[ENG] CERD_C_GC_36_e.docx [CHI] CERD_C_GC_36_c.docx [~]
[ENG] CERD/C/GC/36 [CHI] CERD/C/GC/36 [~]
[ENG] United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [CHI] 消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约 [~]
[ENG] Original: English [CHI] Original: English [~]
[ENG] Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [CHI] 消除种族歧视委员会 [~]
[ENG] General recommendation No. 36 (2020) on preventing and combating racial profiling by law enforcement officials{§*} [CHI] 关于防止和打击执法人员种族定性行为的第36号一般性建议(2020年){§*} [~]
[ENG] I. Introduction [CHI] 一. 导言 [~]
[ENG] 1. At its ninety-second session, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination decided to hold a discussion on the theme “Racial discrimination in today’s world: racial profiling, ethnic cleansing and current global issues and challenges”. [CHI] 1. 消除种族歧视委员会第九十二届会议决定就“当今世界的种族歧视:种族定性、族裔清洗以及当前全球问题和挑战”这一专题进行讨论。 [~]
[ENG] The thematic discussion took place in Geneva on 29 November 2017 and was focused on analysing the experiences, challenges and lessons learned in working to combat racial profiling and ethnic cleansing to date and on how the Committee could strengthen its work against racial profiling and ethnic cleansing, for greater impact on the ground. [CHI] 专题讨论会于2017年11月29日在日内瓦举行,重点分析了迄今在打击种族定性和族裔清洗方面的经验、挑战和教训,以及委员会如何加强其打击种族定性和族裔清洗的工作,以便在当地产生更大影响。 [~]
[ENG] 2. Following the discussion, the Committee expressed its intention to work on drafting a general recommendation to provide guidance on preventing and combating racial profiling in order to assist States parties in discharging their obligations, including reporting obligations. [CHI] 2. 经讨论后,委员会表示打算起草一项一般性建议,在防止和打击种族定性方面提供指导,以协助缔约国履行其义务,包括报告义务。 [~]
[ENG] The present general recommendation is of relevance to all stakeholders in the fight against racial discrimination, and through its publication the Committee seeks to contribute to the strengthening of democracy, the rule of law, and peace and security among communities, peoples and States. [CHI] 本一般性建议对所有利益攸关方反对种族歧视的斗争具有现实意义,而且通过公布该建议,委员会力求促进加强民主、法治以及社区、人民和国家之间的和平与安全。 [~]
[ENG] 3. At its ninety-eighth session, the Committee began deliberations with a view to drafting a general recommendation on preventing and combating racial profiling, in consultation with all interested parties. [CHI] 3. 在第九十八届会议上,委员会开始进行审议,以期与所有有关各方协商,起草一项关于防止和打击种族定性的一般性建议。 [~]
[ENG] {§1} The Committee also held debates with academics from various fields, with an emphasis on the implications of artificial intelligence on racial profiling. [CHI] {§1} 委员会还与各领域的学者进行了辩论,重点是人工智能对种族定性的影响。 [~]
[ENG] II. Established principles and practice [CHI] 二. 既定原则和做法 [~]
[ENG] 4. In drafting the present general recommendation, the Committee has taken account of its extensive practice in addressing racial profiling by law enforcement officials, primarily in the context of the review of State party reports and in key general recommendations. [CHI] 4. 在起草本一般性建议时,委员会考虑到其在处理执法人员种族定性行为方面的广泛做法,主要是在审查缔约国报告和主要一般性建议的框架内。 [~]
[ENG] The Committee explicitly addressed the issue of racial profiling in its general recommendation No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens, in which it recommended that States ensure that any measures taken in the fight against terrorism did not discriminate, in purpose or effect, on the grounds of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin and that non-citizens were not subjected to racial or ethnic profiling or stereotyping (para. 10); in its general recommendation No. 31 (2005) on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system, in which the Committee recommended that States parties take the necessary steps to prevent questioning, arrests and searches which are in reality based solely on the physical appearance of a person, that person’s colour or features or membership of a racial or ethnic group, or any profiling which exposes him or her to greater suspicion (para. 20); and in general recommendation No. 34 (2011) on racial discrimination against people of African descent, in which the Committee recommended that States take resolute action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile people of African descent on the basis of race, by law enforcement officials, politicians and educators (para. 31). [CHI] 委员会在其关于对非公民的歧视的第30号一般性建议(2004年)中明确述及种族定性问题,建议缔约国确保在反恐斗争中采取的任何措施不根据种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种蓄意或实际进行歧视,不以种族或族裔脸谱化或公式化的方式对待非公民(第10段);委员会在其关于在刑事司法系统的司法和运作中预防种族歧视的第31号一般性建议(2005年)中,建议缔约国采取必要措施,预防实际上单凭某人的外表、某人的肤色或特征或属于某一种族或族裔群体,或使他/她更加倍受怀疑的任何描述对此人进行的提问,逮捕和搜查(第20段);委员会在其关于针对非洲人后裔的种族歧视的第34号一般性建议(2011年)中,建议缔约国采取果断行动反对执法人员、政治家和教育家在种族基础上对非洲人后裔采取针对行动、丑化、持有陈旧定型观念或进行划线(第31段)。 [~]
[ENG] Other recommendations are also relevant to racial profiling, such as general recommendation No. 13 (1993) on the training of law enforcement officials in the protection of human rights, in which the Committee stressed that law enforcement officials should receive training to ensure they uphold the human rights of all persons without distinction as to race, colour or national or ethnic origin (para. 2); general recommendation No. 23 (1997) on the rights of indigenous peoples, in which the Committee stressed that indigenous peoples should be free from any discrimination, in particular that based on indigenous origin or identity (para. 4 (b)); general recommendation No. 27 (2000) on discrimination against Roma, in which the Committee recommended that States, taking into account their specific situations, take measures to prevent illegal use of force by police against Roma, particularly in connection with arrest and detention (para. 13), and to build trust between Roma communities and the police; general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the Convention, in which the Committee mentioned the concept of “intersectionality”, whereby the Committee addressed situations of double or multiple discrimination – such as discrimination on grounds of gender or religion – when discrimination on such a ground appeared to exist in combination with a ground or grounds listed in article 1 of the Convention (para. 7); and general recommendation No. 35 (2013) on combating racist hate speech. [CHI] 其他建议也与种族定性有关,如关于培训执法人员保护人权的第13号一般性建议(1993年),其中委员会强调,执法人员应当接受训练,以确保他们不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔血统,捍卫所有人的人权(第2段);关于土著人民的权利的第23号一般性建议(1997年,其中委员会强调,土著人民应不受任何歧视,尤其是基于土著血统或身份的歧视(第4 (b)段);关于对罗姆人的歧视的第27号一般性建议(2000年),其中委员会建议缔约国根据各自的具体情况,采取措施防止警察对罗姆人非法使用武力,特别是逮捕和拘留(第13段),并在罗姆人社区和警察之间建立信任;关于《公约》中特别措施的含义和范围的第32号一般性建议(2009年),其中委员会提出“多元交错”的概念,处理双重或多重歧视的情况,例如基于性别或宗教的歧视,将歧视的“理由”扩展了,所谓多元交错,是指基于性别或宗教一类理由的歧视与《公约》第一条列举的理由并存(第7段);关于打击种族主义仇恨言论的第35号一般性建议(2013年)。 [~]
[ENG] 5. The Committee, in its concluding observations, has repeatedly expressed concern about the use of racial profiling by law enforcement officials and has recommended that States parties take measures to put an end to the practice.CERD/C/ESP/CO/21-23, para. 27; CERD/C/SVN/CO/8-11, para. 8 (d); CERD/C/POL/CO/20-21, para. 11CERD/C/NLD/CO/19-21, CERD/C/CHE/CO/7-9, para. 14{§2} [CHI] 5. 委员会在其结论性意见中多次对执法人员种族定性行为表示关切,并建议缔约国采取措施制止这种做法。 CERD/C/ESP/CO/21-23,第27段;CERD/C/SVN/CO/8-11,第8(d)段;CERD/C/POL/CO/20-21,第11CERD/C/NLD/CO/19-21,CERD/C/CHE/CO/7-9,第14{§2} [~]
[ENG] 6. In addition, several other international human rights mechanisms have explicitly highlighted racial profiling as a violation of international human rights law. [CHI] 6. 此外,其他一些国际人权机制也明确强调种族定性违反了国际人权法。 [~]
[ENG] In 2009, through its decision in the case Williams Lecraft v. Spain, {§3} the Human Rights Committee became the first treaty body to directly acknowledge racial profiling as unlawful discrimination. [CHI] 2009年,人权事务委员会通过对Williams Lecraft诉西班牙案的裁决, {§3} 成为第一个直接承认种族定性是非法歧视的条约机构。 [~]
[ENG] In more recent concluding observations, the Human Rights Committee has regularly expressed concern at the continuous practice of racial profiling by law enforcement officials, targeting in particular specific groups such as migrants, asylum seekers, people of African descent, indigenous peoples, and members of religious and ethnic minorities, including Roma;CCPR/C/FRA/CO/5CCPR/C/ESP/CO/6CCPR/C/RUS/CO/7CCPR/C/USA/CO/4, para. 7. {§4} the concern has been echoed by the Committee against Torture. {§5} [CHI] 在最近的结论性意见中,人权事务委员会经常表示关切的是,执法人员继续进行种族定性,特别是针对特定群体,如移民、寻求庇护者、非洲人后裔、土著人民以及包括罗姆人在内的宗教和族裔少数群体成员;禁止酷刑委员会也对此表示关切。 CCPR/C/FRA/CO/5CCPR/C/ESP/CO/6CCPR/C/RUS/CO/7CCPR/C/USA/CO/4,第7段。 {§4}、{§5} [~]
[ENG] 7. In the Durban Programme of Action, adopted by Member States at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban, South Africa, in 2001, States were urged to design, implement and enforce effective measures to eliminate racial profiling, comprising the practice of police and other law enforcement officials relying, to any degree, on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin as the basis for subjecting persons to investigatory activities or for determining whether an individual was engaged in criminal activity (para. 72). [CHI] 7. 会员国在2001年于南非德班举行的反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为世界会议上通过了《德班行动纲领》,敦促各国制订、实施和执行有效措施,消除种族定性行为,即警察和其他执法人员在任何程度上根据种族、肤色、族裔或原国籍或民族出身来对人们进行调查活动或确定一个人是否从事犯罪活动的做法(第72段)。 [~]
