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Template-CEDAW-Concluding Observation CEDAW结论性意见E.docx (English)Template-CEDAW-Concluding Observation CEDAW结论性意见C.docx (Chinese)
United Nations联 合 国
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women消除对妇女歧视委员会
Concluding observations on the initial report of Cuba关于古巴初次报告的结论性意见
Concluding observations on the combined second to fourth periodic reports of Italy关于意大利第二至第四次合并定期报告的结论性意见
Concluding observations on the second periodic report of France关于法国第二次定期报告的结论性意见
The Committee considered the fourth periodic report of Andorra (CEDAW/C/AND/4) at its 1722nd and 1723rd meetings (see CEDAW/C/SR.1722 and CEDAW/C/SR.1723), held on 23 October 2019.委员会在2019年10月23日举行的第1722次和第1723次会议(见CEDAW/C/ SR.1722和CEDAW/C/SR.1723)上审议了安道尔的第四次定期报告(CEDAW/C/AND/4)。
The list of issues and questions raised by the pre-sessional working group is contained in CEDAW/C/AND/Q/4, and the responses of Andorra are contained in CEDAW/C/AND/Q/4/Add.1.会前工作组提出的议题和问题清单载于CEDAW/C/AND/Q/4号文件,安道尔的答复载于CEDAW/C/AND/Q/4/Add.1号文件。
The Committee’s list of issues and questions is contained in CEDAW/C/FRA/Q/2, and the responses of France are contained in CEDAW/C/FRA/Q/2/Add.1.委员会的议题和问题清单载于CEDAW/C/FRA/Q/2号文件,法国的答复载于CEDAW/C/FRA/Q/2/Add.1号文件。
The Committee appreciates the submission by the State party of its fifth periodic report.委员会感谢缔约国提交第五次定期报告。
It also appreciates the State party’s written replies to the list of issues and questions raised by the pre-sessional working group and welcomes the oral presentation by the delegation and the further clarifications provided in response to the questions posed orally by the Committee during the dialogue.委员会还感谢缔约国对会前工作组提出的问题清单作出书面答复,并欢迎代表团在对话期间所作的口头介绍和对委员会口头提问作出的进一步说明。
The Committee appreciates the submission by the State party of its fourth periodic report, which was prepared in response to the list of issues prior to reporting (CEDAW/C/AND/QPR/4).委员会感谢缔约国根据报告前问题清单(CEDAW/C/AND/QPR/4)提交第四次定期报告。
It welcomes the oral presentation by the delegation and the further clarifications provided in response to the questions posed orally by the Committee during the dialogue.委员会欢迎代表团在对话期间所作的口头介绍和对委员会口头提问作出的进一步说明。
The Committee commends the State party’s high-level delegation, which was headed by the Minister of Women of Paraguay, Ana María Baiardi.委员会赞扬缔约国派出由巴拉圭妇女部部长安娜·玛丽亚·巴伊阿尔迪率领的高级别代表团。
The delegation also included representatives of representatives of the Ministry of Women, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Well-being, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Mission of Paraguay to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva.代表团成员还包括来自妇女部、劳动、就业和社会保障部、教育和科学部、公共卫生和社会福利部、外交部和巴拉圭常驻联合国日内瓦办事处和日内瓦其他国际组织代表团的代表。
Positive aspects积极方面
The Committee welcomes the progress achieved since the entry into force of the Convention for the State party in 2004 in undertaking legislative reforms, in particular the adoption of the following:委员会欢迎缔约国自2004年《公约》对其生效以来在开展立法改革方面取得的进展,特别是通过了下列法律:
The Committee welcomes the progress achieved since the consideration in 2004 of the State party’s third periodic report in undertaking legislative reforms, in particular the adoption of the following:委员会欢迎缔约国自2004年其第三次定期报告接受审议以来在开展立法改革方面取得的进展,特别是通过了下列法律:
The Committee welcomes the State party’s efforts to improve its institutional and policy framework aimed at accelerating the elimination of discrimination against women and promoting gender equality, such as the adoption of the following:委员会欢迎缔约国努力改进体制和政策框架,以加快消除对妇女的歧视,促进性别平等,例如采取了下列举措:
The Committee welcomes the State party’s efforts to improve its institutional and policy framework aimed at accelerating the elimination of discrimination against women and promoting gender equality, such as the following:委员会欢迎缔约国努力改进体制和政策框架,以加快消除对妇女的歧视,促进性别平等,例如作出了下列努力:
Sustainable Development Goals可持续发展目标
The Committee welcomes the international support for the Sustainable Development Goals and calls for the realization of de jure (legal) and de facto (substantive) gender equality, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, throughout the process of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.委员会欢迎国际社会对可持续发展目标的支持,并呼吁在执行《2030年可持续发展议程》的整个进程中,根据《公约》条款实现法律上(依法)和事实上(实质性)的性别平等。
The Committee recalls the importance of Goal 5 and of the mainstreaming of the principles of equality and non-discrimination throughout all 17 Goals.委员会回顾了目标5的重要性,以及将平等和不歧视原则纳入所有17项目标主流的重要性。
It urges the State party to recognize women as the driving force of the sustainable development of the State party and to adopt relevant policies and strategies to that effect.委员会敦促缔约国承认妇女是缔约国实现可持续发展的推动力,并为此采取相关政策和战略。
The Committee stresses the crucial role of the legislative power in ensuring the full implementation of the Convention (see the statement by the Committee on its relationship with parliamentarians, adopted at the forty-fifth session, in 2010).委员会强调立法权在确保《公约》得到充分执行方面的关键作用(见2010年委员会第四十五届会议通过的关于委员会与议员关系的声明)。
