Report of the International Law Commission


Sixty-fourth session (7 May1 June and 2 July3 August 2012)

第六十四届会议 (201257日至61日和72日至83)

General Assembly Official Records Sixty-seventh session Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10)

大会正式记录 第六十七届会议 补编第10(A/67/10)



Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures.


Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.


The word Yearbook followed by suspension points and the year (e.g. Yearbook 1971) indicates a reference to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission.


A typeset version of the report of the Commission will be included in Part Two of volume II of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2012.


Chapter I Introduction

第一章 导言

1. The International Law Commission held the first part of its sixty-fourth session from 7 May to 1 June 2012 and the second part from 2 July to 3 August 2012 at its seat at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

1. 国际法委员会分别于201257日至61日在联合国日内瓦办事处委员会所在地举行了第六十四届第一期会议,于201272日至83日举行了第二期会议。

The session was opened by Mr. Maurice Kamto, Chairman of the sixty-third session of the Commission.

本届会议由委员会第六十三届会议主席莫里斯 ·卡姆托先生主持开幕。

A. Membership

A. 委员

2. The Commission consists of the following members:

2. 委员会包括下列成员:

B. Officers and the Enlarged Bureau

B. 主席团成员和扩大的主席团

3. At its 3128th meeting, on 7 May 2012, the Commission elected the following officers:

3. 201257日举行的第3128次会议上,委员会选出了下列主席团成员:



Mr. Lucius Caflisch (Switzerland)


First Vice-Chairman:


Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus (Costa Rica)


Second Vice-Chairman:


Mr. Hussein A. Hassouna (Egypt)


Chairman of the Drafting Committee:


Mr. Mahmoud D. Hmoud (Jordan)




Mr. Pavel Šturma (Czech Republic)


4. The Enlarged Bureau of the Commission was composed of the officers of the present session, the previous Chairmen of the Commission  and the Special Rapporteurs.

4. 委员会扩大的主席团由本届会议主席团成员、委员会前任主席  和特别报告员组成。

5. The Commission set up a Planning Group composed of the following members: Mr. B. Niehaus (Chairman), Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. A. El-Murtadi Suleiman Gouider, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. M. Forteau, Mr. H.A. Hassouna, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. A. Laraba, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. D.D. Tladi, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. A.S. Wako, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. P. Šturma (ex officio).

5. 委员会设立了由下列委员组成的规划组:尼豪斯先生(主席)、坎迪奥蒂先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、穆尔塔迪·苏莱曼·古伊德尔先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、福尔托先生、哈苏纳先生、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、卡姆托先生、吉滴猜萨里先生、拉腊巴先生、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、墨菲先生、诺尔特先生、朴先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、特拉迪先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、瓦科先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和斯图尔玛先生(当然成员)

C. Drafting Committee

C. 起草委员会

6. At its 3128th and 3141st meetings, on 7 May and 5 July 2012, the Commission established a Drafting Committee, composed of the following members for the topics indicated:

6. 在分别于201257日和75日举行的第3128和第3141次会议上,委员会为下列专题设立了由下列委员组成的起草委员会:

(a) Expulsion of aliens: Mr. M.D. Hmoud (Chairman), Mr. M. Kamto (Special Rapporteur), Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. M. Forteau, Mr. J.M. Gómez-Robledo, Mr. H. Huang, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. C.M. Peter, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. D.D. Tladi, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. A. Wako, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. P. Šturma (ex officio);

(a) 驱逐外国人:哈穆德先生(主席)、卡姆托先生(特别报告员)、坎迪奥蒂先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、福尔托先生、戈麦斯-罗夫莱多先生、黄先生、吉滴猜萨里先生、墨菲先生、诺尔特先生、朴先生、彼得先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、特拉迪先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯彼纳先生、瓦科先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和斯图尔玛先生(当然成员)

(b) Protection of persons in the event of disasters: Mr. M.D. Hmoud (Chairman), Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina (Special Rapporteur), Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. M. Forteau, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. D.D. Tladi, Mr. A.S. Wako, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. P. Šturma (ex officio).

(b) 发生灾害时的人员保护:哈穆德先生(主席)、巴伦西亚-奥斯彼纳先生(特别报告员)、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、福尔托先生、雅各布松女士、卡姆托先生、吉滴猜萨里先生、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、墨菲先生、诺尔特先生、朴先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、特拉迪先生、瓦科先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和斯图尔玛先生(当然成员)

7. The Drafting Committee held a total of 17 meetings on the two topics indicated above.

7. 起草委员会就以上两个专题共举行了17次会议。

D. Working Groups and Study Groups

D. 工作组和研究组

8. At its 3131st meeting, on 18 May 2012, the Commission reconstituted the following Study Groups, which were open-ended:

8. 2012518日举行的第3131次会议上,委员会重新设立了以下不限成员名额的研究组:

(a) Study Group on Treaties over time: Mr. G. Nolte (Chairman);

(a) 条约随时间演变研究组:诺尔特先生(主席);

(b) Study Group on The most-Favoured-Nation clause: Mr. D.M. McRae (Chairman).

(b) 最惠国条款研究组:麦克雷先生(主席)

9. At its 3132nd meeting on 22 May 2012, the Commission established the following open-ended Working Group:

9. 2012522日举行的第3132次会议上,委员会设立了以下不限成员名额的工作组:

Working Group on the Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare): Mr. K. Kittichaisaree (Chairman).

引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)工作组:吉滴猜萨里先生(主席)

10. The Planning Group reconstituted the following Working Group:

10. 规划组重新设立了以下工作组:

Working Group on the Long-term Programme of Work for the quinquennium: Mr. D.M. McRae (Chairman), Mr. L. Caflisch, Ms. C. Escobar-Hernández, Mr. M. Forteau, Mr. K. Gevorgian, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. A. Laraba, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. B.H. Niehaus, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. C.M. Peter, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. D.D. Tladi, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. A.S. Wako, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. P. Šturma (ex officio).


E. Secretariat

E. 秘书处

11. Ms. Patricia OBrien, Under-Secretary-General, the Legal Counsel, represented the Secretary-General.

11. 副秘书长兼法律顾问帕特里夏·奥布赖恩女士担任秘书长的代表。

Mr. Václav Mikulka, Director of the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs, acted as Secretary to the Commission and, in the absence of the Legal Counsel, represented the Secretary-General.


Mr. George Korontzis, Deputy Director, served as Deputy Secretary.


Mr. Trevor Chimimba and Mr. Arnold Pronto, Senior Legal Officers, served as Senior Assistant Secretaries.


Mr. Gionata Buzzini, Legal Officer, served as Assistant Secretary to the Commission.


F. Agenda

F. 议程

12. At its 3128th meeting, on 7 May 2012, the Commission adopted an agenda for its sixty-fourth session.

12. 201257日第3128次会议上,委员会通过了第六十四届会议议程。

The agenda, as modified in the light of the decisions taken by the Commission at its 3132nd meeting on 22 May 2012, consists of the following items:


1. Organization of the work of the session.

1. 会议工作安排。

2. Expulsion of aliens.

2. 驱逐外国人。

3. The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare).

3. 引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

4. Protection of persons in the event of disasters.

4. 发生灾害时的人员保护。

5. Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

5. 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免。

6. Provisional application of treaties.

6. 条约的临时适用。

7. Formation and evidence of customary international law.

7. 习惯国际法的形成与证据。

8. Treaties over time.

8. 条约随时间演变。

9. The Most-Favoured-Nation clause.

9. 最惠国条款。

10. Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation.

10. 委员会的方案、程序和工作方法以及文件。

11. Date and place of the sixty-fifth session.

11. 第六十五届会议的日期和地点。

12. Cooperation with other bodies.

12. 与其他机构的合作。

13. Other business.

13. 其他事项。

Chapter II Summary of the work of the Commission at its sixty-fourth session

第二章 委员会第六十四届会议工作概况

13. Concerning the topic Expulsion of aliens, the Commission had before it the eighth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/651), which provided an overview of comments made by States and by the European Union on the topic during the debate on the report of the International Law Commission that had taken place in the Sixth Committee at the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly.

13. 关于“驱逐外国人”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员的第八次报告(A/CN.4/ 651),该报告概述了在大会第六十六届会议上第六委员会就国际法委员会报告进行辩论期间,各国和欧洲联盟对这一专题所作的评论。

The eighth report also contained a number of final observations by the Special Rapporteur, including on the form of the outcome of the Commissions work on the topic.


14. As a result of its consideration of the topic at the present session, the Commission adopted on first reading a set of 32 draft articles, together with commentaries thereto, on the expulsion of aliens.

14. 委员会在本届会议上对该专题进行了审议之后,一读通过了关于驱逐外国人专题的一套条款草案,共32条,包括评注。

The Commission decided, in accordance with articles 16 to 21 of its Statute, to transmit the draft articles, through the Secretary-General, to Governments for comments and observations, with the request that such comments and observations be submitted to the Secretary-General by 1 January 2014 (chap. IV).


15. In relation to the topic Protection of persons in the event of disasters, the Commission had before it the fifth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/652), providing an elaboration on the duty to cooperate, as well as a consideration of the conditions for the provision of assistance, and of the termination of assistance.

15. 关于“发生灾害时的人员保护”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员的第五次报告(A/CN.4/652),该报告详细阐述了合作义务并考虑了提供援助的条件以及终止援助问题。

Following a debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer draft articles A, 13 and 14, as proposed by the Special Rapporteur, to the Drafting Committee.


16. The Commission subsequently took note of five draft articles provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee, relating to forms of cooperation, offers of assistance, conditions on the provision of external assistance, facilitation of external assistance and the termination of external assistance, respectively (A/CN.4/L.812) (chap.

16. 其后,委员会注意到,起草委员会临时通过了五个条文草案,这些草案分别涉及合作形式、提议提供援助、提供外部援助的条件、便利外部援助和终止外部援助(A/CN.4/L.812)(第五章)

V). 17. Concerning the topic Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, the Commission appointed Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández as Special Rapporteur.

17. 关于“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”专题,委员会任命了康塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士为特别报告员。

The Commission considered the preliminary report (A/CN.4/654) of the Special Rapporteur, which provided an overview of the work of the previous Special Rapporteur, as well as the debate on the topic in the Commission and in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly; addressed the issues to be considered during the present quinquennium, focusing in particular on the distinction and the relationship between, and basis for, immunity ratione materiae and immunity ratione personae, the distinction and the relationship between the international responsibility of the State and the international responsibility of individuals and their implications for immunity, the scope of immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae, and the procedural issues related to immunity; and gave an outline of the work plan.

委员会审议了特别报告员的初步报告(A/CN.4/654),该报告概述了前任特别报告员的工作以及委员会和大会第六委员会就该专题所作的辩论情况。 报告还讨论了在本五年期内需审议的问题,尤其重点讨论了属事豁免和属人豁免之间的区别和关系以及这两种豁免的依据、国家的国际责任和个人的国际责任之间的区别和关系及其对豁免的影响、属人豁免和属事豁免的范围以及与豁免相关的程序性问题。 报告还概述了工作计划。

The debate revolved around, inter alia, the methodological and substantive issues highlighted by the Special Rapporteur in the preliminary report (chap. VI).


18. As regards the topic Provisional application of treaties, the Commission decided to include it in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo as Special Rapporteur.

18. 关于“条约的临时适用”专题,委员会决定将该专题列入工作方案,并任命胡安·曼努埃尔·戈麦斯-罗夫莱多先生为特别报告员。

The Special Rapporteur presented to the Commission an oral report on the informal consultations that he had chaired with a view to initiating an informal dialogue with members of the Commission on a number of issues that could be relevant for the consideration of this topic.


Aspects addressed in the informal consultations included, inter alia, the scope of the topic, the methodology, the possible outcome of the Commissions work as well as a number of substantive issues relating to the topic (chap. VII).


19. Concerning the topic Formation and evidence of customary international law, the Commission decided to include it in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Michael Wood as Special Rapporteur.

19. 关于“习惯国际法的形成与证据”专题,委员会决定将该专题列入工作方案,并任命迈克尔·伍德先生为特别报告员。

During the second part of the session, the Commission had before it a Note by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/653), which aimed at stimulating an initial debate and which addressed the possible scope of the topic, terminological issues, questions of methodology as well as a number of specific points that could be dealt with in considering the topic.


The debate revolved around, inter alia, the scope of the topic as well as the methodological and substantive issues highlighted by the Special Rapporteur in his Note (chap. VIII).


20. As regards the topic The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare), the Commission established a Working Group to make a general assessment of the topic as a whole, focusing on questions concerning its viability and steps to be taken in moving forward, against the background of the debate on the topic in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly.

20. 关于“引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”专题,委员会设立了工作组,该工作组负责在大会第六委员会就此专题进行的辩论背景下,对整个专题进行总体评估,侧重于该专题的可行性问题和需采取的推进步骤。

The Working Group requested its Chairman to prepare a working paper, to be considered at the sixty-fifth session of the Commission, reviewing the various perspectives in relation to the topic in light of the judgment of the International Court of Justice of 20 July 2012, any further developments, as well as comments made in the Working Group and the debate in the Sixth Committee (chap. IX).


21. As regards the topic Treaties over time, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on Treaties over time, which continued its work on the aspects of the topic relating to subsequent agreements and subsequent practice.

21. 关于“条约随时间演变”专题,委员会重新组建了条约随时间演变问题研究组,研究组继续开展了该专题与嗣后协定和嗣后惯例相关的方面的工作。

The Study Group completed its consideration of the second report by its Chairman on the jurisprudence under special regimes relating to subsequent agreements and subsequent practice, by examining some remaining preliminary conclusions contained in that report.


In the light of the discussions in the Study Group, the Chairman reformulated the text of six additional preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group on the following issues: subsequent practice as reflecting a position regarding the interpretation of a treaty; specificity of subsequent practice; the degree of active participation in a practice and silence; effects of contradictory subsequent practice; subsequent agreement or practice and formal amendment or interpretation procedures; and subsequent practice and possible modification of a treaty.


The Study Group also considered the third report by its Chairman on subsequent agreements and subsequent practice of States outside judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings.


Furthermore, the Study Group discussed the modalities of the Commissions work on the topic, and recommended that the Commission change the format of that work and appoint a Special Rapporteur.


22. At the present session, the Commission decided (a) to change, with effect from its sixty-fifth session (2013), the format of the work on this topic as suggested by the Study Group; and (b) to appoint Mr. Georg Nolte as Special Rapporteur for the topic Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties (chap. X).

22. 在本届会议上,委员会决定:(a) 根据研究组的建议,改变该专题的工作方式,从第六十五届会议(2013)起生效;(b) 任命格奥尔格·诺尔特先生为“与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”专题特别报告员(第十章)

23. Regarding the topic The Most-Favoured-Nation clause, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on the Most-Favoured-Nation clause, which continued to have a discussion concerning factors which appeared to influence investment tribunals in interpreting MFN clauses, on the basis, inter alia, of working papers concerning Interpretation and Application of MFN Clauses in Investment Agreements and the Effect of the Mixed Nature of Investment Tribunals on the Application of MFN Clauses to Procedural Provisions.

23. 关于“最惠国条款”专题,委员会重新组建了最惠国条款问题研究组,研究组以关于“投资协定对最惠国条款的解释和适用”和关于“投资法庭的混合性质对在程序性条款中适用最惠国条款的影响”的工作文件等为基础,继续讨论了对投资法庭如何解释最惠国条款似有影响的因素。

The Study Group also considered elements of the outline of its future report (chap. XI).


24. The specific issues on which comments by Governments would be of particular interest to the Commission in relation to topics that remain under its consideration are found in chapter III.

24. 与委员会仍在审议的专题相关的委员会特别想听取各国政府意见的具体问题见第三章。

25. The Commission established a Planning Group to consider its programme, procedures and working methods (chap. XII, sect. E).

25. 委员会设立了规划组,负责审议委员会的方案、程序和工作方法(第十二章,E)

26. The Commission continued traditional exchanges of information with the International Court of Justice, the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, the European Committee on Legal Cooperation and the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law of the Council of Europe, and the Inter-American Juridical Committee.

26. 委员会继续与以下组织进行传统的信息交流:国际法院、亚非法律协商组织、欧洲委员会、欧洲法律合作委员会和国际公法法律顾问委员会以及美洲法律委员会。

The Commission had also an exchange of information with the African Union Commission on International Law.


Members of the Commission also held informal meetings with other bodies and associations on matters of mutual interest (chap. XII, sect.


G). 27. A training seminar was held with 24 participants of different nationalities (chap. XII, sect. J).

27. 举办了培训讲习班,有24位不同国籍的学员参加(第十二章,J)

Chapter III Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission

第三章 委员会特别想听取意见的具体问题

A. Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

A. 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免

28. With respect to the topic Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, the Commission requests States to provide information on their national law and practice on the following questions:

28. 关于“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”专题,委员会请各国针对以下问题提供其本国法律和实践的情况:

(a) Does the distinction between immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae result in different legal consequences and, if so, how are they treated differently?

(a) 区分属人管辖豁免和属事管辖豁免是否会导致不同的法律后果?如果是,如何对两者加以区别对待?

(b) What criteria are used in identifying the persons covered by immunity ratione personae?

(b) 在确定属人管辖豁免所涵盖的人员时应采取哪些标准?

B. Formation and evidence of customary international law

B. 习惯国际法的形成与证据

29. The Commission requests States to provide information on their practice relating to the formation of customary international law and the types of evidence suitable for establishing such law in a given situation, as set out in:

29. 委员会请各国提供资料,说明其在习惯国际法的形成和在特定情况下有助于确立此种法律的适当证据种类方面的实践,这种实践例如从下述文件反映出来:

(a) Official statements before legislatures, courts and international organizations; and

(a) 在立法机构、法院和国际组织的正式发言;

(b) Decisions of national, regional and subregional courts.

(b) 国家、区域和次区域法院的判决。

Chapter IV Expulsion of aliens

第四章 驱逐外国人

A. Introduction

A. 导言

30. At its fifty-sixth session (2004), the Commission decided to include the topic Expulsion of aliens in its programme of work and to appoint Mr. Maurice Kamto as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

30. 委员会第五十六届会议(2004)决定在工作方案中纳入“驱逐外国人”这一专题,并任命莫里斯·卡姆托先生为这一专题的特别报告员。

 The General Assembly, in paragraph 5 of resolution 59/41 of 2 December 2004, endorsed the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its agenda.


31. At its fifty-seventh session (2005), the Commission considered the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/554).

31. 委员会第五十七届会议(2005)审议了特别报告员的初步报告(A/CN.4/ 554)。  

32. At its fifty-eighth session (2006), the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/573 and Corr.1) and a memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565 and Corr.1).

32. 委员会第五十八届会议(2006)收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/ 573Corr.1),以及秘书处编写的一份研究报告(A/CN.4/565Corr.1)

The Commission decided to consider the second report at its next session, in 2007.


33. At its fifty-ninth session (2007), the Commission considered the second and third reports of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/573 and Corr.1 and A/CN.4/581) and referred to the Drafting Committee draft articles 1 and 2, as revised by the Special Rapporteur,  and draft articles 3 to 7.

 33. 委员会第五十九届会议(2007)审议了特别报告员的第二和第三次报告(A/CN.4/573Corr.1A/CN.4/581),并将经特别报告员修订的第12条草案,  以及第37条草案提交给了起草委员会。

34. At its sixtieth session (2008), the Commission considered the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/594) and decided to establish a working group, chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae, in order to consider the issues raised by the expulsion of persons having dual or multiple nationality and by denationalization in relation to expulsion.

 34. 委员会第六十届会议(2008)审议了特别报告员的第四次报告(A/CN.4/ 594),并决定设立一个工作组,由唐纳德·麦克雷先生担任主席,以审议驱逐双重或多重国籍人员和与驱逐有关的开除国籍的做法引起的问题。

 During the same session, the Commission approved the working groups conclusions and requested the Drafting Committee to take them into consideration in its work.


35. At its sixty-first session (2009), the Commission considered the fifth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/611 and Corr.1).

35. 委员会第六十一届会议(2009)审议了特别报告员的第五次报告(A/CN.4/ 611Corr.1)

At the Commissions request, the Special Rapporteur then presented a new version of the draft articles on protection of the human rights of persons who have been or are being expelled, revised and restructured in the light of the plenary debate (A/CN.4/617).

特别报告员应委员会的要求,介绍了参照全体辩论修订和重新调整结构的关于保护遭受驱逐者或正在遭受驱逐者的人权的新的条款草案(A/CN.4/ 617)

He also submitted a new draft workplan with a view to restructuring the draft articles (A/CN.4/618).

他还提交了一份为调整条款草案结构而提出的新的工作计划草案(A/CN.4/ 618)

The Commission decided to postpone its consideration of the revised draft articles to its sixty-second session.


36. At its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission considered the draft articles on protection of the human rights of persons who have been or are being expelled, as revised and restructured by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/617), as well as the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/625 and Add.1).

36. 委员会第六十二届会议(2010)审议了经特别报告员修订和重新调整结构的关于保护遭受驱逐者或正在遭受驱逐者的人权的条款草案(A/CN.4/617),以及特别报告员的第六次报告(A/CN.4/625Add.1)

It referred to the Drafting Committee revised draft articles 8 to 15 on protection of the human rights of persons who have been or are being expelled;  draft articles A and 9,  as contained in the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/625); draft articles B1 and C1,  as contained in the first addendum to the sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.1); and draft articles B and A1,  as revised by the Special Rapporteur during the sixty-second session.

委员会向起草委员会提交了以下条款:经修订的关于保护遭受驱逐者或正在遭受驱逐者的人权的第815条草案;  特别报告员第六次报告(A/CN.4/625)所载A条和第9条草案;  第六次报告第一份增编(A/CN.4/625/Add.1)所载B1C1条草案;  以及特别报告员在第六十二届会议期间修订的BA1条草案。  

37. At its sixty-third session (2011), the Commission considered the second addendum to the sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2) and the seventh report (A/CN.4/642) of the Special Rapporteur.

37. 委员会第六十三届会议(2011)审议了特别报告员第六次报告的增编(A/CN.4/625/Add.2)和第七次报告(A/CN.4/642)

It also had before it comments received from Governments up to that point.


 The Commission referred to the Drafting Committee draft articles D1, E1, G1, H1, I1 and J1, as contained in the second addendum to the sixth report;  draft article F1, also contained in that addendum and revised by the Special Rapporteur during the session;  and draft article 8, in the revised version introduced by the Special Rapporteur during the sixty-second session.

 委员会将第六次报告增编2中的D1E1G1H1I1J1条草案,  以及也载在此增编里的经特别报告员在会议期间修订的F1条草案  以及特别报告员在第六十二届会议提交的经过修订的第8条草案发回给起草委员会。

 At its sixty-third session, the Commission also referred to the Drafting Committee the restructured summary of the draft articles contained in the seventh report of the Special Rapporteur.

 此外,委员会在其第六十三届会议上将特别报告员提交的第七次报告中所载的经重新整理的条款草案大纲  发回给起草委员会。

 At the same session it took note of an interim report by the Chairman of the Drafting Committee informing the Commission of the progress of work on the set of draft articles on the expulsion of aliens, which were being finalized with a view to being submitted to the Commission at its sixty-fourth session for adoption on first reading.

在同一届会议上,委员会注意到起草委员会主席的一份中期报告,告知委员会有关驱逐外国人的整套条款草案工作的进展情况。 鉴于要将这些条文草案向委员会第六十四届会议提交,以便其在一读时通过,这项工作已将完成。  

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

38. At the present session, the Commission had before it the eighth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/651), which it considered at its 3129th meeting, on 8 May 2012.

38. 在本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第八次报告(A/CN.4/651),并于201258日第3129次会议上进行了审议。

39. The eighth report first provided a survey of the comments made by States and the European Union on the topic of expulsion of aliens during the debate on the report of the Commission in the Sixth Committee at the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly; it then set out some final observations by the Special Rapporteur.

39. 第八次报告首先简要介绍了各国政府以及欧洲联盟在大会第六十六届会议期间第六委员会就国际法委员会的报告进行讨论时对驱逐外国人的问题提出的意见;之后又包括了特别报告员的一些最后评论。

In introducing his report, the Special Rapporteur said that, as he saw it, most of those comments were the result of the time lag between the progress the Commission had made in considering the topic and the submittal of information on that progress to the Sixth Committee during its consideration of the Commissions previous annual reports.


The Special Rapporteur had attempted, then, to dispel the misunderstandings created by that time lag while taking into account, where necessary, certain suggestions or proposing certain adjustments to the wording of the draft articles.


Since the draft articles had already been referred to the Drafting Committee by the Commission, it was in that context that those suggestions, largely of a drafting nature in any case, would be considered, as appropriate.


40. The eighth report also raised the question of the final form that the Commissions work on the topic would take, a question that had arisen during the debates in both the Commission and the Sixth Committee.

40. 第八次报告中也提到了委员会就这个专题进行的工作的最后形式的问题,这个问题又再次在委员会和第六委员会的讨论中被提到。

In that regard, the Special Rapporteur remained convinced that there were few topics that lent themselves as well to codification as did expulsion of aliens.


He hoped, therefore, that, when the time came, the Commission would transmit the results of its work on the topic of expulsion of aliens to the General Assembly in the form of draft articles, entrusting the Assembly with deciding what final form they should ultimately take.


41. At its 3134th and 3135th meetings, on 29 May 2012, the Commission considered the report of the Drafting Committee and, at its 3135th meeting, adopted on first reading a set of 32 draft articles on the expulsion of aliens (see sect. C.1 below).

41. 委员会在其2012529日的第31343135次会议上,审议了起草委员会的报告,并在其第3135次会议上一读通过了关于驱逐外国人的整套32条草案案文(见下面C.1)

42. At its 3152nd to 3155th meetings, on 30 and 31 July 2012, the Commission adopted the commentaries to the draft articles on the expulsion of aliens adopted on first reading (see sect. C.2 below).

42. 委员会在其201273031日的第31523155次会议上,通过了一读通过的关于驱逐外国人的条款草案的评注(见下面C.2)

43. At its 3155th meeting, on 31 July 2012, the Commission decided, in accordance with articles 16 to 21 of its Statute, to transmit the draft articles (see sect. C below), through the Secretary-General, to Governments and international organizations for comments and observations, with the request that such comments and observations be submitted to the Secretary-General by 1 January 2014.

43. 委员会在其2012731日第3155次会议上按照其《章程》第1621条决定,将草案案文(见下文C)通过秘书长转交各国政府,以便其提出评论和意见,并请它们在201411日前将这些评论和意见送交秘书长。

44. At its 3155th meeting, on 31 July 2012, the Commission expressed its deep appreciation for the outstanding contribution that the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Maurice Kamto, had made to the treatment of the topic through his scholarly research and vast experience, thus enabling the Commission to bring to a successful conclusion its first reading of the draft articles on expulsion of aliens.

44. 委员会在其2012731日第3155次会议上,表示对特别报告员莫里斯·卡姆托先生的感谢,他的研究工作和广泛的经验使他能在处理这个主题时,作出优秀的贡献,因而允许委员会完成有关驱逐外国人草案案文的一读工作。

C. Text of the draft articles on the expulsion of aliens adopted by the Commission on first reading

C. 委员会一读通过的关于驱逐外国人的条款草案案文

1. Text of the draft articles

1. 条款草案案文

45. The text of the draft articles adopted by the Commission on first reading at its sixty-fourth session is reproduced below.

45. 委员会在其第六十四届会议上一读通过的条款草案案文载录如下。

Expulsion of aliens


Part One General provisions

第一部分 一般规定

Article 1 Scope

1条 范围

1. The present draft articles apply to the expulsion by a State of aliens who are lawfully or unlawfully present in its territory.

1. 本条款草案适用于一国驱逐合法或非法地在其境内的外国人事宜。

2. The present draft articles do not apply to aliens enjoying privileges and immunities under international law.

2. 本条款草案不适用于依国际法享有特权和豁免的外国人。

Article 2 Use of terms

2条 用语

For the purposes of the present draft articles:


(a) expulsion means a formal act, or conduct consisting of an action or omission, attributable to a State, by which an alien is compelled to leave the territory of that State; it does not include extradition to another State, surrender to an international criminal court or tribunal, or the non-admission of an alien, other than a refugee, to a State;

(a) “驱逐”是指可归于一国的正式行为或由作为或不作为构成的行为,一个外国人因此被迫离开该国领土;它不包括引渡到另一国家、移交给一个国际刑事法院或法庭、或不允许一个非难民的外国人进入一国;

(b) alien means an individual who does not have the nationality of the State in whose territory that individual is present.

(b) “外国人”是指不拥有其所在国的国籍的个人。

Article 3 Right of expulsion

3条 驱逐权

A State has the right to expel an alien from its territory.


Expulsion shall be in accordance with the present draft articles and other applicable rules of international law, in particular those relating to human rights.


Article 4 Requirement for conformity with law

4条 符合法律规定的要求

An alien may be expelled only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law.


Article 5 Grounds for expulsion

5条 驱逐的理由

1. Any expulsion decision shall state the ground on which it is based.

1. 任何驱逐决定均应说明决定所依据的理由。

2. A State may only expel an alien on a ground that is provided for by law, including, in particular, national security and public order.

2. 国家仅可以法律规定的理由驱逐外国人,尤其包括国家安全和公共秩序之理由。

3. The ground for expulsion shall be assessed in good faith and reasonably, taking into account the gravity of the facts and in the light of all of the circumstances, including the conduct of the alien in question and, where relevant, the current nature of the threat to which the facts give rise.

3. 应考虑到事实的严重性,并虑及所有情节,包括所涉外国人的行为,并且在相关情况下,考虑到这些事实所造成的威胁的目前性质,本着诚信合理地评估驱逐理由。

4. A State shall not expel an alien on a ground that is contrary to international law.

4. 国家不得以违背国际法的理由驱逐外国人。

Part Two Cases of prohibited expulsion

第二部分 禁止驱逐的情况

Article 6 Prohibition of the expulsion of refugees

6条 禁止驱逐难民

1. A State shall not expel a refugee lawfully in its territory save on grounds of national security or public order.

1. 除因国家安全或公共秩序理由外,一国不得驱逐合法地在其境内的难民。

2. Paragraph 1 shall also apply to any refugee unlawfully present in the territory of the State who has applied for recognition of refugee status, while such application is pending.

2. 1款也适用于非法地在一国内但已提出承认难民身份的申请,其申请正有待审理的任何难民。

3. A State shall not expel or return (refouler) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to a State or to the frontiers of territories where the persons life or freedom would be threatened on account of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, unless there are reasonable grounds for regarding the person as a danger to the security of the country in which he or she is, or if the person, having been convicted by a final judgement of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of that country.

3. 国家不得以任何方式将难民驱逐或遣返(“推回”)至其生命或自由因其种族、宗教、国籍、参加某一社会团体或因其政治见解而会受到威胁的国家或领土边界,除非有正当理由认为该人危害所在国的安全,或除非该人已被最终判定犯有特别严重罪行,对该国社会构成危险。

Article 7 Prohibition of the expulsion of stateless persons

7条 禁止驱逐无国籍人

A State shall not expel a stateless person lawfully in its territory save on grounds of national security or public order.


Article 8 Other rules specific to the expulsion of refugees and stateless persons

8条 具体关于驱逐难民和无国籍人的其他规则

The rules applicable to the expulsion of aliens provided for in the present draft articles are without prejudice to other rules on the expulsion of refugees and stateless persons provided for by law.


Article 9 Deprivation of nationality for the sole purpose of expulsion

9条 仅为驱逐的目的剥夺国籍

A State shall not make its national an alien, by deprivation of nationality, for the sole purpose of expelling him or her.


Article 10 Prohibition of collective expulsion

10条 禁止集体驱逐

1. For the purposes of the present draft articles, collective expulsion means expulsion of aliens as a group.

1. 为本条款草案的目的,集体驱逐是指驱逐外国人群体。

2. The collective expulsion of aliens, including migrant workers and members of their families, is prohibited.

2. 禁止集体驱逐外国人,包括移徙工人及其家庭成员。

3. A State may expel concomitantly the members of a group of aliens, provided that the expulsion takes place after and on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual member of the group.

3. 一国可同时驱逐某外国人群体的成员,条件是,驱逐是在对该群体的每位成员的具体情况进行了合理、客观的审查之后并在审查基础上进行。

4. The present draft article is without prejudice to the rules of international law applicable to the expulsion of aliens in the event of an armed conflict involving the expelling State.

4. 本条款草案不影响适用于在涉及驱逐国的武装冲突的情况下驱逐外国人的国际法规则。

Article 11 Prohibition of disguised expulsion

11条 禁止变相驱逐

1. Any form of disguised expulsion of an alien is prohibited.

1. 禁止以任何形式变相驱逐外国人。

2. For the purposes of these draft articles, disguised expulsion means the forcible departure of an alien from a State resulting indirectly from actions or omissions of the State, including situations where the State supports or tolerates acts committed by its nationals or other persons, with the intention of provoking the departure of aliens from its territory.

2. 为本条款草案的目的,变相驱逐是指由于国家的作为或不作为所造成的间接后果,外国人被迫离开该国,包括国家支持或容许其国民或其他人实施意图促使外国人离境的行为。

Article 12 Prohibition of expulsion for purposes of confiscation of assets

12条 禁止以没收财产为目的驱逐外国人

The expulsion of an alien for the purpose of confiscating his or her assets is prohibited.


Article 13 Prohibition of the resort to expulsion in order to circumvent an extradition procedure

13条 禁止为规避引渡程序而诉诸驱逐

A State shall not resort to expulsion in order to circumvent an ongoing extradition procedure.


Part Three Protection of the rights of aliens subject to expulsion

第三部分 保护拟被驱逐的外国人的权利

Chapter I General provisions

第一章 一般规定

Article 14 Obligation to respect the human dignity and human rights of aliens subject to expulsion

14条 尊重拟被驱逐的外国人的人格尊严和人权的义务

1. All aliens subject to expulsion shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person at all stages of the expulsion process.

1. 在驱逐过程的所有阶段,拟被驱逐的所有外国人均应得到人道的和尊重人的固有尊严的待遇。

2. They are entitled to respect for their human rights, including those set out in the present draft articles.

2. 他们有权得到对其人权、包括本条款草案所述人权的尊重。

Article 15 Obligation not to discriminate

15条 不歧视的义务

1. The State shall exercise its right to expel aliens without discrimination of any kind on grounds such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, birth or other status, or any other ground impermissible under international law.

1. 国家在行使对外国人的驱逐权时,不得以种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份为由或以国际法不容许的任何其他理由进行任何歧视。

2. Such non-discrimination shall also apply to the enjoyment by aliens subject to expulsion of their human rights, including those set out in the present draft articles.

2. 这种不歧视也适用于拟被驱逐的外国人对其人权包括本条款草案所述人权的享受。

Article 16 Vulnerable persons

16条 弱势人员

1. Children, older persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant women and other vulnerable persons who are subject to expulsion shall be considered as such and treated and protected with due regard for their vulnerabilities.

1. 拟被驱逐的儿童、老年人、残疾人、孕妇和其他弱势人员应按其弱势身份予以考虑并给予充分考虑其脆弱性的待遇和保护。

2. In particular, in all actions concerning children who are subject to expulsion, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.

2. 尤其是,在所有涉及拟被驱逐的儿童的行动中,儿童的最大利益应是一项首要考虑。

Chapter II Protection required in the expelling State

第二章 在驱逐国所要求的保护

Article 17 Obligation to protect the right to life of an alien subject to expulsion

17条 保护拟被驱逐的外国人的生命权的义务

The expelling State shall protect the right to life of an alien subject to expulsion.


Article 18 Prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

18条 禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚

The expelling State shall not subject an alien subject to expulsion to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


Article 19 Detention conditions of an alien subject to expulsion

19条 拟被驱逐的外国人的拘留条件

1. (a)

1. (a)

The detention of an alien subject to expulsion shall not be punitive in nature.


(b) An alien subject to expulsion shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be detained separately from persons sentenced to penalties involving deprivation of liberty.

(b) 拟被驱逐的外国人,除非在特殊情况下,应与被判处剥夺自由刑罚者分开拘留。

2. (a)

2. (a)

The duration of the detention shall not be unrestricted.


It shall be limited to such period of time as is reasonably necessary for the expulsion to be carried out.


All detention of excessive duration is prohibited.


(b) The extension of the duration of the detention may be decided upon only by a court or a person authorized to exercise judicial power.

(b) 延长拘留期的决定仅可由法院或一名获授权行使司法权的人作出。

3. (a)

3. (a)

The detention of an alien subject to expulsion shall be reviewed at regular intervals on the basis of specific criteria established by law.


(b) Subject to paragraph 2, detention shall end when the expulsion cannot be carried out, except where the reasons are attributable to the alien concerned.

(b) 在遵守第2款的前提下,在驱逐无法执行时应终止拘留,除非可将原因归诸有关外国人。

Article 20 Obligation to respect the right to family life

20条 尊重家庭生活权的义务

1. The expelling State shall respect the right to family life of an alien subject to expulsion.

1. 驱逐国应尊重拟被驱逐的外国人的家庭生活权。

2. The expelling State shall not interfere with the exercise of the right to family life, except where provided by law and on the basis of a fair balance between the interests of the State and those of the alien in question.

2. 驱逐国不应干涉家庭生活权的行使,但在法律规定的情况下且在保持国家利益和当事外国人利益的公正平衡基础上的干涉除外。

Chapter III Protection in relation to the State of destination

第三章 与目的地国有关的保护

Article 21 Departure to the State of destination

21条 离境前往目的地国

1. The expelling State shall take appropriate measures to facilitate the voluntary departure of an alien subject to expulsion.

1. 驱逐国应采取适当措施,便利拟被驱逐的外国人自愿离境。

2. In cases of forcible implementation of an expulsion decision, the expelling State shall take the necessary measures to ensure, as far as possible, the safe transportation to the State of destination of the alien subject to expulsion, in accordance with the rules of international law.

2. 在强制执行驱逐决定的情况下,驱逐国应采取必要措施,按照国际法规则,尽可能确保拟被驱逐的外国人安全地前往目的地国。

3. The expelling State shall give the alien subject to expulsion a reasonable period of time to prepare for his or her departure, having regard to all circumstances.

3. 驱逐国应考虑到所有相关情况,给予拟被驱逐的外国人合理的期限以准备离境。

Article 22 State of destination of aliens subject to expulsion

22条 拟被驱逐的外国人的目的地国

1. An alien subject to expulsion shall be expelled to his or her State of nationality or any other State that has the obligation to receive the alien under international law, or to any State willing to accept him or her at the request of the expelling State or, where appropriate, of the alien in question.

1. 拟被驱逐的外国人应被驱逐至其国籍国或根据国际法有义务接收该外国人的任何其他国家,或应驱逐国请求或酌情应当事外国人请求同意接收该人的任何国家。

2. Where the State of nationality or any other State that has the obligation to receive the alien under international law has not been identified and no other State is willing to accept the alien, that alien may be expelled to any State where he or she has a right of entry or stay or, where applicable, to the State from where he or she has entered the expelling State.

2. 若未确定国籍国或根据国际法有义务接收该外国人的任何其他国家,且没有任何其他国家愿意接收该外国人,该外国人可被驱逐到其有权入境或居留的任何国家,或酌情驱逐到该外国人从其进入驱逐国的国家。

Article 23 Obligation not to expel an alien to a State where his or her life or freedom would be threatened

23条 不将外国人驱逐至其生命或自由会受到威胁的国家的义务

1. No alien shall be expelled to a State where his or her life or freedom would be threatened on grounds such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, birth or other status, or any other ground impermissible under international law.

1. 不得将任何外国人驱逐至其生命或自由可能会因种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等理由或因国际法不容许的任何其他理由而受到威胁的国家。

2. A State that does not apply the death penalty shall not expel an alien to a State where the life of that alien would be threatened with the death penalty, unless it has previously obtained an assurance that the death penalty will not be imposed or, if already imposed, will not be carried out.

2. 不适用死刑的国家不得将外国人驱逐至其生命会受到死刑威胁的国家,除非它已事先获得保证:不判处死刑,或如已判处死刑,不予执行。

Article 24 Obligation not to expel an alien to a State where he or she may be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

24条 不将外国人驱逐至会使其面临酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格之待遇或处罚的国家的义务

A State shall not expel an alien to a State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be in danger of being subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


Chapter IV Protection in the transit State

第四章 过境国境内的保护

Article 25 Protection in the transit State of the human rights of an alien subject to expulsion

25条 在过境国境内保护拟被驱逐的外国人的人权

The transit State shall protect the human rights of an alien subject to expulsion, in conformity with its obligations under international law.


Part Four Specific procedural rules

第四部分 具体程序规则

Article 26 Procedural rights of aliens subject to expulsion

26条 拟被驱逐的外国人的程序权利

1. An alien subject to expulsion enjoys the following procedural rights:

1. 拟被驱逐的外国人享有下列程序权利:

(a) the right to receive notice of the expulsion decision;

(a) 收到驱逐决定通知的权利;

(b) the right to challenge the expulsion decision;

(b) 对驱逐决定提出异议的权利;

(c) the right to be heard by a competent authority;

(c) 由一个主管当局听讯的权利;

(d) the right of access to effective remedies to challenge the expulsion decision;

(d) 获得有效救济对驱逐决定提出异议的权利;

(e) the right to be represented before the competent authority; and

(e) 在主管当局面前有人代理的权利;和

(f) the right to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he or she cannot understand or speak the language used by the competent authority.

(f) 如果不懂或不讲主管当局所用的语言,有获得免费口译协助的权利。

2. The rights listed in paragraph 1 are without prejudice to other procedural rights or guarantees provided by law.

2. 1款所列权利不影响法律规定的其他程序权利或保障。

3. An alien subject to expulsion has the right to seek consular assistance.

3. 拟被驱逐的外国人有权寻求领事协助。

The expelling State shall not impede the exercise of this right or the provision of consular assistance.


4. The procedural rights provided for in this article are without prejudice to the application of any legislation of the expelling State concerning the expulsion of aliens who have been unlawfully present in its territory for less than six months.

4. 本条规定的程序权利不影响驱逐国适用有关驱逐非法在其境内不足六个月的外国人的任何法律。

Article 27 Suspensive effect of an appeal against an expulsion decision

27条 针对驱逐决定的上诉的暂停效力

An appeal lodged by an alien subject to expulsion who is lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State shall have a suspensive effect on the expulsion decision.


Article 28 Procedures for individual recourse

28条 个人申诉程序

An alien subject to expulsion shall have access to any available procedure involving individual recourse to a competent international body.


Part Five Legal consequences of expulsion

第五部分 驱逐的法律后果

Article 29 Readmission to the expelling State

29条 重新准入驱逐国

1. An alien lawfully present in the territory of a State, who is expelled by that State, shall have the right to be readmitted to the expelling State if it is established by a competent authority that the expulsion was unlawful, save where his or her return constitutes a threat to national security or public order, or where the alien otherwise no longer fulfils the conditions for admission under the law of the expelling State.

1. 如果一个主管当局确定驱逐非法,被一国驱逐的合法在该国境内的外国人有权重新准入驱逐国,除非其返回对国家安全或公共秩序构成威胁,或按照驱逐国的法律该外国人已不再符合入境条件。

2. In no case may the earlier unlawful expulsion decision be used to prevent the alien from being readmitted.

2. 在任何情况下,先前的非法驱逐决定不得被用来阻止该外国人重新获准入境。

Article 30 Protection of the property of an alien subject to expulsion

30条 保护拟被驱逐的外国人的财产

The expelling State shall take appropriate measures to protect the property of an alien subject to expulsion, and shall, in accordance with the law, allow the alien to dispose freely of his or her property, even from abroad.


Article 31 Responsibility of States in cases of unlawful expulsion

31条 国家在非法驱逐情况下的责任

The expulsion of an alien in violation of international obligations under the present draft articles or any other rule of international law entails the international responsibility of the expelling State.


Article 32 Diplomatic protection

32条 外交保护

The State of nationality of an alien subject to expulsion may exercise diplomatic protection in respect of the alien in question.


2. Text of the draft articles and commentaries thereto

2. 条款草案案文及其评注

46. The text of the draft articles and commentaries thereto, adopted by the Commission on first reading at its sixty-fourth session, is reproduced below.

46. 委员会第六十四届会议一读通过的条款草案案文及其评注载录如下。

Expulsion of aliens


General commentary


(1) The present draft articles, dealing with the expulsion of aliens, are divided into five parts.

(1) 本条款草案处理驱逐外国人问题,分为五部分。

Part One, entitled General provisions, delimits the scope of the draft articles, defines the two key terms expulsion and alien for the purposes of the draft articles and then sets forth a few general rules relating to the right of expulsion, the requirement for conformity with law and the grounds for expulsion.


Part Two of the draft articles deals with various cases of prohibited expulsion.


Part Three addresses the question of protection of the rights of aliens subject to expulsion, first from a general standpoint (chapter I), then by dealing more specifically with the protection required in the expelling State (chapter II), protection in relation to the State of destination (chapter III) and protection in the transit State (chapter IV).


Part Four of the draft articles concerns specific procedural rules, while Part Five sets out the legal consequences of expulsion.


(2) The formulation alien[s] subject to expulsion used throughout the draft articles is sufficiently broad in meaning to cover, according to context, any alien facing any phase of the expulsion process.

(2) “拟被驱逐的外国人”这一说法贯穿于整个条款草案,其含义足够宽泛,依各种情况,包括了面临驱逐程序的任何外国人。

That process generally begins when a procedure is instituted that could lead to the adoption of an expulsion decision, in some cases followed by a judicial phase; it ends, in principle, with the implementation of the expulsion decision, whether that involves the voluntary departure of the alien concerned or the forcible implementation of the decision.


In other words, the formulation covers the situation of the alien not only in relation to the expulsion decision adopted in his or her regard but also in relation to the various stages of the expulsion process that precede or follow the adoption of the decision and may in some cases involve the taking of restrictive measures against the alien, including possible detention for the purpose of expulsion.

换句话说,这一措词涉及外国人的各种状况,不仅相对于针对外国人的驱逐决定而言,而且也相对于驱逐过程中在驱逐决定作出之前和之后的各个阶段而言。 驱逐过程在某些情况下可能涉及对外国人采取限制性措施,还包括为了驱逐目的而可能进行拘留。

Part One General provisions

第一部分 一般规定

Article 1 Scope

1条 范围

1. The present draft articles apply to the expulsion by a State of aliens who are lawfully or unlawfully present in its territory.

1. 本条款草案适用于一国驱逐合法或非法地在其境内的外国人事宜。

2. The present draft articles do not apply to aliens enjoying privileges and immunities under international law.

2. 本条款草案不适用于依国际法享有特权和豁免的外国人。



(1) The purpose of draft article 1 is to delimit the scope of the draft articles.

(1) 1条草案的目的是界定本条款草案的范围。

While paragraph 1 defines the scope in general terms, paragraph 2 excludes certain categories of individuals who would otherwise be covered by virtue of paragraph 1.


(2) In stating that the draft articles apply to the expulsion by a State of aliens who are lawfully or unlawfully present in its territory, paragraph 1 defines the scope of the draft articles both ratione materiae and ratione personae.

(2) 1款规定本条款草案适用于国家驱逐合法或非法地在其境内的外国人事宜,这就界定了条款草案的属事范围和属人范围。

With regard to scope ratione materiae, which relates to the measures covered by the draft articles, reference is made simply to the expulsion by a State, without further elaboration, since expulsion is defined in draft article 2, subparagraph (a), below.


With regard to scope ratione personae, that is, the persons covered by the draft articles, it follows from paragraph 1 that the draft articles apply to the expulsion of aliens present in the territory of the expelling State, whether their presence there is lawful or unlawful.


The term alien is defined in draft article 2, subparagraph (b).


The category of aliens unlawfully present in the territory of the expelling State covers both aliens who have entered the territory unlawfully and aliens whose presence in the territory has subsequently become unlawful, primarily because of a violation of the laws of the expelling State governing conditions of stay.


(3) Since the inception of the Commissions work on the topic Expulsion of aliens, Commission members have generally been of the view that the draft articles should cover both aliens lawfully present and those unlawfully present in the territory of the expelling State.

(3) 自委员会确立“驱逐外国人”这一专题工作以来,委员会委员们一般认为,条款草案既应包括合法地在驱逐国境内的外国人,也应包括非法在其境内的外国人。

Paragraph 1 of the draft article clearly reflects that position.


However, it should be noted at the outset that some provisions of the draft articles do draw distinctions between the two categories of aliens, particularly with respect to the rights to which they are entitled.


 It should be also be noted that the inclusion within the scope of the draft articles of aliens whose presence in the territory of the expelling State is unlawful is to be understood in conjunction with the phrase in article 2, subparagraph (a), in fine, which excludes from the scope of the draft articles questions concerning non-admission of an alien to the territory of a State.


 The view was expressed, however, that these draft articles should only address aliens lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State, given that the restrictions on expulsion contained in relevant global and regional treaties are limited to such aliens.


(4) Paragraph 2 of draft article 1 excludes from the scope of the draft articles certain categories of aliens, namely, aliens enjoying privileges and immunities under international law.

(4) 1条草案第2款将某些类别的外国人即按照国际法享有特权和豁免的外国人排除在条款草案范围之外。

The purpose of the provision is to exclude aliens whose enforced departure from the territory of a State is governed by special rules of international law, such as diplomats, consular officials, staff members of international organizations and other officials or military personnel on mission in the territory of a foreign State, including, as appropriate, members of their families.


In other words, such aliens are excluded from the scope of the draft articles because of the existence of special rules of international law governing the conditions under which they can be compelled to leave the territory of the State in which they are posted for the exercise of their functions and exempting them from the normal expulsion procedure.


(5) On the other hand, some other categories of aliens who enjoy special protection under international law, such as refugees, stateless persons and migrant workers and their family members,  are not excluded from the scope of the draft articles.

 (5) 另一方面,按照国际法享受某种特别保护的其他类别的外国人没有被排除在条款草案之外,例如难民、无国籍人和移徙工人及其家庭成员。

It is understood, however, that the application of the provisions of the draft articles to those categories of aliens is without prejudice to the application of the special rules that may govern one aspect or another of their expulsion from the territory of a State.


 Displaced persons, in the sense of relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly,  are also not excluded from the scope of the draft articles.

 联合国大会有关决议  所指的各种流离失所者也没有被排除在本条款草案范围之外。

Article 2 Definitions

2条 用语

For the purposes of the present draft articles:


(a) expulsion means a formal act, or conduct consisting of an action or omission, attributable to a State, by which an alien is compelled to leave the territory of that State; it does not include extradition to another State, surrender to an international criminal court or tribunal, or the non-admission of an alien, other than a refugee, to a State;

(a) “驱逐”是指可归于一国的正式行为或由作为或不作为构成的行为,一个外国人因此被迫离开该国领土;它不包括引渡到另一国家、移交给一个国际刑事法院或法庭、或不允许一个非难民的外国人进入一国;

(b) alien means an individual who does not have the nationality of the State in whose territory that individual is present.

(b) “外国人”是指不拥有其所在国的国籍的个人。



(1) Draft article 2 defines two key terms, expulsion and alien, for the purposes of the present draft articles.

(1) 为了本条款草案的目的,第2条草案界定了两个关键术语“驱逐”和“外国人”。

(2) Subparagraph (a) provides a definition of expulsion.

(2) (a)项规定了“驱逐”的定义。

The definition reflects the distinction between, on the one hand, a formal act by which a State compels an alien to leave its territory (regardless of what that act may be called under internal law) and, on the other hand, conduct attributable to that State which produces the same result.


 The Commission thought it appropriate to include both types of cases in the definition of expulsion for purposes of the draft articles.


It should also be clarified that draft article 2 merely provides a definition of expulsion and does not prejudge in any way the question of the lawfulness of the various means of expulsion to which it refers.


Means of expulsion that do not take the form of a formal act are included in the definition of expulsion within the meaning of the draft articles but fall under the regime of prohibition of disguised expulsion set out in draft article 11.


In other words, conduct attributable to a State that produces the same result as a formal expulsion decision is defined as expulsion, but it constitutes a prohibited form of expulsion because it is disguised and thus does not allow the alien concerned to enjoy the rights associated with an expulsion done on the basis of a formal act.


(3) The proviso that the formal act or conduct constituting expulsion must be attributable to the State is to be understood in the light of the criteria of attribution to be found in Chapter II of Part One of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(3) 正式行为或构成驱逐的行为必须能归于一国,对这一限定语应参照关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的条款第一部分第二章中的归属标准来理解。

(4) Conduct other than the adoption of a formal decision that could result in expulsion may take the form of either actions or omissions on the part of the State.

(4) 可能造成驱逐的正式决定之外的行为,其形式要么是国家的作为,要么是不作为。

Omission might in particular consist of tolerance towards conduct directed against the alien by individuals or private entities; such would be the case, for example, if the State failed to protect an alien from hostile acts emanating from non-State actors.


 What appears to be the determining element in the definition of expulsion is that, as a result of either a formal act or conduct active or passive attributable to the State, the alien in question is compelled to leave the territory of that State.


 In addition, in order to conclude that there has been expulsion as a result of conduct (that is, without the adoption of a formal decision), it is essential to establish that it was the intention of the State in question, by means of that conduct, to bring about the departure of the alien from its territory.


(5) For the sake of clarity, the Commission thought it useful to specify, in the second clause of subparagraph (a), that the concept of expulsion within the meaning of the draft articles did not cover extradition of an alien to another State, transfer to an international criminal court or tribunal or the non-admission of an alien, other than a refugee, to a State.

(5) 为了清楚起见,委员会认为有必要在(a)项第二个短语中说明,条款草案所指的驱逐概念并不包括将外国人引渡到另一国、移交给一个国际刑事法院或法庭或不允许一个非难民的外国人进入一国。

With respect to non-admission, it should be explained that the exclusion relates to the refusal by the authorities of a State usually the authorities responsible for immigration and border control to allow an alien to enter the territory of that State.


On the other hand, the measures taken by a State to compel an alien already present in its territory, even if unlawfully present, to leave it are covered by the concept of expulsion as defined in draft article 2, subparagraph (a).


 This distinction should be understood in the light of the definition of the scope ratione personae of the draft articles, which, as draft article 1, paragraph 1, expressly states, includes both aliens lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State and those unlawfully present.

 对这种区别应该参照条款草案的属事范围的定义来理解。 正如第1条草案第1款明确规定的,合法地和非法地在驱逐国境内的外国人都包括在条款草案的属事范围之内。

Moreover, as draft article 2, subparagraph (a), expressly indicates, the exclusion of matters relating to non-admission from the scope of the draft articles does not apply to refugees.


That reservation is explained by draft article 6, paragraph 3, which sets forth the prohibition against return (refoulement) within the meaning of article 33 of the Convention on the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951  and hence inevitably touches on questions of admission.

这一保留由第6条第3款作了解释,该款规定禁止将难民遣返(推回),正如1951728日《关于难民地位的公约》第三十三条所规定,  因此必然涉及准许入境问题。

(6) Draft article 2, subparagraph (b), defines an alien as an individual who does not have the nationality of the State in whose territory the individual is present.

(6) 2(b)项界定了“外国人”,是指不拥有其所在国的国籍的个人。

The definition covers both individuals with the nationality of another State and individuals without the nationality of any State, that is, stateless persons.


 Based on that definition, it follows that an individual who has the nationality of the State in whose territory the individual is present cannot be considered an alien with regard to that State, even if he or she possesses one or more other nationalities, and even if it happens that one of those other nationalities can be considered predominant, in terms of an effective link, vis-à-vis the nationality of the State in whose territory the individual is present.


(7) The definition of alien for the purposes of the draft articles is without prejudice to the right of a State to accord certain categories of aliens special rights with respect to expulsion by allowing them, under its internal law, to enjoy in that regard a regime similar to or the same as that enjoyed by its nationals.

(7) 为了本条款草案的目的,“外国人”定义不妨碍一国在驱逐方面给予某些外国人特别权利,允许他们按照国内法享有与本国国民享有的相似或相同的制度。

 Nonetheless, any individual who does not have the nationality of the State in whose territory that individual is present should be considered an alien for purposes of the draft articles, and his or her expulsion from that territory is subject to the present draft articles.


Article 3 Right of expulsion

3条 驱逐权

A State has the right to expel an alien from its territory.


Expulsion shall be in accordance with the present draft articles and other applicable rules of international law, in particular those relating to human rights.




(1) The first sentence of draft article 3 sets out the right of a State to expel an alien from its territory.

(1) 3条草案第一句规定了国家有权将外国人从其领土上驱逐。

That right is uncontested in practice as well as in case law and the legal writings.


 The right to expel has been recognized in particular in a number of arbitral awards and decisions of claims commissions  and in various decisions of regional courts and commissions.

 驱逐权尤其是在若干仲裁裁决和索赔委员会决定中  以及在各种区域法院和委员会的决定中得到承认。

 Moreover, it is enshrined in the internal law of most States.


(2) The second sentence of draft article 3 is a reminder that the exercise of this right of expulsion is regulated by the present draft articles and by other applicable rules of international law.

(2) 3条草案第二句意在提醒,行使驱逐权要受本条款草案及其他适用的国际法规则约束。

The specific mention of human rights is justified by the importance that respect for human rights assumes in the context of expulsion, an importance also underlined by the many provisions of the draft articles devoted to various aspects of the protection of the human rights of aliens subject to expulsion.


Among the other applicable rules of international law to which a States exercise of its right to expel aliens is subject and which are not addressed in specific provisions of the draft articles, it is worth mentioning in particular some of the traditional limitations that derive from the rules governing the treatment of aliens, including the prohibitions against arbitrariness, abuse of rights and denial of justice.


 Other applicable rules also include rules in human rights instruments concerning derogation in times of emergency.


Article 4 Requirement for conformity with law

4条 符合法律规定的要求

An alien may be expelled only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law.




(1) Draft article 4 sets out a fundamental condition to which a States exercise of its right to expel aliens from its territory is subject.

(1) 4条草案列出了国家在行使驱逐外国人权利时须遵守的一个基本条件。

That condition is the adoption of an expulsion decision by the expelling State in accordance with the law.


(2) The requirement that an expulsion decision must be made has, first of all, the effect of prohibiting a State from engaging in conduct intended to compel an alien to leave its territory without notifying the alien of a formal decision in that regard.

