition consideration shall also be given to balanced gender representation on the basis of the principles of equality and non-discrimination.

[CHI] 4. 小组委员会的组成还应根据男女平等和不歧视原则考虑到男女代表性的均衡。 [~]

[ENG] 5. No two members of the Subcommittee on Prevention may be nationals of the same State.

[CHI] 5. 预防小组委员会中不得有任何两名委员为同一国家的国民。 [~]

[ENG] 6. The members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall serve in their individual capacity, shall be independent and impartial and shall be available to serve the Subcommittee on Prevention efficiently.

[CHI] 6. 小组委员会委员应以个人身份任职,应保持独立和公正,并应能随时从事预防工作,高效率地为小组委员会服务。 [~]

[ENG] Article 6

[CHI] 6 [~]

[ENG] 1. Each State Party may nominate, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the present article, up to two candidates possessing the qualifications and meeting the requirements set out in article 5, and in doing so shall provide detailed information on the qualifications of the nominees.

[CHI] 1. 每个缔约国可根据第2款最多提出具备第5条所规定资格并符合其要求的两名候选人,同时应提供关于被提名者资格的详细资料。 2. (a) [~]

[ENG] 2. (a) The nominees shall have the nationality of a State Party to the present Protocol;

[CHI] 小组委员会委员候选人应具有本议定书缔约国的国籍。 [~]

[ENG] (b) At least one of the two candidates shall have the nationality of the nominating State Party;

[CHI] (b) 两名候选人中至少应有一名具有提名缔约国的国籍。 [~]

[ENG] (c) No more than two nationals of a State Party shall be nominated;

[CHI] (c) 一个缔约国获提名的国民不得超过两名。 [~]

[ENG] (d) Before a State Party nominates a national of another State Party, it shall seek and obtain the consent of that State Party.

[CHI] (d) 一个缔约国在提名另一个缔约国的国民之前,应征求并获得该缔约国的书面同意。 [~]

[ENG] 3. At least five months before the date of the meeting of the States Parties during which the elections will be held, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall address a letter to the States Parties inviting them to submit their nominations within three months.

[CHI] 3. 联合国秘书长应至少在进行选举的缔约国会议举行之日前五个月致函缔约国,请其在三个月之内提交提名。 [~]

[ENG] The Secretary-General shall submit a list, in alphabetical order, of all persons thus nominated, indicating the States Parties that have nominated them.

[CHI] 秘书长应提交按姓氏字母顺序排列的所有这样提名的人员名单,同时标明提名的缔约国。 [~]

[ENG] Article 7

[CHI] 7 [~]

[ENG] 1. The members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall be elected in the following manner:

[CHI] 1. 小组委员会委员应以下述方式选出: [~]

[ENG] (a) Primary consideration shall be given to the fulfilment of the requirements and criteria of article 5 of the present Protocol;

[CHI] 首要考虑应当是符合第5条的要求和标准; [~]

[ENG] (b) The initial election shall be held no later than six months after the entry into force of the present Protocol;

[CHI] 初次选举最迟应在本议定书生效之日后六个月内进行; [~]

[ENG] (c) The States Parties shall elect the members of the Subcommittee on Prevention by secret ballot;

[CHI] 缔约国应以无记名投票的方式选举预防小组委员会委员; [~]

[ENG] (d) Elections of the members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall be held at biennial meetings of the States Parties convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

[CHI] 预防小组委员会委员的选举应在由联合国秘书长每两年召开一次的缔约国会议上进行。 [~]

[ENG] At those meetings, for which two thirds of the States Parties shall constitute a quorum, the persons elected to the Subcommittee on Prevention shall be those who obtain the largest number of votes and an absolute majority of the votes of the representatives of the States Parties present and voting.

[CHI] 参加会议的缔约国法定数目应是三分之二,选出的小组委员会委员应是获得票数最多并是获得出席会议并参加投票的缔约国代表票数的绝对多数的人。 [~]

[ENG] 2. If during the election process two nationals of a State Party have become eligible to serve as members of the Subcommittee on Prevention, the candidate receiving the higher number of votes shall serve as the member of the Subcommittee on Prevention.

