Report of the International Law Commission


Sixty-third session


(26 April–3 June and 4 July–12 August 2011)


General Assembly Official Records Sixty-sixth session Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10)

大会 正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第10(A/66/10)



Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures.


Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.


The word Yearbook followed by suspension points and the year (e.g. Yearbook … 1971) indicates a reference to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission.


A typeset version of the report of the Commission will be included in Part Two of volume II of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2011.


Chapter I




1. The International Law Commission held the first part of its sixty-third session from 26 April to 3 June 2011 and the second part from 4 July to 12 August 2011 at its seat at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

1. 国际法委员会于2011426日至63日在联合国日内瓦办事处委员会所在地举行了第六十三届第一期会议,于201174日至812日举行了第二期会议。

The session was opened by Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti, Chairman of the sixty-second session of the Commission.


A. Membership

A. 委员

2. The Commission consists of the following members:

2. 委员会包括下列成员:

Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke (Nigeria)


Mr. Ali Mohsen Fetais Al-Marri (Qatar)


Mr. Lucius Caflisch (Switzerland)


Mr. Enrique J. A. Candioti (Argentina)


Mr. Pedro Comissário Afonso (Mozambique)


Mr. Christopher John Robert Dugard (South Africa)


Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández (Spain)


Mr. Salifou Fomba (Mali)


Mr. Giorgio Gaja (Italy)


Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki (Poland)


Mr. Hussein A. Hassouna (Egypt)


Mr. Mahmoud D. Hmoud (Jordan)


Mr. Huikang Huang (People’s Republic of China)


Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson (Sweden)


Mr. Maurice Kamto (Cameroon)


Mr. Fathi Kemicha (Tunisia)


Mr. Roman Anatolyevitch Kolodkin (Russian Federation)


Mr. Donald M. McRae (Canada)


Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu (Romania)


Mr. Shinya Murase (Japan)


Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus (Costa Rica)


Mr. Georg Nolte (Germany)


Mr. Alain Pellet (France)


Mr. A. Rohan Perera (Sri Lanka)


Mr. Ernest Petrič (Slovenia)


Mr. Gilberto Vergne Saboia (Brazil)


Mr. Narinder Singh (India)


Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina (Colombia)


Mr. Edmundo Vargas Carreño (Chile)


Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie (Jamaica)


Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez (Ecuador)


Mr. Amos S. Wako (Kenya)


Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti (Indonesia)


Mr. Michael Wood (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)


B. Casual vacancy

B. 临时空缺

3. On 28 April 2011, the Commission elected Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández (Spain) to fill the casual vacancy occasioned by the death of Ms. Paula Escarameia.

3. 2011428日,委员会选举孔塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士(西班牙)填补因保拉·埃斯卡拉梅亚女士去世造成的临时空缺。

On 17 May 2011, the Commission elected Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke (Nigeria) to fill the casual vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Bayo Ojo.


C. Officers and the Enlarged Bureau

C. 主席团成员和扩大的主席团

4. At its 3080th meeting on 26 April 2011, the Commission elected the following officers:

4. 2011426日举行的第3080次会议上,委员会选出了下列主席团成员:



Mr. Maurice Kamto (Cameroon)


First Vice-Chairman:


Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson (Sweden)


Second Vice-Chairman:


Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus (Costa Rica)


Chairman of the Drafting Committee:

起草委员会主席: (罗马尼亚)

Mr. Teodor Viorel Melescanu (Romania)




Mr. A. Rohan Perera (Sri Lanka)


5. The Enlarged Bureau of the Commission was composed of the officers of the present session, the previous Chairmen of the Commission and the Special Rapporteurs.

5. 委员会扩大的主席团由本届会议主席团成员、委员会前任主席 和特别报告员 组成。

6. On the recommendation of the Enlarged Bureau, the Commission set up a Planning Group composed of the following members: Ms. M.G. Jacobsson (Chairperson), Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. C.J.R. Dugard, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. H.A. Hassouna, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. F. Kemicha, Mr. R.A. Kolodkin, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. B. Niehaus, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. A. Pellet, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

6. 根据扩大的主席团的建议,委员会设立了由下列委员组成的规划组:雅各布松女士(主席)、卡弗利施先生、坎迪奥蒂先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、杜加尔德先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、加亚先生、加利茨基先生、哈苏纳先生、哈穆德先生、卡姆托先生、法蒂·卡米沙先生、科洛德金先生、梅莱斯卡努先生、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、尼豪斯先生、诺尔特先生、佩莱先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴尔加斯·卡雷尼奥先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生(当然成员)

D. Drafting Committee

D. 起草委员会

7. At its 3080th meeting on 26 April 2011, the Commission established a Drafting Committee, composed of the following members for the topics indicated:

7. 2011426日举行的第3080次会议上,委员会为下列专题设立了由下列委员组成的起草委员会:

(a) Effects of armed conflicts on treaties: Mr. T.V. Melescanu (Chairman), Mr. L. Caflisch (Special Rapporteur), Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. S. Fomba, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. H. Huang, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

(a) 武装冲突对条约的影响:梅莱斯卡努先生(主席)、卡弗利施先生(特别报告员)、坎迪奥蒂先生、丰巴先生、加利茨基先生、黄先生、雅各布松女士、卡姆托先生、村濑先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生(当然成员)

(b) Drafting Committee on responsibility of international organizations: Mr. T.V. Melescanu (Chairman), Mr. G. Gaja (Special Rapporteur), Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. S. Fomba, Mr. H. Huang, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

(b) 国际组织的责任问题起草委员会:梅莱斯卡努先生(主席)、加亚先生(特别报告员)、坎迪奥蒂先生、丰巴先生、黄先生、雅各布松女士、卡姆托先生、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生(当然成员)

(c) Expulsion of aliens: Mr. T.V. Melescanu (Chairman), Mr. M. Kamto (Special Rapporteur), Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. S. Fomba, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

(c) 驱逐外国人:梅莱斯卡努先生(主席)、卡姆托先生(特别报告员)、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、丰巴先生、加利茨基先生、哈穆德先生、麦克雷先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯彼纳先生、巴尔加斯·卡雷尼奥先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生 (当然成员)

(d) Protection of persons in the event of disasters: Mr. T.V. Melescanu (Chairman), Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina (Special Rapporteur), Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. C.J.R. Dugard, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

(d) 发生灾害时的人员保护:梅莱斯卡努先生(主席)、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生(特别报告员)、坎迪奥蒂先生、杜加尔德先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、诺尔特先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴尔加斯·卡雷尼奥先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生(当然成员)

8. The Drafting Committee held a total of 27 meetings on the four topics indicated above.

8. 起草委员会就以上四个专题共举行了27次会议。

E. Working Groups and Study Groups

E. 工作组和研究组

9. At its 3080th meeting on 26 April 2011, the Commission reconstituted the following Working Groups and Study Groups:

9. 2011426日举行的第3080次会议上,委员会重新设立了下列工作组和研究组:

(a) Working Group on Reservations to treaties: Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez (Chairman), Mr. A. Pellet (Special Rapporteur), Mr. E. Candioti, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. S. Fomba, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. H. Huang, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. M. Wood and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

(a) 对条约的保留问题工作组:巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生(主席)、佩莱先生(特别报告员)、坎迪奥蒂先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、丰巴先生、加亚先生、哈穆德先生、黄先生、卡姆托先生、麦克雷先生、诺尔特先生、彼得里奇先生、辛格先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生(当然成员)

(b) Study Group on Treaties over time: Mr. G. Nolte (Chairman), Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. C.J.R. Dugard, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. B.H. Niehaus, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

(b) 条约随时间演变研究组:诺尔特先生(主席)、坎迪奥蒂先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、杜加尔德先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、加亚先生、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、卡姆托先生、麦克雷先生、梅莱斯卡努先生、村濑先生、尼豪斯先生、彼得里奇先生、辛格先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴尔加斯卡雷尼奥先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生(当然成员)

(c) Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause: Mr. D.M. McRae and Mr. A.R. Perera (Co-Chairs), Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. E. Candioti, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. B.H. Niehaus, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti and Mr. M. Wood.

(c) 最惠国条款研究组:麦克雷先生和佩雷拉先生(联合主席)、卡弗利施先生、坎迪奥蒂先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、加亚先生、哈穆德先生、村濑先生、尼豪斯先生、诺尔特先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生和伍德先生。

10. The Planning Group established or reconstituted the following Working Groups:

10. 规划组设立或重新设立了以下工作组:

(a) Working Group on Methods of work: Mr. H.A. Hassouna (Chairman), Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. S. Fomba, Mr. Z. Galicki, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

(a) 工作方法问题工作组:哈苏纳先生(主席)、卡弗利施先生、坎迪奥蒂先生、丰巴先生、加利茨基先生、雅各布松女士、梅莱斯卡努先生、村濑先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生(当然成员)

(b) Working group on the Long-term Programme of Work for the quinquennium: Mr. E. Candioti (Chairman), Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. S. Fomba, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. H.A. Hassouna, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. H. Huang, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. R.A. Kolodkin, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. A. Pellet, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. A.S. Wako, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).

(b) 五年期长期工作方案工作组:坎迪奥蒂先生(主席)、卡弗利施先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、丰巴先生、加亚先生、加利茨基先生、哈苏纳先生、哈穆德先生、黄先生、雅各布松女士、科洛德金先生、麦克雷先生、梅莱斯卡努先生、村濑先生、诺尔特先生、佩莱先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴尔加斯·卡雷尼奥先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、瓦科先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和佩雷拉先生(当然成员)

F. Secretariat

F. 秘书处

11. Ms. Patricia O’Brien, Under-Secretary-General, the Legal Counsel, represented the Secretary-General.

11. 副秘书长兼法律顾问帕特里夏·奥布赖恩女士担任秘书长的代表。

Mr. Václav Mikulka, Director of the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs, acted as Secretary to the Commission and, in the absence of the Legal Counsel, represented the Secretary-General.


Mr. George Korontzis, Deputy Director, served as Deputy Secretary.


Mr. Trevor Chimimba and Mr. Arnold Pronto, Senior Legal Officers, served as Senior Assistant Secretaries.


Mr. Gionata Buzzini and Ms. Hanna Dreifeldt-Lainé, Legal Officers, served as Assistant Secretaries to the Commission.


G. Agenda

G. 议程

12. At its 3080th meeting, on 26 April 2011, the Commission adopted an agenda for its sixty-third session consisting of the following items:

12. 2011426日第3080次会议上,委员会通过了包含下列项目的第六十三届会议议程:

1. Organization of the work of the session.

1. 会议工作安排。

2. Reservations to treaties.

2. 对条约的保留。

3. Responsibility of international organizations.

3. 国际组织的责任。

4. Effects of armed conflicts on treaties.

4. 武装冲突对条约的影响。

5. Expulsion of aliens.

5. 驱逐外国人。

6. The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare).

6. 引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

7. Protection of persons in the event of disasters.

7. 发生灾害时的人员保护。

8. Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

8. 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免。

9. Treaties over time.

9. 条约随时间演变。

10. The Most-Favoured-Nation clause.

10. 最惠国条款。

11. Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation.

11. 委员会的方案、程序和工作方法以及文件。

12. Date and place of the sixty-fourth session.

12. 第六十四届会议的日期和地点。

13. Cooperation with other bodies.

13. 与其他机构的合作。

14. Filling of casual vacancies in the Commission.

14. 填补委员会临时空缺。

15. Other business.

15. 其他事项。

Chapter II


Summary of the work of the Commission at its sixty-third session


13. As regards the topic “Reservations to treaties”, the Commission had before it the seventeenth report (A/CN.4/647) of the Special Rapporteur, addressing the question of the reservations dialogue, as well as addendum 1 to the seventeenth report (A/CN.4/647/Add.1), which considered the issue of assistance in the resolution of disputes concerning reservations, and also contained a draft introduction to the Guide to Practice.

13. 关于对条约的保留专题,委员会收到了特别报告员第十七次报告(A/ CN.4/647),其中阐述了关于保留对话的问题,并收到了第十七次报告增编1 (A/CN.4/647/Add.1),其中审议了为解决有关保留问题的争端而提供协助的问题,并载有《实践指南》的导言草案。

Furthermore, the Commission had before it the comments and observations received from Governments on the provisional version of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, adopted by the Commission at its sixty-second session (2010) (A/CN.4/639 and Add.1).


14. The Commission established a Working Group in order to proceed with the finalization of the text of the guidelines constituting the Guide to Practice, as had been envisaged at the sixty-second session (2010).

14. 委员会建立了一个工作组,以便按照第六十二届会议(2010)的设想,着手最终敲定构成《实践指南》的准则案文。

The Commission also referred to the Working Group a draft recommendation or conclusions on the reservations dialogue, contained in the seventeenth report of the Special Rapporteur, and a draft recommendation on technical assistance and assistance in the settlement of disputes concerning reservations, contained in addendum 1 to the seventeenth report.


15. On the basis of the recommendations of the Working Group, the Commission adopted the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties which comprises an introduction, the text of the guidelines with commentaries thereto, as well as an annex on the reservations dialogue.

15. 委员会根据工作组的建议,通过了《对条约的保留实践指南》,其中包含一项导言,带有评注的指南案文,以及关于保留问题对话的附件。

In accordance with article 23 of its Statute, the Commission recommended to the General Assembly to take note of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties and to ensure its widest possible dissemination.


16. The Commission also adopted a recommendation to the General Assembly on mechanisms of assistance in relation to reservations (chap. IV).

16. 委员会并通过了向大会提出的关于保留问题的协助机制的一项建议(第四章)

17. Concerning the topic “Responsibility of international organizations”, the Commission adopted, on second reading, a set of 67 draft articles, together with commentaries thereto, on the responsibility of international organizations, and in accordance with article 23 of its Statute recommended to the General Assembly to take note of the draft articles in a resolution and to annex them to the resolution, and to consider, at a later stage, the elaboration of a convention on the basis of the draft articles.

17. 关于国际组织的责任的专题,委员会经二读后通过了一套共67条的国际组织的责任条款草案及条款草案的评注,并根据其《章程》第23条建议大会通过一项决议注意到该条款草案并将该条款草案附在该决议之后,并考虑在以后某个阶段根据该条款草案拟订一项公约。

18. In the consideration of the topic at the present session, the Commission had before it the eighth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/640) surveying the comments made by States and international organizations on the draft articles on responsibility of international organizations adopted on first reading at the sixty-first session (2009) and making recommendations for consideration by the Commission during the second reading.

18. 委员会在本次会议上审议这一专题时,收到了特别报告员的第八次报告(A/CN.4/640),其中综述了各国和各国际组织对于在第六十一届会议(2009)一读上通过的国际组织责任条款草案提出的意见,并提出了供国际法委员会在二读时审议的建议。

The Commission also had before it the comments and observations received from Governments (A/CN.4/636 and Add.1) and international organizations (A/CN.4/637 and Add.1) on the draft articles adopted on first reading (chap.


V). 19. As regards the topic “Effects of armed conflicts on treaties”, the Commission adopted, on second reading, a set of 18 draft articles and an annex (containing an indicative list of treaties the subject matter of which involves an implication that they continue in operation, in whole or in part, during armed conflict), together with commentaries thereto, on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties, and in accordance with article 23 of its Statute recommended to the General Assembly to take note of the draft articles in a resolution and to annex them to the resolution, and to consider, at a later stage, the elaboration of a convention on the basis of the draft articles.

19. 关于武装冲突对条约的影响这一专题,委员会二读通过了一套共18条的武装冲突对条约的影响条款草案和一项附件(其中载有一个指示性条约清单,其中所列条约的主题事项含有在武装冲突期间这些条约继续全部或部分施行之意),以及这些条款草案的评注,并根据《章程》第23条建议大会在一项决议中注意条款草案,并将草案列为决议的附件,且在以后某一阶段考虑根据条款草案拟定一项公约。

20. At the present session, the Drafting Committee continued and concluded its consideration (commenced at its sixty-second session (2010)) of the second reading of the draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties (chap. VI).

20. 在本届会议上,起草委员会继续并完成了武装冲突对条约的影响条款草案二读的审议(审议是自第六十二届会议(2010)开始的)(第六章)

21. In relation to the topic “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction”, the Commission considered the second (A/CN.4/631) and third (A/CN.4/646) reports of the Special Rapporteur.

21. 关于国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免专题,委员会审议了特别报告员的第二次(A/CN.4/631)和第三次(A/CN.4/646)报告。

The second report reviewed and presented the substantive issues concerning and implicated by the scope of immunity of a State official from foreign criminal jurisdiction, while the third report addressed the procedural aspects, focusing, in particular on questions concerning the timing of consideration of immunity, its invocation and waiver.


The debate revolved around, inter alia, issues relating to methodology, possible exceptions to immunity and questions of procedure (chap. VII).


22. Concerning the topic “Expulsion of aliens”, the Commission had before it addendum 2 to the sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2) as well as the seventh report (A/CN.4/642) of the Special Rapporteur.

22. 关于驱逐外国人专题,委员会收到了特别报告员第六次报告增编2 (A/CN.4/625/Add.2)及第七次报告(A/CN.4/642)

The Commission also had before it comments and information received thus far from Governments (A/CN.4/604 and A/CN.4/628 and Add.1).


23. Addendum 2 to the sixth report completed the consideration of the expulsion proceedings (including the implementation of the expulsion decision, appeals against the expulsion decision, the determination of the State of destination and the protection of human rights in the transit State) and also considered the legal consequences of expulsion (notably the protection of the property rights and similar interests of aliens subject to expulsion, the question of the existence of a right of return in the case of unlawful expulsion, and the responsibility of the expelling State as a result of an unlawful expulsion, including the question of diplomatic protection).

23. 第六次报告增编2完成了对驱逐程序的审议(包括执行驱逐决定、对驱逐决定提出上诉、确定目的国以及过境国保护人权等问题),并审议了驱逐的法律后果(尤其是对受驱逐的外国人的财产权和类似利益的保护、如发生非法驱逐情况下返回权的存在问题以及驱逐国对于非法驱逐的责任,其中包括外交保护问题)

Following a debate in plenary, the Commission referred seven draft articles on these issues to the Drafting Committee, as well as a draft article on “Expulsion in connection with extradition” as revised by the Special Rapporteur during the sixty-second session (2010).


24. The seventh report provided an account of recent developments in relation to the topic and also proposed a restructured summary of the draft articles.

24. 第七次报告对最近有关这一专题的发展作了阐述,并提出了经修改的条款草案概述。

The Commission referred the restructured summary of the draft articles to the Drafting Committee (chap. VIII).


25. In relation to the topic “Protection of persons in the event of disasters”, the Commission had before it the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1), dealing with the responsibility of the affected State to seek assistance where its national response capacity is exceeded, the duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent to external assistance, and the right to offer assistance in the international community.

25. 关于发生灾害时的人员保护专题,委员会收到了特别报告员第四次报告(A/CN.4/643Corr.1),讨论了在超越受灾国家的本国应对能力时寻求援助的责任问题,受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助的义务,以及国际社会表示提供援助的权利。

Following a debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer draft articles 10 to 12, as proposed by the Special Rapporteur, to the Drafting Committee.


26. The Commission provisionally adopted six draft articles, together with commentaries, including draft articles 6 to 9, which it had taken note of at its sixty-second session (2010), dealing with humanitarian principles in disaster response, human dignity, human rights and the role of the affected State, respectively, as well as draft articles 10 and 11, dealing with the duty of the affected State to seek assistance and with the question of the consent of the affected State to external assistance (chap. IX).

26. 委员会暂时通过了六个条文的草案及其评注,其中包括委员会在第六十二届会议(2010)上注意到的第6至第9条草案,分别涉及应对灾害的人道主义原则问题、人的尊严、人权和受灾国的作用,此外还有第10和第11条草案,分别涉及受灾国寻求援助的义务和受灾国同意接受外来援助的问题(第九章)

27. Concerning the topic “The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)”, the Commission considered the fourth (A/CN.4/648) report of the Special Rapporteur addressing the question of sources of the obligation to extradite or prosecute, focusing on treaties and custom, and concerning which three draft articles were proposed (chap.

27. 关于引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”专题,委员会审议了特别报告员第四次报告(A/CN.4/648),讨论了引渡或起诉的义务的起源问题,集中关注条约和习惯,对此提出了三项条文草案(第十章)

X). 28. In relation to the topic “Treaties over time”, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on Treaties over time, which continued its work on the aspects of the topic relating to subsequent agreements and practice.

28. 关于条约随时间演变的专题,委员会重新设立了条约随时间演变问题研究组,该研究组继续就这一专题涉及嗣后协定和实践的方面开展工作。

The Study Group first completed its consideration of the introductory report by its Chairman on the relevant jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and of arbitral tribunals of ad hoc jurisdiction, by examining the section of the report which addressed the question of possible modifications of a treaty by subsequent agreements and practice as well as the relation of subsequent agreements and practice to formal amendment procedures.


29. The Study Group then began its consideration of the second report by its Chairman on the jurisprudence under special regimes relating to subsequent agreements and practice, by focusing on certain conclusions contained therein.

29. 研究组随后重点审议了研究组主席第二次报告中所载的某些结论,以此审议了特殊制度下与嗣后协定和实践有关的判例。

In the light of the discussions, the Chairman of the Study Group reformulated the text of nine preliminary conclusions relating to a number of issues such as reliance by adjudicatory bodies on the general rule of treaty interpretation, different approaches to treaty interpretation, and various aspects concerning subsequent agreements and practice as a means of treaty interpretation (chap. XI).


30. Regarding the topic “The Most-favoured-nation clause”, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on the Most-Favoured-Nation clause.

30. 关于最惠国条款专题,委员会重新设立了一个最惠国条款研究组。

The Study Group held a wide-ranging discussion, on the basis of the working paper on the Interpretation and Application of MFN Clauses in Investment Agreements and a framework of questions prepared to provide an overview of issues that may need to be considered in the context of the overall work of the Study Group, while also taking into account other developments, including recent arbitral decisions.


The Study Group also set out a programme of work for the future (chap. XII).


31. The specific issues on which comments by Governments would be of particular interest to the Commission in relation to topics that remain under its consideration are found in chapter III.

31. 与委员会正在审议的专题相关的委员会特别想听取意见的具体问题见第三章。

32. The Commission established a Planning Group to consider its programme, procedures and working methods (chap. XIII, sect. A).

32. 委员会建立了一个规划组,以审议其方案、程序和工作方法(第十三章,A)

As a result of the work undertaken throughout the quinquennium by the Working Group on the Long-Term Programme of Work, the Commission decided to include in its long-term programme of work the following topics: “Formation and evidence of customary international law”, “Protection of the atmosphere”, “Provisional application of treaties”, “The fair and equitable treatment standard in international investment law”, and “Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts” (chap. XIII, sect. A.1).


The Commission reconsidered its methods of work and adopted recommendations on, inter alia, Special Rapporteurs, Study Groups, the Drafting Committee, preparation of commentaries to draft articles, how to make the Commission’s report more informative and the relations between the Commission and the Sixth Committee (chap. XIII, sect. A.2).


33. The Commission continued traditional exchanges of information with the International Court of Justice, the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, the European Committee on Legal Cooperation and the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law of the Council of Europe, and the Inter-American Juridical Committee.

33. 继续与国际法院、亚非法律协商组织、欧洲法律合作委员会国际公法法律顾问委员会以及美洲法律委员会开展传统的信息交流。

Members of the Commission also held informal meetings with other bodies and associations on matters of mutual interest (chap. XIII, sect. D).


34. A training seminar was held with 26 participants of different nationalities (chap. XIII, sect. H).

34. 为属于不同国籍的26名参加者举行了一次培训讲习班(第十三章,H)

35. The Commission decided that its next session be held at the United Nations Office in Geneva in two parts, from 7 May to 1 June and 2 July to 3 August 2012 (chap. XIII, sect. B).

35. 委员会决定下届会议于201257日至61日和72日至83日分两期在联合国日内瓦办事处举行(第十三章,B)

Chapter III


Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission


A. Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

A. 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免

36. What approach would States wish the Commission to take on this topic?

36. 各国希望委员会如何处理此专题?

Should the Commission seek to set out existing rules of international law (lex lata), or should the Commission embark on an exercise of progressive development (lex ferenda)?

委员会应寻求拟订现有的国际法规则(现行法), 还是应着手一项逐渐发展的工作(拟议法)

37. Which holders of high office in the States (Heads of State, Heads of Government, Ministers for Foreign Affairs, others) enjoy de lege lata, or should enjoy de lege ferenda, immunity ratione personae?

37. 在属人豁免的问题上,国家的哪些高级官员(国家元首、政府首脑、外交部长等) 享受现行法,或应当享受拟议法?

38. What crimes are, or should be, excluded from immunity ratione personae or immunity ratione materiae?

38. 哪些罪行不享受或不应当享受属人豁免或属事豁免?

39. It would greatly assist the Commission if States could provide information on their law and practice in the field covered by the Special Rapporteur’s three reports (A/CN.4/601, A/CN.4/631 and A/CN.4/646).

39. 各国如能提供特别报告员三次报告(A/CN.4/601A/CN.4/631A/CN.4/ 646)所涉及的领域中的法律和实践资料,则会对委员会大有帮助。

Such information could include recent developments in the case law and legislation.


Information on the procedural issues covered by the Special Rapporteur’s third report (A/CN.4/646) would be particularly helpful.


B. Expulsion of aliens

B. 驱逐外国人

40. With regard to the topic “Expulsion of aliens”, the Commission would like to know from States whether, in their national practice, suspensive effect is given to appeals against an expulsion decision:

40. 关于驱逐外国人专题,委员会想知道,各国的实践是否使下述人等针对驱逐决定所提出的上诉具有暂停作用:

• relating to an alien lawfully in the territory;


• relating to an alien unlawfully in the territory;


• relating to either, irrespective of category.


41. Does a State that has such a practice consider it to be required by international law?

41. 有这种做法的国家是否认为这是由国际法所要求的?

42. The Commission would also welcome the views of States on whether, as a matter of international law or otherwise, an appeal against an expulsion decision should have suspensive effect on the implementation of the decision.

42. 委员会还想了解各国对下述问题的看法:作为国际法事项或作为其他事项,对驱逐决定提出的上诉是否应对决定的执行具有暂停作用?

C. Protection of persons in the event of disasters

C. 发生灾害时的人员保护

43. The Commission reiterates that it would welcome any information concerning the practice of States under this topic, including examples of domestic legislation.

43. 委员会重申,欢迎提供关于此专题的国家实践的任何资料,包括国内立法实例。

It would welcome, in particular, information and comments on specific legal and institutional problems encountered in dealing with or responding to disasters.


44. The Commission has taken the view that States have a duty to cooperate with the affected State in disaster relief matters.

44. 委员会认为各国有义务在救灾事项上与受灾国合作。

Does this duty to cooperate include a duty on States to provide assistance when requested by the affected State?


D. The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)

D. 引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

45. Are there, in the legislation of States or in the case law of domestic tribunals, certain crimes or categories of crimes in respect of which the obligation to extradite or prosecute has been implemented?

45. 在各国立法中或在国内法庭的案例法中,是否存在着已经对其实施了引渡或起诉义务的罪行或罪行类别?

46. If so, has a court or tribunal ever relied, in this respect, on customary international law?

46. 如果有,法院或法庭在这方面是否曾依据过习惯国际法?

E. Treaties over time

E. 条约随时间演变

47. The Commission, in its consideration of the topic “Treaties over time”, attempts to clarify the practical and legal significance of “subsequent agreements” and the “subsequent practice” of the parties as a means of interpretation and application of treaties (article 31 (3) (a) and (b) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties).

47. 委员会在审议条约随时间演变这一专题时,试图澄清各方的嗣后协定嗣后惯例作为解释和实施条约的手段的实际意义和法律意义(《维也纳条约法公约》第31条第3(a)(b))

In this context, the Commission reminds States of its request, contained in its 2010 report, to provide it with one or more examples of “subsequent agreements” or “subsequent practice” which are or have been relevant to the interpretation and application of one or more of their treaties.

在这方面,委员会提醒各国注意委员会2010年报告里所载的请求, 委员会请各国再提供一两个在解释和实施条约方面尤其具有相关意义的嗣后协定嗣后惯例实例。

The Commission would be interested, in particular, in instances of interpretation by way of subsequent agreements or subsequent practice which have not been subject to judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings.


F. The Most-Favoured-Nation clause

F. 最惠国待遇

48. In order to complete its work on the Most-Favoured-Nation clause in relation to the field of investment law, the Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause plans to consider whether any use of Most-Favoured-Nation clauses in areas outside those of trade and investment law could provide it with guidance for its work.

48. 为了完成与投资法领域有关的最惠国待遇条款方面的工作,最惠国待遇研究组计划审议在贸易和投资法领域以外使用最惠国待遇条款的情况是否能对其工作提供任何指导。

Accordingly, the Commission would appreciate being provided with examples of any recent practice or case law in relation to Most-Favoured-Nation clauses in fields other than trade and investment law.


G. New topics

G. 新专题

49. The Commission decided to include in its long-term programme of work five new topics referred to in paragraphs 365 to 367 of the current report.

49. 委员会决定在其长期工作方案里列入本报告第365367段提到的五项新专题。

In the selection of these topics, the Commission was guided by the following criteria that it had agreed upon in 1998, namely that the topic (a) should reflect the needs of States in respect of the progressive development and codification of international law, (b) should be sufficiently advanced in stage in terms of State practice to permit progressive development and codification and (c) is concrete and feasible for progressive development and codification, and (d) that account should also be taken of those topics that reflect new developments in international law and pressing concerns of the international community as a whole.

在选择这些专题时,委员会遵循它在1998年所商定的下述标准, 即专题(a) 应反映各国在逐渐发展和编纂国际法方面的需要;(b) 专题在国家实践的阶段性方面应足够先进,以容许进行逐渐发展和编纂工作;(c) 专题应具体可行,宜于进行逐渐发展和编纂工作;(d) 还应当考虑到那些反映国际法中新动态和整个国际社会的紧迫关切事项的专题。

The Commission would welcome the views of States on these new topics.


50. In addition, the Commission would welcome any proposals that States may wish to make concerning possible topics for inclusion in its long-term programme of work.

50. 此外,委员会欢迎各国就可能列入长期工作方案的专题提出任何建议。

It would be helpful if such proposals were accompanied by a statement of reasons in their support, taking into account the criteria, referred to above, for the selection of topics.


Chapter IV


Reservations to treaties


A. Introduction

A. 导言

51. The Commission, at its forty-fifth session (1993), decided to include the topic “The law and practice relating to reservations to treaties” in its programme of work and, at its forty-sixth session (1994), appointed Mr. Alain Pellet Special Rapporteur for the topic.

51. 委员会第四十五届(1993)会议决定将与对条约的保留有关的法律与实践专题列入其工作方案,并在第四十六届(1994)会议上决定任命阿兰·佩莱先生为这个专题的特别报告员。

52. At the forty-seventh session (1995), following the Commission’s consideration of his first report, the Special Rapporteur summarized the conclusions he had drawn from the Commission’s debate, including a change of the title of the topic to “Reservations to treaties”; the form the results of the study should take, namely, a guide to practice in respect of reservations; the flexible way in which the Commission’s work on the topic should be carried out; and the consensus in the Commission that there should be no change in the relevant provisions of the 1969, 1978 and 1986 Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties.

52. 在委员会第四十七届(1995)会议审议了第一次报告 之后,特别报告员概述了作出的结论,包括将专题的标题改为对条约的保留;研究结果应该采取保留方面的《实践指南》的形式;委员会对于这个专题的工作应该采取灵活的方式;委员会的协商一致意见认为,不应对1969年、1978年和1986年《维也纳公约》的相关条款作出任何改动。

In the view of the Commission, those conclusions constituted the results of the preliminary study requested by the General Assembly in resolutions 48/31 of 9 December 1993 and 49/51 of 9 December 1994.


The Guide to Practice would take the form of draft guidelines with commentaries, which would be of assistance for the practice of States and international organizations; the guidelines would, if necessary, be accompanied by model clauses.


At the same session (1995), the Commission, in accordance with its earlier practice, authorized the Special Rapporteur to prepare a detailed questionnaire on reservations to treaties, to ascertain the practice of, and problems encountered by, States and international organizations, particularly those which were depositaries of multilateral conventions.

在同届(1995)会议上,委员会按照以往的做法, 授权特别报告员编写一份关于对条约的保留的详细调查表,以查明国家和国际组织、尤其是多边公约保存人的实践和遇到的问题。

The questionnaire was sent to the addressees by the Secretariat.


In its resolution 50/45 of 11 December 1995, the General Assembly took note of the Commission’s conclusions, inviting it to continue its work along the lines indicated in its report and also inviting States to answer the questionnaire.


53. At its forty-eighth (1996) and forty-ninth (1997) sessions, the Commission had before it the Special Rapporteur’s second report, to which was annexed a draft resolution on reservations to normative multilateral treaties, including human rights treaties, which was addressed to the General Assembly for the purpose of drawing attention to and clarifying the legal aspects of the matter.

53. 委员会第四十八届(1996)和第四十九届(1997)会议收到了特别报告员的第二次报告。 报告附有关于对包括人权条约在内的多边规范性条约的保留问题的一份决议草案。 该决议草案是对大会提出的,目的是提请注意并澄清这个事项所涉及的法律问题。

At the latter session (1997), the Commission adopted preliminary conclusions on reservations to normative multilateral treaties, including human rights treaties.


In its resolution 52/156 of 15 December 1997, the General Assembly took note of the Commission’s preliminary conclusions and of its invitation to all treaty bodies set up by normative multilateral treaties that might wish to do so to provide, in writing, their comments and observations on the conclusions, while drawing the attention of Governments to the importance for the Commission of having their views on the preliminary conclusions.


54. From its fiftieth session (1998) to its sixty-first session (2009), the Commission considered 14 more reports and a note by the Special Rapporteur, along with a memorandum by the Secretariat on reservations to treaties in the context of succession of States, and provisionally adopted 199 draft guidelines and the commentaries thereto.

54. 自第五十届(1998)会议起至第六十一届(2009)会议,委员会审议了特别报告员提出的另外14份报告 和一份说明 以及秘书处编写的关于在国家继承情况下对条约的保留的备忘录并暂时通过了199条准则草案及其评注。

55. At its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission, having completed the provisional adoption of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, indicated that it intended to adopt the final version of the Guide to Practice during its sixty-third session (2011), and that, in doing so, it would take into consideration the observations of States and international organizations as well as the organs with which the Commission cooperates, made since the beginning of the examination of the topic, together with further observations received by the Secretariat of the Commission before 31 January 2011.

55. 在第六十二届(2010)会议上,委员会暂时通过了《对条约的保留实践指南》并表示打算在第六十三届(2011)会议上通过《实践指南》的定稿,在这样做时会考虑到各国、各国际组织及委员会与之合作的机关自本专题开始审议以来所发表的意见以及委员会秘书处在2011131日之前所收到的进一步意见。

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

56. At the present session, the Commission had before it the seventeenth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/647 and Add.1), which it considered at its 3099th, 3104th and 3106th meetings, on 6, 13 and 15 July 2011, as well as the comments and observations received from Governments on the Guide to Practice as provisionally adopted by the Commission at its sixty-second session (A/CN.4/639 and Add.1).

56. 在本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第十七次报告(A/CN.4/647Add.1),并在2011761315日举行的第309931043106次上进行了审议。 委员会还收到了各国政府就委员会第六十二届会议暂时通过的《实践指南》发来的评论和意见(A/CN.4/639Add.1)

57. At its 3080th meeting, on 26 April 2011, the Commission decided to establish a working group on reservations to treaties, chaired by Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, to work on finalizing the Guide to Practice as envisaged by the Commission at its sixty-second session (2010).

57. 2011426日第3080次会议上,委员会决定设立对条约的保留工作组,由马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生担任主席,负责完成委员会第六十二届(2010)会议所设想的最后敲定《实践指南》案文的工作。

The Working Group reviewed the version of the Guide to Practice provisionally adopted in 2010 on the basis of the changes proposed by the Special Rapporteur in the light of the oral and written observations made by States on the topic since 1995.


58. At its 3090th meeting, on 20 May 2011, the Commission took note of the first report of the Chairman of the Working Group on Reservations to Treaties, in which he presented to the Commission the text of the guidelines constituting the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties (A/CN.4/L.779), as finalized by the Working Group.

58. 2011520日第3090次会议上,委员会注意到对条约的保留工作组主席提出的第一次报告。 工作组主席在该报告中向委员会提出了经工作组敲定的构成《对条约的保留实践指南》的准则案文(A/CN.4/L.779)

59. At its 3099th meeting, on 6 July 2011, the Commission entrusted the Working Group on Reservations to Treaties with the task of finalizing the text of a draft recommendation or conclusions of the Commission on the reservations dialogue, contained in the Special Rapporteur’s seventeenth report (A/CN.4/647, para. 68).

59. 201176日第3099次会议上,委员会委托对条约的保留工作组敲定特别报告员第十七次报告(A/CN.4/647, 68)所载的关于保留对话的委员会建议或结论草案。

At its 3106th meeting, on 15 July 2011, the Commission also referred to the Working Group a draft recommendation of the Commission on technical assistance and assistance in the settlement of disputes concerning reservations, as proposed by the Special Rapporteur in the addendum to his seventeenth report (A/CN.4/647/Add.1).


60. At its 3114th meeting, on 28 July 2011, the Commission took note of the second report of the Chairman of the Working Group on Reservations to Treaties and of the recommendations of the Working Group with respect to (1) conclusions and a recommendation on the reservations dialogue, intended to appear in an annex to the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties (A/CN.4/L.793), and (2) a draft recommendation of the Commission to the General Assembly on mechanisms of assistance in relation to reservations (A/CN.4/L.795).

60. 2011728日第3114次会议上,委员会注意到对条约的保留工作组主席提出的第二次报告和工作组就下述事项提出的建议:(1) 关于保留对话的结论和建议,拟作为《对条约的保留实践指南》的附件(A/CN.4/L.793)(2) 委员会向大会提出的关于在保留事项上建立协助机制的建议草案(A/CN.4/L.795)

61. At its 3118th and 3120th to 3125th meetings, from 5 to 11 August 2011, the Commission adopted the guidelines and commentaries constituting the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, including an introduction to the Guide to Practice and an annex setting out conclusions and a recommendation of the Commission on the reservations dialogue.

61. 201185日至11日第3118次和第31203125次会议上,委员会通过了构成《对条约的保留实践指南》的准则及其评注,包括《实践指南》的导言以及载有关于保留对话的委员会结论和建议的附件。

62. The text of the guidelines constituting the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties followed by an annex on the reservations dialogue is reproduced in section F.1 below; the text of the Guide to Practice including an introduction, commentaries, the annex on the reservations dialogue and a bibliography is reproduced in the continuation of section F.2, contained in an addendum to this report (A/66/10/Add.1).

62. 构成《对条约的保留实践指南》的准则案文以及关于保留对话的附件载录于下文F.1节;《实践指南》案文,包括导言、评注、关于保留对话的附件以及参考文献,载录于F.2节,但另以本报告增编形式(A/66/10/Add.1)印发。

63. In accordance with its Statute, the Commission submits to the General Assembly the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, together with the recommendation set forth in section C below.

63. 委员会根据其章程,向大会提交《对条约的保留实践指南》,同时提交载于下文C节中的建议。

64. The Commission also submits to the General Assembly the recommendation on mechanisms of assistance in relation to reservations, set forth in section D below.

64. 委员会还向大会提交载于下文D节中的关于对条约的保留方面协助机制的建议。

1. Consideration of the seventeenth report of the Special Rapporteur

1. 审议特别报告员的第十七次报告

(a) Introduction by the Special Rapporteur

(a) 特别报告员的介绍

65. The seventeenth report (A/CN.4/647) dealt with the question of the reservations dialogue, while the addendum to it (A/CN.4/647/Add.1) addressed the question of assistance in the settlement of disputes concerning reservations and proposed a draft introduction on how to use the Guide to Practice.

65. 第十七次报告(A/CN.4/647)处理了保留对话的问题,而其增编(A/CN.4/647/ Add.1)在解决事涉保留的争端方面提供协助的问题并提出了一项关于如何使用《实践指南》的导言草案。

66. The Special Rapporteur recalled that the phrase “reservations dialogue” was not a term of art with a precise meaning but an expression he himself had coined in the addendum to his eighth report (A/CN.4/535/Add.1).

66. 特别报告员提到,保留对话这一词语并不是含义确切的术语,而是他自己在其第八次报告增编(A/CN.4/535/Add.1)中新造的一个说法。

The expression “reservations dialogue” alluded to the fact that, independently of the substantive and procedure rules applicable to reservations, contracting States and contracting international organizations could, and in many cases did, engage in an informal dialogue concerning the permissibility, scope and meaning of the reservations or objections to reservations formulated by a contracting State or a contracting organization.


Such a dialogue, which could take place before as well as after a reservation was formulated, could take many forms and employ a wide variety of methods.


While the normal interplay of objections and acceptances often served to start a reservations dialogue, the practice revealed the existence of sui generis reactions to reservations, reactions that constituted neither acceptances nor objections but that could nonetheless be taken into account by the author of the reservation — who might, in some cases, be induced to withdraw its reservation or limit its scope — or by dispute settlement bodies or treaty monitoring bodies.


A particular form of reservations dialogue took place under the auspices of treaty monitoring bodies, especially those charged with monitoring the implementation of human rights treaties.


The Special Rapporteur stressed that the reservations dialogue offered advantage, notably, that it sought to prevent positions from becoming fixed, to allow the author of the reservation to explain its reasons and to facilitate better understanding among the parties concerned.


The Special Rapporteur therefore thought that the Commission should not only take that practice into account but should encourage it, while taking care not to destroy its spontaneity and effectiveness through a legal formalism that might make it inflexible.


That was the purpose of the draft recommendation or conclusions on the reservations dialogue proposed in the seventeenth report, which was intended to encourage States and international organizations to engage in such a dialogue whenever possible in the manner they deemed appropriate.

这正是第十七次报告所提出的关于保留对话的结论和建议草案的目的, 其用意是鼓励各国和各国际组织只要有可能,便以它们认为适当的形式开展这种对话。

The Special Rapporteur thought it preferable to address the question of the reservations dialogue, not in the body of the Guide to Practice, but in an annex to the Guide that could take the form of recommendations or conclusions.


67. The Special Rapporteur noted that the reservations dialogue was not always successful and sometimes ended without resolving differences of opinion that could have practical consequences.

67. 特别报告员指南,保留对话并不总是成功的,有时也解决不了意见分歧,从而意见分歧会产生一些实际后果。

Nonetheless, it was not appropriate for the Commission to propose a full-fledged dispute settlement mechanism in the context of reservations, in view, among other things, of the flexible nature of the Guide to Practice.


The Special Rapporteur thought it preferable that the Commission suggest a flexible mechanism of assistance in relation to reservations, one that could provide both technical advice and assistance in resolving differences concerning reservations.


The main features of such a mechanism were outlined in the draft recommendation on technical assistance and assistance in the settlement of disputes concerning reservations, contained in the addendum to the seventeenth report.


68. The draft introduction to the Guide to Practice, also contained in the addendum to the seventeenth report, was intended to provide clarification as to the content, purposes and structure of the Guide and the legal nature of the rules formulated in the guidelines that constituted it.

68. 《实践指南》的导言也载于第十七次报告增编, 其目的是就指南的内容、目的和结构以及构成指南的准则中所述规则的法律性质作出澄清。

(b) Action taken on the seventeenth report

(b) 就第十七次报告采取的行动

69. Since the idea of a draft recommendation or conclusions on the reservations dialogue had been favourably received by the members of the Commission, the Commission instructed the Working Group on Reservations to Treaties to finalize the text in question.

69. 就保留对话拟订一项建议或结论草案的想法得到委员会委员们的赞同,故委员会指示对条约的保留工作组最后敲定有关案文。

The Commission subsequently decided to attach an annex to the Guide to Practice, containing conclusions and a recommendation on the reservations dialogue.


70. Although some members had expressed doubts about the idea of proposing a specific mechanism of assistance in relation to reservations to treaties, the Commission entrusted the Working Group on Reservations to Treaties with the task of considering the draft recommendation on that subject proposed by the Special Rapporteur.

70. 虽然一些委员对于在条约的保留事项上提出一个具体的协助机制的想法表示了怀疑,但委员会仍委托对条约的保留工作组负责审议特别报告员就这一问题所提出的建议草案。

The Commission subsequently adopted the recommendation contained in section D below.


71. The proposal of the Special Rapporteur to preface the Guide to Practice with an introduction was favourably received by the Commission.

71. 特别报告员关于为《实践指南》加一个导言的建议得到委员会的赞同。

C. Recommendation of the Commission concerning the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties

C. 委员会就《对条约的保留实践指南》提出的建议

72. At its 3125th meeting, on 11 August 2011, the Commission decided, in accordance with article 23 of its Statute, to recommend to the General Assembly to take note of the Guide to Practice and ensure its widest possible dissemination.

72. 在第2011811日第3125次会议上,委员会根据其章程第23条决定建议大会注意到《实践指南》并确保最广泛的散发。

D. Recommendation of the Commission on mechanisms of assistance in relation to reservations to treaties

D. 委员会就对条约的保留方面的协助机制提出的建议

73. At its 3125th meeting, held on 11 August 2011, the Commission decided to transmit to the General Assembly the following recommendation:

73. 在第2011811日第3125次会议上,委员会决定向大会转交下列建议:

“The International Law Commission,


Having completed the preparation of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties,


Aware of the difficulties faced by States in the formulation, interpretation, assessment of the permissibility, and implementation of reservations and objections thereto,


Attaching great importance to the principle that States shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means,


Considering that the adoption of the Guide to Practice could be supplemented by the establishment of flexible mechanisms to assist States in the implementation of the legal rules applicable to reservations,


Suggests that the General Assembly:


1. Consider establishing a reservations assistance mechanism, which could take the form described in the annex to this recommendation;

1. 考虑建立一个保留协助机制,可以采取本建议的附件中所描述的形式。

2. Consider establishing within its Sixth Committee an ‘observatory’ on reservations to treaties, and also recommend that States consider establishing similar ‘observatories’ at the regional and subregional levels.

2. 考虑在第六委员会范围内设立对条约的保留观察台,并且还建议各国考虑在区域和分区域层级上建立类似的观察台



(i) The reservations and objections to reservations assistance mechanism could consist of a limited number of experts, selected on the basis of their technical competence and their practical experience in public international law and, specifically, treaty law.

() 保留和反对保留的协助机制可以由数量有限的专家组成,根据他们在国际公法和具体条约法中的技术能力及其实践经验予以甄选。

(ii) The mechanism could meet, as needed, to consider problems related to reservations, or objections to and acceptances of reservations, that would be submitted to it.

() 这一机制可以视需要开会,以审议提交给它的与保留或反对和接受保留相关的问题。

(iii) The mechanism could make proposals to requesting States in order to settle differences of view concerning reservations.

() 该机制可以向请求国提出建议,以解决对保留的不同意见。

States that have such differences could undertake to accept proposals for their resolution as compulsory.


(iv) The mechanism could also provide a State with technical assistance in formulating reservations to a treaty or objections to reservations formulated by other States.

() 该机制还可在对条约提出保留或对其他国家的保留提出反对方面提供技术援助。

(v) In making its proposals, the mechanism should take into account the provisions on reservations contained in the 1969, 1978 and 1986 Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties and the guidelines contained in the Guide to Practice.”

() 在作出建议时,该机制应考虑到1969年、1978年和1986年《维也纳公约》中所载对保留的规定和《实践指南》所载准则。

E. Tribute to the Special Rapporteur

E. 向特别报告员表示感谢

74. At its 3125th meeting, on 11 August 2011, the Commission, after adopting the complete Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, adopted the following resolution by acclamation:

74. 2011811日第3125次会议上,委员会在通过了完整的《对条约的保留实践指南》之后,以鼓掌方式通过了下列决议:

“The International Law Commission,


Having adopted the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties,


Expresses its deep appreciation and warm congratulations to the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Alain Pellet, for the outstanding contribution he has made to the preparation of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties through his tireless efforts and devoted work, and has no doubt that the Guide to Practice will be a valuable tool in solving numerous problems posed by reservations to treaties and interpretative declarations.”


F. Text of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, adopted by the Commission at its sixty-third session

” F. 委员会第六十三届会议通过的《对条约的保留实践指南》案文

1. Text of the guidelines constituting the Guide to Practice, followed by an annex on the reservations dialogue

1. 构成《实践指南》的准则案文以及关于保留对话的附件

75. The text of the guidelines constituting the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties adopted by the Commission at its sixty-third session, followed by an annex on the reservations dialogue, is reproduced below.

75. 委员会第六十三届会议通过的构成《对条约的保留实践指南》的准则案文载录如下。

Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties


1. Definitions

1. 定义

1.1 Definition of reservations

1.1 保留的定义

1. “Reservation” means a unilateral statement, however phrased or named, made by a State or an international organization when signing, ratifying, formally confirming, accepting, approving or acceding to a treaty, or by a State when making a notification of succession to a treaty, whereby the State or organization purports to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in their application to that State or to that international organization.

1. “保留是指一国或一国际组织在签署、批准、正式确认、接受、核准或加入条约,或一国发出继承条约的通知时所作的单方面声明,不论其措辞或名称如何,该国或该组织意图藉此排除或更改条约中某些规定对该国或该国际组织适用时的法律效力。

2. Paragraph 1 is to be interpreted as including reservations which purport to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of a treaty, or of the treaty as a whole with respect to certain specific aspects, in their application to the State or to the international organization which formulates the reservation.

2. 1款应解释为包括这样的保留:其目的是为了排除或更改条约中某些规定或整个条约的某些特定方面对提出保留的国家或国际组织适用时的法律效力。

1.1.1 Statements purporting to limit the obligations of their author

1.1.1 旨在限制声明方义务的声明

A unilateral statement formulated by a State or an international organization at the time when that State or that organization expresses its consent to be bound by a treaty, by which its author purports to limit the obligations imposed on it by the treaty, constitutes a reservation.


1.1.2 Statements purporting to discharge an obligation by equivalent means

1.1.2 旨在以相当方式履行义务的声明

A unilateral statement formulated by a State or an international organization at the time when that State or that organization expresses its consent to be bound by a treaty, by which that State or that organization purports to discharge an obligation pursuant to the treaty in a manner different from, but considered by the author of the statement to be equivalent to that imposed by the treaty, constitutes a reservation.


1.1.3 Reservations relating to the territorial application of the treaty

1.1.3 涉及条约领土适用范围的保留

A unilateral statement by which a State purports to exclude the application of some provisions of a treaty, or of the treaty as a whole with respect to certain specific aspects, to a territory to which they would be applicable in the absence of such a statement constitutes a reservation.


1.1.4 Reservations formulated when extending the territorial application of a treaty

1.1.4 在扩大条约领土适用范围时提出的保留

A unilateral statement by which a State, when extending the application of a treaty to a territory, purports to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in relation to that territory constitutes a reservation.


1.1.5 Reservations formulated jointly

1.1.5 联合提出的保留

The joint formulation of a reservation by several States or international organizations does not affect the unilateral character of that reservation.


1.1.6 Reservations formulated by virtue of clauses expressly authorizing the exclusion or the modification of certain provisions of a treaty

1.1.6 根据条约中明确准许排除或更改某些规定的条款提出的保留

A unilateral statement made by a State or an international organization when that State or organization expresses its consent to be bound by a treaty, in accordance with a clause expressly authorizing the parties or some of them to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty with regard to the party that has made the statement, constitutes a reservation expressly authorized by the treaty.


1.2 Definition of interpretative declarations

1.2 解释性声明的定义

“Interpretative declaration” means a unilateral statement, however phrased or named, made by a State or an international organization, whereby that State or that organization purports to specify or clarify the meaning or scope of a treaty or of certain of its provisions.


1.2.1 Interpretative declarations formulated jointly

1.2.1 联合提出的解释性声明

The joint formulation of an interpretative declaration by several States or international organizations does not affect the unilateral character of that interpretative declaration.


1.3 Distinction between reservations and interpretative declarations

1.3 保留与解释性声明的区别

The character of a unilateral statement as a reservation or as an interpretative declaration is determined by the legal effect that its author purports to produce.


1.3.1 Method of determining the distinction between reservations and interpretative declarations

1.3.1 确定保留与解释性声明之区别的方法

To determine whether a unilateral statement formulated by a State or an international organization in respect of a treaty is a reservation or an interpretative declaration, the statement should be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to its terms, with a view to identifying therefrom the intention of its author, in light of the treaty to which it refers.


1.3.2 Phrasing and name

1.3.2 措辞和名称

The phrasing or name of a unilateral statement provides an indication of the purported legal effect.


1.3.3 Formulation of a unilateral statement when a reservation is prohibited

1.3.3 在禁止保留时提出单方面声明

When a treaty prohibits reservations to all or certain of its provisions, a unilateral statement formulated in respect of those provisions by a State or an international organization shall be presumed not to constitute a reservation. Such a statement nevertheless constitutes a reservation if it purports to exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty, or of the treaty as a whole with respect to certain specific aspects, in their application to its author.


1.4 Conditional interpretative declarations

1.4 有条件的解释性声明

1. A conditional interpretative declaration is a unilateral statement formulated by a State or an international organization when signing, ratifying, formally confirming, accepting, approving or acceding to a treaty, or by a State when making a notification of succession to a treaty, whereby the State or international organization subjects its consent to be bound by the treaty to a specific interpretation of the treaty or of certain provisions thereof.

1. 一国或一国际组织在签署、批准、正式确认、接受、核准或加入条约时提出单方面声明,或一国在通知对条约的继承时提出单方面声明,从而使该国或该国际组织同意受条约约束一事取决于对条约或对其某些规定的特定解释,此项声明即构成有条件的解释性声明。

2. Conditional interpretative declarations are subject to the rules applicable to reservations.

2. 有条件的解释性声明须遵守适用于保留的规则。

1.5 Unilateral statements other than reservations and interpretative declarations

1.5 保留和解释性声明以外的单方面声明

Unilateral statements formulated in relation to a treaty which are not reservations nor interpretative declarations (including conditional interpretative declarations) are outside the scope of the present Guide to Practice.


1.5.1 Statements of non-recognition

1.5.1 不予承认的声明

A unilateral statement by which a State indicates that its participation in a treaty does not imply recognition of an entity which it does not recognize is outside the scope of the present Guide to Practice even if it purports to exclude the application of the treaty between the declaring State and the non-recognized entity.


1.5.2 Statements concerning modalities of implementation of a treaty at the internal level

1.5.2 关于在内部履行条约的方式的声明

A unilateral statement formulated by a State or an international organization whereby that State or that organization indicates the manner in which it intends to implement a treaty at the internal level, without affecting its rights and obligations towards the other contracting States or contracting organizations, is outside the scope of the present Guide to Practice.


1.5.3 Unilateral statements made under a clause providing for options

1.5.3 根据含有任择内容的条款作出的单方面声明

1. A unilateral statement made by a State or an international organization, in accordance with a clause in a treaty permitting the parties to accept an obligation that is not otherwise imposed by the treaty, or permitting them to choose between two or more provisions of the treaty, is outside the scope of the present Guide to Practice.

1. 一国或一国际组织根据条约某一条款作出单方面声明,如该条款准许各缔约方接受并非该条约加诸缔约方的一项义务,或准许各缔约方在该条约的两项或两项以上规定中间作出选择,则此项声明不属于本《实践指南》的范围。

2. A restriction or condition contained in a statement by which a State or an international organization accepts, by virtue of a clause in a treaty, an obligation that is not otherwise imposed by the treaty does not constitute a reservation.

2. 一国或一国际组织作出声明,借助于条约中的一项条款接受并非该条约加诸缔约方的一项义务,此种声明中载列的限制或条件不构成保留。

1.6 Unilateral statements in respect of bilateral treaties

1.6 对双边条约的单方面声明

1.6.1 “Reservations” to bilateral treaties

1.6.1 对双边条约的保留

A unilateral statement, however phrased or named, formulated by a State or an international organization after initialling or signature but prior to entry into force of a bilateral treaty, by which that State or that organization purports to obtain from the other party a modification of the provisions of the treaty, does not constitute a reservation within the meaning of the present Guide to Practice.


1.6.2 Interpretative declarations in respect of bilateral treaties

1.6.2 对双边条约的解释性声明

Guidelines 1.2 and 1.4 are applicable to interpretative declarations in respect of both multilateral and bilateral treaties.


1.6.3 Legal effect of acceptance of an interpretative declaration made in respect of a bilateral treaty by the other party

1.6.3 对双边条约的解释性声明获得另一缔约方接受所产生的法律效力

The interpretation resulting from an interpretative declaration made in respect of a bilateral treaty by a State or an international organization party to the treaty and accepted by the other party constitutes an authentic interpretation of that treaty.


1.7 Alternatives to reservations and interpretative declarations

1.7 替代保留和解释性声明的程序

1.7.1 Alternatives to reservations

1.7.1 替代保留的程序

In order to achieve results comparable to those effected by reservations, States or international organizations may also have recourse to alternative procedures, such as:


• the insertion in the treaty of a clause purporting to limit its scope or application;


• the conclusion of an agreement, under a specific provision of a treaty, by which two or more States or international organizations purport to exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty as between themselves.


1.7.2 Alternatives to interpretative declarations

1.7.2 替代解释性声明的程序

In order to specify or clarify the meaning or scope of a treaty or certain of its provisions, States or international organizations may also have recourse to procedures other than interpretative declarations, such as:


• the insertion in the treaty of provisions purporting to interpret the treaty;


• the conclusion of a supplementary agreement to the same end, simultaneously or subsequently to the conclusion of the treaty.


1.8 Scope of definitions

1.8 定义的范围

The definitions of unilateral statements included in the present Part are without prejudice to the validity and legal effects of such statements under the rules applicable to them.


2. Procedure

2. 程序

2.1 Form and notification of reservations

2.1 保留的形式和通知

2.1.1 Form of reservations

2.1.1 保留的形式

A reservation must be formulated in writing.


2.1.2 Statement of reasons for reservations

2.1.2 说明保留的理由

A reservation should, to the extent possible, indicate the reasons why it is being formulated.


2.1.3 Representation for the purpose of formulating a reservation at the international level

2.1.3 在国际一级提出保留的代表

1. Subject to the usual practices followed in international organizations which are depositaries of treaties, a person is considered as representing a State or an international organization for the purpose of formulating a reservation if:

1. 在不违反作为条约保存人的国际组织所遵守的通常惯例的前提下,下列情况中的人士被视为代表一国或一国际组织提出保留:

(a) that person produces appropriate full powers for the purposes of adopting or authenticating the text of the treaty with regard to which the reservation is formulated or expressing the consent of the State or organization to be bound by the treaty; or

(a) 该人士出示适当全权证书,表明有权通过或认证提出的保留所涉及的条约案文或有权表示该国或该组织同意受该条约约束;或

(b) it appears from practice or from other circumstances that it was the intention of the States and international organizations concerned to consider that person as representing the State or the international organization for such purposes without having to produce full powers.

(b) 从惯例或其他情况看,有关国家或国际组织有意认为该人士为此种目的能代表该国或该国际组织,无须出示全权证书。

2. In virtue of their functions and without having to produce full powers, the following are considered as representing their State for the purpose of formulating a reservation at the international level:

2. 以下人士因其职务无须出示全权证书,被视为代表其本国在国际一级提出保留:

(a) Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs;

(a) 国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长;

(b) representatives accredited by States to an international conference, for the purpose of formulating a reservation to a treaty adopted at that conference;

(b) 就对一国际会议通过的条约提出保留而言,各国派驻该国际会议的代表;

(c) representatives accredited by States to an international organization or one of its organs, for the purpose of formulating a reservation to a treaty adopted in that organization or organ;

(c) 就对一国际组织或其一个机关里所通过的条约提出保留而言,各国派驻该组织或机关的代表;

(d) heads of permanent missions to an international organization, for the purpose of formulating a reservation to a treaty between the accrediting States and that organization.

(d) 就对委派国与一国际组织间的条约提出保留而言,常驻该组织的代表团团长。

2.1.4 Absence of consequences at the international level of the violation of internal rules regarding the formulation of reservations

2.1.4 违反与提出保留有关的内部规则在国际一级不产生后果

1. The competent authority and the procedure to be followed at the internal level for formulating a reservation are determined by the internal law of each State or the relevant rules of each international organization.

1. 提出保留的内部主管当局和应遵循的内部程序由每一国国内法或每一国际组织的有关规则确定。

2. A State or an international organization may not invoke the fact that a reservation has been formulated in violation of a provision of the internal law of that State or the rules of that organization regarding competence and the procedure for formulating reservations for the purpose of invalidating the reservation.

2. 一国或一国际组织不得以保留的提出违反了关于提出保留的权限和程序的该国国内法规定或该组织的规则为理由宣布保留无效。

2.1.5 Communication of reservations

2.1.5 保留的告知

1. A reservation must be communicated in writing to the contracting States and contracting organizations and other States and international organizations entitled to become parties to the treaty.

1. 保留必须以书面形式告知缔约国、缔约组织以及有权成为条约缔约方的其他国家和国际组织。

2. A reservation to a treaty in force which is the constituent instrument of an international organization must also be communicated to such organization.

2. 如果一现行条约是一国际组织的组成文书,则对此条约的保留也必须告知该组织。

2.1.6 Procedure for communication of reservations

2.1.6 告知保留的程序

1. Unless otherwise provided in the treaty or agreed by the contracting States and contracting organizations, the communication of a reservation to a treaty shall be transmitted:

1. 除非条约另有规定或各缔约国和缔约组织另有协议,对条约之保留的告知:

(i) if there is no depositary, directly by the author of the reservation to the contracting States and contracting organizations and other States and international organizations entitled to become parties to the treaty; or

() 在没有保存人的情况下,应由提出保留方直接送交缔约国和缔约国际组织以及有资格成为该条约缔约方的其他国家和国际组织;或

(ii) if there is a depositary, to the latter, which shall notify the States and international organizations for which it is intended as soon as possible.

() 在有保存人的情况下,应送交保存人,由其尽早通知所要送交的国家和国际组织。

2. The communication of a reservation shall be considered as having been made with regard to a State or an international organization only upon receipt by that State or organization.

2. 对一国或一国际组织而言,保留的告知只有在该国或该国际组织接获后才应视为已送达。

3. The communication of a reservation to a treaty by means other than a diplomatic note or depositary notification, such as electronic mail or facsimile, must be confirmed within an appropriate period of time by such a note or notification.

3. 如果对条约的保留是以电子邮件或传真而非外交照会或保存人通知的方式告知,该告知必须在适当的一段时间内以外交照会或保存人的通知加以确认。

In such case, the reservation is considered as having been formulated at the date of the initial communication.


2.1.7 Functions of depositaries

2.1.7 保存人的职能

1. The depositary shall examine whether a reservation to a treaty formulated by a State or an international organization is in due and proper form and, if need be, bring the matter to the attention of the State or international organization concerned.

1. 保存人应审查由一国或一国际组织提出的对某一条约的保留是否具有应有的适当形式,并在必要时将问题提请有关国家或国际组织注意。

2. In the event of any difference appearing between a State or an international organization and the depositary as to the performance of the latter’s functions, the depositary shall bring the question to the attention of:

2. 如果一国或一国际组织同保存人之间对保存人履行职能有分歧,保存人应将此问题:

(a) the signatory States and organizations and the contracting States and contracting organizations; or

(a) 提请各签署国和签署组织以及缔约国和缔约组织注意,或

(b) where appropriate, the competent organ of the international organization concerned.

(b) 在适当情况下提请有关国际组织的主管机关注意。

2.2 Confirmation of reservations

2.2 保留的确认

2.2.1 Formal confirmation of reservations formulated when signing a treaty

2.2.1 正式确认在签署条约时提出的保留

If formulated when signing a treaty subject to ratification, act of formal confirmation, acceptance or approval, a reservation must be formally confirmed by the reserving State or international organization when expressing its consent to be bound by the treaty.


In such a case, the reservation shall be considered as having been formulated on the date of its confirmation.


2.2.2 Instances of non-requirement of confirmation of reservations formulated when signing a treaty

2.2.2 在签署条约时提出的保留无须予以确认的情况

A reservation formulated when signing a treaty does not require subsequent confirmation when a State or an international organization expresses by signature its consent to be bound by the treaty.


2.2.3 Reservations formulated upon signature when a treaty expressly so provides

2.2.3 条约明文规定可在签署时提出的保留

Where the treaty expressly provides that a State or an international organization may formulate a reservation when signing the treaty, such a reservation does not require formal confirmation by the reserving State or international organization when expressing its consent to be bound by the treaty.


2.2.4 Form of formal confirmation of reservations

2.2.4 正式确认保留的形式

The formal confirmation of a reservation must be made in writing.


2.3 Late formulation of reservations

2.3 过时提出保留

A State or an international organization may not formulate a reservation to a treaty after expressing its consent to be bound by the treaty, unless the treaty otherwise provides or none of the other contracting States and contracting organizations opposes the late formulation of the reservation.


2.3.1 Acceptance of the late formulation of a reservation

2.3.1 接受过时提出保留

Unless the treaty otherwise provides or the well-established practice followed by the depositary differs, the late formulation of a reservation shall only be deemed to have been accepted if no contracting State or contracting organization has opposed such formulation after the expiry of the twelve-month period following the date on which notification was received.


2.3.2 Time period for formulating an objection to a reservation that is formulated late

2.3.2 对过时提出的保留提出反对的期限

An objection to a reservation that is formulated late must be made within twelve months of the acceptance, in accordance with guideline 2.3.1, of the late formulation of the reservation.


2.3.3 Limits to the possibility of excluding or modifying the legal effect of a treaty by means other than reservations

2.3.3 对以非保留方式排除或限制条约法律效力所作的限制

A contracting State or a contracting organization cannot exclude or modify the legal effect of provisions of the treaty by:


(a) the interpretation of an earlier reservation; or

(a) 对先前作出的保留加以解释;或

(b) a unilateral statement made subsequently under a clause providing for options.

(b) 事后根据含有任择内容的条款作出单方面声明。

2.3.4 Widening of the scope of a reservation

2.3.4 扩大保留范围

The modification of an existing reservation for the purpose of widening its scope is subject to the rules applicable to the late formulation of a reservation.


If such a modification is opposed, the initial reservation remains unchanged.


2.4 Procedure for interpretative declarations

2.4 解释性声明的程序

2.4.1 Form of interpretative declarations

2.4.1 解释性声明的形式

An interpretative declaration should preferably be formulated in writing.


2.4.2 Representation for the purpose of formulating interpretative declarations

2.4.2 提出解释性声明的代表

An interpretative declaration must be formulated by a person who is considered as representing a State or an international organization for the purpose of adopting or authenticating the text of a treaty or expressing the consent of the State or international organization to be bound by a treaty.


2.4.3 Absence of consequences at the international level of the violation of internal rules regarding the formulation of interpretative declarations

2.4.3 违反与提出解释性声明有关的内部规则在国际一级不产生后果

1. The competent authority and the procedure to be followed at the internal level for formulating an interpretative declaration are determined by the internal law of each State or the relevant rules of each international organization.

1. 提出解释性声明的内部主管当局和应遵循的内部程序由每一国国内法或每一国际组织的有关规则确定。

2. A State or an international organization may not invoke the fact that an interpretative declaration has been formulated in violation of a provision of the internal law of that State or the rules of that organization regarding competence and the procedure for formulating interpretative declarations for the purpose of invalidating the declaration.

2. 一国或一国际组织不得以解释性声明的提出违反了关于提出解释性声明的权限和程序的该国国内法规定或该组织的规则为理由宣布解释性声明无效。

2.4.4 Time at which an interpretative declaration may be formulated

2.4.4 可提出解释性声明的时刻

Without prejudice to the provisions of guidelines 1.4 and 2.4.7, an interpretative declaration may be formulated at any time.


2.4.5 Communication of interpretative declarations

2.4.5 解释性声明的告知

The communication of written interpretative declarations should follow the procedure established in guidelines 2.1.5, 2.1.6 and 2.1.7.


2.4.6 Non-requirement of confirmation of interpretative declarations formulated when signing a treaty

2.4.6 无须确认在签署条约时提出的解释性声明

An interpretative declaration formulated when signing a treaty does not require subsequent confirmation when a State or an international organization expresses its consent to be bound by the treaty.


2.4.7 Late formulation of an interpretative declaration

2.4.7 过时提出解释性声明

Where a treaty provides that an interpretative declaration may be formulated only at specified times, a State or an international organization may not formulate an interpretative declaration concerning that treaty subsequently, unless none of the other contracting States and contracting organizations objects to the late formulation of the interpretative declaration.


2.4.8 Modification of an interpretative declaration

2.4.8 修改解释性声明

Unless the treaty otherwise provides, an interpretative declaration may be modified at any time.


2.5 Withdrawal and modification of reservations and interpretative declarations

2.5 撤回和修改保留和解释性声明

2.5.1 Withdrawal of reservations

2.5.1 撤回保留

Unless the treaty otherwise provides, a reservation may be withdrawn at any time without the consent of a State or of an international organization which has accepted the reservation being required for its withdrawal.


2.5.2 Form of withdrawal

2.5.2 撤回的形式

The withdrawal of a reservation must be formulated in writing.


2.5.3 Periodic review of the usefulness of reservations

2.5.3 定期审查保留的功用

1. States or international organizations which have formulated one or more reservations to a treaty should undertake a periodic review of such reservations and consider withdrawing those which no longer serve their purpose.

1. 对条约提出一项或多项保留的国家或国际组织应定期审查各项保留,并考虑撤回已不适用的保留。

2. In such a review, States and international organizations should devote special attention to the aim of preserving the integrity of multilateral treaties and, where relevant, consider the usefulness of retaining the reservations, in particular in relation to developments in their internal law since the reservations were formulated.

2. 在进行这样的审查时,国家和国际组织应对维护多边条约的完整性这一目标给予特别注意,并在必要时,尤其是根据其国内法自从提出保留以来的演变情况,考虑各项保留是否仍然有用。

2.5.4 Representation for the purpose of withdrawing a reservation at the international level

2.5.4 在国际上提出撤回保留的代表

1. Subject to the usual practices followed in international organizations which are depositaries of treaties, a person is considered as representing a State or an international organization for the purpose of withdrawing a reservation made on behalf of a State or an international organization if:

1. 在不违反作为条约保存人的国际组织所遵守的通常惯例的前提下,下列情况中的人士视为代表一国或一国际组织撤回所提出的保留:

(a) that person produces appropriate full powers for the purpose of that withdrawal; or

(a) 就撤回保留而言,该人士出示了适当的全权证书;或

(b) it appears from practice or from other circumstances that it was the intention of the States and international organizations concerned to consider that person as representing the State or the international organization for such purpose without having to produce full powers.

(b) 从惯例或从其他情况看,有关国家和国际组织有意认为该人士为此种目的能代表该国或该国际组织,无须出示全权证书。

2. In virtue of their functions and without having to produce full powers, the following are considered as representing a State for the purpose of withdrawing a reservation at the international level on behalf of that State:

2. 以下人士因其职务无须出示全权证书,被视为代表一国并能以该国的名义在国际一级撤回保留:

(a) Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs;

(a) 国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长;

(b) representatives accredited by States to an international organization or one of its organs, for the purpose of withdrawing a reservation to a treaty adopted in that organization or organ;

(b) 就撤回对一国际组织或其一个机关里所通过的条约的保留而言,各国派驻该组织或机关的代表;

(c) heads of permanent missions to an international organization, for the purpose of withdrawing a reservation to a treaty between the accrediting States and that organization.

(c) 就撤回对委派国与一国际组织间的条约的保留而言,常驻该组织的代表团团长。

2.5.5 Absence of consequences at the international level of the violation of internal rules regarding the withdrawal of reservations

2.5.5 违反与撤回保留有关的内部规则在国际上不产生后果

1. The competent authority and the procedure to be followed at the internal level for withdrawing a reservation are determined by the internal law of each State or the relevant rules of each international organization.

1. 撤回保留的内部主管当局和应遵循的内部程序由每一国国内法或每一国际组织的有关规则确定。

2. A State or an international organization may not invoke the fact that a reservation has been withdrawn in violation of a provision of the internal law of that State or the rules of that organization regarding competence and the procedure for the withdrawal of reservations for the purpose of invalidating the withdrawal.

2. 一国或一国际组织不得以保留的撤回违反了关于撤回保留的权限和程序的该国国内法规定或该组织的规则为理由宣布撤回无效。

2.5.6 Communication of withdrawal of a reservation

2.5.6 撤回保留的告知

The procedure for communicating the withdrawal of a reservation follows the rules applicable to the communication of reservations contained in guidelines 2.1.5, 2.1.6 and 2.1.7.


2.5.7 Effects of withdrawal of a reservation

2.5.7 撤回保留的效果

1. The withdrawal of a reservation entails the full application of the provisions to which the reservation relates in the relations between the State or international organization which withdraws the reservation and all the other parties, whether they had accepted the reservation or objected to it.

1. 在撤回一项保留的国家或国际组织与所有其他缔约方的关系中,撤回该项保留即引起该项保留所涉及的各项规定全部适用,不论其他缔约方曾接受还是反对该项保留。

2. The withdrawal of a reservation entails the entry into force of the treaty in the relations between the State or international organization which withdraws the reservation and a State or international organization which had objected to the reservation and opposed the entry into force of the treaty between itself and the reserving State or international organization by reason of that reservation.

2. 在撤回一项保留的国家或国际组织与反对该项保留并由于该项保留而反对条约在它自己和提出保留者之间生效的国家或国际组织的关系中,撤回该项保留即引起条约生效。

2.5.8 Effective date of withdrawal of a reservation

2.5.8 撤回保留的生效日期

Unless the treaty otherwise provides, or it is otherwise agreed, the withdrawal of a reservation becomes operative in relation to a contracting State or a contracting organization only when notice of it has been received by that State or that organization.


2.5.9 Cases in which the author of a reservation may set the effective date of withdrawal of the reservation

2.5.9 保留方可单方面确定撤回保留生效日期的情况

The withdrawal of a reservation becomes operative on the date set by the State or international organization which withdraws the reservation, where:


(a) that date is later than the date on which the other contracting States or contracting organizations received notification of it; or

(a) 该日期须晚于其他缔约国或缔约组织收到撤回通知的日期;或

(b) the withdrawal does not add to the rights of the withdrawing State or international organization, in relation to the other contracting States or contracting organizations.

(b) 撤回保留并不增加撤回国家或国际组织相对于其他缔约国或缔约组织而言所拥有的权利。

2.5.10 Partial withdrawal of reservations

2.5.10 部分撤回保留

1. The partial withdrawal of a reservation limits the legal effect of the reservation and achieves a more complete application of the provisions of the treaty, or of the treaty as a whole, in the relations between the withdrawing State or international organization and the other parties to the treaty.

1. 部分撤回保留限制了该保留的法律效力,并使条约各项规定或整个条约在撤回国家或国际组织与条约其他缔约方的关系中更完整地适用。

2. The partial withdrawal of a reservation is subject to the same rules on form and procedure as a total withdrawal and becomes operative on the same conditions.

2. 部分撤回保留须遵守与全部撤回相同的形式和程序规则并在相同条件下生效。

2.5.11 Effect of a partial withdrawal of a reservation

2.5.11 部分撤回保留的效果

1. The partial withdrawal of a reservation modifies the legal effect of the reservation to the extent provided by the new formulation of the reservation.

1. 部分撤回一项保留使该保留的法律效力改变到与新表述的该保留相符的程度。

Any objection formulated to the reservation continues to have effect as long as its author does not withdraw it, insofar as the objection does not apply exclusively to that part of the reservation which has been withdrawn.


2. No new objection may be formulated to the reservation resulting from the partial withdrawal, unless that partial withdrawal has a discriminatory effect.

2. 对部分撤回之后所形成的保留不得提出新的反对意见,除非部分撤回具有歧视效果。

2.5.12 Withdrawal of interpretative declarations

2.5.12 撤回解释性声明

An interpretative declaration may be withdrawn at any time by an authority considered as representing the State or international organization for that purpose, following the same procedure applicable to its formulation.


2.6 Formulation of objections

2.6 反对的提出

2.6.1 Definition of objections to reservations

2.6.1 对保留的反对的定义

“Objection” means a unilateral statement, however phrased or named, made by a State or an international organization in response to a reservation formulated by another State or international organization, whereby the former State or organization purports to preclude the reservation from having its intended effects or otherwise opposes the reservation.


2.6.2 Right to formulate objections

2.6.2 提出反对的权利

A State or an international organization may formulate an objection to a reservation irrespective of the permissibility of the reservation.


2.6.3 Author of an objection

2.6.3 提出反对者

An objection to a reservation may be formulated by:


(i) any contracting State or contracting organization; and

() 任何缔约国或缔约组织;和

(ii) any State or international organization that is entitled to become a party to the treaty, in which case the objection does not produce any legal effect until the State or international organization has expressed its consent to be bound by the treaty.

() 有权成为条约缔约方的任何国家或国际组织,在此种情况下,在该国或该国际组织表示同意受条约约束之前,反对不产生任何法律效力。

2.6.4 Objections formulated jointly

2.6.4 联合提出反对

The joint formulation of an objection by several States or international organizations does not affect the unilateral character of that objection.


2.6.5 Form of objections

2.6.5 反对的形式

An objection must be formulated in writing.


2.6.6 Right to oppose the entry into force of the treaty vis-à-vis the author of the reservation

2.6.6 反对条约在与提出保留者关系中生效的权利

A State or an international organization that formulates an objection to a reservation may oppose the entry into force of the treaty as between itself and the author of the reservation.


2.6.7 Expression of intention to preclude the entry into force of the treaty

2.6.7 表明阻止条约生效的意向

When a State or an international organization formulating an objection to a reservation intends to preclude the entry into force of the treaty as between itself and the reserving State or international organization, it shall definitely express its intention before the treaty would otherwise enter into force between them.


2.6.8 Procedure for the formulation of objections

2.6.8 提出反对的程序

Guidelines 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.6 and 2.1.7 are applicable mutatis mutandis to objections.


2.6.9 Statement of reasons for objections

2.6.9 说明反对的理由

An objection should, to the extent possible, indicate the reasons why it is being formulated.


2.6.10 Non-requirement of confirmation of an objection formulated prior to formal confirmation of a reservation

2.6.10 在保留获得正式确认之前提出的反对无须确认

An objection to a reservation formulated by a State or an international organization prior to confirmation of the reservation in accordance with guideline 2.2.1 does not itself require confirmation.


2.6.11 Confirmation of an objection formulated prior to the expression of consent to be bound by a treaty

2.6.11 在表示同意受条约约束之前提出的反对的确认

An objection formulated prior to the expression of consent to be bound by the treaty does not need to be formally confirmed by the objecting State or international organization at the time it expresses its consent to be bound if that State or that organization was a signatory to the treaty when it formulated the objection; it must be confirmed if the State or international organization had not signed the treaty.


2.6.12 Time period for formulating objections

2.6.12 提出反对的期限

Unless the treaty otherwise provides, a State or an international organization may formulate an objection to a reservation within a period of twelve months after it was notified of the reservation or by the date on which such State or international organization expresses its consent to be bound by the treaty, whichever is later.


2.6.13 Objections formulated late

2.6.13 过时提出反对

An objection to a reservation formulated after the end of the time period specified in guideline 2.6.12 does not produce all the legal effects of an objection formulated within that time period.


2.7 Withdrawal and modification of objections to reservations

2.7 撤回和修改对保留的反对

2.7.1 Withdrawal of objections to reservations

2.7.1 撤回对保留的反对

Unless the treaty otherwise provides, an objection to a reservation may be withdrawn at any time.


2.7.2 Form of withdrawal of objections to reservations

2.7.2 撤回反对保留的形式

The withdrawal of an objection to a reservation must be formulated in writing.


2.7.3 Formulation and communication of the withdrawal of objections to reservations

2.7.3 提出和告知撤回对保留的反对

Guidelines 2.5.4, 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 are applicable mutatis mutandis to the withdrawal of objections to reservations.


2.7.4 Effect on reservation of withdrawal of an objection

2.7.4 撤回反对对保留的效果

A State or an international organization that withdraws an objection formulated to a reservation is presumed to have accepted that reservation.


2.7.5 Effective date of withdrawal of an objection

2.7.5 撤回反对的生效日期

Unless the treaty otherwise provides, or it is otherwise agreed, the withdrawal of an objection to a reservation becomes operative only when notice of it has been received by the State or international organization which formulated the reservation.


2.7.6 Cases in which the author of an objection may set the effective date of withdrawal of the objection

2.7.6 反对方可确定撤回反对的生效日期的情况

The withdrawal of an objection becomes operative on the date set by its author where that date is later than the date on which the reserving State or international organization received notice of it.


2.7.7 Partial withdrawal of an objection

2.7.7 部分撤回反对

1. Unless the treaty otherwise provides, a State or an international organization may partially withdraw an objection to a reservation.

1. 除条约另有规定外,一国或一国际组织可部分撤回对保留的反对。

2. The partial withdrawal of an objection is subject to the same rules on form and procedure as a total withdrawal and becomes operative on the same conditions.

2. 部分撤回反对须按全部撤回所遵守的形式和程序规则进行,并在相同条件下生效。

2.7.8 Effect of a partial withdrawal of an objection

2.7.8 部分撤回反对的效果

The partial withdrawal modifies the legal effects of the objection on the treaty relations between the author of the objection and the author of the reservation to the extent provided by the new formulation of the objection.


2.7.9 Widening of the scope of an objection to a reservation

2.7.9 扩大对保留的反对范围

1. A State or an international organization which has made an objection to a reservation may widen the scope of that objection during the time period referred to in guideline 2.6.12.

1. 对一项保留作出反对的一国或一国际组织,可在准则2.6.12提及的期限内扩大该反对的范围。

2. Such a widening of the scope of the objection cannot have an effect on the existence of treaty relations between the author of the reservation and the author of the objection.

2. 反对范围的此种扩大不得对保留方与反对方之间条约关系的存在产生影响。

2.8 Formulation of acceptances of reservations

2.8 接受保留的提出

2.8.1 Forms of acceptance of reservations

2.8.1 接受保留的形式

The acceptance of a reservation may arise from a unilateral statement to this effect or from silence of a contracting State or contracting organization during the periods specified in guideline 2.6.12.


2.8.2 Tacit acceptance of reservations

2.8.2 默示接受保留

Unless the treaty otherwise provides, a reservation is considered to have been accepted by a State or an international organization if it shall have raised no objection to the reservation within the time period provided for in guideline 2.6.12.


2.8.3 Express acceptance of reservations

2.8.3 明示接受保留

A State or an international organization may, at any time, expressly accept a reservation formulated by another State or international organization.


2.8.4 Form of express acceptance of reservations

2.8.4 明示接受保留的形式

The express acceptance of a reservation must be formulated in writing.


2.8.5 Procedure for formulating express acceptance of reservations

2.8.5 提出对保留的明示接受的程序

Guidelines 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.6 and 2.1.7 apply mutatis mutandis to express acceptances.


2.8.6 Non-requirement of confirmation of an acceptance formulated prior to formal confirmation of a reservation

2.8.6 保留被正式确认前所提出的接受无须予以确认

An express acceptance of a reservation formulated by a State or an international organization prior to confirmation of the reservation in accordance with guideline 2.2.1 does not itself require confirmation.


2.8.7 Unanimous acceptance of reservations

2.8.7 一致接受保留

In the event of a reservation requiring unanimous acceptance by some or all States or international organizations which are parties or entitled to become parties to the treaty, such acceptance, once obtained, is final.


2.8.8 Acceptance of a reservation to the constituent instrument of an international organization

2.8.8 接受对国际组织组成文书的保留

When a treaty is a constituent instrument of an international organization and unless it otherwise provides, a reservation requires the acceptance of the competent organ of that organization.


2.8.9 Organ competent to accept a reservation to a constituent instrument

2.8.9 有权接受对组成文书的保留的主管机关

Subject to the rules of the organization, competence to accept a reservation to a constituent instrument of an international organization belongs to the organ competent to:


• decide on the admission of a member to the organization; or


• amend the constituent instrument; or


• interpret this instrument.


2.8.10 Modalities of the acceptance of a reservation to a constituent instrument

2.8.10 接受对组成文书的保留的方式

1. Subject to the rules of the organization, the acceptance by the competent organ of the organization shall not be tacit.

1. 在遵守该组织规则的前提下,该组织主管机关不得默示接受保留。

However, the admission of the State or the international organization which is the author of the reservation is tantamount to the acceptance of that reservation.


2. For the purposes of the acceptance of a reservation to the constituent instrument of an international organization, the individual acceptance of the reservation by States or international organizations that are members of the organization is not required.

2. 对一国际组织组成文书的保留予以接受,无须由该组织的成员国或成员组织单独表示接受。

2.8.11 Acceptance of a reservation to a constituent instrument that has not yet entered into force

2.8.11 接受对尚未生效的组成文书的保留

In the case set forth in guideline 2.8.8 and where the constituent instrument has not yet entered into force, a reservation is considered to have been accepted if no signatory State or signatory international organization has raised an objection to that reservation within a period of twelve months after they were notified of that reservation.


Such a unanimous acceptance, once obtained, is final.


2.8.12 Reaction by a member of an international organization to a reservation to its constituent instrument

2.8.12 国际组织成员针对对该组织组成文书的保留的反应

Guideline 2.8.10 does not preclude States or international organizations that are members of an international organization from taking a position on the permissibility or appropriateness of a reservation to a constituent instrument of the organization.


Such an opinion is in itself devoid of legal effects.


2.8.13 Final nature of acceptance of a reservation

2.8.13 接受保留的决定性

The acceptance of a reservation cannot be withdrawn or amended.


2.9 Formulation of reactions to interpretative declarations

2.9 提出对解释性声明的反应

2.9.1 Approval of an interpretative declaration

2.9.1 对解释性声明的赞同

“Approval” of an interpretative declaration means a unilateral statement made by a State or an international organization in reaction to an interpretative declaration in respect of a treaty formulated by another State or another international organization, whereby the former State or organization expresses agreement with the interpretation formulated in that declaration.


2.9.2 Opposition to an interpretative declaration

2.9.2 对解释性声明的反对

“Opposition” to an interpretative declaration means a unilateral statement made by a State or an international organization in reaction to an interpretative declaration in respect of a treaty formulated by another State or another international organization, whereby the former State or organization disagrees with the interpretation formulated in the interpretative declaration, including by formulating an alternative interpretation.


2.9.3 Recharacterization of an interpretative declaration

2.9.3 对解释性声明的重新定性

1. “Recharacterization” of an interpretative declaration means a unilateral statement made by a State or an international organization in reaction to an interpretative declaration in respect of a treaty formulated by another State or another international organization, whereby the former State or organization purports to treat the declaration as a reservation.

1. 对解释性声明重新定性,是指一国或一国际组织针对另一国或另一国际组织就条约提出的解释性声明而作出的单方面声明,该国或组织意图藉此将该项声明视为保留。

2. A State or an international organization that intends to treat an interpretative declaration as a reservation should take into account guidelines 1.3 to 1.3.3.

2. 一国或一国际组织如果有意将一项解释性声明视为保留,应考虑到准则1.31.3.3的规定。

2.9.4 Right to formulate approval or opposition, or to recharacterize

2.9.4 提出赞同、反对或重新定性的权利

An approval, opposition or recharacterization in respect of an interpretative declaration may be formulated at any time by any contracting State or any contracting organization and by any State or any international organization that is entitled to become a party to the treaty.


2.9.5 Form of approval, opposition and recharacterization

2.9.5 赞同、反对和重新定性的形式

An approval, opposition or recharacterization in respect of an interpretative declaration should preferably be formulated in writing.


2.9.6 Statement of reasons for approval, opposition and recharacterization

2.9.6 说明赞同、反对和重新定性的理由

An approval, opposition or recharacterization in respect of an interpretative declaration should, to the extent possible, indicate the reasons why it is being formulated.


2.9.7 Formulation and communication of approval, opposition or recharacterization

2.9.7 赞同、反对或重新定性的提出和告知

Guidelines 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.6 and 2.1.7 are applicable mutatis mutandis to an approval, opposition or recharacterization in respect of an interpretative declaration.


2.9.8 Non-presumption of approval or opposition

2.9.8 不得推定赞同或反对

1. An approval of, or an opposition to, an interpretative declaration shall not be presumed.

1. 对解释性声明的赞同或反对,不得推定。

2. Notwithstanding guidelines 2.9.1 and 2.9.2, an approval of an interpretative declaration or an opposition thereto may be inferred, in exceptional cases, from the conduct of the States or international organizations concerned, taking into account all relevant circumstances.

2. 尽管有准则2.的规定,在特殊情况下,在考虑到所有有关情况后,可从有关国家或国际组织的行为中推断解释性声明得到了赞同或受到反对。

2.9.9 Silence with respect to an interpretative declaration

2.9.9 对解释性声明保持沉默

An approval of an interpretative declaration shall not be inferred from the mere silence of a State or an international organization.


3. Permissibility of reservations and interpretative declarations

3. 保留和解释性声明的允许性

3.1 Permissible reservations

3.1 允许的保留

A State or an international organization may, when signing, ratifying, formally confirming, accepting, approving or acceding to a treaty, formulate a reservation unless:


(a) the reservation is prohibited by the treaty;

(a) 该项保留为条约所禁止;

(b) the treaty provides that only specified reservations, which do not include the reservation in question, may be made; or

(b) 条约规定只可提出不包括该项保留在内的特定保留;或

(c) in cases not falling under subparagraphs (a) and (b), the reservation is incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty.

(c) 在不属于(a)(b)项的其他情形下,该项保留与条约的目的和宗旨不符。

3.1.1 Reservations prohibited by the treaty

3.1.1 条约禁止的保留

A reservation is prohibited by the treaty if it contains a provision:


(a) prohibiting all reservations;

(a) 禁止一切保留;

(b) prohibiting reservations to specified provisions to which the reservation in question relates; or

(b) 禁止对特定条款提出保留,而有关保留涉及这些特定条款;或

(c) prohibiting certain categories of reservations including the reservation in question.

(c) 禁止某些类别的保留,而有关保留包括在所述类别里。

3.1.2 Definition of specified reservations

3.1.2 特定保留的定义

For the purposes of guideline 3.1, the expression “specified reservations” means reservations that are expressly envisaged in the treaty to certain provisions of the treaty or to the treaty as a whole with respect to certain specific aspects.


3.1.3 Permissibility of reservations not prohibited by the treaty

3.1.3 允许不受条约禁止的保留

Where the treaty prohibits the formulation of certain reservations, a reservation which is not prohibited by the treaty may be formulated by a State or an international organization only if it is not incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty.


3.1.4 Permissibility of specified reservations

3.1.4 允许的特定保留

Where the treaty envisages the formulation of specified reservations without defining their content, a reservation may be formulated by a State or an international organization only if it is not incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty.


3.1.5 Incompatibility of a reservation with the object and purpose of the treaty

3.1.5 保留与条约的目的和宗旨不符

A reservation is incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty if it affects an essential element of the treaty that is necessary to its general tenour, in such a way that the reservation impairs the raison d’être of the treaty.

一项保留如果影响条约主旨所必需的一项基本内容,从而损害条约的存在理由,则与条约的目的和宗旨不符。 Determination of the object and purpose of the treaty 条约的目的和宗旨的确定

The object and purpose of the treaty is to be determined in good faith, taking account of the terms of the treaty in their context, in particular the title and the preamble of the treaty.


Recourse may also be had to the preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstances of its conclusion and, where appropriate, the subsequent practice of the parties.

还可特别参考条约的准备工作和条约缔结的背景,并酌情参考缔约方随后的惯例。 Vague or general reservations 含糊或笼统的保留

A reservation shall be worded in such a way as to allow its meaning to be understood, in order to assess in particular its compatibility with the object and purpose of the treaty.

保留的措辞,应能确定其含义,尤其应能评估其是否与条约的目的和宗旨相符。 Reservations to a provision reflecting a customary rule 对反映习惯规则的规定的保留

The fact that a treaty provision reflects a rule of customary international law does not in itself constitute an obstacle to the formulation of a reservation to that provision.

一项条约规定反映了一项习惯国际法规则,这一事实本身并不妨碍对该项规定可提出保留。 Reservations to provisions concerning rights from which no derogation is permissible under any circumstances 对涉及在任何情况下都不可克减的权利的规定的保留

A State or an international organization may not formulate a reservation to a treaty provision concerning rights from which no derogation is permissible under any circumstances, unless the reservation in question is compatible with the essential rights and obligations arising out of that treaty.


In assessing that compatibility, account shall be taken of the importance which the parties have conferred upon the rights at issue by making them non-derogable.

在评估是否相符时,应考虑缔约方在规定有关权利为不可克减权利时对有关权利的重视程度。 Reservations relating to internal law 与国内法有关的保留

A reservation by which a State or an international organization purports to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of a treaty or of the treaty as a whole in order to preserve the integrity of specific rules of the internal law of that State or of specific rules of that organization in force at the time of the formulation of the reservation may be formulated only insofar as it does not affect an essential element of the treaty nor its general tenour.

一国或一国际组织可提出旨在排除或更改一项条约某些规定或整个条约的法律效力的保留,以维护在提出保留时有效的该国国内法特定规则或该组织的特定规则的完整性,但有关保留不得影响条约的基本内容或主旨。 Reservations to treaties containing numerous interdependent rights and obligations 对载有众多相互依赖的权利和义务的条约的保留

To assess the compatibility of a reservation with the object and purpose of a treaty containing numerous interdependent rights and obligations, account shall be taken of that interdependence as well as the importance that the provision to which the reservation relates has within the general tenour of the treaty, and the extent of the impact that the reservation has on the treaty.

在评估一项保留是否与载有众多相互依赖的权利和义务的条约的目的和宗旨相符时,应考虑这一相互依赖性和保留所针对的规定在条约的主旨中所具有的重要性,以及保留对条约产生的影响的严重程度。 Reservations to treaty provisions concerning dispute settlement or the monitoring of the implementation of the treaty 对关于解决争端或监测条约实施情况的条约规定的保留

A reservation to a treaty provision concerning dispute settlement or the monitoring of the implementation of the treaty is not, in itself, incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty, unless:


(i) the reservation purports to exclude or modify the legal effect of a provision of the treaty essential to its raison d’être; or

() 保留旨在排除或更改条约的存在理由所必需的一项规定的法律效力;或

(ii) the reservation has the effect of excluding the reserving State or international organization from a dispute settlement or treaty implementation monitoring mechanism with respect to a treaty provision that it has previously accepted, if the very purpose of the treaty is to put such a mechanism into effect.

() 保留的效果是,使作出保留的国家或国际组织在其原先已经接受的一项条约规定方面,不受解决争端或条约实施情况监测机制的约束,而有关条约的根本作用正是为了实施这一机制。

3.2 Assessment of the permissibility of reservations

3.2 对保留允许性的评估

The following may assess, within their respective competences, the permissibility of reservations to a treaty formulated by a State or an international organization:


• contracting States or contracting organizations;


• dispute settlement bodies;


• treaty monitoring bodies.


3.2.1 Competence of the treaty monitoring bodies to assess the permissibility of reservations

3.2.1 条约监督机构评估保留允许性的权限

1. A treaty monitoring body may, for the purpose of discharging the functions entrusted to it, assess the permissibility of reservations formulated by a State or an international organization.

1. 条约监督机构为履行其所负的职能,可评估一国或一国际组织提出的保留的允许性。

2. The assessment made by such a body in the exercise of this competence has no greater legal effect than that of the act which contains it.

2. 这种机构在行使这一权力时作出的评估,其法律效力不超过载有该评估意见的文件。

3.2.2 Specification of the competence of treaty monitoring bodies to assess the permissibility of reservations

3.2.2 明确条约监督机构评估保留允许性的权限

When providing bodies with the competence to monitor the application of treaties, States or international organizations should specify, where appropriate, the nature and the limits of the competence of such bodies to assess the permissibility of reservations.


3.2.3 Consideration of the assessments of treaty monitoring bodies

3.2.3 考虑条约监督机构的评估

States and international organizations that have formulated reservations to a treaty establishing a treaty monitoring body shall give consideration to that body’s assessment of the permissibility of the reservations.


3.2.4 Bodies competent to assess the permissibility of reservations in the event of the establishment of a treaty monitoring body

3.2.4 在设立条约监督机构的情况下有权评估保留允许性的机构

When a treaty establishes a treaty monitoring body, the competence of that body is without prejudice to the competence of the contracting States or contracting organizations to assess the permissibility of reservations to that treaty, or to that of dispute settlement bodies competent to interpret or apply the treaty.


3.2.5 Competence of dispute settlement bodies to assess the permissibility of reservations

3.2.5 争端解决机构评估保留允许性的权限

When a dispute settlement body is competent to adopt decisions binding upon the parties to a dispute, and the assessment of the permissibility of a reservation is necessary for the discharge of such competence by that body, such assessment is, as an element of the decision, legally binding upon the parties.


3.3 Consequences of the non-permissibility of a reservation

3.3 保留不允许的后果

3.3.1 Irrelevance of distinction among the grounds for non-permissibility

3.3.1 无须区分不允许的理由

A reservation formulated notwithstanding a prohibition arising from the provisions of the treaty or notwithstanding its incompatibility with the object and purpose of the treaty is impermissible, without there being any need to distinguish between the consequences of these grounds for non-permissibility.


3.3.2 Non-permissibility of reservations and international responsibility

3.3.2 保留不允许与国际责任

The formulation of an impermissible reservation produces its consequences pursuant to the law of treaties and does not engage the international responsibility of the State or international organization which has formulated it.


3.3.3 Absence of effect of individual acceptance of a reservation on the permissibility of the reservation

3.3.3 单独接受保留对保留的允许性不产生效果

Acceptance of an impermissible reservation by a contracting State or by a contracting organization shall not affect the impermissibility of the reservation.


3.4 Permissibility of reactions to reservations

3.4 对保留作出反应的允许性

3.4.1 Permissibility of the acceptance of a reservation

3.4.1 接受保留的允许性

Acceptance of a reservation is not subject to any condition of permissibility.


3.4.2 Permissibility of an objection to a reservation

3.4.2 反对保留的允许性

An objection to a reservation by which a State or an international organization purports to exclude in its relations with the author of the reservation the application of provisions of the treaty to which the reservation does not relate is only permissible if:


(1) the provisions thus excluded have a sufficient link with the provisions to which the reservation relates; and

(1) 被排斥的规定与保留所涉规定有充分的联系;而且

(2) the objection would not defeat the object and purpose of the treaty in the relations between the author of the reservation and the author of the objection.

(2) 反对不会在提出保留者和提出反对者之间的关系中妨碍条约的目的和宗旨。

3.5 Permissibility of an interpretative declaration

3.5 解释性声明的允许性

A State or an international organization may formulate an interpretative declaration unless the interpretative declaration is prohibited by the treaty.


3.5.1 Permissibility of an interpretative declaration which is in fact a reservation

3.5.1 事实上为保留的解释性说明的允许性

If a unilateral statement which appears to be an interpretative declaration is in fact a reservation, its permissibility must be assessed in accordance with the provisions of guidelines 3.1 to


3.6 Permissibility of reactions to interpretative declarations

3.6 对解释性声明作出反应的允许性

An approval of, opposition to, or recharacterization of, an interpretative declaration shall not be subject to any conditions for permissibility.


4. Legal effects of reservations and interpretative declarations

4. 保留和解释性声明的法律效力

4.1 Establishment of a reservation with regard to another State or international organization

4.1 保留对另一国或国际组织成立

A reservation formulated by a State or an international organization is established with regard to a contracting State or a contracting organization if it is permissible and was formulated in accordance with the required form and procedures, and if that contracting State or contracting organization has accepted it.


4.1.1 Establishment of a reservation expressly authorized by a treaty

4.1.1 条约明示准许的保留的成立

1. A reservation expressly authorized by a treaty does not require any subsequent acceptance by the other contracting States and contracting organizations, unless the treaty so provides.

1. 条约明示准许的保留不需要其他缔约国或缔约组织随后表示接受,除非条约这样规定。

2. A reservation expressly authorized by a treaty is established with regard to the other contracting States and contracting organizations if it was formulated in accordance with the required form and procedures.

2. 条约明示准许的保留,如果是按照规定的形式和程序提出的,则对其他各缔约国和各缔约组织成立。

4.1.2 Establishment of a reservation to a treaty which has to be applied in its entirety

4.1.2 对必须完整适用的条约的保留的成立

When it appears, from the limited number of negotiating States and organizations and the object and purpose of the treaty, that the application of the treaty in its entirety between all the parties is an essential condition of the consent of each one to be bound by the treaty, a reservation to this treaty is established with regard to the other contracting States and contracting organizations if it is permissible and was formulated in accordance with the required form and procedures, and if all the contracting States and contracting organizations have accepted it.


4.1.3 Establishment of a reservation to a constituent instrument of an international organization

4.1.3 对国际组织组成文书的保留的成立

When a treaty is a constituent instrument of an international organization, a reservation to this treaty is established with regard to the other contracting States and contracting organizations if it is permissible and was formulated in accordance with the required form and procedures, and if it has been accepted in conformity with guidelines 2.8.8 to 2.8.11.


4.2 Effects of an established reservation

4.2 成立的保留的效果

4.2.1 Status of the author of an established reservation

4.2.1 成立的保留的提出者的地位

As soon as a reservation is established in accordance with guidelines 4.1 to 4.1.3, its author becomes a contracting State or contracting organization to the treaty.


4.2.2 Effect of the establishment of a reservation on the entry into force of a treaty

4.2.2 保留成立对条约生效的效果

1. When a treaty has not yet entered into force, the author of a reservation shall be included in the number of contracting States and contracting organizations required for the treaty to enter into force once the reservation is established.

1. 在条约尚未生效时,一旦保留成立,保留的提出者应包括在条约生效所需的缔约国和缔约组织数目中。

2. The author of the reservation may however be included at a date prior to the establishment of the reservation in the number of contracting States and contracting organizations required for the treaty to enter into force, if no contracting State or contracting organization is opposed.

2. 然而,如果没有任何缔约国或缔约组织提出反对,保留的提出者可在保留成立之前包括在条约生效所需的缔约国和缔约组织数目中。

4.2.3 Effect of the establishment of a reservation on the status of the author as a party to the treaty

4.2.3 保留成立对提出者作为条约当事方的地位的效果

The establishment of a reservation constitutes its author a party to the treaty in relation to contracting States and contracting organizations in respect of which the reservation is established if or when the treaty is in force.


4.2.4 Effect of an established reservation on treaty relations

4.2.4 成立的保留对条约关系的效果

1. A reservation established with regard to another party excludes or modifies for the reserving State or international organization in its relations with that other party the legal effect of the provisions of the treaty to which the reservation relates or of the treaty as a whole with respect to certain specific aspects, to the extent of the reservation.

1. 对另一当事方成立的保留在提出保留的国家或国际组织与该另一当事方的关系中,在保留的范围内排除或更改所涉及的条约规定或整个条约某些特定方面的法律效力。

2. To the extent that an established reservation excludes the legal effect of certain provisions of a treaty, the author of that reservation has neither rights nor obligations under those provisions in its relations with the other parties with regard to which the reservation is established.

2. 如果成立的保留排除条约某些规定的效力,保留方在与保留对之成立的其他当事方的关系中,在那些规定之下既不具有权利也不具有义务。

Those other parties shall likewise have neither rights nor obligations under those provisions in their relations with the author of the reservation.


3. To the extent that an established reservation modifies the legal effect of certain provisions of a treaty, the author of that reservation has rights and obligations under those provisions, as modified by the reservation, in its relations with the other parties with regard to which the reservation is established.

3. 如果成立的保留更改条约某些规定的效力,保留方在与保留对之成立的其他当事方的关系中,依照经保留更改的那些规定具有权利和义务。

Those other parties shall have rights and obligations under those provisions, as modified by the reservation, in their relations with the author of the reservation.


4.2.5 Non-reciprocal application of obligations to which a reservation relates

4.2.5 保留所涉义务的非对等适用

Insofar as the obligations under the provisions to which the reservation relates are not subject to reciprocal application in view of the nature of the obligations or the object and purpose of the treaty, the content of the obligations of the parties other than the author of the reservation remains unaffected.


The content of the obligations of those parties likewise remains unaffected when reciprocal application is not possible because of the content of the reservation.


4.2.6 Interpretation of reservations

4.2.6 保留的解释

A reservation is to be interpreted in good faith, taking into account the intention of its author as reflected primarily in the text of the reservation, as well as the object and purpose of the treaty and the circumstances in which the reservation was formulated.


4.3 Effect of an objection to a valid reservation

4.3 反对有效保留的效果

Unless the reservation has been established with regard to an objecting State or organization, the formulation of an objection to a valid reservation precludes the reservation from having its intended effects as against that State or international organization.


4.3.1 Effect of an objection on the entry into force of the treaty as between the author of the objection and the author of a reservation

4.3.1 反对对条约在反对方与保留方之间生效的效果

An objection by a contracting State or by a contracting organization to a valid reservation does not preclude the entry into force of the treaty as between the objecting State or organization and the reserving State or organization, except in the case mentioned in guideline 4.3.5.


4.3.2 Effect of an objection to a reservation that is formulated late

4.3.2 反对过时提出的保留的效果

If a contracting State or a contracting organization to a treaty objects to a reservation whose late formulation has been unanimously accepted in accordance with guideline 2.3.1, the treaty shall enter into or remain in force in respect of the reserving State or international organization without the reservation being established.


4.3.3 Entry into force of the treaty between the author of a reservation and the author of an objection

4.3.3 条约在保留方与反对方之间生效

The treaty enters into force between the author of a valid reservation and the objecting contracting State or contracting organization as soon as the author of the reservation has become a contracting State or a contracting organization in accordance with guideline 4.2.1 and the treaty has entered into force.


4.3.4 Non-entry into force of the treaty for the author of a reservation when unanimous acceptance is required

4.3.4 当保留需要一致接受时,条约对保留方不生效

If the establishment of a reservation requires the acceptance of the reservation by all the contracting States and contracting organizations, any objection by a contracting State or by a contracting organization to a valid reservation precludes the entry into force of the treaty for the reserving State or organization.


4.3.5 Non-entry into force of the treaty as between the author of a reservation and the author of an objection with maximum effect

4.3.5 条约在保留方与最大效果反对方之间不生效

An objection by a contracting State or a contracting organization to a valid reservation precludes the entry into force of the treaty as between the objecting State or organization and the reserving State or organization, if the objecting State or organization has definitely expressed an intention to that effect in accordance with guideline 2.6.7.


4.3.6 Effect of an objection on treaty relations

4.3.6 反对对条约关系的效果

1. When a State or an international organization objecting to a valid reservation has not opposed the entry into force of the treaty between itself and the reserving State or organization, the provisions to which the reservation relates do not apply as between the author of the reservation and the objecting State or organization, to the extent of the reservation.

1. 当一国或一国际组织对有效保留提出反对,但不反对条约在本国或本组织与保留国或保留组织之间生效时,在保留的范围内,保留所涉规定在保留方与提出反对的国家或组织之间不适用。

2. To the extent that a valid reservation purports to exclude the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty, when a contracting State or a contracting organization has raised an objection to it but has not opposed the entry into force of the treaty between itself and the author of the reservation, the objecting State or organization and the author of the reservation are not bound, in their treaty relations, by the provisions to which the reservation relates.

2. 如果有效保留意在排除条约某些规定的法律效力,当缔约国或缔约组织反对该保留但不反对条约在它与保留方之间生效时,提出反对的国家或组织与保留方在其条约关系中不受保留所涉规定的约束。

3. To the extent that a valid reservation purports to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty, when a contracting State or a contracting organization has raised an objection to it but has not opposed the entry into force of the treaty between itself and the author of the reservation, the objecting State or organization and the author of the reservation are not bound, in their treaty relations, by the provisions of the treaty as intended to be modified by the reservation.

3. 如果有效保留意在更改条约某些规定的法律效力,当缔约国或缔约组织反对该保留但不反对条约在它与保留方之间生效时,提出反对的缔约国或缔约组织与保留方在其条约关系中不受保留意在更改的条约规定的约束。

4. All the provisions of the treaty other than those to which the reservation relates shall remain applicable as between the reserving State or organization and the objecting State or organization.

4. 保留所涉规定以外的条约所有其他规定在保留国或组织与反对国或组织之间继续适用。

4.3.7 Effect of an objection on provisions other than those to which the reservation relates

4.3.7 反对对保留所涉规定以外各项规定的效果

1. A provision of the treaty to which the reservation does not relate, but which has a sufficient link with the provisions to which the reservation does relate, is not applicable in the treaty relations between the author of the reservation and the author of an objection formulated in accordance with guideline 3.4.2.

1. 条约中保留不直接涉及但与保留所涉规定有足够联系的任何规定,在保留方与根据准则3.4.2提出反对的一方的条约关系中不适用。

2. The reserving State or international organization may, within a period of twelve months following the notification of an objection which has the effect referred to in paragraph 1, oppose the entry into force of the treaty between itself and the objecting State or organization.

2. 提出保留的国家或国际组织可在通知具有第1款所述效果的反对之后的十二个月内,反对条约在它与反对国或组织之间生效。

In the absence of such opposition, the treaty shall apply between the author of the reservation and the author of the objection to the extent provided by the reservation and the objection.


4.3.8 Right of the author of a valid reservation not to comply with the treaty without the benefit of its reservation

4.3.8 有效保留方有权在无法从保留中受益的情况下不遵守条约

The author of a valid reservation is not required to comply with the provisions of the treaty without the benefit of its reservation.


4.4 Effect of a reservation on rights and obligations independent of the treaty

4.4 保留对不依条约存在的权利和义务的效果

4.4.1 Absence of effect on rights and obligations under other treaties

4.4.1 对其他条约之下的权利和义务不产生效果

A reservation, acceptance of a reservation or objection to a reservation neither modifies nor excludes any rights and obligations of their authors under other treaties to which they are parties.


4.4.2 Absence of effect on rights and obligations under customary international law

4.4.2 对习惯国际法之下的权利和义务不产生效果

A reservation to a treaty provision which reflects a rule of customary international law does not of itself affect the rights and obligations under that rule, which shall continue to apply as such between the reserving State or organization and other States or international organizations which are bound by that rule.


4.4.3 Absence of effect on a peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens)

4.4.3 对一般国际法强制性规范(强制法)不产生效果

1. A reservation to a treaty provision which reflects a peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens) does not affect the binding nature of that norm, which shall continue to apply as such between the reserving State or organization and other States or international organizations.

1. 对反映一般国际法强制性规范(强制法)的条约规定的保留,不影响该强制性规范的约束性质,该强制性规范应继续作为此种规范在保留国或组织与其他国家或国际组织之间适用。

2. A reservation cannot exclude or modify the legal effect of a treaty in a manner contrary to a peremptory norm of general international law.

2. 保留不得以违反一般国际法强制性规范的方式排除或更改条约的法律效力。

4.5 Consequences of an invalid reservation

4.5 无效保留的后果

4.5.1 Nullity of an invalid reservation

4.5.1 无效保留的无效性质

A reservation that does not meet the conditions of formal validity and permissibility set out in Parts 2 and 3 of the Guide to Practice is null and void, and therefore devoid of any legal effect.


4.5.2 Reactions to a reservation considered invalid

4.5.2 对视为无效的保留的反应

1. The nullity of an invalid reservation does not depend on the objection or the acceptance by a contracting State or a contracting organization.

1. 无效保留的无效性质不取决于一缔约国或一缔约组织的反对或接受。

2. Nevertheless, a State or an international organization which considers that a reservation is invalid should formulate a reasoned objection as soon as possible.

2. 尽管如此,一国或一国际组织在认为保留无效时,应当尽快提出反对并说明理由。

4.5.3 Status of the author of an invalid reservation in relation to the treaty

4.5.3 无效保留的提出者相对于条约的地位

1. The status of the author of an invalid reservation in relation to a treaty depends on the intention expressed by the reserving State or international organization on whether it intends to be bound by the treaty without the benefit of the reservation or whether it considers that it is not bound by the treaty.

1. 无效保留的提出者相对于条约的地位取决于提出保留的国家或国际组织所表达的下述意向:它是否打算在无法从保留中受益的情况下受条约约束,或者它是否认为它不受条约约束。

2. Unless the author of the invalid reservation has expressed a contrary intention or such an intention is otherwise established, it is considered a contracting State or a contracting organization without the benefit of the reservation.

2. 除非无效保留的提出者表达了相反的意向或通过其他方式确定了此种意向,该提出者被视为不享受保留益处的缔约国或缔约组织。

3. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2, the author of the invalid reservation may express at any time its intention not to be bound by the treaty without the benefit of the reservation.

3. 尽管有第1和第2款的规定,无效保留的提出者可随时表示无意在无法从保留中受益的情况下受条约约束。

4. If a treaty monitoring body expresses the view that a reservation is invalid and the reserving State or international organization intends not to be bound by the treaty without the benefit of the reservation, it should express its intention to that effect within a period of twelve months from the date at which the treaty monitoring body made its assessment.

4. 如果条约监督机构表示了保留为无效的意见,而提出保留的国家或国际组织不打算在无法从保留中受益的情况下受条约约束,该国或该组织应当在条约监督机构作出评估后十二个月内表达此种意向。

4.6 Absence of effect of a reservation on the relations between the other parties to the treaty

4.6 保留不对条约其他当事方之间的关系产生效果

A reservation does not modify the provisions of the treaty for the other parties to the treaty inter se.


4.7 Effect of interpretative declarations

4.7 解释性声明的效果

4.7.1 Clarification of the terms of the treaty by an interpretative declaration

4.7.1 解释性声明对条约用语的澄清

1. An interpretative declaration does not modify treaty obligations.

1. 解释性声明不更改条约义务。

It may only specify or clarify the meaning or scope which its author attributes to a treaty or to certain provisions thereof and may, as appropriate, constitute an element to be taken into account in interpreting the treaty in accordance with the general rule of interpretation of treaties.


2. In interpreting the treaty, account shall also be taken, as appropriate, of the approval of, or opposition to, the interpretative declaration, by other contracting States or contracting organizations.

2. 在解释条约时,还应酌情考虑其他缔约国或缔约组织对该解释性声明的赞同和反对情况。

4.7.2 Effect of the modification or the withdrawal of an interpretative declaration

4.7.2 更改或撤回解释性声明的效果

The modification or the withdrawal of an interpretative declaration may not produce the effects provided for in draft guideline 4.7.1 to the extent that other contracting States or contracting organizations have relied upon the initial declaration.


4.7.3 Effect of an interpretative declaration approved by all the contracting States and contracting organizations

4.7.3 所有缔约国和缔约组织赞同解释性声明的效果

An interpretative declaration that has been approved by all the contracting States and contracting organizations may constitute an agreement regarding the interpretation of the treaty.


5. Reservations, acceptances of reservations, objections to reservations, and interpretative declarations in cases of succession of States

5. 国家继承情况下的保留、接受保留、反对保留以及解释性声明

5.1 Reservations in cases of succession of States

5.1 国家继承情况下的保留

5.1.1 Newly independent States

5.1.1 新独立国家

1. When a newly independent State establishes its status as a party or as a contracting State to a multilateral treaty by a notification of succession, it shall be considered as maintaining any reservation to that treaty which was applicable at the date of the succession of States in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates unless, when making the notification of succession, it expresses a contrary intention or formulates a reservation which relates to the same subject matter as that reservation.

1. 当新独立国家通过继承通知确立其作为多边条约当事国或缔约国的地位时,应视该国维持在国家继承之日适用于国家继承所涉领土的对该条约所作的任何保留,除非该国在发出继承通知时表示相反的意向,或就该保留所涉同一主题事项提出保留。

2. When making a notification of succession establishing its status as a party or as a contracting State to a multilateral treaty, a newly independent State may formulate a reservation unless the reservation is one the formulation of which would be excluded by the provisions of subparagraph (a), (b) or (c) of guideline 3.1.

2. 新独立国家在发出继承通知确立其作为多边条约当事国或缔约国的地位时,可提出保留,除非该保留的提出为准则3.1(a)(b)(c)项的规定所禁止。

3. When a newly independent State formulates a reservation in conformity with paragraph 2, the relevant rules set out in Part 2 (Procedure) of the Guide to Practice apply in respect of that reservation.

3. 新独立国家依照第2款提出保留时,《实践指南》第二部分(程序)所述相关规则适用于该保留。

4. For the purposes of this Part of the Guide to Practice, “newly independent State” means a successor State the territory of which immediately before the date of the succession of States was a dependent territory for the international relations of which the predecessor State was responsible.

4. 为了《实践指南》这一部分的目的,新独立国家是指其领土在国家继承日期之前原是由被继承国负责其国际关系的附属领土的继承国。

5.1.2 Uniting or separation of States

5.1.2 国家合并或分离的情况

1. Subject to the provisions of guideline 5.1.3, a successor State which is a party to a treaty as the result of a uniting or separation of States shall be considered as maintaining any reservation to the treaty which was applicable at the date of the succession of States in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates, unless it expresses its intention not to maintain one or more reservations of the predecessor State at the time of the succession.

1. 在遵守准则5.1.3规定的前提下,因国家合并或分离而成为条约当事国的继承国,应视为维持在国家继承之日适用于国家继承所涉领土的对条约的任何保留,除非该继承国在继承时表示不打算维持被继承国的一项或多项保留。

2. A successor State which is a party to a treaty as the result of a uniting or separation of States may neither formulate a new reservation nor widen the scope of a reservation that is maintained.

2. 因国家合并或分离而成为条约当事国的继承国既不得提出新的保留,也不得扩大所维持的保留的范围。

3. When a successor State formed from a uniting or separation of States makes a notification whereby it establishes its status as a contracting State to a treaty which, at the date of the succession of States, was not in force for the predecessor State but to which the predecessor State was a contracting State, that State shall be considered as maintaining any reservation to the treaty which was applicable at the date of the succession of States in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates, unless it expresses a contrary intention when making the notification or formulates a reservation which relates to the same subject matter as that reservation.

3. 当国家合并或分离而形成的继承国发出通知,藉此确立其作为条约缔约国的地位时,并且如果该条约在国家继承之日没有对被继承国生效但被继承国是该条约的缔约国,那么该国应视为维持在国家继承之日适用于国家继承所涉领土的对条约的任何保留,除非它在发出通知时表示相反的意向或就该保留所涉同一主题事项提出保留。

That successor State may formulate a new reservation to the treaty.


4. A successor State may formulate a reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 only if the reservation is one the formulation of which would not be excluded by the provisions of subparagraph (a), (b) or (c) of guideline 3.1.

4. 只有在保留的提出不为准则3.1(a)(b)(c)项的规定所禁止时,继承国才可依照第3款的规定提出保留。

The relevant rules set out in Part 2 (Procedure) of the Guide to Practice apply in respect of that reservation.


5.1.3 Irrelevance of certain reservations in cases involving a uniting of States

5.1.3 国家合并情况下某些保留的无关性

When, following a uniting of two or more States, a treaty in force at the date of the succession of States in respect of any of them continues in force in respect of the successor State, such reservations as may have been formulated by any such State which, at the date of the succession of States, was a contracting State in respect of which the treaty was not in force shall not be maintained.


5.1.4 Maintenance of the territorial scope of reservations formulated by the predecessor State

5.1.4 维持被继承国提出的保留的领土范围

Subject to the provisions of guideline 5.1.5, a reservation considered as being maintained in conformity with guideline 5.1.1, paragraph 1, or guideline 5.1.2, paragraph 1 or 3, shall retain the territorial scope that it had at the date of the succession of States, unless the successor State expresses a contrary intention.


5.1.5 Territorial scope of reservations in cases involving a uniting of States

5.1.5 国家合并情况下保留的领土范围

1. When, following a uniting of two or more States, a treaty in force at the date of the succession of States in respect of only one of the States forming the successor State becomes applicable to a part of the territory of that State to which it did not apply previously, any reservation considered as being maintained by the successor State shall apply to that territory unless:

1. 当两个或两个以上国家合并后,在国家继承之日只对组成继承国的其中一个国家有效的条约变得适用于条约原先未对其适用的继承国一部分领土时,所有视为继承国维持的保留都适用于这一领土,除非:

(a) the successor State expresses a contrary intention when making the notification extending the territorial scope of the treaty; or

(a) 继承国在发出扩大条约的领土范围的通知时表示相反的意向;或

(b) the nature or purpose of the reservation is such that the reservation cannot be extended beyond the territory to which it was applicable at the date of the succession of States.

(b) 从保留的性质或目的可知,保留不能扩大到在国家继承之日适用的领土之外。

2. When, following a uniting of two or more States, a treaty in force at the date of the succession of States in respect of two or more of the uniting States becomes applicable to a part of the territory of the successor State to which it did not apply at the date of the succession of States, no reservation shall extend to that territory unless:

2. 当两个或两个以上国家合并后,在国家继承之日对合并的两个或两个以上国家有效的条约变得适用于条约原先未对其适用的继承国一部分领土时,任何保留都不扩大到这一领土,除非:

(a) an identical reservation has been formulated by each of those States in respect of which the treaty was in force at the date of the succession of States;

(a) 在国家继承之日条约对其有效的上述每一个国家提出了一项完全相同的保留;

(b) the successor State expresses a different intention when making the notification extending the territorial scope of the treaty; or

(b) 继承国在发出扩大条约的领土范围的通知时表示不同的意向;或

(c) a contrary intention otherwise becomes apparent from the circumstances surrounding that State’s succession to the treaty.

(c) 从继承国继承条约时的情况看出相反的意向。

3. A notification purporting to extend the territorial scope of a reservation in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) shall be without effect if such an extension would give rise to the application of contradictory reservations to the same territory.

3. 依照第2(b)项为扩大保留的领土范围发出的通知,如果此类扩大将引致相互矛盾的保留对同一领土适用,则没有效力。

4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 apply mutatis mutandis to reservations considered as being maintained by a successor State that is a contracting State, following a uniting of States, to a treaty which was not in force for any of the uniting States at the date of the succession of States but to which one or more of those States were contracting States at that date, when the treaty becomes applicable to a part of the territory of the successor State to which it did not apply at the date of the succession of States.

4. 如果继承国在国家合并之后成为在国家继承之日不对任何合并的国家有效但其中一个或多个国家在这一日期为其缔约国的条约的缔约国,当该条约变得适用于在国家继承之日未对其适用的继承国一部分领土时,视为该继承国维持的保留应比照适用第1至第3款的规定。

5.1.6 Territorial scope of reservations of the successor State in cases of succession involving part of territory

5.1.6 继承涉及一部分领土的情况下继承国的保留的领土范围

When, as a result of a succession of States involving part of the territory of a State, a treaty to which the successor State is a contracting State becomes applicable to that territory, any reservation to the treaty formulated previously by that State shall also apply to that territory as from the date of the succession of States unless:


(a) the successor State expresses a contrary intention; or

(a) 继承国表示相反的意向;或

(b) it appears from the reservation that its scope was limited to the territory of the successor State that was within its borders prior to the date of the succession of States, or to a part of this territory.

(b) 从保留看出,其适用仅限于在国家继承之日前在继承国境内的领土,或仅限于这一领土的一部分。

5.1.7 Timing of the effects of non-maintenance by a successor State of a reservation formulated by the predecessor State

5.1.7 继承国不维持被继承国所提保留的时间效力

The non-maintenance, in conformity with guideline 5.1.1 or 5.1.2, by the successor State of a reservation formulated by the predecessor State becomes operative in relation to another contracting State or a contracting organization only when notice of it has been received by that State or organization.


5.1.8 Late formulation of a reservation by a successor State

5.1.8 继承国过时提出保留

A reservation shall be considered as late if it is formulated:


(a) by a newly independent State after it has made a notification of succession to the treaty;

(a) 新独立国家在通知继承条约之后提出的保留;

(b) by a successor State other than a newly independent State after it has made a notification establishing its status as a contracting State to a treaty which, at the date of the succession of States, was not in force for the predecessor State but in respect of which the predecessor State was a contracting State; or

(b) 新独立国家以外的继承国在发出通知确立其条约缔约国地位之后提出的保留,而该条约在国家继承之日未对被继承国生效但被继承国为其缔约国;或

(c) by a successor State other than a newly independent State in respect of a treaty which, following the succession of States, continues in force for that State.

(c) 新独立国家以外的继承国对国家继承之后仍对该国有效的条约提出的保留。

5.2 Objections to reservations in cases of succession of States

5.2 国家继承情况下反对保留

5.2.1 Maintenance by the successor State of objections formulated by the predecessor State

5.2.1 继承国维持被继承国提出的反对

Subject to the provisions of guideline 5.2.2, a successor State shall be considered as maintaining any objection formulated by the predecessor State to a reservation formulated by a contracting State or contracting organization, unless it expresses a contrary intention at the time of the succession.


5.2.2 Irrelevance of certain objections in cases involving a uniting of States

5.2.2 国家合并情况下某些反对的无关性

1. When, following a uniting of two or more States, a treaty in force at the date of the succession of States in respect of any of them continues in force in respect of the State so formed, such objections to a reservation as may have been formulated by any of those States in respect of which the treaty was not in force on the date of the succession of States shall not be maintained.

1. 两个或两个以上国家合并后,在国家继承之日对其中任何一个国家有效的条约对合并产生的国家仍然有效时,在国家继承之日该条约尚未对其生效的其中任何国家可能已提出的对保留的反对,不应维持。

2. When, following a uniting of two or more States, the successor State is a contracting State to a treaty to which it has maintained reservations in conformity with guideline 5.1.1 or 5.1.2, objections to a reservation made by another contracting State or a contracting organization shall not be maintained if the reservation is identical or equivalent to a reservation which the successor State itself has maintained.

2. 两个或两个以上国家合并后,作为条约缔约国的继承国依照准则5.维持对条约的保留时,对另一缔约国或一缔约组织所作的保留提出的反对,如果该保留与继承国自己所维持的保留相同或等效,则不应维持。

5.2.3 Maintenance of objections to reservations of the predecessor State

5.2.3 维持对被继承国的保留提出的反对

When a reservation formulated by the predecessor State is considered as being maintained by the successor State in conformity with guideline 5.1.1 or 5.1.2, any objection to that reservation formulated by another contracting State or by a contracting organization shall be considered as being maintained in respect of the successor State.


5.2.4 Reservations of the predecessor State to which no objections have been made

5.2.4 被继承国未曾受到反对的保留

When a reservation formulated by the predecessor State is considered as being maintained by the successor State in conformity with guideline 5.1.1 or 5.1.2, a State or an international organization that had not formulated an objection to the reservation in respect of the predecessor State may not object to it in respect of the successor State, unless:


(a) the time period for formulating an objection has not yet expired at the date of the succession of States and the objection is made within that time period; or

(a) 提出反对的期限在国家继承之日前没有结束,而且反对是在这一期限内提出;或

(b) the territorial extension of the treaty radically changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation.

(b) 条约领土范围的扩大使保留的实施条件发生根本的改变。

5.2.5 Right of a successor State to formulate objections to reservations

5.2.5 继承国对保留提出反对的权利

1. When making a notification of succession establishing its status as a contracting State, a newly independent State may, in accordance with the relevant guidelines, formulate an objection to reservations formulated by a contracting State or a contracting organization, even if the predecessor State made no such objection.

1. 新独立国家在发出继承通知确立其缔约国地位时,可按照相关准则,对一缔约国或一缔约组织提出的保留提出反对,即使被继承国未曾作过这样的反对。

2. A successor State, other than a newly independent State, shall also have the right provided for in paragraph 1 when making a notification establishing its status as a contracting State to a treaty which, at the date of the succession of States, was not in force for the predecessor State but in respect of which the predecessor State was a contracting State.

2. 对于在国家继承之日未对被继承国生效但被继承国已是缔约国的条约,非新独立国家的继承国在发出通知确立其作为该条约缔约国的地位时,也拥有第1款规定的权利。

3. The right referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 is nonetheless excluded in the case of treaties falling under guidelines 2.8.7 and 4.1.2.

3. 但是,对于适用准则2.的条约,第1和第2款确认的权利被排除。

5.2.6 Objections by a successor State other than a newly independent State in respect of which a treaty continues in force

5.2.6 条约仍对其有效的非新独立国家的继承国提出的反对

A successor State, other than a newly independent State, in respect of which a treaty continues in force following a succession of States may not formulate an objection to a reservation to which the predecessor State had not objected, unless the time period for formulating an objection has not yet expired at the date of the succession of States and the objection is made within that time period.


5.3 Acceptances of reservations in cases of succession of States

5.3 国家继承情况下接受保留

5.3.1 Maintenance by a newly independent State of express acceptances formulated by the predecessor State

5.3.1 新独立国家维持被继承国提出的明示接受

When a newly independent State establishes its status as a contracting State to a treaty, it shall be considered as maintaining any express acceptance by the predecessor State of a reservation formulated by a contracting State or by a contracting organization, unless it expresses a contrary intention within twelve months of the date of the notification of succession.


5.3.2 Maintenance by a successor State other than a newly independent State of express acceptances formulated by the predecessor State

5.3.2 非新独立国家的继承国维持被继承国提出的明示接受

1. A successor State, other than a newly independent State, in respect of which a treaty continues in force following a succession of States shall be considered as maintaining any express acceptance by the predecessor State of a reservation formulated by a contracting State or by a contracting organization.

1. 非新独立国家的继承国,如果条约在国家继承之后对其仍然有效,则视为维持被继承国对一缔约国或一缔约组织所提保留作出的一切明示接受。

2. When making a notification of succession establishing its status as a contracting State to a treaty which, on the date of the succession of States, was not in force for the predecessor State but to which the predecessor State was a contracting State, a successor State other than a newly independent State shall be considered as maintaining any express acceptance by the predecessor State of a reservation formulated by a contracting State or by a contracting organization, unless it expresses a contrary intention within twelve months of the date of the notification of succession.

2. 对于在国家继承之日未对被继承国生效但被继承国已是缔约国的条约,非新独立国家的继承国发出继承通知确立其作为该条约缔约国的地位,应视为维持被继承国对一缔约国或一缔约组织所提保留作出的一切明示接受,除非它在继承通知之日后十二个月内表示相反的意向。

5.3.3 Timing of the effects of non-maintenance by a successor State of an express acceptance formulated by the predecessor State

5.3.3 继承国不维持被继承国所提明示接受的时间效力

The non-maintenance, in conformity with guideline 5.3.1 or guideline 5.3.2, paragraph 2, by the successor State of the express acceptance by the predecessor State of a reservation formulated by a contracting State or a contracting organization becomes operative in relation to a contracting State or a contracting organization only when notice of it has been received by that State or that organization.


5.4 Legal effects of reservations, acceptances and objections in cases of succession of States

5.4 国家继承情况下保留、接受和反对的法律效力

1. Reservations, acceptances and objections considered as being maintained pursuant to the guidelines contained in this Part of the Guide to Practice shall continue to produce their legal effects in conformity with the provisions of Part 4 of the Guide.

1. 根据《实践指南》这一部分所载准则而视为得到维持的保留、接受和反对应继续依照本指南第四部分规定产生法律效力。

2. Part 4 of the Guide to Practice is also applicable, mutatis mutandis, to new reservations, acceptances and objections formulated by a successor State in conformity with the provisions of the present Part of the Guide.

2. 《实践指南》第四部分也比照适用于继承国根据指南本部分规定所提出的新的保留、接受和反对。

5.5 Interpretative declarations in cases of succession of States

5.5 国家继承情况下的解释性声明

1. A successor State should clarify its position concerning interpretative declarations formulated by the predecessor State.

1. 继承国应当尽可能澄清其对被继承国所提解释性声明的立场。

In the absence of such clarification, a successor State shall be considered as maintaining the interpretative declarations of the predecessor State.


2. Paragraph 1 is without prejudice to cases in which the successor State has demonstrated, by its conduct, its intention to maintain or to reject an interpretative declaration formulated by the predecessor State.

2. 1款不妨碍继承国通过其行为表现出打算维持或拒绝被继承国提出的解释性声明的情况。



Conclusions on the reservations dialogue


The International Law Commission,


Recalling the provisions on reservations to treaties contained in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations,


Taking into account the seventeenth report presented by the Special Rapporteur on the topic “Reservations to treaties”, which addresses the question of the reservations dialogue,

考虑到对条约的保留专题特别报告员提交的第十七次报告, 该报告处理了保留对话的问题,

Bearing in mind the need to achieve a satisfactory balance between the objectives of safeguarding the integrity of multilateral treaties and securing the widest possible participation therein,


Recognizing the role that reservations to treaties may play in achieving this balance,


Concerned at the number of reservations that appear incompatible with the limits imposed by the law of treaties, in particular article 19 of the Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties,


Aware of the difficulties raised by the assessment of the validity of reservations,


Convinced of the usefulness of a pragmatic dialogue with the author of a reservation,


Welcoming the efforts made in recent years, including within the framework of international organizations and human rights treaty bodies, to encourage such a dialogue,


I. Considers that:

. 认为:

1. States and international organizations intending to formulate reservations should do so as precisely and narrowly as possible, consider limiting their scope and ensure that they are not incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty to which they relate;

1. 有意提出保留的各国和国际组织应当以尽可能精确和严格的方式提出保留,考虑限制保留的范围,确保保留符合所涉条约的目的和宗旨;

2. In formulating a unilateral statement, States and international organizations should indicate whether it amounts to a reservation and, if so, explain why the reservation is deemed necessary and the effect it will have on the fulfilment by its author of its obligations under the treaty;

2. 各国和国际组织在提出单方面声明时应当指明它是否等同于保留,如果是,应当说明为何保留有必要,以及该项保留对保留方履行条约义务的影响;

3. Statements of reasons by the author of a reservation are important for the assessment of the validity of the reservation, and States and international organizations should state the reason for any modification of a reservation;

3. 保留方对理由的说明对于评估保留的有效性十分重要,各国和国际组织应当说明对保留作出任何修改的理由;

4. States and international organizations should periodically review their reservations with a view to limiting their scope or withdrawing them where appropriate;

4. 各国和国际组织应当定期审查保留以便限制保留范围或酌情撤回保留;

5. The concerns about reservations that are frequently expressed by States and international organizations, as well as monitoring bodies, may be useful for the assessment of the validity of reservations;

5. 各国、国际组织和监督机构经常对保留表达的关切可能有助于评估保留的有效性;

6. States and international organizations, as well as monitoring bodies, should explain to the author of a reservation the reasons for their concerns about the reservation and, where appropriate, request any clarification that they deem useful;

6. 各国、国际组织和监督机构应当向保留方说明它们对保留表达关切的原因,并酌情要求作出它们认为有必要的澄清;

7. States and international organizations, as well as monitoring bodies, if they deem it useful, should encourage the withdrawal of reservations, the reconsideration of the need for a reservation or the gradual reduction of the scope of a reservation through partial withdrawals;

7. 各国、国际组织和监督机构在它们认为有必要时应当鼓励撤回保留、重新审查保留的必要性以及通过部分撤回逐渐缩小保留的范围;

8. States and international organizations should address the concerns and reactions of other States, international organizations and monitoring bodies and take them into account, to the extent possible, with a view to reconsidering, modifying or withdrawing a reservation;

8. 各国和国际组织应当积极面对其他国家、其他国际组织和监督机构的关切和反应,并尽可能地充分加以考虑,以期重新考虑、修改或撤回保留;

9. States and international organizations, as well as monitoring bodies, should cooperate as closely as possible in order to exchange views on reservations in respect of which concerns have been raised and coordinate the measures to be taken; and

9. 各国、国际组织和监督机构应当尽可能密切地开展合作,就引起关切的保留交换意见,并协调应当采取的措施;并且

II. Recommends that:

. 建议:

The General Assembly call upon States and international organizations, as well as monitoring bodies, to initiate and pursue such a reservations dialogue in a pragmatic and transparent manner.


2. Text of the Guide to Practice, comprising an introduction, the guidelines and commentaries thereto, an annex on the reservations dialogue and a bibliography

2. 《实践指南》案文,包括导言、准则及其评注、关于保留对话的附件以及

76. The text of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, comprising an introduction, the guidelines and commentaries thereto, and an annex on the reservations dialogue, adopted by the Commission at its sixty-third session, is reproduced in an addendum to the present report (A/66/10/Add.1).

参考文献 76. 委员会第六十三届会议通过的《对条约的保留实践指南》案文,包括导言、准则及其评注、关于保留对话的附件以及参考文献,载录于本报告的增编(A/66/10/Add.1)

Chapter V


Responsibility of international organizations


A. Introduction

A. 导言

77. The Commission, at its fifty-fourth session (2002), decided to include the topic “Responsibility of international organizations” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Giorgio Gaja as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

77. 委员会第五十四届(2002)会议决定将国际组织的责任专题列入委员会工作方案并任命乔治·加亚先生为本专题的特别报告员。

At the same session, the Commission established a Working Group on the topic.


The Working Group in its report briefly considered the scope of the topic, the relations between the new project and the draft articles on “Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts”, questions of attribution, issues relating to the responsibility of member States for conduct that is attributed to an international organization, and questions relating to the content of international responsibility, implementation of responsibility and settlement of disputes.

工作组在其报告 中简要讨论了这一专题的范围、这一新项目与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案的关系、行为归属问题、与成员国对归于国际组织的行为的责任有关的问题以及与国际责任的内容、责任的履行和争端的解决有关的问题。

At the end of its fifty-fourth session, the Commission adopted the report of the Working Group.


78. From its fifty-fifth (2003) to its sixty-first (2009) sessions, the Commission received and considered seven reports from the Special Rapporteur, and provisionally adopted draft articles 1 to 66, taking into account the comments and observations received from Governments and international organizations.

78. 委员会从第五十五届(2003)到第六十一届(2009)会议,收到并审议了特别报告员的七次报告, 并暂时通过了第1条至第66条草案,并考虑了从各国政府和各国际组织收到评论和意见。

79. At its sixty-first session (2009), the Commission adopted on first reading a set of 66 draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations, together with commentaries.

79. 委员会第六十一届(2009)会议一读通过了关于国际组织责任的一套共66条的条款草案及其评注。

The Commission decided, in accordance with articles 16 to 21 of its Statute, to transmit the draft articles, through the Secretary-General, to Governments and international organizations for comments and observations.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

80. At the present session, the Commission had before it the eighth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/640), as well as written comments received from Governments (A/CN.4/636 and Add.1) and international organizations (A/CN.4/637 and Add.1).

80. 委员会本届会议收到了特别报告员的第八次报告(A/CN.4/640),以及从各国政府(A/CN.4/636Add.1)和各国际组织(A/CN.4/637Add.1)发来的书面意见。

81. The Commission considered the eighth report of the Special Rapporteur at its 3080th to 3085th meetings from 26 April to 6 May 2011.

