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CRC/C/GC/25 2102868E.docx (ENGLISH)CRC/C/GC/25 2102868C.docx (CHINESE)
United Nations联 合 国
Convention on the Rights of the Child儿童权利公约
Distr.: GeneralDistr.: General
2 March 20212 March 2021
Committee on the Rights of the Child儿童权利委员会
General comment No. 25 (2021) on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment关于与数字环境有关的儿童权利的第25号一般性意见 (2021年)
The children consulted for the present general comment reported that digital technologies were vital to their current lives and to their future:本一般性意见征求了儿童的意见,他们报告说,数字技术对他们当前的生活和他们的未来至关重要:
“By the means of digital technology, we can get information from all around the world”;“通过数字技术手段,我们可以从世界各地获得信息”;
“[Digital technology] introduced me to major aspects of how I identify myself”;“[数字技术]帮助我了解如何认识自己的各个主要方面”;
“When you are sad, the Internet can help you [to] see something that brings you joy”.“在你悲伤时,互联网可以帮助你看到为你带来快乐的事物。”
The digital environment is constantly evolving and expanding, encompassing information and communications technologies, including digital networks, content, services and applications, connected devices and environments, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, robotics, automated systems, algorithms and data analytics, biometrics and implant technology.数字环境在不断发展和扩大,它囊括了信息和通信技术,包括数字网络、内容、服务和应用、互联的设备和环境、虚拟和增强现实、人工智能、机器人、自动化系统、算法和数据分析、生物识别和植入技术等。
The digital environment is becoming increasingly important across most aspects of children’s lives, including during times of crisis, as societal functions, including education, government services and commerce, progressively come to rely upon digital technologies.数字环境在儿童生活的大多数方面变得越来越重要,包括在危机时期也是如此,这是因为,包括教育、政府服务和商业在内各种社会职能越来越依赖数字技术。
It affords new opportunities for the realization of children’s rights, but also poses the risks of their violation or abuse.数字技术为实现儿童权利提供了新的机会,但也带来了这些权利遭到侵犯或践踏的风险。
During consultations, children expressed the view that the digital environment should support, promote and protect their safe and equitable engagement:在征求意见期间,儿童表达了这样的观点,即数字环境应对他们安全和公平地参与社会生活提供支持、促进和保护:
“We would like the government, technology companies and teachers to help us [to] manage untrustworthy information online.”“我们希望政府、科技公司和教师帮助我们管理网上那些不可信的信息”;
“ would like to obtain clarity about what really happens with my data … Why collect it? How is it being collected?”“我想弄清楚我的数据到底会用于做什么……为什么要收集我的数据?我的信息是如何被收集的?”
“ am … worried about my data being shared”.“我……担心我的数据被共享”。
The rights of every child must be respected, protected and fulfilled in the digital environment.在数字环境中,每个儿童的权利都必须得到尊重、保护和实现。
Innovations in digital technologies affect children’s lives and their rights in ways that are wide-ranging and interdependent, even where children do not themselves access the Internet.数字技术的创新以广泛和相互依存的方式影响着儿童的生活和他们的权利,即使在儿童自己不上网的情况下也是如此。
Meaningful access to digital technologies can support children to realize the full range of their civil, political, cultural, economic and social rights.积极使用数字技术可以支持儿童实现他们的各种公民、政治、文化、经济和社会权利。
However, if digital inclusion is not achieved, existing inequalities are likely to increase, and new ones may arise.但是,如果不能实现数字包容,现有的不平等可能会加剧,而且可能会出现新的不平等。
The present general comment draws on the Committee’s experience in reviewing States parties’ reports, its day of general discussion on digital media and children’s rights, the jurisprudence of the human rights treaty bodies, the recommendations of the Human Rights Council and the special procedures of the Council, two rounds of consultations with States, experts and other stakeholders on the concept note and advanced draft and an international consultation with 709 children living in a wide variety of circumstances in 28 countries in several regions.本一般性意见结合了委员会审查缔约国报告的经历、委员会关于数字媒体和儿童权利的一般性讨论日的内容、人权条约机构的判例、人权理事会和理事会特别程序的建议、与各国、专家和其他利益攸关方就概念说明和草案预稿进行的两轮协商,以及与几个区域28个国家709名在各种环境下生活的儿童进行的国际协商的内容。
The present general comment should be read in conjunction with other relevant general comments of the Committee and its guidelines regarding the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.本一般性意见应与委员会其他相关一般性意见及其《儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书执行准则》一并阅读。
In the present general comment, the Committee explains how States parties should implement the Convention in relation to the digital environment and provides guidance on relevant legislative, policy and other measures to ensure full compliance with their obligations under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto in the light of the opportunities, risks and challenges in promoting, respecting, protecting and fulfilling all children’s rights in the digital environment.在本一般性意见中,委员会对缔约国应如何在数字环境方面执行《公约》作了解释,并结合在数字环境中促进、尊重、保护和实现所有儿童权利的机会、风险和挑战,就有关立法、政策和其他措施提供了指导,以确保各缔约国充分遵守在《公约》及其各任择议定书之下承担的义务。
General principles一般性原则
The following four principles provide a lens through which the implementation of all other rights under the Convention should be viewed.以下四项原则提供了一个视角,应该通过这个视角来看待《公约》规定的所有其他权利的落实情况。
They should serve as a guide for determining the measures needed to guarantee the realization of children’s rights in relation to the digital environment.这些原则应作为指南,用于确定需要采取哪些措施,为实现与数字环境有关的儿童权利提供保障。
The right to non-discrimination requires that States parties ensure that all children have equal and effective access to the digital environment in ways that are meaningful for them.不受歧视的权利要求缔约国确保所有儿童以对他们有益的方式,平等有效地进入数字环境。
States parties should take all measures necessary to overcome digital exclusion.缔约国应采取一切必要措施,克服数字排斥。
That includes providing free and safe access for children in dedicated public locations and investing in policies and programmes that support all children’s affordable access to, and knowledgeable use of, digital technologies in educational settings, communities and homes.这包括在专门的公共场所为儿童提供免费和安全的接入,并投资于政策和方案,以支持所有儿童在教育环境、社区和家中以负担得起的方式获取和理性使用数字技术。
Children may be discriminated against by their being excluded from using digital technologies and services or by receiving hateful communications or unfair treatment through use of those technologies.儿童可能因不能使用数字技术和服务,或因使用这些技术而收到仇恨言论或遭受不公平待遇,结果受到歧视。
Other forms of discrimination can arise when automated processes that result in information filtering, profiling or decision-making are based on biased, partial or unfairly obtained data concerning a child.如果导致信息过滤、特征分析或决策的自动化程序是基于与儿童有关的带有偏见的数据、不完整或以不公平方式取得的数据,则可能会出现其他形式的歧视。
The Committee calls upon States parties to take proactive measures to prevent discrimination on the basis of sex, disability, socioeconomic background, ethnic or national origin, language or any other grounds, and discrimination against minority and indigenous children, asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children, children who are victims and survivors of trafficking or sexual exploitation, children in alternative care, children deprived of liberty and children in other vulnerable situations.委员会呼吁各缔约国采取积极措施,防止基于性别、残疾状况、社会经济背景、族裔或民族血统、语言或任何其他原因的歧视,以及对少数群体和土著儿童、寻求庇护的儿童、难民和移民儿童、男、女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和间性儿童、贩运或性剥削受害儿童和幸存的儿童、接受替代照料的儿童、被剥夺自由的儿童以及处于其他脆弱处境的儿童的歧视。
Specific measures will be required to close the gender-related digital divide for girls and to ensure that particular attention is given to access, digital literacy, privacy and online safety.需要采取具体措施,消除女童因性别面临的数字鸿沟,并确保特别关注可接入性、数字素养、隐私和网络安全等问题。
Best interests of the child儿童的最大利益
The best interests of the child is a dynamic concept that requires an assessment appropriate to the specific context.儿童的最大利益是一个动态的概念,需要根据具体情况进行适当的评估。
The digital environment was not originally designed for children, yet it plays a significant role in children’s lives.数字环境最初并不是为儿童设计的,但它在儿童的生活中扮演着重要角色。
States parties should ensure that, in all actions regarding the provision, regulation, design, management and use of the digital environment, the best interests of every child is a primary consideration.缔约国应确保在提供、监管、设计、管理和使用数字环境的所有行动中,将每个儿童的最大利益作为首要考虑。
States parties should involve the national and local bodies that oversee the fulfilment of the rights of children in such actions.缔约国应让监督落实儿童权利的国家和地方机构参与这类行动。
In considering the best interests of the child, they should have regard for all children’s rights, including their rights to seek, receive and impart information, to be protected from harm and to have their views given due weight, and ensure transparency in the assessment of the best interests of the child and the criteria that have been applied.在考虑儿童的最大利益时,缔约国应考虑到儿童的所有权利,包括寻求、接受和传递信息的权利、不受伤害的权利和对他们的意见给予适当考虑的权利,并确保对儿童最大利益的评估和所适用的标准的透明度。
Right to life, survival and development生命权、生存权和发展权
Opportunities provided by the digital environment play an increasingly crucial role in children’s development and may be vital for children’s life and survival, especially in situations of crisis.数字环境提供的机会对儿童的发展发挥着越来越重要的作用,可能对儿童的生活和生存至关重要,特别是在危机情况下。
States parties should take all appropriate measures to protect children from risks to their right to life, survival and development.缔约国应采取一切适当措施,保护儿童的生命权、生存权和发展权免受威胁。
Risks relating to content, contact, conduct and contract encompass, among other things, violent and sexual content, cyberaggression and harassment, gambling, exploitation and abuse, including sexual exploitation and abuse, and the promotion of or incitement to suicide or life-threatening activities, including by criminals or armed groups designated as terrorist or violent extremist.与内容、联系、行为和合同有关的风险,除其他外,包括暴力和性内容、网络攻击和骚扰、赌博、剥削和虐待(包括性剥削和性虐待),以及宣传或煽动自杀或危及生命的活动,包括由被认定为恐怖分子或暴力极端主义分子的罪犯或武装团体实施的这类行为。
States parties should identify and address the emerging risks that children face in diverse contexts, including by listening to their views on the nature of the particular risks that they face.缔约国应查明和应对儿童在不同情况下面临的新风险,包括为此听取他们对面临的特定风险的性质的看法。
The use of digital devices should not be harmful, nor should it be a substitute for in-person interactions among children or between children and parents or caregivers.使用数字设备不应造成伤害,也不应取代儿童之间或儿童与父母或照顾者之间的面对面互动。
States parties should pay specific attention to the effects of technology in the earliest years of life, when brain plasticity is maximal and the social environment, in particular relationships with parents and caregivers, is crucial to shaping children’s cognitive, emotional and social development.缔约国应特别关注技术在儿童生命早期的影响,此时大脑的可塑性最强; 此外,社会环境,特别是儿童与父母和照顾者之间的关系,对塑造他们的认知、情感及社会发展至关重要。
In the early years, precautions may be required, depending on the design, purpose and uses of technologies.取决于技术的设计、目的和用途,开始的几年可能需要采取预防措施。
Training and advice on the appropriate use of digital devices should be given to parents, caregivers, educators and other relevant actors, taking into account the research on the effects of digital technologies on children’s development, especially during the critical neurological growth spurts of early childhood and adolescence.应向父母、照料儿童者、教育工作者和其他相关行为者提供关于正当使用数字设备的培训和建议,同时考虑关于数字技术对儿童的发展,特别是在儿童和青少年早期神经发育关键期的影响的研究。
Respect for the views of the child尊重儿童的意见
Children reported that the digital environment afforded them crucial opportunities for their voices to be heard in matters that affected them.儿童报告说,数字环境为他们提供了对影响他们的问题发表意见的重要机会。
The use of digital technologies can help to realize children’s participation at the local, national and international levels.数字技术的使用有助于儿童在地方、国家和国际层面的参与。
States parties should promote awareness of, and access to, digital means for children to express their views and offer training and support for children to participate on an equal basis with adults, anonymously where needed, so that they can be effective advocates for their rights, individually and as a group.缔约国应提高对儿童表达意见的数字手段的认识,促进利用这些数字手段,并为儿童在与成人平等的基础上(在需要时以匿名方式)进行参与提供培训和支持,以便他们能够单独和作为一个群体有效地倡导自己的权利。
When developing legislation, policies, programmes, services and training on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment, States parties should involve all children, listen to their needs and give due weight to their views.在制定与数字环境有关的儿童权利的立法、政策、方案以及开发服务和培训时,缔约国应让所有儿童参与进来,倾听他们的需要,并对他们的意见予以适当重视。
They should ensure that digital service providers actively engage with children, applying appropriate safeguards, and give their views due consideration when developing products and services.应该确保数字服务提供商积极与儿童接触,采用适当的保障措施,并在开发产品和服务时适当考虑他们的意见。
States parties are encouraged to utilize the digital environment to consult with children on relevant legislative, administrative and other measures and to ensure that their views are considered seriously and that children’s participation does not result in undue monitoring or data collection that violates their right to privacy, freedom of thought and opinion.鼓励缔约国利用数字环境,就相关的立法、行政和其他措施与儿童协商,并确保他们的意见得到认真考虑,确保儿童的参与不会导致不当监测或数据收集,侵犯其隐私权、思想和意见自由权。
