E/C.12/GC/25 2006235E.docx (ENGLISH) | E/C.12/GC/25 2006235C.docx (CHINESE) |
United Nations | 联 合 国 |
E/C.12/GC/25 | E/C.12/GC/25 |
Economic and Social Council | 经济及社会理事会 |
Distr.: General | Distr.: General |
30 April 2020 | 30 April 2020 |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | 经济、社会及文化权利委员会 |
General comment No. 25 (2020) on science and economic, social and cultural rights (article 15 (1) (b), (2), (3) and (4) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) | 关于《经济社会文化权利国际公约》的科学与经济、社会及文化权利(第十五条第一款(丑)项、第二款、第三款和第四款)的第25号一般性意见(2020年) |
I. | 一. |
Introduction and basic premises | 导言 |
1. | 1. |
The intense and rapid development of science and technology has had many benefits for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. | 科学技术的迅猛发展,对经济、社会和文化权利的享有产生了许多好处。 |
At the same time, the risks – and the unequal distribution of these benefits and risks – have prompted a rich and growing discussion on the relationship between science and economic, social and cultural rights. | 与此同时,风险――以及这些好处和风险的不平等分配――引发了关于科学与经济、社会和文化权利之间关系的讨论,讨论内容丰富、正在不断增多。 |
Several important documents have been issued on this subject, such as the Venice Statement on the Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and its Applications, adopted in 2009, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2005, the Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers, adopted by UNESCO in 2017, the report of the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights on the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications (A/HRC/20/26) and the Committee’s general comment No. 17 (2005) on the right of everyone to benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he or she is the author. | 就这个主题已经发布了若干重要文件,如2009年通过的《关于享受科学进步及其应用的利益的权利的威尼斯声明》、2005年联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)通过的《世界生物伦理与人权宣言》、2017年教科文组织通过的《关于科学和科学研究人员的建议书》、文化权利领域特别报告员关于享受科学进步及其应用利益的权利的报告(A/HRC/20/26),以及本委员会关于人人有权享受对其本人的任何科学、文学和艺术作品所产生的精神和物质利益的保护的第17号一般性意见(2005年)。 |
Indeed, UNESCO, declarations made at international conferences and summits, the Special Rapporteur on cultural rights, and eminent scientific organizations and publications have upheld the “human right to science”, referring to all the rights, entitlements and obligations related to science. | 事实上,教科文组织、一些国际会议和首脑会议的宣言、文化权利问题特别报告员以及著名的科学组织和出版物 也支持“科学的人权”,它们都提到与科学有关的所有权利、福利和义务。 |
2. | 2. |
In spite of these developments, science is one of the areas of the Covenant to which States parties give least attention in their reports and dialogues with the Committee. | 尽管有这些发展,但科学是缔约国在报告和与委员会的对话中最不重视的《公约》领域之一。 |
This has led the Committee, after a wide consultative process, to develop this general comment on the relationship between science and economic, social and cultural rights. | 有鉴于此,经过广泛协商,委员会拟出了本项关于科学与经济、社会和文化权利之间关系的一般性意见。 |
3. | 3. |
The Committee focuses primarily on the Covenant right of everyone to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications (art. 15 (1) (b)), as it is the right most frequently invoked in relation to science. | 委员会主要侧重于《公约》规定的人人享受科学进步及其应用之惠的权利(第十五条第一款(丑)项),因为这是与科学相关的最经常援引的权利。 |
However, the purpose of this general comment is not confined to this right, but is also to develop the relationship more broadly between science and economic, social and cultural rights. | 然而,本一般性意见的目的并非仅限于这一权利,而是也广义地阐述科学与经济、社会和文化权利之间的关系。 |
The Committee also examines the other elements of article 15 related to science, especially the obligations of States parties to take steps for the conservation, the development and the diffusion of science (art. 15 (2)), to respect the freedom indispensable for scientific research (art. 15 (3)) and to promote international contacts and cooperation in the scientific field (art. 15 (4)). | 委员会还分析第十五与科学有关的其他要素,特别是缔约国采取步骤保存、发扬和传播科学的义务(第十五条第二款)、尊重科学研究不可缺少之自由的义务(第十五条第三款),以及促进科学领域国际接触与合作的义务(第十五条第四款)。 |
The Committee also highlights the relevance of article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for this analysis. | 委员会还着重指出《世界人权宣言》第二十七条对于这一分析的相关性。 |
II. | 二. |
Normative content | 规范性内容 |
Scientific progress and its applications | 科学进步及其应用 |
4. | 4. |
According to the definition used by UNESCO in its Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers, | 根据教科文组织《关于科学和科学研究人员的建议书》所用定义, |
the word “science” signifies the enterprise whereby humankind, acting individually or in small or large groups, makes an organized attempt, by means of the objective study of observed phenomena and its validation through sharing of findings and data and through peer review, to discover and master the chain of causalities, relations or interactions; | “科学”一词系指这样一种事业:人类以个体或大小不一的群体方式,开展组织有序的探索,客观地研究所观察到的现象并通过研究结果和数据共享以及同行评审加以证实,以发现和掌握各种因果关系、关联或相互作用; |
brings together in a coordinated form subsystems of knowledge by means of systematic reflection and conceptualization; and thereby furnishes itself with the opportunity of using, to its own advantage, understanding of the processes and phenomena occurring in nature and society (para. 1 (a) (i)). | 通过系统思考和概念生成,以协调的方式汇集由此获得的知识子体系,从而使自己有可能从理解自然界和社会的某些过程和现象中得益(第1(a)(i)段)。 |
UNESCO adds that “the term ‘the sciences’ signifies a complex of knowledge, fact and hypothesis, in which the theoretical element is capable of being validated in the short or long term, and to that extent includes the sciences concerned with social facts and phenomena” (para. 1 (a) (ii)). | 教科文组织又写明,“‘科学’亦指这样一组知识、事实和假设,其中的理论能够在短期或长期内得到证实; 在此限度内,该词包括以社会事实和现象为研究对象的各类学科”(第1(a)(ii)段)。 |
5. | 5. |
Thus, science, which encompasses natural and social sciences, refers both to a process following a certain methodology (“doing science”) and to the results of this process (knowledge and applications). | 由此可知,科学包含自然科学和社会科学,既指遵循某种方法论做一件事的过程(“从事科学研究”),也指这个过程的结果(知识和应用)。 |
Although protection and promotion as a cultural right may be claimed for other forms of knowledge, knowledge should be considered as science only if it is based on critical inquiry and is open to falsifiability and testability. | 虽然保护和促进作为一种文化权利,也可被要求用在其他形式的知识上,但只有基于批判性探究并允许证伪和验证的知识,才成其为科学。 |
Knowledge which is based solely on tradition, revelation or authority, without the possible contrast with reason and experience, or which is immune to any falsifiability or intersubjective verification, cannot be considered science. | 仅仅基于传统、启示或权威,不可能与推理和经验形成对照,或不允许任何证伪或主体间验证的知识,不成其为科学。 |
6. | 6. |
| |
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights refers to “scientific advancement” and the Covenant refers to “scientific progress”;these expressions emphasize the capacity of science to contribute to the well-being of persons and humankind. | 《世界人权宣言》和《公约》都提到“科学进步”,这个表述强调的是科学促进个人和人类福祉的能力。 |
Thus, the development of science in the service of peace and human rights should be prioritized by States over other uses. | 也就是说,国家应将科学发展为和平与人权服务置于其他用途之上。 |
7. | 7. |
Applications refer to the particular implementation of science to the specific concerns and needs of the population. | 应用是指把科学具体地用于解决人民的具体关注和需要。 |
Applied science also includes the technology deriving from scientific knowledge, such as the medical applications, the industrial or agricultural applications, or information and communications technology. | 应用科学也包括源于科学知识的技术,如医学应用、工业或农业应用,或信息和通信技术。 |
Enjoy the benefits | 享受利益 |
8. | 8. |
The term “benefits” refers first to the material results of the applications of scientific research, such as vaccinations, fertilizers, technological instruments and the like. | “利益”一词首先是指科学研究应用的物质成果,如疫苗、肥料、技术仪器等。 |
Secondly, benefits refer to the scientific knowledge and information directly deriving from scientific activity, as science provides benefits through the development and dissemination of the knowledge itself. | 其次,利益也指直接来自科学活动的科学知识和信息,因为科学通过发展和传播知识本身提供利益。 |
Lastly, benefits refer also to the role of science in forming critical and responsible citizens who are able to participate fully in a democratic society. | 最后,利益还指科学对于形成能充分参与民主社会、有批判能力和负责任的公民的作用。 |
Take part in cultural life | 参加文化生活 |
9. | 9. |
The right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress cannot be interpreted as establishing a rigid distinction between the scientist who produces science and the general population, entitled only to enjoy the benefits derived from research conducted by scientists. | 不能将享受科学进步利益的权利解读为严格区科学人员与普通大众,前者生成科学,后者只是享受科学人员研究产生的好处。 |
This restrictive interpretation is contrary to a systematic and teleological interpretation of this right, which takes into account the context, the object and the purpose of this provision, in accordance with article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. | 如作这种限制性解读,就会违背按照《维也纳条约法公约》第三十一条对这一权利的系统性和目的论解读,后者顾及这一规定的背景、目标和宗旨。 |
10. | 10. |
Culture is an inclusive concept encompassing all manifestations of human existence. | 文化是一个包容性的概念,包括人类生存的一切表现。 |
Cultural life is therefore larger than science, as it includes other aspects of human existence; | 因此,文化生活的含义大于科学,因为它还包含人类存在的其他方面; |
it is, however, reasonable to include scientific activity in cultural life. | 然而,将科学活动纳入文化生活则是合理的。 |
Thus, the right of everyone to take part in cultural life includes the right of every person to take part in scientific progress and in decisions concerning its direction. | 就此而言,每个人参加文化生活的权利包括每个人参与科学进步和决定其方向的权利。 |
This interpretation is also implied by the principles of participation and inclusiveness underlying the Covenant and by the expression, “to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress”. | 《公约》所依据的参与和包容原则以及“享受科学进步……之惠”的表述也暗含这个解读。 |
Such benefits are not restricted to the material benefits or products of scientific advancement, but include the development of the critical mind and faculties associated with doing science. | 这些好处并不局限于物质利益或科学进步的产物,而是也包括与从事科学研究相关的批判性思维和能力的发展。 |
This understanding is corroborated by the travaux préparatoires on the drafting of article 15 of the Covenant, which demonstrate that the article was intended to develop article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes not only a right to benefit from the applications of science but also to participate in scientific advancement. | 关于起草《公约》第十五条的准备工作材料证实了这一理解,表明该条意在发展《世界人权宣言》第二十七条, 后者不仅承认受益于科学应用的权利,而且承认参与科学进步的权利。 |
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is relevant to establish the scope of all the rights enshrined in the Covenant, not only because the preamble to the Covenant refers explicitly to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but also because both instruments represent international endeavours to give legal force to the rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through the adoption of binding treaties. | 《世界人权宣言》对于确立《公约》所载所有权利的范围很重要,不仅因为《公约》的序言明确提到《世界人权宣言》,而且还因为这两项文书代表了通过具有约束力的条约赋予《世界人权宣言》所载权利法律效力的国际努力。 |
Thus, doing science does not only concern scientific professionals but also includes “citizen science” (ordinary people doing science) and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. | 因此,从事科学研究不仅涉及科学专业人员,而是也包括“公民科学”(从事科学研究的普通人)和科学知识的传播。 |
States parties should not only refrain from preventing citizen participation in scientific activities, but should actively facilitate it. | 缔约国不仅应避免阻止公民参与科学活动,还应积极促进这种参与。 |
11. | 11. |
The right enshrined in article 15 (1) (b) encompasses not only a right to receive the benefits of the applications of scientific progress, but also a right to participate in scientific progress. | 第十五条第一款(丑)项所载权利不仅包含从科学进步的应用中获益的权利,而且包含参与科学进步的权利。 |
Thus, it is the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 因此,它就是参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利。 |
Benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he or she is the author | 享受对本人的任何科学、文学或艺术作品所产生的精神和物质利益的保护 |
12. | 12. |
