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United Nations联 合 国
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights公民权利和政治权利 国际公约
Distr.: GeneralDistr.: General
3 September 20193 September 2019
Human Rights Committee人权事务委员会
General comment No. 36第36号一般性意见
Article 6: right to life,第六条:生命权
General remarks导言
This general comment replaces general comments No. 6, adopted by the Committee at its sixteenth session (1982), and No. 14, adopted by the Committee at its twenty-third session (1984).本一般性意见取代委员会第十六届会议(1982年)通过的第6号一般性意见和委员会第二十三届会议(1984年)通过的第14号一般性意见。
Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights recognizes and protects the right to life of all human beings.《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第六条承认并保护所有人的生命权。
The right to life is the supreme right from which no derogation is permitted, even in situations of armed conflict and other public emergencies that threaten the life of the nation.生命权是不允许克减的最高权利,即使在武装冲突和危及国家生存的其他公共紧急状况下也是如此。
The right to life has crucial importance both for individuals and for society as a whole.生命权对个人和整个社会都至关重要。
It is most precious for its own sake as a right that inheres in every human being, but it also constitutes a fundamental right, the effective protection of which is the prerequisite for the enjoyment of all other human rights and the content of which can be informed by other human rights.它作为每个人固有的一项权利,因其本身的重要性而极为宝贵,但生命权也是一项这样的基本权利: 它得到有效保护是享受所有其他人权的先决条件,它的内容可受到其他人权的影响。
The right to life is a right that should not be interpreted narrowly.生命权是一项不应狭义解释的权利。
It concerns the entitlement of individuals to be free from acts and omissions that are intended or may be expected to cause their unnatural or premature death, as well as to enjoy a life with dignity.生命权涉及的个人具体权利包括个人免于遭受故意导致或预料可能导致非正常死亡或过早死亡的作为或不作为的权利,以及有尊严地享有生命的权利。
Article 6 of the Covenant guarantees this right for all human beings, without distinction of any kind, including for persons suspected or convicted of even the most serious crimes.《公约》第六条不加任何区别地保障所有人的这项权利,包括涉嫌或被判犯有最严重罪行的人的这项权利。
Paragraph 1 of article 6 of the Covenant provides that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of life and that this right shall be protected by law.《公约》第六条第1款规定,不得任意剥夺任何人的生命,这项权利应受法律保护。
It lays the foundation for the obligation of States parties to respect and ensure the right to life, to give effect to it through legislative and other measures, and to provide effective remedies and reparation to all victims of violations of the right to life.这一款为缔约国尊重和保证生命权、通过立法和其他措施落实生命权以及向生命权受到侵犯的所有受害者提供有效补救和赔偿的义务奠定了基础。
Paragraphs 2, 4, 5 and 6 of article 6 of the Covenant set out specific safeguards to ensure that in States parties that have not yet abolished the death penalty, death sentences are not applied except for the most serious crimes, and then only in the most exceptional cases and under the strictest limits (see part IV below).《公约》第六条第2、第4、第5和第6款规定了具体的保障措施,以确保尚未废除死刑的缔约国除对最严重的罪行外不适用死刑,而对于最严重的罪行,仅在最特殊的情况下和在最严格的限制下适用死刑(见下文第四部分)。
The prohibition on arbitrary deprivation of life contained in article 6 (1) further limits the ability of States parties to apply the death penalty.第六条第1款所载的禁止任意剥夺生命规定进一步限制缔约国适用死刑的能力。
The provisions in paragraph 3 regulate specifically the relationship between article 6 of the Covenant and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.第3款的规定具体规范了《公约》第六条与《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》之间的关系。
Deprivation of life involves intentional or otherwise foreseeable and preventable life-terminating harm or injury, caused by an act or omission.剥夺生命涉及由作为或不作为造成的故意 或其他可预见和可预防的终止生命的损伤或伤害。
It goes beyond injury to bodily or mental integrity or a threat thereto.它超出了对身体或精神完整的伤害或威胁。
States parties must respect the right to life.缔约国必须尊重生命权。
This entails the duty to refrain from engaging in conduct resulting in arbitrary deprivation of life.这意味着有义务避免做出导致任意剥夺生命的行为。
States parties must also ensure the right to life and exercise due diligence to protect the lives of individuals against deprivations caused by persons or entities whose conduct is not attributable to the State.缔约国还必须保证生命权,并尽职尽责地保护个人的生命,使其不因个人或实体实施的、不可归咎于国家的行为而被剥夺。
The obligation of States parties to respect and ensure the right to life extends to reasonably foreseeable threats and life-threatening situations that can result in loss of life.缔约国尊重和保证生命权的义务延伸至可以合理预见并可能导致生命损失的威胁以及危及生命的情况。
States parties may be in violation of article 6 even if such threats and situations do not result in loss of life.即便此类威胁和情况未导致生命损失,缔约国仍可能违反第六条的规定。
Although States parties may adopt measures designed to regulate voluntary termination of pregnancy, those measures must not result in violation of the right to life of a pregnant woman or girl, or her other rights under the Covenant.尽管缔约国可以采取旨在规范自愿终止妊娠的措施,但这些措施不得侵犯孕妇或女孩的生命权,或《公约》规定的她们的其他权利。
Thus, restrictions on the ability of women or girls to seek abortion must not, inter alia, jeopardize their lives, subject them to physical or mental pain or suffering that violates article 7 of the Covenant, discriminate against them or arbitrarily interfere with their privacy.因此,对妇女或女孩寻求堕胎能力的限制,除其他外不得危及她们的生命,不得使她们遭受违反《公约》第七条的身心痛苦或折磨,不得歧视她们或任意干涉她们的隐私。
States parties must provide safe, legal and effective access to abortion where the life and health of the pregnant woman or girl is at risk, or where carrying a pregnancy to term would cause the pregnant woman or girl substantial pain or suffering, most notably where the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or where the pregnancy is not viable.在孕妇或女孩的生命和健康面临危险,或者足月生产会给孕妇或女孩造成巨大痛苦或折磨,尤其是怀孕由强奸或乱伦所致或胎儿不能存活的情况下,缔约国必须提供获取安全、合法和有效堕胎的途径。
In addition, States parties may not regulate pregnancy or abortion in all other cases in a manner that runs contrary to their duty to ensure that women and girls do not have to resort to unsafe abortions, and they should revise their abortion laws accordingly.此外,缔约国对其他所有怀孕或堕胎情况的规范不得违背其确保妇女和女孩不必采用不安全堕胎方法的义务,缔约国应相应修订其堕胎法律。
For example, they should not take measures such as criminalizing pregnancy of unmarried women or applying criminal sanctions to women and girls who undergo abortion or to medical service providers who assist them in doing so, since taking such measures compels women and girls to resort to unsafe abortion.例如,缔约国不应采取诸如将未婚先孕定为刑事犯罪,或对堕胎妇女和女孩 或协助她们堕胎的医疗服务提供者实施刑事制裁等措施,因为采取这些措施会迫使妇女和女孩采用不安全堕胎方法。
States parties should remove existing barriers to effective access by women and girls to safe and legal abortion, including barriers caused as a result of the exercise of conscientious objection by individual medical providers, and should not introduce new barriers.缔约国应消除妨碍妇女和女孩有效获得安全合法堕胎方法 的现有障碍, 包括个别医务工作者出于良心拒绝提供服务造成的障碍, 且不应设置新的障碍。
States parties should also effectively protect the lives of women and girls against the mental and physical health risks associated with unsafe abortions.缔约国还应有效保护妇女和女孩的生命免受与不安全堕胎相关的身心健康风险。
In particular, they should ensure access for women and men, and especially girls and boys, to quality and evidence-based information and education on sexual and reproductive health and to a wide range of affordable contraceptive methods, and prevent the stigmatization of women and girls who seek abortion.缔约国尤其应确保妇女和男子特别是女孩和男孩, 有机会获得关于性健康和生殖健康的高质量循证信息和教育, 以及各种负担得起的避孕方法, 并防止寻求堕胎的妇女和女孩遭受污名化。
States parties should ensure the availability of, and effective access to, quality prenatal and post-abortion health care for women and girls, in all circumstances and on a confidential basis.缔约国应确保妇女和女孩 在任何情况下都能在保密的基础上获得高质量的产前和堕胎后保健。
While acknowledging the central importance to human dignity of personal autonomy, States should take adequate measures, without violating their other Covenant obligations, to prevent suicides, especially among individuals in particularly vulnerable situations, including individuals deprived of their liberty.各国承认个人自主对人的尊严至关重要,但应采取适当措施,在不违反《公约》其他义务的情况下防止自杀,特别防止处境特别脆弱的个人, 包括人身自由被剥夺的个人自杀。
States parties that allow medical professionals to provide medical treatment or the medical means to facilitate the termination of life of afflicted adults, such as the terminally ill, who experience severe physical or mental pain and suffering and wish to die with dignity, must ensure the existence of robust legal and institutional safeguards to verify that medical professionals are complying with the free, informed, explicit and unambiguous decision of their patients, with a view to protecting patients from pressure and abuse.缔约国如允许医疗专业人员提供相关医疗或医学手段,方便遭受严重身心痛苦和折磨并希望体面死去的成年人(如身患绝症者)终止生命, 则必须确保存在强有力的法律和体制保障,以核实医疗专业人员是否遵从患者作出的自由、知情、明确、清晰的决定,从而保护患者免受压力和滥用。
Prohibition against arbitrary deprivation of life禁止任意剥夺生命
Although it inheres in every human being, the right to life is not absolute.尽管生命权是每个人的固有权利, 但它并不是绝对的。
While the Covenant does not enumerate the permissible grounds for deprivation of life, by requiring that deprivations of life must not be arbitrary, article 6 (1) implicitly recognizes that some deprivations of life may be non-arbitrary.《公约》并未列举允许剥夺生命的理由,而是要求不得任意剥夺生命,但第六条第1款隐含地承认,某些剥夺生命的行为可能不是任意的。
For example, the use of lethal force in self-defence, under the conditions specified in paragraph 12 below, would not constitute an arbitrary deprivation of life.例如,在下文第12段规定的条件下,自卫时使用致命武力不构成任意剥夺生命。
Even those exceptional measures leading to deprivations of life that are not arbitrary per se must be applied in a manner that is not arbitrary in fact.即使导致剥夺生命的例外措施本身不是任意的,也必须以事实上非任意的方式实施。