They should ensure that consultative processes are inclusive of children who lack access to technology or the skills to use it.缔约国应确保协商进程纳入接触不到技术或缺乏技术的使用技能的儿童。
Evolving capacities不断发展的能力
States parties should respect the evolving capacities of the child as an enabling principle that addresses the process of their gradual acquisition of competencies, understanding and agency.缔约国应尊重儿童不断发展的能力,将其作为一项促进原则,推动儿童逐渐获得能力、理解力和能动力的过程。
That process has particular significance in the digital environment, where children can engage more independently from supervision by parents and caregivers.这一过程在数字环境下具有特别重要的意义,儿童可以更独立地参与这一环境,不受父母和照顾者的监督。
The risks and opportunities associated with children’s engagement in the digital environment change depending on their age and stage of development.与儿童参与数字环境相关的风险和机会取决于他们的年龄和发展阶段。
They should be guided by those considerations whenever they are designing measures to protect children in, or facilitate their access to, that environment.缔约国无论是在设计对该环境中的儿童进行保护的措施,还是便利儿童进入该环境的措施时,都应以这些考虑因素为指导。
The design of age-appropriate measures should be informed by the best and most up-to-date research available, from a range of disciplines.在设计适合年龄的措施时,应该参考来自各学科的最佳和最新研究成果。
States parties should take into account the changing position of children and their agency in the modern world, children’s competence and understanding, which develop unevenly across areas of skill and activity, and the diverse nature of the risks involved.缔约国应考虑儿童及其能动性在现代世界中不断变化的情况,考虑儿童的能力和理解力,这些能力在各个技能和活动领域发展不平衡,还应考虑所涉风险的不同性质。
Those considerations must be balanced with the importance of exercising their rights in supported environments and the range of individual experiences and circumstances.这些考虑因素必须与在有支持的环境中行使权利的重要性,以及个人经历和个人情况的范围等因素相平衡。
States parties should ensure that digital service providers offer services that are appropriate for children’s evolving capacities.缔约国应确保数字服务提供商提供适合儿童不断发展的能力的服务。
In accordance with States’ duty to render appropriate assistance to parents and caregivers in the performance of their child-rearing responsibilities, States parties should promote awareness among parents and caregivers of the need to respect children’s evolving autonomy, capacities and privacy.缔约国有义务在家长和照顾者履行育儿责任时向其提供适当协助,应根据这一义务,提高家长和照顾者对有必要尊重儿童不断发展的自主权、能力和隐私的认识。
They should support parents and caregivers in acquiring digital literacy and awareness of the risks to children in order to help them to assist children in the realization of their rights, including to protection, in relation to the digital environment.应该支持家长和照顾者获得数字素养,并认识到儿童面临的风险,以帮助他们落实与数字环境有关的权利,包括受保护的权利。
General measures of implementation by States parties缔约国的一般执行措施
Opportunities for the realization of children’s rights and their protection in the digital environment require a broad range of legislative, administrative and other measures, including precautionary ones.要落实儿童与数字环境有关的权利,以及在这一环境中保护儿童,需要广泛的立法、行政和其他措施,包括预防性措施。
States parties should review, adopt and update national legislation in line with international human rights standards, to ensure that the digital environment is compatible with the rights set out in the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto.缔约国应根据国际人权标准,审查、通过和更新国家的立法,以确保数字环境符合《公约》及其各项任择议定书规定的权利。
Legislation should remain relevant, in the context of technological advances and emerging practices.在技术进步和新兴实践的背景下,立法应该保持相关性。
They should mandate the use of child rights impact assessments to embed children’s rights into legislation, budgetary allocations and other administrative decisions relating to the digital environment and promote their use among public bodies and businesses relating to the digital environment.缔约国应要求使用儿童权利影响评估,将儿童权利纳入与数字环境有关的立法、预算分配和其他行政决定,并倡导与数字环境有关的公共机构和企业采用这类影响评估。
Comprehensive policy and strategy全面的政策和战略
States parties should ensure that national policies relating to children’s rights specifically address the digital environment, and they should implement regulation, industry codes, design standards and action plans accordingly, all of which should be regularly evaluated and updated.缔约国应确保与儿童权利有关的国家政策专门处理数字环境问题,还应实施相应的规章、行业守则、设计标准和行动计划,应对所有这些工作进行定期评估和更新。
Such national policies should be aimed at providing children with the opportunity to benefit from engaging with the digital environment and ensuring their safe access to it.这类国家政策的目的应该是让儿童有机会通过参与数字环境受益,并确保他们安全地进入数字环境。
Children’s online protection should be integrated within national child protection policies.国家保护儿童的政策应纳入对儿童的网络保护。
States parties should implement measures that protect children from risks, including cyberaggression and digital technology-facilitated and online child sexual exploitation and abuse, ensure the investigation of such crimes and provide remedy and support for children who are victims.缔约国应采取措施保护儿童免受风险侵害,包括免受网络攻击以及在数字技术支持下对儿童的网上性剥削和性虐待,确保调查这类犯罪,并为受害儿童提供补救和支持。
They should also address the needs of children in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations, including by providing child-friendly information that is, when necessary, translated into relevant minority languages.还应满足处境不利或脆弱儿童的需要,包括提供对儿童友好的信息,在必要时将信息翻译成相关少数群体的语言。
States parties should ensure the operation of effective child protection mechanisms online and safeguarding policies, while also respecting children’s other rights, in all settings where children access the digital environment, which includes the home, educational settings, cybercafés, youth centres, libraries and health and alternative care settings.缔约国应确保在儿童接触数字环境的所有场所,包括在家中、教育场所、网吧、青年中心、图书馆以及健康和替代照料场所,运行有效的在线保护儿童机制,并实施保障政策,同时尊重儿童的其他权利。
To encompass the cross-cutting consequences of the digital environment for children’s rights, States parties should identify a government body that is mandated to coordinate policies, guidelines and programmes relating to children’s rights among central government departments and the various levels of government.为处理数字环境对儿童权利的交叉影响,缔约国应确定一个政府机构,负责协调中央政府各部门和各级政府之间与儿童权利有关的政策、指导方针和方案。
Such a national coordination mechanism should engage with schools and the information and communications technology sector and cooperate with businesses, civil society, academia and organizations to realize children’s rights in relation to the digital environment at the cross-sectoral, national, regional and local levels.这一国家协调机制应与学校和信通技术部门接触,并与企业、民间社会、学术界和不同组织合作,在跨部门、国家、区域和地方各个层面落实与数字环境有关的儿童权利。
It should draw on technological and other relevant expertise within and beyond government, as needed, and be independently evaluated for its effectiveness in meeting its obligations.该机制应根据需要,利用政府内外的技术和其他相关专业知识,并对其履行义务的成效进行独立评估。
Allocation of resources资源分配
States parties should mobilize, allocate and utilize public resources to implement legislation, policies and programmes to fully realize children’s rights in the digital environment and to improve digital inclusion, which is needed to address the increasing impact of the digital environment on children’s lives and to promote the equality of access to, and affordability of, services and connectivity.缔约国应调集、分配和利用公共资源,落实法律、政策和方案,以充分实现儿童在数字环境中的权利; 应加强数字包容,这是应对数字环境对儿童生活日益增长的影响、促进平等获得服务和连接以及服务和连接的可负担性所必需的。
Where resources are contributed from the business sector or obtained through international cooperation, States parties should ensure that their own mandate, revenue mobilization, budget allocations and expenditure are not interfered with or undermined by third parties.如果资源来自商业部门或来自国际合作,缔约国应确保其自身的任务、收入的筹集、预算分配和支出不受第三方的干扰或破坏。
Data collection and research数据收集和研究
Regularly updated data and research are crucial to understanding the implications of the digital environment for children’s lives, evaluating its impact on their rights and assessing the effectiveness of State interventions.定期更新数据和研究对于了解数字环境对儿童生活的影响、评估其对儿童权利的影响以及评估国家干预措施的有效性至关重要。
States parties should ensure the collection of robust, comprehensive data that is adequately resourced and that data are disaggregated by age, sex, disability, geographical location, ethnic and national origin and socioeconomic background.缔约国应确保收集来自适当来源的可靠、全面的数据,并按年龄、性别、残疾状况、地理位置、族裔和民族血统以及社会经济背景分列数据。
Such data and research, including research conducted with and by children, should inform legislation, policy and practice and should be available in the public domain.这类数据和研究,包括儿童参与和由儿童进行的研究,应为立法、政策和实践提供参考,并应公之于众。
Data collection and research relating to children’s digital lives must respect their privacy and meet the highest ethical standards.与儿童的数字生活有关的数据收集和研究工作必须尊重他们的隐私,并遵守最高道德标准。
Independent monitoring独立监测
States parties should ensure that the mandates of national human rights institutions and other appropriate independent institutions cover children’s rights in the digital environment and that they are able to receive, investigate and address complaints from children and their representatives.缔约国应确保国家人权机构和其他适当的独立机构的任务涵盖数字环境中的儿童权利,并确保这些机构能够接受、调查和处理儿童及其代表的申诉。
Where independent oversight bodies exist to monitor activities in relation to the digital environment, national human rights institutions should work closely with such bodies on effectively discharging their mandate regarding children’s rights.如果有负责监测与数字环境有关的活动的独立监督机构,则国家人权机构应与这类机构密切合作,以有效履行与儿童权利相关的任务。
Dissemination of information, awareness-raising and training传播信息、提高认识和培训
States parties should disseminate information and conduct awareness-raising campaigns on the rights of the child in the digital environment, focusing in particular on those whose actions have a direct or indirect impact on children.缔约国应传播有关数字环境中儿童权利的信息,并开展相关的提高认识宣传,特别侧重那些行动对儿童有直接或间接影响者。
They should facilitate educational programmes for children, parents and caregivers, the general public and policymakers to enhance their knowledge of children’s rights in relation to the opportunities and risks associated with digital products and services.缔约国应加强针对儿童、家长和照顾者、普通公众和政策制定者的教育方案,以促进他们了解与数字产品和服务相关的机会和风险所涉儿童权利问题。
Such programmes should include information on how children can benefit from digital products and services and develop their digital literacy and skills, how to protect children’s privacy and prevent victimization and how to recognize a child who is a victim of harm perpetrated online or offline and respond appropriately.此类方案应包括以下方面的信息: 儿童如何从数字产品和服务中受益及发展数字素养和技能; 如何保护儿童隐私和防止儿童受害; 如何识别在线上或线下受到伤害的儿童并作出适当反应。
Such programmes should be informed by research and consultations with children, parents and caregivers.此类方案应从相关研究以及通过与儿童、家长和照顾者的协商汲取信息。
Professionals working for and with children and the business sector, including the technology industry, should receive training that includes how the digital environment affects the rights of the child in multiple contexts, the ways in which children exercise their rights in the digital environment and how they access and use technologies.从事儿童工作的专业人员以及包括技术行业在内的商业部门应该接受培训,专题包括数字环境如何在多种情况下影响儿童的权利,儿童在数字环境中行使权利的方式,以及他们如何获取和使用技术等。
They should also receive training on the application of international human rights standards to the digital environment.他们还应接受在数字环境中适用国际人权标准的培训。
States parties should ensure that pre-service and in-service training relating to the digital environment is provided for professionals working at all levels of education, to support the development of their knowledge, skills and practice.缔约国应确保为从事各级教育工作的专业人员提供与数字环境有关的入职前和在职培训,支持他们获取相关知识、发展技能和实践。
Cooperation with civil society与民间社会的合作
States parties should systematically involve civil society, including child-led groups and non-governmental organizations working in the field of children’s rights and those concerned with the digital environment, in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of laws, policies, plans and programmes relating to children’s rights.缔约国应系统地让民间社会,包括由儿童领导的团体和从事儿童权利领域工作的非政府组织,以及与数字环境有关的团体参与制定、执行、监测和评估与儿童权利有关的法律、政策、计划和方案。
They should also ensure that civil society organizations are able to implement their activities relating to the promotion and protection of children’s rights in relation to the digital environment.还应确保民间社会组织能够落实与促进和保护数字环境中的儿童权利有关的活动。
Children’s rights and the business sector儿童权利与工商业部门
The business sector, including not-for-profit organizations, affects children’s rights directly and indirectly in the provision of services and products relating to the digital environment.工商业部门,包括非营利组织,在提供与数字环境有关的服务和产品时,直接和间接地影响儿童的权利。
Businesses should respect children’s rights and prevent and remedy abuse of their rights in relation to the digital environment.企业应该尊重儿童的权利,防止侵犯儿童与数字环境相关的权利,并对侵权行为予以补救。
