Report of the International Law Commission


Sixty-fifth session (6 May7 June and 8 July9 August 2013)

第六十五届会议 (201356日至67日和78日至89)

General Assembly Official Records Sixty-eighth session Supplement No. 10 (A/68/10)

大会正式记录 第六十八届会议 补编第10(A/68/10)

United Nations




Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures.


Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.


The word Yearbook followed by suspension points and the year (e.g. Yearbook 1971) indicates a reference to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission.


A typeset version of the report of the Commission will be included in Part Two of volume II of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2013.


Chapter I Introduction

第一章 导言

1. The International Law Commission held the first part of its sixty-fifth session from 6 May to 7 June 2013 and the second part from 8 July to 9 August 2013 at its seat at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

1. 国际法委员会分别于201356日至67日和201378日至89日在联合国日内瓦办事处委员会所在地举行了第六十五届会议第一期会议和第二期会议。

The session was opened by Mr. Lucius Caflisch, Chairman of the sixty-fourth session of the Commission.


A. Membership

A. 委员

2. The Commission consists of the following members:

2. 委员会包括下列成员:

Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke (Nigeria)


Mr. Ali Mohsen Fetais Al-Marri (Qatar)


Mr. Lucius Caflisch (Switzerland)


Mr. Enrique J.A. Candioti (Argentina)


Mr. Pedro Comissário Afonso (Mozambique)


Mr. Abdelrazeg El-Murtadi Suleiman Gouider (Libya)


Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández (Spain)


Mr. Mathias Forteau (France)


Mr. Kirill Gevorgian (Russian Federation)


Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo (Mexico)


Mr. Hussein A. Hassouna (Egypt)


Mr. Mahmoud D. Hmoud (Jordan)


Mr. Huikang Huang (China)


Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson (Sweden)


Mr. Maurice Kamto (Cameroon)


Mr. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree (Thailand)


Mr. Ahmed Laraba (Algeria)


Mr. Donald M. McRae (Canada)


Mr. Shinya Murase (Japan)


Mr. Sean D. Murphy (United States of America)


Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus (Costa Rica)


Mr. Georg Nolte (Germany)


Mr. Ki Gab Park (Republic of Korea)


Mr. Chris Maina Peter (United Republic of Tanzania)


Mr. Ernest Petrič (Slovenia)


Mr. Gilberto Vergne Saboia (Brazil)


Mr. Narinder Singh (India)


Mr. Pavel Šturma (Czech Republic)


Mr. Dire D. Tladi (South Africa)


Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina (Colombia)


Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez (Ecuador)


Mr. Amos S. Wako (Kenya)


Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti (Indonesia)


Mr. Michael Wood (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)


B. Casual vacancy

B. 临时空缺

3. On 6 May 2013, the Commission elected Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez to fill the casual vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie.

3. 201356日,委员会选举马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生填补斯蒂芬·瓦钱尼先生辞职造成的临时空缺。

C. Officers and the Enlarged Bureau

C. 主席团成员和扩大的主席团

4. At its 3159th meeting, on 6 May 2013, the Commission elected the following officers:

4. 委员会在201356日举行的第3159次会议上,选出了下列主席团成员:



Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus (Costa Rica)


First Vice-Chairman:


Mr. Pavel Šturma (Czech Republic)


Second Vice-Chairman:


Mr. Narinder Singh (India)


Chairman of the Drafting Committee:


Mr. Dire D. Tladi (South Africa)




Mr. Mathias Forteau (France)


5. The Enlarged Bureau of the Commission was composed of the officers of the present session, the previous Chairmen of the Commission  and the Special Rapporteurs.

5. 委员会扩大的主席团由本届会议主席团成员、委员会前任主席  和特别报告员  组成。

6. The Commission set up a Planning Group composed of the following members: Mr. P. Šturma (Chairman), Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. A. El-Murtadi Suleiman Gouider, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. H.A. Hassouna, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. A. Laraba, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. D.D. Tladi, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. M. Forteau (ex officio).