The Committee already examined this right in 2005 in its general comment No. 17, in which it stressed the difference between this human right, which protects creators of scientific discoveries, and “most legal entitlements recognized in intellectual property systems” (para. 1). | 委员会2005年已在第17号一般性意见中分析了这项权利,其中强调,这项保护科学发现的作者的人权有别于“知识产权制度中所承认的大多数法定权利”(第1段)。 |
It is unnecessary to repeat this analysis here. | 此处不必复述这项分析。 |
Nevertheless, the specific relationship between intellectual property rights and the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications is addressed in section V. | 尽管如此,第五节中仍论述了知识产权权利和参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利二者之间的具体关系。 |
The freedom indispensable for scientific research and creative activity | 对科学研究和创作活动必不可少的自由 |
13. | 13. |
In order to flourish and develop, science requires the robust protection of freedom of research. | 为繁荣和发展科学,要求有力地保护研究自由。 |
The Covenant establishes a specific duty for States to “respect the freedom indispensable for scientific research” (art. 15 (3)). | 《公约》规定了国家“尊重科学研究……所不可缺少之自由”的具体义务(第十五条第三款)。 |
This freedom includes, at the least, the following dimensions: | 这种自由至少包括以下几个方面: |
protection of researchers from undue influence on their independent judgment; | 保护研究人员的独立判断不受不当影响; |
the possibility for researchers to set up autonomous research institutions and to define the aims and objectives of the research and the methods to be adopted; | 研究人员可以建立自主研究机构、确定研究目的和目标以及要采用的方法; |
the freedom of researchers to freely and openly question the ethical value of certain projects and the right to withdraw from those projects if their conscience so dictates; | 研究人员自由和公开质疑某些项目的伦理价值的自由和在自己良知要求时退出这些项目的权利; |
the freedom of researchers to cooperate with other researchers, both nationally and internationally; | 研究人员在国内和国际上与其他研究人员合作的自由; |
and the sharing of scientific data and analysis with policymakers, and with the public wherever possible. | 以及与政策制订者和在可能时与公众共享科学数据和分析。 |
Nevertheless, freedom of scientific research is not absolute; | 然而,科学研究的自由不是绝对的; |
some limitations are possible, as described in section III below. | 可以允许以下第三节所述的某些限制。 |
Take steps for the conservation, the development and the diffusion of science | 采取步骤保护、发展及传播科学 |
14. | 14. |
States parties should not only abstain from interfering in the freedom of individuals and institutions to develop science and diffuse its results. | 缔约国不仅应避免干涉个人和机构发展科学和传播科学成果的自由。 |
States must take positive steps for the advancement of science (development) and for the protection and dissemination of scientific knowledge and its applications (conservation and diffusion). | 缔约国还必须采取积极步骤推进科学(发扬),保护和推广科学知识及其应用(保存和传播)。 |
III. | 三. |
Elements of the right and limitations | 权利的要素和限制 |
15. | 15. |
The right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications contains both freedoms and entitlements. | 参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利既包含自由,也包含福利。 |
Freedoms include the right to participate in scientific progress and enjoy the freedom indispensable for scientific research. | 自由包含参与科学进步和享受科学研究的不可或缺之自由的权利。 |
Entitlements include the right to enjoy, without discrimination, the benefits of scientific progress. | 福利包含不受歧视地享受科学进步之惠的权利。 |
These freedoms and entitlements imply not only negative, but also positive obligations for States. | 这些自由和福利不仅意味着国家的被动义务,也意味着国家的主动义务。 |
Furthermore, this right contains the following five interrelated and essential elements. | 此外,这项权利包含以下五个相互关联的基本要素。 |
A. | A. |
Elements of the right | 权利的要素 |
16. | 16. |
Availability is linked to the obligation of States parties to take steps for the conservation, the development and the diffusion of science. | 具备,这个要素与缔约国采取步骤保护、发展和传播科学的义务相联系。 |
Thus, availability means that scientific progress is actually taking place, and that scientific knowledge and its applications are protected and widely disseminated. | 因此,具备意味着科学进步正在实际发生,科学知识及其应用得到保护和广泛传播。 |
States parties should direct their own resources and coordinate actions of others to ensure that scientific progress happens and that its applications and benefits are distributed and are available, especially to vulnerable and marginalized groups. | 缔约国应引导自己的资源并与他方协调行动,确保科学进步得以实现,科学进步的应用和利益得到分配并保持具备,特别是要面向弱势和边缘化群体。 |
This requires, inter alia, instruments for the diffusion of science (libraries, museums, Internet networks, etc.), a strong research infrastructure with adequate resources, and adequate financing of scientific education. | 这就需要若干条件,包括传播科学的工具(图书馆、博物馆、互联网等)、拥有充足资源的强大的研究基础设施,以及充足的科学教育经费。 |
In particular, States should promote open science and open source publication of research. | 具体而言,国家应促进开放的科学和研究结果的开源式发表。 |
Research findings and research data funded by States should be accessible to the public. | 国家资助的研究结果和研究数据应向公众开放。 |
17. | 17. |
Accessibility means that scientific progress and its applications should be accessible for all persons, without discrimination. | 无障碍,这个要素意味着科学进步及其应用应当无歧视地面向所有人。 |
It has three dimensions: first, States parties should ensure that everyone has equal access to the applications of science, particularly when they are instrumental for the enjoyment of other economic, social and cultural rights. | 无障碍有三个层面:第一,缔约国应确保人人可以平等地利用科学进步,特别是如果这些进步有助于享有其他经济、社会和文化权利。 |
Second, information concerning the risks and benefits of science and technology should be accessible without discrimination. | 第二,关于科学和技术的风险和利益的信息应当能够不受歧视地获得。 |
Third, everyone should have the open opportunity to participate in scientific progress, without discrimination. | 第三,每个人都应当有不受歧视地参与科学进步的开放机会。 |
Thus, States parties should remove discriminatory barriers that impede persons from participating in scientific progress, for instance, by facilitating the access of marginalized populations to scientific education. | 因此,缔约国应消除阻碍人们参与科学进步的歧视性障碍,例如,要为边缘化人群获得科学教育提供便利。 |
18. | 18. |
Quality refers to the most advanced, up-to-date and generally accepted and verifiable science available at the time, according to the standards generally accepted by the scientific community. | 质量,这个要素是指按照科学界普遍接受的标准在当时具备的最先进、最新、公认和可验证的科学。 |
This element applies both to the process of scientific creation and to access to the applications and benefits of science. | 这一要素既适用于科学创造的过程,也适用于获得科学的应用和利益。 |
Quality also includes regulation and certification, as necessary, to ensure the responsible and ethical development and application of science. | 质量还包括必要的监管和认证,以确保科学的负责任和合乎伦理的发展和应用。 |
States should rely on widely accepted scientific knowledge, in dialogue with the scientific community, to regulate and certify the circulation of new scientific applications accessible to the public. | 国家应依靠广泛接受的科学知识,与科学界的对话,对面向公众传播新科学应用予以规范和认证。 |
19. | 19. |
Acceptability implies that efforts should be made to ensure that science is explained and its applications are disseminated in such a manner as to facilitate their acceptance in different cultural and social contexts, provided that this does not affect their integrity and quality. | 可接受,这个要素意味着应通过努力,以不影响完整性和质量为前提,确保科学的解释方式和科学应用的传播方式有助于它们在不同文化和社会背景下都能被接受。 |
Scientific education and the products of science should be tailored to the particularities of populations with special needs, such as persons with disabilities. | 科学教育和科学产品应适合残疾人等有特殊需要的人群的特点。 |
Acceptability implies also that scientific research has to incorporate ethical standards in order to ensure its integrity and the respect of human dignity, such as the standards proposed in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. | 可接受性还意味着必须在科学研究中纳入伦理标准,以确保操守和对人类尊严的尊重,例如《世界生物伦理与人权宣言》所提出的标准。 |
Some of these standards are that the benefits to research participants and other affected individuals should be maximized and any possible harm minimized with reasonable protection and safeguards; | 这些标准包括: 应尽量加大研究参与者和其他受影响个人的利益,并在合理保护和保障下尽量减小任何可能的伤害; |
the autonomy and free and informed consent of participants should be guaranteed; | 应保证参与者的自主权和自由知情同意; |
privacy and confidentiality should be respected; | 应尊重隐私和保密; |
vulnerable groups or persons should be especially protected in order to avoid any discrimination; | 弱势群体或个人应受到特别保护,以避免任何歧视; |
and cultural diversity and pluralism should be given due regard. | 文化多样性和多元性应得到应有的重视。 |
20. | 20. |
As explained in paragraph 13 above, the protection of freedom of scientific research is also an element of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 如以上第13段所述,保护科学研究自由也是参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利的一个要素。 |
B. | B. |
Limitations | 限制 |
21. | 21. |
Some limitations on the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications might be necessary, as science and its applications can, in certain contexts, affect economic, social and cultural rights. | 由于科学进步及其应用的在某些情况下可能影响经济、社会和文化权利,因此可能有必要对参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利加以某些限制。 |
Nevertheless, limitations on the right must respect the requirements of article 4 of the Covenant: | 但是,对这项权利的限制必须尊重《公约》第四条的要求: |
first, limitations have to be determined by law; | 第一,限制必须由法律确定; |
second, they must promote “the general welfare in a democratic society”; | 第二,限制必须是为了促进“民主社会之公共利益”; |
and third, any restriction must be compatible with the nature of the right restricted. | 第三,任何限制必须以与所限制权利之性质相一致为准。 |
As understood by the Committee, this implies that limitations must respect the minimum core obligations of the right, and must be proportionate to the aim pursued. | 委员会的理解是,这意味着限制必须尊重该项权利的最低限度核心义务,必须是与所追求的目标相称的。 |
This means that where there are several means reasonably capable of achieving the legitimate aim of the limitation, the one that is least restrictive to economic, social and cultural rights must be selected, and the burdens imposed on the enjoyment of the right should not outweigh the benefits of the limitation. | 这就是说,在有数种方式可合理达成限制的正当目标时,必须选择对经济、社会和文化权利限制性最小的方式, 而且对享受这项权利施加的负担不应大于限制所要达成的好处。 |
22. | 22. |
Limitations on the applications of science and technology can be used to guarantee the safety and quality of products used by persons. | 对科学技术应用的限制可用以保障人们所用产品的安全和质量。 |
Human rights impact assessments might be necessary to protect persons against risky applications. | 人权影响评估可能是保护人们免受危险应用伤害的必要手段。 |
Limitations on the research process can also be necessary, particularly when the research affects human beings in order to protect their dignity, their integrity and their consent when involved in the research. | 也可能有必要限制研究的过程,特别是如果研究会对人产生影响,就有必要通过限制,使参与研究的人的尊严和身心完整能得到保护,并且经过他们的同意。 |
When the research is done in countries or among populations different to those of the researchers, the State of origin must guarantee the rights and obligations of all parties involved. | 当在研究人员本国以外的国家或人群中进行研究时,研究人员的原籍国必须保障所有有关各方的权利和义务。 |
Nevertheless, any limitation on the content of scientific research implies a strict burden of justification by States, in order to avoid infringing freedom of research. | 然而,对科学研究内容的任何限制都意味着要求国家承担严格的举证责任,以避免侵犯研究自由。 |
IV. | 四. |
Obligations | 义务 |
A. | A. |
General obligations | 一般义务 |
23. | 23. |
States parties must take steps, to the maximum of their available resources, for the full realization of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 缔约国必须采取步骤,最大限度地利用所具备的资源,充分实现参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利。 |
While full realization of the right may be achieved progressively, steps towards it must be taken immediately or within a reasonably short period of time. | 虽然这项权利的充分实现可能需要逐步达成,但必须为争取这种充分实现立即采取步骤或在合理的短时间内采取步骤。 |
Such steps should be deliberate, concrete and targeted, using all appropriate means, including the adoption of legislative and budgetary measures. | 这些步骤应该是深思熟虑的、具体的和有针对性的,使用一切适当的手段,包括通过立法和预算措施。 |
24. | 24. |
As with all other rights in the Covenant, there is a strong presumption that retrogressive measures taken in relation to the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications are not permissible. | 与《公约》中的所有其他权利一样,本项权利也有一个强有力的推定,即不允许在参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利方面采取倒退措施。 |