[CHI] 2. 如果在选举过程中有一个缔约国的两名国民符合作为委员会委员的资格,获得票数较多的候选人应成为小组委员会委员。 [~]

[ENG] Where nationals have received the same number of votes, the following procedure applies:

[CHI] 在两名国民所获得票数相等的情况下,按下述程序确定: [~]

[ENG] (a) Where only one has been nominated by the State Party of which he or she is a national, that national shall serve as the member of the Subcommittee on Prevention;

[CHI] 在这两名候选人中只有一名是提名缔约国国民的情况下,该国民应成为小组委员会委员; [~]

[ENG] (b) Where both candidates have been nominated by the State Party of which they are nationals, a separate vote by secret ballot shall be held to determine which national shall become the member;

[CHI] 在这两名候选人均为提名缔约国国民的情况下,应单独进行一次无记名投票以决定哪位国民应成为小组委员会委员; [~]

[ENG] (c) Where neither candidate has been nominated by the State Party of which he or she is a national, a separate vote by secret ballot shall be held to determine which candidate shall be the member.

[CHI] 在这两名候选人均不是提名缔约国国民的情况下,应单独进行一次无记名投票以决定哪位国民应为小组委员会委员。 [~]

[ENG] Article 8

[CHI] 8 [~]

[ENG] If a member of the Subcommittee on Prevention dies or resigns, of for any cause can no longer perform his or her duties, the State Party that nominated the member shall nominate another eligible person possessing the qualifications and meeting the requirements set out in article 5, taking into account the need for a proper balance among the various fields of competence, to serve until the next meeting of the States Parties, subject to the approval of the majority of the States Parties.

[CHI] 如果预防小组委员会的一名委员死亡或辞职,或由于其他原因不能再履行职责,该委员的提名缔约国应在考虑到保持各领域胜任能力的适当平衡所需要的情况下,提 出另一名具有第5条所规定资格并符合其要求的人员,以在小组委员会工作到下一次缔约国会议,但需得到多数缔约国的同意。 [~]

[ENG] The approval shall be considered given unless half or more of the States Parties respond negatively within six weeks after having been informed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the proposed appointment.

[CHI] 除非半数或更多缔约国在收到联合国秘书长关于建议任命的通知以后六周内表示反对,否则即应认为已经同意。 [~]

[ENG] Article 9

[CHI] 9 [~]

[ENG] The members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall be elected for a term of four years.

[CHI] 预防小组委员会委员任期四年。 [~]

[ENG] They shall be eligible for re-election once if renominated.

[CHI] 他们如果再次被提名,可连选一次。 [~]

[ENG] The term of half the members elected at the first election shall expire at the end of two years; immediately after the first election the names of those members shall be chosen by lot by the Chairman of the meeting referred to in article 7, paragraph 1 (d).

[CHI] 第一次选出委员的半数任期为两年;第7条第1d项所指会议的主席在第一次选举之后应立即通过抽签确定这部分委员的名单。 [~]

[ENG] Article 10

[CHI] 10 [~]

[ENG] 1. The Subcommittee on Prevention shall elect its officers for a term of two years.

[CHI] 1. 预防小组委员会应选出主席团委员,任期两年。 [~]

[ENG] They may be re-elected.

[CHI] 他们可连选连任。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The Subcommittee on Prevention shall establish its own rules of procedure. These rules shall provide, inter alia, that:

[CHI] 2. 预防小组委员会应制定自己的议事规则,这些规则除其他外应规定: [~]

[ENG] (a) Half the members plus one shall constitute a quorum;

[CHI] 半数加一名委员为法定人数; [~]

[ENG] (b) Decisions of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall be made by a majority vote of the members present;

[CHI] 预防小组委员会的决定由出席会议委员的多数票作出; [~]

[ENG] (c) The Subcommittee on Prevention shall meet in camera.

[CHI] 预防小组委员会的会议不公开。 [~]

[ENG] 3. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene the initial meeting of the Subcommittee on Prevention.

[CHI] 3. 预防小组委员会首次会议由联合国秘书长召集。 [~]

[ENG] After its initial meeting, the Subcommittee on Prevention shall meet at such times as shall be provided by its rules of procedure.

[CHI] 首次会议之后,小组委员会在其议事规则规定的时间开会。 [~]

[ENG] The Subcommittee on Prevention and the Committee against Torture shall hold their sessions simultaneously at least once a year.

