Vienna_CONVENTIONe.docx The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer




The Parties to this Convention,


Aware of the potentially harmful impact on human health and the environment through modification of the ozone layer,


Recalling the pertinent provisions of the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, and in particular principle 21, which provides that “States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction”,


Taking into account the circumstances and particular requirements of developing countries,


Mindful of the work and studies proceeding within both international and national organizations and, in particular, of the World Plan of Action on the Ozone Layer of the United Nations Environment Programme,


Mindful also of the precautionary measures for the protection of the ozone layer which have already been taken at the national and international levels,


Aware that measures to protect the ozone layer from modifications due to human activities require international co-operation and action, and should be based on relevant scientific and technical considerations,


Aware also of the need for further research and systematic observations to further develop scientific knowledge of the ozone layer and possible adverse effects resulting from its modification,


Determined to protect human health and the environment against adverse effects resulting from modifications of the ozone layer,




Article 1: Definitions


For the purposes of this Convention:


1. “The ozone layer” means the layer of atmospheric ozone above the planetary boundary layer.

1. “臭氧层是指行星边界层以上的大气臭氧层。

2. “Adverse effects” means changes in the physical environment or biota, including changes in climate, which have significant deleterious effects on human health or on the composition, resilience and productivity of natural and managed ecosystems, or on materials useful to mankind.

2. “不利影响是指自然环境或生物区系内发生的,对人类健康或自然的和受管理的生态系统的组成、恢复力和生产力或对人类有益的物质造成重大有害影响的变化,包括气候变化。

3. “Alternative technologies or equipment” means technologies or equipment the use of which makes it possible to reduce or effectively eliminate emissions of substances which have or are likely to have adverse effects on the ozone layer.

3. “备选的技术或设备是指其使用可能减轻或有效消除对臭氧层造成或可能造成不利影响的排放物质的各种技术或设备。

4. “Alternative substances” means substances which reduce, eliminate or avoid adverse effects on the ozone layer.

4. “备选物质是指可以减轻、消除或避免臭氧层所受不利影响的各种物质。

5. “Parties” means, unless the text otherwise indicates, Parties to this Convention.

5. “缔约方是指本公约的缔约方,除非案文中另有所指。

6. “Regional economic integration organization” means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region which has competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention or its protocols and has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to the instruments concerned.

6. “区域经济一体化组织是指由某一区域的一些主权国家组成的组织,它有权处理本公约或其议定书范围内的事务,并已按照其内部程序获得正式授权,可以签署、批准、接受、核准或加入有关的文书。

7. “Protocols” means protocols to this Convention.

7. “议定书指本公约议定书。

Article 2: General obligations


1. The Parties shall take appropriate measures in accordance with the provisions of this Convention and of those protocols in force to which they are party to protect human health and the environment against adverse effects resulting or likely to result from human activities which modify or are likely to modify the ozone layer.

1. 各缔约方应依照本公约以及它们所加入的并且已经生效的议定书的各项规定采取适当措施,以保护人类健康和环境,使免受足以改变或可能改变臭氧层的人类活动所造成的或可能造成的不利影响。

2. To this end the Parties shall, in accordance with the means at their disposal and their capabilities:

2. 为此目的,各缔约方应在其能力范围内:

Co-operate by means of systematic observations, research and information exchange in order to better understand and assess the effects of human activities on the ozone layer and the effects on human health and the environment from modification of the ozone layer;

(a) 通过系统观测、研究和资料交换从事合作,以期更好地了解和评价人类活动对臭氧层的影响,以及臭氧层的变化对人类健康和环境的影响;

Adopt appropriate legislative or administrative measures and co-operate in harmonizing appropriate policies to control, limit, reduce or prevent human activities under their jurisdiction or control should it be found that these activities have or are likely to have adverse effects resulting from modification or likely modification of the ozone layer;

(b) 采取适当的立法和行政措施,从事合作,协调适当的政策,以便在发现其管辖或控制范围内的某些人类活动已经或可能由于改变或可能改变臭氧层而造成不利影响时,对这些活动加以控制、限制、削减或禁止;

Co-operate in the formulation of agreed measures, procedures and standards for the implementation of this Convention, with a view to the adoption of protocols and annexes;

(c) 从事合作,制订执行本公约的商定措施、程序和标准,以期通过议定书和附件;

Co-operate with competent international bodies to implement effectively this Convention and protocols to which they are party.

(d) 同有关的国际组织合作,有效地执行它们加入的本公约和议定书。

3. The provisions of this Convention shall in no way affect the right of Parties to adopt, in accordance with international law, domestic measures additional to those referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, nor shall they affect additional domestic measures already taken by a Party, provided that these measures are not incompatible with their obligations under this Convention.

3. 本公约的各项规定绝不应影响各缔约方依照国际法采取上面第1款和第2款内所提措施之外的国内措施的权利,亦不应影响任何缔约方已经采取的其他国内措施,只要这些措施不同它们在本公约之下所承担的义务相抵触。

4. The application of this article shall be based on relevant scientific and technical considerations.

4. 本条的适用应以有关的科学和技术考虑为依据。

Article 3: Research and systematic observations


1. The Parties undertake, as appropriate, to initiate and co-operate in, directly or through competent international bodies, the conduct of research and scientific assessments on:

1. 各缔约方承诺酌情直接或通过主管国际机构就下列问题发起并合作进行研究和科学评价:

(a) The physical and chemical processes that may affect the ozone layer;

(a) 可能影响臭氧层的物理和化学过程;

(b) The human health and other biological effects deriving from any modifications of the ozone layer, particularly those resulting from changes in ultra-violet solar radiation having biological effects (UV-B);

(b) 臭氧层的任何变化所造成的人类健康影响和其他生物影响,特别是具有生物后果的紫外线太阳辐射的变化所造成的影响;

(c) Climatic effects deriving from any modifications of the ozone layer;

(c) 臭氧层的任何变化所造成的气候影响;

(d) Effects deriving from any modifications of the ozone layer and any consequent change in UV-B radiation on natural and synthetic materials useful to mankind;

(d) 臭氧层的任何变化及其引起的紫外线辐射变化对于人类有用的自然及合成物质所造成的影响;

(e) Substances, practices, processes and activities that may affect the ozone layer, and their cumulative effects;

(e) 可能影响臭氧层的物质、作法、过程和活动,以及其累积影响;

(f) Alternative substances and technologies;

(f) 备选物质和技术;

(g) Related socio-economic matters;

(g) 相关的社经因素;

and as further elaborated in annexes I and II.


