Minamata Convention on Mercury


The Parties to this Convention,


Recognizing that mercury is a chemical of global concern owing to its long-range atmospheric transport, its persistence in the environment once anthropogenically introduced, its ability to bioaccumulate in ecosystems and its significant negative effects on human health and the environment,


Recalling decision 25/5 of 20 February 2009 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme to initiate international action to manage mercury in an efficient, effective and coherent manner,


Recalling paragraph 221 of the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development The future we want, which called for a successful outcome of the negotiations on a global legally binding instrument on mercury to address the risks to human health and the environment,


Recalling the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Developments reaffirmation of the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, including, inter alia, common but differentiated responsibilities, and acknowledging States respective circumstances and capabilities and the need for global action,


Aware of the health concerns, especially in developing countries, resulting from exposure to mercury of vulnerable populations, especially women, children, and, through them, future generations,


Noting the particular vulnerabilities of Arctic ecosystems and indigenous communities because of the biomagnification of mercury and contamination of traditional foods, and concerned about indigenous communities more generally with respect to the effects of mercury,


Recognizing the substantial lessons of Minamata Disease, in particular the serious health and environmental effects resulting from the mercury pollution, and the need to ensure proper management of mercury and the prevention of such events in the future,


Stressing the importance of financial, technical, technological, and capacity-building support, particularly for developing countries, and countries with economies in transition, in order to strengthen national capabilities for the management of mercury and to promote the effective implementation of the Convention,


Recognizing also the activities of the World Health Organization in the protection of human health related to mercury and the roles of relevant multilateral environmental agreements, especially the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade,


Recognizing that this Convention and other international agreements in the field of the environment and trade are mutually supportive,


Emphasizing that nothing in this Convention is intended to affect the rights and obligations of any Party deriving from any existing international agreement,


Understanding that the above recital is not intended to create a hierarchy between this Convention and other international instruments,


Noting that nothing in this Convention prevents a Party from taking additional domestic measures consistent with the provisions of this Convention in an effort to protect human health and the environment from exposure to mercury in accordance with that Partys other obligations under applicable international law,


Have agreed as follows:


Article 1 Objective

第一条 目标

The objective of this Convention is to protect the human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds.


Article 2 Definitions

第二条 定义

For the purposes of this Convention:


(a) Artisanal and small-scale gold mining means gold mining conducted by individual miners or small enterprises with limited capital investment and production;


(b) Best available techniques means those techniques that are the most effective to prevent and, where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions and releases of mercury to air, water and land and the impact of such emissions and releases on the environment as a whole, taking into account economic and technical considerations for a given Party or a given facility within the territory of that Party.


In this context:


Best means most effective in achieving a high general level of protection of the environment as a whole;

1. “最佳”系指在实现对整个环境的高水平全面保护方面最为有效;

Available techniques means, in respect of a given Party and a given facility within the territory of that Party, those techniques developed on a scale that allows implementation in a relevant industrial sector under economically and technically viable conditions, taking into consideration the costs and benefits, whether or not those techniques are used or developed within the territory of that Party, provided that they are accessible to the operator of the facility as determined by that Party; and

2. “可得”技术,就某一特定缔约方和该缔约方领土范围内某一特定设施而言,系指其开发规模使之可以在经济上和技术上切实可行的条件下,在考虑到成本与惠益的情况下,应用于相关工业部门的技术——无论上述技术是否应用或开发于该缔约方领土范围内,只要该缔约方所确定的设施运营商可以获得上述技术;以及

Techniques means technologies used, operational practices and the ways in which installations are designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned;

3. “技术”系指所采用的技术、操作实践,以及设备装置的设计、建造、维护、运行和退役方式。

(c) Best environmental practices means the application of the most appropriate combination of environmental control measures and strategies;


(d) Mercury means elemental mercury (Hg(0), CAS No. 7439-97-6);


(e) Mercury compound means any substance consisting of atoms of mercury and one or more atoms of other chemical elements that can be separated into different components only by chemical reactions;


(f) Mercury-added product means a product or product component that contains mercury or a mercury compound that was intentionally added;


(g) Party means a State or regional economic integration organization that has consented to be bound by this Convention and for which the Convention is in force;


(h) Parties present and voting means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote at a meeting of the Parties;


(i) Primary mercury mining means mining in which the principal material sought is mercury;


(j) Regional economic integration organization means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region to which its member States have transferred competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and which has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention; and


(k) Use allowed means any use by a Party of mercury or mercury compounds consistent with this Convention, including, but not limited to, uses consistent with Articles 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.


Article 3 Mercury supply sources and trade

第三条 汞的供应来源和贸易

1. For the purposes of this Article:

一、 就本条文而言:

(a) References to mercury include mixtures of mercury with other substances, including alloys of mercury, with a mercury concentration of at least 95 per cent by weight; and


(b) Mercury compounds means mercury (I) chloride (known also as calomel), mercury (II) oxide, mercury (II) sulphate, mercury (II) nitrate, cinnabar and mercury sulphide.

(二)“汞化合物”系指氯化亚汞(I)(亦称甘汞)、氧化汞(II)、 硫酸汞(II)、硝酸汞(II)、朱砂矿石和硫化汞。

2. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to:

二、 本条文之规定不得适用于:

(a) Quantities of mercury or mercury compounds to be used for laboratory-scale research or as a reference standard; or


(b) Naturally occurring trace quantities of mercury or mercury compounds present in such products as non-mercury metals, ores, or mineral products, including coal, or products derived from these materials, and unintentional trace quantities in chemical products; or


(c) Mercury-added products.


3. Each Party shall not allow primary mercury mining that was not being conducted within its territory at the date of entry into force of the Convention for it.

三、 每一缔约方均不得允许进行本公约对其生效之际未在其领土范围内进行的原生汞矿开采活动。

4. Each Party shall only allow primary mercury mining that was being conducted within its territory at the date of entry into force of the Convention for it for a period of up to fifteen years after that date.

四、 每一缔约方应只允许本公约对其生效之际业已在其领土范围内进行的原生汞矿开采活动自本公约对其生效之日后继续进行最多15年。

During this period, mercury from such mining shall only be used in manufacturing of mercury-added products in accordance with Article 4, in manufacturing processes in accordance with Article 5, or be disposed in accordance with Article 11, using operations which do not lead to recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses.


5. Each Party shall:

五、 各缔约方均应当:

(a) Endeavour to identify individual stocks of mercury or mercury compounds exceeding 50 metric tons, as well as sources of mercury supply generating stocks exceeding 10 metric tons per year, that are located within its territory;


(b) Take measures to ensure that, where the Party determines that excess mercury from the decommissioning of chlor-alkali facilities is available, such mercury is disposed of in accordance with the guidelines for environmentally sound management referred to in paragraph 3 (a) of Article 11, using operations that do not lead to recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses.


6. Each Party shall not allow the export of mercury except:

六、 任何缔约方均不得允许汞的出口,除非:

(a) To a Party that has provided the exporting Party with its written consent, and only for the purpose of:


(i) A use allowed to the importing Party under this Convention; or

1. 进口缔约方在本公约下获准的某种允许用途;或

(ii) Environmentally sound interim storage as set out in Article 10; or

2. 依照第十条的规定进行环境无害化临时储存;或

(b) To a non-Party that has provided the exporting Party with its written consent, including certification demonstrating that:


(i) The non-Party has measures in place to ensure the protection of human health and the environment and to ensure its compliance with the provisions of Articles 10 and 11; and

1. 该非缔约方已采取了确保人体健康和环境得到保护、而且确保第十条和第十一条的规定得到遵守的措施;以及

(ii) Such mercury will be used only for a use allowed to a Party under this Convention or for environmentally sound interim storage as set out in Article 10.

2. 此种汞将仅用于本公约允许缔约方使用的用途,或用于依照第十条的规定进行环境无害化的临时储存。

7. An exporting Party may rely on a general notification to the Secretariat by the importing Party or non-Party as the written consent required by paragraph 6.

七、 出口缔约方可凭借进口缔约方或非缔约方向秘书处发出的一般性通知作为第六款所规定的书面同意。

Such general notification shall set out any terms and conditions under which the importing Party or non-Party provides its consent.


The notification may be revoked at any time by that Party or non-Party.


The Secretariat shall keep a public register of all such notifications.


8. Each Party shall not allow the import of mercury from a non-Party to whom it will provide its written consent unless the non-Party has provided certification that the mercury is not from sources identified as not allowed under paragraph 3 or paragraph 5 (b).

八、 任何缔约方均不得允许从它将提供书面同意的非缔约方进口汞,除非该非缔约方已提供了证书,表明所涉及的汞并非来自第三款或第五款第二项规定不允许使用的来源。

9. A Party that submits a general notification of consent under paragraph 7 may decide not to apply paragraph 8, provided that it maintains comprehensive restrictions on the export of mercury and has domestic measures in place to ensure that imported mercury is managed in an environmentally sound manner.

九、 依照第七款发出一般性同意通知的缔约方可决定不适用第八款的规定,但条件是该缔约方对汞的出口实行一系列综合限制措施、而且亦在其本国内采取措施,确保对所进口的汞实行环境无害化的管理。

The Party shall provide a notification of such decision to the Secretariat, including information describing its export restrictions and domestic regulatory measures, as well as information on the quantities and countries of origin of mercury imported from non-Parties.


The Secretariat shall maintain a public register of all such notifications.


The Implementation and Compliance Committee shall review and evaluate any such notifications and supporting information in accordance with Article 15 and may make recommendations, as appropriate, to the Conference of the Parties.


10. The procedure set out in paragraph 9 shall be available until the conclusion of the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

十、 第九款中所列相关程序应当在缔约方大会第二次会议结束之前提供各缔约方使用。

After that time, it shall cease to be available, unless the Conference of the Parties decides otherwise by simple majority of the Parties present and voting, except with respect to a Party that has provided a notification under paragraph 9 before the end of the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties.


11. Each Party shall include in its reports submitted pursuant to Article 21 information showing that the requirements of this Article have been met.

十一、 每一缔约方均应在其依照第二十一条提交的报告中提供表明其已遵守本条文的各项规定的信息。

12. The Conference of the Parties shall at its first meeting provide further guidance in regard to this Article, particularly in regard to paragraphs 5 (a), 6 and 8, and shall develop and adopt the required content of the certification referred to in paragraphs 6 (b) and 8.

十二、 缔约方大会应当在其第一次会议上就本条文、特别是其中第五条第一款、第六和第八款提供进一步指导,并应确定并通过第六条第二款和第八款所述证明书应列明的相关内容。

13. The Conference of the Parties shall evaluate whether the trade in specific mercury compounds compromises the objective of this Convention and consider whether specific mercury compounds should, by their listing in an additional annex adopted in accordance with Article 27, be made subject to paragraphs 6 and 8.

十三、 缔约方大会应当对贸易中的具体汞化合物是否已损及本公约目标进行评价,并应当审议应否把相关汞化合物列入依照第二十七条所通过的补充附件,从而将之纳入第六和第八款规定的适用范围。

Article 4 Mercury-added products

第四条 添汞产品

1. Each Party shall not allow, by taking appropriate measures, the manufacture, import or export of mercury-added products listed in Part I of Annex A after the phase-out date specified for those products, except where an exclusion is specified in Annex A or the Party has a registered exemption pursuant to Article 6.

一、 每一缔约方均应采取适当措施,不允许在针对附件A第一部分所列添汞产品明确规定的淘汰日期过后生产、进口或出口此类产品,除非已在附件A中具体规定了例外情况,或所涉缔约方已依照第六条登记了某项豁免。

2. A Party may, as an alternative to paragraph 1, indicate at the time of ratification or upon entry into force of an amendment to Annex A for it, that it will implement different measures or strategies to address products listed in Part I of Annex A.

