Convention on Desertification United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa


The Parties to this Convention,


Affirming that human beings in affected or threatened areas are at the centre of concerns to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought,


Reflecting the urgent concern of the international community, including States and international organizations, about the adverse impacts of desertification and drought,


Aware that arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas together account for a significant proportion of the Earth's land area and are the habitat and source of livelihood for a large segment of its population,


Acknowledging that desertification and drought are problems of global dimension in that they affect all regions of the world and that joint action of the international community is needed to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought,


Noting the high concentration of developing countries, notably the least developed countries, among those experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, and the particularly tragic consequences of these phenomena in Africa,


Noting also that desertification is caused by complex interactions among physical, biological, political, social, cultural and economic factors,


Considering the impact of trade and relevant aspects of international economic relations on the ability of affected countries to combat desertification adequately,


Conscious that sustainable economic growth, social development and poverty eradication are priorities of affected developing countries, particularly in Africa, and are essential to meeting sustainability objectives,


Mindful that desertification and drought affect sustainable development through their interrelationships with important social problems such as poverty, poor health and nutrition, lack of food security, and those arising from migration, displacement of persons and demographic dynamics,


Appreciating the significance of the past efforts and experience of States and international organizations in combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought, particularly in implementing the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification which was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Desertification in 1977,


Realizing that, despite efforts in the past, progress in combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought has not met expectations and that a new and more effective approach is needed at all levels within the framework of sustainable development,


Recognizing the validity and relevance of decisions adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, particularly of Agenda 21 and its chapter 12, which provide a basis for combating desertification,


Reaffirming in this light the commitments of developed countries as contained in paragraph 13 of chapter 33 of Agenda 21,


Recalling General Assembly resolution 47/188, particularly the priority in it prescribed for Africa, and all other relevant United Nations resolutions, decisions and programmes on desertification and drought, as well as relevant declarations by African countries and those from other regions,


Reaffirming the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development which states, in its principle 2, that States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental and developmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction,


Recognizing that national Governments play a critical role in combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought and that progress in that respect depends on local implementation of action programmes in affected areas,


Recognizing also the importance and necessity of international cooperation and partnership in combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought,


Recognizing further the importance of the provision to affected developing countries, particularly in Africa, of effective means, inter alia substantial financial resources, including new and additional funding, and access to technology, without which it will be difficult for them to implement fully their commitments under this Convention,


Expressing concern over the impact of desertification and drought on affected countries in Central Asia and the Transcaucasus,


Stressing the important role played by women in regions affected by desertification and/or drought, particularly in rural areas of developing countries, and the importance of ensuring the full participation of both men and women at all levels in programmes to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought,


Emphasizing the special role of non-governmental organizations and other major groups in programmes to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought,


Bearing in mind the relationship between desertification and other environmental problems of global dimension facing the international and national communities,


Bearing also in mind the contribution that combating desertification can make to achieving the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity and other related environmental conventions,


Believing that strategies to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought will be most effective if they are based on sound systematic observation and rigorous scientific knowledge and if they are continuously re-evaluated,


Recognizing the urgent need to improve the effectiveness and coordination of international cooperation to facilitate the implementation of national plans and priorities,


Determined to take appropriate action in combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought for the benefit of present and future generations,


Have agreed as follows:






Article 1


Use of terms


For the purposes of this Convention:


a) "desertification" means land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities;

(a) “荒漠化是指包括气候变异和人类活动在内的种种因素造成的干旱、半干旱和亚湿润干旱地区的土地退化;

b) "combating desertification" includes activities which are part of the integrated development of land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas for sustainable development which are aimed at:

(b) “防治荒漠化包括干旱、半干旱和亚湿润干旱地区为可持续发展而进行的土地综合开发的部分活动,目的是:

i) prevention and/or reduction of land degradation;

() 防止和/或减少土地退化;

ii) rehabilitation of partly degraded land; and

() 恢复部分退化的土地;及

iii) reclamation of desertified land;

() 垦复已荒漠化的土地;

c) "drought" means the naturally occurring phenomenon that exists when precipitation has been significantly below normal recorded levels, causing serious hydrological imbalances that adversely affect land resource production systems;

(c) “干旱是指降水量大大低于正常记录水平时发生的自然现象,引起严重水文失衡,对土地资源生产系统造成有害影响;

d) "mitigating the effects of drought" means activities related to the prediction of drought and intended to reduce the vulnerability of society and natural systems to drought as it relates to combating desertification;

(d) “缓解干旱影响是指与预测干旱有关并旨在防治荒漠化方面减轻社会和自然系统易受干旱影响的活动;

e) "land" means the terrestrial bio-productive system that comprises soil, vegetation, other biota, and the ecological and hydrological processes that operate within the system;

(e) “土地是指具有陆地生物生产力的系统,由土壤、植被、其他生物区系和在该系统中发挥作用的生态及水文过程组成;

f) "land degradation" means reduction or loss, in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of rainfed cropland, irrigated cropland, or range, pasture, forest and woodlands resulting from land uses or from a process or combination of processes, including processes arising from human activities and habitation patterns, such as:

(f) “土地退化是指由于使用土地或由于一种营力或数种营力结合致使干旱,半干旱和亚湿润干旱地区雨浇地、水浇地或草原、牧场、森林和林地的生物或经济生产力和复杂性下降或丧失,其中包括:

i) soil erosion caused by wind and/or water;

() 风蚀和水蚀致使土壤物质流失;

ii) deterioration of the physical, chemical and biological or economic properties of soil; and

() 土壤的物理、化学和生物特性或经济特性退化,及

iii) long-term loss of natural vegetation;

() 自然植被长期丧失;

g) "arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas" means areas, other than polar and sub-polar regions, in which the ratio of annual precipitation to potential evapotranspiration falls within the range from 0.05 to 0.65;

(g) “干旱、半干旱和亚湿润干旱地区是指年降水量与潜在蒸发散之比在0.050.65之间的地区,但不包括极区和副极区;

h) "affected areas" means arid, semi-arid and/or dry sub-humid areas affected or threatened by desertification;

(h) “受影响地区是指受荒漠化影响或威胁的干旱、半干旱和/或亚湿润干旱地区;

i) "affected countries" means countries whose lands include, in whole or in part, affected areas;

(i) “受影响国家是指其全部或部分土地为受影响地区的国家;

j) "regional economic integration organization" means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region which has competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention;

(j) “区域经济一体化组织是指由一个区域主权国家构成的组织,它对本《公约》所涉事项拥有管辖权并按其内部程序被正式授权签署、批准、接受、核准或加入本《公约》;

k) "developed country Parties" means developed country Parties and regional economic integration organizations constituted by developed countries.

(k) “发达国家缔约方是指发达国家缔约方和由发达国家组成的区域经济一体化组织。

Article 2




1. The objective of this Convention is to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought in countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa, through effective action at all levels, supported by international cooperation and partnership arrangements, in the framework of an integrated approach which is consistent with Agenda 21, with a view to contributing to the achievement of sustainable development in affected areas.

1. 本《公约》的目标是在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家,特别是在非洲防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响,为此要在所有各级采取有效措施,辅之以在符合《21世纪议程》的综合办法框架内建立的国际合作和伙伴关系安排,以期协助受影响地区实现可持续发展。

2. Achieving this objective will involve long-term integrated strategies that focus simultaneously, in affected areas, on improved productivity of land, and the rehabilitation, conservation and sustainable management of land and water resources, leading to improved living conditions, in particular at the community level.

2. 实现这项目标将包括一项长期的综合战略,同时在受影响地区重点提高土地生产力,恢复、保护并以可持续的方式管理土地和水资源,从而改善特别是社区一级的生活条件。

Article 3




In order to achieve the objective of this Convention and to implement its provisions, the Parties shall be guided, inter alia, by the following:


a) the Parties should ensure that decisions on the design and implementation of programmes to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought are taken with the participation of populations and local communities and that an enabling environment is created at higher levels to facilitate action at national and local levels;

(a) 缔约方应当确保群众和地方社区参与关于防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响的方案的设计和实施决策,并在较高各级为便利国家和地方两级采取行动创造一种扶持环境;

b) the Parties should, in a spirit of international solidarity and partnership, improve cooperation and coordination at subregional, regional and international levels, and better focus financial, human, organizational and technical resources where they are needed;

(b) 缔约方应当本着国际团结和伙伴关系的精神,改善分区域、区域以及国际的合作和协调,并更好地将资金,人力,组织和技术资源集中用于需要的地方;

c) the Parties should develop, in a spirit of partnership, cooperation among all levels of government, communities, non-governmental organizations and landholders to establish a better understanding of the nature and value of land and scarce water resources in affected areas and to work towards their sustainable use; and

(c) 缔约方应当本着伙伴关系的精神在政府所有各级、社区、非政府组织和土地所有者之间发展合作,更好地认识受影响地区土地资源和稀缺的水资源的性质和价值,并争取以可持续的方式利用这些资源;及

d) the Parties should take into full consideration the special needs and circumstances of affected developing country Parties, particularly the least developed among them.

(d) 缔约方应当充分考虑到受影响发展中国家缔约方、特别是其中最不发达国家的特殊需要和处境。





Article 4


General obligations


1. The Parties shall implement their obligations under this Convention, individually or jointly, either through existing or prospective bilateral and multilateral arrangements or a combination thereof, as appropriate, emphasizing the need to coordinate efforts and develop a coherent long-term strategy at all levels.

1. 缔约方应通过现有的或预期的双边和多边安排,或酌情以两者相结合的方式,单独或共同履行本《公约》规定的义务,同时强调需要在所有各级协调努力,制订连贯一致的长期战略。

2. In pursuing the objective of this Convention, the Parties shall:

2. 为实现本公约的目标,缔约方应:

a) adopt an integrated approach addressing the physical, biological and socio-economic aspects of the processes of desertification and drought;

(a) 采取综合办法,处理荒漠化和干旱过程中的自然、生物和社会经济因素;

b) give due attention, within the relevant international and regional bodies, to the situation of affected developing country Parties with regard to international trade, marketing arrangements and debt with a view to establishing an enabling international economic environment conducive to the promotion of sustainable development;

(b) 在有关的国际和区域机构内适当注意受影响发展中国家缔约方在国际贸易、市场安排和债务方面的情况,为促进可持续发展创立扶持性国际经济环境;

c) integrate strategies for poverty eradication into efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;

(c) 把消灭贫困战略纳入防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的工作;

d) promote cooperation among affected country Parties in the fields of environmental protection and the conservation of land and water resources, as they relate to desertification and drought;

(d) 促进受影响缔约方之间在与荒漠化和干旱有关的环境保护、土地和水资源养护领域的合作;

e) strengthen subregional, regional and international cooperation;

(e) 加强分区域、区域和国际合作;

f) cooperate within relevant intergovernmental organizations;

(f) 在有关政府间组织内开展合作;

g) determine institutional mechanisms, if appropriate, keeping in mind the need to avoid duplication; and

(g) 适当时确定机构体制,要注意避免重复;并

h) promote the use of existing bilateral and multilateral financial mechanisms and arrangements that mobilize and channel substantial financial resources to affected developing country Parties in combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought.

(h) 促进利用现有双边和多边资金机制和安排,为受影响发展中国家缔约方防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响筹集和输送实质性资金资源。

3. Affected developing country Parties are eligible for assistance in the implementation of the Convention.

3. 受影响发展中国家缔约方在执行公约中有资格获得援助。

Article 5


Obligations of affected country Parties


In addition to their obligations pursuant to article 4, affected country Parties undertake to:


a) give due priority to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought, and allocate adequate resources in accordance with their circumstances and capabilities;

(a) 适当优先注意防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响,按其情况和能力拨出适足的资源;

b) establish strategies and priorities, within the framework of sustainable development plans and/or policies, to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;

(b) 在可持续发展计划和/或政策框架内制订防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的战略和优先顺序;

c) address the underlying causes of desertification and pay special attention to the socio-economic factors contributing to desertification processes;

(c) 处理造成荒漠化的根本原因,并特别注意助长荒漠化过程的社会经济因素;

d) promote awareness and facilitate the participation of local populations, particularly women and youth, with the support of non-governmental organizations, in efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought; and

(d) 在防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的工作中,在非政府组织的支持下,提高当地群众尤其是妇女和青年的认识,并为他们的参与提供便利;以及

e) provide an enabling environment by strengthening, as appropriate, relevant existing legislation and, where they do not exist, enacting new laws and establishing long-term policies and action programmes.

(e) 于适当时加强相关的现有法律,如若没有这种法律,则颁布新的法律,和制定长期政策和行动方案,以提供一种扶持性环境。

Article 6


Obligations of developed country Parties


In addition to their general obligations pursuant to article 4, developed country Parties undertake to:


a) actively support, as agreed, individually or jointly, the efforts of affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa, and the least developed countries, to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;

(a) 在同意的基础上单独或共同地积极支持受影响发展中国家缔约方、特别是非洲国家缔约方、以及最不发达国家为防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响所作的努力;

b) provide substantial financial resources and other forms of support to assist affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa, effectively to develop and implement their own long-term plans and strategies to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;

(b) 提供实质性资金资源和其他形式的支助,以援助受影响发展中国家缔约方,特别是非洲国家缔约方有效地制订和执行防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的长期计划和战略;

c) promote the mobilization of new and additional funding pursuant to article 20, paragraph 2 (b);

(c) 根据第20条第2(b)项促进筹集新的和额外资金;

d) encourage the mobilization of funding from the private sector and other non-governmental sources; and

(d) 鼓励从私营部门和其他非政府来源筹集资金;以及

e) promote and facilitate access by affected country Parties, particularly affected developing country Parties, to appropriate technology, knowledge and know-how.

(e) 促进和便利受影响国家缔约方、特别是受影响发展中国家缔约方获得适用技术、知识和诀窍。

Article 7


Priority for Africa


In implementing this Convention, the Parties shall give priority to affected African country Parties, in the light of the particular situation prevailing in that region, while not neglecting affected developing country Parties in other regions.


Article 8


Relationship with other conventions


1. The Parties shall encourage the coordination of activities carried out under this Convention and, if they are Parties to them, under other relevant international agreements, particularly the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity, in order to derive maximum benefit from activities under each agreement while avoiding duplication of effort.

1. 缔约方应鼓励协调遵照本《公约》开展的活动,如果它们是其他有关国际协定的缔约方,则亦应协调遵照其他有关国际协定,特别是《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《生物多样性公约》开展的活动,以便争取按每一协定开展的活动都能产生最大成效,同时避免工作重复。

The Parties shall encourage the conduct of joint programmes, particularly in the fields of research, training, systematic observation and information collection and exchange, to the extent that such activities may contribute to achieving the objectives of the agreements concerned.


2. The provisions of this Convention shall not affect the rights and obligations of any Party deriving from a bilateral, regional or international agreement into which it has entered prior to the entry into force of this Convention for it.

2. 本《公约》的规定不应影响任何缔约方在本《公约》对它生效前参加的双边、区域或国际协定对它产生的权利和义务。





Section 1: Action programmes


Article 9


Basic approach


1. In carrying out their obligations pursuant to article 5, affected developing country Parties and any other affected country Party in the framework of its regional implementation annex or, otherwise, that has notified the Permanent Secretariat in writing of its intention to prepare a national action programme, shall, as appropriate, prepare, make public and implement national action programmes, utilizing and building, to the extent possible, on existing relevant successful plans and programmes, and subregional and regional action programmes, as the central element of the strategy to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.

1. 为履行第5条规定的义务,受影响发展中国家缔约方和在区域执行附件框架内,或以书面通知常设秘书处打算制定国家行动方案的任何其他受影响国家缔约方应尽可能利用现有的、相关的、成功的计划和方案,并在其基础上,酌情制订、公布和实施国家行动方案,并制订、公布和实施分区域和区域行动方案,将它们作为防治荒漠化,缓解干旱影响战略的中心内容。

Such programmes shall be updated through a continuing participatory process on the basis of lessons from field action, as well as the results of research.


The preparation of national action programmes shall be closely interlinked with other efforts to formulate national policies for sustainable development.


2. In the provision by developed country Parties of different forms of assistance under the terms of article 6, priority shall be given to supporting, as agreed, national, subregional and regional action programmes of affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa, either directly or through relevant multilateral organizations or both.

2. 发达国家缔约方在按照第6条提供不同形式的援助时,应在同意的基础上直接或通过有关多边组织或两者优先支持受影响发展中国家缔约方特别是非洲国家缔约方、分区域或区域行动方案。

3. The Parties shall encourage organs, funds and programmes of the United Nations system and other relevant intergovernmental organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community and non-governmental organizations in a position to cooperate, in accordance with their mandates and capabilities, to support the elaboration, implementation and follow-up of action programmes.

3. 缔约方应鼓励联合国系统的各机构、基金和方案以及有能力参与合作的其他有关政府间组织、学术机构、科学界和非政府组织根据其职权范围和能力,支持行动方案的拟订、实施及其后续工作。

Article 10


National action programmes


1. The purpose of national action programmes is to identify the factors contributing to desertification and practical measures necessary to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.

1. 国家行动方案的目的是查明造成荒漠化的因素,并提出防治荒漠化,缓解干旱影响所必需的实际措施。

2. National action programmes shall specify the respective roles of government, local communities and land users and the resources available and needed.