2. The Parties undertake to promote or establish, as appropriate, directly or through competent international bodies and taking fully into account national legislation and relevant ongoing activities at both the national and international levels, joint or complementary programmes for systematic observation of the state of the ozone layer and other relevant parameters, as elaborated in annex I.

2. 各缔约方承诺在充分考虑到国家立法和国家一级与国际一级进行中的有关活动的情况下,酌情直接或通过主管国际机构推广或制定联合方案或补充方案,以便系统观测臭氧层状况及附件一里详细说明的其他有关参数。

3. The Parties undertake to co-operate, directly or through competent international bodies, in ensuring the collection, validation and transmission of research and observational data through appropriate world data centres in a regular and timely fashion.

3. 各缔约方承诺直接或通过主管国际机构从事合作,通过适当的世界数据中心确保定期并及时地收集。 验证和散发研究和观测数据。

Article 4: Co-operation in the legal, scientific and technical fields


1. The Parties shall facilitate and encourage the exchange of scientific, technical, socio-economic, commercial and legal information relevant to this Convention as further elaborated in annex II.

1. 各缔约方应促进和鼓励附件二里详细说明的、与本公约有关的科学、技术、社经、商业和法律资料的交换。

Such information shall be supplied to bodies agreed upon by the Parties.


Any such body receiving information regarded as confidential by the supplying Party shall ensure that such information is not disclosed and shall aggregate it to protect its confidentiality before it is made available to all Parties.


2. The Parties shall co-operate, consistent with their national laws, regulations and practices and taking into account in particular the needs of the developing countries, in promoting, directly or through competent international bodies, the development and transfer of technology and knowledge.

2. 各缔约方应从事合作,在符合其国家法律、条例和惯例及照顾到发展中国家的需要的情形下,直接或通过主管国际机构促进技术和知识的发展和转让。

Such co-operation shall be carried out particularly through:


Facilitation of the acquisition of alternative technologies by other Parties;

(a) 方便其他缔约方取得备选技术;

Provision of information on alternative technologies and equipment, and supply of special manuals or guides to them;

(b) 提供关于备选技术和设备的资料,并提供特别手册和指南;

The supply of necessary equipment and facilities for research and systematic observations;

(c) 提供研究和系统观测所需的设备和设施;

Appropriate training of scientific and technical personnel.

(d) 科学和技术人才的适当训练。

Article 5: Transmission of information


The Parties shall transmit, through the secretariat, to the Conference of the Parties established under article 6 information on the measures adopted by them in implementation of this Convention and of protocols to which they are party in such form and at such intervals as the meetings of the parties to the relevant instruments may determine.


Article 6: Conference of the Parties


1. A Conference of the Parties is hereby established.

1. 缔约方会议特此设立。

The first meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall be convened by the secretariat designated on an interim basis under article 7 not later than one year after entry into force of this Convention.


Thereafter, ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at regular intervals to be determined by the Conference at its first meeting.


2. Extraordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at such other times as may be deemed necessary by the Conference, or at the written request of any Party, provided that, within six months of the request being communicated to them by the secretariat, it is supported by at least one third of the Parties.

2. 缔约方会议可于其认为必要的其他时间举行非常会议,如经任何缔约方书面请求,由秘书处将该项请求转至各缔约方后六个月内至少有三分之一缔约方表示支持时,亦可举行非常会议。

3. The Conference of the Parties shall by consensus agree upon and adopt rules of procedure and financial rules for itself and for any subsidiary bodies it may establish, as well as financial provisions governing the functioning of the secretariat.

3. 缔约方会议应以协商一致方式议定和通过其本身的和它可能设立的任何附属机构的议事规则和财务细则,以及适用于秘书处业务的财务规定。

4. The Conference of the Parties shall keep under continuous review the implementation of this Convention, and, in addition, shall:

4. 缔约方会议应继续不断地审查本公约的执行情况,同时应:

Establish the form and the intervals for transmitting the information to be submitted in accordance with article 5 and consider such information as well as reports submitted by any subsidiary body;

(a) 规定递交依照第5条提出的资料的格式和时间,并审议这些资料以及任何附属机构提出的报告;

Review the scientific information on the ozone layer, on its possible modification and on possible effects of any such modification;

(b) 审查有关臭氧层、有关其可能发生的变化或任何这种变化可能造成的影响的科学资料;

Promote, in accordance with article 2, the harmonization of appropriate policies, strategies and measures for minimizing the release of substances causing or likely to cause modification of the ozone layer, and make recommendations on any other measures relating to this Convention;

(c) 依照第2条的规定,促进适当政策、战略和措施的协调,以尽量减少可能引起臭氧层变化的物质的排放,并就与本公约有关的其他措施提出建议;

Adopt, in accordance with articles 3 and 4, programmes for research, systematic observations, scientific and technological co-operation, the exchange of information and the transfer of technology and knowledge;

(d) 依照第3条和第4条的规定,制订推行研究、系统观测、科技合作、资料交换以及技术和知识转让等方案;

Consider and adopt, as required, in accordance with articles 9 and 10, amendments to this Convention and its annexes;

(e) 依照第9条和第10条的规定,视需要审议和通过对本公约及其附件的修正案;

Consider amendments to any protocol, as well as to any annexes thereto, and, if so decided, recommend their adoption to the parties to the protocol concerned;

(f) 审议对任何议定书及其附件的修正案,于作出决定后向此种议定书的缔约方建议通过;

Consider and adopt, as required, in accordance with article 10, additional annexes to this Convention;

(g) 依照第10条的规定,视需要审议和通过本公约的增列附件;

Consider and adopt, as required, protocols in accordance with article 8;

(h) 依照第8条的规定,视需要审议和通过议定书;

Establish such subsidiary bodies as are deemed necessary for the implementation of this Convention;

(i) 成立执行本公约所需的附属机构;

Seek, where appropriate, the services of competent international bodies and scientific committees, in particular the World Meteorological Organization and the World Health Organization as well as the Co-ordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer, in scientific research, systematic observations and other activities pertinent to the objectives of this Convention, and make use as appropriate of information from these bodies and committees;

(j) 适当时请求主管国际机构和科学委员会,特别是世界气象组织、世界卫生组织和臭氧层协调委员会,在科学研究、系统观测以及与本公约目标有关的其他活动方面提供服务,并利用这些组织和委员会所提供的资料;

Consider and undertake any additional action that may be required for the achievement of the purposes of this Convention.