二、 作为第一款的替代办法,缔约方可在批准附件A的某一修正案,或其对之生效时表明它将采取不同的措施或战略来处理附件A第一部分中所列产品。

A Party may only choose this alternative if it can demonstrate that it has already reduced to a de minimis level the manufacture, import, and export of the large majority of the products listed in Part I of Annex A and that it has implemented measures or strategies to reduce the use of mercury in additional products not listed in Part I of Annex A at the time it notifies the Secretariat of its decision to use this alternative.


In addition, a Party choosing this alternative shall:


(a) Report at the first opportunity to the Conference of the Parties a description of the measures or strategies implemented, including a quantification of the reductions achieved;


(b) Implement measures or strategies to reduce the use of mercury in any products listed in Part I of Annex A for which a de minimis value has not yet been obtained;


(c) Consider additional measures to achieve further reductions; and


(d) Not be eligible to claim exemptions pursuant to Article 6 for any product category for which this alternative is chosen.


No later than five years after the date of entry into force of the Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall, as part of the review process under paragraph 8, review the progress and the effectiveness of the measures taken under this paragraph.


3. Each Party shall take measures for the mercury-added products listed in Part II of Annex A in accordance with the provisions set out therein.


4. The Secretariat shall, on the basis of information provided by Parties, collect and maintain information on mercury-added products and their alternatives, and shall make such information publicly available.


The Secretariat shall also make publicly available any other relevant information submitted by Parties.


5. Each Party shall take measures to prevent the incorporation into assembled products of mercury-added products the manufacture, import and export of which are not allowed for it under this Article.

五、 各缔约方均应采取措施,防止将本条所规定的不得生产、进口和出口的添汞产品纳入组装产品。

6. Each Party shall discourage the manufacture and the distribution in commerce of mercury-added products not covered by any known use of mercury-added products prior to the date of entry into force of the Convention for it, unless an assessment of the risks and benefits of the product demonstrates environmental or human health benefits.

六、 各缔约方均应不鼓励在本公约对其生效之前为用于任何已知用途之外的用途而生产和商业分销添汞产品,除非所涉产品的风险和效益评估结果表明其对环境或人体健康有益。

A Party shall provide to the Secretariat, as appropriate, information on any such product, including any information on the environmental and human health risks and benefits of the product.


The Secretariat shall make such information publicly available.


7. Any Party may submit a proposal to the Secretariat for listing a mercury-added product in Annex A, which shall include information related to the availability, technical and economic feasibility and environmental and health risks and benefits of the non-mercury alternatives to the product, taking into account information pursuant to paragraph 4.

七、 任何缔约方均可向秘书处提交关于将某种添汞产品列入附件A的提议,其中应列有与该产品无汞替代品的可得性、技术和经济可行性以及环境与健康风险和惠益相关的信息,同时亦应考虑到依照第四款应提供的信息。

8. No later than five years after the date of entry into force of the Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall review Annex A and may consider amendments to that Annex in accordance with Article 27.

八、 自本公约生效之日起5年之内,缔约方大会应对附件A进行审查并可考虑根据第二十七条对该附件进行修正。

9. In reviewing Annex A pursuant to paragraph 8, the Conference of the Parties shall take into account at least:

九、 在依照本条第八款对附件A进行的任何审查过程中,缔约方大会至少应考虑到以下事项:

(a) Any proposal submitted under paragraph 7;


(b) The information made available pursuant to paragraph 4; and


(c) The availability to the Parties of mercury-free alternatives that are technically and economically feasible, taking into account the environmental and human health risks and benefits.

(三) 缔约方获得在经济上和技术上均为可行的无汞替代品的情况,同时亦考虑到其所涉环境和人体健康风险和惠益。

Article 5 Manufacturing processes in which mercury or mercury compounds are used

第五条 使用汞或汞化合物的生产工艺

1. For the purposes of this Article and Annex B, manufacturing processes in which mercury or mercury compounds are used shall not include processes using mercury-added products, processes for manufacturing mercury-added products or processes that process mercury-containing waste.

一、 就本条文和附件B而言,“使用汞或汞化合物的生产工艺”不得包括使用添汞产品的工艺、添汞产品的生产工艺、以及处理含汞废物的工艺。

2. Each Party shall not allow, by taking appropriate measures, the use of mercury or mercury compounds in the manufacturing processes listed in Part I of Annex B after the phase-out date specified in that Annex for the individual processes, except where the Party has a registered exemption pursuant to Article 6.

二、 各缔约方均应采取适当措施,不得允许在附件B第一部分中针对所列各种生产工艺明确规定的淘汰日期过后,在上述工艺中使用汞或汞化合物,除非该缔约方依照第六条登记了某项豁免。

3. Each Party shall take measures to restrict the use of mercury or mercury compounds in the processes listed in Part II of Annex B in accordance with the provisions set out therein.

三、 各缔约方均应按照附件B第二部分的规定,采取措施限制在其中所列生产工艺中使用汞或汞化合物。

4. The Secretariat shall, on the basis of information provided by Parties, collect and maintain information on processes that use mercury or mercury compounds and their alternatives, and shall make such information publicly available. Other relevant information may also be submitted by Parties and shall be made publicly available by the Secretariat.

四、 秘书处应当在缔约方所提供的信息的基础上收集并保存关于使用汞或汞化合物及其替代品的工艺方面的信息,缔约方亦可提供其他相关的信息,并应由秘书处将这些信息公之于众。

5. Each Party with one or more facilities that use mercury or mercury compounds in the manufacturing processes listed in Annex B shall:

五、 拥有一处或多处在附件B所列生产工艺中使用汞或汞化合物的设施的各缔约方均应:

(a) Take measures to address emissions and releases of mercury or mercury compounds from those facilities;


(b) Include in its reports submitted pursuant to Article 21 information on the measures taken pursuant to this paragraph; and


(c) Endeavour to identify facilities within its territory that use mercury or mercury compounds for processes listed in Annex B and submit to the Secretariat, no later than three years after the date of entry into force of the Convention for it, information on the number and types of such facilities and the estimated annual amount of mercury or mercury compounds used in those facilities.


The Secretariat shall make such information publicly available.


6. Each Party shall not allow the use of mercury or mercury compounds in a facility that did not exist prior to the date of entry into force of the Convention for it using the manufacturing processes listed in Annex B.

六、 每一缔约方均不得在本公约生效之日前不存在的使用附件B所列生产工艺的设施中使用汞或汞化合物。

No exemptions shall apply to such facilities.


7. Each Party shall discourage the development of any facility using any other manufacturing process in which mercury or mercury compounds are intentionally used that did not exist prior to the date of entry into force of the Convention, except where the Party can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Conference of the Parties that the manufacturing process provides significant environmental and health benefits and that there are no technically and economically feasible mercury-free alternatives available providing such benefits.

七、 每一缔约方均不鼓励本公约对其生效之前尚不存在的设施采用任何其他有意添加汞或汞化合物的生产工艺,除非缔约方能够以缔约方大会满意的方式表明所涉生产工艺能够提供重大环境和健康惠益,而且没有任何在技术上和经济上均为可行的无汞替代工艺能够提供此种惠益。

8. Parties are encouraged to exchange information on relevant new technological developments, economically and technically feasible mercury-free alternatives, and possible measures and techniques to reduce and where feasible to eliminate the use of mercury and mercury compounds in, and emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds from, the manufacturing processes listed in Annex B.

八、 鼓励缔约方相互交流以下诸方面的信息:相关的新技术的开发、经济上和技术上可行的无汞替代工艺、以及旨在减少并在可行情况下消除附件B所列生产工艺中汞和汞化合物的使用以及源自上述工艺的汞和汞化合物的排放和释放的可能性措施和技术。

9. Any Party may submit a proposal to amend Annex B in order to list a manufacturing process in which mercury or mercury compounds are used.


It shall include information related to the availability, technical and economic feasibility and environmental and health risks and benefits of the non-mercury alternatives to the process.


10. No later than five years after the date of entry into force of the Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall review Annex B and may consider amendments to that Annex in accordance with Article 27.

十、 自本公约生效之日起5年之内,缔约方大会应对附件B进行审查,并可考虑根据第二十七条中所规定的程序对该附件进行修正。

11. In any review of Annex B pursuant to paragraph 10, the Conference of the Parties shall take into account at least:

十一、 在依照第十款审查附件B时,缔约方大会至少应考虑到以下事项:

(a) Any proposal submitted under paragraph 9;


(b) The information made available under paragraph 4; and


(c) The availability for the Parties of mercury-free alternatives which are technically and economically feasible taking into account the environmental and health risks and benefits.


Article 6 Exemptions available to a Party upon request

第六条 缔约方提出要求后可以享受的豁免

1. Any State or regional economic integration organization may register for one or more exemptions from the phase-out dates listed in Annex A and Annex B, hereafter referred to as an exemption, by notifying the Secretariat in writing:

一、 任何国家或区域经济一体化组织均可采用书面通知秘书处的方式,登记一项或多项针对附件A或附件B所列淘汰日期的豁免,以下称为“豁免”:

(a) On becoming a Party to this Convention; or


(b) In the case of any mercury-added product that is added by an amendment to Annex A or any manufacturing process in which mercury is used that is added by an amendment to Annex B, no later than the date upon which the applicable amendment enters into force for the Party.


Any such registration shall be accompanied by a statement explaining the Partys need for the exemption.


2. An exemption can be registered either for a category listed in Annex A or B or for a sub-category identified by any State or regional economic integration organization.

二、 可针对附件A或附件B所列某一类别登记一项豁免、或可针对由任何国家或区域经济一体化组织所确定的其中某一分类别登记一项豁免。

3. Each Party that has one or more exemptions shall be identified in a register.

三、 应当在一份登记簿中列明享有一项或多项豁免的每一缔约方。

The Secretariat shall establish and maintain the register and make it available to the public.


4. The register shall include:

四、 登记簿应包括下列内容:

(a) A list of the Parties that have one or more exemptions;


(b) The exemption or exemptions registered for each Party; and


(c) The expiration date of each exemption.


5. Unless a shorter period is indicated in the register by a Party, all exemptions pursuant to paragraph 1 shall expire five years after the relevant phase-out date listed in Annex A or B.

五、 除非缔约方在登记簿中注明了一个更短的有效期,否则依照第一款确定的豁免应当于附件A或附件B中所规定的相关淘汰日期5年后失效。

6. The Conference of the Parties may, at the request of a Party, decide to extend an exemption for five years unless the Party requests a shorter period.

六、 缔约方大会可应缔约方的要求,决定将某项豁免的有效期延长5年,除非所涉缔约方要求的是一个较此更短的豁免时期。

In making its decision, the Conference of the Parties shall take due account of:


(a) A report from the Party justifying the need to extend the exemption and outlining activities undertaken and planned to eliminate the need for the exemption as soon as feasible;


(b) Available information, including in respect of the availability of alternative products and processes that are free of mercury or that involve the consumption of less mercury than the exempt use; and


(c) Activities planned or under way to provide environmentally sound storage of mercury and disposal of mercury wastes.


An exemption may only be extended once per product per phase-out date.


7. A Party may at any time withdraw an exemption upon written notification to the Secretariat.

七、 缔约方可随时书面通知秘书处,撤消某项豁免。

The withdrawal of an exemption shall take effect on the date specified in the notification.


8. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, no State or regional economic integration organization may register for an exemption after five years after the phase-out date for the relevant product or process listed in Annex A or B, unless one or more Parties remain registered for an exemption for that product or process, having received an extension pursuant to paragraph 6.

八、 尽管有第一款的规定,任何国家或区域经济一体化组织均不得在附件A或附件B中所列相关产品或工艺的淘汰日期到期后5年之后登记注册任何豁免,除非一个或多个缔约方就该产品或工艺一直享有业经登记的豁免,而且业已依照第六款的规定获准延期。

In that case, a State or regional economic integration organization may, at the times set out in paragraphs 1 (a) and (b), register for an exemption for that product or process, which shall expire ten years after the relevant phase-out date.