81. 委员会于2011426日至56日举行的第3080次至第3085次会议上,审议了特别报告员的第八次报告。

At its 3082nd meeting, held on 28 April 2011, the Commission referred draft articles 1 to 18 to the Drafting Committee with the instruction that the Drafting Committee commence the second reading of the draft articles taking into account the comments of Governments and international organizations, the proposals of the Special Rapporteur and the debate in the plenary on the Special Rapporteur’s eighth report.


At its 3085th meeting, held on 6 May 2011, the Commission further referred draft articles 19 to 66 to the Drafting Committee.


82. The Commission considered the report of the Drafting Committee (A/CN.4/L.778) at its 3097th meeting, held on 3 June 2011, and adopted the entire set of draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations, on second reading, at the same meeting (sect. E.1 below).

82. 委员会在201163日举行的第3097次会议上,审议了起草委员会的报告(A/CN.4/L.778)并在同次会议上二读通过了关于国际组织责任的一整套条款草案(下文E.1)

83. At its 3118th meeting, on 5 August 2011, the Commission adopted the commentaries to the aforementioned draft articles (sect. E.2 below).

83. 201185日第3118次会议上,委员会通过了上述条款草案的评注(下文E.2)

84. In accordance with its Statute, the Commission submits the draft articles to the General Assembly, together with the recommendation set out below.

84. 委员会根据其《章程》将这套条款草案提交大会,并附下文所列建议。

C. Recommendation of the Commission

C. 委员会的建议

85. At its 3119th meeting, held on 8 August 2011, the Commission decided, in accordance with article 23 of its Statute, to recommend to the General Assembly:

85. 201188日第3119次会议上,委员会根据其《章程》第23条,决定建议大会:

(a) to take note of the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations in a resolution, and to annex them to the resolution;

(a) 通过一项决议注意到国际组织的责任条款草案并将该条款草案附在该决议之后;

(b) to consider, at a later stage, the elaboration of a convention on the basis of the draft articles.

(b) 考虑在以后某个阶段以该条款草案为基础拟订一项公约。

D. Tribute to the Special Rapporteur

D. 向特别报告员表示感谢

86. At its 3118th meeting, held on 5 August 2011, the Commission, after adopting the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations, adopted the following resolution by acclamation:

86. 201185日第3118次会议上,委员会在通过国际组织的责任条款草案之后,以鼓掌方式通过了以下决议:

“The International Law Commission,


Having adopted the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations,


Expresses to the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Giorgio Gaja, its deep appreciation and warm congratulations for the outstanding contribution he has made to the preparation of the draft articles through his tireless efforts and devoted work, and for the results achieved in the elaboration of draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations.”


E. Text of the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations

” E. 国际组织的责任条款草案案文

1. Text of the draft articles

1. 条款草案案文

87. The text of the draft articles adopted by the Commission, on second reading, at its sixty-third session is reproduced below.

87. 委员会第六十三届会议二读通过的条款草案案文载录如下。

Responsibility of international organizations


Part One




Article 1


Scope of the present draft articles


1. The present draft articles apply to the international responsibility of an international organization for an internationally wrongful act.

1. 本条款草案适用于国际组织对国际不法行为负有的国际责任。

2. The present draft articles also apply to the international responsibility of a State for an internationally wrongful act in connection with the conduct of an international organization.

2. 本条款草案也适用于国家对与国际组织行为相关的国际不法行为负有的责任。

Article 2


Use of terms


For the purposes of the present draft articles,


(a) “international organization” means an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal personality.

(a) “国际组织是指根据条约或受国际法制约的其他文书建立的具有独立国际法律人格的组织。

International organizations may include as members, in addition to States, other entities;


(b) “rules of the organization” means, in particular, the constituent instruments, decisions, resolutions and other acts of the international organization adopted in accordance with those instruments, and established practice of the organization;

(b) “该组织的规则具体是指:该组织的宪章性文件、依宪章性文件通过的决定、决议和其他文件及该组织已确立的惯例;

(c) “organ of an international organization” means any person or entity which has that status in accordance with the rules of the organization;

(c) “国际组织的机关是指按照该组织的规则具有该地位的人或实体;

(d) “agent of an international organization” means an official or other person or entity, other than an organ, who is charged by the organization with carrying out, or helping to carry out, one of its functions, and thus through whom the organization acts.

(d) “国际组织的代理人是指该组织的机关以外,受该组织之命行使或帮助行使其某项职能,从而替该组织行事的官员和其他人或实体。

Part Two


The internationally wrongful act of an international organization


Chapter I


General principles


Article 3


Responsibility of an international organization for its internationally wrongful acts


Every internationally wrongful act of an international organization entails the international responsibility of that organization.


Article 4


Elements of an internationally wrongful act of an international organization


There is an internationally wrongful act of an international organization when conduct consisting of an action or omission:


(a) is attributable to that organization under international law; and

(a) 依国际法,该行为可归于该组织;并且

(b) constitutes a breach of an international obligation of that organization.

(b) 该行为构成对该组织国际义务的违反。

Article 5


Characterization of an act of an international organization as internationally wrongful


The characterization of an act of an international organization as internationally wrongful is governed by international law.


Chapter II


Attribution of conduct to an international organization


Article 6


Conduct of organs or agents of an international organization


1. The conduct of an organ or agent of an international organization in the performance of functions of that organ or agent shall be considered an act of that organization under international law, whatever position the organ or agent holds in respect of the organization.

1. 国际组织的机关或代理人履行该机关或代理人职能的行为,依国际法应视为该组织的行为,不论该机关或代理人相对于该组织而言具有何种地位。

2. The rules of the organization apply in the determination of the functions of its organs and agents.

2. 为确定该组织的机关和代理人的职能,适用该组织的规则。

Article 7


Conduct of organs of a State or organs or agents of an international organization placed at the disposal of another international organization


The conduct of an organ of a State or an organ or agent of an international organization that is placed at the disposal of another international organization shall be considered under international law an act of the latter organization if the organization exercises effective control over that conduct.


Article 8


Excess of authority or contravention of instructions


The conduct of an organ or agent of an international organization shall be considered an act of that organization under international law if the organ or agent acts in an official capacity and within the overall functions of that organization, even if the conduct exceeds the authority of that organ or agent or contravenes instructions.


Article 9


Conduct acknowledged and adopted by an international organization as its own


Conduct which is not attributable to an international organization under articles 6 to 8 shall nevertheless be considered an act of that organization under international law if and to the extent that the organization acknowledges and adopts the conduct in question as its own.


Chapter III


Breach of an international obligation


Article 10


Existence of a breach of an international obligation


1. There is a breach of an international obligation by an international organization when an act of that international organization is not in conformity with what is required of it by that obligation, regardless of the origin or character of the obligation concerned.

1. 如果国际组织的行为不符合国际义务对它的要求,该组织即违反了该国际义务,不论该义务的起源或特性为何。

2. Paragraph 1 includes the breach of any international obligation that may arise for an international organization towards its members under the rules of the organization.

2. 1款也适用于一国际组织违反其依组织规则对成员的义务的情况。

Article 11


International obligation in force for an international organization


An act of an international organization does not constitute a breach of an international obligation unless the organization is bound by the obligation in question at the time the act occurs.


Article 12


Extension in time of the breach of an international obligation


1. The breach of an international obligation by an act of an international organization not having a continuing character occurs at the moment when the act is performed, even if its effects continue.

1. 国际组织的非持续性行为违反一项国际义务时,该行为发生的时刻即为违反义务行为发生的时刻,即使该行为的影响继续存在。

2. The breach of an international obligation by an act of an international organization having a continuing character extends over the entire period during which the act continues and remains not in conformity with that obligation.

2. 国际组织的持续性行为违反一项国际义务时,该行为持续并始终违反该项义务的整个期间即为违反义务行为延续的时间。

3. The breach of an international obligation requiring an international organization to prevent a given event occurs when the event occurs and extends over the entire period during which the event continues and remains not in conformity with that obligation.

3. 如果一项国际义务要求一国际组织防止一特定事件的发生,则该事件发生的时刻即为违反义务行为发生的时刻,而该事件持续进行并始终违反该项义务的整个期间即为违反义务行为延续的时间。

Article 13


Breach consisting of a composite act


1. The breach of an international obligation by an international organization through a series of actions and omissions defined in aggregate as wrongful occurs when the action or omission occurs which, taken with the other actions or omissions, is sufficient to constitute the wrongful act.

1. 国际组织通过被一并定义为不法行为的一系列作为和不作为违反国际义务的情事,发生于一作为或不作为发生的时刻,该作为或不作为连同其他作为或不作为看待,足以构成不法行为。

2. In such a case, the breach extends over the entire period starting with the first of the actions or omissions of the series and lasts for as long as these actions or omissions are repeated and remain not in conformity with the international obligation.

2. 在此种情况下,自该系列作为和不作为中的第一个作为或不作为开始,这些作为或不作为反复发生并始终违反该项国际义务的整个期间,即为违反义务行为延续的时间。

Chapter IV


Responsibility of an international organization in connection with the act of a State or another international organization


Article 14


Aid or assistance in the commission of an internationally wrongful act


An international organization which aids or assists a State or another international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the State or the latter organization is internationally responsible for doing so if:


(a) the former organization does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and

(a) 该组织这样做时知道该不法行为的情况,而且

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that organization.

(b) 该行为若由该组织实施会构成国际不法行为。

Article 15


Direction and control exercised over the commission of an internationally wrongful act


An international organization which directs and controls a State or another international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the State or the latter organization is internationally responsible for that act if:


(a) the former organization does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and

(a) 该组织这样做时知道该不法行为的情况;而且

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that organization.

(b) 该行为若由该组织实施会构成国际不法行为。

Article 16


Coercion of a State or another international organization


An international organization which coerces a State or another international organization to commit an act is internationally responsible for that act if:


(a) the act would, but for the coercion, be an internationally wrongful act of the coerced State or international organization; and

(a) 在没有胁迫的情况下,该行为会是被胁迫国或国际组织的国际不法行为;而且

(b) the coercing international organization does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the act.

(b) 进行胁迫的国际组织这样做时知道该行为的情况。

Article 17


Circumvention of international obligations through decisions and authorizations addressed to members


1. An international organization incurs international responsibility if it circumvents one of its international obligations by adopting a decision binding member States or international organizations to commit an act that would be internationally wrongful if committed by the former organization.

1. 如果国际组织通过具有约束力的决定,使其成员国或为其成员的国际组织实施若由该组织自己实施会构成国际不法行为的行为,从而使该组织避免承担国际义务,则该组织负有国际责任。

2. An international organization incurs international responsibility if it circumvents one of its international obligations by authorizing member States or international organizations to commit an act that would be internationally wrongful if committed by the former organization and the act in question is committed because of that authorization.

2. 如果国际组织授权其成员国或为其成员的国际组织实施若由该组织自己实施会构成国际不法行为的行为,且有关行为因授权得以实施,则该组织负有国际责任。

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 apply whether or not the act in question is internationally wrongful for the member States or international organizations to which the decision or authorization is addressed.

3. 无论有关行为对于上述决定或授权所针对的成员国或为其成员的国际组织是否构成国际不法行为,第1款和第2款均适用。

Article 18


Responsibility of an international organization member of another international organization


Without prejudice to draft articles 14 to 17, the international responsibility of an international organization that is a member of another international organization also arises in relation to an act of the latter under the conditions set out in draft articles 61 and 62 for States that are members of an international organization.


Article 19


Effect of this Chapter


This Chapter is without prejudice to the international responsibility of the State or international organization which commits the act in question, or of any other State or international organization.


Chapter V


Circumstances precluding wrongfulness


Article 20




Valid consent by a State or an international organization to the commission of a given act by another international organization precludes the wrongfulness of that act in relation to that State or the former organization to the extent that the act remains within the limits of that consent.


Article 21




The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization is precluded if and to the extent that the act constitutes a lawful measure of self-defence under international law.


Article 22




1. Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, the wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation towards a State or another international organization is precluded if and to the extent that the act constitutes a countermeasure taken in accordance with the substantive and procedural conditions required by international law, including those set forth in Chapter II of Part Four for countermeasures taken against another international organization.

1. 在遵守第2款和第3款的前提下,国际组织违反其对一国或另一国际组织的国际义务的行为,如构成根据国际法,包括本条款草案第四部分第二章中所规定的实质性和程序性条件而对另一国际组织采取的反措施,该行为的不法性即告解除。

2. Subject to paragraph 3, an international organization may not take countermeasures against a responsible member State or international organization unless:

2. 在遵守第3款的前提下,国际组织不得对作为其成员的责任国或责任国际组织采取反措施,除非:

(a) the conditions referred to in paragraph 1 are met;

(a) 1款所指的条件得到满足;

(b) the countermeasures are not inconsistent with the rules of the organization; and

(b) 反措施并非不符合该组织的规则;并且

(c) no appropriate means are available for otherwise inducing compliance with the obligations of the responsible State or international organization concerning cessation of the breach and reparation.

(c) 别无其他适当手段促使该责任国或责任国际组织履行关于停止违法行为和作出赔偿的义务。

3. Countermeasures may not be taken by an international organization against a member State or international organization in response to a breach of an international obligation under the rules of the organization unless such countermeasures are provided for by those rules.

3. 国际组织不得对违反该组织的规则所规定的国际义务的成员国或为其成员的国际组织采取反措施,除非该组织的规则规定了此种反措施。

Article 23


Force majeure


1. The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the act is due to force majeure, that is, the occurrence of an irresistible force or of an unforeseen event, beyond the control of the organization, making it materially impossible in the circumstances to perform the obligation.

1. 国际组织违反其国际义务的行为如起因于不可抗力,即起因于该组织无法控制的不可抗拒的力量或无法预料的事件,以致该组织在这种情况下实际上不可能履行义务,该行为的不法性即告解除。

2. Paragraph 1 does not apply if:

2. 在下列情况下,第1款不适用:

(a) the situation of force majeure is due, either alone or in combination with other factors, to the conduct of the organization invoking it; or

(a) 不可抗力情况是由援引该情况的组织的行为单独导致或与其他因素一并导致;或

(b) the organization has assumed the risk of that situation occurring.

(b) 该组织已承担发生这种情况的风险。

Article 24




1. The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the author of the act in question has no other reasonable way, in a situation of distress, of saving the author’s life or the lives of other persons entrusted to the author’s care.

1. 对于国际组织违反其国际义务的行为,如果有关行为人在遭遇危难的情况下,除此行为之外,别无其他合理方法来挽救其生命或受其监护的其他人的生命,则该行为的不法性即告解除。

2. Paragraph 1 does not apply if:

2. 在下列情况下,第1款不适用:

(a) the situation of distress is due, either alone or in combination with other factors, to the conduct of the organization invoking it; or

(a) 危难情况是由援引该情况的组织的行为单独导致或与其他因素一并导致;或

(b) the act in question is likely to create a comparable or greater peril.

(b) 所涉行为很可能导致程度相当或更大的危险。

Article 25




1. Necessity may not be invoked by an international organization as a ground for precluding the wrongfulness of an act not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization unless the act:

1. 国际组织不得援引危急情况作为理由来解除该组织违反其国际义务的行为的不法性,除非该行为:

(a) is the only means for the organization to safeguard against a grave and imminent peril an essential interest of its member States or of the international community as a whole, when the organization has, in accordance with international law, the function to protect the interest in question; and

(a) 是该组织按照国际法有责任保护其成员国或整个国际社会的根本利益时,为保障该利益免遭严重迫切危险而可采取的唯一办法;并且

(b) does not seriously impair an essential interest of the State or States towards which the international obligation exists, or of the international community as a whole.

(b) 没有严重损害该组织对其承担国际义务的一国或多国的根本利益,或者整个国际社会的根本利益。

2. In any case, necessity may not be invoked by an international organization as a ground for precluding wrongfulness if:

2. 在下列情况下,国际组织无论如何不得援引危急情况作为解除不法性的理由:

(a) the international obligation in question excludes the possibility of invoking necessity; or

(a) 有关的国际义务排除了援引危急情况的可能性;或

(b) the organization has contributed to the situation of necessity.

(b) 该组织促成了该危急情况。

Article 26


Compliance with peremptory norms


Nothing in this Chapter precludes the wrongfulness of any act of an international organization which is not in conformity with an obligation arising under a peremptory norm of general international law.


Article 27


Consequences of invoking a circumstance precluding wrongfulness


The invocation of a circumstance precluding wrongfulness in accordance with this Chapter is without prejudice to:


(a) compliance with the obligation in question, if and to the extent that the circumstance precluding wrongfulness no longer exists;

(a) 在解除行为不法性的情况不再存在时遵守该项义务;

(b) the question of compensation for any material loss caused by the act in question.

(b) 对该行为所造成的任何物质损失的补偿问题。

Part Three


Content of the international responsibility of an international organization


Chapter I


General principles


Article 28


Legal consequences of an internationally wrongful act


The international responsibility of an international organization which is entailed by an internationally wrongful act in accordance with the provisions of Part Two involves legal consequences as set out in this Part.


Article 29


Continued duty of performance


The legal consequences of an internationally wrongful act under this Part do not affect the continued duty of the responsible international organization to perform the obligation breached.


Article 30


Cessation and non-repetition


The international organization responsible for the internationally wrongful act is under an obligation:


(a) to cease that act, if it is continuing;

(a) 在该不法行为正在进行时,立即停止该行为;

(b) to offer appropriate assurances and guarantees of non-repetition, if circumstances so require.

(b) 在必要情况下,提供不重犯该行为的适当承诺和保证。

Article 31




1. The responsible international organization is under an obligation to make full reparation for the injury caused by the internationally wrongful act.

1. 责任国际组织有义务对国际不法行为所造成的损害提供充分赔偿。

2. Injury includes any damage, whether material or moral, caused by the internationally wrongful act of an international organization.

2. 损害包括国际组织的国际不法行为所引起的任何损害,无论是物质损害或精神损害。

Article 32


Relevance of the rules of the organization


1. The responsible international organization may not rely on its rules as justification for failure to comply with its obligations under this Part.

1. 责任国际组织不得以其规则作为不能按照本部分的规定遵守其义务的理由。

2. Paragraph 1 is without prejudice to the applicability of the rules of an international organization to the relations between the organization and its member States and organizations.

2. 1款不妨碍国际组织的规则适用于该组织与其成员国和成员组织之间的关系。

Article 33


Scope of international obligations set out in this Part


1. The obligations of the responsible international organization set out in this Part may be owed to one or more States, to one or more other organizations, or to the international community as a whole, depending in particular on the character and content of the international obligation and on the circumstances of the breach.

1. 本部分规定的责任国际组织的义务可能是对一个或若干国家、一个或若干其他组织、或对整个国际社会承担的义务,具体取决于该国际义务的特性和内容及违反义务的情况。

2. This Part is without prejudice to any right, arising from the international responsibility of an international organization, which may accrue directly to any person or entity other than a State or an international organization.

2. 本部分不妨碍任何人或国家或国际组织以外的实体由于国际组织的国际责任直接取得的任何权利。

Chapter II


Reparation for injury


Article 34


Forms of reparation


Full reparation for the injury caused by the internationally wrongful act shall take the form of restitution, compensation and satisfaction, either singly or in combination, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.


Article 35




An international organization responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to make restitution, that is, to re-establish the situation which existed before the wrongful act was committed, provided and to the extent that restitution:


(a) is not materially impossible;

(a) 恢复原状并非实际上不可能;

(b) does not involve a burden out of all proportion to the benefit deriving from restitution instead of compensation.

(b) 从恢复原状而非补偿中得到的利益与所引起的负担不致完全不成比例。

Article 36




1. The international organization responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to compensate for the damage caused thereby, insofar as such damage is not made good by restitution.

1. 如损害没有以恢复原状的方式得到赔偿,国际不法行为的责任国际组织有义务补偿该行为造成的损害。

2. The compensation shall cover any financially assessable damage including loss of profits insofar as it is established.

2. 这种补偿应该涵盖在经济上可以评估的任何损害,包括可以确定的利润损失。

Article 37




1. The international organization responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to give satisfaction for the injury caused by that act insofar as it cannot be made good by restitution or compensation.

1. 如损害没有以恢复原状或补偿的方式得到赔偿,一国际不法行为的责任国际组织有义务对该行为造成的损失给予抵偿。

2. Satisfaction may consist in an acknowledgement of the breach, an expression of regret, a formal apology or another appropriate modality.

2. 抵偿可采取承认不法行为、表示遗憾、正式道歉或其他适当的方式。

3. Satisfaction shall not be out of proportion to the injury and may not take a form humiliating to the responsible international organization.

3. 抵偿不应与损害不成比例,并且不得采取羞辱责任国际组织的方式。

Article 38




1. Interest on any principal sum due under this Chapter shall be payable when necessary in order to ensure full reparation.

1. 为确保充分赔偿,在必要时,应支付根据本章所应支付的任何本金金额的利息。

The interest rate and mode of calculation shall be set so as to achieve that result.


2. Interest runs from the date when the principal sum should have been paid until the date the obligation to pay is fulfilled.

2. 利息从应支付本金金额之日起算,至完成履行支付义务之日为止。

Article 39


Contribution to the injury


In the determination of reparation, account shall be taken of the contribution to the injury by wilful or negligent action or omission of the injured State or international organization or of any person or entity in relation to whom reparation is sought.


Article 40


Ensuring the fulfilment of the obligation to make reparation


1. The responsible international organization shall take all appropriate measures in accordance with its rules to ensure that its members provide it with the means for effectively fulfilling its obligations under this Chapter.

1. 责任国际组织应根据其规则采取一切适当措施,确保其成员向该组织提供有效履行本章所规定的义务的手段。

2. The members of a responsible international organization shall take all the appropriate measures that may be required by the rules of the organization in order to enable the organization to fulfil its obligations under this Chapter.

2. 责任国际组织的成员应采取该组织的规则可能要求采取的一切适当措施,使该组织能够履行本章所规定的义务。

Chapter III


Serious breaches of obligations under peremptory norms of general international law


Article 41


Application of this Chapter


1. This Chapter applies to the international responsibility which is entailed by a serious breach by an international organization of an obligation arising under a peremptory norm of general international law.

1. 本章适用于国际组织严重违反一般国际法强制性规范规定的义务的行为所产生的国际责任。

2. A breach of such an obligation is serious if it involves a gross or systematic failure by the responsible international organization to fulfil the obligation.

2. 如果此种违反义务行为涉及责任国际组织严重地或系统性地不履行义务,则构成严重违反义务行为。

Article 42


Particular consequences of a serious breach of an obligation under this Chapter


1. States and international organizations shall cooperate to bring to an end through lawful means any serious breach within the meaning of article 41.

1. 国家和国际组织应进行合作,通过合法手段制止第41条含义范围内的任何严重违反义务行为。

2. No State or international organization shall recognize as lawful a situation created by a serious breach within the meaning of article 41, nor render aid or assistance in maintaining that situation.

2. 任何国家或国际组织均不得承认第41条含义范围内的严重违反义务行为造成的情况为合法,也不得为维持这种现状提供援助或协助。

3. This article is without prejudice to the other consequences referred to in this Part and to such further consequences that a breach to which this Chapter applies may entail under international law.

3. 本条不妨碍本部分所指的其他后果和本章适用的违反义务行为可能依国际法引起的进一步后果。

Part Four


The implementation of the international responsibility of an international organization


Chapter I


Invocation of the responsibility of an international organization


Article 43


Invocation of responsibility by an injured State or international organization


A State or an international organization is entitled as an injured State or an injured international organization to invoke the responsibility of another international organization if the obligation breached is owed to:


(a) that State or the former international organization individually;

(a) 被违反的义务是单独地向该国或该组织承担的义务;

(b) a group of States or international organizations including that State or the former international organization, or the international community as a whole, and the breach of the obligation:

(b) 被违反的义务是向包括该国或该组织在内的国家集团或国际组织集团或向整个国际社会承担的义务,而对此义务的违反:

(i) specially affects that State or that international organization; or

() 特别影响到该国或该组织;或

(ii) is of such a character as radically to change the position of all the other States and international organizations to which the obligation is owed with respect to the further performance of the obligation.

() 因其性质,在进一步履行义务方面,根本改变了作为义务对象的所有其他国家和国际组织的地位。

Article 44


Notice of claim by an injured State or international organization


1. An injured State or international organization which invokes the responsibility of another international organization shall give notice of its claim to that organization.

1. 援引另一国际组织责任的受害国或国际组织应将其求偿的要求通知该组织。

2. The injured State or international organization may specify in particular:

2. 受害国或国际组织可具体指明:

(a) the conduct that the responsible international organization should take in order to cease the wrongful act, if it is continuing;

(a) 如不法行为仍在继续,责任国际组织为停止该不法行为而应采取的行动;

(b) what form reparation should take in accordance with the provisions of Part Three.

(b) 根据本条款草案第三部分的规定应采取哪种赔偿方式。

Article 45


Admissibility of claims


1. An injured State may not invoke the responsibility of an international organization if the claim is not brought in accordance with any applicable rule relating to the nationality of claims.

1. 如求偿要求的提出不符合应适用的国籍规则,受害国不得援引国际组织的责任。

2. When the rule of exhaustion of local remedies applies to a claim, an injured State or international organization may not invoke the responsibility of another international organization if any available and effective remedy has not been exhausted.

2. 如用尽当地救济的规则适用于求偿要求,那么在未用尽所有可利用的有效救济时,受害国或国际组织不得援引另一国际组织的责任。

Article 46


Loss of the right to invoke responsibility


The responsibility of an international organization may not be invoked if:


(a) the injured State or international organization has validly waived the claim;

(a) 受害国或国际组织已有效地放弃要求;

(b) the injured State or international organization is to be considered as having, by reason of its conduct, validly acquiesced in the lapse of the claim.

(b) 受害国或国际组织基于其行为应被视为已有效地默认其求偿要求失效。

Article 47


Plurality of injured States or international organizations


Where several States or international organizations are injured by the same internationally wrongful act of an international organization, each injured State or international organization may separately invoke the responsibility of the international organization for the internationally wrongful act.


Article 48


Responsibility of an international organization and one or more States or international organizations


1. Where an international organization and one or more States or other international organizations are responsible for the same internationally wrongful act, the responsibility of each State or organization may be invoked in relation to that act.

1. 在一个国际组织和一个或若干国家或其他国际组织对同一国际不法行为应负责任的情形下,可以对每一个国家或组织援引涉及该行为的责任。

2. Subsidiary responsibility may be invoked insofar as the invocation of the primary responsibility has not led to reparation.

2. 只有在援引主要责任未得到赔偿的情况下,方可援引次要责任。

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2:

3. 1款和第2款:

(a) do not permit any injured State or international organization to recover, by way of compensation, more than the damage it has suffered;

(a) 不允许任何受害国或国际组织通过补偿的方式获取多于其所受损失的利益;

(b) are without prejudice to any right of recourse that the State or international organization providing reparation may have against the other responsible States or international organizations.

(b) 不妨碍提供赔偿的国家或国际组织对其他责任国或国际组织可能具有的追索权。

Article 49


Invocation of responsibility by a State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization


1. A State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization is entitled to invoke the responsibility of another international organization in accordance with paragraph 4 if the obligation breached is owed to a group of States or international organizations, including the State or organization that invokes responsibility, and is established for the protection of a collective interest of the group.

1. 受害国或受害国际组织以外的国家或国际组织有权在下列情况下按照第4款援引另一国际组织的责任:被违反的义务是向包括援引责任的国家或组织在内的国家集团或国际组织集团承担的,并且是为了保护该集团的集体利益而确定的。

2. A State other than an injured State is entitled to invoke the responsibility of an international organization in accordance with paragraph 4 if the obligation breached is owed to the international community as a whole.

2. 受害国以外的国家有权在下列情况下按照第4款援引一国际组织的责任:被违反的义务是对整个国际社会承担的。

3. An international organization other than an injured international organization is entitled to invoke the responsibility of another international organization in accordance with paragraph 4 if the obligation breached is owed to the international community as a whole and safeguarding the interest of the international community as a whole underlying the obligation breached is within the functions of the international organization invoking responsibility.

3. 不是受害方的国际组织有权在下列情况下按照第4款援引另一国际组织的责任:被违反的义务是向整个国际社会承担的,而且保护该义务所基于的整个国际社会的利益属于援引责任的国际组织的职责。

4. A State or an international organization entitled to invoke responsibility under paragraphs 1 to 3 may claim from the responsible international organization:

4. 有权按照第1款至第3款援引责任的国家或国际组织可要求责任国际组织:

(a) cessation of the internationally wrongful act, and assurances and guarantees of non-repetition in accordance with draft article 30; and

(a) 按照第30条的规定,停止国际不法行为,并提供不重犯的承诺和保证;并且

(b) performance of the obligation of reparation in accordance with Part Three, in the interest of the injured State or international organization or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.

(b) 按照本条款草案第三部分的规定,履行向受害国或国际组织或被违反的义务的受益人提供赔偿的义务。

5. The requirements for the invocation of responsibility by an injured State or international organization under draft articles 44, 45, paragraph 2, and 46 apply to an invocation of responsibility by a State or international organization entitled to do so under paragraphs 1 to 4.

5. 受害国或国际组织按照第44条、第45条第2款和第46条援引责任的条件同样适用于有权按照第1款至第4款这样做的国家或国际组织援引责任的情况。

Article 50


Scope of this Chapter


This Chapter is without prejudice to the entitlement that a person or entity other than a State or an international organization may have to invoke the international responsibility of an international organization.


Chapter II




Article 51


Object and limits of countermeasures


1. An injured State or an injured international organization may only take countermeasures against an international organization which is responsible for an internationally wrongful act in order to induce that organization to comply with its obligations under Part Three.

1. 受害国或受害的国际组织只在为促使国际不法行为的责任国际组织依本条款草案第三部分履行其义务时,才可对该国际组织采取反措施。

2. Countermeasures are limited to the non-performance for the time being of international obligations of the State or international organization taking the measures towards the responsible international organization.

2. 反措施限于采取措施的国家或国际组织暂不履行对责任国际组织的国际义务。

3. Countermeasures shall, as far as possible, be taken in such a way as to permit the resumption of performance of the obligations in question.

3. 反措施应尽可能容许恢复履行有关义务。

4. Countermeasures shall, as far as possible, be taken in such a way as to limit their effects on the exercise by the responsible international organization of its functions.

4. 反措施应尽可能限制其对责任国际组织行使其职能的影响。

Article 52


Conditions for taking countermeasures by members of an international organization


1. Subject to paragraph 2, an injured State or international organization which is a member of a responsible international organization may not take countermeasures against that organization unless:

1. 在遵守第2款的前提下,责任国际组织的受害成员国或国际组织,不可对该组织采取反措施,除非:

(a) the conditions referred to in article 51 are met;

(a) 51条所指的条件得到满足;

(b) the countermeasures are not inconsistent with the rules of the organization; and

(b) 反措施并非不符合该组织的规则;并

(c) no appropriate means are available for otherwise inducing compliance with the obligations of the responsible international organization concerning cessation of the breach and reparation.

(c) 别无其他适当手段促使该责任国际组织履行关于停止违法行为和作出赔偿的义务。

2. Countermeasures may not be taken by an injured State or international organization which is a member of a responsible international organization against that organization in response to a breach of an international obligation under the rules of the organization unless such countermeasures are provided for by those rules.

2. 责任国际组织的受害成员国或国际组织不得因该组织违反了该组织的规则所规定的国际义务而对该组织采取反措施,除非该组织的规则规定了此种反措施。

Article 53


Obligations not affected by countermeasures


1. Countermeasures shall not affect:

1. 反措施不得影响:

(a) the obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force as embodied in the Charter of the United Nations;

(a) 《联合国宪章》中规定的不得使用武力或以武力相威胁的义务;

(b) obligations for the protection of human rights;

(b) 保护人权的义务;

(c) obligations of a humanitarian character prohibiting reprisals;

(c) 禁止报复的人道主义性质的义务;

(d) other obligations under peremptory norms of general international law.

(d) 依一般国际法强制性规范承担的其他义务。

2. An injured State or international organization taking countermeasures is not relieved from fulfilling its obligations:

2. 采取反措施的受害国或国际组织仍应履行下列义务:

(a) under any dispute settlement procedure applicable between it and the responsible international organization;

(a) 其与责任国际组织之间任何可适用的争端解决程序项下的义务;

(b) to respect any inviolability of organs or agents of the responsible international organization and of the premises, archives and documents of that organization.

(b) 尊重责任国际组织的机关或代理人以及该组织馆舍、档案和文件的不可侵犯性。

Article 54


Proportionality of countermeasures


Countermeasures must be commensurate with the injury suffered, taking into account the gravity of the internationally wrongful act and the rights in question.


Article 55


Conditions relating to resort to countermeasures


1. Before taking countermeasures, an injured State or international organization shall:

1. 受害国或国际组织在采取反措施以前应:

(a) call upon the responsible international organization, in accordance with draft article 44, to fulfil its obligations under Part Three;

(a) 根据第44条要求责任国际组织按照第三部分履行其义务;

(b) notify the responsible international organization of any decision to take countermeasures and offer to negotiate with that organization.

(b) 将采取反措施的任何决定通知责任国际组织并提议与该组织进行谈判。

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 (b), the injured State or international organization may take such urgent countermeasures as are necessary to preserve its rights.

2. 虽有第1(b)项的规定,受害国或国际组织可采取必要的紧急措施,以维护其权利。

3. Countermeasures may not be taken, and if already taken must be suspended without undue delay if:

3. 在下列情况下不得采取反措施,如已采取,务必中止,不得无理拖延:

(a) the internationally wrongful act has ceased; and

(a) 国际不法行为已经停止;并且

(b) the dispute is pending before a court or tribunal which has the authority to make decisions binding on the parties.

(b) 已将争端送交有权作出对当事方有约束力决定的法院或法庭。

4. Paragraph 3 does not apply if the responsible international organization fails to implement the dispute settlement procedures in good faith.

4. 若责任国际组织不秉诚履行争端解决程序,第3款即不适用。

Article 56


Termination of countermeasures


Countermeasures shall be terminated as soon as the responsible international organization has complied with its obligations under Part Three in relation to the internationally wrongful act.


Article 57


Measures taken by States or international organizations other than an injured State or organization


This Chapter does not prejudice the right of any State or international organization, entitled under article 49, paragraphs 1 to 3, to invoke the responsibility of another international organization, to take lawful measures against that organization to ensure cessation of the breach and reparation in the interest of the injured State or organization or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.


Part Five


Responsibility of a State in connection with the conduct of an international organization


Article 58


Aid or assistance by a State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization


1. A State which aids or assists an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the latter is internationally responsible for doing so if:

1. 在下列情况下,援助或协助国际组织实施国际不法行为的国家应对援助或协助的行为负国际责任:

(a) the State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and

(a) 该国这样做时知道该国际不法行为的情况;而且

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that State.

(b) 该行为若由该国实施会构成国际不法行为。

2. An act by a State member of an international organization done in accordance with the rules of the organization does not as such engage the international responsibility of that State under the terms of this article.

2. 国际组织的国家成员按照该组织的规则实施的行为不负本条规定的国际责任。

Article 59


Direction and control exercised by a State over the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization


1. A State which directs and controls an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the latter is internationally responsible for that act if:

1. 在下列情况下,指挥和控制国际组织实施国际不法行为的国家应对该行为负国际责任:

(a) the State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and

(a) 该国这样做时知道该国际不法行为的情况;而且

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that State.

(b) 该行为若由该国实施会构成国际不法行为。

2. An act by a State member of an international organization done in accordance with the rules of the organization does not as such engage the international responsibility of that State under the terms of this draft article.

2. 国际组织的国家成员按照该组织的规则实施的行为不负本条规定的国际责任。

Article 60


Coercion of an international organization by a State


A State which coerces an international organization to commit an act is internationally responsible for that act if:


(a) the act would, but for the coercion, be an internationally wrongful act of the coerced international organization; and

(a) 该行为在没有胁迫的情况下,构成被胁迫的国际组织的国际不法行为;而且

(b) the coercing State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the act.

(b) 该胁迫国这样做时知道该行为的情况。

Article 61


Circumvention of international obligations of a State member of an international organization


1. A State member of an international organization incurs international responsibility if, by taking advantage of the fact that the organization has competence in relation to the subject-matter of one of the State’s international obligations, it circumvents that obligation by causing the organization to commit an act that, if committed by the State, would have constituted a breach of the obligation.

1. 国际组织成员国若为规避国际义务而利用该组织对于该国某一国际义务事项所具有的职权,促使该组织实施若由该国实施即构成违反该义务的行为,即产生国际责任。

2. Paragraph 1 applies whether or not the act in question is internationally wrongful for the international organization.

2. 无论该行为是否构成该国际组织的国际不法行为,第1款都适用。

Article 62


Responsibility of a State member of an international organization for an internationally wrongful act of that organization


1. A State member of an international organization is responsible for an internationally wrongful act of that organization if:

1. 在下列情况下,国际组织成员国应对该组织的国际不法行为负责:

(a) it has accepted responsibility for that act towards the injured party; or

(a) 成员国已接受该行为引起的对受害方的责任;或

(b) it has led the injured party to rely on its responsibility.

(b) 成员国已导致受害方认定它将承担责任。

2. Any international responsibility of a State under paragraph 1 is presumed to be subsidiary.

2. 按照第1款产生的国家的国际责任应推定为次要责任。

Article 63


Effect of this Part


This Part is without prejudice to the international responsibility of the international organization which commits the act in question, or of any State or other international organization.


Part Six


General Provisions


Article 64


Lex specialis


These draft articles do not apply where and to the extent that the conditions for the existence of an internationally wrongful act or the content or implementation of the international responsibility of an international organization, or of a State in connection with the conduct of an international organization, are governed by special rules of international law.


Such special rules of international law may be contained in the rules of the organization applicable to the relations between an international organization and its members.


Article 65


Questions of international responsibility not regulated by these draft articles


The applicable rules of international law continue to govern questions concerning the responsibility of an international organization or a State for an internationally wrongful act to the extent that they are not regulated by these draft articles.


Article 66


Individual responsibility


These draft articles are without prejudice to any question of the individual responsibility under international law of any person acting on behalf of an international organization or a State.


Article 67


Charter of the United Nations


These draft articles are without prejudice to the Charter of the United Nations.


2. Text of the draft articles with commentaries thereto

2. 条款草案案文及其评注

88. The text of the draft articles with commentaries thereto on the responsibility of international organizations, as adopted by the Commission, on second reading, at its sixty-third session is reproduced below.

88. 委员会第六十三届会议二读通过的条款草案案文及其评注载录如下。

Responsibility of international organizations


General commentary


(1) In 2001 the International Law Commission adopted a set of articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 2001年,国际法委员会通过了国家对国际不法行为的责任的一整套条款。

As stated in those articles, they “are without prejudice to any question of the responsibility under international law of an international organization, or of any State for the conduct of an international organization” (art. 57).


Given the number of existing international organizations and their ever increasing functions, these issues appeared to be of particular importance.


Thus the Commission decided in 2002 to pursue its work for the codification and the progressive development of the law of international responsibility by taking up the two questions that had been left without prejudice in article 57 on State responsibility.


The present draft articles represent the result of this further study.


In conducting the study the Commission has been assisted by the comments and suggestions received from States and international organizations.


(2) The scope of application of the present draft articles reflects what was left open in article 57 on State responsibility.

(2) 本条款草案的适用范围反映了在国家责任第57条中所未触及的问题。

Most of the present draft articles consider the first issue that was mentioned in that provision: the responsibility of an international organization for an act which is internationally wrongful.


Only a few draft articles, mainly those contained in Part Five, consider the second issue: the responsibility of a State for the conduct of an international organization.


The second issue is closely connected with the first one because the conduct in question of an international organization will generally be internationally wrongful and entail the international responsibility of the international organization concerned.


However, under certain circumstances which are considered in articles 60 and 61 and the related commentaries, the conduct of an international organization may not be wrongful and no international responsibility would arise for that organization.


(3) In addressing the issue of responsibility of international organizations, the present draft articles follow the same approach adopted with regard to State responsibility.

(3) 在处理国际组织的责任问题时,本条款草案采取了与国家责任相同的处理办法。

The draft articles thus rely on the basic distinction between primary rules of international law, which establish obligations for international organizations, and secondary rules, which consider the existence of a breach of an international obligation and its consequences for the responsible international organization.


Like the articles on State responsibility, the present draft articles express secondary rules.


Nothing in the draft articles should be read as implying the existence or otherwise of any particular primary rule binding on international organizations.


(4) While the present draft articles are in many respects similar to the articles on State responsibility, they represent an autonomous text.

(4) 虽然本条款草案在许多方面类似于国家责任条款,但本条款草案是一套自主性的案文。

Each issue has been considered from the specific perspective of the responsibility of international organizations.


Some provisions address questions that are peculiar to international organizations.


When in the study of the responsibility of international organizations the conclusion is reached that an identical or similar solution to the one expressed in the articles on State responsibility should apply with respect to international organizations, this is based on appropriate reasons and not on a general presumption that the same principles apply.


(5) One of the main difficulties in elaborating rules concerning the responsibility of international organizations is due to the limited availability of pertinent practice.

(5) 在拟订关于国际组织的责任规则方面遇到的主要困难之一是有关的实践相对有限。

The main reason for this is that practice concerning responsibility of international organizations has developed only over a relatively recent period.


One further reason is the limited use of procedures for third-party settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties.


Moreover, relevant practice resulting from exchanges of correspondence may not be always easy to locate, nor are international organizations or States often willing to disclose it.


The fact that several of the present draft articles are based on limited practice moves the border between codification and progressive development in the direction of the latter.


It may occur that a provision in the articles on State responsibility could be regarded as representing codification, while the corresponding provision on the responsibility of international organizations is more in the nature of progressive development.


In other words, the provisions of the present draft articles do not necessarily yet have the same authority as the corresponding provisions on State responsibility.


As was also the case with the articles on State responsibility, their authority will depend upon their reception by those to whom they are addressed.


(6) The commentaries on the articles of State responsibility are generally more extensive, reflecting the greater availability of practice.

(6) 国家责任条款的评注通常写得比较详细,这反映了所存在的大量实践。

When the wording of one of the present draft articles is similar or identical to an article on State responsibility, the commentary of the former will give the reasons for its adoption and the essential explanations.


In so far as provisions of the present draft articles correspond to those of the articles on State responsibility, and there are no relevant differences between organizations and States in the application of the respective provisions, reference may also be made, where appropriate, to the commentaries on the latter articles.


(7) International organizations are quite different from States, and in addition present great diversity among themselves.

(7) 国际组织与国家相当不同,此外国际组织相互之间也有很大的差别。

In contrast with States, they do not possess a general competence and have been established in order to exercise specific functions (“principle of speciality”).


There are very significant differences among international organizations with regard to their powers and functions, size of membership, relations between the organization and its members, procedures for deliberation, structure and facilities, as well as the primary rules including treaty obligations by which they are bound.


Because of this diversity and its implications, the draft articles where appropriate give weight to the specific character of the organization, especially to its functions, as for instance article 8 on excess of authority or contravention of instructions.


The provision on lex specialis (art. 64) has particular importance in this context.


Moreover, the diversity of international organizations may affect the application of certain articles, some of which may not apply to certain international organizations in the light of their powers and functions.


(8) Certain special rules on international responsibility may apply in the relations between an international organization and its members (art. 64).

(8) 关于国际责任的某些特别规则可能在国际组织与其成员之间的关系中适用(64)

These rules are specific to each organization and are usually referred to as rules of the organization.


They include the constituent instrument of the organization and the rules flowing from it (art. 2).


The present draft articles do not attempt to identify these special rules, but do consider the impact that they may have on the international responsibility of the organization towards its members and on the responsibility of members for the conduct of the organization.


The rules of the organization do not per se bind non-members.


However, some rules of the organization may be relevant also for non-members.


For instance, in order to establish whether an international organization has expressed its consent to the commission of a given act (art. 20), it may be necessary to establish whether the organ or agent which gives its consent is competent to do so under the rules of the organization.


(9) The present draft articles are divided into Six Parts.

(9) 本条款草案分为六个部分。

Part One defines the scope of the articles and gives the definition of certain terms.


Parts Two to Four (arts. 3 to 57) follow the general lay-out of the articles on State responsibility.


Part Two sets forth the preconditions for the international responsibility of an international organization to arise.


Part Three addresses the legal consequences flowing for the responsible organization, in particular the obligation to make reparation.


Part Four concerns the implementation of responsibility of an international organization, especially the question of which States or international organizations are entitled to invoke that responsibility.


Part Five addresses the responsibility of States in connection with the conduct of an international organization.


Finally, Part Six contains certain general provisions applicable to the whole set of draft articles.


Part One




Article 1


Scope of the present draft articles


1. The present draft articles apply to the international responsibility of an international organization for an internationally wrongful act.

1. 本条款草案适用于国际组织对国际不法行为负有的国际责任。

2. The present draft articles also apply to the international responsibility of a State for an internationally wrongful act in connection with the conduct of an international organization.

2. 本条款草案也适用于国家对与国际组织行为相关的国际不法行为负有的责任。



(1) The definition of the scope of the draft articles in article 1 is intended to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible.

(1) 1条中对本条款草案范围所下的定义是为了尽可能全面和准确。

While article 1 covers all the issues that are to be addressed in the following articles, this is without prejudice to any solution that will be given to those issues.


Thus, for instance, the reference in paragraph 2 to the international responsibility of a State in connection with the conduct of an international organization does not imply that such a responsibility will be held to exist.


(2) For the purposes of the draft articles, the term “international organization” is defined in article 2.

(2) 为了本条款草案的目的,第2条对国际组织下了定义。

This definition contributes to delimiting the scope of the draft articles.


(3) An international organization’s responsibility may be asserted under different systems of law.

(3) 国际组织的责任可以在不同的法律制度中予以宣称。

Before a national court, a natural or legal person will probably invoke the organization’s responsibility or liability under some municipal law.


The reference in paragraph 1 of article 1 and throughout the draft articles to international responsibility makes it clear that the draft articles only take the perspective of international law and consider whether an international organization is responsible under that law.


Thus, issues of responsibility or liability under municipal law are not as such covered by the draft articles.


This is without prejudice to the possible applicability of certain principles or rules of international law when the question of an organization’s responsibility or liability arises under municipal law.


(4) Paragraph 1 of article 1 concerns the cases in which an international organization incurs international responsibility.

(4) 1条第1款涉及一国际组织引起国际责任的情况。

The most frequent case will be that of the organization committing an internationally wrongful act.


However, there are other instances in which an international organization’s responsibility may arise.


One may envisage, for example, cases analogous to those referred to in Chapter IV of Part One of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


An international organization may thus be held responsible if it aids or assists a State or another organization in committing an internationally wrongful act, or if it directs and controls a State or another organization in the commission of such an act, or if it coerces a State or another organization to commit an act that would, but for the coercion, be an internationally wrongful act.


Another case in which an international organization may be held responsible is that of an internationally wrongful act committed by another international organization of which the first organization is a member.


(5) The reference in paragraph 1 to acts that are wrongful under international law implies that the present draft articles do not address the question of liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law.

(5) 1款中提到国际法所指的不法行为意味着本条款不考虑对国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果承担赔偿责任的问题。

The choice made by the Commission to separate, with regard to States, the question of liability for acts not prohibited by international law from the question of international responsibility prompts a similar choice in relation to international organizations.


Thus, as in the case of States, international responsibility is linked with a breach of an obligation under international law.


International responsibility may thus arise from an activity that is not prohibited by international law only when a breach of an obligation under international law occurs in relation to that activity, for instance if an international organization fails to comply with an obligation to take preventive measures in relation to an activity that is not prohibited.


(6) Paragraph 2 includes within the scope of the present draft articles some issues that have been identified, but not dealt with, in the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(6) 2款在本条款的范围内列入了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款中已查明但不处理的一些问题。

According to article 57 of those articles:


“[they] are without prejudice to any question of the responsibility under international law of an international organization, or of any State for the conduct of an international organization”.


The main question that was left out in the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, and that is considered in the present draft articles, is the issue of the responsibility of a State which is a member of an international organization for a wrongful act committed by the organization.


(7) The wording of Chapter IV of Part One of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts only refers to the cases in which a State aids or assists, directs and controls, or coerces another State.

(7) 国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第一部分第四章的措辞只提到国家援助、协助、指挥、控制或胁迫另一国的情况。

Should the question of similar conduct by a State with regard to an international organization not be regarded as covered, at least by analogy, in the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the present draft articles fill the resulting gap.


(8) Paragraph 2 does not include questions of attribution of conduct to a State, whether an international organization is involved or not.

(8) 2款不包括把行为归于一国的问题,无论是否涉及到一个国际组织的行为。

Chapter II of Part One of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts deals, albeit implicitly, with attribution of conduct to a State when an international organization or one of its organs acts as a State organ, generally or only under particular circumstances.


Article 4 refers to the “internal law of the State” as the main criterion for identifying State organs, and internal law will rarely include an international organization or one of its organs among State organs.


However, article 4 does not consider the status of such organs under internal law as a necessary requirement.


Thus, an organization or one of its organs may be considered as a State organ under article 4 also when it acts as a de facto organ of a State.


An international organization may also be, under the circumstances, as provided for in article 5, a “person or entity which is not an organ of the State under article 4 but which is empowered by the law of that State to exercise elements of the governmental authority”.


Article 6 then considers the case in which an organ is “placed at the disposal of a State by another State”.


A similar eventuality, which may or may not be considered as implicitly covered by article 6, could arise if an international organization places one of its organs at the disposal of a State.


The commentary on article 6 notes that this eventuality “raises difficult questions of the relations between States and international organizations”.


International organizations are not referred to in the commentaries on articles 4 and 5.


While it appears that all questions of attribution of conduct to States are nevertheless within the scope of the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, and should therefore not be considered anew, some aspects of attribution of conduct to either a State or an international organization will be further elucidated in the discussion of attribution of conduct to international organizations.


(9) The present draft articles deal with the symmetrical question of a State or a State organ acting as an organ of an international organization.

(9) 本条款草案将处理一国或一国机关作为国际组织的一个机关行事的责任这个对称问题。

This question concerns the attribution of conduct to an international organization and is therefore covered by paragraph 1 of article 1.


(10) The present draft articles do not address issues relating to the international responsibility that a State may incur towards an international organization.

(10) 本条款草案没有处理一国可能引起的对一个国际组织的国际责任问题。

Although the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts do not mention international organizations when considering circumstances precluding wrongfulness, the content of international responsibility or the invocation of the international responsibility of a State, they may be applied by analogy also to the relation between a responsible State and an international organization.


When, for instance, article 20 sets forth that “[v]alid consent by a State to the commission of a given act by another State precludes the wrongfulness of that act in relation to the former State to the extent that the act remains within the limits of that consent”, the provision may be understood as covering by analogy also the case where a valid consent to the commission of the act of the State is given by an international organization.

例如,当第20条规定,以有效方式同意另一国实施某一行为时,只要这种行为仍然属于该项同意的范围,便排除了该行为对前一国家的不法性, 该项规定可能通过类比关系,被理解为也包括一个国际组织对该国家行为的实施给予有效同意的情况。

Article 2


Use of terms


For the purposes of the present draft articles,


(a) “international organization” means an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal personality.

(a) “国际组织是指根据条约或受国际法制约的其他文书建立的具有独立国际法律人格的组织。

International organizations may include as members, in addition to States, other entities;


(b) “rules of the organization” means, in particular, the constituent instruments, decisions, resolutions and other acts of the international organization adopted in accordance with those instruments, and established practice of the organization;

(b) “该组织的规则具体是指:该组织的宪章性文件、依宪章性文件通过的决定、决议和其他文件及该组织已确立的惯例;

(c) “organ of an international organization” means any person or entity which has that status in accordance with the rules of the organization;

(c) “国际组织的机关是指按照该组织的规则具有该地位的人或实体;

(d) “agent of an international organization” means an official or other person or entity, other than an organ, who is charged by the organization with carrying out, or helping to carry out, one of its functions, and thus through whom the organization acts.

(d) “国际组织的代理人是指该组织的机关以外,受该组织之命行使或帮助行使其某项职能,从而替该组织行事的官员和其他人或实体。



(1) The definition of “international organization” given in article 2, subparagraph (a), is considered as appropriate for the purposes of the present draft articles and is not intended as a definition for all purposes.

(1) 2(a)项中对国际组织所下的定义就本条款草案的目的而言被认为是适当的,并不是适合所有目的的定义。

It outlines certain common characteristics of the international organizations to which the following articles apply.


The same characteristics may be relevant for purposes other than the international responsibility of international organizations.


(2) The fact that an international organization does not possess one or more of the characteristics set forth in article 2, subparagraph (a), and thus is not within the definition for the purposes of the present articles, does not imply that certain principles and rules stated in the following articles do not apply also to that organization.

(2) 一个国际组织由于不具备第2(a)项中所述的一个或一个以上的特征,因此没有被包括在为本条款草案的目的所列的定义中,这并不意味着以下条款中载明的某些原则和规则也不适用于该组织。

(3) Starting with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 23 May 1969, several codification conventions have succinctly defined the term “international organization” as “intergovernmental organization”.

(3) 1969523日的《维也纳条约法公约》 开始,一些编纂公约曾简明地将国际组织定义为政府间组织

In each case the definition was given only for the purposes of the relevant convention and not for all purposes.


The text of some of these codification conventions added some further elements to the definition: for instance, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations of 21 March 1986 only applies to those intergovernmental organizations which have the capacity to conclude treaties.


No additional element would be required in the case of international responsibility apart from possessing an obligation under international law.


However, the adoption of a different definition is preferable for several reasons.


First, it is questionable whether by defining an international organization as an intergovernmental organization one provides much information: it is not even clear whether the term “intergovernmental organization” refers to the constituent instrument or to actual membership.


Second, the term “intergovernmental” is in any case inappropriate to a certain extent, because several important international organizations have been established with the participation also of State organs other than governments.


Third, an increasing number of international organizations include among their members entities other than States as well as States; the term “intergovernmental organization” might be thought to exclude these organizations, although with regard to international responsibility it is difficult to see why one should reach solutions that differ from those applying to organizations of which only States are members.

第三,越来越多国际组织的成员不仅包括国家,也包括国家以外的其他实体;政府间组织一语似乎将这些组织排除在外。 但就国际责任而言,很难看出为什么要找到与那些只拥有国家成员的组织不同的解决方案。

(4) Most international organizations are established by treaties.

(4) 多数国际组织是根据条约建立的。

Thus, a reference in the definition to treaties as constituent instruments reflects prevailing practice.


However, forms of international cooperation are sometimes established without a treaty.


In certain cases, for instance with regard to the Nordic Council, a treaty was subsequently concluded.


In order to cover organizations established by States on the international plane without a treaty, article 2 refers, as an alternative to treaties, to any “other instrument governed by international law”.


This wording is intended to include instruments, such as resolutions adopted by an international organization or by a conference of States.


Examples of international organizations that have been so established include the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH), and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

如此建立的国际组织的例子有泛美地理和历史学会(泛美史地学会) 和石油输出国组织(欧佩克)

(5) The reference to “a treaty or other instrument governed by international law” is not intended to exclude entities other than States from being regarded as members of an international organization.

(5) 提到条约或受国际法制约的其他文书的目的不是要将国家以外的其他实体从国际组织的成员中排除。

This is unproblematic with regard to international organizations which, so long as they have a treaty-making capacity, may well be a party to a constituent treaty.


The situation is likely to be different with regard to entities other than States and international organizations.


However, even if the entity other than a State does not possess treaty-making capacity or cannot take part in the adoption of the constituent instrument, it may be accepted as a member of the organization if the rules of that organization so provide.


(6) The definition in article 2 does not cover organizations that are established through instruments governed by municipal law, unless a treaty or other instrument governed by international law has been subsequently adopted and has entered into force.

(6) 2条的定义不包括通过受国内法管辖的文书建立的组织,除非随后通过了一项受国际法制约的条约或其他文书,并且这项条约或文书已经生效。

Thus the definition does not include organizations such as the World Conservation Union (IUCN), although over 70 States are among its members, or the Institut du Monde Arabe, which was established as a foundation under French law by 20 States.


(7) Article 2 also requires the international organization to possess “international legal personality”.

(7) 2条还要求国际组织拥有国际法律人格

The acquisition of legal personality under international law does not depend on the inclusion in the constituent instrument of a provision such as Article 104 of the United Nations Charter, which reads as follows:


“The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.”


The purpose of this type of provision in the constituent instrument is to impose on the member States an obligation to recognize the organization’s legal personality under their internal laws.


A similar obligation is imposed on the host State when a similar text is included in the headquarters agreement.


(8) The acquisition by an international organization of legal personality under international law is appraised in different ways.

(8) 对一国际组织取得国际法规定的法律人格有不同的看法。

According to one view, the mere existence for an organization of an obligation under international law implies that the organization possesses legal personality.


According to another view, further elements are required.


While the International Court of Justice has not identified particular prerequisites, its dicta on the legal personality of international organizations do not appear to set stringent requirements for this purpose.


In its advisory opinion on the Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt the Court stated:


“International organizations are subjects of international law and, as such, are bound by any obligations incumbent upon them under general rules of international law, under their constitutions or under international agreements to which they are parties.”


In its advisory opinion on the Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict, the Court noted:


“The Court need hardly point out that international organizations are subjects of international law which do not, unlike States, possess a general competence.”


While it may be held that, when making both these statements, the Court had an international organization of the type of the World Health Organization (WHO) in mind, the wording is quite general and appears to take a liberal view of the acquisition by international organizations of legal personality under international law.


(9) In the passages quoted in the previous paragraph, and more explicitly in its advisory opinion on Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations, the Court appeared to favour the view that when legal personality of an organization exists, it is an “objective” personality.

(9) 从前一段引用的段落,以及更明确地从其关于联合国公务中所受伤害的赔偿案的咨询意见中都可以看出,国际法院似乎赞成这样的观点,即当一组织的法律人格存在时,这是一种客观的人格。

Thus, it would not be necessary to enquire whether the legal personality of an organization has been recognized by an injured State before considering whether the organization may be held internationally responsible according to the present articles.


(10) The legal personality of an organization which is a precondition of the international responsibility of that organization needs to be “distinct from that of its member States”.

(10) 一组织的法律人格是该组织的国际责任的前提条件,有必要将之与其成员国的法律人格区别开来

This element is reflected in the requirement in article 2, subparagraph (a), that the international legal personality should be the organization’s “own”, a term that the Commission considers as synonymous with the phrase “distinct from that of its member States”.


The existence for the organization of a distinct legal personality does not exclude the possibility of a certain conduct being attributed both to the organization and to one or more of its members or to all its members.


(11) The second sentence of article 2, subparagraph (a), seeks first of all to emphasize the role that States play in practice with regard to all the international organizations which are covered by the present articles.

(11) 2(a)项第二句的目的首先是要强调各国在与本条款草案涉及的所有国际组织有关的实践中发挥的作用。

This key role was expressed by the International Court of Justice, albeit incidentally, in its advisory opinion on the Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict, in the following sentence:


“International organizations are governed by the ‘principle of speciality’, that is to say, they are invested by the States which create them with powers, the limits of which are a function of the common interests whose promotion those States entrust to them.”


Many international organizations have only States as members.


In other organizations, which have a different membership, the presence of States among the members is essential for the organization to be considered in the present articles.


This requirement is intended to be conveyed by the words “in addition to States”.


(12) The fact that paragraph (a) considers that an international organization “may include as members, in addition to States, other members” does not imply that a plurality of States as members is required.

(12) (a)项认为国际组织的成员除国家以外,还可包括其他实体,这样说并不意味着国家成员必须是若干个。

Thus an international organization may be established by a State and another international organization.


Examples may be provided by the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

塞拉利昂特别法院 和黎巴嫩特别法庭 便是这样的例子。

(13) The presence of States as members may take the form of participation as members by individual State organs or agencies.

(13) 拥有国家成员可以表现为个别国家机关或机构作为成员参与。

Thus, for instance, the Arab States Broadcasting Union, which was established by a treaty, lists “broadcasting organizations” as its full members.


(14) The reference in the second sentence of article 2, subparagraph (a), to entities other than States — such as international organizations, territories or private entities — as additional members of an organization points to a significant trend in practice, in which international organizations increasingly tend to have a mixed membership in order to make cooperation more effective in certain areas.

(14) 2(a)项第二句作为一组织的额外成员提到国家以外的实体,如国际组织、领地 或私人实体 等,这反映出实践中的一个重要趋势,就是,国际组织日益倾向于拥有混合成员,从而在某些领域能实现更有效的合作。

(15) International organizations within the scope of the present articles are significantly varied in their functions, type and size of membership and resources.

(15) 本条款范围内的国际组织,有显着不同的功能、类型和规模的成员和资源。

However, since the principles and rules set forth in the articles are of a general character, they are intended to apply to all these international organizations, subject to special rules of international law that may relate to one or more international organizations.


In the application of these principles and rules, the specific, factual or legal circumstances pertaining to the international organization concerned should be taken into account, where appropriate.


It is clear, for example, that most technical organizations are unlikely to be ever in the position of coercing a State, or that the impact of a certain countermeasure is likely to vary greatly according to the specific character of the targeted organization.


(16) The definition of “rules of the organization” in subparagraph (b) is to a large extent based on the definition of the same term that is included in the 1986 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations and between International Organizations.

(16) (b)项中组织的规则的定义在很大程度上源于《1986年关于国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间的条约法公约的维也纳公约》中所载同一术语的定义。

Apart from a few minor stylistic changes, the definition in subparagraph (b) differs from the one contained in that codification convention only because it refers, together with “decisions” and “resolutions”, to “other acts of the organization”.


This addition is intended to cover more comprehensively the great variety of acts that international organizations adopt.


The words “in particular” have nevertheless been retained, since the rules of the organization may also include such instruments as agreements concluded by the organization with third parties and judicial or arbitral decisions binding the organization.


For the purpose of attribution of conduct, decisions, resolutions and other acts of the organization are relevant, whether they are regarded as binding or not, insofar as they give functions to organs or agents in accordance with the constituent instruments of the organization.


The latter instruments are referred to in the plural, consistently with the wording of the Vienna Convention, although a given organization may well possess a single constituent instrument.

提到的后面几项文书都使用复数,始终与编纂公约的措词方式一致, 不过,某一组织可能的确拥有单一的组成文书。

(17) One important feature of the definition of “rules of the organization” in subparagraph (b) is that it gives considerable weight to practice.

(17) (b)项中的该组织的规则有一个特点,那就是它对惯例相当重视。

The influence that practice may have in shaping the rules of the organization was described in a comment by NATO, which noted that NATO was an organization where “the fundamental internal rule governing the functioning of the organization — that of consensus decision-making — is to be found neither in the treaties establishing NATO nor in any formal rules and is, rather, the result of the practice of the organization”.

北约组织在一项评论中描述了惯例可能对组织规则的形成所产生的影响。 这项评论认为北约本身便是一个这样的组织:约束组织运作的基本内部规则,即协商一致决策规则,既不见于成立北约的条约中,也不见于任何正式规则中,而是该组织惯例的结果

(18) The definition seeks to strike a balance between the rules enshrined in the constituent instruments and formally accepted by the members of the organization, on the one hand, and the need for the organization to develop as an institution, on the other hand.

(18) 这项定义力图在组成文书所载列的、为成员国所正式接受的规则与有关组织作为一个机构有必要取得发展两者之间达到平衡。

As the International Court of Justice said in its advisory opinion on Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations:


“Whereas a State possesses the totality of international rights and duties recognized by international law, the rights and duties of an entity such as the Organization must depend upon its purposes and functions as specified or implied in its constituent documents and developed in practice.”


(19) The definition of “rules of the organization” is not intended to imply that all the rules pertaining to a given international organization are placed at the same level.

(19) 该组织的规则的定义,并不意味着所有有关某一国际组织的规则都处于同一层次。

The rules of the organization concerned will provide, expressly or implicitly, for a hierarchy among the different kinds of rules.


For instance, the acts adopted by an international organization will generally not be able to derogate from its constituent instruments.


(20) A definition of the term “organ [of the organization]” is given in subparagraph (c).

(20) (c)项载述了“[国际组织的]机关的定义。

International organizations show a variety of approaches with regard to the use of this term.


Some constituent instruments contain a list of organs, which may be more or less wide, while in the rules of certain other organizations the term “organ” is not used.

一些宪章性文书开列了或长或短的机关清单, 而其他某些组织的规则不曾使用机关一词。

(21) Notwithstanding this variety of approaches, it is preferable not to adopt a uniform definition which would be at odds with the rules of various organizations.

(21) 尽管做法多种多样,还是最好不制定一个将与各组织的规则相龃龉的统一定义。

The different scope that the term “organ” may have according to the rules of the organization concerned does not affect attribution of conduct to the organization, given the fact that also the conduct of agents is attributed to the organization according to article 6.


Thus, subparagraph (c) refers to the rules of the organization and considers that an organ is “any person or entity which has that status according to the rules of the organization”.


(22) The definition in subparagraph (c) is similar to the one of organ of State, which is given in Article 4, paragraph 2, of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(22) (c)项中的定义类似于国家机关的定义,这见于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第4条第2款。

According to this text, “[a]n organ includes any person or entity which has that status in accordance with the internal law of the State”.


Subparagraph (c) leaves it to the international organization concerned to define its own organs.


(23) Subparagraph (d) provides a definition of the term “agent” which is based on a passage in the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations.

(23) (d)项规定的代理人一词的定义,是基于国际法院对联合国公务中所受伤害赔偿问题的咨询意见中的一段。

When considering the capacity of the United Nations to bring a claim in case of an injury, the Court said:


“The Court understands the word ‘agent’ in the most liberal sense, that is to say, any person who, whether a paid official or not, and whether permanently employed or not, has been charged by an organ of the organization with carrying out, or helping to carry out, one of its functions – in short, any person through whom it acts.”


(24) When the Court referred to one of the functions of the organization, it did not exclude that the agent be charged with carrying out, or helping to carry out, more than one function.

” (24) 当法院提及该组织的某项职能时,它并没有排除代理人负责履行或帮助履行多于一项的职能。

The reference to “one of its functions” in subparagraph (d) should be understood in the same way.


(25) International organizations do not act only through natural persons, whether officials or not.

(25) 国际组织并不光是通过自然人,无论是否官员,采取行动。

Thus, the definition of “agent” also covers all the entities through whom the organization acts.


(26) The definition of “agent” is of particular relevance to the question of attribution of conduct to an international organization.

(26) “代理人的定义是与将行为归于一国际组织特别有关的问题。

It is therefore preferable to develop the analysis of various aspects of this definition in the context of attribution, especially in article 6 and the related commentary.


(27) In order to avoid a possible overlap between the definition of “organ of an international organization” and that of “agent of an international organization”, the latter phrase only covers persons or entities which do not come within the definition under subparagraph (c).

(27) 为了避免国际组织的机关国际组织的代理人在定义上重叠,后一项词语只涵盖(c)项定义未涵盖的人或实体。

Part Two


The internationally wrongful act of an international organization


Chapter I


General principles


Article 3


Responsibility of an international organization for its internationally wrongful acts


Every internationally wrongful act of an international organization entails the international responsibility of that organization.




(1) The general principle, as stated in article 3, applies to whichever entity commits an internationally wrongful act.

(1) 3条中载明的一般原则适用于犯下国际不行行为的任何实体。

The same may be said of the principle stated in article 4.


The formulation of article 3 is modelled on that applicable to States according to the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


There seems to be little reason for formulating these principles in another manner.


It is noteworthy that in a report on peacekeeping operations the United Nations Secretary-General referred to:


“the principle of State responsibility — widely accepted to be applicable to international organizations — that damage caused in breach of an international obligation and which is attributable to the State (or to the Organization) entails the international responsibility of the State (or of the Organization) [… ]”.


(2) The wording of article 3 is identical to that of article 1 of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, but for the replacement of the word “State” with “international organization”.

(2) 3条的措词与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的条款第1条一样,只是将国家改成了国际组织

(3) When an international organization commits a wrongful act, its responsibility is entailed.

(3) 国际组织如实施一项不法行为,便要承担其责任。

One may find a statement of this principle in the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, in which the Court said:


“[…] the Court wishes to point out that the question of immunity from legal process is distinct from the issue of compensation for any damages incurred as a result of acts performed by the United Nations or by its agents acting in their official capacity.


“The United Nations may be required to bear responsibility for the damage arising from such acts.”


(4) The meaning of international responsibility is not defined in article 3, nor is it in the corresponding provisions of the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

” (4) 3条以及国家对国际不法行为的责任条款的相应规定中均没有确定国际责任的含义。

There the consequences of an internationally wrongful act are dealt with in Part Two of the text, which concerns the “content of the international responsibility of a State”.


Also in the present draft articles the content of international responsibility is addressed in further articles (Part Three).


(5) Neither for States nor for international organizations is the legal relationship arising out of an internationally wrongful act necessarily bilateral.

(5) 不论是对于国家还是对于国际组织而言,由国际不法行为引起的法律关系不一定是双边的。

The breach of the obligation may well affect more than one subject of international law or the international community as a whole.


Thus in appropriate circumstances more than one subject may invoke, as an injured subject or otherwise, the international responsibility of an international organization.


(6) The fact that an international organization is responsible for an internationally wrongful act does not exclude the existence of parallel responsibility of other subjects of international law in the same set of circumstances.

(6) 一国际组织对一国际不法行为负有责任这一事实并不排除在同类情况下存在其他国际法主体的平等责任。

For instance, an international organization may have cooperated with a State in the breach of an obligation imposed on both.


Another example may be that of conduct which is simultaneously attributed to an international organization and a State and which entails the international responsibility of both the organization and the State.


Article 4


Elements of an internationally wrongful act of an international organization


There is an internationally wrongful act of an international organization when conduct consisting of an action or omission:


(a) is attributable to that organization under international law; and

(a) 依国际法,该行为可归于该组织;并且

(b) constitutes a breach of an international obligation of that organization.

(b) 该行为构成对该组织国际义务的违反。



(1) Article 4 expresses with regard to international organizations a general principle that applies to every internationally wrongful act, whoever its author.

(1) 4条针对国际组织表述了一项一般原则,这项原则适用于任何国际不法行为,不论该行为是谁所为。

As in the case of States, the attribution of conduct to an international organization is one of the two essential elements for an internationally wrongful act to occur.


The term “conduct” is intended to cover both acts and omissions on the part of the international organization.


The rules pertaining to attribution of conduct to an international organization are set forth in Chapter II.


(2) A second essential element, to be examined in Chapter III, is that conduct constitutes the breach of an obligation under international law.

(2) 第三章中所要审查的第二个基本要素是,行为构成对国际法所规定的义务的违反。

The obligation may result either from a treaty binding the international organization or from any other source of international law applicable to the organization.


As the International Court of Justice noted in its advisory opinion on the Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt, international organizations


“are bound by any obligations incumbent upon them under general rules of international law, under their constitutions or under international agreements to which they are parties”.


A breach is thus possible with regard to any of these international obligations.


(3) Again as in the case of States, damage does not appear to be an element necessary for international responsibility of an international organization to arise.

(3) 此外,同国家的情况一样,损害似乎不是产生一国际组织之国际责任的必要因素。

In most cases an internationally wrongful act will entail material damage.


However, it is conceivable that the breach of an international obligation occurs in the absence of any material damage.


Whether the damage will be required or not depends on the content of the primary obligation.


Article 5


Characterization of an act of an international organization as internationally wrongful


The characterization of an act of an international organization as internationally wrongful is governed by international law.




(1) By setting forth that the characterization of an act of an international organization as internationally wrongful depends on international law, article 5 adapts to international organizations a statement made for States in the first sentence of article 3 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 5条规定在将国际组织的行为定性为国际不法行为时须依照国际法,这是活用了国家对国际不法行为的条款第3条中的第一句话。

This statement may appear obvious and already implied in article 4 of the present draft articles, which refers to international law for determining both whether an action or omission is attributable to an international organization and whether it constitutes a breach of an international obligation.


However, the need to refer to international law in order to characterize an act as internationally wrongful is an important point which warrants a specific statement.


(2) The second sentence in article 3 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts cannot easily be adapted to the case of international organizations.

(2) 关于国家对国际不法行为责任的第3条中的第二句话不易改用于国际组织。

When it says that the characterization of an act as wrongful under international law “is not affected by the characterization of the same act as lawful by internal law”, the sentence emphasizes that internal law, which depends on the unilateral will of the State, may never justify what constitutes the breach by that State of an obligation under international law.


The difficulty in stating a similar principle for international organizations arises from the fact that the rules of an international organization cannot be sharply differentiated from international law.


At least the constituent instrument of the international organization is a treaty or another instrument governed by international law; other rules of the organization may be viewed as part of international law.


(3) When the rules of the organization are part of international law they may affect the characterization of an act as internationally wrongful under international law.

(3) 当组织的规则属于国际法一部分时,这种规则可影响到依国际法将一种行为定性为国际不法行为。

However, while the rules of the organization may affect international obligations for the relations between an organization and its members, they cannot have a similar effect in relation to non-members.


(4) The question of the legal nature and possible effects of the rules of the organization is examined in greater detail to the commentary on article 10, concerning the existence of a breach of an international obligation.

(4) 关于违背国际义务行为的发生的第10条的评注将更详细地讨论组织规则的法律性质和可能效果等问题。

Chapter II


Attribution of conduct to an international organization




(1) According to article 4 of the present articles, attribution of conduct under international law to an international organization is one condition for an international wrongful act of that international organization to arise, the other condition being that the same conduct constitutes a breach of an obligation that exists under international law for the international organization.

(1) 本条款第4条规定:依国际法把行为归于一国际组织是该国际组织出现国际不法行为的一种情况,另一种情况是同一行为构成对该国际组织之国际义务的违反。

Articles 6 to 9 below address the question of attribution of conduct to an international organization.


As stated in article 4, conduct is intended to include actions and omissions.


(2) The responsibility of an international organization may in certain cases arise also when conduct is not attributable to that international organization.

(2) 正如第一章评注中所说明的,在某些情况下,不把行为归于一国际组织,也会引起该国际组织的责任。

In these cases conduct would be attributed to a State or to another international organization.


In the latter case, rules on attribution of conduct to an international organization are also relevant.


(3) Like articles 4 to 11 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, articles 6 to 9 of the present articles deal with attribution of conduct, not with attribution of responsibility.

(3) 与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第4条至第11条一样, 本条款第6条至9条的案文处理的是行为的归属。

Practice often focuses on attribution of responsibility rather than on attribution of conduct.


This is also true of several legal instruments.


For instance, Annex IX of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, after requiring that international organizations and their member States declare their respective competences with regard to matters covered by the Convention, considers in article 6 the question of attribution of responsibility in the following terms:


“Parties which have competence under article 5 of this Annex shall have responsibility for failure to comply with obligations or for any other violation of this Convention.”


Attribution of conduct to the responsible party is not necessarily implied.


(4) Although it may not frequently occur in practice, dual or even multiple attribution of conduct cannot be excluded.

(4) 虽然在实践中不经常发生,还是不能排除行为的双重、甚或多重归属的情况。

Thus, attribution of a certain conduct to an international organization does not imply that the same conduct cannot be attributed to a State; nor does attribution of conduct to a State rule out attribution of the same conduct to an international organization.


One could also envisage conduct being simultaneously attributed to two or more international organizations, for instance when they establish a joint organ and act through that organ.


(5) Like the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the present draft articles only provide positive criteria of attribution.

(5) 与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款一样,本条款草案只提供了正面的归属标准。

Thus, they do not point to cases in which conduct cannot be attributed to the organization.


For instance, the articles do not say, but only imply, that conduct of military forces of States or international organizations is not attributable to the United Nations when the Security Council authorizes States or international organizations to take necessary measures outside a chain of command linking those forces to the United Nations.


(6) Articles 6 to 9 of the present draft articles cover most issues that are dealt with in regard to States in articles 4 to 11 of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(6) 本条款草案第6条至第9条考虑了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第4条至第11条中与国家有关的大多数问题。

However, there is no text in the present articles covering the issues addressed in articles 9 and 10 on State responsibility.


The latter articles relate to conduct carried out in the absence or default of the official authorities, and, to conduct of an insurrectional or other movement.


These cases are unlikely to arise with regard to international organizations, because they presuppose that the entity to which conduct is attributed exercises control of territory.


Although one may find a few examples of an international organization administering territory, the likelihood of any of the above issues becoming relevant in that context appears too remote to warrant a specific provision.

虽然人们可能找到某一国际组织管理领土的一些事例, 任何上述问题在这方面成为相关问题的可能性看来过于微小,不必专门设立一项条款。

It is, however, understood that, should such an issue nevertheless arise in respect of an international organization, one would have to apply to that organization by analogy the pertinent rule which is applicable to States, either article 9 or article 10 of the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(7) Some of the practice which addresses questions of attribution of conduct to international organizations does so in the context of issues of civil liability rather than of issues of responsibility for internationally wrongful acts.

(7) 把行为归于国际组织的问题的一些实践被用于处理民事责任问题,而不是国际不法行为的责任问题。

The said practice is nevertheless relevant for the purpose of attribution of conduct under international law when it states or applies a criterion that is not intended as relevant only to the specific question under consideration, but rather reflects a general understanding of how acts are attributed to an international organization.


Article 6


Conduct of organs or agents of an international organization


1. The conduct of an organ or agent of an international organization in the performance of functions of that organ or agent shall be considered an act of that organization under international law, whatever position the organ or agent holds in respect of the organization.

1. 国际组织的机关或代理人履行该机关或代理人职能的行为,依国际法应视为该组织的行为,不论该机关或代理人相对于该组织而言具有何种地位。

2. The rules of the organization shall apply in the determination of the functions of its organs and agents.

2. 为确定该组织的机关和代理人的职能,适用该组织的规则。



(1) According to article 4 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, attribution of conduct to a State is premised on the characterization as “State organ” of the acting person or entity.

(1) 根据关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第4条, 把行为归于一国基本上是以作为代理人或实体的国家机关的特性为前提的。

However, as the commentary makes clear, attribution could hardly depend on the use of a particular terminology in the internal law of the State concerned.

但是,正如本评注所澄清的, 确定归属很难依赖有关国家国内法中特定术语的使用。

Similar reasoning could be made with regard to the corresponding system of law relating to international organizations.


(2) It is noteworthy that, while some provisions of the Charter of the United Nations use the term “organs”, the International Court of Justice, when dealing with the status of persons acting for the United Nations, considered relevant only the fact that a person had been conferred functions by an organ of the United Nations.

(2) 值得注意的是,虽然联合国宪章的一些规定使用机关的术语, 国际法院在审议代理联合国行事的人的地位时,只认定联合国的机关赋予某一个人职务的事实是相关的。

The Court used the term “agent” and did not consider relevant the fact that the person in question had or did not have an official status.


In its advisory opinion on Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations, the Court noted that the question addressed by the General Assembly concerned the capacity of the United Nations to bring a claim in case of injury caused to one of its agents and said:


“The Court understands the word ‘agent’ in the most liberal sense, that is to say, any person who, whether a paid official or not, and whether permanently employed or not, has been charged by an organ of the organization with carrying out, or helping to carry out, one of its functions – in short, any person through whom it acts.”


In the later advisory opinion on the Applicability of article VI, section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the Court noted that:


“In practice, according to the information supplied by the Secretary-General, the United Nations has had occasion to entrust missions — increasingly varied in nature — to persons not having the status of United Nations officials.”


With regard to privileges and immunities, the Court also said in the same opinion:


“The essence of the matter lies not in their administrative position but in the nature of their mission.”


(3) More recently, in its advisory opinion on Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, the Court noted that in case of:

(3) 最近,法院在论述关于人权委员会特别报告员享有法律程序豁免的争议的咨询意见中指出:

“[…] damages incurred as a result of acts performed by the United Nations or by its agents acting in their official capacity … [t]he United Nations may be required to bear responsibility for the damage arising from such acts.”


Thus, according to the Court, conduct of the United Nations includes, apart from that of its principal and subsidiary organs, acts or omissions of its “agents”.


This term is intended to refer not only to officials but also to other persons acting for the United Nations on the basis of functions conferred by an organ of the organization.


(4) What was said by the International Court of Justice with regard to the United Nations applies more generally to international organizations, most of which act through their organs (whether so defined or not) and a variety of agents to which the carrying out of the organization’s functions is entrusted.

(4) 国际法院有关联合国的评论可更广泛地适用于各国际组织,而大多数国际组织是通过其机关(不论是否如此界定)和受委托行使该组织职能的各种代理人行事的。

As was stated in a decision of the Swiss Federal Council of 30 October 1996:


“As a rule, one attributes to an international organization acts and omissions of its organs of all rank and nature and of its agents in the exercise of their competences.”


(5) The distinction between organs and agents does not appear to be relevant for the purpose of attribution of conduct to an international organization.

” (5) 机关和代理人之间的区别看来与为了把行为归于一国际组织的目的无关。

The conduct of both organs and agents is attributable to the organization.


(6) An organ or agent of an international organization may be an organ or agent who has been seconded by a State or another international organization.

(6) 国际组织的机关或代理人可能是一国或另一国际组织派遣的机关或代理人。

The extent to which the conduct of the seconded organ or agent has to be attributed to the receiving organization is discussed in the commentary on article 7.


(7) The requirement in paragraph 1 that the organ or agent acts “in the performance of functions of that organ or agent” is intended to make it clear that conduct is attributable to the international organization when the organ or agent exercises functions that have been given to that organ or agent, and at any event is not attributable when the organ or agent acts in a private capacity.

(7) 1款中提到这样的事实:机关或代理人履行该机关或代理人的职务是为了表明,当该机关或代理人行使被赋予的职能时,该行为归于该国际组织,当该机关或代理人以私人身份行事时,绝对不能把行为归于该组织。

The question of attribution of ultra vires conduct is addressed in article 8.


(8) According to article 4, paragraph 1, on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, attribution to a State of conduct of an organ takes place “whether the organ exercises legislative, executive, judicial or any other functions, whatever position it holds in the organization of the State, and whatever its character as an organ of the central Government or of a territorial unit of the State”.

(8) 根据关于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第4条第1款,在把一个机关的作为归于一个国家时,不论该机关行使立法、行政、司法职能,还是任何其他职能,不论在国家组织中具有何种地位,也不论它作为该国中央政府机关或一领土机关而具有何种特性

The latter specification could hardly apply to an international organization.


The other elements could be retained, but it is preferable to use simpler wording, also in view of the fact that, while all States may be held to exercise all the above-mentioned functions, organizations vary significantly from one another also in this regard.

其他要素则可予以保留,但可以用简洁的措词加以概括。 另外,鉴于虽然可要求所有国家履行上述的全部职能,但在这方面,各组织的情况可能差别很大。

Thus paragraph 1 simply states “whatever position the organ or agent holds in respect of the organization”.


(9) The international organization concerned establishes which functions are entrusted to each organ or agent.

” (9) 有关国际组织确定将何种职能委托给每一个机关或代理人。

This is generally done, as indicated in paragraph 2, by the “rules of the organization”.


By not making the rules of the organization the only criterion, the wording of paragraph 2 is intended to leave the possibility open that, in exceptional circumstances, functions may be considered as given to an organ or agent even if this could not be said to be based on the rules of the organization.


(10) Article 5 of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts concerns “conduct of persons or entities exercising elements of governmental authority”.

(10) 国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第5条涉及行使政府权力要素的个人或实体的行为

This terminology is generally not appropriate for international organizations.


One would have to express in a different way the link that an entity may have with an international organization.


It is however superfluous to put in the present draft articles an additional provision in order to include persons or entities in a situation corresponding to the one envisaged in article 5 of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


The term “agent” is given in subparagraph (d) of article 2 a wide meaning that adequately covers these persons or entities.


(11) A similar conclusion may be reached with regard to the persons or groups of persons referred to in article 8 of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(11) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第8条中所指的人或人群,可以得出同样的结论。

This provision concerns persons or groups of persons acting in fact on the instructions, or under the direction or control, of a State. Should persons or groups of persons act under the instructions, or the direction or control, of an international organization, they would have to be regarded as agents according to the definition given in subparagraph (d) of article 2.


As was noted above in paragraph (9) of the present commentary, in exceptional cases, a person or entity would be considered, for the purpose of attribution of conduct, as entrusted with functions of the organization, even if this was not pursuant to the rules of the organization.


Article 7


Conduct of organs of a State or organs or agents of an international organization placed at the disposal of another international organization


The conduct of an organ of a State or an organ or agent of an international organization that is placed at the disposal of another international organization shall be considered under international law an act of the latter organization if the organization exercises effective control over that conduct.




(1) When an organ of a State is placed at the disposal of an international organization, the organ may be fully seconded to that organization.

(1) 当一国机关交由一国际组织支配时,该机关可能全部接受该组织调派。

In this case the organ’s conduct would clearly be attributable only to the receiving organization.


The same consequence would apply when an organ or agent of one international organization is fully seconded to another organization.


In these cases, the general rule set out in article 6 would apply.


Article 7 deals with the different situation in which the seconded organ or agent still acts to a certain extent as organ of the seconding State or as organ or agent of the seconding organization.


This occurs for instance in the case of military contingents that a State places at the disposal of the United Nations for a peacekeeping operation, since the State retains disciplinary powers and criminal jurisdiction over the members of the national contingent.


In this situation the problem arises whether a specific conduct of the seconded organ or agent is to be attributed to the receiving organization or to the seconding State or organization.


(2) Since the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts do not use the term “agent” within this context, article 7 only considers the case of an organ of a State being placed at the disposal of the organization.

(2) 由于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款在这方面不使用代理人一词,第7条只是考虑了一国的机关交由国际组织支配的情况。

However, the term “organ”, with reference to a State, has to be understood in a wide sense, as comprising those entities and persons whose conduct is attributable to a State according to articles 5 and 8 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(3) The seconding State or organization may conclude an agreement with the receiving organization over placing an organ or agent at the latter organization’s disposal.

(3) 借出国或组织可以就将一机关或代理人交由后一组织调遣事宜与接受组织缔结一项协定。

The agreement may state which State or organization would be responsible for conduct of that organ or agent.


For example, according to the model contribution agreement relating to military contingents placed at the disposal of the United Nations by one of its Member States, the United Nations is regarded as liable towards third parties, but has a right of recovery from the contributing State under circumstances such as “loss, damage, death or injury [arising] from gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the personnel provided by the Government”.


The agreement appears to deal only with distribution of responsibility and not with attribution of conduct.


At any event, this type of agreement is not conclusive because it governs only the relations between the contributing State or organization and the receiving organization and could thus not have the effect of depriving a third party of any right that that party may have towards the State or organization which is responsible under the general rules.


(4) The criterion for attribution of conduct either to the contributing State or organization or to the receiving organization is based according to article 7 on the factual control that is exercised over the specific conduct taken by the organ or agent placed at the receiving organization’s disposal.

(4) 把行为归于派遣国或派遣组织或归于接受组织的标准,是依第7条交由接受组织调遣的机关或代理人行使实际控制的具体行动为依据。

As was noted in the comment by one State, account needs to be taken of the “full factual circumstances and particular context”.


Article 6 of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts takes a similar approach, although it is differently worded.

国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第6条 采取了类似的处理方式,不过采取了不同的措词方式。

According to the latter article, what is relevant is that “the organ is acting in the exercise of elements of the governmental authority of the State at whose disposal it is placed”.


However, the commentary on article 6 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts explains that, for conduct to be attributed to the receiving State, it must be “under its exclusive direction and control, rather than on instructions from the sending State”. At any event, the wording of article 6 cannot be replicated here, because the reference to “the exercise of elements of governmental authority” is unsuitable to international organizations.


(5) With regard to States, the existence of control has been mainly discussed in relation to the question whether conduct of persons or of groups of persons, especially irregular armed forces, is attributable to a State.

(5) 对于国家来说,控制的存在历来主要是在人或人群的行为,尤其是非正规军的行为,是否归于国家这一问题中讨论的。

In the context of the placing of an organ or agent at the disposal of an international organization, control plays a different role.


It does not concern the issue whether a certain conduct is attributable at all to a State or an international organization, but rather to which entity — the contributing State or organization or the receiving organization — conduct has to be attributed.


(6) The United Nations assumes that in principle it has exclusive control of the deployment of national contingents in a peacekeeping force.

(6) 联合国原则上认为它对维持和平部队的国家特遣队的部署拥有唯一的控制。

This premise led the United Nations Legal Counsel to state:


“As a subsidiary organ of the United Nations, an act of a peacekeeping force is, in principle, imputable to the Organization, and if committed in violation of an international obligation entails the international responsibility of the Organization and its liability in compensation.”


This statement sums up United Nations practice relating to the United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC), the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and later peacekeeping forces.

这项声明总结了联合国关于联合国在刚果的行动(联刚行动), 联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队(联塞部队) 和后来的维持和平部队的做法。

In a recent comment, the United Nations Secretariat observed that “[f]or a number of reasons, notably political”, the practice of the United Nations had been that of “maintaining the principle of United Nations responsibility vis-à-vis third parties” in connection with peacekeeping operations.


(7) Practice relating to peacekeeping forces is particularly significant in the present context because of the control that the contributing State retains over disciplinary and criminal matters.

(7) 在目前情形下,由于派遣国保留对纪律和刑事事项的控制,涉及维和部队的实践特别重要。

This may have consequences with regard to attribution of conduct.


For instance, the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations took the following line with regard to compliance with obligations under the 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora:


“Since the Convention places the responsibility for enforcing its provisions on the States parties and since the troop-contributing States retain jurisdiction over the criminal acts of their military personnel, the responsibility for enforcing the provisions of the Convention rests with those troop-contributing States which are parties to the Convention.”


Attribution of conduct to the contributing State is clearly linked with the retention of some powers by that State over its national contingent and thus on the control that the State possesses in the relevant respect.


(8) As has been held by several scholars, when an organ or agent is placed at the disposal of an international organization, the decisive question in relation to attribution of a given conduct appears to be who has effective control over the conduct in question.

(8) 正如若干学者历来所认为的那样, 当一机关或代理人交由一国际组织处置时,在既定情况下与行为归属有关的关键问题似乎是谁对有关行为具有有效控制。

For instance, it would be difficult to attribute to the United Nations conduct of forces in circumstances such as those described in the report of the commission of inquiry which was established in order to investigate armed attacks on UNOSOM II personnel:


“The Force Commander of UNOSOM II was not in effective control of several national contingents which, in varying degrees, persisted in seeking orders from their home authorities before executing orders of the Forces Command.


Many major operations undertaken under the United Nations flag and in the context of UNOSOM’s mandate were totally outside the command and control of the United Nations, even though the repercussions impacted crucially on the mission of UNOSOM and the safety of its personnel.”


Taking the same approach, the Court of First Instance of Brussels found that the decision by the commander of the Belgian contingent of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) to abandon a de facto refugee camp at Kigali in April 1994 was “taken under the aegis of Belgium and not of UNAMIR”.


(9) The United Nations Secretary-General held that the criterion of the “degree of effective control” was decisive with regard to joint operations:

(9) 联合国秘书长认为,有效控制的程度这一标准对联合行动最为关键:

“The international responsibility of the United Nations for combat-related activities of United Nations forces is premised on the assumption that the operation in question is under the exclusive command and control of the United Nations […


] In joint operations, international responsibility for the conduct of the troops lies where operational command and control is vested according to the arrangements establishing the modalities of cooperation between the State or States providing the troops and the United Nations.


In the absence of formal arrangements between the United Nations and the State or States providing troops, responsibility would be determined in each and every case according to the degree of effective control exercised by either party in the conduct of the operation.”


What has been held with regard to joint operations, such as those involving UNOSOM II and the Quick Reaction Force in Somalia, should also apply to peacekeeping operations, insofar as it is possible to distinguish in their regard areas of effective control respectively pertaining to the United Nations and the contributing State.


While it is understandable that, for the sake of efficiency of military operations, the United Nations insists on claiming exclusive command and control over peacekeeping forces, attribution of conduct should also in this regard be based on a factual criterion.


(10) The European Court of Human Rights considered, first in Behrami and Behrami v. France and Saramati v. France, Germany and Norway, its jurisdiction ratione personae in relation to the conduct of forces placed in Kosovo at the disposal of the United Nations (United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)) or authorized by the United Nations (Kosovo Force (KFOR)).

(10) 欧洲人权法院首先在“BehramiBehrami诉法国“Saramati诉法国、德国和挪威两个案件 中审议了行为归属问题,涉及由联合国支配驻扎在科索沃的部队(联合国科索沃特派团(科索沃特派团))或由联合国授权给驻扎在科索沃的部队(驻科索沃部队(驻科部队))的属人管辖权。

The Court referred to the present work of the International Law Commission and in particular to the criterion of “effective control” that had been provisionally adopted by the Commission.


While not formulating any criticism to this criterion, the Court considered that the decisive factor was whether “the United Nations Security Council retained ultimate authority and control so that operational command only was delegated”.


While acknowledging “the effectiveness or unity of NATO command in operational matters” concerning KFOR, the Court noted that the presence of KFOR in Kosovo was based on a resolution adopted by the Security Council and concluded that “KFOR was exercising lawfully delegated Chapter VII powers of the UNSC so that the impugned action was, in principle, ‘attributable’ to the UN within the meaning of the word outlined [in article 4 of the present articles]”.

该法院虽然承认北约指挥权在军事行动中的效力或统一, 但是指出,驻科部队在科索沃的驻扎是以安全理事会通过的决议为依据,并得出结论认为,驻科部队是在行使联合国安全理事会根据第七章合法下放的权力,因此,按照[本条款草案第4条所述]‘可归于一词的含义,被质疑的行动在原则上可归于联合国

One may note that, when applying the criterion of effective control, “operational” control would seem more significant than “ultimate” control, since the latter hardly implies a role in the act in question.


It is therefore not surprising that in his report of June 2008 on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, the United Nations Secretary-General distanced himself from the latter criterion and stated: “It is understood that the international responsibility of the United Nations will be limited in the extent of its effective operational control.”

行动上意味着任何作用。 难怪联合国秘书长会在20086月关于联合国驻科索沃过渡时期行政代表团的报告中与最终控制的标准保持距离,从而指出:人们理解,联合国的国际责任将在有效的行动控制方面,受到限制

(11) In Kasumaj v. Greece and Gajić v. Germany the European Court of Human Rights reiterated its view concerning the attribution to the United Nations of conduct taken by national contingents allocated to KFOR.

(11) “Kasumaj诉希腊“Gajić诉德国两个案件中,欧洲人权法院重申了关于把派到驻科部队的国家特遣队的行为归于联合国的意见。

Likewise in Berić and others v. Bosnia and Herzegovina the same Court quoted verbatim and at length its previous decision in Behrami and Saramati when reaching the conclusion that the conduct of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina had to be attributed to the United Nations.

同样,在Berić及其他人诉波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那一案 中,该法院逐字长篇引用了它以前关于BehramiSaramati两个案件的裁决,同样得出结论认为,必须把波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那高级代表的行为归于联合国。

(12) Also the decision of the House of Lords in Al-Jedda contained ample references to the present work of the Commission.

(12) 英国上议院在Al-Jedda一案中作出的裁决也大量引用了委员会目前所做的工作。

One of the majority opinions stated that “[i]t was common ground between the parties that the governing principle [was] that expressed by the International Law Commission in article [7] of its draft articles on Responsibility of International Organizations”.


The House of Lords was confronted with a claim arising from the detention of a person by British troops in Iraq.


In its resolution 1546 (2004) the Security Council had previously authorized the presence of the multinational force in that country.


The majority opinions appeared to endorse the views expressed by the European Court of Human Rights in Behrami and Saramati, but distinguished the facts of the case and concluded that it could not “realistically be said that US and UK forces were under the effective command and control of the UN, or that UK forces were under such command and control when they detained the appellant”.


This conclusion appears to be in line with the way in which the criterion of effective control was intended.


(13) After the judgment of the House of Lords an application was made by Mr. Al-Jedda to the European Court of Human Rights.

(13) 英国上议院判决之后,Al-Jedda先生向欧洲人权法院提出了申诉。

In Al-Jedda v. United Kingdom this Court quoted several texts concerning attribution, including the article (identical to the present article) which had been adopted by the Commission at first reading and some paragraphs of the commentary.


The Court considered that “the United Nations Security Council had neither effective control nor ultimate authority and control over the acts and omissions of foreign troops within the Multi-National Force and that the applicant’s detention was not, therefore, attributable to the United Nations”.


The Court unanimously concluded that the applicant’s detention had to be attributed to the respondent State.


(14) The question of attribution was also considered in a judgement of the District Court of The Hague concerning the attribution of the conduct of the Dutch contingent in the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in relation to the massacre in Srebrenica.

(14) 海牙地区法院的一项判决也考虑了归属问题,该项判决涉及联合国保护部队(联保部队)中的荷兰特遣队与斯雷布雷尼察屠杀有关的行为的归属问题。

This judgment contained only a general reference to the Commission’s articles.


The Court found that “the reprehended acts of Dutchbat should be assessed as those of an UNPROFOR contingent” and that “these acts and omissions should be attributed strictly, as a matter of principle, to the United Nations”.


The Court then considered that if “Dutchbat was instructed by the Dutch authorities to ignore UN orders or to go against them, and Dutchbat behaved in accordance with this instruction from the Netherlands, this constitutes a violation of the factual basis on which the attribution to the UN rests.


” The Court did not find that there was sufficient evidence for reaching such a conclusion.


On appeal from the judgement of the District Court the Court of Appeal of The Hague referred to the draft article (identical to the present article) which had been adopted by the Commission at first reading.


The Court applied the criterion of “effective control” to the circumstances of the case and reached the conclusion that the respondent State was responsible for its involvement in the events at Srebrenica which had led to the killing of three Bosnian Muslim men after they had been evicted from the compound of Dutchbat.


(15) The principles applicable to peacekeeping forces may be extended to other State organs placed at the disposal of the United Nations, such as disaster relief units, about which the United Nations Secretary-General wrote:

(15) 适用于维持和平部队的原则可延伸到交由联合国支配的其他国家机关。 如救灾单位,对此联合国秘书长写道:

“If the disaster relief unit is itself established by the United Nations, the unit would be a subsidiary organ of the United Nations.


A disaster relief unit of this kind would be similar in legal status to, for example, the United Nations Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) […]”


(16) Similar conclusions would have to be reached in the rarer case that an international organization places one of its organs at the disposal of another international organization.

(16) 对一国际组织将其机关交由另一国际组织支配这一较少见的情况,也可以得出类似的结论。

An example is provided by the Pan American Sanitary Conference, which, as a result of an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), serves “respectively as the Regional Committee and the Regional Office of the World Health Organization for the Western Hemisphere, within the provisions of the Constitution of the World Health Organization”.


The Legal Counsel of WHO noted that:


“On the basis of that arrangement, acts of PAHO and of its staff could engage the responsibility of WHO.”


Article 8


Excess of authority or contravention of instructions


The conduct of an organ or agent of an international organization shall be considered an act of that organization under international law if the organ or agent acts in an official capacity and within the overall functions of that organization, even if the conduct exceeds the authority of that organ or agent or contravenes instructions.




(1) Article 8 deals with ultra vires conduct of organs or agents of an international organization.

(1) 8条载述国际组织的机关或代理人的越权行为。

Ultra vires conduct may be within the competence of the organization, but exceed the authority of the acting organ or agent.


It also may exceed the competence of the organization, in which case it will also exceed the authority of the organ or of the agent who performed it.

越权行为也可能超越该组织的权限, 在这种情况下,越权行为必然也逾越办事的机关或代理人的权力。

(2) Article 8 has to be read in the context of the other provisions relating to attribution, especially article 6.

(2) 8条必须结合与其行为归属有关的其他条文,尤其是第6条来解读。

It is to be understood that, in accordance with article 6, organs and agents are persons and entities exercising functions of the organization.


Apart from exceptional cases (paragraph (11) of the commentary on article 6) the rules of the organization, as defined in article 2, subparagraph (b), will govern the issue whether an organ or agent has authority to undertake a certain conduct.


It is implied that instructions are relevant to the purpose of attribution of conduct only if they are binding the organ or agent.


Also in this regard the rules of the organization will generally be decisive.


(3) The wording of article 8 closely follows that of article 7 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(3) 8条的措词方式密切地依循着国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第7条的措词方式。

One textual difference is due to the fact that the latter article takes the wording of articles 4 and 5 on State responsibility into account and thus considers the ultra vires conduct of “an organ of a State or a person or entity empowered to exercise elements of governmental authority”, while the present article only needs to be aligned with article 6 and thus more simply refers to “an organ or an agent of an international organization”.


(4) The key element for attribution in article 7 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts is the requirement that the organ or agent acts “in that capacity”.

(4) 国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第7条和目前条文的关键要素都是以以该身份行事的机关作为必要条件。

This wording is intended to convey the need for a close link between the ultra vires conduct and the organ’s or agent’s functions.


As was said in the commentary on article 7 on State responsibility, the text “indicates that the conduct referred to comprises only the actions and omissions of organs purportedly or apparently carrying out their official functions, and not the private actions or omissions of individuals who happen to be organs or agents of the State”.


In order to make this point clearer, the present article expressly specifies the requirement that the organ or agent of an international organization “acts in an official capacity and within the overall functions of that organization”.


(5) Article 8 only concerns attribution of conduct and does not prejudice the question whether an ultra vires act is valid or not under the rules of the organization.

(5) 8条只涉及行为归属,不影响越权行为是否有效或不符合该组织的规则的问题。

Even if the act was considered to be invalid, it may entail the responsibility of the organization. The need to protect third parties requires attribution not to be limited to acts that are regarded as valid.


(6) The possibility of attributing to an international organization acts that an organ takes ultra vires has been admitted by the International Court of Justice in its advisory opinion on Certain expenses of the United Nations, in which the Court said:

(6) 国际法院在关于联合国某些费用的咨询意见中接受了将某一机关越权采取的行为归于某一国际组织的可能性,它表示:

“If it is agreed that the action in question is within the scope of the functions of the Organization but it is alleged that it has been initiated or carried out in a manner not in conformity with the division of functions among the several organs which the Charter prescribes, one moves to the internal plane, to the internal structure of the Organization.


If the action was taken by the wrong organ, it was irregular as a matter of that internal structure, but this would not necessarily mean that the expense incurred was not an expense of the Organization.


Both national or international law contemplate cases in which the body corporate or politic may be bound, as to third parties, by an ultra vires act of an agent.”


The fact that the Court considered that the United Nations would have to bear expenses deriving from ultra vires acts of an organ reflects policy considerations that appear even stronger in relation to wrongful conduct. Denying attribution of conduct may deprive third parties of all redress, unless conduct could be attributed to a State or to another organization.


(7) A distinction between the conduct of organs and officials and that of other agents would find little justification in view of the limited significance that the distinction carries in the practice of international organizations.

(7) 将机关行为和官员行为与受权履行组织部分职能的人员的行为相区分,这没有什么理由,因为这种区分对国际组织的实践意义有限。

The International Court of Justice appears to have asserted the organization’s responsibility for ultra vires acts also of persons other than officials.


In its advisory opinion on Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, the Court stated:


“[…] it need hardly be said that all agents of the United Nations, in whatever official capacity they act, must take care not to exceed the scope of their functions, and should so comport themselves as to avoid claims against the United Nations.”


One obvious reason why an agent — in this case an expert on mission — should take care not to exceed the scope of his or her functions in order to avoid that claims be preferred against the organization is that the organization could well be held responsible for the agent’s conduct.


(8) The rule stated in article 8 also finds support in the following statement of the General Counsel of the International Monetary Fund:

(8) 8条中所述规则也在国际货币基金组织总法律顾问的下列声明中得到支持:

“Attribution may apply even though the official exceeds the authority given to him, he failed to follow rules or he was negligent. However, acts of an official that were not performed in his official capacity would not be attributable to the organization.”


(9) Practice of international organizations confirms that ultra vires conduct of an organ or agent is attributable to the organization when that conduct is linked with the organ’s or agent’s official functions.

(9) 国际组织的实践证实,当行为与机关或代理人的官方职能有关时,一机关或代理人的越权行为可归于组织。

This appears to underlie the position taken by the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations in a memorandum concerning claims involving off-duty acts of members of peacekeeping forces:


“United Nations policy in regard to off-duty acts of the members of peacekeeping forces is that the Organization has no legal or financial liability for death, injury or damage resulting from such acts […


] We consider the primary factor in determining an ‘off-duty’ situation to be whether the member of a peacekeeping mission was acting in a nonofficial/non-operational capacity when the incident occurred and not whether he/she was in military or civilian attire at the time of the incident or whether the incident occurred inside or outside the area of operation […


] [W]ith regard to United Nations legal and financial liability a member of the Force on a state of alert may nonetheless assume an offduty status if he/she independently acts in an individual capacity, not attributable to the performance of official duties, during that designated ‘state-of-alert’ period.


[… ] [W]e wish to note that the factual circumstances of each case vary and, hence, a determination of whether the status of a member of a peacekeeping mission is on duty or off duty may depend in part on the particular factors of the case, taking into consideration the opinion of the Force Commander or Chief of Staff.”


While the “off-duty” conduct of a member of a national contingent would not be attributed to the organization, the “on-duty” conduct may be so attributed. One would then have to examine whether the ultra vires conduct in question is related to the functions entrusted to the person concerned.

一国特遣队中某一成员在公务时间外的行为不归于本组织, 但公务时间内的行为则可归于本组织,尽管我们不得不考虑任何越权行为与授予此人的职能之间有何种关系。

(10) The fact that conduct is taken by an organ or agent off duty does not necessarily exclude the responsibility of the international organization if the latter breached an obligation of prevention that may exist under international law.

(10) 某一机关或代理人在公务时间之外作出了某项行为,这一点并不一定排除国际组织的责任,如果后者违背了按照国际法可能存在的义务。

This is likely to be the situation to which the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations referred in 1974 when it considered, with reference to off-duty conduct of members of UNEF, that “there may well be situations involving actions by Force members off duty which the United Nations could appropriately recognise as engaging its responsibility”.


Article 9


Conduct acknowledged and adopted by an international organization as its own


Conduct which is not attributable to an international organization under articles 6 to 8 shall nevertheless be considered an act of that organization under international law if and to the extent that the organization acknowledges and adopts the conduct in question as its own.




(1) Article 9 concerns the case in which an international organization “acknowledges and adopts” as its own a certain conduct which would not be attributable to that organization under the preceding articles.

(1) 9条涉及一国际组织将按照前述条文不归于该组织的行为承认和当作其自身行为的情况。

Attribution is then based on the attitude taken by the organization with regard to a certain conduct.


The reference to the “extent” reflects the possibility that acknowledgement and adoption relate only to part of the conduct in question.


(2) Article 9 mirrors the content of article 11 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, which is identically worded but for the reference to a State instead of an international organization.

(2) 9条反映了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第11条的内容。 措词方式相同,但所指的是一个国家而不是一个国际组织。

As the commentary on article 11 explains, attribution can be based on acknowledgement and adoption of conduct also when that conduct “may not have been attributable”.


In other words, the criterion of attribution now under consideration may be applied even when it has not been established whether attribution may be effected on the basis of other criteria.


(3) In certain instances of practice, relating both to States and to international organizations, it may not be clear whether what is involved by the acknowledgement is attribution of conduct or responsibility.

(3) 在同时涉及国家和国际组织的若干实践的情况下,承认和当作自身行为所涉及的是否在行为上归属或责任上归属,可能并不明确。

This is not altogether certain, for instance, with regard to the following statement made on behalf of the European Community in the oral pleading before a WTO panel in the case European Communities – Customs Classification of Certain Computer Equipment. The European Community declared that it was:

例如,在欧洲共同体发表的声明中,这一点并不完全确定。 在欧洲共同体关于某些计算机设备关税分类一案中,欧共体向世贸组织小组提出的口头诉状宣称:

“ready to assume the entire international responsibility for all measures in the area of tariff concessions, whether the measure complained about has been taken at the EC level or at the level of Member States”.


(4) The question of attribution was clearly addressed by a decision of Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Prosecutor v. Dragan Nikolić.

(4) 一个更明显的案例是前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭第二审判分庭的一项裁决。

The question was raised whether the arrest of the accused was attributable to the Stabilization Force (SFOR).

在检察官诉Dragan Nikolić一案中,该分庭审议了将被告被捕归于稳定部队问题。

The Chamber first noted that the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts were “not binding on States”. It then referred to article 57 and observed that the articles were “primarily directed at the responsibility of States and not at those of international organizations or entities”.


However, the Chamber found that, “[p]urely as general legal guidance”, it would “use the principles laid down in the draft articles insofar as they may be helpful for determining the issue at hand”.


This led the Chamber to quote extensively article 11 and the related commentary.


The Chamber then added:


“The Trial Chamber observes that both Parties use the same and similar criteria of ‘acknowledgement’, ‘adoption’, ‘recognition’, ‘approval’ and ‘ratification’, as used by the ILC.


The question is therefore whether on the basis of the assumed facts SFOR can be considered to have ‘acknowledged and adopted’ the conduct undertaken by the individuals ‘as its own’”.


The Chamber concluded that SFOR’s conduct did not “amount to an ‘adoption’ or ‘acknowledgement’ of the illegal conduct ‘as their own’”.


(5) No policy reasons appear to militate against applying to international organizations the criterion for attribution based on acknowledgement and adoption.

(5) 似乎没有任何政策上的理由足以妨碍对国际组织适用以承认和当作自身行为的方式确定行为归属的标准。

The question may arise regarding the competence of the international organization in making that acknowledgement and adoption, and concerning which organ or agent would be competent to do so.


Although the existence of a specific rule is highly unlikely, the rules of the organization govern also this issue.


Chapter III


Breach of an international obligation




(1) Articles 6 to 9 of the present draft articles address the question of attribution of conduct to an international organization.

(1) 本条款草案第6条至第9条处理将行为归于一国际组织的问题。

According to article 4, attribution of conduct is one of the two conditions for an internationally wrongful act of an international organization to arise.


The other condition is that the same conduct “constitutes a breach of an international obligation of that organization”.


This condition is examined in the present Chapter.


(2) As specified in article 4, conduct of an international organization may consist of “an action or omission”.

(2) 正如第4条所说明的,一国际组织的行为可以说是作为或不作为

An omission constitutes a breach when the international organization is under an international obligation to take some positive action and fails to do so.


A breach may also consist in an action that is inconsistent with what the international organization is required to do, or not to do, under international law.


(3) To a large extent, the four articles included in the present Chapter correspond, in their substance and wording, to articles 12 to 15 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(3) 在很大程度上,本章中所包含的四个条文就其实质内容和措词方式来说,与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第12条至第15条相对应。

Those articles express principles of a general nature that appear to be applicable to the breach of an international obligation on the part of any subject of international law.


There would thus be little reason to take a different approach in the present articles, although available practice relating to international organizations is limited with regard to the various issues addressed in the present Chapter.


Article 10


Existence of a breach of an international obligation


1. There is a breach of an international obligation by an international organization when an act of that international organization is not in conformity with what is required of it by that obligation, regardless of the origin or character of the obligation concerned.

1. 如果国际组织的行为不符合国际义务对它的要求,该组织即违反了该国际义务,不论该义务的起源或特性为何。

2. Paragraph 1 includes the breach of an international obligation that may arise for an international organization towards its members under the rules of the organization.

2. 1款也适用于一国际组织违反其依组织规则对成员的义务的情况。



(1) The wording of paragraph 1 corresponds to that of article 12 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the replacement of the term “State” with “international organization”.

(1) 1款的措词与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第12条对应, 只是将国家改为国际组织

(2) As in the case of State responsibility, the term “international obligation” means an obligation under international law “regardless of the origin” of the obligation concerned.

(2) 与论及国家责任时的情形一样,国际义务指国际法规定的义务,而不论有关义务的起源为何

As mentioned in the commentary on article 12 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, this is intended to convey that the international obligation “may be established by a customary rule of international law, by a treaty or by a general principle applicable within the international legal order”.

正如国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第12条的评注提到了的, 这是为了表达这样的意思:国际义务可由国际法的习惯规则、条约或国际法律秩序内适用的一般原则确定

(3) An international obligation may be owed by an international organization to the international community as a whole, one or several States, whether members or non-members, another international organization or other international organizations and any other subject of international law.

(3) 国际组织的国际义务可能是对整个国际社会、一个或数个国家(无论是成员或非成员)、另一个或另一些国际组织以及任何其他国际法主体承担的义务。

(4) For an international organization many obligations are likely to arise from the rules of the organization, which are defined in article 2, subparagraph (b), of the present articles as meaning “in particular, the constituent instruments, decisions, resolutions and other acts of the organization adopted in accordance with those instruments, and established practice of the organization”.

(4) 对一国际组织来说,义务可能多半来源于该组织的规则,第2(b)项对此所下的定义是:具体是指:该组织的宪章性文件、依宪章性文件通过的决定、决议和其他文件及该组织已确立的惯例

While it may seem superfluous to state that obligations arising from the constituent instruments or binding acts that are based on those instruments are indeed international obligations, the practical importance of obligations under the rules of the organization makes it preferable to dispel any doubt that breaches of these obligations are also covered by the present articles.


The wording in paragraph 2 is intended to include any international obligation that may arise from the rules of the organization.


(5) The question may be raised whether all the obligations arising from rules of the organization are to be considered as international obligations.

(5) 人们可能会问,是否应将组织规则引起的所有义务都视为国际义务呢?

The legal nature of the rules of the organization is to some extent controversial.


Many consider that the rules of treaty-based organizations are part of international law.


Some authors have held that, although international organizations are established by treaties or other instruments governed by international law, the internal law of the organization, once it has come into existence, does not form part of international law.


Another view, which finds support in practice, is that international organizations that have achieved a high degree of integration are a special case.

得到实践支持的另一种意见 认为,已经实现高度一体化的国际组织应该属于特殊情况。

A further view would draw a distinction according to the source and subject matter of the rules of the organization, and exclude, for instance, certain administrative regulations from the domain of international law.


(6) The question of the nature of a particular rule of the organization was addressed by the International Court of Justice in its advisory opinion on Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo.

(6) 国际法院在其关于科索沃单方面宣布独立符合国际法的咨询意见中论述了组织规则的性质问题。

In the context of the question referred to it, the Court considered the legal nature of the Constitutional Framework adopted by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General “on the basis of the authority derived from Security Council resolution 1244 (1999), notably its paragraphs 6, 10 and 11, and thus ultimately from the United Nations Charter”.


The Court noted:


“The Constitutional Framework derives its binding force from the binding character of resolution 1244 (1999) and thus from international law.

《宪法框架》的约束力源于第1244 (1999)号决议因而源于国际法的约束性质。

In that sense it therefore possesses an international legal character.


At the same time, the Court observes that the Constitutional Framework functions as part of a specific legal order, created pursuant to resolution 1244 (1999), which is applicable only in Kosovo and the purpose of which is to regulate, during the interim phase established by resolution 1244 (1999), matters which would ordinarily be the subject of internal, rather than international, law.”

同时,法院指出,《宪法框架》是作为依第1244 (1999)号决议而创立的一种特定的法律秩序的一部分而起作用的,它仅适用于科索沃,其目的是在第1244 (1999)号决议所确立的临时时期调整通常属于国内法而不是国际法所调整的事项。

The Court concluded on this point that “Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) and the Constitutional Framework form part of the international law which is to be considered in replying to the question posed by the General Assembly in its request for the advisory opinion.”

法院就这一点得出结论认为,安全理事会第1244 (1999)号决议和《宪法框架》构成国际法的一部分,在回答大会关于咨询意见的请求时须考虑到这一点。

(7) Although the question of the legal nature of the rules of the organization is far from theoretical for the purposes of the present draft articles, since it affects the applicability of the principles of international law with regard to responsibility for breaches of certain obligations arising from the rules of the organization, paragraph 2 does not attempt to express a clear-cut view on the issue.

(7) 虽然就本条款来说,组织规则的法律性质远远不是理论性的,因为这在违背组织规则引起的义务的责任方面影响到国际法原则的可适用性,但第2款并不试图对这个问题表示明确的看法。

It simply intends to say that, to the extent that an obligation arising from the rules of the organization has to be regarded as an obligation under international law, the principles expressed in the present article apply.


Breaches of obligations under the rules of the organization are not always breaches of obligations under international law.


(8) Paragraph 2 refers to the international obligations arising “for an international organization towards its members”, because these are the largest category of international obligations flowing from the rules of the organization.

(8) 2款提到国际组织违反其依组织规则对成员的义务的情况,因为这些义务属于由组织规则产生的最多的一类国际义务。

This reference is not intended to exclude the possibility that other rules of the organization may form part of international law.


(9) The rules of an organization may prescribe specific treatment of breaches of international obligations, also with regard to the question of the existence of a breach.

(9) 一组织的原则可能对违背义务乃至违背义务行为的发生规定专门的处理办法。

This does not need to be stated in article 10, because it could be adequately covered by the general provision on lex specialis (art. 64), which points to the possible existence of special rules on any of the matters covered by the present draft articles.


These special rules do not necessarily prevail over principles set out in the present draft articles.


For instance, with regard to the existence of a breach of an international obligation, a special rule of the organization would not affect breaches of obligations that an international organization may owe to a non-member State.


Nor would special rules affect obligations arising from a higher source, irrespective of the identity of the subject to whom the international organization owes the obligation.


(10) As explained in the commentary on article 12 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the reference in paragraph 1 to the character of the obligation concerns the “various classifications of international obligations”.

(10) 国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第12条评注中解释过, 第1款提到的义务特性涉及国际义务的各种类别

(11) Obligations existing for an international organization may relate in a variety of ways to conduct of its member States or international organizations.

(11) 一国际组织现有的义务可能以多种不同的方式与其成员国或成员国际组织的行为发生关系。

For instance, an international organization may have acquired an obligation to prevent its member States from carrying out a certain conduct.


In this case, the conduct of member States would not per se involve a breach of the obligation.


The breach would consist in the failure, on the part of the international organization, to comply with its obligation of prevention. Another possible combination of the conduct of an international organization with that of its member States occurs when the organization is under an obligation to achieve a certain result, irrespective of whether the necessary conduct will be taken by the organization itself or by one or more of its member States.


Article 11


International obligation in force for an international organization


An act of an international organization does not constitute a breach of an international obligation unless the organization is bound by the obligation in question at the time the act occurs.




Given the fact that no specific issue appears to affect the application to international organizations of the principle expressed in article 13 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the term “State” is simply replaced by “international organization” in the title and text of the present article.

由于没有任何具体问题会影响国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第13条中所示原则对国际组织的适用, 所以只在本条草案的标题和案文中将国家一词改为国际组织

Article 12


Extension in time of the breach of an international obligation


1. The breach of an international obligation by an act of an international organization not having a continuing character occurs at the moment when the act is performed, even if its effects continue.

1. 国际组织的非持续性行为违反一项国际义务时,该行为发生的时刻即为违反义务行为发生的时刻,即使该行为的影响继续存在。

2. The breach of an international obligation by an act of an international organization having a continuing character extends over the entire period during which the act continues and remains not in conformity with that obligation.

2. 国际组织的持续性行为违反一项国际义务时,该行为持续并始终违反该项义务的整个期间即为违反义务行为延续的时间。

3. The breach of an international obligation requiring an international organization to prevent a given event occurs when the event occurs and extends over the entire period during which the event continues and remains not in conformity with that obligation.

3. 如果一项国际义务要求一国际组织防止一特定事件的发生,则该事件发生的时刻即为违反义务行为发生的时刻,而该事件持续进行并始终违反该项义务的整个期间即为违反义务行为延续的时间。



Similar considerations to those made in the commentary on article 11 apply in the case of the present article.


The text corresponds to that of article 14 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the replacement of the term “State” with “international organization”.

其案文与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第14条相对应, 只是将国家一词改为国际组织

Article 13


Breach consisting of a composite act


1. The breach of an international obligation by an international organization through a series of actions and omissions defined in aggregate as wrongful occurs when the action or omission occurs which, taken with the other actions or omissions, is sufficient to constitute the wrongful act.

1. 国际组织通过被一并定义为不法行为的一系列作为和不作为违反国际义务的情事,发生于一作为或不作为发生的时刻,该作为或不作为连同其他作为或不作为看待,足以构成不法行为。

2. In such a case, the breach extends over the entire period starting with the first of the actions or omissions of the series and lasts for as long as these actions or omissions are repeated and remain not in conformity with the international obligation.

2. 在此种情况下,自该系列作为和不作为中的第一个作为或不作为开始,这些作为或不作为反复发生并始终违反该项国际义务的整个期间,即为违反义务行为延续的时间。



The observation made in the commentary on article 11 also applies with regard to the present article.


This corresponds to article 15 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the replacement of the term “State” with “international organization” in paragraph 1.

这一条与国家对国际不法行为的行为的责任条款第15条相对应, 只是在第1款中将国家一词改为国际组织

Chapter IV


Responsibility of an international organization in connection with the act of a State or another international organization




(1) Articles 16 to 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts cover the cases in which a State aids or assists, directs and controls, or coerces another State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act.

(1) 国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第16至第18条 涉及一国援助或协助、指挥和控制、或胁迫另一国实施其国际不法行为的情况。

Article 16 was described as “reflecting a customary rule” by the International Court of Justice in its judgment on the merits in Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia v. Serbia).


Parallel situations could be envisaged with regard to international organizations.


For instance, an international organization may aid or assist a State or another international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act.


For the purposes of international responsibility, there would be no reason for distinguishing the case of an international organization aiding or assisting a State or another international organization from that of a State aiding or assisting another State.


Thus, even if available practice with regard to international organizations is limited, there is some justification for including in the present articles provisions that are parallel to articles 16 to 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(2) The pertinent provisions on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts are based on the premise that aid or assistance, direction and control, and coercion do not affect attribution of conduct to the State which is aided or assisted, under the direction or control, or under coercion.

(2) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的有关条款是基于下述前提:援助或协助、指挥和控制、以及胁迫均不影响将行为归于被援助或协助、受指挥或控制、或受胁迫的国家。

It is that State which commits an internationally wrongful act, although in the case of coercion wrongfulness could be excluded, while the other State is held responsible not for having actually committed the wrongful act but for its causal contribution to the commission of the act.


(3) The relations between an international organization and its member States or international organizations may allow the former organization to influence the conduct of members also in cases that are not envisaged in articles 16 to 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(3) 一国际组织与其成员国或成员国际组织之间的关系可容许前一组织在国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第16条至第18条没有设想到的情形下影响其成员的行为。

Some international organizations have the power to take decisions binding their members, while most organizations may only influence their members’ conduct through non-binding acts.


The consequences that this type of relation, which does not have a parallel in the relations between States, may entail with regard to an international organization’s responsibility is also examined in the present Chapter.


(4) The question of an international organization’s international responsibility in connection with the act of a State has been discussed in several cases before international tribunals or other bodies, but has not been examined by those tribunals or bodies because of lack of jurisdiction ratione personae.

(4) 国际组织对一国行为的责任问题已经在国际法庭或其他机关审理若干案件过程中讨论过,但由于缺乏属人管辖权,还不曾由这些法庭或机关正式审理过。

Reference should be made in particular to the following cases: M. & Co. v. Germany before the European Commission of Human Rights; Cantoni v. France, Matthews v. United Kingdom, Senator Lines v. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, and Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm ve Ticaret AS v. Ireland before the European Court of Human Rights; and H.v.d.P. v. Netherlands before the Human Rights Committee.

应该具体提到下列案件:欧洲人权委员会的M. & Co.诉德国案;欧洲人权法院的Cantoni诉法国案、 Matthews诉联合王国案 和参议员集装箱航运公司诉奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典和联合王国案 和玻斯福鲁斯空运公司诉爱尔兰案;以及人权事务委员会的H.v.d.P.诉荷兰案。

In the latter case, a communication concerning the conduct of the European Patent Office was held to be inadmissible, because that conduct could not,


“in any way, be construed as coming within the jurisdiction of the Netherlands or of any other State party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol thereto”.


Article 14


Aid or assistance in the commission of an internationally wrongful act


An international organization which aids or assists a State or another international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the State or the latter organization is internationally responsible for doing so if:


(a) the organization does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and

(a) 该组织这样做时知道该不法行为的情况,而且

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that organization.

(b) 该行为若由该组织实施会构成国际不法行为。



(1) The international responsibility that an entity may incur under international law for aiding or assisting another entity in the commission of an internationally wrongful act does not appear to depend on the nature and character of the entities concerned.

(1) 一个实体因援助或协助另一实体实施国际不法行为而引起国际责任,这一点似不取决于有关实体的性质。

Thus, notwithstanding the limited practice specifically relating to international organizations, the rules applicable to the relations between States should also apply when an international organization aids and assists a State or another international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act.


(2) Article 14 only introduces a few changes in relation to article 16 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 相对于关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第16条而言,第14条仅引进了一部分变动。

The reference to the case in which a State aids or assists another State has been modified in order to refer to an international organization aiding or assisting a State or another international organization.


(3) Article 14 sets forth certain conditions for aid or assistance to give rise to the international responsibility of an aiding or assisting international organization.

(3) 14条规定了援助或协助引起提供援助或协助的国际组织的国际责任的条件。

The first requirement is “knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act”.


As was noted in the commentary on article 16 on State responsibility, if the “assisting or aiding State is unaware of the circumstances in which its aid or assistance is intended to be used by the other State, it bears no international responsibility”.


(4) In the commentary on article 16 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, it is also stated as a requirement that “the relevant State organ intended, by the aid or assistance given, to facilitate the occurrence of the wrongful conduct and the internationally wrongful conduct is actually committed by the aided or assisted State”.

(4) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第16条的评注也表示,作为一项要求,有关国家机关意图通过给予援助或协助以促使不法行为的发生,国际不法行为实际上是由援助或协助的国家实施的

Moreover, for international responsibility to arise, aid or assistance should contribute “significantly” to the commission of the act.


(5) According to article 14, the aiding or assisting international organization only incurs international responsibility if the “act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that organization”.

(5) 根据第14条,如果会构成国际不法行为的行为由该组织实施,援助或协助的国际组织才负有国际责任。

Responsibility would be thus linked to the breach of an obligation binding on the international organization, when the organization contributed to the breach.


(6) An example of practice of aid or assistance concerning an international organization is provided by an internal document issued on 12 October 2009 by the United Nations Legal Counsel.

(6) 联合国法律顾问于20091012日印发的一份内部文件提供了涉及国际组织的援助或协助的实践案例。

This concerned the support given by the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) to the Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC), and the risk, to which an internal memorandum had referred, of violations by the latter forces of international humanitarian law, human rights law and refugee law.


The Legal Counsel wrote:


“If MONUC has reason to believe that FARDC units involved in an operation are violating one or the other of those bodies of law and if, despite MONUC’s intercession with the FARDC and with the Government of the DRC, MONUC has reason to believe that such violations are still being committed, then MONUC may not lawfully continue to support that operation, but must cease its participation in it completely.


[… ] MONUC may not lawfully provide logistic or “service” support to any FARDC operation if it has reason to believe that the FARDC units involved are violating any of those bodies of law. […


] This follows directly from the Organization’s obligations under customary international law and from the Charter to uphold, promote and encourage respect for human rights, international humanitarian law and refugee law.”


Article 15


Direction and control exercised over the commission of an internationally wrongful act


An international organization which directs and controls a State or another international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the State or the latter organization is internationally responsible for that act if:


(a) the former organization does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and

(a) 该组织这样做时知道该不法行为的情况;而且

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that organization.

(b) 该行为若由该组织实施会构成国际不法行为。



(1) The text of article 15 corresponds to article 17 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, for reasons similar to those explained in the commentary on article 14 of the present draft articles.

(1) 15条的案文与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第17条相对应, 其理由与本条款草案第14条评注中所说明的理由相似。

The appropriate modifications to the text have been introduced.


Thus, the reference to the directing and controlling State has been replaced by that to an international organization which directs and controls; moreover, the term “State” has been replaced with “State or another international organization” in the reference to the entity which is directed and controlled.


(2) Article 15 provides that international responsibility will arise when an international organization “directs and controls a State or another organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act”.

(2) 15条规定,国际组织若指挥和控制国家或另一国际组织实施国际不法行为时则产生国际责任。

(3) If one assumes that the Kosovo Force [KFOR] is an international organization, an example of two international organizations allegedly exercising direction and control in the commission of a wrongful act may be taken from the French Government’s preliminary objections in Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. France) before the International Court of Justice, when the French Government argued that:

(3) 如果人们认为,驻科索沃部队[驻科部队]是一国际组织,便可根据法国政府在国际法院面前就使用武力的合法性(南斯拉夫诉法国案)发表的初步反对意见认为这是据称两个国际组织指挥和控制一不法行为之实施的事例,法国政府认为:

“NATO is responsible for the ‘direction’ of KFOR and the United Nations for ‘control’ of it.”


A joint exercise of direction and control was probably envisaged.


(4) In the relations between an international organization and its member States and international organizations the concept of “direction and control” could conceivably be extended so as to encompass cases in which an international organization takes a decision binding its members.

(4) 在一国际组织与其成员国和国际组织之间的关系中,指挥和控制的概念可以令人信服地扩大到包括一国际组织采取对其成员具有约束力的决定的情况。

The commentary on article 17 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts explains that “Article 17 is limited to cases where a dominant State actually directs and controls conduct which is a breach of an international obligation of the dependent State”, that “the term ‘controls’ refers to cases of domination over the commission of wrongful conduct and not simply the exercise of oversight, still less mere influence or concern”, and that “the word ‘directs’ does not encompass mere incitement or suggestion but rather connotes actual direction of an operative kind”.

国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第17条的评注中解释说,17条限于一支配国实际上的指挥和控制依靠违背一国际义务行为的情况, 以至于“‘控制一词指支配不法行为的实施、而不是实行监督、更不只是影响或表示关注的情况 “‘指挥一词的含义不仅止于煽动或暗示、而是意味着军事行动的实际指挥。

If one interprets the provision in the light of the passages quoted above, the adoption of a binding decision on the part of an international organization could constitute, under certain circumstances, a form of direction or control in the commission of an internationally wrongful act.


The assumption is that the State or international organization which is the addressee of the decision is not given discretion to carry out conduct that, while complying with the decision, would not constitute an internationally wrongful act.


(5) If the adoption of a binding decision were to be regarded as a form of direction and control within the purview of the present article, this provision would overlap with article 17 of the present draft articles.

(5) 如果将通过有约束力的决定视为在本条草案的范围内进行指挥和控制的形式,这项规定就会同本条款草案第17条重叠。

The overlap would only be partial: it is sufficient to point out that article 17 also covers the case where a binding decision requires a member State or international organization to commit an act which is not unlawful for that State or international organization.

这种重叠将只是部分重叠。 在这里,我们只需指出,第17条包括这样的情况:具有约束力的决定要求一成员国或成员国际组织实施对该国或国际组织来说并非不合法的行动。

In any case, the possible overlap between articles 15 and 17 would not create any inconsistency, since both provisions assert, albeit under different conditions, the international responsibility of the international organization which has taken a decision binding its member States or international organizations.


(6) The requirements set forth under subparagraphs (a) and (b) respectively refer to “knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act” and to the fact that “the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that organization”.

(6) (a)项和(b)项所列的要求分别提到知道该不法行为的情况该行为若由该组织实施会构成国际不法行为

These requirements are identical to those listed in article 14 concerning aid or assistance in the commission of an internationally wrongful act.


The same commentary applies.


Article 16


Coercion of a State or another international organization


An international organization which coerces a State or another international organization to commit an act is internationally responsible for that act if:


(a) the act would, but for the coercion, be an internationally wrongful act of the coerced State or international organization; and

(a) 在没有胁迫的情况下,该行为会是被胁迫国或国际组织的国际不法行为;而且

(b) the coercing international organization does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the act.

(b) 进行胁迫的国际组织这样做时知道该行为的情况。



(1) Article 16 envisages coercion on the part of the international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act.

(1) 16条设想了国际组织胁迫实施国际不法行为的情况。

The nature and character of the coercing or of the coerced entities do not significantly alter the situation.


Thus, one may apply also to international organizations a rule similar to article 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(2) The text of the present article corresponds to article 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with changes similar to those explained in the commentary on article 14 of the present draft articles.

(2) 本条的案文与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第18条对应。 作了与本条款草案第14条评注中所说明的类似的改动。

The reference to a coercing State has been replaced with that to an international organization; moreover, the coerced entity is not necessarily a State, but could also be an international organization.


Also the title has been modified from “Coercion of another State” to “Coercion of a State or another international organization”.


(3) An act of coercion need not be wrongful per se for international responsibility to arise for a coercing international organization.

(3) 在进行胁迫的国际组织引起国际责任方面,胁迫行为本身不一定是非法行为。

It is also not necessary that that organization would commit a wrongful act if it acted directly.


What is required for international responsibility to arise is that an international organization coerces a State or another international organization in the commission of an act that would be wrongful for the coerced entity and that the coercing organization “does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the act”.


(4) In the relations between an international organization and its member States or international organizations, a binding decision by an international organization could give rise to coercion only under exceptional circumstances.

(4) 在一国际组织与其成员国或成员国际组织的关系中,只有在例外情况下,一国际组织作出的有约束力的决定才有可能引起胁迫。

The commentary on article 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts stresses that:


“Coercion for the purpose of article 18 has the same essential character as force majeure under article 23.


Nothing less than conduct which forces the will of the coerced State will suffice, giving it no effective choice but to comply with the wishes of the coercing State.”


(5) Should nevertheless an international organization be considered as coercing a member State or international organization when it adopts a binding decision, there could be an overlap between the present article and article 17.

” (5) 但是,如果一国际组织在通过具有约束力的决定时,被认为对成员国或成员国际组织实行胁迫,本条和第17条就会发生重叠。

The overlap would only be partial, given the different conditions set by the two provisions, and especially the fact that according to article 17 the act committed by the member State or international organization need not be unlawful for that State or that organization.


To the extent that there would be an overlap, an international organization could be regarded as responsible under either article 16 or article 17.


This would not give rise to any inconsistency.


Article 17


Circumvention of an international obligation through decisions and authorizations addressed to members


1. An international organization incurs international responsibility if it circumvents one of its international obligations by adopting a decision binding member States or international organizations to commit an act that would be internationally wrongful if committed by the former organization.

1. 如果国际组织通过具有约束力的决定,使其成员国或为其成员的国际组织实施若由该组织自己实施会构成国际不法行为的行为,从而使该组织避免承担国际义务,则该组织负有国际责任。

2. An international organization incurs international responsibility if it circumvents one of its international obligations by authorizing member States or international organizations to commit an act that would be internationally wrongful if committed by the former organization and the act in question is committed because of that authorization.

2. 如果国际组织授权其成员国或为其成员的国际组织实施若由该组织自己实施会构成国际不法行为的行为,且有关行为因授权得以实施,则该组织负有国际责任。

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 apply whether or not the act in question is internationally wrongful for the member States or international organizations to which the decision or authorization is addressed.

3. 无论有关行为对于上述决定或授权所针对的成员国或为其成员的国际组织是否构成国际不法行为,第1款和第2款均适用。



(1) The fact that an international organization is a subject of international law distinct from its members opens up the possibility for the organization to try to influence its members in order to achieve through them a result that the organization could not lawfully achieve directly, and thus circumvent one of its international obligations.

(1) 由于国际组织是有别于其成员的国际法主体,使该组织有可能试图影响其成员,以便通过这些成员实现该组织不能直接以合法方式实现逃避其国际义务的结果。

As was noted by the delegation of Austria during the debate in the Sixth Committee:


“[…] an international organization should not be allowed to escape responsibility by ‘outsourcing’ its actors.”


(2) The Legal Counsel of WIPO considered the case of an international organization requiring a member State to commit an internationally unlawful act, and wrote:

(2) 知识产权组织的法律顾问审议了一国际组织要求一成员国实施国际不法行为的情况,提出了这样的书面意见:

“[…] in the event a certain conduct, which a member State takes in compliance with a request on the part of an international organization, appears to be in breach of an international obligation both of that State and of that organization, then the organization should also be regarded as responsible under international law.”


(3) The opportunity for circumvention is likely to be higher when the conduct of the member State or international organization would not be in breach of an international obligation, for instance because the circumventing international organization is bound by a treaty with a non-member State and the same treaty does not produce effects for the organization’s members.

(3) 当成员国或成员国际组织的行为不会违背一国际义务的时候,逃避责任的机会可能较高,原因之一是,逃避义务的国际组织受到与非成员国缔结的条约的约束,而同一条约不会对该组织的成员产生影响。

(4) The term “circumvention” implies an intention on the part of the international organization to take advantage of the separate legal personality of its members in order to avoid compliance with an international obligation.

(4) “规避一词意味着国际组织有意利用其成员的单独法律人格,以便规避对国际义务的遵守。

The evidence of such an intention will depend on the circumstances.


(5) In the case of a binding decision paragraph 1 does not stipulate as a precondition, for the international responsibility of an international organization to arise, that the required act be committed by member States or international organizations.

(5) 就有约束力的决定来说,第1款并没有规定这样的先决条件:若要使国际组织的责任发生,则行为必须已被成员国或成员国际组织实施。

Since compliance by members with a binding decision is to be expected, the likelihood of a third party being injured would then be high.


It appears therefore preferable to hold the organization already responsible and thus allow the third party that would be injured to seek a remedy even before the act is committed.


Moreover, if international responsibility arises at the time of the taking of the decision, the international organization would have to refrain from placing its members in the uncomfortable position of either infringing their obligations under the decision or causing the international responsibility of the international organization, as well as possibly incurring their own responsibility.


(6) A member State or international organization may be given discretion with regard to implementation of a binding decision adopted by an international organization.

(6) 对于是否执行一国际组织通过的约束性决定,成员国或作为成员的国际组织可获得自由裁量权。

In its judgment on the merits in Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm ve Ticaret AS v. Ireland, the European Court of Human Rights considered conduct that member States of the European Community take when implementing binding EC acts and observed:


“[… ] [A] State would be fully responsible under the Convention for all acts falling outside its strict international legal obligations [… ] [N]umerous Convention cases […] confirm this.


Each case (in particular, Cantoni at para. 26) concerned a review by this Court of the exercise of State discretion for which Community law provided.”


(7) Paragraph 1 assumes that compliance with the binding decision of the international organization necessarily entails circumvention of one of its international obligations.

” (7) 1款假定,遵守国际组织有约束力的决定必然引起对其国际义务的规避行为。

As was noted in a statement in the Sixth Committee by the delegation of Denmark on behalf of the five Nordic countries:


“[…] it appeared essential to find the point where the member State could be said to have so little ‘room for manoeuvre’ that it would seem unreasonable to make it solely responsible for certain conduct.”