(k) 考虑和采取实现本公约目标所需的任何其他行动。

5. The United Nations, its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any State not party to this Convention, may be represented at meetings of the Conference of the Parties by observers.

5. 联合国及其各专门机构、国际原子能机构、以及非本公约缔约方的任何国家均可以观察员身份出席本公约缔约方会议。

Any body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, qualified in fields relating to the protection of the ozone layer which has informed the secretariat of its wish to be represented at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties as an observer may be admitted unless at least one-third of the Parties present object.


The admission and participation of observers shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties.


Article 7: Secretariat


1. The functions of the secretariat shall be:

1. 秘书处的任务如下:

To arrange for and service meetings provided for in articles 6, 8, 9 and 10;

(a) 为第6、第8、第9和第10条所规定的会议进行筹备工作并提供服务;

To prepare and transmit reports based upon information received in accordance with articles 4 and 5, as well as upon information derived from meetings of subsidiary bodies established under article 6;

(b) 根据由于第4条和第5条规定而收到的资料,以及第6条规定之下成立的机构举行会议所产生的资料,编写和提交报告;

To perform the functions assigned to it by any protocol;

(c) 执行任何议定书委派给它的任务;

To prepare reports on its activities carried out in implementation of its functions under this Convention and present them to the Conference of the Parties;

(d) 就他执行本公约下的任务所进行的各项活动编写报告,提交缔约方会议;

To ensure the necessary co-ordination with other relevant international bodies, and in particular to enter into such administrative and contractual arrangements as may be required for the effective discharge of its functions;

(e) 保证同其他有关的国际机构进行必要的协调,尤其要作出有效执行其任务所需的行政和合约安排;

To perform such other functions as may be determined by the Conference of the Parties.

(f) 执行缔约方会议可能指定的其他任务。

2. The secretariat functions will be carried out on an interim basis by the United Nations Environment Programme until the completion of the first ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties held pursuant to article 6.

2. 在依照第6条的规定举行的缔约方会议第一次会议结束以前,由联合国环境规划署临时执行秘书处的任务。

At its first ordinary meeting, the Conference of the Parties shall designate the secretariat from amongst those existing competent international organizations which have signified their willingness to carry out the secretariat functions under this Convention.


Article 8: Adoption of protocols


1. The Conference of the Parties may at a meeting adopt protocols pursuant to Article 2.

1. 缔约方会议可依照第2条的规定,于一次会议上通过议定书。

2. The text of any proposed protocol shall be communicated to the Parties by the secretariat at least six months before such a meeting.

2. 任何议定书的草案案文应由秘书处至少在举行上述会议以前六个月呈交各缔约方。

Article 9: Amendment of the Convention or protocols


1. Any Party may propose amendments to this Convention or to any protocol.

1. 任何缔约方可对本公约或任何议定书提出修正案。

Such amendments shall take due account, inter alia, of relevant scientific and technical considerations.


2. Amendments to this Convention shall be adopted at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

2. 本公约的修正案应由缔约方会议在一次会议上通过。

Amendments to any protocol shall be adopted at a meeting of the Parties to the protocol in question.


The text of any proposed amendment to this Convention or to any protocol, except as may otherwise be provided in such protocol, shall be communicated to the Parties by the secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption.


The secretariat shall also communicate proposed amendments to the signatories to this Convention for information.


3. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to this Convention by consensus.

3. 各缔约方应尽量以协商一致方式对本公约的任何修正案达成协议。

If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the amendment shall as a last resort be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting, and shall be submitted by the Depositary to all Parties for ratification, approval or acceptance.

如果尽了一切努力仍无法以协商一致方式达成协议,则应以出席并参加表决的公约缔约方四分之三多数票通过修正案。 并应由保存者呈交给所有缔约方批准、核准或接受。

4. The procedure mentioned in paragraph 3 above shall apply to amendments to any protocol, except that a two-thirds majority of the parties to that protocol present and voting at the meeting shall suffice for their adoption.

4. 对任何议定书的修正,亦应适用上述第3款提到的程序,不过只需要出席并参加表决的该议定书缔约方三分之二的多数票就可通过。

5. Ratification, approval or acceptance of amendments shall be notified to the Depositary in writing.

5. 对修正案的批准、核准或接受,应以书面通知保存者。

Amendments adopted in accordance with paragraphs 3 or 4 above shall enter into force between parties having accepted them on the ninetieth day after the receipt by the Depositary of notification of their ratification, approval or acceptance by at least three-fourths of the Parties to this Convention or by at least two-thirds of the parties to the protocol concerned, except as may otherwise be provided in such protocol.


Thereafter the amendments shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after that Party deposits its instrument of ratification, approval or acceptance of the amendments.


6. For the purposes of this article, “Parties present and voting” means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote.

6. 为本条之目的,出席并参加表决的缔约方是指参加会议并投赞成票或反对票的缔约方。

Article 10: Adoption and amendment of annexes


1. The annexes to this Convention or to any protocol shall form an integral part of this Convention or of such protocol, as the case may be, and, unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to this Convention or its protocols constitutes at the same time a reference to any annexes thereto.

1. 本公约的附件或其任何议定书的附件,应成为本公约或有关议定书的一个构成部分,因此,除非另有规定,凡提及本公约或其议定书时,亦包括本公约或其议定书的附件在内。

Such annexes shall be restricted to scientific, technical and administrative matters.


2. Except as may be otherwise provided in any protocol with respect to its annexes, the following procedure shall apply to the proposal, adoption and entry into force of additional annexes to this Convention or of annexes to a protocol:

2. 除非在任何议定书里对其附件另有规定,本公约或议定书所增列附件的提出、通过和生效,应适用下列程序:

(a) Annexes to this Convention shall be proposed and adopted according to the procedure laid down in article 9, paragraphs 2 and 3, while annexes to any protocol shall be proposed and adopted according to the procedure laid down in article 9, paragraphs 2 and 4;

(a) 本公约的附件应依照第9条第2和第3款规定的程序通过,而任何议定书的附件应依照第9条第2和第4款规定的程序提出和通过;

(b) Any party that is unable to approve an additional annex to this Convention or annex to any protocol to which it is party shall so notify the Depositary, in writing, within six months from the date of the communication of the adoption by the Depositary.