在此种情形中,一国或一经济一体化组织可按第一条第一款和第二款中所给出的时间段就该产品或工艺登记某项豁免。 此种豁免应当自相关的淘汰日期起10年后失效。

9. No Party may have an exemption in effect at any time after 10 years after the phase-out date for a product or process listed in Annex A or B.

九、 任何缔约方均不得自附件A或附件B中所列产品或工艺的淘汰日期起10年后的任何时候针对这些产品或工艺享有任何豁免。

Article 7 Artisanal and small-scale gold mining

第七条 手工和小规模采金业

1. The measures in this Article and in Annex C shall apply to artisanal and small-scale gold mining and processing in which mercury amalgamation is used to extract gold from ore.

一、 本条文以及附件C中所规定的措施适用于采用汞齐法从矿石当中提取黄金的手工和小规模采金与加工活动。

2. Each Party that has artisanal and small-scale gold mining and processing subject to this Article within its territory shall take steps to reduce, and where feasible eliminate, the use of mercury and mercury compounds in, and the emissions and releases to the environment of mercury from, such mining and processing.

二、 其领土范围内存在适用本条文的手工和小规模采金与加工活动的每一缔约方均应采取措施,减少并在可行情况下消除此类开采与加工活动中汞和汞化合物的使用及其汞向环境中的排放和释放。

3. Each Party shall notify the Secretariat if at any time the Party determines that artisanal and small-scale gold mining and processing in its territory is more than insignificant.

三、 每一缔约方若在任何时候确定其领土范围内的手工和小规模采金与加工活动已超过微不足道的水平,均应就此通知秘书处。

If it so determines the Party shall:


(a) Develop and implement a national action plan in accordance with Annex C;


(b) Submit its national action plan to the Secretariat no later than three years after entry into force of the Convention for it or three years after the notification to the Secretariat, whichever is later; and


(c) Thereafter, provide a review every three years of the progress made in meeting its obligations under this Article and include such reviews in its reports submitted pursuant to Article 21.


4. Parties may cooperate with each other and with relevant intergovernmental organizations and other entities, as appropriate, to achieve the objectives of this Article.

四、 缔约方可酌情开展彼此之间以及与相关政府间组织及其他实体之间的合作,以实现本条文之目标。

Such cooperation may include:


(a) Development of strategies to prevent the diversion of mercury or mercury compounds for use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining and processing;


(b) Education, outreach and capacity-building initiatives;


(c) Promotion of research into sustainable non-mercury alternative practices;


(d) Provision of technical and financial assistance;


(e) Partnerships to assist in the implementation of their commitments under this Article; and


(f) Use of existing information exchange mechanisms to promote knowledge, best environmental practices and alternative technologies that are environmentally, technically, socially and economically viable.


Article 8 Emissions

第八条 排放

1. This Article concerns controlling and, where feasible, reducing emissions of mercury and mercury compounds, often expressed as total mercury, to the atmosphere through measures to control emissions from the point sources falling within the source categories listed in Annex D.

一、 本条文适用于通过对属于附件D中所列来源类别的范围的点源的排放采取措施,以控制、并于可行时减少通常表述为“总汞”的汞和汞化合物向大气中的排放问题。

2. For the purposes of this Article:

二、 对于本条文而言:

(a) Emissions means emissions of mercury or mercury compounds to the atmosphere;


(b) Relevant source means a source falling within one of the source categories listed in Annex D.


A Party may, if it chooses, establish criteria to identify the sources covered within a source category listed in Annex D so long as those criteria for any category include at least 75 per cent of the emissions from that category;


(c) New source means any relevant source within a category listed in Annex D, the construction or substantial modification of which is commenced at least one year after the date of:


(i) Entry into force of this Convention for the Party concerned; or

1. 本公约对所涉缔约方开始生效之日;或

(ii) Entry into force for the Party concerned of an amendment to Annex D where the source becomes subject to the provisions of this Convention only by virtue of that amendment;

2. 对附件D的某一修正案对所涉缔约方开始生效之日——该来源系完全因为上述修正案才开始适用本公约之各项规定;

(d) Substantial modification means modification of a relevant source that results in a significant increase in emissions, excluding any change in emissions resulting from by-product recovery.

(四) “重大改造”是指对可导致排放量大幅增加的相关来源的重大改造工程,其中不包括因对副产品的回收而导致的排放量的任何变化。

It shall be a matter for the Party to decide whether a modification is substantial or not;


(e) Existing source means any relevant source that is not a new source;


(f) Emission limit value means a limit on the concentration, mass or emission rate of mercury or mercury compounds, often expressed as total mercury, emitted from a point source.


3. A Party with relevant sources shall take measures to control emissions and may prepare a national plan setting out the measures to be taken to control emissions and its expected targets, goals and outcomes.

三、 拥有相关来源的缔约方应当采取措施,控制汞的排放,并可制订一项国家计划,设定为控制排放而采取的各项措施及其预计指标、目标和成果。

Any plan shall be submitted to the Conference of the Parties within four years of the date of entry into force of the Convention for that Party.


If a Party develops an implementation plan in accordance with Article 20, the Party may include in it the plan prepared pursuant to this paragraph.


4. For its new sources, each Party shall require the use of best available techniques and best environmental practices to control and, where feasible, reduce emissions, as soon as practicable but no later than five years after the date of entry into force of the Convention for that Party.

四、 对于新来源而言,每一缔约方均应要求在实际情况允许时尽快、但最迟应自本公约开始对其生效之日起5年内使用最佳可得技术和最佳环境实践,以控制并于可行时减少排放。

A Party may use emission limit values that are consistent with the application of best available techniques.


5. For its existing sources, each Party shall include in any national plan, and shall implement, one or more of the following measures, taking into account its national circumstances, and the economic and technical feasibility and affordability of the measures, as soon as practicable but no more than ten years after the date of entry into force of the Convention for it:

五、 对于现有来源而言,每一缔约方均应在在实际情况允许时尽快、但不迟于自本公约开始对其生效之日起10年内,在其国家计划中列入并实施下列一种或多种措施,同时考虑到其国家的具体国情、以及这些措施在经济和技术上的可行性及其可负担性;

(a) A quantified goal for controlling and, where feasible, reducing emissions from relevant sources;


(b) Emission limit values for controlling and, where feasible, reducing emissions from relevant sources;


(c) The use of best available techniques and best environmental practices to control emissions from relevant sources;


(d) A multi-pollutant control strategy that would deliver co-benefits for control of mercury emissions;


(e) Alternative measures to reduce emissions from relevant sources.


6. Parties may apply the same measures to all relevant existing sources or may adopt different measures in respect of different source categories.

六、 缔约方既可对所有相关的现有来源采取同样的措施,亦可针对不同来源类别采取不同的措施。

The objective shall be for those measures applied by a Party to achieve reasonable progress in reducing emissions over time.


7. Each Party shall establish, as soon as practicable and no later than five years after the date of entry into force of the Convention for it, and maintain thereafter, an inventory of emissions from relevant sources.

七、 每一缔约方均应在实际情况允许时尽快,且自本公约开始对之生效之日起5年内建立、并于嗣后保存一份关于相关来源的排放情况的清单。

8. The Conference of the Parties shall, at its first meeting, adopt guidance on:

八、 缔约方大会应当在其第一次会议上针对下列事项通过指导意见:

(a) Best available techniques and on best environmental practices, taking into account any difference between new and existing sources and the need to minimize cross-media effects; and


(b) Support for Parties in implementing the measures set out in paragraph 5, in particular in determining goals and in setting emission limit values.


9. The Conference of the Parties shall, as soon as practicable, adopt guidance on:

九、 缔约方大会应当在实际情况允许时尽快就下列事项通过指导意见:

(a) Criteria that Parties may develop pursuant to paragraph 2 (b);


(b) The methodology for preparing inventories of emissions.


10. The Conference of the Parties shall keep under review, and update as appropriate, the guidance developed pursuant to paragraphs 8 and 9.

十、 缔约方大会应当定期审查并酌情更新依照第八和第九款提出的指导意见。

Parties shall take the guidance into account in implementing the relevant provisions of this Article.


11. Each Party shall include information on its implementation of this Article in its reports submitted pursuant to Article 21, in particular information concerning the measures it has taken in accordance with paragraphs 4 to 7 and the effectiveness of the measures.

十一、 每一缔约方均应在其依照第二十一条提交的报告中列入关于其实施本条条款情况的信息,特别是关于其依照第四至第七款所采取的措施、以及关于这些措施的实际成效的信息。

Article 9 Releases

第九条 释放

1. This Article concerns controlling and, where feasible, reducing releases of mercury and mercury compounds, often expressed as total mercury, to land and water from the relevant point sources not addressed in other provisions of this Convention.

一、 本条文适用于控制,以及于可行时,减少来自那些未在本公约的其他条款中涉及的相关点源向土地和水中释放通常表述为“总汞”的汞和汞化合物。

2. For the purposes of this Article:

二、 就本条文而言:

(a) Releases means releases of mercury or mercury compounds to land or water;


(b) Relevant source means any significant anthropogenic point source of release as identified by a Party that is not addressed in other provisions of this Convention;


(c) New source means any relevant source, the construction or substantial modification of which is commenced at least one year after the date of entry into force of this Convention for the Party concerned;


(d) Substantial modification means modification of a relevant source that results in a significant increase in releases, excluding any change in releases resulting from by-product recovery.


It shall be a matter for the Party to decide whether a modification is substantial or not;


(e) Existing source means any relevant source that is not a new source;


(f) Release limit value means a limit on the concentration or mass of mercury or mercury compounds, often expressed as total mercury, released from a point source.


3. Each Party shall, no later than three years after the date of entry into force of the Convention for it and on a regular basis thereafter, identify the relevant point source categories.

三、 每一缔约方均应不迟于本公约对其开始生效之日起3年内、并于其后定期查明相关的点源类别。

4. A Party with relevant sources shall take measures to control releases and may prepare a national plan setting out the measures to be taken to control releases and its expected targets, goals and outcomes.

四、 那些拥有相关来源的缔约方应采取各种措施控制其释放,并可制定一项国家计划,列明为控制释放而采取的各种措施及其预计指标、目标和成果。

Any plan shall be submitted to the Conference of the Parties within four years of the date of entry into force of the Convention for that Party.


If a Party develops an implementation plan in accordance with Article 20, the Party may include in it the plan prepared pursuant to this paragraph.


5. The measures shall include one or more of the following, as appropriate:

五、 相关措施应当酌情包括下列一种或多种措施:

(a) Release limit values to control and, where feasible, reduce releases from relevant sources;


(b) The use of best available techniques and best environmental practices to control releases from relevant sources;


(c) A multi-pollutant control strategy that would deliver co-benefits for control of mercury releases;


(d) Alternative measures to reduce releases from relevant sources.


6. Each Party shall establish, as soon as practicable and no later than five years after the date of entry into force of the Convention for it, and maintain thereafter, an inventory of releases from relevant sources.

六、 在实际情况允许时尽快、且不迟于自本公约对其开始生效之日起5年内建立、并于嗣后保持一份关于各相关来源的释放情况的清单。

7. The Conference of the Parties shall, as soon as practicable, adopt guidance on:

七、 缔约方大会应在实际情况允许时尽快通过关于下列事项的指导意见:

(a) Best available techniques and on best environmental practices, taking into account any difference between new and existing sources and the need to minimize cross-media effects;


(b) The methodology for preparing inventories of releases.


8. Each Party shall include information on its implementation of this Article in its reports submitted pursuant to Article 21, in particular information concerning the measures it has taken in accordance with paragraphs 3 to 6 and the effectiveness of the measures.