Examples of retrogressive measures include the removal of programmes or policies necessary for the conservation, the development and the diffusion of science; | 倒退措施举例而言包括: 取消保护、发展和传播科学所必需的方案或政策; |
the imposition of barriers to education and information on science; | 对科学教育和信息设置障碍; |
the imposition of barriers to citizen participation in scientific activities, including misinformation intended to erode citizen understanding and respect for science and scientific research; | 对公民参与科学活动设置障碍,包括意在削弱公民对科学和科学研究的理解和尊重的虚假信息; |
and the adoption of legal and policy changes that reduce the extent of international collaboration on science. | 以及通过法律和政策修改削弱国际科学合作的程度。 |
In the exceptional circumstances under which retrogressive measures may be inevitable, States must ensure that such measures are necessary and proportionate. | 在倒退措施不可避免的特殊情况下,国家必须确保这些措施是必要和相称的。 |
The measures should remain in place only insofar as they are necessary; mitigate inequalities that can grow in times of crisis and ensure that the rights of disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups are not disproportionately affected; and guarantee the minimum core obligations (see E/C.12/2016/1). | 这些措施的保持仅限于必要、措施可减轻危机时期可能加剧的不平等并确保弱势和边缘化个人和群体的权利不会受到过度影响,并且保障最低限度核心义务(见E/C.12/2016/1)。 |
25. | 25. |
States parties are under an immediate obligation to eliminate all forms of discrimination against individuals and groups in their enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. | 缔约国负有消除对个人和群体享有经济、社会和文化权利的一切形式歧视的紧要义务。 |
This duty is of particular importance in relation to the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications because deep inequalities persist in the enjoyment of this right. | 这项责任对于参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利特别重要,因为在享受这一权利方面顽固存在深度不平等。 |
States must adopt the measures necessary to eliminate conditions and combat attitudes that perpetuate inequality and discrimination in order to enable all individuals and groups to enjoy this right without discrimination, including on the grounds of religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, race and ethnic identity, disability, poverty and any other relevant status. | 国家必须采取必要措施,消除并抵制使不平等和歧视得以固化的条件和态度,使所有个人和群体都能享有这项权利而不受歧视,包括基于宗教、民族血统、性别、性取向和性别认同、种族和族裔认同、残疾、贫困和任何其他相关地位的歧视。 |
26. | 26. |
The duty to eliminate discrimination is a cross-cutting obligation that States should take into account when fulfilling all other obligations. | 消除歧视的责任是一项贯穿各领域的义务,是国家在履行所有其他义务时都应当顾及的义务。 |
For instance, the duty of States to take steps for the development and the diffusion of science (art. 15 (2)) includes the obligation to make all necessary efforts to overcome persistent inequalities in scientific advancement through culturally and gender-appropriate means of education and communication, with the aim of encouraging the widest participation in scientific progress of those populations that have traditionally been excluded from such progress. | 例如,国家采取步骤发展和传播科学的责任(第十五条第二款)包括承担义务,作出一切必要努力,通过文化上和性别上适当的教育和沟通手段,克服科学进步中顽固存在的不平等,以期鼓励传统上被排除在科学进步之外的人群最广泛地参与科学进步。 |
27. | 27. |
The duty to combat discrimination on those grounds has implications for the design and implementation of all policies related to the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 反对基于这些理由的歧视,这项责任关系到参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利方面的所有政策的设计和执行。 |
For instance, States have to carefully design and implement quality scientific education programmes in order to allow all persons equal opportunities to gain a basic level of understanding and knowledge of the science and training needed to pursue careers in science, and to ensure access without discrimination to available employment in scientific research fields. | 例如,国家必须精心设计和实施高质量的科学教育方案,让所有人人都有平等的机会获得从事科学职业所需的基本科学知识和培训,并确保不受歧视地获得科学研究领域所具备的就业机会。 |
B. | B. |
Special protection for specific groups | 对具体群体的特殊保护 |
28. | 28. |
Without prejudice to the duty of States to eliminate all forms of discrimination, special attention should be paid to groups that have experienced systemic discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, such as women, persons with disabilities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, indigenous peoples and persons living in poverty. | 在不影响国家所负消除一切形式歧视的责任的前提下,应特别关注在参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利享受方面遭受系统性歧视的群体,如妇女、残疾人、男女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和双性人、土著人民和生活贫困者。 |
Temporary special measures might be necessary to achieve substantive equality and remedy current manifestations of previous patterns of exclusion of these groups. | 可能需要采取临时特别措施,以实现实质性平等,并纠正这些群体先前被排斥的模式的当前表现。 |
Owing to limitations of space, this general comment focuses on women, persons with disabilities, persons living in poverty and indigenous peoples. | 由于篇幅有限,本一般性意见侧重于妇女、残疾人、生活贫困者和土著人民。 |
Women | 妇女 |
29. | 29. |
Women are frequently underrepresented in scientific activity. | 妇女在科学活动中的代表性往往不足。 |
Sometimes this is owing to situations of direct discrimination in access to education or professional employment and promotion. | 这种情况有时是因为在获得教育或专业雇用和晋升的机会方面存在直接歧视。 |
In other cases, discrimination is more subtle and is based on stereotypes or professional practices that discourage women’s participation in scientific research. | 在另一些情况下,歧视的表现相对不明显,这些歧视的基础是阻滞妇女参与科学研究的成见或职业习惯。 |
In particular, women’s advancement in scientific careers, both in academia and in industry, is cumulatively limited as they climb the hierarchical ladder. | 具体而言,无论是在学术界还是在工业界,妇女科学职务在逐级提升中形成累积的限制。 |
30. | 30. |
Unequal access between men and women to science implies double discrimination. | 男子和妇女接触科学机会的不平等意味着双重歧视。 |
First, women have the right to participate in scientific research on an equal footing with men; | 首先,妇女有权在与男子平等的基础上参与科学研究; |
thus, unequal access to scientific education or scientific careers constitutes discrimination in principle. | 因此,获得科学教育或从事科学职业机会的不平等在原则上构成歧视。 |
Second, as women are underrepresented in scientific research, it is very common that scientific research and new technologies are gender biased and not sensitive to the particularities and needs of women. | 第二,由于妇女在科学研究中的代表性不足,科学研究和新技术往往带有性别偏向,不能敏感地顾及妇女的特点和需要。 |
31. | 31. |
States must therefore immediately eliminate barriers that affect girls’ and women’s access to quality scientific education and careers. | 因此,各国必须立即消除影响女童和妇女获得高质量科学教育和职业机会的障碍。 |
Furthermore, States must take steps to ensure women’s substantive equality in access to scientific education and careers by, for example, raising public awareness in order to eliminate stereotypes that exclude women from science or adopting policies for both men and women to balance domestic life with scientific careers. | 此外,各国必须采取措施,确保妇女在获得科学教育和职业机会方面的实质性平等,例如,通过宣传消除将妇女排除在科学之外的成见,或采取政策倡导男子和妇女在家庭生活与科学事业之间的平衡兼顾。 |
Temporary special measures, such as quotas for women in scientific education, might be necessary in order to speed up the attainment of substantive equality in the enjoyment of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 可能有必要采取临时特别措施,如科学教育中的妇女配额,以加快实现参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利方面的实质性平等。 |
The availability of kindergartens and other childcare institutions is also key to the advancement of equality. | 幼儿园和其他儿童保育机构的存在也是促进平等的关键。 |
32. | 32. |
A gender-sensitive approach is not a luxury for scientific research, but a crucial tool in order to ensure that scientific progress and new technologies adequately take into account the characteristics and needs of women and girls. | 促进性别平等的方针不是科学研究的奢侈摆设,而是确保科学进步和新技术充分顾及妇女和女童特点和需要的重要工具。 |
This approach should not be relegated to the last stages of research, but incorporated from the first stage, such as the choice of the subject and the design of methodologies, and must be present throughout all steps of scientific research and its applications, including during the evaluation of its impacts. | 这种方针不应留待研究的最后阶段,而应从课题选择和方法设计等最初阶段开始纳入,并且必须贯穿科学研究及其应用的所有步骤,包括评估影响的过程。 |
Decisions concerning funding or general policies must also be gender-sensitive. | 关于经费的决定或一般政策也必须对性别问题有敏感认识。 |
33. | 33. |
A gender-sensitive approach is of particular relevance to the right to sexual and reproductive health. | 促进性别平等的方针对于性健康和生殖健康权具有特别的相关意义。 |
States parties must ensure access to up-to-date scientific technologies necessary for women in relation to this right. | 缔约国必须确保妇女能够利用与这项权利相关的最新科学技术。 |
In particular, States parties should ensure access to modern and safe forms of contraception, including emergency contraception, medication for abortion, assisted reproductive technologies, and other sexual and reproductive goods and services, on the basis of non-discrimination and equality, as outlined in general comment No. 22 (2016) on the right to sexual and reproductive health. | 具体而言,如关于性健康和生殖健康权利的第22号一般性意见(2016年)所述,缔约国应确保能在无歧视和平等的基础上利用现代安全避孕方法,包括紧急避孕、堕胎药物、辅助生殖技术以及其他性和生殖用品和服务。 |
Special attention should be given to the protection of women’s free, prior and informed consent in treatments or scientific research on sexual and reproductive health. | 应特别注意在性健康和生殖健康的治疗或科学研究中保护妇女的自由、事先和知情同意。 |
Persons with disabilities | 残疾人 |
34. | 34. |
Persons with disabilities have suffered deep discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, either because of severe physical, communication and information obstacles to access basic and higher scientific education and careers, or because the products of scientific progress do not take into account their specificities and particular needs. | 残疾人在享有参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利方面遭受了严重歧视,歧视的原因既可能是获得基础和高等科学教育和雇用方面存在的严重物理障碍、沟通障碍和信息障碍,也可能是科学进步的产物没有顾及他们的具体情况和特殊需要。 |
Persons with disabilities bring their unique perspectives and experiences into the scientific landscape, thus specifically contributing to the promotion of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 残疾人将他们独特的视角和经验带入科学领域,从而为促进参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利做出具体贡献。 |
35. | 35. |
States parties should, at the least, adopt the following measures and policies to overcome discrimination against persons with disabilities in the enjoyment of this right: | 缔约国至少应采取以下措施和政策,消除在享有这项权利方面对残疾人的歧视: |
(a) | (a) |
promote the participation and contributions of persons with disabilities, including women with disabilities who face multiple discrimination, in decision-making procedures concerning science; | 促进残疾人、包括促进面临多重歧视的残疾妇女参与科学决策程序并做出贡献; |
(b) | (b) |
develop statistics on access to science and its benefits disaggregated by disability; | 编制按残疾分列的关于接触科学及其好处的机会的统计数据; |
(c) | (c) |
implement universal design; | 实施通用设计; |
(d) | (d) |
promote technologies that facilitate access to scientific education and employment for persons with disabilities; | 推广便利残疾人获得科学教育和就业的技术; |
(e) | (e) |
ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided for persons with disabilities to enable them to have access to scientific education and employment and to ensure that they benefit from the products of scientific development, including its diffusion and dissemination in adapted formats; | 确保为残疾人提供合理便利,使他们能够获得科学教育和就业,并确保他们受益于科学发展产物,包括以适应他们的格式推广和传播科学发展产物; |
(f) | (f) |
adopt appropriate measures to raise awareness of the capabilities and contributions of persons with disabilities and to combat stereotypes and harmful practices relating to these persons; | 采取适当措施提高对残疾人能力和贡献的认识,并抵制与残疾人有关的成见和有害做法; |
| |
(g) | (g) |
ensure that persons with disabilities have given their free, prior and informed consent when they are subjects of research. | 确保残疾人先表示本人自由、事先和知情的同意才会成为研究对象。 |
Persons in living poverty, inequality and science | 生活贫困者、不平等与科学 |
36. | 36. |
In the last few decades, the growth of inequalities has undermined the rule of law and has had negative effects on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights (see A/HRC/29/31). | 过去数十年来,不平等现象增加不仅有损于法治,也对经济、社会和文化权利的享有产生了负面影响(见A/HRC/29/31)。 |
