United Nations

联 合 国



Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment


Committee against Torture


General comment No. 4 (2017) on the implementation of article 3 of the Convention in the context of article 22


I. Introduction

. 导言

1. On the basis of its experience in considering individual communications under article 22 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, addressing allegations of violation by States parties of article 3 of the Convention, the Committee against Torture, at its fifty-fifth to fifty-eighth sessions, in 2015 and 2016, discussed and agreed to revise its general comment No. 1 (1997), entitled General comment on the implementation of article 3 of the Convention in the context of article 22, adopted at its nineteenth session (see A/53/44 and A/53/44/Corr.1, annex IX).

1. 禁止酷刑委员会,依据审议根据《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第22条提出的个人来文、处理关于缔约国违反《公约》第3条的指控的经验,在2015年和2016年举行的第五十五届至第五十八届会议上经讨论后商定,修订第十九届会议通过的题为“关于参照《公约》第22条执行第3条的一般性意见”的委员会第1号一般性意见(1997)(A/53/44A/53/44/Corr.1, 附件九)

2. At its fifty-ninth session, held from 7 November to 7 December 2016, the Committee began the drafting process for the revised general comment, taking into account the recommendations for the consultation process in the elaboration of general comments made by the Chairs of the human rights treaty bodies at their twenty-seventh meeting, held in San José from 22 to 26 June 2015 (see A/70/302, para. 91).

2. 2016117日至127日举行的第五十九届会议上,委员会开始起草经修订的一般性意见,为此考虑到各人权条约机构主席在2015622日至26日于圣何塞举行的人权条约机构主席第二十七次会议上就拟订一般性意见的磋商流程提出的建议(A/70/302, 91)

3. At the 1614th meeting of the Committee, held on 6 December 2017 during its sixty-second session, the Committee decided that its general comment No. 1 would be superseded by the below text, which it adopted on the same date.

3. 2017126日委员会第六十二届会议期间举行的第1614次会议上,委员会决定以同日通过的以下案文取代其第1号一般性意见。

4. For the purposes of the present general comment, the term deportation includes, but is not limited to, expulsion, extradition, forcible return, forcible transfer, rendition and rejection at the frontier of, and pushback operations (including at sea) involving, a person or group of individuals from a State party to another State.

4. 就本一般性意见而言,“递解出境”这一术语包括但不限于将个人或群体从一缔约国驱逐、引渡、强制遣返、强行移交、让渡至另一国及在边境拒绝其入境,以及涉及个人或群体的驱回(包括在海上驱回)行动。

II. General principles

. 一般原则

5. Article 3 (1) of the Convention provides that no State party shall expel, return (refouler) or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that the person would be in danger of being subjected to torture.

5. 《公约》第3条第1款规定,如有充分理由相信任何人在另一国家将有遭受酷刑的危险,任何缔约国不得将该人驱逐、遣返(推回)或引渡至该国。

6. Pursuant to article 22 of the Convention, the Committee receives and considers communications from or on behalf of individuals subject to a State partys jurisdiction who claim to be victims of a violation by a State party of the provisions of the Convention, in respect of any State party that has declared that it recognizes the Committees competence in that regard.

6. 依照《公约》第22条,对于任何已声明承认委员会在这方面具有权限的缔约国,委员会接受和审议在该国管辖下声称因该国违反本公约条款而受害的个人或其代表所送交的来文。

7. Most of the communications received by the Committee refer to alleged violations by States parties of article 3 of the Convention.

7. 委员会收到的大部分来文涉及控告缔约国违反《公约》第3条。

The present general comment provides guidance to States parties and the complainants and their representatives on the scope of article 3 and on how the Committee assesses the admissibility and the merits of the individual communications submitted to the Committee for its consideration.


8. The Committee recalls that the prohibition of torture, as defined in article 1 of the Convention, is absolute.

8. 委员会回顾指出,绝对禁止《公约》第一条所界定的酷刑。

Article 2 (2) of the Convention provides that no exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.


The Committee further recalls that other acts of ill-treatment are equally prohibited and that the prohibition of ill-treatment is likewise non-derogable.


9. The principle of non-refoulement of persons to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of being subjected to torture is similarly absolute.

9. 对于有充分理由相信在另一国家将有遭受酷刑危险的人员“不予推回”,这项原则同样是绝对的。

10. Each State party must apply the principle of non-refoulement in any territory under its jurisdiction or any area under its control or authority, or on board a ship or aircraft registered in the State party, to any person, including persons requesting or in need of international protection, without any form of discrimination and regardless of the nationality or statelessness or the legal, administrative or judicial status of the person concerned under ordinary or emergency law.

10. 各缔约国必须在其管辖的任何领土或属于其控制或权力范围内的任何地区内、或在缔约国内注册的船舶或飞机上,对任何人(包括请求或需要得到国际保护的人)适用不推回原则,不得有任何形式的歧视,也不论当事人的国籍或无国籍状态及其在普通法和紧急状态法之下的法律、行政或司法地位如何。

As the Committee noted in paragraph 7 of its general comment No. 2, the concept of any territory under its jurisdiction includes any territory or facilities and must be applied to protect any person, citizen or non-citizen without discrimination subject to the de jure or de facto control of a State party.


11. The non-refoulement obligation in article 3 of the Convention exists whenever there are substantial grounds for believing that the person concerned would be in danger of being subjected to torture in a State to which the person is facing deportation, either as an individual or as a member of a group that may be at risk of being tortured in the State of destination.

11. 只要有“充分理由” 相信,当事人无论是作为个人还是作为有可能在目的地国遭受酷刑的一个群体的成员,在将被递解至的国家内有遭受酷刑的危险,便存在《公约》第3条中的不推回义务。

The Committees practice has been to determine that substantial grounds exist whenever the risk of torture is foreseeable, personal, present and real.


12. Any person found to be at risk of torture if deported to a given State should be allowed to remain in the territory under the jurisdiction, control or authority of the State party concerned so long as the risk persists.

12. 任何若被递解至某一国家便可能遭受酷刑者,只要风险持续存在,均应获准留在有关缔约国管辖、控制或权力范围内的领土之内。

The person in question should not be detained without proper legal justification and safeguards.


Detention should always be an exceptional measure based on an individual assessment and subject to regular review.

拘留应始终是需要依据个案评估 并接受定期审查 的例外措施。

Furthermore, the person at risk should never be deported to another State from which the person may subsequently face deportation to a third State in which there are substantial grounds for believing that the person would be in danger of being subjected to torture.


13. Each case should be examined individually, impartially and independently by the State party through competent administrative and/or judicial authorities, in conformity with essential procedural safeguards, notably the guarantee of a prompt and transparent process, a review of the deportation decision and a suspensive effect of the appeal.

13. 缔约国应通过主管的行政和()司法当局对每起案件进行单独、公正和独立的审查, 审查应符合基本的程序性保障措施,特别是保证审查过程及时而透明、对递解决定进行复审并使上诉具有暂缓递解的效力。

In each case, the person concerned should be informed of the intended deportation in a timely manner.


Collective deportation, without an objective examination of the individual cases with regard to personal risk, should be considered as a violation of the principle of non-refoulement.

集体递解出境 ,若没有对每起案件中的个人风险进行客观审查,应被视为违反不推回原则。

14. States parties should not adopt dissuasive measures or policies, such as detention in poor conditions for indefinite periods, refusing to process claims for asylum or prolonging them unduly, or cutting funds for assistance programmes for asylum seekers, which would compel persons in need of protection under article 3 of the Convention to return to their country of origin in spite of their personal risk of being subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment there.

14. 缔约国不应采取劝阻措施或政策,例如在恶劣的条件中无限期拘留、对庇护申请不予处理或过度拖延、或削减寻求庇护者援助方案的资金。这些措施会迫使根据《公约》第3条需要得到保护的人,不顾个人在原籍国面临遭受酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的风险,返回原籍国。

15. Article 16 of the Convention provides for the duty of States parties to prevent acts of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (ill-treatment), which do not amount to torture as defined in article 1 of the Convention.

15. 《公约》第16条规定缔约国有义务防止未达到《公约》第1条所述酷刑程度的残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚行为(虐待)

16. States parties should consider whether the nature of the other forms of ill-treatment that a person facing deportation is at risk of experiencing could likely change so as to constitute torture, before making an assessment on each case relating to the principle of non-refoulement.

16. 在就涉及“不推回”原则的每起案件做出评估之前,缔约国应考虑面临递解者可能遭受的其他形式的虐待,其性质是否可能改变以至构成酷刑。

17. The Committee considers that severe pain or suffering cannot always be assessed objectively.

17. 委员会认为,剧烈的疼痛或痛苦并非总能得到客观评估。

It depends on the negative physical and/or mental repercussions that the infliction of violent or abusive acts has on each individual, taking into account all relevant circumstances of each case, including the nature of the treatment, the sex, age and state of health and vulnerability of the victim and any other status or factors.