2. 国家行动方案应当明确指出政府、地方社区和土地使用者各自的作用,同时确定可得到的和需要的资源。

They shall, inter alia:


a) incorporate long-term strategies to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought, emphasize implementation and be integrated with national policies for sustainable development;

(a) 纳入防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的长期战略,强调贯彻实施并与国家可持续发展政策相结合;

b) allow for modifications to be made in response to changing circumstances and be sufficiently flexible at the local level to cope with different socio-economic, biological and geo-physical conditions;

(b) 允许根据情况变化作出修改,并应在地方一级具有足够的灵活性,以适应不同的社会经济、生物及自然地理条件;

c) give particular attention to the implementation of preventive measures for lands that are not yet degraded or which are only slightly degraded;

(c) 特别注意为尚未退化或仅轻微退化的土地实行预防措施;

d) enhance national climatological, meteorological and hydrological capabilities and the means to provide for drought early warning;

(d) 提高国家气候、气象和水文能力以及增强提供干旱早期预警的手段;

e) promote policies and strengthen institutional frameworks which develop cooperation and coordination, in a spirit of partnership, between the donor community, governments at all levels, local populations and community groups, and facilitate access by local populations to appropriate information and technology;

(e) 促进政策和加强机构框架,本着伙伴精神在捐助界、各级政府、当地群众和社区团体之间发展合作和协调,同时方便当地群众取得适当的信息和技术;

f) provide for effective participation at the local, national and regional levels of non-governmental organizations and local populations, both women and men, particularly resource users, including farmers and pastoralists and their representative organizations, in policy planning, decision-making, and implementation and review of national action programmes; and

(f) 设法在地方、国家和区域各级让非政府组织和当地男女群众,特别是资源的使用者,包括农民和牧民及他们的代表组织,有效参与国家行动方案的政策规划、决策、实施和审查;以及

g) require regular review of, and progress reports on, their implementation.

(g) 规定定期审查方案的实施情况并提出进展报告。

3. National action programmes may include, inter alia, some or all of the following measures to prepare for and mitigate the effects of drought:

3. 国家行动方案,除其他外,可包括下列某些或所有旨在对付和缓解干旱影响的措施:

a) establishment and/or strengthening, as appropriate, of early warning systems, including local and national facilities and joint systems at the subregional and regional levels, and mechanisms for assisting environmentally displaced persons;

(a) 酌情建立和/或加强早期预警系统,包括地方和国家设施及分区域和区域两级的联合系统,以及援助环境导致的流离失所者的机制;

b) strengthening of drought preparedness and management, including drought contingency plans at the local, national, subregional and regional levels, which take into consideration seasonal to interannual climate predictions;

(b) 加强考虑到季节和年度气候预测的防旱抗旱工作,包括地方、国家、分区域和区域各级的干旱应急计划;

c) establishment and/or strengthening, as appropriate, of food security systems, including storage and marketing facilities, particularly in rural areas;

(c) 酌情建立和/或加强粮食安全系统包括储存和销售设施,尤其是在农村地区;

d) establishment of alternative livelihood projects that could provide incomes in drought prone areas; and

(d) 制订可以为易发生干旱地区创收的另谋生计项目;以及

e) development of sustainable irrigation programmes for both crops and livestock.

(e) 为农作物和牲畜制订可持续的灌溉方案。

4. Taking into account the circumstances and requirements specific to each affected country Party, national action programmes include, as appropriate, inter alia, measures in some or all of the following priority fields as they relate to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought in affected areas and to their populations: promotion of alternative livelihoods and improvement of national economic environments with a view to strengthening programmes aimed at the eradication of poverty and at ensuring food security, demographic dynamics, sustainable management of natural resources, sustainable agricultural practices, development and efficient use of various energy sources, institutional and legal frameworks, strengthening of capabilities for assessment and systematic observation, including hydrological and meteorological services, and capacity building, education and public awareness.

4. 考虑到各个受影响国家缔约方有其具体的情况和要求,国家行动方案,除其他外,酌情包括下列某些或所有涉及在受影响地区防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响、涉及其人口的优先领域措施:提倡另谋生计并改善国家经济环境,以争取加强消灭贫困方案,加强粮食保障;人口动态;以可持续方式管理自然资源;实行可持续的农业方式;开发和高效率地使用各种能源;体制和法律框架;加强评估和系统观察能力包括水文和气象服务以及能力建设,教育和公众意识。

Article 11


Subregional and regional action programmes


Affected country Parties shall consult and cooperate to prepare, as appropriate, in accordance with relevant regional implementation annexes, subregional and/or regional action programmes to harmonize, complement and increase the efficiency of national programmes.


The provisions of article 10 shall apply mutatis mutandis to subregional and regional programmes.


Such cooperation may include agreed joint programmes for the sustainable management of transboundary natural resources, scientific and technical cooperation, and strengthening of relevant institutions.


Article 12


International cooperation


Affected country Parties, in collaboration with other Parties and the international community, should cooperate to ensure the promotion of an enabling international environment in the implementation of the Convention.


Such cooperation should also cover fields of technology transfer as well as scientific research and development, information collection and dissemination and financial resources.


Article 13


Support for the elaboration and implementation of action programmes


1. Measures to support action programmes pursuant to article 9 include, inter alia:

1. 根据第9条支持行动方案的措施除其他外包括:

a) financial cooperation to provide predictability for action programmes, allowing for necessary long-term planning;

(a) 资金合作,为行动方案提供可预测性,以便能作出必要的长期规划;

b) elaboration and use of cooperation mechanisms which better enable support at the local level, including action through non-governmental organizations, in order to promote the replicability of successful pilot programme activities where relevant;

(b) 制订和利用能在地方一级更好地提供支持的合作机制,包括通过非政府组织的行动,以便促进有关成功试点方案活动的推广;

c) increased flexibility in project design, funding and implementation in keeping with the experimental, iterative approach indicated for participatory action at the local community level; and

(c) 按照为地方社区一级参与行动提出的试验性可推广的办法,提高项目设计,供资和实施的灵活性;以及

d) as appropriate, administrative and budgetary procedures that increase the efficiency of cooperation and of support programmes.

(d) 酌情提高合作和支助方案效率的行政和预算程序。

2. In providing such support to affected developing country Parties, priority shall be given to African country Parties and to least developed country Parties.

2. 在向受影响发展中国家缔约方提供这种支助时,应优先重视非洲国家缔约方和最不发达国家缔约方。

Article 14


Coordination in the elaboration and implementation of action programmes


1. The Parties shall work closely together, directly and through relevant intergovernmental organizations, in the elaboration and implementation of action programmes.

1. 缔约方在拟订和执行行动方案方面应直接和通过有关政府间组织开展密切合作。

2. The Parties shall develop operational mechanisms, particularly at the national and field levels, to ensure the fullest possible coordination among developed country Parties, developing country Parties and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, in order to avoid duplication, harmonize interventions and approaches, and maximize the impact of assistance.

2. 缔约方应制订运作机制特别是在国家一级和实地方面,确保在发达国家缔约方、发展中国家缔约方、有关政府间组织和非政府组织之间尽可能全面协调,以避免重复,协调各种干预和做法,并最大限度地发挥援助作用。

In affected developing country Parties, priority will be given to coordinating activities related to international cooperation in order to maximize the efficient use of resources, to ensure responsive assistance, and to facilitate the implementation of national action programmes and priorities under this Convention.


Article 15


Regional implementation annexes


Elements for incorporation in action programmes shall be selected and adapted to the socio-economic, geographical and climatic factors applicable to affected country Parties or regions, as well as to their level of development.


Guidelines for the preparation of action programmes and their exact focus and content for particular subregions and regions are set out in the regional implementation annexes.


Section 2: Scientific and technical cooperation


Article 16


Information collection, analysis and exchange


The Parties agree, according to their respective capabilities, to integrate and coordinate the collection, analysis and exchange of relevant short-term and long-term data and information to ensure systematic observation of land degradation in affected areas and to understand better and assess the processes and effects of drought and desertification.


This would help accomplish, inter alia, early warning and advance planning for periods of adverse climatic variation in a form suited for practical application by users at all levels, including especially local populations.


To this end, they shall, as appropriate:


a) facilitate and strengthen the functioning of the global network of institutions and facilities for the collection, analysis and exchange of information, as well as for systematic observation at all levels, which shall, inter alia:

(a) 促进和加强全球机构和设施网络,在所有各级进行信息收集、分析、交流以及系统观察,这种网络除了其他外应:

i) aim to use compatible standards and systems;

() 争取使用彼此兼容的标准和系统;

ii) encompass relevant data and stations, including in remote areas;

() 覆盖包括偏远地区在内的有关数据和台站;

iii) use and disseminate modern technology for data collection, transmission and assessment on land degradation; and

() 使用和推广有关土地退化的现代数据收集、传递和评价技术;以及

iv) link national, subregional and regional data and information centres more closely with global information sources;

() 将国家,分区域和区域数据和信息中心同全球信息来源更密切地连接起来;

b) ensure that the collection, analysis and exchange of information address the needs of local communities and those of decision makers, with a view to resolving specific problems, and that local communities are involved in these activities;

(b) 确保信息收集、分析和交流能满足地方社区和决策者的需要,以便能解决具体问题,这些活动应吸收地方社区参与;

c) support and further develop bilateral and multilateral programmes and projects aimed at defining, conducting, assessing and financing the collection, analysis and exchange of data and information, including, inter alia, integrated sets of physical, biological, social and economic indicators;

(c) 支持和进一步制订旨在界定、进行、评价和资助数据和信息的收集、分析和交流的双边和多边方案和项目,除其他外,包括汇编若干套自然、生物、社会和经济综合指标;

d) make full use of the expertise of competent intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, particularly to disseminate relevant information and experiences among target groups in different regions;

(d) 充分利用有关政府间和非政府组织的专门知识,尤其要在不同区域的特定群体间传播有关信息和经验;

e) give full weight to the collection, analysis and exchange of socio-economic data, and their integration with physical and biological data;

(e) 充分注重收集、分析和交流社会经济数据并将其与自然和生物数据相结合;

f) exchange and make fully, openly and promptly available information from all publicly available sources relevant to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought; and

(f) 交流并充分、公开、及时提供有关防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的所有可以公开取得的信息;以及

g) subject to their respective national legislation and/or policies, exchange information on local and traditional knowledge, ensuring adequate protection for it and providing appropriate return from the benefits derived from it, on an equitable basis and on mutually agreed terms, to the local populations concerned.

(g) 在符合各自国家立法和/或政策的前提下就当地和传统知识交流信息,确保充分保护这种知识,并且平等地以相互议定的条件向有关当地群众适当回报由此产生的利益。

Article 17


Research and development


1. The Parties undertake, according to their respective capabilities, to promote technical and scientific cooperation in the fields of combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought through appropriate national, subregional, regional and international institutions.

1. 缔约方承诺根据自己的能力通过适当的国家、分区域、区域和国际机构促进防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响领域内的技术和科学合作。

To this end, they shall support research activities that:


a) contribute to increased knowledge of the processes leading to desertification and drought and the impact of, and distinction between, causal factors, both natural and human, with a view to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought, and achieving improved productivity as well as sustainable use and management of resources;

(a) 有助于增进对导致荒漠化和干旱的过程的认识,增进对自然及人为因素的影响及其区别的认识,以期防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响,提高生产力,可持续地使用和管理资源;

b) respond to well defined objectives, address the specific needs of local populations and lead to the identification and implementation of solutions that improve the living standards of people in affected areas;

(b) 与明确的目标共鸣,针对当地群众的具体需要,据以查明和实施能改善受影响地区人民生活水平的办法;

c) protect, integrate, enhance and validate traditional and local knowledge, know-how and practices, ensuring, subject to their respective national legislation and/or policies, that the owners of that knowledge will directly benefit on an equitable basis and on mutually agreed terms from any commercial utilization of it or from any technological development derived from that knowledge;

(c) 保护、综合、增进和验证传统的和当地的知识、诀窍和做法,在符合各自国家立法和/或政策的前提下确保拥有这种知识的人能以平等、相互商定的条件从这些知识的商业利用或从这些知识所带来的技术发展直接获益;

d) develop and strengthen national, subregional and regional research capabilities in affected developing country Parties, particularly in Africa, including the development of local skills and the strengthening of appropriate capacities, especially in countries with a weak research base, giving particular attention to multidisciplinary and participative socio-economic research;

(d) 在受影响发展中国家缔约方特别是非洲国家缔约方发展和加强国家、分区域和区域研究能力,包括当地技能的开发,尤其是在研究基础薄弱的国家加强适当的能力,特别重视多学科和参与式社会经济研究;

e) take into account, where relevant, the relationship between poverty, migration caused by environmental factors, and desertification;

(e) 考虑到相关的贫困、环境因素造成的移民与荒漠化之间的关系;

f) promote the conduct of joint research programmes between national, subregional, regional and international research organizations, in both the public and private sectors, for the development of improved, affordable and accessible technologies for sustainable development through effective participation of local populations and communities; and

(f) 促进开展国家、分区域、区域和国际研究组织在公营和私营部门的联合研究方案,以便通过当地群众和社区的有效参与为可持续的发展开发更优良的、不昂贵的和易于获得的技术,并

g) enhance the availability of water resources in affected areas, by means of, inter alia, cloud-seeding.

(g) 增加受影响地区的水资源,除其他外通过人工降雨。

2. Research priorities for particular regions and subregions, reflecting different local conditions, should be included in action programmes.

2. 行动方案中应列出反映不同地方条件的特定区域和分区域研究优先次序。

The Conference of the Parties shall review research priorities periodically on the advice of the Committee on Science and Technology.


Article 18


Transfer, acquisition, adaptation and development of technology


1. The Parties undertake, as mutually agreed and in accordance with their respective national legislation and/or policies, to promote, finance and/or facilitate the financing of the transfer, acquisition, adaptation and development of environmentally sound, economically viable and socially acceptable technologies relevant to combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought, with a view to contributing to the achievement of sustainable development in affected areas.

1. 缔约方承诺相互商定并依照各自的国家立法和/或政策促进、资助和/或便利资助、转让、获取、改造和开发有关防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响的无害环境、经济上可行、社会上可以接受的技术,以此为受影响地区实现可持续发展作出贡献。

Such cooperation shall be conducted bilaterally or multilaterally, as appropriate, making full use of the expertise of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.


The Parties shall, in particular:


a) fully utilize relevant existing national, subregional, regional and international information systems and clearing-houses for the dissemination of information on available technologies, their sources, their environmental risks and the broad terms under which they may be acquired;

(a) 充分利用有关的现有国家、分区域,区域和国际信息系统和交流中心,传播与下列各项有关的信息:可获得的技术,其来源、其环境风险,以及获得这些技术的大致条件;

b) facilitate access, in particular by affected developing country Parties, on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed, taking into account the need to protect intellectual property rights, to technologies most suitable to practical application for specific needs of local populations, paying special attention to the social, cultural, economic and environmental impact of such technology;

(b) 便利特别是受影响发展中国家缔约方以有利条件,包括相互议定的减让和优惠条件在顾及需保护知识产权的前提下获取最宜实际用来解决当地群众特殊需要的技术,要特别注意这类技术的社会、文化、经济和环境影响;

c) facilitate technology cooperation among affected country Parties through financial assistance or other appropriate means;

(c) 通过资金援助或其他适当途径,便利受影响国家缔约方之间开展技术合作;

d) extend technology cooperation with affected developing country Parties, including, where relevant, joint ventures, especially to sectors which foster alternative livelihoods; and

(d) 尤其要把与受影响发展中国家缔约方开展的技术合作推广到促进另谋生计部门,相关情况下包括合资经营;以及

e) take appropriate measures to create domestic market conditions and incentives, fiscal or otherwise, conducive to the development, transfer, acquisition and adaptation of suitable technology, knowledge, know-how and practices, including measures to ensure adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights.

(e) 采取措施,创造有利于发展、转让、获取、改造适用技术、知识、诀窍和做法的国内市场条件,提出财政鼓励或其他鼓励办法,包括确保充分和有效保护知识产权的措施。

2. The Parties shall, according to their respective capabilities, and subject to their respective national legislation and/or policies, protect, promote and use in particular relevant traditional and local technology, knowledge, know-how and practices and, to that end, they undertake to:

2. 缔约方应根据各自能力并在符合各自国家立法和/或政策的前提下保护、促进和利用特别是有关的传统和当地技术、知识、诀窍和做法,为此,缔约方承诺:

a) make inventories of such technology, knowledge, know-how and practices and their potential uses with the participation of local populations, and disseminate such information, where appropriate, in cooperation with relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations;

(a) 请当地群众参加将这种技术、知识、诀窍和做法及其潜在用途登记造册,并酌情与有关政府间组织和非政府组织合作传播这方面的信息;

b) ensure that such technology, knowledge, know-how and practices are adequately protected and that local populations benefit directly, on an equitable basis and as mutually agreed, from any commercial utilization of them or from any technological development derived therefrom;

(b) 确保这种技术、知识、诀窍和做法受到充分保护,并确保当地群众能平等地和以相互商定的条件从这些知识或源自这些知识的任何技术发展的任何商业利用中直接获得利益;

c) encourage and actively support the improvement and dissemination of such technology, knowledge, know-how and practices or of the development of new technology based on them; and

(c) 鼓励和积极支持改进和推广这种技术、知识、诀窍和做法或据以发展的新技术;并

d) facilitate, as appropriate, the adaptation of such technology, knowledge, know-how and practices to wide use and integrate them with modern technology, as appropriate.

(d) 酌情便利改造这种技术、知识、诀窍和做法,以利广泛使用,并酌情将之与现代技术相结合。

Section 3: Supporting measures

3节 支持措施

Article 19


Capacity building, education and public awareness


1. The Parties recognize the significance of capacity building -- that is to say, institution building, training and development of relevant local and national capacities -- in efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.