6. 委员会设立了由下列委员组成的规划组:斯图尔马先生(主席)、卡弗利施先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、穆尔塔迪·苏莱曼·古伊德尔先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、哈苏纳先生、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、卡姆托先生、吉滴猜萨里先生、拉腊巴先生、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、墨菲先生、诺尔特先生、朴先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、特拉迪先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和福尔托先生(当然成员)

D. Drafting Committee

D. 起草委员会

7. At its 3163rd, 3170th and 3180th meetings, on 14 and 24 May and 16 July 2013, the Commission established a Drafting Committee, composed of the following members for the topics indicated:

7. 委员会在分别于2013514日、524日和716日举行的第316331703180次会议上,为下列专题设立了由下列委员组成的起草委员会:

(a) Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties: Mr. D.D. Tladi (Chairman), Mr. G. Nolte (Special Rapporteur), Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. P. Šturma, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. M. Forteau (ex officio);

(a) 与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例:特拉迪先生(主席)、诺尔特先生(特别报告员)、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、卡姆托先生、吉滴猜萨里先生、村濑先生、墨菲先生、朴先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、斯图尔马先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和福尔托先生(当然成员)

(b) Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction: Mr. D.D. Tladi (Chairman), Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández (Special Rapporteur), Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. P. Šturma, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. A.K. Wako, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. M. Forteau (ex officio);

(b) 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免:特拉迪先生(主席)、康塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士(特别报告员)、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、吉滴猜萨里先生、村濑先生、墨菲先生、诺尔特先生、朴先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、斯图尔马先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、瓦科先生、维斯努穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和福尔托先生(当然成员)

(c) Protection of persons in the event of disasters: Mr. D.D. Tladi (Chairman), Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina (Special Rapporteur), Mr. J.M. Gómez-Robledo, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. M. Forteau (ex officio).

(c) 发生灾害时的人员保护:特拉迪先生(主席)、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生(特别报告员)、戈麦斯-罗夫莱多先生、哈穆德先生、雅各布松女士、吉滴猜萨里先生、村濑先生、墨菲先生、朴先生、彼得里奇先生、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、伍德先生和福尔托先生(当然成员)

8. The Drafting Committee held a total of 20 meetings on the three topics indicated above.

8. 起草委员会就以上三个专题共举行了20次会议。

E. Working Groups and Study Group

E. 工作组和研究组

9. At its 3161st and 3169th meetings, on 8 and 23 May 2013, the Commission reconstituted the following Working Group and Study Group:

9. 委员会在201358日和23日举行的第31613169次会议上,重新设立了以下工作组和研究组:

(a) Open-ended Working Group on The Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare): Mr. K. Kittichaisaree (Chairman).

(a) 引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)问题不限成员名额工作组:吉滴猜萨里先生(主席)

(b) Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause: Mr. D.M. McRae (Chairman), Mr. L. Caflisch, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. P. Šturma, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. M. Forteau (ex officio).

(b) 最惠国条款研究组:麦克雷先生(主席)、卡弗利施先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、哈穆德先生、村濑先生、墨菲先生、朴先生、辛格先生、斯图尔马先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、伍德先生和福尔托先生(当然成员)

10. The Planning Group reconstituted the following Working Group:

10. 规划组重新设立了以下工作组:

Working Group on the Long-term Programme of work for the quinquennium: Mr. D. McRae (Chairman), Mr. L. Caflisch, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. K. Gevorgian, Mr. J.M. Gómez-Robledo, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. K. Kittichaisaree, Mr. A. Laraba, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. S.D. Murphy, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. K.G. Park, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. P. Šturma, Mr. D.D. Tladi, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. A.S. Wako, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. M. Forteau (ex officio).