States parties have the obligation to ensure that businesses meet those responsibilities.缔约国有义务确保企业履行这些责任。
States parties should take measures, including through the development, monitoring, implementation and evaluation of legislation, regulations and policies, to ensure compliance by businesses with their obligations to prevent their networks or online services from being used in ways that cause or contribute to violations or abuses of children’s rights, including their rights to privacy and protection, and to provide children, parents and caregivers with prompt and effective remedies.缔约国应采取措施,包括制定、监测、实施和评估立法、规章和政策,确保企业履行义务,防止其网络或在线服务被用于导致或助长侵犯或践踏儿童权利,包括侵犯其隐私权和受保护权,并向儿童、家长和照顾者提供迅速和有效的补救措施。
They should also encourage businesses to provide public information and accessible and timely advice to support children’s safe and beneficial digital activities.还应该鼓励企业向公众提供信息,并及时提出可用建议,以支持安全和对儿童有益的数字活动。
States parties have a duty to protect children from infringements of their rights by business enterprises, including the right to be protected from all forms of violence in the digital environment.缔约国有义务保护儿童权利不受工商企业侵犯,包括保护儿童在数字环境中免受一切形式暴力侵害的权利。
Although businesses may not be directly involved in perpetrating harmful acts, they can cause or contribute to violations of children’s right to freedom from violence, including through the design and operation of digital services.尽管企业可能没有直接参与实施有害行为,但可能导致或助长侵犯儿童免受暴力侵害的权利,包括因其数字服务的设计和运营导致侵权行为。
States parties should put in place, monitor and enforce laws and regulations aimed at preventing violations of the right to protection from violence, as well as those aimed at investigating, adjudicating on and redressing violations as they occur in relation to the digital environment.缔约国应制定、监测和执行旨在防止侵犯儿童免受暴力侵害的权利的法律和法规,以及旨在调查、裁定和纠正与数字环境有关的侵权行为的法律和法规。
States parties should require the business sector to undertake child rights due diligence, in particular to carry out child rights impact assessments and disclose them to the public, with special consideration given to the differentiated and, at times, severe impacts of the digital environment on children.缔约国应要求工商部门开展关于儿童权利的尽职调查,特别是开展儿童权利影响评估,并向公众公布评估情况,特别考虑数字环境对儿童造成的不同影响,以及有时造成的严重影响。
They should take appropriate steps to prevent, monitor, investigate and punish child rights abuses by businesses.应该采取适当步骤,防止、监测、调查和惩处企业侵犯儿童权利的行为。
In addition to developing legislation and policies, States parties should require all businesses that affect children’s rights in relation to the digital environment to implement regulatory frameworks, industry codes and terms of services that adhere to the highest standards of ethics, privacy and safety in relation to the design, engineering, development, operation, distribution and marketing of their products and services.除制定法律和政策外,缔约国还应要求所有在数字环境方面对儿童权利有影响的企业执行监管框架、行业守则和服务条款,在其产品和服务的设计、工程学、开发、运营、销售和营销方面遵守伦理、隐私和安全等方面的最高标准。
That includes businesses that target children, have children as end users or otherwise affect children.这包括以儿童为受众、儿童为其最终用户或以其他方式影响儿童的企业。
They should require such businesses to maintain high standards of transparency and accountability and encourage them to take measures to innovate in the best interests of the child.缔约国应该要求这些企业保持高标准的透明度和问责制,并鼓励它们采取措施,从儿童的最大利益出发进行创新。
They should also require the provision of age-appropriate explanations to children, or to parents and caregivers for very young children, of their terms of service.缔约国还应要求企业向儿童提供与其年龄相适应的对服务条款的解释,或向幼童的父母和照顾者提供这类解释。
Commercial advertising and marketing商业广告和营销
The digital environment includes businesses that rely financially on processing personal data to target revenue-generating or paid-for content, and such processes intentionally and unintentionally affect the digital experiences of children.数字环境包括那些依靠处理个人数据进行创收或提供付费内容、从而获得经济收入的企业。
Many of those processes involve multiple commercial partners, creating a supply chain of commercial activity and the processing of personal data that may result in violations or abuses of children’s rights, including through advertising design features that anticipate and guide a child’s actions towards more extreme content, automated notifications that can interrupt sleep or the use of a child’s personal information or location to target potentially harmful commercially driven content.这类过程有意或无意地影响着儿童的数字体验,其中许多过程涉及多个商业伙伴,创造出的商业活动供应链以及对个人数据的处理可能导致侵犯或践踏儿童权利,包括通过广告设计功能预测和引导儿童寻求更极端的内容; 发送可能扰乱睡眠的自动通知; 或使用儿童的个人信息或位置,用于商业驱动的可能有害的内容。
States parties should make the best interests of the child a primary consideration when regulating advertising and marketing addressed to and accessible to children.缔约国在对面向儿童以及儿童能够接触到的广告和营销活动进行监管时,应将儿童的最大利益作为首要考虑因素。
Sponsorship, product placement and all other forms of commercially driven content should be clearly distinguished from all other content and should not perpetuate gender or racial stereotypes.赞助、广告植入和所有其他形式商业驱动的内容都应该与所有其他内容明确区分开来,不应宣传性别或种族偏见。
States parties should prohibit by law the profiling or targeting of children of any age for commercial purposes on the basis of a digital record of their actual or inferred characteristics, including group or collective data, targeting by association or affinity profiling.缔约国应通过法律,禁止利用有关儿童的实际特征或推测特征的数字记录,对任何年龄的儿童进行特征分析或将儿童作为商业目标,包括禁止使用关于儿童的群体或集体数据,禁止通过联系或亲缘特征分析,将儿童作为商业目标。
Practices that rely on neuromarketing, emotional analytics, immersive advertising and advertising in virtual and augmented reality environments to promote products, applications and services should also be prohibited from engagement directly or indirectly with children.还应禁止依赖神经营销学、情绪分析、沉浸式广告以及利用虚拟和增强现实环境的广告推广产品、应用和服务等做法直接或间接影响儿童。
Access to justice and remedies诉诸司法和获得补救
Children face particular challenges in access to justice relating to the digital environment for a range of reasons.有各种原因导致儿童在就与数字环境有关的问题诉诸司法方面面临特殊挑战。
Such challenges arise because of the lack of legislation placing sanctions on children’s rights violations specifically in relation to the digital environment, the difficulties in obtaining evidence or identifying perpetrators or because children and their parents or caregivers lack knowledge of their rights or of what constitutes a violation or abuse of their rights in the digital environment, among other factors.出现这类挑战的原因包括: 缺乏专门针对与数字环境相关的侵犯儿童权利行为施加处罚的相关立法; 难以获取证据或查明犯罪者; 儿童及其父母或照顾者不了解他们的权利,或者不知道在数字环境中的哪些情况构成侵犯或践踏他们的权利等等。
Further challenges may arise if children are required to disclose sensitive or private online activities or from their fear of reprisals by peers or of social exclusion.如果儿童被要求披露敏感或私人的在线活动,或者由于他们害怕受到同龄人报复或社会排斥,则可能出现进一步的挑战。
States parties should ensure that appropriate and effective remedial judicial and non-judicial mechanisms for the violations of children’s rights relating to the digital environment are widely known and readily available to all children and their representatives.缔约国应确保处理与数字环境有关的侵犯儿童权利行为的适当和有效司法和非司法补救机制广为人知,并确保所有儿童及其代表能够随时利用这些机制。
Complaint and reporting mechanisms should be free of charge, safe, confidential, responsive, child-friendly and available in accessible formats.投诉和报告机制应免费、安全、保密、反应迅速、对儿童友好,并以无障碍格式提供。
States parties should also provide for collective complaints, including class action and public interest litigation, and for legal or other appropriate assistance, including through specialized services, to children whose rights have been violated in or through the digital environment.缔约国还应对群体形式的诉讼,包括对集体诉讼和公益诉讼作出规定,并对法律援助和其他适当援助作出规定,包括为此向权利在数字环境中或因为数字环境受到侵犯的儿童提供专门服务。
States parties should establish, coordinate and regularly monitor and evaluate frameworks for the referral of such cases and the provision of effective support to children who are victims.缔约国应建立、协调并定期监测和评估转交此类案件和向受害儿童提供有效支持的框架。
Frameworks should include measures for the identification of, therapy and follow-up care for, and the social reintegration of, children who are victims.这类框架应纳入识别受害儿童、为其提供治疗和后续照顾以及帮助其重新融入社会的措施。
Training on the identification of children who are victims should be included in referral mechanisms, including for digital service providers.转交案件的机制应纳入关于识别受害儿童的培训,包括针对数字服务提供商的培训。
Measures within such a framework should be multi-agency and child-friendly, to prevent a child’s revictimization and secondary victimization in the context of investigative and judicial processes.这一框架内的措施应面向多个机构、采取对儿童友好的方式,以防止儿童在调查和司法程序中再次受害和受到二次伤害。
That may require specialized protections for confidentiality and to redress harms associated with the digital environment.这可能要求采取专门的保密措施,并纠正与数字环境相关的损害。
Appropriate reparation includes restitution, compensation and satisfaction and may require apology, correction, removal of unlawful content, access to psychological recovery services or other measures.适当的补救包括恢复原状、赔偿和补偿,可能需要作出道歉、纠正、删除非法内容、提供心理康复服务或其他措施。
In relation to violations in the digital environment, remedial mechanisms should take into account the vulnerability of children and the need to be swift to halt ongoing and future damage.就数字环境中的侵权行为而言,补救机制应考虑儿童的脆弱性以及迅速制止持续和未来损害的必要性。
States parties should guarantee the non-recurrence of violations, including by the reform of relevant laws and policies and their effective implementation.缔约国应保证侵权行为不再发生,包括为此改革并有效执行相关法律和政策。
Digital technologies bring additional complexity to the investigation and prosecution of crimes against children, which may cross national borders.针对儿童的犯罪可能跨越国界,数字技术加大了对这类犯罪进行调查和起诉的复杂性。
States parties should address the ways in which uses of digital technologies may facilitate or impede the investigation and prosecution of crimes against children and take all available preventative, enforcement and remedial measures, including in cooperation with international partners.缔约国应了解数字技术的哪些使用方式可能促进或阻碍对针对儿童的犯罪进行调查和起诉,并采取一切可用的预防、执行和补救措施,包括为此与国际伙伴合作。
They should provide specialized training for law enforcement officials, prosecutors and judges regarding child rights violations specifically associated with the digital environment, including through international cooperation.缔约国应该为执法官员、检察官和法官提供关于尤其与数字环境相关的侵犯儿童权利行为的专门培训,包括为此开展国际合作。
Children may face particular difficulties in obtaining remedy when their rights have been abused in the digital environment by business enterprises, in particular in the context of their global operations.当儿童的权利在数字环境中受到商业企业侵犯时,尤其是在企业开展全球业务的情况下,儿童可能很难获得补救。
States parties should consider measures to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights in the context of businesses’ extraterritorial activities and operations, provided that there is a reasonable link between the State and the conduct concerned.只要缔约国与有关行为之间存在合理联系,缔约国就应考虑采取措施,规定企业在开展域外活动和业务时尊重、保护和实现儿童权利。
They should ensure that businesses provide effective complaint mechanisms;缔约国应该确保企业提供有效的投诉机制;
such mechanisms should not, however, prevent children from gaining access to State-based remedies.然而,这类机制不应阻碍儿童获得国家提供的补救措施。
They should also ensure that agencies with oversight powers relevant to children’s rights, such as those relating to health and safety, data protection and consumer rights, education and advertising and marketing, investigate complaints and provide adequate remedies for violations or abuses of children’s rights in the digital environment.还应确保监督权涉及儿童权利的机构,如对健康和安全、数据保护和消费者权利、教育、广告和营销拥有相关监督权的机构对申诉进行调查,并为数字环境中侵犯或践踏儿童权利的行为提供适当的补救。
States parties should provide children with child-sensitive and age-appropriate information in child-friendly language on their rights and on the reporting and complaint mechanisms, services and remedies available to them in cases where their rights in relation to the digital environment are violated or abused.缔约国应以对儿童友好的语言,向儿童提供对儿童问题敏感和适合其年龄的信息,介绍他们的权利,以及在他们与数字环境有关的权利受到侵犯或践踏的情况下供他们使用的举报和投诉机制、服务和补救措施。
Such information should also be provided to parents, caregivers and professionals working with and for children.这些信息也应该提供给父母、照顾者和从事儿童工作的专业人员。
Civil rights and freedoms公民权利和自由
Access to information获取信息
The digital environment provides a unique opportunity for children to realize the right to access to information.数字环境为儿童实现获取信息的权利提供了独特的机会。
In that regard, information and communications media, including digital and online content, perform an important function.在这方面,信息和通信媒体,包括数字和在线内容,发挥着重要作用。
States parties should ensure that children have access to information in the digital environment and that the exercise of that right is restricted only when it is provided by law and is necessary for the purposes stipulated in article 13 of the Convention.缔约国应确保儿童能够在数字环境中获取信息,只有在法律规定和出于《公约》第13条规定的目的有必要限制这项权利时,才对行使这项权利加以限制。
