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CRPD/C/GC/7 1818970E.docx (ENGLISH)CRPD/C/GC/7 1818970C.docx (CHINESE)
United Nations联 合 国
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities残疾人权利公约
Distr.: GeneralDistr.: General
9 November 20189 November 2018
Original: EnglishOriginal: English
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities残疾人权利委员会
General comment No. 7 (2018) on the participation of persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in the implementation and monitoring of the Convention关于残疾人,包括残疾儿童通过其代表组织参与《公约》的执行和监测的第7号一般性意见(2018年)
Persons with disabilities were fully involved and played a decisive role in the negotiation, development and drafting of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.残疾人充分参与了《残疾人权利公约》的谈判、拟订和起草工作,并在其中发挥了决定性作用。
The close consultation and active involvement of persons with disabilities, through organizations of persons with disabilities and their partners, had a positive impact on the quality of the Convention and its relevance for such persons.残疾人通过残疾人组织及其合作伙伴开展的密切协商和积极参与,对《公约》的质量以及《公约》对残疾人的现实意义产生了积极影响。
It also showed the force, influence and potential of persons with disabilities, which resulted in a groundbreaking human rights treaty and established the human rights model of disability.这也表明,是残疾人的力量、影响和潜力促成了一项具有突破性的人权条约,并确立了残疾问题上的人权模式。
The effective and meaningful participation of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, is thus at the heart of the Convention.因此,残疾人通过其代表组织切实而有意义地参与相关事务,这是《公约》的核心所在。
The active and informed participation of everyone in decisions that affect their lives and rights is consistent with the human rights-based approach in public decision-making processes, and ensures good governance and social accountability.每个人积极和知情地参与影响其生活和权利的决策符合公共决策进程中的人权方针, 可确保善治和社会问责。
The principle of participation in public life is well established in article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reaffirmed in article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.《世界人权宣言》第二十一条明确确立了参与公共生活的原则,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二十五条又重申了这项原则。
Participation, as a principle and a human right, is also recognized in other human rights instruments, such as under article 5 (c) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, article 7 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and articles 12 and 23 (1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.其他一些人权文书,如《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第五条(辰)款、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第七条,以及《儿童权利公约》第12条和第23条第1款,也承认参与既是一项原则,也是一项人权。
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes participation as both a general obligation and a cross-cutting issue.《残疾人权利公约》认识到,参与既是一项一般义务,也是一个贯穿各领域的问题。
In fact, it enshrines the obligation of States parties to closely consult and actively involve persons with disabilities (art. 4 (3)) and the participation of persons with disabilities in the monitoring process (art. 33 (3)) as part of a wider concept of participation in public life.事实上,《公约》载入了缔约国与残疾人密切协商,使他们积极参与(第四条第三款)和让残疾人参与监测进程(第三十三条第三款)的义务,作为参与公共生活这一更广义的概念的一部分。
Often, persons with disabilities are not consulted in the decision-making about matters relating to or affecting their lives, with decisions continuing to be made on their behalf.涉及或影响残疾人生活的决策常常不征求他们的意见,决定仍由他人代理。
Consultation with persons with disabilities has been acknowledged as important in the last few decades, thanks to the emergence of movements of persons with disabilities demanding recognition of their human rights and their role in determining those rights.过去几十年中,出现了一些残疾人运动,要求承认他们的人权以及他们在确定这些权利方面的作用,人们因此认识到必须征求残疾人的意见。
The motto “nothing about us without us” resonates with the philosophy and history of the disability rights movement, which relies on the principle of meaningful participation.“没有我们的参与,不要做关于我们的决定”,这一口号折射出残疾人权利运动的理念和历史,这一运动依据的正是切实参与的原则。
Persons with disabilities still face significant attitudinal, physical, legal, economic, social and communication barriers to participate in public life.残疾人在参与公共生活方面仍然面临着态度、物质、法律、经济、社会和沟通方面的巨大障碍。
Before the entry into force of the Convention, the views of persons with disabilities were dismissed in favour of those of third-party representatives, such as organizations “for” persons with disabilities.《公约》生效之前,残疾人的意见被搁置一旁,取而代之的是第三方代表,如“为”残疾人服务的组织的意见。
The participatory processes and the involvement of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in the negotiation and drafting of the Convention proved to be an excellent example of the principle of full and effective participation, individual autonomy and the freedom to make one’s own decisions.参与进程以及残疾人通过其代表组织参加《公约》的谈判和起草工作,经证明是充分和有效参与原则、个人自主和自己做出决定的自由的极好实例。
As a result, international human rights law now recognizes unequivocally persons with disabilities as “subjects” of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.因此,国际人权法现在明确承认,残疾人是所有人权和基本自由的“主体”。
Based on its jurisprudence, the Committee aims to clarify States parties’ obligations under articles 4 (3) and 33 (3) and their implementation in this general comment.委员会在其判例的基础上,力求通过本一般性意见阐明缔约国根据第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款所承担的义务及这些义务的履行方式。
The Committee notes the progress made by States parties to implement the provisions under articles 4 (3) and 33 (3) over the past decade, such as granting financial or other assistance to organizations of persons with disabilities, including persons with disabilities in independent monitoring frameworks established pursuant to article 33 (2) of the Convention, and in monitoring processes.委员会注意到缔约国在过去十年中在执行第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款的规定方面取得的进展,例如在根据《公约》第三十三条第二款建立的独立监测框架和监测进程中向残疾人组织提供经济援助或其他援助。
Moreover, some States parties have consulted with organizations of persons with disabilities in the preparation of their initial and periodic reports to the Committee in accordance with articles 4 (3) and 35 (4).此外,一些缔约国依照第四条第三款和第三十五条第四款,在编写提交委员会的初次报告和定期报告时与残疾人组织进行了协商。
The Committee, however, continues to observe an important gap between the goals and the spirit of articles 4 (3) and 33 (3) and the degree to which they have been implemented.尽管如此,委员会仍然注意到,第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款的目标和精神与这些条款的执行程度相去甚远。
This is due, among other things, to the absence of meaningful consultation with and involvement of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in the development and implementation of policies and programmes.除其他外,这是因为,在制定和执行政策和方案时,没有通过残疾人代表组织与残疾人进行切实的协商,也没有让他们参与进来。
States parties should acknowledge the positive impact on decision-making processes and the necessity of involving and ensuring the participation of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in such processes, notably because of their lived experiences and knowledge of the rights to be implemented.缔约国应当承认,邀请并确保残疾人通过其代表组织参与决策进程能对这类进程产生积极影响,因此很有必要,这主要是因为残疾人对需要落实的权利有相关的亲身经历和知识。
States parties should also consider the general principles of the Convention in all measures taken for its implementation and monitoring, and in advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its goals.缔约国还应在为执行和监测《公约》采取各种措施,以及在推进《2030年可持续发展议程》及其目标时考虑《公约》的一般原则。
Normative content of articles 4 (3) and 33 (3)第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款的规范性内容
Definition of “representative organizations”“代表组织”的定义
The involvement and participation of persons with disabilities through “representative organizations”, or organizations of persons with disabilities, is inherent in both articles 4 (3) and 33 (3).第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款都包含残疾人通过“代表组织”或残疾人组织参与和参加的含义。
For proper implementation, it is important for States parties and the relevant stakeholders to define the scope of organizations of persons with disabilities and recognize the different types that often exist.要正确落实《公约》,缔约国与相关利益攸关方必须界定残疾人组织的范围,并承认常常存在不同类型的组织。
The Committee considers that organizations of persons with disabilities should be rooted, committed to and fully respect the principles and rights recognized in the Convention.委员会认为,残疾人组织应该扎根于、致力于并充分尊重《公约》承认的各项原则和权利。
They can only be those that are led, directed and governed by persons with disabilities.它们只能是由残疾人领导、指导和管理的组织。
A clear majority of their membership should be recruited among persons with disabilities themselves.其大多数成员应该是残疾人。
Organizations of women with disabilities, children with disabilities and persons living with HIV/AIDS are organizations of persons with disabilities under the Convention.残疾妇女组织、残疾儿童组织和艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者组织属于《公约》意义上的残疾人组织。
Organizations of persons with disabilities have certain characteristic aspects, including the fact that:残疾人组织具有某些特色,包括:
They are established predominantly with the aim of collectively acting, expressing, promoting, pursuing and/or defending the rights of persons with disabilities and should be generally recognized as such;设立这类组织的主要目的是采取集体行动,表达、促进、追求和(或)捍卫残疾人权利,一般应将这类组织视为残疾人组织;
They employ, are represented by, entrust or specifically nominate/appoint persons with disabilities themselves;这类组织雇用残疾人,或由残疾人代表,委托残疾人或专门提名/任命残疾人;
They are not affiliated, in the majority of cases, to any political party and are independent from public authorities and any other non-governmental organizations of which they might be part/members of;在大多数情况下,这类组织不附属于任何政党,并独立于公共当局,也独立于它们可能加入的其他任何非政府组织;
They may represent one or more constituencies based on actual or perceived impairment or can be open to membership of all persons with disabilities;这类组织可以按实际或表象缺陷代表一类或多类群体,其成员资格可以向所有残疾人开放;
They represent groups of persons with disabilities reflecting the diversity of their backgrounds (in terms of, for example, sex, gender, race, age, or migrant or refugee status).这类组织代表多种背景(例如: 在生理性别、社会性别、种族、年龄、移民或难民身份等方面多种多样)的残疾人群体。
They can include constituencies based on transversal identities (for example, children, women or indigenous people with disabilities) and comprise members with various impairments;它们可能包括具有跨类别特征(例如儿童、妇女或土著残疾人)的群体,由患有各种缺陷的成员组成;
They can be local, national, regional or international in scope;这类组织可以是地方组织、国家组织、区域组织或国际组织;
They can operate as individual organizations, coalitions or cross-disability or umbrella organizations of persons with disabilities, seeking to provide a collaborative and coordinated voice for persons with disabilities in their interactions with, among others, public authorities, international organizations and private entities.这类组织可以作为单个残疾人组织、联盟或跨残疾组织或伞式组织运作,力求在残疾人与公共当局、国际组织及私营实体等互动时,以协作和协调方式发声。
Among the different types of organizations of persons with disabilities that the Committee has identified are:委员会已确定的不同类型的残疾人组织有:
Umbrella organizations of persons with disabilities, which are coalitions of representative organizations of persons with disabilities.伞式残疾人组织,即残疾人代表组织的联盟。
Ideally, there should be only one or two umbrella organizations at each level of decision-making.理想情况下,每个决策层应该只有一或两个伞式组织。
To be open, democratic and represent the full and wide diversity of persons with disabilities, they should accept all organizations of persons with disabilities as members.为了达到公开、民主和代表残疾人的全面和广泛多样性之目的,这类组织应该接纳所有残疾人组织为成员。
They should be organized, led and controlled by persons with disabilities.它们应该由残疾人组织、领导和管理。
They only speak on behalf of their member organizations and solely on matters that are of mutual interest and collectively decided upon.它们只代表其成员组织发声,只就共同关心和集体决定的事项发声。
However, they cannot represent individual persons with disabilities because they often lack detailed knowledge of personal backgrounds.然而,它们并不能代表残疾人个人,因为它们往往缺乏对个人背景的详细了解。