Should on the contrary the decision allow the member State or international organization some discretion to take an alternative course which does not imply circumvention, responsibility could arise for the international organization that has taken the decision only if circumvention actually occurs, as stated in paragraph 2.


(8) Paragraph 2 covers the case in which an international organization circumvents one of its international obligations by authorizing a member State or international organization to commit a certain act.

(8) 2款审议了国际组织为了规避某项国际义务而授权其成员国或成员国际组织实施某一行为的情况。

When a member State or organization is authorized to commit an act, it is apparently free not to avail itself of the authorization received.


However, this may be only in theory, because an authorization often implies the conferral by an organization of certain functions to the member or members concerned so that they would exercise these functions instead of the organization.


Moreover, by authorizing an act, the organization generally expects the authorization to be acted upon.


(9) While paragraph 2 uses the term “authorization”, it does not require an act of an international organization to be so defined under the rules of the organization concerned.

(9) 2款虽然用了授权一词,但并不要求一国际组织的行为依有关组织的规则如此界定。

The principle expressed in paragraph 2 also applies to acts of an international organization which may be defined by different terms but present a similar character to an authorization as described above.


(10) For international responsibility to arise, the first condition in paragraph 2 is that the international organization authorizes an act that would be wrongful for that organization and moreover would allow it to circumvent one of its international obligations.

(10) 要使国际责任发生,第2款中的第一个条件是,国际组织授权实施对该组织而言为非法的行为,而且使得它规避某项国际义务。

Since the authorization may not prompt any conduct which conforms to it, a further condition laid out in paragraph 2 is that the act which is authorized is actually committed.


(11) Moreover, it is specified that the act in question be committed “because of that authorization”.

(11) 此外,明确规定的是,有关行为必须根据该授权实施

This condition requires a contextual analysis of the role that the authorization actually plays in determining the conduct of the member State or international organization.


(12) For the purposes of establishing responsibility, reliance on the authorization should not be unreasonable.

(12) 为了确定责任,根据授权实施不应该不合理。

The responsibility of the authorizing international organization cannot arise if, for instance, the authorization is outdated and not intended to apply to the current circumstances, because of substantial changes that have intervened since the adoption.


(13) While the authorizing international organization would be responsible if it requested, albeit implicitly, the commission of an act that would represent a circumvention of one of its obligations, that organization would clearly not be responsible for any other breach that the member State or international organization to which the authorization is addressed might commit.

(13) 虽然如果授权的国际组织要求实施的行为是规避它的某项义务,就应该为此负责,该组织显然不用为被授权的成员国或成员国际组织可能实施的任何其他违背义务行为负责。

To that extent, the following statement contained in a letter addressed on 11 November 1996 by the United Nations Secretary-General to the Prime Minister of Rwanda appears accurate:


“[…] insofar as ‘Opération Turquoise’ is concerned, although that operation was ‘authorized’ by the Security Council, the operation itself was under national command and control and was not a United Nations operation.


The United Nations is, therefore, not internationally responsible for acts and omissions that might be attributable to ‘Opération Turquoise’.”


(14) Paragraph 3 makes it clear that, unlike articles 14 to 16, the present article does not make the international responsibility of the international organization dependent on the unlawfulness of the conduct of the member State or international organization to which the decision or authorization is addressed.

” (14) 3款表明,与第14条至第16条不同,本条并不将国际组织的国际责任建立在决定或授权所针对的成员国或成员国际组织行为的不法性基础上。

(15) As was noted in the commentaries on articles 15 and 16, when the conduct is unlawful and other conditions are fulfilled, there is the possibility of an overlap between the cases covered in those provisions and those to which article 17 applies.

(15) 正如第15条和第16条的评注中所指出的,当行为为非法,而其他条件也符合的时候,那些条款中所包括的情况与第17条所适用的情况是有可能重叠的。

However, the consequence would only be the existence of alternative bases for holding an international organization responsible.


Article 18


Responsibility of an international organization member of another international organization


Without prejudice to articles 14 to 17, the international responsibility of an international organization that is a member of another international organization also arises in relation to an act of the latter under the conditions set out in articles 61 and 62 for States that are members of an international organization.




(1) This article is “without prejudice to articles 14 to 17” because the international responsibility of an international organization that is a member of another international organization may arise also in the cases that are envisaged in those articles.

(1) 本条不影响第14条至第17,因为作为另一国际组织的成员的一国际组织的国际责任也可能会在这几条设想到的情况下产生。

For instance, when an organization aids or assists another organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act, the former organization may be a member of the latter.


(2) The responsibility of an international organization that is a member of another international organization may arise under additional circumstances that specifically pertain to members.

(2) 作为另一国际组织成员的一国际组织的责任可能在具体涉及到一些成员的更多情况下产生。

Although there is no known practice relating to the responsibility of international organizations as members of another international organization, there is no reason for distinguishing the position of international organizations as members of another international organization from that of States members of the same international organization.


Since there is significant practice relating to the responsibility of member States, it seems preferable to make in the present article simply a reference to articles 61 and 62 and the related commentaries, which examine the conditions under which responsibility arises for a member State.


Article 19


Effect of this Chapter


This chapter is without prejudice to the international responsibility of the State or international organization which commits the act in question, or of any other State or international organization.




The present article is a “without prejudice” clause relating to the whole chapter.


It corresponds in part to article 19 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


The latter provision intends to leave unprejudiced “the international responsibility, under other provisions of these articles, of the State which commits the act in question, or of any other State”.


References to international organizations have been added in the present article.


Moreover, since the international responsibility of States committing a wrongful act is covered by the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts and not by the present articles, the wording of the clause has been made more general.


Chapter V


Circumstances precluding wrongfulness




(1) Under the heading “Circumstances precluding wrongfulness” articles 20 to 27 on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts consider a series of circumstances that are different in nature but are brought together by their common effect.

(1) 解除行为不法性的情况的标题下,国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第20条至27条述及了性质不同、但造成的后果相同的一系列情况。

This is to preclude wrongfulness of conduct that would otherwise be in breach of an international obligation.


As the commentary to the introduction to the relevant chapter explains, these circumstances apply to any internationally wrongful act, whatever the source of the obligation; they do not annul or terminate the obligation, but provide a justification or excuse for non-performance.

正如有关章的导言的评注所解释的, 这些情况适用于任何国际不法行为,而不论义务的来源为何;它们并不取消或终止义务,只是为不履行义务提供理由。

(2) Also with regard to circumstances precluding wrongfulness, available practice relating to international organizations is limited.

(2) 同样,关于解除非法性的情况,涉及国际组织的例子很有限。

Moreover, certain circumstances are unlikely to occur in relation to some, or even most, international organizations.


However, there would be little reason for holding that circumstances precluding wrongfulness of the conduct of States could not be relevant also for international organizations: that, for instance, only States could invoke force majeure.


This does not imply that there should be a presumption that the conditions under which an organization may invoke a certain circumstance precluding wrongfulness are the same as those applicable to States.


Article 20




Valid consent by a State or an international organization to the commission of a given act by another international organization precludes the wrongfulness of that act in relation to that State or the former organization to the extent that the act remains within the limits of that consent.




(1) Like States, international organizations perform several functions which would give rise to international responsibility were they not consented to by a State or another international organization.

(1) 与国家类似,如国际组织未取得一国或另一国际组织的同意,国际组织履行的一些职责可能会导致国际责任。

What is generally relevant is consent by the State on whose territory the organization’s conduct takes place.


Also with regard to international organizations, consent could affect the underlying obligation, or concern only a particular situation or a particular course of conduct.


(2) The present article corresponds to article 20 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 本条与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第20条相对应。

As the commentary explains, this article “reflects the basic international law principle of consent”.

正如那一条的评注所说明的, 本条反映了关于同意的基本国际法原则

It concerns “consent in relation to a particular situation or a particular course of conduct”, as distinguished from “consent in relation to the underlying obligation itself”.


(3) As an example of consent that renders a specific conduct on the part of an international organization lawful, one could give that of a State allowing an investigation to be carried out on its territory by a commission of inquiry set up by the United Nations Security Council.

(3) 对于使国际组织某一具体行为具有合法性的同意,可以举出的一个例子是某国允许联合国安全理事会设立的调查委员会在其领土内展开调查。

Another example is consent by a State to the verification of the electoral process by an international organization.


A further, and specific, example is consent to the deployment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission in Indonesia, following an invitation addressed in July 2005 by the Government of Indonesia to the European Union and seven contributing States.


(4) Consent given by an international organization concerns compliance with an international obligation that exists towards that organization.

(4) 国际组织所给予的同意涉及遵守对该组织承诺的国际义务。

It does not affect international obligations to the extent that they may also exist towards the members of the consenting organization, unless that organization has been empowered to express consent also on behalf of the members.


(5) Consent dispensing an international organization with the performance of an obligation in a particular case must be “valid”.

(5) 在特定情况下免除国际组织某项义务的同意必须是有效的

This term refers to matters “addressed by international law rules outside the framework of State responsibility” or of the responsibility of an international organization, such as whether the organ or agent who gave the consent was authorized to do so on behalf of the relevant State or international organization, or whether the consent was vitiated by coercion or some other factor.

这一用语指国家责任框架范围外的国际法规则处理的事项, 如机关或代理人是否在经授权后代表有关国家或国际组织这样做的,或该项同意是否因受到胁迫或其他因素而变得无效。

The competence of the consenting organ or agent will generally depend on the internal law of the State concerned or, as the case may be, on the rules of organization concerned.


The requirement that consent does not affect compliance with peremptory norms is stated in article 26.


This is a general provision covering all the circumstances precluding wrongfulness.


(6) The present article follows the wording of article 20 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(6) 本草案沿用了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第20条的措辞。

The only textual changes consist in the addition of a reference to an “international organization” with regard to the entity giving consent and the replacement of the term “State” with “international organization” with regard to the entity to which consent is given.


Article 21




The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization is precluded if and to the extent that the act constitutes a lawful measure of self-defence under international law.




(1) According to the commentary on the corresponding article (art. 21) on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, that article concerns “self-defence as an exception to the prohibition against the use of force”.

(1) 根据关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的相关条款(21)的评注,该条认为自卫是作为禁止使用武力的例外情况

The reference in that article to the “lawful” character of the measure of self-defence is explained as follows:


“[…] the term ‘lawful’ implies that the action taken respects those obligations of total restraint applicable in international armed conflict, as well as compliance with the requirements of proportionality and of necessity inherent in the notion of self-defence.


Article 21 simply reflects the basic principle for the purposes of Chapter V, leaving questions of the extent and application of self-defence to the applicable primary rules referred to in the Charter.”


(2) For reasons of coherency, the concept of self-defence which has thus been elaborated with regard to States should be used also with regard to international organizations, although it is likely to be relevant for precluding wrongfulness only of acts of a small number of organizations, such as those administering a territory or deploying an armed force.

(2) 为保持一致性,迄今针对国家所阐明的自卫概念亦应用于国际组织,尽管可能只对少数国际组织具有相关性,例如那些正在管理某一领土或部署武装力量的国际组织。

(3) In the practice relating to United Nations forces, the term “self-defence” has often been used in a different sense, with regard to situations other than those contemplated in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

(3) 在与联合国部队有关的实践中,对于《联合国宪章》第五十一条所未述及的情况,常常在更不同的意义上使用自卫一词。

References to “self-defence” have been made also in relation to the “defence of the mission”.


For instance, in relation to the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), a memorandum of the Legal Bureau of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade held that:


“‘self-defence’ could well include the defence of the safe areas and the civilian population in those areas”.


While these references to “self-defence” confirm that self-defence represents a circumstance precluding wrongfulness of conduct by an international organization, the term is given a meaning that encompasses cases other than those in which a State or an international organization responds to an armed attack by a State.


At any event, the question of the extent to which United Nations forces are entitled to resort to force depends on the primary rules concerning the scope of the mission and need not be discussed here.


(4) Also the conditions under which an international organization may resort to self-defence pertain to the primary rules and need not be examined in the present context.

(4) 此外,国际组织对一国的武装攻击作出反应时可以使用武力的前提属于初级规则,不需要在本章讨论。

Those rules will set forth to what extent an international organization may invoke self-defence.


One of the issues relates to the invocability of collective self-defence on the part of an international organization when one of its member States is the object of an armed attack and the international organization has the power to act in collective self-defence.


(5) In view of the fact that international organizations are not members of the United Nations, the reference to the Charter of the United Nations in article 21 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts has been replaced here with a reference to international law.

(5) 由于国际组织不是联合国的成员,在这里,涉及国家对国际不法行为的责任的第21条中提到的《联合国宪章》已经改为国际法。

Article 22




1. Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, the wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation towards a State or another international organization is precluded if and to the extent that the act constitutes a countermeasure taken in accordance with the substantive and procedural conditions required by international law, including those set forth in Chapter II of Part Four for countermeasures taken against another international organization.

1. 在遵守第2款和第3款的前提下,国际组织违反其对一国或另一国际组织的国际义务的行为,如构成根据国际法,包括本条款草案第四部分第二章中所规定的实质性和程序性条件而对另一国际组织采取的反措施,该行为的不法性即告解除。

2. Subject to paragraph 3, an international organization may not take countermeasures against a responsible member State or international organization unless:

2. 在遵守第3款的前提下,国际组织不得对作为其成员的责任国或责任国际组织采取反措施,除非:

(a) the conditions referred to in paragraph 1 are met;

(a) 1款所指的条件得到满足;

(b) the countermeasures are not inconsistent with the rules of the organization; and

(b) 反措施并非不符合该组织的规则;并且

(c) no appropriate means are available for otherwise inducing compliance with the obligations of the responsible State or international organization concerning cessation of the breach and reparation.

(c) 别无其他适当手段促使该责任国或责任国际组织履行关于停止违法行为和作出赔偿的义务。

3. Countermeasures may not be taken by an international organization against a member State or international organization in response to a breach of an international obligation under the rules of the organization unless such countermeasures are provided for by those rules.

3. 国际组织不得对违反该组织的规则所规定的国际义务的成员国或为其成员的国际组织采取反措施,除非该组织的规则规定了此种反措施。



(1) Countermeasures that an international organization may take against another international organization are dealt with in articles 51 to 57.

(1) 一个国际组织可能对其他国际组织采取的反措施是在第5157条中处理的。

Insofar as a countermeasure is taken in accordance with the substantive and procedural conditions set forth in those articles, the countermeasure is lawful and represents a circumstance that precludes wrongfulness of an act that, but for the fact that it is a countermeasure, would have been wrongful.


(2) The present draft articles do not examine the conditions for countermeasures to be lawful when they are taken by an injured international organization against a responsible State.

(2) 本条款草案没有审查一受害国际组织对一应负责任的国家采取合法反措施的条件。

Thus paragraph 1, while it refers to articles 51 to 57 insofar as countermeasures are taken against another international organization, only refers to international law for the conditions concerning countermeasures taken against States.


However, one may apply by analogy the conditions that are set out for countermeasures taken by a State against another State in articles 49 to 54 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


It is to be noted that the conditions for lawful countermeasures in articles 51 to 57 of the present draft articles reproduce to a large extent the conditions in the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(3) Paragraphs 2 and 3 address the question whether countermeasures may be taken by an injured international organization against its members, whether States or international organizations, when they are internationally responsible towards the former organization.

(3) 2和第3款处理一受害国际组织是否可以对应在国际上对它负责任的一个国家成员或国际组织成员采取反措施的问题。

Sanctions, which an organization may be entitled to adopt against its members according to its rules, are per se lawful measures and cannot be assimilated to countermeasures.


The rules of the injured organization may restrict or forbid, albeit implicitly, recourse by the organization to countermeasures against its members.


The question remains whether countermeasures may be taken in the absence of any express or implicit rule of the organization.


Paragraph 2 sets forth the residual rule, while paragraph 3 considers countermeasures in relation to a breach by a member State or organization of an international obligation arising under the rules of the organization.


(4) Apart from the conditions that generally apply for countermeasures to be lawful, two additional conditions are listed in paragraph 2 for countermeasures by an injured international organization against its members to be lawful.

(4) 除了对合法反措施普遍适用的上述条件以外,第2款列出了一受害国际组织对其成员采取合法反措施还需要符合的另外两个条件。

First, countermeasures cannot be “inconsistent with the rules of the organization”; second, there should not be any available means that may qualify as “appropriate means […] for otherwise inducing compliance with the obligations of the responsible State or international organization concerning cessation of the breach and reparation”.


Insofar as the responsible entity is an international organization, these obligations are set out in greater detail in Part Three of the present articles, while the obligations of a responsible State are outlined in Part Two of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(5) It is assumed that an international organization would have recourse to the “appropriate means” referred to in paragraph 2 before resorting to countermeasures against its members.

(5) 据推测,一个国际组织在对其成员采取反措施以前将会采取第2款中所提到的适当手段

The term “appropriate means” refers to those lawful means that are readily available and proportionate, and offer a reasonable prospect for inducing compliance at the time when the international organization intends to take countermeasures.


However, failure on the part of the international organization to make timely use of remedies that were available may result in countermeasures becoming precluded.


(6) Paragraph 3 specifically addresses countermeasures by an international organization relating to the breach of an international obligation under the rules of the organization by a member State or international organization.

(6) 3款具体处理了国际组织是否可对违反该组织的规则所规定的国际义务的成员国或为其成员的国际组织采取反措施的问题。

In this case, given the obligations of close cooperation that generally exist between an international organization and its members, countermeasures are allowed only if the rules of the organization so provide.


Should they do so, they will set forth the conditions that are required for that purpose.


(7) Article 52 addresses in similar terms the reverse situation of an injured international organization or an injured State taking countermeasures against a responsible international organization of which the former organization or the State is a member.

(7) 52条以类似的条款处理一个受害的成员国际组织或一个受害的成员国对一应负责任的国际组织采取反措施的相反情况。

Article 23


Force majeure


1. The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the act is due to force majeure, that is, the occurrence of an irresistible force or of an unforeseen event, beyond the control of the organization, making it materially impossible in the circumstances to perform the obligation.

1. 国际组织违反其国际义务的行为如起因于不可抗力,即起因于该组织无法控制的不可抗拒的力量或无法预料的事件,以致该组织在这种情况下实际上不可能履行义务,该行为的不法性即告解除。

2. Paragraph 1 does not apply if:

2. 在下列情况下,第1款不适用:

(a) the situation of force majeure is due, either alone or in combination with other factors, to the conduct of the organization invoking it; or

(a) 不可抗力情况是由援引该情况的组织的行为单独导致或与其他因素一并导致;或

(b) the organization has assumed the risk of that situation occurring.

(b) 该组织已承担发生这种情况的风险。



(1) With regard to States, force majeure had been defined in article 23 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts as “an irresistible force or […] an unforeseen event, beyond the control of the State, making it materially impossible in the circumstances to perform the obligation”. This circumstance precluding wrongfulness does not apply when the situation is due to the conduct of the State invoking it or the State has assumed the risk of that situation occurring.

(1) 对于国家而言,不可抗力已经由关于国家对国际不法行为的责任第23条界定为不可抗力或[…]该国无法控制、无法预料的事件,以致该国在这种情况下实际上不可能履行义务当该情况系由援用这一情况的国家的行为引起或该国已经承担发生这种情况的风险时,解除不法性的这一情况不再适用。

(2) There is nothing in the differences between States and international organizations that would justify the conclusion that force majeure is not equally relevant for international organizations or that other conditions should apply.

(2) 国家和国际组织之间的任何差别都不能使我们得出结论认为不可抗力不能同样适用于国际组织,或应当适用其他条件。

(3) One may find a few instances of practice concerning force majeure.

(3) 我们可以找到关于不可抗力的一些实例。

Certain agreements concluded by international organizations provide examples to that effect.


For instance, article XII, paragraph 6, of the Executing Agency Agreement of 1992 between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Health Organization stated that:


“[i]n the event of force majeure or other similar conditions or events which prevent the successful execution of a Project by the Executing Agency, the Executing Agency shall promptly notify the UNDP of such occurrence and may, in consultation with the UNDP, withdraw from the execution of the Project.


In case of such withdrawal, and unless the Parties agree otherwise, the Executing Agency shall be reimbursed the actual costs incurred up to the effective date of the withdrawal.”


Although this paragraph concerns withdrawal from the Agreement, it implicitly considers that non-compliance with an obligation under the Agreement because of force majeure does not constitute a breach of the Agreement.


(4) Force majeure has been invoked by international organizations in order to exclude wrongfulness of conduct in proceedings before international administrative tribunals.

(4) 曾有国际组织在国际行政法庭诉讼上援引不可抗力作为解除行为的不法性的理由。

In Judgment No. 24, Torres et al. v. Secretary-General of the Organization of American States, the Administrative Tribunal of the Organization of American States rejected the plea of force majeure, which had been made in order to justify termination of an official’s contract:


“The Tribunal considers that in the present case there is no force majeure that would have made it impossible for the General Secretariat to fulfil the fixed-term contract, since it is much-explored law that by force majeure is meant an irresistible happening of nature.”


Although the Tribunal rejected the plea, it clearly recognized the invocability of force majeure.


(5) A similar approach was taken by the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in its Judgment No. 664, in the Barthl case.

(5) 国际劳工组织行政法庭关于“Barthl”案的第664号判决中采取了类似的方针。

The Tribunal found that force majeure was relevant to an employment contract and said:


“Force majeure is an unforeseeable occurrence beyond the control and independent of the will of the parties, which unavoidably frustrates their common intent.”


It is immaterial that in the actual case force majeure had been invoked by the employee against the international organization instead of by the organization.


(6) The text of the present article differs from that of article 23 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts only because the term “State” has been replaced once with the term “international organization” and four times with the term “organization”.

(6) 本条与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第23条在案文上的不同之处仅在于本条在一处用国际组织一词代替了国家,且在另外四处使用了组织一词。

Article 24




1. The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the author of the act in question has no other reasonable way, in a situation of distress, of saving the author’s life or the lives of other persons entrusted to the author’s care.

1. 对于国际组织违反其国际义务的行为,如果有关行为人在遭遇危难的情况下,除此行为之外,别无其他合理方法来挽救其生命或受其监护的其他人的生命,则该行为的不法性即告解除。

2. Paragraph 1 does not apply if:

2. 在下列情况下,第1款不适用:

(a) the situation of distress is due, either alone or in combination with other factors, to the conduct of the organization invoking it; or

(a) 危难情况是由援引该情况的组织的行为单独导致或与其他因素一并导致;或

(b) the act in question is likely to create a comparable or greater peril.

(b) 所涉行为很可能导致程度相当或更大的危险。



(1) Article 24 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts includes distress among the circumstances precluding wrongfulness of an act and describes this circumstance as the case in which “the author of the act in question has no other reasonable way, in a situation of distress, of saving the author’s life or the lives of other persons entrusted to the author’s care”.

(1) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第24条将危难作为解除行为不法性的一种情况,并将危难情况描述为有关行为人除此行为之外,别无其他合理方式来挽救其生命或受其监护的其他人的生命的情况。

The commentary gives the example from practice of a British military ship entering Icelandic territorial waters to seek shelter during severe weather, and notes that, “[a]lthough historically practice has focused on cases involving ships and aircraft, article 24 is not limited to such cases”.

其评注举了一个关于英国军舰在恶劣天气中进入冰岛领水避难的实例, 并指出:虽然历来的实践着重于舰只和飞机,但第24条并不限于此种情况。

(2) Similar situations could occur, though more rarely, with regard to an organ or agent of an international organization.

(2) 对于一个机构或国际组织的代理人而言,发生类似情况也是可能的,虽然此类情况很少。

Notwithstanding the absence of known cases of practice in which an international organization invoked distress, the same rule should apply both to States and to international organizations.


(3) As with regard to States, the borderline between cases of distress and those which may be considered as pertaining to necessity is not always obvious.

(3) 对于国家而言,危难情况和那些可能被视为属于危急的情况 之间的界线并不总是十分清楚。

The commentary on article 24 notes that “general cases of emergencies […] are more a matter of necessity than distress”.


(4) Article 24 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts only applies when the situation of distress is not due to the conduct of the State invoking distress and the act in question is not likely to create a comparable or greater peril.

” (4) 只有当危难情况不是由援引该情况的国家所引起以及有关行为不可能造成更大危险时,才能适用关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第24条。

These conditions appear to be equally applicable to international organizations.


(5) The present article is textually identical to the corresponding article on State responsibility, with the only changes due to the replacement of the term “State” once with the term “international organization” and twice with the term “organization”.

(5) 本条的案文与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的相应条款相同,仅有的改动是在一处使用国际组织代替国家,另两处则使用了组织一词。

Article 25




1. Necessity may not be invoked by an international organization as a ground for precluding the wrongfulness of an act not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization unless the act:

1. 国际组织不得援引危急情况作为理由来解除该组织违反其国际义务的行为的不法性,除非该行为:

(a) is the only means for the organization to safeguard against a grave and imminent peril an essential interest of its member States or of the international community as a whole when the organization has, in accordance with international law, the function to protect that interest; and

(a) 是该组织按照国际法有责任保护其成员国或整个国际社会的根本利益时,为保障该利益免遭严重迫切危险而可采取的唯一办法;并且

(b) does not seriously impair an essential interest of the State or States towards which the international obligation exists, or of the international community as a whole.

(b) 没有严重损害该组织对其承担国际义务的一国或多国的根本利益,或者整个国际社会的根本利益。

2. In any case, necessity may not be invoked by an international organization as a ground for precluding wrongfulness if:

2. 在下列情况下,国际组织无论如何不得援引危急情况作为解除不法性的理由:

(a) the international obligation in question excludes the possibility of invoking necessity; or

(a) 有关的国际义务排除了援引危急情况的可能性;或

(b) the organization has contributed to the situation of necessity.

(b) 该组织促成了该危急情况。



(1) Conditions for the invocation of necessity by States have been listed in article 25 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任第25条列出了国家援引危急情况的条件。

In brief, the relevant conditions are as follows: the State’s conduct should be the only means to safeguard an essential interest against a grave and imminent peril; the conduct in question should not impair an essential interest of the State or the States towards which the obligation exists, or of the international community as a whole; the international obligation in question does not exclude the possibility of invoking necessity; the State invoking necessity has not contributed to the situation of necessity.


(2) With regard to international organizations, practice reflecting the invocation of necessity is scarce.

(2) 对于国际组织,援引危急情况的实例很少。

One case in which necessity was held to be invocable is Judgment No. 2183 of the ILO Administrative Tribunal in the T.O.R.N. v. CERN case.


This case concerned access to the electronic account of an employee who was on leave.


The Tribunal said that:


“[…] in the event that access to an e-mail account becomes necessary for reasons of urgency or because of the prolonged absence of the account holder, it must be possible for organizations to open the account using appropriate technical safeguards.


That state of necessity, justifying access to data which may be confidential, must be assessed with the utmost care.”


(3) Even if practice is scarce, as was noted by the International Criminal Police Organization:

” (3) 即使此类实践很少,但如国际警察组织所指出:

“[…] necessity does not pertain to those areas of international law that, by their very nature, are patently inapplicable to international organizations.”


The invocability of necessity by international organizations was also advocated in written statements by the Commission of the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the World Bank and the Secretariat of the United Nations.

欧洲联盟委员会、国际货币基金组织、世界知识产权组织、世界银行 以及联合国秘书处 的书面声明也主张国际组织可以援引危急情况。

(4) While the conditions set by article 25 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts would be applicable also with regard to international organizations, the scarcity of practice and the considerable risk that invocability of necessity entails for compliance with international obligations suggest that, as a matter of policy, necessity should not be invocable by international organizations as widely as by States.

(4) 虽然关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第25条所规定的条件也适用于国际组织,但这方面的实例很少,而且援引危急情况给遵守国际义务所带来的危险很大,这意味着,作为一个政策问题,国际组织不能像国家那样广泛地援引危急情况。

This may be achieved by limiting the essential interests which may be protected by the invocation of necessity to those of the member States and of the international community as a whole, to the extent that the organization has, in accordance with international law, the function to protect them.


Thus, when an international organization has been given powers over certain matters, it may, in the use of these powers, invoke the need to safeguard an essential interest of the international community or of its member States, provided that this is consistent with the principle of speciality.


On the other hand, an international organization may invoke one of its own essential interests only if it coincides with an essential interest of the international community or of its member States.


This solution may be regarded as an attempt to reach a compromise between two opposite positions with regard to necessity: the view of those who favour placing international organizations on the same level as States and the opinion of those who would totally rule out the invocability of necessity by international organizations.


(5) There is no contradiction between the reference in subparagraph (1) (a) to the protection of an essential interest of the international community and the condition in subparagraph (1) (b) that the conduct in question should not impair an essential interest of the international community.

(5) (1)(a)项提及保护整个国际社会的基本利益与(1)(b)项提到的有关行为不应损害国际社会的基本利益并不矛盾。

The latter interest could be different from the interest that is at the basis of the invocation of necessity.


(6) In view of the solution adopted for subparagraph (1) (a), which does not allow the invocation of necessity for the protection of the essential interests of an international organization unless they coincide with those of member States or of the international community, the essential interests of international organizations have not been added in subparagraph (1) (b) to those that should not be seriously impaired.

(6) 鉴于(1)(a)项采取的办法,即不允许为保护某一国际组织的基本利益而援引危急情况――除非这些利益与那些成员国和国际社会的利益一致,在(1)(b)项不应严重损害的利益中未加上国际机构的基本利益。

(7) Apart from the change in subparagraph (1) (a) the text reproduces article 25 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the replacement of the term “State” with the terms “international organization” or “organization” in the chapeau of both paragraphs.

(7) (1)(a)项的改动以外,本条案文沿用了关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第25条,仅在两款抬头中使用国际组织组织,代替国家一词。

Article 26


Compliance with peremptory norms


Nothing in this Chapter precludes the wrongfulness of any act of an international organization which is not in conformity with an obligation arising under a peremptory norm of general international law.




(1) Chapter V of Part One of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts contains a “without prejudice” provision which applies to all the circumstances precluding wrongfulness considered in that chapter.

(1) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第一部分第五章载有不影响条款,适用于该章所述及的解除不法性的所有情况。

The purpose of this provision — article 26 — is to “make it clear that circumstances precluding wrongfulness in chapter V Part One do not authorise or excuse any derogation from a peremptory norm of general international law”.


(2) The commentary on article 26 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts states that “peremptory norms that are clearly accepted and recognized include the prohibitions of aggression, genocide, slavery, racial discrimination, crimes against humanity and torture, and the right to self-determination”.

(2) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任第26条评注写道,已经被明确接受和承认的强制性规范包括禁止侵略、灭绝种族、奴役、种族歧视、危害人类罪行和酷刑,以及承认自决权

In its judgment in the Case concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (New Application: 2002) (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda), the International Court of Justice found that the prohibition of genocide “assuredly” was a peremptory norm.


(3) It is clear that, like States, international organizations could not invoke a circumstance precluding wrongfulness in the case of non-compliance with an obligation arising under a peremptory norm.

(3) 很明显,国际组织与国家一样,在违反强制性规范所产生义务的情况下不能援引解除不法性的情况。

Thus, there is the need for a “without prejudice” provision matching the one applicable to States.


(4) The present article reproduces the text of article 26 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts with the replacement of the term “State” by “international organization”.

(4) 本条沿用了关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第26条的案文,仅使用国际组织代替了国家一词。

Article 27


Consequences of invoking a circumstance precluding wrongfulness


The invocation of a circumstance precluding wrongfulness in accordance with this Chapter is without prejudice to:


(a) compliance with the obligation in question, if and to the extent that the circumstance precluding wrongfulness no longer exists;

(a) 在解除行为不法性的情况不再存在时遵守该项义务;

(b) the question of compensation for any material loss caused by the act in question.

(b) 对该行为所造成的任何物质损失的补偿问题。



(1) Article 27 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts makes two points.

(1) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第27条提出了两点。

The first point is that a circumstance precludes wrongfulness only if and to the extent that the circumstance exists.


While the wording appears to emphasize the element of time, it is clear that a circumstance may preclude wrongfulness only insofar as it covers a particular situation.

虽然有关措词似乎强调时间因素, 显然,只有当有关情况涵盖了某一特定事态时,该情况才能解除不法性。

Beyond the reach of the circumstance, wrongfulness of the act is not affected.


(2) The second point is that the question whether compensation is due is left unprejudiced.

(2) 第二点是,是否应给予赔偿问题不受妨碍。

It would be difficult to set a general rule concerning compensation for losses caused by an act that would be wrongful, but for the presence of a certain circumstance.


(3) Since the position of international organizations does not differ from that of States with regard to both matters covered by article 27 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, and no change in the wording is required in the present context, the present article is identical to the corresponding article on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(3) 由于在关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第27条所涵盖的两个问题上国际组织和国家均无区别,而且本条并不需要修改措词,本条与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任相应条款完全一样。

Part Three


Content of the international responsibility of an international organization




(1) Part Three of the present draft articles defines the legal consequences of internationally wrongful acts of international organizations.

(1) 本条款草案第三部分界定了国际组织国际不法行为的法律后果。

This Part is organized in three chapters, which follow the general pattern of the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(2) Chapter I (arts. 28 to 33) lays down certain general principles and sets out the scope of Part Three. Chapter II (arts.

(2) 第一章(2833)载列了某些一般原则,并规定了第三部分的范围。

34 to 40) specifies the obligation of reparation in its various forms. Chapter III (arts.


41 and 42) considers the additional consequences that are attached to internationally wrongful acts consisting of serious breaches of obligations under peremptory norms of general international law.


Chapter I


General principles


Article 28


Legal consequences of an internationally wrongful act


The international responsibility of an international organization which is entailed by an internationally wrongful act in accordance with the provisions of Part Two involves legal consequences as set out in this Part.




This provision has an introductory character.


It corresponds to article 28 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the only difference that the term “international organization” replaces the term “State”.

对应于国家对国际不法行为的责任第28条, 唯一不同的是,将国家一词改为国际组织

There would be no justification for using a different wording in the present article.


Article 29


Continued duty of performance


The legal consequences of an internationally wrongful act under this Part do not affect the continued duty of the responsible international organization to perform the obligation breached.




(1) This provision states the principle that the breach of an obligation under international law by an international organization does not per se affect the existence of that obligation.

(1) 本规定阐述了一项原则,即一国际组织违背国际法义务本身并不影响该义务的存在。

This is not intended to exclude that the obligation may terminate in connection with the breach: for instance, because the obligation arises under a treaty and the injured State or organization avails itself of the right to suspend or terminate the treaty in accordance with the rule in article 60 of the 1986 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations.


(2) The principle that an obligation is not per se affected by a breach does not imply that performance of the obligation will still be possible after the breach occurs.

(2) 义务本身不受违背事项影响的原则,并不意味着在违背事项发生之后仍有可能履行义务。

This will depend on the character of the obligation concerned and of the breach.


Should for instance an international organization be under the obligation to transfer some persons or property to a certain State, that obligation could no longer be performed once those persons or that property have been transferred to another State in breach of the obligation.


(3) The conditions under which an obligation may be suspended or terminated are governed by the primary rules concerning the obligation.

(3) 可中止或终止义务的条件由有关义务的初级规则确定。

The same applies with regard to the possibility of performing the obligation after the breach.


These rules need not be examined in the context of the law of responsibility of international organizations.


(4) With regard to the statement of the continued duty of performance after a breach, there is no reason for distinguishing between the situation of States and that of international organizations.

(4) 关于在违背事项之后继续履行的责任的规定,没有理由区分国家的情况和国际组织的情况。

Thus the present article uses the same wording as article 29 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the only difference being that the term “State” is replaced by the term “international organization”.

因此,本条采用了与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第29条相同的措词, 唯一的不同是将国家一词改为了国际组织

Article 30


Cessation and non-repetition


The international organization responsible for the internationally wrongful act is under an obligation:


(a) to cease that act, if it is continuing;

(a) 在该不法行为正在进行时,立即停止该行为;

(b) to offer appropriate assurances and guarantees of non-repetition, if circumstances so require.

(b) 在必要情况下,提供不重犯该行为的适当承诺和保证。



(1) The principle that the breach of an obligation under international law does not per se affect the existence of that obligation, as stated in article 29, has the corollary that, if the wrongful act is continuing, the obligation still has to be complied with.

(1) 如第29条所述,违背国际法义务本身不影响该义务的存在,这项原则的必然推论是,如果不法行为持续,有关义务就仍然应当遵行。

Thus, the wrongful act is required to cease by the primary rule providing for the obligation.


(2) When the breach of an obligation occurs and the wrongful act continues, the main object pursued by the injured State or international organization will often be cessation of the wrongful conduct.

(2) 在发生违背义务事项、且不法行为持续之时,受害国或国际组织追求的主要目标通常是停止不法行为。

Although a claim would refer to the breach, what would actually be sought is compliance with the obligation under the primary rule.


This is not a new obligation that arises as a consequence of the wrongful act.


(3) The existence of an obligation to offer assurances and guarantees of non-repetition will depend on the circumstances of the case.

(3) 是否存在提供不重复的承诺和保证的义务将取决于案件的情况。

For this obligation to arise, it is not necessary for the breach to be continuing.


The obligation seems justified especially when the conduct of the responsible entity shows a pattern of breaches.


(4) Examples of assurances and guarantees of non-repetition given by international organizations are hard to find.

(4) 难以找到国际组织作出不重复的承诺和保证的案例。

However, there may be situations in which these assurances and guarantees are as appropriate as in the case of States.


For instance, should an international organization be found in persistent breach of a certain obligation, guarantees of non-repetition would hardly be out of place.


(5) Assurances and guarantees of non-repetition are considered in the same context as cessation because they all concern compliance with the obligation set out in the primary rule.

(5) 将承诺和保证不重复同停止不法行为放在相同背景下考虑,是因为它们都涉及遵行初级规则所规定的义务问题。

However, unlike the obligation to cease a continuing wrongful act, the obligation to offer assurances and guarantees of non-repetition may be regarded as a new obligation that arises as a consequence of the wrongful act, when the commission of the act signals the risk of future violations.


(6) Given the similarity of the situation of States and that of international organizations in respect of cessation and assurances and guarantees of non-repetition, the present article follows the same wording as article 30 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the replacement of the word “State” with “international organization”.

(6) 鉴于在停止及承诺和保证不重复方面,国家和国际组织情况相似,本条采用了与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第30条相同的措词, 但将国家改为国际组织

Article 31




1. The responsible international organization is under an obligation to make full reparation for the injury caused by the internationally wrongful act.

1. 责任国际组织有义务对国际不法行为所造成的损害提供充分赔偿。

2. Injury includes any damage, whether material or moral, caused by the internationally wrongful act of an international organization.

2. 损害包括国际组织的国际不法行为所引起的任何损害,无论是物质损害或精神损害。



(1) The present article sets out the principle that the responsible international organization is required to make full reparation for the injury caused.

(1) 本条载述了要求责任国际组织充分赔偿所造成损害的原则。

This principle seeks to protect the injured party from being adversely affected by the internationally wrongful act.


(2) Injury is defined as including “any damage, whether material or moral, caused by the internationally wrongful act”.

(2) 损害被界定为包括国际不法行为所引起的任何损害,无论是物质损害或精神损害

According to the judgment of the European Court of Justice in Walz v. Clickair, this wording, as it appears in paragraph 2 of article 31 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts expresses a concept which “is common to all the international law sub-systems” and expresses “the ordinary meaning to be given to the concept of damage in international law”.


(3) As in the case of States, the principle of full reparation is often applied in practice in a flexible manner.

(3) 与涉及国家时的情况一样,赔偿原则往往以灵活的方式实施。

The injured party may be mainly interested in the cessation of a continuing wrongful act or in the non-repetition of the wrongful act.


The ensuing claim to reparation may therefore be limited.


This especially occurs when the injured State or organization puts forward a claim for its own benefit and not for that of individuals or entities whom it seeks to protect.


However, the restraint on the part of the injured State or organization in the exercise of its rights does not generally imply that the same party would not regard itself as entitled to full reparation.


Thus the principle of full reparation is not put in question.


(4) It may be difficult for an international organization to have all the necessary means for making the required reparation.

(4) 一个国际组织可能难以拥有所有必要的手段作出所要求的赔偿。

This fact is linked to the inadequacy of the financial resources that are generally available to international organizations for meeting this type of expense.


However, that inadequacy cannot exempt a responsible organization from the legal consequences resulting from its responsibility under international law.


(5) The fact that international organizations sometimes grant compensation ex gratia is not due to abundance of resources, but rather to a reluctance, which organizations share with States, to admit their own international responsibility.

(5) 国际组织有时采取通融补偿的办法,但这样做并非由于资源充足,而更多是由于有关组织与国家一样,不愿意承认自己的国际责任。

(6) When an international organization intends to undertake an activity in a country where its international responsibility may be engaged, one option for the organization is to conclude with the territorial State an agreement limiting its responsibility for wrongful acts occurring in relation to that activity.

(6) 国际组织打算在可能涉及其国际责任的国家开展一项活动时,国际组织有一项选择,即与领土国签署一项协定,限制其因这项活动而发生的不法行为的责任。

An example may be offered by the United Nations practice concerning peacekeeping operations, to the extent that the agreements with States on whose territory peacekeeping missions are deployed also cover claims arising out of international responsibility.


(7) In setting out the principle of full reparation, the present article mainly refers to the more frequent case in which an international organization is solely responsible for an internationally wrongful act.

(7) 本条在规定充分赔偿原则时,主要提及较经常发生的情况:国际组织是一项国际不法行为的唯一责任者。

The assertion of a duty of full reparation for the organization does not necessarily imply that the same principle applies when the organization is held responsible in connection with a certain act together with one or more States or one or more other organizations: for instance, when the organization aids or assists a State in the commission of the wrongful act.


(8) The present article reproduces article 31 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the replacement in both paragraphs of the term “State” with “international organization”.

(8) 本条转载了国家对国际不法行为的责任第31条, 在两款中都将国家改为国际组织

Article 32


Relevance of the rules of the organization


1. The responsible international organization may not rely on its rules as justification for failure to comply with its obligations under this Part.

1. 责任国际组织不得以其规则作为不能按照本部分的规定遵守其义务的理由。

2. Paragraph 1 is without prejudice to the applicability of the rules of an international organization to the relations between the organization and its member States and organizations.

2. 1款不妨碍国际组织的规则适用于该组织与其成员国和成员组织之间的关系。



(1) Paragraph 1 states the principle that an international organization cannot invoke its rules in order to justify non-compliance with its obligations under international law entailed by the commission of an internationally wrongful act.

(1) 1款规定了国际组织不能援引其规则为理由,不遵守在国际法之下所负的义务,实施国际不法行为。

This principle finds a parallel in the principle that a State may not rely on its internal law as a justification for failure to comply with its obligations under Part Two of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


The text of paragraph 1 replicates article 32 on State responsibility, with two changes: the term “international organization” replaces “State” and the reference to the rules of the organization replaces that to the internal law of the State.

1款的案文复制了关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第32条, 做了两处改动:国家改为国际组织,国家的国内法改为国际组织规则。

(2) A similar approach was taken by article 27, paragraph 2, of the 1986 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations and between International Organizations, which parallels the corresponding provision of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties by saying that “[a]n international organization party to a treaty may not invoke the rules of the organization as justification for its failure to perform the treaty”.

(2) 1986年《关于国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间条约的维也纳公约》第27条第2款 采用了类似的办法,该条与1969年《维也纳条约法公约》相应的规定类似,规定为一条约当事方的国际组织不得援引该组织的规则作为不履行条约的理由

(3) In the relations between an international organization and a non-member State or organization, it seems clear that the rules of the former organization cannot per se affect the obligations that arise as a consequence of an internationally wrongful act.

(3) 在一国际组织与非成员国或组织的关系中,看来很清楚,有关组织的规则本身不影响由于国际不法行为引起的义务。

The same principle does not necessarily apply to the relations between an organization and its members.


Rules of the organization could affect the application of the principles and rules set out in this Part.


They may, for instance, modify the rules on the forms of reparation that a responsible organization may have to make towards its members.


(4) Rules of the organization may also affect the application of the principles and rules set out in Part Two in the relations between an international organization and its members, for instance in the matter of attribution.

(4) 在一国际组织与其成员的关系中,有关组织的规则还可能影响到第二部分所述原则和规则的适用,例如有关归属的问题。

They would be regarded as special rules and need not be made the object of a special reference in that Part.


On the contrary, in Part Three a “without prejudice” provision concerning the application of the rules of the organization in respect of members seems useful in view of the implications that may otherwise be inferred from the principle of irrelevance of the rules of the organization.


The presence of such a “without prejudice” provision will serve as a reminder of the fact that the general statement in paragraph 1 may admit of exceptions in the relations between an international organization and its member States and organizations.


(5) The provision in question, which is set out in paragraph 2, only applies insofar as the obligations in Part Three relate to the international responsibility that an international organization may have towards its member States and organizations.

(5) 2款中所作的有关规定,仅在第三部分中的义务涉及国际组织可能对成员国和成员国际组织负有国际义务的情况下才适用。

It cannot affect in any manner the legal consequences entailed by an internationally wrongful act towards a non-member State or organization.


Nor can it affect the consequences relating to breaches of obligations under peremptory norms as these breaches would affect the international community as a whole.


Article 33


Scope of international obligations set out in this Part


1. The obligations of the responsible international organization set out in this Part may be owed to one or more States, to one or more other organizations, or to the international community as a whole, depending in particular on the character and content of the international obligation and on the circumstances of the breach.

1. 本部分规定的责任国际组织的义务可能是对一个或若干国家、一个或若干其他组织、或对整个国际社会承担的义务,具体取决于该国际义务的特性和内容及违反义务的情况。

2. This Part is without prejudice to any right, arising from the international responsibility of an international organization, which may accrue directly to any person or entity other than a State or an international organization.

2. 本部分不妨碍任何人或国家或国际组织以外的实体由于国际组织的国际责任直接取得的任何权利。



(1) In the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Part One concerns any breach of an obligation under international law that may be attributed to a State, irrespectively of the nature of the entity or person to whom the obligation is owed.

(1) 在关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的条款中,第一部分涉及可归因于国家的对国际法义务的任何违背,无论对其所承担义务的实体或人的性质如何。

The scope of Part Two of those articles is limited to obligations that arise for a State towards another State.


This seems to be because of the difficulty of considering the consequences of an internationally wrongful act and thereafter the implementation of responsibility in respect of an injured party whose breaches of international obligations are not covered in Part One.


The reference to responsibility existing towards the international community as a whole does not raise a similar problem, since it is hardly conceivable that the international community as a whole would incur international responsibility.


(2) Should one take a similar approach with regard to international organizations in the present draft articles, one would have to limit the scope of Part Three to obligations arising for international organizations towards other international organizations or towards the international community as a whole.

(2) 如果在本条款草案中,对国际组织采取一种类似的办法,那就必须将第三部分的范围限于国际组织对其他国际组织或对整个国际社会负有的义务。

However, it seems logical to include also obligations that organizations have towards States, given the existence of the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


As a result, Part Three of the present draft articles encompasses obligations that a responsible international organization may have towards one or more other organizations, one or more States, or the international community as a whole.


This is meant to include the possibility that an international organization incurs international responsibility, and therefore acquires the obligations set out in Part Three, towards one State and one organization, two or more States and one organization, two or more States and two more organizations, or one State and two or more organizations.


(3) With the change in the reference to the responsible entity and with the addition explained above, paragraph 1 follows the wording of article 33, paragraph 1, on State responsibility.

(3) 1款采用了关于国家责任的第33条第1款 的措词,在提到责任实体之处做了变动,并做了解释的增补。

(4) While the scope of Part Three is limited according to the definition in paragraph 1, this does not mean that obligations entailed by an internationally wrongful act do not arise towards persons or entities other than States and international organizations.

(4) 按照第1款的定义,第三部分的范围是有限的,但这并不意味着对任何人或国家和国际组织以外的实体不产生国际不法行为所涉的义务。

Like article 33, paragraph 2, on State responsibility, paragraph 2 provides that Part Three is without prejudice to any right that arises out of international responsibility and may accrue directly to those persons and entities.

如关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第33条第2款一样, 第2款规定,第三部分不妨碍这些人或实体因国际责任而可能直接取得的任何权利。

(5) With regard to the international responsibility of international organizations, one significant area in which rights accrue to persons other than States or organizations is that of breaches by international organizations of their obligations under international law concerning employment.

(5) 关于国际组织的国际责任,国家或组织以外的人取得的一个重要领域是国际组织违背国际法有关就业规则之下的义务。

Another area is that of breaches committed by peacekeeping forces and affecting individuals.


The consequences of these breaches with regard to individuals, as stated in paragraph (1), are not covered by the present draft articles.


Chapter II


Reparation for injury


Article 34


Forms of reparation


Full reparation for the injury caused by the internationally wrongful act shall take the form of restitution, compensation and satisfaction, either singly or in combination, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.




(1) The above provision is identical to article 34 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 上述条款同关于国家对国际不法行为的责任第34条相同。

This seems justified since the forms of reparation consisting of restitution, compensation and satisfaction are applied in practice to international organizations as well as to States.


Certain examples relating to international organizations are given in the commentaries to the following articles, which specifically address the various forms of reparation.


(2) A note by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provides an instance in which the three forms of reparation are considered to apply to a responsible international organization.

(2) 国际原子能机构的一份说明举了一责任国际组织考虑采取三种赔偿方式的事例。

Concerning the “international responsibility of the Agency in relation to safeguards”, he wrote on 24 June 1970:


“Although there may be circumstances when the giving of satisfaction by the Agency may be appropriate, it is proposed to give consideration only to reparation properly so called.


Generally speaking, reparation properly so called may be either restitution in kind or payment of compensation.”


Article 35




An international organization responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to make restitution, that is, to re-establish the situation which existed before the wrongful act was committed, provided and to the extent that restitution:


(a) is not materially impossible;

(a) 恢复原状并非实际上不可能;

(b) does not involve a burden out of all proportion to the benefit deriving from restitution instead of compensation.

(b) 从恢复原状而非补偿中得到的利益与所引起的负担不致完全不成比例。



(1) Restitution is a form of reparation that involves the re-establishment as far as possible of the situation which existed before the internationally wrongful act was committed by the responsible international organization.

(1) 恢复原状是这样一种赔偿方式,即尽可能地恢复责任国际组织实施国际不法行为之前所存在的情况。

(2) The concept and forms of restitution and the related conditions, as defined in article 35 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, appear to be applicable also to international organizations.

(2) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第35条中所界定的恢复原状概念和方式以及相关条件 看来也可以适用于国际组织。

There is no reason that would suggest a different approach with regard to the latter.


The text above therefore reproduces article 35 on State responsibility, the only difference being that the term “State” is replaced by “international organization”.


Article 36




1. The international organization responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to compensate for the damage caused thereby, insofar as such damage is not made good by restitution.

1. 如损害没有以恢复原状的方式得到赔偿,国际不法行为的责任国际组织有义务补偿该行为造成的损害。

2. The compensation shall cover any financially assessable damage including loss of profits insofar as it is established.

2. 这种补偿应该涵盖在经济上可以评估的任何损害,包括可以确定的利润损失。



(1) Compensation is the form of reparation most frequently made by international organizations.

(1) 补偿是国际组织最经常使用的一种赔偿方式。

The most well-known instance of practice concerns the settlement of claims arising from the United Nations operation in the Congo.


Compensation to nationals of Belgium, Switzerland, Greece, Luxembourg and Italy was granted through exchanges of letters between the Secretary-General and the permanent missions of the respective States in keeping with the United Nations declaration contained in these letters according to which the United Nations:

秘书长和相关国家的常驻代表团进行了书信往来,并根据这些信中所载的联合国声明,对比利时、瑞士、希腊、卢森堡和意大利的国民给予了补偿。 在这些信中,联合国:

“stated that it would not evade responsibility where it was established that United Nations agents had in fact caused unjustifiable damage to innocent parties”.


With regard to the same operation, further settlements were made with Zambia, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and France, and also with the International Committee of the Red Cross.


(2) The fact that such compensation was given as reparation for breaches of obligations under international law may be gathered not only from some of the claims but also from a letter, dated 6 August 1965, addressed by the Secretary-General to the Permanent Representative of the Soviet Union.

红十字国际委员会也获得清偿。 (2) 为对违反国际法义务的行为进行赔偿而支付有关赔偿金的情况,不仅可从部分索赔中收集,而且也可从196586日秘书长给苏联常驻代表的信中获得。

In this letter, the Secretary-General said:


“It has always been the policy of the United Nations, acting through the Secretary-General, to compensate individuals who have suffered damages for which the Organization was legally liable.


This policy is in keeping with generally recognized legal principles and with the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations.


In addition, in regard to the United Nations activities in the Congo, it is reinforced by the principles set forth in the international conventions concerning the protection of the life and property of the civilian population during hostilities as well as by considerations of equity and humanity which the United Nations cannot ignore.”


(3) A reference to the obligation on the United Nations to pay compensation was also made by the International Court of Justice in its advisory opinion on Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights.

” (3) 国际法院关于人权委员会特别报告员享有法律程序豁免的争议的咨询意见也提到联合国支付补偿金的义务。

(4) There is no reason to depart from the text of article 36 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, apart from replacing the term “State” by “international organization”.

(4) 除了必须将国家改为国际组织以外,没有理由不采用关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第36条案文。

Article 37




1. The international organization responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to give satisfaction for the injury caused by that act insofar as it cannot be made good by restitution or compensation.

1. 如损害没有以恢复原状或补偿的方式得到赔偿,一国际不法行为的责任国际组织有义务对该行为造成的损失给予抵偿。

2. Satisfaction may consist in an acknowledgement of the breach, an expression of regret, a formal apology or another appropriate modality.

2. 抵偿可采取承认不法行为、表示遗憾、正式道歉或其他适当的方式。

3. Satisfaction shall not be out of proportion to the injury and may not take a form humiliating to the responsible international organization.

3. 抵偿不应与损害不成比例,并且不得采取羞辱责任国际组织的方式。



(1) Practice offers some examples of satisfaction on the part of international organizations, generally in the form of an apology or an expression of regret.

(1) 实践中有一些国际组织给予抵偿的例子,一般均以道歉或表示遗憾的形式出现。

Although the examples that follow do not expressly refer to the existence of a breach of an obligation under international law, they at least imply that an apology or an expression of regret by an international organization would be one of the appropriate legal consequences for such a breach.


(2) With regard to the fall of Srebrenica, the United Nations Secretary-General said:

(2) 关于斯雷布雷尼察的沦陷问题,联合国秘书长指出:

“The United Nations experience in Bosnia was one of the most difficult and painful in our history.


It is with the deepest regret and remorse that we have reviewed our own actions and decisions in the face of the assault on Srebrenica.”


(3) On 16 December 1999, upon receiving the report of the independent inquiry into the actions of the United Nations during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the Secretary-General stated:

” (3) 19991216日,秘书长在接受关于1994年卢旺达境内灭绝种族期间联合国行动的独立调查报告时指出:

“All of us must bitterly regret that we did not do more to prevent it.


There was a United Nations force in the country at the time, but it was neither mandated nor equipped for the kind of forceful action which would have been needed to prevent or halt the genocide.


On behalf of the United Nations, I acknowledge this failure and express my deep remorse.”


(4) Shortly after the NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, a NATO spokesman said in a press conference:

(4) 北约轰炸贝尔格莱德的中国大使馆不久后,北约发言人在一次新闻发布会上说:

“I think we have done what anybody would do in these circumstances, first of all we have acknowledged responsibility clearly, unambiguously, quickly; we have expressed our regrets to the Chinese authorities.”


A further apology was addressed on 13 May 1999 by German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder on behalf of Germany, NATO and NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana to Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Premier Zhu Rongji.


(5) As with regard to other forms of reparation, the rules of the responsible international organization will determine which organ or agent is competent to give satisfaction on behalf of the organization.

(5) 对于其他赔偿形式,责任国际组织的规则将决定哪一个机关或代理人有权代表该组织作出抵偿。

(6) The modalities and conditions of satisfaction that concern States are applicable also to international organizations.

(6) 涉及国家的抵偿方式和条件也可以适用于国际组织。

A form of satisfaction intended to humiliate the responsible international organization may be unlikely, but is not unimaginable.


A theoretical example would be that of the request of a formal apology in terms that would be demeaning to the organization or one of its organs.


The request could also refer to the conduct taken by one or more member States or organizations within the framework of the responsible organization.


Although the request for satisfaction might then specifically target one or more members, the responsible organization would be asked to give it and would necessarily be affected.


(7) Thus, the paragraphs of article 37 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts may be transposed, with the replacement of the term “State” with “international organization” in paragraphs 1 and 3.

(7) 因此,国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第37条的款文 可以调换一下,但将第1款和第3款中的国家一词改为国际组织

Article 38




1. Interest on any principal sum due under this Chapter shall be payable when necessary in order to ensure full reparation.

1. 为确保充分赔偿,在必要时,应支付根据本章所应支付的任何本金金额的利息。

The interest rate and mode of calculation shall be set so as to achieve that result.


2. Interest runs from the date when the principal sum should have been paid until the date the obligation to pay is fulfilled.

2. 利息从应支付本金金额之日起算,至完成履行支付义务之日为止。



The rules contained in article 38 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts with regard to interest are intended to ensure application of the principle of full reparation.

国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第38条中所载述的关于利息的规则 是为了确保适用充分赔偿的原则。

Similar considerations in this regard apply to international organizations.


Therefore, both paragraphs of article 38 on State responsibility are here reproduced without change.


Article 39


Contribution to the injury


In the determination of reparation, account shall be taken of the contribution to the injury by wilful or negligent action or omission of the injured State or international organization or of any person or entity in relation to whom reparation is sought.




(1) No apparent reason would preclude extending to international organizations the provision set out in article 39 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 没有任何明显的理由可据以排除将关于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第39条所载的规定适用于国际组织的适当性。

Such an extension is made in two directions: first, international organizations are also entitled to invoke contribution to the injury in order to diminish their responsibility; second, the entities that may have contributed to the injury include international organizations.


The latter extension requires the addition of the words “or international organization” after “State” in the corresponding article on State responsibility.


(2) One instance of relevant practice in which contribution to the injury was invoked concerns the shooting of a civilian vehicle in the Congo.

(2) 在刚果射击平民车辆是可能被援引责任的一个与促成损害有关的实践例子。

In this case compensation by the United Nations was reduced because of the contributory negligence by the driver of the vehicle.


(3) This article is without prejudice to any obligation to mitigate the injury that the injured party may have under international law.

(3) 本条为妨碍受害方依国际法可能有的关于减轻损害的任何义务。

The existence of such an obligation would arise under a primary rule.


Thus, it does not need to be discussed here.


(4) The reference to “any person or entity in relation to whom reparation is sought” has to be read in conjunction with the definition given in article 33 of the scope of the international obligations set out in Part Three.

(4) 提到的提出索赔的任何人或实体必须结合第三部分第33条中所载国际义务的定义来加以理解。

This scope is limited to obligations arising for a responsible international organization towards States, other international organizations or the international community as a whole.


The above reference seems appropriately worded in this context.


The existence of rights that directly accrue to other persons or entities is thereby not prejudiced.


Article 40


Ensuring the fulfilment of the obligation to make reparation


1. The responsible international organization shall take all appropriate measures in accordance with its rules to ensure that its members provide it with the means for effectively fulfilling its obligations under this Chapter.

1. 责任国际组织应根据其规则采取一切适当措施,确保其成员向该组织提供有效履行本章所规定的义务的手段。

2. The members of a responsible international organization shall take all the appropriate measures that may be required by the rules of the organization in order to enable the organization to fulfil its obligations under this Chapter.

2. 责任国际组织的成员应采取该组织的规则可能要求采取的一切适当措施,使该组织能够履行本章所规定的义务。



(1) International organizations having a separate legal personality are in principle the only subjects that bear international responsibility for their international wrongful acts.

(1) 具有独立法律人格的国际组织,原则上是承担对其国际不法行为的国际责任的唯一主体。

When an international organization is responsible for an internationally wrongful act, States and other organizations incur responsibility because of their membership of a responsible organization only according to the conditions stated in articles 17, 61 and 62.


The present article does not envisage any further instance in which States and international organizations would be held internationally responsible for the act of the organization of which they are members.


(2) Consistent with the views expressed by several States that responded to a question raised by the Commission in its 2006 report to the General Assembly, no subsidiary obligation of members towards the injured party is considered to arise when the responsible organization is not in a position to make reparation.

(2) 针对委员会在其提交大会的2006年报告中所提出的一个问题,一些国家也持相同态度, 认为,当责任组织没有能力赔偿时,其成员国并不因此对受害方负有任何附属义务。

The same opinion was expressed in statements by the International Monetary Fund and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.


This approach appears to conform to practice, which does not show any support for the existence of such an obligation under international law.


(3) Thus, the injured party would have to rely on the fulfilment by the responsible international organization of its obligations.

(3) 因此,受害方只能仰仗责任国际组织履行其义务。

It is clear that if no budget line is provided for the event that the organization incurs international responsibility, the effective fulfilment of the obligation to make reparation will be at risk.


Thus paragraph 1 stresses the need for an international organization to take all appropriate measures so as to be in a position of complying with its obligations should it incur responsibility.


This will generally imply that the members of the organization be requested to provide the necessary means.


(4) Paragraph 2 is essentially of an expository character.

(4) 2款基本上具有解释的性质。

It intends to remind members of a responsible international organization that they are required to take, in accordance with the rules of the organization, all appropriate measures in order to provide the organization with the means for effectively fulfilling its obligation to make reparation.


(5) In both paragraphs, the reference to the rules of the organization is meant to define the basis of the requirements in question.

(5) 这两款都提到组织的规则,这是为了界定有关要求的依据。

While the rules of the organization do not necessarily deal with the matter expressly, an obligation for members to finance the organization as part of the general duty to cooperate with the organization may be implied under the relevant rules.


As was noted by Judge Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice in his separate opinion in the Certain Expenses of the United Nations advisory opinion:


“Without finance, the Organization could not perform its duties.


Therefore, even in the absence of Article 17, paragraph 2, a general obligation for Member States collectively to finance the Organization would have to be read into the Charter, on the basis of the same principle as the Court applied in the Injuries to United Nations Servants case, namely ‘by necessary implication as being essential to the performance of its [i.e. the Organization’s] duties’ (I.C.J. Reports 1949, at p. 182).”


Chapter III


Serious breaches of obligations under peremptory norms of general international law


Article 41


Application of this Chapter


1. This Chapter applies to the international responsibility which is entailed by a serious breach by an international organization of an obligation arising under a peremptory norm of general international law.

1. 本章适用于国际组织严重违反一般国际法强制性规范规定的义务的行为所产生的国际责任。

2. A breach of such an obligation is serious if it involves a gross or systematic failure by the responsible international organization to fulfil the obligation.

2. 如果此种违反义务行为涉及责任国际组织严重地或系统性地不履行义务,则构成严重违反义务行为。



(1) The scope of Chapter III corresponds to the scope defined in article 40 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 第三章的范围相当于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第40条中所规定承担的范围。

The breach of an obligation under a peremptory norm of general international law may be less likely on the part of international organizations than on the part of States.


However, the risk of such a breach cannot be entirely ruled out.


It is not inconceivable, for example, that an international organization commits an aggression or infringes an obligation under a peremptory norm of general international law relating to the protection of human rights.


If a serious breach does occur, it calls for the same consequences as in the case of States.


(2) The two paragraphs of the present article are identical to those of article 40 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, but for the replacement of the term “State” with “international organization”.

(2) 本条的两款与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第40条的两款相同, 只是将国家一词改为国际组织

Article 42


Particular consequences of a serious breach of an obligation under this Chapter


1. States and international organizations shall cooperate to bring to an end through lawful means any serious breach within the meaning of article 41.

1. 国家和国际组织应进行合作,通过合法手段制止本条款草案第41条含义范围内的任何严重违反义务行为。

2. No State or international organization shall recognize as lawful a situation created by a serious breach within the meaning of article 41, nor render aid or assistance in maintaining that situation.

2. 任何国家或国际组织均不得承认本条款草案第41条含义范围内的严重违反义务行为造成的情况为合法,也不得为维持这种现状提供援助或协助。

3. This article is without prejudice to the other consequences referred to in this Part and to such further consequences that a breach to which this Chapter applies may entail under international law.

3. 本条不妨碍本部分所指的其他后果和本章适用的违反义务行为可能依国际法引起的进一步后果。



(1) This article sets out that, should an international organization commit a serious breach of an obligation under a peremptory norm of general international law, States and international organizations have duties corresponding to those applying to States according to article 41 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 本条规定,如果一国际组织有严重违背依国际法强制性规范承担的义务的行为,国家和国际组织有根据关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第41条适用国家的相应义务。

Therefore, the same wording is used here as in that article, with the addition of the words “and international organizations” in paragraph 1 and “or international organization” in paragraph 2.


(2) In response to a question raised by the Commission in its 2006 report to the General Assembly, several States expressed the view that the legal situation of an international organization should be the same as that of a State having committed a similar breach.

(2) 针对委员会在2006年提交大会的报告中提出的一个问题, 若干国家认为,严重违背行为的国际组织的法律规定应该与有同样严重违背行为的国家一样。

Moreover, several States maintained that international organizations would also be under an obligation to cooperate to bring the breach to an end.


(3) The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons made the following observation:

(3) 禁止化学武器组织发表如下意见:

“States should definitely be under an obligation to cooperate to bring such a breach to an end because in the case when an international organization acts in breach of a peremptory norm of general international law, its position is not much different from that of a State.”


With regard to the obligation to cooperate on the part of international organizations, the same organization noted that an international organization “must always act within its mandate and in accordance with its rules”.


(4) Paragraph 1 of the present article is not designed to vest international organizations with functions that are outside their respective mandates.

(4) 显然,本条款第1条的用意不是赋予国际组织任何与其各自的任务背道而驰的职能。

On the other hand, some international organizations may be entrusted with functions that go beyond what is required in the present article.


This article is without prejudice to any function that an organization may have with regard to certain breaches of obligations under peremptory norms of general international law, as for example the United Nations in respect of aggression.


(5) While practice does not offer examples of cases in which the obligations stated in the present article were asserted in respect of a serious breach committed by an international organization, it is not insignificant that these obligations were considered to apply to international organizations when a breach was allegedly committed by a State.

(5) 虽然在实践中找不到在一国际组织严重违法时宣称所述义务的事例,考虑将据称一国严重违法时的这些义务适用于国际组织并不是没有意义的。

(6) In this context it may be useful to recall that in the operative part of its advisory opinion on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory the International Court of Justice first stated the obligation incumbent upon Israel to cease forthwith the works of construction of the wall and, “[g]iven the character and the importance of the rights and obligations involved”, the obligation for all States “not to recognize the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction”.

(6) 在这方面,应该回顾,国际法院在其关于以色列在被占领的巴勒斯坦领土修建隔离墙的法律后果的咨询意见执行部分中首先申明两种义务,即以色列停止修建隔离墙:和鉴于所涉权利和义务的性质和重要性,所有国家不承认修建隔离墙所造成的不合法局面,不协助维持修建隔离墙所造成的局面

The Court then added:


“The United Nations, and especially the General Assembly and the Security Council, should consider what further action is required to bring to an end the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall and the associated regime, taking due account of the present Advisory Opinion.”


(7) Some instances of practice relating to serious breaches committed by States concern the duty of international organizations not to recognize as lawful a situation created by one of those breaches.

(7) 一些与国家严重违反义务有关的做法的事例是关于国际组织不承认违反义务行为所造成的情形为合法的义务。

For example, with regard to the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq, Security Council resolution 662 (1990) called upon “all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize that annexation, and to refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as an indirect recognition of the annexation”.


Another example is provided by the Declaration that the European Community and its member States made in 1991 on the “Guidelines on the Recognition of New States in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union”.


This text included the following sentence: “The Community and its member States will not recognize entities which are the result of aggression.”


(8) The present article concerns the obligations of States and international organizations in the event of a serious breach of an obligation under a peremptory norm of general international law by an international organization.

(8) 本条涉及一国际组织在严重违反依一般国际法强制性规范承担义务的行为情况下为国家和国际组织规定的义务。

It is not intended to exclude that similar obligations also exist for other persons or entities.


Part Four


The implementation of the international responsibility of an international organization




(1) Part Four of the present articles concerns the implementation of the international responsibility of international organizations.

(1) 本条款第四部分涉及国际组织国际责任的履行。

This Part is subdivided into two chapters, according to the general pattern of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


Chapter I deals with the invocation of international responsibility and with certain associated issues. These do not include questions relating to remedies that may be available for implementing international responsibility.


Chapter II considers countermeasures taken in order to induce the responsible international organization to cease the unlawful conduct and to provide reparation.


(2) Issues relating to the implementation of international responsibility are here considered insofar as they concern the invocation of the responsibility of an international organization.

(2) 在此考虑了与履行国际责任相关的问题,这些问题涉及援引国际组织的责任。

Thus, while the present draft articles consider the invocation of responsibility by a State or an international organization, they do not address questions relating to the invocation of responsibility of States.


However, one provision (art. 48) refers to the case in which the responsibility of one or more States is concurrent with that of one or more international organizations for the same wrongful act.


Chapter I


Invocation of the responsibility of an international organization


Article 43


Invocation of responsibility by an injured State or international organization


A State or an international organization is entitled as an injured State or an injured international organization to invoke the responsibility of another international organization if the obligation breached is owed to:


(a) that State or the former international organization individually;

(a) 被违反的义务是单独地向该国或该组织承担的义务;

(b) a group of States or international organizations including that State or the former international organization, or the international community as a whole, and the breach of the obligation:

(b) 被违反的义务是向包括该国或该组织在内的国家集团或国际组织集团或向整个国际社会承担的义务,而对此义务的违反:

(i) specially affects that State or that international organization; or

() 特别影响到该国或该组织;或

(ii) is of such a character as radically to change the position of all the other States and international organizations to which the obligation is owed with respect to the further performance of the obligation.

() 因其性质,在进一步履行义务方面,根本改变了作为义务对象的所有其他国家和国际组织的地位。



(1) The present article defines when a State or an international organization is entitled to invoke responsibility as an injured State or international organization.

(1) 本条款界定了一国或一国际组织何时有权作为受害国或受害国际组织援引责任。

This implies the entitlement to claim from the responsible international organization compliance with the obligations that are set out in Part Three.


(2) Subparagraph (a) addresses the more frequent case of responsibility arising for an international organization: that of a breach of an obligation owed to a State or another international organization individually.

(2) (a)项处理了引起一国际组织责任的更常见的情况:违反个别地对一国或另一国际组织承担的义务。

This subparagraph corresponds to article 42 (a) on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


It seems clear that the conditions for a State to invoke responsibility as an injured State cannot vary according to the fact that the responsible entity is another State or an international organization.


Similarly, when an international organization owes an obligation to another international organization individually, the latter organization has to be regarded as entitled to invoke responsibility as an injured organization in case of breach.


(3) Practice concerning the entitlement of an international organization to invoke international responsibility because of the breach of an obligation owed to that organization individually mainly concerns breaches of obligations that are committed by States.

(3) 有关一国际组织因对其个别承担的义务被违反而有权援引国际责任的实践主要涉及国家违反承诺的义务。

Since the present draft articles do not address questions relating to the invocation of responsibility of States, this practice is here relevant only indirectly.


The obligations breached to which practice refers were imposed either by a treaty or by general international law.


It was in the latter context that in its advisory opinion on Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations the International Court of Justice stated that it was “established that the Organization has capacity to bring claims on the international plane”.


Also in the context of breaches of obligations under general international law that were committed by a State the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission envisaged compensation “with respect to any direct loss, damage, or injury to Governments or international organizations as a result of Iraq’s unlawful invasion and occupation of Kuwait”.


On this basis, several entities that were expressly defined as international organizations were, as a result of their claims, awarded compensation by the panel of commissioners: the Arab Planning Institute, the Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation, the Gulf Arab States Educational Research Center, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, the Joint Program Production Institution for the Arab Gulf Countries and the Arab Towns Organization.


(4) According to article 42 (b) on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, a State may invoke responsibility as an injured State also when the obligation breached is owed to a group of States or to the international community as a whole, and the breach of the obligation (i) specially affects that State, or (ii) is of such a character as radically to change the position of all the other States to which the obligation is owed with regard to the further performance of the obligation.

(4) 根据关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第42(b)项,在违反对一个国家集团或整个国际社会的义务、且违反的义务() 特别影响到该国,或() 具有如此性质以致就继续履行义务而言,会根本改变作为该义务对象的所有其他国家的地位时,一国也可作为受害国援引责任。

The related commentary gives as an example for the first category a coastal State that is particularly affected by the breach of an obligation concerning pollution of the high seas; for the second category, the party to a disarmament treaty or “any other treaty where each party’s performance is effectively conditioned upon and requires the performance of each of the others”.

相关评注举出了例子,第一类的例子为一个特别受到违反有关公海污染方面义务影响的沿岸国; 第二类的例子为裁军条约缔约国或每个缔约国履约情况实际上以其他每个缔约国履约为条件并要求其他每个缔约国履约

(5) Breaches of this type, which rarely affect States, are even less likely to be relevant for international organizations.

(5) 这类违反义务的情况很少影响到各国,与国际组织相关的可能性更小。

However, one cannot rule out that an international organization may commit a breach that falls into one or the other category and that a State or an international organization may then be entitled to invoke responsibility as an injured State or international organization.


It is therefore preferable to include in the present article the possibility that a State or an international organization may invoke responsibility of an international organization as an injured State or international organization under similar circumstances.


This is provided in subparagraph (b) (i) and (ii).


(6) While the chapeau of the present article refers to “the responsibility of another international organization”, this is due to the fact that the text cumulatively considers invocation of responsibility by a State or an international organization.

(6) 目前条文的开首语中提到另一国际组织的责任,这是由于案文累积考虑了一国或国际组织援引责任问题。

The reference to “another” international organization is not intended to exclude the case that a State is injured and only one international organization — the responsible organization — is involved.


Nor does the reference to “a State” and to “an international organization” in the same chapeau imply that more than one State or international organization may not be injured by the same internationally wrongful act.


(7) Similarly, the reference in subparagraph (b) to “a group of States or international organizations” does not necessarily imply that the group should comprise both States and international organizations or that there should be a plurality of States or international organizations.

(7) 同样,(b)项中提到若干国家或国际组织并不意味着该集团应同时包括国家和国际组织,或应当有多个国家或国际组织。

Thus, the text is intended to include the following cases: that the obligation breached is owed by the responsible international organization to a group of States; that it is owed to a group of other organizations; that it is owed to a group comprising both States and organizations, but not necessarily a plurality of either.


Article 44


Notice of claim by an injured State or international organization


1. An injured State or international organization which invokes the responsibility of another international organization shall give notice of its claim to that organization.

1. 援引另一国际组织责任的受害国或国际组织应将其求偿的要求通知该组织。

2. The injured State or international organization may specify in particular:

2. 受害国或国际组织可具体指明:

(a) the conduct that the responsible international organization should take in order to cease the wrongful act, if it is continuing;

(a) 如不法行为仍在继续,责任国际组织为停止该不法行为而应采取的行动;

(b) what form reparation should take in accordance with the provisions of Part Three.

(b) 根据本条款草案第三部分的规定应采取哪种赔偿方式。



(1) This article corresponds to article 43 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 本条对应于国家对国际不法行为责任的第43条。

With regard to notice of claim for invoking international responsibility of an international organization, there would be little reason for envisaging different modalities from those that are applicable when an injured State invokes the responsibility of another State.


Moreover, the same rule should apply whether the entity invoking responsibility is a State or an international organization.


(2) Paragraph 1 does not specify what form the invocation of responsibility should take.

(2) 1款并未说明援引责任应当采取的形式。

The fact that, according to paragraph 2, the State or international organization invoking responsibility may specify some elements, and in particular “what form reparation should take”, does not imply that the responsible international organization is bound to conform to those specifications.


(3) While paragraph 1 refers to the responsible international organization as “another international organization”, this does not mean that, when the entity invoking responsibility is a State, more than one international organization needs to be involved.

(3) 1款将责任国际组织称为另一国际组织,这并不是说,当援引责任的实体为一个国家时,必须涉及一个以上的国际组织。

(4) Although the present article refers to “an injured State or international organization”, according to article 49, paragraph 5, the same rule applies to notice of claim when a State or an international organization is entitled to invoke responsibility without being an injured State or international organization within the definition of article 43.

(4) 尽管本条款提到一受害国或国际组织,但根据第49条第5款,在第43定义范围内,在非受害国的国家或国际组织有权援引责任之时,相同的规则适用于通知求偿要求。

Article 45


Admissibility of claims


1. An injured State may not invoke the responsibility of an international organization if the claim is not brought in accordance with any applicable rule relating to nationality of claims.

1. 如求偿要求的提出不符合应适用的国籍规则,受害国不得援引国际组织的责任。

2. When the rule of exhaustion of local remedies applies to a claim, an injured State or international organization may not invoke the responsibility of another international organization if any available and effective remedy has not been exhausted.

2. 如用尽当地救济的规则适用于求偿要求,那么在未用尽所有可利用的有效救济时,受害国或国际组织不得援引另一国际组织的责任。



(1) This article corresponds to article 44 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 本条对应于国家对国际不法行为责任的第44条。

It concerns the admissibility of certain claims that States or international organizations may make when invoking the international responsibility of an international organization.


Paragraph 1 deals with those claims that are subject to the rule on nationality of claims, while paragraph 2 relates to the claims to which the local remedies rule applies.


(2) Nationality of claims is a requirement applying to States exercising diplomatic protection.

(2) 求偿要求所涉的国籍是对行使外交保护的国家提出的要求。

Although article 1 of the articles on diplomatic protection defines that institution with regard to the invocation by a State of the responsibility of another State “for an injury caused by an internationally wrongful act of that State to a natural or legal person that is a national of the former State”, this definition is made “for the purposes of the […] draft articles”.


The reference only to the relations between States is understandable in view of the fact that generally diplomatic protection is relevant in that context.


However, diplomatic protection could be exercised by a State also towards an international organization, for instance when an organization deploys forces on the territory of a State and the conduct of those forces leads to a breach of an obligation under international law concerning the treatment of individuals.


(3) The requirement that a person be a national for diplomatic protection to be admissible is already implied in the definition quoted in the previous paragraph.

(3) 前面段落所引定义中已经暗示,有关人员须为国民,才可进行外交保护这一要求。

It is expressed in article 3, paragraph 1, on diplomatic protection in the following terms: “The State entitled to exercise diplomatic protection is the State of nationality.”


(4) Paragraph 1 of the present article only concerns the exercise of diplomatic protection by a State.

(4) 本条第1款仅涉及国家行使外交保护。

When an international organization prefers a claim against another international organization no requirement concerning nationality applies.


With regard to the invocation of the responsibility of a State by an international organization, the International Court of Justice stated in its advisory opinion on Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations that “the question of nationality is not pertinent to the admissibility of the claim”.


(5) Paragraph 2 relates to the local remedies rule.

(5) 2款涉及当地救济规则。

Under international law, this rule does not apply only to claims concerning diplomatic protection, but also to claims relating to respect for human rights.


The local remedies rule does not apply in the case of functional protection, when an international organization acts in order to protect one of its officials or agents in relation to the performance of his or her mission, although an organization may include in its claim also “the damage suffered by the victim or by persons entitled through him”, as the International Court of Justice said in its advisory opinion on Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations.

在职能保护案件中,不适用当地救济规则, 当一国际组织采取行动,以保护其执行任何的工作人员之时,一组织还可在其要求中列入受害者或通过他而被授权者所受的损害,正如国际法院在关于执行联合国公务时所受损害的赔偿的咨询意见中所说。 在这一范围内,用尽当地救济的要求可被认为适用。

(6) With regard to a responsible international organization, the need to exhaust local remedies depends on the circumstances of the claim.

(6) 关于责任国际组织,是否需要用尽当地救济取决于要求的情况。

Provided that the requirement applies in certain cases, there is no need to define here more precisely when the local remedies rule would be applicable.


One clear case appears to be that of a claim in respect of the treatment of an individual by an international organization while administering a territory.


The local remedies rule has also been invoked with regard to remedies existing within the European Union.


One instance of practice is provided by a statement made on behalf of all the member States of the European Union by the Director-General of the Legal Service of the European Commission before the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization in relation to a dispute between those States and the United States concerning measures taken for abating noise originating from aircraft.


The member States of the European Union contended that the claim of the United States was inadmissible because remedies relating to the controversial EC regulation had not been exhausted, since the measure was at the time “subject to challenge before the national courts of EU Member States and the European Court of Justice”.


This practice suggests that, whether a claim is addressed to the EU member States or the responsibility of the European Union is invoked, exhaustion of remedies existing within the European Union would be required.


(7) The need to exhaust local remedies with regard to claims against an international organization has been accepted, at least in principle, by the majority of writers.

(7) 对国际组织的求偿必须用尽当地救济,这一点为大多数作者所接受,至少原则上接受。

Although the term “local remedies” may seem inappropriate in this context, because it seems to refer to remedies available in the territory of the responsible entity, it has generally been used in English texts as a term of art and as such has been included also in paragraph 2.


(8) As in article 44 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the requirement for local remedies to be exhausted is conditional on the existence of “any available and effective remedy”.

(8) 如在国家对国际不法行为的责任的第44条中一样,用尽当地救济办法的要求以可利用和有效的救济的存在为条件。

This requirement has been elaborated in greater detail by the Commission in articles 14 and 15 on diplomatic protection, but for the purpose of the present draft articles the more concise description may prove adequate.

委员会在关于外交保护的第14和第15条中,更加详细地阐述了这项要求, 但对于目前条款的目的而言,更为简练地描述可能已经足够。

(9) While available and effective remedies within an international organization may exist only in the case of a limited number of organizations, paragraph 2, by referring to remedies “provided by that organization”, intends to include also remedies that are available before arbitral tribunals, national courts or administrative bodies when the international organization has accepted their competence to examine claims.

(9) 尽管一国际组织内可利用和有效的救济办法仅仅见于为数有限的组织,但第2款提到该组织提供的救济办法,旨在也包括在国际组织接受仲裁法庭、国家法院或行政机构审理索偿的权限情况下可利用的救济办法。

The location of the remedies may affect their effectiveness in relation to the individual concerned.


(10) As in other provisions, the reference to “another” international organization in paragraph 2 is not intended to exclude that responsibility may be invoked against an international organization even when no other international organization is involved.

(10) 如其他规定中一样,第2款提到另一国际组织并非打算排除可能援引一国际组织的责任,即使在不涉及任何其他国际组织的情况下也是如此。

(11) Paragraph 2 is also relevant when, according to article 48, responsibility is invoked by a State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization.

(11) 在受害国或国际组织以外的国家或国际组织根据第48条援引责任之时,第2款也是相关的。

A reference to article 44, paragraph 2, is made in article 48, paragraph 5, to this effect.


Article 46


Loss of the right to invoke responsibility


The responsibility of an international organization may not be invoked if:


(a) the injured State or international organization has validly waived the claim;

(a) 受害国或国际组织已有效地放弃要求;

(b) the injured State or international organization is to be considered as having, by reason of its conduct, validly acquiesced in the lapse of the claim.

(b) 受害国或国际组织基于其行为应被视为已有效地默认其求偿要求失效。



(1) The present article closely follows the text of article 45 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the replacement of “a State” by “an international organization” in the chapeau and the addition of “or international organization” in subparagraphs (a) and (b).

(1) 本条严格遵照国家对国际不法行为的责任第45条的案文, 在开首语部分将一国改为一国际组织,并在(a)(b)项中增加了或国际组织

(2) It is clear that, for an injured State, the loss of the right to invoke responsibility can hardly depend on whether the responsible entity is a State or an international organization.

(2) 很清楚,对受害国而言,援引责任权利的丧失很难取决于责任实体是国家还是国际组织。

In principle also an international organization should be considered to be in the position of waiving a claim or acquiescing in the lapse of the claim.


However, it is to be noted that the special features of international organizations make it generally difficult to identify which organ is competent to waive a claim on behalf of the organization and to assess whether acquiescence on the part of the organization has taken place.


Moreover, acquiescence on the part of an international organization may involve a longer period than the one normally sufficient for States.


(3) Subparagraphs (a) and (b) specify that a waiver or acquiescence entails the loss of the right to invoke responsibility only if it is “validly” made.

(3) (a)(b)项具体规定,仅在有效做出的情况下,放弃或默认意味着援引责任权利丧失。

As was stated in the commentary on article 20 of the present draft articles, this term “refers to matters ‘addressed by international law rules outside the framework of State responsibility’ or of the responsibility of an international organization, such as whether the organ or agent who gave the consent was authorized to do so on behalf of the relevant State or international organization, or whether the consent was vitiated by coercion or some other factor”.


In the case of an international organization validity generally implies that the rules of the organization have to be respected.


However, this requirement may encounter limits such as those stated in article 46, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations with regard to the relevance of respecting the rules of the organization relating to competence to conclude treaties in relation to the invalidity of the treaty for infringement of those rules.

然而,在尊重国际组织有关缔结条约权限规则、违反这些规则条约无效方面,这项要求可能遇到《关于国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间条约法维也纳公约》 第46条第2和第3款所述的限制。

(4) When there is a plurality of injured States or injured international organizations, the waiver by one or more State or international organization does not affect the entitlement of the other injured States or organizations to invoke responsibility.

(4) 在有数个受害国或受害国际组织之时,一个或多个国家或国际组织放弃并不影响其他受害国或受害国际组织援引责任的权利。

(5) Although subparagraphs (a) and (b) refer to “the injured State or international organization”, a loss of the right to invoke responsibility because of a waiver or acquiescence may occur also for a State or an international organization that is entitled, in accordance with article 49, to invoke responsibility not as an injured State or international organization.

(5) 尽管(a)(b)项提到受害国或国际组织,但根据第49条,就有权作为非受害国或受害国际组织援引责任的国家或国际组织而言,也可能出现由于放弃或默认而丧失援引责任权利的情况。

This is made clear by the reference to article 46 contained in article 49, paragraph 5.


Article 47


Plurality of injured States or international organizations


Where several States or international organizations are injured by the same internationally wrongful act of an international organization, each injured State or international organization may separately invoke the responsibility of the international organization for the internationally wrongful act.




(1) This provision corresponds to article 46 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 本条对应于国家对国际不法行为的责任第46条。

The following cases, all relating to responsibility for a single wrongful act, are here considered: that there is a plurality of injured States; that there exists a plurality of injured international organizations; that there are one or more injured States and one or more injured international organizations.


(2) Any injured State or international organization is entitled to invoke responsibility independently from any other injured State or international organization.

(2) 任何受害国或国际组织均有权独立于任何其他受害国或国际组织援引责任。

This does not preclude some or all of the injured entities invoking responsibility jointly, if they so wish.


Coordination of claims would contribute to avoid the risk of a double recovery.


(3) An instance of claims that may be concurrently preferred by an injured State and an injured international organization was envisaged by the International Court of Justice in its advisory opinion on Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations.

(3) 国际法院在关于执行联合国公务时所受损害的赔偿的咨询意见认为,设想了一受害国和一受害国际组织可能同时主张索偿的情况。

The Court found that both the United Nations and the national State of the victim could claim “in respect of the damage caused […] to the victim or to persons entitled through him” and noted that there was “no rule of law which assigns priority to the one or to the other, or which compels either the State or the Organization to refrain from bringing an international claim.


The Court sees no reason why the parties concerned should not find solutions inspired by goodwill and common sense […




(4) An injured State or international organization could undertake to refrain from invoking responsibility, leaving other injured States or international organizations to do so.

(4) 一受害国或国际组织可承诺不援引责任而任由其他受害国或国际组织援引一责任。

If this undertaking is not only an internal matter between the injured entities, it could lead to the loss for the former State or international organization of the right to invoke responsibility according to article 46.


(5) When an international organization and one or more of its members are both injured as the result of the same wrongful act, the rules of the organization could similarly attribute to the organization or to its members the exclusive function of invoking responsibility.

(5) 若一国际组织及其一个或多个成员均因同一不法行为而受到伤害,该组织的规则可同样赋予该组织或其成员援引责任的排他的职能。

Article 48


Responsibility of an international organization and one or more States or international organizations


1. Where an international organization and one or more States or other international organizations are responsible for the same internationally wrongful act, the responsibility of each State or organization may be invoked in relation to that act.

1. 在一个国际组织和一个或若干国家或其他国际组织对同一国际不法行为应负责任的情形下,可以对每一个国家或组织援引涉及该行为的责任。

2. Subsidiary responsibility may be invoked insofar as the invocation of the primary responsibility has not led to reparation.

2. 只有在援引主要责任未得到赔偿的情况下,方可援引次要责任。

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2:

3. 1款和第2款:

(a) do not permit any injured State or international organization to recover, by way of compensation, more than the damage it has suffered;

(a) 不允许任何受害国或国际组织通过补偿的方式获取多于其所受损失的利益;

(b) are without prejudice to any right of recourse that the State or international organization providing reparation may have against the other responsible States or international organizations.

(b) 不妨碍提供赔偿的国家或国际组织对其他责任国或国际组织可能具有的追索权。



(1) The present article addresses the case where an international organization is responsible for a given wrongful act together with one or more other entities, either international organizations or States.

(1) 本条处理了一国际组织与一个或多个其他实体(国际组织或国家)一起对特定不法行为负责的情况。

The joint responsibility of an international organization with one or more States is envisaged in articles 14 to 18, which concern the responsibility of an international organization in connection with the act of a State, and in articles 58 to 62, which deal with the responsibility of a State in connection with the internationally wrongful act of an international organization.

1418条和第5862条设想了一国际组织与一个或多个国家的联合责任。 第1418条考虑了一国际组织与一国的行为相关的责任;第5862条涉及一国与一国际组织国际不法行为相关的责任。

Another example is provided by so-called mixed agreements that are concluded by the European Union together with its member States, when such agreements do not provide for the apportionment of the responsibility between the Union and its member States.


As was stated by the European Court of Justice in a case Parliament v. Council relating to a mixed cooperation agreement: “In those circumstances, in the absence of derogations expressly laid down in the Convention, the Community and its member States as partners of the ACP States are jointly liable to those latter States for the fulfilment of every obligation arising from the commitments undertaken, including those relating to financial assistance.”


(2) Like article 47 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, paragraph 1 provides that the responsibility of each responsible entity may be invoked by the injured State or international organization.

(2) 如同国家对国际不法行为的责任的第47条一样, 第1款规定,受害国或国际组织可援引每个责任实体的责任。

However, there may be cases in which a State or an international organization bears only subsidiary responsibility, to the effect that it would have an obligation to provide reparation only if, and to the extent that, the primarily responsible State or international organization fails to do so.


Article 62 gives an example of subsidiary responsibility, by providing that, when the responsibility of a member State arises for the wrongful act of an international organization, responsibility is “presumed to be subsidiary”.


(3) An injured State or international organization may address a claim to a subsidiarily responsible entity before the primarily responsible organization fails to provide reparation only if the claim is subject to the condition that the entity whose responsibility is primary fails to provide reparation.

(3) 受害国或国际组织只有在下述情况下才可在主要责任组织未提供赔偿的情况下向次要责任组织提出求偿请求:求偿请求受制于主要责任实体未能提供赔偿的条件。

(4) Paragraph 3 corresponds to article 47, paragraph 2, on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with the addition of the words “or international organization” in subparagraphs (a) and (b).

(4) 3款对应于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第47条第2款,在(a)(b)项中增加了或国际组织的文字。

A slight change in the wording of subparagraph (b) is intended to make it clearer that the right of recourse accrues to the State or international organization “providing reparation”.


Article 49


Invocation of responsibility by a State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization


1. A State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization is entitled to invoke the responsibility of another international organization in accordance with paragraph 4 if the obligation breached is owed to a group of States or international organizations, including the State or organization that invokes responsibility, and is established for the protection of a collective interest of the group.

1. 受害国或受害国际组织以外的国家或国际组织有权在下列情况下按照第4款援引另一国际组织的责任:被违反的义务是向包括援引责任的国家或组织在内的国家集团或国际组织集团承担的,并且是为了保护该集团的集体利益而确定的。

2. A State other than an injured State is entitled to invoke the responsibility of an international organization in accordance with paragraph 4 if the obligation breached is owed to the international community as a whole.

2. 受害国以外的国家有权在下列情况下按照第4款援引一国际组织的责任:被违反的义务是对整个国际社会承担的。

3. An international organization other than an injured international organization is entitled to invoke the responsibility of another international organization in accordance with paragraph 4 if the obligation breached is owed to the international community as a whole and safeguarding the interest of the international community as a whole underlying the obligation breached is within the functions of the international organization invoking responsibility.

3. 不是受害方的国际组织有权在下列情况下按照第4款援引另一国际组织的责任:被违反的义务是向整个国际社会承担的,而且保护该义务所基于的整个国际社会的利益属于援引责任的国际组织的职责。

4. A State or an international organization entitled to invoke responsibility under paragraphs 1 to 3 may claim from the responsible international organization:

4. 有权按照第1款至第3款援引责任的国家或国际组织可要求责任国际组织:

(a) cessation of the internationally wrongful act, and assurances and guarantees of non-repetition in accordance with article 30; and

(a) 按照第30条的规定,停止国际不法行为,并提供不重犯的承诺和保证;并且

(b) performance of the obligation of reparation in accordance with Part Three, in the interest of the injured State or international organization or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.

(b) 按照本条款草案第三部分的规定,履行向受害国或国际组织或被违反的义务的受益人提供赔偿的义务。

5. The requirements for the invocation of responsibility by an injured State or international organization under articles 44, 45, paragraph 2, and 46 apply to an invocation of responsibility by a State or international organization entitled to do so under paragraphs 1 to 4.

5. 受害国或国际组织按照第44条、第45条第2款和第46条援引责任的条件同样适用于有权按照第1款至第4款这样做的国家或国际组织援引责任的情况。



(1) The present article corresponds to article 48 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 本条对应于国家对国际不法行为的责任第48条。

It concerns the invocation of responsibility of an international organization by a State or another international organization which, although it is owed the obligation breached, cannot be regarded as injured within the meaning of article 43 of the present draft articles.


According to paragraph 4, when that State or the latter international organization is entitled to invoke responsibility, it may claim cessation of the internationally wrongful act, assurances and guarantees of non-repetition and the performance of the obligation of reparation “in the interest of the injured State or international organization or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached”.


(2) Paragraph 1 concerns the first category of cases in which this limited entitlement arises.

(2) 1款涉及引起这种有限权利的第一类情况。

The category comprises cases when the “obligation breached is owed to a group of States or international organizations, including the State or organization that invokes responsibility, and is established for the protection of a collective interest of the group”.


Apart from the addition of the words “or international organizations” and “or organization”, this text reproduces subparagraph (a) of article 48, paragraph 1, on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(3) The reference in paragraph 1 to the “collective interest of the group” is intended to specify that the obligation breached is not only owed, under the specific circumstances in which the breach occurs, to one or more members of the group individually.

(3) 1款提到该集团的集体利益,旨在具体说明,在出现违反事项的具体情况下,被违背的义务不仅仅是个别对该集团一个或多个成员承担的。

For instance, should an international organization breach an obligation under a multilateral treaty for the protection of the common environment, the other parties to the treaty may invoke responsibility because they are affected by the breach, even if they are not “specially affected” within the meaning of article 43, subparagraph (b), (i).


Each member of the group would then be entitled to request compliance as a guardian of the collective interest of the group.


(4) Obligations that an international organization may have towards its members under its rules do not necessarily fall within this category.

(4) 一国际组织根据该组织的规则可能对其成员所负的义务不一定属于这一类别。

Moreover, the rules of the organization may restrict the entitlement of a member to invoke responsibility of that organization.


(5) The wording of paragraph 1 does not imply that the obligation breached should necessarily be owed to a group comprising States and international organizations.

(5) 1款的措词并不意味着被违背的义务必须是对由国家和国际组织构成的集团承担的。

That obligation may also be owed to either a group of States or a group of international organizations.


As in other provisions, the reference to “another international organization” in the same paragraph does not imply that more than one international organization needs to be involved.


(6) Paragraphs 2 and 3 consider the other category of cases when a State or an international organization that is not injured within the meaning of article 43 may nevertheless invoke responsibility, although to the limited extent provided in paragraph 4.

(6) 2和第3款考虑了并非第43条意义上的受害国或国际组织仍然可以援引责任的另一类别,尽管是在第4款规定的有限的范围之内援引责任。

Paragraph 2, which refers to the invocation of responsibility by a State, is identical to article 48, paragraph 1, subparagraph (b) on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


It seems clear that, should a State be regarded as entitled to invoke the responsibility of another State which has breached an obligation towards the international community as a whole, the same applies with regard to the responsibility of an international organization that has committed a similar breach.


As was observed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, “there does not appear to be any reason why States — as distinct from other international organizations — may not also be able to invoke the responsibility of an international organization”.


(7) An international organization, when invoking the responsibility of another international organization in the case of breach of an international obligation towards the international community as a whole, would act only in the exercise of functions that have been attributed to it by its member States, which would be entitled to invoke responsibility individually or jointly in relation to a breach.

(7) 在发生一国际组织违反对整个国际社会承担的国际义务的情况时,另一国际组织援引该组织责任,这只是履行成员国赋予它的职责而行事,而成员国将有权针对违反事项个别或联合援引责任。

(8) Legal writings concerning the entitlement of international organizations to invoke responsibility in case of a breach of an obligation owed to the international community as a whole mainly focus on the European Union.

(8) 关于在对整个国际社会承担的义务被违背的情况下,国际组织援引责任的权利问题,有关法律著述主要侧重欧洲联盟。

The views are divided among authors, but a clear majority favours an affirmative solution.


Although authors generally consider only the invocation by an international organization of the international responsibility of a State, a similar solution would seem to apply to the case of a breach by another international organization.


(9) Practice in this regard is not very indicative.

(9) 这方面的实践不是很说明问题。

This is not just because practice relates to action taken by international organizations in respect of States.


When international organizations respond to breaches committed by their members they often act only on the basis of their respective rules.


It would be difficult to infer from this practice the existence of a general entitlement of international organizations to invoke responsibility.


The most significant practice appears to be that of the European Union, which has often stated that non-members committed breaches of obligations which appear to be owed to the international community as a whole.


For instance, a common position of the Council of the European Union of 26 April 2000 referred to “severe and systematic violations of human rights in Burma”.


A more recent example are the measures taken by the Council of the European Union with regard to the situation in Libya; the EU “strongly condemned the violence and use of force against civilians and deplored the repression against peaceful demonstrators”.


It is not altogether clear whether responsibility was jointly invoked by the member States of the European Union or by the European Union as a distinct organization.


In most cases this type of statement by the European Union led to the adoption of economic measures against the allegedly responsible State.


Those measures will be discussed in the next chapter.


(10) Paragraph 3 restricts the entitlement of an international organization to invoke responsibility in case of a breach of an international obligation owed to the international community as a whole.

(10) 3款对一国际组织在对整个国际社会承担的国际义务被违反的情况下援引责任的权利做了限制。

It is required that “safeguarding the interest of the international community underlying the obligation breached be included among the functions of the international organization invoking responsibility”.


Those functions reflect the character and purposes of the organization.


The rules of the organization would determine which are the functions of the international organization.


There is no requirement of a specific mandate of safeguarding the interest of the international community under those rules.


(11) The solution adopted in paragraph 3 corresponds to the view expressed by several States in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly, in response to a question raised by the Commission in its 2007 report to the General Assembly.

(11) 3款中采取的办法对应于一些国家在大会第六委员会就委员会2007年提交大会报告所提出问题 发表的意见。

A similar view was shared by some international organizations that contributed comments on this question.


(12) It is noteworthy that in its advisory opinion on Responsibilities and Obligations of States Sponsoring Persons and Entities with respect to Activities in the Area the Seabed Chamber of the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea considered that the entitlement of the Seabed Authority to claim compensation for breaches of obligations in the Area “is implicit in article 137, paragraph 2, of the [United Nations] Convention [on the Law of the Sea], which states that the Authority shall act ‘on behalf’ of mankind”.

(12) 需要指出的是,海洋法国际法庭海床分庭在其关于担保个人和实体从事'区域'内活动的国家所负责任和义务的咨询意见中认为,海床管理局有权针对区域内违反义务的行为提出索赔,这种权利隐含于[联合国海洋法]公约》第137条第2款,该条规定,该管理局应代表全人类行事

Although this conclusion was based on a specific provision of the Convention, it essentially rested — as article 49, paragraph 2 — on the functions entrusted to the relevant international organization.


(13) Paragraph 5 is based on article 48, paragraph 3, on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(13) 5款基于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第48条第3款。

It is designed to indicate that the provisions concerning notice of claim, admissibility of claims and loss of the right to invoke responsibility apply also with regard to States and international organizations that invoke responsibility according to the present article.


While article 48, paragraph 3, on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts makes a general reference to the corresponding provisions (arts. 43 to 45), it is not intended to extend the applicability of “any applicable rule relating to the nationality of claims”, which is stated in article 44, subparagraph (a), because that requirement is clearly not relevant to the obligations dealt with in article 48.


Although this may be taken as implied, the reference in paragraph 5 of the present article has been expressly limited to the paragraph on admissibility of claims that relates to the exhaustion of local remedies.


Article 50


Scope of this Chapter


This Chapter is without prejudice to the entitlement that a person or entity other than a State or an international organization may have to invoke the international responsibility of an international organization.




(1) Articles 43 to 49 above address the implementation of the responsibility of an international organization only to the extent that responsibility is invoked by a State or another international organization.

(1) 上文第4349条仅处理了在一国或一国际组织援引责任的范围内另一国际组织履行责任的情况。

This accords with article 33, which defines the scope of the international obligations set out in Part Three by stating that these only relate to the breach of an obligation under international law that an international organization owes to a State, another international organization or the international community as a whole.


The same article further specifies that this is “without prejudice to any right, arising from the international responsibility of an international organization, which may accrue directly to any person or entity other than a State or an international organization”.


Thus, by referring only to the invocation of responsibility by a State or an international organization the scope of the present Chapter reflects that of Part Three.


Invocation of responsibility is considered only insofar as it concerns the obligations set out in Part Three.


(2) While it could be taken as implied that the articles concerning invocation of responsibility are without prejudice to the entitlement that a person or entity other than a State or an international organization may have to invoke responsibility of an international organization, an express statement to this effect serves the purpose of conveying more clearly that the present Chapter is not intended to exclude any such entitlement.

(2) 尽管可以认为暗示关于援引责任的条款不妨碍个人或国家或国际组织以外的实体可能拥有的援引国际组织的国际责任的权利,但相应的明确表述有助于更清楚地表明,本部分并不打算排除任何此种权利。

Chapter II




Article 51


Object and limits of countermeasures


1. An injured State or an injured international organization may only take countermeasures against an international organization which is responsible for an internationally wrongful act in order to induce that organization to comply with its obligations under Part Three.

1. 受害国或受害的国际组织只在为促使国际不法行为的责任国际组织依本条款草案第三部分履行其义务时,才可对该国际组织采取反措施。

2. Countermeasures are limited to the non-performance for the time being of international obligations of the State or international organization taking the measures towards the responsible international organization.

2. 反措施限于采取措施的国家或国际组织暂不履行对责任国际组织的国际义务。

3. Countermeasures shall, as far as possible, be taken in such a way as to permit the resumption of performance of the obligations in question.

3. 反措施应尽可能容许恢复履行有关义务。

4. Countermeasures shall, as far as possible, be taken in such a way as to limit their effects on the exercise by the responsible international organization of its functions.

4. 反措施应尽可能限制其对责任国际组织行使其职能的影响。



(1) As set forth in article 22, when an international organization incurs international responsibility, it could become the object of countermeasures.

(1) 正如第22条所规定的,当因国际组织引起国际责任时,它便可能成为受害国际组织采取的反措施的对象。

An injured State or international organization could then take countermeasures, since there is no convincing reason for categorically exempting responsible international organizations from being possible targets of countermeasures.


In principle, the legal situation of a responsible international organization in this regard appears to be similar to that of a responsible State.


(2) This point was made also in the comments of certain international organizations.

(2) 这一点也见于某些国际组织所发表的评论中。

The World Health Organization agreed that “there is no cogent reason why an international organization that breaches an international obligation should be exempted from countermeasures taken by an injured State or international organization to bring about compliance by the former organization with its obligations”.


Also UNESCO stated that it “[did] not have any objection to the inclusion of draft articles on countermeasures” in a text on the responsibility of international organizations.


The OSCE accepted “the possibility of countermeasures by and against international organizations”.


(3) In response to a question raised by the Commission, several States expressed the view that rules generally similar to those that were devised for countermeasures taken against States in articles 49 to 53 of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts should be applied to countermeasures directed against international organizations.

(3) 在答复委员会提出的一个问题时,好几个国家都表示了这样的意见,即类似于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第4953条中所规定的,针对一些国家采取反措施的类似规则也应适用于针对国际组织的反措施。

(4) Practice concerning countermeasures taken against international organizations is undoubtedly scarce.

(4) 针对国际组织采取的反措施的实践,毫无疑问是很稀少的。

However, one may find some examples of measures that were defined as countermeasures.


For instance, in United States – Import Measures on Certain Products from the European Communities, a WTO panel considered that the suspension of concessions or other obligations which had been authorized by the Dispute Settlement Body against the European Communities was “essentially retaliatory in nature”.


The panel observed:


“Under general international law, retaliation (also referred to as reprisals or countermeasures) has undergone major changes in the course of the twentieth century, specially, as a result of the prohibition of the use of force (jus ad bellum).

按照一般国际法,报复(也称作报复措施或反措施)二十世纪中,由于禁止使用武力(jus ad bellum)的结果,经历了重大的变化。

Under international law, these types of countermeasures are now subject to requirements, such as those identified by the International Law Commission in its work on State responsibility (proportionality, etc. … see article 43 of the draft).


However, in WTO, countermeasures, retaliations and reprisals are strictly regulated and can take place only within the framework of the WTO/DSU.”


(5) Paragraphs 1 to 3 define the object and limits of countermeasures in the same way as has been done in the corresponding paragraphs of article 49 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

” (5) 1至第3款一如国家对国际不法行为的责任第49条中相应的各款所规定的那样,确立了反措施的目的和限制。

There is no apparent justification for a distinction in this regard between countermeasures taken against international organizations and countermeasures directed against States.


(6) One matter of concern that arises with regard to countermeasures affecting international organizations is the fact that countermeasures may hamper the functioning of the responsible international organization and therefore endanger the attainment of the objectives for which that organization was established.

(6) 在针对国际组织采取反措施方面,令人关注的一个问题是,反措施可能妨碍责任国际组织的运作,因而有可能危害到实现建立该组织时所确立的目标。

While this concern could not justify the total exclusion of countermeasures against international organizations, it may lead to asserting some restrictions.


Paragraph 4 addresses the question in general terms.


Further restrictions, that specifically pertain to the relations between an international organization and its members, are considered in the following article.


(7) The exercise of certain functions by an international organization may be of vital interest to its member States and in certain cases to the international community.

(7) 国际组织履行某些职能可能对一些成员国以及在某些情况下对于国际社会具有重大意义。

However, it would be difficult to define restrictions to countermeasures on the basis of this criterion, because the distinction would not always be easy to make and moreover the fact of impairing a certain function may have an impact on the exercise of other functions.


Thus, paragraph 4 requires an injured State or international organization to select countermeasures that would affect, in as limited a manner as possible, the exercise by the targeted international organization of any of its functions.


A qualitative assessment of the functions that would be likely to be affected may nevertheless be taken as implied.


Article 52


Conditions for taking countermeasures by members of an international organization


1. Subject to paragraph 2, an injured State or international organization which is a member of a responsible international organization may not take countermeasures against that organization unless:

1. 在遵守第2款的前提下,责任国际组织的受害成员国或国际组织,不可对该组织采取反措施,除非:

(a) the conditions referred to in article 51 are met;

(a) 51条所指的条件得到满足;

(b) the countermeasures are not inconsistent with the rules of the organization; and

(b) 反措施并非不符合该组织的规则;并

(c) no appropriate means are available for otherwise inducing compliance with the obligations of the responsible international organization concerning cessation of the breach and reparation.

(c) 别无其他适当手段促使该责任国际组织履行关于停止违法行为和作出赔偿的义务。

2. Countermeasures may not be taken by an injured State or international organization which is a member of a responsible international organization against that organization in response to a breach of an international obligation under the rules of the organization unless such countermeasures are provided for by those rules.

2. 责任国际组织的受害成员国或国际组织不得因该组织违反了该组织的规则所规定的国际义务而对该组织采取反措施,除非该组织的规则规定了此种反措施。



(1) The adoption of countermeasures against an international organization by its members may be precluded by the rules of the organization.

(1) 国际组织的规则可以排除其成员针对该国际组织采取反措施的可能。

The same rules may on the contrary allow countermeasures, but only on certain conditions that may differ from those applying under general international law.


Those conditions are likely to be more restrictive.


As was noted by the World Health Organization, “for international organizations of quasi-universal membership such as those of the United Nations system, the possibility for their respective Member States to take countermeasures against them would either be severely limited by the operation of the rules of those organizations, rendering it largely virtual, or would be subject to a lex specialis — thus outside the scope of the draft articles — to the extent that the rules of the organization concerned do not prevent the adoption of countermeasures by its Member States”.


(2) In one of its comments UNESCO, “considering that often countermeasures are not specifically provided for by the rules of international organizations, [supported] the possibility for an injured member of an international organization to resort to countermeasures which are not explicitly allowed by the rules of the organization”.

” (2) 教科文组织在其一项评论中说,考虑到国际组织的规则往往没有具体地规定反措施,支持这样的可能性,即国际组织受害成员有可能采取该组织规则没有明确规定允许的反措施。

However, as UNESCO also noted, some specific restrictions are called for.


These restrictions would be consonant with the principle of cooperation underlying the relations between an international organization and its members.


(3) The restrictions in question are meant to be additional to those that are generally applicable to countermeasures that are taken against an international organization.

(3) 这里所说的限制是通常适用于针对国际组织的反措施的限制以外的进一步限制。

It is probably not necessary to state expressly that the restrictions set forth in the present article are additional to those that appear in the other articles included in the Chapter.


(4) The present article makes a distinction between countermeasures by injured member States or international organizations against the organization of which they are members in general, and those that are taken in response to a breach by that organization of an international obligation arising under the rules of the organization.

(4) 本条对两种反措施作了区分:一种是受害国或国际组织一般对其所参加的组织采取的反措施,一种是针对该组织违反其组织规则所确立的国际义务而采取的反措施。

Paragraph 1 sets forth the residual rule while paragraph 2 addresses the latter case.


(5) Paragraph 2 requires countermeasures not to be inconsistent with the rules of the organization.

(5) 2款要求反措施不得与组织的规则相违。

This implies that the taking of countermeasures need not be based on the rules of the organization, but should not run counter any restriction provided for in these rules.


(6) Paragraph 2 further provides that countermeasures may not be resorted to when some “appropriate means” for inducing compliance are available.

(6) 2款还规定,若根据该组织规则,存在着确保遵守义务的适当手段时,则不得采取反措施。

The term “appropriate means” refers to those lawful means that are proportionate and offer a reasonable prospect for inducing compliance when the member intends to take countermeasures.


However, failure on the part of the member to make timely use of remedies that were available could result in countermeasures becoming precluded.


(7) An example of the relevance of appropriate means existing in accordance with the rules of the organization is offered by a judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

(7) 欧洲共同体法院的一项判决提供了一个实例,说明了按照该组织规则所存在的适当手段是相关的。

Two member States had argued that, although they had breached an obligation under the constituent instrument, their infringement was excused by the fact that the Council of the European Economic Community (EEC) had previously failed to comply with one of its obligations.


The Court of Justice said:


“[…] except where otherwise expressly provided, the basic concept of the (EEC) Treaty requires that the member States shall not take the law into their own hands.


Therefore the fact that the Council failed to carry out its obligations cannot relieve the defendants from carrying out theirs.”


The existence of judicial remedies within the European Communities appears to be the basic reason for this statement.


(8) Paragraph 2 considers the taking of countermeasures by injured States or international organizations against the organization of which they are members when the latter has breached an international obligation arising under the rules of the organization.

(8) 2款考虑了受害国或国际组织在其所参加的组织违反组织规则所规定义务后而对该组织采取反措施的问题。

In this case, in view of the special ties existing between an international organization and its members, countermeasures are allowed only if they are provided for by these rules.

在这种情况下,鉴于国际组织与其成员之间存在的特殊联系, 反措施只有在这些规则作了规定之后才容许。

(9) As has been stated in article 22, paragraphs 2 and 3, restrictions similar to the ones here envisaged apply in the reverse case of an international organization intending to take countermeasures against one of its members.

(9) 正如第22条第2和第3款所说,在相反的情况下,与这里所设想的限制相似的限制也适用,即该组织打算对其成员之一采取反措施。

Article 53


Obligations not affected by countermeasures


1. Countermeasures shall not affect:

1. 反措施不得影响:

(a) the obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force as embodied in the Charter of the United Nations;

(a) 《联合国宪章》中规定的不得使用武力或以武力相威胁的义务;

(b) obligations for the protection of human rights;

(b) 保护人权的义务;

(c) obligations of a humanitarian character prohibiting reprisals;

(c) 禁止报复的人道主义性质的义务;

(d) other obligations under peremptory norms of general international law.

(d) 依一般国际法强制性规范承担的其他义务。

2. An injured State or international organization taking countermeasures is not relieved from fulfilling its obligations:

2. 采取反措施的受害国或国际组织仍应履行下列义务:

(a) under any dispute settlement procedure applicable between it and the responsible international organization;

(a) 其与责任国际组织之间任何可适用的争端解决程序项下的义务;

(b) to respect any inviolability of organs or agents of the responsible international organization and of the premises, archives and documents of that organization.

(b) 尊重责任国际组织的机关或代理人以及该组织馆舍、档案和文件的不可侵犯性。



(1) With the exception of the last subparagraph, the present article reproduces the list of obligations not affected by countermeasures that is contained in article 50 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 除了最后一分款以外,本条沿用了国家对国际不法行为的责任的第50条所包含的不受反措施影响的义务清单。

Most of these obligations are obligations that the injured State or international organization has towards the international community.


With regard to countermeasures taken against an international organization, the breaches of these obligations are relevant only insofar as the obligation in question is also owed to the international organization concerned, since the existence of an obligation towards the targeted entity is a condition for a measure to be defined a countermeasure.


Thus, the use of force could be considered a countermeasure taken against an international organization only if the prohibition to use force is owed to that organization.


This occurs if the organization is considered to be a component of the international community to which the obligation is owed or if the obligation breached is owed to the organization because of special circumstances, for instance because force is used in relation to a territory that the organization administers.


(2) Article 50, paragraph 2 (b) on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts provides that obligations concerning the “inviolability of diplomatic or consular agents, premises, archives and documents” are not affected by countermeasures.

(2) 国家对国际不法行为的责任的第50条第2(b)项规定,反措施不得影响外交或领事代表、馆舍、档案和文件不可侵犯

Since those obligations cannot be owed to an international organization, this case is clearly inapplicable to international organizations and has not been included in the present article.


However, the rationale underlying that restriction, namely the need to protect certain persons and property that could otherwise become an easy target of countermeasures, also applies to international organizations and their agents.

然而,这项规定背后的理由,即保护很容易成为反措施目标的某些人和财产的必要性, 依然适用于国际组织及其代理人。

Thus a restriction concerning obligations that protect international organizations and their agents has been set forth in paragraph 2 (b).


The content of obligations concerning the inviolability of the agents and of the premises, archives and documents of international organizations may vary considerably according to the applicable rules.


Therefore the subparagraph refers to “any” inviolability.


The term “agent” is wide enough to include any mission that an international organization would send, permanently or temporarily, to a State or another international organization.


(3) While article 50, paragraph 1(b) on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts refers to “fundamental human rights”, the corresponding text of the present article does not quality the term “human rights”.

(3) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第50条第1(b)项提及基本人权,本条相应的案文并没有对人权加以限定。

This omission conforms to the tendency not to make a distinction among human rights according to their relative importance.


Article 54


Proportionality of countermeasures


Countermeasures must be commensurate with the injury suffered, taking into account the gravity of the internationally wrongful act and the rights in question.




(1) The text of the present article is identical to article 51 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 本条案文与国家对国际不法行为的责任的条款第51条案文相同。

It reproduces, with a few additional words, the requirement stated by the International Court of Justice in the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project case, that the effects of a countermeasure must be commensurate with the injury suffered, taking account of the rights in question”.


(2) As was stated by the Commission in its commentary on article 51, proportionality “is concerned with the relationship between the internationally wrongful act and the countermeasure”; “a countermeasure must be commensurate with the injury suffered, including the importance of the issue of principle involved and this has a function partly independent of the question whether the countermeasure was necessary to achieve the result of ensuring compliance”.

(2) 正如委员会在其第51条评注中所说的,相称性涉及国际不法行为与反措施之间的关系。 反措施必须与所受的损害相称,包括所涉及的原则问题的重要性,这一点略独立于反措施为确保义务得到遵守是否有必要的问题

The commentary further explained that “the reference to ‘the rights in question’ has a broad meaning, and includes not only the effect of a wrongful act on the injured State but also on the rights of the responsible State”.


In the present context this reference would apply to the effects on the injured State or international organization and to the rights of the responsible international organization.


(3) One aspect that is relevant when assessing proportionality of a countermeasure is the impact that it may have on the targeted entity.

(3) 在评估反措施的时候,一个相关的方面是反措施对目标实体所产生的影响。

One and the same countermeasure may affect a State or an international organization in a different way according to the circumstances.


For instance, an economic measure that might hardly affect a large international organization may severely hamper the functioning of a smaller organization and for that reason not meet the test of proportionality.


(4) When an international organization is injured, it is only the organization and not its members that is entitled to take countermeasures. Should the international organization and its members both be injured, as in other cases of a plurality of injured entities, both would be entitled to resort to countermeasures. In this case, however, there would be the risk of a reaction that is excessive in terms of proportionality.

(4) 当一个国际组织受到损害时,只有该组织,而不是其成员,有权采取反措施,如果国际组织与其成员同时受损害,例如有时出现多个实体受损害的情况,那么就相称性而言,存在着作出过度反应的危险。

Article 55


Conditions relating to resort to countermeasures


1. Before taking countermeasures, an injured State or international organization shall:

1. 受害国或国际组织在采取反措施以前应:

(a) call upon the responsible international organization, in accordance with article 44, to fulfil its obligations under Part Three;

(a) 根据第44条要求责任国际组织按照第三部分履行其义务;

(b) notify the responsible international organization of any decision to take countermeasures and offer to negotiate with that organization.

(b) 将采取反措施的任何决定通知责任国际组织并提议与该组织进行谈判。

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 (b), the injured State or international organization may take such urgent countermeasures as are necessary to preserve its rights.

2. 虽有第1(b)项的规定,受害国或国际组织可采取必要的紧急措施,以维护其权利。

3. Countermeasures may not be taken, and if already taken must be suspended without undue delay if:

3. 在下列情况下不得采取反措施,如已采取,务必中止,不得无理拖延:

(a) the internationally wrongful act has ceased; and

(a) 国际不法行为已经停止;并且

(b) the dispute is pending before a court or tribunal which has the authority to make decisions binding on the parties.

(b) 已将争端送交有权作出对当事方有约束力决定的法院或法庭。

4. Paragraph 3 does not apply if the responsible international organization fails to implement the dispute settlement procedures in good faith.

4. 若责任国际组织不秉诚履行争端解决程序,第3款即不适用。



(1) Procedural conditions relating to countermeasures have been developed mainly in relations between States.

(1) 与反措施有关的程序条件是在缔约国关系之间发生的。

Those conditions are not however related to the nature of the targeted entity.


Thus the rules that are set forth in article 52 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts appear to be equally applicable when the responsible entity is an international organization.

因此,当责任实体是国际组织时,国家对国际不法行为责任的第52条所载的规则 似乎同样适用。

The conditions stated in article 52 have been reproduced in the present article with minor adaptations.


(2) Paragraph 1 sets forth the requirement that the injured State or international organization call on the responsible international organization to fulfil its obligations of cessation and reparation, and notify the intention to take countermeasures, while offering to engage in negotiations.

(2) 1款规定了这样的要求,即受害国或国际组织应要求责任国际组织履行其停止和赔偿义务,并将采取反措施的意图通知责任国际组织同时提议与该组织进行谈判。

The responsible international organization is thus given an opportunity to appraise the claim made by the injured State or international organization and become aware of the risk of being the target of countermeasures.


By allowing urgent countermeasures, paragraph 2 makes it however possible for the injured State or international organization to apply immediately those measures that are necessary to preserve its rights, in particular those that would lose their potential impact if delayed.


(3) Paragraphs 3 and 4 concern the relations between countermeasures and the applicable procedures for the settlement of disputes.

(3) 3和第4款涉及反措施与解决争端所适用的程序的关系。

The idea underlying these two paragraphs is that, when the parties to a dispute concerning international responsibility have agreed to entrust the settlement of the dispute to a body which has the authority to make binding decisions, the task of inducing the responsible international organization to comply with its obligations under Part Three will rest with that body.


These paragraphs are likely to be of limited importance in practice in relations with a responsible international organization, in view of the reluctance of most international organizations to accept methods for the compulsory settlement of disputes.


Article 56


Termination of countermeasures


Countermeasures shall be terminated as soon as the responsible international organization has complied with its obligations under Part Three in relation to the internationally wrongful act.




(1) The content of this article follows from the definition of the object of countermeasures in article 51.

(1) 这一条的内容由第51条所确定的反措施的目的而来。

Since the object of countermeasures is to induce an international organization to comply with its obligations under Part Three with regard to an internationally wrongful act for which that organization is responsible, countermeasures are no longer justified and have to be terminated once the responsible organization has complied with those obligations.


(2) The wording of this article closely follows that of article 53 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 这一条的措词方式严格依照关于国家对国际不法行为之责任的第53条。

Article 57


Measures taken by States or international organizations other than an injured State or international organization


This chapter does not prejudice the right of any State or international organization, entitled under article 49, paragraphs 1 to 3, to invoke the responsibility of an international organization, to take lawful measures against that organization to ensure cessation of the breach and reparation in the interest of the injured State or organization or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.




(1) Countermeasures taken by States or international organizations which are not injured within the meaning of article 43, but are entitled to invoke responsibility of an international organization according to article 49 of the present draft articles, could have as an object only cessation of the breach and reparation in the interest of the injured State or international organization or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.

(1) 不是第43条所界定的受害者、但有权按第49条援引国际组织责任的国家或国际组织所采取的反措施,其唯一的目的只能是为了受害国或受害国际组织或所违反义务的受益人而使违反行为停止或得到赔偿。

Restrictions provided for in articles 51 to 56 would in any event apply, but the question may be asked whether States or international organizations which are not injured within the meaning of article 43 may resort to countermeasures at all.


(2) Article 54 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts leaves “without prejudice” the question whether a non-injured State that is entitled to invoke responsibility of another State would have the right to resort to countermeasures.

(2) 国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第54条 曾规定不妨碍下述问题:有权援引另一国责任的非受害国是否有权诉诸反措施。

The basic argument given by the Commission in its commentary on article 54 was that State practice relating to countermeasures taken in the collective or general interest was “sparse” and involved “a limited number of States”.


No doubt, this argument would be even stronger when considering the question whether a non-injured State or international organization may take countermeasures against a responsible international organization.


In fact, practice does not offer examples of countermeasures taken by non-injured States or international organizations against a responsible international organization.


On the other hand, in the context of the rarity of cases in which countermeasures against an international organization could have been taken by a non-injured State or international organization, the absence of practice relating to countermeasures cannot lead to the conclusion that countermeasures by non-injured States or international organizations would be inadmissible.


It seems therefore preferable to leave equally “without prejudice” the question whether countermeasures by a non-injured State or international organization are allowed against a responsible international organization.


Part Five


Responsibility of a State in connection with the conduct of an international organization




(1) In accordance with article 1, paragraph 2, the present draft articles are intended to fill a gap that was deliberately left in the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 根据第1条第2款,本条款旨在填补国家对国际不法行为的责任条款有意留下的空白。

As stated in article 57 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, those articles are “without prejudice to any question of the responsibility […] of any State for the conduct of an international organization”.


(2) Not all the questions that may affect the responsibility of a State in connection with the act of an international organization are examined in the present draft articles.

(2) 本条款草案没有审议所有可能影响一国对一国际组织行为的责任问题。

For instance, questions relating to attribution of conduct to a State are covered only in the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


Thus, if an issue arises as to whether certain conduct is to be attributed to a State or to an international organization or to both, the present articles will provide criteria for ascertaining whether conduct is to be attributed to the international organization, while the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts will regulate attribution of conduct to the State.


(3) The present Part assumes that there exists conduct attributable to an international organization.

(3) 本部分推断存在着归于国际组织的行为。

In most cases, that conduct will also be internationally wrongful.


However, exceptions are provided for the cases envisaged in articles 60 and 61, which deal respectively with coercion of an international organization by a State and with international responsibility in case of a member State circumventing one of its international obligations by taking advantage of the competence of an international organization.


(4) According to articles 61 and 62, the State that incurs responsibility in connection with the act of an international organization is necessarily a member of that organization.

(4) 根据第61和第62条,为国际组织行为承担责任的国家必须是该组织的成员。

In the cases envisaged in articles 58, 59 and 60, the responsible State may or may not be a member.


(5) The present Part does not address the question of responsibility that may arise for entities other than States that are also members of an international organization.

(5) 本章没有处理国家以外一样是国际组织成员的实体可能承担的责任问题。

Chapter IV of Part Two of the present draft articles already considers the responsibility that an international organization may incur when it aids or assists or directs and controls in the commission of an internationally wrongful act of another international organization of which the former organization is a member.


The same chapter also deals with coercion by an international organization that is a member of the coerced organization.


Article 18 considers further cases of responsibility of international organizations as members of another international organization.


Questions relating to the responsibility of entities, other than States or international organizations, that are also members of international organizations fall outside the scope of the present draft articles.


Article 58


Aid or assistance by a State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization


1. A State which aids or assists an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the latter is internationally responsible for doing so if:

1. 在下列情况下,援助或协助国际组织实施国际不法行为的国家应对援助或协助的行为负国际责任:

(a) the State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and

(a) 该国这样做时知道国际不法行为的情况;而且

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that State.

(b) 该行为若由该国实施会构成国际不法行为。

2. An act by a State member of an international organization done in accordance with the rules of the organization does not as such engage the international responsibility of that State under the terms of this article.

2. 国际组织的国家成员按照该组织的规则实施的行为不负本条规定的国际责任。



(1) The present article addresses a situation parallel to the one covered in article 14, which concerns aid or assistance by an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by another international organization.

(1) 本条处理一个类似于第14条所涵盖的情况,关系到国际组织援助或协助另一国际组织实施国际不法行为。 两个条款都密切沿循了国家对国际不法行为的责任第16条案文。

Both articles closely follow the text of article 16 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 一国的援助或协助可能构成该国违反它在首要规范下所承担的义务。

(2) Aid or assistance by a State could constitute a breach of an obligation that the State has acquired under a primary norm.

例如,《不扩散核武器条约》的一个核武器缔约国 必须避免协助非核武器国家获得核武器。

For example, a nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons would have to refrain from assisting a non-nuclear-weapon State in the acquisition of nuclear weapons, and the same would seem to apply to assistance given to an international organization of which some non-nuclear-weapon States are members.

这似乎同样适用于向一个拥有某些非核武器国家成员的国际组织提供的协助。 在这种情况下,可能对国家引发的国际责任必须根据国家对国际不法行为的责任条款来确定。

(3) The present article uses the same wording as article 16 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, because it would be hard to find reasons for applying a different rule when the aided or assisted entity is an international organization rather than a State.

(3) 当被援助或协助的实体是国际组织而非国家时,难以找到适用不同规则的理由;因此本条采用了国家对国际不法行为的责任的第16条的同样措词。

Paragraph 1 sets under (a) and (b) the conditions for international responsibility to arise for the aiding or assisting State.


It is to be noted that no distinction is made with regard to the temporal relation between the conduct of the State and the internationally wrongful act of the international organization.


(4) A State aiding or assisting an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act may or may not be a member of that organization.

(4) 援助或协助国际组织实施国际不法行为的国家可能是、也可能不是该组织的成员。

Should the State be a member, the possibility that aid or assistance could result from conduct taken by the State within the framework of the organization cannot be totally excluded.


However, as specified in paragraph 2, an act by a member State which is done in accordance with the rules of the organization does not as such engage the international responsibility of that State for aid or assistance.


These criteria could entail some difficulties in ascertaining whether aid or assistance has taken place in borderline cases.


The factual context such as the size of membership and the nature of the involvement will probably be decisive.


(5) The fact that a State does not per se incur international responsibility for aiding or assisting an international organization of which it is a member when it acts in accordance with the rules of the organization does not imply that the State would then be free to ignore its international obligations.

(5) 国际组织的成员国如按照该组织的规则行事,不因援助或协助它所参加的国际组织而负国际责任,这一点并不意味着该国便可随意忽视其国际义务。

These obligations may well encompass the conduct of a State when it acts within an international organization.


Should a breach of an international obligation be committed by a State in this capacity, the State would not incur international responsibility under the present article, but rather under the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(6) The heading of article 16 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts has been slightly adapted, by adding “by a State” to the words “aid or assistance”, in order to distinguish the heading of the present article from that of article 14 of the present draft articles.

(6) 稍微改动了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第16条的标题,在援助或协助之前加上了国家一词,以区分本条的标题与本条款草案第14条的标题。

Article 59


Direction and control exercised by a State over the commission of an internationally wrongful act by an international organization


1. A State which directs and controls an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the latter is internationally responsible for that act if:

1. 在下列情况下,指挥和控制国际组织实施国际不法行为的国家应对该行为负国际责任:

(a) the State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and

(a) 该国这样做时知道该国际不法行为的情况;而且

(b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that State.

(b) 该行为若由该国实施会构成国际不法行为。

2. An act by a State member of an international organization done in accordance with the rules of the organization does not as such engage the international responsibility of that State under the terms of this article.

2. 国际组织的国家成员按照该组织的规则实施的行为不负本条规定的国际责任。



(1) While article 15 relates to direction and control exercised by an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by another international organization, the present article considers the case in which direction and control are exercised by a State.

(1) 尽管第15条处理一国际组织指挥和控制另一国际组织实施国际不法行为的情况,本条处理国家指挥和控制的情况。

Both articles closely follow the text of article 17 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


(2) The State directing and controlling an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act may or may not be a member of that organization.

(2) 指挥和控制一国际组织实施国际不法行为的国家可能是、也可能不是该组织的成员。

As in the case of aid or assistance, which is considered in article 58 and the related commentary, a distinction has to be made between participation by a member State in the decision-making process of the organization according to its pertinent rules, and direction and control which would trigger the application of the present article.


Since the latter conduct could take place within the framework of the organization, in borderline cases one would face the same problems that have been referred to in the commentary on the previous article.


(3) Paragraph 1 sets under (a) and (b) the conditions for the responsibility of the State to arise with the same wording that is used in article 17 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(3) 1款在(a)项和(b)项中以国家对国际不法行为的责任第17条所用的同样措词规定了引发国家责任的条件。

There are no reasons for making a distinction between the case in which a State directs and controls another State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act and the case in which the State similarly directs and controls an international organization.


(4) As in article 58, paragraph 2 specifies that an act of a member State done in accordance with the rules of the organization does not as such cause the responsibility of that State for direction and control in the commission of an internationally wrongful act.

(4) 正如第58条所规定的,第2款说明,成员国按照该组织的规则实施的行为不能引起该国对指挥和控制国际组织实施国际不法行为承担国际责任。

(5) The heading of the present article has been slightly adapted from article 17 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts by adding the words “by a State”, in order to distinguish it from the heading of article 15 of the present articles.

(5) 本条的标题借用了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第17条的标题,但稍作改动,加上了国家一词,以区别于本条款草案第15条的标题。

Article 60


Coercion of an international organization by a State


A State which coerces an international organization to commit an act is internationally responsible for that act if:


(a) the act would, but for the coercion, be an internationally wrongful act of the coerced international organization; and

(a) 该行为在没有胁迫的情况下,构成被胁迫的国际组织的国际不法行为;而且

(b) the coercing State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the act.

(b) 该胁迫国这样做时知道该行为的情况。



(1) Article 16 deals with coercion by an international organization in the commission of what would be, but for the coercion, a wrongful act of another international organization.

(1) 16条处理一国际组织胁迫另一国际组织实施――倘非胁迫,则也是――不法行为。

The present article concerns coercion by a State in a similar situation.


Both articles closely follow article 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


The existence of a direct link between the act of coercion and the act of the coerced State or international organization is in any event assumed.


(2) The conditions that the present article sets forth for international responsibility to arise are identical to those that are listed in article 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 本条规定了与国家对国际不法行为的责任第18条同样的引发国际责任的条件。

Also with regard to coercion, there is no reason to provide a different rule from that which applies in the relations between States.


(3) The State coercing an international organization may be a member of that organization.

(3) 胁迫国际组织的国家可能是该组织的成员。

The present article does not contain a paragraph similar to paragraph 2 of articles 58 and 59 because it seems highly unlikely that an act of coercion could be taken by a State member of an international organization in accordance with the rules of the organization.


However, one cannot assume that the act of coercion will necessarily be unlawful.


(4) The heading of the present article slightly adapts that of article 18 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts by introducing the words “by a State”: this in order to distinguish it from the heading of article 16 of the present draft.

(4) 本条的标题稍微改动了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第18条的标题,加上了国家一词:这是为了使其有别于本条款草案第16条的标题。

Article 61


Circumvention of international obligations of a State member of an international organization


1. A State member of an international organization incurs international responsibility if, by taking advantage of the fact that the organization has competence in relation to the subject-matter of one of the State’s international obligations, it circumvents that obligation by causing the organization to commit an act that, if committed by the State, would have constituted a breach of the obligation.

1. 国际组织成员国若为规避国际义务而利用该组织对于该国某一国际义务事项所具有的职权,促使该组织实施若由该国实施即构成违反该义务的行为,即产生国际责任。

2. Paragraph 1 applies whether or not the act in question is internationally wrongful for the international organization.

2. 无论该行为是否构成该国际组织的国际不法行为,第1款都适用。



(1) The present article concerns a situation which is to a certain extent analogous to those considered in article 17.

(1) 本条涉及类似于第17条所处理的情况。

According to that article, an international organization incurs international responsibility when it circumvents one of its international obligations by adopting a decision binding a member State or international organization to commit an act that would be internationally wrongful if committed by the former organization.


Article 17 also covers circumvention through authorizations given to member States or international organizations.


The present article concerns circumvention by a State of one of its international obligations when it avails itself of the separate legal personality of an international organization of which it is a member.


(2) As the commentary on article 17 explains, the existence of an intention to avoid compliance is implied in the use of the term “circumvention”.

(2) 如同第17条评注所说明的,使用规避一词暗示有避免履行义务的意图。

International responsibility will not arise when the act of the international organization, which would constitute a breach of an international obligation if done by the State, has to be regarded as the unintended result of the member State’s conduct.


On the other hand, the present article does not refer only to cases in which the member State may be said to be abusing its rights.


(3) The jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights provides a few examples of dicta affirming the possibility of States being held responsible when they fail to ensure compliance with their obligations under the European Convention of Human Rights in a field where they have attributed competence to an international organization.

(3) 欧洲人权法院案例中有一些法律意见申明,国家向一国际组织提供职权但没有确保遵守《欧洲人权公约》义务,便有可能被追究责任。

In Waite and Kennedy v. Germany the Court examined the question whether the right of access to justice had been unduly impaired by a State that granted immunity to the European Space Agency, of which it was a member, in relation to claims concerning employment.


The Court said that:


“Where States establish international organizations in order to pursue or strengthen their cooperation in certain fields of activities, and where they attribute to these organizations certain competences and accord them immunities, there may be implications as to protection of fundamental rights.


It would be incompatible with the purpose and object of the Convention, however, if the Contracting States were thereby absolved from their responsibility under the Convention in relation to the field of activity covered by such attribution.”


(4) In Bosphorus Hava Yollary Turizm ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi v. Ireland the Court took a similar approach with regard to a State measure implementing a regulation of the European Community.

(4) 在玻斯福鲁斯空运公司诉爱尔兰一案中,法院以某国落实欧洲共同体规则采取了同样的立场。

The Court said that a State could not free itself from its obligations under the European Convention of Human Rights by transferring functions to an international organization, because:


“absolving Contracting States completely from their Convention responsibility in the areas covered by such a transfer would be incompatible with the purpose and object of the Convention; the guarantees of the Convention could be limited or excluded at will, thereby depriving it of its peremptory character and undermining the practical and effective nature of its safeguards [… ]. The State is considered to retain Convention liability in respect of treaty commitments subsequent to the entry into force of the Convention […



(5) In a more recent case before the European Court of Human Rights, Gasparini v. Italy and Belgium, an application had been made against these two States by two employees of NATO alleging the inadequacy of the settlement procedure concerning employment disputes with NATO.

(5) 在欧洲人权法院最近审理的案件即GaspariniItalyBelgium案中,北约组织的两名雇员针对这两个国家提出起诉请求,指控这两个国家在解决与北约组织的劳动争议方面的程序不完备。

The Court said that States, when they transfer part of their sovereign powers to an organization of which they are members, are under an obligation to see that the rights guaranteed by the Convention receive within the organization an “equivalent protection” to that ensured by the Convention mechanism.


As in the two previous decisions referred to in the preceding paragraphs, the Court found that this obligation had not been breached, in this case because the procedure within NATO was not tainted with “manifest insufficiency”.


(6) According to the present article, three conditions are required for international responsibility to arise for a member State circumventing one of its international obligations.

(6) 根据本条,需要两个基本因素引发规避其国际义务的成员国的国际责任。

The first one is that the international organization has competence in relation to the subject matter of an international obligation of a State.


This could occur through the transfer of State functions to an organization of integration.


However, the cases covered are not so limited.


Moreover, an international organization could be established in order to exercise functions that States may not have.


What is relevant for international responsibility to arise under the present article, is that the international obligation covers the area in which the international organization is provided with competence.


The obligation may specifically relate to that area or be more general, as in the case of obligations under treaties for the protection of human rights.


(7) A second condition for international responsibility to arise according to the present article is that there be a significant link between the conduct of the circumventing member State and that of the international organization.

(7) 依照本条,国际责任产生的另一条件是,规避的成员国的行为与国际组织的行为之间须有重要的联系。

The act of the international organization has to be caused by the member State.


(8) The third condition for international responsibility to arise is that the international organization commits an act that, if committed by the State, would have constituted a breach of the obligation.