States parties should provide and support the creation of age-appropriate and empowering digital content for children in accordance with children’s evolving capacities and ensure that children have access to a wide diversity of information, including information held by public bodies, about culture, sports, the arts, health, civil and political affairs and children’s rights.缔约国应根据儿童不断发展的能力,提供和支持为儿童创作适龄和增强其权能的数字内容,并确保儿童能够获得各种信息,包括由公共机构持有的关于文化、体育、艺术、卫生、公民和政治事务以及儿童权利的信息。
States parties should encourage the production and dissemination of such content using multiple formats and from a plurality of national and international sources, including news media, broadcasters, museums, libraries and educational, scientific and cultural organizations.缔约国应鼓励使用多种格式,制作和传播来自各种国内和国际来源的这类内容,包括来自新闻媒体、广播公司、博物馆、图书馆和教育、科学和文化组织的内容。
They should particularly endeavour to enhance the provision of diverse, accessible and beneficial content for children with disabilities and children belonging to ethnic, linguistic, indigenous and other minority groups.缔约国尤其应努力加强向残疾儿童和属于族裔、语言、土著和其他少数群体的儿童提供多种多样、便于获取和对他们有益的内容。
The ability to access relevant information, in the languages that children understand, can have a significant positive impact on equality.以儿童理解的语言获取相关信息的能力可能对平等产生显著的积极影响。
States parties should ensure that all children are informed about, and can easily find, diverse and good quality information online, including content independent of commercial or political interests.缔约国应确保所有儿童都了解并容易在网上找到各种高质量的信息,包括与商业或政治利益无关的内容。
They should ensure that automated search and information filtering, including recommendation systems, do not prioritize paid content with a commercial or political motivation over children’s choices or at the cost of children’s right to information.应该确保自动搜索和信息过滤,包括推荐系统不会出于商业或政治动机、不顾儿童的选择或以牺牲儿童获取信息的权利为代价,优先提供付费内容。
The digital environment can include gender-stereotyped, discriminatory, racist, violent, pornographic and exploitative information, as well as false narratives, misinformation and disinformation and information encouraging children to engage in unlawful or harmful activities.数字环境中可能有含有性别成见、歧视性、种族主义、暴力、色情和剥削内容的信息,以及假新闻、错误信息和故意发布的虚假信息,还包括鼓励儿童从事非法或有害活动的信息。
Such information may come from multiple sources, including other users, commercial content creators, sexual offenders or armed groups designated as terrorist or violent extremist.这些信息可能来自多种来源,包括其他用户、商业内容创作者、性犯罪者,或被认定为恐怖分子或暴力极端分子的武装团体。
States parties should protect children from harmful and untrustworthy content and ensure that relevant businesses and other providers of digital content develop and implement guidelines to enable children to safely access diverse content, recognizing children’s rights to information and freedom of expression, while protecting them from such harmful material in accordance with their rights and evolving capacities.缔约国应保护儿童免受有害和不可信内容的影响,确保相关企业和其他数字内容提供商制定和实施准则,使儿童能够安全地访问各种内容,承认儿童获取信息的权利和表达自由权,同时根据儿童的权利和不断发展的能力保护他们免受此类有害内容的侵害。
Any restrictions on the operation of any Internet-based, electronic or other information dissemination systems should be in line with article 13 of the Convention.对任何互联网、电子或其他信息传播系统的运作施加的任何限制都应符合《公约》第13条的规定。
States parties should not intentionally obstruct or enable other actors to obstruct the supply of electricity, cellular networks or Internet connectivity in any geographical area, whether in part or as a whole, which can have the effect of hindering a child’s access to information and communication.缔约国不应故意阻碍或让其他行为方阻碍任何地理区域(部分区域或整个区域)的电力供应、蜂窝移动网络或互联网连接,因为这可能会阻碍儿童获取信息和使用通信服务。
States parties should encourage providers of digital services used by children to apply concise and intelligible content labelling, for example on the age-appropriateness or trustworthiness of content.缔约国应鼓励儿童使用的数字服务提供商使用简明易懂的内容标签,例如注重内容的适龄性或可信度。
They should also encourage the provision of accessible guidance, training, educational materials and reporting mechanisms for children, parents and caregivers, educators and relevant professional groups.缔约国还应鼓励为儿童、家长和照顾者、教育工作者和相关专业团体提供便于使用的指导、培训、教育材料和报告机制。
Age-based or content-based systems designed to protect children from age-inappropriate content should be consistent with the principle of data minimization.旨在保护儿童免受不适合年龄的内容影响的基于年龄或基于内容的系统应遵守数据最小化原则。
States parties should ensure that digital service providers comply with relevant guidelines, standards and codes and enforce lawful, necessary and proportionate content moderation rules.缔约国应确保数字服务提供商遵守相关准则、标准和守则, 并执行合法、必要和相称的内容审核规则。
Content controls, school filtering systems and other safety-oriented technologies should not be used to restrict children’s access to information in the digital environment;不应使用内容控制、学校过滤系统和其他以安全为导向的技术来限制儿童在数字环境中获取信息;
they should be used only to prevent the flow of harmful material to children.这些手段只应当用于防止有害内容流向儿童。
Content moderation and content controls should be balanced with the right to protection against violations of children’s other rights, notably their rights to freedom of expression and privacy.儿童的其他权利,特别是表达自由权和隐私权应受到保护,免受侵犯,内容审核和内容控制应该与上述权利相平衡。
Professional codes of conduct set by news media and other relevant organizations should include guidance on how to report digital risks and opportunities relating to children.新闻媒体和其他相关组织制定的专业行为守则应该包括关于如何报道与儿童有关的数字风险和机会的指南。
Such guidance should result in evidence-based reporting that does not reveal the identity of children who are victims and survivors and that is in accordance with international human rights standards.基于这一指南制作的报道应以证据为基础,不披露受害和幸存儿童的身份,并且遵守国际人权标准。
Freedom of expression表达自由
Children’s right to freedom of expression includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, using any media of their choice.儿童的表达自由权包括使用自己选择的任何媒体,寻求、接受和传递各种信息和思想的自由。
Children reported that the digital environment offered significant scope to express their ideas, opinions and political views.据儿童报告说, 数字环境为他们表达想法、意见和政治观点提供了巨大空间。
For children in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations, technology-facilitated interaction with others who share their experiences can help them to express themselves.对于处境不利或处境脆弱的儿童来说,在技术的帮助下与经历相似的人互动,可以帮助他们表达自我。
Any restrictions on children’s right to freedom of expression in the digital environment, such as filters, including safety measures, should be lawful, necessary and proportionate.数字环境对儿童表达自由权的任何限制,如过滤器,包括安全措施,都应该是合法、必要和相称的。
The rationale for such restrictions should be transparent and communicated to children in age-appropriate language.施加这种限制的理由应该是透明的,并以适龄的语言传达给儿童。
States parties should provide children with information and training opportunities on how to effectively exercise that right, in particular how to create and share digital content safely, while respecting the rights and dignity of others and not violating legislation, such as that relating to incitement to hatred and violence.缔约国应向儿童提供信息和培训机会,介绍如何有效行使这一权利,特别是如何安全地创作和分享数字内容,同时尊重他人的权利和尊严,不违反有关煽动仇恨和暴力的法律。
When children express their political or other views and identities in the digital environment, they may attract criticism, hostility, threats or punishment.儿童在数字环境中表达政治或其他观点及身份认同时,可能会招致批评、敌意、威胁或惩罚。
States parties should protect children from cyberaggression and threats, censorship, data breaches and digital surveillance.缔约国应保护儿童免受网络攻击和威胁、审查、数据泄露和数字监视。
Children should not be prosecuted for expressing their opinions in the digital environment, unless they violate restrictions provided by criminal legislation which are compatible with article 13 of the Convention.儿童在数字环境中发表意见不应受到起诉,除非他们违反了符合《公约》第13条的刑事立法规定的限制。
Given the existence of commercial and political motivations to promote particular world views, States parties should ensure that uses of automated processes of information filtering, profiling, marketing and decision-making do not supplant, manipulate or interfere with children’s ability to form and express their opinions in the digital environment.鉴于存在宣传特定世界观的商业动机和政治动机,缔约国应确保使用信息过滤、特征分析、营销和决策的自动化过程不会取代、操纵或干扰儿童在数字环境中形成和表达意见的能力。
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion思想、良心和宗教自由
States parties should respect the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion in the digital environment.缔约国应尊重儿童在数字环境中享有思想、信仰和宗教自由的权利。
The Committee encourages States parties to introduce or update data protection regulation and design standards that identify, define and prohibit practices that manipulate or interfere with children’s right to freedom of thought and belief in the digital environment, for example by emotional analytics or inference.委员会鼓励缔约国制定或更新数据保护条例并制定标准,以查明、界定和禁止操纵或干涉儿童在数字环境中的思想和信仰自由权的做法,例如通过情感分析或推理干涉这一权利的做法。
Automated systems may be used to make inferences about a child’s inner state.They should ensure that automated systems or information filtering systems are not used to affect or influence children’s behaviour or emotions or to limit their opportunities or development.自动化系统可用于推断儿童的内心状态,缔约国应确保自动化系统或信息过滤系统不被用于影响儿童的行为或情绪,或限制他们的机会或发展。
States parties should ensure that children are not penalized for their religion or beliefs or have their future opportunities in any other way restricted.缔约国应确保儿童不会因其宗教或信仰受到惩罚,他们今后的机会也不会受到任何其他形式的限制。
The exercise of children’s right to manifest their religion or beliefs in the digital environment may be subject only to limitations that are lawful, necessary and proportionate.儿童在数字环境中行使表达自己宗教或信仰的权利只能受到合法、必要和相称的限制。
Freedom of association and peaceful assembly结社与和平集会的自由
The digital environment can enable children to form their social, religious, cultural, ethnic, sexual and political identities and to participate in associated communities and in public spaces for deliberation, cultural exchange, social cohesion and diversity.数字环境可以帮助儿童形成自己的社会、宗教、文化、族裔、性别和政治身份认同,进入相关的社区和公共空间参加讨论、文化交流、体验社会凝聚力和多样性。
Children reported that the digital environment provided them with valued opportunities to meet, exchange and deliberate with peers, decision makers and others who shared their interests.据儿童报告说,数字环境为他们提供了与同龄人、决策者和其他有共同兴趣的人会面、交流和讨论的宝贵机会。
States parties should ensure that their laws, regulations and policies protect children’s right to participate in organizations that operate partially or exclusively in the digital environment.缔约国应确保其法律、法规和政策保护儿童参加部分或专门在数字环境中运作的组织的权利。
No restrictions may be placed on the exercise by children of their right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly in the digital environment other than those that are lawful, necessary and proportionate.除合法、必要和相称的限制外,不得限制儿童在数字环境中行使其结社与和平集会自由的权利。
Such participation should not in and of itself result in negative consequences to those children, such as exclusion from a school, restriction or deprivation of future opportunities or creation of a police profile.参与这类活动本身不应对儿童造成不良后果,如被学校拒之门外、限制或剥夺其今后的机会,或警方存档等。
Such participation should be safe, private and free from surveillance by public or private entities.参与这种活动应该是安全的私人行为,不受公共或私人实体监视。
Public visibility and networking opportunities in the digital environment can also support child-led activism and can empower children as advocates for human rights.数字环境中的公众能见度和交流机会也可支持由儿童主导的行动主义,还可以加强儿童作为人权倡导者的能力。
The Committee recognizes that the digital environment enables children, including children human rights defenders, as well as children in vulnerable situations, to communicate with each other, advocate for their rights and form associations.委员会认识到,数字环境能够帮助儿童,包括儿童人权维护者以及处境脆弱的儿童相互交流,倡导自己的权利,并结成协会。
States parties should support them, including by facilitating the creation of specific digital spaces, and ensure their safety.缔约国应为他们提供支持,包括为创建具体的数字空间提供便利,并确保他们的安全。
Right to privacy隐私权
Privacy is vital to children’s agency, dignity and safety and for the exercise of their rights.隐私对于儿童的能动性、尊严和安全以及对他们行使权利至关重要。
Children’s personal data are processed to offer educational, health and other benefits to them.儿童的个人数据经过处理,能够为他们带来教育、健康和其他方面的好处。
Threats to children’s privacy may arise from data collection and processing by public institutions, businesses and other organizations, as well as from such criminal activities as identity theft.公共机构、企业和其他组织收集和处理数据,以及盗用身份等犯罪活动,可能危及儿童的隐私。
Threats may also arise from children’s own activities and from the activities of family members, peers or others, for example, by parents sharing photographs online or a stranger sharing information about a child.儿童自身的活动以及家庭成员、同龄人或其他人的活动,例如父母在网上分享照片或陌生人分享有关某个儿童的信息,也可能危及儿童的隐私。
Data may include information about, inter alia, children’s identities, activities, location, communication, emotions, health and relationships.数据可能包括有关儿童的身份、活动、地点、通信、情绪、健康和关系等方面的信息。
Certain combinations of personal data, including biometric data, can uniquely identify a child.包括生物特征数据在内的个人数据的某些组合,可以让人单独识别出一名儿童。