[ENG] 8. In a report submitted to the Human Rights Council in 2007, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism noted that, since 11 September 2001, law enforcement authorities in various States had adopted measures on the basis of terrorist profiles, which included characteristics such as a person’s presumed race, ethnicity, national origin or religion. [CHI] 8. 反恐中注意促进与保护人权和基本自由特别报告员在2007年提交人权理事会的报告中指出,自2001年9月11日以来,各国执法当局根据恐怖分子的特征采取了一些措施,其中包括推定某人的种族、族裔、原籍或宗教等特征。 [~]
[ENG] The Special Rapporteur stressed that terrorist-profiling practices based on “race” were incompatible with human rights principles, were unsuitable and ineffective means of identifying potential terrorists, and entailed considerable negative consequences that might render such measures counterproductive in the fight against terrorism.A/HRC/4/26{§6} [CHI] 特别报告员强调,基于“种族”的恐怖分子定性做法不符合人权原则,并非识别潜在恐怖分子的适当和有效手段,而且会产生相当大的负面后果,可能使这些措施在反恐斗争中适得其反。 A/HRC/4/26{§6} [~]
[ENG] 9. The present general recommendation is also drafted within the framework of, and as a contribution to, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its overarching commitments to leave no one behind and reach the furthest behind first, which provide critical entry points to and opportunities for the Committee’s work, particularly with regard to Sustainable Development Goal 10, on reducing inequality within and among countries, and Goal 16, on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. [CHI] 9. 本一般性建议也在执行《2030年可持续发展议程》的框架内起草,并作为对执行该议程的一项贡献。 该议程的总体承诺是不让任何一个人掉队,首先帮助最落后的人,这为委员会的工作提供了重要的切入点和机会,特别是在可持续发展目标10 (减少国家内部和国家之间的不平等)和目标16 (创建和平、包容的社会以促进可持续发展,让所有人都能诉诸司法,在各级建立有效、负责和包容的机构)方面。 [~]
[ENG] III. Scope [CHI] 三. 范围 [~]
[ENG] 10. The Committee has often expressed its concern about the use of racial profiling by law enforcement officials targeting various minority groups based on specific characteristics, such as a person’s presumed race, skin colour, descent or national or ethnic origin. [CHI] 10. 委员会经常表示关切的是,执法人员根据具体特征,如推定某人的种族、肤色、出身或民族或族裔,对各少数群体进行种族定性。 [~]
[ENG] The Committee has expressed concern at reports of law enforcement officials, such as police officers and border control officials, while carrying out their duties, engaging in arbitrary police stops, arbitrary identity checks, random inspections of objects in the possession of any person in railway stations, trains and airports, and arbitrary arrests. [CHI] 委员会表示关切的是,有报告称,警察和边境管制人员等执法人员在履行职责时,在火车站、火车和机场任意拦截、任意检查身份、随机检查任何人拥有的物品并任意逮捕。 [~]
[ENG] {§7} The Committee has noted with concern that racial profiling has increased owing to contemporary concerns about terrorism and migration that exacerbate prejudice and intolerance towards members of certain ethnic groups. [CHI] {§7} 委员会关切地注意到种族定性有所增加,因为当代人们对恐怖主义和移民感到关切,加剧了对某些族裔群体成员的偏见和不容忍。 [~]
[ENG] 11. The Committee has recognized that specific groups, such as migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, people of African descent, indigenous peoples, and national and ethnic minorities, including Roma, are the most vulnerable to racial profiling. {§8} [CHI] 11. 委员会认识到,移民、难民和寻求庇护者、非洲人后裔、土著人民以及包括罗姆人在内的少数民族和少数族裔等特定群体最容易被种族定性。 [~]
[ENG] 12. In addition, the Committee observes that the increasing use of new technological tools, including artificial intelligence, in areas such as security, border control and access to social services, has the potential to deepen racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of exclusion. [CHI] {§8} 12. 此外,委员会注意到,在安全、边境管制和获得社会服务等领域日益使用新的技术工具,包括人工智能,这有可能加深种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和其他形式的排斥。 [~]
[ENG] However, in the present general recommendation, the Committee focuses on algorithmic decision-making and artificial intelligence in relation to racial profiling by law enforcement officials; therefore, many other topics related to potentially harmful artificial intelligence are outside of its scope. [CHI] 然而,在本一般性建议中,委员会侧重于与执法人员种族定性有关的算法决策和人工智能;因此,许多与可能有害的人工智能有关的其他议题不在其范围之内。 [~]
[ENG] While aware that, in some areas, artificial intelligence can contribute to greater effectiveness in a number of decision-making processes, the Committee also realizes that there is a real risk of algorithmic bias when artificial intelligence is used in decision-making in the context of law enforcement. [CHI] 委员会意识到,在某些领域,人工智能可有助于提高一些决策过程的效力,但委员会也认识到,在执法过程中使用人工智能进行决策时,确实存在算法偏差的风险。 [~]
[ENG] Algorithmic profiling raises serious concerns, and the consequences with regard to the rights of the victims could be very serious. [CHI] 算法定性引起了严重关切,可能对受害者权利造成非常严重的后果。 [~]
[ENG] IV. Defining and understanding racial profiling [CHI] 四. 界定和理解种族定性 [~]
[ENG] 13. There is no universal definition of racial profiling in international human rights law. [CHI] 13. 国际人权法中没有关于种族定性的普遍定义。 [~]
[ENG] However, as a persistent phenomenon in all regions of the world, various international and regional human rights bodies and institutions have adopted definitions of racial profiling, which have a number of common elements. [CHI] 然而,世界所有区域长期存在的一种现象是,各种国际和区域人权机构和组织都采用了种族定性的定义,其中包含一些共同要素。 [~]
[ENG] Racial profiling is: (a) committed by law enforcement authorities; (b) is not motivated by objective criteria or reasonable justification; (c) is based on grounds of race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or their intersection with other relevant grounds, such as religion, sex or gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, disability and age, migration status, or work or other status; (d) is used in specific contexts, such as controlling immigration and combating criminal activity, terrorism or other activities that allegedly violate or may result in the violation of the law. [CHI] 种族定性指:(a) 由执法当局实施;(b) 不是出于客观标准或合理理由;(c) 基于种族、肤色、出身、民族或族裔血统的理由或与之相互交叉的其他相关理由,如宗教、性或性别、性取向和性别认同、残疾和年龄、移民身份、或工作或其他身份等;(d) 在特定情况下使用,如控制移民和打击犯罪活动、恐怖主义或其他据称违法或可能导致违法的活动。 [~]
[ENG] 14. Racial profiling is committed through behaviour or through acts such as arbitrary stops, searches, identity checks, investigations and arrests. [CHI] 14. 通过任意拦截、搜查、身份检查、调查和逮捕等行为或行动实施种族定性。 [~]
[ENG] 15. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has defined racial profiling as a tactic adopted for supposed reasons of public safety and protection motivated by stereotypes based on race, colour, ethnicity, language, descent, religion, nationality or place of birth, or a combination of these factors, rather than on objective suspicions, which tends to single out individuals or groups in a discriminatory way based on the erroneous assumption that people with such characteristics are prone to engage in specific types of crimes.people of African descent in the Americas {§9} The Arab Human Rights Committee has submitted that racial profiling can be defined as the use by law enforcement agents of generalizations or stereotypes related to presumed race, colour, descent, nationality, place of birth, or national or ethnic origin – rather than objective evidence or individual behaviour – as a basis for identifying a particular individual as being, or having been, engaged in a criminal activity, resulting in discriminatory decision-making. [CHI] 15. 美洲人权委员会将种族定性定义为:基于种族、肤色、族裔、语言、血统、宗教、国籍或出生地或这些因素的组合,而不是基于客观的怀疑,出于所谓的公共安全和保护的原因而采取的一种策略,这种策略倾向于以歧视性的方式挑出个人或群体,其错误假设是具有这些特征的人容易实施特定类型的犯罪。 people of African descent in the Americas {§9} 阿拉伯人权委员会认为,可将种族定性定义为执法人员使用与推定的种族、肤色、出身、国籍、出生地或民族或族裔血统有关的笼统或定型观念——而不是客观证据或个人行为——作为查明某一特定个人正在或曾经从事犯罪活动的依据,从而导致歧视性决策。 [~]
[ENG] {§10} In its general policy recommendation No. 11 on combating racism and racial discrimination in policing, adopted in 2007, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance defined racial profiling as the use by the police, with no objective and reasonable justification, of grounds such as race, colour, language, religion, nationality or national or ethnic origin in control, surveillance or investigative activities. [CHI] {§10} 欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会于2007年通过关于打击警务工作中的种族主义和种族歧视的第11号一般性政策建议,其中将种族定性定义为警察在控制、监视或调查活动中使用种族、肤色、语言、宗教、国籍或民族或族裔血统等理由,而没有客观和合理的理由。 [~]
[ENG] 16. In a report submitted to the Human Rights Council in 2015, the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance indicated that racial and ethnic profiling by law enforcement officials was commonly understood to mean a reliance by law enforcement, security and border control personnel on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin as a basis for subjecting persons to detailed searches, identity checks and investigations, or for determining whether an individual was engaged in criminal activity. {§11} [CHI] 16. 当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为特别报告员在2015年向人权理事会提交的一份报告中指出,执法人员的种族和族裔定性通常被理解为执法、安全和边境管制人员以种族、肤色、出身或民族或族裔血统为依据,对个人进行详细搜查、身份检查和调查或确定个人是否从事犯罪活动。 [~]
[ENG] 17. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has stated that racial profiling refers to the process by which law enforcement relies on generalizations based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, rather than objective evidence or individual behaviour, to subject people to stops, detailed searches, identity checks and investigations, or for deciding that an individual was engaged in criminal activity. [CHI] {§11} 17. 联合国人权事务高级专员指出,种族定性是指执法部门根据种族、肤色、出身或民族或族裔血统的概念而非客观证据或个人行为,对人们进行拦截、详细搜查、身份检查和调查,或判定某人从事犯罪活动。 [~]
