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CEDAW/C/GC/38 2015666E.docx (ENGLISH)CEDAW/C/GC/38 2015666C.docx (CHINESE)
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women消除对妇女歧视委员会
General recommendation No. 38 (2020) on trafficking in women and girls in the context of global migration关于全球移民背景下贩运妇女和女童问题的第38号一般性建议(2020年)
Objectives and scope目标和范围
Legal framework法律框架
Root causes of trafficking in women and girls贩运妇女和女童的根源
Socioeconomic injustice社会经济不公
Discrimination in migration and asylum regimes移民和庇护制度中的歧视
Demand that fosters exploitation and leads to trafficking助长剥削和导致人口贩运的需求
Situations of conflict and humanitarian emergencies冲突局势和人道主义紧急情况
Use of digital technology in trafficking数字技术在人口贩运中的使用
Assistance and protection for women and girls who are victims of trafficking向妇女和女童贩运受害者提供援助和保护
Victim identification受害者识别
Victim assistance and protection受害者援助和保护
Access for victims to justice受害者诉诸法律的途径
Remedies for victims of trafficking对人口贩运受害者的补救措施
Investigations, prosecutions and punishment of perpetrators对犯罪者的调查、起诉和惩罚
Addressing the root causes of trafficking in women and girls消除贩运妇女和女童的根源
Upholding victims’ rights维护受害者的权利
Gender-sensitive court proceedings敏感对待性别问题的法庭程序
Data collection and legislative, policy and institutional frameworks数据收集以及立法、政策和体制框架
Dissemination and reporting传播和报告
Treaty ratification or accession批准或加入条约
Article 6 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women sets out the legal obligation of States parties to take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to suppress all forms of trafficking in women and exploitation of prostitution of women.《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第6条规定,缔约国有法律义务采取一切适当措施,包括制定法律,以禁止一切形式贩卖妇女和强迫妇女卖淫对她们进行剥削的行为。
Despite the plethora of existing legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking at the national, regional and international levels, women and girls continue to comprise the majority of detected victims of trafficking across the world, and perpetrators enjoy widespread impunity.尽管国家、区域和国际各级在打击贩运方面有大量法律和政策框架,但在全世界发现的人口贩运受害者中,妇女和女童仍然占大多数,犯罪者普遍逍遥法外。
In the view of the Committee, the situation persists due to a lack of appreciation of the gender dimensions of trafficking overall and, in particular, of the trafficking of women and girls who are exposed to various types of exploitation, including sexual exploitation.委员会认为,这种情况之所以持续存在,是因为总体上缺乏对贩运的性别层面的认识,特别是对遭受不同类型剥削(包括性剥削)的妇女和女童的贩运。
A gender analysis of the crime reveals that its root causes lie in sex-based discrimination, including the failure to address the prevailing economic and patriarchal structures and the adverse and gender-differentiated impact of the labour, migration and asylum regimes of States parties that create the situations of vulnerability leading to women and girls being trafficked.对犯罪的性别情况分析表明,其根源在于基于性别的歧视,包括未能解决普遍存在的经济和父权结构问题,以及缔约国劳工、移民和庇护制度对不同性别造成的不同的不利影响,这些制度造成了脆弱处境,导致妇女和女童被贩运。
Globally dominant economic policies further exacerbate large-scale economic inequality between States and between individuals, which manifests as labour exploitation, including denial by corporations, public procurement officials and employers of an obligation to ensure that there are no trafficked persons in their supply or production chains.占全球主导地位的经济政策进一步加剧了国家之间和个人之间的大规模经济不平等,表现为劳工剥削,包括公司、公共采购官员和雇主拒绝履行确保其供应或生产链中没有被贩运人口的义务。
Globalized macroeconomic and political factors, including the privatization of public goods, deregulated labour markets, the shrinking of the welfare State, and austerity measures forming part of structural adjustment policies and as an aid conditionality, often exacerbate unemployment and poverty and produce economic injustices that have a disproportionate impact on women.全球化的宏观经济和政治因素,包括公共产品私有化、劳动力市场缺乏管制、福利国家缩减、作为结构调整政策和援助条件部分内容的紧缩措施,往往加剧失业和贫困,并产生对妇女造成不成比例影响的经济不公状况。
Often accompanied by other economic policies, such as reduction in government spending on social services and the privatization of public goods and services, regressive tax shifts and labour market reforms all severely hamper States’ abilities to implement social policies that form the basis for dismantling structural inequalities, including gender inequalities and violations of women’s human rights in various spheres.这往往伴随着其他经济政策,如政府减少社会服务支出、公共产品和服务的私有化、累退税转移和劳动力市场改革,所有这些都严重限制了各国的能力,难以执行为消除结构性不平等奠定基础的社会政策,这些不平等包括性别不平等和在不同领域侵犯妇女人权的行为。
Reduced social expenditure further shifts the responsibilities for basic social services from the Government to women.社会支出减少进一步将提供基本社会服务的责任从政府转移到妇女身上。
Those factors reinforce, and are perpetuated by, discriminatory cultural and social norms that engender the oppression of various groups of women.这些因素强化了造成对不同妇女群体的压迫的歧视性文化和社会规范,后者又反过来使这些因素长期存在。
Objectives and scope目标和范围
Mandated under article 21 of the Convention to develop general recommendations with the aim of clarifying the obligation of States parties to combat discrimination against women and girls, the Committee advances that a life free from being trafficked must be recognized as a human right and appropriate conditions must be created for that right to be fully enjoyed by women and girls.《公约》第二十一条授权委员会拟定一般性建议,以澄清缔约国打击对妇女和女童歧视的义务。 委员会主张,必须承认不被贩卖的生活是一项人权,必须为妇女和女童充分享有这一权利创造适当条件。
States parties must pursue all appropriate means to eradicate trafficking and exploitation of prostitution to ensure that laws, systems, regulations and funding are in place to make the realization of that right effective, rather than illusory.缔约国必须采取一切适当手段根除贩运和从卖淫中营利的行为,以确保法律、制度、条例和资金到位,有效实现这项权利,而不是虚无缥缈。
The provisions of the Convention are mutually reinforcing so as to provide complete protection.《公约》的条款相辅相成,提供全面保护。
The present general recommendation links article 6 of the Convention with all other articles of the Convention and the existing jurisprudence of the Committee.本一般性建议将《公约》第六条与所有其他条款和委员会现有判例联系起来。
The present general recommendation contextualizes the implementation of the obligations of States parties to combat all forms of trafficking, as stipulated in article 6 of the Convention, in the context of global migration.本一般性建议将履行《公约》第六条规定的缔约国打击一切形式贩运的义务置于全球移民的背景下。
Pathways of trafficking in persons often align with mixed migration flows.人口贩运的途径往往与混合移民流动相一致。
The Committee highlights the particular vulnerability of smuggled women and girls to being trafficked and underlines the conditions created by restrictive migration and asylum regimes that push migrants towards irregular pathways.委员会强调被偷运的妇女和女童特别容易遭到贩运,并强调,限制性的移民和庇护制度造成的状况将移民推向非正规途径。
In the present general recommendation, the Committee affirms that it is a priority duty of States, both individually and collectively, to prevent women and girls from exposure to the risk of being trafficked.在本一般性建议中,委员会确认,各国不论是单独还是集体,都有优先义务防止妇女和女童面临被贩运的风险。
States are also obliged to discourage the demand that fosters exploitation and leads to trafficking.各国还有义务抑制助长剥削和导致人口贩运的需求。
It has set out practical guidance on implementing anti-trafficking interventions that are based on an approach incorporating a gender and intersectional perspective, with the focus placed on realizing the human rights of women and girls as a strategic priority for achieving sustainable development.该建议提供了实际指导,以具备性别视角和跨部门视角的方法为基础,落实打击人口贩运的措施,专注于实现妇女和女童人权,将这作为实现可持续发展的战略优先事项。
It recalls the obligations of States parties under international law, including the jurisprudence of the Committee, to identify, assist and protect survivors of trafficking, to prevent their revictimization and to ensure their access to justice and the punishment of perpetrators.建议回顾,缔约国根据国际法,包括委员会的判例,有义务发现、协助和保护贩运幸存者,防止他们再次受害,确保他们能诉诸法律并惩罚犯罪者。
The Committee acknowledges that the causes, consequences and experiences of trafficking differ for young girls, for adolescent girls and for adult women.委员会承认,对于女童、少女和成年妇女来说,被贩卖的原因、后果和经历各不相同。
It highlights the additional vulnerability of girls due to the intersecting characteristics of sex and age, recalling that children who are victims of trafficking are entitled to enhanced substantive and procedural protections under international law.委员会强调指出,由于性别和年龄共同作用产生的特点,女孩更加脆弱,并回顾说,贩运活动的儿童受害者有权根据国际法获得更强的实质性和程序性保护。
The Committee encourages States parties to address the full spectrum of those differences, ensuring age-appropriate and child-centred anti-trafficking response measures, where appropriate.委员会鼓励缔约国全面处理所有这些差异,确保酌情采取适宜于年龄和以儿童为中心的反贩运对策。
Legal framework法律框架
Article 6 of the Convention is based on article 8 of the Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, which provides that all appropriate measures, including legislation, be taken to combat all forms of trafficking in women and exploitation of prostitution of women.《公约》第六条以《消除对妇女歧视宣言》第八条为基础,该条规定,应采取一切适当措施,包括立法,打击一切形式的贩运妇女和从妇女卖淫中营利的行为。
International law on the question was codified and developed in the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others.《禁止贩卖人口及取缔意图营利使人卖淫的公约》编纂和发展了关于这一问题的国际法。
This legal basis requires that article 6 be read as an indivisible provision, which links trafficking and sexual exploitation.这一法律依据要求将第六条理解为一个不可分割的条款,其中将人口贩运和性剥削联系在一起。
While trafficking is defined as a criminal offence in international law, the primary obligation of States parties is to address trafficking in a way that respects, protects and fulfils the human rights of persons, in particular those belonging to marginalized groups, as set out in the core United Nations human rights treaties, drawing from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.虽然贩运在国际法中被定义为刑事犯罪,但缔约国的首要义务是以尊重、保护和实现个人人权、特别是边缘化群体人权的方式处理贩运问题,这是根据《世界人权宣言》制定的联合国核心人权条约所规定的。
The Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking elaborated by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2002, and the commentary thereon elaborated in 2010, provide an important soft law framework for integrating a human rights-based approach into all anti-trafficking interventions.联合国人权事务高级专员办事处拟定的2002年《建议采用的人权与贩运人口问题原则和准则》及其2010年评注为将基于人权的方针纳入所有打击贩运措施提供了重要的软法框架。
The Committee affirms that discrimination against women and girls includes gender-based violence, the prohibition of which has evolved into a principle of customary international law.委员会确认,对妇女和女童的歧视包括性别暴力,禁止性别暴力已成为习惯国际法的一项原则。
Recognizing the gender-specific nature of the various forms of trafficking in women and girls and their consequences, including with regard to harms suffered, the Committee acknowledges that trafficking and exploitation of prostitution in women and girls is unequivocally a phenomenon rooted in structural, sex-based discrimination, constituting gender-based violence, and is often exacerbated in the contexts of displacement, migration, the increased globalization of economic activities, including global supply chains, the extractive and offshore industries, increased militarism, foreign occupation, armed conflict, violent extremism and terrorism.委员会认识到各种形式的贩运妇女和女童行为的性别特殊性及其后果,包括造成的伤害,承认贩运妇女和女童、从其卖淫中牟利的现象无疑根植于结构性的性别歧视,构成性别暴力,而且往往在流离失所、移民、经济活动全球化(包括全球供应链)提升、采掘业和离岸工业、军事化水平提高、外国占领、武装冲突、暴力极端主义和恐怖主义的背景下加剧。
The internationally accepted legal definition of trafficking in persons is set out in article 3 of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime:《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》第三条规定了国际公认的人口贩运法律定义:
“Trafficking in persons” shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.“人口贩运”系指为剥削目的而通过暴力威胁或使用暴力手段,或通过其他形式的胁迫,通过诱拐、欺诈、欺骗、滥用权力或滥用脆弱境况,或通过授受酬金或利益取得对另一人有控制权的某人的同意等手段招募、运送、转移、窝藏或接收人员。
Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs;剥削应至少包括利用他人卖淫进行剥削或其他形式的性剥削、强迫劳动或服务、奴役或类似奴役的做法、劳役或切除器官;
The consent of a victim of trafficking in persons to the intended exploitation set forth in subparagraph (a) of this article shall be irrelevant where any of the means set forth in subparagraph (a) have been used;如果已使用本条(a)项所述任何手段,则人口贩运活动被害人对(a)项所述的预谋进行的剥削所表示的同意并不相干。
The Committee emphasizes that the realities of trafficking in women and girls extend beyond the scope of the Trafficking in Persons Protocol, such as in the recent trends and role of information and communications technology, social media and messaging applications in the recruitment of women and girls and their exploitation.委员会强调,贩运妇女和女童的现实情况超出了《打击人口贩运议定书》的范围,比如近期趋势所体现的情况,以及信息和通信技术、社交媒体和聊天应用程序在招募妇女和女童并对其进行剥削方面的作用。
