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FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1 2011060547_000000000675281_O.DOC (English)FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1 2011060549_000000000679079_J.DOC (Chinese)
GE.11-60549 GE.11-60549 (C) 290311 300311
Framework Convention on Climate Change气候变化框架公约
Distr.: GeneralDistr.: General
15 March 201115 March 2011
Original: EnglishChinese Original: English
Conference of the Parties缔约方会议
Report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session, held in Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010缔约方会议第十六届会议报告 2010年11月29日至12月10日在坎昆举行
Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth session第二部分:缔约方会议第十六届会议采取的行动
Decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties缔约方会议通过的决定
The Cancun Agreements: Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention坎昆协议:《公约》之下的长期合作问题特设工作组的工作结果
Decision 1/CP.16第1/CP.16号决定
The Cancun Agreements: Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention坎昆协议:《公约》之下的长期合作问题特设工作组的 工作结果
The Conference of the Parties,缔约方会议,
Recalling its decision 1/CP.13 (the Bali Action Plan) and decision 1/CP.15,忆及第1/CP.13号决定(《巴厘岛行动计划》),和第1/CP.15号决定,
Seeking to secure progress in a balanced manner, with the understanding that, through this decision, not all aspects of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention are concluded, and that nothing in this decision shall prejudge prospects for, or the content of, a legally binding outcome in the future,力求确保以平衡的方式取得进展,与此相关的谅解是,本决定并不包括《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组工作的所有方面,本决定的任何内容都不预先判断未来一项具有法律约束力的结果的前景或内容,
Reaffirming the commitment to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention through long-term cooperative action, now, up to and beyond 2012, in order to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention,重申决心争取通过目前、2012年之前和2012年以后的长期合作行动,充分、有效和持续地执行《公约》,以实现《公约》的最终目标,
Recalling the principles, provisions and commitments set forth in the Convention, in particular its Articles 3 and 4,忆及《公约》所确定的原则、规定和承诺,特别是第三条和第四条的规定,
Recognizing that climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human societies and the planet, and thus requires to be urgently addressed by all Parties,认识到气候变化对人类社会和这个星球构成一项紧急和可能无法逆转的威胁,这就要求所有缔约方紧急加以处理,
Affirming the legitimate needs of developing country Parties for the achievement of sustained economic growth and the eradication of poverty, so as to be able to deal with climate change,申明发展中国家实现持续经济增长和消除贫困的合理需要,以便能够应对气候变化,
Noting resolution 10/4 of the United Nations Human Rights Council on human rights and climate change, which recognizes that the adverse effects of climate change have a range of direct and indirect implications for the effective enjoyment of human rights and that the effects of climate change will be felt most acutely by those segments of the population that are already vulnerable owing to geography, gender, age, indigenous or minority status, or disability,注意到联合国人权理事会题为“人权与气候变化”的第10/4号决议,其中确认气候变化的不利效应对于有效享有人权具有一系列直接和间接影响,而气候变化的效应将由人口中因诸如地理、性别、年龄、土著或少数群体状态或残疾等因素而已经处于脆弱处境的部分群体最深切地感受到,
I. A shared vision for long-term cooperative action一. 长期合作行动的共同愿景
1. Affirms that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and that all Parties share a vision for long-term cooperative action in order to achieve the objective of the Convention under its Article 2, including through the achievement of a global goal, on the basis of equity and in accordance with common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities; this vision is to guide the policies and actions of all Parties, while taking into full consideration the different circumstances of Parties in accordance with the principles and provisions of the Convention; the vision addresses mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building in a balanced, integrated and comprehensive manner to enhance and achieve the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention, now, up to and beyond 2012;1. 申明气候变化是我们时代的最大挑战之一,所有缔约方对长期合作行动有一个共同愿景,开展长期合作行动,以在公平的基础上,并根据它们共同但有区别的责任和 各自的能力,实现《公约》第二条所定的目标,包括通过实现一项全球目标;这个愿景要指导所有缔约方的政策和行动,同时要根据《公约》的原则和规定,充分考 虑到各缔约方的不同情况;这个愿景以均衡、综合和全面的方式处理缓解、适应、资金、技术开发和转让以及能力建设问题,加强和实现在目前以及2012年之前 和之后充分、有效和持续执行《公约》;
2. Further affirms that:2.进一步申明:
(a) Scaled-up overall mitigation efforts that allow for the achievement of desired stabilization levels are necessary, with developed country Parties showing leadership by undertaking ambitious emission reductions and providing technology, capacity-building and financial resources to developing country Parties, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention;加大总体缓解努力,以达到所期望的必要稳定水平,发达国家要发挥率先作用,开展要求较高的减排,并按照《公约》的相关规定,为发展中国家缔约方提供技术、能力建设和资金资源;
(b) Adaptation must be addressed with the same priority as mitigation and requires appropriate institutional arrangements to enhance adaptation action and support;适应必须与缓解同样优先处理,需要适当的体制安排,以加强适应行动和支助;
(c) All Parties should cooperate, consistent with the principles of the Convention, through effective mechanisms, enhanced means and appropriate enabling environments, and enhance technology development and the transfer of technologies to developing country Parties to enable action on mitigation and adaptation;所有缔约方应当根据《公约》的各项原则,通过有效的机制、加强的手段和适当的扶持环境,加强技术开发和对发展中国家缔约方转让技术,以便能够开展缓解和适应行动;
(d) Mobilization and provision of scaled-up, new, additional, adequate and predictable financial resources is necessary to address the adaptation and mitigation needs of developing countries;必须调集并提供逐步扩大、新增、额外、充足的和可预测的资金,以满足发展中国家的适应和缓解需要;
(e) Capacity-building is essential to enable developing country Parties to participate fully in, and to implement effectively, their commitments under the Convention; and that the goal is to enhance the capacity of developing country Parties in all areas;能力建设对于使发展中国家能充分参与和有效履行在《公约》之下所作的承诺极为重要;其目标是加强发展中国家所有方面的能力;
3. Recognizes that warming of the climate system is unequivocal and that most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations, as assessed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its Fourth Assessment Report;3.认识到气候系统变暖无可争议,正如政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告所评估,自二十世纪中叶以来观测到的全球平均气温升高很可能是由于观测到的人为温室气体浓度增加;
4. Further recognizes that deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions are required according to science, and as documented in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, with a view to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions so as to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, and that Parties should take urgent action to meet this long-term goal, consistent with science and on the basis of equity; also recognizes the need to consider, in the context of the first review, as referred to in paragraph 138 below, strengthening the long-term global goal on the basis of the best available scientific knowledge, including in relation to a global average temperature rise of 1.5 °C;4.进一步认识到,正如政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告的材 料所示,科学认识要求大幅度削减全球温室气体排放量,以通过减少全球温室气体排放量,使与工业化前水平相比的全球平均气温上升幅度维持在2℃以下,缔约方 应当按照科学认识和在公平的基础上采取紧急行动,争取实现这一长期目标;认识到,如以下第138段所述,在第一次审评的范围内,必须考虑以最佳可得科学知 识为基础,包括有关全球平均升温1.5℃的知识,加强长期全球目标;
5. Agrees, in the context of the long-term goal and the ultimate objective of the Convention and the Bali Action Plan, to work towards identifying a global goal for substantially reducing global emissions by 2050, and to consider it at the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties;5.商定,在《公约》和《巴厘岛行动计划》的长期目标和最终目标的范围内,努力确定到2050年大幅度减少全球排放量的全球目标,并在缔约方会议第十七届会议上加以审议;
6. Also agrees that Parties should cooperate in achieving the peaking of global and national greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, recognizing that the time frame for peaking will be longer in developing countries, and bearing in mind that social and economic development and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities of developing countries and that a low-carbon development strategy is indispensable to sustainable development; in this context, further agrees to work towards identifying a time frame for global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions based on the best available scientific knowledge and equitable access to sustainable development, and to consider it at the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties;6.还商定,缔约方应开展合 作,争取尽快实现全球和国家温室气体排放量封顶,同时承认,发展中国家实现排放量封顶将会需要较长的时间,并且铭记,社会和经济发展及消除贫困是发展中国 家的首要和压倒一切的优先任务,而低碳发展战略则是可持续发展所不可或缺的。 在这方面,进一步商定在最佳可得科学知识和公平获得可持续发展的基础上,努力确定温室气体排放量全球封顶的时间框架,并在缔约方会议第十七届会议上审议;
7. Recognizes the need to engage a broad range of stakeholders at the global, regional, national and local levels, be they government, including subnational and local government, private business or civil society, including youth and persons with disability, and that gender equality and the effective participation of women and indigenous peoples are important for effective action on all aspects of climate change;7.承认需要在全球、区域、国家和地方各级广泛吸收各类利害关系方参与,不论其为政府――包括国家以下各级和地方政府――私营工商业还是民间团体,包括青年和残疾人,而两性平等和妇女及土著人民的有效参与对于全面应对气候变化的有效行动甚为重要;
8. Emphasizes that Parties should, in all climate change related actions, fully respect human rights;8.强调在所有涉及气候变化的行动中,缔约方应充分尊重人权;
9. Confirms that Parties, especially developing country Parties that would have to bear a disproportionate or abnormal burden under the long-term cooperative action under the Convention, should be given full consideration;9.确认在《公约》之下须承受不成比例或不正常负担的缔约方,特别是发展中国家缔约方,应当得到充分考虑;
10. Realizes that addressing climate change requires a paradigm shift towards building a low-carbon society that offers substantial opportunities and ensures continued high growth and sustainable development, based on innovative technologies and more sustainable production and consumption and lifestyles, while ensuring a just transition of the workforce that creates decent work and quality jobs;10.认识到处理气候变化需要实现一种范式的转变,着眼于建立低碳社会,这种社会既能提供很大的机会,又能确保持续的高增长和可持续发展,其基础应是创新技术、更为可持续的生产和消费及生活方式,同时确保能够创造体面工作和高素质就业机会的公正的劳动力转型;
II. Enhanced action on adaptation二. 加强适应行动
11. Agrees that adaptation is a challenge faced by all Parties, and that enhanced action and international cooperation on adaptation is urgently required to enable and support the implementation of adaptation actions aimed at reducing vulnerability and building resilience in developing country Parties, taking into account the urgent and immediate needs of those developing countries that are particularly vulnerable;11.同意适应是所有缔约方所面临的一项挑战,迫切要求采取加强适应行动和国际合作,以扶持和支助执行适应行动,着眼于降低发展中国家缔约方的脆弱性并提高其抗御力,要考虑到特别脆弱的发展中国家的迫切和眼前需要;
12. Affirms that enhanced action on adaptation should be undertaken in accordance with the Convention, should follow a country-driven, gender-sensitive, participatory and fully transparent approach, taking into consideration vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems, and should be based on and guided by the best available science and, as appropriate, traditional and indigenous knowledge, with a view to integrating adaptation into relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions, where appropriate;12.申明应当按照《公约》采取加强的适应行动;遵循国家驱动、性别敏感、参与型和充分透明的方针,同时考虑到脆弱群体、社区和生态系统;依据并遵循最佳可得科学知识并酌情包括传统和土著知识;着眼于将适应酌情纳入相关的社会、经济和环境政策和行动;
13. Decides to hereby establish the Cancun Adaptation Framework encompassing the provisions laid out below, with the objective of enhancing action on adaptation, including through international cooperation and coherent consideration of matters relating to adaptation under the Convention;13.决定建立包含下文所列各项规定的坎昆适应框架,目标是加强适应行动,包括通过国际合作,争取连贯一致地考虑与《公约》之下的适应有关的事项;
14. Invites all Parties to enhance action on adaptation under the Cancun Adaptation Framework, taking into account their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and specific national and regional development priorities, objectives and circumstances, by undertaking, inter alia, the following:14.请所有缔约方在坎昆适应框架之下加强适应行动,考虑到它们共同但有区别的责任和各自能力以及具体的国家和区域发展优先事项、目标和情况,除其他外着手:
(a) Planning, prioritizing and implementing adaptation actions, including projects and programmes,{§1} and actions identified in national and subnational adaptation plans and strategies, national adaptation programmes of action of the least developed countries, national communications, technology needs assessments and other relevant national planning documents;规划适应行动、安排其轻重缓急并加以执行,包括项目和方案{§1} ,以及国家和分区域适应行动计划和战略、最不发达国家的国家适应行动方案、国家信息通报、技术需要评估和其他有关国家规划文件中确定的行动;
(b) Impact, vulnerability and adaptation assessments, including assessments of financial needs as well as economic, social and environmental evaluation of adaptation options;进行影响、脆弱性和适应评估,包括适应备选办法的资金需要评估以及经济、社会和环境评价;
(c) Strengthening institutional capacities and enabling environments for adaptation, including for climate-resilient development and vulnerability reduction;加强包括具有气候抗御力的发展和降低脆弱性在内的适应的体制能力和扶持环境;
(d) Building resilience of socio-economic and ecological systems, including through economic diversification and sustainable management of natural resources;加强社会经济和生态系统的抗御力,包括通过经济多样化和自然资源的可持续管理;