(b) 任何缔约方如果不核准本公约的增列附件或它所加入的任何议定书的附件,应于保存者发出通知后六个月内以书面向保存者发出反对声明。

The Depositary shall without delay notify all Parties of any such notification received.


A Party may at any time substitute an acceptance for a previous declaration of objection and the annexes shall thereupon enter into force for that Party;


(c) On the expiry of six months from the date of the circulation of the communication by the Depositary, the annex shall become effective for all Parties to this Convention or to any protocol concerned which have not submitted a notification in accordance with the provision of subparagraph (b) above.

(c) 在保存者发出通知六个月之后,增列附件应对未曾依照上文(b)项发出声明的本公约或任何有关议定书的所有缔约方生效。

The proposal, adoption and entry into force of amendments to annexes to this Convention or to any protocol shall be subject to the same procedure as for the proposal, adoption and entry into force of annexes to the Convention or annexes to a protocol.

3. 本公约附件或任何议定书附件的修正案的提出、通过和生效,应适用本公约附件或议定书附件的提出、通过和生效所适用的同一程序。

Annexes and amendments thereto shall take due account, inter alia, of relevant scientific and technical considerations.


4. If an additional annex or an amendment to an annex involves an amendment to this Convention or to any protocol, the additional annex or amended annex shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to this Convention or to the protocol concerned enters into force.

4. 如果一个增列附件或对任何附件的修正,涉及对公约或议定书的修正,则增列附件或修正后的附件,应于对公约或其有关议定书的修正案生效以后才能生效。

Article 11: Settlement of disputes


1. In the event of a dispute between Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, the parties concerned shall seek solution by negotiation.

1. 万一缔约方之间在本公约的解释或适用方面发生争端时,有关的缔约方应以谈判方式谋求解决。

2. If the parties concerned cannot reach agreement by negotiation, they may jointly seek the good offices of, or request mediation by, a third party.

2. 如果有关的缔约方无法以谈判方式达成协议,它们可以联合寻求第三方进行翰旋或邀请第三方出面调停。

3. When ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to this Convention, or at any time thereafter, a State or regional economic integration organization may declare in writing to the Depositary that for a dispute not resolved in accordance with paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 above, it accepts one or both of the following means of dispute settlement as compulsory:

3. 在批准、接受、核准或加入本公约或其后任何时候,缔约方或区域经济一体化组织可书面向保存者声明,就未根据上述第1或第2款解决的争端来说,它接受下列一种或两种争端解决办法为强制性办法:

Arbitration in accordance with procedures to be adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its first ordinary meeting;

(a) 根据缔约方会议第一次会议通过的程序进行仲裁;

Submission of the dispute to the International Court of Justice.

(b) 将争端提交国际法院。

4. If the parties have not, in accordance with paragraph 3 above, accepted the same or any procedure, the dispute shall be submitted to conciliation in accordance with paragraph 5 below unless the parties otherwise agree.

4. 如果缔约方还没有按照上文第3款的规定接受相同或任何程序,则应根据下文第5款的规定提交调解,除非缔约方另有协议。

5. A conciliation commission shall be created upon the request of one of the parties to the dispute.

5. 若争端一方提出要求,则应设立一个调解委员会。

The commission shall be composed of an equal number of members appointed by each party concerned and a chairman chosen jointly by the members appointed by each party.


The commission shall render a final and recommendatory award, which the parties shall consider in good faith.


6. The provisions of this Article shall apply with respect to any protocol except as provided in the protocol concerned.

6. 本条规定应适用于任何议定书,除非有关议定书另有规定。

Article 12: Signature


This Convention shall be open for signature by States and by regional economic integration organizations at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria in Vienna from 22 March 1985 to 21 September 1985, and at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 22 September 1985 to 21 March 1986.


Article 13: Ratification, acceptance or approval


1. This Convention and any protocol shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by States and by regional economic integration organizations.

1. 本公约和任何议定书须由各国和各区域经济一体化组织批准、接受或核准。

Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Depositary.


2. Any organization referred to in paragraph 1 above which becomes a Party to this Convention or any protocol without any of its member States being a Party shall be bound by all the obligations under the Convention or the protocol, as the case may be.

2. 以上第1款所指的任何组织如成为本公约或任何议定书的缔约组织而该组织没有任何一个成员国是缔约方,则该缔约组织应受按公约或议定书规定的一切义务的约束。

In the case of such organizations, one or more of whose member States is a Party to the Convention or relevant protocol, the organization and its member States shall decide on their respective responsibilities for the performance of their obligation under the Convention or protocol, as the case may be.


In such cases, the organization and the member States shall not be entitled to exercise rights under the Convention or relevant protocol concurrently.


3. In their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval, the organizations referred to in paragraph 1 above shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by the Convention or the relevant protocol.

3. 1款所指的这些组织应在其批准、接受或核准文书中声明其在本公约或有关议定书所涉事项的职权范围。

These organizations shall also inform the Depositary of any substantial modification in the extent of their competence.


Article 14: Accession


1. This Convention and any protocol shall be open for accession by States and by regional economic integration organizations from the date on which the Convention or the protocol concerned is closed for signature.

1. 本公约及任何议定书应开放供加入,任何国家和区域经济一体化组织自公约或有关议定书签署截止日期起均可加入。

The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.


2. In their instruments of accession, the organizations referred to in paragraph 1 above shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by the Convention or the relevant protocol.

2. 上文第1款中所指的组织,应于其加入文书里声明它们在本公约或有关议定书所涉事项中的职权范围。

These organizations shall also inform the Depositary of any substantial modification in the extent of their competence.


3. The provisions of article 13, paragraph 2, shall apply to regional economic integration organizations which accede to this Convention or any protocol.

