Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of State Property, Archives and Debts


The States Parties to the present Convention,


Considering the profound transformation of the international community brought about by the decolonization process,


Considering also that other factors may lead to cases of succession of States in the future,


Convinced, in these circumstances, of the need for the codification and progressive development of the rules relating to succession of States in respect of State property, archives and debts as a means for ensuring greater juridical security in international relations,


Noting that the principles of free consent, good faith and pacta sunt servanda are universally recognized,


Emphasizing the importance of the codification and progressive development of international law which is of interest to the international community as a whole and of special importance for the strengthening of peace and international cooperation,


Believing that questions relating to succession of States in respect of State property, archives and debts are of special importance to all States,


Having in mind the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, such as the principles of the equal rights and self-determination of peoples, of the sovereign equality and independence of all States, of non-interference in the domestic affairs of States, of the prohibition of the threat or use of force, and of universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all,


Recalling that respect for the territorial integrity and political independence of any State is required by the Charter of the United Nations,


Bearing in mind the provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the 1978 Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties,


Affirming that matters not regulated by the present Convention continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law,


Have agreed as follows:


Part I.


General Provisions


Article 1


Scope of the present Convention


The present Convention applies to the effects of a succession of States in respect of State property, archives and debts.


Article 2


Use of terms


1. For the purposes of the present Convention:

1. 在本公约适用范围内:

(a) “succession of States” means the replacement of one State by another in the responsibility for the international relations of territory;

(a) “国家继承指一国对领土的国际关系所负责任由别国取代;

(b) “predecessor State” means the State which has been replaced by another State on the occurrence of a succession of States;

(b) “被继承国指发生国家继承时被别国取代的国家;

(c) “successor State” means the State which has replaced another State on the occurrence of a succession of States;

(c) “继承国指发生国家继承时取代别国的国家;

(d) “date of the succession of States” means the date upon which the successor State replaced the predecessor State in the responsibility for the international relations of the territory to which the succession of States relates;

(d) “国家继承日期指在国家继承所涉领土的国际关系上被继承国所负责任由继承国取代的日期;

(e) “newly independent State” means a successor State the territory of which, immediately before the date of the succession of States, was a dependent territory for the international relations of which the predecessor State was responsible;

(e) “新独立国家指其领土在国家继承日期之前原是由被继承国负责其国际关系的附属领土的继承国;

(f) “third State” means any State other than the predecessor State or the successor State.

(f) “第三国指被继承国和继承国以外的任何国家。

2. The provisions of paragraph 1 regarding the use of terms in the present Convention are without prejudice to the use of those terms or to the meanings which may be given to them in the internal law of any State.

2. 1款关于本公约内用语的规定不影响此等用语在任何国家的国内法上的使用或所赋予的意义。

Article 3


Cases of succession of States covered by the present Convention


The present Convention applies only to the effects of a succession of States occurring in conformity with international law and, in particular, with the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.


Article 4


Temporal application of the present Convention


1. Without prejudice to the application of any of the rules set forth in the present Convention to which the effects of a succession of States would be subject under international law independently of the Convention, the Convention applies only in respect of a succession of States which has occurred after the entry into force of the Convention except as may be otherwise agreed.

1. 在不影响本公约所载依照国际法即使本公约不加规定亦应适用于国家继承所产生结果的任何规则的适用的情况下,本公约只适用于本公约生效后发生的国家继承,但另有协议者除外。

2. A successor State may, at the time of expressing its consent to be bound by the present Convention or at any time thereafter, make a declaration that it will apply the provisions of the Convention in respect of its own succession of States which has occurred before the entry into force of the Convention in relation to any other contracting State or State Party to the Convention which makes a declaration accepting the declaration of the successor State.

2. 继承国可以在表示同意受本公约约束时或在其后任何时间发表声明,宣布它对自己在本公约生效前发生的国家继承,在与发表声明宣布接受继承国声明的本公约任何其他缔约国或当事国的关系上,将适用本公约的规定。

Upon the entry into force of the Convention as between the States making the declarations or upon the making of the declaration of acceptance, whichever occurs later, the provisions of the Convention shall apply to the effects of the succession of States as from the date of that succession of States.