III. Preventive measures to guarantee the principle of non-refoulement

. 保障不推回原则的预防措施

18. For the purpose of fully implementing article 3 of the Convention, States parties should take legislative, administrative, judicial and other preventive measures against possible violations of the principle of non-refoulement, including:

18. 为充分执行《公约》第3条,缔约国应采取立法、行政、司法及其他预防措施,防止出现可能违反“不推回”原则的行为,其中包括:

(a) Ensuring the right of each person concerned to have the case examined individually and not collectively and to be fully informed of the reasons why the person is the subject of a procedure that may lead to a decision of deportation and of the rights legally available to appeal such a decision;

(a) 确保每个当事人有权使其案件得到单独审查而非集体审查,有权充分获知本人因何成为可能导致递解决定的程序的主体,以及依法获得就此类决定提出上诉的权利;

(b) Providing the person concerned with access to a lawyer, to free legal aid, when necessary, and to representatives of relevant international organizations of protection;

(b) 使当事人能够联系律师, 必要时获得免费法律援助,并联系相关国际保护机构的代表;

(c) Developing an administrative or judicial procedure concerning the person in question in a language that the person understands or with the assistance of interpreters and translators;

(c) 以当事人理解的语言制定与其相关的行政或司法程序,或提供口译员和笔译员的协助;

(d) Referring the person alleging previous torture to an independent medical examination free of charge, in accordance with the Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol);

(d) 依照《酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的有效调查和文件记录手册》(《伊斯坦布尔规程》),让据称受过酷刑者免费接受独立的医学检查;

(e) Ensuring the right of appeal by the person concerned against a deportation order to an independent administrative and/or judicial body within a reasonable period of time from the notification of that order and with the suspensive effect of the appeal on the enforcement of the order;

(e) 确保当事人有权在接到递解令后的合理时间内向独立的行政和()司法机构提出上诉,且上诉具有暂缓执行递解令的效力;

(f) Providing effective training for all officials who deal with persons under deportation procedures on respect for the provisions of article 3 of the Convention, in order to avoid decisions contrary to the principle of non-refoulement;

(f) 为所有与处于递解程序中的人员打交道的官员提供有效培训,说明如何遵守《公约》第3条的规定,以免出现违反不推回原则的决定;

(g) Providing effective training for medical and other personnel dealing with detainees, migrants and asylum seekers in identifying and documenting signs of torture, taking into account the Istanbul Protocol.

(g) 参照《伊斯坦布尔规程》,为接待被拘留人员、移民和寻求庇护者的医务人员及其他工作人员提供有关查明和记录酷刑痕迹的有效培训。

IV. Diplomatic assurances

. 外交保证

19. The term diplomatic assurances as used in the context of the transfer of a person from one State to another, refers to a formal commitment by the receiving State to the effect that the person concerned will be treated in accordance with conditions set by the sending State and in accordance with international human rights standards.

19. “外交保证”这一术语,在将某人从一国移交给另一国的情况下使用,是指接受国做出的正式承诺,保证将按照遣送国规定的条件并依照国际人权标准对待当事人。

20. The Committee considers that diplomatic assurances from a State party to the Convention to which a person is to be deported should not be used as a loophole to undermine the principle of non-refoulement as set out in article 3 of the Convention, where there are substantial grounds for believing that the person would be in danger of being subjected to torture in that State.

20. 委员会认为,如有充分理由相信某人在将被递解至的本公约缔约国内有遭受酷刑的危险,则不得以该缔约国的外交保证为借口,损害《公约》第3条规定的不推回原则。

V. Redress

. 补偿

21. The Committee recalls that it considers the term redress in article 14 of the Convention as encompassing the concepts of effective remedy and reparation.

21. 委员会回顾指出,它认为《公约》第14条中的“补偿”一词包含“有效补救办法”和“赔偿”的概念。

The comprehensive reparative concept therefore entails restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition and refers to the full scope of measures required to redress violations under the Convention.


22. States parties should recognize that victims of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment suffer physical and psychological harm that may require sustained availability of and access to specialized rehabilitation services.

22. 缔约国应认识到,酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的受害者遭受身心创伤,可能需要持续获得和接受专门的康复服务。

Once such a state of health and the need for treatment have been medically certified, they should not be removed to a State where adequate medical services for their rehabilitation are not available or guaranteed.


VI. Article 3 of the Convention and extradition treaties

. 《公约》第3条与引渡条约

23. States parties may find that a conflict arises between the obligations they have undertaken under article 3 of the Convention and the obligations they have undertaken under a multilateral or bilateral extradition treaty, especially when the treaty was concluded before the ratification of the Convention with a State which is not a party to the Convention and, therefore, when not yet bound by the provisions of article 3.

23. 缔约国可能会发现根据《公约》第3条承担的义务与根据某多边或双边引渡条约承担的义务之间出现冲突,特别是在与非公约缔约国缔结引渡条约时尚未批准本公约,因而尚不受第3条规定约束的情况下。

In this case, the relevant extradition treaty should be applied in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement.


24. The Committee acknowledges that the time frame for extradition of a person for the purpose of criminal prosecution or serving a sentence, who has submitted a communication under article 22 of the Convention invoking the principle of non-refoulement, is a crucial factor for the respect by the State of its obligations under both the Convention and an extradition treaty to which it is a party.

24. 委员会确认,若某人已根据《公约》第22条提交来文并援引“不推回”原则,为刑事起诉或服刑的目的将其引渡的时限,对于国家尊重其根据本公约和加入的引渡条约所承担的义务而言,成为关键因素。

The Committee, therefore, requests that, should a State party encounter such a situation, it inform the Committee about any possible conflict between its obligations under the Convention and those under an extradition treaty from the beginning of the individual complaint procedure in which the State party is involved so that the Committee may try to give priority to the consideration of that communication before the time limit for the obligatory extradition is reached.


The State party concerned, however, should recognize that the Committee can give priority to the consideration of and a decision on such a communication only during its sessions.


25. Furthermore, those States parties to the Convention that subsequently consider the conclusion of or adherence to an extradition treaty should ensure that there is no conflict between the Convention and that treaty and, if there is, include in the notification of adherence to the extradition treaty the clause that, in case of conflict, the Convention will prevail.

25. 此外,本公约缔约国此后若考虑缔结或加入引渡条约,应确保《公约》与该条约之间不存在任何冲突。 若确有冲突,应在加入引渡条约的通知书中纳入条款,约定发生冲突时以《公约》为准。

VII. Relationship between article 3 and article 16 of the Convention

. 《公约》第3条和第16条之间的关系

26. Article 3 of the Convention, which provides protection against the removal of a person in danger of being subjected to torture in the State to which the person would be deported, should be without prejudice to article 16 (2) of the Convention, in particular where a person to be removed would enjoy additional protection, under international instruments or national law, not to be deported to a State where the person would face the risk of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

26. 《公约》第3条提供保护,防止在被遣返国有遭受酷刑危险的人受到遣返; 这一条不应妨碍《公约》第16条第2款,特别是在被遣返者根据国际文书或国家法律受到其他保护,不应被递解至有可能遭受残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的国家的情况下。

VIII. Duties of States parties to consider specific human rights situations in which the principle of non-refoulement applies

. 缔约国审查适用不推回原则的具体人权状况的义务

27. Article 3 (2) of the Convention provides that for the purpose of determining whether there are grounds for believing that a person would be in danger of being subjected to torture, if expelled, returned or extradited, the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights.

27. 《公约》第3条第2款规定,为了确定是否有理由相信某人若被驱逐、遣返或引渡将有遭受酷刑的危险,主管当局应考虑到所有相关因素,包括酌情考虑有关国家是否存在一贯严重、公然或大规模侵犯人权的情形。

28. In this regard, the Committee observes that the infliction of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, whether or not it amounts to torture, to which an individual or the individuals family were exposed in their State of origin or would be exposed in the State to which the individual is being deported, constitutes an indication that the person is in danger of being subjected to torture if deported to one of those States.

28. 委员会就此指出,个人或其家人曾经在原籍国或将会在被递解国被施以残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚,无论是否构成酷刑,均说明有迹象表明此人若被递解至其中一国将有遭受酷刑的危险。

Such an indication should be taken into account by States parties as a basic element justifying the application of the principle of non-refoulement.


29. In this connection, the Committee wishes to draw the attention of the States parties to some non-exhaustive examples of human rights situations that may constitute an indication of risk of torture, to which they should give consideration in their decisions on the removal of a person from their territory and take into account when applying the principle of non-refoulement.

