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Template-UPR-Summary of Stakeholders’ submissions UPR利益攸关方材料概述E.docx (English)Template-UPR-Summary of Stakeholders’ submissions UPR利益攸关方材料概述C.docx (Chinese)
United Nations联合国
General Assembly大会
Distr.: GeneralDistr.: General
28 February 202028 February 2020
Original: EnglishChinese Original: English
Human Rights Council人权理事会
Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review普遍定期审议工作组
Thirty-sixth session第三十六届会议
4–15 May 20202020年5月4日至15日
Summary of Stakeholders’ submissions on Croatia利益攸关方就克罗地亚所提交材料的概述
Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights联合国人权事务高级专员办事处的报告
The present report was prepared pursuant to Human Rights Council resolutions 5/1 and 16/21, taking into consideration the periodicity of the universal periodic review.本报告根据人权理事会第5/1号和第16/21号决议编写,同时考虑到普遍定期审议的周期。
It is a summary of 18 stakeholders’ submissions for the universal periodic review, presented in a summarized manner owing to word-limit constraints.报告概述了18个利益攸关方为普遍定期审议提交的材料,因受字数限制,仅摘录相关内容。
A separate section is provided for the contribution by the national human rights institution that is accredited in full compliance with the Paris Principles.报告单列一章,收录经认证完全符合《巴黎原则》的国家人权机构提供的材料。
The report has been prepared taking into consideration the outcome of the previous review.编写本报告时考虑到了上次审议的结果。
Information provided by the national human rights institution accredited in full compliance with the Paris Principles经认证完全符合《巴黎原则》的国家人权机构提供的材料
Information provided by other stakeholders其他利益攸关方提供的材料
Scope of international obligations and cooperation with human rights mechanisms国际义务的范围以及与人权机制的合作
National human rights framework国家人权框架
Promotion and protection of human rights促进和保护人权
Implementation of international human rights obligations, taking into account applicable international humanitarian law参照适用的国际人道法履行国际人权义务的情况
Equality and non-discrimination平等和不歧视
Development, the environment, and business and human rights发展、环境及工商业与人权
human rights and counter-terrorism人权与反恐
Civil and political rights公民权利和政治权利
Right to life, liberty and security of person, and freedom from torture生命权、人身自由和安全权以及免受酷刑的权利
Administration of justice, including impunity, and the rule of law司法(包括有罪不罚问题)和法治
Fundamental freedoms and the right to participate in public and political life基本自由以及公共和政治生活参与权
fundamental freedoms基本自由
right to privacy隐私权
right to privacy and family life隐私权和家庭生活权
prohibition of all forms of slavery, including trafficking in persons禁止一切形式的奴役,包括贩运人口
Economic, social and cultural rights经济、社会及文化权利
Right to work and to just and favourable conditions of work工作权和公正良好工作条件权
right to social security社会保障权
Right to an adequate standard of living适当生活水准权
Right to health健康权
Right to education受教育权
Rights of specific persons or groups特定个人或群体的权利
Persons with disabilities残疾人
Minorities and indigenous peoples少数群体和土著人民
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons男女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者和间性者
Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers移民、难民和寻求庇护者
Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons移民、难民、寻求庇护者和境内流离失所者
Stateless persons无国籍人
Specific regions or territories特定地区或领土
* The present document was not edited before being sent to United Nations translation services.*本文件在送交联合国翻译部门前未经编辑。