Digital practices, such as automated data processing, profiling, behavioural targeting, mandatory identity verification, information filtering and mass surveillance are becoming routine.自动化数据处理、特征分析、行为定位、强制身份核实、信息过滤和大规模监视等基于数字手段的做法正在成为例行公事。
Such practices may lead to arbitrary or unlawful interference with children’s right to privacy;这类做法可能导致任意或非法干涉儿童的隐私权;
they may have adverse consequences on children, which can continue to affect them at later stages of their lives.可能会对儿童产生不良后果,这可能会在他们今后的生活中继续对他们产生影响。
Interference with a child’s privacy is only permissible if it is neither arbitrary nor unlawful.对儿童隐私的干涉只有在既非任意也不违法的情况下才是允许的。
Any such interference should therefore be provided for by law, intended to serve a legitimate purpose, uphold the principle of data minimization, be proportionate and designed to observe the best interests of the child and must not conflict with the provisions, aims or objectives of the Convention.因此,任何此类干预都应由法律作出规定,旨在服务于合法目的,坚持数据最小化原则,符合相称性,并遵守儿童的最大利益,且不得与《公约》的规定、宗旨或目标相抵触。
States parties should take legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that children’s privacy is respected and protected by all organizations and in all environments that process their data.缔约国应采取立法、行政和其他措施,确保所有组织和处理儿童数据的所有环境尊重和保护儿童的隐私。
Legislation should include strong safeguards, transparency, independent oversight and access to remedy.立法应包括强有力的保障、透明度、独立监督和获得补救的途径。
States parties should require the integration of privacy-by-design into digital products and services that affect children.缔约国应要求将考虑隐私保护的设计概念纳入影响儿童的数字产品和服务。
They should regularly review privacy and data protection legislation and ensure that procedures and practices prevent deliberate infringements or accidental breaches of children’s privacy.应定期审查关于隐私和数据保护的立法,确保程序和做法防止故意侵犯或意外侵犯儿童隐私。
Where encryption is considered an appropriate means, States parties should consider appropriate measures enabling the detection and reporting of child sexual exploitation and abuse or child sexual abuse material.如果加密被视为适当手段,缔约国应考虑采取适当措施,以便发现和报告对儿童的性剥削以及虐待或性虐待儿童的内容。
Such measures must be strictly limited according to the principles of legality, necessity and proportionality.必须按照合法性、必要性和相称性原则严格限制此类措施。
Where consent is sought to process a child’s data, States parties should ensure that consent is informed and freely given by the child or, depending on the child’s age and evolving capacity, by the parent or caregiver, and obtained prior to processing those data.在就处理儿童数据问题征求同意时,缔约国应确保儿童知情并自由给予同意,或根据儿童的年龄和不断发展的能力,由父母或照顾者予以同意,并在处理这些数据之前征得同意。
Where a child’s own consent is considered insufficient and parental consent is required to process a child’s personal data, States parties should require that organizations processing such data verify that consent is informed, meaningful and given by the child’s parent or caregiver.如果认为儿童自己同意还不够,需要父母同意才能处理儿童的个人数据,缔约国应要求处理这类数据的组织核实同意是由儿童的父母或照顾者给予的知情、切实同意。
States parties should ensure that children and their parents or caregivers can easily access stored data, rectify data that are inaccurate or outdated and delete data unlawfully or unnecessarily stored by public authorities, private individuals or other bodies, subject to reasonable and lawful limitations.缔约国应确保儿童及其父母或照顾者能够容易地访问存储的数据,修改不准确或过时的数据,以及删除公共当局、私人或其他机构非法存储或没有必要存储的数据,但须受合理和合法的限制。
They should further ensure the right of children to withdraw their consent and object to personal data processing where the data controller does not demonstrate legitimate, overriding grounds for the processing.还应进一步确保儿童有权撤回同意,在数据控制者不能证明有合法和极为重要的理由处理个人数据的情况下反对处理其个人数据。
They should also provide information to children, parents and caregivers on such matters, in child-friendly language and accessible formats.缔约国还应以适合儿童的语言和无障碍格式,向儿童、家长和照顾者提供有关此类问题的信息。
Children’s personal data should be accessible only to the authorities, organizations and individuals designated under the law to process them in compliance with such due process guarantees as regular audits and accountability measures.儿童的个人数据只应由法律指定的当局、组织和个人查阅,数据的处理应遵守定期审计和问责措施等正当程序保证。
Children’s data gathered for defined purposes, in any setting, including digitized criminal records, should be protected and exclusive to those purposes and should not be retained unlawfully or unnecessarily or used for other purposes.在任何情况下,为特定目的收集的儿童数据(包括数字化犯罪记录)应受到保护,并仅用于这些目的,不应非法或不必要地保留这些数据或将其用于其他目的。
Where information is provided in one setting and could legitimately benefit the child through its use in another setting, for example, in the context of schooling and tertiary education, the use of such data should be transparent, accountable and subject to the consent of the child, parent or caregiver, as appropriate.如果信息是在某种情况下提供的,并可能在另一种情况下合法使用,使儿童受益,如用于就学和高等教育,则这类数据的使用应该透明、问责,并酌情征得儿童、家长或照顾者的同意。
Privacy and data protection legislation and measures should not arbitrarily limit children’s other rights, such as their right to freedom of expression or protection.关于隐私和数据保护的立法和措施不应任意限制儿童的其他权利,如他们的表达自由权或受保护权。
States parties should ensure that data protection legislation respects children’s privacy and personal data in relation to the digital environment.缔约国应确保关于数据保护的立法尊重儿童与数字环境有关的隐私权和个人数据。
Through continual technological innovation, the scope of the digital environment is expanding to include ever more services and products, such as clothes and toys.不断的技术创新使数字环境的范围扩大,囊括了越来越多的服务和产品,如服装和玩具。
As settings where children spend time become “connected”, through the use of embedded sensors connected to automated systems, States parties should ensure that the products and services that contribute to such environments are subject to robust data protection and other privacy regulations and standards.通过使用与自动化系统相连的嵌入式传感器,儿童消磨时间的场所已逐渐“联通”,缔约国应确保这类场所当中的产品和服务受到强有力的数据保护和其他隐私法规和标准的约束。
That includes public settings, such as streets, schools, libraries, sports and entertainment venues and business premises, including shops and cinemas, and the home.上述场所包括公共场所,如街道、学校、图书馆、体育和娱乐场所以及商业场所,包括商店和电影院,以及住宅等。
Any digital surveillance of children, together with any associated automated processing of personal data, should respect the child’s right to privacy and should not be conducted routinely, indiscriminately or without the child’s knowledge or, in the case of very young children, that of their parent or caregiver;对儿童的任何数字监视行为,以及任何对个人数据进行的相关自动化处理,都应尊重儿童的隐私权,不应成为例行行为,不应在儿童不知情的情况下不加区别地进行;如果涉及幼儿,则不应在其父母或照顾者不知情的情况下进行。
nor should it take place without the right to object to such surveillance, in commercial settings and educational and care settings, and consideration should always be given to the least privacy-intrusive means available to fulfil the desired purpose.如果无权反对这类监视,则商业场所以及教育和照料场所不应进行这种监视,应该始终考虑对隐私侵犯程度最低的手段,实现预期的目的。
The digital environment presents particular problems for parents and caregivers in respecting children’s right to privacy.数字环境导致父母和照顾者在尊重儿童隐私权方面面临特别的问题。
Technologies that monitor online activities for safety purposes, such as tracking devices and services, if not implemented carefully, may prevent a child from accessing a helpline or searching for sensitive information.出于安全目的监控在线活动的技术,如跟踪设备和服务,如果使用不当,可能阻碍儿童访问帮助热线或搜索敏感信息。
States parties should advise children, parents and caregivers and the public on the importance of the child’s right to privacy and on how their own practices may threaten that right.缔约国应向儿童、家长和照顾者以及公众告知儿童隐私权的重要性,以及他们自己的做法可能如何威胁到这一权利。
They should also be advised about the practices through which they can respect and protect children’s privacy in relation to the digital environment, while keeping them safe.还应向他们建议通过哪些做法尊重和保护儿童在数字环境中的隐私,同时确保他们的安全。
Parents’ and caregivers’ monitoring of a child’s digital activity should be proportionate and in accordance with the child’s evolving capacities.父母和照顾者对儿童数字活动的监控应该与儿童不断发展的能力保持相称性。
Many children use online avatars or pseudonyms that protect their identity, and such practices can be important in protecting children’s privacy.许多儿童使用网络虚拟形象或化名保护自己的身份,这种做法在保护儿童隐私方面可能很重要。
States parties should require an approach integrating safety-by-design and privacy-by-design to anonymity, while ensuring that anonymous practices are not routinely used to hide harmful or illegal behaviour, such as cyberaggression, hate speech or sexual exploitation and abuse.缔约国应要求采用一种做法,将考虑安全的设计和考虑隐私保护的设计与匿名办法相结合,同时确保匿名做法不会经常被用于掩盖有害或非法行为,如网络攻击、仇恨言论或性剥削和性虐待。
Protecting a child’s privacy in the digital environment may be vital in circumstances where parents or caregivers themselves pose a threat to the child’s safety or where they are in conflict over the child’s care.如果父母或照顾者本身对儿童的安全构成威胁,或者他们在对儿童的照顾问题上存在冲突,则在数字环境中保护儿童的隐私可能至关重要。
Such cases may require further intervention, as well as family counselling or other services, to safeguard the child’s right to privacy.这种情况可能需要进一步的干预以及家庭咨询或其他服务,以保障儿童的隐私权。
Providers of preventive or counselling services to children in the digital environment should be exempt from any requirement for a child user to obtain parental consent in order to access such services.在数字环境中为儿童提供预防性或咨询服务的提供者应免除儿童用户必须征得父母同意才能使用此类服务的任何要求。
Such services should be held to high standards of privacy and child protection.这类服务应在隐私和儿童保护方面遵循高标准。
Birth registration and right to identity出生登记和身份权
States parties should promote the use of digital identification systems that enable all newborn children to have their birth registered and officially recognized by the national authorities, in order to facilitate access to services, including health, education and welfare.缔约国应促进使用数字身份识别系统,使所有新生儿都能进行出生登记,并得到国家当局的正式承认,从而为他们获得包括卫生、教育和福利在内的服务提供便利。
Lack of birth registration facilitates the violation of children’s rights under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto.缺乏出生登记助长了侵犯《公约》及其各项任择议定书规定的儿童权利的行为。
States parties should use up-to-date technology, including mobile registration units, to ensure access to birth registration, especially for children in remote areas, refugee and migrant children, children at risk and those in marginalized situations, and include children born prior to the introduction of digital identification systems.缔约国应使用最新技术,包括移动登记单位,确保儿童获得出生登记,特别是偏远地区的儿童、难民和移民儿童、面临风险的儿童和被边缘化的儿童,并纳入在采用数字身份识别系统之前出生的儿童。
For such systems to benefit children, they should conduct awareness-raising campaigns, establish monitoring mechanisms, promote community engagement and ensure effective coordination between different actors, including civil status officers, judges, notaries, health officials and child protection agency personnel.为使这类系统造福儿童,缔约国应开展提高认识宣传,建立监测机制,促进社区参与,并确保不同行为者,包括婚姻状况登记人员、法官、公证人、卫生官员和儿童保护机构人员之间的有效协调。
They should also ensure that a robust privacy and data protection framework is in place.还应该确保有一个强大的隐私和数据保护框架。
Violence against children暴力侵害儿童
The digital environment may open up new ways to perpetrate violence against children, by facilitating situations in which children experience violence and/or may be influenced to do harm to themselves or others.数字环境为暴力侵害儿童和/或影响儿童,导致其伤害自己或他人的行为提供了便利,从而可能成为暴力侵害儿童的新途径。
Crises, such as pandemics, may lead to an increased risk of harm online, given that children spend more time on virtual platforms in those circumstances.大流行病等危机可能导致在线伤害的风险增加,因为在这种情况下,儿童在虚拟平台上消磨更多时间。
Sexual offenders may use digital technologies to solicit children for sexual purposes and to participate in online child sexual abuse, for example, by the live video streaming, production and distribution of child sexual abuse material and through sexual extortion.性犯罪者可能利用数字技术,出于性目的引诱儿童,参与在线对儿童的性虐待,例如视频直播、制作和分发对儿童的性虐待材料,或者进行性勒索。
Forms of digitally facilitated violence and sexual exploitation and abuse may also be perpetrated within a child’s circle of trust, by family or friends or, for adolescents, by intimate partners, and may include cyberaggression, including bullying and threats to reputation, the non-consensual creation or sharing of sexualized text or images, such as self-generated content by solicitation and/or coercion, and the promotion of self-harming behaviours, such as cutting, suicidal behaviour or eating disorders.数字技术支持下的不同形式暴力和性剥削及性虐待行为还可能发生在儿童的信任圈内、由家人或朋友实施; 对于青少年来说,可能由亲密伙伴实施。这类行为可能包括网络攻击,包括霸凌和对名誉的威胁;非自愿制作或分享含有性内容的文本或图像,如在引诱和/或胁迫下自己制作内容;以及鼓动自我伤害行为,如刀割身体、自杀行为或饮食失调等。
Where children have carried out such actions, States parties should pursue preventive, safeguarding and restorative justice approaches for the children involved whenever possible.如果儿童实施此类行动,缔约国应尽可能对所涉儿童采取预防性、保障性和恢复性司法办法。