(2) 要求必须作出驱逐决定,这首先产生一个这样的效果,即禁止一国采取意图迫使外国人离开其领土而又不将这方面的正式决定通知外国人的做法。

Such conduct would, in fact, fall under the prohibition of any form of disguised expulsion contained in draft article 11, paragraph 1.


(3) The requirement of conformity with the law is, first and foremost, a logical conclusion, since expulsion is supposed to be exercised within the framework of law.

(3) 要求符合法律首先是一个符合逻辑的结论,因为驱逐应该是在法律范围内行使的权利。

 It is thus not surprising to note the wide agreement in the legislation of many States on the minimum requirement that the expulsion procedure must conform to the provisions of law.


 Moreover, the requirement is well established in international human rights law, both universal and regional.


At the universal level, it appears in article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights  (with respect to aliens lawfully present on the territory of the expelling State); in article 22, paragraph 2, of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families;  in article 32, paragraph 2, of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees;  and in article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.

在国际一级,这一点载于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十三条  (涉及合法地在驱逐国境内的外国人);《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》第二十二条第二款;  《难民地位公约》第三十二条第二款,  以及《关于无国籍人地位的公约》第三十一条第二款。

 At the regional level, it is relevant to mention article 12, paragraph 4, of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights;  article 22, paragraph 6, of the American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San José);  article 1, paragraph 1, of Protocol No. 7 to the European Convention on Human Rights;  and article 26, paragraph 2, of the Arab Charter on Human Rights;  all these laid down the same requirement with respect to aliens lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State.

 在区域一级,值得一提的是《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》第12条第4款;  《美洲人权公约》(《圣何塞公约》)22条第6款;  《欧洲人权公约第7号议定书》第1条第1款;  以及《阿拉伯人权宪章》第26条第2款;  所有这些条款都针对驱逐合法地在驱逐国境内的外国人规定了相同的要求。

(4) The Commission is of the view that the requirement for conformity with law shall apply to any expulsion decision, irrespective of whether the presence of the alien in question in the territory of the expelling State is lawful or not.

(4) 委员会认为,要求遵守法律这一点也适用于任何驱逐决定,不论在驱逐国境内的外国人是合法地在那里还是非法地在那里。

It is understood, however, that domestic legislation may provide for different rules and procedures for expulsion depending on the lawful or unlawful nature of that presence.


(5) The requirement for conformity with law is quite general, since it applies to both the procedural and the substantive conditions for expulsion.

(5) 要求遵守法律也是相当普遍的规定,因为这既适用于正式的驱逐条件,也适用于实质性的驱逐条件。

 In consequence, its scope is wider than the similar requirement set out in draft article 5, paragraph 2, with regard to the grounds for expulsion.


(6) In its judgment of 30 November 2010 in the case concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), the International Court of Justice confirmed the requirement for conformity with law as a condition for the lawfulness of an expulsion from the standpoint of international law.

(6) 在其20101130日关于Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国)的案件中,国际法院确认了遵守法律这一要求,认为这是从国际法角度看驱逐达到合法的条件。

Referring, in that context, to article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and to article 12, paragraph 4, of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights, the Court observed:


It follows from the terms of the two provisions cited above that the expulsion of an alien lawfully in the territory of a State which is a party to these instruments can only be compatible with the international obligations of that State if it is decided in accordance with the law, in other words the domestic law applicable in that respect.


Compliance with international law is to some extent dependent here on compliance with internal law.


(7) Although the requirement for conformity with law is a condition for the lawfulness of any expulsion measure under international law, the question might arise as to the extent of an international bodys power of review of compliance with internal law rules in a context like that of expulsion.

(7) 虽然要求遵守法律是采取的任何驱逐措施按照国际法取得合法性的条件,但有可能产生这样的问题:在驱逐的问题上国际机构在多大程度上有权审查一国遵守本国国内法律规则。

An international body is likely to be somewhat reticent in that regard.


As an example, one might mention the position taken by the Human Rights Committee with respect to the expulsion by Sweden in 1977 of a Greek political refugee suspected of being a potential terrorist.


That individual argued before the Committee that the expulsion decision had not been taken in accordance with law and therefore was not in compliance with the provisions of article 13 of the Covenant.


The Human Rights Committee took the view that the interpretation of internal law was essentially a matter for the courts and authorities of the State party concerned, and that it was not within the powers or functions of the Committee to evaluate whether the competent authorities of the State party in question [had] interpreted and applied the internal law correctly in the case before it , unless it [was] established that they [had] not interpreted and applied it in good faith or that it [was] evident that there [had] been an abuse of power.


 The International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights took a similar approach to their own power to assess whether a State had complied with its internal law in a case of expulsion.


Article 5 Grounds for expulsion

5条 驱逐的理由

1. Any expulsion decision shall state the ground on which it is based.

1. 任何驱逐决定均应说明决定所依据的理由。

2. A State may only expel an alien on a ground that is provided for by law, including, in particular, national security and public order.

2. 国家仅可以法律规定的理由驱逐外国人,尤其包括国家安全和公共秩序之理由。

3. The ground for expulsion shall be assessed in good faith and reasonably, taking into account the gravity of the facts and in the light of all of the circumstances, including the conduct of the alien in question and, where relevant, the current nature of the threat to which the facts give rise.

3. 应考虑到事实的严重性,并虑及所有情节,包括所涉外国人的行为,并且在相关情况下,考虑到这些事实所造成的威胁的目前性质,本着诚信合理地评估驱逐理由。

4. A State shall not expel an alien on a ground that is contrary to international law.

4. 国家不得以违背国际法的理由驱逐外国人。



(1) The question of the grounds for expulsion encompasses a number of aspects having to do with statement of the ground for expulsion, existence of a valid ground and assessment of that ground by the competent authorities.

(1) 驱逐理由问题包含好几个方面,涉及须说明驱逐理由,存在着有效的理由,由有关当局来对理由进行评估等。

Draft article 5 deals with those issues.


(2) Draft article 5, paragraph 1, sets out an essential condition under international law, namely, the statement of the ground for the expulsion decision.

(2) 5条草案第1款规定了在国际法方面的一个基本条件,即必须说明驱逐决定的理由。

The duty of the expelling State to indicate the grounds for an expulsion appears to be well-established in international law.


 As early as 1892, the Institute of International Law was of the view that an act ordering expulsion must “être motivé en fait et en droit [be reasoned in fact and in law].

 早在1892年,国际法学会就认为,进行驱逐的法律行为必须“être motivé en fait et en droit[在事实和法律上都有根据]

 In its judgment in the Diallo case, the International Court of Justice found that the Democratic Republic of the Congo had failed to fulfil this obligation to give reasons and that, throughout the proceedings, it had failed to adduce grounds that might provide a convincing basis for Mr. Diallos expulsion; the Court therefore concluded that the arrest and detention of Mr. Diallo with a view to his expulsion had been arbitrary.


In that regard, the Court could not but


find not only that the decree itself was not reasoned in a sufficiently precise way but that throughout the proceedings, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has never been able to provide grounds which might constitute a convincing basis for Mr. Diallos expulsion


Under these circumstances, the arrest and detention aimed at allowing such an expulsion measure, one without any defensible basis, to be effected can only be characterized as arbitrary within the meaning of Article 9, paragraph 1, of the Covenant and Article 6 of the African Charter.


In the Amnesty International v. Zambia case, the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights held that Zambia had violated the right of the alien concerned to receive information by failing to inform him of the reasons for his expulsion.


According to the Commission, the fact that neither Banda nor Chinula were supplied with reasons for the action taken against them means that the right to receive information was denied to them (article 9 (1)).


(3) Draft article 5, paragraph 2, sets out the fundamental requirement that the ground for expulsion must be provided for by law.

(3) 5条草案第2款规定了一项基本要求,即驱逐理由必须是法律规定的理由。

The reference to law here is to be understood as a reference to the internal law of the expelling State.


In other words, international law makes the lawfulness of an expulsion decision dependent on the condition that the decision is based on a ground provided for in the law of the expelling State.


The Commission considers that this requirement is implied by the general requirement of conformity with law, set forth in draft article 4.


 The express mention, in this context, of national security and public order is justified by the inclusion of these grounds for expulsion in the legislation of many States and the frequency with which they are invoked to justify an expulsion.


 However, the Commission is of the view that public order and national security are not the only grounds for expulsion permitted under international law; the words including, in particular preceding the mention of those two grounds is intended to underline that point.


For example, violation of internal law on entry and stay (immigration law) constitutes a ground for expulsion in the legislation of many States and, in the Commissions view, is a permissible ground under international law; in other words, the unlawfulness of the presence of an alien in the territory of a State can in itself constitute a sufficient ground for expulsion.


That being the case, it would be futile to search international law for a list of valid grounds of expulsion that would apply to aliens in general;  it is for the internal law of each State to provide for and define the grounds for expulsion, subject to the reservation stated in paragraph 4 of the draft article, namely, that the grounds must not be contrary to international law.

虽然如此,很难在国际法中寻找一个清单,列出各种各样的有效驱逐理由,适用于一般外国人;  因此应由每个国家的国内法来规定并确立驱逐的理由,还须遵守本条草案第4款中所说的保留,即理由不得违反国际法。

In this regard, the Commission notes that internal laws provide for a rather wide variety of grounds for expulsion.


(4) Paragraph 3 sets out general criteria for the expelling States assessment of the ground for expulsion.

(4) 3款列出了阐述各国对驱逐理由进行评估的一般标准。

The assessment shall be made in good faith and reasonably, taking into account the gravity of the facts and in the light of all the circumstances.


The conduct of the alien in question and the current nature of the threat to which the facts give rise are mentioned as among the factors to be taken into consideration by the expelling State.


The criterion of the current nature of the threat mentioned in fine is particularly relevant when the ground for expulsion is a threat to national security or public order.


(5) The purpose of draft article 5, paragraph 4, is simply to recall the prohibition against expelling an alien on a ground contrary to international law.

(5) 5条草案第4款的目的简单地说就是提到禁止以违反国际法的理由驱逐外国人。

The prohibition would apply, for example, to expulsion based on a ground that was discriminatory in the sense of draft article 15, paragraph 1, below.


Part Two Cases of prohibited expulsion

第二部分 禁止驱逐的情况

Article 6 Prohibition of the expulsion of refugees

6条 禁止驱逐难民

1. A State shall not expel a refugee lawfully in its territory save on grounds of national security or public order.

1. 除因国家安全或公共秩序理由外,一国不得驱逐合法地在其境内的难民。

2. Paragraph 1 shall also apply to any refugee unlawfully present in the territory of the State who has applied for recognition of refugee status, while such application is pending.

2. 1款也适用于非法地在一国内但已提出承认难民身份的申请,其申请正有待审理的任何难民。

3. A State shall not expel or return (refouler) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to a State or to the frontiers of territories where the persons life or freedom would be threatened on account of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, unless there are reasonable grounds for regarding the person as a danger to the security of the country in which he or she is, or if the person, having been convicted by a final judgement of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of that country.

3. 国家不得以任何方式将难民驱逐或遣返(“推回”)至其生命或自由因其种族、宗教、国籍、参加某一社会团体或因其政治见解而会受到威胁的国家或领土边界,除非有正当理由认为该人危害所在国的安全,或除非该人已被最终判定犯有特别严重罪行,对该国社会构成危险。



(1) Draft article 6 deals with the expulsion of refugees, which is subject to restrictive conditions by virtue of the relevant rules of international law.

(1) 6条草案处理了驱逐难民的问题,驱逐难民须遵守有关国际法规则所规定的限制性条件。

(2) The term refugee should be understood not only in the light of the general definition contained in article 1 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951,  as amended by article 1 of the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees of 31 January 1967,  which eliminated the geographic and temporal limitations of the 1951 definition, but also having regard to subsequent developments in the matter.

(2) 在理解“难民”一词时,不仅应参照1951728日《关于难民地位的公约》第一条所载的一般性定义,  以及1967131日《关于难民地位的议定书》第一条所作的修订,  这一修订消除了1951年定义中具有的地域和时间上的限制,同时还应参照后来在此问题上的发展。

 In that regard, the broader definition of refugee adopted in the Organization of African Unity (OAU) Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa of 10 September 1969 merits particular mention.


(3) Draft article 6, paragraph 1, reproduces the wording of article 32, paragraph 1, of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951.

(3) 6条草案第1款采用了1951728日《关于难民地位的公约》第32条第1款的措辞。

The rule contained in that paragraph, which applies only to refugees lawfully in the territory of the expelling State, limits the grounds for expulsion of such refugees to those relating to reasons of national security or public order.


(4) Draft article 6, paragraph 2, which has no equivalent in the 1951 Convention, aims at extending the protection recognized in paragraph 1 to a refugee who is unlawfully present in the territory of the receiving State but who has applied for recognition of refugee status.

(4) 6条草案第2款在1951年公约中没有对应的规定,其目的是将第1款所承认的保护扩展到在接受国境内非法存在但已经申请承认难民地位的那些难民。

As the last clause of paragraph 2 indicates, that protection can be envisaged only for so long as the application is pending.


The protection provided for in paragraph 2, which reflects a trend in the legal literature and finds support in the practice of some States,  would constitute a departure from the principle whereby the unlawfulness of the presence of an alien in the territory of a State can in itself justify expulsion of the alien.

2款所规定的保护反映了法律文献中的一种趋势,在一些国家的实践中也得到支持,  这实际上背离了一项原则,即外国人非法地在一国境内这一事实本身便足以构成驱逐该外国人的理由。

The Commission debated whether it should set aside the additional protection provided for in paragraph 2 in cases where the manifest intent of the application for refugee status was to thwart an expulsion decision likely to be handed down against the individual concerned.


After intense debate, it concluded that it was not necessary to provide for such an exception, since paragraph 2 concerned only individuals who, while not enjoying the status of refugee in the State in question, did meet the definition of refugee within the meaning of the 1951 Convention or, in some cases, other relevant instruments, such as the 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, and should therefore be regarded as refugees under international law.


A majority of the Commission members considered that in such a case it should not matter what motives had inspired the individual to apply for recognition of his or her refugee status or whether the application was specifically intended to prevent expulsion.


On the other hand, any individual who does not correspond to the definition of refugee within the meaning of the relevant legal instruments is ineligible to enjoy the protection recognized in draft article 6 and can be expelled on grounds other than those stipulated in paragraph 1, including on the sole ground of the unlawfulness of his or her presence in the territory of the expelling State.


From that standpoint, paragraph 2 should be interpreted as being without prejudice to the right of a State to expel, for reasons other than those mentioned in draft article 6, an alien whose application for refugee status is manifestly abusive.


(5) Draft article 6, paragraph 3, which deals with the obligation of non-refoulement, combines paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 33 of the 1951 Convention.

(5) 6条草案第3款处理了不得“推回”的义务,这将1951年《公约》第33条第1和第2款结合在一起。

Unlike the other provisions of the draft articles, which do not cover the situation of non-admission of an alien to the territory of a State,  draft article 6, paragraph 3, does cover that situation as well, as indicated by the opening phrase: A State shall not expel or return (refouler) …”.

本条款草案的其他规定都不涉及不准外国人入境的情况,  但第6条第3款不同,的确涉及了这种情况,正如其开头的短语所显示的:“国家不得以任何方式将难民驱逐或遣返(‘推回’)…”。

Moreover, unlike the protection stipulated in paragraph 1, the protection provided for in paragraph 3 applies to all refugees, regardless of whether their presence in the receiving State is lawful or unlawful.


It should also be emphasized that the mention of this specific obligation of non-refoulement of refugees is without prejudice to the application to them of the general rules prohibiting expulsion to certain States as contained in draft articles 23 and 24.


(6) Other matters relating to expulsion of refugees, including the elements mentioned in article 32, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, are covered by the without prejudice clause contained in draft article 8.

(6) 驱逐难民的其他问题,包括1951年《难民地位公约》第32条第2和第3款所提到的要素,包含在第8条草案所载的“不影响”条款中。 

Article 7 Prohibition of the expulsion of stateless persons

7条 禁止驱逐无国籍人

A State shall not expel a stateless person lawfully in its territory save on grounds of national security or public order.




(1) As is the case for refugees, stateless persons are protected under the relevant rules of international law by a favourable regime that places limits on their expulsion.

(1) 与保护难民一样,无国籍人也按照国际法有关规则得到一项有利制度的保护,这项制度对驱逐规定了限制。

Article 1 of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 28 September 1954,  defines the term stateless person as a person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law.

1954928日《关于难民地位的公约》第一条  给“无国籍人”所下的定义是“指任何国家根据它的法律不认为他为国民的人”。   

(2) By analogy with paragraph 1 of draft article 6 concerning refugees, draft article 7 is patterned after article 31, paragraph 1, of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.

(2) 与关于难民的第6条草案第1款相类似,第7条草案参照的是《关于无国籍人地位的公约》第31条第1款。

Here, too, the limitation on the grounds for expulsion applies only to stateless persons lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State.


(3) Draft article 7 does not contain a parallel provision to paragraph 3 of draft article 6 concerning refugees, which refers to the obligation of non-refoulement.

(3) 7条草案不包含与关于难民的第6条草案第3款相似的规定,那款规定提到不推回的义务。

Stateless persons, like any other alien subject to expulsion, are entitled to the protection recognized by draft articles 23 and 24 below, which apply to aliens in general.

无国籍人与已被驱逐的其他任何外国人一样,也有权享有下文第23条和第24条草案所承认的保护。 这类保护适用于一般外国人。

(4) As it did with refugees,  the Commission preferred not to address in draft article 7 other matters relating to the expulsion of stateless persons, which are covered by the without prejudice clause contained in draft article 8.

(4) 与委员会就难民所采取的解决办法相类似,  委员会倾向于在第7条草案不处理涉及驱逐无国籍人的其他问题,这些问题包含在第8条草案中的“不影响”条款中。  

Article 8 Other rules specific to the expulsion of refugees and stateless persons

8条 具体关于驱逐难民和无国籍人的其他规则

The rules applicable to the expulsion of aliens provided for in the present draft articles are without prejudice to other rules on the expulsion of refugees and stateless persons provided for by law.




(1) Draft article 8 is a without prejudice clause designed to ensure the application of other rules concerning the expulsion of refugees and stateless persons provided for by law but not mentioned in draft articles 6 and 7.

(1) 8条草案是一项“不影响”条款,目的是确保法律规定的但在第6和第7条草案没有提到的关于驱逐难民和无国籍人的其他规则也同样适用。

(2) The term law as used in draft article 8 is to be understood as referring to the other relevant rules of international law applicable to refugees and stateless persons, as well as to any relevant rule of the expelling States internal law, provided that it is not incompatible with that States obligations under international law.

(2) 8条草案中“法律”一词应理解为是指适用于难民和无国籍人的其他有关国际法规则,以及驱逐国国内法中的任何有关规则,但条件是这些规则与缔约国按照国际法所担负的义务不矛盾。

(3) This without prejudice clause applies in particular to the rules concerning procedural requirements for the expulsion of a refugee or a stateless person, which are set forth, respectively, in article 32, paragraph 2, of the 1951 Convention  and in article 31, paragraph 2, of the 1954 Convention.

(3) 这一“不影响”条款尤其适用于关于驱逐难民或无国籍人的程序性规则,这些规则分别载于1951年《公约》第32条第2款  和1954年《公约》第31条第2款。

 It also applies to the provisions of article 32, paragraph 3, of the 1951 Convention  and article 31, paragraph 3, of the 1954 Convention,  which require the expelling State to allow a refugee or a stateless person a reasonable period within which to seek legal admission into another country, and also reserve the right of the expelling State to apply, during that period, such internal measures as it may deem necessary.

 这一款也适用于1951年《公约》第32条第3款  和1954年《公约》第31条第3款,  这些条款要求驱逐国给予无国籍人一定的期限,使他们能够取得合法进入另一国家的许可,同时也保留这些国家在此期间内使用它们认为必要的内部措施的权利。

Article 9 Deprivation of nationality for the sole purpose of expulsion

9条 仅为驱逐的目的剥夺国籍

A State shall not make its national an alien, by deprivation of nationality, for the sole purpose of expelling him or her.




(1) Draft article 9 addresses the specific situation in which a State might deprive a national of his or her nationality, and thus makes that national an alien, for the sole purpose of expelling him or her.

(1) 9条草案涉及一国可能仅为驱逐目的而剥夺国民国籍使其成为外国人的特定情况。

The Commission is of the view that such a deprivation of nationality, insofar as it has no other justification than the States desire to expel the individual, would be abusive, indeed arbitrary within the meaning of article 15, paragraph 2, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


 For this reason, the Commission decided to set forth in draft article 9 the prohibition of the deprivation of nationality for the sole purpose of expulsion.


(2) It would no doubt have been simpler to state, for example A State may not deprive a national of his or her nationality for the sole purpose of expulsion.

(2) 无疑可以采用更简单的行文,例如“一国不得仅为驱逐目的剥夺国民的国籍。 

However, the Commission preferred the current wording because the phrase shall not make its national an alien, by deprivation of nationality, in addition to linking the specific situation covered in the draft article to the topic of the expulsion of aliens, is expository in nature: it describes how a national of a State may become an alien in that State by means of deprivation of his or her nationality when the sole aim of that State is to expel the person concerned.


(3) It should be clarified, however, that draft article 9 does not purport to limit the normal operation of legislation relating to the grant or loss of nationality; consequently, it should not be interpreted as affecting a States right to deprive an individual of its nationality on a ground that is provided for in its legislation.

(3) 但应当说明的是,第9条草案并不是要限制与授予或丧失国籍有关的立法的正常适用;因此,不应理解为它会影响一国以其立法中规定的理由剥夺其国民国籍的权利。

(4) Furthermore, draft article 9 does not address the issue of the expulsion by a State of its own nationals, which the Commission regarded as falling outside the scope of the draft articles, which deal solely with the expulsion of aliens.

(4) 另外,第9条草案并不涉及一国驱逐本国国民的问题,委员会认为该问题不属于本条款草案的范围,因为本条款草案只涉及驱逐外国人。

Article 10 Prohibition of collective expulsion

10条 禁止集体驱逐

1. For the purposes of the present draft articles, collective expulsion means expulsion of aliens as a group.

1. 为本条款草案的目的,集体驱逐是指驱逐外国人群体。

2. The collective expulsion of aliens, including migrant workers and members of their families, is prohibited.

2. 禁止集体驱逐外国人,包括移徙工人及其家庭成员。

3. A State may expel concomitantly the members of a group of aliens, provided that the expulsion takes place after and on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual member of the group.

3. 一国可同时驱逐某外国人群体的成员,条件是,驱逐是在对该群体的每位成员的具体情况进行了合理、客观的审查之后并在审查基础上进行。

4. The present draft article is without prejudice to the rules of international law applicable to the expulsion of aliens in the event of an armed conflict involving the expelling State.

4. 本条款草案不影响适用于在涉及驱逐国的武装冲突的情况下驱逐外国人的国际法规则。



(1) Paragraph 1 of draft article 10 contains a definition of collective expulsion for the purposes of the draft articles.

(1) 10条草案第1款给出了本条款草案中集体驱逐的定义。

According to this definition, collective expulsion is understood to mean the expulsion of aliens as a group.


Only the collective aspect is addressed in this definition, which must be understood in the light of the general definition of expulsion contained in draft article 2, subparagraph (a).


(2) Paragraph 2 sets out the prohibition of the collective expulsion of aliens, including migrant workers and members of their families.

(2) 2款规定禁止集体驱逐外国人,包括移徙工人及其家庭成员。

The Commission could not fail to include in the draft articles a prohibition that is expressly embodied in several international human rights treaties.


 At the universal level, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families expressly prohibits the collective expulsion of these persons, providing, in article 22, paragraph 1, that [m]igrant workers and members of their families shall not be subject to measures of collective expulsion.


Each case of expulsion shall be examined and decided individually.


At the regional level, the American Convention on Human Rights provides in article 22, paragraph 9, that [t]he collective expulsion of aliens is prohibited.

在区域层面,《美洲人权公约》第22条第9款规定,“禁止集体驱逐外国人。 ”

Article 4 of Protocol No. 4 to the European Convention on Human Rights  stipulates that [c]ollective expulsion of aliens is prohibited.

《欧洲人权公约第4号议定书》  第4条规定,“禁止集体驱逐外国人。 ”

Similarly, article 12, paragraph 5, of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights provides that [t]he mass expulsion of non-nationals shall be prohibited and in the same provision defines this form of expulsion as that which is aimed at national, racial, ethnic or religious groups.

同样,《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》第12条第5款规定,“禁止大规模驱逐非国民”。 该款还将这种驱逐界定为“针对民族、种族、族裔或宗教群体的驱逐”。

Lastly, in article 26, paragraph 2, in fine, the Arab Charter on Human Rights states that [c]ollective expulsion is prohibited under all circumstances.


(3) Article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not expressly prohibit collective expulsion.

(3) 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十三条没有明确禁止集体驱逐。

However, the Human Rights Committee expressed the opinion that such a form of expulsion would be contrary to the procedural guarantees to which aliens subject to expulsion are entitled.


In its general comment No. 15 on the position of aliens under the Covenant, the Committee stated the following:


Article 13 directly regulates only the procedure and not the substantive grounds for expulsion.


However, by allowing only those carried out in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law, its purpose is clearly to prevent arbitrary expulsions.


On the other hand, it entitles each alien to a decision in his own case and, hence, article 13 would not be satisfied with laws or decisions providing for collective or mass expulsions.


This understanding, in the opinion of the Committee, is confirmed by further provisions concerning the right to submit reasons against expulsion and to have the decision reviewed by and to be represented before the competent authority or someone designated by it.


An alien must be given full facilities for pursuing his remedy against expulsion so that this right will in all the circumstances of his case be an effective one.


The principles of article 13 relating to appeal against expulsion and the entitlement to review by a competent authority may only be departed from when compelling reasons of national security so require.


Discrimination may not be made between different categories of aliens in the application of article 13.


 (emphasis added)


(4) The prohibition of the collective expulsion of aliens set out in paragraph 2 of the present draft article should be read in the light of paragraph 3, which elucidates it by specifying the conditions on the basis of which the members of a group of aliens may be expelled concomitantly without such a measure being regarded as a collective expulsion within the meaning of the draft articles.

(4) 本条草案第2款规定的禁止集体驱逐外国人应结合第3款来理解,后者对这种禁止作了阐述,规定了一国同时驱逐某外国人群体成员而不会被认为是本条款草案意义范围内的集体驱逐的条件。

The criterion adopted for this purpose is the reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each member of the group.


This criterion is informed by the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.


 It is a criterion that the Special Rapporteur on the rights of non-citizens, of the Commission on Human Rights, Mr. David Weissbrodt, had also endorsed in his final report of 2003.


(5) Paragraph 4 of draft article 10 contains a without prejudice clause referring to situations of armed conflict.

(5) 10条草案第4款是一项“不影响”条款,提到武装冲突情况。

Some members of the Commission are of the view that the prohibition of collective expulsion applies even in times of armed conflict and that possible exceptions to such a prohibition could be contemplated only in respect of aliens who are nationals of a State engaged in an armed conflict with the State in whose territory they are present not to other aliens present in the territory of that State and only if they are engaged as a group in activities that endanger the security of the State.


According to a different view expressed in the Commission, under current international law a State would generally have the right to expel collectively the nationals of another State with which it is engaged in an armed conflict.


Furthermore, the point had been made that the issue of the expulsion of aliens in times of armed conflict was very complex and that the Commission should not elaborate rules that might not be entirely compatible with those of international humanitarian law.


In the light of those difficulties, the Commission eventually opted for the inclusion, in the draft article on the prohibition of collective expulsion, of a without prejudice clause, formulated broadly so as to cover any rules of international law that might be applicable to the expulsion of aliens in the event of an armed conflict involving the expelling State.


Article 11 Prohibition of disguised expulsion

11条 禁止变相驱逐

1. Any form of disguised expulsion of an alien is prohibited.

1. 禁止以任何形式变相驱逐外国人。

2. For the purposes of these draft articles, disguised expulsion means the forcible departure of an alien from a State resulting indirectly from actions or omissions of the State, including situations where the State supports or tolerates acts committed by its nationals or other persons, with the intention of provoking the departure of aliens from its territory.

2. 为本条款草案的目的,变相驱逐是指由于国家的作为或不作为所造成的间接后果,外国人被迫离开该国,包括国家支持或容许其国民或其他人实施意图促使外国人离境的行为。



(1) Draft article 11 is intended to indicate that a State does not have the right to utilize disguised or indirect means or techniques in order to bring about the same result that it could obtain through the adoption of a formal expulsion decision, namely to compel an alien to depart from its territory.

(1) 11条草案意在指出,一国无权利用任何变相或间接手段或方法来取得与作出正式的驱逐决定所能取得的同样结果,即将一外国人驱逐出本国国境。

 In the legal literature in English,  the term constructive expulsion is sometimes used to designate methods of expulsion other than the adoption of a formal decision as such.

 在英文法律文献中,  “推定驱逐”一词有时是指除作出正式驱逐决定以外的其他驱逐方法。

The Commission considered, however, that it was difficult to find a satisfactory equivalent of the term constructive expulsion in other languages, particularly French, as the term might carry an undesirable positive connotation.


Consequently, the Commission opted in this context for the term disguised expulsion.


(2) Paragraph 1 of draft article 11 sets out the prohibition of any form of disguised expulsion, thus expressing the Commissions conviction that such conduct is prohibited under international law regardless of the form it takes or the methods employed.

(2) 11条草案第1款规定,禁止以任何形式变相驱逐外国人,从而表明委员会确信这种行为是国际法所禁止的,而不论其采取何种形式或方法。

This is because, in essence, disguised expulsion infringes the human rights of the alien in question, including the procedural rights referred to in Part Four of the draft articles.


(3) Draft article 11, paragraph 2, contains a definition of disguised expulsion that focuses on what characterizes it.

(3) 11条草案第2款载有变相驱逐的定义,并侧重于其特点。

The specificity lies in the fact that the expelling State, without adopting a formal expulsion decision, engages in conduct intended to produce and actually producing the same result, namely the forcible departure of an alien from its territory.


The element of détournement is conveyed by the adverb indirectly that qualifies the occurrence of an aliens departure as a result of the conduct of the State.


The last phrase of paragraph 2 is intended to indicate that the notion of disguised expulsion covers only situations in which the forcible departure of an alien is the intentional result of actions or omissions attributable to the State.


The States intention to provoke an aliens departure from its territory, which is inherent in the definition of expulsion in general, thus remains a decisive factor when expulsion occurs in a disguised form.


(4) The definition of disguised expulsion, based on the elements of compulsion and intention, appears consistent with the criteria applied in this regard by the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, which had before it a number of claims relating to situations of the same nature as those envisaged in draft article 11.

(4) 以“驱逐”和“意图”等要素为基础的变相驱逐的定义似与伊朗-美国索赔法庭在这方面适用的定义相一致,该法庭受理了许多性质与第11条草案设想的情况相类似的案件。

The two essential elements of the notion of disguised expulsion that emerge from the relevant decisions of the Tribunal have been summarized as follows:


Such cases would seem to presuppose at least (1) that the circumstances in the country of residence are such that the alien cannot reasonably be regarded as having any real choice, and (2) that behind the events or acts leading to the departure there is an intention of having the alien ejected and these acts, moreover, are attributable to the State in accordance with principles of state responsibility.

“这些案件似乎至少假定:(1) 根据居住国的情况,无法合理地认为外国人可作任何真正选择;(2) 在导致离开的事件或行为背后,有驱逐外国人的意图,而且按照国家责任原则,这些行为属于国家行为。

(5) The approach taken by the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission seems to follow the same lines.

(5) 厄立特里亚-埃塞俄比亚索赔委员会采用的办法似乎基于同样的思路。

The Commission considered the claim of Ethiopia that Eritrea was responsible for indirect or constructive expulsions of Ethiopians that were contrary to international law.


The Commission rejected certain claims after finding that the Ethiopians in question had not been expelled by the Government of Eritrea or made to leave by Government policy; instead, they had left the country for other reasons, such as economic factors or upheavals brought about by war, for which Eritrea could not be held responsible.


The Commission noted that free consent seemed to have prevailed in these situations.


91. Ethiopia contended that Eritrea was internationally responsible for the damages suffered by every Ethiopian who left Eritrea during the period covered by its claims, including those not expelled by direct government action.

91. 埃塞俄比亚称,厄立特里亚应对索赔要求涵盖期间内离开厄立特里亚的每一个埃塞俄比亚人所遭受的损害负国际责任,其中包括不是被政府直接行动驱逐的人。

Many departures were claimed to be indirect or constructive expulsions resulting from unlawful Eritrean Government actions and policies causing hostile social and economic conditions aimed at Ethiopians.


Ethiopia also contended that the physical conditions of departures often were unnecessarily harsh and dangerous.


Eritrea denied that it was legally responsible for the Ethiopians departures, contending that they reflected individual choices freely made by the persons concerned.


92. The great majority of Ethiopians who left Eritrea did so after May 2000; claims regarding the conditions of their departures are analyzed below.

92. 离开厄立特里亚的大多数埃塞俄比亚人是在20005月之后离开的;关于他们离开时的环境的各种说法,在下文予以分析。

As to those who departed earlier, the evidence indicates that an initial wave of 20,000 to 25,000 departures in 1998 largely resulted from economic factors.


Many were port workers, most from Assab, unemployed after Eritrean ports stopped handling cargo to and from Ethiopia.


A 1999 Amnesty International report in the record estimated that the closing of Assab port cost 30,000 jobs; Amnesty reported that none of the returnees it interviewed in Ethiopia during this period said that he or she had been expelled.


A few thousand more Ethiopians left Eritrea during 1999; the evidence indicates that these too were mostly economically motivated.


A second Amnesty report cited more than 3,000 Ethiopians who returned to Ethiopia in early 1999 due to unemployment, homelessness or reasons related to the war.


Amnesty felt these did not appear to have been expelled by the Eritrean Government or due to government policy.


The December 2001 UNICEF/WAT Study in Ethiopias evidence also highlights the economic motivation of departures during this period.


93. The Commission appreciates that there was a spectrum of voluntariness in Ethiopian departures from Eritrea in 1999 and early 2000.

93. 委员会注意到,1999年和2000年埃塞俄比亚人离开厄立特里亚,具有‘自愿性’色彩。

Ethiopian declarants described growing economic difficulties, family separations, harassment and sporadic discrimination and even attacks at the hands of Eritrean civilians.


However, the Commission is also struck that only about 70 declarations and claim forms specifically described leaving in 1998 and 1999, and of these, fewer than 20 declarants seemed to consider themselves expelled or deported.


94. The Commission concludes from the evidence that departures of Ethiopians before May 2000 in very large measure resulted from economic or other causes, many reflecting economic and social dislocation due to the war, for which the Government of Eritrea was not legally responsible.

94. 委员会根据证据断定,20005月之前,埃塞俄比亚人的离开在很大程度上是因为经济或其他原因,其中许多原因反映出战争造成的经济和社会失调,对这些原因厄立特里亚政府不承担任何法律责任。

95. The evidence suggests that the trip back to Ethiopia or to other destinations for those who elected to depart during this period could be harsh, particularly for those who left Assab to return to Ethiopia across the desert.

95. 证据显示,此段期间选择离开的人在回返埃塞俄比亚或前往其他目的地的路程中,可能遭遇恶劣环境,特别是对那些离开阿萨布,通过沙漠回返埃塞俄比亚的人而言。

However, the evidence does not establish that this was the result of actions or omissions by Eritrea for which it is responsible.


Accordingly, Ethiopias claims in this respect are dismissed.


In considering subsequent expulsions, the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission emphasized the high legal threshold for responsibility based on the jurisprudence of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal.


The Commission concluded that Ethiopia had failed to meet the high legal threshold for proof of such claims as follows:


126. Ethiopia also contended that those who left between May 2000 and December 2000 were victims of unlawful indirect or constructive expulsion.

理由如下: “126. 埃塞俄比亚又称,在20005月至200012月之间离开的人,是非法间接驱逐或推定驱逐的受害者。

The Parties expressed broadly similar understanding of the law bearing on these claims.


Both cited the jurisprudence of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, which establishes a high threshold for liability for constructive expulsion.


That Tribunals constructive expulsion awards require that those who leave a country must have experienced dire or threatening conditions so extreme as to leave no realistic alternative to departure.


These conditions must result from actions or policies of the host government, or be clearly attributable to that government.


Finally, the governments actions must have been taken with the intention of causing the aliens to depart.


127. The evidence does not meet these tests.

127. 证据未能通过这些检验。

Post-war Eritrea was a difficult economic environment for Ethiopians and Eritreans both, but the Eritrean Government did not intentionally create generalized economic adversity in order to drive away Ethiopians.


The Commission notes that the Government of Eritrea took actions in the summer of 2000 that were detrimental to many Ethiopians economic interests and that there was anti-Ethiopian public opinion and harassment.


Nevertheless, many Ethiopians in Eritrea evidently saw alternatives to departure and elected to remain or to defer their departures.


Given the totality of the record, the Commission concludes that the claim of wide-scale constructive expulsion does not meet the high legal threshold for proof of such a claim.


(6) The Commission considered whether among the acts of a State that might constitute disguised expulsion within the meaning of draft article 11 it should also include support or tolerance shown by the State towards acts committed individually or collectively by private persons.

(6) 委员会审议了在可能构成第11条草案意义范围内的变相驱逐的国家行为中,是否应包括国家支持或容许个人单独或集体实施的行为的问题。

 Some members of the Committee were of the view that it would be problematic to include that kind of situation in the definition of disguised expulsion.


However, the Commission considered that support or tolerance shown by a State towards acts committed by private persons could fall within the scope of the prohibition of disguised expulsion if such support or tolerance constituted actions or omissions of the State with the intention of provoking the departure of aliens from its territory.


In other words, such support or tolerance on the part of the expelling State must be assessed according to the criterion of the specific intention to which the last phrase of paragraph 2 refers.


It is understood that a particularly high threshold should be set for this purpose when it is a matter of mere tolerance unaccompanied by definite actions of support on the part of the State for the acts of private persons.


(7) The Commission considers that the situation of support or tolerance towards acts of private persons could involve acts committed by either nationals of the State in question or aliens present in the territory of that State.

(7) 委员会认为,支持或容许个人行为的情况可能涉及有关国家的国民或在该国境内居住的外国人所实施的行为。

That is what is meant by the phrase its nationals or other persons, which, moreover, covers both natural and legal persons.


Article 12 Prohibition of expulsion for purposes of confiscation of assets

12条 禁止以没收财产为目的驱逐外国人

The expulsion of an alien for the purpose of confiscating his or her assets is prohibited.




(1) Draft article 12 sets out the prohibition of confiscatory expulsions, that is, expulsions with the aim of unlawfully depriving an alien of his or her assets.

(1) 12条草案规定,禁止没收性的驱逐,即以非法剥夺外国人的财产为目的的驱逐。

 The unlawful confiscation of property may well be the undeclared aim of an expulsion.


For example, the right of expulsion may be exercised in order to expropriate the aliens property In such cases the exercise of the power cannot remain untainted by the ulterior and illegal purposes.

“例如,行使驱逐‘权’的动机可能是…为了没收外国人的财产…在这些情况下,权力的行使不可能不受险恶和非法目的的影响。 ”

 The Commission considers that such expulsions, to which some States have resorted in the past,  are unlawful from the perspective of contemporary international law.


Aside from the fact that the grounds for such expulsions appear unsound,  it must be said that they are incompatible with the fundamental principle set out in the Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, adopted by the General Assembly in 1985, which states: No alien shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her lawfully acquired assets.

这种驱逐除了理由似乎不足外,  还必须指出,它们也不符合大会1985年通过的《非居住国国民个人人权宣言》所载的基本原则,该宣言指出:“不得任意剥夺任何外国人合法取得的财产”。


(2) In addition, an expulsion for the sole purpose of confiscation of the assets of the alien in question implicates the right to property as recognized in various human rights treaties.

(2) 此外,仅以剥夺所涉外国人的财产为目的进行驱逐涉及各种人权条约所确认的财产权。

Article 13 Prohibition of the resort to expulsion in order to circumvent an extradition procedure

13条 禁止为规避引渡程序而诉诸驱逐

A State shall not resort to expulsion in order to circumvent an ongoing extradition procedure.




(1) Draft article 13 sets out in general terms the prohibition against resorting to expulsion in order to circumvent an extradition procedure.

(1) 13条草案一般性地规定,不得为了规避正在进行的引渡程序而诉诸驱逐。

 One could speak of disguised extradition in this context.


 As the wording of draft article 13 clearly indicates, the prohibition in question applies only as long as the extradition procedure is ongoing, in other words, from the moment at which the State in the territory of which the alien is present receives from another State a request for extradition in respect of the alien until a definitive decision is taken and enforced by the competent authorities of the first State on the request for extradition.


(2) The Commission considered whether the content of draft article 13 should be made more specific by stating, for example, that when a State requested a persons extradition, the person could not be expelled either to the requesting State or to a third State with an interest in extraditing the person to the requesting State as long as the extradition process had not been completed, except for reasons of national security or public order.

(2) 委员会审议了是否应使第13条草案的内容更加具体的问题,例如规定,在一国请求引渡一人时,只要引渡程序没有完成,除非出于国家安全或公共秩序的原因,不得将该人引渡到请求国或希望该人被引渡到请求国的第三国。

 While some members were in favour of such wording, others considered that it would be better if the draft article focused on the element of circumvention without setting out in absolute terms a prohibition against expelling the alien in question throughout the entire extradition procedure.


The point was also made in that context that reasons other than national security, such as a breach of immigration law, could in some cases justify the expulsion of an alien subject to a request for extradition without necessarily leading to the conclusion that the expulsion was intended to circumvent an extradition procedure.


Part Three Protection of the rights of aliens subject to expulsion

第三部分 保护拟被驱逐的外国人的权利

Chapter I General provisions

第一章 一般规定

Article 14 Obligation to respect the human dignity and human rights of aliens subject to expulsion

14条 尊重拟被驱逐的外国人的人格尊严和人权的义务

1. All aliens subject to expulsion shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person at all stages of the expulsion process.

1. 在驱逐过程的所有阶段,拟被驱逐的所有外国人均应得到人道的和尊重人的固有尊严的待遇。

2. They are entitled to respect for their human rights, including those set out in the present draft articles.

2. 他们有权得到对其人权、包括本条款草案所述人权的尊重。



(1) Draft article 14, paragraph 1, sets out the obligation of the expelling State to treat all aliens subject to expulsion with humanity and respect for the inherent dignity of the human person at all stages of the expulsion process.

(1) 14条草案第1款规定驱逐国在驱逐过程的所有阶段,有义务对拟被驱逐的所有外国人给予人道和尊重人的固有尊严的待遇。

The wording of this paragraph is taken from article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which deals with the situation of persons deprived of their liberty.


The addition in fine of the phrase at all stages of the expulsion process is intended to underline the general nature of the obligation in question, which covers all stages of the process that can lead to the adoption of an expulsion decision and its implementation, including, in some cases, the imposition of restrictive or custodial measures.


(2) Divergent views were expressed by members of the Commission as to whether human dignity was a specific human right in addition to being the foundation or source of inspiration for human rights in general.

(2) 委员会委员就人的尊严除了是所有人权的基础或灵感源泉以外,是否也属于一项具体人权表达了不同看法。

The Commission deemed it appropriate to set out in draft article 14 the general principle of respect for the dignity of any alien subject to expulsion, also taking into account the fact that aliens were not infrequently subjected to humiliating treatment in the course of the expulsion process that was offensive to their dignity as human beings, without necessarily amounting to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.


(3) The phrase the inherent dignity of the human person, drawn from article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, is intended to make it clear that the dignity referred to in this draft article is to be understood as an attribute that is inherent in every human being, as opposed to a subjective notion of dignity, which might depend on the preferences or sensitivity of a particular person or vary according to cultural factors.

(3) “人的固有尊严”一语借鉴了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十条,意在说明本条草案中所指的尊严应被理解为每个人所固有的一种属性,而不是主观性的尊严概念,后者可能取决于具体的人的偏好或敏感性,并因文化而异。

(4) Draft article 14, paragraph 2, simply recalls that all aliens subject to expulsion are entitled to respect for their human rights.

(4) 14条草案第2款简单地指出,拟被驱逐的所有外国人均有权得到对其人权的尊重。

 The word including, which precedes the reference to the rights mentioned in the draft articles, is intended to make it clear that the specific mention of some rights in the draft articles is justified only because of their particular relevance in the context of expulsion; their mention should not be understood as implying in any way that respect for those rights is more important than respect for other human rights not mentioned in the draft articles.


It goes without saying that the expelling State is required, in respect of an alien subject to expulsion, to meet all the obligations incumbent upon it concerning the protection of human rights, both by virtue of international conventions to which it is a party and by virtue of general international law.


That said, mention should be made in particular in this context of the Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, adopted by the General Assembly on 13 December 1985.


Article 15 Obligation not to discriminate

15条 不歧视的义务

1. The State shall exercise its right to expel aliens without discrimination of any kind on grounds such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, birth or other status, or any other ground impermissible under international law.

1. 国家在行使对外国人的驱逐权时,不得以种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份为由或以国际法不容许的任何其他理由进行任何歧视。

2. Such non-discrimination shall also apply to the enjoyment by aliens subject to expulsion of their human rights, including those set out in the present draft articles.

2. 这种不歧视也适用于拟被驱逐的外国人对其人权包括本条款草案所述人权的享受。



(1) Draft article 15 concerns the obligation not to discriminate in the context of the expulsion of aliens.

(1) 15条草案涉及驱逐外国人方面的不歧视义务。

 The obligation not to discriminate is set out, in varying formulations, in the major universal and regional human rights instruments.


 This obligation has also been recognized in case law concerning expulsion.


It was for example, stated in general terms by the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in the Rankin case:


A claimant alleging expulsion has the burden of proving the wrongfulness of the expelling States action, in other words that it was arbitrary, discriminatory, or in breach of the expelling States treaty obligations.

“声称被驱逐的申诉人负有举证责任,证明驱逐国的行为非法,换言之,证明驱逐是任意性的、歧视性的或者违背了驱逐国的条约义务。 ”


Also noteworthy is the Mauritian women case, in which the Human Rights Committee considered that there had been a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights because the law in question introduced discrimination on the ground of sex by protecting the wives of Mauritian men against expulsion while not affording such protection to the husbands of Mauritian women.


The European Court of Human Rights took the same position that the Human Rights Committee had taken in the aforementioned Mauritian women case in its judgment of 28 May 1985 in the Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali case.


 The Court held unanimously that article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights had been violated by reason of discrimination against each of the applicants on the ground of sex: unlike male immigrants settled in the United Kingdom, the applicants did not have the right, in the same situation, to obtain permission for their non-national spouses to enter or remain in the country for settlement.


After having stated that advancement of the equality of the sexes is today a major goal in the member States of the Council of Europe, the Court held that very weighty reasons would have to be advanced before a difference of treatment on the ground of sex could be regarded as compatible with the Convention.


 It also emphasized that article 14 was concerned with the avoidance of discrimination in the enjoyment of the Convention rights in so far as the requirements of the Convention as to those rights can be complied with in different ways.


 On the other hand, it held that in the current case, the fact that applicable rules affected fewer white people than others was not a sufficient reason to consider them as racist in character as they did not contain regulations differentiating between persons or groups on the ground of their race or ethnic origin.


(2) Draft article 15, paragraph 1, sets out the prohibition of discrimination in the exercise by a State of its right to expel aliens.

(2) 15条草案第1款规定,国家在行使对外国人的驱逐权时,不得进行歧视。

As the prohibition of discrimination applies to the exercise of the right of expulsion, it covers both the decision to expel or not to expel and the procedures relating to the adoption of an expulsion decision and its possible implementation.


Moreover, the general scope of the obligation not to discriminate is confirmed by the content of paragraph 2 of the draft article, which indicates that the non-discrimination shall also apply to the enjoyment by aliens subject to expulsion of their human rights, including the rights mentioned in the present draft articles.


(3) The list of prohibited grounds for discrimination contained in draft article 15 is based on the list included in article 2, paragraph 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, with the addition of the ground of ethnic origin and a reference to any other ground impermissible under international law.

(3) 15条草案所列的禁止歧视的理由基于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二条第1款所列理由,并添加了“族裔出身”和“国际法不容许的任何其他理由”。

In the view of the Commission, the express mention of ethnic originin the draft article is justified because of the undisputed nature of the prohibition in contemporary international law of discrimination on this ground and in view of the particular relevance of ethnic issues in the context of the expulsion of aliens.


The reference to any other ground impermissible under international law clearly indicates the non-exhaustive nature of the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination included in draft article 15.


(4) Whereas some Commission members proposed to expand the list of grounds for discrimination to include sexual orientation and/or belonging to a minority, other members were opposed.

(4) 虽然有些委员会委员随后提议扩大所列歧视理由的范围,将性取向和/或属于少数群体也包括在内,但另一些成员对此表示反对。

It was noted in particular that an express reference to certain additional grounds might be interpreted as an implicit exclusion of other grounds.


(5) Some Commission members were of the view that the prohibition of any discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation was already established under positive international law or that there was at the very least a trend in that direction in international practice and case law  that would justify as a matter of progressive development the inclusion of sexual orientation among the prohibited grounds for discrimination.

(5) 有些委员会委员认为,禁止任何以性取向为由的歧视,这在实在国际法中已经确立,国际习惯法和判例法至少也有这方面的趋势,  从而表明有必要逐步将性取向列为所禁止的歧视理由之一。

Other Commission members considered that the issue remained controversial and that the prohibition of discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation was not universally recognized, particularly in view of the practice of a number of States that punished, sometimes quite severely, homosexual behaviour, and the absence of the mention of such a ground for discrimination in the texts of universal and regional instruments for the protection of human rights.


In any case, insofar as, according to the interpretation by the Human Rights Committee of the reference to sex in articles 2, paragraph 1, and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the notion includes sexual orientation,  some members were of the view that it was not necessary to mention sexual orientation as a distinct ground among the discriminatory grounds based on sex, as this would be likely to lead to confusion or redundancy.

无论如何,只要根据人权事务委员会对《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二条第1款和第二十六条中提及的“性别”一词的解释,这一概念包括性取向,  一些委员认为没有必要在各种基于性别的歧视理由中单单提及性取向,因为这可能会造成混淆或重复。

(6) The need to recognize possible exceptions to the obligation not to discriminate based on nationality was mentioned by some members of the Commission.

(6) 有些委员会委员认为,需要确认不以国籍为由进行歧视义务的可能例外情形。

They referred in that regard to associations of States such as the European Union, which are characterized by the establishment of a regime of freedom of movement by their citizens.


(7) On reflection, the Commission considered that the reference in the draft article to any other ground impermissible under international law took sufficient account of those various concerns.

(7) 委员会经考虑后认为,在本条草案中提及“国际法不容许的任何其他理由”就已充分考虑到上述各种关切。

On the one hand, the formulation adopted makes it possible to capture any legal development concerning prohibited grounds for discrimination that might have occurred since the adoption of the Covenant.


On the other hand, it also preserves the possibility for States to establish among themselves special legal regimes based on the principle of freedom of movement for their citizens such as the regime of the European Union.


Article 16 Vulnerable persons

16条 弱势人员

1. Children, older persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant women and other vulnerable persons who are subject to expulsion shall be considered as such and treated and protected with due regard for their vulnerabilities.

1. 拟被驱逐的儿童、老年人、残疾人、孕妇和其他弱势人员应按其弱势身份予以考虑并给予充分考虑其脆弱性的待遇和保护。

2. In particular, in all actions concerning children who are subject to expulsion, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.

2. 尤其是,在所有涉及拟被驱逐的儿童的行动中,儿童的最大利益应是一项首要考虑。



(1) Draft article 16 sets out the particular requirements concerning the expulsion of vulnerable persons such as children, older persons, persons with disabilities and pregnant women.

(1) 16条草案规定了与驱逐弱势群体如儿童、老年人、残疾人和孕妇有关的特殊要求。

(2) Draft article 16, paragraph 1, is general in scope.

(2) 16条草案第1款在范围上具有一般性。

It sets out the obligation of the expelling State to treat and protect vulnerable persons who are subject to expulsion with due regard for their vulnerabilities and special needs.


By first setting out the requirement that the individuals in question shall be considered as such, the Commission wished to indicate the importance of due recognition by the expelling State of their vulnerabilities, as it is that recognition that would justify granting these individuals special treatment and protection.


(3) The Commission considers that it is hardly possible to list in a draft article all categories of vulnerable persons that might merit special protection in the context of an expulsion procedure.

(3) 委员会认为很难在一项条款草案中列出驱逐程序中可能需要特殊保护的所有类别的弱势人员。

Aside from the categories of persons explicitly mentioned, there might be other individuals, such as those suffering from incurable diseases or an illness requiring particular care which, ex hypothesi, could not be provided or would be difficult to provide in the possible State or States of destination.


The addition of the phrase and other vulnerable persons clearly indicates that the list included in paragraph 1 is not exhaustive.


(4) Draft article 16, paragraph 2, deals with the specific case of children and faithfully reproduces the wording of article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

(4) 16条草案第2款涉及儿童的特定情形,并忠实照搬了《儿童权利公约》第3条第1款的措辞。

 While not excluding consideration of other relevant factors, paragraph 2 sets out the requirement that the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in all decisions concerning children who are subject to expulsion.


Chapter II Protection required in the expelling State

第二章 在驱逐国所要求的保护

Article 17 Obligation to protect the right to life of an alien subject to expulsion

17条 保护拟被驱逐的外国人的生命权的义务

The expelling State shall protect the right to life of an alien subject to expulsion.




Draft article 17 recalls the obligation of the expelling State to protect the right to life of an alien subject to expulsion.


 This right, which is inherent in every human being according to article 6, paragraph 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, is proclaimed, admittedly in various ways, in core international instruments for the protection of human rights, both universal  and regional.

 根据《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第六条第1款,这项权利是“人人”所“固有”的,核心国际人权保护文书,包括全球  和区域一级的文书  在内,都以各种方式宣布了这项权利。

Article 18 Prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

18条 禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚

The expelling State shall not subject an alien subject to expulsion to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.




(1) Draft article 18 recalls, in the context of expulsion, the general prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

(1) 18条草案指出了在驱逐情况下对酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的普遍禁止。

 This is an obligation enshrined in various treaty instruments for the protection of human rights, both universal and regional.


 The obligation not to subject aliens to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment is also set forth in General Assembly resolution 40/144.


 In its judgment of 20 November 2010 in the Ahmadou Sadio Diallo case, the International Court of Justice recalled in connection with an expulsion case that the prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment derives from a rule of general international law.

 国际刑事法院在20101120日对Ahmadou Sadio Diallo案作出的判决中,就一起驱逐案件回顾说,禁止不人道或有辱人格的待遇源于一项一般国际法规则。  

(2) Draft article 18 concerns only the obligation of the expelling State itself not to subject an alien to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

(2) 18条草案只涉及驱逐国本身不得使外国人遭受酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的义务。

On the other hand, the obligation not to expel an alien to a State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she risks being subjected to such treatment is set out in draft article 24 below.


(3) On reflection, the Commission preferred not to tackle in the draft articles the question of the extent to which the prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment also covers cases in which such treatment is inflicted, not by de jure or de facto State organs but by persons or groups acting in a private capacity.

(3) 委员会经考虑后,倾向于不在本条款草案中处理所禁止的酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚在多大程度上也涵盖如下情况的问题:即这种待遇不是由法律或事实上的国家机构实施,而是由以私人身份行事的个人或群体实施。

It considered that it would be better to leave that issue to the relevant monitoring bodies to assess or, where appropriate, to the courts that might be called upon to rule on the exact extent of the obligations arising from one instrument or another for the protection of human rights.


Article 19 Detention conditions of an alien subject to expulsion

19条 拟被驱逐的外国人的拘留条件

1. (a)

1. (a)

The detention of an alien subject to expulsion shall not be punitive in nature.


(b) An alien subject to expulsion shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be detained separately from persons sentenced to penalties involving deprivation of liberty.

(b) 拟被驱逐的外国人,除非在特殊情况下,应与被判处剥夺自由刑罚者分开拘留。

2. (a)

2. (a)

The duration of the detention shall not be unrestricted.


It shall be limited to such period of time as is reasonably necessary for the expulsion to be carried out.


All detention of excessive duration is prohibited.


(b) The extension of the duration of the detention may be decided upon only by a court or a person authorized to exercise judicial power.

(b) 延长拘留期的决定仅可由法院或一名获授权行使司法权的人作出。

3. (a)

3. (a)

The detention of an alien subject to expulsion shall be reviewed at regular intervals on the basis of specific criteria established by law.


(b) Subject to paragraph 2, detention shall end when the expulsion cannot be carried out, except where the reasons are attributable to the alien concerned.

(b) 在遵守第2款的前提下,在驱逐无法执行的情况下应终止拘留,除非可将原因归诸有关外国人。



(1) Draft article 19, paragraph 1, sets out the non-punitive nature of detention to which aliens facing expulsion may be subject.

(1) 19条草案第1款规定了拟被驱逐的外国人可能面临的拘留的非惩罚性质。

 Subparagraph (a) establishes the general principle that such detention must not be punitive in nature whereas subparagraph (b) sets out one of the consequences of that principle.


Subparagraph (b) provides that, save in exceptional circumstances, an alien who is detained in the course of an expulsion procedure must be held separately from persons sentenced to penalties involving deprivation of liberty.


Such a safeguard is granted to accused persons, in their capacity as unconvicted persons, under article 10, paragraph 2 (a), of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


The Commission considers that, in view of the non-punitive nature of detention for the purpose of expulsion, there is all the more reason to provide the safeguard set out in article 10, paragraph 2, of the Covenant to aliens subjected to that form of detention.

委员会认为,鉴于以驱逐为目的的拘留的非惩罚性,更有理由为遭到这种拘留的外国人提供《公约》第 十条第2款所规定的保障。

This view seems to be in harmony with the position expressed by the Human Rights Committee in its comments on article 13 of the Covenant in relation to expulsion.


The Committee noted that if expulsion procedures entail arrest, the safeguards of the Covenant relating to deprivation of liberty (articles 9  and 10 ) may also be applicable.

委员会指出,如果驱逐程序导致逮捕,则亦可适用《公约》中有关剥夺自由(9条  和第10)的保障条款。

 The same requirement is set out in principle 8 of the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment in the annex to General Assembly resolution 43/173 of 9 December 1988.