Such exceptional measures should be established by law and accompanied by effective institutional safeguards designed to prevent arbitrary deprivations of life.这种例外措施应由法律规定,并辅之以旨在防止任意剥夺生命的有效制度保障。
Furthermore, States that have not abolished the death penalty and that are not parties to the Second Optional Protocol to the Covenant, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, or other treaties providing for the abolition of the death penalty can apply the death penalty only in a non-arbitrary manner, for the most serious crimes and subject to a number of strict conditions elaborated in part IV below.此外,尚未废除死刑的国家和尚未加入旨在废除死刑的《公约第二项任择议定书》或规定废除死刑的其他条约的国家,只能以非任意方式对最严重的罪行适用死刑,并须遵守下文第四部分阐述的若干严格条件。
The second sentence of article 6 (1) requires that the right to life be protected by law, while the third sentence requires that no one be arbitrarily deprived of life.第六条第1款第二句要求法律保护生命权,而第三句要求不得任意剥夺任何人的生命。
The two requirements partly overlap in that a deprivation of life that lacks a legal basis or is otherwise inconsistent with life-protecting laws and procedures is, as a rule, arbitrary in nature.这两项要求部分重叠,因为在缺乏法律依据或不符合保护生命的法律和程序的情况下剥夺生命通常是任意的。
For example, a death sentence issued following legal proceedings conducted in violation of domestic laws of criminal procedure or evidence will generally be both unlawful and arbitrary.例如,违反国内刑事诉讼法或证据法的法律程序作出的死刑判决通常既是非法的,又是任意的。
Deprivation of life is, as a rule, arbitrary if it is inconsistent with international law or domestic law.剥夺生命如不符合国际法或国内法,则通常是任意的。
A deprivation of life may, nevertheless, be authorized by domestic law and still be arbitrary.然而,剥夺生命即使经国内法授权,仍可能是任意的。
The notion of “arbitrariness” is not to be fully equated with “against the law”, but must be interpreted more broadly to include elements of inappropriateness, injustice, lack of predictability and due process of law, as well as elements of reasonableness, necessity and proportionality.不应将“任意性”的概念完全等同于“违反法律”,而必须给予更广泛的解释,使其包括不当、不公、缺乏可预见性和正当法律程序 以及缺乏合理性、必要性和相称性等要素。
In order not to be qualified as arbitrary under article 6, the application of potentially lethal force by a private person acting in self-defence, or by another person coming to his or her defence, must be strictly necessary in view of the threat posed by the attacker;为了不被定性为第六条下的任意行为,个人在采取自卫行动或保护他人时使用潜在致命武力的,必须相对于攻击者构成的威胁属于绝对必要;
it must represent a method of last resort after other alternatives have been exhausted or deemed inadequate;它必须是在其他替代办法用尽或被认为不足之后的最后手段;
the amount of force applied cannot exceed the amount strictly needed for responding to the threat; the force applied must be carefully directed, only against the attacker; and the threat responded to must involve imminent death or serious injury.使用的武力不能超过对威胁作出反应所严格需要的程度, 使用武力必须谨慎地仅针对攻击者, 所应对的威胁必须有造成立即死亡或严重伤害的可能。
The use of potentially lethal force for law enforcement purposes is an extreme measure that should be resorted to only when strictly necessary in order to protect life or prevent serious injury from an imminent threat.为执法目的使用可能致命的武力是一种极端措施, 应仅限于在绝对必要的情况下才可采用,以保护生命或防止紧迫威胁造成严重伤害。
It cannot be used, for example, in order to prevent the escape from custody of a suspected criminal or a convict who does not pose a serious and imminent threat to the lives or bodily integrity of others.例如,不得为了防止对他人生命或身体完整不构成严重和紧迫威胁的犯罪嫌疑人或罪犯逃离羁押而使用致命武力。
The intentional taking of life by any means is permissible only if it is strictly necessary in order to protect life from an imminent threat.只有在为保护生命免受紧迫威胁而严格必要的情况下,才允许使用某种手段故意剥夺生命。
States parties are expected to take all necessary measures to prevent arbitrary deprivation of life by their law enforcement officials, including soldiers charged with law enforcement missions.缔约国应采取一切必要措施,防止执法人员,包括负责执行执法任务的士兵任意剥夺生命。
These measures include putting in place appropriate legislation controlling the use of lethal force by law enforcement officials, procedures designed to ensure that law enforcement actions are adequately planned in a manner consistent with the need to minimize the risk they pose to human life, mandatory reporting, review and investigation of lethal incidents and other life-threatening incidents, and supplying forces responsible for crowd control with effective, less-lethal means and adequate protective equipment in order to obviate their need to resort to lethal force (see also para. 14 below).这些措施包括: 制定管控执法人员使用致命武力的适当立法; 采纳相关程序,确保执法行动得到充分规划,规划方式应符合将执法行动对人的生命造成的风险降至最低的要求, 强制规定对致命事件和其他威胁生命事件进行报告、审查和调查; 向负责控制人群的部队提供有效的低致命手段和足够的保护设备,以排除他们动用致命武力的必要(另见下文第14段)。
In particular, all operations of law enforcement officials should comply with relevant international standards, including the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, and law enforcement officials should undergo appropriate training designed to inculcate these standards so as to ensure, in all circumstances, the fullest respect for the right to life.执法人员的所有行动尤其应遵守相关国际标准,包括《执法人员行为守则》和《执法人员使用武力和火器的基本原则》, 执法人员应接受旨在灌输这些标准的适当培训, 以确保生命权在所有情况下都得到最充分尊重。
While preferable to more lethal weapons, States parties should ensure that less-lethal weapons are subject to strict independent testing and evaluate and monitor the impact on the right to life of weapons such as electro-muscular disruption devices (Tasers), rubber or foam bullets, and other attenuating energy projectiles, which are designed for use or are actually used by law enforcement officials, including soldiers charged with law enforcement missions.虽然低致命武器更可取,但缔约国应确保其接受严格的独立测试,并评估和监测电肌肉干扰装置(泰瑟枪)、橡胶子弹或泡沫子弹以及其他衰减能量射弹等武器对生命权的影响, 这些武器是为执法人员,包括负责执法任务的士兵设计或实际上由他们使用。
The use of such weapons must be restricted to law enforcement officials who have undergone appropriate training, and must be strictly regulated in accordance with applicable international standards, including the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials.此类武器的使用必须限于受过适当培训的执法人员,并且必须依照《执法人员使用武力和火器的基本原则》等适用的国际标准严格规范。
Furthermore, less-lethal weapons must be employed only subject to strict requirements of necessity and proportionality, in situations in which other less harmful measures have proven to be or clearly are ineffective to address the threat.此外,在其他危害较小的措施已被证明或显然无法应对威胁的情况下,只有在遵守必要性和相称性的严格要求的情况下才可使用低致命武器。
States parties should not resort to less-lethal weapons in situations of crowd control that can be addressed through less harmful means, especially situations involving the exercise of the right to peaceful assembly.缔约国在控制人群时如可以通过危害较小的手段解决, 则不应动用低致命武器,特别是在涉及行使和平集会权的情况下。
When private individuals or entities are empowered or authorized by a State party to employ force with potentially lethal consequences, the State party is under an obligation to ensure that such employment of force actually complies with article 6 and the State party remains responsible for any failure to comply.当缔约国赋权或授权个人或实体使用具有潜在致命后果的武力时,缔约国有义务确保这样使用武力确实符合第六条,并且缔约国对任何不遵守的情况负有责任。
Among other things, a State party must rigorously limit the powers afforded to private actors and ensure that strict and effective measures of monitoring and control, as well as adequate training, are in place in order to guarantee, inter alia, that the powers granted are not misused and do not lead to arbitrary deprivation of life.除其他外,缔约国必须严格限制赋予私人行为者的权力,并确保采取严格有效的监督和控制措施以及提供适当的培训,以便保证除其他外,授予的权力不被滥用,不会造成任意剥夺生命。
For example, a State party must take adequate measures to ensure that persons who were involved or are currently involved in serious human rights violations or abuses are excluded from private security entities empowered or authorized to employ force.例如,缔约国必须采取适足措施,确保将曾经参与或正在参与严重侵犯或践踏人权的人排除在得到赋权或授权、可以使用武力的私营保安实体之外。
It must also ensure that victims of arbitrary deprivation of life by private individuals or entities empowered or authorized by the State party are granted an effective remedy.缔约国还必须确保因缔约国赋权或授权的私人或实体实施的任意剥夺生命行为而产生的受害者获得有效补救。
Paragraphs 2, 4 and 5 of article 6 implicitly recognize that countries that have not abolished the death penalty and have not ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the Covenant, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, are not legally barred under the Covenant from applying the death penalty with regard to the most serious crimes, subject to a number of strict conditions.第六条第2、第4和第5款隐含地承认,《公约》从法律上不禁止尚未废除死刑和尚未批准旨在废除死刑的《公约第二项任择议定书》的国家对最严重的罪行适用死刑,但须满足若干严格条件。
Other procedures regulating activity that may result in deprivation of life, such as protocols for administering new drugs, must be established by law, accompanied by effective institutional safeguards designed to prevent arbitrary deprivation of life, and must be compatible with other provisions of the Covenant.规范可能剥夺生命活动的其他程序,如服用新药的规程必须由法律规定,并辅之以旨在防止任意剥夺生命的有效制度保障,而且必须符合《公约》的其他规定。
The deprivation of life of individuals through acts or omissions that violate provisions of the Covenant other than article 6 is, as a rule, arbitrary in nature.通过违反《公约》第六条以外的其他条款的作为或不作为剥夺个人生命,通常具有任意性质。
This includes, for example, the use of force resulting in the death of demonstrators exercising their right to freedom of assembly and the passing of a death sentence following a trial that failed to meet the due process requirements of article 14 of the Covenant.例如,这种情况包括使用武力导致行使集会自由权的示威者死亡, 以及在不符合《公约》第十四条正当程序要求的审判后判处死刑。
Duty to protect life保护生命的义务
The second sentence of article 6 (1) provides that the right to life “shall be protected by law”.第六条第1款第二句规定,生命权“应受法律保护”。
This implies that States parties must establish a legal framework to ensure the full enjoyment of the right to life by all individuals as may be necessary to give effect to the right to life.这意味着缔约国必须建立一个法律框架,确保所有个人充分享有生命权,这可能是落实生命权所必需的。
