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CRC/C/GC/24 1915961E.docx (ENGLISH)CRC/C/GC/24 1915961C.docx (CHINESE)
Committee on the Rights of the Child儿童权利委员会
General comment No. 24 (2019) on children’s rights in the child justice system关于儿童司法系统中的儿童权利问题的第24号一般性意见(2019年)
The present general comment replaces general comment No. 10 (2007) on children’s rights in juvenile justice.本一般性意见取代关于少年司法中的儿童权利问题的第10号一般性意见(2007年),
It reflects the developments that have occurred since 2007 as a result of the promulgation of international and regional standards, the Committee’s jurisprudence, new knowledge about child and adolescent development, and evidence of effective practices, including those relating to restorative justice.并反映了自2007年以来取得的发展,包括国际和区域标准的颁布、委员会的判例、关于儿童和青少年发展的新知识以及有效做法(包括与恢复性司法有关的做法)方面的证据。
It also reflects concerns such as the trends relating to the minimum age of criminal responsibility and the persistent use of deprivation of liberty.它还反映了一些关切,比如最低刑事责任年龄和持续使用剥夺自由措施方面的趋势。
The general comment covers specific issues, such as issues relating to children recruited and used by non-State armed groups, including those designated as terrorist groups, and children in customary, indigenous or other non-State justice systems.本一般性意见涵盖具体问题,例如与非国家武装团体(包括被指认的恐怖主义团体)所招募和使用的儿童以及习惯、土著或其他非国家司法系统中的儿童有关的问题。
Children differ from adults in their physical and psychological development.儿童的身心发展不同于成人。
Such differences constitute the basis for the recognition of lesser culpability, and for a separate system with a differentiated, individualized approach.这种区别构成了确认较轻罪责的依据,以及一个采用区别化和个体化办法的单独系统的基础。
Exposure to the criminal justice system has been demonstrated to cause harm to children, limiting their chances of becoming responsible adults.事实证明,接触刑事司法系统会对儿童造成伤害,限制他们成为负责任的成年人的机会。
The Committee acknowledges that preservation of public safety is a legitimate aim of the justice system, including the child justice system.委员会承认,维护公共安全是司法系统、包括儿童司法系统的合理目标。
However, States parties should serve this aim subject to their obligations to respect and implement the principles of child justice as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.然而,缔约国实现这一目标的前提是,它们有义务遵守和执行《儿童权利公约》所载的儿童司法原则。
As the Convention clearly states in article 40, every child alleged as, accused of or recognized as having infringed criminal law should always be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of the child’s sense of dignity and worth.《公约》第40条明确指出,每一个被指称、指控或认为触犯刑法的儿童都有权得到有利于促进其尊严和价值感的方式的待遇。
Evidence shows that the prevalence of crime committed by children tends to decrease after the adoption of systems in line with these principles.证据表明,在采用符合这些原则的制度后,儿童犯罪率往往会下降。
The Committee welcomes the many efforts made to establish child justice systems in compliance with the Convention.委员会欢迎为建立符合《公约》的儿童司法系统所做的诸多努力。
Those States having provisions that are more conducive to the rights of children than those contained in the Convention and the present general comment are commended, and reminded that, in accordance with article 41 of the Convention, they should not take any retrogressive steps.委员会赞扬那些制定了比《公约》和本一般性意见所载规定更有利于儿童权利的规定的国家,并提醒这些国家,根据《公约》第41条,它们不应采取任何倒退措施。
State party reports indicate that many States parties still require significant investment to achieve full compliance with the Convention, particularly regarding prevention, early intervention, the development and implementation of diversion measures, a multidisciplinary approach, the minimum age of criminal responsibility and the reduction of deprivation of liberty.缔约国报告表明,许多缔约国仍然需要大量投入,才能实现全面遵守《公约》,特别是在预防、早期干预、制定和实施分流转处措施、多学科办法、最低刑事责任年龄和减少剥夺自由方面。
The Committee draws States’ attention to the report of the Independent Expert leading the United Nations global study on children deprived of their liberty (A/74/136), submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 69/157, which had been initiated by the Committee.委员会提请各国注意领导关于被剥夺自由儿童问题全球研究的独立专家根据大会第69/157号决议提交的报告(A/74/136),这项全球研究是由委员会发起的。
In the past decade, several declarations and guidelines that promote access to justice and child-friendly justice have been adopted by international and regional bodies.在过去十年中,国际和区域机构通过了多项促进诉诸司法和适合儿童的司法的宣言和准则。
These frameworks cover children in all aspects of the justice systems, including child victims and witnesses of crime, children in welfare proceedings and children before administrative tribunals.这些框架涵盖司法系统各个方面的儿童问题,包括犯罪受害儿童和儿童证人、福利诉讼中的儿童和在行政法庭上受审的儿童。
These developments, valuable though they are, fall outside of the scope of the present general comment, which is focused on children alleged as, accused of or recognized as having infringed criminal law.这些发展虽然有价值,但不属于本一般性意见的范围,本一般性意见侧重于被指称、指控或认为触犯刑法的儿童。
Objectives and scope目标和范围
The objectives and scope of the present general comment are:本一般性意见的目标和范围是:
To provide a contemporary consideration of the relevant articles and principles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and to guide States towards a holistic implementation of child justice systems that promote and protect children’s rights;以当代视角审视《儿童权利公约》的相关条款和原则,并指导各国全面实施促进和保护儿童权利的儿童司法系统;
To reiterate the importance of prevention and early intervention, and of protecting children’s rights at all stages of the system;重申预防和早期干预以及在系统各阶段保护儿童权利的重要性;
To promote key strategies for reducing the especially harmful effects of contact with the criminal justice system, in line with increased knowledge about children’s development, in particular:根据对儿童发展的更多了解,促进采取关键战略,减少与刑事司法系统接触所致的特别有害影响,具体而言:
Setting an appropriate minimum age of criminal responsibility and ensuring the appropriate treatment of children on either side of that age;确定适当的最低刑事责任年龄,并确保适当对待该年龄上下的儿童;
Scaling up the diversion of children away from formal justice processes and to effective programmes;扩大将儿童从正式司法程序分流到有效方案的规模;
Expanding the use of non-custodial measures to ensure that detention of children is a measure of last resort;扩大使用非拘禁措施,确保将拘留儿童作为最后手段;
Ending the use of corporal punishment, capital punishment and life sentences;停止使用体罚、死刑和终身监禁;
For the few situations where deprivation of liberty is justified as a last resort, ensuring that its application is for older children only, is strictly time limited and is subject to regular review;对于有理由将剥夺自由作为最后手段的少数情况,确保仅适用于年龄较大的儿童,规定严格时限,并进行定期审查;
To promote the strengthening of systems through improved organization, capacity-building, data collection, evaluation and research;通过改进组织、能力建设、数据收集、评价和研究,促进加强系统;
To provide guidance on new developments in the field, in particular the recruitment and use of children by non-State armed groups, including those designated as terrorist groups, and children coming into contact with customary, indigenous and non-State justice systems.就这一领域的新动态提供指导,特别是非国家武装团体(包括被指认的恐怖主义团体)招募和使用儿童的问题,以及儿童与习惯、土著和非国家司法系统接触的相关问题。
The Committee encourages the use of non-stigmatizing language relating to children alleged as, accused of or recognized as having infringed criminal law.委员会鼓励在涉及被指称、指控或认为触犯刑法的儿童时使用非污名化语言。
Important terms used in the present general comment are listed below:本一般性意见中使用的重要术语如下:
Appropriate adult: in situations where the parent or legal guardian is not available to assist the child, States parties should allow for an appropriate adult to assist the child.适当成年人:在父母或法定监护人无法帮助儿童的情况下,缔约国应允许由一名适当成年人帮助儿童。
An appropriate adult may be a person who is nominated by the child and/or by the competent authority.适当成年人可以是由儿童和(或)主管当局提名的人。
Child justice system: the legislation, norms and standards, procedures, mechanisms and provisions specifically applicable to, and institutions and bodies set up to deal with, children considered as offenders.儿童司法系统: 专门适用于被视为罪犯的儿童的立法、规范和标准、程序、机制和规定,以及为对这些儿童作出安排而设立的机构和机关。
Deprivation of liberty: any form of detention or imprisonment or the placement of a person in a public or private custodial setting, from which this person is not permitted to leave at will, by order of any judicial, administrative or other public authority.剥夺自由:对人采取任何形式的拘留或监禁,或将其安置于一公私营拘禁处所,由于任何司法、行政或其他公共当局的命令而不准自行离去。
Diversion: measures for referring children away from the judicial system, at any time prior to or during the relevant proceedings.分流转处:在相关诉讼之前或期间的任何时点将儿童转出司法系统的措施。
Minimum age of criminal responsibility: the minimum age below which the law determines that children do not have the capacity to infringe the criminal law.最低刑事责任年龄:法律确定的最低年龄,低于这一年龄的儿童不具备触犯刑法的能力。
Pretrial detention: detention from the moment of the arrest to the stage of the disposition or sentence, including detention throughout the trial.审前拘留:从逮捕到处置或判决阶段的拘留,包括整个审判期间的拘留。
Restorative justice: any process in which the victim, the offender and/or any other individual or community member affected by a crime actively participates together in the resolution of matters arising from the crime, often with the help of a fair and impartial third party.恢复性司法:受害人、罪犯和(或)受犯罪影响的任何其他个人或社区成员,通常在公平和公正的第三方的帮助下,共同积极参与解决犯罪所引起的问题的任何程序。
Examples of restorative process include mediation, conferencing, conciliation and sentencing circles.恢复性程序的例子包括调解、会商、和解和共同确定责任。
Core elements of a comprehensive child justice policy全面儿童司法政策的核心要素
Prevention of child offending, including early intervention directed at children below the minimum age of criminal responsibility预防儿童犯罪,包括对未满最低刑事责任年龄的儿童的早期干预
States parties should consult the United Nations Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Children in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and comparative national and international research on root causes of children’s involvement in the child justice system and undertake their own research to inform the development of a prevention strategy.缔约国应查阅《联合国消除预防犯罪和刑事司法领域内暴力侵害儿童行为的示范战略和实际措施》以及关于儿童进入儿童司法系统的根本原因的国家和国际比较研究,并自行开展研究,以便为制定预防战略提供参考。
Research has demonstrated that intensive family- and community-based treatment programmes designed to make positive changes in aspects of the various social systems (home, school, community, peer relations) that contribute to the serious behavioural difficulties of children reduce the risk of children coming into child justice systems.研究表明,开展以家庭和社区为基础的强化治疗方案,争取在导致儿童严重行为困难的各种社会体系(家庭、学校、社区、同伴关系)的各个方面发生积极变化,可降低儿童进入儿童司法系统的风险。
Prevention and early intervention programmes should be focused on support for families, in particular those in vulnerable situations or where violence occurs.预防和早期干预方案应侧重于支持家庭,特别是那些处境脆弱或有暴力发生的家庭。
Support should be provided to children at risk, particularly children who stop attending school, are excluded or otherwise do not complete their education.应向处境危险的儿童,特别是停止上学、被排除在外或未完成学业的儿童提供支持。
Peer group support and a strong involvement of parents are recommended.建议同龄群给予支持,父母积极参与。
States parties should also develop community-based services and programmes that respond to the specific needs, problems, concerns and interests of children, and that provide appropriate counselling and guidance to their families.缔约国还应根据儿童的具体需求、问题、关切和利益,制定基于社区的服务和方案,并向儿童家庭提供适当的咨询和指导。