(e) Enhancing climate change related disaster risk reduction strategies, taking into consideration the Hyogo Framework for Action,{§2} where appropriate, early warning systems, risk assessment and management, and sharing and transfer mechanisms such as insurance, at the local, national, subregional and regional levels, as appropriate;酌情在地方、国家、分区域和区域各级加强与气候变化相关的减少灾害风险战略,酌情顾及《兵库行动框架》{§2} ;预警系统;风险评估和管理及风险分担和转移机制,例如保险;
(f) Measures to enhance understanding, coordination and cooperation with regard to climate change induced displacement, migration and planned relocation, where appropriate, at the national, regional and international levels;酌情加强对国家、区域和国际各级气候变化所致流离失所、移徙和计划搬迁问题的了解、协调和合作;
(g) Research, development, demonstration, diffusion, deployment and transfer of technologies, practices and processes, and capacity-building for adaptation, with a view to promoting access to technologies, in particular in developing country Parties;进行技术、做法和工序的研究、开发、演示、推广、部署和转让;开展适应能力建设,以促进获得技术的途径,尤其是在发展中国家缔约方;
(h) Strengthening data, information and knowledge systems, education and public awareness;加强数据、信息和知识系统、教育和公众意识;
(i) Improving climate-related research and systematic observation for climate data collection, archiving, analysis and modelling in order to provide decision makers at the national and regional levels with improved climate-related data and information;改进与气候相关的研究与系统观测,以利气候数据收集、存档、分析和建模,以便在国家和区域两级为决策者提供与气候相关的更好的数据和信息;
15. Decides to hereby establish a process to enable least developed country Parties to formulate and implement national adaptation plans, building upon their experience in preparing and implementing national adaptation programmes of action, as a means of identifying medium- and long-term adaptation needs and developing and implementing strategies and programmes to address those needs;15.决定订立一种程序,以使最不发达国家缔约方能够借助其在编制和执行国家适应行动方案方面的经验,拟订和实施国家适应计划,以此确定中期和长期适应需要并针对这些需要制订和实施战略和方案;
16. Invites other developing country Parties to employ the modalities formulated to support the above-mentioned national adaptation plans in the elaboration of their planning effort referred to in paragraph 14 (a) above;16.请其他发展中国家缔约方在以上第14(a)段所指规划努力中,采用制订的模式支持上述国家适应计划;
17. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to elaborate modalities and guidelines for the provisions of paragraphs 15 and 16 above, for adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session;17.请附属履行机构为以上第15和16段的规定拟定模式和指南,供缔约方会议第十七届会议通过;
18. Requests developed country Parties to provide developing country Parties, taking into account the needs of those that are particularly vulnerable, with long-term, scaled-up, predictable, new and additional finance, technology and capacity-building, consistent with relevant provisions, to implement urgent, short-, medium- and long-term adaptation actions, plans, programmes and projects at the local, national, subregional and regional levels, in and across different economic and social sectors and ecosystems, as well as to undertake the activities referred to in paragraphs 14–16 above and paragraphs 30, 32 and 33 below;18.请发达国家缔 约方按照相关规定,考虑到其中特别脆弱者的需要,为发展中国家缔约方提供长期、逐步增加、可预测、新的和额外的资金、技术和能力建设,在地方、国家、分区 域和区域各级、在不同经济社会部门和生态系统内部和相互之间开展迫切需要的短期、中期和长期适应行动、计划、方案和项目,以及开展以上第14-16段及以 下第30、第32和第33段所述活动;
19. Acknowledges the need to strengthen, enhance and better utilize existing institutional arrangements and expertise under the Convention;19.承认必须加强、增进和更好地利用《公约》之下的现有体制安排和专门知识;
20. Decides to hereby establish an Adaptation Committee to promote the implementation of enhanced action on adaptation in a coherent manner under the Convention, inter alia, through the following functions:20.决定设立一个适应委员会,以便通过履行以下等项职能,在《公约》之下以一致的方式促进实施加强的适应行动:
(a) Providing technical support and guidance to the Parties, respecting the country-driven approach, with a view to facilitating the implementation of adaptation activities, including those listed in paragraphs 14 and 15 above, where appropriate;向缔约方提供技术支持和指导,尊重国家驱动的方针,以期促进酌情实施私营活动,包括以上第14段和第15段所列活动;
(b) Strengthening, consolidating and enhancing the sharing of relevant information, knowledge, experience and good practices, at the local, national, regional and international levels, taking into account, as appropriate, traditional knowledge and practices;加强、巩固和促进在地方、国家、区域和国际各级共享信息、知识、经验和良好做法,同时酌情考虑到传统知识和做法;
(c) Promoting synergy and strengthening engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks, in order to enhance the implementation of adaptation actions, in particular in developing country Parties;促进与国家、区域和国际组织、中心及网络的协同,加强接触,以推动实施适应行动,特别是在发展中国家缔约方;
(d) Providing information and recommendations, drawing on adaptation good practices, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties when providing guidance on means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions, including finance, technology and capacity-building and other ways to enable climate-resilient development and reduce vulnerability, including to the operating entities of the financial mechanism of the Convention, as appropriate;借鉴适应方面的良好做法,提供信息、提出建议,供缔约方会议在就激励执行适应行动的手段以及其他能扶持具有气候抗御力的发展和减少脆弱性的途径提供指导意见时考虑,包括资金、技术和能力建设,酌情包括针对《公约》资金机制经营实体;
(e) Considering information communicated by Parties on their monitoring and review of adaptation actions, support provided and received, possible needs and gaps and other relevant information, including information communicated under the Convention, with a view to recommending what further actions may be required, as appropriate;审议缔约方通报的关于监测和审查适应行动、提供或获得的支助、可能的需要和差距及其他相关信息,包括在《公约》之下通报的信息,以酌情建议可能需要采取的进一步行动;
21. Invites Parties to submit to the secretariat, by 21 February 2011, views on the composition of, and modalities and procedures for, the Adaptation Committee, including on proposed linkages with other relevant institutional arrangements;21.请缔约方在2011年2月21日之前向秘书处提交关于适应委员会的组成、模式和程序的意见,包括关于与其他相关体制安排的拟议联系的意见;
22. Requests the secretariat to compile these submissions into a miscellaneous document, to be made available by the fourteenth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention, and to prepare a synthesis report based on those submissions by the fourteenth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention;22.请秘书处将提交的这些意见汇编为一份杂项文件,在《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组第十四届会议之前提供,并根据提交的这些意见,在《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组第十四届会议之前编写一份综合报告;
23. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention, taking into account the above-mentioned submissions and synthesis report, to elaborate the composition of, and modalities and procedures for, the Adaptation Committee, for adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session;23.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组考虑到上述提交的意见和综合报告,拟定适应委员会的组成、模式和程序,供缔约方会议第十七届会议通过;
24. Also requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention, in elaborating the above-mentioned modalities and procedures, to define, as appropriate, linkages with other relevant institutional arrangements under and outside the Convention, including at the national and regional levels;24.并请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组在拟定上述模式和程序中酌情界定与《公约》之下和之外其他相关体制安排的联系,包括在国家和区域级别;
25. Recognizes the need to strengthen international cooperation and expertise in order to understand and reduce loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events;{§3}25.确认有必要加强国际合作和专门知识,以便了解并减少与气候变化不利影响相关的损失和损害,包括与极端天气事件和缓发事件相关的影响{§3} ;
26. Decides to hereby establish a work programme in order to consider, including through workshops and expert meetings, as appropriate, approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change;26.决定设立一个工作方案,以考虑各种办法,包括酌情通过研讨会和专家会议,处理特别易受气候变化不利影响的发展中国家与气候变化影响相关的损失和损害问题;
27. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to agree on activities to be undertaken under the above-mentioned work programme;27.请附属履行机构商定将在上述工作方案之下开展的活动;
28. Invites Parties and relevant organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 21 February 2011, views and information on what elements should be included in the work programme, including the following:28.请缔约方和有关组织在2011年2月21日之前向秘书处提交关于工作方案应列入哪些内容的意见和资料,包括:
(a) Possible development of a climate risk insurance facility to address impacts associated with severe weather events;是否可能设立一个气候风险保险基金,处理与严重天气事件相关的影响;
(b) Options for risk management and reduction, risk sharing and transfer mechanisms such as insurance, including options for micro-insurance, and resilience-building, including through economic diversification;风险管理和减少风险的备选办法;风险分担和转移机制,如保险,包括小额保险;和建设抗御能力,包括通过经济多样化;
(c) Approaches for addressing rehabilitation measures associated with slow onset events;处理与缓发事件相关的恢复措施的办法;
(d) Engagement of stakeholders with relevant specialized expertise;使利害关系方获得相关专门知识;
29. Requests the secretariat to compile these submissions into a miscellaneous document and to prepare a synthesis report based on those submissions, to be made available for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its thirty-fourth session, and with a view to making recommendations on loss and damage to the Conference of the Parties for its consideration at its eighteenth session;29.请秘书处将提交的这些意见汇编为一份杂项文件,并根据提交的这些意见编写一份综合报告,提交附属履行机构第三十四届会议审议,以期就损失和损害问题作出建议,供缔约方会议第十八届会议审议;
30. Invites Parties to strengthen and, where necessary, establish regional centres and networks, in particular in developing countries, with support from developed country Parties and relevant organizations, as appropriate, and to facilitate and enhance national and regional adaptation actions, in a manner that is country-driven, encourages cooperation and coordination between regional stakeholders and improves the flow of information between the Convention process and national and regional activities;30.请缔约方酌情在发达国家缔约方和有关组织的支助下加强并在必要情况下设立区域中心和网络,特别是在发展中国家;促进和加强国家和区域适应行动,其方式应是国家驱动的,鼓励区域利害关系方之间的合作和协调,并改进《公约》进程与国家和区域活动之间的信息流动;
31. Notes that an international centre to enhance adaptation research and coordination could also be established in a developing country;31.注意到一个旨在加强适应研究与协调的国际中心也可设在某个发展中国家;
32. Invites all Parties to strengthen and, where necessary, establish and/or designate national-level institutional arrangements, with a view to enhancing work on the full range of adaptation actions, from planning to implementation;32.请所有缔约方加强并在必要时建立和/或指定国家一级的体制安排,以期增进关于从规划到执行的全部适应行动的工作;
33. Decides that all Parties should use existing channels to provide information, as appropriate, on support provided and received for adaptation actions in developing countries and on activities undertaken, including, inter alia, progress made, experiences, lessons learned, and challenges and gaps in the delivery of support, with a view to ensuring transparency and accountability and encouraging best practices;33.决定所有缔约方都应当利用现有渠道,酌情提供资料,说明为发展中国家适应行动所提供和所得到的支助情况;以及所开展的活动,包括取得的进展、汲取的经验教训,提供支助的挑战和差距,以期确保透明度和问责制;并鼓励最佳做法;
34. Invites relevant multilateral, international, regional and national organizations, the public and private sectors, civil society and other relevant stakeholders to undertake and support enhanced action on adaptation at all levels, including under the Cancun Adaptation Framework, as appropriate, in a coherent and integrated manner, building on synergies among activities and processes, and to make information available on the progress made;34.请有关多边、国际、区域和国家组织、公共和私营部门、民间社会和其他利害关系方,借助各种活动和进程的协同作用,酌情在所有各级,包括在坎昆适应框架下,以连贯一致和综合的方式开展和支持加强的适应行动,并提供资料,说明取得的进展;
35. Requests the secretariat to support the implementation of the Cancun Adaptation Framework, including related institutional arrangements under the Convention, in accordance with its mandate and subject to the availability of resources;35.请秘书处按照其任务,在具备资源的前提下为实施坎昆适应框架,包括《公约》之下的有关体制安排提供支持;
III. Enhanced action on mitigation三. 加强缓解行动
A. Nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions by developed country PartiesA. 发达国家缔约方适合本国的缓解承诺或行动
Emphasizing the need for deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions and early and urgent undertakings to accelerate and enhance the implementation of the Convention by all Parties, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities,强调所有缔约方需要在平等的基础上并按照共同但有区别的责任和各自能力,大幅度削减全球温室气体排放量,并遵照作出紧急承诺,加快和加强执行《公约》,
Acknowledging that the largest share of historical global emissions of greenhouse gases originated in developed countries and that, owing to this historical responsibility, developed country Parties must take the lead in combating climate change and the adverse effects thereof,承认全球温室气体历史排放量的最大部分源自发达国家,由于这一历史责任,发达国家缔约方必须率先应对气候变化及其不利影响,
36. Takes note of quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets to be implemented by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention as communicated by them and contained in document FCCC/SB/2011/INF.1{§4} (to be issued);36.注意到《公约》附件一所列缔约方通报并载于FCCC/SB/2011/INF.1号文件{§4} (有待印发)、有待这些缔约方执行的量化的整体经济范围减排指标;
37. Urges developed country Parties to increase the ambition of their economy-wide emission reduction targets, with a view to reducing their aggregate anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol to a level consistent with the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;37.促请发达国家缔约方提高整个经济范围减排目标规模,以便将其二氧化碳和《蒙特利尔议定书》未予管制的其他温室气体人为排放总量减到与《政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告》相符的水平;
