Elements of Crimes |
犯罪要件 |
Contents |
目录 |
General introduction |
一般性导言 |
1. Pursuant to article 9, the following Elements of Crimes shall assist the Court in the interpretation and application of articles 6, 7 and 8, consistent with the Statute. |
1. 根据第九条,应以下列《犯罪要件》协助本法院在符合《规约》的情况下,解释和适用第六条、第七条和第八条。 |
The provisions of the Statute, including article 21 and the general principles set out in Part 3, are applicable to the Elements of Crimes. |
《规约》的规定,包括第二十一条及第三编规定的一般原则,适用于《犯罪要件》。 |
2. As stated in article 30, unless otherwise provided, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court only if the material elements are committed with intent and knowledge. |
2. 第三十条已经指出,除另有规定外,只有当某人在故意和明知的情况下实施犯罪的物质要件,该人才对本法院管辖权内的犯罪负有刑事责任。 |
Where no reference is made in the Elements of Crimes to a mental element for any particular conduct, consequence or circumstance listed, it is understood that the relevant mental element, i.e., intent, knowledge or both, set out in article 30 applies. |
在《犯罪要件》内,所列某种行为、后果或情况没有提到心理要件的,应理解为第三十条规定的相关心理要件,即明知、故意或明知和故意,应予适用。 |
Exceptions to the article 30 standard, based on the Statute, including applicable law under its relevant provisions, are indicated below. |
对于根据《规约》及其有关条文规定的适用法律,不应适用第三十条标准的例外情况,下文另予说明。 |
3. Existence of intent and knowledge can be inferred from relevant facts and circumstances. |
3. 明知和故意的存在,可以从相关事实和情节推断。 |
4. With respect to mental elements associated with elements involving value judgement, such as those using the terms “inhumane” or “severe”, it is not necessary that the perpetrator personally completed a particular value judgement, unless otherwise indicated. |
4. 在心理要件方面,涉及价值判断的要件,如使用“不人道”或“严重”等用语的要件,除另有规定外,不要求行为人亲自完成有关的价值判断。 |
5. Grounds for excluding criminal responsibility or the absence thereof are generally not specified in the elements of crimes listed under each crime. |
5. 在每项犯罪下开列的犯罪要件中,通常不具体列出排除刑事责任的理由,或不负刑事责任的理由。 |
6. The requirement of “unlawfulness” found in the Statute or in other parts of international law, in particular international humanitarian law, is generally not specified in the elements of crimes. |
6. 《规约》或国际法其他方面所规定的,特别是国际人道主义法所规定的“违法性”要素,通常不在犯罪要件中具体列出。 |
7. The elements of crimes are generally structured in accordance with the following principles: |
7. 犯罪要件一般按照下列原则组织: |
– As the elements of crimes focus on the conduct, consequences and circumstances associated with each crime, they are generally listed in that order; |
- 犯罪要件强调与每种犯罪相关的行为、后果和情况,因此一般按此顺序开列; |
– When required, a particular mental element is listed after the affected conduct, consequence or circumstance; |
- 必要的心理要件,在受影响的行为、后果或情况之后列出; |
– Contextual circumstances are listed last. |
- 相关的背景情况在最后列出。 |
8. As used in the Elements of Crimes, the term “perpetrator” is neutral as to guilt or innocence. |
8. 在《犯罪要件》中,“行为人”一词为中性用语,不表示有罪或无罪。 |
The elements, including the appropriate mental elements, apply, mutatis mutandis, to all those whose criminal responsibility may fall under articles 25 and 28 of the Statute. |
各项要件,包括适当的心理要件,比照适用于可能根据《规约》第二十五条和第二十八条追究其刑事责任的人。 |
9. A particular conduct may constitute one or more crimes. |
9. 一项行为可构成一罪或数罪。 |
10. The use of short titles for the crimes has no legal effect. |
10. 使用各项犯罪的简称,无任何法律后果。 |
Article 6 |
第六条 |
Genocide |
灭绝种族罪 |
Introduction |
导言 |
With respect to the last element listed for each crime: |
关于每项犯罪的最后一个要件: |
– The term “in the context of” would include the initial acts in an emerging pattern; |
- “在…情况下”包括新出现的行为模式的初始行为; |
– The term “manifest” is an objective qualification; |
- “明显”是一项客观条件; |
– Notwithstanding the normal requirement for a mental element provided for in article 30, and recognizing that knowledge of the circumstances will usually be addressed in proving genocidal intent, the appropriate requirement, if any, for a mental element regarding this circumstance will need to be decided by the Court on a case-by-case basis. |
- 尽管一般需要第三十条规定的心理要件,而且认识到在证明灭绝种族罪的犯罪意图时,一般会涉及知道情况的问题,但是否需要关于知道情况的心理要件,及这项要件的适用条件,应由本法院逐案决定。 |
Article 6 (a) |
第六条第1项 |
Genocide by killing |
灭绝种族罪——杀害 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons. |
1. 行为人杀害 一人或多人。 |
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group. |
2. 这些人为某一特定民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体的成员。 |
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such. |
3. 行为人意图全部或局部消灭该民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction. |
4. 行为是在明显针对该团体采取一系列类似行为的情况下发生的,或者是本身足以造成这种消灭的行为。 |
Article 6 (b) |
第六条第2项 |
Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm |
灭绝种族罪——致使身体上或精神上遭受严重伤害 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator caused serious bodily or mental harm to one or more persons. |
1. 行为人致使一人或多人身体上或精神上遭受严重伤害。 |
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group. |
2. 这些人为某一特定民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体的成员。 |
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such. |
3. 行为人意图全部或局部消灭该民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction. |
4. 行为是在明显针对该团体采取一系列类似行为的情况下发生的,或者是本身足以造成这种消灭的行为。 |
Article 6 (c) |
第六条第3项 |
Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction |
灭绝种族罪——故意以某种生活状况毁灭生命 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator inflicted certain conditions of life upon one or more persons. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人处于某种生活状况。 |
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group. |
2. 这些人为某一特定民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体的成员。 |
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such. |
3. 行为人意图全部或局部消灭该民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体。 |
4. The conditions of life were calculated to bring about the physical destruction of that group, in whole or in part. |
4. 该种生活状况旨在全部或局部毁灭该团体的生命。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction. |
5. 行为是在明显针对该团体采取一系列类似行为的情况下发生的,或者是本身足以造成这种消灭的行为。 |
Article 6 (d) |
第六条第4项 |
Genocide by imposing measures intended to prevent births |
灭绝种族罪-强制施行办法意图防止生育 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator imposed certain measures upon one or more persons. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人强制施行某些办法。 |
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group. |
2. 这些人为某一特定民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体的成员。 |
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such. |
3. 行为人意图全部或局部消灭该民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体。 |
4. The measures imposed were intended to prevent births within that group. |
4. 强制施行的办法是意图防止该团体内的生育。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction. |
5. 行为是在明显针对该团体采取一系列类似行为的情况下发生的,或者是本身足以造成这种消灭的行为。 |
Article 6 (e) |
第六条第5项 |
Genocide by forcibly transferring children |
灭绝种族罪——强迫转移儿童 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator forcibly transferred one or more persons. |
1. 行为人强行转移一人或多人。 |
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group. |
2. 这些人为某一特定民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体的成员。 |
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such. |
3. 行为人意图全部或局部消灭该民族、族裔、种族或宗教团体。 |
4. The transfer was from that group to another group. |
4. 转移是从该团体转移到另一团体。 |
5. The person or persons were under the age of 18 years. |
5. 这些人不满18岁。 |
6. The perpetrator knew, or should have known, that the person or persons were under the age of 18 years. |
6. 行为人知道或应该知道这些人不满18岁。 |
7. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction. |
7. 行为是在明显针对该团体采取一系列类似行为的情况下发生的,或者是本身足以造成这种消灭的行为。 |
Article 7 |
第七条 |
Crimes against humanity |
危害人类罪 |
Introduction |
导言 |
1. Since article 7 pertains to international criminal law, its provisions, consistent with article 22, must be strictly construed, taking into account that crimes against humanity as defined in article 7 are among the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, warrant and entail individual criminal responsibility, and require conduct which is impermissible under generally applicable international law, as recognized by the principal legal systems of the world. |
1. 鉴于第七条涉及国际刑法,根据第二十二条规定,必须对其规定作严格解释,并应就此考虑到第七条界定的危害人类罪为整个国际社会关注的一些最严重犯罪,应当追究其个人刑事责任,而且所涉行为应当是世界各大法系承认的普遍适用国际法所不容许的行为。 |
2. The last two elements for each crime against humanity describe the context in which the conduct must take place. |
2. 每项危害人类罪的最后二项要件描述行为发生时的必要背景情况。 |
These elements clarify the requisite participation in and knowledge of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. |
二项要件明确规定参加且明知系广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击为构成要件。 |
However, the last element should not be interpreted as requiring proof that the perpetrator had knowledge of all characteristics of the attack or the precise details of the plan or policy of the State or organization. |
但最后一项要件不应被解释为必须证明行为人知道攻击的所有特征,或国家、组织的计划或政策的细节。 |
In the case of an emerging widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, the intent clause of the last element indicates that this mental element is satisfied if the perpetrator intended to further such an attack. |
如果广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行攻击为新出现的情况,最后一项要件的故意要素是指,行为人有意推行这种攻击的,即具备这一心理要件的该当性。 |
3. “Attack directed against a civilian population” in these context elements is understood to mean a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in article 7, paragraph 1, of the Statute against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack. |
3. 在这些背景情况要件中,“针对平民人口进行的攻击”意指,根据国家或组织攻击平民人口的政策,或为了推行这种政策,针对任何平民人口多次实施《规约》第七条第一款所述行为的行为过程。 |
The acts need not constitute a military attack. |
这些行为不必构成军事攻击。 |
It is understood that “policy to commit such attack” requires that the State or organization actively promote or encourage such an attack against a civilian population. |
“攻击平民人口的政策”意指国家或组织积极推动或鼓励这种攻击平民人口的行为。 |
Article 7 (1) (a) |
第七条第一款第1项 |
Crime against humanity of murder |
危害人类罪——谋杀 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons. |
1. 行为人杀害 一人或多人。 |
2. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
2. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
3. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. |
3. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (b) |
第七条第一款第2项 |
Crime against humanity of extermination |
危害人类罪——灭绝 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons, including by inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a population. |
1. 行为人杀害 一人或多人,包括施加某种生活状况,目的是毁灭部分的人口。 |
2. The conduct constituted, or took place as part of, a mass killing of members of a civilian population. |
2. 行为构成大规模杀害平民人口的成员,或作为这种杀害的一部分 发生。 |
3. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
3. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
4. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (c) |
第七条第一款第3项 |
Crime against humanity of enslavement |
危害人类罪——奴役 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator exercised any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人行使附属于所有权的任何或一切权力,如买卖、出租或互易这些人,或以类似方式剥夺其自由。 |
2. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
2. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
3. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
3. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (d) |