Articles 18 and 27 of the Convention confirm the importance of the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of their children, but at the same time the Convention requires States parties to provide the assistance to parents (or other caregivers) necessary to carry out their child-rearing responsibilities.《公约》第18条和第27条确认了父母养育子女的责任的重要性,但《公约》同时要求缔约国向父母(或其他照料者)提供履行抚养子女责任所需的援助。
Investment in early childhood care and education correlates with lower rates of future violence and crime.对幼儿保育和教育的投资与未来较低的暴力和犯罪率相关联。
This can commence when the child is very young, for example with home visitation programmes to enhance parenting capacity.这可以从孩子很小的时候开始,例如通过家访方案来提高教养能力。
Measures of assistance should draw on the wealth of information on community and family-based prevention programmes, such as programmes to improve parent-child interaction, partnerships with schools, positive peer association and cultural and leisure activities.援助措施应借鉴与社区和家庭预防方案有关的大量信息,比如旨在改善亲子互动的方案、与学校的伙伴关系、积极的同伴交往以及文化和休闲活动。
Early intervention for children who are below the minimum age of criminal responsibility requires child-friendly and multidisciplinary responses to the first signs of behaviour that would, if the child were above the minimum age of criminal responsibility, be considered an offence.最低刑事责任年龄以下的儿童,如果做出了假若其超过最低刑事责任年龄将被视为犯罪的行为,则必须在这种行为初露端倪时就进行早期干预,并采取适合儿童的多学科对策。
Evidence-based intervention programmes should be developed that reflect not only the multiple psychosocial causes of such behaviour, but also the protective factors that may strengthen resilience.应制定循证干预方案,除了反映造成这种行为的多重心理社会原因外,还应反映可增强韧性的保护因素。
Interventions must be preceded by a comprehensive and interdisciplinary assessment of the child’s needs.在采取干预措施之前,必须对儿童的需要进行全面和跨学科的评估。
As an absolute priority, children should be supported within their families and communities.作为绝对优先事项,儿童应在自己的家庭和社区中得到支持。
In the exceptional cases that require an out-of-home placement, such alternative care should preferably be in a family setting, although placement in residential care may be appropriate in some instances, to provide the necessary array of professional services.在需要离家安置的特殊情况中,这种替代照料最好在家庭环境中进行,但在某些情况下,为了提供必要的一系列专业服务,安置在寄宿式照料设施中可能是适当的。
It is to be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time and should be subject to judicial review.这一措施只能作为最后手段使用,期限为最短的适当时间,并应接受司法审查。
A systemic approach to prevention also includes closing pathways into the child justice system through the decriminalization of minor offences such as school absence, running away, begging or trespassing, which often are the result of poverty, homelessness or family violence.系统性的预防办法还包括将诸如缺课、离家出走、乞讨或非法侵入等轻罪非刑罪化——这些轻罪通常是由于贫穷、无家可归或家庭暴力所致——从而关闭进入儿童司法系统的途径。
Child victims of sexual exploitation and adolescents who engage with one another in consensual sexual acts are also sometimes criminalized.性剥削的儿童受害者和互相之间进行自愿性行为的青少年有时也被定罪。
These acts, also known as status offences, are not considered crimes if committed by adults.这些行为又被称为“身份罪”,如果是成年人所为,则不被视为犯罪。
The Committee urges States parties to remove status offences from their statutes.委员会敦促缔约国在本国法律中废除身份罪。
Interventions for children above the minimum age of criminal responsibility对已满最低刑事责任年龄的儿童的干预
Under article 40 (3) (b) of the Convention, States parties are required to promote the establishment of measures for dealing with children without resorting to judicial proceedings, whenever appropriate.根据《公约》第40条第3款(b)项,缔约国须酌情推动制定不对儿童诉诸司法程序的处置措施。
In practice, the measures generally fall into two categories:在实践中,这些措施一般分为两类:
Measures referring children away from the judicial system, any time prior to or during the relevant proceedings (diversion);在相关诉讼之前或期间的任何时点将儿童转出司法系统的措施(分流转处);
Measures in the context of judicial proceedings.司法程序背景下的措施。
The Committee reminds States parties that, in applying measures under both categories of intervention, utmost care should be taken to ensure that the child’s human rights and legal safeguards are fully respected and protected.委员会提醒缔约国注意,在采用这两类干预措施时,应尽最大努力确保儿童的人权和法律保障得到充分尊重和保护。
Interventions that avoid resorting to judicial proceedings避免诉诸司法程序的干预措施
Measures dealing with children that avoid resorting to judicial proceedings have been introduced into many systems around the world, and are generally referred to as diversion.避免诉诸司法程序的儿童处置措施已被引入世界各地的许多系统,这类措施通常称为分流转处。
Diversion involves the referral of matters away from the formal criminal justice system, usually to programmes or activities.分流转处涉及将事项从正式刑事司法系统中分流出去,通常转由方案或活动处理。
In addition to avoiding stigmatization and criminal records, this approach yields good results for children, is congruent with public safety and has proved to be cost-effective.除了避免污名化和犯罪记录之外,这种办法还对儿童有良好效果,符合公共安全,并被证明具有成本效益。
Diversion should be the preferred manner of dealing with children in the majority of cases.在大多数情况下,分流转处应当是处置儿童的首选方式。
States parties should continually extend the range of offences for which diversion is possible, including serious offences where appropriate.缔约国应继续扩大可予以分流转处的罪行范围,包括酌情纳入严重罪行。
Opportunities for diversion should be available from as early as possible after contact with the system, and at various stages throughout the process.从与系统接触开始,应尽早提供分流转处的机会,在程序各阶段也应提供此类机会。
Diversion should be an integral part of the child justice system, and, in accordance with art. 40 (3) (b) of the Convention, children’s human rights and legal safeguards are to be fully respected and protected in all diversion processes and programmes分流转处应当是儿童司法系统一个不可或缺的组成部分,根据《公约》第40条第3款(b)项,在所有分流转处程序和方案中,儿童的人权和法律保障应得到充分尊重和保护。
It is left to the discretion of States parties to decide on the exact nature and content of measures of diversion, and to take the necessary legislative and other measures for their implementation.缔约国可自行决定分流转处措施的确切性质和内容,并为实施这些措施采取必要的立法和其他措施。
The Committee takes note that a variety of community-based programmes have been developed, such as community service, supervision and guidance by designated officials, family conferencing and other restorative justice options, including reparation to victims.委员会注意到,已经制定了各种基于社区的方案,例如社区服务、由指定官员进行监督和指导、家庭会商和其他恢复性司法选项,包括向受害者提供赔偿。
The Committee emphasizes the following:委员会强调以下几点:
Diversion should be used only when there is compelling evidence that the child committed the alleged offence, that he or she freely and voluntarily admits responsibility, without intimidation or pressure, and that the admission will not be used against the child in any subsequent legal proceeding;只有当有令人信服的证据表明儿童犯下了被控罪行,他或她在没有恐吓或压力的情况下自由并自愿地承认罪责,并且这一供认不会在随后的任何法律诉讼中被用于对儿童不利的目的时,才能采用分流转处;
The child’s free and voluntary consent to diversion should be based on adequate and specific information on the nature, content and duration of the measure, and on an understanding of the consequences of a failure to cooperate or complete the measure;儿童对分流转处的自由和自愿同意,应基于对该措施的性质、内容和持续时间的充分和具体了解,以及对不合作或不完成措施的后果的理解;
The law should indicate the cases in which diversion is possible, and the relevant decisions of the police, prosecutors and/or other agencies should be regulated and reviewable.法律应指明可予以分流转处的案件,警察、检察官和(或)其他机构的相关决定应受到监管和审查。
All State officials and actors participating in the diversion process should receive the necessary training and support;应向参与分流转处过程的所有国家官员和行为者提供必要的培训和支助;
The child is to be given the opportunity to seek legal or other appropriate assistance relating to the diversion offered by the competent authorities, and the possibility of review of the measure;儿童应有机会就主管当局提出的分流转处措施寻求法律或其他适当协助,且可对措施进行复查;
Diversion measures should not include the deprivation of liberty;分流转处措施不应包括剥夺自由;
The completion of the diversion should result in a definite and final closure of the case.分流转处完成后,即应表示案件已明确、最终结案。
Although confidential records of diversion can be kept for administrative, review, investigative and research purposes, they should not be viewed as criminal convictions or result in criminal records.虽然出于行政、审查、调查和研究目的,可以保留分流转处的非公开记录,但该记录不应被视为刑事定罪,或导致犯罪记录。
Interventions in the context of judicial proceedings (disposition)司法程序(处置)背景下的干预措施
When judicial proceedings are initiated by the competent authority, the principles of a fair and just trial are applicable (see section D below).当主管当局启动司法程序时,适用公平公正审判原则(见下文D节)。
The child justice system should provide ample opportunities to apply social and educational measures, and to strictly limit the use of deprivation of liberty, from the moment of arrest, throughout the proceedings and in sentencing.儿童司法系统应为采用社会和教育措施提供充分机会,并从逮捕那一刻起,在整个诉讼过程中并在判决中严格限制使用剥夺自由的手段。
States parties should have in place a probation service or similar agency with well-trained staff to ensure the maximum and effective use of measures such as guidance and supervision orders, probation, community monitoring or day reporting centres, and the possibility of early release from detention.缔约国应设立缓刑服务或类似机构,配备训练有素的工作人员,以确保最大限度地有效利用指导和监督令、缓刑、社区监测或每日报告中心等措施,并确保拘留期内提前释放的可能性。
Age and child justice systems年龄与儿童司法系统
Minimum age of criminal responsibility最低刑事责任年龄
Children who are below the minimum age of criminal responsibility at the time of the commission of an offence cannot be held responsible in criminal law proceedings.不得在刑法诉讼中追究做出犯罪行为时未满最低刑事责任年龄的儿童的责任。
Children at or above the minimum age at the time of the commission of an offence but younger than 18 years can be formally charged and subjected to child justice procedures, in full compliance with the Convention.在充分遵守《公约》的情况下,可对犯罪时已满最低年龄但不满18岁的儿童提起正式指控,并诉诸儿童司法程序。
The Committee reminds States parties that the relevant age is the age at the time of the commission of the offence.委员会提醒缔约国注意,相关年龄是做出犯罪行为时的年龄。
Under article 40 (3) of the Convention, States parties are required to establish a minimum age of criminal responsibility, but the article does not specify the age.《公约》第40条第3款要求缔约国设定最低刑事责任年龄,但该条没有具体规定年龄。
Over 50 States parties have raised the minimum age following ratification of the Convention, and the most common minimum age of criminal responsibility internationally is 14.有50多个缔约国在批准《公约》后提高了最低年龄,国际上最常见的最低刑事责任年龄为14岁。
Nevertheless, reports submitted by States parties indicate that some States retain an unacceptably low minimum age of criminal responsibility.然而,缔约国提交的报告显示,一些国家仍维持着过低的最低刑事责任年龄。
Documented evidence in the fields of child development and neuroscience indicates that maturity and the capacity for abstract reasoning is still evolving in children aged 12 to 13 years due to the fact that their frontal cortex is still developing.儿童发育和神经科学领域的文献证据表明,12-13岁儿童的成熟度和抽象推理能力仍在发展中,因为他们的额叶皮质仍在发育。
Therefore, they are unlikely to understand the impact of their actions or to comprehend criminal proceedings.因此,他们不太可能理解自己行为的影响,或理解刑事诉讼。
They are also affected by their entry into adolescence.他们还受到进入青少年期的影响。
As the Committee notes in its general comment No. 20 (2016) on the implementation of the rights of the child during adolescence, adolescence is a unique defining stage of human development characterized by rapid brain development, and this affects risk-taking, certain kinds of decision-making and the ability to control impulses.正如委员会在关于在青少年期落实儿童权利的第20号一般性意见(2016年)中所指出的,青少年期是人发展的一个独特的决定性阶段,其特点是大脑迅速发育,而这影响着冒险偏好、某些类型的决策和控制冲动的能力。
States parties are encouraged to take note of recent scientific findings, and to increase their minimum age accordingly, to at least 14 years of age.委员会鼓励缔约国注意最近的科学发现,并相应地将最低年龄提高到至少14岁。