38. Requests the secretariat to organize workshops to clarify the assumptions and the conditions related to the attainment of these targets, including the use of carbon credits from the market-based mechanisms and land use, land-use change and forestry activities, and options and ways to increase their level of ambition;38.请秘书处安排研讨会,澄清与实现这些目标相关的假设和条件,包括利用基于市场的机制以及土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业所得碳入计量,及各种备选办法和方式,增加其目标规模;
39. Also requests the secretariat to prepare a technical paper based on Parties’ submissions with the aim of facilitating understanding of the assumptions and conditions related to the attainment of their emission reduction targets and a comparison of the level of emission reduction efforts;39.并请秘书处根据缔约方提交的材料编写一份技术文件,目的是方便理解与实现减排目标相关的假设和条件,方便比较减排努力的水平;
40. Decides, building on existing reporting and review guidelines, processes and experiences, to enhance reporting in the national communications of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention on mitigation targets and on the provision of financial, technological and capacity-building support to developing country Parties as follows:40.决定在现有报告和审评指南、程序和经验的基础上,加强《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报中关于缓解目标和向发展中国家缔约方提供资金、技术和能力建设支助的报告如下:
(a) Developed countries should submit annual greenhouse gas inventories and inventory reports and biennial reports on their progress in achieving emission reductions, including information on mitigation actions to achieve their quantified economy-wide emission targets and emission reductions achieved, projected emissions and the provision of financial, technology and capacity-building support to developing country Parties;发达国家应当提交年度温室气体清单和清单报告,关于实现减排方面进展情况的两年期报告,包括有关信息,说明为实现其量化的整个经济范围减排目标而采取的缓解行动、实现的排减量、预计排放量,以及关于向发展中国家缔约方提供资金、技术和能力建设支助的情况;
(b) Developed countries shall submit supplementary information on the achievement of quantified economy-wide emission reductions;发达国家应当提供关于量化的整体经济范围减排目标实现情况的信息;
(c) Developed countries shall improve the reporting of information on the provision of financial, technology and capacity-building support to developing country Parties;发达国家应改善向发展中国家缔约方提供资金、技术和能力建设支助信息的报告;
41. Also decides to enhance the guidelines for the reporting of information in national communications by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention, including the development of common reporting formats and methodology for finance, in order to ensure that information provided is complete, comparable, transparent and accurate;41.并决定加强《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报中报告有关信息的指南,包括制订通用报告格式和融资方法,以确保所提供的信息完整、可比、透明和准确;
42. Further decides to enhance guidelines for the review of information in national communications with respect to the following:42.进一步决定加强有关审查国家信息通报所含信息的指南,涉及:
(a) Progress made in achieving emission reductions;在实现排减方面取得的进展;
(b) Provision of financial, technology and capacity-building support to developing country Parties;向发展中国家缔约方提供资金、技术和能力建设支助;
43. Decides that developed countries should establish national arrangements for the estimation of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol;43.决定发达国家应当确立估算《蒙特利尔议定书》未予管制的所有温室气体的人为源排放量和汇清除量的国家安排;
44. Also decides to establish a process for international assessment of emissions and removals related to quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, taking into account national circumstances, in a rigorous, robust and transparent manner, with a view to promoting comparability and building confidence;44.决定确立一种程序,以便在附属履行机构以严格、有力和透明的方式,考虑到具体国情,对与量化的整体经济范围减排目标有关的排放量和清除量进行国际评估,以促进可比性和建立信任;
45. Further decides that developed countries should develop low-carbon development strategies or plans;45.决定发达国家应当制订低碳发展战略或计划;
46. Decides on the following work programme for the development of modalities and guidelines described above, building on existing reporting and review guidelines, processes and experiences:46.决定,关于制订上文所述模式和指南的下列工作方案,应借鉴现有报告和审评指南、程序和经验:
(a) The revision of guidelines, as necessary, on the reporting of national communications, including the biennial report:视需要修订关于国家信息通报报告的指南,包括两年期报告: (一)
(i) The provision of financing, through enhanced common reporting formats, methodologies for finance and tracking of climate-related support;通过加强的通用报告格式、融资方法提供资金,并追踪与气候变化相关的支助;
(ii) Supplementary information on achievement of quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets;(二) 实现量化的整个经济范围减排指标的补充信息; (三)
(iii) Information on national inventory arrangements;关于国家清单安排的信息;
(b) The revision of guidelines for the review of national communications, including the biennial report, annual greenhouse gas inventories and national inventory systems;修订国家信息通报审评指南,包括两年期报告、年度温室气体清单和国家清单体系;
(c) The establishment of guidelines for national inventory arrangements;为国家清单安排确定指南;
(d) Modalities and procedures for international assessment and review of emissions and removals related to quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets in accordance with paragraph 44 above, including the role of land use, land-use change and forestry, and carbon credits from market-based mechanisms, taking into account international experience;模式和程序,用以根据以上第44段对与量化的整体经济范围减排目标有关的排放量和清除量进行国际评估和审评,包括土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业的作用、以及来自基于市场机制的碳入计量,同时借鉴国际经验;
47. Invites Parties to submit views on the items mentioned in paragraph 46 above, including with respect to the initial scheduling of the processes described in this section, by 28 March 2011;47.请缔约方在2011年3月28日之前就以上第46段所指事项提交意见,包括本节所述程序的初步时间安排;
B. Nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country PartiesB. 发展中国家缔约方适合本国的缓解行动
Recognizing that developing country Parties are already contributing and will continue to contribute to a global mitigation effort in accordance with the principles and provisions of the Convention, and could enhance their mitigation actions, depending on provision of finance, technology and capacity-building support by developed country Parties,承认发展中国家缔约方已经在并将继续按照《公约》的原则和规定为全球缓解努力作出贡献,并可加强其缓解行动,但取决于发达国家缔约方提供资金、技术和能力建设支助,
Reaffirming that social and economic development and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities of developing country Parties, and that the share of global emissions originating in developing countries will grow to meet their social and development needs,重申社会和经济发展以及消除贫困是发展中国家缔约方的首要和压倒一切的优先事项,重申为了满足本国的社会和发展需要,发展中国家的排放量在全球排放量中所占的比例会提高,
48. Agrees that developing country Parties will take nationally appropriate mitigation actions in the context of sustainable development, supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity-building, aimed at achieving a deviation in emissions relative to ‘business as usual’ emissions in 2020;48.商定发展中国家缔约方将在技术、资金和能力建设的支助和扶持下,联系可持续发展采取适合本国的缓解行动,争取2020年排放量相对于“一切照常”排放量实现偏离;
49. Takes note of nationally appropriate mitigation actions to be implemented by Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention as communicated by them and contained in document FCCC/AWGLCA/2011/INF.1{§5} (to be issued);49.注意到非《公约》附件一所列缔约方通报并载于FCCC/AWGLCA/ 2011/INF.1号文件{§5} (有待印发)、有待这些缔约方执行的量化的整体经济范围减排指标;
50. Invites developing countries that wish to voluntarily inform the Conference of the Parties of their intention to implement nationally appropriate mitigation actions in association with this decision to submit information on those actions to the secretariat;50.请愿意自愿向缔约方会议通报打算执行与本决定相关适合本国的缓解行动的发展中国家向秘书处提交有关这些行动的资料;
51. Requests the secretariat to organize workshops to understand the diversity of mitigation actions submitted, underlying assumptions and any support needed for the implementation of these actions, noting different national circumstances and the respective capabilities of developing country Parties;51.请秘书处安排研讨会,以了解所提交的缓解行动的多样性,所依据的假设以及采取这些行动所需的任何支助,注意到发展中国家缔约方的不同国情和各自能力;
52. Decides that, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Convention, developed country Parties shall provide enhanced financial, technological and capacity-building support for the preparation and implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties and for enhanced reporting by these Parties;52.决定,根据《公约》第四条第3款,发达国家缔约方应为发展中国家缔约方编制和执行适合本国的缓解行动以及这些缔约方加强的报告提供加强的资金、技术和能力建设支助;
53. Also decides to set up a registry to record nationally appropriate mitigation actions seeking international support and to facilitate matching of finance, technology and capacity-building support for these actions;53.还决定建立一个登记册,以记录寻求国际支助的适合本国的缓解行动,便利使资金、技术和能力建设支助与这些行动相匹配;
54. Invites developing country Parties to submit to the secretariat information on nationally appropriate mitigation actions for which they are seeking support, along with estimated costs and emission reductions, and the anticipated time frame for implementation;54.请发展中国家缔约方向秘书处提交关于为其寻求支助的适合本国的缓解行动的信息,同时附上估计费用和排减量,以及预计的执行时间框架;
55. Also invites developed country Parties to submit to the secretariat information on support available and provided for nationally appropriate mitigation actions;55.还请发达国家缔约方向秘书处提交针对适合本国的缓解行动的现有和已提供支助的信息;
56. Requests the secretariat to record and regularly update in the registry the information provided by Parties on:56.请秘书处在登记册中记录并定期更新缔约方提供的下列信息:
(a) Nationally appropriate mitigation actions seeking international support;寻求国际支助的适合本国的缓解行动;
(b) Support available from developed country Parties for these actions;发达国家缔约方可为这些行动提供的支助;
(c) Support provided for nationally appropriate mitigation actions;为适合本国的缓解行动提供的支助;
57. Agrees to develop modalities for the facilitation of support through the registry referred to in paragraph 53 above, including any functional relationship with the financial mechanism;57.同意制订模式,以通过以上第53段所指登记册便利提供支助,包括与资金机制的任何职能关系;
58. Decides to recognize nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing countries in a separate section of the registry;58.决定在登记册中单辟一节,以示对发展中国家适合本国的缓解行动的承认;
59. Requests the secretariat to record, and regularly update, in a separate section of the registry, information submitted by Parties on the following:59.请秘书处在登记册中单辟一节,以记录并定期更新缔约方就以下各项提供的信息:
(a) Mitigation actions contained in document FCCC/AWGLCA/2011/INF.1;FCCC/AWGLCA/2011/INF.1号文件所载缓解行动;
(b) Additional mitigation actions submitted in association with paragraph 50 above;联系以上第50段提交的额外缓解行动;
(c) Once support has been provided, internationally supported mitigation actions and associated support;已提供支助情况下的得到国际支助的缓解行动和相关支助;
60. Decides to enhance reporting in national communications, including inventories, from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention on mitigation actions and their effects, and support received, with additional flexibility to be given to the least developed country Parties and small island developing States:60.决定加强非《公约》附件一所列缔约方在国家信息通报、包括清单中关于缓解行动及其效应及所得支助的报告;给予最不发达国家缔约方和小岛屿发展中国家更多的灵活性:
(a) The content and frequency of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention will not be more onerous than that for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention;非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报的内容和提交频度将不会比《公约》附件一所列缔约方的更为繁重;
(b) Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention should submit their national communications to the Conference of the Parties, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 1, of the Convention, every four years or in accordance with any further decisions on frequency by the Conference of the Parties, taking into account a differentiated timetable and the prompt provision of financial resources to cover the agreed full costs incurred by Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention in preparing their national communications;非 《公约》附件一所列缔约方应按照《公约》第十二条第1款向缔约方会议提交国家信息通报,通报每隔4年提交一次,或按照缔约方会议在顾及有区别的时间表并及 时提供资金支付非《公约》附件一所列缔约方编写国家信息通报所发生全部议定费用的前提下就提交频度所作任何决定予以提交;
(c) Developing countries, consistent with their capabilities and the level of support provided for reporting, should also submit biennial update reports containing updates of national greenhouse gas inventories, including a national inventory report and information on mitigation actions, needs and support received;按照其能力和为报告提供的支助水平,发展中国家还应当提交两年期更新报告,列出对国家温室气体清单的更新,包括一份国家清单报告和关于缓解行动、需要和所得支助的信息;
61. Also decides that internationally supported mitigation actions will be measured, reported and verified domestically and will be subject to international measurement, reporting and verification in accordance with guidelines to be developed under the Convention;61.还决定由国际支助的缓解行动将按照有待在《公约》之下制订的指南实行国内衡量、报告和核实,并将接受国际衡量、报告和核实;
62. Further decides that domestically supported mitigation actions will be measured, reported and verified domestically in accordance with general guidelines to be developed under the Convention;62.进一步决定,由国内支助的缓解行动将按照有待在《公约》之下制订的一般指南进行衡量、报告和核实;