3. A successor State may at the time of signing or of expressing its consent to be bound by the present Convention make a declaration that it will apply the provisions of the Convention provisionally in respect of its own succession of States which has occurred before the entry into force of the Convention in relation to any other signatory or contracting State which makes a declaration accepting the declaration of the successor State;

3. 继承国可以在签字或表示同意接受本公约约束时发表声明,宣布它对自己在本公约生效前发生的国家继承,在与发表声明宣布接受继承国声明的任何其他签字国或缔约国的关系上,将暂时适用本公约的规定;

upon the making of the declaration of acceptance, those provisions shall apply provisionally to the effects of the succession of States as between those two States as from the date of that succession of States.


4. Any declaration made in accordance with paragraph 2 or 3 shall be contained in a written notification communicated to the depositary, who shall inform the Parties and the States entitled to become Parties to the present Convention of the communication to him of that notification and of its terms.

4. 按照第2或第3款发表的任何声明应载在一项书面通知内,递交保管人,保管人应将收到该项通知一事及通知内容通知各缔约国和有权成为本公约缔约国的国家。

Article 5


Succession in respect of other matters


Nothing in the present Convention shall be considered as prejudging in any respect any question relating to the effects of a succession of States in respect of matters other than those provided for in the present Convention.


Article 6


Rights and obligations of natural or juridical persons


Nothing in the present Convention shall be considered as prejudging in any respect any question relating to the rights and obligations of natural or juridical persons.


Part II.


State Property


section 1.




Article 7


Scope of the present Part


The articles in the present Part apply to the effects of a succession of States in respect of State property of the predecessor State.


Article 8


State property


For the purposes of the articles in the present Part, “State property of the predecessor State” means property, rights and interests which, at the date of the succession of States, were, according to the internal law of the predecessor State, owned by that State.


Article 9


Effects of the passing of State property


The passing of State property of the predecessor State entails the extinction of the rights of that State and the arising of the rights of the successor State to the State property which passes to the successor State, subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part.


Article 10


Date of the passing of State property


Unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the date of the passing of State property of the predecessor State is that of the succession of States.


Article 11


Passing of State property without compensation


Subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part and unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the passing of State property of the predecessor State to the successor State shall take place without compensation.


Article 12


Absence of effect of a succession of States on the property of a third State


A succession of States shall not as such affect property, rights and interests which, at the date of the succession of States, are situated in the territory of the predecessor State and which, at that date, are owned by a third State according to the internal law of the predecessor State.


Article 13


Preservation and safety of State property


For the purpose of the implementation of the provisions of the articles in the present Part, the predecessor State shall take all measures to prevent damage or destruction to State property which passes to the successor State in accordance with those provisions.


section 2.


provisions concerning specific categories of succession of states


Article 14


Transfer of part of the territory of a State


1. When part of the territory of a State is transferred by that State to another State, the passing of State property of the predecessor State to the successor State is to be settled by agreement between them.

1. 一国将其一部分领土移交给另一国时,被继承国的国家财产转属继承国的问题应按照它们之间的协议解决。

2. In the absence of such an agreement:

2. 如无协议:

(a) immovable State property of the predecessor State situated in the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State;

(a) 位于国家继承所涉领土内的被继承国的国家不动产应转属继承国;

(b) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the predecessor State in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State.

(b) 与被继承国对国家继承所涉领土的活动有关的被继承国国家动产应转属继承国。

Article 15


Newly independent State


1. When the successor State is a newly independent State:

1. 继承国为新独立国家时:

(a) immovable State property of the predecessor State situated in the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State;

(a) 位于国家继承所涉领土内的被继承国的国家不动产应转属继承国;

(b) immovable property, having belonged to the territory to which the succession of States relates, situated outside it and having become State property of the predecessor State during the period of dependence, shall pass to the successor State;

(b) 属于国家继承所涉领土但位于该领土之外而在领土附属期间已成为被继承国国家财产的不动产应转属继承国;

(c) immovable State property of the predecessor State other than that mentioned in subparagraph (b) and situated outside the territory to which the succession of States relates, to the creation of which the dependent territory has contributed, shall pass to the successor State in proportion to the contribution of the dependent territory;