The duty to protect the right to life by law also includes an obligation for States parties to adopt any appropriate laws or other measures in order to protect life from all reasonably foreseeable threats, including from threats emanating from private persons and entities.依法保护生命权的义务还包括缔约国有义务通过任何适当的法律或其他措施,保护生命免受一切可合理预见的威胁,包括来自个人和实体的威胁。
The duty to protect by law the right to life requires that any substantive ground for deprivation of life must be prescribed by law and must be defined with sufficient precision to avoid overly broad or arbitrary interpretation or application.依法保护生命权的义务要求剥夺生命的任何实质性理由必须由法律规定,其定义必须足够准确,以避免过于宽泛或任意的解释或适用。
Since deprivation of life by the authorities of the State is a matter of the utmost gravity, the law must strictly control and limit the circumstances in which a person may be deprived of his or her life by those authorities, and States parties must ensure full compliance with all of the relevant legal provisions.国家机关剥夺生命是一个极其严重的问题,因而法律必须严格控制和限制这些机关可能剥夺个人生命的情况, 缔约国必须确保充分遵守所有相关法律规定。
The duty to protect by law the right to life also requires States parties to organize all State organs and governance structures through which public authority is exercised in a manner consistent with the need to respect and ensure the right to life, including establishing by law adequate institutions and procedures for preventing deprivation of life, investigating and prosecuting potential cases of unlawful deprivation of life, meting out punishment and providing full reparation.依法保护生命权的义务还要求缔约国把所有国家机关和治理机构组织起来,通过它们行使公共权力时应符合尊重和保证生命权的要求, 包括依法建立防止剥夺生命的适当机构和程序,调查和起诉潜在的非法剥夺生命案件,实施惩罚并提供充分赔偿。
States parties must enact a protective legal framework that includes effective criminal prohibitions on all manifestations of violence or incitement to violence that are likely to result in deprivation of life, such as intentional and negligent homicide, unnecessary or disproportionate use of firearms, infanticide, “honour” killings, lynching, violent hate crimes, blood feuds, ritual killings, death threats and terrorist attacks.缔约国必须制定包括有效的刑事禁令的保护性法律框架,禁止可能导致剥夺生命的暴力或煽动此种暴力的一切表现,如故意杀人和过失杀人、不必要或过度使用火器、 杀婴、 “名誉”杀人、 私刑杀人、 暴力仇恨犯罪、 血仇、 祭祀杀人、 死亡威胁和恐怖袭击。
The criminal sanctions attached to these crimes must be commensurate with their gravity, while remaining compatible with all the provisions of the Covenant.对这些罪行的刑事制裁必须与其严重性相称, 同时应符合《公约》的所有规定。
The duty to take positive measures to protect the right to life derives from the general duty to ensure the rights recognized in the Covenant, which is articulated in article 2 (1) when read in conjunction with article 6, as well as from the specific duty to protect the right to life by law, which is articulated in the second sentence of article 6.采取积极措施保护生命权的义务源于《公约》第二条第1款阐明并应与第六条一并解读的确保《公约》承认的权利的一般义务,也源于第六条第二句阐明的依法保护生命权的具体义务。
States parties are thus under a due diligence obligation to take reasonable, positive measures that do not impose disproportionate burdens on them in response to reasonably foreseeable threats to life originating from private persons and entities whose conduct is not attributable to the State.因此,缔约国有尽责义务,应采取不造成过度负担的合理积极措施, 以应对不归咎于国家的私人行为和实体行为对生命造成的可合理预见的威胁。
Hence, States parties are obliged to take adequate preventive measures in order to protect individuals against reasonably foreseen threats of being murdered or killed by criminals and organized crime or militia groups, including armed or terrorist groups (see also para. 23 below).因此,缔约国有义务采取适当的预防措施,保护个人免遭犯罪分子和有组织犯罪或民兵团体,包括武装团体或恐怖团体谋杀或杀害的可合理预见的威胁(另见下文第23段)。
States parties should also disband irregular armed groups, such as private armies and vigilante groups, that are responsible for deprivations of life and reduce the proliferation of potentially lethal weapons to unauthorized individuals.缔约国还应解散非正规武装团体,如对剥夺生命负有责任的私人军队和民团, 并减少潜在致命武器向未经授权的个人扩散。
States parties must further take adequate measures of protection, including continuous supervision, in order to prevent, investigate, punish and remedy arbitrary deprivation of life by private entities, such as private transportation companies, private hospitals and private security firms.缔约国必须进一步采取适足的保护措施,包括持续监督, 以防止、调查、惩处私营运输公司、私人医院 和私营保安公司等私营实体任意剥夺生命的行为并针对这些行为做出补救。
States parties must take appropriate measures to protect individuals against deprivation of life by other States, international organizations and foreign corporations operating within their territory or in other areas subject to their jurisdiction.缔约国必须采取适当措施,保护个人免遭其他国家、国际组织和在其境内 或受其管辖的其他地区经营的外国公司剥夺生命。
They must also take appropriate legislative and other measures to ensure that all activities taking place in whole or in part within their territory and in other places subject to their jurisdiction, but having a direct and reasonably foreseeable impact on the right to life of individuals outside their territory, including activities undertaken by corporate entities based in their territory or subject to their jurisdiction, are consistent with article 6, taking due account of related international standards of corporate responsibility and of the right of victims to obtain an effective remedy.缔约国还必须采取适当的立法和其他措施,确保在其全部或部分领土内以及在受其管辖的其他地方开展的但对其领土以外的个人的生命权有直接和可合理预见影响的所有活动,包括设在境内或受其管辖的公司实体 开展的活动均符合第六条,同时适当考虑到关于公司责任的有关国际标准 和受害者获得有效补救的权利。
The duty to protect the right to life requires States parties to take special measures of protection towards persons in vulnerable situations whose lives have been placed at particular risk because of specific threats or pre-existing patterns of violence.保护生命权的义务要求缔约国采取特别措施,保护因特定威胁 或也已存在的暴力模式而尤其受到生命威胁的弱势群体。
Such persons include human rights defenders (see also para. 53 below), officials fighting corruption and organized crime, humanitarian workers, journalists, prominent public figures, witnesses to crime and victims of domestic and gender-based violence and human trafficking.此类人员包括人权维护者(另见下文第53段)、 打击腐败和有组织犯罪的官员、人道工作者、记者、 知名公众人物、犯罪活动的证人 以及家庭暴力、性别暴力和人口贩运的受害者。
They may also include children, especially children in street situations, unaccompanied migrant children and children in situations of armed conflict, members of ethnic and religious minorities, indigenous peoples, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, persons with albinism, alleged witches, displaced persons, asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons.他们还可能包括儿童, 特别是街头儿童、孤身的移民儿童和武装冲突局势中的儿童,以及族裔和宗教少数群体成员、 土著人民、 男女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者和双性者、 白化病患者、 据称的女巫、 流离失所者、寻求庇护者、难民 和无国籍者。
States parties must respond urgently and effectively in order to protect individuals who find themselves under a specific threat, by adopting special measures such as the assignment of around-the-clock police protection, the issuance of protection and restraining orders against potential aggressors and, in exceptional cases, and only with the free and informed consent of the threatened individual, protective custody.缔约国必须紧急有效地作出反应,采取特别措施,例如指派24小时警察保护,对潜在的侵犯者发出保护令和限制令,以及在特殊情况下且只有在受到威胁的个人自由和知情同意的情况下,对其实施保护性拘押。
Persons with disabilities, including psychosocial or intellectual disabilities, are also entitled to specific measures of protection so as to ensure their effective enjoyment of the right to life on an equal basis with others.残疾人,包括社会心理或智力残疾人,也有权获得具体的保护措施,以确保他们在与其他人平等的基础上切实享有生命权。
Such measures of protection must include the provision of reasonable accommodation when necessary to ensure the right to life, such as ensuring access of persons with disabilities to essential facilities and services, and specific measures designed to prevent unwarranted use of force by law enforcement agents against persons with disabilities.这种保护措施必须包括必要时提供保证生命权的合理便利,例如确保残疾人获得基本设施和服务, 以及旨在防止执法人员对残疾人不当使用武力的具体措施。
States parties also have a heightened duty of care to take any necessary measures to protect the lives of individuals deprived of their liberty by the State, since by arresting, detaining, imprisoning or otherwise depriving individuals of their liberty, States parties assume the responsibility to care for their lives and bodily integrity, and they may not rely on lack of financial resources or other logistical problems to reduce this responsibility.缔约国还负有更大的关照义务,应采取任何必要措施保护自由被国家剥夺的个人的生命, 因为缔约国拘捕、拘留、监禁或以其他方式剥夺个人的自由,就承担起保护其生命 和身体完整的责任,缔约国不得以缺乏财政资源或以其他后勤问题为由减轻这一责任。
The same heightened duty of care attaches to individuals held in private incarceration facilities operating pursuant to an authorization by the State.这种更大的关照义务也与被关押在依国家授权运作的私人监禁设施中的个人有关。
The duty to protect the life of all detained individuals includes providing them with the necessary medical care and appropriate regular monitoring of their health, shielding them from inter-prisoner violence, preventing suicides and providing reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities.保护所有被拘留者生命的义务包括向他们提供必要的医疗保健和适当的定期健康监测, 保护他们免受囚犯间暴力, 防止自杀,并为残疾人提供合理便利。
A heightened duty to protect the right to life also applies to individuals quartered in liberty-restricting State-run facilities, such as mental health facilities, military camps, refugee camps and camps for internally displaced persons, juvenile institutions and orphanages.保护生命权的更大义务也适用于居住在国家运营的限制自由设施中的个人,如精神卫生设施、 军营、 难民营和境内流离失所者营地、 少年机构和孤儿院中的个人。
The duty to protect life also implies that States parties should take appropriate measures to address the general conditions in society that may give rise to direct threats to life or prevent individuals from enjoying their right to life with dignity.