第七条第一款第4项 |
Crime against humanity of deportation or forcible transfer of population |
危害人类罪——驱逐出境或强行迁移人口 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts. |
1. 行为人在缺乏国际法容许的理由的情况下,以驱逐或其他强制性行为,将一人或多人驱逐出境或强行 迁移 到他国或他地。 |
2. Such person or persons were lawfully present in the area from which they were so deported or transferred. |
2. 这些人合法留在被驱逐或迁移离开的地区。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the lawfulness of such presence. |
3. 行为人知道确定这些人留在有关地区的合法性的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
5. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (e) |
第七条第一款第5项 |
Crime against humanity of imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty |
危害人类罪——监禁或以其他方式严重剥夺人身自由 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. |
1. 行为人监禁一人或多人或严重剥夺一人或多人的人身自由。 |
2. The gravity of the conduct was such that it was in violation of fundamental rules of international law. |
2. 行为达到违反国际法基本规则的严重程度。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the gravity of the conduct. |
3. 行为人知道确定行为严重程度的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
5. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (f) |
第七条第一款第6项 |
Crime against humanity of torture |
危害人类罪——酷刑 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator inflicted severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more persons. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人身体或精神遭受重大痛苦。 |
2. Such person or persons were in the custody or under the control of the perpetrator. |
2. 这些人在行为人羁押或控制之下。 |
3. Such pain or suffering did not arise only from, and was not inherent in or incidental to, lawful sanctions. |
3. 这种痛苦并非纯因合法制裁而引起,也非合法制裁所固有或附带产生的。 |
4. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
5. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (g)-1 |
第七条第一款第7项—1 |
Crime against humanity of rape |
危害人类罪——强奸 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator invaded the body of a person by conduct resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the perpetrator with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body. |
1. 行为人侵入 某人身体,其行为导致不论如何轻微地以性器官进入被害人或行为人身体任一部位,或以任何物体或身体其他任何部位进入被害人的肛门或生殖器官。 |
2. The invasion was committed by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment, or the invasion was committed against a person incapable of giving genuine consent. |
2. 侵入以武力实施,或以针对该人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况的方式实施,或利用强制性环境实施,或者是对无能力给予真正同意 的人实施的。 |
3. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
3. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
4. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (g)-2 |
第七条第一款第7项—2 |
Crime against humanity of sexual slavery |
危害人类罪——性奴役 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator exercised any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty. |
1 行为人对一人或多人行使附属于所有权的任何或一切权力,如买卖、出租或互易这些人,或以类似方式剥夺其自由。 |
2. The perpetrator caused such person or persons to engage in one or more acts of a sexual nature. |
2. 行为人使一人或多人进行一项或多项性行为。 |
3. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
3. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
4. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (g)-3 |
第七条第一款第7项—3 |
Crime against humanity of enforced prostitution |
危害人类罪——强迫卖淫 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator caused one or more persons to engage in one or more acts of a sexual nature by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment or such person’s or persons’ incapacity to give genuine consent. |
1. 行为人迫使一人或多人进行一项或多项性行为,为此采用武力,或针对这些人或另一人实行武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况,或利用强制性环境或这些人无能力给予真正同意的情况。 |
2. The perpetrator or another person obtained or expected to obtain pecuniary or other advantage in exchange for or in connection with the acts of a sexual nature. |
2. 行为人或另一人已经以或预期以这种性行为换取,或因这种性行为得到金钱或其他利益。 |
3. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
3. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
4. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (g)-4 |
第七条第一款第7项—4 |
Crime against humanity of forced pregnancy |
危害人类罪——强迫怀孕 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator confined one or more women forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any population or carrying out other grave violations of international law. |
1. 行为人禁闭一名或多名被强迫怀孕的妇女,目的是影响某一人口的族裔构成,或进行其他严重违反国际法的行为。 |
2. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
2. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
3. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
3. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (g)-5 |
第七条第一款第7项—5 |
Crime against humanity of enforced sterilization |
危害人类罪——强迫绝育 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator deprived one or more persons of biological reproductive capacity. |
1. 行为人剥夺一人或多人的自然生殖能力。 |
2. The conduct was neither justified by the medical or hospital treatment of the person or persons concerned nor carried out with their genuine consent. |
2. 行为缺乏医学或住院治疗这些人的理由,而且未得到本人的真正同意。 |
3. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
3. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
4. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (g)-6 |
第七条第一款第7项—6 |
Crime against humanity of sexual violence |
危害人类罪——性暴力 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator committed an act of a sexual nature against one or more persons or caused such person or persons to engage in an act of a sexual nature by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment or such person’s or persons’ incapacity to give genuine consent. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人实施一项性行为,或迫使这些人进行一项性行为,为此采用武力,或针对这些人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况,或利用强制性环境或这些人无能力给予真正同意的情况。 |
2. Such conduct was of a gravity comparable to the other offences in article 7, paragraph 1 (g), of the Statute. |
2. 行为的严重程度与《规约》第七条第一款第7项所述的其他犯罪相若。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the gravity of the conduct. |
3. 行为人知道确定行为严重程度的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
5. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (h) |
第七条第一款第8项 |
Crime against humanity of persecution |
危害人类罪——迫害 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator severely deprived, contrary to international law, one or more persons of fundamental rights. |
1. 行为人违反国际法, 严重剥夺一人或多人的基本权利。 |
2. The perpetrator targeted such person or persons by reason of the identity of a group or collectivity or targeted the group or collectivity as such. |
2. 行为人因某一团体或集体的特性而以这些人为目标,或以该团体或集体为目标。 |
3. Such targeting was based on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in article 7, paragraph 3, of the Statute, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law. |
3. 选定目标的根据,是政治、种族、民族、族裔、文化、宗教、《规约》第七条第三款所界定的性别方面的理由,或公认为国际法所不容的其他理由。 |
4. The conduct was committed in connection with any act referred to in article 7, paragraph 1, of the Statute or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court. |
4. 行为与任何一种《规约》第七条第一款提及的行为或任何一种本法院管辖权内的犯罪结合发生。 |
5. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
5. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
6. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
6. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (i) |
第七条第一款第9项 |
Crime against humanity of enforced disappearance of persons, |
危害人类罪——强迫人员失踪 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator: |
1. 行为人: |
(a) Arrested, detained, or abducted one or more persons; |
(a) 逮捕、羁押 或绑架一人或多人; |
or |
或 |
(b) Refused to acknowledge the arrest, detention or abduction, or to give information on the fate or whereabouts of such person or persons. |
(b) 拒绝承认这种逮捕、羁押或绑架行为,或透露有关的人的命运或下落。 |
2. (a) |
2. (a) |
Such arrest, detention or abduction was followed or accompanied by a refusal to acknowledge that deprivation of freedom or to give information on the fate or whereabouts of such person or persons; |
在逮捕、羁押或绑架期间或在其后,拒绝承认这种剥夺自由的行为,或透露有关的人的命运或下落; |
or |
或 |
(b) Such refusal was preceded or accompanied by that deprivation of freedom. |
(b) 上述拒绝承认或透露的行为,在剥夺自由期间或在其后发生。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware that: |
3. 行为人知道: |
(a) Such arrest, detention or abduction would be followed in the ordinary course of events by a refusal to acknowledge that deprivation of freedom or to give information on the fate or whereabouts of such person or persons; |
(a) 在一般情况下,逮捕、羁押或绑架后,将拒绝承认这种剥夺自由的行为,或透露有关的人的命运或下落; |
or |
或 |
(b) Such refusal was preceded or accompanied by that deprivation of freedom. |
(b) 上述拒绝承认或透露的行为,在剥夺自由期间或在其后发生。 |
4. Such arrest, detention or abduction was carried out by, or with the authorization, support or acquiescence of, a State or a political organization. |
4. 这种逮捕、羁押或绑架是国家或政治组织进行的,或是在其同意、支持或默许下进行的。 |
5. Such refusal to acknowledge that deprivation of freedom or to give information on the fate or whereabouts of such person or persons was carried out by, or with the authorization or support of, such State or political organization. |
5. 拒绝承认这种剥夺自由的行为,或透露有关的人的命运或下落,是上述国家或政治组织进行的,或是在其同意或支持下进行的。 |
6. The perpetrator intended to remove such person or persons from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time. |
6. 行为人打算将有关的人长期置于法律保护之外。 |
7. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
7. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
8. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
8. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (j) |
第七条第一款第10项 |
Crime against humanity of apartheid |
危害人类罪——种族隔离 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator committed an inhumane act against one or more persons. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人实施不人道行为。 |
2. Such act was an act referred to in article 7, paragraph 1, of the Statute, or was an act of a character similar to any of those acts. |
2. 这种行为是《规约》第七条第一款提及的行为之一,或者是性质与其相同的行为。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the character of the act. |
3. 行为人知道确定行为的性质的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct was committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups. |
4. 行为是一个种族团体对任何其他一个或多个种族团体,在一个有计划地实行压迫和统治的体制化制度下实施的。 |
5. The perpetrator intended to maintain such regime by that conduct. |
5. 行为人打算以这种行为维持这一制度。 |
6. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
6. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
7. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
7. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 7 (1) (k) |
第七条第一款第11项 |
Crime against humanity of other inhumane acts |
危害人类罪——其他不人道行为 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator inflicted great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health, by means of an inhumane act. |
1. 行为人以不人道行为造成重大痛苦,或对人体或精神或身体健康造成严重伤害。 |
2. Such act was of a character similar to any other act referred to in article 7, paragraph 1, of the Statute. |
2. 行为的性质与《规约》第七条第一款提及的任何其他行为相同。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the character of the act. |
3. 行为人知道确定行为的性质的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
4. 实施的行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. |
5. 行为人知道或有意使该行为属于广泛或有系统地针对平民人口进行的攻击的一部分。 |
