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PROTOCOL ON EXPLOSIVE REMNANTS OF WAR (Geneva, 28 November 2003)(日内瓦,2003年11月28日)
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2399, no. 22495, p. 100United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2399, no. 22495, p. 100
The High Contracting Parties,各缔约方,
Recognising the serious post-conflict humanitarian problems caused by explosive remnants of war,承认战争遗留爆炸物造成的严重的冲突后人道主义问题,
Conscious of the need to conclude a Protocol on post-conflict remedial measures of a generic nature in order to minimise the risks and effects of explosive remnants of war,意识到需要缔结一项关于冲突后补救措施的一般性议定书,以便将战争遗留爆炸物的危害和影响减至最小,
And willing to address generic preventive measures, through voluntary best practices specified in a Technical Annex for improving the reliability of munitions, and therefore minimising the occurrence of explosive remnants of war, Have agreed as follows: Article 1.并愿意通过关于改进弹药可靠性的技术附件所载列的自愿性最佳做法解决一般性预防措施,从而将产生战争遗留爆炸物的可能性减至最小,
General provision and scope of application第1条.一般规定和适用范围
In conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and of the rules of the inter-national law of armed conflict applicable to them, High Contracting Parties agree to comply with the obligations specified in this Protocol, both individually and in co-operation with other High Contracting Parties, to minimise the risks and effects of explosive remnants of war in post-conflict situations.各缔约方按照《联合国宪章》和对它们适用的关于武装冲突的国际法规则, 同意以个别的和与其他缔约方合作的两种方式遵守本议定书规定的义务,在冲突后形势中将战争遗留爆炸物的危害和影响减至最小。
This Protocol shall apply to explosive remnants of war on the land territory including internal waters of High Contracting Parties.本议定书应适用于各缔约方包括内水在内的领土上的战争遗留爆炸物。
This Protocol shall apply to situations resulting from conflicts referred to in Article 1, paragraphs 1 to 6, of the Convention, as amended on 21 December 2001.本议定书应适用于经2001年12月21日修正后的《公约》第1条第1至第6款中所指的情况。
Articles 3, 4, 5 and 8 of this Protocol apply to explosive remnants of war other than existing explosive remnants of war as defined in Article 2, paragraph 5 of this Protocol.本议定书第3、第4、第5和第8条适用于本议定书第2条第5款所界定的现有的战争遗留爆炸物以外的战争遗留爆炸物。
Article 2.
For the purpose of this Protocol,为本议定书的目的,
Explosive ordnance means conventional munitions containing explosives, with the exception of mines, booby traps and other devices as defined in Protocol II of this Convention as amended on 3 May 1996.“爆炸性弹药”是指含有炸药的常规弹药,但《公约》经1996年5月3日修正后的第二号议定书中界定的地雷、诱杀装置和其他装置除外。 2.
Unexploded ordnance means explosive ordnance that has been primed, fused, armed, or otherwise prepared for use and used in an armed conflict.“未爆炸弹药”是指已装设起爆炸药、装设引信、进入待发状态或以其他方式准备或实际在武装冲突中使用的爆炸性弹药。
It may have been fired, dropped, launched or projected and should have exploded but failed to do so.此种弹药可能已经发射、投放、投掷或射出,但应爆炸而未爆炸。
Abandoned explosive ordnance means explosive ordnance that has not been used during an armed conflict, that has been left behind or dumped by a party to an armed conflict, and which is no longer under control of the party that left it behind or dumped it.“被弃置的爆炸性弹药”是指在武装冲突中没有被使用但被一武装冲突当事方留下来或倾弃而且已不再受将之留下来或倾弃的当事方控制的爆炸性弹药。
Abandoned explosive ordnance may or may not have been primed, fused, armed or otherwise prepared for use.被弃置的弹药有可能已装设起爆炸药、装设引信、进入待发状态或以其他方式准备使用,也有可能未装设起爆炸药、装设引信、进入待发状态或以其他方式准备使用。
Explosive remnants of war means unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosive ordnance.“战争遗留爆炸物”是指未爆炸弹药和被弃置的爆炸性弹药。