(c) (b)项所述以外而位于国家继承所涉领土之外的被继承国的国家不动产,附属领土曾为其创造作出贡献者,应按照附属领土所作贡献的比例转属继承国;

(d) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the predecessor State in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State;

(d) 与被继承国对国家继承所涉领土的活动有关的被继承国国家动产应转属继承国;

(e) movable property, having belonged to the territory to which the succession of States relates and having become State property of the predecessor State during the period of dependence, shall pass to the successor State;

(e) 属于国家继承所涉领土并在领土附属期间成为被继承国国家财产的动产应转属继承国;

(f) movable State property of the predecessor State, other than the property mentioned in subparagraphs (d) and (e), to the creation of which the dependent territory has contributed, shall pass to the successor State in proportion to the contribution of the dependent territory.

(f) (d)(e)项所述以外的被继承国的国家动产,附属领土曾为其创造作出贡献者,应按照附属领土所作贡献的比例转属继承国。

2. When a newly independent State is formed from two or more dependent territories, the passing of the State property of the predecessor State or States to the newly independent State shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.

2. 新独立国家由两个或两个以上附属领土组成时,被继承国的国家财产转属新独立国家的问题,应按照第1款的规定决定。

3. When a dependent territory becomes part of the territory of a State, other than the State which was responsible for its international relations, the passing of the State property of the predecessor State to the successor State shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.

3. 附属领土成为原负责其国际关系的国家以外的一个国家的领土一部分时,被继承国的国家财产转属继承国的问题,应按照第1款的规定决定。

4. Agreements concluded between the predecessor State and the newly independent State to determine succession to State property of the predecessor State otherwise than by the application of paragraphs 1 to 3 shall not infringe the principle of the permanent sovereignty of every people over its wealth and natural resources.

4. 被继承国和新独立国家之间对被继承国国家财产的继承不执行第1至第3款的规定而另外缔结协定予以决定时,此等协定不应违反各国人民对其财富和自然资源享有永久主权的原则。

Article 16


Uniting of States


When two or more States unite and so form one successor State, the State property of the predecessor States shall pass to the successor State.


Article 17


Separation of part or parts of the territory of a State


1. When part or parts of the territory of a State separate from that State and form a successor State, and unless the predecessor State and the successor State otherwise agree:

1. 国家的一部分或几部分领土与该国分离而组成一个国家时,除被继承国和继承国之间另有协议者外:

(a) immovable State property of the predecessor State situated in the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State;

(a) 位于国家继承所涉领土内的被继承国的国家不动产应转属继承国;

(b) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the predecessor State in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State;

(b) 与被继承国对国家继承所涉领土的活动有关的被继承国国家动产应转属继承国;

(c) movable State property of the predecessor State, other than that mentioned in subparagraph (b), shall pass to the successor State in an equitable proportion.

(c) (b)项所述以外的被继承国的国家动产应按照公平的比例转属继承国。

2. Paragraph 1 applies when part of the territory of a State separates from that State and unites with another State.

2. 1款的规定适用于国家一部分领土与该国分离而同另一国合并的情况。

3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 are without prejudice to any question of equitable compensation as between the predecessor State and the successor State that may arise as a result of a succession of States.

3. 1和第2款的规定不影响国家继承可能引起的被继承国和继承国之间的任何公平补偿问题。

Article 18


Dissolution of a State


1. When a State dissolves and ceases to exist and the parts of the territory of the predecessor State form two or more successor States, and unless the successor States concerned otherwise agree:

1. 被继承国解体和不复存在而其领土各部分组成两个或两个以上国家时,除有关继承国之间另有协议者外:

(a) immovable State property of the predecessor State shall pass to the successor State in the territory of which it is situated;

(a) 位于某一继承国领土内的被继承国的国家不动产应转属该继承国;

(b) immovable State property of the predecessor State situated outside its territory shall pass to the successor States in equitable proportions;

(b) 位于被继承国领土外的被继承国的国家不动产应按照公平比例转属各继承国;

(c) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the predecessor State in respect of the territories to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State concerned;

(c) 与被继承国对国家继承所涉领土的活动有关的被继承国国家动产应转属有关继承国;

(d) movable State property of the predecessor State, other than that mentioned in subparagraph (c), shall pass to the successor States in equitable proportions.