八、 每一缔约方均应在其依照第二十一条提交的报告中提供关于本条执行情况的信息,特别是关于其依照第三至第六款所采取的措施及其成效方面的信息。

Article 10 Environmentally sound interim storage of mercury, other than waste mercury

第十条 汞废物以外的汞环境无害化临时储存

1. This Article shall apply to the interim storage of mercury and mercury compounds as defined in Article 3 that do not fall within the meaning of the definition of mercury wastes set out in Article 11.

一、 本条文适用于第三条中所界定的、不属于第十一条中所列汞废物定义涵盖范围之内的汞和汞化合物的临时储存问题。

2. Each Party shall take measures to ensure that the interim storage of such mercury and mercury compounds intended for a use allowed to a Party under this Convention is undertaken in an environmentally sound manner, taking into account any guidelines, and in accordance with any requirements, adopted pursuant to paragraph 3.

二、 每一缔约方均应采取措施,顾及本条第三款通过的任何指导准则,遵照依本条第三款通过的任何要求,确保使拟用于缔约方在本公约下获准的允许用途的此类汞和汞化合物的临时储存以环境无害化的方式进行。

3. The Conference of the Parties shall adopt guidelines on the environmentally sound interim storage of such mercury and mercury compounds, taking into account any relevant guidelines developed under the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and other relevant guidance.

三、 缔约方大会应在顾及《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》下制定的任何相关指导准则、以及其他相关指导意见的情况下,针对此类汞和汞化合物的环境无害化临时储存问题制定指导准则。

The Conference of the Parties may adopt requirements for interim storage in an additional annex to this Convention in accordance with Article 27.


4. Parties shall cooperate, as appropriate, with each other and with relevant intergovernmental organizations and other entities, to enhance capacity-building for the environmentally sound interim storage of such mercury and mercury compounds.

四、 缔约方应酌情相互合作,并与相关政府间组织及其他实体合作,以加强各方在此类汞和汞化合物的环境无害化临时储存问题上的能力建设。

Article 11 Mercury wastes

第十一条 汞废物

1. The relevant definitions of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal shall apply to wastes covered under this Convention for Parties to the Basel Convention.

一、 就《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》缔约方而言,《巴塞尔公约》的相关定义适用于本公约所涵盖的废物。 对于那些不属于《巴塞尔公约》缔约方的本公约缔约方而言,则应以这些定义为指导,用于本公约所涵盖的废物。

Parties to this Convention that are not Parties to the Basel Convention shall use those definitions as guidance as applied to wastes covered under this Convention. 2. For the purposes of this Convention, mercury wastes means substances or objects:

二、 就本公约而言,汞废物系指汞含量超过缔约方大会经与《巴塞尔公约》各相关机构协调后统一规定的阈值,按照国家法律或本公约之规定予以处置或准备予以处置或必须加以处置的下列物质或物品:

(a) Consisting of mercury or mercury compounds;


(b) Containing mercury or mercury compounds; or


(c) Contaminated with mercury or mercury compounds,


in a quantity above the relevant thresholds defined by the Conference of the Parties, in collaboration with the relevant bodies of the Basel Convention in a harmonized manner, that are disposed of or are intended to be disposed of or are required to be disposed of by the provisions of national law or this Convention.


This definition excludes overburden, waste rock and tailings from mining, except from primary mercury mining, unless they contain mercury or mercury compounds above thresholds defined by the Conference of the Parties. 3. Each Party shall take appropriate measures so that mercury waste is: (a) Managed in an environmentally sound manner, taking into account the guidelines developed under the Basel Convention and in accordance with requirements that the Conference of the Parties shall adopt in an additional annex in accordance with Article 27.

三、 每一缔约方均应采取适当措施,以使汞废物: (一)得以在虑及在《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》下制定的指导准则、并遵照缔约方大会将依照第二十七条以增列附件的形式通过的各项要求的情况下,以环境无害化的方式得到管理。

In developing requirements, the Conference of the Parties shall take into account Parties waste management regulations and programmes;


(b) Only recovered, recycled, reclaimed or directly re-used for a use allowed to a Party under this Convention or for environmentally sound disposal pursuant to paragraph 3 (a);


(c) For Parties to the Basel Convention, not transported across international boundaries except for the purpose of environmentally sound disposal in conformity with this Article and with that Convention.


In circumstances where the Basel Convention does not apply to transport across international boundaries, a Party shall allow such transport only after taking into account relevant international rules, standards, and guidelines.


4. The Conference of the Parties shall seek to cooperate closely with the relevant bodies of the Basel Convention in the review and update, as appropriate, of the guidelines referred to in paragraph 3 (a).

四、 在酌情审查和更新第三条第一款所述及的指导准则时,缔约方大会应寻求与《巴塞尔公约》的相关机构密切合作。

5. Parties are encouraged to cooperate with each other and with relevant intergovernmental organizations and other entities, as appropriate, to develop and maintain global, regional and national capacity for the management of mercury wastes in an environmentally sound manner.

五、 鼓励缔约方酌情相互合作,并与相关政府间组织及其他实体合作,开发并保持全球、区域和国家对汞废物实行环境无害化管理的能力。

Article 12 Contaminated sites

第十二条 污染场地

1. Each Party shall endeavour to develop appropriate strategies for identifying and assessing sites contaminated by mercury or mercury compounds.

一、 各缔约方均应努力制定适宜战略,用以识别和评估受到汞或汞化合物污染的场地。

2. Any actions to reduce the risks posed by such sites shall be performed in an environmentally sound manner incorporating, where appropriate, an assessment of the risks to human health and the environment from the mercury or mercury compounds they contain.

二、 任何旨在降低此类场地所造成的风险的行动,均应以环境无害化的方式进行,并酌情囊括一项针对其中所含汞或汞化合物对人体健康和环境所构成风险的评估。

3. The Conference of the Parties shall adopt guidance on managing contaminated sites that may include methods and approaches for:


(a) Site identification and characterization;


(b) Engaging the public;


(c) Human health and environmental risk assessments;


(d) Options for managing the risks posed by contaminated sites;

(四) 污染场地风险管理的选择方案;

(e) Evaluation of benefits and costs; and


(f) Validation of outcomes.


4. Parties are encouraged to cooperate in developing strategies and implementing activities for identifying, assessing, prioritizing, managing and, as appropriate, remediating contaminated sites.

四、 鼓励缔约方针对污染场地的识别、评估、确定优先次序、管理和视情修复问题合作制定战略并开展活动。

Article 13 Financial resources and mechanism

第十三条 财政资源和财务机制

1. Each Party undertakes to provide, within its capabilities, resources in respect of those national activities that are intended to implement this Convention, in accordance with its national policies, priorities, plans and programmes.

一、 每一缔约方均承诺在其能力范围内根据其国家政策、优先重点、计划和方案为旨在执行本公约而开展的国家活动提供资源。

Such resources may include domestic funding through relevant policies, development strategies and national budgets, and bilateral and multilateral funding, as well as private sector involvement.


2. The overall effectiveness of implementation of this Convention by developing country Parties will be related to the effective implementation of this Article.

二、 发展中国家缔约方执行本公约的总体成效与本条的有效执行具有相关性。

3. Multilateral, regional and bilateral sources of financial and technical assistance, as well as capacity- building and technology transfer, are encouraged, on an urgent basis, to enhance and increase their activities on mercury in support of developing country Parties in the implementation of this Convention relating to financial resources, technical assistance and technology transfer.

三、 迫切鼓励各方通过多边、区域和双边来源提供技术、财政和技术援助、以及能力建设和技术转让,用以增强和增加针对汞采取的行动,以期从财政资源、技术援助和技术转让诸方面为协助发展中国家缔约方执行本公约提供支持。

4. The Parties, in their actions with regard to funding, shall take full account of the specific needs and special circumstances of Parties that are small island developing States or least developed countries.

四、 缔约方在其供资行动中,应当充分考虑到那些小岛屿发展中国家或最不发达国家缔约方的具体需要和特殊国情。

5. A Mechanism for the provision of adequate, predictable, and timely financial resources is hereby defined.

五、 兹此确立一项提供充足的、可预测的和及时的财政资源的机制。

The Mechanism is to support developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition in implementing their obligations under this Convention.


6. The Mechanism shall include:

六、 这一机制应当包括:

(a) The Global Environment Facility Trust Fund; and


(b) A specific international Programme to support capacity-building and technical assistance.


7. The Global Environment Facility Trust Fund shall provide new, predictable, adequate and timely financial resources to meet costs in support of implementation of this Convention as agreed by the Conference of the Parties.

七、 全球环境基金信托基金应当提供新的、可预测的、充足的和及时的财政资源,用于支付为执行缔约方大会所商定的、旨在支持本公约的执行工作而涉及的费用。

For the purposes of this Convention, the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund shall be operated under the guidance of and be accountable to the Conference of the Parties.


The Conference of the Parties shall provide guidance on overall strategies, policies, programme priorities and eligibility for access to and utilization of financial resources.


In addition, the Conference of the Parties shall provide guidance on an indicative list of categories of activities that could receive support from the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund.


The Global Environment Facility Trust Fund shall provide resources to meet the agreed incremental costs of global environmental benefits and the agreed full costs of some enabling activities.


8. In providing resources for an activity, the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund should take into account the potential mercury reductions of a proposed activity relative to its costs.

八、 在为一项活动提供资源过程中,全球环境基金信托基金应当考虑到这一拟议活动在减少汞方面所具有的潜力及其所涉及的费用。

9. For the purposes of this Convention, the Programme referred to in paragraph 6 (b) will be operated under the guidance of and be accountable to the Conference of the Parties.

九、 为了本公约之目的,第六条第二款中所提及的国际方案应当在缔约方大会的指导下运作并对缔约方大会负责。

The Conference of the Parties shall, at its first meeting, decide on the hosting institution for the Programme, which shall be an existing entity, and provide guidance to it, including on its duration.


All Parties and other relevant stakeholders are invited to provide financial resources to the Programme, on a voluntary basis.


10. The Conference of the Parties and the entities comprising the Mechanism shall agree upon, at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties, arrangements to give effect to the above paragraphs.

十、 缔约方大会以及构成这一财务机制的各实体应当在缔约方大会的首次会议上商定实行上述各款的相关安排。

11. The Conference of the Parties shall review, no later than at its third meeting, and thereafter on a regular basis, the level of funding, the guidance provided by the Conference of the Parties to the entities entrusted to operationalize the Mechanism established under this Article and their effectiveness, and their ability to address the changing needs of developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition.

十一、 缔约方大会应当最迟在其第三次会议上、并于嗣后定期审查供资水平、缔约方大会向那些受托运行依照本条设立的财务机制的实体所提供的指导及它们的成效、它们满足发展中国家缔约方和经济转型缔约方不断变化的需要的能力。

It shall, based on such review, take appropriate action to improve the effectiveness of the Mechanism.


12. All Parties, within their capabilities, are invited to contribute to the Mechanism.

十二、 邀请所有缔约方在其能力范围内向这一财务机制提供捐助。

The Mechanism shall encourage the provision of resources from other sources, including the private sector, and shall seek to leverage such resources for the activities it supports.


Article 14 Capacity-building, technical assistance and technology transfer

第十四条 能力建设、技术援助和技术转让

1. Parties shall cooperate to provide, within their respective capabilities, timely and appropriate capacity-building and technical assistance to developing country Parties, in particular Parties that are least developed countries or small island developing States, and Parties with economies in transition, to assist them in implementing their obligations under this Convention.

一、 缔约方应协同合作,在其各自的能力范围内,向发展中国家缔约方、尤其是最不发达国家或小岛屿发展中国家缔约方,以及经济转型缔约方提供及时和适宜的能力建设和技术援助,以协助它们履行本公约所规定的各项义务。

2. Capacity-building and technical assistance pursuant to paragraph 1 and Article 13 may be delivered through regional, subregional and national arrangements, including existing regional and subregional centres, through other multilateral and bilateral means, and through partnerships, including partnerships involving the private sector.

