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Convention on Cluster Munitions集束弹药公约
Dublin, 30 May 2008.都柏林,2008年5月30日
United Nations, Treaty Series , vol.United Nations, Treaty Series , vol.
2688, no. 47713, p. 39.2688, no. 47713, p. 75.
The States Parties to this Convention,本公约缔约国,
Deeply concerned that civilian populations and individual civilians continue to bear the brunt of armed conflict,深切关注在武装冲突中平民居民和平民个人继续首当其冲,
Determined to put an end for all time to the suffering and casualties caused by cluster munitions at the time of their use, when they fail to function as intended or when they are abandoned,决心永远终止集束弹药在使用时、操作失灵时或被遗弃时造成的痛苦和伤亡,
Concerned that cluster munition remnants kill or maim civilians, including women and children, obstruct economic and social development, including through the loss of livelihood, impede post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction, delay or prevent the return of refugees and internally displaced persons, can negatively impact on national and international peacebuilding and humanitarian assistance efforts, and have other severe consequences that can persist for many years after use,关注遗留集束弹药炸死或残害平民,包括妇女和儿童,导致生计丧失及其他问题,阻碍经济和社会发展,妨碍冲突后恢复和重建,延误或阻止难民和境内流离失所者回返,可能会对国家和国际建设和平和人道主义援助工作产生负面影响,而且在使用后多年依然会有其他严重后果,
Deeply concerned also at the dangers presented by the large national stockpiles of cluster munitions retained for operational use and determined to ensure their rapid destruction,还深切关注各国为作战用途大量储存集束弹药构成的危险,决心确保迅速销毁集束弹药,
Believing it necessary to contribute effectively in an efficient, coordinated manner to resolving the challenge of removing cluster munition remnants located throughout the world, and to ensure their destruction, Determined also to ensure the full realization of the rights of all duster munition victims and recognizing their inherent dignity,认为有必要以高效率、协调一致的方式有效协助应对挑战,清除在世界各地的遗留集束弹药,并确保予以销毁,还决心确保充分落实集束弹药所有受害人的权利,并承认他们固有的尊严,
Resolved to do their utmost in providing assistance to cluster munition victims, including medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as providing for their social and economic inclusion, Recognizing the need to provide age- and gender-sensitive assistance to cluster munition victims and to address the special needs of vulnerable groups,决心竭尽全力援助集束弹药的受害人,包括提供医疗、康复和心理帮助,并帮助他们重新融入社会和经济生活,承认需要为集束弹药的受害人提供顾及年龄和性别的援助,满足弱势群体的特殊需要,
Bearing in mind the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which, inter alia, requires that States Parties to that Convention undertake to ensure and promote the full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons with disabilities without discrimination of any kind on the basis of disability,铭记《残疾人权利公约》,其中除其他外,要求《公约》各缔约国承诺确保并促进充分实现所有残疾人的一切人权和基本自由,使其不因残疾而受到任何歧视,
Mindful of the need to coordinate adequately efforts undertaken in various fora to address the rights and needs of victims of various types of weapons, and resolved to avoid discrimination among victims of various types of weapons,注意到必须适当协调各个论坛为落实各类武器受害人的权利及满足其需要所作的努力,决心避免在各类武器受害人中作歧视性区分,
Reaffirming that in cases not covered by this Convention or by other international agreements, civilians and combatants remain under the protection and authority of the principles of international law, derived from established custom, from the principles of humanity and from the dictates of public conscience,重申在本公约或其他国际协定所未包括的情形下,平民和战斗人员仍受来源于既定习惯、人道原则和公众良心要求的国际法原则的保护和支配,
Resolved also that armed groups distinct from the armed forces of a State shall not, under any circumstances, be permitted to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party to this Convention,还决心在任何情况下都不允许有别于国家武装部队的武装团体参与本公约禁止缔约国从事的任何活动,
Welcoming the very broad international support for the international norm prohibiting anti-personnel mines, enshrined in the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction,欣见1997年《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约》所载禁止杀伤人员地雷的国际规范在国际上得到十分广泛的支持,
Welcoming also the adoption of the Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War, annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, and its entry into force on 12 November 2006, and wishing to enhance the protection of civilians from the effects of cluster munition remnants in post-conflict environments,还欣见《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》所附《战争遗留爆炸物议定书》获得通过,并于2006年11月12日生效,希望加强对平民的保护,防止其受冲突后环境中遗留集束弹药的影响,
Bearing in mind also United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1612 on children in armed conflict,还铭记联合国安全理事会关于妇女、和平与安全问题的第1325号决议和关于武装冲突中的儿童问题的第1612号决议,
Welcoming further the steps taken nationally, regionally and globally in recent years aimed at prohibiting, restricting or suspending the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of cluster munitions,又欣见近年来在国家、区域和全球一级为禁止、限制或暂停使用、储存、生产和转让集束弹药而采取的措施,
Stressing the role of public conscience in furthering the principles of humanity as evidenced by the global call for an end to civilian suffering caused by cluster munitions and recognizing the efforts to that end undertaken by the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Cluster Munition Coalition and numerous other non-governmental organizations around the world,着重指出公众良心对促进落实人道原则的作用,要求结束集束弹药造成平民痛苦的全球呼吁就是一个例证,承认联合国、红十字国际委员会、集束弹药联盟和世界各地许多其他非政府组织为此目的进行的努力,
Reaffirming the Declaration of the Oslo Conference on Cluster Munitions, by which, inter alia, States recognized the grave consequences caused by the use of cluster munitions and committed themselves to conclude by 2008 a legally binding instrument that would prohibit the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and would establish a framework for cooperation and assistance that ensures adequate provision of care and rehabilitation for victims, clearance of contaminated areas, risk reduction education and destruction of stockpiles,重申奥斯陆集束弹药问题会议的宣言,各国在该宣言中除其他外,承认了使用集束弹药造成的严重后果,并承诺到2008年缔结一项具有法律约束力的文书,禁止使用、生产、转让和储存对平民造成不可接受的伤害的集束弹药,并建立合作和援助框架,确保为受害人充分提供医治和康复服务,清理受污染地区,进行减轻危险教育,销毁储存的弹药,
Emphasizing the desirability of attracting the adherence of all States to this Convention, and determined to work strenuously towards the promotion of its universalization and its full implementation,强调希望争取所有国家遵守本公约,并决心努力促进各国普遍参加和充分实施本公约,
Basing themselves on the principles and rules of international humanitarian law, in particular the principle that the right of parties to an armed conflict to choose methods or means of warfare is not unlimited, and the rules that the parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects arid military objectives and accordingly direct their operations against military objectives only, that in the conduct of military operations constant care shall be taken to spare the civilian population, civilians and civilian objects and that the civilian population and individual civilians enjoy general protection against dangers arising from military operations,基于国际人道主义法原则和规则,尤其是武装冲突各方选择作战方法或手段的权利并非不受限制这一原则;并基于冲突各方无论何时均应区分平民居民和战斗员之间和在民用物体和军事目标之间加以区分,因此,冲突一方的军事行动仅应以军事目标为对象的规则,在军事行动过程中,应时刻注意避免伤害平民居民、平民个人和民用物体的规则,以及平民居民和平民个人享受全面保护,以防军事行动带来危险的规则,
HAVE AGREED as follows:议定如下:
Article 1.第一条
General obligations and scope of application.一般义务和适用范围