Article 8 |
第八条 |
War crimes |
战争罪 |
Introduction |
导言 |
The elements for war crimes under article 8, paragraph 2 (c) and (e), are subject to the limitations addressed in article 8, paragraph 2 (d) and (f), which are not elements of crimes. |
第八条第二款第3项和第5项所列战争罪要件,受不属于犯罪要件的第八条第二款第4项和第6项的规定限制。 |
The elements for war crimes under article 8, paragraph 2, of the Statute shall be interpreted within the established framework of the international law of armed conflict including, as appropriate, the international law of armed conflict applicable to armed conflict at sea. |
《规约》第八条第二款所列战争罪要件,应当按照武装冲突国际法规,酌情包括适用于海上武装冲突的武装冲突国际法规的既定框架解释。 |
With respect to the last two elements listed for each crime: |
对于为每项犯罪开列的最后二个要件: |
• There is no requirement for a legal evaluation by the perpetrator as to the existence of an armed conflict or its character as international or non-international; |
• 不要求行为人作出法律评价,断定是否存在武装冲突,或断定冲突的国际性质或非国际性质; |
• In that context there is no requirement for awareness by the perpetrator of the facts that established the character of the conflict as international or non-international; |
• 在这方面,不要求行为人知道据以确定冲突的国际性质或非国际性质的事实; |
• There is only a requirement for the awareness of the factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict that is implicit in the terms “took place in the context of and was associated with”. |
• “在…情况下发生并且与该冲突有关”一语意指,仅需知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) |
第八条第二款第1项 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (i) |
第八条第二款第1项第1目 |
War crime of wilful killing |
战争罪——故意杀害 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons. |
1. 行为人杀害一人或多人。 |
2. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
2. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status., |
3. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (ii)-1 |
第八条第二款第1项第2目–1 |
War crime of torture |
战争罪–––酷刑 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator inflicted severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more persons. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人身体或精神遭受重大痛苦。 |
2. The perpetrator inflicted the pain or suffering for such purposes as: obtaining information or a confession, punishment, intimidation or coercion or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind. |
2. 行为人造成这种痛苦是为了:取得情报或供状、处罚、恐吓或胁迫,或为了任何歧视性理由。 |
3. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
3. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
4. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
5. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
6. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (ii)-2 |
第八条第二款第1项第2目–2 |
War crime of inhuman treatment |
战争罪–––不人道待遇 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator inflicted severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more persons. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人身体或精神遭受重大痛苦。 |
2. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
2. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
3. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (ii)-3 |
第八条第二款第1项第2目–3 |
War crime of biological experiments |
战争罪——生物学实验 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator subjected one or more persons to a particular biological experiment. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人成为某项生物学实验的对象。 |
2. The experiment seriously endangered the physical or mental health or integrity of such person or persons. |
2. 实验严重危及这些人的身体或精神健康或完整性。 |
3. The intent of the experiment was non-therapeutic and it was neither justified by medical reasons nor carried out in such person’s or persons’ interest. |
3. 实验目的不在于治疗,而且缺乏医学理由,也不是为了这些人的利益而进行的。 |
4. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
4. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
5. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (iii) |
第八条第二款第1项第3目 |
War crime of wilfully causing great suffering |
战争罪——故意造成重大痛苦 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator caused great physical or mental pain or suffering to, or serious injury to body or health of, one or more persons. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人身体或精神遭受重大痛苦,或严重伤害这些人的身体或健康。 |
2. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
2. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
3. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (iv) |
第八条第二款第1项第4目 |
War crime of destruction and appropriation of property |
战争罪——破坏和侵占财产 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator destroyed or appropriated certain property. |
1. 行为人破坏或侵占某些财产。 |
2. The destruction or appropriation was not justified by military necessity. |
2. 破坏或侵占无军事上的必要。 |
3. The destruction or appropriation was extensive and carried out wantonly. |
3. 破坏或侵占是广泛的和恣意进行的。 |
4. Such property was protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
4. 这些财产受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
5. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (v) |
第八条第二款第1项第5目 |
War crime of compelling service in hostile forces |
战争罪——强迫在敌方部队中服役 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator coerced one or more persons, by act or threat, to take part in military operations against that person’s own country or forces or otherwise serve in the forces of a hostile power. |
1. 行为人以行为或威胁方式,强迫一人或多人参加反对他们本国或本方部队的 军事行动,或者在敌国部队中服役。 |
2. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
2. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
3. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (vi) |
第八条第二款第1项第6目 |
War crime of denying a fair trial |
战争罪——剥夺公允审判的权利 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator deprived one or more persons of a fair and regular trial by denying judicial guarantees as defined, in particular, in the third and the fourth Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
1. 行为人拒绝给予特别是1949年《日内瓦第三公约》和《日内瓦第四公约》所规定的司法保障,剥夺一人或多人应享的公允及合法审判的权利。 |
2. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
2. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
3. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (vii)-1 |
第八条第二款第1项第7目–1 |
War crime of unlawful deportation and transfer |
战争罪——非法驱逐出境和迁移 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator deported or transferred one or more persons to another State or to another location. |
1. 行为人将一人或多人驱逐出境或迁移到他国或他地。 |
2. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
2. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
3. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (vii)-2 |
第八条第二款第1项第7目–2 |
War crime of unlawful confinement |
战争罪——非法禁闭 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator confined or continued to confine one or more persons to a certain location. |
1. 行为人将一人或多人禁闭或继续禁闭在某地。 |
2. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
2. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
3. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (a) (viii) |
第八条第二款第1项第8目 |
War crime of taking hostages |
战争——劫持人质 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator seized, detained or otherwise held hostage one or more persons. |
1. 行为人劫持或拘禁一人或多人,或以这些人为人质。 |
2. The perpetrator threatened to kill, injure or continue to detain such person or persons. |
2. 行为人威胁杀害、伤害或继续拘禁这些人。 |
3. The perpetrator intended to compel a State, an international organization, a natural or legal person or a group of persons to act or refrain from acting as an explicit or implicit condition for the safety or the release of such person or persons. |
3. 行为人意图迫使某一国家、国际组织、自然人或法人或一组人采取行动或不采取行动,以此作为这些人的安全或释放的明示或默示条件。 |
4. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. |
4. 这些人受到一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的保护。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status. |
5. 行为人知道确定该受保护地位的事实情况。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) |
第八条第二款第2项 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (i) |
第八条第二款第2项第1目 |
War crime of attacking civilians |
战争罪——攻击平民 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator directed an attack. |
1. 行为人指令攻击。 |
2. The object of the attack was a civilian population as such or individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities. |
2. 攻击目标是平民人口本身或未直接参加敌对行动的个别平民。 |
3. The perpetrator intended the civilian population as such or individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities to be the object of the attack. |
3. 行为人故意以平民人口本身或未直接参加敌对行动的个别平民为攻击目标。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (ii) |
第八条第二款第2项第2目 |
War crime of attacking civilian objects |
战争罪——攻击民用物体 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator directed an attack. |
1. 行为人指令攻击。 |
2. The object of the attack was civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives. |
2. 攻击目标是民用物体,即非军事目标的物体。 |
3. The perpetrator intended such civilian objects to be the object of the attack. |
3. 行为人意图以这种民用物体为攻击目标。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (iii) |
第八条第二款第2项第3目 |
War crime of attacking personnel or objects involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission |
战争罪——攻击与人道主义援助或维持和平行动有关的人员或物体 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator directed an attack. |
1. 行为人指令攻击。 |
2. The object of the attack was personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. |
2. 攻击目标是依照《联合国宪章》执行的人道主义援助或维持和平行动的所涉人员、设施、物资、单位或车辆。 |
3. The perpetrator intended such personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles so involved to be the object of the attack. |
3. 行为人故意以这些人员、设施、物资、单位或车辆为攻击目标。 |
4. Such personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles were entitled to that protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict. |
4. 这些人员、设施、物资、单位或车辆有权得到武装冲突国际法规给予平民和民用物体的保护。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protection. |
5. 行为人知道确定这种保护的事实情况。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (iv) |
第八条第二款第2项第4目 |
War crime of excessive incidental death, injury, or damage |
战争罪––––造成过分的附带伤亡或破坏 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator launched an attack. |
1. 行为人发动攻击。 |
2. The attack was such that it would cause incidental death or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment and that such death, injury or damage would be of such an extent as to be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated. |
2. 这种攻击会附带造成平民伤亡或破坏民用物体或致使自然环境遭受广泛、长期和严重的破坏,而且伤亡或破坏的程度与预期得到的具体和直接的整体军事优势相比显然是过分的。 |
3. The perpetrator knew that the attack would cause incidental death or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment and that such death, injury or damage would be of such an extent as to be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated. |
3. 行为人明知这种攻击会附带造成平民伤亡或破坏民用物体或致使自然环境遭受广泛、长期和严重的破坏,而且伤亡或破坏的程度与预期得到的具体和直接的整体军事优势相比显然是过分的。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (v) |
第八条第二款第2项第5目 |
War crime of attacking undefended places |
战争罪––––攻击不设防地方 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator attacked one or more towns, villages, dwellings or buildings. |
1. 行为人攻击一个或多个城镇、村庄、住所或建筑物。 |
2. Such towns, villages, dwellings or buildings were open for unresisted occupation. |