This principle, which also covers detention for the purpose of expulsion, stipulates: Persons in detention shall be subject to treatment appropriate to their unconvicted status.


Accordingly, they shall, whenever possible, be kept separate from imprisoned persons.


(2) The reference to exceptional circumstances that could justify non-compliance with the rule set out in paragraph 1 (b) is drawn from article 10, paragraph 2 (a), of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

(2) 可作为不遵守第1(b)项所载规则理由的“特殊情况”一语源自《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十条第2()项。

(3) In the view of the Commission, the rule set out in paragraph 1 (b) does not necessarily require the expelling State to put in place facilities specially set aside for the detention of aliens with a view to their expulsion; the detention of aliens could occur in a facility in which persons sentenced to custodial penalties are also detained, provided, however, that the aliens in question are placed in a separate section of the facility.

(3) 委员会认为,第1(b)项所载规则并不要求驱逐国建立专门用于为驱逐目的拘留外国人的设施;可在关押被判处监禁者的设施中拘留外国人,但条件是应将这些外国人隔离。

(4) It should be clarified that the safeguards mentioned above apply only to detention for the purpose of ensuring the implementation of an expulsion decision; they are without prejudice to the case of aliens subject to expulsion who have been convicted of a criminal offence, including those situations in which the expulsion of an alien might be ordered as an additional measure or as an alternative to prison.

(4) 应当说明的是,上述保障措施仅适用于为确保执行驱逐决定而实施的拘留,并不影响拟被驱逐的外国人被判犯有刑事罪的情况,包括作为一种附加处罚或非监禁处罚而下令驱逐外国人的情况。

(5) The important issue of the length of detention, which poses difficult problems in practice,  is the subject of draft article 19, paragraph 2, which comprises two subparagraphs.

(5) 19条草案第2款涉及在实践中造成难题的拘留期限这一重要问题,  其中包括两个分项。

Subparagraph (a) is general in scope and sets out the principle that the detention of an alien with a view to his or her expulsion is subject to time limits.


It must be limited to such period of time as is reasonably necessary for the expulsion decision to be carried out and cannot be of excessive duration.


 Such requirements are confirmed in international case law, the legislation of various States  and a significant number of judicial findings of national courts.

 国际判例法、各国立法  和国内法院的大量司法判决也确定了这项要求。

 The words reasonably necessary that appear in the second sentence of paragraph 2 (a) are intended to provide administrative authorities and, if necessary, a judicial authority with a standard to assess the necessity and the duration of the detention of an alien for the purpose of expulsion.


(6) Paragraph 2 (b) states that the extension of the duration of the detention may be decided upon only by a court or a person authorized to exercise judicial power.

(6) 2(b)项指出,延长拘留期的决定仅可由法院或一名获授权行使司法权的人作出。

Despite the doubts expressed by some members concerning the applicability of such a requirement in the context of the implementation of immigration rules, the Commission considered it necessary to retain the requirement in order to prevent possible abuses by the administrative authorities with respect to the length of the detention of an alien subject to expulsion.


The content of paragraph 2 (b) is inspired by the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.


(7) Draft article 19, paragraph 3, is inspired by a recommendation put forward by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants.

(7) 19条草案第3款受到移民人权问题特别报告员所提建议的启发。

 Paragraph 3 (a) sets out the requirement of regular review of the detention of an alien for the purpose of expulsion on the basis of specific criteria established by law.


According to paragraph 3 (a), it is detention as such, as opposed to the initial decision concerning placement in detention, that should be subject to regular review.


While some Commission members considered that the safeguards set out in paragraph 3 (a) were of the nature of lex ferenda, others considered that they derived from principles of contemporary human rights law.


It was also emphasized that such safeguards flowed from the non-punitive nature of the detention of aliens for the purpose of expulsion.


(8) Paragraph 3 (b) sets out the principle that detention in connection with expulsion shall end when the expulsion cannot be carried out, except where the reasons are attributable to the alien concerned.

(8) 3(b)项规定了在驱逐无法执行的情况下应终止与驱逐有关的拘留的原则,除非可将原因归诸有关外国人。

While the principle was not contested in the Commission, the exception to it gave rise to lively debate.


Some members thought that as soon as the enforcement of an expulsion decision became impossible, the reason for the detention vanished and an end must be put to the detention.


Other members were of the view that an explicit exception should be made for cases in which the reasons for such an impossibility were attributable to the alien in question.


The Commission opted in the end for recognizing such an exception, while indicating clearly in an introductory phrase in paragraph 3 (b) that the entire paragraph should be understood in the light of paragraph 2.


This means, in particular, that under paragraph 2 (a), even in the event that the impossibility of carrying out an expulsion decision is attributable to the alien in question, the alien cannot be kept in detention for an excessive length of time.


Article 20 Obligation to respect the right to family life

20条 尊重家庭生活权的义务

1. The expelling State shall respect the right to family life of an alien subject to expulsion.

1. 驱逐国应尊重拟被驱逐的外国人的家庭生活权。

2. The expelling State shall not interfere with the exercise of the right to family life, except where provided by law and on the basis of a fair balance between the interests of the State and those of the alien in question.

2. 驱逐国不应干涉家庭生活权的行使,但在法律规定的情况下且在保持国家利益和当事外国人利益的公正平衡基础上的干涉除外。



(1) Draft article 20 establishes the obligation of the expelling State to respect the right to family life of an alien subject to expulsion.

(1) 20条草案规定,驱逐国有义务尊重拟被驱逐的外国人的家庭生活权。

The Commission considers it necessary to mention this right explicitly in the draft articles because of the particular relevance that it assumes in the context of the expulsion of aliens.


 By the mere fact of compelling an alien to leave the territory of a State, expulsion may undermine the unity of the aliens family in the event that, for various reasons, family members are not able to follow the alien to the State of destination.


It is not surprising, therefore, that the legislation and case law of various States recognize the need to take into account family considerations as a limiting factor in the expulsion of aliens.


(2) The right to family life is enshrined both in universal instruments and in regional conventions for the protection of human rights.

(2) 保护人权的全球性文书和区域公约都规定了家庭生活权。

At the universal level, article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states:


1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation. (emphasis added)

“一. 任何人的私生活、家庭、住宅或通信不得加以任意或非法干涉,他的荣誉和名誉不得加以非法攻击。

2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

. 人人有权享受法律保护,以免受这种干涉或攻击。

Similarly, under the terms of article 5, paragraph 1 (b), of the Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, aliens enjoy the right to protection against arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy, family, home or correspondence.


(3) At the regional level, article 8, paragraph 1, of the European Convention on Human Rights provides that [e]veryone has the right to respect for his private and family life …”.

(3) 在区域一级,《欧洲人权公约》第八条第1款规定“人人有权使他的私人及家庭生活…受到尊重”。

Article 7 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union reproduces this provision in extenso.


Under section III (c) of the Protocol to the European Convention on Establishment,  the contracting States, in exercising their right of expulsion, must in particular pay due regard to family ties and the period of residence in their territory of the person concerned.

根据《欧洲居留公约议定书》第三节(c)项,  缔约国在行使驱逐权时,必须特别注意有关人员的家庭纽带以及在其境内的居住期。

While the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights does not contain this right, in other respects it is deeply committed to the protection of the family (see article 18).


Article 11, paragraph 2, of the American Convention on Human Rights establishes this right in the same terms as the above-cited article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


Article 21 of the Arab Charter on Human Rights also sets out the right.


(4) The need to respect the family life of an alien subject to expulsion, set out in draft article 20, paragraph 1, does not accord the alien absolute protection against expulsion.

(4) 20条草案第1款规定了需要尊重拟被驱逐的外国人的家庭生活,但并不绝对保护外国人不受驱逐。

Draft article 20, paragraph 2, recognizes that this right may be subject to limitations and sets out the conditions to which such limitations are subjected.


In this regard, two cumulative conditions must be met for interference in the exercise of the right to family life resulting from expulsion to be considered as justified.


(5) The first condition, which appears explicitly in article 8, paragraph 2, of the European Convention on Human Rights and implicitly in article 17, paragraph 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and article 21, paragraph 1, of the Arab Charter of Human Rights, is that such interference should take place only where provided by law.

(5) 第一个条件明确出现在《欧洲人权公约》第八条第2款、并且隐含地出现在《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十七条第一款与《阿拉伯人权宪章》第二十一条第1款之中,即:这类干预行动只能“依法”采取。

That means that is that the expulsion measure must have an appropriate basis in the law of the expelling State; in other words, it must be taken on the basis of and in accordance with the law of that State.


(6) The second condition relates to the fair balance that must be achieved between the interests of the State and those of the alien in question.

(6) 第二个条件是必须在国家的利益和有关外国人的利益之间实现“公正平衡”。

The notion of fair balance is inspired by the case law of the European Court of Human Rights regarding article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and, more specifically, the requirement that interference in family life must be necessary in a democratic society within the meaning of paragraph 2 of that article.

“公正平衡”的概念来自于欧洲人权法院关于《欧洲人权公约》第八条的案例法。 更具体来说,就是要求对家庭生活的“干预”必须是该条第2款所指的“民主社会所必需的”。

 In Moustaquim v. Belgium, the Court concluded that the expulsion of Mr. Moustaquim did not satisfy that requirement.


 Given the circumstances of the case, in particular the long period of time during which Mr. Moustaquim had resided in Belgium, the ties of his close relatives with Belgium as well as the relatively long interval between the latest offence committed by Mr. Moustaquim and the deportation order, the Court came to the conclusion that the measure was not necessary in a democratic society since a proper balance was not achieved between the interests involved, and the means employed was therefore disproportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.


 The Court considered on several occasions whether expulsion measures in conformity with article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, particularly in the cases Nasri v. France,  Cruz Varas and others v. Sweden  and Boultif v. Switzerland.

 法院多次审议了驱逐措施是否符合《欧洲人权公约》第八条的问题,尤其是在Nasri诉法国、  Cruz Varas等诉瑞典  和Boultif等诉瑞士的几个案件中。

 In this last case, the Court set forth a list of criteria to be applied in order to determine whether the interference in family life resulting from an expulsion is necessary in a democratic society.


The Court has only a limited number of decided cases where the main obstacle to expulsion was that it would entail difficulties for the spouses to stay together and, in particular, for one of them and/or the children to live in the others country of origin.


It is therefore called upon to establish guiding principles in order to examine whether the measure in question was necessary in a democratic society.


In assessing the relevant criteria in such a case, the Court will consider the nature and seriousness of the offence committed by the applicant; the duration of the applicants stay in the country from which he is going to be expelled; the time which has elapsed since the commission of the offence and the applicants conduct during that period; the nationalities of the various persons concerned; the applicants family situation, such as the length of the marriage; other factors revealing whether the couple lead a real and genuine family life; whether the spouse knew about the offence at the time when he or she entered into a family relationship; and whether there are children in the marriage and, if so, their age.


Not least, the Court will also consider the seriousness of the difficulties which the spouse would be likely to encounter in the applicants country of origin, although the mere fact that a person might face certain difficulties in accompanying her or his spouse cannot in itself preclude expulsion.



(7) The criterion of fair balance mentioned in paragraph 2 of draft article 20 also seems compatible with the approach taken by the Human Rights Committee for the purpose of assessing whether expulsion measures are in conformity with article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

(7) 20条草案第2款提到的“公正平衡”标准,似乎也符合联合国人权事务委员会在评估驱逐措施是否符合《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十七条时所采取的方针。

Chapter III Protection in relation to the State of destination

第三章 与目的地国有关的保护

Article 21 Departure to the State of destination

21条 离境前往目的地国

1. The expelling State shall take appropriate measures to facilitate the voluntary departure of an alien subject to expulsion.

1. 驱逐国应采取适当措施,便利拟被驱逐的外国人自愿离境。

2. In cases of forcible implementation of an expulsion decision, the expelling State shall take the necessary measures to ensure, as far as possible, the safe transportation to the State of destination of the alien subject to expulsion, in accordance with the rules of international law.

2. 在强制执行驱逐决定的情况下,驱逐国应采取必要措施,按照国际法规则,尽可能确保拟被驱逐的外国人安全地前往目的地国。

3. The expelling State shall give the alien subject to expulsion a reasonable period of time to prepare for his or her departure, having regard to all circumstances.

3. 驱逐国应考虑到所有相关情况,给予拟被驱逐的外国人合理的期限以准备离境。



(1) Draft article 21 concerns in general the protection that an expelling State must accord an alien subject to expulsion in relation to his or her departure to a State of destination.

(1) 21条草案在总体上关系到驱逐国必须为拟被驱逐的外国人离境前往目的地国提供保护。

 The draft article covers the possibility of both voluntary departure and forcible implementation of the expulsion decision.


(2) Article 21, paragraph 1, provides that the expelling State shall take appropriate measures to facilitate the voluntary departure of an alien subject to expulsion.

(2) 21条第1款规定,驱逐国应采取适当措施,便利拟被驱逐的外国人自愿离境。

 Even though it aims to a certain extent to make voluntary departure of the alien the preferred solution, the provision cannot be interpreted as authorizing the expelling State to exert undue pressure on the alien to opt for voluntary departure rather than forcible implementation of an expulsion decision.


(3) Paragraph 2 concerns cases of forcible implementation of an expulsion decision.

(3) 2款涉及到强制执行驱逐决定的情况。

It provides that in such a case the expelling State shall take the necessary measures to ensure, as far as possible, the safe transportation to the State of destination of the alien subject to expulsion, in accordance with the rules of international law.


It should be clarified in this regard that the expression safe transportation in accordance with the rules of international law refers not only to the requirement to ensure the protection of the rights of the alien subject to expulsion and avoid any excessive use of force against the alien but also to the need to ensure, if necessary, the safety of persons other than the alien in question, for example the passengers on an aeroplane taken by the alien to travel to the State of destination.


(4) This requirement was implicit in the arbitral award rendered in the Lacoste case, although it was held that the claimant had not been subjected to harsh treatment:

(4) 这一要求也包括在Lacoste案的仲裁决定之中,尽管该案裁定申诉人没有遭受苛刻的待遇:

Lacoste further claims damages for his arrest, imprisonment, harsh and cruel treatment, and expulsion from the country


The expulsion does not, however, appear to have been accompanied by harsh treatment, and at his request the claimant was allowed an extension of the term fixed for his leaving the country.



Similarly, in the Boffolo case, the umpire indicated in general terms that [e]xpulsion [] must be accomplished in the manner least injurious to the person affected.


In the Maal case, the umpire stressed the sacred character of the human person and the requirement that an expulsion should be accomplished without unnecessary indignity or hardship:


[H]ad the exclusion of the claimant been accomplished without unnecessary indignity or hardship to him the umpire would feel constrained to disallow the claim.


From all the proof he came here as a gentleman and was entitled throughout his examination and deportation to be treated as a gentleman, and whether we have to consider him as a gentleman or simply as a man his rights to his own person and to his own undisturbed sensitivities is one of the first rights of freedom and one of the priceless privileges of liberty.


The umpire has been told to regard the person of another as something to be held sacred, and that it could not be touched even in the lightest manner, in anger or without cause, against his consent, and if so done it is considered an assault for which damages must be given commensurate with the spirit and the character of the assault and the quality of the manhood represented in the individual thus assaulted.



(5) When transportation of the alien to the State of destination takes place, for example, by aeroplane, reference to the rules of international law also cover the rules relating to air transportation, particularly the regulations adopted in the framework of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

(5) 当向目的地国载送外国人时,例如以飞机载送时,所参照的国际法规则也包括关于航空运输的规则,特别是在国际民航组织框架中采纳的条例。

The Convention on International Civil Aviation and annex 9 thereto should be mentioned in particular in this respect.


 The annex states, inter alia, that:


5.2.1 During the period when [] a person to be deported is under their custody, the state officers concerned shall preserve the dignity of such persons and take no action likely to infringe such dignity.

5.2.1 []即将递解出境人士被有关国家官员羁押期间,该官员应维护此种人士的尊严,不采取可能损害此种尊严的行动。

(6) In both situations considered in draft article 21 voluntary departure of the alien or forcible implementation of the expulsion decision paragraph 3 requires the expelling State to give the alien a reasonable period of time to prepare for his or her departure, taking into account all circumstances.

(6) 在第21条草案所涉的外国人自愿离境或强制执行驱逐决定两种情况下,第4款都要求驱逐国兼顾所有相关情况,给予外国人合理的期限准备离境。

The circumstances to be taken into account for the purpose of determining what seems in the case in question to be a reasonable period of time vary in nature.


They can relate to, inter alia, ties (social, economic or other) that the alien subject to expulsion has established with the expelling State, the conduct of the alien in question, including, where applicable, the nature of the threat to the national security or public order of the expelling State that the presence of the alien in its territory could constitute or the risk that the alien would evade the authorities of the State order to avoid expulsion.


The requirement of granting a reasonable period of time to prepare for departure must also be understood in the light of the need to permit the alien subject to expulsion to protect adequately his or her property rights and other interests in the expelling State.


Article 22 State of destination of aliens subject to expulsion

22条 拟被驱逐的外国人的目的地国

1. An alien subject to expulsion shall be expelled to his or her State of nationality or any other State that has the obligation to receive the alien under international law, or to any State willing to accept him or her at the request of the expelling State or, where appropriate, of the alien in question.

1. 拟被驱逐的外国人应被驱逐至其国籍国或根据国际法有义务接收该外国人的任何其他国家,或应驱逐国请求或酌情应当事外国人请求同意接收该人的任何国家。

2. Where the State of nationality or any other State that has the obligation to receive the alien under international law has not been identified and no other State is willing to accept the alien, that alien may be expelled to any State where he or she has a right of entry or stay or, where applicable, to the State from where he or she has entered the expelling State.

2. 若未确定国籍国或根据国际法有义务接收该外国人的任何其他国家,且没有任何其他国家愿意接收该外国人,该外国人得被驱逐到其有权入境或居留的任何国家,或酌情驱逐到该外国人从其进入驱逐国的国家。



(1) Draft article 22 concerns the determination of the State of destination of aliens subject to expulsion.

(1) 22条草案关系到如何确定拟被驱逐的外国人目的地国问题。

 In this context, paragraph 1 refers first of all to the aliens State of nationality, since it is undisputed that that State has an obligation to receive the alien under international law.


 However, paragraph 1 also recognizes the existence of other potential States of destination, distinguishing between States that might be obliged, under international law, to receive the alien and those that are not obliged to do so.


This distinction reflects, with regard to the expulsion of aliens, the uncontested principle that a State is not required to receive aliens in its territory, save where obliged to do so by a rule of international law.


While this is a fundamental distinction, it does not necessarily result in an order of priority in determining the State of destination of an expelled alien; in other words, the fact that a State of nationality has been identified and that there is, hypothetically, no legal obstacle to the aliens expulsion to that State in no way precludes the possibility of expelling the alien to another State that has the obligation to receive the alien under international law, or to any other State willing to accept him or her.


In this regard, the Commission is of the view that the expelling State, while retaining a margin of appreciation in the matter, should take into consideration, as far as possible, the preferences expressed by the expelled alien for the purposes of determining the State of destination.


(2) The wording or any other State that has the obligation to receive the alien under international lawis intended to cover situations where a State other than the State of nationality of the expelled alien would be required to receive that person under a rule of international law, whether a treaty rule binding on that State or a rule of customary international law.

(2) “或根据国际法有义务接收该外国人的任何其他国家”的话旨在涵盖以下情况,即拟被驱逐的外国人国籍国之外的一个国家必须根据国际法规则接收该人,无论是根据对该国有约束力的条约规则还是根据习惯国际法规则。

 One should also mention, in this context, the position expressed by the Human Rights Committee in relation to article 12, paragraph 4, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:


The scope of his own country is broader than the concept country of his nationality.


It is not limited to nationality in a formal sense, that is, nationality acquired at birth or by conferral; it embraces, at the very least, an individual who, because of his or her special ties to or claims in relation to a given country, cannot be considered to be a mere alien.


This would be the case, for example, of nationals of a country who have there been stripped of their nationality in violation of international law and of individuals whose country of nationality has been incorporated into or transferred to another national entity whose nationality is being denied them.


The language of article 12, paragraph 4, moreover, permits a broader interpretation that might embrace other categories of long-term residents, including but not limited to stateless persons arbitrarily deprived of the right to acquire the nationality of the country of such residence.


Since other factors may in certain circumstances result in the establishment of close and enduring connections between a person and a country, States parties should include in their reports information on the rights of permanent residents to return to their country of residence.


(3) Draft article 22, paragraph 2, addresses the situation where it has not been possible to identify either the State of nationality or any other State that has the obligation to receive the alien under international law.

(3) 22条草案第2款阐述关于无法确定国籍国或任何其他有国际法义务接收外国人的国家的情况。

In such cases, it is stated that the alien may be expelled to any State where he or she has a right of entry or stay or, where applicable, to the State from where he or she has entered the expelling State.


The last phrase (the State from where he or she has entered the expelling State) should be understood primarily to mean the State of embarkation, although the chosen wording is sufficiently general also to cover situations where an alien has entered the territory of the expelling State by a mode of transport other than air transport.


The content and wording of this paragraph were the subject of intense debate within the Commission.


One view expressed was that if no State of destination could be identified in accordance with paragraph 1, the expelling State should authorize the alien subject to expulsion to remain in its territory, since no other State could be forced to receive him or her.


Moreover, opinion within the Commission was divided on the issue of whether certain States, such as a State that had issued the alien in question with a travel document, entry permit or residence permit, or the State of embarkation, would have an obligation to receive the alien under international law, in which case paragraph 1 of the draft article would apply.


While some members of the Commission considered that a State that had issued an entry permit or residence permit to an alien would have such an obligation, other members believed that by issuing an entry permit or residence permit to an alien a State did not assume any international obligation to receive the alien vis-à-vis other States, including a State that had expelled the alien in question from its territory.


In that regard, it was argued within the Commission that the State that had issued such a permit would still be entitled to refuse to allow the alien in question to return to its territory, citing reasons of public order or national security.


Different views were also expressed regarding the position of the State of embarkation. While the point was made that expulsion to the State of embarkation was a common practice that should be mentioned in the draft articles, the view was also expressed that the State of embarkation has no legal obligation to receive the expelled alien.


(4) The Commission is aware of the role played by readmission agreements in determining the State of destination of an expelled alien.

(4) 委员会意识到“重新接纳协定”在确定被驱逐的外国人目的地国问题上的作用。

These agreements fall within the extremely broad scope of international cooperation, in which States exercise their sovereignty in light of variable considerations that in no way lend themselves to normative standardization through codification.


That being the case, the Commission considered that such agreements should not be the subject of a specific draft article.


That said, it is important to note that such agreements should be implemented in compliance with the relevant rules of international law, particularly those aimed at protecting the human rights of the alien subject to expulsion.


(5) Determination of the State of destination of the alien subject to expulsion under draft article 22 must be done in compliance with the obligations contained in draft article 6, paragraph 3 (prohibition of refoulement), and in draft articles 23 and 24, which prohibit expulsion of an alien to a State where his or her life or freedom would be threatened or to a State where the alien could be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

(5) 根据第22条草案确定拟被驱逐的外国人的目的地国,必须遵守第6条草案第3(禁止推回)以及第23和第24条草案所载的义务,即禁止将外国人驱逐到一个他或她的生命或自由受到威胁的国家,或者一个该外国人可能遭受酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的国家。

Article 23 Obligation not to expel an alien to a State where his or her life or freedom would be threatened

23条 不将外国人驱逐至其生命或自由会受到威胁的国家的义务

1. No alien shall be expelled to a State where his or her life or freedom would be threatened on grounds such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, birth or other status, or any other ground impermissible under international law.

1. 不得将任何外国人驱逐至其生命或自由可能会因种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等理由或因国际法不容许的任何其他理由而受到威胁的国家。

2. A State that does not apply the death penalty shall not expel an alien to a State where the life of that alien would be threatened with the death penalty, unless it has previously obtained an assurance that the death penalty will not be imposed or, if already imposed, will not be carried out.

2. 不适用死刑的国家不得将外国人驱逐至其生命会受到死刑威胁的国家,除非它已事先获得保证:不判处死刑,或如已判处死刑,不予执行。



(1) Draft article 23 deals with protection of the life or freedom of an alien subject to expulsion in relation to the situation in the State of destination.

(1) 23条草案就目的地国的状况而阐述关于保护拟被驱逐的外国人生命或自由的问题。

Paragraph 1 prohibits the expulsion of an alien to a State where his or her life or freedom would be threatened on one of the grounds set out in draft article 15, which establishes the obligation not to discriminate.


The wording referring to a State where his or her life or freedom would be threatened, which delimits the scope of this prohibition of expulsion, corresponds to the content of article 33 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951, which establishes the prohibition of return (refoulement).


(2) The prohibited grounds of discrimination set out in draft article 15 and reproduced in draft article 23 are those contained in article 2, paragraph 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

(2) 23条草案重述的第15条草案所禁止的歧视理由是《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二条第1款所载的内容。

The Commission considers that there is no valid reason why the list of discriminatory grounds in draft article 23 should be less broad in scope than the list contained in draft article 15.


In particular, the Commission was of the view that the list of grounds contained in article 33 of the 1951 Convention was too narrow for the present draft article, which addressed the situations not only of persons who could be defined as refugees, but of aliens in general, and in a wide range of possible situations.


(3) As is the case of draft article 15, the Commission discussed whether sexual orientation should be included in the prohibited grounds of discrimination.

(3) 与讨论第15条草案时的情况一样,委员会讨论了应否在所禁止的歧视理由中包括性取向。

Since divergent views were expressed by members of the Commission on this point, the approach taken in draft article 15 and in the commentary to that draft article was adopted here as well.


(4) Paragraph 2 of draft article 23 concerns the specific situation where the life of an alien subject to expulsion would be threatened in the State of destination by the imposition or execution of the death penalty, unless an assurance has previously been obtained that the death penalty will not be imposed or, if already imposed, will not be carried out.

(4) 23条草案第2款审议的具体情况是,除非已经事先得到不会判处死刑、或者如果已经判处但不会执行死刑的保证,拟被驱逐的外国人将在目的地国面临被判处或执行死刑的威胁。

 The Human Rights Committee has taken the position that, under article 6 of the Covenant, States that have abolished the death penalty may not expel a person to another State in which he or she has been sentenced to death, unless they have previously obtained an assurance that the penalty will not be carried out.


 While it may be considered that, within these precise limits, this prohibition now corresponds to a distinct trend in international law, it would be difficult to state that international law goes any further in this area.


(5) Consequently, paragraph 2 of draft article 23 constitutes progressive development in two respects: first, because the prohibition established in paragraph 2 covers not only States that have abolished the death penalty, but also States that retain the penalty in their legislation but do not apply it in practice: this is the meaning of the phrase, [a] State that does not apply the death penalty; second, because the scope of protection has been extended to cover not only situations where the death penalty has already been imposed but also those where there is a real risk that it will be imposed.

 (5) 因此,第23条草案第2款在两个方面构成国际法的逐渐发展:首先,第2款的禁止性规定不仅涵盖已经废除死刑的国家,而且涵盖仍在立法中保留死刑但实际上不采用的国家:这就是“不适用死刑的国家”几字的含义;其次,保护的范围已经扩大,不仅涵盖已经判处死刑的情况,而且涵盖可能判处死刑的情况。

Article 24 Obligation not to expel an alien to a State where he or she may be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

24条 不将外国人驱逐至会使其面临酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格之待遇或处罚的国家的义务

A State shall not expel an alien to a State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be in danger of being subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.




(1) The wording of draft article 24, which obliges the expelling State not to expel an alien to a State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be in danger of being subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,  is based on article 3 of the 1984 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

(1) 24条草案的措辞要求驱逐国不将一名外国人驱逐至有充分理由相信他或她会面临酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚之危险的国家。  这依据的是1984年《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第3条。

 However, draft article 24 broadens the scope of the protection afforded by this provision of the Convention, since the obligation not to expel contained in the draft article covers not only torture, but also other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


This broader scope of the prohibition reflects, inter alia, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights concerning article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.


 A recommendation of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination takes a similar stance.


(2) With regard to determining the existence of substantial grounds within the meaning of draft article 24, attention should be drawn to article 3, paragraph 2, of the 1984 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which states that the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights.

(2) 对于如何确定第24条草案所指的“充分理由”,应当注意1984年《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第3条第2款。 这一款规定:主管当局应考虑到“所有有关的因素,包括在适当情况下,考虑到在有关国家境内是否存在一贯严重、公然、大规模侵犯人权的情况”。

This provision has been interpreted on many occasions by the Committee against Torture established pursuant to the Convention, which has considered a number of communications alleging that the expulsion of aliens to particular States was contrary to article 3.


(3) The Committee against Torture has adopted guidelines concerning the implementation of article 3 in its general comment No. 1.

(3) 禁止酷刑委员会在第1号一般性意见中制定了关于执行第3条的准则。

 These guidelines indicate the information that may be relevant in determining whether the expulsion of an alien to a particular State is consistent with article 3:


The following information, while not exhaustive, would be pertinent:


(a) Is the State concerned one in which there is evidence of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights (see art. 3, para. 2)?

(a) 是否有证据表明所涉国家是一个一贯严重、公然或大规模侵犯人权的国家(见第3条第2)

(b) Has the author been tortured or maltreated by or at the instigation of or with the consent of acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity in the past? If so, was this the recent past?

(b) 撰文人是否曾遭受公职人员或以官方身份行事的人施行或煽动或认可或默许的酷刑或虐待?如果是,是否是最近发生的?

(c) Is there medical or other independent evidence to support a claim by the author that he/she has been tortured or maltreated in the past? Has the torture had after-effects?

(c) 是否有医疗证据或其他独立证据证明撰文人关于曾遭受酷刑或虐待的指控?酷刑是否有后遗症?

(d) Has the situation referred to in (a) above changed? Has the internal situation in respect of human rights altered?

(d) 以上(a)段所指情况是否已发生变化?境内人权情况是否已发生变化?

(e) Has the author engaged in political or other activity within or outside the State concerned which would appear to make him/her particularly vulnerable to the risk of being placed in danger of torture were he/she to be expelled, returned or extradited to the State in question?

(e) 撰文人是否在所涉国家境内外从事政治活动或其他活动,使得他()如被驱逐、遣返或引渡到该国,特别容易遭受酷刑?

(f) Is there any evidence as to the credibility of the author? (g) Are there factual inconsistencies in the claim of the author?

(f) 是否有任何证据证明撰文人是可信的?(g) 撰文人的指控中是否存在与事实不符的情况?如果存在,是否有重大关系?”

If so, are they relevant? The Committee has also indicated that substantial grounds for believing that there is a risk of torture require more than a mere theory or suspicion but less than a high probability of such a risk.

委员会还指出,有充分理由认为存在着酷刑危险,是要求不能仅仅依据于理论或怀疑。 但是不必证明这种危险极有可能发生。

 Other elements on which the Committee against Torture has provided important clarifications are the existence of a personal risk of torture;  the existence, in this context, of a present and foreseeable danger;  the issue of subsequent expulsion to a third State;  and the absolute nature of the prohibition.

 禁止酷刑委员会就此做出重要说明的其他因素是:存在着遭受酷刑的个人危险、  存在着这方面现存和可预见的危险、  接着驱逐到第三国的问题、  以及禁止的绝对性。

(4) As was the case for draft article 18,  the Commission preferred not to address, in the text of draft article 24, situations where the risk of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment emanated from persons or groups of persons acting in a private capacity.

(4) 如同第18条草案一样,  委员会不赞成在第24条草案的案文中处理个人或群体以私人身份实施酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的危险问题。

 In this regard, it should be recalled that in its general comment No. 1, the Committee against Torture expressed the following view on this issue:


Pursuant to article 1, the criterion, mentioned in article 3, paragraph 2, of a consistent pattern or gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights refers only to violations by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.


For its part, the European Court of Human Rights has drawn from the absolute character of article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights the conclusion that the said provision also covers cases where the danger emanates not from the State of destination itself but from persons or groups of persons who are not public officials, when the State of destination is not able to offer adequate protection to the individual concerned.


Owing to the absolute character of the right guaranteed, the Court does not rule out the possibility that Article 3 of the Convention may also apply where the danger emanates from persons or groups of persons who are not public officials.


However, it must be shown that the risk is real and that the authorities of the receiving State are not able to obviate the risk by providing appropriate protection.


Chapter IV Protection in the transit State

第四章 过境国境内的保护

Article 25 Protection in the transit State of the human rights of an alien subject to expulsion

25条 在过境国境内保护拟被驱逐的外国人的人权

The transit State shall protect the human rights of an alien subject to expulsion, in conformity with its obligations under international law.




The implementation of an expulsion order often involves the transit of the alien through one or more States before arrival in the State of destination.


 In draft article 25, the Commission therefore considered it essential to draw attention to the transit States obligation to protect the human rights of the alien subject to expulsion, in conformity with its obligations under international law.


The chosen wording clearly indicates that the transit State is obliged to respect only its own obligations under international conventions to which it is a party or under the rules of general international law, and not obligations that are, ex hypothesi, binding on the expelling State alone.


Part Four Specific procedural rules

第四部分 具体程序规则

Article 26 Procedural rights of aliens subject to expulsion

26条 拟被驱逐的外国人的程序权利

1. An alien subject to expulsion enjoys the following procedural rights:

1. 拟被驱逐的外国人享有下列程序权利:

(a) the right to receive notice of the expulsion decision;

(a) 收到驱逐决定通知的权利;

(b) the right to challenge the expulsion decision;

(b) 对驱逐决定提出异议的权利;

(c) the right to be heard by a competent authority;

(c) 由一个主管当局听讯的权利;

(d) the right of access to effective remedies to challenge the expulsion decision;

(d) 获得有效救济对驱逐决定提出异议的权利;

(e) the right to be represented before the competent authority; and

(e) 在主管当局面前有人代理的权利;和

(f) the right to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he or she cannot understand or speak the language used by the competent authority.

(f) 如果不懂或不讲主管当局所用的语言,有获得免费口译协助的权利。

2. The rights listed in paragraph 1 are without prejudice to other procedural rights or guarantees provided by law.

2. 1款所列权利不影响法律规定的其他程序权利或保障。

3. An alien subject to expulsion has the right to seek consular assistance.

3. 拟被驱逐的外国人有权寻求领事协助。

The expelling State shall not impede the exercise of this right or the provision of consular assistance.


4. The procedural rights provided for in this article are without prejudice to the application of any legislation of the expelling State concerning the expulsion of aliens who have been unlawfully present in its territory for less than six months.

4. 本条规定的程序权利不影响驱逐国适用有关驱逐非法在其境内不足六个月的外国人的任何法律。



(1) Draft article 26, paragraph 1, sets out a list of procedural rights from which any alien subject to expulsion must benefit, irrespective of whether that person is lawfully or unlawfully present in the territory of the expelling State.

(1) 26条草案第1款规定了任何拟被驱逐的外国人必须享有的程序权利,无论该人合法还是非法地处于驱逐国境内。

The sole exception to which reference is made in paragraph 4 of the draft article is that of aliens who have been unlawfully present in the territory of that State for less than six months.


(2) Paragraph 1 (a) sets forth the right to receive notice of the expulsion decision.

(2) 1(a)项规定了收到驱逐决定通知的权利。

The expelling States respect for this essential guarantee is a conditio sine qua non for the exercise by an alien subject to expulsion of all of his or her procedural rights.


This condition was explicitly embodied in article 22, paragraph 3, of the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, which stipulates that the expulsion decision shall be communicated to them in a language they understand.


In 1892 the Institute of International Law already expressed the view that lacte ordonnant lexpulsion est notifié à lexpulsé” [the expulsion order shall be notified to the expellee]  and also that si lexpulsé a la faculté de recourir à une haute cour judiciaire ou administrative, il doit être informé, par lacte même, et de cette circonstance et du délai à observer [if the expellee is entitled to appeal to a high judicial or administrative court, the expulsion order must indicate this and state the deadline for filing the appeal].

国际法学会在1892年已经表达了以下的观点:“lacte ordonnant lexpulsion est notifié à lexpulsé” [须将驱逐决定通知被驱逐者]  并且“si lexpulsé a la faculté de recourir à une haute cour judiciaire ou administrative, il doit être informé, par lacte même, et de cette circonstance et du délai à observer[如果被驱逐者有权向高级司法或行政法院上诉,则驱逐令必须指出这一点,并说明提出上诉的限期]

 The legislation of a number of States contains a requirement that a decision on expulsion must be notified to the alien concerned.


(3) Paragraph 1 (b) sets out the right to challenge the expulsion decision, a right well established in international law.

(3) 1(b)项规定了对驱逐决定提出异议的权利;这是国际法上久已确立的一项权利。

At the universal level, article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provides the individual facing expulsion with the right to submit the reasons against his or her expulsion, except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require.


It states that [a]n alien lawfully in the territory of a State Party to the present Covenant shall, except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, be allowed to submit the reasons against his expulsion (emphasis added).

它指出,“合法处在本公约缔约国领土内的外侨,…除非在国家安全的紧迫原因另有要求的情况下,应准予提出反对驱逐出境的理由”  (强调是后加的)

The same right is to be found in article 7 of the Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, annexed to General Assembly resolution 40/144 of 13 December 1985, which provides that [a]n alien lawfully in the territory of a State shall, except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, be allowed to submit the reasons why he or she should not be expelled.


At the regional level, article 1, paragraph 1 (a) of Protocol No. 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms provides that an alien lawfully resident in the territory of a State and subject to an expulsion order shall be allowed to submit reasons against his expulsion.


Article 3, paragraph 2, of the European Convention on Establishment offers the same safeguard by providing that [e]xcept where imperative considerations of national security otherwise require, a national of any Contracting Party who has been so lawfully residing for more than two years in the territory of any other Party shall not be expelled without first being allowed to submit reasons against his expulsion.


Lastly, the right of an alien to contest his or her expulsion is also embodied in internal law.


(4) The Commission considers that the right to be heard by a competent authority, set out in paragraph 1 (c), is essential for the exercise of the right to challenge an expulsion decision, which forms the subject of paragraph 1 (b).

 (4) 委员会认为,对于作为第1(b)项主要内容的、对驱逐决定提出异议的权利来说,第1(c)项规定的由主管当局听讯的权利至关重要。

Although article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not expressly grant the alien the right to be heard, the Human Rights Committee has taken the view that a decision on expulsion adopted without the alien having been given an opportunity to be heard may raise questions under article 13 of the Covenant:


The Committee is also concerned that the Board of Immigration and the Aliens Appeals Board may in certain cases yield their jurisdiction to the Government, resulting in decisions for expulsion or denial of immigration or asylum status without the affected individuals having been given an appropriate hearing.


In the Committees view, this practice may, in certain circumstances, raise questions under article 13 of the Covenant.


The national laws of several States grant aliens the right to be heard during expulsion proceedings, as do many national tribunals.


 Given the divergence in State practice in this area, it cannot be said that international law gives an alien subject to expulsion the right to be heard in person by the competent authority.


What is required is that an alien be furnished with an opportunity to explain his or her situation and submit his or her own reasons before the competent authority.


In some circumstances, written proceedings may satisfy the requirements of international law.


One writer, commenting on the decisions of the Human Rights Committee concerning cases related to articles 13 and 14 of the Covenant, expressed the opinion that [e]ven though the reasons against a pending expulsion should, as a rule, be asserted in an oral hearing, Article 13 does not, in contrast to Article 14, paragraph 3 (d), give rise to a right to personal appearance.

一名学者在评论人权事务委员会关于《公约》第十三条和十四条的案件时认为,“即便口头听讯通常都包含提出反对即将执行的驱逐的理由,但第十三条不同于第十四条第3()项的是,它没有规定亲自出席的权利。 ”

(5) Paragraph 1 (d) sets out the right of access to effective remedies to challenge the expulsion decision.

(5) 1(d)项规定了获得有效救济对驱逐决定提出异议的权利。

While article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights entitles an alien lawfully present in the expelling State to a review of the expulsion decision, it does not specify the type of authority which should undertake the review:


An alien lawfully in the territory of a State Party to the present Covenant may be expelled therefrom only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law and shall, except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, be allowed to have his case reviewed by, and be represented for the purpose before, the competent authority or a person or persons especially designated by the competent authority (emphasis added).

“合法处在本公约缔约国领土内的外侨,只有按照依法作出的决定才可以被驱逐出境,并且,除非在国家安全的紧迫原因另有要求的情况下,应准予…使他的案件得到合格当局或由合格当局特别指定的一人或数人的复审,并为此目的而请人作代表”  (强调是后加的)

The Human Rights Committee has drawn attention to the fact that the right to a review, as well as the other guarantees provided in article 13, may be departed from only if compelling reasons of national security so require.


The Committee has also stressed that the remedy at the disposal of the alien expelled must be an effective one:


An alien must be given full facilities for pursuing his remedy against expulsion so that this right will in all the circumstances of his case be an effective one.


The principles of article 13 relating to appeal against expulsion and the entitlement to review by a competent authority may only be departed from when compelling reasons of national security so require.


The Human Rights Committee has also considered that protests lodged with the expelling States diplomatic or consular missions abroad are not a satisfactory solution under article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:


In the Committees opinion, the discretionary power of the Minister of the Interior to order the expulsion of any alien, without safeguards, if security and the public interest so require poses problems with regard to article 13 of the Covenant, particularly if the alien entered Syrian territory lawfully and has obtained a residence permit.

“委员会认为,内政部长可在安全和公共利益需要时酌情命令驱逐外侨出境而不给与保障措施的做法,在公约第十三条方面造成了问题。 如果该外侨为合法进入叙利亚领土并已获得居住许可证,则情况更是如此。

Protests lodged by the expelled alien with Syrian diplomatic and consular missions abroad are not a satisfactory solution in terms of the Covenant.


Article 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights recognizes a right to an effective remedy with respect to a violation of any right or freedom set forth in the Convention, including in cases of expulsion:


Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity.


In respect of a complaint based on article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights concerning a case of expulsion, the European Court of Human Rights said the following about the effective remedy to which article 13 refers:


In such cases, given the irreversible nature of the harm that might occur if the risk of ill-treatment materialised and the importance the Court attaches to Article 3, the notion of an effective remedy under Article 13 requires independent scrutiny of the claim that there exist substantial grounds for fearing a real risk of treatment contrary to Article 3.


This scrutiny must be carried out without regard to what the person may have done to warrant expulsion or to any perceived threat to the national security of the expelling State.


Article 1 of Protocol No. 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms grants the alien subject to expulsion the right to have his or her case reviewed by a competent authority:


Article 1 Procedural safeguards relating to expulsion of aliens


1. An alien lawfully resident in the territory of a State shall not be expelled therefrom except in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law and shall be allowed:

1. 合法居住在一国领土内的外国人不得被驱逐出境,除非是执行依法作出的决定,而且应允许该外国人:

b. to have his case reviewed, and

b. 要求其案件得到复审

2. An alien may be expelled before the exercise of his rights under paragraph 1.a, b and c of this Article, when such expulsion is necessary in the interests of public order or is grounded on reasons of national security.

2. 出于公共秩序需要或国家安全原因,可在外国人行使本条第1abc项所赋权利前将其驱逐出境。

Similarly, article 3, paragraph 2 of the European Convention on Establishment provides:


Except where imperative considerations of national security otherwise require, a national of any Contracting Party who has been so lawfully residing for more than two years in the territory of any other Party shall not be expelled without first being allowed to submit reasons against his expulsion and to appeal to, and be represented for the purpose before, a competent authority or a person or persons specially designated by the competent authority (emphasis added).


Article 83 of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families; article 32, paragraph 2, of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees; article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons; article 9, paragraph 5, of the European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers;  and article 26, paragraph 2, of the Arab Charter on Human Rights also require that there be a possibility of appealing against an expulsion decision.

《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》第83条、《关于难民地位的公约》第三十二条第()款、《关于无国籍人地位的公约》第三十一条第二款、《欧洲移徙工人法律地位公约》第九条第5款、  以及《阿拉伯人权宪章》第二十六条第2款也要求有可能对驱逐决定提起上诉。

This right to a review procedure has also been recognized, in terms which are identical to those of article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, by the General Assembly in article 7 of the Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, annexed to General Assembly resolution 40/144:


An alien lawfully in the territory of a State may be expelled therefrom only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law and shall, except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, be allowed to submit the reasons why he or she should not be expelled and to have the case reviewed by, and be represented for the purpose before, the competent authority or a person or persons specially designated by the competent authority (emphasis added).

“对合法在一国境内的外侨,只能根据依法作出的判决将其驱逐出境,并且除因国家安全的重大理由必须另行处理外,应准其提出不应被驱逐的理由,并将其案件提交主管当局或经主管当局特别指定的人员复审,并准其委托代表向上述当局或人员陈述理由。 ”(强调是后加的)

In its General Recommendation No. 30, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination stressed the need for an effective remedy in the event of expulsion and recommended that States parties to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination should:


Ensure that non-citizens have equal access to effective remedies, including the right to challenge expulsion orders, and are allowed effectively to pursue such remedies.


The requirement that the alien subject to expulsion be provided with a review procedure has also been stressed by the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights with respect to illegal immigrants:


The Commission does not wish to call into question nor is it calling into question the right of any State to take legal action against illegal immigrants and deport them to their countries of origin, if the competent courts so decide.


It is however of the view that it is unacceptable to deport individuals without giving them the possibility to plead their case before the competent national courts as this is contrary to the spirit and letter of the Charter and international law.


Similarly, in another case, the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights held that Zambia had violated the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights by not giving an individual the opportunity to challenge an expulsion order:


36. Zambia has contravened Article 7 of the Charter in that he was not allowed to pursue the administrative measures, which were opened to him in terms of the Citizenship Act By all accounts, Bandas residence and status in Zambia had been accepted.

36. 赞比亚违反了《宪章》第七条,因为未准许他诉诸行政措施,而根据《公民法》,这些措施是对他开放的…从各方面讲,Banda 在赞比亚的居住和身份已被接受。

He had made a contribution to the politics of the country.


The provisions of Article 12 (4) have been violated.


38. John Lyson Chinula was in an even worse predicament.

38. John Lyson Chinula的处境更糟。

He was not given any opportunity to contest the deportation order.


Surely, government cannot say that Chinula had gone underground in 1974 having overstayed his visiting permit.


Chinula, by all account, was a prominent businessman and politician.


If government wished to act against him they could have done so.


That they did not, does not justify the arbitrary nature of the arrest and deportation on 31 August 1994.


He was entitled to have his case heard in the Courts of Zambia.


Zambia has violated Article 7 of the Charter.


52. Article 7 (1) states that:

52. 第七条第1款规定:

Every individual shall have the right to have his cause heard


(a) The right to an appeal to competent national organs against acts violating his fundamental rights as recognised and guaranteed

(a) 有权对侵犯其被公认和受保障的基本权利的行为向主管国家机关提出上诉…’

53. The Zambia government by denying Mr. Chinula the opportunity to appeal his deportation order has deprived him of a right to a fair hearing, which contravenes all Zambian domestic laws and international human rights laws.

53. 赞比亚政府未给Chinula先生对递解出境令提出上诉的机会,从而剥夺了他得到公正听审的权利,这有违赞比亚所有国内法律及国际人权法。

(6) Paragraph 1 (e), the content of which is based on article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, gives an alien subject to expulsion the right to be represented before the competent authority.

(6) 1(e)项的内容依据的是《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十三条,给予拟被驱逐的外国人请人代表自己与主管当局交涉的权利。

In the Commissions opinion, from the standpoint of international law, this right does not necessarily encompass the right to be represented by a lawyer during expulsion proceedings.


(7) The Commission considers that the right of an alien to the free assistance of an interpreter if he or she cannot understand or speak the language used by the competent authority, which is set out in paragraph 1 (f) and recognized in the legislation of a number of States,  is an essential element of the right to be heard, which is set out in paragraph 1 (c).

(7) 委员会认为,外国人如果听不懂或不能说主管当局使用的语言就有权获得免费口译协助,是第1(c)项所规定的得到听讯权的一个基本要素;这是第1(f)项所规定的,并且得到了一些国家立法的承认。

It is also of some relevance to the right to be notified of the expulsion decision and the right to challenge that decision, to which paragraphs 1 (a) and (b) of this draft article refer.


In this connection, it will be noted that the Committee on the Rights of the Child expressed concerns at reports of ill-treatment of children by police during forced expulsion to the country of origin where, in some cases, they were deported without access to interpretation.

在这方面,应注意儿童权利委员会对“儿童在被强行逐回原籍国时遭到警察的虐待,有时候他们没有得到法律援助和口译就被递解出境” 的报道所表达的关切。

 The Commission takes the view that free interpretation is vital to the effective exercise by the alien in question of all of his or her procedural rights.


In this context, the alien must inform the competent authorities of the language(s) which he or she is able to understand.


However, the Commission considers that the right to the free assistance of an interpreter should not be construed as including the right to the translation of possibly voluminous documentation, or to interpretation into a language which is not commonly used in the region where the State is located or at the international level, provided that this can be done without impeding the fairness of the hearing.


The wording of paragraph 1 (f) is based on article 14, paragraph 1 (f), of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which makes provision for that right in the context of criminal proceedings.


(8) The Commission is of the view that under general international law the expelling State must respect the procedural rights set forth in draft article 26, paragraph 1.

(8) 委员会认为,根据一般国际法,驱逐国必须尊重第26条草案第1款规定的程序权利。

Nevertheless, paragraph 2 specifies that the procedural rights listed in paragraph 1 are without prejudice to other procedural rights or guarantees provided by law.


This refers primarily to the rights or guarantees that the expelling States legislation offers aliens (for example, possibly a right to free legal assistance ), which that State would be bound to respect by virtue of its international legal obligation to comply with the law throughout the expulsion procedure.

这首先是指驱逐国法律为外国人提供的权利或保障(例如,也许是免费法律服务的权利 );这类权利和保障是该国根据国际法有义务在整个驱逐程序中恪守法律而必须尊重的。

 In addition, paragraph 2 should be understood to preserve any other procedural right to which an alien subject to expulsion is entitled under a rule of international law, in particular one laid down in a treaty, which is binding on the expelling State.


(9) Draft article 26, paragraph 3, deals with consular assistance, the purpose of which is to safeguard respect for the rights of an alien subject to expulsion.

(9) 26条草案第3款关系到领事协助,目的是保障拟被驱逐外国人权利得到尊重。

This paragraph refers to the aliens right to seek consular assistance, which is not synonymous with a right to obtain that assistance.


From the standpoint of international law, the aliens State of nationality remains free to decide whether or not to furnish him or her with assistance, and the draft article does not address the question of the possible existence of a right to consular assistance under that States internal law.


At the same time, the expelling State is bound, under international law, not to impede the exercise by an alien of his or her right to seek consular assistance or, as the case may be, the provision of such assistance by the sending State.


The right of an alien subject to expulsion to seek consular assistance is also expressly embodied in some national legislation.


(10) The consular assistance referred to in draft article 26, paragraph 3, encompasses the various forms of assistance which the alien subject to expulsion might receive from his or her State of nationality in conformity with the rules of international law on consular relations, most of which are reflected in the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 24 April 1963.

 (10) 26条草案第3款所述的领事协助,包含了拟被驱逐的外国人根据关于领事关系的国际法规则可能从国籍国获得的各种形式协助。 这些协助大部分反映在1963424日的《维也纳领事关系公约》。

 The right of the alien concerned to seek consular assistance and the obligations of the expelling State in that context must be ascertained in the light of those rules.


Particular mention should be made of article 5 of the Convention, which lists consular functions, and of article 36, which concerns communication between consular officials and nationals of the sending State.


Article 36, paragraph 1 (a), guarantees freedom of communication in very general terms, which suggests that it is a guarantee that applies fully in expulsion proceedings.


Moreover the same guarantee is set forth in equally general terms in article 10 of the Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, annexed to General Assembly resolution 40/144.


 Article 36, paragraph 1 (b) of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, which concerns a person who has been committed to prison or to custody pending trial, or who has been detained in any other manner, requires the receiving State to inform the consular post if the person concerned so requests and to inform the person of his or her rights in that respect.


Paragraph 1 (c) states that consular officials shall have the right to visit a national of the sending State who has been placed in detention.


The International Court of Justice has applied article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations in contexts other than that of the expulsion of aliens, for example in the cases concerning La Grand and Avena and Other Mexican Nationals.


 The Court noted that Article 36, paragraph 1 (b), spells out the obligations the receiving State has towards the detained person and the sending State and that [t]he clarity of these provisions, viewed in their context, admits of no doubt.

 法院指出,“第三十六条第一款第()项规定了接收国对被拘禁者和派遣国所负的义务”  并且“从上下文来看,这些规定的明确性没有任何疑问。” 

 The Court again examined this question in relation to detention for the purposes of expulsion in its Judgment of 30 November 2010 in the case concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo).


In accordance with the precedent established in the case concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals,  the Court noted that it is for the authorities of the State which proceeded with the arrest:

根据阿韦纳和其他墨西哥国民案的先例,  法院指出,实施逮捕的国家当局应

to inform on their own initiative the arrested person of his right to ask for his consulate to be notified; the fact that the person did not make such a request not only fails to justify non-compliance with the obligation to inform which is incumbent on the arresting State, but could also be explained in some cases precisely by the fact that the person had not been informed of his rights in that respect Moreover, the fact that the consular authorities of the national State of the arrested person have learned of the arrest through other channels does not remove any violation that may have been committed of the obligation to inform that person of his rights without delay.


Having noted that the Democratic Republic of the Congo had not provided the slightest piece of evidence to corroborate its assertion that it had orally informed Mr. Diallo of his rights, the Court found that there had been a violation by that State of article 36, paragraph 1 (b), of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.


(11) Paragraph 4 concerns aliens who have been unlawfully present in the territory of the expelling State for less than six months.

(11) 4款涉及到非法居于驱逐国不足六个月的外国人。

It takes the form of a without prejudice clause which, in such cases, seeks to preserve the application of any legislation of the expelling State concerning the expulsion of such persons.


While some members contended that there was a hard core of procedural rights from which all aliens without exception must benefit, the Commission preferred to follow a realistic approach, because it could not disregard the fact that several States national laws make provision for simplified procedures for the expulsion of aliens unlawfully present in their territory.


Under these procedures such aliens often do not even have the right to challenge their expulsion, let alone the procedural rights enumerated in paragraph 1, whose purpose is to give effect to that right.


This being so, as an exercise in the progressive development of international law the Commission considered that even foreigners unlawfully present in the territory of the expelling State for a specified minimum period of time should have the procedural rights listed in paragraph 1.


After analysing some national legislation,  the Commission concluded that it was reasonable to set the duration of that period at six months.

在分析了若干国家的立法之后,  委员会的结论是,规定6个月的期限是合理的。

Some members thought that factors other than the duration of the aliens unlawful presence in the expelling States territory ought to be borne in mind when determining the procedural rights which that alien should enjoy during expulsion proceedings.


In that connection, reference was made to the level of (social, occupational, economic or family) integration of the alien in question.


The Commission considered, however, that assessing and applying such criteria would be difficult, especially as national practice diverged in that respect.


Article 27 Suspensive effect of an appeal against an expulsion decision

27条 针对驱逐决定的上诉的暂停效力

An appeal lodged by an alien subject to expulsion who is lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State shall have a suspensive effect on the expulsion decision.




(1) Draft article 27, which recognizes the suspensive effect of an appeal lodged against an expulsion decision by an alien lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State, is progressive development of international law.

(1) 27条草案承认,合法居住在驱逐国境内的外国人提起的上诉,对驱逐决定具有暂停执行的效力,这一点是国际法的逐渐发展。

The Commission considers that State practice in the matter is not sufficiently uniform or convergent to form the basis, in existing law, of a rule of general international law providing for the suspensive effect of an appeal against an expulsion decision.


(2) However, the Commission considered that the recognition of a suspensive effect in a draft article was warranted.

(2) 然而,委员会认为,在一条草案中承认这一暂停执行的效力是合理的。

One of the reasons militating in favour of a suspensive effect is certainly the fact that, unless the execution of the expulsion decision is stayed, an appeal might well be ineffective in view of the potential obstacles to return, including those of an economic nature, which might be faced by an alien who in the intervening period has had to leave the territory of the expelling State as a result of an expulsion decision, the unlawfulness of which was determined only after his or her departure.

对于暂停执行的效力给予支持的理由之一,当然是在于这一事实:除非暂停执行驱逐决定,否则一项上诉很可能无法潜在地阻止遣返,特别是出于经济原因的遣返。 这种遣返是在干预阶段必须按驱逐令离开缔约国领土的外国人可能面临的情况,但驱逐令的不合法性只有在其离境后才能确定。

(3) According to one point of view expressed within the Commission, positive law already recognized the suspensive effect of an appeal against an expulsion decision when an alien could reasonably plead that his or her life or freedom would be threatened in the State of destination,  or that there was risk of being subjected to ill-treatment there  as grounds for challenging the decision.

(3) 根据委员会内所表达的一种意见,实在法已经承认:如果一名外国人可以作为质疑驱逐决定的理由而合理地申诉其生命或自由将在目的地国受到威胁、  或者可能在那里面临虐待时,  上诉对驱逐决定具有暂停执行的效力。

In addition, with a view to progressive development, some members would have preferred the Commission to recognize the suspensive effect not only of an appeal lodged by an alien lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State, but also of an appeal lodged by certain categories of aliens who, although unlawfully present in its territory, had already been there for some time or met other conditions, such as a sufficient level of social, economic, family or other integration in the expelling State.


(4) In this context, it is interesting to note the position of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the effects of an appeal on the execution of the decision.

(4) 在这方面,令人感兴趣的是欧洲人权法院关于上诉对执行驱逐决定的效力的立场。

While the Court recognized the discretion enjoyed by States parties in this respect, it indicated that measures whose effects are potentially irreversible should not be enforced before the national authorities have determined whether they are compatible with the Convention.


For example, in the case of Čonka v. Belgium the Court concluded that there had been a violation of article 13 of the Convention:


The Court considers that the notion of an effective remedy under Article 13 requires that the remedy may prevent the execution of measures that are contrary to the Convention and whose effects are potentially irreversible . Consequently, it is inconsistent with Article 13 for such measures to be executed before the national authorities have examined whether they are compatible with the Convention, although Contracting States are afforded some discretion as to the manner in which they conform to their obligations under this provision.