1. 缔约方确认,能力建设――即所谓机构建设、培训和有关本地和本国能力的发展――对防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响各种努力具有重要意义。

They shall promote, as appropriate, capacity-building:


a) through the full participation at all levels of local people, particularly at the local level, especially women and youth, with the cooperation of non-governmental and local organizations;

(a) 鼓励所有各级的、尤其是地方一级的当地人民、特别是妇女和青年的充分参与,与非政府组织和地方组织合作;

b) by strengthening training and research capacity at the national level in the field of desertification and drought;

(b) 增强国家一级在荒漠化和干旱领域的训练和研究能力;

c) by establishing and/or strengthening support and extension services to disseminate relevant technology methods and techniques more effectively, and by training field agents and members of rural organizations in participatory approaches for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources;

(c) 建立和/或加强支助和推广服务,更有效地传播有关工艺方法和技术,培训实地工作人员和农村组织成员,采取群众参与的方法,以保护和可持续地使用自然资源;

d) by fostering the use and dissemination of the knowledge, know-how and practices of local people in technical cooperation programmes, wherever possible;

(d) 尽可能地促进在技术合作方案中利用和传播当地人民的知识、诀窍和做法;

e) by adapting, where necessary, relevant environmentally sound technology and traditional methods of agriculture and pastoralism to modern socio-economic conditions;

(e) 按照现代社会经济情况,在必要时改造有关的无害环境技术以及农牧业中的传统方法;

f) by providing appropriate training and technology in the use of alternative energy sources, particularly renewable energy resources, aimed particularly at reducing dependence on wood for fuel;

(f) 提供适当的培训和技术,利用替代能源,尤其是可再生能源,以期特别是减少燃料方面对木柴的依赖;

g) through cooperation, as mutually agreed, to strengthen the capacity of affected developing country Parties to develop and implement programmes in the field of collection, analysis and exchange of information pursuant to article 16;

(g) 相互协议进行合作,加强受影响发展中国家缔约方按照第16条在收集、分析和交流信息领域制订和实施方案的能力;

h) through innovative ways of promoting alternative livelihoods, including training in new skills;

(h) 以创新的方式促进另谋生计,包括新技能的培训;

i) by training of decision makers, managers, and personnel who are responsible for the collection and analysis of data for the dissemination and use of early warning information on drought conditions and for food production;

(i) 培训决策者、管理人员和负责收集和分析数据的人员,以便传播和使用干旱状况早期预警信息和粮食生产;

j) through more effective operation of existing national institutions and legal frameworks and, where necessary, creation of new ones, along with strengthening of strategic planning and management; and

(j) 提高现有国家机构和法律框架的运作效能,必要时建立新的机构和框架,同时加强战略规划和管理;以及

k) by means of exchange visitor programmes to enhance capacity building in affected country Parties through a long-term, interactive process of learning and study.

(k) 通过互访方案,长期的学习研究交流,增进受影响国家缔约方的能力建设。

2. Affected developing country Parties shall conduct, in cooperation with other Parties and competent intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, as appropriate, an interdisciplinary review of available capacity and facilities at the local and national levels, and the potential for strengthening them.

2. 受影响发展中国家缔约方应酌情在其他缔约方和胜任的政府间和非政府组织的合作下,从跨学科的角度审查地方和国家现有的能力和设施,以及予以加强的可能性。

3. The Parties shall cooperate with each other and through competent intergovernmental organizations, as well as with non-governmental organizations, in undertaking and supporting public awareness and educational programmes in both affected and, where relevant, unaffected country Parties to promote understanding of the causes and effects of desertification and drought and of the importance of meeting the objective of this Convention.

3. 缔约方应彼此并与胜任的政府间组织以及非政府组织开展合作,在受影响缔约方和适当时在未受影响国家缔约方推行和支持公众意识和教育方案,促进对荒漠化和干旱的原因和影响以及实现本《公约》目标的重要性的认识。

To that end, they shall:


a) organize awareness campaigns for the general public;

(a) 组织对公众的宣传运动;

b) promote, on a permanent basis, access by the public to relevant information, and wide public participation in education and awareness activities;

(b) 长期促进公众能得到有关的信息并让公众广泛参与教育和宣传活动;

c) encourage the establishment of associations that contribute to public awareness;

(c) 鼓励建立有助于公众意识的协会;

d) develop and exchange educational and public awareness material, where possible in local languages, exchange and second experts to train personnel of affected developing country Parties in carrying out relevant education and awareness programmes, and fully utilize relevant educational material available in competent international bodies;

(d) 制订和交流教育和公众意识材料,这类材料在可能的情况下应用当地语文编制,互派和调派专家训练受影响发展中国家缔约方的人员,使他们能够推行有关的教育和宣传方案,充分利用胜任的国际机构备有的有关教育材料;

e) assess educational needs in affected areas, elaborate appropriate school curricula and expand, as needed, educational and adult literacy programmes and opportunities for all, in particular for girls and women, on the identification, conservation and sustainable use and management of the natural resources of affected areas; and

(e) 评价受影响地区的教育需要,制订适当的学校课程,必要时,扩大教育和成人识字方案,并在查明、保护以及可持续使用和管理受影响地区资源方面,为所有人特别是女童和妇女创造更多的机会;并

f) develop interdisciplinary participatory programmes integrating desertification and drought awareness into educational systems and in non-formal, adult, distance and practical educational programmes.

(f) 制订跨学科参与式方案,把对荒漠化和干旱的意识纳入教育系统,并使之融入非正式教育方案、成人教育方案、远距离和实用教育方案。

4. The Conference of the Parties shall establish and/or strengthen networks of regional education and training centres to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.

4. 缔约方会议应为防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响设立和/或加强区域教育和培训中心网络。

These networks shall be coordinated by an institution created or designated for that purpose, in order to train scientific, technical and management personnel and to strengthen existing institutions responsible for education and training in affected country Parties, where appropriate, with a view to harmonizing programmes and to organizing exchanges of experience among them.


These networks shall cooperate closely with relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to avoid duplication of effort.


Article 20


Financial resources


1. Given the central importance of financing to the achievement of the objective of the Convention, the Parties, taking into account their capabilities, shall make every effort to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for programmes to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.

1. 鉴于为实现《公约》目标筹资至为重要,缔约方应视其能力尽力确保防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的方案得到充分的资金资源。

2. In this connection, developed country Parties, while giving priority to affected African country Parties without neglecting affected developing country Parties in other regions, in accordance with article 7, undertake to:

2. 在这方面,发达国家缔约方,在不忽视其他区域的受影响发展中国家缔约方的前提下,根据第7条规定对非洲给予优先,同时承诺:

a) mobilize substantial financial resources, including grants and concessional loans, in order to support the implementation of programmes to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;

(a) 筹集实质性资金资源,包括赠款和减让贷款,以便支持执行防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的方案;

b) promote the mobilization of adequate, timely and predictable financial resources, including new and additional funding from the Global Environment Facility of the agreed incremental costs of those activities concerning desertification that relate to its four focal areas, in conformity with the relevant provisions of the Instrument establishing the Global Environment Facility;

(b) 促进筹集充分、及时和可预测的资金资源,其中包括根据《建立全球环境融资文件》的有关规定,为与全球环境融资的四个中心领域有关的涉及荒漠化的那些活动的议定增加费用,从全球环境融资中筹集新的和额外的资金;

c) facilitate through international cooperation the transfer of technology, knowledge and know-how; and

(c) 通过国际合作,便利技术知识和诀窍的转让;以及

d) explore, in cooperation with affected developing country Parties, innovative methods and incentives for mobilizing and channelling resources, including those of foundations, non-governmental organizations and other private sector entities, particularly debt swaps and other innovative means which increase financing by reducing the external debt burden of affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa.

(d) 与受影响发展中国家缔约方合作,寻求筹集和输送资源的新办法和鼓励措施,包括各种基金,非政府组织和其他私营部门实体的资金,特别是债务交换和其他创新办法,通过减少特别是非洲受影响发展中国家缔约方的外债负担来增加融资。

3. affected developing country Parties, taking into account their capabilities, undertake to mobilize adequate financial resources for the implementation of their national action programmes.

3. 受影响发展中国家缔约方,按其能力,承诺为执行其国家行动方案筹集充分资金资源。

4. in mobilizing financial resources, the Parties shall seek full use and continued qualitative improvement of all national, bilateral and multilateral funding sources and mechanisms, using consortia, joint programmes and parallel financing, and shall seek to involve private sector funding sources and mechanisms, including those of non-governmental organizations.

4. 缔约方在筹集资金资源时应充分利用,并继续在质量方面改善所有本国、双边和多边资金来源和机制,利用财团、联合方案和并行筹资,并应争取吸引私营部门资金来源和机制,包括非政府组织的资金和机制的参与。

To this end, the Parties shall fully utilize the operational mechanisms developed pursuant to article 14.


5. in order to mobilize the financial resources necessary for affected developing country Parties to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought, the Parties shall:

5. 为筹集受影响发展中国家缔约方防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响所需的资金资源,缔约方应:

a) rationalize and strengthen the management of resources already allocated for combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought by using them more effectively and efficiently, assessing their successes and shortcomings, removing hindrances to their effective use and, where necessary, reorienting programmes in the light of the integrated long-term approach adopted pursuant to this Convention;

(a) 理顺和加强管理为防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响已拨出的资源,更切实际、更有效地利用它们,对其成败进行评估,消除妨碍其有效利用的阻力和必要时根据本《公约》采取的综合长期办法重新确定方案的方向;

b) give due priority and attention within the governing bodies of multilateral financial institutions, facilities and funds, including regional development banks and funds, to supporting affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa, in activities which advance implementation of the Convention, notably action programmes they undertake in the framework of regional implementation annexes; and

(b) 在多边资金机构、设施和基金包括区域开发银行和基金的理事会中,应优先支持受影响发展中国家缔约方特别是非洲此类国家促进执行《公约》的活动,尤其是在它们根据区域执行附件进行的行动方案方面;并

c) examine ways in which regional and subregional cooperation can be strengthened to support efforts undertaken at the national level.

(c) 审查能加强区域和分区域合作的途径,支持在国家一级进行的努力。

6. Other country Parties are encouraged to provide, on a voluntary basis, knowledge, know-how and techniques related to desertification and/or financial resources to affected developing country Parties.

6. 鼓励其他缔约方向受影响发展中国家缔约方自愿提供与荒漠化有关的知识、诀窍和技术和/或资金资源。

7. The full implementation by affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa, of their obligations under the Convention will be greatly assisted by the fulfilment by developed country Parties of their obligations under the Convention, including in particular those regarding financial resources and transfer of technology.

7. 发达国家缔约方按《公约》规定履行义务,特别是有关资金资源和技术转让的义务,将能大大地帮助受影响发展中国家缔约方、特别是其中非洲国家充分履行它们按照《公约》所承担的义务。

In fulfilling their obligations, developed country Parties should take fully into account that economic and social development and poverty eradication are the first priorities of affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa.


Article 21


Financial mechanisms


1. The Conference of the Parties shall promote the availability of financial mechanisms and shall encourage such mechanisms to seek to maximize the availability of funding for affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa, to implement the Convention.

1. 缔约方会议应促进拥有资金机制并应鼓励这种机制尽量为受影响发展中国家缔约方,特别是非洲此类国家,执行《公约》获得资金。

To this end, the Conference of the Parties shall consider for adoption inter alia approaches and policies that:


a) facilitate the provision of necessary funding at the national, subregional, regional and global levels for activities pursuant to relevant provisions of the Convention;

(a) 便利在国家、分区域、区域和全球一级为根据《公约》有关规定进行的活动提供必要资金;

b) promote multiple-source funding approaches, mechanisms and arrangements and their assessment, consistent with article 20;

(b) 促进符合第20条的多种来源的融资办法、机制和安排及其评估;

c) provide on a regular basis, to interested Parties and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, information on available sources of funds and on funding patterns in order to facilitate coordination among them;

(c) 定期向感兴趣的缔约方和有关政府间和非政府间组织提供有关资金来源和融资形式的信息,以促进它们之间的协调;

d) facilitate the establishment, as appropriate, of mechanisms, such as national desertification funds, including those involving the participation of non-governmental organizations, to channel financial resources rapidly and efficiently to the local level in affected developing country Parties; and

(d) 酌情便利建立各种机制,如国家防治荒漠化基金,包括非政府组织参与的基金,迅速和有效地向受影响发展中国家缔约方地方一级输送资金资源;以及

e) strengthen existing funds and financial mechanisms at the subregional and regional levels, particularly in Africa, to support more effectively the implementation of the Convention.

(e) 加强分区域和区域一级,特别是在非洲的现有基金和资金机制,以便更有效地支持执行《公约》。

2. The Conference of the Parties shall also encourage the provision, through various mechanisms within the United Nations system and through multilateral financial institutions, of support at the national, subregional and regional levels to activities that enable developing country Parties to meet their obligations under the Convention.

2. 缔约方会议也应鼓励通过联合国系统内的各种机制和多边金融机构支持发展中国家缔约方为履行《公约》规定的义务在国家、分区域和区域一级进行的活动。

3. Affected developing country Parties shall utilize, and where necessary, establish and/or strengthen, national coordinating mechanisms, integrated in national development programmes, that would ensure the efficient use of all available financial resources.

3. 受影响国家缔约方应利用,在需要时建立和/或加强即将并入国家发展方案的国家协调机制,以便保证有效使用所有可获得的资金资源。

They shall also utilize participatory processes involving non-governmental organizations, local groups and the private sector, in raising funds, in elaborating as well as implementing programmes and in assuring access to funding by groups at the local level.


These actions can be enhanced by improved coordination and flexible programming on the part of those providing assistance.


4. In order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of existing financial mechanisms, a Global Mechanism to promote actions leading to the mobilization and channelling of substantial financial resources, including for the transfer of technology, on a grant basis, and/or on concessional or other terms, to affected developing country Parties, is hereby established.

4. 为了增加现有资金机制的效力和效率,兹建立一项全球机制以促进向受影响发展中国家缔约方以赠款、减让和/或以其他条件筹集和输送实质性资金资源的行动,包括技术转让。

This Global Mechanism shall function under the authority and guidance of the Conference of the Parties and be accountable to it.


5. The Conference of the Parties shall identify, at its first ordinary session, an organization to house the Global Mechanism.

5. 缔约方会议应在其第一次常会上确定一个容纳全球机制的组织。

The Conference of the Parties and the organization it has identified shall agree upon modalities for this Global Mechanism to ensure inter alia that such Mechanism:


a) identifies and draws up an inventory of relevant bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes that are available to implement the Convention;

(a) 查明和拟订现有可用以执行《公约》的有关双边和多边合作方案的清单;

b) provides advice, on request, to Parties on innovative methods of financing and sources of financial assistance and on improving the coordination of cooperation activities at the national level;

(b) 根据要求,向缔约方提供有关筹资和资金援助来源的创新方法以及关于在国家一级改进合作活动之协调的意见;

c) provides interested Parties and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations with information on available sources of funds and on funding patterns in order to facilitate coordination among them; and

(c) 向感兴趣的缔约方和有关政府间和非政府组织提供关于现有资金来源和融资形式的信息,以促进它们之间的协调;并

d) reports to the Conference of the Parties, beginning at its second ordinary session, on its activities.

(d) 从缔约方会议第二届常会开始,提出其活动的报告。

6. The Conference of the Parties shall, at its first session, make appropriate arrangements with the organization it has identified to house the Global Mechanism for the administrative operations of such Mechanism, drawing to the extent possible on existing budgetary and human resources.

6. 缔约方会议应在其第一届会议上同所确定容纳全球机制的组织为该机制的行政业务作出适当安排,在可能范围内使用现有预算和人力资源。

7. The Conference of the Parties shall, at its third ordinary session, review the policies, operational modalities and activities of the Global Mechanism accountable to it pursuant to paragraph 4, taking into account the provisions of article 7.

7. 缔约方会议应在其第三届常会上,考虑到第7条的规定,审查按照第4款向其负责的全球机制的政策、运作方式和活动。

On the basis of this review, it shall consider and take appropriate action.






Article 22


Conference of the Parties


1. A Conference of the Parties is hereby established.

1. 兹设立缔约方会议。

2. The Conference of the Parties is the supreme body of the Convention.

2. 缔约方会议是本《公约》的最高机构。

It shall make, within its mandate, the decisions necessary to promote its effective implementation.


In particular, it shall:


a) regularly review the implementation of the Convention and the functioning of its institutional arrangements in the light of the experience gained at the national, subregional, regional and international levels and on the basis of the evolution of scientific and technological knowledge;

(a) 根据科技知识的发展,参照国家、分区域、区域和国际各级取得的经验,定期审查本《公约》的实施和机构安排的运作情况;

b) promote and facilitate the exchange of information on measures adopted by the Parties, and determine the form and timetable for transmitting the information to be submitted pursuant to article 26, review the reports and make recommendations on them;

(b) 促进和便利交换关于各缔约方所采取措施的信息、决定以何种形式、按何种时间程序转送根据第26条提供的信息和审查有关报告并就这些报告提出建议;

c) establish such subsidiary bodies as are deemed necessary for the implementation of the Convention;

(c) 设立实施本《公约》所需的附属机构;

d) review reports submitted by its subsidiary bodies and provide guidance to them;

(d) 审查其附属机构提交的报告并给它们以指导;

e) agree upon and adopt, by consensus, rules of procedure and financial rules for itself and any subsidiary bodies;

(e) 商定并以协商一致的方式通过缔约方会议及其任何附属机构的议事规则和财务细则;

f) adopt amendments to the Convention pursuant to articles 30 and 31;

(f) 根据第30和第31条通过本《公约》的修正案;

g) approve a programme and budget for its activities, including those of its subsidiary bodies, and undertake necessary arrangements for their financing;

(g) 为其活动包括其附属机构的活动核定方案和预算,并为其筹资作出必要安排;

h) as appropriate, seek the cooperation of, and utilize the services of and information provided by, competent bodies or agencies, whether national or international, intergovernmental or non-governmental;

(h) 酌情谋求胜任的国家机构、国际机构、政府间机构和非政府机构的合作,并利用它们提供的服务和信息;

i) promote and strengthen the relationship with other relevant conventions while avoiding duplication of effort; and

(i) 促进和加强同其他有关公约的关系,同时避免工作重复;并

j) exercise such other functions as may be necessary for the achievement of the objective of the Convention.

(j) 行使实现本《公约》目标所需的其他职能。

3. The Conference of the Parties shall, at its first session, adopt its own rules of procedure, by consensus, which shall include decision-making procedures for matters not already covered by decision-making procedures stipulated in the Convention.

3. 缔约方会议应在第一届会议上以协商一致通过其议事规则,其中应包括本《公约》所规定的决策程序未包括的事项的决策程序。

Such procedures may include specified majorities required for the adoption of particular decisions.


4. The first session of the Conference of the Parties shall be convened by the interim secretariat referred to in article 35 and shall take place not later than one year after the date of entry into force of the Convention.

4. 缔约方会议第一届会议应由根据第35条所述临时秘书处召集,并应至迟于本《公约》生效之日起一年内举行。

Unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties, the second, third and fourth ordinary sessions shall be held yearly, and thereafter, ordinary sessions shall be held every two years.