These general conditions may include high levels of criminal and gun violence, pervasive traffic and industrial accidents, degradation of the environment (see also para. 62 below), deprivation of indigenous peoples’ land, territories and resources, the prevalence of life-threatening diseases, such as AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, extensive substance abuse, widespread hunger and malnutrition and extreme poverty and homelessness.保护生命的义务还意味着缔约国必须采取适当措施,处理可能导致直接威胁生命或阻止个人有尊严地享有生命权的社会整体状况,如刑事暴力或枪支暴力事件频繁发生, 交通事故和工业事故到处发生, 环境出现退化(另见下文第62段), 土著人民的土地、领地和资源被剥夺, 艾滋病、结核病和疟疾等威胁生命的疾病出现流行, 广泛出现滥用药物、饥饿和营养不良、极端贫困、无家可归等现象。
The measures called for to address adequate conditions for protecting the right to life include, where necessary, measures designed to ensure access without delay by individuals to essential goods and services such as food, water, shelter, health care, electricity and sanitation, and other measures designed to promote and facilitate adequate general conditions, such as the bolstering of effective emergency health services, emergency response operations (including firefighters, ambulance services and police forces) and social housing programmes.为处理保护生命权的适足条件而应采取的措施包括,适时采取旨在确保个人毫不拖延地获得食物、 水、住所、保健、 电力和卫生等基本商品和服务的措施,以及采取旨在促进并有助于创造适足的一般条件的其他措施,如支持有效的紧急健康服务、应急行动(包括消防员、救护车和警察)和社会住房方案。
States parties should also develop strategic plans for advancing the enjoyment of the right to life, which may comprise measures to fight the stigmatization associated with disabilities and diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, which hamper access to medical care;缔约国还应制定推动享有生命权的战略计划,其中可能包括: 遏制与残疾和性传播疾病等疾病有关的污名化的措施,这些污名化阻碍获得医疗保健的机会;
detailed plans to promote education for non-violence;促进非暴力教育的详细计划;
and campaigns for raising awareness of gender-based violence and harmful practices, and for improving access to medical examinations and treatments designed to reduce maternal and infant mortality.关于性别暴力 和相关有害做法 的宣传运动,以及改善获得旨在降低孕产妇和婴儿死亡率的医疗检查和治疗机会的宣传运动。
Furthermore, States parties should also develop, when necessary, contingency plans and disaster management plans designed to increase preparedness and address natural and man-made disasters that may adversely affect enjoyment of the right to life, such as hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, radioactive accidents and massive cyberattacks resulting in disruption of essential services.此外,缔约国还应在必要时制定应急计划和灾害管理计划,从而加强防备和应对可能对享受生命权产生不利影响的自然灾害和人为灾害,如飓风、海啸、地震、放射性事故和导致基本服务受到扰乱的大规模网络攻击。
An important element of the protection afforded to the right to life by the Covenant is the obligation on the States parties, where they know or should have known of potentially unlawful deprivations of life, to investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute the perpetrators of such incidents, including incidents involving allegations of excessive use of force with lethal consequences (see also para. 64 below).《公约》赋予生命权的一个重要保护要素是,缔约国如果知道或应该知道潜在的非法剥夺生命情况,则有义务调查并酌情起诉此类事件的肇事者,包括涉及过度使用武力并造成致命后果的指控的事件(另见下文第64段)。
The duty to investigate also arises in circumstances in which a serious risk of deprivation of life was caused by the use of potentially lethal force, even if the risk did not materialize (see also para. 7 above).在使用潜在致命武力造成剥夺生命的严重风险的情况下,即使这种风险没有实现,也有调查的责任(另见上文第7段)。
This obligation is implicit in the obligation to protect and is reinforced by the general duty to ensure the rights recognized in the Covenant, which is articulated in article 2 (1), when read in conjunction with article 6 (1), and the duty to provide an effective remedy to victims of human rights violations and their relatives, which is articulated in article 2 (3) of the Covenant, when read in conjunction with article 6 (1).这一责任隐含在保护义务中,并因第二条第1款阐明的确保《公约》承认的权利的一般义务(与第六条第1款一并解读),以及《公约》第二条第3款阐明的为侵犯人权行为的受害者 及其亲属 提供有效补救的义务(与第六条第1款一并解读)而得到加强。
Investigations and prosecutions of potentially unlawful deprivations of life should be undertaken in accordance with relevant international standards, including the Minnesota Protocol on the Investigation of Potentially Unlawful Death, and must be aimed at ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice, at promoting accountability and preventing impunity, at avoiding denial of justice and at drawing necessary lessons for revising practices and policies with a view to avoiding repeated violations.调查和起诉潜在非法剥夺生命的情况应依照相关国际标准进行,包括《关于或属非法致死事件调查的明尼苏达规程》,目的必须是确保将责任人绳之以法, 促进问责和防止有罪不罚, 避免司法不公, 并为修订相关做法和政策吸取必要的经验教训,以避免侵害行为重复。
Investigations should explore, inter alia, the legal responsibility of superior officials with regard to violations of the right to life committed by their subordinates.除其他外,调查应研究上级官员对其下属侵犯生命权的法律责任。
Given the importance of the right to life, States parties must generally refrain from addressing violations of article 6 merely through administrative or disciplinary measures, and a criminal investigation is normally required, which should lead, if enough incriminating evidence is gathered, to a criminal prosecution.鉴于生命权的重要性,缔约国一般必须避免仅仅通过行政或纪律措施来处理违反第六条的行为,通常需要进行刑事调查,如果收集到足够的定罪证据,则应提出刑事起诉。
Immunities and amnesties provided to perpetrators of intentional killings and to their superiors, and comparable measures leading to de facto or de jure impunity, are, as a rule, incompatible with the duty to respect and ensure the right to life, and to provide victims with an effective remedy.向故意杀人者及其上级给予豁免和大赦,以及导致事实上或法律上有罪不罚的类似措施,通常不符合尊重和保证生命权以及向受害者提供有效补救的义务。
Investigations into allegations of violations of article 6 must always be independent, impartial, prompt, thorough, effective, credible and transparent (see also para. 64 below).对违反第六条的指控的调查必须始终独立、 公正、 及时、 彻底、 有效、 可信 和透明(另见下文第64段)。
In the event that a violation is found, full reparation must be provided, including, in view of the particular circumstances of the case, adequate measures of compensation, rehabilitation and satisfaction.在认定存在违反行为的情况下,必须提供充分赔偿,包括考虑到案件的具体情况,采取充分的补偿、康复和抵偿措施。
States parties are also under an obligation to take steps to prevent the occurrence of similar violations in the future.缔约国还有义务采取措施,防止今后发生类似的违反情况。
Where relevant, the investigation should include an autopsy of the victim’s body, whenever possible, in the presence of a representative of the victim’s relatives.调查应酌情对受害者尸体进行尸检, 且尽可能在受害者亲属代表在场的情况下进行。
States parties need to take, among other things, appropriate measures to establish the truth relating to the events leading to the deprivation of life, including the reasons and legal basis for targeting certain individuals and the procedures employed by State forces before, during and after the time at which the deprivation occurred, and identify the bodies of the individuals who have lost their lives.除其他外,缔约国需要采取适当措施,查明导致剥夺生命的事件的真相,包括针对某些个人的原因和法律依据, 以及国家部队在剥夺生命事件发生之前、期间和之后采用的程序,并对丧生者尸体进行身份鉴别。
States parties should also disclose relevant details about the investigation to the victim’s next of kin, allow the next of kin to present new evidence, afford the next of kin legal standing in the investigation, and make public information about the investigative steps taken and the findings, conclusions and recommendations emanating from the investigation, subject to absolutely necessary redactions justified by a compelling need to protect the public interest or the privacy and other legal rights of directly affected individuals.缔约国还应向受害者的近亲属披露调查的相关细节, 允许近亲属提出新的证据,在调查中给予近亲属法律地位, 并公布关于采取的调查步骤以及调查结果、结论和建议的信息, 但此类信息须加以修订,以满足保护公共利益或保护直接受影响个人的隐私及其他合法权利的绝对必要的理由。
States parties must also take the necessary steps to protect witnesses, victims and their relatives and persons conducting the investigation from threats, attacks and any act of retaliation.缔约国还必须采取必要步骤,保护证人、受害者及其亲属和调查人员免受威胁、攻击和任何报复行为。
An investigation into violations of the right to life should commence when appropriate ex officio.对侵犯生命权的调查应适时依职权开始。
States should support and cooperate in good faith with international mechanisms of investigation and prosecutions addressing possible violations of article 6.各国应真诚支持处理可能违反第六条的行为的国际调查和起诉机制,并与之合作。
Loss of life occurring in custody, in unnatural circumstances, creates a presumption of arbitrary deprivation of life by State authorities, which can only be rebutted on the basis of a proper investigation that establishes the State’s compliance with its obligations under article 6.羁押期间发生非自然死亡事件可引发人们产生关于国家当局任意剥夺生命的推定,要推翻此种推定只能依据妥善调查,证明国家遵守了第六条规定的义务。
States parties also have a particular duty to investigate allegations of violations of article 6 whenever State authorities have used or appear to have used firearms or other potentially lethal force outside the immediate context of an armed conflict, for example, when live fire has been used against demonstrators, or when civilians have been found dead in circumstances fitting a pattern of alleged violations of the right to life by State authorities.若国家当局在不属于武装冲突的背景下使用过或似乎使用过火器或其他潜在致命武力,例如对示威者使用过实弹, 或者发现平民在符合国家当局侵犯生命权指控模式的情况下死亡,则缔约国也承担特定责任,需对关于违反第六条情况的指控开展调查。
The duty to respect and ensure the right to life requires States parties to refrain from deporting, extraditing or otherwise transferring individuals to countries in which there are substantial grounds for believing that a real risk exists that their right to life under article 6 of the Covenant would be violated.尊重和保证生命权的义务要求缔约国避免将个人驱逐、引渡或以其他方式转移到有充分理由相信他们根据《公约》第六条享有的生命权会受到侵犯的国家。
Such a risk must be personal in nature and cannot derive merely from the general conditions in the receiving State, except in the most extreme cases.这种风险必须是个人性质的, 不能仅仅来自接收国的一般状况,除非在最极端的情况下。
For example, as explained in paragraph 34 below, it would be contrary to article 6 to extradite an individual from a country that had abolished the death penalty to a country in which he or she might face the death penalty.例如,如下文第34段所述,将个人从已经废除死刑的国家引渡到其可能面临死刑的国家将违反第六条。
Similarly, it would be inconsistent with article 6 to deport an individual to a country in which a fatwa had been issued against him or her by local religious authorities, without verifying that the fatwa was not likely to be followed; or to deport an individual to an extremely violent country in which he or she had never lived, had no social or family contacts and could not speak the local language.同样,将个人驱逐到地方宗教当局已对其发出法特瓦(教法判决)的国家,而不核实法特瓦不大可能得到遵守; 或者将个人驱逐到其从未生活过、没有社会或家庭联系并且不会说当地语言的极端暴力的国家, 这些情况都不符合第六条。
In cases involving allegations of risk to the life of the removed individual emanating from the authorities of the receiving State, the situation of the removed individual and the conditions in the receiving States need to be assessed, inter alia, based on the intent of the authorities of the receiving State, the pattern of conduct they have shown in similar cases, and the availability of credible and effective assurances about their intentions.在涉及接收国当局对被驱逐者生命构成风险的指控案件中,除其他外,需要根据接收国当局的意图、当局在类似案件中表现出的行为模式 以及其意图是否有可信有效的保证,评估被驱逐者的处境和接收国的状况。