(d) (c)项所述以外的被继承国的国家动产应按照公平的比例转属各继承国。

2. The provisions of paragraph 1 are without prejudice to any question of equitable compensation among the successor States that may arise as a result of a succession of States.

2. 1款的规定不影响国家继承可能引起的继承国之间的任何公平补偿问题。

Part III.


State archives


section 1.




Article 19


Scope of the present Part


The articles in the present Part apply to the effects of a succession of States in respect of State archives of the predecessor State.


Article 20


State archives


For the purposes of the articles in the present Part, “State archives of the predecessor State” means all documents of whatever date and kind, produced or received by the predecessor State in the exercise of its functions which, at the date of the succession of States, belonged to the predecessor State according to its internal law and were preserved by it directly or under its control as archives for whatever purpose.


Article 21


Effects of the passing of State archives


The passing of State archives of the predecessor State entails the extinction of the rights of that State and the arising of the rights of the successor State to the State archives which pass to the successor State, subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part.


Article 22


Date of the passing of State archives


Unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the date of the passing of State archives of the predecessor State is that of the succession of States.


Article 23


Passing of State archives without compensation


Subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part and unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the passing of State archives of the predecessor State to the successor State shall take place without compensation.


Article 24


Absence of effect of a succession of States on the archives of a third State


A succession of States shall not as such affect archives which, at the date of the succession of States, are situated in the territory of the predecessor State and which, at that date, are owned by a third State according to the internal law of the predecessor State.


Article 25


Preservation of the integral character of groups of State archives


Nothing in the present Part shall be considered as prejudging in any respect any question that might arise by reason of the preservation of the integral character of groups of State archives of the predecessor State.


Article 26


Preservation and safety of State archives


For the purpose of the implementation of the provisions of the articles in the present Part, the predecessor State shall take all measures to prevent damage or destruction to State archives which pass to the successor State in accordance with those provisions.


section 2.


provisions concerning specific categories of succession of states


Article 27


Transfer of part of the territory of a State


1. When part of the territory of a State is transferred by that State to another State, the passing of State archives of the predecessor State to the successor State is to be settled by agreement between them.

1. 一国将其一部分领土移交给另一国时,被继承国的国家档案转属继承国的问题,应按照它们之间的协议解决。

2. In the absence of such an agreement:

2. 如无协议:

(a) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, which for normal administration of the territory to which the succession of States relates should be at the disposal of the State to which the territory concerned is transferred, shall pass to the successor State;

(a) 被继承国国家档案中为了对国家继承所涉领土进行正常的行政管理而应交由经过移交而获得有关领土的国家支配的部分,应转属继承国;

(b) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, other than the part mentioned in subparagraph (a), that relates exclusively or principally to the territory to which the succession of States relates, shall pass to the successor State.

(b) (a)项所述部分以外的被继承国的国家档案中完全或主要与国家继承所涉领土有关的部分,应转属继承国。

3. The predecessor State shall provide the successor State with the best available evidence from its State archives which bears upon title to the territory of the transferred territory or its boundaries, or which is necessary to clarify the meaning of documents of State archives of the predecessor State which pass to the successor State pursuant to other provisions of the present article.

3. 被继承国应从其国家档案中向继承国提供与被移交领土的领土所有权或其疆界有关、或为澄清依照本条其他各款规定转属继承国的被继承国国家档案文件的含义所必需的最有力的证据。

4. The predecessor State shall make available to the successor State, at the request and at the expense of that State, appropriate reproductions of its State archives connected with the interests of the transferred territory.

4. 被继承国应于继承国提出要求并负担有关费用时,向该国提供与被移交领土的利益有关的本国国家档案的适当复制本。

5. The successor State shall make available to the predecessor State, at the request and at the expense of that State, appropriate reproductions of State archives of the predecessor State which have passed to the successor State in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2.