[CHI] 预防小组委员会和禁止酷刑委员会每年至少应有一届会议同时举行。 [~]

[ENG] PART III Mandate of the Subcommittee on Prevention

[CHI] 第 三 部 分 预防小组委员会的职权范围 [~]

[ENG] Article 11 The Subcommittee on Prevention shall:

[CHI] 11 条 预防小组委员会应: [~]

[ENG] (a) Visit the places referred to in article 4 and make recommendations to States Parties concerning the protection of persons deprived of their liberty against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

[CHI] 查访第4条所指地点,并就保护被剥夺自由的人免于遭受酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚向缔约国提出建议; [~]

[ENG] (b) In regard to the national preventive mechanisms:

[CHI] 对于国家预防机制: [~]

[ENG] (i) Advise and assist States Parties, when necessary, in their establishment;

[CHI] 在必要时就这些机制的设立向缔约国提供咨询意见和援助; [~]

[ENG] (ii) Maintain direct, and if necessary confidential, contact with the national preventive mechanisms and offer them training and technical assistance with a view to strengthening their capacities;

[CHI] 与国家预防机制保持直接的联系,必要情况下保持机密联系,并为其提供培训和技术援助,以加强这些机制的能力; [~]

[ENG] (iii) Advise and assist them in the evaluation of the needs and the means necessary to strengthen the protection of persons deprived of their liberty against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

[CHI] 在评估需求和必要措施方面向这些机制提供咨询和援助,以加强对被剥夺自由者的保护,使其免遭酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚; [~]

[ENG] (iv) Make recommendations and observations to the States Parties with a view to strengthening the capacity and the mandate of the national preventive mechanisms for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

[CHI] 向缔约国提出建议和意见,以便加强国家预防机制预防酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的能力和任务; [~]

[ENG] (c) Cooperate, for the prevention of torture in general, with the relevant United Nations organs and mechanisms as well as with the international, regional and national institutions or organizations working towards the strengthening of the protection of all persons against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

[CHI] 为从总的方面预防酷刑,与有关的联合国机关和机制合作,并与致力于加强保护人民使其免遭酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的国际、区域和国家机构或组织合作。 [~]

[ENG] Article 12

[CHI] 12 [~]

[ENG] In order to enable the Subcommittee on Prevention to comply with its mandate as laid down in article II, the States Parties undertake:

[CHI] 为使预防小组委员会能够行使第11条所列的职权,缔约国承诺: [~]

[ENG] (a) To receive the Subcommittee on Prevention in their territory and grant it access to the places of detention as defined in article 4 of the present Protocol;

[CHI] 在其领土上接待预防小组委员会并准予查访本议定书第4条所界定的拘留地点。 [~]

[ENG] (b) To provide all relevant information the Subcommittee on Prevention may request to evaluate the needs and measures that should be adopted to strengthen the protection of persons deprived of their liberty against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

[CHI] 提供预防小组委员会可能要求的一切有关资料,以便评估存在哪些需求和应采取哪些措施,以加强对被剥夺自由者的保护,使其免遭酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚; [~]

[ENG] (c) To encourage and facilitate contacts between the Subcommittee on Prevention and the national preventive mechanisms;

[CHI] 鼓励和便利预防小组委员会与国家预防机制进行联系; [~]

[ENG] (of) To examine the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Prevention and enter into dialogue with it on possible implementation measures.

[CHI] 研究预防小组委员会的建议并就可采取的执行措施与小组委员会进行对话。 [~]

[ENG] Article 13

[CHI] 13 [~]

[ENG] 1. The Subcommittee on Prevention shall establish, at first by lot, a programme of regular visits to the States Parties in order to fulfil its mandate as established in article 11.

[CHI] 1. 预防小组委员会应为执行第11条所定任务确定对缔约国进行定期查访的计划,第一次应以抽签方式确定。 [~]

[ENG] 2. After consultations, the Subcommittee on Prevention shall notify the States Parties of its programme in order that they may, without delay, make the necessary practical arrangements for the visits to be conducted.

[CHI] 2. 在进行磋商以后,预防小组委员会应将查访计划通知缔约国,使之能够立即为查访作出必要的实际安排。 [~]

[ENG] 3. The visits shall be conducted by at least two members of the Subcommittee on Prevention.

[CHI] 3. 查访应至少由预防小组委员会的两名委员负责进行。 [~]

[ENG] These members may be accompanied, if needed, by experts of demonstrated professional experience and knowledge in the fields covered by the present Protocol who shall be selected from a roster of experts prepared on the basis of proposals made by the States Parties, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations Centre for International Crime Prevention.

[CHI] 必要时,可由经证明具备本议定书所涉领域专业经验和知识的专家陪同委员进行查访,这些专家应从依据缔约国、联合国人权事务高级专员办事处以及联合国国际预防犯罪中心提出的建议准备的专家名册中选出。 [~]

[ENG] In preparing the roster, the States Parties concerned shall propose no more than five national experts.