(8) 引发国家责任的第三个条件是国际组织实施了一项如果国家实施将构成违反该义务的行为。

An act that would constitute a breach of the obligation has to be committed.


(9) Paragraph 2 explains that the present article does not require the act to be internationally wrongful for the international organization concerned.

(9) 2款说明,本条草案并不要求该行为对于有关国际组织来说,是国际不法行为。

Circumvention is more likely to occur when the international organization is not bound by the international obligation.


However, the mere existence of an international obligation for the organization does not necessarily exempt the State from international responsibility.


(10) Should the act of the international organization be wrongful and be caused by the member State, there could be an overlap between the cases covered in article 61 and those considered in articles 58, 59 and 60.

(10) 如果国际组织的行为是不法行为,并且是由成员国引起的,则第61条草案所涵盖的情况与第585960条所审议的情况之间可能有重复。

This would occur when the conditions set by one of these articles are fulfilled.


However, such an overlap would not be problematic, because it would only imply the existence of a plurality of bases for holding the State responsible.


Article 62


Responsibility of a State member of an international organization for an internationally wrongful act of that organization


1. A State member of an international organization is responsible for an internationally wrongful act of that organization if:

1. 在下列情况下,国际组织成员国应对该组织的国际不法行为负责:

(a) it has accepted responsibility for that act towards the injured party; or

(a) 成员国已接受该行为引起的对受害方的责任;或

(b) it has led the injured party to rely on its responsibility.

(b) 成员国已导致受害方认定它将承担责任。

2. Any international responsibility of a State under paragraph 1 is presumed to be subsidiary.

2. 按照第1款产生的国家的国际责任应推定为次要责任。



(1) A State member of an international organization may be held responsible in accordance with articles 58 to 61.

(1) 国际组织的成员国可根据第5861条而被追究责任。

The present article envisages two additional cases in which member States incur responsibility.


Member States may furthermore be responsible according to the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, but this lies beyond the scope of the present draft articles.

成员国可能根据国家对国际不法行为的责任条款而进一步承担责任, 但这超出了本条款草案的范围。

(2) Consistently with the approach generally taken by the present draft articles as well as by the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, article 62 positively identifies those cases in which a State incurs responsibility and does not say when responsibility is not deemed to arise.

(2) 与本条款草案和国家对国际不法行为的责任条款一般采取的方针相一致,第62条正面确认了引发一国责任的这些情况,但没有说何时认为未引发责任。

While it would be thus inappropriate to include in the draft a provision stating a residual, and negative, rule for those cases in which responsibility is not considered to arise for a State in connection with the act of an international organization, such a rule is clearly implied.


Therefore, membership does not as such entail for member States international responsibility when the organization commits an internationally wrongful act.


(3) The view that member States cannot generally be regarded as internationally responsible for the internationally wrongful acts of the organization has been defended by several States in contentious cases.

(3) 一些国家在抗辩性案件中辩护了成员国一般不能被视为对国际组织的国际不法行为负责的观点。

The German Government recalled in a written comment that it had:


“advocated the principle of separate responsibility before the European Commission of Human Rights (M. & Co.), the European Court of Human Rights (Senator Lines) and the International Court of Justice (Legality of Use of Force) and [had] rejected responsibility for reason of membership for measures taken by the European Community, NATO and the United Nations”.

在欧洲人权委员会(M. & Co.)、欧洲人权法院(Senator Lines)以及国际法院(使用武力的合法性案)中都一直主张分别责任原则,拒绝因自己的成员身份而为欧洲共同体、北约及联合国的措施负责。

(4) A similar view was taken by the majority opinions in the British courts in the litigation concerning the International Tin Council (ITC), albeit incidentally in disputes concerning private contracts. The clearest expressions were given by Lord Kerr in the Court of Appeal and by Lord Templeman in the House of Lords.

(4) 尽管偶然在涉及私人合同的案件中有争论,联合王国法院在关于国际锡业理事会(ITC)诉讼案的主要意见中最清楚的阐述。

Lord Kerr said that he could not:


“find any basis for concluding that it has been shown that there is any rule of international law, binding upon the member States of the ITC, whereby they can be held liable — let alone jointly and severally — in any national court to the creditors of the ITC for the debts of the ITC resulting from contracts concluded by the ITC in its own name.”


With regard to an alleged rule of international law imposing on “States members of an international organization, joint and several liability for the default of the organization in the payment of its debts unless the treaty which establishes the international organization clearly disclaims any liability on the part of the members”, Lord Templeman found that:


“No plausible evidence was produced of the existence of such a rule of international law before or at the time of ITA6 [the Sixth International Tin Agreement] in 1982 or afterwards.”


(5) Although writers are divided on the question of responsibility of States when an international organization of which they are members commits an internationally wrongful act, it is noteworthy that the Institute of International Law adopted in 1995 a resolution in which it took the position that:

(5) 尽管在国际组织实施国际不法行为时成员国的责任问题上存在着不同学说,值得注意的是国际法学会在1995年通过的决议中采取下述立场:

“Save as specified in article 5, there is no general rule of international law whereby States members are, due solely to their membership, liable, concurrently or subsidiarily, for the obligations of an international organization of which they are members.”


(6) The view that member States are not in general responsible does not rule out that there are certain cases, other than those considered in the previous articles, in which a State would be responsible for the internationally wrongful act of the organization.

(6) 除了前几条草案所审议的情况,认为国家一般不负有责任的观点并不排除一国有某些情况下为组织的国际不法行为承担责任。

The least controversial case is that of acceptance of international responsibility by the States concerned.


This case is stated in subparagraph (a).


No qualification is given to acceptance.


This is intended to mean that acceptance may be expressly stated or implied and may occur either before or after the time when responsibility arises for the organization.

这旨在表明可以明示或暗示地表示同意。 可以在该组织的责任产生之前或之后表示。

(7) In his judgment in the Court of Appeal concerning the International Tin Council, Lord Ralph Gibson referred to acceptance of responsibility in the “constituent document”.

(7) 拉尔夫·吉布林勋爵在上诉法院关于国际锡业理事会的判决中提到了在组建文书中接受责任

One can certainly envisage that acceptance results from the constituent instrument of the international organization or from other rules of the organization.


However, member States would then incur international responsibility towards a third party only if their acceptance produced legal effects in their relations to the third party.


It could well be that member States only bind themselves towards the organization or agree to provide the necessary financial resources as an internal matter.


Thus, paragraph 1 (a) specifies that acceptance of responsibility only operates if it is made “towards the injured party”.


(8) Paragraph 1 (b) envisages a second case of responsibility of member States: when the conduct of member States has led the third party to rely on the responsibility of member States.

(8) 1(b)项设想了成员国责任的第二种情况:当成员国的行为使第三方有理由依赖于成员国的责任。

This occurs, for instance, when the members lead a third party reasonably to assume that they would stand in if the responsible organization did not have the necessary funds for making reparation.


(9) An example of responsibility of member States based on reliance engendered by the conduct of member States was provided by the second arbitral award in the dispute concerning Westland Helicopters.

(9) 成员国行为导致依赖而引发成员国责任的一个案例,是关于威斯特兰直升飞机公司争端的第二次仲裁裁决。

The panel found that the special circumstances of the case invited:


“the trust of third parties contracting with the organization as to its ability to cope with its commitments because of the constant support of the member States”.


(10) Reliance is not necessarily based on an implied acceptance.

(10) 依赖不必根据默示的同意。

It may also reasonably arise from circumstances which cannot be taken as an expression of an intention of the member States to bind themselves.


Among the factors that have been suggested as relevant is the small size of membership, although this factor would have to be considered globally, together with all the other pertinent factors.

在提出的所有相关因素中有成员较少这一因素, 尽管必须从整体上考虑这一因素和所有其他有关因素。

There is clearly no presumption that a third party should be able to rely on the responsibility of member States.


(11) Subparagraphs (a) and (b) use the term “injured party”.

(11) (a)项和(b)项使用了受害方一词。

In the context of international responsibility, this injured party would in most cases be another State or another international organization.


However, it could also be a subject of international law other than a State or an international organization.


While Part One of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts covers the breach of any obligation that a State may have under international law, Part Two, which concerns the content of international responsibility, only deals with relations between States, but contains in article 33 a saving clause concerning the rights that may arise for “any person or entity other than a State”.


Similarly, subparagraph (b) is intended to cover any State, international organization, person or entity with regard to whom a member State may incur international responsibility.


(12) According to subparagraphs (a) and (b) international responsibility arises only for those member States who accepted that responsibility or whose conduct led to reliance.

(12) 根据(a)项和(b)项,只有接受责任的成员国或其行为导致依赖的成员国负有国际责任。

Even when acceptance of responsibility results from the constituent instrument of the organization, this could provide for the responsibility only of certain member States.


(13) Paragraph 2 addresses the nature of the responsibility that is entailed in accordance with paragraph 1.

(13) 2款处理了根据第1款所引发的责任性质。

The international responsibility of the international organization of which the State is a member remains unaffected.


Acceptance of responsibility by a State could entail either subsidiary responsibility or joint and several responsibility.


The same applies to responsibility based on reliance.


As a general rule, only a rebuttable presumption may be stated.


In view of the exceptional character of the cases in which responsibility arises according to the present article, it is reasonable to presume that, when member States accept responsibility, only subsidiary responsibility, which has a supplementary character, is intended.


Article 63


Effect of this Part


This Part is without prejudice to the international responsibility of the international organization which commits the act in question, or of any State or other international organization.




(1) The present article finds a parallel in article 19, according to which the chapter on responsibility of an international organization in connection with the act of a State or another international organization is “without prejudice to the international responsibility of the State or international organization which commits the act in question, or of any other State or international organization”.

(1) 本条类似于第19条:后者规定,与一国或另一国际组织行为有关的一国际组织的责任不影响实施有关行为的国家或国际组织的责任、或任何其他国家或国际组织的国际责任

(2) The present article is a saving clause relating to the whole Part. It corresponds to article 19 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 本条是关于整章的一个保留条款,类似于国家对国际不法行为的责任第19条。

The purpose of that provision, which concerns only relations between States, is first to clarify that the responsibility of the State aiding or assisting, or directing and controlling another State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act is without prejudice to the responsibility that the State committing the act may incur.


Moreover, as the commentary on article 19 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts explains, the article is also intended to make it clear “that the provisions [of the chapter] are without prejudice to any other basis for establishing the responsibility of the assisting, directing or coercing State under any rule of international law defining particular conduct as wrongful” and to preserve the responsibility of any other State “to whom the internationally wrongful conduct might also be attributable under other provisions of the articles”.


(3) There appears to be less need for an analogous “without prejudice” provision in Part Five.

(3) 在第五部分中,包含一个类似的不影响规定的必要性似乎更小一些。

It is hardly necessary to save responsibility that may arise for States according to the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts and not according to the present draft articles.


On the contrary, a “without prejudice” provision analogous to that of article 19 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts would have some use if it concerned international organizations.


The omission in this Part of a provision analogous to article 19 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts could have raised doubts.


Moreover, at least in the case of a State aiding or assisting or directing and controlling an international organization in the commission of an internationally wrongful act, there is some use in setting forth that the responsibility of the State is without prejudice to the responsibility of the international organization that commits the act.


(4) In the present article the references to the term “State” in article 19 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts have been replaced by references to the term “international organization”.

(4) 在本条草案中,提到国家对国际不法行为的责任的第19条中的国家一词,已经被更换为国际组织一词。

Part Six


General provisions




This Part comprises general provisions that are designed to apply to issues concerning both the international responsibility of an international organization (Parts Two, Three and Four) and the responsibility of a State in connection with the conduct of an international organization (Part Five).


Article 64


Lex specialis


These articles do not apply where and to the extent that the conditions for the existence of an internationally wrongful act or the content or implementation of the international responsibility of an international organization, or a State in connection with the conduct of an international organization, are governed by special rules of international law.


Such special rules of international law may be contained in the rules of the organization applicable to the relations between an international organization and its members.




(1) Special rules relating to international responsibility may supplement more general rules or may replace them, in whole or in part.

(1) 有关国际责任的特别规则可以补充更具一般性的规则或可以全部或部分地予以取代。

These special rules may concern the relations that certain categories of international organizations or one specific international organization have with some or all States or other international organizations.


They may also concern matters addressed in Part Five of the present articles.


(2) It would be impossible to try and identify each of the special rules and their scope of application.

(2) 尝试并确定每一项特殊规则及其适用范围,将是办不到的。

By way of illustration, it may be useful to refer to one issue which has given rise in practice to a variety of opinions concerning the possible existence of a special rule: that of the attribution to the European Community (now European Union) of conduct of States members of the Community when they implement binding acts of the Community.


According to the Commission of the European Union, that conduct would have to be attributed to the Community; the same would apply to “other potentially similar organizations”.


(3) Several cases concern the relations between the European Community and its member States.

(3) 有些案件涉及欧洲共同体及其成员国的关系。

In M. & Co. v. Germany the European Commission of Human Rights held:

M. & Co.诉德国一案中,欧洲人权委员会认为:

“The Commission first recalls that it is in fact not competent ratione personae to examine proceedings before or decisions of organs of the European Communities […


] This does not mean, however, that by granting executory power to a judgment of the European Court of Justice the competent German authorities acted quasi as Community organs and are to that extent beyond the scope of control exercised by the conventional organs.”


(4) A different view was taken in European Communities – Protection of Trademarks and Geographical Indications for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs by a World Trade Organization (WTO) panel, which:

(4) 世界贸易组织的一个专家小组最近在欧洲共同体――保护农产品和食品的商标和地理标志一案中采取了不同的看法,该专家小组:

“accepted the European Communities’ explanation of what amounts to its sui generis domestic constitutional arrangements that Community laws are generally not executed through authorities at Community level but rather through recourse to the authorities of its member States which, in such a situation, ‘act de facto as organs of the Community, for which the Community would be responsible under WTO law and international law in general’”.


This approach implies admitting the existence of a special rule on attribution, to the effect that, in the case of a European Community act binding a member State, State authorities would be considered as acting as organs of the Community.


(5) The issue came before the European Court of Human Rights in Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm ve Ticaret AS v. Ireland.

(5) 这个问题出现在欧洲人权法院受理玻斯福鲁斯空运公司诉爱尔兰案以前。

The Court said in its decision on admissibility in this case that it would examine at a later stage of the proceedings:


“whether the impugned acts can be considered to fall within the jurisdiction of the Irish State within the meaning of article 1 of the Convention, when that State claims that it was obliged to act in furtherance of a directly effective and obligatory EC Regulation”.


In its unanimous judgment on the merits of 30 June 2005 the Grand Chamber of the Court held:


“In the present case it is not disputed that the act about which the applicant complained, the detention of the aircraft leased by it for a period of time, was implemented by the authorities of the respondent State on its territory following a decision to impound of the Irish Minister for Transport.


In such circumstances the applicant company, as the addressee of the impugned act fell within the ‘jurisdiction’ of the Irish State, with the consequence that its complaint about that act is compatible ratione loci, personae and materiae with the provisions of the Convention.”


(6) The decision of the European Court of Human Rights in Kokkelvisserij v. Netherlands considered “the guarantees offered by the European Community — especially the European Court of Justice — in discharging its own jurisdictional tasks” with regard to a preliminary reference by a court in the Netherlands.

” (6) 欧洲人权法院对Kokkelvisserij诉荷兰案的裁决针对荷兰法院提出的先行裁决请求,考虑了欧洲共同体、特别是欧洲人权法院在履行其司法任务方面所提供的保障

The Court reiterated its view that the conduct of an organ of a member State should in any event by attributed to that State.


The Court said:


“A Contracting Party is responsible under Article 1 of the Convention for all acts and omissions of its organs regardless of whether the act or omission in question was a consequence of domestic law or of the necessity to comply with international legal obligations.”


(7) The present article is modelled on article 55 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

” (7) 本条案文仿照关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第55条。

It is designed to make it unnecessary to add to many of the preceding articles a proviso such as “subject to special rules”.


(8) Given the particular importance that the rules of the organization are likely to have as special rules concerning international responsibility in the relations between an international organization and its members, a specific reference to the rules of the organization has been added at the end of the present article.

(8) 鉴于该组织的规则可能有关于国际组织及其成员之间关系的特殊规则的特别重要性,在本条末尾增加了具体提到该组织的规则。

The rules of the organization may, expressly or implicitly, govern various aspects of the issues dealt with in Parts Two to Five.


For instance, they may affect the consequences of a breach of international law that an international organization may commit when the injured party is a member State or international organization.


The relevance of special rules with regard to the issue of countermeasures has been considered in articles 22 and 52 and the related commentaries.


Article 65


Questions of international responsibility not regulated by these articles


The applicable rules of international law continue to govern questions concerning the responsibility of an international organization or a State for an internationally wrongful act to the extent that they are not regulated by these draft articles.




(1) Like article 56 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the present article points to the fact that the present draft articles do not address all the issues that may be relevant in order to establish whether an international organization or a State is responsible and what international responsibility entails.

(1) 像关于国家对国际不法行为的责任第56条那样, 本条指出:目前的草案并没有解决为了确定一国际组织或一国是否引起国际责任所有可能相关的问题。

This also in view of possible developments on matters that are not yet governed by international law.


(2) Since issues relating to the international responsibility of a State are considered in the present draft articles only to the extent that they are addressed in Part Five, it may seem unnecessary to specify that other matters concerning the international responsibility of a State — for instance, questions relating to attribution of conduct to a State — continue to be governed by the applicable rules of international law, including the principles and rules set forth in the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 由于有关一国国际责任的问题只有当它们在第五部分被提到的情形下才会在目前的草案范围内获得审议,看来也就没有必要规定:有关一国国际责任的其他事项,例如将行为归于一个国家的问题,继续由适用的国际法规则,其中包括国家对国际不法行为的责任条款中所规定的原则和规则,予以制约。

However, if the present article only mentioned international organizations, the omission of a reference to States could lead to unintended implications.


Therefore, the present article reproduces article 56 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts with the addition of a reference to “an international organization”.


Article 66


Individual responsibility


These draft articles are without prejudice to any question of the individual responsibility under international law of any person acting on behalf of an international organization or a State.




(1) With the addition of the reference to “an international organization”, the present article reproduces article 58 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(1) 增加了提到国际组织的字眼以后,本条抄录了关于国家对国际不法行为的责任第58条。

The statement may appear obvious, since the scope of the present draft articles, as defined in article 1, only concern the international responsibility of an international organization or a State.


However, it may not be superfluous as a reminder of the fact that issues of individual responsibility may arise under international law in connection with a wrongful act of an international organization or a State and that these issues are not regulated in the present draft.


(2) Thus, the fact that the conduct of an individual is attributed to an international organization or a State does not exempt that individual from the international criminal responsibility that he or she may incur for his or her conduct.

(2) 因此,个人的行为被归因于一个国际组织或一个国家的事实,并不免除个人由于其行为可能引起的国际刑事责任。

On the other hand, when an internationally wrongful act of an international organization or a State is committed, the international responsibility of individuals that have been instrumental to the wrongful act cannot be taken as implied.


However, in certain cases the international criminal responsibility of some individuals may arise, for instance when they have been instrumental to the serious breach of an obligation under a peremptory norm in the circumstances envisaged in article 41.


(3) Individual responsibility could also relate to damage caused by an act of a person acting on behalf of an international organization.

(3) 个人责任也可能与代国际组织行事的个人的行为所引起的损害有关。

For instance, when the victims of an international crime suffer damage, the responsible individual may have an obligation to make reparation.


Article 67


Charter of the United Nations


These draft articles are without prejudice to the Charter of the United Nations.




(1) The present article reproduces article 59 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, which sets forth a “without prejudice” provision concerning the Charter of the United Nations.

(1) 本条抄录了关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第59条, 其中规定了关于联合国宪章的不妨碍规定。

The reference to the Charter includes obligations that are directly stated in the Charter as well as those flowing from binding decisions of the Security Council, which according to the International Court of Justice similarly prevail over other obligations under international law on the basis of article 103 of the United Nations Charter.


According to article 103 of the Charter, “[i]n the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Members of the United Nations under the present Charter and their obligations under any other international agreement, their obligations under the Charter shall prevail”.


(2) Insofar as issues of State responsibility are covered in the present draft articles, there could be no reason to query the applicability of the same “without prejudice” provision as the corresponding article on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 就本条款草案中所涵盖的国家责任问题来说,没有理由质疑与国家对国际不法行为的责任的相应条款相同的不妨碍规定的适用性。

A question may be raised with regard to the responsibility of international organizations, since they are not members of the United Nations and therefore have not formally agreed to be bound by the Charter.


However, even if the prevailing effect of obligations under the Charter may have a legal basis for international organizations that differs from the legal basis applicable to States, one may reach the conclusion that the Charter has a prevailing effect also with regard to international organizations.

然而,即使宪章下义务的当前影响可能使国际组织具有与适用于国家的法律依据不同的法律依据, 人们可得出结论认为,《宪章》实际上也对国际组织起到一种普遍的影响。

For instance, when establishing an arms embargo which requires all its addressees not to comply with an obligation to supply arms that they may have accepted under a treaty, the Security Council does not distinguish between States and international organizations.


It is at any event not necessary, for the purpose of the present draft, to determine the extent to which the international responsibility of an international organization is affected, directly or indirectly, by the Charter of the United Nations.


(3) The present article is not intended to exclude the applicability of the principles and rules set forth in the preceding articles to the international responsibility of the United Nations.

(3) 本条不打算影响上述条款中对联合国的国际责任所规定的原则和规则的适用性。

Chapter VI


Effects of armed conflicts on treaties


A. Introduction

A. 导言

89. During its fifty-sixth session (2004), the Commission decided to include the topic “Effects of armed conflicts on treaties” in its programme of work, and to appoint Sir Ian Brownlie as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

89. 委员会在第五十六届会议(2004)期间决定 将武装冲突对条约的影响这个专题列入其工作方案,并任命伊恩·布朗利先生为这个专题的特别报告员。

90. At its fifty-seventh (2005) to sixtieth (2008) sessions, the Commission had before it the first to fourth reports of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/552, A/CN.4/570 and Corr.1, A/CN.4/578 and Corr.1 and A/CN.4/589 and Corr.1, respectively), as well as a memorandum prepared by the Secretariat entitled “The effects of armed conflict on treaties: an examination of practice and doctrine” (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1).

90. 在第五十七届(2005)至第六十届(2008)会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第一至第四次报告(分别为A/CN.4/552A/CN.4/570Corr.1A/CN.4/578Corr.1以及A/CN.4/589Corr.1),以及秘书处编写的一份题为武装冲突对条约的影响:对实践与学说的审查的备忘录(A/CN.4/550Corr.1)

The Commission further proceeded on the basis of the recommendations of a Working Group, chaired by Mr. Lucius Caflisch, which was established in 2007 and 2008 to provide further guidance regarding several issues which had been identified in the Commission’s consideration of the Special Rapporteur’s third report.

委员会还根据在2007年和2008年成立、由卢修斯·卡弗利施先生担任主席的一个工作组的建议, 为委员会在审议特别报告员第三次报告期间所确定的几个问题提供进一步的指导意见。

91. At its sixtieth session (2008), the Commission adopted on first reading a set of 18 draft articles, and an annex, on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties, together with commentaries.

91. 委员会在其第六十届会议(2008),一读通过了附有评注的关于武装冲突对条约的影响的18条条款草案和一个附件。

At the same meeting, the Commission decided, in accordance with draft articles 16 to 21 of its Statute, to transmit the draft articles, through the Secretary-General, to Governments for comments and observations.


92. At its sixty-first session (2009), the Commission appointed Mr. Lucius Caflisch as Special Rapporteur for the topic, following the resignation of Sir Ian Brownlie from the Commission.

92. 继伊恩·布朗利爵士从委员会辞职之后,委员会在第六十一届会议(2009)任命卢修斯·卡弗利施先生为这个专题的特别报告员。

93. At its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/627 and Add.1), containing his proposals for the reformulation of the draft articles as adopted on first reading, taking into account the comments and observations of Governments (A/CN.4/622 and Add.1).

93. 委员会在第六十二届会议(2010)上收到了特别报告员的第一份报告(A/CN.4/627Add.1),其中载有他关于参考各国政府的评论和意见(A/CN.4/622Add.1)改写一读通过的条款草案的建议。

The Commission considered the Special Rapporteur’s first report and subsequently instructed the Drafting Committee to commence the second reading of the draft articles on the basis of the proposals of the Special Rapporteur for draft articles 1 to 17, taking into account the comments of Governments and the debate in the Plenary on the Special Rapporteur’s report.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 在本届会议上审议此一专题的情况

94. At the present session, the Commission considered the report of the Drafting Committee (A/CN.4/L.777 and Corr. 1 (French only)) at its 3089th meeting, held on 17 May 2011, and adopted the entire set of draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties, on second reading, at the same meeting.

94. 委员会在本届会议上,审议了起草委员会在2011517日上举行的第3089次会议的报告(A/CN.4/L.777Corr.1(仅有法文本)), 并在同一次会议上二读通过了关于武装冲突对条约的影响的整套条款草案。

95. At its 3116th to 3117th meetings, held on 2 and 3 August 2011, the Commission adopted the commentaries to the aforementioned draft articles.

95. 201182日和3日举行的第31163117次会议上,委员会通过了对上述草案的评注。

96. In accordance with its Statute, the Commission submits the draft articles to the General Assembly, together with the recommendation set out below.

96. 委员会根据其章程,连同下列建议,向大会提交了本条款草案。

C. Recommendation of the Commission

C. 委员会的建议

97. At its 3118th meeting, held on 5 August 2011, the Commission decided, in accordance with article 23 of its Statute, to recommend to the General Assembly:

97. 在其201185日举行的第3118次会议上, 委员会决定按照其章程第23条建议大会:

(a) to take note of the draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties in a resolution, and to annex them to the resolution;

(a) 通过一项决议注意到武装冲突对条约的影响条款草案并将该条款草案附在该决议之后;

(b) to consider, at a later stage, the elaboration of a convention on the basis of the draft articles.

(b) 考虑在以后某个阶段以该条款草案基础拟订一项公约。

D. Tribute to the Special Rapporteur

D. 向特别报告员表示感谢

98. At its 3117th meeting, held on 3 August 2011, the Commission, after adopting the draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties, adopted the following resolution by acclamation:

98. 委员会在201183日举行的第3117次会议上,在通过关于武装冲突对条约的影响的条款草案以后,鼓掌通过以下决议:

“The International Law Commission,


Having adopted the draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties,


Expresses to the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Lucius Caflisch, its deep appreciation and warm congratulations for the outstanding contribution he has made to the preparation of the draft articles through his tireless efforts and devoted work, and for the results achieved in the elaboration of draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties.”


99. The Commission also reiterated its deep appreciation for the valuable contribution of the previous Special Rapporteur, Sir Ian Brownlie, to the work on the topic.

99. 委员会再次对前任特别报告员伊恩·布朗利爵士表示深挚感谢,感谢他为这一专题的工作做出宝贵贡献。

E. Text of the draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties

E. 武装冲突对条约的影响条款草案案文

1. Text of the draft articles

1. 条款草案案文

100. The text of the draft articles adopted by the Commission, on second reading, at its sixty-third session is reproduced below.

100. 委员会第六十三届会议二读通过的条款草案案文载录如下。

Effects of armed conflicts on treaties


Part One


Scope and definitions


Article 1




The present draft articles apply to the effects of armed conflict on the relations of States under a treaty.


Article 2




For the purposes of the present draft articles:


(a) “treaty” means an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation, and includes treaties between States to which international organizations are also parties;

(a) “条约是指国家间所缔结而以国际法为准之国际书面协定,不论其载于一项单独文书或两项以上相互有关之文书内,亦不论其特定名称如何,包括国际组织也加入的国家间条约;

(b) “armed conflict” means a situation in which there is resort to armed force between States or protracted resort to armed force between governmental authorities and organized armed groups.

(b) “武装冲突是指国家间诉诸武力或政府当局与有组织武装团体之间长时间诉诸武力的情形。

Part Two




Chapter I


Operation of treaties in the event of armed conflicts


Article 3


General principle


The existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto terminate or suspend the operation of treaties:


(a) as between States parties to the conflict;

(a) 武装冲突当事国之间;

(b) as between a State party to the conflict and a State that is not.

(b) 武装冲突当事国与非当事国之间。

Article 4


Provisions on the operation of treaties


Where a treaty itself contains provisions on its operation in situations of armed conflict, those provisions shall apply.


Article 5


Application of rules on treaty interpretation


The rules of international law on treaty interpretation shall be applied to establish whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension in the event of an armed conflict.


Article 6


Factors indicating whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension


In order to ascertain whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension in the event of an armed conflict, regard shall be had to all relevant factors, including:


(a) the nature of the treaty, in particular its subject-matter, its object and purpose, its content and the number of parties to the treaty; and

(a) 条约的性质,特别是其主题事项、目的和宗旨、内容和条约缔约方数目;以及

(b) the characteristics of the armed conflict, such as its territorial extent, its scale and intensity, its duration and, in the case of non-international armed conflict, also the degree of outside involvement.

(b) 武装冲突的特征,诸如其地域范围、规模和激烈程度、持续时间,如果涉及非国际武装冲突,还应考虑外部介入的程度。

Article 7


Continued operation of treaties resulting from their subject-matter


An indicative list of treaties the subject-matter of which involves an implication that they continue in operation, in whole or in part, during armed conflict, is to be found in the annex to the present draft articles.


Chapter II


Other provisions relevant to the operation of treaties


Article 8


Conclusion of treaties during armed conflict


1. The existence of an armed conflict does not affect the capacity of a State party to that conflict to conclude treaties in accordance with international law.

1. 武装冲突的存在不影响冲突当事国依照国际法缔结条约的能力。

2. States may conclude agreements involving termination or suspension of a treaty or part of a treaty that is operative between them during situations of armed conflict, or may agree to amend or modify the treaty.

2. 各国可缔结协定,全部或部分终止或中止在武装冲突情况下在相互间仍适用的某项条约,或可商定对该条约进行修改或修订。

Article 9


Notification of intention to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation


1. A State intending to terminate or withdraw from a treaty to which it is a Party, or to suspend the operation of that treaty, as a consequence of an armed conflict shall notify the other State Party or States Parties to the treaty, or its depositary, of such intention.

1. 一国如因武装冲突而打算终止或退出其作为缔约国的条约,或中止该条约的施行,应将此意向通知条约另一缔约国、其他各缔约国或条约保存人。

2. The notification takes effect upon receipt by the other State Party or States Parties, unless it provides for a subsequent date.

2. 通知自另一缔约国或其他各缔约国收到通知之时起生效,除非通知载有较晚生效日期。

3. Nothing in the preceding paragraphs shall affect the right of a Party to object within a reasonable time, in accordance with the terms of the treaty or other applicable rules of international law, to the termination of or withdrawal from the treaty, or suspension of its operation.

3. 以上各款不影响一缔约国在合理的时间内根据条约规定或其他可适用的国际法规则对终止、退出条约或中止其施行提出反对的权利。

4. If an objection has been raised in accordance with paragraph 3, the States concerned shall seek a solution through the means indicated in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations.

4. 如果有缔约国根据本条第3款提出反对,有关缔约国应通过《联合国宪章》第三十三条所指明的方法寻求解决。

5. Nothing in the preceding paragraphs shall affect the rights or obligations of States with regard to the settlement of disputes insofar as they have remained applicable.

5. 以上各款不影响各国在解决争端方面对其依然适用的权利或义务。

Article 10


Obligations imposed by international law independently of a treaty


The termination of or the withdrawal from a treaty, or the suspension of its operation, as a consequence of an armed conflict, shall not impair in any way the duty of any State to fulfil any obligation embodied in the treaty to which it would be subject under international law independently of that treaty.


Article 11


Separability of treaty provisions


Termination, withdrawal from or suspension of the operation of a treaty as a consequence of an armed conflict shall, unless the treaty otherwise provides or the Parties otherwise agree, take effect with respect to the whole treaty except where:


(a) the treaty contains clauses that are separable from the remainder of the treaty with regard to their application;

(a) 条约的部分条款在适用上可与条约的其余部分分离;

(b) it appears from the treaty or is otherwise established that acceptance of those clauses was not an essential basis of the consent of the other Party or Parties to be bound by the treaty as a whole; and

(b) 从条约本身可以推断或通过其他方式确定,接受以上所指条款并非另一缔约方或其他各缔约方接受整个条约约束之必要基础;且

(c) continued performance of the remainder of the treaty would not be unjust.

(c) 条约其余部分之继续施行不致有失公平。

Article 12


Loss of the right to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation


A State may no longer terminate or withdraw from a treaty or suspend its operation as a consequence of an armed conflict if, after becoming aware of the facts:


(a) it shall have expressly agreed that the treaty remains in force or continues in operation; or

(a) 该国业已明确同意条约仍然有效或将继续施行;或

(b) it must by reason of its conduct be considered as having acquiesced in the continued operation of the treaty or in its maintenance in force.

(b) 根据该国行为必须视该国已默认条约将继续施行或继续有效。

Article 13


Revival or resumption of treaty relations subsequent to an armed conflict


1. Subsequent to an armed conflict, the States Parties may regulate, on the basis of agreement, the revival of treaties terminated or suspended as a consequence of the armed conflict.

1. 武装冲突结束后,缔约国可在协议的基础上对因武装冲突而终止或中止施行的条约恢复生效之事作出规定。

2. The resumption of the operation of a treaty suspended as a consequence of an armed conflict shall be determined in accordance with the factors referred to in article 6.

2. 对于因武装冲突而中止施行的条约,应根据第6条所提及的因素决定是否恢复施行。

Part Three




Article 14


Effect of the exercise of the right to self-defence on a treaty


A State exercising its inherent right of individual or collective self-defence in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations is entitled to suspend in whole or in part the operation of a treaty to which it is a Party insofar as that operation is incompatible with the exercise of that right.


Article 15


Prohibition of benefit to an aggressor State


A State committing aggression within the meaning of the Charter of the United Nations and resolution 3314 (XXIX) of the General Assembly of the United Nations shall not terminate or withdraw from a treaty or suspend its operation as a consequence of an armed conflict that results from the act of aggression if the effect would be to the benefit of that State.


Article 16


Decisions of the Security Council


The present draft articles are without prejudice to relevant decisions taken by the Security Council in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.


Article 17


Rights and duties arising from the laws of neutrality


The present draft articles are without prejudice to the rights and duties of States arising from the laws of neutrality.


Article 18


Other cases of termination, withdrawal or suspension


The present draft articles are without prejudice to the termination, withdrawal or suspension of treaties as a consequence of, inter alia: (a) a material breach; (b) supervening impossibility of performance; or (c) a fundamental change of circumstances.

本条款草案不妨碍尤其因下列情况而终止、退出或中止条约:(a) 发生重大违约情事;(b) 发生意外不可能履行;或(c) 情况的根本改变。



Indicative list of treaties referred to in article 7


(a) Treaties on the law of armed conflict, including treaties on international humanitarian law;

(a) 关于武装冲突法的条约,包括关于国际人道主义法的条约;

(b) Treaties declaring, creating or regulating a permanent regime or status or related permanent rights, including treaties establishing or modifying land and maritime boundaries;

(b) 声明、确立或规定永久制度或地位或有关永久权利的条约,包括确定或修改陆地和海洋边界的条约;

(c) Multilateral law-making treaties;

(c) 多边造法条约;

(d) Treaties on international criminal justice;

(d) 关于国际刑事司法的条约;

(e) Treaties of friendship, commerce and navigation and agreements concerning private rights;

(e) 友好、通商和航海条约以及涉及私权利的协定;

(f) Treaties for the international protection of human rights;

(f) 关于对人权进行国际保护的条约;

(g) Treaties relating to the international protection of the environment;

(g) 关于对环境进行国际保护的条约;

(h) Treaties relating to international watercourses and related installations and facilities;

(h) 关于国际水道以及有关装置和设施的条约;

(i) Treaties relating to aquifers and related installations and facilities;

(i) 关于含水层以及有关装置和设施的条约;

(j) Treaties which are constituent instruments of international organizations;

(j) 作为国际组织组成文书的条约;

(k) Treaties relating to the international settlement of disputes by peaceful means, including resort to conciliation, mediation, arbitration and judicial settlement;

(k) 关于以和平手段,包括通过和解、调停、仲裁和司法手段解决国际争端的条约;

(l) Treaties relating to diplomatic and consular relations.

(l) 关于外交和领事关系的条约。

2. Text of the draft articles with commentaries thereto

2. 条款草案案文及其评注

101. The text of the draft articles with commentaries thereto as adopted by the Commission, on second reading, at its sixty-third session is reproduced below.

101. 委员会第六十三届会议二读通过的条款草案案文及其评注载录如下。

Effects of armed conflicts on treaties


Part One


Scope and definitions


Article 1




The present draft articles apply to the effects of armed conflict on the relations between States under a treaty.




(1) Article 1 situates, as the point of departure for the elaboration of the draft articles, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, of 1969 (the “Vienna Convention”), article 73 of which provides, inter alia, that the provisions of the Convention do not prejudge any question that may arise in regard to a treaty from the outbreak of hostilities between States.

(1) 1条将1969年《维也纳条约法公约》(《维也纳公约》) 73条作为拟订条款草案的出发点,该条尤其规定,该公约的规定不妨碍国家间爆发敌对行动所引起关于条约方面的任何问题。

Thus, the present draft articles apply to the effects of an armed conflict in respect of treaty relations between States.


(2) The formulation of article 1 is patterned on article 1 of the Vienna Convention.

(2) 1条是根据《维也纳公约》第1条的格式拟订的。

By using the formulation “relations between States under a treaty”, the draft articles also cover the position of States not parties to an armed conflict which are Parties to a treaty with a State involved in that armed conflict.


Accordingly, three scenarios would be contemplated: (a) the situation concerning the treaty relations between two States engaged in an armed conflict, including States engaged on the same side; (b) the situation of the treaty relations between a State engaged in an armed conflict with another State and a third State not Party to that conflict; and (c) the situation of the effect of a non-international armed conflict on the treaty relations of the State in question with third States.

因此可设想三种情形:“(a) 武装冲突两国之间条约关系的情况,包括站在同一方的国家之间的条约关系;(b) 与另一国卷入武装冲突的一国与非该冲突当事国的第三国之间的条约关系的情况;(c) 非国际武装冲突对有关国家与第三国条约关系的影响情况。

Article 1, accordingly, should be read in light of article 3 which expressly envisages such hypotheses.


The scope of the third scenario is further limited by the requirement of “protracted resort to armed force between governmental authorities and organized armed groups”, reflected in the definition of armed conflict in article 2, subparagraph (b), as well as by the inclusion of the element of “the degree of outside involvement” as a factor to be taken into account, under article 6, subparagraph (b), when ascertaining the susceptibility of a treaty to termination, withdrawal or suspension.


The typical non-international armed conflict should not, in principle, call into question the treaty relations between States.


(3) Several Governments expressed the view that the draft articles should apply also to treaties or parts of treaties which are being provisionally applied.

(3) 若干国家的政府表示,条款草案还应适用于暂时适用的条约或条约的部分。

In the Commission’s view, the issue can be resolved by reference to the provisions of article 25 of the 1969 Vienna Convention.


(4) The Commission decided not to include within the scope of the draft articles relations arising under treaties between international organizations or between States and international organizations, owing to the complexity of giving such an additional dimension to the draft articles, and which would likely outweigh the possible benefits of doing so since international organizations rarely if ever engage in armed conflict to the extent that their treaty relations may be affected.

(4) 委员会决定不将国际组织之间或者国家与国际组织之间因条约所产生的关系列入条款草案的范围,因为在条款草案中增列这么一项内容是很复杂的,这样做可能会弊大于利,因为国际组织很少会介入到使其条约关系受影响的武装冲突中去。

While it is conceivable that such treaty relations could be affected qua third parties in the second scenario envisaged in paragraph (2) above, and that, accordingly, some of the provisions of the present draft articles might apply by analogy, the Commission decided to leave the consideration of such issues to a possible future topic for inclusion in its work programme.


However, article 1 should not be read as excluding multilateral treaties to which international organizations are parties in addition to States.


This point is made in subparagraph (a) of article 2 which clarifies that the definition of treaties given in the draft articles “includes treaties between States to which international organizations are also parties”.


Similarly, the formulation “relations between States under a treaty”, found in article 1, is drawn from article 2, subparagraph (c), of the Vienna Convention, and places the focus on the relations existing under the treaty regime in question, thereby making it possible to distinguish the treaty relations between States, which are included within the scope of the draft articles, from the relations between States and international organization or between international organizations arising under the same treaty, which are excluded from the scope of the articles.


(5) Structurally the present draft articles are divided into three parts: Part One, entitled “Scope and definitions”, includes articles 1 and 2 which are introductory in nature, dealing with scope and definitions.

(5) 从结构上看,本条款草案分成三个部分:第一部分题为适用范围和定义,它包括了导言性的第1条和第2条,处理适用范围和定义的问题。

Part Two, entitled “Principles”, consists of two chapters.


Chapter I, entitled “Operation of treaties in the event of armed conflicts”, includes articles 3 to 7 which constitute core provisions reflecting the foundation underlying the draft articles, which is to favour legal stability and continuity.


They are reflective of the general principle that treaties are not, in and of themselves, terminated or suspended as a result of armed conflict.


Articles 4 to 7 extrapolate, from the general principle in article 3, a number of basic legal propositions which are expository in character.


Chapter II, entitled “Other provisions relevant to the operation of treaties”, covers articles 8 to 13 which address a variety of ancillary aspects relevant to the application of treaties during armed conflict, drawing, where appropriate, upon corresponding provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention.


Finally, the incidence of armed conflict bears not only on the law of treaties but also on other fields of international law, including obligations of States under the Charter of the United Nations.


Accordingly, Part Three, entitled “Miscellaneous”, includes draft articles 14 to 18 which deal with a number of miscellaneous issues with regard to such relationships through inter alia “without prejudice” or saving clauses.


An indicative list of treaties whose subject matter involves an implication that they continue in operation, in whole or in part, during armed conflict, is to be found in the annex to the present draft articles, which is linked to article 7.


Article 2




For the purposes of the present draft articles:


(a) “treaty” means an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation, and includes treaties between States to which international organizations are also parties;

(a) “条约是指国家间所缔结而以国际法为准之国际书面协定,不论其载于一项单独文书或两项以上相互有关之文书内,亦不论其特定名称如何,包括国际组织也加入的国家间条约;

(b) “armed conflict” means a situation in which there is resort to armed force between States or protracted resort to armed force between governmental authorities and organized armed groups.

(b) “武装冲突是指国家间诉诸武力或政府当局与有组织武装团体之间长时间诉诸武力的情形。



(1) Article 2 provides definitions for two key terms used in the draft articles.

(1) 2条对本条款草案所用的两个关键术语作了界定。

(2) Paragraph (a) defines the term “treaty” by reproducing the formulation found in article 2 (1) (a) of the Vienna Convention, to which it adds the words “and includes treaties between States to which international organizations are also parties”.

(2) (a)项界定了条约一词,它转引《维也纳公约》第2条第1(a)项的格式,增加了包括国际组织也加入的国家间条约等词语。

This inclusion should not be regarded as an indication that the draft articles deal with the position of international organizations.


As already explained in paragraph (4) of the commentary to article 1, the treaty relations of international organizations are excluded from the scope of the present draft articles, and the concluding phrase cited above was included to forestall an interpretation of the scope which would have excluded multilateral treaties that include international organizations among their Parties.


(3) No particular distinction is drawn between bilateral and multilateral treaties.

(3) 对双边条约与多边条约没有作特别区别。

(4) Paragraph (b) defines the term “armed conflict” for the purposes of the present draft articles.

(4) (b)款为本条款草案对武装冲突一词作了界定。

It reflects the definition employed by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Tadic decision, except that the concluding words “or between such groups within a State” have been deleted since the present draft articles, under article 3, apply only to situations involving at least one State Party to the treaty.

它反映了前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭在塔迪茨案判决中使用的定义, 但其中删除了最后的或一国内部的此种集团之间等词语,因为根据第3条,本条款草案只适用于至少有一个缔约国卷入的情形。

The use of this definition is without prejudice to the rules of international humanitarian law, which constitute the lex specialis governing the conduct of hostilities.


(5) The definition applies to treaty relations between States parties to an armed conflict, as well as treaty relations between a State party to an armed conflict and a third State.

(5) 该定义适用于武装冲突当事国之间以及武装冲突当事国和第三国之间的条约关系。

The formulation of the provision and the above reference to “between a State party to the armed conflict and a third State” are intended to cover the effects of an armed conflict which may vary according to the circumstances.


Accordingly, it extends to situations where the armed conflict only affects the operation of a treaty with regard to one of the Parties to a treaty, and it recognizes that an armed conflict may affect the obligations of Parties to a treaty in different ways.


That phrase also serves to include within the scope of the draft articles the possible effect of non-international armed conflict on treaty relations of a State involved in such a conflict with another State.


The emphasis of the effects is on the application or operation of the treaty rather than the treaty itself.


(6) It was also considered that it was desirable to include situations involving a state of armed conflict in the absence of armed actions between the parties.

(6) 还有人认为应该包括牵涉到当事方之间不发生武装冲突的战争状态的情况。

Thus the definition includes the occupation of territory which meets with no armed resistance.


In this context the provisions of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict are of considerable interest.


In its relevant part, article 18 provides as follows:


“Article 18 – Application of the Convention


1. Apart from the provisions which shall take effect in time of peace, the present Convention shall apply in the event of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one or more of them.

1. 除了在和平时期有效的规定以外,本公约适用于两个或两个以上缔约国之间宣战或发生任何其他武装冲突的情况,即使其中一国或多国不承认存在战争状态。

2. The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.”

2. 公约还适用于部分或全部占领一缔约国领土的所有情况,即使上述占领未遇抵抗。

(7) Similar considerations militate in favour of the inclusion of a blockade even in the absence of armed actions between the parties.

(7) 类似的考虑也强烈主张将封锁包括在内,即使当事方之间不发生武装行动。

(8) Contemporary developments have blurred the distinction between international and non-international armed conflicts.

(8) 当代的新势态模糊了国际和非国际武装冲突的区分。

Non-international armed conflicts have increased in number and are statistically more frequent than international armed conflicts. In addition, many “civil wars” include “external elements”, such as the support and involvement by other States to varying degrees, supplying arms, providing training facilities and funds, and so forth. Non-international armed conflicts could affect the operation of treaties as much as international ones.

内战的数目增多了。 而且,许多这些内战都有外来成分,诸如其他国家不同程度的参与,供应军火,提供训练设施和经费等等。 非国际武装冲突对条约施行的影响可以与国际武装冲突一样大,如果不是更大的话。

The draft articles therefore include the effect on treaties of non-international armed conflicts, which is indicated by the phrase “resort to armed force between governmental authorities and organized armed groups”.


At the same time, a threshold requirement is introduced by the inclusion of a qualifier to the effect that such a type of armed conflict needs to be “protracted” in order to constitute the type of conflict covered by the draft articles.


As mentioned in paragraph (2) of the commentary to article 1, this threshold serves to mitigate the potentially destabilizing effect that the inclusion of internal armed conflicts within the scope of the present draft articles might have on the stability of treaty relations.


(9) The definition of “armed conflict” includes no explicit reference to “international” or “non-international” armed conflict.

(9) “武装冲突的定义没有明确提及国际非国际武装冲突。

This is intended to avoid reflecting specific factual or legal considerations in the article, and, accordingly, running the risk of a contrario interpretations.


Part Two




Chapter I


Operation of treaties in the event of armed conflicts




Articles 3 to 7 are central to the operation of the entire set of draft articles.


Article 3 establishes their basic orientation, namely, that armed conflict does not, ipso facto, terminate or suspend the operation of treaties.


Articles 4 to 7 seek to assist the determination of whether a treaty survives in an armed conflict. They are arranged in order of priority.


Accordingly, the first step is to look at the treaty itself.


Under article 4, an express provision within a treaty regulating its continuity in the context of an armed conflict would prevail.


In the absence of an express provision, resort would next be had, under article 5, to the established international rules on treaty interpretation so as to ascertain the fate of the treaty in the event of an armed conflict.


If no conclusive answer is yielded by the application of those two articles, the enquiry will shift to considerations extraneous to the treaty, and article 6 provides a number of contextual factors that may be relevant in making a determination one way or the other.


Finally, the determination is further assisted by article 7 which refers to the indicative list of treaties, contained in the annex, the subject matter of which provides an indication that they continue in operation, in whole or in part, in time of armed conflict.


Article 3


General principle


The existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto terminate or suspend the operation of treaties:


(a) as between States parties to the conflict;

(a) 武装冲突当事国之间;

(b) as between a State party to the conflict and a State that is not.

(b) 武装冲突当事国与非当事国之间。



(1) Article 3 is of overriding significance. It establishes the general principle of legal stability and continuity.

(1) 3条具有至关重要的意义,它确立了法律稳定和连续性的一般原则。

To that end it incorporates the key developments embodied by the Institute of International Law in its 1985 resolution: the existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto cause the suspension or termination of a treaty.


At the same time, it must be recognized that there is no easy way of reconciling the principle of stability, in article 3, with the fact that the existence of armed conflict may result in the termination or suspension of treaty relations.


The Commission consciously decided not to adopt an affirmative formulation establishing a presumption of continuity, out of concern that such approach would not necessarily reflect the prevailing position under international law, and because it implied a reorientation of the draft articles from providing for situations where treaties are assumed to continue, to attempting to indicate situations when such a presumption of continuity would not apply.


The Commission was of the view that such a reorientation would be too complex and fraught with risks of unanticipated a contrario interpretations.


It considered that the net effect of the present approach of seeking merely to dispel any assumption of discontinuity, together with several indications of when treaties are assumed to continue, was to strengthen the stability of treaty relations.


(2) The formulation is based on article 2 of the resolution adopted by the Institute of International Law in 1985.

(2) 该措辞仿照国际法学会1985年通过的决议的第2条。

The principle has been commended by a number of authorities.


Oppenheim asserts that “the opinion is pretty general that war by no means annuls every treaty”.


McNair states: “It is thus clear that war does not per se put an end to pre-war treaty obligations in existence between opposing belligerents.


” During the work of the Institute in 1983 Briggs said that:


“Our first — and most important — rule is that the mere outbreak of armed conflict (whether declared war or not) does not ipso facto terminate or suspend treaties in force between parties to the conflict.


This is established international law.”


The same conclusion results from the case-law. While the British High Court of Admiralty found in 1817, in “The Louis” case, that “[t]reaties are perishable things and their obligations are dissipated by the first hostility”, other judgments are less categorical and, as is now provided for by article 3 of the present draft articles, hold that the existence of armed conflict does not, in and of itself, do away with treaties or suspend them.

判例法也得出同样的结论,英国高等海事法院在1817年的“The Louis”的案中判定,条约是不经久的事务,条约义务一有敌对行动就消散。 但另外一些判决并不那么明确,正如目前的本条款草案第3条所规定的那样,这些判决认定,存在武装冲突的情况,基本上并不使条约消除或中止。

This is, in particular, the conclusion reached by United States courts, the leading case being that of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel v. Town of New Haven (1823), where the Supreme Court said that:


“treaties stipulating for permanent rights, and general arrangements, and professing to aim at perpetuity, and to deal with the case of war as well as of peace, do not cease on the occurrence of war, but are, at most, suspended while it lasts”.


A more recent case is that of Karnuth v. United States (1929), where the United States Supreme Court, dealing with Article III of the Jay Treaty of 1794 between Britain and the United States, confirmed and developed its earlier ruling:

一个较近期的案例是“Karnuth诉美国(1929)。 美国最高法院在该案中处理1794年《英国与美国杰伊条约》第3条时确认并发展了它以前的裁决:

“The law of the subject is still in the making, and, in attempting to formulate principles at all approaching generality, courts must proceed with a good deal of caution. But there seems to be fairly common agreement that, at least, the following treaty obligations remain in force: stipulations in respect of what shall be done in a state of war; treaties of cession, boundary, and the like; provisions giving the right to citizens or subjects of one of the high contracting powers to continue to hold and transmit land in the territory of the other; and, generally, provisions which represent completed acts.


On the other hand, treaties of amity, of alliance, and the like, having a political character, the object of which ‘is to promote relations of harmony between nation and nation’, are generally regarded as belonging to the class of treaty stipulations that are absolutely annulled by war.”


Although the above passages could suggest that a treaty may be suspended as long as the war lasts, this is no longer the line followed.


The new line, rather, is to limit termination to “political” treaties, treaties “incompatible with the existence of hostilities”, and treaties the maintenance of which is “incompatible with national policy in time of war”.


While the leading judgments on this matter are not always models of clarity, it has become evident that, under contemporary international law, the existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto put an end to or suspend existing agreements, although a number of them may indeed lapse or be suspended on account of their nature, commercial treaties for instance.

虽然在这个问题上的主要判决并不一定表述的明确,不足以仿效。 但是,已经显而易见,根据当代国际法,武装冲突的存在并不自动结束或中止现行的协议,虽然有些协议确实可能由于其性质而逐渐废止或中止,如商业条约等等。

(3) The reference in the chapeau to the “existence” of an armed conflict indicates that the draft articles cover the effect on treaties not only at the outbreak of the conflict, but also throughout its duration.

(3) 本条草案开头提到武装冲突的存在,这表明条款草案不仅包括冲突爆发时对条约的影响,而且还包括在冲突整个期间的影响。

(4) Subparagraphs (a) and (b) establish the various hypotheses of parties covered by the present draft articles, as described in paragraph (2) of the commentary to article 1.

(4) (a)(b)项确立了如第1条评注第(2)段所述的那样,本条款草案所包含的缔约方的各种假设。

The article is therefore to be distinguished from that adopted by the Institute of International Law in that, while the Institute’s resolution is concerned with the fate of treaties in force between States parties to the armed conflict, the present draft articles cover the additional hypotheses discussed in the context of article 1.

因此,本条应该与国际法学会通过的草案区分开来。 因为该学会的决议所涉的是在武装冲突当事国之间生效的条约的命运,而本条款草案所涉的是另外在第1条方面所讨论的假设。

(5) The possibility of including withdrawal from a treaty as one of the consequences of an outbreak of armed conflict, alongside suspension or termination, in article 3, was considered but rejected since withdrawal involves a conscious decision by a State, whereas article 3 deals with the automatic application of law.

(5) 能否在第3条中与中止或终止一起作为武装冲突爆发的后果之一列入撤出条约的问题,会议也进行了审议,但被拒绝,因为撤出的问题涉及一个国家的有意识决定,而第3条则处理的是法律的自动生效问题。

Article 4


Provisions on the operation of treaties


Where a treaty itself contains provisions on its operation in situations of armed conflict, those provisions shall apply.




(1) Article 4 recognizes the possibility of treaties expressly providing for their continued operation in situations of armed conflict.

(1) 4条承认条约可以明确规定在武装冲突的情形下继续执行。

It lays down the general rule that where a treaty so provides it continues to operate in situations of armed conflict.


The effect of this rule is that, in principle, the first step of the inquiry should be to establish whether the treaty so provides, since it will, depending on the terms of the provision and its scope, settle the question of continuity.


This is indicated by placing article 4 immediately after article 3.


(2) The Commission considered whether or not to include the qualifier “expressly”, but decided against doing so as it regarded it as being redundant.

(2) 委员会审议了是否要添加限定词明文的问题,但决定不这样做,因为它认为这是多余的。

Furthermore, it was found that such a qualifier could be unnecessarily limiting, since there were treaties which, although not expressly providing therefor, continued in operation by implication through the application of articles 6 and 7.


(3) On a strict view, this article may seem redundant, but it was generally recognized that such a provision was justified in the cause of expository clarity.

(3) 严格来讲,这条似乎多余,但普遍认为,为了明确说明,这种规定有合理之处。

Article 5


Application of rules on treaty interpretation


The rules of international law on treaty interpretation shall be applied to establish whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension in the event of an armed conflict.




(1) Article 5 follows from article 4 in that it represents the next stage of the inquiry if the treaty itself does not contain a provision regulating continuity or if the application of article 4 proves inconclusive.

(1) 5条在内容是承接第4条,因为如果条约本身不含有关于连续性的规定,或者如果适用第4条还不确定的话,这就是下一阶段要询问的。

It is also the second provision, in sequence, focusing on an investigation internal to the treaty as distinct from the consideration of factors external to the treaty, referred to in article 6, which might provide an indication on the treaty’s susceptibility to termination or withdrawal or suspension of operation.


The provision is intentionally drafted in an open-ended manner (“to establish whether”), so as to anticipate the possibility of applying articles 6 and 7 if the process of interpreting the treaty, too, proves inconclusive.


(2) Article 5 thus requires that, in the absence of a clear indication in the text of the treaty itself, one should seek to ascertain its meaning through the application of the established rules of international law on treaty interpretation, by which the Commission chiefly had in mind articles 31 and 32 of the 1969 Vienna Convention.

(2) 因此,第5条要求,如果条约本身没有明确地表明,那么我们应该适用国际法关于条约解释的既定规则,以弄清它的意义。 对此,委员会主要想到的是1969年《维也纳公约》第31条和第32条。

The Commission preferred to retain a more general reference to the “rules of international law”, however, out of recognition that not all States are Parties to the Vienna Convention, and out of deference to its general policy of not including in its texts cross-references to other legal instruments.


(3) The Commission rejected the inclusion of a reference to the intention of the parties to the treaty.

(3) 委员会反对在条约中提及缔约方的意图。

This idea had proved controversial both among Governments and in the Commission itself.


It was acknowledged that the drafters of treaties rarely provide an indication of their intention regarding the effect of the existence of an armed conflict on the treaty.


Wherever such an intention is discernible, it would most likely be through a provision of the treaty itself – a practice worth encouraging.


Such a case would be covered by article 4.


A reference to the intention of the parties could also have been interpreted as a re-introduction of a subjective test, despite the fact that the Vienna Conference had clearly opted for an objective test focusing on the “meaning” of the treaty.


Nonetheless, it is acknowledged that the criterion of the intention of the parties is implicit in the process of making the determinations set out in article 31 of the Vienna Convention.


(4) The title of article 5 is formulated in such a manner as to confirm that the provision is not concerned with treaty interpretation generally, but rather with specific situations where the existing rules on treaty interpretation are to be applied. As with article 4, the provision is strictly not necessary as one would typically seek to interpret the treaty in any event.

(4) 以这种方式起草第5条的标题,是为了确认这种规定与一般的条约解释无关,而是涉及到因适用条约解释方面现行规则的具体情况,与第4条一样,本规定严格来讲是没有必要的,因为我们通常在任何情况下都会对条约进行解释的。

Nonetheless, the provision was included by way of providing expository clarity.


Article 6


Factors indicating whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension


In order to ascertain whether a treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension in the event of an armed conflict, regard shall be had to all relevant factors, including:


(a) the nature of the treaty, in particular its subject matter, its object and purpose, its content and the number of parties to the treaty; and

(a) 条约的性质,特别是其主题事项、目的和宗旨、内容和条约缔约方数目;以及

(b) the characteristics of the armed conflict, such as its territorial extent, its scale and intensity, its duration and, in the case of non-international armed conflict, also the degree of outside involvement.

(b) 武装冲突的特征,诸如其地域范围、规模和激烈程度、持续时间,如果涉及非国际武装冲突,还应考虑外部介入的程度。



(1) Article 6 derives from article 3.

(1) 6条从第3条中产生。

The existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto put an end to or suspend the operation of the treaty.


It is another key provision of the present draft articles, and follows, in sequence, the investigation undertaken on the basis of the treaty itself, pursuant to articles 4 and 5.


If the analysis under those provisions proves inconclusive, article 6 will apply.


The article highlights certain criteria, including criteria external to the treaty, which may assist in ascertaining whether the treaty is susceptible to termination, withdrawal or suspension.


(2) With regard to the chapeau of the provision, and in contrast to article 3, withdrawal from treaties as one of the possibilities open to States parties to an armed conflict is included as it provides an appropriate context for its inclusion in subsequent ancillary draft articles.

(2) 与第3条不同的是,本规定的开头将退出条约作为武装冲突当事国可采用的可能性之一列入,因为它可以为将这个问题列入随后的补充条款草案提供一个适当的上下文。

The article enumerates, in subparagraphs (a) and (b), two categories of factors which may be relevant in ascertaining its susceptibility to termination, withdrawal or suspension in the event of an armed conflict.


This indication of factors is not exhaustive, as is confirmed by the concluding clause of the chapeau: “regard shall be had to all relevant factors, including … ”.


This suggests: (1) that there may be factors others than those listed in the subparagraphs which may be relevant in the context of a particular treaty or armed conflict; and (2) that not all factors are equally relevant in all cases – some may be more relevant that others, depending on the treaty or the conflict.

这表明:(1) 除了这两项所列的因素外,可能还有其他的因素与某一条约或武装冲突的情况有关;(2) 不是所有因素都同等地与所有情况有关的,有些因素可能比其他因素更有关,这要视条约或冲突的情况来看。

As such, the factors in subparagraphs (a) and (b) are to be viewed as a mere mention of the factors that could prove relevant in particular cases, depending on the circumstances.


(3) Subparagraph (a) suggests a series of factors pertaining to the nature of the treaty, particularly its subject matter, its object and purpose, its content and the number of the parties to the treaty.

(3) (a)项提出了与条约的性质有关的一系列因素,特别是条约的主题事项、它的宗旨和目的、它的内容以及缔约方的数量。

While a measure of overlap exists with regard to the inquiry undertaken under article 5, for example, the object and purpose of the treaty when taken in combination with other factors such as the number of parties, may open up a new perspective. Although the Commission did not find it practicable to suggest more specific guidelines on how to assess the nature, subject matter, object and purpose and content of a treaty in the context of an armed conflict, given the wide variety of treaties, it has suggested a list of categories of treaties in the annex linked to article 7 which exhibit a high likelihood of continued applicability, in whole or in part, during armed conflict.


As regards the number of parties, no definitive position is being taken except to suggest that the potential effect on treaties with numerous parties, which are not parties to the armed conflict, should, as a matter of policy, be mitigated.


(4) Subparagraph (b) provides a second set of suggested factors, this time pertaining to the characteristics of the armed conflict.

(4) (b)项提出了第二套因素,这次与武装冲突的特点有关。

Here the suggested factors are: the territorial extent of the conflict (and whether it takes place on land or at sea, which may be relevant, for example, when it comes to ascertaining the impact of an armed conflict on air transportation agreements), its scale, intensity and duration.


In addition, given the scope of the draft articles, which includes conflicts of a non-international character, mention is made of “the degree of outside involvement” in such a conflict.


This latter element establishes an additional threshold intended to limit the possibility for States to assert the termination or suspension of the operation of a treaty, or a right of withdrawal, on the basis of their participation in such types of conflicts. In other words, this element serves as a factor of control to favour the stability of treaties: the greater the involvement of third States in a non-international armed conflict, the greater the possibility that treaties will be affected, and vice versa.


(5) The question of the legality of the use of force as one of the factors to be considered under article 6 was examined, but it was decided to resolve the matter in the context of articles 14 to 16.

(5) 审议了使用武力的合法性问题,这是在第6条里应考虑的因素之一,但决定将这个问题放到实施第1416条的背景中予以解决。

(6) It cannot be assumed that the effect of armed conflict between Parties to the same treaty would be the same as its effect on treaties between a party to an armed conflict and a third State.

(6) 不能认为同一条约缔约国之间的武装冲突的影响与武装冲突当事方和第三国之间对条约的影响一样。

Article 7


Continued operation of treaties resulting from their subject matter


An indicative list of treaties the subject matter of which involves an implication that they continue in operation, in whole or in part, during armed conflict, is to be found in the annex of the present draft articles.




Article 7, which is expository in character, is linked to article 6, subparagraph (a), in that it further elaborates on the element of the “subject matter” of a treaty which may be taken into account when ascertaining susceptibility to termination, withdrawal or suspension of operation in the event of an armed conflict.

7条是说明性的,与第6(a)项相联系,因为它进一步阐述条约主题事项的内容。 这一内容在确定武装冲突时是否有可能终止、退出或中止执行条约的问题时可予以考虑。

The provision establishes a link to the annex which contains an indicative list of categories of treaties involving an implication that they continue in operation, in whole or in part, during armed conflict. The commentary relating to each category of treaties will be found in the annex at the end of the present draft articles.


Chapter II


Other provisions relevant to the operation of treaties


Article 8


Conclusion of treaties during armed conflict


1. The existence of an armed conflict does not affect the capacity of a State party to that conflict to conclude treaties in accordance with international law.

1. 武装冲突的存在不影响冲突当事国依照国际法缔结条约的能力。

2. States may conclude agreements involving termination or suspension of a treaty or part of a treaty that is operative between them during situations of armed conflict, or may agree to amend or modify the treaty.

2. 各国可缔结协定,全部或部分终止或中止在武装冲突情况下在相互间仍适用的某项条约,或可商定对该条约进行修改或修订。



(1) Article 8 is in line with the basic policy of the draft articles, which seek to ensure the legal security and continuity of treaties.

(1) 8条符合条款草案关于确保条约的法律保障和连续性的基本政策。

Both provisions reflect the fact that States may, in times of armed conflict, continue to have dealings with one another.


(2) Paragraph 1 of article 8 reflects the basic proposition that an armed conflict does not affect the capacity of a State party to that conflict to enter into treaties.

(2) 8条第1款反映以下基本主张,即武装冲突不影响冲突当事国缔结条约的能力。

While the provision includes a general reference to “international law”, the Commission understood this as referring to the international rules on the capacity of States to conclude treaties reflected in the 1969 Vienna Convention.


(3) While technically speaking paragraph 1 deals with the effect of armed conflict on the capacity of States to enter into agreements, as opposed to the effect on treaties themselves, it was thought useful to retain it for expository purposes.

(3) 从技术上讲,第1款处理武装冲突对国家缔结协定的能力的影响,而不是对条约本身的影响,但在条款草案中保留该款被认为是有用的。

The provision refers to the capacity “of a State party to that conflict” so as to indicate that there may be only one State party to the armed conflict, as in situations of non-international armed conflict.


(4) Paragraph 2 deals with the practice of States parties to an armed conflict expressly agreeing, during the conflict, either to suspend or to terminate a treaty which is operative between them at the time.

(4) 2款处理武装冲突当事国的实践,在武装冲突期间明确同意中止或终止当时两国间生效的条约。

As McNair has remarked: “There is no inherent juridical impossibility … in the formation of treaty obligations between two opposing belligerents during the war.


” Such agreements have been concluded in practice, and a number of writers have referred to them.


Partly echoing McNair, Fitzmaurice observed in his Hague Lectures:


“… there is no inherent impossibility in treaties being actually concluded between two belligerents during the course of a war.


This is indeed what happens when, for instance, an armistice agreement is concluded between belligerents.


It also occurs when belligerents conclude special agreements for the exchange of personnel, or for the safe conduct of enemy personnel through their territory, and so on.


These agreements may have to be concluded through the medium of a third neutral State or protecting power, but once concluded they are valid and binding international agreements”.


(5) The Commission decided not to make reference to the “lawfulness” or “validity” of the agreements contemplated in paragraph 2, preferring to leave such matters to the operation of the general rules of international law, including those reflected in the 1969 Vienna Convention.

” (5) 委员会决定不提第2款所设想的协议的合法性有效性等词语,倾向于将这类问题留给执行国际法一般规则,包括1969年《维也纳公约》所反映的规则。

(6) Reference is made, at the end of paragraph 2, to the possibility of agreeing on the amendment or modification of the treaty.

(6) 2款末尾提到就条约的修正或修订达成协议的可能性。

The Commission had in mind the position of States Parties to the treaty which are not parties to the armed conflict. Such States could conceivably not be in a position to justify termination or suspension of operation, thus only leaving them the possibility to seek the modification or amendment of the treaty.


Article 9


Notification of intention to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation


1. A State intending to terminate or withdraw from a treaty to which it is a Party, or to suspend the operation of that treaty as a consequence of an armed conflict, shall notify the other State Party or States Parties to the treaty, or its depositary, of such intention.

1. 一国如因武装冲突而打算终止或退出其作为缔约国的条约,或中止该条约的施行,应将此意向通知条约另一缔约国、其他各缔约国或条约保存人。

2. The notification takes effect upon receipt by the other State Party or States Parties, unless it provides for a subsequent date.

2. 通知自另一缔约国或其他各缔约国收到通知之时起生效,除非通知载有较晚生效日期。

3. Nothing in the preceding paragraphs shall affect the right of a Party to object within a reasonable time, in accordance with the terms of the treaty or applicable rules of international law, to termination, withdrawal or suspension of its operation.

3. 以上各款不影响一缔约国在合理的时间内根据条约规定或其他可适用的国际法规则对终止、退出条约或中止其施行提出反对的权利。

4. If an objection has been raised in accordance with paragraph 3, the States concerned shall seek a solution through the means indicated in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations.

4. 如果有缔约国根据本条第3款提出反对,有关缔约国应通过《联合国宪章》第三十三条所指明的方法寻求解决。

5. Nothing in the preceding paragraphs shall affect the rights or obligations of States with regard to the settlement of disputes insofar as they have remained applicable.

5. 以上各款不影响各国在解决争端方面对其依然适用的权利或义务。



(1) Article 9 establishes a basic duty of notification of termination, withdrawal or suspension from the treaty.

(1) 9条确定通知终止、退出或中止条约的基本义务。

Its text is based on that of article 65 of the 1969 Vienna Convention, but streamlined and adjusted to the context of armed conflict.


The intention behind article 9 is to establish a basic duty of notification, while recognizing the right of another State Party to the treaty to raise an objection, which would remain unresolved, however, until a solution is reached through any one of the means listed in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations.


(2) Paragraph 1 formulates the basic duty for a State intending to terminate or withdraw from a treaty, or to suspend its operation, to notify that other State Party or States Parties to the treaty, or its depositary, of its intention.

(2) 1款提出打算要终止或撤出某项条约或者中止执行该条约的国家的基本义务,即将它的意图通知给条约其他缔约国或者条约的保存人的基本义务。

Such notification is a unilateral act through which a State, upon the existence of an armed conflict, informs the other contracting State or States or the depositary if there is one, of its intention to terminate the treaty, to withdraw from it or to suspend its operation.

这种通知是一项单方面行动。 一旦存在了武装冲突,国家即采取这种行动,向其他缔约国或保存人(如果有的话)通知它终止条约,撤出条约或中止执行条约的意图。

Performance of this unilateral act is not required when the State in question does not wish to terminate or withdraw from the treaty or to suspend its operation.


This is a consequence of the general rule set out in article 3, which provides that the existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto terminate or suspend the operation of treaties.


(3) Paragraph 2 establishes the point in time when the notification takes effect: upon its receipt by the other State or States Parties, unless a later date is provided for in the notification. Contrary to paragraph 1, no reference is made to the date of receipt by the depositary.

(3) 2款规定通知生效的时刻:即其他缔约国在通知中另外提出更晚一点的日期,与第1款不同的是,该款没有提到保存人收到的日期。

There are treaties which do not have depositaries.


Accordingly, the possibility of notifying either the States Parties or the depositary had to be provided for in paragraph 1.


However, as regards the taking effect of the notification, what is important is the moment at which the other State Party or States Parties receive the notification and not the moment at which the depositary receives it.


Nonetheless, for those treaties which do have depositaries through whom the notification is made, the notification takes effect when the State for which it is intended receives it from the depositary.


(4) The purpose of paragraph 3 is to preserve the right that may exist under a treaty or general international law to object to the proposed termination, suspension or withdrawal of the treaty.

(4) 3款的目的保留某一条约或者一般性国际法下可能存在的反对终止、中止或撤出条约的权利。

Hence, the objection is to the intention to terminate, suspend or withdraw, which is communicated by the notification envisaged in paragraph 1.


While it acknowledged that it was somewhat unrealistic to impose time-limits in the context of armed conflict, especially in light of the difficulties to establish a definitive point in time from which such limit would run, the Commission nonetheless was of the view that the lack of a deadline would undermine the efficacy of the provision and could give rise to disputes as to the legal consequences of the notifications envisaged in paragraph 1.


With both considerations in mind, the Commission decided against indicating a specific time-period and instead opted for a “reasonable” period (“within a reasonable time”).


What is “reasonable” in relation to a particular treaty and conflict would be the subject of determination by the dispute-settlement procedure envisaged in paragraph 4 and would depend on the circumstances of the case, taking into account, inter alia, the factors enumerated in article 6.


(5) Paragraph 4 establishes the procedural requirement that, in the event of an objection having been raised, pursuant to paragraph 3, the States concerned would need to seek the peaceful settlement of their dispute through the means listed in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations, which provides:

(5) 4款规定程序性要求,即如果根据第3款提出反对,有关国家需采取《联合国宪章》第三十三条所列的方式争取和平解决,该条规定:

“1. The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.

“1. 任何争端之当事国,与争端之继续存在足以危及国际和平与安全之维持时,应尽先以谈判、调查、调停、和解、公断、司法解决、区域机关或区域办法之利用、或各国自行选择之其他和平方法,求得解决。

2. The Security Council shall, when it deems necessary, call upon the parties to settle their dispute by such means.”

2. 安全理事会认为必须时,应促请各当事国以此项方法,解决其争端。

(6) A notification made by a State Party under paragraph 1 takes effect when it has been received by the other State Party or State Parties, unless the notification provides for a subsequent date (para. 2).

” (6) 缔约国根据第1款作出的通知自另一缔约国或其他各缔约国收到通知之时起生效,除非通知载有较晚生效日期(2)

If no objection is received within a reasonable period of time, the notifying State may take the measure indicated in the notification (para. 3).


If an objection is received, the issue will remain open between the States concerned until there is a diplomatic or legal settlement pursuant to paragraph 4.


(7) Paragraph 5 contains a saving clause preserving the rights or obligations of States in matters of dispute settlement, to the extent that they have remained applicable in the event of an armed conflict.

(7) 5款载有一项保留条款,保留各国在争端解决问题上的权利或义务,只要这种权利和义务在武装冲突的情况下依然适用的话。

The Commission considered it useful to include this provision so as to discourage any interpretation of paragraph 4 as implying that States involved in an armed conflict operate from a clean slate when it comes to the peaceful settlement of disputes.


The adoption of this provision is also in line with the inclusion, in paragraph (k) of the annex, of treaties relating to the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means, including resort to conciliation, mediation, arbitration and judicial settlement.


Article 10


Obligations imposed by international law independently of a treaty


The termination of or the withdrawal from a treaty, or the suspension of its operation, as a consequence of an armed conflict, shall not impair in any way the duty of any State to fulfil any obligation embodied in the treaty to which it would be subject under international law independently of that treaty.




(1) Articles 10 to 12 seek to establish a modified regime modelled on articles 43 to 45 of the Vienna Convention.

(1) 10至第12条试图按照《维也纳公约》第43至第45条的模式,作更改后建立一种制度。

Article 10 has its roots in article 43 of the Vienna Convention.


Its purpose is to preserve the requirement to fulfil an obligation under general international law in cases where the same obligation appears in a treaty which has been terminated or suspended, or from which the State Party concerned has withdrawn as a consequence of an armed conflict.


This latter point, namely, the linkage to the armed conflict, has been added in order to put the provision into its proper context for the purposes of the present draft articles.


(2) The principle set out in this article seems self-evident: customary international law continues to apply independently of treaty obligations.

(2) 本条所订的原则似乎是不言自明的,因为习惯国际法继续在条约义务外适用。

In a famous dictum in the Nicaragua case, the International Court of Justice said:


“The fact that the above-mentioned principles [of general and customary international law], recognized as such, have been codified or embodied in multilateral conventions does not mean that they cease to exist and to apply as principles of customary law, even as regards countries that are parties to such conventions.”


Article 11


Separability of treaty provisions


Termination, withdrawal from or suspension of the operation of the treaty as a consequence of an armed conflict shall, unless the treaty otherwise provides or the Parties otherwise agree, take effect with respect to the whole treaty except where:


(a) the treaty contains clauses that are separable from the remainder of the treaty with regard to their application;

(a) 条约的部分条款在适用上可与条约的其余部分分离;

(b) it appears from the treaty or is otherwise established that acceptance of those clauses was not an essential basis of the consent of the other Party or Parties to be bound by the treaty as a whole; and

(b) 从条约本身可以推断或通过其他方式确定,接受以上所指条款并非另一缔约方或其他各缔约方接受整个条约约束之必要基础;且

(c) continued performance of the remainder of the treaty would not be unjust.

(c) 条约其余部分之继续施行不致有失公平。



(1) Article 11 deals with the separability of provisions of treaties affected by an armed conflict.

(1) 11条处理将受武装冲突影响的条约规定分开的可能性问题。

This provision plays a key role in the present draft articles by “moderating” the impact of the operation of articles 4 to 7 by providing for the possibility of differentiated effects on a treaty.

这条规定在本条款草案中发挥关键作用。 它提出对条约产生不同影响的可能性,从而减轻实施第4至第7条的影响。

(2) The present provision is based on its counterpart in article 44 of the Vienna Convention.

(2) 本条规定根据《维也纳公约》第44条的相应规定。

Subparagraphs (a) to (c) reproduce verbatim the text of their equivalents in that Convention.


(3) Regarding the requirement that the continued performance of the remainder of the treaty may not be “unjust”, the Commission recalled that this provision was introduced into article 44 of the 1969 Convention at the behest of the United States of America.

(3) 关于继续实施条约其余部分不得造成不公平的要求,委员会回顾说,这条规定按美利坚合众国的要求列入1969年《公约》第44条。

As Mr. Kearney, the United States representative, explained:


“It was possible that a State claiming invalidity of part of a treaty might insist on termination of some of its provisions, even though continued performance of the remainder of the treaty in the absence of those provisions would be very unjust to the other parties.”


In other words, as is the case with article 44, paragraph 3 (c), of the Vienna Convention, subparagraph (c) of draft article 11 is a general clause that may be invoked if the separation of treaty provisions — to satisfy the wishes of the requesting Party — would create a significant imbalance to the detriment of the other Party or Parties.


It thus complements subparagraphs (a) (separability with regard to application) and (b) (acceptance of the clause or clauses whose termination or invalidity is requested was not an essential basis of the consent of the other Party or Parties to be bound by the treaty).


Article 12


Loss of the right to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation


A State may no longer terminate or withdraw from a treaty or suspend its operation as a consequence of an armed conflict if, after becoming aware of the facts:


(a) it shall have expressly agreed that the treaty remains in force or continues in operation; or

(a) 该国业已明确同意条约仍然有效或将继续施行;或

(b) it must by reason of its conduct be considered as having acquiesced in the continued operation of the treaty or in its maintenance in force.

(b) 根据该国行为必须视该国已默认条约将继续施行或继续有效。



(1) Article 12 is based on the equivalent provision of article 45 of the 1969 Vienna Convention.

(1) 14条依据1969年《维也纳公约》第45条的同等规定。

It deals with the loss of the right to terminate a treaty, to withdraw from it or to suspend its operation.


It amounts to a recognition that a minimum of good faith must prevail even in times of armed conflict.


(2) To make it clear that article 12 is to apply in the context of an armed conflict, an appropriate reference has been added in the chapeau.

(2) 为了表明第12条须适用于武装冲突的背景,在题首句增加了适当的提及。

The Commission understood the part of the sentence referring to “awareness of the facts”, drawn from article 45 of the 1969 Convention, as relating not only to the existence of the armed conflict but also to the practical consequences thereof in terms of the possible effect of the conflict on the treaty.


(3) It is acknowledged that the situation pertaining to a treaty in the context of an armed conflict can only be assessed once the conflict has produced its effect on the treaty – which may not have been the case at its outbreak.

(3) 委员会承认,条约在武装冲突背景下所适合的情况如何,只能在冲突对条约发生影响后才能予以评估,这不是在冲突爆发后可以做的。

The most that can be said is that States are encouraged to refrain from undertaking the actions referred to in this article until the effects of the conflict on the treaty have become reasonably clear.


(4) The reference in the title to the various actions which can be taken (“to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or to suspend its operation”) is to be understood as a reference to the preceding articles which set out what rights a State would have and the applicable conditions.

(4) 标题提到的可采取的各种行动(“终止、退出条约或中止其施行”),应该被理解为援引的是规定国家应该有什么权利以及可适用的条件等的前面几条。

Article 13


Revival or resumption of treaty relations subsequent to an armed conflict


1. Subsequent to an armed conflict, the States parties may regulate, on the basis of agreement, the revival of treaties terminated or suspended as a consequence of the armed conflict.

1. 武装冲突结束后,缔约国可在协议的基础上对因武装冲突而终止或中止施行的条约恢复生效之事作出规定。

2. The resumption of the operation of a treaty suspended as a consequence of an armed conflict shall be determined in accordance with the indicia referred to in article 6.

2. 对于因武装冲突而中止施行的条约,应根据第6条所提及的因素决定是否恢复施行。



(1) Article 13 concerns the question of the revival (in paragraph 1) or resumption (para. 2) of treaty relations subsequent to an armed conflict.

(1) 13条涉及武装冲突后条约关系恢复生效(1)或恢复施行(2)的问题。

(2) Paragraph 1 formulates the general rule: that, whether a treaty has been terminated or suspended in whole or in part, the States Parties may, if they wish, conclude an agreement to revive or render operative even agreements or parts thereof that have ceased to exist.

(2) 1款提出一般性规则:不管条约全部还是部分终止或中止,缔约国不妨缔结一项协议,恢复或者甚至实施曾停止存在的协议或协议的一部分。

This is a consequence of the freedom to conclude treaties and cannot be undertaken unilaterally.


Accordingly, the paragraph deals with situations where the status of “pre-war” agreements is ambiguous and where it is necessary to draw an overall assessment of the treaty picture.


Such an assessment may, in practice, involve the revival of treaties the status of which was ambiguous or which had been treated as terminated or suspended as a consequence of an armed conflict.


Specific agreements regulating the revival of such treaties are not prejudiced by the present provision.


An agreement of this type can be found, e.g., in Article 44 of the Peace Treaty concluded on 10 February 1947 between Italy and the Allied Powers.


That Article provides that each Allied Power may, within a time-limit of six months, notify Italy of the treaties it wishes to revive.


(3) Paragraph 2, which deals with the resumption of treaties which were suspended as a consequence of an armed conflict, is narrower: it applies only to treaties that have been suspended as a consequence of the application of article 6.

(3) 2款涉及恢复施行由于武装冲突而中止的条约问题,但范围较狭窄:它只适用于因实施第6条而中止的条约。

Since in such a case the treaty has been suspended at the initiative of one State Party — also a party to the armed conflict — on the basis of the factors mentioned in article 6 those factors cease to apply when the armed conflict is over.


As a result, the treaty can become operative once again, unless other causes of termination, withdrawal or suspension have emerged in the meantime (in accordance with article 18), or unless the Parties have agreed otherwise.


Resumption may be called for by one or several States Parties, as it is no longer a matter of agreement between States.


The result of such an initiative will be determined in accordance with the factors listed in article 6.


(4) The question of when a treaty is resumed should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

(4) 何时恢复条约施行的问题应该逐案解决。

Part Three




Article 14


Effect of the exercise of the right to self-defence on a treaty


A State exercising its inherent right of individual or collective self-defence in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations is entitled to suspend in whole or in part the operation of a treaty to which it is a Party insofar as that operation is incompatible with the exercise of that right.




(1) Article 14 is the first of three articles which are based on the relevant resolution of the Institute of International Law adopted at its Helsinki session in 1985.

(1) 14条是根据国际法学会1985年赫尔辛基会议通过的有关决议拟订的三个条款中的第一个。

It reflects the need for a clear recognition that the article does not create advantages for an aggressor State.


The same policy imperative is reflected in articles 15 and 16, which complement the present provision.


(2) The article covers the situation of a State exercising its right of individual or collective self-defence in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

(2) 该条涉及按照《联合国宪章》行使单独或集体自卫权的国家的情况。

Such State is entitled to suspend in whole or in part the operation of a treaty incompatible with the exercise of that right.


The article has to be understood against the background of the application of the regime under the Charter of the United Nations, as contemplated in articles 15 and 16.


It accordingly also aims at preventing impunity for the aggressor and any imbalance between the two sides, which would undoubtedly emerge if the aggressor, having disregarded the prohibition on the use of force set out in article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter, were able, at the same time, to require the strict application of the existing law and thus deprive the attacked State, in whole or in part, of its right to defend itself.


At the same time, article 14 is subject to the application of articles 6 and 7: a consequence that would not be tolerated in the context of armed conflict can equally not be accepted in the context of self-defence.


For example, the right provided for does not prevail over treaty provisions that are designed to apply in armed conflict, in particular the provisions of treaties on international humanitarian law and on the law of armed conflict, such as the Geneva Conventions of 1949.


(3) While the provision envisages the suspension of agreements between the aggressor and the victim, it does not exclude cases — perhaps less likely to occur — of treaties between the State that is the victim of the aggression and third States.

(3) 本条规定设想侵略者与受害者之间协议的中止,但它并没有排除受侵略国和第三国之间条约的情况(也许发生的可能性较小)

The article does not, however, concern non-international armed conflicts since it refers to self-defence within the meaning of Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations.


The right envisaged in article 14 is limited to suspension and does not provide for termination.


(4) No attempt has been made to prescribe a comprehensive treatment of the legal consequences of the exercise of the inherent right to self-defence.

(4) 固有的自卫权的法律后果方面没有试图规定一种全面的处理方法。

Article 14 is, therefore, without prejudice to the applicable rules of international law concerning issues of notification, opposition, time-limits and peaceful settlement.


Article 15


Prohibition of benefit to an aggressor State


A State committing aggression within the meaning of the Charter of the United Nations and resolution 3314 (XXIX) of the General Assembly of the United Nations shall not terminate or withdraw from a treaty or suspend its operation as a consequence of an armed conflict that results from the act of aggression if the effect would be to the benefit of that State.




(1) Article 15 prohibits an aggressor State from benefiting from the possibility of termination of or withdrawal from a treaty, or of suspension of its operation, as a consequence of the armed conflict that State has provoked.

(1) 15条禁止侵略国从因它挑起的武装冲突可能导致的终止、退出或中止条约中获益。

Its formulation is based on article 9 of the resolution of the Institute of International Law, with some adjustments, particularly to include the possibility of withdrawal from a treaty and to specify that the treaties dealt with are those that are terminated, withdrawn from or suspended as a consequence of the armed conflict in question.

该规定的格式以国际法学会的决议第9条为基础, 并作了某些调整,特别是列入了退出条约的可能性和具体指明所涉及的条约是因有关武装冲突而终止、退出或中止的条约。

(2) The characterization of a State as an aggressor will depend, fundamentally, on the definition given to the word “aggression” and, in terms of procedure, on the Security Council.

(2) 是否将一个国家定性为侵略者,基本上要取决于对侵略一词下的定义,在程序方面要取决于安全理事会。

If the Council determines that a State wishing to terminate or withdraw from a treaty or suspend its operation — which presupposes that the case has been referred to the Council — is an aggressor, that State may not take those measures or, in any case, may do so only insofar as it does not benefit from them; this latter point may be assessed either by the Council or by a judge or arbitrator.


In the absence of such a determination, the State may act under article 4 and the following articles.


(3) From the moment of the commission of the aggression, the State characterized as an aggressor by the attacked State may no longer, under article 9, claim the right to terminate a treaty, to withdraw from it or suspend its operation, unless it derives no benefit from doing so.

(3) 从侵略行为发生的那一刻起,被受攻击的国家定性为侵略者的国家不再能够根据第9条诉求终止一项条约,撤出该条约或中止条约的执行的权利,除非它这样做得不到益处。

It may claim the right anyway, arguing that no aggression has been committed or that its adversary is the aggressor.


The situation will therefore remain in limbo until the second stage, which is the determination by the Security Council.


That action determines what follows: if the State initially considered to be the aggressor turns out not to be, or if it does not benefit from the aggression, the notification that it may have made under article 9 will be assessed in accordance with the ordinary criteria established in the draft articles.


If, on the other hand, the State is confirmed as the aggressor and has benefited from setting aside its treaty obligations, such criteria are no longer applicable when it comes to determining the legitimacy of termination, withdrawal or suspension.


In other words, when a State gives notification of termination of or withdrawal from the treaty, or of suspension of its operation, and is then determined to be an aggressor, it will be necessary to establish whether or not it benefits from the termination, withdrawal or suspension.


If it does, the notification has no effect unless the treaty in question sets out particular rules in that regard.


(4) The words “as a consequence of an armed conflict that results from the act of aggression” serve to limit the characterization as an aggressor State to the conflict in question, thus avoiding an interpretation that that State will retain such designation even in the context of entirely different conflicts with the same opposing State or even with a third State.

(4) “因该侵略行为所引起的武装冲突等词语可以将对侵略国的定性限制在所涉的武装冲突内,因此避免解释成该国即使在与同一敌对国,乃至第三国的完全不同的冲突中也将保留这种称谓。

(5) The Commission decided not to go beyond a formula referring to the resort to armed force in violation of the Charter of the United Nations.

(5) 委员会决定不超越关于违背《联合国宪章》而诉之于武力的格式。

(6) The title of the article emphasizes the fact that the provision deals less with the question of the commission of aggression, and more with the possible benefit, in terms of the termination, withdrawal from or suspension of a treaty that might be derived from an aggressor State from the armed conflict in question.

(6) 本条的标题强调该规定不是处理侵略行为的问题,而是处理在终止、退出或中止条约方面侵略国可能从有关武装冲突中获得的利益。

Article 16


Decisions of the Security Council


The present draft articles are without prejudice to the relevant decisions taken by the Security Council in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.




(1) Article 16 seeks to preserve the legal effects of decisions of the Security Council taken under the Charter of the United Nations.

(1) 16条要保留安全理事会根据《联合国宪章》所作决定的法律效力。

While the Council’s actions under Chapter VII of the Charter are arguably the most relevant in the context of the present draft articles, the Commission recognized that the actions of the Council taken under other provisions of the Charter, such as article 94 on the enforcement of judgments of the International Court of Justice, may be equally relevant.


Article 16 has the same function as article 8 of the 1985 resolution of the Institute of International Law.


The Commission decided to present the provision in the form of a “without prejudice” clause instead of the formulation adopted by the Institute which was cast in more affirmative terms.


(2) Article 103 of the Charter of the United Nations provides that, in the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Members of the United Nations under the Charter and their obligations under any other international agreement, their obligations under the Charter shall prevail.

(2) 《联合国宪章》第一百零三条规定,联合国会员国在本宪章下之义务与其依任何其他国际协定所负之义务有冲突时,其在本宪章下之义务应居优先。

In addition to the rights and obligations contained in the Charter itself, article 103 applies to obligations flowing from binding decisions taken by United Nations bodies.


In particular, the primacy of Security Council decisions under article 103 has been widely accepted in practice as well as in writings on international law.


(3) Article 16 leaves open the variety of questions that may arise as a consequence of article 103.

(3) 16条对由于第一百零三条而引起的各种问题保持开放。

Article 17


Rights and duties arising from the laws of neutrality


The present draft articles are without prejudice to the rights and duties of States arising from the laws of neutrality.




(1) Article 17 is another “without prejudice” clause, which seeks to preserve the rights and duties of States arising from the laws of neutrality.

(1) 17条是另一个不妨碍条款,它争取保留从中立法中产生的权利和责任。

This wording has been preferred to a more specific reference to the “status of third States as neutrals”.


It was felt that the reference to “neutrals” was, as a matter of drafting, imprecise, as it was not clear whether it referred to formal neutrality or mere non-belligerency.


The present provision is accordingly more of a saving clause.


(2) As a status derived from a treaty, neutrality becomes fully operational only at the outbreak of an armed conflict between third States; it is therefore clear that it survives the conflict since it is precisely in periods of conflict that it is intended to apply.

(2) 中立作为通过条约产生的一种地位,只有在第三国之间爆发武装冲突时才能完全生效,因此显而易见,中立可在冲突中存在,因为它恰恰是为了在冲突期间适用的。

Moreover, the status of neutrality is not always derived from a treaty.


The question of the applicability of the laws of neutrality does not generally arise in terms of the survival of the status of neutrality but in relation to the specific rights and duties of a State that is neutral and remains neutral; pursuant to article 17, these rights and duties prevail over the rights and duties arising from the present draft articles.


Article 18


Other cases of termination, withdrawal or suspension


The present draft articles are without prejudice to the termination, withdrawal or suspension of treaties as a consequence of, inter alia: (a) a material breach; (b) supervening impossibility of performance; or (c) a fundamental change of circumstances.

本条款草案不妨碍尤其因下列情况而终止、退出或中止条约:(a) 发生重大违约情事;(b) 发生意外不可能履行;或(c) 情况的根本改变。



(1) Article 18 preserves the possibility of termination or withdrawal of a treaty, or of suspension thereof, arising from the application of other rules of international law, in the case of the examples drawn from the 1969 Vienna Convention, in particular articles 55 to 62.

(1) 18条保留因适用其他国际法规则而终止、退出或中止条约的可能性,它列举1969年《维也纳公约》,特别是第55至第62条的一些例子。

The reference to “Other” in the title is intended to indicate that these grounds are additional to those in the present draft articles.


The word “inter alia” seeks to clarify that the grounds listed in article 18 are non-exhaustive.


(2) Whilst this provision may be thought to state the obvious, the clarification was considered useful.

(2) 尽管本规定可以说是不言而喻的,但作此澄清被认为是有用的。

It was to dispel the possible implication that the occurrence of an armed conflict gives rise to a lex specialis precluding the operation of other grounds for termination, withdrawal or suspension.




Indicative list of treaties referred to in article 7


(a) Treaties on the law of armed conflict, including treaties on international humanitarian law;

(a) 关于武装冲突法的条约,包括关于国际人道主义法的条约;

(b) Treaties declaring, creating or regulating a permanent regime or status or related permanent rights, including treaties establishing or modifying land and maritime boundaries;

(b) 声明、确立或规定永久制度或地位或有关永久权利的条约,包括确定或修改陆地和海洋边界的条约;

(c) Multilateral law-making treaties;

(c) 多边造法条约;

(d) Treaties on international criminal justice;

(d) 关于国际刑事司法的条约;

(e) Treaties of friendship, commerce and navigation and agreements concerning private rights;

(e) 友好、通商和航海条约以及涉及私权利的协定;

(f) Treaties for the international protection of human rights;

(f) 关于对人权进行国际保护的条约;

(g) Treaties relating to the international protection of the environment;

(g) 关于对环境进行国际保护的条约;

(h) Treaties relating to international watercourses and related installations and facilities;

(h) 关于国际水道以及有关装置和设施的条约;

(i) Treaties relating to aquifers and related installations and facilities;

(i) 关于含水层以及有关装置和设施的条约;

(j) Treaties which are constituent instruments of international organizations;

(j) 作为国际组织组成文书的条约;

(k) Treaties relating to the international settlement of disputes by peaceful means, including resort to conciliation, mediation, arbitration and judicial settlement;

(k) 关于以和平手段,包括通过和解、调停、仲裁和司法手段解决国际争端的条约;

(l) Treaties relating to diplomatic and consular relations.

(l) 关于外交和领事关系的条约。



(1) The present annex contains an indicative list of categories of treaties the subject matter of which carries an implication that they continue in operation, in whole or in part, during armed conflict.

(1) 本附件载有各类条约的指示性清单,其主题事项涉及在武装冲突期间全部或部分继续施行所涉及的问题。

It is linked to article 7 and was included, as has been explained in the commentary to that provision, to further elaborate on the element of “subject matter” of treaties contained among the factors, listed in subparagraph (a) of article 6, to be taken into account when ascertaining the susceptibility of a treaty to termination, withdrawal or suspension in the event of an armed conflict.


(2) The effect of such an indicative list is to create a set of rebuttable presumptions based on the subject matter of those treaties: the subject matter of the treaty implies that the treaty survives an armed conflict.

(2) 这样一个指示性清单的作用是根据条约的主题事项创建一套可辩解的推定:条约的主题事项意味着条约在战争期间继续施行。

Although the emphasis is on categories of treaties, it may well be that only the subject matter of particular provisions of the treaty carries the implication of continuance.


(3) The list is purely indicative, as confirmed by the use of that adjective in article 7, and no priority is in any way implied by the order in which the categories are presented.

(3) 7条的用语证实,这份清单完全是指示性的,不由于所属类别出现的顺序而意味着任何优先次序。

Moreover, it is recognized that in certain instances the categories are overlapping.


The Commission decided not to include within the list an item referring to jus cogens.


This category is not qualitatively similar to the other categories which have been included in the list.


The latter are subject-matter based, whereas jus cogens cuts across several subjects.


It is understood that the provisions of articles 3 to 7 are without prejudice to the effect of principles or rules included in treaties and having the character of jus cogens.


(4) The list reflects available State practice, particularly United States practice, and is based on the views of several generations of writers.

(4) 清单反映现有的国家实践,特别是美国的做法,是以几代法律学者的看法为依据。

It must be admitted, however, that the likelihood of a substantial flow of information from States, indicating evidence of State practice, is small.


Moreover, the identification of relevant State practice is, in this sphere, unusually difficult.


Apparent examples of State practice often concern legal principles which bear no relation to the specific issue of the effect of armed conflict on treaties.


Thus some of the modern State practice refers, for the most part, to the effect of a fundamental change of circumstances, or to the supervening impossibility of performance, and is accordingly irrelevant.


In some areas, such as that of treaties creating permanent regimes, State practice offers a firm basis.


In other areas there may be a firm basis in the case law of municipal courts and in some executive advice given to courts.


(a) Treaties on the law of armed conflict, including treaties on international humanitarian law

(a) 关于武装冲突法的条约,包括关于人道主义法的条约

(5) It seems evident that, being intended to govern the conduct and the consequences of armed conflicts, treaties relating thereto, including those bearing on international humanitarian law, apply in the event of such conflicts.

(5) 看来很明显的是,为了制约行为和武装冲突的后果,与武装冲突有关的条约,包括考虑到国际人道主义法的那些条约,适用于发生这种冲突的情况。

As pointed out by McNair:


“[t]here is abundant evidence that treaties which in express terms purport to regulate the relations of the contracting parties during a war, including the actual conduct of warfare, remain in force during war and do not require revival after its termination”.


(6) The present category is not limited to treaties expressly applicable during armed conflict.

” (6) 本类不限于在武装冲突期间明确适用的条约。

It covers, broadly, agreements relating to the law of armed conflict, including treaties relating to international humanitarian law.


As early as 1785, article 24 of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Prussia and the United States of America expressly stated that armed conflict had no effect on its humanitarian law provisions.


Moreover, the Third Restatement of the Law, while re-stating the traditional position that the outbreak of war between States terminated or suspended agreements between them, acknowledges that “agreements governing the conduct of hostilities survived, since they were designed for application during war …


”. In its advisory opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, the International Court of Justice found that:


“as in the case of the principles of humanitarian law applicable in armed conflict, international law leaves no doubt that the principle of neutrality, whatever its content, which is of a fundamental character similar to that of the humanitarian principles and rules, is applicable (subject to the relevant provisions of the United Nations Charter) to all international armed conflict, whatever type of weapons might be used”.


(7) The implication of continuity does not affect the operation of the law of armed conflict as lex specialis applicable to armed conflict.

” (7) 连续性的含义不影响武装冲突法作为特别法适用于武装冲突的施行。

The mention of this category of treaties does not address numerous questions that may arise in relation to the application of that law.


Nor is it intended to prevail regarding the conclusions to be drawn on the applicability of the principles and rules of humanitarian law in particular contexts.


(b) Treaties declaring, creating, or regulating a permanent regime or status or related permanent rights, including treaties establishing or modifying land and maritime boundaries

(b) 声明、确立或规定永久制度或地位或有关永久权利的条约,包括确定或 修改陆地和海洋边界的条约

(8) It is generally recognized that treaties declaring, creating, or regulating a permanent regime or status, or related permanent rights, are not suspended or terminated in case of an armed conflict.

(8) 人们普遍承认,条约的声明、创建、或调节永久制度或地位,或相关的永久权利,在武装冲突的情况下不被中止或终止。

The types of agreements involved include cessions of territory, treaties of union, treaties neutralizing part of the territory of a State, treaties creating or modifying boundaries, and the creation of exceptional rights of use of or access to the territory of a State.


(9) There is a certain amount of case law supporting the position that such agreements are unaffected by the incidence of armed conflict.

(9) 有一定数量的判例法支持这样的协议不受发生武装冲突事件影响的立场。

Thus, in the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries arbitration the British Government contended that the fisheries rights of the United States, recognized by the Treaty of 1783, had been abrogated as a consequence of the war of 1812.


The Court did not share this view and stated that: “International law in its modern development recognizes that a great number of treaty obligations are not annulled by war, but at most suspended by it.”


(10) Similarly, in the case of Meyer’s Estate (1951), an appellate court in the United States of America, addressing the permanence of treaties dealing with territory, held that:

” (10) 同样,在Meyer地产案件(1951)中,美国上诉法院在论述处理领土的条约的永久性情况下,认为

“[t]he authorities appear to be in accord that there is nothing incompatible with the policy of the Government, with the safety of the nation, or with the maintenance of war in the enforcement of dispositive treaties or dispositive parts of treaties.


Such provisions are compatible with, and are not abrogated by, a state of war …



In State ex rel. Miner v. Reardon (1926), a California Court ruled that some treaties survive a state of war, such as boundary treaties.

State ex rel. Miner v. Reardon(1926)的案件中,美国加州法院裁定某些条约,如边界条约在战争状态下可以继续施行。

This finding is, of course, connected with the prohibition against the annexation of occupied territory.


(11) The resort to this category does, however, generate certain problems.

(11) 然而,诉诸于这一类条约产生一定的问题。

One of them is the fact that treaties of cession and other treaties affecting permanent territorial dispositions create permanent rights.


And it is these rights which are permanent, not the treaties themselves.


Consequently, if such treaties are executed, they cannot be affected by a subsequent armed conflict.


(12) A further source of difficulty derives from the fact that the limits of this category remain to some extent uncertain.

(12) 更大的困难来自于这一类别的范围仍然在一定程度上不确定这一事实。

For example, in the case of treaties of guarantee, it is clear that the effect of an armed conflict will depend upon the precise object and purpose of the treaty of guarantee.


Treaties intended to guarantee a lasting state of affairs, such as the permanent neutralization of a territory, will not be terminated by an armed conflict.


Thus, as McNair notes:


“the treaties creating and guaranteeing the permanent neutralization of Switzerland or Belgium or Luxembourg are certainly political but they were not abrogated by the outbreak of war because it is clear that their object was to create a permanent system or status”.


(13) A number of writers would include agreements relating to the grant of reciprocal rights to nationals and to acquisition of nationality within the category of treaties creating permanent rights or a permanent status.

” (13) 一些法律学者会将与授予国民相互权利和取得国籍有关的协议列入确立永久权利或永久地位的条约范畴内。

However, the considerations applying to the treatment of such agreements as not susceptible to termination are to be differentiated to a certain extent from those concerning treaties of cession of territory and boundaries.


Accordingly, such agreements will be more appropriately associated with the wider class of friendship, commerce and navigation treaties and other agreements concerning private rights.


This class of treaties is dealt with below.


(14) In their regulation of the law of treaties, the Commission and States have also accorded a certain recognition to the special status of boundary treaties.

(14) 在条约法的规例中,委员会和国家也对边界条约的特殊地位给予一定的承认。

Article 62 (2) (a) of the 1969 Vienna Convention provides that a fundamental change of circumstances may not be invoked as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from a treaty if the treaty establishes a boundary.


Such treaties were recognized as an exception to the general rule of Article 62 because otherwise that rule, instead of serving the cause of peaceful change, might become a source of dangerous frictions.


The Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties reaches a similar conclusion about the resilience of boundary treaties, providing in its article 11, that “[a] succession of States does not as such affect (a) a boundary established by a treaty, or (b) obligations and rights established by a treaty and relating to the regime of a boundary”.

关于国家在条约继承方面的维也纳公约对边界条约的应变能力达成类似的结论,在其第11条中规定,国家继承本身不影响(a) 以一条约确立边界,或(b) 以一条约确立和边界制度有关的义务和权利

Although these examples are not directly relevant to the question of the effects of armed conflict on treaties, they nevertheless attest to the special status attached to these types of regimes.


(c) Multilateral law-making treaties

(c) 多边造法条约

(15) Law-making treaties have been defined as follows:

(15) 造法条约被定义如下:



Multi-partite law-making treaties


By these are meant treaties which create rules of international law for regulating the future conduct of the parties without creating an international regime, status, or system.


It is believed that these treaties survive a war, whether all the contracting parties or only some of them are belligerent.


The intention to create permanent law can usually be inferred in the case of these treaties.


Instances are not numerous.


The Declaration of Paris of 1856 is one; its content makes it clear that the parties intended it to regulate their conduct during a war, but it is submitted that the reason why it continues in existence after a war is that the parties intended by it to create permanent rules of law.


Hague Convention II of 1907 for the Limitation of the Employment of Force for the Recovery of Contract Debts and the Peace Pact of Paris of 1928 are also instances of this type.


Conventions creating rules as to nationality, marriage, divorce, reciprocal enforcement of judgments, etc., would probably belong to the same category.”


(16) The term “law-making” is somewhat problematic and may not lend itself to a clear definition.

(16) “造法一词是有点问题, 可能无法给出一个清晰的定义。

There is, however, a certain amount of State practice relating to multilateral treaties of a technical character arising from the post-war arrangements following the Second World War.


It has been asserted that “Multilateral Conventions of the ‘law making’ type relating to health, drugs, protection of industrial property, etc., are not annulled on the outbreak of war but are either suspended, and revived on the termination of hostilities, or receive even in wartime a partial application.”


(17) The position of the United States is described in a letter of 29 January 1948 from the Legal Adviser of the State Department, Ernest A. Gross:

” (17) 国务院法律顾问Ernest A. Gross1948129日的信描述了美国的立场:

“With respect to multilateral treaties of the type referred to in your letter, however, this Government considers that, in general, non-political multilateral treaties to which the United States was a party when the United States became a belligerent in the war, and which this Government has not since denounced in accordance with the terms thereof, are still in force in respect of the United States and that the existence of a state of war between some of the parties to such treaties did not ipso facto abrogate them, although it is realised that, as a practical matter, certain of the provisions might have been inoperative.


The view of this Government is that the effect of the war on such treaties was only to terminate or suspend their execution as between opposing belligerents, and that, in the absence of special reasons for a contrary view, they remained in force between co-belligerents, between belligerents and neutral parties, and between neutral parties.


It is considered by this Government that, with the coming into force on 15 September 1947 of the treaty of peace with Italy, the non-political multilateral treaties which were in force between the United States and Italy at the time a state of war commenced between the two countries, and which neither government has since denounced in accordance with the terms thereof, are now in force and again in operation as between the United States and Italy.


A similar position has been adopted by the United States Government regarding Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania …”


(18) The British position, as stated in a letter from the Foreign Office of 7 January 1948, was the following:

(18) 英国外事办公室在194817日的一封信中表明英国的立场如下:

“I am replying … to your letter … in which you enquired about the legal status of multilateral treaties of a technical or non-political nature, and whether these are regarded by His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom as having been terminated by war, or merely suspended.


You will observe that, in the peace treaties with Italy, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary, no mention is made of such treaties, the view being taken at the Peace Conference that no provision regarding them was necessary, inasmuch as, according to international law, such treaties were in principle simply suspended as between the belligerents for the duration of the war, and revived automatically with the peace.


It is not the view of His Majesty’s Government that multilateral conventions ipso facto should lapse with the outbreak of war, and this is particularly true in the case of conventions to which neutral Powers are parties.


Obvious examples of such conventions are the International Air Navigation Convention of 1919 and various postal and telegraphic conventions.


Indeed, the true legal doctrine would appear to be that it is only the suspension of normal peaceful relations between belligerents which renders impossible the fulfilment of multilateral conventions insofar as concerns them, and operates as a temporary suspension as between the belligerents of such conventions.


In some cases, however, such as the Red Cross Convention, the multilateral convention is especially designed to deal with the relations of Powers at war, and clearly such a convention would continue in force and not be suspended.


As regards multilateral conventions to which only the belligerents are parties, if these are of a non-political and technical nature, the view upon which His Majesty’s Government would probably act is that they would be suspended during the war, but would thereafter revive automatically unless specifically terminated.


This case, however, has not yet arisen in practice.”


(19) The position of the German, Italian, and Swiss Governments appears to be essentially similar with regard to the present subject matter.

” (19) 看来,德国、 意大利、 和瑞士 政府基本上对本主题事项采取相似的立场。

However, the State practice is not entirely consistent and further evidence of practice and, especially more current practice, is needed.


(20) In this particular context the decisions of municipal courts must be regarded as a problematical source.

(20) 在此特殊背景下,市法院的决定必须被视为一个有问题的来源。

In the first place, such courts may depend upon the guidance of the executive.


Secondly, municipal courts may rely on policy elements not directly related to the principles of international law.


Nonetheless, it can be said that the case law of domestic courts is not inimical to the principle of survival.


In this connection, the decision of the Scottish Court of Session in Masinimport v. Scottish Mechanical Light Industries Ltd. (1976) may be cited.

在这方面,苏格兰会议法庭对Masinimport诉苏格兰机械轻工有限公司(1976)案的判决 可能会被引用。

(21) Although the sources are not all congruent, the category of law-making treaties can be recommended for recognition as a class of treaties enjoying a status of survival.

(21) 虽然信息来源并不都是一致的,可以建议承认造法类条约为具有存活地位的一类条约。

As a matter of principle they should qualify, and there is not an inconsiderable quantity of State practice favourable to the principle of survival.


(d) Treaties on international criminal justice

(d) 关于国际刑事司法的条约

(22) By including “treaties on international criminal justice”, the Commission chiefly intended to ensure the survival and continued operation of treaties such as the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court of 17 July 1998.

(22) 委员会列入关于国际刑事司法的条约,主要是为了确保诸如1998717日国际刑事法院罗马规约等条约生效和继续施行。

The category in question may also encompass other general, regional and even bilateral agreements establishing international mechanisms for trying persons suspected of having perpetrated international crimes (crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, crime of aggression).


The category covered here only extends to treaties establishing international mechanisms for the prosecution of persons suspected of such crimes, to the exclusion of those set up by other types of acts such as the Security Council resolutions relating to the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda.


It also excludes mechanisms resulting from agreements between a State and an international organisation, because the present draft articles do not cover treaty relations involving international organizations.


Finally, the category described here only encompasses treaties setting up procedures for prosecution and trial in an international context and does not comprise agreements on issues of international criminal law generally.


(23) The prosecution of international crimes and the trial of those suspected of having committed them concerns the international community as a whole.

(23) 国际罪行的起诉和对涉嫌犯下国际罪行者的审判关系到整个国际社会。

This is in itself a reason for advocating the survival of the treaties belonging to this category.


To this it will be added that the inclusion of war crimes renders essential the survival of the treaties considered here: war crimes can only occur in time of armed conflict, and aggression is an act resulting in international armed conflict.


The two other main categories of international crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, too, are often committed in the context of armed conflict.


(24) It may be, however, that certain provisions of an instrument belonging to this category of treaties cease to be operational as a result of armed conflict, for example those relating to the transfer of suspects to an international authority or obligations assumed by a State regarding the execution of sentences on their territory.

(24) 然而,属于这类条约的文书的若干规定可能由于发生武装冲突而停止施行,例如,把那些有关的犯罪嫌疑人转移到一个国际权威机构或由国家承担的关于在其领土上执行判决的义务。

The separability of such provisions and obligations from the rest of treaty pursuant to draft article 11 of the present draft articles would seem unproblematic.


(25) There remains the question of whether the insertion of this type of treaties is a matter of lex ferenda or lex lata.

(25) 插入这种类型的条约是拟议法或现行法的问题,仍然是个问题。

At first sight, the former would seem to hold true because the kind of conventions under consideration are of relatively recent origin, and very little practice — if any — can be produced, except of course for the fact that a treaty such as the Rome Statute was plainly intended to continue to operate in situations of international or non-international conflict.


It should also be recalled that part of the treaty provisions under consideration are of a jus cogens character.


(e) Treaties of friendship, commerce and navigation and agreements concerning private rights

(e) 友好、通商和航海条约以及涉及私权利的协定

(26) Before analysing this type of treaties and their fate in some detail, a few preliminary observations are in order.

(26) 在分析这种类型的条约及其结果的一些细节之前,已经有了一些初步的意见。

First, it must be made clear that this category is not necessarily confined to classical “treaties of friendship, commerce and navigation (FCN)”, but may include treaties of friendship, commerce and consular relations, or treaties of establishment.

首先,必须明确指出,这类条约并不一定局限于经典的友好、通商和通航条约,但可能包括友好、商务和领事关系条约, 或成立条约。

Second, as a rule, only part of these instruments survive.


It is evident, in particular, that provisions relating to “friendship” are unlikely to survive to an armed conflict opposing the Contracting States; but that does not mean that provisions relating to the status of foreign individuals do not continue to apply, that is, provisions regarding their “private rights”.


Third, while treaties of commerce tend to lapse as a result of armed conflicts between States, such treaties may contain provisions securing the private rights of foreign individuals which may survive as a result of the separability of treaty provisions under article 11 of the present draft articles.

第三,虽然商务条约往往由于国家之间发生武装冲突而失效, 但这样的条约可能包含根据目前的草案第11条可以分离的确保外籍个人私权利的条约规定。

Fourth, the term “private rights” requires explanations: Is it limited to individuals’ substantive rights or does it also encompass procedural ones?


(27) Regarding treaties of FCN, reference has to be made, in the first place, to the Jay Treaty, or Peace Treaty, or Treaty of FCN, concluded on 19 November 1794 between the United States of America and Great Britain.

(27) 关于友好通商航海条约,首先必须提到17941119日美利坚合众国和大不列颠缔结的杰伊条约、或和平条约、或友好通商航海条约。

Some provisions of this Treaty have remained applicable to this day, surviving, in particular, the War of 1812 between the two countries.


(28) In what is perhaps the leading case in the matter — Karnuth v. United States (1929) — the provision in issue was article III of the Jay Treaty, which gives the subjects of one Contracting Party free access to the territory of the other.

(28) 在这个问题中最主要的案件或许是Karnuth诉美国(1929)案,争论的问题是杰伊条约中使缔约一方的子民自由访问对方领土的第3条。

While it held that the Article in question had been abrogated by the 1812 War, the Supreme Court reiterated what it had said in the earlier case of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel v. Town of New Haven (1823):


“[t]reaties stipulating for permanent rights, and general arrangements, and professing to aim at perpetuity, and to deal with the case of war as well as of peace, do not cease on the occurrence of war, but are, at most, only suspended while it lasts; and unless they are waived by the parties, or new and repugnant stipulations are made, they revive in their operation at the return of peace.


(29) Article III of the Treaty also exempts from customs duties the members of the Five Indian Nations established on the one or the other side of the border.

” (29) 条约第三条还免除了在边界的一边或另一边建立的5个印第安民族成员的关税。

In two cases, United States courts ruled that provisions of the Treaty bearing on the rights or obligations, not of the Contracting Parties as such, but of “third parties”, i.e. individuals, had survived armed conflicts.


(30) Article IX of the Jay Treaty provided that subjects of either country may continue to hold land on the territory of the other.

(30) 杰伊条约第九条规定,任何一个国家的子民可继续持有对方领土上的地产。

In Sutton v. Sutton, a very early case brought before the British Court of Chancery, the Master of the Rolls held that since the relevant treaty provision stated that subjects of one Party were entitled to keep property on the territory of the other, as were their heirs and assignees, it was reasonable to infer that the Parties intended the operation of the Treaty to be permanent, and not to depend upon the continuance of a state of peace.


This was borne out, the Master of the Rolls added, by the “true construction” to be given to the act of implementation on the domestic level.


(31) It is now convenient to turn to a number of precedents dealing with treaties which do not bear the “FCN” label.

(31) 现在可以近便地查阅与对友好通商航海类条约的处理无关的先例。

The object of the case Ex parte Zenzo Arakawa (1947) was article I of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation concluded between the United States and Japan on 21 February 1912, which provided for the constant protection and security of the citizens of each Party on the territory of the other.

Ex parte Zenzo Arakawa(1947)案件的目标是美国和日本于1912221日缔结的通商航海条约第一条,其中规定对每一缔约方在对方领土上的公民的持续保护和安全。

According to the judge, “[s]ome [treaties] are unaffected by war, some are merely suspended, while others are totally abrogated”.


Treaties of commerce and navigation fall into the second or third category, “because the carrying out of their terms would be incompatible with the existence of a state of war”.


The Arakawa case may be a special one, however, conditioned as it was by the peculiarities of the armed conflict between the two countries and perhaps also by the dimension of the protection granted by the relevant treaty provision.


(32) Techt v. Hughes was another landmark in the progression of the case law.

(32) Techt v. Hughes案件是判例法进展的另一个里程碑。

The issue considered was the survival of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and Hungary of 27 August 1829, more precisely its provision on the tenure of land.


Judge Cardozo pointed out that it was difficult to see why, while in Society for the Propagation of the Gospel v. Town of New Haven a provision on the acquisition of real property was found to have survived the War of 1812, this should be disallowed when it came to the enjoyment of such property.

卡多佐法官指出,很难理解为什么在传播福音社诉纽黑文镇案件 中,人们发现一项关于收购不动产的规定可以在1812年的战争中继续生效,对于这种财产的享受却会遭受禁止。

(33) State ex rel. Miner v. Reardon pertained to article 14 of the 1828 Treaty between the United States and Prussia.

(33) State ex rel. Miner v. Reardon 与美国和普鲁士之间的1828条约第14条有关。

A provision of that Treaty dealt with the protection of the property of individuals, in particular the right to inherit property.


The lower court opted for the survival of this provision, as did the Supreme Court of Nebraska in a decision of 10 January 1929, and the United States Supreme Court in its decision in Clark v. Allen (1947), where Article 4 of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights between Germany and the United States, of 8 December 1923, was under scrutiny.

下级法院在审议1923128日德国和美国之间友谊、商务和领事权利条约第4条的时候作出的选择是使这一规定继续生效, 就像内布拉斯加州最高法院1929110日的决定 和美国最高法院在ClarkAllen(1947)案件中所作的决定。

That provision allowed nationals of either State to succeed to nationals of the other.


Following established precedent, the Court stated that “the outbreak of war does not necessarily suspend or abrogate treaty provisions” — note the reference to “treaty provisions” rather than to “treaties” — though such a provision may of course be incompatible with the existence of a state of war (Karnuth case, paragraph 28), or the President or the Congress may have formulated a policy inconsistent with the enforcement of all or part of the treaty (Techt case, paragraph 32).


The Court then followed the decision in Techt (para. 32), where a similar treaty provision was held to have survived.


Indeed, the question to be answered was whether the provision in issue was “incompatible with national policy in time of war”.


The Court found that it was not.


(34) Another group of cases begins with two French decisions.

(34) 另一组案件是由法国的两项判决开始。

Bussi v. Menetti was about a proprietor in Avignon who, for health reasons, wished to live in a house owned by him and gave notice to his Italian tenant.


The Tribunal of first instance accepted his plea, considering that the outbreak of the war between France and Italy in 1940 had ended the Treaty of Establishment concluded between the two countries on 3 June 1930, according to which French and Italian nationals enjoyed equal rights in tenancy matters.


The Cour de cassation (Chambre civile) ruled that treaties were not necessarily suspended by the existence of a war.


In particular, the Court said:


“treaties of a purely private law nature, which do not involve any intercourse between the enemy Parties and which have no connection with the conduct of hostilities — such as conventions relating to leases — are not suspended merely by the outbreak of war”.


(35) The case of Rosso v. Marro was a similar one, except that the claim was one of damages for the refusal to renew a lease, allegedly in violation of a 1932 convention.

” (35) RossoMarro案的情况类似,不过,是为拒绝续订租约的损害要求赔偿,据称违反1932公约

On this issue, the Tribunal civil of Grasse explained the following:


“Treaties concluded between States who subsequently become belligerents are not necessarily suspended by war.


In particular, the conduct of the war [must allow for] the economic life and commercial activities to continue in the common interest.


[Hence] the Court of Cassation, reverting … to the doctrine which it has laid down during the past century (…), now holds that treaties of a purely private law nature, not involving any intercourse between the belligerent Powers, and having no connection with the conduct of hostilities, are not suspended in their operation, merely by the existence of a state of war.”

[因此]最高上诉法院. 恢复它在过去一个世纪奠定的学说(. ),现在认为,具有纯粹私法性质的条约不涉及任何交战国之间的交往,并且与敌对行为无关,不由于只是存在战争状态而暂停生效。

(36) The above case law is, however, contradicted by Lovera v. Rinaldi.

” (36) 但是,上述判例法由于LoveraRinaldi案而发生矛盾。

In that case, the Plenary Assembly of the Cour de cassation, again having to deal with the status of the Treaty of Establishment of 3 June 1930, which prescribed national or at least most-favoured-nation treatment, found that the Convention had lapsed at the onset of war, because the maintenance of its obligations was judged incompatible with the state of war.


In Artel v. Seymand, the Cour de cassation (Chambre civile) also concluded that that same Convention had lapsed so far as leases were concerned.


(37) In relation to the Convention of 3 June 1930 between France and Italy, the Cour de cassation held, in 1953, that the national treatment to be granted to Italians under the Convention regarding the tenure of agricultural land was incompatible with a state of war.

(37) 在涉及193063日法国和意大利之间公约的关系方面,最高上诉法院于1953年认为,根据关于农业用地使用权的公约授予意大利人的国民待遇不符合战争状态。

(38) This series will be closed by a somewhat peculiar case which concerns individuals but makes a foray into the field of public law.

(38) 这个系列将会由于一个有点特殊的案件而结束,它涉及到个人、但却侵袭到公法领域。

Article 13 of a Convention concluded between France and Italy on 28 September 1896 and providing that persons residing in Tunis and having retained Italian citizenship would continue to be considered Italians, was considered operative in 1950 despite World War II.


(39) There are a large number of cases which concern procedural rights secured by multilateral treaties.

(39) 有大量涉及多边条约所保护的程序性权利的案件。

Many of them relate to security for costs (cautio judicatum solvi).

其中有许多涉及成本的安全(cautio judicatum solvi)

This was true for the case of CAMAT v. Scagni, the object of which was article 17 of the 1905 Hague Convention on Civil Procedure.


According to the French court involved, private-law treaties should, in principle, survive but cannot be invoked by aliens whose hostile attitude may have affected the evolution of the war, especially, as was the case here, by persons who had been expelled from France on account of their attitude.

参与审理此案的法国法院指出, 私法条约原则上可以继续生效,但所持敌视态度可能已经影响战争的演变的外国人,特别是在此地此案的情况下由于其态度已被法国驱逐的人,不得予以援引。

In another case dealt with by a Dutch court after World War II, it was held that the relevant provision of the 1905 Hague Convention had not lapsed as a result of the War.


By contrast, another Dutch court reached the conclusion that the 1905 Convention had been suspended at the outbreak of the War and had re-entered into force on the basis of the 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy.


The same conclusion was reached by the Landgericht of Mannheim (Germany) and by another Dutch court.


In one case the question of the survival of the 1905 Convention was left open.


(40) Certain cases relate to the survival of other multilateral treaties, such as the Hague Convention on Divorce and Judicial Separation of 1902, which was held to have been suspended during World War II and reactivated at the end of that conflict.

(40) 有若干案件涉及其他多边条约――例如关于离婚和裁判分居的1902年海牙公约――是否继续生效的问题,据认为,该公约在第二次世界大战期间暂停,并在武装冲突结束以后重新生效。

(41) Mention has to be made as well of the 1905 Hague Convention on the Conflict of Laws in Matters of Marriage, article 4 of which prescribed a certificate of capacity to marry.

(41) 还必须提及关于在婚姻问题上的法律冲突的1905海牙公约,其中第4条规定了结婚能力证书。

This requirement was objected to by a husband-to-be who contended that, as a result of the War, the Convention had lapsed.


The Netherlands Court of Cassation disagreed, explaining that “[t]here could only be a question of suspension in so far and for so long as the provisions of the Convention should have become untenable”, which was not the case here and which suggests that the issue was considered to be one of temporary impossibility of performance rather than one of the effects of armed conflict of treaties.


(42) One also notes with interest a decision in which the Court of Appeal of Aix (France) upheld the continued validity of the ILO Convention of 10 June 1925 providing for equal treatment of nationals of one Contracting Party by the other Party in matters of workmen’s’ compensation.

(42) 人们还关注地注意到AIX(法国)上诉法院作出的一项决定,认为1925610日国际劳工组织公约继续有效,在工人赔偿的事宜上规定:另一缔约方应为缔约一方的国民提供同等待遇。

The Court found that the Convention had not lapsed ipso facto, without denunciation, upon the outbreak of a war and that, at the most, the exercise of rights deriving from the Convention was suspended – an unsatisfactory conclusion because it appears to say, on the one hand, that the Convention remained applicable while, on the other, it speaks of suspension, which suggests exactly the contrary.

法院认定,未经通告废止,公约并未由于战争爆发而自动失效,顶多是公约所产生的权利被暂时停止行使而已, 这是一个不能令人满意的结论,因为它似乎说,一方面,公约仍然适用,另一方面,它已经被中止,这表明情况正好相反。

(43) Mention must equally be made of a series of Italian cases dealing with multilateral and bilateral conventions on the execution of judgments.

(43) 同样必须提到一系列的意大利案件,所处理的是关于执行判决的多边和双边公约。

In some of these cases, survival was assumed, in others not.

在有些情况下,认为公约继续生效, 在另一些情况下,就不是这样了。

(44) As a matter of principle and sound policy, the principle of survival would seem to extend to obligations arising under multilateral conventions concerning arbitration and the enforcement of awards.

(44) 作为一个原则和良好政策问题,继续生效原则似乎适用于关于仲裁和执行裁决的多边公约所产生的义务。

In Masinimport v. Scottish Mechanical Light Industries Ltd., the Scottish Court of Session held that such treaties had survived World War II and were not covered by the 1947 Peace Treaty with Romania.


The agreements concerned were the Protocol on Arbitration Clauses of 24 September 1923 and the Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 26 September 1927.


The Court characterized the instruments as “multipartite law-making treaties”.


In 1971 the Italian Court of Cassation (Joint Session) held that the 1923 Protocol on Arbitration Clauses had not been terminated despite the Italian declaration of war on France, its operation having only been suspended pending cessation of the state of war.


This is, again, an unsatisfactory conclusion, for the reasons indicated in paragraph (42) (Cornet case).


(45) The recognition of this group of treaties would seem to be justified, and there are also links with other classes of agreements, including multilateral law-making treaties.

(45) 看来,承认此类条约是有道理的,也应该联系其他类别的协议,包括多边造法条约。

(46) The preceding description and analysis lead to the conclusion that, even though the case law examined may not be entirely coherent, there is a clear trend toward holding that “private rights” protected by treaties subsist, even where procedural rights of individuals are concerned.

(46) 前面的描述和分析导致这样的结论:尽管所研究的判例法可能不是完全连贯的,但有明显的趋势倾向于认为,条约所保护的私权利要维持下去,即使涉及个人的程序权利。

(f) Treaties for the international protection of human rights

(f) 关于对人权进行国际保护的条约

(47) Writers make very few references to the status, for present purposes, of treaties on the international protection of human rights.

(47) 为了当前的目的,法律学者很少提到对人权进行国际保护的条约状况。

This state of affairs is easily explained.


Much of the relevant writings on the effect of armed conflicts on treaties preceded the conclusion of international human rights treaties.


Furthermore, the specialist literature on human rights has a tendency to neglect technical problems.


Article 4 of the 1985 resolution of the Institute of International Law provides, however:


“The existence of an armed conflict does not entitle a party unilaterally to terminate or to suspend the operation of treaty provisions relating to the protection of the human person, unless the treaty otherwise provides.”


Article 4 was adopted by 36 votes to none, with 2 abstentions.


(48) The use of the category of human rights protection may be viewed as a natural extension of the status accorded to treaties of FCN and analogous agreements concerning private rights, including bilateral investment treaties.

(48) 使用人权保护的范畴可以视为赋予友好、通商和通航(FCN)协议和涉及私人权利的类似协议(包括双边投资条约)之地位的自然延伸。

There is also a close relation to the treaties creating a territorial regime and, in so doing, setting up standards governing the human rights of the population as a whole, or a regime for minorities, or a regime for local autonomy.


(49) The application of international human rights treaties in time of armed conflict is described as follows:

(49) 国际人权条约在武装冲突期间的适用情况描述如下:

“Although the debate continues whether human rights treaties apply to armed conflict, it is well established that non-derogable provisions of human rights treaties apply during armed conflict.


First, the International Court of Justice stated in its Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion that the protection of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights does not cease in times of war, except by operation of article 4 of the Covenant whereby certain provisions may be derogated from in a time of national emergency.


The Nuclear Weapons opinion is the closest that the Court has come to examining the effects of armed conflict on treaties, including significant discussion of the effect of armed conflict on both human rights and environmental treaties.


Second, the International Law Commission stated in its commentary to the Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts that although the inherent right to self-defence may justify non-performance of certain treaties, ‘as to obligations under international humanitarian law and in relation to non-derogable human rights provisions, self-defence does not preclude the wrongfulness of conduct’.


Finally, commentators are also in agreement that non-derogable human rights provisions are applicable during armed conflict.


(50) This description illustrates the problems relating to the applicability of human rights standards in the event of armed conflict.

(50) 这个描述说明了有关在武装冲突的情况下人权标准的适用性问题。

The task of the Commission has not been to deal with such matters of substance but to direct attention to the effects of armed conflict upon the operation or validity of particular treaties.


In this connection, the test of derogability is not appropriate because derogability concerns the operation of the treaty provisions and is not related to the issue of continuation or termination.


However, the competence to derogate “in time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation” certainly provides evidence that an armed conflict as such may not result in suspension or termination.


At the end of the day the appropriate criteria are those laid down in draft article 4.


The exercise of a competence to derogate by one Party to the treaty would not prevent another Party from asserting that a suspension or termination was justified on other grounds.


(51) It will finally be remembered that, under article 11 of the present draft articles, certain provisions of international treaties for the protection of human rights may not be terminated or suspended.

(51) 人们最终会记住,根据本条款草案第11条,保护人权的国际条约的某些条款可能不会被终止或暂停。

This does not mean that the same is true for the other provisions if the requirements of article 11 are met.


Conversely, there may be human rights provisions in treaties belonging to other categories of treaties which may continue in operation even if those treaties do not, or only do partly, survive, always supposing that the separability tests of article 11 are fulfilled.


(g) Treaties relating to the international protection of the environment

(g) 关于对环境进行保护的条约

(52) Most environmental treaties do not contain express provisions on their applicability in case of armed conflict.

(52) 大多数环境条约不包含关于它们在武装冲突的情况下的适用性的明文规定。

The subject matter and modalities of treaties for the international protection of the environment are extremely varied.


(53) The pleadings relating to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons indicate, quite clearly, that there is no general agreement on the proposition that all environmental treaties apply both in peace and in time of armed conflict, subject to express provisions indicating the contrary.

(53) 国际法院关于使用或威胁使用核武器的合法性问题的咨询意见诉答程序显示,对于所有环境条约同时适用于和平时期和武装冲突时期的论述,显然没有一致的意见,必须以表述相反论点的明文规定作为依据。

(54) In the Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion the International Court formulated the general legal position in these terms:

(54) 在核武器咨询意见中,国际法院以这些措辞方式表述一般法律状况:

“29. The Court recognizes that the environment is under daily threat and that the use of nuclear weapons could constitute a catastrophe for the environment.

“29. 法院认识到,环境受到日常的威胁,核武器的使用可能构成环境的灾难。

The Court also recognizes that the environment is not an abstraction but represents the living space, the quality of life and the very health of human beings, including generations unborn.


The existence of the general obligation of States to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction and control respect the environment of other States or of areas beyond national control is now part of the corpus of international law relating to the environment.


30. However, the Court is of the view that the issue is not whether the treaties relating to the protection of the environment are or are not applicable during an armed conflict, but rather whether the obligations stemming from these treaties were intended to be obligations of total restraint during military conflict.

30. 然而,法院认为,问题不在于与保护环境有关的条约是否在武装冲突期间适用,而是是否打算使从这些条约产生的义务成为必须在军事冲突期间予以完全克制的义务。

The Court does not consider that the treaties in question could have intended to deprive a State of the exercise of its right of self-defence under international law because of its obligations to protect the environment.


Nonetheless, States must take environmental considerations into account when assessing what is necessary and proportionate in the pursuit of legitimate military objectives.


Respect for the environment is one of the elements that go to assessing whether an action is in conformity with the principles of necessity and proportionality.


This approach is supported, indeed, by the terms of Principle 24 of the Rio Declaration, which provides that:


‘Warfare is inherently destructive of sustainable development.


States shall therefore respect international law providing protection for the environment in times of armed conflict and cooperate in its further development, as necessary.’


31. The Court notes furthermore that articles 35, paragraph 3, and 55 of Additional Protocol I [to the Geneva Conventions of 1949] provide additional protection for the environment.

31. 法院还注意到,[1949年《日内瓦公约》]第一附加议定书第35条第3款和第55条规定对环境的额外保护。

Taken together, these provisions embody a general obligation to protect the natural environment against widespread, long-term and severe environmental damage; the prohibition of methods and means of warfare which are intended, or may be expected, to cause such damage; and the prohibition of attacks against the natural environment by way of reprisals.

若予以一并考虑,则这些规定体现的一般义务是:防止广泛、长期和严重损害自然环境; 禁止采取旨在或可以预期造成这种损害的作战方法和手段;和禁止以报复方式攻击自然环境。

These are powerful constraints for all the States having subscribed to these



(55) These observations are, of course, significant.

(55) 当然,这些意见意义重大。

They provide general and indirect support for the use of a presumption that environmental treaties apply in case of armed conflict, despite the fact that, as indicated in the written submissions relating to the Advisory Opinion proceedings, there was no general agreement on the specific legal question.


(h) Treaties relating to international watercourses and related installations and facilities

(h) 关于国际水道以及有关装置和设施的条约

(56) Treaties relating to watercourses or rights of navigation are essentially a subset of the category of treaties creating or regulating permanent rights or a permanent regime or status.

(56) 有关水道或航行权的条约基本上是创建或调节永久权利或永久制度或地位的条约类别范围内的一个分类。

It is, nonetheless, convenient to examine them separately.


(57) The picture is, however, far from simple.

(57) 不过,情况远非如此简单。

The practice of States has been described as follows by Fitzmaurice:


“Where all the parties to a convention, whatever its nature, are belligerents, the matter falls to be decided in much the same way as if the convention were a bilateral one.


For instance, the class of law-making treaties, or of conventions intended to create permanent settlements, such as conventions providing for the free navigation of certain canals or waterways or for freedom and equality of commerce in colonial areas, will not be affected by the fact that a war has broken out involving all the parties.


Their operation may be partially suspended but they continue in existence and their operation automatically revives on the restoration of peace.”


(58) The application of treaties concerning the status of certain waterways may be subject to the exercise of the inherent right of self-defence recognized in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations.

” (58) 某些有关水道地位之条约的适用可能会受制于联合国宪章51条所承认固有自卫权利的行使。

(59) In any event, the regime of individual straits and canals is usually dealt with by specific treaty provisions.

(59) 在任何情况下,个别海峡和运河的制度通常是由特定条约的规定处理。

Examples of such treaties include the Convention Respecting the Free Navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal (Constantinople) (1888), the Convention Instituting the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe (1922), the Treaty of Versailles as it relates to the Kiel Canal (1919), the Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits (Montreux) (1936), the Panama Canal Treaty (1977) and the Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal (1977).

此类条约的例子包括《关于苏伊士运河自由航行的公约》(1888年《君士坦丁堡公约》)、 建立易北河航行法规的公约(1922)、 有关基尔运河的凡尔赛条约(1919)、 关于海峡制度(蒙特勒)的公约(1936)、 巴拿马运河公约(1977) 关于永久中立经营巴拿马运河的条约(1977)

(60) Certain multilateral agreements provide expressly for a right of suspension in time of war.

(60) 某些多边协定中明文规定在战争时期暂时停止某项权利。

Thus article 15 of the Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern (1922) provides that:

因此,引起国际关注的通航水道制度规约第15(1922) 规定:

“This Statute does not prescribe the rights and duties of belligerents and neutrals in time of war.


The Statute shall, however, continue in force in time of war so far as such rights and duties permit.”


(61) The Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses (1997) prescribes in its article 29:

” (61) “国际水道非航行使用法公约”(1997) 29条规定:

“International watercourses and installations in time of armed conflict


International watercourses and related installations, facilities and other works shall enjoy the protection accorded by the principles and rules of international law applicable in international and non-international armed conflict and shall not be used in violation of those principles and rules.”


(62) There is accordingly a case for including the present category in the indicative list.

(62) 据此,有一个将目前类别列入指示性清单的情况。

(i) Treaties relating to aquifers and related installations and facilities

(i) 关于含水层以及有关装置和设施的条约

(63) Similar considerations would seem to apply with respect to treaties relating to aquifers and related installations and facilities.

(63) 类似的考虑因素似乎适用于与含水层和相关装置和设施有关的条约。

Groundwater constitutes about 97 per cent of the world’s fresh water resources.


Some of it forms part of surface water systems governed by the Convention of 1997 on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses mentioned in paragraph (61) and, accordingly, will fall under that instrument.


On the groundwaters not subject to that Convention, there is very little State practice.


In its work on the law of transboundary aquifers, the Commission has demonstrated what is achievable in this area.


In addition, the existing body of bilateral, regional and international agreements and arrangements on groundwaters is becoming noteworthy.


(64) Based on the fact that the Commission’s draft articles on aquifers largely follow provisions of the 1997 Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses, and also on the underlying protection provided for by the law of armed conflict, the basic assumption is that transboundary aquifers or aquifer systems and related installations, facilities and other works enjoy the protection accorded by the principles and rules of international law applicable in international and non-international armed conflicts and are not to be used in violation of those principles and rules.

(64) 事实上,委员会关于含水层的条款草案在很大程度上依循1997国际水道非航行使用法公约的规定,以及武装冲突的法律所规定的基本保障,其基本假设是:跨界含水层或含水层系统和相关的装置、设施和其他工程应享有适用于国际性和非国际性武装冲突的国际法原则和规则所给予的保护,不得作违反这些原则和规则的使用。

(65) Although the law of armed conflict itself provides protection, it may not be so clear that there is a necessary implication from the subject matter of treaties relating to aquifers and related installations and facilities that no effect ensues from an armed conflict.