3. 13条第2款的规定应适用于加入本公约或任何议定书的区域经济一体化组织。

Article 15: Right to vote


1. Each Party to this Convention or to any protocol shall have one vote.

1. 本公约或其任何议定书的每一缔约方应有一票表决权。

2. Except as provided for in paragraph 1 above, regional economic integration organizations, in matters within their competence, shall exercise their right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of their member States which are Parties to the Convention or the relevant protocol.

2. 除上文第1款的规定外,各区域经济一体化组织在属于其职权范围的事项中行使表决权时,其票数相当于加入本公约或有关议定书的它们的成员国的数目。

Such organizations shall not exercise their right to vote if their member States exercise theirs, and vice versa.


Article 16: Relationship between the Convention and its protocols


1. A State or a regional economic integration organization may not become a party to a protocol unless it is, or becomes at the same time, a Party to the Convention.

1. 除非某一国家或区域经济一体化组织已经是,或在同一个时间成为本公约的缔约方,否则不能成为议定书的缔约方。

2. Decisions concerning any protocol shall be taken only by the parties to the protocol concerned.

2. 关于任何议定书的决定,只应由该议定书的缔约方作出。

Article 17: Entry into force


1. This Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

1. 本公约应于第二十份批准、接受、核准或加入文书交存之日以后第九十天生效。

2. Any protocol, except as otherwise provided in such protocol, shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit of the eleventh instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of such protocol or accession thereto.

2. 任何议定书,除非其中另有规定,应于第十一份批准、接受、核准或加入该议定书的文书交存之日以后第九十天生效。

3. For each Party which ratifies, accepts or approves this Convention or accedes thereto after the deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, it shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit by such Party of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

3. 对于在交存第二十份批准、接受、核准或加入文书后批准、接受、核准本公约或加入本公约的每一缔约方,本公约应于这些缔约方的批准、接受、核准或加入文书交存之日以后第九十天生效。

4. Any protocol, except as otherwise provided in such protocol, shall enter into force for a party that ratifies, accepts or approves that protocol or accedes thereto after its entry into force pursuant to paragraph 2 above, on the ninetieth day after the date on which that party deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, or on the date which the Convention enters into force for that Party, whichever shall be the later.

4. 任何议定书,除非其中另有规定,对于在其按上述第2款规定生效后批准、接受、核准该议定书或加入该议定书的缔约方而言,该议定书应于这一缔约方的批准、接受、核准或加入文书交存之日以后第九十天生效或在本公约对该缔约方生效之日生效--以较后者为准。

5. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2 above, any instrument deposited by a regional economic integration organization shall not be counted as additional to those deposited by member States of such organization.

5. 为第1款和第2款的目的,一个区域经济一体化组织交存的任何文书,不应被视为这些组织的成员国交存的文书以外的附加文书。

Article 18: Reservations


No reservations may be made to this Convention.


Article 19: Withdrawal


1. At any time after four years from the date on which this Convention has entered into force for a Party, that Party may withdraw from the Convention by giving written notification to the Depositary.

1. 本公约对某一缔约方生效四年之后,该缔约方可于任何时间以书面通知保管者退出公约。

2. Except as may be provided in any protocol, at any time after four years from the date on which such protocol has entered into force for a party, that party may withdraw from the protocol by giving written notification to the Depositary.

2. 任何议定书对某一缔约方生效四年之后,除非该议定书另有规定,该缔约方可于任何时间以书面通知保管者退出该议定书。

3. Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of one year after the date of its receipt by the Depositary, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification of the withdrawal.

3. 这种退出应于保管者接得通知之日以后一年终了时或退出通知内说明的更晚时间生效。

4. Any Party which withdraws from this Convention shall be considered as also having withdrawn from any protocol to which it is party.

4. 任何缔约方一旦退出公约,应即被视为亦已退出它加入的任何议定书

Article 20: Depositary


1. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall assume the functions of depositary of this Convention and any protocols.

1. 联合国秘书长应负起本公约及其议定书的保管者的职责。

2. The Depositary shall inform the Parties, in particular, of:

2. 保管者应特别就下列事项通知各缔约方:

The signature of this Convention and of any protocol, and the deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in accordance with articles 13 and 14;

(a) 本公约及任何议定书的签署,以及依照第13条和第14条规定交存的批准、接受、核准或加入文书;

The date on which the Convention and any protocol will come into force in accordance with article 17;

(b) 本公约及任何议定书依照第17条规定生效的日期;

Notifications of withdrawal made in accordance with article 19;

(c) 依照第19条规定提出的退出通知;

Amendments adopted with respect to the Convention and any protocol, their acceptance by the parties and their date of entry into force in accordance with article 9;

(d) 依照第9条规定通过的公约修正案及任何议定书的修正案,各缔约方对修正案的接受情况,以及其生效日期;

All communications relating to the adoption and approval of annexes and to the amendment of annexes in accordance with article 10;

(e) 有关依照第10条规定的附件的通过和核准及附件修正案的所有通知;

Notifications by regional economic integration organizations of the extent of their competence with respect to matters governed by this Convention and any protocols, and of any modifications thereof.

(f) 区域经济一体化组织交存的关于它们在本公约及任何议定书所涉事项的职权范围的通知,及职权范围发生任何变化的通知;

Declarations made in accordance with article 11, paragraph 3.

(g) 根据第11条第3款发表的声明。

Article 21: Authentic texts


The original of this Convention, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Convention.


Done at Vienna on the 22nd day of March 1985


Annex I: Research and systematic observations


1. The Parties to the Convention recognize that the major scientific issues are:

1. 本公约各缔约方同意主要的科学问题如下:

Modification of the ozone layer which would result in a change in the amount of solar ultra-violet radiation having biological effects (UV-B) that reaches the Earth’s surface and the potential consequences for human health, for organisms, ecosystems and materials useful to mankind;

(a) 臭氧层的变化,可使达到地面的具有生物效应的太阳紫外线辐射量发生变化,并可能影响人类健康、生物和生态系统以及对人类有用的物质;

Modification of the vertical distribution of ozone, which could change the temperature structure of the atmosphere and the potential consequences for weather and climate.