Economic inequality hinders equal access to scientific education and to the benefits of scientific progress for low-income households and especially for persons living in poverty. | 经济不平等阻碍低收入家庭、特别是生活贫困的人平等获得科学教育和科学进步的好处。 |
This in turn reinforces economic inequalities because upper-income households can enjoy better scientific education and can access the latest and most expensive scientific innovations, allowing affluent persons to become more technologically productive than poor people, perpetuating inequalities and providing an apparent justification for them. | 这反过来又加剧经济不平等,因为高收入家庭可以享受更好的科学教育,可以利用最新、最昂贵的科学创新,致使富人的技术生产力高于穷人,固化不平等,而且为不平等提供表面上的理由。 |
37. | 37. |
As equality is at the core of human rights, States must make every effort to break this vicious circle between substantive inequality and unequal access to the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 由于平等是人权的核心,国家必须尽一切努力打破两种不平等的恶性循环,一方面是实质性不平等,一方面是利用参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利的不平等。 |
This implies a threefold strategy: first, States parties should adopt policies to reduce inequalities, a subject that goes beyond the scope of this general comment but is at the centre of current discussions on democracy and human rights. | 这意味着要采取一种三重战略:第一,缔约国应采取减少不平等的政策,这一课题超出本一般性意见的范围,但却是当前关于民主和人权讨论的核心。 |
Second, States parties need a specific strategy to strengthen access to good scientific education for persons living in poverty. | 第二,缔约国需要有一项具体战略,加强生活贫困者获得良好科学教育的机会。 |
Third, States should prioritize scientific and technological innovations that serve especially the needs of persons living in poverty and ensure that these people have access to the technological innovations. | 第三,国家应优先考虑特别服务于生活贫困者需求的科技创新,并确保这些人能够有机会利用技术创新。 |
38. | 38. |
States should adopt measures to ensure that children living in poverty, particularly those with disabilities, have full access to the enjoyment of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, as they are entitled to special care and assistance, especially through pedagogical tools and quality scientific education that allow the development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential. | 国家应采取措施,确保生活贫困的儿童,特别是残疾儿童,能够充分享有参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利,因为他们理当获得特殊照顾和援助,特别是通过教学工具和优质科学教育,使儿童的个性、才能和身心能力得到最大限度的发展。 |
Traditional knowledge and indigenous peoples | 传统知识与土著人民 |
39. | 39. |
Local, traditional and indigenous knowledge, especially regarding nature, species (flora, fauna, seeds) and their properties, are precious and have an important role to play in the global scientific dialogue. | 地方、传统和土著知识,特别是关于自然、物种(植物、动物、种子)及其属性的知识非常宝贵,在全球科学对话中可以发挥重要作用。 |
States must take measures to protect such knowledge through different means, including special intellectual property regimes, and to secure the ownership and control of this traditional knowledge by local and traditional communities and indigenous peoples. | 国家必须采取措施,通过包括特殊知识产权制度在内的各种不同手段保护这种知识,并确保地方和传统社区以及土著人民对这种传统知识的所有权和控制权。 |
40. | 40. |
Indigenous peoples and local communities all over the globe should participate in a global intercultural dialogue for scientific progress, as their inputs are precious and science should not be used as an instrument of cultural imposition. | 全球各地的土著人民和地方社区应参与促进科学进步的全球文化间对话,因为他们的投入是宝贵的,科学不应被用作强加文化的工具。 |
States parties must provide indigenous peoples, with due respect for their self-determination, to both the educational and technological means to participate in this dialogue. | 缔约国必须在对土著人民的自决权给予应有尊重的情况下,向他们提供参与这一对话的教育和技术手段。 |
They must also take all measures to respect and protect the rights of indigenous peoples, particularly their land, their identity and the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from their knowledge, of which they are authors, individually or collectively. | 国家还必须采取一切措施,尊重和保护土著人民的权利,特别是他们的土地、他们的身份,以及保护他们个人或集体拥有的知识所产生的精神和物质利益。 |
Genuine consultation in order to obtain free, prior and informed consent is necessary whenever the State party or non-State actors conduct research, take decisions or create policies relating to science that have an impact on indigenous peoples or when using their knowledge. | 缔约国或非国家行为者在科学方面如要进行对土著人民有影响的研究、作出对他们有影响的决定或制订对他们有影响的政策,或如要使用他们的知识,一律必须进行真正的协商,以求得自由、事先和知情的同意。 |
C. | C. |
Specific obligations | 具体义务 |
41. | 41. |
States parties have an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 缔约国负有尊重、保护和实现参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利的义务。 |
Obligation to respect | 尊重的义务 |
42. | 42. |
The obligation to respect requires that States parties refrain from interfering directly or indirectly in the enjoyment of this right. | 尊重的义务要求缔约国不直接或间接干涉这项权利的享有。 |
Examples of the obligation to respect are: | 举例而言包括: |
eliminating barriers to accessing quality science education and to the pursuit of scientific careers; | 消除获得高质量科学教育和追求科学事业的障碍; |
refraining from disinformation, disparagement or deliberate misinformation intended to erode citizen understanding of and respect for science and scientific research; | 避免意在侵蚀公民对科学和科学研究的理解和尊重的虚假信息、贬损或故意误导; |
eliminating censorship or arbitrary limitations on access to the Internet, which undermines access to and dissemination of scientific knowledge; | 消除对互联网的上网审查或任意限制,因为这有损于科学知识的获取和传播; |
and refraining from imposing, or eliminating, obstacles to international collaboration among scientists, unless such restrictions can be justified in accordance with article 4 of the Covenant. | 以及避免在科学人员之间的国际合作设置障碍并消除此种障碍,除非可根据《公约》第四条证明有理由实行这种限制。 |
Obligation to protect | 保护的义务 |
43. | 43. |
The obligation to protect requires States parties to adopt measures to prevent any person or entity from interfering with the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications by, for example, preventing access to knowledge or discriminating on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation or gender identity or other circumstances. | 保护的义务要求缔约国采取措施,防止任何个人或实体干涉参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利,例如,防止阻挡获取知识的途径,或防止基于性别、性取向或性别认同或其他情况的歧视。 |
These persons or entities could include universities, schools, laboratories, cultural or scientific associations, patients in hospitals and volunteers participating in scientific experiments. | 这些个人或实体可包括大学、中小学、实验室、文化协会或科学协会、医院的病人和参与科学实验的志愿者。 |
Examples of this duty to protect are: | 这种保护的责任举例而言包括: |
ensuring that scientific associations, universities, laboratories and other non-State actors do not apply discriminatory criteria; | 确保科学协会、大学、实验室和其他非国家行为者不采用歧视性标准; |
protecting people from participating in research or tests that contravene the applicable ethical standards for responsible research and guaranteeing their free, prior and informed consent; | 保护人们免于参与违反负责任研究的适用伦理标准的研究或测试,并使他们的自由、事先和知情同意得到保障; |
ensuring that private persons and entities do not disseminate false or misleading scientific information; | 确保私人和实体不传播虚假或误导性的科学信息; |
and ensuring that private investment in scientific institutions is not used to unduly influence the orientation of research or to restrict the scientific freedom of researchers. | 并确保对科学机构的私人投资不会被用以不适当地影响研究方向或限制研究人员的科学自由。 |
44. | 44. |
Sometimes, States parties may have to protect people within their own familial, social or cultural context when their right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications is affected. | 有时,如果人们参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利受到影响,缔约国可能不得不在他们家庭、社会或文化背景范围内为他们提供保护。 |
Persons who, owing to their age or capacity, cannot choose for themselves, must receive special protection. | 由于年龄或能力而不能自己选择的人必须得到特别保护。 |
For instance, when parents decide not to have their children vaccinated on grounds the scientific community considers false, the parents’ decision entails risks for the child and sometimes for society, resulting from the possible resurgence of infectious diseases that were previously under control. | 例如,当父母以科学界认为错误的理由决定不让子女接种疫苗时,父母的决定会就给子女带来风险,有时还会给社会带来风险,因为原本已得到控制的传染病可能会卷土重来。 |
In these cases, the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration. | 在这些情况下,儿童的最大利益必须是首要考虑。 |
In some contexts, people may be subject to great pressure from their social environment to undergo traditional treatment instead of benefiting from the best available medical attention. | 在某些情况下,人们可能会受到所在社会环境要求接受传统治疗的巨大压力,而不求助于所具备的最佳医疗护理。 |
States parties must guarantee everyone the right to choose or refuse the treatment they want with the full knowledge of the risks and benefits of the relevant treatment, subject to any limitations that meet the criteria of article 4 of the Covenant. | 以允许符合《公约》第四条标准的任何限制为前提,缔约国必须保证人人有权在充分了解相关治疗的风险和益处的情况下选择自己想要的治疗或拒绝某种治疗。 |
States must also establish protective measures in relation to messages from pseudoscience, which create ignorance and false expectations among the most vulnerable sectors of the population. | 国家还必须针对伪科学信息制订防范措施,因为伪科学信息会在最脆弱的人口群体中制造无知和错误期望。 |
Obligation to fulfil | 实现的义务 |
45. | 45. |
The duty to fulfil requires that States adopt legislative, administrative, budgetary and other measures and establish effective remedies aimed at the full enjoyment of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 实现的责任要求国家采取适当的立法、行政、预算和其他措施,并建立有效的补救办法,以期充分实现参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利。 |
They include education policies, grants, participation tools, dissemination, providing access to the Internet and other sources of knowledge, participation in international cooperation programmes and ensuring appropriate financing. | 这些措施包括教育政策、补助、参与工具、传播、提供互联网的上网途径和利用其他知识来源的途径、参加合作方案以及确保适当的经费。 |
46. | 46. |
The duty to fulfil is reinforced and specified by article 15 (2) of the Covenant, which provides that States parties must take steps for the conservation, the development and the diffusion of science. | 《公约》第十五条第二款强调并具体规定了实现的义务,因为该款规定缔约国必须采取步骤保存、发扬和传播科学。 |
States parties not only have a duty to allow persons to participate in scientific progress; | 缔约国不仅有责任让人们参与科学进步; |
they also have a positive duty to actively promote the advancement of science through, inter alia, education and investment in science and technology. | 它们还负有一项正面的责任,即通过教育和科技投资等方式积极促进科学进步。 |
This includes approving policies and regulations that foster scientific research, allocating appropriate resources in budgets and generally creating an enabling and participatory environment for the conservation, the development and the diffusion of science and technology. | 这包括批准促进科学研究的政策和规章、在预算中分配适当的资源,并广义为科学技术的保护、发展和传播创造有利的参与型环境。 |
This implies, inter alia, protection and promotion of academic and scientific freedom, including freedom of expression and freedom to seek, receive and impart scientific information, freedom of association and freedom of movement; | 除其他外,这意味着保护和促进学术和科学自由,包括表达自由和寻求、接受及传递科学信息的自由、结社自由和行动自由; |
guarantees of equal access and participation of all public and private actors; | 保障所有公共和私人行为者的平等机会和参与; |
and capacity-building and education. | 以及能力建设和教育。 |
47. | 47. |
The obligation to fulfil is particularly important in creating and guaranteeing access to the benefits of the applications of scientific progress. | 实现的义务对于创造科学进步应用的利益和保障获得这些利益的途径尤为重要。 |
States should use the maximum of their available resources to overcome hurdles that any person may face to benefit from new technologies or other forms of applications of scientific advancements. | 国家应最大限度地利用所具备的资源,克服任何人在受益于新技术或其他形式的科学进步应用方面可能遇到的障碍。 |
This is particularly relevant for disadvantaged and marginalized groups. | 这对弱势和边缘化群体尤其重要。 |
Scientific progress and its applications should be, as far as possible, accessible and affordable to persons in need of specific goods or services. | 科学进步及其应用对于需要特定物品或服务的人应尽可能做到便于获取和负担得起。 |
Public institutions in different sectors should be provided with a clear mandate to actively overcome exclusion from such progress and applications, especially in the health and education sectors. | 应赋予不同部门的公共机构明确任务,积极克服被排除在这种进步和应用之外的情况,特别是在卫生和教育部门。 |