Moreover, the developmental and neuroscience evidence indicates that adolescent brains continue to mature even beyond the teenage years, affecting certain kinds of decision-making.此外,发育和神经科学的证据表明,青少年大脑甚至到青春期结束后仍在继续成熟,这影响着某些类型的决策。
Therefore, the Committee commends States parties that have a higher minimum age, for instance 15 or 16 years of age, and urges States parties not to reduce the minimum age of criminal responsibility under any circumstances, in accordance with article 41 of the Convention.因此,委员会赞扬最低年龄较高(例如15或16岁)的缔约国,并敦促缔约国根据《公约》第41条,在任何情况下都不应降低最低刑事责任年龄。
The Committee recognizes that although the setting of a minimum age of criminal responsibility at a reasonably high level is important, an effective approach also depends on how each State deals with children above and below that age.委员会认识到,尽管将最低刑事责任年龄设在合理的较高水平很重要,但有效的办法还取决于每个国家如何处理该年龄上下的儿童。
The Committee will continue to scrutinize this in reviews of State party reports.委员会将在审查缔约国报告时继续重点检查这一点。
Children below the minimum age of criminal responsibility are to be provided with assistance and services according to their needs, by the appropriate authorities, and should not be viewed as children who have committed criminal offences.不满最低刑事责任年龄的儿童应由主管机构根据他们的需要提供援助和服务,而不应被视为犯有刑事罪的儿童。
If there is no proof of age and it cannot be established that the child is below or above the minimum age of criminal responsibility, the child is to be given the benefit of the doubt and is not to be held criminally responsible.如无年龄证明,也不能确定当事儿童是否已满最低刑事责任年龄,则应对该儿童适用“疑点利益归于被告”原则,不予追究刑事责任。
Systems with exceptions to the minimum age在适用最低年龄方面存在例外情形的系统
The Committee is concerned about practices that permit the use of a lower minimum age of criminal responsibility in cases where, for example, the child is accused of committing a serious offence.委员会感到关切的是,在某些情况下——比如儿童被控犯有严重罪行——存在允许降低所适用的最低刑事责任年龄的做法。
Such practices are usually created to respond to public pressure and are not based on a rational understanding of children’s development.这种做法通常是为了应对公众压力,而不是基于对儿童发展的理性理解。
The Committee strongly recommends that States parties abolish such approaches and set one standardized age below which children cannot be held responsible in criminal law, without exception.委员会强烈建议缔约国废除这种做法,并规定一个标准年龄,低于这个年龄的儿童不得被追究刑法责任,没有例外。
Systems with two minimum ages设有双重最低年龄的系统
Several States parties apply two minimum ages of criminal responsibility (for example, 7 and 14 years), with a presumption that a child who is at or above the lower age but below the higher age lacks criminal responsibility unless sufficient maturity is demonstrated.一些缔约国适用双重最低刑事责任年龄(例如7岁和14岁),达到或超过较低年龄但未满较高年龄的儿童,除非表现出足够的成熟度,否则推定其缺乏刑事责任能力。
Initially devised as a protective system, it has not proved so in practice.设定双重年龄的初衷是提供保护,但实践证明并未达到这种效果。
Although there is some support for the idea of individualized assessment of criminal responsibility, the Committee has observed that this leaves much to the discretion of the court and results in discriminatory practices.虽然一些人支持对刑事责任进行个体化评估,但委员会指出,这会使法庭拥有很大的酌处权,且可导致歧视性做法。
States are urged to set one appropriate minimum age and to ensure that such legal reform does not result in a retrogressive position regarding the minimum age of criminal responsibility.敦促各国设定一个适当的最低年龄,并确保这方面的法律改革不会导致在最低刑事责任年龄问题上的倒退立场。
Children lacking criminal responsibility for reasons related to developmental delays or neurodevelopmental disorders or disabilities因发育迟缓或神经发育障碍或残疾等原因而缺乏刑事责任能力的儿童
Children with developmental delays or neurodevelopmental disorders or disabilities (for example, autism spectrum disorders, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or acquired brain injuries) should not be in the child justice system at all, even if they have reached the minimum age of criminal responsibility.发育迟缓或患有神经发育障碍或残疾(例如自闭症谱系障碍、胎儿酒精谱系障碍或获得性脑损伤)的儿童根本不应被纳入儿童司法系统,即使他们已经达到最低刑事责任年龄。
If not automatically excluded, such children should be individually assessed.如果没有自动排除,则应对这些儿童进行单独评估。
Application of the child justice system儿童司法系统的适用
The child justice system should apply to all children above the minimum age of criminal responsibility but below the age of 18 years at the time of the commission of the offence.儿童司法系统应适用于犯罪时年龄超过最低刑事责任年龄但未满18岁的所有儿童。
The Committee recommends that those States parties that limit the applicability of their child justice system to children under the age of 16 years (or lower), or that allow by way of exception that certain children are treated as adult offenders (for example, because of the offence category), change their laws to ensure a non-discriminatory full application of their child justice system to all persons below the age of 18 years at the time of the offence (see also general comment No. 20, para. 88).委员会建议那些将儿童司法系统的适用年龄限制在16岁(或低于16岁)以下,或作为例外允许某些儿童被视作成年罪犯对待(例如由于罪行类别)的缔约国修改法律,以确保本国的儿童司法系统无歧视地全面适用于犯罪时未满18岁的所有人(另见第20号一般性意见,第88段)。
Child justice systems should also extend protection to children who were below the age of 18 at the time of the commission of the offence but who turn 18 during the trial or sentencing process.儿童司法系统还应保护犯罪时未满18岁但在审理或判决过程中达到18岁的儿童。
The Committee commends States parties that allow the application of the child justice system to persons aged 18 and older whether as a general rule or by way of exception.委员会赞扬那些按一般规则或以例外方式允许对18岁及以上个人适用儿童司法系统的缔约国。
This approach is in keeping with the developmental and neuroscience evidence that shows that brain development continues into the early twenties.这种做法与表明大脑发育一直持续到20岁出头的发育和神经科学证据相一致。
Birth certificates and age determination出生证和年龄的确定
A child who does not have a birth certificate should be provided with one promptly and free of charge by the State, whenever it is required to prove age.没有出生证的儿童,只要需要证明年龄,就应由国家立即免费提供出生证。
If there is no proof of age by birth certificate, the authority should accept all documentation that can prove age, such as notification of birth, extracts from birth registries, baptismal or equivalent documents or school reports.如果没有出生证证明年龄,当局应接受所有能证明年龄的文件,如出生通知、出生登记摘录、洗礼或等效文件或学校报告。
Documents should be considered genuine unless there is proof to the contrary.文件应被视为真实,除非有相反的证据。
Authorities should allow for interviews with or testimony by parents regarding age, or for permitting affirmations to be filed by teachers or religious or community leaders who know the age of the child.当局应允许就年龄问题约谈父母或由父母作证,或由了解儿童年龄的教师或宗教或社区领袖提交正式证词。
Only if these measures prove unsuccessful may there be an assessment of the child’s physical and psychological development, conducted by specialist pediatricians or other professionals skilled in evaluating different aspects of development.只有当上述措施不成功时,才可由儿科专家或其他擅长评估各方面发育特征的专业人员对儿童的身心发展状况进行评估。
Such assessments should be carried out in a prompt, child- and gender-sensitive and culturally appropriate manner, including interviews of children and parents or caregivers in a language the child understands.应以关爱儿童、顾及性别问题和适合当地文化的方式及时开展这项评估,包括以儿童能听懂的语言与儿童及父母或照料者进行面谈。
States should refrain from using only medical methods based on, inter alia, bone and dental analysis, which is often inaccurate, due to wide margins of error, and can also be traumatic.各国应避免仅采用依据骨骼和牙齿分析等的医学方法,这种方法误差幅度大,因此常常不准确,还可能造成创伤。
The least invasive method of assessment should be applied.应采用侵入性最小的评估方法。
In the case of inconclusive evidence, the child or young person is to have the benefit of the doubt.在证据不确定的情况下,疑点利益应归于儿童或年轻人。
Continuation of child justice measures儿童司法措施的连续性
The Committee recommends that children who turn 18 before completing a diversion programme or non-custodial or custodial measure be permitted to complete the programme, measure or sentence, and not be sent to centres for adults.委员会建议,在完成分流转处方案或非拘禁或拘禁措施之前已年满18岁的儿童,应被允许完成方案、措施或刑期,而不是被送往成人设施。
Offences committed before and after 18 years and offences committed with adults18岁之前和之后犯罪以及与成年人一起犯罪
In cases where a young person commits several offences, some occurring before and some after the age of 18 years, States parties should consider providing for procedural rules that allow the child justice system to be applied in respect of all the offences when there are reasonable grounds to do so.如果一个年轻人犯下了多项罪行,有些发生在18岁之前,有些发生在18岁之后,缔约国应考虑制定程序规则,在有合理理由的情况下,允许儿童司法系统适用于所有罪行。
In cases where a child commits an offence together with one or more adults, the rules of the child justice system applies to the child, whether they are tried jointly or separately.如果一名儿童与一名或多名成年人一起犯罪,应对该名儿童适用儿童司法系统规则,无论他们是共同还是分开受审。
Guarantees for a fair trial公平审判保障
Article 40 (2) of the Convention contains an important list of rights and guarantees aimed at ensuring that every child receives fair treatment and trial (see also article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights).《公约》第40条第2款载有一份重要的权利和保障清单,旨在确保每个儿童得到公平的对待和审判(另见《公民及政治权利国际公约》第十四条)。
It should be noted that these are minimum standards.应该指出,这些是最低标准。
States parties can and should try to establish and observe higher standards.缔约国可以而且应该努力设定和遵守更高标准。
The Committee emphasizes that continuous and systematic training of professionals in the child justice system is crucial to uphold those guarantees.委员会强调,对儿童司法系统内的专业人员进行持续和系统的培训,对于维护这些保障至关重要。
Such professionals should be able to work in interdisciplinary teams, and should be well informed about the physical, psychological, mental and social development of children and adolescents, as well as about the special needs of the most marginalized children.这些专业人员应该能够在跨学科小组中工作,应充分了解儿童和青少年的生理、心理、精神和社会发展,以及最边缘化儿童的特殊需要。
Safeguards against discrimination are needed from the earliest contact with the criminal justice system and throughout the trial, and discrimination against any group of children requires active redress.从一开始接触刑事司法系统到整个审判过程中,始终需要保障防止歧视,需要对任何儿童群体受到的歧视采取积极的补救措施。
In particular, gender-sensitive attention should be paid to girls and to children who are discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.特别是,应对女童和因性取向或性别认同而受到歧视的儿童给予对性别问题具有敏感认识的关注。
Accommodation should be made for children with disabilities, which may include physical access to court and other buildings, support for children with psychosocial disabilities, assistance with communication and the reading of documents, and procedural adjustments for testimony.应为残疾儿童提供便利,其中可能包括:无障碍进入法院和其他建筑物,为社会心理残疾儿童提供支持,协助沟通和阅读文件,以及调整作证程序。
States parties should enact legislation and ensure practices that safeguard children’s rights from the moment of contact with the system, including at the stopping, warning or arrest stage, while in custody of police or other law enforcement agencies, during transfers to and from police stations, places of detention and courts, and during questioning, searches and the taking of evidentiary samples.缔约国应颁布立法并确保从儿童接触司法系统的那一刻起就保障其权利的相关做法,包括在阻止、警告或逮捕阶段,在被警察或其他执法机构羁押期间,在进出警察局、拘留所和法院的转送期间,以及在讯问、搜查和采集证据样本期间保障儿童的权利。
Records should be kept on the location and condition of the child in all phases and processes.应保留儿童在所有阶段和过程中的位置和状况记录。
No retroactive application of child justice (art. 40 (2) (a))儿童司法不得追溯适用(第40条第2款(a)项)