[ENG] Racial profiling, then, results in discriminatory decision-making. [CHI] 因此,种族定性导致歧视性决策。 [~]
[ENG] The High Commissioner has further pointed out that, whether arising from the attitudes and practices of individual officers or the discriminatory culture or policies of law enforcement agencies, racial profiling is a long-standing practice in many agencies. {§12} [CHI] 高级专员进一步指出,无论是由于个别执法人员的态度和做法,还是由于执法机构的歧视性文化或政策,种族定性是许多机构的长期做法。 {§12} [~]
[ENG] 18. For the purposes of the present general recommendation, racial profiling is understood as it is described in paragraph 72 of the Durban Programme of Action, that is, the practice of police and other law enforcement relying, to any degree, on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin as the basis for subjecting persons to investigatory activities or for determining whether an individual is engaged in criminal activity. [CHI] 18. 就本一般性建议而言,种族定性被理解为《德班行动纲领》第72段所述内容,即警察和其他执法官员在任何程度上只根据种族、肤色、族裔或原国籍或民族出身来对人们进行调查活动或确定一个人是否从事犯罪活动的做法。 [~]
[ENG] In this context, racial discrimination often intersects with other grounds, such as religion, sex and gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, disability, age, migration status, and work or other status. [CHI] 在这种情况下,种族歧视往往与其他理由交叉在一起,如宗教、性和性别、性取向和性别认同、残疾、年龄、移民身份及工作或其他身份等。 [~]
[ENG] 19. Racial profiling by law enforcement officials may also include raids, border and custom checks, home searches, targeting for surveillance, operations to maintain or re-establish law and order or immigration decisions. [CHI] 19. 执法人员的种族定性行动还可能包括突袭、边境和海关检查、入户搜查、监视目标、维持或重建法律和秩序的行动或移民决定。 [~]
[ENG] These actions may variously take place in the context of street policing and antiterrorism operations. {§13} [CHI] 可在街头治安和反恐行动中以不同方式采取这些行动。 {§13} [~]
[ENG] 20. Racial profiling is linked to stereotypes and biases, which can be conscious or unconscious, and individual or institutional and structural. [CHI] 20. 种族定性与定型观念和偏见有关,这些观念和偏见可能是有意识或无意识的,也可能是个人或体制和结构性的。 [~]
[ENG] Stereotyping becomes a violation of international human rights law when stereotypical assumptions are put into practice to undermine the enjoyment of human rights.Gender stereotyping as a human rights violation{§14} [CHI] 当定型观念假设被付诸实践以损害享受人权时,定型观念就成为违反国际人权法的行为。 Gender stereotyping as a human rights violation{§14} [~]
[ENG] V. Principles and general obligations under the Convention [CHI] 五. 《公约》规定的原则和一般义务 [~]
[ENG] 21. The identification, prevention and combating of the practice of racial profiling by law enforcement officials is integral to the achievement of the objectives of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. [CHI] 21. 查明、防止和打击执法人员种族定性的做法是实现《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》目标的组成部分。 [~]
[ENG] The practice of racial profiling by law enforcement officials violates fundamental principles of human rights, which rest on: (a) non-discrimination based on grounds of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin, or other intersecting grounds; and (b) equality before the law. [CHI] 执法人员种族定性的做法违反了人权基本原则,这些原则基于:(a) 不得出于种族、肤色、出身或民族或族裔血统或其他交叉理由进行歧视;(b) 法律面前人人平等。 [~]
[ENG] It may also violate due process and fair trial rights. [CHI] 这一做法还可能违反正当法律程序和公平审判权。 [~]
[ENG] These principles and rights are the anchors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (arts. 2 and 7) and the Convention (arts. 2 and 5 (a)). [CHI] 这些原则和权利是《世界人权宣言》(第二条和第七条)和《公约》(第二条和第五条(子)项)的主旨。 [~]
[ENG] 22. In the preamble to the Convention it is emphasized that all human beings are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law against any discrimination and against any incitement to discrimination. [CHI] 22. 《公约》序言强调指出,人人在法律上悉属平等并有权享受法律的平等保护,以防止任何歧视及任何煽动歧视的行为。 [~]
[ENG] While the term racial profiling is not explicitly referred to in the Convention, this has not impeded the Committee from identifying racial profiling practices and exploring the relationship between racial profiling and the standards set out in the Convention. [CHI] 虽然《公约》中没有明确提到种族定性一词,但这并不妨碍委员会查明种族定性做法,并探讨种族定性与《公约》规定的标准之间的关系。 [~]
[ENG] 23. Under article 2 of the Convention, each State undertakes to engage in no act or practice of racial discrimination against persons, groups of persons or institutions and to ensure that all public authorities and institutions, national and local, act in conformity with this obligation. [CHI] 23. 根据《公约》第二条,缔约国承诺不对人、人群或机关实施种族歧视行为或习例,并确保所有全国性及地方性的公共当局及公共机关均遵守此项义务行事。 [~]
[ENG] As racial profiling is a practice that has the potential to promote and perpetuate racist incidents and racial prejudice and stereotypes, {§15} it runs counter to the very idea of the Convention. [CHI] 由于种族定性有可能助长和延续种族主义事件、种族偏见和定型观念, {§15} 所以与《公约》的理念背道而驰。 [~]
[ENG] Accordingly, States parties are obliged to review their policies, laws and regulations with a view to ensuring that racial profiling does not take place and is not facilitated. [CHI] 因此,缔约国有义务审查其政策和法律法规,以确保不发生和不助长种族定性做法。 [~]
[ENG] States parties are obliged to actively take steps to eliminate discrimination through laws, policies and institutions. [CHI] 缔约国有义务积极采取措施,通过法律、政策和机构消除歧视。 [~]
[ENG] The prohibition on engaging in acts of racial profiling and the obligation to ensure that public authorities and institutions do not apply practices of racial profiling are furthermore derived from article 5 of the Convention. [CHI] 禁止种族定性行为和有义务确保公共当局和机构不采用种族定性的做法也源自于《公约》第五条。 [~]
[ENG] The practice of racial profiling is incompatible with the right of everyone, without distinction as to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law and to equal treatment. [CHI] 种族定性的做法有悖于人人法律面前平等和享有平等待遇的权利,不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔血统。 [~]
[ENG] It is, furthermore, incompatible with the non-discriminatory guarantee of other civil rights, such as the right to freedom of movement. [CHI] 此外,这种做法也有悖于对其他公民权利的不歧视保证,如行动自由权等。 [~]
[ENG] 24. Under article 6 of the Convention, States parties have an obligation to assure to everyone within their jurisdiction effective protection against any acts of racial discrimination. [CHI] 24. 根据《公约》第六条,缔约国有义务保证在其管辖范围内,人人都获得有效保护,免受任何种族歧视行为的侵害。 [~]
[ENG] Accordingly, States parties must take preventive measures in order to ensure that public authorities and public institutions do not engage in practices of racial profiling. [CHI] 因此,缔约国必须采取预防措施,以确保公共当局和公共机构不采用种族定性的做法。 [~]
[ENG] Article 6 also requires States parties to ensure to everyone within their jurisdiction effective remedies against any act of racial discrimination. [CHI] 第六条还要求缔约国确保在其管辖范围内,遭受任何种族歧视行为的每个人都获得有效补救。 [~]
[ENG] States parties are obliged to ensure that their domestic legal order contains adequate and effective mechanisms through which to assert that racial profiling has taken place and to bring such a practice to an end. [CHI] 缔约国有义务确保其国内法律秩序包含充分和有效的机制,通过这些机制可以断言发生了种族定性行为,并终止这种做法。 [~]
[ENG] States parties must furthermore guarantee the right to seek just and adequate reparation or satisfaction for damage suffered as a result of racial discrimination in the form of racial profiling. [CHI] 此外,缔约国还必须保证因种族定性形式的种族歧视而遭受损害后,有权寻求公正和充分赔偿或补偿。 [~]
[ENG] They must ensure that this right can be enforced in an effective manner. [CHI] 缔约国必须确保这项权利能够得到有效落实。 [~]
[ENG] In light of the fact that the practice of racial profiling regularly affects members of a particular group or groups, States parties are encouraged to consider establishing mechanisms for the collective enforcement of rights in the context of racial profiling. [CHI] 鉴于种族定性做法经常影响到一个或多个特定群体的成员,鼓励缔约国考虑建立机制,以便在种族定性情况下集体行使权利。 [~]
[ENG] 25. Article 7 of the Convention highlights the role of teaching, education, culture and information in combating racial discrimination. [CHI] 25. 《公约》第七条强调了教学、教育、文化和信息在打击种族歧视方面的作用。 [~]
[ENG] With regard to racial profiling, the fulfilment of the obligation of States parties not to engage in acts of racial discrimination depends upon the conduct of public authorities and public institutions. [CHI] 关于种族定性,缔约国履行不从事种族歧视行为的义务取决于公共当局和公共机构的行为。 [~]
[ENG] It is therefore of paramount importance that national law enforcement officials in particular are properly informed of their obligations. [CHI] 因此,尤其是国家执法人员适当了解其义务至关重要。 [~]
[ENG] {§16} Since racial profiling is often the result of well-established and unchallenged practices of public authorities and public institutions, States parties must ensure that national law enforcement officials are sufficiently aware of how to avoid engaging in practices of racial profiling. [CHI] {§16} 由于种族定性往往是公共当局和公共机构既定、不受质疑做法的结果,缔约国必须确保国家执法人员充分了解如何避免种族定性的做法。 [~]
[ENG] Raising such awareness can help to prevent the implementation of racial profiling practices and to overcome them where they are entrenched. [CHI] 提高这种认识有助于防止实行种族定性的做法,并在这些做法根深蒂固的地方加以克服。 [~]
[ENG] Accordingly, States parties should ensure that the personnel of public authorities and institutions who engage in law enforcement are properly trained to ensure that they do not engage in practices of racial profiling. [CHI] 因此,缔约国应确保公共当局和机构从事执法工作的人员得到适当培训,以确保他们不实行种族定性做法。 [~]