It acknowledges that the definition of trafficking in persons extends beyond situations in which physical violence has been used or the victim has been deprived of personal liberty.委员会承认,贩运人口的定义不仅限于使用身体暴力或剥夺受害者人身自由的情形。
Its examination of the reports of States parties has revealed that the abuse of a position of vulnerability and the abuse of power are the most common means used to commit the crime of trafficking and that victims are often subjected to multiple forms of exploitation.委员会对缔约国报告的审议表明,利用人们的脆弱境况和滥用权力是贩运犯罪的最常见手段,受害者往往受到多种形式的剥削。
Combating trafficking in women and girls in the context of global migration requires the engagement of the larger protection framework stemming from international humanitarian law, refugee law, criminal law, labour law and international private law, the conventions against statelessness, slavery and the slave trade and international human rights law instruments.在全球移民背景下打击贩运妇女和女童行为需要运用范围更广的保护框架,此类框架应基于国际人道主义法、难民法、刑法、劳工法和国际私法、消除无国籍问题、奴隶制和奴隶贸易的公约以及国际人权法文书。
The Convention reinforces and complements the regional and international law regime for victims of trafficking, in particular in cases in which explicit gender equality provisions are absent from international agreements.《公约》加强和补充了针对贩运受害者的区域和国际法制度,特别是在国际协议中没有明确性别平等条款的情况下。
The Committee recognizes that women and girls retain the concurrent protection of those legal instruments.委员会确认,妇女和女童同时受到这些法律文书的保护。
Trafficking and sexual exploitation in women and girls is a human rights violation and can be a threat to international peace and security.贩卖妇女和女童和对其进行性剥削是侵犯人权的行为,可能对国际和平与安全造成威胁。
The positive obligation of States parties to prohibit trafficking is reinforced by international criminal law, including the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, in which enslavement, sexual slavery and enforced prostitution are recognized as crimes that may fall within the jurisdiction of the Court.包括《国际刑事法院罗马规约》在内的国际刑法强化了缔约国禁止贩运的积极义务,《罗马规约》确认,奴役、性奴役和强迫卖淫是可能属于法院管辖范围的罪行。
Obligations flowing to non-State actors to respect the prohibition of trafficking also arise from the peremptory norm (jus cogens) prohibiting slavery, the slave trade and torture, and the Committee notes that, in certain cases, trafficking in women and girls may amount to such rights violations.非国家行为体禁止贩运的义务也源于禁止奴隶制、贩卖奴隶和酷刑的强制性规范(强行法),委员会指出,在某些情况下,贩运妇女和女童可能构成此类对权利的侵犯。
Strategic global action by States to combat trafficking, especially in women and girls, must happen within the commitments set out in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as in the context of the implementation of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons and Security Council resolutions.各国打击贩运的全球战略行动,特别是打击贩运妇女和女童的行动,必须在《安全、有序和正常移民全球契约》和《2030年可持续发展议程》承诺的范围内以及执行《联合国打击贩运人口全球行动计划》和安全理事会决议的背景下进行。
States parties bear a legal obligation to respect and ensure the rights set out in the Convention to anyone within their power or effective control, even if not situated within their respective territories.缔约国负有法律义务,应尊重和确保在其权利范围内或者有效控制下的任何人都享受《公约》所规定的权利, 即使不在其领土之内。
The direct obligation of States parties to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish acts of trafficking in women and girls and offer redress to victims extends to the acts or omissions of all perpetrators, including private persons, family members and intimate partners, State-mandated actors and officials, organizations and businesses, as well as non-State actors, including armed terrorist groups.缔约国预防、调查、起诉和惩治贩运妇女和女童行为并向受害者提供补救的直接义务还拓展到所有犯罪者的行为或不作为,包括私人、家庭成员和亲密伴侣、国家授权的行为体和官员、组织和企业,以及非国家行为体,包括武装恐怖团体。
Root causes of trafficking in women and girls贩运妇女和女童的根源
Identifying, addressing and eliminating the following root causes are key elements of the obligation of States parties to prevent trafficking and sexual exploitation in women and girls in the context of global migration:查明、解决和消除以下根源问题是缔约国履行义务,在全球移民背景下防止贩运妇女和女童和对其进行性剥削的关键要素:
the systemic gender-based discrimination that creates the economic and social injustices experienced disproportionately by women and girls;系统性的性别歧视,造成妇女和女童在经济和社会方面不成比例地遭受不公正待遇;
situations of conflict and humanitarian emergencies, including the consequent displacement;冲突局势和人道主义紧急情况,包括随之而来的流离失所;
discrimination in migration and asylum regimes;and移民和庇护制度中的歧视;
the demand that fosters exploitation and leads to trafficking.助长剥削和导致人口贩运的需求。
Criminal law alone is unable to address or redress the crime of trafficking, due to the uneven harmonization of laws, including the definition of trafficking, both between countries and within countries, the complexity of the financial operations and the powerlessness of justice systems, which are often corrupt, underfunded and underresourced, to fight against powerful trafficking networks.仅靠刑法无法处理或纠正贩运罪行,原因是各国之间和国家内部的法律不统一,包括对贩运的定义,金融运作的复杂性,以及司法系统的无力,这些系统往往腐败滋生、资金不足、资源不足,无法打击强大的贩运网络。
An effective anti‑trafficking response ensuring that women and girls are able to exercise their fundamental rights must therefore engage all substantive provisions of the Convention and be read within the international human rights treaty framework.因此,为了制定确保妇女和女童能够行使其基本权利、有效的打击贩运对策,必须在国际人权条约框架的范围内理解《公约》所有实质性条款并加以运用。
Socioeconomic injustice社会经济不公
Trafficking in women and girls is rooted in sex-based and gender-based discrimination, gender-based structural inequality and the feminization of poverty.贩运妇女和女童的根源在于基于性别的歧视、基于性别的结构性不平等和贫困的“女性化”。
The women and girls who are most vulnerable to being trafficked are those belonging to marginalized groups, such as women and girls living in rural and remote areas, those belonging to indigenous and ethnic minority communities, women and girls with disabilities, women and girls with an irregular migration status, as well as those who are displaced, stateless or at risk of statelessness, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls, including those whose claims have been rejected, women and girls living in or coming from conflict or post-conflict settings and girls without care or in alternative care, and their life experiences are marked by serious rights deprivation.最容易被贩卖的妇女和女童属于边缘化群体,如生活在农村和边远地区的妇女和女童、属于土著和少数民族社区的妇女和女童、残疾妇女和女童、非正常移民身份的妇女和女童,以及流离失所、无国籍或面临无国籍风险、作为难民、寻求庇护(包括那些申请被驳回的人)的妇女和女童、生活在冲突或冲突后环境中或来自此类环境的妇女和女童,以及没有人照料或接受“替代照料”的女童,她们的人生充满权利被严重剥夺的经历。
Members of those groups often experience social, political and economic exclusion, resulting in their being more likely to be impoverished, uneducated or undereducated, unregistered or undocumented and unemployed or underemployed, to carry the burden of household and childcare responsibilities, to face restricted access to State benefits, protection and services, to experience intimate partner and domestic violence, abuse and neglect in the family environment, to be in care institutions and to be subjected to child, forced and servile marriage or deprivations due to widowhood.属于这些群体的人往往面临社会、政治和经济上的排斥,导致他们更可能遭受贫困,受不到教育或教育不足,无登记或无证件,失业或未充分就业,背负家务和育儿责任,获得国家福利、保护和服务受到限制,受到来自亲密伴侣和家人的暴力,在家庭环境中遭受虐待和忽视,身处照护机构中,遭受童婚、强迫婚姻、奴役婚姻,或因丧偶而遭受剥夺。
Such situations can be aggravated by the additional burden of an impairment or severe illness that is a consequence of trafficking, including sexual exploitation.由于被贩运(包括性剥削)而导致的损伤或严重疾病造成的额外负担可能会加剧此类情况。
Women and girls continue to be the prime targets of traffickers for specific forms of exploitation, owing to the pervasive and persistent gender and age inequalities that result in an economic, social and legal status of women and girls that is lower in comparison with that which is enjoyed by men and boys.由于普遍和持续存在的性别和年龄不平等,导致妇女和女童的经济、社会和法律地位低于男子和男童享有的地位,她们仍然是人口贩运者进行特定形式剥削的主要目标。
Violations of all rights under the Convention may be found at the root of trafficking in women and girls and must be addressed as part of a transformative approach that empowers women and girls by promoting gender equality and their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, in line with Sustainable Development Goals 1, 3, 4–5, 8, 10–11, 13 and 16.在贩运妇女和女童行为的根源,可以发现侵犯《公约》规定的所有权利的行为,必须在变革性办法中处理这些侵犯行为,这种办法根据可持续发展目标1、3、4、5、8、10、11、13和16,通过促进性别平等、促进妇女和女童的公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利,来赋予她们力量。
Discrimination in migration and asylum regimes移民和庇护制度中的歧视
Migration is a constitutive element of modern society and can be empowering for women if they are able to migrate and work in conditions in which their dignity is respected.移民是现代社会的一个组成部分,如果妇女能够在尊重其尊严的条件下移民和工作,移民可以让她们变得更加强大。
Although it presents new social and economic opportunities for many women, migration may also place their human rights and security at risk, in particular if they are compelled to travel through irregular channels and/or it results in an irregular migration situation.移民虽然为许多妇女提供了新的社会和经济机会,但也可能危及她们的人权和安全,特别是在她们被迫通过非正常渠道旅行和(或)因此造成非正常移民的情况下。
Women and girls face an increased risk of being trafficked at all stages of the migration cycle – in transit, in reception and accommodation facilities, at borders and in destination countries.在移民周期的各个阶段,在途中、被接收时和住宿地点、在边境和目的地国家,妇女和女童都面临着更大的被贩卖风险。
Upon return, they may experience reprisals and revictimization.回国后,她们可能会遭到报复和再次受害。
Although States have a sovereign prerogative to manage their borders and regulate migration, they must do so in full compliance with their obligations as parties to the human rights treaties that they have ratified or to which they have acceded.尽管各国有主权权力控制其边界和规范移民事务,但在这样做的过程中必须完全履行自身作为已批准或已加入的人权条约的缔约方所承担的义务。
That includes transparency and accountability in the ways in which States govern migration and provide safe pathways guaranteeing the human rights of women throughout all stages of migration.这包括各国管理移民方式的透明度和问责制,并在移民的所有阶段提供保障妇女人权的安全途径。
Sex-specific or discriminatory migration and asylum policies establishing measures such as increased border control, refusal of entry, pushbacks, expulsion or detention limit the movement of women and girls fleeing from crises and conflict zones.针对具体性别或歧视性的移民和庇护政策规定了加强边境管制、拒绝入境、推回、驱逐或拘留等措施,限制了逃离危机和冲突地区的妇女和女童的流动。
They heighten their vulnerability to all forms of exploitation, in particular at points of transit, not least of which due to an increased need to use the services of people smugglers or other types of underground or criminal networks in order to move, both internally as well as internationally to evade border controls.这使她们更容易受到各种形式的剥削,特别是在过境点,尤其是因为需要更多使用人口走私者的服务或其他类型的地下或犯罪网络,以便在国内和跨国转移,逃避边境管制。
Girls who are unaccompanied or separated from their families or other support structures due to displacement are particularly vulnerable to being trafficked.由于流离失所而无人陪伴或与家人或其他支持机构分离的女孩特别容易被贩卖。
The Committee reaffirms that displacement has specific gender dimensions and that the Convention applies at every stage of the displacement cycle – during flight, in settlement and upon return.委员会重申,流离失所问题有具体的性别层面,《公约》适用于流离失所周期的所有阶段,包括逃离、定居和返回期间。
It has recognized that gender-based violence against women and girls is one of the major forms of persecution experienced by women and girls that may be grounds for granting refugee status and asylum and/or residence permits on humanitarian grounds.委员会承认,针对妇女和女童的性别暴力是妇女和女童遭受的主要迫害形式之一,可成为给予难民地位、庇护和(或)基于人道主义理由给予常住许可的理由。
Trafficking in women and girls breaches specific provisions of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and should therefore be recognized as legitimate grounds for international protection in law and in practice, in specific cases.贩运妇女和女童违反了《关于难民地位的公约》的具体规定,因此在具体情况下应被承认为在法律和实践中受到国际保护的合法理由。
Furthermore, refugee women and girls are highly vulnerable to trafficking and are in need of international protection, especially against refoulement.此外,难民妇女和女童非常容易被贩卖,需要国际保护,特别是防止被驱回。
Gender-neutral provisions in States’ migration policies contribute to limiting access for women to safe and regular migration pathways and to regular and decent job opportunities in transit and destination countries.各国移民政策中的性别中立条款限制了妇女获得安全和正规移民途径,以及在旅途和目的地国获得正规和体面工作的机会。