29. 委员会谨就此提请缔约国注意可能构成酷刑风险迹象的一些人权状况,在做出遣返某人离开其领土的决定及适用“不推回”原则时应予以考虑,这些例子并非详尽无遗。

States parties should consider, in particular:


(a) Whether the person concerned had previously been arrested arbitrarily in the persons State of origin without a warrant and/or has been denied fundamental guarantees for a detainee in police custody, such as:

(a) 当事人是否此前曾在原籍国遭到任意无证逮捕,和()在被警方羁押期间无法获得被拘留者享有的基本保证,例如:

(i) Notification of the reasons of the persons arrest in writing and in a language that the person understands;

() 以书面形式并以当事人理解的语言通知其被捕原因;

(ii) Access to a family member or a person of the concerned individuals choice for informing them of the arrest;

() 可联系一名家庭成员或当事人自己选择的人员,通知其被捕的消息;

(iii) Access to a lawyer free of charge when necessary and, upon request, access to a lawyer of the persons choice at the persons own expense for the persons defence;

() 必要时可免费联系律师,还可要求自费联系当事人自己选择的律师,为其辩护;

(iv) Access to an independent medical doctor for an examination and treatment of the persons health or, for this purpose, to a medical doctor of the persons choice at the persons own expense;

() 可接受独立医生的健康检查和治疗,或为此目的自费联系当事人自己选择的医生;

(v) Access to an independent specialized medical entity to certify the persons allegations of having been subjected to torture;

() 可联系独立的专门医学机构,以证明当事人曾遭受酷刑的指控;

(vi) Access to a competent and independent judicial institution that is empowered to judge the persons claims for the treatment in detention within the time frame set by law or within a reasonable time frame to be assessed for each particular case;

() 可在法律规定的时限或每起案件估计的合理时限内,联系有权判决当事人就拘留期间的待遇所做申诉的独立的主管司法机构;

(b) Whether the person has been a victim of brutality or excessive use of force by public officials on the basis of any form of discrimination in the State of origin or would be exposed to such brutality in the State to which the person is being deported;

(b) 当事人是否曾在原籍国遭受公职人员以任何形式歧视为由实施的野蛮行为或过度武力,或者会在被递解国遭受此种野蛮行为;

(c) Whether, in the State of origin or in the State to which the person is being deported, the person has been or would be a victim of violence, including gender-based or sexual violence, in public or in private, gender-based persecution or genital mutilation, amounting to torture, without the intervention of the competent authorities of the State concerned for the protection of the victim;

(c) 当事人是否曾经或将会在原籍国或被递解国遭受暴力行为,包括在公共或私人场所的性别暴力或性暴力、基于性别的迫害或生殖器切割,这些行为构成酷刑,而有关国家的主管部门并未加以干预以保护受害者;

(d) Whether the person has been judged in the State of origin or would be judged in the State to which the person is being deported in a judicial system that does not guarantee the right to a fair trial;

(d) 当事人是否曾在原籍国或会在被递解国接受一个不保障公正审判权的司法系统的审判;

(e) Whether the person concerned has previously been detained or imprisoned in the State of origin or would be detained or imprisoned, if deported to a State, in conditions amounting to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

(e) 当事人是否此前曾在原籍国或会在被递解国受到拘留或监禁,条件构成酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚;

(f) Whether the person concerned would be exposed to sentences of corporal punishment if deported to a State in which, although corporal punishment is permitted by national law, that punishment would amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment according to customary international law and the jurisprudence of the Committee and of other recognized international and regional mechanisms for the protection of human rights;

(f) 当事人是否可能会在被递解国被判处体罚,即使该国法律允许体罚,但根据习惯国际法和委员会及其他公认的国际和区域人权保护机制的判例,体罚仍会构成酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚;

(g) Whether the person concerned would be deported to a State in which there are credible allegations or evidence of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes within the meaning of articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court that have been submitted to the Court for its consideration;

(g) 当事人是否会被递解至如下国家:有可信指控或证据表明,该国曾犯下《国际刑事法院罗马规约》第六、第七和第八条含义内的灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪或战争罪,且这些指控或证据已提交国际刑事法院审理;

(h) Whether the person concerned would be deported to a State party to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and the Additional Protocols thereto where there are allegations or evidence of its violation of common article 3 of the four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and/or article 4 of the Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the protection of victims of non-international armed conflicts (Protocol II), and, in particular, of: (i) article 3 (1) (a) of the four Geneva Conventions;

(h) 当事人是否会被递解至1949812日日内瓦四公约及其附加议定书的缔约国,而且有指控或证据表明,该国违反了1949812日日内瓦四公约共同第三条和()1949812日日内瓦四公约关于保护非国际性武装冲突受难者的附加议定书》(第二议定书)第四条 ,特别是违反了() 日内瓦四公约第三条第一款甲项

and (ii) article 4 (1) and (2) of Protocol II;

() 第二议定书第四条第一和第二款;

(i) Whether the person concerned would be deported to a State where there are allegations or evidence of its violation of article 12 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (Third Geneva Convention);

(i) 当事人是否会被递解至如下国家:有指控或证据表明,该国违反了《关于战俘待遇之日内瓦公约》(日内瓦第三公约)第十二条;

(j) Whether the person concerned would be deported to a State where there are allegations or evidence of its violation of articles 32 or 45 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Fourth Geneva Convention); or article 75 (2) of the Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Additional Protocol I);

(j) 当事人是否会被递解至如下国家:有指控或证据表明,该国违反了《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》(日内瓦第四公约)第三十二条或第四十五条 ,或《1949812日日内瓦四公约关于保护国际性武装冲突受难者的附加议定书》(第一附加议定书)第七十五条第二款;

(k) Whether the person concerned would be deported to a State where the inherent right to life is denied, including the exposure of the person to extrajudicial killings or enforced disappearance, or where the death penalty is in force and considered as a form of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment by the deporting State party, in particular:

(k) 当事人是否会被递解至如下国家:固有的生命权遭到剥夺,包括当事人可能被法外处决或强迫失踪,或者该国执行死刑 ,而递解国视死刑为一种酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚,特别是:

(i) If the latter has abolished the death penalty or established a moratorium on its execution;

() 若递解国已废除死刑或规定暂停执行死刑;

(ii) Where the death penalty would be imposed for crimes that are not considered by the deporting State party as the most serious crimes;

() 被递解国对递解国认为并非最严重的罪行判处死刑;

(iii) Where the death penalty is carried out for crimes committed by persons below the age of 18 years or on pregnant women, nursing mothers or persons who have a severe mental disability;

() 被递解国对未满18岁的人员 、孕妇、哺乳期妇女或患有严重精神残疾者所犯罪行处以死刑;

(l) The State party concerned should also evaluate whether the circumstances and the methods of execution of the death penalty and the prolonged period and conditions of the person on death row could amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment for the purpose of applying the principle of non-refoulement;

(l) 有关缔约国还应为适用“不推回”原则的目的,评价执行死刑的条件和方法以及待决犯漫长的等待期和关押条件 是否构成酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚;

(m) Whether the person concerned would be deported to a State where reprisals amounting to torture have been or would be committed against the person, members of the persons family or witnesses of the persons arrest and detention, such as violent and terrorist acts against them, the disappearance of those family members or witnesses, their killings or their torture;

(m) 当事人是否会被递解至如下国家:当事人及其家庭成员或目睹当事人被逮捕和拘留的证人,曾经或将会在此遭受构成酷刑的报复行为,例如当事人遭受暴力或恐怖行为、其家庭成员或证人失踪、当事人被杀害或遭受酷刑;

(n) Whether the person concerned would be deported to a State where the person was subjected to or would run the risk of being subjected to slavery and forced labour or trafficking in human beings;

(n) 当事人是否会被递解至如下国家:当事人曾经或将有可能在此遭受奴役和强迫劳动 或贩运;

(o) Whether the person concerned is below the age of 18 years and would be deported to a State where the persons fundamental child rights were previously violated and/or would be violated, creating irreparable harm, such as the persons recruitment as a combatant participating directly or indirectly in hostilities or for providing sexual services.

(o) 当事人是否未满十八岁,而且会被递解至如下国家:当事人作为儿童的基本权利此前曾经和()将会在此受到侵犯,造成不可弥补的损害,例如当事人被招募,成为直接或间接参与敌对行动的战斗人员 或提供性服务。

IX. Non-State actors

. 非国家行为体

30. Equally, States parties should refrain from deporting individuals to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of being subjected to torture or other ill-treatment at the hands of non-State entities, including groups that are unlawfully exercising actions that inflict severe pain or suffering for purposes prohibited by the Convention, and over which the receiving State has no or only partial de facto control, or whose acts it is unable to prevent or whose impunity it is unable to counter.