1. Each State Party undertakes never under any circumstances to:一、每一缔约国均承诺在任何情况下,决不:
a) Use cluster munitions;㈠使用集束弹药;
b) Develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer to anyone, directly or indirectly, cluster munitions;㈡发展、生产、获取、储存、保留或者直接或间接向任何人转让集束弹药;
c) Assist, encourage or induce anyone to, engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention.㈢协助、鼓励或诱使任何人从事本公约禁止缔约国从事的任何活动。
2. Paragraph 1 of this Article applies, mutatis mutandis, to explosive bomblets dial are specifically designed to be dispersed or released from dispensers affixed to aircraft.二、经专门设计用于装在飞机弹箱中散射或释放的子炸弹比照适用本条第一款。
3. This Convention does not apply to mines.三、本公约不适用于地雷。
Article 2.第二条
For the purposes of this Convention:为本公约的目的:
1. “Cluster munition victims” means all persons who have been killed or suffered physical or psychological injury, economic loss, social marginalization or substantial impairment of the realization of their rights caused by the use of cluster munitions. They include those persons directly impacted by cluster munitions as well as their affected families and communities;一、“集束弹药受害人”是指使用集束弹药而被炸死或遭受身心伤害、经济损失、社会边缘化或在实现其权利方面受到严重阻碍的所有人,包括受集束弹药直接影响的人及其家庭和社区;
2. “Cluster munition” means a conventional munition that is designed to disperse or release explosive submunitions each weighing less than 20 kilograms, and includes those explosive submunitions.二、“集束弹药”是指设计用于散射或释放每颗重量在20公斤以下的爆炸性子弹药的一种常规弹药,包括爆炸性子弹药。
It does not mean the following:下列弹药不在集束弹药之列:
a) A munition or submunition designed to dispense flares, smoke, pyrotechnics or chaff; or a munition designed exclusively for an air defence role;(一)设计用于散发照明弹、烟雾、烟火剂或金属箔片的弹药或子弹药;或设计专用于防空的弹药;
b) A munition or submunition designed to produce electrical or electronic effects;(二)设计用于产生电力或电子效应的弹药或子弹药;
c) A munition that, in order to avoid indiscriminate area effects and the risks posed by unexploded submunitions, has all of the following characteristics:(三)为避免造成大片滥杀滥伤效果及未爆子弹药构成的危险而具备所有下列特点的弹药:
(i) Each munition contains fewer than ten explosive submunitions;1.每一弹药所含爆炸性子弹药在十颗以下;
(ii) Each explosive submunition weighs more than four kilograms;2.每一爆炸性子弹药的重量在四公斤以上;
(iii) Each explosive submunition is designed to detect and engage a single target object;3.每一爆炸性子弹药根据设计能测到和锁定单一目标;
(iv) Each explosive submunition is equipped with an electronic self-destruction mechanism;4.每一爆炸性子弹药装配有电子自毁装置;
(v) Each explosive submunition is equipped with an electronic self-deactivating feature;5.每一爆炸性子弹药装配有电子自行失效装置;
3. “Explosive submunition” means a conventional munition that in order to perforin its task is dispersed or released by a cluster munition and is designed to function by detonating an explosive charge prior to, on or after impact;三、“爆炸性子弹药”是指为特定用途由集束弹药散射或释放的常规弹药,这种子弹药根据设计可在撞击之前、撞击之时或撞击之后引爆所装炸药;
4. “Failed cluster munition” means a cluster munition that has been fired, dropped, launched, projected or otherwise delivered and which should have dispersed or released its explosive submunitions but failed to do so;四、“失灵集束弹药”是指已发射、投放、投掷、射出或以其他方式投出,本应散射或释放其爆炸性子弹药而未能这样做的集束弹药;
5. “Unexploded submunition” means an explosive submunition that has been dispersed or released by, or otherwise separated from, a cluster munition and has failed to explode as intended;五、“未爆子弹药”是指已由集束弹药散射或释放或以其他方式从集束弹药分离,但未能按意想方式爆炸的爆炸性子弹药;
6. “Abandoned cluster munitions” means cluster munitions or explosive submunitions that have not been used and that have been left behind or dumped, and that are no longer under the control of the party that left them behind or dumped them. They may or may not have been prepared for use;六、“被遗弃的集束弹药”是指未曾被使用而被留下或倾弃、不再受遗留或倾弃方的控制的集束弹药或爆炸性子弹药,无论当初是否准备使用这些弹药;
7. “Cluster munition remnants” means failed cluster munitions, abandoned cluster munitions, unexploded submunitions and unexploded bomblets;七、“遗留集束弹药”是指失灵集束弹药、被遗弃的集束弹药、未爆子弹药和未爆子炸弹;
8. “Transfer” involves, in addition to the physical movement of cluster munitions into or from national territory, the transfer of title to and control over cluster munitions, but does not involve the transfer of territory containing cluster munition remnants;八、“转让”除了包括将集束弹药实际运入或运出国家领土外,还包括集束弹药的所有权和控制权的转让,但不包括有遗留集束弹药的领土的转让;
9. “Self-destruction mechanism” means an incorporated automatically-functioning mechanism which is in addition to the primary initiating mechanism of the munition and which secures the destruction of the munition into which it is incorporated;九、“自毁装置”是指内配的自动装置,是弹药主要起爆装置的附加物,用以摧毁含有该装置的弹药;
10. “Self-deactivating” means automatically rendering a munition inoperable by means of the irreversible exhaustion of a component, for example a battery, that is essential to the operation of the munition;十、“自行失效”是指自动使弹药失灵,其方法是以不可逆转的方式耗竭弹药引爆关键组件,例如电池;
11. “Cluster munition contaminated area” means an area known or suspected to contain cluster munition remnants;十一、“集束弹药沾染区”是指已知或怀疑有遗留集束弹药的地区;
12. “Mine” means a munition designed to be placed under, on or near the ground or other surface area and to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person or a vehicle;十二、“地雷”是指布设在地面或其他表面之下、之上或附近并设计成在人员或车辆出现、接近或接触时爆炸的一种弹药;
13. “Explosive bomblet” means a conventional munition, weighing less than 20 kilograms, which is not self-propelled and which, in order to perform its task, is dispersed or released by a dispenser, and is designed to function by detonating an explosive charge prior to, on or after impact;十三、“爆炸性子炸弹”是指重量在20公斤以下、不能自行推进、为特定用途由弹箱散射或释放、根据设计在撞击之前、撞击之时或撞击之后引爆所装炸药的一种常规弹药;
14. “Dispenser” means a container that is designed to disperse or release explosive bomblets and which is affixed to an aircraft at the time of dispersal or release;十四.“弹箱”是指设计用以散射或释放子炸弹,在散射或释放子炸弹之时装在飞机上的一种容器;
15. “Unexploded bomblet” means an explosive bomblet that has been dispersed, released or otherwise separated from a dispenser and has failed to explode as intended.十五.“未爆子炸弹”是指已由弹箱散射或释放或以其他方式从弹箱分离、但未能按意想方式爆炸的爆炸性子炸弹。
Article 3.第三条
Storage and stockpile destruction.销毁库存和储存的集束弹药
1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with national regulations, separate all cluster munitions under its jurisdiction and control from munitions retained for operational use and mark them for the purpose of destruction.一、每一缔约国均应依照本国规则,将在其管辖和控制下的所有集束弹药与留作作战用途的弹药分开,并为销毁目的标明集束弹药。
2. Each State Party undertakes to destroy or ensure the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article as soon as possible but not later than eight years after tire entry into force of this Convention for that State Party.二、每一缔约国均承诺尽快,至迟在本公约对其生效后八年内,销毁或确保销毁本条第一款提及的所有集束弹药。
Each State Party undertakes to ensure that destruction methods comply with applicable international standards for protecting public health and the environment.每一缔约国均承诺确保销毁方法符合关于保护公共健康和环境的适用的国际标准。
3. If a State Party believes that it will be unable to destroy or ensure the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article within eight years of entry into force of this Convention for that State Party it may submit a request to a Meeting of States Parties or a Review Conference for an extension of the deadline for completing the destruction of such cluster munitions by a period of up to four years.三、任何缔约国如果认为自己没有能力在本公约对其生效后八年内销毁或确保销毁本条第一款提及的所有集束弹药,可向缔约国会议或审议会议提出延长完成销毁这类集束弹药的最后期限的请求,延展期以四年为限。
