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Template-HRC-Report of the Working Group on Communications 来文工作组届会报告E.docx (English)Template-HRC-Report of the Working Group on Communications 来文工作组届会报告C.docx (Chinese)
United NationsUnited Nations
General AssemblyGeneral Assembly
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12 March 202112 March 2021
Original: EnglishOriginal: English
Human Rights Council人权理事会
Complaint procedure申诉程序
Working Group on Communications来文工作组
Twenty-seventh session第二十七届会议
8–12 February 20212021年2月8日至12日
Report of the Working Group on Communications on its twenty-seventh session来文工作组第二十七届会议报告
Chair-Rapporteur: Elizabeth Salmón主席兼报告员:伊丽莎白·萨尔蒙
Conduct of the twenty-seventh session第二十七届会议的举行
The Working Group on Communications of the complaint procedure of the Human Rights Council, established by the Council in its resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007 and endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 62/219 of 22 December 2007, held its twenty-seventh session from 8 to 12 February 2021 at Palais des Nations, in Geneva, and via the Interprefy virtual platform.人权理事会申诉程序来文工作组由理事会2007年6月18日第5/1号决议设立,并经大会2007年12月22日第62/219号决议核准。 工作组于2021年2月8日至12日在日内瓦万国宫并利用Interprefy虚拟会议平台举行了第二十七届会议。
The Working Group currently comprises the following members: Ibrahim Abdulaziz Alsheddi, Alessio Bruni, Iurii Alexandrovich Kolesnikov, Mona Omar and Elizabeth Salmón.工作组现由以下成员组成:易卜拉欣·阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·阿尔谢迪、阿莱西奥·布鲁尼、尤里·亚历山德罗维奇·科列斯尼科夫、莫纳·奥马尔和伊丽莎白·萨尔蒙。
All members of the Working Group attended the meetings of the twenty-seventh session.工作组所有成员均出席了第二十七届会议的各次会议。
The twenty-seventh session of the Working Group was opened on 8 February 2021 by the Chief of the Human Rights Council Branch of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on behalf of the Secretary-General.2021年2月8日,联合国人权事务高级专员办事处人权理事会处处长代表秘书长宣布工作组第二十七届会议开幕。
The Working Group elected, by acclamation, Ms. Salmón as its Chair-Rapporteur and Ms. Omar as its Vice-Chair for the twenty-seventh session.工作组以鼓掌方式选举萨尔蒙女士为第二十七届会议主席兼报告员,选举奥马尔女士为副主席。
It held a total of five meetings.工作组共召开了五次会议。
At its twenty-seventh session, the Working Group considered the communications processed by the Chair-Rapporteur of its twenty-sixth session, together with the secretariat, between November 2019 and March 2020.工作组第二十七届会议审议了第二十六届会议主席兼报告员与秘书处在2019年11月至2020年3月期间处理的来文。
The Chair-Rapporteur deemed admissible one new communication, relating to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.主席兼报告员认为1份新来文可以受理,涉及沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国和也门。
Pursuant to paragraph 94 of the annex to Council resolution 5/1, the admissible communication had been transmitted to the States concerned in order to obtain their views on the allegations of human rights violations.按照人权理事会第5/1号决议附件第94段的规定,可受理的来文已转交有关国家,以征求其对侵犯人权指控的意见。
In addition to the new communication, the Working Group also considered nine communications, relating to Chile, Guatemala (two communications), Japan (two communications), the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (two communications), Pakistan and Turkey, which had been kept pending at its twenty-sixth session.除新来文外,工作组还审议了第二十六届会议决定保持审议的9份来文,分别涉及智利、危地马拉(2份来文)、日本(2份来文)、老挝人民民主共和国(2份来文)、巴基斯坦和土耳其。
At its twenty-seventh session, the Working Group therefore had before it a total of 10 admissible communications relating to nine States.因此,工作组第二十七届会议共有10份可受理来文,涉及9个国家。
It had received replies relating to 10 communications. Additional information had been received from the authors of communications concerning Japan, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Turkey.工作组收到了对10份来文的答复,并收到了涉及日本、老挝人民民主共和国和土耳其的来文的提交人提供的补充资料。
As set out in paragraph 95 of the annex to Council resolution 5/1, the Working Group was to decide on the admissibility of a communication and assess the merits of the allegations of human rights violations, including whether the communication alone, or in combination with other communications, appeared to reveal a consistent pattern of gross and reliably attested violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.按照理事会第5/1号决议附件第95段的规定,来文工作组要就来文可否受理作出决定,并评估侵犯人权指控的案情实质,包括评估该来文本身或与其他来文结合起来看是否显示某种一贯严重侵犯人权和基本自由并已得到可靠证实的情况。