[CHI] 在准备专家名册时,有关缔约国最多可提出五名本国专家。 [~]

[ENG] The State Party concerned may oppose the inclusion of a specific expert in the visit, whereupon the Subcommittee on Prevention shall propose another expert.

[CHI] 缔约国可反对某一专家参加查访,在这种情况下,预防小组委员会应提议另派专家。 [~]

[ENG] 4. If the Subcommittee on Prevention considers it appropriate, it may propose a short follow-up visit after a regular visit.

[CHI] 4. 如果预防小组委员会认为适当,可提出在定期查访之后进行一次短时间的后续查访。 [~]

[ENG] Article 14

[CHI] 14 [~]

[ENG] 1. In order to enable the Subcommittee on Prevention to fulfil its mandate, the States Parties to the present Protocol undertake to grant it;

[CHI] 1. 为使预防小组委员会能够完成其任务,本议定书缔约国承诺准予小组委员会: [~]

[ENG] (a) Unrestricted access to all information concerning the number of persons deprived of their liberty in places of detention as defined in article 4, as well as the number of places and their location;

[CHI] 不受限制地得到关于第4条所界定的拘留地点内被剥夺自由者人数及拘留地点数目和位置的所有资料; [~]

[ENG] (b) Unrestricted access to all information referring to the treatment of those persons as well as their conditions of detention;

[CHI] 不受限制地得到关于这些人的待遇和拘留条件的所有资料; [~]

[ENG] (c) Subject to paragraph 2 below, unrestricted access to all places of detention and their installations and facilities;

[CHI] 在不违反第2款的前提下,不受限制地查看所有拘留地点及其装置和设施; [~]

[ENG] id) The opportunity to have private interviews with the persons deprived of their liberty without witnesses, either personally or with a translator if deemed necessary, as well as with any other person who the Subcommittee on Prevention believes may supply relevant information;

[CHI] 有机会亲自或认为必要时在译员的协助下,在没有旁人在场时自由会见被剥夺自由者以及小组委员会认为可提供相关资料的任何其他人; [~]

[ENG] (e) The liberty to choose the places it wants to visit and the persons it wants to interview.

[CHI] 自由选择准备查访的地点和准备会见的人。 [~]

[ENG] 2. Objection to a visit to a particular place of detention may be made only on urgent and compelling grounds of national defence, public safety, natural disaster or serious disorder in the place to be visited that temporarily prevent the carrying out of such a visit.

[CHI] 2. 只有出于紧急和迫切的国防、公共安全、自然灾害或被查访地点严重动乱的原因暂时不能进行查访,才允许反对查访特定拘留地点。 [~]

[ENG] The existence of a declared state of emergency as such shall not be invoked by a State Party as a reason to object to a visit.

[CHI] 缔约国不得援引存在宣布的紧急状态本身作为反对查访的理由。 [~]

[ENG] Article 15

[CHI] 15 [~]

[ENG] No authority or official shall order, apply, permit or tolerate any sanction against any person or organization for having communicated to the Subcommittee on Prevention or to its delegates any information, whether true or false, and no such person or organization shall be otherwise prejudiced in any way.

[CHI] 任何人或组织向预防小组委员会或其成员提供任何资料,不论真实与否,任何公共机关或官员不得因此而下令、实施、准许或容忍对该人或该组织的任何惩处,也不得以任何其他方式损害该人或该组织。 [~]

[ENG] Article 16

[CHI] 16 [~]

[ENG] 1. The Subcommittee on Prevention shall communicate its recommendations and observations confidentially to the State Party and, if relevant, to the national preventive mechanism.

[CHI] 1. 预防小组委员会应将其建议和意见秘密交送缔约国,并在相关的情况下交送国家预防机制。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The Subcommittee on Prevention shall publish its report, together with any comments of the State Party concerned, whenever requested to do so by that State Party.

[CHI] 2. 预防小组委员会应在有关缔约国提出请求的情况下公布报告以及该缔约国的任何评论。 [~]

[ENG] If the State Party makes part of the report public, the Subcommittee on Prevention may publish the report in whole or in part.

[CHI] 如果该缔约国公布报告的一部分,预防小组委员会可公布报告的全部或其中的一部分。 [~]

[ENG] However, no personal data shall be published without the express consent of the person concerned.

[CHI] 然而,有关个人的资料非经该人明确同意不得公布。 [~]

[ENG] 3. The Subcommittee on Prevention shall present a public annual report on its activities to the Committee against Torture.

