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Template-UPR-Addendum UPR工作组报告增编E.docx (English)Template-UPR-Addendum UPR工作组报告增编C.docx (Chinese)
United NationsUnited Nations
General AssemblyGeneral Assembly
Distr.: GeneralDistr.: General
22 February 202122 February 2021
Original: EnglishOriginal: English
Human Rights Council人权理事会
Forty-sixth session第四十六届会议
22 February–19 March 20212021年2月22日至3月19日
Agenda item 6议程项目6
Universal periodic review普遍定期审议
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review普遍定期审议工作组报告
Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under review受审议国对结论和/或建议提出的意见、作出的自愿承诺和答复
* The present document is being issued without formal editing.* 本文件印发前未经正式编辑。