Existing explosive remnants of war means unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosive ordnance that existed prior to the entry into force of this Protocol for the High Contracting Party on whose territory it exists.“现有的战争遗留爆炸物”是指在本议定书对缔约方生效之前已经在其领土上存在的未爆炸弹药和被弃置的爆炸性弹药。
Article 3. Clearance, removal or destruction of explosive remnants of war第3条.战争遗留爆炸物的清除、排除或销毁
Each High Contracting Party and party to an armed conflict shall bear the responsibilities set out in this Article with respect to all explosive remnants of war in territory under its control.每一缔约方和武装冲突当事方对于在其控制之下的区域内的所有战争遗留爆炸物负有本条所规定的责任。
In cases where a user of explosive ordnance which has become explosive remnants of war, does not exercise control of the territory, the user shall, after the cessation of active hostilities, provide where feasible, inter alia technical, financial, material or human resources assistance, bilaterally or through a mutually agreed third party, including inter alia through the United Nations system or other relevant organisations, to facilitate the marking and clearance, removal or destruction of such explosive remnants of war.对于不在成为战争遗留爆炸物的爆炸性弹药的使用者控制之下的区域,使用者应在现行敌对行动停止后并在可行的情况下,以双边方式或通过双方商定的第三方,包括通过联合国系统或其他有关组织,提供技术、资金、物资或人力等方面的援助,以便利标示、清除、排除或销毁这些战争遗留爆炸物。
After the cessation of active hostilities and as soon as feasible, each High Contracting Party and party to an armed conflict shall mark and clear, remove or destroy explosive remnants of war in affected territories under its control.每一缔约方和武装冲突当事方应在现行敌对行动停止之后并在可行的情况下尽快标示、清除、排除或销毁其控制之下的受影响区域的战争遗留爆炸物。
Areas affected by explosive remnants of war which are assessed pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Article as posing a serious humanitarian risk shall be accorded priority status for clearance, removal or destruction.对于按照本条第3款被评估为造成严重人道主义危险的受战争遗留爆炸物影响的区域,应优先予以清除、排除或销毁。
After the cessation of active hostilities and as soon as feasible, each High Contracting Party and party to an armed conflict shall take the following measures in affected territories under its control, to reduce the risks posed by explosive remnants of war:在敌对行动停止之后,每一缔约方和武装冲突当事方应在可行的情况下尽快在其控制的受影响区域内采取下列步骤,以减小战争遗留爆炸物所造成的危险:
survey and assess the threat posed by explosive remnants of war;调查和评估战争遗留爆炸物所造成的威胁;
assess and prioritise needs and practicability in terms of marking and clearance, removal or destruction;评估在标示、清除、排除或销毁方面的需要和可行性并确定优先顺序;
mark and clear, remove or destroy explosive remnants of war;标示、清除、排除或销毁战争遗留爆炸物;
take steps to mobilise resources to carry out these activities.采取步骤,为开展这些活动筹集资源;
In conducting the above activities High Contracting Parties and parties to an armed conflict shall take into account international standards, including the International Mine Action Standards.在开展上述活动时,各缔约方和武装冲突当事方应考虑到各项国际标准,包括国际排雷行动标准。
High Contracting Parties shall co-operate, where appropriate, both among them-selves and with other states, relevant regional and international organisations and nongovernmental organisations on the provision of inter alia technical, financial, material and human resources assistance including, in appropriate circumstances, the undertaking of joint operations necessary to fulfil the provisions of this Article.各缔约方应酌情在相互之间以及与其他国家、有关区域组织及国际组织和非政府组织就提供技术、资金、物资和人力等方面的援助进行合作,包括适当时就满足本条的要求所必须采取的联合行动进行合作。
Article 4.