二、 依照本条第一款以及第十三条开展的能力建设和技术援助可通过区域、次区域以及国家一级的安排,包括现有的区域和次区域中心,通过其他多边和双边手段,以及通过伙伴关系,包括涉及私营部门的伙伴关系,予以提供。

Cooperation and coordination with other multilateral environmental agreements in the field of chemicals and wastes should be sought to increase the effectiveness of technical assistance and its delivery.


3. Developed country Parties and other Parties within their capabilities shall promote and facilitate, supported by the private sector and other relevant stakeholders as appropriate, development, transfer and diffusion of, and access to, up-to-date environmentally sound alternative technologies to developing country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, and Parties with economies in transition, to strengthen their capacity to effectively implement this Convention.

三、 发达国家缔约方和其他缔约方在其能力范围内,酌情在私营部门及其他相关利益攸关方的支持下,应向发展中国家缔约方、尤其是最不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家、以及经济转型缔约方推动和促进最新的环境无害化替代技术的开发、转让、普及和获取,以增强它们有效执行本公约的能力。

4. The Conference of the Parties shall, by its second meeting and thereafter on a regular basis, and taking into account submissions and reports from Parties including those as provided for in Article 21 and information provided by other stakeholders:

四、 缔约方大会应虑及缔约方提交的呈文和报告,包括按照第二十一条的规定提交的呈文和报告,以及其他利益攸关方提供的信息,在其第二次会议前并于嗣后定期:

(a) Consider information on existing initiatives and progress made in relation to alternative technologies;


(b) Consider the needs of Parties, particularly developing country Parties, for alternative technologies; and

(二)考虑缔约方、尤其是发展中国家缔约方对替代技术的需求; 以及

(c) Identify challenges experienced by Parties, particularly developing country Parties, in technology transfer.


5. The Conference of the Parties shall make recommendations on how capacity-building, technical assistance and technology transfer could be further enhanced under this Article.

五、 缔约方大会应就如何依照本条的规定进一步加强能力建设、技术援助和技术转让工作提出建议。

Article 15 Implementation and Compliance Committee

第十五条 履行与遵约委员会

1. A mechanism, including a Committee as a subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties, is hereby established to promote implementation of, and review compliance with, all provisions of this Convention.

一、 兹此设立一项机制,其中包括一个作为缔约方大会附属机构的委员会,负责推动本公约各项条款的履行并审查本公约各项条款的遵约情况。

The mechanism, including the Committee, shall be facilitative in nature and shall pay particular attention to the respective national capabilities and circumstances of Parties.


2. The Committee shall promote implementation of, and review compliance with, all provisions of this Convention.

二、 委员会应促进本公约所有条款的履行,并审议所有条款的遵守。

The Committee shall examine both individual and systemic issues of implementation and compliance and make recommendations, as appropriate, to the Conference of the Parties.


3. The Committee shall consist of 15 members, nominated by Parties and elected by the Conference of the Parties, with due consideration to equitable geographical representation based on the five regions of the United Nations; the first members shall be elected at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties and thereafter in accordance with the rules of procedure approved by the Conference of the Parties pursuant to paragraph 5; the members of the Committee shall have competence in a field relevant to this Convention and reflect an appropriate balance of expertise.

三、 委员会应当在充分考虑以联合国五大区域为基础的公平地域代表性原则的情况下,由缔约方提名并由缔约方大会选出的15名成员组成;其首批成员应在缔约方大会第一次会议上选举产生,并于嗣后依照缔约方大会根据第五款批准的议事规则选举产生;委员会各成员应当在与本公约相关的某一领域内具有专业能力,而且委员会的成员构成应能反映出专业知识间的适当平衡。

4. The Committee may consider issues on the basis of:

四、 委员会可在如下基础上考虑问题:

(a) Written submissions from any Party with respect to its own compliance;


(b) National reports in accordance with Article 21; and


(c) Requests from the Conference of the Parties.


5. The Committee shall elaborate its rules of procedure, which shall be subject to approval by the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties; the Conference of the Parties may adopt further terms of reference for the Committee.

五、 委员会应当详细制订其议事规则,供缔约方大会在其第二次会议上批准;缔约方大会可通过委员会的进一步的工作大纲。

6. The Committee shall make every effort to adopt its recommendations by consensus.

六、 委员会应尽一切努力以协商一致的方式通过其建议。

If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted and no consensus is reached, such recommendations shall as a last resort be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of the members present and voting, based on a quorum of two-thirds of the members.


Article 16 Health aspects

第十六条 健康方面

1. Parties are encouraged to:

一、 鼓励各缔约方:

(a) Promote the development and implementation of strategies and programmes to identify and protect populations at risk, particularly vulnerable populations, and which may include adopting science-based health guidelines relating to the exposure to mercury and mercury compounds, setting targets for mercury exposure reduction, where appropriate, and public education, with the participation of public health and other involved sectors;


(b) Promote the development and implementation of science-based educational and preventive programmes on occupational exposure to mercury and mercury compounds;


(c) Promote appropriate health-care services for prevention, treatment and care for populations affected by the exposure to mercury or mercury compounds; and


(d) Establish and strengthen, as appropriate, the institutional and health professional capacities for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of health risks related to the exposure to mercury and mercury compounds.


2. The Conference of the Parties, in considering health-related issues or activities, should:

二、 在考虑与健康有关的议题或活动时,缔约方大会应:

(a) Consult and collaborate with the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organization and other relevant intergovernmental organizations, as appropriate; and


(b) Promote cooperation and exchange of information with the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organization and other relevant intergovernmental organizations, as appropriate.


Article 17 Information exchange

第十七条 信息交流

1. Each Party shall facilitate the exchange of:

一、 各缔约方应促进以下信息的交流:

(a) Scientific, technical, economic and legal information concerning mercury and mercury compounds, including toxicological, ecotoxicological and safety information;


(b) Information on the reduction or elimination of the production, use, trade, emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds;


(c) Information on technically and economically viable alternatives to:


(i) Mercury-added products;

1. 添汞产品;

(ii) Manufacturing processes in which mercury or mercury compounds are used; and

2. 使用汞或汞化合物的生产工艺;以及

(iii) Activities and processes that emit or release mercury or mercury compounds;

3. 排放或释放汞或汞化合物的活动和工艺;

including information on the health and environmental risks and economic and social costs and benefits of such alternatives; and


(d) Epidemiological information concerning health impacts associated with exposure to mercury and mercury compounds, in close cooperation with the World Health Organization and other relevant organizations, as appropriate.


2. Parties may exchange the information referred to in paragraph 1 directly, through the Secretariat, or in cooperation with other relevant organizations, including the secretariats of chemicals and wastes conventions, as appropriate.

二、 缔约方可直接、或通过秘书处、或酌情与其他相关组织,包括化学品和废物公约的秘书处合作,交流第一款所述及的信息 。

3. The Secretariat shall facilitate cooperation in the exchange of information referred to in this Article, as well as with relevant organizations, including the secretariats of multilateral environmental agreements and other international initiatives.

三、 秘书处应促进本条所述信息交流方面的合作,同时促进与相关组织之间的合作,包括多边环境协定以及其他国际倡议的秘书处。

In addition to information from Parties, this information shall include information from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations with expertise in the area of mercury, and from national and international institutions with such expertise.


4. Each Party shall designate a national focal point for the exchange of information under this Convention, including with regard to the consent of importing Parties under Article 3.

四、 各缔约方均应指定一个国家联络点,负责在本公约下交流信息,包括有关第三条所规定的进口缔约方同意问题的信息。

5. For the purposes of this Convention, information on the health and safety of humans and the environment shall not be regarded as confidential.

五、 就本公约而言,人体健康与安全以及环境方面的相关信息不得视为机密信息。

Parties that exchange other information pursuant to this Convention shall protect any confidential information as mutually agreed.


Article 18 Public information, awareness and education

第十八条 公共信息、认识和教育

1. Each Party shall, within its capabilities, promote and facilitate:

一、 各缔约方均应在其能力范围内推动和促进:

(a) Provision to the public of available information on:


(i) The health and environmental effects of mercury and mercury compounds;

1. 汞和汞化合物对健康和环境的影响;

(ii) Alternatives to mercury and mercury compounds;

2. 汞和汞化合物的替代品;

(iii) The topics identified in paragraph 1 of Article 17;

3. 第十七条第一款所确定的各项主题;

(iv) The results of its research, development and monitoring activities under Article 19; and

4. 第十九条所要求的研究、开发和监测活动的结果;以及

(v) Activities to meet its obligations under this Convention;

5. 为履行本公约各项义务而开展的活动;

(b) Education, training and public awareness related to the effects of exposure to mercury and mercury compounds on human health and the environment in collaboration with relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and vulnerable populations, as appropriate.


2. Each Party shall use existing mechanisms or give consideration to the development of mechanisms, such as pollutant release and transfer registers where applicable, for the collection and dissemination of information on estimates of its annual quantities of mercury and mercury compounds that are emitted, released or disposed of through human activities.

二、 每一缔约方均应利用现行机制或考虑建立相关机制,如在适用情况下建立污染物释放和转移登记簿等,以收集和传播其通过人为活动排放、释放或处置的汞和汞化合物的年度估计数量方面的相关信息。

Article 19 Research, development and monitoring

第十九条 研究、开发和监测

1. Parties shall endeavour to cooperate to develop and improve, taking into account their respective circumstances and capabilities:

一、 缔约方应考虑到其各自的国情和能力,努力合作开发并改进:

(a) Inventories of use, consumption, and anthropogenic emissions to air and releases to water and land of mercury and mercury compounds;


(b) Modelling and geographically representative monitoring of levels of mercury and mercury compounds in vulnerable populations and in environmental media, including biotic media such as fish, marine mammals, sea turtles and birds, as well as collaboration in the collection and exchange of relevant and appropriate samples;


(c) Assessments of the impact of mercury and mercury compounds on human health and the environment, in addition to social, economic and cultural impacts, particularly in respect of vulnerable populations;


(d) Harmonized methodologies for the activities undertaken under subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c);


(e) Information on the environmental cycle, transport (including long-range transport and deposition), transformation and fate of mercury and mercury compounds in a range of ecosystems, taking appropriate account of the distinction between anthropogenic and natural emissions and releases of mercury and of remobilization of mercury from historic deposition;


(f) Information on commerce and trade in mercury and mercury compounds and mercury-added products; and


(g) Information and research on the technical and economic availability of mercury-free products and processes and on best available techniques and best environmental practices to reduce and monitor emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds.


2. Parties should, where appropriate, build on existing monitoring networks and research programmes in undertaking the activities identified in paragraph 1.

二、 缔约方在开展本条第一款所确定的行动时,应酌情依托现有的监测网络和研究项目。

Article 20 Implementation plans

第二十条 实施计划

1. Each Party may, following an initial assessment, develop and execute an implementation plan, taking into account its domestic circumstances, for meeting the obligations under this Convention.

一、 每一缔约方在进行初步评估后,考虑到其本国国情,可制定并执行一项实施计划,用以履行本公约下的义务。

Any such plan should be transmitted to the Secretariat as soon as it has been developed.


2. Each Party may review and update its implementation plan, taking into account its domestic circumstances and referring to guidance from the Conference of the Parties and other relevant guidance.

二、 每一缔约方,虑及其国内情况并参考缔约方大会的指导意见及其他相关指导意见,可审查和更新其实施计划 。

3. Parties should, in undertaking work in paragraphs 1 and 2, consult national stakeholders to facilitate the development, implementation, review and updating of their implementation plans.