[ENG] VI. Consequences of racial profiling [CHI] 六. 种族定性的后果 [~]
[ENG] 26. Racial profiling has negative and cumulative effects on the attitudes and well-being of individuals and communities, {§17} given that a person may be regularly subjected to racial profiling in his or her daily life. [CHI] 26. 种族定性对个人和社区的态度和福祉具有负面和累积的影响, {§17} 因为个人在日常生活中可能经常受到种族定性的影响。 [~]
[ENG] Victims of racial profiling often understate and interiorize its impact in the face of a lack of effective remedies and restorative tools. [CHI] 面对有效补救措施和恢复手段的缺乏,种族定性的受害者往往低估和内化其影响。 [~]
[ENG] In addition to being unlawful, racial profiling may also be ineffective and counterproductive as a general law enforcement tool. [CHI] 除了不合法之外,种族定性作为一种一般执法工具,也可能无效和适得其反。 [~]
[ENG] People who perceive that they have been subjected to discriminatory law enforcement actions tend to have less trust in law enforcement and, as a result, tend to be less willing to cooperate, thereby potentially limiting the effectiveness of law enforcement. [CHI] 认为自己遭受歧视性执法行动的人往往对执法不太信任,因此往往不太愿意合作,从而可能限制执法的效力。 [~]
[ENG] Racial profiling practices influence daily routines of law enforcement and undermine, whether through conscious or unconscious actions, the capacity to support victims of crimes belonging to the affected communities. [CHI] 种族定性做法影响执法的日常工作,并通过有意识或无意识的行动削弱支持受影响社区犯罪受害者的能力。 [~]
[ENG] A sense of injustice and humiliation, the loss of trust in law enforcement, secondary victimization, fear of reprisals and limited access to information about legal rights or assistance may result in reduced reporting of crimes and reduced information for intelligence purposes. [CHI] 下述情况可能导致报案减少和用于情报目的的信息减少:不公正感和羞辱感、对执法失去信任、二次受害、害怕报复以及获得有关法律权利或援助信息的机会有限。 [~]
[ENG] 27. Racial profiling and hate speech are closely interrelated, and the Committee has often addressed those two forms of discrimination simultaneously.CERD/C/SVN/CO/8-11, paras. 8–9; {§18} The dissemination of ideas based on racial or ethnic hatred, the persistent use of hate speech in the media and the use of racist political discourse by public officials exacerbate discrimination and stereotyping by law enforcement officers. [CHI] 27. 种族定性和仇恨言论密切相关,委员会经常同时处理这两种形式的歧视。 CERD/C/SVN/CO/8-11,第8至9段 {§18}传播基于种族或族裔仇恨的思想、媒体持续使用仇恨言论以及公职人员使用种族主义政治言论都加剧了执法人员的歧视和成见。 [~]
[ENG] Ethnic groups that are subjected to hate speech will also become targets of racial profiling. [CHI] 遭受仇恨言论的族裔群体也会成为种族定性的目标。 [~]
[ENG] Moreover, racial profiling by law enforcement portrays groups that face racial discrimination as more prone to commit crimes, which will influence the public discourse and increase the dissemination of racist hatred. [CHI] 此外,执法部门实行种族定性,将面临种族歧视的群体描绘成更容易犯罪的群体,这将影响公共言论,增加种族主义仇恨的传播。 [~]
[ENG] 28. Racial profiling may also have a negative impact on people’s enjoyment of civil and political rights, including the rights to life (article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), liberty and security of person (art. 9), privacy (art. 17) and liberty of movement (art. 12), freedom of association (art. 22) and to an effective remedy (art. 2 (3)). [CHI] 28. 种族定性还可能对人们享有公民权利和政治权利产生负面影响,包括生命权(《公民及政治权利国际公约》第六条)、人身自由和安全权(第九条)、隐私权(第十七条)和行动自由权(第十二条)、结社自由权(第二十二条)和获得有效补救的权利(第二条第三款)。 [~]
[ENG] 29. The full enjoyment of people’s economic, social and cultural rights, such as the right to adequate housing (article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), health (art. 12), education (arts. 13–14) and work (art. 6), could also be affected by racial profiling. {§19} [CHI] 29. 种族定性也可能影响人们充分享有经济、社会及文化权利,如适当住房权(《经济社会文化权利国际公约》第十一条)、健康权(第十二条)、教育权(第十三至十四条)和工作权(第六条)。 {§19} [~]
[ENG] 30. Racial profiling by law enforcement officials has far-reaching consequences at all levels of administration of the justice system, particularly in the criminal justice system. [CHI] 30. 执法人员实行种族定性对司法系统的各个层面产生了深远影响,特别是在刑事司法系统。 [~]
[ENG] Racial profiling can lead to, among other things: (a) the overcriminalization of certain categories of persons protected under the Convention; (b) the reinforcement of misleading stereotypical associations between crime and ethnicity and the cultivation of abusive operational practices; (c) disproportionate incarceration rates for groups protected under the Convention; (d) the higher vulnerability of persons belonging to groups protected under the Convention to abuse of force or authority by law enforcement officials; (e) the underreporting of acts of racial discrimination and hate crimes; and (f) the handing down by courts of harsher sentences against members of targeted communities. [CHI] 除其他外,种族定性可导致:(a) 对受《公约》保护的某些类别的人过度定罪;(b) 强化犯罪与族裔之间误导性带有成见的联想,并滋生不法业务行为;(c) 受《公约》保护的群体的监禁率过高;(d) 受《公约》保护的群体成员更容易受到执法人员滥用武力或权力的伤害;(e) 对种族歧视行为和仇恨犯罪的举报不足;(f) 法院对目标社区的成员作出更严厉的判决。 [~]
[ENG] VII. Algorithmic profiling and racial bias and discrimination [CHI] 七. 算法剖析与种族偏见和歧视 [~]
[ENG] 31. Owing to rapid advances in technological development, the actions of law enforcement officials are increasingly determined or informed by algorithmic profiling, {§20} which may include big data, automated decision-making and artificial intelligence tools and methods. [CHI] 31. 由于技术发展日新月异,执法人员的行动日益由算法剖析确定或提供信息, {§20}其中可能包括大数据、自动决策和人工智能工具和方法。 [~]
[ENG] {§21} While such advances have the potential to increase the accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency of the decisions and actions of law enforcement officials, there is a great risk that they may also reproduce and reinforce biases and aggravate or lead to discriminatory practices. [CHI] {§21} 虽然这些进步有可能提高执法人员决定和行动的准确性、有效性和效率,但风险很大,也可能复制和强化偏见,加剧或导致歧视性做法。 [~]
[ENG] {§22} Given the opacity of algorithmic analytics and decision-making, in particular when artificial intelligence methods are employed, discriminatory outcomes of algorithmic profiling can often be less obvious and more difficult to detect than those of human decisions and thus more difficult to contest. [CHI] {§22} 鉴于算法剖析和决策的不透明性,特别是在使用人工智能方法时,算法剖析的歧视性结果往往不如人所作决定的结果明显,更难发现,因此更难质疑。 [~]
[ENG] {§23} In addition, human rights defenders generally are not adequately equipped technologically to identify such discriminatory methods. [CHI] 此外,人权维护者通常不具备足够的技术能力识别这种歧视性方法。 {§23} [~]
[ENG] 32. There are various entry points through which bias could be ingrained into algorithmic profiling systems, including the way in which the systems are designed, decisions as to the origin and scope of the datasets on which the systems are trained, societal and cultural biases that developers may build into those datasets, the artificial intelligence models themselves and the way in which the outputs of the artificial intelligence model are implemented in practice. [CHI] 32. 可通过各种切入点将偏见植入算法剖析系统中,包括系统的设计方式、关于训练系统所用的数据集来源和范围的决定、开发人员可能在这些数据集中建立的社会和文化偏见、人工智能模型本身以及在实践中实现人工智能模型输出的方式。 [~]
[ENG] {§24} In particular, the following data-related factors may contribute to negative outcomes: (a) the data used include information concerning protected characteristics; (b) so-called proxy information is included in the data, for example, postal codes linked to segregated areas in cities often indirectly indicate race or ethnic origin; (c) the data used are biased against a group; {§25} and (d) the data used are of poor quality, including because they are poorly selected, incomplete, incorrect or outdated. {§26} [CHI] {§24}特别是以下与数据有关的因素可能会导致负面结果:(a) 所使用的数据包括有关受保护特征的信息;(b) 数据中包含所谓的代理信息,例如,与城市隔离区相关联的邮政编码往往间接表明种族或族裔血统;(c) 所用数据对某一群体不利; {§25} (d) 所用数据质量差,原因包括数据选择不当、不完整、不正确或过时。 {§26} [~]
[ENG] 33. Particular risks emerge when algorithmic profiling is used for determining the likelihood of criminal activity either in certain localities, or by certain groups or even individuals. [CHI] 33. 当算法剖析被用于确定犯罪活动的可能性时,就会出现特别的风险,无论是在某些地方,还是由某些群体甚至个人实施。 [~]
[ENG] Predictive policing that relies on historical data for predicting possible future events can easily produce discriminatory outcomes, in particular when the datasets used suffer from one or more of the flaws described above. [CHI] 预测性警务依靠历史数据预测未来可能发生的事件,很容易产生歧视性结果,特别是所用数据集存在上述一个或多个缺陷时。 [~]
[ENG] {§27} For example, historical arrest data about a neighbourhood may reflect racially biased policing practices. [CHI] {§27} 例如,一个街区的历史逮捕数据可能反映出带有种族偏见的警务工作。 [~]
[ENG] If fed into a predictive policing model, use of these data poses a risk of steering future predictions in the same, biased direction, leading to overpolicing of the same neighbourhood, which in turn may lead to more arrests in that neighbourhood, creating a dangerous feedback loop. [CHI] 如果将这些数据输入预测性警务模式,使用这些数据就有可能将未来的预测引向相同、带有偏见的方向,导致警察对同一街区过度执法,进而可能导致该街区更多人被逮捕,形成危险的反馈循环。 [~]
[ENG] 34. Similar mechanisms have been reported to be present in judicial systems. [CHI] 34. 据报,司法系统中也存在类似的机制。 [~]
[ENG] {§28} When applying a sanction, or deciding whether someone should be sent to prison, be released on bail or receive another punishment, States are increasingly resorting to the use of algorithmic profiling, in order to foresee the possibilities that an individual may commit one or several crimes in the future. [CHI] {§28} 在实施制裁或决定某人是否应被送进监狱、保释或接受另一种惩罚时,各国日益采用算法剖析,以预测一个人今后可能犯下一项或多项罪行的可能性。 [~]