(65) 尽管武装冲突的法律本身提供保护,与含水层和相关装置和设施有关的条约的主题事项并没有由于武装冲突而受到影响的必然含义,这一点可能不会如此明确。

But the vulnerability of aquifers and the need to protect the waters contained therein make a compelling case for drawing the necessary implication of continuance.


(j) Treaties which are constituent instruments of international organizations

(j) 作为国际组织组成文书的条约

(66) Most international organizations have been established by treaty, commonly referred to as the “constituent instrument” of the organization.

(66) 大多数国际组织已经根据通常称为组织组成文书的条约 予以成立。

As a general rule, international organizations established by treaties enjoy, under international law, a legal personality separate from that of its members.


The legal position, therefore, is analogous to that of the establishment of a permanent regime by means of a treaty.


The considerations applicable to permanent regimes, discussed in paragraphs (8) to (14), accordingly also apply generally to constituent instruments of international organizations.


As a general proposition, such instruments are not affected by the existence of an armed conflict in the three scenarios envisaged in article 3.


In the modern era, there is scant evidence of practice to the contrary.


This is particularly the case with international organizations of a universal or regional character whose mandates include the peaceful settlement of disputes.


(67) This general proposition is without prejudice to the applicability of the rules of an international organization, which include its constituent instrument, to ancillary questions such as the continued participation of its members in the activities of the international organization, the suspension of such activities in light of the existence of an armed conflict and even the question of the dissolution of the organization.

(67) 这个一般性论点不影响一个国际组织的规则,包括其组成文书 的对诸如其成员继续参与国际组织、鉴于武装冲突的存在而停止这类活动、甚至解散该组织等附属问题的适用性。

(k) Treaties relating to the international settlement of disputes by peaceful means, including resort to conciliation, mediation, arbitration and judicial settlement

(k) 关于以和平手段,包括和解、调停、仲裁和司法手段解决国际争端的 条约

(68) This category is not prominent in the literature and there is to some extent an overlap with the category of multilateral treaties constituting an international regime.

(68) 这一类在文献中并不突出,并在一定程度上与构成国际制度的多边条约类别重叠。

Certain writers, however, give explicit recognition to the continuing operation of treaties establishing mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of international disputes.


In accordance with this principle, special agreements concluded before World War I were applied to the arbitrations concerned after the War.


(69) The treaties falling into this category relate to conventional instruments on international settlement procedures, that is, on procedures between subjects of international law.

(69) 属于这一类的条约涉及关于国际结算程序――即国际法主体之间的程序――的常规文书。

That category does not extend, per se, to mechanisms for the protection of human rights, which are, however, covered by subparagraph (f) (treaties for the international protection of human rights).


Similarly, it does not include treaty mechanisms of peaceful settlement for the disputes arising in the context of private investments abroad which may, however, come within group (e) as “agreements concerning private rights”.


(70) The survival of this type of agreement is also favoured by article 9 of the draft articles (notification of intention to terminate, or to withdraw from, a treaty, or to suspend its operation), which envisages the preservation of the rights or obligations of States regarding dispute settlement (see paragraph (7) of the commentary to article 9).

(70) 条款草案第9(通知终止、退出条约或中止其施行的意向)也有利于这类协议的继续生效,其中设想保存国家关于解决争端的权利或义务(见第9条的评注第(7))

(l) Treaties relating to diplomatic and consular relations

(l) 关于外交和领事关系的条约

(71) Also included in the indicative list are treaties relating to diplomatic relations.

(71) 指示性清单中也包括关于外交关系的条约。

While the experience is not well documented, it is not unusual for embassies to remain open in time of armed conflict.


In any event the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations suggest its application in time of armed conflict.


Indeed, Article 24 of that Convention provides that the archives and documents of the mission shall be inviolable “at any time”; this phrase was added during the Vienna Conference in order to make clear that inviolability continued in the event of armed conflict.


Other provisions, for example Article 44 on facilities for departure, include the words “even in case of armed conflict”.


Article 45 is of particular interest as it provides:


“If diplomatic relations are broken off between two States, or if a mission is permanently or temporarily recalled:




The receiving State must, even in case of armed conflict, respect and protect the premises of the mission, together with its property and archives;




The sending State may entrust the custody of the premises of the mission, together with its property and archives, to a third State acceptable to the receiving State;




The sending State may entrust the protection of its interests and those of its nationals to a third State acceptable to the receiving State.”


(72) The principle of survival is recognized by some commentators.

(72) 有些评注者承认继续生效的原则。

The specific character of the regime reflected in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was described in emphatic terms by the International Court of Justice in the Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran.


In the words of the Court:


“The rules of diplomatic law, in short, constitute a self-contained regime which, on the one hand, lays down the receiving State’s obligations regarding the facilities, privileges and immunities to be accorded to diplomatic missions and, on the other, foresees their possible abuse by members of the mission and specifies the means at the disposal of receiving State to counter any such abuse.


These means are, by their nature, entirely efficacious, for unless the sending State recalls the member of the mission objected to forthwith, the prospect of the almost immediate loss of his privileges and immunities, because of the withdrawal by the receiving State of his recognition as a member of the mission, will in practice compel that person, in his own interest, to depart at once.


But the principle of the inviolability of the persons of diplomatic agents and the premises of diplomatic missions is one of the very foundations of this long-established regime, to the evolution of which the traditions of Islam made a substantial contribution.


The fundamental character of the principle of inviolability is, moreover, strongly underlined by the provisions of articles 44 and 45 of the Convention of 1961. (Cf. also articles 26 and 27 of the Convention of 1963. ) Even in the case of armed conflict or in the case of a breach in diplomatic relations those provisions require that both the inviolability of the members of a diplomatic mission and of the premises, property and archives of the mission must be respected by the receiving State.”


(73) The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 was in force for both Iran and the United States.

(73) 1961年《维也纳外交关系公约》对伊朗和美国都生效。

In any event, the Court made it reasonably clear that the applicable law included “the applicable rules of general international law” and that the Convention was a codification of the law.


(74) As in the case of treaties relating to diplomatic relations, so also in the case of treaties relating to consular relations, there is a strong case for placing such treaties within the class of agreements which are not necessarily terminated or suspended in case of an armed conflict.

(74) 至于在涉及外交关系的条约和涉及领事关系的条约情况下,有一个把此类条约放置在遇到武装冲突的情况不一定予以终止或暂停的协议类型的有力事态。

It is well recognized that consular relations may continue even in the event of severance of diplomatic relations or of armed conflict.


The provisions of the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations indicate its application in time of armed conflict.


Thus, Article 26 provides that the facilities to be granted by the receiving State to members of the consular post, and others, for their departure, shall be granted “even in case of armed conflict”.


Article 27 provides that the receiving State shall, “even in case of armed conflict”, respect and protect the consular premises.


The principle of survival is recognized by Chinkin.


(75) The International Court of Justice, in its judgment in the Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran, emphasized the special character of the two Vienna Conventions of 1961 and 1963 (see paragraph 72).

(75) 国际法院在对有关美国在德黑兰的外交和领事工作人员案件的判决中强调1961年和1963年两个维也纳公约的特殊性质(参见第72)

(76) The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations was in force for both Iran and the United States.

(76) 《维也纳领事关系公约》对伊朗和美国都生效。

Moreover, the Court recognized that the Convention constituted a codification of the law and made it reasonably clear that the applicable law included “the applicable rules of general international law”.


(77) Regarding national practice, a decision of the California Court of Appeal (1st District) may be of interest.

(77) 关于国家的做法,加利福尼亚州(第一区)上诉法院的决定可能有关。

The Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights between the United States and Germany of 8 December 1923 exempted from taxation land and buildings used by each State on the territory of the other.


Taxes were levied, however, when Switzerland, as a caretaker, and, later on, the federal Government took over the premises of the German Consulate General in San Francisco.


The City and County of San Francisco contended that the 1923 Treaty had lapsed or been suspended as a result of the outbreak of World War II.


But the Court of Appeal found that the Treaty and the exemption provided by it were not abrogated “since the immunity from taxation therein provided was not incompatible with the existence of a state of war”.


While this case may be viewed as an affirmation of the continued applicability of a treaty of friendship and commerce, the 1923 Treaty also concerned consular relations and hence may serve as evidence of the survival of agreements on consular relations.


Chapter VII


Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction


A. Introduction

A. 导言

102. The Commission, at its fifty-ninth session (2007), decided to include the topic “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin as Special Rapporteur.

102. 委员会在第五十九届会议(2007)上决定将国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免这一专题列入其工作方案,并任命罗曼··科洛德金先生为特别报告员。

At the same session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a background study on the topic.


103. At its sixtieth session (2008), the Commission considered the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/601).

103. 委员会在第六十届会议(2008)上审议了特别报告员的初步报告(A/CN.4/ 601)

The Commission had also before it a memorandum by the Secretariat on the topic (A/CN.4/596 and Corr.1).


The Commission was unable to consider the topic at its sixty-first session (2009) and at its sixty-second session (2010).


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

104. At the present session, the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/631).

104. 本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/631)

The Commission considered the report at its 3086th, 3087th and 3088th meetings, on 10, 12 and 13 May, and at its 3111th and 3115th meetings, on 25 and 29 July 2011.


105. The Commission also had before it the third report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/646).

105. 委员会还收到了特别报告员的第三次报告(A/CN.4/646)

The Commission considered the report at its 3111th, 3113th, 3114th and 3115th meetings, on 25, 27, 28 and 29 July 2011.


1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of his second report

1. 特别报告员对第二次报告的介绍

106. The second report — a continuation of aspects raised in the preliminary report — reviews and presents a detailed overview of the issues concerning the scope of immunity of a State official from foreign criminal jurisdiction, including questions relating to immunity ratione personae and ratione materiae, and the territorial scope of immunity; further discusses what criminal procedural measures may be implemented against an official of a foreign State and what measures would violate that official’s immunity, in particular, reviewing the various phases in a criminal proceeding, including the investigatory phase; addresses whether there are any exceptions to immunity, including examining the various rationales for such possible exceptions; and draws a number of conclusions relating to the various issues raised in the report.

106. 第二次报告继续探讨了初步报告中提出的一些问题, 其中审查并详细介绍了与国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免范围有关的问题,包括与属人豁免和属事豁免有关的问题,以及豁免的属地范围;进一步讨论了对外国官员可采取哪些刑事诉讼措施,以及哪些措施会侵犯该官员的豁免权,具体而言,报告审查了刑事程序的各阶段,包括调查阶段;探讨了豁免规则是否有例外的问题,其中讨论了这种可能的例外的各种理由;得出了数个与报告提出的各种问题相关的结论。

107. The Special Rapporteur noted that since the Commission began its consideration of the topic, the question of immunity of a State official had continued to be considered, both in practice, as new judicial decisions were rendered, and in academia.

107. 特别报告员指出,自委员会开始审议本专题以来,国家官员的豁免问题得到了持续的讨论,在实际工作中,已做过新的司法判决以及在学术界都是如此。

Attention was drawn, in particular, to the Resolution on the Immunity from Jurisdiction of the State and of Persons Who Act on Behalf of the State in case of International Crimes, adopted by the Institute of International Law in 2009, as well as to some judicial decisions.

国际法学会2009年通过的《关于国家和代表国家行事的个人在国际罪行中的管辖豁免的决议》 和一些司法决定 受到了特别关注。

While acknowledging the ongoing debate and the diverse opinions that exist in relation to the topic, the Special Rapporteur emphasized the importance of looking at the actual state of affairs as the starting point for the Commission’s consideration of the topic and explained that it was from the perspective of the lex lata, that he had proceeded to prepare his report.


108. In the opinion of the Special Rapporteur, immunity of a State official from foreign criminal jurisdiction was the norm and any exceptions thereto would need to be proven.

108. 特别报告员认为,国家官员享有外国刑事管辖豁免是准则,任何例外都需经过证明。

He observed that State officials enjoy immunity ratione materiae in respect of acts performed in an official capacity since these acts are considered acts of the State, and these included unlawful acts and acts ultra vires.


He pointed out that these acts are attributed both to the State and to the official and suggested that the criterion for attribution of the responsibility of the State for a wrongful act also determined whether an official enjoys immunity ratione materiae and the scope of such immunity, there being no objective reasons to draw a distinction in that regard.


It was precisely by using the same criterion of attribution for the purpose of State responsibility and of immunity of State officials ratione materiae, that the responsibility of the State, as well as individual criminal responsibility would be engaged for the same conduct.


The scope of the immunity of a State and the scope of the immunity of its official were nevertheless not identical, despite the fact that in essence the immunity was one and the same.


109. With regard to former State officials, the Special Rapporteur stated that these persons continue to enjoy immunity ratione materiae with respect to acts undertaken by them in an official capacity during their term in office but did not extend to acts which were performed by an official prior to his taking up office and after leaving it.

109. 关于前国家官员,特别报告员称,这些官员就其在任期间以官方身份实施的行为继续享有属事豁免,上任前或离任后实施的行为则不在豁免范围内。

Such immunity was therefore of a limited nature.


110. Concerning immunity ratione personae, which is enjoyed by the so-called troika, namely incumbent heads of State and Government and ministers for foreign affairs, and possibly by certain other incumbent high-ranking officials, the Special Rapporteur considered such immunity to be absolute and to cover acts performed in an official and a personal capacity, both while in office and prior thereto.

110. 关于属人豁免,享有这种权利的是所谓的三种人(现任国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长,可能还有某些其他现任的高级别官员),特别报告员认为,这种豁免是绝对豁免,涵盖了官员在任期间及上任之前以官方身份和个人身份实施的行为。

In light of the link between the immunity and the particular post, immunity ratione personae was temporary in character and ceased upon the expiration of their term in office; such former officials nevertheless continued to enjoy immunity ratione materiae.


111. On the question of which acts of a State exercising criminal jurisdiction would violate the immunity of an official and what criminal procedure measures would be permissible, reference was made to the Arrest Warrant case and the case concerning Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance, in which the International Court of Justice developed some criteria for deciding such issues.

111. 关于国家行使刑事管辖的行为中哪些可能侵犯官员的豁免权、允许采取哪些刑事诉讼措施,提到的参考是逮捕令案 和关于刑事互助中的某些问题案, 其中国际法院为裁决此类问题制定了标准。

The Special Rapporteur agreed with the Court and pointed out that only such criminal procedure measures as were restrictive in character and would prevent a foreign official from discharging his functions by imposing a legal obligation on that person may not be taken.


112. Concerning the territorial scope of immunity, the Special Rapporteur considered that immunity takes effect from the moment the criminal procedure measure imposing an obligation on the foreign official is taken, irrespective of whether the official is abroad or not.

112. 关于豁免的领土范围,特别报告员认为,一旦采取刑事程序措施规定外国官员负有某项义务,豁免即生效,无论该官员是否身在境外。

113. Turning to the issue of possible exceptions to immunity of a State official from foreign criminal jurisdiction, the Special Rapporteur observed that in the case of immunity ratione personae, the predominant view seemed to be that such immunity was absolute and that no exceptions thereto could be considered.

113. 关于国家官员享有外国刑事管辖豁免的可能例外,特别报告员指出,对于属人豁免,主流观点似乎认为,这种豁免是绝对的,无法考虑任何例外。

In his opinion, the question of exceptions would thus only be pertinent with regard to immunity ratione materiae in the context of crimes under international law.


Nevertheless, after having analysed the various rationales put forward in the doctrine and in certain judicial decisions justifying such exceptions (which were in one way or another, interrelated, namely (a) grave criminal acts cannot be official acts; (b) immunity is inapplicable since the act is attributed both to the State and the official; (c) jus cogens prevails over immunity; (d) a customary international law norm has emerged barring immunity; (e) universal jurisdiction; and (f) the concept of aut dedere aut judicare), the Special Rapporteur remained unconvinced as to their legal soundness.

特别报告员分析了理论界和一些说明这些例外的合理性的司法判决中提出的各种理由(这些理由以这样或那样的方式相互关联,其中包括:(a) 重大犯罪行为不可能是官方行为;(b) 行为既归属于国家也归属于官员本人,故豁免不适用;(c) 强制法高于豁免;(d) 国际法中出现了一种禁止豁免的习惯国际法惯例;(e) 普遍管辖权;(f) 引渡或起诉这一概念, 但特别报告员对它们在法律上的合理性仍未能信服。

He further expressed doubt that any justification for exceptions could be considered having emerged as a norm under international law.


Upon careful scrutiny, none of the cases referred to by various advocates for exceptions to immunity gave evidence against immunity. At the same time, attention was also drawn to certain cases in which the immunity had been upheld.

仔细研究即可发现,各方例外的支持者提及的案例中,无一能提出不利于豁免的证据; 同时,一些支持豁免的案件引起了关注。

In this context, the Belhas v. Moshe Ya’alon decision could be considered significant in that it upheld the proposition that under customary international law, immunity ratione materiae covers acts performed by every official in the exercise of his functions and that a violation of a jus cogens norm did not necessarily remove immunity.


114. While the Special Rapporteur acknowledged the widely held opinion that the issue of exceptions to immunity fell within the sphere of progressive development of international law, he wondered to what extent those exceptions should apply.

114. 特别报告员了解普遍的观点,即豁免例外的问题是国际法中逐步发展的领域之一,而他所思考的是,这些例外应适用到何种程度。

In his view, the issue raised serious concerns, including in relation to politically motivated prosecutions, trials in absentia and evidentiary problems as a result of the lack of cooperation of the State concerned.


He cautioned the Commission against drafting provisions de lege ferenda and recommended that it should restrict itself to codifying existing law.


The Commission would have an important role in harmonizing the application of immunities in national jurisdictions, which would serve to avoid any dubious practice involving disregard of immunity.


The Special Rapporteur also drew attention to the fact that not all rationales for exceptions to immunity had been analysed in the second report.


Reference was made in particular to the question of refusal to recognize immunity as counter-measure in response to a breach of an international obligation by the State of the official facing criminal charges.


115. Finally, the Special Rapporteur also recommended that the question relating to immunity of military personnel in armed conflict should not be considered under this topic since it was covered by a special legal regime.

115. 最后,特别报告员还建议,与武装冲突中的军事人员的豁免有关的问题属于一个专门的法律体系,因此不应在本专题中考虑。

2. Summary of the debate on the Special Rapporteur’s second report

2. 特别报告员第二次报告辩论摘要

(a) General comments

(a) 一般性意见

116. The Special Rapporteur was commended for the thoroughness of his report, which was considered clear and well structured, and for the wealth of relevant material it contained, while the point was made that the Special Rapporteur could also have had recourse to other available material and doctrinal sources.

116. 特别报告员全面的报告内容清楚、层次分明,内含大量有关资料,因而受到称赞;会上也提出,特别报告员编写报告时还可以利用其他现有资料和理论资源。

117. Members dwelt at length on the general orientation of the topic, acknowledging in particular its obvious political ramifications, as well as its impact on international relations.

117. 委员们用较长时间讨论了本专题的大体方向,特别是承认了其显然的政治影响,以及对国际关系的影响。

Recognizing that the topic was difficult and challenging, it was pointed out that it was imperative to agree on matters of principle and on the direction of the topic before the Commission could meaningfully proceed further in the discussion.


Some members agreed broadly with the reasoning and conclusions of the report.


While some other members welcomed the inclusion in the report of competing arguments voiced in relation to the topic, they also expressed concern that the report presented certain biased conclusions, failing to take into consideration developing trends in international law concerning, in particular, the question of grave crimes under international law.


The very premise on which the topic had been analysed — from the concept of absolute sovereignty — was questioned, noting that the report raised fundamental preliminary questions on the substance.


It was observed that this conception of the law had evolved, particularly in the aftermath of the Second World War, and that the consequences thereof could not remain static.


Moreover, while it could hardly be disputed that principles of sovereign equality and non-interference were important in the conduct of international relations, the content of the rights and obligations deriving from such principles take into account the changes that occur on the international level and the different perspectives attached by the international community to the content of such rights and obligations.


Whereas the notion that immunity over official acts belonged to the State seemed correct, it did not signify that the State and its officials could undertake any acts they desired.


118. It was emphasized that the topic also brought to the fore the Commission’s own role in the implementation of its mandate, in the progressive development of international law and its codification, that could not be overlooked.

118. 辩论中强调的是,本专题还凸显了委员会本身在执行任务时以及在国际法逐步发展及其编纂方面不可忽视的作用。

In particular, questions were raised as to the perspective from which the Commission should approach the topic, whether, for example, by focusing on lex lata or lex ferenda.


It was noted that even if one chose to adopt the approach of the Special Rapporteur, who had analysed the issues from a strict lex lata perspective, the interpretation given to the relevant State practice and judicial decisions available on this subject could plausibly lead one to different conclusions as to the existing law.


To approach the topic from a de lege ferenda perspective raised other questions involving competing policy considerations, including to what extent the Commission should develop the law and whether it would be appropriate for it to take a lead in this area in light of the divergent policy considerations involved.


The point was also made that the issues of principle implicated by the topic may not necessarily be best described in terms of lex lata versus de lege ferenda, but rather involved the application of rules that were all lex lata.


119. Views were also expressed that the topic was particularly suitable to codification and progressive development and thus allowed the Commission to approach it from both aspects of its mandate.

119. 还有观点认为,本专题特别适合编纂和逐步发展,这让委员会得以从其任务的两方面着手处理该专题。

It was however necessary to proceed with caution in order to achieve an acceptable balance between the need to ensure stability in international relations and the need to avoid impunity for grave crimes under international law.


In this regard, it was pointed out that in deciding on the approach to be adopted, it would be essential to keep in mind the practical value of the end product, which, after all, was intended to serve the interests of the international community.


It was further observed that in approaching the question of immunity, it was important to recall that it was the legal and practical interests of the State that were engaged and not those of the individual.


Attention was also drawn to the relevance of the law of special missions, both conventional and customary international law, for the consideration of the topic.


120. Some members were of view that the Commission should establish a working group to consider the questions raised in the discussions, as well as the question of how to proceed with the topic.

120. 一些委员认为,委员会应成立一个工作小组,审议讨论中提出的问题,以及本专题如何进展的问题。

While some members considered that the second report constituted a good point of departure for the elaboration of texts, the view was also expressed that the general direction in which the Commission wished to steer the topic had to be settled prior to moving forward.


Whereas it was suggested that such a working group should be established already at the current session, some members considered it premature and preferred to postpone such a decision to the Commission’s next session.


Such an approach would allow for further reflection and would benefit from the input of Member States in the framework of the Sixth Committee, and of other interested entities.


(b) The question of possible exceptions to immunity

(b) 豁免的可能例外问题

121. Diverse views informed the debate within the Commission on possible exceptions to immunity.

121. 委员会内的辩论过程中听取了关于豁免的可能例外的各种观点。

It was pointed out that the Special Rapporteur, by arguing in his report that he did not find the various rationales for exceptions convincing and could not definitively assert that a trend toward the establishment of a norm on exceptions to immunity had developed, had set a very high standard that the exceptions must be founded in customary law.


While some members agreed with the findings of the Special Rapporteur on this point, some other members expressed the view that the Commission could not limit itself to the status quo and had to take into account relevant trends that had an impact on the concept of immunity, in particular developments in human rights law and international criminal law.


The assertion that immunity constituted the norm to which no exceptions existed was thus unsustainable.


In this context, it was pointed out that the question of how to situate the rule on immunity in the overall legal context was central to the debate.


122. It was for example observed that with a different perspective, one could arrive at an opposite conclusion on what the law is; one could argue that a superior interest of the international community as a whole had evolved in relation to certain grave crimes under international law, which resulted in an absence of immunity in those cases.

122. 例如,辩论中提出,换一个度看何为法律这一问题,可能会得出相反的结论;可以说,在国际法规定的严重犯罪行为方面,已出现了国际社会整体的利益这一更高的利益,导致有关案件中豁免的缺失。

Instead of addressing the matter in terms of rule and exception, with immunity being the rule, it seemed more accurate to examine the issue from the perspective of responsibility of the State and its representatives in those limited situations — which shock the conscience of humankind — and consider whether any exceptions thereto, in the form of immunity, may exist.


123. According to another view, instead of starting from the premise that, as a general rule, State officials generally enjoyed immunity, and then consider exceptions as the Special Rapporteur had done, a reverse approach that starts from the premise that everyone should be treated equally regardless of whether one was a Head of State or a private citizen should be followed.

123. 另一种意见认为,与其像特别报告员所做的那样,依据这样的前提,即认为国家官员一般享有豁免,然后考虑例外情况,而是应当采取相反的做法,即依据这样的前提:人人应该平等对待,不论是国家首脑还是公民个人。

Accordingly, State officials would not be presumed to be immune, unless there were special reasons for immunity to be granted, and such would not be the case in respect of grave crimes under international law.

因此,不会假定国家官员是享有豁免的,除非有特别的理由给予豁免。 而在涉及违反国际法的严重罪行时,则不会给予豁免。

124. Views were also expressed that the principle of non-impunity for grave crimes under international law constituted a core value of the international community which needed to be considered while examining the question of immunity.

124. 还有观点称,对国际法规定的严重犯罪行为不得有罪不罚的原则是国际社会的核心价值观之一,应在讨论豁免问题时加以考虑。

The topic would thus be more appropriately addressed from the perspective of hierarchy of norms; or norms between which there existed some tension.


It was contended that the practice of States in this area was far from uniform, affording the Commission an opportunity to weigh in for accountability.


125. Some members argued that there was sufficient basis in State practice to affirm the existence of exceptions to immunity of State officials when such officials had committed grave crimes under international law and references were also made to the previous work of the Commission, and in particular to the 1996 draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind.

125. 一些委员认为,国家的做法已提供了充分依据,由此可以肯定当国家官员犯有国际法规定的严重犯罪行为时存在豁免例外,此处还提到委员会以往的工作,特别是1996年《危害人类和平及安全治罪法草案》。

In this context, it was observed that the status of the individual under international law had drastically changed since the Second World War; the individual not only enjoyed rights under international law but also had international obligations.


It was also pointed out that the fact that an individual bore international criminal responsibility for certain acts did not signify the absence, or dissolution, of the responsibility of the State for those same acts; such responsibilities overlapped but each one had a separate existence.


126. References were also made to treaties concerning the repression of international crimes, which generally did not contain provisions concerning immunity or were silent on the question.

126. 会上还提到压制国际犯罪方面的条约,这类条约中一般没有关于豁免的规定,或无关于该问题的规定。

It was contended that such silence could not be taken as an implicit recognition that immunity applies in all cases in relation to the crimes these treaties cover; such an interpretation would render them meaningless.


The question was however also posed as to how widely one could construe silence in these circumstances as pointing to a particular direction and to conclude that immunity would not apply in respect of such acts.


127. It was further observed by some members that it had become increasingly clear that the International Criminal Court would not enjoy the full jurisdictional range that was once anticipated.

127. 一些委员又提出,已经越来越明显地看到,国际刑事法院不会如曾经预期的那样享有全面管辖权。

It was therefore necessary to ensure that there were other means to try alleged offenders of grave crimes under international law, irrespective of whether or not they were State officials.


It was argued that these trends could not simply be dismissed and even if the Commission were to concede that there was no basis in customary international law for exceptions to immunity, which was not certain, it should still engage in the progressive development in that area.


128. Some other members supported the Special Rapporteur’s conclusions concerning exceptions to immunity.

128. 另一些委员支持特别报告员关于豁免例外的结论。

They nevertheless envisaged the possibility of some further analyses to elucidate possible limitations to immunity as part of the progressive development of international law.


In this context, the view was expressed that in establishing any such limitations, immunity ratione personae must cease to exist only after the high-level officials no longer serve their term of office.


In order to facilitate future discussions, it was suggested that a further analysis of the earlier work of the Commission in this area should be made, as well as a study on exceptions to immunity, focusing on State practice, distinguishing clearly between the lex lata and proposals de lege ferenda.


It was further pointed out that it would be essential to shed more light on terms like “international crimes”, “grave crimes” or “crimes under international law” for the purpose of the topic.


The point was also made that the Commission should limit itself to consider immunity from criminal jurisdiction, it being noted that immunity from civil jurisdiction raised fundamentally different issues.


129. Some members also recalled the important role that the principle of immunity, which was well-established in customary international law, continued to play in ensuring stability in international relations and for the effective discharge by the State of its functions.

129. 一些委员还回顾道,豁免原则在习惯国际法中早已确立,该原则在确保国际关系稳定、确保国家有效行使职能方面一直发挥着重要作用。

It was pointed out that, as such, these factors too were of value to the international community.


The idea that the principle of immunity was built on comity and reciprocity was also perceived as important in the context of the current debate, in particular in light of the imperative need to remove the risk of politically motivated criminal proceedings.


Undue limitations on immunity may lead to serious frictions in international relations.


In light of the foregoing, it was considered necessary, particularly seen against the background of contemporary developments in the law, to strike a balance in this area between the different policy considerations.


A reference was made to the approach adopted by the Institute of International Law in its resolution of 2009 as a possible way forward.

此处提到的参考是国际法学会2009年决议 ,作为今后可能采用的方法。

130. Commenting individually on the various rationales for possible exceptions to immunity, some members contended that several of them merited further examination.

130. 对可能例外的各种理由逐一进行评论时,一些委员称,其中有些理由应进一步审议。

Some members considered that the rationale that peremptory norms of international law prevail over the principle of immunity had merit.


In their view, the report failed to provide a convincing analysis for the assertion that the different nature of the norms in play, procedural on the one hand and substantive on the other hand, prevented the application of hierarchy of norms; these aspects needed to be further analysed in light of existing State practice.


It was contended that the reasoning of the minority in the Al-Adsani case was convincing, meriting further consideration, and the fact that the case involved immunity from civil rather than criminal jurisdiction needed to be taken into account in appreciating the Court’s decision.

有观点称,Al-Adsani案 中少数法官的推理具有说服力,值得进一步考虑;评价法院这一决定时还需顾及一点,即该案适用的是民事而非刑事管辖豁免。

On the other hand, some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that norms of a different nature should not be confused; to conclude that jus cogens norms were superior to rules governing immunity would be to confuse substance with rules of procedure.


131. The view that the commission of serious crimes under international law could not be considered as acts falling within the definition of official duties of a Head of State generated some support in the Commission and references were made to the Bouterse case and opinions expressed in the Pinochet case.

131. 有观点认为,犯下属国际法规定的严重罪行的行为不应视为国家元首官方职能定义之内的行为,这种观点在委员会中得到了一定支持,可以参考的是Bouterse案 和皮诺切特案 中发表的意见。

It was noted that, if immunity was justified on the theory of preserving the honour and dignity of the State, then it was undercut when its officials committed grave crimes under international law.


It was suggested that the Commission should identify the offences that could under no circumstances be considered as part of the official functions, referring to the crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court as a useful starting point.


The opinion was also expressed that in cases of universal jurisdiction, there were also grounds to argue that exemptions to immunity existed.


(c) Scope of immunity

(c) 豁免范围

132. Comments were also made in a more general manner concerning the scope of immunity.

132. 辩论中还就豁免范围作了较为笼统的评论。

While it was observed that immunity ratione personae covered acts both of a private and an official nature, concern was nevertheless expressed by some members over the categorical conclusion in the report that such immunity was absolute.


According to a view, immunity ratione personae should be limited to acts conducted while in office and not be extended to include acts undertaken prior thereto.


Some members supported the view that, in addition to Heads of State or Government, ministers for foreign affairs also enjoyed immunity ratione personae and the Judgment of the Court in the Arrest Warrant case was cited in support for such a position.

一些委员支持的观点是,除国家或政府首脑外,外交部长也应享有属人豁免,他们引用了逮捕证案中法院的判决 支持这一立场。

Some other members however disagreed with the finding of the Court, pointing out that prior to it, it was far from generally accepted that immunity ratione personae could be extended in such a manner.


In this regard, references were made to the dissenting and separate opinions in the Arrest Warrant case, the resolution by the Institute of International Law on immunities from jurisdiction and execution of Heads of State and of Government in international law, as well as to the work of the Commission in the context its draft articles on jurisdictional immunities of States and their property.

此处提到的是逮捕证案中的反对意见和独立意见、国际法学院关于国际法中国家和政府首脑的管辖处决豁免的决议 以及委员会关于国家及其财产的管辖豁免的条文草案。

133. While some members were of the opinion that the list of officials benefiting from immunity ratione personae should be restricted to the three categories of officials — the so-called troika — views were also expressed in favour of extending immunity to certain other high-level officials representing the State in its international relations; and involving a considerable amount of travel abroad. In order to determine how far the class of persons entitled to immunity ratione personae extends beyond the troika, it was suggested that the Commission consider the rationale behind such immunity.

133. 有些委员认为,享有属人豁免的官员应仅限于三种官员――所谓的三种人――还有委员表示支持将豁免范围扩大至某些在一国的国际关系中代表国家以及有大量时间在国外工作的其他高级别官员;有建议称,为确定三种人之外还有哪些人属于享有属人豁免的人员类别,委员会应考虑这种豁免的理由。

134. The importance of ensuring uniformity between the rules governing immunity ratione personae in general and those governing immunity from certain criminal procedure measures entailing sanctions in case of non-compliance, was also emphasized.

134. 辩论中强调的另一点是,属人豁免的总体规则及某些如有违反将受处罚的形式程序的豁免规则应保持统一。

Any gaps in immunity of the troika would inhibit their ability to efficiently performing their duties.


135. While it was generally agreed that immunity ratione materiae only covered acts by State officials undertaken in their official capacity during their term in office, it was stressed that the issue raised many difficult considerations that still needed to be determined concerning the scope of such immunity and persons to be covered.

135. 一般认为,属事豁免只涵盖国家官员任期内以官方身份实施的行为;但辩论中强调,关于这种豁免的范围及其涵盖的人员,还有许多困难的考虑尚待决定。

It was observed that the question of attribution of conduct for the purpose of determining which acts were “official” and thus attributable to the State, and which were “private” also remained to be examined in closer detail.


It was suggested that a more detailed review of the rationales behind immunity ratione materiae might be useful for this purpose, with the possibility of rethinking the whole notion of attribution.


Recalling that immunity ratione materiae was a reflection of the immunity of the State, some members were of the opinion that ultra vires or unlawful acts should not be covered by such immunity since, in those situations, the official is acting neither under the instruction of the State nor under the authority of his functions.


It was further pointed out that criminal proceedings against State officials and the establishment of State responsibility was not necessarily procedurally connected and that, if such a necessary connection existed, there was a risk that the State would waive immunity of its officials in an attempt to exonerate itself, even if only at a political level, from responsibility.


In contrast, some other members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that, other than in a few exceptional situations, a link between the attribution of conduct for the purpose of State responsibility and of immunity necessarily existed, including with regard to acts ultra vires.


(d) Other comments

(d) 其他意见

136. Some members emphasized that jurisdictional rules should not be confused with those on immunity.

136. 一些委员强调,管辖规则与豁免规则不应混为一谈。

Absence of immunity would not necessarily lead to criminal proceedings; the jurisdictional conditions must still be fulfilled.


Attention was drawn to the condition set forth in the 2005 resolution of the Institute of International Law that the alleged offender is present in the territory of the prosecuting State when exercising universal jurisdiction.

应注意国际法学院2005年决议 中规定的条件,即行使普遍管辖权时,受指控官员应身在起诉国境内。

137. The view was expressed supporting the conclusion in the report that immunity is valid irrespective of whether the official is abroad or in his own State.

137. 有委员表示支持报告的结论 ,即无论官员身在国外还是本国境内,豁免都有效。

The point was also made that the Rapporteur was correct in referring to absence of immunity where a State exercises criminal jurisdiction in situations when the State in question has neither consented to the performance on its territory of the activity which led to the crime nor to the presence on its territory of the foreign official.

还有委员指出,如涉案国家既未同意在其境内实施导致犯罪的活动,也未同意涉案外国官员在其境内出现 ,则国家将行使刑事管辖,此时将不给予豁免。 报告员提及不给予豁免是对的。

It was also suggested that these kind of situations merited further discussion.


138 It was suggested that the Commission should consider the question of immunity of military personnel in armed conflict in its consideration of the topic.

138. 有建议称,委员会考虑本专题时应考虑武装冲突中的军事人员的豁免问题。

It was observed that it was in the field of international humanitarian law that the issue of exemptions on grounds of immunity had been discussed and analysed to a large extent.


The evidentiary problems involved with such criminal procedures should not affect the underlying principle of the matter.


A contrary observation was also made against convering military personnel for the purpose of the topic, since the matter was already largely regulated by treaty.


It was observed that, with respect to immunity for military personnel in time of peace, there was need to distinguish between members of stationed forces and those of visiting forces; the former were governed by status-of-forces agreements, while the immunity of the latter was based in customary law – although it was not so significant in practice.


139. It was also noted that, in taking a maximalist approach in terms of scope, caution should be taken to exclude those categories of State officials whose immunities are provided by rules that have already been a subject of codification and progressive development..

139. 另有委员指出,在范围的问题上采取最大化做法时应排除某些类别的官员,这些官员的豁免由已经受过编纂和逐渐发展的规则所提供。

140. It was also suggested that, as part of the topic, it might be useful to ensure adequate safeguards on prosecutorial discretion in order to avoid abuse.

140. 另有人提议,作为专题的一部分,或许应该针对检察方的裁量权规定适当的保障措施,以避免滥用。

3. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of his third report

3. 特别报告员介绍第三次报告

141. While in his preliminary and second reports, the Special Rapporteur considered the substantive aspects of the immunity of the State official from criminal jurisdiction, the third report (A/CN.4/646) — intended to complete the entire picture — addressed the procedural aspects, focusing, in particular on questions concerning the timing of consideration of immunity, its invocation and waiver, including whether immunity can still be invoked subsequent to its waiver.

141. 特别报告员的初次和第二次报告论述了国家官员刑事管辖豁免的实质性问题,第三次报告(A/CN.4/646)则论述程序问题,特别着重于考虑、援引和放弃豁免的时间,包括放弃豁免后是否还可以援引豁免等等问题,该报告的目的是完整地呈现整个情况。

The Special Rapporteur stressed that while the previous reports had been based on an assessment of State practice, the present report, even though there was available practice, was largely deductive, reflecting extrapolations of logic and offering broad propositions, not exactly precise in terms of drafting, for consideration.


It was also underscored that the issues considered in the third report were of great importance in that they went some way in determining the balance between the interests of States and safeguarding against impunity by assuring individual criminal responsibility.


142. As regards the timing, namely when and at what stage immunity should be raised in criminal proceedings, the Special Rapporteur, recalling in particular the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, that questions of immunity were preliminary issues, which must be expeditiously decided in limine litis, stressed that the question of the immunity of a State official from foreign criminal jurisdiction should in principle be considered either at the early stage of court proceedings or even earlier at the pretrial stage, when the State that is exercising jurisdiction decides the question of taking criminal procedural measures which are precluded by immunity in respect of the official.

142. 关于时间问题,即在刑事程序中应在什么时间、什么阶段提出豁免的问题,特别报告员特别回顾了国际刑事法院在关于人权委员会特别报告员享有法律程序豁免的争议的咨询意见,即豁免问题是前期问题,必须在诉讼开始时迅速解决。 他强调说,原则上,国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免问题应该在法院诉讼程序的初期阶段考虑,甚至在更早的预审阶段,即在行使管辖权的国家决定是否对有关官员采取按豁免不能采取的刑事诉讼措施的时候予以考虑。

Any failure do so may be viewed as a violation of the obligations of norms governing immunity by the State exercising jurisdiction, even in situations which may relate to the consideration of the question of immunity at the pretrial stage of the exercise of criminal jurisdiction at the time when the question of the adoption of measures precluded by immunity was addressed.


143. However, such violation may not necessarily be involved where the State of the official who enjoys immunity ratione materiae does not invoke his immunity or invokes it at a later stage in the proceedings; any possibility of violation ensues after invocation.

143. 但是,如果享受属事管辖权的官员的所属国没有为这名官员援引豁免权,或者在诉讼程序的较后阶段援引,那么这不一定意味着发生了这种违约情况。

144. On invocation of immunity, meaning, inter alia, who was in a position legally to raise the issue of immunity, the Special Rapporteur emphasized that only the invocation of immunity or a declaration of immunity by the State of the official, and not by the official himself, constituted a legally relevant invocation or declaration capable of having legal consequences.

在豁免权被援引后就有可能发生违约情况。 144. 关于援引豁免权,即谁可以在法律上提出豁免的问题,特别报告员强调说,只有官员的所属国,而不是官员本身所援引的豁免或者宣称的豁免才是合法的援引或宣称,能够有法律上的结果。

145. In order for immunity to be invoked, the State of the official must know that corresponding criminal procedural measures were being taken or planned in respect of the official concerning whom the invocation related.

145. 要援引豁免,官员的所属国必须知道对援引豁免所涉的官员正在采取或者计划采取相应的刑事诉讼措施。

Accordingly, the State that was planning such measures must inform the State of the official in this regard.


The Special Rapporteur drew attention to the distinction that ought to be made based on the immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae.


146. First, in respect of a foreign Head of State, Head of Government or minister for foreign affairs — the troika — the State exercising criminal jurisdiction itself must consider proprio motu the question of the immunity of the person concerned and determine its position regarding its further action within the framework of international law.

146. 首先,对外国国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长(三巨头)来说,行使刑事管辖权的国家本身必须自动考虑有关个人的豁免问题,并根据国际法就它的进一步行动决定采取何种立场。

The Special Rapporteur suggested that in this case it was appropriate perhaps to request the State of the official in question only for a waiver of immunity.


Accordingly, the State of the official in this case did not bear the burden of raising the issue of immunity with the authorities of the State exercising criminal jurisdiction.


147. Secondly, where an official enjoying immunity ratione materiae was concerned, the burden of invoking immunity resided in the State of the official.

147. 第二,就享有属事管辖权的官员而言,援引豁免的责任在官员的所属国。

If the State of such an official wished to invoke immunity in respect of that official, it must inform the State exercising jurisdiction that the person in question was its official and enjoyed immunity and acted in an official capacity.


Otherwise, the State exercising jurisdiction was not obliged to consider the question of immunity proprio motu and, therefore, may continue criminal prosecution.


148. Thirdly, there was also the possible case of an official other than the troika, who enjoyed immunity ratione personae, in which case the burden of invoking immunity also lay with the State of the official in relation to whom immunity was invoked.

148. 第三,三巨头以外的官员也有可能享受属人豁免权,在这种情况下,援引豁免的责任也在要援引豁免的官员的所属国。

If the State of such an official wished to invoke immunity in respect of that official, it must inform the State exercising jurisdiction that the person in question was its official and enjoyed personal immunity since he occupied a high-level position which, in addition to participation in international relations, required the performance of functions that were important for ensuring the sovereignty of the State.


149. On the mode of invocation, the State of the official, irrespective of the level of the official, was not obliged to invoke immunity before a foreign court in order for that court to consider the question of immunity; communication through the diplomatic channels sufficed.

149. 关于援引方式,官员所属国,不管该官员的级别如何都没有义务为了外国法院考虑豁免问题而向该法院援引豁免权,只要通过外交渠道进行交涉就可以。

The absence of an obligation on the part of a State to deal directly with a foreign court was based on the principle of sovereignty and the sovereign equality of States.


150. As regards possible grounds for invocation, the State of the official invoking immunity was not obliged to provide grounds for immunity other than to assert that the person in question was its official and enjoyed immunity having acted in an official capacity or that the person in question was its official who enjoyed immunity ratione personae since he occupied a high-level post which, in addition to participation in international relations, required the performance of functions that were important for ensuring that State’s sovereignty.

150. 关于可以为援引提出的理由,援引豁免权的官员的所属国没有义务提出援引豁免权的理由,但必须肯定该人是它的官员,享有豁免权,并以官方身份履职,或者该人是它的官员,享有属人豁免权,因为他占据高级职位,除了参与国际关系以外,还必须履行对确保国家主权很重要的职能。

151. On the other hand, the Special Rapporteur pointed out that the State (including its court) that was exercising jurisdiction, it would seem, was not obliged to “blindly accept” any claim by the State of the official concerning immunity.

151. 另一方面,特别报告员指出,行使管辖权的国家(包括它的法院)似乎也没有义务盲目地接受豁免所涉官员的所属国提出的任何要求。

However, a foreign State may not disregard such a claim if the circumstances of the case clearly did not indicate otherwise.


It was the prerogative of the State of the official, not the State exercising jurisdiction, to characterize the conduct of an official as being official in nature or to determine the importance of the functions carried out by a high-ranking official for the purpose of ensuring State sovereignty.


152. Concerning waiver of immunity, the Special Rapporteur noted that the right to waive the immunity of an official was vested in the State, not in the official himself.

152. 关于放弃豁免权的问题,特别报告员指出,放弃官员的豁免权,其权力在于国家,而不是官员本人。

When a Head of State or Government or a minister for foreign affairs waived immunity with respect to himself, the State exercising criminal jurisdiction against such an official had the right to assume that such was the wish of the State of the official, at least until it was otherwise notified by that State.


153. The waiver of immunity of a serving Head of State, Head of Government or minister for foreign affairs must be express.

153. 放弃在任的国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长的豁免权必须要明示。

In a hypothetical situation in which the State of such an official requested a foreign State to carry out some type of criminal procedure measures in respect of the official, such act could possibly constitute an exception.


Such a request unequivocally involved a waiver of immunity with respect to such measures and in such a case the waiver was implied.


154. A waiver of immunity for officials other than the troika but who enjoyed immunity ratione personae, of officials who had immunity ratione materiae, as well as of former officials who also had immunity ratione materiae, may be either express or implied.

154. 放弃三巨头以外但享有属人豁免权的官员、享有属事豁免权的官员以及也享有属事豁免权的前官员的豁免权,既可以明示也可以暗示。

Implied waiver in this case may be imputed, inter alia, from the non-invocation of immunity by the State of the official.


155. In the view of the Special Rapporteur, it would seem that, following an express waiver of immunity, it was legally impossible to invoke immunity.

155. 特别报告员认为,在明示放弃豁免权以后,法律上似乎就不可能在援引豁免权了。

At the same time, it was also noted that an express waiver of immunity may in some cases pertain only to immunity with regard to specific measures.


156. In the case of an initial implied waiver of immunity expressed in the non-invocation of the immunity in respect of an official enjoying immunity ratione materiae or of an official enjoying immunity ratione personae other than the troika, immunity may, it would seem in the view of the Special Rapporteur, be invoked at a later stage in the criminal process, including, inter alia, when the case was referred to a court.

156. 如果是起初暗示放弃豁免权表现在对除三巨头以外的享有属事豁免权的官员或者属人豁免权的官员不援引豁免,那么特别报告员认为,豁免似乎可以在刑事程序较后的阶段援引,包括在案件提交法院的时候援引。

However, there was doubt as to whether a State which had not invoked such immunity in the court of first instance may invoke it subsequently in appeal proceedings.


In any event, the procedural steps which had already been taken in such a situation by the State exercising jurisdiction in respect of the official at the time of the invocation of immunity may not be considered a wrongful act.

对这个问题还有疑问。 不管怎样,如果在援引豁免时行使管辖权的国家在这种情况下已经对官员采取程序性步骤,这不能被认为是不法行为。

157. The Special Rapporteur pointed out that once a waiver of immunity was validly made by the State of the official it was possible to exercise to the full extent foreign criminal jurisdiction in respect of that official.

157. 特别报告员指出,一旦官员的所属国正式提出放弃豁免,就可以对该官员行使全面的外国刑事管辖。

158. The Special Rapporteur also alluded to a related aspect concerning the relationship between a State’s assertion that its official had immunity and the responsibility of that State for an internationally wrongful act in respect of the conduct which gave rise to invocation of immunity of the official, underscoring that irrespective of the waiver of immunity with regard to its official, the State of the official was not exempt from international legal responsibility for acts attributed to it in respect of any conduct that may have given rise to questions of immunity.

158. 在引起援引官员豁免权的行为方面,特别报告员还提到国家关于其官员有豁免权的声称与该国对国际不法行为的责任之间关系的一个有关问题,他强调,官员的所属国不管是否放弃对其官员的豁免权,在引起豁免问题的行为方面,均不能免去对归咎于它的行为的国际法律责任。

Since the act in respect of which immunity was invoked could also constitute an act attributable to the State itself, the necessary prerequisites engaging the responsibility of the States may be in place making it amenable for a claim to be instituted against it.


4. Summary of the debate on the Special Rapporteur’s third report

4. 特别报告员第三次报告辩论摘要

(a) General comments

(a) 一般性意见

159. The Special Rapporteur was once more commended for a thorough, well researched and well argued Report, which together with previous Reports, provided a comprehensive view of the topic, and laid the foundation for future work, although no draft articles had been provided.

159. 特别报告员因提交了一份全面、研究细致,论证有据的报告而再次受到赞扬。 现在,虽然还没有提供条款草案,但这份报告与以前的两份报告一起,全方位地展现了该主题的情况,为将来的工作奠定了基础。

160. Generally, it was considered that the analysis made in the report was convincing and the extrapolations drawn logical.

160. 一般都认为,报告所作的分析言之有理,作出的推断合乎逻辑。

Although the third report was viewed as less open to debate than the second report, some comments were nevertheless made that procedurally it would have been more appropriate to consider it after the Commission had reached definitive conclusions on the second report, the debate concerning which highlighted the fact that there were still a number of basic issues that needed to be resolved, bearing on the direction of the topic as a whole.


As a consequence of these unresolved issues — including the scope of immunity ratione personae in the case where grave international crimes had been committed — there were certain aspects in the third report, particularly some of the conclusions drawn, which were substantively problematic.


161. On the other hand, some members took the view that the third report was an important part of the overall picture drawn by the Special Rapporteur and could easily have been part of the second report.

161. 但是,有些委员认为,第三次报告是特别报告员描绘的总体情况的一个重要部分,可以很方便地归入第二次报告的范围。

Nevertheless some other members preferred to comment on the third report with a caveat, noting in particular that their concerns raised in regard to the second report, including the seemingly absolutist and expansive approach to immunity, remained.


162. It was also observed that some of the views presented certain risks for the future not only for the Commission but also for the development of international law itself.

162. 有些委员还指出,有些意见表明将来不仅对委员会,而且还对国际法本身的发展有某些风险。

It was cautioned that there was a risk to the reputation of the Commission if there was a greater tilt towards State interests; the Commission would not be in a position to find the necessary balance between the old law — based on an absolute conception of sovereignty — and the new expectation of the international community in favour of accountability.


Others preferred a balance between legitimate interests of sovereign States and the concern for accountability.


Some members noted that the Commission had no cause to be concerned about risking its reputation since it was part of its functioning always to balance different legitimate considerations and not let itself be disproportionately swayed by any one of them.


What would be damaging to the Commission would be if it adopted unrealistic positions, eschewing practical solutions, based on its collective wisdom informed by the available tools of analysis of the practice, addressing practical concerns of States.


(b) Timing

(b) 时间

163. There was general agreement that immunity ought to be considered at the early stage of the proceedings or indeed earlier during the pretrial stages, including when a State exercising jurisdiction takes criminal procedure measures against an official that would otherwise be precluded by immunity.

163. 会议普遍同意,豁免应该在诉讼程序的初期阶段考虑,或者更确切的是在更早的预审阶段考虑,包括在行使管辖权的国家对否则不包括在豁免范围内的官员采取刑事诉讼措施的时候。

It was however recognized that in practice such a goal might be difficult to realize, and would likely necessitate appropriate domestic legislation.


It was suggested that failure to consider immunity at an early stage might involve possible violations of obligations of immunity arising as a result of such failure.


The point was also made that the report did not address directly the question of inviolability, which may bear on issues of timing and the inconvenience presented by arrest or detention of an official, and was relevant to invocation as well; these aspects required further consideration.

会议还提出,报告没有直接处理不可侵犯的问题,而这个问题可能会对时间问题以及由于逮捕或拘留一名官员而产生的不便带来影响,而且也与援引豁免有关。 这些方面需要进一步考虑。

(c) Invocation of immunity

(c) 豁免的援引

164. At a more general level, it was noted that it might be useful to have more information about the procedural position in the practice of States under the various legal systems.

164. 在更普遍的层面上,会议指出,在关于各法律制度下国家实践中的程序立场方面也许应该获得更多的资料。

However, some members largely agreed with the Special Rapporteur in his conclusions on invocation.


There was agreement in the general proposition that only the invocation of immunity by the State of the official and not the official himself constituted a legally relevant invocation of immunity.


It was however suggested that in practice this did not preclude the official — because of the element of time and being present — from notifying the State exercising jurisdiction that he enjoyed immunity; such notification could then trigger the process by which the State exercising jurisdiction informed the State of the official about the situation of the official.


165. It was also generally accepted that it was sufficient for the State claiming immunity to notify the State exercising jurisdiction through diplomatic channels.

165. 会议还普遍接受,要求豁免的国家只要通过外交渠道向行使管辖权的国家发出通知就够了。

According to a particular viewpoint, a State was well advised to be categorical if it sought to have the immunity of its official upheld, and where the legal or factual issues surrounding immunity were complex it could participate directly, although there was no obligation to do so, in the proceedings to explain its case.


166. On the issue who has the burden of invoking immunity, some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that in respect of the troika, the State exercising jurisdiction must itself consider the question of immunity.

166. 关于谁有援引豁免权的责任的问题,有些委员同意特别报告员的说法,即就三巨头而言,行使管辖权的国家自己必须考虑豁免权问题。

167. It was also noted that in respect of other officials enjoying immunity ratione materiae the State of the official must invoke the immunity.

167. 会议还指出,就享有属事豁免权的其他官员而言,官员所属国必须援引豁免权。

It was however contended that the reasoning for the State exercising jurisdiction raising the question of immunity proprio motu could not be limited to cases where the immunity of the troika was implicated.


It was claimed that it was equally applicable to cases where it was manifestly apparent, in the circumstances of the case, that jurisdiction would be exercised with respect to an official who has acted in his official capacity.


Such a standard would protect the smooth conduct of international relations and would prevent mutual recriminations on account for example that the measures taken were politically motivated.


Moreover, while agreeing that the State exercising jurisdiction had no obligation in respect of immunity ratione materiae to inquire into immunity proprio motu, it was nevertheless suggested that some guidelines as to the circumstances in which the State exercising jurisdiction may exercise discretion proprio motu could be recommended.


168. Another view was expressed that there was no clear distinction between invocation in relation to the troika and as it concerned such other high-level officials as may enjoy immunity ratione personae.

168. 会议还表示了另一种有关的意见,即在对三巨头的援引与对可以享有属人豁免权的其他高级官员的援引之间没有明确的区别。

It was thus doubted that any hard and fast rules could be laid down since much depended on the particular circumstances of each individual case.


169. It was also noted that some of the uncertainties over whether the troika should be enlarged to include other high-level officials, such as ministers of international trade or of defence, that were raised in the debate on the second report were germane to the present report.

169. 会议还指出,对三巨头的援引是否应该扩大到其他高级官员,如国际贸易部长或国防部长等等? 在这个问题上的一些不确定性在关于第二次报告的辩论中已经提出,这与本报告有密切的关系。

This was more so when considered against the differentiation drawn between the troika and other State officials enjoying immunity ratione materiae.


While the reasons offered by the Special Rapporteur for the differentiation seemed plausible and convincing, it was contended that if in contemporary international relations, a foreign minister was only one among several State officials who frequently represented the State abroad, then a distinction in the way immunity was to be asserted — based on being widely known — did not appear to be justified.


Consequently, there could be a basis for considering further the conclusions of the Special Rapporteur on who bears the burden of invoking immunity, allowing the State of the official to invoke immunity without making any distinction.


Similar considerations could be taken into account in respect of waiver of immunity.


170. It was also suggested that further consideration may need to be given to the possibilities of enhancing cooperation between States in matters relating to invocation between the State exercising jurisdiction and the State of the official, in respect of the troika as well as the others.

170. 会议还建议,在涉及到行使管辖权的国家与官员所属国之间就三巨头和其他官员援引豁免的问题上,也许必须进一步考虑国家之间加强合作的可能性。

171. Some other members viewed the conclusions of the Special Rapporteur on invocation from a different perspective.

171. 还有一些委员从另一角度就特别报告员关于援引的结论提出意见。

For instance, doubt was expressed regarding whether immunity ratione personae should be extended to the foreign minister on the one hand and other high-level officials on the other for the purposes of the topic, viewing the matter as a still open question, and evidencing an expansive approach, raising the spectre of criticism that the Commission wished to expand immunity at a time when there was demand for limited immunity, more accountability and less impunity.


Quite apart from the available case law on the question, some members however recalled that the questions of immunity of Heads of State or Government, ministers of foreign affairs and other high-level officials had been discussed in the Commission before, most recently in the context of its work on jurisdictional immunities of States and their property and appeared to have been settled when the Special Rapporteur for that topic conceded that he would not object to adding a reference to such persons while doubting that their families had special status “on the basis of established rules of international law”.


The view was also expressed that there was no doubt that under customary international law, heads of State, heads of Government and ministers for foreign affairs enjoyed immunity. Any attempts to cast doubts on this were misplaced.


172. It was also noted that the Special Rapporteur in the present report, as in previous reports, had not distinguished “ordinary” crimes, concerning which matters were implicated in the Case concerning certain questions of mutual assistance in criminal matters, from grave international crimes, in relation to which special considerations applied, as had been countenanced in the debate on the second report.

172. 还有委员指出,特别报告员在本报告中与以前的报告一样,没有将普通罪从严重的国际罪行区别开来,因为前者涉及刑事事项互助的若干问题案中所含的事项,而后者则正如在关于第二次报告的辩论中所赞同的那样得到了特别报告员考虑。

Consequently, it was pointed out that the Special Rapporteur had failed to address the possibility that the procedural issue at hand was not one of invocation of immunity or waiver thereof but rather the absence of immunity in respect of situations in which grave international crimes were committed, although it was also countered by other members that the assertion that there was no immunity for such “core crimes” was abstract and general, and the Commission will have to deal with these matters in greater detail at a later stage.


173. It was also observed that the Special Rapporteur in his report did not consider the procedural problems that would arise in relations between States when domestic law prohibited invocation of immunity in respect of “core crimes” as a result of implementation by such States of its international obligations, as was the case with domestic legislation implementing the Rome Statute.

173. 还有的委员指出,特别报告员的报告没有考虑国内法由于这种国家履行国际义务而禁止对核心罪行援引豁免而在国家间的关系中产生的程序问题,关于执行《罗马规约》的国家立法的情况就是这样。

174. Comments were also made regarding the question of substantiation of immunity in respect of immunity ratione materiae.

174. 还有委员评论了属事豁免方面为豁免提供证据的问题。

Regarding the conclusion of the Special Rapporteur that it was the prerogative of the State of the official to characterize the conduct of an official as being official conduct of the State, but that the State exercising criminal jurisdiction did not have to “blindly accept” such a characterization, it was suggested that such a conclusion seemed rather broad and unclear.


It was necessary to find a balance, each case had to be assessed on its merits, the use of terms like “prerogative” and suggesting that there was a “presumption” arising out of mere appointment of an official was going too far (although some members did not see anything untoward in its use).

必须要找到一种平衡,每个案件必须按其案情予以评估。 使用特权等术语(虽然有些委员并不认为有什么不合适),并说仅仅是官员的任命就会引起某种推测,这太过分。

In the Advisory Opinion on the immunity of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission of Human Rights, on which the Special Rapporteur relied, the Secretary-General in fact claimed that the individual concerned was acting as an official.


The Advisory Opinion was a confirmation of the general proposition that if the official capacity of the person and the official nature of his acts were manifest in a specific situation the burden to demonstrate that he was acting in an official capacity was significantly alleviated.


Moreover, since the “presumption” did not operate in respect of officials other than the troika, it was pointed out that the granting of or refusal to grant immunity must be decided on a case-by-case basis, taking into account all the elements in the case.


The national courts would assess whether they were dealing with acts performed in the context of official functions or not.


175. It was also pointed out that State invoking immunity should at least be encouraged to provide the grounds for its invocation.

175. 还有代表指出,援引豁免的国家应至少受到鼓励,请它提供援引的理由。

Some concerns were expressed that if a State could invoke the immunity for all of its officials enjoying immunity ratione materiae without substantiation as to the nature of the act, other than to say that an official was acting in an official capacity, that would be tantamount to according de facto immunity ratione personae to all its State officials, leading to the possibility of immunity for acts in fact committed in a private capacity.


In order to avoid such possibility — and the obvious potential for impunity — a State should have an obligation to substantiate when invoking immunity ratione materiae.


It was also suggested that the State claiming immunity must be made to justify its plea for immunity when grave international crimes were involved; there ought to be an obligation of justification, not merely of assertion of immunity.


(d) Waiver of immunity

(d) 豁免的放弃

176. Some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that the right to waive immunity vested in the State of the official not in the official himself and that waiver of immunity ratione personae must be express.

176. 有些委员同意特别报告员的说法,即放弃豁免的权利在于官员的所属国,而不是官员本人,放弃属人豁免必须要明示。

177. It was, however, observed that two situations concerning waiver of immunity needed be distinguished, namely waiver of immunity in individual cases and renunciations of immunity for certain categories of cases which may be contained in a treaty rule.

177. 但是,一些委员观察到,在放弃豁免方面有两种情况需要区分,即个别案件中的放弃豁免以及某几类可能包含在条约规则中的案件方面的放弃豁免。

While in both cases, the common standard identifying such exceptions to otherwise applicable immunity was whether the waiver or renunciation was “certain”, it should not obscure the fact that the determination of when immunity was excluded was different, the issue in the latter case being one of treaty interpretation.


178. In this regard, while some members agreed that there was a general reluctance to accept an implied waiver based on the acceptance of an agreement, some doubts were expressed by others regarding the assertion by the Special Rapporteur in his report that State’s consent to be bound by an international agreement establishing universal jurisdiction for grave international crimes or precluding immunity did not imply consent to the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction in respect of its officials, and therefore waiver of immunity.

178. 在这方面,一些委员都认为普遍存在着不愿接受根据接受某一协议的暗示放弃,但还有一些委员则对特别报告员在报告中的声称表示怀疑,特别报告员声称说,国家同意受国际协议的约束,规定对严重国际罪行的普遍管辖,或者将豁免排除在外并不意味着同意对其官员行使外国刑事管辖,从而放弃豁免。

It was contended that to suggest that such an agreement could not be construed as implicitly waiving the immunity of the official of the State party unless there was evidence that that State so intended or desired, seemed to run contrary to article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.


In the Pinochet case (No. 3), the House of Lords reached its conclusion in respect of the United Nations Convention against Torture, after a detailed analysis of the terms of that convention.


It was asserted that in concluding an agreement establishing universal jurisdiction, with aut dedere aut judicare provisions and establishing criminal jurisdiction for grave international crimes without any distinction based on official capacity of the perpetrator, pointed to a construction that the States parties intended to exclude immunity.


However, the view was also expressed that such an inference could not be lightly drawn and that the Pinochet proposition could not be applied across the board as a general proposition.


179. In the case of a waiver in an individual case, the standard of certainty implied some bona fide duty to inquire with the other State in case where there were any doubts, as it could not be lightly assumed that certain conduct by another State constituted a waiver of immunity.

179. 就个别案件中的放弃而言,是否有肯定性,其标准中含有某项义务,即与另一国调查有疑问的案件,因为不能轻率地认为另一国的某些举动构成对豁免的放弃。

At the same time, States had a duty to express themselves clearly within a reasonable time, if they wished to claim immunity, when they were confronted with a situation which required their response.


180. On whether non-invocation by a State of the immunity of an official could be considered an implied waiver, it was noted that as long as a State did not have knowledge, which was certain, of the exercise of jurisdiction over one of its officials, or had not yet had sufficient time to consider its response, the non-invocation of immunity cannot be taken as a waiver.

180. 关于国家不援引对官员的豁免权是否可以被认为暗示放弃的问题,有委员指出,只要国家肯定地不知道要对它的一名官员实施管辖,或者还没有充分的时间考虑作出答复,不援引豁免不能被作为放弃。

However, once the State concerned has been fully informed and given an appropriate time for reflection (which need not be very long), non-invocation of immunity would usually have to be considered as constituting an implied waiver.


181. Some members agreed that a waiver once made cannot be revoked, as this was necessary in the interest of legal certainty and procedural security.

181. 有些委员同意说,一旦放弃,就不能收回,因为这对法律确定性和程序保障是必要的。

It was important that the character of a waiver as a unilateral legal act which finally determined the position of a State with respect to one of its rights should not be put into question.


In this regard, some members doubted that following the non-invocation of immunity ratione materiae of an official or immunity ratione personae of an official other than the troika, immunity may be invoked when the proceedings were in the appeal stage.


182. However, it was acknowledged that a limited waiver which enabled a State to take certain preliminary measures would not preclude the invocation of immunity at a later stage of a trial in respect of a prosecution.

182. 但是,会议承认,允许国家采取某种初步措施的有限放弃不能阻止在审判的较后阶段在起诉方面援引豁免。

(e) Relationship between invocation of immunity and the responsibility of that State for an internationally wrongful act

(e) 豁免的援引与国家对国际不法行为的责任之间的关系

183. Some members agreed with the assertion by the Special Rapporteur that the State which invokes immunity of its official on the grounds that the act with which that official was charged was of an official nature was acknowledging that such act was an act of the State itself; by doing so, however, it was not necessarily acknowledging its responsibility for that act as an internationally wrongful act.

183. 有些委员同意特别报告员的论断,即为其官员援引豁免的国家,如果以该官员被控的行为属官方性质为由,那么该国就等于承认这种行为是国家本身的行为,但这样做不一定是说承认它对这种行为承担作为国际不法行为的责任。

184. It was noted, however, that it had to be recognized that there were times when immunity may be invoked to avoid the possibility of a serious intrusion into the internal affairs of a State, not to mention that the State of the official might itself wish to investigate and, if warranted, prosecute its own official or a State may wish to invoke immunity quickly, in order to avoid undue embarrassment or suffering on the part of its official.

184. 但是,有委员指出,必须认识到,有时可以援引豁免来避免对一国内部事务的严重侵入,何况是官员所属国本身希望调查,并在正当的情况下起诉本国官员,或者国家想尽快援引豁免,以免其官员陷入过分的尴尬或者痛苦。

185. Looking forward, it was suggested that at the next session, preferably in the context of a working group, the Commission should first examine the general direction of the topic, focussing on the question concerning the extent to which there ought to be exceptions to immunity of State officials, particularly in respect of grave crimes under international law.

185. 在将来,会议建议在下届会议上,最好在一个工作组的范围内,委员会首先研究本专题的大方向,着重于对国家官员豁免的例外的范围问题,特别是在国际法下的重罪方面。

In the light of conclusions reached in such a working group a decision could then be made on how the Commission would move forward on the topic.


5. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

5. 特别报告员的总结

186. The Special Rapporteur thanked members for the very useful, interesting and critical comments on his reports, noting that the interventions revealed a variety of schools of thought.

186. 特别报告员感谢各委员对他的报告作出的非常有用、令人感兴趣的批评性评论,并指出这些发言体现了各种不同的思想流派。

187. The Special Rapporteur contextualized the issues by recalling that there were many truisms in international law, including that the development of human rights had not resulted in the disappearance of sovereignty or the elimination of the principles of sovereign equality of States and non-interference in the internal affairs, despite having a serious influence on their content.

187. 特别报告员介绍了这些问题的来龙去脉。 他回顾说,国际法中有许多老生常谈,包括人权的发展没有造成主权的消失或者国家主权平等和不干预内部事务的原则的消除,尽管这种发展对这些原则的内容有严重的影响。

The central issue for consideration in the present topic was not so much the extent to which changes occurring in the world and in international law had had an influence on sovereignty as a whole, but rather how more specifically there was an influence on the immunity of State officials, based on the sovereignty of a State; the essential question being how had the immunity of State officials in general and immunity from the national criminal jurisdiction of other States in particular been affected.


188. While conceding that the impact on the vertical relationship, namely how international criminal jurisdiction had been affected, was very clear, the Special Rapporteur noted such was not the case with respect to the quite distinct and separate horizontal relationship involving interactions between sovereign States and their national criminal jurisdictions.

188. 特别报告员虽然承认对纵向关系的影响,即国际刑事管辖如何受到影响的问题非常明确,但特别报告员指出,如果涉及到主权国家与它们国内的刑事管辖之间的相互作用问题,那么区别相当明显和不同的横向关系的情况则并不如此。

The question of international criminal jurisdiction was entirely one that was to be separated and distinguished from foreign criminal jurisdiction.


In his view, article 27 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court which was often invoked as evidencing the changes that had taken place was unlikely to be relevant in respect of foreign criminal jurisdiction.


If it was to be asserted, it could not be done without taking full account also of the implications of article 98 of the same Statute.


189. The Special Rapporteur affirmed that his explicit positions on the issues as reflected in the second report were reached not on a priori basis but after a review of State practice, case law and the doctrine, bearing in mind his professional life experience and legal background.

189. 特别报告员重申,他对第二次报告所反映的问题的民事立场不是凭先验提出的,而是结合自己的专业生活经验和法律背景,对国家实践、判例法和学说作研究后提出的。

Such review revealed that the interaction between sovereignty and immunity in respect of foreign national jurisdiction had not become insignificant.


States were still cautious about protecting their interests, particularly in respect of the exercise of jurisdiction, much more so with respect to criminal jurisdiction than civil jurisdiction, because it involved the deprivation of freedom, and possibilities of detention and arrest; all these indirectly affected the exercise of sovereignty of a State and the internal competence of the State.

特别是在刑事管辖权方面,国家对保护自己的利益仍然小心谨慎,而在刑事管辖权方面的做法要比民事管辖权还要谨慎的多,因为这涉及到剥夺自由以及可能的拘留和逮捕。 所有这一切间接影响国家主权的行使和国家的内部管辖。

This was why immunity was still important; despite the various developments in the international system, the fundamentals on this aspect remained the same.


190. He stressed that practice and doctrine had led him to accord significance to the distinction between immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae and this difference needed to be taken into account in the substantive and procedural consideration of the topic.

190. 他强调,实践和学说使他重视属人豁免和属事豁免之间的区别。 在对该主题作实质性和程序性审议时必须考虑这种差别。

191. He confirmed the assumption that immunity ratione materiae applied to all State officials and former officials in respect of acts carried out in an official capacity.

191. 他重申关于属事豁免对以官方身份履职的所有国家官员和前官员的假设。

192. Regarding the circle of persons enjoying immunity ratione personae, the Special Rapporteur reaffirmed that there was no doubt, based on an objective legal analysis, that the troika enjoyed immunity.

192. 关于享受属人豁免的人范围,特别报告员重申,根据客观的法律分析,三巨头无疑享有豁免。

Such immunity was not exclusive to the troika.


Indeed, the nature of representation in international relations had changed; it was no longer exclusive to the troika and the judicial decisions, at the international and national levels, showed that certain high-level State officers enjoyed immunity ratione personae.

实际上,国际关系中的代表性质已经发生变化,它不再是三巨头所专有的。 国际和国内的司法裁定表明,某些高层国家官员也享有属人豁免。

On the contrary, there was no case to his knowledge that concluded that such immunity would not be extended to officials beyond the troika.


It was in recognition of the need to be prudent that he had suggested that there might be need to establish criteria for high-level officials enjoying immunity ratione personae, and to maintain a distinction between such officials and the troika in respect of invocation and waiver of immunity as a matter of procedure.


193. He acknowledged that there were serious conceptual differences in the debate concerning immunity and exceptions to immunity.

193. 他承认,关于豁免和豁免的例外的辩论在概念上有严重的分歧。

However, whichever position was preferred conceptually, it was firmly established in international law that certain holders of high ranking office in a State enjoyed immunity, both civil and criminal, from jurisdiction in other States.


This was a norm — not allowing exceptions — which applied to the troika.


This was confirmed by two decisions of the International Court Justice and this was broadly supported by State practice, in national court decisions and doctrine.


He conceded that his use of “absolute” in the report was not entirely felicitous because even in case of immunity ratione personae, such immunity was limited in time and substance.


194. In the circumstances, if there was room for exceptions, the Commission would have to look to immunity ratione materiae.

194. 在这种情况下,如果可以有例外,委员会就必须考虑属事豁免。

Practice and decisions, however, did not reveal a trend in favour of such exclusions, except in the one case when the crime was committed in the territory of the State exercising jurisdiction.


195. He stressed that in order for a trend to establish an emerging norm, practice needed to be prevalent and this was not the case with respect to exceptions, even in the case of immunity ratione materiae.

195. 他强调说,一种趋势如果要能够确立一种新产生的规范,就需要有一种普遍性的实践,而在例外方面,甚至在属事豁免方面的情况并非如此。

He, however, noted that there was room to consider other justifications for such exclusion that were not considered in his second report such as suspension of immunity as a countermeasure or non-declaration of immunity.


It might be useful for States to provide information on these aspects.


196. The Special Rapporteur also noted that despite all this, the Commission was not precluded from developing new norms of international law when expectations with regard to its effectiveness were justified.

196. 特别报告员还指出,尽管上述一切,委员会仍然可以在有理由对国际法的效力实行例外时拟定新的国际法准则。

197. Addressing the various rationales for possible exceptions, the Special Rapporteur noted, with regard to an exclusion on the basis of equality before the law, that he did not think it was entirely convincing, considering that some officials within their own jurisdictions enjoy immunity.

197. 特别报告员在谈到例外的可能性的各种原理时说,关于法律面前平等的排他性问题,他认为鉴于有些官员在自己的管辖地享有豁免,因此这并不完全有说服力。

198. The Special Rapporteur also notes that to juxtapose immunity and combating impunity was incorrect, it did not tell the whole story; combating impunity had a wider context involving a variety of interventions in international law, including the establishment of international criminal jurisdiction.

198. 特别报告员还指出,将豁免与防止犯罪不究并列起来是不正确的,没有反映整个情况;防止犯罪不究的范围更广,涉及到国际法中的各种干预,包括建立国际刑事管辖。

The Special Rapporteur, in responding to the comments on the need for balance, recalled that immunity did not mean impunity.


Moreover, immunity from criminal jurisdiction and individual criminal responsibility were separate concepts.


Immunity and foreign criminal jurisdiction was the issue to be grappled with and not immunity and responsibility.


The rules on immunity as they presently existed already provided some balance in the way the system as whole operated.


He also noted that the institution of universal criminal jurisdiction was itself not popular among States not because of immunity but there was a reluctance to employ it in relation to the interaction vis-a-vis other States.


He recalled that he had written in his second report, and he continued to think that it was the case, that the exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction was undertaken mostly in developed countries with respect to serving or former officials of developing States.


199. On the third report, he welcomed the fact that it was less contentious and the various conclusions had broadly been found reasonable.

199. 关于第三次报告,对报告的争议较少,各种结论大致上是合理的,对此他感到高兴。

He agreed that issues of inviolability were important and needed to be addressed.


200. The Special Rapporteur noted that in future it will be necessary to devote attention to circumstances in which cooperation among States could be enhanced on issues of the immunity of States officials and exercise of jurisdiction, as well as matters concerning settlement of disputes.

200. 特别报告员指出,今后必须注意可以在国家官员豁免和管辖的行使问题以及关于解决争端的事项上加强国家间的合作。

201. He clarified that the various conclusions in the reports were not intended to be draft articles; they only reflected a summary for the convenience of the reader.

201. 他澄清说,报告中的各种结论不适用作条款草案,它们只是为了便利于读者而作的概要。

To formulate draft articles at this stage before resolving the basic issues would be premature.


202. On the question of the interaction, at this stage, with States, the Special Rapporteur noted that it might be useful to receive their detailed comments in the Sixth Committee on the debate at the present session, taking into account in particular the second report, as well as information on State practice, including legislation and court decisions on the issues raised in the second and third reports and in the debate.

202. 关于本阶段与国家互动的问题,特别报告员指出,国家在第六委员会就本届会议的辩论情况提出详细的评述,特别是考虑第二次报告以及关于国家实践的资料,包括第二次报告、第三次报告和辩论中提出的问题的立法和法院裁定,这是非常有用的。

203. Responding to comments about the reputation of the Commission, the Special Rapporteur opted to emphasize the importance of the responsibility of the Commission and of those who write on issues of international law, noting in particular that what is written, as constituting subsidiary sources of international law, had consequences, positive and negative, for the development of international law.

203. 特别报告员对关于委员会声誉的评论作了答复,他选择强调委员会和撰写关于国际法问题的人的责任的重要性,特别指出所撰写的一切构成国际法的附属渊源,对国际法的发展既有积极的,也有消极的影响。

Chapter VIII


Expulsion of aliens


A. Introduction

A. 导言

204. At its fifty-sixth session (2004), the Commission decided to include the topic “Expulsion of aliens” in its programme of work and to appoint Mr. Maurice Kamto as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

204. 委员会第五十六届会议(2004)决定在工作方案中纳入驱逐外国人这一专题,并任命莫里斯·卡姆托先生为这一专题的特别报告员。

The General Assembly, in paragraph 5 of resolution 59/41 of 2 December 2004, endorsed the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its agenda.


205. At its fifty-seventh session (2005), the Commission considered the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/554).

205. 委员会第五十七届会议(2005)审议了特别报告员的初步报告(A/CN.4/ 554)

206. At its fifty-eighth session (2006), the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/573 and Corr.1) and a study prepared by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565 and Corr.1).

206. 委员会第五十八届会议(2006)收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/ 573Corr.1),以及秘书处编写的一份研究报告(A/CN.4/565Corr.1)

The Commission decided to consider the second report at its next session, in 2007.


207. At its fifty-ninth session (2007), the Commission considered the second and third reports of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/573 and Corr.1 and A/CN.4/581) and referred to the Drafting Committee draft articles 1 and 2, as revised by the Special Rapporteur, and draft articles 3 to 7.

207. 委员会第五十九届会议(2007)审议了特别报告员的第二和第三次报告(A/CN.4/573Corr.1A/CN.4/581),并将经特别报告员修订的条款草案12, 以及条款草案37提交给了起草委员会。

208. At its sixtieth session (2008), the Commission considered the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/594) and decided to establish a working group, chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae, in order to consider the issues raised by the expulsion of persons having dual or multiple nationality and by denationalization in relation to expulsion.

208. 委员会第六十届会议(2008)审议了特别报告员的第四次报告(A/CN.4/ 594),并决定设立一个工作组,由唐纳德·麦克雷先生但担任主席,以审议驱逐双重或多重国籍人员和与驱逐有关的开除国籍的做法引起的问题。

During the same session, the Commission approved the working group’s conclusions and requested the Drafting Committee to take them into consideration in its work.


209. At its sixty-first session (2009), the Commission considered the fifth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/611 and Corr.1).

209. 委员会第六十一届会议(2009)审议了特别报告员的第五次报告(A/CN.4/ 611Corr.1)

At the Commission’s request, the Special Rapporteur then presented a new version of the draft articles on protection of the human rights of persons who have been or are being expelled, revised and restructured in the light of the plenary debate (A/CN.4/617).

特别报告员应委员会的要求,介绍了参照全体辩论修订和重新调整结构的关于保护遭受驱逐者或正在遭受驱逐者的人权的新的条款草案(A/CN.4/ 617)

He also submitted a new draft workplan with a view to restructuring the draft articles (A/CN.4/618).

他还提交了一份为调整条款草案结构而提出的新的工作计划草案(A/CN.4/ 618)

The Commission decided to postpone its consideration of the revised draft articles to its sixty-second session.


210. At its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission considered the draft articles on protection of the human rights of persons who have been or are being expelled, as revised and restructured by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/617), together with the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/625 and Add.1).

210. 委员会第六十二届会议(2010)审议了经特别报告员修订和重新调整结构的关于保护遭受驱逐者或正在遭受驱逐者的人权的条款草案(A/CN.4/617),以及特别报告员的第六次报告(A/CN.4/625Add.1)

It referred to the Drafting Committee revised draft articles 8 to 15 on protection of the human rights of persons who have been or are being expelled; draft articles A and 9, as contained in the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/625); draft articles B1 and C1, as contained in the first addendum to the sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.1); as well as draft articles B and A1, as revised by the Special Rapporteur during the sixty-second session.

委员会向起草委员会提交了以下条款:经修订的关于保护遭受驱逐者或正在遭受驱逐者的人权的条款草案815; 特别报告员第六次报告(A/CN.4/625)所载条款草案A9; 第六次报告第一份增编(A/CN.4/625/Add.1)所载条款草案B1C1; 以及特别报告员在第六十二届会议期间修订的条款草案BA1

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

211. At the present session, the Commission had before it the second addendum to the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), which it considered at its 3091st to 3094th meetings, from 24 to 27 May 2011; and the Special Rapporteur’s seventh report (A/CN.4/642), which it considered at its 3098th meeting, on 4 July 2011.

211. 委员会本届会议收到了特别报告员第六次报告的第二份增编(A/CN.4/625/ Add.2),委员会在2011524日至27日的第30913094次会议上审议了这份文件;在201174日第3098次会议上审议了特别报告员的第七次报告(A/CN.4/642)

The Commission also had before it comments received from Governments.


212. At its 3094th meeting, on 27 May 2011, the Commission decided to refer to the Drafting Committee draft articles D1, E1, G1, H1, I1 and J1, as contained in the second addendum to the sixth report; draft article F1, also contained in the second addendum, as revised by the Special Rapporteur during the session, and draft article 8, in the revised version introduced by the Special Rapporteur during the sixty-second session.

212. 委员会在2011527日第3094次会议上决定向起草委员会提交以下条款:第六次报告第二份增编所载条款草案D1E1G1H1I1J1;同样载于第二份增编但在会议期间经特别报告员修订的条款草案F1; 以及特别报告员在第六十二届会议期间介绍的修订版本中的条款草案8

213. At its 3098th meeting, on 4 July 2011, the Commission decided to refer to the Drafting Committee the restructured summary of the draft articles contained in the seventh report of the Special Rapporteur.

213. 委员会在201174日第3098次会议上决定向起草委员会提交特别报告员第七次报告所载经过调整的条款草案摘要。

214. At its 3126th meeting, on 11 August 2011, the Commission took note of an interim report by the Chairman of the Drafting Committee informing the Commission of the progress of work on the set of draft articles on the expulsion of aliens, which were being finalized with a view to being submitted to the Commission at its sixty-fourth session for adoption on first reading.

214. 委员会在2011811日第3126次会议上注意到起草委员会主席的临时报告,该报告向委员会介绍了驱逐外国人专题的全部条款草案工作的进展情况。 条款草案的起草工作已经接近完成,有望提交委员会第六十四届会议一读通过。

1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the remaining portion of his sixth report and of his seventh report

1. 特别报告员对其第六次报告剩余部分和第七次报告的介绍

215. The second addendum to the sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2) marked the conclusion of the consideration of expulsion procedures and took up the legal consequences of expulsion.

215. 第六次报告第二份增编(A/CN.4/625/Add.2)标志着结束了对驱逐程序的审议,开始讨论驱逐的法律后果。

The second addendum also contained the last of the draft articles that the Special Rapporteur intended to propose.


216. The first question considered, that of the implementation of the expulsion decision, was the subject of draft article D1, which covered both voluntary and forcible expulsion.

216. 审议的第一个问题,即执行驱逐决定的问题,是条款草案D1的主题, 其中包括自愿和强迫驱逐。

The reference to the rules of air travel in paragraph 2 was merely illustrative.


217. The next subject addressed in the second addendum was the right to appeal an expulsion decision, something that had already been mentioned briefly in the first addendum (A/CN.4/625/Add.1) in connection with the right to challenge the expulsion decision, set out in draft article C1.

217. 第二份增编讨论的第二个主题是对驱逐决定提出申诉的权利问题,该问题在第一份增编(A/CN.4/625/Add.1)中已简要提及,涉及条款草案C1中对驱逐决定提出异议的权利。

While no new draft article on the subject was proposed, consideration was given to the basis of the right to appeal, which could be found in both international and domestic law; the time frame for reviewing an appeal; the suspensive effect of remedies; and remedies against a judicial expulsion decision.


218. The next subject discussed in the second addendum was relations between the expelling State and the transit and receiving States, which were governed by two principles: the freedom of a State to receive or to deny entry to an expelled alien, a freedom limited by the right of any person to return to his or her own country; and the freedom, likewise limited, of the expellee to determine his or her State of destination.

218. 第二份增编讨论的下一项议题是驱逐国与过境国和目的地国之间的关系,它们之间的关系遵循两项原则:一国接收或拒绝接收被驱逐外国人的自由,这一自由受到任何人返回本国权利的限制;以及被驱逐者选择目的地国的自由,这项自由同样受到限制。

Mention had also to be made of the “safe country” concept, although it was still evolving and was confined for the time being to European practice.


Draft article E1 concerned the identification of the State of destination of expelled aliens.


219. Draft article F1, for which the Special Rapporteur had introduced a revised version during the session, concerned the protection of the human rights of aliens subject to expulsion in the transit State.

219. 特别报告员在会议上介绍了对条款草案F1 的修订版本, 涉及过境国保护成为驱逐对象的外国人的人权。

That provision, reflecting logic more than established practice, specified that the rules that applied in the expelling State to protection of the human rights of aliens subject to expulsion applied mutatis mutandis in the transit State.


The Special Rapporteur was of the view that the elaboration of a legal framework for transit in the context of the expulsion of aliens would go beyond the scope of the current topic.


220. The next subject examined in the second addendum was the legal consequences of expulsion from the standpoint of the rights of expelled aliens (protection of the property rights and similar interests of expelled aliens, on the one hand, and the right of return in cases of unlawful expulsion, on the other) and of the responsibility of the expelling State.

220. 第二份增编审查的下一主题是从被驱逐外国人权利的角度看待驱逐的法律后果(一方面是保护被驱逐外国人的财产权和其他同样性质的利益,另一方面是在非法驱逐情况下的返回权),以及驱逐国的责任。

221. The protection of the property of aliens facing expulsion, the subject of draft article G1, was well established in international law.

221. 条款草案G1 的主题――保护成为驱逐对象的外国人的财产,在国际法中已牢固确立。

Paragraph 1 enunciated the prohibition of the expulsion of an alien for the purpose of confiscating his or her assets, while paragraph 2 concerned the protection, free disposal and, where appropriate, return of property.


The Special Rapporteur believed that the fate of property belonging to aliens expelled during armed conflict must be examined in the light of jus in bello, something that did not fall within the ambit of the present topic.


222. As to the right of return in cases of unlawful expulsion, national practice seemed to be too varied for such a right to be regarded as deriving from a rule of customary law.

222. 关于非法驱逐情况下的返回权,因为各国的惯例大相径庭,因此无法将这一权利视为习惯法规则的产物。

Still, it would be illogical to say that an alien expelled on the basis of erroneous facts or mistaken grounds as established by the competent authorities of the expelling State did not have the right to re-enter the expelling State on the basis of a ruling annulling the disputed decision.


That was why the Special Rapporteur proposed that, in draft article H1, the Commission enunciate a right of return as part of the progressive development of international law.

因此,特别报告员在条款草案H1 中建议委员会明确规定返回权,使之成为国际法逐步发展的一个组成部分。

223. The question of the responsibility of the expelling State in cases of unlawful expulsion was considered in the final part of the second addendum.

223. 第二份增编的最后一部分审议了驱逐国对非法驱逐承担责任的问题。

Draft article I1, which set out the principle of such responsibility, and draft article J1, which addressed the implementation of that responsibility through the mechanism of diplomatic protection, were conceived as clauses merely referring to those legal institutions.

条款草案I1 规定了这一责任的相关原则,条款草案J1 提出通过外交保护机制履行这一责任,这两项条款仅仅针对那些法律机构。

The commentary to draft article I1 might mention the emergence of the concept, recognized by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, of particular damages for the interruption of the life plan.


224. The Special Rapporteur would also like the Commission to take a position on revised draft article 8, entitled “Expulsion in connection with extradition”, which he had introduced during the sixty-second session to take into account the comments of a number of members during the debate on the first addendum to the sixth report.

224. 特别报告员还请委员会对经修订的题为与引渡相关的驱逐的条款草案8表明立场,特别报告员在第62届会议上介绍了这一条款草案,旨在纳入一些委员在对第六次报告第一份增编的辩论中所作的评论。

225. The seventh report (A/CN.4/642) gave an overview of recent developments relevant to the topic and contained a restructured summary of the draft articles.

225. 第七次报告(A/CN.4/642)概述了与这一主题相关的最新动态,并载有经过调整的条款草案摘要。

226. The national developments referred to in the seventh report included a popular initiative, “For the expulsion of foreign criminals”, adopted by the people and cantons of Switzerland on 28 November 2010 and calling for the automatic expulsion of aliens convicted of certain offences or having fraudulently received social security or social assistance; and draft French legislation on immigration, integration and nationality, rejected by the Senate on 3 February 2011, envisaging the deprivation of French nationality, potentially followed by expulsion, of citizens who had been naturalized for less than 10 years and had caused the death of a public servant.

226. 第七次报告中提及的国家动态包括以下内容:瑞士国民和各州于20101128日通过的题为驱逐外国罪犯的国民倡议,要求对因某些罪行被定罪或通过欺诈手段取得社会保障或社会救助的外国人自动予以驱逐;法国关于移民、归化和国籍问题的法律草案,这一条法律草案设想对归化不足10年、造成公务员死亡的公民剥夺法国国籍,随后可能将其驱逐,该法律草案于201123日被参议院否决。

227. The seventh report then examined the judgment of the International Court of Justice in the Ahmadou Sadio Diallo case, which addressed seven points in relation to expulsion: conformity with the law; the obligation to inform aliens detained pending expulsion of the reasons for their arrest; the obligation to inform aliens subject to expulsion of the grounds for their expulsion; prohibition of mistreatment of aliens detained pending expulsion; the obligation for the competent authorities of the State of residence to inform the consular authorities of the State of origin without delay of the detention of their national with a view to expulsion; the obligation to respect the right to property of aliens subject to expulsion; and recognition of the responsibility of the expelling State and the provision by it of compensation.

227. 第七次报告随后审查了国际法院对艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案件的判决, 其中讨论了7个与驱逐相关的要点:与法律相符;让被羁押的成为驱逐对象的外国人知晓被捕的原因的义务;向外国人告知其被驱逐的理由的义务;禁止虐待成为驱逐对象的外国人;毫不拖延地知会原籍国领事机关该国国民被拘留、成为驱逐对象的情况;尊重成为驱逐对象的外国人的财产权的义务;驱逐国承认其责任,并提供补偿。

The report highlighted the similarities between the positions of the Court and the developments discussed in the Special Rapporteur’s reports.


228. The purpose of the restructured summary of the draft articles in the seventh report was to ensure greater clarity and consistency.

228. 第七次报告纳入经过调整的条款草案摘要的目的是为了确保更明确的说明和连贯性。

2. Summary of the debate

2. 辩论摘要

(a) General remarks

(a) 一般意见

229. Several members stressed the complex and sensitive nature of the topic and the diversity of State practice.

229. 一些委员强调这一专题的复杂性和敏感性以及国家惯例的多样性。

According to one view, it was important to bear in mind that some States were not convinced by the Commission’s choice of the topic.


Some doubts were expressed as to whether the Commission would be able to achieve a result that would meet with the general acceptance of States; according to one proposal, the Commission should re-evaluate the topic before embarking on a second reading.


Scepticism was expressed about the likelihood that the draft articles could have a real impact on State practice.


According to another view, however, the progress made in the treatment of the topic augured well for the submission to the General Assembly, in due course, of a set of draft articles adopted at first reading which would be sufficiently well balanced to meet with general acceptance.


230 While the Special Rapporteur was commended on his careful and systematic use of both older and recent sources from various regions around the world, some doubts were expressed as to the status of the proposed draft articles.

230. 特别报告员仔细、系统地采用世界各地过去和近期资料来源的努力受到赞赏,但也有人对提出的条款草案的地位表示质疑。

According to one view, some of the draft articles could hardly be counted as codification or desirable progressive development of the law; in this regard, the Commission should indicate clearly whether it intended to identify the existing law or to propose new rules to States.


More generally, the fact that, in identifying customary norms, due account must be taken of State practice, particularly contemporary practice was underscored.


231. Some members thought that the Commission should try to strike a balance between the right of a State to expel aliens and the limits imposed on that right by rules protecting the dignity and human rights of aliens.

231. 一些委员认为,委员会应通过保护外国人的尊严和人权的规则,在国家驱逐外国人的权利和这一权利导致的限制之间实现平衡。

According to one opinion, the Commission should merely elaborate some well grounded, basic standards and guarantees, leaving a certain latitude for national policies.


According to another view, the work of the Commission would be of greater practical relevance if the set of draft articles went beyond the existing rules of general international law and the provisions of conventions that enjoyed virtually universal acceptance, to address sensitive questions such as the propriety of placing aliens awaiting expulsion in detention, the possibility of appealing an expulsion decision and various aspects of cooperation between States.


The point was made that better cooperation between the States concerned, including the State of nationality of the alien, would not only facilitate the expulsion process but also limit the duration of detention.


232. A view was expressed according to which some categories of aliens whose status is regulated by special norms, such as refugees, should not be covered in the draft articles, so as to avoid creating contradictory legal regimes.

232. 有一种意见认为,为了避免产生相互矛盾的法律制度,条款草案不应纳入某些其地位受特别规范约束的外国人种类,如难民。

It was proposed that, with a view to progressive development, the Commission should draw on the rich experience of the European Union.


According to another view, the practice and precedents derived from special regimes such as European Union law should be treated with caution.


233. As to the form of the final product, some members thought it doubtful that it lent itself to the framing of draft articles that might then be incorporated into a convention; the idea of drawing up draft guidelines or principles enunciating best practices was suggested.

233. 关于最后成果的形式,一些委员对制订可能随后被纳入一项公约的条款草案的做法表示怀疑;建议拟订准则或原则草案,说明最佳做法。

According to other members, the Commission should continue to work towards the formulation of draft articles, also given the importance of the topic.


(b) Comments on the draft articles

(b) 对条款草案的评论

234. Some members supported draft article D1 on the return to the receiving State of the alien being expelled. It was said that it achieved a proper balance between the rights of the expelling State and respect for the alien’s dignity and human rights.

234. 一些委员支持关于向目的地国遣返成为驱逐对象的外国人的条款草案D1,认为这一条在驱逐国的权利和对外国人的尊严和人权的尊重之间实现了恰当平衡。

Doubts were expressed, however, as to whether the term “voluntary return” was appropriate when a person was ordered to leave a State’s territory.


Some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that paragraphs 1 and 2 were codification, whereas paragraph 3 constituted progressive development.


According to another viewpoint, however, it was doubtful whether paragraphs 1 and 2, which were based only on best practice or regional practice, amounted to codification.


235. Some members considered that paragraph 1 should be recast to prevent its being construed as encouragement to the use of undue pressure on the alien; it was argued that the verb “encourage” lacked legal precision and could pave the way to abuse. It was therefore proposed to specify that the expelling State should take the necessary measures to promote, or make possible, the alien’s voluntary return.

235. 一些委员认为,应对第1段进行修改,以防止其被视为鼓励对外国人施加不当压力;有人认为,鼓励一词缺乏法律的精确度,可能成为滥用的借口,因此建议明确说明驱逐国应采取必要措施,以促进、或使外国人的自愿离境成为可能。

Another opinion was that it would be preferable to retain the wording proposed by the Special Rapporteur, for the term “measures” did not cover the whole range of means of persuasion that could be deployed to encourage voluntary departure.


One suggestion was that the commentary should address the cost of transportation, including the possibility of providing financial assistance for an alien who did not have the means to pay for his or her departure.


According to another point of view, paragraph 1 should be reworded to bring out the fact that voluntary departure was only one option, and that there was insufficient practice to make it obligatory for the expelling State to encourage an alien to comply voluntarily with an expulsion decision.


236. Regarding paragraph 2, some members proposed that the phrase “as far as possible” be deleted, for it could create the mistaken impression that, in some cases, there was no need to abide by international law; at most, mention could be made of the possibility of adopting such coercive measures as were needed to implement the expulsion decision, bearing in mind the behaviour of the person concerned.

236. 关于第2段,一些委员提议删除尽可能这一表述,因为它可能造成在某些情况下无须遵守国际法的错误印象;此外,可根据所涉人员的行为,提及采取执行驱逐决定所需的强制措施的可能性。

Another comment was that it would be necessary to examine the criteria for and limits to the use of physical constraint during the forcible implementation of an expulsion decision.


Some members suggested the addition of a reference to the obligation to respect the expellee’s dignity and human rights; another viewpoint was that it was sufficient to mention that obligation in the commentary, since the rules on the protection of human rights formed the subject of specific draft articles.


While some members were in favour of the reference to the rules relating to air travel, others would prefer its deletion and the inclusion of an explanation in the commentary; the comment was made that other means of transport were also used for expulsion purposes, and that the rules on air travel were subsumed under the reference to the rules of international law.


237. Several members supported paragraph 3, at least in the context of progressive development.

237. 一些委员支持第3段,至少支持将其置于逐步发展的范畴内。

Some members nevertheless proposed the deletion of the reference to the expelling State’s freedom to shorten the period of notice if there was reason to believe that the alien in question could abscond during that period; the vague, subjective nature of that freedom seemed to weaken paragraph 3.


According to another view, while paragraph 3 undoubtedly reflected good practice, it should not perhaps be elevated to the status of a rule of law.


238. It was further proposed, with regard to the implementation of an expulsion decision, that the Commission consider not only the length of detention pending expulsion but also the very idea of placing an alien in detention, at least when there were no real grounds of public order or national security.

238. 就执行驱逐决定而言,还有人建议委员会不仅仅考虑等候驱逐出境的拘留时间,还应考虑拘留外国人这一概念本身,至少是在没有公共秩序或国家安全方面真实依据的情况下的这一概念。

The formulation of a provision restricting placement in detention to situations where the alien did not comply voluntarily with the expulsion order might be contemplated.


239. While some members supported draft article E1 on the State of destination of expelled aliens, others thought that it should be reconsidered in the light of State practice.

239. 虽然一些委员支持有关被驱逐外国人的目的地国的条款草案E1, 但另一些委员认为应根据国家惯例重新审议这一条款。

The reversal of the order of paragraphs 2 and 3 was also suggested, because paragraphs 1 and 3 were closely linked.


240. With respect to paragraph 1, some members felt strongly that the State of nationality should take priority as the expelled alien’s State of destination and stressed the importance of each person’s right to return to his or her own country.

240. 就第1段而言,一些委员强烈认为国籍国应优先成为被驱逐外国人的目的地国,并强调人人有权返回本国的重要性。

Other members considered that the wording of paragraph 1 was too restrictive, since the idea that an alien could be expelled to a State other than the State of nationality, even when the latter could be identified, was acceptable.


It was therefore proposed that a first paragraph be added, setting forth the right of an alien facing expulsion to be sent to the State of his or her choice, if that State was prepared to admit the alien, unless the expelling State had compelling reasons for refusing that choice.


The suggestion was likewise made that a rule or guideline concerning the burden of proof and certain procedural guarantees when determining nationality be included.


The case of stateless persons was also mentioned, since they had no State of nationality that was obliged to admit them.


241. The advisability of listing States of destination in paragraph 2 was questioned, and it was suggested that the list should not be formulated restrictively.

241. 在第2段中列举目的地国的适当性受到质疑,有人建议这一清单不该有限制性。

Some members thought that it should be made clear that no State other than the expellee’s State of nationality — such as the State of residence, the passport-issuing State and the State of embarkation mentioned in paragraph 2 — was under any obligation to admit the expellee to its territory.


Another proposal was to recast paragraph 2 to give priority to the alien’s wishes as to the chosen State of destination.


Support was also voiced for a reference in the draft article to the notion of a “safe country”, as some members considered it necessary to make it plain that the prohibition to expel an alien to a State where he or she might be subjected to torture or to other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment extended to any State of destination and was not confined to the State of nationality.


Another view was that it was superfluous to refer to that prohibition, since it was the subject of specific draft articles; a reference in the commentary would suffice.


Another question raised was what might happen if an alien being expelled ran a real risk of his or her fundamental rights being violated in his or her State of nationality and if no other State agreed to admit him or her.


242. With regard to the formulation of paragraph 3, the significance and practical usefulness of the distinction drawn between a State “that has not consented” and a State “that refuses” to admit the alien were queried.

242. 关于第3段的案文,有人对区分未同意接纳和拒绝接纳其入境的国家的意义和实际用途提出疑问。

243. Some members supported revised draft article F1, which aimed at extending to the transit State the protection of the human rights of aliens subject to expulsion.

243. 一些委员支持经修订的条款草案F1, 该条草案目的是将保护成为驱逐对象的外国人的人权的义务扩展到过境国。

It was, however, suggested that that provision be reworded to refer to the rules of international law on the protection of human rights and to make it plain that the transit State was not obliged to repeat the whole expulsion procedure.


Other members considered that the wording of draft article F1 lacked clarity: on the one hand, by creating the false impression that the transit State was bound by rules of international law that were incumbent only upon the expelling State; on the other, by not specifying whether the obligations it envisaged were imposed on the expelling State, the transit State, or both.


Some members endorsed the Special Rapporteur’s opinion that the elaboration of a legal framework for transit arrangements for expelled aliens would go beyond the scope of the topic.


244. Several members supported draft article G1 on protecting the property of aliens facing expulsion.

244. 一些委员支持有关保护成为驱逐对象的外国人的财产的条款草案G1

It was suggested that reference be made to the protection of the property rights of aliens.


It was further suggested that protection be widened to take in nationals who were unlawfully regarded by the expelling State as aliens.


The possibility of distinguishing, in the context of protecting property, between aliens lawfully or unlawfully present in the territory of the expelling State was mentioned.


In addition, it was proposed that an exception be made for cases where a court had found, after a fair trial, that certain property had been acquired illegally.


245. While some members considered that the content of paragraph 1, in which expulsion for the purpose of confiscation was prohibited, could be moved to the section of the draft articles concerning cases of prohibited expulsion, others preferred to deal with that aspect in draft article G1, even if it meant putting paragraph 2 first.

245. 虽然有些委员认为第1段关于禁止以没收财产为目的驱逐外国人的内容可移至条款草案中关于禁止驱逐案件的章节,但另一些委员认为最好在条款草案G1中处理这方面的内容,即使这意味着将第2段调整到第1段的位置。

According to one view, paragraph 1 was lex ferenda.


According to another opinion, paragraph 1 should perhaps not be included, given the difficulty of assessing the expelling State’s real intentions objectively.


246. Some members proposed the deletion, in paragraph 2, of the phrase “to the extent possible”, which might overly weaken protection; it might be better, if need be, to stipulate which restrictions could be imposed on the property rights of the expelled alien.

246. 一种意见建议删除第2段中尽可能地的表述,因为该表述可能过分地削弱保护;也许更好的做法是视必要情况,对被驱逐外国人的财产权规定一些限制。

The scope of the reference to the obligation to return property was to be examined in order to ascertain whether it covered return by way of reparation for an unlawful act, or if it dealt more specifically with return of expropriated property.


According to one view, the obligation of return, as set forth in paragraph 2, conflicted with the right of any State to expropriate the property of aliens provided certain conditions were met, in particular the payment of compensation.


Attention was drawn to the fact that forms of reparation other than return could be involved when the alien’s property had been lost or destroyed.


247. The view was expressed that the right of return to the expelling State in the event of unlawful expulsion, as set forth in draft article H1, stemmed from the principles of State responsibility for wrongful acts; another view was that the proclamation of that right constituted progressive development.

247. 一种评论认为,条款草案H1中规定的在被非法驱逐的情况下返回驱逐国的权利源自国家对错误行为负责的原则;另一种意见认为,声明这一权利属于逐步发展的范畴。

Some members considered that the expression “right of readmission” was more suitable, for the word “return” seemed to apply more adequately to situations when a person was expelled from his or her own country.


According to one proposal, it should be explicitly stated that the right of return meant that the expelling State was under an obligation to grant an alien the same status under immigration law that he or she had before expulsion.


It was further noted that the right of return did not mean recognition of an acquired right to stay or reside in a country.


248. Some members considered that draft article H1 offered a balance between the right of an unlawfully expelled alien to return to the expelling State and the latter’s legitimate interest in preserving public order and national security.

248. 一些委员认为,条款草案H1在被非法驱逐的外国人返回驱逐国的权利和驱逐国维护公共秩序和国家安全的合理利益之间达成了平衡。

It was suggested, however, that the notion of “mistaken grounds”, which was not really legal terminology, be clarified by stating that the grounds in question were either attributable to an error of fact or of law, or were baseless.


249. Other members considered that draft article H1 was formulated too broadly. It was suggested that its scope be restricted to cases where an expulsion decision was annulled on substantive grounds, and not because of a procedural error.

249. 另一些委员认为,条款草案H1的案文过于宽泛,因此建议将该条款的范围限制在因实质性理由而非程序性错误导致宣布驱逐决定无效的情况。

Some members also considered that the right of return could be recognized only where expulsion was contrary to a substantive rule of international law.


Lastly, it was stated that only aliens legally present in the territory of the expelling State could benefit from the right of return in the event of unlawful expulsion.


250. Support was expressed for draft article I1 on the responsibility of States in cases of unlawful expulsion.

250. 关于国家在非法驱逐情况下的责任的条款草案I1得到了支持。

The use of the expression “unlawful expulsion” was preferred over that of “illegal expulsion”, so as to align the text with the wording of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

大家更赞成使用“unlawful expulsion”(非法驱逐)的表述,而不是“illegal expulsion”,以便与有关国家对国际不法行为承担责任的条款案文的措辞相对应。

It was proposed that it be made clear that a State could be held responsible under draft article I1 only for violating a rule of international law.


It was pointed out that, even if an expulsion decision was itself lawful, an expelling State could incur responsibility for acts such as ill-treatment of an alien when the decision was enforced.


The view was expressed that the concept of particular damages for the interruption of the life plan should be treated with caution.


251. Some members supported draft article J1 referring to diplomatic protection.

251. 一些委员支持有关外交保护的条款草案J1

It was nevertheless suggested that the fact that the provision applied only to expulsions that were unlawful under international law should be specified.


It was proposed that reference be made to the right set forth in article 8 of the articles on diplomatic protection, as adopted by the Commission on second reading, of a State to exercise diplomatic protection in respect of a stateless person or a refugee who is lawfully and habitually resident in its territory.

有人建议提及委员会在二读时通过的有关外交保护的权利的条款草案中第8条的规定, 即一国有权对合法及惯常居住在其领土内的无国籍人或难民行使外交保护。

According to another opinion, draft article J1 was not necessary: it would suffice to refer to diplomatic protection in the commentary to draft article I1, especially since draft article J1 disregarded the recommended practice for the exercise of diplomatic protection set out in article 19 of the above mentioned articles on diplomatic protection.


In addition, some members suggested making reference, either in a separate draft article or in a “without prejudice” clause of draft article J1, to the individual complaint mechanisms available to expelled aliens under treaties on the protection of human rights; alternatively, it was suggested, this point could be dealt with in the commentary.


252. Some members supported revised draft article 8 on expulsion in connection with extradition, subject to possible drafting amendments.

252. 一些委员支持经修订的与引渡相关的驱逐的条款草案8, 但需对该条进行一些文字上的修正。

Other members felt that the wording should be reviewed and clarified.


Regret was expressed that the proposed text set forth no more than an obligation to respect ordinary conditions of expulsion, even though, in the situations it covered, an alien would be sent to a State with a view to serving out a sentence or undergoing trial there.


Additional guarantees — of a fair trial in the requesting State, for example — should thus be identified.


According to another point of view, the provision did not belong in the current set of draft articles, because it had more to do with extradition than with expulsion.


(c) The question of appeals against an expulsion decision

(c) 对驱逐决定提出申诉的问题

253. Some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that it was unnecessary to formulate an additional draft article on appeals against an expulsion decision, as draft article C1 set out the right to challenge an expulsion decision, which seemed sufficient.

253. 一些委员赞成特别报告员的意见,即没有必要针对对驱逐决定提出申诉的问题制订额外的条款草案,因为条款草案C1规定了对驱逐决定提出异议的权利,似乎已经足够。

The view was also expressed that considerable variations in national legislation and practice, as well as divergences among treaties, raised doubts as to whether customary rules governing appeals against an expulsion decision existed.


254. According to other members, as long as there appeared to be a customary basis for the right to appeal against an expulsion decision, a specific draft article on that subject should be formulated, albeit without mentioning particular legal remedies but instead describing in the commentary variations in State practice.

254. 另一些委员认为,只要看似存在对驱逐决定提出申诉权的习惯依据,就应当针对这一主题制订专门的条款草案,即使不提及具体的法律补救,也应在评注中说明各国的不同惯例。

It was maintained that, although international law did not recognize the right of judicial remedy, the right to an effective remedy derives from State practice and from human rights guarantees.


It was further proposed that the Commission recommend that States grant the right to appeal against expulsion decisions also to those aliens who were unlawfully present in their territory, thereby going beyond what was required under article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


Mention was made of the risk of abuse associated with the invocation of the grounds of public order or national security to deny an alien the benefit of an appeal.


Lastly, it was suggested that further thought be given to the distinction between an appeal against an expulsion decision and an appeal against expulsion itself.


255. Some members shared the Special Rapporteur’s view that no general rule of international law required the expelling State to provide a right of appeal against an expulsion decision with suspensive effect.

255. 一些委员赞同特别报告员的观点,即国际法中没有任何一般规则要求驱逐国提供对有关驱逐决定的具有暂缓效力的申诉权。

It was pointed out that to do so would be to hamper the effective exercise of the right of expulsion, and it was suggested that the Commission should work on better defining the notion of “safe country” rather than on formulating a rule on suspensive effect.


It was also asserted that acknowledging suspensive effect entailed certain drawbacks in terms of legal uncertainty resulting from procedural delays.


256. According to other members, the Commission should formulate a draft article, if only as part of progressive development, envisaging the suspensive effect of an appeal against an expulsion decision, provided that there was no conflict with compelling reasons of national security.

256. 另外一些委员认为,哪怕是作为逐步发展的一部分,委员会也应制订一项条款草案,规定对一项驱逐决定提出申诉的暂缓效力,前提是不与国家安全方面的充分理由想冲突。

At the very least, the alien’s right to seek a stay of the expulsion decision should be articulated, drawing on article 22, paragraph 4, of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.


Some members pointed out that an appeal against an expulsion decision lacking suspensive effect would not be effective, since aliens who had had to leave the country were likely to encounter economic obstacles to their return to the expelling State in the event that their appeal was successful.


According to a more nuanced viewpoint, the Commission should find a formulation that offered the best compromise between the rights and interests of the expelling State and those of the expelled alien, respectively.


257. While recognizing the absence of a customary rule broadly providing for the suspensive effect of an appeal against an expulsion decision, the view was expressed that the Commission should recognize as part of lex lata the suspensive effect of an appeal in which the person concerned could reasonably invoke the risk of torture or ill-treatment in the State of destination.

257. 委员们承认,没有有关对驱逐决定提出申诉的暂缓效力作出宽泛规定的习惯规则,但有观点认为,委员会应将申诉的暂缓效力作为拟议法的组成部分,规定涉案个人可合理援引在目的地国遭受酷刑或虐待风险这一理由。

In response to this proposal, it was pointed out that the obligation not to return a person to a State where he or she was exposed to such a risk existed in any event, irrespective of whether or not an appeal had been made against the expulsion decision and of whether or not the appeal had suspensive effect.


3. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

3. 特别报告员的总结

258. The Special Rapporteur was surprised to see that even now, some members were still questioning the nature of the work to be undertaken by the Commission, specifically, whether or not the topic lent itself to an exercise of codification and progressive development.

258. 特别报告员表示惊讶的是,即使到了现在,一些委员仍在质疑委员会即将开展的工作的性质,具体而言,就是质疑这一专题是否可以编纂和逐渐发展。

That seemed all the more surprising given the abundance of State practice, as well as treaties and case law, both international and regional, on the subject of expulsion of aliens.


Although it was premature to speculate on the form that the final product should take, the Special Rapporteur had a clear preference for the development of a set of draft articles rather than draft guidelines or guiding principles.


259. The Special Rapporteur had taken note of the proposed amendments to the draft articles, some of which could, if necessary, be dealt with by the Drafting Committee.

259. 特别报告员注意到对条款草案提出的修正建议,如有必要,起草委员会将对其中的一些建议进行处理。

260. The Special Rapporteur remained convinced of the usefulness of draft article J1 on diplomatic protection, the scope of which had now been expanded to include the international protection of human rights, as demonstrated by the recent judgement rendered by the International Court of Justice in the Ahmadou Sadio Diallo case.

260. 特别报告员仍然相信关于外交保护的条款草案J1有其实际作用,正如国际法院近期对艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案件的判决 显示的那样,该条的范围现在已扩大,已纳入对人权的国际保护。

Draft article J1 was, of course, without prejudice to any individual complaint mechanism to which an alien might have recourse before an international body for the protection of his or her human rights.


261. The Special Rapporteur also remained convinced of the usefulness of a draft article on expulsion in connection with extradition.

261. 特别报告员也仍然相信就与引渡相关的驱逐制订一项条款草案的作用。

Without impinging on the subject of extradition, it was a matter of settling an issue that was on the dividing line between expulsion and extradition.


262. The Special Rapporteur maintained his belief that State practice had not converged sufficiently to warrant the formulation, if only as progressive development, of a provision on the suspensive effect of an appeal against an expulsion decision.

262. 特别报告员仍然相信,就对驱逐决定提出申诉的延缓效力而言,国家惯例还不够统一,因此即使是作为逐步发展,也无法确保达成有关这一事项的条款。

That being so, the Commission was free to do so as a policy matter.


263. Lastly, it was hardly necessary to devote a draft article to cooperation, since it underpinned the whole of inter-State relations in time of peace.

263. 最后,针对合作制订一条专门的条款草案近乎没有必要,因为合作是和平时期国家间整体关系的基础。

Chapter IX


Protection of persons in the event of disasters


A. Introduction

A. 导言

264. The Commission, at its fifty-ninth session (2007), decided to include the topic “Protection of persons in the event of disasters” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina as Special Rapporteur.

264. 委员会在其第五十九届会议(2007)上决定在其工作方案中列入发生灾害时的人员保护的专题,并任命爱德华·多巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生为特别报告员。

At the same session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a background study, initially limited to natural disasters, on the topic.


265. At the sixtieth session (2008), the Commission had before it the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/598), tracing the evolution of the protection of persons in the event of disasters, identifying the sources of the law on the topic, as well as previous efforts towards codification and development of the law in the area.

265. 在第六十届会议(2008)上,委员会收到特别报告员的初步报告(A/CN.4/ 598),跟踪发生灾害时对人员的保护的演变,确定关于这个专题的法律渊源,以及先前在该地区编纂和发展法律的努力。

It also presented in broad outline the various aspects of the general scope with a view to identifying the main legal questions to be covered and advancing tentative conclusions without prejudice to the outcome of the discussion that the report aimed to trigger in the Commission.


The Commission also had before it a memorandum by the Secretariat, focusing primarily on natural disasters (A/CN.4/590 and Add.1 to 3) and providing an overview of existing legal instruments and texts applicable to a variety of aspects of disaster prevention and relief assistance, as well as of the protection of persons in the event of disasters.


266. The Commission considered, at its sixty-first session in 2009, the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/615 and Corr.1) analysing the scope of the topic ratione materiae, ratione personae and ratione temporis, and issues relating to the definition of “disaster” for purposes of the topic, as well as undertaking a consideration of the basic duty to cooperate.

266. 委员会认为,在其2009年的第六十一届会议上,特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/615Corr.1)分析了专题的属物理由、属人理由和属时理由,和为了本专题的目的与灾害的定义有关的问题,以及审议了合作的基本职责。

The report contained proposals for draft articles 1 (Scope), 2 (Definition of disaster) and 3 (Duty to cooperate).


The Commission also had before it written replies submitted by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to the questions addressed to them by the Commission in 2008.


267. At its 3029th meeting, on 31 July 2009, the Commission took note of draft articles 1 to 5, as provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee (A/CN.4/L.758).

267. 委员会于2009731日第3029次会议上注意到起草委员会暂时通过的草案第1至第5(A/CN.4/L.758)

268. At its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission adopted draft articles 1 to 5 at the 3057th meeting, held on 4 June 2010.

268. 在其第六十二届(2010)会议上,委员会在201064日举行的第3057次会议上通过条款草案第1至第5条。

The Commission further had before it the third report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/629) providing an overview of the views of States on the work undertaken by the Commission, a consideration of the principles that inspire the protection of persons in the event of disasters, in its aspect related to persons in need of protection, and a consideration of the question of the responsibility of the affected State.


Proposals for the following three further draft articles were made in the report: draft articles 6 (Humanitarian principles in disaster response), 7 (Human dignity) and 8 (Primary responsibility of the affected State).


269. At its 3067th meeting, on 20 July 2010, the Commission took note of draft articles 6 to 9, as provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee (A/CN.4/L.776).

269. 2010720日举行的第3067次会议上,委员会注意到起草委员会暂时通过的条款草案第6条至第9(A/CN.4/L.776)

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

270. At the present session, the Commission had before it the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1) providing an overview of the views of States on the work undertaken by the Commission thus far, a consideration of the responsibility of the affected State to seek assistance where its national response capacity is exceeded, the duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent to external assistance as well as the right to offer assistance in the international community.

270. 在本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第四次报告(A/CN.4/643Corr.1),概述了各国对委员会迄今所进行的工作的意见,审议了受灾国在灾害超过其国家应对能力时寻求援助的责任,受灾国不任意拒绝外部援助的义务以及国际社会表示提供援助的权利。

Proposals for the following three further draft articles were made in the report: draft articles 10 (Duty of the affected State to seek assistance), 11 (Duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent) and 12 (Right to offer assistance).


271. The Commission considered the fourth report at its 3102nd to 3105th and 3107th meetings, from 11 to 14 and 18 July 2011.

271. 委员会在2011711日至14日和718日举行的第3102次会议至第3105次会议和第3107次会议上审议了第四次报告。

272. At its 3107th meeting, on 18 July 2011, the Commission referred draft articles 10 to 12 to the Drafting Committee.

272. 在其2011718日第3107次会议上,委员会将条款草案第10至第12条提交起草委员会。

273. The Commission adopted the report of the Drafting Committee on draft articles 6 to 9, which had been considered at the Commission’s previous session, at the 3102nd meeting, held on 11 July 2011.

273. 委员会通过了起草委员会关于条款草案第6至第9条的报告,委员会在2011711日举行的上一届会议第3102次会议上予以审议。

The Commission further adopted the report of the Drafting Committee on draft articles 10 and 11 at the 3116th meeting, held on 2 August 2011 (sect. C.1 below).


274. At its 3122nd meeting, on 9 August 2011, the Commission adopted commentaries to draft articles 6 to 11 (sect. C.2 below).

274. 201189日的第3122次会议上,委员会通过了第6至第11条的评注(下文C.2)

1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of his fourth report

1. 特别报告员介绍其第四次报告

275. In introducing his fourth report, the Special Rapporteur recalled that he had, in his third report (A/CN.4/629), proposed a provision (contained in his proposal for draft article 8, paragraph 2), on the principle of the consent of the affected State.

275. 在介绍其第四次报告时,特别报告员想起他在其第三次报告(A/CN.4/629)中提议了关于受灾国同意的原则的一项规定(载于他的草案第8条第2)

In his fourth report, he sought to build on that proposal.


The broad concept of protection he had proposed since his first report called for the recognition of the tensions underlying the link between protection and the principles of respect for territorial sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of the affected States.


276. Following the adoption of draft article 9 (the duty of the affected State to ensure the protection of persons on its territory), it was necessary to also consider the obligations of the same State when the magnitude of the disaster exceeded the limits of its response capacity, including the duty to seek assistance (draft article 10).

276. 在草案第9(受灾国确实保护其领土上人员的责任)通过之后,还必须考虑同一国家在灾难的严重程度超过其应对能力的限度时的义务,其中包括寻求协助的义务(草案第10)

At the same time, receiving international relief assistance depended on the consent of the affected State, which could not be withheld arbitrarily (draft article 11).


The principles of sovereignty and non-interference, implied in the requirement of consent, were not to be considered in isolation but rather in light of the responsibilities of the State in exercising its sovereignty.


Such obligations could be seen horizontally in the relationship of the State with the international community, as well as vertically in relation to the people in the State which had suffered the disaster and under its jurisdiction.


277. Whereas draft articles 10 and 11 dealt with the duties of the affected State, draft article 12 concerned the right of third parties, including States, international organizations or non-governmental organizations, to offer assistance.

277. 鉴于草案第10条和第11条处理受灾国的职责,草案第12条 涉及第三方,包括国家、国际组织或非政府组织提供援助的权利。

It served to acknowledge the legitimate interest of the international community to protect persons in the event of a disaster, which had been identified as far back as 1758 by Emer de Vattel.

它有助于承认国际社会在发生灾害时保护人员的合法权益,Emer de Vattel早在1758年就已确定这一点。

Since such interest of the international community was to be viewed in the broader context of the primary responsibility of the affected State to protect persons affected by disasters, the offer of assistance was an expression of solidarity, based on the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and non-discrimination (draft article 6).


There thus existed a complementarity between the primary responsibility of the affected State and the right of non-affected States to offer assistance.


Such holistic approach, endorsed in, for example, the Hyogo Declaration of 2005 and other texts analysed in the report, had long been part of the evolution of international law, including international humanitarian law.


It was pointed out that the interest of the international community in the protection of persons in the event of disasters could be effectively channelled through the timely intervention of international organizations and other humanitarian agents, adhering to the principles in draft article 6.


Furthermore, the recognition of the importance of the contribution of non-governmental organizations, and their right to offer assistance, had been confirmed by recent practice.


It was also recalled that the provision of assistance was subject to the consent of the affected State.


Accordingly, the offer of assistance could not, in principle, be subject to the acceptance by the affected State of conditions that represented a limitation on its sovereignty.


Draft article 12 simply asserted that offers of assistance were not, ipso facto, illegitimate, nor could they be construed as unlawful interference in the internal affairs of the affected State.


2. Summary of the debate on draft article 12

2. 关于草案第12条的辩论摘要

278. In accordance with the Commission’s practice, the present report contains only a summary of the debate on draft article 12.

278. 按照委员会的惯例,本报告只记载第12条草案辩论摘要。

It does not contain a summary of the debate on draft articles 10 and 11, as these draft articles and the commentaries thereto have been provisionally adopted at the current session.


A full account of the debate on draft articles 10, 11 and 12 is to be found in the relevant summary records, which will be placed on the Commission’s website in due course.

101112条辩论情况详述见于相关的简要记录。 这些简要记录会适时地登载于委员会网站上。

279. Support was expressed for draft article 12, and for the general proposition that offers of assistance should not be viewed as interference in the internal affairs of the affected State, subject to the condition that the assistance offered did not affect the sovereignty of the affected State as well as its primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of such relief and assistance (draft article 9, paragraph 2).

279. 与会者表示支持第12条草案和不应该把提供援助视为干预受灾国内部事务的一般论点,应该受到的条件限制是:提供的援助不影响受灾国的主权及其对于指挥、控制、协调和监督此种救济和援助的主要作用(草案第9条第2)

Agreement was also expressed with the Special Rapporteur’s view that offering assistance in the international community is the practical manifestation of solidarity.


At the same time, it was proposed that the provision more clearly define the circumstances where an affected State could reject offers of assistance and ensure that it has the appropriate freedom to do so.


Hence, the view was expressed that the right to offer assistance should not extend to assistance to which conditions are attached that are unacceptable to the affected State.


Furthermore, the assistance offered had to be consistent with the provisions of the draft article and, in particular, should not be offered or delivered on a discriminatory basis.


280. Some members pointed to the difficulties in referring to the “right” to offer assistance, especially when it came to non-governmental organizations, since it implied that non-governmental organizations enjoyed the same rights as States.

280. 一些成员指出在提到提供协助的权利方面遇到困难,尤其当它指涉非政府组织的时候,因为这意味着,非政府组织享有与国家同等的权利。

It was suggested that the provision merely indicate that “third actors may offer assistance”, thereby providing an authorization and not a right.


Other suggestions included more clearly differentiating between assistance by non-affected States and intergovernmental organizations, and that provided by non-governmental organizations; as well as referring to non-governmental organizations “working with strictly humanitarian motives”.


281. It was also suggested that the provision avoid a reference to legal “rights” since offers of assistance from the international community were typically extended as part of international cooperation as opposed to an assertion of rights.

281. 也有人认为,条文应避免引用合法权利,因为国际社会提供的援助通常是国际合作的一部分,而不是一个权利主张的延伸。

It was recalled that, in many cases, the mere expression of solidarity was equally important as offers of assistance.


The view was also expressed that Article 2, paragraph 7, of the Charter of the United Nations limited the ability of the international community to offer assistance to affected States.


In terms of a contrary view, the contemporary understanding of that provision of the Charter allowed for limitations and exceptions, especially in the context of the protection of human rights.


It was also pointed out that draft article 12 should not be interpreted to imply permission to interfere in the internal affairs of the affected State: it merely reflected a right to offer assistance, which the affected State may refuse (subject to draft article 11).


282. In terms of a further view, draft article 12 was superfluous: the right of a State to offer assistance to another State that has faced a disaster followed from the notion of State sovereignty.

282. 另一种意见认为,草案第12条是多余的:一个国家向另一个面临一场灾难的国家提供援助的权利遵循国家主权的概念。

In the absence of a specific rule of prohibition, all persons (both natural and legal) had the right to offer assistance to an affected State, and the provision, if it were retained, could be reformulated to reflect as much.


283. In terms of a further set of views, the provision could be recast as a positive duty on the international community to offer assistance.

283. 另外一些看法认为,条文可以改写为国际社会提供援助的积极义务。

Other members were of the view that it would go too far to recognize a specific legal obligation on third States or organizations to give assistance.


It was stated that the right of an affected State to seek international assistance was complemented by the duty on third States and organizations to consider such requests, and not necessarily the duty to accede to them.


It was suggested that the right of the international community to offer assistance could be combined with an encouragement by the Commission to actually make such offers of assistance on the basis of the principles of cooperation and international solidarity.


3. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

3. 特别报告员的总结

284. The Special Rapporteur recalled some suggestions which had been made on the consideration of existing practice in the process of developing proposals for draft articles on the present topic.

284. 特别报告员再度提到在拟订本专题条款草案过程中提出的、关于考虑现行做法的一些建议。

He pointed out that by “practice” in the context of the progressive development of international law, the framers of the Statute of the International Law Commission had also contemplated that which was reflected in law which was insufficiently developed on a given subject.


Nevertheless, the debate had left the impression that some members used the term “practice” in a much wider, almost colloquial sense, when focusing on concrete instances of what was characterized as “bad” as opposed to “good” practice.


In his view, a more elaborate recounting of the specific practice of States and other actors in this area would not have yielded different conclusions to that drawn in his report, and he endorsed the position taken by some members that the Commission ought to pay careful attention to texts adopted by States and by other actors such as the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which represented a distillation of practice by those with significant experience in the field.


He also recalled that the Commission had, in 2008, welcomed any information from States concerning their practice under this topic, including examples of domestic legislation.


To date, the Commission had received submissions only from three States.


285. It was also pointed out that, in addition to a handful of multilateral, mainly regional, agreements and a somewhat larger number of bilateral treaties on mutual assistance, the bulk of the available material on what might be termed the law of disaster relief was constituted by non-binding instruments, adopted primarily at the intergovernmental level but also by private institutions and entities.

285. 也有人指出,除了极少数的多边(主要是区域性的)协议和为数稍多的双边互助条约以外,大部分可以称之为救灾法的可用材料都被制定为非约束性文书,主要在政府间的层级上制定,也有由私营机构和实体通过的。

The very notion of a disaster relief law was an emerging one whose consolidation would depend in great measure on the work of progressive development being carried out by the Commission.


In so doing, it was incumbent on the Commission to give due consideration to resolutions of the General Assembly like resolution 46/182 which established the basic framework within which contemporary disaster relief activities were to be undertaken, as well as private codification efforts such as those undertaken by the Institute of International Law.


286. The Special Rapporteur recalled that the view had been expressed during the debate that his proposals had not adequately taken into account the concept of the “responsibility to protect”.

286. 特别报告员忆及他在辩论中表示的看法,他所提议的案文没有充分考虑到保护责任概念。

In that regard, he recalled that in his preliminary report (A/CN.4/598) he had taken the position that the “appropriateness of extending the concept of responsibility to protect and its relevance to the present topic both require careful consideration.


Even if the responsibility to protect were to be recognized in the context of protection and assistance of persons in the event of disasters, its implications would be unclear”.


This position was subsequently separately taken by the Secretary-General who, in his 2008 report on implementing the responsibility to protect (A/63/677), had indicated that “[t]he responsibility to protect applies, until Member States decide otherwise, only to the four specified crimes and violations: genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.


To try to extend it to cover other calamities, such as HIV/AIDS, climate change or the response to natural disasters, would undermine the 2005 consensus and stretch the concept beyond recognition or operational utility”.


The Commission had subsequently endorsed this position both during its debate at its sixty-first session (2009), and that held at the present session.

委员会随后分别在第六十一届(2009)会议 和在本届会议举行的辩论期间赞同这一立场。

287. Reference was further made to a number of drafting suggestions raised during the plenary debate, and which were to be considered by the Drafting Committee.

287. 进一步提到在全体会议辩论期间提出的、须由起草委员会予以审议的若干修改建议。

C. Text of the draft articles on the Protection of persons in the event of disasters provisionally adopted so far by the Commission

C. 委员会到目前为止暂时通过的发生灾害时的人员保护条款草案案文

1. Text of the draft articles

1. 条款草案案文

288. The text of the draft articles provisionally adopted so far by the Commission is reproduced below.

288. 委员会到目前为止暂时通过的条款草案案文载录如下。

Protection of persons in the event of disasters


Article 1




The present draft articles apply to the protection of persons in the event of disasters.


Article 2




The purpose of the present draft articles is to facilitate an adequate and effective response to disasters that meets the essential needs of the persons concerned, with full respect for their rights.


Article 3


Definition of disaster


“Disaster” means a calamitous event or series of events resulting in widespread loss of life, great human suffering and distress, or large-scale material or environmental damage, thereby seriously disrupting the functioning of society.


Article 4


Relationship with international humanitarian law


The present draft articles do not apply to situations to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable.


Article 5


Duty to cooperate


In accordance with the present draft articles, States shall, as appropriate, cooperate among themselves, and with the United Nations and other competent intergovernmental organizations, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and with relevant non-governmental organizations.

按照本条款草案,各国应酌情相互合作,并与联合国和其他主管的政府间组织、红十字会与红新月 会国际联合会和红十字国际委员会,以及与有关的非政府组织合作。

Article 6


Humanitarian principles in disaster response


Response to disasters shall take place in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality, and on the basis of non-discrimination, while taking into account the needs of the particularly vulnerable.


Article 7


Human dignity


In responding to disasters, States, competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations shall respect and protect the inherent dignity of the human person.


Article 8


Human rights


Persons affected by disasters are entitled to respect for their human rights.


Article 9


Role of the affected State


1. The affected State, by virtue of its sovereignty, has the duty to ensure the protection of persons and provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory.

1. 受灾国由于其主权,有责任在其领土上确保保护人员和提供抗灾救济和援助。

2. The affected State has the primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of such relief and assistance.

2. 受灾国在指挥、控制、协调和监督抗灾救济和援助方面应发挥主要作用。

Article 10


Duty of the affected State to seek assistance


To the extent that a disaster exceeds its national response capacity, the affected State has the duty to seek assistance from among other States, the United Nations, other competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations, as appropriate.


Article 11


Consent of the affected State to external assistance


1. The provision of external assistance requires the consent of the affected State.

1. 提供外部援助需要征得受灾国的同意。

2. Consent to external assistance shall not be withheld arbitrarily.

2. 受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助。

3. When an offer of assistance is extended in accordance with the present draft articles, the affected State shall, whenever possible, make its decision regarding the offer known.

3. 对按照本条款草案提出的援助提议,受灾国应在可能的情形下告知就该援助提议作出的决定。

2. Text of the draft articles and commentaries thereto provisionally adopted by the Commission at its sixty-third session

2. 委员会第六十三届会议暂时通过的条款草案案文及其评注

289. The text of the draft articles, together with commentaries thereto, provisionally adopted by the Commission at its sixty-third session is reproduced below.

289. 委员会第六十三届会议暂时通过的条款草案案文及其评注载录如下。

Article 6


Humanitarian principles in disaster response


Response to disasters shall take place in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality, and on the basis of non-discrimination, while taking into account the needs of the particularly vulnerable.




(1) Draft article 6 establishes the key humanitarian principles relevant to disaster response.

(1) 草案第6条规定了与应对灾害相关的主要人道主义原则。

The reference to “humanitarian” in the title of the draft article serves to indicate that the principles are considered by the Commission to constitute humanitarian principles that underlie disaster relief and assistance.


On this basis the Commission did not find it necessary to determine whether these principles are also general principles of international law, and noted that the principles do not apply to the exclusion of other relevant principles of international law.


The Commission opted to enshrine the principles in the form of a draft article in recognition of their significance to the provision of disaster relief and assistance.


(2) The principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality are core principles recognized as foundational to humanitarian assistance.

(2) 人道、中立和公正这几个核心原则通常被视为人道主义援助的根本原则。

The principles are likewise fundamental to applicable laws in disaster relief efforts.


By way of example, General Assembly resolution 46/182 notes that “[h]umanitarian assistance must be provided in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality, and impartiality”.


(3) The principle of humanity stands as the cornerstone of the protection of persons in international law.

(3) 人道主义原则是国际法保护人员的基石。

Situated as an element both of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, it informs the development of laws regarding the protection of persons in the event of disasters.


Within the field of international humanitarian law, the principle is most clearly expressed in the requirement of humane treatment in common article 3 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions.


However, as the International Court of Justice affirmed in the Corfu Channel case (merits), elementary considerations of humanity are also general and well-recognized principles of the international legal order, “even more exacting in peace than in war”.


Pictet’s commentary on the principles of the Red Cross attributes three elements to the principle of humanity: to prevent and alleviate suffering, to protect life and health, and to assure respect for the individual”.


In the specific context of disaster relief, the Oslo Guidelines and the Mohonk Criteria affirm that the principle of humanity requires that “human suffering must be addressed wherever it is found”.


(4) While the principle of neutrality is rooted in the context of an armed conflict, the Commission determined that the principle is nonetheless applicable in other branches of the law.

(4) 中立原则源于武装冲突的背景,但委员会决定,该原则对其他领域的法律同样适用。

In the context of humanitarian assistance, the principle of neutrality has acquired a more specific meaning that is reflected in draft article 6.


In this setting the principle requires that the provision of assistance be independent of any given political, religious, ethnic, or ideological context.


The Oslo Guidelines and the Mohonk Criteria both affirm that the assistance should be provided “without engaging in hostilities or taking sides in controversies of a political, religious or ideological nature”.


As such the principle of neutrality indicates the apolitical nature of disaster response, and affirms that humanitarian activities may not be used for purposes other than responding to the disaster at hand.


The principle ensures that the interest of those persons affected by disasters are the primary concern of the affected State and any other relevant actors in disaster response.


Respect for the principle of neutrality is central to facilitating the achievement of an adequate and effective response to disasters, as outlined in draft article 2.


Neutrality can therefore be considered an operational mechanism to implement the ideal of humanity.


(5) The principle of impartiality encompasses three principles: non-discrimination, proportionality, and impartiality proper.

(5) 公正原则包含三项原则:不歧视、相称性和公正性本身。

For reasons discussed below, the principle of non-discrimination is articulated by the Commission not merely as an element of draft article 6, but also as an autonomous principle of disaster response.


Non-discrimination is directed towards the removal of objective grounds for discrimination between individuals, such that the provision of assistance to affected persons is guided solely by their needs.


The principle of proportionality stipulates that the response to a disaster be proportionate to the scope of that disaster and the needs of affected persons.


The principle also acts as a distributative mechanism, enabling the provision of assistance to be delivered with attention given to the most urgent needs.


Impartiality proper reflects the principle that no subjective distinctions be drawn between individuals in the response to disasters.


The Commentary to the First Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions thus conceptualizes impartiality as “a moral quality which must be present in the individual or institution called upon to act for the benefit of those who are suffering”.


By way of example, the Draft International Guidelines for Humanitarian Assistance Operations provide that “[h]umanitarian assistance should be provided on an impartial basis without any adverse distinction to all persons in urgent need”.


As a whole, the principle of impartiality requires that responses to disasters be directed towards full respect and fulfilment of the needs of those affected by disasters in a manner that gives priority to the needs of the particularly vulnerable.


(6) The principle of non-discrimination reflects the inherent equality of all persons and the determination that no adverse distinction may be drawn between them.

(6) 不歧视原则反映了人人生而平等以及不可对人加以不利的区别。

Prohibited grounds for discrimination are non-exhaustive, and include ethnic origin, sex, nationality, political opinions, race, and religion.


The Commission determined that non-discrimination should be referred to as an autonomous principle in light of its importance to the topic at hand.


Such an approach has also been taken by the Institute of International Law in its 2003 resolution on humanitarian assistance, which stipulates that the offer and distribution of humanitarian assistance shall occur “without any discrimination on prohibited grounds”.


The Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance (“the IFRC Guidelines”) likewise specify that assistance be provided to disaster-affected persons without “any adverse distinction (such as in regards to nationality, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, class, gender, disability, age, and political opinions)”.


(7) The Commission noted that the principle of non-discrimination is not to be taken as excluding the prospect of “positive discrimination” as appropriate.

(7) 委员会指出,不应认为不歧视原则排斥酌情积极歧视的做法。

The phrase “while taking into account the needs of the particularly vulnerable” in draft article 6 reflects this position.


The Commission considered the term “vulnerable” to encompass both groups and individuals.


For this reason the neutral expression “vulnerable” was preferred to a reference either to “groups” or to “persons”.


The qualifier “particularly” was adopted by the Commission in recognition of the fact that those affected by disaster are by definition vulnerable.


The specific phrasing of “particularly vulnerable” is drawn from article 4, paragraph 3 (a) of the IFRC Guidelines, which refer to the special needs of “women and particularly vulnerable groups, which may include children, displaced persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and persons living with HIV and other debilitating illnesses”.


The qualifier is also mirrored in the Resolution on humanitarian assistance adopted by the Institute of International Law, which refers to the requirement to take into account the needs of the “most vulnerable”.


Article 7


Human dignity


In responding to disasters, States, competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations shall respect and protect the inherent dignity of the human person.




(1) Draft article 7 addresses the principle of human dignity in the context of disaster response.

(1) 7条草案论述的是应对灾害的背景下人的尊严这一原则。

The Commission recognizes human dignity as the core principle that informs and underpins international human rights law.