5. Extraordinary sessions of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at such other times as may be decided either by the Conference of the Parties in ordinary session or at the written request of any Party, provided that, within three months of the request being communicated to the Parties by the Permanent Secretariat, it is supported by at least one third of the Parties.

5. 经缔约方会议常会决定或任何缔约方提出书面请求,缔约方会议特别会议可在其他时间举行,但须在常设秘书处将请求通知各缔约方起三个月之内得到至少三分之一缔约方的支持。

6. At each ordinary session, the Conference of the Parties shall elect a Bureau.

6. 在每届常会上,缔约方会议应选出一个主席团。

The structure and functions of the Bureau shall be determined in the rules of procedure.


In appointing the Bureau, due regard shall be paid to the need to ensure equitable geographical distribution and adequate representation of affected country Parties, particularly those in Africa.


7. The United Nations, its specialized agencies and any State member thereof or observers thereto not Party to the Convention, may be represented at sessions of the Conference of the Parties as observers.

7. 联合国、其专门机构以及其中不属本《公约》缔约方的任何成员国或观察员可派代表以观察员身份出席缔约方会议各届会议。

Any body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, which is qualified in matters covered by the Convention, and which has informed the Permanent Secretariat of its wish to be represented at a session of the Conference of the Parties as an observer, may be so admitted unless at least one third of the Parties present object.


The admission and participation of observers shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties.


8. The Conference of the Parties may request competent national and international organizations which have relevant expertise to provide it with information relevant to article 16, paragraph (g), article 17, paragraph 1 (c) and article 18, paragraph 2 (b).

8. 第一届缔约方会议可要求具有有关专长的国家组织和国际组织提供与第16(g)款、第17条第1(c)项和第18条第2(b)项有关的信息。

Article 23


Permanent Secretariat


1. A Permanent Secretariat is hereby established.

l. 兹设立常设秘书处。

2. The functions of the Permanent Secretariat shall be:

2. 常设秘书处的职能是:

a) to make arrangements for sessions of the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies established under the Convention and to provide them with services as required;

(a) 为根据本《公约》设立的缔约方会议及其附属机构的会议作出安排并向它们提供所需要的服务;

b) to compile and transmit reports submitted to it;

(b) 汇编和转送向其提交的报告;

c) to facilitate assistance to affected developing country Parties, on request, particularly those in Africa, in the compilation and communication of information required under the Convention;

(c) 便利应请求向受影响发展中国家缔约方特别是非洲国家提供援助,帮助它们汇编和提交本《公约》要求的信息;

d) to coordinate its activities with the secretariats of other relevant international bodies and conventions;

(d) 同其他有关国际机构和《公约》的秘书处协调活动;

e) to enter, under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties, into such administrative and contractual arrangements as may be required for the effective discharge of its functions;

(e) 在缔约方会议的指导下,订立有效履行职能所需要的行政和合同安排;

f) to prepare reports on the execution of its functions under this Convention and present them to the Conference of the Parties; and

(f) 编写秘书处根据本《公约》履行其职能的情况报告,提交缔约方会议;

g) to perform such other secretariat functions as may be determined by the Conference of the Parties.

(g) 履行缔约方会议决定的任何其他秘书处职能。

3. The Conference of the Parties, at its first session, shall designate a Permanent Secretariat and make arrangements for its functioning.

3. 缔约方会议应在第一届会议上选定常设秘书处并为其业务作好安排。

Article 24


Committee on Science and Technology


1. A Committee on Science and Technology is hereby established as a subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties to provide it with information and advice on scientific and technological matters relating to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought.

1. 兹设立科学和技术委员会,作为缔约方会议的附属机构,向会议提供与防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响有关的科技事务的信息和意见。

The Committee shall meet in conjunction with the ordinary sessions of the Conference of the Parties and shall be multidisciplinary and open to the participation of all Parties.


It shall be composed of government representatives competent in the relevant fields of expertise.


The Conference of the Parties shall decide, at its first session, on the terms of reference of the Committee.


2. The Conference of the Parties shall establish and maintain a roster of independent experts with expertise and experience in the relevant fields.

2. 缔约方会议应建立和保持一份具有有关领域专长和经验的独立专家名册。

The roster shall be based on nominations received in writing from the Parties, taking into account the need for a multidisciplinary approach and broad geographical representation.


3. The Conference of the Parties may, as necessary, appoint ad hoc panels to provide it, through the Committee, with information and advice on specific issues regarding the state of the art in fields of science and technology relevant to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought.

3. 缔约方会议在需要时可任命特设工作组,经由委员会针对与防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响有关之科技领域现状的具体问题,提供信息和意见。

These panels shall be composed of experts whose names are taken from the roster, taking into account the need for a multidisciplinary approach and broad geographical representation.


These experts shall have scientific backgrounds and field experience and shall be appointed by the Conference of the Parties on the recommendation of the Committee.


The Conference of the Parties shall decide on the terms of reference and the modalities of work of these panels.


Article 25


Networking of institutions, agencies and bodies


1. The Committee on Science and Technology shall, under the supervision of the Conference of the Parties, make provision for the undertaking of a survey and evaluation of the relevant existing networks, institutions, agencies and bodies willing to become units of a network.

1. 科学和技术委员会应在缔约方会议监督下,规定调查和评价现有网络和愿意联成网络的各类机构和组织。

Such a network shall support the implementation of the Convention.


2. On the basis of the results of the survey and evaluation referred to in paragraph 1, the Committee on Science and Technology shall make recommendations to the Conference of the Parties on ways and means to facilitate and strengthen networking of the units at the local, national and other levels, with a view to ensuring that the thematic needs set out in articles 16 to 19 are addressed.

2. 科学和技术委员会根据第1款所述调查和评价结果向缔约方会议建议如何便利和加强地方、国家和其他各级各单位之间的联网,以便确保第1619条确定的专题需要能得到处理。

3. Taking into account these recommendations, the Conference of the Parties shall:

3. 缔约方会议参照这些建议,应当:

a) identify those national, subregional, regional and international units that are most appropriate for networking, and recommend operational procedures, and a time frame, for them; and

(a) 确定最适宜联网的国家、分区域、区域和国际单位,就业务程序和时间范围向它们提出建议;

b) identify the units best suited to facilitating and strengthening such networking at all levels.

(b) 确定最适宜在各级便利和加强这种联网的单位。





Article 26


Communication of information


1. Each Party shall communicate to the Conference of the Parties for consideration at its ordinary sessions, through the Permanent Secretariat, reports on the measures which it has taken for the implementation of the Convention.

1. 每一缔约方应通过常设秘书处向缔约方会议提交它为实施本《公约》所采取措施的报告,供缔约方会议常会审议。

The Conference of the Parties shall determine the timetable for submission and the format of such reports.


2. Affected country Parties shall provide a description of the strategies established pursuant to article 5 and of any relevant information on their implementation.

2. 受影响国家缔约方应说明根据本《公约》第5条制订的战略及关于其实施情况的任何有关信息。

3. Affected country Parties which implement action programmes pursuant to articles 9 to 15 shall provide a detailed description of the programmes and of their implementation.

3. 根据第9至第15条实施行动方案的受影响国家缔约方应详细说明方案及其实施情况。

4. Any group of affected country Parties may make a joint communication on measures taken at the subregional and/or regional levels in the framework of action programmes.

4. 任何一组受影响国家缔约方可提出联合呈文,说明在行动方案的范围内在分区域和/或区域一级采取的措施。

5. Developed country Parties shall report on measures taken to assist in the preparation and implementation of action programmes, including information on the financial resources they have provided, or are providing, under the Convention.

5. 发达国家缔约方应报告为协助拟订和实施行动方案而采取的措施,包括关于它们根据本《公约》已提供或正在提供的资金资源的信息。

6. Information communicated pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be transmitted by the Permanent Secretariat as soon as possible to the Conference of the Parties and to any relevant subsidiary body.

6. 根据第l4款提交的信息应由常设秘书处尽快转交缔约方会议及任何有关的附属机构。

7. The Conference of the Parties shall facilitate the provision to affected developing countries, particularly those in Africa, on request, of technical and financial support in compiling and communicating information in accordance with this article, as well as identifying the technical and financial needs associated with action programmes.

7. 缔约方会议得便利应请求向受影响发展中国家缔约方、特别是非洲国家提供技术和资金支持,帮助它们按本条编辑和提交信息,认明与拟议行动方案有关的技术和资金需要。

Article 27


Measures to resolve questions on implementation


The Conference of the Parties shall consider and adopt procedures and institutional mechanisms for the resolution of questions that may arise with regard to the implementation of the Convention.


Article 28


Settlement of disputes


1. Parties shall settle any dispute between them concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention through negotiation or other peaceful means of their own choice.

1. 缔约方应通过谈判或自行选择的其他和平手段,解决相互之间关于本《公约》的解释或适用方面的任何争端。

2. When ratifying, accepting, approving, or acceding to the Convention, or at any time thereafter, a Party which is not a regional economic integration organization may declare in a written instrument submitted to the Depositary that, in respect of any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention, it recognizes one or both of the following means of dispute settlement as compulsory in relation to any Party accepting the same obligation:

2. 缔约方如果不是区域经济一体化组织,可在批准、接受、核准或加入本《公约》时或在其后任何时间向保存人提出一项文书,就本《公约》的解释或适用方面的任何争端作出声明,承认对于接受同样义务的任何缔约方而言,下列两者或其中之一为强制解决争端手段:

a) arbitration in accordance with a procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties in an annex as soon as practicable;

(a) 按缔约方会议在实际可行的情况下尽快通过的一项附件中通过的程序进行仲裁;

b) submission of the dispute to the International Court of Justice.

(b) 将争端提交国际法院审理。

3. A Party which is a regional economic integration organization may make a declaration with like effect in relation to arbitration in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 2 (a).

3. 缔约方如果是区域经济一体化组织,可按照第2(a)项所述程序就仲裁问题作出具有类似效果的声明。

4. A declaration made pursuant to paragraph 2 shall remain in force until it expires in accordance with its terms or until three months after written notice of its revocation has been deposited with the Depositary.

4. 根据第2款作出的声明,其有效期至按其规定的时间或将书面撤销通知交存保存人三个月之后结束。

5. The expiry of a declaration, a notice of revocation or a new declaration shall not in any way affect proceedings pending before an arbitral tribunal or the International Court of Justice unless the Parties to the dispute otherwise agree.

5. 除非争端当事方另有协议,否则声明有效期的结束、通知撤销或提出新的声明一律不影响仲裁庭或国际法院未决的诉讼。

6. If the Parties to a dispute have not accepted the same or any procedure pursuant to paragraph 2 and if they have not been able to settle their dispute within twelve months following notification by one Party to another that a dispute exists between them, the dispute shall be submitted to conciliation at the request of any Party to the dispute, in accordance with procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties in an Annex as soon as practicable.

6. 如果争端当事方未接受第2款规定的同一或任何程序,又如果一方通知另一方双方存在争端之后十二个月内未能解决争端,应按照争端任一当事方的请求,根据缔约方会议在实际可行的情况下尽快通过的一项附件中所列程序,将争端交付调解。

Article 29


Status of annexes


1. Annexes form an integral part of the Convention and, unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to the Convention also constitutes a reference to its Annexes.

1. 各附件是本《公约》的组成部分,除非另有明文规定,否则提及本《公约》即同时提及其附件。

2. The Parties shall interpret the provisions of the Annexes in a manner that is in conformity with their rights and obligations under the articles of this Convention.

2. 各缔约方应以符合按照本《公约》条款所享权利和所负义务的方式解释各附件的规定。

Article 30


Amendments to the Convention


1. Any Party may propose amendments to the Convention.

1. 任何缔约方均可对本《公约》提出修正。

2. Amendments to the Convention shall be adopted at an ordinary session of the Conference of the Parties.

2. 对本《公约》的修正应在缔约方会议的常会上通过。

The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to the Parties by the Permanent Secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption.


The Permanent Secretariat shall also communicate proposed amendments to the signatories to the Convention.


3. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to the Convention by consensus.

3. 缔约方应尽力通过协商一致的方式就任何修正草案达成协议。

If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted and no agreement reached, the amendment shall, as a last resort, be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting.


The adopted amendment shall be communicated by the Permanent Secretariat to the Depositary, who shall circulate it to all Parties for their ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.


4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in respect of an amendment shall be deposited with the Depositary.

4. 对修正案的批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书应交存于保存人。

An amendment adopted pursuant to paragraph 3 shall enter into force for those Parties having accepted it on the ninetieth day after the date of receipt by the Depositary of an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession by at least two thirds of the Parties to the Convention which were Parties at the time of the adoption of the amendment.


5. The amendment shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after the date on which that Party deposits with the Depositary its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to the said amendment.

5. 对于任何其他缔约方,修正案应于缔约方向保存人交存对该修正案的批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书之日起第九十天生效。

6. For the purposes of this article and article 31, "Parties present and voting" means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote.

6. 为本条和第31条的目的,出席并参加表决的缔约方是指出席并投赞成票或反对票的缔约方。

Article 31


Adoption and amendment of annexes


1. Any additional annex to the Convention and any amendment to an annex shall be proposed and adopted in accordance with the procedure for amendment of the Convention set forth in article 30, provided that, in adopting an additional regional implementation annex or amendment to any regional implementation annex, the majority provided for in that article shall include a two-thirds majority vote of the Parties of the region concerned present and voting.

1. 本《公约》的任何附加附件及对任一附件的任何修正均应按照第30条规定的修正程序提出和通过。 但在通过附加区域执行附件或对任何区域执行附件的修正时,该条所规定的多数票应包括有关区域出席并参加表决的缔约方的三分之二多数票。

The adoption or amendment of an annex shall be communicated by the Depositary to all Parties.


2. An annex, other than an additional regional implementation annex, or an amendment to an annex, other than an amendment to any regional implementation annex, that has been adopted in accordance with paragraph 1, shall enter into force for all Parties to the Convention six months after the date of communication by the Depositary to such Parties of the adoption of such annex or amendment, except for those Parties that have notified the Depositary in writing within that period of their non-acceptance of such annex or amendment.

2. 按照第1款通过的附件,附加区域执行附件除外,或附件的修正,对任何区域执行附件的修正除外,应于保存人将该附件或修正通过一事通报所有缔约方之日六个月之后起对所有缔约方生效,但在这段时间内书面通知保存人不接受该附件或修正的缔约方除外。

Such annex or amendment shall enter into force for Parties which withdraw their notification of non-acceptance on the ninetieth day after the date on which withdrawal of such notification has been received by the Depositary.


3. An additional regional implementation annex or amendment to any regional implementation annex that has been adopted in accordance with paragraph 1, shall enter into force for all Parties to the Convention six months after the date of the communication by the Depositary to such Parties of the adoption of such annex or amendment, except with respect to:

3. 根据第l款通过的任何附加区域执行附件或区域执行附件的修正应于保存人通报该附件或修正通过一事之日后六个月对本《公约》所有缔约方生效,但以下不在其列:

a) any Party that has notified the Depositary in writing, within such six month period, of its non-acceptance of that additional regional implementation annex or of the amendment to the regional implementation annex, in which case such annex or amendment shall enter into force for Parties which withdraw their notification of non-acceptance on the ninetieth day after the date on which withdrawal of such notification has been received by the Depositary; and

(a) 任何缔约方在六个月内以书面形式将其不接受该附加区域执行附件或区域执行附件的修正通知保存人,在这种情况该附件或修正对撤回不接受通知书的缔约方,在保存人收到上述通知后九十天起生效;以及

b) any Party that has made a declaration with respect to additional regional implementation annexes or amendments to regional implementation annexes in accordance with article 34, paragraph 4, in which case any such annex or amendment shall enter into force for such a Party on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit with the Depositary of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with respect to such annex or amendment.

(b) 对根据第34条第4款就附加区域执行附件或对区域执行附件的修正作出声明的任何缔约方,此种附件或修正应在该缔约方向交存人交存其有关该附件或修正的批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书后九十天起生效。

4. If the adoption of an annex or an amendment to an annex involves an amendment to the Convention, that annex or amendment to an annex shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to the Convention enters into force.

4. 如果附件或附件的修正涉及对本《公约》的修正,则在《公约》修正生效之前,该附件或附件的修正不得生效。

Article 32


Right to vote


1. Except as provided for in paragraph 2, each Party to the Convention shall have one vote.

1. 除第2款规定的情况外,《公约》每一缔约方均有一票表决权。

2. Regional economic integration organizations, in matters within their competence, shall exercise their right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of their member States that are Parties to the Convention.

2. 区域经济一体化组织应就其职权范围内的事项行使表决权,其票数相等于其参加本《公约》的成员国数目。

Such an organization shall not exercise its right to vote if any of its member States exercises its right, and vice versa.






Article 33




This Convention shall be opened for signature at Paris, on 14-15 October 1994, by States Members of the United Nations or any of its specialized agencies or that are Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice and by regional economic integration organizations.


It shall remain open for signature, thereafter, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York until 13 October 1995.


Article 34


Ratification, acceptance, approval and accession


1. The Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance, approval or accession by States and by regional economic integration organizations.

1. 本《公约》须经各国和各区域经济一体化组织批准、接受、核准或加入。

It shall be open for accession from the day after the date on which the Convention is closed for signature.


Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.


2. Any regional economic integration organization which becomes a Party to the Convention without any of its member States being a Party to the Convention shall be bound by all the obligations under the Convention.

2. 凡成为本《公约》缔约方而其任何成员国均非本《公约》缔约方的区域经济一体化组织应受本《公约》一切义务的约束。

Where one or more member States of such an organization are also Party to the Convention, the organization and its member States shall decide on their respective responsibilities for the performance of their obligations under the Convention.


In such cases, the organization and the member States shall not be entitled to exercise rights under the Convention concurrently.


3. In their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, regional economic integration organizations shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by the Convention.

3. 区域经济一体化组织在其批准、接受、核准或加入文书中应宣布它们对《公约》适用事项的权限范围。

They shall also promptly inform the Depositary, who shall in turn inform the Parties, of any substantial modification in the extent of their competence.