Recording, retaining and transmission of information第4条.资料的记录、保存和提供
High Contracting Parties and parties to an armed conflict shall to the maximum extent possible and as far as practicable record and retain information on the use of explosive ordnance or abandonment of explosive ordnance, to facilitate the rapid marking and clearance, removal or destruction of explosive remnants of war, risk education and the provision of relevant information to the party in control of the territory and to civilian populations in that territory.各缔约方和武装冲突当事方应在实际可行的情况下最大限度地记录和保存关于战争遗留爆炸物的资料,以便利迅速标示、清除、排除或销毁战争遗留爆炸物、 开展危险性教育以及向控制有关区域的当事方和向该区域的平民群体提供有关资料。
High Contracting Parties and parties to an armed conflict which have used or abandoned explosive ordnance which may have become explosive remnants of war shall, without delay after the cessation of active hostilities and as far as practicable, subject to these parties' legitimate security interests, make available such information to the party or parties in control of the affected area, bilaterally or through a mutually agreed third party including inter alia the United Nations or, upon request, to other relevant organisations which the party providing the information is satisfied are or will be undertaking risk education and the marking and clearance, removal or destruction of explosive remnants of war in the affected area.在现行敌对行动停止之后,使用了或弃置了成为战争遗留爆炸物的爆炸性弹药的各缔约方和武装冲突当事方应在实际可行而且不损害其正当安全利益的情况下,以双边方式或通过双方商定的第三方,包括通过联合国等组织,立即将此种资料提供给控制受影响区域的当事方,或者根据请求,提供给提供方确信正在或将要在受影响区域从事危险性教育和战争遗留爆炸物的标示、清除、排除或销毁的其他有关组织。
In recording, retaining and transmitting such information, the High Contracting Parties should have regard to Part 1 of the Technical Annex. Article 5.在记录、保存和提供此种资料时,各缔约方应考虑到本议定书的技术附件第一部分。
Other precautions for the protection of the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects from the risks and effects of explosive remnants of war第5条.保护平民群体、个别平民和民用物体以免其受战争遗留爆炸物危害和影响的其他预防措施
High Contracting Parties and parties to an armed conflict shall take all feasible precautions in the territory under their control affected by explosive remnants of war to protect the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects from the risks and effects of explosive remnants of war.各缔约方和武装冲突当事方应在其控制下的受战争遗留爆炸物影响的区域内采取一切可行的预防措施,使平民群体、个别平民和民用物体不受战争遗留爆炸物的危害和影响。
Feasible precautions are those precautions which are practicable or practicably possible, taking into account all circumstances ruling at the time, including humanitarian and military considerations.可行的预防措施是指考虑到当时所有情况包括考虑到人道主义因素和军事因素而实际可行或实际上可能的预防措施。
These precautions may include warnings, risk education to the civilian population, marking, fencing and monitoring of territory affected by explosive remnants of war, as set out in Part 2 of the Technical Annex. Article 6.此种预防措施可包括按技术附件第二部分的规定向平民群体示警、开展危险性教育、竖立标志和栅栏及监视受战争遗留爆炸物影响的区域。
Provisions for the protection of humanitarian missions and organisations from the effects of explosive remnants of war第6条.保护人道主义特派团和组织以免其受战争遗留爆炸物影响的规定
Each High Contracting Party and party to an armed conflict shall:每一缔约方和武装冲突当事方应:
Protect, as far as feasible, from the effects of explosive remnants of war, humanitarian missions and organisations that are or will be operating in the area under the control of the High Contracting Party or party to an armed conflict and with that party's consent.在可行的情况下保护经该缔约方或武装冲突当事方准许而正在或将要在其所控制的区域内开展活动的人道主义特派团或组织以免其受战争遗留爆炸物的影响;
Upon request by such a humanitarian mission or organisation, provide, as far as feasible, information on the location of all explosive remnants of war that it is aware of in territory where the requesting humanitarian mission or organisation will operate or is operating.在此一人道主义特派团或组织提出请求时,尽可能提供其所掌握的关于该提出请求的人道主义特派团或组织将开展活动或正在开展活动的区域内所有战争遗留爆炸物位置的资料。
The provisions of this Article are without prejudice to existing International Hu-manitarian Law or other international instruments as applicable or decisions by the Security Council of the United Nations which provide for a higher level of protection.本条的规定不妨害提供更高程度保护的现有的国际人道主义法或其他适用的国际文书或联合国安全理事会的决定。
Article 7.