A State Party may, in exceptional circumstances, request additional extensions of up to four years.在特殊情况下,缔约国可请求再予延期,但以四年为限。
The requested extension shall not exceed the number of years strictly necessary for that State Party to complete its obligations under paragraph 2 of this Article.请求的延期时间不应超过该缔约国完成本条第二款规定的义务严格所需的年数。
4. Each request for an extension shall set out:四、每一延期请求均应列出:
a) The duration of the proposed extension;㈠提议延长的期限;
b) A detailed explanation of the proposed extension, including the financial and technical means available to or required by the State Party for the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and, where applicable, the exceptional circumstances justifying it;㈡对提议延期的详细解释,包括解释有关缔约国为销毁本条第一款提及的所有集束弹药可动用或需要的资金和技术手段,以及在适用时解释作为延期理由的特殊情况;
c) A plan for how and when stockpile destruction will be completed;㈢完成销毁储存的弹药的方式和时间的计划;
d) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions held at the entry into force of this Convention for that State Party and any additional cluster munitions or explosive submunitions discovered after such entry into force;㈣本公约对有关缔约国生效时拥有的集束弹药和爆炸性子弹药的数量和类型,以及本公约对缔约国生效后发现的任何其他集束弹药或爆炸性子弹药的数量和类型;
e) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions destroyed during the period referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article; and㈤本条第二款所述期间销毁的集束弹药和爆炸性子弹药的数量和类型;及
f) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions remaining to be destroyed during the proposed extension and the annual destruction rate expected to be achieved.㈥提议延长的期限内将销毁的集束弹药和爆炸性子弹药的数量和类型,以及预期达到的年销毁率。
5. The Meeting of States Parties or the Review Conference shall, taking into consideration the factors referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, assess the request and decide by a majority of votes of States Parties present and voting whether to grant the request for an extension.五、缔约国会议或审议会议应考虑到本条第四款所述因素,评估该项请求,以出席并参加表决的缔约国的过半数票决定是否批准延长期限的请求。
The States Parties may decide to grant a shorter extension than that requested and may propose benchmarks for the extension, as appropriate.缔约国可决定准许延长的期限短于所请求的期限,并可酌情提议延期的基准。
A request for an extension shall be submitted a minimum of nine months prior to the Meeting of States Parties or the Review Conference at which it is to be considered.延期的请求应至迟在审议请求的缔约国会议或审议会议开始九个月前提交。
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article l of this Convention, the retention or acquisition of a limited number of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions for the development of and training in cluster munition and explosive submunition detection, clearance or destruction techniques, or for the development of cluster munition counter-measures, is permitted.六、尽管有本公约第一条的规定,仍允许为集束弹药和爆炸性子弹药检测、清理或销毁技术的开发与培训,或为集束弹药反措施的制订,保留或获取有限数量的集束弹药和爆炸性子弹药。
The amount of explosive submunitions retained or acquired shall not exceed the minimum number absolutely necessary for these purposes.保留或获取的爆炸性子弹药的数量不应超过为这些用途绝对需要的最低数量。
7. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1 of this Convention, the transfer of cluster munitions to another State Party for the purpose of destruction, as well as for the purposes described in paragraph 6 of this Article, is permitted.七、尽管有本公约第一条的规定,仍允许为销毁目的,以及为本条第六款所述目的,向另一缔约国转让集束弹药。
8. States Parties retaining, acquiring or transferring cluster munitions or explosive submunitions for the purposes described in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Article shall submit a detailed report on the planned and actual use of these cluster munitions and explosive submunitions and their type, quantity and lot numbers.八、为本条第六款和第七款所述目的保留、获取或转让集束弹药或爆炸性子弹药的缔约国应提交详细报告,载列这些集束弹药和爆炸性子弹药的计划使用和实际使用情况、其类型、数量和批号。
If cluster munitions or explosive submunitions are transferred to another State Party for these purposes, the report shall include reference to the receiving party.如果为这些目的将集束弹药或爆炸性子弹药转让给另一缔约国,则报告中应提及接收方。
Such a report shall be prepared for each year during which a State Party retained, acquired or transferred cluster munitions or explosive submunitions and shall be submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations no later than 30 April of the following year.缔约国应为其保留、获取或转让集束弹药或爆炸性子弹药的每一年份的情况编写这样的报告,至迟于次年4月30日提交联合国秘书长。
Article 4.第四条
Clearance and destruction of cluster munition remnants and risk reduction education.遗留集束弹药的清理和销毁以及降低危险教育
1. Each State Party undertakes to clear and destroy, or ensure the clearance and destruction of, cluster munition remnants located in cluster munition contaminated areas under its jurisdiction or control, as follows:一、每一缔约国均承诺按如下规定清理和销毁或确保清理和销毁其管辖或控制下的集束弹药沾染区的遗留集束弹药:
a) Where cluster munition remnants are located in areas under its jurisdiction or control at the date of entry into force of this Convention for that State Party, such clearance and destruction shall be completed as soon as possible but not later than ten years from that date;㈠如果在本公约对其生效之日遗留集束弹药位于其管辖或控制下地区,则清理和销毁工作应尽快完成,至迟在该日后10年内完成;
b) Where, after entry into force of this Convention for that State Party, cluster munitions have become cluster munition remnants located in areas under its jurisdiction or control, such clearance and destruction must be completed as soon as possible but not later than ten years after the end of the active hostilities during which such cluster munitions became cluster munition remnants; and㈡如果本公约对其生效后,集束弹药已成为位于其管辖或控制下地区的遗留集束弹药,这种清理和销毁工作就必须尽快完成,至迟在产生遗留集束弹药的实际战斗结束后的10年内完成;及
c) Upon fulfilling either of its obligations set out in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph, that State Party shall make a declaration of compliance to the next Meeting of States Parties.(三)缔约国完成本款第一和第二项规定的义务之后,应向下次缔约国会议申报遵约情况。
2. In fulfilling its obligations under paragraph 1 of this Article, each State Party shall take the following measures as soon as possible, taking into consideration the provisions of Article 6 of this Convention regarding international cooperation and assistance:二、每一缔约国在履行本条第一款规定的义务时,均应考虑到本公约第六条关于国际合作和援助的规定,尽快采取下列措施:
a) Survey, assess and record the threat posed by cluster munition remnants, making every effort to identify all cluster munition contaminated areas under its jurisdiction or control;㈠勘查、评估和记录遗留集束弹药构成的威胁,尽一切努力查明其管辖或控制下的所有集束弹药沾染区;
b) Assess and prioritize needs in terms of marking, protection of civilians, clearance and destruction, and take steps to mobilize resources and develop a national plan to carry out these activities, building, where appropriate, upon existing structures, experiences and methodologies;㈡评估有关标识、平民保护、清理和销毁工作的需要,安排优先次序,并酌情利用现有结构、经验和方法,采取步骤调动资源,制订国家计划,以开展这些活动;
c) Take all feasible steps to ensure that all cluster munition contaminated areas under its jurisdiction or control are perimeter-marked, monitored and protected by fencing or other means to ensure the effective exclusion of civilians.㈢采取一切可行的步骤,确保其管辖或控制下的所有集束弹药沾染区均标明周边界线,加以监测,用围栏或用其他方式加以防护,确保有效防阻平民入内。
Warning signs based on methods of marking readily recognizable by the affected community should be utilized in the marking of suspected hazardous areas.在标明被怀疑的危险区时,应利用根据易于受影响社区辨认的标识方法制作的警告牌。
Signs and other hazardous area boundary markers should, as far as possible, be visible, legible, durable and resistant to environmental effects and should clearly identify which side of the marked boundary is considered to be within the cluster munition contaminated areas and which side is considered to be safe;标牌和其他危险区边界标志应尽可能醒目、清楚、耐用、经得起风雨,并应在标定界线两侧标明属于集束弹药沾染区的一边和被视为安全的一边;