Individual organizations of persons with disabilities representing specific communities are in a better position to play such a role.代表特定群体的单独的残疾人组织能够更好地发挥这一作用。
However, persons with disabilities should be able to decide for themselves which organizations they want to represent them.尽管如此,残疾人应该能够自己决定他们希望代表自己的组织。
The existence of umbrella organizations within States parties should not, under any circumstances, hinder individuals or organizations of persons with disabilities from participating in consultations or other forms of promoting the interests of persons with disabilities;缔约国内的伞式组织在任何情况下都不应妨碍残疾人个人或组织参与协商或其他形式的促进残疾人利益的活动;
Cross-disability organizations, which are composed of persons representing all or some of the wide diversity of impairments.跨残疾组织,它们由代表全部或部分多样缺陷的残疾人组成。
They most frequently organize at the local and/or national levels, but can also exist at the regional and international levels;它们往往是地方和(或)国家一级的组织,但也可能成为区域组织和国际组织;
Self-advocacy organizations representing persons with disabilities in different, often loosely and/or locally formed, networks and platforms.在不同的网络和平台上代表残疾人、通常以松散形式并(或)在本地形成的自我维权组织。
They advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities, especially persons with intellectual disabilities.它们倡导残疾人的权利,特别是智力残疾者的权利。
Their establishment, with appropriate, sometimes extensive, support to enable their members to express their opinions, is of fundamental importance to political participation and participation in decision-making, monitoring and implementation processes.建立这类组织,提供适当、有时是广泛的支持,使其成员能够表达自己的意见,对于政治参与和参与决策、监测和执行进程至关重要。
This is particularly relevant for persons who are prevented from exercising their legal capacity, institutionalized and/or denied the right to vote.这对于那些被阻止行使法律权利能力、被机构安置和(或)被剥夺投票权的人尤其重要。
In many countries, self-advocacy organizations are discriminated against through the refusal of a legal status because of laws and regulations that deny the legal capacity of their members;在许多国家,自我维权组织受到歧视,法律地位得不到承认,因为法律和法规否认其成员的法律权利能力;
Organizations including family members and/or relatives of persons with disabilities, which are pivotal in facilitating, promoting and securing the interests and supporting the autonomy and active participation of their relatives with intellectual disabilities, dementia and/or children with disabilities, when these groups of persons with disabilities want to be supported by their families as united networks or organizations.包括残疾人家庭成员和(或)亲属的组织,当有智力残疾、痴呆的亲属和(或)残疾儿童等残疾人群体希望得到由其家人组成的联合网络或组织的支持时,这些组织在便利、促进和保障这些残疾亲属的利益以及支持他们自主和积极参与方面可以发挥关键作用。
In such cases, these organizations should be included in consultation, decision-making and monitoring processes.在这种情况下,这些组织应参与协商、决策和监测进程。
The role of parents, relatives and caregivers in such organizations should be to assist and empower persons with disabilities to have a voice and take full control of their own lives.在这些组织中,父母、亲属和照顾者的作用应该是为残疾人提供协助并向其他们赋权,让他们有发言权并充分掌控自己的生活。
Such organizations should actively work to promote and use supported decision-making processes to ensure and respect the right of persons with disabilities to be consulted and to express their own views;这类组织应积极努力促进和利用协助决定进程,以确保和尊重残疾人被征求意见和表达自己意见的权利;
Organizations of women and girls with disabilities, which represent women and girls with disabilities as a heterogeneous group.残疾妇女和女童组织,代表作为异质群体的残疾妇女和女童。
The diversity of women and girls with disabilities should include all types of impairments.残疾妇女和女童的多样性应包括各种类型的缺陷。
Ensuring the participation of women and girls with disabilities is indispensable in consultations addressing specific issues that exclusively or disproportionately affect women and girls with disabilities, and issues related to women and girls in general, such as gender equality policies;确保残疾妇女和女童的参与,对于协商解决只影响或不成比例地影响残疾妇女和女童的具体问题,以及性别平等政策等与妇女和女童总体有关的问题,是必不可少的;
Organizations and initiatives of children and young persons with disabilities, which are fundamental for the participation of children in public and community life and for their right to be heard and their freedom of expression and association.残疾儿童和青年的组织和倡议,它们对儿童参与公共生活和社区生活、行使表达意见的权利以及表达和结社自由至关重要。
Adults have a key and supportive role to play in promoting an environment that enables children and young persons with disabilities to establish and act, formally or informally, within their own organizations and initiatives, including through cooperation with adults and other children and young persons.成年人可以发挥关键的支持作用,以促进创造一种环境,使残疾儿童和青年能够在自己的组织和倡议内,包括通过与成年人和其他儿童和青年合作,以正式或非正式方式得到认可和采取行动。
Distinction between organizations of persons with disabilities and other civil society organizations残疾人组织与其他民间社会组织的区别
Organizations of persons with disabilities should be distinguished from organizations “for” persons with disabilities, which provide services and/or advocate on behalf of persons with disabilities, which, in practice, may result in a conflict of interests in which such organizations prioritize their purpose as private entities over the rights of persons with disabilities.残疾人组织应有别于提供服务和(或)替残疾人说话的“为”残疾人服务的组织,后者在实践中可能产生利益冲突,因为这类组织将其作为私营实体的宗旨置于残疾人权利之上。
States parties should give particular importance to the views of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, support the capacity and empowerment of such organizations and ensure that priority is given to ascertaining their views in decision-making processes.缔约国应特别重视残疾人通过其代表组织表达的意见,支持这类组织建设能力并向其赋权,确保在决策进程中优先确定他们的意见。
A distinction should also be made between organizations of persons with disabilities and civil society organizations.还应对残疾人组织和民间社会组织进行区分。
The term “civil society organization” comprises different kinds of organizations, including research organizations/institutes, organizations of service providers and other private stakeholders.“民间社会组织”一词包含不同类型的组织,包括研究组织/研究所、服务提供者组织和其他私人利益攸关方。
Organizations of persons with disabilities are a specific type of civil society organization.残疾人组织是一种特定类型的民间社会组织。
They may be part of a mainstream umbrella civil society organization and/or coalitions that do not necessarily advocate specifically for the rights of persons with disabilities, but can support in mainstreaming their rights in the human rights agenda.它们可能是主流伞式民间社会组织和(或)联盟的一部分,这些组织和(或)联盟不一定专门倡导残疾人权利,但可以支持将他们的权利纳入人权议程的主流。
In accordance with article 33 (3), all civil society organizations, including organizations of persons with disabilities, have a role to play in monitoring the Convention.根据第三十三条第三款,包括残疾人组织在内的所有民间社会组织都可以在监测《公约》方面发挥作用。
States parties should give priority to the views of organizations of persons with disabilities when addressing issues related to persons with disabilities, and develop frameworks to request civil society organizations and other stakeholders to consult and involve organizations of persons with disabilities in their work related to the rights enshrined in the Convention and other topics, such as non-discrimination, peace and environmental rights.缔约国在处理与残疾人有关的问题时,应优先考虑残疾人组织的意见,并制定框架,要求民间社会组织和其他利益攸关方在开展与《公约》所载权利及不歧视、和平和环境权等其他专题有关的工作时与残疾人组织协商,并使它们参与进来。
Scope of article 4 (3)第四条第三款的范畴
To implement their obligations under article 4 (3), States parties should include the obligation to closely consult and actively involve persons with disabilities, through their own organizations, in legal and regulatory frameworks and procedures across all levels and branches of Government.为履行第四条第三款之下的义务,缔约国应纳入一项义务,即与残疾人密切协商,并使残疾人通过其自身组织,积极参与各级政府和政府部门的法律和监管框架及程序。
States parties should also consider consultations with and the involvement of persons with disabilities as a mandatory step prior to the approval of laws, regulations and policies, whether mainstream or disability specific.缔约国还应考虑在批准法律、法规和政策,无论是主流法律、法规和政策还是针对残疾人的法律、法规和政策之前,将与残疾人协商并使他们参与列为一个强制步骤。
Therefore, consultations should begin in the early stages and provide an input to the final product in all decision-making processes.因此,在早期阶段就应开始协商,在所有决策进程中为最终成果提供投入。
Consultations should include organizations representing the wide diversity of persons with disabilities, at the local, national, regional and international levels.协商对象应包括在地方、国家、区域和国际各级代表多种多样的残疾人的组织。
All persons with disabilities, without any form of exclusion based on the type of impairment, such as persons with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities, can effectively and fully participate without discrimination on an equal basis with others.所有残疾人,如有社会心理残疾或智力残疾的人,都可以在与其他人平等的基础上不受歧视地有效和充分参与,不因缺陷类型而受到任何形式的排斥。
The right to participate in consultations, through their representative organizations, should be recognized on an equal basis for all persons with disabilities, irrespective of, for example, their sexual orientation and gender identity.应在平等的基础上,如不论性取向和性别认同,承认所有残疾人通过其代表组织参与协商的权利。
States parties should adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination framework to ensure the rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons with disabilities, and withdraw legislation criminalizing individuals or organizations of persons with disabilities on grounds of sex, gender or the social status of its members and denying them their rights to participate in public and political life.缔约国应制定一个全面的反歧视框架,确保所有残疾人的权利和基本自由,取消以其成员的生理性别、社会性别或社会地位为由对残疾人个人或组织定罪,剥夺他们参与公共生活和政治生活的权利的法律。
The legal obligation of States parties to ensure consultations with organizations of persons with disabilities encompasses access to public decision-making spaces and also other areas of research, universal design, partnerships, delegated power and citizen control.缔约国确保与残疾人组织协商的法律义务包括,允许残疾人进入公共决策空间以及研究、通用设计、伙伴关系、代表权和公民控制等其他领域。
Furthermore, it is an obligation that includes global and/or regional organizations of persons with disabilities.而且,这项义务的范围包括全球和(或)区域残疾人组织在内。
Issues relating to persons with disabilities涉及残疾人的问题
The phrase “concerning issues relating to persons with disabilities”, as referred to in article 4 (3), covers the full range of legislative, administrative and other measures that may directly or indirectly impact the rights of persons with disabilities.第四条第三款中“涉及残疾人问题”一语涵盖了可能直接或间接影响残疾人权利的所有立法措施、行政措施和其他措施。
The broad interpretation of issues relating to persons with disabilities allows States parties to mainstream disability through inclusive policies, ensuring that persons with disabilities are considered on an equal basis with others.对涉及残疾人的问题作广义解释使缔约国能够通过包容性政策将残疾问题纳入主流,确保残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上得到考虑。
It also ensures that the knowledge and life experiences of persons with disabilities are considered when deciding upon new legislative, administrative and other measures.它还确保在决定新的立法措施、行政措施和其他措施时考虑到残疾人的知识和生活经历。
This includes decision-making processes, such as general laws and the public budget or disability-specific laws, which might have an impact on their lives.这包括可能对其生活有影响的决策进程,如制定一般法律和公共预算或针对残疾人的法律。
Consultations under article 4 (3) prevent States parties from engaging in any act or practice that may be inconsistent with the Convention and the rights of persons with disabilities.在第四条第三款之下进行的协商可以防止缔约国采取任何可能不符合《公约》和残疾人权利的行为或做法。
In cases of dispute about the direct or indirect impact of the measures under discussion, it falls to the public authorities of the States parties to prove that the issue under discussion would not have a disproportionate effect on persons with disabilities and, therefore, that no consultation is required.在对所讨论措施的直接或间接影响有争议时,缔约国公共当局有责任证明,讨论的问题不会对残疾人产生不相称的影响,因此不需要协商。
Examples of issues directly affecting persons with disabilities are deinstitutionalization, social insurance and disability pensions, personal assistance, accessibility requirements and reasonable accommodation policies.直接影响残疾人的问题的实例包括去机构化、社会保险和残疾养恤金、人工辅助、无障碍要求和合理便利政策等。