Knowledge about scientific progress and its applications should be made broadly available and accessible to the general public through schools, universities, technical colleges, libraries, museums, print and electronic media and other channels. | 应通过中小学、大学、技术院校、图书馆、博物馆、印刷和电子媒体及其他渠道,让公众广泛了解和获取关于科学进步及其应用的知识。 |
Specific programmes are needed to overcome problems of access to scientific knowledge and its applications related to age, language or other aspects of cultural diversity. | 需要具体的方案,以克服与年龄、语言或文化多样性的其他方面有关的获取科学知识及其应用的途径问题。 |
48. | 48. |
All States should contribute, to the maximum of their available resources, to this common task of developing science. | 所有国家都应最大限度地利用所具备的资源,为发展科学这一共同任务做出贡献。 |
Recommending that poor States focus exclusively on applied science actually increases the gap and unfair distribution of knowledge and power between States. | 让贫穷国家专事应用科学的建议,实际上只会加大国家间知识和力量的差距和不公平分配。 |
49. | 49. |
The importance of the duty of States to disseminate science and to foster citizen participation cannot be underestimated. | 国家传播科学和促进公民参与的责任的重要性无论怎样估计都不会过高。 |
Basic knowledge of science, its methods and results, has become an essential element for being an empowered citizen and for the exercise of other rights, such as access to decent work. | 科学、方法和成果的基本知识已成为公民赋权和行使其他权利(如获得体面工作)的基本要素之一。 |
States must exert every effort to ensure equitable and open access to scientific literature, data and content, including by removing barriers to publishing, sharing and archiving scientific outputs. | 国家必须尽一切努力确保科学文献、数据和内容的公平和开放获取途径,包括消除出版、共享科学成果及其归档的障碍。 |
However, open science cannot be achieved by the State alone. | 然而,开放科学不能仅靠国家实现。 |
It is a common endeavour to which all other stakeholders should contribute, nationally and internationally, including scientists, universities, publishers, scientific associations, funding agencies, libraries, the media and non-governmental institutions. | 这是一项共同努力,所有其他利益攸关方,包括科学人员、大学、出版商、科学协会、供资机构、图书馆、媒体和非政府机构,都应在国内和国际上为此做出贡献。 |
All these stakeholders play a decisive role in the dissemination of knowledge, especially when it comes to outcomes of research financed with public funds. | 所有这些利益攸关方在传播知识方面发挥着决定性作用,在涉及公共资金资助的研究成果时尤为如此。 |
50. | 50. |
As a consequence of the right to freedom of research and the duty of States to disseminate science, scientist have, in principle, the right to publish the results of their research. | 由于研究自由权和国家传播科学的责任,科学人员原则上享有发表研究成果的权利。 |
Any restriction on this right should be compatible with article 4 of the Covenant. | 对这一权利的任何限制都应符合《公约》第四条。 |
In particular, States should ensure that any contractual restriction placed on this right is consistent with the public interest, is reasonable and proportionate, and that it provides for the appropriate crediting and acknowledging of the contributions of scientific researchers to the research outcomes. | 具体而言,国家应确保对这一权利的任何契约限制都符合公共利益、合理和相称,并对科学研究人员在研究成果中的贡献规定给予适当的功绩记录和承认。 |
D. | D. |
Core obligations | 核心义务 |
51. | 51. |
States parties have to implement, as a matter of priority, core obligations. | 缔约国必须优先履行核心义务。 |
If a State party fails to satisfy these core obligations, it must demonstrate that it has made every reasonable effort to comply with them, taking into account the totality of the rights enshrined in the Covenant, and in the context of the maximum of its available resources, individually and through international assistance and cooperation. | 缔约国如未能履行这些核心义务,它必须证明为履行这些义务已作出一切合理的努力,同时考虑到《公约》所载的全部权利,并联系其单独具备的资源以及通过国际援助和合作所获资源的最大限度。 |
52. | 52. |
Core obligations related to the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications require States parties to: | 与参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利相关的核心义务要求缔约国: |
Eliminate laws, policies and practices that unjustifiably limit access by individuals or particular groups to facilities, services, goods and information related to science, scientific knowledge and its applications; | 消除无理限制个人或特定群体获得与科学、科学知识及其应用相关的设施、服务、物品和信息的法律、政策和做法; |
Identify and eliminate any law, policy, practice, prejudice or stereotype that undermines women’s and girls’ participation in scientific and technological areas; | 查明并消除任何损害妇女和女童参与科技领域的法律、政策、做法、偏见或成见; |
Remove limitations to the freedom of scientific research that are incompatible with article 4 of the Covenant; | 取消不符合《公约》第四条的对科学研究自由的限制; |
Develop a participatory national framework law on this right that includes legal remedies in case of violations, and adopt and implement a participatory national strategy or action plan for the realization of this right that includes a strategy for the conservation, the development and the diffusion of science; | 制订关于这项权利的参与型国家框架法律,包括侵权情况下的法律补救措施,并采用和执行实现这项权利的参与型国家战略或行动计划,其中包括保护、发展和传播科学的战略; |
Ensure that people have access to the basic education and skills necessary for the comprehension and application of scientific knowledge and that scientific education in both public and private schools respects the best available scientific knowledge; | 确保人民获得理解和应用科学知识所需的基础教育和技能,确保公立和私立学校的科学教育尊重所具备的最佳科学知识; |
Ensure access to those applications of scientific progress that are critical to the enjoyment of the right to health and other economic, social and cultural rights; | 确保对享有健康权和其他经济、社会和文化权利至关重要的科学进步应用的获取机会; |
Ensure that in the allocation of public resources, priority is given to research in areas where there is the greatest need for scientific progress in health, food and other basic needs related to economic, social and cultural rights and the well-being of the population, especially with regard to vulnerable and marginalized groups; | 确保在分配公共资源时,优先考虑最需要在健康、食品和其他与经济、社会和文化权利及人民福祉相关的基本需求方面取得科学进步的领域的研究,特别顾及弱势和边缘化群体; |
Adopt mechanisms aimed at aligning government policies and programmes with the best available, generally accepted scientific evidence; | 采用旨在使政府政策和方案与所具备的最佳、公认科学证据取得一致的机制; |
Ensure that health professionals are properly trained in using and applying modern technologies and medicines resulting from scientific progress; | 确保卫生专业人员得到正确培训,学会使用和运用科学进步产生的现代技术和药物; |
Promote accurate scientific information and refrain from disinformation, disparagement and deliberately misinforming the public in an effort to erode citizen understanding and respect for science and scientific research; | 促进准确的科学信息,避免虚假信息、贬损和故意误导公众,以图削弱公民对科学和科学研究的理解和尊重; |
Adopt mechanisms to protect people from the harmful consequences of false, misleading and pseudoscience-based practices, especially when other economic, social and cultural rights are at risk; | 采用保护人民免受虚假、误导和伪科学做法的有害后果侵害的机制,特别是危及其他经济、社会和文化权利的情况; |
Foster the development of international contacts and cooperation in the scientific field, without imposing restrictions on the movements of persons, goods and knowledge beyond those that are justifiable in accordance with article 4 of the Covenant. | 促进发展科学领域的国际联系与合作,除了根据《公约》第四条有正当理由的限制之外,不对人员、货物和知识的流动施加限制。 |
V. | 五. |
Special topics of broad application | 广泛适用的专项议题 |
A. | A. |
Participation and transparency | 参与和透明 |
53. | 53. |
The principles of transparency and participation are essential to make science objective and reliable, and to ensure that it is not subject to interests that are not scientific or are inconsistent with fundamental human rights principles and the welfare of society. | 透明和参与原则对于保证科学的客观可靠、确保科学不受非科学利益或不符合基本人权原则和社会福利的影响至关重要。 |
Secrecy and collusion are in principle contrary to the integrity of science at the service of humanity. | 秘而不宣和串通共谋的做法原则上违背为人类服务的科学操守。 |
Thus, States should take measures to avoid the risks associated with the existence of conflicts of interest by creating an environment in which actual or perceived conflicts of interest are adequately disclosed and regulated, especially those involving scientific researchers who give policy advice to policymakers and other public officials. | 因此,国家应采取措施,创造一种环境,避免与利益冲突的存在相关的风险,为此要充分披露和规范实际存在或外界认为存在的利益冲突,特别是涉及为决策者和其他公职人员提供政策咨询的科学研究人员的利益冲突。 |
54. | 54. |
A clear benefit of scientific progress is that scientific knowledge is used in decision-making and policies, which should, as far as possible, be based on the best available scientific evidence. | 科学进步的一个明显好处是科学知识被用于决策和政策,而决策和政策应尽可能以所具备的最佳科学证据为基础。 |
States should endeavour to align their policies with the best scientific evidence available. | 国家应力求使政策与所具备的最佳科学证据取得一致。 |
They should, furthermore, promote public trust and support for sciences throughout society and a culture of active citizen engagement with science, particularly through a vigorous and informed democratic debate on the production and use of scientific knowledge, and a dialogue between the scientific community and society. | 此外,国家应促进全社会公众对科学的信任和支持,促成一种公民积极参与科学的文化,尤其要为此开展关于科学知识生成和使用的活跃和知情的民主辩论,以及科学界与社会之间的对话。 |
55. | 55. |
With due respect to scientific freedom, some decisions concerning the orientation of scientific research or the adoption of certain technical advancements should be subjected to public scrutiny and citizen participation. | 在充分尊重科学自由的前提下,一些关于科学研究方向或采用某些技术进步的决定应接受公众监督并有公民参与。 |
As far as possible, scientific or technological policies should be established through participatory and transparent processes and should be implemented with accompanying transparency and accountability mechanisms. | 应尽可能通过参与型和透明的进程制订科学或技术政策,并且政策的执行应有相应的透明和问责机制。 |
B. | B. |
Participation and the precautionary principle | 参与和预防原则 |
56. | 56. |
Participation also includes the right to information and participation in controlling the risks involved in particular scientific processes and its applications. | 参与还包括对特定科学过程及其应用所涉风险的知情权和参与控制权。 |
In this context, the precautionary principle plays an important role. | 在这方面,预防原则具有重要作用。 |
This principle demands that, in the absence of full scientific certainty, when an action or policy may lead to unacceptable harm to the public or the environment, actions will be taken to avoid or diminish that harm. | 这个原则要求,在缺乏充分科学确定性的情况下,如果一项行动或政策可能对公众或环境造成不可接受的损害,就需采取行动避免或减少这种损害。 |
Unacceptable harm includes harm to humans or to the environment that is: | 不可接受的伤害包括对人类或环境的伤害,即: |
(a) | (a) |
threatening to human life or health; | 威胁人类生命或健康; |
(b) | (b) |
serious and effectively irreversible; | 严重且实际上不可逆转; |
(c) | (c) |
inequitable to present or future generations; | 对今世后代不公平; |
or (d) imposed without adequate consideration of the human rights of those affected. | 或(d) 在没有充分考虑受影响者人权的情况下强行推出。 |
Technological and human rights impact assessments are tools that help to identify potential risks early in the process and the use of scientific applications. | 技术与人权影响评估是帮助在过程的早期和利用科学应用的早期识别潜在风险的工具。 |
57. | 57. |
The application of the precautionary principle is sometimes controversial, particularly in relation to scientific research itself, as limitations on the freedom of scientific research are compatible with the Covenant only in the circumstances set out in article 4. | 预防原则的适用有时存在争议,特别是对于科学研究本身,因为对科学研究自由的限制仅有《公约》第四条所列情况才符合《公约》。 |
On the contrary, this principle is more broadly applied for the use and application of scientific outcomes. | 相反,对于科学成果的使用和应用,预防原则的适用则较为广泛。 |
The precautionary principle should not hinder and prevent scientific progress, which is beneficial for humanity. | 预防原则不应阻碍和阻止科学进步,因为科学进步有益于人类。 |
Nonetheless, it should be able to address available risks for human health and the environment, inter alia. | 然而,除其他外,预防原则也要能够应对人类健康和环境的现有风险。 |
Thus, in controversial cases, participation and transparency become crucial because the risks and potential of some technical advances or some scientific research should be made public in order to enable society, through informed, transparent and participatory public deliberation, to decide whether or not the risks are acceptable. | 因此,在有争议的情况下,参与和透明就变得至关重要,因为某些技术进步或某些科学研究的风险和潜力应当公开,使社会能够通过知情、透明和参与型的公开辩论,决定这些风险是否可以接受。 |
C. | C. |
Private scientific research and intellectual property | 私人科学研究与知识产权 |
58. | 58. |
In the contemporary world, a significant proportion of scientific research is carried out by business enterprises and non-State actors. | 在当代世界,很大一部分科学研究是由商业企业和非国家行为者进行的。 |