2. 这些城镇、村庄、住所或建筑物没有抵御,可以随时占领。 |
3. Such towns, villages, dwellings or buildings did not constitute military objectives. |
3. 有关城镇、村庄、住所或建筑物不构成军事目标。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (vi) |
第八条第二款第2项第6目 |
War crime of killing or wounding a person hors de combat |
战争罪——杀害、伤害失去战斗力的人员 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator killed or injured one or more persons. |
1. 行为人杀害、伤害一人或多人。 |
2. Such person or persons were hors de combat. |
2. 这些人失去战斗力。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status. |
3. 行为人知道确定这一地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (vii)-1 |
第八条第二款第2项第7目-1 |
War crime of improper use of a flag of truce |
战争罪——不当使用休战旗 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator used a flag of truce. |
1. 行为人使用休战旗。 |
2. The perpetrator made such use in order to feign an intention to negotiate when there was no such intention on the part of the perpetrator. |
2. 行为人使用休战旗以假装有意谈判,而实际并无此意。 |
3. The perpetrator knew or should have known of the prohibited nature of such use. |
3. 行为人知道或应当知道这种使用手段的违禁性质。 |
4. The conduct resulted in death or serious personal injury. |
4. 行为致使人员死亡或重伤。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct could result in death or serious personal injury. |
5. 行为人知道该行为会致使人员死亡或重伤。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (vii)-2 |
第八条第二款第2项第7目-2 |
War crime of improper use of a flag, insignia or uniform of the hostile party |
战争罪——不当使用敌方旗帜、标志或制服 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator used a flag, insignia or uniform of the hostile party. |
1. 行为人使用敌方旗帜、标志或制服。 |
2. The perpetrator made such use in a manner prohibited under the international law of armed conflict while engaged in an attack. |
2. 行为人在从事攻击时,以国际法禁止的方式使用这些旗帜、标志或制服。 |
3. The perpetrator knew or should have known of the prohibited nature of such use. |
3. 行为人知道或应当知道这种手段的违禁性质。 |
4. The conduct resulted in death or serious personal injury. |
4. 行为致使人员死亡或重伤。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct could result in death or serious personal injury. |
5. 行为人知道该行为会致使人员死亡或重伤。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (vii)-3 |
第八条第二款第2项第7目-3 |
War crime of improper use of a flag, insignia or uniform of the United Nations |
战争罪——不当使用联合国旗帜、标志或制服 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator used a flag, insignia or uniform of the United Nations. |
1. 行为人使用联合国旗帜、标志或制服。 |
2. The perpetrator made such use in a manner prohibited under the international law of armed conflict. |
2. 行为人以武装冲突国际法规禁止的方式使用这些旗帜、标志或制服。 |
3. The perpetrator knew of the prohibited nature of such use. |
3. 行为人知道这种手段的违禁性质。 |
4. The conduct resulted in death or serious personal injury. |
4. 行为致使人员死亡或重伤。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct could result in death or serious personal injury. |
5. 行为人知道该行为可能致使人员死亡或重伤。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (vii)-4 |
第八条第二款第2项第7目-4 |
War crime of improper use of the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions |
战争罪——不当使用《日内瓦公约》所订特殊标志 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator used the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions. |
1. 行为人使用《日内瓦公约》所订特殊标志。 |
2. The perpetrator made such use for combatant purposes in a manner prohibited under the international law of armed conflict. |
2. 行为人以武装冲突国际法规禁止的方式为战斗目的 使用这种标志。 |
3. The perpetrator knew or should have known of the prohibited nature of such use. |
3. 行为人知道或应当知道这种手段的违禁性质。 |
4. The conduct resulted in death or serious personal injury. |
4. 行为致使人员死亡或重伤。 |
5. The perpetrator knew that the conduct could result in death or serious personal injury. |
5. 行为人知道该行为会致使人员死亡或重伤。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (viii) |
第八条第二款第2项第8目 |
The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory |
占领国将部分本国平民人口直接或间接迁移到其占领的领土,或将被 占领领土的全部或部分人口驱逐或迁移到被占领领土内或外的地方 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator: |
1. 行为人: |
(a) Transferred, directly or indirectly, parts of its own population into the territory it occupies; |
(a) 将部分本国人口直接或间接迁移 到其占领的领土; |
or |
或 |
(b) Deported or transferred all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory. |
(b) 将被占领领土的全部或部分人口驱逐或迁移到被占领领土内或外的地方。 |
2. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
2. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
3. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (ix) |
第八条第二款第2项第9目 |
War crime of attacking protected objects |
战争罪——攻击受保护物体 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator directed an attack. |
1. 行为人指令攻击。 |
2. The object of the attack was one or more buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals or places where the sick and wounded are collected, which were not military objectives. |
2. 攻击目标是一座或多座专用于宗教、教育、艺术、科学或慈善事业的建筑物、历史纪念物、医院或伤病人员收容所,而这些地方不是军事目标。 |
3. The perpetrator intended such building or buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals or places where the sick and wounded are collected, which were not military objectives, to be the object of the attack. |
3. 行为人故意以一座或多座专用于宗教、教育、艺术、科学或慈善事业的建筑物、历史纪念物、医院或伤病人员收容所为攻击目标,而这些地方不是军事目标。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道确据以定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (x)-1 |
第八条第二款第2项第10目-1 |
War crime of mutilation |
战争罪——残伤肢体 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator subjected one or more persons to mutilation, in particular by permanently disfiguring the person or persons, or by permanently disabling or removing an organ or appendage. |
1. 行为人致使一人或多人肢体遭受残伤,特别是永久毁损这些人的容貌,或者永久毁伤或割除其器官或附器。 |
2. The conduct caused death or seriously endangered the physical or mental health of such person or persons. |
2. 行为致使这些人死亡或严重危及其身体或精神健康。 |
3. The conduct was neither justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the person or persons concerned nor carried out in such person’s or persons’ interest. |
3. 行为不具有医学、牙医学或住院治疗这些人的理由,也不是为了其利益而进行的。 |
4. Such person or persons were in the power of an adverse party. |
4. 这些人在敌方权力之下。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
5. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
6. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (x)-2 |
第八条第二款第2项第10目-2 |
War crime of medical or scientific experiments |
战争罪——医学或科学实验 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator subjected one or more persons to a medical or scientific experiment. |
1. 行为人致使一人或多人成为医学或科学实验对象。 |
2. The experiment caused death or seriously endangered the physical or mental health or integrity of such person or persons. |
2. 实验致使这些人死亡或严重危及其身体或精神健康或完整性。 |
3. The conduct was neither justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of such person or persons concerned nor carried out in such person’s or persons’ interest. |
3. 行为不具有医学、牙医学或住院治疗这些人的理由,也不是为了其利益而进行的。 |
4. Such person or persons were in the power of an adverse party. |
4. 这些人在敌方权力之下。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
5. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
6. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xi) |
第八条第二款第2项第11目 |
War crime of treacherously killing or wounding |
战争罪——背信弃义的杀害、伤害 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator invited the confidence or belief of one or more persons that they were entitled to, or were obliged to accord, protection under rules of international law applicable in armed conflict. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人确信或相信,他们应享有或有义务给予适用于武装冲突的国际法规则所规定的保护。 |
2. The perpetrator intended to betray that confidence or belief. |
2. 行为人有意背信。 |
3. The perpetrator killed or injured such person or persons. |
3. 行为人杀害、伤害这些人。 |
4. The perpetrator made use of that confidence or belief in killing or injuring such person or persons. |
4. 行为人假借取信手段杀害、伤害这些人。 |
5. Such person or persons belonged to an adverse party. |
5. 这些人是敌方人员。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xii) |
第八条第二款第2项第12目 |
War crime of denying quarter |
战争罪——决不纳降 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator declared or ordered that there shall be no survivors. |
1. 行为人宣告或下令杀无赦。 |
2. Such declaration or order was given in order to threaten an adversary or to conduct hostilities on the basis that there shall be no survivors. |
2. 宣告或下令杀无赦是为了威胁敌方,或在杀无赦基础上进行敌对行动。 |
3. The perpetrator was in a position of effective command or control over the subordinate forces to which the declaration or order was directed. |
3. 行为人所居地位能有效指挥或控制听其宣告或命令的下属部队。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xiii) |
第八条第二款第2项第13目 |
War crime of destroying or seizing the enemy’s property |
战争罪——摧毁或没收敌方财产 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator destroyed or seized certain property. |
1. 行为人摧毁或没收某些财产。 |
2. Such property was property of a hostile party. |
2. 这些财产是敌方财产。 |
3. Such property was protected from that destruction or seizure under the international law of armed conflict. |
3. 这些财产受武装冲突国际法规的保护,不得予以摧毁或没收。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the status of the property. |
4. 行为人知道确定财产的地位的事实情况。 |
5. The destruction or seizure was not justified by military necessity. |
5. 摧毁或没收无军事上的必要。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
6. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xiv) |
第八条第二款第2项第14目 |
War crime of depriving the nationals of the hostile power of rights or actions |
战争罪——剥夺敌方国民的权利或诉讼权 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator effected the abolition, suspension or termination of admissibility in a court of law of certain rights or actions. |
1. 行为人取消、停止某些权利或诉讼权,或在法院中终止执行。 |
2. The abolition, suspension or termination was directed at the nationals of a hostile party. |
2. 这种取消、停止或终止行动针对敌方国民。 |
3. The perpetrator intended the abolition, suspension or termination to be directed at the nationals of a hostile party. |
3. 行为人有意针对敌方国民实施这种取消、停止或终止行动。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xv) |
第八条第二款第2项第15目 |
War crime of compelling participation in military operations |
战争罪——强迫参加军事行动 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator coerced one or more persons by act or threat to take part in military operations against that person’s own country or forces. |
1. 行为人以行为或威胁方式,强迫一人或多人参加反对他们本国或本方部队的军事行动。 |
2. Such person or persons were nationals of a hostile party. |
2. 这些人是敌方国民。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xvi) |
第八条第二款第2项第16目 |
War crime of pillaging |
战争罪——抢劫 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator appropriated certain property. |
1. 行为人侵占某些财产。 |
2. The perpetrator intended to deprive the owner of the property and to appropriate it for private or personal use. |
2. 行为人有意剥夺和侵占物主的财产,以供私人或个人使用。 |
3. The appropriation was without the consent of the owner. |
3. 侵占未经物主同意。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xvii) |
第八条第二款第2项第17目 |
War crime of employing poison or poisoned weapons |
战争罪——使用毒物或有毒武器 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator employed a substance or a weapon that releases a substance as a result of its employment. |
1. 行为人使用一种物质,或一种导致释放某种物质的武器。 |
2. The substance was such that it causes death or serious damage to health in the ordinary course of events, through its toxic properties. |