63. Decides to conduct international consultations and analysis of biennial reports under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, in a manner that is non-intrusive, non-punitive and respectful of national sovereignty; the international consultations and analysis will aim to increase transparency of mitigation actions and their effects, through analysis by technical experts in consultation with the Party concerned and through a facilitative sharing of views, and will result in a summary report;63.决定在附属履行机构之下开展一个进程,以非侵扰性、非处罚性和尊重国家主权的方式,对两年期报告进行国际磋商和分析;国际磋商和分析旨在通过技术专家与有关缔约方磋商进行的分析、通过便利交换意见,提高缓解行动的透明度及其影响;
64. Also decides that information considered should include the national greenhouse gas inventory report, information on mitigation actions, including a description, analysis of the impacts and associated methodologies and assumptions, progress in implementation and information on domestic measurement, reporting and verification, and support received; discussion about the appropriateness of such domestic policies and measures is not part of the process; discussions should be intended to provide transparency of information related to unsupported actions;64.还决定所审议的信息应包括下列信息:国家温室气体清单报告、关 于缓解行动对信息、包括一份说明、对影响和相关方法和假设的分析、执行进展情况,以及关于国内衡量、报告和核实及所得支助的信息;关于此类国内政策和措施 适当性问题的讨论不是这个进程的一部分。 讨论应当着眼于为有关未得到支助的行动的信息提供透明度;
65. Encourages developing countries to develop low-carbon development strategies or plans in the context of sustainable development;65.鼓励发展中国家结合可持续发展制订低碳发展战略或计划;
66. Agrees on a work programme for the development of modalities and guidelines for: facilitation of support to nationally appropriate mitigation actions through a registry; measurement, reporting and verification of supported actions and corresponding support; biennial reports as part of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention; domestic verification of mitigation actions undertaken with domestic resources; and international consultations and analysis;66.商定一个工作方案,为下列目的制订模式和指南:通过登记册便利支助适合本国的缓解行动;衡量、报告和核实得到支助的行动和相应的支助;作为非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报一部分的两年期报告;利用国内资源开展的缓解行动国内核实;以及国际磋商和分析;
67. Invites Parties to submit views on the items mentioned in paragraph 66 above, including with respect to the initial scheduling of the processes described in this section, by 28 March 2011;67.请缔约方在2011年3月28日之前就以上第66段所指各项提出意见,包括本节中所述进程的初步时间安排;
C. Policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countriesC. 关于减少发展中国家毁林和森林退化所致排放量方面问题的政策方针和积极鼓励办法;以及发展中国家养护、可持续管理森林和加强森林碳储存的作用
Affirming that, in the context of the provision of adequate and predictable support to developing country Parties, Parties should collectively aim to slow, halt and reverse forest cover and carbon loss, in accordance with national circumstances, consistent with the ultimate objective of the Convention, as stated in Article 2,申明在向发展中国家缔约方提供充分和可预测的支助方面,缔约方应当根据第二条所载的《公约》最终目标,按照各自国情,集体致力于减缓、制止和扭转森林覆盖和碳的损失,
Also affirming the need to promote broad country participation in all phases described in paragraph 73 below, including through the provision of support that takes into account existing capacities,还申明需要如以下第73段所述,促进各国在所有阶段广泛参与,包括通过提供顾及现有能力的支助,
68. Encourages all Parties to find effective ways to reduce the human pressure on forests that results in greenhouse gas emissions, including actions to address drivers of deforestation;68.鼓励所有缔约方寻找有效途径,减少人类通过温室气体排放对森林形成的压力;
69. Affirms that the implementation of the activities referred to in paragraph 70 below should be carried out in accordance with appendix I to this decision, and that the safeguards referred to in paragraph 2 of appendix I to this decision should be promoted and supported;69.申明应按照本决定附录一实施以下第70段所指活动,应促进和支持本决定附录一第2段所指保障;
70. Encourages developing country Parties to contribute to mitigation actions in the forest sector by undertaking the following activities, as deemed appropriate by each Party and in accordance with their respective capabilities and national circumstances:70.鼓励发展中国家缔约方为森林部门的缓解行动作出贡献,为此应开展每个缔约方认为适当并符合各自能力和国情的下列活动:
(a) Reducing emissions from deforestation;减少毁林所致排放量;
(b) Reducing emissions from forest degradation;减少森林退化所致排放量;
(c) Conservation of forest carbon stocks;养护森林碳储存;
(d) Sustainable management of forests;可持续森林管理;
(e) Enhancement of forest carbon stocks;加强森林碳储存;
71. Requests developing country Parties aiming to undertake the activities referred to in paragraph 70 above, in the context of the provision of adequate and predictable support, including financial resources and technical and technological support to developing country Parties, in accordance with national circumstances and respective capabilities, to develop the following elements:71.请准备开展以上第70段所述活动的发展中国家缔约方,在提供包括向发展中国家提供的资金和技术支助在内的充分和可预测的支助的情况下,根据各自国情和能力,制订以下内容:
(a) A national strategy or action plan;国家战略或行动计划;
(b) A national forest reference emission level and/or forest reference level{§6} or, if appropriate, as an interim measure, subnational forest reference emission levels and/or forest reference levels, in accordance with national circumstances, and with provisions contained in decision 4/CP.15, and with any further elaboration of those provisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties;国家森林参考排放水平和/或森林参考水平,{§6} 或在相关情况下的国家以下层级森林参考排放水平和/或森林参考水平,作为一项临时措施,同时考虑到国情和第4/CP.15号决定中的规定以及缔约方会议通过的对这些规定的任何进一步说明;
(c) A robust and transparent national forest monitoring system for the monitoring and reporting of the activities referred to in paragraph 70 above, with, if appropriate, subnational monitoring and reporting as an interim measure,{§7} in accordance with national circumstances, and with the provisions contained in decision 4/CP.15, and with any further elaboration of those provisions agreed by the Conference of the Parties;健全和透明的国家森林监测制度,以监测和报告以上第70段所指活动,以及相关情况下的国家以下层级监测和报告,作为一项临时措施{§7} ,同时考虑到国情和第4/CP.15号决定中的规定以及缔约方会议通过的对这些规定的任何进一步说明;
(d) A system for providing information on how the safeguards referred to in appendix I to this decision are being addressed and respected throughout the implementation of the activities referred to in paragraph 70 above, while respecting sovereignty;一种制度,以提供信息,说明在执行以上第70段所指活动的全过程中,在尊重国家主权的同时,如何对待和尊重本决定附录一所指保障;
72. Also requests developing country Parties, when developing and implementing their national strategies or action plans, to address, inter alia, the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, land tenure issues, forest governance issues, gender considerations and the safeguards identified in paragraph 2 of appendix I to this decision, ensuring the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders, inter alia indigenous peoples and local communities;72.还请发展中国家在制订和执行国家战略或行动计划时,除其他外处理毁林和森林退化的驱动因素、土地保有权问题、森林治理问题、性别考虑和本决定附录一第2段所列的保障,同时确保相关利害关系方的充分和切实参与,包括土著人民和地方社区;
73. Decides that the activities undertaken by Parties referred to in paragraph 70 above should be implemented in phases, beginning with the development of national strategies or action plans, policies and measures, and capacity-building, followed by the implementation of national policies and measures and national strategies or action plans that could involve further capacity-building, technology development and transfer and results-based demonstration activities, and evolving into results-based actions that should be fully measured, reported and verified;73.决定以上 第70段所指缔约方开展的活动应分阶段进行,先制订国家战略或行动计划、政策和措施,和开展能力建设,随后执行国家政策和措施,以及国家战略或行动计划, 其中可能需要开展进一步的能力建设、技术开发和转让及基于成果的演示活动,由此转向基于成果的行动,而这种行动应当全面衡量、报告和核实;
74. Recognizes that the implementation of the activities referred to in paragraph 70 above, including the choice of a starting phase as referred to in paragraph 73 above, depends on the specific national circumstances, capacities and capabilities of each developing country Party and the level of support received;74.承认执行以上第70段所述活动,包括以上第73段所述起始阶段的选择,取决于每个发展中国家缔约方的具体国情、力量和能力,以及它们得到支持的程度;
75. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to develop a work programme on the matters referred to in appendix II to this decision;75.请附属科学技术咨询机构就本决定附录二所述事项制订一个工作方案;
76. Urges Parties, in particular developed country Parties, to support, through multilateral and bilateral channels, the development of national strategies or action plans, policies and measures and capacity-building, followed by the implementation of national policies and measures and national strategies or action plans that could involve further capacity-building, technology development and transfer and results-based demonstration activities, including consideration of the safeguards referred to in paragraph 2 of appendix I to this decision, taking into account the relevant provisions on finance including those relating to reporting on support;76. 促请各缔约方,尤其是发达国家缔约方,通过多边和双边渠道,支持先制订国家战略或行动计划、政策和措施,和开展能力建设,随后执行国家政策和措施,以及国 家战略或行动计划,其可能涉及进一步的能力建设、技术开发和转让和基于成果的示范活动,包括审议本决定附录一第2段所指保障,同时考虑到相关资金规定,包 括关于支助报告的规定;
77. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to explore financing options for the full implementation of the results-based actions{§8} referred to in paragraph 73 above and to report on progress made, including any recommendations for draft decisions on this matter, to the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session;77.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组探讨融资办法,以便充分执行以上第73段所述基于成果的行动,{§8} 就取得的进展向缔约方会议第十七届会议提出报告,包括作为建议提出的任何有关这一事项的决定草案;
78. Also requests Parties to ensure coordination of the activities referred to in paragraph 70 above, including of the related support, particularly at the national level;78.还请各缔约方确保协调以上第70段所述活动,包括有关的支助,特别是在国家一级;
79. Invites relevant international organizations and stakeholders to contribute to the activities referred to in paragraphs 70 and 78 above;79.请相关国际组织和利害关系方为以上第70和第78段所指活动作出贡献;
D. Various approaches, including opportunities for using markets, to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions, bearing in mind different circumstances of developed and developing countriesD. 提高缓解行动的成本效益和促进缓解行动的各种方针,包括利用市场的机会,同时铭记发达国家和发展中国家的不同情况
Acknowledging the need to maintain consistency with the principles of the Convention,承认需要与《公约》的各项原则保持一致,
Emphasizing the importance of contributing to sustainable development, including through technology transfer and other co-benefits,强调对可持续发展作出贡献的重要性,包括通过技术转让和其他共赢措施,
Recognizing the importance of enhancing sustainable lifestyles and patterns of production and consumption,承认加强可持续生活方式以及生产和消费模式的重要性,
Aware of the need to provide incentives in support of low-emission development strategies,意识到必须提供刺激手段,支持低排放发展战略,
80. Decides to consider the establishment, at the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties, of one or more market-based mechanisms to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions, taking into account the following:80.决定考虑在缔约方会议第十七届会议上设立一个或多个基于市场的机制,以提高缓解行动的成本效益和促进缓解行动,同时考虑到:
(a) Ensuring voluntary participation of Parties, supported by the promotion of fair and equitable access for all Parties;确保缔约方自愿参与,并辅以促进所有缔约方公正和公平的准入;
(b) Complementing other means of support for nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country Parties;补充对发展中国家缔约方适合本国的缓解行动的其他途径的支助;
(c) Stimulating mitigation across broad segments of the economy;在广泛的经济部门激励缓解行动;
(d) Safeguarding environmental integrity;保障环境的完整性;
(e) Ensuring a net decrease and/or avoidance of global greenhouse gas emissions;确保净减少全球温室气体排放量和/或避免排放;
(f) Assisting developed country Parties to meet part of their mitigation targets, while ensuring that the use of such a mechanism or mechanisms is supplemental to domestic mitigation efforts;协助发达国家缔约方部分达到其缓解目标,同时确保利用此种一个或多个机制是对国内缓解努力的补充;
(g) Ensuring good governance and robust market functioning and regulation;确保善治和健全的市场职能与监管;
81. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to elaborate the mechanism or mechanisms referred to in paragraph 80 above, with a view to recommending a draft decision or decisions to the Conference of the Parties for consideration at its seventeenth session;81.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组详细制订以上第80段所述的一种或多种机制,以期作为建议提出一项或多项决定草案,供缔约方会议第十七届会议审议;
82. Invites Parties and accredited observer organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 21 February 2011, their views on the matters referred to in paragraph 81 above;82.请缔约方和经认可的观察员组织在2011年2月21日之前向秘书处提交对以上第81段所述事项的意见;
83. Undertakes, in developing and implementing the mechanism or mechanisms referred to in paragraph 80 above, to maintain and build upon existing mechanisms, including those established under the Kyoto Protocol;83.承诺在制订和实施以上第80段所述的一个或多个机制时保持和发展现有的机制,包括在《京都议定书》下设立的机制;
84. Decides to consider the establishment, at the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties, of one or more non-market-based mechanisms to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions;84.决定考虑在缔约方会议第十七届会议上设立一个或多个基于市场的机制,以提高缓解行动的成本效益和促进缓解行动;
85. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to elaborate the mechanism or mechanisms referred to in paragraph 84 above, with a view to recommending a draft decision or decisions to the Conference of the Parties for consideration at its seventeenth session;85.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组详细制订以上第84段所述的一种或多种机制,以期作为建议提出决定草案,供缔约方会议第十七届会议审议;
86. Invites Parties and accredited observer organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 21 February 2011, their views on the matters referred to in paragraph 85 above;86.请缔约方和经认可的观察员组织在2011年2月21日之前向秘书处提交对以上第85段所述事项的意见;