This is not only compatible with the Covenant, but can also be instrumental in the enjoyment of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 这不仅符合《公约》,而且也有助于享受参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利。 |
However, large-scale privatization of scientific research without any other consideration might sometimes have negative effects on the enjoyment of this right. | 然而,不顾其他的科学研究大规模私有化有时可能对这项权利的享有产生负面影响。 |
59. | 59. |
In some cases, scientific research conducted or financed by private actors can create conflicts of interests, for instance, when business corporations support research related to the type of economic activities in which they are involved, as happened in the past with some tobacco companies. | 在某些情况下,由私人行为者进行或资助的科学研究可能会造成利益冲突,例如,在商业公司支持与所从事经济活动类型相关的研究的情况下就可能涉及利益冲突,过去一些烟草公司的情况就是如此。 |
Mechanisms should be established for the disclosure of these actual or perceived conflicts of interest. | 应为披露这些实际存在或外界认为存在的利益冲突建立机制。 |
60. | 60. |
Private scientific research has been associated with the development of international and national intellectual property legal regimes, which have complex relationships with the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 私人科学研究与国际和国家知识产权法律制度的发展相关联,这些法律制度与参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利存在复杂的关系。 |
On one hand, intellectual property enhances the development of science and technology through economic incentives for innovation, such as patents for inventors, which stimulate the involvement of private actors in scientific research. | 一方面,知识产权通过对创新的经济激励,例如授予发明者的专利,促进私人行为者参与科学研究,从而推动科学技术发展。 |
On the other hand, intellectual property can negatively affect the advancement of science and access to its benefits, in at least in three ways. | 另一方面,知识产权至少在三个方面对科学进步和受益的机会可能产生负面影响。 |
It is necessary to tackle these three problems in order to ensure that intellectual property promotes the research and innovation crucial to the full enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights without undermining these rights. | 有必要处理这三个问题,以确保知识产权既能促进对充分享有经济、社会和文化权利至关重要的研究和创新,同时由不损害这些权利。 |
61. | 61. |
Firstly, intellectual property can sometimes create distortions in the funding of scientific research as private financial support might go only to research projects that are profitable, while funding to address issues that are crucial for economic, social and cultural rights might not be adequate, as these issues do not seem financially attractive for business. | 首先,知识产权有时会造成科学研究资金来源的扭曲,因为私人资金支持可能只用于有利可图的研究项目,而用于解决对经济、社会和文化权利至关重要的问题的资金可能不够,因为这些问题似乎对企业没有经济吸引力。 |
This has been the case with the so-called neglected diseases. | 所谓被忽视的疾病就是这种情况。 |
Second, some intellectual property regulations limit the sharing of information on scientific research for a certain period, as is the case with data exclusivity for patent holders included in some of the “trip-plus” treaties. | 第二,一些知识产权法规限制科学研究信息在一定时期内的共享,一些“超TRIPS”条约中所含专利权人的数据排他性就是如此。 |
Furthermore, the excessive price of some scientific publications is an obstacle for low-income researchers, especially in developing countries. | 此外,一些科学出版物价格过高,对低收入研究人员构成一个障碍,特别是在发展中国家。 |
All those restrictions hinder the advancement of science. | 所有这些限制都阻碍科学的进步。 |
Third, although intellectual property provides positive incentives for new research activities and thus plays an important role in contributing to innovation and the development of science, it may, in some cases, pose significant obstacles for persons wishing to access the benefits of scientific progress, which may be crucial for the enjoyment of other economic, social and cultural rights, such as the right to health. | 第三,虽然知识产权为新的研究活动提供积极的激励,从而在促进创新和科学发展方面发挥重要作用,但在某些情况下,它可能会对希望利用科学进步利益的人构成重大障碍,而这种利用对于享有其他经济、社会和文化权利,如健康权,可能至关重要。 |
Patents give patent holders a temporary exclusive right to exploit the product or service they have invented. | 专利赋予专利权人利用自己所发明产品或服务的临时专有权。 |
Thus, they can determine a price for these products and services. | 例如,他们可以决定这些产品和服务的价格。 |
If prices are set very high, access to these products and services becomes impossible for low-income persons or developing countries, as has happened with new medicines that are essential for the health and life of persons with certain diseases. | 如果价格定得很高,低收入人群或发展中国家就不可能利用这些产品和服务,对某些疾病患者的健康和生活至关重要的新药就是如此。 |
62. | 62. |
States should take appropriate measures to foster the positive effects of intellectual property on the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, while at the same time avoiding its possible negative effects. | 国家应采取适当措施,促进知识产权对参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利的积极影响,同时避免可能的负面影响。 |
Firstly, to counter distortions of funding associated with intellectual property, States should provide adequate financial support for research that is important for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, either through national efforts or, if necessary, by resorting to international and technical cooperation. | 首先,为了消除与知识产权相关的资金扭曲现象,国家应为对享有经济、社会和文化权利至关重要的研究提供充足的财政支持,既可以通过国家努力,也可以在必要时利用国际和技术合作。 |
States could also resort to other incentives, such as so-called market entry rewards, which delink remuneration of successful research from future sales, thus fostering research by private actors in these otherwise neglected fields. | 国家还可以运用其他激励措施,如所谓的入市奖励,这种奖励将成功研究的报酬与未来销售脱钩,从而促进私人行为者在这些原本被忽视的领域开展研究。 |
Second, States should make every effort, in their national regulations and in international agreements on intellectual property, to guarantee the social dimensions of intellectual property, in accordance with the international human rights obligations they have undertaken (E/C.12/2001/15, para. 18). | 第二,国家应根据所承担的国际人权义务,在本国知识产权法规和国际知识产权协定中尽一切努力保障知识产权的社会层面(E/C.12/2001/15, 第18段)。 |
A balance must be reached between intellectual property and the open access and sharing of scientific knowledge and its applications, especially those linked to the realization of other economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to health, education and food. | 必须在知识产权与科学知识及其应用的开放利用和共享之间达成平衡,特别是与实现其他经济、社会和文化权利相关的权利,如健康权、受教育权和粮食权。 |
The Committee reiterates that ultimately, intellectual property is a social product and has a social function and consequently, States parties have a duty to prevent unreasonably high costs for access to essential medicines, plant seeds or other means of food production, or for schoolbooks and learning materials, from undermining the rights of large segments of the population to health, food and education. | 委员会重申,归根结底,知识产权是一种社会产品,具有社会功能,因此,缔约国有责任防止基本药物、植物种子或其他粮食生产资料或教科书和其他学习材料价格过高,从而影响到相当多的人口享受健康、食物和教育权。 |
D. | D. |
Interdependence with other rights | 与其他权利的相互依存关系 |
63. | 63. |
The right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications is a human right with an intrinsic value, but it also has an instrumental value, as it constitutes an essential tool for the realization of other economic, social and cultural rights, particularly the right to food and the right to health. | 参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利既是一项具有内在价值的人权,也是一项具有工具价值的义务,因为它是实现其他经济、社会和文化权利,特别是实现粮食权和健康权的重要工具。 |
Right to food | 粮食权 |
64. | 64. |
Scientific and technological advancements have increased agricultural productivity, contributing to higher availability of food per person and reduction of famine. | 科技进步提高了农业生产力,有助于提高人均粮食供应和减少饥荒。 |
Nevertheless, the environmental impacts of certain technologies associated with the Green Revolution and the risks associated with increased dependency on technology providers has led, inter alia, the General Assembly to acknowledge that peasants and other people working in rural areas have the right to determine their own food and agriculture systems, recognized by many States and regions as the right to food sovereignty. | 然而,鉴于某些与绿色革命相关技术的环境影响,并鉴于对技术提供者依赖度增加所涉风险,大会承认农民和农村地区其他劳动者有权决定自己的粮食和农业系统,许多国家和地区承认这是粮食主权权利。 |
Thus, the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications in agriculture should preserve, not violate, the right of peasants and other people working in rural areas to choose which technologies suit them best. | 因此,参与科学进步及其在农业中的应用并从中受益的权利,应该维护而不是侵犯农民和农村地区其他工作者选择最适合他们的技术的权利。 |
Low-input eco-friendly agronomic techniques that increase organic matter content in soil, carbon sequestration and protect biodiversity should also be supported. | 对于可增加土壤有机物含量、提高固碳能力并保护生物多样性的低投入生态友好型农艺技术也应予以支持。 |
65. | 65. |
In addition, States parties should take appropriate measures to ensure that agricultural research and development integrates the needs of peasants and other people working in rural areas and to ensure their active participation in the determination of priorities and the undertaking of research and development, taking into account their experience and respecting their cultures. | 此外,缔约国应采取适当措施,确保农业研究和发展纳入农民和农村地区其他劳动者的需要,并确保他们积极参与确定优先事项和进行研究和发展,同时考虑到他们的经验并尊重他们的文化。 |
Every policy or action taken on biofuels and pesticides should consider all their interconnected complexities and the best available scientific knowledge. | 在生物燃料和农药方面采取的每一项政策或行动,都应考虑到它们所有相互关联的复杂性和所具备的最佳科学知识。 |
66. | 66. |
Inadequate diets have become a major contributing factor to the increase of non-communicable diseases in all regions. | 膳食不充足已成为所有地区非传染性疾病增加的主要原因之一。 |
Given the proven long-term effects of adequate nutrition during pregnancy and before a child’s second birthday, States should do more to regulate the marketing of breast milk substitutes, to disseminate information about the benefits of adequate feeding practices, and to create an enabling environment for breastfeeding. | 鉴于孕期和幼儿二周岁前的充足营养已被证明具有长期影响,国家应作出更大努力,规范母乳替代品的营销,宣传充足喂养做法的益处,并为母乳喂养创造有利环境。 |
They should also redirect investments in agricultural development away from the exclusive focus on boosting the production of cereal crops – rice, wheat and maize – towards support for healthy diets, including adequate measures to reduce the excessive intake of sugar. | 国家还应使对农业发展的投资从单纯关注提高水稻、小麦和玉米等谷物产量转向支持健康饮食,包括采取适当措施减少糖的过量摄入。 |
Cereal crops are mainly a source of carbohydrates and contain relatively few proteins and other nutrients essential for adequate diets. | 谷类作物主要是碳水化合物的来源,所含充足膳食所必需的蛋白质和其他营养物质相对较少。 |
Right to health | 健康权 |
67. | 67. |
The links between the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications and the right to health are clear and diverse. | 参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利与健康权之间的联系既是明确的,也是多样的。 |
Firstly, scientific progress creates medical applications that prevent diseases, such as vaccinations, or that enable them to be more effectively treated. | 第一,科学进步创造疫苗接种等预防疾病或提高疾病防治效能的医学应用。 |
The right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications is therefore instrumental in realizing the right to health. | 因此,参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利有助于实现健康权。 |
States should promote scientific research, through financial support or other incentives, to create new medical applications and make them accessible and affordable to everyone, especially the most vulnerable. | 国家应通过财政支持或其他激励措施促进科学研究,以创造新的医疗应用,并以负担得起的价格向所有人、特别是向最弱势群体普及这些应用。 |
In particular, in accordance with the Covenant, States parties should prioritize the promotion of scientific progress to facilitate better and more accessible means for the prevention, control and treatment of epidemic, endemic, occupational and other diseases (art. 12 (2) (c)). | 具体而言,根据《公约》,缔约国应优先促进科学进步,以促进更好和更普及的预防、控制和治疗流行病、地方病、职业病和其他疾病的手段(第十二条第二款(寅)项)。 |
68. | 68. |
In this respect, scientific research is impaired for some substances under the international conventions on drug control, which classify these substances as harmful for health and with no scientific or medical value. | 在这方面,一些物质在国际药物管制公约 之下被归类为对健康有害和不具科学或医学价值,这些物质的科学研究受到妨碍。 |