(5) One might also mention that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has recommended that aliens expelled from the territory of a member State of the Council of Europe should be entitled to a suspensive appeal, which should be considered within three months from the date of the decision on expulsion:

(5) 也许还可以提及的是,欧洲委员会议会建议,从欧洲委员会一成员国驱逐出境的外国人应当有权提出具有暂停执行效力的上诉,并且应当在驱逐决定作出之日起三个月之内审理这一上诉:

With regard to expulsion: ii. any decision to expel a foreigner from the territory of a Council of Europe member state should be subject to a right of suspensive appeal; iii. if an appeal against expulsion is lodged, the appeal procedure shall be completed within three months of the original decision to expel.

“关于驱逐:二. 把外国人从欧洲委员会成员国领土驱逐出境的任何决定都受暂停驱逐上诉权的制约;三. 如果对驱逐提出上诉,应在原来的驱逐决定之日起3个月内完成上诉程序。”

In this context it is interesting to note that the Parliamentary Assembly also took the view that an alien who was not lawfully present also had this right of appeal:


An alien without a valid residence permit may be removed from the territory of a member state only on specified legal grounds which are other than political or religious.


He shall have the right and the possibility of appealing to an independent appeal authority before being removed.


It should be studied if also, or alternatively, he shall have the right to bring his case before a judge.


He shall be informed of his rights.


If he applies to a court or to a high administrative authority, no removal may take place as long as the case is pending;


A person holding a valid residence permit may only be expelled from the territory of a member state in pursuance of a final court order.


The Commission did not go as far as this.


Article 28 Procedures for individual recourse

28条 个人申诉程序

An alien subject to expulsion shall have access to any available procedure involving individual recourse to a competent international body.




The purpose of draft article 28 is to make it clear that aliens subject to expulsion may, in some cases, be entitled to individual recourse to a competent international body.


The individual recourse procedures in question are mainly those established under various universal and regional human rights instruments.


Part Five Legal consequences of expulsion

第五部分 驱逐的法律后果

Article 29 Readmission to the expelling State

29条 重新准入驱逐国

1. An alien lawfully present in the territory of a State, who is expelled by that State, shall have the right to be readmitted to the expelling State if it is established by a competent authority that the expulsion was unlawful, save where his or her return constitutes a threat to national security or public order, or where the alien otherwise no longer fulfils the conditions for admission under the law of the expelling State.

1. 如果一个主管当局确定驱逐非法,被一国驱逐的合法在该国境内的外国人有权重新准入驱逐国,除非其返回对国家安全或公共秩序构成威胁,或按照驱逐国的法律该外国人已不再符合入境条件。

2. In no case may the earlier unlawful expulsion decision be used to prevent the alien from being readmitted.

2. 在任何情况下,先前的非法驱逐决定不得被用来阻止该外国人重新获准入境。



(1) Draft article 29 recognizes, as an exercise in progressive development and when certain conditions are met, that an alien who has had to leave the territory of a State owing to an unlawful expulsion has the right to re-enter the territory of the expelling State.

(1) 29条草案承认,作为一种逐渐发展的做法,在符合某些条件时,因非法驱逐不得不离开一国领土的外国人有权重新进入驱逐国境内。

Although recognition of such a right on a variety of conditions may be discerned in the legislation of some States  and even at the international level,  practice does not appear to converge enough for it to be possible to affirm the existence, in positive law, of a right to readmission, as an individual right of an alien who has been unlawfully expelled.

尽管可以发现这种权利在一些国家的立法中 ,甚至在国际层面  得到(基于各种条件的)承认,但是实践似乎不足以证明实在法中存在着重新准入的权利而且将此权利视为被非法驱逐的外国人的一项个人权利。

(2) Even from the standpoint of progressive development, the Commission was cautious about formulating any such right.

(2) 即使从逐渐发展的角度来看,委员会对于拟定此类权利也保持谨慎。

Draft article 29 therefore concerns solely the case of an alien lawfully present in the territory of the State in question who has been expelled unlawfully and applies only when a competent authority has established that the expulsion was unlawful and when the expelling State cannot validly invoke one of the reasons mentioned in the draft article as grounds for refusing to readmit the alien in question.


(3) The adjective unlawful qualifying expulsion in the draft article refers to any expulsion in breach of a rule of international law. It must also, however, be construed in the light of the principle, set forth in article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and reiterated in draft article 4, that an alien may be expelled only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law, that is to say primarily in accordance with the internal law of the expelling State.

(3) 条款草案中限定驱逐的形容词“非法”系指一切违反国际法规则的驱逐,但仍必须根据《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十三条作规定、第4条草案又加以重申的原则进行解释,即只有按照依法作出的决定,亦即主要按照依驱逐国国内法作出的决定才可以驱逐外国人。

(4) Under draft article 29, a right of readmission is recognized only in situations where the authorities of the expelling State, or an international body such as a court or a tribunal which is competent to do so, have found in a binding determination that expulsion was unlawful.

(4) 根据第29条草案,只有在驱逐国当局或一个有此权限的法院或法庭等国际机构在具有约束力的决定中认定驱逐非法的情况下,重新准入的权利才得到承认。

Such a determination is not present when an expulsion decision which was unlawful at the moment when it was taken is held by the competent authorities to have been cured in accordance with the law.


The Commission considered that it would have been inappropriate to make the recognition of this right subject to the annulment of the unlawful expulsion decision, since in principle only the authorities of the expelling State are competent to annul such a decision.


The wording of draft article 29 also covers situations where expulsion has occurred without the adoption of a formal decision, in other words through conduct attributable to the expelling State.


 That said, by making the right of readmission subject to the existence of a prior determination by a competent authority as to the unlawfulness of the expulsion, draft article 29 avoids giving the alien, in this context, the right to judge for him or herself whether the expulsion to which he or she has been subject was lawful or unlawful.


(5) Draft article 29 should not be understood as conferring on the determinations of international bodies legal effects other than those for which provision is made in the instrument by which the body in question was established.

(5) 不应认为第29条草案赋予国际机构的决定超出机构创建文书条款规定的法律效力之外的效力。

It recognizes only, as a matter of progressive development, and on an independent basis, a right to readmission to the territory of the expelling State, the existence of which right is subject, inter alia, to a previous determination that the expulsion was unlawful.


(6) As this draft article clearly indicates, the expelling State retains the right to deny readmission to an alien who has been unlawfully expelled, if that readmission constitutes a threat to national security or public order or if, for any other reason, the alien no longer fulfils the conditions for admission under the law of the expelling State.

(6) 本条草案明确指出,若重新准入对国家安全或公共秩序构成威胁,或出于其他任何原因该外国人已不再符合驱逐国法律规定的入境条件,驱逐国保留拒绝被非法驱逐的外国人重新入境的权利。

The Commission is of the view that it is necessary to allow such exceptions to readmission in order to preserve a fair balance between the rights of the unlawfully expelled alien and the power of the expelling State to control the entry of any alien to its territory in accordance with its legislation in force when a decision is to be taken on the readmission of the alien in question.


The purpose of the final exception mentioned in draft article 29 is to take account of the fact that, in some cases, the circumstances or facts forming the basis on which an entry visa or residence permit was issued to the alien might no longer exist.


A States power to assess the conditions for readmission must, however, be exercised in good faith.


For example, the expelling State would not be entitled to refuse readmission on the basis of legislative provisions which made the mere existence of a previous expulsion decision a bar to readmission.


This restriction is reflected in draft article 29, paragraph 2, which states: In no case may the earlier unlawful expulsion decision be used to prevent the alien from being readmitted.

这一限制措施体现在第29条草案第2款中,该款规定:“在任何情况下,先前的非法驱逐决定不得被用来阻止该外国人重新获准入境。 ”

This formulation draws on the wording of article 22, paragraph 5, of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.


(7) Lastly, recognition of a right to readmission under draft article 29 is without prejudice to the legal regime governing the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, to which reference is made in draft article 31.

(7) 最后,第29条草案承认重新准入的权利,不影响关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的法律制度,第31条草案提到了这一点。

In particular, the legal rules governing reparation for an internationally wrongful act remain relevant in the context of the expulsion of aliens.


Article 30 Protection of the property of an alien subject to expulsion

30条 保护拟被驱逐的外国人的财产

The expelling State shall take appropriate measures to protect the property of an alien subject to expulsion, and shall, in accordance with the law, allow the alien to dispose freely of his or her property, even from abroad.




(1) Draft article 30, which concerns the protection of the property of an alien subject to expulsion,  establishes two obligations for the expelling State.

(1) 30条草案涉及保护拟被驱逐的外国人的财产,  规定驱逐国负有两项义务。

The first relates to the adoption of measures to protect the property of the alien in question, while the second concerns the free disposal by the alien of his or her property.


(2) The wording of article 30 is sufficiently general to encompass all the guarantees relating to the protection of the property of an alien subject to expulsion under the applicable legal instruments.

(2) 30条的措辞足够宽泛,足以涵盖适用的法律文书规定的与保护拟被驱逐的外国人的财产相关的所有保障措施。

It should be recalled that article 17, paragraph 2, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that [n]o one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.


Concerning expulsion more specifically, article 22 of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families provides that:


6. In case of expulsion, the person concerned shall have a reasonable opportunity before or after departure to settle any claims for wages and other entitlements due to him or her and any pending liabilities.

6. 如被驱逐出境,当事人在离境之前或之后应有合理机会解决任何应得工资和其他应享权利的要求以及任何未决义务。

9. Expulsion from the State of employment shall not in itself prejudice any rights of a migrant worker or a member of his or her family acquired in accordance with the law of that State, including the right to receive wages and other entitlements due to him or her.

9. 从就业国被驱逐出境的事实不得损害某一移徙工人或其一家庭成员按照该国法律所获的任何权利,包括接受工资及其他应享的权利。

At the regional level, article 14 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights states that:


The right to property shall be guaranteed.


It may only be encroached upon in the interest of public need or in the general interest of the community and in accordance with the provisions of appropriate laws.


The American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San José, Costa Rica) states in article 21 on the right to property that:


1. Everyone has the right to the use and enjoyment of his property.

1. 人人都有使用和享受财产的权利。

The law may subordinate such use and enjoyment to the interest of society.


2. No one shall be deprived of his property except upon payment of just compensation, for reasons of public utility or social interest, and in the cases and according to the forms established by law.

2. 不得剥夺任何人的财产,但因公用事业或社会利益等理由以及法律规定的情况和按法律规定的形式,付予正当赔偿的情况除外。

Similarly, article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms  states:

同样,《欧洲保护人权与基本自由公约第1号议定书》  第1条规定:

Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions.


No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law.


The preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties.


Lastly, article 31 of the Arab Charter on Human Rights states:


Everyone has a guaranteed right to own property, and shall not under any circumstances be arbitrarily or unlawfully divested of all or any part of his property.


(3) It may be considered that the obligation to protect the property of an alien subject to expulsion ought to involve allowing the individual a reasonable opportunity to protect the property rights and other interests that he or she may have in the expelling State.

(3) 可以认为,保护拟被驱逐的外国人的财产之义务应该涉及允许个人有合理机会保护其在驱逐国可能拥有的财产权和其他利益。

 Failure to give an alien such opportunity has given rise to international claims.


 As early as 1892, the Institute of International Law adopted a resolution containing a provision indicating that aliens who are domiciled or resident, or have a commercial establishment in the expelling State, shall be given the opportunity to settle their affairs and interests before leaving the territory of that State.


« Lexpulsion d’étrangers domiciliés, résidents ou ayant un établissement de commerce ne doit être prononcée que de manière à ne pas trahir la confiance quils ont eue dans les lois de lÉtat. Elle doit leur laisser la liberté duser, soit directement, si cest possible, soit par lentremise de tiers par eux choisis, de toutes les voies légales pour liquider leur situation et leurs intérêts, tant actifs que passifs, sur le territoire. » [Deportation of aliens who are domiciled or resident or who have a commercial establishment in the territory shall only be ordered in a manner that does not betray the trust they have had in the laws of the State.

«Lexpulsion d’étrangers domiciliés, résidents ou ayant un établissement de commerce ne doit être prononcée que de manière à ne pas trahir la confiance quils ont eue dans les lois de lÉtat. Elle doit leur laisser la liberté duser, soit directement, si cest possible, soit par lentremise de tiers par eux choisis, de toutes les voies légales pour liquider leur situation et leurs intérêts, tant actifs que passifs, sur le territoire. » [递解在领土内定居或经商的外国人出境的命令,应以不违背关系外国人对该国法律的信任的方式作出,并应让他们自由地运用(可能时直接运用,或通过他们自己选择的第三方运用)每一可能的法律程序处理他们在领土内的事务和利益,包括资产和负债]

It shall give them the freedom to use, directly where possible or by the mediation of a third party chosen by them, every possible legal process to settle their affairs and their interests, including their assets and liabilities, in the territory] More than a century later, the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal held, in Rankin v. The Islamic Republic of Iran, that an expulsion was unlawful if it denied the alien concerned a reasonable opportunity to protect his or her property interests:


The implementation of this policy could, in general terms, be violative of both procedural and substantive limitations on a States right to expel aliens from its territory, as found in the provisions of the Treaty of Amity and in customary international law.


For example, by depriving an alien of a reasonable opportunity to protect his property interests prior to his expulsion.


Similarly, with regard in particular to migrant workers, paragraph 18 (sect. VI) of the Migration for Employment Recommendation (Revised), adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organization on 1 July 1949, reads as follows:


(1) When a migrant for employment has been regularly admitted to the territory of a Member, the said Member should, as far as possible, refrain from removing such person or the members of his family from its territory on account of his lack of means or the state of the employment market, unless an agreement to this effect has been concluded between the competent authorities of the emigration and immigration territories concerned.

(1) 如果一个就业移民通过正常途径获准在一成员国入境,该成员国就应尽可能不以此人缺乏生计或其在劳务市场的状况为由将此人及其家庭成员遣离其领土,除非有关移出和移入领土主管当局之间就此达成协议。

(2) Any such agreement should provide:

(2) 任何这种协议均应规定:



that the migrant must have been given reasonable notice so as to give him time, more particularly to dispose of his property (emphasis added).


As has been pointed out, such considerations are taken into account in national laws, which, inter alia, may afford the alien a reasonable opportunity to settle any claims for wages or other entitlements before his or her departure or provide for the necessary actions to be taken in order to ensure the safety of the aliens property while the alien is detained pending deportation.


 More generally, the need to protect the property of aliens subject to expulsion is also taken into account, to varying degrees and in different ways, by the laws of a number of States.


(4) According to draft article 30, an alien must be guaranteed the free disposal of his or her property in accordance with the law.

(4) 根据第30条草案,必须保障外国人“依法”自由处置其财产。

This clarification should not be interpreted as allowing the expelling State to apply laws that would have the effect of denying or limiting arbitrarily the free disposal of property.


However, it takes sufficient account of the interest that the expelling State may have in limiting or prohibiting, in accordance with its own laws, the free disposal of certain assets, particularly assets that were illegally acquired by the alien in question or that might be the proceeds of criminal or other unlawful activities.


Furthermore, the clarification that the alien should be allowed to dispose freely of his or her property, even from abroad, is intended to address the specific needs, where applicable, of an alien who has already left the territory of the expelling State because of an expulsion decision concerning him or her.


That point was taken into account by the International Court of Justice in its 2010 judgment in the Diallo case, even although the Court ultimately found that in the case in question Mr. Diallos direct rights as associé had not been violated by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, because no evidence [had] been provided that Mr. Diallo would have been precluded from taking any action to convene general meetings from abroad, either as gérant or as associé”.


(5) It is understood that the rules set forth in draft article 30 are without prejudice to the right any State has to expropriate or nationalize the property of an alien, in accordance with the applicable rules of international law.

(5) 一项理解是,第30条草案的规定不影响任何国家根据适用的国际法规则没收外国人财产或将其收归国有的权利。

(6) The issue of the property rights of enemy aliens in time of armed conflict is not specifically addressed in draft article 30, since the Commissions choice, as mentioned in the commentary to draft article 10, is not to address aspects of the expulsion of aliens in time of armed conflict.

(6) 30条草案没有具体处理武装冲突期间敌侨的财产权问题,因为正如第10条草案评注中所言,委员会选择不处理武装冲突期间驱逐外国人的各方面问题。

It should, however, be noted that the issue of property rights in the event of armed conflict was the subject of extensive discussions in the Eritrea- Ethiopia Claims Commission.


Article 31 Responsibility of States in cases of unlawful expulsion

31条 国家在非法驱逐情况下的责任

The expulsion of an alien in violation of international obligations under the present draft articles or any other rule of international law entails the international responsibility of the expelling State.




(1) It is undisputed that an expulsion in violation of a rule of international law entails the international responsibility of the expelling State for an internationally wrongful act.

(1) 无可争议的是,违反国际法规则的驱逐引起驱逐国对国际不法行为的国际责任。

In this regard, draft article 31 is to be read in the light of Part Two of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


 Part Two sets out the content of the international responsibility of a State, including in the context of the expulsion of aliens.


(2) The fundamental principle of full reparation by the State of the injury caused by an internationally wrongful act is stated in article 31 of the articles on State responsibility,  while article 34  sets out the various forms of reparation, namely restitution (article 35), compensation (article 36) and satisfaction (article 37).

(2) 关于国家责任的条款第31条指出了国家对国际不法行为造成的损害提供充分赔偿这一根本原则,  而第34条  规定了各种赔偿方式,即恢复原状(35)、补偿(36)和抵偿(37)

The jurisprudence on reparation in cases of unlawful expulsion is particularly abundant.


(3) Restitution, in the form of the return of the alien to the expelling State, has sometimes been chosen as a form of reparation.

(3) 有时也选择以外国人返回驱逐国的方式恢复原状作为一种赔偿方式。

In this regard, the first Special Rapporteur on international responsibility, Mr. García Amador, stated: In cases of arbitrary expulsion, satisfaction has been given in the form of the revocation of the expulsion order and the return of the expelled alien.

关于这一点,首任国际责任问题特别报告员加西亚·阿马多尔先生指出:“在任意驱逐出境的情况下,所给予的抵偿的形式是撤销驱逐令并让被驱逐者返回。 ”

 He was referring, in this context, to the Lampton and Wiltbank cases (concerning two United States citizens expelled from Nicaragua in 1894) and the case of four British subjects also expelled from Nicaragua.

 在这方面,他提及的是LamptonWiltbank两案(事关1894年被驱逐出尼加拉瓜的 两名美国公民)和也被驱逐出尼加拉瓜的四名英国国民的案件。

 The right of return in case of unlawful expulsion has been recognized by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in connection with the arbitrary expulsion of a foreign priest.


(4) Compensation is a well-recognized means of reparation for the injury caused by an unlawful expulsion to the alien expelled or to the State of nationality.

(4) 补偿是对非法驱逐出境给被驱逐的外国人或国籍国所致损害的一种公认的赔偿手段。

It is not disputed that the compensable injury includes both material and moral damage.


 A new approach was taken by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the right to reparation by including interruption of the life plan in the category of harm suffered by victims of violations of human rights.


Damages have been awarded by a number of arbitral tribunals to aliens who had been victims of unlawful expulsions.


In the Paquet case, the umpire held that, given the arbitrary nature of the expulsion, the Government of Venezuela should pay Mr. Paquet compensation for the direct damages he had suffered:


“… the general practice amongst governments is to give explanations to the government of the person expelled if it asks them, and when such explanations are refused, as in the case under consideration, the expulsion can be considered as an arbitrary act of such a nature as to entail reparation, which is aggravated in the present case by the fact that the attributes of the executive power, according to the Constitution of Venezuela, do not extend to the power to prohibit the entry into the national territory, or expelling therefrom the domiciled foreigners whom the Government suspects of being prejudicial to the public order;


That, besides, the sum demanded does not appear to be exaggerated:


Decides that N.A. Paquet is entitled to an indemnity of 4,500 francs.

兹裁决Paquet先生的这项要求可以得到赔偿金4,500法郎。 ”


Damages were also awarded by the umpire in the Oliva case to compensate the loss resulting from the breach of a concession contract, although these damages were limited to those related to the expenditures which the alien had incurred and the time he had spent in order to obtain the contract.


 Commissioner Agnoli had considered that the arbitrary nature of the expulsion would by itself have justified a demand for damages:


[A]n indemnity of not less than 40,000 bolivars should be conceded, independently of any sum which might justly be found due him for losses resulting from the arbitrary rupture of the contract aforementioned, since there can be no doubt that, even had he not obtained the concession referred to, the sole fact of his arbitrary expulsion would furnish sufficient ground for a demand of indemnity.


In other cases, it was the unlawful manner in which the expulsion had been carried out (including the duration and conditions of a detention pending deportation) that gave rise to compensation.


In the Maal case, the umpire awarded damages to the claimant because of the harsh treatment he had suffered.


Given that the individuals who had carried out the deportation had not been punished, the umpire considered that the sum awarded needed to be sufficient in order for the State responsible to express its appreciation of the indignity inflicted on the claimant:


The umpire has been taught to regard the person of another as something to be held sacred, and that it could not be touched even in the lightest manner, in anger or without cause, against his consent, and if so done it is considered an assault for which damages must be given commensurate with the spirit and the character of the assault and the quality of the manhood represented in the individual thus assaulted.


] And since there is no proof or suggestion that those in discharge of this important duty of the Government of Venezuela have been reprimanded, punished or discharged, the only way in which there can be an expression of regret on the part of the Government and a discharge of its duty toward the subject of a sovereign and a friendly State is by making an indemnity therefor in the way of money compensation.


This must be of a sufficient sum to express its appreciation of the indignity practiced upon this subject and its high desire to fully discharge such obligation.


In the opinion of the umpire the respondent Government should be held to pay the claimant Government in the interest of and on behalf of the claimant, solely because of these indignities the sum of five hundred dollars in gold coin of the United States of America, or its equivalent in silver at the current rate of exchange at the time of the payment; and judgment may be entered accordingly.


In the Daniel Dillon case, damages were awarded to compensate maltreatment inflicted on the claimant due to the duration and conditions of his detention:

Daniel Dillon案中,裁决支付赔偿以弥补索赔人因被长期拘留和拘留期间的条件而遭受的虐待:

The long period of detention, however, and the keeping of the claimant incommunicado and uninformed about the purpose of his detention, constitute in the opinion of the Commission a maltreatment and a hardship unwarranted by the purpose of the arrest and amounting to such a degree as to make the United Mexican States responsible under international law.


And it is found that the sum in which an award should be made, can be properly fixed at $2,500, U.S. currency, without interest.


In the Yaeger case, the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal awarded the claimant compensation for (1) the loss of personal property that he had to leave behind because he had not been given sufficient time to leave the country;  and (2) for the money seized at the airport by the Revolutionary Komitehs.

Yaeger案中,伊朗-美国索赔法庭裁定补偿索赔人(1) 因为没有足够时间离开该国而不得不舍弃的私人财物的损失;  (2) 在机场被“革命委员会”没收的钱。

In some instances, the European Court of Human Rights has awarded a sum of money as compensation for non-pecuniary damages resulting from an unlawful expulsion.


In Moustaquim v. Belgium, the Court disallowed a claim for damages based on the loss of earnings resulting from an expulsion in violation of article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, citing the absence of a causal link between the violation and the alleged loss of earnings.

Moustaquim诉比利时案中,法院驳回了以违反《欧洲人权公约》第8条的一次驱逐出境造成收入的损失为理由提出的赔偿要求。 在这方面,法院指出该项违法行为与声称的收入损失之间没有因果关系。

However, the Court awarded the applicant, on an equitable basis, 100,000 Belgian francs as a compensation for non-pecuniary damages for the period that he had to live away from his family and friends, in a country where he had no ties.


 In the Čonka v. Belgium case, the European Court of Human Rights awarded the sum of 10,000 euros to compensate non-pecuniary damages resulting from a deportation which had violated articles 5, paragraphs 1 and 4, of the European Convention on Human Rights (right to liberty and security), article 4 of Protocol No. 4 to that Convention (prohibition of collective expulsion), as well as article 13 of the Convention (right to an effective remedy) taken in conjunction with article 4 of Protocol No. 4.


(5) Satisfaction as a form of reparation is addressed in article 37 of the articles on State responsibility.

(5) 关于国家责任的条款第37条处理了抵偿这种赔偿方式。

It is likely to be applied in the case of an unlawful expulsion, particularly in situations where the expulsion decision has not yet been executed.


In such cases, the European Court of Human Rights considered that a judgment determining the unlawfulness of the expulsion order was an appropriate form of satisfaction and therefore abstained from awarding non-pecuniary damages.


Attention may be drawn in this respect to Beldjoudi v. France,  Chahal v. United Kingdom  and Ahmed v. Austria.

在这方面可以注意Beldjoudi诉法国案、  Chahal诉联合王国案  和Ahmed诉奥地利案。

 It is relevant to recall in this connection that the Commission itself, in its commentary to article 37 on State responsibility, stated: One of the most common modalities of satisfaction provided in the case of moral or non-material injury to the State is a declaration of the wrongfulness of the act by a competent court or tribunal.


 Again with respect to satisfaction as a form of reparation, it should be noted that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights does not limit itself to awarding compensation to victims of unlawful expulsion, considering that the reparations that must be made by the State necessarily include effectively investigating the facts [and] punishing all those responsible.

”  关于以抵偿作为赔偿方式,应该再次指出的是,美洲人权法院并不局限于判决为非法驱逐的受害者提供补偿,它认为“国家必须做出的补偿一定要包括有效调查事实[]惩处所有责任人”。

(6) The question of reparation for internationally wrongful acts related to the expulsion of an alien was recently addressed by the International Court of Justice in its judgment of 30 November 2010 in the Ahmadou Sadio Diallo case:

 (6) 近来国际法院在Ahmadou Sadio Diallo20101130日的判决中处理了有关驱逐外国人的国际不法行为的赔偿问题:

Having concluded that the Democratic Republic of the Congo has breached its obligations under Articles 9 and 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Articles 6 and 12 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights, and article 36, paragraph 1 (b), of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (see paragraphs 73, 74, 85 and 97 above), it is for the Court now to determine, in light of Guineas final submissions, what consequences flow from these internationally wrongful acts giving rise to the DRCs international responsibility.


After recalling the legal regime governing reparation, based on the principle, established by the Permanent Court of International Justice in the case concerning the Factory at Chorzów, that the reparation must, as far as possible, wipe out all the consequences of the illegal act and re-establish the situation which would, in all probability, have existed if that act had not been committed and the principle, recently recalled in the case concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay), that the reparation can take the form of compensation or satisfaction, or even both,  the Court stated:

回顾关于赔偿的法律制度之后,依据以下两项原则的区别:常设国际法院在霍茹夫工厂(Factory at Chorzów)案中确立的原则――赔偿必须尽可能“消除非法行为的一切后果并重建该行为若未发生则很可能存在的局面” ,和近期乌拉圭河纸浆厂(Pulp Mills on the River)(阿根廷诉乌拉圭)案中回顾的原则――赔偿可以采用“补偿或抵偿的方式,甚至可同时采用这两种方式”,  法院指出:

In the light of the circumstances of the case, in particular the fundamental character of the human rights obligations breached and Guineas claim for reparation in the form of compensation, the Court is of the opinion that, in addition to a judicial finding of the violations, reparation due to Guinea for the injury suffered by Mr. Diallo must take the form of compensation.


Subsequently, on 19 June 2012, the Court handed down a judgment on the question of compensation payable by the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the Republic of Guinea.


 It awarded the Republic of Guinea compensation of $85,000 for the non-material injury suffered by Mr. Diallo because of the wrongful acts attributable to the Democratic Republic of the Congo,  and, on basis of equitable considerations, awarded $10,000 dollars to compensate for Mr. Diallos alleged loss of personal property.

 法院判定因Diallo先生由于可归于刚果民主共和国的不法行为造成的非物质损害,几内亚共和国得到85,000美元的补偿,  而且在公平考虑的基础上,另判支付10,000美元,补偿Diallo先生所称的个人财产损失。

 The Court, however, rejected, for lack of evidence, requests for compensation for the loss of remuneration that Mr. Diallos had allegedly suffered during his detention and following his unlawful expulsion.


 The Court in its judgment addressed in a general way several points regarding the conditions and manner of compensation, including the causal link between the unlawful acts and the injury, the assessment of the injury including the non-material injury and the evidence for the latter.


Article 32 Diplomatic protection

32条 外交保护

The State of nationality of an alien subject to expulsion may exercise diplomatic protection in respect of the alien in question.




(1) Draft article 32 refers to the institution of diplomatic protection, for which the legal regime is well established in international law.

(1) 32条草案涉及外交保护制度,国际法中已就此建立了良好的法律制度。

 It is undisputed that the State of nationality of an alien subject to expulsion can exercise diplomatic protection on behalf of its national, subject to the conditions specified by the rules of international law.


Those rules are essentially reflected in the articles on diplomatic protection adopted by the Commission in 2006, the text of which was essentially annexed by the General Assembly to its resolution 62/67 of 6 December 2007.


(2) In its decision of 2007 regarding the preliminary objections in the Diallo case, the International Court of Justice reiterated, in the context of the expulsion of aliens, two essential conditions for the exercise of diplomatic protection, namely the nationality link and the prior exhaustion of domestic remedies.

 (2) 国际法院在2007年关于Diallo案先决反对的决定中重申了在驱逐外国人的情形下行使外交保护的两个基本条件,即存在国籍联系和已然用尽国内补救办法。  

Chapter V Protection of persons in the event of disasters

第五章 发生灾害时的人员保护

A. Introduction

A. 导言

47. The Commission, at its fifty-ninth session (2007), decided to include the topic Protection of persons in the event of disasters in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina as Special Rapporteur.

47. 委员会在其第五十九届会议(2007)上决定在其工作方案中列入“发生灾害时的人员保护”专题,并任命爱德华多

At the same session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a background study, initially limited to natural disasters, on the topic.


48. At the sixtieth session (2008), the Commission had before it the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/598), tracing the evolution of the protection of persons in the event of disasters, and identifying the sources of the law on the topic, as well as previous efforts towards codification and development of the law in the area.

48. 在第六十届会议(2008)上,委员会收到特别报告员的初步报告(A/CN.4/ 598),跟踪发生灾害时对人员的保护的演变,确定关于这个专题的法律渊源,以及先前在该领域编纂和发展法律的努力。

It also presented in broad outline the various aspects of the general scope with a view to identifying the main legal questions to be covered and advancing tentative conclusions without prejudice to the outcome of the discussion that the report aimed to trigger in the Commission.


The Commission also had before it a memorandum by the Secretariat, focusing primarily on natural disasters (A/CN.4/590 and Add.1 to 3) and providing an overview of existing legal instruments and texts applicable to a variety of aspects of disaster prevention and relief assistance, as well as of the protection of persons in the event of disasters.


49. The Commission considered, at its sixty-first session (2009), the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/615 and Corr.1) analysing the scope of the topic ratione materiae, ratione personae and ratione temporis, and issues relating to the definition of disaster for purposes of the topic, as well as undertaking a consideration of the basic duty to cooperate.

49. 在第六十一届会议上(2009),委员会审议了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/615Corr.1)。 该报告分析了专题的属事理由、属人理由和属时理由范围,以及本专题范围内有关“灾害”定义的问题,并且审议了合作的基本义务。

The report contained proposals for draft articles 1 (Scope), 2 (Definition of disaster) and 3 (Duty to cooperate).


The Commission also had before it written replies submitted by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to the questions addressed to them by the Commission in 2008.


50. At its 3029th meeting, on 31 July 2009, the Commission took note of draft articles 1 to 5, as provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee (A/CN.4/L.758).

50. 委员会在2009731日第3029次会议上注意到起草委员会暂时通过的第1至第5条草案(A/CN.4/L.758)

51. At its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission provisionally adopted draft articles 1 to 5 at the 3057th meeting, held on 4 June 2010.

51. 在第六十二届会议(2010)期间,委员会在201064日举行的第3057次会议上暂时通过了第1至第5条草案。

The Commission further had before it the third report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/629) providing an overview of the views of States on the work undertaken by the Commission, a consideration of the principles that inspire the protection of persons in the event of disasters, and a consideration of the question of the responsibility of the affected State.

委员会还收到了特别报告员的第三次报告(A/CN.4/629)。 该报告概述了各国对委员会所开展之工作的意见,审议了激发发生灾害时人员保护工作的各项原则,并且审议了受灾国的责任问题。

Proposals for the following three further draft articles were made in the report: draft articles 6 (Humanitarian principles in disaster response), 7 (Human dignity) and 8 (Primary responsibility of the affected State).


52. At its sixty-third session (2011), the Commission provisionally adopted draft articles 6 to 9, at the 3102nd meeting, held on 11 July 2011.

52. 在第六十三届会议(2011)期间,委员会在2011711日举行的第3102次会议上暂时通过了第69条草案。

The Commission had before it the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1) containing, inter alia, a consideration of the responsibility of the affected State to seek assistance where its national response capacity is exceeded, the duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent to external assistance, and the right to offer assistance in the international community.

委员会收到了特别报告员的第四次报告(A/CN.4/643Corr.1)。 该报告审议了受灾国在灾害超过其国家应对能力时寻求援助的责任、受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助的义务、以及国际社会提议援助的权利。

Proposals for the following three further draft articles were made in the report: draft articles 10 (Duty of the affected State to seek assistance), 11 (Duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent) and 12 (Right to offer assistance).


The Commission provisionally adopted draft articles 10 and 11 at the 3116th meeting, held on 2 August 2011, but was unable to conclude its consideration of draft article 12 owing to a lack of time.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

53. At the present session, the Commission had before it the fifth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/652) providing an overview of the views of States on the work undertaken by the Commission thus far, a brief discussion of the Special Rapporteurs position on the Commissions question in Chapter III.C of its 2011 annual report,  as well as a further elaboration of the duty to cooperate.

53. 在本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第五次报告(A/CN.4/652)。 该报告概述了各国对委员会迄今所进行的工作的意见,简要讨论了特别报告员关于2011年年度报告第三章C节中委员会问题的立场,  并且进一步阐述了合作的义务。

The report also contained a discussion of the conditions for the provision of assistance and the question of the termination of assistance.


Proposals for the following three further draft articles were made in the report: draft articles A (Elaboration of the duty to cooperate), 13 (Conditions on the provisions of assistance) and 14 (Termination of assistance).


54. The Commission considered the fifth report at its 3138th to 3142nd meetings, from 2 to 6 July 2012.

54. 委员会在201272日至6日的第3138次至3142次会议上审议了第五次报告。

55. At its 3142nd meeting, on 6 July 2012, the Commission referred draft articles A, 13 and 14 to the Drafting Committee.

55. 201276日第3142次会议上,委员会将A条、第13条和第14条草案提交起草委员会。

56. At its 3152nd meeting, on 30 July 2012, the Commission received the report of the Drafting Committee and took note of draft articles 5 bis and 12 to 15, as provisionally adopted by the Draft Committee (A/CN.4/L.812).

56. 2012730日的第3152次会议上,委员会收到起草委员会的报告并注意到起草委员会暂时通过的第五之二条草案和第12至第15条草案(A/CN.4/ L.812)

1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the fifth report

 1. 特别报告员介绍第五次报告

57. In introducing his fifth report, the Special Rapporteur recalled the generally positive reception of Governments in the Sixth Committee to the draft articles adopted by the Commission thusfar.

57. 特别报告员在介绍第五次报告时回顾说,在第六委员会,各国政府在总体上表示赞成国际法委员会至今为止通过的条款草案。

He also placed on record his position as regards the question posed by the Commission in chapter III.C of its 2011 report, concerning whether the duty of States to cooperate with the affected State includes a duty to provide assistance when requested by the affected State.


He indicated that an analysis of existing law and practice revealed that the provision of assistance from one State to another was premised on the voluntary character of the action of the assisting State.


The Special Rapporteur observed that many States in the Sixth Committee had, in their statements, answered the Commissions question in the negative, mainly arguing that such a duty had no basis in existing international law.


58. The Special Rapporteur recalled that member Governments had called on the Commission to elaborate further on the duty of cooperation, which was the subject of draft article 5.

58. 特别报告员回顾说,会员国呼吁委员会进一步阐述第5条草案所涉的合作的义务问题。

He noted that cooperation played a basic role in the provision of relief.


Seen from the larger perspective of public international law, to be legally and practically effective the duty to cooperate in the provision of disaster relief had to strike a balance between three important aspects.


First, such a duty could not intrude into the sovereignty of the affected State.


Second, the duty had to be imposed on assisting States as a legal obligation of conduct.


Third, the duty had to be relevant and limited to disaster relief assistance, by encompassing the various specific elements that normally make up cooperation on the matter.


From the diversity of existing international instruments and texts, it could be deduced that the duty to cooperate covered a great diversity of technical and scientific activities, as described in extenso in his report.


He thus felt it appropriate to include in the draft articles a further draft article elaborating on the duty to cooperate, while leaving open the question of its eventual location, i.e., either as a stand-alone provision or as an additional paragraph to draft article 5.


His proposal for a new draft article A  was modelled on draft article 17, paragraph 4, dealing with cooperation in the case of emergencies, of the draft articles on the law of transboundary aquifers of 2008, which was, in turn, modelled on article 28 of the Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, 1997.

他新拟订的A条草案  是仿照2008年“跨界含水层法条款草案”关于紧急情况下合作的第17条草案第4款,而后者又是仿照1997年《国际水道非航行使用法公约》第二十八条。

He noted that the first four categories of cooperation he had identified were also referred to in draft article 17, paragraph 4.


59. Chapter V of the Special Rapporteurs fifth report was dedicated to the question of the conditions that an affected State may place on the provision of assistance.

59. 特别报告员第五次报告的第五章专门阐述受灾国可对提供援助施加条件的问题。

The issue was considered from three, concurrent, perspectives: compliance with national laws; identifiable needs and quality control; and limitations on conditions under international law and national law.


It was noted that the principal conclusions reached under each aspect were implied in several draft articles already adopted by the Commission.


In particular, underlying the three perspectives, was the fundamental principle found in draft article 11, paragraph 1, according to which the provision of external assistance was subject to the consent of the affected State.


The power of the affected State to establish the conditions which the offer of assistance must meet was the corollary to the basic role of the affected State to ensure the protection of persons and the provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory, in accordance with draft article 9.


60. In the view of the Special Rapporteur, assisting actors were required to provide assistance in compliance with the national law of the affected State.

60. 特别报告员认为,援助者在提供援助时必须遵守受灾国的国内法。

However, the right to condition the provision of assistance on compliance with national law was not absolute.


The affected State had a duty to facilitate the provision of prompt and effective assistance, under its sovereign obligations to its population.


States had an obligation to assist in ensuring compliance with national law and an obligation to examine whether the applicability of certain provisions of national law must be waived in the event of a disaster.


The latter element related, inter alia, to: the grant of privileges and immunities; visa and entry requirements, customs requirements and tariffs; and questions of quality and freedom of movement.


After reviewing existing practice, the Special Rapporteur was of the view that, rather than a strict and absolute requirement of waivers in a disaster, the affected State should consider the reasonableness of the waiver in light of its obligations to provide prompt and effective assistance and to protect its population.


In his view, it was sufficient to indicate that the affected State may impose conditions on the provision of assistance, subject to their compliance with national and international law, and accordingly proposed draft article 13  to that effect.

他认为,指出受灾国可以对提供援助施加条件,要求其符合国内法和国际法,就足够了,并就此拟订了第13条草案 。

61. The Special Rapporteur indicated that the duty of cooperation further implied the duty of the affected State and that of the assisting actors to consult each other with a view to determining the duration of the period of assistance.

61. 特别报告员指出,合作的义务进一步意味着受灾国和援助者有责任彼此磋商,以确定援助的期限。

Such consultation could take place before the assistance was provided or during the period of the provision of assistance, by the initiative of one or the other party.


He had thus proposed draft article 14 to that effect.


2. Summary of the debate

2. 辩论摘要

(a) General remarks

(a) 一般性意见

62. In commenting on the approach taken by the Commission in the draft articles previously adopted, a view was expressed indicating a preference for not analyzing the relationship between the affected State and third States in terms of rights and duties, but rather from the perspective of cooperation.

62. 在评论委员会在过去通过的条款草案中采取的方针时,一种意见表示不赞成从权利和义务的角度分析受灾国和第三国之间的关系,而应从合作的角度分析。

It was observed that the vast majority of cases did not involve any mala fides on the part of the affected State, and that in the few extreme cases where States did withhold consent arbitrarily, it was unlikely that a right-duty approach would have been of assistance to persons affected by disasters.


Furthermore, some members noted that the existence of rights or duties in this area of the law was not supported by State practice.


It was also considered doubtful whether it was appropriate to refer to such concepts as applying to non-State actors.


Likewise, the view was expressed that the inability to specify legal consequences for failure to uphold a duty, for example not to arbitrarily withhold consent, suggested that the concept of duty being applied lacked content.


63. According to another view, the function of law, including international law, was, inter alia, to regulate those situations where there existed possible violations of accepted rules and principles.

63. 另一种意见认为,法律,包括国际法在内,其作用除其他外,是对可能存在着违反既定规则和原则的情况进行规范。

One could not, according to this view, discount the importance of legal rules in drawing the distinction between acceptable and unacceptable actions, particularly in the context of States acting with mala fides.


Furthermore, the view was expressed that the articulation of minimum rights and duties should not a priori be viewed as inhibiting the encouragement of voluntary cooperation.


64. A doubt was expressed as to the usefulness of the adoption of draft articles in the form of a convention.

64. 有人表示怀疑以公约形式通过条款草案是否有用。

According to another view, by their nature the draft articles implied the need for more specific implementing legislation under national law.


It was suggested that the Commission keep this in mind when turning to discussing the eventual form of the draft articles, which could include a framework convention or a set of guiding principles.


65. It was proposed that the Commission consider formulating a model instrument for humanitarian relief operations in the event of disasters patterned on a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) which could be annexed to the draft articles and which could serve a practical purpose.

65. 有人建议委员会考虑以《部队地位协定》作模式,为发生灾害时的人道主义救援行动制订一个文书样本,可作为条款草案的附件,并且可具有实用价值。

While several speakers spoke in favour of dealing with some of the practical aspects of the topic, others expressed doubts about the feasibility of the proposal.


(b) Comments on draft article A

(b) 关于A条草案的评论

66. General support was expressed for the proposal to further elaborate on the duty of cooperation within the draft articles.

66. 对于在条款草案中进一步阐述合作义务的建议,大家表示了总体上的支持。

At the same time, it was suggested that greater precision be given to the draft article.


For example, it was suggested that reference also be made to financial assistance, as one of the ways in which States and other actors could provide assistance.


It was also suggested that a reference be included to the assisting actor consulting with the affected State in order to ascertain what kind of assistance was required.


67. The view was expressed that draft article A did not itself deal with the duty to cooperate, which existed on the level of principle, but rather with the more operational duty to provide cooperation or assistance, in the forms listed.

67. 一种意见说,A条草案本身不阐述原则层面上的合作义务,而是以列举的形式阐述更具可操作性的提供合作或援助的义务。

Accordingly, the provision was also linked to draft article 12.


It was pointed out that the use of the word shall seemed to contradict the general position that no legal obligation to provide assistance existed.


The concern was also expressed that the language of the draft article appeared to limit the discretion of assisting States to determine the nature of assistance to be provided.


68. According to a further view, it was not appropriate to speak in terms of legal obligations when addressing the duty to cooperate, given its general and discretionary nature.

68. 还有一种意见认为,鉴于合作的义务的一般性和任意裁量性,以谈论法律义务的措辞来谈论这种义务不恰当。

Greater clarity was also called for as regards on which actors the duty in the draft article was being imposed.


Doubts were also expressed as to the feasibility of imposing obligations on non-State actors in the draft articles.


69. It was suggested that account needed to be taken of the fact that the extent of personal damage inflicted by a disaster was often the result of poverty, the lack of safe and adequate housing and access to drinkable water and sanitation.

69. 有人建议说,应当考虑到灾害造成的个人损害程度通常取决于贫困、缺乏安全和适当住房、以及不能享有饮用水和卫生设施等情况。

(c) Comments on draft article 13

(c) 关于第13条草案的评论

70. The view was expressed that while there existed some conditions that could not be imposed on the provision of assistance, as a general rule the affected State could subject the provision of assistance to whatever conditions it deemed necessary.

70. 一种意见认为,尽管有若干条件不可施加于提供援助,但作为一般规则,受灾国可以要求援助的提供符合它视为必要的任何条件。

Agreement was also expressed by some members with the view that, in determining the extent of appropriate conditions imposed, regard should be had to the principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention, while at the same time taking into account the responsibilities of States to protect persons on their territory.


As such, any condition imposed by the affected State should be reasonable and should not undermine the duty to protect, including the duty to facilitate assistance, nor lead to the arbitrary withholding of consent to external assistance (article 11, paragraph 2).


It was also suggested that it had to be clarified that the conditions imposed by the affected State for the provision of assistance should comply first and foremost with national and international human rights norms.


It was further suggested that reference be made to the need to adopt a gender perspective, so as to ensure greater effectiveness of the assistance being provided.


71. It was suggested that the draft article be more detailed so as to include references to the various elements dealt with in the report of the Special Rapporteur.

71. 有人建议条款草案应当更详细地包括特别报告员在报告中阐述的各种因素。

A further view was that the relative lack of detail in the provision the Special Rapporteurs draft gave rise to the risk of unwarranted broad interpretations by affected States of the range of conditions that they could apply to the provision of assistance.


72. The view was expressed that the key issue was obtaining the necessary exemptions from national law in order to allow for the prompt provision of assistance, and it was suggested that the provision be more specific on that point.

72. 一种意见认为,主要的问题是获得必要的国内法豁免,从而能够及时提供援助,并且有人建议条款在这一点上更具体一些。

Agreement was expressed with the Special Rapporteurs suggestion that the affected State consider the reasonableness of waiving its internal requirements in each circumstance with a view to ensuring prompt and effective assistance.


A further view was that it was not easy to ask States simply to waive their domestic legislation, which could give rise to difficulties under their respective constitutional systems, and raised questions about the rule of law.


In terms of a further suggestion, it could be recommended that States specifically anticipate in their legislation the possibility of the waiver of internal requirements in the case of disasters.


(d) Comments on draft article 14

(d) 关于第14条草案的评论

73. While several members welcomed the inclusion of draft article 14, which would in their view ensure greater legal certainty in the implementation of assistance, others questioned its utility and recommended that it be deleted or replaced with a without prejudice clause.

73. 尽管好几名委员对第14条草案表示欢迎,认为这将在法律上为实施援助而更大地保障确定性,但另一些委员对其实用性提出质疑,并建议删除或代之以一项不影响条款。

The concern was expressed that the provision seemed to condition termination on the existence of consultation.


It was suggested that a more flexible provision was needed, so as to reflect the various realities that could arise.


It was also suggested that the provision more explicitly acknowledge that the duration of assistance was ultimately a matter for decision by the affected State.


Other members cautioned against an approach that recognized a uniform and unilateral right of affected States to terminate the assistance being provided to them, as it could unnecessarily affect the rights of affected persons.


74. Suggestions for improvement included specifying that, upon termination, the respective parties should cooperate to allow for the repatriation of goods and personnel.

74. 修改建议包括具体说明有关各方应当在终止援助之时合作,以遣返物品和人员。

It was also suggested that reference could be made to the need for a procedure for termination, to be agreed upon by the affected State and assisting actors.


3. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

3. 特别报告员的总结

75. The Special Rapporteur cautioned against reopening draft articles that had already been adopted by consensus during the first reading.

75. 特别报告员不赞成重新讨论一读已经协商一致通过的条款草案。

In his view, the comments and observations made on previously adopted draft articles were more appropriately to be taken into account during the second reading of the draft articles.


76. The Special Rapporteur concurred with the views expressed during the debate that draft article 13 could benefit from further detail, in order to have greater practical value, and agreed to making drafting suggestions in the Drafting Committee for such improvements.

76. 特别报告员赞同辩论中表达的这一意见,即第13条草案可以更详细一些,以具有更大的实用价值,并且他同意在起草委员会为这一修改提出文字建议。

77. As for the relationship between draft article 5 and draft article A, the Special Rapporteur recalled that draft article 5, in general terms, set forth the duty to cooperate in the specific context of disasters.

77. 关于第5条草案和A条草案之间的关系,特别报告员回顾说,第5条草案从一般的角度规定了灾害具体情况下的合作义务。

Draft article A indicated the principal areas in which such cooperation should take place.


To his mind, the misgivings raised by some members were more terminological in nature and could be remedied in the Drafting Committee.


78. As regards the proposal to negotiate a model SOFA for disasters, he noted that the model SOFA prepared by the United Nations Secretariat envisaged the activities of the military forces of States for peacekeeping operations.

78. 关于就灾害问题谈判一个《部队地位协定》范本的建议,他指出,联合国秘书处编写的《部队地位协定》范本考虑到了各国军队的维持和平活动。

However, such model agreement to be prepared by the Commission in the context of disasters would have to include the activities of non-military actors.


He noted that the United Nations model SOFA was very detailed, as was the case with similar texts being developed in other fora, and national models for civil defence.


While the usefulness of such documents could not be denied, in his view, such an endeavour would exceed the scope of this topic as it was approved by the Commission.


79. As to the question of the final form of the draft articles, he recalled that the approach of developing draft articles was simply the usual practice of the Commission, and was without prejudice to the final form in which they were going to be adopted.

79. 关于条款草案的最后形式问题,他回顾说,委员会的通常做法就是制定条款草案,但不影响其通过的最后形式。

He remained open-minded on the matter and preferred to defer it until a later stage of consideration.


80. The Special Rapporteur further indicated his intention to spend most of his next report on disaster risk reduction, including the prevention and mitigation of disasters.

80. 特别报告员还指出,他打算在下一次报告中主要阐述减少灾害风险问题,包括预防和减轻灾害。

That report might extend to the protection of humanitarian assistance personnel.


He also planned to propose a draft article on the use of terms, as well as other miscellaneous provisions.


C. Text of the draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters provisionally adopted so far by the Commission

C. 委员会到目前为止暂时通过的发生灾害时的人员保护条款草案案文

81. The text of the draft articles provisionally adopted so far by the Commission is reproduced below.

81. 委员会到目前为止暂时通过的条款草案案文载录如下。

Protection of persons in the event of disasters


Article 1 Scope

1条 范围

The present draft articles apply to the protection of persons in the event of disasters.


Article 2 Purpose

2条 宗旨

The purpose of the present draft articles is to facilitate an adequate and effective response to disasters that meets the essential needs of the persons concerned, with full respect for their rights.


Article 3 Definition of disaster

3条 灾害的定义

Disastermeans a calamitous event or series of events resulting in widespread loss of life, great human suffering and distress, or large-scale material or environmental damage, thereby seriously disrupting the functioning of society.


Article 4 Relationship with international humanitarian law

4条 与国际人道主义法的关系

The present draft articles do not apply to situations to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable.


Article 5 Duty to cooperate

5条 合作的义务

In accordance with the present draft articles, States shall, as appropriate, cooperate among themselves, and with the United Nations and other competent intergovernmental organizations, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and with relevant non-governmental organizations.


Article 6 Humanitarian principles in disaster response

6条 应对灾害的人道主义原则

Response to disasters shall take place in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality, and on the basis of non-discrimination, while taking into account the needs of the particularly vulnerable.


Article 7 Human dignity

7条 人的尊严

In responding to disasters, States, competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations shall respect and protect the inherent dignity of the human person.


Article 8 Human rights

8条 人权

Persons affected by disasters are entitled to respect for their human rights.


Article 9 Role of the affected State

9条 受灾国的作用

1. The affected State, by virtue of its sovereignty, has the duty to ensure the protection of persons and provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory.

1. 受灾国由于其主权,有责任在其领土上确保保护人员和提供抗灾救济和援助。

2. The affected State has the primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of such relief and assistance.

2. 受灾国在指挥、控制、协调和监督抗灾救济和援助方面应发挥主要作用。

Article 10 Duty of the affected State to seek assistance

10条 受灾国寻求援助的责任

To the extent that a disaster exceeds its national response capacity, the affected State has the duty to seek assistance from among other States, the United Nations, other competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations, as appropriate.


Article 11 Consent of the affected State to external assistance

11条 受灾国对外部援助的同意

1. The provision of external assistance requires the consent of the affected State.

1. 提供外部援助需要征得受灾国的同意。

2. Consent to external assistance shall not be withheld arbitrarily.

2. 受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助。

3. When an offer of assistance is extended in accordance with the present draft articles, the affected State shall, whenever possible, make its decision regarding the offer known.

3. 对按照本条款草案提出的援助提议,受灾国应在可能的情形下告知就该援助提议作出的决定。

Chapter VI Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

第六章 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免

A. Introduction

A. 导言

82. The Commission, at its fifty-ninth session (2007), decided to include the topic Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin as Special Rapporteur.

82. 委员会在第五十九届会议(2007)上决定将“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”这一专题列入工作方案,并任命罗曼·阿·科洛德金先生为特别报告员。

 At the same session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a background study on the topic, which was made available to the Commission at its sixtieth session.


83. The Special Rapporteur submitted three reports.

83. 特别报告员提交了三份报告。

The Commission received and considered the preliminary report at its sixtieth session (2008) and the second and third reports at its sixty-third session (2011).


 The Commission was unable to consider the topic at its sixty-first session (2009) and at its sixty-second session (2010).


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

84. The Commission, at its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012, appointed Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández as Special Rapporteur to replace Mr. Roman Kolodkin, who was no longer a member of the Commission.

84. 委员会在2012522日第3132次会议上任命康塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士代替罗曼·科洛德金先生担任特别报告员,罗曼·科洛德金先生不再担任委员会委员。

85. The Commission had before it the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/654).

85. 委员会收到了特别报告员的初步报告(A/CN.4/654)

The Commission considered the report at its 3143rd to 3147th meetings, on 10, 12, 13, 17 and 20 July 2012.


1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the preliminary report

1. 特别报告员介绍初步报告

86. The preliminary report analyzed the Commissions work thus far, providing inter alia an overview of the work by the previous Special Rapporteur, as well as the debate on the topic in the Commission and in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly.

86. 初步报告分析了委员会迄今为止开展的工作,除其他外,概述了前任特别报告员的工作,以及委员会和大会第六委员会关于本专题的讨论。

It also addressed the issues about which there was no consensus and which ought to be considered during the present quinquennium, focusing in particular on the distinction and the relationship between, and basis for, immunity ratione materiae and immunity ratione personae, the distinction and the relationship between the international responsibility of the State and the international responsibility of the individual and their implications for immunity, the scope of immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae, including possible exceptions, and the procedural issues related to immunity.


The report also offered a suggested workplan.


87. In her introduction of the report, the Special Rapporteur underlined that the report was transitional in nature as it took into account the work carried out by the previous Special Rapporteur in his three reports and by the Secretariat in its memorandum (which would continue to be useful for the future work of the Commission), as well as the progress in the debates of the Commission and the Sixth Committee, while seeking to identify issues for consideration during the present quinquennium in a way that would foster a structured debate and provide an effective response to the myriad of issues raised by the topic.

87. 特别报告员在介绍报告时强调,报告具有“过渡”性质,它考虑到前任特别报告员在其三份报告中和秘书处在其备忘录中所展现的工作(这对委员会今后的工作将继续有用),也考虑到国际法委员会和第六委员会的讨论进展,同时力求确定本五年期内需审议的问题以推动有条理的讨论,并有效应对报告所涉及的各种问题。

In this connection, the Special Rapporteur focused on a number of methodological aspects.


First, it was underscored that the topic was complex and politically sensitive.


Despite three reports by the previous Special Rapporteur and debates in the Commission and the Sixth Committee, there were still a variety of perspectives attendant to the topic and many points of difference requiring a fresh approach while bearing in mind the valuable work done previously.


Secondly, it was stressed that the mandate of the Commission covered the promotion of both the progressive development of international law and its codification.


In that regard, it was within the working methods of the Commission to look at both lex lata and lex ferenda.


The topic was a classical topic in international law, which, however, had to be considered in light of new challenges and developments.


Thirdly, it was underscored that in the treatment of the topic it was necessary to take a systemic approach, bearing in mind that the product to be elaborated by the Commission would have to be incorporated into and form part of the international legal system.


This meant that it was crucial to take a systemic approach that interrogated the various relationships between the rules relating to immunity of State officials and structural principles and essential values of the international community and international law, including those seeking to protect human rights and combat impunity.


In this regard, there was a need to take into account a balancing of interests.


Fourthly, there was need to have a focused and structured debate on the various issues, singling out clearly identified blocks of basic questions to be discussed one at a time, even though it was recognized that the substantive issues appertaining to the topic were cross-cutting and interrelated.


It was pointed out that the proposed work plan contained in the preliminary report was suggested with this goal in mind.


88. The Special Rapporteur also highlighted a number of substantive questions which it was considered crucial to address in unravelling the issues surrounding the topic.

88. 特别报告员还强调了解决与本专题有关的问题时必须应对的许多实质问题。

The first was the distinction between immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae.


Although the distinction was well made doctrinally, it was necessary to consider further the consequences that may be drawn from such a distinction and its impact.


Secondly, it was necessary to clarify the functional dimension of immunity to ensure that it did not conflict unnecessarily with other principles and values of the international community.


Thirdly, it would be necessary to determine the beneficiaries of immunity ratione personae and whether it would be appropriate to establish a list, open or closed.


Fourthly, it would be appropriate to determine the scope of official act for purposes of immunity, including the implications therefore in relation to the responsibility of the State for an internationally wrongful act and the international criminal responsibility of the individual.


Fifthly, it would be necessary to analyze whether there were any possible exceptions to immunity and the applicable rules in relation thereto.


Sixthly, it would be of vital importance to consider the question of international crimes in light of the general question of the essential values of the international community; and finally it would be appropriate to consider the procedural aspects pertaining to the exercise of immunity.


The Special Rapporteur recalled that the previous Special Rapporteur had addressed those aspects to a large extent.


However, since a consensus had not been reached on them, it would be useful for the Commission to consider the controversial issues from a fresh perspective.


To that effect, the Special Rapporteur indicated that she was willing to present draft articles as early as in her next report.


2. Summary of the debate

2. 辩论摘要

(a) General remarks

(a) 一般评论

89. Members welcomed the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur and its focus on methodological, conceptual and structural aspects, with a view to setting out a roadmap of future work of the Commission.