F. Secretariat

F. 秘书处

11. Ms. Patricia OBrien, Under-Secretary-General, the Legal Counsel, represented the Secretary-General.

11. 副秘书长兼法律顾问帕特里夏·奥布赖恩女士担任秘书长的代表。

Mr. George Korontzis, Director of the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs, acted as Secretary to the Commission and, in the absence of the Legal Counsel, represented the Secretary-General.


Mr. Trevor Chimimba and Mr. Arnold Pronto, Senior Legal Officers, served as Senior Assistant Secretaries.


Mr. Gionata Buzzini, Ms. Hanna Dreifeldt-Lainé, Legal Officers, and Mr. Noah Bialostozky, Associate Legal Officer, served as Assistant Secretaries to the Commission.


G. Agenda

G. 议程

12. At its 3159th meeting, on 6 May 2013, the Commission adopted an agenda for its sixty-fifth session.

12. 委员会在201356日第3159次会议上 ,通过了第六十五届会议议程。

The agenda, as modified in light of the decision taken by the Commission at its 3171st meeting,  on 28 May, consisted of the following items:


1. Organization of the work of the session.

1. 会议工作安排。

2. Filling of a casual vacancy.

2. 填补临时空缺。

3. The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare).

3. 引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

4. Protection of persons in the event of disasters.

4. 发生灾害时的人员保护。

5. Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

5. 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免。

6. Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties.

6. 与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例。

7. Provisional application of treaties.

7. 条约的暂时适用。

8. Formation and evidence of customary international law.

8. 习惯国际法的形成与证据。  

9. Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts.

9. 与武装冲突有关的环境保护。

10. The Most-Favoured-Nation clause.

10. 最惠国条款。

11. Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation.

11. 委员会方案、程序和工作方法以及文件。

12. Date and place of the sixty-sixth session.

12. 第六十六届会议日期和地点。

13. Cooperation with other bodies.

13. 与其他机构的合作。

14. Other business.

14. 其他事项。

Chapter II Summary of the work of the Commission at its sixty-fifth session

第二章 委员会第六十五届会议工作概况

13. With regard to the topic Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/660), which, inter alia, contained four draft conclusions relating to the general rule and means of treaty interpretation; subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as means of interpretation; the definition of subsequent agreement and subsequent practice as means of treaty interpretation; and attribution of a treaty related practice to a State.

13. 关于“与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”专题,委员会收到特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/660)。 除其他外,该报告载有与下列问题有关的四项结论草案:条约解释通则和资料;以嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为解释资料;嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为条约解释资料的定义;将与条约有关的惯例归于一个国家。

Following the debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer the four draft conclusions to the Drafting Committee.


Upon consideration of the report of the Drafting Committee, Commission provisionally adopted five draft conclusions, together with commentaries thereto (chap. IV).


14. Concerning the topic Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/661), in which, inter alia, six draft articles were presented, following an analysis of: (a) the scope of the topic and of the draft articles; (b) the concepts of immunity and jurisdiction; (c) the difference between immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae; and (d) identified the basic norms comprising the regime of immunity ratione personae.

14. 关于“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”专题,委员会收到特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/661)。 除其他外,该报告分析了(a) 本专题和本条款草案的范围;(b) 豁免和管辖的概念;(c) 属人豁免和属事豁免的区别;并(d) 确定了组成属人豁免制度的基本规范,此后提出了六条条文草案。

Following the debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer the six draft articles to the Drafting Committee.


Upon consideration of the report of the Drafting Committee, the Commission provisionally adopted three draft articles, together with commentaries thereto (chap. V).


15. As regards the topic Protection of persons in the event of disasters, the Commission had before it the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/662), dealing with aspects of prevention in the context of the protection of persons in the event of disasters, including disaster risk reduction, prevention as a principle of international law, and international cooperation on prevention.

15. 关于“发生灾害时的人员保护”专题,委员会收到特别报告员的第六次报告(A/CN.4/662)。 该报告讨论了发生灾害时的人员保护中的预防问题,包括减少灾害风险、将预防作为国际法原则以及预防方面的国际合作。

Following the debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer the two draft articles, proposed by the Special Rapporteur, to the Drafting Committee.