However, some of these classifications were made with insufficient scientific support to substantiate those classifications, as credible evidence exists regarding the medical uses of a number of them, such as cannabis for the treatment of certain epilepsies. | 然而,其中一些类别的划定并没有足够的科学支持予以证实,因为存在可信的证据表明有些具有医疗用途,例如大麻可用于治疗某些癫痫。 |
Thus, States parties should harmonize the fulfilment of their obligations under the international drug control regime with their obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, through regular revision of their policies in relation to controlled substances. | 因此,缔约国应当通过定期修订与受管制物质有关的政策,使履行国际药物管制制度下的义务与履行尊重、保护和实现参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利的义务取得协调。 |
The prohibition of research on those substances is in principle a limitation of this right and should meet the requirements of article 4 of the Covenant. | 禁止研究这些物质原则上就是对这项权利的限制,这种禁止应符合《公约》第四条的要求。 |
Moreover, given the potential health benefits of these controlled substances, the restrictions should also be weighed up in relation to States parties’ obligations under article 12 of the Covenant. | 此外,鉴于这些受管制物质对健康的潜在益处,还应结合缔约国在《公约》第十二条下的义务衡量这些限制。 |
69. | 69. |
Second, some applications of scientific progress are protected under intellectual property regimes. | 其次,科学进步的一些应用在知识产权制度之下受到保护。 |
The right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications assists States in making sure that these property rights are not realized to the detriment of the right to health. | 参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利有助于国家确保这些产权的实现不会损害健康权。 |
This right becomes a significant mediator between a human right – the right to health – and a property right. | 这一权利成为一项人权(健康权)与一项产权之间的重要调解媒介。 |
As stated in the World Trade Organization Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (2001), the intellectual property regime should be interpreted and implemented in a manner supportive of the duty of States “to protect public health and, in particular, to promote access to medicines for all”. | 正如世界贸易组织《关于与贸易有关的知识产权协定与公众健康的多哈宣言》(2001年)所指出的,知识产权制度的解释和实施应支持国家“保护公众健康,特别是促进所有人获得药品”的义务。 |
Thus, States parties should use, when necessary, all the flexibilities of the TRIPS Agreement, such as compulsory licences, to ensure access to essential medicines, especially for the most disadvantaged groups. | 因此,缔约国应在必要时利用《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的所有灵活性,如强制许可,以确保普及基本药物,尤其是面向最弱势群体。 |
States parties should also refrain from granting disproportionately lengthy terms of patent protection for new medicines in order to allow, within a reasonable time, the production of safe and effective generic medicines for the same diseases. | 缔约国还应避免为新药授予过长的专利保护条件,以便允许在合理的时间内为相同疾病的防治生产安全有效的非专利药。 |
70. | 70. |
Third, States parties have a duty to make available and accessible to all persons, without discrimination, especially to the most vulnerable, all the best available applications of scientific progress necessary to enjoy the highest attainable standard of heath. | 第三,缔约国有责任向所有人、特别是向最弱势群体,无歧视地提供和普及享受可达到的最高健康标准所必需的科学进步的一切现有最佳应用。 |
States parties should fulfil this duty to the maximum of their available resources, including those available through international assistance and cooperation, and taking into account the full range of economic, social and cultural rights. | 缔约国应最大限度地利用所具备的资源履行这项责任,包括通过国际援助和合作提供的资源,并考虑到所有经济、社会和文化权利。 |
Safe and effective generic medicines should be prioritized over brand-name medicines in national health plans in order to make better use of the available resources for the fulfilment of economic, social and cultural rights. | 在国家卫生计划中,安全有效的非专利药应优先于品牌药,以便更好地利用现有资源,实现经济、社会和文化权利。 |
71. | 71. |
Fourth, some scientific research can carry health-related risks, both for the participants in the research and as a result of the impact of the applications of the relevant research. | 第四,一些科学研究可能会带来与健康相关的风险,有些是对研究参与者而言的风险,有些是由于相关研究应用的影响造成的风险。 |
States parties should prevent or mitigate these risks through careful application of the precautionary principle and the protection of participants in scientific research. | 缔约国应通过认真运用预防原则和为科学研究参与者提供保护,预防或减轻这些风险。 |
In particular, States should make every effort to ensure that medicines and medical treatments, including in the field of drug dependency, are evidence-based, and that the risks involved have been properly evaluated and communicated in a clear and transparent manner, so that patients can provide properly informed consent. | 具体而言,国家应尽一切努力确保药品和医治,包括药物依赖领域的药品和医治,以证据为基础,并以明确和透明的方式正确评估和通报所涉风险,使患者能够提供正确的知情同意。 |
E. | E. |
Risks and promises of new emerging technologies | 新兴技术的风险与前景 |
72. | 72. |
Technological change is now so intense and rapid that it is blurring the boundaries between the physical, digital and biological worlds, because of the growing fusion of scientific and technological advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, biotechnology, genetic engineering, quantum computers and management of big data. | 由于人工智能、机器人、3D打印、生物技术、基因工程、量子计算机和大数据管理等领域的科技进步日益融合,目前的技术变革十分迅猛,使得物理世界、数字世界和生物世界之间的界限越来越模糊。 |
These innovations might change not only society and human behaviour, but even human beings themselves, through genetic engineering or the incorporation in human bodies of technological devices that transform some biological functions. | 这些创新不仅可能改变社会和人类行为,甚至可能通过基因工程或在人体内植入改变某些生物功能的技术装置改变人类自身。 |
73. | 73. |
These emerging technologies might, on the one hand, enhance the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. | 一方面,这些新兴技术可能会增进对经济、社会和文化权利的享受。 |
For instance, applications of artificial intelligence in industry or services can lead to enormous gains in productivity and efficiency, and biotechnology can enable the cure or treatment of many diseases. | 例如,人工智能在工业或服务业中的应用可以极大地提高生产力和效率,而生物技术可以治愈或治疗许多疾病。 |
On the other hand, these changes might intensify social inequalities by increasing unemployment and segregation in the labour market, and algorithms incorporated in artificial intelligence can reinforce discrimination, and so forth. | 另一方面,这些变化可能会因增加失业和劳动力市场的隔离度而加剧社会不平等,并且人工智能中的算法也可能会强化歧视,等等。 |
74. | 74. |
States parties have to adopt policies and measures that expand the benefits of these new technologies while at the same time reducing their risks. | 缔约国必须采取政策和措施,扩大这些新技术的好处,同时降低它们的风险。 |
Nevertheless, there are no easy solutions given the varied nature of these new technologies and their complex effects. | 然而,鉴于这些新技术的不同性质及其复杂影响,没有简单的解决办法。 |
The Committee will therefore constantly monitor the impact of these new technologies on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. | 因此,委员会将不断监测这些新技术对享有经济、社会和文化权利的影响。 |
For the Committee, three elements remain very important: firstly, international cooperation should be enhanced in this field as these technologies need global regulations in order to be effectively managed. | 对委员会来说,有三个因素仍然非常重要:第一,应当加强这一领域的国际合作,因为这些技术需要全球监管才能得到有效管理。 |
Fragmented national responses to these transnational technologies would create governance gaps detrimental to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights and would perpetuate technological divides and economic disparities. | 各国对这些跨国界的技术各自为政的反应会造成不利于享受经济、社会和文化权利的治理差距,并会固化技术鸿沟和经济差距。 |
75. | 75. |
Second, decisions concerning the development and use of these technologies should be taken within a human rights framework and from a holistic and inclusive perspective. | 第二,应当在人权框架内从全面和包容的角度作出关于开发和使用这些技术的决定。 |
All cross-cutting human rights principles, such as transparency, non-discrimination, accountability and respect for human dignity, become crucial in this field. | 透明、不歧视、问责和尊重人的尊严等所有贯穿各领域的人权原则在这方面变得至关重要。 |
For instance, States parties should develop mechanisms so that autonomous intelligent systems are designed in ways that avoid discrimination, enable their decisions to be explained, and allow accountability for their use. | 例如,缔约国应建立机制,使自主智能系统的设计方式能够避免歧视,能够解释系统的决定,并可以追究系统使用的责任。 |
In addition, States parties should establish a legal framework that imposes on non-State actors a duty of human rights due diligence, especially in the case of big technology companies (see A/74/493). | 此外,缔约国应建立一个法律框架,规定非国家行为者承担进行人权尽责调查的责任, 特别是就大型技术公司而言(见A/74/493)。 |
This legal framework should include measures that require companies to prevent discrimination at both the input and output levels of artificial intelligence systems and other technologies. | 这一法律框架应包括要求公司在人工智能系统和其他技术的输入和输出层面防止歧视的措施。 |
76. | 76. |
Third, some aspects related to these new technologies deserve special attention because of their particular impact on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. | 第三,与这些新技术有关的一些方面值得特别关注,因为它们对享有经济、社会和文化权利有特殊影响。 |
For instance, States parties should adopt policies to ensure that those vulnerable to temporary and long-term job loss as a result of scientific and technological advances are provided with and encouraged to pursue vocational training and other job placement opportunities. | 例如,缔约国应采取政策,确保向因科技进步而容易暂时和长期失业的人提供并鼓励他们寻求职业培训和其他就业机会。 |
Moreover, taking into account that many of the emerging inequalities are strongly linked to the capacity of some business entities to access, store and exploit massive data, it is crucial to regulate the ownership and control of data according to human rights principles. | 此外,考虑到许多新出现的不平等与一些商业实体获取、存储和利用海量数据的能力密切相关,根据人权原则规范数据的所有权和控制权至关重要。 |
VI. | 六. |
International cooperation | 国际合作 |
77. | 77. |
The duty to cooperate internationally towards the fulfilment of all economic, social and cultural rights, established in article 2 of the Covenant and in articles 55 and 56 of the Charter of the United Nations, is reinforced in relation to the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, as article 15 (4) of the Covenant specifically provides that States parties recognize the benefits to be derived from the encouragement and development of international contacts and cooperation in the scientific and cultural fields. | 《公约》第二条和《联合国宪章》第五十五条和第五十六条规定的为实现所有经济、社会和文化权利开展国际合作的责任,在参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利方面更为强化,因为《公约》第十五条第四款具体规定,缔约国确认鼓励及发展科学文化方面国际接触与合作之利。 |
States need to take steps through legislation and policies, including diplomatic and foreign relations, to promote an enabling global environment for the advancement of science and the enjoyment of the benefits of its applications. | 各国需要通过立法和政策采取步骤,包括通过外交和对外关系,促进有利于科学进步和享受科学应用之利的全球环境。 |
78. | 78. |
This reinforced duty of international cooperation has several important justifications and dimensions. | 这种强化的国际合作责任有几个重要的理由和层面。 |
Firstly, as certain fields of science necessitate universal endeavour, international cooperation among scientists should be encouraged in order to foster scientific progress. | 第一,由于某些科学领域必然是普遍的事业,因此应当鼓励科学人员之间的国际合作,以促进科学进步。 |
Thus, States should take steps to promote and enable scientific researchers to participate in the “international scientific and technological community”, especially through facilitating their travel in and out of their territory and implementing policies that enable scientific researchers to freely share data and educational resources internationally, for example, by means of virtual universities. | 例如,国家应采取步骤,推动并帮助科学研究人员参加“国际科技界”, 特别是通过便利他们出入境,以及实施让科学研究人员能够在国际上自由交流数据和通过虚拟大学等方式共享教育资源的政策。 |
79. | 79. |
Second, international cooperation is essential because of the existence of deep international disparities among countries in science and technology. | 第二,国际合作之所以必不可少,是因为各国在科学和技术方面存在着巨大的国际差距。 |
If it is necessary, owing to financial or technological constraints, developing States should resort to international assistance and cooperation, with a view to complying with their obligations under the Covenant. | 如发展中国家由于财政或技术限制而有必要,应寻求国际援助和合作,以履行在《公约》之下的义务。 |
| 发达国家应为发展中国家的科学技术发展做出贡献; |