87. Also invites Parties and accredited observer organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 21 February 2011, information on the evaluation of various approaches in enhancing the cost-effectiveness of, and promoting, mitigation actions, including activities implemented jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2(a), of the Convention and any other relevant activities, for synthesis by the secretariat;87.还请缔约方和经认可的观察员组织在2011年2月21日之前向秘书处提交有关提高缓解行动的成本效益和促进缓解行动的各种方针的评价情况信息,包括在《公约》第四条第2款(a)项之下联合开展的活动和任何其他相关活动,供秘书处加以综合;
E. Economic and social consequences of response measuresE. 应对措施的经济和社会后果
Reaffirming the importance of the objective of the Convention, and the relevant principles and provisions of the Convention related to economic and social consequences of response measures, in particular its Articles 2, 3 and 4,重申《公约》的目标以及关于应对措施的经济和社会后果的相关原则和规定的重要性,特别是第二条、第三条和第四条,
Recognizing that the implementation of response measures to mitigate climate change taken by a Party may result in negative economic and social consequences for other Parties, and the need to take into consideration in the implementation of the commitments of the Convention the situation of Parties, particularly developing country Parties, with economies that are vulnerable to the adverse impact of the implementation of measures to respond to climate change, referred to in Article 4, paragraphs 8, 9 and 10, of the Convention,认识到一个缔约方执行旨在缓解气候变化的应对措施可能对其他缔约方造成不利的经济和社会影响,在履行《公约》下的承诺时需要考虑到经济易受执行应对气候变化的措施所致不利影响的缔约方、特别是《公约》第四条第8、第9和第10款所指发展中国家缔约方的情况,
Affirming that responses to climate change should be coordinated with social and economic development in an integrated manner, with a view to avoiding adverse impacts on the latter, taking fully into account the legitimate priority needs of developing country Parties for the achievement of sustained economic growth and the eradication of poverty, and the consequences for vulnerable groups, in particular women and children,申明应对气候变化的行动应当与社会和经济发展综合协调,以防止对后者造成不利影响,同时充分考虑到发展中国家缔约方实现持续经济增长和消除贫困的正当优先需要,以及对脆弱群体,特别是对妇女和儿童的影响,
Recognizing the importance of avoiding or minimizing negative impacts of response measures on social and economic sectors, promoting a just transition of the workforce, the creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities and strategies, and contributing to building new capacity for both production and service-related jobs in all sectors, promoting economic growth and sustainable development,认识到必须避免和最大限度减少应对措施对社会和经济部门的不利影响,按照国家确定的发展优先事项和战略,在所有部门促进劳动力的公正转型,创造体面的工作和高质量的就业机会,协助为生产和服务岗位上的就业建设新的能力,促进经济增长和可持续发展,
Taking note of relevant provisions of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,注意到《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的相关规定,
88. Urges Parties, in the implementation of measures to mitigate climate change, to take into consideration the economic and social impacts of response measures and the needs of Parties, in particular developing country Parties, impacted by response measures, consistent with relevant provisions of the Convention;88.促请各缔约方在执行缓解气候变化的措施时,按照《公约》的相关规定,考虑到应对措施的经济和社会影响和受应对措施影响的各缔约方、特别是发展中国家缔约方的需要;
89. Also urges developed country Parties to strive to implement policies and measures to respond to climate change in such a way as to avoid negative social and economic consequences for developing country Parties, taking into account Article 3 of the Convention, and to assist these Parties to address such consequences by providing support, including financial resources, transfer of technology and capacity-building, in accordance with Article 4 of the Convention, to build up the resilience of societies and economies negatively affected by response measures;89.并促请发达国家缔约方在努力执行应 对气候变化的政策和措施时,注意避免对发展中国家缔约方的不利的社会和经济影响,同时充分考虑到《公约》第三条,并根据《公约》第四条的规定,通过提供包 括资金资源、技术转让和能力建设在内的支持,协助这些缔约方处理此类影响,建立受应对措施不利影响的社会和经济体的抗御能力;
90. Reaffirms that the Parties should cooperate to promote a supportive and open international economic system that would lead to sustainable economic growth and development in all Parties, particularly developing country Parties, thus enabling them better to address the problems of climate change; measures taken to combat climate change, including unilateral ones, should not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade;90.重申各缔约方应当合作促进有利的和开 放的国际经济体系,这种体系将促成所有缔约方特别是发展中国家缔约方的可持续经济增长和发展,从而使它们有能力更好地应付气候变化的问题。 为对付气候变化而采取的措施,包括单方面措施,不应当构成任意或无理歧视或变相限制国际贸易的一种手段;
91. Agrees that information relating to response measures should be considered in a structured manner in order to enhance the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1(g) and (h), of the Convention, recognizing the needs of developing country Parties identified in Article 4, paragraphs 8, 9 and 10;91.同意应当以注意结构的方式审议与应对措施有关的信息,以增强执行《公约》第四条第1款(g)项和(h)项,同时承认第四条第8款、第9款和第10款中确认的发展中国家缔约方的需要;
92. Decides that Parties should cooperate fully to enhance understanding of the economic and social consequences of response measures, taking into account the need for information from those affected, and evidence of actual impacts, and of both positive and negative effects; and further decides to consider how existing channels, such as national communications, including the possible submission of supplementary information, as considered by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, could be improved and built upon;92. 决定缔约方应当充分合作,加强对应对措施的经济和社会影响的了解,同时考虑到需要受影响缔约方提供的信息和关于实际影响的证据,以及关于有利和不利效应的 信息;并进一步决定审议如何能够改进和借助现有渠道――例如国家信息通报,包括附属履行机构所考虑的提交补充信息;
93. Further decides to provide a forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures, and to that end requests the Chairs of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to convene such a forum at the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth sessions of these bodies, with the objective of developing a work programme under the subsidiary bodies to address these impacts, with a view to adopting, at the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties, modalities for the operationalization of the work programme and a possible forum on response measures;93.进一步决定提供一个关于实施应对措施影响 的论坛,并为此目的请附属科学技术咨询机构和附属履行机构的主席在两机构的第三十四和三十五届会议上主持一个论坛,目的是在附属机构下制订一个工作方案, 以解决实施应对措施的影响,以期在缔约方会议第十七届会议上通过工作方案的实施模式和一个可能的应对措施论坛;
94. Invites Parties and relevant intergovernmental organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 28 March 2011, their views on the issues referred to in paragraph 93 above for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at their thirty-fourth sessions;94.请各缔约方和相关政府间组织在2011年3月28日以前向秘书处提交对以上第93段所述问题的意见,供附属科学技术咨询机构和附属履行机构在两机构的第三十四届会议上审议;
IV. Finance, technology and capacity-building四. 资金、技术和能力建设
A. FinanceA. 资金
95. Takes note of the collective commitment by developed countries to provide new and additional resources, including forestry and investments through international institutions, approaching USD 30 billion for the period 2010–2012, with a balanced allocation between adaptation and mitigation; funding for adaptation will be prioritized for the most vulnerable developing countries, such as the least developed countries, small island developing States and Africa;95.注意到发达国家集体承诺,在2010-2012年期间通过国际机构提供金额接近300亿美元的新的和额外的资源,包括林业和投资,这种资源将在适应和缓解之间均衡分配。 适应方面的供资将优先提供给最脆弱的发展中国家,诸如最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲;
96. Invites, in order to enhance transparency, developed country Parties to submit to the secretariat for compilation into an information document, by May 2011, 2012 and 2013, information on the resources provided to fulfil the commitment referred to in paragraph 95 above, including ways in which developing country Parties access these resources;96.为了提高透明度,请发达国家缔约方在2011、2012和2013年5月之前向秘书处提交为履行以上第95段所述承诺而提供资源的信息,以便汇编为一份资料文件,包括发展中国家缔约方获得这些资源的方式;
97. Decides that, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention, scaled-up, new and additional, predictable and adequate funding shall be provided to developing country Parties, taking into account the urgent and immediate needs of developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change;97.决定应按照《公约》的相关规定,为发展中国家缔约方提供额度增加的、新的和额外的、可预测的和适足的资金,为此要考虑到特别易受气候变化不利影响的发展中国家缔约方的迫切和眼前需要;
98. Recognizes that developed country Parties commit, in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, to a goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries;98.确认,与有意义的缓解行动和透明的执行方式相联系,发达国家缔约方承诺争取达到在2020年之前每年为解决发展中国家的需要而共同调动1,000亿美元的目标;
99. Agrees that, in accordance with paragraph 1(e) of the Bali Action Plan, funds provided to developing country Parties may come from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources;99.商定,根据《巴厘岛行动计划》第1(e)段,向发展中国家缔约方提供的资金将来自各种不同来源,其中既有公共来源也有私人来源,既有双边来源也有多边来源,包括替代型的资金来源;
100. Decides that a significant share of new multilateral funding for adaptation should flow through the Green Climate Fund, referred to in paragraph 102 below;100.决定,新的多边适应资金的很大部分应当通过以下第102段所指绿色气候基金提供;
101. Takes note of the relevant reports on the financing needs and options for the mobilization of resources to address the needs of developing country Parties with regard to climate change adaptation and mitigation, including the report of the High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing;101.注意到相关资金需要和调集资源备选办法的报告,以满足发展中国家缔约方在气候变化适应和缓解方面的需要,包括气候变化资金问题高级别咨询小组;
102. Decides to establish a Green Climate Fund, to be designated as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention under Article 11, with arrangements to be concluded between the Conference of the Parties and the Green Climate Fund to ensure that it is accountable to and functions under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties, to support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing country Parties using thematic funding windows;102.决定设立一个绿色气候基金,作为《公约》第十一条之下资金机制的一个经营实体,由缔约方会议与绿色气候基金作出安排,确保基金对缔约方会议负责并在缔约方会议指导下运作,使用专题供资窗口支持在发展中国家缔约方开展的项目、方案、政策和其他活动;
103. Also decides that the Fund shall be governed by a Board of 24 members, comprising an equal number of members from developing and developed country Parties; representation from developing country Parties shall include representatives of relevant United Nations regional groupings and representatives of small island developing States and the least developed countries; each Board member shall have an alternate member; with alternate members entitled to participate in the meetings of the board only through the principal member, without the right to vote, unless they are serving as the member; during the absence of the member from all or part of a meeting of the Board, his or her alternate shall serve as the member;103. 并决定基金将由24名成员组成的董事会管理,其中由来自发展中国家缔约方和发达国家缔约方的成员人数相等;来自发展中国家缔约方的代表应包括相关联合国区 域集团的代表及小岛屿发展中国家和最不发达国家的代表;每个董事成员应有一名候补成员;候补成员仅有权通过主要成员参加董事会的会议,没有表决权,除非其 代行成员职务;如成员不能出席董事会的全部或部分会议,其候补成员应代行成员职务;
104. Further decides that the Green Climate Fund shall have a trustee; the trustee for the Green Climate Fund shall have the administrative competence to manage the financial assets of the Green Climate Fund, maintain appropriate financial records and prepare financial statements and other reports required by the Board of the Green Climate Fund, in accordance with internationally accepted fiduciary standards;104.进一步决定绿色气候基金应有一位受托管理人;绿色气候基金的受托管理人应具有行政能力,按照国际接受的信托标准,管理绿色气候基金的财政资产,保持财务记录,编写绿色气候基金董事会要求的财务报表和其他报告;
105. Decides that the trustee shall administer the assets of the Green Climate Fund only for the purpose of, and in accordance with, the relevant decisions of the Green Climate Fund Board; the trustee shall hold the assets of the Green Climate Fund separate and apart from the assets of the trustee, but may commingle them for administrative and investment purposes with other assets maintained by the trustee; and the trustee shall establish and maintain separate records and accounts to identify the assets of the Green Climate Fund;105. 决定受托管理人只能根据绿色气候基金董事会的相关决定,并为其目的管理绿色气候基金的资产能力。 受托管理人应持有绿色气候基金的资产,独立于受托管理人的资产,但可出于管理和投资目的将其与受托管理人持有的其他资产合并;受托管理人应设立和保持单独 的记录和账户,以识别信托资金的资产;
106. Decides that the trustee shall be accountable to the Green Climate Fund Board for the performance of its fiduciary responsibilities;106.决定受托管理人应就信托责任的履行对绿色气候基金董事会负责;
107. Invites the World Bank to serve as the interim trustee for the Green Climate Fund, subject to a review three years after operationalization of the Fund;107.请世界银行担任绿色气候基金临时受托管理人,在基金运行3年后进行审查;
108. Decides that the operation of the Fund shall be supported by an independent secretariat;108.决定基金运作由一个独立的秘书处提供支持;
109. Also decides that the Green Climate Fund shall be designed by a Transitional Committee in accordance with the terms of reference contained in appendix III to this decision; the Transitional Committee shall have 40 members, with 15 members from developed country Parties and 25 members from developing country Parties as follows:109.并决定按照本决定附录三所载职权范围,由一个过渡委员会设计绿色气候基金;过渡委员会由40名成员组成,其中发达国家缔约方15名,发展中国家缔约方25名:
(a) Seven members from Africa;非洲7名;
(b) Seven members from Asia;亚洲7名;