Measures indirectly affecting persons with disabilities might concern constitutional law, electoral rights, access to justice, the appointment of the administrative authorities governing disability-specific policies or public policies in the field of education, health, work and employment.间接影响残疾人的措施可能涉及宪法、选举权、获得司法保护权,以及任命管理教育、卫生、工作和就业领域针对残疾人的政策或公共政策的行政主管机构等。
“Closely consult with and actively involve”“密切协商,使其积极参与”
To “closely consult with and actively involve” persons with disabilities through their representative organizations is an obligation under international human rights law that requires the recognition of every person’s legal capacity to take part in decision-making processes based on their personal autonomy and self-determination.通过残疾人代表组织与残疾人“密切协商,使他们积极参与”是国际人权法下的一项义务,它要求承认每个人在个人自主和自决基础上参与决策进程的法律权利能力。
Consultation and involvement in decision-making processes to implement the Convention, and in other decision-making processes, should involve all persons with disabilities and, when necessary, supported decision-making regimes.协商和参与实施《公约》的决策进程以及其他决策进程的工作应让所有残疾人都参与进来,必要时应采用协助决定制度。
States parties should systematically and openly approach, consult and involve, in a meaningful and timely manner, organizations of persons with disabilities.缔约国应以有意义和及时的方式,系统和公开地与残疾人组织接触、协商并使它们参与。
This requires access to all relevant information, including the websites of public bodies, through accessible digital formats and reasonable accommodation when required, such as the provision of sign language interpreters, Easy Read text and plain language, Braille and tactile communication.这就要求为获取所有相关信息,包括为访问公共机构的网站提供无障碍的数字格式,必要时提供合理便利,如手语翻译、“易读”文本和浅白语言、盲文和触觉交流等。
Open consultations provide persons with disabilities with access to all the spaces of public decision-making, on an equal basis with others, including national funds and all the relevant public decision-making bodies relevant to the implementation and monitoring of the Convention.公开协商使残疾人能够在与其他人平等的基础上进入所有公共决策空间,包括与实施和监测《公约》有关的国家资金和所有相关的公共决策机构。
Public authorities should give due consideration and priority to the opinions and views of organizations of persons with disabilities when addressing issues directly related to persons with disabilities.公共当局在处理与残疾人直接相关的问题时,应适当和优先考虑残疾人组织的意见和观点。
Public authorities leading decision-making processes have a duty to inform organizations of persons with disabilities of the outcomes of such processes, including an explicit explanation in an understandable format of the findings, considerations and reasoning of decisions on how their views were considered and why.领导决策进程的公共当局有义务向残疾人组织通报这种进程的结果,包括以可理解的方式明确解释关于如何考虑他们的意见以及为什么考虑他们的意见的决定的调查结果、考虑和推理。
Including children with disabilities包括残疾儿童
Article 4 (3) also acknowledges the importance of systematically “including children with disabilities” in the development and implementation of legislation and policies to give effect to the Convention, and in other decision-making processes, through organizations of children with disabilities or supporting children with disabilities.第四条第三款还承认,必须通过残疾儿童组织或支持残疾儿童的组织系统地使“包括残疾儿童”参与为实施《公约》拟订和施行立法和政策以及其他决策进程。
These organizations are key in facilitating, promoting and securing the individual autonomy and active participation of children with disabilities.这些组织对于便利、促进和确保残疾儿童的个人自主和积极参与至关重要。
States parties should create an enabling environment for the establishment and functioning of representative organizations of children with disabilities as part of their obligation to uphold the right to freedom of association, including appropriate resources for support.缔约国应当为残疾儿童代表组织的设立和运作创造有利环境,作为其维护结社自由权的义务的一部分,包括提供适当资源予以支持。
States parties should adopt legislation, regulations and develop programmes to ensure that everyone understands and respects the will and preferences of children and considers their personal evolving capacities at all times.缔约国应通过法律、法规并制定方案,确保人人了解和尊重儿童的意愿和偏好,并随时考虑到他们个人不断发展的能力。
The recognition and promotion of the right to individual autonomy is of paramount importance for all persons with disabilities, including children, to be respected as rights holders.承认和促进个人自主权对于包括残疾儿童在内的所有残疾人作为权利持有人受到尊重至关重要。
Children with disabilities are themselves best placed to express their own requirements and experiences, which are necessary in developing appropriate legislation and programmes in accordance with the Convention.残疾儿童本身最适合表达自己的要求和经验,这对于根据《公约》制定适当的法律和方案是必不可少的。
States parties can organize seminars/meetings in which children with disabilities are invited to express their opinions.缔约国可以组织研讨会/会议,邀请残疾儿童发表意见。
They could also make open invitations to children with disabilities to submit essays on specific topics, encouraging them to elaborate on their first-hand experiences or life expectations.缔约国还可以公开邀请残疾儿童提交关于特定主题的文章,鼓励他们详细阐述自己的第一手经历或对生活的期望。
The essays could be summarized as inputs from the children themselves and directly included in decision-making processes.这些文章可以总结起来,作为儿童自己的意见,直接纳入决策进程。
Full and effective participation充分和切实的参与
“Full and effective participation” (art. 3 (c)) in society refers to engaging with all persons, including persons with disabilities, to provide for a sense of belonging to and being part of society.“充分和切实地参与”(第三条第三款)社会是指让包括残疾人在内的所有人有所参与,从而提供一种归属于社会和作为社会的一份子的感觉。
This includes being encouraged and receiving appropriate support, including peer support and support to participate in society, and being free from stigma and feeling safe and respected when expressing oneself in public.这包括获得鼓励和得到适当的支持,包括同伴的支持和参与社会方面的支持,以及在公开场合表达自己的意见时不受羞辱、感到安全和受到尊重。
Full and effective participation requires that States parties facilitate participation and consult with persons with disabilities representing the wide diversity in impairments.充分和切实的参与要求缔约国为有多种多样的缺陷的残疾人的参与提供便利,并与他们协商。
The right to participate is a civil and political right and an obligation of immediate application, not subject to any form of budgetary restriction, to be applied to decision-making, implementation and monitoring processes related to the Convention.参与权是一项公民权利和政治权利,也是一项立即适用的义务,不受任何形式的预算限制,适用于与《公约》有关的决策、实施和监测进程。
By guaranteeing the participation of organizations of persons with disabilities at each of these stages, persons with disabilities would be able to better identify and point out measures that could either advance or hinder their rights, which ultimately yields better outcomes for such decision-making processes.保证残疾人组织参与其中每个阶段的工作,残疾人才能够更好地发现和指出可能增进或阻碍其权利的措施,最终为这种决策进程带来更好的结果。
Full and effective participation should be understood as a process, not as an individual one-time event.充分和切实的参与应该被视为一个过程,而不是一个单独的一次性事件。
The participation of persons with disabilities in implementing and monitoring the Convention is possible when such persons can exercise their rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association as enshrined in articles 19, 21 and 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.如果残疾人能够行使《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十九、第二十一和第二十二条所载表达自由、和平集会和结社自由等项权利,他们就有可能参与实施和监测《公约》。
Persons with disabilities and their representative organizations engaging in public decision-making processes to implement and monitor the Convention should be recognized in their role as human rights defenders, and be protected against intimidation, harassment and reprisals, particularly when expressing dissenting opinions.残疾人及其代表组织参与实施和监测《公约》的公共决策进程,其作为人权维护者的作用应得到承认, 他们应受到保护,免遭恐吓、骚扰和报复,特别是在表达不同意见时。
The right to participate also encompasses obligations related to the right to due process and the right to be heard.参与权还涵盖与正当程序权和表达意见权有关的义务。
States parties that closely consult with and actively involve organizations of persons with disabilities in public decision-making also give effect to the right of persons with disabilities to full and effective participation in public and political life, including the right to vote and stand for elections (article 29 of the Convention).缔约国在与残疾人组织密切协商并使其积极参与公共决策的同时,也在落实残疾人充分和切实参与公共和政治生活的权利,包括选举权和被选举权(《公约》第二十九条)。
Full and effective participation entails the inclusion of persons with disabilities in different decision-making bodies, both at local, regional, national and international levels, and in national human rights institutions, ad hoc committees, councils and regional or municipality organizations.充分和切实的参与意味着残疾人参与地方、区域、国家和国际各级的不同决策机构,以及国家人权机构、特设委员会、理事会和区域或市政组织。
States parties should recognize in their legislation and practice that all persons with disabilities can be nominated or elected to any representative bodies: for example, ensuring the nomination of persons with disabilities to disability councils at the municipal level, or as specific disability-rights office-holders in the composition of national human rights institutions.缔约国应在其法律和实践中承认,所有残疾人都可以被提名或当选进入任何代表机构:例如,确保残疾人被提名为市级残疾人理事会成员,或者在全国性人权机构中担任专门负责残疾人权利问题的职位。
States parties should strengthen the participation of organizations of persons with disabilities at the international level, for instance at the high-level political forum on sustainable development, and regional and universal human rights mechanisms.缔约国应加强残疾人组织在国际层面的参与,例如参加可持续发展问题高级别政治论坛以及区域和普遍人权机制。
The participation of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, will thus result in greater effectiveness and equal use of public resources, leading to improved outcomes for such persons and their communities.因此,残疾人通过其代表组织的参与将提高公共资源的效力并促使其得到平等利用,从而为残疾人及其社区取得更好的成果。
Full and effective participation can also be a transformative tool for social change, and promote agency and empowerment of individuals.充分和有效的参与也可以成为促发社会变革的工具,并促进个人的能动和赋权。
The involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities in all forms of decision-making strengthens the ability of such persons to advocate and negotiate, and empowers them to more solidly express their views, realize their aspirations and reinforce their united and diverse voices.残疾人组织参与各种形式的决策,能够增强他们维权和谈判的能力,并使他们能够更坚定地表达自己的观点,实现自己的愿望,促进他们联合起来表达不同的意见。
States parties should ensure the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, as a measure to achieve their inclusion in society and combat discrimination against them.缔约国应确保残疾人通过其代表组织充分有效地参与,以此实现残疾人融入社会和反击歧视。
States parties that ensure full and effective participation and engage with organizations of persons with disabilities improve transparency and accountability, making them responsive to the requirements of such persons.确保残疾人充分和有效的参与并与残疾人组织接触的缔约国可提高透明度和问责制,能够对残疾人的要求作出反应。
Article 33: involvement of civil society in national implementation and monitoring第三十三条:民间社会参与国家实施和监测
Article 33 of the Convention establishes national implementation mechanisms and independent monitoring frameworks and provides for the participation of organizations of persons with disabilities therein.《公约》第三十三条规定了国家实施机制和独立监测框架,并规定残疾人组织应参与其中。
Article 33 should be read and understood as supplementing article 4 (3).第三十三条应解读和理解为对第四条第三款的补充。
Article 33 (1) requires States parties to establish one or more focal points and/or coordinating mechanisms to secure implementation of the Convention and facilitate related action.第三十三条第一款要求缔约国设立一个或多个协调中心和(或)协调机制,以确保《公约》的实施并为相关行动提供便利。
The Committee recommends that States parties’ focal points, and/or coordinating mechanisms, include the representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities, and formal procedures of engagement and liaison with such organizations, in consultation processes related to the Convention.委员会建议缔约国的协调中心和(或)协调机制将残疾人组织的代表以及与这类组织接触和联络的正式程序纳入与《公约》有关的协商进程。
In accordance with article 33 (2), the Committee has recognized the importance of establishing, maintaining and promoting independent monitoring frameworks, including national human rights institutions, at all stages of the monitoring process.根据第三十三条第二款,委员会认识到在监测进程的所有阶段建立、维持和促进独立监测框架,包括建立、维持和促进国家人权机构的重要性。