(b) 臭氧垂直分布的变化,可使大气层的气温结构发生变化,并可能影响天气和气候。

2. The Parties to the Convention, in accordance with article 3, shall co-operate in conducting research and systematic observations and in formulating recommendations for future research and observation in such areas as:

2. 本公约各缔约方应依照第3条的规定从事合作,进行研究和系统观测,并就下列各方面的未来研究和观测活动作出建议:

(a) Research into the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere

(a) 关于大气物理和化学的研究

(i) Comprehensive theoretical models: further development of models which consider the interaction between radiative, dynamic and chemical processes; studies of the simultaneous effects of various man-made and naturally occurring species upon atmospheric ozone; interpretation of satellite and non-satellite measurement data sets; evaluation of trends in atmospheric and geophysical parameters, and the development of methods for attributing changes in these parameters to specific causes;

() 全面的理论模型:进一步发展考虑到辐射、动力和化学过程之间相互作用的模型;关于各种人造和自然物质对大气臭氧的连合效应的研究;卫星和非卫星的测量数据集的解释;大气和地球物理参数趋向的评价;就此种参数的变化鉴定其具体成因的方法研究;

(ii) Laboratory studies of: rate coefficients, absorption cross-sections and mechanisms of tropospheric and stratospheric chemical and photochemical processes; spectroscopic data to support field measurements in all relevant spectral regions;

() 实验室研究:对流层和平流层化学和光化过程的速率系数、吸收横断面和机制;支持所有有关光谱区实地测量的分光仪数据;

(iii) Field measurements: the concentration and fluxes of key source gases of both natural and anthropogenic origin; atmospheric dynamics studies; simultaneous measurements of photochemically-related species down to the planetary boundary layer, using in situ and remote sensing instruments; intercomparison of different sensors, including co-ordinated correlative measures for satellite instrumentation; three-dimensional fields of key atmospheric trace constituents, solar spectral flux and meteorological parameters;

() 实地测量:自然和人类起源的关键来源气体的含量和通量;大气动力研究;直至行星边界层的光化学有关物质的同步测量,应用就地测量和遥感测量仪器;各种传感器的相互比较,包括协调的卫星仪器使用的相互测量;关键大气痕量成分、太阳光谱通量和气象参数的立体场;

(iv) Instrument development, including satellite and non-satellite sensors for atmospheric trace constituents, solar flux and meteorological parameters;

() 仪器的发展,包括大气痕量成分、太阳通量及气象参数的卫星和非卫星传感器。

(b) Research into health, biological and photodegradation effects

(b) 对健康、生物和光致降解影响的研究

(i) The relationship between human exposure to visible and ultra-violet solar radiation and (a) the development of both non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancer and (b) the effects on the immunological system;

() 人类暴露于可见和紫外太阳辐射与 (a) 引发黑瘤和非黑瘤皮肤癌以及 (b) 对免疫系统的影响之间的关系;

(ii) Effects of UV-B radiation, including the wavelength dependence, upon (a) agricultural crops, forests and other terrestrial ecosystems and (b) the aquatic food web and fisheries, as well as possible inhibition of oxygen production by marine phytoplankton;

() 紫外线B辐射,包括波长关系对 (a) 农作物、森林和陆地生态系统以及(b)水生食物链和水产的影响,以及可能抑制海洋浮游植物生产氧气;

(iii) The mechanisms by which UV-B radiation acts on biological materials, species and ecosystems, including: the relationship between dose, dose rate, and response; photorepair, adaptation, and protection;

() 紫外线B辐射对生物物质、物种和生态系统发生作用的机制,包括:剂量、剂量率及反应之间的关系;光修理、适应和保护;

(iv) Studies of biological action spectra and the spectral response using polychromatic radiation in order to include possible interactions of the various wavelength regions;

() 生物作用光谱和光谱反应研究,应用多色辐射,以便包括各种波长区之间可能的相互作用;

(v) The influence of UV-B radiation on: the sensitivities and activities of biological species important to the biospheric balance; primary processes such as photosynthesis and biosynthesis;

() 紫外线B辐射在下列各方面的影响:对生物圈的平衡具有重要性的生物物种的敏感和活动;例如光合和生物合成等等的基本作用;

(vi) The influence of UV-B radiation on the photodegradation of pollutants, agricultural chemicals and other materials;

() 紫外线B辐射对污染、农用化学品和其他物质的光致降解的影响。

(c) Research on effects on climate

(c) 对气候的影响研究

(i) Theoretical and observational studies of the radiative effects of ozone and other trace species and the impact on climate parameters, such as land and ocean surface temperatures, precipitation patterns, the exchange between the troposphere and stratosphere;

() 关于臭氧和其他痕量物质的辐射效应及对气候参数的影响的理论和观测研究。 例如,土地和海洋表面的温度、降水模式以及对流层和平流层之间的交流;

(ii) The investigation of the effects of such climate impacts on various aspects of human activity;

() 关于这类气候变化对人类活动各方面的影响的调查。

(d) Systematic observation on:

(d) 系统观测:

(i) The status of the ozone layer (i.e. the spatial and temporal variability of the total column content and vertical distribution) by making the Global Ozone Observing System, based on the integration of satellite and ground-based systems, fully operational;

() 臭氧层状况(即总柱容量和垂直分布的空间和时间变异)。 利用卫星和地面系统相结合的办法使全球臭氧观测系统充分发挥作用;

(ii) The tropospheric and stratospheric concentrations of source gases for the HOx, NOx, ClOx and carbon families;

() 对流层和平流层的 HOxNOxC10x 和碳族源气体浓度;

(iii) The temperature from the ground to the mesosphere, utilizing both ground-based and satellite systems;

() 从地面到中间层的气温,利用地面和卫星系统;

(iv) Wavelength-resolved solar flux reaching, and thermal radiation leaving, the Earth’s atmosphere, utilizing satellite measurements;

() 利用卫星测量达到地球大气层的分辨波长的太阳通量和离开地球大气层的热辐射量;

(v) Wavelength-resolved solar flux reaching the Earth’s surface in the ultra-violet range having biological effects (UV-B);

() 达到地面的在紫外线范围内具有生物影响的分辨波长的太阳通量;

(vi) Aerosol properties and distribution from the ground to the mesosphere, utilizing ground-based, airborne and satellite systems;

() 从地面到中间层的烟雾体特性和分布,利用地面、空中和卫星系统;

(vii) Climatically important variables by the maintenance of programmes of high-quality meteorological surface measurements;

() 气候重要变数,方法是维持高质量气象表面测量的方案;

(viii) Trace species, temperatures, solar flux and aerosols utilizing improved methods for analyzing global data.