16. The Commission provisionally adopted seven draft articles, together with commentaries, namely draft articles 5 bis and 12 to 15, of which it had taken note of at its sixty-fourth session (2012), dealing with forms of cooperation, offers of assistance, conditions on the provision of external assistance, facilitation of external assistance, and termination of external assistance, respectively, as well as draft article 5 ter and 16, concerning cooperation for disaster risk reduction and the duty to reduce the risk of disasters, respectively (chap. VI).

16. 委员会暂时通过了七条条文草案及其评注,亦即委员会在第六十四届会议(2012)曾注意到的第5条之二和第12至第15条―― 分别涉及合作形式、提议援助、对提供外部援助规定条件、便利外部援助和终止外部援助,以及第5条之三和第16条―― 分别涉及减少灾害风险的合作以及减少灾害风险的义务(第六章)

17. In relation to the topic Formation and evidence of customary international law, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/663), which, inter alia, presented an overview of the previous work of the Commission relevant to the topic, views expressed by delegates in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly, the scope of the topic, the range of materials to be consulted, and issues relating to customary international law as a source of international law.

17. 关于“习惯国际法的形成与证据”专题,委员会收到特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/663)。 除其他外,该报告介绍了委员会先前开展的与本专题相关的工作概况、代表们在大会第六委员会上发表的意见、本专题的范围、应参考的材料的范围以及与习惯国际法作为国际法渊源有关的问题。

The Commission also had before it a memorandum by the Secretariat addressing elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant to the topic (A/CN.4/659).


The debate in plenary addressed, among other issues, the scope and methodology of the topic, the range of materials to be consulted and the future plan of work.


The Special Rapporteur also held informal consultations on the title of the topic, the consideration of jus cogens within the scope of the topic and the need for additional information on State practice.


The Commission decided to change the title of the topic to Identification of customary international law(chap. VII).


18. As regards the topic Provisional application of treaties, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/664) which sought to establish, in general terms, the principal legal issues that arose in the context of the provisional application of treaties by considering doctrinal approaches to the topic and briefly reviewing the existing State practice.

18. 关于“条约的暂时适用”专题,委员会收到特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/664)。 该报告考虑了处理本专题的理论方法并简要回顾了现有的国家惯例,试图从总体上确定在条约的暂时适用方面出现的主要法律问题。

The Commission also had before it a memorandum by the Secretariat which traced the negotiating history of article 25 both in the Commission and at the Vienna Conference on the Law of Treaties (A/CN.4/658).


The debate revolved around the purpose of the provisional application of treaties, and the elaboration of specific issues to be considered in the future reports of the Special Rapporteur (chap. VIII).


19. The Commission decided to include the topic Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflictin its programme of work, and appointed Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson as Special Rapporteur (chap. XII, sect. A.1).

19. 关于“与武装冲突有关的环境保护”专题,委员会决定将其列入工作方案,并任命玛丽·雅各布松女士为特别报告员(第十二章A.1)

The Special Rapporteur presented the Commission with a series of informal working papers with a view to initiating an informal dialogue with members of the Commission on a number of issues that could be relevant for the development and consideration of the work on the topic.


Issues addressed in the informal consultations included, inter alia, scope and methodology, the possible outcome of the Commissions work, as well as a number of substantive issues relating to the topic (chap. IX).


20. In connection with the topic The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare), the Commission re-constituted the Working Group on the topic, which continued the evaluation of work on the topic, particularly in the light of the judgment of the International Court of Justice in Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) case, of 20 July 2012.

20. 关于“引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”专题,委员会重新组建了本专题工作组。 该工作组继续评估本专题的有关工作,特别是根据国际法院2012720日在“与引渡或起诉的义务有关的问题(比利时诉塞内加尔)”一案中作出的判决评估有关工作。

The Commission took note of the report of the Working Group, which is annexed to the present report (chap. X and annex A).