Such institutions play a key role in the monitoring process of the Convention, in promoting compliance at the national level and in facilitating the coordinated actions of national actors, including State institutions and civil society, to protect and promote human rights.这些机构在《公约》的监测进程中,在促进国家层面遵约和促进包括国家机构在内的国家行为方和民间社会为保护和促进人权开展协调行动方面,发挥着关键作用。
Article 33 (3) emphasizes the obligation of States parties to ensure that civil society is involved and can participate in the independent monitoring framework established according to the Convention.第三十三条第三款强调缔约国有义务确保民间社会参加并能够参与根据《公约》建立的独立监测框架。
The involvement of civil society should include persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations.民间社会的参与应包括残疾人通过其代表组织的参与。
States parties should ensure that independent monitoring frameworks allow for, facilitate and ensure the active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities in such frameworks and processes, through formal mechanisms, ensuring that their voices are heard and recognized in its reports and the analysis undertaken.缔约国应确保独立的监测框架允许、便利和确保残疾人组织通过正式机制积极参与这类框架和进程,确保他们的声音能够反映在在缔约国的报告和进行的分析中并得到承认。
The inclusion of organizations of persons with disabilities in the independent monitoring framework and the work thereof can take several forms, for example, through seats on the board of or advisory bodies to the independent monitoring frameworks.将残疾人组织纳入独立监测框架及其工作可以有多种形式,例如为这类组织提供独立监测框架的董事会或咨询机构席位。
Article 33 (3) implies that States parties should support and fund the strengthening of capacity within civil society, in particular organizations of persons with disabilities, to ensure their effective participation in the processes of the independent monitoring frameworks.第三十三条第三款意味着缔约国应当为加强民间社会,特别是为加强残疾人组织的能力提供支持和资助,以确保其有效参与独立监测框架的进程。
Organizations of persons with disabilities should have appropriate resources, including support through independent and self-managed funding, to take part in the independent monitoring frameworks and ensure that reasonable accommodation and accessibility requirements for its membership are met.残疾人组织应拥有适当的资源,包括来自独立和自我管理的资金的支持,以参与独立监测框架,并确保其成员的合理便利和无障碍要求得到满足。
The support and funding of organizations of persons with disabilities in relation to article 33 (3) complement States parties’ obligations under article 4 (3) of the Convention and do not preclude them.与第三十三条第三款有关的对残疾人组织的支持和资助是对缔约国在《公约》第四条第三款之下承担的义务的补充,而不是不排除这些义务。
Both the Convention and the related strategies for implementation should be translated and made accessible and available to persons representing the wide diversity of impairments.《公约》和相关的实施战略都应该翻译出来,以无障碍形式提供给有各种不同缺陷的人。
States parties should provide persons with disabilities with access to information that allows them to understand and evaluate the issues in the decision-making process and provide meaningful inputs.缔约国应向残疾人提供获取信息的渠道,使他们能够理解和评估决策进程中的问题,并提供有意义的投入。
To implement article 33 (3), States parties should ensure that organizations of persons with disabilities have easy access to the focal points within Government and/or the coordination mechanism.为执行第三十三条第三款,缔约国应确保残疾人组织能够方便地接触政府内部的协调中心和(或)协调机制。
Obligations of States parties缔约国的义务
In its concluding observations, the Committee has reminded States parties of their duty to closely and timely consult with, and actively involve, persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, including those representing women and children with disabilities, in the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the Convention and in other decision-making processes.委员会在其结论性意见中,提醒缔约国有义务通过残疾人代表组织,包括代表残疾妇女和残疾儿童的组织,与残疾人密切、及时协商,并积极地让残疾人参与制定和执行旨在落实《公约》的法律和政策,并参与其他决策进程。
States parties have an obligation to ensure the transparency of consultation processes, the provision of appropriate and accessible information and early and continuous involvement.缔约国有义务确保协商进程透明,提供适当和无障碍的信息,并尽早和持续地让残疾人参与。
States parties should not withhold information, condition or prevent organizations of persons with disabilities from freely expressing their opinions in consultations and throughout decision-making processes.缔约国不应隐瞒信息、对残疾人组织在协商和整个决策进程中自由表达意见设置条件,或阻止其表达意见。
This includes both registered and unregistered organizations, in accordance with the right to freedom of association, which should be prescribed by law and protect associations that are not registered on an equal basis.依照结社自由权,这些组织既包括注册组织,也包括未注册组织。 结社自由权应由法律作出规定,对没有注册的社团提供平等保护。
States parties should not require an organization of persons with disabilities to be registered as a prerequisite for taking part in broad consultation processes.缔约国不应要求残疾人组织须登记注册才能参加广泛协商进程。
They should, however, ensure that organizations of persons with disabilities are able to register and exercise their right to participate under articles 4 (3) and 33 (3), providing free and accessible registration systems and facilitating the registration of such organizations.然而,缔约国应确保残疾人组织能够登记注册并行使第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款之下的参与权,提供免费和无障碍的登记注册系统,并为这类组织的登记注册提供便利。
States parties should ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities to all facilities and procedures related to public decision-making and consultation.缔约国应确保残疾人能够利用与公共决策和协商有关的所有设施和程序。
States parties should take appropriate measures to provide persons with disabilities, including persons with autism, with access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, including buildings, transportation, education, information and communications in one’s own language, including new information technologies and systems, and the websites of public bodies, and other facilities and services open or provided to the public, in both urban and rural settings.缔约国应采取适当措施,使包括自闭症患者在内的残疾人能够在与其他人平等的基础上进入物质环境,包括进入建筑物、利用交通运输、以自己的语言获得教育、信息和通信,包括利用新的信息技术和系统、公共机构网站以及城乡各地向公众开放或提供的其他设施和服务。
States parties should also ensure that consultation processes are accessible — for example, by providing sign language interpreters, Braille and Easy Read — and must provide support, funding and reasonable accommodation as appropriate and requested, to ensure the participation of representatives of all persons with disabilities in consultation processes, as defined in paras. 11, 12 and 50.缔约国还应确保协商进程无障碍――例如,提供手语翻译、盲文和“易读”文本――并且必须酌情和应邀求提供支持、资金和合理便利,以确保第11、12和50段所界定的所有残疾人的代表参与协商进程。
Organizations of persons with sensory and intellectual impairments, including organizations of self-advocates and organizations of persons with psychosocial disabilities should be provided with meeting assistants and support persons, information in accessible formats (such as plain language, Easy Read, alternative and augmentative communication systems and pictograms), sign language interpretation, guide interpreters for deafblind persons and/or captioning during public debates.对感官和智力障碍者组织,包括自我维权组织和社会心理残疾者组织,应配备会议助理和支持人员、无障碍格式的信息(如浅白语言、“易读”文本、替代增强沟通系统和象形符号)、手语翻译、聋盲人向导口译员,并(或)在公开辩论中提供字幕。
States parties should also allocate financial resources for covering expenditures related to the consultation processes for representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities, including transport and other expenses necessarily incurred to attend meetings and technical briefings.缔约国还应为残疾人组织代表分配财政资源,用于支付与协商进程有关的开支,包括出席会议和技术简报会所需的交通和其他必要开支。
Consultations with organizations of persons with disabilities should be based on transparency, mutual respect, meaningful dialogue and a sincere aim to reach a collective agreement on procedures that respond to the diversity of persons with disabilities.与残疾人组织的协商应基于透明、相互尊重、有意义的对话以及就符合残疾人多样性的程序达成集体协议的真诚目标。
Such processes should allow for reasonable and realistic timelines taking into account the nature of the organizations of persons with disabilities, which often depend on the work of “volunteers”.这种进程应考虑到残疾人组织往往依赖于“志愿者”开展工作的性质,有合理和现实的时间表。
States parties should undertake periodic evaluations of the functioning of their participation and consultation mechanisms, with the active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities.缔约国应在残疾人组织的积极参与下,定期评估其参与和协商机制的运作情况。
The views of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, should be given due weight.残疾人通过其代表组织提出的意见应得到应有的重视。
States parties should guarantee that they are not only heard as a mere formality or as a tokenistic approach to consultation.缔约国应保证倾听他们的意见不仅仅是流于形式,或象征性地进行协商。
States parties should take into account the results of such consultations and reflect them in the decisions adopted, by duly informing participants of the outcome of the process.缔约国应考虑这种协商的结果,并将其列入所通过的决定, 将协商的结果及时告知参与者。
States parties should in close and effective consultation and with the active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities establish proper and transparent mechanisms and procedures, at the different branches and levels of Government, to explicitly consider the views of such organizations when motivating a public decision.缔约国应与残疾人组织密切和有效协商,并在残疾人组织的积极参与下,在政府的不同部门和层级建立适当和透明的机制和程序,以便在推动公共决策时明确考虑这些组织的意见。
States parties should ensure the close consultation and active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities, which represent all persons with disabilities, including but not limited to women, older persons, children, those requiring high levels of support, victims of landmines, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons, undocumented and stateless persons, persons with actual or perceived psychosocial impairments, persons with intellectual disabilities, neurodiverse persons, including those with autism or dementia, persons with albinism, permanent physical impairments, chronic pain, leprosy and visual impairments and persons who are deaf, deafblind or otherwise hearing-impaired and/or those living with HIV/AIDS.缔约国应确保与代表所有残疾人的残疾人组 织密切协商,让它们积极参与,这些组织代表的人群包括但不限于妇女、老年人、儿童、需要高度支持的人、地雷受害者、移民、难民、寻求庇护者、境内流离失所 者、无证和无国籍者、有实际或表象社会心理障碍者、智力残疾者、神经差异者(包括自闭症或痴呆症患者)、白化病患者、患有永久身体缺陷、慢性疼痛、麻风病 和视力障碍者以及失聪、聋盲或听力障碍者和(或)感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病者。
The obligation of States parties to involve organizations of persons with disabilities also encompasses those persons with disabilities with a specific sexual orientation and/or gender identity, intersex persons with disabilities, and persons with disabilities belonging to indigenous peoples, national, ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities, and those living in rural areas.缔约国让残疾人组织参与的义务还涵盖具有特定性取向和(或)性别认同的残疾人、双性残疾人、土著残疾人、属于民族、族裔、宗教或语言少数群体的残疾人以及生活在农村地区的残疾人。
States parties should prohibit discriminatory and other practices by third parties, such as service providers, directly or indirectly interfering with the right of persons with disabilities to be closely consulted and actively involved in decision-making processes related to the Convention.缔约国应禁止服务提供者等第三方采取歧视性做法和其他做法,直接或间接干涉残疾人在与《公约》有关的决策进程中接受密切协商和积极参与的权利。
States parties should adopt and implement laws and policies to ensure that persons with disabilities can exercise their right to be consulted and not deterred from involvement by others.缔约国应通过和执行相关法律和政策,确保残疾人能够行使其接受协商、不被他人阻止参与的权利。
These measures include raising awareness among family members, service providers and public employees on the rights of persons with disabilities to participate in public and political life.这类措施包括提高家庭成员、服务提供者和公职人员对残疾人参与公共生活和政治生活权利的认识。
States parties should put in place mechanisms to denounce the conflicts of interests of representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities or other stakeholders, to prevent their negative impacts on the autonomy, will and preferences of persons with disabilities.缔约国应设立相关机制,揭发残疾人组织代表或其他利益攸关方的利益冲突,防止其对残疾人的自主权、意愿和偏好产生不利影响。