d) Clear and destroy all cluster munition remnants located in areas under its jurisdiction or control; and(四)清理并销毁位于其管辖或控制下地区的所有遗留集束弹药;及
e) Conduct risk reduction education to ensure awareness among civilians living in or around cluster munition contaminated areas of the risks posed by such remnants.(五)进行降低危险教育,确保生活在集束弹药沾染区内或沾染区周围的平民认识到遗留弹药的危险。
3. In conducting the activities referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, each State Party shall take into account international standards, including the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).三、每一缔约国在开展本条第二款所述活动时,应考虑到国际标准,包括《国际地雷行动标准》。
4. This paragraph shall apply in cases in which cluster munitions have been used or abandoned by one State Party prior to entry into force of this Convention for that State Party and have become cluster munition remnants that are located in areas under the jurisdiction or control of another State Party at the time of entry into force of this Convention for the latter.四、本款应适用于下列情况:一缔约国在本公约对其生效前已使用或遗弃集束弹药,这些弹药在本公约对另一缔约国生效时已成为位于其管辖或控制下地区的遗留集束弹药。
a) In such cases, upon entry into force of this Convention for both States Parties, the former State Party is strongly encouraged to provide, inter alia, technical, financial, material or human resources assistance to the latter State Party, either bilaterally or through a mutually agreed third party, including through the United Nations system or other relevant organizations, to facilitate the marking, clearance and destruction of such cluster munition remnants.㈠在这些情况下,在本公约对两个缔约国都生效时,应大力鼓励前一缔约国通过双边渠道或通过彼此同意的第三方,包括通过联合国系统或其他相关组织,向后一缔约国提供技术、财政、物资或人力资源等援助,便利标明、清理和销毁这种遗留集束弹药。
b) Such assistance shall include, where available, information on types and quantities of the cluster munitions used, precise locations of cluster munition strikes and areas in which cluster munition remnants are known to be located.㈡这种援助应包括提供现有关于使用的集束弹药的类型和数量、集束弹药投掷的确切位置以及已知集束弹药所在地区的信息。
5. If a State Party believes that it will be unable to clear and destroy or ensure the clearance and destruction of all cluster munition remnants referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article within ten years of the entry into force of this Convention for that State Party, it may submit a request to a Meeting of States Parties or a Review Conference for an extension of the deadline for completing the clearance and destruction of such cluster munition remnants by a period of up to five years.五、任何缔约国如果认为自己没有能力在本公约对其生效后10年内清理和销毁或确保清理和销毁本条第一款提及的所有遗留集束弹药,可向缔约国会议或审议会议提出延长完成清理和销毁这类遗留集束弹药的最后期限的请求,延展期以五年为限。
The requested extension shall not exceed the number of years strictly necessary for that State Party to complete its obligations under paragraph 1 of this Article.请求的延期不应超过该缔约国完成本条第一款规定的义务严格所需的年数。
6. A request for an extension shall be submitted to a Meeting of States Parties or a Review Conference prior to the expiry of the time period referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article for that State Party.六、延期请求应在本条第一款所述期限对该缔约国而言已到期之前提交缔约国会议或审议会议。
Each request shall be submitted a minimum of nine months prior to the Meeting of States Parties or Review Conference at which it is to be considered.每一请求至迟应于审议请求的缔约国会议或审议会议召开前九个月提交。
Each request shall set out:每一延期请求均应列出:
a) The duration of the proposed extension;㈠提议延长的期限;
b) A detailed explanation of the reasons for the proposed extension, including the financial and technical means available to and required by the State Party for the clearance and destruction of all cluster munition remnants during the proposed extension;㈡对提议延期的理由的详细解释,包括解释该缔约国在提议延长的期限内为清理和销毁所有遗留集束弹药可动用和需要的资金和技术手段;
c) The preparation of future work and the status of work already conducted under national clearance and demining programmes during the initial ten year period referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and any subsequent extensions;㈢未来工作的筹备以及在本条第一款所述最初10年期间及随后延长的期限内已按国家清理和扫雷方案进行的工作现况;
d) The total area containing cluster munition remnants at the time of entry into force of this Convention for that State Party and any additional areas containing cluster munition remnants discovered after such entry into force;㈣本公约对该缔约国生效时有遗留集束弹药的地区的总面积以及本公约对该缔约国生效后新发现的有遗留集束弹药的地区;
e) The total area containing cluster munition remnants cleared since entry into force of this Convention;㈤自本公约生效以来已清理的有遗留集束弹药的地区的总面积;
f) The total area containing cluster munition remnants remaining to be cleared during the proposed extension;㈥在提议延长的期限内准备清理的有遗留集束弹药的地区的总面积;
g) The circumstances that have impeded the ability of the State Party to destroy all cluster munition remnants located in areas under its jurisdiction or control during the initial ten year period referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and those that may impede this ability during the proposed extension;㈦阻碍缔约国在本条第一款所述最初10年期间在其管辖或控制下地区销毁所有遗留集束弹药的障碍,以及在提议延长的期限内可能阻碍这方面能力的障碍;
h) The humanitarian, social, economic and environmental implications of the proposed extension; and(八)提议的延期在人道主义、社会、经济和环境方面的影响;及
i) Any other information relevant to the request for the proposed extension.㈨与提议延期的请求有关的任何其他信息。
7. The Meeting of States Parties or the Review Conference shall, taking into consideration the factors referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article, including, inter alia, the quantities of cluster munition remnants reported, assess the request and decide by a majority of votes of States Parties present and voting whether to grant the request for an extension.七、缔约国会议或审议会议应考虑到本条第六款所述因素,除其他外,包括报告的遗留集束弹药的数量,评估该项请求,以出席并参加表决的缔约国的过半数票决定是否批准延长期限的请求。
The States Parties may decide to grant a shorter extension than that requested and may propose benchmarks for the extension, as appropriate.缔约国可决定准许延长的期限短于所请求的期限,并可酌情提议延期的基准。
8. Such an extension may be renewed by a period of up to five years upon the submission of a new request, in accordance with paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of this Article.八、依照本条第五款、第六款和第七款的规定提出新的请求后,可准许再次延期,再次延期以五年为限。
In requesting a further extension a State Party shall submit relevant additional information on what has been undertaken during the previous extension granted pursuant to this Article.缔约国提出再次延期请求时,应提供关于在先前依照本条准许延长的期限内所进行的工作的相关补充信息。
Article 5.第五条
Victim assistance.对受害人的援助
1. Each State Party with respect to cluster munition victims in areas under its jurisdiction or control shall, in accordance with applicable international humanitarian and human rights law, adequately provide age- and gender- sensitive assistance, including medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as provide for their social and economic inclusion.一、每一缔约国对于在其管辖或控制下地区的集束弹药受害人,均应依照适用的国际人道主义法和人权法,适当提供顾及年龄和性别的援助,包括提供医疗、康复和心理帮助,并帮助他们重新融入社会和经济生活。
Each State Party shall make every effort to collect reliable relevant data with respect to cluster munition victims.每一缔约国均应尽一切努力收集关于集束弹药受害人的可靠的相关数据。
2. In fulfilling its obligations under paragraph 1 of this Article each State Party shall:二、每一缔约国在履行本条第一款规定的义务时,均应:
a) Assess the needs of cluster munition victims;㈠评估集束弹药的受害人的需要;