[ENG] Authorities gather information regarding the criminal history of the individual, their family and their friends and their social conditions, including their work and academic history, in order to assess the degree of “danger” posed by the person from a score provided by the algorithm, which usually remains secret. [CHI] 当局收集关于个人犯罪史、其家庭和朋友及其社会状况(包括工作和学业经历)的信息,以便根据算法提供的分数(通常保密)评估该人构成的“危险”程度。 [~]
[ENG] This use of algorithmic profiling raises concerns similar to those described in paragraph 33 above. [CHI] 如此采用算法剖析引起了类似上文第33段所述的关切。 [~]
[ENG] 35. The increasing use of facial recognition and surveillance technologies to track and control specific demographic groups raises concerns with respect to many human rights, including the right to privacy, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, freedom of expression and freedom of movement. [CHI] 35. 日益使用面部识别和监控技术跟踪和控制特定人口群体引起了对许多人权的关切,包括隐私权、和平集会和结社自由、表达自由和行动自由。 [~]
[ENG] It is designed to automatically identify individuals based on their facial geometry, {§29} potentially profiling people based on grounds of discrimination such as race, colour, national or ethnic origin or gender. [CHI] 此举旨在根据面部几何形状自动识别个人, {§29} 有可能基于种族、肤色、民族或族裔血统或性别等歧视理由对人进行定性。 [~]
[ENG] {§30} Cameras equipped with real-time facial recognition technology are widely applied for the purpose of flagging and tracking of individuals, {§31} which may enable Governments and others to keep records of the movements of large numbers of individuals, possibly based on protected characteristics. [CHI] {§30} 配备实时面部识别技术的摄像头被广泛用于标记和跟踪个人, {§31} 这可能使政府和其他方面能够记录许多个人的行动,可能基于受保护的特征。 [~]
[ENG] {§32} Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the accuracy of facial recognition technology may differ depending on the colour, ethnicity or gender of the persons assessed, which may lead to discrimination. [CHI] {§32} 此外,事实证明,面部识别技术的准确性可能因被评估者的肤色、种族或性别而有所不同,这可能导致歧视。 [~]
[ENG] {§33} [CHI] {§33} [~]
[ENG] 36. In some instances, algorithms are being employed in DNA testing to determine the ethnicity or nationality of individuals. [CHI] 36. 在某些情况下,算法被用于DNA检测,以确定个人的族裔或民族。 [~]
[ENG] The results of such DNA testing can lead to profiling. [CHI] 这种DNA检测的结果可能导致定性分析。 [~]
[ENG] The Committee notes, in line with consensus among the scientific community, that there are no direct linkages between an individual’s DNA composition and their ethnicity or nationality. [CHI] 委员会注意到,根据科学界的共识,个人的DNA构成与其族裔或民族之间没有直接联系。 [~]
[ENG] Therefore, the Committee condemns the use of DNA profiling by States and law enforcement authorities, especially border security. [CHI] 因此,委员会谴责国家和执法当局,特别是边境安全局采用DNA定性分析。 [~]
[ENG] Additionally, results of DNA profiling have been used by law enforcement authorities to make false claims that certain ethnic minorities are more prone to violence and, in turn, those groups have been subjected to discriminatory police practices. {§34} [CHI] 此外,DNA定性分析的结果还被执法当局用于谎称某些少数族裔更有暴力倾向,反过来,这些群体也受到警方歧视性做法的影响。 [~]
[ENG] VIII. Recommendations [CHI] {§34} 八. 建议 [~]
[ENG] 37. A variety of strategies have been adopted by Governments, law enforcement agencies and civil society organizations to counter the problem of racial profiling. [CHI] 37. 各国政府、执法机构和民间社会组织采取各种战略应对种族定性问题。 [~]
[ENG] The Committee is of the view that those strategies provide the basis for its recommendations to States and other actors. [CHI] 委员会认为,这些战略为委员会向各国和其他行为体提出建议奠定了基础。 [~]
[ENG] A. Legislative and policy-related measures [CHI] A. 立法和政策相关措施 [~]
[ENG] 38. As a prerequisite, and without prejudice to further measures, comprehensive legislation against racial discrimination, including civil and administrative law as well as criminal law, is indispensable to combating racial profiling effectively. [CHI] 38. 作为一个先决条件,在不妨碍采取进一步措施的情况下,反种族歧视的全面立法,包括民法、行政法和刑法,对于有效打击种族定性行为不可或缺。 [~]
[ENG] States should develop and effectively implement laws and policies that define and prohibit racial profiling by law enforcement officials. [CHI] 各国应制订和有效执行界定和禁止执法人员种族定性行为的法律和政策。 [~]
[ENG] Such measures should be accompanied by clear guidance for law enforcement agencies, ensuring that internal policies, including standard operating procedures and codes of conduct, are in line with human rights standards and principles. [CHI] 在采取这些措施的同时,还应为执法机构提供明确的指导,确保内部政策,包括标准作业程序和行为守则符合人权标准和原则。 [~]
[ENG] States should also be aware of laws and regulations that potentially enable or facilitate racial profiling. [CHI] 各国还应了解有可能助长或便利种族定性的法律法规。 [~]
[ENG] They should conduct studies to identify such laws and amend or repeal them accordingly. [CHI] 各国应进行研究,以确定这些法律,并相应地予以修订或废除。 [~]
[ENG] 39. States should ensure that law enforcement agencies develop, in consultation with relevant groups, detailed guidelines for stop-and-search practices with precise standards, in order to prevent racial profiling. [CHI] 39. 各国应确保执法机构与有关团体协商,制订详细的截查准则和精确标准,以防止种族定性。 [~]
[ENG] They should establish effective, independent monitoring mechanisms, both internal and external, and envisage disciplinary measures for application in cases of misconduct. [CHI] 它们应建立有效、独立的内部和外部监测机制,并设想在不当行为案件中适用的纪律措施。 [~]
[ENG] They should also carry out periodic audits, with the help of independent experts, to identify gaps in internal policies and practices. [CHI] 它们还应该在独立专家的帮助下进行定期审计,以查明内部政策和做法的差距。 [~]
[ENG] Transparency around the outcomes of such procedures is strongly recommended, as it may strengthen law enforcement accountability and trust among targeted individuals and communities. [CHI] 强烈建议此类程序的结果保持透明,因为这可能会加强执法问责及目标个人和社区之间的信任。 [~]
[ENG] 40. In accordance with article 6 of the Convention, States must assure to everyone within their jurisdiction effective protection and remedies against any acts of racial discrimination which violate his or her human rights and fundamental freedoms contrary to the Convention, as well as the right to seek just and adequate reparation or satisfaction for any damage suffered as a result of such discrimination. [CHI] 40. 根据《公约》第六条,缔约国必须保证在其管辖范围内,人人均能对违反本《公约》侵害其人权及基本自由的任何种族歧视行为获得有效保护与救济,并有权就因此种歧视而遭受的任何损失请求公允充分的赔偿或补偿。 [~]
[ENG] 41. States are encouraged to adopt victim-centred approaches and to coordinate their support services effectively by promoting models of cooperation among the authorities, communities, civil society organizations, including those representing groups experiencing intersecting forms of discrimination, and national human rights institutions. [CHI] 41. 鼓励各国采取以受害者为中心的办法,并有效协调其支助服务,为此推广当局、社区、民间社会组织(包括代表遭受交叉形式歧视的群体的组织)和国家人权机构之间的合作模式。 [~]
[ENG] The Committee stresses the interconnection between articles 5 (a) and 6 of the Convention and notes that judicial authorities and other organs administering justice should be effectively consulted and involved in such processes to prevent the perpetuation of a racial profiling effect in criminal proceedings. [CHI] 委员会强调《公约》第五条(子)项和第六条之间的相互联系,并指出,应与司法当局和其他司法机关进行有效协商,并让其参与这些进程,以防止在刑事诉讼中延续种族定性的影响。 [~]
[ENG] B. Human rights education and training [CHI] B. 人权教育和培训 [~]
[ENG] 42. States should develop specialized, mandatory training programmes for law enforcement agencies that raise awareness among law enforcement officials about the impact of biases on their work and that demonstrate how to ensure non-discriminatory conduct. [CHI] 42. 各国应为执法机构制订专门的强制性培训方案,使执法人员更加认识到偏见对其工作的影响,并展示如何确保不歧视行为。 [~]
[ENG] Stigmatized groups, including those whose members experience intersecting forms of discrimination, should be engaged in the development and delivery of such training, where possible. [CHI] 应尽可能让被污名化的群体,包括其成员遭受交叉形式歧视的群体参与拟定和提供此类培训。 [~]
[ENG] Law enforcement agencies should ensure that in-service training to counter discrimination and bias-based policing is complemented by institutional interventions aimed at limiting discretion and increased oversight in areas vulnerable to stereotyping and biases. [CHI] 执法机构应确保进行在职培训以打击歧视和基于偏见的警务行动,同时辅之以机构干预措施,旨在限制自由裁量权和加强对易受定型观念和偏见影响领域的监督。 [~]
[ENG] In addition, given concerns about the limitations of training on changing attitudes and behaviour, non-discrimination and bias training should be regularly evaluated and updated to ensure that it has the desired impact. [CHI] 此外,鉴于培训在改变态度和行为方面的局限性令人关切,应定期评估和更新关于不歧视和偏见的培训,以确保其产生预期效果。 [~]
[ENG] 43. Both artificial intelligence experts and officials who interpret data must have a clear understanding of fundamental rights in order to avoid the entry of data that may contain or result in racial bias. [CHI] 43. 人工智能专家和数据解读员都必须清楚地了解基本权利,以避免输入可能包含或导致种族偏见的数据。 [~]
[ENG] States should provide training on racism and racial discrimination for experts and officials who interpret data, judicial officers and law enforcement officers, among others. [CHI] 各国应为解读数据的专家和人员、司法干事和执法人员等提供关于种族主义和种族歧视的培训。 [~]
[ENG] States should develop procurement policies based on mandatory terms prohibiting racial discrimination. [CHI] 各国应根据禁止种族歧视的强制性条款制订采购政策。 [~]
[ENG] 44. States, in cooperation with national human rights institutions and specialized entities, should promote the training of civil society organizations on algorithmic bias and emerging technologies. [CHI] 44. 各国应与国家人权机构和专门实体合作,促进对民间社会组织进行关于算法偏差和新兴技术的培训。 [~]
[ENG] 45. Human rights education and training are vital to ensuring that police officers do not discriminate. [CHI] 45. 人权教育和培训对确保警官不歧视至关重要。 [~]