To fulfil their obligations under article 4 (3), States parties should adopt legal and regulatory frameworks and procedures to ensure the full and equal involvement of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in decision-making processes and the drafting of legislation and policies concerning issues related to persons with disabilities, including disability-related legislation, policies, strategies and action plans.为履行第四条第三款规定的义务,缔约国应制定法律和监管框架及程序,确保残疾人通过其代表组织,充分和平等地参与涉及残疾人问题的决策进程以及起草立法和政策的工作,包括起草与残疾有关的立法、政策、战略和行动计划。
States parties should adopt provisions granting organizations of persons with disabilities seats on, for example, standing committees and/or temporary task forces by giving them the right to nominate working members to these bodies.例如,缔约国应制定条款,给残疾人组织提名工作成员加入常设委员会和(或)临时工作队的权利,从而给它们一些席位。
States parties should establish and regulate formal consultation procedures, including the planning of surveys, meetings and other methods, setting up proper time frames, early engagement of organizations of persons with disabilities, and prior, timely and broad dissemination of relevant information for each process.缔约国应建立和规范正式协商程序,包括对问卷调查、会议和其他方法进行规划,确定适当的时间框架,使残疾人组织的尽早参与,并事先、及时和广泛地传播每一进程的相关信息。
States parties should, in consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities, design accessible online tools for consultations and/or provide alternative methods of consultation in accessible digital formats.缔约国应与残疾人组织协商,设计无障碍的在线协商工具和(或)提供无障碍数字格式的替代协商方法。
To ensure that no one is left behind in relation to consultation processes, States parties should appoint persons with the role of following up on attendance, noticing underrepresented groups, and ensuring that accessibility and reasonable accommodation requirements are met.为确保在协商过程中没有人被遗漏,缔约国应任命一些人员,负责跟进出席情况,注意代表人数不足的群体,并确保无障碍环境和合理便利要求得到满足。
Similarly, they should ensure that organizations of persons with disabilities representing all such groups are involved and consulted, including by providing information on reasonable accommodation and accessibility requirements.同样,缔约国应通过提供关于合理便利和无障碍要求等方面的信息,确保代表所有这类群体的残疾人组织参与进来并与之协商。
States parties should include consultation and engagement with organizations of persons with disabilities when conducting preparatory studies and analysis for formulating policy.缔约国在为制定政策进行准备性研究和分析时,应与残疾人组织协商和接触。
Public forums or processes for reviewing policy proposals should be fully accessible for persons with disabilities to participate.审查政策建议的公共论坛或进程应该具备充分的无障碍性,以便残疾人参与。
States parties should ensure that the participation of organizations of persons with disabilities in monitoring processes, through independent monitoring frameworks, is based on clear procedures, proper time frames and previous dissemination of relevant information.缔约国应确保残疾人组织以明确的程序、适当的时间框架和先前传播的相关信息为基础,通过独立的监测框架参与监测进程。
Monitoring and evaluation systems should examine the level of engagement of organizations of persons with disabilities in all policies and programmes and ensure that the views of such persons are given priority.监测和评价系统应审查残疾人组织在所有政策和方案中的参与水平,并确保优先考虑残疾人的意见。
To fulfil their primary responsibility for service provision, States parties should explore partnerships with organizations of persons with disabilities to gain inputs from the users of services themselves.为履行其提供服务的主要责任,缔约国应探索与残疾人组织建立伙伴关系,以了解服务使用者自身的意见。
States parties should, preferably, encourage the establishment of a single, united and diverse representative coalition of organizations of persons with disabilities that is inclusive of all the disability constituencies and respectful of their diversity and parity, and ensure its involvement and participation in the monitoring of the Convention at the national level.缔约国最好应鼓励建立一个单一、统一和多样化的残疾人组织代表联盟,容纳所有残疾人组织,尊重它们的多样性和平等性,并确保该联盟在国家层面参与和参加对《公约》的监测。
Civil society organizations in general cannot represent or replicate organizations of persons with disabilities.民间社会组织一般不能代表或仿效残疾人组织。
The promotion of advocacy by and empowerment of persons with disabilities are key components of their participation in public affairs;促进残疾人的宣传和向他们赋权是他们参与公共事务的关键所在;
they call for the development of technical, administrative and communication skills, and the facilitation of access to information and tools concerning their rights, legislation and policymaking.这就要求发展技术、行政管理和沟通技能,并为获取与他们的权利、立法和政策制定工作相关的信息和工具提供便利。
The barriers faced by persons with disabilities in accessing inclusive education compromise their opportunities and undermine their capacities to be involved in public decision-making, which, in turn, have an impact on the institutional capacities of their organizations.残疾人在接受包容性教育方面遇到的障碍减少了他们的机会,削弱了他们参与公共决策的能力,这反过来又影响了代表他们的组织的机构能力。
The barriers in accessing public transport, the lack of reasonable accommodation, and low or insufficient income and unemployment among persons with disabilities also restrict the capacity of such persons to engage in civil society activities.残疾人在使用公共交通工具方面面临障碍、缺乏合理便利、收入低或收入不足以及失业等问题,也限制了他们参与民间社会活动的能力。
States parties should strengthen the capacity of organizations of persons with disabilities to participate in all phases of policymaking, by providing capacity-building and training on the human rights model of disability, including through independent funding.缔约国应加强残疾人组织参与所有制定政策阶段的能力,为此提供关于残疾问题上的人权模式的能力建设和培训,包括独立提供资金。
States parties should also support persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in the development of the competencies, knowledge and skills required to independently advocate for their full and effective participation in society, and in developing stronger democratic governance principles, such as respect for human rights, the rule of law, transparency, accountability, pluralism and participation.缔约国还应支持残疾人及其代表组织发展独立倡导他们充分和有效参与社会所需的能力、知识和技能,并发展更强有力的民主治理原则,如尊重人权、法治、透明度、问责制、多元化和参与。
In addition, States parties should provide guidance on how to access funding and diversify their sources of support.此外,缔约国还应就如何获得资金和扩大支助来源提供指导。
States parties should ensure that organizations of persons with disabilities are able to register easily and freely, and seek and secure funds and resources from national and international donors, including private individuals, private companies, all public and private foundations, civil society organizations, and State, regional and international organizations.缔约国应确保残疾人组织能够方便和自由地登记注册,向国家和国际捐助者,包括向私人、私营公司、所有公共和私营基金会、民间社会组织以及国家、区域和国际组织寻求和获取资金和资源。
The Committee recommends that States parties adopt criteria to allocate funds for consultation, including by:委员会建议缔约国制定为协商分配资金的标准,包括采取以下办法:
Providing funds directly to organizations of persons with disabilities, avoiding third-party intermediation;直接向残疾人组织提供资金,避免由第三方充当中介;
Prioritizing resources to organizations of persons with disabilities that focus primarily on advocacy for disability rights;优先向主要专注于倡导残疾人权利的残疾人组织提供资源;
Allocating specific funds for organizations of women with disabilities and of children with disabilities to enable their full and effective participation in the process of drafting, developing and implementing laws and policies and in the monitoring framework;为残疾妇女和残疾儿童组织划拨专项资金,使这些组织能够充分和有效地参与起草、制定和执行法律和政策的进程并参与监测框架;
Distributing funds on an equal basis among different organizations of persons with disabilities, including sustainable core institutional funding, instead of being limited to project-based funding;在不同残疾人组织之间平等地分配资金,包括提供可持续的核心机构供资,而不仅限于按项目供资;
Ensuring the autonomy of organizations of persons with disabilities in deciding their advocacy agenda, despite the funding received;确保残疾人组织即使获得资金,也在决定其维权议程方面享有自主权;
Distinguishing between funding for the running of organizations of persons with disabilities and the projects carried out by such organizations;区分为残疾人组织的运作提供资金和为这类组织实施的项目提供资金;
Making funding available to all organizations of persons with disabilities, including for self-advocate organizations and/or those that have not gained a legal status due to laws that deny the legal capacity of their members and hinder the registration of their organizations;向所有残疾人组织提供资金,包括自我维权组织和(或)因法律剥夺其成员的法律权利能力并阻碍其组织登记注册而未获得法律地位的组织;
Adopting and implementing application processes for funding in accessible formats.制定和实施无障碍格式的资金申请程序。
States parties should ensure that organizations of persons with disabilities have access to national funds to support their activities to avoid situations in which they have to rely only on external sources, which would limit their ability to establish viable organizational structures.缔约国应确保残疾人组织能够获得国家资金支持其活动,以避免它们只能依赖外部来源的情况,这种情况会限制他们建立可行的组织结构的能力。
Organizations of persons with disabilities that have support from public and private financial resources, supplemented by membership fees, are better able to secure the participation of persons with disabilities in all forms of political and administrative decision-making, provide them with support and create and run individual and different group-oriented social activities.残疾人组织得到公共和私人财政资源支持并以会员费为补充,便能够更好地确保残疾人参与各种形式的政治和行政决策,向他们提供支持,并创办和主办面向个人和不同群体的社会活动。
States parties should guarantee appropriate and sufficient funding for organizations of persons with disabilities, through the establishment of a responsible legally recognized formal mechanism, for example trust funds at the national and international levels.缔约国应通过建立负责任的、法律承认的正式机制,例如在国家和国际层面创办信托基金,保证为残疾人组织提供适当和充足的资金。
States parties should increase public resources for the establishment and strengthening of organizations of persons with disabilities that represent all kinds of impairments.缔约国应当为建立和加强代表各种缺陷的残疾人组织增拨公共资源。
They should also ensure their access to national funding, including through tax exemptions and freedom from inheritance taxes, and the national lottery.缔约国还应确保这类组织获得国家资助,包括免税、免缴遗产税和发行国家彩票等形式。
States parties should promote and facilitate the access of organizations of persons with disabilities to foreign funding as part of international cooperation and development aid, including at the regional level, on the same basis as other human rights non-governmental organizations.缔约国应在与其他人权非政府组织相同的基础上,促进和便利残疾人组织获得外国资金,作为开展国际合作和发展援助的一部分,包括在区域一级开展这项努力。
States parties should develop strong mechanisms and procedures ensuring effective sanctions for non-compliance with the obligations under articles 4 (3) and 33 (3).缔约国应制定强有力的机制和程序,确保对不遵守第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款义务的行为进行有效制裁。
Compliance should be monitored by independent bodies, for example the office of the ombudsperson or a parliamentary commission, which have the authority to initiate investigations and hold the responsible authorities to account.遵守情况应由独立机构,例如由监察员办公室或议会委员会进行监测,它们有权发起调查并对负责部门追责。
At the same time, organizations of persons with disabilities should be able to initiate legal actions against entities when they find that the latter have failed to comply with articles 4 (3) and 33 (3).与此同时,残疾人组织如果发现相关实体不遵守第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款,应该能够对这些实体提起法律诉讼。
Such mechanisms should be part of the legal frameworks governing the consultation and involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities, and national anti-discrimination legislation, at all levels of decision-making.这种机制应成为规范有关在所有决策层面与残疾人组织协商和使它们参与的法律框架以及国家反歧视立法的 一部分。
States parties should recognize effective remedies, including of a collective nature, or class actions to enforce compliance with the right of persons with disabilities to participate.缔约国应承认强制遵守残疾人参与权的有效补救措施,包括集体性质的补救措施或集体诉讼。
Public authorities can significantly contribute to effectively guaranteeing persons with disabilities’ access to justice in situations that negatively affect their rights.在残疾人权利受到不利影响的情形中,公共当局可以为有效保障残疾人获得司法保护做出重大贡献。
Effective remedies could include:有效的补救措施可包括:
suspending the procedure;暂停程序;