In dealing with the question of admissibility of communications, the Working Group applied the criteria set out in paragraphs 87 and 88 of the annex to Council resolution 5/1.工作组在处理来文可否受理问题时,采用了理事会第5/1号决议附件第87和88段规定的标准。
The Working Group worked in a spirit of consensus, which permitted it to adopt all but one of its decisions without a vote.工作组本着协商一致的精神开展工作,因而得以不经表决通过几乎所有决定,只有一项决定例外。
The results of the deliberations and the decisions made are reflected in the present report.本报告反映了审议结果和作出的决定。
During the session, the Working Group adopted a total of 2,025 decisions.本届会议期间,工作组共通过2,025项决定。
Decisions were taken on the one new communication and the nine communications kept under review at its twenty-sixth session, as well as on the 2,015 communications deemed inadmissible.工作组就1份新来文、第二十六届会议决定保持审议的9份来文以及被认定不可受理的2,015份来文作出决定。
In particular, the Working Group decided to transmit one file relating to one State to the Working Group on Situations, to keep five files relating to three States under review until its next session and to discontinue four files relating to six States.具体说来,工作组决定将涉及1个国家的1份案卷转交情况工作组,将涉及3个国家的5份案卷保持审议至下届会议,并停止审议涉及6个国家的4份案卷。
Decisions of the Working Group on Communications来文工作组的决定
Communication transmitted to the Working Group on Situations转交情况工作组的来文
The Working Group decided to transmit to the Working Group on Situations the communication below.工作组决定向情况工作组转交以下来文。
Communication No.来文号
Government reply政府的答复
Additional information补充资料
2019/7 (254)2019/7 (254)
3 February 20212021年2月3日
21 November 2019 (request for an extension)2019年11月21日 (延期请求)
16 November 2020 (received from the author of the communication)2020年11月16日 (来文提交人提供)
In its consideration of the admissibility of the communication in accordance with the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 and in the light of the documentation provided, the Working Group decided that:工作组根据人权理事会第5/1号决议附件并结合各方提供的文件审议了来文可否受理问题,决定:
Pursuant to paragraph 87 (a) of the annex to Council resolution 5/1, there was insufficient evidence to support the Government’s claim that the complaint was manifestly politically motivated;根据理事会第5/1号决议附件第87段 (a)分段,没有足够的证据支持政府关于申诉明显出于政治动机的说法;
In accordance with paragraph 87 (b) and (e) of the annex to Council resolution 5/1, the communication contained a factual description of the alleged violations and was not exclusively based on reports disseminated by mass media;根据理事会第5/1号决议附件第87段 (b)和(e)分段,来文中以事实说明所指控的侵权行为,所依据的不完全是大众传媒的报道;
The communication had, in accordance with paragraph 87 (d) of the annex to Council resolution 5/1, been submitted by persons, acting in good faith in accordance with the principles of human rights, not resorting to politically motivated stands contrary to the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, and claiming to have direct and reliable knowledge of the violations concerned;根据理事会第5/1号决议附件第87段 (d)分段,来文提交人是真诚本着人权原则行事,不采取含有政治动机并有违《联合国宪章》规定的立场,并声称直接并可靠了解有关侵犯人权情况;
in any event, the Working Group recalled that reliably attested communications should not be inadmissible solely because the knowledge of the individual authors was second-hand, provided that they were accompanied by clear evidence;无论如何,工作组回顾说,如果来文得到可靠证实,只要提供的证据清楚,便不得仅仅因为具体提交人对情况的了解是第二手的而不予受理来文;
The communication did not, in accordance with paragraph 87 (f) of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, refer to a case that appeared to reveal a consistent pattern of gross and reliably attested violations of human rights that was already being dealt with by a special procedure, a treaty body or other United Nations or similar regional complaints procedure in the field of human rights;根据人权理事会第5/1号决议附件第87段 (f)分段,来文所述案件不是一个已由一个特别程序、条约机构或联合国其他人权申诉程序或类似的区域申诉程序处理的似乎显示存在一贯严重侵犯人权并已得到可靠证实的情况;
In accordance with paragraph 87 (g) of the annex to Council resolution 5/1, there were reasonable grounds to believe that domestic remedies would be ineffective on account of the alleged dismissal of a large number of judges and prosecutors in the aftermath of the events described in the communication.根据理事会第5/1号决议附件第87 段(g)分段,有合理的理由认为,由于据称来文所述事件后大量法官和检察官被解雇,国内补救办法将不会奏效。