The ability for women to migrate is further restricted by gender-based stereotypes, discriminatory laws, discrimination and exploitation in recruitment, lack of available decent work and limited reliable information on migration.基于性别的成见、歧视性法律、招聘中的歧视和剥削、缺乏可得的体面工作、关于移民的可靠信息有限,进一步限制了妇女的移民能力。
Migrant women also face indirect discrimination from migration laws that have prerequisites such as a mandatory minimum income in order to obtain a visa.移民妇女还面临移民法的间接歧视,此类移民法要求具备强制性最低工资等条件,才能获得签证。
Given that women are often employed in low-wage and insecure employment, it is difficult for some women to satisfy such criteria.由于妇女往往从事低工资和不稳定的工作,一些妇女很难达到此类标准。
Visa regimes may be responsible for creating an economic and legal dependency on an employer or spouse, creating the conditions for exploitation and for such sponsors to operate with impunity.签证制度可能会造成对雇主或配偶的经济和法律依赖,为剥削创造条件,让此类提供担保者在不受惩罚的情况下行事。
The temporary or seasonal work in which migrant women are often engaged may not offer pathways to more regular, long-term or permanent employment and often does not offer unemployment protection, health care or access to other gender-responsive social protection and essential services.移民妇女往往从事临时性或季节性工作,这些工作可能不会提供更加正规、长期或终生就业途径,往往不提供失业保护、医疗保健或获得其他促进性别平等的社会保障和基本服务的机会。
Sex-specific migration bans or restrictions, designed to protect women from trafficking, notably often heighten the risk of women becoming victims of trafficking, given that they are then obliged to seek alternative ways to migrate.值得注意的是,针对具体性别的移民禁令或限制旨在“保护妇女免遭人口贩运”,却往往会增加她们成为人口贩运受害者的风险,因为她们不得不因此寻求替代移民方式。
A disproportionate number of migrant women are engaged in informal and precarious employment, in particular in sectors categorized as “low-skilled”, such as care, domestic and manufacturing services.不成比例的移民妇女从事非正规和不稳定的工作,特别是在护理、家政、制造业服务等被归类为“低技能”的行业。
In those sectors, sex-specific migration rules and policies intersect with racial discrimination to perpetuate sex-based stereotypes about what constitutes so-called “women’s work” and discrimination against women.在这些部门,针对具体性别的移民规则和政策与种族歧视交织在一起,延续了基于性别的成见,即什么是所谓“妇女的工作”和对妇女的歧视。
Such gender-segregated labour markets do not offer decent and safe working conditions, because they are either part of the unregulated informal economy or, where regulated, they provide fewer protections than sectors meeting national standards.这种按性别区分的劳动力市场不提供体面安全的工作条件,因为要么属于不受监管的非正规经济,要么在受到监管的情况下,提供的保护低于达到国家标准的部门。
Migrant women, in particular domestic and farm workers, may be confined to their place of work and have little access to information about their rights and entitlements, thereby exposing them to the risk of severe human rights violations.移民妇女,特别是家政和农场工人,可能被局限在工作场所之内,无法获得有关其权利和应享福利的信息,从而使她们面临人权受到严重侵犯的风险。
Demand that fosters exploitation and leads to trafficking助长剥削和导致人口贩运的需求
Strategies aimed at preventing trafficking must take into account demand as a root cause.防止贩运的战略必须将需求作为根本原因加以考虑。
Failure to recognize the demand is acknowledged as one of the barriers to States addressing trafficking in persons.未能认识到需求被认为是各国解决人口贩运问题面临的障碍之一。
Demand in the context of trafficking is often shaped by desire for financial gain, discriminatory attitudes, including cultural attitudes, and beliefs.人口贩运背景下的需求往往受到寻求经济利益、歧视性态度(包括文化态度)和信仰的影响。
Women may be preferred for certain forms of exploitation because they are perceived as being weak and less likely to assert themselves or to claim the rights to which they are entitled.妇女可能更容易成为某些形式的剥削的对象,因为她们被认为是软弱的,不太可能坚持自己的主张,或要求享有她们应得的权利。
Members of certain ethnic or racial groups may be targeted for trafficking-related exploitation on the basis of such racist or culturally discriminatory assumptions as those relating to their sexuality, servility or work capacity.由于对某些族裔或种族群体成员的种族主义或文化歧视性假设,例如性取向、奴性或工作能力,他们可能成为与贩运有关的剥削对象。
The need to address demand for certain forms of trafficking is particularly urgent.解决对某些形式的贩运的需求尤其紧迫。
Sexual exploitation persists due to the failure of States parties to effectively discourage the demand that fosters exploitation and leads to trafficking.由于缔约国未能有效抑制助长剥削并导致贩运的需求,性剥削现象持续存在。
Persistent norms and stereotypes regarding male domination and the need to assert male control or power, enforce patriarchal gender roles and male sexual entitlement, coercion and control, which drive the demand for the sexual exploitation of women and girls.关于男性统治、需要维护男性控制或权力、施加父权制性别角色、男性性权利、胁迫和控制的持续存在的模式化观念,驱使了对妇女和女童进行性剥削的需求。
Massive financial gains with few risks owing to impunity are still widespread.由于犯罪者不受惩罚,几乎没有风险的巨大经济收益仍然普遍存在。
Under article 9 (5) of the Trafficking in Persons Protocol, States should adopt or strengthen legislative or other measures to discourage the demand that fosters all forms of exploitation of persons, especially women and children, that leads to trafficking.《禁止贩运人口议定书》第9(5)条规定,各国应采取或加强立法和其他措施,以遏制需求,这种需求助长了对人口特别是妇女和儿童的一切形式的剥削,并导致人口贩运。
The need to address the demand that fosters sexual exploitation is especially important in the context of digital technology, which exposes potential victims to an increased risk of being trafficked.在数字技术使潜在受害者面临更大贩运风险的情况下,抑制助长性剥削的需求尤为重要。
In the context of labour as a form of trafficking in women and girls, demand for trafficking persists due to an insufficient regulatory environment.在以劳工形式贩运妇女和女童的背景下,由于监管环境不利,对贩运的需求持续存在。
Where workers are organized, where labour standards for wages, working hours and conditions and health and safety are monitored and enforced and where economic and social rights, as well as changes to tax laws so that States can finance the public services that women need, are adequately implemented, the demand for the labour or services of trafficked persons is markedly lower.在工人得到组织的情况下,在工资、工作时间、条件、健康和安全方面的劳工标准得到监测和执行的情况下,在充分落实经济和社会权利并修改税法,以使国家能够为妇女所需的公共服务提供资金的情况下,对被贩运者提供的劳动力或服务的需求明显降低。
Medical advancements in organ transplantation give critically ill individuals a chance of survival.器官移植方面的医学进步为危重病人提供了生存的机会。
However, the dramatic scarcity of human organs and the failure to address the legal responsibility of those in the demand and supply chains encourage unregulated and often enforced organ removals.然而,人体器官极为稀缺以及未能明确需求和供应链中人员的法律责任,助长了不受监管、往往是强制进行的器官摘除。
Situations of conflict and humanitarian emergencies冲突局势和人道主义紧急情况
The obligations of States parties do not cease in the context of states of emergency resulting from conflict, political events, health crises or natural disasters.在冲突、政治事件、健康危机或自然灾害导致的紧急状态中,缔约国的义务不会因此停止。
Women and girls face an increased vulnerability to gender-based violence, including trafficking, when they are not able to meet their basic livelihood needs or confront economic desperation, which is often exacerbated in such contexts.妇女和女童在无法满足基本生计需要,或在经济上走投无路的情况下,更容易遭受性别暴力包括人口贩运的伤害,在这种情况下往往会恶化。
Trafficking in women and girls is exacerbated during and after situations of conflict and humanitarian emergencies, owing to displacement, the breakdown of political, economic and social structures, instability and insufficient governance, including the absence of the rule of law, increased militarism, the availability of small arms, the weakening or loosening of community and family ties, the high incidence of widowhood and the “normalization” of gender-based violence, including conflict-related sexual violence, as an aggravating factor of pre-existing structural, gender-based discrimination against women and girls.在冲突和人道主义紧急情况期间和之后,由于流离失所、政治、经济和社会结构崩溃、不稳定和治理不足,包括缺乏法治、军国主义加剧、可得到小武器、社区和家庭关系削弱或疏远、大量妇女丧偶以及性别暴力(包括与冲突有关的性暴力)的“正常化”,加剧了对妇女和女童既有的结构性性别歧视,造成对妇女和女童的贩运情况恶化。
Financial flows to certain terrorist groups remain a critical component of trafficking, especially sexual exploitation.某些恐怖团体获得的资金流仍然是贩运活动至关重要的组成部分,尤其是性剥削。
During humanitarian emergencies, Governments are often required to divert resources, including policing and social services, making it easier for traffickers to hide their operations and rendering victims increasingly invisible, as well as making it more difficult for victims to seek protection, services, assistance and support.在人道主义紧急情况下,各国政府往往必须转移资源,包括警务和社会服务,这使贩运者更容易隐藏其行动,使受害者更难得到注意,更难寻求保护、服务、援助和支持。
Use of digital technology in trafficking数字技术在人口贩运中的使用
Digital technologies offer new possibilities for having a positive impact on society.数字技术提供了新的可能性,以给社会带来积极影响。
At the same time, they pose new security challenges at both the individual and State levels.与此同时,这在个人和国家层面都带来了新的安全挑战。
The use of electronic currencies offers tools for hiding personal information, such as the identification of the parties involved in the transaction and their location, and allow for making anonymous payments, without even disclosing the purpose of the transaction, all of which facilitates trafficking.电子货币的使用提供了隐藏个人信息的工具,如参与交易者的身份和地点,并甚至允许在不披露交易目的的情况下匿名支付,所有这些都为参与贩卖人口者提供了便利。
Demand channels, through social media, the dark web and messaging platforms, provide easy access to potential victims, thereby increasing their vulnerability.通过社交媒体、暗网和聊天平台等需求渠道,提供了接触潜在受害者的便捷途径,使他们变得更加脆弱。
The use of digital technology for trafficking poses special problems during global pandemics.在全球大流行病中,利用数字技术进行人口贩运带来了特殊问题。
In the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, State parties face a growth in trafficking in cyberspace, including increases in recruitment for sexual exploitation online, in demand for child sexual abuse material and in technology-facilitated child sex trafficking.在冠状病毒病疫情的背景下,缔约国面临网络空间人口贩运的增加,包括网上性剥削招募、对儿童性虐待材料的需求以及由技术促进的儿童性贩运增加。
Assistance and protection for women and girls who are victims of trafficking向妇女和女童贩运受害者提供援助和保护
Victim identification受害者识别
International human rights law imposes positive obligations on States to identify victims of trafficking, a duty placed firmly on States, irrespective of the lack of self-identification by a victim.国际人权法规定各国有识别贩运受害者的积极义务。 这一义务明确地施以国家,不论受害者是否主动表明受害身份。
Victims are often hidden in non-public areas, such as private residences, isolated factories and farms and brothels.受害者往往隐藏在非公共区域,如私人住宅、与世隔绝的工厂、农场及妓院。
Front-line professionals often lack the required training to adequately understand, identify and appropriately respond to all types of victims, including survivors of sexual exploitation, and to intersecting forms of exploitation.一线专业人员往往缺乏必要的培训,无法充分了解、识别和适当应对所有类型的受害者,包括性剥削和交叉形式剥削的幸存者。
In mixed migration flow hotspots, appropriate and confidential spaces for carrying out identification by trained staff and interpreters, who can promptly assess indicators of vulnerability and provide adequate support, are lacking.在混合移民中,热点地区缺乏适当和保密的空间,无法由训练有素的工作人员和口译员进行身份识别,以及时评估脆弱性指标并提供适当支持。
Survivors are often reluctant to self-identify or to disclose who has trafficked them for fear of retaliation, owing to lack of information on the crime and where to report it and to fear of engaging with authorities, including fear of being detained, prosecuted, punished and deported.幸存者往往不愿表明自己的身份或披露其贩运者,因为害怕遭到报复、缺乏关于犯罪和举报地点的信息,也害怕与当局接触,包括害怕被拘留、起诉、惩罚和驱逐出境。
Victim assistance and protection受害者援助和保护
Victims of trafficking have a special status and a right to special assistance and protection measures provided by the State.贩运受害者具有特殊身份,有权获得国家提供的特别援助和保护措施。
Long-term, needs-based, comprehensive, victim-centred assistance and protection measures are often lacking in anti-trafficking response measures due to poor victim identification and an insufficient definition of trafficking in national law and implementation thereof.以需求为基础、以受害者为中心的长期全面援助和保护措施往往缺乏打击人口贩运的应对措施,原因是受害者识别不力,以及国家法律对人口贩运的定义和执行不充分。
Victims of trafficking are in need of high-quality support services with immediate availability, which must be inclusive and accessible, include access to information on their rights, the medical, psychological, social and legal services available to them and how to acquire access to them, as well as to safe and appropriate accommodations.贩运受害者需要能立即获得高质量的支持服务,这些服务须有包容性、容易获得,包括了解其权利和向他们提供的医疗、心理、社会及法律服务,如何获得这些服务,以及如何获得安全和适当的住所。
However, they often face restricted access to essential services, both in the place in which they are identified and in their place of origin, for the following reasons:然而,他们获得基本服务的机会往往受到限制,无论是在被发现的地方还是在原籍地,原因如下:
cost and language of the delivery of services;提供服务的费用和语言;