30. 同样,缔约国应避免将个人递解至有充分理由相信他们有可能遭受非国家实体的酷刑或其他虐待的另一国,这些实体包括为《公约》禁止的目的、非法采取行动造成剧烈疼痛或痛苦的团体,接受国在事实上无法控制或仅能部分控制它们,或无法阻止其行为,或无法遏制其不受处罚的现象。

X. Specific requirements for the submission of individual communications under article 22 of the Convention and interim measures of protection

. 根据《公约》第22条提交个人来文的具体要求和临时保护措施

A. Admissibility

A. 可否受理

31. The Committee considers that it is the responsibility of the author of a communication to provide exhaustive arguments for the complaint of alleged violation of article 3 of the Convention in such a way that, from the first impression (prima facie) or from subsequent submissions, if necessary, the Committee finds that it is relevant for consideration under article 22 of the Convention and that it fulfils each of the requirements established under rule 113 of the Committees rules of procedure.

31. 委员会认为,应由来文提交人负责提供详尽论据,支持指控违反《公约》第3条行为的申诉,使委员会从第一印象(表面证据)来看,如必要或从随后提交的材料来看,认为该申诉可根据《公约》第22条接受审议,且满足委员会议事规则第113条规定的每项要求。

32. A State partys obligations under the Convention apply from the date of the entry into force of the Convention for that State party.

32. 缔约国根据《公约》承担的义务自《公约》对该缔约国生效之日起适用。

However, the Committee will consider communications on alleged violations of the Convention which occurred before a State partys recognition of the Committees competence under article 22 of the Convention through the declaration provided for in article 22, if the effects of those alleged violations continued after the State partys declaration, and if such effects may constitute in themselves a violation of the Convention.


33. With reference to article 22 (5) (a) of the Convention, which requires that the Committee shall not consider any individual communication under that article unless it has ascertained that the same matter has not been, and is not being, examined under another procedure of international investigation or settlement, the Committee considers that the same matter should be understood as relating to the same parties, the same facts and the same substantive rights.

33. 《公约》第22条第5(a)项要求委员会不得审议根据该条提交的任何个人来文,除非委员会已查明同一事项过去和现在均未受到另一国际调查或解决程序的审查。 关于这一条款,委员会认为,“同一事项”应理解为涉及相同当事方、相同事实和相同的实质性权利。

34. According to article 22 (5) (b) of the Convention, the complainant must have exhausted all available domestic remedies, provided for in law and in practice, that bring effective relief.

34. 根据《公约》第22条第5(b)项,申诉人必须用尽法律和实践中规定的所有可提供有效救济的国内补救办法。

Article 22 (5) (b) further provides that this shall not be the rule where the application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged or is unlikely to bring effective relief to the person who is the victim of the violation of the Convention.


In the context of article 3 of the Convention, the Committee considers that exhaustion of domestic remedies means that the complainant has applied for remedies that are directly related to the risk of being subjected to torture in the country to which the person would be deported, not for remedies that might allow the complainant to remain in the sending State party for other reasons.


35. The Committee further considers that an effective remedy in the implementation of the principle of non-refoulement should be a recourse able to preclude, in practice, the deportation of the complainant where there are substantial grounds for believing that the complainant would personally be in danger of being subjected to torture if deported to another country.

35. 委员会还认为,在执行“不推回”原则方面的有效补救办法应该是这样一种救济手段:如有充分理由相信申诉人若被递解至另一国,其本人将有遭受酷刑的危险,这种救济手段可在实践中防止申诉人被递解出境。

The recourse should be a legally-based right and not an ex gratia concession given by the authorities concerned, and should be accessible in practice without obstacles of any nature.

这种救济手段应是一项基于法律的权利,而不是有关当局做出的特许让步, 在实践中应该可以顺利获得,不存在任何性质的障碍。

B. Interim measures of protection

B. 临时保护措施

36. When the Committee, or members designated by it, requests the State party concerned, for its urgent consideration, to take such interim measures, once the decision on deportation by the domestic authorities has become enforceable according to the information available, that the Committee considers necessary to avoid irreparable damage to the victim or victims of an alleged violation of article 3 of the Convention, in accordance with rule 114 of the Committees rules of procedure, the State party should comply with the Committees request in good faith.

36. 若委员会或委员会指定的成员根据委员会议事规则第114条,要求有关缔约国在现有资料表明已经可以执行国内当局关于递解出境的决定时,紧急考虑采取委员会认为必要的临时措施,以免对所控违反《公约》第3条行为的受害者造成不可弥补的损害,缔约国应真诚遵守委员会的要求。

37. Non-compliance by the State party with the Committees request would constitute serious damage and an obstacle to the effectiveness of the Committees deliberations and would cast serious doubt on the willingness of the State party to implement article 22 of the Convention in good faith.

37. 缔约国不遵守委员会的要求会严重损害和妨碍委员会审议意见的效力,并令人严重怀疑缔约国是否愿意真诚执行《公约》第22条。

The Committee has therefore determined that the non-compliance with its request for interim measures constitutes a breach of article 22.


C. Merits

C. 实质问题

38. With respect to the application of article 3 of the Convention to the merits of a communication submitted under article 22, the burden of proof is upon the author of the communication, who must present an arguable case, that is, submit substantiated arguments showing that the danger of being subjected to torture is foreseeable, present, personal and real.

38. 在将《公约》第3条适用于根据第22条所提交来文的实质问题方面,举证责任由来文提交人承担,提交人必须提出可以论证的案件, 即提出确凿证据表明遭受酷刑的危险是可预见、现实存在、针对个人、而且真实的。

However, when complainants are in a situation where they cannot elaborate on their case, such as when they have demonstrated that they have no possibility of obtaining documentation relating to their allegation of torture or have been deprived of their liberty, the burden of proof is reversed and the State party concerned must investigate the allegations and verify the information on which the communication is based.

然而,当申诉人无法就其案件提供详细资料时,例如当申诉人已证明自己无法获得与其酷刑指控有关的文件或者已被剥夺自由时,则应倒置举证责任, 有关缔约国须调查指控并核实来文所依据的信息。

39. It is the responsibility of the State party, at the national level, to assess, through administrative and/or judicial procedures, whether there are substantial grounds for believing that the complainant faces a foreseeable, present, personal and real risk of being subjected to torture in the State to which the complainant would be deported.

39. 缔约国有责任通过国家一级的行政和()司法程序,评估是否有充分理由相信申诉人在被递解国将面临可预见、现实存在、针对个人、真实的遭受酷刑的风险。

40. In its procedure of assessment, the State party should provide the person concerned with fundamental guarantees and safeguards, especially if the person has been deprived of the persons liberty or is in a particularly vulnerable situation, such as the situation of an asylum seeker, an unaccompanied minor, a woman who has been subjected to violence or a person with disabilities (measures of protection).

40. 缔约国应在其评估程序中向当事人提供基本保证和保障措施,特别是在当事人被剥夺自由或处于特别弱势的情况下,例如当事人属于寻求庇护者、无人陪伴的未成年人、遭受暴力侵害的妇女或残疾人(保护措施)

41. Guarantees and safeguards should include linguistic, legal, medical, social and, when necessary, financial assistance, as well as the right to recourse against a decision of deportation within a reasonable time frame, for a person in a precarious and stressful situation and with a suspensive effect on the enforcement of the deportation order.

41. 保证和保障措施应包括为处境危险严峻的人提供语言、法律、医疗和社会方面的援助,必要时还应包括经济援助,以及在合理时限内就递解决定要求救济的权利,并具有暂缓执行递解令的效力。

In particular, an examination by a qualified medical doctor, including as requested by the complainant to prove the torture that the complainant has suffered, should always be ensured, regardless of the authorities assessment of the credibility of the allegation, so that the authorities deciding on a given case of deportation are able to complete the assessment of the risk of torture on the basis of the result of the medical and psychological examinations, without any reasonable doubt.

特别是无论当局对指控可信度的评估结果如何,应始终确保由合格的医生进行检查,包括应申诉人的要求进行检查,以证明申诉人遭受的酷刑, 以便就递解案件做出决定的当局能够根据医学检查和心理检查的结果完成酷刑风险评估,不存在任何合理疑问。

42. Victims of torture and other vulnerable persons frequently suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, which can result in a broad range of symptoms, including involuntary avoidance and dissociation.

42. 酷刑受害者和其他弱势人员经常患有创伤后应激障碍,可能导致包括非自愿回避和解离在内的多种症状。

These symptoms may affect the ability of the person to disclose all relevant details or to relay a consistent story throughout the proceedings.


In order to ensure that victims of torture or other vulnerable persons are afforded an effective remedy, States parties should refrain from following a standardized credibility assessment process to determine the validity of a non-refoulement claim.


With regard to potential factual contradictions and inconsistencies in the authors allegations, States parties should appreciate that complete accuracy can seldom be expected from victims of torture.


43. To determine whether there are substantial grounds for believing that a person would be in danger of being subjected to torture if deported, the Committee considers as crucial the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights, referred to in article 3 (2) of the Convention.