On the basis of its assessment of the admissibility criteria and the rejection of the objections raised by the Government, the Working Group concluded that the communication was admissible and met all the criteria set out in paragraph 87, subparagraphs (a) to (g) of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1.基于对受理标准的评估以及对政府所提反对意见的驳回,工作组得出结论认为,来文可以受理,符合人权理事会第5/1号决议附件第87段(a)至(g)分段规定的所有标准。
Considering the fact that the allegations referred to in the communication were of a serious nature and might reveal a consistent pattern of gross and reliably attested violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the Working Group decided to refer the communication to the Working Group on Situations, and to recommend that the latter, in its dialogue with the Government:考虑到来文中所述指控性质严重,可能显示出一贯严重侵犯人权和基本自由并得到可靠证实的情况,工作组决定将来文转交情况工作组,并建议后者在与政府对话时:
Seek substantive and detailed information on the concrete measures taken;请其提供所采取具体措施的实质性详细资料;
Encourage the Government to cooperate fully with the special procedures of the Human Rights Council.鼓励政府与人权理事会特别程序充分合作。
The Working Group adopted its decision by consensus.工作组以协商一致方式通过了决定。
Communications kept under review保持审议的来文
The Working Group decided to keep under review the communications listed below (nine files relating to six States) until its next session.工作组决定保持审议下列来文(涉及6个国家的9份卷宗)至下届会议。
The Working Group took note of the new reply submitted by the Government of Guatemala on 18 May 2020, and expressed its appreciation for the cooperation of the Government with the complaint procedure.工作组注意到危地马拉政府2020年5月18日提交了新的答复,并对该国政府与申诉程序的合作表示赞赏。
The Working Group decided to keep the case under review until its next session and, with a view to continuing its constructive dialogue with the Government of Guatemala, to request the Government to provide, no later than three months after the notification of the present decision by the secretariat substantive and detailed information.工作组决定保持审议此案至下届会议。 为了继续与危地马拉政府进行建设性对话,工作组请政府在秘书处通知本决定后三个月内,提供实质性的详细资料。
The Working Group took note of the replies submitted by the Government of Japan on 18 June 2020 and 5 February 2021, and expressed its appreciation for the cooperation of the Government with the complaint procedure.工作组注意到日本政府2020年6月18日和2021年2月5日提交的答复,并对政府与申诉程序的合作表示赞赏。
The Working Group considered, however, that a number of aspects contained in the communication and in its replies could be clarified further by the Government.然而,工作组认为,该国政府可以进一步澄清来文及政府答复中涉及的一些方面。
It also noted with concern the Government’s reiterated position that it was unable to provide information on the individual cases included in the communication in light of the protection of privacy and in accordance with relevant domestic laws.工作组还关切地注意到政府重申的立场,即考虑到隐私保护并根据相关国内法,它无法提供关于来文所列个案的信息。
In this regard, the Working Group recalled the confidential nature of the complaint procedure pursuant to paragraph 86 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1.在这方面,工作组回顾,人权理事会第5/1号决议附件第86段规定了申诉程序的保密性。
In the light of the above considerations, the Working Group decided to keep the communication under review until its next session and to request the Government to provide substantive and detailed updated information, no later than three months after the notification of the present decision by the secretariat, on:鉴于上述考虑,工作组决定保持审议本来文至下届会议,并请该国政府在秘书处通知本决定后三个月内提供实质性和详细的最新资料,说明:
Discontinued communications停止审议的来文
The Working Group decided to discontinue consideration of the communications listed below.工作组决定停止审议以下来文。
The Working Group considered the admissibility of the communication in accordance with the annex to Human Rights Council Council resolution 5/1 and in the light of the documentation provided.工作组根据人权理事会第5/1号决议附件并参照各方提供的文件,审议了来文可否受理问题。
The Working Group found that the communication might be politically motivated, considering the language used in the complaint and in the additional information provided by the complainant on 17 September 2020.工作组认为,考虑到申诉中以及申诉人2020年9月17日提供的补充资料中使用的语言,来文可能有政治动机。
The Working Group accordingly decided to discontinue its consideration of the communication.因此,工作组决定停止审议本来文。