5. 继承国应于被继承国提出要求并负担有关费用时,向该国提供按照第1或第2款转属继承国的被继承国国家档案的适当复制本。

Article 28


Newly independent State


1. When the successor State is a newly independent State:

1. 继承国为新独立国家时:

(a) archives having belonged to the territory to which the succession of States relates and having become State archives of the predecessor State during the period of dependence shall pass to the newly independent State;

(a) 原属国家继承所涉领土所有并在领土附属期间成为被继承国国家档案的档案,应转属新独立国家;

(b) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, which for normal administration of the territory to which the succession of States relates should be in that territory, shall pass to the newly independent State;

(b) 被继承国国家档案中为了对国家继承所涉领土进行正常的行政管理而应留在该领土内的部分,应转属新独立国家;

(c) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, other than the parts mentioned in subparagraphs (a) and (b), that relates exclusively or principally to the territory to which the succession of States relates, shall pass to the newly independent State.

(c) (a)项和(b)项所述部分以外的被继承国的国家档案中完全或主要与国家继承所涉领土有关的部分,应转属继承国。

2. The passing or the appropriate reproduction of parts of the State archives of the predecessor State, other than those mentioned in paragraph 1, of interest to the territory to which the succession of States relates, shall be determined by agreement between the predecessor State and the newly independent State in such a manner that each of those States can benefit as widely and equitably as possible from those parts of the State archives of the predecessor State.

2. 1款所述部分以外的被继承国国家档案中对国家继承所涉领土有关的部分,其转属或适当复制问题应由被继承国和新独立国家协议决定,务使两国中每一国都能从被继承国国家档案的这些部分获得尽可能广泛和公平的益处。

3. The predecessor State shall provide the newly independent State with the best available evidence from its State archives which bears upon title to the territory of the newly independent State or its boundaries, or which is necessary to clarify the meaning of documents of States archives of the predecessor State which pass to the newly independent State pursuant to other provisions of the present article.

3. 被继承国应从其国家档案中向新独立国家提供与新独立国家领土的所有权或其疆界有关、或为澄清依照本条其他各款规定转属新独立国家的被继承国国家档案文件的含义所必需的最有力的证据。

4. The predecessor State shall cooperate with the successor State in efforts to recover any archives which, having belonged to the territory to which the succession of States relates, were dispersed during the period of dependence.

4. 被继承国应与继承国合作,努力找回任何原属国家继承所涉领土所有但在领土附属期间散失的档案。

5. Paragraphs 1 to 4 apply when a newly independent State is formed from two or more dependent territories.

5. 1至第4款的规定适用于两个或两个以上附属领土组成一个新独立国家的情况。

6. Paragraphs 1 to 4 apply when a dependent territory becomes part of the territory of a State other than the State which was responsible for its international relations.

6. 1至第4款的规定适用于附属领土成为原负责其国际关系的国家以外的一个国家的领土一部分的情况。

7. Agreements concluded between the predecessor State and the newly independent State in regard to State archives of the predecessor State shall not infringe the right of the peoples of those States to development, to information about their history, and to their cultural heritage.

7. 被继承国和新独立国家之间就被继承国的国家档案缔结的协定不应损害两国人民对于发展和对于取得有关其历史的资料和取得其文化遗产的权利。

Article 29


Uniting of States


When two or more States unite and so form one successor State, the State archives of the predecessor States shall pass to the successor State.


Article 30


Separation of part or parts of the territory of a State


1. When part or parts of the territory of a State separate from that State and form a State, and unless the predecessor State and the successor State otherwise agree:

1. 国家的一部分或几部分领土与该国分离而组成一个国家时,除被继承国和继承国之间另有协议者外:

(a) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, which for normal administration of the territory to which the succession of States relates should be in that territory, shall pass to the successor State;

(a) 被继承国国家档案中为了对国家继承所涉领土进行正常的行政管理而应留在该领土内的部分,应转属继承国;

(b) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, other than the part mentioned in subparagraph (a), that relates directly to the territory to which the succession of States relates, shall pass to the successor State.

(b) (a)项所述部分以外的被继承国国家档案中与国家继承所涉领土直接有关的部分,应转属继承国。

2. The predecessor State shall provide the successor State with the best available evidence from its State archives which bears upon title to the territory of the successor State or its boundaries, or which is necessary to clarify the meaning of documents of State archives of the predecessor State which pass to the successor State pursuant to other provisions of the present article.