[ENG] National human rights institutions, in cooperation with civil society organizations, can play a central role in training law enforcement officials, in auditing new technological tools that could lead to discrimination and in identifying other risks in practice. {§35} [CHI] 国家人权机构与民间社会组织合作,可以在培训执法人员、审查可能导致歧视的新技术工具和查明实践中的其他风险方面发挥核心作用。 [~]
[ENG] C. Recruitment measures [CHI] {§35} C. 征聘措施 [~]
[ENG] 46. States should ensure that law enforcement agencies develop recruitment, retention and advancement strategies that promote a diverse workforce that reflects the composition of the populations they serve. [CHI] 46. 各国应确保执法机构制订招聘、留用和晋升战略,促进反映出所服务人口构成的劳动力多元化。 [~]
[ENG] Such strategies could include setting internal quotas and developing a recruitment programme for ethnic minorities. [CHI] 这些战略可包括设定内部配额和制订少数族裔招聘方案。 [~]
[ENG] This has the potential to influence the culture of agencies and the attitudes of staff with a view to producing less biased decision-making. [CHI] 这有可能影响机构文化和工作人员态度,从而减少带有偏见的决策。 [~]
[ENG] 47. States should ensure that law enforcement agencies regularly evaluate recruitment and promotion policies and, if necessary, undertake temporary special measures to effectively address the underrepresentation of various national or ethnic minority groups and of groups experiencing intersecting forms of discrimination based on, inter alia, religion, sex and gender, sexual orientation, disability and age. [CHI] 47. 各国应确保执法机构定期评估招聘和晋升政策,并在必要时采取暂行特别措施,有效解决各民族或族裔少数群体以及遭受基于宗教、性和性别、性取向、残疾和年龄等交叉形式歧视的群体代表性不足的问题。 [~]
[ENG] D. Community policing [CHI] D. 社区警务 [~]
[ENG] 48. States should ensure that law enforcement agencies develop strategies for effective engagement with individuals and groups facing racial discrimination that take into account the unique context, dynamics and needs of different communities. [CHI] 48. 各国应确保执法机构制定有效接触面临种族歧视的个人和群体的战略,同时考虑到不同社区的独特背景、动态和需求。 [~]
[ENG] This should help to improve communication and reduce levels of distrust and of racial profiling. [CHI] 这应有助于改善沟通,降低不信任和种族定性的程度。 [~]
[ENG] Police-community dialogue should be expanded beyond community leaders, as many groups, including women, are underrepresented at the community leadership level and may need dedicated and sensitive outreach efforts. [CHI] 警察与社区的对话应扩大到社区领导人以外,因为包括妇女在内的许多群体在社区领导层任职人数偏低,可能需要作出专门和有敏感认识的外联努力。 [~]
[ENG] Young people who are most commonly targeted by police would be a key example. [CHI] 最常成为警察目标的年轻人就是一个重要的例子。 [~]
[ENG] 49. States should adopt measures to ensure that public information from the police and other law enforcement agencies is based on reliable and objective statistics and does not perpetuate stereotypes and bias against ethnic groups that are subjected to discrimination. [CHI] 49. 各国应采取措施,确保警方和其他执法机构提供的公共信息以可靠和客观的统计数据为基础,不延续对遭受歧视的族裔群体的定型观念和偏见。 [~]
[ENG] In addition, States should refrain from releasing personal data about alleged perpetrators that are linked to presumed race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, unless such disclosure is strictly necessary and serves a legitimate purpose, such as in the case of a wanted notice. [CHI] 此外,各国应避免披露与推定的种族、肤色、出身或民族或族裔血统有关的被控犯罪人的个人资料,除非这种披露绝对必要,而且是为合法目的,例如在通缉令的情况下。 [~]
[ENG] E. Disaggregated data [CHI] E. 分类数据 [~]
[ENG] 50. States should regularly collect and monitor disaggregated quantitative and qualitative data on relevant law enforcement practices, such as identity checks, traffic stops and border searches, which include information on the prohibited grounds for racial discrimination, including its intersecting forms, as well as the reason for the law enforcement action and the outcome of the encounter. [CHI] 50. 各国应定期收集和监测有关执法做法的分类定量和定性数据,如身份检查、交通拦截和边境搜查,其中包括关于被禁止的种族歧视理由的信息,包括种族歧视的交叉形式,以及执法行动的原因和遭遇的结果。 [~]
[ENG] The anonymized statistics generated by such practices should be made available to the public and discussed with local communities. [CHI] 应向公众提供这种做法产生的匿名统计资料,并与当地社区讨论。 [~]
[ENG] The data should be collected in accordance with human rights standards and principles, data protection regulations and privacy guarantees. [CHI] 数据的收集应符合人权标准和原则、数据保护条例和隐私保障。 [~]
[ENG] This information must not be misused. [CHI] 此类信息不得被滥用。 [~]
[ENG] 51. States should also guard against forms of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements. {§36} [CHI] 51. 各国还应防止对个人数据进行各种形式的自动处理,包括使用个人数据评价与自然人有关的某些个人方面,特别是分析或预测与该人工作表现、经济状况、健康、个人偏好、兴趣、可靠性、行为、位置或行动有关的方面。 [~]
[ENG] F. Accountability [CHI] {§36} F. 问责 [~]
[ENG] 52. States should create a reporting mechanism, independent of law enforcement and other related agencies, for receiving complaints of racial discrimination, racism and racial and ethnic profiling from citizens. [CHI] 52. 各国应建立一个独立于执法和其他相关机构的报告机制,接受公民对种族歧视、种族主义及种族和族裔定性的投诉。 [~]
[ENG] {§37} Such a mechanism must have the power to promptly and effectively investigate allegations and work in concert with civil society and human rights monitoring bodies. [CHI] {§37} 这种机制必须有权迅速有效地调查指控,并与民间社会和人权监督机构合作。 [~]
[ENG] It must also report publicly on its findings in accordance with data protection regulations and human rights standards. [CHI] 该机制还必须根据数据保护条例和人权标准公开报告调查结果。 [~]
[ENG] Such mechanisms should take into account the special needs of persons with disabilities in cases of intersectional discrimination. [CHI] 这种机制应考虑到残疾人在交叉歧视情况下的特殊需要。 [~]
[ENG] 53. States should establish oversight mechanisms, both within and external to law enforcement bodies, in order to prevent discriminatory behaviour; such mechanisms should develop internal guidelines, policies and regulations to combat and prevent racial profiling and ensure internal accountability by taking disciplinary action against officials who violate them. [CHI] 53. 各国应在执法机构内外建立监督机制,以防止歧视行为;这种机制应制订内部准则、政策和条例,以打击和防止种族定性,并通过对违规人员采取纪律行动,确保内部问责。 [~]
[ENG] 54. Incidents of racial profiling by law enforcement agencies should be investigated effectively, in accordance with international human rights standards. [CHI] 54. 应根据国际人权标准,对执法机构的种族定性事件进行有效调查。 [~]
[ENG] Those responsible should be prosecuted and, if convicted, they should be sanctioned with appropriate penalties and compensation should be granted to victims. [CHI] 应起诉责任人,如果被定罪,应给予适当惩罚,并向受害者提供赔偿。 [~]
[ENG] 55. States should ensure that senior officials within law enforcement agencies promote non-discriminatory policies and practices within their agencies, rigorously monitor the conduct of staff and hold staff accountable for misconduct through the internal, independent oversight mechanism. [CHI] 55. 各国应确保执法机构内的高级官员在其机构内促进不歧视政策和做法,严格监督工作人员的行为,并通过内部独立监督机制对工作人员的不当行为追责。 [~]
[ENG] {§38} These actions can be supported through the availability of data on and analysis of the decision-making and practices of staff. [CHI] {§38}可通过提供和分析关于工作人员决策和做法的数据支持这些行动。 [~]
[ENG] Senior officials should also review the impact of the application of legislation and operations, including those for countering terrorism, which may have a disproportionate impact on marginalized groups and communities. [CHI] 高级官员还应审查适用立法和行动的效果,包括反恐立法和行动的效果,因为这些立法和行动可能对边缘化群体和社区产生过大的影响。 [~]
[ENG] 56. National human rights institutions and civil society organizations are encouraged to monitor incidents of racial profiling and assist victims of such profiling. [CHI] 56. 鼓励国家人权机构和民间社会组织监测种族定性事件,并协助种族定性的受害者。 [~]
[ENG] They should increase public awareness, publicize findings, lobby for reforms and engage constructively with law enforcement agencies and other national and local institutions. [CHI] 它们应提高公众认识,公布调查结果,为改革游说,并与执法机构及其他国家和地方机构进行建设性接触。 [~]
[ENG] 57. International and regional human rights mechanisms, national human rights institutions and equality bodies, civil society groups and members of the public should have the possibility to make complaints regarding discriminatory practices of law enforcement agencies. [CHI] 57. 国际和区域人权机制、国家人权机构和平等机构、民间社会团体和公众应当有可能对执法机构的歧视性做法提出投诉。 [~]
[ENG] Members of the public should be able to file complaints through independent mechanisms. [CHI] 公众应能通过独立机制提起投诉。 [~]
[ENG] G. Artificial intelligence [CHI] G. 人工智能 [~]
[ENG] 58. States should ensure that algorithmic profiling systems used for the purposes of law enforcement are in full compliance with international human rights law. [CHI] 58. 各国应确保为执法目的使用的算法剖析系统完全符合国际人权法。 [~]
[ENG] To that effect, before procuring or deploying such systems States should adopt appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures to determine the purpose of their use and to regulate as accurately as possible the parameters and guarantees that prevent breaches of human rights. [CHI] 为此,在采购或部署此类系统之前,各国应采取适当的立法、行政和其他措施,以确定其使用目的,并尽可能准确地规范防止侵犯人权的参数和保障。 [~]
[ENG] Such measures should, in particular, be aimed at ensuring that the deployment of algorithmic profiling systems does not undermine the right not to be discriminated against, the right to equality before the law, the right to liberty and security of person, the right to the presumption of innocence, the right to life, the right to privacy, freedom of movement, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, protections against arbitrary arrest and other interventions, and the right to an effective remedy. [CHI] 这些措施尤其应旨在确保算法剖析系统的部署不损害不受歧视的权利、法律面前人人平等的权利、人身自由和安全权、无罪推定权、生命权、隐私权、行动自由权、和平集会和结社自由权、免受任意逮捕和其他干预的权利以及有效补救权。 [~]