lack of gender or cultural sensitivity and trauma-informed practices;缺乏性别或文化敏感性、缺乏体察创伤的做法;
failure of first responders to conduct appropriate risk assessments and referrals;应急响应人员没有进行适当的风险评估和转介;
fear of being forced into a rehabilitation programme or cooperating with law enforcement authorities in the prosecution of traffickers;害怕被迫参与康复方案,或在起诉贩运过程中与执法部门合作;
and fear of prosecution for crimes committed as a consequence of having been trafficked or for immigration offences.害怕因被贩运而犯下的罪行或因移民罪而受到起诉。
Adequate assistance must be provided to women and girls with disabilities, who are particularly vulnerable to being trafficked.必须向残疾妇女和女童提供充分援助,她们特别容易遭受贩卖。
States parties are obligated to protect victims of trafficking in persons, especially women and children, from revictimization, which includes guaranteeing victims of trafficking protection against forcible return.缔约国有义务保护人口贩运受害者,特别是妇女和儿童免于再次受害。 这包括保障人口贩运受害者免遭强迫遣返。
Access for victims to justice受害者诉诸法律的途径
Trafficked women and girls, including those who do not hold an immigration status, must be ensured access to justice on the basis of equality and non‑discrimination, including the prosecution of their perpetrators and the provision of remedies.必须确保被贩运的妇女和女童,包括不具有移民身份的妇女和女童能在平等和不歧视的基础上诉诸司法,包括起诉施害者和提供补救措施。
However, existing justice systems may be more likely to violate women’s rights than to protect them, including by subjecting victims to criminalization, stigmatization, revictimization, harassment and possible retribution.然而,现有的司法系统更有可能侵犯妇女的权利,而不是保护她们,包括对受害者进行刑事定罪,使其遭受污名、再次受害、被骚扰和可能受到报复。
Remedies for victims of trafficking对人口贩运受害者的补救措施
Article 2 (b) of the Convention obligates States parties to provide appropriate and effective remedies, including restitution, recovery, compensation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition, to women whose rights under the Convention have been violated.《公约》第二条(b)款规定,缔约国有义务向《公约》为其规定的权利受到侵犯的妇女提供适当和有效补救措施,包括恢复原状、恢复、赔偿、抵偿和保证不重犯。
Victims of trafficking often encounter significant difficulties in claiming compensation and other forms of reparation, including damages, for the harm suffered, including in cases in which:人口贩运受害者在为遭受的损害要求赔偿和其他形式的补偿(包括损害赔偿)时往往遇到很大困难,包括在以下情况下:
it is made conditional upon cooperation with law enforcement authorities;与执法当局合作被作为提供补偿的条件;
victims do not have access to high-quality, gender-sensitive, trauma-informed legal aid and representation;受害者无法获得高质量、对性别问题有敏感认识、体察创伤的法律援助和代理;
residency permits are tied to criminal justice processes and repatriation occurs prior to seeking or obtaining civil remedies;居留许可与刑事司法程序挂钩,在寻求或获得民事补救之前发生遣返;
the victim bears the burden of proof in civil claims;受害人在民事诉讼中承担举证责任;
survivors of trafficking are not identified as victims of a crime for the purpose of reparations owed under law;就法律规定的赔偿而言,贩运幸存者不被确认为犯罪受害者;
and monetary compensation is unavailable or the proceeds of crimes are not redistributed to victims.无法获得金钱赔偿,或犯罪所得没有重新分配给受害者。
Investigations, prosecutions and punishment of perpetrators对犯罪者的调查、起诉和惩罚
Obstacles to prosecution include the lack of special court procedures to accommodate victims’ needs, deficiencies in the quality of justice systems, including gender bias and victim-blaming rhetoric in courts, resulting in discriminatory judgments or decisions, explicit or implicit social acceptance of gender-based violence against women, delays and excessive length of proceedings, corruption of State officials and their implication in crime, and ignorance of the demand for all forms of exploitation, including sexual exploitation.起诉的障碍包括缺乏能满足受害者需要的特别法庭程序、司法系统质量的缺陷(包括在法庭上有性别偏见和指责受害者的言论导致歧视性判决或决定)、社会明确接受或默许基于性别的暴力侵害妇女行为、诉讼拖延和诉讼时间过长、国家官员腐败和牵涉犯罪活动,以及不了解对包括性剥削在内的各种形式剥削的需求。
The Committee acknowledges the complexity and the high level of skill required to investigate and prosecute allegations of trafficking in women and girls that may implicate criminal networks operating transnationally.委员会承认,对贩卖妇女和女童的指控进行调查和起诉非常复杂,需要高水平的技能,这些指控可能牵涉跨国运作的犯罪网络。
The transnational nature of trafficking in persons and migration requires cooperation by all affected countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response to protect the rights of victims.人口贩运和移民的跨国性质要求所有受影响国家相互合作,并要求各国参与作出有效和适当的国际对策,以保护受害者权利。
States parties have a duty to accept and facilitate the voluntary return of their nationals who are trafficked abroad.缔约国有义务接受被贩运到国外的国民自愿返回并为此提供便利。
The Committee condemns the use of anti-trafficking interventions to justify violence against specific groups of women, in particular in the case of violent raids and entrapment operations by law enforcement authorities conducted with a view to dismantling trafficking networks.委员会谴责利用打击贩运措施为针对特定妇女群体的暴力行为辩护,特别是在执法当局为瓦解贩运网络而进行暴力突袭和开展诱捕行动的情况下。
Addressing the root causes of trafficking in women and girls消除贩运妇女和女童的根源
States parties must work towards the mobilization of public resources and the strengthening of public services in areas that support the achievement of gender equality and the promotion of the human rights of women and girls and sustainable development, in order to reduce the risk factors that lead to trafficking.缔约国必须努力在支持实现性别平等、促进妇女和女童人权及可持续发展等领域调动公共资源、加强公共服务,以降低导致人口贩运因素造成的风险。
Full achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is essential in order to address the factors that heighten the risks of trafficking, in particular achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls, promoting peace, justice and strong institutions, reducing inequalities, ending poverty in all its forms, ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for women and girls, ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being of women and girls of all ages, ensuring decent work and economic participation for women and girls and promoting climate change measures in gender equality policies.全面实现可持续发展目标对于应对加剧人口贩运风险的因素至关重要,特别是实现性别平等及增强妇女和女童权能,促进和平、正义和强有力的机构,减少不平等,消除一切形式的贫困,确保包容和公平的优质教育,促进妇女和女童的终身学习机会,确保健康生活,增进各个年龄段妇女和女童的福祉,确保妇女和女童有体面的工作和参与经济,以及在性别平等政策中推动应对气候变化措施。
Socioeconomic injustice解决社会经济不公
Ensure the full, effective and meaningful participation of women and girls, especially victims of trafficking, those at risk of being trafficked and communities affected by trafficking and/or anti-trafficking measures, in all levels of decision-making and at all stages of efforts to prevent and combat trafficking, in the design of human rights-based, gender-sensitive response measures, including in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of anti-trafficking legislation, policy and programmes, the continuing implementation of the Convention and the Trafficking in Persons Protocol and as an essential component of the peacemaking, stabilization and reconstruction processes, in line with Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) and the follow-up resolutions.确保妇女和女童,特别是人口贩运受害者、面临贩运风险者、受人口贩运和(或)打击人口贩运措施影响的社区,充分、有效、切实参与预防和打击人口贩运的各级决策和所有阶段的努力,参与设计基于人权、对性别有敏感认识的应对措施,包括制定、执行、监测和评价反人口贩运立法、政策和方案,以继续执行《公约》和《禁止贩运人口议定书》,并将这作为根据安全理事会第1325(2000)号决议及后续决议开展建立和平、稳定和重建进程的重要组成部分。
Adopt a transformative approach, promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women, in order to dismantle the structural and systemic conditions that deprive women and girls of their fundamental rights, the consequence of which places them in situations of vulnerability to all forms of trafficking and sexual exploitation.采取变革性办法,促进性别平等和增强妇女权能,以消除剥夺妇女和女童基本权利的结构性和系统性条件,这些条件将她们置于易受各种形式贩运和性剥削的境地。
Reduce the risk of trafficking by eradicating the pervasive and persistent gender inequality that results in an economic, social and legal status of women and girls that is lower in comparison with that which is enjoyed by men and boys, by adopting economic and public policies that prevent a lack of sustainable livelihood options and basic living standards for women and girls.采取经济和公共政策,防止妇女和女童缺乏可持续生计选择和达不到基本生活标准,以此消除使妇女和女童的经济、社会和法律地位低于男子和男童的普遍、长期性别不平等,从而降低人口贩运风险。
Eliminate social structures which limit women’s autonomy and access to key resources, which in turn increases their risk of being lured by promises of a means of escape from impoverished circumstances, including lower access to education and vocational training opportunities, asset and land ownership and credit, the low participation of women in decision-making, unequal pay, child and forced marriage, the pervasiveness of patriarchal gender roles, the concentration of women in insecure and vulnerable work and their lack of decent work opportunities.消除限制妇女自主权和获得关键资源的社会结构,这些结构增加了被摆脱贫困的承诺引诱的风险,具体包括获得教育和职业培训、资产和土地所有权及信贷的机会较少,妇女参与决策的程度低,不平等工资,童婚和强迫婚姻,家长式性别角色的普遍存在,妇女集中在没有保障和不稳固的工作中以及缺乏获得体面工作的机会。
Enact legislation to protect women and provide effective assistance to victims of domestic abuse, review family law, address sociocultural practices, including intrafamily arrangements, that increase the exposure of women and girls to trafficking and sexual exploitation.颁布保护妇女和向家庭暴力受害者提供有效援助的立法,审查家庭法,处理社会文化习俗问题,包括增加妇女和女童遭受贩运和性剥削风险的家庭内部安排。
Eradicate patriarchal norms and values formalized in legislation, including family laws, which facilitate trafficking for child and forced marriage.消除在立法中正式确立的父权规范和价值观,包括使贩卖儿童/早婚和强迫婚姻变得容易的家庭法。
Measures must be adopted that prevent families from agreeing to the indefinite or temporary “marriage” of their daughter in exchange for financial gain.必须采取措施,防止家庭同意他们的女儿无限期或临时“结婚”,以换取经济利益。
Take into consideration the fact that so-called “women shortages” due to family planning policies in some countries have exacerbated the situation.考虑到一些国家的计划生育政策造成的所谓“妇女短缺”加剧了这种情况。
Strengthen the implementation of a labour rights framework, as follows:加强落实劳工权利框架,具体如下:
Introduce, strengthen and enforce employment legislation designed to protect all women workers, including migrant workers, irrespective of their documentation status, level of skill or the sector in which they work, whether they are in the formal or informal economy and the duration of their employment, and to minimize the opportunities for exploitation by providing very clear protections, including regarding localized living wage requirements, overtime pay, health and safety and social protections, decent working conditions and equal pay for work of equal value, in particular in unregulated, informal or unmonitored economic sectors that rely on migrant labour;引入、加强和执行就业立法,以保护所有女工,包括移民工人,不论她们的移民身份、技能水平或工作部门如何,无论她们是在正规经济还是非正规经济中以及就业时间长短如何,并通过提供非常明确的保护,包括本地化的基本生活工资要求、加班费、健康和安全、社会保障、体面工作条件、同工同酬,特别是在依赖移民劳工的无管制、非正规或无监督的经济部门,最大程度地减少发生剥削的可能性;
Ensure adequate resourcing and increase the number and strengthen the capacity, mandate and investigative powers of labour inspectors to undertake gender-responsive, safe, ethical and confidential inspections and to systematically recognize and report breaches of labour laws and presumed cases of trafficking in women and girls uncovered during both routine and unscheduled inspections, in particular in highly feminized sectors, and inspections of migrant workers’ seasonal and informal workplaces and accommodations, agricultural farms and, where appropriate, private households;确保提供充足资源,增加劳动监察员的人数,加强其能力、任务授权和调查权力,以进行对性别问题有敏感认识、安全、道德、保密的检查,系统地确认和报告在例行和突击检查中发现的违反劳动法和嫌疑贩运妇女和女童的案件,特别是在高度女性化的部门,检查移民工人的季节性和非正式工作场所和住所、农业农场,以及在适当情况下检查私人家庭。
Establish firewalls between labour inspections, victims’ use of public services, including health-care services, and other monitoring mechanisms and immigration and/or criminal law enforcement for illegal labour, in order to enable reporting of presumed trafficking in the context of such reporting mechanisms;在劳工检查、受害者使用公共服务(包括医疗服务)、其他监测机制以及移民和(或)非法劳工刑事执法工作之间建立防火墙,以使人们能够在此类报告机制中报告嫌疑贩运案件;
Encourage businesses to establish safe and anonymous grievance mechanisms for all workers, in cooperation with workers’ representatives, that are gender-sensitive, to ensure that their labour rights are upheld and that they can access those rights without fear of retaliation;鼓励企业与工人代表合作,为所有工人建立安全和匿名、对性别问题有敏感认识的申诉机制,以确保他们的劳工权利得到维护,并可在不担心报复的情况下获得此类权利;
Enforce adequate legal sanctions against employers engaging in abusive employment and labour practices;对存在不公正雇佣和劳工行为的雇主实施适当法律制裁;
