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Template-CESCR-Views concerning communication CESCR关于来文的意见-决定E.docx (English)Template-CESCR-Views concerning communication CESCR关于来文的意见-决定C.docx (Chinese)
United Nations联 合 国
Economic and Social Council经济及社会理事会
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights经济、社会及文化权利委员会
Views adopted by the Committee under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, concerning communication No. 52/2018委员会根据《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》通过的关于第52/2018号来文的意见
Communication submitted by:来文提交人:
Rosario Gómez-Limón Pardo (represented by counsel)Rosario Gómez-Limón Pardo (由律师代理)
Alleged victim:据称受害人:
The author提交人
State party:所涉缔约国:
Date of communication:来文日期:
30 August 2018 (initial submission)2018年8月30日(初次提交)
Date of adoption of Views:意见通过日期:
5 March 20202020年3月5日
Subject matter:事由:
Eviction of the author from her home将提交人驱逐出住所
Procedural issues:程序性问题:
Admissibility ratione materiae;基于属事理由的可受理性;
non-substantiation of claims申诉证据不足
Substantive issue:实质性问题:
Right to adequate housing适当住房权
Article of the Covenant:《公约》条款:
Article of the Optional Protocol:《任择议定书》条款:
3 (2) (e) and 5第三条第二款第(五)项和第五条
In the present Views, the Committee, without taking a position, first summarizes the information and arguments submitted by the parties;在本意见中,委员会将首先概述当事各方提交的资料和意见,但不表明立场;
it then considers the admissibility and merits of the communication and, lastly, sets out its conclusions and recommendations.然后将审议来文可否受理和实质问题; 最后提出结论和建议。
At its meeting on 11 October 2019, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, having noted that despite repeated attempts it had not been possible to contact the authors, decided to discontinue its consideration of communication No. 43/2018, in accordance with article 17 of its provisional rules of procedure under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.经济、社会及文化权利委员会于2019年10月11日举行会议,鉴于注意到反复试图与提交人联系无果,所以按照《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》之下的临时议事规则第17条,决定终止对第43/2018号来文的审议。
Summary of the information and arguments submitted by the parties当事各方提交的资料和意见概述
The facts as submitted by the author提交人陈述的事实
Before the registration of the communication登记来文之前
After the registration of the communication登记来文之后
The complaint申诉
State party’s observations on the merits缔约国关于实质问题的意见
Author’s comments on the State party’s observations on the merits提交人对缔约国关于实质问题的意见的评论
State party’s observations on admissibility and the merits缔约国关于可否受理和实质问题的意见
Author’s comments on the State party’s observations on admissibility and the merits提交人对缔约国关于可否受理和实质问题的意见的评论
Committee’s consideration of admissibility委员会审议可否受理
Before considering any claim contained in a communication, the Committee must decide, in accordance with rule 9 of its provisional rules of procedure under the Optional Protocol, whether or not the communication is admissible.在审议来文所载的任何请求之前,委员会必须根据《任择议定书》暂行议事规则第9条,决定来文可否受理。
The Committee notes that the State party has not challenged the admissibility of the communication on the ground of non-exhaustion of domestic remedies and that there does not appear to be any remedy available to the author that she has not exhausted.委员会注意到,缔约国没有以未用尽国内补救办法为由,质疑来文的可受理性,似乎也没有提交人可用而未用尽的补救办法。
The Committee concludes that, with respect to the author’s claim relating to her eviction, the case meets the requirement of exhaustion of domestic remedies set forth in article 3 (1) of the Optional Protocol.委员会因此认为,就提交人被驱逐这一申诉而言,案件满足《任择议定书》第三条第一款用尽国内补救办法的规定。
The Committee notes that the communication meets the other admissibility requirements under articles 2 and 3 of the Optional Protocol and, accordingly, declares the communication admissible and proceeds to its consideration on the merits.委员会注意到,来文符合《任择议定书》第二条和第三条规定的其他受理要求,因此宣布来文可以受理,并着手审议实质问题。
the Committee is of the view that the communication is not sufficiently founded for the purposes of admissibility and is, accordingly, inadmissible under article 3 (2) (e) of the Optional Protocol.委员会认为,为可否受理之目的,来文证据不足,因此根据《任择议定书》第三条第二款第(五)项认为来文不可受理。
Consideration of the merits审议实质问题
Facts and legal issues事实和法律问题
The Committee has considered the present communication taking into account all the information provided to it, in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of the Optional Protocol.委员会根据《任择议定书》第八条的规定,参照收到的所有资料,审议了本来文。
Protection against forced eviction防止强行驱逐
Duty of States to provide alternative housing to persons in need国家有义务向有需要的人提供替代住房
Analysis of the proportionality of the author’s eviction对驱逐提交人行动的相称性分析
Interim measures and eviction of the author临时措施和驱逐提交人
Conclusion and recommendations结论和建议
On the basis of all the information provided and in the particular circumstances of this case, the Committee finds that the eviction of the author without an assessment of proportionality by the authorities constituted a violation of her right to adequate housing.根据收到的所有资料,并考虑到本案的具体情况,委员会认为缔约国当局在未进行相称性评估的情况下驱逐提交人,侵犯了提交人的适当住房权。
The Committee, acting under article 9 (1) of the Optional Protocol, is of the view that the State party violated the author’s right to an effective remedy under article 11 (1) of the Covenant, read in conjunction with article 2 (1), and in accordance with the requirements of article 4.委员会根据《任择议定书》第九条第一款行事,认为缔约国侵犯了提交人根据与《公约》第二条第一款一并解读的第十一条第一款获得有效补救的权利,以及根据第四条的规定享有的权利。