[ENG] 59. States should carefully assess the potential human rights impact prior to employing facial recognition technology, which can lead to misidentification owing to a lack of representation in data collection. [CHI] 59. 各国应在采用面部识别技术之前认真评估潜在的人权影响,因为数据收集缺乏代表性,可能导致错误识别。 [~]
[ENG] Before national deployment, States should consider a pilot period under the supervision of an independent oversight body that is inclusive of individuals who reflect the diverse composition of the population, to mitigate against any potential instances of misidentification and profiling based on skin colour. [CHI] 在国家部署之前,各国应考虑在一个独立监督机构的监督下试行一段时间,该机构包括反映不同人口构成的个人,以减少任何潜在的错误识别和基于肤色的定性事件。 [~]
[ENG] 60. States should ensure that algorithmic profiling systems deployed for law enforcement purposes are designed for transparency, and should allow researchers and civil society to access the code and subject it to scrutiny. [CHI] 60. 各国应确保为执法目的部署的算法剖析系统的设计具有透明度,并应允许研究人员和民间社会获取代码并对其进行审查。 [~]
[ENG] There should be continual assessment and monitoring of the human rights impact of those systems throughout their life cycle, and States should take appropriate mitigation measures if risks or harms to human rights are identified. [CHI] 应持续评估和监测这些系统在其整个生命周期中对人权的影响,如果发现危害或损害人权的情况,各国应采取适当的缓解措施。 [~]
[ENG] Those processes should examine potential and actual discriminatory effects of algorithmic profiling based on grounds of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin and their intersection with other grounds, including religion, sex and gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, disability, age, migration status and work or other status. [CHI] 这些流程应审查基于下述理由的算法特征分析的潜在和实际歧视性影响:种族、肤色、出身或民族或族裔血统,以及与之交叉的其他理由,包括宗教、性和性别、性取向和性别认同、残疾、年龄、移民身份和工作或其他身份。 [~]
[ENG] They should be conducted prior to the development or acquisition of such systems, wherever possible, and at the very least prior to and during the full period of the use of the systems. [CHI] 应尽可能在开发或获取这些系统之前进行这些流程,至少在这些系统的整个使用期之前和期间进行。 [~]
[ENG] Such processes should include community impact assessments. [CHI] 这些流程应包括社区影响评估。 [~]
[ENG] Groups that are potentially or actually affected and relevant experts should be included in the assessment and mitigation processes. [CHI] 应将可能或实际受影响的群体和相关专家纳入评估和缓解流程。 [~]
[ENG] 61. States should take all appropriate measures to ensure transparency in the use of algorithmic profiling systems. [CHI] 61. 各国应采取一切适当措施,确保算法剖析系统使用的透明度。 [~]
[ENG] This includes public disclosure of the use of such systems and meaningful explanations of the ways in which the systems work, the data sets that are being used, and the measures in place to prevent or mitigate human rights harms. [CHI] 这包括公开披露这些系统的使用情况,并对系统的工作方式、正在使用的数据集以及为防止或减轻对人权的损害而采取的措施作出有意义的解释。 [~]
[ENG] 62. States should adopt measures to ensure that independent oversight bodies have a mandate to monitor the use of artificial intelligence tools by the public sector, and to assess them against criteria developed in conformity with the Convention to ensure they are not entrenching inequalities or producing discriminatory results. [CHI] 62. 各国应采取措施,确保授权独立的监督机构监测公共部门使用人工智能工具的情况,并根据《公约》制定的标准对其进行评估,以确保它们不会加深不平等或产生歧视性结果。 [~]
[ENG] States should also ensure that the functioning of such systems is regularly monitored and evaluated in order to assess deficiencies and to take the necessary corrective measures. [CHI] 各国还应确保定期监测和评价这些系统的运行情况,以评估不足之处并采取必要的纠正措施。 [~]
[ENG] When the results of an assessment of a technology indicate a high risk of discrimination or other human rights violations, States should take measures to avoid the use of such a technology. [CHI] 当对某项技术的评估结果表明存在歧视或其他侵犯人权行为的高风险时,各国应采取措施避免使用这种技术。 [~]
[ENG] 63. States should adopt measures to ensure that private sector design, deployment and implementation of artificial intelligence systems in the area of law enforcement comply with human rights standards. [CHI] 63. 各国应采取措施,确保私营部门依照人权标准在执法领域设计、部署和实施人工智能系统。 [~]
[ENG] States should also ensure the adoption and periodic revision of guidelines and codes of conduct that companies must observe in the programming, use and commercialization of algorithms that may lead to racial discrimination or, in general, any other form of discrimination likely to be in violation of the Convention. [CHI] 各国还应确保通过并定期修订公司在算法的编程、使用和商业化过程中必须遵守的准则和行为守则,因为这些算法可能导致种族歧视或一般而言可能违反《公约》的任何其他形式的歧视。 [~]
[ENG] 64. States should adopt regulations ensuring that public sector bodies, private business enterprises and other relevant organizations, in the process of developing, learning, marketing and using algorithms: (a) comply with the principle of equality and non-discrimination, and respect human rights in general, in line with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (in particular guiding principles 1–3, 11 and 24); (b) respect the precautionary principle and any administrative or legislative measure enacted to ensure transparency; (c) disclose publicly whether law enforcement has access to private data on individuals; and (d) avoid causing disparate or disproportionate impact on the social groups protected by the Convention. [CHI] 64. 各国应通过法规,确保公共部门机构、私营工商企业和其他相关组织在算法的开发、学习、营销和使用过程中:(a) 遵守平等和不歧视原则,并按照《工商企业与人权指导原则》(特别是指导原则1至3、11和24),普遍尊重人权;(b) 遵守预防原则和为确保透明度而颁布的任何行政或立法措施;(c) 公开披露执法部门是否可以获取个人的私人数据;(d) 避免对受《公约》保护的社会群体造成不同或过大的影响。 [~]
[ENG] 65. States should ensure that all instances of algorithmic bias are duly investigated and that sanctions are imposed. [CHI] 65. 各国应确保对算法偏差的所有情况进行适当调查并实施制裁。 [~]
[ENG] 66. States should ensure that companies that are developing, selling or operating algorithmic profiling systems for law enforcement purposes have a responsibility to involve individuals from multiple disciplines, such as sociology, political science, computer science and law, to define the risks to, and ensure respect for, human rights. [CHI] 66. 各国应确保为执法目的开发、销售或运行算法剖析系统的公司有责任让多学科的人员,如社会学、政治学、计算机科学和法律等,参与界定人权面临的风险并确保尊重人权。 [~]
[ENG] To that end, States should encourage companies to carry out human rights due diligence processes, which entail: (a) conducting assessments to identify and assess any actual or potentially adverse human rights impacts; (b) integrating those assessments and taking appropriate action to prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts that have been identified; (c) tracking the effectiveness of their efforts; and (d) reporting formally on how they have addressed their human rights impacts. {§39} [CHI] 为此,各国应鼓励公司开展人权尽职调查,这需要:(a) 进行评估,以确定和评估任何实际或潜在的负面人权影响;(b) 整合这些评估,并采取适当行动,以防止和减轻已查明的负面人权影响;(c) 跟踪其努力的有效性;(d) 正式报告它们如何处理其人权影响。 [~]
[ENG] 67. In the process of identifying, assessing, preventing and mitigating adverse human rights impacts, companies should pay particular attention to the data-related factors outlined in paragraph 27 above. [CHI] {§39} 67. 在查明、评估、预防和减轻负面人权影响的过程中,公司应特别注意上文第27段概述的与数据有关的因素。 [~]
[ENG] Training data should be selected, and models designed, so as to prevent discriminatory outcomes and other adverse impacts on human rights. [CHI] 应选择培训数据并设计模型,以防止歧视性结果和其他对人权的负面影响。 [~]
[ENG] Moreover, companies should pursue diversity, equity and other means of inclusion in the teams developing algorithmic profiling systems. [CHI] 此外,公司应在开发算法剖析系统的团队中推行多样性、公平和其他包容手段。 [~]
[ENG] Companies should also be open to independent third-party audits of their algorithmic profiling systems. [CHI] 公司还应对独立的第三方审计其算法剖析系统开放。 [~]
[ENG] {§40} Where the risk of discrimination or other human rights violations has been assessed to be too high or impossible to mitigate, including because of the nature of a planned or foreseeable use by a State, private sector actors should not sell or deploy an algorithmic profiling system. [CHI] 如果歧视或其他侵犯人权行为的风险被评估为过高或不可能减轻,包括由于国家计划或可预见使用的性质,则私营部门行为体不应出售或部署算法剖析系统。 [~]
[ENG] 68. States should document cases of racial discrimination associated with artificial intelligence, as well as prevention measures, sanctions and remedies, and include such information in their reports to the Committee. [CHI] {§40} 68. 各国应记录与人工智能有关的种族歧视案件,以及预防措施、制裁和补救措施,并将此类信息纳入提交委员会的报告。 [~]
[ENG] 69. Human rights bodies, States, national human rights institutions and civil society organizations should carry out, and disseminate the results of, studies, identify good practices on effective measures addressing racial biases derived from artificial intelligence, including those related to human rights compliance and ethical aspects of machine learning, and identify relevant criteria in terms of interpretation or transparency in the processes of the programming and training of algorithms, and should do so through the lens of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. [CHI] 69. 人权机构、各国、国家人权机构和民间社会组织应开展研究并传播研究结果,确定在解决人工智能产生的种族偏见的有效措施方面的良好做法,包括与遵守人权和机器学习的道德方面有关的措施,并确定算法编程和训练过程中的解读或透明度方面的相关标准,并应通过《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的视角这样做。 [~]
[ENG] * Adopted by the Committee at its 102nd session (16–24 November 2020). [CHI] * 委员会第一〇二届会议通过(2020年11月16日至24日)。 [~]