No child shall be held guilty of any criminal offence that did not constitute a criminal offence, under national or international law, at the time it was committed.任何儿童的任何行为,如果在发生当时依国家或国际法不构成刑事罪,则不得以此判定该名儿童犯有刑事罪。
States parties that expand their criminal law provisions to prevent and combat terrorism should ensure that those changes do not result in the retroactive or unintended punishment of children.为防止和打击恐怖主义而扩大刑法条款的缔约国应确保这些变动不致使儿童以追溯既往方式受到惩罚或意外受到惩罚。
No child should be punished with a heavier penalty than the one applicable at the time of the offence, but if a change of law after the offence provides for a lighter penalty, the child should benefit.对任何儿童的惩罚,均不得重于犯罪行为发生之时所适用的惩罚,但如果有关法律在犯罪行为发生之后经过修改,规定了较轻的惩罚,则儿童应得益于此种修改。
Presumption of innocence (art. 40 (2) (b) (i))无罪推定(第40条第2款(b)项第㈠目)
The presumption of innocence requires that the burden of proof of the charge is on the prosecution, regardless of the nature of the offence.无罪推定要求检方承担对指控的举证责任,无论罪行的性质如何。
The child has the benefit of the doubt and is guilty only if the charges have been proved beyond reasonable doubt.儿童享有“疑点利益归于被告”的权利,只有当对指控的证明达到了排除合理怀疑的程度,才能认为儿童有罪。
Suspicious behaviour on the part of the child should not lead to assumptions of guilt, as it may be due to a lack of understanding of the process, immaturity, fear or other reasons.不应根据儿童的可疑行为而假定其有罪,因为这类行为可能是由于儿童对程序缺乏了解、不成熟、恐惧或其他原因所致。
Right to be heard (art. 12)意见得到听取的权利(第12条)
In paragraphs 57 to 64 of general comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard, the Committee explained the fundamental right of the child to be heard in the context of child justice.关于儿童表达意见的权利的第12号一般性意见(2009年)第57至64段述及儿童享有自己的意见得到听取的权利,委员会在其中解释了儿童司法背景下儿童享有的意见得到听取的基本权利。
Children have the right to be heard directly, and not only through a representative, at all stages of the process, starting from the moment of contact.儿童从与系统发生接触那一刻开始,就有权在这一过程的所有阶段直接表达意见,而不仅仅是通过代表表达意见。
The child has the right to remain silent and no adverse inference should be drawn when children elect not to make statements.儿童有权保持沉默,当儿童选择不发言时,不应作任何不利的推断。
Effective participation in the proceedings (art. 40 (2) (b) (iv))有效参与诉讼(第40条第2款(b)项第㈣目)
A child who is above the minimum age of criminal responsibility should be considered competent to participate throughout the child justice process.超过最低刑事责任年龄的儿童应被视为有能力参与整个儿童司法程序。
To effectively participate, a child needs to be supported by all practitioners to comprehend the charges and possible consequences and options in order to direct the legal representative, challenge witnesses, provide an account of events and to make appropriate decisions about evidence, testimony and the measure(s) to be imposed.为了有效参与,儿童需要得到所有从业人员的支持,理解指控以及可能的后果和选项,以便指引法律代表,质疑证人,叙述事件经过,并就证据、证词和将予强制执行的措施作出适当决定。
Proceedings should be conducted in a language the child fully understands or an interpreter is to be provided free of charge.诉讼应以儿童完全理解的语言进行,或者免费提供翻译。
Proceedings should be conducted in an atmosphere of understanding to allow children to fully participate.诉讼应在谅解的气氛中进行,以便儿童充分参与。
Developments in child-friendly justice provide an impetus towards child-friendly language at all stages, child-friendly layouts of interviewing spaces and courts, support by appropriate adults, removal of intimidating legal attire and adaptation of proceedings, including accommodation for children with disabilities.适合儿童的司法的发展为实现以下几点提供了动力:在所有阶段使用适合儿童的语言,采用适合儿童的面谈场所和法庭布局,由适当成年人提供支持,取消令人生畏的法庭着装,调整诉讼程序,包括为残疾儿童提供便利。
Prompt and direct information of the charge(s) (art. 40 (2) (b) (ii))迅速直接了解指控信息(第40条第2款(b)项第㈡目)
Every child has the right to be informed promptly and directly (or where appropriate through his or her parent or guardian) of the charges brought against him or her.每个儿童都有权迅速和直接(或酌情通过其父母或监护人)获悉对其提出的指控。
Promptly means as soon as possible after the first contact of the child with the justice system.迅速意味着在儿童最初接触司法系统后尽早告知。
Notification of parents should not be neglected on the grounds of convenience or resources.不应以不便或缺乏资源为由忽略通知父母。
Children who are diverted at the charge stage need to understand their legal options, and legal safeguards should be fully respected.在指控阶段被分流转处的儿童需了解他们的法律选项,法律保障应得到充分尊重。
Authorities should ensure that the child understands the charges, options and processes.当局应确保儿童理解指控、选项和程序。
Providing the child with an official document is insufficient and an oral explanation is necessary.仅仅向儿童提供正式文件是不够的,还有必要作口头解释。
Although children should be assisted in understanding any document by a parent or appropriate adult, authorities should not leave the explanation of the charges to such persons.虽然父母或适当成年人应协助儿童理解各类文件,但当局不应把解释指控的责任交给他们。
Legal or other appropriate assistance (art. 40 (2) (b) (ii))法律或其他适当协助(第40条第2款(b)项第㈡目)
States should ensure that the child is guaranteed legal or other appropriate assistance from the outset of the proceedings, in the preparation and presentation of the defence, and until all appeals and/or reviews are exhausted.各国应确保从诉讼一开始就保证儿童在准备和提出辩护方面得到法律或其他适当协助,直至用尽所有上诉和(或)复审程序。
The Committee requests States parties to withdraw any reservation made in respect of article 40 (2) (b) (ii).委员会请缔约国撤回对第40条第2款(b)项第㈡目提出的任何保留。
The Committee remains concerned that many children face criminal charges before judicial, administrative or other public authorities, and are deprived of liberty, without having the benefit of legal representation.委员会仍然感到关切的是,许多儿童面临向司法、行政或其他公共当局提出的刑事指控,他们被剥夺自由,且没有法律代表为其辩护。
The Committee notes that in article 14 (3) (d) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the right to legal representation is a minimum guarantee in the criminal justice system for all persons, and this should equally apply to children.委员会注意到,《公民及政治权利国际公约》第十四条第三款(卯)项规定,法律代表权是刑事司法系统中人人享有的最低限度的保证,这一点应同样适用于儿童。
While the article allows the person to defend himself or herself in person, in any case where the interests of justice so require the person is to be assigned legal assistance.尽管该条允许当事人亲自替自己辩护,但在任何情形下,只要司法利益有此需要,都应为当事人指定法律援助。
In the light of the above, the Committee is concerned that children are provided less protection than international law guarantees for adults.鉴于上述情况,委员会感到关切的是,儿童得到的保护少于国际法保证成人享有的保护。
The Committee recommends that States provide effective legal representation, free of charge, for all children who are facing criminal charges before judicial, administrative or other public authorities Child justice systems should not permit children to waive legal representation unless the decision to waive is made voluntarily and under impartial judicial supervision.委员会建议各国为所有在司法、行政或其他公共当局面临刑事指控的儿童免费提供有效的法律代理。 儿童司法系统不应允许儿童放弃法律代理,除非放弃的决定是在公正的司法监督下自愿做出的。
If children are diverted to programmes or are in a system that does not result in convictions, criminal records or deprivation of liberty, “other appropriate assistance” by well-trained officers may be an acceptable form of assistance, although States that can provide legal representation for children during all processes should do so, in accordance with article 41.如果儿童被分流到方案,或处于不会导致定罪、犯罪记录或剥夺自由的系统中,那么由训练有素的人员提供“其他适当协助”可能是一种可以接受的协助形式,但根据第41条,有能力在所有过程中为儿童提供法律代理的国家应当这样做。
Where other appropriate assistance is permissible, the person providing the assistance is required to have sufficient knowledge of the legal aspects of the child justice process and receive appropriate training.如允许提供其他适当协助,协助者必须充分了解儿童司法程序的各个法律方面,并接受适当的培训。
As required under article 14 (3) (b) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, there is to be adequate time and facilities for the preparation of the defence.《公民及政治权利国际公约》第十四条第三款(丑)项规定,必须保证有充分时间和便利准备辩护。
Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the confidentiality of communications between the child and his or her legal representative or other assistant is to be guaranteed (art. 40 (2) (b) (vii)), and the child’s right of protection against interference with his or her privacy and correspondence is to be respected (art. 16).根据《儿童权利公约》,应保证儿童与其法律代表或其他援助人员沟通的保密性(第40条第2款(b)项第㈦目),并尊重儿童隐私和通信不受干涉的权利(第16条)。
Decisions without delay and with the involvement of parents or guardians (art. 40 (2) (b) (iii))在有父母或监护人在场的情况下迅速作出裁决(第40条第2款(b)项第㈢目)
The Committee reiterates that the time between the commission of the offence and the conclusion of proceedings should be as short as possible.委员会重申,从犯罪到诉讼结束之间的时间应尽可能短。
The longer this period, the more likely it is that the response loses its desired outcome.这段时间越长,应对措施就越有可能失去理想效果。
The Committee recommends that States parties set and implement time limits for the period between the commission of the offence and the completion of the police investigation, the decision of the prosecutor (or other competent body) to institute charges, and the final decision by the court or other judicial body.委员会建议缔约国规定并实施时限,从犯罪到警方完成调查、检察官(或其他主管机构)决定提出指控、以及法院或其他司法机构作出最终裁决之间的时间不得超出相应的时限。
These time limits should be much shorter than those set for adults, but should still allow legal safeguards to be fully respected.这些时限应比为成年人设定的时限短得多,但仍应允许法律保障得到充分尊重。
Similar speedy time limits should apply to diversion measures.类似的快速处理时限也应适用于分流转处措施。
Parents or legal guardians should be present throughout the proceedings.诉讼过程中,父母或法定监护人应全程在场。
However, the judge or competent authority may decide to limit, restrict or exclude their presence in the proceedings, at the request of the child or of his or her legal or other appropriate assistant or because it is not in the child’s best interests.不过,法官或主管当局可应儿童、其律师或其他适当援助人员的请求,或以不符合儿童的最大利益为由,决定限制或拒绝父母或法定监护人参与诉讼。
The Committee recommends that States parties explicitly legislate for the maximum possible involvement of parents or legal guardians in the proceedings because they can provide general psychological and emotional assistance to the child and contribute to effective outcomes.委员会建议缔约国明确立法,使父母或法定监护人最大限度地参与诉讼,因为他们可以为儿童提供一般心理和情感援助,并促进取得有效成果。
The Committee also recognizes that many children are informally living with relatives who are neither parents nor legal guardians, and that laws should be adapted to allow genuine caregivers to assist children in proceedings, if parents are unavailable.委员会还认识到,许多儿童非正式地与亲属一起生活,这些亲属既不是父母也不是法定监护人,法律应针对这种情况作出规定,在父母不在的情况下,让真正的照料者在诉讼中为儿童提供协助。
Freedom from compulsory self-incrimination (art. 40 (2) (b) (iv))免于被迫自证其罪(第40条第2款(b)项第㈣目)
States parties must ensure that a child is not compelled to give testimony or to confess or acknowledge guilt.缔约国必须确保儿童不被强迫作证或供认或承认有罪。
The commission of acts of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in order to extract an admission or confession constitutes a grave violation of the child’s rights (Convention on the Rights of the Child, art. 37 (a)).为使儿童供认或认罪而实施酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇,构成对儿童权利的严重侵犯(《儿童权利公约》第37条(a)项)。
Any such admission or confession is inadmissible as evidence (Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, art. 15).任何此种供认或认罪都不得作为证据被采纳(《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第15条)。
Coercion leading a child to a confession or self-incriminatory testimony is impermissible.不允许强迫儿童认罪或自证其罪。
The term “compelled” should be interpreted broadly and not be limited to physical force.“强迫”一词应作广义解释,而不应仅限于武力。