89. 委员们欢迎特别报告员提交初步报告,并将重点放在方法学、概念和结构问题上,以期为委员会今后的工作制订一份路线图。

Members joined the Special Rapporteur in acknowledging the scholarly and outstanding contribution of Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin, as previous Special Rapporteur, and whose work, together with the memorandum by the Secretariat, would continue to be useful in the efforts of the Commission.


90. Members also recalled the complexity of the topic and the political sensitivities that it engendered for States.

90. 委员们还忆及本专题的复杂性以及对各国的政治敏感性。

In this connection, some members cautioned that it was important to ensure that any methodological and conceptual approach taken would be neutral in nature and would not prejudice discussion on matters of substance.


The point was also made that a change in the Special Rapporteur did not necessarily lend itself to a radical change in approach.


91. Some other members expressed the hope that the outcome of the work of the Commission would contribute positively to the fight against impunity and not erode the achievements made thus far in that area.

91. 另一些委员则表示,希望委员会的工作结果对打击有罪不罚作出积极贡献,而不是损害该领域迄今取得的成果。

(b) Methodological considerations

(b) 方法问题

(1) Progressive development of international law and its codification

(1) 国际法的逐渐发展和编纂

92. Some members considered the distinction between progressive development of international law and its codification as particularly important in the consideration of the present topic.

92. 一些委员认为,区分国际法的逐渐发展与编纂对审议本专题尤为重要。

It was suggested that, where possible, the Commission should distinguish between what was codification, and proposals to States for progressive development of the law; this was especially the case because this area of the law was applied chiefly by domestic courts, in cases which were politically sensitive.


Such differentiated specification would help to provide guidance to such courts.


93. Moreover, since in the consideration of the present topic the Commission would most probably be confronted with issues concerning evolvingaspects of international law, it was countenanced that it should, in the interest of transparency, analytically distinguish determinations constituting lex lata from proposals de lege ferenda.

93. 此外,鉴于委员会在本专题的审议过程中,很可能碰到关于国际法“演变”的问题,因此有委员主张应当出于透明度考虑,通过分析区分构成现行法与构成拟议法的决定因素。

94. Some members concurred in the view of the Special Rapporteur that, in the consideration of the topic, it would be useful to focus, initially, on considerations that reflect lex lata, and then at a later stage take into account any propositions de lege ferenda.

94. 一些委员赞同特别报告员的观点,认为在审议本专题时,应当首先侧重与现行法有关的问题,然后再考虑任何拟议法建议。

95. Some other members, on the other hand, underlined that it was essential that the difference between codification and progressive development should not be transformed into a contrived opposition between a law that was conservative and a law that was progressive, or to conflate lex lata with codification or progressive development with lex ferenda.

95. 另一方面,另一些委员则强调区分编纂与逐渐发展不应变成人为地将法律分为保守的和逐渐发展的,或是将现行法与编纂或是将逐渐发展与拟议法混为一谈。

When the Commission engages in an exercise in the progressive development of the law it does more than simply identify what it thinks the law is or should be; it proceeds on the basis of an assessment of the practice of States even though the law may not have been sufficiently developed or is unclear, or the matter remains unregulated.


Progressive development of international law was as much the mandate of the Commission as codification.


The entire process was more subtle and seamless than marked by a clear divide.


96. In this connection, it was doubted that there was a compelling argument for drawing a sharp distinction, for purposes of methodology, between the codification and progressive development of international law.

96. 因此,有人怀疑是否有充分理由,出于方法学目的,明确区分国际法的编纂与逐渐发展。

It was recalled that, in the practice of the Commission, there was no such differentiation drawn between codification and progressive development; it was probably a distinction borne out by the rhetoric rather than practice, even though occasionally in the commentary on draft articles an indication is given that the direction taken by the Commission on a particular issue represents progressive development.


97. What was considered critical for the Special Rapporteur was to undertake an objective analysis of the relevant evidence of practice, the doctrine and any emerging trends, in light of relevant values and principles of contemporary international law and, on that basis, propose as appropriate draft articles for the topic.

97. 委员们认为至关重要的是,特别报告员根据当代国际法的相关价值观和原则,客观地分析相关实践、学说和任何新的趋势,并在此基础上酌情为本专题提议条款草案。

(2) Systemic approach

(2) 系统方法

98. Some members viewed the systemic approach proposed by the Special Rapporteur, albeit seemingly valuable, as abstract and deductive.

98. 一些委员认为特别报告员提议的系统方法虽然看似有用,但是抽象且具有推理性。

It was sharply contrasted with a practice-oriented and inductive approach which was viewed as best suited to reaching solid determinations of the law, regardless of whether the aim was to identify lex lata or proposing developments de lege ferenda.


It was emphasized that even abstract categorizations had empirical foundations and must be justified as such.


99. On the other hand, it was cautioned that there was no need to be hasty in passing judgment on what was entailed by a systemic approach.

99. 另一方面,有人指出,不必匆匆决定系统的方法意味着什么。

It was important that the Commission exercise its legal choices taking into account the need to find a balance between the respect for sovereignty and the concern for the vulnerable, including victims of egregious crimes.


It was essential that the Commission be sensitive to the value-laden nature of contemporary international law, which, while continuing to respect sovereignty and concepts associated with it such as immunity, also favoured legal humanism and recognized the existence of an international society.


(3) Trends in international law

(3) 国际法趋势

100. Some members pointed out that the Commission should be cautious with respect to the contention that a trendexisted to limit immunities before national jurisdictions and their scope.

100. 一些委员指出,对于关于存在着在国家管辖权面前限制豁免及其范围的“趋势”的论点,委员会应当持谨慎态度。

Indeed, it was recalled that, in Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy; Greece intervening),  the International Court of Justice had rejected the contention of Italian courts that a trend existed in international law according to which the immunity of the State was in the process of being restricted in the application of the territorial tort principle for acta jure imperii, when in fact there was a contrary trend reaffirming immunity before national criminal jurisdictions.

实际上,人们记得在国家的管辖豁免(德国诉意大利;希腊参加诉讼)案  中,国际法院驳回了意大利法院的论点,意大利法院称,国际法中存在着这样的趋势,即在国际法中,在对统治权行为适用“领土内侵权原则”时,存在着限制国家豁免及其范围的“趋势”。 事实正相反,存在着重新肯定国家刑事管辖豁免的趋势。

Moreover, it was noted that the Pinochet decision, rendered in 1999, had not been widely followed.


Some other members referred to the Joint Separate Opinion by Judges Higgins, Kooijmanns and Buergenthal in the Arrest Warrant case,  in which they seemed to indicate that, at best, no rule exists in relation to immunity ratione materiae in terms of the most serious international crimes and that a trend pointing to the absence of immunity may exist.

另一些委员提到在逮捕证案  中法官希金斯、科艾曼斯、比尔根塔尔所提出的联合单独意见,在意见中他们似乎指出,最多可以说,涉及最严重的国际罪行时的属事豁免方面尚不存在任何规则,指向豁免不存在的趋势可能存在着。

(4) Values of the international community

(4) 国际社会的价值观

101. On the related question of values of the international community, some members drew attention to the possible difficulty of translating values into operational rules and principles of international law.

101. 关于国际社会的价值观这一相关问题,一些委员指出可能很难将“价值观”转化为国际法的操作规则和原则。

It was opined that giving effect to other principles and values of the international community, which were also in the process of incorporation into international law, in particular the value to combat impunity as suggested by the Special Rapporteur, might not be as decisive in the consideration of the topic as would the more appropriate question of how such values may be given effect.


It was in this regard pointed out that the rules on immunity were themselves representative of values of the international community.


If any balancing process were to take place, it would have to have a solid foundation and be undertaken and scrutinized within the framework of the general rules on the formation and evidence of customary international law.


102. An element of caution was also expressed regarding the use of terms like system of values as these may be construed as euphemisms intended to privilege certain values over others.

102. 有委员还提出应警惕“价值体系”等术语的使用,因为这些术语可能成为将某些价值观凌驾于另一些价值观之上的委婉说法。

103. Some other members expressing a contrary view observed that the law did not exist in a vacuum and was not necessarily neutral.

103. 另一些持相反意见的委员指出,法律并非存在于真空中,未必是中立的。

In any event, the approach proposed by the Special Rapporteur was more revealing of her intentions to proceed in a transparent manner than indicative of a radical departure from what the Commission had always done, namely to deal with the principles and values of the international community, a typical function of the law in society.


Indeed, the syllabus on the topic highlights these aspects and possible approaches.


 The central issue at the core the topic, whether to further the value of immunity in inter-State relations or to move in the direction of the value that privileges the fight against impunity, was fundamentally a debate about the principles and values of the international community.


(5) Identification of basic questions

(5) 明确基本问题

104. It was acknowledged that the identification of basic questions for analytical review and study, taking a step-by-step approach, was a useful technique.

104. 委员们承认,采取逐步方针明确基本问题,以便开展分析性审查和研究是有用的手段。

It was however signalled that it was important to remain conscious of the interrelated and interconnected nature of certain issues between which distinctions may sought to be drawn, even if it were for analytical purposes only.


This was even more important if it was recognized that immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae derived from a common legal source of the rule on immunity, namely the immunity of the State.


Similarly, it was pointed out that there was a close relationship between immunity in criminal and in civil matters, as developments in one area may bear on the other.


(c) Substantive considerations

(c) 实质性考虑

105. Some members considered that while State immunity and the immunity of the State official were not identical, they originated from the same underlying premise that, as a matter of international law, it was problematic for one State to readily sit in judgment, in its own domestic courts, on another State or its officials; both the official and its State are implicated when a domestic court of another State passes such judgment.

105. 一些委员认为,虽然国家豁免与国家官员的豁免并非完全相同,但是二者源于同样的假设:在国际法范畴下,一国轻易地在本国法院审判另一国或其官员是有问题的;当一国的国内法院作出这类判决时,既牵涉到另一国的官员,也牵涉到其国家。

In Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, the International Court of Justice had recognized that such a claim of immunity for a government official was, in essence, a claim of immunity for the State, from which the official benefitted.


106. Echoing the sentiments of the Special Rapporteur in her report, it was stressed that when addressing the substance of the topic, it may be useful to draw upon recent developments, including the judgment of the International Court of Justice in Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy: Greece intervening), together with separate and dissenting opinions, while recognizing that it dealt with immunity of the State from civil jurisdiction.

106. 与特别报告员报告中的意见一致,有委员也强调以下做法可能有用:在讨论专题的实质问题时,考虑最新发展,包括国际法院对国家管辖豁免权(德国诉意大利:希腊参加诉讼)案的判决,以及单独意见和反对意见,同时确认该案涉及国家的民事管辖豁免。

107. In their comments, members also considered it useful to maintain the distinction between immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae.

107. 委员们在评论中还指出,他们认为维持对属人豁免与属事豁免的区分是有用的。

Nevertheless, some members pointed to the Special Rapporteurs assertion in the preliminary report that immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae had the same purpose, which was to preserve principles, values and interests of the international community as a whole and had as their cornerstone their functional nature and sought clarification on the practical significance of these propositions for the topic,  it being pointed out, in particular, that there was no exclusivity to the functional nature of immunity.

不过,一些委员指出,特别报告员在初步报告中主张属人豁免和属事豁免有同样的目的,“都是为了维护整个国际社会的原则、价值观和利益”,且二者的依据都是其“职务性”,力求阐明这些主张对本专题的实践意义,  并特别指出豁免的职务性质没有专属性。

Moreover, it was important that the functional basis be seen in the light of other principles of international law, such as sovereign equality of States and non-intervention.


Some other members suggested that the two types of immunity were premised on a common rationale, notably to assure stability in inter-State relations and to facilitate continued performance of representative or other governmental functions.


It was also pointed out that the rationale for the two types of immunity might not be exactly the same and it was suggested that it might be useful to examine the issue further in order to determine whether any differences in possible rationales were so fundamental as to occasion different consequences.


However, some members of the Commission pointed out that both immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae had a clear functional character.


Some other members questioned whether the term functional was sufficiently clear to help resolve underlying substantive issues.


(1) Scope of the topic

(1) 本专题的范围

108. It was recognized that the Commission had already dealt with certain aspects of immunity in respect of diplomatic and consular relations, special missions, the prevention and punishment of crimes against diplomatic agents and other internationally protected persons, the representation of States in their relations with international organizations, and jurisdictional immunity of States and their property.

108. 委员们指出,委员会已经处理了豁免的某些方面,其中涉及外交和领事关系、特派团、防止和惩处侵害外交代表及其他应受国际保护人员的罪行、国家在其对国际组织关系上的代表权,以及国家及其财产的管辖豁免。

Accordingly, these codification efforts had to be taken into account in order to ensure coherence and harmony in the principles and consistency in the international legal order.


Moreover, the point was made that the Commission should not seek to expand or reduce the immunities to which persons were already entitled as members of diplomatic missions, consular posts or special missions, or as official visitors, representatives to international organizations, or as military personnel.


109. It was also recalled that the scope of the topic, which had to be maintained as such, was immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

109. 委员们还忆及本专题的范围是国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免,而且必须维持此范围。

Accordingly, it was not concerned with the immunity of the State official from the jurisdiction of international criminal tribunals, nor from the jurisdiction of his or her own State, nor from civil jurisdiction.


Moreover, it was not intended necessarily to address the question whether international law required a State to exercise criminal jurisdiction in certain circumstances, but rather whether a State in exercising criminal jurisdiction would have to bear in mind certain questions of immunity under international law and accord a State official such immunity as appropriate.


110. Some members considered it useful for the Special Rapporteur to undertake an analysis of jurisdictional aspects, in particular the extent to which universal jurisdiction and international criminal jurisdiction and their development bear on the topic, drawing attention to prior work of the Commission on the draft Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal, the draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind, and the establishment of the International Criminal Court.

110. 一些委员认为特别报告员应当分析管辖权问题,特别是分析普遍管辖权和国际刑事管辖权及其发展对本专题的影响,同时提请注意委员会先前就纽伦堡法庭宪章所确认的国际法原则草案、《危害人类和平及安全治罪法草案》,以及设立国际刑事法庭开展的工作。

Some other members, however, recalled that even though jurisdiction and immunity, as observed in the Arrest Warrant case , were related, they were different concepts and there was probably not much to be gained from any extended treatment of jurisdictional considerations for purposes of the present topic.

另一些委员则忆及,正如逮捕证案  所示,管辖权和豁免虽然相互关联,却是不同的概念,为本专题的目的扩大管辖权问题的探讨范围没有什么必要。

111. The suggestion was also made that, since inviolability of the person was closely related to immunity, had immediate practical significance and non-compliance with it entailed the potential risk of causing damage to the relations between States, the treatment of inviolability within the topic merited consideration.

111. 还有人提出,鉴于人身不可侵犯性问题与豁免联系紧密,对实践有直接影响,违反人身不可侵犯性原则可能导致破坏国家间的关系,在本专题下值得讨论该问题。

(2) Use of certain terms

(2) 某些术语的使用

112. Some members noted that the use of certain terminology to describe particular relationships, such as immunity being absolute or the perception of immunity in terms of an exception, might not be helpful in elucidating the topic, when the essential question to be addressed was whether immunity existed in a given case and how far it was or should be restricted.

112. 一些委员指出,使用某些术语描述特定关系,例如称豁免是“绝对的”,或将豁免视为“例外情况”可能对阐述本专题没有帮助,因为需要解决的关键问题是特定案件中是否存在豁免,豁免受到多大限制或应当在多大程度上加以限制。

It was stressed by some members that it was important that the Commission take a restrictive approach in addressing the topic and refrain from giving the impression that immunity was absolute.


It was also underlined that there was need to eschew any suggestion that the functional theory to justify immunity was in any way more inherently restrictive than the representative or other theories.


It was pointed out by some members that if there had been any movement to limit immunity, such movement was vertical in character, a tendency which revealed itself in the establishment of international criminal justice system.


At the horizontal level, in relations between States, the tendency was a reaffirmation of immunity.


113. It was also noted that terms like State official needed to be defined and that there had to be concordance in the language versions, thus assuring conveyance of the same intended meaning.

113. 委员们还指出,需定义“国家官员”等术语,且各语文版本必须统一,从而确保传递同样的本意。

It was also stated by some members that in defining an official for purposes of immunity ratione materiae a restrictive approach should be pursued.


(3) Immunity ratione personae

(3) 属人豁免

114. It was noted that immunity ratione personae, which was status based, attached to the person concerned and expired once the term of office ends, and was enjoyed by a limited number of persons.

114. 委员们指出,基于身份的属人豁免属于有关个人,卸任后即终止,为少数个人享有。

While the nature of immunity was broad in scope, it was limited ratione temporis.


115. It was suggested by some members that the assertion by the Special Rapporteur that State practice, doctrine and jurisprudence appeared to point to an emerging consensus on immunity ratione personae accruing to the troika, with the inclusion, in particular, of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, needed to be further explored, as should the question whether other officials beyond the troika had immunity ratione personae.

115. 一些委员提出,特别报告员认为国家实践、学说和判例似乎显示,在“三巨头”(特别是将外交部长包括在内)获得属人豁免方面正在形成共识,对这一论点还需进一步研究。 此外,还应研究“三巨头”以外的其他官员是否享有属人豁免的问题。

Although the International Court of Justice in the Arrest Warrant case  addressed both aspects by finding as firmly established in international law that certain holders of high-ranking office in a State, such as the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs, enjoyed immunities from jurisdiction in other States, both civil and criminal, that aspect of the judgment had not been without criticism by other members of the Court, in the doctrine, and, from previous debates, also among members of the Commission.

虽然国际法院在逮捕证案  中处理了这两个问题,判定国际法严格规定国家某些高级官员,例如国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长享有其他国家的民事和刑事管辖豁免,但是判决的这个方面在理论上和先前的讨论中,遭到法院其他一些成员,以及委员会某些委员的批评。

116. Some members, however, viewed the matter as settled.

116. 另一些委员则认为上述问题已经解决。

While some members were amenable to accepting immunity ratione personae for the troika, and maintaining a restriction on the troika, some other members pointed to the possibility of broadening the scope beyond the troika, on account of the dicta in the Arrest Warrant case,  to a narrow circle of high-ranking holders of office in a State.

一些委员愿意接受对“三巨头”的属人豁免,并坚持豁免仅限于“三巨头”,另一些委员则认为可以基于逮捕证案中的法官意见,  有限制地将豁免范围扩大到“三巨头”以外的国家其他高级官员。

Given the differences in the designation of officials in various States and the contemporary complexity in the organization of government, the difficulty of elaborating a list of such other high ranking officials was also recognized.


In this connection, it was suggested by some members, while also acknowledging the need to be cautious about elaborating an expanded pool, that it would be appropriate for the Commission to establish the necessary criteria, which would for instance cover the troika and, on the basis of the guidance of the Arrest Warrant case,  other holders of high-ranking office when such immunity was necessary to ensure the effective performance of their functions on behalf of their respective States.

因此,一些委员在承认制定扩大清单需谨慎的同时,建议委员会规定必要标准,例如涵盖“三巨头”,以及基于逮捕证案中的法官意见,  涵盖需给予豁免,以确保其有效行使代表国家的职能的其他高级官员。

Another possible alternative suggested was the elaboration of a modified second tier regime of immunity ratione personae for persons other than the troika.


117. The occasional mention that there may be exceptions to immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction for persons enjoying immunity ratione personae was questioned by some members as having no basis in customary international law.

117. 辩论中偶尔提到享有属人豁免者的外国刑事管辖豁免可能存在例外情况,一些委员提出质疑,指出习惯国际法中没有豁免例外的依据。

It was equally doubted that it would be useful to take such an approach even as a matter of progressive development.


118. Some other members viewed the matter from the perspective that the full scope of immunity ratione personae was enjoyed without prejudice to the development of international criminal law.

118. 另一些委员则从属人豁免的全部范畴不影响国际刑法的发展这一角度看待属人豁免问题。

(4) Immunity ratione materiae

(4) 属事豁免

119. It was recognized that immunity ratione materiae, which was conduct based, continued to subsist and may be invoked even after the expiry of the term of office of an official.

119. 委员们确认,基于行为的属事豁免持续存在,即使在官员卸任后也可援用。

Unlike immunity ratione personae, it encompassed a wider range of officials.


It was suggested, though, that instead of attempting to establish a list of officials for the purposes of immunity ratione materiae, attention should be given to the act itself.


120. The importance of defining an official act was generally acknowledged as key.

120. 委员们普遍认为关键是定义官方行为。

Some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that it was important carefully to study the relationship between the rules on attribution for State responsibility and rules on the immunity of State officials in determining whether or not a State official was acting in an official capacity.


It was viewed that there was a link between the assertion by a State of immunity and its responsibility for the conduct.


121. According to some members, an act attributable to the State for the purposes of its responsibility for an internationally wrongful act, including an act which was unlawful or ultra vires, was to be regarded as an official act for the purposes of immunity.

121. 一些委员认为,出于国家对其国际不法行为负责的目的归于国家的行为,包括非法行为或越权行为,出于豁免目的应视为官方行为。

122. However, the point was also made that it may be useful to reflect further upon whether immunity ratione materiae extended to official acts which were unlawful or ultra vires.

122. 不过,有人指出,可能需要进一步思考属事豁免是否应延伸到涵盖非法或越权的“官方行为”。

It was suggested that, for the purposes of the present topic, the focus should be on individual criminal responsibility, based on the principle of personal guilt.


This approach, however, was perceived as untenable by some members since by definition immunity assumed that the person may enjoy immunity for such acts.


A point was made that the Commission would be in a position to contribute positively in regard to the definition of an official act, noting that, if there was no agreement on the existence of immunity in relation to a specific crime, then the default position should be the lack of immunity.


123. According to another view, the rules of attribution for State responsibility seemed to be of limited value as such rules were intended to serve a purpose that was conceivably different from that of immunity.

123. 另一种观点认为,国家责任的归属规则似乎作用有限,因为这些规则的目的与豁免的目的并无明显不同。

Since the distinction between acta jure imperii and acta jure gestionis was already well established in the law of State immunity, it was suggested, instead, that it could be inspirational in the development of a definition of official acts for purposes of immunity of State officials from criminal jurisdiction.


Such a course of action might evince a tendency towards a more restrictive approach than the broad notion of attribution under State responsibility.


124. It was also pointed out that it was important to bear in mind that, although the international responsibility of the State and the international responsibility of individuals were linked, two different questions were implicated by the two notions and should be treated as such.

124. 委员们还指出,应考虑到国家的国际责任与个人的国际责任虽有联系,但是这两个概念牵涉到两个不同问题,应作为两个不同概念处理。

125. The Special Rapporteur was generally encouraged to undertake a further detailed analysis into all possibilities.

125. 委员们普遍鼓励特别报告员进一步详细分析各种可能性。

It was suggested that, if the question whether an allegedly criminal conduct could be attributed to the State of the official as a matter of State responsibility could plausibly be answered in the negative, it necessarily followed that such conduct by an official could not be an official act for which a claim of immunity ratione materiae could be sustained.


If, on the other hand, such conduct could affirmatively be attributed to the State it could well be: (a) that the conduct was per se an official act and therefore the official in all circumstances enjoyed immunity ratione materiae; (b) that the conduct still constituted an official act, however, there were some exceptional circumstances where immunity ratione materiae could be denied, such as when the conduct alleged was a serious international crime; or (c) that the fact that the conduct could be attributed to a State did not by itself reveal whether or not it was an official act for purposes of immunity ratione materiae; which meant reliance, instead, on some other standard, perhaps one derived from other areas of international law on immunity.

相反,如果该行为可以归于国家,则可能存在以下情况:(a) 行为本身为“官方行为”,因此该官员在任何情况下都有权享有属事豁免;(b) 行为仍然构成“官方行为”,只是存在可以拒绝属事豁免的某些例外情况,例如据称行为是严重国际罪行;或(c) 行为可归于国家这个事实本身无法表明该行为是否可享受属事豁免的“官方行为”;即需要依据某些其他标准,可能是国际豁免法其他领域的标准来判断。

(5) Possible exceptions to immunity

(5) 豁免的可能例外情况

126. It was also recognized that the question of possible exceptions to immunity ratione materiae was a difficult issue which deserved utmost attention.

126. 委员们确认属事豁免的可能例外问题是一个最需要关注的难题。

Some members doubted that there existed in customary international law a human rights or international criminal law exception to immunity ratione materiae.


127. Some other members observed that there were certain peculiarities that the Commission had to grapple with in addressing the matter which revolved around the definition of the expression official acts or acting in an official capacity.

127. 另一些委员则指出,委员会在处理该问题时,需要解决有关“官方行为”或“以官方身份行事”定义的某些特殊问题。

There was a choice either to consider international crimes as not official acts or to recognize that international crimes were actually committed in the context of implementation of State policy and should as such be characterized official acts for which immunity would be denied.


In both cases, it would be necessary to analyze State practice and jurisprudence.


In this regard, it was stressed that although the International Court of Justice, in Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy: Greece intervening), was seized with a matter concerning State immunity, the basic reasoning of the Court seemed relevant in the consideration of the present topic.


The point was made, however, that the Court had emphasized, in that case, that it was addressing only the immunity of the State itself from the jurisdiction of the courts of other States and that the question whether and, if so, to what extent immunity might apply in criminal proceedings against an official of the State was not at issue in that case.


128. The judgment elicited different perspectives from members in terms of areas that needed further assessment.

128. 该判决引发了委员对需要进一步评价的领域的不同看法。

129. Some members found it useful, when addressing the substance of the topic, that the Commission draw analogical value from the totality of the judgment, including the separate and dissenting opinions.

129. 一些委员认为,委员会在讨论本专题的实质问题时,从该判决的全部内容,包括单独和反对意见类推十分有用。

Thus, distinct attention was drawn, and importance attached, to: (a) the need to accentuate the distinction between acta jure imperii and acta jure gestionis, which for immunity of State officials from criminal jurisdiction would imply a comparable restrictive development over the corresponding years beginning at the turn of the 20th century; (b) the need to acknowledge the difficulty of conceiving of the modern international law which, on the one hand, took an absolute view of sovereignty when it comes to responding to serious crimes of concern to the international community, while, on the other hand, is permissive of restrictions to sovereignty for commercial interests; (c) drawing from the survey of State practice in the tort exception to State immunity a corresponding restrictive development towards the immunity of foreign officials from criminal jurisdiction, particularly in the absence of firm State practice in one direction or the other.

因此,提请特别关注并强调:(a) 需突出统治权行为与管理权行为之间的区别,就国家官员的刑事管辖豁免而言,自20世纪初以来,管理权行为的发展相对具有限制性;(b) 需承认构建现代国际法的困难,一方面,现代国际法在处理国际社会关心的严重罪行时,持绝对主权观点,另一方面,出于商业利益的考虑,允许对主权的限制;(c) 关于国家豁免的“侵权例外”的国家实践调查显示,特别是在国家实践未表明方向的情况下,外国官员的刑事管辖豁免方面也出现了相应的限制性发展。

130. It was pointed out by some other members that the case involving the alleged violation of jus cogens norms as a possible exception should be treated separately and in a differentiated fashion from the case concerning the commission of international crimes, here too giving a separate treatment to each crime, and defining precisely terms like international crimes, crimes under international law, grave crimes under international law or crimes that are breaches of jus cogens or erga omnes obligations.

130. 另一些委员则指出,应当以不同方式分别处理作为可能例外情况的涉及据称违反强制法的案件与涉及国际罪行的案件,对后者也应当根据各项罪行分别处理,并准确定义“国际罪行”、“国际法规定的罪行”、“国际法规定的严重罪行”,或违反强制法或普遍义务的罪行等术语。

It was also noted that the basic methodology of the Court was useful for the topic in that it surveyed practice before national courts and found no sufficient support for the proposition that there was a limitation on State immunity based on the gravity of the violation, pointing to the need to assume the existence of immunity ratione materiae, unless there was widespread State practice showing a limitation based solely on the gravity of the alleged violation.


131. As regards jus cogens, it was recalled that in Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy: Greece intervening), the International Court of Justice had stated that there was no conflict between a rule of jus cogens and a rule of customary law which required one State to accord immunity to another.

131. 关于强制法,有委员忆及国际法院在国家管辖豁免权(德国诉意大利:希腊参加诉讼)案中称,要求国家间互相豁免的强制法规则与习惯法规则没有冲突。

The two sets of rules addressed separate matters; the rules of State immunity, being procedural in character and confined to determining whether or not the courts of one State may exercise jurisdiction in respect of another State, had no bearing on the question of the substantive rules, which might possess jus cogens status, or on the question of whether or not the conduct in respect of which the proceedings were brought was lawful or unlawful.


 Other members of the Commission, however, pointed out that some dissenting and separate opinions of the judges did in fact find that jus cogens affected the rules relating to immunities.


132. It was also suggested that even where State practice was not settled, it was possible, as a matter of progressive development, after weighing the potential for disruption of friendly relations among States with the desire to avoid impunity for heinous crimes, to consider the feasibility of (a) only allowing the State where the crime was committed or the State whose nationals were harmed by the crime to deny an assertion of immunity; (b) only allowing a State to deny a claim of immunity in cases where the offender was physically present in the territory of the State; and/or (c) only allowing a State to deny a claim of immunity when the prosecution has been authorized by the Minister of Justice or a comparable official of that State.

132. 委员们还建议,即使在没有确立国家实践的地方,也可以为避免令人发指的罪行不受惩罚,在权衡破坏两国间友好关系的可能性后,作为逐渐发展问题,考虑以下做法的可行性:(a) 只允许犯罪行为发生的国家,或本国国民为犯罪行为受害者的国家拒绝豁免要求;(b) 只在罪犯身处该国境内的情况下,允许该国拒绝豁免要求;和/(c) 只在起诉得到司法部长或该国同等官员批准的情况下,才允许该国拒绝豁免要求。

133. Recognizing that matters of substance were linked to procedural guarantees, the suggestion was also made that it might be useful for the Commission to look, in the context of the topic, at the exercise of prosecutorial discretion and the possibility of requiring the prosecutor, at an early stage in the proceeding, to make a prima facie showing that the official was not entitled to immunity.

133. 委员们确认实质问题与程序保障有关,还建议委员会可以在本专题背景下,研究起诉裁量权的行使情况,以及是否有可能要求公诉人在诉讼初期初步表示官员无权享有豁免。

A consideration of such aspects would allow a court exercising criminal jurisdiction to screen out baseless accusations.


(d) Procedural aspects

(d) 程序问题

134. It was considered by some members that substantive and procedural aspects of the topic were closely related and it may well be that the chances of reaching consensus on certain aspects may lie in addressing the procedural aspects beforehand.

134. 一些委员认为,本专题的实质问题与程序问题联系紧密,要想就某些问题达成共识可能需要先解决程序问题。

However, some members stated that the focus should be on the substantive aspects of immunity first, before proceeding to consider its procedural aspects.


Another possibility was to deal with both substance and procedure when dealing with immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae.


135. It was also suggested that the Commission might also address the question concerning prosecutorial discretion to ensure adequate safeguards to avoid potential abuse.

135. 委员们还建议,委员会还可以处理起诉裁量权问题,以提供充分保障,避免可能的滥用情况。

Indeed, it was observed that if certain procedural elements such as the degree of discretion granted to a prosecutor were resolved early, it might be easier to make progress on the substantive issues.


(e) Final form

(e) 最终形式

136. Some members viewed it essential that the Commission proceed on the basis that a binding instrument would eventually be elaborated.

136. 一些委员认为,委员会的工作必须以最终将制定一份具有约束力的文书为前提。

Some other members considered that it was premature to decide on the final form of the work of the Commission on the present topic.


There was nevertheless general support for the Special Rapporteurs intention to prepare and submit draft articles on the topic, which would be completed on first reading during the present quinquennium.


While recognizing that it was too early to indicate the number of draft articles to be presented, a suggestion was made that the focus should be on addressing the core issues rather than providing detailed rules on all aspects of the topic.


3. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

3. 特别报告员的总结

137. The Special Rapporteur expressed her appreciation for the useful and constructive comments made by members, stressing that the Commission worked as a collegial body, and the comments made enriched the discussion and would be taken fully into account in her future work.

137. 特别报告员对委员们提出有益和具有建设性的意见表示赞赏,强调委员会作为一个合议机构开展工作,提出的意见丰富了讨论,她将在今后的工作中充分考虑这些意见。

She restated her will to take into consideration the work undertaken by the former Special Rapporteur and by the Secretariat in its study, as well as the previous work of the Commission on related topics, while providing a new approach that would facilitate consensus in the Commission on the controversial aspects of the topic.


138. The Special Rapporteur also welcomed the general receptiveness, in the comments made, and the broad support given, to the methodology and approaches that she intended to pursue, including, in particular, the distinction between immunity ratione personae and ratione materiae, which was sought in the development of the topic, the proposed systematic approach and the treatment of the various blocks of questions in a successive fashion.

138. 特别报告员还欢迎委员们在发表的意见中表示普遍接受并广泛支持她打算采纳的方法与方针,尤其包括在这一专题发展过程中就力求对属人管辖豁免和属事管辖豁免作出的区分和以系统方法对各个问题组分阶段处理的建议。

In this connection, she stated that no methodological approach can be absolutely neutral in the work of the Commission.


She confirmed that she planned to proceed on the basis of a thorough review of the State practice, doctrine and jurisprudence, both national and international.


She also stated that taking into account values and principles was necessary, the need being to focus on those that were widely held and reflected international consensus.


The overall objective would be to take a balanced approach in addressing immunity which would not contradict efforts undertaken by the international community to combat impunity regarding the most serious international crimes.


She also noted that the question of possible exceptions to immunity was going to be extremely important in the discussion of the Commission.


It was noted that although notions like absolute or relative immunity had limitations analytically, they could however be useful in explaining and offering a clear distinction when the regime of possible exceptions was taken up by the Commission.


In her view, only those crimes which are of concern to the international community as a whole, are egregious and are widely accepted as such on the basis of a broad consensus, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, could merit consideration in any discussion of possible exceptions.


In that context as well, it would be crucial to examine State practice and the prior work of the Commission.


139. The Special Rapporteur concluded that, in the light of the debate, she was of the view that the workplan contained in paragraph 72 of her preliminary report continued to be entirely valid.

139. 特别报告员最后说,鉴于讨论的情况,她认为,她在初次报告第72段里提出的工作计划继续完全有效。

She therefore expressed her intention to take up, in a systematic and structured manner, the consideration and analysis of the four blocks of questions identified in the proposed workplan, namely, general issues of a methodological and conceptual nature, immunity ratione personae, immunity ratione materiae and procedural aspects of immunity, in a concrete and practical way, by including in each of her substantive reports the corresponding draft articles.


She indicated that, tentatively, her intention for next year was to address the general questions that are mentioned in section 1 of her workplan as well as the various aspects concerning immunity ratione personae.


She also expressed the hope that it would be possible to conclude the first reading of the draft articles during the present quinquennium.


Chapter VII Provisional application of treaties

第七章 条约的临时适用

A. Introduction

A. 导言

140. The Commission, at its sixty-third session (2011), decided to include the topic Provisional application of treaties in its long-term programme of work,  on the basis of the proposal which was reproduced in annex C to the report of the Commission on the work of that session.

140. 委员会在第六十三届会议(2001)上决定将“条约的临时适用”专题列入长期工作方案,  其依据的提案转载于委员会该届会议工作报告附件C节。

 The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 66/98 of 9 December 2011, took note of, inter alia, the inclusion of this topic in the Commissions long-term programme of work.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

141. At its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012, the Commission decided to include the topic Provisional application of treaties in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

141. 委员会在2012522日举行的第3132次会议上决定将“条约的临时适用”专题列入工作方案,并任命胡安·曼努埃尔·戈麦斯-罗夫莱多先生为本专题特别报告员。

142. At its 3151st meeting, on 27 July 2012, the Special Rapporteur presented to the Commission an oral report on the informal consultations held on this topic, under his chairmanship, on 19 and 25 July 2012 (see paragraphs 144155 below).

142. 2012727日举行的第3151次会议上,特别报告员就2012719日和25日他主持进行的关于这一专题的非正式磋商情况向委员会作出口头报告(见下文第144-155)

At the same meeting, the Commission took note of that report.


143. Also at the same meeting, the Commission decided to request from the Secretariat a memorandum on the previous work undertaken by the Commission on this subject in the context of its work on the law of treaties, and on the travaux préparatoires of the relevant provisions of the 1969 Convention on the Law of Treaties.

143. 还是在这次会议上,委员会决定请秘书处编写一份备忘录,说明委员会以前在有关条约法的工作中就此专题所做工作以及1969年《条约法公约》相关条款的准备工作情况。

Report of the Special Rapporteur of the informal consultations held on the topic


144. The purpose of these informal consultations had been to initiate an informal dialogue with members of the Commission on a number of issues that could be relevant for the consideration of this topic during the present quinquennium.

144. 此次非正式磋商的目的是就可能与本五年期审议这个专题有关的若干问题与委员会委员们展开非正式对话。

The Special Rapporteurs intention was to submit his first substantive report at the Commissions sixty-fifth session (2013).


However, he had shared with the members of the Commission an informal paper outlining some preliminary elements.


Those elements were to be read together with the syllabus, prepared by Mr. Giorgio Gaja, containing the initial proposal for this topic, which was reproduced in annex C to the Commissions 2011 report (A/66/10).


In the view of the Special Rapporteur, the very first basis for the Commissions consideration of this topic should be the work undertaken by the Commission on the topic concerning the law of treaties, as well as the travaux préparatoires of the relevant provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.


145. At this initial stage, the Special Rapporteur had deemed it appropriate to seek the views of the members of the Commission on, inter alia, the following specific questions: (1) the procedural steps that would need to be considered as preconditions for provisional application and for its termination; (2) the extent to which article 18 of the 1969 Vienna Convention, which establishes the obligation not to defeat the object and purpose of a treaty prior to its entry into force, was relevant to the regime of provisional application under article 25 of the Vienna Convention; (3) to what extent the legal situation created by the provisional application of treaties was relevant for the purpose of identifying rules of customary international law; and (4) the need for obtaining information on the practice of States.

145. 在当前这个初始阶段,特别报告员认为应征求委员会委员们对下述具体问题的意见:(1) 需要考虑的作为临时适用和终止的前提条件的程序性步骤;(2) 1969年《维也纳公约》第十八条确立了不得在条约生效前妨碍其目的及宗旨的义务,而第二十五条则确立了暂时适用的制度,前者对后者有多大程度的影响;(3) 就确定习惯国际法规则的目的而言,条约的临时适用所造成的法律局面具有何种程度的重要意义;(4) 关于了解各国实践资料的要求。

146. A rich discussion had followed on these specific questions as well as on other aspects of the topic.

146. 大家就这些具体问题以及本专题的其它方面内容展开了丰富的讨论。

147. The first two questions had given rise to a number of comments and suggestions, which the Special Rapporteur intended to take into consideration in his reports.

147. 前两个问题引起大量评论和建议,特别报告员准备在报告中加以考虑。

Concerning, in particular, the relationship between articles 18 and 25 of the 1969 Vienna Convention, the majority of the members who had taken the floor on this point were of the view that provisional application under article 25 went beyond the general obligation not to defeat the object and purpose of the treaty prior to its entry into force.


Although related in so far as they both had to do with the period preceding the entry into force of the treaty, these two provisions gave rise to different legal regimes and should be treated as such.


148. As to the question concerning the relevance of the situation created by the provisional application of treaties for the purpose of identifying rules of customary international law, the general feeling was that aspects relating to the formation and identification of customary international law should be excluded from the scope of this topic.

148. 关于条约的临时适用造成的局面对确定习惯国际法规则目的的意义问题,普遍感觉应把有关习惯国际法形成和确认的内容排除在本专题之外。

An analysis of the customary status of article 25 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties could, however, be envisaged.


149. Concerning the practice of States and its possible use, it had been observed that, while the Commission should not be concerned by issues that remained a mere fact from the perspective of international law, the work on the topic could simply not ignore the internal position of States regarding provisional application.

149. 关于国家实践及可能的利用问题,讨论指出,委员会不应卷入从国际法角度看仅为事实的问题,同时,委员会也绝不能无视各国对临时适用的内部立场。

In this regard, it had been suggested that having a representative sample of relevant State practice would be useful for the work of the Commission.


150. It had also been suggested that it would be useful for the work of the Commission to have examples of provisional application clauses in treaties.

150. 另有委员提出,找出一些条约中的临时适用条款实例,对委员会的工作有益。

151. Other points addressed during the discussions included, for instance, the exact meaning of provisional application of a treaty; the various forms and manifestations covered by this legal institution; the legal basis for the provisional application of a treaty, namely article 25 itself or a parallel agreement to the treaty; the question of which organs were competent to decide on provisional application and the connection of this issue with article 46 of the 1969 Vienna Convention; whether the legal regime of provisional application was the same for different types of treaties; whether the provisional application of a treaty generated legally binding obligations, the breach of which would entail the international responsibility of the State(s) concerned; and, the modalities and effects of the termination of the provisional application of a treaty, which may raise questions related to the law governing the termination and suspension of the operation of treaties as contained in several articles of Section 3 of Part V of the 1969 Vienna Convention.

151. 讨论中提到的其它问题包括:“条约的临时适用”的确切含义;这一法律制度所涵盖的不同形式和表现;条约的临时适用的法律依据,即第二十五条本身或与条约并列的一份协定;哪些机构有权决定临时适用的问题以及这一问题与1969年维也纳公约第四十六条之间的联系;临时适用的法律制度对不同类型的条约是否都一样;条约临时适用是否产生具有法律约束力的义务,违反这一义务是否引起有关国家的国际责任;条约临时适用的终止方式和效果,条约临时适用的终止可能引起有关1969年维也纳公约第五编第三节下若干条款确立的规定条约终止和停止施行的法律。

152. The question of the final outcome of the Commissions work on this topic had been also touched upon during the discussions.

152. 讨论中也提到了委员会关于本专题工作最终成果的问题。

In this regard, the general feeling was that it was still premature for the Commission to take a decision on what should be that outcome.


The possibility of elaborating draft articles had been mentioned by some members, but other possible forms, such as guidelines and model clauses, had also been alluded to and should not be excluded at this stage.


153. Some members had mentioned the possibility of requesting the Secretariat to prepare a memorandum on this topic.

153. 有些委员提到请秘书处编写本专题备忘录的可能性。

After consultations with the Secretariat, the Special Rapporteur believed that it would be very useful to have a memorandum on the previous work undertaken by the Commission on this subject in the context of its work on the law of treaties, and on the travaux préparatoires of the relevant provisions of the 1969 Convention on the Law of Treaties.


He therefore proposed that a mandate be given by the Commission to the Secretariat for the preparation of such a memorandum.


154. The Special Rapporteur expressed his sincere thanks to all the members of the Commission who had participated in these informal consultations and who had provided him with their invaluable comments and suggestions on numerous aspects of this topic.

154. 特别报告员向参加上述非正式磋商并就本专题的方方面面向他提出宝贵评论和建议的委员会所有委员表示诚挚的感谢。

This exchange of views would greatly facilitate the task of the Special Rapporteur in preparing his first report.


155. The Special Rapporteur indicated that the Commission should not aim at changing the 1969 Vienna Convention. The purpose should rather be to extract whatever was useful for States to consider resorting to provisional application under certain circumstances and conditions.

155. 特别报告员表示,委员会的目的不应当是改变1969年《维也纳公约》,而应当是汲取有益于各国在特定情况和条件下考虑采取临时适用的内容。

The flexibility that was inherent to this option needed to be preserved.


Chapter VIII Formation and evidence of customary international law

第八章 习惯国际法的形成与证据

A. Introduction

A. 导言

156. The Commission, at its sixty-third session (2011), decided to include the topic Formation and evidence of customary international law in its long-term programme of work,  on the basis of the proposal reproduced in annex A to the report of the Commission on the work of that session.

156. 委员会第六十三届(2011)会议决定将“习惯国际法的形成与证据”专题列入其长期工作方案,  这一决定的依据是载录于委员会该届会议工作报告附件A的建议。

 The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 66/98 of 9 December 2012, took note of, inter alia, the inclusion of this topic in the Commissions long-term programme of work.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

157. At its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012, the Commission decided to include the topic Formation and evidence of customary international law in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Michael Wood as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

157. 委员会2012522日第3132次会议决定将“习惯国际法的形成与证据”专题列入其工作方案,并任命迈克尔·伍德先生为这一专题的特别报告员。

158. During the second part of the session, the Commission had before it a Note by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/653).

158. 委员会在第二期会议期间收到特别报告员的一份“说明”(A/CN.4/653)

The Commission considered the Note at its 3148th, 3150th, 3151st and 3152nd meetings, on 24, 26, 27 and 30 July 2012.


159. At its 3153rd meeting, on 30 July 2012, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a memorandum identifying elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant to this topic.

159. 委员会在2012730日第3153次会议上请秘书处编写一份备忘录,说明委员会此前的工作中可能与此专题尤为相关的要素。

1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of his Note

1. 特别报告员介绍其“说明”

160. The Special Rapporteur observed that uncertainty about the process of formation of rules of customary international law was sometimes seen as a weakness in international law generally.

160. 特别报告员注意到,习惯国际法规则形成过程的不确定性有时被视为国际法整体的弱点。

Thus, the Commissions study of this topic might contribute to encouraging the acceptance of the rule of law in international affairs.


The Special Rapporteur also hoped that it would provide practical guidance to judges and lawyers practising across a wide range of fields, including those who, while not necessarily specialists in international law, were nevertheless called upon to apply that law.


161. The Note needed to be read in conjunction with annex A to the Commissions 2011 annual report.

161. “说明”需要与委员会2011年的年度报告附件A一并阅读。

 Its aim was to stimulate an initial debate.


Section II listed seven preliminary points that might be covered by the Special Rapporteur in a report to be submitted at the sixty-fifth session (2013).


The question of methodology was addressed in the Note.


In this regard, the Special Rapporteur envisaged giving special emphasis to the approach followed by the International Court of Justice and its predecessor, the Permanent Court of International Justice, with respect to customary international law.


In addition to considering the Courts pronouncements about methodology, it was necessary to examine what the Court had done, in practice, in particular cases.


That having been said, the approach of other international courts and tribunals, and of domestic courts, could be instructive as well.


162. The practice of States on the formation and identification of customary international law, while no doubt extensive, might not be easy to identify.

162. 各国在习惯国际法的形成和确定方面的做法无疑非常广泛,但可能难以查明。

An attempt should be made, however, to ascertain when it was that States saw themselves as legally bound by international custom, and to shed light on how their practice was to be interpreted.


163. The experience of those who had tried to identify customary international law in particular fields, such as the authors of the study commissioned by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Customary International Humanitarian Law,  could make a significant contribution to the topic.

163. 有人试图查明某些特定领域的习惯国际法,如红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)委托撰写“习惯国际人道主义法”研究报告  的作者,其经验可为这一专题做出重要贡献。

The works of writers on the formation of customary international law including textbooks, relevant monographs and specialized articles might also shed important light.


While different theoretical approaches might sometimes lead to similar results, this was not always the case.


164. Section III of the Note was devoted to the scope of the topic and possible outcomes two related but distinct matters.

164. “说明”第三节讨论了本专题的范围和可能取得的成果,这两个相关但不同的事项。

165. As for the scope, it did not seem to raise particularly difficult issues.

165. 就范围而言,似乎没有出现非常严重的问题。

The Special Rapporteur was open as to whether the Commission should deal with jus cogens under this topic, although his initial thinking was that jus cogens did not really belong in it.


166. On the possible form of the eventual outcome of the Commissions work, the Special Rapporteur suggested that it could be a set of conclusions or guidelines, with commentaries; a convention would be scarcely appropriate in this field and would not be consistent with the need to preserve the degree of flexibility inherent in the customary process.

166. 关于委员会工作的最后成果可能采纳的形式,特别报告员建议可总结出一系列附加评注的“结论”或“准则”。 制订这方面的公约不太恰当,也不符合保存习惯程序固有的一定灵活度的需要。

At the same time, such conclusions should be relatively straightforward and clear in order to be of practical usefulness even for those who might not be experts in international law.


167. The Special Rapporteur was of the view that it would be appropriate to seek certain information from Governments.

167. 特别报告员认为可向各国政府索取某些资料。

He also welcomed any information and thoughts that members of the Commission would provide to him in relation to the topic.


168. Finally, the Special Rapporteur sought the initial views of the members of the Commission on the tentative schedule for the development of the topic that appeared in section IV of the Note.

168. 最后,特别报告员征求委员会委员对“说明”第四节有关研拟此专题的暂定日程表的初步看法。

2. Summary of the debate

2. 辩论摘要

(a) General comments

(a) 一般评论

169. The importance of the topic, as well as its practical and theoretical interest, were underlined by various members, taking into account the significant role that customary international law continued to play in the international legal system, as well as within the constitutional order and the domestic law of many States.

169. 考虑到习惯国际法在国际法律体系以及在许多国家的宪法秩序和国内法律中依然发挥重要作用,一些委员强调此专题的重要性及其实际和理论意义。

Some members were of the view that the Commissions work on this topic was useful in order to provide guidance, not only to international lawyers, but also to domestic lawyers including judges, government lawyers and practitioners who were often called upon to apply rules of customary international law.


At the same time, several members emphasized the inherent difficulty of this topic, the consideration of which posed real challenges to the Commission.


170. According to a different view, it was doubtful that the Commissions work on this topic, in so far as it purported to follow a holistic approach to customary international law, could lead to any fruitful result; also, addressing at the same time the dynamic concept of formation, which referred to a process, and the static concept of evidence, which presupposed an existing body of rules, entailed some confusion.

170. 一种不同意见认为,只要委员会打算就习惯国际法采纳整体方针,则委员会就此专题开展的工作能否产生有效成果令人质疑;此外,同时处理“形成”(指的是一个程序)这一动态概念和“证据”(已预先假定一套规则)这一静态概念造成了混淆。

171. It was the general view that the Commission should not be overly prescriptive, in order not to tamper with the flexibility of the customary process.

171. 普遍意见认为,为了不破坏习惯程序的灵活性,委员会不应做出硬性规定。

It was also observed that, given the complexity and sensitivity of the topic, and also considering the spontaneous nature of the customary process, the Commissions approach to this topic should be a modest one; thus, at no point should the Commission embark on a codification exercise in a proper sense.


The view was also expressed that the Commissions objective should be to help clarify the current rules on formation and evidence of customary international law, not to advance new rules.


172. Wide support was expressed for the tentative plan of work for the quinquennium as proposed in the Note, although some members were of the view that it was quite ambitious and needed to be approached with the necessary flexibility.

172. 虽然有些委员认为“说明”中建议的五年期临时工作计划目标较高,执行计划需要一定的灵活性,但工作计划得到了广泛支持。

Attention was drawn to the importance of ensuring that States had an opportunity to comment on the complete outcome of the work on this topic before its final adoption by the Commission.


(b) Scope of the topic and use of terms

(b) 专题的范围及术语的使用

173. Support was expressed for the Special Rapporteurs approach concerning the scope of the topic, as described in the Note.

173. 特别报告员在“说明”中介绍的有关本专题范围的方针得到支持。

In particular, several members agreed that the work on this topic should cover the formation and evidence of customary law in the various fields of international law.


174. Some members suggested, however, that the main focus of the Commissions work should be the means for the identification of rules of customary international law, rather than the formation of those rules.

174. 但是,一些委员表示,委员会应主要侧重确定习惯国际法规则的方式,而非这些规则的形成。

A view was expressed that the Commission should not attempt to describe how customary law was formed, but should focus on the more operational question of its identification, i.e. how the evidence of a customary rule was to be established.


However, some members underlined that the formation and identification of customary international law were closely linked.


The observation was also made that some clarification of the process of formation of customary law was of both theoretical and practical importance because of the character of customary law as the result of a process.


175. While recognizing the need, in considering this topic, to address the distinction between customary international law and general principles of law, it was suggested that definitive pronouncements on the latter should be avoided, as general principles possessed their own complexities and uncertainties.

175. 虽然有人承认在审议此专题时有必要讨论习惯国际法和一般法律原则之间的区别,但认为应避免就后者作出定论,因为一般原则本身拥有复杂性和不确定性。

176. Several members expressed support for not including a general study of jus cogens within the scope of the topic.

176. 好几名委员表示支持不将有关“强制法”的一般性研究纳入本专题的范围。

The point was made that the notion of jus cogens presented its own difficulties in terms of formation, evidence and classification.


It was also observed that determining the existence of a customary rule was a different question than determining if such a rule also possessed the additional characteristic of not being subject to derogation by way of treaty.


Some members suggested that, should the Commission decide not to include jus cogens within the scope of the topic, it should explain the reasons.


According to another opinion, the Special Rapporteur should reconsider his intention not to deal with jus cogens norms, as those norms were essentially customary in character.


A view was also expressed that it would be premature to exclude, at this stage, an analysis of jus cogens.


177. The need to clarify certain terms relating to the topic was underlined.

177. 有人强调有必要澄清某些与本专题相关的用语。

Some members supported the proposal of the Special Rapporteur concerning the elaboration of a short lexicon or glossary of relevant terms in the six official languages of the United Nations.


Specific mention was made of the need to explain such terms as general international law and law of nations, and their relation to the notion of custom.


(c) Methodology

(c) 方法学

178. Several members expressed support for the Special Rapporteurs proposal to focus on the practical aspects of the topic rather than theory; it was stated, in particular, that the Commission should not attempt to evaluate the correctness of various theoretical approaches to customary international law.

178. 一些委员支持特别报告员以本专题的实践而非理论方面为重点的建议;具体而言,有人指出,委员会不应试图评估习惯国际法各种理论方针正确与否。

However, some members indicated that an analysis of the main theories would be useful to understand the nature of customary law and the process of its formation.


The point was made that, in order to be seen as authoritative and as a useful tool for the international community as a whole in identifying rules of customary international law, the practical outcome that the Commission intended to seek had to be based on a thorough study which could not avoid dealing in an adequate manner with certain theoretical issues and controversies regarding the topic.


179. Attention was drawn to the question of the intended audience, namely for whom the Commission was undertaking this work.

179. 有人提请注意目标受众的问题,即委员会开展这项工作的对象是谁。

In this regard, it was suggested that the subjective perspective of States, the inter-subjective perspective of a third-party decision-maker, and the objective perspective of a detached observer be duly differentiated in order to avoid confusion.


180. Some members supported the view of the Special Rapporteur that particular emphasis should be given to analysing the case-law of international tribunals, and more specifically the International Court of Justice and its predecessor.

180. 一些委员支持特别报告员尤其重视对国际法庭判例法进行分析的观点,更具体而言,即对国际法院及其前身的判例法进行分析。

Attention was drawn, however, to the need to consider also the case-law of other international courts and tribunals, including regional courts, some of which had made a significant contribution in identifying customary rules in specific fields of international law such as international criminal law or human rights law.


Some members were of the opinion that the relevant case-law should be appraised critically, including by drawing attention to any methodological inconsistency that might be identified in judicial pronouncements.


It was suggested that jurisprudential divergences with respect to the identification of a rule of customary international law be also studied.


181. According to another view, overreliance on the case-law of international courts and tribunals as a method of work for the purposes of this topic would be problematic in view of the inter-subjective context of judicial proceedings and of the limited number of areas covered by judicial precedents.

181. 另一种意见认为,鉴于司法诉讼程序的“主体间性”背景,以及司法先例覆盖的领域数量有限,所以过于依赖国际法院和法庭的判例法作为本专题的工作方式可能会导致问题。

The point was also made that, in many instances, international courts and tribunals did not indicate the reasoning on the basis of which the existence of a rule of customary law was asserted.


182. Some members referred to the need to research and analyse relevant State practice including the jurisprudence of domestic tribunals as well as practice of other subjects of international law such as international organizations.

182. 一些委员认为有必要研究和分析包括国内法庭判例在内的相关国家实践,以及国际组织等其他国际法主体的实践。

The importance for the Commission to base its work on contemporary practice was emphasized, as well as the need to take into account the practice of States from all of the principal legal systems of the world and from all regions.


183. It was suggested that, in addition to the work undertaken by the International law Association  and by the ICRC,  and to the previous work of the Commission itself  that could be relevant to the topic, special attention be given to other work done in this field by individual researchers, academic institutions or learned societies.

183. 有人建议,除国际法协会  和红十字委员会  开展的工作以及此前委员会本身  可能与此专题相关的工作以外,应特别关注独立研究者、学术机构或学术团体在这一领域开展的其他工作。

More generally, the importance of utilizing relevant sources from the various regions of the world, also representing the diversity of legal cultures, and in various languages was underlined.


(d) Points to be covered

(d) 应讨论的问题

184. Some members suggested that the work on this topic should focus on an analysis of the elements of State practice and opinio juris, including their characterization, their relevant weight and their possible expressions or manifestations in relation to the formation and identification of customary international law.

184. 一些委员认为,关于本专题的工作应注重对国家实践及法律意见的要素分析,包括确定这些要点的特征、重要性,以及它们可能与习惯国际法的形成和确定相关的表达或表现形式。

It was suggested that consideration be given, in particular, to the extent to which these two elements were relied upon by courts and tribunals, including the International Court of Justice and its predecessor, as well as by States when making their arguments regarding the existence or non-existence of a rule of customary international law, whether before courts or within diplomatic forums.


185. Support was also expressed by some members for reviewing the origins of article 38, paragraph 1 (b) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, by focusing on the travaux associated with the corresponding provision in the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice, and for studying the way in which that provision was understood by Courts and tribunals, and within the international community more generally.

185. 一些委员还支持对《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款()项的来源进行审查,重点关注与《国际常设法院规约》中的相应条款相关的工作,并支持对法院和法庭以及更广泛的国际社会理解该条款的方式进行研究。

186. It was proposed that the Commission consider the extent to which the process of formation of rules of customary international law had changed as a result of the profound modifications including the significant increase in the number of States that had occurred in the international legal system during the second half of the twentieth century; it was further suggested that those changes might have complicated, to a certain extent, the study of the formation and evidence of customary international law.

186. 有人提议,委员会应审议二十世纪后半叶国际法律体系发生的深刻变化(包括国家数量的大幅度增加)导致习惯国际法规则的形成过程发生了多大程度的变化;还有人认为,这些变化可能在某种程度上使得有关习惯国际法的形成和证据的研究变得复杂化。

187. The question whether there were different approaches to customary law in various fields of international law was alluded to during the discussions.