It invites Parliament, in line with its mandate, to take the necessary steps regarding the implementation of the present concluding observations between now and the next reporting period under the Convention.委员会请议会依照其授权,为从现在起到《公约》规定的下个报告期之前执行本结论性意见采取必要步骤。
The Committee stresses the crucial role of the legislative power in ensuring the full implementation of the Convention (see A/65/38, part two, annex VI).委员会强调立法权在确保《公约》得到充分执行方面的关键作用(见A/65/38,第二部分,附件六)。
Principal areas of concern and recommendations关注的主要领域及建议
Visibility of the Convention, the Optional Protocol thereto and the Committee's general recommendations《公约》及其《任择议定书》和委员会一般性建议的受关注程度
Visibility of the Convention and the Committee’s general recommendations《公约》和委员会一般性建议的受关注程度
Definition of discrimination against women“对妇女的歧视”定义
Women’s access to justice妇女诉诸司法的机会
National machinery for the advancement of women提高妇女地位的国家机构
National human rights institution国家人权机构
Civil society organizations民间社会组织
Temporary special measures暂行特别措施
Stereotypes and harmful practices定型观念和有害做法
Gender-based violence against women针对妇女的性别暴力
Trafficking and exploitation of prostitution贩运人口和利用卖淫营利
Participation in political and public life参与政治和公共生活
Economic empowerment of women增强妇女经济权能
Climate change and disaster risk reduction气候变化和减少灾害风险
Rural women农村妇女
Women’s access to land妇女获得土地
Marriage and family relations婚姻和家庭关系
Data collection and analysis数据收集和分析
Optional Protocol to the Convention and amendment to article 20 (1) of the Convention《公约任择议定书》和《公约》第二十条第1款修正案
The Committee encourages the State party to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention and to accept, as soon as possible, the amendment to article 20 (1) of the Convention concerning the meeting time of the Committee.委员会鼓励缔约国批准《公约任择议定书》并尽快接受关于委员会会议时间的《公约》第二十条第1款修正案。
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》
The Committee calls upon the State party to use the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in its efforts to implement the provisions of the Convention.委员会吁请缔约国在执行《公约》条款的努力中使用《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》。
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development《2030年可持续发展议程》
The Committee calls for the realization of substantive gender equality, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, throughout the process of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.委员会吁请缔约国在执行《2030年可持续发展议程》的整个进程中,根据《公约》条款实现实质性的性别平等。
The Committee requests the State party to ensure the timely dissemination of the present concluding observations, in the official languages of the State party, to the relevant State institutions at all levels (national, regional and local), in particular to the Government, the ministries, Parliament and the judiciary, to enable their full implementation.委员会请缔约国确保以官方语言向(国家、地区和地方)各级相关国家机构,尤其是向政府、各部委、议会和司法部门及时传播本结论性意见,使之得到充分落实。
Technical assistance技术援助
The Committee recommends that the State party link the implementation of the Convention to its development efforts and that it avail itself of regional or international technical assistance in this respect.委员会建议缔约国将《公约》的执行工作与本国的发展努力联系起来,并利用这方面的区域或国际技术援助。
Ratification of other treaties批准其他条约
The Committee notes that the adherence of the State party to the nine major international human rights instruments would enhance the enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms in all aspects of life.委员会指出,缔约国如能遵守九大国际人权文书,便可以促进妇女在生活各方面享有人权和基本自由。
The Committee therefore encourages the State party to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,to which it is not yet a party.因此,委员会鼓励缔约国批准其尚未加入的 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约任择议定书》。
Follow-up to the concluding observations后续落实结论性意见
The Committee requests the State party to provide, within two years, written information on the steps taken to implement the recommendations contained in paragraphs 25 and 28 above.委员会请缔约国在两年内提供书面材料,说明为落实上文第25和第28段所载建议而采取的步骤。
Preparation of the next report编写下次报告
The Committee invites the State party to submit its fourth periodic report in February 2024.委员会请缔约国于2024年2月提交其第四次定期报告。
In case of delay, the report should cover the entire period up to the time of its submission.如果推迟提交,报告涵盖的时段应当顺延至提交之时。
The Committee requests the State party to follow the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including guidelines on a common core document and treaty-specific documents (see HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6, chap. I).委员会请缔约国遵守《包括共同核心文件和条约专要文件准则在内的根据国际人权条约提交报告的协调准则》(见HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6,第一章)。
* Adopted by the Committee at its seventy-fourth session (21 October–8 November 2019).* 委员会第七十四届会议(2019年10月21日至11月8日)通过。
* Adopted by the Committee at its seventy-fourth session (21 October–8 November 2019).* 委员会第七十四届会议(2019年10月21日至11月8日)通过。
* Adopted by the Committee at its seventy-fourth session (21 October–8 November 2019).* 委员会第七十四届会议(2019年10月21日至11月8日)通过。
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;《经济社会文化权利国际公约》、《公民及政治权利国际公约》、《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》、《儿童权利公约》、《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》、《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国际公约》和《残疾人权利公约》。