() 痕量物质、气温、太阳通量和烟雾体,利用分析全球数据的经过改善的方法。

3. The Parties to the Convention shall co-operate, taking into account the particular needs of the developing countries, in promoting the appropriate scientific and technical training required to participate in the research and systematic observations outlined in this annex.

3. 公约各缔约方应在顾及发展中国家的特别需要的情况下合作,促进参加本附件所列各种研究和系统观测所需的适当科学和技术训练。

Particular emphasis should be given to the intercalibration of observational instrumentation and methods with a view to generating comparable or standardized scientific data sets.


4. The following chemical substances of natural and anthropogenic origin, not listed in order of priority, are thought to have the potential to modify the chemical and physical properties of the ozone layer.

4. 下面以不安优先顺序排列出的各种自然和人类来源的化学物质,被认为可能改变臭氧层的化学和物理特性。

(a) Carbon substances

(a) 碳物质

(i) Carbon monoxide (CO)

() 一氧化碳(CO)

Carbon monoxide has significant natural and anthropogenic sources, and is thought to play a major direct role in tropospheric photochemistry, and an indirect role in stratospheric photochemistry.


(ii) Carbon dioxide (CO2)

() 二氧化碳(CO2)

Carbon dioxide has significant natural and anthropogenic sources, and affects stratospheric ozone by influencing the thermal structure of the atmosphere.


(iii) Methane (CH4)

() 甲烷(CH4)

Methane has both natural and anthropogenic sources, and affects both tropospheric and stratospheric ozone.


(iv) Non-methane hydrocarbon species

() 非甲烃类物质

Non-methane hydrocarbon species, which consist of a large number of chemical substances, have both natural and anthropogenic sources, and play a direct role in tropospheric photochemistry and an indirect role in stratospheric photochemistry.


(b) Nitrogen substances

(b) 氮物质

(i) Nitrous oxide (N2O)

() 氧化亚氮(N2O)

The dominant sources of N2O are natural, but anthropogenic contributions are becoming increasingly important.


Nitrous oxide is the primary source of stratospheric NOx, which play a vital role in controlling the abundance of stratospheric ozone.


(ii) Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

() 氮氧化物(NOx)

Ground-level sources of NOx play a major direct role only in tropospheric photochemical processes and an indirect role in stratosphere photochemistry, whereas injection of NOx close to the tropopause may lead directly to a change in upper tropospheric and stratospheric ozone.

NOx 的地面来源,只对对流层的光化过程有直接的重要作用,对平流层的光化过程则有间接作用,而接近对流层顶的NOx注射可能对上对流层和平流层的臭氧直接引起变化。

(c) Chlorine substances

(c) 氯物质

(i) Fully halogenated alkanes, e.g. CCl4, CFCl3 (CFC–11), CF2Cl2 (CFC–12), C2F3Cl3 (CFC–113), C2F4Cl2 (CFC–114)

() 全卤化烷烃,例如CCl4CFC13 (CFC11)CF2Cl2 (CFC12)C2F3Cl3 (CFC113)C2F4Cl2(CFC114)

Fully halogenated alkanes are anthropogenic and act as a source of ClOx which plays a vital role in ozone photochemistry, especially in the 30–50 km altitude region.


(ii) Partially halogenated alkanes, e.g. CH3Cl, CHF2Cl (CFC–22), CH3CCl3, CHFCl2 (CFC–21)

() 部分卤化烷烃,例如CH3ClCHF2Cl(CFC22)CH3CCl3CHFCl2 (CFC21)

The sources of CH3Cl are natural, whereas the other partially halogenated alkanes mentioned above are anthropogenic in origin.


These gases also act as a source of stratospheric ClOx.


(d) Bromine substances

(d) 溴物质

Fully halogenated alkanes, e.g. CF3Br


These gases are anthropogenic and act as a source of BrOx, which behaves in a manner similar to ClOx.


(e) Hydrogen substances

(e) 氢物质

(i) Hydrogen (H2)

() (H2)

Hydrogen, the source of which is natural and anthropogenic, plays a minor role in stratospheric photochemistry.


(ii) Water (H2O)

() (H2O)

Water, the source of which is natural, plays a vital role in both tropospheric and stratospheric photochemistry.


Local sources of water vapor in the stratosphere include the oxidation of methane and, to a lesser extent, of hydrogen.


Annex II: Information exchange


1. The Parties to the Convention recognize that the collection and sharing of information is an important means of implementing the objectives of this Convention and of assuring that any actions that may be taken are appropriate and equitable.

1. 本公约各缔约方认识到收集和共同利用资料是实现本公约各项目标及保证所采取的一切行动确属适当和公允的一个重要途径。

Therefore, Parties shall exchange scientific, technical, socio-economic, business, commercial and legal information.


2. The Parties to the Convention, in deciding what information is to be collected and exchanged, should take into account the usefulness of the information and the costs of obtaining it.

2. 本公约各缔约方于决定收集和交换何种资料时,应考虑资料效用及收集时所需的费用。

The Parties further recognize that co-operation under this annex has to be consistent with national laws, regulations and practices regarding patents, trade secrets, and protection of confidential and proprietary information.


3. Scientific information

3. 科学资料

This includes information on:


(a) Planned and ongoing research, both governmental and private, to facilitate the co-ordination of research programmes so as to make the most effective use of available national and international resources;

(a) 政府方面和私人方面已规划好的和进行中的研究工作,以促进研究方案的协调、使国家和国际间的可用资源获得最有效的利用;

(b) The emission data needed for research;

(b) 研究工作所需的排放资料;

(c) Scientific results published in peer-reviewed literature on the understanding of the physics and chemistry of the Earth’s atmosphere and of its susceptibility to change, in particular on the state of the ozone layer and effects on human health, environment and climate which would result from changes on all time-scales in either the total column content or the vertical distribution of ozone;

(c) 刊载于经同行审阅的文献内的关于了解地球大气物理和化学及其易变性的科学研究结果,特别是关于臭氧层状况及臭氧柱总量垂直分布时标变化对于人类健康、环境和气候的影响的科学研究结果;

(d) The assessment of research results and the recommendation for future research.