b) Develop, implement and enforce any necessary national laws and policies;㈡拟订、施行和执行必要的国家法律和政策;
3) Develop a national plan and budget, including timeframes to carry out these activities, with a view to incorporating them within the existing national disability, development and human rights frameworks and mechanisms, while respecting the specific role and contribution of relevant actors;㈢拟订国家计划和预算,包括开展这些活动的时间表,将这些活动纳入国家现有处理残疾、发展和人权问题的框架和机制,同时尊重相关行为体的特定作用和贡献;
d) Take steps to mobilize national and international resources;㈣采取措施调动国家和国际资源;
e) Not discriminate against or among cluster munition victims, or between cluster munition victims and those who have suffered injuries or disabilities from other causes; differences in treatment should be based only on medical, rehabilitative, psychological or socio-economic needs;㈤不歧视集束弹药的受害人,不在集束弹药的受害人中作歧视性区分,不对集束弹药的受害人与因其他原因而伤残的人士作歧视性区分,待遇的不同只能根据医疗、康复、心理或社会经济需要而定;
f) Closely consult with and actively involve cluster munition victims and their representative organizations;(六)与集束弹药的受害人及其代表组织密切协商,积极让他们参与;
g) Designate a focal point within the government for coordination of matters relating to the implementation of this Article; and(七)在政府中指定专人协调与施行本条有关的事宜;及
h) Strive to incorporate relevant guidelines and good practices including in the areas of medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as social and economic inclusion.(八)努力采纳相关导则和良好做法,包括医疗、康复和心理帮助以及社会和经济融合方面的相关导则和良好做法。
Article 6.第六条
International cooperation and assistance.国际合作和援助
1. In fulfilling its obligations under this Convention each State Party has the right to seek and receive assistance.一、每一缔约国在履行本公约规定的义务时,有权寻求和接受援助。
2. Each State Party in a position to do so shall provide technical, material and financial assistance to States Parties affected by cluster munitions, aimed at the implementation of the obligations of this Convention.二、每一有能力的缔约国均应向受集束弹药影响的缔约国提供技术、物资和财政援助,以履行本公约规定的义务。
Such assistance may be provided, inter alia, through the United Nations system, international, regional or national organizations or institutions, non-governmental organizations or institutions, or on a bilateral basis.此类援助除其他外,可通过联合国系统、各种国际性、区域性或各国的组织或机构、非政府组织或机构提供,或在双边基础上提供。
3. Each State Party undertakes to facilitate and shall have the right to participate in the fullest possible exchange of equipment and scientific and technological information concerning the implementation of this Convention.三、每一缔约国均承诺促进并应有权参加与本公约施行有关的设备以及科学和技术资料尽可能充分的交流。
The States Parties shall not impose undue restrictions on the provision and receipt of clearance and other such equipment and related technological information for humanitarian purposes.缔约国不应对出于人道主义目的提供和接收清理设备和其他此类设备以及有关技术资料施加不当限制。
4. In addition to any obligations it may have pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 4 of this Convention, each State Party in ,a position to do so shall provide assistance for clearance and destruction of cluster munition remnants and information concerning various means and technologies related to clearance of cluster munitions, as well as lists of experts, expert agencies or national points of contact on clearance and destruction of cluster munition remnants and related activities.四、每一有能力的缔约国除依照本公约第四条第四款可能需要履行的义务外,还应援助清理和销毁遗留集束弹药,提供关于清理集束弹药的各种手段和技术的信息以及负责清理和销毁遗留集束弹药和相关活动的专家、专家机构或国家联系人名单。
5. Each State Party in a position to do so shall provide assistance for the destruction of stockpiled cluster munitions, and shall also provide assistance to identify, assess and prioritize needs and practical measures in. terms of marking, risk reduction education, protection of civilians and clearance and destruction as provided in Article 4 of this Convention.五、每一有能力的缔约国均应援助销毁储存的集束弹药,并应援助确定和评估本公约第四条规定的有关标识、降低危险教育、平民保护、清理和销毁工作的需要和实际措施,安排优先次序。
6. Where, after entry into force of this Convention, cluster munitions have become cluster munition remnants located in areas under the jurisdiction or control of a State Party, each State Party in a position to do so shall urgently provide emergency assistance to the affected State Party.六、如果在本公约生效后,集束弹药已成为位于一缔约国管辖或控制下地区的遗留集束弹药,每一有能力的缔约国均应向受影响的缔约国紧急提供应急援助。
7. Each State Party in a position to do so shall provide assistance for the implementation of the obligations referred to in Article 5 of this Convention to adequately provide age- and gender-sensitive assistance, including medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as provide for social and economic inclusion of cluster munition victims.七、每一有能力的缔约国均应援助履行本公约第五条所述义务,为集束弹药的受害人适当提供顾及年龄和性别的援助,包括提供医疗、康复和心理帮助,并帮助他们重新融入社会和经济生活。
Such assistance may be provided, inter alia, through the United Nations system, international, regional or national organizations or institutions, the International. .Committee of the Red Cross, national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and their International Federation, non-governmental organizations or on a bilateral basis.此类援助除其他外,可以通过联合国系统、各种国际性、区域性或各国的组织或机构、红十字国际委员会、各国红十字会和红新月会及其国际联合会和非政府组织提供,或在双边基础上提供。
8. Each State Party in a position to do so shall provide assistance to contribute to the economic and social recovery needed as a result of fluster munition use in affected States Parties.八、每一有能力的缔约国均应提供援助,帮助因集束弹药的使用而受影响的国家实现所需的经济和社会复苏。
9. Each State Party in a position to do so may contribute to relevant trust funds in order to facilitate the provision of assistance under this Article.九、每一有能力的缔约国均可向相关信托基金提供捐助,以便利按本条规定提供援助。
10. Each State Party that seeks and receives assistance shall take all appropriate measures in order to facilitate the timely and , effective implementation of this Convention, including facilitation of the entry and exit of personnel, materiel and equipment, in a manner consistent with national laws and regulations, taking into consideration international best practices.十、寻求和接受援助的每一缔约国均应采取一切适当措施,便利及时有效执行本公约,包括考虑到国际最佳做法,以符合本国法规的方式便利人员、物资和设备出入。
11. Each State Party may, with the purpose of developing a national action plan, request the United Nations system, regional organizations, other States Parties or other competent intergovernmental or non-governmental institutions to assist its authorities to determine, inter alia:十一、每一缔约国均可为了制订国家行动计划,请联合国系统、区域组织、其他缔约国或其他相关政府间机构或非政府机构协助其当局,除其他外,确定:
a) The nature and extent of cluster munition remnants located in areas under its jurisdiction or control;㈠位于其管辖或控制下地区的遗留集束弹药的性质和范围;
b) The financial, technological and human resources required for the implementation of the plan;㈡执行计划所需财力、技术和人力资源;
c) The time estimated as necessary to clear and destroy all cluster munition remnants located in areas under its jurisdiction or control;㈢清理和销毁位于其管辖或控制下地区的所有遗留集束弹药估计所需时间;
d) Risk reduction education programmes and awareness activities to reduce the incidence of injuries or deaths caused by cluster munition remnants;㈣降低危险教育方案和宣传活动,以减少遗留集束弹药造成伤亡的人数;
e) Assistance to cluster munition victims; and㈤对集束弹药的受害人的援助;及
f) The coordination relationship between the government of the State Party concerned and the relevant governmental, intergovernmental or non-governmental entities that will work in the implementation of the plan.㈥有关缔约国政府与将参与执行计划的有关政府实体、政府间实体或非政府实体之间的协调关系。