2. 被继承国应从其国家档案中向继承国提供与继承国领土的所有权或其疆界有关、或为澄清依照本条其他各款规定转属继承国的国家档案文件的含义所必需的最有力的证据。

3. Agreements concluded between the predecessor State and the successor State in regard to State archives of the predecessor State shall not infringe the right of the peoples of those States to development, to information about their history and to their cultural heritage.

3. 被继承国和继承国之间就被继承国的国家档案缔结的协定不应损害两国人民对于发展和对于取得有关其历史的资料和取得其文化遗产的权利。

4. The predecessor and successor States shall, at the request and at the expense of one of them or on an exchange basis, make available appropriate reproductions of their State archives connected with the interests of their respective territories.

4. 被继承国和继承国应于两国中任何一国提出要求并负担有关费用或采取交换办法时,提供其国家档案中与对方领土的利益有关的文件的适当复制本。

5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 apply when part of the territory of a State separates from that State and unites with another State.

5. 1至第4款的规定适用于一国的一部分领土与该国分离而同另一国合并的情况。

Article 31


Dissolution of a State


1. When a State dissolves and ceases to exist and the parts of the territory of the predecessor State form two or more successor States, and unless the successor States concerned otherwise agree:

1. 被继承国解体和不复存在而其领土各部分组成两个或两个以上国家时,除有关继承国之间另有协议者外:

(a) the part of the State archives of the predecessor State which should be in the territory of a successor State for normal administration of its territory shall pass to that successor State;

(a) 被继承国国家档案中为了对某一继承国领土进行正常的行政管理而应留在该继承国领土内的部分,应转属该继承国;

(b) the part of the State archives of the predecessor State, other than the part mentioned in subparagraph (a), that relates directly to the territory of a successor State shall pass to that successor State.

(b) (a)项所述部分以外的被继承国国家档案中与某一继承国领土直接有关的部分,应转属该继承国。

2. The State archives of the predecessor State other than those mentioned in paragraph 1 shall pass to the successor States in an equitable manner, taking into account all relevant circumstances.

2. 1款所述部分以外的被继承国的国家档案,应在考虑到一切有关情况后公平地转属各继承国。

3. Each successor State shall provide the other successor State or States with the best available evidence from its part of the State archives of the predecessor State which bears upon title to the territories or boundaries of that other successor State or States, or which is necessary to clarify the meaning of documents of State archives of the predecessor State which pass to that State or States pursuant to other provisions of the present article.

3. 每一继承国应从被继承国国家档案属于它的部分中向其他继承国提供与各该继承国领土的所有权或其疆界有关、或为澄清依照本条其他各款规定转属各该继承国的被继承国国家档案文件的含义所必需的最有力的证据。

4. Agreements concluded between the successor States concerned in regard to State archives of the predecessor State shall not infringe the right of the peoples of those States to development, to information about their history and to their cultural heritage.

4. 有关继承国之间就被继承国的国家档案缔结的协定不应损害这些国家的人民对于发展和对于取得有关其历史的资料和取得其文化遗产的权利。

5. Each successor State shall make available to any other successor State, at the request and at the expense of that State or on an exchange basis, appropriate reproductions of its part of the State archives of the predecessor State connected with the interests of the territory of that other successor State.

5. 每一继承国应于任何其他继承国提出要求并负担有关费用或采取交换办法时,将被继承国国家档案属于它的部分中与该其他继承国领土的利益有关的文件的适当复制本提供给该其他继承国。

Part IV.


State Debts


section 1.




Article 32


Scope of the present Part


The articles in the present Part apply to the effects of a succession of States in respect of State debts.


Article 33


State debt


For the purposes of the articles in the present Part, “State debt” means any financial obligation of a predecessor State arising in conformity with international law towards another State, an international organization or any other subject of international law.


Article 34


Effects of the passing of State debts


The passing of State debts entails the extinction of the obligations of the predecessor State and the arising of the obligations of the successor State in respect of the State debts which pass to the successor State, subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part.


Article 35


Date of the passing of State debts


Unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the date of the passing of State debts of the predecessor State is that of the succession of States.


Article 36


Absence of effect of a succession of States on creditors


A succession of States does not as such affect the rights and obligations of creditors.


section 2.


provisions concerning specific categories of succession of states


Article 37


Transfer of part of the territory of a State


1. When part of the territory of a State is transferred by that State to another State, the passing of the State debt of the predecessor State to the successor State is to be settled by agreement between them.