21. Concerning the topic The Most-Favoured-Nation clause, the Commission re-constituted the Study Group on the topic, which, inter alia, continued to examine the various factors that seemed to influence investment tribunals in interpreting MFN clauses, on the basis, inter alia, of contemporary practice and jurisprudence, in particular Daimler Financial Services AG v. Argentine Republic  and Kılıç Ĭnşaat Ĭthalat Ĭhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi v. Turkmenistan  (chap. XI).

21. 关于“最惠国条款”专题,委员会重新组建了本专题研究组。 除其他外,该研究组根据当代惯例和判例等,特别是戴姆勒金融服务公司(Daimler Financial Services AG)诉阿根廷共和国  以及宝剑建筑进出口工业和贸易公司(Kılıç İnşaat İthalat İhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi)诉土库曼斯坦  两案的判例,继续审查似乎会影响投资法庭解释最惠国条款的各种因素(第十一章)

22. The Commission established a Planning Group to consider its programme, procedures and working methods (chap. XII, sect.

22. 委员会设立了规划组,负责审议其方案、程序和工作方法(第十二章A)

A). The Commission decided to include the topic Protection of the atmospherein its programme of work, and to appoint Mr. Shinya Murase as Special Rapporteur for the topic (chap. XII, sect. A.1).


The Commission also decided to include in its long-term programme of work the topic Crimes against humanity(chap. XII, sect. A.2 and annex B).


23. The Commission continued traditional exchanges of information with the International Court of Justice, the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, the European Committee on Legal Cooperation and the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law of the Council of Europe, and the Inter-American Juridical Committee.

23. 委员会继续与以下组织进行传统的信息交流:国际法院、亚非法律协商组织、欧洲委员会欧洲法律合作委员会和国际公法法律顾问委员会、美洲法律委员会。

The Commission also had an exchange of information with the African Union Commission on International Law.


Members of the Commission also held informal meetings with other bodies and associations on matters of mutual interest (chap. XII, sect.


C). 24. The Commission decided that its sixty-sixth session be held in Geneva from 5 May to 6 June and 7 July to 8 August 2014 (chap. XII, sect. B).

24. 委员会决定第六十六届会议于201455日至66日和77日至88日在日内瓦举行(第十二章B)

Chapter III Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission

第三章 委员会特别想听取意见的具体问题

A. Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

A. 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免

25. The Commission requests States to provide information, by 31 January 2014, on the practice of their institutions, and in particular, on judicial decisions, with reference to the meaning given to the phrases official actsand acts performed in an official capacityin the context of the immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

25. 关于“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”专题,委员会请缔约国在2014131日之前提供资料,说明国内机构如何定义国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免情况下的“公务行为”或“以公务身份实施的行为”,特别是提供司法判决。 委员会请各国在2014131日之前提供这些资料。

B. Formation and evidence of customary international law

B. 习惯国际法的形成与证据

26. The Commission requests States to provide information, by 31 January 2014, on their practice relating to the formation of customary international law and the types of evidence suitable for establishing such law in a given situation, as set out in:

26. 委员会请各国在2014131日之前提供资料,说明以下文件体现的关于国际习惯法的形成与证据的国家实践,以及在特定情况下有助于确立此种法律的证据类型:

(a) official statements before legislatures, courts and international organizations; and

(a) 在立法机构、法院和国际组织的正式发言;以及

(b) decisions of national, regional and subregional courts.

(b) 国家、区域和次区域法院的判决。

C. Provisional application of treaties

C. 条约的暂时适用

27. The Commission requests States to provide information, by 31 January 2014, on their practice concerning the provisional application of treaties, with examples, in particular in relation to:

27. 委员会请各国在2014131日之前提供资料,说明其关于暂时适用条约的实践,并特别举例说明以下方面的实践:

(a) the decision to provisionally apply a treaty;

(a) 关于暂时适用条约的决定;

(b) the termination of such provisional application; and

(b) 此种暂时适用的终止;以及

(c) the legal effects of provisional application.