[CHI] 3. 预防小组委员会应向禁止酷刑委员会提交一份公开的年度报告。 [~]

[ENG] 4. If the State Party refuses to cooperate with the Subcommittee on Prevention according to articles 12 and 14, or to take steps to improve the situation in the light of the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Prevention, the Committee against Torture may,,at the request of the Subcommittee on Prevention, decide, by a majority of its members, after the State Party has had an opportunity to make its views known, to make a public statement on the matter or to publish the report of the Subcommittee on Prevention.

[CHI] 4. 如果缔约国拒绝按照第12条和第14条与预防小组委员会合作或该拒绝按照小组委员会的建议采取措施改善有关情况,禁止酷刑委员会可以在应小组委员会要求, 在为该缔约国提供机会表示自己的意见之后,以委员的多数票决定就该事项发表公开声明或公布小组委员会的报告。 [~]

[ENG] PART IV National preventive mechanisms

[CHI] 第 四 部 分 国家预防机制 [~]

[ENG] Article 17

[CHI] 17 [~]

[ENG] Each State Party shall maintain, designate or establish, at the latest one year after the entry into force of the present Protocol or of its ratification or accession, one or several independent national preventive mechanisms for the prevention of torture at the domestic level.

[CHI] 每个缔约国最迟在本议定书生效或其批准或加入一年后应保持、指定或设立一个或多个独立的国家预防机制,负责在本国一级预防酷刑。 [~]

[ENG] Mechanisms established by decentralized units may be designated as national preventive mechanisms for the purposes of the present Protocol if they are in conformity with its provisions.

[CHI] 为本议定书的目的,在符合议定书规定的前提下,可将中央一级以下的单位设立的机制指定为国家预防机制。 [~]

[ENG] Article 18

[CHI] 18 [~]

[ENG] 1. The States Parties shall guarantee the functional independence of the national preventive mechanisms as well as the independence of their personnel.

[CHI] 1. 缔约国应保证国家预防机制职能的独立性及其工作人员的独立性。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The States Parties shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the experts of the national preventive mechanism have the required capabilities and professional knowledge.

[CHI] 2. 缔约国应采取必要措施确保国家预防机制的成员具有必需的能力和专业知识。 [~]

[ENG] They shall strive for a gender balance and the adequate representation of ethnic and minority groups in the country.

[CHI] 缔约国应争取实现性别平衡和使各民族群体和少数人群体得到适当代表。 [~]

[ENG] 3. The States Parties undertake to make available the necessary resources for the functioning of the national preventive mechanisms.

[CHI] 3. 缔约国承诺为国家预防机制的运作提供必要的资源。 [~]

[ENG] 4. When establishing national preventive mechanisms, States Parties shall give due consideration to the Principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights.

[CHI] 4. 缔约国在设立国家预防机制时应充分考虑到《有关促进和保护人权的国家机构的地位的原则》。 [~]

[ENG] Article 19

[CHI] 19 [~]

[ENG] The national preventive mechanisms shall be granted at a minimum the power:

[CHI] 国家预防机制最低限度应具有如下权力: [~]

[ENG] (a) To regularly examine the treatment of the persons deprived of their liberty in places of detention as defined in article 4, with a view to strengthening, if necessary, their protection against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

[CHI] 定期检查在第4条所界定地点的被剥夺自由者的境况,以期必要时加强保护使其免受酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚; [~]

[ENG] (b) To make recommendations to the relevant authorities with the aim of improving the treatment and the conditions of the persons deprived of their liberty and to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, taking into consideration the relevant norms of the United Nations;

[CHI] 联系联合国的有关准则,向主管机关提出建议,以期改善被剥夺自由者的待遇和条件,防止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚; [~]

[ENG] (c) To submit proposals and observations concerning existing or draft legislation.