Provide assistance and training to businesses to ensure compliance with human rights and labour standards, targeting in particular industries known to be hubs, entry points or channels for trafficking.向企业提供援助和培训,确保遵守人权和劳工标准,特别是针对已知为贩运活动中心、入口点或渠道的行业。
Provide special economic and social support to disadvantaged groups of women and girls, such as those in extreme poverty in both rural and urban areas, those belonging to stigmatized and racialized groups, sexual abuse survivors and women with disabilities.向弱势妇女和女童群体提供特别经济和社会支持,如农村和城市地区的极端贫困妇女和女童、被污名化和种族化群体中的妇女和女童、性虐待幸存者和残疾妇女。
Promoting a safe migration framework促进安全移民框架
Establish a gender-responsive and safe migration framework to protect migrant women and girls, including those with an irregular migration status, from violations of their human rights at every stage of migration by:建立促进性别平等的安全移民框架,通过以下方式保护移民妇女和女童,包括非正常移民身份者,使其人权在移民的所有阶段都不受侵犯:
Supporting increased access to pathways for safe and regular migration to avoid exploitation, including sexual exploitation, considering the specific needs of women and their children and ensuring the rights of the migrant populations within such pathways to protected formal employment opportunities and legal paths to education and vocational training, in both their countries of origin and destination;考虑到妇女及其子女的具体需要,支持增加获得安全和正常移民渠道的机会,避免剥削,包括性剥削,确保这些渠道中的移民人口在其原籍国和目的地国有权获得受保护的正规就业机会,以及接受教育和职业培训的合法途径;
Facilitating the independent attainment of official identification and travel documents for the safe passage of women wishing to emigrate, without requiring them to obtain permission from a spouse or male guardian;促进妇女独立获得官方身份证明和旅行证件,以便希望移民的妇女能安全通行,而无需获得配偶或男性监护人的许可;
Applying a robust gender analysis to all migration policies and programmes, including those relevant to employment, labour rights, detention, the provision of passports, visas and residence permits and bilateral and multilateral agreements, such as readmission agreements;对所有移民政策和方案以及重新接纳协定等双边和多边协定进行可靠的性别平等分析,包括与就业、劳工权利、拘留、提供护照、签证和居留证有关的政策和方案;
Increasing access to family reunification, with a focus on psychosocial and economic dependency, including in consideration of the various types of families;增加家庭团聚的机会,重点关注心理社会层面和经济层面的依赖,包括考虑到各种类型的家庭;
Upholding the rights of children, guaranteeing their right to be heard and considering unaccompanied girls as especially vulnerable and requiring additional protection.维护儿童权利,保障他们让自己的声音被听到的权利,认为孤身女童尤其脆弱,需要额外保护。
In line with the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the Committee encourages States parties to:根据《安全、有序和正常移民全球契约》,委员会鼓励缔约国:
Participate in regional processes and sign bilateral agreements with destination countries for employment, to ensure coordination between States parties to strengthen cooperation on the regulation of working conditions in compliance with international labour and human rights standards, which ensure the protection and promotion of the rights of women migrant workers;参与区域进程,与目的地国签署就业双边协定,以确保缔约国之间的协调,以此加强合作,按照确保保护和促进移民女工权利的国际劳工和人权标准,规范工作条件;
Ensure that representatives of workers are involved in the development of such agreements;确保工人代表参与此类协定的制定;
Establish mechanisms in the country of destination to address violations of the rights of women migrant workers during employment, in particular to report exploitation and claim unpaid wages and benefits;在目的地国建立机制,处理移民女工就业期间遭受的侵权行为,特别是举报剥削行为和索要拖欠的工资与福利;
Ensure that diplomatic missions, labour and economic attachés and consular officials are trained on responding to cases of trafficked women migrant workers.确保对外交使团、劳工和经济专员以及领事官员进行处理被贩运移民女工案件的培训。
Ensure that visa schemes do not discriminate against women or facilitate or result in their trafficking, through the following measures:确保签证计划不歧视妇女,不加剧或导致贩运妇女,为此采取下列措施:
Remove any restrictions that are placed on the employment of women in specific job categories or that exclude female-dominated occupations from visa schemes;取消对女性从事特定类别工作的任何限制,或消除将女性占多数的职业排除在签证计划之外的行为;
Repeal requirements for workers to undergo mandatory testing for pregnancy and eliminate deportation on the grounds of pregnancy or diagnosis of HIV;废除对工人进行强制性怀孕检测的要求,消除以怀孕或感染艾滋病毒诊断为由驱逐出境的行为;
Revise the conditions for granting residence permits to women, to mitigate the consequences of dependency on their spouses.修订向妇女发放居留证的条件,以减轻依赖于配偶造成的后果。
Regulate and monitor labour recruiters, intermediaries and employment agencies, as follows:规范和监督劳务招聘者、中介和职业介绍所,具体如下:
Support the commitment to move to ethical recruitment measures, such as through the Fair Recruitment Initiative of the International Labour Organization and the Know Before You Go campaign of the International Organization for Migration, and to provide services for prospective migrant workers, including by involving the consular networks of countries of origin;支持他们承诺做出转变,采取符合道德规范的招聘措施,如通过国际劳工组织的公平招聘倡议和国际移民组织的“先知后行”运动,以及向潜在移民工人提供服务,包括使原籍国领事网络参与其中;
Establish an enforcement mechanism to ensure that the same contracts are used in the destination country and in workers’ countries of origin;建立执法机制,确保在目的地国和工人原籍国使用相同的合同;
Invalidate contracts in which undue pressure was applied to the worker during the process of recruitment;作废在招聘过程中对劳动者施加过大压力的合同;
Prosecute and punish the engagement in exploitative recruitment processes, including acts of violence, coercion, abuse of power, deception or exploitation, such as the intentional provision of misleading information and documentation, the confiscation of passports, other identity documents or work permits by any person other than the document holder or law enforcement authorities, the charging of illegal recruitment fees to workers, requiring a deposit, and charging for the issuance of visas, passports, transportation tickets or participation in predeparture training programmes.起诉和惩罚开展剥削性招聘程序的行为,包括暴力、胁迫、滥用权力、欺骗或剥削,如故意提供误导性信息和文件,除持证者和执法当局以外的任何人没收护照、其他身份证件或工作许可证,向工人收取非法招聘费或要求支付押金,或为发放签证、护照、交通票据或参加启程前培训收取费用。
Mitigate the risks of dependency and vulnerability of women migrant workers in relation to their employers, as follows:减轻移民女工依赖于雇主并处于脆弱境况的风险,具体如下:
End discriminatory conditionalities in recruitment, including the practice of making the migration status of workers conditional on the sponsorship or guardianship of a specific employer, as is the case with “tied visas”;消除招聘中的歧视性条件,包括将工人的移民身份与某一特定雇主的担保或保证挂钩,“捆绑式签证”就是如此;
Enforce the right for migrants to seek alternative employers and sectors of employment without seeking their existing employer’s permission or leaving the country;使移民有权在不征得现有雇主许可或离开该国的情况下寻找其他雇主和就业部门;
Discontinue the practice of security bond conditions on employers of migrant workers to ensure that they “control and supervise” their foreign employee;停止要求移民工人的雇主缴纳保证金的做法,以确保这些雇主“控制并监督”其外籍员工;
Ensure that employer-provided accommodations and food are reasonably priced and that costs are not automatically deducted from the worker’s pay;确保雇主提供的住宿和食物价格合理,并且费用不会自动从工人工资中扣除;
Facilitate the inclusion of women migrant workers in the labour market and provide training programmes for improving their skills.为移民女工进入劳动力市场提供便利,并为其提供培训方案以提高技能。
Demand that fosters exploitation and leads to trafficking助长剥削和导致人口贩运的需求
Discourage the demand that fosters exploitation of prostitution and leads to trafficking in persons.抑制助长通过卖淫进行剥削和导致人口贩运的需求。
Implement educational, social or cultural measures aimed at targeting potential users.落实针对潜在使用者的教育、社会或文化措施。
Prevent and address trafficking in all business operations and public procurement and corporate supply chains by:通过以下方式预防和解决所有企业活动、公共采购和企业供应链中的人口贩运问题:
Investigating, prosecuting and convicting all perpetrators involved in trafficking in persons, including those on the demand side;对所有参与贩运人口的施害者进行调查、起诉和定罪,包括需求方的施害者;
Providing in law a civil cause of action, in both the country of operation and the country of incorporation, for workers in global supply chains who suffer harm due to the non-fulfilment of mandatory due diligence laws;对于因强制性尽职调查法未得到遵守而受到损害的全球供应链中的工人,在业务所在国和公司组建所在国的法律中提供民事案由;
Encouraging businesses and public agencies to ensure that a dedicated regulatory body in which workers and their representatives are represented has the power and resources to proactively investigate and monitor compliance with mandatory due diligence laws and to sanction non-compliant entities;鼓励企业和公共机构确保有工人及其代表参与的专门监管机构具备权力和资源,能积极调查并监测强制性尽职调查法的遵守情况,并处罚不予遵守的实体;
Conducting, and/or funding, awareness-raising campaigns to inform consumers and customers of products and services that may involve exploitative labour, including unethical recruitment practices and slave labour, and of where to report suspicions of criminal activity.开展和(或)资助提高认识运动,使消费者和顾客了解哪些产品和服务可能涉及剥削性劳动,包括不道德的招聘做法和奴役行为,以及在哪里可以举报嫌疑犯罪活动。
Discourage the demand for organ trafficking through the effective regulation of altruistic organ matching organizations, addressing, as much as possible, donor wait times, monitor hospitals for illegal transplantations and for the identification of clandestine, makeshift operating rooms and spread awareness of the health risks related to trafficked transplant organs.通过有效监管提供器官匹配无偿服务的组织,尽可能解决捐赠者等待时间的问题,监测医院是否开展非法移植活动并发现秘密临时手术室,宣传贩卖的移植器官导致的健康风险,抑制对器官贩运的需求。
Situations of conflict and humanitarian emergencies冲突和人道主义紧急情况
Integrate into conflict and disaster-risk reduction, preparedness and response plans the existing and emerging factors that place women and girls at risk of trafficking, including sexual exploitation, ensuring that they are provided with comprehensive protection and assistance.将妇女和女童遭到贩运(包括性剥削)的现有风险和新风险因素纳入减轻冲突和灾难风险、备灾和应对计划,确保向她们提供全面保护和援助。
Address issues of vulnerability that members of displaced families experience, including economic insecurity, access to high-quality education, livelihoods and legal identity documentation, stereotypes about gender roles, harmful masculinities and unequal power relations and perceptions about family honour, as well as the particular vulnerability of displaced girls to being trafficked for sexual purposes.解决流离失所家庭成员的脆弱性问题,包括经济无保障、获得优质教育和生计以及合法身份证件的机会、关于性别角色的陈规定型观念、有害的“男子气概”和不平等的权力关系、对家庭荣誉的看法,以及流离失所女童尤其容易遭到以性剥削为目的的贩运。
Prevent trafficking and sexual exploitation in all accommodation facilities for displaced women and girls, including by training facility staff to identify potential victims, and ensure the security of women and girls by establishing single-sex accommodations and facilities, having police officers patrol the area, including female officers, ensuring adequate lighting and access to sanitary facilities and establishing resource centres for women and girls in their vicinity.防止在流离失所妇女和女童居住的任何场所发生贩运和性剥削,包括为此培训这些场所的工作人员识别潜在受害者; 通过提供单一性别的住所和设施、警察(包括女警察)在区域内的巡逻、提供充足照明和卫生设施、在妇女和女童生活的附近地区建立资源中心,确保妇女和女童的安全。
Adopt a policy of zero tolerance of trafficking, sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery and slavery-like practices, based on international human rights standards, which addresses groups such as the national armed forces, peacekeeping forces, border police, immigration officials, humanitarian actors and other staff members of international organizations and international civil society organizations.根据国际人权标准,对贩运和性剥削、强迫劳动、奴役、类似奴隶制的做法采取零容忍政策,具体对象包括国家武装部队、维和部队、边境警察、移民官员以及国际组织和国际民间社会组织的人道主义人员和其他工作人员等。
Ensure access to complaint procedures and redress mechanisms in cases of human rights violations.确保在人权遭到侵犯的情况下能够诉诸申诉程序和补救机制。
Address the gendered impact of international transfers of arms, especially small and illicit arms, including through the ratification and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty.解决武器特别是小武器和非法武器国际转让对不同性别造成的不同影响,包括为此批准和实施《武器贸易条约》。
Use of digital technology in trafficking在贩运中使用数字技术
Call for social media and messaging platform companies to take responsibility for exposing women and girls to trafficking and sexual exploitation through use of their services.要求社交媒体和通信平台公司对使用其服务的妇女和女童暴露于人口贩运和性剥削风险承担责任。
Require that such companies define the relevant controls to mitigate those risks and put into place the appropriate governance structure and procedures that will allow them to be reactive in their response and provide the necessary level of information to the relevant authorities.要求这些公司界定相关的控制措施,以减轻这些风险,并建立适当的治理结构和程序,使其能够作出应对,并向有关当局提供所需层面的信息。