187. 讨论中提及国际法不同领域是否存在有关习惯法的不同方针的问题。

In this regard, the view was expressed that this question should not be answered a priori but on the basis of a thorough study of relevant practice.


188. The question of the degree of participation by States in the formation of rules of customary international law was mentioned by several members.

188. 一些委员提及各国参与习惯国际法规则形成的程度问题。

Referring, in particular, to situations in which the conduct of a particular State or group of States might require special attention in the customary process, the point was made that the concept of specially affected States as well as the concept of persistent objector were important as they attempted to mediate between values of community and sovereignty in international law; thus, the Commission should avoid upsetting the equilibrium between these values that the current system seemed to provide.


According to another view, these two concepts required thorough study by the Commission.


189. While indicating that the Commission should not become tied up in theoretical distinctions that ultimately had no practical value, it was observed that the age-old debate about words versus actions operated on a very practical level with respect to instances where certain rules of customary international law were asserted, not on the basis of the establishment of actual, operational practice of all or of a majority of States, but by relying on surrogates.

189. 有人指出,虽然委员会不应囿于最终没有什么实际价值的理论划分,但在实例方面,关于“语言”相对于“行动”的古老辩论是在非常现实的层面上进行的,也就是说,某些习惯国际法规则并非基于所有或大多数国家确立的实际、可操作的实践,而是依靠替代者确定的。

Those instances occurred in two specific situations, namely when the assertion of a rule was based on the adoption by States of a resolution or on the existence of a widely ratified treaty.


The hope was expressed that the outcome of the Commissions work on this topic could provide guidance and clarification with respect to those two arenas.


190. A number of other points were mentioned as deserving attention in the consideration of this topic.

190. 还有人提及审议此专题应关注的其他问题。

These included, inter alia, the relationship between custom and treaty, including the impact of widely ratified though not universal treaties, questions raised by article 38 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and possibly also the role of customary international law in the interpretation of treaties; the effect of codification treaties on the identification of customary rules; the relationship between custom and general international law, general principles of law and general principles of international law; the effect of resolutions of international organizations; more generally, the role of the practice of subjects of international law other than States, in particular international organizations such as the European Union; the relationship between soft law and custom, and between lex lata and lex ferenda; the importance, or not, to be accorded to inconsistent practice in the formation and identification of rules of customary international law; the relevance of the notion of opposability and the possible role of acquiescence, silence and abstentions in the process of formation of rules of customary international law; the role played, in that process, by unilateral acts such as protest and recognition; the respective conditions for the formation and for the modification of a rule of customary international law; the possible effects of reservations to treaties on rules of customary international law; the role of regional practice and its relation to international law as a system; as well as the relationship between regional and general customary international law.


(e) Final outcome of the Commissions work on the topic

(e) 委员会此专题工作的最后成果

191. Broad support was expressed for the Special Rapporteurs proposal concerning the elaboration of a set of conclusions with commentaries.

191. 特别报告员关于编写一系列附加评注的结论的建议得到广泛支持。

The point was made that any such conclusions should not prejudice future developments concerning the formation of customary international law.


It was also suggested that the Commission begin its work by drafting propositions with commentaries, which might become conclusions at a later stage.


3. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

3. 特别报告员的总结

192. The Special Rapporteur observed that, overall, the members of the Commission who had taken the floor welcomed the topic, and that the preliminary views expressed by them confirmed the main thrust of the Note.

192. 特别报告员注意到,总体而言,发言的委员会委员支持本专题,他们表达的初步意见确认了“说明”的主旨。

Attention had been drawn, inter alia, to the importance of customary international law within the constitutional order and the internal law of many States, and to the usefulness of the Commissions work for domestic lawyers.


At the same time, it had been rightly noted that the reaction of the broader international community was important for the standing of the Commissions work on this topic.


193. A view had been expressed casting serious doubts about the topic, suggesting in particular that it was impractical, if not impossible, to consider the whole of customary international law even on a very abstract level, and that the contemplated outcome would either state the obvious or state the ambiguous.

193. 一种观点对本专题表示严重质疑,该意见尤其认为,即使在非常抽象的层面上审议整个习惯国际法是可能的,但也并不现实,审议的成果或者明显,或者模棱两可。

The Special Rapporteur indicated that it had never been the aim, under this topic, to consider the whole of customary international law, or indeed any of it, in the sense of examining the substance of the law; the Commission was only concerned with secondary, or systemic, rules on the identification of customary international law.


He also recalled a point made during the discussions, namely that what might be obvious for some lawyers was not necessarily obvious for everyone, and not even for the vast range of lawyers, many of them not experienced in international law, who found themselves confronted by issues of customary international law.


Moreover, the alleged ambiguity problem could be avoided by elaborating a clear and straightforward set of conclusions relating to the topic, accompanied, whenever necessary, by appropriate saving clauses a technique that had often been resorted to by the Commission.


194. The Special Rapporteur was aware of the inherent difficulty of the topic and of the need to approach it with caution.

194. 特别报告员意识到本专题固有的问题,以及以审慎态度对待本专题的必要性。

He too hoped that the Commission would not be over-ambitious, and he intended to work towards an outcome that was useful, practical, and hopefully well-received.


There appeared to be a widespread view that such outcome was needed.


195. The Special Rapporteur did not entirely understand the proposed differentiation between subjective, inter-subjective and objective perspectives.

195. 特别报告员不完全理解对主观、“主体间性”和客观视角进行区分的建议。

If law was to have any meaning, the accepted method for identifying it must be the same for all.


A shared, general understanding was precisely what the Commission might hope to achieve.


196. On the scope of the topic, there seemed to be general agreement with the approach suggested in the Note, subject to a proper understanding of what was meant by the terms formation and evidence.

196. 就本专题的范围而言,委员们似乎普遍认可“说明”中建议的方针,但取决于如何正当理解“形成”和“证据”等词汇的含义。

Whatever the words used, the Special Rapporteur was of the view that the topic should cover both the method for identifying the existence of a rule of customary international law and the types of information that could be used for that purpose as well as the possible sources of such information.


197. As the topic progressed, the Commission could revert to the question of whether and to what extent jus cogens should be considered under this topic a question on which divergent views had been expressed.

197. 随着这一专题的进展,委员会可能会回到本专题是否以及应在多大程度上审议“强制法”这一问题,委员们就此问题表达了各种意见。

198. The Special Rapporteur noted that wide support had been expressed for developing a uniform terminology, with a lexicon or glossary of terms in the various UN languages.

198. 特别报告员注意到,以各种联合国语文制定统一的用语表或词汇表的意见得到广泛支持。

199. He also observed that there seemed to be broad agreement that the ultimate outcome of the Commissions work on this topic should be practical.

199. 特别报告员还注意到,委员们似乎广泛同意委员会就此专题开展的工作应最终得出实用的成果。

The aim was to provide guidance for anyone, and particularly those not expert in the field of public international law, faced with the task of determining whether or not a rule of customary international law existed.


It seemed to be widely agreed that the final outcome of the Commissions work should be a set of propositions or conclusions, with commentaries.


It would not be appropriate for the Commission to be unduly prescriptive, since, as various members had emphasised, it was a central characteristic of customary international law, one of its strengths, that it is formed through a flexible process.


It also seemed to be widely accepted that it was not the Commissions task to seek to resolve theoretical disputes about the basis of customary law and the various theoretical approaches to be found in the literature to its formation and identification.


At the same time, the Special Rapporteur accepted the point made by some members that the eventual practical outcome of the Commissions work on this topic, in order to be regarded as to some degree authoritative, must be grounded in detailed and thorough study, including of the theoretical underpinnings of the subject.


The Special Rapporteur nevertheless believed that, at least initially, the main focus should be to ascertain what courts and tribunals, as well as States, actually did in practice.


In this connection, he fully agreed with those members who had stressed the need to have regard to practice of States from all of the principal legal systems of the world and from all regions.


He likewise shared the view of those members who had emphasized the importance of drawing on writings from as wide a range of authors as possible, and in the various languages.


200. Concerning the tentative schedule for the consideration of the topic during the present quinquennium, the Special Rapporteur recognized that the projected reports for 2014 and 2015 might prove over-ambitious, though he did think that it was important to approach State practice and opinio juris at the same time, given their interconnection.

200. 关于在本五年期内审议此专题的暂定日程表,特别报告员承认,预计于2014年和2015年提交报告可能目标过高,但他的确认为,鉴于国家实践与法律意见之间的内在联系,同时处理这两个问题至关重要。

201. The Special Rapporteur expressed the hope that the Commission would be ready to mandate the Secretariat to prepare, if possible in time for the sixty-fifth session (2013), a memorandum identifying elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant to this topic.

201. 特别报告员希望委员会已准备好要求秘书处尽可能及时编写一份备忘录,以提交第六十五届会议(2013),在备忘录中说明委员会此前的工作中可能与本专题尤为相关的要素。

202. In conclusion, the Special Rapporteur had taken careful note of the various suggestions for what might be covered under the topic.

202. 最后,特别报告员认真地注意到有关本专题可包括内容的各种建议。

These would be reflected in his future reports.


Chapter IX The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)

第九章 引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

A. Introduction

A. 导言

203. The Commission, at its fifty-seventh session (2005), decided to include the topic The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki as Special Rapporteur.

203. 委员会第五十七届(2005)会议决定将“引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”专题列入其工作方案,并任命兹齐斯拉夫·加利茨基先生为特别报告员。  

204. The Special Rapporteur submitted four reports.

204. 特别报告员提交了四次报告。

The Commission received and considered the preliminary report at its fifty-eighth session (2006), the second report at its fifty-ninth session (2007), the third report at its sixtieth session (2008) and the fourth report at its sixty-third session (2011).


205. At the sixty-first session (2009), an open-ended Working Group was established under the chairmanship of Mr. Alain Pellet,  and from its discussions, a proposed general framework for consideration of the topic, specifying the issues to be addressed by the Special Rapporteur, was prepared.

205. 委员会第六十一届(2009)会议在阿兰·佩莱先生的主持下设立了一个不限成员名额工作组,  经过讨论,产生了关于对本专题进行审议的拟议的总框架,具体说明了特别报告员需处理的问题。

 At the sixty-second session (2010), the Working Group was reconstituted and, in the absence of its Chairman, was chaired by Mr. Enrique Candioti.

 在第六十二届(2010)会议上,重新组建了工作组。 工作组因其主席缺席,由恩里克·坎迪奥蒂先生代理主席。

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

206. At the present session, the Commission decided to establish an open-ended Working Group on the obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) under the chairmanship of Mr. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree.

206. 在本届会议上,委员会决定在江萨·吉滴猜萨里先生的主持下设立一个引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)问题不限成员名额工作组。

The Working Group was to evaluate progress of work on this topic in the Commission and to explore possible future options for the Commission to take.


At this juncture, no Special Rapporteur was appointed in place of Mr. Galicki, who was no longer a member of the Commission.


207. At its 3152nd meeting, on 30 July 2012, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Chairman of the Working Group.

207. 委员会在2012730日第3152次会议上注意到工作组主席提出的口头报告。

Discussions of the Working Group


208. The Working Group held five meetings four regularly scheduled meetings on 25 and 31 May and on 3 and 16 July; and, after the judgment of the International Court of Justice in the Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) case, of 20 July 2012, a specially-convened meeting on 24 July 2012.

208. 工作组举行了五次会议,包括于525日和31日及73日和16日举行的四次预定常规会议,以及在国际法院于2012720日对“与起诉或引渡义务有关的问题(比利时诉塞内加尔)”案件作出判决后,于2012724日专门召集的会议。

209. The Working Group exchanged views on, and made a general assessment of the topic as a whole against the background context of the debate on the topic in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly.

209. 工作组以大会第六委员会就此专题开展的辩论为背景,就整个专题交换了意见,并作了一般性评价。

It proceeded on the basis of four informal working papers prepared by its Chairman dated 22 May, 30 May, 25 June and 12 July 2012, respectively.


(a) Major issues facing the topic

(a) 专题面对的主要问题

210. Some members considered it necessary to have a clearer picture of the issues arising under the topic.

210. 一些委员认为,有必要更明确地了解这一专题之下出现的问题。

In this connection, several possibilities were suggested:


(a) Harmonization: Given the complex field of multilateral treaties containing the obligation to extradite or prosecute, it was suggested that the Commission might find it useful to harmonize the multilateral treaty regimes.

(a) 协调统一:鉴于载有有关引渡或起诉义务的多边条约领域的复杂性,有人指出,委员会或许认为协调统一多边条约制度是有益的。

However, it was noted that the obligation to extradite or prosecute operated differently across treaty regimes, as may be seen in the Secretariats Survey of multilateral conventions which might be of relevance for the topic (A/CN.4/630).


As such, any attempt at harmonization would be a less than meaningful exercise.


If the goal was to elaborate draft articles, there did not seem much to be gained from elaborating draft articles where there were so many existing provisions in multilateral treaties.


(b) Interpretation, application and implementation: It was also suggested that it was possible for the Commission to make an assessment the actual interpretation, application and implementation of the extradite-or-prosecute clauses in particular situations, such as the one before the International Court of Justice in the Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) case.

(b) 解释、适用和实施:还有人认为,委员会可对特殊情况下对引渡或起诉条款的实际解释、适用和实施情况进行评价,如国际法院审理的“与起诉或引渡义务有关的问题(比利时诉塞内加尔)”案件的情况。

However, it was argued, such situations typically concerned application of the law to specific facts, which was not something the Commission could usefully study.


Moreover, there did not appear to be any serious systemic problem in the existing treaty regimes which required clarification by the Commission; at least, none was identified in the syllabus on the topic  and in the previous reports of the Special Rapporteur.

此外,现有的条约体制中似乎没有出现任何需要委员会澄清的严重系统性问题,至少在这一专题提纲  和特别报告员此前的报告中未发现这类问题。

(c) Progressive development of international law and its codification: It was suggested that, in considering this topic, the Commission might pursue a systematic survey and analysis of State practice to see if there existed a customary rule reflecting a general obligation to extradite or prosecute for certain crimes, or whether such an obligation was a general principle of law.

(c) 国际法的逐步发展及编纂:有人认为,委员会在审议这一专题时,也许应对这一专题进行系统性调查和分析国家惯例,以便了解是否存在一项习惯规则,可反映出对某些罪行进行引渡或起诉的一般性义务,还是这一义务只是一条一般法律原则。

If no such norm existed, the Commission could say as much.


If such a norm did exist, then draft articles would indicate the nature and scope of that norm, as well as the crimes to which it applied.


It was also suggested that the focus could be on core crimes under international law (genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, etc.) and on their relationship with the obligation to extradite or prosecute, so as to fill any lacuna in the law on individual criminal responsibility.


However, the utility of such an endeavour was doubted by some other members.


In respect of core crimes in international law, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and grave breaches of international humanitarian law, it was argued that such an exercise would be futile since the Commission had already completed, in 1996, the Draft Code of Crimes against the peace and security of mankind.  Article 9 of the Draft Code already contains an obligation to extradite or prosecute for the core crimes.

有人指出,就国际法中的种族灭绝、反人类罪以及严重违反国际人道主义法等核心罪行而言,上述做法可能徒劳无果,因为委员会已于1996年完成《危害人类和平及安全治罪法草案》,  该《治罪法草案》第九条载有对核心罪行进行引渡或起诉的义务。

According to this view, if the Commission were to look beyond the core crimes and postulate a general obligation to cover a wider range of crimes, such an approach would compel the Commission to delve into the general consideration of extradition law, as well as broad matters concerning the exercise of prosecutorial discretion, and practice in these areas varied considerably, thereby raising doubts about the existence of such a general obligation.

依照这一观点,如果委员会打算超越核心罪行,并要求制定一项一般性义务以纳入更广泛的罪行,则这类方针可能促使委员会必须深入考虑引渡法的一般考虑因素以及涉及行使检控裁量权的广泛事务。 因为这些领域的做法千差万别,所以可能导致对是否存在这样一项一般性义务的质疑。

211. It was suggested by some members that the main stumbling block in the way of the progress on the topic had been the absence of basic research on whether or not the obligation had attained customary law status.

211. 一些委员认为,缺乏对这一义务是否已取得习惯法地位的基本研究,一直是阻挡这一专题取得进展的障碍。

This was a preliminary matter to be addressed and resolved and had implications for any approach to be taken.


It was also observed that when the Commission was elaborating the Draft Code of Crimes against the peace and security of mankind in 1996, its adoption of draft articles 8 and 9 appeared to have been driven by the need for an effective system of criminalization and prosecution rather than an assessment of actual State practice and opinio juris.


It was an open question then whether draft articles 8 and 9 would be applied only to States Parties to the Draft Code or to all States.


 It was also recalled that when the Commission was dealing with the Draft Code it was understood that the inclusion of certain crimes in the Draft Code did not affect the status of other crimes under international law; neither did it in any way preclude further developments of this important area of law.


 In this connection, it was seen as important by some members to analyze the evolution of the law since 1996.


Some members viewed the distinction between core crimes and other crimes under international law as significant.


Also singled out was the importance of addressing, in the context of the topic, the duty to cooperate in combating impunity, so as to determine exactly how the scope of the duty, particularly in light of its formulation in various instruments, bears on the obligation.


212. There was consensus that, in general, the topic before the Commission concerned the obligation to extradite or prosecute and not either (i) the extradition practices of States or an obligation to extradite, or (ii) the obligation to prosecute, per se.

212. 普遍的一致意见是,委员会所处理的这一专题涉及引渡或起诉的义务,而不是涉及下述两者之一:要么是() 国家的引渡实践或引渡义务,要么是() 起诉义务本身。

213. Lastly, there was also general consensus that exploring the possibility of the obligation to extradite or prosecute as a general principle of international law would not advance the work on the topic any further than the avenue of customary international law.

213. 最后,另外的普遍一致意见是, 探讨引渡或起诉的义务作为一项一般国际法原则的可能性,还不如从习惯国际法这一渠道来探讨可能推动这一专题的工作。

(b) Relationship with universal jurisdiction

(b) 与普遍管辖权的关系

214. On the relationship between the topic and universal jurisdiction, some members emphasized that an analysis of universal jurisdiction would inevitably have to be undertaken in the consideration of the topic, in view of the close relationship between the two, although the Commission would not address universal jurisdiction as the central theme of the topic.

214. 关于此专题与普遍管辖权的关系,一些委员强调,鉴于二者之间存在紧密联系,所以在审议这一专题时不可避免要对普遍管辖权进行分析,虽然委员会不将普遍管辖权作为此专题的核心主题予以处理。

It was pointed out by certain members that universal jurisdiction was itself a subject requiring codification, and that, for a meaningful product to emerge from the Commission, the consideration of universal jurisdiction would have to be an important component part of the exercise or even the central question to be considered.


Some members drew attention to the on-going work on the scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction being undertaken in the context of the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations.


It was considered appropriate for the Commission to delink the topic from universal jurisdiction insofar as the obligation to extradite or prosecute did not depend on universal jurisdiction.


It was also noted that the Commission could proceed with an analysis of the role of universal jurisdiction vis-à-vis the obligation to extradite or prosecute without awaiting the finalization of the work of the Sixth Committee on universal jurisdiction.


(c) Feasibility of the topic

(c) 专题的可行性

215. Some members acknowledged the importance attached by States to the topic, it being perceived as useful not only from a practical standpoint in that it would help resolve problems encountered by States in implementing the obligation to extradite or prosecute, but also because the obligation played a key coordinating role between the national and international systems in the overall architecture of international criminal justice.

215. 一些委员认可各国对此专题给予高度重视,并认为这一专题不仅从实际角度而言是有用的,可帮助解决各国在履行引渡或起诉义务方面遇到的问题,而且这一义务在国际刑事司法总体架构中发挥协调国家和国际制度的重要作用。

216. In this connection, it was noted by some members that any absence of a determination on the customary law nature of the obligation would not pose insurmountable difficulties in the further consideration of the topic.

216. 在这方面,一些委员注意到,无法确定这一义务的习惯法性质,并不会为今后审议这一专题造成无法逾越的障碍。

It was suggested that the focus, taking both progressive development of international law and its codification into account, could be on the obligation to extradite or prosecute as evidenced especially in multilateral treaties, including the material scope and the content of the obligation, the relationship between the obligation and other principles, conditions for the triggering of the obligation, the implementation of the obligation, as well as the relationship between the obligation and the surrender of the alleged offender to a competent international criminal tribunal.


It was also suggested that the work to be carried out focus on practical implementation of the obligation.


217. Some other members stressed the importance of proceeding with caution.

217. 另一些委员强调谨慎行事的重要性。

Attention was drawn to the general background of the work already done on the topic since its inclusion in the programme of work of the Commission, pointing to its complexity as a justification for not taking any hasty decisions at this stage on the appointment of a new Special Rapporteur and on whether and how to proceed with the topic.


The relevance of treaties and customary international law in the consideration of the topic was highlighted.


Insofar as treaties were concerned, the typology of treaties in the Secretariats Survey of multilateral conventions which may be of relevance for the topic (A/CN.4/630) was viewed as useful.

就条约而言,秘书处在有关多边公约的调查中可能与此专题相关的条约分类法(A/CN.4/ 630)被视为有用资料。

However, it was considered prudent to study carefully the decision of the International Court of Justice in the Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) case, before taking any definitive positions.


Some members recalled that a determination of the customary nature of the obligation was only part of the issue, as the relationship between the obligation to extradite or prosecute and other principles, such as nullum crimen sine lege and nulla poena sine lege, should also be addressed, as suggested in the proposed general framework for the Commissions consideration of the topic, prepared by the Working Group in 2009.


218. It was also pointed out that the proposed general framework, together with the Secretariats Survey, remained useful to the work by the Commission on the topic.

218. 还有人指出,总框架草案与秘书处的调查对委员会就此专题开展的工作仍然有用。

219. Lastly, it was suggested by some members that the Commission terminate its work on the topic since, in their opinion, this was an area of law to which the Commission could not presently make substantial contributions.

219. 最后,一些委员提出,委员会应结束此专题的工作,因为在他们看来,在这个法律领域,委员会目前不可能作出实质性的贡献。

(d) Judgment of the ICJ in the Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) case

(d) 国际法院对“与起诉或引渡义务有关的问题(比利时诉塞内加尔)”案的判决

220. The International Court of Justice rendered its judgment in the Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) case in the afternoon of Friday 20 July 2012, when the Working Group was supposed to have already concluded its substantive work during this session and report to the Plenary.

220. 国际法院于2012720日星期五下午发布了对“与起诉或引渡义务有关的问题(比利时诉塞内加尔)”案的判决,工作组当时应已完成本次会议的实质性工作以及向全会提交的报告。

The Working Group conducted a preliminary review of the judgment on 24 July 2012, at a meeting specially convened for that purpose.


It was recognised that an in-depth analysis would be required to assess fully its implications for the topic.


(e) Way forward

(e) 前进的方向

16. The Working Group requested its Chairman to prepare a working paper, to be considered at the sixty-fifth session of the Commission, reviewing the various perspectives in relation to the topic in light of the judgment of the International Court of Justice of 20 July 2012, any further developments, as well as comments made in the Working Group and the debate of the Sixth Committee.

221. 工作组请主席编写一份工作文件,供委员会第六十五届会议审议,审查内容包括国际法院2012720日的判决与本专题相关的各个方面、任何进一步进展,以及工作组的意见和第六委员会的辩论情况。

The Working Group, on the basis of its discussions at the sixty-fifth session, will submit concrete suggestions for the consideration of the Commission.


Chapter X Treaties over time

第十章 条约随时间演变

A. Introduction

A. 导言

222. The Commission, at its sixtieth session (2008), decided to include the topic Treaties over time in its programme of work and to establish a Study Group on the topic at its sixty-first session.

222. 委员会第六十届会议(2008)决定将“条约随时间演变”专题列入其工作方案,并决定在第六十一届会议上设立一个专题研究组。

 At its sixty-first session (2009), the Commission established the Study Group on Treaties over time, chaired by Mr. Georg Nolte.

 委员会第六十一届会议(2009)设立了条约随时间演变专题研究组,由格奥尔格 ·诺尔特先生担任主席。

At that session, the Study Group focused its discussions on the identification of the issues to be covered, the working methods of the Study Group and the possible outcome of the Commissions work on the topic.


223. At the sixty-second session (2010), the Study Group was reconstituted under the chairmanship of Mr. Georg Nolte and began its work on the aspects of the topic relating to subsequent agreements and practice, on the basis of an introductory report prepared by its Chairman on the relevant jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and arbitral tribunals of ad hoc jurisdiction.

223. 在第六十二届会议(2010)上重新设立了研究组,由格奥尔格·诺尔特先生任主席,并根据主席就国际法院和具有特别管辖权的仲裁法庭的相关判例编写的介绍性报告,开始了本专题与嗣后协定和惯例有关的各方面的工作。


224. At the sixty-third session (2011), the Study Group, under the same chairmanship, first took up the remainder of the work on the introductory report prepared by its Chairman.

224. 在第六十三届会议(2011)上,在同一位主席的领导下,研究组首先着手进行有关主席的介绍性报告剩余的工作。

The Study Group then began its consideration of the second report by the Chairman on the jurisprudence under special regimes relating to subsequent agreements and subsequent practice, focusing on some of the general conclusions proposed therein.


Due to lack of time, the Study Group could only discuss twelve of those conclusions.


 In the light of the discussions, the Chairman reformulated the text of what had become his first nine preliminary conclusions.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

225. At the present session, the Study Group on Treaties over time was reconstituted again under the chairmanship of Mr. Georg Nolte.

225. 在本届会议上重新设立了条约随时间演变研究组,由格奥尔格·诺尔特先生担任主席。

The Study Group held eight meetings, on 9, 10, 15, 16 and 24 May, and on 19, 25 and 26 July 2012.


226. At the 3135th meeting of the Commission, on 29 May 2012, the Chairman of the Study Group presented a first oral report to the Commission on those aspects of the work undertaken by the Study Group at its five meetings from 9 to 24 May which were related to the format and the modalities of the Commissions future work on this topic.

226. 2012529日第3135次会议上,研究组主席向委员会作了第一次口头报告,介绍研究组在59日至24日举行的5次会议上开展的有关委员会今后关于该专题工作形式和模式的工作。

In his report, the Chairman indicated, inter alia, that the Study Group recommended that the Commission change the format of the work on this topic and appoint a Special Rapporteur.


227. At its 3136th meeting, on 31 May 2012, the Commission decided (a) to change, with effect from its sixty-fifth session (2013), the format of the work on this topic as suggested by the Study Group; and (b) to appoint Mr. Georg Nolte as Special Rapporteur for the topic Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties.

227. 委员会在2012531日的第3136次会议上决定:(a) 自第六十五届会议(2013)起,根据研究组的建议改变本专题的工作形式;(b) 任命格奥尔格·诺尔特先生为“与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”专题特别报告员。

228. On 30 July 2012, the Chairman of the Study Group presented to the Commission a second oral report on the work done by the Study Group.

228. 2012730日,研究组主席向委员会提出第二份研究组口头工作报告。

The Commission took note of that oral report at its 3151st meeting on 30 July 2012.


1. Discussions of the Study Group

1. 研究组的讨论情况

229. At the present session, the Study Group (a) completed its consideration of the second report by its Chairman, which it had begun at the sixty-third session (2011); (b) considered the third report by its Chairman; and (c) engaged in a discussion of the format and the modalities of the work of the Commission on this topic.

229. 在本届会议上,研究组(a) 结束了第六十三届会议上(2011)启动的对主席第二份报告的审议;(b) 审议了主席的第三份报告;(c) 对委员会关于本专题的工作形式和模式进行了讨论。

(a) Completion of the consideration of the second report by the Chairman of the Study Group

(a) 结束对研究组主席第二份报告的审议

230. The Study Group completed its consideration of the second report by its Chairman on the jurisprudence under special regimes relating to subsequent agreements and subsequent practice.

230. 研究组结束了对主席关于特殊制度下与嗣后协定和惯例有关判例第二份报告的审议。

In so doing, the Study Group examined six additional general conclusions proposed in the second report.


The discussions focused on the following aspects: the question whether a subsequent practice, in order to serve as a means of interpretation, must reflect a position regarding the interpretation of the treaty; the extent to which subsequent practice would need to be specific; the necessary degree of active participation in a practice and the significance of silence by one or more parties to the treaty with respect to the practice of one or more other parties; the possible effects of contradictory subsequent practice; the question of possible treaty modification through subsequent practice; and the relationship between subsequent practice and formal amendment or interpretation procedures.


231. In the light of these discussions in the Study Group, the Chairman reformulated the text of what had now become six additional preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group (see section 2. below).

231. 根据研究组中的讨论情况,主席重新撰写了案文,即现在研究组主席的六点补充初步结论(见以下第2)

As it had done for the first nine preliminary conclusions reproduced in the Commissions 2011 report,  the Study Group agreed that these six preliminary conclusions by its Chairman would be revisited and expanded in the light of future reports of the newly appointed Special Rapporteur, including on additional aspects of the topic, and of the future discussions within the Commission.

与委员会2011年报告中转载的前九点初步结论一样,  研究组也商定主席提出的这六点初步结论应根据新任命的特别报告员今后的报告加以重新讨论和扩展。

(b) Consideration of the third report by the Chairman of the Study Group

(b) 审议研究组主席的第三份报告

232. The Study Group considered the third report by its Chairman on Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice of States outside judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings.

232. 研究组审议了研究组主席关于“司法和准司法程序外的国家嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”的第三份报告。

That report covers a variety of issues. These include the forms, evidence and interpretation of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice, as well as a number of general aspects concerning, inter alia, the possible effects of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice (e.g. in terms of specifying the meaning of a treaty provision or confirming the degree of discretion left to the parties by a treaty provision); the extent to which an agreement in the sense of article 31, paragraph 3 (a) and (b) of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties must express the legal opinion of States parties regarding the interpretation or application of the treaty; subsequent practice as possibly indicating agreement on a temporary non-application or on a temporary extension of the scope of the treaty, or as expressing a modus vivendi; bilateral and regional practice under treaties with a broader membership; the relationship between subsequent practice and agreements, on the one hand, and technical and scientific developments, on the other hand; the relationship between subsequent practice by the parties under a treaty and the parallel formation of rules of customary international law; the possible role of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in respect of treaty modification; as well as the role that may be exceptionally played by subsequent practice and subsequent agreements in terminating a treaty.


Furthermore, the third report addresses other aspects such as the influence of specific cooperative contexts on the interpretation of some treaties by way of subsequent practice, and the potential role played by conferences of the States parties and treaty monitoring bodies in relation to the emergence or consolidation of subsequent agreements or practice.


In analyzing these various issues, the third report provides examples of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice, assesses those examples and attempts to draw some preliminary conclusions.


233. The debate in the Study Group on the third report was very rich.

233. 研究组对第三份报告进行了丰富的讨论。

Many members commended the Chairman for the thorough character of his report and for the extensive research undertaken for its preparation.


One general issue that was touched upon by several members during the discussions was the level of determinacy of the draft conclusions contained in the third report.


While some members were of the view that many of them were formulated in rather general terms, other members considered that certain conclusions were too determinate in the light of the examples identified in the report.


In this regard, it was observed by some members that the main challenge in the Commissions future work on this topic was to attempt to elaborate propositions with a sufficient normative content, while preserving the flexibility inherent in the concept of subsequent practice and agreements.


In relation to the section of the report dealing with conferences of the parties, a number of points were raised, including the question to what extent such fora deserved a special treatment in the consideration of the present topic; whether there was a single notion of conference of the parties or whether this term covered a variety of different bodies whose common character would be the fact that they are not organs of international organizations; the extent to which the conferral or not, on conferences of the parties, of decision-making power or reviews powers had an impact on their possible contribution to the formation of subsequent agreements or subsequent practice in relation to a treaty; and the significance and relevance, in the present context, of consensus and other decision-making procedures that might be followed by conferences of the parties.


234. In view of the decision of the Commission to change the future format of the work, the Chairman did not propose to the Study Group, in contrast to what he had done with respect to the second report, that he reformulate the draft conclusions which were contained in his third report in the light of the discussions of the Study Group.

234. 鉴于委员会决定改变今后工作形式,与第二份报告不同的是,主席未向研究组提议,由他根据研究组的讨论情况重新撰写第三份报告中的结论草案。

He indicated that he preferred to take these discussions into account when preparing his first report as Special Rapporteur.


This first report would synthesize the three reports which he had submitted to the Study Group.


(c) Modalities of the Commissions work on the topic

(c) 委员会进行本专题工作的模式

235. The Study Group discussed the format in which the further work on the topic should proceed and the possible outcome of this work.

235. 研究组讨论了本专题下一步工作应采取的形式以及工作的可能成果。

Several members expressed the view that, in view of the preparatory work which had been accomplished and considering the need to focus the work on the envisaged outcome, the time had come for the Commission to change the format of the work on the topic and to appoint a Special Rapporteur.


It was felt that this would be the most efficient way of making use of the work already done.


236. The Chairman indicated that he would welcome a change in the format of the work on the topic at this stage.

236. 主席表示,他欢迎在目前这个阶段改变本专题的工作形式。

This would enable the Commission to focus on the ultimate outcome of the work.


In his view, it had been necessary to first identify, collect, arrange and discuss the most important sources of the topic.


This had been done by the first three reports for the Study Group and by the discussions within the Study Group.


The three available reports could now be synthesized into one report which could be made available for all States and be debated in the plenary.


237. The Chairman also expressed the view that a change of the format of the work would give the Commission the opportunity to define more sharply the scope of the topic.

237. 主席还表示,改变工作形式将使委员会有机会更准确地界定专题的范围。

He reminded the members that an important reason for the Commission to pursue the work on the topic Treaties over time within the format of a Study Group had been to give the members the opportunity to consider whether this topic should be approached with a broad focus which would have also involved, inter alia, an in-depth treatment of the termination and the formal amendment of treaties or whether the topic should be limited to a narrower focus on the aspect of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice.


Since the discussions within the Study Group had led to the result that it would be preferable to limit the topic to the narrower aspect of the legal significance of subsequent agreements and practice, an important reason why the Commission had originally chosen to deal with the topic in the framework of a Study Group was no longer pertinent.


He welcomed this development, having previously expressed his preference for a narrower approach to the topic.


238. The Chairman suggested that, if the format of the work on the topic were to be changed in the contemplated way, a report which would synthesize the three reports which have been submitted to the Study Group so far should be prepared for the sixty-fifth session. This report should take into account the discussions which had been held so far within the Study Group and should contain specific conclusions or guidelines which would be derived in particular from materials contained in the existing three reports for the Study Group.

238. 主席建议,如果要以考虑周祥的方式改变专题的工作形式,那么应当为第六十五届会议编写一份报告,将目前已提交研究组的三份报告综合在一起,并根据目前已提交研究组的三份报告中提供的资料得出具体的结论或准则。

After the debates on this report within the Commission during the next session and the discussions in the Sixth Committee in 2013, one or two further reports should be submitted, as it has been envisaged in the original proposal of the topic, on the practice of international organizations and the jurisprudence of national courts (annex A to the report of the Commission on the work of its sixtieth session (2008) ).

在委员会下一届会议对这份报告进行辩论并经第六委员会2013年讨论之后,还应按照本专题最初提案中的设想,提交一至两份进一步的报告,介绍国际组织的惯例和国家法院的判例(委员会第六十届会议工作报告附件A (2008) )

These reports would contain additional conclusions or guidelines which would complement or modify, as appropriate, the work based on the first report.


These conclusions or guidelines would be explained by commentaries.


The work on the topic could then be finalized within the current quinquennium.


It would be understood that the topic would remain within the scope of the law of treaties.


The main focus would be on the legal significance of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice for interpretation (article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties), as explained in the original proposal for the topic.


239. The members of the Study Group agreed with the suggestions of the Chairman on how to proceed further with the work on the topic.

239. 研究组成员同意主席关于如何进一步开展本专题工作的建议。

On this basis, the Study Group recommended that the Commission decide to change the format of the work on the topic and appoint a Special Rapporteur.


As indicated above (para. 227), the Commission, at its 3136th meeting, on 31 May 2012, decided to follow this recommendation of the Study Group.


2. Preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group, reformulated in the light of the discussions in the Study Group

2. 研究组主席根据研究组的讨论情况重新撰写的初步结论

240. The six additional preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group, reformulated in the light of the discussions in the Study Group, are as follows:

240. 研究组主席根据研究组的讨论情况重新撰写的六点补充初步结论如下:

(1) Subsequent practice as reflecting a position regarding the interpretation

(1) 嗣后惯例反映对于条约解释的立场

of a treaty In order to serve as a means of interpretation, subsequent practice must reflect a position of one or more parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty.


 The ad-judicatory bodies reviewed, however, do not necessarily require that subsequent practice must expressly reflect a position regarding the interpretation of a treaty, but may view such a position to be implicit in the practice.


(2) Specificity of subsequent practice

(2) 嗣后惯例的特定性

Depending on the regime and the rule in question, the specificity of subsequent practice is a factor which can influence the extent to which it is taken into account by adjudicatory bodies.


 Subsequent practice thus need not always be specific.


(3) The degree of active participation in a practice and silence

(3) 参与惯例的积极程度和沉默

Depending on the regime and the rule in question, the number of parties which must actively contribute to relevant subsequent practice may vary.


 Most adjudicatory bodies that rely on subsequent practice have recognized that silence on the part of one or more parties can, under certain circumstances, contribute to relevant subsequent practice.


(4) Effects of contradictory subsequent practice

(4) 相互矛盾的嗣后惯例的效力

Contradictory subsequent practice can have different effects depending on the multilateral treaty regime in question.


Whereas the WTO Appellate Body discounts practice which is contradicted by the practice of any other party to the treaty,  the European Court of Human Rights, faced with non-uniform practice, has sometimes regarded the practice of a vast majority or a near consensus of the parties to the European Convention to be determinative.

世贸组织上诉机构对与条约任何其它缔约方的惯例存在矛盾的做法不予采纳,  但欧洲人权法院在面临不一致惯例时,有时会视《欧洲公约》“绝大多数”缔约方或“接近全体协商一致”的缔约方的惯例具有决定性。


(5) Subsequent agreement or practice and formal amendment or interpretation procedures

(5) 嗣后协定或惯例与正式修正或解释程序

There have been instances in which adjudicatory bodies have recognized that the existence of formal amendment or interpretation procedures in a treaty regime do not preclude the use of subsequent agreement and subsequent practice as a means of interpretation.



(6) Subsequent practice and possible modification of a treaty

(6) 嗣后惯例和条约的可能修改

In the context of using subsequent practice to interpret a treaty, the WTO Appellate Body has excluded the possibility that the application of a subsequent agreement could have the effect of modifying existing treaty obligations.


 The European Court of Human Rights and the Iran-US Claims Tribunal seem to have recognized the possibility that subsequent practice or agreement can lead to modification of the respective treaties.


Chapter XI The Most-Favoured-Nation clause

 第十一章 最惠国条款

A. Introduction

A. 导言

241. The Commission, at its sixtieth session (2008), decided to include the topic The Most-Favoured-Nation clause in its programme of work and to establish a Study Group on the topic at its sixty-first session.

241. 委员会第六十届会议(2008)决定将“最惠国条款”专题列入其工作方案,并在第六十一届会议上设立一个有关此专题的研究组。  242. 在第六十一届会议上(2009),设立了由唐纳德

242. A Study Group, co-chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae and Mr. A. Rohan Perera, was established at the sixty-first session (2009),  and reconstituted at the sixty-second (2010) and sixty-third (2011) sessions, under the same co-chairmanship.

•麦克雷先生和罗汉·佩雷拉先生担任联合主席的研究组。  第六十二届会议(2010)和第六十三届会议(2011)重新组成研究组,但仍由上述两人担任联合主席。


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

243. At the present session, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause, under the chairmanship of Mr. Donald M. McRae.

243. 在本届会议上,委员会重组最惠国条款研究组,由唐纳德·麦克雷先生担任主席。

At the first meeting of the Study Group, tribute was paid to the former Co-chair of the Study Group, Mr. A. Rohan Perera.


244. At its 3151st meeting, on 27 July 2012, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Chairman of the Study Group.

244. 2012727日第3151次会议上,委员会注意到研究组主席的口头报告。

1. Work of the Study Group

1. 研究组的工作

245. The Study Group held 6 meetings on 24 and 31 May and on 11, 12, 17 and 18 July 2012.

245. 研究组在2012524日和31日、711日、12日、17日和18日举行了6次会议。

246. The overall objective of the Study Group is to seek to safeguard against fragmentation of international law and to stress the importance of greater coherence in the approaches taken in the arbitral decisions in the area of investment particularly in relation to MFN provisions.

246. 研究组的总体目标是争取防止国际法碎片化,强调投资领域的仲裁裁决所采取的具体做法、尤其在最惠国条款方面采取的做法必须加强一致性。

It is considered that the Study Group could make a contribution towards assuring greater certainty and stability in the field of investment law.


It seeks to elaborate an outcome that would be of practical utility to those involved in the investment field and to policymakers.


It is not the intention of the Study Group to prepare any draft articles or to revise the 1978 draft articles of the Commission on the Most-Favoured-Nation clause.


It is envisaged that a report will be prepared, providing the general background, analysing and contextualizing the case law, drawing attention to the issues that had arisen and trends in the practice and where appropriate make recommendations, including possible guidelines and model clauses.


247. To date, the Study Group, in order to illuminate further the contemporary challenges posed by the MFN clause, has considered several background papers.

247. 迄今为止,研究组为进一步说明最惠国条款当前带来的挑战,已经审议过若干背景文件。

In this connection, it has examined (a) a typology of existing MFN provisions, which is an on-going study; (b) the 1978 Draft articles adopted by the Commission and areas of their continuing relevance; (c) aspects concerning how the MFN clause had developed and was developing in the context of the GATT and the WTO; (d) other developments in the context of the OECD and UNCTAD; (e) an analysis of contemporary issues concerning the scope of application of the MFN clause, such as those arising in the Maffezini award.

在这方面已经审议过(a) 持续不断在研究的现行最惠国条款规定系统分类法;(b) 委员会通过的1978年条款草案以及草案仍然具有相关意义的方面;(c) 涉及最惠国条款当初在关贸总协定以及后来在世贸组织范围内如何发展演变的各方面情况;(d) 在经合组织和贸发会议范围内的其他发展演变情况;(e) 当代诸如“马菲基尼”仲裁产生的问题等有关最惠国条款适用范围的问题的分析。

248. Additional work had also been undertaken to identify the arbitrators and counsel in investment cases involving MFN clauses, together with the type of MFN provision interpreted.

248. 此外还努力查清确定涉及最惠国条款的投资案的仲裁员和律师以及所解释的最惠国条款所属类型。

Moreover, to identify further the normative content of the MFN clauses in the field of investment, there had been an analysis of factors taken into account by tribunals in the interpretation and application of MFN clauses in investment agreements, building upon earlier work done on the MFN clause and the Maffezini award.


249. The Study Group has previously identified the need to study further the question of MFN in relation to trade in services under GATS and investment agreements, the relationship between MFN, fair and equitable treatment, and national treatment standards, as well as other areas of international law to assess whether any application of MFN in such areas might provide some insight for the work of the Study Group.

249. 研究组此前已认定需要进一步研究关贸总协定和各种投资协定下的服务贸易所涉最惠国待遇问题、最惠国待遇、公正和公平待遇以及国民待遇标准之间的关系、以及国际法的其他领域,以便评估最惠国条款在这种领域里的适用可否为研究小组的工作提供一点深邃的见解。

2. Discussions of the Study Group at the present session

2. 本届会议上研究组的讨论情况

250. At the present session of the Commission, the Study Group had before it a working paper on the Interpretation of MFN Clauses by Investment Tribunals, prepared by Mr. McRae.

250. 在委员会本届会议上,研究组手头有一份麦克雷先生编写的关于“投资仲裁庭对最惠国条款的解释”的工作文件。

It also had before it a working paper on the Effect of the Mixed Nature of Investment Tribunals on the Application of MFN Clauses to Procedural Provisions, prepared by Mr. Mathias Forteau.


251. The working paper by Mr. McRae was a restructured version of the 2011 working paper, Interpretation and Application of MFN Clauses in Investment Agreements, taking into account recent developments and discussions of the Study Group in 2011. It contained an analysis of recent decisions and further factors, which had been taken into account in the case law.

251. 麦克雷先生编写的工作文件是2011年工作文件“投资仲裁庭对最惠国条款的解释”的重新编排本,其中考虑到了近来的发展动态以及研究组2011年的讨论情况,载有对近来的裁决及判例法又考虑到的各种因素的分析。

It also provided an assessment of the different interpretative approaches utilized by tribunals.


252. In course of the discussion of the working paper by Mr. McRae, there was an exchange of views on whether the nature of the tribunal had a bearing on how it goes about treaty interpretation, in particular whether the mixed nature of arbitration (including both a State and a private party) constituted a relevant factor in the interpretative process.

252. 在讨论麦克雷先生的工作文件的过程中交换了意见,探讨仲裁庭的性质对其如何解释条约是否有影响,特别是仲裁庭的混合性(包括国家和私人当事方)是否成为解释过程中的一个相关因素。

The working paper by Mr. Forteau was prepared as a consequence of that discussion.


253. The two working papers constitute preparatory documents to form part of the overall report to be submitted by the Study Group.

253. 两个工作文件属于筹备文件,将构成研究组提出的全面报告的部分内容。

254. The Study Group also had before it an informal working paper on Model MFN clauses post-Maffezini, examining the various ways in which States have reacted to the Maffezini decision, including by specifically stating that the MFN clause does not apply to dispute resolution provisions; or specifically stating that the MFN clause does apply to dispute resolution provisions; or specifically enumerating the fields to which the MFN clause applies.

254. 此外,研究组手头还有一份关于“马菲基尼”后的最惠国待遇示范条款的非正式工作文件,研究了各国对“马菲基尼”裁决的各种反应方式,包括明确表示最惠国条款不适用于争端解决条款规定;或者明确表示最惠国条款确实适用于争端解决条款规定;或者具体列举最惠国条款适用的领域。

It also had before it an informal working paper providing an overview of MFN-type language in Headquarters Agreements conferring on representatives of States to the organization the same privileges and immunities granted to diplomats in the host State.


These informal working papers, together with an informal working paper on Bilateral Taxation Treaties and the Most-Favoured-Nation Clausewhich was not discussed by the Study Group, are still a work in progress and will continue to be updated to ensure completeness.


(a) Effect of the Mixed Nature of Investment Tribunals on the Application of MFN Clauses to Procedural Provisions (Mr. M. Forteau)

(a) 投资仲裁庭的混合性对最惠国条款适用于程序条款的影响(福尔托先生)

255. The working paper offered an explanation of the mixed nature of arbitration in relation to investment; an assessment of the peculiarities of the application of the MFN clause in mixed arbitration; and studied the impact of such arbitration on the application of the MFN clause to procedural provisions.

255. 工作文件说明了投资方面仲裁的混合性质;评估了最惠国条款在混合性仲裁中适用的特点;研究了这种仲裁对最惠国条款适用于程序条款问题的影响。

It was considered that the mixed nature of investment arbitration operated on two levels, because the parties to the proceedings, being a private claimant and a respondent State, were not of the same nature.


Moreover, it was argued that the tribunal in such instance was a functional substitute for an otherwise competent domestic court of the host State.


 Mixed arbitration was thus situated between the domestic plane and international plane, with affinities in relation to investment to both international commercial arbitration and public international arbitration.


 It had a private and a public element to it.


256. Assessing the peculiarities of the application of the MFN clause in mixed arbitration, it was pointed out that while ratione materiae the 1978 draft articles covers all type of areas including the establishment of foreign physical and juridical persons, their personal rights and obligations, ratione personae their general scope did not include obligations or rights to be performed or enjoyed by individuals.

256. 有人在评估最惠国条款在混合性仲裁中适用的特点时指出,按属事理由,1978年条款草案涵盖所有各种领域,包括外国自然人和法人的确立、其个人权利和义务等,但是按属人理由,草案的一般范畴并不包括有个人履行的义务或享有的权利。

In the classical sense, an individual was not considered, as an international subject, in the application of the MFN clause.


The effect of a mixed tribunal was that an individual, like the State, was also a beneficiary of the MFN clause in the international order; the individual, without being a party to a treaty, can invoke jurisdictional clauses of a treaty against a respondent State party; since the treaty offers both the treatment and is the basis of the right of recourse to arbitration, it becomes difficult to distinguish what falls under the settlement of disputes related to the treaty from what falls under the treatment offered by the treaty.


The effect of the latter aspect is that there are two interpretative trends: one insists on the treatment aspect (two States grant to their respective nationals a preferential treatment) in order to justify more easily the application of the MFN clause to the dispute settlement clause; the other insists on the dispute settlement aspect (the dispute settlement clause is the basis of the consent of the State to arbitration) by emphasizing the need to respect the principle of State consent to arbitration.


257. In terms of impact, it was suggested that it was not excluded that at least special interpretive guidelines, if not rules of interpretation, apply to mixed arbitration because of its unique nature.

257. 在影响问题方面,有人建议不要将其排除在外,这样,对混合仲裁因其性质独特,如果不适用解释规则,至少也要适用特殊的解释性准则。

The impact was that, depending of the aspect of the mixed nature, some tribunals give more importance to the public aspect of arbitration (or to the settlement of dispute aspect) (public approach) than to its private aspect (or to the treatment aspect), others will make the opposite choice (private approach); while in yet other cases, there is a mix of the two aspects (syncretic approach).


(b) Working paper on the Interpretation of MFN Clauses by Investment Tribunals (Mr. D.M. McRae)

(b) 关于“仲裁庭对最惠国条款的解释”的工作文件(麦克雷先生)

258. It was recognized in the working paper that, notwithstanding a reliance on treaty interpretation or the invocation of the interpretative tools under the Vienna Convention on the Law Treaties in the interpretation of MFN clauses, there was little consistency in the way in which investment tribunals actually went about the interpretative process, or necessarily in the conclusions that they reached.

258. 该工作文件确认,尽管可以依靠条约的解释或者根据《维也纳条约法公约》援用解释工具,但是在解释最惠国条款时,投资仲裁庭实际进行解释或者得出结论的方式鲜有一致可言。

Accordingly, it reviewed further the approaches taken by investment tribunals seeking to identify certain factors which appeared to influence investment tribunals in interpreting MFN clauses and to identify certain trends.


259. These factors and trends included the following: (a) drawing a distinction between substance and procedure, by inquiring into the basic question whether in principle an MFN provision could relate to both the procedural, as well as the substantive provisions of the treaty; (b) interpreting the MFN provision in relation to the dispute settlement provisions of the treaty as a jurisdictional matter, where there was an implication in some cases of an alleged higher standard for interpreting whether the scope of an MFN clause was one of agreement to arbitrate, while in some other cases a differentiation is made between jurisdiction and admissibility, in which case, a provision affecting a right to bring a claim, which is a jurisdictional matter, was distinguished from, a provision affecting the way in which a claim has to be brought, which has been construed as going to admissibility; (c) adopting a conflict of treaty provisions approach, whereby tribunals take into account the fact that the matter sought to be incorporated into the treaty had already been covered, in a different way, in the basic treaty itself; (d) considering the treaty-making practice of either party to the BIT, in respect of which an MFN claim had been made, as a means of ascertaining the intention of the parties regarding the scope of the MFN clause; (e) considering the relevant time at which the treaty was concluded (principle of contemporaneity), as well as to subsequent practice to ascertain the intention of the parties; (f) assessing the influence on the tribunal of the content of the provision sought to be ousted or added by means of an MFN clause; (g) acknowledging an implicit doctrine of precedent, a tendency influenced by a desire for consistency rather than any hierarchical structure; (h) assessing the content of the provision invoked to determine whether, in fact, it accorded more/less favourable treatment; and (i) considering the existence of policy exceptions.

259. 这些因素和趋势如下:(a) 调查研究一个基本问题,即最惠国条款在原则上可否与条约的程序性条款和实质性条款都有关系,借以区分“实质”和“程序”;(b) 将涉及条约争端解决规定的最惠国条款解释为“司法管辖权问题”,于是在某些情况下就意味着需要一种解释最惠国条款的范畴是否就是同意仲裁的范畴问题所需的据称较高的标准,而在另外一些情况下,则意味着要区分“司法管辖权和可受理性”,在此情况下,则要区分涉及索赔权(属于司法管辖权问题)的条款与涉及索赔提出方式(一向被认为是寻求受理)的条款;(c) 采用“条约规定有抵触”的方法,仲裁庭据此考虑到如下事实,即争取列入条约的问题已经由基础条约本身以不同的方式涵盖;(d) 考虑到对之已提出最惠国索赔的双边投资协定(双投协定)的任何一方的缔约“实践”,以此确定双方在最惠国条款范畴问题上的意图;(e) 考虑到条约缔结的“有关时间”(同期原则)以及随后的实践情况,以确定双方的意图;(f) 评估借最惠国条款摒弃或添加的条款的内容对仲裁庭的影响;(g) 承认隐含的“先例论”,一种受到保持一贯如此而不是形成任何递升局面的欲望影响的趋势;(h) 评估为确定实际上是否给予“更多/更少优惠待遇”而援引的条款的内容;以及(i) 考虑到存在“政策的例外规定”的情况。

(c) Summary of the discussions

(c) 讨论摘要

260. While recognizing that the focus of the work of the Study Group was in the area of investment, the Study Group viewed it as appropriate that the issues under discussion should be located within a broader normative framework, against the background of general international law and prior work of the Commission.

260. 研究组虽然承认其工作重点在投资领域,但是仍然认为应该参照一般国际法和委员会以前的工作,确定目前正在讨论的问题在一个更广阔的规范性框架内的位置。

The Study Group also confirmed the possibility of developing guidelines and model clauses.


261. On the basis of the Working Paper by Mr. McRae, which also offered a tentative analysis of the direction that the Study Group may wish to take, the Study Group began an exchange of views addressing three main questions namely: (a) whether in principle MFN provisions were capable of applying to the dispute settlement provisions of bilateral investment treaties (BITs); (b) whether the conditions set out in BITs under which dispute settlement provisions may be invoked by investors were matters that affected the jurisdiction of a tribunal; (c) what factors were relevant in the interpretative process in determining whether an MFN provision in a BIT applied to the conditions for invoking dispute settlement.

261. 麦克雷先生的工作文件也对研究组不妨采取的研究方向作了初步的分析,研究组根据这份文件开始交换意见,涉及三大问题,即:(a) 最惠国条款是否在原则上能够适用于双投协定的争端解决条款规定;(b) 双投协定规定投资者在什么条件下可以援引协定的争端解决条款问题是否是影响仲裁庭司法管辖权的问题;(c) 在确定双投协定中的最惠国条款是否适用于援引争端解决条款的条件时,哪些因素与这种问题的解释有关。

262. The Study Group recognized that whether or not an MFN provision was capable of applying to the dispute settlement provisions was a matter of treaty interpretation to be answered depending on each particular treaty, which had its own specificities to be taken into account.

262. 研究组确认,最惠国条款是否能够适用于争端解决条款是一个有待根据每个具体个案的具体情况解答的条约解释问题。 每个条约条款都有其自己的特殊性,必须加以考虑。

It was appreciated that there was no particular problem where the parties explicitly included or excluded the conditions for access to dispute settlement within the framework of their MFN provision.


The question of interpretation had arisen, as in the majority of cases, when the MFN provisions in existing BITs were not explicit as to the inclusion or exclusion of dispute settlement clauses.


It was suggested that at a minimum, there was no need for tribunals when interpreting MFN provisions in BITs to inquire into whether such provisions in principle would not be capable of applying to dispute settlement provisions.


Post-Maffezini, it would be prudent for States to give an indication of their preference.


263. It was appreciated that investment tribunals, both explicitly and implicitly, consider that the question of the scope of MFN provisions in BITs is a matter of treaty interpretation.

263. 有人赞赏地指出,投资仲裁庭无论明里还是暗里都认为双投协定中最惠国条款的范围问题是一个条约解释问题。

BITs are treaties governed by international law.


Accordingly, the principles of treaty interpretation as set out in articles 31 to 33 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties are applicable to their interpretation.


 The general rule of treaty interpretation as set out in article 31 of the Vienna Convention is that treaties shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning of the terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of its object and purpose.


 In the context of its further work, the Study Group will continue to consider the various factors that have been taken into account by the tribunals in interpretation with a view to considering whether recommendations could be made in relation to: (a) the ambit of context; (b) the relevance of the content of the provision sought to be replaced; (c) the interpretation of the provision sought to be included; (d) the relevance of preparatory work; (e) the treaty practice of the parties; (f) the principle of contemporaneity.

 研究组的今后的工作中将继续审议仲裁庭在解释过程中考虑到的各种因素,以便考虑可否就下列事项提出建议:(a) 上下文的范围;(b) 拟置换的条款的内容是否还有实用性;(c) 拟列入了条款的解释;(d) 筹备工作的针对性;(e) 缔约方的条约实践;(f) 同期原则。

It was considered that it would be necessary to give further attention to aspects concerning interpretation of the MFN clause beyond Maffezini, whether additional light could be thrown on the distinction made in the case law between jurisdiction and admissibility, the question of who is entitled to invoke the MFN clause, whether a particular understanding could be given to less favourable treatment when such provision is invoked in the context of BITs, and whether there was any role for policy exceptions as a limitation on the application of the MFN clause.


264. The Study Group recalled that it had previously identified the need to study further the question of MFN in relation to trade in services under GATS and investment agreements, as well as the relationship between MFN, fair and equitable treatment, and national treatment standards.

264. 研究组回顾指出,此前曾经确定,需要根据关贸总协定和各种投资协定,对涉及服务贸易的最惠国待遇问题以及最惠国待遇、公正和公平待遇及国民待遇标准之间的关系作进一步研究。

These will be kept in view as the Study Group progresses in its work.


It was also recalled that the relationship of the MFN clause and regional trade agreements was an area that was anticipated for further study.


It was also suggested that there were other areas of contemporary interest such as the relationship between investment agreements and human rights.


However, the Study Group was mindful of the need not to broaden the scope of its work, and was therefore cautious about exploring aspects that may divert attention from its work on areas that posed problems relating to the application of the provisions of the 1978 Draft articles.