12. States Parties giving and receiving assistance under the provisions or this Article shall cooperate with a view to ensuring the full and prompt implementation of agreed assistance programmes.十二、按照本条规定提供和接受援助的缔约国应进行合作,以确保商定的援助方案得到迅速充分实施。
Article 7.第七条
Transparency measures.透明措施
1. Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General of the United Nations as soon as practicable, and in any event not later than 180 days after the entry into force of this Convention for that State Party, on:一、每一缔约国均应在可行的情况下尽快,至迟应在本公约对其生效后180天内,就下列事项向联合国秘书长提出报告:
a) The national implementation measures referred to in Article 9 of this Convention ;㈠本公约第九条所述的国家施行措施;
b) The total of all cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 3 of this Convention, to include a breakdown of their type, quantity and, if possible, lot numbers of each type;㈡本公约第三条第一款所述的包括爆炸性子弹药在内的所有集束弹药的总数,分类列出其类型和数量,并尽可能列出每一类型的批号;
c) The technical characteristics of each type of cluster munition produced by that State Party prior to entry into force of this Convention for it, to the extent known, and those Currently owned or possessed by it, giving, where reasonably possible, such categories of information as may facilitate identification and clearance of cluster munitions; at a minimum, this information shall include the dimensions, fusing, explosive content, metallic content, colour photographs and other information that may facilitate the clearance of cluster munition remnants;㈢在已知范围内列出缔约国在本公约对其生效前生产的每一类集束弹药的技术特点以及该缔约国目前拥有或掌握的集束弹药的技术特点,尽可能提供分类信息,以便识别和清理集束弹药;这种信息至少应包括尺寸、引信、所装炸药、所装金属、彩色照片以及其他可能便利清理集束弹药的信息;
d) The status and progress of programmes for the conversion or decommissioning of production facilities for cluster munitions;㈣集束弹药生产设施改作他用或停产的方案的现况和进展;
e) The status and progress of programmes for the destruction, in accordance with Article 3 of this Convention, of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, with details of the methods that will be used in destruction, the location of all destruction sites and the applicable safety and environmental standards to be observed;㈤依照本公约第三条销毁包括爆炸性子弹药在内的集束弹药的方案的现况和进展,详细解释在销毁时将使用的方法、所有销毁场址的位置以及应遵守的适用安全标准和环境标准;
f) The types and quantities of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, destroyed in accordance with Article 3 of this Convention, including details of the methods of destruction used, the location of the destruction sites and the applicable safety and environmental standards observed;㈥依照本公约第三条销毁的包括爆炸性子弹药在内的集束弹药的类型和数量,详细解释在销毁时使用的方法、销毁场址位置以及所遵循的适用安全标准和环境标准;
g) Stockpiles of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, discovered after reported completion of the programme referred to in subparagraph (e) of this paragraph, and plans for their destruction in accordance with Article 3 of this Convention;㈦报告本款第五项所述方案完成后发现的储存的集束弹药,包括爆炸性子弹药,以及依照本公约第三条销毁这些弹药的计划;
h) To the extent possible, the size and location of all cluster munition contaminated areas under its jurisdiction or control, to include as much detail as possible regarding the type and quantity of each type of cluster munition remnant in each such area and when they were used;㈧尽可能列出其管辖或控制下的所有集束弹药沾染区的面积和位置,尽可能详细地列出在每一地区遗留以及所使用的每一种集束弹药的类型和数量;
i) The status and progress of programmes for the clearance and destruction of all types and quantities of cluster munition remnants cleared and destroyed in accordance with Article 4 of this Convention, to include the size and location of the cluster munition contaminated area cleared and a breakdown of the quantity of each type of cluster munition remnant cleared and destroyed;(九)依照本公约第四条清理和销毁所有类型和数量的遗留集束弹药的清理和销毁方案的现况和进展,说明清理的集束弹药沾染区的面积和位置,分类列出清理和销毁的每一类遗留集束弹药的数量;
j) The measures taken to provide risk reduction education and, in particular, an immediate and effective warning to civilians living in cluster munition contaminated areas under its jurisdiction or control;(十)为进行降低危险教育而采取的措施,尤其是对生活在其管辖或控制下的集束弹药沾染区的平民的直接有效的警告;
k) The status and progress of implementation of its obligations under Article 5 of this Convention to adequately provide age- and gender- sensitive assistance, including medical care, rehabilitation and psychological Support, as well as provide for social and economic inclusion of cluster munition victims and to collect reliable relevant data with respect to cluster munition victims;(十一)履行本公约第五条规定的义务的现况和进展,即为集束弹药的受害人适当提供顾及年龄和性别的援助,包括提供医疗、康复和心理帮助,帮助他们重新融入社会和经济生活,并收集关于集束弹药受害人的可靠的相关数据;
l) The name and contact details of the institutions mandated to provide information and to carry out the measures described in this paragraph;(十二)被指定负责提供信息和执行本款所述措施的机构名称和联系细节;
m) The amount of national resources, including financial, material or in kind, allocated to the implementation of Articles 3, 4 and 5 of this Convention; and(十三)为执行本公约第三条、第四条和第五条的规定拨出的国家资源数量,包括资金、物资或实物;及
n) The amounts, types and destinations of international cooperation and assistance provided under Article 6 of this Convention.(十四)按本公约第六条规定进行国际合作和提供援助的数量、类型和目的地。
2. The information provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article shall be updated by the States Parties annually, covering the previous calendar year, and reported to the Secretary-General of the United Nations not later than 30 April of each year.二、依照本条第一款提供的信息应由缔约国每年更新,介绍前一日历年的情况,至迟于每年4月30日报告联合国秘书长。
3. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit all such reports received to the States Parties.三、联合国秘书长应将所收到的所有这类报告转递各缔约国。
Article 8.第八条
Facilitation and clarification of compliance.促进遵约和澄清遵约情况
1. The States Parties agree to consult and cooperate with each other regarding the implementation of the provisions of this Convention and to work together in a spirit of cooperation to facilitate compliance by States Parties with their obligations under this Convention.一、各缔约国同意就本公约各项规定的执行互相协商和合作,并以合作精神共同努力,促进各缔约国遵守本公约规定的义务。
2. If one or more States Parties wish to clarify and seek to resolve questions relating to a matter of compliance with the provisions of this Convention by another State Party, it may submit, through the Secretary- General of the United Nations, a Request for Clarification of that matter to that State Party.二、一个或多个缔约国如果希望澄清并试图解决有关另一个缔约国遵守本公约规定的问题,可以通过联合国秘书长就此事向该缔约国提出澄清请求。
Such a request shall be accompanied by all appropriate information.这种请求应附有一切适当资料。
Each State Party shall refrain from unfounded Requests for Clarification, care being taken to avoid abuse.每一缔约国应避免提出没有根据的澄清请求,避免滥用。
A State Party that receives a Request for Clarification shall provide, through the Secretary-General of the United Nations, within 28 days to the requesting State Party all information that would assist in clarifying the matter.收到澄清请求的缔约国应在28天内,通过联合国秘书长,向提出请求的缔约国提供有助于澄清此事的一切资料。
3. If the requesting State Party does not receive a response through the Secretary-General of the United Nations within that time period, or deems the response to the Request for Clarification to be unsatisfactory, it may submit the matter through the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the next Meeting of States Parties.三、提出请求的缔约国如果没有在上述时限内通过联合国秘书长收到答复,或者认为对澄清请求的答复未能令人满意,可以通过联合国秘书长,将此事提交下一次缔约国会议。
The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit the submission, accompanied by all appropriate information pertaining to the Request for Clarification, to all States Parties.联合国秘书长应将此请求,连同与此项澄清请求有关的一切适当资料,转送所有缔约国。