[ENG] 1 The contributions for the draft general recommendation are available at: www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CERD/Pages/GC36.aspx. [CHI] 1 为一般性建议草案提供的资料可在以下网站查阅:www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CERD/Pages/ [~]
[ENG] 2 CERD/C/RUS/CO/23-24, paras. 15–16; CERD/C/CAN/CO/21-23, paras. 15–16; CERD/C/ITA/CO/19-20, paras. 27–28; ; paras. 13–15; ; and CERD/C/USA/CO/7-9, paras. 8 and 18. [CHI] GC36.aspx。 2 CERD/C/RUS/CO/23-24,第15至16段;CERD/C/CAN/CO/21-23,第15至16段;CERD/C/ITA/CO/19-20,第27至28段;段;第13至15段;段;CERD/C/USA/CO/7-9,第8和18段。 [~]
[ENG] 3 CCPR/C/96/D/1493/2006. [CHI] 3 CCPR/C/96/D/1493/2006。 [~]
[ENG] 4 CCPR/C/NZL/CO/6, paras. 23–24; CCPR/C/AUT/CO/5, paras. 19–20; , para. 15; , para. 8; , para. 9; and [CHI] 4 CCPR/C/NZL/CO/6,第23至24段;CCPR/C/AUT/CO/5,第19至20段;,第15段;,第8段;,第9段; [~]
[ENG] 5 CAT/C/USA/CO/3-5, para. 26; CAT/C/CPV/CO/1, para. 20; CAT/C/ARG/CO/5-6, para. 35; and CAT/C/NLD/CO/7, paras. 44–45. [CHI] 5 CAT/C/USA/CO/3-5,第26段;CAT/C/CPV/CO/1,第20段;CAT/C/ARG/CO/5-6,第35段;CAT/C/NLD/CO/7,第44至45段。 [~]
[ENG] 6 , paras. 34 and 83. [CHI] 6 ,第34和83段。 [~]
[ENG] 7 CERD/C/MUS/CO/20-23 and Corr.1, paras. 20–21; CERD/C/BLR/CO/20-23, paras. 23–24; CERD/C/ESP/CO/21-23, para. 27; and CERD/C/DEU/CO/19-22, para. 11. [CHI] 7 CERD/C/MUS/CO/20-23和Corr.1,第20至21段;CERD/C/BLR/CO/20-23,第23至24段;CERD/C/ESP/CO/21-23,第27段;CERD/C/DEU/CO/19-22,第11段。 [~]
[ENG] 8 CERD/C/MUS/CO/20-23 and Corr.1, para. 20; and CERD/C/RUS/CO/23-24, paras. 15 (b) and 16 (c); CERD/C/CAN/CO/21-23, paras. 15 and 16 (a)–(d); and CERD/C/ITA/CO/19-20, paras. 27–28. [CHI] 8 CERD/C/MUS/CO/20-23和Corr.1,第20段;CERD/C/RUS/CO/23-24,第15 (b)和16 (c)段;CERD/C/CAN/CO/21-23,第15和16 (a)至(d)段;CERD/C/ITA/CO/19-20,第27至28段。 [~]
[ENG] 9 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, “The situation of ” (2011), para. 143. [CHI] 9 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, “The situation of ” (2011), para. 143. [~]
[ENG] 10 See the contribution of the Arab Human Rights Committee. [CHI] 10 见阿拉伯人权委员会提供的资料。 [~]
[ENG] 11 A/HRC/29/46, para. 2. [CHI] 11 A/HRC/29/46,第2段。 [~]
[ENG] 12 United Nations, Preventing and Countering Racial Profiling of People of African Descent: Good Practices and Challenges (2019), p. v. [CHI] 12 联合国,《防止和打击对非洲人后裔的种族定性:良好做法和挑战》(2019年),第五页。 [~]
[ENG] 13 See A/73/354. [CHI] 13 见A/73/354。 [~]
[ENG] 14 See, for example, Simone Cusack, “”, research report commissioned by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2013). [CHI] 14 例如见Simone Cusack, “”, research report commissioned by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2013)。 [~]
[ENG] 15 See, for example, CERD/C/IRL/CO/3-4, para. 18. [CHI] 15 例如见CERD/C/IRL/CO/3-4,第18段。 [~]
[ENG] 16 See general recommendation No. 13 (1993). [CHI] 16 见第13号一般性建议(1993年)。 [~]
[ENG] 17 See, for example, A/HRC/24/52/Add.2, para. 57. [CHI] 17 例如见A/HRC/24/52/Add.2,第57段。 [~]
[ENG] 18 CERD/C/RUS/CO/23-24, paras. 15–16; and CERD/C/AUS/CO/18-20, para. 14. [CHI] 18 CERD/C/RUS/CO/23-24,第15至16段;;CERD/C/AUS/CO/18-20,第14段。 [~]
[ENG] 19 See also article 5 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. [CHI] 19 另见《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第五条。 [~]
[ENG] 20 Algorithmic profiling includes any step-by-step computerized technique used for analysing data to identify trends, patterns or correlations. [CHI] 20 算法剖析包括任何用于分析数据以确定趋势、模式或相关性的逐步计算机化技术。 [~]
[ENG] European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Preventing Unlawful Profiling Today and in the Future: A Guide (2018), p. 97. [CHI] European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Preventing Unlawful Profiling Today and in the Future: A Guide (2018), p. 97。 [~]
[ENG] 21 Although widely used, the term “artificial intelligence” is not clearly defined. [CHI] 21 虽然“人工智能”一词被广泛使用,但并没有明确的定义。 [~]
[ENG] The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression has noted that artificial intelligence is often used as shorthand for the increasing independence, speed and scale connected to automated, computational decision-making. [CHI] 促进和保护意见和表达自由权特别报告员指出,人工智能常常被用作与自动化计算决策相关的日益增强的独立性、速度和规模的简称。 [~]
[ENG] It is not one thing only, but rather refers to a “constellation” of processes and technologies enabling computers to complement or replace specific tasks otherwise performed by humans, such as making decisions and solving problems (A/73/348, para. 2). [CHI] 人工智能并不仅仅是一件事,而是指一系列的程序和技术,使计算机能够补充或取代原本由人类执行的特定任务,如决策和解决问题(A/73/348,第2段)。 [~]
[ENG] 22 See A/HRC/44/57. [CHI] 22 见A/HRC/44/57。 [~]
[ENG] 23 AI Now, “The AI Now report: the social and economic implications of artificial intelligence technologies in the near-term”, summary of the AI Now public symposium hosted by the White House and the Information Law Institute of New York University on 7 July 2016, p. 7. [CHI] 23 AI Now, “The AI Now report: the social and economic implications of artificial intelligence technologies in the near-term”, summary of the AI Now public symposium hosted by the White House and the Information Law Institute of New York University on 7 July 2016, p. 7. [~]
[ENG] 24 A/73/348, para. 38. [CHI] 24 A/73/348,第38段。 [~]
[ENG] 25 For example, when past discriminatory practices, such as arrests disproportionately affecting members of one group, are reflected in the data used for profiling, it will affect the outcomes of algorithmic profiling. [CHI] 25 例如,当过去的歧视性做法,如对某一群体成员造成严重影响的逮捕,反映在用于特征分析的数据中时,就会影响算法剖析的结果。 [~]
[ENG] 26 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, “#BigData: discrimination in data-supported decision making”, FRA Focus paper (2018), pp. 4–5. [CHI] 26 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, “#BigData: discrimination in data-supported decision making”, FRA Focus paper (2018), pp. 4–5. [~]
[ENG] 27 See Rashida Richardson, Jason M. Schultz and Kate Crawford, “Dirty data, bad predictions: how civil rights violations impact police data, predictive policing systems, and justice”, New York University Law Review, vol. 94 (May 2019). [CHI] 27 见Rashida Richardson, Jason M. Schultz and Kate Crawford, “Dirty data, bad predictions: how civil rights violations impact police data, predictive policing systems, and justice”, New York University Law Review, vol. 94 (May 2019)。 [~]
[ENG] 28 See, for example, Julia Angwin and others, “Machine bias”, ProPublica, 23 May 2016. [CHI] 28 例如见Julia Angwin and others, “Machine bias”, ProPublica, 23 May 2016。 [~]
[ENG] 29 A/HRC/44/57, para. 14. [CHI] 29 A/HRC/44/57,第14段。 [~]
[ENG] 30 A/HRC/41/35, para. 12. [CHI] 30 A/HRC/41/35,第12段。 [~]
[ENG] 31 A/HRC/39/29, para. 14. [CHI] 31 A/HRC/39/29,第14段。 [~]
[ENG] 32 A/HRC/41/35, para. 12. [CHI] 32 A/HRC/41/35,第12段。 [~]
[ENG] 33 See Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru, “Gender shades: intersectional accuracy disparities in commercial gender classification”, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 81 (2018) on the proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency; and Inioluwa Deborah Raji and Joy Buolamwini, “Actionable auditing: investigating the impact of publicly naming biased performance results of commercial AI products” (2019), Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society. [CHI] 33 见Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru, “Gender shades: intersectional accuracy disparities in commercial gender classification”, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 81 (2018) on the proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency; and Inioluwa Deborah Raji and Joy Buolamwini, “Actionable auditing: investigating the impact of publicly naming biased performance results of commercial AI products” (2019), Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society。 [~]
[ENG] 34 Ruha Benjamin, Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code (Polity, 2019). [CHI] 34 Ruha Benjamin, Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code (Polity, 2019). [~]
[ENG] 35 Contribution from Nicaragua. [CHI] 35 尼加拉瓜提供的资料。 [~]
[ENG] 36 Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA, art. 3 (4). [CHI] 36 Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA, art. 3 (4). [~]
[ENG] 37 European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, general policy recommendation No. 11, para. 10 and explanations. [CHI] 37 European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, general policy recommendation No. 11, para. 10 and explanations. [~]
[ENG] 38 See paragraph 53 above. [CHI] 38 见上文第53段。 [~]
[ENG] 39 A/HRC/39/29, para. 45; and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, guiding principles 17–21. [CHI] 39 A/HRC/39/29,第45段;《工商企业与人权指导原则》,指导原则17至21。 [~]
[ENG] See also Amnesty International and Access Now, Toronto Declaration: Protecting the Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination in Machine Learning Systems. [CHI] 另见Amnesty International and Access Now, Toronto Declaration: Protecting the Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination in Machine Learning Systems。 [~]
[ENG] 40 See the Toronto Declaration: Protecting the Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination in Machine Learning Systems. [CHI] 40 见the Toronto Declaration: Protecting the Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination in Machine Learning Systems。 [~]