4. In its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, any Party may declare that, with respect to it, any additional regional implementation annex or any amendment to any regional implementation annex shall enter into force only upon the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with respect thereto.

4. 在其批准、接受、核准或加入文书中,任何缔约方可宣布,对它而言,任何附加区域执行附件或对任何区域执行附件的任何修正仅在该缔约方交存批准、接受或核准文书时生效。

Article 35


Interim arrangements


The secretariat functions referred to in article 23 will be carried out on an interim basis by the secretariat established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution 47/188 of 22 December 1992, until the completion of the first session of the Conference of the Parties.


Article 36


Entry into force


1. The Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit of the fiftieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

1. 本《公约》应于第五十份批准、接受、核准或加入文书交存之后第九十天生效。

2. For each State or regional economic integration organization ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the fiftieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit by such State or regional economic integration organization of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

2. 对于在第五十份批准、接受、核准或加入文书交存之日后批准、接受、核准或加入本《公约》的国家或区域经济一体化组织,本《公约》应于该国或区域经济一体化组织交存批准、接受、核准或加入书之日后第九十天生效。

3. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2, any instrument deposited by a regional economic integration organization shall not be counted as additional to those deposited by States members of the organization.

3. 为第1款和第2款的目的,由区域经济一体化组织交存的任何文书不应视为该组织成员国交存的文书以外的额外文书。

Article 37




No reservations may be made to this Convention.


Article 38




1. At any time after three years from the date on which the Convention has entered into force for a Party, that Party may withdraw from the Convention by giving written notification to the Depositary.

1. 缔约方在本《公约》对其生效之日起三年后,可随时书面通知保存人退出本《公约》。

2. Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of one year from the date of receipt by the Depositary of the notification of withdrawal, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification of withdrawal.

2. 这种退出应于保存人收到退出通知之日起一年后或在退出通知说明的较后日期生效。

Article 39




The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the Depositary of the Convention.


Article 40


Authentic texts


The original of the present Convention, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed the present Convention.


DONE AT Paris, this 17th day of June one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four.






Article 1




This Annex applies to Africa, in relation to each Party and in conformity with the Convention, in particular its article 7, for the purpose of combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought in its arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas.


Article 2




The purpose of this Annex, at the national, subregional and regional levels in Africa and in the light of its particular conditions, is to:


a) identify measures and arrangements, including the nature and processes of assistance provided by developed country Parties, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention;

(a) 查明措施和安排,包括发达国家缔约方按照本《公约》有关条款提供援助的性质和程序;

b) provide for the efficient and practical implementation of the Convention to address conditions specific to Africa; and

(b) 为有效和切实执行《公约》作出规定,专注于非洲的具体条件;以及

c) promote processes and activities relating to combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought within the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas of Africa.

(c) 促进在非洲干旱、半干旱和亚湿润干旱地区与防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响有关的进程和活动。

Article 3


Particular conditions of the African region


In carrying out their obligations under the Convention, the Parties shall, in the implementation of this Annex, adopt a basic approach that takes into consideration the following particular conditions of Africa:


a) the high proportion of arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas;

(a) 干旱、半干旱和亚湿润干旱地区占很大比例;

b) the substantial number of countries and populations adversely affected by desertification and by the frequent recurrence of severe drought;

(b) 相当多国家和大量人口受到荒漠化和日益频繁的严重干旱的不利影响;

c) the large number of affected countries that are landlocked;

(c) 有很多受影响的国家地处内陆;

d) the widespread poverty prevalent in most affected countries, the large number of least developed countries among them, and their need for significant amounts of external assistance, in the form of grants and loans on concessional terms, to pursue their development objectives;

(d) 多数受影响国家中贫困现象普遍,其中相当多国家是最不发达国家,它们为实现发展目标需要赠款和优惠条件贷款形式的大量外部援助;

e) the difficult socio-economic conditions, exacerbated by deteriorating and fluctuating terms of trade, external indebtedness and political instability, which induce internal, regional and international migrations;

(e) 由于不断恶化和上下波动的贸易条件、外债和政治不稳定,社会经济条件更加困难,因而造成国内、区域和国际移民;

f) the heavy reliance of populations on natural resources for subsistence which, compounded by the effects of demographic trends and factors, a weak technological base and unsustainable production practices, contributes to serious resource degradation;

(f) 人口为维持生计对自然资源的严重依赖,加上人口趋势和因素的影响、薄弱的技术基础和不能持久的生产方法,都是造成资源严重退化的原因;

g) the insufficient institutional and legal frameworks, the weak infrastructural base and the insufficient scientific, technical and educational capacity, leading to substantial capacity building requirements; and

(g) 机构和法律基础欠完备,基础设施薄弱和科技与教育能力不足,因而极需建立各种能力;和

h) the central role of actions to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought in the national development priorities of affected African countries.

(h) 防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响的行动对受影响国家本国发展优先事项十分重要。

Article 4


Commitments and obligations of African country Parties


1. In accordance with their respective capabilities, African country Parties undertake to:

1. 根据其各自的能力,非洲国家缔约方承诺:

a) adopt the combating of desertification and/or the mitigation of the effects of drought as a central strategy in their efforts to eradicate poverty;

(a) 把防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响作为根除贫困努力的中心战略;

b) promote regional cooperation and integration, in a spirit of solidarity and partnership based on mutual interest, in programmes and activities to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought;

(b) 在防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响的方案和活动中,以基于互利的团结和伙伴关系这种精神促进区域合作和一体化;

c) rationalize and strengthen existing institutions concerned with desertification and drought and involve other existing institutions, as appropriate, in order to make them more effective and to ensure more efficient use of resources;

(c) 理顺和加强处理荒漠化和干旱的现有机构,并酌情让其他现有机构参与工作,使它们更为有效和确保有效使用资源;

d) promote the exchange of information on appropriate technology, knowledge, know-how and practices between and among them; and

(d) 促进本地区各国就适当的技术、知识、诀窍和经验交换信息;并

e) develop contingency plans for mitigating the effects of drought in areas degraded by desertification and/or drought.

(e) 制定应急计划,缓解干旱对因荒漠化和/或干旱而退化的地区的影响。

2. Pursuant to the general and specific obligations set out in articles 4 and 5 of the Convention, affected African country Parties shall aim to:

2. 根据《公约》第45条规定的一般和特定义务,非洲受影响国家缔约方应致力于:

a) make appropriate financial allocations from their national budgets consistent with national conditions and capabilities and reflecting the new priority Africa has accorded to the phenomenon of desertification and/or drought;

(a) 按国家条件和能力从国家预算中作出适当财务拨款,体现非洲对荒漠化和/或干旱现象所给予的新的重视;

b) sustain and strengthen reforms currently in progress towards greater decentralization and resource tenure as well as reinforce participation of local populations and communities; and

(b) 坚持并加强目前正在进行的实现进一步分权、资源使用权以及加强公众参与的改革;并

c) identify and mobilize new and additional national financial resources, and expand, as a matter of priority, existing national capabilities and facilities to mobilize domestic financial resources.

(c) 查明并筹集新的和额外的国家资金资源,作为优先事项,扩大筹集国内资金资源的现有各国能力和设施。

Article 5


Commitments and obligations of developed country Parties


1. In fulfilling their obligations pursuant to articles 4, 6 and 7 of the Convention, developed country Parties shall give priority to affected African country Parties and, in this context, shall:

1. 发达国家缔约方在根据《公约》第467条履行其义务时,应优先考虑非洲受影响国家缔约方,并在这方面应:

a) assist them to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought by, inter alia, providing and/or facilitating access to financial and/or other resources, and promoting, financing and/or facilitating the financing of the transfer, adaptation and access to appropriate environmental technologies and know-how, as mutually agreed and in accordance with national policies, taking into account their adoption of poverty eradication as a central strategy;

(a) 援助它们防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响,特别是根据相互议定的条件,按照国家政策提供资金,便利获得资金和/或其他资源,促进、资助和/或便利资助无害环境的技术和诀窍的转让、改造和取得,同时要考虑采用以消除贫困作为中心的战略;

b) continue to allocate significant resources and/or increase resources to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought; and

(b) 继续划拨大量资源和/或增加资源,以防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响;并

c) assist them in strengthening capacities to enable them to improve their institutional frameworks, as well as their scientific and technical capabilities, information collection and analysis, and research and development for the purpose of combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought.

(c) 援助它们增强能力,让它们能改进机构框架和科技能力,帮助它们收集信息,分析研究与发展,以期防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响。

2. Other country Parties may provide, on a voluntary basis, technology, knowledge and know-how relating to desertification and/or financial resources, to affected African country Parties.

2. 其他国家可以自愿地向受影响非洲国家缔约方提供与荒漠化有关的知识、诀窍和技能和/或资金资源。

The transfer of such knowledge, know-how and techniques is facilitated by international cooperation.


Article 6


Strategic planning framework for sustainable development


1. National action programmes shall be a central and integral part of a broader process of formulating national policies for the sustainable development of affected African country Parties.

1. 国家行动方案应成为受影响非洲国家缔约方拟定可持续发展国家政策这一更广泛进程之核心和组成部分。

2. A consultative and participatory process involving appropriate levels of government, local populations, communities and non-governmental organizations shall be undertaken to provide guidance on a strategy with flexible planning to allow maximum participation from local populations and communities.

2. 应由适当级别的政府、当地人民、社区和非政府组织参加的协商和参与性进程,为具有灵活规划的战略提供指导,鼓励当地社区尽可能多参与。

As appropriate, bilateral and multilateral assistance agencies may be involved in this process at the request of an affected African country Party.


Article 7


Timetable for preparation of action programmes


Pending entry into force of this Convention, the African country Parties, in cooperation with other members of the international community, as appropriate, shall, to the extent possible, provisionally apply those provisions of the Convention relating to the preparation of national, subregional and regional action programmes.


Article 8


Content of national action programmes


1. Consistent with article 10 of the Convention, the overall strategy of national action programmes shall emphasize integrated local development programmes for affected areas, based on participatory mechanisms and on integration of strategies for poverty eradication into efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.

1. 根据《公约》第10条,国家行动方案的总体战略应强调受影响地区的地方综合发展方案,以各种参与机制为基础,强调将消灭贫困战略与防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的工作相互结合。

The programmes shall aim at strengthening the capacity of local authorities and ensuring the active involvement of local populations, communities and groups, with emphasis on education and training, mobilization of non-governmental organizations with proven expertise and strengthening of decentralized governmental structures.


2. National action programmes shall, as appropriate, include the following general features:

2. 国家行动方案应酌情包括下列各点:

a) the use, in developing and implementing national action programmes, of past experiences in combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought, taking into account social, economic and ecological conditions;

(a) 在拟订和执行国家行动方案时,要利用以往防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响的经验,考虑到各国的社会、经济和生态条件;

b) the identification of factors contributing to desertification and/or drought and the resources and capacities available and required, and the setting up of appropriate policies and institutional and other responses and measures necessary to combat those phenomena and/or mitigate their effects; and

(b) 查明造成荒漠化和/或干旱的因素和现有及所需资源和能力,制订防治这些现象和/或缓解其影响所必需的适当政策、机构和其他对策和措施;并

c) the increase in participation of local populations and communities, including women, farmers and pastoralists, and delegation to them of more responsibility for management.

(c) 提高当地人民和社区、包括妇女、农民和牧民的参与,赋予他们更多的管理责任。

3. National action programmes shall also, as appropriate, include the following:

3. 国家行动方案应当酌情包括:

a) measures to improve the economic environment with a view to eradicating poverty:

(a) 改善经济环境以便根除贫困的措施:

i) increasing incomes and employment opportunities, especially for the poorest members of the community, by: - developing markets for farm and livestock products; - creating financial instruments suited to local needs;

() 特别是为社区的最贫困者增加收入和就业机会,设法:为农产品和家畜产品开拓市场;开创适合当地需要的融资手段;鼓励农业多样化,建立农业企业;开展准农业或非农业形式的经济活动;

- encouraging diversification in agriculture and the setting-up of agricultural enterprises; and - developing economic activities of a para-agricultural or non-agricultural type; ii) improving the long-term prospects of rural economies by the creation of:

() 改善农村经济的远景,设法:刺激生产性投资,获得生产资料;拟订有利于增长的价格政策、税收政策和商业惯例;

- incentives for productive investment and access to the means of production; and - price and tax policies and commercial practices that promote growth;

() 确定并实行人口和移民政策,减轻人口对土地的压力;以及

iii) defining and applying population and migration policies to reduce population pressure on land; and

() 为粮食保障目的促进抗干旱作物和综合旱地耕种制度。

iv) promoting the use of drought resistant crops and the application of integrated dry-land farming systems for food security purposes; b) measures to conserve natural resources: i) ensuring integrated and sustainable management of natural resources, including:

(b) 养护自然资源的措施: () 确保综合和可持续自然资源管理,包括:农业土地和牧场;植被覆盖和野生动物;森林;水资源;生物多样化;

- agricultural land and pastoral land; - vegetation cover and wildlife; - forests; - water resources; and

- biological diversity; ii) training with regard to, and strengthening, public awareness and environmental education campaigns and disseminating knowledge of techniques relating to the sustainable management of natural resources; and

() 提供培训,加强公共意识和环境教育,传播以可持续方式管理自然资源的技术知识;并

iii) ensuring the development and efficient use of diverse energy sources, the promotion of alternative sources of energy, particularly solar energy, wind energy and bio-gas, and specific arrangements for the transfer, acquisition and adaptation of relevant technology to alleviate the pressure on fragile natural resources;

() 确保开发和有效利用各种能源,促进替代性能源,特别是太阳能、风能和生物气,为转让、获得和修改适用有关技术作出具体安排,减轻对脆弱自然资源的压力;

c) measures to improve institutional organization:

(c) 改善机构组织的措施:

i) defining the roles and responsibilities of central government and local authorities within the framework of a land use planning policy;

() 在土地使用规划政策的框架内,分别界定中央政府和地方当局的作用和责任;

ii) encouraging a policy of active decentralization, devolving responsibility for management and decision-making to local authorities, and encouraging initiatives and the assumption of responsibility by local communities and the establishment of local structures; and

() 鼓励积极下放权力的政策,将管理和决策责任转交给地方当局,鼓励地方当局积极行动和承担责任以及建立地方结构;并

iii) adjusting, as appropriate, the institutional and regulatory framework of natural resource management to provide security of land tenure for local populations;

() 酌情调整自然资源管理的机构和规章制度,为当地人口的土地权提供保障;

d) measures to improve knowledge of desertification:

(d) 增加荒漠化知识的措施:

i) promoting research and the collection, processing and exchange of information on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of desertification;

() 促进研究以及收集、处理和交换关于荒漠化的科学、技术和社会经济方面的信息;

ii) improving national capabilities in research and in the collection, processing, exchange and analysis of information so as to increase understanding and to translate the results of the analysis into operational terms; and

() 提高在研究以及收集、处理、交换和分析信息方面的国家能力,以便更好地了解和将分析变为可运行的条件;并

iii) encouraging the medium and long term study of: - socio-economic and cultural trends in affected areas; - qualitative and quantitative trends in natural resources; and - the interaction between climate and desertification; and

() 鼓励中长期研究;受影响地区的社会经济和文化趋势;自然资源的质量和数量趋势;气候与荒漠化的相互作用;以及

e) measures to monitor and assess the effects of drought:

(e) 监测和评估干旱影响的措施:

i) developing strategies to evaluate the impacts of natural climate variability on regional drought and desertification and/or to utilize predictions of climate variability on seasonal to interannual time scales in efforts to mitigate the effects of drought;

() 制订战略以评估自然气候变化对区域干旱和荒漠化的影响和/或在缓解干旱影响努力中利用季度性到半年期的气候变化预测;

ii) improving early warning and response capacity, efficiently managing emergency relief and food aid, and improving food stocking and distribution systems, cattle protection schemes and public works and alternative livelihoods for drought prone areas; and

() 改善早期预警和反应能力,有效管理紧急救济和粮食援助,为易发生干旱地区改善粮食储存和分配制度、保护牛的办法和公共工程和备选生计办法;并

iii) monitoring and assessing ecological degradation to provide reliable and timely information on the process and dynamics of resource degradation in order to facilitate better policy formulations and responses.

() 监测和评估生态退化,就资源退化的进程和动态提供可靠和及时的信息,以便利制定更好的政策和对策。

Article 9


Preparation of national action programmes and implementation and evaluation indicators


Each affected African country Party shall designate an appropriate national coordinating body to function as a catalyst in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of its national action programme.


This coordinating body shall, in the light of article 3 and as appropriate:


a) undertake an identification and review of actions, beginning with a locally driven consultation process, involving local populations and communities and with the cooperation of local administrative authorities, developed country Parties and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, on the basis of initial consultations of those concerned at the national level;

(a) 以国家一级有关方面的初步协商为基础,审查和认明各项行动,从地方带动的协商进程着手,吸收当地民众和社区参与并与当地行政当局、发达国家缔约方、国际和政府间和非政府组织合作;

b) identify and analyse the constraints, needs and gaps affecting development and sustainable land use and recommend practical measures to avoid duplication by making full use of relevant ongoing efforts and promote implementation of results;

(b) 查明并分析影响发展和持续土地使用的制约因素、需要和差距,就可行的措施提出建议,充分利用相关的、正在进行的努力以避免重复并促进执行结果;

c) facilitate, design and formulate project activities based on interactive, flexible approaches in order to ensure active participation of the population in affected areas, to minimize the negative impact of such activities, and to identify and prioritize requirements for financial assistance and technical cooperation;

(c) 基于相互作用和灵活处理办法促进、设计和拟订项目活动,确保受影响地区人口的积极参与,将活动的消极影响降到最低点,确定资金和技术合作的需要,订出优先次序;

d) establish pertinent, quantifiable and readily verifiable indicators to ensure the assessment and evaluation of national action programmes, which encompass actions in the short, medium and long terms, and of the implementation of such programmes; and

(d) 确定适当的、特别是可定量的、易于核实的指标,一方面保证评估和评价国家行动方案,其中包括短、中、长期行动,另一方面监督和评价议定国家行动方案的执行;并

e) prepare progress reports on the implementation of the national action programmes.