43. 委员会认为,要确定是否有充分理由相信某人被递解后有遭受酷刑的风险,关键在于有关国家是否存在《公约》第3条第2款所述一贯严重、公然或大规模侵犯人权的情形。

Such violations include, but are not limited to:


(a) widespread use of torture and impunity of its perpetrators;

(a) 普遍使用酷刑 且肇事者逍遥法外;

(b) harassment and violence against minority groups;

(b) 骚扰和暴力侵害少数群体;

(c) situations conducive to genocide;

(c) 助长种族灭绝的状况;

(d) widespread gender-based violence;

(d) 性别暴力普遍存在;

(e) widespread use of sentencing and imprisonment of persons exercising fundamental freedoms;

(e) 对行使基本自由的人员普遍采取判刑和监禁手段;

and (f) situations of international and non-international armed conflicts.

(f) 国际和非国际武装冲突局势。

44. The Committees assessment will be based primarily on the information provided by or on behalf of the complainant and by the State party concerned.

44. 委员会的评估主要依据申诉人或其代表以及有关缔约国提供的信息。

The Committee will also consult United Nations sources of information, as well as any other sources that it considers reliable.


In addition, the Committee will take into account any of the indications listed in paragraph 29 above as constituting substantial grounds for believing that a person would be in danger of being subjected to torture if deported.


45. The Committee will assess substantial grounds and consider the risk of torture as foreseeable, personal, present and real when the existence of facts relating to the risk by itself, at the time of its decision, would affect the rights of the complainant under the Convention in case of the complainants deportation.

45. 委员会将评估“充分理由”,在委员会作出决定时,若申诉人被递解,其根据《公约》享有的权利会因为存在与酷刑风险相关的事实本身受到影响,则委员会认为酷刑风险是可预见、针对个人、现实存在和真实的。

Indications of personal risk may include, but are not limited to the complainants:


(a) ethnic background;

(a) 族裔背景;

(b) political affiliation or political activities of the complainant and/or the complainants family members;

(b) 申诉人和()其家庭成员的政治派别或政治活动 ;

(c) arrest and/or detention without guarantee of a fair treatment and trial;

(c) 被逮捕和()拘留,且无法保证得到公平待遇和审判 ;

(d) sentence in absentia;

(d) 缺席判决 ;

(e) sexual orientation and gender identity;

(e) 性取向和性别认同 ;

(f) desertion from the national armed forces or armed groups;

(f) 逃离国家武装部队或武装团体;

(g) previous torture;

(g) 曾遭受酷刑 ;

(h) incommunicado detention or other form of arbitrary and illegal detention in the country of origin;

(h) 在原籍国受到单独拘禁或其他形式的任意和非法拘留;

(i) clandestine escape from the country of origin following threats of torture;

(i) 在受到酷刑威胁后秘密逃离原籍国;

(j) religious affiliation;

(j) 宗教派别;

(k) violations of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including violations related to the prohibition of conversion to a religion that is different from the religion proclaimed as State religion and where such a conversion is prohibited and punished in law and in practice;

(k) 思想、良心和宗教自由权受到侵犯,包括与除宣布为国教的宗教以外禁止皈依其他宗教有关的侵犯人权行为,以及在法律和实践中禁止和惩罚这种皈依的行为;

(l) risk of expulsion to a third country where the person may be in danger of being subjected to torture;

(l) 有可能被驱逐至本人有遭受酷刑危险的第三国 ;

and (m) violence against women, including rape.

(m) 暴力侵害妇女行为,包括强奸 。

46. When assessing whether substantial grounds exist, the Committee will take into account the human rights situation of a State as a whole and not of a particular area of it.

46. 委员会评估是否存在“充分理由”时,将考虑一国的整体人权状况,而不是某一特定地区的人权状况。

The State party is responsible for any territory under its jurisdiction, control or authority.


The notion of local dangerdoes not provide for measurable criteria and is not sufficient to dissipate totally the personal danger of being tortured.


47. The Committee considers that the so-called internal flight alternative, that is, the deportation of a person or a victim of torture to an area of a State where the person would not be exposed to torture, unlike in other areas of the same State, is not reliable or effective.

47. 委员会认为,所谓的“国内避难选择”,即将某人或某酷刑受害者递解至某国内他不会遭受酷刑的地区(在同一国家其他地区他可能遭受酷刑),既不可靠也没有效果。

48. When assessing whether substantial grounds exist, the Committee considers that a receiving State should have demonstrated certain essential measures to prevent and prohibit torture throughout the entire territory under its jurisdiction, control or authority, such as clear legislative provisions on the absolute prohibition of torture and its punishment with adequate penalties, measures to put an end to impunity for acts of torture, violence and other illegal practices committed by public officials, the prosecution of public officials allegedly responsible for acts of torture and other ill-treatment and their punishment commensurate with the gravity of the crime committed when they are found guilty.

48. 在评估是否存在“充分理由”时,委员会认为,接受国应表现出某些基本措施,在其管辖、控制或权力范围内的整个领土内预防和禁止酷刑,例如:有明确的立法规定绝对禁止酷刑,并对酷刑施以适当刑罚; 采取措施消除公职人员实施酷刑、暴力和其他非法行为不受惩罚的现象; 起诉据称应对酷刑和其他虐待行为负责的公职人员,并在认定有罪时按照罪行的严重程度给予相应处罚。

49. All pertinent information may be introduced by both parties to explain the relevance of their submissions under article 22 of the Convention to the provisions of article 3.

49. 双方可提出所有相关信息,解释其根据《公约》第22条提交的材料与《公约》第3条规定之间的关联。

The following information, while not exhaustive, would be pertinent:


(a) Whether the State concerned is one in which there is evidence of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights;

(a) 是否有证据表明有关国家存在一贯严重、公然或大规模侵犯人权的情形;

(b) Whether the complainant has been tortured or ill-treated by, at the instigation of or with the consent or the acquiescence (tacit agreement) of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity in the past, and, if so, whether this was in the recent past;

(b) 申诉人是否曾遭受公职人员或以官方身份行事的其他人施行、煽动、或者认可或默许(默示同意)的酷刑或虐待? 如果是,是否是最近发生的;

(c) Whether there is medical, psychological or other independent evidence to support a claim by the complainant that the complainant has been tortured or ill-treated in the past, and whether the torture had after-effects;

(c) 是否有医学、心理或其他独立证据,证明申诉人就过去曾遭受酷刑或虐待提出的指控,酷刑是否造成后遗症;

(d) Whether the State party has ensured that the complainant facing deportation from the territory under its jurisdiction, control or authority has had access to all legal and/or administrative guarantees and safeguards provided by law and, in particular, to an independent medical examination to assess claims that the complainant has previously suffered torture or ill-treatment in the complainants country of origin;

(d) 缔约国是否已确保即将从其管辖、控制或权力范围内的领土递解出境的申诉人已有机会获得法律规定的所有法律和()行政保证和保障措施,特别是接受独立的医学检查,以评估申诉人此前曾在其原籍国遭受过酷刑或虐待的指控;

(e) Whether there is any credible allegation or evidence that the complainant and/or other persons next of kin have been or will be threatened or exposed to reprisals or other forms of sanctions amounting to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in connection with the communication submitted to the Committee;

(e) 是否有任何可信的指控或证据表明,申诉人和()其他人的近亲因提交委员会的来文已经或将要受到威胁或遭受报复或其他形式的制裁,构成酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚;

(f) Whether the complainant has engaged in political or other activities within or outside the State concerned that would appear to make the complainant vulnerable to the risk of being subjected to torture were the complainant to be expelled, returned or extradited to the State in question;

(f) 申诉人是否在有关国家境内外从事政治活动或其他活动,若被驱逐、遣返或引渡到该国,这些活动似乎使其极易遭受酷刑;

(g) If returned to the State to which the complainant is being deported, whether the complainant is at risk of further deportation to another State where the complainant would face the risk of being subjected to torture;

(g) 若遣返至被递解国,申诉人是否会被继续递解至另一国,在那里面临遭受酷刑的风险;

(h) Bearing in mind the status of physical and psychological fragility encountered by the majority of complainants, such as asylum seekers, former detainees and victims of torture or sexual violence, which is conducive to some inconsistencies and/or lapses of memory in their submissions, whether there is any evidence concerning the credibility of the complainant;

(h) 考虑到大多数申诉人(如寻求庇护者、曾被拘留者及酷刑或性暴力受害者)身心状况十分脆弱,使其提交的材料中很容易出现不一致和()记忆不明之处,是否有任何证据证明申诉人是可信的;

(i) Taking into account some inconsistencies that may exist in the presentation of the facts, whether the complainant has demonstrated the general veracity of the claims.

(i) 考虑到事实陈述中可能存在不一致之处,申诉人是否已证明其申诉的总体真实性。

XI. Independence of assessment of the Committee

十一. 委员会评估的独立性

50. The Committee gives considerable weight to findings of fact made by organs of the State party concerned;

50. 委员会相当重视有关缔约国机关的事实调查结论;

however, it is not bound by such findings.