[CHI] 就有关这一问题的立法草案或已有立法提出建议或意见。 [~]

[ENG] Article 20

[CHI] 20 [~]

[ENG] In order to enable the national preventive mechanisms to fulfil their mandate, the States Parties to the present Protocol undertake to grant them:

[CHI] 为了使国家预防机制能够履行任务,本议定书的缔约国承诺允许这些机制: [~]

[ENG] (a) Access to all information concerning the number of persons deprived of their liberty in places of detention as defined in article 4, as well as the number of places and their location;

[CHI] 得到关于第4条所界定拘留地点内被剥夺自由者人数及这些地点的数目和所在位置的所有资料; [~]

[ENG] (b) Access to all information referring to the treatment of those persons as well as their conditions of detention;

[CHI] 得到关于这些人的待遇和拘留条件的所有资料; [~]

[ENG] (c) Access to all places of detention and their installations and facilities;

[CHI] 查看所有拘留地点及其装置和设施; [~]

[ENG] {d) The opportunity to have private interviews with the persons deprived of their liberty without witnesses, either personally or with a translator if deemed necessary, as well as with any other person who the national preventive mechanism believes may supply relevant information;

[CHI] 有机会亲自或认为必要时在译员的协助下,在没有旁人在场时自由会见被剥夺自由者以及国家预防机制认为可提供相关资料的任何其他人; [~]

[ENG] (e) The liberty to choose the places they want to visit and the persons they want to interview;

[CHI] 自由选择准备查访的地点和准备会见的人; [~]

[ENG] (/) The right to have contacts with the Subcommittee on Prevention, to send it information and to meet with it.

[CHI] 有权与小组委员会接触、通报情况和会晤。 [~]

[ENG] Article 21

[CHI] 21 [~]

[ENG] 1. No authority or official shall order, apply, permit or tolerate any sanction against any person or organization for having communicated to the national preventive mechanism any information, whether true or false, and no such person or organization shall be otherwise prejudiced in any way.

[CHI] 1. 任何人或组织向国家预防机制提供任何资料,不论真实与否,任何公共机关或官员不得因此而下令、实施、准许或容忍对该人或该组织的任何惩处,也不得以任何其他方式损害该人或该组织。 [~]

[ENG] 2. Confidential information collected by the national preventive mechanism shall be privileged.

[CHI] 2. 国家预防机制收集的机密资料不予透露。 [~]

[ENG] No personal data shall be published without the express consent of the person concerned,

[CHI] 个人资料非经有关个人明确同意不得公布。 [~]

[ENG] Article 22

[CHI] 22 [~]

[ENG] The competent authorities of the State Party concerned shall examine the recommendations of the national preventive mechanism and enter into a dialogue with it on possible implementation measures.

[CHI] 有关缔约国的主管机关应研究国家预防机制的建议,并就可采取的执行措施与该机制进行对话。 [~]

[ENG] Article 23

[CHI] 23 [~]

[ENG] The States parties to the present Protocol undertake to publish and disseminate the annual reports of the national preventive mechanisms.

[CHI] 本议定书缔约国承诺公布并散发国家预防机制的年度报告。 [~]

[ENG] PART V Declaration

[CHI] 第 五 部 分 [~]

[ENG] Article 24

[CHI] 声 明 [~]

[ENG] 1. Upon ratification, States Parties may make a declaration postponing the implementation of their obligations under either part III or part IV of the present Protocol.

[CHI] 24 1. 缔约国在批准本议定书时,可声明推迟履行根据第三部分或第四部分承担的义务。 [~]

[ENG] 2. This postponement shall be valid for a maximum of three years.

[CHI] 2. 推迟期不超过三年。 [~]

[ENG] After due representations made by the State Party and after consultation with the Subcommittee on Prevention, the Committee against Torture may extend that period for an additional two years.

[CHI] 在缔约国作出适当陈述并与预防小组委员会磋商之后,禁止酷刑委员会可将推迟期再延长两年。 [~]

[ENG] PART VI Financial provisions

[CHI] 第 六 部 分 财务条款 [~]

[ENG] Article 25

[CHI] 25 [~]

[ENG] 1. The expenditure incurred by the Subcommittee on Prevention in the implementation of the present Protocol shall be borne by the United Nations.

[CHI] 1. 预防小组委员会在执行本议定书方面的开支由联合国承担。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall provide the necessary staff and facilities for the effective performance of the functions of the Subcommittee on Prevention under the present Protocol.

[CHI] 2. 联合国秘书长应为小组委员会依照本议定书有效行使职能提供必要的工作人员和便利。 [~]

[ENG] Article 26

[CHI] 26 [~]

[ENG] 1. A Special Fund shall be set up in accordance with the relevant procedures of the General Assembly, to be administered in accordance with the financial regulations and rules of the United Nations, to help finance the implementation of the recommendations made by the Subcommittee on Prevention after a visit to a State Party, as well as education programmes of the national preventive mechanisms.