The Committee also finds that the State party has violated article 5 of the Optional Protocol.委员会还认为,缔约国违反了《任择议定书》第五条。
In the light of its Views on the present communication, the Committee makes the following recommendations to the State party.根据关于本来文的意见,委员会向缔约国提出以下建议。
Having considered all the information submitted to it, the Committee, acting under the Optional Protocol, finds that the communication is inadmissible under article 3 (2) (e) of the Optional Protocol.委员会审议了收到的所有资料,根据《任择议定书》行事,认为根据《任择 议定书》第三条第二款第(五)项,来文不可受理。
The Committee therefore decides that pursuant to article 9 (1) of the Optional Protocol, the present decision shall be transmitted to the author of the communication and to the State party.因此,委员会决定根据《任择议定书》第九条第一款,将本决定转交来文提 交人和缔约国。
Recommendations in respect of the author关于提交人的建议
General recommendations一般性建议
The Committee considers that the remedies recommended in the context of individual communications may include guarantees of non-repetition and recalls that the State party has an obligation to prevent similar violations in the future.委员会认为,针对个人来文建议的补救措施可能包括保证不再发生,并回顾说,缔约国有义务防止今后发生类似的侵权行为。
The State party should ensure that its legislation and the enforcement thereof are consistent with the obligations established under the Covenant.缔约国应确保这方面的法律及其执行符合《公约》规定的义务。
In particular, the State has an obligation to:具体而言,缔约国有义务:
Ensure that the normative framework allows persons in respect of whom an eviction order is issued and who might consequently be at risk of destitution or of violation of their Covenant rights to challenge the decision before a judicial or other impartial and independent authority with the power to order the cessation of the violation and to provide an effective remedy so that such authorities can examine the proportionality of the measure in the light of the criteria for limiting the rights enshrined in the Covenant under the terms of article 4;确保规范框架允许驱逐令所涉当事人在可能陷入贫困或其《公约》权利受到侵犯的情况下,能够向司法机关,或者向有权命令停止侵权和提供有效补救的另一公正和独立机关提出反对意见,以便这些机关依照《公约》第四条规定的对这些《公约》承认的权利进行限制的标准,审查相关措施的相称性;
Establish a legal framework regulating the eviction of people from their homes that incorporates a requirement for the judicial authorities to conduct an analysis of the proportionality of the aim pursued by the measure relative to its consequences for the persons evicted, and of its compatibility with the Covenant, in all cases, including when the properties are occupied without legal title;制定将个人逐出其住所应遵循的法律框架,其中包括要求司法当局在 所有情况下,包括在无合法租约占用房产的情况下,分析该措施所追求的目标与 其对被驱逐者造成的后果之间的相称性,以及该措施是否符合《公约》;
Ensure that persons subject to an eviction order are able to challenge the decision or lodge an appeal with a view to having the judicial authorities assess the proportionality of the aim pursued by the measure relative to its consequences for the persons evicted, and its compatibility with the Covenant in all cases, including when the properties are occupied without legal title;确保收到驱逐令者能够对该决定提出质疑或上诉,以便司法当局在所 有情况下,包括在无合法租约占用房产的情况下,分析该措施所追求的目标与其 对被驱逐者所造成后果之间的相称性,以及该措施是否符合《公约》;
Take the necessary measures to ensure that evictions involving persons who do not have the means of obtaining alternative housing are carried out only following genuine consultation with the persons concerned and once the State has taken all essential steps, to the maximum of its available resources, to ensure that evicted persons have alternative housing, especially in cases involving families, older persons, children or other persons in vulnerable situations;采取必要措施,确保在采取行动驱逐无力获得替代住房者之前,先与 当事人真诚协商,而且国家应先采取一切必不可少的步骤,最大限度利用现有资源,确保被驱逐者拥有替代住房,特别是在涉及家庭、老年人、儿童或其他弱势群体的情况下;
Develop and implement, in coordination with the autonomous communities and to the maximum of its available resources, a comprehensive plan to guarantee the right to adequate housing for low-income persons, in keeping with general comment No. 4.参照第 4 号一般性意见,与自治区协调,最大限度地利用现有资源,制定和实施保障低收入者适当住房权的综合计划。
This plan should establish the resources, measures, indicators, time frames and evaluation criteria necessary to guarantee these individuals’ right to housing in a reasonable and measurable manner;该计划应确定必要的资源、措施、指标、时限和评估标准,以合理和可衡量的方式保障这些个人的住房权;
Establish a protocol for complying with requests for interim measures issued by the Committee and inform all relevant authorities of the need to respect such requests in order to ensure the integrity of the procedure.制定遵守委员会发出的临时措施请求的程序,并告知所有相关当局有必要遵守此类请求,以确保程序的完整性。
In accordance with article 9 (2) of the Optional Protocol and rule 18 (1) of the provisional rules of procedure under the Optional Protocol, the State party is requested to submit to the Committee, within a period of six months, a written response, including information on the measures taken in follow-up to the Views and recommendations of the Committee.根据《任择议定书》第九条第二款,以及《任择议定书》之下的暂行议事规则第18条第1款,请缔约国在六个月内向委员会提交一份书面答复,说明为落实委员会的意见和建议采取的措施。
The State party is also requested to publish the Views of the Committee and to distribute them widely, in an accessible format, so that they reach all sectors of the population.此外,还请缔约国公布委员会的意见,并以无障碍形式广为发布,以便为各界民众知晓。
* Adopted by the Committee at its sixty-seventh session (17 February–6 March 2020).* 委员会第六十七届会议(2020年2月17日至3月6日)通过。