When the alleged risk to life emanates from non-State actors or foreign States operating in the territory of the receiving State, credible and effective assurances for protection by the authorities of the receiving State may be sought and internal flight options could be explored.当在接收国境内活动的非国家行为者或外国构成指称的生命风险时,可以寻求接收国当局作出可信有效的保护保证,还可探讨国内避难的选项。
When relying upon assurances from the receiving State of treatment upon removal, the removing State should put in place adequate mechanisms for ensuring compliance with the issued assurances from the moment of removal onwards.驱逐国在驱逐时如有赖于接收国作出待遇保证,则应建立适当的机制,确保作出的保证从驱逐之时起得到遵守。
The obligation not to extradite, deport or otherwise transfer, pursuant to article 6 of the Covenant, may be broader than the scope of the principle of non-refoulement under international refugee law, since it may also require the protection of aliens not entitled to refugee status.根据《公约》第六条,不引渡、驱逐出境或以其他方式移交的义务可能比国际难民法规定的不推回原则的范围更广,因为这项义务也可要求保护无权获得难民地位的外国人。
States parties must, however, allow all asylum seekers claiming a real risk of a violation of their right to life in the State of origin access to refugee or other individualized or group status determination procedures that could offer them protection against refoulement.然而,如寻求庇护者声称其原籍国存在侵犯生命权的真实风险,缔约国就必须允许他们诉诸难民或其他个人或群体身份判定程序,这些程序可以为他们提供不推回的保护。
Imposition of the death penalty判处死刑
Paragraphs 2, 4, 5 and 6 of article 6 regulate the imposition of the death penalty by those countries that have not yet abolished it.第六条第2、第4、第5和第6款规定了尚未废除死刑的国家判处死刑的情况。
Paragraph 2 of article 6 strictly limits the application of the death penalty, firstly, to States parties that have not abolished the death penalty, and secondly, to the most serious crimes.第六条第2款严格限制死刑的适用,首先限于尚未废除死刑的缔约国,其次限于最严重的罪行。
Given the anomalous nature of regulating the application of the death penalty in an instrument enshrining the right to life, the contents of paragraph 2 have to be narrowly construed.鉴于在一项载有生命权的文书中规范死刑适用具有反常性质,第2款的内容必须作狭义理解。
States parties to the Covenant that have abolished the death penalty, through amending their domestic laws, becoming parties to the Second Optional Protocol to the Covenant, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, or adopting another international instrument obligating them to abolish the death penalty, are barred from reintroducing it.《公约》缔约国如通过修订其国内法,加入旨在废除死刑的《公约第二项任择议定书》或通过另一项责成其废除死刑的国际文书等方式已经废除死刑,则不得重新引入死刑。
Like the Covenant, the Second Optional Protocol does not contain termination provisions and States parties cannot denounce it.与《公约》一样,《第二项任择议定书》不含终止条款,缔约国不能宣布退出。
Abolition of the death penalty is therefore legally irrevocable.因此,废除死刑在法律上是不可撤销的。
Furthermore, States parties may not transform into a capital offence any offence that, upon ratification of the Covenant or at any time thereafter, did not entail the death penalty.此外,缔约国不得将任何在批准《公约》时或其后任何时候不致死刑的罪名转化为死罪。
Nor can they remove legal conditions from an existing offence with the result of permitting the imposition of the death penalty in circumstances in which it was not possible to impose it before.缔约国也不能取消现有罪名的法定条件,以致于此前无法判处死刑的案情可判处死刑。
States parties that have abolished the death penalty cannot deport, extradite or otherwise transfer persons to a country in which they are facing criminal charges that carry the death penalty, unless credible and effective assurances against the imposition of the death penalty have been obtained.已经废除死刑的缔约国不能将人员驱逐、引渡或以其他方式移交到他们面临可判处死刑的刑事指控的国家,除非获得不判处死刑的可信有效保证。
In the same vein, the obligation not to reintroduce the death penalty for any specific crime requires States parties not to deport, extradite or otherwise transfer an individual to a country in which he or she is expected to stand trial for a capital offence, if the same offence does not carry the death penalty in the removing State, unless credible and effective assurances against exposing the individual to the death penalty have been obtained.同样,不对任何具体罪行重新适用死刑的义务要求,如果某一罪名在驱逐国没有死刑,则该缔约国不得将个人驱逐、引渡或以其他方式移交到该罪名可判处死刑的国家受审,除非获得不使该人面临死刑的可信有效保证。
The term “the most serious crimes” must be read restrictively and appertain only to crimes of extreme gravity involving intentional killing.“最严重的罪行”一词必须作狭义解释, 仅限于涉及故意杀人的极严重 罪行。
Crimes not resulting directly and intentionally in death, such as attempted murder, corruption and other economic and political crimes, armed robbery, piracy, abduction, drug and sexual offences, although serious in nature, can never serve as the basis, within the framework of article 6, for the imposition of the death penalty.在第六条的框架内,未直接和故意导致死亡的罪行, 如谋杀未遂、 腐败及其他经济和政治罪行、 武装抢劫、 海盗活动、 绑架 以及毒品 和性犯罪尽管具有严重性质,但绝不能作为判处死刑的理由。
In the same vein, a limited degree of involvement or of complicity in the commission of even the most serious crimes, such as providing the physical means for the commission of murder, cannot justify the imposition of the death penalty.本着同样的精神,有限度地参与或共犯即便最严重的罪行,例如为谋杀提供实际手段,也不能作为判处死刑的理由。
States parties are under an obligation to review their criminal laws so as to ensure that the death penalty is not imposed for crimes that do not qualify as the most serious crimes.缔约国有义务审查其刑事法律,以确保不对不构成最严重罪行的罪名判处死刑。
They should also revoke death sentences issued for crimes not qualifying as the most serious crimes and pursue the necessary legal procedures to resentence those convicted for such crimes.缔约国还应撤销对不构成最严重罪行的罪名判处的死刑,并采取必要的法律程序,对此类罪行已被定罪的人重新判决。
Under no circumstances can the death penalty ever be applied as a sanction against conduct the very criminalization of which violates the Covenant, including adultery, homosexuality, apostasy, establishing political opposition groups or offending a head of State.在任何情况下都不能将死刑作为制裁通奸、同性恋、叛教、 建立政治反对派团体 或冒犯国家元首 等行为的手段,将这些行为定为刑事犯罪本身就已经违反《公约》。
States parties that retain the death penalty for such offences commit a violation of their obligations under article 6, read alone and in conjunction with article 2 (2) of the Covenant, as well as of other provisions of the Covenant.对这些罪名保留死刑的缔约国构成违反它们按照《公约》第六条单独解读并结合第二条第2款一并解读所承担的义务,以及违反《公约》其他条款的情况。
In all cases involving the application of the death penalty, the personal circumstances of the offender and the particular circumstances of the offence, including its specific attenuating elements, must be considered by the sentencing court.在所有涉及适用死刑的案件中,判决法院必须考虑罪犯的个人情况和犯罪的具体情节,包括具体的减刑因素。
Hence, mandatory death sentences that leave domestic courts with no discretion as to whether to designate the offence as a crime warranting the death penalty, and whether to issue the death sentence in the particular circumstances of the offender, are arbitrary in nature.因此,强制规定死刑而不给国内法院自由裁量权,使其不能就是否将该罪行定为应判处死刑的罪行以及是否在罪犯的具体情况下判处死刑的问题酌情处置,这种情况属于任意性质。
The availability of a right to seek pardon or commutation on the basis of the special circumstances of the case or the accused is not an adequate substitute for the need for judicial discretion in the application of the death penalty.有机会根据案件或被告的具体情况寻求赦免或减刑,并不能充分代替司法机关应拥有对适用死刑的自由裁量权。
Article 6 (2) also requires States parties to ensure that any death sentence would be “in accordance with the law in force at the time of the commission of the crime”.第六条第2款还要求缔约国确保任何死刑判决应“按照犯罪时有效……的法律”。
This application of the principle of legality complements and reaffirms the application of the principle of nulla poena sine lege found in article 15 (1) of the Covenant.罪刑法定原则的适用补充并重申了《公约》第十五条第1款要求适用的“法无明文,不罪不罚”原则。
As a result, the death penalty can never be imposed if it was not provided by law for the offence at the time of its commission.因此,如果在犯罪时法律没有规定死刑,则绝不能判处死刑。
Nor can the imposition of the death penalty be based on vaguely defined criminal provisions, whose application to the convicted individual depend on subjective or discretionary considerations, the application of which is not reasonably foreseeable.判处死刑也不能基于定义模糊的刑事规定, 这些规定是否对被定罪者适用取决于主观或自由裁量的考虑, 其适用是不可合理预见的。
On the other hand, the abolition of the death penalty should apply retroactively to individuals charged or convicted of a capital offence in accordance with the retroactive leniency (lex mitior) principle, which finds partial expression in the third sentence of article 15 (1), requiring States parties to grant offenders the benefit of lighter penalties adopted after the commission of the offence.另一方面,废除死刑应追溯既往适用于被指控或定罪判处死刑的个人,这符合第十五条第1款第三句中部分表述的追溯宽大(从旧兼从轻)原则,该款要求缔约国允许罪犯受益于犯罪后采用的较轻的刑罚。
The retroactive application of the abolition of the death penalty to all individuals charged or convicted of a capital crime also derives from the fact that the need for applying the death penalty cannot be justified once it has been abolished.废除死刑应追溯既往之所以适用于被指控或定罪判处死刑的个人,也是因为一旦废除死刑,适用死刑的必要性就失去了正当理由。
Article 6 (3) reminds all States parties that are also parties to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of their obligations to prevent and punish the crime of genocide, which include the obligation to prevent and punish all deprivations of life, which constitute part of a crime of genocide.第六条第3款提醒同样是《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》缔约国的所有缔约国,它们有义务防止和惩治灭绝种族罪,包括有义务防止和惩治构成灭绝种族罪一部分的所有剥夺生命行为。
Under no circumstances can the death penalty be imposed as part of a policy of genocide against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.在任何情况下都不能将死刑作为针对某个民族、族裔、种族或宗教群体成员的种族灭绝政策的一部分。
States parties that have not abolished the death penalty must respect article 7 of the Covenant, which prohibits certain methods of execution.尚未废除死刑的缔约国必须遵守《公约》第七条,该条禁止某些处决方法。
Failure to respect article 7 would inevitably render the execution arbitrary in nature and thus also in violation of article 6.不遵守第七条将必然使处决具有任意性质,因此也违反第六条。
The Committee has already opined that stoning, injection of untested lethal drugs, gas chambers, burning and burying alive and public executions are contrary to article 7.委员会已经认为,石刑、 注射未经测试的致命药物、 毒气室、 火刑和活埋 以及公开处决 违反第七条。
For similar reasons, other painful and humiliating methods of execution are also unlawful under the Covenant.出于类似原因,根据《公约》,其他痛苦和侮辱性的处决方式也是非法的。
Failure to provide individuals on death row with timely notification about the date of their execution constitutes, as a rule, a form of ill-treatment, which renders the subsequent execution contrary to article 7 of the Covenant.不及时通知死囚处决日期通常构成一种虐待形式,这种做法使得随后的处决违反《公约》第七条。
Extreme delays in the implementation of a death penalty sentence that exceed any reasonable period of time necessary to exhaust all legal remedies may also entail the violation of article 7 of the Covenant, especially when the long time on death row exposes sentenced persons to harsh or stressful conditions, including solitary confinement, and when sentenced persons are particularly vulnerable due to factors such as age, health or mental state.极端拖延执行死刑,超过用尽所有法律补救办法所需的任何合理时间, 也可能导致违反《公约》第七条; 当被判刑者因长期等候死刑而面临恶劣条件 或遭受重大压力,包括单独监禁在内, 以及被判刑者由于年龄、健康或精神状态等因素特别脆弱时,情况尤其如此。