2. 这种物质凭借其毒性,在一般情况下会致死或严重损害健康。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xviii) |
第八条第二款第2项第18目 |
War crime of employing prohibited gases, liquids, materials or devices |
战争罪——使用违禁气体、液体、物质或器件 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator employed a gas or other analogous substance or device. |
1. 行为人使用一种气体或其他类似物质或器件。 |
2. The gas, substance or device was such that it causes death or serious damage to health in the ordinary course of events, through its asphyxiating or toxic properties. |
2 这种气体、物质或器件凭借其窒息性或毒性,在一般情况下会致死或严重损害健康。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 犯罪行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xix) |
第八条第二款第2项第19目 |
War crime of employing prohibited bullets |
战争罪——使用违禁子弹 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator employed certain bullets. |
1. 行为人使用某种子弹。 |
2. The bullets were such that their use violates the international law of armed conflict because they expand or flatten easily in the human body. |
2. 使用这种子弹违反武装冲突国际法规,因为这种子弹在人体内易于膨胀或变扁。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware that the nature of the bullets was such that their employment would uselessly aggravate suffering or the wounding effect. |
3. 行为人知道,由于子弹的性质,其使用将不必要地加重痛苦或致伤效应。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xx) |
第八条第二款第2项第20目 |
War crime of employing weapons, projectiles or materials or methods of warfare listed in the Annex to the Statute |
战争罪——使用《规约》附件所列武器、射弹、装备或战争方法 |
Elements |
要件 |
[Elements will have to be drafted once weapons, projectiles or material or methods of warfare have been included in an annex to the Statute.] |
[以《规约》附件方式列出各种武器、射弹、装备、战争方法后,即须拟订要件。 ] |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxi) |
第八条第二款第2项第21目 |
War crime of outrages upon personal dignity |
战争罪——损害个人尊严 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator humiliated, degraded or otherwise violated the dignity of one or more persons. |
1. 行为人侮辱一人或多人、实施有辱人格的待遇或以其他方式侵犯这些人的尊严。 |
2. The severity of the humiliation, degradation or other violation was of such degree as to be generally recognized as an outrage upon personal dignity. |
2. 侮辱、有辱人格待遇或其他侵犯行为的严重性达到公认为损害个人尊严的程度。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxii)-1 |
第八条第二款第2项第22目-1 |
War crime of rape |
战争罪——强奸 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator invaded the body of a person by conduct resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the perpetrator with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body. |
1. 行为人侵入 某人身体,其行为导致不论如何轻微地以性器官进入被害人或行为人身体任一部位,或以任何物体或身体任何其他部位进入被害人的肛门或生殖器官。 |
2. The invasion was committed by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment, or the invasion was committed against a person incapable of giving genuine consent. |
2. 侵入以武力实施,或以针对该人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况的方式实施,或利用强制性环境实施,或者是对无能力给予真正 的人实施的。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxii)-2 |
第八条第二款第2项第22目-2 |
War crime of sexual slavery |
战争罪——性奴役 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator exercised any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人行使附属于所有权的任何或一切权力,如买卖、出租或互易这些人,或以类似方式剥夺其自由。 |
2. The perpetrator caused such person or persons to engage in one or more acts of a sexual nature. |
2. 行为人使一人或多人进行一项或多项性行为。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxii)-3 |
第八条第二款第2项第22目-3 |
War crime of enforced prostitution |
战争罪——强迫卖淫 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator caused one or more persons to engage in one or more acts of a sexual nature by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment or such person’s or persons’ incapacity to give genuine consent. |
1. 行为人迫使一人或多人进行一项或多项性行为,为此采用武力,或针对这些人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况,或利用强制性环境或这些人无能力给予真正同意的情况。 |
2. The perpetrator or another person obtained or expected to obtain pecuniary or other advantage in exchange for or in connection with the acts of a sexual nature. |
2. 行为人或另一人已经以或预期以这种性行为换取,或因这种性行为取得金钱或其他利益。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxii)-4 |
第八条第二款第2项第22目-4 |
War crime of forced pregnancy |
战争罪——强迫怀孕 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator confined one or more women forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any population or carrying out other grave violations of international law. |
1. 行为人禁闭一名或多名被强迫怀孕的妇女,目的是影响某一人口的族裔组成,或进行其他严重违反国际法的行为。 |
2. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
2. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
3. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxii)-5 |
第八条第二款第2项第22目-5 |
War crime of enforced sterilization |
战争罪——强迫绝育 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator deprived one or more persons of biological reproductive capacity. |
1. 行为人剥夺一人或多人的自然生殖能力。 |
2. The conduct was neither justified by the medical or hospital treatment of the person or persons concerned nor carried out with their genuine consent. |
2. 行为缺乏医学或住院治疗这些人的理由,而且未得到本人的真正同意。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxii)-6 |
第八条第二款第2项第22目-6 |
War crime of sexual violence |
战争罪——性暴力 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator committed an act of a sexual nature against one or more persons or caused such person or persons to engage in an act of a sexual nature by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment or such person’s or persons’ incapacity to give genuine consent. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人实施一项性行为,或迫使这些人进行一项性行为,为此采用武力,或针对这些人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况,或利用强制性环境或这些人无能力给予真正同意的情况。 |
2. The conduct was of a gravity comparable to that of a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions. |
2. 行为的严重程度与严重违反《日内瓦公约》的行为相若。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the gravity of the conduct. |
3. 行为人知道确定行为严重程度的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxiii) |
第八条第二款第2项第23目 |
War crime of using protected persons as shields |
战争罪——利用被保护人作为掩护 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator moved or otherwise took advantage of the location of one or more civilians or other persons protected under the international law of armed conflict. |
1. 行为人移动一名或多名平民或受武装冲突国际法规保护的其他人,或以其他方式利用这些人所处位置。 |
2. The perpetrator intended to shield a military objective from attack or shield, favour or impede military operations. |
2. 行为人故意使军事目标免受攻击,或掩护、支持或阻挠军事行动。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxiv) |
第8条第二款第2项第24目 |
War crime of attacking objects or persons using the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions |
战争罪——攻击使用《日内瓦公约》所订特殊标志的物体或人员 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator attacked one or more persons, buildings, medical units or transports or other objects using, in conformity with international law, a distinctive emblem or other method of identification indicating protection under the Geneva Conventions. |
1. 行为人攻击依照国际法使用特殊标志或其他识别方法以表示受《日内瓦公约》保护的一人或多人、建筑物、医疗单位或运输工具或其他物体。 |
2. The perpetrator intended such persons, buildings, units or transports or other objects so using such identification to be the object of the attack. |
2. 行为人故意以为了上述理由使用这种标记的人、建筑物、单位或运输工具或其他物体为攻击目标。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxv) |
第八条第二款第2项第25目 |
War crime of starvation as a method of warfare |
战争罪——以断绝粮食作为战争方法 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator deprived civilians of objects indispensable to their survival. |
1. 行为人使平民无法取得其生存所必需的物品。 |
2. The perpetrator intended to starve civilians as a method of warfare. |
2. 行为人故意以断绝平民粮食作为战争方法。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
3. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (b) (xxvi) |
第八条第二款第2项第26目 |
War crime of using, conscripting or enlisting children |
战争罪——利用或征募儿童 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator conscripted or enlisted one or more persons into the national armed forces or used one or more persons to participate actively in hostilities. |
1. 行为人征募一人或多人加入国家武装部队,或利用一人或多人积极参加敌对行动。 |
2. Such person or persons were under the age of 15 years. |
2. 这些人不满15岁。 |
3. The perpetrator knew or should have known that such person or persons were under the age of 15 years. |
3. 行为人知道或应当知道这些人不满15岁。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict. |
4. 行为在国际武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (c) |
第八条第二款第3项 |
Article 8 (2) (c) (i)-1 |
第八条第二款第3项第1目-1 |
War crime of murder |
战争罪——谋杀 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons. |
1. 行为人杀害一人或多人。 |
2. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel, or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities. |
2. 这些人或为无战斗力人员,或为不实际参与敌对行动的平民、医务人员或神职人员。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status. |
3. 行为人知道确定这一地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (c) (i)-2 |
第八条第二款第3项第1目-2 |
War crime of mutilation |
战争罪——残伤肢体 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator subjected one or more persons to mutilation, in particular by permanently disfiguring the person or persons, or by permanently disabling or removing an organ or appendage. |
1. 行为人致使一人或多人肢体遭受残伤,特别是永久毁损这些人的容貌,或者永久毁伤或割除其器官或附器。 |
2. The conduct was neither justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the person or persons concerned nor carried out in such person’s or persons’ interests. |
2. 行为不具有医学、牙医学和住院治疗这些人员的理由,也不是为了其利益而进行的。 |
3. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities. |
3. 这些人或为无战斗力人员,或为不实际参与敌对行动的平民、医务人员或神职人员。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status. |
4. 行为人知道确定这一地位的事实情况。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
5. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
6. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (c) (i)-3 |
第八条第二款第3项第1目-3 |
War crime of cruel treatment |
战争罪——虐待 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator inflicted severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more persons. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人身体或精神遭受重大痛苦。 |
2. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel, or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities. |
2. 这些人或为无战斗力人员,或为不实际参与敌对行动的平民,医务人员或神职人员。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status. |
3. 行为人知道确定这一地位的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (c) (i)-4 |
第八条第二款第3项第1目-4 |
War crime of torture |
战争罪——酷刑 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator inflicted severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more persons. |
1. 行为人使一人或多人身体或精神遭受重大痛苦。 |
2. The perpetrator inflicted the pain or suffering for such purposes as: obtaining information or a confession, punishment, intimidation or coercion or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind. |
2. 行为人造成这种痛苦是为了:取得情报和供状、处罚、恐吓和胁迫,或为了任何歧视性理由。 |
3. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities. |
3. 这些人或为无战斗力人员,或为不实际参与敌对行动的平民、医务人员或神职人员。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status. |
4. 行为人知道确定这一地位的事实情况。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
5. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
6. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (c) (ii) |
第八条第二款第3项第2目 |
War crime of outrages upon personal dignity |
战争罪——损害个人尊严 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator humiliated, degraded or otherwise violated the dignity of one or more persons. |
1. 行为人侮辱一人或多人、实施有辱人格的待遇或以其他方式损害侵犯这些人的尊严。 |
2. The severity of the humiliation, degradation or other violation was of such degree as to be generally recognized as an outrage upon personal dignity. |
2. 侮辱、有辱人格待遇或其他侵犯行为的严重性达到公认为损害个人尊严的程度。 |
3. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities. |
3. 这些人或为无战斗力人员,或为不实际参与敌对行动的平民、医务人员或神职人员。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status. |
4. 行为人知道确定这一地位的事实情况。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
5. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
6. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (c) (iii) |
第八条第二款第3项第3目 |
War crime of taking hostages |
战争罪——劫持人质 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator seized, detained or otherwise held hostage one or more persons. |
1. 行为人劫持或拘禁一人或多人,或以这些人为人质。 |
2. The perpetrator threatened to kill, injure or continue to detain such person or persons. |
2. 行为人威胁杀害、伤害或继续拘禁这些人。 |
3. The perpetrator intended to compel a State, an international organization, a natural or legal person or a group of persons to act or refrain from acting as an explicit or implicit condition for the safety or the release of such person or persons. |
3. 行为人意图迫使某一国家、国际组织、自然人或法人或一组人采取行动或不采取行动,以此作为这些人的安全或释放的明示或默示条件。 |
4. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities. |
4. 这些人或为无战斗力人员,或为不实际参与敌对行动的平民、医务人员或神职人员。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status. |
5. 行为人知道确定这一地位的事实情况。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
6. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (c) (iv) |
第八条第二款第3项第4目 |
War crime of sentencing or execution without due process |
战争罪——未经正当程序径行判刑或处决 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator passed sentence or executed one or more persons. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人作出判刑或执行处决。 |
2. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities. |
2. 这些人或为无战斗力人员,或为不实际参与敌对行动的平民、医务人员或神职人员。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status. |
3. 行为人知道确定这一地位的事实情况。 |
4. There was no previous judgement pronounced by a court, or the court that rendered judgement was not “regularly constituted”, that is, it did not afford the essential guarantees of independence and impartiality, or the court that rendered judgement did not afford all other judicial guarantees generally recognized as indispensable under international law. |
4. 未经任何法庭定罪,或者作出判决的法庭并非“正规组织”的,即未有独立和公正的必要保障,或者作出判决的法庭未提供公认为国际法规定的所有其他必需的司法保障。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of the absence of a previous judgement or of the denial of relevant guarantees and the fact that they are essential or indispensable to a fair trial. |
5. 行为人知道未经定罪或未得到有关保障的情况,而且知道这些保障是公允审判所必要或必需的。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
6. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) |
第八条第二款第5项 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (i) |
第八条第二款第5项第1目 |
War crime of attacking civilians |
战争罪——攻击平民 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator directed an attack. |
1. 行为人指令攻击。 |
2. The object of the attack was a civilian population as such or individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities. |
2. 攻击目标是平民人口本身或未直接参加敌对行动的个别平民。 |
3. The perpetrator intended the civilian population as such or individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities to be the object of the attack. |
3. 行为人故意以平民人口本身或未直接参加敌对行动的个别平民为攻击目标。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (ii) |
第八条第二款第5项第2目 |
War crime of attacking objects or persons using the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions |
战争罪——攻击使用《日内瓦公约》所订特殊标志的物体或人员 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator attacked one or more persons, buildings, medical units or transports or other objects using, in conformity with international law, a distinctive emblem or other method of identification indicating protection under the Geneva Conventions. |
1. 行为人攻击依照国际法使用特殊标志或其他识别方法以表示受《日内瓦公约》保护的一人或多人、建筑物、医疗单位或运输工具或其他物体。 |
2. The perpetrator intended such persons, buildings, units or transports or other objects so using such identification to be the object of the attack. |
2. 行为人故意以为了上述理由使用这种识别标志的人员、建筑物、单位或运输工具或其他物体为攻击目标。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
3. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (iii) |
第八条第二款第5项第3目 |
War crime of attacking personnel or objects involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission |
战争罪——攻击与人道主义援助或维持和平行动有关的人员或物体 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator directed an attack. |
1. 行为人指令攻击。 |
2. The object of the attack was personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. |
2. 攻击目标是依照《联合国宪章》执行的人道主义援助或维持和平行动的所涉人员、设施、物资、单位或车辆。 |
3. The perpetrator intended such personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles so involved to be the object of the attack. |
3. 行为人故意以这些人员、设施、物资、单位或车辆为攻击目标。 |
4. Such personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles were entitled to that protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict. |
4. 这些人员、设施、物资、单位或车辆有权得到武装冲突国际法给予平民和民用物体的保护。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protection. |
5. 行为人知道确定这种保护的事实情况。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
6. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (iv) |
第八条第二款第5项第4目 |
War crime of attacking protected objects |
战争罪——攻击受保护物体 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator directed an attack. |
1. 行为人指令攻击。 |
2. The object of the attack was one or more buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals or places where the sick and wounded are collected, which were not military objectives. |
2. 攻击目标是一座或多座专用于宗教、教育、艺术、科学或慈善事业的建筑物、历史纪念物、医院或伤病人员收容所,而这些地方不是军事目标。 |
3. The perpetrator intended such building or buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals or places where the sick and wounded are collected, which were not military objectives, to be the object of the attack. |
3. 行为人故意以一座或多座专用于宗教、教育、艺术、科学或慈善事业的建筑物、历史纪念物、医院或伤病人员收容所为攻击目标,而这些地方不是军事目标。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (v) |
第八条第二款第5项第5目 |
War crime of pillaging |
战争罪——抢劫 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator appropriated certain property. |
1. 行为人侵占某些财产。 |
2. The perpetrator intended to deprive the owner of the property and to appropriate it for private or personal use. |
2. 行为人有意剥夺和侵占物主的财产,以供私人或个人使用。 |
3. The appropriation was without the consent of the owner. |
3. 侵占未经物主同意。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (vi)-1 |
第八条第二款第5项第6目-1 |
War crime of rape |
战争罪——强奸 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator invaded the body of a person by conduct resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the perpetrator with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body. |
1. 行为人侵入 某人身体,其行为导致不论如何轻微地以性器官进入被害人或行为人身体任一部位,或以任何物体或身体其他任何部位进入被害人的肛门或生殖器官。 |
2. The invasion was committed by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment, or the invasion was committed against a person incapable of giving genuine consent. |
2. 侵入以武力实施,或以针对该人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况的方式实施,或利用强制性环境实施,或者是对无能力给予真正同意 的人实施的。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
3. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (vi)-2 |
第八条第二款第5项第6目-2 |
War crime of sexual slavery |
战争罪——性奴役 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator exercised any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人行使附属于所有权的任何或一切权力,如买卖、出租或互易这些人,或以类似方式剥夺其自由。 |
2. The perpetrator caused such person or persons to engage in one or more acts of a sexual nature. |
2. 行为人使一人或多人进行一项或多项性行为。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
3. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (vi)-3 |
第八条第二款第5项第6目-3 |
War crime of enforced prostitution |
战争罪——强迫卖淫 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator caused one or more persons to engage in one or more acts of a sexual nature by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment or such person’s or persons’ incapacity to give genuine consent. |
1. 行为人迫使一人或多人进行一项或多项性行为,为此采用武力,或针对这些人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况,或利用强制性环境或这些人无能力给予真正同意的情况。 |
2. The perpetrator or another person obtained or expected to obtain pecuniary or other advantage in exchange for or in connection with the acts of a sexual nature. |
2. 行为人或另一人已经以或预期以这种性行为换取,或因这种性行为取得金钱或其他利益。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
3. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (vi)-4 |
第八条第二款第5项第6目-4 |
War crime of forced pregnancy |
战争罪——强迫怀孕 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator confined one or more women forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any population or carrying out other grave violations of international law. |
1. 行为人禁闭一名或多名被强迫怀孕的妇女,目的是影响某一人口的族裔组成,或进行其他严重违反国际法的行为。 |
2. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
2. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
3. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (vi)-5 |
第八条第二款第5项第6目-5 |
War crime of enforced sterilization |
战争罪——强迫绝育 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator deprived one or more persons of biological reproductive capacity. |
1. 行为人剥夺一人或多人的自然生殖能力。 |
2. The conduct was neither justified by the medical or hospital treatment of the person or persons concerned nor carried out with their genuine consent. |
2. 行为缺乏医学或住院治疗这些人的理由,而且未得到本人的真正同意。 |
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
3. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
4. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (vi)-6 |
第八条第二款第5项第6目-6 |
War crime of sexual violence |
战争罪——性暴力 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator committed an act of a sexual nature against one or more persons or caused such person or persons to engage in an act of a sexual nature by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment or such person’s or persons’ incapacity to give genuine consent. |
1. 行为人对一人或多人实施一项性行为,或迫使这些人进行一项性行为,为此采用武力,或针对这些人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况,或利用强制性环境或这些人无能力给予真正同意的情况。 |
2. The conduct was of a gravity comparable to that of a serious violation of article 3 common to the four Geneva Conventions. |
2. 行为的严重程度与严重违反四项《日内瓦公约》共同第三条的行为相若。 |
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the gravity of the conduct. |
3. 行为人知道确定行为严重程度的事实情况。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (vii) |
第八条第二款第5项第7目 |
War crime of using, conscripting and enlisting children |
战争罪——利用或征募儿童 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator conscripted or enlisted one or more persons into an armed force or group or used one or more persons to participate actively in hostilities. |
1. 行为人征募一人或多人加入武装部队或集团,或利用一人或多人积极参加敌对行动。 |
2. Such person or persons were under the age of 15 years. |
2. 这些人不满15岁。 |