The risk of false confession is increased by the child’s age and development, lack of understanding, and fear of unknown consequences, including a suggested possibility of imprisonment, as well as by the length and circumstances of the questioning.儿童的年龄和发展情况、缺乏理解、对未知后果的恐惧(包括向儿童提出了监禁的可能性)以及讯问的时间和情况,都会增加不实供述的风险。
The child must have access to legal or other appropriate assistance, and should be supported by a parent, legal guardian or other appropriate adult during questioning.儿童必须能够获得法律或其他适当协助,并应在接受讯问期间得到父母、法定监护人或其他适当成人的支持。
The court or other judicial body, when considering the voluntariness and reliability of an admission or confession by a child, should take all factors into account, including the child’s age and maturity, the length of questioning or custody and the presence of legal or other independent assistance and of the parent(s), guardian or appropriate adult.法院或其他司法机构在评估儿童供认或认罪的自愿性和可靠性时,应考虑所有因素,包括儿童的年龄和成熟度、被讯问或拘禁的时间、律师或其他独立援助人员是否在场,以及父母、监护人或适当成年人是否在场。
Police officers and other investigating authorities should be well trained to avoid questioning techniques and practices that result in coerced or unreliable confessions or testimonies, and audiovisual techniques should be used where possible.警员和其他调查人员应接受良好培训,以避免导致逼供或不可靠供词或证词的讯问技巧和做法,并应尽可能使用视听技术。
Presence and examination of witnesses (art. 40 (2) (b) (iv))证人出庭和诘问证人(第40条第2款(b)项第㈣目)
Children have the right to examine witnesses who testify against them and to involve witnesses to support their defence, and child justice processes should favour the child’s participation, under conditions of equality, with legal assistance.儿童有权诘问对其作出不利证词的证人,并利用己方证人支持自身抗辩。儿童司法程序应有利于儿童在享有平等条件和获得法律援助的情况下进行参与。
Right of review or appeal (art. 40 (2) (b) (v))复查或上诉权(第40条第2款(b)项第㈤目)
The child has the right to have any finding of guilt or the measures imposed reviewed by a higher competent, independent and impartial authority or judicial body.儿童有权要求高一级独立公正的主管当局或司法机构复查任何有罪判定或采取的措施。
This right of review is not limited to the most serious offences.复查权不仅限于最严重的罪行。
States parties should consider introducing automatic measures of review, particularly in cases that result in criminal records or deprivation of liberty.缔约国应考虑引入自动复查措施,特别是在留下犯罪记录或导致儿童被剥夺自由的案件中。
Furthermore, access to justice requires a broader interpretation, allowing reviews or appeals on any procedural or substantive misdirection, and ensuring that effective remedies are available.此外,必须对诉诸司法作出更加宽泛的解释,允许对任何程序性或实质性错误进行复查或上诉,并确保提供有效的补救办法。
The Committee recommends that States parties withdraw any reservation made in respect of article 40 (2) (b) (v).委员会建议缔约国撤回对第40条第2款(b)项第㈤目提出的任何保留。
Free assistance of an interpreter (art. 40 (2) (b) (vi))口译员的免费协助(第40条第2款(b)项第㈥目)
A child who cannot understand or speak the language used in the child justice system has the right to the free assistance of an interpreter at all stages of the process.不懂或不会说儿童司法系统中所用语言的儿童有权在整个程序的所有阶段得到口译员的免费协助。
Such interpreters should be trained to work with children.此类口译员应接受为儿童服务方面的培训。
States parties should provide adequate and effective assistance by well-trained professionals to children who experience communication barriers.缔约国应安排训练有素的专业人员向有沟通障碍的儿童提供充分、有效的协助。
Full respect of privacy (arts. 16 and 40 (2) (b) (vii))充分尊重隐私(第16条和第40条第2款(b)项第㈦目)
The right of a child to have his or her privacy fully respected during all stages of the proceedings, set out in article 40 (2) (b) (vii), should be read with articles 16 and 40 (1).第40条第2款(b)项第㈦目规定,儿童在诉讼所有阶段享有隐私得到充分尊重的权利,这项权利应与第16条和第40条第1款一并解读。
States parties should respect the rule that child justice hearings are to be conducted behind closed doors.缔约国应尊重儿童司法审讯以非公开方式进行的规则。
Exceptions should be very limited and clearly stated in the law.这项规则的例外应当非常有限,并由法律作出明确规定。
If the verdict and/or sentence is pronounced in public at a court session, the identity of the child should not be revealed.如在庭审中公开宣布判决和(或)判刑,则不应披露儿童身份。
Furthermore, the right to privacy also means that the court files and records of children s should be kept strictly confidential and closed to third parties except for those directly involved in the investigation and adjudication of, and the ruling on, the case.此外,隐私权还意味着,儿童的法院档案和记录应严格保密,不得向第三方透露,但直接参与案件调查、裁定和判决的人员除外。
Case-law reports relating to children should be anonymous, and such reports placed online should adhere to this rule.与儿童有关的判例法报告应当匿名,在线发布此类报告时应遵守这一规则。
The Committee recommends that States refrain from listing the details of any child, or person who was a child at the time of the commission of the offence, in any public register of offenders.委员会建议各国避免将任何儿童或作案时为儿童者的详细资料列入任何公开的罪犯登记册。
The inclusion of such details in other registers that are not public but impede access to opportunities for reintegration should be avoided.应当避免将此类详细资料列入其他不公开但妨碍获得重返社会机会的登记册。
In the Committee’s view, there should be lifelong protection from publication regarding crimes committed by children.委员会认为,应当就儿童所犯罪行提供终身保护,不予公布。
The rationale for the non-publication rule, and for its continuation after the child reaches the age of 18, is that publication causes ongoing stigmatization, which is likely to have a negative impact on access to education, work, housing or safety.不公布规则以及在儿童年满18岁后仍然不予公布的理由是,公布会留下长期污点,可能对获得教育、工作、住房或安全有负面影响。
This impedes the child’s reintegration and assumption of a constructive role in society.这会阻碍儿童重返社会并在社会中承担建设性作用。
States parties should thus ensure that the general rule is lifelong privacy protection pertaining to all types of media, including social media.因此,缔约国应确保将终身隐私保护作为一般规则,并将其适用于包括社交媒体在内的各类媒体。
Furthermore, the Committee recommends that States parties introduce rules permitting the removal of children’s criminal records when they reach the age of 18, automatically or, in exceptional cases, following independent review.此外,委员会还建议缔约国引入相关规则,允许在儿童年满18岁时删除其犯罪记录。 此类记录可自动删除,或在特殊情况下经独立审查删除。
Diversion throughout the proceedings贯穿诉讼过程的分流转处
The decision to bring a child into the justice system does not mean the child must go through a formal court process.决定将儿童交由司法系统处理并不意味着儿童必须经历正式的法院程序。
In line with the observations made above in section IV.B, the Committee emphasizes that the competent authorities – in most States the public prosecutor – should continuously explore the possibilities of avoiding a court process or conviction, through diversion and other measures.根据上文第四.B节中的意见,委员会强调,主管当局(在多数国家中是检察官)应不断探索可否通过分流转处和其他措施避免法院程序或定罪。
In other words, diversion options should be offered from the earliest point of contact, before a trial commences, and be available throughout the proceedings.换言之,应在接手之初、即审判开始之前以及诉讼全程提供备选的分流转处方案。
In the process of offering diversion, the child’s human rights and legal safeguards should be fully respected, bearing in mind that the nature and duration of diversion measures may be demanding, and that legal or other appropriate assistance is therefore necessary.在提供分流转处方案的过程中,应当充分尊重儿童享有的人权和法律保障,同时铭记分流转处措施在性质和持续时间方面可能要求较高,因此有必要提供法律或其他适当援助。
Diversion should be presented to the child as a way to suspend the formal court process, which will be terminated if the diversion programme is carried out in a satisfactory manner.应当向儿童解释,分流转处是暂停正式法院程序的一种方式。如此类方案的执行情况令人满意,法院程序即告终止。
Dispositions by the child justice court儿童法院的处置
After proceedings in full compliance with article 40 of Convention are conducted (see section IV.D above), a decision on dispositions is made.在完全依照《公约》第40条进行诉讼后(见上文第四.D节),便会裁定如何处置。
The laws should contain a wide variety of non-custodial measures and should expressly prioritize the use of such measures to ensure that deprivation of liberty is used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time.法律应当载列各种非拘禁措施,并明确规定应优先采用此类措施,确保剥夺自由仅作为最后手段使用,期限应为最短的适当时间。
A wide range of experience with the use and implementation of non-custodial measures, including restorative justice measures, exists.在采用和实施非拘禁措施,包括恢复性司法措施方面,存在各种不同的经验。
States parties should benefit from this experience, and develop and implement such measures by adjusting them to their own culture and tradition.缔约国应当利用这些经验,根据本国文化和传统调整此类措施,加以发展和实施。
Measures amounting to forced labour or to torture or inhuman and degrading treatment are to be explicitly prohibited and penalized.应当明令禁止并惩罚构成强迫劳动、酷刑或不人道和有辱人格待遇的措施。
The Committee reiterates that corporal punishment as a sanction is a violation of article 37 (a) of the Convention, which prohibits all forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment (see also the Committee’s general comment No. 8 (2006) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment).委员会重申,采用体罚作为惩罚方式违反《公约》第37条(a)项,该项禁止一切形式的残忍、不人道和有辱人格待遇或处罚(另见委员会关于儿童受保护免遭体罚和其他残忍或不人道形式惩罚的权利的第8号一般性意见(2006年))。
The Committee emphasizes that the reaction to an offence should always be proportionate not only to the circumstances and the gravity of the offence, but also to the personal circumstances (age, lesser culpability, circumstances and needs, including, if appropriate, the mental health needs of the child), as well as to the various and particularly long‑term needs of the society.委员会强调,对罪行作出的反应应当始终不仅与犯罪的情形和严重性相称,而且与儿童年龄、减罪情节、境况和需求(酌情考虑精神健康需求)等个人情况相称,同时还与社会的多种需求、尤其是长期需求相称。
A strictly punitive approach is not in accordance with the principles of child justice spelled out in article 40 (1) of the Convention.严格惩处性的办法不符合《公约》第40条第1款阐述的儿童司法原则。
Where serious offences are committed by children, measures proportionate to the circumstances of the offender and to the gravity of the offence may be considered, including considerations of the need for public safety and sanctions.如儿童犯有严重罪行,可考虑与罪犯情况和罪行严重性相称的措施,考虑因素包括公共安全的需要和惩罚的必要性。
Weight should be given to the child’s best interests as a primary consideration as well as to the need to promote the child’s reintegration into society.应当重视儿童的最大利益,将其作为首要考虑因素,同时着重关注促进儿童重返社会的需要。
Recognizing the harm caused to children and adolescents by deprivation of liberty, and its negative effects on their prospects for successful reintegration, the Committee recommends that States parties set a maximum penalty for children accused of crimes that reflects the principle of the “shortest appropriate period of time” (Convention on the Rights of the Child, art. 37 (b)).委员会认识到剥夺自由对儿童和青少年造成的伤害以及对其成功重返社会前景的负面影响,建议缔约国对被控犯罪的儿童规定最高刑罚,以反映“最短的适当时间”原则(《儿童权利公约》,第37条(b)项)。
Mandatory minimum sentences are incompatible with the child justice principle of proportionality and with the requirement that detention is to be a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time.强制性最低量刑不符合儿童司法的相称原则,也不符合关于拘留应作为最后手段采用、期限应为最短的适当时间的要求。
Courts sentencing children should start with a clean slate;法院在对儿童判刑时,应从一开始就杜绝不当做法;
even discretionary minimum sentence regimes impede proper application of international standards.即使是酌情最低量刑制度也会阻碍国际标准的恰当适用。
Prohibition of the death penalty禁止死刑
Article 37 (a) of the Convention reflects the customary international law prohibition of the imposition of the death penalty for a crime committed by a person who is under 18 years of age.《公约》第37条(a)项反映了习惯国际法禁止就未满18岁者所犯罪行判处死刑的规定。
A few States parties assume that the rule prohibits only the execution of persons who are below the age of 18 years at the time of execution.少数几个缔约国假定,该规则仅禁止对处决时未满18岁者执行死刑。