Violation of the fair trial guarantees provided for in article 14 of the Covenant in proceedings resulting in the imposition of the death penalty would render the sentence arbitrary in nature, and in violation of article 6 of the Covenant.诉讼中违反《公约》第十四条规定的公平审判保障并最终作出死刑判决,将使判决具有任意性质并违反《公约》第六条。
Such violations might involve the use of forced confessions;这种违反行为可能涉及: 使用逼供;
the inability of the accused to question relevant witnesses;被告人无法询问相关证人;
lack of effective representation involving confidential attorney-client meetings during all stages of the criminal proceedings, including criminal interrogation, preliminary hearings, trial and appeal;在刑事诉讼各阶段, 包括刑事审讯、 预审、 审判 和上诉 在内,客户无法在保密情况下与律师会面,得不到有效代理;
failure to respect the presumption of innocence, which may manifest itself in the accused being placed in a cage or being handcuffed during the trial;不尊重无罪推定,这可能表现为将被告关在笼子里或在审判期间戴上手铐;
lack of an effective right of appeal;缺乏有效的上诉权;
lack of adequate time and facilities for the preparation of the defence, including the inability to access legal documents essential for conducting the legal defence or appeal, such as official prosecutorial applications to the court, the court’s judgment or the trial transcript;缺乏足够的时间和便利准备辩护,包括无法获得进行法律辩护或上诉所必需的法律文件,如向法院提出的正式公诉申请、 法院判决 或审判记录;
lack of suitable interpretation;缺乏适当的口译服务;
failure to provide accessible documents and procedural accommodation for persons with disabilities;未能为残疾人提供无障碍文件和程序便利;
excessive and unjustified delays in the trial or the appeal process;审判或上诉过程中过度和无端 拖延;
and general lack of fairness of the criminal process, or lack of independence or impartiality of the trial or appeal court.刑事诉讼程序普遍缺乏公平性, 或者审判或上诉法院缺乏独立性或公正性。
Other serious procedural flaws not explicitly covered by article 14 of the Covenant may nonetheless render the imposition of the death penalty contrary to article 6.《公约》第十四条没有明确涵盖的其他严重程序缺陷仍可能使判处死刑违反第六条。
For example, a failure to promptly inform detained foreign nationals of their right to consular notification pursuant to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, resulting in the imposition of the death penalty, and failure to afford individuals about to be deported to a country in which their lives are claimed to be at real risk the opportunity to avail themselves of available appeal procedures would violate article 6 (1) of the Covenant.例如,未能根据《维也纳领事关系公约》及时告知被拘留的外国国民他们有权发出领事通知,进而导致判处死刑, 以及未能向即将被驱逐到生命面临真实风险的国家的个人提供利用现有上诉程序 的机会,可能违反《公约》第六条第1款。
The execution of sentenced persons whose guilt has not been established beyond reasonable doubt also constitutes an arbitrary deprivation of life.在未排除合理怀疑的情况下确定其罪责的被判刑者受到处决,也构成任意剥夺生命。
States parties must therefore take all feasible measures in order to avoid wrongful convictions in death penalty cases, to review procedural barriers to reconsideration of convictions and to re-examine past convictions on the basis of new evidence, including new DNA evidence.因此,缔约国必须采取一切可行措施,以避免死刑案件中的错误定罪, 审查阻碍定罪复议的程序障碍,并根据新的证据,包括新的DNA证据重新审查此前的定罪。
States parties should also consider the implications for the evaluation of evidence presented in capital cases of new reliable studies, including studies suggesting the prevalence of false confessions and the unreliability of eyewitness testimony.缔约国还应考虑新的可靠研究报告对评估死刑案件中提出的证据产生的影响,包括表明普遍存在虚假供述和目击者证词不可靠的研究报告。
The death penalty must not be imposed in a discriminatory manner contrary to the requirements of articles 2 (1) and 26 of the Covenant.不得违反《公约》第二条第1款和第二十六条的要求、以带有歧视的方式判处死刑。
Data suggesting that members of religious, racial or ethnic minorities, indigent persons or foreign nationals are disproportionately likely to face the death penalty may indicate an unequal application of the death penalty, which raises concerns under article 2 (1) read in conjunction with article 6, as well as under article 26.相关数据如表明宗教、种族或族裔少数群体成员、穷人或外国国民面临死刑的比例过高,则可能意味着死刑的适用不平等,这将引起第二条第1款(与第六条一并解读)和第二十六条下令人关切的问题。
According to the last sentence of article 6 (2), the death penalty can only be carried out pursuant to a judgment of a competent court.根据第六条第2款最后一句,死刑只能按照合格法院的判决执行。
Such a court must be established by law within the judiciary, be independent of the executive and legislative branches and be impartial.该法院必须在司法系统内依法设立,独立于行政和立法部门,且必须公正。
It should be established before the commission of the offence.法院应该在犯罪之前建立。
As a rule, civilians must not be tried for capital crimes before military tribunals and military personnel can be tried for offences carrying the death penalty only before a tribunal affording all fair trial guarantees.一般来说,军事法庭不得审判平民可判处死刑的罪行, 军事人员可判处死刑的罪行只能在提供所有公平审判保障的法庭审判。
Furthermore, the Committee does not consider courts of customary justice to constitute judicial institutions offering sufficient fair trial guarantees to enable them to try capital crimes.此外,委员会认为习惯法法院不构成提供充分的公平审判保障的司法机构,不能审判可判处死刑的罪行。
The issuance of a death penalty without any trial, for example in the form of a religious edict or military order that the State plans to carry out or allows to be carried out, violates both articles 6 and 14 of the Covenant.未经任何审判即判处死刑,例如以国家计划执行或允许执行的宗教法令 或军事命令的形式,违反《公约》第六和第十四条。
Any penalty of death can be carried out only pursuant to a final judgment, after an opportunity to resort to all judicial appeal procedures has been provided to the sentenced person, and after petitions to all other available non-judicial avenues have been resolved, including supervisory review by prosecutors or courts, and consideration of requests for official or private pardon.死刑只能依照最终判决执行,在此之前须向被判刑者提供诉诸所有司法上诉程序的机会,须解决向所有其他可用的非司法渠道提出的申诉,包括请检察官或法院开展监督复审的申诉,还须审议提出的官方或私人赦免请求。
Furthermore, death sentences must not be carried out as long as international interim measures requiring a stay of execution are in place.此外,凡是有国际临时措施要求暂缓处决的情况均不应执行死刑。
Such interim measures are designed to allow review of the sentence before international courts, human rights courts and commissions, and international monitoring bodies, such as the United Nations treaty bodies.此类临时措施是为了让国际法院、各人权法院和委员会及联合国条约机构等国际监督机构审查判刑情况。
Failure to implement such interim measures is incompatible with the obligation to respect in good faith the procedures established under the specific treaties governing the work of the relevant international bodies.不执行此类临时措施不符合真诚尊重具体条约建立的指导相关国际机构工作的程序的义务。
States parties are required pursuant to article 6 (4) to allow individuals sentenced to death to seek pardon or commutation, to ensure that amnesties, pardons and commutation can be granted to them in appropriate circumstances, and to ensure that sentences are not carried out before requests for pardon or commutation have been meaningfully considered and conclusively decided upon according to applicable procedures.缔约国应依照第六条第4款,允许被判死刑的个人寻求赦免或减刑,确保在适当情况下可给予他们大赦、赦免和减刑,并确保在赦免或减刑请求依照适用程序得到有意义的审议和最终决定之前不执行判决。
No category of sentenced persons can be a priori excluded from such measures of relief, nor should the conditions for attainment of relief be ineffective, unnecessarily burdensome, discriminatory in nature or applied in an arbitrary manner.不得先验地将任何类别的被判刑者排除在这种救济措施之外,获得救济的条件也不应无效或过于繁复、带有歧视或任意适用。
Article 6 (4) does not prescribe a particular procedure for the exercise of the right to seek pardon or commutation and States parties consequently retain discretion in spelling out the relevant procedures.第六条第4款没有规定行使寻求赦免或减刑权利的具体程序,因此缔约国保留自行决定详细说明相关程序的权利。
Still, such procedures should be specified in domestic legislation, and they should not afford the families of victims of crime a preponderant role in determining whether the death sentence should be carried out.然而,这种程序应在国内立法中具体规定, 不应让犯罪受害者的家属在决定是否执行死刑方面发挥主导作用。
Furthermore, pardon or commutation procedures must offer certain essential guarantees, including certainty about the processes followed and the substantive criteria applied and the rights for individuals sentenced to death to initiate pardon or commutation procedures and to make representations about their personal or other relevant circumstances, to be informed in advance when the request will be considered, and to be informed promptly about the outcome of the procedure.此外,赦免或减刑程序必须提供某些基本保障,包括确定所遵循的流程和适用的实质性标准,以及被判死刑的个人有权启动赦免或减刑程序,并就其个人或其他相关情况提出陈述,提前获悉审议请求的时间,以及迅速获悉该程序的结果。
Article 6 (5) prohibits the imposition of the death penalty for crimes committed by persons below the age of 18 at the time of the offence.第六条第5款禁止对犯罪时不满18岁的人所犯罪行判处死刑。
This necessarily implies that such persons can never face the death penalty for that offence, regardless of their age at the time of sentencing or at the time foreseen for carrying out the sentence.这必然意味着这些人永远不会因该罪行面临死刑,无论他们在判刑时或预计执行判决时的年龄如何。
If there is no reliable and conclusive proof that the person was not below the age of 18 at the time the crime was committed, he or she will have the right to the benefit of the doubt and the death penalty cannot be imposed.如果没有可靠确凿的证据证明犯罪时该人未满18岁,该人将有权享有疑点利益,不得判处死刑。
Article 6 (5) also prohibits States parties from carrying out the death penalty on pregnant women.第六条第5款还禁止缔约国对孕妇执行死刑。
States parties must refrain from imposing the death penalty on individuals who face special barriers in defending themselves on an equal basis with others, such as persons whose serious psychosocial or intellectual disabilities impede their effective defence, and on persons who have limited moral culpability.对于面临特殊障碍、难以与他人平等地进行自我辩护的个人,如存在严重社会心理和智力障碍而妨碍其进行有效辩护的个人, 以及道德罪责有限的个人,缔约国不应判处死刑。
They should also refrain from executing persons who have a diminished ability to understand the reasons for their sentence, and persons whose execution would be exceptionally cruel or would lead to exceptionally harsh results for them and their families, such as persons of advanced age, parents of very young or dependent children, and individuals who have suffered serious human rights violations in the past.缔约国还应避免处决理解判决理由的能力减弱的人; 对于处决会对本人及其家人极其残酷或造成极其严厉后果的人,如老年人、 子女年幼或仍受其抚养的父母以及以往遭受过严重侵犯人权行为的个人,缔约国也应避免处决。
Article 6 (6) reaffirms the position that States parties that are not yet totally abolitionist should be on an irrevocable path towards complete eradication of the death penalty, de facto and de jure, in the foreseeable future.第六条第6款重申的立场是,尚未彻底废除死刑的缔约国应走上一条不可逆转的道路,争取在可预见的将来在事实和法律上完全废除死刑。
The death penalty cannot be reconciled with full respect for the right to life, and abolition of the death penalty is both desirable and necessary for the enhancement of human dignity and progressive development of human rights.死刑与充分尊重生命权不可调和。 废除死刑不仅合乎需要, 而且十分必要,可以强化人类尊严,促进人权逐步发展。
It is contrary to the object and purpose of article 6 for States parties to take steps to increase de facto the rate of use of and the extent to which they resort to the death penalty, or to reduce the number of pardons and commutations they grant.缔约国采取步骤在事实上加快死刑的执行速度、扩大死刑的适用范围 或减少授予赦免和减刑,都与第六条的目标和宗旨背道而驰。