[CHI] 1. 应根据大会的有关程序设立一个特别基金,按照联合国的财务条例和细则加以管理,以便帮助为缔约国在预防小组委员会查访之后落实小组委员会的建议以及开展国家预防机制的教育方案提供经费。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The Special Fund may be financed through voluntary contributions made by Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and other private or public entities.

[CHI] 2. 特别基金的经费可来自各国政府、政府间组织和非政府组织以及其它私营或公营实体的自愿捐款。 [~]

[ENG] PART VII Final provisions

[CHI] 第 七 部 分 最后条款 [~]

[ENG] Article 27

[CHI] 27 [~]

[ENG] 1. The present Protocol is open for signature by any State that has signed the Convention.

[CHI] 1. 本议定书开放供所有已签署《公约》的国家签字。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The present Protocol is subject to ratification by any State that has ratified or acceded to the Convention.

[CHI] 2. 本议定书须经已批准或加入《公约》的任何国家批准。 [~]

[ENG] Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

[CHI] 批准书应交存联合国秘书长。 [~]

[ENG] 3. The present Protocol shall be open to accession by any State that has ratified or acceded to the Convention.

[CHI] 3. 本议定书开放供已批准或加入《公约》的任何国家加入。 [~]

[ENG] 4. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

[CHI] 4. 加入应于加入书交存联合国秘书长之时生效。 [~]

[ENG] 5. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall inform all States that have sighed the present Protocol or acceded to it of the deposit of each instrument of ratification or accession.

[CHI] 5. 联合国秘书长应将每一批准书或加入书的交存通知所有已签署或加入本议定书的国家。 [~]

[ENG] Article 28

[CHI] 28 [~]

[ENG] 1. The present Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date of deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the twentieth instrument of ratification or accession.

[CHI] 1. 本议定书自第二十份批准书或加入书交存联合国秘书长之日起三十天生效。 [~]

[ENG] 2. For each State ratifying the present Protocol or acceding to it after the deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the twentieth instrument of ratification or accession, the present Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date of deposit of its own instrument of ratification or accession.

[CHI] 2. 对于在第二十份批准书或加入书交存联合国秘书长之后批准或加入的每一国家,本议定书应于该国交存批准书或加入书之日起三十天生效。 [~]

[ENG] Article 29

[CHI] 29 [~]

[ENG] The provisions of the present Protocol shall extend to all parts of federal States without any limitations or exceptions.

[CHI] 本议定书各项规定适用于联邦国家的全部领土,无任何限制或例外。 [~]

[ENG] Article 30

[CHI] 30 [~]

[ENG] No reservations shall be made to the present Protocol.

[CHI] 不得对本议定书提出保留。 [~]

[ENG] Article 31

[CHI] 31 [~]

[ENG] The provisions of the present Protocol shall not affect the obligations of States Parties under any regional convention instituting a system of visits to places of detention.

[CHI] 本议定书的规定不影响缔约国根据建立查访拘留地点制度的区域公约承担的义务。 [~]

[ENG] The Subcommittee on Prevention and the bodies established under such regional conventions are encouraged to consult and cooperate with a view to avoiding duplication and promoting effectively the objectives of the present Protocol.

[CHI] 鼓励预防小组委员会与根据这些区域公约设立的机构进行磋商和合作,以避免工作重复,并有效促进实现的议定书的目标。 [~]

[ENG] Article 32

[CHI] 32 [~]

[ENG] The provisions of the present Protocol shall not affect the obligations of States Parties to the four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and the Additional Protocols thereto of 8 June 1977, nor the opportunity available to any State Party to authorize the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit places of detention in situations not covered by international humanitarian law.

[CHI] 本议定书的规定不影响1949812日《日内瓦四公约》及其199768日《附加议定书》缔约国的义务,也不应影响任何缔约国批准红十字国际委员会在国际人道主义法未涵盖的情形中查访拘留地点的可能性。 [~]

[ENG] Article 33

[CHI] 33 [~]

[ENG] 1. Any State Party may denounce the present Protocol at any time by written notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall thereafter inform the other States Parties to the present Protocol and the Convention.

[CHI] 1. 任何缔约国得随时书面通知联合国秘书长退出本议定书,秘书长随后应通知本议定书和《公约》的其它缔约国。 [~]

[ENG] Denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General.

[CHI] 退出议定书应从秘书长收到通知之日起一年后生效。 [~]

[ENG] 2. Such a denunciation shall not have the effect of releasing the State Party from its obligations under the present Protocol in regard to any act or situation that may occur prior to the date on which the denunciation becomes effective, or to the actions that the Subcommittee on Prevention has decided or may decide to take with respect to the State Party concerned, nor shall denunciation prejudice in any way the continued consideration of any matter already under consideration by the Subcommittee on Prevention prior to the date on which the denunciation becomes effective.