1. 一国将其一部分领土移交给另一国时,被继承国的国家债务转属继承国的问题应按照它们之间的协议解决。

2. In the absence of such an agreement, the State debt of the predecessor State shall pass to the successor State in an equitable proportion, taking into account, in particular, the property, rights and interests which pass to the successor State in relation to that State debt.

2. 如无协议,被继承国的国家债务应按照公平的比例转属继承国,同时应特别考虑到转属继承国的与国家债务有关的财产、权利和利益。

Article 38


Newly independent State


1. When the successor State is a newly independent State, no State debt of the predecessor State shall pass to the newly independent State, unless an agreement between them provides otherwise in view of the link between the State debt of the predecessor State connected with its activity in the territory to which the succession of States relates and the property, rights and interests which pass to the newly independent State.

1. 继承国为新独立国家时,被继承国的任何国家债务均不应转属新独立国家,但新独立国家和被继承国鉴于与被继承国在国家继承所涉领土内的活动有关的被继承国国家债务同转属新独立国家的财产、权利和利益之间的联系而另有协议者除外。

2. The agreement referred to in paragraph 1 shall not infringe the principle of the permanent sovereignty of every people over its wealth and natural resources, nor shall its implementation endanger the fundamental economic equilibria of the newly independent State.

2. 1款所述协议不应违反各国人民对其财富和自然资源享有永久主权的原则,其执行亦不应危及新独立国家经济上的基本均衡。

Article 39


Uniting of States


When two or more States unite and so form one successor State, the State debt of the predecessor States shall pass to the successor State.


Article 40


Separation of part or parts of the territory of a State


1. When part or parts of the territory of a State separate from that State and form a State, and unless the predecessor State and the successor State otherwise agree, the State debt of the predecessor State shall pass to the successor State in an equitable proportion, taking into account, in particular, the property, rights and interests which pass to the successor State in relation to that State debt.

1. 国家的一部分或几部分领土与该国分离而组成一个国家时,除被继承国和继承国之间另有协议者外,被继承国的国家债务应按照公平的比例转属继承国,同时应特别考虑到转属继承国的与国家债务有关的财产、权利和利益。

2. Paragraph 1 applies when part of the territory of a State separates from that State and unites with another State.

2. 1款的规定适用于国家一部分领土与该国分离而同另一国合并的情况。

Article 41


Dissolution of a State


When a State dissolves and ceases to exist and the parts of the territory of the predecessor State form two or more successor States, and unless the successor States otherwise agree, the State debt of the predecessor State shall pass to the successor States in equitable proportions, taking into account, in particular, the property, rights and interests which pass to the successor States in relation to that State debt.


Part V.


Settlement of Disputes


Article 42


Consultation and negotiation


If a dispute regarding the interpretation or application of the present Convention arises between two or more Parties to the Convention, they shall, upon the request of any of them, seek to resolve it by a process of consultation and negotiation.


Article 43




If the dispute is not resolved within six months of the date on which the request referred to in article 42 has been made, any party to the dispute may submit it to the conciliation procedure specified in the Annex to the present Convention by submitting a request to that effect to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and informing the other party or parties to the dispute of the request.


Article 44


Judicial settlement and arbitration


Any State at the time of signature or ratification of the present Convention or accession thereto or at any time thereafter, may, by notification to the depositary, declare that, where a dispute has not been resolved by the application of the procedures referred to in articles 42 and 43, that dispute may be submitted for a decision to the International Court of Justice by a written application of any party to the dispute, or in the alternative to arbitration, provided that the other party to the dispute has made a like declaration.


Article 45


Settlement by common consent


Notwithstanding articles 42, 43 and 44, if a dispute regarding the interpretation or application of the present Convention arises between two or more Parties to the Convention, they may by common consent agree to submit it to the International Court of Justice, or to arbitration, or to any other appropriate procedure for the settlement of disputes.


Article 46


Other provisions in force for the settlement of disputes


Nothing in articles 42 to 45 shall affect the rights or obligations of the Parties to the present Convention under any provisions in force binding them with regard to the settlement of disputes.


Part VI.