States parties should take legislative and administrative measures to protect children from violence in the digital environment, including the regular review, updating and enforcement of robust legislative, regulatory and institutional frameworks that protect children from recognized and emerging risks of all forms of violence in the digital environment.缔约国应采取立法和行政措施,保护儿童在数字环境中免受暴力侵害,包括开展定期审查、更新和执行强有力的立法、监管和体制框架,保护儿童在数字环境中免受公认和新出现的一切形式暴力的风险。
Such risks include physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or maltreatment, exploitation and abuse, including sexual exploitation and abuse, child trafficking, gender-based violence, cyberaggression, cyberattacks and information warfare.这类风险包括身体或精神暴力、伤害或凌虐、忽视或虐待、剥削和虐待,包括性剥削和性虐待、贩运儿童、性别暴力、网络攻击、网络打击和信息战。
States parties should implement safety and protective measures in accordance with children’s evolving capacities.缔约国应根据儿童不断发展的能力,采取安全和保护措施。
83.The digital environment can open up new ways for non-State groups, including armed groups designated as terrorist or violent extremist, to recruit and exploit children to engage with or participate in violence.83.数字环境可能为非国家团体,包括被认定为恐怖分子或暴力极端分子的武装团体招募和利用儿童从事或参与暴力行为开辟新的途径。
States parties should ensure that legislation prohibits the recruitment of children by terrorist or violent extremist groups.缔约国应确保通过立法禁止恐怖主义或暴力极端主义团体招募儿童。
Children accused of criminal offences in that context should be treated primarily as victims but, if charged, the child justice system should apply.在这种情况下被指控犯有刑事罪的儿童应主要被视为受害者,如果儿童受到指控,应适用儿童司法制度。
Family environment and alternative care家庭环境与替代照料
Many parents and caregivers require support to develop the technological understanding, capacity and skills necessary to assist children in relation to the digital environment.许多家长和照顾者需要得到支持,以发展在数字环境下协助儿童所需的技术知识、能力和技能。
States parties should ensure that parents and caregivers have opportunities to gain digital literacy, to learn how technology can support the rights of children and to recognize a child who is a victim of online harm and respond appropriately.缔约国应确保家长和照顾者有机会获得数字素养,了解技术可如何为儿童权利提供支持,认识到儿童是网络伤害的受害者,并作出适当反应。
Special attention should be paid to the parents and caregivers of children in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations.应特别关注处境不利或脆弱儿童的父母和照顾者。
In supporting and guiding parents and caregivers regarding the digital environment, States parties should promote their awareness to respect children’s growing autonomy and need for privacy, in accordance with their evolving capacities.在就数字环境问题为家长和照顾者提供支持和指导时,缔约国应帮助他们提高认识,即应根据儿童不断发展的能力,尊重其日益增长的自主性和对隐私的需要。
States parties should take into account that children often embrace and experiment with digital opportunities and may encounter risks, including at a younger age than parents and caregivers may anticipate.缔约国应考虑到,儿童往往可能因利用和尝试数字技术提供的机会而遇到风险,包括在其父母和照顾者预计的年龄之前就遇到这类风险。
Some children reported wanting more support and encouragement in their digital activities, especially where they perceived parents’ and caregivers’ approach to be punitive, overly restrictive or not adjusted to their evolving capacities.一些儿童报告说,他们希望在数字活动方面得到更多支持和鼓励,他们尤其认为,父母和照顾者的方法具有惩罚性、限制过度,或没有根据他们不断发展的能力进行调整。
States parties should take into account that support and guidance provided to parents and caregivers should be based on an understanding of the specificity and uniqueness of parent-child relations.缔约国应考虑到,向家长和照顾者提供的支持和指导应基于对亲子关系的特殊性和独特性的理解。
Such guidance should support parents in sustaining an appropriate balance between the child’s protection and emerging autonomy, based on mutual empathy and respect, over prohibition or control.这方面的指导应支持父母在保护儿童和儿童逐渐形成的自主性之间保持适当平衡,应在相互理解和尊重的基础上,而非出于禁止或控制目的实现这一平衡。
To help parents and caregivers to maintain a balance between parental responsibilities and children’s rights, the best interests of the child, applied together with consideration of the child’s evolving capacities, should be the guiding principles.为了帮助家长和照顾者在父母责任和儿童权利之间保持平衡,应当以儿童的最大利益为指导原则,同时考虑儿童不断发展的能力。
Guidance to parents and caregivers should encourage children’s social, creative and learning activities in the digital environment and emphasize that the use of digital technologies should not replace direct, responsive interactions among children themselves or between children and parents or caregivers.对家长和照顾者的指导应鼓励让儿童在数字环境中开展社交、创造性和学习活动,并强调使用数字技术不应取代儿童之间或儿童与父母或照顾者之间的直接交流和互动。
It is important that children separated from their families have access to digital technologies.与家人分离的儿童能够使用数字技术至关重要。
Evidence has shown that digital technologies are beneficial in maintaining family relationships, for example, in cases of parental separation, when children are placed in alternative care, for the purposes of establishing relations between children and prospective adoptive or foster parents and in reuniting children in humanitarian crisis situations with their families.有证据表明,数字技术有利于维持家庭关系,例如,在父母分离和儿童被安置在替代照料场所的情况下; 该技术还可用于培养儿童与未来的养父母或寄养父母之间的关系,以及在人道主义危机局势下帮助儿童与家人团聚。
Therefore, in the context of separated families, States parties should support access to digital services for children and their parents, caregivers or other relevant persons, taking into consideration the safety and best interests of the child.因此,在家庭离散的情况下,缔约国应考虑儿童的安全和最大利益,支持儿童及其父母、照顾者或其他相关人员使用数字服务。
Measures taken to enhance digital inclusion should be balanced with the need to protect children in cases where parents or other family members or caregivers, whether physically present or distant, may place them at risk.在父母或其他家庭成员或照顾者(在身边或不在身边)可能将儿童置于危险境地的情况下,为加强数字包容采取的措施应与保护儿童的需要相平衡。
States parties should consider that such risks may be enabled through the design and use of digital technologies, for example, by revealing the location of a child to a potential abuser.缔约国应考虑到,数字技术的设计和使用,例如向潜在的施虐者透露儿童的位置,可能会导致上述风险。
In recognition of those risks, They should require an approach integrating safety-by-design and privacy-by-design and ensure that parents and caregivers are fully aware of the risks and available strategies to support and protect children.认识到这些风险后,缔约国应要求采取一种方法,结合考虑安全的设计和考虑隐私保护的设计,并确保家长和照顾者充分意识到风险及支持和保护儿童的可用策略。
Children with disabilities残疾儿童
The digital environment opens new avenues for children with disabilities to engage in social relationships with their peers, access information and participate in public decision-making processes.数字环境为残疾儿童与同龄人建立社会关系、获取信息和参与公共决策过程开辟了新的途径。
States parties should pursue those avenues and take steps to prevent the creation of new barriers and to remove existing barriers faced by children with disabilities in relation to the digital environment.缔约国应利用这些途径,并采取步骤,防止制造新的障碍,消除残疾儿童在数字环境方面面临的现有障碍。
Children with different types of disabilities, including physical, intellectual, psychosocial, auditory and visual disabilities, face different barriers in accessing the digital environment, such as content in non-accessible formats, limited access to affordable assistive technologies at home, school and in the community and the prohibition of the use of digital devices in schools, health facilities and other environments.有不同类型残疾的儿童,包括有身体残疾、智力残疾、社会心理残疾、听力残疾和视力残疾的儿童在进入数字环境方面面临不同的障碍,如无法获得无障碍格式的内容;在家庭、学校和社区获得负担得起的辅助技术的机会有限; 以及学校、医疗设施和其他环境禁止使用数字设备等。
States parties should ensure that children with disabilities have access to content in accessible formats and remove policies that have a discriminatory impact on such children.缔约国应确保残疾儿童能够获得无障碍格式的内容,并取消对这类儿童有歧视性影响的政策。
They should ensure access to affordable assistive technologies, where needed, in particular for children with disabilities living in poverty, and provide awareness-raising campaigns, training and resources for children with disabilities, their families and staff in educational and other relevant settings so that they have sufficient knowledge and skills to use digital technologies effectively.缔约国应确保为有需要的,特别是为生活贫困的残疾儿童提供负担得起的辅助技术,并为残疾儿童、他们的家人以及教育和其他相关场所的工作人员提供提高认识宣传、培训和资源,使他们具备有效使用数字技术的充足知识和技能。
91.States parties should promote technological innovations that meet the requirements of children with different types of disabilities and ensure that digital products and services are designed for universal accessibility so that they can be used by all children without exception and without the need for adaptation.91. 缔约国应促进能够满足不同类型残疾儿童要求的技术创新,并确保数字产品和服务的设计实现普遍无障碍性,以便所有儿童无需调整即可无一例外地使用这些产品和服务。
Children with disabilities should be involved in the design and delivery of policies, products and services that affect the realization of their rights in the digital environment.残疾儿童应参与设计和提供影响其在数字环境中实现权利的政策、产品和服务。
Children with disabilities may be more exposed to risks, including cyberaggression and sexual exploitation and abuse, in the digital environment.残疾儿童可能更容易在数字环境中受到风险侵害,包括网络攻击及性剥削和性虐待。
States parties should identify and address the risks faced by children with disabilities, taking steps to ensure that the digital environment is safe for them, while countering the prejudice faced by children with disabilities that might lead to overprotection or exclusion.缔约国应查明和应对残疾儿童面临的风险,采取措施确保为他们提供安全的数字环境,同时消除残疾儿童面临的、可能导致他们受到过度保护或遭到排斥的偏见。
Safety information, protective strategies and public information, services and forums relating to the digital environment should be provided in accessible formats.与数字环境有关的涉及安全问题的信息、保护策略和公共信息、服务和论坛应以无障碍格式提供。
Health and welfare卫生和福利
Digital technologies can facilitate access to health services and information and improve diagnostic and treatment services for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent physical and mental health and nutrition.数字技术可促进获得医疗服务和信息,改善关于孕产妇、新生儿、儿童和青少年身心健康问题及营养状况的诊断和治疗服务。
They also offer significant opportunities for reaching children in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations or in remote communities.数字技术还为接触处境不利或弱势群体儿童或偏远社区的儿童提供了重要机会。
In situations of public emergency or in health or humanitarian crises, access to health services and information through digital technologies may become the only option.在出现社会紧急状态,或发生健康或人道主义危机时,通过数字技术获得卫生服务和信息可能成为唯一的选择。
Children reported that they valued searching online for information and support relating to health and well-being, including on physical, mental and sexual and reproductive health, puberty, sexuality and conception.据儿童报告说,他们认为在网上搜索与健康和福祉有关的信息和支持,包括关于身心健康、性健康和生殖健康、青春期、性行为和受孕等问题的信息和支持至关重要。
Adolescents especially wanted access to free, confidential, age-appropriate and non-discriminatory mental health and sexual and reproductive health services online.青少年尤其希望在网上获得免费、保密、适龄和非歧视性的心理健康及性健康和生殖健康服务。
States parties should ensure that children have safe, secure and confidential access to trustworthy health information and services, including psychological counselling services.缔约国应确保儿童以安全、可靠和保密方式获得值得信赖的健康信息和服务,包括心理咨询服务。
Those services should limit the processing of children’s data to that which is necessary for the performance of the service and should be provided by professionals or those with appropriate training, with regulated oversight mechanisms in place.这些服务对儿童相关数据的处理应仅限于提供服务所必需的范围,应由专业人员或受过适当培训的人员提供服务,并建立有监管的监督机制。
States parties should ensure that digital health products and services do not create or increase inequities in children’s access to in-person health services.缔约国应确保数字健康产品和服务不会造成或增加儿童在获得面对面医疗服务方面的不平等。
States parties should encourage and invest in research and development that is focused on children’s specific health needs and that promotes positive health outcomes for children through technological advances.缔约国应鼓励和投资于以儿童的具体健康需求为重点、通过技术进步促进实现积极的儿童健康成果的研究和开发活动。
Digital services should be used to supplement or improve the in-person provision of health services to children.应该利用数字服务,作为向儿童提供面对面健康服务的补充或促进。
States parties should introduce or update regulation that requires providers of health technologies and services to embed children’s rights within the functionality, content and distribution thereof.缔约国应制定或更新规章,要求卫生技术和服务提供商将儿童权利纳入这些技术和服务的功能、内容和销售。
States parties should regulate against known harms and proactively consider emerging research and evidence in the public health sector, to prevent the spread of misinformation and materials and services that may damage children’s mental or physical health.缔约国应对已知的危害进行监管,并积极考虑公共卫生部门新出现的研究和证据,以防止可能损害儿童身心健康的错误信息、材料和服务的传播。
Measures may also be needed to prevent unhealthy engagement in digital games or social media, such as regulating against digital design that undermines children’s development and rights.还可能需要采取措施,防止参与有不健康后果的数字游戏或社交媒体,例如对损害儿童的发展和权利的数字设计进行监管。
States parties should encourage the use of digital technologies to promote healthy lifestyles, including physical and social activity.缔约国应鼓励使用数字技术促进健康的生活方式,包括促进身体和社会活动。