Although the allusion to the conditions for application of the death penalty in article 6 (2) suggests that when drafting the Covenant, the States parties did not universally regard the death penalty as a cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment per se, subsequent agreements by the States parties or subsequent practice establishing such agreements may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the death penalty is contrary to article 7 of the Covenant under all circumstances.第六条第2款提到适用死刑的条件表明,在起草《公约》时,缔约国并没有普遍认为死刑本身是一种残忍、不人道或有辱人格的处罚, 但缔约国缔结的嗣后协定或确立此类协定的嗣后实践可最终得出这样的结论,即死刑在任何情况下都违反《公约》第七条。
The increasing number of States parties to the Second Optional Protocol to the Covenant, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, other international instruments prohibiting the imposition or carrying out of the death penalty, and the growing number of non-abolitionist States that have nonetheless introduced a de facto moratorium on the exercise of the death penalty, suggest that considerable progress may have been made towards establishing an agreement among the States parties to consider the death penalty as a cruel, inhuman or degrading form of punishment.旨在废除死刑的《公约第二项任择议定书》的缔约国越来越多,其他国际文书禁止判处或执行死刑,以及越来越多的不废除死刑的国家事实上暂停执行死刑,都表明缔约国在形成共识,将死刑视为一种残忍、不人道或有辱人格的处罚形式方面可能已经取得了相当大的进展。
Such a legal development is consistent with the pro-abolitionist spirit of the Covenant, which manifests itself, inter alia, in the texts of article 6 (6) and the Second Optional Protocol.这种法律发展符合《公约》支持废除死刑的精神,这种精神除其他外体现在第六条第6款和《第二项任择议定书》的案文中。
Relationship of article 6 with other articles of the Covenant and other legal regimes第六条与《公约》其他条款和其他法律制度的关系
The standards and guarantees of article 6 both overlap and interact with other provisions of the Covenant.第六条的标准和保障与《公约》的其他条款重叠并相互作用。
Some forms of conduct simultaneously violate both article 6 and another article.某些形式的行为同时违反第六条和另一条。
For example, applying the death penalty in response to a crime that does not constitute a most serious crime (see also para. 35 above) would violate both article 6 (2) and, in light of the extreme nature of the punishment, article 7.例如,对不构成最严重犯罪的罪行适用死刑(另见上文第35段)违反第六条第2款,并且鉴于处罚的极端性质,还违反第七条。
At other times, the contents of article 6 (1) are informed by the contents of other articles.在其他时候,其他条款的内容为第六条第1款的内容提供参考。
For example, application of the death penalty may amount to an arbitrary deprivation of life under article 6 by virtue of the fact that it represents a punishment for exercising freedom of expression, in violation of article 19.例如,将适用死刑作为对行使言论自由的惩罚违反第十九条,也可构成第六条规定的任意剥夺生命行为。
Article 6 also reinforces the obligations of States parties under the Covenant and the Optional Protocol to protect individuals against reprisals for promoting and striving to protect and realize human rights, including through cooperation or communication with the Committee.第六条还加强了缔约国根据《公约》和《任择议定书》承担的义务,即保护个人不因促进及努力保护和实现人权而遭到报复,包括通过与委员会进行合作或联系的方式提供保护。
States parties must take the necessary measures to respond to death threats and to provide adequate protection to human rights defenders, including the creation and maintenance of a safe and enabling environment for defending human rights.缔约国必须采取必要措施应对死亡威胁,并向人权维护者提供充分保护, 包括为维护人权营造和维持安全有利的环境。
Torture and ill-treatment, which may seriously affect the physical and mental health of the mistreated individual, could also generate the risk of deprivation of life.酷刑和虐待可能严重影响受虐待个人的身心健康,也可能产生剥夺生命的风险。
Furthermore, criminal convictions resulting in the death penalty that are based on information procured by torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of interrogated persons would violate articles 7 and 14 (3) (g) of the Covenant, as well as article 6 (see also para. 41 above).此外,依据酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇获得的信息而进行刑事定罪、判处死刑,违反《公约》第七条和第十四条第3款(庚)项以及第六条(另见上文第41段)。
Returning individuals to countries where there are substantial grounds for believing that they face a real risk to their lives violates articles 6 and 7 of the Covenant (see also para. 31 above).将个人遣返到有充分理由相信其面临生命危险的国家违反《公约》第六和第七条(另见上文第31段)。
In addition, making an individual who has been sentenced to death believe that the sentence has been commuted only to inform him or her later that it has not, and placing an individual on death row pursuant to a death sentence that is void ab initio, would run contrary to both articles 6 and 7.此外,让已被判处死刑的个人认为已获减刑但此后又通知该人没有减刑, 以及依据自始无效的死刑判决将个人置于死囚区, 违反第六和第七条。
The arbitrary deprivation of life of an individual may cause his or her relatives mental suffering, which could amount to a violation of their own rights under article 7 of the Covenant.任意剥夺个人生命可能会给该人的亲属造成精神痛苦,这构成侵犯他们根据《公约》第七条享有的权利的情况。
Furthermore, even when the deprivation of life is not arbitrary, failure to provide relatives with information on the circumstances of the death of an individual may violate their rights under article 7, as could failure to inform them of the location of the body, and, where the death penalty is applied, of the date on which the State party plans to carry out the death penalty.此外,即使剥夺生命不是任意的,不向亲属提供关于个人死亡情况的信息也可能侵犯他们根据第七条享有的权利; 同样,不告知他们尸体的位置, 以及在适用死刑的情况下不告知缔约国计划执行死刑的日期,也可能侵犯他们的权利。
Relatives of individuals deprived of their life by the State must be able to receive the remains, if they so wish.被国家剥夺生命的个人的亲属如有意愿,必须能够接收遗体。
The right to life guaranteed by article 6 of the Covenant, including the right to protection of life under article 6 (1), may overlap with the right to security of person guaranteed by article 9 (1).《公约》第六条所保障的生命权,包括第六条第1款规定的生命受保护的权利,可能与第九条第1款规定的人身安全权产生重叠。
Extreme forms of arbitrary detention that are themselves life-threatening, in particular enforced disappearances, violate the right to personal liberty and personal security and are incompatible with the right to life (see also para. 58 below).本身威胁生命的极端形式的任意拘留,特别是强迫失踪,侵犯人身自由和人身安全权,不符合生命权(另见下文第58段)。
Failure to respect the procedural guarantees found in article 9 (3) and (4), designed inter alia to prevent disappearances, could also result in a violation of article 6.不遵守第九条第3和第4款中规定的防止失踪等的程序保障,也可能导致违反第六条的情况。
Enforced disappearance constitutes a unique and integrated series of acts and omissions representing a grave threat to life.强迫失踪是对生命构成严重威胁的一系列独特和综合的作为和不作为。
The deprivation of liberty, followed by a refusal to acknowledge that deprivation of liberty or by concealment of the fate of the disappeared person, in effect removes that person from the protection of the law and places his or her life at serious and constant risk, for which the State is accountable.剥夺自由,继而拒绝承认剥夺自由或隐瞒失踪者的生死,实际上使失踪者得不到法律保护并将其生命置于严重和持续的危险之中,国家对此负有责任。
It thus results in a violation of the right to life as well as other rights recognized in the Covenant, in particular, article 7 (prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment), article 9 (liberty and security of person) and article 16 (right to recognition as a person before the law).因此,这种情况造成生命权以及《公约》承认的其他权利受到侵犯,特别是第七条(禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚)、第九条(人身自由和安全)和第十六条(法律面前人格得到承认的权利)。
States parties must take adequate measures to prevent the enforced disappearance of individuals, and conduct an effective and speedy inquiry to establish the fate and whereabouts of persons who may have been subject to enforced disappearance.缔约国必须采取适足措施防止个人遭受强迫失踪,并开展有效和迅速的调查以确定可能遭受强迫失踪者的生死和下落。
States parties should also ensure that the enforced disappearance of persons is punished with appropriate criminal sanctions, and introduce prompt and effective procedures for cases of disappearance to be investigated thoroughly by independent and impartial bodies that operate, as a rule, within the ordinary criminal justice system.缔约国还应确保对强迫失踪的情况处以适当的刑事制裁,并建立迅速有效的程序,以便通常在普通刑事司法系统内运作的独立公正机构 对失踪案件开展彻底调查。
They should bring to justice the perpetrators of such acts and omissions and ensure that victims of enforced disappearance and their relatives are informed about the outcome of the investigation and are provided with full reparation.缔约国应当将此类作为和不作为的责任人绳之以法,并确保强迫失踪受害者及其亲属知晓调查结果并获得充分赔偿。
Under no circumstances should families of victims of enforced disappearance be obliged to declare them dead in order to be eligible for reparation.在任何情况下,不得迫使强迫失踪受害者的家属先宣布当事人死亡方可有资格获得赔偿。
States parties should also provide families of victims of disappeared persons with the means to regularize their legal status in relation to the disappeared persons after an appropriate period of time.缔约国还应向失踪人员受害者家属提供相应手段,使他们在适当时间后能够实现与失踪人员的法律地位关系的正常化。
A particular connection exists between article 6 and article 20, which prohibits any propaganda for war and certain forms of advocacy constituting incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.第六条与第二十条之间存在特殊联系。 第二十条禁止任何鼓吹战争的宣传和构成煽动歧视、敌对或暴力的某些形式倡导活动。
Failure to comply with these obligations under article 20 may also constitute a failure to take the necessary measures to protect the right to life under article 6.不遵守第二十条规定的这些义务也可能构成未采取必要措施保护第六条规定的生命权的情况。
Article 24 (1) of the Covenant entitles every child to such measures of protection as are required by his or her status as a minor, on the part of his or her family, society and the State.《公约》第二十四条第1款规定,每个儿童都有权享有家庭、社会和国家为其未成年地位给予的必要保护措施。
This article requires adoption of special measures designed to protect the life of every child, in addition to the general measures required by article 6 for protecting the lives of all individuals.除第六条要求的保护所有个人生命的一般措施之外, 该条还要求采取旨在保护每个儿童生命的特别措施。
When taking special measures of protection, States parties should be guided by the best interests of the child, and by the need to ensure all children’s survival, development and well-being.在采取特别保护措施时,缔约国应以儿童的最大利益 以及必须确保所有儿童生存、发展 和福祉为指导。
The right to life must be respected and ensured without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or any other status, including caste, ethnicity, membership of an indigenous group, sexual orientation or gender identity, disability, socioeconomic status, albinism and age.生命权必须得到尊重和保证,不得加以任何区别,如种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族或社会出身、财产、出生或任何其他身份,包括种姓、 族裔、土著群体成员身份、性取向或性别认同、 残疾、 社会经济地位、 白化病 和年龄 等。
Legal protections for the right to life must apply equally to all individuals and provide them with effective guarantees against all forms of discrimination, including multiple and intersectional forms of discrimination.保护生命权的法律措施必须平等适用于所有个人,并为他们提供有效保障,防止一切形式的歧视,包括多重和交叉形式的歧视。
Any deprivation of life based on discrimination in law or in fact is ipso facto arbitrary in nature.任何基于法律上或事实上的歧视而剥夺生命的行为当然具有任意性。
Femicide, which constitutes an extreme form of gender-based violence that is directed against girls and women, is a particularly grave form of assault on the right to life.杀害妇女是针对女孩和妇女的一种极端形式的性别暴力,是一种特别严重的侵犯生命权的形式。
Environmental degradation, climate change and unsustainable development constitute some of the most pressing and serious threats to the ability of present and future generations to enjoy the right to life.环境退化、气候变化和不可持续的发展对今世后代享有生命权构成最紧迫和严重的威胁。