It follows that the Committee will make a free assessment of the information available to it in accordance with article 22 (4) of the Convention, taking into account all the circumstances relevant to each case.


51. The principle of the benefit of the doubt, as a preventive measure against irreparable harm, will also be taken into account by the Committee in adopting decisions on individual communications, where the principle is relevant.

51. 委员会在通过关于个人来文的决定时,也将在相关情况下考虑到“姑妄信之”原则,作为预防措施,防止出现不可弥补的损害。

* The present general comment replaces general comment No. 1 (1997) on the implementation of article 3.

* 本一般性意见取代关于执行第3条的第1号一般性意见(1997)

Article 3 must be interpreted with reference to the definition of torture set out in article 1 of the Convention;


see G.R.B. v. Sweden (CAT/C/20/D/83/1997), para. 6.5.

G.R.B.诉瑞典(CAT/C/20/D/83/1997), 6.5段。

See general comment No. 2 (2007) on the implementation of article 2, paras. 3, 6, 19 and 25.


See Tapia Páez v. Sweden (CAT/C/18/D/39/1996), para. 14.5;

Tapia Páez诉瑞典(CAT/C/18/D/39/1996),第14.5段;

Núñez Chipana v. Venezuela (CAT/C/21/D/110/1998), para. 5.6;

Núñez Chipana诉委内瑞拉(CAT/C/21/D/110/1998),第5.6段;

Agiza v. Sweden (CAT/C/34/D/233/2003), para. 13.8;


Singh Sogi v. Canada (CAT/C/39/D/297/2006), para. 10.2;

Singh Sogi诉加拿大(CAT/C/39/D/297/2006),第10.2段;

Abdussamatov and others v. Kazakhstan (CAT/C/48/D/444/2010), para. 13.7;

Abdussamatov等人诉哈萨克斯坦(CAT/ C/48/D/444/2010),第13.7段;

and Nasirov v. Kazakhstan (CAT/C/52/D/475/2011), para. 11.6.


See also general comment No. 2 (2007), para. 16.


See, for example, Tapia Páez v. Sweden, para. 14.5.

例如,见Tapia Páez诉瑞典,第14.5段。

See, for example, Dadar v. Canada (CAT/C/35/D/258/2004), para. 8.4;


T.A. v. Sweden (CAT/C/34/D/226/2003), para. 7.2;


N.S. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/44/D/356/2008), para. 7.3;


and Subakaran R. Thirugnanasampanthar v. Australia (CAT/C/61/D/614/2014), para. 8.3.

Subakaran R. Thirugnanasampanthar诉澳大利亚(CAT/C/61/D/614/2014),第8.3段。

See, for example, Aemei v. Switzerland (CAT/C/18/D/34/1995), para. 11.


See, for example, concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Turkey (CAT/C/TUR/CO/4), para. 26.


See, for example, concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (CAT/C/GBR/CO/5), para. 30;


and concluding observations on the combined sixth and seventh periodic reports of Sweden (CAT/C/SWE/CO/6-7), para. 10.


See, for example, general comment No. 1 (1997) on the implementation of article 3, para. 2;


Avedes Hamayak Korban v. Sweden (CAT/C/21/D/88/1997), para. 7;

Avedes Hamayak Korban诉瑞典(CAT/C/21/D/88/1997),第7段;

and Z.T. v. Australia (CAT/C/31/D/153/2000), para. 6.4;


concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Greece (CAT/C/GRC/CO/5-6), para. 19;


and concluding observations on the second periodic report of Serbia (CAT/C/SRB/CO/2), para. 15.


See, for example, Agiza v. Sweden, para. 13.8.


See, for example, concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Greece (CAT/C/GRC/CO/5-6), para. 19;


and concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Italy (CAT/C/ITA/CO/5-6), para. 21 (c).

关于意大利第五和第六次合并定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/ITA/CO/5-6),第21 (c)段。

See, for example, Kwami Mopongo and others v. Morocco (CAT/C/53/D/321/2007), paras. 6.26.3 and 11.311.4;

例如,见Kwami Mopongo等人诉摩洛哥(CAT/C/53/D/321/2007),第6.26.3段和第11.311.4段;

Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 15 (1986) on the position of aliens under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, para. 10;


and International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, art. 22 (1).


See, for example, concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Greece (CAT/C/GRC/CO/5-6), para. 19.


See general comment No. 2 (2007), paras. 3 and 6.


Other international provisions directly relevant to the application of the principle of non-refoulement in cases of risk of ill-treatment are listed in paragraph 26 below.


See general comment No. 2 (2007), para. 21.


See, for example, concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Italy (CAT/C/ITA/CO/5-6), para. 21;


concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Finland (CAT/C/FIN/CO/7 and CAT/C/FIN/CO/7/Corr.1), para. 13;


concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Switzerland (CAT/C/CHE/CO/7), para. 14;


and concluding observations on the third periodic report of Belgium (CAT/C/BEL/CO/3), para. 22.


See, for example, concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Finland (CAT/C/FIN/CO/7 and CAT/C/FIN/CO/7/Corr.1), para. 13.


See, for example, concluding observations on the second periodic report of Serbia (CAT/C/SRB/CO/2), para. 15.


See also Kwami Mopongo and others v. Morocco, paras. 11.3 and 11.4.

另见Kwami Mopongo等人诉摩洛哥,第11.311.4段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the combined third to fifth periodic reports of Latvia (CAT/C/LVA/CO/3-5 and CAT/C/LVA/CO/3-5/Corr.1), para. 17.

例如,见关于拉脱维亚第三至第五次合并定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/LVA/CO/3-5CAT/ C/LVA/CO/3-5/Corr.1),第17段。

See, for example, concluding observations on Cabo Verde in the absence of a report (CAT/C/CPV/CO/1), para. 29;


concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of New Zealand (CAT/C/NZL/CO/6), para. 18;


and concluding observations on the combined sixth and seventh periodic reports of Denmark (CAT/C/DNK/CO/6-7), para. 23.


See also Ali Fadel v. Switzerland (CAT/C/53/D/450/2011), paras. 7.6 and 7.8;

另见Ali Fadel诉瑞士(CAT/C/ 53/D/450/2011), 7.67.8段;

and M.B. and others v. Denmark (CAT/C/59/D/634/2014), para. 9.8.

M.B.等人诉丹麦(CAT/C/59/D/634/2014), 9.8段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Finland (CAT/C/FIN/CO/7 and CAT/C/FIN/CO/7/Corr.1), para. 13;


concluding observations on the third periodic report of Slovenia (CAT/C/SVN/CO/3), para. 17;


and concluding observations on the second periodic report of Tajikistan (CAT/C/TJK/CO/2), para. 18.


See also concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Greece (CAT/C/GRC/CO/5-6), para. 19;


and concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Italy (CAT/C/ITA/CO/5-6), para. 21 (c).

关于意大利第五和第六次合并定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/ITA/CO/5-6),第21 (c)段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the second periodic report of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (CAT/C/BOL/CO/2), para. 17;


and concluding observations on the combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of Bulgaria (CAT/C/BGR/CO/4-5), para. 16.


See, for example, concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of New Zealand (CAT/C/NZL/CO/6), para. 18.


See Agiza v. Sweden, para. 13.4;


Tursunov v. Kazakhstan (CAT/C/54/D/538/2013), para. 9.10;


and H.Y. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/61/D/747/2016), para. 10.7.


See also concluding observations on the combined third to fifth periodic reports of the United States of America (CAT/C/USA/CO/3-5), para. 16;


concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Morocco (CAT/C/MAR/CO/4), para. 9;


concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of Germany (CAT/C/DEU/CO/5), para. 25;

关于德国第五次定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/DEU/ CO/5),第25段;

and concluding observations on the second periodic report of Albania (CAT/C/ALB/CO/2), para. 19.


See general comment No. 3 (2012) on the implementation of article 14, para. 2.


Examples of other international provisions directly relevant to the application of the principle of non-refoulement in cases of risk of torture and other ill-treatment for a person in the country to which the person is being deported may be found by States parties to the Convention that are also parties to other relevant treaties in the following instruments:


(a) International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (art. 56 (3));

(a) 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》(563)

(b) International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (art. 16 (1));

(b) 《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国际公约》(第十六条第1)

(c) Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (art. 33 (1));

(c) 《关于难民地位的公约》(第三十三条第一款)

(d) Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (art. 19 (2));

(d) 《欧洲联盟基本权利宪章》(19条第2)

(e) Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture (final paragraph of article 13);

(e) 《美洲防止和惩处酷刑公约》(13条最后一款)

(f) American Convention on Human Rights (art. 22 (8) and (9));

(f) 《美洲人权公约》(22条第8和第9)

(g) African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (art. 12 (3));

(g) 《非洲人权和民族权宪章》(12条第3)

(h) Organization of African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa (arts. II (3) and V (1)).