Assistance with respect to existing explosive remnants of war第7条.在处理现有的战争遗留爆炸物方面提供援助
Each High Contracting Party has the right to seek and receive assistance, where appropriate, from other High Contracting Parties, from states non-party and relevant international organisations and institutions in dealing with the problems posed by existing explosive remnants of war.每一缔约方有权酌情请求其他缔约方、非缔约国以及有关国际组织和机构提供并从其得到援助,以处理现有战争遗留爆炸物造成的问题。
Each High Contracting Party in a position to do so shall provide assistance in dealing with the problems posed by existing explosive remnants of war, as necessary and feasible.有能力这样做的每一缔约方应提供为处理现有战争遗留爆炸物造成的问题所必要且可行的援助。
In so doing, High Contracting Parties shall also take into account the humanitarian objectives of this Protocol, as well as international standards including the International Mine Action Standards.在这样做时,各缔约方还应考虑到本议定书的人道主义目标以及包括国际排雷行动标准在内的各项国际标准。
Article 8. Co-operation and assistance第8条.合作与援助
Each High Contracting Party in a position to do so shall provide assistance for the marking and clearance, removal or destruction of explosive remnants of war, and for risk education to civilian populations and related activities inter alia through the United Nations system, other relevant international, regional or national organisations or institutions, the International Committee of the Red Cross, national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and their International Federation, non-governmental organisations, or on a bilateral basis.有能力这样做的每一缔约方应除其他外通过联合国系统、其他有关国际、区域或国家组织或机构、红十字国际委员会、国家红十字会和红新月会及其国际联合会、非政府组织或在双边基础上为标示、清除、排除或销毁战争遗留爆炸物、对平民群体开展危险性教育及有关活动提供援助。
Each High Contracting Party in a position to do so shall provide assistance for the care and rehabilitation and social and economic reintegration of victims of explosive remnants of war.有能力这样做的每一缔约方应为战争遗留爆炸物受害者提供照顾和康复以及重新融入社会经济生活方面的援助。
Such assistance may be provided inter alia through the United Nations system, relevant international, regional or national organisations or institutions, the International Committee of the Red Cross, national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and their International Federation, non-governmental organisations, or on a bilateral basis.除其他外,可通过联合国系统、有关国际、区域或国家组织或机构、红十字国际委员会、国家红十字会和红新月会及其国际联合会、非政府组织或在双边基础上提供此种援助。
Each High Contracting Party in a position to do so shall contribute to trust funds within the United Nations system, as well as other relevant trust funds, to facilitate the provision of assistance under this Protocol.有能力这样做的每一缔约方应向联合国系统内建立的各个信托基金及其他有关信托基金提供捐款,以便利根据本议定书提供援助。
Each High Contracting Party shall have the right to participate in the fullest possible exchange of equipment, material and scientific and technological information other than weapons related technology, necessary for the implementation of this Protocol.每一缔约方应有权参加为本议定书的执行所必要的设备、物资以及科学和技术资料的尽可能充分的交换,但与武器有关的技术除外。
High Contracting Parties undertake to facilitate such exchanges in accordance with national legislation and shall not impose undue restrictions on the provision of clearance equipment and related technological information for humanitarian purposes.各缔约方承诺促进此种交换,不应对出于人道主义目的提供清除设备和有关技术资料施加不应有的限制。
Each High Contracting Party undertakes to provide information to the relevant databases on mine action established within the United Nations system, especially information concerning various means and technologies of clearance of explosive remnants of war, lists of experts, expert agencies or national points of contact on clearance of explosive remnants of war and, on a voluntary basis, technical information on relevant types of explosive ordnance.每一缔约方承诺向联合国系统内建立的有关排雷行动数据库提供资料,特别是关于清除战争遗留爆炸物的各种手段和技术的资料,以及与清除战争遗留爆炸物有关的专家、专家机构或本国联络点的名单,并在自愿的基础上提供相关类型的爆炸性弹药的技术资料。
High Contracting Parties may submit requests for assistance substantiated by relevant information to the United Nations, to other appropriate bodies or to other states.缔约方可向联合国、其他适当机构或其他国家提交辅以充分有关的资料的援助请求。
These requests may be submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall transmit them to all High Contracting Parties and to relevant international organisations and non-governmental organisations.此种请求书可提交联合国秘书长,而联合国秘书长应将其转交所有缔约方及有关国际组织和非政府组织。
In the case of requests to the United Nations, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, within the resources available to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, may take appropriate steps to assess the situation and in co-operation with the requesting High Contracting Party and other High Contracting Parties with responsibility as set out in Article 3 above, recommend the appropriate provision of assistance.如果向联合国提出请求,联合国秘书长可在其现有资源的范围内采取适当步骤,对情况作出评估,并与提出请求的缔约方和以上第3条所指负有责任的其他缔约方合作,建议宜提供何种援助。
The Secretary-General may also report to High Contracting Parties on any such assessment as well as on the type and scope of assistance required, including possible contributions from the trust funds established within the United Nations system. Article 9.联合国秘书长也可向各缔约方报告任何此种评估的结果以及所需援助的类型和范围,包括联合国系统内建立的各信托基金可能提供的资助。
Generic preventive measures第9条.一般性预防措施
Bearing in mind the different situations and capacities, each High Contracting Party is encouraged to take generic preventive measures aimed at minimising the occurrence of explosive remnants of war, including, but not limited to, those referred to in part 3 of the Technical Annex.考虑到不同的情况及能力,鼓励每一缔约方采取一般性预防措施,以尽可能减小产生战争遗留爆炸物的可能性,其中包括但不仅仅限于技术附件第三部分中提到的各项措施。
Each High Contracting Party may, on a voluntary basis, exchange information related to efforts to promote and establish best practices in respect of paragraph 1 of this Article.每一缔约方可在自愿的基础上交换与促进和确立本条第1款所涉及的最佳做法的努力有关的资料。
Article 10.