3. The perpetrator knew or should have known that such person or persons were under the age of 15 years. |
3. 行为人知道或应当知道这些人不满15岁。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (viii) |
第八条第二款第5项第8目 |
War crime of displacing civilians |
战争罪——迁移平民 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator ordered a displacement of a civilian population. |
1. 行为人命令迁移平民人口。 |
2. Such order was not justified by the security of the civilians involved or by military necessity. |
2. 命令缺乏与所涉平民的安全有关或与军事必要性有关的理由。 |
3. The perpetrator was in a position to effect such displacement by giving such order. |
3. 行为人有权发出命令实行这种迁移。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (ix) |
第八条第二款第5项第9目 |
War crime of treacherously killing or wounding |
战争罪——背信弃义的杀害、伤害 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator invited the confidence or belief of one or more combatant adversaries that they were entitled to, or were obliged to accord, protection under rules of international law applicable in armed conflict. |
1. 行为人使一名或多名敌方战斗员确信或相信,他们应享有或有义务给予适用于武装冲突的国际法规则所规定的保护。 |
2. The perpetrator intended to betray that confidence or belief. |
2. 行为人有意背信。 |
3. The perpetrator killed or injured such person or persons. |
3. 行为人杀害、伤害这些人。 |
4. The perpetrator made use of that confidence or belief in killing or injuring such person or persons. |
4. 行为人假借取信手段杀害、伤害这些人。 |
5. Such person or persons belonged to an adverse party. |
5. 这些人是敌方人员。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
6. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (x) |
第八条第二款第5项第10目 |
War crime of denying quarter |
战争罪——决不纳降 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator declared or ordered that there shall be no survivors. |
1. 行为人宣告或下令杀无赦。 |
2. Such declaration or order was given in order to threaten an adversary or to conduct hostilities on the basis that there shall be no survivors. |
2. 宣告或下令杀无赦是为了威胁敌方,或在杀无赦基础上进行敌对行动。 |
3. The perpetrator was in a position of effective command or control over the subordinate forces to which the declaration or order was directed. |
3. 行为人所居地位能有效指挥或控制听其宣告或命令的下属部队。 |
4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
4. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
5. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (xi)-1 |
第八条第二款第5项第11目-1 |
War crime of mutilation |
战争罪——残伤肢体 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator subjected one or more persons to mutilation, in particular by permanently disfiguring the person or persons, or by permanently disabling or removing an organ or appendage. |
1. 行为人致使一人或多人肢体遭受残伤,特别是永久毁损这些人的容貌,或者永久毁伤或割除其器官或附器。 |
2. The conduct caused death or seriously endangered the physical or mental health of such person or persons. |
2. 行为致使这些人死亡或严重危及其身体或精神健康。 |
3. The conduct was neither justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the person or persons concerned nor carried out in such person’s or persons’ interest. |
3. 行为不具有医学、牙医学或住院治疗这些人的理由,也不是为了其利益而进行的。 |
4. Such person or persons were in the power of another party to the conflict. |
4. 这些人在冲突另一方权力之下。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
5. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
6. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (xi)-2 |
第八条第二款第5项第11目-2 |
War crime of medical or scientific experiments |
战争罪——医学或科学实验 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator subjected one or more persons to a medical or scientific experiment. |
1. 行为人致使一人或多人成为医学或科学实验对象。 |
2. The experiment caused the death or seriously endangered the physical or mental health or integrity of such person or persons. |
2. 实验致使这些人死亡或严重危及其身体或精神健康或完整性。 |
3. The conduct was neither justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of such person or persons concerned nor carried out in such person’s or persons’ interest. |
3. 行为不具有医学、牙医学或住院治疗这些人的理由,也不是为了其利益而进行的。 |
4. Such person or persons were in the power of another party to the conflict. |
4. 这些人在冲突另一方权力之下。 |
5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
5. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
6. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
Article 8 (2) (e) (xii) |
第八条第二款第5项第12目 |
War crime of destroying or seizing the enemy’s property |
战争罪——摧毁或没收敌方财产 |
Elements |
要件 |
1. The perpetrator destroyed or seized certain property. |
1. 行为人摧毁或没收某些财产。 |
2. Such property was property of an adversary. |
2. 这些财产是敌对方的财产。 |
3. Such property was protected from that destruction or seizure under the international law of armed conflict. |
3. 这些财产受到武装冲突国际法规的保护,不得予以摧毁或没收。 |
4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the status of the property. |
4. 行为人知道确定这些财产的地位的事实情况。 |
5. The destruction or seizure was not required by military necessity. |
5. 摧毁或没收无军事上的必要。 |
6. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of an international character. |
6. 行为在非国际性武装冲突情况下发生并且与该冲突有关。 |
7. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict. |
7. 行为人知道据以确定存在武装冲突的事实情况。 |
* Explanatory note: The structure of the elements of the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes follows the structure of the corresponding provisions of articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute. |
* 说明:灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪和战争罪的犯罪要件结构,以《罗马规约》第六条、第七条和第八条有关规定的结构为基础。 |
Some paragraphs of those articles of the Rome Statute list multiple crimes. |
上述《罗马规约》条款有的一款列出多项犯罪。 |
In those instances, the elements of crimes appear in separate paragraphs which correspond to each of those crimes to facilitate the identification of the respective elements. |
在这种情况下,每项犯罪的犯罪要件以单独一款列出,以方便确定各罪的要件。 |
This paragraph is without prejudice to the obligation of the Prosecutor under article 54, paragraph 1, of the Statute. |
此段不影响检察官根据《规约》第五十四条第一款承担的义务。 |
The term “killed” is interchangeable with the term “caused death”. |
“杀害”一词与“致死”一词通用。 |
This conduct may include, but is not necessarily restricted to, acts of torture, rape, sexual violence or inhuman or degrading treatment. |
行为可以包括但不一定限于酷刑、强奸、性暴力或不人道或有辱人格待遇。 |
The term “conditions of life” may include, but is not necessarily restricted to, deliberate deprivation of resources indispensable for survival, such as food or medical services, or systematic expulsion from homes. |
“生活状况”一词可以包括但不一定限于故意断绝生存必需的资源,如粮食或医疗服务,或有系统地驱逐离开家园。 |
The term “forcibly” is not restricted to physical force, but may include threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment. |
“强行”一词不限于针对人身的武力,也可以包括针对这些人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况,或利用强制性环境。 |
A policy which has a civilian population as the object of the attack would be implemented by State or organizational action. |
以平民人口为攻击对象的政策一般由国家或组织的行动实施。 |
Such a policy may, in exceptional circumstances, be implemented by a deliberate failure to take action, which is consciously aimed at encouraging such attack. |
在特殊情况下,这种政策的实施方式可以是故意不采取行动,刻意以此助长这种攻击。 |
The existence of such a policy cannot be inferred solely from the absence of governmental or organizational action. |
不能仅以缺乏政府或组织的行动推断存在这种政策。 |
The term “killed” is interchangeable with the term “caused death”. |
“杀害”一词与“致死”一词通用。 |
This footnote applies to all elements which use either of these concepts. |
本脚注适用于所有使用这两个概念之一的要件。 |
The conduct could be committed by different methods of killing, either directly or indirectly. |
可以利用不同的直接或间接杀害方法实施行为。 |
The infliction of such conditions could include the deprivation of access to food and medicine. |
施加这种状况可以包括断绝粮食和药品来源。 |
The term “as part of” would include the initial conduct in a mass killing. |
“一部分”一词包括大规模杀害的初始行为。 |
It is understood that such deprivation of liberty may, in some circumstances, include exacting forced labour or otherwise reducing a person to a servile status as defined in the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery of 1956. |
这种剥夺自由在某些情况下,应理解为可能包括强迫劳动或使一人沦为《1956年废止奴隶制、奴隶贩卖及类似奴隶制的制度与习俗补充公约》所界定的奴役地位。 |
It is also understood that the conduct described in this element includes trafficking in persons, in particular women and children. |
同时,这一要件所述的行为应理解为包括贩运人口,特别是妇女和儿童。 |
The term “forcibly” is not restricted to physical force, but may include threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment. |
“强行”一词不限于针对人身的武力,也可以包括针对这些人或另一人实施武力威胁或强制手段,例如以对暴力的恐惧、胁迫、羁押、心理压迫或滥用权力造成强制性情况,或利用强制性环境。 |
“Deported or forcibly transferred” is interchangeable with “forcibly displaced”. |
“驱逐出境或强行迁移”与“强迫迁离”通用。 |
It is understood that no specific purpose need be proved for this crime. |
无需为本罪证明犯罪具体目的。 |
The concept of “invasion” is intended to be broad enough to be gender-neutral. |
“侵入”一词概念含义广泛,不涉及性别问题。 |
It is understood that a person may be incapable of giving genuine consent if affected by natural, induced or age-related incapacity. |
有关的人可以因自然、诱发或与年龄有关的因素而无能力给予真正同意。 |
This footnote also applies to the corresponding elements of article 7 (1) (g)-3, 5 and 6. |
本脚注也适用于第七条第一款第7项一3、5和6的相应要件。 |
Given the complex nature of this crime, it is recognized that its commission could involve more than one perpetrator as a part of a common criminal purpose. |
基于本罪的复杂性,认识到犯罪可能涉及多个行为人,为一个共同犯罪目的的一部分。 |
It is understood that such deprivation of liberty may, in some circumstances, include exacting forced labour or otherwise reducing a person to a servile status as defined in the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery of 1956. |
这种剥夺自由在某些情况下,应理解为可能包括强迫劳动或使一人沦为《1956年废止奴隶制、奴隶贩卖及类似奴隶制的制度与习俗补充公约》所界定的奴役地位。 |
It is also understood that the conduct described in this element includes trafficking in persons, in particular women and children. |
同时,这一要件所述的行为应理解为包括贩运人口,特别是妇女和儿童。 |
The deprivation is not intended to include birth-control measures which have a non-permanent effect in practice. |
剥夺行为不包括实际上不具有长期作用的节育措施。 |
It is understood that “genuine consent” does not include consent obtained through deception. |
“真正同意”应理解为不包括以欺骗手段取得的同意。 |
This requirement is without prejudice to paragraph 6 of the General Introduction to the Elements of Crimes. |
此项规定不妨害《犯罪要件》一般性导言第6段的规定。 |
It is understood that no additional mental element is necessary for this element other than that inherent in element 6. |
除要件6所含有的心理要素外,本要件不要求其他心理要素。 |
Given the complex nature of this crime, it is recognized that its commission will normally involve more than one perpetrator as a part of a common criminal purpose. |
基于本罪的复杂性,认识到犯罪可能涉及多个行为人,为一个共同犯罪目的的一部分。 |
This crime falls under the jurisdiction of the Court only if the attack referred to in elements 7 and 8 occurs after the entry into force of the Statute. |
要件7和8所提到的攻击在《规约》生效后发生,本罪才为本法院管辖权内的犯罪。 |
The word “detained” would include a perpetrator who maintained an existing detention. |
“羁押”一词包括行为人维持现有羁押状态的行为。 |
It is understood that under certain circumstances an arrest or detention may have been lawful. |
在某些情况下,逮捕或羁押可能是合法的。 |
This element, inserted because of the complexity of this crime, is without prejudice to the General Introduction to the Elements of Crimes. |
此要件因本罪的复杂性而加上,不妨害《犯罪要件》的一般性导言。 |
It is understood that, in the case of a perpetrator who maintained an existing detention, this element would be satisfied if the perpetrator was aware that such a refusal had already taken place. |