(e) 编写国家行动方案执行情况的进度报告。

Article 10


Organizational framework of subregional action programmes


1. Pursuant to article 4 of the Convention, African country Parties shall cooperate in the preparation and implementation of subregional action programmes for central, eastern, northern, southern and western Africa and, in that regard, may delegate the following responsibilities to relevant subregional intergovernmental organizations:

1. 根据《公约》第4条,非洲国家缔约方应合作拟订和执行中非、东非、北非、南部非洲和西非分区域行动方案并在这方面可将下述责任授予有关分区域政府间组织:

a) acting as focal points for preparatory activities and coordinating the implementation of the subregional action programmes;

(a) 作为拟订工作和协调执行分区域行动方案的联络中心;

b) assisting in the preparation and implementation of national action programmes;

(b) 协助拟订和实施国家行动方案;

c) facilitating the exchange of information, experience and know-how as well as providing advice on the review of national legislation; and

(c) 促进信息、经验和诀窍的交流,并就审查国内立法提供咨询意见;以及

d) any other responsibilities relating to the implementation of subregional action programmes.

(d) 与分区域行动方案的执行有关的其他责任。

2. Specialized subregional institutions may provide support, upon request, and/or be entrusted with the responsibility to coordinate activities in their respective fields of competence.

2. 专门的分区域机构可应要求,支持和/或承担协调各自职能范围内活动的责任。

Article 11


Content and preparation of subregional action programmes


Subregional action programmes shall focus on issues that are better addressed at the subregional level.


They shall establish, where necessary, mechanisms for the management of shared natural resources.


Such mechanisms shall effectively handle transboundary problems associated with desertification and/or drought and shall provide support for the harmonious implementation of national action programmes.


Priority areas for subregional action programmes shall, as appropriate, focus on:


a) joint programmes for the sustainable management of transboundary natural resources through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, as appropriate;

(a) 通过双边或多边体制,酌情为可持续管理跨边界自然资源拟订联合方案;

b) coordination of programmes to develop alternative energy sources;

(b) 协调开发替代能源的方案;

c) cooperation in the management and control of pests as well as of plant and animal diseases;

(c) 合作管理和控制虫害以及植物和动物病害;

d) capacity building, education and public awareness activities that are better carried out or supported at the subregional level;

(d) 能在分区域一级得到较好执行或支助的能力建设、教育和提高公众意识的活动;

e) scientific and technical cooperation, particularly in the climatological, meteorological and hydrological fields, including networking for data collection and assessment, information sharing and project monitoring, and coordination and prioritization of research and development activities;

(e) 进行科学和技术合作,特别是在气候、气象和水文领域进行这类合作,包括建立网络,收集和评估数据,交流信息,监测项目的协调研究和发展活动作出优先安排;

f) early warning systems and joint planning for mitigating the effects of drought, including measures to address the problems resulting from environmentally induced migrations;

(f) 建立缓解干旱影响的早期预警系统和联合规划,包括采取措施,解决由环境导致的迁移所产生的问题;

g) exploration of ways of sharing experiences, particularly regarding participation of local populations and communities, and creation of an enabling environment for improved land use management and for use of appropriate technologies;

(g) 探讨交流经验的途径,特别是如何鼓励民众和社区参与,创造有利的环境,更好地管理土地使用,采用适当的技术等;

h) strengthening of the capacity of subregional organizations to coordinate and provide technical services, as well as establishment, reorientation and strengthening of subregional centres and institutions; and

(h) 加强分区域组织协调和提供技术服务的能力,建立、加强分区域的中心和机构,调整它们的方向;和

i) development of policies in fields, such as trade, which have impact upon affected areas and populations, including policies for the coordination of regional marketing regimes and for common infrastructure.

(i) 在对受影响地区及人口产生影响的领域诸如贸易领域制订政策,包括协调区域销售制度和共同基础设施。

Article 12


Organizational framework of the regional action programme


1. Pursuant to article 11 of the Convention, African country Parties shall jointly determine the procedures for preparing and implementing the regional action programme.

1. 在按照《公约》第11条拟订和执行区域行动方案时,非洲国家缔约方应共同确定一种起草该方案的程序。

2. The Parties may provide appropriate support to relevant African regional institutions and organizations to enable them to assist African country Parties to fulfil their responsibilities under the Convention.

2. 缔约方可对有关的非洲机构和组织提供适当支助,以协助非洲国家缔约方履行它们按照《公约》所负的责任。

Article 13


Content of the regional action programme


The regional action programme includes measures relating to combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought in the following priority areas, as appropriate:


a) development of regional cooperation and coordination of subregional action programmes for building regional consensus on key policy areas, including through regular consultations of subregional organizations;

(a) 开展区域合作和协调分区域行动方案,以便通过分区域组织经常协商,就关键政策领域达成区域共识;

b) promotion of capacity building in activities which are better implemented at the regional level;

(b) 促进在适于区域一级执行的活动中的能力建设;

c) the seeking of solutions with the international community to global economic and social issues that have an impact on affected areas taking into account article 4, paragraph 2 (b) of the Convention;

(c) 与国际社会共同寻找适当的办法,对受影响地区有影响的全球性经济和社会问题,并考虑到《公约》第4条第2(b)项;

d) promotion among the affected country Parties of Africa and its subregions, as well as with other affected regions, of exchange of information and appropriate techniques, technical know-how and relevant experience; promotion of scientific and technological cooperation particularly in the fields of climatology, meteorology, hydrology, water resource development and alternative energy sources; coordination of subregional and regional research activities and identification of regional priorities for research and development;

(d) 在非洲受影响国家缔约方和分区域以及其他受影响区域之间,促进信息及适当技能、技术诀窍和相关经验的交流;促进科技合作,特别是在气候学、气象学、水文学、水资源开发和替代性能源等领域;协调分区域和区域的研究活动;查明研究与发展的区域优先次序;

e) Coordination of networks for systematic observation and assessment and information exchange, as well as their integration into world-wide networks; and

(e) 协调系统观测和评估及信息交流的网络,并将它们纳入全世界网络;

f) coordination of and reinforcement of subregional and regional early warning systems and drought contingency plans.

(f) 协调和加强分区域及区域早期预警系统和干旱应急计划。

Article 14


Financial resources


1. Pursuant to article 20 of the Convention and article 4, paragraph 2, affected African country Parties shall endeavour to provide a macroeconomic framework conducive to the mobilization of financial resources and shall develop policies and establish procedures to channel resources more effectively to local development programmes, including through non-governmental organizations, as appropriate.

1. 按照《公约》第20条和本附件第4条第2款,非洲受影响国家缔约方应致力于提供有利于筹集资金资源的宏观经济框架,并应制订政策,建立程序,以便更有效地输送资源给当地发展方案,包括视情况通过非政府组织做到这点。

2. Pursuant to article 21, paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Convention, the Parties agree to establish an inventory of sources of funding at the national, subregional, regional and international levels to ensure the rational use of existing resources and to identify gaps in resource allocation, to facilitate implementation of the action programmes.

2. 根据《公约》第21条第4和第5款,各缔约方同意编制在国家、分区域、区域各级和国际一级上提供资金的清单,保证合理使用现有资源,查明资源分配上的差距,以推动行动方案的执行。

The inventory shall be regularly reviewed and updated.


3. Consistent with article 7 of the Convention, the developed country Parties shall continue to allocate significant resources and/or increased resources and other forms of assistance to affected African country Parties on the basis of partnership agreements and arrangements referred to in article 18, giving, inter alia, due attention to matters related to debt, international trade and marketing arrangements in accordance with article 4, paragraph 2 (b) of the Convention.

3. 按照《公约》第7条,发达国家缔约方应当根据本附件第18条所述伙伴关系协定及安排,继续划拨较多数量的资源和/或增加资源,以及采用其他方式,援助非洲受影响国家缔约方,按照本《公约》第4条第2(b)项,除其他外,对于债务、国际贸易和销售安排有关的事务给予应有的注意。

Article 15


Financial mechanisms


1. Consistent with article 7 of the Convention underscoring the priorityto affected African country Parties and considering the particular situation prevailing in this region, the Parties shall pay special attention to the implementation in Africa of the provisions of article 21, paragraph 1 (d) and (e) of the Convention, notably by:

1. 根据《公约》第7条,强调非洲受影响国家的优先事项,并考虑到本区域现有的特殊情况,各缔约方应特别注意在非洲执行《公约》第21条第1(d)(e)两项,特别是:

a) facilitating the establishment of mechanisms, such as national desertification funds, to channel financial resources to the local level; and

(a) 便利建立各种机制,诸如国家荒漠化基金,以便向当地输送资金资源;和

b) strengthening existing funds and financial mechanisms at the subregional and regional levels.

(b) 加强分区域和区域一级的现有基金和资金机制。

2. Consistent with articles 20 and 21 of the Convention, the Parties which are also members of the governing bodies of relevant regional and subregional financial institutions, including the African Development Bank and the African Development Fund, shall promote efforts to give due priority and attention to the activities of those institutions that advance the implementation of this Annex.

2. 按照《公约》第2021条,同时作为有关区域和分区域金融机构,包括非洲开发银行和非洲开发基金等的理事机构成员的缔约方,应该加倍努力,给予这些促进执行本附件的组织的活动适当的优先并给予应有的注意。

3. The Parties shall streamline, to the extent possible, procedures for channelling funds to affected African country Parties.

3. 缔约方应尽可能理顺向受影响非洲国家缔约方提供资金的程序。

Article 16


Technical assistance and cooperation


The Parties undertake, in accordance with their respective capabilities, to rationalize technical assistance to, and cooperation with, African country Parties with a view to increasing project and programme effectiveness by, inter alia:


a) limiting the costs of support measures and backstopping, especially overhead costs, in any case, such costs shall only represent an appropriately low percentage of the total cost of the project so as to maximize project efficiency;

(a) 限制支助措施和加强措施的费用,特别是管理费用;务求把项目效率提到最高水平,在任何情况下这种费用应只占项目总费用很低的百分比;

b) giving preference to the utilization of competent national experts or, where necessary, competent experts from within the subregion and/or region, in project design, preparation and implementation, and to the building of local expertise where it does not exist; and

(b) 在设计、拟订和执行项目、建立当地专门知识时,优先利用胜任的本国专家,必要时优先利用分区域和/或区域的胜任的专家;和

c) effectively managing and coordinating, as well as efficiently utilizing, technical assistance to be provided.

(c) 有效管理和协调以及有效利用所提供的技术援助。

Article 17


Transfer, acquisition, adaptation and access to environmentally sound technology


In implementing article 18 of the Convention relating to transfer, acquisition, adaptation and development of technology, the Parties undertake to give priority to African country Parties and, as necessary, to develop with them new models of partnership and cooperation with a view to strengthening capacity building in the fields of scientific research and development and information collection and dissemination to enable them to implement their strategies to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.


Article 18


Coordination and partnership agreements


1. African country Parties shall coordinate the preparation, negotiation and implementation of national, subregional and regional action programmes.

1. 各非洲国家缔约方应协调国家、分区域和区域行动方案的拟订、谈判和执行。

They may involve, as appropriate, other Parties and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in this process.


2. The objectives of such coordination shall be to ensure that financial and technical cooperation is consistent with the Convention and to provide the necessary continuity in the use and administration of resources.

2. 这类协调应当确保资金和技术合作符合《公约》,并在资源的使用和管理上实现必要的连续性。

3. African country Parties shall organize consultative processes at the national, subregional and regional levels.

3. 各非洲国家缔约方应在国家、分区域和区域各级上组织协商程序。

These consultative processes may:


a) serve as a forum to negotiate and conclude partnership agreements based on national, subregional and regional action programmes; and

(a) 作为谈判论坛,在国家、分区域和区域行动方案的基础上,缔结伙伴协定;并

b) specify the contribution of African country Parties and other members of the consultative groups to the programmes and identify priorities and agreements on implementation and evaluation indicators, as well as funding arrangements for implementation.

(b) 具体指出各非洲国家缔约方和协商组的其他成员对方案的贡献,查明优先次序,查明执行及评价指标的协定,查明为执行所作的资金安排。

4. The Permanent Secretariat may, at the request of African country Parties, pursuant to article 23 of the Convention, facilitate the convocation of such consultative processes by:

4. 常设秘书处可应非洲国家缔约方要求,根据《公约》第23条,以下列方式便利发起协商程序:

a) providing advice on the organization of effective consultative arrangements, drawing on experiences from other such arrangements;

(a) 提供咨询,利用其他类似安排的经验,帮助设立有效的协商安排;

b) providing information to relevant bilateral and multilateral agencies concerning consultative meetings or processes, and encouraging their active involvement; and

(b) 向有关的双边和多边机构提供有关协商会议或程序的信息;并

c) providing other information that may be relevant in establishing or improving consultative arrangements.

(c) 提供其他可能同建立或改进协商安排有关的信息。

5. The subregional and regional coordinating bodies shall, inter alia:

5. 分区域和区域协商组,除其他外,应当:

a) recommend appropriate adjustments to partnership agreements;

(a) 伙伴对协定提出适当的调整建议;

b) monitor, assess and report on the implementation of the agreed subregional and regional programmes; and

(b) 监测、评估、议定分区域和区域方案的执行情况,并提出报告;并

c) aim to ensure efficient communication and cooperation among African country Parties.

(c) 着眼于确保各非洲国家缔约方之间有效通讯和合作。

6. Participation in the consultative groups shall, as appropriate, be open to Governments, interested groups and donors, relevant organs, funds and programmes of the United Nations system, relevant subregional and regional organizations, and representatives of relevant non-governmental organizations.

6. 各协商组应视情况开放给各国家政府、关心的团体和捐助者、联合国系统有关机构、基金和方案、有关的分区域和区域组织以及有关非政府组织的代表参加。

Participants of each consultative group shall determine the modalities of its management and operation.


7. Pursuant to article 14 of the Convention, developed country Parties are encouraged to develop, on their own initiative, an informal process of consultation and coordination among themselves, at the country, subregional and regional levels, and, at the request of an affected African country Party or of an appropriate subregional or regional organization, to participate in a national, subregional or regional consultative process that would evaluate and respond to assistance needs in order to facilitate implementation.

7. 根据《公约》第14条,鼓励发达国家缔约方自己主动在它们之间及在国家、分区域和区域各级建立非正式协商和协调程序,并且应受影响的非洲国家缔约方、适当的分区域或区域组织的要求,参加评价和响应援助需要的国家、分区域或区域协商程序以便为执行提供便利。

Article 19


Follow-up arrangements


Follow-up of this Annex shall be carried out by African country Parties in accordance with the Convention as follows:


a) at the national level, by a mechanism the composition of which should be determined by each affected African country Party and which shall include representatives of local communities and shall function under the supervision of the national coordinating body referred to in article 9;

(a) 在国家一级,由一机制执行,其构成应由非洲每一受影响国家缔约方确定。 该机制应包括当地社区的代表并在第9条所指的负责协调活动的国家机构的监督下发挥职能;

b) at the subregional level, by a multidisciplinary scientific and technical consultative committee, the composition and modalities of operation of which shall be determined by the African country Parties of the subregion concerned; and

(b) 在分区域一级,由一多学科的科学和技术协商委员会执行,其构成和运作模式应由有关分区域的非洲国家缔约方确定;以及

c) at the regional level, by mechanisms defined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community, and by an African Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee.

(c) 在区域一级,由根据设立非洲经济共同体的条约有关规定所确定的机制和一个非洲科学和技术咨询委员会两者确定。





Article 1




The purpose of this Annex is to provide guidelines and arrangements for the effective implementation of the Convention in the affected country Parties of the Asian region in the light of its particular conditions.


Article 2


Particular conditions of the Asian region


In carrying out their obligations under the Convention, the Parties shall, as appropriate, take into consideration the following particular conditions which apply in varying degrees to the affected country Parties of the region:


a) the high proportion of areas in their territories affected by, or vulnerable to, desertification and drought and the broad diversity of these areas with regard to climate, topography, land use and socio-economic systems;

(a) 它们境内已受或易受荒漠化或干旱影响的地区比例甚大,这些地区的气候、地形、土地使用制度和社会经济制度千差万别;

b) the heavy pressure on natural resources for livelihoods;

(b) 为维持生计对自然资源的压力甚大;

c) the existence of production systems, directly related to widespread poverty, leading to land degradation and to pressure on scarce water resources;

(c) 存在着与普遍贫困直接有关的生产制度,造成土地退化和对稀缺的水资源的压力;

d) the significant impact of conditions in the world economy and social problems such as poverty, poor health and nutrition, lack of food security, migration, displaced persons and demographic dynamics;

(d) 世界经济状况和社会问题如贫困、卫生和营养不良、缺乏粮食保障、移民、流离失所者和人口动态等产生的巨大影响;

e) their expanding, but still insufficient, capacity and institutional frameworks to deal with national desertification and drought problems; and

(e) 它们处理国内荒漠化和干旱问题的能力和机构框架虽有加强,但仍然不够;以及

f) their need for international cooperation to pursue sustainable development objectives relating to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought.

(f) 它们需要国际合作,以争取实现与防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响有关的可持续发展目标。

Article 3


Framework for national action programmes


1. National action programmes shall be an integral part of broader national policies for sustainable development of the affected country Parties of the region.

1. 国家行动方案应是本区域受影响国家缔约方国内可持续发展更广泛政策的一个组成部分。

2. The affected country Parties shall, as appropriate, develop national action programmes pursuant to articles 9 to 11 of the Convention, paying special attention to article 10, paragraph 2 (f).

2. 受影响国家缔约方应酌情根据《公约》第911(特别重视第10条第2(f)) 拟订国家行动方案。

As appropriate, bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies may be involved in this process at the request of the affected country Party concerned.