三、 在开展本条第一款和第二款所述工作时,缔约方应咨询本国利益攸关方,以促进其实施计划的制定、实施、审查和更新工作。

4. Parties may also coordinate on regional plans to facilitate implementation of this Convention.

四、 缔约方亦可围绕区域计划协调配合,以促进本公约的实施。

Article 21 Reporting

第二十一条 报告

1. Each Party shall report to the Conference of the Parties, through the Secretariat, on the measures it has taken to implement the provisions of this Convention and on the effectiveness of such measures and the possible challenges in meeting the objectives of the Convention.

一、 各缔约方均应通过秘书处向缔约方大会报告其为实施本公约各条款而采取的措施,并报告上述措施在实现本公约目标方面的成效以及可能遇到的挑战。

2. Each Party shall include in its reporting the information as called for in Articles 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 of this Convention.

二、 各缔约方均应在其报告中纳入本公约第三、五、七、八和九条所要求的信息。

3. The Conference of the Parties shall, at its first meeting, decide upon the timing and format of the reporting to be followed by the Parties, taking into account the desirability of coordinating reporting with other relevant chemicals and wastes conventions.

三、 缔约方大会应考虑与其他相关的化学品和废物公约协同报告是否可取,在其第一次会议上决定缔约方应遵守的报告时间与格式。

Article 22 Effectiveness evaluation

第二十二条 成效评估

1. The Conference of the Parties shall evaluate the effectiveness of this Convention, beginning no later than six years after the date of entry into force of the Convention and periodically thereafter at intervals to be decided by it.

一、 缔约方大会应在本公约生效后6年内开始,并于嗣后按照它所确定的时间间隔定期对本公约的成效进行评估。

2. To facilitate the evaluation, the Conference of the Parties shall, at its first meeting, initiate the establishment of arrangements for providing itself with comparable monitoring data on the presence and movement of mercury and mercury compounds in the environment as well as trends in levels of mercury and mercury compounds observed in biotic media and vulnerable populations.

二、 为便于开展评估工作,缔约方大会应在其第一次会议上着手做出安排,以为其提供以下方面的可比监测数据:环境中汞和汞化合物的存在和迁移情况,以及生物媒介和脆弱群体当中观察到的汞和汞化合物的含量趋势。

3. The evaluation shall be conducted on the basis of available scientific, environmental, technical, financial and economic information, including:

三、 评估工作应在现有的科学、环境、技术、财政和经济信息基础上进行,包括:

(a) Reports and other monitoring information provided to the Conference of the Parties pursuant to paragraph 2;


(b) Reports submitted pursuant to Article 21;


(c) Information and recommendations provided pursuant to Article 15; and


(d) Reports and other relevant information on the operation of the financial assistance, technology transfer and capacity-building arrangements put in place under this Convention.


Article 23 Conference of the Parties

第二十三条 缔约方大会

1. A Conference of the Parties is hereby established.

一、 兹此设立缔约方大会。

2. The first meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall be convened by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme no later than one year after the date of entry into force of this Convention.

二、 缔约方大会第一次会议应当自本公约生效日期起1年内由联合国环境规划署执行主任召集举行。

Thereafter, ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at regular intervals to be decided by the Conference.


3. Extraordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at such other times as may be deemed necessary by the Conference, or at the written request of any Party, provided that, within six months of the request being communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat, it is supported by at least one third of the Parties.

三、 缔约方大会的特别会议应当在缔约方大会认为必要的其他时间举行,或应任何缔约方的书面请求,在秘书处将该请求通报所有缔约方后的6个月内,并在该请求得到至少三分之一缔约方支持的情况下举行。

4. The Conference of the Parties shall by consensus agree upon and adopt at its first meeting rules of procedure and financial rules for itself and any of its subsidiary bodies, as well as financial provisions governing the functioning of the Secretariat.

四、 缔约方大会应当在其第一次会议上以协商一致的方式商定并通过缔约方大会及其任何附属机构的议事规则和财务细则,以及有关秘书处运作的财务条例。

5. The Conference of the Parties shall keep under continuous review and evaluation the implementation of this Convention. It shall perform the functions assigned to it by this Convention and, to that end, shall:

五、 缔约方大会应不断审查和评价本公约的实施情况和履行本公约为其规定的各项职责,并应为此目的:

(a) Establish such subsidiary bodies as it considers necessary for the implementation of this Convention;


(b) Cooperate, where appropriate, with competent international organizations and intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies;


(c) Regularly review all information made available to it and to the Secretariat pursuant to Article 21;


(d) Consider any recommendations submitted to it by the Implementation and Compliance Committee;


(e) Consider and undertake any additional action that may be required for the achievement of the objectives of this Convention; and


(f) Review Annexes A and B pursuant to Article 4 and Article 5.


6. The United Nations, its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any State not a Party to this Convention, may be represented at meetings of the Conference of the Parties as observers.

六、 联合国及其专门机构、国际原子能机构以及任何非本公约缔约方的国家均可作为观察员出席缔约方大会的会议。

Any body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, that is qualified in matters covered by this Convention and has informed the Secretariat of its wish to be represented at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties as an observer may be admitted unless at least one third of the Parties present object.


The admission and participation of observers shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties.


Article 24 Secretariat

第二十四条 秘书处

1. A Secretariat is hereby established.

一、 兹此设立秘书处。

2. The functions of the Secretariat shall be:

二、 秘书处的职能应当包括:

(a) To make arrangements for meetings of the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies and to provide them with services as required;


(b) To facilitate assistance to Parties, particularly developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition, on request, in the implementation of this Convention;


(c) To coordinate, as appropriate, with the secretariats of relevant international bodies, particularly other chemicals and waste conventions;


(d) To assist Parties in the exchange of information related to the implementation of this Convention;


(e) To prepare and make available to the Parties periodic reports based on information received pursuant to Articles 15 and 21 and other available information;

(五) 基于根据第十五条和第二十一条收到的信息以及其他现有信息,定期编制并向缔约方提交报告;

(f) To enter, under the overall guidance of the Conference of the Parties, into such administrative and contractual arrangements as may be required for the effective discharge of its functions; and


(g) To perform the other secretariat functions specified in this Convention and such other functions as may be determined by the Conference of the Parties.


3. The secretariat functions for this Convention shall be performed by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, unless the Conference of the Parties decides, by a three-fourths majority of the Parties present and voting, to entrust the secretariat functions to one or more other international organizations.

三、 本公约的秘书处职能应当由联合国环境规划署执行主任负责履行,除非缔约方大会以出席会议并参加表决的缔约方的四分之三多数票决定委托另一个或几个国际组织履行上述职能。

4. The Conference of the Parties, in consultation with appropriate international bodies, may provide for enhanced cooperation and coordination between the Secretariat and the secretariats of other chemicals and wastes conventions.

四、 缔约方大会,经与适当国际机构磋商,可加强秘书处与其他化学品和废物公约秘书处之间的合作与协调。

The Conference of the Parties, in consultation with appropriate international bodies, may provide further guidance on this matter.


Article 25 Settlement of disputes

第二十五条 争端解决

1. Parties shall seek to settle any dispute between them concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention through negotiation or other peaceful means of their own choice.

一、 缔约方应争取通过谈判或其自行选择的其他和平方式解决彼此之间因本公约的解释或适用问题而产生的任何争端。

2. When ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to this Convention, or at any time thereafter, a Party that is not a regional economic integration organization may declare in a written instrument submitted to the Depositary that, with regard to any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, it recognizes one or both of the following means of dispute settlement as compulsory in relation to any Party accepting the same obligation:

二、 非区域经济一体化组织的缔约方在批准、接受、核准或加入本公约时,或在其后任何时候,可在交给保存人的一份书面文书中声明,对于因本公约的解释或适用问题而产生的任何争端,该缔约方承认在涉及接受同样义务的任何其他缔约方时,下列一种或两种争端解决方式具有强制性:

(a) Arbitration in accordance with the procedure set out in Part I of Annex E;


(b) Submission of the dispute to the International Court of Justice.


3. A Party that is a regional economic integration organization may make a declaration with like effect in relation to arbitration in accordance with paragraph 2.

三、 区域经济一体化组织缔约方可针对第二款所述裁决方式,发表类似的声明。

4. A declaration made pursuant to paragraph 2 or 3 shall remain in force until it expires in accordance with its terms or until three months after written notice of its revocation has been deposited with the Depositary.

四、 依照第二款或第三款所发表的声明,在其中所规定的有效期内或自其撤销声明的书面通知交存于保存人后3个月内,应一直有效。

5. The expiry of a declaration, a notice of revocation or a new declaration shall in no way affect proceedings pending before an arbitral tribunal or the International Court of Justice, unless the parties to the dispute otherwise agree.

五、 除非争端各方另有协议,否则声明的失效、撤销声明的通知或作出新的声明均不得在任何方面影响仲裁庭或国际法院正在进行的审理。

6. If the parties to a dispute have not accepted the same means of dispute settlement pursuant to paragraph 2 or 3, and if they have not been able to settle their dispute through the means mentioned in paragraph 1 within twelve months following notification by one Party to another that a dispute exists between them, the dispute shall be submitted to a conciliation commission at the request of any party to the dispute.

六、 如果争端各方尚未依照第二款或第三款接受同样的争端解决方法,且它们未能在一方通知另一方它们之间存在争端后的12个月内根据第一款规定的方式解决争端,则该争端应在争端任何一方的要求之下提交调解委员会。

The procedure set out in Part II of Annex E shall apply to conciliation under this Article.


Article 26 Amendments to the Convention

第二十六条 公约的修正

1. Amendments to this Convention may be proposed by any Party.

一、 任何缔约方均可针对本公约提出修正案。

2. Amendments to this Convention shall be adopted at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

二、 本公约的修正案应在缔约方大会的会议上通过。

The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption.


The Secretariat shall also communicate the proposed amendment to the signatories to this Convention and, for information, to the Depositary.


3. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to this Convention by consensus.

三、 缔约方应尽一切努力以协商一致的方式就针对本公约提出的任何修正案达成协议。

If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the amendment shall as a last resort be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting.


4. An adopted amendment shall be communicated by the Depositary to all Parties for ratification, acceptance or approval.

四、 已获通过的修正案应由保存人通报所有缔约方,供其批准、接受或核准。

5. Ratification, acceptance or approval of an amendment shall be notified to the Depositary in writing.

五、 对修正案的批准、接受或核准应以书面形式通知保存人。

An amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph 3 shall enter into force for the Parties having consented to be bound by it on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval by at least three-fourths of the Parties that were Parties at the time at which the amendment was adopted.


Thereafter, the amendment shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after the date on which that Party deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of the amendment.


Article 27 Adoption and amendment of annexes

第二十七条 附件的通过和修正

1. Annexes to this Convention shall form an integral part thereof and, unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to this Convention constitutes at the same time a reference to any annexes thereto.

一、 本公约各项附件构成本公约不可分割的组成部分。 除非另有明文规定,凡提及本公约时,亦包括其所有附件在内。

2. Any additional annexes adopted after the entry into force of this Convention shall be restricted to procedural, scientific, technical or administrative matters.

二、 在本公约生效之后通过的任何增补附件均应仅限于程序、科学、技术或行政事项。

3. The following procedure shall apply to the proposal, adoption and entry into force of additional annexes to this Convention:

三、 下列程序应适用于本公约增补附件的提出、通过和生效:

(a) Additional annexes shall be proposed and adopted according to the procedure laid down in paragraphs 13 of Article 26;

(一) 增补附件应按照第二十六条第一至第三款规定的程序提出和通过;

(b) Any Party that is unable to accept an additional annex shall so notify the Depositary, in writing, within one year from the date of communication by the Depositary of the adoption of such annex.


The Depositary shall without delay notify all Parties of any such notification received.


A Party may at any time notify the Depositary, in writing, that it withdraws a previous notification of non-acceptance in respect of an additional annex, and the annex shall thereupon enter into force for that Party subject to subparagraph (c); and


(c) On the expiry of one year from the date of the communication by the Depositary of the adoption of an additional annex, the annex shall enter into force for all Parties that have not submitted a notification of non-acceptance in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (b).