(c) Seven members from Group of Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团7名;
(d) Two members from small island developing States;小岛屿发展中国家2名;
(e) Two members from the least developed countries;最不发达国家2名;
110. Invites the Executive Secretary of the secretariat, in consultation with the President of the Conference of the Parties, to convene the initial meeting of the Transitional Committee, with members having the necessary experience and skills, notably in the area of finance and climate change; the meetings of the Transitional Committee will be open to observers;110.请秘书处执行秘书与缔约方会议主席协商,召开过渡委员会首次会议,成员应当具有所需的经验和技能,特别是在金融和气候变化领域;过渡委员会会议将对观察员开放;
111. Requests the secretariat, in consultation with the President of the Conference of the Parties, to make arrangements enabling relevant United Nations agencies, international financial institutions and multilateral development banks, along with the secretariat and the Global Environment Facility, to second staff to support the work of the Transitional Committee for the design phase of the Green Climate Fund;111.请秘书处与缔约方会议主席磋商,作出安排,使联合国各相关机构、国际金融机构和多边开发银行,以及秘书处和全球环境基金能够推荐工作人员,以支持过渡委员会在绿色气候基金设计阶段的工作;
112. Decides to establish a Standing Committee under the Conference of the Parties to assist the Conference of the Parties in exercising its functions with respect to the financial mechanism of the Convention in terms of improving coherence and coordination in the delivery of climate change financing, rationalization of the financial mechanism, mobilization of financial resources and measurement, reporting and verification of support provided to developing country Parties; Parties agree to further define the roles and functions of this Standing Committee;112.决定在缔约方会议下设立常设委员会,协助其履行在《公约》资金机制方面的职能,包括改进气候变化融资的一致性和协调性,实现资金机制的合理化,调集资金以及向发展中国家缔约方所提供支持的衡量、报告和核查;缔约方商定进一步界定常设委员会的作用和职能;
B. Technology development and transferB. 技术开发和转让
Recalling the commitments under the Convention, in particular Article 4, paragraphs 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9,忆及在《公约》之下、特别是第四条第1、3、5、7、8和9款之下的承诺,
Confirming the importance of promoting and enhancing national and international cooperative action on the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing country Parties to support action on mitigation and adaptation now, up to and beyond 2012, in order to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention,确认目前、2012年之前和2012年以后促进和加强国家和国际合作行动,开发和向发展中国家缔约方转让无害环境技术,以支持缓解和适应工作,从而实现《公约》最终目标的重要性,
Recognizing that an early and rapid reduction in emissions and the urgent need to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change require large-scale diffusion and transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound technologies,认识到尽早和迅速地减少排放、以及适应气候变化不利影响的迫切需要要求大规模推广、转让或获得无害环境技术,
Stressing the need for effective mechanisms, enhanced means, appropriate enabling environments and the removal of obstacles to the scaling up of the development and transfer of technology to developing country Parties,强调需要有效的机制、加强的手段和适当的扶持环境,并消除障碍,促进不断扩大开发和向发展中国家缔约方转让技术,
113. Decides that the objective of enhanced action on technology development and transfer is to support action on mitigation and adaptation in order to achieve the full implementation of the Convention;113.决定加强技术开发和转让行动的目标是支持缓解和适应行动,以实现充分执行《公约》;
114. Also decides that, in pursuit of this objective, technology needs must be nationally determined, based on national circumstances and priorities;114.并决定,为了实现这一目标,必须由国家基于本国国情和优先事项确定技术需要;
115. Further decides to accelerate action consistent with international obligations, at different stages of the technology cycle, including research and development, demonstration, deployment, diffusion and transfer of technology (hereinafter referred in this decision as technology development and transfer) in support of action on mitigation and adaptation;115.进一步决定依照国际义务,加速技术周期各阶段的行动,包括技术的研究、开发、演示、部署、推广和转让(在本决定中,下称“技术开发和转让”),以支持缓解和适应行动;
116. Encourages Parties, in the context of Article 4, paragraphs 1(c) and 5, of the Convention and consistent with their respective capabilities and national circumstances and priorities, to undertake domestic actions identified through country-driven approaches, to engage in bilateral and multilateral cooperative activities on technology development and transfer and to increase private and public research, development and demonstration in relation to technologies for mitigation and adaptation;116.鼓励缔约方联系《公约》第四条第1款(c)项和第5款并按照各自的能力及国情和优先事项,采取通过国家驱动的方针确定的国内行动,并参与双边和多边技术开发和转让合作活动,增加私人和公共有关缓解和适应技术的研究、开发和演示;
117. Decides to establish a Technology Mechanism to facilitate the implementation of actions for achieving the objective referred to in paragraphs 113–115 above, under the guidance of and accountable to the Conference of the Parties, which will consist of the following components:117.决定设立一个接受缔约方会议指导并对其负责的技术机制,以便利采取行动实现以上第113至115段所述目标,该机制将由以下各部分组成;
(a) A Technology Executive Committee, to undertake the functions contained in paragraph 121 below;一个技术执行委员会,履行以下第121段所述职能;
(b) A Climate Technology Centre and Network, to undertake the functions contained in paragraph 123 below;一个气候技术中心与网络,履行以下第123段所述职能;
118. Also decides that the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network, consistent with their respective functions, should facilitate the effective implementation of the Technology Mechanism, under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties;118.并决定,技术执行委员会和气候技术中心与网络应在缔约方会议的指导下,按照各自的职能,便利有效实施技术机制;
119. Further decides that the Technology Executive Committee shall further implement the framework for meaningful and effective actions to enhance the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 5, of the Convention adopted by decision 4/CP.7 and enhanced by decision 3/CP.13;119.进一步决定技术执行委员会应进一步执行第4/CP.7号决定通过并得到第3/CP.13号决定支持的为促进《公约》第四条第5款的执行而采取有意义和有效行动的框架;
120. Decides that priority areas that could be considered under the Convention may include:120.决定《公约》之下可以考虑的优先领域可包括:
(a) Development and enhancement of the endogenous capacities and technologies of developing country Parties, including cooperative research, development and demonstration programmes;发展和加强发展中国家缔约方的内生能力和技术,包括合作研究、开发和演示方案;
(b) Deployment and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies and know-how in developing country Parties;部署和向发展中国家缔约方推广无害环境技术和诀窍;
(c) Increased public and private investment in technology development, deployment, diffusion and transfer;增加技术开发、部署、推广和转让方面的公共和私人投资;
(d) Deployment of soft and hard technologies for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions;为采取适应和缓解行动部署软技术和硬技术;
(e) Improved climate change observation systems and related information management;改进气候变化观测系统和相关信息管理;
(f) Strengthening of national systems of innovation and technology innovation centres;加强国家创新体系和技术创新中心;
(g) Development and implementation of national technology plans for mitigation and adaptation;制订并执行缓解和适应国家技术计划;
121. Also decides that the functions of the Technology Executive Committee shall be to:121.还决定,技术执行委员会的职能为:
(a) Provide an overview of technological needs and analysis of policy and technical issues related to the development and transfer of technologies for mitigation and adaptation;提供关于技术需要的概览和关于开发和转让缓解和适应技术的政策和技术问题分析;
(b) Consider and recommend actions to promote technology development and transfer, in order to accelerate action on mitigation and adaptation;考虑并建议有关行动,以促进技术开发和转让从而加速缓解和适应行动;
(c) Recommend guidance on policies and programme priorities related to technology development and transfer with special consideration given to the least developed country Parties;就与技术开发和转让有关的政策和方案优先事项建议指导意见,特别考虑到最不发达国家缔约方;
(d) Promote and facilitate collaboration on the development and transfer of technologies for mitigation and adaptation between governments, the private sector, non-profit organizations and academic and research communities;促进和便利政府、私营部门、非营利组织和学术界及研究界在缓解和适应技术的开发和转让方面的合作;
(e) Recommend actions to address the barriers to technology development and transfer in order to enable enhanced action on mitigation and adaptation;建议为解决技术开发和转让方面的障碍的行动,以扶持加强缓解和适应行动;
(f) Seek cooperation with relevant international technology initiatives, stakeholders and organizations, and promote coherence and cooperation across technology activities, including activities under and outside of the Convention;寻求与相关国际技术倡议、利害关系方和组织合作,并促进各种技术活动、包括《公约》下和《公约》外的活动之间的连贯一致和合作;
(g) Catalyse the development and use of technology road maps or action plans at the international, regional and national levels through cooperation between relevant stakeholders, particularly governments and relevant organizations or bodies, including the development of best practice guidelines as facilitative tools for action on mitigation and adaptation;在国际、区域和国家三级,通过相关利害关系方之间特别是政府与有关组织或机构之间的合作,推动拟订和利用技术路线图或行动计划,包括制订最佳做法指南,作为缓解和适应行动的促进工具;
122. Further decides that the Technology Executive Committee shall have the mandate and composition as contained in appendix IV to this decision;122.还决定技术执行委员会的任务和组成如本决定附录四所载;
123. Decides that the Climate Technology Centre shall facilitate a network of national, regional, sectoral and international technology networks, organizations and initiatives with a view to engaging the participants of the Network effectively in the following functions:123.决定气候技术中心应推动一个由国家、区域、部门和国际技术、网络、组织和举措形成的网络,以期在以下职能方面有效吸收该网络参与者的有效参与:
(a) At the request of a developing country Party:根据发展中国家缔约方的请求:
(i) Providing advice and support related to the identification of technology needs and the implementation of environmentally sound technologies, practices and processes;就确定技术需要以及实施无害环境技术、做法和工序提供咨询意见和支持;
(ii) Facilitating the provision of information, training and support for programmes to build or strengthen capacity of developing countries to identify technology options, make technology choices and operate, maintain and adapt technology;促进为各种方案提供信息、培训和支助,以建立或加强发展中国家的能力,从而找出技术备选办法、作出技术选择,以及运用、保持和改造技术;
(iii) Facilitating prompt action on the deployment of existing technology in developing country Parties based on identified needs;推动根据所确定的需要在发展中国家缔约方迅速采取行动部署现有技术;
(b) Stimulating and encouraging, through collaboration with the private sector, public institutions, academia and research institutions, the development and transfer of existing and emerging environmentally sound technologies, as well as opportunities for North–South, South–South and triangular technology cooperation;通过与私营部门、公共机构、学术和研究机构进行协作,激励和鼓励开发和转让现有和新兴的无害环境技术以及北南、南南和三角技术合作机会;
(c) Facilitating a network of national, regional, sectoral and international technology centres, networks, organization and initiatives with a view to:推动一个由国家、区域、部门和国际技术中心、网络、组织和举措形成的网络,以便:
(i) Enhancing cooperation with national, regional and international technology centres and relevant national institutions;加强与国家、区域和国际技术中心及相关国家机构的合作;
(ii) Facilitating international partnerships among public and private stakeholders to accelerate the innovation and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing country Parties;促进公共和私人利害关系方结成国际伙伴关系,以便加速发明无害环境的技术并向发展中国家缔约方传播;
(iii) Providing, at the request of a developing country Party, in-country technical assistance and training to support identified technology actions in developing country Parties;根据发展中国家缔约方的请求,为之提供国内技术援助和培训,以便支持发展中国家缔约方所确定的技术行动;
(iv) Stimulating the establishment of twinning centre arrangements to promote North–South, South–South and triangular partnerships, with a view to encouraging cooperative research and development;激励建立结对中心安排,促进北南、南南和三角伙伴关系,以期鼓励合作研究和开发;
(v) Identifying, disseminating and assisting with developing analytical tools, policies and best practices for country-driven planning to support the dissemination of environmentally sound technologies;确定、推广和帮助开发国家驱动的规划的分析工具、政策和最佳做法,以支持传播无害环境技术;
(d) Performing other such activities as may be necessary to carry out its functions;开展履行其职能所需的其他活动。
124. Also decides to terminate the mandate of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer at the conclusion of the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties;124.还决定在缔约方会议第十六届会议结束时终止技术转让专家组的任务;
125. Further decides that the Technology Executive Committee shall convene its first meeting as soon as practicable following the election of its members and shall elaborate its modalities and procedures taking into account the need to achieve coherence and maintain interactions with other relevant institutional arrangements under and outside of the Convention, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session;125.进一步决定技术执行委员会应在选举委员后在切实可行的情况下尽早举行第一次会议,并应制订其模式和程序,同时考虑到与《公约》下和《公约》外其他相关体制安排取得一致并保持互动,供缔约方会议第十七届会议审议;
126. Decides that the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network shall report, on an interim basis{§9} and without prejudice to the relationship between the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network as referred to in paragraph 128 (a) below to the Conference of the Parties, through the subsidiary bodies, on their respective activities and the performance of their respective functions;126.决定技术执行委员会和气候技术中心与网络应在临时的基础上,{§9} 并在不影响以下第128(a)段所述技术执行委员会与气候技术中心与网络之间关系的情况下,通过各附属机构向缔约方会议报告各自的活动和各自职能的履行情况;