Other States defer the execution until the age of 18.其他国家将死刑的执行推迟至18岁。
The Committee reiterates that the explicit and decisive criterion is the age at the time of the commission of the offence.委员会重申,明确的定夺标准是作案时的年龄。
If there is no reliable and conclusive proof that the person was below the age of 18 at the time the crime was committed, he or she should have the benefit of the doubt and the death penalty cannot be imposed.如无可靠确凿的证据表明当事人在作案时不满18岁,则应适用“疑点利益归于被告”原则,不能判处死刑。
The Committee calls upon the few States parties that have not yet abolished the imposition of the death penalty for all offences committed by persons below the age of 18 years to do so urgently and without exceptions.委员会促请尚未废除就未满18岁者所犯一切罪行判处死刑做法的少数缔约国立即毫无例外地采取这一做法。
Any death penalty imposed on a person who was below the age of 18 at the time of the commission of the offence should be commuted to a sanction that is in full conformity with Convention.对作案时未满18岁者判处的任何死刑均应减为完全符合《公约》规定的惩罚措施。
No life imprisonment without parole禁止无假释的终身监禁
No child who was below the age of 18 at the time he or she committed an offence should be sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of release or parole.任何在作案时未满18岁的儿童都不应被判处无释放或假释可能的终身监禁。
The period to be served before consideration of parole should be substantially shorter than that for adults and should be realistic, and the possibility of parole should be regularly reconsidered.考虑可否假释时,儿童须先行服满的刑期应当大大短于成人须服满的刑期,而且应切合实际,并定期重新考虑可否假释。
The Committee reminds States parties that sentence children to life imprisonment with the possibility of release or parole that in applying this sanction they should strive for the realization of the aims of article 40 (1) of the Convention.委员会提醒那些判处儿童终身监禁、但有释放或假释可能的缔约国,在适用这项惩罚措施时,应力求实现《公约》第40条第1款的目标。
This means, inter alia, that a child sentenced to life imprisonment should receive education, treatment and care aiming at his or her release, reintegration and ability to assume a constructive role in society.这尤其意味着,被判处终身监禁的儿童应接受教育、治疗和照护,以便获得释放,重返社会,并能够在社会中承担建设性作用。
This also requires a regular review of the child’s development and progress in order to decide on his or her possible release.为此,还必须定期审查儿童的成长和进展情况,决定有无可能释放。
Life imprisonment makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve the aims of reintegration.在终身监禁的情况下,要实现重返社会的目标即使不是毫无可能,也是极为困难。
The Committee notes the 2015 report in which the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment finds that life imprisonment and lengthy sentences, such as consecutive sentencing, are grossly disproportionate and therefore cruel, inhuman or degrading when imposed on a child (A/HRC/28/68, para. 74).委员会注意到酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚特别报告员2015年的报告。 特别报告员在其中认定,对儿童判处无期徒刑和极长刑期(如连续服刑)是极不相称的,因此也是残忍、不人道或有辱人格的(A/HRC/28/68,第74段)。
The Committee strongly recommends that States parties abolish all forms of life imprisonment, including indeterminate sentences, for all offences committed by persons who were below the age of 18 at the time of commission of the offence.委员会强烈建议缔约国废除就作案时未满18岁者所犯一切罪行判处的任何形式的终身监禁,包括不定期徒刑。
Deprivation of liberty, including pretrial detention and post-trial incarceration剥夺自由,包括审前拘留和审后监禁
Article 37 of the Convention contains important principles for the use of deprivation of liberty, the procedural rights of every child deprived of liberty and provisions concerning the treatment of and conditions for children deprived of their liberty.《公约》第37条载有采用剥夺自由措施方面的重要原则、所有被剥夺自由儿童的程序性权利,以及被剥夺自由儿童的待遇和条件方面的条款。
The Committee draws the attention of States parties to the 2018 report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, in which the Special Rapporteur noted that the scale and magnitude of children’s suffering in detention and confinement called for a global commitment to the abolition of child prisons and large care institutions, alongside scaled-up investment in community-based services (A/HRC/38/36, para. 53).委员会提请缔约国注意人人有权享有能达到的最高标准身心健康特别报告员2018年的报告。 特别报告员在其中指出,被拘留和禁闭的儿童备受煎熬,而且这种现象相当普遍,因此全球必须致力于废除儿童监狱和大型照护机构,同时对基于社区的服务扩大投资(A/HRC/38/36,第53段)。
States parties should immediately embark on a process to reduce reliance on detention to a minimum.缔约国应立即着手实施相关进程,最大限度地降低对拘留的依赖程度。
Nothing in the present general comment should be construed as promoting or supporting the use of deprivation of liberty, but rather as providing correct procedures and conditions in the minority of cases where deprivation of liberty is deemed necessary.本一般性意见中的任何内容均不应解释为鼓励或支持采用剥夺自由措施,而应解释为在认为有必要剥夺自由的少数案件中提供正确的程序和条件。
Leading principles主要原则
The leading principles for the use of deprivation of liberty are:采用剥夺自由措施的主要原则如下:
the arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child is to be used only in conformity with the law, only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time; and对儿童的逮捕、拘留或监禁必须符合法律规定,并仅作为最后手段采用,期限应为最短的适当时间;
no child is to be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily.不得非法或任意剥夺任何儿童的自由。
Arrest is often the starting point of pretrial detention, and States should ensure that the law places clear obligations on law enforcement officers to apply article 37 in the context of arrest. States should further ensure that children are not held in transportation or in police cells, except as a measure of last resort and for the shortest period of time, and that they are not held with adults, except where that is in their best interests. Mechanisms for swift release to parents or appropriate adults should be prioritized.审前拘留往往始于逮捕,各国应确保法律明确规定执法人员有义务在逮捕时适用第37条。 各国应进一步确保儿童不被关押在交通工具或警局牢房内,除非这是最后手段,且期限已为最短; 各国还应确保儿童不与成人关押在一起,除非这符合儿童的最大利益。 应当优先考虑迅速释放儿童、使其返回父母或适当成人身边的机制。
The Committee notes with concern that, in many countries, children languish in pretrial detention for months or even years, which constitutes a grave violation of article 37 (b) of the Convention.委员会关切地注意到,在许多国家,儿童被关押在审前拘留设施内长达数月甚至数年,备受煎熬,这严重违反了《公约》第37条(b)项。
Pretrial detention should not be used except in the most serious cases, and even then only after community placement has been carefully considered.除非案件性质极为严重,否则不应采用审前拘留措施;使在此类案件中,也必须先认真考虑可否予以社区安置。
Diversion at the pretrial stage reduces the use of detention, but even where the child is to be tried in the child justice system, non-custodial measures should be carefully targeted to restrict the use of pretrial detention.审前阶段的分流转处可减少拘留措施的使用,但即使儿童将在儿童司法系统中受审,也应着重认真考虑非拘禁措施,限制审前拘留的使用。
The law should clearly state the criteria for the use of pretrial detention, which should be primarily for ensuring appearance at the court proceedings and if the child poses an immediate danger to others.法律应明确规定使用审前拘留的标准,此类措施应当主要用于确保儿童在法院诉讼中出庭,以及在儿童直接危及他人时使用。
If the child is considered a danger (to himself or herself or others) child protection measures should be applied.如认为儿童危及自身或他人,则应适用儿童保护措施。
Pretrial detention should be subject to regular review and its duration limited by law.审前拘留措施应接受定期审查,拘留期限应受法律限制。
All actors in the child justice system should prioritize cases of children in pretrial detention.儿童司法系统中的所有行为体均应优先处理被审前拘留儿童的案件。
In application of the principle that deprivation of liberty should be imposed for the shortest appropriate period of time, States parties should provide regular opportunities to permit early release from custody, including police custody, into the care of parents or other appropriate adults.缔约国在适用剥夺自由期限应为最短的适当时间这一原则时,应当定期提供机会,允许提前结束监禁(包括警局监禁),释放儿童,交由父母或其他适当成人照护。
There should be discretion to release with or without conditions, such as reporting to an authorized person or place.应当酌情决定是否为释放设定条件,如向授权人员或前往授权地点报到。
The payment of monetary bail should not be a requirement, as most children cannot pay and because it discriminates against poor and marginalized families.支付保释金不应为必需条件,因为大多数儿童无力支付,而且这会对贫困和边缘化家庭造成歧视。
Furthermore, where bail is set it means that there is a recognition in principle by the court that the child should be released, and other mechanisms can be used to secure attendance.此外,如设定保释金,即表明法院在原则上承认儿童应当获释,并可使用其他机制确保儿童出庭。
Procedural rights (art. 37 (d))程序性权利(第37条(d)项)
Every child deprived of his or her liberty has the right to prompt access to legal and other appropriate assistance, as well as the right to challenge the legality of the deprivation of his or her liberty before a court or other competent, independent and impartial authority, and to a prompt decision on any such action.所有被剥夺自由的儿童均有权迅速获得法律及其他适当援助,并有权向法院或其他独立公正的主管当局就其被剥夺自由一事之合法性提出异议,并有权迅速就任何此类行动得到裁定。
The Committee recommends that no child be deprived of liberty, unless there are genuine public safety or public health concerns, and encourages State parties to fix an age limit below which children may not legally be deprived of their liberty, such as 16 years of age.委员会建议,除非的确存在与公共安全或公共卫生有关的关切,否则不应剥夺任何儿童的自由,并鼓励缔约国设定年龄限制(如16岁),低于该年龄的儿童不得被剥夺自由,否则即触犯法律。
Every child arrested and deprived of his or her liberty should be brought before a competent authority within 24 hours to examine the legality of the deprivation of liberty or its continuation.所有被逮捕和被剥夺自由的儿童均应在24小时内送交主管当局,审查剥夺其自由或继续剥夺其自由是否合法。
The Committee also recommends that States parties ensure that pretrial detention is reviewed regularly with a view to ending it.委员会还建议缔约国确保定期审查审前拘留措施,以期予以废止。
In cases where conditional release of the child at or before the first appearance (within 24 hours) is not possible, the child should be formally charged with the alleged offences and be brought before a court or other competent, independent and impartial authority or judicial body for the case to be dealt with as soon as possible but not later than 30 days after pretrial detention takes effect.如无法在首次出庭之时或之前(24小时内)有条件地释放儿童,则应依据被控罪状正式起诉儿童,并在审前拘留生效后30日内尽快将其送交法院或其他公正独立的主管当局或司法机构,以便处理该案。
The Committee, conscious of the practice of adjourning court hearings many times and/or for long periods, urges States parties to adopt maximum limits for the number and length of postponements and introduce legal or administrative provisions to ensure that the court or other competent body makes a final decision on the charges not later than six months from the initial date of detention, failing which the child should be released.委员会意识到存在多次和(或)长期中止法院审讯的做法,敦促缔约国对推迟的次数和期限设定上限,并作出法律或行政规定,确保法院或其他主管机构在最初拘留之日后6个月内就指控作出最终裁定,否则儿童应当获释。
The right to challenge the legality of the deprivation of liberty includes not only the right to appeal court decisions, but also the right of access to a court for review of an administrative decision (taken by, for example, the police, the prosecutor and other competent authorities).对剥夺自由措施的合法性提出质疑的权利不仅包括就法院裁定提出上诉的权利,还包括请法院复核行政决定(如警察、检察官和其他主管当局所作决定)的权利。
States parties should set short time limits for the finalization of appeals and reviews to ensure prompt decisions, as required by the Convention.缔约国应按照《公约》的要求,为完成上诉和复核程序设定较短时限,确保迅速作出裁定。
Treatment and conditions (art. 37 (c))待遇和条件(第37条(c)项)
Every child deprived of liberty is to be separated from adults, including in police cells.所有被剥夺自由的儿童应与成人隔开,包括在警局牢房内。