Article 4


National action programmes


1. In preparing and implementing national action programmes, the affected country Parties of the region, consistent with their respective circumstances and policies, may, inter alia, as appropriate:

1. 在制订和执行国家行动方案时,本区域受影响国家缔约方可按照各自情况和政策除其他外酌情:

a) designate appropriate bodies responsible for the preparation, coordination and implementation of their action programmes;

(a) 指定适当的机构负责行动方案的制订、协调和执行;

b) involve affected populations, including local communities, in the elaboration, coordination and implementation of their action programmes through a locally driven consultative process, with the cooperation of local authorities and relevant national and non-governmental organizations;

(b) 与地方当局和有关国家和非政府组织合作,通过在当地发动的磋商过程,吸引受影响的人口包括当地社区,参与行动方案的拟订、协调和执行;

c) survey the state of the environment in affected areas to assess the causes and consequences of desertification and to determine priority areas for action;

(c) 调查受影响地区的环境情况,以评价荒漠化的原因和后果,确定需采取行动的优先领域;

d) evaluate, with the participation of affected populations, past and current programmes for combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought, in order to design a strategy and elaborate activities in their action programmes;

(d) 在受影响居民的参与下,评估过去和现行的防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的方案,以便在其行动方案中设计一项战略并拟定各种活动;

e) prepare technical and financial programmes based on the information derived from the activities in subparagraphs (a) to (d);

(e) 以通过(a) (d)项的活动而获得的信息为基础拟订技术和资金方案;

f) develop and utilize procedures and benchmarks for evaluating implementation of their action programmes;

(f) 制订并采用评估行动方案执行情况的程序和规范;

g) promote the integrated management of drainage basins, the conservation of soil resources, and the enhancement and efficient use of water resources;

(g) 促进综合管理流域、保护土壤资源、改善并有效利用水资源;

h) strengthen and/or establish information, evaluation and follow-up and early warning systems in regions prone to desertification and drought, taking account of climatological, meteorological, hydrological, biological and other relevant factors; and

(h) 在易受荒漠化和干旱影响的区域加强和/或建立信息、评估和后续行动及早期预警系统,考虑气候、气象、水文、生态和其他有关因素;并

i) formulate in a spirit of partnership, where international cooperation, including financial and technical resources, is involved, appropriate arrangements supporting their action programmes.

(i) 当涉及包括资金和技术资源的国际合作时,本着伙伴关系精神拟订支持行动方案的适当安排。

2. Consistent with article 10 of the Convention, the overall strategy of national action programmes shall emphasize integrated local development programmes for affected areas, based on participatory mechanisms and on the integration of strategies for poverty eradication into efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.

2. 根据《公约》第10条,国家行动方案的总体战略应以参与机制为基础,并在将消除贫困战略纳入防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的努力的基础上,强调受影响地区的当地综合发展方案。

Sectoral measures in the action programmes shall be grouped in priority fields which take account of the broad diversity of affected areas in the region referred to in article 2 (a).


Article 5


Subregional and joint action programmes


1. Pursuant to article 11 of the Convention, affected country Parties in Asia may mutually agree to consult and cooperate with other Parties, as appropriate, to prepare and implement subregional or joint action programmes, as appropriate, in order to complement, and increase effectiveness in the implementation of, national action programmes.

1. 根据《公约》第11条,亚洲受影响国家缔约方可相互商定酌情与其他缔约方磋商和合作,拟订和执行分区域或联合行动方案,酌情对国家行动方案予以补充和提高其执行效率。

In either case, the relevant Parties may jointly agree to entrust subregional, including bilateral or national organizations, or specialized institutions, with responsibilities relating to the preparation, coordination and implementation of programmes.


Such organizations or institutions may also act as focal points for the promotion and coordination of actions pursuant to articles 16 to 18 of the Convention.


2. In preparing and implementing subregional or joint action programmes, the affected country Parties of the region shall, inter alia, as appropriate:

2. 在拟订和执行分区域或联合行动方案时,本区域受影响国家缔约方除其他外应酌情:

a) identify, in cooperation with national institutions, priorities relating to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought which can better be met by such programmes, as well as relevant activities which could be effectively carried out through them;

(a) 与国内机构合作,查明与可由这类方案较好实现的防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响有关的优先任务以及可通过这些方案有效地进行的有关活动;

b) evaluate the operational capacities and activities of relevant regional, subregional and national institutions;

(b) 评估有关区域、分区域和国家机构的运作能力和活动;

c) assess existing programmes relating to desertification and drought among all or some parties of the region or subregion and their relationship with national action programmes; and

(c) 评价本区域或分区域所有或某些缔约方有关荒漠化和干旱的现行方案及其与国家行动方案的关系;以及

d) formulate in a spirit of partnership, where international cooperation, including financial and technical resources, is involved, appropriate bilateral and/or multilateral arrangements supporting the programmes.

(d) 当涉及包括资金和技术资源的国际合作时,本着伙伴精神拟订支持方案的适当的双边和/或多边安排。

3. Subregional or joint action programmes may include agreed joint programmes for the sustainable management of transboundary natural resources relating to desertification, priorities for coordination and other activities in the fields of capacity building, scientific and technical cooperation, particularly drought early warning systems and information sharing, and means of strengthening the relevant subregional and other organizations or institutions.

3. 分区域或联合行动方案可包括:与荒漠化有关的可持续管理跨边界自然资源的议定方案;在能力建设、科技合作、特别是干旱预警系统和信息交流等领域协调活动和其他活动的优先事项;加强有关分区域和其他组织或机构的能力的办法。

Article 6


Regional activities


Regional activities for the enhancement of subregional or joint action programmes may include, inter alia, measures to strengthen institutions and mechanisms for coordination and cooperation at the national, subregional and regional levels, and to promote the implementation of articles 16 to 19 of the Convention.


These activities may also include:


a) promoting and strengthening technical cooperation networks;

(a) 促进和加强技术合作网络;

b) preparing inventories of technologies, knowledge, know-how and practices, as well as traditional and local technologies and know-how, and promoting their dissemination and use;

(b) 编制技术、知识、诀窍和做法以及传统和当地技术和诀窍的清单并促进其传播和利用;

c) evaluating the requirements for technology transfer and promoting the adaptation and use of such technologies; and

(c) 评估技术转让所需条件和促进这些技术的改造和利用;以及

d) encouraging public awareness programmes and promoting capacity building at all levels, strengthening training, research and development and building systems for human resource development.

(d) 鼓励公共意识方案和促进各级的能力建设、加强培训、研究与发展以及建立人力资源开发制度。

Article 7


Financial resources and mechanisms


1. The Parties shall, in view of the importance of combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought in the Asian region, promote the mobilization of substantial financial resources and the availability of financial mechanisms, pursuant to articles 20 and 21 of the Convention.

1. 由于在亚洲区域防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的重要性,缔约方应根据《公约》第2021条,鼓励筹集实质性资金资源,设立资金机制。

2. In conformity with the Convention and on the basis of the coordinating mechanism provided for in article 8 and in accordance with their national development policies, affected country Parties of the region shall, individually or jointly:

2. 按照《公约》并基于第8条所规定的协调机制,根据其本国发展政策,本地区受影响国家缔约方应单独或共同:

a) adopt measures to rationalize and strengthen mechanisms to supply funds through public and private investment with a view to achieving specific results in action to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;

(a) 采取措施,理顺和加强各种机制,通过公共和私人投资提供资金,以便在防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的行动中取得具体成果;

b) identify international cooperation requirements in support of national efforts, particularly financial, technical and technological; and

(b) 查明需要何种特别是资金和技术方面的国际合作以支助本国的努力;并

c) promote the participation of bilateral and/or multilateral financial cooperation institutions with a view to ensuring implementation of the Convention.

(c) 促进双边和/或多边资金合作机构的参与,以确保《公约》的执行。

3. The Parties shall streamline, to the extent possible, procedures for channelling funds to affected country Parties in the region.

3. 缔约方应尽可能地简化将款项输送给本区域受影响国家缔约方的程序。

Article 8


Cooperation and coordination mechanisms


1. Affected country Parties, through the appropriate bodies designated pursuant to article 4, paragraph 1 (a), and other Parties in the region, may, as appropriate, set up a mechanism for, inter alia, the following purposes:

1. 本区域受影响国家缔约方,通过根据第4条第l(a)项指定的适当机构和本区域其他缔约方,可酌情除其他外为下列目的设立机制:

a) exchange of information, experience, knowledge and know-how;

(a) 交换信息、经验、知识和诀窍;

b) cooperation and coordination of actions, including bilateral and multilateral arrangements, at the subregional and regional levels;

(b) 在分区域和区域各级进行合作与协调行动,包括设立双边和多边安排;

c) promotion of scientific, technical, technological and financial cooperation pursuant to articles 5 to 7;

(c) 根据第57条促进科学、技术和资金方面的合作;

d) identification of external cooperation requirements; and

(d) 查明外部合作的需求;以及

e) follow-up and evaluation of the implementation of action programmes.

(e) 对行动方案的执行情况采取后续行动,进行评估。

2. Affected country Parties, through the appropriate bodies designated pursuant to article 4, paragraph 1 (a), and other Parties in the region, may also, as appropriate, consult and coordinate as regards the national, subregional and joint action programmes.

2. 本地区受影响国家缔约方,通过根据第4条第1(a)项指定的适当机构和本地区其他缔约方,也可酌情就国家、分区域和联合行动方案进行磋商和协调。

They may involve, as appropriate, other Parties and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in this process.


Such coordination shall, inter alia, seek to secure agreement on opportunities for international cooperation in accordance with articles 20 and 21 of the Convention, enhance technical cooperation and channel resources so that they are used effectively.


3. Affected country Parties of the region shall hold periodic coordination meetings, and the Permanent Secretariat may, at their request, pursuant to article 23 of the Convention, facilitate the convocation of such coordination meetings by:

3. 本区域受影响国家缔约方应定期举行协调会议。 常设秘书处可根据《公约》第23条,应其要求便利这种协调会议的举行,包括:

a) providing advice on the organization of effective coordination arrangements, drawing on experience from other such arrangements;

(a) 吸取其他类似安排的经验,提供组织有效的协调安排方面的咨询;

b) providing information to relevant bilateral and multilateral agencies concerning coordination meetings, and encouraging their active involvement; and

(b) 对有关的双边和多边机构提供关于协调会议的信息,鼓励它们积极参加;并

c) providing other information that may be relevant in establishing or improving coordination processes.

(c) 提供对建立或改进协调进程可能有关的其他信息。





Article 1




The purpose of this Annex is to provide general guidelines for the implementation of the Convention in the Latin American and Caribbean region, in light of its particular conditions.


Article 2


Particular conditions of the Latin American and Caribbean region


The Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, take into consideration the following particular conditions of the region:


a) the existence of broad expanses which are vulnerable and have been severely affected by desertification and/or drought and in which diverse characteristics may be observed, depending on the area in which they occur; this cumulative and intensifying process has negative social, cultural, economic and environmental effects which are all the more serious in that the region contains one of the largest resources of biological diversity in the world;

(a) 本区域有大片地区容易受到或严重受到荒漠化和/或干旱的影响,而且有各种特点,取决于所发生的地区;这种累计和日益强化的进程具有不利的社会、文化、经济和环境影响,鉴于本区域是世界上生物多样性资源的最大拥有区之一,这些影响显得更为严重。

b) the frequent use of unsustainable development practices in affected areas as a result of complex interactions among physical, biological, political, social, cultural and economic factors, including international economic factors such as external indebtedness, deteriorating terms of trade and trade practices which affect markets for agricultural, fishery and forestry products; and

(b) 在受影响地区经常采用非持续发展的做法,而这又是下列各种因素之间复杂的相互作用的结果:自然的、生态的、政治的、社会的、文化的和经济的因素,包括国际经济因素,如外债、日益恶化的贸易条件和影响农业、渔业和林业产品市场的贸易做法;以及

c) A sharp drop in the productivity of ecosystems being the main consequence of desertification and drought, taking the form of a decline in agricultural, livestock and forestry yields and a loss of biological diversity; from the social point of view, the results are impoverishment, migration, internal population movements, and the deterioration of the quality of life; the region will therefore have to adopt an integrated approach to problems of desertification and drought by promoting sustainable development models that are in keeping with the environmental, economic and social situation in each country.

(c) 荒漠化和干旱的一个主要后果是生态系统的生产能力猛跌,表现于农业、畜牧业和林业产量的下降、生物失去多样性;从社会角度来看,其结果是贫困、移民、国内人口迁徒、生活质量下降;因此,本地区必须对荒漠化和干旱采取综合办法,促进符合每个国家环境、经济和社会情况的可持续的发展模式。

Article 3


Action programmes


1. In conformity with the Convention, in particular its articles 9 to 11, and in accordance with their national development policies, affected country Parties of the region shall, as appropriate, prepare and implement national action programmes to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought as an integral part of their national policies for sustainable development.

1. 根据《公约》,特别是第911条并按照其国家发展政策,本区域受影响国家缔约方应酌情制订和执行防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的国家行动方案,作为其可持续发展的国家政策的组成部分。

Subregional and regional programmes may be prepared and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the region.


2. In the preparation of their national action programmes, affected country Parties of the region shall pay particular attention to article 10, paragraph 2 (f) of the Convention.

2. 在制订其国家行动方案时,本区域受影响国家缔约方应特别重视《公约》第10条第2(f)项。

Article 4


Content of national action programmes


In the light of their respective situations, the affected country Parties of the region may take account, inter alia, of the following thematic issues in developing their national strategies for action to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought, pursuant to article 5 of the Convention:


a) increasing capacities, education and public awareness, technical, scientific and technological cooperation and financial resources and mechanisms;

(a) 加强能力、教育和公共意识、技巧、科学和技术合作以及资金资源和资金机制;

b) eradicating poverty and improving the quality of human life;

(b) 消除贫困,提高人的生活质量;

c) achieving food security and sustainable development and management of agricultural, livestock-rearing, forestry and multipurpose activities;

(c) 实现粮食保障和可持续发展和管理农业、畜牧业、林业和多种目的活动;

d) sustainable management of natural resources, especially the rational management of drainage basins;

(d) 自然资源的可持续管理,特别是河流流域的合理管理;

e) sustainable management of natural resources in high-altitude areas;

(e) 高原地区自然资源的可持续管理;

f) rational management and conservation of soil resources and exploitation and efficient use of water resources;

(f) 土壤资源的合理管理和养护及水资源的开发和有效利用;

g) formulation and application of emergency plans to mitigate the effects of drought;

(g) 拟定并实施缓解干旱影响的应急计划;

h) strengthening and/or establishing information, evaluation and follow-up and early warning systems in areas prone to desertification and drought, taking account of climatological, meteorological, hydrological, biological, soil, economic and social factors;

(h) 在易受荒漠化和干旱影响地区加强和/或建立信息、评估、后续行动和早期预警系统,考虑到气候、气象、水文、生物、土壤、经济和社会等各种因素;

i) developing, managing and efficiently using diverse sources of energy, including the promotion of alternative sources;

(i) 开发、管理和有效利用各种能源,包括促进开发替代性能源;

j) conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity;

(j) 根据《生物多样性公约》保护和可持续地利用生物多样性;

k) consideration of demographic aspects related to desertification and drought; and

(k) 考虑与荒漠化和干旱有关的人口因素;以及

l) establishing or strengthening institutional and legal frameworks permitting application of the Convention and aimed, inter alia, at decentralizing administrative structures and functions relating to desertification and drought, with the participation of affected communities and society in general.

(l) 建立或加强有助《公约》实施的机构和法律体制,除其他外,旨在下放与荒漠化和干旱有关的行政机构和职能,并吸收受影响社区和整个社会参与。

Article 5


Technical, scientific and technological cooperation


In conformity with the Convention, in particular its articles 16 to 18, and on the basis of the coordinating mechanism provided for in article 7, affected country Parties of the region shall, individually or jointly:


a) promote the strengthening of technical cooperation networks and national, subregional and regional information systems, as well as their integration, as appropriate, in world-wide sources of information;

(a) 鼓励加强技术合作网络和国家、分区域或区域信息系统,并酌情与世界性信息系统联网;

b) prepare an inventory of available technologies and know-how and promote their dissemination and use;

(b) 编制一份现有的技术和诀窍目录,促进其传播和使用;

c) promote the use of traditional technology, knowledge, know-how and practices pursuant to article 18, paragraph 2 (b), of the Convention;

(c) 根据《公约》第18条第2(b)项促进传统技术、知识、决窍和做法的使用;

d) identify transfer of technology requirements; and

(d) 查明技术转让的需求;

e) promote the development, adaptation, adoption and transfer of relevant existing and new environmentally sound technologies.

(e) 促进有关的无害环境的现有和新技术的开发、改造、采纳和转让。

Article 6 Financial resources and mechanisms


In conformity with the Convention, in particular its articles 20 and 21, on the basis of the coordinating mechanism provided for in article 7 and in accordance with their national development policies, affected country Parties of the region shall, individually or jointly:


a) adopt measures to rationalize and strengthen mechanisms to supply funds through public and private investment with a view to achieving specific results in action to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;

(a) 采取措施,理顺和加强各种机制,通过公共和私人投资提供资金,以便在防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响的行动中取得具体成果;

b) identify international cooperation requirements in support of national efforts; and

(b) 查明需要何种国际合作以支助本国的努力;并

c) promote the participation of bilateral and/or multilateral financial cooperation institutions with a view to ensuring implementation of the Convention.

(c) 促进双边和/或多边资金合作机构的参与,以确保《公约》的执行。

Article 7


Institutional framework


1. In order to give effect to this Annex, affected country Parties of the region shall:

1. 为落实本附件,本区域受影响国家缔约方应:

a) establish and/or strengthen national focal points to coordinate action to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought; and

(a) 建立和/或加强国家联络中心,协调防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响的行动;并

b) set up a mechanism to coordinate the national focal points for the following purposes:

(b) 建立机制,为下列目的协调国家联络中心的工作:

i) exchanges of information and experience;

() 交换信息和交流经验;

ii) coordination of activities at the subregional and regional levels;

() 协调分区域和区域的各种活动;

iii) promotion of technical, scientific, technological and financial cooperation;

() 促进技巧、科学、技术和资金合作;

iv) identification of external cooperation requirements; and

() 查明外部合作需求;以及

v) follow-up and evaluation of the implementation of action programmes.