[CHI] 2. 退出议定书并不免除缔约国根据本议定书在以下方面承担的义务:在退出生效之日前发生的任何行为或情况;预防小组委员会已经决定或可能决定对有关缔约国采取的行动;退出也绝不影响预防小组委员会继续审议退出生效之日前已在审议的任何问题。 [~]

[ENG] 3. Following the date on which the denunciation of the State Party becomes effective, the Subcommittee on Prevention shall not commence consideration of any new matter regarding that State.

[CHI] 3. 在缔约国退出生效之日后,预防小组委员会不应再开始有关该国家的任何新事项的审议。 [~]

[ENG] Article 34

[CHI] 34 [~]

[ENG] 1. Any State Party to the present Protocol may propose an amendment and file it with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

[CHI] 1. 本议定书的任何缔约国均可提出修正案并将其提交联合国秘书长。 [~]

[ENG] The Secretary-General shall thereupon communicate the proposed amendment to the States Parties to the present Protocol with a request that they notify him whether they favour a conference of States Parties for the purpose of considering and voting upon the proposal.

[CHI] 秘书长应立即将提出的修正案送达本议定书各缔约国,同时请它们通知秘书长是否赞成召开缔约国会议以审议此项提案并对之进行表决。 [~]

[ENG] In the event that within four months from the date of such communication at least one third of the States Parties favour such a conference, the Secretary-General shall convene the conference under the auspices of the United Nations.

[CHI] 在送达之日起四个月内至少有三分之一缔约国赞成召开这一会议的情况下,秘书长应召集联合国主持下的会议。 [~]

[ENG] Any amendment adopted by a majority of two thirds of the States Parties present and voting at the conference shall be submitted by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to all States Parties for acceptance.

[CHI] 修正案在得到出席会议并参加表决的三分之二多数缔约国通过之后,应由秘书长提交所有缔约国予以接受。 [~]

[ENG] 2. An amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph 1 of the present article shall come into force when it has been accepted by a two-thirds majority of the States Parties to the present Protocol in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.

[CHI] 2. 根据本条第1款通过的修正案经本议定书三分之二多数的缔约国根据各自的宪法程序予以接受后即行生效。 [~]

[ENG] 3. When amendments come into force, they shall be binding on those States Parties that have accepted them, Other States Parties still being bound by the provisions of the present Protocol and any earlier amendment that they have accepted.

[CHI] 3. 修正案一旦生效,即对接受修正案的缔约国具有约束力,其它缔约国则仍受本议定书各项规定和它们早先接受的任何修正案的约束。 [~]

[ENG] Article 35

[CHI] 35 [~]

[ENG] Members of the Subcommittee on Prevention and of the national preventive mechanisms shall be accorded such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions.

[CHI] 预防小组委员会委员及国家预防机制成员应享有独立行使其职能所需要的特权和豁免。 [~]

[ENG] Members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall be accorded the privileges and immunities specified in section 22 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 13 February 1946, subject to the provisions of section 23 of that Convention.

[CHI] 预防小组委员会委员应享有1946213日《联合国特权与豁免公约》第二十二节所规定的特权与豁免,但须遵守该公约第二十三节的规定。 [~]

[ENG] Article 36

[CHI] 36 [~]

[ENG] When visiting a State Party, the members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall, without prejudice to the provisions and purposes of the present Protocol and such privileges and immunities as they may enjoy:

[CHI] 预防小组委员会委员在缔约国进行查访时,应在不妨害本议定书的规定和宗旨及他们应享有的特权和豁免的情况下: [~]

[ENG] (a) Respect the laws and regulations of the visited State;

[CHI] 遵守接受查访的国家的法律和规章; [~]

[ENG] (b) Refrain from any action or activity incompatible with the impartial and international nature of their duties.

[CHI] 避免任何不符合他们任务的公正和国际性质的行为或活动。 [~]

[ENG] Article 37

[CHI] 37 [~]

[ENG] 1. The present Protocol, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

[CHI] 1. 本议定书的阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文本具有同等效力,交联合国秘书长保存。 [~]

[ENG] 2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit certified copies of the present Protocol to all States.

[CHI] 2. 联合国秘书长应将本议定书经核证――的副本转发所有国家。 [~]