returning to an earlier stage of the procedure to ensure the consultation and involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities;退回到程序的更早阶段,以确保与残疾人组织协商和使这些组织参与;
delaying implementation of the decision until appropriate consultations take place;推迟执行决定,直至进行适当协商;
or (d) quashing, totally or partially, the decision, based on non-compliance with articles 4 (3) and 33 (3).或(d) 以不遵守第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款为由,全部或部分撤销决定。
Relationship with other provisions of the Convention与《公约》其他条款的关系
Article 3 identifies a set of overarching principles that guide the interpretation and implementation of the Convention.第三条确定了一套关于《公约》的解释和执行的总体指导原则。
It includes “full and effective participation and inclusion in society”, which means that the participation of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, cuts across the entire text and applies to the whole Convention.其中列入了“充分和切实地参与和融入社会”,这意味着残疾人通过其代表组织的参与贯穿整个《公约》文本,也适用于整个《公约》。
As part of the general obligations of States parties, article 4 (3) applies to the entire Convention and is significant in implementing all of its obligations.作为缔约国一般义务的一部分,第四条第三款适用于整个《公约》,对履行《公约》所载所有义务具有重要意义。
Paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 of article 4 are of the utmost importance in implementing paragraph 3 of the same article, as they include the primary obligations of States parties, extending to all parts of federal States without any limitations or exceptions, related to establishing the necessary structures and frameworks and taking measures to comply with the Convention.第四条第一款、第二款和第五款对于执行同条第三款至关重要,因为其中列举了缔约国的主要义务,这些义务延伸至联邦制国家的所有地区,无任何限制或例外,涉及为遵守《公约》建立必要的结构和框架及采取措施。
Policies to promote the equality and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities, as stipulated in article 5, should be adopted and monitored in compliance with articles 4 (3) and 33 (3).应根据第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款通过和监测第五条规定的促进残疾人平等和不歧视的政策。
The close consultation and active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities, which represent the diversity of society, is a key component for success in adopting and monitoring legal frameworks and guidance material to promote de facto and inclusive equality, including affirmative action measures.与代表社会多样性的残疾人组织进行密切协商,使这些组织积极参与,是成功制定和监测法律框架和指导材料以促进事实上和包容性平等,包括促进平权行动措施的关键组成部分。
Consultation procedures should not exclude persons with disabilities nor discriminate on grounds of impairment.协商程序不应排斥残疾人,也不应以缺陷为由进行歧视。
Procedures and related materials should be inclusive of and accessible to persons with disabilities and include time frames and technical assistance for early involvement in consultation processes.程序和相关材料应对残疾人具有包容性,对残疾人无障碍,并列出早期参与协商进程的时间框架和技术援助。
Reasonable accommodation should always be provided in all dialogue and consultation processes, and reasonable accommodation legislation and policies must be developed in close consultation with and the active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities.在所有对话和协商过程中,应始终提供合理便利,必须与残疾人组织密切协商并让这些组织积极参与制定关于合理便利的法律和政策。
Article 6 of the Convention requires measures to ensure the full development, advancement and empowerment of women and girls with disabilities.《公约》第六条要求采取措施,确保残疾妇女和女童的充分发展、进步和赋权。
States parties should encourage and facilitate the establishment of organizations of women and girls with disabilities, as a mechanism for enabling their participation in public life, on an equal basis with men with disabilities, through their own organizations.缔约国应鼓励和促进建立残疾妇女和女童组织,作为使她们能够在与残疾男子平等的基础上通过自己的组织参与公共生活的机制。
States parties should recognize the right of women with disabilities to represent and organize themselves and facilitate their effective involvement in close consultations under articles 4 (3) and 33 (3).缔约国应认识到,残疾妇女有权代表自己组织起来,并根据第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款方便自己有效参与密切协商。
Women and girls with disabilities should also be included on an equal basis in all branches and bodies of the implementation and independent monitoring framework.残疾妇女和女童也应平等加入执行和独立监测框架的所有分支和机构。
All consultation bodies, mechanisms and procedures should be disability-specific, inclusive and ensure gender equality.所有协商机构、机制和程序都应专门考虑到残疾问题,具有包容性,并确保性别平等。
Women with disabilities should be part of the leadership of organizations of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with men with disabilities and be given space and power within umbrella organizations of persons with disabilities through parity representation, women’s committees, empowerment programmes, etc. States parties should ensure the participation of women with disabilities, including women who are under any form of guardianship or institutionalized, as a prerequisite in the design, implementation and monitoring of all measures that have an impact on their lives.残 疾妇女应在与残疾男子平等的基础上,成为残疾人组织领导层的一部分,并通过平等代表制、妇女委员会、赋权方案等,在残疾人伞式组织中获得空间和权力。 缔约国应确保残疾妇女,包括处于任何监护形式之下或被机构安置的妇女参与,作为设计、执行和监测影响其生活的所有措施的先决条件。
Women with disabilities should be able to participate in decision-making processes addressing issues that have an exclusive or disproportionate impact on them, and on women’s rights and gender equality policies in general, for example, policies on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and all forms of gender-based violence against women.残疾妇女应当能够参与决策进程,处理仅仅对残疾妇女、对妇女权利及总体性别平等政策产生影响或产生不成比例影响的问题,如关于性健康和生殖健康及权利的政策,以及针对妇女的一切形式的性别暴力等问题。
Articles 4 (3) and 33 (3) are fundamental in the implementation of the rights of children with disabilities as stated in article 7.第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款对于落实第七条所述残疾儿童的权利至关重要。
States parties should take steps to ensure the participation and the active involvement of children with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in all aspects of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of relevant legislation, policies, services and programmes affecting their lives, at school and at the community, local, national and international levels.缔约国应采取步骤,确保残疾儿童通过其代表组织参加和积极参与学校和社区、地方、国家和国际各级影响其生活的相关立法、政策、服务和方案的规划、实施、监测和评估工作的方方面面。
The goal of participation is empowerment for children with disabilities and recognition by duty bearers that they are rights holders who can play an active role in their communities and society.参与的目标是向残疾儿童赋权,让义务承担方认识到他们是权利持有人,能够在社区和社会中发挥积极作用。
This takes place at various levels, beginning with the recognition of their right to be heard, moving towards their active engagement in the realization of their own rights.这项工作在各个层面进行,从承认他们发表意见的权利开始,朝着他们积极参与实现自身权利的方向发展。
States parties should provide children with disabilities with support in their decision-making, by, among other things, equipping them with, and enabling them to use, any mode of communication necessary to facilitate the expression of their views, including child-friendly information, and adequate support for self-advocacy, and ensure appropriate training for all professionals working with and for such children.缔约国应为残疾儿童决策提供支持,除其他外,应为他们配备各种装置,使他们能够利用任何必要的交流模式,以便于其表达意见, 包括对儿童友好的信息,为自我维权提供充分支持,并确保为所有从事这类儿童工作的专业人员提供适当培训。
States parties should also provide disability and age-appropriate assistance and procedures, and support for children with disabilities.缔约国还应为残疾儿童提供适合其残疾状况和年龄特征的援助和程序以及支持。
The participation of their organizations should be considered as indispensable in consultations addressing specific issues that concern them, and their views should be given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity.在开展协商处理涉及他们的具体问题时,残疾儿童代表组织的参与应被视为是不可或缺的,还应根据他们的年龄和成熟程度对他们的意见予以适当考虑。
Article 4 (3) is of particular importance in raising awareness (art. 8).第四条第三款对提高认识(第八条)尤为重要。
The Committee recalls its recommendations to States parties to implement, with the participation of organizations of persons with disabilities, systematic awareness-raising programmes, including media campaigns through public radio stations and television programmes, aimed at portraying persons with disabilities in all their diversity as rights holders.委员会回顾其对一些缔约国的建议,即缔约国应在残疾人组织的参与下,开展系统的提高认识方案,包括通过公共广播电台和电视节目开展媒体宣传活动,旨在将各种各样的残疾人刻画为权利持有人。
Awareness-raising campaigns and training programmes aimed at all public sector officials must be in conformity with the principles of the Convention, and based on the human rights model of disability to overcome entrenched gender and disability stereotypes in society.针对所有公共部门官员的提高认识运动和培训方案必须符合《公约》的原则,并以残疾问题上的人权模式为基础,以克服社会对性别和残疾抱有的根深蒂固的偏见。
For organizations of persons with disabilities to be able to properly participate in the consultation and monitoring processes of the Convention, it is essential to have optimal accessibility (art. 9) to the procedures, mechanisms, information and communication, facilities and buildings, including reasonable accommodation.为了使残疾人组织能够正确参与《公约》的协商和监测进程,必须最大限度地实现程序、机制、信息和通信、设施和建筑的无障碍性(第九条),包括提供合理便利。
States parties should develop, adopt and implement international accessibility standards and the universal design process, for example in the area of information and communications technology to ensure close consultation with and the active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities.缔约国应制定、采纳和实施国际无障碍标准和通用设计程序,例如在信息和通信技术领域这样做, 以确保与残疾人组织密切协商并使这些组织积极参与。
In situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies (art. 11), it is important for States parties and humanitarian actors to ensure the active participation of and coordination and meaningful consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities, including those at all levels representing women, men and children with disabilities of all ages.在危难情况和人道主义紧急情况(第十一条)下,缔约国和人道主义行为方必须确保残疾人组织,包括代表各年龄段残疾妇女、男子和儿童的各级残疾人组织的积极参与,并与其进行协调和有意义的协商。
This requires the active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities in the development, implementation and monitoring of emergency-related legislation and policies, and the establishment of priorities for aid distribution, in accordance with article 4 (3).这需要残疾人组织积极参与制定、实施和监测与紧急情况有关的立法和政策,并根据第四条第三款确定分配救援物品的优先次序。
States parties should promote the establishment of organizations of internally displaced persons or refugees with disabilities that are enabled to promote their rights in any situation of risk, including during armed conflicts.缔约国应促进建立国内流离失所的残疾人或残疾难民组织,使这些组织能够在任何危难情况下,包括在武装冲突期间促进这类残疾人的权利。
Equal recognition before the law (art. 12) ensures that all persons with disabilities have the right to exercise their full legal capacity and have equal rights to choose and control decisions affecting them.在法律面前获得平等承认(第十二条)确保所有残疾人有权行使其全部法律权利能力,并享有选择和控制影响他们的决定的平等权利。
Equal recognition before the law is a prerequisite for direct and effective consultations and the involvement of persons with disabilities in the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the Convention.在法律面前获得平等承认是直接和有效协商以及残疾人参与制定和实施落实《公约》的立法和政策的先决条件。
The Committee recommends that the lack of compliance with article 12 should, under no circumstances, preclude the inclusive implementation of articles 4 (3) and 33 (3).委员会建议,不遵守第十二条在任何情况下都不应妨碍包容地执行第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款。
Laws and policies should be amended to address this barrier to participation based on denial of legal capacity.应对法律和政策进行修订,处理因剥夺法律权利能力导致参与受阻的情况。
The Committee recalls its general comment No. 1 (2014) on equal recognition before the law, in which it states that legal capacity is the key to accessing full and effective participation in society and in decision-making processes and should be guaranteed to all persons with disabilities, including persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with autism and persons with actual or perceived psychosocial impairment, and children with disabilities, through their organizations.委员会回顾其关于在法律面前获得平等承认的第1号一般性意见(2014年),其中指出,法律权利能力是充分和有效参与社会和决策进程的关键,应通过残疾人组织保障所有残疾人,包括智力残疾者、自闭症患者和有实际或表象社会心理障碍者以及残疾儿童的这一能力。