127. Also decides that the Climate Technology Centre and Network and the Technology Executive Committee shall relate so as to promote coherence and synergy;127.还决定气候技术中心与网络与技术执行委员会应当相互联系,以促进一致和协同;
Work programme for the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention in 2011 on technology development and transfer《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组2011年技术开发和 转让工作方案
128. Underlines the importance of continued dialogue among Parties in 2011 through the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention, including on the following matters, with a view to the Conference of the Parties taking a decision at its seventeenth session, in order to make the Technology Mechanism fully operational in 2012:128.强调通过《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组在2011年继续对话的重要性,包括就下列事项开展对话,以期缔约方会议第十七届会议作出决定,使技术机制在2012年充分运作:
(a) The relationship between the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network, and their reporting lines;技术执行委员会与气候技术中心与网络之间的关系,及其统属关系;
(b) The governance structure of and terms of reference for the Climate Technology Centre and Network and how the Climate Technology Centre will relate to the Network, drawing upon the results of the workshop referred to in paragraph 129 below;气候技术中心与网络的治理结构和职权范围,以及气候技术中心将如何与该网络相联系,要借鉴以下第129段所述研讨会的结果;
(c) The procedure for calls for proposals and the criteria to be used to evaluate and select the host of the Climate Technology Centre and Network;吁请提出提议的程序,以及用于评价和挑选气候技术中心与网络的东道主的标准;
(d) The potential links between the Technology Mechanism and the financial mechanism;技术机制与资金机制的潜在联系;
(e) Consideration of additional functions for the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network;审议技术执行委员会和气候技术中心与网络的额外职能;
129. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to convene an expert workshop, in conjunction with one of its sessions in 2011, on the matters contained in paragraph 128 above, drawing upon the preliminary work undertaken by the Expert Group on Technology Transfer, and to report on the results of this workshop at that session;129.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组,结合其2011年的一次届会,借助技术转让专家组所作的初步工作,就以上第128段所载事项举行一次专家研讨会,并向该届会议报告研讨会的结果;
C. Capacity-buildingC. 能力建设
Reaffirming that capacity-building is essential to enable developing country Parties to participate fully in addressing the challenges of climate change, and to implement effectively their commitments under the Convention,重申能力建设对于使发展中国家能充分参与应对气候变化挑战和有效履行《公约》之下的承诺极为重要,
Recalling the provisions related to capacity-building for developing country Parties contained in relevant decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties, especially decision 2/CP.7,忆及缔约方会议通过的相关决定,特别是第2/CP.7号决定所载有关发展中国家能力建设的规定,
Taking into account that the scope of capacity-building and related needs as contained in the annex to decision 2/CP.7 and the key factors identified in decision 2/CP.10 remain valid,考虑到第2/CP.7号决定附件所载能力建设的范围和相关需要以及第2/CP.10号决定中确认的关键因素仍然有效,
Acknowledging that capacity-building is cross-cutting in nature and an integral part of enhanced action on mitigation, adaptation, technology development and transfer, and access to financial resources,承认能力建设具有跨部门性质,并且是有关缓解、适应、技术开发和转让及获取资金的加强行动的固有组成部分,
Also acknowledging that, in addition, there may be specific capacity-building activities that require support to enable developing countries to undertake the enhanced implementation of the Convention,还承认,除此之外,可能有一些具体的能力建设活动需要支持,以使发展中国家能够加强执行《公约》,
Reaffirming that capacity-building should be a continuous, progressive and iterative process that is participatory, country-driven and consistent with national priorities and circumstances,重申能力建设应是一个连续、渐进和迭接的进程,应是参与型的,由国家驱动,并符合国家的优先事项和国情,
130. Decides that capacity-building support to developing country Parties should be enhanced with a view to strengthening endogenous capacities at the subnational, national or regional levels, as appropriate, taking into account gender aspects, to contribute to the achievement of the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention, by, inter alia:130.决定应当加大向发展中国家缔约方提供的能力建设支助,目的是酌情加强国家以下、国家或区域各级的能力、要考虑到性别方面,对实现充分、有效和持续地执行《公约》作出贡献,途径除其他外包括:
(a) Strengthening relevant institutions at various levels, including focal points and national coordinating bodies and organizations;加强各级相关机构,包括联络点及国家协调机构和组织;
(b) Strengthening networks for the generation, sharing and management of information and knowledge, including through North–South, South–South and triangular cooperation;加强信息和知识收集、分享、管理网络,包括通过北南、南南和三角合作;
(c) Strengthening climate change communication, education, training and public awareness at all levels;在所有各级加强气候变化信息通报、教育、培训和公众意识;
(d) Strengthening integrated approaches and the participation of various stakeholders in relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions;加强综合办法和各种利害关系方参与相关社会、经济和环境政策和行动;
(e) Supporting existing and emerging capacity-building needs identified in the areas of mitigation, adaptation, technology development and transfer, and access to financial resources;支持在缓解、适应、技术开发和转让、获取资金方面确定的现有和新出现的能力建设需要;
131. Also decides that financial resources for enhanced action on capacity-building in developing country Parties should be provided by Parties included in Annex II to the Convention and other Parties in a position to do so through the current and any future operating entities of the financial mechanism, as well as through various bilateral, regional and other multilateral channels, as appropriate;131.还决定发展中国家缔约方加强能力建设行动所需要的资金应由《公约》附件二所列缔约方和其他能够这样做的缔约方通过资金机制现有和任何未来的经营实体提供,以及酌情通过各种双边、区域和其他多边渠道提供;
132. Encourages developed country Parties to continue to report through their national communications, in accordance with the “Guidelines for the preparation of national communications by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention, Part II: UNFCCC reporting guidelines on national communications”, on the support they have provided for capacity-building in developing country Parties;132.鼓励发达国家缔约方按照“《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报编制指南,第二部分:《气候公约》国家信息通报报告指南”,继续通过国家信息通报报告其为发展中国家能力建设提供支助的情况;
133. Invites developed country Parties in a position to do so to provide information, through annual submissions to the secretariat and other appropriate channels, on the support they have provided for capacity-building in developing country Parties;133.请能够这样做的发达国家缔约方,通过向秘书处提供的年度提交材料和其他适当渠道,提供其为发展中国家能力建设提供支助的资料;
134. Encourages developing country Parties to continue to report through their national communications, in accordance with the “Guidelines for the preparation of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention”, on progress made in enhancing their capacity to address climate change, including on the use of the support received;134.鼓励发展中国家缔约方按照“非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报编制指南”,继续通过国家信息通报报告其在加强应对气候变化能力方面的进展情况,包括利用所得支助的情况;
135. Invites developing country Parties in a position to do so to provide information, through annual submissions to the secretariat and other appropriate channels, on progress made in enhancing their capacity to address climate change, including on the use of the support received;135.请有能力的发展中国家缔约方,通过向秘书处提供的年度提交材料和其他适当渠道,提供其在加强应对气候变化能力方面的资料,包括利用所得支助的资料;
136. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to consider ways to further enhance the monitoring and review of the effectiveness of capacity-building, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session;136.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组考虑进一步加强监测和审评能力建设效力的方式,供缔约方会议第十七届会议审议;
137. Also requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to further elaborate the modalities regarding institutional arrangements for capacity-building, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session;137.并请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组进一步制订有关能力建设体制安排的模式,供缔约方会议第十七届会议审议; 五.
V. Review审评
138. Decides to periodically review the adequacy of the long-term global goal referred to in paragraph 4 above, in the light of the ultimate objective of the Convention, and overall progress towards achieving it, in accordance with the relevant principles and provisions of the Convention;138.决定结合《公约》最终目标以及实现该目标的总体进展,根据《公约》的相关原则和规定,定期审评以上第4段规定的长期全球目标的充分性;
139. Also decides that:139.并决定:
(a) This review should be guided by the principles of equity, and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and take into account, inter alia:审评应当遵循公平原则和共同但有区别的责任原则,以及各自的能力,除其他外,应考虑到:
(i) The best available scientific knowledge, including the assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;最佳可得科学知识,包括政府间气候变化专门委员会评估报告;
(ii) Observed impacts of climate change;观测到的气候变化的影响;
(iii) An assessment of the overall aggregated effect of the steps taken by Parties in order to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention;对缔约方为实现《公约》最终目标而采取的措施的总体效果的评估;
(iv) Consideration of strengthening the long-term global goal, referencing various matters presented by the science, including in relation to temperature rises of 1.5 °C;参照科学所提出的各种不同事项,包括联系1.5℃温升幅度,考虑加强长期目标;
(b) The first review should start in 2013 and should be concluded by 2015;第一次审评应在2013年开始并在2015年前完成;
(c) The Conference of the Parties shall take appropriate action based on the review;缔约方会议应根据审评情况采取适当行动;
140. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to further define the scope of this review and develop its modalities, including the required inputs, with a view to their adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session;140.请长期合作行动特设工作组进一步明确该审评的范围,制订审评模式,包括所需投入,以期在缔约方会议第十七届会议上通过; 六.
VI. Other matters其他事项
Parties included in Annex I to the Convention undergoing the process of transition to a market economy正在向市场经济过渡的《公约》附件一所列缔约方
Recalling Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Convention and relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties, especially decisions 3/CP.7 and 3/CP.13 relating to Parties included in Annex I to the Convention undergoing the process of transition to a market economy,忆及《公约》第4条第6款和缔约方会议的相关决定,特别是有关正在向市场经济过渡的《公约》附件一所列缔约方的第3/CP.7和第3/CP.13号决定,
Noting that Parties included in Annex I to the Convention undergoing the process of transition to a market economy are not included in Annex II to the Convention and as such are not subject to the provisions of Article 4, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Convention,注意到正在向市场经济过渡的《公约》附件一所列缔约方未列入《公约》附件二,因此不适用《公约》第四条第3和第4款的规定,
Recalling that Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Convention provides that a certain degree of flexibility shall be allowed by the Conference of the Parties to Parties included in Annex I to the Convention undergoing the process of transition to a market economy,忆及《公约》第四条第6款规定,缔约方会议应允许正在向市场经济过渡的《公约》附件一所列缔约方有一定程度的灵活性,
Taking note of the submissions from Parties contained in document FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/MISC.6/Add.2,注意到FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/MISC.6/Add.2号文件所载缔约方提交的材料,
141. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to continue consideration of these issues with a view to promoting access by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention undergoing the process of transition to a market economy to technology, capacity-building and finance in order to enhance their ability to develop low-emission economies;141.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组继续审议这些问题,以期促进正在向市场经济过渡的《公约》附件一所列缔约方获得技术、能力建设和资金,以加强其发展低排放经济的能力;
Parties included in Annex I to the Convention whose special circumstances are recognized by the Conference of the Parties特殊情况得到缔约方会议承认的《公约》附件一所列缔约方
Recalling decision 26/CP.7 that amended the list in Annex II to the Convention by deleting the name of Turkey,忆及第26/CP.7号决定,该决定修正了《公约》附件二的名单,删除了土耳其,
Recalling decision 26/CP.7 that invited Parties to recognize the special circumstances of Turkey, which place Turkey in a situation different from that of other Parties included in Annex I to the Convention,忆及第26/CP.7号决定请缔约方承认土耳其的特殊情况,这种情况使土耳其的处境不同于《公约》附件一所列其他缔约方,
Recognizing that Turkey is in a situation different from that of other Parties included in Annex I to the Convention,承认土耳其的处境不同于《公约》附件一所列其他缔约方,
Noting that Turkey is not included in Annex II to the Convention and as such is not subject to the commitments of Article 4, paragraphs 3–5, of the Convention and that Turkey is eligible for support under Article 4, paragraph 5, of the Convention,注意到土耳其未列入《公约》附件二,因此不受《公约》第四条第3、第4和第5款承诺的约束,并有资格在《公约》第四条第5款之下得到支助,
Taking note of the submission from Turkey contained in document FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/MISC.8,注意到FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/MISC.8号文件所载土耳其提交的材料,
142. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to continue consideration of these issues with a view to promoting access by Turkey to finance, technology and capacity-building in order to enhance its ability to better implement the Convention;142.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组继续审议这些问题,以期促进土耳其获得资金、技术和能力建设,以加强其更好地执行《公约》的能力; 七.