Consultations of High Contracting Parties第10条.缔约方的磋商
The High Contracting Parties undertake to consult and co-operate with each other on all issues related to the operation of this Protocol.各缔约方承诺在有关本议定书实施的一切问题上彼此进行协商与合作。
For this purpose, a Conference of High Contracting Parties shall be held as agreed to by a majority, but no less than eighteen High Contracting Parties.为此目的,如果有过半数而且不少于18个缔约方如此议定,则应召开缔约方会议。
The work of the conferences of High Contracting Parties shall include:缔约方会议的工作应包括:
(a) review of the status and operation of this Protocol; (b)(a)审查本议定书的现况和实施情况;
consideration of matters pertaining to national implementation of this Proto-col, including national reporting or updating on an annual basis.(b)审议与本议定书的国家执行措施有关的事项,包括每年提交或订正国家报告的问题;
(c) preparation for review conferences.(c)筹备审查会议。
The costs of the Conference of High Contracting Parties shall be borne by the High Contracting Parties and States not parties participating in the Conference, in accordance with the United Nations scale of assessment adjusted appropriately.缔约方会议的费用应由各缔约方和参加会议工作的非缔约国按经过适当调整的联合国会费分摊比额表分摊。
Article 11.
Each High Contracting Party shall require that its armed forces and relevant agencies or departments issue appropriate instructions and operating procedures and that its personnel receive training consistent with the relevant provisions of this Protocol.每一缔约方应要求其武装部队和有关机构或部门发布适当指令和作业程序, 并要求其人员接受与本议定书的有关规定相符的培训。
The High Contracting Parties undertake to consult each other and to co-operate with each other bilaterally, through the Secretary-General of the United Nations or through other appropriate international procedures, to resolve any problems that may arise with regard to the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Protocol.各缔约方承诺通过双边方式、联合国秘书长或其他适当国际程序彼此进行协商与合作,以解决在本议定书条款的解释和适用上可能产生的任何问题。
This Technical Annex contains suggested best practice for achieving the objectives contained in Articles 4, 5 and 9 of this Protocol.本技术附件载有实现本议定书第4、第5和第9条目标的最佳做法建议。
This Technical Annex will be implemented by High Contracting Parties on a voluntary basis.本技术附件供各缔约方在自愿的基础上执行。
Recording, storage and release of information for Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and Abandoned Explosive Ordnance (AXO)1.记录、存储及发布关于未爆炸弹药和被弃置弹药的资料
Recording of information: Regarding explosive ordnance which may have become UXO a State should endeavour to record the following information as accurately as possible:(a)资料的记录:对于可能成为未爆炸弹药的爆炸性弹药,一国应努力将下列情况尽可能准确地记录下来:
the location of areas targeted using explosive ordnance;(一) 使用了爆炸性弹药的目标区域的位置;
the approximate number of explosive ordnance used in the areas under (i);(二) 在(一)所指的区域内使用的爆炸性弹药的大致数量;
the type and nature of explosive ordnance used in areas under (i);(三) 在(一)所指的区域内使用的爆炸性弹药的类型和性质;
the general location of known and probable UXO;(四) 已知的和可能存在的未爆炸弹药的大致位置。
Where a State has been obliged to abandon explosive ordnance in the course of operations, it should endeavour to leave AXO in a safe and secure manner and record information on this ordnance as follows:如果一国在活动过程中不得不弃置爆炸性弹药,它应努力将被弃置的弹药以安全稳当的方式留下,并记录该弹药的下列情况:
the location of AXO;(五) 被弃置弹药的位置;
the approximate amount of AXO at each specific site;(六) 每一具体地点的被弃置弹药大致数量;
the types of AXO at each specific site.(七) 每一具体地点的被弃置弹药类型。
Storage of information: Where a State has recorded information in accordance with paragraph (a), it should be stored in such a manner as to allow for its retrieval and subsequent release in accordance with paragraph (c).(b)资料的存储:如果一国按(a)款作了记录,资料的存储方式应使资料能够按(c)款的规定检索并随后发布。