All such information shall be presented to the requested State Party which shall have the right to respond.所有这种资料应送交被请求的缔约国,该缔约国应有权作出答复。
4. Pending the convening of any Meeting of States Parties, any of the States Parties concerned may request the Secretary-General of the United Nations to exercise his or her good offices to facilitate the clarification requested.四、在任何缔约国会议召开之前,任何有关的缔约国可以请求联合国秘书长进行斡旋,促使有关方应请求作出澄清。
5. Where a matter has been submitted to it pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Article, the Meeting of States Parties shall first determine whether to consider that matter further, taking into account all information submitted by the States Parties concerned.五、缔约国会议如果收到依照本条第三款提交的事项,应首先根据有关缔约国提交的全部资料,决定是否进一步审议此事。
If it does so determine, the Meeting of States Parties may suggest to the States Parties concerned ways and means further to clarify or resolve the matter under consideration, including the initiation of appropriate procedures in conformity with international law.缔约国会议如果决定进一步审议此事,可向有关缔约国提议进一步澄清或解决审议中的问题的方式方法,包括根据国际法启动适当程序。
In circumstances where the issue at hand is determined to be due to circumstances beyond the control of the requested State Party, the Meeting of States Parties may recommend appropriate measures, including the use of cooperative measures referred to in Article 6 of this Convention.缔约国会议如果断定所涉问题是被请求的缔约国不能控制的情形所致,可建议采取适当措施,包括采用本公约第六条所述的合作措施。
6. In addition to the procedures provided for in paragraphs 2 to 5 of this Article, the Meeting of States Parties may decide to adopt such other general procedures or specific mechanisms for clarification of compliance, including facts, and resolution of instances of non-compliance with the provisions of this Convention as it deems appropriate.六、除本条第二至五款规定的程序外,缔约国会议可决定采取其认为适当的其他一般程序或特定机制,澄清包括事实在内的遵约情况,并解决不遵守本公约各项规定的情形。
Article 9.第九条
National implementation measures.国家施行措施
Each State Party shall take all appropriate legal, administrative and other measures to implement this Convention, including the imposition of penal sanctions to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention undertaken by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control.每一缔约国均应采取一切适当的法律、行政和其他措施施行本公约,包括采用刑事制裁,防止和制止其管辖或控制下的人或者在受其管辖或控制领域内从事本公约禁止缔约国进行的任何活动。
Article 10.第十条
Settlement of disputes.争端的解决
1. When a dispute arises between two or more States Parties relating to the interpretation or application of this Convention, the States Parties concerned shall consult together with a view to the expeditious settlement of the dispute by negotiation or by other peaceful means of their choice, including recourse to the Meeting of States Parties and referral to the International Court of Justice in conformity with the Statute of the Court.一、如果两个或两个以上国家之间发生与本公约的解释或适用有关的争端,有关缔约国应彼此协商,通过谈判或其选择的其他和平手段,包括诉诸缔约国会议和根据《国际法院规约》提交国际法院审理,尽快解决争端。
2. The Meeting of States Parties may contribute to the settlement of the dispute by whatever means it deems appropriate, including offering its good offices, calling upon the States Parties concerned to start the settlement procedure of their choice and recommending a time-limit for any agreed procedure.二、缔约国会议可以采取其认为适当的任何方式促成争端的解决,包括进行斡旋、促请有关缔约国启动其选择的解决程序以及为任何议定的程序建议一个时限。
Article 11.第十一条
Meetings of States Parties.缔约国会议
1. The States Parties shall meet regularly in order to consider and, where necessary, take decisions in respect of any matter with regard to the application or implementation of this Convention, including:一、缔约国应定期开会审议与本公约的适用或实施有关的任何事项,并在必要时就这些事项作出决定,这些事项包括:
a) The operation and status of this Convention;(一)本公约的实施情况和现状;
b) Matters arising from the reports submitted under the provisions of this Convention;(二)按照本公约规定提交的报告中出现的问题;
c) International cooperation and assistance in accordance with Article 6 of this Convention;(三)按照本公约第六条进行国际合作和援助;
d) The development of technologies to clear cluster munition remnants;(四)清理遗留集束弹药技术的开发;
e) Submissions of States Parties under Articles 8 and 10 of this Convention; and(五)缔约国根据本公约第八条和第十条提出的请求;及
f) Submissions of States Parties as provided for in Articles 3 and 4 of this Convention.(六)缔约国根据本公约第三条和第四条规定提出的请求。
2. The first Meeting of States Parties shall be convened by the Secretary- General of the United Nations within one year of entry into force of this Convention.二、第一次缔约国会议应由联合国秘书长在本公约生效后一年内召开。
The subsequent meetings shall be convened by the Secretary- General of the United Nations annually until the first Review Conference.以后的会议应每年由联合国秘书长召开,直至第一次审议会议召开为止。
3. States not party to this Convention, as well as the United Nations, other relevant international organizations or institutions, regional organizations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and relevant non-governmental organizations may be invited to attend these meetings as observers in accordance with the agreed rules of procedure.三、非本公约缔约国的国家,以及联合国、其他有关国际组织或机构、区域组织、红十字国际委员会、红十字会与红新月会国际联合会和有关非政府组织,可以按照议定的议事规则被邀请作为观察员出席这些会议。
Article 12.第十二条
Review Conferences.审议会议
1. A Review Conference shall be convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations five years after the entry into force of this Convention.一、审议会议应由联合国秘书长在本公约生效五年后召开。
Further Review Conferences shall be convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations if so requested by one or more States Parties, provided that the interval between Review Conferences shall in no case be less than five years.此后的审议会议应在一个或多个缔约国提出请求时由联合国秘书长召开,但两次审议会议之间的间隔无论如何不应少于五年。
All States Parties to this Convention shall be invited to each Review Conference.每一次审议会议均应邀请本公约的全体缔约国参加。
2. The purpose of the Review Conference shall be:二、审议会议的目的是:
a) To review the operation and status of this Convention;㈠审议本公约的实施情况和现状;
b) To consider the need for and the interval between further Meetings of States Parties referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 11 of this Convention; and㈡审议本公约第十一条第二款所述以后召开缔约国会议的需要和时间间隔;及
c) To take decisions on submissions of States Parties as provided for in Articles 3 and 4 of this Convention.㈢就缔约国根据本公约第三条和第四条规定提出的请求作出决定。
3. States not party to this Convention, as well as the United Nations, other relevant international organizations or institutions, regional organizations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and relevant non-governmental organizations may be invited to attend each Review Conference as observers in accordance with the agreed rules of procedure.三、非本公约缔约国的国家,以及联合国、其他有关国际组织或机构、区域组织、红十字国际委员会、红十字会与红新月会国际联合会和有关非政府组织,可以按照议定的议事规则被邀请作为观察员出席每一次审议会议。
Article 13.第十三条
1. At any time after its entry into force any State Party may propose amendments to this Convention.一、任何缔约国可以在本公约生效后随时对本公约提出修正。
Any proposal for an amendment shall be communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall circulate it to all States Parties and shall seek their views on whether an Amendment Conference should be convened to consider the proposal.任何修正案均应送交联合国秘书长;联合国秘书长应将其分送所有缔约国,并应征求它们对于应否召开一次修约会议来审议该提案的意见。
If a majority of the States Parties notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations no later than 90 days after its circulation that they support further consideration of the proposal, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene an Amendment Conference to which all States Parties shall be invited.如果过半数缔约国在提案分送后90天以内通知联合国秘书长,表示赞成进一步审议该提案,联合国秘书长应召开一次修约会议,并应邀请所有缔约国参加。