Developed States should contribute to the development of science and technology in developing countries, adopting measures to achieve this purpose, such as allocating development aid and funding towards building and improving scientific education, research and training in developing countries, promoting collaboration between scientific communities of developed and developing countries to meet the needs of all countries and facilitating their progress while respecting national regulations. | 为实现这一目标应采取措施,如分配发展援助和资金用于建设和改善发展中国家的科学教育、研究和培训,促进发达国家和发展中国家科学界之间的合作,以满足所有国家的需求,并在尊重国家法规的同时促进它们的进步。 |
Access to research results and their applications should be regulated in a form that allows developing countries and their citizens adequate access to these products in an affordable manner, such as access to essential medicines. | 对研究成果及其应用的获取的监管,应使发展中国家及其公民能够以负担得起的方式充分获取这些产品,例如获取基本药物。 |
While respecting the right of scientists to decide on their own careers, developed States should also implement reasonable policies for identifying and countering, rather than fostering, the effects of brain drain. | 发达国家在尊重科学人员决定自己事业的权利的同时,还应实施合理的政策,以查明和应对而不是助长人才外流的影响。 |
80. | 80. |
Third, the benefits and applications resulting from scientific progress should be shared, with due incentives and regulations, with the international community, particularly with developing countries, communities living in poverty and groups with special needs and vulnerabilities, especially when the benefits are closely related to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. | 第三,应通过适当的奖励和管理,与国际社会、特别是与发展中国家、生活贫困社区以及有特殊需要和脆弱特点的群体共享科学进步带来的利益和应用,尤其是在这些利益与享有经济、社会和文化权利密切相关的情况下。 |
81. | 81. |
Fourth, international cooperation is essential because the most acute risks to the world related to science and technology, such as climate change, the rapid loss of biodiversity, the development of dangerous technologies, such as autonomous weapons based on artificial intelligence, or the threat of weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons, are transnational and cannot be adequately addressed without robust international cooperation. | 第四,国际合作之所以至关重要,还在于世界所面临的与科学技术相关的最严重风险是跨越国界的,如果没有强有力的国际合作,就无法充分应对,这些风险包括气候变化、生物多样性的迅速丧失、危险技术的发展(如基于人工智能的自主武器)或大规模毁灭性武器(尤其是核武器)的威胁。 |
States should promote multilateral agreements to prevent these risks from materializing or to mitigate their effects. | 各国应促进多边协议,以防止这些风险成为现实或减轻其影响。 |
States should also take measures in cooperation with other States against biopiracy and against illicit trafficking of organs, tissues, samples, genetic resources and genetic-related materials. | 各国还应与其他国家合作采取措施,打击生物剽窃和非法贩卖人体器官、组织、标本、遗传资源和与基因相关材料。 |
82. | 82. |
Pandemics are a crucial example of the need for scientific international cooperation to face transnational threats. | 大流行病是表明需要为应对跨国威胁开展科学国际合作的一个重要例证。 |
Viruses and other pathogens do not respect borders. | 病毒和其他病原体的传播没有国界。 |
If adequate measures are not taken, a local epidemic can very quickly become a pandemic with devastating consequences. | 如果不采取适当的措施,一场地方性流行病很快就会演变成一场具有毁灭性后果的重大疫情。 |
The role of the World Health Organization in this field remains fundamental and should be supported. | 世界卫生组织在这一领域的作用仍然是根本性的,应当得到支持。 |
Combating pandemics effectively requires stronger commitment from States to scientific international cooperation, as national solutions are insufficient. | 有效防治流行病需要各国对国际科学合作做出更强有力的承诺,因为单靠本国办法不足以应对。 |
Enhanced international cooperation could increase the preparedness of States and of international organizations to face future pandemics, for instance by sharing scientific information about potential pathogens. | 加强国际合作可以提高各国和国际组织应对未来重大疫情的准备程度,例如通过共享关于潜在病原体的科学信息。 |
It should also improve early warning mechanisms, based on timely and transparent information provided by States on emerging epidemics that have the potential to transform into a pandemic, which would allow early interventions, based on the best scientific evidence, aimed at controlling the epidemics and preventing them from becoming a pandemic. | 这种国际合作还应根据各国提供的关于有可能转变为大流行病的新流行病的及时和透明的信息,改进预警机制,这样就可以根据最佳科学证据进行早期干预,以控制流行病并防止其成为大流行病。 |
If a pandemic develops, sharing the best scientific knowledge and its applications, especially in the medical field, becomes crucial to mitigate the impact of the disease and to expedite the discovery of effective treatments and vaccines. | 如果发生大流行,共享最佳科学知识及其应用,特别是在医疗领域的知识和应用,对于减轻疾病的影响和加快找到有效的治疗方法和疫苗至关重要。 |
After the pandemic is over, scientific research should be promoted to learn lessons and increase preparedness for possible pandemics in the future. | 疫情过后,应促进科学研究,以吸取经验教训,做好应对未来可能的大流行病的准备。 |
83. | 83. |
States also have extraterritorial obligations with regard to the full realization of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 各国在充分实现参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利方面也有域外义务。 |
In particular, States parties, when negotiating international agreements or adopting their domestic intellectual property regime, should ensure that traditional knowledge is protected, contributions to scientific knowledge are appropriately credited and that intellectual property regimes foster the enjoyment of this right. | 具体而言,缔约国在谈判国际协定或采用本国知识产权制度时,应确保传统知识受到保护,对科学知识的贡献得到适当的承认,并且知识产权制度能够促进这项权利的享有。 |
These bilateral and multilateral agreements should enable developing countries to build their capacity to participate in generating and sharing scientific knowledge and benefiting from its applications. | 这些双边和多边协定应当帮助发展中国家建设能力,参与生成和共享科学知识并从其应用中受益。 |
The Committee recalls that States parties participating in decisions as members of international organizations cannot ignore their human rights obligations (see E/C.12/2016/1). | 委员会回顾,作为成员参与国际组织决策的缔约国不可忽视自己的人权义务(见E/C.12/2016/1)。 |
Thus, States parties should direct their efforts and exercise their voting powers in these organizations towards ensuring respect, protection and fulfilment of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 例如,缔约国应作出努力并通过在这些组织中行使表决权,争取确保尊重、保护和实现参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利。 |
84. | 84. |
States parties also have an extraterritorial obligation to regulate and monitor the conduct of multinational companies over which they can exercise control, in order for the companies to exercise due diligence to respect the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, also when acting abroad. | 缔约国还有一项域外义务,即监管和监测它们可以行使控制权的跨国公司的行为,使这些公司尽职尽责,尊重参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利,在国外的行动中也应如此。 |
States parties should provide remedies, including judicial remedies, for victims of these companies. | 缔约国应为这些公司的受害者提供补救,包括司法补救。 |
VII. | 七. |
National implementation | 国家执行 |
85. | 85. |
While States parties have a wide margin of discretion in selecting the steps they consider most appropriate to achieve the full realization of all economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, at least four types of measures should be implemented. | 虽然缔约国在选择它们认为对所有经济、社会和文化权利的充分实现最适当的步骤方面有很大的自由决定余地, 包括在参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利方面,但至少应实施四种措施。 |
86. | 86. |
Firstly, States parties should put in place a normative framework that ensures the full enjoyment of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, without discrimination, and that creates an enabling and participatory environment for the conservation, the development and the diffusion of science and technology. | 第一,缔约国应建立一个规范性框架,确保不受歧视地充分享有参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利,并为科学技术的保护、发展和传播创造一个有利的参与型环境。 |
This framework should include, inter alia, the protection of access, without discrimination, to the benefits of scientific progress, especially when other economic, social and cultural rights are at stake for those most in need; | 除其他外,这一框架应包括保护不受歧视地受益于科学进步,特别是在最需要帮助的人的其他经济、社会和文化权利受到威胁的情况下; |
the protection of freedom of research with limits compatible with article 4 of the Covenant; | 在符合《公约》第四条的限制下保护研究自由; |
measures to ensure that ethics and human rights are respected in scientific research, including the establishment of committees on ethics when necessary; | 确保在科学研究中尊重伦理和人权的措施,包括必要时设立伦理委员会; |
measures to harmonize intellectual property with the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications; | 使知识产权同参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利取得协调的措施; |
and adequate protection against all forms of discrimination. | 以及提供防止一切形式歧视的充分保护。 |
87. | 87. |
Second, States parties should develop a national plan of action to promote scientific progress and to disseminate its results and products to all persons, without discrimination. | 第二,缔约国应制订一项国家行动计划,据以促进科学进步和无歧视地向所有人传播科学进步的成果和产物。 |
Such a plan will help ensure that various scientific endeavours are not carried out in a fragmented and uncoordinated manner, but are part of an integrated effort for the promotion, the conservation and the diffusion of science. | 这一计划要帮助确保各种科学努力不成为分散和互不协调的活动,而是促进、保护和传播科学的全面努力的一个组成部分。 |
This plan of action should include, inter alia: | 行动计划除其他外应包括: |
measures to facilitate access without discrimination to the applications of scientific progress, especially when these applications are needed for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights; | 促进不受歧视地获得科学进步应用的措施,尤其是享受经济、社会和文化权利需要的应用; |
measures to strengthen human and institutional scientific capacities in the State; | 加强本国人员和机构科学能力的措施; |
adequate public funding, especially for research that is relevant to meet the needs of the population and for the promotion of access to scientific education, particularly for groups that traditionally face discrimination in this field; | 充足的公共资金,特别是用于与满足人口需要相关的研究和用于促进获得科学教育的机会,尤其要面向传统上在这一领域面临歧视的群体; |
mechanisms to promote a culture of scientific inquiry, public trust and support for sciences in society, particularly through a vigorous and informed democratic debate on the production and use of scientific knowledge, and a dialogue between the scientific community and society; | 促进形成科学探究文化、公众信任和全社会支持科学的机制,特别是通过关于科学知识的生成和使用的活跃和知情的民主辩论,以及科学界和社会之间的对话; |
mechanisms to protect the population from false, misleading and pseudoscience-based practices, especially when other economic, social and cultural rights are at risk; | 保护人民免受虚假、误导和伪科学做法侵害的机制,特别是在其他经济、社会和文化权利面临风险的情况下; |
measures to ensure ethics in science, such as the establishment or promotion of independent, multidisciplinary and pluralist ethics committees to assess the relevant ethical, legal, scientific and social issues related to research projects; | 确保科学伦理的措施,例如建立或促进独立、多学科和多元的伦理委员会,以评估与研究项目相关的伦理、法律、科学和社会问题; |
and measures to enhance the professional and material conditions of scientific researchers. | 以及增进科学研究人员专业和物质条件的措施。 |
88. | 88. |
Third, States parties should identify appropriate indicators and benchmarks, including disaggregated statistics and time frames, which allow them to monitor effectively the implementation of the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. | 第三,缔约国应确定适当的指标和基准,包括分类统计数据和时间框架,使它们能够有效监测参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利的落实情况。 |
89. | 89. |
Fourth, like all other rights, the right to participate in and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications is enforceable and is therefore also justiciable. | 第四,与所有其他权利一样,参与科学进步及其应用并从中受益的权利是可由法律强制执行的,因此也是可付诸法院审理的。 |
States parties should establish effective mechanisms and institutions, where they do not already exist, to prevent violations of the right and to ensure effective judicial, administrative and other remedies for victims if such violations occur. | 尚未建立有效机制和机构的缔约国,应建立这种机制和机构,以防止对这项权利的侵犯,并确保在发生侵犯时为受害者提供有效的司法、行政和其他补救措施。 |
As this right can be threatened or violated not only by actions of the State but also through omissions, remedies must be effective in both cases. | 由于这一权利不仅可能因国家行为而受到威胁或侵犯,也可能因不作为而受到威胁或侵犯,补救措施在这两种情况下都必须有效。 |
* Adopted by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its sixty-seventh session (17 February–6 March 2020). | * 经济、社会及文化权利委员会第六十七届会议(2020年2月17日至3月6日)通过。 |
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