Release of information: Information recorded and stored by a State in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) should, taking into account the security interests and other obligations of the State providing the information, be released in accordance with the following provisions:(c) 资料的发布:一国按(a)和(b)款所记录并存储的资料,应考虑到该资料提供国的安全利益和其他义务,按下列规定予以发布:
On UXO the released information should contain details on:关于未爆炸弹药,发布的资料应包含下列详细情况:
the general location of known and probable UXO;已知的和可能存在的未爆炸弹药的大致位置;
the types and approximate number of explosive ordnance used in the targeted areas;在目标区域内使用的爆炸性弹药类型和大致数量;
the method of identifying the explosive ordnance including colour, size and shape and other relevant markings;爆炸性弹药的鉴别方法,包括颜色、大小和形状及其他相关标志;
the method for safe disposal of the explosive ordnance.爆炸性弹药的安全处置方法。
On AXO the released information should contain details on:关于被弃置弹药,发布的资料应包含下列详细情况:
the location of the AXO;被弃置弹药的位置;
the approximate number of AXO at each specific site;每一具体地点的被弃置弹药大致数量;
the types of AXO at each specific site;每一具体地点的被弃置弹药类型;
the method of identifying the AXO, including colour, size and shape;被弃置弹药的鉴别方法,包括颜色、大小和形状;
information on type and methods of packing for AXO;被弃置弹药的包装类型和方法;
state of readiness;是否处于待爆炸状态;
the location and nature of any booby traps known to be present in the area of AXO.被弃置弹药所在区域内已知存在的任何诱杀装置的位置和性质。
Recipient: The information should be released to the party or parties in control of the affected territory and to those persons or institutions that the releasing State is satisfied are, or will be, involved in UXO or AXO clearance in the affected area, in the education of the civilian population on the risks of UXO or AXO.(二) 接受者:资料应提供给控制受影响区域的缔约方,并提供给资料提供国确信与在受影响区域内清除未爆炸弹药或被弃置弹药或对平民群体进行未爆炸弹药或被弃置弹药的危险性教育相关或将与此相关的个人或机构。
Mechanism: A State should, where feasible, make use of those mechanisms established internationally or locally for the release of information, such as through UNMAS, IMSMA, and other expert agencies, as considered appropriate by the releasing State.(三) 机制:一国应在可行的情况下利用国际上或当地为发布资料而建立的而且被资料提供国认为适当的机制,例如通过联合国排雷行动处、排雷行动信息管理系统和其他专家机构。
Timing: The information should be released as soon as possible, taking into account such matters as any ongoing military and humanitarian operations in the affected areas, the availability and reliability of information and relevant security issues.(四) 时间:应尽快发布资料,但应考虑到在受影响区域内正在进行的任何军事活动和人道主义活动、资料是否能够获得和是否可靠以及有关的安全问题等。
Warnings, risk education, marking, fencing and monitoring2.示警、开展危险性教育、竖立标志和栅栏及进行监视
Key terms (a) Warnings are the punctual provision of cautionary information to the civilian population, intended to minimise risks caused by explosive remnants of war in affected territories.示警就是向平民群体及时发出警告,以求尽可能减小战争遗留爆炸物所造成的危险。
Risk education to the civilian population should consist of risk education programmes to facilitate information exchange between affected communities, government authorities and humanitarian organisations so that affected communities are informed about the threat from explosive remnants of war.对平民群体开展危险性教育应包括实施危险性教育方案,以促进受影响社区、政府当局和人道主义组织之间的信息交流,使受影响社区知道战争遗留爆炸物所造成的威胁。
Risk education programmes are usually a long term activity.危险性教育方案通常是长期性活动。
Best practice elements of warnings and risk education示警和危险性教育最佳做法的要点
All programmes of warnings and risk education should, where possible, take into account prevailing national and international standards, including the International Mine Action Standards.所有示警方案和危险性教育方案都应尽可能考虑到现行的国家标准和国际标准,包括国际排雷行动标准。