In the context of the protection of persons in the event of disasters, human dignity is situated as a guiding principle both for any action to be taken in the context of the provision of relief, and in the ongoing evolution of laws addressing disaster response.


(2) The principle of human dignity undergirds international human rights instruments and has been interpreted as providing the ultimate foundation of human rights law.

(2) 人的尊严这一原则维系着国际人权文书,一直以来都将其解读为人权法律最根本的基础。

Reaffirmation of “the dignity and worth of the human person” is found in the preamble to the Charter of the United Nations, while the preamble to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares “recognition of the inherent dignity […] of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”.


Affirmation of the principle of human dignity can be found in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

下列文书中都肯定了人的尊严这一原则:《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》、 《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》、 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》 、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约任择议定书》、 《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》 、《儿童权利公约》 。

The principle is central, although not limited to, the field of international humanitarian law.


The concept of personal dignity is recognized in common article 3, paragraph 1 (c) of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, articles 75 and 85 of Protocol I, and article 4 of Protocol II.

1949年日内瓦四公约共同第三条第一()款、 第一议定书第七十五和第八十五条 以及第二议定书第四条中承认了人的尊严。

(3) The concept of human dignity also lies at the core of numerous instruments at the international level directed towards the provision of humanitarian relief in the event of disasters.

(3) 众多关于发生灾害时提供人道主义援助的国际文书也以人的尊严这一概念为核心。

The IFRC Guidelines state that “[a]ssisting actors and their personnel should […] respect the human dignity of disaster-affected persons at all times”.


General Assembly resolution 45/100 holds that “the abandonment of the victims of natural disasters and similar emergency situations without humanitarian assistance constitutes a threat to human life and an offence to human dignity”.


The Institute of International Law likewise reflects that a failure to provide humanitarian assistance to those affected by disasters constitutes “an offence to human dignity”.


(4) The opening phrase of draft article 7, “[i]n responding to disasters”, reflects the substantive context in which the provision applies.

(4) 7条草案开头的应对灾害时表明了该条适用的实际情况。

While it is anticipated that the phrase is primarily directed towards the response and recovery phase, the reference should be read in light of paragraph (5) of the commentary to draft article 2.


The Commission chose the term “responding to” over the more generic “in their response”, so as to give a sense of the continuing nature of the obligation to respect and protect the human dignity of affected persons throughout the duration of the response period.


The precise formulation of the principle adopted by the Commission, namely the “inherent dignity of the human person”, is drawn from the preamble of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and article 10, paragraph 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


This formulation has also been adopted in instruments such as Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the American Convention on Human Rights.

《儿童权利公约》、 《美洲人权公约》 等文书也采用了这一表述。

(5) The phrase “States, competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations” provides an indication of the actors to which the provision is addressed.

(5) “各国、主管政府间组织和有关非政府组织指出了该条事关哪些行为方。

In its reference to “States”, the Commission recognizes the role played both by affected States and assisting States in disaster response activities.


As a whole, the phrase accords with recognition that much of the activity in the field of disaster response occurs through organs of intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other non-State entities such as the IFRC.


The Commission determined that the current formulation maintained consistency with draft article 5, as opposed to a more general reference to “other relevant actors”.


(6) The Commission adopted the phrase “respect and protect” as a formula that accords with contemporary doctrine and jurisprudence in international human rights law.

(6) 委员会使用尊重和保护这一表述,与现代理论和国际人权法的判例相一致。

The formula is used in a number of instruments that relate to disaster relief, including the Oslo Guidelines, the Mohonk Criteria, the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, and the Guiding Principles on the Right to Humanitarian Assistance.

若干与抗灾救济有关的文书采用了这一表述,如《奥斯陆准则》、 《马洪克标准》、 《关于境内流离失所问题的指导原则》、 《人道主义援助权利指导原则》。

In conjunction, the terms “respect and protect” connote a negative obligation to refrain from injuring the inherent dignity of the human person and a positive obligation to take action to maintain human dignity.


By way of example, the duty of protection requires States to adopt legislation proscribing activities of third parties in circumstances that threaten a violation of the principle of respect for human dignity.


The Commission considered that an obligation to “protect” should be commensurate with the legal obligations borne by the respective actors addressed in the provision.


An affected State therefore holds the primary role in the protection of human dignity, by virtue of its primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of disaster relief and assistance, reflected in draft article 9, paragraph 2.


Article 8


Human rights


Persons affected by disasters are entitled to respect for their human rights.




(1) Draft article 8 seeks to reflect the broad entitlement to human rights protection held by those persons affected by disasters.

(1) 8条草案想要体现的是,受灾人员广泛享有人权保护的权利。

A corresponding obligation on relevant actors to protect such rights is implicit in the draft article.


The Commission recognizes an intimate connection between human rights and the principle of human dignity reflected in draft article 7, reinforced by the close proximity of the two draft articles.


(2) The general reference to “human rights” encompasses human rights obligations expressed in relevant international agreements and reflected in customary international law, as well as assertions of best practices for the protection of human rights included in non-binding texts on the international level.

(2) 笼统提及人权时,包括了有关国际协定所表述的及习惯国际法所反映的人权义务以及不具约束力的文本中载录的人权保护最佳做法。

The Commission decided not to limit the provision to obligations “set out in the relevant international agreements”.


The formulation adopted by the Commission indicates the broad field of human rights obligations, without seeking to specify, add to, or qualify those obligations.


(3) The Commission considered that the reference to “human rights” incorporates both the substantive rights and limitations that exist in the sphere of international human rights law.

(3) 委员会认为,提及人权之处,国际人权法律规定的实质权利和限制两者都包括在内。

In particular, the provision contemplates an affected State’s right of derogation where recognized under existing international human rights law.


(4) As clarified in the commentary to draft article 1, at paragraph (2), the scope ratione personae of the draft articles encompasses the activities of States and international organizations and other entities enjoying specific international legal competence in the provision of disaster relief and assistance in the context of disasters.

(4) 草案第1条评注第(2)段中已澄清,该条草案的属人范围包括各国、国际组织以及发生灾害时在抗灾救济和援助方面具有特定国际法律能力的其他机构。

The Commission recognizes that the scope and content of an obligation to protect the human rights of those persons affected by disasters will vary considerably between these actors.


The neutral phrasing adopted by the Commission should be read in light of an understanding that distinct obligations will be held by affected States, assisting States, and various other assisting actors respectively.


(5) The reference at the beginning of draft article 8 to “persons affected by disasters” reaffirms the context in which the draft articles apply, and is not to be understood as implying that persons not affected by a disaster do not similarly enjoy such rights.

(5) 8条开头提及灾民,再度确认了该条草案适用的情况,理解时应注意,这并不意味着未受灾害影响的人员就不享有这些权利。

Article 9


Role of the affected State


1. The affected State, by virtue of its sovereignty, has the duty to ensure the protection of persons and provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory.

1. 受灾国由于其主权,有责任在其领土上确保保护人员和提供抗灾救济和援助。

2. The affected State has the primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of such relief and assistance.

2. 受灾国在指挥、控制、协调和监督抗灾救济和援助方面应发挥主要作用。



(1) Draft article 9 is addressed towards an affected State in the context of the protection of persons in the event of a disaster upon its territory.

(1) 9条草案针对的是受灾国在其领土上发生灾害时保护人员的情况。

Paragraph 1 of draft article 9 reflects the obligation of an affected State to protect persons and provide disaster relief in accordance with international law.


Paragraph 2 of draft article 9 affirms the primary role held by an affected State in the response to a disaster upon its territory.


As a whole, draft article 9 is premised on the core principles of sovereignty and non-intervention respectively, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and recognized in numerous international instruments.

整个第9条草案的前提是主权及不干涉原则,这两个原则写入了《联合国宪章》, 并得到了众多国际文书的承认。

In the context of disaster relief, General Assembly resolution 46/182 affirms that “[t]he sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity of States must be fully respected in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations”.


(2) Paragraph 1 of draft article 9 affirms that the duty held by an affected State to ensure the protection of persons and the provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory stems from its sovereignty.

(2) 9条草案第1款确认,受灾国有责任在其境内确保保护人员并提供抗灾救济和援助,这一责任源自其主权。

This conception of a bond between sovereign rights and concomitant duties upon a State was expressed by Judge Álvarez in a separate opinion in the Corfu Channel case:


“By sovereignty, we understand the whole body of rights and attributes which a State possesses in its territory, to the exclusion of all other States, and also in its relations with other States.


Sovereignty confers rights upon States and imposes obligations on them.”


The Commission considered several formulations for this concept, including the phrases “in the exercise of its sovereignty” and “in the exercise of its sovereign rights and duties”, before settling on the present text.


The modifying phrase “by virtue of its sovereignty” emphasizes that the affected State, which benefits from the principle of non-intervention, is the party that holds the duty to protect persons located within its territory.


The Commission determined that the term “duty” was more appropriate than that of “responsibility”.


It considered that use of the term “responsibility” could give rise to confusion given its use as a term of art elsewhere in the Commission’s work.


(3) Paragraph 2 of draft article 9 further reflects the primary role held by a State in disaster response.

(3) 草案第9条第2款进一步体现了国家在灾害应对中起着主要作用。

This position is rooted in the core principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention at international law.


For the reasons expressed above, the Commission decided to adopt the word “role” rather than “responsibility” in articulating the position of an affected State.


The adoption of the term “role” was informed by General Assembly resolution 46/182, which affirms inter alia that an affected State “has the primary role in the initiation, organization, coordination, and implementation of humanitarian assistance within its territory”.


Use of the word “role” rather than “responsibility” was also considered to allow a margin of appreciation to States in the coordination of disaster response activities.


Language implying an obligation upon States to direct or control disaster response activities may conversely be restrictive on States that preferred to take a more limited role in disaster response coordination or faced a situation of limited resources.


(4) The primacy of an affected State is also informed by the long-standing recognition in international law that the government of a State is best placed to determine the gravity of an emergency situation and to frame appropriate response policies.

(4) 受灾国的主要作用还受到另一启发:国际法早已承认一国政府最能判断紧急情况的严重性并制定适当的应对政策。

The affirmation in paragraph 2 that an affected State holds the primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of disaster relief and assistance should be read in concert with the duty of cooperation outlined in draft article 5.


In this context, draft article 9, paragraph 2, affirms that an affected State holds the primary position in cooperative relationships with other relevant actors that are contemplated in draft article 5.


(5) Reference to the “direction, control, coordination and supervision” of disaster relief and assistance is drawn from article 4, paragraph 8 of the Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunications Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations.

(5) “指挥、控制、协调和监督抗灾救济和援助的提法来自《为减灾救灾行动提供电信资源的坦佩雷公约》第4条第8款。

The Commission considered that the Tampere Convention formula was gaining general currency in the field of disaster relief and assistance and represented a more contemporary construction.


The formula reflects that a State exercises final control over the manner in which relief operations are carried out in accordance with international law.


(6) The Commission departed from the Tampere Convention in deciding not to include a reference to “national law” in its articulation of the primary role of an affected State.

(6) 委员会采用了与《坦佩雷公约》有所不同的措辞,决定本条中在表述受灾国的主要作用时不提及本国法律

In the context of the Tampere Convention, the reference to national law indicates that appropriate coordination requires consistency with an affected State’s domestic law.


The Commission decided not to include this reference in light of the fact that the internal law of an affected State may not in all cases regulate or provide for the primary position of a State in disaster response situations.


Article 10


Duty of the affected State to seek assistance


To the extent that a disaster exceeds its national response capacity, the affected State has the duty to seek assistance from among other States, the United Nations, other competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations, as appropriate.




(1) Draft article 10 addresses the particular situation in which a disaster exceeds a State’s national response capacity.

(1) 10条草案涉及一场灾难超过国家应对能力的特殊情况。

In these circumstances an affected State has the duty to seek assistance from among other States, the United Nations, other competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations.


The duty expounded in draft article 10 is a specification of draft article 9 and draft article 5.


Paragraph 1 of draft article 9 stipulates that an affected State, by virtue of its sovereignty, has the duty to ensure the protection of persons and provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory.


The draft article affirms the central position of obligations owed by States towards persons within its borders.


The duty to cooperate also underlies an affected State’s duty to the extent that a disaster exceeds its national response capacity.


Draft article 5 affirms that the duty to cooperate is incumbent upon not only potential assisting States, but also affected States where such cooperation is appropriate.


The Commission considers that such cooperation is both appropriate and required to the extent that an affected State’s national capacity is exceeded.


In these circumstances, seeking assistance is additionally an element of the fulfilment of an affected State’s primary responsibilities under international human rights instruments and customary international law.


The existence of the duty to seek assistance as set out in draft article 10 was supported by a majority of the members of the Commission, but opposed by others.


(2) The draft article stresses that a duty to seek assistance arises only to the extent that the national response capacity of an affected State is exceeded.

(2) 本条草案强调,寻求援助的责任来源于超过受灾国国家应对能力之程度的情况。

As noted by the Special Rapporteur in his second report, not all disasters are considered to overwhelm a nation’s response capacity.


The Commission therefore considers the present draft article only to be applicable to a subset of disasters as defined in draft article 3 of the present draft articles.


(3) It is to be noted that in the debate within the Commission concerning the formulation of draft article 10, some members of the Commission opposed the idea that affected States are under, or should be placed under, a legal duty to seek external assistance in cases of disaster.

(3) 须指出的是,在委员会就第10条草案的措辞进行讨论期间,委员会一些委员反对受灾国有义务,或规定为有义务在发生灾难时寻求外部援助。

This opposition was premised on the view that, as it currently stands, international law does not place any such binding duty upon affected States.


The members of the Commission who shared this perspective indicated that draft article 10 should be worded in hortatory terms to the effect that affected States “should” seek external assistance in cases where a disaster exceeds national response capacity.


(4) The Commission adopted the phrase “to the extent that” in order to clarify that the national response capacity of an affected State is rarely conceptualized as sufficient or insufficient in absolute terms.

(4) 委员会通过了如所遭受的灾害…”这一条件语,以澄清这么一点:受灾国的应对能力很少从概念上说是绝对地够或绝对地不够。

An affected State’s national capacity may be exceeded in relation to one aspect of disaster relief operations, although the State remains capable of undertaking other operations.


As a whole, the phrase “[t]o the extent that a disaster exceeds its national response capacity” encompasses the situation in which a disaster appears likely to exceed an affected State’s national response capacity.


This flexible and proactive approach is in line with the fundamental purpose of the draft articles as expressed in draft article 2.


The approach facilitates an adequate and effective response to disasters that meets the essential needs of the persons concerned, with full respect for their rights.


Recognition of the duty upon States in these circumstances reflects the Commission’s concern to enable the provision of timely and effective disaster relief assistance.


(5) The Commission considers that the duty to seek assistance in draft article 10 derives from an affected State’s obligations under international human rights instruments and customary international law.

(5) 委员会认为,在第10条草案中寻求协助的责任来源于受灾国根据国际人权文书和习惯国际法承担的义务。

Recourse to international support may be a necessary element in the fulfilment of a State’s international obligations towards individuals where an affected State considers its own resources are inadequate to meet protection needs.


While this may occur also in the absence of any disaster, a number of human rights are directly implicated in the context of a disaster, including the right to life, the right to food, the right to health and medical services, the right to the supply of water, the right to adequate housing, clothing and sanitation, and the right to be free from discrimination.


The Commission notes that the Human Rights Committee has held that a State’s duty in the fulfilment of the right to life extends beyond mere respect to encompass a duty to protect and fulfil the substantive right.


The right to life is non-derogable under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, even in the event of a “public emergency threatening the life of a nation” – which has been recognized to include a “natural catastrophe” by the Human Rights Committee in General Comment No. 29.

根据公民权利和政治权利国际公约,生命权是不可克减的,即使是在威胁到一个民族的生命的公共紧急状态” ――人权事务委员会在其第29号一般性意见中已确认这种状态包括自然灾害

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights states that in pursuance of the right to food:


“[t]he States Parties will take appropriate steps to ensure the realization of this right, recognizing to this effect the essential importance of international co-operation based on free consent.”


The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights noted, in General Comment No. 12 on the Right to Adequate Food, that if a State party maintains that resource constraints make it impossible to provide access to food to those in need:


“the State has to demonstrate that every effort has been made to use all the resources at its disposal in an effort to satisfy, as a matter of priority, those minimum obligations. […


] A State claiming that it is unable to carry out its obligation for reasons beyond its control therefore has the burden of proving that this is the case and that it has unsuccessfully sought to obtain international support to ensure the availability and accessibility of the necessary food”.


The Commission therefore notes that “appropriate steps” to be taken by a State include seeking international assistance where domestic conditions are such that the right to food cannot be realized.


It is relevant that this step is engaged where a State itself asserts that it is unable to carry out its obligations.


(6) Specific references to the protection of rights in the event of disasters are made in the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

(6) “非洲儿童权利和福利宪章残疾人权利公约具体提到在发生灾害时对权利的保护。

Under article 23 of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, States shall take “all appropriate measures” to ensure that children seeking or holding refugee status, as well as those who are internally displaced due to events including “natural disaster” are able to “receive appropriate protection and humanitarian assistance in the enjoyment of the rights set out in this Charter and other international human rights and humanitarian instruments to which the States are Parties”.


The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities refers to the obligation of States towards disabled persons in the event of disasters:


“States Parties shall take, in accordance with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk, including situations of armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and the occurrence of natural disasters.”


The Commission considers that the phrase “all necessary measures” may encompass recourse to possible assistance from the international community in the event that an affected State’s national capacity is exceeded.


Such an approach would cohere with the guiding principle of humanity as applied in the international legal system.


The International Court of Justice affirmed in the Corfu Channel case (merits) that elementary considerations of humanity are considered to be general and well-recognized principles of the international legal order, “even more exacting in peace than in war”.


Draft article 6 affirms the core position of the principle of humanity in disaster response.


(7) The Commission considers that a duty to “seek” assistance is more appropriate than a duty to “request” assistance in the context of draft article 10.

(7) 委员会认为,在第10条草案的范围内,有责任寻求援助比有责任请求援助的措辞方式适当。

The Commission derives this formulation from the duty outlined in a resolution on humanitarian assistance adopted by the Institute of International Law at its Bruges session in 2003, which notes:


“[w]henever the affected State is unable to provide sufficient humanitarian assistance to the victims placed under its jurisdiction or de facto control, it shall seek assistance from competent international organizations and/or from third States.”


Similarly, the international disaster response law guidelines of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies hold that:


“[i]f an affected State determines that a disaster situation exceeds national coping capacities, it should seek international and/or regional assistance to address the needs of affected persons.”


In addition, the guiding principles annexed to General Assembly resolution 46/182 also appear to support an implicit duty on affected States to engage in international cooperation where an emergency exceeds its response capacity:


“The magnitude and duration of many emergencies may be beyond the response capacity of many affected countries.


International cooperation to address emergency situations and to strengthen the response capacity of affected countries is thus of great importance.


Such cooperation should be provided in accordance with international law and national laws.”


(8) The alternate formulation of “request” is incorporated in the Guidelines on the Use of Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief (Oslo Guidelines), which note that “[i]f international assistance is necessary, it should be requested or consented to by the Affected State as soon as possible upon the onset of the disaster to maximise its effectiveness”.

(8) “请求的另一种提法载于在救灾中使用外国军事和民防资产的准则(奥斯陆准则),其中指出,如果国际援助是必要的,应由受灾国在灾害开始发生为了最大限度地发挥救灾的效益而尽快提出要求或予以同意

The Commission considers that a “request” of assistance carries an implication that an affected State’s consent is granted upon acceptance of that request by a third State.


In contrast, the Commission is of the view that a duty to “seek” assistance implies a broader, negotiated approach to the provision of international aid.


The term “seek” entails the proactive initiation by an affected State of a process through which agreement may be reached.


Draft article 10 therefore places a duty upon affected States to take positive steps actively to seek out assistance to the extent that a disaster exceeds its national response capacity.


(9) The Commission considers that the Government of an affected State will be in the best position to determine the severity of a disaster situation and the limits of its national response capacity.

(9) 委员会认为,受灾国政府最能够判断灾情的严重性和国家应对能力的限制。

The Commission considers that the assessment of the severity of a disaster by an affected State must be carried out in good faith.


The principle of good faith is expounded in the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, which stipulates that “[e]very State has the duty to fulfil in good faith” obligations assumed by it “in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations”, “obligations under the generally recognized principles and rules of international law”, and “obligations under international agreements valid under the generally recognized principles and rules of international law”.

根据联合国宪章建立友好关系和合作的原则声明阐述了诚信原则, 其中规定,各国有责任真诚履行按照联合国宪章承担的义务、普遍公认的原则和国际法规则所规定的义务以及根据普遍公认的原则和国际法规则有效的国际协定下的义务

A good faith assessment of the severity of a disaster is an element of an affected State’s duty, by virtue of its sovereignty, to ensure the protection of persons and provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory pursuant to draft article 9, paragraph 1.


(10) The phrase “as appropriate” was adopted by the Commission to emphasize the discretionary power of an affected State to choose from among various States, the United Nations, competent intergovernmental organizations, and relevant non-governmental organizations the assistance that is most appropriate to its specific needs.

(10) 委员会通过的酌情这个短语强调受灾国从各国、联合国、主管的政府间组织和有关非政府组织中选择最适合其特定需要之援助的自由裁量权。

The term further reflects that the duty to seek assistance does not imply that a State is obliged to seek assistance from every source listed in draft article 10.


The phrase “as appropriate” therefore reinforces the fact that an affected State has the primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of the provision of disaster relief and assistance, as outlined in draft article 9, paragraph 2.


(11) The existence of a duty to seek assistance to the extent that national capacity is exceeded should not be taken to imply that the Commission does not encourage affected States to seek assistance in disaster situations of a lesser magnitude.

(11) 不应该认为,在灾害超出国家应对能力之程度的情形下,寻求援助之责任的存在意味着,委员会并不鼓励受灾国在灾情较小的情况下寻求协助。

The Commission considers cooperation in the provision of assistance at all stages of disaster relief to be central to the facilitation of an adequate and effective response to disasters, and a practical manifestation of the principle of solidarity.


Even if an affected State is capable and willing to provide the required assistance, cooperation and assistance by international actors will in many cases ensure a more adequate, rapid and extensive response to disasters and an enhanced protection of affected persons.


Article 11


Consent of the affected State to external assistance


1. The provision of external assistance requires the consent of the affected State.

1. 提供外部援助需要征得受灾国的同意。

2. Consent to external assistance shall not be withheld arbitrarily.

2. 受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助。

3. When an offer of assistance is extended in accordance with the present draft articles, the affected State shall, whenever possible, make its decision regarding the offer known.

3. 对按照本条款草案提出的援助提议,受灾国应在可能的情形下告知就该援助提议作出的决定。



(1) Draft article 11 addresses consent of an affected State to the provision of external assistance.

(1) 11条草案涉及受灾国对提供外部援助的同意。

As a whole, draft article 11 creates for affected States a qualified consent regime in the field of disaster relief operations.


Paragraph 1 of draft article 11 reflects the core principle that implementation of international relief assistance is contingent upon the consent of the affected State.


Paragraph 2 stipulates that consent to external assistance shall not be withheld arbitrarily, while paragraph 3 of the draft article places a duty upon an affected State to make its decision regarding an offer of assistance known whenever possible.


(2) The principle that the provision of external assistance requires the consent of the affected State is fundamental to international law.

(2) 提供外部援助需要受灾国同意的原则是国际法的基础。

Accordingly, paragraph 3 of the guiding principles annexed to General Assembly resolution 46/182 notes that “humanitarian assistance should be provided with the consent of the affected country and in principle on the basis of an appeal by the affected country”.


The Tampere Convention stipulates that “[n]o telecommunication assistance shall be provided pursuant to this Convention without the consent of the requesting State Party”, while the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management notes that “external assistance or offers of assistance shall only be provided upon the request or with the consent of the affected Party”.

《坦佩雷公约》规定,没有提出请求的缔约国同意,不应该根据本公约提供电信援助, 而东盟的灾害管理协定则指出,外部援助或援助的提议应只在受灾国提出请求或同意后予以提供

Recognition of the requirement of State consent to the provision of external assistance comports with the recognition in draft article 9, paragraph 2, that an affected State has the primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory.


(3) The recognition, in paragraph 2, that an affected State’s right to refuse an offer is not unlimited reflects the dual nature of sovereignty as entailing both rights and obligations.

(3) 2款中承认受灾国拒绝提议的权利并非是无限的,这一点反映了主权同时引起权利和义务的双重性质。

This approach is reflected in paragraph 1 of draft article 9, which affirms that an affected State, “by virtue of its sovereignty, has the duty to ensure the protection of persons and provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory”.


On the other hand, some members of the Commission resisted the idea that the dual nature of sovereignty necessarily meant that the Commission should support the approach taken in draft article 11, paragraph 2.


For these members of the Commission, draft article 11, paragraph 2, should not be drafted to include the mandatory “shall”; rather, the provision should indicate that “Consent to external assistance should not be withheld arbitrarily.”


(4) The Commission considers that the duty of an affected State to ensure protection and assistance to those within its territory in the event of a disaster is aimed at preserving the life and dignity of the victims of the disaster and guaranteeing the access of persons in need to humanitarian assistance.

” (4) 委员会认为,受灾国在灾难发生时有责任在其领土上确实保护和协助那些人旨在维护灾民的生命和尊严,并保证这些人获得所需要的人道主义援助。

This duty is central to securing the right to life of those within an affected State’s territory.


The Human Rights Committee has interpreted the right to life as embodied in article 6 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights to contain the obligation for States to adopt positive measures to ensure the enjoyment of this right.


An offer of assistance that is met with refusal might thus under certain conditions constitute a violation of the right to life.


The General Assembly reaffirmed in resolutions 43/131 and 45/100 that “the abandonment of the victims of natural disasters and similar emergency situations without humanitarian assistance constitutes a threat to human life and an offence to human dignity”.


(5) Recognition that an affected State’s discretion regarding consent is not unlimited is reflected in the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement.

(5) 承认受灾国对同意的自由裁量权并非是无限的,这一点载于对国内流离失所问题的指导原则。

The Guiding Principles, which have been welcomed by the former Commission on Human Rights and the General Assembly in unanimously adopted resolutions and described by the Secretary-General as “the basic international norm for protection” of internally displaced persons, note:


“[c]onsent [to offers of humanitarian assistance] shall not be arbitrarily withheld, particularly when authorities concerned are unable or unwilling to provide the required humanitarian assistance”.


The Institute of International Law dealt twice with the question of consent in the context of humanitarian assistance.


Its 1989 resolution entitled “The Protection of Human Rights and the Principle of Non-intervention in the Internal Affairs of States”, article 5, paragraph 2, states in the authoritative French text: “Les États sur le territoire desquels de telles situations de détresse [où la population est gravement menacée dans sa vie ou sa santé] existent ne refuseront pas arbitrairement de pareilles offres de secours humanitaires.”

其题为保护人权和不干涉各国内部事务的原则1989年决议第5条第2款,在可靠的法文本中指出: “Les États sur le territoire desquels de telles situations de détresse [où la population est gravement menacée dans sa vie ou sa santé] existent ne refuseront pas arbitrairement de pareilles offres de secours humanitaires (在其领土上出现这些紧急情况[人民的生命或健康受到严重威胁]的国家不得被任意拒绝此种人道主义救援)

In 2003 the Institute of International Law revisited this issue, stipulating in its Bruges Resolution under the heading “Duty of affected States not arbitrarily to reject a bona fide offer of humanitarian assistance”:


“Affected States are under the obligation not arbitrarily and unjustifiably to reject a bona fide offer exclusively intended to provide humanitarian assistance or to refuse access to the victims.


In particular, they may not reject an offer nor refuse access if such refusal is likely to endanger the fundamental human rights of the victims or would amount to a violation of the ban on starvation of civilians as a method of warfare.”


(6) The term “withheld” implies a temporal element to the determination of arbitrariness.

” (6) “拒绝一词意味着确定随意性的一个时间因素。

Both the refusal of assistance, and the failure of an affected State to make a decision known in accordance with draft article 11, paragraph 3 within a reasonable time frame, may be deemed arbitrary.


This view is reflected in General Assembly resolutions 43/131 and 45/100, which each include the following preambular paragraphs:

这种观点反映在大会第43/131号决议 和第45/100号决议 ,其中包括以下序言段:

“Concerned about the difficulties that victims of natural disasters and similar emergency situations may experience in receiving humanitarian assistance,


Convinced that, in providing humanitarian assistance, in particular the supply of food, medicines or health care, for which access to victims is essential, rapid relief will avoid a tragic increase in their number.”


The 2000 Framework Convention on Civil Defence Assistance likewise reflects among the principles that States parties undertake to respect in terms of providing assistance in the event of a disaster that “[o]ffers of, or requests for, assistance shall be examined and responded to by recipient States within the shortest possible time”.


(7) The term “arbitrary” directs attention to the basis of an affected State’s decision to withhold consent.

(7) “任意一词针对受灾国决定不予同意的基础。

The determination of whether the withholding of consent is arbitrary must be determined on a case-by-case basis, although as a general rule several principles can be adduced.


First, the Commission considers that withholding consent to external assistance is not arbitrary where a State is capable of providing, and willing to provide, an adequate and effective response to a disaster on the basis of its own resources.


Second, withholding consent to assistance from one external source is not arbitrary if an affected State has accepted appropriate and sufficient assistance from elsewhere.


Third, the withholding of consent is not arbitrary if the relevant offer is not extended in accordance with the present draft articles.


In particular, draft article 6 establishes that humanitarian assistance must take place in accordance with principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality, and on the basis of non-discrimination.


Conversely, where an offer of assistance is made in accordance with the draft articles and no alternate sources of assistance are available, there would be a strong inference that a decision to withhold consent is arbitrary.


(8) An affected State’s discretion to determine the most appropriate form of assistance is an aspect of its primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of disaster relief and assistance under draft article 9, paragraph 2.

(8) 受灾国确定援助的最适当的形式的自由裁量权,是它根据草案第9条第2款指挥、控制、协调和监督抗灾和援助的主要作用的一个方面。

This discretion must be exercised in good faith in accordance with an affected State’s international obligations.


The Commission nonetheless encourages affected States to give reasons where consent to assistance is withheld.


The provision of reasons is fundamental to establishing the good faith of an affected State’s decision to withhold consent.


The absence of reasons may act to support an inference that the withholding of consent is arbitrary.


(9) In paragraph 3, the Commission opted for the phrase “make its decision regarding the offer known” to give the maximum flexibility to affected States in determining how best to respond to offers of assistance.

(9) 在第3款中,委员会选择告知其就已知的提议作出的决定的短语,使受灾国在确定如何以最好的方式应对提供援助的提议方面有最大的灵活性。

It was recognized that a rigid duty formally to respond to every offer of assistance may place too high a burden on affected States in disaster situations.


The Commission considers the current phrase to encompass a wide range of possible means of response, including a general publication of the affected State’s decision regarding all offers of assistance.


The paragraph applies both to situations where an affected State accepts assistance and situations in which an affected State withholds its consent.


(10) The Commission considers the phrase “whenever possible” to have a very restricted scope.

(10) 委员会认为只要有可能的含义范围非常有限。

The phrase directs attention to extreme situations where a State is incapable of forming a view regarding consent due to the lack of a functioning government or circumstances of equal incapacity.


The Commission is further of the view that an affected State is capable of making its decision known in the manner it feels most appropriate absent the exceptional circumstances outlined in this paragraph.


Chapter X


The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)

引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

A. Introduction

A. 导言

290. The Commission, at its fifty-seventh session (2005), decided to include the topic “The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki as Special Rapporteur.

290. 委员会第五十七届(2005)会议决定将引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”专题列入其工作方案,并任命兹齐斯拉夫·加利茨基先生为特别报告员。

291. From its fifty-eighth (2006) to its sixtieth (2008) sessions, the Commission received and considered three reports of the Special Rapporteur.

291. 委员会从第五十八届(2006)至第六十届(2008)会议,收到并审议了特别报告员的三次报告。

292. At its sixtieth session (2008), the Commission decided to establish a working group on the topic under the chairmanship of Mr. Alain Pellet, with a mandate and membership to be determined at the sixty-first session.

292. 委员会第六十届(2008)会议决定在阿兰·佩莱先生的主持下建立一个关于本专题的工作组,其任务和成员由第六十一届会议决定。

At the sixty-first session (2009), an open ended Working Group was established, and from its discussions, a general framework for consideration of the topic, with the aim of specifying the issues to be addressed, was prepared.


At the sixty-second session (2010), the Working Group was reconstituted and, in the absence of its chairman, was chaired by Mr. Enrique Candioti.

在第六十二届(2010)会议上,重新组建了工作组。 工作组因其主席缺席,由恩里克·坎迪奥蒂先生代理主席。

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

293. At the present session, the Commission had before it the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/648).

293. 委员会在本届会议上收到了特别报告员的第四次报告(A/CN.4/648)

The Commission considered the report at its 3111th to 3113th and 3115th meetings from 25 to 27 and 29 July 2011.


1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of his fourth report

1. 特别报告员介绍其第四次报告

294. After recalling the background to the topic and its consideration thus far including discussions of the Sixth Committee during the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, the fourth report — building upon previous reports — sought to address the question of sources of the obligation to extradite or prosecute, focusing on treaties and custom.

294. 第四次报告先回顾了本专题的背景及迄今为止的审议情况,包括大会第六十五届会议期间第六委员会的讨论情况,然后在前三次报告的基础上阐述了引渡或起诉的义务的来源问题,并将重点放在条约和习惯上。

295. The Special Rapporteur, following suggestions in the 2010 Working Group, sought to underpin the consideration of the topic around the duty to cooperate in the fight against impunity, noting, more generally, that the duty to cooperate was well established as a principle of international law and can be found in numerous international instruments.

295. 特别报告员按照2010年工作组的建议,围绕着打击有罪不罚现象方面的合作义务展开对这个专题的论述,并更具一般意义地指出,合作义务早已被确立为一项国际法原则,见之于许多国际文书。

In international criminal law, the duty to cooperate had a positive overtone as exemplified in the Preamble of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court of 1998, containing an affirmation that “the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be ensured by taking measures at the national level and by enhancing international cooperation”, and, to contribute to the prevention of such crimes, a determination “to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of these crimes”.


296. The fight against impunity for the perpetrators of serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole was a fundamental policy achievable on the one hand through the establishment of international criminal tribunals and on the other the exercise of jurisdiction by national courts.

296. 打击整个国际社会关注的严重犯罪的行为人有罪不罚的现象是一项根本政策,可通过两种途径实现:其一是设立国际刑事法庭,另一是国家法院行使管辖权。

The Special Rapporteur stated that the duty to cooperate in the fight against impunity had already been considered as a customary rule by some States and in the doctrine.


297. To underscore that the duty to cooperate was overarching in the appreciation of the obligation to extradite or prosecute, the Special Rapporteur proposed to replace the former article 2 (Use of terms) with a new draft article 2 on the duty to cooperate.

297. 为了强调合作义务是理解引渡或起诉义务的基本出发点,特别报告员建议将前第2(用语) 改为关于合作义务的新的第2条草案。

298. The Special Rapporteur reviewed the various sources of the obligation to extradite or prosecute, considering treaties first, drawing attention to a variety of possible classifications and differentiation, available in the doctrine, distinguishing such treaties.

298. 特别报告员阐述了引渡或起诉义务的不同来源,首先论述条约,并提请注意法理中存在的对此种条约所作的种种可能的分类和区分。

299. He recalled that he had previously proposed a draft article 3 dealing with treaties as a source of the obligation to extradite or prosecute.

299. 特别报告员回顾,他先前曾提出关于条约作为引渡或起诉义务来源之一的第3条草案 。

In light of the variety and differentiation of provisions concerning the obligation, the Special Rapporteur considered it useful to propose the addition of another paragraph to draft article 3 on Treaty as a source of the obligation to extradite or prosecute.


300. The Special Rapporteur also analysed the obligation aut dedere aut judicare as a rule of customary international law, noting that its acceptance was gaining prominence at least in respect of certain crimes in doctrinal writings of some legal scholars and was being acknowledged by some delegations in the debates of the Sixth Committee particularly during the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (2009), while some others had called for further study by the Commission.

300. 特别报告员还分析了引渡或起诉义务作为习惯国际法一项规则的情况,指出它在一些法学家的法理著作中赢得了越来越多的支持,至少就某些罪行而言是如此,而一些代表团在特别是大会第六十四届会议(2009)第六委员会的辩论中也承认了这一点,但另一些代表团则要求委员会进一步研究此问题。

The Special Rapporteur also pointed to written and oral pleadings of States before the International Court of Justice, in particular in respect of Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal).


301. The Special Rapporteur also addressed the relevance of norms of jus cogens as a source of the obligation to extradite or prosecute as suggested by some commentators, noting that such connection arose from the assertion that there were certain prohibited acts which if committed would constitute serious breaches of obligations under peremptory norms of general international law and that consequently gave rise to an obligation on all States to prosecute or entertain civil suits against the perpetrators of such crimes when found on their territory.

301. 特别报告员还依照某些评论者的建议,论述了强制法规范可否作为引渡或起诉义务来源之一的问题,并指出,之所以有此问题,是因为有一种论点是,若犯下某些受到禁止的行为,则构成对一般国际法强制性规范下的义务的严重违反,从而对所有国家产生了下列义务:国家须对在其领土上发现的犯下此种罪行的人予以起诉或受理对之提起的民事诉讼。

Moreover, States were prohibited from committing serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, and any international agreement between States to facilitate commission of such crimes would be void ab initio.


302. The Special Rapporteur noted that although there was no doubt that there were certain crimes in the realm of international criminal law whose prohibition had reached the status of jus cogens (such as the prohibition against torture), whether the obligation aut dedere aut judicare attendant to such peremptory norms also possessed the characteristics of jus cogens was a matter giving rise to difference of views in the doctrine.

302. 特别报告员指出,毫无疑问,对国际刑法领域某些罪行的禁止规定已经具有强制法的地位(例如禁止酷刑),但是对于这些强制性规范中衍生的引渡或起诉义务是否也具有强制法特点,法学界则意见分歧。

303. Commenting on the categories of crimes associated with the obligation aut dedere aut judicare, the Special Rapporteur, observing that it was difficult in the present circumstances to prove the existence of a general customary obligation to extradite or prosecute, suggested that focus should rather be on identifying those particular categories of crimes which seemed to create such an obligation, on account, inter alia, that they were serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole.

303. 特别报告员在评论与引渡或起诉义务相关的犯罪类别时指出,目前情况下很难证明存在引渡或起诉的一般性习惯义务,因此不如专注于确定哪些具体类别的犯罪由于属于整个国际社会关注的严重犯罪等原因而可能产生此种义务。

He alluded to the importance of differentiating between ordinary criminal offences — criminalized under national laws of States — and heinous crimes variously described as international crimes, crimes of international concern, grave breaches, crimes against international humanitarian law, etc., and paying particular attention to the latter, partly because they possessed an international or had a special grave character.

他认为有必要区分普通刑事罪行――即各国国内法规定的犯罪――与一些被冠以不同名称的恶劣犯罪,如国际犯罪、国际关注的犯罪、严重违法行为、违反国际人道主义法的犯罪等。 尤其是最后这类犯罪,一部分原因是这类犯罪具有国际性质或特别严重的性质。

Among such crimes were: (a) the crime of genocide; (b) crimes against humanity; (c) war crimes; and (d) the crime of aggression.

这些犯罪包括:(a) 灭绝种族罪;(b) 危害人类罪;(c) 战争罪;和(d) 侵略罪。

304. Having considered the various issues implicated, the Special Rapporteur proposed draft article 4 on International custom as a source of the obligation aut dedere aut judicare.

304. 在阐述了所涉及的种种问题后,特别报告员提出了关于国际习惯作为引渡或起诉的义务的来源的第4条草案。

305. In proposing the draft article, he noted that the list of crimes covered by paragraph 2 of that article was still open and subject to further consideration and discussion.

305. 他在提出第4条草案时指出,该条第2款所列举的犯罪行为仍未最后确定,有待进一步审议和讨论。

2. Summary of the debate

2. 辩论摘要

(a) General comments

(a) 一般性意见

306. The Special Rapporteur was commended for helpfully embarking on an analysis of issues that substantively had a bearing on the topic.

306. 委员们赞扬特别报告员致力于分析那些对本专题有实质影响的问题,认为这很有助益。

Members nevertheless acknowledged the difficulties presented by the topic, particularly as it had implications for other aspects of the law, including questions of prosecutorial discretion, questions of asylum, the law on extradition, the immunity of States officials from criminal jurisdiction, peremptory norms of international law, as well as universal jurisdiction, thereby posing problems in terms of the direction to be taken and what needed to be achieved.


The methodology to be adopted and the general approach to be taken were thus crucial in fleshing out the issues relevant to the topic.


307. In this connection, attention was drawn to the valuable work of the Working Group on aut dedere aut judicare in 2009 and 2010 and the continuing relevance of the proposed 2009 general framework for the Commission’s consideration of the topic, prepared by the Working Group.

307. 在此方面,有人提请注意引渡或起诉义务工作组在2009年和2010年开展的有益工作,认为工作组2009年拟议的委员会对本专题进行审议的总框架仍然有实际意义。

Although the Fourth report was useful in focusing on the treaties and custom as sources of the obligation, and indeed the consideration of the sources of the obligation remained a key aspect of the topic, the report had not fully addressed the issues so as to allow the Commission draw informed conclusions on the direction to be taken on the topic.


In particular, concerns were expressed about the draft articles as proposed and the analysis on which they were based.


It was noted that the methodology of the Special Rapporteur in treating the main sources of international law, namely treaties and customary law separately and proposing two separate draft articles therefore was conceptually problematic; the focus should be on the obligation to extradite or prosecute and how treaties and custom evidenced the rule rather than on treaties or custom as the “source” of the obligation; there was no need for a draft article to demonstrate that there was a rule in a treaty or under custom.


Indeed, there were other sources that would help to inform the nature, scope and content of the obligation.


(b) Draft article 2: Duty to cooperate

(b) 2条草案:合作义务

308. Some members doubted the relevance of the draft article as a whole, with a suggestion being made that it be transformed into hortatory preambular language.

308. 有些委员对整个条文草案的实际意义持怀疑态度,建议将其改写为激励性质的序言案文。

It was not entirely clear why it was subject of a self-standing obligation; the formulation was question-begging, not supportable in its current form, and should be reconsidered once the implications of the duty to cooperate in the context of the topic were more clearly elaborated; more particularly, there ought to be an explanation of an explicit relationship between aut dedere aut judicare and the duty of States to cooperate with each other, as opposed to the duty to cooperate and the fight against impunity.


309. Some other members however underlined the importance of reflecting in some manner the duty to cooperate, or an obligation to cooperate as preferred by some, in the fight against impunity, it being recalled that this aspect was highlighted in the 2009 general framework and by the 2010 Working Group.

309. 然而,另一些委员强调,以某种方式反映打击有罪不罚现象方面的合作义务或某些人所谓的合作责任,是很重要的,并指出2009年的总框架和2010年的工作组都着重指出了这一方面。

It was stressed that the duty to cooperate was already well established across various fields of international law.


The key question to be answered was what it meant in the context of international criminal cooperation, assessing how far the political goal of the fight against impunity had crystallized into a specific legal obligation.


Since the duty did not exist in a vacuum what seemed essential was to provide a context for it in relation to the topic, as well as content in aspects such as prevention, prosecution, judicial assistance and law enforcement.


310. Commenting of the draft article as such, while acknowledging the emphasis on the “fight against impunity” in paragraph 1, it was pointed out by some members that the phrase was imprecise, suggestive of preambular language than clear legal text for the operative part.

310. 一些委员在评论这一条文草案时注意到第1款突出了打击有罪不罚现象,指出用语不明确,有些像序言部分的案文而非执行部分的明确法律案文。

311. It was however pointed out that slogan-sounding language like fight against impunity was commonly and easily understood, and the use of simplified language has the advantage of making draft articles of the Commission accessible.

311. 但也有人指出,打击有罪不罚现象这类有口号意味的用语是通俗易懂的,而使用简单语言的好处是能够让委员会的条款容易为人们所理解。

312. Some other members were also of the view that paragraph 1 was formulated cautiously and the use of qualifiers established unnecessary thresholds.

312. 还有一些委员认为,第1款的行文审慎,而限定语的使用设置了不必要的最低条件。

313. It was also noted that it was not clear why international courts and tribunals would be implicated as paragraph 1 seemed to suggest since the core aspects of the topic affected principally inter-State relations, including domestic courts.

313. 还有人指出,不清楚为何要涉及国际法院和法庭,因为从第1款看来,本专题的核心方面似乎主要影响到国家之间的关系,包括国内法院。

The point was nevertheless made that paragraph 1 could in fact be separated to deal with interstate cooperation and then with cooperation with international courts and tribunals, as well as cooperation with the United Nations, on the basis of article 89 of Additional Protocol I.


314. Some members were also of the view that the phrase “crimes and offences of international concern,” in the paragraph was ambiguous as to offer any guidance on the type of crimes covered by the present topic, there was need for clarity, bearing in mind the principle nullum crimen sine lege.

314. 一些委员还认为,该款中国际关注的犯罪和罪行一语暧昧不明,没有为本专题应涵盖哪类罪行提供任何指导。 鉴于法无明文不为罪这一原则,用语需要明确。

315. For paragraph 2, it was noted that the phrase “wherever and whenever appropriate” had the potential of being construed widely, with negative consequences for inter-State relations.

315. 关于第2款,有人指出,尽可能酌情一语可能有种种解读,从而对国与国之间关系产生不利影响。

Moreover, its whole meaning was obscure, as at one level it seemed to denote a free standing obligation to extradite or prosecute, without stating much as to what it entailed.


However, some members were more favourable to the more general open-endedness implied by the language, considering it appropriate for a text that was intended to make propositions of general application.


(c) Draft article 3: Treaty as a source of the obligation to extradite or prosecute

(c) 3条草案:条约作为引渡或起诉义务的来源

316. A suggestion was made to delete the draft article in its entirety.

316. 有人建议删除整个条文草案。

Its paragraph 1 was considered superfluous; it was not evident how a reflection of pacta sunt servanda in the text helped to elucidate issues concerning the topic.


317. To some members, paragraph 2, although currently unclear, raised possibilities for further enquiry.

317. 一些委员认为,第2款目前虽不明确,但有进一步探讨的可能性。

In providing that “[p]articular conditions for exercising extradition or prosecution shall be formulated by the internal law of the State party”, it was not apparent which State party was being referred to and it also raised the possibility that a State would invoke its internal law to justify non-compliance with an international obligation.


Moreover, the reference to “general principles of international criminal law” seemed vague.


If anything, it was these principles which had to be fleshed out for implementation.


For example, it was suggested it might be useful to make an assessment whether prosecutorial discretion was a general principle of criminal law relevant to the topic.


The point was also made that draft article ought to be addressing matters concerning both the conditions for extradition, including available limitations, and the conditions for prosecution, according them different treatment as they were different legal concepts.


318. It was also noted that while the Special Rapporteur had alluded to a variety of classification of treaties and differentiation of treaty provisions in the doctrine in his report in support of the draft article, there was no further analysis or application of such classification.

318. 有人还指出,尽管特别报告员的报告提到了法理学中对条约所作的各种分类和对条约条款所作的各种区分,作为支持条文草案的论据,但未进一步分析或应用这些分类。

It would have been helpful, for instance, to explore further whether such classification and differentiation provided some possible understanding of the qualifications, conditions, requirements, and possible exceptions to extradition or prosecution provided for in the various treaties, including such aspects of extradition law concerning “double criminality”, the rule of “specialty”, as well as issues concerning the political offence exception and non-extradition of nationals.


319. The classification could also possibility have helped to show that many treaties which contain the obligation to extradite or prosecute articulated a general principle of law, or customary rule or whether it had a bearing on the application of the obligation in respect of certain “core crimes”.

319. 这些分类还可有助于说明许多载有引渡或起诉义务的条约体现了一条一般性法律原则或习惯规则,或说明其是否影响到针对某些核心犯罪履行这一义务。

(d) Draft article 4: International custom as a source of the obligation aut dedere aut judicare

(d) 4条草案:国际习惯作为引渡或起诉义务的来源

320. Some members viewed the present article problematic since it was not supported by the Special Rapporteur’s own analysis, having himself admitted that it was rather difficult in the present circumstances to prove the existence of a general customary obligation to extradite or prosecute, and its drafting was rather tentative.

320. 一些委员认为,这一条是成问题的,因为特别报告员本人的分析也不支持这一条,他自己都承认在目前情况下很难证明存在引渡或起诉的一般性习惯义务,而且草拟的案文有些试探性质。

321. Although paragraph 1 seemed unobjectionable in its terms, it presented a tautology and seemed to add little to the question of the obligation aut dedere aut judicare.

321. 尽管目前的第1款案文看来无可反对,但它属于同义反复,对引渡或起诉义务的问题没有什么助益。

322. At the same time, it was recognized that the draft article seemed to address an issue central to the topic.

322. 同时有人却表示,这条草案阐述了本专题的一个中心问题。

In particular, paragraph 2, together with paragraph 3, had the potential to be elaborated into an important rule, yet as presently formulated, it was vague, obscure and the drafting was weak.


It was underlined that one of the key issues to be grappled with was the distinction between “core crimes” for the purposes of the topic and other crimes.


The Special Rapporteur was encouraged to undertake a more detailed study of the State practice and opinio juris and offer a firm view on which certain serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole gave rise to an obligation to extradite or prosecute.


Such an analysis could also consider such issues as whether the accumulation of treaties containing an obligation to extradite or prosecute meant that that States accepted that there was a customary rule, or whether it meant that States believed that they were derogating from customary law.

此一研究还可探讨下列问题:罗列出载有引渡或起诉义务的条约是否意味着各国接受存在一条习惯规则? 还是意味各国认为它们是对习惯法的减损?

In making such a detailed analysis, there was no need for the Special Rapporteur to await the judgment of the International Court of Justice in the Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite.


323. Some members also recalled that the issues being raised had already been canvassed in the Commission in particular in relation to its work culminating in the adoption of the 1996 Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind.

323. 一些委员还回顾,特别是在制定1996年《危害人类和平及安全治罪法草案》的工作过程中,委员会曾经梳理过现在提出的一些问题。

Draft article 9 thereof on the obligation to extradite and prosecute imposes an obligation on the State Party in the territory of which an individual alleged to have committed a crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against United Nations and associated personnel or war crimes is found shall extradite or prosecute that individual.


Draft article 3 and 4 could be reformulated, as a matter of progressive development, along the lines of draft article 9 of the Draft Code.


324. It was thus suggested that there was a need to proceed cautiously, with an appropriate differentiation in the analysis between different categories of crimes, noting in that regard that some crimes may be subject to universal jurisdiction but not necessarily to the obligation to extradite or prosecute.

324. 因此,有人建议需要审慎行事,在分析不同类别的犯罪时作出适当的区分,并在此方面指出,某些犯罪也许适用普遍管辖权而不一定适用引渡或起诉的义务。

Similarly, grave breaches were subject to the obligation aut dedere aut judicare but not all war crimes are subject to it.


325. In the first place, it might be easier to make an assessment of the customary nature of the obligation in respect of certain identified “core crimes” as opposed to finding a more general obligation.

325. 首先,针对某些被确定的核心犯罪评估这一义务的习惯性质而不寻求更具一般性的义务,也许比较容易。

It was also recalled that crimes under international law constituted the most serious crimes that were of concern to the international community as a whole.


Moreover, the current topic was inextricably linked to universal jurisdiction.


Indeed, the current topic was artificially separated from the broader subject of universal jurisdiction, and the obligation to extradite or prosecute would not be implicated without jurisdiction.


In respect of the Draft Code it was recognised that national courts would exercise jurisdiction in regard to draft article 9 under the principle of universal jurisdiction.


Accordingly, further work could not meaningfully be done without addressing universal jurisdiction and the type of crimes implicated by it.


In this context, it was suggested that in future reports the Special Rapporteur could consider more fully the relationship between aut dedere aut judicare and universal jurisdiction in order to assess whether this relationship had any bearing on draft articles to be prepared on the topic.


Moreover, the suggestion was made that present topic could be expanded to cover universal jurisdiction, taking into account the views of the Sixth Committee following a question in Chapter III of the report of the Commission at the present session.


326. It was noted that the meaning of paragraph 3 was not entirely clear and was question begging; its mandatory language did not correspond to the doubts that the Special Rapporteur expresses in his report.

326. 有人指出,第3款的含义不很清楚,会引起问题;该款的强制语气与特别报告员在其报告中透露出的怀疑语气不相称。

For example, it was not clear whether it was intended to set out the obligation to extradite or prosecute as a peremptory norm or whether it is intended to include in the obligation, crimes that violate such norms.


The issues sought to be covered by the paragraph, including the still tenuous link between crimes prohibited as constituting breaches of peremptory norms and the procedural consequences that ensue in relation to the obligation to extradite or prosecute, simply required to be teased out in an extensive analysis by the Special Rapporteur, building significantly on the comments made in his report on the views expressed in the doctrine.


(e) Future work

(e) 未来的工作

327. As to the future work on the present topic, the view was expressed that there was an inherent difficulty in the topic.

327. 关于本专题未来的工作,有一种意见认为,本专题具有内在的困难。

It was even suggested that the Commission should not be hesitant to reflect on the possibility of suspending or terminating the consideration of the topic, as in the past it had done so with respect to other topics.


Some other members, however, noted that the topic remained a viable and useful project for the Commission to pursue.


Moreover, States were interested in the topic and were keen for progress.


It was also recalled that this aspect had been a subject of discussion in the past, and that the resulting preparation of the 2009 general framework pointed to the viability of the topic.


Recognizing that the Sixth Committee was dealing with a related item on the scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction, it was also suggested that this matter could be combined with the topic on the aut dedere aut judicare obligation.


It was recognized, however, that there were different views on this matter in the Sixth Committee.


3. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

3. 特别报告员的总结

328. The Special Rapporteur expressed his appreciation to members for their constructive, frank and critical comments, which would only serve as an encouragement to engage further in the complex issues brought about by the topic.

328. 特别报告员感谢委员们所作的建设性和批评性的坦率评论,表示这只会激励他进一步探讨本专题引起的种种复杂问题。

329. He agreed that the topic required an in-depth analysis of international norms — conventional and customary — as well as national regulations, which — especially in recent years — were developing and changing significantly.

329. 他同意,对于本专题,还需要深入分析约定性和习惯性的各项国际规范以及特别是近年来有了很大发展和变化的国家法规。

On the proposed draft articles, he took note of the useful comments and suggestions made for improvement and assured the Commission that they will be taken into account in the future work.


He however affirmed the importance of having a draft article on the duty to cooperate.


He also stressed the importance of treaties as a source of the obligation, noting that extensive State practice could be an indication of the existence of a developing rule in customary law.


Thus, if States became party to a large number of international treaties, all of which with a variation of the obligation to extradite or prosecute, there would seem to be strong evidence that States were willing to be bound by the obligation to extradite or prosecute and pointing to the emergence of the obligation as custom.


330. The Special Rapporteur also recognized fully and supported the necessity of more precise identification of “core crimes”, for the purposes of the topic, viewing such an approach as more realistic and promising than an attempt to determine the existence of the obligation as a general customary rule.

330. 特别报告员还充分承认并支持为本专题的目的更明确地列出核心犯罪的必要性,认为这样做比试图确定这一义务是否已作为一般性习惯规则而存在要更为实际可行。

On the relationship between the obligation and jus cogens, he noted that even when the obligation to extradite or prosecute derived from the peremptory norm of general international law, such an obligation does not acquire automatically the status of a jus cogens norm.


Clearly, the relationship between the obligation and jus cogens norms would require more elaboration in the future work of the Commission.


331. As regards the possible expansion of the topic to cover universal jurisdiction, the Special Rapporteur recalled that in his preliminary report he had already suggested to continue a joint analysis of the present topic together with universal jurisdiction, but the Commission and the Sixth Committee were not favourably disposed to the idea.

331. 关于可能扩大本专题的范围从而将普遍管辖权也涵盖在内这一点,特别报告员回顾说,他曾在初步报告中建议继续对本专题和普遍管辖权问题一道进行分析,但本委员会和第六委员会都不予赞同。

He however conceded that with increased attention to the question of universal jurisdiction such consideration might be inevitable in the future.


332. He associated himself with the general view in the Commission that there was no need to suspend the consideration of the topic, noting that any suspension could create a false impression that the Commission considered the topic be inappropriate or not sufficiently mature for codification, or indeed that there were other reasons for not proceeding further.

332. 委员会的主流意见是无需中止对本专题的审议,他也赞同这一看法,并指出,一旦中止审议,就会使人们错误地觉得委员会认为本专题不适当或编纂为法典的时机还不成熟,乃至错以为还有其他不继续进行的理由。

Chapter XI


Treaties over time


A. Introduction

A. 导言

333. The Commission, at its sixtieth session (2008), decided to include the topic “Treaties over time” in its programme of work and to establish a Study Group on the topic at its sixty-first session.

333. 委员会第六十届(2008)会议决定将条约随时间演变专题列入其工作方案,并决定在第六十一届会议上设立一个专题研究组。

At its sixty-first session (2009), the Commission established the Study Group on Treaties over time, chaired by Mr. Georg Nolte.


At that session, the Study Group focused its discussions on the identification of the issues to be covered, the working methods of the Study Group and the possible outcome of the Commission’s work on the topic.


At the sixty-second session (2010), the Study Group was reconstituted under the chairmanship of Mr. Georg Nolte and began its work on the aspects of the topic relating to subsequent agreements and practice, on the basis of an introductory report prepared by its Chairman on the relevant jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and arbitral tribunals of ad hoc jurisdiction.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

334. At the present session, the Study Group on Treaties over time was reconstituted again under the chairmanship of Mr. Georg Nolte.

334. 在本届会议上,条约随时间演变问题研究组在格奥尔格·诺尔特先生主持下重新设立。

335. At its 3119th meeting, on 8 August 2011, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Chairman of the Study Group on Treaties over time and approved the recommendation of the Study Group that the request for information included in Chapter III of the report of the Commission on the work of its sixty-second session (2010) be reiterated in Chapter III of the Commission’s report on its work at the current session.

335. 201188日第3119次会议上,委员会注意到条约随时间演变问题研究组主席的口头报告并核可研究组的建议,即委员会第六十二届(2010)会议工作报告第三章所载的请各国提供资料的要求再次写进委员会本届会议工作报告第三章。

1. Discussions of the Study Group

1. 研究组的讨论

336. The Study Group held five meetings, on 25 May, on 13, 21 and 27 July, and on 2 August 2011.

336. 研究组于2011525日、7132127日以及82日举行了五次会议。

337. The Study Group first took up the remainder of the work on the introductory report prepared by its Chairman on the relevant jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and arbitral tribunals of ad hoc jurisdiction.

337. 研究组首先进行了关于主席就国际法院和具有特别管辖权的仲裁法庭的相关判例编写的介绍性报告的剩余工作。

Accordingly, members discussed the section of the introductory report relating to a possible modification of a treaty by subsequent agreements and practice and the relation of subsequent agreements and practice to formal amendment procedures.


As with respect to the other parts of the introductory report and following a proposal by the Chairman, the Study Group considered that no conclusions should be drawn, at this stage, on the matters covered in the introductory report.


338. The Chairman noted that the following additional documents had been submitted for consideration by the Study Group: the second report by the Chairman on the “Jurisprudence under special regimes relating to subsequent agreements and subsequent practice”, a paper by Mr. Murase entitled “The Pathology of “Evolutionary” Interpretations: GATT Article XX’s Application to Trade and the Environment” and a paper prepared by Mr. Petrič on subsequent agreements and practice concerning a particular boundary treaty.

338. 主席指出,新提交了下列文件供研究组审议:主席关于特殊制度下与嗣后协定和惯例有关的判例的第二次报告;村濑先生撰写的论文,题目是“‘演进性解释的病理学:《关贸总协定》第二十条在贸易和环境方面的适用;彼得里奇先生撰写的涉及一特定边界条约的嗣后协定和惯例的论文。

The Study Group discussed the paper by Mr. Murase in connection with the pertinent point addressed in the Chairman’s second report, and decided to postpone the consideration of the paper prepared by Mr. Petrič until it would discuss issues of subsequent agreement and subsequent practice that are unrelated to judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings.


339. The Chairman’s second report covers the jurisprudence under certain international economic regimes (World Trade Organization, Iran-US Claims Tribunal, International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes tribunals and North American Free Trade Area tribunals), international human rights regimes (European Court of Human Rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), and other regimes (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, International Criminal Court, International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and Court of Justice of the European Union).

339. 主席的第二次报告论述了各种制度下的判例,例如某些国际经济制度(世界贸易组织、伊朗-美国索赔法庭、国际投资争端解决中心法庭、北美自由贸易区法庭)、国际人权制度(欧洲人权法院、美洲人权法院、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》下属人权事务委员会)以及其他制度(海洋法国际法庭、国际刑事法院、前南斯拉夫和卢旺达国际刑事法庭、欧洲联盟法院)下的判例。

The report explains why those regimes are covered and not others.


340. The Study Group considered the second report on the basis of the twenty “General conclusions” contained therein.

340. 研究组根据第二次报告所载的二十条一般结论,对报告进行了审议。

Discussions focused on the following aspects: reliance by adjudicatory bodies under special regimes on the general rule of treaty interpretation; the extent to which the special nature of certain treaties — notably human rights treaties and treaties in the field of international criminal law — might affect the approach of the relevant adjudicatory bodies to treaty interpretation; different emphasis placed by adjudicatory bodies on the various means of treaty interpretation (e.g. more text-oriented or more purpose-oriented approaches to treaty interpretation in comparison with more conventional approaches); general recognition of subsequent agreements and practice as a means of treaty interpretation; the significance of the role assigned by various adjudicatory bodies to subsequent practice among the various means of treaty interpretation; the concept of subsequent practice for the purpose of treaty interpretation, including the point in time from which a practice may regarded as “subsequent”; possible authors of relevant subsequent practice; as well as evolutionary interpretation as a form of purposive interpretation in the light of subsequent practice. Due to lack of time, the members of Study Group could only discuss eleven of the conclusions contained in the second report.


In the light of these discussions in the Study Group, the Chairman reformulated the text of what have now become his nine preliminary conclusions (see section 3. below).


341. The Study Group agreed that those preliminary conclusions by its Chairman would have to be revisited and expanded in the light of other reports on additional aspects of the topic and of the discussions thereon.

341. 研究组商定,随着专题其他方面的报告的提交以及对这些报告进行讨论,主席提出的这些初步结论有待重新审视和扩展。

2. Future work and request for information

2. 未来的工作和提供资料的要求

342. The Study Group also discussed the future work with regard to this topic.

342. 研究组还讨论了与本专题有关的未来工作。

It was expected that, during the sixty-fourth session (2012), the discussion of the second report prepared by the Chairman would be completed, to be followed by a third phase, namely the analysis of the practice of States that is unrelated to judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings.


This should be done on the basis of a further report on this topic.


The Study Group expected that the work on the topic would, as originally envisaged, be concluded during the next quinquennium and result in conclusions on the basis of a repertory of practice.


The Study Group also discussed the possibility of modifying the working method with respect to the topic so as to follow the procedure involving the appointment by the Commission of a Special Rapporteur.


It came to the conclusion that this possibility should be considered during the next session by the newly elected membership.


343. At its meeting on 2 August 2011, the Study Group examined the possibility that the request for information from Governments which was included in Chapter III of the Commission’s report on the work of its sixty-second session (2010) be reiterated.

343. 201182日举行的会议上,研究组讨论了重申原载于第六十二届(2010)会议工作报告第三章的请各国政府提供资料的要求的可能性。

It was generally felt in the Study Group that more information provided by Governments in relation to this topic would be very useful, in particular with respect to the consideration of instances of subsequent practice and agreements that have not been the subject of a judicial or quasi-judicial pronouncement by an international body.


Therefore, the Study Group recommended to the Commission that Chapter III of this year’s report include a section reiterating the request for information on the topic “Treaties over time”.


3. Preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group, reformulated in the light of the discussions in the Study Group

3. 研究组主席根据研究组的讨论重新拟订的初步结论

344. The nine preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group, reformulated in the light of the discussions in the Study Group, are as follows:

344. 研究组主席根据研究组的讨论重新拟订的九点初步结论全文如下:

(1) General rule on treaty interpretation

(1) 条约解释之通则

The provisions contained in Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), either as an applicable treaty provision or as a reflection of customary international law, are recognized by the different adjudicatory bodies reviewed as reflecting the general rule on the interpretation of treaties which they apply.


(2) Approaches to interpretation

(2) 解释的方针

Regardless of their recognition of the general rule set forth in Article 31 VCLT as the basis for the interpretation of treaties, different adjudicatory bodies have in different contexts put more or less emphasis on different means of interpretation contained therein.


Three broad approaches can be distinguished:


Conventional – Like the International Court of Justice, most adjudicatory bodies (Iran-US Claims Tribunal, ICSID tribunals, ITLOS, and the international criminal courts and tribunals) have followed approaches which typically take all means of interpretation of Article 31 VCLT into account without making noticeably more or less use of certain means of interpretation.


Text-oriented – Panel and Appellate Body Reports of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have in many cases put a certain emphasis on the text of the treaty (ordinary or special meaning of the terms of the agreement) and have been reluctant to emphasize purposive interpretation.


This approach seems to have to do, inter alia, with a particular need for certainty and with the technical character of many provisions in WTO-related agreements.


Purpose-oriented – The regional human rights courts, as well as the Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (HRC), have in many cases emphasized the object and purpose.


This approach seems to have to do, inter alia, with the character of substantive provisions of human rights treaties which deal with the personal rights of individuals in an evolving society.


The reasons why some adjudicatory bodies often put a certain emphasis on the text, and certain others more on the object and purpose, may lie not only in the particular subject-matters of the treaty obligations concerned, but may also be due to their drafting and other factors, including possibly the age of the treaty regime, and the procedure in which the adjudicatory body operates.


It is not necessary to determine the exact degree to which such factors influence the interpretative approach of the respective adjudicatory body. It is, however, useful to bear the different broad approaches in mind when assessing the role which subsequent agreements and subsequent practice play for different adjudicatory bodies.


(3) Interpretation of treaties on human rights and international criminal law

(3) 对人权条约和国际刑法的解释

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) emphasize the special nature of the human rights treaties which they apply, and they affirm that this special nature affects their approach to interpretation.


The International Criminal Court and other criminal tribunals (ICTY, ICTR) apply certain special rules of interpretation which are derived from general principles of criminal law and human rights.


However, neither the regional human rights courts nor the international criminal courts and tribunals call into question the applicability of the general rule contained in Article 31 VCLT as a basis for their treaty interpretation.


The other adjudicatory bodies reviewed do not claim that the respective treaty which they apply justifies a special approach to its interpretation.


(4) Recognition in principle of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as means of interpretation

(4) 原则上承认以嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为解释资料

All adjudicatory bodies reviewed recognize that subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in the sense of article 31 (3) (a) and (b) VCLT are a means of interpretation which they should take into account when they interpret and apply treaties.


(5) Concept of subsequent practice as a means of interpretation

(5) 嗣后惯例作为解释资料的概念

Most adjudicatory bodies reviewed have not defined the concept of subsequent practice.


The definition given by the WTO Appellate Body (“concordant, common and consistent sequence of acts or pronouncements which is sufficient to establish a discernable pattern implying the agreement of the parties [to the treaty] regarding its interpretation”) combines the element of “practice” (“sequence of acts or pronouncements”) with the requirement of agreement (“concordant, common”) as provided for in article 31 (3) (b) VCLT (subsequent practice in a narrow sense).

世贸组织上诉机构提出的定义(“说明[条约]缔约方对条约解释达成协定且足以成为一种可辨别的模式的一致、共同和连贯的一系列行为或裁决”) 结合了《维也纳条约法公约》第三十一条第三款(b)项中规定的惯例”(“一系列行为或裁决”)元素(狭义的嗣后惯例)和达成协定的要求(“一致、共同”)

Other adjudicatory bodies reviewed have, however, also used the concept of “practice” as a means of interpretation without referring to and requiring a discernable agreement between the parties (subsequent practice in a broad sense).


(6) Identification of the role of a subsequent agreement or a subsequent practice as a means of interpretation

(6) 明确嗣后协定或嗣后惯例作为解释资料的作用

Like other means of interpretation, subsequent agreements and subsequent practice are mostly used by adjudicatory bodies as one among several such means in any particular decision.


It is therefore rare that adjudicatory bodies declare that a particular subsequent practice or a subsequent agreement has played a determinative role for the outcome of a decision.


It appears, however, often possible to identify whether a subsequent agreement or a particular subsequent practice has played an important or a minor role in the reasoning of a particular decision.


Most adjudicatory bodies make use of subsequent practice as a means of interpretation.


Subsequent practice plays a less important role for adjudicatory bodies which are either more text-oriented (WTO Appellate Body) or more purpose-oriented (IACtHR).


The ECtHR places more emphasis on subsequent practice by referring to the common legal standards among member states of the Council of Europe.


(7) Evolutionary interpretation and subsequent practice

(7) 演变解释和嗣后惯例

Evolutionary interpretation is a form of purpose-oriented interpretation.


Evolutionary interpretation may be guided by subsequent practice in a narrow and in a broad sense.


The text-oriented WTO Appellate Body has only occasionally expressly undertaken an evolutionary interpretation.


Among the human rights treaty bodies the ECtHR has frequently employed an evolutionary interpretation that was explicitly guided by subsequent practice, whereas the IACtHR and the HRC have hardly relied on subsequent practice.

在人权条约机构当中,欧洲人权法院屡次采用明确遵循嗣后惯例的演变解释, 而美洲人权法院和人权事务委员会则很少依靠嗣后惯例。

This may to be due to the fact that the ECtHR can refer to a comparatively close common level of restrictions among the member States of the Council of Europe.


ITLOS seems to engage in evolutionary interpretation along the lines of some of the jurisprudence of the ICJ.


(8) Rare invocation of subsequent agreements

(8) 援引嗣后协定的罕见性

So far, the adjudicatory bodies reviewed have rarely relied on subsequent agreements in the (narrow) sense of article 31 (3) (a) VCLT.


This may be due, in part, to the character of certain treaty obligations, in particular of human rights treaties, substantial parts of which may not lend themselves to subsequent agreements by governments.


Certain decisions which plenary organs or States parties take according to a treaty, such as the “Elements of Crime” pursuant to article 9 of the ICC Statute or the “FTC Note 2001” in the context of NAFTA, if adopted unanimously, may have an effect similar to subsequent agreements in the sense of article 31 (3) (a) VCLT.


(9) Possible authors of relevant subsequent practice

(9) 相关嗣后惯例的可能主体

Relevant subsequent practice can consist of acts of all State organs (executive, legislative, and judicial) which can be attributed to a State for the purpose of treaty interpretation.


Such practice may under certain circumstances even include “social practice” as far as it is reflected in State practice.


Chapter XII


The Most-Favoured-Nation clause


A. Introduction

A. 导言

345. The Commission, at its sixtieth session (2008), decided to include the topic “The Most Favoured-Nation clause” in its programme of work and to establish a Study Group on the topic at its sixty-first session.

345. 委员会第六十届会议(2008)决定将最惠国条款专题列入其工作方案,并在第六十一届会议上设立一个有关此专题的研究组。

346. A Study Group, co-chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae and Mr. A. Rohan Perera, was established at the sixty-first session (2009), and reconstituted at the sixty-second session (2010), under the same co-chairmanship.

346. 在第六十一届会议上(2009),设立了由唐纳德·M. 麦克雷先生和A. 罗汉·佩雷拉先生担任联合主席的研究组。 第六十二届会议(2010)重新设立了研究组,但仍由上述两人担任联合主席。

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

347. At the present session, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause, co-chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae and Mr. A. Rohan Perera.

347. 在本届会议上,委员会重新设立了由唐纳德·M. 麦克雷先生和A. 罗汉·佩雷拉先生担任联合主席的最惠国条款研究组。

348. At its 3119th meeting, on 8 August 2011, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group.

348. 201188日第3119次会议上,委员会注意到研究组联合主席的口头报告。

1. Discussions of the Study Group

1. 研究组的讨论

349. The Study Group held 4 meetings on 1st June, 20 July and 4 August 2011.

349. 研究组在201161日、720日和84日举行了4次会议。

350. In 2010 the Study Group decided, in an effort to advance its work, to try to identify further the normative content of the MFN clauses in the field of investment, and to undertake a further analysis of the case law, including the role of arbitrators, factors that explain different approaches to interpreting MFN provisions, the divergences, and the steps taken by States in response to the case law.

350. 2010年,研究组为了推进其工作,决定努力进一步确定投资领域最惠国条款的规范性内容,并进一步分析判例法,包括仲裁员的作用、对最惠国条款作不同解释的原因、不一致之处以及各国针对判例法采取的步骤。

At the present session, the Study Group had before it an informal document, in tabular form, identifying the arbitrators and counsel in investment cases involving MFN clauses, together with the type of MFN provision that was being interpreted.


351. It also had before it a working paper on the “Interpretation and Application of MFN Clauses in Investment Agreements” prepared by Donald McRae.

351. 研究组还收到一份唐纳德·麦克雷先生编写的关于投资协定中最惠国条款的解释和适用的工作文件。

The working paper built upon the prior study on the “The MFN clause and the Maffezini case” by Rohan Perera, by attempting to identify the factors that had been taken into account by the tribunals in reaching their decisions in order to assess whether these threw any light on the divergences that exist in the case law, with the objective of identifying categories of factors that had been invoked throughout the cases and to assess their relative significance in the interpretation and application of MFN clauses.

该工作文件参考了罗汉·佩雷拉先生先前就最惠国条款与马菲基尼案提出的一份研究报告, 试图确定各法庭在作出裁决时所考虑的因素,以评估这些因素是否有助于说明判例法中的不一致之处,从而确定在各个案件中援引了哪些类别的因素,并评估它们对于解释和适用最惠国条款的相对重要性。

In this regard, the working paper considered the various uses for which MFN clauses had been invoked in investment disputes, focusing primarily on the use of MFN clauses to obtain a substantive benefit provided for in the bilateral investment treaty between the respondent State and a third State; and the use of MFN clauses to obtain more favourable dispute settlement provisions than are provided for in the bilateral investment agreement under which the claim was being brought.


352. It also looked into the considerations that had played a part in investment tribunal decisions, dwelling on the source of the right to MFN treatment, as well as its scope.

352. 工作文件还考察了在投资法庭的裁决中起到一定作用的考虑因素,并详细讨论了最惠国待遇权的来源及其范围。

In terms of scope, it was noted that there were many ways in which investment tribunals had framed the application of the ejusdem generis principle, and even within some decisions different approaches had been taken.


These included (a) drawing a distinction between substance and procedure (jurisdiction); (b) following a treaty interpretation approach, whether by interpreting MFN provisions as a general matter of treaty interpretation or treating the matter as one of interpreting the jurisdiction of the tribunal; (c) adopting a conflict of treaty provisions approach, whereby tribunals take into account the fact that the matter sought to be incorporated into the treaty has already been covered, in a different way, in the basic treaty itself; and (d) considering the practice of the parties as a means to ascertain the intention of the parties regarding the scope of the MFN clause.

这些办法包括:(a) 区分实质与程序(管辖权)(b) 采用条约解释办法,要么将最惠国条款的解释作为一般条约解释事项,要么将其视为对法庭管辖权的解释;(c) 采用条约规定冲突办法,即各法庭考虑到这样一个事实:拟纳入条约的事项已在基本条约中得到不同处理;(d) 将各方惯例视为确定它们在最惠国条款范围方面意图的一个方法。

Moreover, the working paper considered the question, albeit not explicitly dealt with by the tribunals as a factor, whether the type of claim being made had had an influence on the willingness of tribunals to incorporate other provisions by means of an MFN clause, as well as the limits of the application of the MFN, including the “public policy” exceptions set out in Maffezini.


353. In the main, the working paper concluded that an examination of the decisions of investment tribunals revealed that there was no consistent approach in the reasoning of tribunals that permitted the use of MFN to incorporate dispute settlement provisions.

353. 工作文件总体上认为,对投资法庭的裁决所作的审查表明,各法庭在允许利用最惠国纳入争端解决条款的理由方面,所采取的办法并不一致。

There was also little consistency in the reasoning of those tribunals that had rejected the use of MFN to incorporate such provisions.


There was a two-step process involved in deciding whether an MFN clause could be used to incorporate dispute settlement provisions into the basic treaty.


The first was to decide, explicitly or implicitly, whether in principle MFN clauses covered dispute settlement provisions, and the second was to interpret the MFN provision in question to see whether it applied in fact to dispute settlement provisions.


These approaches were not always explicit, and in some cases, tribunals had said that their approach was one of treaty interpretation, appearing to ignore the first step.


354. The Study Group held a wide-ranging discussion on the basis of the working paper and a framework of questions prepared to provide an overview of issues that may need to be considered in the context of the overall work of the Study Group: ranging from strictly legal considerations to wider policy-oriented aspects, including whether a liberal interpretation of the scope of MFN clauses had the potential to upset the overall equilibrium of an investment agreement between the protection of the investor and its investment and the necessary policy space of a host State.

354. 研究组以工作文件和一份问题框架为基础,举行了广泛的讨论。 该问题框架旨在综述可能需要在研究组的整个工作中加以考虑的问题――从严格的法律考虑因素到更广泛的着眼于政策的方面,包括对最惠国条款范围的自由解释是否会打破投资协定在保护投资者及其投资以及东道国的必要政治空间这两方面的总体平衡。

355. The Study Group affirmed the general understanding that the source of the right to MFN treatment was the basic treaty and not the third-party treaty; MFN clauses were not an exception to the privity rule in treaty interpretation.

355. 研究组申明,普遍认为最惠国待遇权的来源是基本条约,而非第三方条约; 最惠国条款并不是条约解释中当事人规则的一个例外情形。

It also recognized that the key question in the investment decisions concerning MFN seemed to be how the scope of the right to MFN treatment was to be determined, that is to say what expressly or impliedly fell “within the limits of the subject-matter of the clause”.


356. It thus tracked the ways in which the ejusdem generis question had been framed particularly through the invocation of the distinction between substantive and procedural (jurisdictional) provisions.

356. 因此,研究组考察了特别是通过援引实质性条款和程序性(管辖)条款之间的区别而界定同类问题的方式。

Where an MFN clause expressly included dispute settlement procedures or expressly excluded them, there was no need for further interpretation.


Interpretation, however, was necessary in situations where the intention of the parties in relation to the applicability or not of the MFN clause to the dispute settlement mechanism was not expressly stated or could not clearly be ascertained, a situation common in many BIT’s, which had open textured provisions.

只有在没有明确指出或无法明确确定各方在最惠国条款是否适用于争端解决机制方面的意图时,才有必要进行这种解释。 这种情况普遍见于许多双边投资条约,这些条约的一些规定在行文上具有不确定性。

The Study Group took into account other recent developments, including the issuance of the sequel to the UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investment Agreements II, Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment reflecting, inter alia, the reaction by States entering into investment agreements following Maffezini, showing a tendency to state expressly that the MFN clause applied or did not apply to dispute settlement procedures.

研究组考虑到最近的其他动态,包括所发布的贸发会议《国际投资协定问题丛书第二辑》续篇最惠国待遇, 该书除其他外介绍了在马菲基尼案后签订投资协定的各国的反应,表明了明确指出最惠国条款适用或不适用于争端解决程序的趋势。

357. It also considered the recent decision in Impregilo S.p.A. v. Argentine Republic, in particular the concurring and dissenting opinion of Professor Brigitte Stern, Arbitrator, which inter alia argues that an MFN clause cannot apply to dispute settlement because of a core reason intimately linked with the essence of international law itself: there is no automatic assimilation of substantive rights and the jurisdictional means to enforce them, evidencing a difference between the qualifying conditions for access to the substantive rights and the substantive rights themselves, and the qualifying conditions for access to the jurisdictional means and the exercise of jurisdiction itself.

357. 研究组还审议了最近在英波基洛公司(Impregilo S.p.A.)诉阿根廷共和国一案中作出的裁决, 特别是仲裁员布里吉特·斯特恩教授既赞成又反对的意见,该意见除其他外认为,出自与国际法本身的性质密切相关的一个核心原因,最惠国条款不能适用于争端解决,这个原因是:实质性权利并不自动等同于执行这些权利的司法手段。 这表明享有实质性权利的限定性条件与实质性权利本身,诉诸管辖手段的限定性条件与行使管辖权本身,两者之间均有所不同。

It was also noted that there were differences of opinion in the doctrine as to the correct approach, with some commentators taking the position that there was no convincing reason for distinguishing between substantive provisions and dispute settlement, while some others viewed the interpretation of MFN provisions as a jurisdictional matter where the intention to incorporate dispute settlement provisions must be clearly and unambiguously expressed.

另外还指出,在何为正确办法的理论方面,存在意见分歧。 有些评论者认为,对实质性条款和争端解决的区分缺乏有说服力的理由,另一些评论者则认为,对最惠国条款的解释是一个管辖权问题,必须清楚、明确地表明纳入争端解决条款的意图。

358. It was recognized that implicit in the various decisions appeared to be a philosophical position about whether MFN clauses in principle covered dispute settlement provisions.

358. 研究组认识到,在各种裁决中,似乎隐含着对最惠国条款原则上是否涵盖争端解决条款的问题所持的哲学立场。

The starting assumption in one scenario was that the MFN clause can include procedural rights, while in the other it was that the MFN clause did not include procedural rights.


It was noted that on the whole, the conundrum was in the fact that there was no systematic approach to interpretation, one that was uniform across tribunals; different factors appeared to influence different tribunals.


In such circumstances, the task of drawing any general conclusions about interpretative approaches across the investment decisions was not an easy exercise.


The challenge for the Study Group was in part to make an assessment that would potentially flesh out some underlying theoretical framework to explicate the reasoning in the decisions.


359. In this connection, it was also noted that the concurring and dissenting opinion Impregilo S.p.A. provided a possible framework for extrapolating ways in which the ejusdem generis question ought to be approached, namely by first addressing whether the fundamental preconditions for invocation of access — conditions ratione personae, ratione materiae, ratione temporis of access to the rights granted in the BIT — have been satisfied.

359. 在这方面,讨论者还指出,对英波基洛公司一案的赞同和反对意见为推断处理同类问题的方式提供了一个可能的框架,即首先确定是否满足享有双边投资条约所赋权利的基本前提条件――属人管辖、属物管辖和属时管辖。

In this regard, it was recalled that article 14 of the 1978 draft articles on the MFN Clause provided that the exercise of rights arising under a MFN clause for the beneficiary State or for persons or things in a determined relationship with that State was subject to compliance with the relevant terms and conditions laid down in the treaty containing the clause or otherwise agreed between the granting State and the beneficiary State.


In other words, instead of a two-step process deciding, explicitly or implicitly, whether in principle MFN clauses covered dispute settlement provisions, and embarking on the interpretation of the MFN provision in question to see whether it applied in fact to dispute settlement provisions, there was a prior step, possibly overlooked in the case-law, aimed at determining who was entitled to benefit and whether the preconditions for access had been fulfilled.


360. The Study Group viewed it advisable to review the various approaches taken, drawing attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

360. 研究组认为,似宜审查所采取的各种办法,并提请注意每一种办法的优缺点。

It was noted that the treaty interpretation approach may be a misnomer since the whole process was about treaty interpretation.


It was confirmed that the general point of departure would be the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties, supplemented by any principles that may be deduced from practice in the investment area, although it was noted that reference to the separate treaty-making practice of each of the parties to the BIT, in respect of which an MFN claim had been made, as a means to ascertain the intention of the parties regarding the scope of the MFN clause, did not seem to find support in the VCLT.


2. Future work

2. 今后的工作方案

361. The Study Group once more affirmed the need to study further the question of MFN in relation to trade in services and investment agreements, as well as the relationship between MFN, fair and equitable treatment, and national treatment standards.

361. 研究组再次申明,需要进一步研究与服务贸易和投资协定有关的最惠国问题,以及最惠国待遇、公正和公平待遇以及国民待遇标准之间的关系。

A further look should also be taken at other areas of international law to see if any application of MFN there might provide some insight for the Study Group’s work.


362. The Study Group anticipates that its work could be completed within two more sessions of the Commission.

362. 研究组预计在委员会今后两届会议内结束其工作。

It was underscored that the work of the Study Group should seek to safeguard against fragmentation of international law by assuring the importance of greater coherence in the approaches taken in the arbitral decisions.


It was considered that the Study Group could make a contribution towards assuring greater certainty and stability in the field of investment law.


It was stressed that the effort should strive at preparing an outcome that would be of practical utility to those involved in the investment field and to policymakers.


The Study Group affirmed its intention not to prepare any draft articles or to revise of the 1978 draft articles.


Instead, further work will be undertaken under the overall guidance of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group to put together a draft report providing the general background, analysing and contextualizing the case law, drawing attention to the issues that had arisen and trends in the practice and where appropriate make recommendations, including model clauses.


Chapter XIII


Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission


A. Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation

A. 委员会的方案、程序和工作方法以及文件

363. At its 3089th meeting, on 17 May 2011, the Commission established a Planning Group for the current session.

363. 2011517日第3089次会议上,委员会为本届会议设立了一个规划组。

364. The Planning Group held two meetings.

364. 规划组举行了两次会议。

It had before it Section J of the Topical Summary of the discussion held in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly during its sixty-fifth session, entitled “Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission”; the proposed Strategic Framework for the period 2012–2013 (A/65/6), covering “Programme 6: Legal Affairs”; General Assembly resolution 65/26 of 6 December 2010 on the Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its sixty-second session, in particular paragraphs 7, 8, and 13 to 21; General Assembly resolution 65/32 of 6 December 2010 on the rule of law at the national and international levels, as well as chapter XIII, section A.2, of the report of the Commission on the work of its sixty-second session concerning the consideration of General Assembly resolution 64/116 of 16 December 2009 on the rule of law at the national and international levels.


1. Working Group on the Long-term Programme of Work

1. 长期工作方案工作组

365. At its 1st meeting, on 4 May 2011, the Planning Group decided to reconstitute the Working Group on the Long-term Programme of Work, under the chairmanship of Mr. Enrique Candioti.

365. 规划组在201154日第1次会议上决定重新设立长期工作方案工作组,由恩里克·坎迪奥蒂先生担任主席。

The Chairman of the Working Group submitted an oral report to the Planning Group on 3 August 2011, of which the Planning Group took note.


The Planning Group recommended and the Commission endorsed the inclusion of the following topics in the long-term programme of work of the Commission:


(a) Formation and evidence of customary international law;

(a) 习惯国际法的形成与证据;

(b) Protection of the atmosphere;

(b) 保护大气层;

(c) Provisional application of treaties;

(c) 条约的临时适用;

(d) The fair and equitable treatment standard in international investment law;

(d) 国际投资法律中的公正和公平待遇标准;

(e) Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts.

(e) 与武装冲突有关的环境保护。

366. During the quinquennium, the Working Group on Long-term Programme of Work considered a number of topics and requested members of the Working Group to prepare drafts on these topics.

366. 在本五年期内,长期工作方案工作组审议了一些专题,并请工作组成员编写关于这些专题的草案。

The Group was guided by the recommendation of the Commission at its fiftieth session (1998) regarding the criteria for the selection of the topics:


(a) The topic should reflect the needs of States in respect of the progressive development and codification of international law;

(a) 专题应反映各国在逐渐发展和编纂国际法方面的需要;

(b) The topic should be sufficiently advanced in stage in terms of State practice to permit progressive development and codification;

(b) 专题在国家实践方面应足够成熟,从而允许逐渐发展和编纂;

(c) The topic is concrete and feasible for progressive development and codification;

(c) 专题为逐渐发展的目的应当是具体和可行的;



… the Commission should not restrict itself to traditional topics, but could also consider those that reflect new developments in international law and pressing concerns of the international community as a whole.


367. The syllabuses of the topics included by the Commission in its long-term programme of work at the present session are annexed to the present report.

367. 由委员会本届会议列入其长期工作方案的各专题的提纲作为附件列入本报告。

It was felt that all those topics constitute useful contributions to the codification and progressive development of international law.


Moreover, some of them venture into fields which the Commission had not sufficiently considered so far (environment, humanitarian law).


368. It should also be recalled that the Commission, in the course of the present quinquennium, decided to inscribe in its programme of work the following topics recommended by the Working Group:

368. 还应回顾指出,委员会在这个即将结束的五年期内已决定将工作组建议的下述专题列入其工作方案:

(a) Treaties over time;

(a) 条约随时间演变;

(b) The Most-Favoured-Nation clause.

(b) 最惠国条款。

369. Finally, there are four more topics that remain inscribed in the long-term programme of work from previous quinquennia:

369. 最后,长期工作方案上还有四个专题是从前面的五年期继承下来的:

(a) Jurisdictional immunity of international organizations;

(a) 国际组织的管辖豁免

(b) Protection of personal data in trans-border flow of information;

(b) 信息跨界流动的个人数据保护问题;

(c) Extraterritorial jurisdiction;

(c) 域外管辖权;

(d) Ownership and protection of wrecks beyond the limits of national maritime jurisdiction.

(d) 国家海事管辖范围以外的沉船的所有权及保护。

2. Methods of work of the Commission

2. 委员会的工作方法

370. At its first meeting on 27 May 2011, the Planning Group decided to establish a Working Group on Methods of Work.

370. 规划组在2011527日第1次会议上决定设立一个工作方法工作组。

The Working Group, chaired by Mr. Hussein A. Hassouna, held four meetings on 30 and 31 May, and on 20 and 25 July 2011.


Its report was adopted by the Planning Group.


371. The Working Group took into consideration paragraphs 8 and 9 of General Assembly resolution 65/26 of 6 December 2010.

371. 工作组考虑到大会2010126日第65/26号决议第8段和第9段。

It also had as a point of reference the 1996 report of the Group on Working Methods of the Commission and the Commission’s decisions in that effect.

它也参考了委员会1996年工作方法工作组的报告 和委员会在这方面的决定。

The Working Group recommended the following conclusions to improve the working methods of the Commission that the Commission adopted at its 3127th meeting on 12 August 2011:


(a) Role of the Special Rapporteurs

(a) 特别报告员的作用

372. In view of the key role that the Special Rapporteurs have in the work of the Commission, they are expected:

372. 鉴于特别报告员在委员会工作中具有的关键性作用,特别报告员应:

(i) to prepare each year a substantive report on their respective topic;

() 每年编写一份关于其专题的实质性报告;

(ii) to make every effort to limit the length of each report to no more than 50 pages;

() 尽全力将每份报告的篇幅限制在50页以内;

(iii) to submit their full report to the Secretariat at least six weeks before the start of each session;

() 每届会议开始前至少六个星期向秘书处提交报告全文;

(iv) to be available to attend a substantial part of each session so that special adjustments do not have to be made to the programme of work of the Commission;

() 能够较多地参加每届会议,以避免被迫对委员会的工作方案作出特殊调整;

(v) to be ready to summarize the debate the day following the completion of the debate or as soon as possible thereafter; and

() 能够在讨论结束的次日或随后尽快对讨论情况作出总结;并且

(vi) to prepare concise draft commentaries that will be designed to explain the texts adopted at each session on their topic.

() 编写简明的评注草案,对每届会议就其专题通过的案文作出解释。

(b) Study Groups

(b) 研究组

373. A Study Group should aim at achieving a concrete outcome in accordance with the mandate of the Commission and within a reasonable time.

373. 研究组应着眼于按照委员会的布置在合理期间内取得具体成果。

The possibility of replacing a Study Group by appointing a Special Rapporteur as the topic progresses should be considered, as appropriate.


(c) Drafting Committee

(c) 起草委员会

374. Given the hard work that the Chairman of the Drafting Committee has to face during the whole session, in practice chairmen have sometimes had recourse to an experienced colleague in order to delegate the work when they need to be absent.

374. 由于起草委员会主席在整届会议期间均面临繁重的工作,在实践中,主席们有时会在需要离开时将工作托付给一位有经验的同事。

This informal arrangement seems to work well and there is no need to formalize it further.


375. The Drafting Committee has progressively become a body entrusted also with substantive issues of negotiation.

375. 起草委员会已经逐渐成为也受托谈判实质性问题的机构。

It is difficult to separate drafting from substance, but, as soon as a hardcore issue proves difficult to be overcome in the Drafting Committee, it may be transferred to a more informal setting such as a working group, a practice which has been resorted to in the past.


376. Regarding the form of presentation of the report of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary, it would be possible to recommend to the drafters of the statement to try to make it shorter without making the substance suffer.

376. 关于起草委员会向全体会议提交报告的形式,可建议声明的起草者尽量缩短篇幅而不减损内容。

However, the length of the statement is also determined by the quantity and complexity of the draft articles presented.


The Commission welcomes the placement on the website of the statement of the Chairman and suggests that it could be complemented by the placement of an annex of the draft articles adopted by the Plenary.


377. Paragraphs 212 to 216 of the Commission’s 1996 report are still relevant and could be considered.

377. 委员会1996年的报告第212216段 仍然具有现实意义,可以考虑。

(d) Planning Group

(d) 规划组

378. The work of the Planning Group could be adjusted as follows:

378. 规划组的工作可作如下调整:

(i) The Planning Group should closely monitor and advise the Commission on the optimum organization of forthcoming sessions, taking into account the topics included in the agenda.

() 规划组应密切跟踪委员会工作,并考虑到其议程中包括的专题,就如何以最佳方式安排将要举行的届会向委员会提出建议。

This requires that the Planning Group be allocated appropriate time at an early stage of the session.


(ii) Priorities for completion of topics could be proposed by the Group to the Plenary, bearing in mind recommendations, if any, from the General Assembly.

() 规划组可以向全会提议完成专题的优先顺序,同时考虑到大会可能提出的建议。

(iii) The Group should cooperate with Special Rapporteurs and coordinators of Study Groups to define, at the beginning of any new topic, a tentative schedule for the development of the topic over a number of years as may be required, and periodically review the attainment of annual targets in such schedule, updating it when appropriate.

() 规划组应与特别报告员和研究组的协调员合作,在开始着手任何新专题时确定研拟该专题的暂定时间表,同时列出可能需要的年限,并定期审查该时间表年度目标的实现情况,在适当时候予以更新。

(iv) The Group should, in particular, at the end of each annual session, discuss a preliminary plan for the next annual session and its duration, and advise the Commission accordingly.

() 规划组应尤其在每年届会结束时讨论下一年届会的初步计划和会期,并相应向委员会提出建议。

(e) Preparation of commentaries to draft articles

(e) 编写条款草案的评注

379. The Commission should reconsider the present practice of leaving the formulation of commentaries to draft articles to the respective Special Rapporteurs alone and discussing those commentaries only at the time of adoption of the Commission’s annual report, under pressure to finish the latter and without sufficient time for members to study the commentaries carefully.

379. 目前的做法是,让各位特别报告员独自编写条款草案评注,只在通过委员会的年度报告时才讨论评注,而此时面临完成报告的压力,没有足够的时间仔细研究评注,对这种做法委员会应重新考虑。

380. Special Rapporteurs should be asked to submit draft commentaries as soon as possible after the adoption of the draft articles they propose.

380. 应该要求特别报告员在他们提议的条款草案获得通过后尽快提交评注草案。

Time permitting, the draft commentaries should then be dealt with and provisionally approved in the Drafting Committee.


381. The Drafting Committee does not currently examine the content of the commentaries, which are directly presented to the Plenary.

381. 起草委员会目前不审查直接提交给全体会议的评注的内容。

Elements of commentaries could, where appropriate and possible, be considered by the Drafting Committee before being incorporated into the final commentaries.


This was experienced in the past (see paragraphs 196 to 199 of the Commission’s 1996 report).


382. Commentaries should, in general, be as concise as possible, consistent with providing adequate explanations of the draft articles.

382. 在一般情况下,评注应尽量精简,符合对条款草案做出充分解释的要求。

(f) Final form

(f) 最后形式

383. A preliminary indication as to the final form of the work undertaken on a specific topic (draft articles which might be embodied in a convention, declaration of principles, guidelines, expository study with conclusions and recommendations, etc.) should, as far as possible, be made at an early stage by Special Rapporteurs or Study Groups, subject to review and later adjustment as the work develops.

383. 特别报告员或研究组应该尽可能在早期阶段编制有关就特定专题所开展工作之最后形式的初步说明(条款草案可采取公约、原则宣言、准则、带有结论和建议的阐述性研究报告等形式),并随工作进展予以审查和适后调整。

(g) The Commission’s report

(g) 委员会的报告

384. The Commission should make Chapter II of the report (Summary) more informative, covering succinctly the main issues on which there had been important debates and a description of the achievements of the session.

384. 委员会应充实报告第二章(概况)的内容,简明扼要地涵盖经过重要讨论的主要问题,并说明这届会议所取得的成就。

385. The Commission should take particular care to make Chapter III of the report (“Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission”) as clear and specific as possible.

385. 委员会应特别注意使报告第三章(“委员会特别想听取意见的具体问题”) 做到尽可能明确和具体。

(h) Relationship with the Sixth Committee

(h) 与第六委员会的关系

(1) Chairman’s introduction of the Commission’s report in the Sixth Committee

(1) 主席在第六委员会介绍委员会的报告

386. The introduction of the Commission’s report in the Sixth Committee by the Chairman of the Commission should continue to be divided into parts.

386. 委员会主席在第六委员会介绍国际法委员会的报告应继续分部分进行。

Each part should be as concise as possible (in general, not longer than 30 minutes).


(a) The introduction should concentrate on the main points, and not go into details of drafting etc.;

(a) 介绍应集中说明要点,不要详述起草等细节;

(b) These main points should include:

(b) 这些要点应包括:

(i) proposals for new topics (if any);

() 关于新专题的建议(如有的话)

(ii) issues on which the Commission particularly wishes to hear from Member States;

() 委员会特别希望听取会员国意见的问题;

(iii) main achievements of the Commission during the last year (e.g. completion of first or second readings); and

() 委员会在去年取得的主要成就(如完成一读或二读)

(c) If the Special Rapporteur is present when ‘his’ or ‘her’ chapter of the report is introduced, the Special Rapporteur should be invited to add his comments after the introduction by the Chairman of the Commission.

(c) 如果特别报告员在介绍报告中自己那一章时本人在场的话,应请特别报告员在委员会主席介绍完毕之后加以补充。

(2) Dialogue with the Sixth Committee

(2) 与第六委员会对话

387. The Special Rapporteurs (and indeed any member of the Commission present in the Sixth Committee) should be ready to take part in the inter-active segment of the Sixth Committee’s “international law week”.

387. 特别报告员(事实上,出席第六委员会的任何国际法委员会委员)应准备参加第六委员会国际法周中的互动活动。

Members of the Commission are also encouraged to be in touch with the organizers of the interactive segment and of the Legal Advisers meeting to discuss the arrangements for those meetings.


388. Consideration should be given to the possibility of having one half session each quinquennium in New York so as to facilitate direct contact between the Commission and delegates of the Sixth Committee.

388. 应考虑是否有可能在每一个五年期内安排半届会议在纽约举行,以促进委员会和第六委员会代表之间的直接接触。

3. Length and nature of future sessions

3. 今后届会的会期和性质

389. The Commission stressed the importance of retaining split sessions for the efficiency and effectiveness of its work and recalled its decision of 1999 on this matter.

389. 委员会强调,保持届会分两期举行的做法对委员会工作的效率和效力非常重要,并回顾委员会1999年就此问题所做决定。

It also reaffirmed its decision of 2000 concerning the length, nature and place of future sessions of the Commission, reiterating its views expressed in paragraph 227 of its 1996 report that “… in the longer term, the length of sessions is related to the question of [its work] organization” and that “if a split session is adopted … its work can usually be effectively done in a period of less than 12 weeks a year.


It sees good reason for reverting to the older practice of a total annual provision of 10 weeks, with the possibility of extension to 12 weeks in particular years, as required”.


Consequently, and unless significant reasons related to the organization of its work otherwise require, the length of the sessions during the initial years of the Commission’s future mandate should be of 10 weeks and, during its final years, of 12 weeks.


390. In this regard, the Commission emphasized its view that only a split session allows sufficient time for the preparation of the commentaries on the texts adopted during the first part of the session.

390. 在这方面,委员会强调其下述观点,即只有分两期举行届会才能为编写届会第一期通过的案文评注留出充足的时间。

This is necessary for the Commission to fulfil its mandate effectively.


391. In addition, given that several members of the Commission might not be able to attend the entire ten- or twelve-week duration of an undivided session, the efficacy of the Commission would be hampered if the undivided session were to be reintroduced.

391. 此外,如果届会不再分两期举行,那么委员会有几位委员可能无法从头至尾参加完十周或十二周的会议,委员会的效力可能会受到损害。

4. Consideration of General Assembly resolution 65/32 of 6 December 2010 on the rule of law at the national and international levels

4. 审议大会2010126日关于国内和国际法治的第65/32号决议

392. The General Assembly, in resolution 65/32 of 6 December 2010 on the rule of law at the national and international levels, inter alia, reiterated its invitation to the Commission to comment, in its report to the General Assembly, on its current role in promoting the rule of law.

392. 大会在2010126日关于国内和国际法治的第65/32号决议中,重申请委员会在提交大会的报告中对其当前在促进法治方面的作用发表评论。

The Commission has commented annually on its role in promoting the rule of law since 2008.


The Commission notes that the substance of the comprehensive comments contained in paragraphs 341 to 346 of its 2008 report (A/63/10) remains relevant and reiterates the comments in paragraph 231 of its 2009 report (A/64/10) as well as the comments in paragraphs 390 to 393 of its 2010 report (A/65/10).


393. The Commission recalls that the rule of law constitutes the essence of the Commission, for its basic mission is to guide the development and formulation of the law.

393. 委员会回顾指出,法治是委员会的精髓,因为委员会的基本使命是指导法律的发展和拟订。

The Commission notes that the role of the General Assembly in encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification is reaffirmed in General Assembly resolution 65/32 on the rule of law at the national and international levels.


As an organ established by the General Assembly and in keeping with the mandate set out in Article 13 (1) (a) of the Charter of the United Nations, the Commission continues to promote the progressive development and codification of international law.


394. The Legal Counsel of the United Nations recognized the existence of two interdependent dimensions to the concept of the rule of law.

394. 联合国法律顾问承认,在关于法治的概念上,存在两个相互依存的层面。

Whilst one dimension is national and the other dimension is international, their interdependence was explicitly acknowledged in the Millennium Declaration, whereby the Heads of State and Government affirmed their resolve to “strengthen respect for the rule of law in international as in national affairs.”


395. Judge Hisashi Owada, President of the International Court of Justice, has convincingly emphasized both substantive legal content as well as the more traditional procedural focus of the rule of law.

” 395. 国际法院院长小和田恒令人信服地既强调了实质法律内容,也强调了法治中更传统的程序重点。

According to President Owada, “the rule of law, when applied at the international level, requires a reconceptualization of the principle that incorporates both its process and its substance, taking account of the systemic differences between the domestic and international legal order”.


He concludes that “the rule of law at the international level increasingly permeates the rule of law at the national level…”


396. Bearing in mind the close interrelation of the rule of law at the international level and that at the national level, the Commission, in fulfilling its mandate of codification and progressive development, considers that its work should be informed where appropriate by the principles of human rights that are fundamental to the international rule of law as reflected in the preamble and in Article 13 of the Charter of the United Nations.

396. 委员会铭记国际和国内层面上法治间的密切相互联系,在履行编纂和逐渐发展的任务时,认为自身的工作应酌情吸收《联合国宪章》序言和第十三条中所反映的作为国际法治根本的人权原则。

Accordingly, the Commission has brought awareness of the rule of law at the international level through its work on topics like Protection of persons in the event of disasters; Expulsion of aliens; Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare); Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction; and Effects of armed conflict on treaties.

据此,委员会在国际层面上将法治意识引入其关于下述专题的工作中:发生灾害时的人员保护、驱逐外国人、引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)、国家官员的刑事管辖豁免及武装冲突对条约的影响。

397. The General Assembly could recall in this context the Commission’s contribution to the rule of law.

397. 在这方面,大会可回顾委员会对法治的贡献。

398. The Commission reiterates its commitment to the rule of law in all of its activities.

398. 委员会重申在其所有活动中致力于法治。

5. Honoraria

5. 酬金

399. The Commission reiterates once more its views concerning the question of honoraria, resulting from the adoption by the General Assembly of its resolution 56/272 of 27 March 2002, which have been expressed in the previous reports of the Commission.

399. 委员会再次重申对大会2002327日通过第56/272号决议所引起的酬金问题的意见,委员会以前的报告表明了这一意见。

The Commission emphasizes that the above resolution especially affects Special Rapporteurs, as it compromises support for their research work.


6. Assistance to Special Rapporteurs

6. 向特别报告员提供协助

400. The Commission wishes to reaffirm that its Special Rapporteurs have a special role to play in its working methods.

400. 委员会重申,委员会的特别报告员在委员会工作方法上发挥着特殊作用。

The independent character of the Commission accords to its Special Rapporteurs a responsibility to work cooperatively with the Secretariat but also independently of it.


While recognizing the invaluable assistance of the Codification Division, the Commission notes that the exigencies and the very nature of the work of Special Rapporteurs as independent experts, which continues year round, imply that some forms of assistance that they need go beyond that which could be provided the Secretariat.


In particular, the writing of the report by the Special Rapporteurs requires various forms of immediate research work associated therewith, the provision of which by the Secretariat located in Headquarters is entirely impracticable.


Such work, which constitutes an essential element of the Commission’s deliberations, has to be accomplished within the parameters of already existing responsibilities of the Special Rapporteurs in various professional fields, thereby adding an extra burden that may not be easily quantifiable in monetary terms and affecting the conditions of their work.


The Commission expresses the hope that the General Assembly will view it appropriate to consider this matter anew in light of the real impact that it has on the proper functioning of the Commission as a whole.


7. Attendance of the General Assembly by Special Rapporteurs during the consideration of the Commission’s report

7. 特别报告员在大会审议委员会报告期间参加大会

401. The Commission notes that, with a view to strengthening its relationship with the General Assembly, it has, on previous occasions, drawn attention to the possibility of enabling Special Rapporteurs to attend the Sixth Committee’s debate on the report of the Commission.

401. 委员会指出,为了加强与大会的关系,委员会过去曾在不同场合提出允许特别报告员参加第六委员会讨论委员会报告的可能性。

The Commission wishes to reiterate the usefulness of Special Rapporteurs being afforded the opportunity to interact with representatives of Governments during the consideration of their topics in the Sixth Committee.


8. Documentation and publications

8. 文件和出版物

(a) Processing and issuance of reports of Special Rapporteurs

(a) 处理和印发特别报告员的报告

402. The Commission reiterates the importance of providing and making available all evidence of State practice and other sources of international law relevant to the performance of the Commission’s function in the progressive development of international law and its codification.

402. 委员会重申,必须提供和开放一切与履行委员会逐渐发展和编纂国际法的职能相关的国家实践和其他国际法渊源的证据。

The Commission also wishes to stress that it and its Special Rapporteurs are fully conscious of the need to achieve economies whenever possible in the overall volume of documentation and will continue to bear such considerations in mind.


While the Commission is aware of the advantages of being as concise as possible, it strongly believes that an a priori limitation cannot be placed on the length of the documentation and research projects relating to the Commission’s work.


The Commission stressed also the importance of the timely preparation of reports by Special Rapporteurs for submission to the Commission and delivery to the Secretariat.


(b) Summary records of the work of the Commission and posting them on the website

(b) 委员会工作的简要记录及在网站上发布

403. The Commission has on several occasions confirmed that the summary records are “an inescapable requirement for the procedures and methods of its work.

403. 委员会多次确认,就其工作程序和方法来说,简要纪录是非有不可的。

They constitute the equivalent of travaux préparatoires and are an indispensable part of the process of progressive development of international law and its codification.


They are vital for the Commission’s work”.


Moreover, the Commission continues to stress the importance of summary records as an essential part of its Yearbook.


The production of the summary records in all the United Nations official languages makes the work of the Commission known to the general public and to States, thus assuring also transparency about the Commission’s activity.


They also satisfy the needs of members of the Commission and, in particular, Special Rapporteurs to take into account what was done in the past at various stages of the Commission’s work, as useful background for further study and preparation of new documents.


Finally, they constitute important reference material for governments, practitioners and international and domestic courts and tribunals, as well as academics and research students.


404. The Commission welcomes the efforts of the Secretariat to include the Commission’s provisional summary records on the website.

404. 委员会欢迎秘书处努力将委员会的临时简要记录张贴到网站上。

It took note of the Secretariat’s decision to do so on a trial basis and on the understanding that they would be posted on the site as soon as the electronic versions are received by the Secretariat of the Commission where possible, or shortly thereafter, and subject to the availability of resources to do so.


405. The Commission indicated that the inclusion of the provisional summary records on the website concerning the Commission is not intended as a replacement for the established procedures for the production of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission, as mandated by the General Assembly, but rather as a way of mitigating the impact of the delay in the preparation and publication of the final corrected version of the summary records.

405. 委员会表示,将临时简要记录放到委员会的网站上不是为了取代大会规定的制作《国际法委员会年鉴》的既定程序,而是设法减轻编制和出版简要记录最后更正文本延误所带来的影响。

(c) Yearbook of the International Law Commission

(c) 《国际法委员会年鉴》

406. In its resolution 176 (II) of 21 November 1947, the General Assembly stated that “one of the most effective means of furthering the development of international law consists in promoting public interest in this subject and using the media of education and publicity to familiarize the peoples with the principles and rules that govern international relations”.

406. 大会在19471121日第176()号决议中指出,促进国际法发展最有效的手段之一包含在这一主题上促进公众利益和使用教育和宣传媒体使人民熟悉制约国际关系的原则和规则

In resolution 987 (X) of 3 December 1955, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to arrange for the printing each year of the documents and records of the Commission.


At its eighth session, in 1956, the Commission recommended that such records and documents be published in the form of a Yearbook.


407. Since its inception, the Yearbook of the International Law Commission has become an authoritative international legal publication critical to the understanding of the Commission’s work in the progressive development of international law and its codification, as well as in the strengthening of the rule of law in international relations.

407. 《国际法委员会年鉴》自从出刊以来,已经成为一份权威的国际法律出版物,对于了解委员会在逐渐发展和编纂国际法以及加强国际关系中法治方面的工作具有关键意义。

The Yearbook has been extensively cited in legal proceedings before international courts and tribunals, and by Governments in their official communications. It has further proved an invaluable resource for practitioners and academics alike seeking evidence of customary international law.


The Yearbook constitutes an indispensable tool for the preservation of the legislative history of the documents emanating from the Commission, as well as for the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of the efforts undertaken by the Commission in the progressive development of international law and its codification.


408. Volume I of the Yearbook consists of the final edited version of the summary records of the Commission’s meetings.

408. 《年鉴》第一卷包含委员会会议的简要记录经编辑的最后文本。

In its volume II, the Yearbook presents, in a systematic way, the final edited version of the various documents pertaining to the work of the Commission.


Such documents include, in particular, the annual reports of the Commission, the reports presented by the Special Rapporteurs on the various topics on the Commission’s programme of work, as well as studies or memoranda prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on given topics.


409. It should be noted that these various documents undergo an elaborate process of referencing and editing before their inclusion in the Yearbook.

409. 应当指出,上述各种文件在列入《年鉴》之前均经过精心的索引和编辑工作。

This is particularly true with respect to the citations which, for various reasons, are far from being complete and finalized in the parliamentary form of such documents.


Thus, the Commission emphasizes the scientific value of the Yearbook and its long-term interest for governments, practitioners and academics, courts and tribunals, as the publication that crystallizes the work of the Commission in the most accurate and final form.


While noting the considerable progress made in the reduction of the backlog, the Commission expressed the wish to further reduce and finally eliminate the backlog in the publication of the Yearbook.


(d) Trust fund on the backlog relating to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission

(d) 处理《国际法委员会年鉴》积压工作问题的信托基金

410. The Commission reiterated that the Yearbooks were critical to the understanding of its work in the progressive development of international law and its codification, as well as in the strengthening of the rule of law in international relations.

410. 委员会重申,《年鉴》对于了解委员会在逐渐发展和编纂国际法以及加强国际关系中法治方面的工作具有关键意义。

The Commission noted with appreciation that the General Assembly, in its resolution 65/26, acknowledged the establishment by the Secretary-General of a trust fund to accept voluntary contributions so as to address the backlog relating to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission and invited voluntary contributions to that end.


(e) Assistance of the Codification Division

(e) 编纂司的协助

411. The Commission expressed its appreciation for the valuable assistance of the Codification Division of the Secretariat in its substantive servicing of the Commission and its involvement in research projects on the work of the Commission.

411. 委员会感谢秘书处编纂司在为委员会提供实质性服务方面提供宝贵协助并参与关于委员会工作的研究项目。

The Commission reiterated the particular relevance and significant value of the legal publications prepared by the Codification Division to its work, and reiterated its request that the Codification Division continue to provide the Commission with these publications.


(f) Websites

(f) 网站

412. The Commission once again expressed its appreciation for the results of the activity of the Secretariat in its continuous updating and management of its website on the International Law Commission.

412. 委员会再次表示赞赏秘书处不断更新和管理国际法委员会网站的工作成果。

The Commission reiterated that this website and other websites maintained by the Codification Division constitute an invaluable resource for the Commission in undertaking its work and for researchers of work of the Commission in the wider community, thereby contributing to the overall strengthening of the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law.

委员会重申,这个网站以及由编纂司维护的其他网站 是委员会开展工作以及各界委员会研究工作者的宝贵资源,有助于全面加强国际法的教学、研究、传播和广泛评价。

The Commission notes that the website on the work of the Commission includes information on the current status of the topics on the agenda of the Commission, as well as advance edited versions of summary records of the Commission.


B. Date and place of the sixty-fourth session of the Commission

B. 委员会第六十四届会议的日期和地点

413. The Commission decided that its sixty-fourth session be held in Geneva from 7 May to 1 June and 2 July to 3 August 2012.

413. 委员会建议,委员会第六十四届会议于201257日至61日、72日至83日在日内瓦举行。

414. The Commission emphasizes the exceptional character of the proposed duration of the sixty-fourth session of the Commission (nine weeks) due to the fact that three important topics on the Commission’s agenda have just been completed.

414. 委员会强调,鉴于刚刚完成委员会议程上的三个重要专题,因此提出上述会期建议(九周),这属于例外情况。

The Commission takes also into consideration the current financial constraints of the United Nations while bearing in mind paragraph 9 of General Assembly resolution 65/26 and its invitation to the International Law Commission to continue to take cost-saving measures without prejudice to the efficiency and effectiveness of its work.


415. The Commission stresses the fact that the split session for 2012 is an essential condition for the good planning and efficiency of a nine-week session.

415. 委员会强调,2012年届会分两期举行是使为期九周的届会实现良好规划和高效的必不可少的条件。

C. Peaceful settlement of disputes

C. 和平解决争端

416. Pursuant to a decision taken at its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission, at its 3095th and 3096th meetings on 31 May and 1 June 2011, held a discussion on “Peaceful settlement of disputes”, under agenda item “Other matters”, on the basis of a working paper (A/CN.4/641) by Mr. Michael Wood.

416. 根据委员会第六十二届会议(2010)作出的决定 ,委员会在2011531日和61日举行的第30953096次会议上在议程项目其他事项下以迈克尔·伍德先生撰写的工作文件(A/CN.4/641)为基础对和平解决争端进行了讨论。

For that purpose, the Commission also had before it a note by the Secretariat on “Settlement of disputes clauses” (A/CN.4/623), presented to the Commission at its sixty-second session.


417. The working paper presented by Mr. Wood included, in Section II, a summary of the debate within the Commission in 2010 and a list of specific suggestions made on that occasion.

417. 伍德先生提交的工作文件第二节中概述了委员会2010年的讨论情况,并列出了讨论中提出的具体建议清单。

Section III recalled work already done on peaceful settlement of disputes by the United Nations and other bodies, including regional organizations, while Section IV contained tentative suggestions for possible topics relating to the peaceful settlement of disputes, which could be further developed or complemented within the Working Group on the Long-Term Programme of Work, in particular a possible study on ways and means of improving procedures for dispute settlement involving international organizations.

第三节回顾联合国和其他机构包括区域组织在和平解决争端方面业已开展的工作,第四节提出关于和平解决争端可能专题的初步建议 ,可由长期工作方案工作组作进一步拟订或补充,具体说来,可就改进涉及国际组织的争端解决程序的方式方法开展研究。

In discussing these suggestions, the Commission expressed its support for addressing the issue of procedures for dispute settlement involving international organizations within the Working Group on Long-term Programme of Work.


D. Cooperation with other bodies

D. 与其他机构的合作

418. At its 3100th meeting, on 7 July 2011, Judge Hisashi Owada, President of the International Court of Justice, addressed the Commission and informed it of the Court’s recent activities and of the cases currently before it, drawing special attention to aspects that have a particular relevance to the work of the Commission.

418. 201177日第3100次会议上,国际法院院长小和田恒法官作了发言,向委员会通报了国际法院最近的活动和正在审理的案件, 尤其提请注意与委员会工作特别相关的方面。

An exchange of views followed.


419. The European Committee on Legal Cooperation and the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI) of the Council of Europe were represented at the present session of the Commission by the Chair of the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public international Law (CAHDI), Ms. Edwige Belliard, and the Director of Legal Advice and Public International Law of the Council of Europe, Mr. Manuel Lezertua, who addressed the Commission at its 3101st meeting, on 8 July 2011.

419. 欧洲法律合作委员会和欧洲委员会国际公法法律顾问委员会(国际公法顾委)由国际公法法律顾问委员会主席埃德维热·贝里亚尔女士和欧洲委员会法律咨询和国际公法主任曼努埃尔·莱泽图阿先生作为代表出席了委员会本届会议,并在委员会201178日第3101次会议上作了发言。

They focused on the current activities of CAHDI on a variety of legal matters, as well of the Council of Europe.


An exchange of views followed.


420. The Inter-American Juridical Committee was represented at the present session of the Commission by Ms. Hyacinth Lindsay, who addressed the Commission at its 3108th meeting, on 20 July 2011.

420. 海厄辛思·林赛女士代表美洲法律委员会出席了委员会本届会议,并在2011720日委员会第3108次会议上作了发言。

She gave an overview of the activities of the Committee as contained in its annual report.


An exchange of views followed.


421. The Secretary-General of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO), Mr. Rahmat Bin Mohamad, addressed the Commission at its 3112th meeting, on 26 July 2011.

421. 亚非法律协商组织(亚非法协)秘书长拉赫马特··穆罕默德先生在2011726日委员会第3112次会议上作了发言。

He briefed the Commission on the recent and forthcoming activities of AALCO. In particular, he reviewed the consideration given by AALCO to the work of the Commission.


An exchange of views followed.


422. On 20 July 2011, an informal exchange of views was held between members of the Commission and the International Committee of the Red Cross on topics of mutual interest, including an overview of the main priorities of the ICRC Legal Division and a presentation on the ICRC project on strengthening legal protection for victims of armed conflicts, as well as issues concerning the topic “Treaties over time”.

422. 2011720日,委员会的委员和红十字国际委员会的委员就共同感兴趣的问题进行了非正式的意见交流,包括红十字会法律司主要工作重点综述,红十字会关于加强对武装冲突受害者法律保护项目的介绍以及与条约随时间演变专题有关的问题。

An exchange of views followed.


E. Representation at the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly

E. 出席大会第六十六届会议的代表

423. The Commission decided that it should be represented at the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly by its Chairman, Mr. Maurice Kamto.

423. 委员会决定由主席莫里斯·卡姆托先生代表委员会出席大会第六十六届会议。

424. The Commission regrets that, due to financial constraints, it could not request one or more Special Rapporteurs to attend the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly under the terms of paragraph 5 of General Assembly resolution 44/35.

424. 委员会感到遗憾的是,由于财政紧张,委员会无法请一位或更多位特别报告员依照大会第44/35号决议第5段的规定出席大会第六十六届会议。

F. Gilberto Amado Memorial Lecture

F. 希尔维托·阿马多纪念演讲

425. On 19 July 2011, members of the Commission, participants of the International Law Seminar and other experts of international law attended the Gilberto Amado Memorial Lecture, entitled “La portée du consentement comme fondement de l’autorité de la sentence de la Cour internationale de Justice”, which was delivered by Professor Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant.

425. 2011719日,委员会委员、国际法讲习班学员和其他国际法专家参加了由列奥纳多·纳莫尔·卡尔德拉·布兰特教授所作的题为作为国际法院判决权威基础的同意的范围的希尔维托·阿马多纪念演讲。

Also in attendance was the Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations in Geneva.


G. Memorial seminar in honour of Professor Paula Escarameia

G. 保拉·埃斯卡拉梅亚教授纪念研讨会

426. A memorial seminar was organized in honour of Professor Paula Escarameia by Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva (HEID).

426. 玛丽·雅各布松女士和日内瓦国际关系和发展研究院(日内瓦国际研究院)举办了纪念保拉·埃斯卡拉梅亚教授的研讨会。

The seminar, entitled “International Law as a Tool for Humanity”, was held at the HEID on 12 July 2011.


It was followed by a reception offered by the HEID.


H. International Law Seminar

H. 国际法讲习班

427. Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/26, the forty-seventh session of the International Law Seminar was held at the Palais des Nations from 4 to 22 July 2011, during the present session of the Commission.

427. 依照大会第65/26号决议,第四十七届国际法讲习班于201174日至22日于国际法委员会本届会议期间在万国宫举行。

The Seminar is intended for young academics and diplomats specializing in international law.


428. Twenty-six participants of different nationalities took part in the session.

428. 来自世界各个地区分属不同国籍的26名学员参加了这届讲习班。

The participants attended plenary meetings of the Commission, specially arranged lectures, and participated in working groups on specific topics.


429. The Seminar was opened by Mr. Maurice Kamto, Chairman of the Commission. Mr. Markus Schmidt, Senior Legal Adviser of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), was responsible for the administration, organization and conduct of the Seminar.

429. 讲习班由委员会主席莫里斯·卡姆托先生主持开幕,联合国日内瓦办事处高级法律顾问马库斯·施密特先生负责讲习班的行政管理、组织事宜和活动的进行。

The scientific coordination of the Seminar was ensured by the University of Geneva.


Mr. Vittorio Mainetti, from the University of Geneva, acted as coordinator, assisted by Mr. Martin Denis, Legal assistant.


430. The following lectures were given by members of the Commission: Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie: “The Work of the International Law Commission”; Mr. Georg Nolte: “Treaties over Time”; Mr. Alain Pellet: “20 years at the International Law Commission”; Mr. Michael Wood: “Responsibility of International Organizations”; Mr. A. Rohan Perera: “A Comprehensive Convention against Terrorism: Current Status of Negotiations”, and Mr. Lucius Caflisch: “The Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties”.

430. 委员会委员作了以下演讲:史蒂芬·瓦钱尼先生:国际法委员会的工作;格奥尔格·诺尔特先生:条约随时间演变;阿兰·佩莱先生:在国际法委员会的20载春秋;迈克尔·伍德先生:国际组织的责任;罗汉·佩雷拉先生:关于恐怖主义问题的全面公约:谈判现状;卢修斯·卡弗利施先生:武装冲突对条约的影响

431. Lectures were also given by Mr. Daniel Müller, Assistant to the Special Rapporteur Mr. Alain Pellet: “Reservations to Treaties”; Mr. Eric Tistounet, Chief of the Human Rights Council Branch of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: “The Human Rights Council After Five Years: A Preliminary Stocktaking”; Mr. Markus Schmidt: “Interdependence of International, Regional and National Human Rights Jurisprudence: Some Reflections”.

431. 下列人员也作了演讲:特别报告员阿兰·佩莱先生的助理达尼埃尔·米勒尔先生:对条约的保留;人权事务高级专员界定人权理事会处处长埃里克·提斯都内先生:人权理事会五周年:初步总结;马库斯·施密特先生:国际、区域、国家人权判例的相互依赖关系:一些思考

432. Three special external sessions were organized in the premises of the University of Geneva and of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva (HEID).

432. 在日内瓦大学和日内瓦国际发展研究院举行了三场特别会议。

At the University of Geneva, seminar participants attended the international conference: “Freshwater and International Law: The Multiple Challenges”, organized by Professor Laurence Boisson de Chazourne, Director of the Platform for International Water Law, University of Geneva, and Mr. Stephen McCaffrey, Former Special Rapporteur on the Law of the non-navigational uses of International Watercourses, International Law Commission.


The University of Geneva also organized a special session with lectures given by Mr. Salman Salman, former Legal Adviser of the World Bank: “The New State of South-Sudan and Challenges of Secession”, Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue, Lecturer, School of Law, University of Geneva: “ICJ, Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay)”, and Ms. Mara Tignino, Senior Researcher, University of Geneva: “Public Participation in Management of Transboundary Water Resources”.

日内瓦大学还组织了一次特别会议,安排了以下演讲:世界银行前法律顾问萨尔曼·萨尔曼先生:新生的南苏丹国和分离的挑战;日内瓦大学法学院讲师马凯恩·莫尔斯·姆班戈先生:国际法院,乌拉圭河上的纸浆厂案(阿根廷诉乌拉圭)”;日内瓦大学高级研究员马拉·提格尼诺女士:跨界水资源管理中的公共参与。 会后由日内瓦大学国际关系办公室举行了招待会。 在日内瓦国际发展研究院,讲习班的学员听取了下列演讲:马塞洛·科亨教授:国家的产生是一个纯粹的事实问题吗?

The session was followed by a reception offered by the International Relations Office of the University of Geneva.


At the HEID, seminar participants attended lectures given by Professor Marcelo Kohen: “Is the Creation of States a Pure Matter of Fact?


”; Professor Vera Gowlland-Debbas: “The Status of Palestine in International Law”, Mr. Eric Wyler: “Recognition of States and States Creation in Light of Recent Practice” and Professor Lucius Caflisch, “The Law of International Watercourses: Problems and Perspectives”.


433. Seminar Participants also took part in the Memorial seminar organized in honour of Professor Paula Escarameia (see sect. G above), and were invited to attend the Gilberto Amado Memorial Lecture (see sect. G above).

433. 讲习班学员们还参加了为纪念保拉·埃斯卡拉梅亚教授举办的研讨会(见上文G),学员们还应邀参加了希尔维托·阿马多纪念演讲(见上文G)

434. Two Seminar working groups on “The Future Role of the International Law Commission” and the “Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters” were organised.

434. 围绕国际法委员会未来的作用灾害中的人员保护两个专题组织了两个讲习班工作组。

Each Seminar participant was assigned to one of them.


Two members of the Commission, Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie and Mr. Eduardo Valencia Ospina, provided expert guidance to the working groups.


Each group prepared a report and presented its findings to the Seminar in a special session.


The reports were compiled and distributed to all participants, as well as to the members of the Commission.


435. The Republic and Canton of Geneva offered its traditional hospitality to the participants with a guided visit of the Alabama Room at the City Hall.

435. 日内瓦共和国和州政府一如既往,给予学员们热情接待,派人带学员参观了市政府的阿拉巴马厅。

436. Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus, Second Vice-Chairman of the International Law Commission, Mr. Markus Schmidt, Director of the Seminar, and Ms. Martyna M. Falkowska (Poland) on behalf of the participants of the seminar, addressed the Commission and the participants at the closing ceremony of the Seminar.

436. 在讲习班闭幕式上,国际法委员会第二副主席贝恩德·尼豪斯先生、讲习班主任马库斯·施密特先生以及讲习班学员代表巴尔蒂娜·法勒科乌斯卡女士(波兰)向委员会和学员们致辞。

Each participant was presented with a certificate of participation.


437. The Commission noted with particular appreciation that during the last three years the Governments of Austria, China, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, India, Ireland, Lebanon, Mexico, Sweden and Switzerland had made voluntary contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund for the International Law Seminar.

437. 委员会特别感谢地指出,在过去三年里,奥地利、中国、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、芬兰、匈牙利、印度、爱尔兰、黎巴嫩、墨西哥、瑞典和瑞士等国政府向联合国国际法讲习班信托基金提供了自愿捐款。

The financial situation of the Fund allowed for the award of several fellowships to deserving candidates, especially from developing countries, in order to achieve adequate geographical distribution of participants.


This year, fellowships (travel and/or subsistence allowance) were awarded to 16 candidates.


The Commission notes that the finances of the Seminar have been strained in 2010 and 2011, and encourages Governments to make voluntary contributions to allow the Seminar to continue in its present form.


438. Since 1965, year of the Seminar inception, 1086 participants, representing 163 nationalities, have taken part in the Seminar.

438. 1965年开办讲习班以来,分属163个不同国籍的1086名学员参加了讲习班,其中650人获得了研究金。

Of them, 650 have received fellowships.

439. 委员会强调,委员会十分重视讲习班。

439. The Commission stresses the importance it attaches to the Seminar, which enables young lawyers, especially from developing countries and from all geographic regions and legal traditions, to familiarize themselves with the work of the Commission and the activities of the many International Organizations, which have their headquarters in Geneva.


The Commission recommends that the General Assembly should again appeal to States to make voluntary contributions in order to secure the holding of the Seminar in 2012 with as broad participation as possible.


440. The Commission noted with satisfaction that, in 2011, interpretation services were made available to the Seminar.

440. 委员会满意地注意到2011年讲习班获得了口译服务。

It expresses the hope that the same services would be provided at the next session, within existing resources.




Annex A.


Formation and evidence of customary international law

附件 附件A. 习惯国际法的形成与证据

Annex B. Protection of the atmosphere

附件B. 保护大气层

Annex C. Provisional application of treaties

附件C. 条约的临时适用

Annex D. The fair and equitable treatment standard in international investment law

附件D. 国际投资法律中的公正和公平待遇标准

Annex E. Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts

附件E. 与武装冲突有关的环境保护

Annex A


Formation and evidence of customary international law


(Mr. Michael Wood)


1. Questions relating to sources lie at the heart of international law.

1. 有关渊源的问题是国际法的核心。

The Commission’s work in this field has been among its most important and successful, but has been largely confined to the law of treaties.


It is proposed that a topic entitled “Formation and Evidence of Customary International Law” be included in the Commission’s Long-term Programme of Work.


The proposed title would not preclude the Commission from entering upon related aspects if this proved desirable, but the focus would be on formation (the process by which rules of customary international law develop) and evidence (the identification of such rules).


As is always the case, it will be important, if and when the Commission takes up the topic, to define carefully from the outset the scope of the topic and to prioritize issues.


2. Notwithstanding the great increase in the number and scope of treaties, customary international law remains an important source of international law.

2. 尽管条约的数量和范围大为增加,习惯国际法仍然是国际法的重要渊源。

The ideal of a fully codified law, rendering customary international law superfluous, even if it were desirable, is far from becoming a reality.


In the past, much was written on the subject of customary international law.


In recent years there has been a tendency in some quarters to downplay its significance.


At the same time, ideological objections to the role of customary international law have diminished.


There now appears to be a revival of interest in the formation of customary international law, in part stimulated by the attempts, sometimes quite controversial, of domestic courts to grapple with the issue.


The formation of customary international law now has to be seen in the context of a world of nearly 200 States, and numerous and varied international organizations, both regional and universal.


3. There are differing approaches to the formation and identification of customary international law.

3. 对习惯国际法的形成和确定有不同的着手方式。

Yet an appreciation of the process of its formation and identification is essential for all those who have to apply the rules of international law.


Securing a common understanding of the process could be of considerable practical importance.


This is so not least because questions of customary international law increasingly fall to be dealt with by those who may not be international law specialists, such as those working in the domestic courts of many countries, those in government ministries other than Ministries for Foreign Affairs, and those working for non-governmental organizations.


4. The aim is not to seek to codify “rules” for the formation of customary international law.

4. 这样做的目的不是为了习惯国际法的形成而编纂规则

Instead, the aim is to produce authoritative guidance for those called upon to identify customary international law, including national and international judges.


It will be important not to be overly prescriptive.


Flexibility remains an essential feature of the formation of customary international law.


In view of this, the Commission’s final output in this field could take one of a number of forms.


One possibility would be a series of propositions, with commentaries.


5. International courts have done something to clarify the issues, as have domestic courts.

5. 国际法庭为了澄清问题做了一些事情,有些国内法院也是。

And there is a vast amount of writing on the subject.


But previous collective efforts to describe, systematically, the process of formation of customary international law, while containing much useful material, have not met with general approval.


And there remain considerable differences of approach amongst writers.


Against this background, the International Law Commission, given its composition and collegiate working methods, and its close relationship through the General Assembly with States, may be able to make a useful contribution.


General scheme


6. It is suggested that, for convenience, the topic be considered in a number of stages (though the division between them would not be rigid): underlying issues and collection of materials; some central questions concerning the identification of State practice and opinio juris; particular topics; and conclusions.

6. 有人建议,为方便起见,本专题应该分为若干阶段审议(尽管它们之间将不作刚性的区分):基本问题和材料的收集、与国家实践和法律见解的鉴别有关的一些中心问题、特定的专题、和结论。

The following paragraphs are intended to be illustrative; not all matters listed will necessarily be taken up, and others may be.


(i) Underlying issues and materials

() 基本问题和材料

7. The first stage would cover some underlying issues, as well as reviewing the basic materials.

7. 第一阶段将载述一些基本问题,以及复核基本材料。

It could include consideration of the following matters:


(i) Description of the scope of the topic, and options for possible outputs.

() 说明本专题的范围,以及可能的产出方案。

It is essential to ensure that the scope is clearly delimited.


It will be necessary to delimit the topic vis-à-vis topics already considered or being considered, such as “Fragmentation” and “Treaties over time”, or topics which may be considered in the future, such as jus cogens.


Which issues are actually covered would be a matter for the Commission in due course.


(ii) Terminology/definitions.

() 术语/定义。

The use and meaning of the term “customary international law” or “rules of customary international law”, which seem to be the expressions in most common use (others are “international customary law”, “custom”, “international custom”).


Lex lata, lex ferenda, and “soft law”.


The establishment of a short lexicon of relevant terms, in all United Nations official languages, could be useful.


(iii) The place of customary international law within the international legal system (Lotus principle; “toile de fond”), including the relationship of “customary international law” to “general international law”, to “general principles of law”, and to “general principles of international law”.

() 习惯国际法在国际法律制度内的位置(莲花原则;背景”),包括:习惯国际法一般国际法的关系、与一般国际原则的关系和与一般国际法原则的关系。

This may require an examination of the use and meaning of the term “general international law”, which may connote something other than “customary international law”; the notion of a “merging of sources”, which raises among other things the relationship between customary international law and “general principles of law” (art. 38.1(c) of the ICJ Statute).


And it may require examination of the distinctions between rules of customary international law and “soft law”; between lex lata and lex ferenda; and between customary international law and mere usage on the one hand, and informal treaties (including treaties not in written form) and subsequent practice relating to the interpretation of treaties, on the other.


(iv) An analysis of Article 38.1(b) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice (including its travaux préparatoires); and of Article 38.1(c) and (d).

() 《国际法院规约》第38条第1(b)(包括其起草工作)和第38条第1(c)(d)项款的分析。

(v) Principal theories and approaches to the formation of rules of customary international law.

() 形成习惯国际法规则的主要理论和方法。

The theoretical underpinnings of the subject are important, even though the ultimate aim will be to provide a practical aid to those called upon to investigate rules of customary international law.


It will be necessary to address general questions of methodology: empirical research into State practice as well as deductive reasoning, as illustrated by some case-law of international courts and tribunals.


Practical considerations may affect methodology, especially in a world of nearly 200 States.


(vi) Relevant case-law of international and national courts and tribunals.

() 国际和国家的法院和法庭的有关案例法。

(vii) Bibliography.

() 书目。

(ii) State practice and opinio juris

() 国家实践和法律意见

8. Having assembled the basic materials, and considered certain underlying issues, including general questions of methodology as indicated in paragraph 7(v) above, a second stage could cover some central questions of the traditional approach to the identification of rules of customary international law, in particular State practice and opinio juris:

8. 调集了基本的材料,审议了一些基本问题、包括上文第7()中所说明的一般性方法问题,第二阶段可能涉及对习惯国际法规则的确定采取传统方法的一些中心问题,尤其是国家实践和法律意见:

(i) Identification of State practice.

() 国家实践的确定。

What counts as “State practice”?


Acts and omissions, verbal and physical acts.


How may States change their position on a rule of international law?


Decisions of domestic courts and tribunals (and the executive’s response thereto).


Beyond the State, whose acts?


Certain international organizations, like the European Union?


“Representativeness” of State practice (including regional diversity).


(ii) Nature, function and identification of opinio juris sive necessitatis.

() “法律意见或履行法律义务之行为的性质、功能和确定。

(iii) Relationship between the two elements: State practice and opinio juris sive necessitatis, and their respective roles in the identification of customary international law.

() “国家实践事例法律意见或履行法律义务之行为两个因素之间的关系及各自对于习惯国际法之确定的作用。

(iv) How new rules of customary international law emerge; how unilateral measures by States may lead to the development of new rules; criteria for assessing whether deviations from a customary rule have given rise to a change in customary law; potential role of silence/acquiescence.

() 习惯国际法的新规则如何出现;国家的单方面措施如何导致新规则的研拟;据以评估习惯规则的偏差是否已引起习惯法之变化的标准;沉默/默许的潜在作用。

(v) The role of “specially affected States”.

() “特别受影响的国家的作用。

(vi) The time element, and the density of practice; “instant” customary international law.

() 时间因素和实践的密度;即时形成的习惯国际法。

(vii) Whether the criteria for the identification of a rule of customary law may vary depending on the nature of the rule or the field to which it belongs.

() 确定习惯法规则的标准是否取决于规则的性质或该规则所属的领域。

(iii) Particular topics

() 特定专题

9. A third stage could cover particular topics, such as:

9. 第三阶段可能涉及特定专题,例如:

(i) The “persistent objector” theory.

() “一贯反对者理论。

(ii) Treaties and the formation of customary international law; treaties as possible evidence of customary international law; the “mutual influence”/interdependence between treaties and customary international law.

() 条约和习惯国际法的形成;作为习惯国际法的可能证据的条约;条约和国际习惯法的相互影响”/相互依存关系。

(iii) Resolutions of organs of international organizations, including the General Assembly of the United Nations, and international conferences, and the formation of customary international law; their significance as possible evidence of customary international law.