A child deprived of liberty is not to be placed in a centre or prison for adults, as there is abundant evidence that this compromises their health and basic safety and their future ability to remain free of crime and to reintegrate.被剥夺自由的儿童不得关押在成人中心或监狱,因为有大量证据表明,这会损害儿童的健康和基本安全,削弱他们今后不再犯罪和重返社会的能力。
The permitted exception to the separation of children from adults stated in article 37 (c) of the Convention – “unless it is considered in the child’s best interests not to do so” – should be interpreted narrowly and the convenience of the States parties should not override best interests.《公约》第37条(c)项规定了不必将儿童与成人隔开的例外情况,即“除非认为反之最有利于儿童”。这项规定应作狭义解释,不应为便利缔约国而罔顾儿童最大利益。
States parties should establish separate facilities for children deprived of their liberty that are staffed by appropriately trained personnel and that operate according to child-friendly policies and practices.缔约国应当为被剥夺自由的儿童建立专门设施,配备受过适当培训的人员,并依照爱护儿童的政策和做法运作。
The above rule does not mean that a child placed in a facility for children should be moved to a facility for adults immediately after he or she reaches the age of 18.上述规则并不是指关押在儿童设施内的儿童一旦年满18岁就应立即转送到成人设施。
The continuation of his or her stay in the facility for children should be possible if that is in his or her best interests and not contrary to the best interests of the children in the facility.如继续留在儿童设施内符合其本人的最大利益,而且不损害设施内儿童的最大利益,则应允许其留在该设施内。
Every child deprived of liberty has the right to maintain contact with his or her family through correspondence and visits.所有被剥夺自由的儿童均有权通过信件和探视与家人保持联系。
To facilitate visits, the child should be placed in a facility as close as possible to his or her family’s place of residence.为方便探视,应将儿童安置在尽可能邻近家庭住址的设施内。
Exceptional circumstances that may limit this contact should be clearly described in law and not be left to the discretion of the authorities.可限制此类联系的例外情况应由法律作出明确规定,不应任由当局自行断夺。
The Committee emphasizes that, inter alia, the following principles and rules need to be observed in all cases of deprivation of liberty:委员会强调,在所有剥夺自由的案件中,尤其需要遵守以下原则和规则:
Incommunicado detention is not permitted for persons below the age of 18;拘留未满18岁者时,不得断绝其与外界的一切联系;
Children should be provided with a physical environment and accommodation conducive to the reintegrative aims of residential placement.机构安置的目的是帮助儿童重返社会,应当为儿童提供有利于实现这一目的的物质环境和住宿条件;
Due regard should be given to their needs for privacy, for sensory stimuli and for opportunities to associate with their peers and to participate in sports, physical exercise, arts and leisure-time activities;应适当考虑儿童对于隐私、感官刺激,以及有机会与同龄人交往并参加体育、身体锻炼、艺术和休闲活动的需求;
Every child has the right to education suited to his or her needs and abilities, including with regard to undertaking exams, and designed to prepare him or her for return to society;所有儿童均有权接受适合其需求和能力(包括在参加考试方面)、为其回归社会做准备的教育;
in addition, every child should, when appropriate, receive vocational training in occupations likely to prepare him or her for future employment;此外,所有儿童均应酌情接受职业培训,所选职业应能为其今后就业做好准备;
Every child has the right to be examined by a physician or a health practitioner upon admission to the detention or correctional facility and is to receive adequate physical and mental health care throughout his or her stay in the facility, which should be provided, where possible, by the health facilities and services of the community;所有儿童在进入拘留或惩教设施时均有权获得医生或医疗人员检查,进入设施后应持续获得适当的身心健康护理,护理应尽可能由当地保健设施和服务部门提供;
The staff of the facility should promote and facilitate frequent contact by the child with the wider community, including communications with his or her family, friends and other persons, including representatives of reputable outside organizations, and the opportunity to visit his or her home and family.设施工作人员应促进并协助儿童与外界经常接触,包括与家人、朋友和他人(包括声誉良好的外部组织代表)沟通,并有机会回家探亲;
There is to be no restriction on the child’s ability to communicate confidentially and at any time with his or her lawyer or other assistant;不应限制儿童与律师或其他援助人员随时进行保密沟通的能力;
Restraint or force can be used only when the child poses an imminent threat of injury to himself or herself or others, and only when all other means of control have been exhausted.只有在儿童对自己或他人构成迫在眉睫的伤害威胁时才可使用行动制约或强力,而且只有在所有其他控制手段均已用尽时才可采用。
Restraint should not be used to secure compliance and should never involve deliberate infliction of pain.行动制约不应当用于迫使就范,绝不应蓄意施加痛苦,也绝不能将其用作惩罚手段。
The use of restraint or force, including physical, mechanical and medical or pharmacological restraints, should be under close, direct and continuous control of a medical and/or psychological professional.使用行动制约或强力,包括身体、器具和医学或药物制约时,应在医疗和(或)心理学专业人员的密切、直接和持续掌控下进行。
Staff of the facility should receive training on the applicable standards and members of the staff who use restraint or force in violation of the rules and standards should be punished appropriately.设施工作人员应接受关于适用标准的培训,而违反规则和标准使用制约或强力的工作人员应受适当惩处。
States should record, monitor and evaluate all incidents of restraint or use of force and ensure that it is reduced to a minimum;各国应记录、监测和评价所有使用制约或强力的事件,确保将其减少到最低限度;
Any disciplinary measure is to be consistent with upholding the inherent dignity of the child and the fundamental objectives of institutional care.任何纪律措施均应维护儿童的固有尊严和机构照护的根本目标;
Disciplinary measures in violation of article 37 of the Convention must be strictly forbidden, including corporal punishment, placement in a dark cell, solitary confinement or any other punishment that may compromise the physical or mental health or well-being of the child concerned, and disciplinary measures should not deprive children of their basic rights, such as visits by legal representative, family contact, food, water, clothing, bedding, education, exercise or meaningful daily contact with others;严禁采取违反《公约》第37条的纪律措施,包括体罚、关在黑暗牢房内、单独监禁或任何其他可能损害有关儿童身心健康或福祉的惩处手段;纪律措施不应剥夺儿童的基本权利,如接受法律代表探视、与家人接触、获得食物、水、衣物、床上用品、教育、锻炼或进行有意义的日常人际接触;
Solitary confinement should not be used for a child.单独监禁不应当用于儿童。
Any separation of the child from others should be for the shortest possible time and used only as a measure of last resort for the protection of the child or others.凡将儿童与他人隔离时,应尽可能缩短隔离时间,仅将其作为保护儿童或他人的最后手段采用。
Where it is deemed necessary to hold a child separately, this should be done in the presence or under the close supervision of a suitably trained staff member, and the reasons and duration should be recorded;如认为有必要隔离关押儿童,则应在受过适当培训的工作人员在场或密切监督的情况下进行,并应记录原因和持续时间;
Every child should have the right to make requests or complaints, without censorship as to the substance, to the central administration, the judicial authority or any other proper independent authority, and to be informed of the response without delay.所有儿童均有权向中枢管理部门、司法当局或其他任何适当的独立主管部门提出请求或申诉,其内容不受检查,而且应及时得到答复;
Children need to know their rights and to know about and have easy access to request and complaints mechanisms;儿童需要了解自身权利,并能便利地使用请求和申诉机制;
Independent and qualified inspectors should be empowered to conduct inspections on a regular basis and to undertake unannounced inspections on their own initiative;合格的独立检查人员应当有权力定期视察,并自行开展无事先通知的视察;
they should place special emphasis on holding conversations with children in the facilities, in a confidential setting;他们应当特别注重与设施内儿童在保密环境下对话;
States parties should ensure that there are no incentives to deprive children of their liberty and no opportunities for corruption regarding placement, or regarding the provision of goods and services or contact with family.缔约国应确保消除剥夺儿童自由的动力,在安置、提供商品和服务或与家人接触方面不给腐败留下可乘之机。
Specific issues具体问题
Military courts and State security courts军事法院和国家安全法院
There is an emerging view that trials of civilians by military tribunals and State security courts contravene the non-derogable right to a fair trial by a competent, independent and impartial court.新出现的观点认为,军事法庭和国家安全法院对平民的审判侵犯了不可克减的权利,即由独立公正的主管法院进行公平审判的权利。
This is an even more concerning breach of rights for children, who should always be dealt with in specialized child justice systems.此类行为对儿童权利的侵犯甚至更加堪忧,儿童问题永远应当在专门的儿童司法系统中处理。
The Committee has raised concerns about this in several concluding observations.委员会已在几项结论性意见中对此提出关切。
Children recruited and used by non-State armed groups, including those designated as terrorist groups, and children charged in counter-terrorism contexts非国家武装团体、包括被指认的恐怖主义团体招募和使用的儿童,以及在反恐怖主义背景下受到指控的儿童
The United Nations has verified numerous cases of recruitment and exploitation of children by non-State armed groups, including those designated as terrorist groups, not only in conflict areas but also in non-conflict areas, including children’s countries of origin and countries of transit or return.联合国核实了许多涉及非国家武装团体、包括被指认的恐怖主义团体招募和剥削儿童的案件,这些案件不仅发生在冲突地区,而且发生在非冲突地区,包括儿童原籍国和过境国或回返国。
When under the control of such groups, children may become victims of multiple forms of violations, such as conscription; military training; being used in hostilities and/or terrorist acts, including suicide attacks; being forced to carry out executions; being used as human shields; abduction; sale; trafficking; sexual exploitation; child marriage; being used for the transport or sale of drugs; or being exploited to carry out dangerous tasks, such as spying, conducting surveillance, guarding checkpoints, conducting patrols or transporting military equipment.儿童在此类团体控制下可能受到多种形式的侵害,如征兵、军事训练、被用于实施敌对行动和(或)恐怖主义行为(包括自杀式袭击)、被迫执行死刑、充当人盾、绑架、贩卖、贩运、性剥削、童婚、被用于运输或销售毒品,或被利用执行危险任务,如从事间谍活动、开展监视、看守检查站、进行巡逻或运输军事装备。
It has been reported that non-State armed groups and those designated as terrorist groups also force children to commit acts of violence against their own families or within their own communities to demonstrate loyalty and to discourage future defection.据报,非国家武装团体和被指认的恐怖主义团体还强迫儿童对其家人或在所属社区内实施暴力行为,以示效忠,并防止今后叛逃。
The authorities of States parties face a number of challenges when dealing with these children.缔约国当局在处理这些儿童时面临一些挑战。
Some States parties have adopted a punitive approach with no or limited consideration of children’s rights, resulting in lasting consequences for the development of the child and having a negative impact on the opportunities for social reintegration, which in turn may have serious consequences for the broader society.部分缔约国采取惩处性办法,不考虑或极少考虑儿童权利,在儿童成长方面造成长期后果,并对重返社会的机会产生负面影响,进而可能在更大范围内严重危及社会。
Often, these children are arrested, detained, prosecuted and put on trial for their actions in conflict areas and, to a lesser extent, also in their countries of origin or return.这些儿童往往因其在冲突地区的行为以及少数情况下在原籍国或回返国的行为而被逮捕、拘留、起诉和审判。
The Committee draws the attention of States parties to Security Council resolution 2427 (2018).委员会提请缔约国注意安全理事会第2427(2018)号决议。
In the resolution, the Council stressed the need to establish standard operating procedures for the rapid handover of children associated or allegedly associated with all non-State armed groups, including those who committed acts of terrorism, to relevant civilian child protection actors.安理会在该决议中强调指出,需要制定标准作业程序,将确实或被指与所有非国家武装团体、包括实施恐怖主义行为的团体有关联的儿童迅速移交给相关平民儿童保护行为体。
The Council emphasized that children who had been recruited in violation of applicable international law by armed forces and armed groups and were accused of having committed crimes during armed conflicts should be treated primarily as victims of violations of international law.安理会强调,应将被武装部队和武装团体违反适用的国际法招募且被控在武装冲突期间犯下罪行的儿童主要作为违反国际法行为的受害者对待。