The obligations of States parties under international environmental law should thus inform the content of article 6 of the Covenant, and the obligation of States parties to respect and ensure the right to life should also inform their relevant obligations under international environmental law.因此,缔约国根据国际环境法承担的义务应为《公约》第六条的内容提供参考,缔约国尊重和保证生命权的义务也应为其根据国际环境法承担的相关义务提供参考。
Implementation of the obligation to respect and ensure the right to life, and in particular life with dignity, depends, inter alia, on measures taken by States parties to preserve the environment and protect it against harm, pollution and climate change caused by public and private actors.履行尊重和保证生命权,特别是有尊严的生命权的义务,除其他外取决于缔约国采取措施保护环境,防止公共和私人行为者对环境造成损害、污染和气候变化。
States parties should therefore ensure sustainable use of natural resources, develop and implement substantive environmental standards, conduct environmental impact assessments and consult with relevant States about activities likely to have a significant impact on the environment, provide notification to other States concerned about natural disasters and emergencies and cooperate with them, provide appropriate access to information on environmental hazards and pay due regard to the precautionary approach.因此,缔约国应确保自然资源的可持续利用,制定和实施实质性环境标准,开展环境影响评估,并就可能对环境产生重大影响的活动与相关国家进行协商,向其他有关国家发出自然灾害和紧急情况的通报并与之合作,提供适当的获取环境危害信息的渠道,并适当注意预防方法。
In light of article 2 (1) of the Covenant, a State party has an obligation to respect and ensure the rights under article 6 of all persons who are within its territory and all persons subject to its jurisdiction, that is, all persons over whose enjoyment of the right to life it exercises power or effective control.有鉴于《公约》第二条第1款的规定,对于在缔约国领土内和受其管辖的所有人,也即对于缔约国对其享有生命权行使着权力或有效控制的所有人,缔约国有义务尊重并保证他们按第六条应享有的权利。
This includes persons located outside any territory effectively controlled by the State whose right to life is nonetheless affected by its military or other activities in a direct and reasonably foreseeable manner (see para. 22 above).这包括位于缔约国有效控制的任何领土之外但其生命权仍然以直接和可合理预见的方式受到缔约国军事活动或其他活动影响的人(见上文第22段)。
States also have obligations under international law not to aid or assist activities undertaken by other States and non-State actors that violate the right to life.根据国际法,各国也有义务不援助或协助其他国家和非国家行为者开展侵犯生命权的活动。
Furthermore, States parties must respect and protect the lives of individuals located in places that are under their effective control, such as occupied territories, and in territories over which they have assumed an international obligation to apply the Covenant.此外,缔约国必须尊重和保护在诸如占领的领土等其有效控制下的地方和在其承担了适用《公约》的国际义务的领土上的个人的生命。
States parties are also required to respect and protect the lives of all individuals located on marine vessels and aircraft registered by them or flying their flag, and of those individuals who find themselves in a situation of distress at sea, in accordance with their international obligations on rescue at sea.缔约国还必须依照其海上救援国际义务,尊重和保护在其注册或悬挂其国旗的船只和飞机上的所有个人以及在海上遇险的个人的生命。
Given that the deprivation of liberty brings a person within a State’s effective control, States parties must respect and protect the right to life of all individuals arrested or detained by them, even if held outside their territory.鉴于剥夺自由将个人置于国家的实际控制之下,缔约国必须尊重和保护所有被其拘捕或拘留的个人的生命权,即使他们被关押在该国领土之外。
Like the rest of the Covenant, article 6 continues to apply also in situations of armed conflict to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable, including to the conduct of hostilities.和《公约》的其他条款一样,第六条在适用国际人道法规则的武装冲突情况中也仍然适用,包括适用于敌对行动。
While rules of international humanitarian law may be relevant for the interpretation and application of article 6 when the situation calls for their application, both spheres of law are complementary, not mutually exclusive.虽然国际人道法规则可能在情况要求适用时才与第六条的解释和适用相关,但这两个法律领域是互补的,而不是相互排斥的。
Use of lethal force consistent with international humanitarian law and other applicable international law norms is, in general, not arbitrary.一般而言,使用符合国际人道法和其他适用国际法规范的致命武力不具有任意性。
By contrast, practices inconsistent with international humanitarian law, entailing a risk to the lives of civilians and other persons protected by international humanitarian law, including the targeting of civilians, civilian objects and objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, indiscriminate attacks, failure to apply the principles of precaution and proportionality, and the use of human shields would also violate article 6 of the Covenant.相反,不符合国际人道法并对平民和受国际人道法保护的其他人的生命构成威胁的做法,包括针对平民、民用物体和平民生存所必需的物品,以及不加区分的袭击、未能适用预防和相称性原则以及使用人盾,都同样违反《公约》第六条。
States parties should, in general, disclose the criteria for attacking with lethal force individuals or objects whose targeting is expected to result in deprivation of life, including the legal basis for specific attacks, the process of identification of military targets and combatants or persons taking a direct part in hostilities, the circumstances in which relevant means and methods of warfare have been used, and whether less harmful alternatives were considered.缔约国通常应当披露使用致命武力攻击个人或物体并预计针对这些目标将造成剥夺生命情况的标准,包括具体攻击的法律依据、辨别军事目标和战斗人员或直接参与敌对行动者的过程、使用相关战争手段和方式的情况, 以及是否考虑过采取危害较小的替代办法。
They must also investigate alleged or suspected violations of article 6 in situations of armed conflict in accordance with the relevant international standards (see paras. 27–28 above).缔约国还必须根据依照国际标准,调查武装冲突局势中据称或涉嫌违反第六条的情况(见上文第27至28段)。
States parties engaged in the deployment, use, sale or purchase of existing weapons and in the study, development, acquisition or adoption of weapons, and means or methods of warfare, must always consider their impact on the right to life.参与部署、使用、销售或购买现有武器以及研究、开发、获取或采用武器和战争手段或方法的缔约国必须始终考虑这些武器对生命权的影响。
For example, the development of autonomous weapon systems lacking in human compassion and judgment raises difficult legal and ethical questions concerning the right to life, including questions relating to legal responsibility for their use.例如,开发缺乏人类同情心和判断力的自主武器系统,提出了有关生命权的法律和伦理难题,包括使用这些武器的法律责任问题。
The Committee is therefore of the view that such weapon systems should not be developed and put into operation, either in times of war or in times of peace, unless it has been established that their use conforms with article 6 and other relevant norms of international law.因此,委员会认为,无论在战争时期还是在和平时期都不应开发和投入使用这种武器系统,除非已经确定其使用符合第六条和国际法其他相关准则。
The threat or use of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons, which are indiscriminate in effect and are of a nature to cause destruction of human life on a catastrophic scale, is incompatible with respect for the right to life and may amount to a crime under international law.威胁或使用大规模毁灭性武器,特别是核武器,具有滥杀滥伤作用,并具有造成灾难性规模的毁灭生命的性质,不符合尊重生命权的要求,可能构成国际法规定的罪行。
States parties must take all necessary measures to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including measures to prevent their acquisition by non-State actors, to refrain from developing, producing, testing, acquiring, stockpiling, selling, transferring and using them, to destroy existing stockpiles, and to take adequate measures of protection against accidental use, all in accordance with their international obligations.缔约国必须采取一切制止大规模毁灭性武器扩散的必要措施,包括防止非国家行为者获取这类武器的措施,避免开发、生产、试验、获取、储存、销售、转让和使用这类武器,销毁现有储存,并采取充分的保护措施防止意外使用,所有这些都符合缔约国的国际义务。
They must also respect their international obligations to pursue in good faith negotiations in order to achieve the aim of nuclear disarmament under strict and effective international control, and to afford adequate reparation to victims whose right to life has been or is being adversely affected by the testing or use of weapons of mass destruction, in accordance with principles of international responsibility.缔约国还必须遵守其真诚谈判的国际义务,以便在严格有效的国际控制下实现核裁军的目标, 并依照国际责任原则,向生命权已经或正在受到试验或使用大规模毁灭性武器造成的不利影响的受害者提供充分赔偿。
Article 6 is included in the list of non-derogable rights in article 4 (2) of the Covenant.第六条被列入《公约》第四条第2款的不可克减权利清单。
Hence, the guarantees against arbitrary deprivation of life contained in article 6 continue to apply in all circumstances, including in situations of armed conflict and other public emergencies.因此,第六条所载防止任意剥夺生命的保障仍然适用于所有情况,包括武装冲突和其他公共紧急状况。
The existence and nature of a public emergency that threatens the life of the nation may, however, be relevant to a determination of whether a particular act or omission leading to deprivation of life is arbitrary and to a determination of the scope of the positive measures that States parties must take.然而,是否存在危及国家生存的公共紧急状态以及该状态的性质,可能与判定导致剥夺生命的特定作为或不作为是否具有任意性以及判定缔约国必须采取的积极措施的范围相关。
Although some Covenant rights other than the right to life may be subject to derogation, derogable rights that support the application of article 6 must not be diminished by measures of derogation.虽然除生命权以外的某些《公约》权利可以克减,但克减措施不得减损支持适用第六条的可克减权利。
Such rights include procedural guarantees, such as the right to fair trial in death penalty cases, and accessible and effective measures to vindicate rights, such as the duty to take appropriate measures to investigate, prosecute, punish and remedy violations of the right to life.这些权利包括程序保障,如死刑案件中的公平审判权,还包括维护权利的可用和有效措施,如采取适当措施调查、起诉、惩治和补救侵犯生命权行为的义务。
Reservations with respect to the peremptory and non-derogable obligations set out in article 6 are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Covenant.对第六条规定的强制性和不可克减义务的保留不符合《公约》的目标和宗旨。
In particular, no reservation is permitted to the prohibition against arbitrary deprivation of life of persons and to the strict limits provided in article 6 with respect to the application of the death penalty.尤其不允许对禁止任意剥夺人的生命和第六条关于适用死刑的严格限制作出任何保留。
Wars and other acts of mass violence continue to be a scourge of humanity resulting in the loss of many thousands of lives every year.战争和其他大规模暴力行为仍然是人类的祸患,每年造成成千上万人丧生。
Efforts to avert the risks of war and any other armed conflict, and to strengthen international peace and security, are among the most important safeguards of the right to life.努力避免战争和任何其他武装冲突的风险,加强国际和平与安全,属于对生命权的最重要保障。
States parties engaged in acts of aggression as defined in international law, resulting in deprivation of life, violate ipso facto article 6 of the Covenant.缔约国从事国际法界定的侵略行为并造成剥夺生命的情况,这种事实本身就违反《公约》第六条。
At the same time, all States are reminded of their responsibility as members of the international community to protect lives and to oppose widespread or systematic attacks on the right to life, including acts of aggression, international terrorism, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, while respecting all of their obligations under international law.与此同时,各国需谨记作为国际社会成员有责任保护生命,反对广泛或有系统的攻击生命权行为, 包括反对侵略行为、国际恐怖主义、种族灭绝、危害人类罪和战争罪,同时应尊重国际法规定的所有义务。
States parties that fail to take all reasonable measures to settle their international disputes by peaceful means might fall short of complying with their positive obligation to ensure the right to life.缔约国如不能采取一切合理措施以和平手段解决国际争端,则可能未尽到保证生命权的积极义务。
* Adopted by the Committee at its 124th session (8 October–2 November 2018).* 委员会第一二四届会议(2018年10月8日至11月2日)通过。