4. The proposal, adoption and entry into force of amendments to annexes to this Convention shall be subject to the same procedures as for the proposal, adoption and entry into force of additional annexes to the Convention, except that an amendment to an annex shall not enter into force with regard to any Party that has made a declaration with regard to amendment of annexes in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 30, in which case any such amendment shall enter into force for such a Party on the ninetieth day after the date it has deposited with the Depositary its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with respect to such amendment.

四、 本公约各附件修正案的提出、通过和生效均应与本公约增补附件的提出、通过和生效遵循相同的程序,但如果任何缔约方已按照第三十条第五款的规定就附件修正案作出声明,则该附件修正案不得对该缔约方生效。 此种情况下,任何此类修正案均将自该缔约方向保存人交存该修正案的批准、接受、核准或加入文书之日起的第90天起对该缔约方生效。

5. If an additional annex or an amendment to an annex is related to an amendment to this Convention, the additional annex or amendment shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to the Convention enters into force.

五、 若某新增附件或某附件的修正案与本公约某个修正案有关,则在本公约上述修正案生效以前,该新增附件或附件修正案不得生效。

Article 28 Right to vote

第二十八条 表决权

1. Each Party to this Convention shall have one vote, except as provided for in paragraph 2.

一、 除第二款规定者外,本公约各缔约方均拥有一票表决权。

2. A regional economic integration organization, on matters within its competence, shall exercise its right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of its member States that are Parties to this Convention.

二、 区域经济一体化组织在就其权限范围内的事项行使表决权时,其票数应与其作为本公约缔约方的成员国数目相同。

Such an organization shall not exercise its right to vote if any of its member States exercises its right to vote, and vice versa.


Article 29 Signature

第二十九条 签署

This Convention shall be opened for signature at Kumamoto, Japan, by all States and regional economic integration organizations on 10 and 11 October 2013, and thereafter at the United Nations Headquarters in New York until 9 October 2014.


Article 30 Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

第三十条 批准、接受、核准或加入

1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by States and by regional economic integration organizations.

一、 本公约须经各国和各区域经济一体化组织批准、接受或核准。

It shall be open for accession by States and by regional economic integration organizations from the day after the date on which the Convention is closed for signature.


Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.


2. Any regional economic integration organization that becomes a Party to this Convention without any of its member States being a Party shall be bound by all the obligations under the Convention.

二、 任何已成为本公约缔约方、但其成员国却均未成为缔约方的区域经济一体化组织,均应受本公约所规定的一切义务约束。

In the case of such organizations, one or more of whose member States is a Party to this Convention, the organization and its member States shall decide on their respective responsibilities for the performance of their obligations under the Convention.


In such cases, the organization and the member States shall not be entitled to exercise rights under the Convention concurrently.


3. In its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, a regional economic integration organization shall declare the extent of its competence in respect of the matters governed by this Convention.

三、 区域经济一体化组织应当在其批准、接受、核准或加入文书中声明其在本公约所规定事项上的权限范围。

Any such organization shall also inform the Depositary, who shall in turn inform the Parties, of any relevant modification of the extent of its competence.


4. Each State or regional economic integration organization is encouraged to transmit to the Secretariat at the time of its ratification, acceptance, approval or accession of the Convention information on its measures to implement the Convention.

四、 鼓励每一国家或区域经济一体化组织在其批准、接受、核准或加入本公约时向秘书处转交其关于为执行本公约而采取的措施的信息。

5. In its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, any Party may declare that, with regard to it, any amendment to an annex shall enter into force only upon the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with respect thereto.

五、 任何缔约方均可在其批准、接受、核准或加入文书中声明,就该缔约方而言,对某一附件的任何修正只有在其交存了批准、接受、核准或加入文书之后方能对其生效。

Article 31 Entry into force

第三十一条 生效

1. This Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit of the fiftieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

一、 本公约应自第50份批准、接受、核准或加入文书交存之日起第90天开始生效。

2. For each State or regional economic integration organization that ratifies, accepts or approves this Convention or accedes thereto after the deposit of the fiftieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit by such State or regional economic integration organization of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

二、 对于在第50份批准、接受、核准或加入文书交存之后批准、接受、核准本公约或加入本公约的各国家或区域经济一体化组织,本公约应自该国或该区域经济一体化组织交存其批准、接受、核准或加入文书之日起第90天开始生效。

3. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2, any instrument deposited by a regional economic integration organization shall not be counted as additional to those deposited by member States of that organization.

三、 就第一款和第二款而言,区域经济一体化组织所交存的任何文书均不得视为该组织成员国所交存文书之外的额外文书。

Article 32 Reservations

第三十二条 保留

No reservations may be made to this Convention.


Article 33 Withdrawal

第三十三条 退出

1. At any time after three years from the date on which this Convention has entered into force for a Party, that Party may withdraw from the Convention by giving written notification to the Depositary.

一、 自本公约对某一缔约方生效之日起3年后,该缔约方可随时向保存人发出书面通知,退出本公约。

2. Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of one year from the date of receipt by the Depositary of the notification of withdrawal, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification of withdrawal.

二、 任何此种退出均应在保存人收到退出通知之日起1年后开始生效,或在退出通知中可能指定的一个更晚日期开始生效。

Article 34 Depositary

第三十四条 保存人

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the Depositary of this Convention.


Article 35 Authentic texts

第三十五条 作准文本

The original of this Convention, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Depositary.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Convention.


Done at Kumamoto, Japan, on this tenth day of October, two thousand and thirteen.


Annex A


Mercury-added products


The following products are excluded from this Annex:


Products essential for civil protection and military uses;


Products for research, calibration of instrumentation, for use as reference standard;


Where no feasible mercury-free alternative for replacement is available, switches and relays, cold cathode fluorescent lamps and external electrode fluorescent lamps (CCFL and EEFL) for electronic displays, and measuring devices;


Products used in traditional or religious practices; and


Vaccines containing thiomersal as preservatives.


Part I: Products subject to Article 4, paragraph 1


Mercury-added products


Date after which the manufacture, import or export of the product shall not be allowed (phase-out date)

开始禁止产品生产、进口或出口的时间 (淘汰日期)

Batteries, except for button zinc silver oxide batteries with a mercury content < 2% and button zinc air batteries with a mercury content < 2%


Switches and relays, except very high accuracy capacitance and loss measurement bridges and high frequency radio frequency switches and relays in monitoring and control instruments with a maximum mercury content of 20 mg per bridge, switch or relay


Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) for general lighting purposes that are 30 watts with a mercury content exceeding 5 mg per lamp burner


Linear fluorescent lamps (LFLs) for general lighting purposes:


Triband phosphor < 60 watts with a mercury content exceeding 5 mg per lamp;


Halophosphate phosphor 40 watts with a mercury content exceeding 10 mg per lamp


High pressure mercury vapour lamps (HPMV) for general lighting purposes


Mercury in cold cathode fluorescent lamps and external electrode fluorescent lamps (CCFL and EEFL) for electronic displays:


(a) short length ( 500 mm) with mercury content exceeding 3.5 mg per lamp


(b) medium length (> 500 mm and 1 500 mm) with mercury content exceeding 5 mg per lamp

(二)中等长度(>500毫米且≤ 1500 毫米),单支含汞量超过5毫克

(c) long length (> 1 500 mm) with mercury content exceeding 13 mg per lamp


Cosmetics (with mercury content above 1ppm), including skin lightening soaps and creams, and not including eye area cosmetics where mercury is used as a preservative and no effective and safe substitute preservatives are available


Pesticides, biocides and topical antiseptics


The following non-electronic measuring devices except non-electronic measuring devices installed in large-scale equipment or those used for high precision measurement, where no suitable mercury-free alternative is available:


(a) barometers;


(b) hygrometers;


(c) manometers;


(d) thermometers;


(e) sphygmomanometers.


The intention is not to cover cosmetics, soaps or creams with trace contaminants of mercury.


Part II: Products subject to Article 4, paragraph 3


Mercury-added products




Dental amalgam


Measures to be taken by a Party to phase down the use of dental amalgam shall take into account the Partys domestic circumstances and relevant international guidance and shall include two or more of the measures from the following list:


Setting national objectives aiming at dental caries prevention and health promotion, thereby minimizing the need for dental restoration;


(ii) Setting national objectives aiming at minimizing its use;

() 制定旨在尽最大限度减少牙科汞合金使用的国家目标;

(iii) Promoting the use of cost-effective and clinically effective mercury-free alternatives for dental restoration;

() 推动使用具有成本效益且有临床疗效的无汞替代品进行牙科修复;

(iv) Promoting research and development of quality mercury-free materials for dental restoration;

() 推动研究和开发高质量的无汞材料用于牙科修复;

(v) Encouraging representative professional organizations and dental schools to educate and train dental professionals and students on the use of mercury-free dental restoration alternatives and on promoting best management practices;

() 鼓励有代表性的专业机构和牙科学校就无汞牙科修复替代材料的使用及最佳管理实践的推广,对牙科专业人员和学生进行教育和培训;

(vi) Discouraging insurance policies and programmes that favour dental amalgam use over mercury-free dental restoration;

() 不鼓励在牙科修复中优先使用牙科汞合金而非无汞材料的保险政策和方案;

(vii) Encouraging insurance policies and programmes that favour the use of quality alternatives to dental amalgam for dental restoration;

() 鼓励在牙科修复中优先使用高质量的替代材料而非牙科汞合金的保险政策和方案;

(viii) Restricting the use of dental amalgam to its encapsulated form;

() 规定牙科汞合金只能以封装形式使用;

(ix) Promoting the use of best environmental practices in dental facilities to reduce releases of mercury and mercury compounds to water and land.

() 推动在牙科设施中采用最佳环境实践,以减少汞和汞化合物向水和土地的释放。

Annex B


Manufacturing processes in which mercury or mercury compounds are used


Part I: Processes subject to Article 5, paragraph 2


Manufacturing processes using mercury or mercury compounds


Phase-out date


Chlor-alkali production


Acetaldehyde production in which mercury or mercury compounds are used as a catalyst


Part II: Processes subject to Article 5, paragraph 3

第二部分: 受第五条第三款管制的工艺

Mercury using process




Vinyl chloride monomer production


Measures to be taken by the Parties shall include but not be limited to:


Reduce the use of mercury in terms of per unit production by 50 per cent by the year 2020 against 2010 use;


Promoting measures to reduce the reliance on mercury from primary mining;


Taking measures to reduce emissions and releases of mercury to the environment;


Supporting research and development in respect of mercury-free catalysts and processes;


Not allowing the use of mercury five years after the Conference of the Parties has established that mercury-free catalysts based on existing processes have become technically and economically feasible;

在缔约方大会确定基于现有工艺无汞催化剂技 术和经济均可行5年后,不允许继续使用汞;

Reporting to the Conference of the Parties on its efforts to develop and/or identify alternatives and phase out mercury use in accordance with Article 21.


Sodium or Potassium Methylate or Ethylate


Measures to be taken by the Parties shall include but not be limited to:

拟由缔约方采取的措施应当包括、但不限于如下各项 :

Measures to reduce the use of mercury aiming at the phase out of this use as fast as possible and within 10 years of the entry into force of the Convention;

(一)采取措施减少汞的使用,争取尽快、且在本公约 开始生效之后10年之内淘汰这一使用;

Reduce emissions and releases in terms of per unit production by 50 per cent by 2020 compared to 2010;


Prohibiting the use of fresh mercury from primary mining;


Supporting research and development in respect of mercury-free processes;


Not allowing the use of mercury five years after the Conference of the Parties has established that mercury-free processes have become technically and economically feasible;


Reporting to the Conference of the Parties on its efforts to develop and/or identify alternatives and phase out mercury use in accordance with Article 21.