() 国际组织之机关的决议,包括联合国大会和国际会议以及习惯国际法的形成;它们作为习惯国际法的可能证据的意义。

(iv) Formation and identification of rules of special customary international law between certain States (regional, subregional, local or bilateral – “individualized” rules of customary international law).

() 某些国家之间特殊的习惯国际法规则(区域、次区域、地方或双边――“个别化的习惯国际法规则)的形成和确定。

Does consent play a special role in the formation of special rules of customary international law?


(iv) Conclusions

() 结论

10. The final stage could consolidate the outcomes of the earlier stages, in a form suitable for consideration and adoption by the Commission.

10. 最后阶段可用适合委员会予以审议和通过的方式巩固早期阶段的成果。

Background materials


International Law Commission


“Ways and Means of Making the Evidence of Customary International Law more Readily Available: Preparatory work within the purview of the article 24 of the Statute of the International Law Commission”, Memorandum submitted by the Secretary-General (A/CN.4/6 and Corr.1).

«Ways and Means of Making the Evidence of Customary International Law more Readily Available: Preparatory work within the purview of the article 24 of the Statute of the International Law Commission», Memorandum submitted by the Secretary-General (A/CN.4/6 and Corr.1).

Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/WP.9), reproduced in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1949-I, pp. 228–229.

Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/WP.9), reproduced in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1949-I, pp. 228-229.

Article 24 of the Statute of the International Law Commission, Working Paper by Manley O. Hudson, Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/16 and Add.1) (Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1950-II, pp. 24–33).

Article 24 of the Statute of the International Law Commission, Working Paper by Manley O. Hudson, Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/16 and Add.1) (Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1950-II, pp. 24-33).

Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its second session, paras. 24–94 (Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1950-II, pp. 367–74) (Part II, Ways and Means for Making the Evidence of Customary International Law More Readily Available).

Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its second session, paras. 24-94 (Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1950-II, pp. 367-74) (Part II, Ways and Means for Making the Evidence of Customary International Law More Readily Available).



Permanent Court of International Justice


The Case of the S.S. “Lotus” (France v. Turkey), Collection of Judgements, Judgment Nr. 9 of 7 September 1927, P.C.I.J., Series A – No. 10, p. 4 (pp. 18, 20–22 and 28).

The Case of the S.S. «Lotus» (France v. Turkey), Collection of Judgements, Judgment Nr. 9 of 7 September 1927, P.C.I.J., Series A No. 10, p. 4 (pp. 18, 20-22 and 28).

International Court of Justice


Colombian-Peruvian Asylum case, Judgment of 20 November 1950, I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 266 (pp. 276–278).

Colombian-Peruvian Asylum case, Judgment of 20 November 1950, I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 266 (pp. 276-278).

Reservations to the Genocide Convention case, I.C.J. Reports 1951, p. 15.

Reservations to the Genocide Convention case, I.C.J. Reports 1951, p. 15.

Fisheries case (United Kingdom v. Norway), Judgment of 18 December 1951, I.C.J. Reports 1951, p. 116 (pp. 131 and 138–139).

Fisheries case (United Kingdom v. Norway), Judgment of 18 December 1951, I.C.J. Reports 1951, p. 116 (pp. 131 and 138-139).

Nottebohm Case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) (second phase), Judgment of 6 April 1955, I.C.J. Reports 1955, p. 4 (pp. 22–23).

Nottebohm Case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) (second phase), Judgment of 6 April 1955, I.C.J. Reports 1955, p. 4 (pp. 22-23).

Case concerning Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) (Merits), Judgment of 12 April 1960, I.C.J. Reports 1960, p. 6 (pp. 39–44).

Case concerning Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) (Merits), Judgment of 12 April 1960, I.C.J. Reports 1960, p. 6 (pp. 39-44).

North Sea Continental Shelf (Federal Republic of Germany/Denmark; Federal Republic of Germany/Netherlands), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1969, p. 3 (paras. 60–83).

North Sea Continental Shelf (Federal Republic of Germany/Denmark; Federal Republic of Germany/Netherlands), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1969, p. 3 (paras. 60-83).

Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1984, p. 246 (paras. 83, 90, 94, and 110–111).

Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1984, p. 246 (paras. 83, 90, 94, and 110-111).

Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1985, p. 13 (paras. 26–34, 43–44 and 77).

Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1985, p. 13 (paras. 26-34, 43-44 and 77).

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1986, p. 14 (paras. 172–192, 201–209, 211 and 273).

Military and Paramilitary Activities in und against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1986, p. 14 (paras. 172-192, 201-209, 211 and 273).

Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso/Mali), Judgment of 22 December 1986 (Merits), I.C.J. Reports 1986, p. 554 (para. 21).

Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso/Mali), Judgment of 22 December 1986 (Merits), I.C.J. Reports 1986, p. 554 (para. 21).

Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway), I.C.J. Reports 1993, p. 38 (para. 46).

Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway), I.C.J. Reports 1993, p. 38 (para. 46).

Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 226 (paras. 64–73, 75, 79–82, 84, 96).

Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 226 (paras. 64-73, 75, 79-82, 84, 96).

Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1997, p. 7.

Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1997, p. 7.

Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar/Bahrain), I.C.J. Reports 2001, p. 40.

Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar/Bahrain), I.C.J.Reports 2001, p. 40.

Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3 (paras. 51–59).

Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3 (paras. 51-59).

Case concerning the Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), Judgment of 13 July 2009, I.C.J. Reports 2009, (paras. 140–144), and Separate Opinion of Judge Sepúlveda-Amor (paras. 20–28).

Case concerning the Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), Judgment of 13 July 2009, I.C.J. Reports 2009 (paras. 140-144), and Separate Opinion of Judge Sepúlveda-Amor (paras. 20-28).

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia


Prosecutor v. Tadić, Appeals Chamber, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, 2 October 1995 (esp. para. 99).

Prosecutor v. Tadić, Appeals Chamber, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, 2 October 1995 (esp. para. 99).

Prosecutor v. Kupreskic et al. (Judgment), Trial Chamber, Judgment of 14 January 2000 (paras. 524–525, 527, 531–534 and 540).

Prosecutor v. Kupreskic et al. (Judgment), Trial Chamber, Judgment of 14 January 2000 (paras. 524-525, 527, 531-534 and 540).

Arbitral Tribunals


Strunski-Mergé case, Italian-United States Conciliation Commission, Decision of 10 June 1955, ILR, 1955, pp. 443.

Strunski-Mergé case, Italian-United States Conciliation Commission, Decision of 10 June 1955, ILR, 1955, pp. 443.

Texaco-Calasiatic c. Gouvernement libyen, sentence arbitrale au fond du 19 janvier 1977, Journal de droit international (Clunet), vol. 104, 1977, p. 350 (paras. 59–60, 69 and 83–89).

Texaco-Calasiatic c. Gouvernement libyen, sentence arbitrale au fond du 19 janvier 1977, Journal de droit international (Clunet), vol. 104, 1977, p. 350 (paras. 59-60, 69 and 83-89).

Case concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the French Republic, Decision of 30 June 1977, RIAA, vol. XVIII, p. 3 (paras. 45–47).

Case concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the French Republic, Decision of 30 June 1977, RIAA, vol. XVIII, p. 3 (paras. 45-47).

International Law Association


Resolution 16/2000 (Formation of General Customary International Law), adopted on 29 July 2000 by the International Law Association: see International Law Association, Report of the Sixty-ninth Conference, London, p. 39.

Resolution 16/2000 (Formation of General Customary International Law), adopted on 29 July 2000 by the International Law Association: see International Law Association, Report of the Sixty-ninth Conference, London, p. 39.

Institut de Droit International


Resolution on “Problems Arising from a Succession of Codification Conventions on a Particular Subject”, adopted on 1st September 1995.

Resolution on ’Problems Arising from a Succession of Codification Conventions on a Particular Subject’, adopted on 1st September 1995.

Select bibliography


Annex B


Protection of the atmosphere


(Mr. Shinya Murase)


I. Introduction

. 导言

1. The atmosphere (air mass), mostly existing in the troposphere and stratosphere, is the planet’s largest single natural resource, and it is indispensable for the survival of humankind.

1. 主要存在于对流层和同温层的大气(气圈)是地球上最大的单一天然资源,是维护人类的生存所不可缺少的。

Degradation of atmospheric conditions has long been a matter of serious concern to the international community.


While there have been a number of relevant conventions concluded for the protection of the transboundary and global atmosphere, these have nonetheless left substantial gaps in terms of geographical coverage, regulated activities, controlled substances, and, most importantly, the applicable principles and rules.


This piecemeal approach has had particular limitations for the atmosphere, which by its very nature warrants holistic treatment.


There is no convention at present which covers the whole range of environmental problems of the atmosphere in a comprehensive and systematic manner.


It is therefore believed that the Commission can make a significant contribution by codifying and progressively developing the relevant legal principles and rules on the basis of State practice and jurisprudence.


2. It is important to ensure that the International Law Commission be fully engaged with the international community’s present-day needs.

2. 重要的是,要确保国际法委员会充分参与满足国际社会目前的需求。

While the Commission’s draft articles on international watercourses and transboundary aquifers contain some relevant provisions regarding the protection of the environment, the Commission has not dealt with any topic in the field of international environmental law since the conclusion of the topic on liability (i.e. prevention of transboundary harm and allocation of loss), which appears to be a significant omission at a time when the world is undergoing critical environmental degradation.


It is therefore proposed that the Commission consider for its future work the topic of the “Protection of the Atmosphere”.


II. Rationale for the proposed topic

. 拟议这一专题的理由

3. There is abundant State practice and literature on the subject.

3. 关于这个课题,已经有了丰富的国家实践和文献。

The frequently cited award of the Trail Smelter arbitration (United States – Canada, 1938, 1941) has been the leading case on transboundary air pollution.

人们经常提到的特雷尔冶炼厂仲裁裁决 (美国-加拿大,1938年,1941)历来是越境空气污染方面被作为先例援引的个案。

In the 1950s, atmospheric nuclear testing manifested itself as one of the first environmental issues confronted by the international community.


The Nuclear Tests case (Australia – France; New Zealand – France, 1973) before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) sparked heated discussions relating to possible atmospheric pollution.


The ICJ also referred, in its advisory opinion on the Legality of the Use of Nuclear Weapons in 1996, to the obligation of States to refrain from causing significant environmental damage from their transboundary pollution, including atmospheric pollution.


Accidents at nuclear facilities can have direct impacts on the environment of the atmosphere, as has been demonstrated by the accidents at Three Mile Island of 1979 and Chernobyl of 1986, as well as the damage to the Fukushima nuclear power plants caused by the huge earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011, which is currently a major concern of the international community.


In the recent judgment of the Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay case (Argentina – Uruguay) rendered on 20 April 2010, the Court referred in part to the issue of alleged air pollution (to the extent relevant to the river’s aquatic environment).


Furthermore, the Aerial Herbicide Spraying case (Ecuador v. Colombia) currently pending before the ICJ may also address the subject.


The WTO case on the United States – Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline (1996) posed an important question of the compatibility of a country’s domestic law (in this case, the U.S. Clean Air Act of 1990) with the trade provisions of the WTO/GATT.


Finally, relevant decisions of domestic courts may also be instructive.


4. The relevant treaty and non-treaty practice includes:

4. 有关条约和非条约实践,包括:

• ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979, entered into force 1983); Monitoring and Evaluation Protocol (1984); Sulphur Protocol (1985); NOx Protocol (1988); Volatile Organic Compounds Protocol (1991); Sulphur Protocol (1994); Aarhus Protocol on Heavy Metals (1998); Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (1998); Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone (1999)

• “欧洲共同体关于远距离越境空气污染的公约”(1979年,1983年正式生效)监测和评估协议”(1984)硫议定书”(1985)氮氧化物协议”(1988)挥发性有机化合物协议”(1991)硫议定书”(1994)奥胡斯重金属议定书”(1998)关于持久性有机污染物的奥胡斯议定书”(1998)哥德堡关于减少酸化、富营养化和地面臭氧的议定书”(1999)

• Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (1985)

• “关于保护臭氧层的维也纳公约”(1985)

• Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987)

• “关于耗损臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书”(1987)

• EC Large Combustion Directive (1988/2001)

• “欧盟大型燃烧指令”(1988/2001)

• U.S.-Canada Air Quality Agreement (1991)

• “美国-加拿大空气质量协议”(1991)

• UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, 1992)

• “联合国气候变化框架公约”(UNFCCC, 1992)

• The Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC (1997)

• “《联合国气候变化框架公约》京都议定书”(1997)

• The ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (2002)

• “东盟关于越境烟雾污染的协定”(2002)

• Stockholm Declaration on Human Environment (1972)


• Institut de droit international, Resolution on Transboundary Air Pollution (1987)

• “国际法学会关于跨界空气污染的决议”(1987)

• Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992)

• “关于环境与发展的《里约宣言》”(1992)

• ILC Draft Articles on the Prevention of Transboundary Harm (2001)

• “国际法委员会关于预防跨界损害的条款草案”(2001)

• ILC Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising Out of Hazardous Activities (2006)

• “国际法委员会关于有害活动引起跨界损害时的损失分配原则草案”(2006)

5. The rationale for the proposed project for codification and progressive development of international law is threefold: First and foremost, it is necessary to fill the gaps in the existing conventions relating to the atmosphere.

5. 拟议编纂和逐渐发展国际法的本计划项目有三点理由:首先、需要填补目前有关大气层之公约的空白。

The number of relevant conventions notwithstanding, they have remained a mere patchwork of instruments which cover only specific geographical areas and a limited range of regulated activities and controlled substances.


The incremental approach has its particular limitations for the protection of the atmosphere, which by its very nature warrants holistic treatment in the form of a framework convention by which the whole range of environmental problems of the atmosphere could be covered in a comprehensive and systematic manner.


Thus, the present proposal envisages an instrument similar to Part XII of the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS) on the Protection and the Preservation of the Marine Environment.


6. Second, the Commission will be expected to provide appropriate guidelines for harmonization and coordination with other treaty regimes outside international environmental law, which may come in conflict with the proposed convention during the compliance and implementation phases.

6. 第二、人们期望委员会提供适当准则,以便统一和协调可能在遵守和实施阶段同公约草案发生冲突的国际环境法以外的其他条约制度。

Third, it is also important that the proposed draft articles will help provide the framework for harmonization of national laws and regulations with international rules, standards and recommended practices and procedures relating to the protection of the atmosphere.


Fourth, it is hoped that the proposed project will establish guidelines on the mechanisms and procedures for cooperation among States in order to facilitate capacity-building in the field of transboundary and global protection of the atmosphere.


7. It is important to clearly distinguish between the notion of atmosphere and the notion of airspace.

7. 重要的是,要明确区分大气层的概念和领空的概念。

Article 1 of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation reaffirms the rule of customary international law that “every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory”.


Although the legal principles, rules and regulations envisaged in the proposed draft articles are perhaps most applicable to certain activities conducted on the ground within a State’s territorial jurisdiction, there may be situations where the activities in question may be conducted in the airspace above.


In such a context, it will be appropriate for the draft articles to reaffirm State’s sovereignty over national airspace.


It should be noted that the present project shall in no way be intended to affect the legal status of airspace as currently established in international law.


8. The present proposal does not duplicate the previous work of the Commission.

8. 本提案不重复委员会以前的工作。

The ILC adopted Draft Articles on the Prevention of Transboundary Harm in 2001 and Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising Out of Hazardous Activities in 2006.


Both drafts contain important provisions potentially applicable to atmospheric damage.


However, the scope of application of these drafts is, on the one hand, too broad (as they are intended to cover all types of environmental harm), and on the other hand too limited (as they focus on the questions related to prevention and allocation of loss caused by transboundary harm and hazardous activities).


Since they do not adequately address the protection of atmospheric conditions as such, it is proposed that the Commission tackle the problem in a comprehensive and systematic manner, but, at the same time, with a specific focus on the atmosphere.


III. Physical characteristics of the atmosphere

. 大气的物理特性

9. In order to determine the definition, scope and objective of the exercise for codification and progressive development of international law on the protection of the atmosphere, as well as to characterize the legal status of the atmosphere, it is first necessary to understand the physical structure and characteristics of the atmosphere.

9. 为了确定编纂和逐渐发展关于保护大气层的国际法活动的定义、范围和目标,并且为了确定大气层法律地位的性质,首先必须了解大气层的物理结构和特征。

10. The “Atmosphere” is “a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth”.

10. “大气层围绕着地球的气体混合物。

The main components (and proportion) of gases in the atmosphere are Nitrogen (78.08%), Oxygen (20.95%), Argon (0.93%), and Carbon Dioxide (0.03%), with additional trace gases in tiny concentrations (0.01%).


The atmosphere exists in what is called the atmospheric cell.


It is divided vertically into four atmospheric spheres (from the lower to upper layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere) on the basis of the temperature characteristics (see, Figure (1)).

它根据温度特性在纵向分为四个层次(从低层次到高层次:对流层、平流层、中间层和热层)(参见图(1))。 图1

11. As the altitude increases, the gases in the atmosphere gradually dilute.

大气层的分区 11. 随着海拔高度的增加,大气层中的气体逐渐淡化。

Approximately 80% of air mass exists in the troposphere and approximately 20% in the stratosphere.


In the troposphere and the stratosphere, the relative proportions of most gases are fairly stable; scientifically these spheres are grouped together as the “lower atmosphere”, which extends to an average altitude of 50km, and are distinguished from the “upper atmosphere”.


The atmosphere moves and circulates around the earth in a complicated manner, which is called “atmospheric circulation”.


The gravitational influence of the sun and moon also affect its movements by creating “atmospheric tides”.


12. Both human and natural environments can be adversely affected by certain changes in the condition of the atmosphere. There are three particularly important causes for the degradation of the atmosphere.

2 大气层的划界 12. 人类环境和自然环境都随着大气层状况发生一定变化而受到不良影响,大气层的退化有三个特别重要的原因。

First, the introduction of harmful substances (i.e. air pollution) into the troposphere and lower stratosphere causes changes in atmospheric conditions.


The major contributing causes of air pollution are acids, nitrous oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and hydrocarbon emissions such as carbon dioxide (CO2).


Strong horizontal winds, e.g. jet streams, can quickly transport and spread these trace gases horizontally all over the globe, far from their original sources (though vertical transport is very slow).

强大的水平风,例如喷气流, 可以从水平方向快速传输和传播这些微量气体,使它们远离其原始来源(虽然纵向的传输十分缓慢)而遍布全球。

Second, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons emitted into the upper troposphere and stratosphere cause ozone depletion.


The ozone layer, as its name implies, contains significant amounts of ozone (O3), a form of oxygen.


The main concentrations of ozone are at altitudes of 15–40 km (maximum concentrations are between 20–25km).


The ozone layer filters out ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which may cause skin cancer and other injuries to life.


Third, changes in the composition of the troposphere and lower stratosphere cause climate change.


The main cause of human-induced climate change is additional trace gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), chlorofluorocarbons, and tropospheric ozone (O3).


These are called “greenhouse gases”.


Conditions within the troposphere heavily affect the weather on the earth’s surface, including cloud formation, haziness, and precipitation.


Most gases and aerosols are expunged by a natural “cleansing process” in the troposphere, but when emissions overwhelm this process, climate change begins to occur.


13. These three main international issues concerning the atmosphere — air pollution, ozone depletion and climate change — relate to the troposphere and the stratosphere, although major contributing factors may be different in each case.

13. 大气层有关的这三个主要国际问题――“空气污染臭氧层耗损气候变化”――涉及到对流层和同温层, 不过,在每一种情况下,主要的促成因素有所不同。

The upper atmosphere, i.e. the mesosphere and thermosphere, which comprises approximately 0.0002% of the atmosphere’s total mass, is of little concern regarding the environmental problems under consideration, not to mention the vast regions of outer space where there is no air.


IV. Legal issues to be considered

. 需要审议的法律问题

14. The final outcome of this project is envisaged as a comprehensive set of draft articles for a framework convention on the protection of the atmosphere.

14. 对本计划项目最终结果的设想是拟订一套全面的《保护大气层框架公约》。

Part XII of the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention on the Protection and the Preservation of the Marine Environment may provide an example of the form that these draft articles could take.


The legal issues to be considered, among others, will be as follows:


15. (Definition) Embarking on the formulation of relevant principles and rules on the protection of the atmosphere, the Commission will first need to define the atmosphere.

15. (定义)委员会着手拟订关于保护大气层的有关原则和规则,首先需要规定大气层的含义。

The atmosphere — or air-mass — is a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth, most of it existing in the troposphere and stratosphere.


It may also be necessary to address not only the physical make-up of the atmosphere, but also its role as a medium for transporting pollutants.


This definition will also clearly distinguish the notion of airspace and its distinct relevance from the definition of atmosphere.


16. (Scope) In clarifying the scope of the project, it should be made clear first that the proposed draft articles are addressed only to damage caused by human activities, and accordingly, their scope would not extend, for instance, to the damages caused by volcanic eruption and desert sand (unless these are exacerbated by human activity).

16. (范围)在明确保护范围的时候,首先应当明确:拟议的条款草案只处理人类活动引起的损害,因此,不会扩大到包括火山喷发和沙漠中的沙所造成的损失(除非人类的活动加剧了这些损害)

Second, the draft articles should make clear the objects to be protected, natural and human environments, and the intrinsic relationship between the two.


Third, it should be necessary to refer to the different modalities of the environmental damage in the atmosphere; one is the introduction of (deleterious) substances into the atmosphere and another the alternation in the balance of composition of the atmosphere.


17. (Objective) Because of its dynamic and fluctuating character, the atmosphere needs to be treated as a single global unit for the purpose of environmental protection.

17. (目标)由于其动态和波动的特征,为了环保的目的,需要把大气层看作一个单一的全球单位

While recognizing the difference of modalities in legal responses between transboundary air pollution and global atmospheric problems, both should be treated within the same legal framework based on the functional notion of the atmosphere for the purpose of codification and progressive development of international law on the subject.


In other words, the atmosphere should be treated comprehensively for the purpose of its environmental protection.


18. (Legal Status of the Atmosphere) There are at least five concepts that may be considered relevant to the legal status of the atmosphere: airspace, shared or common natural resources, common property, common heritage, and common concern (common interest).

18. (大气层的法律地位)至少有五个概念可能被视为与大气层的法律地位相关:领空、共享或共同的自然资源、共同财产、共同遗产和共同关心的(公共利益)

Each of these concepts should here be carefully considered as to whether and to what extent they are applicable to the protection of the atmosphere.


For example, States may well wish to reaffirm their sovereignty over the atmosphere that exists within their airspace for the reasons stated above in paragraph seven.


19. (Basic Principles for the Protection of the Atmosphere) Applicability of the well known principles including the following will have to be considered: General Obligations of States to Protect the Atmosphere, Obligations of States vis-à-vis Other States Not to Cause Significant Harm to the Atmosphere, Principle of sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas to be applicable to the activities under the “Jurisdiction or Control” of a State, General Obligations of States to Cooperate, Principle of Equity, Principle of Sustainable Development, and Common but Differentiated Obligations.

19. (保护大气层的基本原则)将必须审议一些众所周知的原则、包括以下原则的适用性:国家保护大气层的普遍义务、国家与其他国家之间不对大气层造成重大损害的义务、适用于一国管辖或控制下的活动的sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas(使用自己的财产时务必不损害他人财产)原则、各国进行合作的普遍义务、公平原则、可持续发展的原则、以及共同、但有区别的义务。

20. (Measures of Prevention and Precaution to Protect the Atmosphere) One of the outstanding issues in this project will be the differentiation and relationship between the traditional “Preventive” principle and the relatively new “Precautionary” principle.

20. (预防和保护大气层的防范措施)这个计划项目中突出的问题之一将是:传统的预防性原则和相对较新的预防性原则之间的区别和关系。

Preventive measures should be taken where the probable damage is foreseeable with clear causal links and proofs, whereas, in contrast, precautionary measures ought to be taken even where the damage is scientifically uncertain.


Environmental impact assessment will be crucial for certain situations.


21. (Implementation of Obligations) Implementation of the prescribed obligations should be carried out through the domestic law of each State.

21. (义务的履行)应该通过每个国家的国内法履行规定的义务。

Unilateral domestic measures and the effect of extraterritorial application have been sensitive issues in international environmental law.


The role of relevant international organizations and the Conferences of Parties should not be overlooked.


Conflict and coordination with trade law will also be particularly important.


22. (Mechanisms for Cooperation) Desirable procedures for cooperation, technical and other forms of cooperation, and pertinent measures for capacity building should all be explored.

22. (合作机制)应该探索从事技术及其他形式之合作的可取程序以及与能力建设相关的措施。

23. (Procedural Rules for Compliance) Notification, exchange of information, consultation, reporting systems, pledge and review, promotional and enforcement procedures, among others, shall be considered.

23. (遵守的程序规则)除其他外,应该审议通知、信息交流、咨询、汇报制度、保证和审查、宣传和执法程序。

24. (Responsibility and Liability) Attribution of responsibility, due diligence, liability for high-risk activities and civil liability are no doubt critical issues to be considered in connection with the State’s obligations under preceding paragraphs 19 to 23.

24. (责任和赔偿责任)归属责任、尽职尽责、高风险活动的责任和民事赔偿责任无疑是在履行以上第1923段中所述国家义务时需要予以审议的关键问题。

25. (Dispute Settlement) While recognizing the specific nature of each dispute settlement body, questions of general nature such as jurisdiction, admissibility and standing, and proof of scientific evidence should be considered.

25. (争端的解决)虽然认识到每一争端解决机构的特殊性质,却应该审议管辖权、可受理性和地位、以及科学证据的证明等一般性质的问题。

V. Basic approaches

. 基本方法

26. The Commission, charged with the work of codification and progressive development of international law, will not directly engage political issues.

26. 委员会负责编纂和逐渐发展国际法,不会直接参与政治问题。

While the topic on climate change, for instance, often inspires impassioned political and policy debate, the Commission, composed as it is of legal experts, will deal only with the legal principles and rules pertaining to the protection of the atmosphere rather than the development of policy proposals.


In so doing, the Commission’s product will take the uncoordinated legal frameworks that have heretofore been set up to handle only discrete and specific atmospheric problems and rationalize them into a single, flexible code.


This synthesis will hopefully lay the groundwork for a future convention covering substantive issues, and in the meantime help States, international organizations, and civil society at large in clarifying the legal implications of their activities in this field.


27. It is important that the legal principles and rules on the subject are considered by the Commission within the framework of general international law.

27. 重要的是,关于这个主题的法律原则和规则是由委员会在一般国际法的框架内予以审议的。

This implies that the work of the Commission should resist the tendency toward “fragmentation” caused by dominant “single-issue” approaches to international environmental law.


In other words, the legal principles and rules on the atmosphere should, as far as possible, be considered in relation to doctrines and jurisprudence of general international law.


It also implies that the work of the Commission should extend to applying the principles and rules of general international law to various aspects of the problem pertaining to the protection of the atmosphere.


VI. Cooperation with other bodies

. 与其他机构合作

28. Cooperation with other bodies is conceivable in various ways for conducting a study and elaborating draft articles on the protection of the atmosphere.

28. 在开展研究和拟订关于保护大气层的条款草案方面,可以设想开展各种形式的与其他机构的合作。

The International Law Association (ILA), among others, has conducted a number of studies relating to the present subject.


The author conducted preliminary informal consultations with the legal experts of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi in January 2011. He also held preliminary consultations in July 2011 at the International Environmental House in Geneva with the experts of Geneva-based international environmental organizations and several secretariats of multilateral environmental agreements.


Selected bibliography


1. Judicial decisions

1. 司法决定

Trail Smelter Arbitration (US v. UK), Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol.3, pp. 1907 ff (Award of 1941).

Trail Smelter Arbitration (US v. UK), Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. 3, pp. 1907 ff (Award of 1941).

Nuclear Tests case (Australia v. France) (Interim Measure) 1973 ICJ Reports 99; (Jurisdiction) 1974 ICJ Reports 253; (New Zealand v. France) (Interim Measures) 1973 ICJ Reports 135: (Jurisdiction) 1974 ICJ Reports 457.

Nuclear Tests case (Australia v. France) (Interim Measure) 1973 ICJ Reports 99; (Jurisdiction) 1974 ICJ Reports 253; (New Zealand v. France) (Interim Measures) 1973 ICJ Reports 135: (Jurisdiction) 1974 ICJ Reports 457.

Legality of the Use of Nuclear Weapons case, 1996 ICJ Reports 241.

Legality of the Use of Nuclear Weapons case, 1996 ICJ Reports 241.

Pulp Mills case (Argentina v. Uruguay), 2010 ICJ Reports 75.

Pulp Mills case (Argentina v. Uruguay), 2010 ICJ Reports 75.

Aerial Spraying of Herbicides case (Ecuador v. Columbia), pending before ICJ.

Aerial Spraying of Herbicides case (Ecuador v. Columbia), pending before ICJ.

United States – Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, Report of the Appellate Body, 29 April 1996, WT/052/8.

United States Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, Report of the Appellate Body, 29 April 1996, WT/052/8.

Massachusetts v. EPA, U.S. Supreme Court decision of 2 April 2007 (549 U.S. 497; 127 S. Ct. 1438; 2007 U.S. LEXIS 3785).

Massachusetts v. EPA, U.S. Supreme Court decision of 2 April 2007 (549 U.S. 497; 127 S. Ct. 1438; 2007 U.S. LEXIS 3785).

2. Documents of international organizations/conferences relating to the Law of the Atmosphere

2. 与大气层法有关的国际组织和()会议的文件

“International Conference on the Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security, Conference Statement, Toronto, 27–30 June 1988”, 18 Environmental Policy and Law, 1988, pp. 155, 187–189.

«International Conference on the Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security, Conference Statement, Toronto, 27-30 June 1988», 18 Environmental Policy and Law, 1988, pp. 155, 187-189.

“Protection of the Atmosphere: Statement of the International Meeting of Legal and Policy Experts, Ottawa, February 22, 1989”, American University Journal of International Law and Policy, 1989, pp. 529–542.

«Protection of the Atmosphere: Statement of the International Meeting of Legal and Policy Experts, Ottawa, February 22, 1989», American University Journal of International Law and Policy, 1989, pp. 529-542.

“Protection of the Atmosphere”, Report of the Secretary-General, E/CN.17/2001/PC/12, 2 March 2001.

«Protection of the Atmosphere», Report of the Secretary-General, E/CN.17/2001/PC/12, 2 March 2001.

“One Atmosphere”, Vancouver Declaration of the World Clean Air Congress, September 2010 (

«One Atmosphere», Vancouver Declaration of the World Clean Air Congress, September 2010 (

3. Literature

3. 文献

Annex C


Provisional application of treaties


(Mr. Giorgio Gaja)




1. Treaty clauses concerning the application of treaties that include them show a remarkable variety.

1. 关于适用条约的条约条款种类繁多。

According to Article 24, paragraph 1, of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, “a treaty enters into force in such manner and upon such date as it may provide or as the negotiating States may agree”; paragraph 2 of the same article sets out, a residual rule, that: “Failing any such provision or agreement, a treaty enters into force as soon as consent to be bound by the treaty has been established for all the negotiating States”.

1969年《维也纳条约法公约》 第二十四条第1款规定,条约生效之方式及日期,依条约之规定或依谈判国之协议;同一条第2款规定了一个备用规则:倘无此种规定或协议,条约一俟确定所有谈判国同意承受条约之约束,即行生效

It is clear that provisional application of a treaty, which is considered in article 25 of the Vienna Convention, concerns the application of the treaty before it enters into force within the meaning of article 24.


It is equally clear that provisional application is something short of entry into force.


The interest to advance the application of a treaty may depend on a number of reasons.


One is the perceived need for matters covered by the treaty to be dealt with urgently.


For instance, the IAEA Convention on the Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident of 1986, which was adopted in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident, provided for its provisional application in article 13.

例如,在切尔诺贝利事故以后通过的原子能机构1986年《及早通报核事故公约》 第13条中规定了条约的临时适用。

Another reason for resorting to provisional application is to obviate the risk that the entry into force of a treaty be unduly delayed.


An example may be taken from article 7 of Protocol No. 14-bis to the European Convention on Human Rights.


Article 25 of the Vienna Convention considers that provisional application of a treaty is based on the agreement of the States concerned.


Paragraph 1 states that “A treaty or part of a treaty is applied provisionally pending its entry into force if (a) the treaty itself so provides; or (b) the negotiating States have in some other manner so agreed”.

1款规定条约或条约的一部分于条约生效前在下列情形下暂时适用:(a) 条约本身如此规定;或(b) 谈判国以其他方式协议如此办理

The latter case is that of an agreement specifically directed to determine provisional application, as the Protocol relating to GATT ’47.


The first case also refers to an agreement; although it is expressed in a treaty which is not yet in force, it operates irrespective of the entry into force of the treaty.


One could apply to a treaty clause concerning provisional application article 24, paragraph 4, of the Vienna Convention, which reads as follows: “The provisions of a treaty regulating the authentication of its text, the establishment of the consent of States to be bound by the treaty, the manner or date of its entry into force, reservations, the functions of the depositary and other matters arising necessarily before the entry into force of the treaty apply from the time of the adoption of the text.” (italics added).

可以适用的一项条约条款是关于临时适用的《维也纳公约》第24条第4款,其内容如下:条约中为条约约文之认证,国家同意承受条约拘束之确定,条约生效之方式或日期、保留、保管机关之职务以及当然在条约生效前发生之其他事项所订立之规定,自条约约文议定时起适用之。 ”(楷体是后加的)

2. Neither article 2 of the Vienna Convention on the “use of term” nor article 25 of the same Convention contains a definition of “provisional application”.

2. 《维也纳公约》关于用语的第2条和同一公约中的第25条都没有包含临时适用的定义。

This term had not been used in the draft articles prepared by the International Law Commission.


It is essential to define what provisional application consists of in order to determine its legal effects and consider certain issues that the Vienna Convention addresses only in part: the preconditions of provisional application and its termination.


These matters will be illustrated in the following paragraphs.


3. To simplify the analysis, the present paper only considers treaties between States, including those that establish an international organization.

3. 为了简化分析,本文只考虑国家之间的条约,包括建立国际组织的条约。

Thus only the Vienna Convention of 1969 is referred to here.


However, similar problems arise when a treaty is concluded by an international organization either with States or with other international organizations.


It is noteworthy that article 25 of the Vienna Convention of 1986 is merely an adaptation of article 25 of the 1969 Convention.


Meaning of provisional application


4. Identifying the basis of provisional application in an agreement between States does not necessarily imply that the agreement has a precise content.

4. 确定国家间协议之临时适用的基础并不一定意味着协议具有精确的内容。

States may give a variety of legal effects to their agreements.


In the absence of a specification of those effects by the parties to an agreement, different views have been expressed on the meaning of provisional application.


According to one opinion, the States concerned are bound by the agreement to apply the treaty in the same way as if the treaty had entered into force.


Following this view, the agreement on provisional application represents a parallel engagement to the treaty.


The main peculiarity of this agreement is a greater flexibility concerning termination.


The opposite view is that by agreeing to the provisional application of a treaty States are not bound to apply the treaty.


They merely express the intention to apply it on the understanding that the other States concerned will do the same.


Should, however, one State fail to apply the treaty provisionally, it would not incur international responsibility towards the other States.


These would probably terminate, for lack of reciprocity, their provisional application of the treaty with regard to the deviating State.


One reason suggested for this solution is that the agreement on provisional application may be concluded by a State organ that does not have the power to bind the State to the treaty under internal law.


A third opinion is a variation of the second one.


While States are not bound to apply the treaty, the agreement on provisional application entitles them to disregard, if they do so in compliance with the treaty, obligations that they may have in their reciprocal relations under international law.


A fourth opinion considers the agreement on provisional application as an indication that the entry into force of the treaty, when and if it occurs, will be retrospective.


Until the treaty enters into force, the States concerned are not bound by the treaty but, if they do not comply with its provisions, they risk being found eventually in breach of the treaty.


5. Four recent arbitration decisions concerning the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) dwell on the meaning of provisional application under article 45 (1) of that Treaty.

5. 关于能源宪章条约(ECT)的四个最近的仲裁决定根据该条约第45(1)条详述了临时适用的意义。

In Kardassopoulos v. Georgia (ICSID Case No. ARB/05/18) the decision was given on 6 July 2007.


The arbitral tribunal considered that provisional application is “not the same as entry into force.


But the ECT’s provisional application is a course to which each signatory ‘agrees’ in Article 45 (1): it is (subject to other provisions of the paragraph) thus a matter of legal obligation” (para. 209).


According to this tribunal, “the language used in Article 45 (1) is to be interpreted as meaning that each signatory State is obliged, even before the ECT has formally entered into force, to apply the whole ECT as if it had already done so” (para. 211).

这个法庭指出,45(1)条的用语被解释为,这意味着每个签字国甚至ECT正式生效以前就有义务适用整个ECT, 仿佛它已经这样做了”(211)

In the Tribunal’s view there was “a sufficiently well-established practice of provisional application of treaties to generate a generally accepted understanding of what is meant by that notion” (para. 219).


A similar opinion on the meaning of provisional application in the ECT was expressed by the arbitration tribunals in Yukos v. Russian Federation (PCA Case No. AA 227), Veteran Petroleum Ltd. v. Russian Federation (PCA Case No. AA228) and Hulley Enterprises Ltd. v. Russian Federation (PCA Case No. AA 226).


These decisions, rendered by the same panel on the same date (30 November 2009), quoted approvingly at length the decision in Kardassopoulos v. Georgia.

同一小组委员会在同一日期(20091130)作出的这些决定 赞许地详尽引述了Kardassopoulos诉格鲁吉亚案的决定。

They also asserted “the principle that provisional application of a treaty creates binding obligations” (para. 314 of each of these three decisions).


An in-depth analysis of international decisions and of State practice should allow the International Law Commission to establish a presumption concerning the meaning of provisional application of a treaty.


The preconditions of provisional application


6. The definition of the meaning of provisional application of a treaty has some important implications with regard to its preconditions, which would need to be discussed on the basis of the conclusions reached about the definition.

6. 临时适用条约之意义的界定对其先决条件有一些重要影响,需要根据就其定义商定的结论予以讨论。

Should one follow the second or the fourth opinion referred to above, the agreement on provisional application would not have as such any legal effect and should not raise any question concerning the internal law concerning competence to conclude a treaty.


Should one, on the contrary, view the agreement on provisional application as implying that the States concerned are bound to apply the treaty, the internal law relating to the conclusion of executive agreements becomes relevant.


The constitutions of certain States even prohibit the conclusion of agreements providing for provisional application of treaties.


A full assimilation between agreements on provisional application and executive agreements is prevented by the greater flexibility that the former agreements have with regard to termination.


The third opinion may also raise some questions concerning the internal law on competence to conclude treaties insofar as the non-compliance with existing obligations under international law does not come within the competence of the State authorities which concluded the agreement on provisional application.


Termination of provisional application


7. Article 25, paragraph 2, of the Vienna Convention sets out that, “unless the treaty otherwise provides or the negotiating States have otherwise agreed”, “the provisional application of a treaty or part of a treaty with respect to a State shall be terminated if that State notifies the other States between which the treaty is being applied provisionally of its intention not to become a party to the treaty”.

7. 《维也纳公约》第25条第2款指出,除条约另有规定或谈判国另有协议外,条约或条约一部分对一国暂时适用,于该国将其不欲成为条约当事国之意思通知已暂时适用条约之其他各国时终止

Practice shows that States sometimes resort to termination of provisional application without specifying that they intend not to become a party to the treaty.


This is probably due to the fact that the required specification is of little significance, since the notification by a State of its intention not to become a party to a treaty does not prevent the same State from later becoming a party to the treaty.


8. A question that may need to be addressed is whether, before notifying termination, a State should give notice.

8. 可能需要加以解决的一个问题是,通知终止前,一个国家是否应发出通知。

Although rare in practice, a notice would have the advantage of making it possible for all the parties to the agreement on provisional application of a treaty to terminate it at the same time.


9. Although the Vienna Convention does not specify it, it is clear that provisional application also terminates when the treaty enters into force.

9. 《维也纳公约》虽然没有明确规定,显然,临时适用也将在条约生效时终止。

The provisions in the Vienna Convention concerning termination of treaties appear to be generally relevant for the agreement on provisional application.


The ground set out in article 54 is particularly important, since it concerns termination “by consent of all the parties”.


Should the agreement on provisional application be viewed as imposing obligations on the States concerned, article 60 would also be relevant insofar as it provides for the possibility that a material breach may be invoked to terminate the treaty.


10. The Vienna Convention does not specify the consequences of termination of an agreement on provisional application of a treaty.

10. 《维也纳公约》没有明确规定终止临时适用条约协议的后果。

One could envisage that article 70 of the Vienna Convention, which considers consequences of termination of a treaty in general, also applies to an agreement on provisional application.


According to that article, termination “(a) releases the parties from any obligations further to perform the treaty, (b) does not affect any right, obligation or legal situation of the parties created through the execution of the treaty prior to its termination”.

该条规定,终止“(a) 解除当事国继续履行条约之义务,(b) 不影响当事国在条约终止前经由实施条约而产生之任何权利、义务或法律情势

One further question would be whether breaches of obligations under rules of international law which occurred on the basis of the provisional application of a treaty entail international responsibility once the provisional application terminates.




11. A study by the International Law Commission based on a thorough analysis of practice would elucidate the issues considered in the preceding paragraphs.

11. 国际法委员会根据对实践的透彻分析所作的一项研究将阐明前面各段中所考虑的问题。

This study may lead to the drafting of a few articles that would supplement the scant rules contained in the Vienna Convention.


These articles could address in return the meaning of provisional application, its preconditions and its termination.


12. The Commission could also elaborate some model clauses which would be of assistance to States intending to give a special meaning to the provisional application of a treaty or set out particular rules on its preconditions or termination.

12. 委员会还可以制定一些示范条款,这将对打算对条约的临时适用、或其先决条件或终止给予特别意义的国家有所助益。

Annex D


The fair and equitable treatment standard in international investment law


(Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie)


I. Context

. 背景

1. International investment issues have played an increasingly important role in inter-State relations in the period since World War II.

1. 自第二次世界大战以来,国际投资问题在国家间关系中扮演着日益重要的角色。

Thus, today, Public International Law recognizes a number of concepts that clarify relations between and among States in investment matters; it also incorporates various concepts that set out relationships between States, on the one hand, and foreign investors, on the other.


One such concept, applicable to States in their relations inter se, and to relations between States and foreign investors, is that of fair and equitable treatment.


It is proposed that the International Law Commission should undertake an examination of the concept of fair and equitable treatment in international investment law.


2. In recent years, the concept of fair and equitable treatment has assumed considerable prominence in the practice of States.

2. 近年来,公正和公平待遇在各国实践中取得非常突出的地位。

This position of prominence is owed in large part to the emergence of bilateral investment treaties as the main sources of law in the field of investment.


There are currently more than 3,000 bilateral investment treaties in force between States, with the vast majority setting out treaty obligations between developed, capital-exporting countries, on one hand, and developing, capital-importing countries, on the other.


Almost all of these treaties expressly incorporate a reference to the fair and equitable treatment standard in a form which assures foreign investors that they will receive fair and equitable treatment from the host country of the foreign investment.


At the same time, the fair and equitable treatment standard has also had a place in other areas of State practice.


So, for example, the Convention establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the Colonia Protocol on Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments within MERCOSUR, the Treaty establishing the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Protocol on Promotion and Protection of Investments coming from States not Parties to MERCOSUR, the Energy Charter, the ASEAN Treaty for the Promotion and Protection of Investments, and the North American Free Trade Agreement all incorporate the fair and equitable standard as one of the means by which foreign investments are to be protected.


3. In addition, the standard of fair and equitable treatment has also been supported by States in negotiations which have not resulted in treaties.

3. 此外,公正和公平待遇标准在未能达成条约的谈判中也得到各国的支持。

One of the earliest references to the standard of equitable treatment in investment relations is to be found in the Havana Charter for an International Trade Organization (1948).


Although this treaty did not enter into force, its failure has not been attributed to the acceptance of the fair and equitable treatment standard.


Other draft treaties incorporating the standard have included the Economic Agreement of Bogota (1948), the Draft Convention on Investments Abroad (1959), and the OECD Draft Convention on the Protection of Foreign Property (1967).


Similarly, the Draft United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations, negotiated initially against the backdrop of the effort to introduce a New International Economic Order in the decade of the 1970s, incorporated the fair and equitable treatment standard.


The OECD Draft Multilateral Agreement on Investment, negotiated by OECD member States only, also incorporated the standard.


4. There is also support for the concept of fair and equitable treatment in the work of some international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

4. 公正和公平待遇的概念在一些国际组织和非政府组织的工作中也获得支持。

Thus, with respect to the former, the World Bank, in its 1992 Guidelines on Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment, expressly recommended the standard.


With respect to the latter, in 1949, the International Chamber of Commerce (the ICC) in its International Code of Fair Treatment for Foreign Investments supported the idea of fair treatment by identifying some of the putative elements of this standard.


Subsequently, in 1972, the ICC, in its Guidelines for International Investment, referred to the need to ensure “fair and equitable treatment” for the property of foreign investors.


The Pacific Basin Charter on International investments, approved by the Pacific Basin Economic Council in 1995, also supported the idea that “fair and reasonable” treatment should be granted to foreign investments as a matter of law.


5. At various levels, therefore, the practice of States and other entities, acknowledges the significance of the fair and equitable treatment standard in International Law.

5. 因此,在各个层面上,国家和其他实体的实践都承认公正和公平待遇标准在国际法中的重要性。

Notwithstanding the prominence of this standard, however, the meaning and scope of fair and equitable treatment remain controversial.


In the first place, although States have entered into numerous treaties incorporating the standard, it is not altogether clear what States intend to incorporate in the treaty by the use of this form of words.


Secondly, States have not always incorporated the fair and equitable treatment standard in the same way in their investment treaties: this prompts questions as to whether divergent formulations have been used to capture different possible meanings of the expression.


And, thirdly, because the form of words “fair and equitable treatment” is inherently broad, uncertainty has arisen over how the standard is to be applied in practice.


6. Against this background, it is not surprising that questions concerning the meaning and scope of the fair and equitable treatment standard have become the subject of a fair degree of litigation in recent years.

6. 在这一背景下,有关公正和公平待遇标准的含义和范围的问题近年来引起相当数量的诉讼也就不足为奇了。

These cases have been largely decided by arbitral tribunals, which have sought to give meaning to the standard, as set out in particular bilateral investment treaties or in the NAFTA Agreement.


In light of the approach suggested in one arbitral decision, the NAFTA Free Trade Commission took the opportunity to issue a clarification as to the meaning of the phrase “fair and equitable treatment” as used in the NAFTA Agreement.


But even following this clarification, uncertainty remains on the meaning of the phrase.


In light of this uncertainty, there is scope for the International Law Commission to offer an analysis of the fair and equitable treatment standard which helps to clarify the law and to lend greater certainty to the State practice on the subject.


The objective will not be to seek to decide these cases anew, but rather, to extract from the cases an assessment of the state of the law concerning the meaning and components of the fair and equitable treatment standard in investment relations.


Some of the cases that will need to be considered in this analysis are set out in the Table of Cases at Appendix II to this Prospectus.


II. Some issues for consideration

. 需要考虑的一些问题

7. The central question to be considered will be the meaning of the concept of fair and equitable treatment as used in international investment instruments.

7. 需要考虑的中心问题是国际投资文书中使用的公正和公平待遇概念的含义。

In response to this question, it is proposed that the following issues should be considered:


(a) Form.

(a) 形式。

What are the different forms in which the fair and equitable standard has been incorporated into bilateral and multilateral instruments?


In some instances, the fair and equitable treatment is stated as a free-standing concept, while in others, it is combined, sometimes in the same operative provision, with other standards of treatment for investors, such as “full protection and security”, “treatment required by international law”, “most favoured nation treatment” and “national treatment”.


In some instances, the fair and equitable treatment is incorporated in a non-binding form, and occasionally it is included in instruments as a preambular provision.


The study will therefore need to address these different forms, and assess the extent to which the different forms may give rise to different legal consequences.


(b) Relationship with Contingent Standards.

(b) 与有条件标准的关系。

In the vast majority of bilateral investment treaties, foreign investors are given the assurance not only of fair and equitable treatment, but also of most-favoured-nation treatment and national treatment.


These standards are different from each other, with the latter two being contingent standards, meaning that their content in particular cases is determined by the treatment offered to a defined category of investors.


The fair and equitable standard is a non-contingent standard, but in practice, the treatment given to an investor may be fair or unfair depending on how other investors are treated in the host country.


The question, then, is whether we may define the relationship between the fair and equitable standard and other standards in a treaty.


As part of this, consideration should also be given to the identification of what, in particular, a provision on fair and equitable treatment actually adds to a treaty that also incorporates the contingent standards of most-favoured nation treatment and national treatment.


(c) Relationship with “Full Protection and Security”.

(c) 全面保护和保障的关系。

As noted above, the fair and equitable treatment standard is often incorporated with the standard of “full protection and security”.


The analysis proposed here will consider the relationship between these two non-contingent standards.


This will require an analysis of the meaning of the concept of full protection and security and an assessment of whether this concept actually incorporates elements of protection to foreign investors that are not already inherent in the fair and equitable standard of treatment.


(d) Is fair and equitable treatment synonymous with the International Minimum Standard?

(d) 公正和公平待遇是否等同于国际最低标准?

One view in the literature of fair and equitable treatment (and to some extent in the jurisprudence on the concept) is that the fair and equitable treatment standard is really the same as the international minimum standard that is regarded by some States as the standard of treatment required for the treatment of foreign investors as a matter of customary international law.


The international minimum standard, as stated for example in the Neer Claim, has arguably not been accepted by a significant number of States.

例如,在“Neer Claim”中所说的国际最低标准可以说并未得到较多国家的接受。

Traditionally, Latin American countries have maintained that customary international law requires the host State to accord the foreign investor treatment no less favourable than that accorded to national investors.


Therefore, if the fair and equitable treatment standard is synonymous with the international minimum standard, Latin American countries will, to a significant extent, now be party to several treaties that require them to give investors the international minimum standard, whether or not that standard is required under customary international law.


(e) Is Fair and Equitable Treatment an Independent Standard?

(e) 公正和公平待遇是否为独立的标准?

The study will also consider an alternative view concerning the meaning of the fair and equitable standard to that mentioned in the preceding sub-paragraph (d).


The alternative view is that the fair and equitable treatment standard is an independent standard which, on the plain meaning of words, is different from the international minimum standard.


In this view, the plain meaning of words requires States that assure investors fair and equitable treatment to give to those investors treatment that is not unfair and not inequitable in all the circumstances under consideration.


On this reading, the standard will require arbitrators to assess the treatment accorded to the foreign investor in light of all the circumstances of the case.


The elements of what is fair and equitable in this approach will be developed on a case-by-case basis.


(f) Does the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard Now Represent Customary International Law?

(f) 公正和公平待遇标准目前是否构成习惯国际法?

Given that more than 3,000 bilateral investment treaties incorporate the fair and equitable treatment standard, and bearing in mind that various multilateral instruments rely on the provision, the question arises whether this standard is now a part of Customary International Law.


This question arises whether or not the standard is synonymous with the international minimum standard, largely from the practice of States.


The International Law Commission is expected to embark upon a study on the formation and evidence of Customary International Law, so some of the tools of analysis used in that study will be relevant for this particular question, and vice versa.


It may be sufficient, at this stage, to mention that the mere fact of a significant level of practice does not normally, on its own, give rise to a rule of Customary International Law.


Thus, in assessing whether the fair and equitable standard represents Customary International Law, reference will also need to be made to the requisite opinio juris of States, whether the practice in question is of a widespread and uniform character, including the practice of States “specially affected”.


Decisions of arbitral tribunals in the cases noted Appendix II, and elsewhere, will need to be incorporated fully into this discussion.


(g) Is Fair and Equitable Treatment a Principle of International Law?

(g) 公正和公平待遇是否为一项国际法原则?

There is a minority view that the fair and equitable treatment standard reflects a principle of law, which is applicable with respect to all States.


The basis of this viewpoint is that all States can be expected to treat nationals and foreigners with fairness, because fairness must be inherent in the activities of States.


This line of argument tends to suggest that fair and equitable treatment is a part of the rule of law.


The validity of this contention will need to be assessed.


8. Another set of issues to be studied concern the content and scope of the fair and equitable treatment standard.

8. 另一组需要研究的问题涉及公正和公平待遇标准的组成内容和范围。

In some respects, these issues overlap with issues concerning the meaning of the standard.


The issues that may be considered here include:


(a) What are the Elements of Fair and Equitable Treatment in Practice?

(a) 在实践中,公正和公平待遇包括哪些内容?

Arbitral tribunals have considered various elements of the standard, and have either accepted or rejected different suggestions as to what constitute the components of fair and equitable treatment.


So, for example, there is some support for the view that a particular State action may fall short of the fair and equitable treatment standard if it (i) is discriminatory, (ii) amounts to a denial of justice, (iii) is undertaken in bad faith, (iv) falls short of the due process guarantees in the State concerned, (v) disrupts the legitimate expectations of the foreign investor, or (vi) falls short of standards of transparency.

例如,下述观点得到了某些支持,如果国家的一项具体行动符合下述条件之一,则未满足公正和公平待遇标准:() 具歧视性;() 有违司法公正;() 没有诚信;() 未满足所涉国家的正当程序保障;() 破坏了外国投资者的合法预期;() 未满足透明标准。

It has also been suggested that conduct on the part of a State may fall short of the fair and equitable treatment standard if it undermines the stability of business relationships in the host country, or if it goes against rules on which the foreign investor had relied in entering the host country.


(b) In What Ways has Fair and Equitable Treatment Affected other Provisions of Bilateral Investment Treaties?

(b) 公正和公平待遇以哪些方式影响双边投资条约的其他条款?

In some arbitral decisions, it has been accepted that the fair and equitable standard may apply to a set of circumstances even where another provision of a bilateral investment treaty is more specific and directly applicable.


This has happened, for example, in the case of investment damage arising from armed conflict, where there was a directly applicable provision on armed conflict; this provision did not prevent the tribunal from applying the more general provision on fair and equitable standard.


Thus, the study will need to examine whether there are limits to the circumstances in which the fair and equitable treatment standard may be applied.


It may be possible that the standard is a “catch-all” provision meant to apply when other provisions do not provide a solution which coincides with the interests of justice, as interpreted by the arbitral tribunal or other decision-making body.


9. The concept of fair and equitable treatment also raises issues pertaining to the relationship between international law and domestic law.

9. 公正和公平待遇概念也引出关于国际法和国内法之间关系的问题。

To begin with, when a host provides an assurance of fair and equitable treatment in its treaty relations, this may actually have only an indirect impact on the foreign investor intended to be the beneficiary of the treatment standard.


In day-to-day activities, the foreign investor will be subject to domestic law, and will, in the first instance, be inclined to invoke domestic law for the protection of investment interests.


Thus, the question whether, and to what extent, the fair and equitable treatment standard has become a part of domestic legal systems will be of considerable practical significance to investors.


This question will also be of importance to States whose nationals seek to derive protection pursuant to the fair and equitable standard; for, if countries that accept the standard do not, at the same time, implement it in their national laws, then the impact of the standard will be reduced in practice.


10. On a related point, the proposed study concerning fair and equitable treatment would also need to consider whether, and to what extent, this treatment standard is already an inherent part of national systems of law.

10. 与此有关的一点是,提议的关于公正和公平待遇的研究还需要考虑这一待遇标准是否以及在多大程度上已经成为国家法律体系的内在组成部分。

As a starting-point, it may be fair to suggest that all legal systems seek to embrace fairness and equitable treatment for individuals.


One question that arises, therefore, concerns the precise ways in which adherence to the fair and equitable standard in investment relations adds to, or clarifies, rights and duties in the domestic legal systems of host countries.


Generally, the fair and equitable treatment standard, when interpreted by an international tribunal, provides the opportunity for an external body to assess whether State behaviour conforms with fairness and equity as a matter of international law.


But, in practice, following the decision of the external tribunal, administrative bodies in national jurisdictions have to apply the meaning attributed to the fair and equitable standard in domestic law.


The study will therefore need to consider ways in which domestic policy-makers and implementing bodies react to decisions of international tribunals on the meaning of fair and equitable treatment.


This discussion should also prompt the question whether, and to what extent, there is a body of administrative law that may now be broadly applicable in the area of treatment for foreign investors.


11. Although the concept of fair and equitable treatment has developed largely in the context international investment law, there are significant links between this concept and other areas of law.

11. 尽管公正和公平待遇的概念主要是在国际投资法的范围内发展起来的,但这一概念与法律其他领域有着显著的联系。

So, for example, it is fair to suggest that when the foreign investor is perceived as an individual person, the treatment accorded to that person must respect universally recognized individual human rights, including the right to property.


At the same time, the treatment accorded by foreign investors to individuals within host countries must also conform to standards of human rights.


In light of such considerations, the study on fair and equitable treatment should not focus narrowly on the concept; rather, it should consider the implications of the concept for different stakeholders in the investment process, and should seek guidance on the meaning of the notion of fairness from diverse areas of international and national law.


III. Questions concerning the final product

. 关于最终成果的问题

12. It is difficult to say with any degree of certainty what type of document should emerge from the study proposed here.

12. 很难确定地说本文建议的研究会产生什么类型的文件。

One possibility will be to put forward a statement concerning the meaning of the standard, outlining some of the implications that are likely to arise for States which provide an assurance of fair and equitable treatment in their treaty relations.


It may also be possible to consider the respective meanings of the different forms which the fair and equitable treatment standard has taken in various treaties.


On this approach, the study will help to clarify the law in one of the more contentious issues of modern practice.


13. It is also fair to suggest that the final form of the study on fair and equitable treatment may be influenced by the approach that the International Law Commission decides to take in respect of the final form of the products of its work on the topic of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment and on the study of Customary International Law.

13. 也完全可以说,关于公正和公平待遇研究的最终形式可能受到国际法委员会就最惠国待遇专题和习惯国际法研究工作成果的最终形式所采取的方针的影响。

14. It may be possible that a set of guidelines for States could emerge from this study.

14. 本项研究也可能产生一组针对国家的指南。

The guidelines could indicate whether or not the fair and equitable standard reflects Customary International Law, and then set out the implications which are likely to follow for States if they formulate the fair and equitable treatment standard in one of a number of different ways.


15. It is suggested that, irrespective of the final form, the study will be of relevance to States.

15. 有人指出,不论最终形式如何,这一研究对各国是相关的。

In the busy International Law office, lawyers may have neither the time nor the opportunity to study the jurisprudence concerning fair and equitable treatment.


But, given the proliferation of investment treaties with this provision in place, the meaning to be given to the standard is significant for many States.


Against this background, a clear statement of the law on this point, from an authoritative source, will be useful.


Taken together with the work of the International Law Commission on the Most-Favoured-Nation provision, the study will help to enhance the Commission’s work in the topical area of International Investment Law.


Appendix II


Table of cases


Asian Agricultural Products Ltd. (AAPL) v. Republic of Sri Lanka, 30 International Legal Materials 580 (1991).

Asian Agricultural Products Ltd. (AAPL) v. Republic of Sri Lanka, 30 International Legal Materials 580 (1991).

ADF Group Inc. v. United States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/1, Final Award of Jan. 9, 2003.

ADF Group Inc. v. United States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/1, Final Award of Jan. 9, 2003.

Alex Genin, Eastern Credit Limited, Inc. and A. S. Baltoil v. Republic of Estonia, ICSID Case No ARB/99/2, Award of June 25, 2001.

Alex Genin, Eastern Credit Limited, Inc. and A. S. Baltoil v. Republic of Estonia, ICSID Case No ARB/99/2, Award of June 25, 2001.

AMT v. Zaire, ICSID Case No. ARB 93/1, Award of 21 Feb., 1997.

AMT v. Zaire, ICSID Case No. ARB 93/1, Award of 21 Feb., 1997.

Azurix Corp. v. The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/12, Award of 14 July 2006.

Azurix Corp. v. The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/12, Award of 14 July 2006.

CME (Netherlands) v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL Partial Award of September 13, 2001.

CME (Netherlands) v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL Partial Award of September 13, 2001.

CMS Gas Transmission Company v. The Republic of Argentina, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, Award of May 12, 2005.

CMS Gas Transmission Company v. The Republic of Argentina, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, Award of May 12, 2005.

Compañía de Aguas del Aconquija, S.A. & Compagnie Générale des Eaux (Vivendi) v. Argentina, ICSID Case No. ARB/97/3, Award of Nov. 21, 2000.

Compañía de Aguas del Aconquija, S.A. & Compagnie Générale des Eaux (Vivendi) v. Argentina, ICSID Case No. ARB/97/3, Award of Nov. 21, 2000.

Consortium RFCC v. Royaume du Maroc, ICSID Case No. ARB/00/6, Sentence Arbitrale of Dec. 22, 2003.

Consortium RFCC v. Royaume du Maroc, ICSID Case No. ARB/00/6, Sentence Arbitrale of Dec. 22, 2003.

DF Group Inc. v. United States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/1, Final Award of Jan. 9, 2003.

DF Group Inc. v. United States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/1, Final Award of Jan. 9, 2003.

Electtronica Sicula Spa (ELSI) (United States of America v. Italy), International Court of Justice, Judgment of 10 July 1989,

Electtronica Sicula Spa (ELSI) (United States of America v. Italy), International Court of Justice, Judgment of 10 July 1989,

Eureko B.V. v. Republic of Poland, Partial Award of Aug. 19, 2005.

Eureko B.V. v. Republic of Poland, Partial Award of Aug. 19, 2005.

GAMI Investments, Inc. v. The United Mexican States, UNCITRAL, Final Award of Nov. 15, 2004.

GAMI Investments, Inc. v. The United Mexican States, UNCITRAL, Final Award of Nov. 15, 2004.

International Thunderbird Gaming Corporation v. The United Mexican States, Arbitral Award of Jan. 26, 2006.

International Thunderbird Gaming Corporation v. The United Mexican States, Arbitral Award of Jan. 26, 2006.

Loewen Group, Inc. and Raymond L. Loewen v. United States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/98/3, Final Award of June 26, 2003.

Loewen Group, Inc. and Raymond L. Loewen v. United States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/98/3, Final Award of June 26, 2003.

Metalclad Corporation v. The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/97/1, Award of Aug. 30, 2000.

Metalclad Corporation v. The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/97/1, Award of Aug. 30, 2000.

Middle East Cement Shipping and Handling Co S.A. v. Arab Republic of Egypt, ICSID Case No. ARB/99/6, Award of April 12, 2002.

Middle East Cement Shipping and Handling Co S.A. v. Arab Republic of Egypt, ICSID Case No. ARB/99/6, Award of April 12, 2002.

Mondev International Ltd. v. The United States of America, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/99/2, Award of Oct. 11, 2002.

Mondev International Ltd. v. The United States of America, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/99/2, Award of Oct. 11, 2002.

MTD Equity Sdn. Bhd. and MTD Chile S.A. v. Republic of Chile, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/7, Award of May 25, 2004.

MTD Equity Sdn. Bhd. and MTD Chile S.A. v. Republic of Chile, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/7, Award of May 25, 2004.

Noble Ventures, Inc. v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/11, Final Award of Oct. 12, 2005.

Noble Ventures, Inc. v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/11, Final Award of Oct. 12, 2005.

Occidental Exploration and Production Company v. The Republic of Ecuador, LCIA Case No. UN3467, Final Award of July 1, 2004.

Occidental Exploration and Production Company v. The Republic of Ecuador, LCIA Case No. UN3467, Final Award of July 1, 2004.

Pope & Talbot, UNCITRAL, Award in Respect of Damages of May 31, 2002.

Pope & Talbot, UNCITRAL, Award in Respect of Damages of May 31, 2002.

Robert Azinian, Kenneth Davitian, & Ellen Baca v. The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB (AF)/97/2, Final Award of Nov. 1, 1999.

Robert Azinian, Kenneth Davitian, & Ellen Baca v. The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB (AF)/97/2, Final Award of Nov. 1, 1999.

Ronald S. Lauder v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL, Award of Sept. 2, 2001.

Ronald S. Lauder v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL, Award of Sept. 2, 2001.

Saluka Investments BV v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL, Partial Award of Mar. 17, 2006.

Saluka Investments BV v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL, Partial Award of Mar. 17, 2006.

S.D. Myers, Inc. v. Government of Canada, UNCITRAL, Partial Award of Nov. 13, 2000.

S.D. Myers, Inc. v. Government of Canada, UNCITRAL, Partial Award of Nov. 13, 2000.

Tecnicas Medioambientales Tecmed S.A. v. The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/2, Award of May 29, 2003.

Tecnicas Medioambientales Tecmed S.A. v. The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/2, Award of May 29, 2003.

Waste Management, Inc. v. The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/3, Award of 30 April 2004.

Waste Management, Inc. v. The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/3, Award of 30 April 2004.

Wena Hotels Ltd. v. Arab Republic of Egypt, ICSID Case No. ARB/98/4, Award of 8 Dec. 2000.

Wena Hotels Ltd. v. Arab Republic of Egypt, ICSID Case No. ARB/98/4, Award of 8 Dec. 2000.

Annex E


Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts

附件E 与武装冲突有关的环境保护

(Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson)


I. Introduction

. 导言

1. It has long been recognised that the effect on the environment during and after an armed conflict may pose a serious threat to the livelihoods and even existence of individual human beings and communities.

1. 人们早就认识到,武装冲突期间和冲突之后造成的环境影响可能会对个人和社区的生计乃至生存构成严重威胁。

The effect on the environment differs from other consequences of an armed conflict since it may be long-term and irreparable.


It may remain long after the conflict and prevent an effective rebuilding of the society, destroy pristine areas or disrupt important ecosystems.


2. The protection of the environment in armed conflicts has been primarily viewed through the lens of the laws of warfare, including international humanitarian law.

2. 一直以来,主要是从战争法、包括国际人道主义法的角度来看待武装冲突中的环境保护问题。

However, this perspective is too narrow as modern international law recognises that the international law applicable during an armed conflict may be wider than the laws of warfare.


This is also recognised by the International Law Commission (ILC) in its recent work on Effect of Armed Conflicts on Treaties.


This work takes as its starting point (Article 3) the presumption that the existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto terminate or suspend the operation of treaties.


The combined implication of Article 7 and the Annex of treaties is that, because of their subject matter, several categories of treaties relevant to the protection of the environment may continue in operation during periods of armed conflict.


II. Background

. 背景

3. The need to protect the environment in times of armed conflict is not a 21st Century idea, or even a 20th Century idea.

3. 需要在武装冲突期间保护环境,这并不是21世纪才有的想法,甚至不是20世纪的想法。

On the contrary, it is possible to trace legal rules relating to the natural environment and its resources back to ancient time.


Such rules were closely connected with the need of individuals to have access to natural resources essential for their survival, such as clean water.


Given the conditions under which war then was conducted, as well as the means and methods used, there was limited risk of extensive environmental destruction.


4. This changed during the 20th Century when technological development placed the environment at a greater risk of being permanently destroyed through destruction caused by nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, but also through destruction caused by conventional means and methods of warfare.

4. 到了20世纪,情况发生了变化。 这个世纪的技术发展增加了环境遭受永久破坏的可能性。 这不单是指核武器或其他大规模毁灭性武器所造成的破坏,还指常规作战手段和方法所造成的破坏。

The technological development went hand in hand with a rising awareness of the need to protect the environment for the benefit of existing and future generations.


5. It is possible to identify three periods since the adoption of the UN Charter when the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict has been addressed with the aim of enhancing the legal protection.

5. 自《联合国宪章》通过以来,为加强法律保护而开展的与武装冲突有关的环境保护工作可以分为三个阶段。

The first phase started in the early 1960s, the second in the early 1990s and the third in the 2010s.


6. The first phase, begun in the 1960s, was spurred, on the one hand, by the means and methods of warfare during the Vietnam War, and, on the other hand, by the rising awareness of the need to protect the environment in more general terms (the birth of the international environmental law).

6. 1960年代开始的第一阶段,其推动因素有:一方面是越南战争期间使用的作战手段和方法;另一方面是人们越来越认识到需要对环境予以更广泛的保护(国际环境法的诞生)

The Stockholm Declaration on the Protection of the Environment (a political declaration in 1972) signals an attempt to expand the “Trail Smelter” principle beyond a bilateral context (Principle 21).


The sensitive issue of the use of nuclear weapons was addressed, in vague terms, in Principle 26.


Although no decisive legal conclusions can be drawn from the Stockholm Declaration, it gave a signal of what was the concern and what was to come in the Rio Declaration (1992), see below.


7. A few years later, specific provisions addressing the protection of the environment were included in international humanitarian law treaties.

7. 几年后,国际人道主义法条约列入了关于环境保护的具体规定。

It is worth quoting two articles, Article 35 and Article 55 of the First Additional Protocol (1977) to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, not least because they partly seem to contradict each other.


Article 35, para.3 reads:


“It is prohibited to employ methods or means of warfare which are intended, or may be expected, to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment.”


Article 55 reads:


“1. Care shall be taken in warfare to protect the natural environment against widespread, long-term and severe damage.


This protection includes a prohibition of the use of methods or means of warfare which are intended or may be expected to cause such damage to the natural environment and thereby to prejudice the health or survival of the population.


2. Attacks against the natural environment by way of reprisals are prohibited.”


8. In addition, the ENMOD treaty, which aims exclusively to protect the environment, was adopted.

8. 此外,还通过了一项专门保护环境的特定条约,即所谓的《禁用改变环境技术公约》。

The standard-setting Article 1, para. 1 reads:


“Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.”


9. During the 1980s, the Iran-Iraq war drew the attention of States and organizations to the need for enhanced protection of the environment during armed conflicts.

” 9. 1980年代,两伊战争促使一些国家和组织注意到有必要加强在武装冲突期间对环境的保护。

This is evidenced e.g. by the request from the Commission of the European Communities for a report on the matter.


10. The second phase started with the Iraq-Kuwait war in 1990.

10. 第二阶段始于1990年的伊拉克-科威特战争。

The burning of oil wells and other environmentally disastrous effects of the war awoke the international community to the effect of modern warfare on the environment.


In addition, the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) was established and entrusted with cases relating to loss or damage of the environment and the depletion of natural resources.


In its reports, the Commission discusses each claim for compensation separately and gives reasons for their acceptance, denial or adjustment.


This provides a substantial amount of case law although the Commission relies on the criteria provided by the United Nations Security Council and Governing Council and not international law per se.


It is noteworthy that the Commission awarded some compensation for all these claims, including for indirect damage to wetlands from water consumption by refugees.


11. In parallel, the item of protection of the environment was placed on the agenda of the United Nations: first under the heading, Exploitation of the environment as a weapon in times of armed conflict and the taking of practical measures to prevent such exploitation; and subsequently as Protection of the environment in times of armed conflict.

11. 同时,环境保护项目还被列入了联合国议程,起初是放在在武装冲突期间利用环境作为武器及采取实际措施防止这类利用的标题之下,后来则是作为武装冲突期间的环境保护这一标题。

The Secretary General submitted his first report on the protection of the environment in times of armed conflict in 1992 and a second report in 1993.


In essence, these reports were a reproduction of information received from the ICRC.


The report of 1993 suggested what issues could be examined by the Sixth Committee.


The issues included the question of “[a]pplicability in armed conflict of international environmental law; general clarification and action on case of revision of treaties”.


At that time, the item had lost its place as an independent agenda item.


Instead, it was dealt with under the item United Nations Decade of International Law.


12. The ICRC was mandated by the General Assembly to work with the issue.

12. 红十字委员会被大会授权处理这一问题。

As a consequence, expert meetings were held, and the issue was also on the agenda of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Conferences.


One result was the Guidelines for Military Manuals and Instructions on the Protection of the Environment in Time of Armed Conflict, annexed to the Report submitted by the ICRC to the forty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly.


Due to lack of political support for any modification of the law of armed conflict as reflected in existing treaty provisions, annexing the Guidelines to a resolution and inviting States to disseminate them, was as far as it was possible to go at the time.


13. It should be recalled that the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development took place in 1992.

13. 应当忆及的是,1992年举行了联合国环境与发展会议。

The conference adopted the Rio Declaration, which clearly stipulates in Principle 24 and Principle 23 respectively that:


“Warfare is inherently destructive of sustainable development.


States shall therefore respect international law providing protection for the environment in times of armed conflict and cooperate in its further development, as necessary.”



“The environment and natural resources of people under oppression, domination and occupation shall be protected.”


14. The San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea (1994) repeatedly addresses the protection of the environment, for example by including damage to or the destruction of the natural environment or objects that are not in themselves military objectives as collateral casualties or collateral damage.

14. 《关于适用于海上武装冲突的国际法的圣雷莫手册》(1994)反复提到对环境的保护,例如作为附带伤亡或附带损害而列入了对其本身并非军事目标的自然环境或物体造成的损害或破坏。

The legal aspect of protecting the environment is particularly relevant in naval warfare since belligerents and third parties may have legitimate and competing claims to use an area outside the sovereignty of a State.


15. The armed conflicts in the former Yugoslavia also bore evidence of the disastrous effects on the environment of both legal and illegal means and methods of warfare.

15. 前南斯拉夫的武装冲突也证明了合法和非法作战手段与方法对环境造成的灾难性影响。

At the same time, pressing concern from the international civil community forced states to address one particular aspect of IHL of direct relevance to the protection of the environment: the use of anti-personnel landmines.


It is obvious that the lack of implementation of the existing provisions in the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (CCW) brought about devastation, not only to those individual civilians that were maimed by the landmines, but also to their effective and secure use of land after the war was over.


The examples of Balkan, Cambodia and Mozambique are self-explanatory.


In addition to the lack of implementation, a major concern was the simple fact that the existing convention was not applicable in non-international armed conflicts.


As a result, the Convention and its Second Protocol on Landmines were revised.


However, this was not enough for those states and individual groups that wanted a more extensive ban.


In a parallel track, the Ottawa Convention on a total ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines was negotiated and adopted.


16. The legally interesting aspect of this development is that the initial reluctance on the part of important militarily powerful states to modify the laws of armed conflict did not prevent the parallel development of a regime for the protection of the civilian population and its base of subsistence.

16. 这一发展态势在法律方面值得关注的是,重要军事强国起初不愿修改武装冲突法,但这并未能阻止一个保护平民群体及其生存基础的制度的平行发展。

17. The third phase started in the early 2010s.

17. 第三阶段始于2010年代初期。

It is difficult to connect the beginning of this phase with any particular war, but rather stems from a growing awareness of the need to protect the environment as such.


Indeed, several wars such as those in Kosovo, Iraq, and Lebanon all bore evidence that war-torn societies pay a high environmental price.


At the same time, international courts and tribunals addressed the issue of the protection of the environment in court practice.


The negative effects on the environment were also raised by fact-finding missions.


Starting with the legal cases in the 1990s, it was no longer sufficient to seek for legal answers in the realm of the laws of warfare.


The development of environmental law and international criminal law could not be neglected, and it is worth noticing that the International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over crimes that cause certain damage to the environment.


III. Work done by other bodies

. 其他机构开展的工作

18. As mentioned above, the ICRC summoned expert meetings and presented important reports during the 1990s. Those include Guidelines for military manuals and instructions on the protection of the environment in times of armed conflict (1994).

18. 如前所述,1990年代期间,红十字委员会召集了专家会议,并提出了重要报告,其中包括《关于武装冲突中环境保护的军事手册和指南准则》(1994)

The perspective of the ICRC is, for obvious reasons, that of international humanitarian law.


This in essence poses the question: to what extent does existing international humanitarian law contain principles, rules or provisions that aim to protect the environment during an armed conflict.


It is often noted that the environment needs to be protected in order to achieve the goal of protecting civilians and their livelihoods.


But it is likewise pointed out that the environment as such needs protection.


The underlying assumption is that the environment is civil in nature.


This is evidenced by the ICRC’s multi-volume explanation of customary international humanitarian law, published in 2005.


Three of the rules identified by the ICRC as customary law, namely Rules 43–45, relate particularly to natural resources and environmental protection during armed conflicts.

有三项规则,即规则4345, 被红十字委员会确定为习惯法,这些规则特别与武装冲突期间的自然资源和环境保护有关。

Rule 44 reads:


“Methods and means of warfare must be employed with due regard to the protection and preservation of the natural environment.


In the conduct of military operations, all feasible precautions must be taken to avoid, and in any event to minimize, incidental damage to the environment.


Lack of scientific certainty as to the effects on the environment of certain military operations does not absolve a party to the conflict from taking such precautions.”


19. In 2010, the ICRC raised the issue on the current state of international humanitarian law.

19. 2010年,红十字委员会提出了国际人道主义法的现状问题。

In its presentation on the topic Strengthening Legal Protection for Victims of Armed Conflict, the ICRC draws the conclusion that humanitarian law needs to be reinforced in order to protect the natural environment.


The ICRC apparently concludes that the extensive development of international environmental law in recent decades is not matched by a similar development in international humanitarian law.


The clarification and development of international humanitarian law for the protection of the environment has lagged behind.


It is a noteworthy conclusion since the ICRC predominantly expresses concern over the lack of the implementation of IHL provisions.


20. The International Law Association (ILA) has issued several reports of relevance to the topic.

20. 国际法协会发布了几份与这一专题有关的报告。

Of direct relevance is the 2004 report from the Committee on Water Resource Law.


Chapter X, Articles 50–55, is entirely devoted to Protection of Waters and Water Installations During War or Armed Conflict.


Another report is the 2010 Report on Reparations for Victims of Armed Conflict.


It is also worth mentioning the 2006 report of the ILA’s Committee on Transnational Enforcement of Environmental Law.


While it does not specifically discuss the protection of the environment in the context of armed conflict, it does propose rules relating to the standing of individuals to bring claims for the destruction of the environment and other access to justice issues.


21. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has formed a Specialist Group on Armed Conflict and the Environment which is undertaking two related activities: exploring current questions of the law of armed conflict as it relates to the protection of the environment and assessing experiences in post-conflict management of natural resources and the environment.

21. 国际自然保护联盟(自然保护联盟)成立了一个武装冲突与环境问题专家组,该专家组正在开展两项相互关联的活动:一是探讨目前与保护环境有关的武装冲突法问题,二是评估对自然资源和环境的冲突后管理经验。

A survey on the status of international law protecting the environment during armed conflict, including opportunities for strengthening the law and its implementation is apparently under way.


22. The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), together with leading specialists in international law and the ICRC, have conducted a legal assessment of the protection of the environment during armed conflicts which produced the 2009 report Protecting the Environment During Armed Conflict – An Inventory and Analysis of International Law.

22. 联合国环境规划署(环境署)和环境法研究所与国际法领域的主要专家和红十字委员会一起,对武装冲突期间的环境保护进行了法律评估,之后编写了2009年题为武装冲突期间的环境保护――国际法概述与分析的报告。

The report examines four main bodies of international law that provide protection for the environment during armed conflicts: international humanitarian law, international criminal law, international environmental law, and human rights law.


The report culminates with a number of key findings explaining why the environment still lacks effective protection in times of armed conflict.


It also makes recommendations for how these challenges can be addressed and the legal framework strengthened.


IV. The UNEP proposal to the ILC

. 环境署对国际法委员会的建议

23. It was out of concern “that the environment continues to be the silent victim of modern warfare” that the UNEP and the Environmental Law Institute “undertook a joint assessment of the state of the existing legal framework protecting natural resources and the environment during armed conflict” in 2009.

23. 出于对环境仍然是现代战争的无声受害者的关切,环境署和环境法研究所在2009对武装冲突期间保护自然资源和环境的现行法律框架进行了联合评估

The assessment is the result of an international expert meeting held by UNEP and the ICRC in March 2009.


Based on ten key findings, the Report provides for twelve recommendations, among them that the ILC, as “the leading body with expertise in international law”, should “examine the existing international law for protecting the environment during armed conflict and recommend how it can be clarified, codified and expanded”.


The Report suggests that the following issues be addressed.


(a) An inventory of the legal provisions and the identification of gaps and barriers to enforcement;

(a) 盘点法律条款,查明空白和执行障碍;

(b) An exploration of options for clarifying and codifying this body of law;

(b) 探讨澄清和编纂这一法律体系的备选方案;

(c) The definition of key terms such as “widespread”, “long-term” and “severe”;

(c) 界定诸如广泛长期严重等关键词语;

(d) The consideration of the applicability of multilateral environmental agreements during armed conflicts as part of its ongoing analysis of the “effect of armed conflict on treaties”;

(d) 在目前对武装冲突对条约的影响进行分析的过程中,审议多边环境协定在武装冲突期间的适用性;

(e) Extending protection of the environment and natural resources in the context of non-international armed conflict; and

(e) 扩大非国际性武装冲突情况下对环境和自然资源的保护;以及

(f) Considering how the detailed standards, practice and case law of international environmental law could be used to clarify gaps and ambiguities in international humanitarian law.

(f) 审议如何使用国际环境法的详细标准、惯例和判例法来澄清国际人道主义法的缺陷和含混之处。

V. Major issues raised by the topic

. 这一专题提出的主要问题

24. The proposal submitted by the UNEP Report raises the issue if the suggested topic would be a suitable topic for the Commission.

24. 环境署的报告所提建议产生了一个问题,即所提议的专题是否适合委员会处理。

25. The ILC should continue to keep an open mind with respect to proposals submitted to it.

25. 国际法委员会应继续对向其提出的建议持开放态度。

Proposals submitted by the General Assembly, other bodies within the United Nations system and States, carry a special weight.


It should be noted that the ILC has tried to encourage other United Nations bodies to submit proposals to the Commission at least since 1996.


Hence, the suggestion by UNEP deserves serious consideration, particularly since it prima facie appears a well-founded proposal.

环境署的建议即使未能引起大会的注意,也不应对其等闲视之。 相反,应当对其进行审议,特别是如有初步证据表明它理由充分的话。

26. So, what are the major issues raised by the topic?

26. 那么,该专题提出的主要问题是什么?

27. The applicable law in relation to armed conflict clearly extends beyond the realm of the laws of warfare.

27. 与武装冲突有关的适用的法律显然超出了战争法的范围。

It is not sufficient to refer to international humanitarian law as lex specialis in the hope of finding a solution to a specific legal problem.


Also other areas of international law may be applicable, such as human rights.


The International Court of Justice has clearly recognised this.


“More generally, the Court considers that the protection offered by human rights conventions does not cease in case of armed conflict, save through the effect of provisions for derogation of the kind to be found in Article 4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


As regards the relationship between international humanitarian law and human rights law, there are thus three possible situations: some rights may be exclusively matters of international humanitarian law; others may be exclusively matters of human rights law; yet others may be matters of both these branches of international law.


In order to answer the question put to it, the Court will have to take into consideration both these branches of international law, namely human rights law and, as lex specialis, international humanitarian law.”


28. The underlying assumption of the Court’s reasoning is also recognised by the ILC, inter alia in its work on fragmentation and in its recent work on Effect of Armed Conflicts on Treaties.

28. 国际法院的理由所依据的假设也得到了国际法委员会的承认,特别是在它关于不成体系问题的工作 及其最近就武装冲突对环境的影响所开展的工作中。

This work takes as its starting point (Article 3) the presumption that the existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto terminate or suspend the operation of treaties.


29. Even if one were to assume that only the law of armed conflict is applicable during an armed conflict, that law is also applicable before and after the an armed conflict since it contains rules relating to measures taken before and after an armed conflict.

29. 即使假定武装冲突期间只适用武装冲突法,这一法律在武装冲突之前和之后也适用,因为它包括与武装冲突之前和之后采取的措施有关的规则。

Therefore, it is obvious that applicable rules of the lex specialis (the law of armed conflict) co-exist with other rules of international law.


30. It seems as if no State or judicial body questions the parallel application of different branches of international law, such as human rights law, refugee law and environmental law.

30. 似乎并没有国家和司法机构对国际法的不同分支如人权法、难民法和环境法的并行适用提出质疑。

It also seems as if States and judicial bodies are uncertain as to the precise extension and balance of those areas of the law.


At the same time, there is an expressed need to analyse and come to conclusions with respect to this problem.


This is a new development in the application of international law, and States are faced with concrete problems of urgent needs.


The case of the environmental effects of the war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo provides an important example of how internal wars force the population to flee and resettle – often in or near sensitive forest ecosystems.


In such a situation, does the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage continue to apply?


VI. Proposal

. 建议

31. Beginning almost two decades ago, several legal and semi-legal bodies have addressed the issue of the protection of the environment in times of armed conflict.

31. 从将近二十年前开始,有些法律机构和半法律机构就一直在处理武装冲突期间的环境保护问题。

This is a clear indication both of the existence of a legal problem and the need to address the matter.


It is therefore proposed that the ILC examine the topic in its long-term programme of work.


The aim should be to:


• Identify the extent of the legal problem


• Identify any new developments in case law or in customary law


• Clarify the applicability of and the relationship between International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, International Environmental Law and Human Rights Law


• Further develop the findings of the ILC’s work on the Effect of Armed Conflict on Treaties, particularly on matters concerning the continued application of treaties relating to the protection of the environment and human rights


• Clarify the relation between existing treaty law and new legal developments (including legal reasoning)


• Suggest what needs to be done to achieve a uniform and coherent system (so as to prevent the risk of fragmentation)


• Envisage the formulation of applicable rules and formulate principles of general international law of relevance for the topic


32. The topic would also fit well into the ambitions express by the Commission in 1997, namely that the Commission should not restrict itself to traditional topics, but should also consider those that reflect new developments in international law and pressing concerns of the international community as a whole.

32. 这一专题也很符合委员会在1997年表明的雄心壮志,即委员会不应仅限于审议传统专题,还应审议那些反映国际法的新动态和整个国际社会所迫切关注的问题的专题。

33. The final outcome could be either a Draft Framework Convention or a Statement of Principles and Rules on the Protection of the Environment in Times of Armed Conflict.

33. 最后结果可以是关于武装冲突期间环境保护的框架公约草案或者原则和准则声明。

34. The time frame envisaged should be five years.

34. 所设想的时限为五年。

The first three years should be devoted to indentifying existing rules and conflicts of rules.


The fourth and fifth years should be devoted to operative conclusions and finalization of the outcome document in whatever form the ILC may deem most appropriate.


Appendix I

Annexe I

Examples of relevant treaties and non-treaty practise

Examples of relevant Treaties and non-Treaty Practise

1. The laws of warfare and international criminal law

1. The laws of warfare and international criminal law

(g) Treaties directly addressing the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict

(g) Treaties directly addressing the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict

(i) Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) (1976)

(i) Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) (1976)

(ii) Additional Protocol I to the 1949 Geneva Conventions (1977), especially Article 35(3) and Article 55(1)

(ii) Additional Protocol I to the 1949 Geneva Conventions (1977), especially Article 35(3) and Article 55(1)



Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (CCW) (1980), and its Protocol III on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons (1980)

Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (CCW) (1980), and its Protocol III on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons (1980)

(iv) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998), especially Articles 6, 7 and 8

(iv) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998), especially Articles 6, 7 and 8

(h) International humanitarian law and disarmament treaties that indirectly protect the environment in relation to armed conflict

(h) International humanitarian law and disarmament treaties that indirectly protect the environment in relation to armed conflict

(i) Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague Convention IV) (1907)

(i) Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague Convention IV) (1907)

(ii) Convention Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land (Hague Convention V) (1907)

(ii) Convention Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land (Hague Convention V) (1907)



Convention Concerning the Right and Duties of Neutral Powers in Naval War (Hague Convention XIII) (1907)

Convention Concerning the Right and Duties of Neutral Powers in Naval War (Hague Convention XIII) (1907)

(iv) The Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare (1925)

(iv) The Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare (1925)

(v) Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Geneva Convention IV) (1949)

(v) Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Geneva Convention IV) (1949)

(vi) Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954), and its Protocol I (1954) and Protocol II (1999)

(vi) Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954), and its Protocol I (1954) and Protocol II (1999)



Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water (1963)

Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water (1963)



Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1968)

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1968)

(ix) Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BWC) (1972)

(ix) Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BWC) (1972)

(x) Additional Protocol II to the 1949 Geneva Conventions (1977)

(x) Additional Protocol II to the 1949 Geneva Conventions (1977)

(xi) Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (CWC) (1993)

(xi) Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (CWC) (1993)



Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1996)

Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1996)



Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (Ottawa Convention) (1997)

Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (Ottawa Convention) (1997)



Convention on Cluster Munitions (2008)

Convention on Cluster Munitions (2008)

(xv) Examples of special regimes:

(xv) Examples of special regimes

(1) The Spitzbergen Treaty (1920)

(1) The Spitzbergen Treaty (1920)

(2) The Åland Treaty (1921)

(2) The Åland Treaty (1921)

(3) The Antarctic Treaty (1959)

(3) The Antarctic Treaty (1959)

(4) Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) (1967)

(4) Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Carbbean (t^Treaty of Tlatelolco) (1967)

(5) The South Pacific Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Rarotonga) (1985)

(5) The South Pacific Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Rarotonga) (1985)

(6) The African Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) (1996)

(6) The African Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) (1996)

(7) The Treaty of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty) (1995)

(7) The Treaty of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty) (1995)

(8) Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (Treaty of Semipalatinsk) (2006)

(8) Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (Treaty of Semipalatinsk)

(i) General principles and rules of international humanitarian law of relevance to the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict

(i) General principles and rules of international humanitarian law of relevance to the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict

(i) The principle of distinction

(i) The principle of distinction

(ii) The rule of military necessity

(ii) The rule of military necessity



The principle of proportionality

The principle of proportionality

(iv) The principle of humanity

(iv) The principle of humanity

(j) Other instruments related to the corpus of the law of warfare

(j) Other instruments related to the corpus of the law of warfare

(i) The San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea (1994)

(i) The San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea (1994)

(ii) The Customary Law Rules by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (2005)

(ii) The Customary Law Rules by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (2005)



The Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare by the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University (HPCR) (2009)

The Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare by the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University (HPCR) (2009)

Numerous resolutions from UNGA addressing the question of protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict. They are not cited here.

Numerous resolutions from UNGA addressing the question of protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict. They are not cited here.

(k) Cases in courts and tribunals in which the issue of the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict has been addressed

(k) Cases in courts and tribunals in which the issue of the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict has been addressed

(i) Case law of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

(i) Case law of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

(1) Legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons, Advisory opinion 8 July 1996

(1) Legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons, Advisory opinion 8 July 1996

(2) Legality of the use of force (Serbia and Montenegro v. NATO), Orders of 2 June 1999

(2) Legality of the use of force (Serbia and Montenegro v. NATO), Orders of 2 June 1999

(3) Case concerning armed activities on the territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda), Judgment of 19 December 2005.

(3) Case concerning armed activities on the territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda), Judgment of 19 December 2005

Decisions of international tribunals such as the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the Prosecution's Application for a Warrant of Arrest against Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir of 4 March 2009, the second Decision of the ICC on the Prosecution's Application for a Warrant of Arrest of 12 July 2010 and decisions by the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC).

Decisions of international tribunals such as the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the Prosecution’s Application for a Warrant of Arrest against Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir of 4 March 2009, the second Decision of the ICC on the Prosecution’s Application for a Warrant of Arrest of 12 July 2010 and decisions by the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC).

2. International environmental law

2. International environmental law

(a) Multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)

(a) Multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)

(i) MEAs that directly or indirectly provide for their application in relation to armed conflict:

(i) MEAs that directly or indirectly provide for their application in relation to armed conflict

(1) Universal conventions:

(1) Universal conventions

(a) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (OILPOL) (1954);

(a) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (OILPOL) (1954)

(b) Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention) (1971);

(b) Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention) (1971)

(c) Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention) (1972);

(c) Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention) (1972)

(d) Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (London Convention) (1972);

(d) Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (London Convention) (1972)

(e) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) (1973), as amended by its Protocol I (1978);

(e) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) (1973), as amended by its Protocol I (1978)

(f) Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) (1979);

(f) Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) (1979)

(g) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (1982);

(g) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (1982)

(h) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (1997).

(h) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (1997)

(2) Regional conventions include:

(2) Regional conventions include:

(a) Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (1976), amended and renamed Convention for the Protection of Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (1995);

(a) Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (1976), amended and renamed Convention for the Protection of Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (1995)

(b) Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena Convention) (1983);

(b) Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena Convention) (1983)

(c) African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Revised) (2003);

(c) African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Revised) (2003)

(ii) Multilateral environmental agreements that specifically provide for suspension, derogation or termination in relation to armed conflict:

(ii) Multilateral environmental agreements that specifically provide for suspension, derogation or termination in relation to armed conflict

(1) Convention on Civil Liability for Damage Resulting from Activities Dangerous to the Environment (1993)

(1) Convention on Civil Liability for Damage Resulting from Activities Dangerous to the Environment (1993)

(2) Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy (1960)

(2) Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy (1960)

(3) Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (1963)

(3) Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (1963)

(4) International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (1971)

(4) International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (1971)



Multilateral environmental agreements that may be of relevance for the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict:

Multilateral environmental agreements that may be of relevance for the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict

(1) Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (1986)

(1) Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (1986)

(2) Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)

(2) Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)

(3) Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Basel Convention) (1989)

(3) Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Basel Convention) (1989)

(4) United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (1994)

(4) United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (1994)

(b) Customary international environmental law as reflected in:

(b) Customary international environmental law as reflected in

(i) The Trail Smelter Principle

(i) The Trail Smelter Principle

(ii) Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration) (1972)

(ii) Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration) (1972)



World Charter for Nature, UNGA Resolution 37/7 (1982)

World Charter for Nature, UNGA Resolution 37/7 (1982)

(iv) Declaration on Environment and Development (Rio Declaration) (1992)

(iv) Declaration on Environment and Development (Rio Declaration) (1992)

(v) Programme of Action for Sustainable Development (Agenda 21) (1992)

(v) Programme of Action for Sustainable Development (Agenda 21) (1992)

(vi) UNGA Resolutions 47/37 Protection of the environment in times of armed conflict (1993) and 49/50 United Nations decade of international law (1995)

(vi) UNGA Resolutions 47/37 Protection of the environment in times of armed conflict (1993) and 49/50 United Nations decade of international law (1995)



World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002)

World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002)



UNEP Governing Council Decision 23/1/IV (2005)

UNEP Governing Council Decision 23/1/IV (2005)

3. Human rights law

3. Human rights law

(a) Framework conventions

(a) Framework conventions

(i) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

(i) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

(ii) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)

(ii) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)



International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966)

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966)

(iv) Other instruments of international human rights law:

(iv) Other instruments of international human rights law

(1) The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (1979)

(1) The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (1979)

(2) The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

(2) The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

(3) Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (1989)

(3) Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (1989)

(4) Declaration on the right to development (1986)

(4) Declaration on the right to development (1986)

(5) Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007)

(5) Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007)

(6) UNGA Resolution XXIV 2542 Declaration on social progress and development (1969) (especially Articles 9 and 25)

(6) UNGA Resolution XXIV 2542 Declaration on social progress and development (1969) (especially Articles 9 and 25)

(7) UNGA Resolution 55/2, The United Nations Millennium Declaration (2000)

(7) UNGA Resolution 55/2 The United Nations Millennium Declaration (2000)

(v) Regional conventions:

(v) Regional conventions

(1) The European Convention on Human Rights (1950)

(1) The European Convention on Human Rights (1950)

(2) The American Convention on Human Rights (1969)

(2) The American Convention on Human Rights (1969)

(3) The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (1981)

(3) The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (1981)

Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. A. Pellet, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño and Mr. N. Wisnumurti.


Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. R.A. Kolodkin, Mr. A. Pellet and Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina.


Report of the Commission on the work of its sixty-second session (2010), Official records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session (Supplement No. 10), A/65/10, Chapter III, paras. 26–28.

委员会第六十二届会议工作报告(2010),《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议》(补编第10)A/65/10, 第三章,第26-28段。

Report of the Commission on the work of its fiftieth session (1998) (A/53/10), Yearbook …, 1998, vol. II (Part Two), p. 110, para. 553.

委员会第五十届会议工作报告(1998)(A/53/10),《1998年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)p. 110, 553段。

The General Assembly, in its resolution 48/31 of 9 December 1993, endorsed the decision of the Commission.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/49/10), para. 382.


A/CN.4/470 and Corr.1 and 2.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Fiftieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/50/10), para. 491.


See Yearbook … 1993, vol. II (Part Two), para. 286.


As of 31 July 2011, 33 States and 26 international organizations had responded to the questionnaire. See also the comments and observations mentioned in paragraph 56 below.


A/CN.4/477 and Add.1.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/51/10), para. 137.


Ibid., Fifty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/52/10), para. 157. Third report (A/CN.4/491 and Corr.1,


Add.1, Add.2 and Corr.1, Add.3, Add.4 and Corr.1,

Add.5 and Add.6 and Corr.1); fourth report (A/CN.4/499); fifth report (A/CN.4/508, Add.1–4); sixth report (A/CN.4/518 and Add.1–3); seventh report (A/CN.4/526 and Add.1–3); eighth report (A/CN.4/535 and Add.1); ninth report (A/CN.4/544); tenth report (A/CN.4/558 and Corr.1, Add.1 and Corr.1 and Add.2); eleventh report (A/CN.4/574); twelfth report (A/CN.4/584); thirteenth report (A/CN.4/600); fourteenth report (A/CN.4/614 and Add.1 and 2); fifteenth report (A/CN.4/624 and Add.1 and 2); and sixteenth report (A/CN.4/626 and Add.1).

第三次报告(A/CN.4/491Corr.1Add.1Add.2Corr.1Add.3Add.4Corr.1Add.5以及Add.6Corr.1);第四次报告(A/CN.4/ 499);第五次报告(A/CN.4/508, Add.1-4);第六次报告(A/CN.4/518Add.1-3);第七次报告(A/CN.4/526Add.1-3);第八次报告(A/CN.4/535Add.1);第九次报告(A/CN.4/544);第十次报告(A/CN.4/558Corr.1Add.1Corr.1Add.2);第十一次报告(A/CN.4/574);第十二次报告(A/CN.4/584);第十三次报告(A/CN.4/600)、第十四次报告(A/CN.4/614Add.1Add.2)、第十五次报告(A/CN.4/624Add.1Add.2)和第十六次报告(A/CN.4/626Add.1)





For a detailed historical overview, see Official Documents of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), paras. 257–269.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 45.


See para. 55 above.


The draft recommendation or conclusions, contained in paragraph 68 of the seventeenth report (A/CN.4/647), read as follows:


Draft recommendation or conclusions of the International Law Commission on the reservations dialogue


The International Law Commission,


Recalling the provisions on reservations to treaties contained in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations,


Bearing in mind the need to safeguard the integrity of multilateral treaties while ensuring the universality of those for which universal accession is envisaged,


Recognizing the usefulness of reservations to treaties formulated within the limits imposed by the law of treaties, including article 19 of the Vienna Conventions and concerned at the large number of reservations that appear incompatible with these requirements,


Aware of the difficulties that States and international organizations face in assessing the validity of reservations,


Convinced of the usefulness of a pragmatic dialogue with the author of a reservation and of cooperation among all reservations stakeholders,


Welcoming the efforts made in recent years, including within the framework of human rights treaty bodies and certain regional organizations,


1. Calls upon States and international organizations wishing to formulate reservations to ensure that they are not incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty to which they relate, to consider limiting their scope, to formulate them as clearly and concisely as possible, and to review them periodically with a view to withdrawing them if appropriate;

1. 促请希望提出保留的各国和国际组织确保保留符合所涉条约的目的和宗旨,考虑限制保留的范围,以尽可能精确和谨慎的方式提出保留,并定期审查保留以便酌情撤回;

2. Recommends that in formulating a reservation, States and international organizations should indicate, to the extent possible, the nature and scope of the reservation, why the reservation is deemed necessary, the effects of the reservation on fulfilment by the author of the reservation of its treaty obligations arising from the instrument in question, and whether it plans to limit the reservation’s effects, modify it or withdraw it according to a specific schedule and modalities;

2. 建议各国和国际组织在提出保留时尽可能指明保留的性质和范围,认为保留非要不可的理由,保留对保留方履行所涉文书规定的条约义务的效果,以及是否准备限制保留的效果、修改保留、或者按照明确的时间表和程序撤回保留;

3. Recommends also that States and international organizations should state the reason for any modification or withdrawal of a reservation;

3. 又建议各国和国际组织说明修改和撤回保留的理由;

4. Recalls that States, international organizations and monitoring bodies may express their concerns about a reservation and stresses the usefulness of such reactions for assessment of the validity of a reservation by all the key players;

4. 回顾各国、国际组织和监督机构可以对保留表达关切,并强调这些反应有助于所有主要角色评价保留的有效性;

5. Encourages States, international organizations and monitoring bodies to explain to the author of a reservation the reasons for their concerns about the reservation and, where appropriate, to request any clarification that they deem useful;

5. 鼓励各国、国际组织和监督机构向保留方说明它们对保留表达关切的原因,并酌情要求作出它们认为有必要的澄清;

6. Recommends that States, international organizations and monitoring bodies should, if they deem it useful, call for the full withdrawal of reservations, reconsideration of the need for a reservation and gradual reduction of the scope of a reservation through partial withdrawals, and should encourage States and international organizations that formulate reservations to do so;

6. 建议各国、国际组织和监督机构在它们认为有必要时敦促全部撤回保留、重新审查保留的必要性以及通过部分撤回逐渐缩小保留的范围,并鼓励提出保留的各国和国际组织如此行事;

7. Encourages States and international organizations to welcome the concerns and reactions of other States, international organizations and monitoring bodies and to address those concerns and take them duly into account, to the extent possible, with a view to reconsidering, modifying or withdrawing a reservation;

7. 鼓励各国和国际组织积极面对其他国家、其他国际组织和监督机构的关切和反应,作出回复并尽可能地充分加以考虑,以期重新审查、修改或最终撤回保留;

8. Calls on all States, international organizations and monitoring bodies to cooperate as closely as possible in order to exchange views on problematic reservations and to coordinate the measures to be taken; and

8. 吁请所有国家、国际组织和监督机构尽可能密切地开展合作,就存在问题的保留交换意见,并协调应当采取的措施;

9. Expresses the hope that States, international organizations and monitoring bodies will initiate, undertake and pursue such dialogue in a pragmatic and transparent manner.

9. 希望各国、国际组织和监督机构以务实和透明的方式启动并开展这种对话。

The draft recommendation, contained in paragraph 101 of the addendum (A/CN.4/647/Add.1), read as follows:


Draft recommendation of the International Law Commission on technical assistance and assistance in the settlement of disputes concerning reservations


The International Law Commission,


Having completed preparation of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties,


Aware of the difficulties faced by States and international organizations in the interpretation, assessment of the permissibility, and implementation of reservations and objections thereto,


Attaching great importance to the principle that States should resolve their international disputes by peaceful means,


Convinced that adoption of the Guide to Practice should be supplemented by the establishment of a flexible assistance mechanism for States and international organizations that face difficulties in implementation of the legal rules applicable to reservations,


1. Recalls that States and international organizations that disagree as to the interpretation, permissibility or effects of a reservation or an objection to a reservation must, first of all, as with any international dispute, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice;

1. 回顾在保留或对保留的反对的解释、允许性或效果方面各持己见的国家和国际组织有义务首先通过谈判、调查、调停、和解、制裁、司法解决、求助区域机构或协定等途径或者自行选择的其他和平手段,与任何国际争端一样,寻找解决此类争端的办法;

2. Recommends that a reservations and objections to reservations assistance mechanism should be established; and

2. 建议在保留和反对保留领域建立一个提供协助的机制,以及

3. Suggests that this mechanism should take the form described in the annex to this recommendation.

3. 提议这一机制可展现本建议附件所述的特点。



1. A reservations and objections to reservations assistance mechanism is hereby established.

1. 在保留和反对保留领域建立一个提供协助的机制。

2. The mechanism shall consist of 10 government experts, who shall be selected on the basis of their technical competence and their practical experience in public international law and, specifically, treaty law.

2. 该机制由十名根据国际公法特别是条约法领域的技术能力和实践经验挑选的政府专家组成。

3. The mechanism shall meet, as needed, to consider problems related to the interpretation, permissibility and effects of reservations, or objections to and acceptances of reservations, that are submitted to it by concerned States and international organizations. To that end, it may suggest that States trust it to find solutions for the resolution of their disputes.

3. 该机制视需要举行会议,审查有关国家或国际组织向其提交的与保留、反对保留或接受保留的解释、允许性或效果有关的问题,并可为此目的向寻求其帮助的国家提议解决分歧的办法。

States or international organizations that are parties to a dispute concerning a reservation may undertake to accept the mechanism’s proposals for its resolution as compulsory.


4. The mechanism may also provide a State or international organization with technical assistance in formulating reservations to a treaty or objections to reservations formulated by other States or international organizations.

4. 该机制还可从技术上协助一国或一国际组织提出对条约的保留,或者对其他国家或国际组织提出的保留作出反对。

5. In making such proposals, the mechanism shall take into account the provisions on reservations contained in the 1969, 1978 and 1986 Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties and the guidelines contained in the Guide to Practice.

5. 为制定提议,该机制将考虑1969年、1978年和1986年维也纳条约法公约所载与保留有关的条款,以及《实践指南》所载准则。

See para. 105 of the addendum (A/CN.4/647/Add.1).


See paras. 59 and 60 above.


See para. 61 above.


See paras. 59 and 60 above.


See para. 61 above.


Such “observatories” could draw their inspiration from the observatory established within the Council of Europe Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI).


For more information, see the Council of Europe website (


The experts who would be called to assist States for the settlement of differences of view in accordance with paragraph (iii) should be different from those who would have provided assistance to one of the parties under paragraph (iv).


A/CN.4/647, paras. 2 to 68.

A/CN.4/647, 268段。

Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/57/10 and Corr.1), paras. 461–463.


At its fifty-second session (2000), the Commission decided to include the topic “Responsibility of international organizations” in its long-term programme of work (ibid., Fifty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/55/10), para. 729).


The General Assembly, in para. 8 of its resolution 55/152 of 12 December 2000, took note of the Commission’s decision with regard to the long-term programme of work, and of the syllabus for the new topic annexed to the report of the Commission (ibid., A/55/10).


The Assembly, in para. 8 of its resolution 56/82 of 12 December 2001, requested the Commission to begin its work on the topic “Responsibility of international organizations”.


Ibid., Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/57/10 and Corr.1), paras. 465–488.


Ibid., para. 464.


A/CN.4/532 (first report), A/CN.4/541 (second report), A/CN.4/553 (third report), A/CN.4/564 and Add.1 and 2 (fourth report), A/CN.4/583 (fifth report), A/CN.4/597 (sixth report) and A/CN.4/610 (seventh report).

A/CN.4/53 (第一次报告)A/CN.4/541(第二次报告)A/CN.4/553(第三次报告)A/CN.4/564Add.12(第四次报告)A/CN.4/583(第五次报告)A/CN.4/597(第六次报告)A/CN.4/610 (第七次报告)

Following the recommendations of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10, and corrigendum (A/57/10 and Corr.1), paras. 464 and 488; and ibid., Fifty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/58/10), para. 52), the Secretariat, on an annual basis, circulated the relevant chapter of the report of the Commission to international organizations asking for their comments and for any relevant materials which they could provide to the Commission.


For comments from Governments and international organizations received during the first reading, see A/CN.4/545, A/CN.4/547, A/CN.4/556, A/CN.4/568 and Add.1, A/CN.4/582, A/CN.4/593 and Add.1, and A/CN.4/609.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), paras. 46–48.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 64–71.


Ibid., p. 141.


Ibid., pp. 64–71.


Ibid., p. 40.


Ibid., p. 42.


Ibid., pp. 43–44.


Ibid., para. (9) of the commentary on article 6, p. 45.


Ibid., p. 72.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.


The relevant provision is article 2 (1) (i).


See article 1 (1) (1) of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character of 14 March 1975, A/CONF.67/16, art. 2 (1) (n) of the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties of 23 August 1978, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1946, p. 3; and article 2 (1) (i) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations of 21 March 1986, A/CONF.129/15.


See article 6 of the Convention (ibid.).


As the Commission noted with regard to the corresponding draft articles:


“Either an international organization has the capacity to conclude at least one treaty, in which case the rules in the draft articles will be applicable to it, or, despite its title, it does not have that capacity, in which case it is pointless to state explicitly that the draft articles do not apply to it.


” Yearbook … 1981, vol. II (Part Two), p. 124.


The text of the Treaty of Cooperation of 23 March 1962, as amended, is available at the website of the Nordic Council:

经修订的1962323日《合作条约》,文本见于北欧理事会网站: en/publications/2005-713

See A.J. Peaslee (ed.), International Governmental Organizations (3rd ed.), Part III and Part IV (The Hague/Boston/London: Nijhoff, 1979), pp. 389–403.

A.J. Peaslee (ed.)International Governmental Organizations (3rd ed)Part III and Part IV (The Hague/Boston/London:Nijhoff, 1979)pp. 389-403

See P.J.G. Kapteyn, P.H. Lauwaars, P.H. Kooijmans, H.G. Schermers and M. van Leeuwen Boomkamp, International Organization and Integration (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1984), II.K.3.2.a.

P.J.G. Kapteyn, P.H. Lauwaars, P.H. Kooijmans, H.G. Schermers and M. van Leeuwen Boomkamp, International Organization and Integration (The Hague:Nijhoff, 1984)II.K.3.2.a

This was the case of the Nordic Council, footnote 47 above.



A description of the status of this organization may be found in a reply by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France to a parliamentary question.


Annuaire Français de Droit International, vol. 37 (1991), pp. 1024–1025.


Thus in its judgement No. 149 of 18 March 1999, Istituto Universitario Europeo v. Piette, Giustizia civile, vol. 49 (1999), I, p. 1309 at p. 1313, the Italian Court of Cassation found that “the provision in an international agreement of the obligation to recognize legal personality to an organization and the implementation by law of that provision only mean that the organization acquires legal personality under the municipal law of the contracting States”.

因此在其1999318日关于Istituto Universitario EuropeoPiette一案的第149号判决,Giustizia civile, 49(1999)I, 1309页起,载于第1313页,意大利最高上诉法院认为,国际协定的义务中承认一组织的法律人格的规定和依照法律执行该项规定,仅仅意味着该组织根据缔约国的国内法取得法律人格

I.C.J. Reports 1980, pp. 89–90, para. 37.


I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 78, para. 25.


I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 185.


This wording was used by G.G. Fitzmaurice in the definition of the term “international organization” that he proposed in the context of the law of treaties, see Yearbook …


1956, vol. II, p. 108, and by the Institut de Droit International in its 1995 Lisbon resolution on “The Legal Consequences for Member States of the Non-fulfilment by International Organizations of their Obligations toward Third Parties”, Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996), p. 445.

108页,国际法协会于1995年通过里斯本决议:会员国由于国际组织不履行其对第三方的义务的法律后果Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996)p. 445

I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 78, para. 25.


Thus, the definition in article 2 does not cover international organizations whose membership only comprises international organizations.


An example of this type of organization is given by the Joint Vienna Institute, which was established on the basis of an agreement between five international organizations.



Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone on the Establishment of a Special Court for Sierra Leone, done at Freetown, on 16 January 2002.


Agreement between the United Nations and the Lebanese Republic on the establishment of a Special Tribunal for Lebanon, annexed to Security Council resolution 1757 (2007) of 30 May 2007.


See article 4 of the Convention of the Arab States Broadcasting Union.


The text is reproduced in A.J. Peaslee, footnote 48 above, Part V (The Hague/Boston/London: Nijhoff, 1976), p. 24 ff.

案文载于A.J. Peaslee, 上文脚注48, 第五部分,(海牙/波士顿/伦敦:奈霍夫出版社,1976),第24页起。

For instance, the European Community has become a member of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), whose Constitution was amended in 1991 in order to allow the admission of regional economic integration organizations.


The amended text of the FAO Constitution may be found in P.J.G. Kapteyn, R.H. Lauwaars, P.H. Kooijmans, H.G. Schermers and M. van Leeuwen Boomkamp (eds.), footnote 49 above, Supplement to vols. I.A-I.B (The Hague/Boston/London: Nijhoff, 1997), suppl. I.B.1.3.a.

修改后的粮农组织章程案文载于P.J.G. KapteynR.H. LauwaarsP.H. KooijmansH.G. Schermers、和M.van Leeuwen Boomkamp(合编),上文脚注49, I.A-I.B卷补编,(海牙/波士顿/伦敦:奈霍夫出版社,1997)I.B.1.3.a增刊。

For instance, article 3 (d) (e) of the Constitution of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) entitles entities other than States, referred to as “territories” or “groups of territories”, to become members. Ibid., suppl. I.B.1.7.a.


One example is the World Tourism Organization, which includes States as “full members”, “territories or groups of territories” as “associate members” and “international bodies, both intergovernmental and non-governmental” as “affiliate members”.


See P.J.G. Kapteyn, R.H. Lauwaars, P.H. Kooijmans, H.G. Schermers and M. van Leeuwen Boomkamp (eds.), footnote 49 above, vol. I.B (The Hague/Boston/London: Nijhoff, 1982), I.B.2.3.a.

P.J.G. KapteynR.H. LauwaarsP.H. Kooijmans, H.G. SchermersM. van Leeuwen Boomkamp(),上文脚注49, I.B卷,(海牙/波士顿/伦敦:奈霍夫出版社,1982)I.B.2.3.a

A/CONF.129/15. Article 2, para. 1 (j) states that “‘rules of the organization’ means, in particular, the constituent instruments, decisions and resolutions adopted in accordance with them, and established practice of the organization”.

A/CONF.129/15, 2条第1(j)项规定:“‘组织的规则尤其指根据它们通过的组成文书、决定和决议,以及组织的惯例



A/CN.4/637, sect. II.B.26.

A/CN.4/637, sect. II.B.26.

I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 180.


Examples of wider lists are provided by the constituent instruments of the Organization of American States and INTERPOL.


Article 51 of the OAS Charter lists as organs the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultations of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Councils, the Inter-American Juridical Committee, the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, the General Secretariat, the Specialized Conferences and the Specialized Organizations.


According to article 5 of the Constitution of INTERPOL, the organization comprises the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat, the National Central Bureaus, the Advisers and the Commission for the Control of Files.


An example of a very economical list is provided by NATO.


Article 9 of the North Atlantic Treaty establishes a single organ, the Council, which is given the competence to create “such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary”.


I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 177.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 32 and 34.


The classical analysis that led the Commission to adopt articles 1 and 2 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts is contained in Roberto Ago’s Third Report on State Responsibility, Yearbook …


1971, vol. II, pp. 214–223, paras. 49–75.


A/51/389, p. 4, para. 6.

A/51/389, 4页,第6段。

I.C.J. Reports 1999, pp. 88–89, para. 66.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 86 ff.


I.C.J. Reports 1980, pp. 89–90, para. 37.


Some examples are given in Chapter IV.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 38–54.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1833, p. 397 at p. 580.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 49–50.


For instance, on the basis of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999, which authorized “the Secretary-General, with the assistance of relevant international organizations, to establish an international civil presence in Kosovo in order to provide an interim administration for Kosovo […


]”. Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 40.


Ibid., p. 42.


Article 7 of the Charter of the United Nations refers to “principal organs” and to “subsidiary organs”.


This latter term appears also in Articles 22 and 30 of the Charter.


I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 177.


This passage was already quoted in the text corresponding to footnote 71.


I.C.J. Reports 1989, p. 194, para. 48.


Ibid., p. 194, para. 47.


I.C.J. Reports 1999, pp. 88–89, para. 66.


This is a translation from the original French, which reads as follows: “En règle générale, sont imputables à une organisation internationale les actes et omissions de ses organes de tout rang et de toute nature et de ses agents dans l’exercice de leurs compétences. ” Document VPB 61.75, published on the Swiss Federal Council’s website.

原文为法文:“En règle générale, sont imputables à une organisation internationale les actes et omissions de ses organes de tout rang et de toute nature et de ses agents dans l’exercice de leurs compétences (一般说来,各级和各类机关以及行使其权力的代理人的作为和不作为都归于国际组织的行为)”,文件VPB 61.75, 发表于瑞士联邦委员会的网站。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 40 and paras. (6)–(7) of the related commentary, pp. 40–41.


Ibid., p. 42.


Ibid., p. 47.


This is generally specified in the agreement that the United Nations concludes with the contributing State.


See the Secretary-General’s report (A/49/691), para. 6.


Article 9 of the model contribution agreement (A/50/995, annex; A/51/967, annex).

《示范捐助协定》第9(A/50/995, 附件;A/51/967, 附件)

United Kingdom, A/C.6/64/SR.16, para. 23.

联合王国,A/C.6/64/SR.16, 23段。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 43–44.


Ibid., p. 44, para. (2) of the commentary on article 6.


Ibid., pp. 47–49.


Letter of 3 February 2004 by the United Nations Legal Counsel to the Director of the Codification Division, A/CN.4/545, sect. II.G.

200423日联合国法律顾问给编纂司司长的未发表的信,A/CN.4/545, 第二部分G节。

See the agreements providing for compensation that were concluded by the United Nations with Belgium (United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 535, p. 191), Greece (ibid., vol. 565, p. 3), Italy (ibid., vol. 588, p. 197), Luxembourg (ibid., vol. 585, p. 147) and Switzerland (ibid., vol. 564, p. 193).

见联合国与比利时(联合国《条约汇编》,第535卷,第191)、希腊(同上,第565卷,第3)、意大利(同上,第588, 197)、卢森堡(同上,第585卷,第147)和瑞士(同上,第564卷,第193)缔结的规定赔偿的协定。

United Nations Juridical Yearbook (1980), pp. 184–185.


See Report of the Secretary-General on financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations (A/51/389), p. 4, paras. 7–8.


A/CN.4/637/Add. 1, sect. II.B.3, para. 3.

A/CN.4/637/Add. 1, sect. II.B.3, para. 3.

See above, para. (1) of present commentary and footnote 93 above.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 993, p. 243.


United Nations Juridical Yearbook (1994), p. 450.


J.-P. Ritter, “La protection diplomatique à l’égard d’une organisation internationale”, Annuaire Français de Droit International, vol. 8 (1962), p. 427 at p. 442; R. Simmonds, Legal Problems Arising from the United Nations Military Operations (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1968), p. 229; B. Amrallah, “The International Responsibility of the United Nations for Activities Carried Out by U.N. Peace-Keeping Forces”, Revue Egyptienne de Droit International, vol. 32 (1976), p. 57 at pp. 62–63 and 73–79; E. Butkiewicz, “The Premises of International Responsibility of Inter-Governmental Organizations”, Polish Yearbook of International Law, vol. 11 (1981–1982), p. 117 at pp. 123–125 and 134–135; M. Pérez González, “Les organisations internationales et le droit de la responsabilité”, Revue Générale de Droit International Public, vol. 92 (1988), p. 63 at p. 83; M. Hirsch, The Responsibility of International Organizations toward Third Parties (Dordrecht/London: Nijhoff, 1995), pp. 64–67; C.F. Amerasinghe, Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 401–403; P. Klein, La responsabilité des organisations internationales dans les ordres juridiques internes et en droit des gens (Bruxelles: Bruylant/Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 1998), pp. 379–380; I. Scobbie, “International Organizations and International Relations” in R.J. Dupuy (ed.), A Handbook of International Organizations, 2nd ed. (Dordrecht/Boston/London: Nijhoff, 1998), p. 891; C. Pitschas, Die völkerrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit der europäischen Gemeinschaften und ihrer Mitgliedstaaten (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2001), p. 51; J.-M. Sorel, “La responsabilité des Nations Unies dans les opérations de maintien de la paix”, International Law Forum, vol. 3 (2001), p. 127 at p. 129.

J.-P. Ritter, “关于国际组织的外交保护,《法国国际法年鉴》,第8(1962),第427页起,载于第442页;R. Simmonds, 联合国军事行动的法律问题(海牙:奈霍夫出版社,1968),第229页;B.Amrallah,“联合国为联合国维和部队进行的活动的国际责任,《埃及国际法评论》,第32(1976),第57页起,载于第62-63页和第73-79页;E. Butkiewicz,“政府间组织之国际责任的前提,《波兰国际法年鉴》,第11(1981-1982),第117页起,载于第123-125134-135页;M. Perez Gonzalez, “国际组织和责任法,《国际公法综合评论》,第92(1988),第63页起,载于第83页;M. Hirsch, 国际组织对第三方的责任(多德雷赫特/伦敦:奈霍夫出版社,1995),第64-67页;C.F. Amerasinghe,《国际组织法制度的原则》,第2版,(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2005),第401-403页;P. Klein, 《国际组织在国内法律秩序和人权中的责任》(布鲁塞尔:Bruylant出版社/布鲁塞尔大学版,1998),第379-380页;I. Scobbie, “国际组织和国际关系载于R.J. Dupuy(),《国际组织手册》,第2(多德雷赫特/波士顿/伦敦:奈霍夫出版社,1998),第891页;C. Pitschas, 《欧洲共同体及其成员国的法律责任》(柏林:邓克尔&胡姆布洛特出版社,2001),第51页;J.-M. Sorel, “联合国在维持和平行动中的责任,《国际法论坛》,第3(2001),第127页起,载于第129页。

Some authors refer to “effective control”, some others to “operational control”.


The latter concept was used also by M. Bothe, Streitkräfte internationaler Organisationen (Köln/Berlin: Heymanns Verlag, 1968), p. 87.

M. Bothe也使用了后一概念,《国际组织有争议的力量》(科隆/柏林:海曼出版社,1968),第87页。

Difficulties in drawing a line between operational and organizational control were underlined by L. Condorelli, “Le statut des forces de l’ONU et le droit international humanitaire”, Rivista di Diritto Internazionale, vol. 78 (1995), p. 881 at pp. 887–888.

L. Condorelli着重指出在行动和组织控制之间划出一条界线的困难,联合国部队的地位和国际人道主义法,再论国际法,第78(1995),第881页起,载于第887-888页。

The Committee on Accountability of International Organizations of the International Law Association referred to a criterion of “effective control (operational command and control)”, International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-First Conference, Berlin (2004), p. 200.

国际法律协会的国际组织问责制委员会提议的草案提到有效控制(行动指挥和控制)的标准。 国际法协会,《第七十一次大会报告》,柏林(2004),第200页。

S/1994/653, paras. 243–244, p. 45.

S/1994/653, 243-244段,第45页。

Unpublished judgment, Mukeshimana-Ngulinzira and others v. Belgian State and others, para. 38.

未发表的判决,Mukeshimana-Ngulinzira and others v. Belgian State and others, 38段。

In the original French the quoted passage reads: “une décision prise sous l’égide de la Belgique et non de l’UNAMIR”.

法文原文中的词语是:“une décision prise sous l’égide de la Belgique et non de l’UNAMIR”

A/51/389, paras. 17–18, p. 6.

A/51/389, 17-18段,第6页。

Decision (Grand Chamber) of 2 May 2007 on the admissibility of applications No. 71412/01 and No. 78166/01.


Ibid., para. 133.


Ibid., para. 139.


Ibid., para. 141.


Various authors pointed out that the European Court did not apply the criterion of effective control in the way that had been envisaged by the Commission.


See C.A. Bell, “Reassessing multiple attribution: the International Law Commission and the Behrami and Saramati decision”, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, vol. 42 (2010), p. 501; P. Bodeau-Livinec, G.P. Buzzini and S. Villalpando, note, American Journal of International Law, vol. 102 (2008), p. 323 at pp. 328–329; P. Klein, “Responsabilité pour les faits commis dans le cadre d’opérations de paix et étendue du pouvoir de contrôle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme: quelques considérations critiques sur l’arrêt Behrami et Saramati”, Annuaire Français de Droit International, vol. 53 (2007), p. 43 at p. 55; Ph. Lagrange, “Responsabilité des Etats pour actes accomplis en application du chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies”, Revue Générale de Droit International Public, vol. 112 (2008), p. 85 at pp. 94–95; C. Laly-Chevalier, “Les opérations militaires et civiles des Nations Unies et la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme”, Revue Belge de Droit International, vol. 40 (2007), p. 627 at pp. 642–644; K.M. Larsen, “Attribution of Conduct in Peace Operations: The ‘Ultimate Authority and Control’ Test”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 19 (2008), p. 509 at pp. 521–522; F. Messineo, “The House of Lords in Al-Jedda and Public International Law: Attribution of Conduct to UN-Authorized Forces and the Power of the Security Council to Displace Human Rights”, Netherlands International Law Review, vol. 56 (2009), p. 35 at pp. 39–43; M. Milanović and T. Papić, As Bad as It Gets: The European Court of Human Rights Behrami and Saramati Decision and General International Law”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 58 (2009), p. 267 at pp. 283–286; A. Orakhelashvili, note, American Journal of International Law, vol. 102 (2008), p. 337 at p. 341; P. Palchetti, “Azioni di forze istituite o autorizzate dalle Nazioni Unite davanti alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo: i casi Behrami e Saramati”, Rivista di Diritto Internazionale, vol. 90 (2007), p. 681 at pp. 689–690; A. Sari, “Jurisdiction and International Responsibility in Peace Support Operations: The Behrami and Saramati Cases”, Human Rights Law Review, vol. 8 (2008), p. 151 at p. 164; L.-A. Sicilianos, “L’(ir)responsabilité des forces multilatérales?”, in L. Boisson de Chazournes and M. Kohen (eds.), International Law and the Quest for its Implementation; Liber Amicorum Vera Gowlland-Debbas, (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010), p. 95 at pp. 98–106; and H. Strydom, “The Responsibility of International Organisations for Conduct Arising out of Armed Conflict Situations”, South African Yearbook of International Law, vol. 34 (2009), p. 101 at pp. 116–120.

C. A. Bell, “Reassessing multiple attribution: the International Law Commission and the Behrami andSaramati decision”New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, vol. 42(2010)p. 501P. Bodeau-Livinec, G.P. Buzzini and S. Villalpando, note, American Journal of International Law, vol. 102 (2008)p. 323 at pp. 328-329P. Klein,“Responsabilité pour les faits commis dans le cadre d’opérations de paix et étendue du pouvoir de contrôle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme quelques considérations critiques sur l’arrêt Behrami et Saramati”Annuaire Français de Droit International, vol. 53 (2007)p. 43 at p. 55 Ph. Lagrange,“Responsabilité des Etats pour actes accomplis en application du chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies”Revue Générale de Droit International Public, vol. 112 (2008)p. 85 at pp. 94-95C. Laly-Chevalier, “Les opérations militaires et civiles des Nations Unies et la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme”Revue Belge de Droit International, vol. 40 (2007)p. 627 at pp. 642-644K.M. Larsen,“Attribution of Conduct in Peace OperationsThe ‘Ultimate Authority and Control’ Test”European Journal of International Law, vol. 19 (2008)p. 509 at pp. 521-522 F. Messineo,“The House of Lords in Al-Jedda and Public International LawAttribution of Conduct to UN-Authorized Forces and the Power of the Security Council to Displace Human Rights”Netherlands International Law Review, vol. 56 (2009)p. 35 at pp. 39-43M. Milanović and T. Papić“As Bad as It GetsThe European Court of Human Rights Behrami and Saramati Decision and General International Law”International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 58 (2009)p. 267 at pp. 283-286A. Orakhelashvili, note, American Journal of International Law, vol. 102 (2008)p. 337 at p. 341 P. Palchetti,“Azioni di forze istituite o autorizzate dalle Nazioni Unite davanti alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomoi casi Behrami e Saramati”Rivista di Diritto Internazionale, vol. 90(2007)p. 681 at pp. 689-690A. Sari,“Jurisdiction and International Responsibility in Peace Support OperationsThe Behrami and Saramati Cases”Human Rights Law Review, vol. 8(2008)p. 151 at p. 164and L.-A. Sicilianos, “L’(ir)responsabilité des forces multilatéralesin International Law and the Quest for its ImplementationLiber Amicorum Vera Gowlland-Debbas, L. Boisson de Chazournes and M. Kohen, eds. (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010)p. 95 at pp. 98-106; and H. Strydom,“The Responsibility of International Organisations for Conduct Arising out of Armed Conflict Situations”, South African Yearbook of International Law, vol. 34 (2009), p. 101 at pp. 116-120.

S/2008/354, para. 16.

S/2008/354, 16段。

Decision of 5 July 2007 on the admissibility of application No. 6974/05.


Decision of 28 August 2007 on the admissibility of application No. 31446/02.


Decision of 16 October 2007 on the admissibility of applications Nos. 36357/04, 36360/04, 38346/04, 41705/04, 45190/04, 45578/04, 45579/04, 45580/04, 91/05, 97/05, 100/05, 1121/05, 1123/05, 1125/05, 1129/05, 1132/05, 1133/05, 1169/05, 1172/05, 1175/05, 1177/05, 1180/05, 1185/05, 20793/05 and 25496/05.


Decision of 12 December 2007, R (on the application of Al-Jedda) (FC) v. Secretary of State for Defence.

20071212日的裁决,R(关于Al Jedda)(FC)诉国防国务大臣一案的申诉。

Ibid., para. 5 of the opinion of Lord Bingham of Cornhill.


Thus the opinion of Lord Bingham of Cornhill, paras. 22–24 (the quotation is taken from para. 23).


Baroness Hale of Richmond (para. 124), Lord Carswell (para. 131) and Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood (paras. 141–149, with his own reasons) concurred on this conclusion, while Lord Rodger of Earlsferry dissented.

Richmond的海尔男爵夫人(124)、卡斯韦尔勋爵(131)Eaton-under-Heywood的布朗勋爵(141-149 段,陈述他自己的理由)同意这一结论,而Earlsferry的罗杰勋爵则不同意。

Judgment (Grand Chamber), 7 July 2011,, para. 56.


Ibid., para. 84.


The Court found that Al-Jedda’s “internment took place within a detention facility in Basrah City, controlled exclusively by British forces, and [that] the applicant was therefore within the authority and control of the United Kingdom throughout” (para. 85).

法院认为,Al-Jedda “被拘禁一事发生在巴士拉城里的一处拘留所,该设施完全由英国军队控制,因此申诉人自始至终处于联合王国的权力和控制之下”(85)

Ibid., para. 3 of the operative part.


Judgment of 10 September 2008, case No. 265615/HA ZA 06-1671, para. 4.8.

2008910日的判决,案例号:265615/HA ZA 06-1671, 4.8段。

English translation at


Ibid., para. 4.11.


Ibid., para. 4.14.1.


Judgment of 5 July 2011,, especially paras. 5.8 and 5.9.


The Court argued that the Netherlands had been able to prevent the removal of the victims.


When giving a wide meaning to the concept of “effective control” so as to include also the ability to prevent, the Court followed the approach taken by T. Dannenbaum, “Translating the Standard of Effective Control into a System of Effective Accountability: How Liability Should Be Apportioned for Violations of Human Rights by Member State Troops Contingents as United Nations Peacekeepers”, Harvard International Law Review, vol. 51 (2010), p. 113 at p. 157. The Court considered the possibility of a dual attribution of conduct to the State of origin and the United Nations.

法院赋予有效控制以广泛的含义,将防止发生的能力也包括在内,这是采纳了T. Dannenbaum的思路,“Translating the Standard of Effective Control into a System of Effective Accountability: How Liability Should Be Apportioned for Violations of Human Rights by Member State Troops Contingents as United Nations Peacekeepers”Harvard International Law Review, vol. 51 (2010)p. 113 at p. 157. 法院还考虑了将行为同时归属于起源国和联合国的可能性。

This solution had been advocated by C. Leck, “International Responsibility in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Command and Control Arrangements and the Attribution of Conduct”, Melbourne Journal of International Law, vol. 10 (2009), p. 346 at pp. 362–364.

这种双重归属的做法是由C. Leck倡导的,“International Responsibility in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Command and Control Arrangements and the Attribution of Conduct”Melbourne Journal of International Law, vol. 10 (2009)p. 346 at pp. 362-364

United Nations Juridical Yearbook (1971), p. 187.


Article 2 of the Agreement of 24 May 1949 (


Letter of 19 December 2003 from the Legal Counsel of WHO to the United Nations Legal Counsel, A/CN.4/545, sect. II.H.

20031219日卫生组织法律顾问给联合国法律顾问的信,A/CN.4/545, 第二.H节。

As the International Court of Justice said in its advisory opinion on Legality of the use by a State of nuclear weapons in armed conflicts:


“[…] international organizations […] do not, unlike States, possess a general competence.


International organizations are governed by the ‘principle of speciality’, that is to say, they are invested by the States which create them with powers, the limits of which are a function of the common interests whose promotion those States entrust to them.”


I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 78, para. 25. Yearbook …


2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 45.


Ibid., p. 46, para. (8) of the commentary on article 7.


The inclusion of a reference to the functions of the organization was advocated by J.M. Cortés Martín, Las Organizaciones Internacionales: Codificación y Desarrollo Progresivo de su Responsabilidad Internacional (Instituto Andaluz de Administración Pública: Sevilla, 2008), pp. 211–223.

提及组织的职能是由J.M. Cortés Martín倡导的:Las Organizaciones Internacionales: Codificación y Desarrollo Progresivo de su Responsabilidad Internacional (Instituto Andaluz de Administración Pública: Sevilla, 2008)pp. 211–223

I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 168.


The Committee on Accountability of International Organizations of the International Law Association suggested the following rule:


“The conduct of organs, officials, or agents of an IO shall be considered an act of that IO under international law if the organ, official, or agent was acting in its official capacity, even if that conduct exceeds the authority granted or contravenes instructions given (ultra vires).”


International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-First Conference, Berlin (2004), p. 200.


I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 89, para. 66.


A/CN.4/545, sect. II.H.

A/CN.4/545, 第二.H节。

United Nations Juridical Yearbook (1986), p. 300.


A clear case of an “off-duty” act of a member of UNIFIL, who had engaged in moving explosives to the territory of Israel, was considered by the District Court of Haifa in a judgement of 10 May 1979. United Nations Juridical Yearbook (1979), p. 205.


This passage of an unpublished opinion was quoted in the written comment of the Secretariat of the United Nations, A/CN.4/637/Add.1, sect. II.B.4, para. 4.

这一句未发表过的意见引自联合国秘书处的书面评论,A/CN.4/637/Add.1, sect. II.B.4, para. 4

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 52.


Ibid., para. (1) of the commentary on article 11.


Unpublished document.


Decision on defence motion challenging the exercise of jurisdiction by the Tribunal, 9 October 2002, Case No. IT-94-2-PT, para. 60.

对质疑法庭行使管辖权的辩护方动议所作的裁决,2002109日,案件编号IT-94-2-PT, 60段。

Ibid., para. 61.


Ibid., paras. 62–63.


Ibid., para. 64.


Ibid., para. 106.


The appeal was rejected on a different basis.


On the point here at issue the Appeals Chamber only noted that “the exercise of jurisdiction should not be declined in case of abductions carried out by private individuals whose actions, unless instigated, acknowledged or condoned by a State or an international organization, or other entity, do not necessarily in themselves violate State sovereignty”.


Decision on interlocutory appeal concerning legality of arrest, 5 June 2003, Case No. IT-94-2-AR73, para. 26.

关于逮捕合法性的中间上诉的决定,200365日,案件编号:IT-94-2-AR73, 26段。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 54–64.


Ibid., p. 54.


Ibid., p. 55, para. (3) of the commentary on article 12.


The theory that the “rules of the organization” are part of international law has been expounded particularly by M. Decleva, Il diritto interno delle Unioni internazionali (Padova: Cedam, 1962) and G. Balladore Pallieri, “Le droit interne des organisations internationales”, Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de Droit International de La Haye, vol. 127 (1969-II), p. 1.

M. Decleva已经特别阐述关于该组织的规则是国际法的一部分的理论,国际联合的国内法(帕多瓦:Cedam, 1962)G. Balladore Pallieri,“国际组织的内部法海牙国际法学院讲义,第127(1969-II),第1页。

For a recent reassertion see P. Daillier and A. Pellet, Droit international public (Nguyen Quoc Dinh), 7th ed. (Paris: L.G.D.J., 2002), pp. 576–577.

最近的再度主张,见P. DaillierA. Pellet, 国际公法(阮国亭),第七版,(巴黎:L.G.D.J.2002),第576-577页。

Among the authors who defend this view: L. Focsaneanu, “Le droit interne de l’Organisation des Nations Unies”, Annuaire Français de Droit International, vol. 3 (1957), p. 315 ff.; P. Cahier, “Le droit interne des organisations internationales”, Revue Générale de Droit International Public, vol. 67 (1963), p. 563 ff. and J.A. Barberis, “Nouvelles questions concernant la personnalité juridique internationale”, Recueil des Cours …, vol. 179 (1983-I), p. 145 at pp. 222–225; Ch.

为这个看法辩护的作者包括:L. Focsaneanu,“联合国组织的内部法,《法国国际法年鉴》,第3(1957) 315页起,P.Cahier,“国际组织的内部法,《国际公法评论》,第67(1963),第563页起,和J.A. Barberis,“关于国际法律人格的新问题,海牙国际法学院讲义,第179(1983-I),第145页起,载于第222-225页。

Ahlborn, “The Rules of International Organizations and the Law of International Responsibility”, ACIL Research Paper No 2011-03 (SHARES Series),

Ch. Ahlborn,“国际组织规则与国际责任法律,阿姆斯特丹国际法中心论文第2011-03(国际法中的共有责任系列)

The distinction between international law and the internal law of international organizations was upheld also by R. Bernhardt, “Qualifikation und Anwendungsbereich des internen Rechts internationaler Organisationen”, Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht, vol. 12 (1973), p. 7.

以下作者也支持国际法和国际组织内部法之间的区别:R. Bernhardt,“国际组织内部法的限制和范围,《德国法律协会的报告》,第12(1973)7页。

As a model of this type of organization one could cite the European Community (now European Union), for which the European Court of Justice gave the following description in Costa v. E.N.E.L., in 1964:


“By contrast with ordinary treaties, the EEC Treaty has created its own legal system which, on the entry into force of the Treaty, became an integral part of the legal systems of the member States and which their courts are bound to apply.


By creating a Community of unlimited duration, having its own institutions, its own personality, its own legal capacity and capacity of representation on the international plane and, more particularly, real powers stemming from a limitation of sovereignty or a transfer of powers from the States to the Community, the member States have limited their sovereign rights, albeit within limited fields, and have thus created a body of law which binds both their nationals and themselves.”


Case 6/64, Judgment of 15 July 1964, European Court of Justice Reports, 1964, p. 1127 at pp. 1158–1159 (French edition).


I.C.J. Reports 2010, paras. 88–89.


Ibid., para. 93.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 56, para. (11) of the commentary on article 12.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 57.


A paragraph adopted by the ILA Report of the Seventy-First Conference (2004), p. 199, is similarly worded: “An act of an IO does not constitute a breach of an international obligation unless the Organisation is bound by the obligation in question at the time the act occurs.”

