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Template-CESCR-Concluding Observation CESCR结论性意见E.docx (English)Template-CESCR-Concluding Observation CESCR结论性意见C.docx (Chinese)
United Nations联 合 国
Economic and Social Council经济及社会理事会
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights经济、社会及文化权利委员会
Concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Ukraine关于乌克兰第七次定期报告的结论性意见
Concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Mexico关于墨西哥第五和第六次合并定期报告的结论性意见
The Committee considered the seventh period report of Ukraine (E/C.12/UKR/7) at its 8th and 9th meetings (see E/C.12/2020/SR.8 and 9), held on 20 and 21 February 2020, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 30th meeting, held on 6 March 2020.委员会在2020年2月20日和21日举行的第8和第9次会议(E/C.12/2020/SR.8和9)上审议了乌克兰的第七次定期报告(E/C.12/UKR/7),并在2020年3月6日举行的第30次会议上通过了本结论性意见。
The Committee considered the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Mexico (E/C.12/MEX/5-6) at its 2nd and 3rd meetings (see E/C.12/2018/SR.2 and E/C.12/2018/SR.3), held on 12 and 13 March 2018.委员会在2018年3月12日和13日举行的第2和第3次会议(见E/C.12/2018/SR.2和E/C.12/2018/SR.3)上审议了墨西哥的第五和第六次合并定期报告(E/C.12/MEX/5-6),并在2018年3月29日举行的第28次会议上通过了本结论性意见。
The Committee welcomes the submission of the third periodic report by the State party and the supplementary information provided in the replies to the list of issues (E/C.12/SVK/Q/3/Add.1).委员会欢迎缔约国提交第三次定期报告以及在对问题清单的答复(E/C.12/ SVK/Q/3/Add.1)中提供的补充资料。
The Committee appreciates the constructive dialogue held with the State party’s interministerial delegation.委员会赞赏与缔约国部际代表团进行的建设性对话。
It expresses its appreciation to the State party for having accepted the simplified reporting procedure, as this provides an opportunity for focused consideration of the report and dialogue with the delegation.委员会赞赏缔约国接受简化报告程序,这为有重点地审议报告和与代表团对话提供了机会。
Positive aspects积极方面
The Committee welcomes the legislative, institutional and policy measures taken by the State party to enhance the level of protection of economic, social and cultural rights in the State party, as referred to in the present concluding observations.委员会欢迎缔约国采取本结论性意见中所述的立法、体制和政策措施,以提高缔约国对经济、社会和文化权利的保护程度。
Principal subjects of concern and recommendations关注的主要问题及建议
Maximum available resources最大可用资源
Women in employment妇女就业
Domestic application of the Covenant《公约》在国内的适用
Equality between men and women男女平等
Social security社会保障
Informal economy非正规经济
Mental health精神卫生
Occupational safety and health职业安全和健康
Right to social security社会保障权
Right to just and favourable conditions of work公正和良好工作条件权
Minority languages少数民族语言
Right to an adequate standard of living适当生活水准权
Trade union rights工会权利
Access to health-care services获得卫生保健服务
Business and human rights工商企业与人权
Other recommendations其他建议
The Committee encourages the State party to ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.委员会鼓励缔约国批准《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》。
The Committee recommends that the State party consider ratifying Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.委员会建议缔约国考虑批准《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约任择议定书》。
The Committee recommends that the State party take fully into account its obligations under the Covenant and ensure the full enjoyment of the rights enshrined therein in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the national level, with international assistance and cooperation when needed.委员会建议缔约国充分考虑根据《公约》所承担的义务,确保在国家执行《2030年可持续发展议程》过程中人民得以充分享有《公约》规定的各项权利,必要时寻求国际援助与合作。
Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals would be significantly facilitated by the State party establishing independent mechanisms to monitor progress and treating beneficiaries of public programmes as rights holders who can claim entitlements.缔约国设立监测进展情况的独立机制和将公共方案受益人看作可提出权利主张的权利持有人,将极大促进可持续发展目标的实现。
Implementing the Goals on the basis of the principles of participation, accountability and non-discrimination would ensure that no one is left behind.在参与、问责和不歧视原则基础上落实可持续发展目标,将确保不让任何一个人掉队。
In this regard, the Committee draws the State party’s attention to its statement on the pledge to leave no one behind (E/C.12/2019/1).在这方面,委员会提请缔约国注意委员会关于承诺不让任何一个人掉队的声明(E/C.12/2019/1)。
The Committee recommends that the State party take steps to progressively develop and apply appropriate indicators on the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights in order to facilitate the assessment of progress achieved by the State party in complying with its obligations under the Covenant for various segments of the population.委员会建议缔约国采取步骤,逐步制定和采用衡量经济、社会及文化权利落实情况的适当指标,以便评估缔约国履行对各阶层人口的《公约》义务方面所取得的进展。
In that context, the Committee refers the State party to, inter alia, the conceptual and methodological framework on human rights indicators developed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (see HRI/MC/2008/3).为此,委员会请缔约国特别参考联合国人权事务高级专员办事处制订的关于人权指标的概念和方法框架(见HRI/MC/2008/3)。
The Committee requests that the State party disseminate the present concluding observations widely at all levels of society, including at the national, provincial and municipal levels, in particular among parliamentarians, public officials and judicial authorities, and that it inform the Committee in its next periodic report about the steps taken to implement them.委员会请缔约国在社会各级,包括在国家、省市各级,特别是向议员、公务人员和司法机构广泛传播本结论性意见,并在下次定期报告中向委员会通报为落实这些意见采取的步骤。
The Committee encourages the State party to engage with non-governmental organizations and other members of civil society, in the follow-up to the present concluding observations and in the process of consultation at the national level prior to the submission of its next periodic report.委员会鼓励缔约国邀请非政府组织和民间社会其他成员参与本结论性意见的后续落实工作和提交下次定期报告前的全国协商进程。
In accordance with the procedure on follow-up to concluding observations adopted by the Committee, the State party is requested to provide, within 24 months of the adoption of the present concluding observations, information on the implementation of the recommendations contained in paragraphs 30 (social security) above.按照委员会通过的结论性意见的后续落实程序,请缔约国在本结论性意见通过后24个月内提供资料,说明以上第30段(社会保障) 所载建议的执行情况。
The Committee requests the State party to submit its eighth periodic report, to be prepared in accordance with the reporting guidelines adopted by the Committee in 2008 (E/C.12/2008/2), by 31 March 2025.委员会请缔约国在2025年3月31日前提交第八次定期报告,并按照委员会2008年通过的报告准则(E/C.12/2008/2)编写报告。
In addition, it invites the State party to update its common core document, as necessary, in accordance with the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties (see HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6, chap. I).此外,委员会还请缔约国按照《根据国际人权条约提交报告的协调准则》(见HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6,第一章)对其共同核心文件作必要更新。
* Adopted by the Committee at its sixty-seventh session (17 February–6 March 2020).* 委员会第六十七届会议(2020年2月17日至3月6日)通过。