Require that such companies also use their existing capabilities in big data, artificial intelligence and analytics to identify any pattern that could lead to trafficking and the identification of the involved parties, including on the demand side.还要求公司利用自身在大数据、人工智能和分析方面的现有能力,识别任何可能导致贩运的模式,并查明各当事方,包括需求方。
States parties should call for the existing digital technology companies to increase transparency.缔约国应呼吁现有的数字技术公司提高透明度。
At the same time, States parties should aim to initiate and create, for example as part of central banking systems, platforms for the use of electronic currencies that are based on disclosed user information, including beneficial owner, ordering customer and services or goods related to the transaction.与此同时,缔约国应致力于以所披露的用户信息(包括实益所有人、订购客户、与交易相关的服务或商品)为基础,启动并创建电子货币使用平台,例如,可将这作为中央银行系统的一部分。
Ensure that anti-money-laundering laws are effectively implemented in order to disincentivize the use of electronic currencies based on user anonymity.确保反洗钱法律得到有效实施,以遏制使用基于用户匿名制的电子货币。
Initiate the proactive identification of the production of online sexual abuse material during the COVID-19 pandemic and afterwards, cooperate with technology companies in creating automated tools to detect online recruitment and identify traffickers and strengthen partnerships between the public and private sectors to address pandemic-related increases in the incidence of the crime.在冠状病毒病疫情期间及之后,积极主动地发现制作网上性虐待材料的情况; 与技术公司合作开发检测在线招聘并识别人贩子的自动工具; 加强公私部门之间的伙伴关系,以解决疫情导致的此类犯罪增加的问题。
Call for information-sharing between digital interactive platforms in order to facilitate international cooperation in combating trafficking and sexual exploitation and assist with law enforcement efforts.呼吁在数字互动平台之间共享信息,以促进打击人口贩运和性剥削方面的国际合作,并协助开展执法工作。
Improve data collection, ensure that data is up to date and provide for reliable information-sharing.改进数据收集,确保数据保持更新,并提供可靠的信息共享。
Raising awareness提高认识
Provide accurate information to members of the public, targeting in particular women and girls in disadvantaged situations, those living in remote and border areas and migrant women and girls en route or in a destination context, about their rights and the means of and reasons for avoiding human traffickers, including through evidence-informed, accessible communication campaigns based on a clear understanding of community risk factors and the barriers faced by community members in protecting themselves and others from trafficking, in particular in the context of migration, so that they can identify and report potential traffickers and gain access to service providers when they feel vulnerable to trafficking or exploitation.向公众,特别是处境不利的妇女和女童、生活在边远和边境地区的妇女和女童以及在途中或目的地的妇女和女童提供准确信息,说明她们的权利以及为何和如何避开人口贩运者,包括为此清楚了解社区风险因素以及社区成员在保护自己和他人免遭贩运、特别是在移民背景下免遭贩运所面临的障碍,在此基础上开展基于证据、易于理解的宣传运动,以便人们在感到可能面临贩运或剥削风险时,辨认并报告潜在贩运者,并能够向服务提供方求助。
Upholding victims’ rights维护受害者的权利
Victim identification识别受害者
Address the adverse collateral effects of anti-trafficking efforts by ensuring that innocent women and girls are not arbitrarily arrested, abused or falsely charged, in particular women belonging to marginalized groups and women in prostitution, including through any raids conducted by law enforcement authorities with a view to dismantling trafficking networks.处理打击贩运工作造成的不利附带影响,确保无辜妇女和女童不被任意逮捕、虐待或诬告,特别是属于边缘群体的妇女和卖淫妇女,包括在执法当局为瓦解贩运网络而进行突袭的过程中。
Create national guidelines that are updated on a regular basis for the early identification and referral of, and the provision of services to, victims or presumed victims, that are benchmarked against international standards and that integrate a rights-based, victim-centred, age-appropriate, gender-sensitive and trauma-informed approach, which is uniformly applicable at international borders and throughout the territory of the State party by all relevant State and non-State actors.制定符合国际标准的国家准则并定期更新,以便尽早识别受害者或推定受害者、向其提供服务并将其转介,纳入以权利为基础、以受害者为中心、适龄、敏感对待性别问题、体察心理创伤的做法,并由所有相关的国家和非国家行为体在国际边界和缔约国全境统一适用。
The identification of victims or presumed victims and their referral to assistance services are to be performed by multidisciplinary teams, including professionals from all relevant fields, the composition of which can be adapted to the circumstances of the case, and should not be exclusively led by law enforcement or immigration authorities or be linked to the initiation or outcome of criminal proceedings, but based on the personal and social vulnerabilities of the victims and potential victims.由包括所有相关领域专业人员的跨部门小组开展确认受害者或推定受害者身份、为其提供援助转介的工作,小组的构成可根据案件具体情况加以调整,不应完全由执法或移民当局领导,也不应与刑事诉讼的启动或结果挂钩,而是应以受害者和潜在受害者个人和社会方面的脆弱性为出发点。
Provide updated and consistent training to professionals from all relevant fields on the causes, consequences and incidence of trafficking in women and girls and the various forms of exploitation of women and girls and on the content and effective implementation of national guidelines on victim identification, the provision of services and referral systems to facilitate the safe, confidential and non-discriminatory screening and referral of victims, including non-nationals, after obtaining their informed consent.向所有相关领域的专业人员提供经更新的统一培训,内容包括贩运妇女和女童以及对其不同形式剥削的原因、后果和发生情况,关于确认受害者身份、提供服务和转介制度的国家准则的内容和如何有效执行,以便在受害者知情的情况下征得其同意后,协助对包括非本国国民在内的受害者进行安全、保密和非歧视性的筛查和转介。
Strengthen the capacities of health-care systems for the early identification of and intervention for women and girls who are at risk of being trafficked and victims of trafficking, irrespective of migration status, ensuring confidential and safe access to free health care, based on trauma-informed and survivor-centred care, as informed by international standards.加强医疗系统对面临贩运风险的妇女和女童以及贩运受害者的早期识别和干预能力,无论她们的移民身份如何,确保她们可以保密、安全地获得参照国际标准、体察心理创伤、以幸存者为中心的免费医疗。
Collaborate with civil society organizations, including through strengthening their human, technical and financial resources, to ensure that victims of trafficking are identified, assisted and protected at an early stage, including through the operation of mobile units, and the availability of safe disclosure procedures and safe spaces, targeting in particular sites where displaced and migrant women and girls are accommodated, registered or detained.与民间社会组织合作,包括加强其人力、技术和财政资源,以确保贩运受害者尽早得到识别、援助和保护,包括通过流动小组开展工作,并提供安全披露程序和安全空间,尤其是针对收留、登记或拘留流离失所和移民妇女和女童的地点。
Assess the impact of the national legal and policy framework, in particular with respect to the application of immigration, asylum, labour, health, education and social protection frameworks on victims of trafficking, to ensure that they do not adversely affect victim identification, assistance, protection, social inclusion and reintegration and do not increase the vulnerability of women and girls to trafficking, re-trafficking, detention, forced return or other harms.评估国家法律和政策框架的影响,特别是在移民、庇护、劳工、保健、教育和社会保障框架对贩运受害者的适用方面,以确保这些框架不会对受害者的身份确认、援助、保护、融入社会和重返社会产生不利影响,也不会增加妇女和女童遭受贩运、再贩运、拘留、强迫返回或其他伤害的风险。
Address disincentives for victims to seek assistance, including by establishing a firewall between immigration enforcement, the criminal justice system and all care and support services and ensuring that victims of and those vulnerable to trafficking can safely go to the authorities, without fear of negative consequences, such as prosecution, punishment, detention or deportation for immigration, labour or other offences related to their being a victim of trafficking.处理阻碍受害者寻求援助的因素,包括为此在移民执法、刑事司法系统以及所有照护和支持服务之间建立防火墙,确保贩运受害者和易遭贩运者能够安全地前往有关当局,而不必担心因与成为贩运受害者有关的移民、劳工或其他方面的罪行而面临被起诉、惩罚、拘留或驱逐出境等负面后果。
Application of other protection frameworks其他保护框架的应用
Improve cross-border collaboration, coordination and knowledge exchange among border control, law enforcement, child protection and social protection authorities and non-governmental organizations, to provide displaced and migrant women and girls with appropriate and sufficient reception facilities and services by incorporating gender-sensitivity and trauma-sensitivity into arrangements for arrivals at land, air and sea borders, including the provision of safe accommodations and adequate treatment, taking into consideration the need for skilled personnel to adequately screen for and identify potential victims of trafficking and ensuring that the necessary measures are in place to respond to the specific protection needs of victims of trafficking, including access to consular protection.加强边境管制、执法、儿童保护和社会保障当局、非政府组织之间的跨境协作、协调和知识交流,为流离失所和移民妇女和女童提供适当、充足的接待设施和服务,在海陆空边境抵达安排中敏感对待性别问题和心理创伤,包括提供安全住所和妥善对待,同时考虑到需要熟练人员充分筛查和识别贩运活动的潜在受害者,并确保采取必要措施满足贩运受害者的具体保护需求,包括获得领事保护。
Ensure that all governance measures taken at international borders, including those aimed at addressing irregular migration and combating transnational organized crime, are in accordance with the principle of non‑refoulement and the prohibition of arbitrary and collective expulsions.确保在国际边界采取的所有治理措施,包括旨在应对非正常移民问题和打击跨国有组织犯罪的措施,都符合不推回原则以及禁止任意和集体驱逐原则。
Build the capacity of, and facilitate the periodic updating of training for, law enforcement staff, including police, immigration and border control officers, as well as professionals working in and around areas where women and girls who are facing or are at risk of distress migration and displacement are located, on their role in ensuring adequate protection to such women and girls, by establishing procedures to identify possible victims of trafficking, including those suspected of association with or returning from territory under the control of non-State armed groups.对警察、移民和边境管制官员等执法人员、在面临“困境移民”和流离失所及面临这种风险的妇女和女童所在地区及周围工作的专业人员进行能力建设并协助定期更新为其提供的培训,让其认识到自己对充分保护此类妇女和女童发挥的作用,为此制定程序,以识别可能的贩运受害者,包括涉嫌与非国家武装团体有关联或从非国家武装团体控制地区返回的人。
Apply a due diligence framework to the risk assessment conducted by multidisciplinary teams for the identification and protection of trafficked women and girls from further rights violations, including by:将尽职调查框架应用于跨部门小组进行的风险评估,以识别被贩运妇女和女童,使其权利免遭更多侵犯,包括为此:
Providing access to statelessness status determination procedures and granting legal status and protection to stateless women and girls, including protection against forcible return to their countries of origin;使无国籍妇女和女童有机会进入无国籍地位确定程序,给予她们法律地位和保护,包括保护她们不被强制返回原籍国;
Developing regular coordination between the asylum procedures and trafficking protection systems, such that when both grounds are recognized, women and girls have access to both refugee status and protection as victims or potential victims of trafficking;建立庇护程序与贩运保护制度之间的定期协调程序,以便在确认同时存在这两种情况时,妇女和女童不仅能获得难民身份,而且能作为贩运受害者或潜在受害者获得保护;
Carrying out screenings of displaced and migrant women and girls suspected of breaches of national labour, immigration or criminal laws and those held in places of deprivation of liberty, in particular in detention centres for undocumented migrants;对涉嫌违反国家劳工法、移民法或刑法以及被关押并剥夺自由的流离失所和移民妇女和女童进行筛查,特别是在无证移民拘留中心;
Establishing indicators to identify trafficked women and girls, especially sexually exploited women and girls, in areas affected by armed conflict to ensure that victims of trafficking are not inadvertently placed in detention or subject to removal proceedings;建立指标,以识别受武装冲突影响地区的被贩运妇女和女童,特别是被性剥削的妇女和女童,以确保贩运受害者不会被错误地拘留或面临驱逐出境程序;
Providing refugees, including victims of trafficking in persons in armed conflict, with the option to document their cases for future legal action so as to hold traffickers accountable.向包括武装冲突人口贩运受害者在内的难民提供将其案件记录在案的选择权,以便将来采取法律行动,追究贩运者的责任。
Recognize that, in specific cases, trafficking in women and girls may be considered gender-related persecution, and that consequently victims or potential victims are informed of and effectively enjoy the right of access to fair, efficient, trauma-informed and clear asylum procedures without discrimination or any preconditions, regardless of country of origin or mode of entry into the State party or their participation in criminal proceedings.认识到在具体案件中,贩运妇女和女童可被视为性别迫害,因此,受害者或潜在受害者应被告知并切实享有获得公平、高效、体察心理创伤和明确的庇护程序的权利,在这一过程中不受歧视、不受任何先决条件的限制,不论其原籍国和进入缔约国的方式如何,也不论是否参与了刑事诉讼程序。