Warnings and risk education should be provided to the affected civilian population which comprises civilians living in or around areas containing explosive remnants of war and civilians who transit such areas.接受示警和危险性教育的受影响平民群体应包括居住在有战争遗留爆炸物的区域内或周围的平民以及会经过此种区域的平民。
Warnings should be given, as soon as possible, depending on the context and the information available.应依情况和能够获得的资料而定,尽快发出警告。
A risk education programme should replace a warnings programme as soon as possible.应尽快以危险性教育方案替代示警方案。
Warnings and risk education always should be provided to the affected communities at the earliest possible time.应尽早对受影响社区发出警告和开展危险性教育。
Parties to a conflict should employ third parties such as international organisations and non-governmental organisations when they do not have the resources and skills to deliver efficient risk education.冲突当事方若不具备开展有效的危险性教育所需要的资源和技术,应求助于第三方,诸如国际组织和非政府组织。
Parties to a conflict should, if possible, provide additional resources for warnings and risk education.冲突当事方若有可能,应为示警和危险性教育提供进一步的支助。
Such items might include: provision of logistical support, production of risk education materials, financial support and general cartographic information.此种支助可包括:后勤支助、危险性教育材料编制、财务支助和一般地图信息。
Marking, fencing, and monitoring of an explosive remnants of war affected area竖立标志和栅栏及对受战争遗留爆炸物影响的区域进行监视
When possible, at any time during the course of a conflict and thereafter, where explosive remnants of war exist the parties to a conflict should, at the earliest possible time and to the maximum extent possible, ensure that areas containing explosive remnants of war are marked, fenced and monitored so as to ensure the effective exclusion of civilians, in accordance with the following provisions.如果有可能,在冲突过程中和冲突结束后,任何时候只要有战争遗留爆炸物存在,冲突当事方即应按照以下的规定,尽早和尽其所能确保在有战争遗留爆炸物的区域竖立标志和栅栏及对此种区域进行监视,务必将平民有效排除在外。
Warning signs based on methods of marking recognised by the affected community should be utilised in the marking of suspected hazardous areas.应使用以受影响社区可识别的标志方法制作的警告标志来标示可能有危险的区域。
Signs and other hazardous area boundary markers should as far as possible be visible, legible, durable and resistant to environmental effects and should clearly identify which side of the marked boundary is considered to be within the explosive remnants of war affected area and which side is considered to be safe.标志及其他危险区域的界标应尽可能可看见、可判读、耐久和耐受环境作用的影响,并应清楚标明界标的哪一边被认为位于受战争遗留爆炸物影响的区域内以及哪一边被认为属于安全区域。
An appropriate structure should be put in place with responsibility for the monitoring and maintenance of permanent and temporary marking systems, integrated with national and local risk education programmes.应建立一个适当的结构来负责监视和维护长期性和暂时性的标志系统,并与全国和当地的危险性教育方案结合实施。
Generic preventive measures一般性预防措施
States producing or procuring explosive ordnance should to the extent possible and as appropriate endeavour to ensure that the following measures are implemented and respected during the life-cycle of explosive ordnance.生产或购买爆炸性弹药的国家应尽可能酌情努力确保在爆炸性弹药使用寿命期间实行和遵守下列措施。
Munitions manufacturing management(a)弹药制造管理
Production processes should be designed to achieve the greatest reliability of munitions.(一) 生产工序的设计应使弹药具有最大的可靠性。
Production processes should be subject to certified quality control measures.(二) 应对生产工序实行经过核证的质量控制措施。
During the production of explosive ordnance, certified quality assurance standards that are internationally recognised should be applied.(三) 在生产爆炸性弹药的过程中,应实施国际公认的经过核证的质量保证标准。
Acceptance testing should be conducted through live-fire testing over a range of conditions or through other validated procedures.(四) 应通过各种条件下的实射试验或通过其他经过验证的程序进行验收试验。