() 对行动方案执行工作采取后续行动,进行评估。

2. Affected country Parties of the region shall hold periodic coordination meetings and the Permanent Secretariat may, at their request, pursuant to article 23 of the Convention, facilitate the convocation of such coordination meetings, by:

2. 本区域受影响国家缔约方应定期举行协调会议。 常设秘书处可根据《公约》第23条,应其要求便利这种协调会议的举行,包括:

a) providing advice on the organization of effective coordination arrangements, drawing on experience from other such arrangements;

(a) 吸取其他类似安排的经验,提供组织有效的协调安排方面的咨询;

b) providing information to relevant bilateral and multilateral agencies concerning coordination meetings, and encouraging their active involvement; and

(b) 对有关的双边和多边机构提供关于协调会议的信息,鼓励它们积极参加;并

c) providing other information that may be relevant in establishing or improving coordination processes.

(c) 提供对建立或改进协调进程可能有关的其他信息。





Article 1




The purpose of this Annex is to provide guidelines and arrangements necessary for the effective implementation of the Convention in affected country Parties of the northern Mediterranean region in the light of its particular conditions.


Article 2


Particular conditions of the northern Mediterranean region


The particular conditions of the northern Mediterranean region referred to in article 1 include:


a) semi-arid climatic conditions affecting large areas, seasonal droughts, very high rainfall variability and sudden and high-intensity rainfall;

(a) 半干旱气候条件影响许多地区,季节性干旱,降雨量变化无常,暴雨突如其来;

b) poor and highly erodible soils, prone to develop surface crusts;

(b) 土壤贫瘠且极易受侵蚀,往往结成板块;

c) uneven relief with steep slopes and very diversified landscapes;

(c) 地形起伏不平,陡坡很多,地形差别很大;

d) extensive forest coverage losses due to frequent wildfires;

(d) 经常起野火,大片森林丧失;

e) crisis conditions in traditional agriculture with associated land abandonment and deterioration of soil and water conservation structures;

(e) 土地被遗弃,水土保持结构恶化,传统农业面临危机;

f) unsustainable exploitation of water resources leading to serious environmental damage, including chemical pollution, salinization and exhaustion of aquifers; and

(f) 以不可持续的方式利用水资源,导致环境严重损害,包括化学污染、盐渍化和蓄水层耗尽;以及

g) concentration of economic activity in coastal areas as a result of urban growth, industrial activities, tourism and irrigated agriculture.

(g) 由于城市扩大,工业活动、旅游业和灌溉农业的影响,经济活动集中在沿海地区。

Article 3


Strategic planning framework for sustainable development


1. National action programmes shall be a central and integral part of the strategic planning framework for sustainable development of the affected country Parties of the northern Mediterranean.

1. 国家行动方案应是地中海北部受影响国家缔约方可持续发展战略规划框架的核心内容和组成部分。

2. A consultative and participatory process, involving appropriate levels of government, local communities and non-governmental organizations, shall be undertaken to provide guidance on a strategy with flexible planning to allow maximum local participation, pursuant to article 10, paragraph 2 (f) of the Convention.

2. 应根据《公约》第10条第2(f)项开展协商和参与性进程,促进有关各级政府、当地社区和非政府组织参与该进程,指导制订灵活规划战略,以便最大限度地吸引当地社区参与。

Article 4


Obligation to prepare national action programmes and timetable


Affected country Parties of the northern Mediterranean region shall prepare national action programmes and, as appropriate, subregional, regional or joint action programmes.


The preparation of such programmes shall be finalized as soon as practicable.


Article 5


Preparation and implementation of national action programmes


In preparing and implementing national action programmes pursuant to articles 9 and 10 of the Convention, each affected country Party of the region shall, as appropriate:


a) designate appropriate bodies responsible for the preparation, coordination and implementation of its programme;

(a) 指定适当机构负责拟订、协调并执行其方案;

b) involve affected populations, including local communities, in the elaboration, coordination and implementation of the programme through a locally driven consultative process, with the cooperation of local authorities and relevant non-governmental organizations;

(b) 在地方当局和有关非政府组织的协作下,通过在地方上开展协商的工作,使包括当地社区在内的受影响人民参与拟订、协调并执行行动方案;

c) survey the state of the environment in affected areas to assess the causes and consequences of desertification and to determine priority areas for action;

(c) 调查受影响地区的环境状况,评估荒漠化的原因和后果,并确定优先行动领域;

d) evaluate, with the participation of affected populations, past and current programmes in order to design a strategy and elaborate activities in the action programme;

(d) 在受影响居民的参与下,评估过去和目前的方案,以便为行动方案制订战略和拟定各项活动;

e) prepare technical and financial programmes based on the information gained through the activities in subparagraphs (a) to (d); and

(e) 根据从(a) (d)项所列活动中获得的信息,制订技术和资金方案;以及

f) develop and utilize procedures and benchmarks for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the programme.

(f) 制订并利用监督和评估方案执行情况的程序和标准。

Article 6


Content of national action programmes


Affected country Parties of the region may include, in their national action programmes, measures relating to:


a) legislative, institutional and administrative areas;

(a) 立法、机构和行政措施;

b) land-use patterns, management of water resources, soil conservation, forestry, agricultural activities and pasture and range management;

(b) 在土地使用形式、水资源管理、土壤保护、植树造林、农业活动、牧地和牧场管理方面的措施;

c) management and conservation of wildlife and other forms of biological diversity;

(c) 野生动物以及其他形式的生物多样性的管理和保护措施;

d) protection against forest fires;

(d) 防止森林火灾措施;

e) promotion of alternative livelihoods; and

(e) 促进替代性谋生手段措施;

f) research, training and public awareness.

(f) 研究、训练和提高公众意识的措施。

Article 7


Subregional, regional and joint action programmes


1. Affected country Parties of the region may, in accordance with article 11 of the Convention, prepare and implement subregional and/or regional action programmes in order to complement and increase the efficiency of national action programmes.

1. 本区域受影响国家缔约方可根据《公约》第11条拟订并执行分区域和/或区域行动方案,以便补充国家行动方案和提高其效率。

Two or more affected country Parties of the region, may similarly agree to prepare a joint action programme between or among them.


2. The provisions of articles 5 and 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the preparation and implementation of subregional, regional and joint action programmes.

2. 经必要修订后,第5条和第6条的规定应适用于拟订并执行分区域、区域或联合行动方案。

In addition, such programmes may include the conduct of research and development activities concerning selected ecosystems in affected areas.


3. In preparing and implementing subregional, regional or joint action programmes, affected country Parties of the region shall, as appropriate:

3. 在拟订并执行分区域、区域或联合行动方案时,本区域受影响国家缔约方应酌情:

a) identify, in cooperation with national institutions, national objectives relating to desertification which can better be met by such programmes and relevant activities which could be effectively carried out through them;

(a) 与国内机构合作,查明与可由此类方案较好实现防治荒漠化有关的国家目标以及可通过这类方案加以有效执行的有关活动;

b) evaluate the operational capacities and activities of relevant regional, subregional and national institutions; and

(b) 评估有关区域、分区域和国家机构的运作能力及其活动;以及

c) assess existing programmes relating to desertification among Parties of the region and their relationship with national action programmes.

(c) 评价本区域缔约方中现有的与荒漠化有关的方案及其与国家行动方案之间的关系。

Article 8


Coordination of subregional, regional and joint action programmes


Affected country Parties preparing a subregional, regional or joint action programme may establish a coordination committee composed of representatives of each affected country Party concerned to review progress in combating desertification, harmonize national action programmes, make recommendations at the various stages of preparation and implementation of the subregional, regional or joint action programme, and act as a focal point for the promotion and coordination of technical cooperation pursuant to articles 16 to 19 of the Convention.


Article 9


Non-eligibility for financial assistance


In implementing national, subregional, regional and joint action programmes, affected developed country Parties of the region are not eligible to receive financial assistance under this Convention.


Article 10


Coordination with other subregions and regions


Subregional, regional and joint action programmes in the northern Mediterranean region may be prepared and implemented in collaboration with those of other subregions or regions, particularly with those of the subregion of northern Africa.


Annex V




Article 1




The purpose of this Annex is to provide guidelines and arrangements for the effective implementation of the Convention in affected country Parties of the Central and Eastern European region, in the light of its particular conditions.


Article 2




The particular conditions of the Central and Eastern European region referred to in article 1, which apply in varying degrees to the affected country Parties of the region, include:


(a) specific problems and challenges related to the current process of economic transition, including macroeconomic and financial problems and the need for strengthening the social and political framework for economic and market reforms;

(a) 与目前经济转型过程有关的具体问题和挑战,其中包括宏观经济和财政问题,及需要加强经济和市场改革的社会和政治框架;

(b) the variety of forms of land degradation in the different ecosystems of the region, including the effects of drought and the risks of desertification in regions prone to soil erosion caused by water and wind;

(b) 本区域不同生态系统内各种形式的土地退化,其中包括易因风和水引起土壤流失地区的干旱影响和荒漠化危险;

(c) crisis conditions in agriculture due, inter alia, to depletion of arable land, problems related to inappropriate irrigation systems and gradual deterioration of soil and water conservation structures;

(c) 由于可耕地贫化、不合宜的灌溉系统和水土保持结构逐渐损坏等问题等引起的农业危机状况;

(d) unsustainable exploitation of water resources leading to serious environmental damage, including chemical pollution, salinisation and exhaustion of aquifers;

(d) 以不可持续的方式利用水资源导致严重的环境损害,其中包括化学污染、盐碱化、和蓄水层枯竭;

(e) forest coverage losses due to climatic factors, consequences of air pollution and frequent wildfires;

(e) 由于气候因素、空气污染结果和经常发生大火造成森林覆盖面减少;

(f) the use of unsustainable development practices in affected areas as a result of complex interactions among physical, biological, political, social and economic factors;


(g) the risks of growing economic hardships and deteriorating social conditions in areas affected by land degradation, desertification and drought;

(g) 在受到土地退化、荒漠化和干旱影响的地区存在经济状况日益艰难和社会条件日益恶化的危险;

(h) the need to review research objectives and the policy and legislative framework for the sustainable management of natural resources; and

(h) 需要审查研究目标和可持久管理自然资源的政策和法律框架;

(i) the opening up of the region to wider international cooperation and the pursuit of broad objectives of sustainable development.

(i) 本区域需要开放,进行更广泛的国际合作和追求可持续发展的广大目标。

Article 3




1. National action programmes shall be an integral part of the policy framework for sustainable development and address in an appropriate manner the various forms of land degradation, desertification and drought affecting the Parties of the region.

1. 国家行动方案应是可持续发展政策框架的一个组成部分,并适当地处理影响本区域缔约方的各种形式土地退化、荒漠化和干旱问题。

2. A consultative and participatory process, involving appropriate levels of government, local communities and non-governmental organizations, shall be undertaken to provide guidance on a strategy with flexible planning to allow maximum local participation, pursuant to article 10, paragraph 2(f), of the Convention.

2. 应根据《公约》第10条第2(f)项开展由有关各级政府、地方社区和非政府组织参加的磋商和参与进程,来指导制订灵活规划的战略,以便允许最大程度的地方参与。

As appropriate, bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies may be involved in this process at the request of the affected country Party concerned.


Article 4




In preparing and implementing national action programmes pursuant to articles 9 and 10 of the Convention, each affected country Party of the region shall, as appropriate:


(a) designate appropriate bodies responsible for the preparation, coordination and implementation of its programme;

(a) 指定适当机构负责拟订、协调和执行其方案;

(b) involve affected populations, including local communities, in the elaboration, coordination and implementation of the programme through a locally driven consultative process, with the cooperation of local authorities and relevant non-governmental organizations;

(b) 与地方当局和有关非政府组织合作,通过在当地发动的磋商进程,吸引包括当地社区在内的受影响人民参与拟订、协调和执行行动方案;

(c) survey the state of the environment in affected areas to assess the causes and consequences of desertification and to determine priority areas for action;

(c) 调查受影响地区的环境状况,以评估荒漠化的原因和后果,并确定优先行动领域;

(d) evaluate, with the participation of affected populations, past and current programmes in order to design a strategy and elaborate actions in the action programme;

(d) 在受影响居民的参与下,评估过去和目前的方案,以便为行动方案制订战略和拟定各项活动;

(e) prepare technical and financial programmes based on the information gained through the activities in subparagraphs (a) to (d); and

(e) 根据从(a)(d)项所列活动中获得的信息,制订技术和资金方案;以及

(f) develop and utilize procedures and benchmarks for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the programme.

(f) 制订并使用监督和评估方案执行情况的程序和标准。

Article 5




1. Affected country Parties of the region, in accordance with articles 11 and 12 of the Convention, may prepare and implement subregional and/or regional action programmes in order to complement and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of national action programmes.

1. 本区域受影响国家缔约方可根据《公约》第11条和第12条拟订并执行分区域和/或区域行动方案,以便补充国家行动方案和提高其效率。

Two or more affected country Parties of the region may similarly agree to prepare a joint action programme between or among them.


2. Such programmes may be prepared and implemented in collaboration with other Parties or regions.

2. 这类方案可与其他缔约方或区域合作拟订和执行。

The objective of such collaboration would be to secure an enabling international environment and to facilitate financial and/or technical support or other forms of assistance to address more effectively desertification and drought issues at different levels.


3. The provisions of articles 3 and 4 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the preparation and implementation of subregional, regional and joint action programmes.

3. 经必要修订后,第3条和第4条的规定应适用于拟订并执行分区域、区域或联合行动方案。

In addition, such programmes may include the conduct of research and development activities concerning selected ecosystems in affected areas.


4. In preparing and implementing subregional, regional or joint action programmes, affected country Parties of the region shall, as appropriate:

4. 在拟订并执行分区域、区域或联合行动方案时,本区域受影响国家缔约方应酌情:

(a) identify, in cooperation with national institutions, national objectives relating to desertification which can better be met by such programmes, and relevant activities, which could be effectively carried out through them;

(a) 与本国机构合作,查明可由此类方案较好地实现的与防治荒漠化有关的国家目标以及可通过这类方案加以有效执行的有关活动;

(b) evaluate the operational capacities and activities of relevant regional, subregional and national institutions;

(b) 评估有关区域、分区域和国家机构的业务能力及活动;

(c) assess existing programmes relating to desertification among Parties of the region and their relationship with national action programmes; and

(c) 评价本区域缔约方中与荒漠化有关的现有方案及其与国家行动方案的关系;和

(d) consider action for the coordination of subregional, regional and joint action programmes, including, as appropriate, the establishment of coordination committees composed of representatives of each affected country Party concerned to review progress in combating desertification, harmonize national action programmes, make recommendations at the various stages of preparation and implementation of the subregional, regional or joint action programmes, and act as focal points for the promotion and coordination of technical cooperation pursuant to articles 16 to 19 of the Convention.

(d) 考虑采取行动协调分区域、区域和联合行动方案,包括酌情设立一个协调委员会,由每一有关的受影响国家缔约方的代表组成,来审查在防治荒漠化方面的进展,协调国家行动方案,在拟订和执行分区域、区域或联合行动方案的各个阶段提出建议,并作为促进和协调根据《公约》第16条至第19条进行的技术合作的联络点。

Article 6




In conformity with the objective and principles of the Convention, Parties of the region shall, individually or jointly:


(a) promote the strengthening of scientific and technical cooperation networks, of monitoring indicators and of information systems at all levels, as well as their integration, as appropriate, in worldwide systems of information; and

(a) 促进加强科学技术合作网络、监督指数和所有各级信息系统,并酌情使它们融入世界性信息系统;和

(b) promote the development, adaptation and transfer of relevant existing and new environmentally sound technologies within and outside the region.

(b) 促进本区域内外有关的现有和新的无害环境技术的开发、改造和转让。

Article 7




In conformity with the objective and principles of the Convention, affected country Parties of the region shall, individually or jointly:


(a) adopt measures to rationalize and strengthen mechanisms to supply funds through public and private investment with a view to achieving concrete results in action to combat land degradation and desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;

(a) 采取措施加强和合理化各种机制,通过公共和私人投资提供资金,以期在防治土地退化和荒漠化及缓解干旱影响的行动中获得具体成果;

(b) identify international cooperation requirements in support of national efforts, thereby creating, in particular, an enabling environment for investments and encouraging active investment policies and an integrated approach to effectively combating desertification, including early identification of the problems caused by this process;

(b) 查明支持本国努力的国际合作需要,特别要创造一个有利于投资的环境,鼓励积极的投资政策,采取有效地防治荒漠化的综合办法,包括尽早查明这一进程引起的问题;

(c) seek the participation of bilateral and/or multilateral partners and financial cooperation institutions with a view to ensuring implementation of the Convention, including programme activities which take into account the specific needs of affected country Parties of the region; and

(c) 谋求双边和/或多边伙伴和金融合作机构的参与,以期确保《公约》的执行,包括考虑到本区域受影响国家缔约方具体需要的方案活动;和

(d) assess the possible impact of article 2(a) on the implementation of articles 6, 13 and 20 and other related provisions of the Convention.

(d) 评估第2(a)条对执行《公约》第61320条及其他有关条款可能造成的影响。

Article 8




1. In order to give effect to this Annex, Parties of the region shall:

1. 为落实本附件,本区域缔约方应:

(a) establish and/or strengthen national focal points to coordinate action to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought; and (b) consider mechanisms to strengthen regional cooperation, as appropriate.

(a) 建立和/或加强国家联络点,以协调防治荒漠化和/或缓解干旱影响的行动;和(b) 酌情考虑加强区域合作的机制。

2. The Permanent Secretariat may, at the request of Parties of the region and pursuant to article 23 of the Convention, facilitate the convocation of coordination meetings in the region by:

2. 常设秘书处可应本区域缔约方的要求和根据《公约》第23条,促进召开本区域的协调会议,方法是:

(a) providing advice on the organization of effective coordination arrangements, drawing on experience from other such arrangements; and (b) providing other information that may be relevant in establishing or improving coordination processes.

(a) 吸取其他此类安排的经验,提供有关组织有效协调安排的咨询意见;和(b) 提供其他可能与建立或改进协调进程有关的信息。