国际法协会通过的一款(《第七十一届会议的报告》(2004),第199页。 )采取同样的措词方式:一个国际组织的行为不构成对国际义务的违背,除非在行为发生时,该组织受到有关义务的约束。

Ibid., p. 59.


Ibid., p. 62.


Ibid., pp. 65–69.


I.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 150, para. 420.

2007年国际法院案例汇编》,p. 150, 420段。

Decision of 9 February 1990, Application No. 13258/87, Decisions and Reports, vol. 64, p. 138.

199029日的决定,申请号:13258/87, 决定和报告,第64卷,第138页。

Judgment of 15 November 1996, ECHR Reports, 1996-V, p. 161.

19961115日的判决,ECHR Reports, 1996-V, 161页。

Judgment of 18 February 1999, ECHR Reports, 1999-I, p. 251.

1999218日的判决,ECHR Reports, 1999-I, 251页。

Decision of 10 March 2004, ECHR Reports, 2004-IV, p. 331.

2004310日的决定,ECHR Reports, 2004-IV, 331页。

Decision of 13 September 2001 and judgment of 30 June 2005, ECHR Reports, 2005-VI, p. 107.

2001913日和2005630日的判决,ECHR Reports, 2005-VI, 107页。

Decision of 8 April 1987, communication No. 217/1986, Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-second Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/42/40), p. 185.


Ibid., p. 186, para. 3.2.


The Committee on Accountability of International Organizations of the ILA stated: “There is also an internationally wrongful act of an IO when it aids or assists a State or another IO in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by that State or other IO.


” Report of the Seventy-First Conference (2004), pp. 200–201. This text does not refer to the conditions listed in article 14 under (a) and (b) of the present articles.

《第七十一届会议报告》(2004)pp. 200-201. 这一句案文没有提到本条款草案第14(a)项和(b)项所列的条件。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 66, para. (4).

2001年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)p. 66, para. (4)

Ibid. para. (5).

Ibid. para. (5).



The documents were published in the New York Times, 9 December 2009,


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 67–68.


Preliminary Objections, p. 33, para. 46.


The argument was made for the purpose of attributing the allegedly wrongful conduct to the international organizations concerned.


A similar view with regard to NATO and KFOR was held by A. Pellet, “L’imputabilité d’éventuels actes illicites.

A. Pellet的著作对北约和驻科部队持类似的意见:对可能不法行为的责任。

Responsabilité de l’OTAN ou des Etats membres”, in C. Tomuschat (ed.), Kosovo and the International Community: A Legal Assessment (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002), p. 193 at p. 199.

北大西洋公约组织或欧盟成员国的责任,载于C. Tomuschat(),《科索沃和国际社会:一项法律评估》(海牙:Kluwer国际法出版社,2002),第193页起,载于199页。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), para. (6) of the commentary on article 17.


Ibid., para. (7) of the commentary on article 17.




Ibid., p. 69.


Ibid., para. (2) of the commentary on article 18.


A/C.6/59/SR.22, para. 24.

A/C.6/59/SR.22, 24段。

A/CN.4/556, sect. II.N.

A/CN.4/556, 第二.N节。

Bosphorus case (footnote 170 above), para. 157.


A/C.6/59/SR.22, para. 66.

A/C.6/59/SR.22, 66段。

Unpublished letter.


“Opération Turquoise” was established by Security Council resolution S/RES/929 (1994).


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 70.


Ibid., pp. 71–86.


Ibid., p. 71, para. (2).


Ibid., p. 72.

同上,p. 72

Ibid., p. 72, para. (1).

同上,p. 72, para. (1)

Ibid., pp. 72–73, para. (2).

同上,pp. 72-73, para. (2)

For the requirement of consent, see para. 6 of the Declaration annexed to General Assembly resolution 46/59 of 9 December 1991.


With regard to the role of consent in relation to the function of verifying an electoral process, see the report of the Secretary-General on enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections (A/49/675), para. 16.


A reference to the invitation by the Government of Indonesia may be found in the preambular paragraph of the European Union Council Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP of 9 September 2005, Official Journal of the European Union, 10 September 2005, L 234, p. 13.

欧洲联盟理事会200599日第2005/643/CFSP号联合行动的序言段中提到印度尼西亚政府的邀请,《欧洲联盟官方公报》,2005910日,L 234, 13页。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 73, para. (4) of the commentary on article 20.

2001年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第73页。 第20条评注第(4)段。

Ibid., p. 74, para. (1).


Ibid., p. 75, para. (6).


As was noted by the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, “the right to use force in self-defence […] is widely understood to extend to the ‘defence of the mission’”.


A more secure world: our shared responsibility, report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565), para. 213.


Canadian Yearbook of International Law, vol. 34 (1996), p. 388 at p. 389.


A positive answer is implied in article 25 (a) of the Protocol relating to the Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution, Peacekeeping and Security, adopted on 10 December 1999 by the member States of the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS), which provides for the application of the “Mechanism” “in cases of aggression or conflict in any Member State or threat thereof”.


The text of this provision is reproduced by A. Ayissi (ed.), Cooperation for Peace in West Africa.

本规定的案文载于A. Ayissi(编辑),《在西非进行和平合作》。

An Agenda for the 21st Century (UNIDIR: Geneva, 2001), p. 127.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 128–139.


Ibid., p. 76.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1691, p. 325 at p. 331.


These cases related to the application of the rules of the organization concerned.


The question whether those rules pertain to international law has been discussed in the commentary on article 10.


Para. 3 of the judgment, issued on 16 November 1976.


The text is available at tribadm/decisiones_decisions/judgements.

案文载于 decisions/judgements

In a letter dated 8 January 2003 to the United Nations Legal Counsel, the Organization of American States (OAS) noted that:


“The majority of claims presented to the OAS Administrative Tribunal allege violations of the OAS General Standards, other resolutions of the OAS General Assembly, violations of rules promulgated by the Secretary-General pursuant to his authority under the OAS Charter and violations of rules established by the Tribunal itself in its jurisprudence.


Those standards and rules, having been adopted by duly constituted international authorities, all constitute international law.


Thus, the complaints claiming violations of those norms and rules may be characterized as alleging violations of international law.” (see A/CN.4/545, sect. II.I).

因此,可以把声称违反上述规范和规则的投诉定性为指称有违反国际法的行为。 ”(A/CN.4/545, 第二.I.)

Para. 3 of the judgment, issued on 19 June 1985.


The Registry’s translation from the original French is available at

档案室从法文原件译出的案文载于 public/english/tribunal

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 78.


Ibid., p. 79, para. (3).


Ibid., para. (4).


Necessity is considered in the following article.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 80, para. (7).


Ibid., p. 80.


Para. 9 of the judgment, issued on 3 February 2003.


The Registry’s translation from the original French is available at

档案室从法文原件译出的案文载于 public/english/tribunal

Letter dated 9 February 2005 from the General Counsel of the International Criminal Police Organization to the Secretary of the International Law Commission (see A/CN.4/556, sect. II.M).

国际刑事警察组织总法律顾问200529日给国际法委员会秘书的信。 (A/CN.4/556, 第二.M)

Letter dated 18 March 2005 from the European Commission to the Legal Counsel of the United Nations (see A/CN.4/556, sect.

欧洲委员会2005318日给联合国法律顾问的信(A/CN.4/556, .M)

II.M). Letter dated 1 April 2005 from the International Monetary Fund to the Legal Counsel of the United Nations (see A/CN.4/556, sect. II.M).

国际货币基金组织200541日给联合国法律顾问的信(A/CN.4/556, .M)

Letter dated 19 January 2005 from the Legal Counsel of the World Intellectual Property Organization to the Legal Counsel of the United Nations (see A/CN.4/556, sect.

世界知识产权法律顾问2005119日给联合国法律顾问的信(A/CN.4/556, .M)

II.M). Letter dated 31 January 2006 from the Senior Vice-President and General Counsel of the World Bank to the Secretary of the International Law Commission (see A/CN.4/568, sect. II.E).

世界银行高级副总裁兼总法律顾问2006131日给国际法委员会秘书的信(A/CN.4/568, 第二.E)

A/CN.4/637/Add. 1, Sect. II.B.14, para. 4.

A/CN.4/637/Add. 1, Sect. II.B.14, para. 4.

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 85.


Ibid., p. 85, para. (5).


I.C.J. Reports 2006, p. 32, para. 64.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 85.


This temporal element may have been emphasized because the International Court of Justice had said in the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia) case that “[a]s soon as the state of necessity ceases to exist, the duty to comply with treaty obligations revives”.


I.C.J. Reports 1997, p. 63, para. 101.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 86–116.


Ibid., p. 87.




Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 88.




Judgment of 6 May 2010, Case C-63/09, Walz v. Clickair SA, paras. 27–28.

Judgment of 6 May 2010, Case C-63/09, Walz v. Clickair SA, paras. 27-28.

The Secretariat of the United Nations referred in this context to that practice.


See A/CN.4/637/Add. 1, sect. II.B.16, para. 6.

参阅A/CN.4/637/Add. 1, II.B.16节,第6段。

See article 14.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 91.


Ibid., p. 94.




Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 94.




See, for instance resolution 52/247 of the General Assembly, of 26 June 1998, on “Third-party liability: temporal and financial limitations”.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 95.


GOV/COM.22/27, para. 27 (contained in an annex to A/CN.4/545, which is on file with the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs).

GOV/COM.22/27, 27(载于A/CN.4/545号文件的附件,在法律事务厅编编纂司存档)

It has to be noted that, according to the prevailing use, which is reflected in article 34 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts and the article above, reparation is considered to include satisfaction.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 96.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 535, p. 199; vol. 564, p. 193; vol. 565, p. 3; vol. 585, p. 147; and vol. 588, p. 197.


See K. Schmalenbach, Die Haftung Internationaler Organisationen (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004), pp. 314–321.

K. Schmalenbach, Die Haftung Internationaler Organisationen (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004)pp. 314-321

The text of this agreement was reproduced by K. Ginther, Die völkerrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit Internationaler Organisationen gegenüber Drittstaaten (Wien/New York: Springer, 1969), pp. 166–167.

协定的案文载于K. Ginther, 所著Die völkerrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit Internationaler Organisationen gegenüber Drittstaaten (Wien/New York:Springer, 1969)pp. 166-167

United Nations Juridical Yearbook (1965), p. 41.


The view that the United Nations placed its responsibility at the international level was maintained by J.J.A. Salmon, “Les accords Spaak-U Thant du 20 février 1965”, Annuaire Français de Droit International, vol. 11 (1965), p. 468 at pp. 483 and 487.

J.J.A. Salmon坚持认为,联合国将其责任置于国际层级,“1965220日斯帕克-吴丹协定,《法国国际法年鉴》,第11卷,(1965),第468页起,载于第483487页。

I.C.J. Reports 1999, pp. 88–89, para. 66.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 98.


Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to General Assembly resolution 53/35: the fall of Srebrenica (A/54/549), para. 503.


“Schroeder issues NATO apology to the Chinese”, fhead.htm.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 105.


Ibid., p. 107.


Ibid., p. 109.


See P. Klein, footnote 107 above, p. 606.

P. Klein, 上文脚注107, p. 606

Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 28.


The delegation of the Netherlands noted that there would be “no basis for such an obligation” (A/C.6/61/SR.14, para. 23).

荷兰代表团指出,将是这样的义务是没有根据的”(A/C.6/61/SR.14, 23)

Similar views were expressed by Denmark, on behalf of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) (A/C.6/61/SR.13, para. 32); Belgium (A/C.6/61/SR.14, paras. 41–42); Spain (ibid., paras. 52–53); France (ibid., para. 63); Italy (ibid., para. 66); United States of America (ibid., para. 83); Belarus (ibid., para. 100); Switzerland (A/C.6/61/SR.15, para. 5); Cuba (A/C.6/61/SR.16, para. 13); Romania (A/C.6/61/SR.19, para. 60).

丹麦,代表北欧国家(丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典)表达了相似的看法(A/C.6/61/SR.13, 32);比利时(A/C.6/61/SR.14, 41-42);西班牙(同上,第52-53);法国(同上,第63);意大利(同上,第66);美利坚合众国(同上,第83);白俄罗斯(同上,第100 );瑞士(A/C.6/61/SR.15, 5);古巴(A/C.6/61/SR.16, 13);罗马尼亚(A/C.6/61/SR.19, 60)

The delegation of Belarus, however, suggested that a “scheme of subsidiary responsibility for compensation could be established as a special rule, for example in cases where the work of the organization was connected with the exploitation of dangerous resources” (A/C.6/61/SR.14, para. 100).

但是,白俄罗斯代表团建议,可以作为一个特殊的规则制定次要责任补偿计划,例如,该组织的工作与剥削危险的资源有关的情况”(A/C.6/61/SR.14, 100)

Although sharing the prevailing view, the delegation of Argentina (A/C.6/61/SR.13, para. 49) requested the Commission to “analyse whether the special characteristics and rules of each organization, as well as considerations of justice and equity, called for exceptions to the basic rule, depending on the circumstances of each case”.

阿根廷代表团虽然也同意主流的看法(A/C.6/61/SR.13, 49)却请委员会分析是否每一个组织的特别性质和规则,以及对于公正和公平的考虑因素,需要列为基本规则的例外情况,这取决于每个案件的情况。

More recently, see the statement by Belarus (A/C.6/64/SR.15, para. 36), Hungary (A/C.6/64/SR.16, para. 40), Portugal (para. 46) and Greece (para. 62) and the written comments by Germany (A/CN.4/636, sect. II.B.19, para. 3) and the Republic of Korea (A/CN.4/636/Add.1).

最近的情况,参看下列各国的发言:白俄罗斯(A/C.6/64/SR.15, para. 36)、匈牙利(A/C.6/64/SR.16, para. 40)、葡萄牙(para. 46)和希腊(para. 62)以及各国的书面意见:德国(A/CN.4/636, sect. II.B.19, para. 3)、大韩民国(A/CN.4/636/Add.1)

A similar position was taken by Austria, A/CN.4/636, sect. II.B.19, para. 4. The Islamic Republic of Iran (A/C.6/64/SR.16, para. 53), while sharing the same view, maintained that “the brunt of responsibility in such cases should be borne by those members which, on account of their decision-making role or overall position within the organization, had contributed to the injurious act”.

奥地利采取了类似的立场, A/CN.4/636, sect. II.B.19, para. 4. 伊朗伊斯兰共和国(A/C.6/64/SR.16, para. 53)虽然也持同样的看法,却坚持认为这种情况下的责任的主要冲击应该由一些成员承受,因为是他们在组织内的决策作用或通盘的状况大大地促成了损害行为

A/CN.4/582, sect. II.U.1.

A/CN.4/582, 第二. U.1节。

Several international organizations suggested that the Commission state an obligation for members as “an exercise of progressive development”.


A/CN.4/637, sect. II.B.17.

A/CN.4/637, sect.II.B.17

See the statements by the delegations of Denmark, on behalf of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) (A/C.6/61/SR.13, para. 32); Belgium (A/C.6/61/SR.14, para. 42); Spain (ibid., para. 53); France (ibid., para. 63); and Switzerland (A/C.6/61/SR.15, para. 5).

见丹麦代表北欧国家(丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典)的发言(A/C.6/61/SR.13, 32);比利时(A/C.6/61/SR.14, 42);西班牙(同上,第53);法国(同上,第63);和瑞士(A/C.6/61/SR.15, 5)

Also the Institut de Droit International held that an obligation to put a responsible organization in funds only existed “pursuant to its Rules” (Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996), p. 451).

此外,国际法协会认为,责任组织需要置备资金的义务只存在于根据其规则的情况(Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996)p. 451)

I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 208.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 112.




Ibid., pp. 113–114.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 28.


See the interventions by Denmark, on behalf of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) (A/C.6/61/SR.13, para. 33); Argentina (ibid., para. 50); the Netherlands (A/C.6/61/SR.14, para. 25); Belgium (ibid., paras. 43–46); Spain (ibid., para. 54); France (ibid., para. 64); Belarus (ibid., para. 101); Switzerland (A/C.6/61/SR.15, para. 8); Jordan (A/C.6/61/SR.16, para. 5); the Russian Federation (A/C.6/61/SR.18, para. 68); and Romania (A/C.6/61/SR.19, para. 60).

见丹麦代表北欧国家(丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典)的发言(A/C.6/61/SR.13, 33);阿根廷(同上,第50);荷兰(A/C.6/61/SR.14, 25);比利时(同上,第43-46);西班牙(同上,第54)段;法国(同上,第64);白俄罗斯(同上,第101);瑞士(A/C.6/61/SR.15, 8);约旦(A/C.6/61/SR.16, 5);俄罗斯联邦(A/C.6/61/SR.18, 68);和罗马尼亚(A/C.6/61/SR.19, 60)

Thus the interventions by Denmark, on behalf of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) (A/C.6/61/SR.13, para. 33); Argentina (ibid., para. 50); the Netherlands (A/C.6/61/SR.14, para. 25); Belgium (ibid., para. 45); Spain (ibid., para. 54); France (ibid., para. 64); Belarus (ibid., para. 101); Switzerland (A/C.6/61/SR.15, para. 8); and the Russian Federation (A/C.6/61/SR.18, para. 68).

因此,丹麦代表北欧国家(丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典)的发言(A/C.6/61/SR.13, 33);阿根廷(同上,第50 );荷兰(A/C.6/61/SR.14, 25),比利时(同上,第45);西班牙(同上,第54),法国(同上,第64);白俄罗斯(同上,第101),瑞士(A/C.6/61/SR.15, 8);和俄罗斯联邦(A/C.6/61/SR.18, 68)

A/CN.4/582, sect.

A/CN.4/582, 第二. U.2节。



Ibid. The International Monetary Fund went one step further in saying that “any obligation of international organizations to cooperate would be subject to, and limited by, provisions of their respective charters” (ibid.).


See para. 159 and operative para. (3) B and D, I.C.J. Reports 2004, pp. 200–202.

见第159段和执行段(3)BD, 2004年国际法院案例汇编》,第200页。

Operative para. (3) E, I.C.J. Reports 2004, p. 202.

见执行段(3)E, 2004年国际法院案例汇编》,第202页。

The same wording appears in para. 160 of the advisory opinion, ibid., p. 200.

相同的措词出现在咨询意见第160段,同上。 第200页。

Security Council resolution 662 (1990) of 9 August 1990, para. 2.


European Community, Declaration on Yugoslavia and on the Guidelines on the Recognition of New States, 16 December 1991, reproduced in International Legal Materials, vol. 31 (1992), p. 1485 at p. 1487.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 116–139.


See article 1 and in particular para. (10) of the related commentary.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 117.


I.C.J. Reports 1949, pp. 184–185.


S/AC.26/1991/7/Rev.1, para. 34.

S/AC.26/1991/7/Rev.1, 34段。

“Report and Recommendations made by the Panel of Commissioners concerning the Sixth Instalment of ‘F1’ Claims”, S/AC.26/2002/6, paras. 213–371.

专员小组提出的关于第六批‘F1’类索赔的报告和建议,S/AC.26/2002/6, 213-371段。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 117.


Ibid., p. 119, para. (12).


Ibid., p. 119, para. (13).


Ibid., p. 119.


Ibid., p. 120.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), p. 16.


It was also in the context of a dispute between two States that the International Court of Justice found in its judgment on the preliminary objections in the Ahmadou Sadio Diallo case that the definition provided in article 1 on diplomatic protection reflected “customary international law”; I.C.J. Reports 2007, para. 39 (available at

此外,在两个国家之间争端的情况下,国际法院在关于Ahmadou Sadio Diallo案件中的初步反对意见所作的判决认为,关于外交保护的第1条所提供的定义体现习惯国际法;《2007年国际法院案例汇编》,第39(载于

Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), p. 17.


I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 186.


See especially A.A. Cançado Trindade, The Application of the Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies in International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), pp. 46–56; C.F. Amerasinghe, Local Remedies in International Law, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 64–75; R. Pisillo Mazzeschi, Esaurimento dei ricorsi interni e diritti umani (Torino: Giappichelli, 2004).

尤其参看A.A. Cançado Trindade, 《国际法中用尽当地补救办法规则的适用》(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,1983)pp.46-56C.F.Amerasinghe, 《国际法中的当地补救办法》,第二版。 (剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2004),第64-75页;R.Pisillo Mazzeschi, 《用尽当地补救办法和人权》(Torino:Giappichelli, 2004)

These authors focus on the exhaustion of local remedies with regard to claims based on human rights treaties.


This point was stressed by C.F. Amerasinghe, footnote 107 above, p. 484, and J. Verhoeven, “Protection diplomatique, épuisement des voies de recours et juridictions européennes”, Droit du pouvoir, pouvoir du droit – Mélanges offerts à Jean Salmon (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007), p. 1511 at p. 1517.

强调这一点的是C.F.Amerasinghe, 上文脚注107, 484页和J. Verhoeven, “外交保护、用尽救济办法和欧洲法院,权力的法则,权力的权威―― Jean Salmon的混合表现(布鲁塞尔:布瑞朗出版社,2007),第1511页起,载于第1517页。

I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 184.


“Oral statement and comments on the US response”, 15 November 2000, A/CN.4/545, attachment No. 18.

口头发言和评论,对美国的反应20001115日,A/CN.4/545, 附件第18号。

The applicability of the local remedies rule to claims addressed by States to international organizations was maintained by several authors: J.-P. Ritter, footnote 107 above, p. 427 at pp. 454–455; P. De Visscher, “Observations sur le fondement et la mise en œuvre du principe de la responsabilité de l’Organisation des Nations Unies”, Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparé, vol. 40 (1963), p. 165 at p. 174; R. Simmonds, footnote 107 above, p. 238; B. Amrallah, footnote 107 above, p. 57 at p. 67; L. Gramlich, “Diplomatic Protection Against Acts of Intergovernmental Organs”, German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 27 (1984), p. 386 at p. 398 (more tentatively); H.G. Schermers & N.M. Blokker, International Institutional Law, 3rd ed. (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1995), pp. 1167–1168; P. Klein, footnote 107 above, p. 534 ff.; C. Pitschas, footnote 107 above, p. 250; K. Wellens, Remedies against International Organizations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 66–67; G. Thallinger, “The Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies in the Context of the Responsibility of International Organizations”, Nordic Journal of International Law, vol. 77 (2008), p. 401 ff.

以下若干作者坚持当地救济规则在由国家向国际组织提出索赔方面的适用性:J.-P. Ritter, 上文脚注107, 427页起,载于第454-455页;P. De Visscher, “对于联合国组织之责任的原则的基础和实施的意见,《国际法和比较法评论》,第40(1963),第165页起,载于第174页;R. Simmonds, 上文脚注107, 238页;B. Amrallah, 见上文脚注107, 57页起,载于第67页;L. Gramlich, “对政府间机构的行为的外交保护,《德国国际法年鉴》,第27(1984),第386页起,载于第398(较具暂定性质)H.G. Schermers & N.M. Blokker, 《国际制度法》,第三版(海牙:奈霍夫出版社,1995),第1167-1168页;P. Klein, 上文脚注107, 534页起;C. Pitschas, 上文脚注107, 250页;K. Wellens, 《对国际组织的补救措施》(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2002),第66-67页;G. Thallinger, “在国际组织的责任情况下用尽当地补救办法的规则,《北欧国际法学报》,第77(2008),第401页起。

The same opinion was expressed by the Committee on Accountability of International Organisations of the ILA Report of the Seventy-First Conference (2004), p. 213.


C. Eagleton, “International Organizations and the Law of Responsibility”, Recueil des Cours …, vol. 76 (1950-I), p. 323 at p. 395 considered that the local remedies rule would not be applicable to a claim against the United Nations, but only because “the United Nations does not have a judicial system or other means of ‘local redress’ such as are regularly maintained by states”.

C. Eagleton, “国际组织和责任法,《讲义》,第76(1950-I),第323页起,载于第395页,认为,当地补救办法规则不适用于对联合国提出赔偿要求,但这只是因为联合国没有由国家经常予以维护的司法系统或其他手段的当地补救办法’”

A.A. Cançado Trindade, “Exhaustion of Local Remedies and the Law of International Organizations”, Revue de Droit International et de Sciences Diplomatiques, vol. 57 (1979), p. 81 at p. 108 noted that “when a claim for damages is lodged against an international organization, application of the rule is not excluded, but the law may still develop in different directions”.

A.A. Cançado Trindade, “《用尽当地补救办法和国际组织法》,《国际法和外交科学学报》,第57(1979),第81页起,载于第108页,其中指出:对一个国际组织提出损害赔偿的索赔时,并没有排除规则的适用,但法律仍可在不同的方向发展

The view that the local remedies rule should be applied in a flexible manner was expressed by M. Pérez González, footnote 107 above, p. 63 at p. 71.

M. Pérez González认为,当地补救办法规则应以灵活的方式适用,上文脚注107, 63页起,载于第71页。

C.F. Amerasinghe, footnote 107 above, p. 486, considered that, since international organizations “do not have jurisdictional powers over individuals in general”, it is “questionable whether they provide suitable internal remedies.

C.F.Amerasinghe, 上文脚注107, 486页,认为,因为国际组织通常没有对个人的司法权能否提供合适的国内补救办法,是值得怀疑的。

Thus, it is difficult to see how the rule of local remedies would be applicable”; this view, which had already been expressed in the first edition of the same book, was shared by F. Vacas Fernández, La responsabilidad internacional de Naciones Unidas (Madrid: Dykinson, 2002), pp. 139–140.

因此,很难理解如何适用当地补救办法;同一本书的第一版已经表达了这一观点。 F. Vacas Fernández也在他的书中持同样的观点:《联合国的国际责任》(马德里:Dykinson出版社,2002),第139-140页。

Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), p. 20.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 121.


Para. (5) of the commentary on article 20.




Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 123.


I.C.J. Reports 1949, pp. 184–186.


Judgment of 2 March 1994, case C-316/91, European Court of Justice Reports, 1994, p. I-623 at pp. I-660–661, recital 29.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 124.


Ibid., p. 126.


A/CN.4/593, sect. II.F.1.

A/CN.4/593, . F.1节。

The opinion that at least certain international organizations could invoke responsibility in case of a breach of an obligation erga omnes was expressed by C.-D. Ehlermann, “Communautés européennes et sanctions internationales – une réponse à J. Verhoeven”, Revue Belge de Droit International, vol. 18 (1984–5), p. 96 at pp. 104–105; E. Klein, “Sanctions by International Organizations and Economic Communities”, Archiv des Völkerrechts, vol. 30 (1992), p. 101 at p. 110; A. Davì, Comunità europee e sanzioni economiche internazionali (Napoli: Jovene, 1993), p. 496 ff.; C. Tomuschat, “Artikel 210”, in: H. van der Groeben, J. Thiesing, C.-D. Ehlermann (eds.), Kommentar zum EU-/EG-Vertrag, 5th ed. (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1997), vol. 5, pp. 28–29; P. Klein, footnote 107 above, p. 401 ff.; A. Rey Aneiros, Una aproximación a la responsabilidad internacional de las organizaciones internacionales (Valencia: Tirant, 2006), p. 166. The opposite view was maintained by J. Verhoeven, “Communautés européennes et sanctions internationales”, Revue Belge de Droit International, vol. 18 (1984–5), p. 79 at pp. 89–90, and P. Sturma, “La participation de la Communauté internationale à des ‘sanctions’ internationales”, Revue du Marché Commun et de l’Union européenne, No. 366 (1993), p. 250 at p. 258. According to P. Palchetti, “Reactions by the European Union to Breaches of Erga Omnes Obligations”, in: E. Cannizzaro (ed.), The European Union as an Actor in International Relations (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002), p. 219 at p. 226, “the role of the Community appears to be only that of implementing rights that are owed to its Member States”.

下述学者表达了至少某些国际组织可以在违反了一项普遍义务的情况下援引责任的见解:C.-D. Ehlermann,“Communautés européennes et sanctions internationales - une réponse à J. Verhoeven”Revue belge de droit international, vol. 18 (1984-5)p. 96 at pp. 104-105E. Klein, “Sanctions by International Organizations and Economic Communities”Archiv des Völkerrechts, vol. 30 (1992)p. 101 at p. 110A. DavìComunità europee e sanzioni economiche internazionali (Napoli: Jovene, 1993)p. 496 ff.C. Tomuschat, “Artikel 210”in:H. van der Groeben, J. Thiesing, C.-D. Ehlermann (eds.)Kommentar zum EU-/EG-Vertrag, 5th ed. (Baden-Baden:Nomos, 1997)vol.5, pp. 28-29Klein, footnote 107 above, p.401 ff.A. Rey Aneiros, Una aproximación a la responsabilidad internacional de las organizaciones internacionales (Valencia: Tirant, 2006)p. 166. 下述学者坚持相反的看法:J. Verhoeven,“Communautés européennes et sanctions internationales”Revue belge de droit international, vol. 18 (1984-5)p. 79 at pp. 89-90, and P.Sturma,“La participation de la Communauté internationale à des ‘sanctions’ internationales”Revue du marché commun et de l’Union européenne, No. 366 (1993)p. 250 at p. 258. According to P. Palchetti, “Reactions by the European Union to Breaches of Erga Omnes Obligations”in:E. Cannizzaro (ed.)The European Union as an Actor in International Relations (The Hague:Kluwer Law International, 2002)p.219 at p. 226, “the role of the Community appears to be only that of implementing rights that are owed to its Member States”

Official Journal of the European Communities, 14 May 2000, L 122, p. 1.

《欧洲共同体官方公报》,2000514L 122, 1页。

Council Decision 2011/137/CFSP of 28 February 2011, Official Journal of the European Union, 3 March 2011, L 58, p. 53.

Council Decision 2011/137/CFSP of 28 February 2011, Official Journal of the European Union, 3 March 2011, L 58, p. 53.

Thus the interventions of Argentina (A/C.6/62/SR.18, para. 64), Denmark, on behalf of the five Nordic countries (A/C.6/62/SR.18, para. 100), Italy (A/C.6/62/SR.19, para. 40), Japan (A/C.6/62/SR.19, para. 100), the Netherlands (A/C.6/62/SR.20, para. 39), the Russian Federation (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 70) and Switzerland (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 85).

因此,下列国家发了言:阿根廷(A/C.6/62/SR.18, 64)、丹麦代表北欧五国(A/C.6/62/SR.18, 100)、意大利(A/C.6/62/SR.19, 40)、日本(A/C.6/62/SR.19, 100)、荷兰(A/C.6/62/SR.20, 39)、俄罗斯联邦(A/C.6/62/SR.21, 70)和瑞士(A/C.6/62/ SR.21, 85)

See also the intervention of the Czech Republic (A/C.6/64/SR.15, para. 58) and the written comment of Germany (A/CN.4/636, sect. II.B.23).

另外参见捷克共和国的发言(A/C.6/64/SR.15, 58)和德国的书面意见(第二节B小节第23)

Other States appear to favour a more general entitlement for international organizations.


See the interventions of Belarus (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 97), Belgium (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 90), Cyprus (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 38), Hungary (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 16) and Malaysia (A/C.6/62/SR.19, para. 75).

见以下国家的发言:白俄罗斯(A/C.6/62/SR.21, 97)、比利时(A/C.6/62/SR.21, 90)、塞浦路斯(A/C.6/62/SR.21, 38)、匈牙利(A/C.6/62/SR.21, 16)和马来西亚(A/C.6/62/SR.19, 75)

Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), chap. III, sect. D, para. 30.


The question ran as follows: “Article 48 on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts provides that, in case of a breach by a State of an obligation owed to the international community as a whole, States are entitled to claim from the responsible State cessation of the internationally wrongful act and performance of the obligation of reparation in the interest of the injured State or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.


Should a breach of an obligation owed to the international community as a whole be committed by an international organization, would the other organizations or some of them be entitled to make a similar claim?”


See the views expressed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (A/CN.4/593, sect. II.F.1), the Commission of the European Union (ibid.), the World Health Organization (ibid.) and the International Organization for Migration (A/CN.4/593/Add.1, sect. II.B).

见禁止化学武器组织表示的看法(A/CN.4/593, 第二.F.1),欧洲联盟委员会(同上)、世界卫生组织(同上)和国际移徙组织(A/CN.4/593/Add.1, 第二.B)

See also the reply of the World Trade Organization (A/CN.4/593, sect. II.F.1).

另外见世界贸易组织的答复(A/CN.4/593, 第二.F.1)

Advisory opinion of 1 February 2011, para. 180, available at:

Advisory opinion of 1 February 2011, para. 180, available at:

A/CN.4/609, sect. II.I.

A/CN.4/609, .I节。

A/CN.4/609, sect. II.I.

A/CN.4/609, .I节。

A/CN.4/637, sect. II.B.21.

A/CN.4/637, sect. II.B.21.

See the interventions by Denmark, on behalf of the five Nordic countries (A/C.6/62/SR.18, para. 101), Malaysia (A/C.6/62/SR.19, para. 75, also envisaging some “additional restrictions”), Japan (A/C.6/62/SR.19, para. 100), the Netherlands (A/C.6/62/SR.20, para. 40), Switzerland (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 86) and Belgium (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 91).

见下列国家的发言:丹麦(代表五个北欧国家)(A/C.6/62/SR.18, 101)、马来西亚(A/C.6/62/SR.19, 75段,也设想到一些另外的限制”)、日本(A/C.6/62/SR.19, 100)、荷兰(A/C.6/62/SR.20, 40)、瑞士(A/C.6/62/SR.21, 86)和比利时(A/C.6/62/SR.21, 91)

These interventions were made in response to a request for comments made by the Commission, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), chap. III, sect. D, para. 30 (b).


WT/DS165/R, 17 July 2000, para. 6.23, note 100.

WT/DS165/R, 2000717日,第6.23段,注100

The reference made by the panel to the work of the Commission concerns the first-reading articles on State responsibility.


The question whether measures taken within the WTO system may be qualified as countermeasures is controversial.


For the affirmative view see H. Lesaffre, Le règlement des différends au sein de l’OMC et le droit de la responsabilité internationale (Paris: L.E.D.J., 2007), pp. 454–461.

肯定的看法见H. Lesaffre, Le règlement des différends au sein de l’OMC et le droit de la responsabilité internationale (Paris:L.E.D.J.2007)pp. 454-461.

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 129.


A/CN.4/609, sect.

A/CN.4/609, 第二.I节。

II.I. A/CN.4/609, sect. II.I.

A/CN.4/609, 第二.I节。

Ibid. UNESCO expressed its agreement with the terms “only if this is not inconsistent with the rules of the injured organization” which had been proposed by the special rapporteur in his sixth report (A/CN.4/597, para. 48).

同上,教科文组织表示同意特别报告员在第六份报告中已经提出的条款:只有在这一点不违反受害组织的规则的情形下”(A/CN.4/597, 48)

This principle was expressed by the International Court of Justice in its advisory opinion on the Interpretation of the Agreement as follows:


“The very fact of Egypt’s membership of the Organization entails certain mutual obligations of co-operation and good faith incumbent upon Egypt and upon the Organization.”


Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt, I.C.J. Reports 1980, p. 93, para. 43.


Judgment of 13 November 1964, Commission of the European Economic Community v. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Kingdom of Belgium, joined cases 90/63 and 91/63, European Court of Justice Reports, 1964, p. 1201 (French edition).


The same reason is given in para. (6) of the commentary on article 22.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 131.


Ibid., p. 134, para. (15).


Ibid., p. 134.


I.C.J. Reports 1997, p. 56, para. 85. Yearbook …


2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 135, para. (7).


Ibid., para. (6).


Belgium (A/C.6/62/SR.21, para. 92) referred to the need of preventing “countermeasures adopted by an international organization from exerting an excessively destructive impact”.

比利时(A/C.6/62/SR.21, 92)提到有必要防止国际组织采取具有过分破坏性影响的反措施

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 135.


Even if mechanisms for the compulsory settlement of disputes are considered to include those involving the request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice which the parties agree to be “decisive”, as in the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (sect.


22 of article VI). Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 137.


Ibid., p. 137.


Ibid., p. 139, para. 6.


It is to be noted that practice includes examples of a non-injured international organization taking countermeasures against an allegedly responsible State.


See, for instance, the measures taken by the Council of the European Union against Burma/Myanmar in view of “severe and systematic violations of human rights in Burma”.


Official Journal of the European Communities, 14 May 2000, L 122, pp. 1 and 29.

《欧洲共同体官方公报》,2000514日,L 122, 129页。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 141.


Ibid., p. 65.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 729, p. 161.


Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 67–68.


Ibid., p. 69.


Para. (4) of the commentary on article 17 above.


In article 5 (b) of a resolution adopted in 1995 at Lisbon on the “Legal Consequences for Member States of the Non-fulfilment by International Organizations of their Obligations towards Third Parties”, the Institute of International Law stated: “In particular circumstances, members of an international organization may be liable for its obligations in accordance with a relevant general principle of law, such as […] the abuse of rights.


” Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996), p. 445.

”Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996)p. 445

Judgment of 18 February 1999, ECHR Reports, 1999-I, p. 410, para. 67.

1999218日的判决,《欧洲法院案例汇编》,1999-I, 410页,第67段。

The Court concluded that the “essence of the applicant’s ‘right to a court’” under the Convention had not been impaired (p. 412, para. 73).


After examining the dictum in Waite and Kennedy v. Germany reproduced above, I. Brownlie, “The Responsibility of States for the Acts of International Organizations”, in: M. Ragazzi (ed.), International Responsibility Today. Essays in memory of Oscar Schachter (Leiden/Boston: Nijhoff, 2005), p. 355 at p. 361, noted that, “whilst the context is that of human rights, the principle invoked would seem to be general in its application”.

在审查了上面载录的WaiteKennedy诉德国的声明以后,I.Brownlie,“国家对国际组织的行为的责任,载于:M. Ragazzi(),《当前的国际责任,Oscar Schachter纪念论文集》(莱顿/波士顿:奈霍夫出版社,2005),第355页起,载于第361页,指出:固然属于人权的情况,但援引的原则,似乎是普遍适用的

Views similar to those of the European Court of Human Rights were expressed by A. Di Blase, “Sulla responsabilità internazionale per attività dell’ONU”, Rivista di Diritto Internazionale, vol. 57 (1974), p. 270 at pp. 275–276; M. Hirsch, footnote 107 above, p. 179; K. Zemanek, in Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-I (1995), p. 329; P. Sands, in: P. Sands and P. Klein (eds.), Bowett’s Law of International Institutions (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2001), p. 524; D. Sarooshi, International Organizations and their Exercise of Sovereign Powers (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), p. 64; O. De Schutter, “Human Rights and the Rise of International Organisations: The Logic of Sliding Scales in the Law of International Responsibility”, in: J. Wouters, E. Brems, S. Smis and P. Schmitt (eds.), Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organisations (Antwerp/Oxford/Portland: Intersentia, 2010), p. 51.

A. Di Blase表达了与欧洲人权法院类似的看法,关于联合国活动的国际责任,再论国际法,第57(1974),第270页起,载于第275-276页;M. Hirsch, 上文脚注107, 179页;K. Zemanek, 载于Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-I (1995)p. 329P. Sands, 载于P.Sands P.Klein(),《Bowett的国际机构法》(伦敦:SweetMaxwell出版社,2001),第524页;D.Sarooshi, 国际组织及其最高权力的行使(牛津:牛津大学出版,2005),第64页。 O. De Schutter, “Human Rights and the Rise of International Organisations: The Logic of Sliding Scales in the Law of International Responsibility”in: J. Wouters, E. Brems, S. Smis and P. Schmitt (eds.)Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organisations (Antwerp/Oxford/Portland: Intersentia, 2010)p. 51

Judgment of 30 June 2005, ECHR Reports, 2005-VI, pp. 157–158, para. 154.

2005630日的判决,《欧洲法院案例汇编》,2005-VI, 157-158页,第154段。

The Court found that the defendant State had not incurred responsibility because the relevant fundamental rights were protected within the European Community “in a manner which can be considered at least equivalent to that for which the Convention provides”, p. 158, para. 155.


European Court of Human Rights, application No. 10750/03, decision of 12 May 2009.


Issued in French; text available at


This would apply to the case envisaged by the Institute of International Law in article 5 (c) (ii) of its resolution on the “Legal Consequences for Member States of the Non-fulfilment by International Organizations of their Obligations towards Third Parties”: the case that “the international organization has acted as the agent of the State, in law or in fact”.


Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996), p. 445.

Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996)p. 445

A/CN.4/556, sect. O.

A/CN.4/556, O节。

Judgment of 27 April 1988, Maclaine Watson & Co. Ltd. v. Department of Trade and Industry; J.H. Rayner (Mincing Lane) Ltd. v. Department of Trade and Industry and Others, ILR, vol. 80, p. 109.

1988427日的判决,Maclaine Watson有限公司诉贸易和工业部;J.H. Rayner (Mincing Lane)有限公司诉贸易和工业部及其他人,ILR, 80卷,第109页。

Judgment of 26 October 1989, Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. and Others v. Commonwealth of Australia and 23 Others; Amalgamated Metal Trading Ltd. and Others v. Department of Trade and Industry and Others; Maclaine Watson & Co. Ltd. v. Department of Trade and Industry; Maclaine Watson & Co. Ltd. v. International Tin Council, ILM, vol. 29 (1990), p. 675.

19891026日的判决,澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司等诉澳大利亚联邦和另外23人;联合金属贸易有限公司和其他人诉贸易和工业部及其他人;Maclaine Watson有限公司诉贸易和工业部;Maclaine Watson有限公司诉国际锡理事会,载于《国际法律材料》,第29(1990),第675页。

Article 6 (a).


Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996), p. 445.

Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-II (1996) p. 445

Article 5 reads as follows: “(a) The question of the liability of the members of an international organization for its obligations is determined by reference to the Rules of the organization; (b) In particular circumstances, members of an international organization may be liable for its obligations in accordance with a relevant general principle of law, such as acquiescence or the abuse of rights; (c) In addition, a member State may incur liability to a third party (i) through undertakings by the State, or (ii) if the international organization has acted as the agent of the State, in law or in fact.”

5条案文如下:“(a) 国际组织的成员对其义务的责任问题是参考该组织的规则予以确定的;(b) 在特殊情况下,国际组织的成员可能需要按照默认或滥用权利等有关的一般法律原则,对其义务承担责任;(c) 此外,会员国可能由于下列情况由引起对第三方的责任:() 透过国家的承诺,或() 如果国际组织在法律上或事实上担任国家的代理人。

Judgment of 27 April 1988, Maclaine Watson & Co. Ltd. v. Department of Trade and Industry; J.H. Rayner (Mincing Lane) Ltd. v. Department of Trade and Industry and Others, ILR, vol. 80, p. 172.

1988427日的判决,Maclaine Watson有限公司诉贸易和工业部;J.H.Rayner (Mincing Lane)有限公司诉贸易和工业部及其他人,ILR, 80卷,第172页。

The conditions set by article 36 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties would then apply.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.


For instance, article 300, para. 7, of the Treaty establishing the European Community read as follows: “Agreements concluded under the conditions set out in this article shall be binding on the institutions of the Community and on Member States.


” The European Court of Justice pointed out that this provision did not imply that member States were bound towards non-member States and would as a consequence incur responsibility towards them under international law.


See judgment of 9 August 1994, France v. Commission, Case C-327/91, European Court of Justice Reports, 1994, p. I-3641 at p. I-3674, para. 25.


C.F. Amerasinghe, “Liability to Third Parties of Member States of International Organizations: Practice, Principle and Juridical Precedent”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 40 (1991), p. 259 at p. 280, suggested that, on the basis of “policy reasons”, “the presumption of non-liability could be displaced by evidence that members (some or all of them) or the organization with the approval of members gave creditors reason to assume that members (some or all of them) would accept concurrent or secondary liability, even without an express or implied intention to that effect in the constituent instrument”.

C.F. Amerasinghe, “国际组织的成员国对第三方的法律责任:实践,原则和司法先例ICLQ, 40(1991),第259页,第280页中认为:基于政策的原因没有责任的推定可能被这样的证据所取代,该证据表明,部分或全部成员或获得成员批准的组织使得债权人有理由认为部分或全部成员会接受并行的或次要的责任,甚至在组成文书并没有明示或暗示有此意图的情况下也会这样认为

P. Klein, footnote 107 above, pp. 509–510 also considered that conduct of member States may imply that they provide a guarantee for the respect of obligations arising for the organization.

P. Klein, 上文脚注107,509-510页中还认为,成员国的行为可能意味着他们为了尊重对组织引起的义务提供了保证。

Para. 56 of the award of 21 July 1991, quoted by R. Higgins, “The legal consequences for Member States of non-fulfilment by international organizations of their obligations towards third parties: provisional report”, Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-I (1995), p. 373 at p. 393.

R. Higgins引述自1991721日的裁决第56段,国际组织的成员国不履行对第三方的义务的法律后果:暂定的报告Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International, vol. 66-I (1995) p. 373 at p. 393

See the comment made by Belarus, A/C.6/60/SR.12, para. 52.

见白俄罗斯的评论,A/C.6/60/SR.12, 52段。

Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 94.


In the Judgment of 27 April 1988 referred to above (footnote 351), Lord Ralph Gibson held that, in case of acceptance of responsibility, “direct secondary liability has been assumed by the members”, p. 172.


Yearbook …

2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 70.


Ibid., pp. 70–71, paras. (2) and (3).


A/C.6/56/SR.21, para. 18.

A/C.56/SR.21, 18段。

This view was developed by P.J. Kuijper and E. Paasivirta, “Further Exploring International Responsibility: The European Community and the ILC’s Project on Responsibility of International Organizations”, International Organizations Law Review, vol. 1 (2004), p. 111 at p. 127, by S. Talmon, “Responsibility of International Organizations: Does the European Community Require Special Treatment?”, in: M. Ragazzi (ed.), International Responsibility Today: Essays in memory of Oscar Schachter (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 2005), p. 405 at pp. 412–414 and by F. Hoffmeister, “Litigating against the European Union and its member States: who responds under the ILC’s draft articles on international responsibility of international organizations?

下述学者阐发了这个意见:P.J. Kuijper and E. Paasivirta, “Further Exploring International Responsibility:The European Community and the ILC’s Project on Responsibility of International Organizations”International Organizations Law Review, vol. 1 (2004)p. 111 at p. 127, by S. Talmon, “Responsibility of International Organizations: Does the European Community Require Special Treatmentin:M. Ragazzi (ed.)International Responsibility Today: Essays in memory of Oscar Schachter (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 2005)p. 405 at pp. 412-414 and by F. Hoffmeister, “Litigating against the European Union and its member States:who responds under the ILC’s draft articles on international responsibility of international organizations

”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 21 (2010), p. 723.

European Journal of International Law, vol. 21 (2010)p. 723

Decision of 9 February 1990, Application No. 13258/87, Decisions and Reports, vol. 64, p. 138.

199029日的决定,申请号:13258/87, 决定和报告,第64卷,p.138

WTO Panel Report, European Communities — Protection of Trademarks and Geographical Indications for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs — Complaint by the United States (“EC – Trademarks and Geographical Indications (US)”), WT/DS174/R, adopted on 20 April 2005, para. 7.725.

世贸组织专家小组报告,欧洲共同体――保护农产品和食品的商标和地理标志――美国的申诉(“欧共体――商标和地理标志(美国)”)WT/DS174/R, 2005420日通过,第7.725段。

With regard to a claim brought against the European Communities, the panel report on European Communities – Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products, WT/DS291/R, WT/DS292/R and WT/DS293/R, adopted on 29 September 2006, para. 7.101, reiterated the same view.

关于向欧洲共同体提出的要求,关于欧洲共同体的专家小组报告――影响到生物技术产品的认可和销售的措施,WT/DS291/R, WT/DS292/RWT/DS293/R, 2006929日通过,第7.101段,重申了同样的看法。

Decision of 13 September 2001, para. A.


ECHR Reports, 2005-VI, p. 152, para. 137.

《欧洲法院案例汇编》,2005-VI, 152页,第137段。

Decision of 20 January 2009, application No. 13645/05.

2009120日的裁决,第No. 13645/05号诉请书。

Yearbook …, vol. II (Part Two), p. 140.


Ibid., p. 141.


Ibid., p. 142.


Ibid., p. 143.


Orders on provisional measures in the cases Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America), I.C.J. Reports 1992, p. 15 and p. 126.

在洛克比空难事件引起《1971年蒙特利尔公约》的解释和适用问题情形下采取临时措施命令。 (阿拉伯利比亚民众国诉联合王国;阿拉伯利比亚民众国诉美利坚合众国),国际法院案例汇编,1992年,第15页和第126页。

One explanation is that Article 103 of the United Nations Charter prevails over the constituent instruments of the international organizations.


See R.H. Lauwaars, “The Interrelationship between United Nations Law and the Law of Other International Organizations”, Michigan Law Review, vol. 82 (1983–1984), p. 1604 ff.

R.H. Lauwaars, “联合国法律和其他国际组织的法律之间的相互关系,《密歇根州法律评论》,第82(1983-1984),第1604页起。

As was noted by B. Fassbender, “The United Nations Charter as Constitution of the International Community”, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 36 (1998), p. 529 at p. 609, “intergovernmental organizations are generally required to comply with Council resolutions”.

如同B. Fassbender所指出的,联合国宪章作为国际社会的宪法,《哥伦比亚跨国法杂志》,第36(1998),第529页起,载于第609页,政府间组织通常都必须遵守安理会决议

At its 2830th meeting, on 6 August 2004, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), para. 364.


The General Assembly, in paragraph 5 of its resolution 59/41 of 2 December 2004, endorsed the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its agenda.


The Commission had, at its fifty-second session (2000), identified the topic “Effects of armed conflicts on treaties” for inclusion in its long-term programme of work.


Ibid., Fifty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/55/10), para. 729.


A brief syllabus describing the possible overall structure and approach to the topic was annexed to that year’s report of the Commission.


Ibid., annex.


In paragraph 8 of its resolution 55/152 of 12 December 2000, the General Assembly took note of the topic’s inclusion in the long-term programme of work.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 324, and Ibid., Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), paras. 58–60.


Ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 229.


At its 3089th meeting, held on 17 May 2011, the Commission decided to request that the Secretariat issue, as part of the Official Records of the Commission, a Note prepared by the Special Rapporteur for consideration by the Drafting Committee in connection with the annex to the draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts.


See A/CN.4/645.


The Commission had before it a Note by the Special Rapporteur on the recommendation to be made to the General Assembly about the draft articles on the effects of armed conflicts on treaties, A/CN.4/644.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.


At its fifteenth session (1963), the Commission concluded that the draft articles on the law of treaties should not contain any provisions concerning the effect of the outbreak of hostilities upon treaties, although this topic might raise problems both of the termination of treaties and of the suspension of their operation.


It felt that such a study would inevitably involve a consideration of the effect of the provisions of the Charter concerning the threat or use of force upon the legality of the recourse to the particular hostilities in question.


Consequently, it did not feel that this question could conveniently be dealt with in the context of its present work upon the law of treaties. Yearbook … 1963, vol. II, para. 14.

1963年鉴》,第二卷,第14段。 会上增加了对这个问题有明确保留的第73条。

Article 73 expressly reserving the problem was added at the Vienna Conference. See comments by the Netherlands (2005), A/C.6/60/SR.18, para. 40; Malaysia (2006), A/C.6/61/SR.19, para. 48; Romania (2008), A/C.6/63/SR.21, para. 51, and Burundi (2010), A/CN.4/622.

见下列国家的评论:荷兰(2005)A/C.6/60/SR.18, 40段;马来西亚(2006)A/C.6/61/ SR.19, 48段;罗马尼亚(2008)A/C.6/63/SR.21, 51段;布隆迪(2010)A/CN.4/622

Article 25 of the Vienna Convention reads as follows:


“Article 25


Provisional application


1. A treaty or a part of a treaty is applied provisionally pending its entry into force if:

1. 条约或条约之一部分于条约生效前在下列情形下暂时适用:

(a) the treaty itself so provides; or

(a) 条约本身如此规定;或

(b) the negotiating States have in some other manner so agreed.

(b) 谈判国以其他方式协议如此办理。

2. Unless the treaty otherwise provides or the negotiating States have otherwise agreed, the provisional application of a treaty or a part of a treaty with respect to a State shall be terminated if that State notifies the other States between which the treaty is being applied provisionally of its intention not to become a party to the treaty.”

2. 除条约另有规定或谈判国另有协议外,条约或条约一部分对一国暂时适用,于该 国将其不欲成为条约当事国之意思通知已暂时适用条约之其他各国时终止。

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Case No. IT-94-1-A72, Prosecutor v. Duško Tadić a/k/a DULE, Appeals Chamber, 2 October 1995, at para. 70, available at

关于前南斯拉夫问题的国际刑事法庭,案件编号IT-94-1-A72, 检察官诉Duško Tadić a/k/aDULE”,上诉庭,1995102日,第70段,见 1985_hel_03

In this decision, the Tribunal noted that “… an armed conflict exists whenever there is a resort to armed force between States or protracted armed violence between governmental authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups within a State”.


It should be noted that this definition differs from that adopted by the Institute of International Law; see the 1985 Resolution by the Institute of International Law on “The Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties”, adopted on 28 August 1985, Session of Helsinki – 1985:


“Article 1


For the purpose of this resolution, the term ‘armed conflict’ means a state of war or an international conflict which involve armed operations which by their nature or extent are likely to affect the operation of treaties between States parties to the armed conflict or between States parties to the armed conflict and third States, regardless of a formal declaration of war or other declaration by any or all of the parties to the armed conflict.”


Available at:


See also article 73 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which refers to “the outbreak of hostilities between States”.


See A.D. McNair and A.D. Watts, The Legal Effects of War, 4th Ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1966, pp. 2–3.

A. McNair and A.D. Watts, The Legal Effects of War (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1966) (4th edition)pp. 2–3

Ibid., pp. 20–21.


Article 2 of the resolution of the Institute reads as follows:


“The outbreak of an armed conflict does not ipso facto terminate or suspend the operation of treaties in force between the parties to the armed conflict.”


H. Lauterpacht (ed.), Oppenheim’s International Law, vol. II, Disputes, War and Neutrality, London, Longman, 1948, p. 302.

Hersch Lauterpacht (ed.)Oppenheim’s International Law, vol. II, Disputes, War and Neutrality (London: Longman, 1948)p. 302.

A.D. McNair, The Law of Treaties, Oxford, Clarendon, 1961, p. 697.

A. D. McNair, The Law of Treaties (Oxford, Clarendon, 1961)p. 697.

Annuaire de l’Institut de droit international, vol. 61 (I), pp. 8 and 9; see also H. Briggs, The Law of Nations, 2nd ed., London, Stevens & Sons, 1953, p. 938.

Annuaire de l’Institut de droit international, vol. 61 (I)pp. 8 and 9see also H. Briggs, The Law of Nations (London, Stevens & Sons, 1953) (2nd ed.)p. 938.

15 December 1817, British International Law Cases, vol. 3, p. 691, at p. 708.

15 December 1817, British International Law Cases, vol. 3, p. 691, at p. 708.

American International Law Cases (AILC), vol. 19, p. 41, at p. 48, 21 U.S. (8 Wheat.) 464.

American International Law Cases (AILC)vol. 19, p. 41, at p. 48, 21 U.S. (8 Wheat.) 464.

Ibid., vol. 19, p. 49, at pp. 52–53.

Ibid.vol. 19, p. 49, at pp. 52–53.

Techt v. Hughes, International Law Reports (ILR), vol. 1, No. 271; Clark v. Allen, AILC, vol. 19, p. 70.

Techt v. Hughes, International Law Reports (ILR)vol. 1, No. 271 Clark v. Allen, AILC, vol. 19, p. 70.

Russian-German Commercial Treaty case, German Reichsgericht, 23 May 1925, Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases (AD) 1925–1926, No. 331. See also Rosso v. Marro, Tribunal civil de Grasse, 18 January 1945, ibid., 1943–1945, No. 104, and Bussi v. Menetti, France, Cour de cassation (Chambre civile), 5 November 1943, ibid., 1943–1945, No. 103.

Russian-German Commercial Treaty case, German Reichsgericht, 23 May 1925, Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases (AD) 1925–1926, No. 331. See also Rosso v. Marro, Tribunal civil de Grasse, 18 January 1945, ibid.1943–1945, No. 104, and Bussi v. Menetti, France, Cour de cassation (Chambre civile)5 November 1943, ibid.1943–1945, No. 103.

McNair, The Law of Treaties (footnote 391 above), p. 696.

McNair, The Law of Treaties (footnote 10 above) p. 696.

“The Juridical Clauses of the Peace Treaties”, Recueil des Cours …, vol. 73 (1948-II), p. 309.

“The Juridical Clauses of the Peace Treaties”Recueil des Cours …vol. 73 (1948-II) p. 309.

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, Jurisdiction of the Court and Admissibility of the Application, Judgment of 26 November 1984, I.C.J. Reports 1984, p. 392, para. 73; see also Judge Morelli’s dissenting opinion in the North Sea Continental Shelf cases, I.C.J. Reports 1969, at p. 198.

关于尼加拉瓜内部和外来军事和准军事活动的案件,法院的管辖权和申请可否受理,19841126日的判决,《1984年国际法院案例汇编》,p.392, 73段;另参阅Morelli法官在北海大陆架案上的不同意见,《1969年国际法院案例汇编》,第198页。

Statement made by Mr. Kearney, Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, First session, Vienna, 26 March–24 May 1968, Summary records of the plenary meetings and of the meetings of the Committee of the Whole (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.68.V.7), 41st meeting of the Committee of the Whole, 27 April 1968, para. 17.


For the United States proposal, see A/CONF.39/C.1/L.260, which was reproduced in Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, First and second sessions, Vienna, 26 March–24 May 1968 and 9 April–22 May 1969, Documents of the Conference (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.70.V.5), para. 369.

关于美国的提议,见A/CONF.39/C.1/L.260, 转载于《联合国条约法会议简要记录》(第一和第二届会议,维也纳,1968326日至524日,196949日至522),会议文件(联合国出版物,销售号:E.70.V.5),第369段。

In particular, article 7 of the resolution of the Institute reads as follows:


“A State exercising its rights of individual or collective self-defence in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations is entitled to suspend in whole or in part the operation of a treaty incompatible with the exercise of that right, subject to any consequences resulting from a later determination by the Security Council of that State as an aggressor.”


Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 on the Protection of War Victims, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, p. 31, vol. 75, p. 85, vol. 75, p. 135, and vol. 75, p. 287.


Article 9 of the resolution of the Institute reads as follows:


“A State committing aggression within the meaning of the Charter of the United Nations and Resolution 3314 (XXIX) of the General Assembly of the United Nations shall not terminate or suspend the operation of a treaty if the effect would be to benefit that State.”


Article 8 of the resolution of the Institute reads as follows:


“A State complying with a resolution by the Security Council of the United Nations concerning action with respect to threats to the peace, breaches of the peace or acts of aggression shall either terminate or suspend the operation of a treaty which would be incompatible with such resolution.”


See in particular Analytical Study of the Study Group of the Commission on Fragmentation of International Law (A/CN.4/L.682, paras. 328–340).

特别见委员会国际法不成体系问题研究组的分析性研究(A/CN.4/L.682, 328-340)

McNair, The Law of Treaties (footnote 391 above) 1961, p. 704.

McNair, The Law of Treaties(上文脚注391)1961, p. 704.

“There were in existence at the outbreak of the First World War a number of treaties (to which one or more neutral States were parties) the object of which was to regulate the conduct of hostilities, e.g., the Declaration of Paris of 1856, and certain of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.


It was assumed that those were unaffected by the war and remained in force, and many decisions rendered by British and other prize courts turned upon them.


Moreover, they were not specifically revived by or under the treaties of peace.


Whether this legal result is attributable to the fact that the contracting parties comprised certain neutral States or to the character of the treaties as the source of general rules of law intended to operate during war is not clear, but it is believed that the latter was regarded as the correct view.


If evidence is required that the Hague Conventions were considered by the United Kingdom Government to be in operation after the conclusion of peace, it is supplied by numerous references to them in the annual British lists of ‘Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.’, published in the British Treaty Series during recent years, and by the British denunciation in 1925 of Hague Convention VI of 1907.


Similarly in 1923 the United Kingdom Government, on being asked by a foreign Government whether it regarded the Geneva Red Cross Convention of 6 July 1906 as being still in force between the ex-Allied Powers and the ex-enemy Powers, replied that in the view of His Majesty’s Government this convention, being of a class the object of which is to regulate the conduct of belligerents during war, was not affected by the outbreak of war.


” Ibid.


Treaty of Friendship and Commerce concluded between Prussia and the United States on 10 September 1785, article 24, cited in H.W. Verzijl, International Law in Historical Perspective, Leyden, Sijthoff, 1973, p. 371.

俄罗斯与美国于1785910日签订的《友好通商条约》,第24条,引用见H.W. Verzijl, International Law in Historical Perspective, Leyden, Sijthoff, 1973, p. 371

American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Foreign Relations Law of the United States, para. 336 (e) (1987).

American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Foreign Relations Law of the United States, para. 336 (e) (1987).

Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion of 8 July 1996, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 226, at para. 89.

使用或威胁使用核武器的合法性问题,199678日咨询意见,《1996年国际法院案例汇编》,p. 226, 89段。

North Atlantic Coast Fisheries case (Great Britain, United States), award of 7 September 1910, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards (UNRIAA), vol. XI, p. 167, at p. 181.

北大西洋沿岸渔业案(英国诉美国)191097日的裁决,联合国,《国际仲裁法院案例汇编》,第十一卷,p. 167起,见p. 181

See also C. Parry, British Digest of International Law, vol. 2B, 1967, pp. 585–605.

另参见C. Parry, British Digest of International Law, vol. 2B, 1967, pp. 585-605

AILC 1783–1968, vol. 19, p. 133, at p. 138.

AILC 1783-1968, vol. 19, p. 133 at p. 138.

Ibid., p. 117, at p. 119; see also AD 1919–1942, No. 132, at p. 238.

Ibid.p. 117, at p. 119see also AD 1919-1942, No. 132, at p. 238.

McNair, The Law of Treaties (footnote 391 above), p. 703.

McNair, The Law of Treaties(上文脚注391)p. 703.

On this issue, see equally the case In re Meyer’s Estate mentioned in paragraph (10) above.

关于这一问题,另参阅上文第(10)段提到的In re Meyer’s Estate案。

Paragraph (11) of the Commission’s commentary to draft article 59, now article 62, of the Vienna Convention (Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, Documents of the Conference, p. 79).

委员会对《维也纳公约》第59(现为第62)草案的评注第(11)(《联合国条约法会议正式记录,会议文件》p. 79)

The exception of treaties establishing a boundary from the fundamental change of circumstances rule, though opposed by a few States, was endorsed by a very large majority at the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties.


Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1946, p. 3.

《关于国家在条约方面的继承的维也纳公约》,联合国《条约汇编》,vol. 1946, p. 3

McNair, The Law of Treaties (footnote 391 above), p. 723.

McNair, The Law of Treaties(上文脚注391)p. 723

See Secretariat Memorandum (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1), paras. 49–50.

参阅秘书处备忘录(A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1)paras. 49-50

I.A. Shearer, Starke’s International Law, 11th ed., London, Butterworths, 1994, p. 493.

I.A. Shearer, Starke’s International Law, 11th ed.London, Butterworths, 1994, p. 493.

See R. Rank, “Modern War and the Validity of Treaties: A Comparative Study”, Cornell Law Quarterly, vol. 38, 1952–1953, p. 321, at pp. 343–344.

参阅R. Rank, “Modern War and the Validity of Treaties:A Comparative Study”Cornell Law Quarterly, vol. 38, 1952-1953, p. 321, at pp. 343-344

Ibid., p. 346.

Ibid.p. 346

See also Fitzmaurice, “The Juridical Clauses of the Peace Treaties”, (footnote 399 above), pp. 308–309, and H. Lauterpacht (ed.), Oppenheim’s International Law, vol. II (footnote 390 above), pp. 304–306. Fitzmaurice discusses the way in which the revival or otherwise of bilateral treaties was dealt with, which involved a method of notification, and notes:

另参阅Fitzmaurice,“The Juridical Clauses of the Peace Treaties”(footnote 399 above)pp. 308-309, and H Lauterpracht (ed.) Oppenheim’s International Law, vol. II, (footnote 399 above)pp. 304-306. Fitzmaurice讨论对双边条约是否予以恢复生效的处理方式,涉及到通知的方法,并且指出:

“The merit of a provision of this kind is that it settles beyond possibility of doubt the position in regard to each bilateral treaty which was in force at the outbreak of war between the former enemy States and any of the Allied or Associated Powers, which would certainly not be the case in the absence of such a provision, having regard to the considerable difficulty and confusion which surrounds the subject of the effect of war on treaties, particularly bilateral treaties.


This difficulty also exists in regard to multilateral treaties and conventions, but it is much less serious, as it is usually fairly obvious on the face of the multilateral treaty or convention concerned what the effect of the outbreak of war will have been on it.


In consequence, and having regard to the great number of multilateral conventions to which the former enemies and the Allied and Associated Powers were parties (together with a number of other States, some of them neutral or otherwise not participating in the peace settlement) and of the difficulty that there would have been in framing detailed provisions about all these conventions, it was decided to say nothing about them in the peace treaties and to leave the matter to rest on the basic rules of international law governing it.


It is, however, of interest to note that when the subject was under discussion in the Juridical Commission of the Peace Conference, the view of the Commission was formally placed on record and inscribed in the minutes that, in general, multilateral conventions between belligerents, particularly those of a technical character, are not affected by the outbreak of war as regards their existence and continued validity, although it may be impossible for the period of the war to apply them as between belligerents, or even in certain cases as between belligerents and neutrals who may be cut off from each other by the line of war; but that such conventions are at the most suspended in their operation and automatically revive upon the restoration of peace without the necessity of any special provision to that effect.


The matter is actually not quite so simple as that, even in relation to multilateral conventions, but at any rate that was broadly the basis upon which it was decided not to make any express provision about the matter in the peace treaties.”


Ibid., pp. 349–354.

” Ibid.pp. 349-354.

Ibid., pp. 347 and 348.

Ibid.pp. 347 and 348.

See Répertoire suisse de droit international public, pp. 186–191.

参阅Répertoire suisse de droit international public, pp. 186-191

ILR, vol. 74, p. 559, at p. 564.

ILR, vol. 74, p. 559, at p. 564.

United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, p. 3.

联合国《条约汇编》,vol. 2187, p. 3

International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, established by SC Res. 808 (1993) of 22 February 1993 and 827 (1993) of 25 May 1993; and International Tribunal for Rwanda, established by SC Res. 955 (1994) of 8 November 1994.

安全理事会1993222日第808 (1993)号决议和1993525日第827(1993)号决议设立的前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭;和安全理事会1994118日第955(1994)号决议设立的卢旺达问题国际法庭。

See Agreement between the United Nations and the Royal Government of Cambodia Concerning the Prosecution under Cambodian Law of Crimes Committed during the period of Democratic Kampuchea, of 6 June 2003; United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2329, p. 117; Agreement between the United Nations and the Lebanese Republic on the Establishment of a Special Tribunal for Lebanon, of 22 January and 6 February 2007, ibid., vol. 2461, p. 257, and SC Res. 1757 (2007) of 30 May 2007; and Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone on the Establishment of a Special Court for Sierra Leone, of 16 January 2002, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2178, p. 137.

200366日《联合国和柬埔寨王国政府关于按照柬埔寨法律起诉在民主柬埔寨时期实施的罪行的协定草案》,联合国《条约汇编》,vol. 2329, p. 1172007122日和26日《联合国和黎巴嫩共和国关于设立黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的协定》,ibid, vol. 2461, p. 257, 和安理会2007530日第1757 (2007)号决议;以及2002116日《联合国和塞拉利昂关于成立塞拉利昂问题特别法庭的协定》,联合国《条约汇编》,vol. 2178, p. 137

Brownell v. City and County of San Francisco, California Court of Appeal, 1st District, 21 June 1954, ILR 1954, p. 438.

Brownell v. City and County of San Francisco, California Court of Appeal, 1st District, 21 June 1954, ILR 1954, p. 438.

In this sense, individuals are considered to be “third parties”, see below, para. 30.


See two cases reported in Fontes juris gentium, Series A, Sec. 2, t. 1, p. 163, No. 342, and t. 6, p. 371, No. 78; the Russian German Commercial Treaty case, German Reichsgericht, 23 May 1925, AD 1925–1926, No. 331.

See two cases reported in Fontes juris gentium, Series A, Sec. 2, t. 1, p. 163, No. 342, and t. 6, p. 371, No. 78the Russian German Commercial Treaty case, German Reichsgericht, 23 May 1925, AD 1925-1926, No. 331.

AILC 1783–1968, vol. 19, p. 49, at p. 54.

AILC 1783-1968, vol. 19, p. 49, at p. 54.

United States ex rel. Goodwin v. Karnuth, District Court for the Western District of New York, 28 November 1947, AD 1947, No. 11; McCandless v. United States, Circuit Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, 9 March 1928, AD 1927–1928, No. 363.

United States ex rel. Goodwin v. Karnuth, District Court for the Western District of New York, 28 November 1947, AD 1947, No. 11McCandless v. United States, Circuit Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit, 9 March 1928, AD 1927-1928, No. 363.

Court of Chancery, 29 July 1830, BILC, vol. 4, p. 362, at pp. 367–368.

Court of Chancery, 29 July 1830, BILC, vol. 4, p. 362, at pp. 367-368.

District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, AILC 1783–1968, vol. 19, p. 84.

District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, AILC 1783-1968, vol. 19, p. 84.

United States Supreme Court, 1823, AILC 1783–1968, vol. 19, p. 41, especially at p. 48.

United States Supreme Court, 1823, AILC 1783-1968, vol. 19, p. 41, especially at p. 48.

AILC 1783–1968, vol. 19, p. 95.

AILC 1783-1968, vol. 19, p. 95.

Ibid., p. 117, at p. 122.

Ibid.p. 117, at p. 122.

Goos v. Brocks, Supreme Court of Nebraska, 10 January 1929, AD 1929–1930, No. 279.

Goos v. Brocks, Supreme Court of Nebraska, 10 January 1929, AD 1929-1930, No. 279.

AILC 1783–1968, vol. 19, p. 70, at pp. 73, 74 et seq., 78–79. See also Blank v. Clark, District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 12 August 1948, AD 1948, No. 143.

AILC 1783-1968, vol. 19, p. 70, at pp. 73, 74 et seq. 78-79. See also Blank v. Clark, District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 12 August 1948, AD 1948, No. 143.

5 November 1943, AD 1943–1945, No. 103, at pp. 304–305.

5 November 1943, AD 1943-1945, No. 103, at pp. 304-305.

18 January 1945, AD 1943–1945, No. 104, at p. 307.

18 January 1945, AD 1943-1945, No. 104, at p. 307.

Decision of 22 June 1949, AD 1949, No. 130.

Decision of 22 June 1949, AD 1949, No. 130.

Decision of 10 February 1948, AD 1948, No. 133.

Decision of 10 February 1948, AD 1948, No. 133.

Gambino v. Consorts Arcens, Cour de cassation, 11 March 1953, ILR 1953, p. 599.

Gambino v. Consorts Arcens, Cour de cassation, 11 March 1953, ILR 1953, p. 599.

In re Barrabini, Court of Appeal of Paris, 28 July 1950, ILR 1951, No. 156.

In re Barrabini, Court of Appeal of Paris, 28 July 1950, ILR 1951, No. 156.

Court of Appeal of Agen (France).

Court of Appeal of Agen (France).

19 November 1946, AD 1946, No. 99.

19 November 1946, AD 1946, No. 99.

Gevato v. Deutsche Bank, District Court of Rotterdam, 18 January 1952, ILR 1952, No. 13.

Gevato v. Deutsche Bank, District Court of Rotterdam, 18 January 1952, ILR 1952, No. 13.

Security Cost case, 26 July 1950, AD 1949, No. 133; Herzum v. van den Borst, District Court of Roermond, 17 February 1955, ILR 1955, p. 900.

Security Cost case, 26 July 1950, AD 1949, No. 133Herzum v. van den Borst, District Court of Roermond, 17 February 1955, ILR 1955, p. 900.

Legal Aid case, 24 September 1949, Celle Court of Appeal, AD 1949, No. 132.

Legal Aid case, 24 September 1949, Celle Court of Appeal, AD 1949, No. 132.

Silverio v. Delli Zotti, Luxembourg, High Court of Justice, 30 January 1952, ILR 1952, No. 118.

Silverio v. Delli Zotti, Luxembourg, High Court of Justice, 30 January 1952, ILR 1952, No. 118.

In re Utermöhlen, 2 April 1948, AD 1949, No. 129, at p. 381.

In re Utermöhlen, 2 April 1948, AD 1949, No. 129, at p. 381.

Ets Cornet v. Vve Gaido, 7 May 1951, ILR 1951, No. 155.

Ets Cornet v. Vve Gaido, 7 May 1951, ILR 1951, No. 155.

P.M. v. Miclich, Court of cassation, 3 September 1965, Diritto internazionale, vol. XXI-II, 1967, p. 122.

P.M. v. Miclich, Court of cassation, 3 September 1965, Diritto internazionale vol.XXI-II, 1967, p.122.

LSZ v. MC, Rome Court of Appeal, 22 April 1963, Diritto internazionale, vol. XIX-II, 1965, p. 57. In some cases, the decision was made dependent on whether the relevant treaties had been put back in operation: Court of Cassation, 9 May 1962, Rigano v. Società Johann Meyer, ibid., vol. XVIII-II, 1964, p. 181; Milan, Court of Appeal, 19 May 1964, Shapiro v. Flli Viscardi, Rivista di diritto internazionale, vol. XLIII, 1965, p. 286.

LSZ v. MC, Rome Court of Appeal, 22 April 1963, ibid.Dirrito international, vol.XIX-II, 1965, p.57. 在某些情况下,决定在作出取决于有关条约是否恢复施行: Court of Cassation, 9 May 1962, Rigano v. Società Johann Meyer, ibid., vol. XVIII-II, 1964, p. 181Milan, Court of Appeal, 19 May 1964, Shapiro v. Flli Viscardi, Rivista di diritto internazionalevol. XLIII, 1965, p. 286.

30 January 1976, ILR, vol. 74, p. 559.

30 January 1976, ILR, vol. 74, p. 559.

Annuaire de l’Institut de droit international, vol. 61-II, pp. 219–221.

Annuaire de l’Institut de droit international, vol. 61-II, pp. 219-221.

Secretariat Memorandum (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1), para. 32 (footnotes omitted).

秘书处备忘录 (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1)para. 32 (脚注略)

See, further, Rene Provost, International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 247–276.

See, further, Rene Provost, International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 247-276.

Philippe Sands, Principles of International Environmental Law, 2nd ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 307–316; Patricia Birnie and Alan Boyle, International Law and the Environment, 3rd ed., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 205–208; K. Mollard-Bannelier, La protection de l’environnement en temps de conflit armé, Paris, Pedone, 2001.

Philippe Sands, Principles of International Environmental Law, 2nd ed.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 307-316 Patricia Birnie and Alan Boyle, International Law and the Environment, 3rd ed.Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 205-208K. Mollard-Bannelier, La protection de l’environnement en temps de conflit arméParis, Pedone, 2001.

See the Secretariat Memorandum (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1), paras. 58–63.

见秘书处备忘录(A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1)paras. 58-63.

Advisory Opinion of 8 July 1996, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 226, at paras. 29–31.

199678日咨询意见,《1996年国际法院案例汇编》,p. 226, at paras. 29-31

See D. Akande, “Nuclear Weapons, Unclear Law?

See D. Akande,“Nuclear Weapons, Unclear Law

Deciphering the Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion of the International Court”, BYBIL, vol. 68, 1997, pp. 183 and 184.

Deciphering the Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion of the International Court”BYBIL, vol. 68, 1997, pp. 183 and 184.

Fitzmaurice, “The Judicial Clauses of Peace Treaties” (footnote 399 above), p. 316.

Fitzmaurice,“The Juridical Clauses of Peace Treaties”(footnote 399 above)p. 316.

See R.R. Baxter, The Law of International Waterways, with Particular Regard to Interoceanic Canals, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1964, p. 205.

See R.R. Baxter, The Law of International Waterways, with Particular Regard to Interoceanic Canals, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 1964, p. 205.

American Journal of International Law, Supplement No. 3, p.123.

American Journal of International Law, Supplement No.3, p.123.

League of Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 26, pp. 221, 241.

League of Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 26, pp. 221, 241.

British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 112 (1919).

British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 112 (1919).

League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. 173, p. 213.

League of Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 173, p. 213.

ILM, vol. 36, 1977, p. 1022.

ILM, vol. 36, 1977, p. 1022.

Ibid., p. 1040.

Ibid.p. 1040.

League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. 7, p. 37, at p. 61.

League of Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 7, p. 37, at p. 61.

G.A. Res. 51/229 of 21 May 1997, Annex.

G.A. Res. 51/229 of 21 May 1997, annex.

Draft articles on the law of transboundary aquifers, Report of the International Law Commission, Sixtieth Session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 53.


See G.A. res. 63/124 of 11 December 2008, annex.


See generally S. Burchi/K. Mechlem, Groundwater in International Law. Compilation of Treaties and Other Legal Instruments, (FAO/UNESCO), 2005.

See generally S. Burchi/K. Mechlem, Groundwater in International Law. Compilation of Treaties and Other Legal Instruments, (FAO/UNESCO)2005.

See article 18 of the draft articles on the law of transboundary aquifers.


See para. (4) of the commentary to Article 2 of the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations, supra, Chapter V, sect. E2.

参见国际组织的责任条款草案第2条的评注第(4)段,supra Chapter V, sect. E2

Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations, I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 185; Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt, I.C.J. Reports 1980, p. 73, para. 37 (“International organizations are subjects of international law and, as such, are bound by any obligations incumbent upon them under general rules of international law, under their constitutions or under international agreements to which they are parties)”; and Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 66, para. 25.

联合国因公受伤的赔偿,《1949年国际法院汇编》,p. 185;卫生组织与埃及1951325日协议的解释,《1980年国际法院汇编》,p. 73, para. 37(“国际组织是国际法的主体,由此按照其章程或其所加入的国际协议,它受根据国际法一般规则所承担的义务的约束”);以及一国在武装冲突中使用核武器的合法性问题,《1996年国际法院汇编》,p. 66, para. 25

See the 1985 resolution of the Institute of International Law, Article 6 (“A treaty establishing an international organization is not affected by the existence of an armed conflict between any of its parties”), Annuaire de l’Institut de droit international, vol. 61-II, pp. 199–255.

1985年国际法学会决议,第6(“建立国际组织的条约不受其成员之间的任何武装冲突的影响”)Annuaire de l'Institut de droit international, vol. 61-II, pp. 199-255

Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character, 1975, article 1 (34).

1975年《维也纳关于国家在其对普遍性国际组织关系上的代表权公约》,Article 1(34)

See S.H. McIntyre, Legal Effect of World War II on Treaties of the United States, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1958, pp. 74–86; and McNair, The Law of Treaties (footnote 391 above), p. 720. See also M.O. Hudson, The Permanent Court of International Justice, 1920–1942, New York, Macmillan, 1943.

See S.H. McIntyre, Legal Effect of World War II on Treaties of the United States, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1958, pp. 74-86and McNair, The Law of Treaties (footnote 391 above)p. 720. See also M.O. Hudson, The Permanent Court of International Justice, 1920-1942, New York, Macmillan, 1943.

See Eileen Denza, Diplomatic Law, A Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 3rd ed., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, p. 189.

See Eileen Denza, Diplomatic Law, A Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 3rd ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, p. 189.

See for example C.C. Chinkin, , “Crisis and the Performance of International Agreements: The Outbreak of War in Perspective”, Yale Journal of World Public Order, vol. 7, 1981–1982, p. 177, at pp. 194–195; and Secretariat Memorandum (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1), para. 36.

See for example C.C. Chinkin,“Crisis and the Performance of International Agreements:The Outbreak of War in Perspective”Yale Journal of World Public Order, vol. 7, 1981-1982, p. 177, at pp. 194-195and Secretariat Memorandum (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1)para. 36.

I.C.J. Reports 1980, p. 3, para. 86.

I.C.J. Reports 1980, p. 3, para. 86.

Ibid., para. 45, para. 90 and (in the dispositif) para. 95.

Ibid.para. 45, para. 90 and (in the Dispositif) para. 95.

Luke T. Lee, Consular Law, 2nd ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, p. 111.

Luke T. Lee, Consular Law, 2nd ed.Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, p. 111.

C. Chinkin, (footnote 485 above), pp. 194 and 195. See also the Secretariat Memorandum (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1), para. 36.

C. Chinkin, (footnote 485 above)pp. 194 and 195. See also the Secretariat Memorandum (A/CN.4/550 and Corr.1)para. 36.

I.C.J. Reports 1980, p. 3, para. 45; para. 90, and (in the dispositif), para. 95.

I.C.J. Reports 1980, p. 3, para. 45para. 90, and (in the Dispositif)para. 95.

Brownell v. City and County of San Francisco, 21 June 1954, ILR 1954, p. 432, especially p. 433.

Brownell v. City and County of San Francisco, 21 June 1954, ILR 1954, p. 432, especially p. 433.

At its 2940th meeting, on 20 July 2007 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 376).


The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of resolution 62/66 of 6 December 2007, took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its fifty-eighth session (2006), on the basis of the proposal contained in annex A of the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 257).


Ibid., Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 386.


See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 207; and ibid., Sixty-fifth session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 343.




A/CN.4/631, para. 94.

A/CN.4/631, 94段。

Napoli session – 2009.


For example, United States Supreme Court, Samantar v. Yosuf (No. 08-1555) 552 F. 3d 371; and Westminster Magistrates Court, United Kingdom, Decision concerning the request for an arrest warrant for Mikhail Gorbachev.

例如,美国最高法院,SamantarYosuf (No. 08-1555)552 F. 3d 371;西敏寺治安法院,联合王国,关于申请戈尔巴乔夫的逮捕令的决定。

Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2002 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3.


Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v. France), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2008, p. 177.


A/CN.4/631, para. 56.

A/CN.4/631, 56段。 .

Ibid., paras. 69–70.


United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Ali Saadallah Belhas et al., Appellants v. Moshe Ya’alon, former Head of Army Intelligence Israel, Appellee, 14 December 2006, 466 F. Supp. 2d 127; and Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Belhas et al., Appellants v. Moshe Ya’alon, 15 February 2008, 515 F.3d 1279.

哥伦比亚特区联邦地方法院,Ali Saadallah Belhas等人诉以色列前军队情报局长摩西·亚阿隆案,20061214日,466 F. Supp. 2d 127;哥伦比亚特区联邦巡回上诉法院,Belhas等人诉以色列前军队情报局长摩西·亚阿隆案,2008215日,515 F.3d 1279

Reference was also made to the decisions by the German and French authorities between 2005 and 2008 concerning the request for the opening of criminal procedures against the former US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld.


In both cases, immunity was upheld.


Resolution on the Immunity from Jurisdiction of the State and of Persons Who Act on Behalf of the State in case of international crimes, adopted by the Institute of International Law in 2009, article III: “1. No immunity from jurisdiction other than personal immunity in accordance with international law applies with regard to international crimes. 2.

国际法学会2009 年通过的《关于国际罪行案件中国家和以国家名义行事者管辖豁免问题的决议》第三条:“1. 根据国际法,在国际罪行方面,适用的管辖豁免只有属人豁免,没有其他豁免。

When the position or mission of any person enjoying personal immunity has come to an end, such personal immunity ceases. […]”

2. 享有属人豁免者在其职务或任务结束时,其属人豁免即告终止。

European Court of Human Rights Judgment of 21 November 2001, Case of Al-Adsani v. The United Kingdom (App No. 35763/97).

[…]” 欧洲人权法院20011121日的判决,Al-Adsani 诉联合王国案(App No.35763/97)

Amsterdam Court of Appeal, Bouterse case, para. 4.2 (Gerechtshof Amsterdam, 20 November 2000).

阿姆斯特丹上诉法院,Bouterse案,第4.2(Gerechtshof Amsterdam, 20001120)

See opinions by Lord Steyn and Lord Nicholls, Regina v. Bow Street Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No. 1).

Steyn勋爵和Nicholls勋爵的意见,“ReginaBow Street 都市领薪专职治安官,皮诺切特·乌加特缺席(1)

A/CN.4/631, para. 94 (i).

A/CN.4/631, 94(i)项。

Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2002 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3.


Vancouver session – 2001.


Resolution on Universal criminal jurisdiction with regard to the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, Krakow Session – 2005.

《关于灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪和战争罪的普遍刑事管辖权问题的决议》,Krakow 会议,2005年。

A/CN.4/631, para. 94 (m).

A/CN.4/631, 94(m)项。

Ibid., para. 94 (p).


Yearbook … 1989, vol. II, Part II, paras. 443–450.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), para. 364.


The Commission at its fiftieth session (1998) took note of the report of the Planning Group identifying, inter alia, the topic “Expulsion of aliens” for possible inclusion in the Commission’s long-term programme of work (ibid., Fifty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/53/10), para. 554) and at its fifty-second session (2000) it confirmed that decision (ibid., Fifty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/55/10), para. 729).


A brief syllabus describing the possible overall structure of, and approach to, the topic was annexed to that year’s report of the Commission (ibid., annex).


In paragraph 8 of resolution 55/152 of 12 December 2000, the General Assembly took note of the inclusion of the topic in the long-term programme of work.


Ibid., Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), paras. 242–274.


Ibid., Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 252.


Ibid., Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), footnotes 401 and 402.


Ibid., footnotes 396 to 400.


Ibid., Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 170.


The conclusions were as follows: (1) the commentary to the draft articles should indicate that, for the purposes of the draft articles, the principle of non-expulsion of nationals applies also to persons who have legally acquired one or several other nationalities; and (2) the commentary should include wording to make it clear that States should not use denationalization as a means of circumventing their obligations under the principle of the non-expulsion of nationals; ibid., paragraph 171.

结论如下:(1) 条款草案评注应该表明,不驱逐国民原则用于本条款草案时也适用于已合法获得一个或若干个其他国籍的人员;以及(2) 评注中应列入更确切的提法,表明国家不应使用开除国籍的手段规避不驱逐国民原则规定其承担的义务;同上,第171段。

Ibid., Sixty-fourth Session No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 91.


Ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), footnotes 1244 to 1251.


Ibid., footnotes 1255 and 1258.


Ibid., footnotes 1263 and 1264.


Ibid., footnotes 1260 and 1269.


See A/CN.4/604 and A/CN.4/628 and Add.1.


See footnote 534 below.


See footnote 540 below.


A/CN.4/642, pp. 14 to 16.

A/CN.4/642, 1416页。

Draft article D1 read:


Return to the receiving State of the alien being expelled


1. The expelling State shall encourage the alien being expelled to comply with the expulsion decision voluntarily.

1. 驱逐国须鼓励成为驱逐对象的外国人自愿遵守驱逐决定。

2. In cases of forcible implementation of an expulsion decision, the expelling State shall take the necessary measures to ensure, as far as possible, the orderly transportation to the receiving State of the alien being expelled, in accordance with the rules of international law, in particular those relating to air travel.

2. 在强制执行驱逐决定的情况下,驱逐国须采取必要措施,按照国际法规则,特别是与航空旅行有关的规则,尽可能确保成为驱逐对象的外国人被妥善送往目的地国。

3. In all cases, the expelling State shall give the alien being expelled appropriate notice to prepare for his/her departure, unless there is reason to believe that the alien in question could abscond during such a period.

3. 在任何情况下,驱逐国都须给予成为驱逐对象的外国人适当的离境期限,除非有理由认为当事外国人可能在此期间潜逃。

Draft article E1 read:


State of destination of expelled aliens


1. An alien subject to expulsion shall be expelled to his or her State of nationality.

1. 成为驱逐对象的外国人须被驱逐至其国籍国。

2. Where the State of nationality has not been identified, or the alien subject to expulsion is at risk of torture or inhuman and degrading treatment in that State, he or she shall be expelled to the State of residence, the passport-issuing State, the State of embarkation, or to any other State willing to accept him or her, whether as a result of a treaty obligation or at the request of the expelling State or, where appropriate, of the alien in question.

2. 若无法确定国籍国,或成为驱逐对象的外国人在国籍国面临酷刑或不人道和有辱人格待遇的风险,则须将其驱逐至居住国、护照签发国、登船或登机国、或者依照条约承诺或应驱逐国请求或酌情应当事人请求,表示同意接收的任何其他国家。

3. An alien may not be expelled to a State that has not consented to admit him or her into its territory or that refuses to do so, unless the State in question is the alien’s State of nationality.

3. 不得将外国人驱逐至未同意接纳或拒绝接纳其入境的国家,除非该国是外国人的国籍国。

The original version of draft article F1 read:


Protecting the human rights of aliens subject to expulsion in the transit State


The applicable rules that apply in the expelling State to protection of the human rights of aliens subject to expulsion shall also apply in the transit State.


The revised version of F1 read:


Protecting the human rights of aliens subject to expulsion in the transit State


The rules that apply in the expelling State to protection of the human rights of aliens subject to expulsion shall apply mutatis mutandis in the transit State.


Draft article G1 read:


Protecting the property of aliens facing expulsion


1. The expulsion of an alien for the purpose of confiscating his or her assets is prohibited.

1. 禁止以没收财产为目的驱逐外国人。

2. The expelling State shall protect the property of any alien facing expulsion, shall allow the alien [to the extent possible] to dispose freely of the said property, even from abroad, and shall return it to the alien at his or her request or that of his or her heirs or beneficiaries.

2. 驱逐国须保护成为驱逐对象的外国人的财产,[尽可能地]允许外国人甚至从外国自由处置财产,并应外国人或其继承人或受益人的请求予以归还。

Draft article H1 read:


Right of return to the expelling State


An alien expelled on mistaken grounds or in violation of law or international law shall have the right of return to the expelling State on the basis of the annulment of the expulsion decision, save where his or her return constitutes a threat to public order or public security.


Draft article I1 read:


The responsibility of States in cases of unlawful expulsion


The legal consequences of an unlawful [illegal] expulsion are governed by the general regime of the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


Draft article J1 read:


Diplomatic protection


The expelled alien’s State of nationality may exercise its diplomatic protection on behalf of the alien in question.


See the judgments cited in the second addendum (A/CN.4/625/Add.2, para. 195).

见第二份增编中引用的判决(A/CN.4/625/Add.2, 195)

Revised draft article 8, reproduced in footnote 1268 to the report of the Commission on the work of its sixty-second session (A/65/10), read:

委员会第62届会议工作报告(A/65/10)脚注1268抄录了经修订的条款草案8, 原文如下:

Expulsion in connection with extradition


Expulsion of a person to a requesting State or to a State with a particular interest in the extradition of that person to the requesting State may be carried out only where the conditions of expulsion are met in accordance with international law [or with the provisions of the present draft article].


Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Judgment of 30 November 2010.


Official Documents of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 49.


Articles subsequently annexed to General Assembly resolution 62/67 of 6 December 2007.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, p. 171.


Ibid., vol. 2220, p. 3.


See footnote 541 above.


The Drafting Committee was unable to complete its consideration of draft article 12, owing to a lack of time.


Draft article 10 read as follows:


Duty of the affected State to seek assistance


The affected State has the duty to seek assistance, as appropriate, from among third States, the United Nations, other competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations if the disaster exceeds its national response capacity.


Draft article 11 read as follows:


Duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent


1. Consent to external assistance shall not be withheld arbitrarily if the affected State is unable or unwilling to provide the assistance required.

1. 若受影响国无法或不愿提供所需的援助,对外部援助的同意不应被任意拒绝。

2. When an offer of assistance is extended pursuant to draft article 12 of the present draft articles, the affected State shall, without delay, notify all concerned of its decision regarding such an offer.

2. 当有人依照本条款草案第12条提出援助的提议时,受影响的国家应毫不拖延地将其有关这一提议的决定通知所有有关方。

Draft article 12 read as follows:


Right to offer assistance


In responding to disasters, States, the United Nations, other competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations shall have the right to offer assistance to the affected State.


For the text of these draft articles and commentaries thereto, as provisionally adopted by the Commission, see sect. C.2 below.


A/CN.4/SR.3102–3105 and 3107.


See Chapter XIII below, paras. 403–405.


At para. 55.


At para. 10 (b).


Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixth-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 164.


For the commentaries to draft articles 1 to 5, see Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session (A/65/10), paragraph 331.


For the commentaries to draft articles 6 to 11, see sect. C.2 below.


See discussion in Secretariat Memorandum, A/CN.4/590, para. 11.

见秘书处备忘录中的讨论部分,A/CN.4/590, 11段。

General Assembly resolution 46/182 of 19 December 1991, annex, para. 2.


See e.g. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 12 August 1949, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, p. 31, article 3, paragraph 1 (noting that “[p]ersons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria”).


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania (“Corfu Channel case”), Judgment of 9 April 1949, I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 22.


Jean Pictet, The Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross Proclaimed by the Twentieth International Conference of the Red Cross, Vienna, 1965: Commentary (Geneva, Henry Dunant Institute, 1979), pp. 21–27; also available from


Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief – “Oslo Guidelines”, revised on 1 November 2007, paragraph 20; J.M. Ebersole, “The Mohonk Criteria for Humanitarian Assistance in Complex Emergencies”, Human Rights Quarterly, vol. 17, No. 1 (February 1995), p. 196.

在救灾中使用外国军事和民防资源的准则―― 《奥斯陆准则》,2007111日修订版,第20段;J.M. Ebersole, 《在复杂紧急情况下的人道主义援助莫洪克标准》,《人权季刊》第17卷第1(19952),第196页。



See Claude Pilloud et al., Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross, 1987), paragraph 2800–2801 (citing the “Proclamation of the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross”, adopted by resolution IX of the 20th International Conference of the Red Cross, Vienna 1965), and Pictet, The Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross Proclaimed by the Twentieth International Conference of the Red Cross, Vienna, 1965: Commentary (see footnote 561), pp. 33–51.

Claude Pilloud等人,1949812日〈日内瓦公约〉的197768日附加议定书的评论”(日内瓦、红十字国际委员会,1987),第28002801(引用1965年在维也纳召开的第二十次国际红十字会议第九号决议通过的红十字会基本原则”),以及皮克泰,“1965年在维也纳召开的第二十次国际红十字会议通过的红十字会基本原则:评注”(见脚注561),第3351页。

Peter MacAlister-Smith, Draft international guidelines for humanitarian assistance operations (Heidelberg, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 1991), para. 6 (a).

Peter MacAlister-Smith, Draft international guidelines for humanitarian assistance operations (Heidelberg, Germany:Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 1991)paragraph 6(a)

See inter alia the 1949 Geneva Conventions (see footnote 559), common art. 3, para. 1; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, General Assembly resolution 217 (III) of 10 December 1948, art. 2; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, p. 171, art. 2, para. 1; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 993, p. 3, art. 2, para. 2.


Resolution adopted by the Institute of International Law on 2 September 2003 at the session held in Bruges, Belgium, article II, para. 3.


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance (“IFRC Guidelines”), 2007, art. 4, para. 2 (b).


Ibid., art. 4, para. 3 (a).


Bruges Resolution on humanitarian assistance (see footnote 567), art. II, para. 3.


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, p. 171, preambular paragraphs; art. 10, para. 1.


Ibid., vol. 993, p. 3, preambular paragraphs; art. 13, para. 1.


Ibid., vol. 660, p. 195, preambular paragraphs.


Ibid., vol. 1249, p. 13, preambular paragraphs.


Ibid., vol. 1465, p. 85, preambular paragraph.


Ibid., vol. 1577, p. 3, preambular paragraphs; arts. 23, para. 1; 28, para. 2; 37; 39 and 40.


The 1949 Geneva Conventions (footnote 559), common art. 3, para. 1 (noting the prohibition on “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment”).


Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 1977, art. 75, para. 2 (b), (noting the prohibition on “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault”); art. 85, para. 4 (c) (noting that when committed wilfully and in violation of the Conventions or the Protocol, “practices of apartheid and other inhuman and degrading practices involving outrages upon personal dignity, based on racial discrimination” are regarded as grave breaches of the Protocol).


Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 1977, art. 4, para. 2 (e) (noting the prohibition on “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution and any form or indecent assault”).


IFRC Guidelines (see footnote 568), art. 4, para. 1.


General Assembly resolution 45/100 of 14 December 1990, preambular paragraph.


Bruges Resolution on humanitarian assistance (see footnote 567), art. II, para. 1.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 331.


Convention on the Rights of the Child (see footnote 576), art. 37 (c) (noting inter alia that “[e]very child deprived of liberty shall be treated with humanity and respect for the inherent dignity of the human person”).


American Convention on Human Rights, Organization of American States, Treaty Series, No. 36, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1144, p. 123, art. 5, para. 2 (noting inter alia that “[a]ll persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person”).


See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), Annex C, para. 28.

见《大会正式记录,第六十一届会议,补编第10号》(A/61/10),附件C, 28段。

Oslo Guidelines (see footnote 562), para. 20 (noting that “[t]he dignity and rights of all victims must be respected and protected”).


The Mohonk Criteria (see footnote 562), p. 196 (“noting that “[t]he dignity and rights of all victims must be respected and protected”).


E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, annex, principle 26 (noting inter alia that “[p]ersons engaged in humanitarian assistance, their transport and supplies shall be respected and protected”).

E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, 附件,原则26(注意:应尊重并保护参加人道主义援助的人员及其运输手段和物资

Guiding Principles on the Right to Humanitarian Assistance, adopted by the Council of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in April 1993, principle 10 (noting that “[h]umanitarian assistance can, if appropriate, be made available by way of ‘humanitarian corridors’ which should be respected and protected by competent authorities of the parties involved and if necessary by the United Nations authority”).


Charter of the United Nations, Art. 2, para. 1 (“The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members”); Art. 2, para. 7 (“Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII”).


See e.g. the Declaration on Principles on International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, annex (noting inter alia that “[a]ll States enjoy sovereign equality.


They have equal rights and duties and are equal members of the international community”, that “[t]he use of force to deprive peoples of their national identity constitutes a violation of their inalienable rights and of the principle of non-intervention”, and that “States shall conduct their international relations in the economic, social, cultural, technical and trade fields in accordance with the principles of sovereign equality and non-intervention”).


The International Court of Justice has held that “[b]etween independent States, respect for territorial sovereignty is an essential foundation of international relations”: Corfu Channel case (see footnote 560), p. 35.


General Assembly resolution 46/182 (see footnote 558), annex, para. 3.


Corfu Channel case, Separate Opinion by Judge Álvarez (see footnote 560), p. 43.


See also the opinion expressed by Max Huber, Arbitrator, in the Island of Palmas case, Award of 4 April 1928, R.I.A.A., vol. II, p. 839:

另参阅仲裁官Max Huber在帕尔马斯岛仲裁案中表达的意见,192844日裁决,《国际仲裁案例汇编》,第二卷,p.839:

“Territorial sovereignty, as has already been said, involves the exclusive right to display the activities of a State.


This right has as corollary a duty: the obligation to protect within the territory the rights of other States …”


General Assembly resolution 46/182 (see footnote 558), annex, para. 4.


Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2296, p. 5 (noting that “[n]othing in this Convention shall interfere with the right of a State Party, under its national law, to direct, control, coordinate and supervise telecommunication assistance provided under this Convention within its territory”).


See e.g. the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response, (26 July 2005), ASEAN Documents Series 2005, p. 157, art. 3, para. 2 (noting that “[t]he Requesting or Receiving Party shall exercise the overall direction, control, co-ordination and supervision of the assistance within its territory”); the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1457, p. 133, art. 3 (a) (noting inter alia that unless otherwise agreed, “the overall direction, control, co-ordination and supervision of the assistance shall be the responsibility within its territory of the requesting State”).


A/CN.4/615, para. 46.

A/CN.4/615, 46段。

See A/CN.4/598, para. 26.

参阅A/CN.4/598, 26段。

See Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 6 (The Right to Life), 30 April 1982, para. 5.


International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966, (see footnote 566), art. 6 (1).

《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,1966, (参阅脚注566),第6条第1款。

Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 29 (States of Emergency (art. 4)), 24 July 2001, para. 5.


International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966, (see footnote 566), art. 11.

《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》,1966, (参阅脚注566),第11条。

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 12 (The right to adequate food (art. 11)), 1999, para. 17.

经济、社会、文化权利委员会,第12号一般性意见(充足食物权 (11))1999年,第17段。

African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, 1990, OAU Doc.


CAB/LEG/24.9/49 (1990).

CAB/LEG/24.9/49 (1990)

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, G.A. resolution 61/106 of 13 December 2006.


Ibid., art. 11.


Corfu Channel case (see footnote 560) p. 22 (noting that “[t]he obligations incumbent upon the Albanian authorities consisted in notifying, for the benefit of shipping in general, the existence of a minefield in Albanian territorial waters and in warning the approaching British warships of the imminent danger to which the minefield exposed them.

科孚海峡案(参阅脚注560) p.22 (请注意,阿尔巴尼亚当局义不容辞的义务包括为了一般航行,通知在阿尔巴尼亚领海有一个雷区和警告接近的英国军舰注意雷区使它们暴露在迫在眉睫的危险之中。

Such obligations are based, not on the Hague Convention of 1907, No. VIII, which is applicable in time of war, but on certain general and well-recognized principles, namely: elementary considerations of humanity, even more exacting in peace than in war …


”). Bruges Resolution on humanitarian assistance (see footnote 567), art. III, para. 3.


IFRC Guidelines (see footnote 568), guideline 3 (2).


G.A. resolution 46/182 (see footnote 558), annex, para. 5.


Oslo Guidelines (see footnote 562), para. 58.


G.A. resolution 2625 (XXV) (see footnote 592), annex.

大会第2625 (XXV)号决议(参阅脚注592),附件。







G.A. resolution 46/182 (see footnote 558), annex, para. 3.


Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations, 1998 (see footnote 596 above), art. 4, para. 5.


ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response, 2005 (see footnote 597), art. 3, para. 1.


See International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (see footnote 566 above), art. 6, para. 1.


Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 6 (The Right to Life) (see footnote 600 above), para. 5: “The expression ‘inherent right to life’ cannot properly be understood in a restrictive manner, and the protection of this right requires that States adopt positive measures.”

人权事务委员会,第6号一般性意见(生命权) (参阅上文脚注600),第5段:“‘固有生命权一语不能以狭隘的方式加以理解,保护这一权利要求各国采取积极措施。

G.A. resolution 43/131 of 8 December 1988, eighth preambular paragraph; G.A. resolution 45/100 (see footnote 581 above), sixth preambular paragraph.




A/59/2005, para. 210.

A/59/2005, para. 210

E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, Principle 25, para. 2.

E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, Principle 25, para. 2

Resolution adopted by the Institute of International Law, 13 September 1989 at the session held in Santiago de Compostela, art. 5, para. 2.


Included in the French text is mandatory language, while the English translation reads: “States in whose territories these emergency situations exist should not arbitrarily reject such offers of humanitarian assistance.


” The explanatory text “où la population est gravement menacée dans sa vie ou sa santé” is drawn from art. 5, para. 1 of that resolution.

说明文字“où la population est gravement menacée dans sa vie ou sa santé(人民的生命或卫生受到严重威胁)”摘自该决议第5条第1段。

Bruges Resolution on humanitarian assistance (footnote 567 above), art. VIII, para. 1.

布鲁日人道主义停战决议(上文脚注567)art. VIII, para. 1

G.A. resolution 43/131 (see footnote 622 above), ninth and tenth preambular paragraphs.


G.A. resolution 45/100 (see footnote 581 above), eighth and ninth preambular paragraphs.


Framework Convention on Civil Defence Assistance, 2000, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2172, p. 213, art. 3, para. (e).

《民防援助框架公约》,2000年,联合国,《条约汇编》,vol. 2172, p. 213, art. 3, para. (e)

See e.g. G.A. resolution 2625 (XXV) (footnote 592), annex, para. 1 (noting inter alia that “[e]very State has the duty to fulfil in good faith” obligations assumed by it “in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations”, “obligations under the generally recognized principles and rules of international law”, and “obligations under international agreements valid under the generally recognized principles and rules of international law”).


At its 2865th meeting, on 4 August 2005 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), para. 500).


The General Assembly, in paragraph 5 of resolution 60/22 of 23 November 2005, endorsed the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its fifty-sixth session (2004), on the basis of the proposal annexed to that year’s report (Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), paras. 362–363).

委员会第五十六届(2004)会议以该年度委员会报告所附的建议为基础,将该专题列入委员会长期工作方案。 (《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第10号》(A/59/10),第362363)

A/CN.4/571 (preliminary report); A/CN.4/585 and Corr.1 (second report); and A/CN.4/603 (third report).


At its 2988th meeting, on 31 July 2008 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 315).


For the proposed general framework prepared by the Working Group, see ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 204.


At its 3071st meeting, on 30 July 2010, the Commission took note of the oral report of the temporary Chairman of the Working Group (ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 337–340).

2010730日第3071次会议上,委员会注意到由工作组临时主席提出的口头报告。 (《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第10号》(A/65/10),第337340)

See for example Article 1 (3) of the Charter of the United Nations; the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, annex, para. 1.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 318 and corresponding footnote.


See also A/CN.4/603, para. 121.

另见A/CN.4/603, 121段。

Draft article 2 read as follows:


Duty to cooperate


1. In accordance with the present draft articles, States shall, as appropriate, cooperate among themselves, and with competent international court and tribunals, in the fight against impunity as it concerns crimes and offences of international concern.

1. 按照本条款草案,各国应酌情在彼此之间合作并与主管国际法院和法庭合作,打击在国际关注的犯罪和罪行方面的有罪不罚现象。

2. For this purpose, the States will apply, wherever and whenever appropriate, and in accordance with these draft articles, the principle to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare).

2. 为此,各国应尽可能酌情并按照本条款草案,应用引渡或起诉(aut dedere aut judicare)原则。

In M. Cherif Bassiouni and Edward M. Wise, Aut Dedere Aut Judicare: The Duty to Extradite or Prosecute in International Law, (substantive/procedural); Amnesty International, Universal Jurisdiction: The duty of States to enact and implement legislation (London, September 2001), (chronological); Amnesty International, International Law Commission: The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) (London, February 2009), (territorial); Claire Mitchel, Aut Dedere, Aut Judicare: The Extradite or Prosecute Clause in International Law (Geneva, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2009) (Multilateral treaties/Extradition treaties); and Survey of multilateral conventions which may be of relevance for the Commission’s work on the topic, prepared by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/630) (chronological and substantive criteria: (a) the 1929 International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency and other conventions following the same model; (b) the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the 1977 Additional Protocol I; (c) regional conventions on extradition; and (d) the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (1970 Hague Convention) and other conventions following the same model).

M. Cherif BassiouniEdward M. Wise, Aut Dedere Aut Judicare:The Duty to Extradite or Prosecute in International Law (“国际法中的引渡或起诉的义务”)(实质性/程序性);大赦国际,Universal Jurisdiction:The duty of States to enact and implement legislation (“普遍管辖权:国家颁布和执行立法的义务”)(20019月,伦敦)(按时间先后);大赦国际,International Law Commission:The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)(“国际法委员会:引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”) (20092月,伦敦)(按地域)Claire Mitchel, Aut Dedere, Aut Judicare:The Extradite or Prosecute Clause in International Law(国际法中的引渡或起诉的义务)(Geneva, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2009)(多边条约/引渡条约);以及与国际法委员会就本专题开展的工作可能相关的多边公约的调查,秘书处编写(A/CN.4/630)(按时间先后和实质性标准:(a) 1929年《取缔伪造货币国际公约》及沿用同一模式的其他公约;(b) 1949年日内瓦四公约和1977年第一附加议定书;(c) 关于引渡的区域性公约;以及(d)《关于制止非法劫持航空器的公约》(1970年《海牙公约》)及沿用同一模式的其他公约。

See also Amnesty International, Universal Jurisdiction, UN General Assembly should support this essential international justice tool, (London, 2010) (dealing mainly with the question of universal jurisdiction).

另见大赦国际,普遍管辖权,UN General Assembly should support this essential international justice tool (“联合国大会应支持这个实现国际正义的必要工具”)(2010年,伦敦) (主要是关于普遍管辖权问题)

Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 319 and corresponding footnote.


See also A/CN.4/603, para. 123.

另见A/CN.4/603, 123段。

Draft article 3, as amended, read as follows:


Treaty as a source of the obligation to extradite or prosecute


1. Each State is obliged either to extradite or to prosecute an alleged offender if such an obligation is provided for by a treaty to which such State is a party.

1. 如果一项条约规定了引渡或起诉的义务,则每一缔约国有义务引渡或起诉被指控的犯罪人。

2. Particular conditions for exercising extradition or prosecution shall be formulated by the internal law of the State party, in accordance with the treaty establishing such obligation and with general principles of international criminal law.

2. 缔约国的国内法应按照确立引渡或起诉义务的条约和国际刑法的一般原则,规定实施引渡或起诉的特定条件。

See for instance International Court of Justice, document CR.2009/08, 6 April 2009 (, pp. 23–25 and (


See for example article 9 of the Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind and the article 5 of the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


Draft article 4 read as follows:


International custom as a source of the obligation aut dedere aut iudicare


1. Each State is obliged either to extradite or to prosecute an alleged offender if such an obligation is deriving from the customary norm of international law.

1. 如果引渡或起诉被指控犯罪人的义务来源于国际法的习惯性规范,则每个国家均负有该义务。

2. Such an obligation may derive, in particular, from customary norms of international law concerning [serious violations of international humanitarian law, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes].

2. 该义务尤其可能来源于关于[严重违反国际人道主义法的行为、灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪和战争罪]的国际法习惯性规范。

3. The obligation to extradite or prosecute shall derive from the peremptory norm of general international law accepted and recognized by the international community of States (jus cogens), either in the form of international treaty or international custom, criminalizing any one of acts listed in paragraph 2.

3. 以国际条约或国际习惯形式存在的将第2款所列任何一种行为定为犯罪且受到国家间国际社会接受和认可的一般国际法强制性规范(强制法)应导致引渡或起诉义务。

At its 2997th meeting, on 8 August 2008. (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 353).


For the syllabus of the topic, see ibid., Annex A. The General Assembly, in para. 6 of its resolution 63/123 of 11 December 2008, took note of the decision.

关于本专题的内容,见同上,附件A。 大会20081211日在第63/123号决议第6段中注意到了这项决定。

See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty- fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), paras. 220–226.


Ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 344–354.


See below, para. 343.


Whereas the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has not explicitly invoked the general rule contained in Article 31 VCLT when interpreting the Founding Treaties of the European Union, it has, however, invoked and applied this rule when interpreting treaties between the EU and non-member States; see e.g. Case C-386/08, Firma Brita GmbH v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Hafen, Judgment of 25 February 2010, paras. 41–43.

虽然欧洲法院在解释欧洲联盟创始条约时没有明确援引《维也纳条约法公约》第三十一条所载通则,但在解释欧盟与非欧盟成员国之间订立的条约时援引并适用了这一通则。 例如,见第C-386/08号案件,Brita有限公司诉汉堡港海关,2010225日的判决,第4143段。

E.g. Brazil – Aircraft, Article 21.5 Appellate Body Report, 21 July 2000, WT/DS46/AB/RW, at para. 45.

例如,巴西飞机案,第21.5条,上诉机构的报告,2000721日,WT/DS46/AB/RW, 45段。

E.g. ECtHR, Soering v. the United Kingdom, 7 July 1989, Series A No. 161, para. 87; IACtHR, The Right to Information on Consular Assistance. In the Framework of the Guarantees of the due Process of Law, Advisory Opinion OC-16/99 of October 1, 1999, Series A No. 16, para. 58.


ECtHR, Ireland v. the United Kingdom, 18 January 1978, Series A No. 25, para. 239; Mamatkulov and Askarov v. Turkey [GC], Nos. 46827/99 and 46951/99, para. 111; IACtHR, The Effect of Reservations on the Entry into Force of the American Convention on Human Rights (Arts. 74 and 75), Advisory Opinion OC-2/82 of September 24, 1982, Series A No. 2, para. 19.


See articles 21 (3) and 22 (2) of the ICC Statute. The ECJ, when interpreting and applying the Founding Treaties of the European Union, has generally refrained from taking subsequent practice of the parties into account; it has, however, done so when interpreting and applying treaties between the EU and third States, see e.g. Case C-52/77, Leonce Cayrol v. Giovanni Rivoira & Figli, [1977] ECR 2261, para. 18; Case C-432/92, The Queen v. Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ex parte S. P. Anastasiou (Pissouri) Ltd and others, [1994] ECR I-3087, paras. 43 and 50.

见《国际刑事法院规约》第二十一条第()款和第二十二条第()款。 欧洲法院在解释和适用欧洲联盟创始条约时一般没有缔约方的嗣后惯例,但在解释和适用欧盟与第三国之间订立的条约时考虑了这一点。 例如,见第C-52/77号案件,Leonce CayrolGiovanni RivoiraFigli, [1977] ECR 2261, 18段;第C-432/92号案件,女王诉农业、渔业和粮食部长、ex parte S. P. Anastasiou (Pissouri)有限公司和其他人,[1994] ECR I-3087, 4350段。

Japan – Alcoholic Beverages II, Report of the Appellate Body, 4 October 1996, WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, Section E.

日本酒精饮料案(),上诉机构的报告,1996104日,WT/DS8/AB/RWT/DS10/ AB/RWT/DS11/AB/R, E节。

E.g. The M/V “SAIGA” (No. 1) Case (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea), Prompt Release, (Judgment) ITLOS Case No. 1 (4 December 1997), paras. 57–59; see also Case concerning Kasikili/Sedudu Island (Botswana v. Namibia), I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 1096, para. 80.


But see e.g. The Islamic Republic of Iran and The United States of America, Interlocutory Award No. ITL 83-B1-FT (Counterclaim), September 9, 2004, 2004 WL 2210709 (Iran-U.S.Cl.Trib.), paras. 109–117 and 134.

但是,例如,见伊朗伊斯兰共和国和美利坚合众国,中间裁决,第ITL 83-B1-FT(反诉)200499日,2004 WL 2210709(伊朗-美国索赔法庭),第109117段和第134段。

See e.g. Demir and Baykara v. Turkey [GC], No. 34503/97, §§ 52, 76, 85; A. v. the United Kingdom, No. 35373/97, § 83, ECHR 2002-X.

例如,见DemirBaykara诉土耳其[GC],第34503/97号,§§ 52, 76, 85A. 诉联合王国,第35373/97号,§ 83, 欧洲人权法院2002-X

See also Preliminary Conclusions 5 and 9.


US – Shrimp, Report of the Appellate Body, 12 October 1998, WT/DS58/AB/R, para. 130.

美国虾案,上诉机构的报告,19981012日,WT/DS58/AB/R, 130段。

See note 659.


Responsibilities and obligations of States sponsoring persons and entities with respect to activities in the Area (Request for Advisory Opinion submitted to the Seabed Disputes Chamber), ITLOS Case No. 16 (1 February 2011), paras. 117 and 211.


See the reference and discussion in ADF Group Inc. v. United States of America (Case No. ARB(AF)/00/1), ICSID Arbitration Under NAFTA Chapter Eleven, 9 January 2003,, para. 177.

ADF集团公司诉美利坚合众国一案的参考和讨论(ARB(AF)/00/1号案件),国际投资争端解决中心根据《北美自由贸易协定》第十一章作出的仲裁,200319日。, 177段。

See Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom, No. 28957/95, paras. 84–91, ECHR 2002-VI.

Christine Goodwin诉联合王国,第28957/95号,第8491段,欧洲人权法院2002-VI

At its 2997th meeting, on 8 August 2008. (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 354).


For the syllabus of the topic, see ibid., Annex B. The General Assembly, in paragraph 6 of its resolution 63/123 of 11 December 2008, took note of the decision.

专题提纲见同上,附件B。 大会20081211日第63/123号决议第6段注意到这一决定。

At its 3029th meeting, on 31 July 2009, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause (ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), paras. 211–216).


The Study Group considered, inter alia, a framework that would serve as a road map for future work and agreed on a work schedule involving the preparation of papers intended to shed additional light on questions concerning, in particular, the scope of MFN clauses and their interpretation and application.


At its 3071st meeting, on 30 July 2010, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group (ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 359–373).


The Study Group considered and reviewed the various papers prepared on the basis of the 2009 framework to serve as a road map of future work, and agreed upon a programme of work for 2010.


For a summary, see Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 366–368.


It may also be invoked to obtain a benefit granted to the investors or the investments of a third State under the domestic law or legislation of the country against which the claim is made (respondent State).


Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. Case (Preliminary objection), 22 July 1952, I.C.J. Reports 1952, at p. 109.


See also draft articles 8 and 9 of the Commission’s draft articles on most-favoured-nation clauses (Yearbook … 1978, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 16–73.


UNCTAD, Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment, Series on Issues in International Investment Agreements II (United Nations Publication, UNCTAD/DIAE/IA/2010/1, Sales No. E.10.II.D.19, New York and Geneva: 2010), pp. 84–87.

贸发会议,最惠国待遇,《国际投资协定问题丛书第二辑》(联合国出版物,UNCTAD/ DIAE/IA/2010/1, 出售品编号:E.10.II.D.19, 纽约和日内瓦:2010),第84-87页。

Impregilo S.p.A. v. Argentine Republic (Argentine Republic-Italy BIT), ICSID Case No. ARB/07/17, 17 June 2011.

英波基洛公司(Impregilo S.p.A.)诉阿根廷共和国(阿根廷共和国-意大利双边投资条约),国际投资争端解决中心ARB/07/17号案件,2011617日。

See: Val=viewCase&reqFrom=Home&caseId=C109. ICSID/FrontServlet?requestType=CasesRH&actionVal=viewCase&reqFrom=Home&caseId=C109

Dissenting opinion by Professor Brigitte Stern, Arbitrator, paras. 16 and 45.


The Planning Group was composed of Ms. M.G. Jacobsson (Chairperson); Members: Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. C.J.R. Dugard, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. H.A. Hassouna, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. F. Kemicha, Mr. R.A. Kolodkin, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. B. Niehaus, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. A. Pellet, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).


Report of the Commission on the work of its fiftieth session (1998) (A/53/10), Yearbook … 1998, vol. II (Part Two), p. 10, para. 553.

委员会第五十届(1998)会议工作报告(A/53/10),《1998年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)p.10, 553段。

The Working Group on Methods of Work was composed of Mr. Hussein A. Hassouna (Chairman); Members: Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. S. Fomba, Mr. Z. Galicki, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúudez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).


Yearbook … 1996, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 84–97.


Ibid., pp. 93–94.


See the recommendations contained at paras. 196 to 199 in Chapter VII of the Commission’s 1996 report; ibid., p. 92




See Yearbook … 1999, vol. II (Part Two), paras. 633–639.


See Yearbook … 2000, vol. II (Part Two), paras. 734–735.


See also Official records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 389.


Ibid., para. 390.


The Legal Counsel's address begins at page 51. Background – ICJ President Hisashi Owada, in his article “The Rule of Law in a Globalizing World – An Asian Perspective” (Washington University Global Studies Law Review, v. 8(2) 2009, p. 193;

背景-国际法院院长小和田恒,全球化世界中的法治-亚洲视角”(《华盛顿大学全球研究法律评论》,第8(2)卷,2009年,第193页, owada.pdf

Ibid., p. 203.


Official records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 393.


See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/57/10), paras. 525–531; ibid., Fifty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/58/10), para. 447; ibid., Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), para. 369; ibid., Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), para. 501; ibid., Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 269; ibid., Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 379; ibid., Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 358; ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 240; and ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 396.


Yearbook … 1988, vol. II (Part Two), para. 582; ibid., … 1989, vol. II (Part Two), para. 742; and Official records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 398.


For considerations relating to page limits on the reports of Special Rapporteurs, see for example, Yearbook … 1977, vol. II (Part Two), p. 132, and Yearbook … 1982, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 123–124.


See also General Assembly resolution 32/151, para. 10, and General Assembly resolution 37/111, para. 5, as well as subsequent resolutions on the annual reports of the Commission to the General Assembly.


Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), para. 367.


Yearbook… 1956, vol. II, para. 42.


The Yearbook of the International Law Commission has been published annually, and currently covers the product of the Commission for the period from 1949 until approximately 2004.


Located at


Generally accessible through:


See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 388.


For a list of possible topics, see para. 20 of the working paper (A/CN.4/641).


This statement is recorded in the summary record of that meeting.








Mr. Knut Dőrmann, Legal Adviser of the ICRC, gave an overview of the main priorities of the ICRC Legal Division and Mr. Slyvain Vité gave a presentation on the ICRC project on strengthening legal protection for victims of armed conflicts. Mr. G. Nolte, the Chairman of the Study Group on “Treaties over time”, gave an overview on the topic.


The following persons participated in the forty-seventh session of the International Law Seminar: Mr. Kavus Abushov (Azerbaijan), Mr. Muhammad Zeeshan Adhi (Pakistan), Mr. Yawo Akagla Edem Akpemado (Togo), Mr. Ryuji Baba (Japan), Ms. Leticia M.L. Baquerizo Guzman (Ecuador), Mr. Gonzalo Bonifaz (Peru), Mr. Shehzad Charania (United Kingdom), Mr. Aminudin Zaki Dato Abdul Rahman (Brunei), Ms. Tanieris Dieguez La O (Cuba), Mr. Martin Faix (Slovakia), Ms. Martyna M. Falkowska (Poland), Mr. Ruddy J. Flores Monterrey (Bolivia), Ms. Fabiola Jiménez Morán Sotomayor (Mexico), Mr. Sidney G. Kemble (Netherlands), Ms. Belinda M. Kiilu (Kenya), Mr. Duwayne C. Lawrence (Jamaica), Mr. Charles R. Majinge (Tanzania), Mr. Mohamed H. Mohamed Abubacker (Sri Lanka), Ms. Tshenolo B. Moyo (Botswana), Mr. Ragnar Nordeide (Norway), Mr. Gregor Novak (Austria/Croatia), Mr. Clauvis O. Ogoubiyi (Benin), Ms. Rashmi Raman (India), Mr. Javier I. Santander (Argentina), Mr. Romain B. Tchamako (Central African Republic), Ms. Annelle Urriola (Panama).

下列人员参加了第四十七届国际法讲习班:Kavus Abushov先生(阿塞拜疆)Muhammad Zeeshan Adhi先生 (巴基斯坦)Yawo Akagla Edem Akpemado先生(多哥)Ryuji Baba先生(日本)Leticia M.L. Baquerizo Guzman 女士(厄瓜多尔)Gonzalo Bonifaz先生(秘鲁)Shehzad Charania先生(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)AminudinZaki Dato Abdul Rahman先生(文莱)Tanieris Dieguez La O女士(古巴)Martin Faix先生(斯洛伐克)Martyna M. Falkowska 女士(波兰)Ruddy J. Flores Monterrey先生(玻利维亚)Fabiola Jiménez Morán Sotomayor女士(墨西哥)Sidney G. Kemble先生(荷兰)Belinda M. Kiilu女士(肯尼亚)Duwayne C. Lawrence先生(牙买加)Charles R. Majinge先生(坦桑尼亚)Mohamed H. Mohamed Abubacker先生(斯里兰卡)Tshenolo B. Moyo女士(博茨瓦纳)Ragnar Nordeide先生(挪威)Gregor Novak先生(奥地利/克罗地亚)Clauvis O. Ogoubiyi先生(贝宁)Rashmi Raman女士(印度)Javier I. Santander先生(阿根廷)Romain B. Tchamako先生(中非共和国)Annelle Urriola 女士(巴拿马)

The Selection Committee, chaired by Ms. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Professor of International Law at the University of Geneva, met on 29 April 2011 at the Palais des Nations and selected 28 candidates out of 134 applications for participation in the Seminar. Of the 28, two selected candidates failed to attend.


The London Statement of Principles Applicable to the Formation of General Customary International Law, with commentary: Resolution 16/2000 (Formation of General Customary International Law), adopted on 29 July 2000 by the International Law Association: see International Law Association, Report of the Sixty-ninth Conference, London, p. 39.


For the plenary debate, see ibid., pp. 922–926.


The London Statement of Principles is at ibid., pp. 712–777, and the report of the Working Session of the Committee on Formation of (General) Customary International Law held in 2000 is at ibid., pp. 778–790.


The Committee’s six interim reports contain more detailed material.


Gulf of Maine, I.C.J. Reports 1984, p. 291, para. 83.


It will be recalled that at its first and second sessions in 1949/1950, the International Law Commission, in accordance with the mandate in Article 24 of its Statute, considered the topic “Ways and Means of Making the Evidence of Customary International Law More Readily Available”.


The outcome was an influential report, which led to various important publications, on a national and international level (Yearbook ILC 1950, vol. II, pp. 367–374 (Report of the ILC for 1950, document A/1316, paras. 24–94); and see The Work of the International Law Commission (7th ed), Part III.2).


The work of the Commission in relation to State practice has been described as follows: “The International Law Commission fully recognized the importance of State practice being widely available, and its Report did much to prompt action towards that end.


Two developments, however, now [this was written in 1998] threaten the full attainment of the objectives set in 1950 by the Commission: first, the enormous proliferation in the available material on the many aspects of international law and relations, and second the rising costs associated with its accumulation, storage, and distribution.


With the added impact in recent years of revolutionary developments in global information technology, the subject covered by the Commission’s 1950 Report might repay renewed attention. ” (A.D.Watts, The International Law Commission 1949–1998, vol. III, p. 2106.

随着全球信息技术的革命性发展在近几年更加进步的影响,《1950年委员会报告》所涵盖的课题可能重新引起更多的关注”(A.D.Watts, 19491998年国际法委员会的工作》,第三卷,第2106)

) It is suggested that the question of the access to State practice should indeed be revisited by the Commission, in parallel with the other work on customary international law covered by this syllabus.


See e.g., Alexandre Kiss & Dinah Shelton, International Environmental Law, 3rd ed., Transnational Publishers, 2004, pp. 555–592. See also, Philippe Sands, Principles of International Environmental Law, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 317–390; Patricia W. Birnie, Alan E. Boyle & Catherine Redgewell, International Law and the Environment, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 335–378; David Hunter, James Salzman & Durwood Zaelke, International Environmental Law and Policy, Foundation Press, 2007, pp. 538–733; Xue Hanqin, Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 200–203.

参看Alexandre KissDinah Shelton合著,《国际环境法》,第三版,跨国出版商,2004年,第555-592页,也参看Philippe Sands, 《国际环境法原则》,第二版,剑桥大学出版社,2003年,第317-390页;Patricia W. BirnieAlan E. Boyle Catherine Redgewell, 《国际法与环境》,第三版,牛津大学出版社,2008年,第335-378页;David HunterJames Salzman Durwood Zaelke合著,《国际环境法与政策》,基金会出版社,2007年,第538-733页;薛捍勤,《国际法中的跨界损害》,剑桥大学出版社,2003年,第200-203页。

Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. 3, pp. 1907 ff (Award of 1941).


Often quoted passage of the award reads as follows: “Under the principles of international law … no state has the right to use or permit the use of territory in such a manner as to cause injury by fumes in or to the territory of another or the properties or persons therein, when the case is of serious consequence and the injury is established by clear and convincing evidence”.


Ibid., p. 1965.


See, for example, the Daigo Fukuryumaru (Lucky Dragon No. 5) incident (Japan – United States) in 1954; Shigeru Oda, “The Hydrogen Bomb Tests and International Law”, Die Friedenswarte, vol. 53, 1956; L.F.E. Goldie, “A General View of International Environmental Law”, in A.C. Kiss, ed., The Protection of the Environment and International Law, Workshop 1973, The Hague Academy of International Law, 1975, pp. 72–73.

参看《1954年福龙丸5号事件》(日本-美国);小田滋,氢弹试验和国际法,和平研究所,第53卷,1956年;L.F.E.Goldie, “对国际环境法的一般看法,载于A.C.Kiss编著的《保护环境和国际法》,1973年研讨会,海牙国际法学院,1975年,第72-73页。

Nuclear Tests case (Australia v. France) (Interim Measure) 1973 ICJ Reports 99; (Jurisdiction) 1974 ICJ Reports 253; (New Zealand v. France) (Interim Measures) 1973 ICJ Reports 135: (Jurisdiction) 1974 ICJ Reports 457.


1996 ICJ Reports 241.


The ICJ stated in its opinion: “The existence of the general obligation of States to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction and control respect the environment of other States or of areas beyond national jurisdiction is now part of the corpus of international law relating to the environment.”


2010 ICJ Reports 75, paras. 263–264.


The issue was raised during the oral proceedings: See Pulp Mills case (Argentina v. Uruguay), Oral proceedings, 2006/47, paras. 22, 28 and 34.


United States – Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, Report of the Appellate Body, 29 April 1996, WT/052/8, pp. 16–17; Shinya Murase, “Unilateral Measures and the WTO Dispute Settlement”, Simon S.C. Tay & Daniel C. Esty, eds., Asian Dragons and Green Trade, Times Academic Press, 1996, pp. 137–144.

美国-改订和传统汽油的标准,上诉机构的报告,1996429日,WT/052/8,16-17页;村濑信也,单方面措施和WTO的争端解决Simon S.C. Tay Daniel C. Esty合编,《亚洲四小龙和绿色贸易》,时代文献出版社,1996年版,第137-144页。

See, e.g., Massachusetts v. EPA, U.S. Supreme Court decision of 2 April 2007 (549 U.S. 497; 127 S. Ct. 1438; 2007 U.S. LEXIS 3785) which was in part concerned with certain obligations of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases.

参看马萨诸塞州诉环保局,美国最高法院200742日的判决(549 U.S.497127 S.Ct.14382007 U.S.LEXIS 3785),其中有一部分涉及环保局规范温室气体排放量的某些义务。

Not yet in force.


Principle 21 of the Stockholm Declaration provides: “States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, … the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction and control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.


” L. Sohn, “The Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment”, 14 Harvard International Law Journal 423 (1972).

”L. Sohn, “斯德哥尔摩人类环境宣言,《14 哈佛国际法学报423(1972)

Article 2 provides: “In the exercise of their sovereign right to exploit their resources pursuant to their own environment policies, states shall be under a duty to take all appropriate and effective measures to ensure that their activities or those conducted within their jurisdiction or under their control cause no transboundary air pollution.”


In recent years, there has been growing scientific evidence that so-called “tropospheric ozone” and “black carbon” are the two substances in the atmosphere directly threatening both the air quality and climate change.


It is said that, for climate change, the so-called greenhouse gases identified in the UNFCCC are responsible for only 60 %, while these substances are responsible for some 40 %.


This clearly demonstrates the linkage between the transboundary air pollution and climate change, and also the gap existing in the current treaty regime which needs to be filled by a comprehensive multilateral convention on the atmosphere.


See, the UNEP study, “Measures to Limit Near-Term Climate Change and Improve Air Quality: An Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone”, 2011 (forthcoming).


It may also be noted that, for instance, Europe now struggles to meet standards for air quality as a result of the pollutants carried from other regions of the world.


This is indicative of the fact that even regional air pollution problems cannot be solved without considering their causes and effects in the global framework.


See Shinya Murase, “Perspectives from International Economic Law on Transnational Environmental Issues”, Recueil des cours de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye, vol. 253, 1995, pp. 283–431.


The 16th Annex of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation is entitled “Environmental Protection”.


The ICAO has established rules on the “Aircraft Engine Emissions Standards and Recommended Practices” since 1980, with a view to achieving “maximum compatibility between the safe and orderly development of civil aviation and the quality of human environment” (ICAO Assembly Resolution A18-11, para. 2).


These Emission Standards establish rules, inter alia, for vented fuel (Part II) and emission centrification (Part III), including emissions limits for smoke and certain chemical particles.


Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, seventh edition, Oxford University Press, 2005.


Gareth Jones, Alan Robertson, Jean Forbes and Graham Hollier, Collins Reference Dictionary of Environmental Science, Collins, 1990, p. 40.

Gareth JonesAlan RobertsonJean ForbesGraham Hollier合编,《柯林斯环境科学参考资料大辞典》,Collins, 1990年,第40页。

Michael Allaby, Dictionary of the Environment, third edition, New York University Press, 1989, p. 34.

Michael Allaby编,《环境词典》,第三版,纽约大学出版社,1989年,第34页。

See, Hans-Jurgen Schlochauer, “Atmosphere, Protection”, in Rudolf Bernhardt, ed., Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. 1, 1997, p. 290.

参看Hans-Jurgen Schlochauer, “大气层、保护,载于Rudolf Bernhardt, 编,《国际公法百科全书》,第 1卷,1997年,第290页。

Jet streams are westerly winds (i.e. flowing from west to east) moving around the upper stratum of the troposphere. They move at a high speed of 240 to 720 kilometers per hour.


In recent years, however, scientists are finding that black carbon and troposphere ozone are also responsible for climate change.


See footnote 12.


Alexandre Kiss and Dinah Shelton, International Environmental Law, 3rd ed., pp. 556–562 (Chapter 12, “Atmosphere, Stratosphere and Climate”).

Alexandre KissDinah Shelton,《国际环境法》,第三版,第556-562(12章,大气层、平流层和气候”)

Alan E. Boyle, “International Law and the Protection of the Global Atmosphere: Concepts, Categories and Principles”, Robin Churchill & David Freestone, eds., International Law and Global Climate Change, 1991, pp. 7–19; See also Jutta Brunnée, “Common Areas, Common Heritage, and Common Concern”, in Daniel Bodansky, Jutta Brunnée & Ellen Hey, eds., Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, 2007, pp. 550–573.

Alan E. Boyle, “国际法和保护全球大气层:概念、分类和原则Robin Churchill David Freestone, 合编,《国际法和全球气候变化》,1991年,第7-19页;也参看Jutta Brunnée, “公共区域、共同遗产和共同关注,载于Daniel BodanskyJutta Brunnée Ellen Hey, 合编,《牛津国际环境法手册》,2007年,第550-573页。

United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.

联合国《条约汇编》,vol. 1155, p. 331

United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1439, p. 276.

联合国《条约汇编》,vol. 1439, p. 276

Strasbourg, 27 May 2009, Council of Europe, Treaty Series, No. 204.

Strasbourg, 27 May 2009, Council of Europe, Treaty Series, No. 204.

Geneva, 30 October 1947, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 55, p. 308.

日内瓦,19471030日,联合国《条约汇编》,vol. 55, p. 308

Article 45 (1) of the ECT: “Each signatory agrees to apply this Treaty provisionally pending its entry into force for such signatory in accordance with Article 44, to the extent that such provisional application is not inconsistent with its constitution, laws or regulations. ” United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2080, p. 100.

《能源宪章条约》第45条第1款:在并且只在这些暂时适用不与签字国的宪法、法律或规章不一致的情况下,每一签字国同意根据第四十四条在这一条约生效之前暂时予以适用,联合国《条约汇编》,vol. 2080, p. 100

Decision on jurisdiction of 6 July 2007,


Interim Awards on Jurisdiction and Admissibility of 30 November 2009,


Constitutional provisions are referred to in the reservations made by certain States (Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru) to article 25 of the Vienna Convention, A similar concern appears to underlie the reservation made to the same article by Brazil,

若干国家在对《维也纳公约》第25条提出的保留中提到宪法条款 (Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru),巴西对同一条提出的保留中也表示类似的关切,可从http://untreaty. un.org读取。

Article 7 (Continued operation of treaties resulting from their subject-matter) and the indicative list of treaties annexed.


The list includes treaties relating to the international protection of the environment, treaties relating to international watercourses and related installations and facilities, treaties relating to aquifers and related installations and facilities, treaties relating to human rights and treaties on international criminal justice, and, for obvious reasons: treaties on the law of armed conflict, including treaties on international humanitarian law.


This section is by necessity brief and incomplete.


It serves only as a frame of historical reference.


This is repeated in the Preamble of the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, the so-called CCW (1980).


Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, 10 December 1976, ENMOD.


The Convention provides for review conferences to be held at least every five years, but thus far, only two review conferences have been held, in 1984 and in 1992.


Bothe, Michael, Antonio Cassese, Frity Kalshoven, Alexandre Kiss, Jean Salmon and K.R. Simmonds. “Protection of the Environment in Times of Armed Conflict”, Report to the Commission of the European Communities, SJ/110/85 (1985).

Michael BotheAntonio CasseseFrity KalshovenAlexandre KissJean SalmonK.R. Simmonds,“武装冲突期间对环境的保护,提交欧洲共同体委员会的报告,SJ/110/ 85(1985)

The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) was established under UNSC Resolution 687 (3 April 1991).


The mandate of the UNCC is more closely related to the old so-called Hague rules (1907), which contain regulations on compensation for violations of the laws of war, than to the Geneva Conventions and their First Additional Protocol.


It was originally Jordan in 1991 that proposed to include the item on the agenda, see A/46/141, and the proposal was accepted.


In 1992, the General Assembly decided to include the topic “Protection of the environment in times of armed conflict” on its agenda and to allocate it to the Sixth Committee.




A/48/269, para. 110.

A/48/269, 110段。



A/RES/49/50, op. para 11.

A/RES/49/50, 执行部分第11段。

The lack of a broad support for bringing the issue forward was further evidenced by the lack of development relating to the ENMOD treaty.


Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare (2009) also contain specific rules regarding the protection of the natural environment, see Rules 88–89.


Article 8 of the Rome Statute (1998).


Its main focus seems to be domestic remedies for environmental claims, but the report also discusses the rejected Draft Article 7, which would have allowed judicial proceedings against a government for breaches of international environmental law.


UNEP Report, 2009, p. 9.


UNEP Report, 2009, Recommendation 3, p. 53.

环境署报告,2009年,建议3, 53页。

UNEP, Protecting the Environment During Armed Conflict – An Inventory and Analysis of International Law (2009), p. 53.


Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1996, Volume II, Part Two, para. 148. and para. 165.


Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, ICJ, Advisory Opinion, 2004, p. 178, para. 106.


Fragmentation of international law: Difficulties arising from diversification and expansion of international law. Report of the Study Group of the International Law Commission, A/CN.4/L.682.


Supra, p. 1.


Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1997, vol. II (Part Two), para. 238; and ibid., 1998, vol. II (Part Two), para. 553.


On 30 June 1999 the Court delivered its orders in the following eight cases between Serbia and Montenegro and members of NATO: Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro v. Canada, Serbia and Montenegro v. France, Serbia and Montenegro v. Germany, Serbia and Montenegro v. Italy, Serbia and Montenegro v. Netherlands, Serbia and Montenegro v. Portugal and Serbia and Montenegro v. United Kingdom.

On 30 June 1999 the Court delivered its orders in the following eight cases between Serbia and Montenegro and members of NATO Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro v. Canada, Serbia and Montenegro v. France, Serbia and Montenegro v. Germany, Serbia and Montenegro v. Italy, Serbia and Montenegro v. Netherlands, Serbia and Montenegro v. Portugal and Serbia and Montenegro v. United Kingdom.