Production of polyurethane using mercury containing catalysts


Measures to be taken by the Parties shall include but not be limited to:


Taking measures to reduce the use of mercury, aiming at the phase out of this use as fast as possible, within 10 years of the entry into force of the Convention;


Taking measures to reduce the reliance on mercury from primary mercury mining;


Taking measures to reduce emissions and releases of mercury to the environment;


Encouraging research and development in respect of mercury-free catalysts and processes;


Reporting to the Conference of the Parties on its efforts to develop and/or identify alternatives and phase out mercury use in accordance with Article 21.


Paragraph 6 of Article 5 shall not apply to this manufacturing process.


Annex C


Artisanal and small-scale gold mining


National action plans


1. Each Party that is subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 7 shall include in its national action plan:

一、 适用第七条第三款规定的每一缔约方均应在其国家行动计划中纳入:

(a) National objectives and reduction targets;


(b) Actions to eliminate:


(i) Whole ore amalgamation;

1. 整体矿石汞齐化;

(ii) Open burning of amalgam or processed amalgam;

2. 露天焚烧汞合金或经过加工的汞合金;

(iii) Burning of amalgam in residential areas; and

3. 在居民区焚烧汞合金;以及

(iv) Cyanide leaching in sediment, ore or tailings to which mercury has been added without first removing the mercury;

4. 在没有首先去除汞的情况下,对添加了汞的沉积物、矿石或尾矿石进行氰化物沥滤;

(c) Steps to facilitate the formalization or regulation of the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector;


(d) Baseline estimates of the quantities of mercury used and the practices employed in artisanal and small-scale gold mining and processing within its territory;


(e) Strategies for promoting the reduction of emissions and releases of, and exposure to, mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold mining and processing, including mercury-free methods;


(f) Strategies for managing trade and preventing the diversion of mercury and mercury compounds from both foreign and domestic sources to use in artisanal and small scale gold mining and processing;


(g) Strategies for involving stakeholders in the implementation and continuing development of the national action plan;


(h) A public health strategy on the exposure of artisanal and small-scale gold miners and their communities to mercury.


Such a strategy should include, inter alia, the gathering of health data, training for health-care workers and awareness-raising through health facilities;


(i) Strategies to prevent the exposure of vulnerable populations, particularly children and women of child-bearing age, especially pregnant women, to mercury used in artisanal and small-scale gold mining;


(j) Strategies for providing information to artisanal and small-scale gold miners and affected communities; and


(k) A schedule for the implementation of the national action plan.


2. Each Party may include in its national action plan additional strategies to achieve its objectives, including the use or introduction of standards for mercury-free artisanal and small-scale gold mining and market-based mechanisms or marketing tools.

二、 每一缔约方均可在其国家行动计划中纳入为实现其目标而制定的额外战略,包括采用或引进无汞手工和小规模采金标准以及市场化的机制或营销手段。

Annex D


List of point sources of emissions of mercury and mercury compounds to the atmosphere


Point source category:


Coal-fired power plants;


Coal-fired industrial boilers;


Smelting and roasting processes used in the production of non-ferrous metals;


Waste incineration facilities;


Cement clinker production facilities.


For the purpose of this Annex, non-ferrous metals refers to lead, zinc, copper and industrial gold.


Annex E


Arbitration and conciliation procedures


Part I: Arbitration procedure


The arbitration procedure for purposes of paragraph 2 (a) of Article 25 of this Convention shall be as follows:


Article 1


1. A Party may initiate recourse to arbitration in accordance with Article 25 of this Convention by written notification addressed to the other party or parties to the dispute.

一、 任何缔约方均可根据本公约第二十五条以书面形式通知争端的其他当事方,将争端交付仲裁。

The notification shall be accompanied by a statement of claim, together with any supporting documents. Such notification shall state the subject matter of arbitration and include, in particular, the Articles of this Convention the interpretation or application of which are at issue.


2. The claimant party shall notify the Secretariat that it is referring a dispute to arbitration pursuant to Article 25 of this Convention.

二、 原告一方应向秘书处发出通知,说明其正在依照本公约第二十五条的规定将争端提交仲裁。

The notification shall be accompanied by the written notification of the claimant party, the statement of claim, and the supporting documents referred to in paragraph 1 above.


The Secretariat shall forward the information thus received to all Parties.


Article 2


1. If a dispute is referred to arbitration in accordance with Article 1 above, an arbitral tribunal shall be established.

一、 如果按照以上第一条将争端交付仲裁,应为此设立仲裁庭。

It shall consist of three members.


2. Each party to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator, and the two arbitrators so appointed shall designate by agreement the third arbitrator, who shall be the President of the tribunal.

二、 争端所涉各方均应指派仲裁员一名,其以此种方式指派的这两名仲裁员应协议指定第三名仲裁员,并应由该名仲裁员担任仲裁庭庭长。

In disputes between more than two parties, parties in the same interest shall appoint one arbitrator jointly by agreement.


The President of the tribunal shall not be a national of any of the parties to the dispute, nor have his or her usual place of residence in the territory of any of these parties, nor be employed by any of them, nor have dealt with the case in any other capacity.


3. Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment.

三、 仲裁员的任何空缺均应以最初的指派方式予以填补。

Article 3


1. If one of the parties to the dispute does not appoint an arbitrator within two months of the date on which the respondent party receives the notification of the arbitration, the other party may inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall make the designation within a further two-month period.

一、 如果争端当事方之一在被告一方接获仲裁通知2个月之内仍未指派其仲裁员,则另一当事方可就此通知联合国秘书长,秘书长应于其后2个月内指定一名仲裁员。

2. If the President of the arbitral tribunal has not been designated within two months of the date of the appointment of the second arbitrator, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall, at the request of a party, designate the President within a further two-month period.

二、 如自指派第二名仲裁员的日期起2个月内仍未指定仲裁庭庭长,则应由联合国秘书长,经任何一方的请求,在其后的2个月内指定仲裁庭庭长。

Article 4


The arbitral tribunal shall render its decisions in accordance with the provisions of this Convention and international law.


Article 5


Unless the parties to the dispute otherwise agree, the arbitral tribunal shall determine its own rules of procedure.


Article 6


The arbitral tribunal may, at the request of one of the parties to the dispute, recommend essential interim measures of protection.


Article 7


The parties to the dispute shall facilitate the work of the arbitral tribunal and, in particular, using all means at their disposal, shall:


(a) Provide it with all relevant documents, information and facilities; and


(b) Enable it, when necessary, to call witnesses or experts and receive their evidence.


Article 8


The parties to the dispute and the arbitrators are under an obligation to protect the confidentiality of any information or documents that they receive in confidence during the proceedings of the arbitral tribunal.


Article 9


Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case, the costs of the tribunal shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares.


The tribunal shall keep a record of all its costs and shall furnish a final statement thereof to the parties.


Article 10


A Party that has an interest of a legal nature in the subject matter of the dispute that may be affected by the decision may intervene in the proceedings with the consent of the arbitral tribunal.


Article 11


The arbitral tribunal may hear and determine counterclaims arising directly out of the subject matter of the dispute.


Article 12


Decisions of the arbitral tribunal on both procedure and substance shall be taken by a majority vote of its members.


Article 13


1. If one of the parties to the dispute does not appear before the arbitral tribunal or fails to defend its case, the other party may request the tribunal to continue the proceedings and to make its decision.

一、 如果争端的当事方之一不出庭或未能做出答辩,则另一当事方可要求仲裁庭继续进行仲裁程序并做出裁决。

Absence of a party or a failure of a party to defend its case shall not constitute a bar to the proceedings.

一方缺席或未能做出答辩, 不得成为停止仲裁程序的理由。

2. Before rendering its final decision, the arbitral tribunal must satisfy itself that the claim is well founded in fact and law.

二、 仲裁庭在做出最后裁决之前,必须确切查明所提出的追索要求在事实和法律上均有确切的依据。

Article 14


The arbitral tribunal shall render its final decision within five months of the date on which it is fully constituted, unless it finds it necessary to extend the time limit for a period that should not exceed five more months.


Article 15


The final decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be confined to the subject matter of the dispute and shall state the reasons on which it is based.


It shall contain the names of the members who have participated and the date of the final decision.


Any member of the tribunal may attach a separate or dissenting opinion to the final decision.


Article 16


The final decision shall be binding on the parties to the dispute.


The interpretation of this Convention given by the final decision shall also be binding upon a Party intervening under Article 10 above insofar as it relates to matters in respect of which that Party intervened.


The final decision shall be without appeal unless the parties to the dispute have agreed in advance to an appellate procedure.


Article 17


Any disagreement that may arise between those bound by the final decision in accordance with Article 16 above, as regards the interpretation or manner of implementation of that final decision, may be submitted by any of them for decision to the arbitral tribunal that rendered it.

按照上文第十六条受最后裁决约束的当事方之间如对最后裁决的解释或其执行方 式发生任何争执,其中任何一方均可就此提请做出裁决的仲裁庭对之做出裁定。

Part II: Conciliation procedure


The conciliation procedure for purposes of paragraph 6 of Article 25 of this Convention shall be as follows:


Article 1


A request by a party to a dispute to establish a conciliation commission pursuant to paragraph 6 of Article 25 of this Convention shall be addressed in writing to the Secretariat, with a copy to the other party or parties to the dispute.


The Secretariat shall forthwith inform all Parties accordingly.


Article 2


1. The conciliation commission shall, unless the parties to the dispute otherwise agree, comprise three members, one appointed by each party concerned and a President chosen jointly by those members.

一、 除非争端各方另有协议,否则调解委员会应由3名成员组成, 由每一有关缔约方分别指定一名成员并由这些成员共同选定一名委员会主席。

2. In disputes between more than two parties, parties in the same interest shall appoint their member of the commission jointly by agreement.

二、 对于涉及2个以上当事方的争端,所涉利害关系相同的当事方应通过协议共同指派其调解委员会成员。

Article 3


If any appointment by the parties to the dispute is not made within two months of the date of receipt by the Secretariat of the written request referred to in Article 1 above, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall, upon request by any party, make such appointment within a further two-month period.


Article 4


If the President of the conciliation commission has not been chosen within two months of the appointment of the second member of the commission, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall, upon request by any party to the dispute, designate the President within a further two-month period.


Article 5


The conciliation commission shall assist the parties to the dispute in an independent and impartial manner in their attempt to reach an amicable resolution.


Article 6


1. The conciliation commission may conduct the conciliation proceedings in such a manner as it considers appropriate, taking fully into account the circumstances of the case and the views the parties to the dispute may express, including any request for a swift resolution.

一、 调解委员会可按自认为合适的方式执行调解程序,同时充分考虑到案件的情况和争端当事各方希望表达的意见,包括其提出的任何关于迅速解决争端的要求。

It may adopt its own rules of procedure as necessary, unless the parties otherwise agree.


2. The conciliation commission may, at any time during the proceedings, make proposals or recommendations for a resolution of the dispute.

二、 调解委员会在调解程序期间的任何时候均可以提出关于解决争端的提议或建议。

Article 7


The parties to the dispute shall cooperate with the conciliation commission.


In particular, they shall endeavour to comply with requests by the commission to submit written materials, provide evidence and attend meetings.


The parties and the members of the conciliation commission are under an obligation to protect the confidentiality of any information or documents they receive in confidence during the proceedings of the commission.


Article 8


The conciliation commission shall take its decisions by a majority vote of its members.


Article 9


Unless the dispute has already been resolved, the conciliation commission shall render a report with recommendations for resolution of the dispute no later than twelve months of being fully constituted, which the parties to the dispute shall consider in good faith.


Article 10


Any disagreement as to whether the conciliation commission has competence to consider a matter referred to it shall be decided by the commission.


Article 11


The costs of the conciliation commission shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares, unless they agree otherwise.


The commission shall keep a record of all its costs and shall furnish a final statement thereof to the parties.