They should regulate targeted or age-inappropriate advertising, marketing and other relevant digital services to prevent children’s exposure to the promotion of unhealthy products, including certain food and beverages, alcohol, drugs and tobacco and other nicotine products.缔约国应该规范有针对性或不适龄的广告、营销和其他相关数字服务,以防止儿童接触不健康产品,包括某些食品和饮料、酒精、药品和烟草及其他尼古丁产品的促销内容。
Such regulations relating to the digital environment should be compatible and keep pace with regulations in the offline environment.这类与数字环境相关的法规应该与线下环境的法规保持一致和同步。
Digital technologies offer multiple opportunities for children to improve their health and well-being, when balanced with their need for rest, exercise and direct interaction with their peers, families and communities.数字技术如果与儿童对休息、锻炼的需求和与同龄人、家庭和社区直接互动的需求相平衡,可为儿童提供多种促进健康和福祉的机会。
States parties should develop guidance for children, parents, caregivers and educators regarding the importance of a healthy balance of digital and non-digital activities and sufficient rest.缔约国应为儿童、家长、照顾者和教育工作者制定关于在数字和非数字活动之间实现健康平衡以及充分休息的重要性的指南。
Education, leisure and cultural activities教育、休闲和文化活动
Right to education受教育权
The digital environment can greatly enable and enhance children’s access to high-quality inclusive education, including reliable resources for formal, non-formal, informal, peer-to-peer and self-directed learning.数字环境能够极大地帮助和促进儿童获得高质量的全纳教育,包括提供正规、非正规、非正式、同龄人之间和自主学习的可靠资源。
Use of digital technologies can also strengthen engagement between the teacher and student and between learners.使用数字技术还可以加强教师与学生之间以及学生之间的互动。
Children highlighted the importance of digital technologies in improving their access to education and in supporting their learning and participation in extracurricular activities.儿童强调了数字技术在改善他们的受教育机会以及支持他们学习和参与课外活动方面的重要性。
States parties should support educational and cultural institutions, such as archives, libraries and museums, in enabling access for children to diverse digital and interactive learning resources, including indigenous resources, and resources in the languages that children understand.缔约国应支持档案馆、图书馆和博物馆等教育和文化机构帮助儿童利用各种数字和互动学习资源,包括土著资源以及以儿童理解的语言提供的资源。
Those and other valuable resources can support children’s engagement with their own creative, civic and cultural practices and enable them to learn about those of others.这些资源和其他有价值的资源能够支持儿童开展自己的创造性活动、公民活动和文化实践,帮助他们了解他人的做法。
States parties should enhance children’s opportunities for online and lifelong learning.缔约国应促进儿童在线和终身学习的机会。
States parties should invest equitably in technological infrastructure in schools and other learning settings, ensuring the availability and affordability of a sufficient number of computers, high-quality and high-speed broadband and a stable source of electricity, teacher training on the use of digital educational technologies, accessibility and the timely maintenance of school technologies.缔约国应公平投资于学校和其他学习场所的技术基础设施,确保提供数量充足的电脑、高质量且高速的宽带和稳定的电源,且这些设施均可负担得起;为教师提供使用数字教育技术的培训;既提供又及时维护供学校使用的相关技术。
They should also support the creation and dissemination of diverse digital educational resources of good quality in the languages that children understand and ensure that existing inequalities are not exacerbated, such as those experienced by girls.缔约国还应支持用儿童能够理解的语言创建和传播各种高质量的数字教育资源,确保不会加剧现有的不平等现象,如女童遭受的不平等现象。
States parties should ensure that the use of digital technologies does not undermine in-person education and is justified for educational purposes.缔约国应确保数字技术的使用不会破坏面对面的教育,并且有正当合理的教育目的。
For children who are not physically present in school or for those who live in remote areas or in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations, digital educational technologies can enable distance or mobile learning.对于那些不去学校上学的儿童、生活在偏远地区或处于不利或脆弱境地的儿童来说,数字教育技术能够帮助实现远程或移动学习。
States parties should ensure that there is proper infrastructure in place to enable access for all children to the basic utilities necessary for distance learning, including access to devices, electricity, connectivity, educational materials and professional support.缔约国应确保提供适当的基础设施,使所有儿童都能获得远程学习所需的基本设施,包括可获得设备、电源、网络联通、教学资料和专业支持。
They should also ensure that schools have sufficient resources to provide parents and caregivers with guidance on remote learning at home and that digital education products and services do not create or exacerbate inequities in children’s access to in-person education services.缔约国还应确保学校有充足的资源,为家长和照顾者提供关于在家远程学习的指导,并确保数字教育产品和服务不会导致或加剧儿童在获得面对面教育服务方面的不平等。
States parties should develop evidence-based policies, standards and guidelines for schools and other relevant bodies responsible for procuring and using educational technologies and materials to enhance the provision of valuable educational benefits.缔约国应为学校和负责采购和使用教育技术和材料的其他相关机构制定基于证据的政策、标准和指南,以促进提供宝贵的教育收益。
Standards for digital educational technologies should ensure that the use of those technologies is ethical and appropriate for educational purposes and does not expose children to violence, discrimination, misuse of their personal data, commercial exploitation or other infringements of their rights, such as the use of digital technologies to document a child’s activity and share it with parents or caregivers without the child’s knowledge or consent.数字教育技术标准应确保出于教育目的使用这些技术是合乎道德和适当的,不会使儿童遭受暴力、歧视; 个人数据不被滥用; 不会让儿童遭受商业剥削或其他侵犯其权利的行为,例如在儿童不知情或未经儿童同意的情况下使用数字技术记录儿童的活动并与父母或照顾者分享的行为。
States parties should ensure that digital literacy is taught in schools, as part of basic education curricula, from the preschool level and throughout all school years, and that such pedagogies are assessed on the basis of their results.缔约国应确保从学龄前到整个就学期间,在学校教授数字素养课程,作为基础教育课程的一部分,并根据课程结果对这种教学方法进行评估。
Curricula should include the knowledge and skills to safely handle a wide range of digital tools and resources, including those relating to content, creation, collaboration, participation, socialization and civic engagement.课程应包括安全使用各种数字工具和资源,包括与内容、创作、协作、参与、社会化和公民参与有关的工具和资源的知识和技能。
Curricula should also include critical understanding, guidance on how to find trusted sources of information and to identify misinformation and other forms of biased or false content, including on sexual and reproductive health issues, human rights, including the rights of the child in the digital environment, and available forms of support and remedy.课程内容还应包括批判性理解,就如何找到可信的信息来源、识别错误信息和其他形式带有偏见的内容或虚假内容提供指导,包括就有关性健康和生殖健康问题、人权(包括数字环境中儿童的权利),以及现有的支持和补救形式提供指导。
They should promote awareness among children of the possible adverse consequences of exposure to risks relating to content, contact, conduct and contract, including cyberaggression, trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse and other forms of violence, as well as coping strategies to reduce harm and strategies to protect their personal data and those of others and to build children’s social and emotional skills and resilience.缔约国应促进儿童认识到数字形式的内容、联系、行为和合同所涉风险可能产生的不良后果(包括网络攻击、贩运、性剥削和性虐待以及其他形式暴力行为)、可减少伤害的应对策略、保护个人数据及他人数据的策略,并培养儿童的社交和情感技能及应对能力。
It is of increasing importance that children gain an understanding of the digital environment, including its infrastructure, business practices, persuasive strategies and the uses of automated processing and personal data and surveillance, and of the possible negative effects of digitalization on societies.儿童了解数字环境,包括其基础设施、商业惯例、说服性策略、自动化处理及对个人数据的使用和监视做法,了解数字化可能对社会产生的负面影响,这一点越来越重要。
Teachers, in particular those who undertake digital literacy education and sexual and reproductive health education, should be trained on safeguards relating to the digital environment.教师,特别是那些从事数字素养教育以及性健康和生殖健康教育的教师,应该接受有关数字环境保障措施的培训。
Right to culture, leisure and play文化、休闲和游戏的权利
The digital environment promotes children’s right to culture, leisure and play, which is essential for their well-being and development.数字环境促进了儿童的文化、休闲和游戏权,这些权利对他们的福祉和发展至关重要。
Children of all ages reported that they experienced pleasure, interest and relaxation through engaging with a wide range of digital products and services of their choice, but that they were concerned that adults might not understand the importance of digital play and how it could be shared with friends.所有年龄的儿童都报告说,他们通过使用各种自己选择的数字产品和服务,体会到快乐、兴趣和放松的感觉, 但他们担心成年人可能不理解数字游戏以及如何与朋友一起玩这类游戏的重要性。
Digital forms of culture, recreation and play should support and benefit children and reflect and promote children’s differing identities, in particular their cultural identities, languages and heritage.各种数字形式的文化、娱乐和游戏应支持和造福儿童,反映和促进儿童的不同特性,特别是他们的文化特性、语言和继承的遗产。
They can facilitate children’s social skills, learning, expression, creative activities, such as music and art, and sense of belonging and a shared culture.它们能够促进儿童的社交技能、学习、表达和创造性活动,如音乐和艺术,并促进归属感和文化同一性。
Participation in cultural life online contributes to creativity, identity, social cohesiveness and cultural diversity.在线参与文化生活有助于促进创造力、认同感、社会凝聚力和文化多样性。
States parties should ensure that children have the opportunity to use their free time to experiment with information and communications technologies, express themselves and participate in cultural life online.缔约国应确保儿童有机会利用其空闲时间尝试信息和通信技术,表达自我和参与网上的文化生活。
States parties should regulate and provide guidance for professionals, parents and caregivers and collaborate with digital service providers, as appropriate, to ensure that digital technologies and services intended for, accessed by or having an impact on children in their leisure time are designed, distributed and used in ways that enhance children’s opportunities for culture, recreation and play.缔约国应对专业人员、家长和照顾者进行监管并为他们提供指导,并酌情与数字服务提供商合作,确保以儿童为受众、供他们在闲暇时间使用或对他们产生影响的数字技术和服务的设计、销售和使用方式能够促进儿童获得文化、娱乐和游戏的机会。
That can include encouraging innovation in digital play and related activities that support children’s autonomy, personal development and enjoyment.这可包括鼓励数字游戏和相关活动开展创新,以支持儿童的自主性、个人发展和享受。
States parties should ensure that the promotion of opportunities for culture, leisure and play in the digital environment is balanced with the provision of attractive alternatives in the physical locations where children live.缔约国应确保在促进数字环境中的文化、休闲和娱乐机会的同时,在儿童实际居住的地点提供有吸引力的替代方案。
Especially in their early years, children acquire language, coordination, social skills and emotional intelligence largely through play that involves physical movement and direct face-to-face interaction with other people.特别是在成长早期,儿童主要通过游戏习得语言、协调能力、社交技能和培养情商,这些游戏包括身体运动和与他人直接面对面的互动。
For older children, play and recreation that involve physical activities, team sports and other outdoor recreational activities can provide health benefits, as well as functional and social skills.对于年龄稍大的儿童,涉及体育运动、团队运动和其他户外娱乐活动的游戏和休闲活动可以提供健康益处以及功能性和社交技能。
Leisure time spent in the digital environment may expose children to risks of harm, for example, through opaque or misleading advertising or highly persuasive or gambling-like design features.在数字环境中消磨休闲时间可能让儿童面临受到伤害的风险,例如,不透明或误导性的广告,或者极具说服力或类似赌博的设计特征会导致这类风险。
By introducing or using data protection, privacy-by-design and safety-by-design approaches and other regulatory measures, States parties should ensure that businesses do not target children using those or other techniques designed to prioritize commercial interests over those of the child.缔约国应采取或使用数据保护、考虑隐私保护的设计和考虑安全的设计等方法,并采取其他监管措施,确保企业不针对儿童使用将商业利益置于儿童利益之上的技术。
Where States parties or businesses provide guidance, age ratings, labelling or certification regarding certain forms of digital play and recreation, they should be formulated so as not to curtail children’s access to the digital environment as a whole or interfere with their opportunities for leisure or their other rights.缔约国或企业就某些数字游戏和娱乐形式提供指导、按年龄分级、贴标签或进行认证时,应保证这些工作不妨碍儿童进入整个数字环境,或干扰他们享受休闲的机会或其他权利。
Special protection measures特别保护措施
Protection from economic, sexual and other forms of exploitation免受经济剥削、性剥削和其他形式的剥削
Children should be protected from all forms of exploitation prejudicial to any aspects of their welfare in relation to the digital environment.应保护儿童免受有损于他们与数字环境有关的任何福利的所有形式的剥削。
Exploitation may occur in many forms, such as economic exploitation, including child labour, sexual exploitation and abuse, the sale, trafficking and abduction of children and the recruitment of children to participate in criminal activities, including forms of cybercrime.剥削可能存在多种形式,例如经济剥削,包括童工、性剥削和性虐待、买卖、贩运和绑架儿童,以及招募儿童参与犯罪活动,包括各种形式的网络犯罪。
By creating and sharing content, children may be economic actors in the digital environment, which may result in their exploitation.通过创作和分享内容,儿童可能成为数字环境中的经济行为者,这可能导致他们受到剥削。
States parties should review relevant laws and policies to ensure that children are protected against economic, sexual and other forms of exploitation and that their rights with regard to work in the digital environment and related opportunities for remuneration are protected.缔约国应审查相关法律和政策,确保保护儿童免受经济剥削、性剥削和其他形式的剥削,确保他们在数字环境中工作的权利和获得报酬的相关机会得到保护。