对于维持现有羁押状态的行为人,知道已拒绝承认或透露的,即具有本要件的该当性。 |
It is understood that “character” refers to the nature and gravity of the act. |
“性质”是指行为的本质和严重程度。 |
It is understood that “character” refers to the nature and gravity of the act. |
“性质”是指行为的本质和严重程度。 |
The term “killed” is interchangeable with the term “caused death”. This footnote applies to all elements which use either of these concepts. |
“杀害”一词与“致死”一词通用,本脚注适用于所有使用这两个概念之一的要件。 |
This mental element recognizes the interplay between articles 30 and 32. |
此一心理要件确认第三十条与第三十二条的相互作用。 |
This footnote also applies to the corresponding element in each crime under article 8 (2) (a), and to the element in other crimes in article 8 (2) concerning the awareness of factual circumstances that establish the status of persons or property protected under the relevant international law of armed conflict. |
本脚注也适用于第八条第二款第1项所列每一犯罪的相应要件,并适用于第八条第二款其他犯罪的有关要件,即知道确定某些人或某些财产根据有关武装冲突国际法规具有受保护地位的事实情况。 |
With respect to nationality, it is understood that the perpetrator needs only to know that the victim belonged to an adverse party to the conflict. |
在国籍方面,行为人仅需知道被害人为冲突敌对方的人员。 |
This footnote also applies to the corresponding element in each crime under article 8 (2) (a). |
本脚注也适用于第八条第二款第1项所列每一犯罪的相应要件。 |
The term “international armed conflict” includes military occupation. |
“国际武装冲突”一词包括军事占领。 |
This footnote also applies to the corresponding element in each crime under article 8 (2) (a). |
本脚注也适用于第八条第二款第1项所列每一犯罪的相应要件。 |
As element 3 requires that all victims must be “protected persons” under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, these elements do not include the custody or control requirement found in the elements of article 7 (1) (e). |
由于要件3要求所有被害人必须是一项或多项1949年《日内瓦公约》的“被保护人”,这些要件没有列入第七条第一款第6项的要件所规定的羁押或控制要素。 |
The expression “concrete and direct overall military advantage” refers to a military advantage that is foreseeable by the perpetrator at the relevant time. |
“具体和直接的整体军事优势”一语指行为人在有关时刻可以预见的军事优势。 |
Such advantage may or may not be temporally or geographically related to the object of the attack. |
就时间或地理而言,这种优势与攻击目标可能有关,也可能无关。 |
The fact that this crime admits the possibility of lawful incidental injury and collateral damage does not in any way justify any violation of the law applicable in armed conflict. |
虽然这一犯罪考虑到可能会造成合法的附带伤害和间接破坏,但这决不能作为违反武装冲突适用法规的理由。 |
It does not address justifications for war or other rules related to jus ad bellum. |
这里不涉及发动战争的理由或诉诸战争权的其他相关规则。 |
It reflects the proportionality requirement inherent in determining the legality of any military activity undertaken in the context of an armed conflict. |
此要件反映对武装冲突背景下进行的军事行动的合法性作出判断必须考虑到的相称性问题。 |
As opposed to the general rule set forth in paragraph 4 of the General Introduction, this knowledge element requires that the perpetrator make the value judgement as described therein. |
与一般性导言第4段中的一般规则不同,这一明知要件要求行为人作出其中所述的价值判断。 |
An evaluation of that value judgement must be based on the requisite information available to the perpetrator at the time. |
对这一价值判断的评价必须以行为人在当时能够得到的必要信息为依据。 |
The presence in the locality of persons specially protected under the Geneva Conventions of 1949 or of police forces retained for the sole purpose of maintaining law and order does not by itself render the locality a military objective. |
一个地方有特别受到1949年《日内瓦公约》保护的人或为了维持治安的唯一目的而留下的警察部队,并不使该地方成为军事目标。 |
This mental element recognizes the interplay between article 30 and article 32. |
这一心理要件确认第三十条和第三十二条的相互作用。 |
The term “prohibited nature” denotes illegality. |
“违禁性质”一语指违法性。 |
This mental element recognizes the interplay between article 30 and article 32. |
这一心理要件确认第三十条和第三十二条的相互作用。 |
The term “prohibited nature” denotes illegality. |
“违禁性质”一语指违法性。 |
This mental element recognizes the interplay between article 30 and article 32. |
这一心理要件确认第三十条和第三十二条的相互作用。 |
The “should have known” test required in the other offences found in article 8 (2) (b) (vii) is not applicable here because of the variable and regulatory nature of the relevant prohibitions. |
第八条第二款第2项第7目下的其他犯罪所需的“应当知道”检验标准在此不适用,因为有关禁令内容不一且具有规范性质。 |
“Combatant purposes” in these circumstances means purposes directly related to hostilities and not including medical, religious or similar activities. |
这些情况下,“战斗目的”是指与敌对行动直接有关的目的,不包括医疗、宗教或类似活动。 |
This mental element recognizes the interplay between article 30 and article 32. |
这一心理要件确认第三十条和第三十二条的相互作用。 |
The term “prohibited nature” denotes illegality. |
“违禁性质”一语指违法性。 |
The term “transfer” needs to be interpreted in accordance with the relevant provisions of international humanitarian law. |
“迁移”一词须依照国际人道主义法相关规定解释。 |
The presence in the locality of persons specially protected under the Geneva Conventions of 1949 or of police forces retained for the sole purpose of maintaining law and order does not by itself render the locality a military objective. |
一个地方有特别受到1949年《日内瓦公约》保护的人和为了维持治安的唯一目的而留下的警察部队,并不使该地方成为军事目标。 |
Consent is not a defence to this crime. |
不得以同意为本罪辩护理由。 |
The crime prohibits any medical procedure which is not indicated by the state of health of the person concerned and which is not consistent with generally accepted medical standards which would be applied under similar medical circumstances to persons who are nationals of the party conducting the procedure and who are in no way deprived of liberty. |
本罪禁止进行有关的人的健康状况所不需的任何医疗程序; 这些程序不符合进行程序一方在同样医学情况下适用于未被剥夺自由的公民的公认医疗标准。 |
This footnote also applies to the same element for article 8 (2) (b) (x)-2. |
本脚注也适用于第八条第二款第2项第10目-2的同一要件。 |
As indicated by the use of the term “private or personal use”, appropriations justified by military necessity cannot constitute the crime of pillaging. |
“私人或个人使用”一词表明,有军事必要的侵占,不构成抢劫罪。 |
Nothing in this element shall be interpreted as limiting or prejudicing in any way existing or developing rules of international law with respect to the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. |
绝不应将此要件解释为限制或妨害关于发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器的现有或正在发展中的国际法规则。 |
For this crime, “persons” can include dead persons. |
就本罪而言,“人”可以包括死人。 |
It is understood that the victim need not personally be aware of the existence of the humiliation or degradation or other violation. |
被害人本人不必知道存在侮辱或有辱人格待遇或其他侵犯行为。 |
This element takes into account relevant aspects of the cultural background of the victim. |
这一要件考虑到被害人文化背景的相关方面。 |
The concept of “invasion” is intended to be broad enough to be gender-neutral. |
“侵入”一词概念含义广泛,不涉及性别问题。 |
It is understood that a person may be incapable of giving genuine consent if affected by natural, induced or age-related incapacity. |
有关的人可以因自然、诱发或与年龄有关的因素而无能力给予真正同意。 |
This footnote also applies to the corresponding elements of article 8 (2) (b) (xxii)-3, 5 and 6. |
本脚注也适用于第八条第二款第2项第22目-3、5和6的相应要件。 |
Given the complex nature of this crime, it is recognized that its commission could involve more than one perpetrator as a part of a common criminal purpose. |
基于本罪的复杂性,认识到犯罪可能涉及多个行为人,为一个共同犯罪目的的一部分。 |
It is understood that such deprivation of liberty may, in some circumstances, include exacting forced labour or otherwise reducing a person to servile status as defined in the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery of 1956. |
这种剥夺自由在某些情况下,应理解为可能包括强迫劳动或使一人沦为《1956年废止奴隶制、奴隶贩卖及类似奴隶制的制度与习俗补充公约》所界定的奴役地位。 |
It is also understood that the conduct described in this element includes trafficking in persons, in particular women and children. |
同时,这一要件所述的行为应理解为包括贩运人口,特别是妇女和儿童。 |
The deprivation is not intended to include birth-control measures which have a non-permanent effect in practice. |
剥夺行为不包括实际上不具有长期作用的节育措施。 |
It is understood that “genuine consent” does not include consent obtained through deception. |
“真正同意”应理解为不包括以欺骗手段取得的同意。 |
The term “religious personnel” includes those non-confessional non-combatant military personnel carrying out a similar function. |
“神职人员”一词包括不办告解但执行同一职能的非战斗军事人员。 |
For this crime, “persons” can include dead persons. |
就本罪而言,“人”可以包括死人。 |
It is understood that the victim need not personally be aware of the existence of the humiliation or degradation or other violation. |
被害人本人不必知道存在侮辱或有辱人格待遇或其他侵犯行为。 |
This element takes into account relevant aspects of the cultural background of the victim. |
这一要件考虑到被害人文化背景的相关方面。 |
The elements laid down in these documents do not address the different forms of individual criminal responsibility, as enunciated in articles 25 and 28 of the Statute. |
各文件所列的要件没有涉及《规约》第二十五条和第二十八条所规定的各种不同的个人刑事责任。 |
With respect to elements 4 and 5, the Court should consider whether, in the light of all relevant circumstances, the cumulative effect of factors with respect to guarantees deprived the person or persons of a fair trial. |
关于要件4和5,本法院应根据一切相关情节,考虑与保障有关的各种因素最终是否导致有关的人没有获得公允审判。 |
The presence in the locality of persons specially protected under the Geneva Conventions of 1949 or of police forces retained for the sole purpose of maintaining law and order does not by itself render the locality a military objective. |
一个地方有特别受到1949年《日内瓦公约》保护的人和为了维持治安的唯一目的而留下的警察部队,并不使该地方成为军事目标。 |
As indicated by the use of the term “private or personal use”, appropriations justified by military necessity cannot constitute the crime of pillaging. |
“私人或个人使用”一词表明,有军事必要的侵占,不构成抢劫罪。 |
The concept of “invasion” is intended to be broad enough to be gender-neutral. |
“侵入”一词概念含义广泛,不涉及性别问题。 |
It is understood that a person may be incapable of giving genuine consent if affected by natural, induced or age-related incapacity. |
有关的人可以因自然、诱发或与年龄有关的因素而无能力给予真正同意。 |
This footnote also applies to the corresponding elements in article 8 (2) (e) (vi)-3, 5 and 6. |
本脚注也适用于第八条第二款第5项第6目—3、5和6的相应要件。 |
Given the complex nature of this crime, it is recognized that its commission could involve more than one perpetrator as a part of a common criminal purpose. |
基于本罪行的复杂性,认识到犯罪可能涉及多个行为人,为一个共同犯罪目的的一部分。 |
It is understood that such deprivation of liberty may, in some circumstances, include exacting forced labour or otherwise reducing a person to servile status as defined in the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery of 1956. |
这种剥夺自由在某些情况下,应理解为可能包括强迫劳动或使一人沦为《1956年废止奴隶制、奴隶贩卖及类似奴隶制的制度与习俗补充公司》所界定的奴役地位。 |
It is also understood that the conduct described in this element includes trafficking in persons, in particular women and children. |
同时,这一要件所述的行为应理解为包括贩运人口,特别是妇女和儿童。 |
The deprivation is not intended to include birth-control measures which have a non-permanent effect in practice. |
剥夺行为不包括实际上不具有长期作用的节育措施。 |
It is understood that “genuine consent” does not include consent obtained through deception. |
“真正同意” 应理解为不包括以欺骗手段取得的同意。 |
Consent is not a defence to this crime. |
不得以同意为本罪辩护理由。 |
The crime prohibits any medical procedure which is not indicated by the state of health of the person concerned and which is not consistent with generally accepted medical standards which would be applied under similar medical circumstances to persons who are nationals of the party conducting the procedure and who are in no way deprived of liberty. |
本罪禁止进行有关的人的健康状况所不需的任何医疗程序; 这些程序不符合进行程序一方在同样医学情况下适用于未被剥夺自由的公民的公认医疗标准。 |
This footnote also applies to the similar element in article 8 (2) (e) (xi)-2. |
本脚注也适用于第八条第二款第5项第11目–2的相同要件。 |