265. The Study Group shared views on the broad outlines of its future report and generally viewed it important to provide, a general background to its work within the broader framework of general international law, in the light of subsequent developments, following the adoption of the 1978 Draft articles, to address contemporary issues concerning MFN clauses, analysing in that regard, such issues as the contemporary relevance of MFN provisions, the work on MFN provisions done by other bodies, and the different approaches taken in the interpretation of MFN provisions.

265. 研究组就其未来报告的大纲交换了意见,普遍认为必须在《1978年条款草案》通过之后根据最后的发展动态,在更广阔的一般国际法框架内为其工作提供一般背景材料,以便处理当前涉及最惠国条款的各种问题,在这方面分析诸如最惠国条款当代的实用意义、其他机构的最惠国条款研究工作、以及最惠国条款解释工作中所采用的不同方法等问题。

It is also envisioned that the final report of the Study Group would address broadly the question of the interpretation of MFN provisions in investment agreements in respect of dispute settlement, analysing the various factors that are relevant to this process and presenting examples of model clauses for the negotiation of MFN provisions, based on State practice.


The Study Group recognized that changes in the composition of the Commission had an impact in the progress of its work as certain aspects could not be undertaken intersessionally.


It however remained optimistic that its work could be completed within the next two or three sessions of the Commission.


Chapter XII Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission

第十二章 委员会的其他决定和结论

A. Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

A. 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免

266. At its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012, the Commission decided to appoint Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández as Special Rapporteur for the topic Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction to replace Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin.

266. 2012522日第3132次会议上,委员会决定任命康塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士为“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”专题的特别报告员,取代罗曼·科洛德金先生。

B. Provisional application of treaties

B. 条约的临时适用

267. At its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012, the Commission also decided to include the topic Provisional application of treaties in its programme of work and decided to appoint Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

267. 2012522日第3132次会议上,委员会还决定将“条约的临时适用”专题列入工作方案,并决定任命胡安·曼努埃尔·戈麦斯-罗夫莱多先生为该专题特别报告员。

C. Formation and evidence of customary international law

C. 习惯国际法的形成与证据

268. At its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012, the Commission further decided to include the topic Formation and evidence of customary international lawin its programme of work and decided to appoint Mr. Michael Wood as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

268. 2012522日第3132次会议上,委员会也决定将“习惯国际法的形成与证据”专题列入工作方案,并决定任命迈克尔·伍德先生为该专题特别报告员。

D. Treaties over time

D. 条约随时间演变

269. At its 3136th meeting, on 31 May 2012, the Commission decided (a) to change, with effect from its sixty-fifth session (2013), the format of the work on this topic as suggested by the Study Group; and (b) to appoint Mr. Georg Nolte as Special Rapporteur for the topic Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties.

269. 2012531日第3136次会议上,委员会决定:(a) 按照研究组的建议,自第六十五届会议(2013)起改变本专题的工作方式;(b) 任命格奥尔格·诺尔特先生为“与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”专题特别报告员。

E. Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation

E. 委员会的方案、程序和工作方法以及文件

270. At its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012, the Commission established a Planning Group for the current session.

270. 2012522日第3132次会议上,委员会为本届会议设立了规划组。  

271. The Planning Group held four meetings.

271. 规划组举行了四次会议。

It had before it the topical summary of the discussion held in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly during its sixty-sixth session,  section G entitled Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission; General Assembly resolution 66/98 on the Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its sixty-third session, in particular paragraphs 22 to 28; and General Assembly resolution 66/102 of 9 December 2011 on the rule of law at the national and international levels.

它收到了题为“委员会的其他决定和结论”的大会第六委员会在大会第六十六届会议期间讨论情况专题摘要  的G节;大会关于国际法委员会第六十三届会议工作报告的第66/98号决议,特别是第2228段;大会2011129日关于国内和国际法治的第66/102号决议。

1. Working Group on the Long-term Programme of Work

1. 长期工作方案工作组

272. At its 1st meeting, on 22 May 2012, the Planning Group decided to establish a Working Group on the Long-term Programme of Work for the present quinquennium, chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae.

272. 规划组在2012522日第1次会议上决定重新设立本五年期长期工作方案工作组,由唐纳德·麦克雷先生担任主席。

The Chairman of the Working Group submitted an oral progress report to the Planning Group on 24 July 2012, noting, inter alia, that the Working Group had held four meetings during which it considered some possible topics.

工作组将在五年期结束时提交最后报告。 工作组主席于2012724日向规划组作出进展情况口头报告,指出工作组共举行了四次会议,审议了一些可能的专题。

2. Work programme of the Commission for the remainder of the quinquennium

2. 委员会在本五年期剩余时间里的工作方案

273. The Commission recalled its decision in 2011 that the Group should cooperate with Special Rapporteurs and coordinators of Study Groups to define, at the beginning of any new topic, a tentative schedule for the development of the topic over a number of years as may be required, and periodically review the attainment of annual targets in such schedule, updating it when appropriate.

273. 规划组回顾其在2011年作出的决定,即规划组应与特别报告员和研究组的协调员合作,在开始着手任何新专题时确定研拟该专题的暂定时间表,同时列出可能需要的年限,并定期审查该时间表年度目标的实现情况,在适当时候予以更新。

 The Commission further recalled that it was customary at the beginning of each quinquennium to prepare the Commissions work programme for the remainder of the quinquennium setting out in general terms the anticipated goals in respect of each topic on the basis of indications by the Special Rapporteurs.


It is the understanding of the Commission that the work programme has a tentative character since the nature and the complexities of the work preclude certainty in making predictions in advance.


Work programme (20132016)


(a) Expulsion of aliens

(a) 驱逐外国人



Draft articles under consideration by States.




Commencement of second reading of the draft articles by the Commission.




Finalization and adoption of the draft articles on second reading by the Commission.




(b) Protection of persons in the event of disasters

(b) 发生灾害时的人员保护



Sixth report: the pre-disaster phase.




Seventh report: protection of relief personnel, use of terms, miscellaneous provisions, first reading, complete draft.




Comments of Governments on draft adopted on first reading.




Eighth and final report: second reading, adoption of complete set of articles.


(c) Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

(c) 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免



First substantive report to the Commission with draft articles; consideration and adoption of draft articles by the Drafting Committee.

向委员会提交首份实质性报告,含条款草案。 起草委员会审议和通过条款草案。



Second report with draft articles; consideration and adoption of draft articles by the Drafting Committee.

含条款草案的第二份报告。 起草委员会审议和通过条款草案。



Third report with draft articles; consideration and adoption of draft articles by the Drafting Committee.

含条款草案的第三份报告。 起草委员会审议和通过条款草案。



Fourth report with draft articles; consideration and adoption of draft articles by the Drafting Committee; adoption of draft articles on first reading by the Commission.

含条款草案的第四份报告。 起草委员会审议和通过条款草案。 国际法委员会一读通过条款草案。

(d) Provisional application of treaties

(d) 条约的临时适用



First report.




Second report with draft articles/guidelines/model clauses.




Third report with revised draft articles/guidelines/model clauses.




Fourth report.


(e) Formation and evidence of customary international law

(e) 习惯国际法的形成与证据



First report: preliminary or background points/materials.




Second report: State practice and opinio juris, with draft conclusions or guidelines.




Third report: particular topics, such as the persistent objector, with draft conclusions or guidelines.




Fourth report: revised consolidated set of conclusions or guidelines, for discussion and adoption.


(f) Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties

(f) 与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例



First report.




Second report.




Third report: provisional adoption of draft conclusions.




Finalization of draft conclusions.


(g) Most-Favoured-Nation clause

(g) 最惠国条款



Presentation of a draft of a potential final report with additional research on specific topics.




Revision of draft report and adoption with amendment or request for further amendments and research.




Adoption of final report.




(h) Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)

(h) 引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

The Commission will determine during its sixty-fifth session whether to continue with the topic, and, if so, how.


3. Consideration of General Assembly resolution 66/102 of 9 December 2011 on the rule of law at the national and international levels

3. 审议大会2011129日关于国内和国际法治的第66/102号决议

274. The General Assembly, in resolution 66/102 of 9 December 2011 on the rule of law at the national and international levels, inter alia, reiterated its invitation to the Commission to comment, in its report to the General Assembly, on its current role in promoting the rule of law.

274. 大会在2011129日关于国内和国际法治的第66/102号决议中重申请委员会在对大会的报告中就其目前在促进法治方面的作用作出评论。

The Commission has commented annually on its role in promoting the rule of law since 2008.


It notes that the substance of the comprehensive comments contained in paragraphs 341 to 346 of its 2008 report (A/63/10) remains relevant and reiterates the comments in paragraph 231 of its 2009 report (A/64/10) as well as the comments in paragraphs 390 to 393 of its 2010 report (A/65/10), and paragraphs 392 to 398 of its 2011 report (A/66/10).


275. The Commission recalls that the rule of law constitutes the essence of the Commission, for its basic mission is to work for the progressive development and codification of international law, bearing in mind its implementation at the national level.

275. 委员会回顾指出,法治是委员会的核心,因为委员会的根本使命是从事国际法逐渐发展和编纂工作,同时铭记其在国家层面的落实。

The Commission notes that the role of the General Assembly in encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification is reaffirmed in General Assembly resolution 66/102 on the rule of law at the national and international levels.


276. The Commission recalls that as an organ established by the General Assembly and in keeping with the mandate set out in Article 13 (1) (a) of the Charter of the United Nations, and in its Statute, it continues to promote the progressive development and codification of international law through its work.

276. 委员会回顾指出,作为大会设立的一个机构,根据《联合国宪章》第十三条第一款()项及其章程中规定的任务,委员会继续通过其工作促进国际法的逐渐发展和编纂。

The work of the Commission has led to the adoption by States of a significant number of conventions.


For such conventions to serve their full purpose they need to be ratified and implemented.


In addition to formulating draft articles, the Commissions output takes other forms, which also contribute to the progressive development and codification of international law.


Having in mind the principle of the rule of law in all its work, the Commission is fully conscious of the importance of the implementation of international law at the national level.


The Commission considers that its work to promote the progressive development and codification of international law demonstrates the manner in which the Commission aims at promoting the rule of law at the international level.


277. The Commission welcomes the decision of the General Assembly to declare the Rule of law at the national and international levels as the thematic subject for this year and to hold the 2012 high-level meeting.

277. 委员会欢迎大会决定宣布“国内和国际法治”为今年的主题,并将举行2012年高级别会议。

278. Bearing in mind the close interrelation of the rule of law at the national and international levels, the Commission, in fulfilling its mandate of codification and progressive development, considers that its work should take into account, where appropriate, the principles of human rights that are fundamental to the international rule of law as reflected in the preamble and in Article 13 of the Charter of the United Nations.

278. 委员会铭记国内和国际法治之间的密切相互联系,在履行编纂和逐渐发展的任务时,认为自身的工作应当酌情考虑到人权原则。 人权原则是国际法治的根本,体现在《联合国宪章》的序言和第十三条中。

Accordingly, the Commission has promoted awareness of the rule of law at the national and international levels through its work on such topics as expulsion of aliens; protection of persons in the event of disasters; and immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.


279. The Commission reiterates its commitment to the rule of law in all of its activities.

279. 委员会重申在全部活动中对法治的承诺。

4. Honoraria

4. 酬金

280. The Commission reiterates once more its views concerning the question of honoraria, resulting from the adoption by the General Assembly of its resolution 56/272 of 27 March 2002, which has been expressed in the previous reports of the Commission.

280. 委员会再次重申对大会2002327日通过第56/272号决议所引起的酬金问题的意见,委员会以前的报告表明了这一意见。

 The Commission emphasizes that the above resolution especially affects Special Rapporteurs, as it compromises support for their research work.


5. Documentation and publications

5. 文件和出版物

281. The Commission reiterated its recognition of the particular relevance and significant value of the legal publications prepared by the Secretariat to its work.

281. 委员会重申秘书处编写的法律出版物对其工作特别有用和极具价值。

 In particular, the Commission welcomed the publication of the eighth edition of the The Work of the International Law Commission, a publication which provides a comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date review of the Commissions contribution to the progressive development and codification of international law.


The Commission noted, with appreciation, the Codification Divisions intention to continue the practice of issuing new editions of the publication at the beginning of each quinquennium.


In addition, the Secretariat was requested to make every effort to issue this publication in the other five official languages as soon as possible.


The Commission also welcomed the publication of the 2010 volume of the United Nations Juridical Yearbook, as well as of a new edition of the United Nations Legislative Series, entitled Materials on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts.


The Commission underlines the usefulness of the continuation of the publication of the Legislative Series.


The Commission requested the Secretariat to continue to provide the Commission with such publications in hard copy format.


282. The Commission further noted with appreciation that the Codification Division was able to expedite significantly the issuance of these publications through the continuation and expansion of its desktop publishing initiative, which greatly enhanced the timeliness and relevance of these publications to the Commissions work.

282. 委员会进一步赞赏地注意到,编纂司通过继续实施和加大桌面出版举措,大大加快了这些出版物的发布。 桌面出版举措大大提高了出版物的及时性以及与委员会工作的相关性。

283. The Commission recommends that, in its documents and publications, and particularly in the legal instruments it has adopted, including the versions appearing in the Official Records of the General Assembly, the United Nations editors adopt the style of commencing the first word of a subsidiary part of a sentence set as a subparagraph in lowercase, where the text is run on from the sentence.

283. 委员会建议联合国编辑人员在文件和出版物中,特别是在委员会通过的法律文书,包括《大会正式记录》的版本中,采用这种做法:句中作为分段的从属部分的第一个单词小写,整个连成一句。

284. The Commission welcomes the progress in the elimination of the backlog in the publication of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission.

284. 委员会欢迎消除国际法委员会年鉴出版积压工作取得的进展。

It commends the Publication, Editing and Proofreading Section for its efforts and encourages it to continue its valuable work in the preparation of this important publication.


285. The Commission expresses its gratitude to all services involved in the processing of documents, both in Geneva and in New York, for their timely and efficient processing of the Commissions documents, often under narrow time constraints, which contributes to the smooth conduct of the Commissions work.

285. 委员会感谢日内瓦和纽约参与文件处理的所有部门往往在时间紧迫情况下及时有效地处理委员会的文件,有助于委员会顺利开展工作。

286. The Commission wishes to express its appreciation to the United Nations Office at Geneva Library, which assists its members very efficiently and competently.

286. 委员会表示赞赏联合国日内瓦办事处图书馆有求必应,向委员们提供非常有效的协助。

6. Trust fund on the backlog relating to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission

6. 处理《国际法委员会年鉴》积压工作问题的信托基金

287. The Commission reiterated that the Yearbooks were critical to the understanding of the Commissions work in the progressive development of international law and its codification, as well as in the strengthening of the rule of law in international relations.

287. 委员会重申,《年鉴》对于了解委员会在逐渐发展和编纂国际法以及加强国际关系中法治方面的工作具有关键意义。

The Commission noted that the General Assembly, in its resolution 66/98, had expressed its appreciation to Governments that had made voluntary contributions to the trust fund on the backlog relating to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission, and encouraged further contributions to the fund.


7. Assistance of the Codification Division

7. 编纂司的协助

288. The Commission expressed its appreciation for the valuable assistance of the Codification Division of the Secretariat in its substantive servicing of the Commission and its involvement in research projects on the work of the Commission.

288. 委员会感谢秘书处编纂司在为委员会提供实质服务方面提供宝贵协助,并参与关于委员会工作的研究项目。

The Commission reiterated the particular relevance and significant value of the legal publications prepared by the Codification Division to its work, and reiterated its request that the Codification Division continue to provide the Commission with these publications.


8. Websites

8. 网站

289. The Commission once again expressed its appreciation for the results of the activity of the Secretariat in its continuous updating and management of its website on the International Law Commission.  The Commission reiterated that this website and other websites maintained by the Codification Division  constitute an invaluable resource for the Commission and for researchers on the work of the Commission in the wider community, thereby contributing to the overall strengthening of the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law as recalled in paragraph 412 of the 2011 Commissions Report (A/66/10).

289. 委员会再次表示赞赏秘书处不断更新和管理国际法委员会网站的工作成果。  委员会重申,正如2011年国际法委员会的报告(A/66/10)412段所述,这个网站以及由编纂司维护的其他网站  是委员会以及关于委员会工作的各界研究者的宝贵资源,有助于全面加强对国际法的教学、研究、传播和广泛好评。

The Commission welcomed the fact that the website on the work of the Commission includes information on the current status of the topics on the agenda of the Commission, as well as advance edited versions of summary records of the Commission.


F. Date and place of the sixty-fifth session of the Commission

F. 委员会第六十五届会议的日期和地点

290. The Commission recommended that the sixty-fifth session of the Commission be held in Geneva from 6 May to 7 June and from 8 July to 9 August 2013.

290. 委员会建议,委员会第六十五届会议于201356日至67日和78日至89日在日内瓦举行。

G. Cooperation with other bodies

G. 与其他机构的合作

291. At its 3148th meeting, on 24 July 2012, Judge Peter Tomka, President of the International Court of Justice, addressed the Commission and informed it of the Courts recent activities and of the cases currently before it,  drawing special attention to aspects that have a particular relevance to the work of the Commission.

291. 国际法院院长彼得·托姆卡法官在委员会2012724日第3148次会议上发言,通报了国际法院最近的活动和正审理的案件。  他提请特别注意与委员会工作特别相关的方面。

An exchange of views followed.


292. The European Committee on Legal Cooperation and the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI) of the Council of Europe were represented at the present session of the Commission by the Chair of the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public international Law, Ms. Edwige Belliard, and the Director of Legal Advice and Public International Law of the Council of Europe, Mr. Manuel Lezertua, who addressed the Commission at its 3140th meeting, on 4 July 2012.

292. 欧洲委员会的欧洲法律合作委员会和国际公法法律顾问委员会由国际公法法律顾问委员会主席Edwige Belliard女士和欧洲委员会法律咨询及国际公法司司长Manuel Lezertua先生作为代表出席了委员会本届会议,并在委员会201274日第3140次会议上作了发言。

 They focused on the current activities of CAHDI on a variety of legal matters, as well of the Council of Europe.


An exchange of views followed.


293. The African Union Commission on International Law was represented at the present session of the Commission by Mr. Blaise Tchikaya and Mr. Minelik Alemu Getahun, who addressed the Commission at its 3146th meeting, on 17 July 2012.

293. 非洲联盟国际法委员会由Blaise Tchikaya先生和Minelik Alemu Getahun先生作为代表出席了本届会议,并在2012717日第3146次会议上发了言。

 They gave an overview of the activities of the African Union Commission on International Law.


An exchange of views followed.


294. The Inter-American Juridical Committee was represented at the present session of the Commission by Mr. David P. Stewart, who addressed the Commission at its 3149th meeting, on 25 July 2012.

294. 美洲司法委员会由大卫·斯图尔特先生作为代表出席了委员会本届会议,并在2012725日第3149次会议上发言。

 He gave an overview of the activities of the Committee as contained in its annual report.


An exchange of views followed.


295. The Secretary-General of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO), Mr. Rahmat Mohamad, addressed the Commission at its 3150th meeting, on 26 July 2012.

295. 亚非法律协商组织秘书长拉赫马特·穆罕默德先生在2012726日第3150次会议上发言。

He briefed the Commission on the recent and forthcoming activities of AALCO.


In particular, he reviewed the consideration given by AALCO to the work of the Commission.


An exchange of views followed.


296. On 10 July 2012, an informal exchange of views was held between members of the Commission and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on topics of mutual interest, including an overview of the main priorities of the ICRC Legal Division and a presentation on the ICRC project on strengthening legal protection for victims of armed conflicts, as well as issues concerning Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts.

296. 2012710日,委员会委员与红十字国际委员会(红十字会)就共同关心的议题非正式地交换了意见。 红十字会概述了其法律部的主要优先事项,介绍了关于加强对武装冲突受害者的法律保护的项目,以及有关“在武装冲突中保护环境”的问题。

An exchange of views followed.


H. Representation at the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly

H. 出席大会第六十七届会议的代表

297. The Commission decided that it should be represented at the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly by its Chairman, Mr. Lucius Caflisch.

297. 委员会决定由主席卢修斯·卡弗利施先生代表委员会出席大会第六十七届会议。

298. At its 3158th meeting, on 3 August 2012, the Commission requested Mr. Maurice Kamto, Special Rapporteur on the topic Expulsion of aliens, to attend the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly under the terms of paragraph 5 of General Assembly resolution 44/35.

298. 201283日第3158次会议上,委员会请“驱逐外国人”专题报告员莫里斯·卡姆托先生依照大会第44/35号决议第5段的规定出席大会第六十七届会议。 299. 委员会希望原“对条约的保留”专题特别报告员阿兰

299. The Commission wishes that the former Special Rapporteur on the topic Reservations to treaties, Mr. Alain Pellet, be invited by the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly in order to attend the debate in the Sixth Committee on the chapter of the 2011 report of the Commission which relates to this topic.


I. Tribute to the Secretary of the Commission

I. 向委员会秘书表示感谢

300. At its 3158th meeting, on 3 August 2012, the Commission paid tribute to Mr. Václav Mikulka, who has acted with high distinction as Secretary of the Commission since 1999, and who will retire after the present session; expressed its gratitude for the outstanding contribution made by him to the work of the Commission and to the codification and progressive development of international law; acknowledged with appreciation his professionalism, dedication to public service and commitment to international law; and extended its very best wishes to him in his future endeavours.

300. 201283日第3158次会议上,委员会向瓦奇拉夫·米库尔卡先生表示感谢。 米库尔卡先生自1999年起就一直卓越地担任委员会的秘书,本届会议结束后就要退休了。 委员会对他为委员会的工作及国际法的编纂和逐渐发展做出的杰出贡献表示感谢;对他的专业精神、献身于公共服务的精神和对国际法的承诺表示赞赏;并祝他未来一切顺利。

J. International Law Seminar

J. 国际法讲习班

301. Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 66/98, the forty-eighth session of the International Law Seminar was held at the Palais des Nations from 2 to 20 July 2012, during the present session of the Commission.

301. 依照大会第66/98号决议,第四十八届国际法讲习班于201272日至20日在国际法委员会本届会议期间在万国宫举行。

The Seminar is intended for advanced students specializing in international law and for young professors or government officials pursuing an academic or diplomatic career or in posts in the civil service of their country.


302. Twenty-four participants of different nationalities, from all the regions of the world, took part in the session.

302. 来自世界各个地区分属不同国籍的24名学员参加了这届讲习班 。

 The participants attended plenary meetings of the Commission, specially arranged lectures, and participated in working groups on specific topics.


303. The Seminar was opened by Mr. Lucius Caflisch, Chairman of the Commission.

303. 讲习班由委员会主席卢修斯·卡弗利施先生主持开幕,

Mr. Markus Schmidt, Senior Legal Adviser of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), was responsible for the administration, organization and conduct of the Seminar.


The scientific coordination of the Seminar was ensured by the University of Geneva.


Mr. Vittorio Mainetti, from the University of Geneva, acted as coordinator, assisted by Mr. Martin Denis, legal assistant.


304. The following lectures were given by members of the Commission: Mr. Ernest Petrič: The Work of the International Law Commission; Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernandez: Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction; Mr. Georg Nolte: Treaties over Time; Mr. Donald. M. McRae: The Most-Favoured Nation Clause; Mr. Shinya Murase: The Protection of Atmosphere in International Law: Rationale for Codification; and Mr. Maurice Kamto: Expulsion of Aliens.

304. 委员会委员作了以下演讲:埃内斯特·彼得里奇先生:“国际法委员会的工作”;康塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士:“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”;格奥尔格·诺尔特先生:“条约随时间演变”;唐纳德·麦克雷先生:“最惠国条款”;村濑信也先生:“国际法中的大气保护:编纂理由”;莫里斯·卡姆托先生:“驱逐外国人”。

305. Lectures were also given by Mr. Eric Tistounet, Chief of the Human Rights Council Branch of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: The Revision of the Mechanisms of the Human Rights Council: An Assessment; and by Ms. Jelena Pejic, Legal Adviser in the Legal Division of the International Committee of the Red Cross: Current Challenges to International Humanitarian Law.

305. 下列人员也作了演讲:人权事务高级专员办事处人权理事会处处长埃里克·提斯都内先生:“修订人权理事会各机制:一次评估”;红十字国际委员会法律事务司法律顾问杰列娜•佩吉茨女士:“国际人道主义法目前受到的挑战”。 

306. Two special external sessions were organized in the premises of the University of Geneva and of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva (HEID).

306. 在日内瓦大学和日内瓦国际和发展研究院(发展研究院)分别举行了两次特别讨论会。

At the University of Geneva, seminar participants attended a Brainstorming session on the topic: The Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict.


The session was followed by a reception offered by the University of Geneva.


At the HEID, seminar participants attended a session on The Protection of Atmosphere in International Law.


307. Seminar participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the work of other international organizations based in Geneva.

307. 讲习班学员有机会熟悉总部设在日内瓦的其他国际组织的工作。

The participants also attended a session of the Human Rights Committee and a side-event organized at the World Intellectual Property Organisation on the topic: Intellectual Property and Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Understanding the International Legal Landscape.


Finally, a visit of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) was organized.


308. Three Seminar working groups on Crimes against Humanity as a Possible Topic for Codification, Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters and Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction were organized.

308. 围绕“危害人类罪可能成为编纂的专题”、“发生灾害时的人员保护”和“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”组织了三个讲习班工作组。

Each Seminar participant was assigned to one of them.


Three members of the Commission, Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernandez, Mr. Sean D. Murphy and Mr. Eduardo Valencia Ospina supervised and provided expert guidance to the working groups.


Each group prepared a report and presented its findings to the Seminar in a special session.


The reports were compiled and distributed to all participants as well as to the members of the Commission.


309. The Republic and Canton of Geneva offered its traditional hospitality to the participants with a guided tour of the Hôtel de Ville and the Alabama room, followed by a reception.

309. 日内瓦共和国和州政府一如既往,给予学员们热情接待,派人带学员参观了市政厅和阿拉巴马厅,随后又为他们举行了招待会。

310. Mr. Lucius Caflisch, Chairman of the International Law Commission, Mr. Markus Schmidt, Director of the Seminar, and Ms. Mariam Al-Hail (Qatar), on behalf of the participants of the seminar, addressed the Commission and the participants during the closing ceremony of the Seminar.

310. 讲习班闭幕式上,国际法委员会主席卢修斯·卡弗利施先生、讲习班主任马库斯·施密特先生以及学员代表Mariam Al-Hail女士(卡塔尔)向委员会和学员们致辞。

Each participant was presented with a certificate attesting to his or her participation in the forty-eighth session of the Seminar.


311. The Commission noted with particular appreciation that, since 2010, the Governments of Austria, China, Finland, India, Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland had made voluntary contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund for the International Law Seminar.

311. 委员会特别感谢地指出,自2010年以来,奥地利、中国、芬兰、印度、爱尔兰、瑞典和瑞士等国政府向联合国国际法讲习班信托基金提供了自愿捐款。

The financial situation of the Fund allowed awarding a sufficient number of fellowships to deserving candidates, especially from developing countries, in order to achieve adequate geographical distribution of participants.


This year, fellowships (travel and subsistence allowance) were awarded to 15 candidates.


312. Since 1965, the year of the Seminars inception, 1,093 participants, representing 170 nationalities, have taken part in the Seminar. Of them, 669 have received a fellowship.

312. 1965年开办讲习班以来,分属170个不同国籍的1,093名学员参加了讲习班,其中669人获得了研究金。

313. The Commission stresses the importance it attaches to the Seminar, which enables young lawyers, especially from developing countries, to familiarize themselves with the work of the Commission and the activities of the many International Organizations which have their headquarters in Geneva.

313. 委员会强调,它十分重视讲习班。讲习班使年轻法律工作者、特别是发展中国家的年轻法律工作者能够熟悉委员会的工作和总部设在日内瓦的众多国际组织的活动。

The Commission recommends that the General Assembly again appeal to States to make voluntary contributions in order to secure the holding of the Seminar in 2013 with as broad participation as possible.


314. The Commission noted with satisfaction that, in 2012, comprehensive interpretation services were made available to the Seminar.

314. 委员会满意地注意到2012年讲习班获得了全面口译服务。

It expresses the hope that the same services will be provided at the next session of 2013, within existing resources.


 By a letter dated 22 July 2012, addressed to the Chairman of the Commission, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie resigned from the Commission with immediate effect.


 Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. E. Petrič and Mr. N. Wisnumurti.


 Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. J.M. Gómez-Robledo, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina and Mr. M. Wood.


 See below, chap. XII, sects. B and C.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), para. 364.


The Commission at its fiftieth session (1998) took note of the report of the Planning Group identifying, inter alia, the topic Expulsion of aliens for possible inclusion in the Commissions long-term programme of work (ibid., Fifty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/53/10), para. 554) and, at its fifty-second session (2000), it confirmed that decision (ibid., Fifty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/55/10), para. 729).

委员会第五十届会议(1998)注意到规划组的报告,该报告除其他外,明确了将“驱逐外国人”这一专题纳入委员会长期工作方案的可能性(同上,《第五十三届会议,补编第10号》(A/53/10),第554)。 委员会第五十二届会议(2000)确认了这一决定(同上,《第五十五届会议,补编第10号》(A/55/10),第729)

A brief syllabus describing the possible overall structure of, and approach to, the topic was annexed to that years report of the Commission (ibid., annex).


In paragraph 8 of resolution 55/152 of 12 December 2000, the General Assembly took note of the inclusion of the topic in the long-term programme of work.


 Ibid., Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), paras. 242274.


 Ibid., Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 252.


 Ibid., Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), footnotes 401402.


 Ibid., footnotes 396400.


 Ibid., Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 170.


 Ibid., para. 171.


 Ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 91.


 Ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), footnotes 12441251.


 Ibid., footnotes 1255 and 1258.


 Ibid., footnotes 12631264.


 Ibid., footnotes 1260 and 1269.


 See A/CN.4/604 and A/CN.4/628 and Add.1.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), footnotes 531532 and 535538.


 Ibid., footnote 534.


 Ibid., footnote 540.


 A/CN.4/642, pp. 1416.

 A/CN.4/642, 1416页。

 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), para. 214.


 On these questions, see the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), paras. 5056.


 See below draft articles 67, 2627 and 29 and the commentary thereto.


 See below para. (5) of the commentary to draft article 2.


 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Geneva, 28 July 1951, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, No. 2545, p. 150), art. 32; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (New York, 16 December 1966, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, No. 14668, p. 171), art. 13; European Convention on Establishment (Paris, 13 December 1955, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 529, No. 7660, p. 141), art. 3; American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San José) (San José, Costa Rica, 22 November 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1144, No. 17955, p. 143), art. 22, para. 6; African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (Nairobi, 27 June 1981, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1520, No. 26363, p. 217), art. 12, para. 4; and Arab Charter on Human Rights (adopted at the Summit of the League of Arab States at its sixteenth regular session, Tunis, May 2004), art. 26.


 The rules of international law concerning the presence and departure of these categories of aliens are briefly set out in the memorandum by the Secretariat on expulsion of aliens (A/CN.4/565), paras. 2835.


 For an analysis of the legal rules that provide additional protection to certain categories of aliens, see the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), chap. X, in particular paras. 756891.


For a discussion of the various categories of aliens, see also the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), paras. 45122.


 In this sense, see the without prejudice clause concerning refugees and stateless persons contained in draft article 8.


 See, e.g., General Assembly resolution 59/170 of 20 December 2004, para. 10; see also the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), para. 72, and the above-cited memorandum by the secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 160162.


 On the distinction between expulsion as a formal act and expulsion as conduct, see the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), paras. 188192.


 See Yearbook 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 3854.


 See below, draft article 11 and the commentary thereto.


 With regard to the notion of constraint in this context, see the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), para. 193.


 See below paras. (3) to (7) of the commentary to draft article 11.


 On the distinction between expulsion and non-admission, see the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), paras. 171173, and the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 7478.


 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Geneva, 28 July 1951, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, No. 2545, p. 150.


 With regard to stateless persons, see draft article 7 below.


 On these questions see the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), paras. 124152.


 On the uncontested nature of the right of expulsion, see the Special Rapporteurs third report (A/CN.4/581), paras. 123, and the discussion in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 185200.


 See, for example, Lacoste v. Mexico (Mexican Commission), Award of 4 September 1875, in John Bassett Moore, History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to Which the United States Has Been a Party, vol. IV, pp. 33473348; the Maal case, Mixed Claims Commission Netherlands-Venezuela, 1 June 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. X, p. 731; the Boffolo case, Mixed Claims Commission Italy-Venezuela, 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. X, pp. 528, 529, 531 and 532; the Oliva case, Mixed Claims Commission Italy-Venezuela, 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. X, p. 608 (Ralston, Umpire); the Paquet case, Mixed Claims Commission Belgium-Venezuela, 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. IX, p. 325 (Filtz, Umpire); and Yeager v. The Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Award of 2 November 1987, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, vol. 17, pp. 92113.

 例如参见Lacoste诉墨西哥(墨西哥委员会)187594日的裁决,见于John Bassett Moore, History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to Which the United States of America Has Been a Party, vol. IV, pp. 3347-3348Maal案,荷兰-委内瑞拉混合索赔委员会,190361日,联合国,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第十卷,p.731Boffolo案,意大利-委内瑞拉混合索赔委员会,1903年,联合国,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第十卷,pp.528529531532Oliva案,意大利-委内瑞拉混合索赔委员会,1903年,联合国,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第十卷,p.608(Ralston, Umpire)Paquet案,比利时-委内瑞拉混合索赔委员会,1903, 联合国,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第九卷,p.325(Filtz, Umpire);以及Yeager诉伊朗伊斯兰共和国,伊朗伊斯兰共和国-美利坚合众国索赔法庭,1987112日的裁决,《伊朗伊斯兰共和国-美利坚合众国索赔法庭裁决汇编》,第17卷,pp.92-113

 With respect to the European Court of Human Rights, see in particular Moustaquim v. Belgium, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 18 February 1991, Application No. 12313/86, para. 43.


See also Vilvarajah and others v. United Kingdom, Judgment (Merits), 30 October 1991, Applications Nos. 13163/87, 13164/87, 13165/87 and 13448/87, para. 102; Chahal v. United Kingdom, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 15 November 1996, Application No. 22414/93, para. 73; Ahmed v. Austria, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 17 December 1996, Application No. 25964/94, para. 38; Bouchelkia v. France, Judgment (Merits), 29 January 1997, Application No. 23078/93, para. 48; and H.L.R. v. France, Judgment (Merits), 29 April 1997, Application No. 24573/94, para. 33.


With regard to the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights, see in particular communication No. 159/96, Union Interafricaine des Droits de lHomme, Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de lHomme, Rencontre Africaine des Droits de lHomme, Organisation Nationale des Droits de lHomme au Sénégal et Association Malienne des Droits de lHomme v. Angola, Eleventh Annual Activity Report, 19971998, para. 20.

关于非洲人权和民族权利委员会,尤其参见第No.159/96号来文,Union Interafricaine des Droits de lHomme, Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de lHomme, Rencontre Africaine des Droits de lHomme, Organisation Nationale des Droits de lHomme au Sénégal et Association Malienne des Droits de lHomme诉安哥拉,第十一次年度活动报告,1997-1998年,第20段。

 On this point see the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 192.


 Ibid., paras. 201298.


 See in this regard the points made by the Special Rapporteur in the addendum to his sixth report on expulsion of aliens (A/CN.4/625/Add.1), para. 55.

 在这方面参见特别报告员在其关于驱逐外国人问题的第六次报告增编里所表达的意见(A/CN.4/ 625/Add.1),第55段。

 Ibid., para. 61.


 The provision reads as follows: An alien lawfully in the territory of a State party to the present Covenant may be expelled therefrom only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law …” (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, New York, 16 December 1966, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, No. 14668, p. 171).


 The provision reads as follows: Migrant workers and members of their families may be expelled from the territory of a State Party only in pursuance of a decision taken by the competent authority in accordance with law (International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, New York, 18 December 1990, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2220, No. 39481, p. 3).


 The provision states, in particular, that the expulsion of a refugee lawfully in the territory of a Contracting State shall only be in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law …” (Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Geneva, 28 July 1951, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, No. 2545, p. 150).


 This provision has essentially the same wording, mutatis mutandis, as the provision quoted in the preceding footnote concerning refugees (Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, New York, 28 September 1954, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 360, No. 5158, p. 117).


 The provision reads as follows: A non-national legally admitted in a territory of a State Party to the present Charter, may only be expelled from it by virtue of a decision taken in accordance with the law (African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights, Nairobi, 27 June 1981, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1520, No. 26363, p. 217).


 The provision reads as follows: An alien lawfully in the territory of a State party to this Convention may be expelled from it only pursuant to a decision reached in accordance with law (American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San José), San José, Costa Rica, 22 November 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1144, No. 17955, p. 143).


 The provision reads as follows: An alien lawfully resident in the territory of a State shall not be expelled therefrom except in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law …” (Protocol No. 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Strasbourg, 22 November 1984, European Treaty Series, No. 117).


 The provision reads as follows: No State party may expel a person who does not hold its nationality but is lawfully in its territory, other than in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law …” (Charter adopted by the Summit of the League of Arab States at its sixteenth regular session (Tunis, May 2004); entered into force on 15 March 2008; translation from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; English version available at tdad/arabcharterhumanrights.doc).


 In this sense, see draft article 26, para. 4, below.


 See, in that sense, the opinion of the Steering Committee for Human Rights of the Council of Europe when it states, in connection with article 1, paragraph 1, of Protocol 7 to the European Convention on Human Rights, that expulsion decisions must be taken by the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of substantive law and with the relevant procedural rules (Council of Europe, Explanatory Report on Protocol No. 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, para. 11).


 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Judgment of 30 November 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 65.

 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国)20101130日的判决,《2010年国际法院汇编》,第65段。

With reference to the procedural guarantees conferred on aliens by Congolese law and aimed at protecting the persons in question against the risk of arbitrary treatment, the Court concluded that the expulsion of Mr. Diallo had not been decided in accordance with law (para. 73).


 Human Rights Committee, communication No. 58/1979 Anna Maroufidou v. Sweden, Views adopted on 9 April 1981, Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/36/40), p. 165, para. 10.1.

 人权事务委员会,第58/1979号来文,Anna Maroufidou诉瑞典,198149日通过的意见,《大会正式记录,第三十六届会议,补编第40号》(A/36/40)p.165, 10.1段。

 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Judgment of 30 November 2010, Bozano v. France, Judgment of 18 December 1986, Application No. 9990/82, para. 58: Where the Convention refers directly back to domestic law, as in article 5, compliance with such law is an integral part of Contracting States engagements and the Court is accordingly competent to satisfy itself of such compliance where relevant (article 19); the scope of its task in this connection, however, is subject to limits inherent in the logic of the European system of protection, since it is in the first place for the national authorities, notably the courts, to interpret and apply domestic law (see, inter alia and mutatis mutandis, the Winterwerp judgment of 24 October 1979, Series A, No. 33, p. 10, § 46).

 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国)20101130日的判决,Bozano诉法国,19861218日的判决,第9990/82号诉请书,第58段:“如果《公约》直接提及国内法,像第5条那样,那么遵守这种法律是缔约国‘承诺’的不可分割部分,法院因而有权在相关时确知法律得到这样的遵守(19);然而其在这方面的任务范围须受到欧洲保护制度的逻辑所固有的限制,因为首先是由国家当局,特别是其法院来解释并适用国内法律的(除其他外,例如参照19791024日的Winterwerp判决,A辑,第33号,p.10, § 46)

 See, in this sense, the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625), para. 73.


See also, more generally, the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 309318.


 Règles internationals sur ladmission et lexpulsion des étrangers [International Regulations on the Admission and Expulsion of Aliens], adopted on 9 September 1892 at the Geneva session of the Institute of International Law, art. 30.

 Règles internationals sur ladmission et lexpulsion des étrangers [关于接纳和驱逐外国人的国际规则]189299日国际法学会日内瓦会议通过,第30条。

 Judgment of 30 November 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 81.


 African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights, Communication No. 212/98, Amnesty International v. Zambia, Twelfth Annual Activity Report, 19981999, paras. 32 and 33.


 See above, para. (5) of the commentary to draft article 4.


 For an analysis of the content of these two grounds of expulsion and the criteria for assessing them, see the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625), paras. 78118, and the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 340376.

 关于对这两项驱逐理由的内容及其评估标准的分析,参见特别报告员的第六次报告(A/CN.4/ 625),第78-118段和上文提到的秘书处备忘录(A/CN.4/565),第340-376段。

 See below, however, draft article 6, para. 1, and draft article 7, which limit the grounds for expulsion of refugees and stateless persons to grounds of national security or public order, thus reproducing the rules contained in the relevant treaty instruments.


 For a survey of grounds for expulsion, see the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 325422, and the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625), paras. 73209.


 On the lawfulness of grounds for expulsion under international law, see the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 320324.


In this context, mention is made of the prohibition of racial discrimination (paras. 322 and 425429) and reprisals (para. 416).


See also draft article 12 (Prohibition of expulsion for purposes of confiscation of assets) and draft article 13 (Prohibition of the resort to expulsion in order to circumvent an extradition procedure), below.


 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Geneva, 28 July 1951, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, No. 2545, p. 150, art. 1.

 《关于难民地位的公约》,日内瓦,1951728日,联合国,《条约汇编》,第189卷,第2545号,p.150, 第一条。

 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, New York, 31 January 1967, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 606, No. 8791, p. 267, art. 1.

 《关于难民地位的议定书》,纽约,1967131日,联合国,《条约汇编》,第606卷,第8791号,p.267, 第一条。

 On this matter see in particular the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 146159, and the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), paras. 5761.


 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, Addis Ababa, 10 September 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1001, No. 14691, p. 45.


Article 1 of the Convention reads as follows:


Article 1 Definition of the term refugee

“第一条 ‘难民’一词的定义

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term Refugee shall mean every person who, owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country, or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.

. 在本公约内,‘难民’一词应指凡有正当理由畏惧由于种族、宗教、国籍、属于某一社会团体或具有某种政治见解的原因遭受追害,因而留在其国籍所属国之外,并且不能或由于有这种畏惧而不愿受该国保护的人;或者因不具有国籍并由于上述情况留在他以前经常居住国家以外而现在不能或者由于上述畏惧不愿返回该国的人。

2. The term Refugee shall also apply to every person who, owing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or the whole of his country of origin or nationality, is compelled to leave his place of habitual residence in order to seek refuge in another place outside his country of origin or nationality.

. ‘难民’一词也适用于凡由于外来侵略、占领、外国统治或严重扰乱其原住国或国籍所属国的一部分或全部领土上的公共秩序的事件;而被迫离开其常住地到其原住国家或其国籍所属国以外的另一地去避难的人。

3. In the case of a person who has several nationalities, the term a country of which he is a national shall mean each of the countries of which he is a national, and a person shall not be deemed to be lacking the protection of the country of which he is a national if, without any valid reason based on well-founded fear, he has not availed himself of the protection of one of the countries of which he is a national.

. 对具有几个国籍的人,‘本国’一词是指该人具有国籍的每一国家。 如无足以产生畏惧的正当理由而未受其国籍所属国家之一的保护时,不得认为他缺乏本国的保护。

4. This Convention shall cease to apply to any refugee if:

. 本公约应停止适用于任何难民,如果:

(a) he has voluntarily re-availed himself of the protection of the country of his nationality, or

() 该人已自动再接受其国籍所属国的保护:或者

(b) having lost his nationality, he has voluntarily re-acquired it, or

() 该人于丧失国籍后双自动重新取得原来的国籍;或者

(c) he has acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality, or

() 该人已取得新的国籍并享受其新国籍所属国家的保护;或者

(d) he has voluntarily re-established himself in the country which he left or outside which he remained owing to fear of persecution, or

() 该人已在过去由于畏惧受迫害而离去或躲开的国家内自动定居下来;或者

(e) he can no longer, because the circumstances in connection with which he was recognized as a refugee have ceased to exist, continue to refuse to avail himself of the protection of the country of his nationality, or

() 该人由于被认为是难民所依据的情况不复存在,而不能继续拒绝受其国籍 所属国的保护;或者

(f) he has committed a serious non-political crime outside his country of refuge after his admission to that country as a refugee, or

() 该人在以难民身份准许进入避难国之后,曾在避难国以外犯过严重的非政 治性罪行;或者

(g) he has seriously infringed the purposes and objectives of this Convention.

() 该人曾严重地违反本公约的宗旨和目标。

5. The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to any person with respect to whom the country of asylum has serious reasons for considering that:

. 本公约的规定不适用于庇护国有重大理由认为属于下列情况的任何人。

(a) he has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provision in respect of such crimes,

() 该人犯有国际文件中已作出规定的破坏和平罪、战争罪、或违反人道罪;

(b) he committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of refuge prior to his admission to that country as a refugee,

() 该人在以难民身份准许进入避难国以前,曾在避难国以外,犯有严重的非 政治性罪行;

(c) he has been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the Organization of African Unity,

() 该人曾有违反非洲统一组织宗旨和原则的行为并经认为有罪;

(d) he has been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

() 该人曾有违反联合国宗旨和原则的行为并经认为有罪。

6. For the purposes of this Convention, the Contracting State of asylum shall determine whether an applicant is a refugee.

. 在本公约内,应由提供庇护的缔约国决定申请者是否为难民。

 On this issue see the Special Rapporteurs third report (A/CN.4/581), paras. 6974.


 See above draft article 2, subpara. (a), in fine.


 See the explanations given in the commentary to draft article 8 below.


 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, New York, 28 September 1954, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 360, No. 5158, p. 117.


 This provision reads as follows:


Article 1 Definition of the term stateless person

“第一条 ‘无国籍人’的定义

1. For the purpose of this Convention, the term stateless person means a person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law.

. 本公约所称‘无国籍人’一词是指任何国家根据它的法律不认为它的国民的人。

2. This Convention shall not apply:

. 本公约不适用于:

(i) To persons who are at present receiving from organs or agencies of the United Nations other than the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees protection or assistance so long as they are receiving such protection or assistance;

() 目前从联合国难民事务高级专员以外的联合国机关或机构获得保护或援助的人,只要他仍在获得此项保护或援助;

(ii) To persons who are recognized by the competent authorities of the country in which they have taken residence as having the rights and obligations which are attached to the possession of the nationality of that country;

() 被其居住地国家主管当局认为具有附着于该国国籍的权利和义务的人;

(iii)To persons with respect to whom there are serious reasons for considering that:

() 存在着重大理由足以认为有下列情事的人:

(a) They have committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provisions in respect of such crimes;

() 该人犯了国际文件中已作出规定的破坏和平罪、战争罪、或危害人类罪;

(b) They have committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of their residence prior to their admission to that country;

() 该人在进入居住地国以前,曾在该国以外犯过严重的非政治性罪行;

(c) They have been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

() 该人曾有违反联合国宗旨和原则的罪行,并经认为有罪。

Regarding the definition of the term stateless person, see also the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 173175, as well as the Special Rapporteurs second report (A/CN.4/573), paras. 100104.


 See para. (6) of the commentary to draft article 6 above.


 See the explanations provided in the commentary to draft article 8 below.


 The provision reads as follows: The expulsion of such a refugee [that is, a refugee lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State] shall be only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law.


Except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, the refugee shall be allowed to submit evidence to clear himself, and to appeal to and be represented for the purpose before competent authority or a person or persons specially designated by the competent authority.


 The provision reads as follows: The expulsion of such a stateless person [that is, a stateless person lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State] shall be only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law.


Except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, the stateless person shall be allowed to submit evidence to clear himself, and to appeal to and be represented for the purpose before competent authority or a person or persons specially designated by the competent authority.


 The provision reads as follows: The Contracting States shall allow such a refugee [that is, a refugee lawfully in their territory] a reasonable period within which to seek legal admission into another country.


The Contracting States reserve the right to apply during that period such internal measures as they may deem necessary.


 The provision reads as follows: The Contracting States shall allow such a stateless person [that is, a stateless person lawfully in their territory] a reasonable period within which to seek legal admission into another country.


The Contracting States reserve the right to apply during that period such internal measures as they may deem necessary.


 General Assembly resolution 217 (III) A of 10 December 1948.


Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads as follows: 1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.

《世界人权宣言》第十五条规定如下:“() 人人有权享有国籍。

2.No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

() 任何人的国籍不得任意剥夺,亦不得否认其改变国籍的权利。 ”

See also art. 20, para. 3, of the American Convention on Human Rights (No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality or of the right to change it.), as well as art. 29, para. 1, of the Arab Charter on Human Rights (Everyone has the right to nationality.

另见《美洲人权公约》第20条第3(“任何人的国籍或其改变国籍的权利不得任意剥夺。 ”),以及《阿拉伯人权宪章》第29条第1(“人人有权享有国籍。

No one shall be arbitrarily or unlawfully deprived of his nationality.)


 For a more general discussion of expulsion in the event of loss or deprivation of nationality, see the analysis provided in the Special Rapporteurs fourth report (A/CN.4/594), paras. 3035, as well as the treatment of this issue in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/595), paras. 892916.


 On the subject of the expulsion of nationals, see the Special Rapporteurs third report (A/CN.4/581), paras. 2857, as well as the Special Rapporteurs fourth report (A/CN.4/594), paras. 424, which relates more specifically to the situation of dual and multiple nationals.


 For an analysis of the subject of collective expulsion, see the Special Rapporteurs third report (A/CN.4/581), paras. 97135, and the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565 and Corr.1), paras. 9841020.


 Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which recognizes certain rights and freedoms other than those already included in the Convention and in the first Protocol to the Convention, as amended by Protocol No. 11, Strasbourg, 16 September 1963, European Treaty Series, No. 46.


 Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 15: The position of aliens under the Covenant, 11 April 1986, para. 10.


 See Vedran Andric v. Sweden, Decision as to the admissibility of Application No. 45917/99, 23 February 1999, para. 1: The Court finds that collective expulsion is to be understood as any measure compelling aliens, as a group, to leave a country, except where such a measure is taken on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual alien of the group.

 Vedran Andric诉瑞典,1999223日关于第45917/99号申请可否受理的决定,第1段:“法院认定,集体驱逐应被理解为强迫一群外国人离境的任何措施,除非这样的措施是在对该群体中每个外国人的具体情况进行了合理客观的审查之后采取的。

Moreover, the fact that a number of aliens receive similar decisions does not lead to the conclusion that there is a collective expulsion when each person concerned has been given the opportunity to put arguments against his expulsion to the competent authorities on an individual basis …” See also Čonka v. Belgium, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 5 February 2002, Application No. 51564/99, para. 59: The Court reiterates its case-law whereby collective expulsion, within the meaning of Article 4 of Protocol No. 4, is to be understood as any measure compelling aliens, as a group, to leave a country, except where such a measure is taken on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual alien of the group (see Andric, cited above).


That does not mean, however, that where the latter condition is satisfied the background to the execution of the expulsion orders plays no further role in determining whether there has been compliance with Article 4 of Protocol No. 4; and para. 63: In short, at no stage in the period between the service of the notice on the aliens to attend the police station and their expulsion did the procedure afford sufficient guarantees demonstrating that the personal circumstances of each of those concerned had been genuinely and individually taken into account.


 In it, the Special Rapporteur states the following: Any measure that compels non-citizens, as a group, to leave a country is prohibited except where such a measure is taken on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual non-citizen in the group.

 在这份报告中,特别报告员指出:“任何强迫非公民作为一个群体离开一国的措施都遭受禁止,除非此种措施是在对该群体中的每个非公民的具体情况作出合理、客观的审查之后采取的。 ”

The rights of non-citizens, Final report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. David Weissbrodt, submitted in accordance with Sub-Commission decision 2000/103, Commission resolution 2000/104 and Economic and Social Council decision 2000/283 (E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/23), 26 May 2003, para. 11 (citing the European Court of Human Rights, Čonka v. Belgium, op. cit.).


 For an analysis of the rules applicable, in times of armed conflict, to the expulsion of aliens who are nationals of an enemy State, see the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 93106, 915956 and 1020.


See also the discussion of the subject in the following reports by the Special Rapporteur: second report (A/CN.4/573), paras. 112115; third report (A/CN.4/581), paras. 116134; and sixth report (A/CN.4/625), paras. 1928.


 On the notion of disguised expulsion, see the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625), paras. 2943.


See also the discussion of the notion of constructive expulsion in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat, paras. 6873.


 See, inter alia, Ruth L. Cove, State Responsibility for Constructive Wrongful Expulsion of Foreign Nationals, Fordham International Law Journal, vol. 11, 19871988, pp. 802838.

 除其他外,见Ruth L. Cove, State Responsibility for Constructive Wrongful Expulsion of Foreign Nationals”,Fordham International Law Journal, vol. 11, 1987-1988, pp. 802-838

 David John Harris, Cases and Materials on International Law, 4th ed. (London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1991), p. 2 (commenting on the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal cases relating to disguised expulsion).

 David John Harris, Cases and Materials on International Law, 4th ed. (London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1991)p. 2(评论伊朗-美国索赔法庭关于变相驱逐的案件)

Concerning this case law, see also Giorgio Gaja Expulsion of Aliens: Some Old and New Issues in International Law, Cursos Euromediterráneos Bancaja de Derecho Internacional, vol. 3, 1999, pp. 283314, particularly pp. 289290, which refer to the following decisions of the Tribunal: Short v. Islamic Republic of Iran, Award of 14 July 1987, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, vol. 16 (1987-III), pp. 8586; International Technical Products Corporation v. Islamic Republic of Iran, Award of 19 August 1985, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, vol. 9 (1985-II), p. 18; and Rankin v. Islamic Republic of Iran, Award of 3 November 1987, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, vol. 17 (1987-IV), pp. 147148.

关于这种判例,另见Giorgio Gaja Expulsion of AliensSome Old and New Issues in International Law”,Cursos Euromediterráneos Bancaja de Derecho Internacional, vol. 3, 1999, pp. 283-314, 尤其是第289290页,其中提到该法庭的以下裁决:Short诉伊朗伊斯兰共和国,1987714日的裁决,《伊朗-美国索赔法庭案例汇编》,第16(1987-III),第8586页;国际技术产品公司诉伊朗伊斯兰共和国,1985819日的裁决,《伊朗-美国索赔法庭案例汇编》,第9(1985-II),第18页;以及Rankin诉伊朗伊斯兰共和国,1987113日的裁决,《伊朗-美国索赔法庭案例汇编》,第17(1987-IV)卷,第147148页。

See also Peter Malanczuk, Akehursts Modern Introduction to International Law, 7th rev. ed. (London/New York, Routledge, 1997), p. 262; John R. Crook, Applicable Law in International Arbitration: The Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Experience, American Journal of International Law, vol. 83, 1989, pp. 278311 at pp. 308 and 309; and R. Cove, op. cit. (footnote 94 above) pp. 802838.

另见Peter Malanczuk, Akehursts Modern Introduction to International Law, 7th rev. ed. (London/New York, Routledge, 1997)p. 262John R. Crook, Applicable Law in International ArbitrationThe Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Experience”,American Journal of International Law, vol. 83, 1989, pp. 278-311 at pp. 308 and 309and R. Cove, op. cit. (footnote 94 above) pp. 802-838

 Partial Award, Civilians Claims, Ethiopias Claim 5, Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, The Hague, 17 December 2004, paras. 9195 (citation omitted), United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. XXVI, pp. 277278.

 部分裁决,平民索赔,埃塞俄比亚的申诉5, 厄立特里亚-埃塞俄比亚索赔委员会,海牙,20041217日,第9195(引文从略),联合国,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十六卷,第277278页。

 Ibid., pp. 285286 [citing Charles N. Brower & Jason D. Brueschke, The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, pp. 343365 (1998); George H. Aldrich, The Jurisprudence of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, pp. 464471 (1996)].

 同上,第285286[引述Charles N. Brower & Jason D. Brueschke, The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, pp. 343-365(1998)George H. Aldrich, The Jurisprudence of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, pp. 464-471 (1996)]

 The International Law Association answered that question in the affirmative in its Declaration of Principles of International Law on Mass Expulsion.


As noted in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 72, the definition of the term expulsion contained in the Declaration also covers situations in which the forcible departure of individuals is achieved by means other than a formal decision by the authorities of the State.


It encompasses situations in which a State aids, abets or tolerates acts committed by its citizens with the intention of provoking the departure of individuals from the territory of the State.


According to the Declaration,


“‘expulsion in the context of the present Declaration may be defined as an act, or failure to act, by a State with the intended effect of forcing the departure of persons, against their will from its territory for reason of race, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion;


… ‘a failure to act may include situations in which authorities of a State tolerate, or even aid and abet, acts by its citizens with the intended effect of driving groups or categories of persons out of the territory of that State, or where the authorities create a climate of fear resulting in panic flight, fail to assure protection to those persons or obstruct their subsequent return.


International Law Association, Declaration of Principles of International Law on Mass Expulsion, 62nd Conference of the International Law Association, Seoul, 2430 August 1986, Conference Report 1986, p. 13.


 See, in this regard, the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 119124.


See also the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 444 and 479481.


 Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, International Law and the Movement of Persons between States (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1978), p. 209.

 Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, International Law and the Movement of Persons between States (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1978)p. 209.

 For some examples, see the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 119124.


 See Goodwin-Gill, op. cit. (footnote 100 above), pp. 216217 and 307308.

 S. Goodwin-Gill, 同前(上文脚注100),第216217页及第307308页。

 Resolution 40/144, Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, 13 December 1985, annex, art. 9.


 See, in this regard, draft article 30 below concerning the protection of the property of an alien subject to expulsion.


 More generally on the issue of expulsion in connection with extradition, see the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625), paras. 44 to 72.


See also the above-cited memorandum of the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 430443.


 See European Court of Human Rights, Bozano v. France, Judgment of 18 December 1986, Application No. 9990/82, paras. 5260, especially the Courts conclusion in paragraph 60 of its judgment: Viewing the circumstances of the case as a whole and having regard to the volume of material pointing in the same direction, the Court consequently concludes that the applicants deprivation of liberty in the night of 26 to 27 October 1975 was neither lawful, within the meaning of article 5 § 1 (f) (art. 5-1-f), nor compatible with the right to security of person.


Depriving Mr. Bozano of his liberty in this way amounted in fact to a disguised form of extradition designed to circumvent the negative ruling of 15 May 1979 by the Indictment Division of the Limoges Court of Appeal, and not to detention necessary in the ordinary course of action taken with a view to deportation.