States parties should ensure that appropriate enforcement mechanisms are in place and support children, parents and caregivers in gaining access to the protections that apply.缔约国应确保建立适当的执法机制,并支持儿童、家长和照顾者获得适用于他们的保护。
They should legislate to ensure that children are protected from harmful goods, such as weapons or drugs, or services, such as gambling.缔约国应该通过立法,确保儿童免受有害物品(如武器、毒品)或服务(如赌博)的伤害。
Robust age verification systems should be used to prevent children from acquiring access to products and services that are illegal for them to own or use.应该使用强有力的年龄核实系统,防止儿童获得对他们而言属于非法拥有或使用的产品和服务。
Such systems should be consistent with data protection and safeguarding requirements.此类系统应符合数据保护和保障要求。
Considering States’ obligations to investigate, prosecute and punish trafficking in persons, including its component actions and related conduct, States parties should develop and update anti-trafficking legislation so that it prohibits the technology-facilitated recruitment of children by criminal groups.考虑到各国有义务调查、起诉和惩治贩运人口行为,包括作为贩运人口组成部分的行动和相关行为,缔约国应制定和更新关于禁止贩运人口的相关立法,禁止犯罪集团在技术的帮助下招募儿童。
States parties should ensure that appropriate legislation is in place to protect children from the crimes that occur in the digital environment, including fraud and identity theft, and to allocate sufficient resources to ensure that crimes in the digital environment are investigated and prosecuted.缔约国应确保制定适当的立法,保护儿童免受数字环境中发生的犯罪行为,包括欺诈和盗窃身份等行为侵害,并分配充足的资源,确保对数字环境中的犯罪行为进行调查和起诉。
States parties should also require a high standard of cybersecurity, privacy-by-design and safety-by-design in the digital services and products that children use, to minimize the risk of such crimes.缔约国还应对儿童使用的数字服务和产品提出高标准的网络安全要求、要求考虑隐私保护的设计和考虑安全的设计,以最大限度地减少此类犯罪风险。
Administration of child justice儿童司法
Children may be alleged to have, accused of or recognized as having infringed, cybercrime laws.儿童可能会受到指称、指控或被认定触犯了关于网络犯罪的法律。
States parties should ensure that policymakers consider the effects of such laws on children, focus on prevention and make every effort to create and use alternatives to a criminal justice response.缔约国应确保政策制定者考虑此类法律对儿童的影响,重点关注预防,并尽一切努力创造和使用刑事司法对策的替代办法。
Self-generated sexual material by children that they possess and/or share with their consent and solely for their own private use should not be criminalized.儿童拥有和/或分享自己制作的含有性内容的材料,如经自我同意和仅供个人使用,不应被定为犯罪。
Child-friendly channels should be created to allow children to safely seek advice and assistance where it relates to self-generated sexually explicit content.应该创建对儿童友好的渠道,让他们能够就涉及自己制作的有明显性内容的材料,安全地寻求咨询和帮助。
States parties should ensure that digital technologies, surveillance mechanisms, such as facial recognition software, and risk profiling that are deployed in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of crimes are not used to unfairly target children suspected of or charged with criminal offences and are not used in a manner that violates their rights, in particular their rights to privacy, dignity and freedom of association.缔约国应确保在预防、调查和起诉犯罪行为时采用的数字技术、监测机制,如面部识别软件和风险评估,不会用于不公平地对待有嫌疑或被控刑事犯罪的儿童,也不会用以侵犯他们的权利,特别是侵犯他们的隐私权、尊严和结社自由权。
The Committee recognizes that, where the digitization of court proceedings results in a lack of in-person contact with children, it may have a negative impact on rehabilitative and restorative justice measures built on developing relationships with the child.委员会认识到,如果法院诉讼程序数字化导致缺乏与儿童面对面的接触,可能会对康复和恢复性司法措施产生负面影响,因为这些措施的基础是与儿童建立联系。
In such cases, and also where children are deprived of their liberty, States parties should provide in-person contact to facilitate children’s ability to meaningfully engage with the courts and their rehabilitation.在这种情况下,以及在儿童被剥夺自由的情况下,缔约国应提供面对面的接触机会,促进儿童实际与法院打交道的能力,帮助他们康复。
Protection of children in armed conflict, migrant children and children in other vulnerable situations保护武装冲突中的儿童、移徙儿童和其他处境脆弱的儿童
The digital environment can provide children living in vulnerable situations, including children in armed conflict, internally displaced children, migrant, asylum-seeking and refugee children, unaccompanied children, children in street situations and children affected by natural disasters, with access to life-saving information that is vital for their protection.数字环境能够为在脆弱处境中生活的儿童,包括武装冲突中的儿童、境内流离失所儿童、移民儿童、寻求庇护儿童和难民儿童、无人陪伴儿童、街头儿童和受自然灾害影响的儿童提供可拯救生命的信息,对保护他们至关重要。
The digital environment can also enable them to maintain contact with their families, enable their access to education, health and other basic services and enable them to obtain food and safe shelter.数字环境还可以使他们与家人保持联系,获得教育、卫生和其他基本服务,以及获得食物和安全的住所。
States parties should ensure safe, secure, private and beneficial access for such children to the digital environment and protect them from all forms of violence, exploitation and abuse.缔约国应确保这些儿童以安全、私密的方式进入和获益于数字环境,并保护他们免受一切形式的暴力、剥削和虐待。
States parties should ensure that children are not recruited or used in conflicts, including armed conflicts, through the digital environment.缔约国应确保不得在冲突,包括在武装冲突中利用数字环境招募或利用儿童。
That includes preventing, criminalizing and sanctioning the various forms of technology-facilitated solicitation and grooming of children, for example, though use of social networking platforms or chat services in online games.这包括防止利用各种形式的技术手段教唆和诱骗儿童,如使用社交网络平台或网络游戏中的聊天服务,并对这类行为进行定罪和处罚。
International and regional cooperation国际和区域合作
The cross-border and transnational nature of the digital environment necessitates strong international and regional cooperation, to ensure that all stakeholders, including States, businesses and other actors, effectively respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights in relation to the digital environment.数字环境具有跨境和跨国性质,因此需要强有力的国际和区域合作,以确保包括国家、企业和其他行为者在内的所有利益攸关方切实尊重、保护和实现儿童与数字环境有关的权利。
It is therefore vital that States parties cooperate bilaterally and multilaterally with national and international non-governmental organizations, United Nations agencies, businesses and organizations specialized in child protection and human rights in relation to the digital environment.因此,缔约国必须与国内和国际非政府组织、联合国各机构、企业和专门从事与数字环境有关的儿童保护和人权工作的组织开展双边和多边合作。
States parties should promote and contribute to the international and regional exchange of expertise and good practices and establish and promote capacity-building, resources, standards, regulations and protections across national borders that enable the realization of children’s rights in the digital environment by all States.缔约国应加强和促进国际和区域关于专门知识和良好做法的交流,开展能力建设、促进提供资源、制定标准、规章和促进跨国界保护,使所有国家都能实现儿童在数字环境中的权利。
They should encourage the formulation of a common definition of what constitutes a crime in the digital environment, mutual legal assistance and the joint collection and sharing of evidence.缔约国应鼓励制订统一的定义,界定哪些行为在数字环境中构成犯罪,相互提供法律援助,并联合收集和分享证据。
States parties should ensure that the present general comment is widely disseminated, including through use of digital technologies, to all relevant stakeholders, in particular parliaments and government authorities, including those responsible for cross-cutting and sectoral digital transformation, as well as members of the judiciary, business enterprises, the media, civil society and the public at large, educators and children, and is made available in multiple formats and languages, including age-appropriate versions.缔约国应确保广泛传播本一般性意见,包括利用数字技术,向所有相关利益攸关方,特别是向议会和政府主管机构,包括负责跨部门和部门数字化转型的政府主管机构,以及向司法机构成员、工商企业、媒体、民间社会和广大公众、教育工作者和儿童广泛传播,并以多种格式和语言提供,包括提供适合年龄的版本。
“Our rights in a digital world”, summary report on the consultation of children for the present general comment, pp. 14 and 22. Available from 20in%20a%20Digital%20World.pdf. All references to children’s views refer to that report.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,关于就本一般性意见征求儿童意见的概要报告,第14和22页。可查阅: 20in%20a%20Digital%20World.pdf。 所有提到儿童观点的地方都指的是这份报告。
A terminology glossary is available on the Committee’s webpage:术语表可查阅委员会网页:。
“Our rights in a digital world”, pp. 14, 16, 22 and 25.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,第14、16、22和25页。
General comment No. 9 (2006), paras. 37–38.第9号一般性意见(2006年),第37-38段。
General comment No. 14 (2013), para. 1.第14号一般性意见(2013年),第1段。
General comment No. 24 (2019), para. 22;and general comment No. 20 (2016), paras. 9–11.第24号一般性意见(2019年),第22段; 及第20号一般性意见(2016年),第9-11段。
“Our rights in a digital world”, p. 17.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,第17页。
General comment No. 14 (2013), paras. 89–91.第14号一般性意见(2013年),第89-91段。
General comment No. 7 (2005), para. 17;第7号一般性意见(2005年),第17段;
and general comment No. 20 (2016), paras. 18 and 20.及第20号一般性意见(2016年),第18和20段。
General comment No. 20 (2016), para. 20.第20号一般性意见(2016年),第20段。
General comment No. 5 (2003), para. 45;第5号一般性意见(2003年),第45段;
general comment No. 14 (2013), para. 99; and general comment No. 16 (2013), paras. 78–81.第14号一般性意见(2013年),第99段; 及第16号一般性意见(2013年),第78-81段。
General comment No. 5 (2003), para. 37.第5号一般性意见(2003年),第37段。
Ibid., paras. 27 and 39.同上,第27和39段。
General comment No. 19 (2016), para. 21.第19号一般性意见(2016年),第21段。
Ibid., para. 27 (b).同上,第27(b)段。
General comment No. 5 (2003), paras. 48 and 50.第5号一般性意见(2003年),第48和50段。
General comment No. 2 (2002), paras. 2 and 7.第2号一般性意见(2002年),第2和7段。
Ibid., para. 7.同上,第7段。
General comment No. 16 (2013), paras. 28, 42 and 82.第16号一般性意见(2013年),第28、42和82段。
Ibid., para. 60.同上,第60段。
Ibid., paras. 50 and 62–65.同上,第50和第62-65段。
General comment No. 21 (2017), para. 22.第21号一般性意见(2017年),第22段。
See also General Assembly resolution 60/147, annex.另见大会第60/147号决议,附件。
General comment No. 5 (2003), para. 24.第5号一般性意见(2003年),第24段。
General comment No. 16 (2013), paras. 66–67.第16号一般性意见(2013年),第66-67段。
Ibid., paras. 30 and 43.同上,第30和43段。
General comment No. 7 (2005), para. 35;第7号一般性意见(2005年),第35段;
and general comment No. 20 (2016), para. 47.及第20号一般性意见(2016年),第47段。
General comment No. 17 (2013), para. 46;第17号一般性意见(2013年),第46段;
and general comment No. 20 (2016), paras. 47–48.及第20号一般性意见(2016年),第47-48段。
General comment No. 16 (2013), para. 58;第16号一般性意见(2013年),第58段;
and general comment No. 7 (2005), para. 35.及第7号一般性意见(2005年),第35段。
Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 34 (2011), para. 43.人权事务委员会,第34号一般性意见(2011年),第43段。
General comment No. 16 (2013), paras. 19 and 59.第16号一般性意见(2013年),第19和59段。
Ibid., paras. 58 and 61.同上,第58和61段。
“Our rights in a digital world”, p. 16.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,第16页。
General comment No. 17 (2013), para. 21;第17号一般性意见(2013年),第21段;
and general comment No. 20 (2016), paras. 44–45.及第20号一般性意见(2016年),第44-45段。
“Our rights in a digital world”, p. 20.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,第20页。
Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 37 (2020), paras. 6 and 34.人权事务委员会,第37号一般性意见(2020年),第6和34段。
Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 16 (1988), para. 10.人权事务委员会,第16号一般性意见(1988年),第10段。
and Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 20 (2016), para. 46.及儿童权利委员会,第20号一般性意见(2016年),第46段。
General comment No. 20 (2016), para. 60.第20号一般性意见(2016年),第60段。
General comment No. 24 (2019), para. 101;and CRC/C/156, para. 71.第24号一般性意见(2019年),第101段; 及CRC/C/156, 第71段。
“Our rights in a digital world”, p. 30.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,第30页。
General comment No. 21 (2017), para. 35.第21号一般性意见(2017年),第35段。
“Our rights in a digital world”, p. 37.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,第37页。
General comment No. 20 (2016), para. 59.第20号一般性意见(2016年),第59段。
Ibid., paras. 47 and 59.同上,第47和59段。
Ibid., paras. 47–48.同上,第47-48段。
General comment No. 15 (2013), para. 84.第15号一般性意见(2013年),第84段。
General comment No. 17 (2013), para. 13.第17号一般性意见(2013年),第13段。
General comment No. 15 (2013), para. 77.第15号一般性意见(2013年),第77段。
“Our rights in a digital world”, pp. 14, 16 and 30.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,第14、16和30页。
General comment No. 17 (2013), para. 10.第17号一般性意见(2013年),第10段。
Joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (2019), para. 64; and Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 11 (2009), para. 61;消除对妇女歧视委员会第31号以及儿童权利委员会第18号联合一般性建议/意见(2019年),第64段; 及儿童权利委员会,第11号一般性意见(2009年),第61段;
and general comment No. 21 (2017), para. 55.及第21号一般性意见(2017年),第55段。
General comment No. 20 (2016), para. 47.第20号一般性意见(2016年),第47段。
General comment No. 17 (2013), para. 7.第17号一般性意见(2013年),第7段。
“Our rights in a digital world”, p. 22.“我们在数字世界中的权利”,第22页。
General comment No. 17 (2013), para. 33.第17号一般性意见(2013年),第33段。
Ibid., para. 5.同上,第5段。
General comment No. 16 (2013), para. 37.第16号一般性意见(2013年),第37段。