The Council also urged Member States to consider non-judicial measures as alternatives to prosecution and detention that were focused on reintegration, and called on them to apply due process for all children detained for association with armed forces and armed groups.安理会还敦促会员国考虑采取非司法性措施而不进行起诉和关押,着力于帮助儿童重返社会,并促请会员国对所有因与武装部队和武装团体有关联而被拘留的儿童适用正当程序。
States parties should ensure that all children charged with offences, regardless of the gravity or the context, are dealt with in terms of articles 37 and 40 of the Convention, and should refrain from charging and prosecuting them for expressions of opinion or for mere association with a non-State armed group, including those designated as terrorist groups.缔约国应确保根据《公约》第37和40条的规定,处理所有被控犯罪的儿童,无论其罪行严重程度或背景,并应避免因儿童表达意见或仅因其与非国家武装团体、包括被指认的恐怖主义团体有关联而对其提出指控和起诉。
In line with paragraph 88 of its general comment No. 20, the Committee further recommends that States parties adopt preventive interventions to tackle social factors and root causes, as well as social reintegration measures, including when implementing Security Council resolutions related to counter-terrorism, such as resolutions 1373 (2001), 2178 (2014), 2396 (2017) and 2427 (2018), and General Assembly resolution 72/284, in particular the recommendations contained in paragraph 18.根据第20号一般性意见第88段,委员会还建议缔约国采取解决社会因素和根源问题的预防性干预措施以及重返社会措施,在执行安全理事会第1373(2001)、2178(2014)、2396(2017)、2427(2018)号决议等反恐怖主义决议以及大会第72/284号决议、特别是第18段所载建议时亦应如此。
Customary, indigenous and non-State forms of justice习惯、土著和非国家形式的司法
Many children come into contact with plural justice systems that operate parallel to or on the margins of the formal justice system.许多儿童会接触到与正式司法系统并行或在其外围运作的多元司法系统。
These may include customary, tribal, indigenous or other justice systems.此类系统可能包括习惯、部落、土著或其他司法系统。
They may be more accessible than the formal mechanisms and have the advantage of quickly and relatively inexpensively proposing responses tailored to cultural specificities.与正式机制相比,这些系统可能更易使用,而且具有优势,能够以相对低廉的成本迅速提出符合文化特性的对策。
Such systems can serve as an alternative to official proceedings against children, and are likely to contribute favourably to the change of cultural attitudes concerning children and justice.此类系统可作为对儿童进行正式诉讼的替代办法,或许有利于改变整个文化对儿童和正义问题的态度。
There is an emerging consensus that reforms of justice sector programmes should be attentive to such systems.目前正在形成一种共识,即司法部门各方案的改革应关注此类系统。
Considering the potential tension between State and non-State justice, in addition to concerns about procedural rights and risks of discrimination or marginalization, reforms should proceed in stages, with a methodology that involves a full understanding of the comparative systems concerned and that is acceptable to all stakeholders.在程序性权利以及歧视或边缘化风险方面,非国家司法系统存在令人关切的问题。 此外,国家和非国家司法之间还可能相互抵触。有鉴于此,改革应分阶段进行,在选定方法时应充分了解所比较的有关系统,并确保所选方法为全体利益攸关方所接受。
Customary justice processes and outcomes should be aligned with constitutional law and with legal and procedural guarantees.习惯司法系统的程序和结果应当符合宪法以及法律和程序保障。
It is important that unfair discrimination does not occur, if children committing similar crimes are being dealt with differently in parallel systems or forums.如在并行系统或法庭内以不同方式处理犯有类似罪行的儿童,则必须避免不公平的歧视现象。
The principles of the Convention should be infused into all justice mechanisms dealing with children, and States parties should ensure that the Convention is known and implemented.应将《公约》的原则融入处理儿童问题的所有司法机制当中,缔约国应确保各方了解并执行《公约》。
Restorative justice responses are often achievable through customary, indigenous or other non-State justice systems, and may provide opportunities for learning for the formal child justice system.恢复性司法对策往往可通过习惯、土著或其他非国家司法系统实现,可为正式的儿童司法系统提供借鉴。
Furthermore, recognition of such justice systems can contribute to increased respect for the traditions of indigenous societies, which could have benefits for indigenous children.此外,承认此类司法系统可推动增进对土著社会传统的尊重,或许有益于土著儿童。
Interventions, strategies and reforms should be designed for specific contexts and the process should be driven by national actors.干预措施、战略和改革应当根据具体情况而定,这一进程应由国家行为体推动。
Organization of the child justice system儿童司法系统的组织方式
In order to ensure the full implementation of the principles and rights elaborated in the previous paragraphs, it is necessary to establish an effective organization for the administration of child justice.为确保充分落实以上各段阐述的原则和权利,有必要为儿童司法工作建立有效的组织架构。
A comprehensive child justice system requires the establishment of specialized units within the police, the judiciary, the court system and the prosecutor’s office, as well as specialized defenders or other representatives who provide legal or other appropriate assistance to the child.全面的儿童司法系统需要在警察部门、司法机关、法院系统和检察官办公室内设立专门单位,还需要专门的辩护人或向儿童提供法律或其他适当援助的其他代表。
The Committee recommends that States parties establish child justice courts either as separate units or as part of existing courts.委员会建议缔约国将儿童法院作为独立单位或现有法院的一部分予以设立。
Where that is not feasible for practical reasons, States parties should ensure the appointment of specialized judges for dealing with cases concerning child justice.如因实际原因无法落实这项建议,缔约国应确保指定专门法官处理儿童司法案件。
Specialized services such as probation, counselling or supervision should be established together with specialized facilities, for example day treatment centres and, where necessary, small-scale facilities for residential care and treatment of children referred by the child justice system.在建立专门设施,如日间治疗中心以及视需要为儿童司法系统转介的儿童提供寄宿式照护和治疗的小型设施时,应一并开设假释、咨询、监督等专门服务。
Effective inter-agency coordination of the activities of all these specialized units, services and facilities should be continuously promoted.应持续推动上述所有专门单位、服务部门和设施在开展活动方面实现有效的机构间协调。
In addition, individual assessments of children and a multidisciplinary approach are encouraged.此外,还鼓励对儿童进行个人评估,并采用多学科办法。
Particular attention should be paid to specialized community-based services for children who are below the age of criminal responsibility, but who are assessed to be in need of support.应当特别关注为未满刑事责任年龄、但经评估需要支援的儿童提供基于社区的专门服务。
Non-governmental organizations can and do play an important role in child justice.非政府组织在儿童司法方面能够而且正在发挥重要作用。
The Committee therefore recommends that States parties seek the active involvement of such organizations in the development and implementation of their comprehensive child justice policy and, where appropriate, provide them with the necessary resources for this involvement.因此,委员会建议缔约国促进此类组织积极参与制定和执行本国的儿童司法综合政策,并酌情为其参与提供必要资源。
Awareness-raising and training提高认识和培训
Children who commit offences are often subjected to negative publicity in the media, which contributes to a discriminatory and negative stereotyping of those children.犯罪儿童往往是媒体负面宣传的对象,并因此招致歧视性的负面成见。
This negative presentation or criminalization of children is often based on a misrepresentation and/or misunderstanding of the causes of crime, and regularly results in calls for tougher approaches (zero-tolerance and “three strikes” approaches, mandatory sentences, trial in adult courts and other primarily punitive measures).这种负面呈现儿童形象或将其划为罪犯的现象,往往是由于对犯罪原因的歪曲和(或)误解,经常导致要求采取更强硬办法(零容忍和“事不过三”的做法、不予通融必须判刑、在成人法院受审以及其他以惩处为主的措施)的呼声。
States parties should seek the active and positive involvement of Members of Parliament, non-governmental organizations and the media to promote and support education and other campaigns to ensure that all aspects of the Convention are upheld for children who are in the child justice system.缔约国应当促进议会、非政府组织和媒体界成员积极正面参与,推动并支持教育和其他宣传活动,确保为儿童司法系统内的儿童全面落实《公约》。
It is crucial for children, in particular those who have experience with the child justice system, to be involved in these awareness-raising efforts.关键是要让儿童参与此类提高认识活动,经历过儿童司法系统的儿童尤应如此。
It is essential for the quality of the administration of child justice that all the professionals involved receive appropriate multidisciplinary training on the content and meaning of the Convention.所有相关专业人员接受关于《公约》内容和意义的适当的多学科培训,解,对于儿童司法工作的质量至关重要。
The training should be systematic and continuous and should not be limited to information on the relevant national and international legal provisions.培训应当系统性地持续开展,不应局限于提供与相关国家和国际法律条款有关的资料。
It should include established and emerging information from a variety of fields on, inter alia, the social and other causes of crime, the social and psychological development of children, including current neuroscience findings, disparities that may amount to discrimination against certain marginalized groups such as children belonging to minorities or indigenous peoples, the culture and the trends in the world of young people, the dynamics of group activities and the available diversion measures and non-custodial sentences, in particular measures that avoid resorting to judicial proceedings.培训内容应当包括各个领域既有和新出现的资料,尤其是犯罪的社会成因和其他成因、儿童的社会成长和心理发育(包括神经科学界当前的研究成果)、可能构成对某些边缘化群体(如少数群体儿童或土著儿童)歧视的差异现象、青少年群体的文化和风尚、群体活动的动态关系,以及现有的分流转处措施和非拘禁刑罚,特别是避免诉诸司法程序的措施。
Consideration should also be given to the possible use of new technologies such as video “court appearances”, while noting the risks of others, such as DNA profiling.此外,还应考虑可否使用视频“出庭”等新技术,同时应注意到DNA图谱绘制等其他技术的风险。
There should be a constant reappraisal of what works.应当不断重新评估哪些方法行之有效。
Data collection, evaluation and research数据收集、评价和研究
The Committee urges States parties to systematically collect disaggregated data, including on the number and nature of offences committed by children, the use and the average duration of pretrial detention, the number of children dealt with by resorting to measures other than judicial proceedings (diversion), the number of convicted children, the nature of the sanctions imposed on them and the number of children deprived of their liberty.委员会敦促缔约国系统性地收集分类数据,包括儿童所犯罪行的数量和性质、审前拘留的使用情况和平均期限、采用司法程序以外其他措施(分流转处)处理的儿童数目、对儿童施加惩罚的性质,以及被剥夺自由的儿童数目。
The Committee recommends that States parties ensure regular evaluations of their child justice systems, in particular of the effectiveness of the measures taken, and in relation to matters such as discrimination, reintegration and patterns of offending, preferably carried out by independent academic institutions.委员会建议缔约国确保定期评价本国的儿童司法系统,特别是所采取措施的效果,以及歧视情况、重返社会和犯罪规律等方面,而且最好由独立学术机构进行评价。
It is important that children are involved in this evaluation and research, in particular those who are or who have previously had contact with the system, and that the evaluation and research are undertaken in line with existing international guidelines on the involvement of children in research.此类评价和研究必须有儿童、特别是正在或曾经接触该系统的儿童参与其中,并依照儿童参与研究方面的现行国际准则开展。
* Reissued for technical reasons on 11 November 2019.* 由于技术原因于2020年8月28日重发。
In the English version of the present general comment, the term “child justice system” is used in place of “juvenile justice”.在本一般性意见的英文本中,“儿童司法系统”一词取代了“少年司法”。
United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty (Havana Rules), art. 11 (b).《联合国保护被剥夺自由少年规则》(《哈瓦那规则》),第11条(b)项。
Basic principles on the use of restorative justice programmes in criminal matters, para. 2.关于在刑事事项中使用恢复性司法方案的基本原则,第2段。
See also section IV.E below.另见下文第四.E节。
Human Rights Council resolution 25/6.人权理事会第25/6号决议。
See also section IV.B above.另见上文第四.B节。