(d) 研究结果的评价及关于未来研究工作的建议。

4. Technical information

4. 技术资料

This includes information on:


The availability and cost of chemical substitutes and of alternative technologies to reduce the emissions of ozone-modifying substances and related planned and ongoing research;

(a) 利用化学代用品或备选技术来减少可以引起臭氧变化的物质排放以及有关已计划和进行中的研究工作的可行性和费用;

The limitations and any risks involved in using chemical or other substitutes and alternative technologies.

(b) 应用化学或其他代用品和备选技术的局限性和危险性。

5. Socio-economic and commercial information on the substances referred to in annex I

5. 关于附件一内所提各种物质的社经和商业资料

This includes information on:


Production and production capacity;

(a) 生产和生产能力;

Use and use patterns;

(b) 使用和使用方式;


(c) 输入/输出;

The costs, risks and benefits of human activities which may indirectly modify the ozone layer and of the impacts of regulatory actions taken or being considered to control these activities.

(d) 可能间接改变臭氧层的人类活动以及控制此种活动的管理行动的代价、危险和利益。

6. Legal information

6. 法律资料

This includes information on:


National laws, administrative measures and legal research relevant to the protection of the ozone layer;

(a) 与保护臭氧层有关的国家法律、行政措施和法律研究;

International agreements, including bilateral agreements, relevant to the protection of the ozone layer;

(b) 与保护臭氧层有关的国际协定,包括双边协定;

Methods and terms of licensing and availability of patents relevant to the protection of the ozone layer.

(c) 与保护臭氧层有关的执照签发办法和条件以及有无专利。

Declarations made at the time of adoption of the Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection of the Ozone Layer


[The Conference agreed that the declarations contained in paragraphs 1 to 3, as submitted on 21 March 1985, and the declarations contained in paragraphs 4 and 5, as submitted on 22 March 1985, should be appended to the Final Act.]

〔会议议定:1985321日提出,载于第13段的声明,和198532日提出,载于第4和第5段的声明,应作为最后文件的附录。 〕

1. The delegations of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany (Federal Republic of), Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland express their regret at the absence from the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer of any provision for the compulsory settlement of disputes by third parties, at the request of one party.

1. 澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、加拿大、智利、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德意志联邦共和国、意大利、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、瑞典、瑞士和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的代表团对保护臭氧层维也纳公约中没有应一方请求由第三方对争端进行强制性解决的任何规定感到遗憾。

Consistently with their traditional support for such a procedure, these delegations appeal to all Parties to the Convention to make use of the possibility of a declaration under article 11, paragraph 3 of the Convention.


2. The delegation of Egypt reiterates the importance attached by its Government to the international and national efforts to protect the environment, including the protection of the ozone layer.

2. 埃及代表团重申它的政府对进行国家和国际努力以保护环境,包括保护臭氧层的重视。

For that reason, it has participated from the outset in the preparatory work for the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection of the Ozone Layer, and in the adoption of the Convention and resolutions.


While concurring with the consensus on article 1 of the Convention, the delegation of Egypt understands paragraph 6 of that article as being applicable to all regional organizations, including the Organization of African Unity and the League of Arab States, provided they fulfil the conditions laid down in that article, namely, that they have competence in respect of matters governed by the Convention and have been duly authorized by their member States in accordance with their internal rules of procedure.


While concurring with the consensus on article 2 of the Convention, the delegation of Egypt states that the first sentence of paragraph 2 of that article should be read in the light of the third preambular paragraph.


While concurring with the consensus on Resolution No. 1 on Institutional and Financial Arrangements, the delegation of Egypt states that its approval of the third preambular paragraph of that resolution is without prejudice to its position on the method of apportioning contributions among the member States, with particular reference to option 2, which it had supported during the discussions on preparatory document UNEP/WG.94/13, whereby 80 per cent of the costs would be covered by the industrialized countries and the remaining 20 per cent apportioned among the member States on the basis of the United Nations scale of assessment.

在参加关于机构和财务安排的第1项决议的协商一致意见时,埃及代表团声明它对该决议序言部分第三段的赞同并不妨害它对在成员国中分摊经费的方法所持的立场。 特别是关于埃及代表团在讨论预备性文件UNEP/WG.94/13的过程中曾支持的第二种选择方法,根据这种方法,80%的费用可由工业化国家负担,其余20%则按照联合国分摊比额表在成员国中分摊。

3. With regard to Resolution No. 2 on the Protocol Concerning Chlorofluorocarbons, the delegation of Japan is of the opinion that a decision whether or not to continue work on a protocol should await the results of the work of the Co-ordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer.

3. 关于含氟氯烃的议定书的第2项决议,日本代表团的意见是,要等臭氧层问题协调委员会的工作有了成果,才能就是否继续进行制订一项议定书作出决定。

Secondly, with regard to paragraph 6 of the above-mentioned resolution, the delegation of Japan is of the opinion that each country should itself decide how to control emissions of chlorofluorocarbons.


4. The delegation of Spain declares that, in accordance with the interpretation by the President of the Conference in his statement of 21 March 1985, its Government understands paragraph 6 of the Resolution on a Protocol Concerning Chlorofluorocarbons as being addressed exclusively to the individual countries themselves, which are urged to control their limits of production or use, and not to third countries or to regional organizations with respect to such countries.

4. 西班牙代表团声明,按照会议主席在其1985321日发言中的解释,西班牙政府认为,关于含氟氯烃的议定书的决议第6段是单对促请它们控制生产或使用含氟氯烃的范围的个别国家而言,而非对第三国或有关这些国家的区域组织而言。

5. The delegation of the United States of America declares that it understands article 15 of the Convention to mean that regional economic integration organizations, none of whose member States are Parties to the Convention or relevant Protocol, shall have one vote each.

5. 美利坚合众国代表团声明,该代表团认为公约第15条的意思是:其成员国均非公约或有关议定书缔约国的区域经济一体化组织,得各有一票表决权。

It further understands that article 15 does not allow any double voting by regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that is, regional economic integration organizations may never vote in addition to their member States which are party to the Convention or relevant protocol, and vice versa.

该代表团还认为,第15条不允许区域经济一体化组织和其成员国作出任何双重表决;也就是说,区域经济一体化组织在其作为公约或有关议定书缔约国的成员投票参加表决之外,决不能再行投票。 反过来说,也是如此。