(h) 《非洲统一组织关于非洲难民问题某些特定方面的公约》(第二条第3款和第五条第1)

See, for example, G.R.B v. Sweden, para. 6.3;


H.M.H.I. v. Australia (CAT/C/28/D/177/2001), para. 6.5;


S.P.A. v. Canada (CAT/C/37/D/282/2005), para. 7.1;


T.I. v. Canada (CAT/C/45/D/333/2007), para. 7.3;


A.M.A. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/45/D/344/2008), para. 7.2;


and E.K.W. v. Finland (CAT/C/54/D/490/2012), paras. 9.3 and 9.7.

E.K.W.诉芬兰(CAT/C/54/D/ 490/2012), 9.39.7段。

See, for example, Ali Fadel v. Switzerland, paras. 7.7 and 7.8.

例如,见Ali Fadel诉瑞士,第7.77.8段。

See, for example, Sylvie Bakatu-Bia v. Sweden (CAT/C/46/D/379/2009), paras. 2.2 and 10.5;

例如,见Sylvie Bakatu-Bia诉瑞典(CAT/C/46/D/379/2009),第2.210.5段;

and Ali Fadel v. Switzerland, para. 7.7.

Ali Fadel诉瑞士,第7.7段。

See, for example, Ramiro Ramírez Martínez and others v. Mexico (CAT/C/55/D/500/2012), para. 17.5;

例如,见Ramiro Ramírez Martínez等人诉墨西哥(CAT/C/55/D/500/2012),第17.5段;

and Patrice Gahungu v. Burundi (CAT/C/55/D/522/2012), para. 7.6.

Patrice Gahungu诉布隆迪(CAT/C/55/D/522/2012),第7.6段。

See, for example, Tony Chahin v. Sweden (CAT/C/46/D/310/2007), para. 9.4;

例如,见Tony Chahin诉瑞典(CAT/C/46/D/310/2007),第9.4段;

and Nasirov v. Kazakhstan, paras. 2.2, 11.6 and 11.9.


See, for example, Ramiro Ramírez Martínez and others v. Mexico, para. 17.5;

例如,见Ramiro Ramírez Martínez等人诉墨西哥,第17.5段;

Patrice Gahungu v. Burundi, para. 7.7;

Patrice Gahungu诉布隆迪,第7.7段;

and X. v. Burundi (CAT/C/55/D/553/2013), para. 7.5.


See, for example, Combey Brice Magloire Gbadjavi v. Switzerland (CAT/C/48/D/396/2009), paras. 2.1 and 7.57.8;

例如,见Combey Brice Magloire Gbadjavi诉瑞士(CAT/C/48/D/396/2009),第2.1和第7.57.8段;

and Ali Fadel v. Switzerland, paras. 2.4 and 7.67.8.

Ali Fadel诉瑞士,第2.4和第7.67.8段。

See, for example, Ramiro Ramírez Martínez and others v. Mexico, paras. 17.5 and 17.6;

例如,见Ramiro Ramírez Martínez等人诉墨西哥,第17.517.6段;

Patrice Gahungu v. Burundi, para. 7.7;

Patrice Gahungu诉布隆迪,第7.7段;

and X. v. Burundi, 7.5 and 7.6.


See, for example, F.K. v. Denmark (CAT/C/56/D/580/2014), paras. 7.5 and 7.6.


See, for example, Sylvie Bakatu-Bia v. Sweden, paras. 10.510.7.

例如,见Sylvie Bakatu-Bia诉瑞典,第10.510.7段。

See, for example, Agiza v. Sweden, para. 13.4;


and Ali Fadel v. Switzerland, para. 7.8.

Ali Fadel诉瑞士,第7.8段。

See, for example, Tony Chahin v. Sweden, para. 9.5;

例如,见Tony Chahin诉瑞典,第9.5段;

and Tursunov v. Kazakhstan, para. 9.8.


See, for example, Rouba Alhaj Ali v. Morocco (CAT/C/58/D/682/2015), paras. 8.58.8.

例如,见Rouba Alhaj Ali诉摩洛哥(CAT/C/58/D/682/2015),第8.58.8段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of Croatia (CAT/C/HRV/CO/4-5), para. 11;


and concluding observations on the third periodic report of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (CAT/C/MKD/CO/3), para. 16.


While not quoting directly the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols thereto, the Committee has referred in its jurisprudence to situations covered by those provisions, among others, in the concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Turkey (CAT/C/TUR/CO/4, paras. 12 and 2326);

委员会没有在其判例中直接引述日内瓦四公约及其附加议定书的条款,但是提及这些条款所涵盖的情况; 相关文件包括关于土耳其第四次定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/TUR/CO/4, 12和第2326)

and the concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Italy (CAT/C/ITA/CO/5-6, paras. 2023).

和关于意大利第五和第六次合并定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/ITA/CO/5-6, 2023)

Article 3 (1) (a) of the four Geneva Conventions stipulates that in the case of armed conflict not of an international character, violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture are and shall remain prohibited with respect to persons taking no active part in the hostilities.


See, for example, concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of the Russian Federation (CAT/C/RUS/CO/4), para. 24;


and concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of Ukraine (CAT/C/UKR/CO/6), para. 11.


Article 4 (1) of Protocol II, adopted on 8 June 1977, stipulates that all persons who do not take a direct part or who have ceased to take part in hostilities (with reference to armed conflicts referred to in article 2 of the Geneva Conventions and article 1 of the Additional Protocols thereto), whether or not their liberty has been restricted, are entitled to respect for their person, honour and convictions and religious practices.


Article 4 (2) of the Protocol stipulates that the following acts against the persons referred to in article 4 (1) are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever: (a) violence to the life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular murder, as well as cruel treatment such as torture, mutilation or any form of corporal punishment;

议定书第四条第二款规定,在任何时候和任何地方均应禁止对第四条第一款所指人员实施下列行为:(a) 对人的生命、健康和身体上或精神上幸福的暴行,特别是谋杀以及虐待,如酷刑、残伤肢体或任何形式的体罚;

(b) collective punishments;

(b) 集体惩罚;

(c) taking of hostages;

(c) 扣留人质;

(d) acts of terrorism;

(d) 恐怖主义行为;

(e) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault;

(e) 对人身尊严的侵犯,特别是侮辱性和降低身分的待遇、强奸、强迫卖淫和任何形式的非礼侵犯;

(f) slavery and the slave trade in all their forms;

(f) 各种形式的奴隶制度和奴隶贩卖;

(g) pillage;

(g) 抢劫;

and (h) threats to commit any of the foregoing acts.

(h) 以从事任何上述行为相威胁。

See, for example, concluding observations on the initial report of Lebanon (CAT/C/LBN/CO/1), para. 11;

例如,见关于黎巴嫩初次报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/LBN/CO/1), 11段;

and concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Turkey (CAT/C/TUR/CO/4), para. 12.

关于土耳其第四次定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/TUR/ CO/4), 12段。

Article 12 of the Third Geneva Convention provides, inter alia, that prisoners of war may only be transferred by the Detaining Power to a Power which is a party to the Convention and after the Detaining Power has satisfied itself of the willingness and ability of such transferee Power to apply the Convention.


See, for example, concluding observations on the initial report of Chad (CAT/C/TCD/CO/1), para. 17.


Article 45 of the Fourth Geneva Convention provides, inter alia, that protected persons may be transferred by the Detaining Power only to a Power which is a party to the Convention and after the Detaining Power has satisfied itself of the willingness and ability of such transferee Power to apply the Convention.


Article 75 (2) of Additional Protocol I stipulates that the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever, whether committed by civilian or by military agents:


(a) violence to the life, health, or physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular:

() 对人的生命、健康或身体上或精神上幸福的暴行,特别是:

(i) murder;

1. 谋杀;

(ii) torture of all kinds, whether physical or mental;

2. 各种身体上或精神上的酷刑;

(iii) corporal punishment;

3. 体刑;

and (iv) mutilation;

4. 残伤肢体;

(b) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault;

() 对人身尊严的侵犯,特别是侮辱性和降低身份的待遇,强迫卖淫和任何形式的非礼侵犯;

(c) the taking of hostages;

() 扣留人质;

(d) collective punishments;

() 集体惩罚;

and (e) threats to commit any of the foregoing acts.

() 以从事任何上述行为相威胁。

See, for example, concluding observations on the initial report of Chad (CAT/C/TCD/CO/1), para. 34.

例如,见关于乍得初次报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/ TCD/CO/1),第34段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the second periodic report of Belgium (CAT/C/BEL/CO/2), para. 10.


See, for example, Rouba Alhaj Ali v. Morocco, paras. 8.58.8.

例如,见Rouba Alhaj Ali诉摩洛哥,第8.58.8段。

See, for example, X. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/53/D/470/2011), para. 7.8;


and Asghar Tahmuresi v. Switzerland (CAT/C/53/D/489/2012), para. 7.5.