Interpret the grounds for identifying victims of persecution under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, in line with the Guidelines on International Protection of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: No. 1, on gender-related persecution, No. 7, on victims of trafficking and persons at risk of being trafficked, No. 8, on child asylum claims, and No. 9, on sexual orientation and gender identity.应根据《关于难民地位的公约》,依照联合国难民事务高级专员公署国际保护准则第1号(与性别有关的迫害)、第7号(贩运受害者和面临贩运风险者)、第8号(儿童庇护申请)和第9号(性取向和性别认同),解释识别迫害受害者的依据。
States parties are obligated to protect victims of trafficking, especially women and girls, from revictimization, including by:缔约国有义务保护贩运受害者,特别是妇女和女童,使其免于再次受害,包括为此:
Guaranteeing victims of trafficking protection against forcible return to their places of origin in cases in which:在以下情况下,确保贩运受害者受到保护,不被强制遣返回原籍地:
It is not an appropriate, durable solution for victims, due to a fear of being re-trafficked or experiencing stigma, threats, intimidation, violence or retaliation;对于担心被重新贩运或遭受污名、威胁、恐吓、暴力或报复的受害者而言,这不是恰当的持久解决办法;
They may face persecution and/or violations of the right to life or the prohibition against torture;他们可能面临迫害和(或)生命权被侵犯或违反酷刑禁令的情况;
Protecting children born of trafficking from re-victimization and stigmatization, including through clarifying and securing the legal status of undocumented children, providing comprehensive support and ensuring that they are not separated from their mothers.保护贩运情况下出生的儿童免于再次受害和蒙受污名,包括为此澄清和确保无证件儿童的法律地位,提供全面支持,并确保这些儿童不与母亲分离。
Girls who are at risk of being re-trafficked should not be returned to their country of origin unless it is in line with their best interests and appropriate measures for their protection have been taken, including a risk and security assessment to ensure a safe return, the availability of long-term reintegration support in the country of return, comprising access to health care, education and/or vocational training, and protection from discrimination and re-trafficking.面临被再次贩运风险的女童不应被送回原籍国,除非这符合她们的最佳利益,并在这种情况下为保护她们采取适当措施,包括进行风险和安全评估以确保安全返回,在返回国为其提供长期支持以重新融入,包括提供医疗保健、教育和(或)职业培训的机会,以及防止她们被歧视和再次贩运。
Improve cooperation with receiving States to ensure the voluntary repatriation of citizens and permanent residents who have been trafficked abroad in cases in which they wish to return, facilitated through standardized processes and effective communication between the authorities and officials involved, ensuring that the receiving country complies with international standards for the protection of and provision of assistance to victims of trafficking.改善与接收国的合作,通过标准化流程以及参与当局和官员之间的有效沟通,确保被贩运到国外的公民和永久居民被自愿遣返到他们希望返回的地方,确保接收国遵守保护和援助贩运受害者的国际标准。
Non-criminalization and non-conditionality不作刑事定罪和不设前提条件
Based on human rights and humanitarian grounds, provide access to free legal aid, grant, where possible, a reflection and recovery period and a residence permit pending formal identification to enable trafficked women and their dependents to take part in recovery and reintegration measures, which must be inclusive and accessible, not made conditional on their participation in the criminal justice process or the obtaining of a conviction against traffickers, including appropriate individualized, gender-sensitive, child-sensitive and trauma-informed emergency and longer-term access to accommodations, welfare benefits, educational and employment opportunities, high-quality medical care, including sexual and reproductive health services and counselling, the issuance of official identification documents free of charge, family reunification measures and asylum procedures, where relevant.基于人权和人道主义理由,向被贩运妇女及其受扶养人提供获得免费法律援助的机会,在其等待正式身份确认期间,在可能的情况下提供反思和恢复期以及居留证,使她们能够参与恢复和重新融入措施,这些措施必须具有包容性、易于获得,并且不以参与刑事司法程序或对贩运者定罪为条件,包括以个性化、敏感对待性别问题和儿童、体察心理创伤的方式提供适当的应急和长期住所、社会福利、教育和就业机会、高质量的医疗服务(包括性健康和生殖健康服务和心理咨询)、免费发放的官方身份证件、家庭团聚措施和必要庇护程序。
Grant girls who are victims residence permits for an indefinite duration, in line with their best interests, to enable access to a durable solution that is sustainable and secure in the long-term.向女童受害者发放符合其最佳利益的无限期居留证,以使其获得可持续、长期安全的持久解决办法。
Provide immediate access to a sufficient number of adequately funded, well-equipped shelters and separate units for victims of sexual violence and enforced prostitution within shelters and crisis centres, which are safe, accessible and appropriate for trafficked women and girls, including women accompanied by children, with specially trained staff that focus on the provision of tailored assistance to victims according to standard operating procedures, ensuring their dignified treatment in a confidential manner.在收容所和危机中心内,使性暴力和强迫卖淫受害者能够立即获得数量充足、资金充分、设备齐全的住所和独立单元,这些住所和独立单元安全、无障碍、适合被贩运妇女和女童,包括带着孩子的妇女,并配备受过专门培训的工作人员,专注于根据标准作业程序向受害者提供量身定制的援助,确保她们以保密的方式获得有尊严的待遇。
Ensure that assistance services and social inclusion programmes for all women affected by trafficking are provided on an informed and voluntary basis and that neither victims nor their children are forcibly kept or detained in shelters or “rehabilitation” programmes against their will or in compulsory protective detention, including for witness testimony purposes.确保在知情和自愿的基础上为所有受贩运影响的妇女提供援助服务和融入社会方案,不违背受害者或其子女的意愿,将其强制收容或留在收容所或“康复”项目中,或对其实施强制保护性拘留,包括为证人作证目的。
In the exceptional case that limitations are placed on women’s freedom of movement for security considerations, such limitations should be restricted to the shortest possible duration.在出于安全考虑而限制妇女行动自由的例外情况下,这种限制措施应限于可能的最短时间内。
Support community-based programmes for the reintegration and social inclusion of women and girls who are victims of trafficking, including access to safe and affordable independent accommodations, the creation of a work quota for victims in State agencies and the inclusion of victims in the list of priority groups for access to social programmes, and access to the redemption of tax debts.支持帮助被贩运妇女和女童重返社会和融入社会的社区方案,包括提供安全、负担得起的独立住所,在国家机构为受害者提供工作配额,将受害者列入获得社会方案和免除拖欠税款的优先群体名单。
Ensure that the principle of the best interests of the child is a primary consideration in decision-making for all girls who are victims of trafficking, including non-nationals, that their right to be heard is respected, that they are guaranteed access to developmentally appropriate and age-appropriate protection and support services that are integrated, interdisciplinary and include individualized case management, to family tracing and to the reunification of unaccompanied and separated children and that children are never criminalized or detained.确保将保障儿童最高利益的原则作为涉及所有遭贩运女童(包括非国民)的决策时首要考虑的因素,确保尊重她们表达意见的权利,保证她们有机会获得与发育情况和年龄相适应的综合、跨部门保护和支持服务,包括个性化案件管理,追踪孤身和离散儿童的家人并使其与家人重新团聚,确保儿童永远不会被刑事定罪或拘留。
Carry out age assessments only as a measure of last resort and in a manner that is multidisciplinary, scientifically and culturally appropriate, child-sensitive, gender-sensitive and, for all unaccompanied or separated girls, overseen by a qualified guardian.仅在万不得已的情况下进行年龄评估,评估方式应跨学科、在科学上和文化上适当、敏感对待儿童和性别问题,并且对所有孤身或离散女童的评估应由有资格的监护人监督。
Counter stereotypical attitudes and discrimination towards women and girls who are victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation, in particular migrants, by providing trauma-informed, gender-sensitivity and child-sensitivity training for individuals tasked with providing assistance and protection services, including to relevant authorities at the local and State levels, child protection agencies, embassy and consular authorities, employers and public and private recruitment agencies and to police officers, border officers, immigration personnel, labour inspectors, social workers and health-care providers.消除对遭贩运和性剥削妇女和女童(特别是移民)的偏见和歧视,为此为负责提供援助和保护服务的个人提供体察心理创伤、敏感对待性别问题和儿童的培训,培训对象包括相关地方和国家当局、儿童保护机构、使领馆、雇主、公私招聘机构,以及警察、边防人员、移民人员、劳动监察员、社会工作者和保健服务提供者。
Ensure that all women and girls who are victims of trafficking, without exception, are not subject to arrest, charge, detention, prosecution or penalty or are otherwise punished for irregular entry or stay in countries of transit and destination for the absence of documentation or for their involvement in unlawful activities to the extent that such involvement is a direct consequence of their situation as victims of trafficking.确保所有遭受贩运的妇女和女童无一例外不受逮捕、指控、拘留、起诉或处罚,不因无证进入过境国和目的地国或在其境内逗留而受到惩罚,或因参与非法活动而受到惩罚,只要这种参与是作为贩运受害者境况导致的直接后果。
The non-punishment principle must:非惩罚原则必须:
Be enshrined in legislation and implemented through proper training to ensure that responders are able to identify victims of trafficking for such relief;载于立法,并通过适当培训加以实施,以确保响应人员能够识别贩运受害者并提供上述豁免;
Not compel victims to provide evidence or testimony in exchange for immunity from prosecution, redress or services;不强迫受害人提供证据或证词,以换取免于起诉、补偿或服务;
Provide recourse for victims of trafficking to clear their criminal records in cases in which they have been convicted of crimes that were committed as a direct consequence of being a victim of trafficking.为贩运受害者提供追索权,在因遭到贩运而直接导致犯罪并被定罪的情况下,清除其犯罪记录。
Right to information about rights and legal assistance对权利和法律援助的知情权
Provide all women and girls with accessible information in a format that they can understand about their rights under the Convention and the Optional Protocol thereto, the legal provisions protecting them from trafficking and exploitation and the corresponding remedies for lodging complaints of violations of those rights, how to gain access to them, their entitlements to continued assistance and protection, including through hotlines that are operational around the clock and free legal aid, advice and representation in judicial and quasi-judicial processes in all fields of law.向所有妇女和女童以她们能够理解的方式提供容易获得的信息,说明她们根据《公约》及其任择议定书享有的权利、保护她们免遭贩运和剥削的法律规定、投诉侵犯这些权利的行为能获得的相应补救措施、如何获得这些补救、获得持续援助和保护的权利,包括通过全天候运作热线、在所有法律领域的司法和准司法程序中免费获得法律援助、咨询和代理。
Right to remedy获得补救的权利
Ensure facilitated access to inclusive, age-sensitive and gender-sensitive complaint mechanisms and justice mechanisms, including through the provision of procedural and age-appropriate accommodations, for all women and girls who are victims of trafficking, including non-citizens, by providing effective channels for seeking protection and redress for violations of their rights through the creation of adequate conditions for lodging complaints without fear of reprisal, arrest, detention or deportation.提供便利,确保包括非公民在内的所有被贩运妇女和女童能诉诸有包容性、敏感对待年龄和性别问题的投诉机制和司法机制,为此提供程序便利和适龄措施,在她们的权利受到侵犯时为其提供寻求保护和补偿的有效途径,为其提出投诉创造适当条件,而不必担心被报复、逮捕、拘留或驱逐出境。
Ensure that that trafficked women and girls have a legally enforceable right to affordable, accessible and timely remedies through the criminal, civil and labour courts and administrative proceedings, including a right to compensation, back pay and other tailored reparations, and ensure that such remedies are not made conditional on confiscation of assets from the traffickers and are guaranteed under the conditions provided for in domestic law for victims.确保被贩运妇女和女童有法律上可执行的权利,通过刑事、民事和劳动法庭以及行政诉讼程序获得可负担、可获得的及时补救办法,包括获得赔偿、补发工资和其他有针对性赔偿的权利,确保这些赔偿不以没收贩运者的资产为条件,并根据国内法为受害者规定的条件予以保障。
Compensation as a victim of a crime should have no impact on social assistance received by victims or as provided by another State programme.作为犯罪受害者获得的赔偿不应影响受害者接受的社会援助或其他国家方案提供的社会援助。
Gender-sensitive court proceedings敏感对待性别问题的法庭程序
Guarantee all trafficked women and girls a fair hearing and due process in administrative and judicial proceedings, including detention and expulsion proceedings, ensuring that they are heard, informed and consulted throughout the hearing and have access to adequate trauma-informed, culturally specific, gender-sensitive and age-sensitive accommodations, support and protection to enable them to testify against their traffickers.确保在行政和司法程序,包括拘留和驱逐程序中向所有被贩运妇女和女童提供公平审讯和正当程序,确保她们在整个审讯过程中得到倾听、告知和询问,并有机会获得体察心理创伤、符合文化特点、敏感对待性别和年龄问题的适当措施、支持和保护,使她们能够指证其贩运者。
Safeguard the right to privacy of trafficked girls, ensuring that they are continuously informed and can exercise their right to be heard.保障被贩运女童的隐私权; 确保持续向她们提供信息,确保她们能够行使表达意见的权利。
Ensure their right to special protection in court proceedings through the provision of specialized, child-sensitive legal assistance to simplify procedures for testifying and prevent additional trauma, including by appointing victim advocates, social workers or legal guardians.保障她们在法庭诉讼中获得特别保护的权利,为此提供敏感处理儿童问题的专门法律援助,简化作证程序,防止增加心理创伤,包括为此任命受害人权益倡导者、社会工作者或法定监护人。