VII. Extension of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention延长《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组的任务
143. Decides to extend the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention for one year, in order for it to continue its work with a view to carrying out the undertakings contained in this decision and present the results to the Conference of the Parties for consideration at its seventeenth session;143.决定将《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组的任务延长一年,使之能继续开展工作,以期执行本决定中所载的各项任务,并将结果向缔约方会议报告,供其第十七届会议审议;
144. Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to continue its work drawing on the documents under its consideration;144.请《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组利用其所审议的文件继续开展工作;
145. Also requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention to continue discussing legal options with the aim of completing an agreed outcome based on decision 1/CP.13 (Bali Action Plan), the work done at the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties and proposals made by Parties under Article 17 of the Convention;145.并请公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组继续讨论各种法律备选办法,目的是在第1/CP.13号决定(《巴厘岛行动计划》)、缔约方会议第十六届会议所做工作以及缔约方在《公约》第十七条之下所提建议的基础上完成一项议定结果;
146. Further requests the secretariat to make the necessary arrangements in accordance with any guidance from the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties;146.进一步请秘书处按照缔约方会议主席团的任何指导意见作出必要安排;
147. Mandates the host country of the next session of the Conference of the Parties to undertake inclusive and transparent consultations in order to facilitate the work towards the success of that session.147.委托缔约方会议下届会议的东道国开展包容和透明的磋商,以促进工作,争取该届会议取得成功。
Appendix I附录一
Guidance and safeguards for policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries关于减少发展中国家毁林和森林退化所致排放量方面问题的政策方针和积极鼓励办法的指导意见和保障;以及发展中国家养护、可持续管理森林和加强森林碳储存的作用
1. The activities referred to in paragraph 70 of this decision should:1.本决定第70段所指的活动应:
(a) Contribute to the achievement of the objective set out in Article 2 of the Convention;有助于实现《公约》第二条规定的目标;
(b) Contribute to the fulfilment of the commitments set out in Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Convention;有助于履行《公约》第四条第3款规定的承诺;
(c) Be country-driven and be considered options available to Parties;由国家驱动并被视为缔约方可用的备选办法;
(d) Be consistent with the objective of environmental integrity and take into account the multiple functions of forests and other ecosystems;和环境完整性的目标相一致,并考虑到森林和其他生态系统的多种功能;
(e) Be undertaken in accordance with national development priorities, objectives and circumstances and capabilities and should respect sovereignty;按照国家发展优先事项、目标以及国情和国家能力采取,并尊重主权;
(f) Be consistent with Parties’ national sustainable development needs and goals;符合缔约方国家可持续发展的需要和目标;
(g) Be implemented in the context of sustainable development and reducing poverty, while responding to climate change;在可持续发展和减贫的背景下执行,同时应对气候变化;
(h) Be consistent with the adaptation needs of the country;符合国家的适应需要;
(i) Be supported by adequate and predictable financial and technology support, including support for capacity-building;得到适足和可预测的资金和技术支助,包括对能力建设的支助;
(j) Be results-based;基于成果;
(k) Promote sustainable management of forests;促进森林的可持续管理;
2. When undertaking the activities referred to in paragraph 70 of this decision, the following safeguards should be promoted and supported:2.在开展本决定第70段所述活动时,应当促进和支持以下保障:
(a) That actions complement or are consistent with the objectives of national forest programmes and relevant international conventions and agreements;行动成为国家森林方案和相关国际公约和协定目标的补充,或与之保持一致;
(b) Transparent and effective national forest governance structures, taking into account national legislation and sovereignty;透明且有效的国家森林治理结构,同时考虑到国家立法和主权;
(c) Respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and members of local communities, by taking into account relevant international obligations, national circumstances and laws, and noting that the United Nations General Assembly has adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;尊重土著人民和地方社区成员的知识和权利,为此应考虑到相关的国际义务、国情和法律,并注意到联合国大会已通过《联合国土著人民权利宣言》;
(d) The full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders, in particular indigenous peoples and local communities, in the actions referred to in paragraphs 70 and 72 of this decision;相关的利害关系方充分和切实参与本决定第70段和第72段所指行动,特别是土著人民和地方社区;
(e) That actions are consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity, ensuring that the actions referred to in paragraph 70 of this decision are not used for the conversion of natural forests, but are instead used to incentivize the protection and conservation of natural forests and their ecosystem services, and to enhance other social and environmental benefits;{§10}行动与养护天然森林和生物多样性相一致,确保本决定第70段所指行动不被用于天然森林转换,而是用于鼓励保护和保持天然森林及其生态系统的功效,并增加其他方面的社会和环境收益;{§1}
(f) Actions to address the risks of reversals;处理发生逆转风险的行动;
(g) Actions to reduce displacement of emissions.减少排放转移的行动。
Appendix II附录二
Work programme of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries附属科学技术咨询机构关于减少发展中国家毁林和森林退化所致排放量方面问题的政策方针和积极鼓励办法的工作方案;以及发展中国家养护、可持续管理森林和加强森林碳储存的作用
In the development of its work programme, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice is requested to:制订工作方案时,请附属科学技术咨询机构:
(a) Identify land use, land-use change and forestry activities in developing countries, in particular those that are linked to the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, identify the associated methodological issues to estimate emissions and removals resulting from these activities, and assess the potential contribution of these activities to the mitigation of climate change, and report on the findings and outcomes of this work to the Conference of the Parties (COP) at its eighteenth session on the outcomes of the work referred to in this paragraph;确定在发展中国家开展的土地利用、土地利用的变 化和林业活动,特别是与毁林和森林退化驱动因素有关联的活动,确定相关的方法学问题,以估计这些活动引起的排放量和清除量,以及评估这些活动对缓解气候变 化的潜在贡献,并将调查结论和这项工作的结果报告缔约方会议第十八届会议;
(b) Develop modalities relating to paragraphs 71 (b) and (c) and guidance relating to paragraph 71 (d) of this decision, for consideration by the COP at its seventeenth session;制订与本决定第71(b)和(c)段有关的模式,以及与第71(d)段有关的指导意见,供缔约方会议第十七届会议审议;
(c) Develop, as necessary, modalities for measuring, reporting and verifying anthropogenic forest-related emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks, and forest carbon stock and forest-area changes resulting from the implementation of the activities referred to in paragraph 70 of this decision, consistent with any guidance on measuring, reporting and verifying nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country Parties agreed by the COP, taking into account methodological guidance in accordance with decision 4/CP.15, for consideration by the COP at its seventeenth session.视需要制订模式,用以衡量、报告和核实与森林有关的人为源排放量和汇 清除量、森林碳储存,以及执行本决定第70段所述活动所致森林碳储存和面积的变化,为此应符合缔约方会议商定的发展中国家缔约方适合本国的缓解行动的任何 关于衡量、报告和核实的指导意见,同时考虑到按照第4/CP.15号决定提出的方法学指导意见,供缔约方会议第十七届会议审议。
Appendix III附录三
Terms of reference for the design of the Green Climate Fund设计绿色气候基金的职权范围
1. The Transitional Committee shall develop and recommend to the Conference of the Parties for its approval at its seventeenth session operational documents that address, inter alia:1.过渡委员会应编写业务文件并作为建议提交缔约方会议第十七届会议核可,业务文件除其他外要处理:
(a) The legal and institutional arrangements for the establishment and operationalization of the Green Climate Fund;设立和运作绿色气候基金的法律和体制安排;
(b) The rules of procedure of the Green Climate Fund Board and other governance issues related to the Board;绿色气候基金董事会的议事规则和与董事会有关的其他治理问题;
(c) Methods to manage the large scale of financial resources from a number of sources and deliver through a variety of financial instruments, funding windows and access modalities, including direct access, with the objective of achieving a balanced allocation between adaptation and mitigation;若干来源和多种金融工具、筹资窗口和获得模式提供的大规模资金的管理方法,包括直接获取,目标是实现在适应和缓解之间均衡分配资金;
(d) The financial instruments that the Fund can use to achieve its priorities;基金能够用来实现其优先事项的金融工具;
(e) Methods to enhance complementarity between the Fund’s activities and those of other bilateral, regional and multilateral funding mechanisms and institutions;加强基金活动与其他双边、区域和多边融资机制和机构活动互补性的方法;
(f) The role of the Fund’s secretariat and the procedure for selecting and/or establishing the secretariat;基金秘书处的作用和秘书处的人员遴选和/或设置程序;
(g) A mechanism to ensure periodic independent evaluation of the Fund’s performance;确保定期独立评价基金绩效的一个机制;
(h) Mechanisms to ensure financial accountability and to evaluate the performance of activities supported by the Fund, in order to ensure the application of environmental and social safeguards as well as internationally accepted fiduciary standards and sound financial management to the Fund’s activities;确保财务责任和评价基金所支持活动的绩效的机制,以确保对基金活动应用环境和社会保障,以及国际接受的信用标准和完善的财务管理;
(i) Mechanisms to ensure the provision of appropriate expert and technical advice, including from relevant thematic bodies established under the Convention;确保提供适当的专家和技术咨询的机制,包括《公约》之下所设相关专题机构的咨询;
(j) Mechanisms to ensure stakeholder input and participation.确保利害关系方投入和参与的机制。
2. In the conduct of its work, the Transitional Committee shall:2.在开展工作中,过渡委员会将:
(a) Convene its first meeting by March 2011;在2011年3月之前召开其第一次会议;
(b) Encourage input from all Parties and from relevant international organizations and observers; (c) Take into account the findings contained in relevant reports.鼓励所有缔约方和相关国际组织和观察员的投入;
FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1 FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1 GE.10-考虑到相关报告所载结论。
Appendix IV附录四
Composition and mandate of the Technology Executive Committee技术执行委员会的组成和任务
1. The Technology Executive Committee shall comprise 20 expert members, elected by the Conference of the Parties (COP), serving in their personal capacity and nominated by Parties with the aim of achieving a fair and balanced representation, as follows:1.技术执行委员会应由缔约方会议选出的20名专家成员组成,以个人身份任职,由缔约方提名,目的是实现公平和平衡的代表性,其方式如下:
(a) Nine members from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties);《公约》附件一所列缔约方(附件一缔约方)成员9名;
(b) Three members from each of the three regions of the Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (non-Annex I Parties), namely Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean, one member from a small island developing State and one member from a least developed country Party.非《公约》附件一所列缔约方(非附件一缔约方)所在3个区域,即非洲、亚洲及太平洋、拉丁美洲和加勒比区域各3名;小岛屿发展中国家1名和最不发达国家缔约方1名。
2. Decisions will be taken according to the rule of consensus.2.决定将根据协商一致规则作出。
3. Parties are encouraged to nominate senior experts to the Technology Executive Committee, with a view to achieving, within the membership, an appropriate balance of technical, legal, policy, social development and financial expertise relevant to the development and transfer of technology for adaptation and mitigation, taking into account the need to achieve gender balance in accordance with decision 36/CP.7.3.鼓励缔约方提名高级专家担任技术执行委员会成员,以期在成员内实现与开发和转让适应和缓解技术相关的技术、法律、政策、社会发展和金融专门知识的适当平衡,并要考虑到必须按照第36/CP.7号决定实现性别平衡。
4. Members shall serve for a term of two years and shall be eligible to serve a maximum of two consecutive terms of office.4.成员任期2年,最多连任2届。
The following rules shall apply:应适用下列规则:
(a) Half of the members shall be elected initially for a term of three years and half of the members shall be elected for a term of two years;最初应选举半数成员任期2年,选举半数成员任期2年;
(b) Thereafter, the COP shall elect every year a member for a term of two years;此后,缔约方会议应每年选举1名成员,任期2年;
(c) The members shall remain in office until their successors are elected.成员的任期应到继任者选出为止。
5. The Technology Executive Committee shall elect annually a chair and a vice-chair from among its members for a term of one year each, with one being a member from an Annex I Party and the other being a member from a non-Annex I Party.5.技术执行理事会应从其成员中每年选举1名主席和1名副主席,任期1年,其中1名应为附件一缔约方的成员,1名应为非附件一缔约方的成员。
The positions of chair and vice-chair shall alternate annually between a member from an Annex I Party and a member from a non-Annex I Party.主席和副主席职位每年由一个附件一缔约方和一个非附件一缔约方的成员轮流担任。
6. If the chair is temporarily unable to fulfil the obligations of the office, the vice-chair shall serve as chair.6.如果主席临时无法履行职务,副主席应代行主席职务。
In the absence of the chair and vice-chair at a particular meeting, any other member designated by the Technology Executive Committee shall temporarily serve as the chair of that meeting.如果主席和副主席均未出席某次会议,技术执行委员会指定的任何其他成员应临时担任该次会议的主席。
7. If the chair or vice-chair is unable to complete the term of office, the Technology Executive Committee shall elect a replacement to complete the term of office, taking into account paragraph 5 above.7.如果主席或副主席无法完成任期,技术执行委员会应选举一人替代完成任期,并考虑到以上第5段的规定。
8. If a member of the Technology Executive Committee resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the assigned term of office or to perform the functions of that office, the Technology Executive Committee may decide, bearing in mind the proximity of the next session of the COP, to appoint another member from the same constituency to replace said member for the remainder of that member’s mandate, in which case the appointment shall count as one term.8.如技术执行委员会一名成员辞职或因其他原因无法完成指定任期或履行职能,考虑到距举行下届缔约方会议的时间接近程度,技术执行委员会可决定任命来自同一推选集团的另一名成员接任该成员的余下任期,所作任命应算为一个任期。
9. The Technology Executive Committee, in performing its functions, should draw upon outside expertise, including the UNFCCC roster of experts and the Climate Technology Centre and Network, to provide advice, including as expert advisers at its meetings.9.技术执行委员会在履行职责时应吸收外部专门知识,包括《气候公约》专家名册和气候技术中心与网络,以提供咨询意见,包括作为会议专家顾问。
10. The Technology Executive Committee should seek input from intergovernmental and international organizations and the private sector and may seek input from civil society in undertaking its work.10.技术执行委员会在开展工作中应当寻求政府间和国际组织以及私营部门的投入,并可寻求民间社会的投入。
It may invite advisers drawn from relevant intergovernmental and international organizations as well as the private sector and civil society to participate in its meetings as expert advisers on specific issues as they arise.委员会可邀请相关政府间和国际组织以及私营部门和民间社会的顾问就所出现的具体问题作为专家顾问参加会议。
11. The meetings of the Technology Executive Committee shall be open to attendance by accredited observer organizations, except where otherwise decided by the Technology Executive Committee.11.技术执行委员会的会议应对经认可的观察员组织开放供出席,除非技术执行委员会另有决定。
12. The secretariat shall support and facilitate the work of the Technology Executive Committee.12.秘书处应支持和便利技术执行委员会的工作。
9th plenary meeting第9次全体会议
10–11 December 20102010年12月10-11日
United Nations联 合 国
Including in the areas of water resources; health; agriculture and food security; infrastructure; socio-economic activities; terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems; and coastal zones.包括在下列领域内:水资源、卫生、农业和粮食安全、基础设施、社会经济活动、陆地、淡水和海洋生态系统、以及沿岸带。
Including sea level rise, increasing temperatures, ocean acidification, glacial retreat and related impacts, salinization, land and forest degradation, loss of biodiversity and desertification.包括海平面上升、温度上升、海洋酸化、冰川退缩和相关影响、盐化、土地和森林退化、生物多样性损失以及荒漠化。
Parties’ communications to the secretariat that are included in the information document are considered communications under the Convention.列入资料文件的缔约方交给秘书处的通报被视为《公约》之下的信息通报。
Parties’ communications to the secretariat that are included in the information document are considered communications under the Convention.列入资料文件的缔约方交给秘书处的通报被视为《公约》之下的信息通报。
In accordance with national circumstances, national forest reference emission levels and/or forest reference levels could be a combination of subnational forest reference emissions levels and/or forest reference levels.根据国情,国家森林参考排放水平和/或森林参考水平可以是国家以下层级森林参考排放水平和/或森林参考水平的结合。
Including monitoring and reporting of emissions displacement at the national level, if appropriate, and reporting on how displacement of emissions is being addressed, and on the means to integrate subnational monitoring systems into a national monitoring system.酌情包括监测和报告国家一级的排放转移,和报告排放转移如何解决,以期将国家以下层级监测系统纳入国家监测系统的方式。
These actions require national monitoring systems.这些行动需要国家监测系统。
Until there is a decision on the issues contained in paragraph 128 (a) below.直至就以下第128(a)段所载问题作出决定。
Taking into account the need for sustainable livelihoods of indigenous peoples and local communities and their interdependence on forests in most countries, reflected in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as the International Mother Earth Day.考虑到大多数国家土著人民和地方社区可持续生计的需要,以及他们与森林之间的相互依存关系,这反映在《联合国土著人民权利宣言》和“国际地球母亲日”活动中。