2. States not party to this Convention, as well as the United Nations, other relevant international organizations or institutions, regional organizations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and relevant non-governmental organizations may be invited to attend each Amendment Conference as observers in accordance with the agreed rules of procedure.二、非本公约缔约国的国家,以及联合国、其他有关国际组织或机构、区域组织、红十字国际委员会、红十字会与红新月会国际联合会和有关非政府组织,可以按照议定的议事规则被邀请作为观察员出席每一次修约会议。
3. The Amendment Conference shall be held immediately following a Meeting of States Parties of a Review Conference unless a majority of the States Parties request that it be held earlier.三、修约会议应紧接缔约国会议或审议会议之后举行,除非过半数缔约国请求提早举行。
4. Any amendment to this Convention shall be adopted by a majority of two-thirds of the States Parties present and voting at the Amendment Conference.四、对本公约的任何修正应由出席修约会议并参加表决的缔约国三分之二多数通过。
The Depositary shall communicate any amendment so adopted to all States.保存人应将以此方式获得通过的任何修正通报所有国家。
5. An amendment to this Convention shall enter into force for States Parties that have accepted the amendment on the date of deposit of acceptances by a majority of the States which were Parties at the date of adoption of the amendment.五、对本公约的修正应在修正获通过之日为缔约国的过半数国家交存接受书之日起,对接受该项修正的缔约国生效。
Thereafter it shall enter into force for any remaining State Party on the date of deposit of its instrument of acceptance.其后,对于任何其余的缔约国,修正自该国交存接受书之日生效。
Article 14.第十四条
Costs and administrative tasks.费用和行政任务
1. The costs of the Meetings of States Parties, the Review Conferences and the Amendment Conferences shall be borne by the States Parties and States not party to this Convention participating therein, in accordance with the United Nations scale of assessment adjusted appropriately.一、缔约国会议、审议会议和修约会议的费用,应由参加会议的本公约缔约国和非缔约国按适当调整的联合国会费分摊比额表承担。
2. The costs incurred by the Secretary-General of the United Nations under Articles 7 and S of this Convention shall be borne by the States Parties in accordance with the United Nations scale of assessment adjusted appropriately.二、联合国秘书长因执行本公约第七条和第八条而产生的费用,应由缔约国按适当调整的联合国会费分摊比额表承担。
3. The performance by the Secretary-General of the United Nations of administrative tasks assigned to him or her under this Convention is subject to an appropriate United Nations mandate.三、联合国秘书长执行本公约授予的行政任务,须经联合国适当授权。
Article 15.第十五条
This Convention, done at Dublin on 30 May 2008, shall be open for signature at Oslo by all States on 3 December 2008 and thereafter at United Nations Headquarters in New York until its entry into force.本公约于2008年5月30日在都柏林签订,于2008年12月3日在奥斯陆并随后在纽约联合国总部开放供所有国家签署,直至公约生效为止。
Article 16.第十六条
Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.批准、接受、核准或加入
1. This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the Signatories.一、本公约须经各签署国批准、接受或核准。
2. It shall be open for accession by any State that has not signed the Convention.二、本公约应开放供未签署本公约的任何国家加入。
3. The instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.三、批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书应交存于保存人。
Article 17.第十七条
Entry into force.生效
1. This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the sixth month after the month in which the thirtieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession has been deposited.一、本公约应自第30份批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书交存之月后第六个月的第一天生效。
2. For any State that deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession after the date of the deposit of the thirtieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the sixth month after the date on which that State has deposited its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.二、对于在第30份批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书交存之曰后交存其批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书的任何国家,本公约应自该国交存其批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书之日后第六个月的第一天生效。
Article 18.第十八条
Provisional application.暂时适用
Any State may, at the time of its ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that it will apply provisionally Article 1 of this Convention pending its entry into force for that State.任何国家可以在批准、接受、核准或加入本公约时宣布,该国将在本公约生效之前暂时适用本公约第一条第一款。
Article 19.第十九条
The Articles of this Convention shall not be subject to reservations.不得对本公约的条款作出保留。
Article 20.第二十条
Duration and withdrawal.期限和退出
1. This Convention shall be of unlimited duration.一、本公约无限期有效。
2. Each State Party shall, in exercising its national sovereignty, have the right to withdraw from this Convention.二、每一缔约国为行使国家主权,有权退出本公约。
It shall give notice of such withdrawal to all other States Parties, to the Depositary and to the United Nations Security Council.缔约国应将退约一事通知所有其他缔约国、保存人和联合国安全理事会。
Such instrument of withdrawal shall include a full explanation of the reasons motivating withdrawal.退约书中应充分解释引起退约的原因。
3. Such withdrawal shall only take effect six months after the receipt of the instrument of withdrawal by the Depositary.三、退约应在保存人收到退约书六个月后才可生效。
If, however, on the expiry of that six-month period, the withdrawing State Party is engaged in an armed conflict, the withdrawal shall not take effect before the end of the armed conflict.但是,如果在六个月期满时,退出的缔约国正处于武装冲突之中,则退约不应在武装冲突结束之前生效。
Article 21.第二十一条
Relations with States not party to this Convention.与非本公约缔约国的关系
1. Each State Party shall encourage States not party to this Convention to ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention, with the goal of attracting the adherence of all States to this Convention.一、每一缔约国均应鼓励非本公约缔约国批准、接受、核准或加入本公约,目标是吸引所有国家参加本公约。
2. Each State Party shall notify the governments of all States not party to this Convention, referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, of its obligations under this Convention, shall promote the norms it establishes and shall make its best efforts to discourage States not party to this Convention from using cluster munitions.二、每一缔约国均应将其根据本公约承担的义务通知本条第三款提及的所有非本公约缔约国政府,应促进落实公约订立的规范,并应尽一切努力说服非本公约缔约国不使用集束弹药。
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1 of this Convention and in accordance with international law, States Parties, their military personnel or nationals, may engage in military cooperation and operations with States not party to this Convention that might engage in activities prohibited to a State Party.三、尽管有本公约第一条的规定,依照国际法,缔约国、其军事人员或其国民仍可与可能从事禁止本公约缔约国从事的活动的非本公约缔约国开展军事合作和行动。
4. Nothing in paragraph 3 of this Article shall Authorize a State Party:四、本条第三款的任何规定均没有授权缔约国:
a) To develop, produce or otherwise acquire cluster munitions;㈠发展、生产或以其他方式获取集束弹药;
b) To itself stockpile or transfer cluster munitions;㈡自己储存或转让集束弹药;
c) To itself use cluster munitions; or㈢自己使用集束弹药;或
d) To expressly request the use of cluster munitions in cases where the choice of munitions used is within its exclusive control.㈣在所用弹药的选择完全由其控制的情况下,明示请求使用集束弹药。
Article 22.第二十二条
The Secretary-General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the Depositary of this Convention.兹指定联合国秘书长为本公约的保存人。
Article 23.第二十三条
Authentic texts.作准文本
The Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts of this Convention shall be equally authentic.本公约的阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文文本同等作准。