States parties should ensure the availability of supported decision-making arrangements to enable participation in policymaking and consultations that respect a person’s autonomy, will and preferences.缔约国应确保提供协助决定安排,使残疾人能够参与尊重个人自主性、意愿和偏好的政策制定和协商工作。
The right of persons with disabilities to have access to justice (art. 13) implies that persons with disabilities have the right to participate on an equal basis with others in the justice system as a whole.残疾人获得司法保护的权利(第十三条)意味着残疾人有权在与其他人平等的基础上参与整个司法系统。
This participation takes many forms and includes persons with disabilities assuming the roles of, for example, claimants, victims, defendants, judges, jurors and lawyers, as part of the democratic system that contributes to good governance.这种参与有多种形式,如残疾人以原告、受害人、被告、法官、陪审员和律师等身份,参与有助于善治的民主体系。
Close consultation with persons with disabilities through their representative organizations is key in all processes to enact and/or amend laws, regulations, policies and programmes addressing the participation of such persons in the justice system.通过残疾人的代表组织与他们密切协商,是颁布和(或)修订关于残疾人参与司法系统的法律、法规、政策和方案的所有过程的关键。
To prevent all forms of exploitation, violence and abuse (art. 16), States parties should ensure that all facilities and programmes designed to serve persons with disabilities are effectively monitored by independent authorities.为防止一切形式的剥削、暴力和凌虐(第十六条),缔约国应确保为残疾人服务的所有设施和方案都受到独立当局的有效监测。
The Committee has observed that violations of the rights of persons with disabilities continue to occur in facilities that “serve” persons with disabilities, such as psychiatric and/or residential institutions.委员会注意到,在为残疾人“服务”的场所,如精神病院和(或)托养机构,发生侵犯残疾人权利的情况仍有发生。
In accordance with article 33 (3), this means that regardless of whether the independent monitoring authority, which is assigned the task under article 16 (3), coincides with the independent monitoring framework under article 33 (2), civil society, including organizations of persons with disabilities, should be actively involved in monitoring those facilities and services.根据第三十三条第三款,这意味着,无论根据第十六条第三款被赋予该任务的独立监测机构是否恰好是第三十三条第二款规定的独立监测框架,包括残疾人组织在内的民间社会都应积极参与对这些设施和服务的监督。
Recalling its general comment No. 5 (2017) on living independently and being included in the community, consultations with and the active involvement of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, are critical for the adoption of all plans and strategies, and for follow-up and monitoring, when implementing the right to independent living and being included in the community (art. 19).委员会回顾其关于独立生活和融入社区的第5号一般性意见(2017年),在落实独立生活和融入社区(第十九条)的权利时,通过残疾人代表组织与残疾人协商并使他们积极参与,对于通过所有计划和战略以及采取后续行动和进行监测至关重要。
The active involvement and consultation at all levels in the decision-making process should include all persons with disabilities.对各级决策进程的积极参与和协商应包含所有残疾人。
Persons with disabilities, including those who are currently living in institutional settings, should be involved in the planning, implementing and monitoring of deinstitutionalization strategies, and in the development of support services, with special regard to those people.残疾人,包括目前在安置机构生活的残疾人,应参与去机构化战略的规划、实施和监测,并参与支助服务的发展,特别是针对这些人的支助服务。
Access to information (art. 21) is necessary for organizations of persons with disabilities to be involved and to fully participate and freely express their opinions in the monitoring process.获得信息(第二十一条)是让残疾人组织参加和充分参与监测进程并自由表达意见的必要条件。
Such organizations need to receive the information in accessible formats, including digital formats, and technologies appropriate to all forms of disabilities, in a timely manner and without additional cost.这类组织需要及时接收无障碍格式的信息,包括数字格式的信息,以及适合所有形式残疾的技术,而不需要额外付费。
This includes the use of sign languages, Easy Read, plain language and Braille, augmentative and alternative communication, and all other accessible means, modes and formats of communication of choice by persons with disabilities in official interactions.这包括使用手语、“易读”文本、浅白语言和盲文、替代增强沟通形式,以及残疾人在正式交流时选择的所有其他无障碍交流手段、模式和格式。
Sufficiently prior to any consultation, all relevant information, including specific budgetary, statistical and other relevant information necessary for an informed opinion, should be made available.在开展任何协商工作之前,应尽早提供所有相关信息,包括具体的预算、统计和形成知情意见所需的其他相关信息。
To ensure the right to inclusive education (art. 24), in accordance with the Committee’s general comment No. 4 (2016) on the right to inclusive education, States parties should consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in all aspects of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of inclusive education policies and legislation.为确保接受包容性教育的权利(第二十四条),根据委员会关于包容性教育权的第4号一般性意见(2016年),缔约国应通过残疾人代表组织,就包容性教育政策和立法的拟订、实施、监测和评估的所有方面与残疾人,包括残疾儿童协商,使他们积极参与。
Inclusive education is essential to the participation of persons with disabilities as described within articles 4 (3) and 33 (3).包容性教育对于残疾人按照第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款所述的方式参与至关重要。
Education enables people to flourish and increases the likelihood of participation within society, which is needed to ensure the implementation and monitoring of the Convention.教育能够使人身心发展,提高社会参与的可能性,而这是确保执行和监测《公约》所必需的。
States parties should ensure that public and private education institutions consult with persons with disabilities and ensure that their opinions are given due consideration within the education system.缔约国应确保公立和私立教育机构与残疾人协商,确保他们的意见得到教育系统的适当考虑。
The adoption of all policies regarding the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment (art. 27) should be taken in consultation with and the involvement of representative organizations of persons with disabilities.在通过关于残疾人工作和就业权利(第二十七条)的所有政策时,应与残疾人代表组织协商并使其参与进来。
Policies should seek to guarantee access to employment;政策应力求保障就业机会,
promote work in open, inclusive, non-discriminatory, accessible and competitive employment markets and environments; ensure equal opportunities and gender equality; and provide for reasonable accommodation and support for all persons with disabilities.促进在开放、包容、不歧视、无障碍和竞争性就业市场和环境中的工作,确保机会平等和性别平等,并为所有残疾人提供合理便利和支持。
The realization of the right to an adequate standard of living and social protection (art. 28) is directly interrelated with article 4 (3).实现适足的生活水平和社会保护权 (第二十八条)与第四条第三款直接相关。
The participation of organizations of persons with disabilities in public policies is crucial to ensure that specific situations of exclusion, inequality and poverty among persons with disabilities and their families living in poverty are addressed by the authorities of the States parties.残疾人组织参与公共政策对于确保缔约国解决贫困残疾人及其家庭中的孤立、不平等和贫困等具体情况至关重要。
States parties should, in particular, seek to engage with organizations of persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities who are unemployed, who do not have a fixed income or who cannot work because of the implied loss of entitlements or allowances, those in rural or remote areas, and indigenous peoples, women and older persons.缔约国应尤其力求与残疾人组织和失业残疾人、没有固定收入或工作便可能丧失隐含的权利或津贴的残疾人、农村或偏远地区的残疾人组织以及与土著人民、妇女和老年人进行接触。
When taking and reviewing measures, strategies, programmes, policies and legislation in relation to the implementation of article 28, and in the monitoring process thereof, States parties should closely consult and actively involve organizations of persons with disabilities representing all persons with disabilities to ensure the mainstreaming of disability and that their requirements and views are duly taken into consideration.在采取和审查与执行第二十八条有关的措施、战略、方案、政策和立法时,以及在对这些措施、战略、方案、政策和立法进行监测的过程中,缔约国应与代表所有残疾人的残疾人组织密切协商并使这些组织积极参与,以确保将残疾问题纳入主流,并适当考虑这些组织的要求和意见。
The right of persons with disabilities to participate in political and public life (art. 29) is of extreme importance in ensuring the equality of opportunity for persons with disabilities to fully and effectively participate and be included in society.残疾人参与政治和公共生活的权利(第二十九条)对于确保残疾人拥有充分和有效参与和融入社会的平等机会极为重要。
The right to vote and be elected is an essential component of the right to participate, as elected representatives decide on the political agenda and are key in ensuring implementation and monitoring of the Convention, advocating for their rights and interests.选举权和被选举权是参与权的一个重要组成部分,因为当选代表可决定政治议程,是确保执行和监测《公约》、倡导残疾人的权利和利益的关键。
States parties should pass regulations, in close consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities, to allow persons with disabilities requiring assistance to be able to cast their vote on their own.缔约国应与残疾人组织密切协商,通过法规,让需要帮助的残疾人能够自行投票。
This may require making aids available for persons with disabilities in voting booths (on election day and at advance voting) at national and local elections and national referendums.这可能需要(在选举日和提前投票时)在全国和地方选举以及全国公民投票的投票站向残疾人提供帮助。
Persons representing all or some of the wide diversity of impairments should be consulted and involved, through their organizations of persons with disabilities, in the process and implementation of data and information collection (art. 31).在收集数据和信息(第三十一条)的过程中,应通过残疾人组织与所有或部分身患各种缺陷者的代表协商,并使他们参与进来。
States parties should establish a unified data-collection system to collect quality, sufficient, timely and reliable data, disaggregated by sex, age, ethnicity, rural/urban population, impairment type and socioeconomic status, regarding all persons with disabilities and their access to the rights under the Convention.缔约国应建立统一的数据收集系统,收集关于所有残疾人及其享有《公约》规定的权利情况的高质量、充足、及时和可靠的数据,按性别、年龄、族裔、城/乡人口、缺陷类型和社会经济地位分列。
They should establish a system to enable the formulation and implementation of policies to give effect to the Convention, through close collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities and by utilizing the Washington Group on Disability Statistics.缔约国应建立一个系统,通过与残疾人组织密切合作和利用残疾统计华盛顿小组,使政策的制定和执行工作能够促进《公约》的落实。
Additional data-collection tools should also be pursued to obtain information on perceptions and attitudes and include those constituencies that the Washington Group leaves out.还应寻找更多的数据收集工具,以获取关于人们的看法和态度的信息,并列入被华盛顿小组遗漏的人群的信息。
When deciding upon and implementing international cooperation (art. 32), the close partnership, cooperation and involvement of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, is crucial in adopting development policies in accordance with the Convention.在决定和开展国际合作(第三十二条)时,残疾人通过其代表组织形成的密切伙伴关系、开展的合作和参与对于根据《公约》制定发展政策至关重要。
Organizations of persons with disabilities should be consulted and involved at every level of development, implementation and monitoring of international cooperation plans, programmes and projects, including the 2030 Agenda and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030.在制定、执行和监测国际合作计划、方案和项目,包括《2030年议程》和《2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架》的各个层面,都应与残疾人组织协商并使他们参与进来。
Article 34 (3) is important in respecting the relevant criteria for membership of the Committee.第三十四条第三款对于遵守委员会人选的相关标准非常重要。
It requires States parties to give due consideration to the provision set out in article 4 (3) when nominating candidates.它要求缔约国在提名候选人时适当考虑第四条第三款的规定。
Therefore, States parties should closely consult and actively involve organizations of persons with disabilities prior to nominating candidates for the Committee.因此,缔约国在提名委员会候选人之前,应与残疾人组织密切协商并使其积极参与。
National legislative frameworks and procedures should be adopted for transparent and participatory procedures that involve organizations of persons with disabilities and consider the results of consultations, reflecting them in the final nomination.应通过国家立法框架和程序,建立透明和参与性的程序,使残疾人组织参与进来,并考虑协商结果,以反映在最终的提名中。
Implementation at the national level国家层面的执行
The Committee acknowledges that States parties face challenges when implementing the right of persons with disabilities to be consulted and involved in the development, implementation and monitoring of legislation and policies to implement the Convention.委员会承认,缔约国在落实残疾人在制定、实施和监测执行《公约》的立法和政策时进行协商和参与的权利方面面临挑战。