The Working Group adopted its decision by consensus.工作组以协商一致方式通过了决定。
Government cooperation政府的合作
The Working Group noted that it had received replies to all communications for which it had requested information.工作组指出,它要求提供资料的所有来文都得到了答复。
It expressed its appreciation to the Governments that had provided detailed and comprehensive replies within the time frame provided for in Council resolution 5/1.工作组向在理事会第5/1号决议规定的时限内提供详细和全面答复的各国政府表示赞赏。
In that connection, it stressed that such cooperation was necessary for the proper functioning of the bodies entrusted with the implementation of the complaint procedure, as established by the Council in paragraphs 85 to 109 of the annex to its resolution 5/1.在这方面,它强调,这种合作对于理事会第5/1号决议附件第85至109段设立的申诉程序执行机构的正常运作是必要的。
The Working Group encouraged Governments to address all allegations raised in the communications and to submit substantive replies on the allegations as soon as possible following the request made by the Working Group in order to allow for the timely and efficient processing of communications.工作组鼓励各国政府处理来文中提出的所有指控,并在工作组提出要求后尽快就指控提交实质性答复,以便来文得到及时有效的处理。
Implementation of decisions决定的执行
Communication transmitted to the Working Group on Situations转交情况工作组的来文
Pursuant to paragraph 106 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, the secretariat will inform the Government of Turkey and the author of the communication of the relevant decision made by the Working Group on Communications.根据人权理事会第5/1号决议附件第106段,秘书处将向土耳其政府和来文提交人通报来文工作组所作相关决定。
The communication will subsequently be transmitted to the Working Group on Situations, as reflected in the present document.如本文件所示,来文随后将转交情况工作组。
Decisions to keep communications under review关于保持审议来文的决定
The secretariat will inform the Governments of Guatemala (two communications), Japan and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (two communications), and the authors of the communications, of the decision made by the Working Group to keep the communications relating to those States under review until its next session, as reflected in the present document, and of the reasons underlying that decision.秘书处将向危地马拉 (2份来文)、 日本和老挝人民民主共和国(2份来文)政府以及来文提交人通报本文件所载工作组关于保持审议与这些国家有关的来文至下届会议的决定以及作出这些决定的理由。
Decision to discontinue consideration of communications关于停止审议来文的决定
The secretariat will inform the Governments of Japan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, and the authors of the communications, of the decision made by the Working Group to discontinue its consideration of those communications, as reflected in the present document, and of the reasons underlying that decision.秘书处将向日本、巴基斯坦、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国和也门政府以及来文提交人通报本文件所载工作组关于停止审议这些来文的决定以及作出这些决定的理由。
Other issues其他事项
During its session, the Working Group considered the overall functioning of the complaint procedure in the context of its methods of work, in accordance with paragraphs 86 and 90 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, including ways and means to increase the overall efficiency of the complaint procedure.会议期间,工作组根据人权理事会第5/1号决议附件第86和第90段,结合其工作方法审议了申诉程序的总体运作情况,包括提高申诉程序总体效率的方式方法。
In the light of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the members of the Working Group, for their own safety and that of others, implemented the measures recommended by the United Nations Office at Geneva, such as physical distancing at all times, the wearing of face-covering masks inside the premises and proper airflow in the meeting room.鉴于冠状病毒疾病(COVID-19)大流行,工作组成员为了自身和他人的安全,执行了联合国日内瓦办事处建议的措施,例如始终保持身体距离,在办公场所佩戴口罩,以及在会议室保持适当的空气流通。
It also resorted to on-screen projection of documents rather than distribute printed materials in the meeting room.工作组还采用屏幕投影文件而不是在会议室分发印刷材料的办法。
Furthermore, the Working Group adopted hybrid modalities in order to facilitate the participation of four of its members in the session, thereby minimizing any potential risk of infection.此外,工作组采用了混合会议模式,以便利其四名成员参加会议,从而最大限度地减少任何潜在的感染风险。
Adoption of the report通过报告
The Working Group on Communications adopted its report unanimously at its fifth meeting.来文工作组在第五次会议上一致通过了报告。
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