High reliability standards should be required in the course of explosive ordnance transactions and transfers.(五) 在爆炸性弹药的交易和转让过程中应订有高度可靠性标准。
(b) Munitions management(b)弹药管理
In order to ensure the best possible long-term reliability of explosive ordnance, States are encouraged to apply best practice norms and operating procedures with respect to its storage, transport, field storage, and handling in accordance with the following guidance.为了确保爆炸性弹药具有尽可能高的长期可靠性,鼓励各国按照以下的规定,对爆炸性弹药的储存、运送、战地储存和处理实施最佳做法准则和作业程序。
(i) Explosive ordnance, where necessary, should be stored in secure facilities or appropriate containers that protect the explosive ordnance and its components in a controlled atmosphere, if necessary.(一) 应视必要将爆炸性弹药储存在安全的设施中或适当的容器内,使爆炸性弹药及其部件在可受控制的环境中得到保护。
A State should transport explosive ordnance to and from production facilities, storage facilities and the field in a manner that minimises damage to the explosive ordnance.(二) 一国在生产设施、储存设施和战地之间运送爆炸性弹药时,应尽可能防止弹药受损。
Appropriate containers and controlled environments, where necessary, should be used by a State when stockpiling and transporting explosive ordnance.(三) 一国在储存和运送爆炸性弹药时,应视必要使用适当的容器和可受控制的环境。
The risk of explosions in stockpiles should be minimised by the use of appropriate stockpile arrangements.(四) 应采用适当的储存安排,以尽量减小在储存期间发生爆炸的可能性。
States should apply appropriate explosive ordnance logging, tracking and testing procedures, which should include information on the date of manufacture of each number, lot or batch of explosive ordnance, and information on where the explosive ordnance has been, under what conditions it has been stored, and to what environmental factors it has been exposed.(五) 各国应实施适当的爆炸性弹药记录、追踪和试验程序,所记录的资料应包括每枚、每组或每批爆炸性弹药的制造日期以及爆炸性弹药的先前储存地点、储存条件和环境因素。
Periodically, stockpiled explosive ordnance should undergo, where appropriate, live-firing testing to ensure that munitions function as desired.(六) 应酌情对所储存的爆炸性弹药定期进行实射试验,以确保弹药能起预期的作用。
Sub-assemblies of stockpiled explosive ordnance should, where appropriate, undergo laboratory testing to ensure that munitions function as desired.(七) 应酌情对所储存的爆炸性弹药的组件进行实验室试验,以确保弹药能起预期的作用。
(viii) Where necessary, appropriate action, including adjustment to the expected shelf-life of ordnance, should be taken as a result of information acquired by logging, tracking and testing procedures, in order to maintain the reliability of stockpiled explosive ordnance.(八) 根据记录、追踪和试验程序所产生的资料,必要时应采取适当的行动, 包括调整弹药的预期储存期限,以保持所储存的爆炸性弹药的可靠性。
(c) Training(c) 培训
The proper training of all personnel involved in the handling, transporting and use of explosive ordnance is an important factor in seeking to ensure its reliable operation as intended.与处理、运送和使用爆炸性弹药有关的所有人员均接受适当的培训,是力求确保作业如预期的那样可靠的重要一环。
States should therefore adopt and maintain suitable training programmes to ensure that personnel are properly trained with regard to the munitions with which they will be required to deal.因此,各国应制定和实行适当的培训方案,以确保这些人员在其所须处理的弹药方面接受适当的培训。
(d) Transfer(d)转让
A State planning to transfer explosive ordnance to another State that did not previously possess that type of explosive ordnance should endeavour to ensure that the receiving State has the capability to store, maintain and use that explosive ordnance correctly.一国若计划将爆炸性弹药转让给另一国而该另一国先前不曾拥有过该类型的爆炸性弹药,则应努力确保接受国具有恰当储存、保养和使用该类型爆炸性弹药的能力。
(e) Future production(e)未来的生产
A State should examine ways and means of improving the reliability of explosive ordnance that it intends to produce or procure, with a view to achieving the highest possible reliability.一国应探讨如何提高其所打算生产或购买的爆炸性弹药的可靠性,以求达到最大限度的可靠性。