States parties should, among others, take the following measures to ensure the full implementation of articles 4 (3) and 33 (3):除其他外,为确保充分执行第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款,缔约国应采取以下措施:
Repeal all laws, including those denying legal capacity, that prevent any person with disabilities, regardless of type of impairment, from being closely consulted with and actively involved, through their organizations of persons with disabilities;废除所有阻碍通过残疾人组织与残疾人――无论缺陷类型――进行密切协商并使其积极参与的法律,包括剥夺法律权利能力的法律;
Create an enabling environment for the establishment and functioning of organizations of persons with disabilities, by adopting a policy framework favourable to their establishment and sustained operation.通过采取有利于建立残疾人组织及其持续运作的政策框架,为这类组织的建立和运作创造有利环境。
This includes guaranteeing their independence and autonomy from the State, the establishment, implementation of and access to adequate funding mechanisms, including public funding and international cooperation, and the provision of support, including technical assistance, for empowerment and capacity-building;这包括保障这些组织独立于国家并享有自主权,能够建立、落实和利用适当的筹款机制,包括获得公共资金和开展国际合作,以及为赋权和能力建设提供支持,包括技术援助;
Prohibit any practices of intimidation, harassment or reprisals against individuals and organizations promoting their rights under the Convention at the national and international levels.禁止对在国家和国际层面促进《公约》规定的残疾人权利的个人和组织进行任何恐吓、骚扰或报复。
States parties should also adopt mechanisms for protecting persons with disabilities and their representative organizations against intimidation, harassment and reprisals, including when they cooperate with the Committee or other international bodies and human rights mechanisms;缔约国还应制定机制,保护残疾人及其代表组织,包括保护他们在与委员会或其他国际机构和人权机制合作时免受恐吓、骚扰和报复;
Encourage the establishment of umbrella organizations of persons with disabilities, which coordinate and represent the activities of its members, and individual organizations of persons with disabilities with different impairments to ensure their inclusion and full participation, including those who are most underrepresented, in the monitoring process.鼓励建立协调和代表其成员活动的残疾人伞式组织,并鼓励建立患有不同缺陷的残疾人的单独组织,以确保纳入所有残疾人,包括代表性最不足的残疾人,并让他们充分参与监测进程。
If a State party faces obstacles in involving every individual organization of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes, they could include representatives of such organizations in permanent or temporary task forces etc., when it cannot be done through an umbrella organization or coalition of organizations of persons with disabilities;如果缔约国在让每个单独的残疾人组织参与决策进程方面遇到障碍,如果不能利用伞式组织或残疾人组织联盟开展这项工作,则可以采用让这些组织的代表参加常设或临时工作队等方式;
Adopt legislation and policies that recognize the right to participation and involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities and regulations that establish clear procedures for consultations at all levels of authority and decision-making.制定承认残疾人组织的参加和参与权的法律和政策,并制定法规,确定有关在各级权力和决策层开展协商的明确程序。
This legislative and policy framework should provide for the mandatory realization of public hearings prior to the adoption of decisions, and include provisions requiring clear time frames, accessibility of consultations and an obligation to provide reasonable accommodation and support.这一立法和政策框架应规定,在通过决定之前必须举行公开听证会,并有条款规定,必须有明确的时间框架、协商必须无障碍、并有义务提供合理便利和支持。
This can be done through clear references in laws and other forms of regulations to the participation and selection of representatives from organizations of persons with disabilities;要实现这一点,可在法律和其他形式的法规中明确提及残疾人组织代表的参与和对他们的甄选;
Establish permanent consultation mechanisms with organizations of persons with disabilities, including round tables, participatory dialogues, public hearings, surveys and online consultations, respecting their diversity and autonomy, as indicated in paragraphs 11, 12 and 50.如第11、12和50段所述,建立与残疾人组织的长期协商机制,包括圆桌会议、参与式对话、公开听证会、问卷调查和在线协商等,尊重他们的多样性和自主性。
This can also take the form of a national advisory board, such as a representative national disability council representing organizations of persons with disabilities;还可以采取国家咨询委员会的形式,如设立一个代表残疾人组织的全国残疾人代表理事会;
Guarantee and support the participation of persons with disabilities through organizations of persons with disabilities, reflecting a wide diversity of backgrounds, including birth and health status, age, race, sex, language, national, ethnic, indigenous or social origin, sexual orientation and gender identity, intersex variation, religious and political affiliation, migrant status, impairment groups or other status;保证和支持残疾人通过残疾人组织参与,这些组织应体现各种不同背景,包括出生和健康状况、年龄、种族、性别、语言、国籍、族裔、土著或社会出身、性取向和性别认同、两性人特征、宗教和政治派别、移民身份、缺陷类型或其他身份;
Engage with organizations of persons with disabilities that represent women and girls with disabilities and secure their direct participation in all processes of public decision-making in a safe environment, particularly relating to the development of policies regarding the rights of women and gender equality, and gender-based violence against women, including sexual violence and abuse;与代表残疾妇女和女童的残疾人组织合作,确保她们在安全的环境中直接参与所有公共决策进程,特别是参与制定有关妇女权利和性别平等以及针对妇女的性别暴力包括性暴力和性虐待的政策的进程;
Consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children and women with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in the planning, execution, monitoring and measuring of public decision-making processes at all levels, especially in matters affecting them, including in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies, giving them reasonable and realistic timelines in providing their views and adequate funding and support;通过残疾人代表组织,与残疾人,包括残疾儿童和妇女协商并使其积极参与各级公共决策进程的规划、执行、监测和衡量工作,特别是在相关事项影响到他们的情况下,包括在危难和人道主义紧急情况下,为他们发表意见提供合理和现实的时间表,并提供充足的资金和支持;
Encourage and support the creation, capacity-building, funding and effective participation of organizations of persons with disabilities or groups of persons with disabilities, including parents and families of persons with disabilities in their supportive role, at all levels of decision-making.鼓励和支持创建残疾人组织或残疾人团体,鼓励和支持它们开展能力建设、获得资金和有效参与,包括鼓励残疾人的父母和家人在各级决策中发挥支持作用。
This includes at the local, national, regional (including within a regional integration organization) or international levels, in the conception, design, reform and implementation of policies and programmes;这包括在地方、国家、区域(包括在区域一体化组织内)或国际各级参与政策和方案的设想、设计、改革和执行工作;
Ensure monitoring of States parties’ compliance with articles 4 (3) and 33 (3), and facilitate organizations of persons with disabilities’ leadership in such monitoring;确保监测缔约国遵守第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款的情况,并促进残疾人组织在这类监测工作中发挥领导作用;
Develop and implement, with the involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities, effective enforcement mechanisms, with meaningful sanctions and remedies, for non-compliance with State parties’ obligations under articles 4 (3) and 33 (3);在残疾人组织的参与下制定和落实有效的强制执行机制,对缔约国不遵守第四条第三款和第三十三条第三款规定的义务的情况予以切实的制裁和补救;
Ensure the provision of reasonable accommodation and the accessibility of all facilities, materials, meetings, calls for submissions, procedures and information and communication related to public decision-making, consultation and monitoring to all persons with disabilities, including persons isolated in institutions or psychiatric hospitals and persons with autism;确保向所有残疾人,包括向被隔离在安置机构或精神病院的人和自闭症患者提供合理便利,使他们能够无障碍地接触与公共决策、协商和监测相关的所有设施、材料、会议、提交材料的邀请、程序以及信息和通信;
Provide disability and age-appropriate assistance for the participation of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in public decision-making, consultation and monitoring processes.通过残疾人代表组织为残疾人参与公共决策、协商和监测进程提供适合残疾情况和年龄特点的帮助。
Develop strategies to ensure the participation of children with disabilities in consultation processes for the implementation of the Convention that are inclusive, child-friendly, transparent and respectful of their rights to freedom of expression and thought;制定战略,确保残疾儿童参与关于执行《公约》的协商进程,这种协商进程应具有包容性、对儿童友好、透明并尊重他们的表达和思想自由权;
Conduct consultations and procedures in an open and transparent manner and understandable formats, inclusive of all organizations of persons with disabilities;以公开透明的方式和可理解的形式开展协商和程序,让所有残疾人组织参加;
Ensure that organizations of persons with disabilities can receive and/or seek funding and other forms of resources from national and international sources, including private individuals and companies, civil society organizations, States parties and international organizations, including access to tax exemptions, and the national lottery;确保残疾人组织可以从国家和国际来源获得和(或)寻求资金和其他形式的资源,包括来自私人和公司、民间社会组织、缔约国和国际组织的资源,包括享受免税和发行国家彩票;
Make existing consultation procedures in non-disability-specific areas of law accessible and inclusive of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations;使残疾人可以通过残疾人代表组织利用法律领域现有的、非具体针对残疾人的协商程序,并使这些程序能够包容残疾人;
Actively involve and closely consult with persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, on public budgeting processes, the monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals at the national level, international decision-making and international cooperation with other States parties, and adopt development policies that mainstream the rights and opinions of persons with disabilities when implementing and monitoring the 2030 Agenda at the national level;让残疾人通过其代表组织,积极参与公共预算编制过程、国家一级对可持续发展目标的监测、国际决策和与其他缔约国的国际合作等事务,与他们密切协商,并在国家一级执行和监测《2030年议程》时,制定纳入残疾人的权利和意见的发展政策;
Guarantee the participation, representation and easy access of persons with disabilities to focal points at all levels of Government and the coordination mechanisms, and their cooperation and representation within the independent monitoring frameworks;保证残疾人参与、代表和方便接触各级政府协调中心和协调机制,并保证他们在独立监测框架内的合作和代表性;
Promote and ensure the participation and involvement of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in international human rights mechanisms at the regional and global levels;促进并确保残疾人通过其代表组织参加和参与区域和全球层面的国际人权机制;
Define in close consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities verifiable indicators for good participation, concrete timelines and responsibilities for implementation and monitoring.与残疾人组织密切协商,界定良好参与的可核查指标,确定具体时间表以及实施和监测的责任。
Such participation can be measured, for example, by explaining the scope of their participation in connection with proposals for amending laws or reporting on the number of representatives from such organizations involved in decision-making processes.衡量这种参与情况的办法包括,解释这类组织在修改法律提案方面的参与程度,或报告其参与决策进程的代表人数等。
* Adopted by the Committee at its twentieth session (27 August–21 September 2018).* 委员会第二十届会议(2018年8月27日至9月21日)通过。
1 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Principles and Guidelines for a Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction Strategies, para. 64.联合国人权事务高级专员办事处,《减贫战略人权方针的原则和准则》,第64段。
A/HRC/31/62, para. 13.A/HRC/31/62, 第13段。
Ibid., para. 14.同上,第14段。
Ibid., paras. 16–17.同上,第16至17段。
CRPD/C/11/2, annex II, para. 3.CRPD/C/11/2, 附件二,第3段。
General comment No. 3 (2016) on women and girls with disabilities, para. 5.关于残疾妇女和女童的第3号一般性意见(2016年),第5段。
A/HRC/31/62, para. 38;A/HRC/31/62, 第38段;
and A/71/314, para. 64.及A/71/314, 第64段。
A/HRC/19/36, paras. 15–17.A/HRC/19/36, 第15-17段。
A/HRC/31/62, para. 63;A/HRC/31/62, 第63段;
and A/HRC/34/58, para. 63.及A/HRC/34/58, 第63段。
A/HRC/31/62, para. 64.A/HRC/31/62, 第64段。
Article 7 (3) of the Convention.《公约》第七条第三款。
See Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard, para. 134.见儿童权利委员会,关于儿童表达意见的权利的第12号一般性意见(2009年),第134段。
General comment No. 12, para. 133.第12号一般性意见,第133段。
See General Assembly resolution 53/144, annex.见大会第53/144号决议,附件。
A/HRC/31/62, paras. 1–3.A/HRC/31/62, 第1-3段。