Fund and support the effective implementation of protection systems for trafficked women and girls, their family members, witnesses and informants, to safeguard against threats and retaliation from trafficking networks, both during and after legal proceedings, including through witness protection programmes, needs-based court procedures and temporary residence permits for non-citizens and their dependents, irrespective of their cooperation in the prosecution.为有效实施被贩运妇女和女童及其家庭成员、证人和线人的保护制度提供资金和支持,以便在诉讼程序期间和之后防范贩运网络的威胁和报复,包括为此提供证人保护方案、基于需要的法院程序以及为非公民及其受扶养人发放临时居留证,无论她们是否配合起诉。
Promptly investigate, prosecute and adequately punish both those directly involved in trafficking and those negligent in addressing or preventing trafficking, including alleged corruption of government officials and members of the private sector, ensuring that the sanctions imposed are commensurate with the gravity of the crime and the degree of responsibility of the offender.及时调查、起诉和适当惩罚直接参与贩运者以及在处理或预防贩运方面疏忽大意者,包括涉嫌腐败的政府官员和私营部门成员,确保施加的处罚与犯罪的严重程度和犯罪者的责任程度相当。
Ensure the effective prosecution and adequate punishment of traffickers of women and girls through the design, implementation and periodic evaluation of multisectoral capacity-building programmes for all court officials and support staff on the trauma-informed age-sensitive, gender-sensitive, culturally sensitive and human rights-based application of anti-trafficking legislation and treatment of victims.确保有效起诉和适当惩罚贩运妇女和女童者,为此为所有法院官员和支持人员设计、执行和定期评估多部门能力建设方案,使他们能够以体察心理创伤、敏感对待年龄、性别和文化问题、以人权为本的方式适用打击贩运人口的立法和对待受害者。
States parties are encouraged to systematize their criminal justice and judicial cooperation, including harmonizing legal procedures for mutual legal assistance, extradition and the confiscation and return of the proceeds of crime, with countries of origin, transit and destination for trafficking in women and girls.鼓励缔约国将其刑事司法和司法合作系统化,包括与妇女和女童贩运的来源国、过境国和目的地国统一在司法互助、引渡、没收和返还犯罪所得方面的法律程序。
Build and adequately resource cross-agency investigative teams to track the financial flows generated by trafficking in women and girls and redistribute any confiscated proceeds of such criminal conduct to victims as compensation for the human rights violations that they have suffered.建立跨机构调查小组并提供充足资源,以追踪贩运妇女和女童所产生的资金流动,并将没收的所有此类犯罪行为所得重新分配给受害者,作为对她们所遭受侵犯人权行为的补偿。
Data collection and legislative, policy and institutional frameworks数据收集以及立法、政策和体制框架
Establish partnerships between anti-trafficking, migration and development practitioners, international organizations and women-focused and girl-focused civil society stakeholders, including community-based organizations of groups affected by trafficking and/or anti-trafficking measures, to systematically collect, exchange, analyse and publish data, with the objective of developing an understanding of trends in trafficking in women and girls and implementing targeted, evidenced-based strategies for its prevention, enhancing the prompt gender-responsive human rights-based and needs-based assistance to victims and ensuring their protection and that they are provided with reparations.在反贩运、移民和发展从业人员、国际组织以及以妇女和女童为重点的民间社会利益攸关方(包括受贩运和/或打击贩运措施影响的群体组成的社区组织)之间建立伙伴关系,系统地收集、交流、分析和发布数据,以了解贩运妇女和女童的趋势,实施有针对性、基于证据的预防战略,加强向受害者及时提供促进性别平等、基于人权和需求的援助,并确保受害者得到保护和赔偿。
Disaggregate data collected on both victims and perpetrators of trafficking by all parameters considered relevant, including sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, immigration status, location, socioeconomic status and form of exploitation, in line with Sustainable Development Goal indicator 16.2.2, where permitted by national law.在国家法律允许的情况下,根据可持续发展目标指标16.2.2,按所有被认为相关的参数,包括性别、年龄、残疾状况、族裔、国籍、移民身份、所在地、社会经济地位和被剥削形式,收集贩运受害者和施害者的细分数据。
All measures for data collection, storage, sharing or dissemination must be carried out in a legal and ethical manner, in accordance with international standards on privacy and confidentiality.所有收集、存储、共享或传播数据的措施都必须以合法、符合道德规范的方式进行,并遵守有关隐私和保密的国际标准。
Adopt and implement comprehensive, victim-centred, child-sensitive and gender-sensitive anti-trafficking legislation that provides a harmonized approach to criminalizing trafficking at all jurisdiction levels, ensuring that it:通过并实施以受害者为中心、敏感对待儿童和性别问题的打击人口贩运全面立法,在所有层级的管辖区域提供将贩运人口定为刑事犯罪的统一办法,确保此类立法:
Fully complies with international human rights standards, including the Convention, the present general recommendation, the Trafficking in Persons Protocol and applicable regional instruments;完全符合国际人权标准,包括《公约》、本一般性建议、《禁止贩运人口议定书》和适用的区域文书;
Codifies that victim consent is not a valid defence for trafficking;明文规定受害者同意不构成贩运人口的有效抗辩理由;
Where not already penalized in other national laws, aims to combat trafficking for the purposes of, among other things, child, forced and servile marriage, domestic servitude, debt bondage, serfdom, begging, forced or compulsory labour, slave trading, slavery, sexual exploitation and commercial sexual exploitation, abusive surrogacy practices and the sale of children, trafficking in organs, tissues and cells, including trafficking in human egg cells, and forced criminality;在其他国家法律尚未处罚以下行为的情况下,打击童婚、强迫和奴役婚姻、家庭奴役、债役、农奴制、乞讨、强迫或强制劳动、奴隶贸易、奴役、性剥削和商业性剥削、虐待性代孕和买卖儿童、贩运器官、组织和细胞(包括贩运人体卵细胞)、强迫犯罪等目的的贩运;
Addresses contemporary methods of trafficking, such as those using information and communications technologies, including social media;应对当代贩运手段,如使用信息和通信技术,包括社交媒体;
Promotes asset investigation as a key tool to fight trafficking;促进资产调查,将这作为打击人口贩运的关键工具;
Is developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated to assess its impact, with the active participation of women and girls affected by trafficking in persons.得到制定、实施、监测和评价,以评估其影响,并使受人口贩运影响的妇女和女童积极参与其中。
Adopt a result-oriented, evidence-led, gender-responsive, rights-based and victim-centred comprehensive anti-trafficking national plan of action, ensuring that it is:通过注重成果、以证据为导向、促进性别平等、以权利为基础、以受害者为中心的打击贩运人口全面国家行动计划,确保该计划:
In compliance with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking, on migrants in vulnerable situations and on human rights at international borders;符合联合国人权事务高级专员办事处建议的人权与贩运人口问题、弱势移民问题和国际边界人权问题原则和准则;
Harmonized with national action plans on gender equality, on combating violence against women, on women and peace and security, on migration and asylum management and on sustainable development;与关于性别平等、打击暴力侵害妇女行为、妇女与和平与安全、移民和庇护管理以及可持续发展的国家行动计划保持一致;
Adequately funded and regularly assessed.得到充足资金和定期评估。
Establish a national referral mechanism with the objective of coordinating the alignment of all relevant national policies to ensure an effective and human rights-based approach to combating trafficking in women and girls, ensuring that it is operationalized by a dedicated and fully funded secretariat responsible for the harmonization of clear information management and coordination structures between relevant local and national authorities, including migration, asylum and labour officials, national human rights institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations engaged in combating trafficking in women and girls, and developing a common response, including comprehensive standard operating procedures outlining relevant legal obligations, referral procedures, roles and responsibilities.建立国家转介机制,以协调所有相关国家政策,使其保持一致,确保对打击贩运妇女和女童采取基于人权的有效方针,确保通过资金充足的专门秘书处使该机制得以运作,秘书处负责协调相关地方和国家当局(包括移民、庇护和劳工官员)、国家人权机构、私营部门、参与打击贩运妇女和女童的民间社会组织之间的清晰信息管理和协调架构,以制定共同对策,包括概述相关法律义务、转介程序、作用和责任的全面标准作业程序。
Establish an independent national rapporteur on trafficking in persons to track and report on the progress of transformative anti-trafficking strategies, promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women.设立独立的人口贩运问题国家报告员,跟踪和报告促进性别平等、增强妇女权能的打击人口贩运变革性战略的进展情况。
Dissemination and reporting传播和报告
The Committee underscores the need to accelerate the implementation of all provisions of the Convention, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the recommendations emanating from the 25-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, as a means to induce transformative and radical change in the exercise by women of their autonomy and self-determination.委员会强调,需要根据《2030年可持续发展议程》、《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》执行情况25周年审查 提出的建议,加快落实《公约》的所有条款,以此在妇女行使自主权和自决权方面促生变革性、根本性的变化。
The Committee recommends that States parties include information in their periodic reports under the Convention on the strategies implemented to promote and protect the human rights of women and girls in their anti‑trafficking response efforts.委员会建议缔约国在根据《公约》提交的定期报告中提供资料,说明在打击贩运工作中为促进和保护妇女和女童人权而实施的战略。
The United Nations specialized agencies and the special procedures of the Human Rights Council are invited to provide country-specific and region-specific input to the Committee on the situation of trafficking and sexual exploitation in women and girls in the context of global migration and protection and recovery measures taken, as appropriate, in the context of the review of the periodic reports of States parties.邀请联合国专门机构和人权理事会特别程序在审查缔约国定期报告的背景下,向委员会酌情提供涉及具体国家和区域的资料,说明在全球移民的背景下妇女和女童遭受贩运和性剥削的情况,以及所采取的保护和恢复措施。
States parties are encouraged to include in their reports to other mechanisms information on their strategies to implement a transformative anti‑trafficking response that promotes gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, including in the context of the universal periodic review process of the Human Rights Council, the high-level political forum on sustainable development, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the Mechanism for the Review of the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto.鼓励缔约国在向其他机制的报告中,说明为落实促进性别平等、增强妇女和女童权能的打击贩运变革性对策而制定的战略,包括在人权理事会普遍定期审议进程、可持续发展高级别政治论坛、《安全、有序和正常移民全球契约》以及《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其各项议定书实施情况审议机制的背景下。
The present general recommendation should be translated into local languages and disseminated widely to all branches of government, civil society, the media, academic institutions, women’s, girls’ and migrant’s rights organizations, the private sector and financial institutions.本一般性建议应翻译成当地语言,并向政府所有部门、民间社会、媒体、学术机构、妇女、女童和移民权利组织、私营部门和金融机构广泛传播。
Treaty ratification or accession批准或加入条约
States parties are encouraged to ratify or accede to the following instruments:鼓励缔约国批准或加入下列文书:
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约任择议定书》;
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime;《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》以及该公约《关于打击陆、海、空偷运移民的补充议定书》;
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography;《儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》;
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families;《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》;
Labour rights framework for the governance of labour migration and protection of migrant workers of the International Labour Organization:国际劳工组织管理劳工移民和保护移民工人的劳工权利框架:
Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189), and the Domestic Workers Recommendation, 2011 (No. 201);《2011年家庭工人公约》(第189号)和《2011年家庭工人建议书》(第201号);
Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190);《2019年暴力和骚扰公约》(第190号);
Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and the Protocol thereto, the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105), and the Forced Labour (Supplementary Measures) Recommendation, 2014 (No. 203);《1930年强迫劳动公约》(第29号)及其议定书、《1957年废除强迫劳动公约》(第105号)、《2014年关于禁止强迫劳动的补充措施建议书》(第203号);
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol thereto, the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness;《关于难民地位的公约》及其议定书、《关于无国籍人地位的公约》和《减少无国籍状态公约》;
Slavery Convention and the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery;《禁奴公约》和《废止奴隶制、奴隶贩卖及类似奴隶制的制度与习俗补充公约》;
Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others.《禁止贩卖人口及取缔意图营利使人卖淫的公约》。
States parties are urged to endorse the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration annexed thereto and the global compact on refugees.敦促缔约国批准《关于难民和移民的纽约宣言》和作为其附件的《安全、有序和正常移民全球契约》及全球难民契约。