The findings of the presiding judge of the Paris tribunal de grande instance even if obiter and of the Limoges Administrative Court, even if that court had only to determine the lawfulness of the order of 17 September 1979, are of the utmost importance in the Courts view; they illustrate the vigilance displayed by the French courts.


There has accordingly been a breach of article 5 § 1 (art. 51) of the Convention.


 The draft article on this issue originally proposed by the Special Rapporteur in his sixth report (A/CN.4/625, para. 72) read as follows:

 特别报告员在第六次报告(A/CN.4/625, 72)中最初就这一问题提出的条款草案如下:

Draft article 8: Prohibition of extradition disguised as expulsion


Without prejudice to the standard extradition procedure, an alien shall not be expelled without his or her consent to a State requesting his or her extradition or to a State with a particular interest in responding favourably to such a request.


At the sixty-second session of the Commission in 2010 the Special Rapporteur proposed a revised version of that draft article (A/65/10, footnote 1268), which read as follows:

在委员会2010年第六十二届会议上,特别报告员提出了该条款草案的修订案文(A/65/10, 脚注1268),其内容如下:

Draft article 8: Expulsion in connection with extradition


Expulsion of a person to a requesting State or to a State with a particular interest in the extradition of that person to the requesting State may be carried out only where the conditions of expulsion are met in accordance with international law [or with the provisions of the present draft article].


 Concerning respect for the dignity of all aliens subject to expulsion, see the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 6872.


 Concerning the impact of human rights on the exercise of the right of expulsion, see the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611) and the discussion in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 251295 and 444448.


 General Assembly resolution 40/144, Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, 13 December 1985, annex.


 See, in this regard, the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 148156, and the discussion in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 256286 and 482487.


 See, in this regard, the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 149151.


 Rankin v. Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Award of 3 November 1987, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, vol. 17, p. 142, para. 22.


 Communication No. R 9/35, Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra and 19 other Mauritian women v. Mauritius, Views adopted on 9 April 1981, Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/36/40), pp. 139142, para. 9.2.

 R9/35号来文,Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra19名其他妇女诉毛里求斯,198149日通过的意见,《大会正式记录,第三十六届会议,补编第40号》(A/36/40),第139142页,第9.2段。

 European Court of Human Rights, Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali v. United Kingdom, Judgment of 28 May 1985, Series A, No. 94; relevant parts of the judgment are recalled by Marc Bossuyt in his commentary on article 14 in L.-E. Pettiti, E. Decaux and P.-H. Imbert (eds.), La Convention européenne des droits de lhomme. Commentaire article par article (Paris, Economica, 1999), pp. 482483.

 欧洲人权法院,AbdulazizCabalesBalkandali诉联合王国,1985528日的判决,A辑,第94号;Marc Bossuyt在他关于第14条的评注中回顾了该判决的一些相关部分,其评注载于L.-E. Pettiti, E. Decaux and P.-H. Imbert (eds.)La Convention européenne des droits de lhomme. Commentaire article par article (Paris, Economica, 1999)pp. 482-483

 Ibid., para. 78.


 Ibid., para. 82.


 Ibid., para. 85.


 In particular, the Human Rights Committee considered that the reference to sex in arts. 2, para. 1, and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights must be understood to include sexual orientation; communication No. 488/1992, Nicholas Toonen v. Australia, Views adopted on 31 March 1994, Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/49/40), vol. II, p. 235, para. 8.7.

 特别是,人权事务委员会认为,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二条第1款和第二十六条提及的“性别”一词应被理解为包括性倾向在内,第488/1992号来文,Nicholas Toonen诉澳大利亚,1994331日通过的意见,《大会正式记录,第四十九届会议,补编第40号》(A/49/40),第二卷,第235页,第8.7段。

For the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, see, inter alia, Salgueiro Da Silva Mouta v. Portugal, Judgment of 21 December 1999, Application No. 33290/96, para. 28, and E.B. v. France, Judgment of 22 February 2008, Application No. 43546/02, para. 50.

关于欧洲人权法院的判例法,除其他外,见Salgueiro Da Silva Mouta诉葡萄牙,19991221日的判决,第33290/96号申请,第28段,以及E.B.诉法国,2008222日的判决,第43546/02号申请,第50段。

 See previous footnote.


 Convention on the Rights of the Child, New York, 20 November 1989, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1577, No. 27531, p. 3.


Article 3 reads as follows: In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.


 See the discussion in the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 121127, and the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 468474.

 见特别报告员的第五次报告(A/CN.4/611)121127段以及秘书处的上述备忘录(A/CN.4/ 565)468474段的讨论。

 See the discussion of this question in the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 5367.


 See in particular article 3 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


 See article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights; article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; article 3 of the American Convention on Human Rights; article 4 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights; and article 5 of the Arab Charter on Human Rights.


 See, in this regard, the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 73120.


 Ibid., para. 73.


 General Assembly resolution 40/144 of 13 December 1985, annex, art. 6.


 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Judgment of 30 November 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 87.

 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国)20101130日的判决,《2010年国际法院汇编》,第87段。

 See, in this regard, the points made in para. (4) of the commentary to article 24 below.


 See, in this regard, Commission on Human Rights, Migrant Workers, Report of the Special Rapporteur, Ms. Gabriela Rodriguez Pizarro, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 2002/62 (E/CN.4/2003/85), 30 December 2002, para. 43: Administrative detention should never be punitive in nature. Article 9 of the Covenant provides: 1.

 关于这一点,见人权委员会,移徙工人,特别报告员加布里埃拉·罗德里格斯·皮萨罗女士根据人权委员会第2002/62号决议提交的报告(E/CN.4/2003/85)20021230日,第43段:“行政拘留绝不应当具有惩罚性质。  《公约》第九条规定:

Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.

1. 人人有权享有人身自由和安全。

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention.


No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.


2. Anyone who is arrested shall be informed, at the time of arrest, of the reasons for his arrest and shall be promptly informed of any charges against him.

2. 任何被逮捕的人,在被逮捕时应被告知逮捕他的理由,并应被迅速告知对他提出的任何指控。

3.Anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release.

3. 任何因刑事指控被逮捕或拘禁的人,应被迅速带见审判官或其他经法律授权行使司法权力的官员,并有权在合理的时间内受审判或被释放。

It shall not be the general rule that persons awaiting trial shall be detained in custody, but release may be subject to guarantees to appear for trial, at any other stage of the judicial proceedings, and, should occasion arise, for execution of the judgement.


4. Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court, in order that that court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his detention and order his release if the detention is not lawful.

4. 任何因逮捕或拘禁被剥夺自由的人,有资格向法庭提起诉讼,以便法庭能不拖延地决定拘禁他是否合法以及如果拘禁不合法时命令予以释放。

5.Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest or detention shall have an enforceable right to compensation.

5. 任何遭受非法逮捕或拘禁的受害者,有得到赔偿的权利。

 Article 10 of the Covenant provides: 1. All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.

 《公约》第十条规定:“1. 所有被剥夺自由的人应给予人道及尊重其固有的人格尊严的待遇。

2. (a) Accused persons shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be segregated from convicted persons and shall be subject to separate treatment appropriate to their status as unconvicted persons; (b) Accused juvenile persons shall be separated from adults and brought as speedily as possible for adjudication.

2. () 除特殊情况外,被控告的人应与被判罪的人隔离开,并应给予适合于未判罪者身分的分别待遇;() 被控告的少年应与成年人分隔开,并应尽速予以判决。

3.The penitentiary system shall comprise treatment of prisoners the essential aim of which shall be their reformation and social rehabilitation.

3. 监狱制度应包括以争取囚犯改造和社会复员为基本目的的待遇。

Juvenile offenders shall be segregated from adults and be accorded treatment appropriate to their age and legal status.


 Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 15: The position of aliens under the Covenant, 11 April 1986, para. 9.


 See, in this regard, the discussion in the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625), paras. 262273.


 The prohibition of excessive duration of detention was affirmed by the European Court of Human Rights with respect to article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights; see in particular Chahal v. United Kingdom, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 15 November 1996, Application No. 22414/93, para. 113: The Court recalls, however, that any deprivation of liberty under art. 5, para. 1 (f) will be justified only for as long as deportation proceedings are in progress.


If such proceedings are not prosecuted with due diligence, the detention will cease to be permissible under art. 5, para. 1 (f) It is thus necessary to determine whether the duration of the deportation proceedings was excessive.


See also: Commission on Human Rights, Migrant Workers, Report of the Special Rapporteur, Ms. Gabriela Rodriguez Pizarro, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 2002/62 (E/CN.4/2003/85), 30 December 2002, para. 35 (Administrative deprivation of liberty should last only for the time necessary for the deportation/expulsion to become effective.


Deprivation of liberty should never be indefinite) and para. 75 (g) ([the recommendation of] [e]nsuring that the law sets a limit on detention pending deportation and that under no circumstance is detention indefinite).


 See, in this regard, the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625), paras. 249250 and 262270.


See also the above-cited memorandum of the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 726727.


 See the many references in the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625), paras. 252261, and the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 728737.


 See in particular Shamsa v. Poland, Judgment of 27 November 2003, Applications Nos. 45355/99 and 45357/99, para. 59.


The Court referred to the right of habeas corpus contained in art. 5, para. 4, of the Convention to support the idea that detention extended beyond the initial period as envisaged in paragraph 3 calls for the intervention of a court as a guarantee against arbitrariness.


 Commission on Human Rights, Migrant Workers, Report of the Special Rapporteur, Ms. Gabriela Rodriguez Pizarro, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 2002/62 (E/CN.4/2003/85), 30 December 2002, para. 75 (g).


This recommendation states:




The decision to detain should be automatically reviewed periodically on the basis of clear legislative criteria.


Detention should end when a deportation order cannot be executed for other reasons that are not the fault of the migrant.


 See the discussion of this right in the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 128147 and the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 446467.


 See, in this regard, the above-cited memorandum of the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 466467.


 General Assembly resolution 40/144 of 13 December 1985, annex.


 European Convention on Establishment (with Protocol), Paris, 13 December 1955, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 529, No. 7660, p. 141.


 This requirement is set out in general terms in draft article 4 above.


 For a detailed discussion of this case law, see the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 133147.


 European Court of Human Rights, Moustaquim v. Belgium, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 18 February 1991, Application No. 12313/86, paras. 4146.


 Ibid., para. 46.


 Nasri v. France, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 13 July 1995, Application No. 19465/92, specifically para. 46.


 Cruz Varas and Others v. Sweden, Judgment (Merits), 20 March 1991, Application No. 15576/89, specifically para. 88.

 Cruz Varas等诉瑞典,判决(案情实质)1991320日,第15576/89号申诉,特别是第88段。

 Boultif v. Switzerland, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 2 August 2001, Application No. 54273/00.


 See the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 460.


 Boultif v. Switzerland, footnote 151 above, para. 48.

 Boultif等诉瑞士,上文脚注151, 48段。

 According to the Committee, the separation of a person from his family by means of his expulsion could be regarded as an arbitrary interference with the family and as a violation of article 17 if in the circumstances of the case the separation of the author from his family and its effects on him were disproportionate to the objectives of removal (communication No. 558/1993, Giosue, Canepa v. Canada, Views adopted on 3 April 1997, Official Documents of the General Assembly, Fifty-second Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. II (A/52/40 Vol. II)), pp. 121122, para. 11.4).

 委员会认为,“如果在本案情形下提交人与其家庭分离及对他产生的影响与驱逐目标不相称,用驱逐的手段使一个人与其家庭分离可被视为任意干涉家庭并且违反第十七条”。 (558/1993号来文,GiosueCanepa诉加拿大,199743日通过的意见,《大会正式文件,第五十二届会议,补编第40号》,第二卷(A/52/40(Vol.II)),第121122页,第11.4)

In a previous case, the Committee found that the interference with Mr. Stewarts family relation that will be the inevitable outcome of his deportation cannot be regarded as either unlawful or arbitrary when the deportation order was made under law in furtherance of a legitimate State interest and due consideration was given in the deportation proceedings to the deportees family connections (communication No. 538/1993, Charles E. Denart v. Canada, Views adopted on 1 November 1996, ibid., p. 59, para. 12.10).

在一个先前的案件中,委员会认为:“干涉Stewart先生的家庭关系将是其递解出境的不可避免的结果。 但是递解出境是依法作出的,为的是促进正当的国家利益,且在递解出境诉讼中对被递解出境人的家庭联系给予了应有的考虑,所以递解出境不应视为非法或任意”(538/1993号来文,Charles E. Denart诉加拿大,1996111日通过的意见,同上,第59页,第12.10)

 See, in this regard, the discussion in the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 115.


 Concerning voluntary departure, see the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), para. 2, and the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/625), paras. 697701.


 Lacoste v. Mexico (Mexican Commission), Award of 4 September 1875, in John Bassett Moore, History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to Which the United States Has Been a Party, vol. IV, pp. 33473348.

 Lacoste诉墨西哥(墨西哥仲裁委员会)187594日的裁定,见History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to Which the United States Has Been a Party, vol. IV, pp. 3347-3348

 Boffolo case, Mixed Claims Commission Italy-Venezuela, 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. X, p. 528 (Ralston, Umpire).


 Maal case, Mixed Claims Commission Netherlands-Venezuela, 1 June 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. X, p. 732.


 Convention on International Civil Aviation, Chicago, 7 December 1944, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 15, No. 102, p. 295, and annex 9, Facilitation; the text is also available on the ICAO website:


 See, below, para. (3) of the commentary to draft article 30.


 See, in this regard, the discussion in the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 60116, and in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 489532.


 See, on this point, the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 9096.


 See, in this regard, the discussion in the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 75 and 76.


 For examples of the first hypothesis, see ibid., paras. 104107.


 General comment No. 27, Freedom of movement (art. 12), adopted on 18 October 1999, para. 20.


 There appear to be different views as to whether the expelling State incurs international responsibility for an internationally wrongful act by expelling an alien to a State that has no obligation and refuses to receive him or her; see, in this regard, the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 595, and the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 111116.


 On the issue of the death penalty in the context of expulsion, see the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 5667.


 See, in this regard, Human Rights Committee, Communication No. 829/1998, Judge v. Canada, Views adopted on 5 August 2003, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. II (A/58/40 (Vol. II)), p. 93, para. 10.6: For these reasons, the Committee considers that Canada, as a State party which has abolished the death penalty, irrespective of whether it has not yet ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the Covenant Aiming at the Abolition of the Death Penalty, violated the authors right to life under article 6, paragraph 1, by deporting him to the United States, where he is under sentence of death, without ensuring that the death penalty would not be carried out.

 在这方面,见人权事务委员会,第829/1998号来文,法官诉加拿大,200385日通过的意见,《大会正式纪录,第五十八届会议,补编第40号,第二卷》(A/58/40(Vol. II)),第93页,第10.6段:“鉴于这些原因,委员会认为,加拿大作为一个已废除死刑的缔约国,不论其是否已批准《公约旨在废除死刑的第二号任择议定书》,在未获得不执行死刑的保证的情况下将提交人驱逐到已将其判处死刑的美国,侵犯了提交人根据第六条第一款应享有的生命权。

The Committee recognizes that Canada did not itself impose the death penalty on the author.


But by deporting him to a country where he was under sentence of death, Canada established the crucial link in the causal chain that would make possible the execution of the author.


 See, in this regard, the explanations given in the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), para. 66.


 See, with regard to this obligation, the Special Rapporteurs fifth report (A/CN.4/611), paras. 73120, and the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 540573.


 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, New York, 10 December 1984, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1465, No. 24841, p. 85.


Article 3 of the Convention states:


1. No State party shall expel, return (refouler) or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture.

1. 如有充分理由相信任何人在另一国家将有遭受酷刑的危险,任何缔约国不得将该人驱逐、遣返或引渡至该国。

2. For the purpose of determining whether there are such grounds, the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights.

2. 为了确定这种理由是否存在,有关当局应考虑到所有有关的因素,包括在适当情况下,考虑到在有关国家境内是否存在一贯严重、公然、大规模侵犯人权的情况。

 See, in particular, Chahal v. United Kingdom, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 15 November 1996, Application No. 22414/93, paras. 72107.


In paragraph 80, the Court states: The prohibition provided by Article 3 against ill-treatment is equally absolute in expulsion cases.


Thus, whenever substantial grounds have been shown for believing that an individual would face a real risk of being subjected to treatment contrary to Article 3 if removed to another State, the responsibility of the Contracting State to safeguard him or her against such treatment is engaged in the event of expulsion.


In these circumstances, the activities of the individual in question, however undesirable or dangerous, cannot be a material consideration.


The protection afforded by Article 3 is thus wider than that provided by Articles 32 and 33 of the United Nations 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees …”


See also the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 565571.


 See the recommendation of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to States parties to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (New York, 21 December 1965, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 660, No. 9464, p. 212) to [e]nsure that non-citizens are not returned or removed to a country or territory where they are at risk of being subject to serious human rights abuses, including torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (general recommendation No. 30: Discrimination against non-citizens, 64th session, 23 February12 March 2004, para. 27).


 For a list of relevant communications, see the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 541.


 Committee against Torture, general comment on the implementation of article 3 of the Convention in the context of article 22 (general comment No. 1), adopted on 21 November 1997.


 Ibid., para. 8.


 Ibid., para. 6: Bearing in mind that the State party and the Committee are obliged to assess whether there are substantial grounds for believing that the author would be in danger of being subjected to torture were he/she to be expelled, returned or extradited, the risk of torture must be assessed on grounds that go beyond mere theory or suspicion.


However, the risk does not have to meet the test of being highly probable.


 Ibid., para. 1: Article 3 is confined in its application to cases where there are substantial grounds for believing that the author would be in danger of being subjected to torture as defined in article 1 of the Convention.


See also: Committee against Torture, communication No. 13/1993, Mutombo v. Switzerland, Views adopted on 27 April 1994, Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 44 (A/49/44), p. 52, para. 9.3, and other findings of the Committee against Torture, mentioned in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 546548.


 See the findings of the Committee against Torture mentioned in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 549555.


 See, on this point, the above-cited general comment No. 1 of the Committee against Torture, para. 2: The Committee is of the view that the phrase another State in article 3 refers to the State to which the individual concerned is being expelled, returned or extradited, as well as to any State to which the author may subsequently be expelled, returned or extradited; and other findings of the Committee against Torture contained in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 560561.


 See the findings of the Committee against Torture mentioned in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 562564.


 See para. (3) of the commentary to draft article 18 above.


 See, however, the text of revised draft article 15 (A/CN.4/617), presented by the Special Rapporteur to the Commission following the debate, paragraph 2 of which contained the additional words and when the authorities of the receiving State are not able to obviate the risk by providing appropriate protection, in order to reflect the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in H.L.R v. France, cited below.

 然而,见特别报告员在辩论后向委员会提交的经修定的第15条草案案文(A/CN.4/617)。 第15条草案第2款载有新的一段话,“以及目的地国有关当局无法提供适当的保护来避免风险的情况”,以反映下文援引的欧洲人权法院在H.L.R.诉法国案中的判决。

 Committee against Torture, general comment on the implementation of article 3 of the Convention in the context of article 22 (general comment No. 1) (A/53/44), annex IX, adopted on 21 November 1997, para. 3.


See also Committee against Torture, communication No. 258/2004, Mostafa Dadar v. Canada, Decision adopted on 23 November 2005, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 44 (A/61/44), p. 241, para. 8.4; communication No. 177/2001, H.M.H.I. v. Australia, Decision adopted on 1 May 2002, ibid., Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 44 (A/57/44), p. 171, para. 6.4; and communication No. 191/2001, S.S. v. The Netherlands, Decision adopted on 5 May 2003, ibid., Fifty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 44 (A/58/44), p. 123, para. 6.4: The issue whether the State party has an obligation to refrain from expelling a person who might risk pain or suffering inflicted by a non-governmental entity, without the consent or acquiescence of the Government, falls outside the scope of article 3 of the Convention, unless the non-governmental entity occupies and exercises quasi-governmental authority over the territory to which the complainant would be returned.

也见酷刑委员会,第258/2004号来文,Mostafa Dadar诉加拿大,20051123日通过的决定,《大会正式记录,第六十一届会议,补编第44号》(A/61/44),第241页,第8.4段;第177/2001号来文,H.M.H.I.诉澳大利亚,200251日通过的决定,同上,《第五十七届会议,补编第44号》(A/57/44),第171页,第6.4段,以及第191/2001号来文,S.S.诉荷兰,200355日通过的决定,同上,《第五十八届会议,补编第44号》(A/58/44),第123页,第6.4段:“缔约国是否有义务不将某个有可能遭受某个非政府实体在没有得到政府的同意或默许情况下施行的身心伤害行为的人驱逐这一问题,不属于《公约》第3条的范围,除非此种非政府实体占领申诉人将被送回的区域并对该区域行使准政府管辖职能”。

See also communication No. 237/2003, Ms. M.C.M.V.F. v. Sweden, Decision adopted on 14 November 2005, ibid., Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 44 (A/61/44), p. 194, para. 6.4:

也见第237/2003号来文,Ms. M.C.M.V.F.诉瑞典,20051114日通过的决定,同上,《第六十一届会议,补编第44号》(A/61/44),第194页,第6.4段:

The Committee has not been persuaded that the incidents that concerned the complainant in 2000 and 2003 were linked in any way to her previous political activities or those of her husband, and considers that the complainant has failed to prove sufficiently that those incidents be attributable to state agents or to groups acting on behalf of or under the effective control of state agents;


and communication No. 120/1998, S.S. Elmi v. Australia, Views adopted on 14 May 1999, ibid., Fifty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 44 (A/54/44), pp. 119120, paras. 6.56.8:

以及第120/1998号来文,S.S. Elmi诉澳大利亚,1999514日通过的意见,同上,《第五十四届会议,补编第44号》(A/54/44),第119-120页,第6.5-6.8段:

The Committee does not share the State partys view that the Convention is not applicable in the present case since, according to the State party, the acts of torture the author fears he would be subjected to in Somalia would not fall within the definition of torture set out in article 1 (i.e. pain or suffering inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity, in this instance for discriminatory purposes).


The Committee notes that for a number of years Somalia has been without a central government, that the international community negotiates with the warring factions and that some of the factions operating in Mogadishu have set up quasi-governmental institutions and are negotiating the establishment of a common administration.

委员会注意到,索马里没有中央政府已有多年。 国际社会与交战各方谈判,在摩加迪沙活动的几派建立了准政府机构并正在商谈建立共同管理机构。

It follows then that, de facto, those factions exercise certain prerogatives that are comparable to those normally exercised by legitimate governments.


Accordingly, the members of those factions can fall, for the purposes of the application of the Convention, within the phrase public officials or other persons acting in an official capacity contained in article 1.


The State party does not dispute the fact that gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights have been committed in Somalia.


Furthermore, the independent expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, appointed by the Commission on Human Rights, described in her report the severity of those violations, the situation of chaos prevailing in the country, the importance of clan identity and the vulnerability of small, unarmed clans such as the Shikal, the clan to which the author belongs.


The Committee further notes, on the basis of the information before it, that the area of Mogadishu where the Shikal mainly reside, and where the author is likely to reside if he ever reaches Mogadishu, is under the effective control of the Hawiye clan, which has established quasi-governmental institutions and provides a number of public services.


Furthermore, reliable sources emphasize that there is no public or informal agreement of protection between the Hawiye and the Shikal clans and that the Shikal remain at the mercy of the armed factions.


In addition to the above, the Committee considers that two factors support the authors case that he is particularly vulnerable to the kind of acts referred to in article 1 of the Convention.


First, the State party has not denied the veracity of the authors claims that his family was particularly targeted in the past by the Hawiye clan, as a result of which his father and brother were executed, his sister raped and the rest of the family was forced to flee and constantly move from one part of the country to another in order to hide.


Second, his case has received wide publicity and, therefore, if returned to Somalia the author could be accused of damaging the reputation of the Hawiye.


 H.L.R. v. France, Judgment (Merits), 29 April 1997, Application No. 24573/94, para. 40.


 With regard to the transit State, see the discussion in the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 117118.


 Règles internationales sur ladmission et lexpulsion des étrangers, [International Regulations on the Admission and Expulsion of Aliens] adopted on 9 September 1892, at the Geneva session of the Institute of International Law, art. 30.

 Règles internationales sur ladmission et lexpulsion des étrangers, [关于接收和驱逐外国人的国际条例]189299日通过,国际法学会日内瓦会议,第30条。

[French original]


 Ibid., art. 31.


 See the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 649.


 See Human Rights Committee, communication No. 193/1985, Pierre Giry v. Dominican Republic, Views adopted on 20 July 1990, Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. II (A/45/40 (Vol. II)), pp. 4041, para. 5.5.

 见人权理事会,第193/1985号来文,Pierre Giry诉多米尼加共和国,1990720日通过的意见,《大会正式记录,第四十五届会议,补编第40号,第二卷》(A/45/40(Vol. II)),第40-41页,第5.5段。

The Committee found that the Dominican Republic had violated article 13 of the Covenant by not taking its decision in accordance with law and by also omitting to afford the person concerned an opportunity to submit the reasons against his expulsion and have his case renewed by a competent authority.


 See the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 618.


 Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee: Sweden, 1 November 1995, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-first Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/5140 (Vol. I)), para. 88.

 人权事务委员会的结论性意见,瑞典,1995111日,《大会正式记录,第五十一届会议,补编第40号》,第一卷(A/5140 (Vol. I)),第88段。

 See the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 618.


 Manfred Nowak, U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights CCPR Commentary, 2nd revised ed. (Kehl am Rhein, N.P. Engel Publisher, 2005), p. 297 (citing communications No. 173/1984, M.F. v. The Netherlands, para. 4; No. 236/1987, V.M.R.B. v. Canada; No. 155/1983, Eric Hammel v. Madagascar, paras. 19.2 and 20; and No. 193/1985, Pierre Giry v. Dominican Republic, paras. 5.5 and 6).

 Manfred Nowak, U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights CCPR Commentary, 2nd revised ed. (Kehl am Rhein, N.P. Engel Publisher, 2005)p. 297 (援引了第173/1984号来文,M.F.诉荷兰,第4段;第236/1987号来文,V.M.R.B.诉加拿大;第155/1983号来文,Eric Hammel诉马达加斯加,第19.2段和20段;以及第193/1985号来文,Pierre Giry诉多米尼加共和国,第5.5段和第6)

 Human Rights Committee, communication No. 193/1985, Pierre Giry v. Dominican Republic, Views adopted on 20 July 1990, para. 5.5. (The Committee found that the Dominican Republic had violated article 13 of the Covenant by omitting to afford the person concerned an opportunity to have his case reviewed by a competent authority.)

 人权事务委员会,第193/1985号来文,Pierre Giry诉多米尼加共和国,1990720日通过的意见,第5.5(委员会认为多米尼加共和国违反了《公约》第十三条,未向有关个人提供机会,以使案件得到主管当局的复审)

 Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 15: The position of aliens under the Covenant, 11 April 1986, para. 10.


In Eric Hammel v. Madagascar (communication No. 155/1983, Views adopted on 3 April 1987, Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-second Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/42/40), p. 138, para. 19.2), the Committee considered that the claimant had not been given an effective remedy to challenge his expulsion.

Eric Hammel诉马达加斯加案(155/1983号来文,198743日通过的意见,《大会正式记录,第四十二届会议,补编第40号》(A/42/40),第138页,第19.2)中,委员会认为,申诉人没有得到有效的补救,以对驱逐他的决定提出异议。

See also Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Judgment of 30 November 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 74.

另参见Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国)20101130日的判决,《2010年国际法院汇编》,第74段。

 Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee: Syrian Arab Republic, 5 April 2001 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/56/40 (Vol. I)), para. 82 (22), p. 75.

 人权事务委员会的结论性意见:阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,200145日,《大会正式记录,第五十六届会议,补编第40号》,第一卷(A/56/40 (Vol. I)),第82(22)段,第75页。

 In contrast, the applicability of article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights in cases of expulsion is less clear.


When no right under the Convention comes into consideration, only the procedural guarantees that concern remedies in general are applicable.


While Article 6 only refers to remedies concerning civil rights and obligations and criminal charges, the Court has interpreted the provision as including also disciplinary sanctions.


Measures such as expulsion that significantly affect individuals should also be regarded as covered (Giorgio Gaja, Expulsion of Aliens: Some Old and New Issues in International Law, Cursos Euromediterráneos Bancaja de Derecho Internacional, vol. 3, 1999, pp. 309310).

诸如驱逐等对个人影响很大的措施,也应被视为在该规定涵盖范围内”(Giorgio Gaja, Expulsion of AliensSome Old and New Issues in International Law”,Cursos Euromediterraneos Bancaja de Derecho Internacional, vol. 3, 1999, pp. 309-310)

 European Court of Human Rights, Chahal v. United Kingdom, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 15 November 1996, Application No. 22414/93, para. 151.


 European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers, Strasbourg, 24 November 1977, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1496, No. 25700, p. 7.


 Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, General Recommendation No. 30, para. 25.


See also the Committees concluding observations concerning France, 1 March 1994, Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/49/18), para. 144 (right of appeal).


 African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights, communication No. 159/96, Union Interafricaine des Droits de lHomme, Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de lHomme, Rencontre Africaine des Droits de lHomme, Organisation Nationale des Droits de lHomme au Sénégal and Association Malienne des Droits de lHomme v. Angola, Eleventh Annual Activity Report, 19971998, para. 20.

 非洲人权和人民权利委员会,第159/96号来文,Union Interafricaine des Droits de lHomme, Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de lHomme, Rencontre Africaine des Droits de lHomme, Organisation Nationale des Droits de lHomme au Sénégal and Association Malienne des Droits de lHomme v. Angola, 《第十一次年度活动报告》,1997-1998年,第20段。

 African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights, communication No. 212/98, Amnesty International v. Zambia, Twelfth Annual Activity Report, 19981999.


 See the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 645.


 Concluding observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Spain, 7 June 2002, (CRC/C/15/Add.185), para. 45 (a).


 See the discussion of this issue in the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/625), para. 641, and in the first addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.1), paras. 110113.


 See draft article 4 above and the commentary thereto.


 See the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 631.


See also the first addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.1), paras. 97102.


 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 24 April 1963, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 596, No. 8638, p. 261.


 This provision reads: Any alien shall be free at any time to communicate with the consulate or diplomatic mission of the State of which he or she is a national or, in their absence, with the consulate or diplomatic mission of any other State entrusted with the protection of the interests of the State of which he or she is a national in the State where he or she resides.


 LaGrand (Germany v. United States of America), Judgment of 27 June 2001 I.C.J. Reports 2001, paras. 6491; Avena and other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America), Judgment of 31 March 2004, I.C.J. Reports 2004, paras. 49114.


 LaGrand (Germany v. United States of America), Judgment of 27 June 2001, I.C.J. Reports 2001, para. 77.




 Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2004, para. 76.


 Judgment of 30 November 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 95.


 Ibid., paras. 96 and 97.


 See the discussion of this point in the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 1740.


 See also the initial hesitations expressed by the Special Rapporteur in the second addendum to his sixth report as to the advisability of formulating a general rule regarding the suspensive effect of a remedy against an expulsion decision (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 5155.


 See draft article 23 above.


 See draft article 24 above.


 European Court of Human Rights, Čonka v. Belgium, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 5 February 2002, Application No. 51564/99, para. 79.


 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Recommendation 1624 (2003), Common policy on migration and asylum, 30 September 2003, para. 9.


 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Appendix to Recommendation 769 (1975) on the legal status of aliens, 3 October 1975, paras. 910.


 See in this connection, the second addendum to the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 153157.


 The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in effect recognized the existence of this right in a case involving the arbitrary expulsion of a foreign priest, in that it resolved:


To recommend to the government of Guatemala: a) that Father Carlos Stetter be permitted to return to the territory of Guatemala and to reside in that country if he so desires; b) that it investigate the acts reported and punish those responsible for them; and c) that it inform the Commission in 60 days on the measures taken to implement these recommendations (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Resolution 30/81, Case 73/78 (Guatemala), 25 June 1981, Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 19801981, OEA/Ser.L/V/II.54, doc. 9 rev.1, 16 October 1981).

“建议危地马拉政府:(a) 如果Carlos Stetter神父希望,准许他返回危地马拉,并在该国境内居住;(b) 调查所报行为并惩处应为此种行为负责的人;(c) 60天之内将其为执行上述建议而采取的措施通知委员会”(美洲人权委员会,第30/81号决议,第73/78号案(危地马拉)1981625日,《1980-1981年美洲人权委员会年度报告》,OEA/Ser.L/V/II.54, 9 rev.1号文件,19811016)

 See in this connection draft article 11 above, which prohibits all forms of disguised expulsion.


 The provision reads: If a decision of expulsion that has already been executed is subsequently annulled, the person concerned shall have the right to seek compensation according to law and the earlier decision shall not be used to prevent him or her from re-entering the State concerned (emphasis added).


 See, in this regard, the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 125150.


 Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 4 November 1950, Paris, 20 March 1952, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 213, No. 2889, article 1, p. 262.


 See in this regard the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 711714.


 In the Hollander case, the United States claimed compensation from Guatemala for the summary expulsion of one of its citizens and pointed out that Mr. Hollander “… was literally hurled out of the country, leaving behind wife and children, business, property, everything dear to him and dependent upon him, [and claimed that] [t]he Government of Guatemala, whatever its laws may permit, had not the right in time of peace and domestic tranquility to expel Hollander without notice or opportunity to make arrangements for his family and business, on account of an alleged offense committed more than three years before …” (John Bassett Moore, History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which the United States has been Party, vol. IV, p. 107).

 Hollander一案中,美国对危地马拉即决驱逐一名美国公民提出索赔,并指出Hollander先生“…简直是被掷出国境,将妻子儿女、生意、财产,所有他珍惜的事物和所有依靠他的事物均抛在身后。 [并声称]危地马拉政府,不论其法律是否准许,都无权根据三年多前犯罪的指控,在和平及国内平静时期未经通知或给予机会对家庭及生意作出安排的情况下将Hollander驱逐出境…”(John Bassett Moore, History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which the United States has been Party, vol. IV, p.107)

See also David John Harris, Cases and Materials on International Law, 4th ed. (London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1991), p. 503, Letter from U.S. Dept. of State to Congressman, 15 December 1961, 8 Whiteman 861 (case of Dr. Breger): As to Dr. Bregers expulsion from the island of Rhodes in 1938, it may be pointed out that under generally accepted principles of international law, a State may expel an alien whenever it wishes, provided it does not carry out the expulsion in an arbitrary manner, such as by using unnecessary force to effect the expulsion or by otherwise mistreating the alien or by refusing to allow the alien a reasonable opportunity to safeguard property.

另见David John Harris, Cases and Materials on International Law, 4th ed.(London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1991)p.503。 美国国务院给国会议员的信,19611215日,8 Whiteman 861(Breger博士案):“对于Breger博士1938年从罗德岛被驱逐一事,可指出的是,按照公认的一般国际法原则,一国可随时驱逐一外国人,但条件是它不得任意地实施此种驱逐,例如使用不必要的武力实施驱逐或以其他方式不当地对待外国人或不让外国人有合理的机会维护其财产。

In view of Dr. Bregers statement to the effect that he was ordered by the Italian authorities to leave the island of Rhodes within six months, it appears doubtful that international liability of the Italian Government could be based on the ground that he was not given enough time to safeguard his property.


 Règles internationales sur ladmission et lexpulsion des étrangers [International Regulations on the Admission and Expulsion of Aliens], Geneva session, 1892, resolution of 9 September 1892, art. 41.

 Règles internationales sur ladmission et lexpulsion des étrangers[《接纳和驱逐外国人国际条例》],日内瓦会议,1892年,189299日的决议,第41条。

 Rankin v. The Islamic Republic of Iran, Award of 3 November 1987, Iran-US Claims Tribunal Reports, vol. 17, p. 147, para. 30 e.

 Rankin诉伊朗伊斯兰共和国,1987113日的判决,《伊朗-美国索赔法庭案例汇编》,第17卷,第147页,第30 e段。

 See the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), para. 714.


 For an overview, see ibid., para. 481.


 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Judgment of 30 November 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 121.

 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国)20101130日的判决,《2010年国际法院汇编》,第121段。

For an analysis of the aspects of the judgment concerning property rights, see the Special Rapporteurs seventh report on expulsion of aliens (A/CN.4/642), paras. 3340.


 Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, Partial Award, Civilians Claims, Eritreas Claims 15, 16, 23 & 27-32, decision of 17 December 2004, paras. 124129, 133, 135136, 140, 142, 144146 and 151152, and ibid., Ethiopias Claim 5, decision of 17 December 2004, paras. 132135; United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. XXVI, pp. 195247 and 249290.

 厄立特里亚-埃塞俄比亚索赔委员会,部分裁决,民事索赔,厄立特里亚第1516232732例索赔,20041217日的决定,第124129133135-136140142144146151152段,及同上,埃塞俄比亚第5例索赔,20041217日的决定,第132135段;《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十六卷,pp. 195-247249-90

See, in this regard, the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 933938.


 See Yearbook 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 86116.

 参见《2001年…年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)pp. 86-116

 See para. (5) of the general commentary to the Commissions articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts; Yearbook 2001, vol. II (Part Two), p. 32.

 参见委员会对国家对国际不法行为的责任条款的总评注第(5)段;《2001年…年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)p. 32

 Article 31 reads as follows: Article 31 Reparation: 1. The responsible State is under an obligation to make full reparation for the injury caused by the internationally wrongful act. 2. Injury includes any damage, whether material or moral, caused by the internationally wrongful act of a State.

 31条案文如下:“第31条-赔偿:1. 责任国有义务对国际不法行为所造成的损害提供充分赔偿;2. 损害包括一国国际不法行为造成的任何损害,无论是物质损害还是精神损害。

 Article 34 reads as follows: Article 34 Forms of reparation: Full reparation for the injury caused by the internationally wrongful act shall take the form of restitution, compensation and satisfaction, either singly or in combination, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.


 See the above-cited memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/565), paras. 960 to 977, as well as the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 188 to 204.


 International responsibility: sixth report by F.V. García Amador, Special Rapporteur (Responsibility of the State for injuries caused in its territory to the person or property of aliens Reparation of the injury), Yearbook 1961, vol. II, A/CN.4/134 and Add.1, para. 99.

 国际责任:特别报告员F.V. 加西亚·阿马多尔的第六次报告(国家对其领土内的外国人或其财产造成损害所须承担的责任――损害赔偿),《1961年…年鉴》,第二卷,A/CN.4/134和增编一,第99段。

 Ibid., para. 99, footnote 159.


These cases are mentioned by John Bassett Moore in A Digest of International Law, Washington, Government Printing Office, vol. IV, 1906, pp. 99101.

John Basset MooreA Digest of International Law, Washington, Government Printing Office, vol. IV, 1906, pp. 99-101中也提到这些案件。

Lampton and Wiltbank had been expelled by the Government of Nicaragua and then allowed to return to Nicaragua at the request of the United States.


As for the four British subjects, Great Britain had demanded the unconditional cancellation of the decrees of expulsion and Nicaragua had replied that there was no occasion for the revocation of the decree of expulsion, as all the persons guilty of taking part in the Mosquito rebellion had been pardoned.


 The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights resolves: 3. To recommend to the Government of Guatemala: (a) that Father Carlos Stetter be permitted to return to the territory of Guatemala and to reside in that country if he so desires; (b) that it investigate the acts reported and punish those responsible for them; and (c) that it inform the Commission in 60 days on the measures taken to implement these recommendations (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Resolution 30/81, Case 7378 (Guatemala), 25 June 1981, Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 19801981, OEA/Ser.L/V/II.54, doc. 9, rev. 1, 16 October 1981).

 “美洲人权委员会决议:…3. 建议危地马拉政府:(a) 如果Carlos Stetter神父希望,准许他返回危地马拉,并在该国境内居住;(b) 调查所报行为并惩处应为此种行为负责的人;(c) 60天之内将其为执行上述建议而采取的措施通知委员会。 ”(美洲人权委员会,第30/81号决议,第7378号案(危地马拉)1981625日,《1980-1981年美洲人权委员会年度报告》,OEA/Ser.L/V/II.54, 9 rev.1号文件,19811016)

 See, on this issue, the second addendum to the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 191 to 193. See also, in this connection, the Judgment of 19 June 2012 rendered by the International Court of Justice in the Ahmadou Sadio Diallo case, which is discussed in para. (6) below.

 关于这个问题,见特别报告员第六次报告增编二(A/CN.4/625/Add.2),第191193段,还见以下第(6)段讨论的2012619日国际法庭在Ahmadou Sadio Diallo案中做出的判决。

 Ibid. (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 194 and 195.


The Special Rapporteur cited, in this regard, the judgments rendered in the following cases: Loayza Tamayo v. Peru, Judgment of 27 November 1998 (Reparations and costs), Series C, No. 42, paras. 144154; Cantoral Benavides, Judgment of 3 December 2001 (Reparations and costs), Series C, No. 88, paras. 60 and 80; Gutiérrez Soler v. Colombia, Judgment of 12 September 2005 (Merits, reparations and costs), Series C, No. 132, paras. 8789.

关于这个问题,特别报告员引述了以下案例中的判决:Loayza Tamayo 诉秘鲁,19981127日的判决(赔偿和费用)Series C, No. 42, 144154段;Cantoral Benavides, 2001123日的判决 (赔偿和费用)Series C, No. 88, 6080段;Gutiérrez Soler 诉哥伦比亚,2005912日的判决,(实质问题、赔偿和费用)Series C, No. 132, 8789段。

 Paquet case, Belgium-Venezuela Mixed Claims Commission, 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. IX, p. 325.


 Oliva case, Italy-Venezuela Mixed Claims Commission, 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. X, pp. 607 to 609 (Ralston, umpire), containing details about the calculation of damages in the particular case.


 Oliva case, ibid., p. 602 (Agnoli, commissioner).


 Maal case, Netherlands-Venezuela Mixed Claims Commission, 1 June 1903, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. X, pp. 732 and 733 (Plumley, umpire).


 Daniel Dillon (United States of America ) v. United Mexican States, Mexico-U.S.A. General Claims Commission, Award of 3 October 1928, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. IV, p. 369.

  Daniel Dillon(美国)诉墨西哥合众国,墨西哥-美国一般索赔委员会,1928103日的裁决,联合国,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第四卷,第369页。

 Yeager v. The Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Award of 2 November 1987, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, vol. 17, pp. 107 to 109, paras. 5159.

 Yeager 诉伊朗伊斯兰共和国,伊朗-美国索赔法庭,1987112日的裁决,《伊朗-美国索赔法庭报告》,第17卷,第107109页,第5159段。

 Ibid., p. 110, paras. 6163.


 Moustaquim v. Belgium, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 18 February 1991, Application No. 12313/86, paras. 52 to 55.


 Čonka v. Belgium, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 5 February 2002, Application No. 51564/99, para. 42.


 Beldjoudi v. France, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 26 March 1992, Application No. 12083/86, para. 86: The applicants must have suffered non-pecuniary damages, but the present judgment provides them with sufficient compensation in this respect.


The Court added that there would have been a violation of article 8 of the Convention if the decision to expel Mr. Beldjoudi [had been] implemented (operative para. 1).


 Chahal v. United Kingdom, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 15 November 1996, Application No. 22414/93, para. 158: In view of its decision that there has been no violation of Article 5, para. 1 , the Court makes no award for non-pecuniary damages in respect of the period of time Mr. Chahal has spent in detention.


As to the other complaints, the Court considers that the findings that his deportation, if carried out, would constitute a violation of Article 3 and that there have been breaches of Articles 5, para. 4, and 13 constitute sufficient just satisfaction.


 Ahmed v. Austria, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 17 December 1996, Application No. 25964/94.

 Ahmed 诉奥地利案,19961217日的判决(案情实质和公正抵偿),第25964/94号请诉书。

The Court disallowed a claim for compensation for loss of earnings because of the lack of a causal connection between the alleged damage and the Courts conclusion with regard to article 3 of the Convention (para. 50).


The Court then stated: The Court considers that the applicant must have suffered non-pecuniary damage but that the present judgment affords him sufficient compensation in that respect (para. 51).


The Court then held: “… for as long as the applicant faces a real risk of being subjected in Somalia to treatment contrary to Article 3 of the Convention there would be a breach of that provision in the event of the decision to deport him there being implemented (operative para. 2).


 Para. (6) of the commentary to art. 37; Yearbook 2001, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 106107.


 Bámaca-Velásquez v. Guatemala, Judgment of 22 February 2002, (Reparations), paras. 73 and 106.


 Judgment of 30 November 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 160.


 Judgment No. 13 (Merits), 1928, P.C.I.J. Series A, No. 17, p. 47.


 Judgment of 20 April 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 273.


 Judgment of 30 November 2010, I.C.J. Reports 2010, para. 161.


 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Judgment of 19 June 2012 (Compensation owed by the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the Republic of Guinea).

 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国)2012619日的判决,(刚果民主共和国应对几内亚共和国做出的补偿)

 Ibid., paras. 1825.


 Ibid., paras. 2636 and 55.


 Ibid., paras. 3750.


 See the second addendum to the Special Rapporteurs sixth report (A/CN.4/625/Add.2), paras. 170175.


 For the text of the articles on diplomatic protection and the commentaries thereto, see the report of the Commission on the work of its fifty-eighth session (2006), Documents officiels de lAssemblée générale, soixante et unième session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 50.


 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2007, para. 40.

 Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国),先决反对,判决,《2007年国际法院汇编》,第40段。

 See para. 57 below.


 The draft articles provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee read as follows:


Article 5 bis


Forms of cooperation


For the purposes of the present draft articles, cooperation includes humanitarian assistance, coordination of international relief actions and communications, and making available relief personnel, relief equipment and supplies, and scientific, medical and technical resources.


Article 12


Offers of assistance


In responding to disasters, States, the United Nations, and other competent intergovernmental organizations have the right to offer assistance to the affected State.


Relevant non-governmental organizations may also offer assistance to the affected State.


Article 13


Conditions on the provision of external assistance


The affected State may place conditions on the provision of external assistance.


Such conditions shall be in accordance with the present draft articles, applicable rules of international law, and the national law of the affected State.


Conditions shall take into account the identified needs of the persons affected by disasters and the quality of the assistance.


When formulating conditions, the affected State shall indicate the scope and type of assistance sought.


Article 14


Facilitation of external assistance


1. The affected State shall take the necessary measures, within its national law, to facilitate the prompt and effective provision of external assistance regarding, in particular:

1. 受灾国应在其国内法范围内采取必要措施,便利迅速及有效地提供外部援助,尤其是:

(a) Civilian and military relief personnel, in fields such as privileges and immunities, visa and entry requirements, work permits, and freedom of movement; and

(a) 对于民事救灾人员和军队救灾人员,在诸如特权和豁免、签证和入境要求、工作许可证、通行自由等方面提供便利;以及

(b) Goods and equipment, in fields such as customs requirements and tariffs, taxation, transport, and disposal thereof.

(b) 对于货物和设备,在诸如海关要求和关税、征税、运输以及处置等方面提供便利。

2. The affected State shall ensure that its relevant legislation and regulations are readily accessible, to facilitate compliance with national law.

2. 受灾国应确保其有关法律和规章容易查阅,从而便利遵守国内法。

Article 15


Termination of external assistance


The affected State and the assisting State, and as appropriate other assisting actors, shall consult with respect to the termination of external assistance and the modalities of termination.


The affected State, the assisting State, or other assisting actors wishing to terminate shall provide appropriate notification.


 Draft article A read as follows:


Draft article A


Elaboration of the duty to cooperate


States and other actors mentioned in draft article 5 shall provide to an affected State scientific, technical, logistical and other cooperation, as appropriate.


Cooperation may include coordination of international relief actions and communications, making available relief personnel, relief equipment and supplies, scientific and technical expertise and humanitarian assistance.


 Draft article 13 read as follows:


Draft article 13


Conditions on the provision of assistance


The affected State may impose conditions on the provision of assistance, which must comply with its national law and international law.


 Draft article 14 read as follows:


Draft article 14


Termination of assistance


The affected State and assisting actors shall consult with each other to determine the duration of the external assistance.


 For the commentaries to draft articles 1 to 5, see Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session (A/65/10), para. 331.


For the commentaries to draft articles 6 to 11, see Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session (A/66/10), para. 289.


 At its 2940th meeting, on 20 July 2007 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 376).


The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of resolution 62/66 of 6 December 2007, took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its fifty-eighth session (2006), on the basis of the proposal contained in annex A of the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 257).


 Ibid., Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 386.


For the memorandum prepared by the Secretariat, see A/CN.4/596 and Corr.1.

秘书处编写的备忘录见A/CN.4/596 Corr.1号文件。

 A/CN.4/601 (preliminary report); A/CN.4/631 (second report); and A/CN.4/646 (third report).


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 207; and ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 343.


 Judgment of 3 February 2012.


 See Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2001 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment of 14 February 2002, I.C.J. Reports 2002, Joint Separate Opinion by Judges Higgins, Kooijmans and Buergenthal, para. 85.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), annex A.


 Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti. v. France.), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports, p. 177, at para. 188.


 Paras. 57 and 58 of the preliminary report (A/CN.4/654).


 Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3, at para. 59.


 Ibid., at paras. 5255.


 Ibid., para. 51.


 Ibid., paras. 51 and 53.


 Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, footnote 287 above, para. 196.


 Judgment of 3 February 2012, paras. 9295.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), paras. 365367.


 Ibid., pp. 330334.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), paras. 365367.


 Ibid., annex A, pp. 305314.

 同上,附件A, 305314页。



 London Statement of Principles Applicable to the Formation of General Customary International Law (with commentary), Resolution 16/2000 (Formation of General Customary International Law), adopted on 29 July 2000 by the International Law Association; see International Law Association, Report of the Sixty-ninth Conference, London, p. 39.


For the plenary debate, see pp. 922926.


The London Statement of Principles is at pp. 712777, and the report of the Working Session of the Committee on Formation of (General) Customary International Law held in 2000 is at pp. 778790.


 See footnote 300 above.


 See, in particular, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its second session (5 June29 July 1950), paras. 2494, Yearbook


1950, vol. II, pp. 367374 (Part II, Ways and Means for Making the Evidence of Customary International Law More Readily Available).


 At its 2865th meeting, on 4 August 2005 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), para. 500).


The General Assembly, in paragraph 5 of resolution 60/22 of 23 November 2005, endorsed the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission at its fifty-sixth session (2004), on the basis of the proposal annexed to that years report (Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), paras. 362363).

委员会第五十六届(2004)会议以该年度委员会报告所附的建议为基础,将该专题列入委员会长期工作方案。 (《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第10号》(A/59/10),第362363)

 A/CN.4/571 (preliminary report); A/CN.4/585 and Corr.1 (second report); A/CN.4/603 (third report); and A/CN.4/648 (fourth report).


 During its sixtieth session, at its 2988th meeting on 31 July 2008, the Commission decided to establish a working group on the topic under the chairmanship of Mr. Alain Pellet, with a mandate and membership to be determined at the sixty-first session (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 315).


 For the proposed general framework prepared by the Working Group, see ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 204.


 At its 3071st meeting, on 30 July 2010, the Commission took note of the oral report of the temporary Chairman of the Working Group (ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 337340).

 2010730日第3071次会议上,委员会注意到由工作组临时主席提出的口头报告。 (同上,《第六十五届会议,补编第10号》(A/65/10),第337340)

 Official records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), annex.


 Yearbook 1996, vol. II (Part Two).


 Yearbook 1994, vol. II (Part Two), para. 142.


 Yearbook 1996, vol. II (Part Two), para. 46.


 At its 2997th meeting, on 8 August 2008 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 353).


For the syllabus of the topic, see ibid., annex A.


The General Assembly, in paragraph 6 of its resolution 63/123 of 11 December 2008, took note of the decision.


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty- fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), paras. 220226.


 Ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 344354.


 Ibid., Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), paras. 336341.


 For the text of these preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group, see ibid., para. 344.


 See supra, note 317.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), annex A, paras. 17, 18, 39 and 42.

 《大会正式记录,第六十三届会议,补编第10号》(A/63/10),附件A, 17183942段。

 Ibid., paras. 11 et seq.


 These preliminary conclusions supplement those reproduced in the report of the Commission on the work of its sixty-third session (2011); see supra, note 317.


 See e.g. ECtHR, Cruz Varas et al. v. Sweden, 20 March 1991, para. 100, Series A No. 201.

 例如参见ECtHR, Cruz Varas et al. v. Sweden, 20 March 1991, para. 100, Series A No. 201.

 At its 2997th meeting, on 8 August 2008 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 354).


For the syllabus of the topic, see ibid., annex B.


The General Assembly, in paragraph 6 of its resolution 63/123 of 11 December 2008, took note of the decision.


 At its 3029th meeting, on 31 July 2009, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause (ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), paras. 211216).


The Study Group considered, inter alia, a framework that would serve as a road map for future work and agreed on a work schedule involving the preparation of papers intended to shed additional light on questions concerning, in particular, the scope of MFN clauses and their interpretation and application.


 At its 3071st meeting, on 30 July 2010, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group (ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 359373).


The Study Group considered and reviewed the various papers prepared on the basis of the 2009 framework to serve as a road map of future work, and agreed upon a programme of work for 2010.


 Catalogue of MFN provisions (Mr. D.M. McRae and Mr. A.R. Perera); The 1978 draft articles of the International Law Commission (Mr. S. Murase); MFN in the GATT and the WTO (Mr. D.M. McRae); The Work of OECD on MFN (Mr. M. Hmoud); The Work of UNCTAD on MFN (Mr. S.C. Vasciannie); The Maffezini problem under investment treaties (Mr. A.R. Perera).


 Interpretation and Application of MFN Clauses in Investment Agreements (D.M. McRae).


See also Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), paras. 351353.


 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 23 May 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.


 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, art. 31, para. 1.


 The Planning Group was composed of: Mr. B. Niehaus (Chairman); Members: Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. A. El-Murtadi Suleiman Gouider, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. M. Forteau, Mr. H.A. Hassouna, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. A. Laraba, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. D.D. Tladi, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. A.S. Wako, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. P. Šturma (ex officio).

 规划组由下列委员组成:主席:尼豪斯先生;委员:坎迪奥蒂先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、穆尔塔迪·苏莱曼 ·古伊德尔先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、福尔托先生、哈苏纳先生、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、卡姆托先生、吉滴猜萨里先生、拉腊巴先生、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、墨菲先生、诺尔特先生、朴先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、特拉迪先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、瓦科先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德爵士和斯图尔玛先生(当然成员)

 A/CN.4/650 and Add.1.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), para. 378.


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/57/10), paras. 525531; ibid., Fifty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/58/10), para. 447; ibid., Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), para. 369; ibid., Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), para. 501; ibid., Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 269; ibid., Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 379; ibid., Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 358; ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 240; ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 396, and ibid., Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), para. 399.


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), paras. 387395.


 Located at .


 Generally accessible through:


 This statement is recorded in the summary record of that meeting.








Ms. Jelena Pejic, Legal Adviser of the ICRC, gave an overview of the joint ICRC/Swiss initiative on strengthening IHL compliance mechanisms and Mr. Ramin Mahnad gave a presentation on the ICRC project on strengthening legal protection for persons deprived of their liberty in non-international armed conflicts.


Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson gave an overview of the topic Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts, which is in the long-term programme of work of the Commission.


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10, A/66/10 (chap. IV) and A/66/10/Add.1.


 The following persons participated in the forty-eighth session of the International Law Seminar: Ms. Adejumoke Adegbonmire (Nigeria), Ms. Mariam Al-Hail (Qatar), Ms. Alma Amézquita Manzano (Mexico), Mr. Michel-Ange Bontemps (Haiti), Mr. Sékou Camara (Guinea), Ms. Xiaohua Chen (China), Ms. Rhia Rilina Chowdhury (India), Ms. Carolina Claro (Brazil), Ms. Yolande Dwarika (South Africa), Ms. Desislava Gosteva (Bulgaria), Ms. Eugenia Gutiérrez-Ruiz (Costa Rica), Ms. Sara Ianovitz (Italy), Mr. Levon Isakhanyan (Georgia), Ms. Yuriko Kuga (Japan), Mr. Thushara Kumarage (Sri Lanka), Mr. Marco Mollar (Argentina), Mr. Josel Mostajo (Philippines), Ms. Michaela Rišova (Slovakia), Mr. Abderrezak Seghiri (Algeria), Mr. Regis Simo (Cameroon), Ms. Kate Smyth (Australia), Ms. Lucia Solano Ramirez (Colombia), Ms. Alexia Solomou (Cyprus), and Mr. Tesfagabir Teweldebirhan Kibrom (Eritrea).The Selection Committee, chaired by Ms. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Professor of International Law and International Organizations at the University of Geneva, met on 26 April 2012 at the Palais des Nations and selected 25 candidates out of 94 applications for participation in the Seminar. At the last minute, one selected candidate could not attend the seminar.

 下列人员参加了第四十八届国际法讲习班:Adejumoke Adegbonmire女士(尼日利亚)Mariam Al-Hail女士(卡塔尔)Alma Amézquita Manzano女士(墨西哥)Michel-Ange Bontemps先生(海地)Sékou Camara先生(几内亚)、陈晓华女士(中国)Rhia Rilina Chowdhury女士(印度)Carolina Claro女士(巴西)Yolande Dwarika女士(南非)Desislava Gosteva女士(保加利亚)Eugenia Gutiérrez-Ruiz女士(哥斯达黎加)Sara Ianovitz女士(意大利)Levon Isakhanyan先生(格鲁吉亚)Yuriko Kuga女士(日本)Thushara Kumarage先生(斯里兰卡)Marco Mollar先生(阿根廷)Josel Mostajo先生(菲律宾)Michaela Risova女士(斯洛伐克)Abderrezak Seghiri先生(阿尔及利亚)Regis Simo先生(喀麦隆)Kate Smyth女士(澳大利亚)Lucia Solano Ramirez女士(哥伦比亚)Alexia Solomou女士(塞浦路斯)Tesfagabir Teweldebirhan Kibrom先生(厄立特里亚)。 由日内瓦大学国际法教授劳伦斯·布瓦松·德·沙祖尔内女士担任主席的甄选委员会于2012426日在万国宫举行会议,从94位申请人中录取了25人参加本届讲习班。 一名被选中的候选人最后未能参加讲习班。