Asghar Tahmuresi诉瑞士(CAT/C/53/ D/489/2012),第7.5段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the second periodic report of Afghanistan (CAT/C/AFG/CO/2), para. 34 (c).

例如,见关于阿富汗第二次定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/AFG/CO/2),第34 (c)段。

See concluding observations on the combined third to fifth periodic reports of the Republic of Korea (CAT/C/KOR/CO/3-5), para. 30 (b).

见关于大韩民国第三至第五次合并定期报告的结论性意见(CAT/C/KOR/CO/3-5), 30 (b)段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the second periodic report of Afghanistan (CAT/C/AFG/CO/2), para. 34;


and concluding observations on the second periodic report of Mongolia (CAT/C/MNG/CO/2), para. 22.


See, for example, Hussein Khademi and others v. Switzerland (CAT/C/53/D/473/2011), paras. 7.47.6;

例如,见Hussein Khademi等人诉瑞士(CAT/C/53/D/473/2011),第7.47.6段;

Nasirov v. Kazakhstan, para. 11.9;

Nasirov 诉哈萨克斯坦,第11.9段;

and N.A.A. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/60/D/639/2014), paras. 7.77.11.


See, for example, Tony Chahin v. Sweden, para. 9.5.

例如,见Tony Chahin诉瑞典,第9.5段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the initial report of Chad (CAT/C/TCD/CO/1), para. 34.


See, for example, S.S. Elmi v. Australia (CAT/C/22/D/120/1998), paras. 6.8 and 6.9;

例如,见S.S. Elmi诉澳大利亚(CAT/C/22/D/120/1998),第6.86.9段;

and M.K.M. v. Australia (CAT/C/60/D/681/2015), para. 8.9.


See, for example, N.Z. v. Kazakhstan (CAT/C/53/D/495/2012), para. 12.3.


See, for example, A.A. v. Azerbaijan (CAT/C/35/D/247/2004), para. 6.8;


E.E. v. the Russian Federation (CAT/C/50/D/479/2011), para. 8.4;

E.E.诉俄罗斯联邦(CAT/C/50/D/ 479/2011),第8.4段;

N.B. v. the Russian Federation (CAT/C/56/D/577/2013), para. 8.2;


M.T. v. Sweden (CAT/C/55/D/642/2014), para. 8.3;


and Mr. U. v. Sweden (CAT/C/56/D/643/2014), para. 6.4.


See, for example, Mr. Y. v. Canada (CAT/C/55/D/512/2012), para. 7.2;


and Olga Shestakova v. the Russian Federation (CAT/C/62/D/712/2015), para. 6.4.

Olga Shestakova诉俄罗斯联邦(CAT/C/62/D/712/2015),第6.4段。

See, for example, A.E. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/14/D/24/1995), para. 4;


Evloev v. Kazakhstan (CAT/C/51/D/441/2010), para. 8.6;

Evloev诉哈萨克斯坦(CAT/C/51/ D/441/2010),第8.6段;

and W.G.D. v. Canada (CAT/C/53/D/520/2012), para. 7.4.


See, for example, W.G.D. v. Canada, para. 7.4.


See, for example, W.G.D. v. Canada, para. 7.4;


and J.K. v. Canada (CAT/C/56/D/562/2013), para. 9.2.


See Kalinichenko v. Morocco (CAT/C/47/D/428/2010), paras. 13.1, 13.2 and 16;


Tursunov v. Kazakhstan, para. 10;


X. v. the Russian Federation (CAT/C/54/D/542/2013), paras. 9.2 and 12;


and D.I.S. v. Hungary (CAT/C/56/D/671/2015), paras. 9.19.3.


See, for example, S.T. v. Australia (CAT/C/61/D/614/2014), paras. 9 and 10;


and X. v. the Russian Federation, para. 12.


See Sivagnanaratnam v. Denmark (CAT/C/51/D/429/2010), paras. 10.5 and 10.6;


Mr. A.R. v. Netherlands (CAT/C/31/D/203/2002), para. 7.3;


Arthur Kasombola Kalonzo v. Canada (CAT/C/48/D/343/2008), para. 9.3;

Arthur Kasombola Kalonzo诉加拿大(CAT/C/48/D/343/ 2008),第9.3段;

X. v. Denmark (CAT/C/53/D/458/2011), para. 9.3;


W.G.D. v. Canada, para. 8.4;


and T.Z. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/62/D/688/2015), para. 8.4.


For comparison, see S.P.A. v. Canada, para. 7.5;


and J.K. v. Canada, para. 10.4.


See, for example, concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of the Netherlands (CAT/C/NET/CO/4), para. 7;


and concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Cyprus (CAT/C/CYP/CO/4), paras. 13 and 14.


See, for example, M.B. and others v. Denmark, para. 9.8.


See also footnotes 2330 above.


See, for example, Alan v. Switzerland (CAT/C/16/D/21/1995), para. 11.3;


Kisoki v. Sweden (CAT/C/16/D/41/1996), para. 9.3;

Kisoki诉瑞典(CAT/C/16/D/41/ 1996),第9.3段;

Haydin v. Sweden (CAT/C/21/D/101/1997), paras. 6.6 and 6.7;


and C.T. and K.M. v. Sweden (CAT/C/37/D/279/2005), para. 7.6;


E.K.W. v. Finland, para. 9.6;


and M.B. and others v. Denmark, para. 9.6.


See, for example, X. v. Kazakhstan (CAT/C/55/D/554/2013), para. 12.7.


See, for example, P.S.B. and T.K. v. Canada (CAT/C/55/D/505/2012), para. 8.3.


See, for example, Subakaran R. Thirugnanasampanthar v. Australia, para. 8.7.

例如,见Subakaran R. Thirugnanasampanthar诉澳大利亚,第8.7段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the initial report of Iraq (CAT/C/IRQ/CO/1 and CAT/C/IRQ/CO/1/Corr.1), paras. 11 and 12.


See, for example, J.K. v. Canada, paras. 10.5 and 10.6.


See, for example, Abed Azizi v. Switzerland (CAT/C/53/D/492/2012), paras. 8.58.8.

例如,见Abed Azizi诉瑞士(CAT/C/53/D/492/2012),第8.58.8段。

See, for example, concluding observations on the initial report of Chad (CAT/C/TCD/CO/1), para. 22.


See rule 118 of the Committees rules of procedure.


See, for example, Z. v. Denmark (CAT/C/55/D/555/2013), paras. 5.2 and 7.8;

例如,见Z. 诉丹麦(CAT/C/55/D/555/2013),第5.27.8段;

and M.B. and others v. Denmark, paras. 2.1, 2.2 and 9.7.


See, for example, T.D. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/46/D/375/2009), para. 7.8.


See, for example, Nasirov v. Kazakhstan, paras. 7.6 and 11.9.


See, for example, Agiza v. Sweden, para. 13.4;


and Ali Fadel v. Switzerland, para. 7.8.

Ali Fadel诉瑞士,第7.8段。

See, for example, Uttam Mondal v. Sweden (CAT/C/46/D/338/2008), para. 7.7.

例如,见Uttam Mondal诉瑞典(CAT/C/46/D/338/2008),第7.7段。

See, for example, Dadar v. Canada, para. 8.5.

例如,见Dadar 诉加拿大,第8.5段。

See, for example, Abdussamatov and others v. Kazakhstan, para. 13.8.


See, for example, Abed Azizi v. Switzerland, paras. 3.2 and 8.8.

例如,见Abed Azizi诉瑞士,第3.28.8段。

See, for example, general comment No. 1 (1997) on the implementation of article 3, para. 2;


Avedes Hamayak Korban v. Sweden (CAT/C/21/D/88/1997), para. 7;

Avedes Hamayak Korban诉瑞典(CAT/C/21/D/88/1997),第7段;

and Z.T. v. Australia (CAT/C/31/D/153/2000), para. 6.4;


concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Greece (CAT/C/GRC/CO/5-6), para. 19;


and concluding observations on the second periodic report of Serbia (CAT/C/SRB/CO/2), para. 15.


See, for example, E.K.W. v. Finland, paras. 9.6 and 9.7.


See, for example, Uttam Mondal v. Sweden, para. 7.4.

例如,见Uttam Mondal诉瑞典,第7.4段。

See, for example, M.K.M. v. Australia, para. 8.9.


See, for example, concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Argentina (CAT/C/ARG/CO/5-6), paras. 912 and 30;


and concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of Bulgaria (CAT/C/BGR/CO/6), paras. 7, 8, 11 and 12.


See, for example, S.P.A. v. Canada, para. 7.5.


See, for example, T.D. v. Switzerland, para. 7.7;


and Alp v. Denmark (CAT/C/52/D/466/2011), para. 8.3.


See, for example, I.E. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/62/D/683/2015), para. 7.4.