Final Provisions


Article 47




The present Convention shall be open for signature by all States until 31 December 1983 at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, and subsequently, until 30 June 1984, at United Nations Headquarters in New York.


Article 48




The present Convention is subject to ratification.


The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


Article 49




The present Convention shall remain open for accession by any State.


The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


Article 50


Entry into force


1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of deposit of the fifteenth instrument of ratification or accession.

1. 本公约应在第十五份批准书或加入书交存之日后第三十天生效。

2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the fifteenth instrument of ratification or accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification or accession.

2. 对于在第十五份批准书或加入书交存后才批准或加入本公约的每个国家,本公约应于该国交存批准书或加入书后第三十天生效。

Article 51


Authentic texts


The original of the present Convention, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention.


Done at Vienna, this eighth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three.




1. A list of conciliators consisting of qualified jurists shall be drawn up and maintained by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. To this end, every State which is a Member of the United Nations or a Party to the present Convention shall be invited to nominate two conciliators, and the names of the persons so nominated shall constitute the list.

1. 联合国秘书长应拟订并保有一份由合格法学家组成的调解员名单,为此目的,应请联合国每一个会员国或本公约当事国提名调解员二人,并照这些被提名者的姓名列出该名单。

The term of a conciliator, including that of any conciliator nominated to fill a casual vacancy, shall be five years and may be renewed.


A conciliator whose term expires shall continue to fulfil any function for which he shall have been chosen under the following paragraph.


2. When a request has been made to the Secretary-General under article 43, the Secretary-General shall bring the dispute before a conciliation commission constituted as follows:

2. 秘书长收到依第43条提出的请求后,应将争端提交以下列方式组成的调解委员会:

The State or States constituting one of the parties to the dispute shall appoint:


(a) one conciliator of the nationality of that State or of one of those States, who may or may not be chosen from the list referred to in paragraph 1;

(a) 具有该国或该数国中一国国籍的调解员一人,该调解员可自第1段所述名单以内或以外选出;



(b) one conciliator not of the nationality of that State or of any of those States, who shall be chosen from the list.

(b) 不具有该国或该数国中任何一国国籍的调解员一人,该调解员须自名单中选出。

The State or States constituting the other party to the dispute shall appoint two conciliators in the same way.


The four conciliators chosen by the parties shall be appointed within sixty days following the date on which the Secretary-General receives the request.


The four conciliators shall, within sixty days following the date of the appointment of the last of them, appoint a fifth conciliator chosen from the list, who shall be chairman.


If the appointment of the chairman or of any of the other conciliators has not been made within the period prescribed above for such appointment, it shall be made by the Secretary-General within sixty days following the expiry of that period.


The appointment of the chairman may be made by the Secretary-General either from the list or from the membership of the International Law Commission.


Any of the periods within which appointments must be made may be extended by agreement between the parties to the dispute.


Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment.


3. The Conciliation Commission shall decide its own procedure.

3. 调解委员会应决定它自己的程序。

The Commission, with the consent of the parties to the dispute, may invite any Party to the present Convention to submit to it its views orally or in writing.


Decisions and recommendations of the Commission shall be made by a majority vote of the five members.


4. The Commission may draw the attention of the parties to the dispute to any measures which might facilitate an amicable settlement.

4. 委员会可提请争端各方注意可能有助于促成友好解决的任何措施。

5. The Commission shall hear the parties, examine the claims and objections, and make proposals to the parties with a view to reaching an amicable settlement of the dispute.

5. 委员会应听取争端各方的证词,审查各项主张和反对意见,并向争端各方提出建议,以求友好地解决争端。

6. The Commission shall report within twelve months of its constitution.

6. 委员会应在其成立后十二个月内提出报告。

Its report shall be deposited with the Secretary-General and transmitted to the parties to the dispute.


The report of the Commission, including any conclusions stated therein regarding the facts or questions of law, shall not be binding upon the parties and it shall have no other character than that of recommendations submitted for the consideration of the parties in order to facilitate an amicable settlement of the dispute.


7. The Secretary-General shall provide the Commission with such assistance and facilities as it may require.

7. 秘书长应向委员会提供它可能需要的协助和便利。

The expenses of the Commission shall be borne by the United Nations.