(c) 暂时适用的法律效力。

D. Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts

D. 与武装冲突有关的环境保护

28. The Commission would like to have information from States on whether, in their practice, international or domestic environmental law has been interpreted as applicable in relation to international or non-international armed conflict.

28. 关于这一专题,委员会希望各国提供资料,说明在它们的实践中,在涉及国际或非国际武装冲突时,国际或国内环境法是否被解释为适用。

The Commission would particularly appreciate receiving examples of:


(a) treaties, particularly relevant regional or bilateral treaties;

(a) 条约,特别是有关的区域或双边条约;

(b) national legislation relevant to the topic, including legislation implementing regional or bilateral treaties;

(b) 与本专题有关的国内法律,包括执行区域或双边条约的国内法律;

(c) case law in which international or domestic environmental law was applied to disputes arising from situations of armed conflict.

(c) 对武装冲突局势引起的争端适用国际或国内环境法的判例法。

Chapter IV Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties

第四章 与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例

A. Introduction

A. 导言

29. The Commission, at its sixtieth session (2008), decided to include the topic Treaties over timein its programme of work and to establish a Study Group on the topic at its sixty-first session.

29. 委员会第六十届会议(2008)决定将“条约随时间演变”专题列入其工作方案,并决定在第六十一届会议上设立一个专题研究组。

 At its sixty-first session (2009), the Commission established the Study Group on Treaties over time, chaired by Mr. Georg Nolte.


At that session, the Study Group focused its discussions on the identification of the issues to be covered, the working methods of the Study Group and the possible outcome of the Commissions work on the topic.


30. From the sixty-second to the sixty-fourth session (20102012), the Study Group was reconstituted under the chairmanship of Mr. Georg Nolte.

30. 从第六十二届至第六十四届会议(2010-2012),都重新设立了研究组,由格奥尔格·诺尔特先生任主席。

The Study Group examined three reports presented informally by the Chairman, which addressed, respectively, the relevant jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and arbitral tribunals of ad hoc jurisdiction;  the jurisprudence under special regimes relating to subsequent agreements and subsequent practice;  and subsequent agreements and subsequent practice of States outside judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings.

研究组审查了研究组主席非正式提交的三份报告,这些报告分别讨论了国际法院和具有特别管辖权的仲裁法庭的相关判例;  在特殊制度下与嗣后协定和嗣后惯例有关的判例;  以及在司法和准司法程序外的国家嗣后协定和嗣后惯例。  

31. At the sixty-third session (2011), the Chairman of the Study Group presented nine preliminary conclusions, reformulated in the light of the discussions in the Study Group.

31. 在第六十三届会议上(2011),研究组主席提交了参照研究组讨论情况重新拟订的九项初步结论。

 At the sixty-fourth session (2012), the Chairman presented the text of six additional preliminary conclusions, also reformulated in the light of the discussions in the Study Group.


 The Study Group also discussed the format in which the further work on the topic should proceed and the possible outcome of the work.


A number of suggestions were formulated by the Chairman and agreed upon by the Study Group.


32. At the sixty-fourth session (2012), the Commission, on the basis of a recommendation of the Study Group,  also decided (a) to change, with effect from its sixty-fifth session (2013), the format of the work on this topic as suggested by the Study Group; and (b) to appoint Mr. Georg Nolte as Special Rapporteur for the topic Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties.

32. 在第六十四届会议上(2012),委员会根据研究组的建议  还决定:(a) 按照研究组的建议自第六十五届会议(2013)起改变本专题的工作方式;(b) 任命格奥尔格·诺尔特先生为“与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”专题特别报告员。  

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

33. At the present session, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/660), which it considered at its 3159th to 3163rd meetings, from 6 to 8 and on 10 and 14 May 2013.

33. 委员会在本届会议上收到了特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/660),并在201356日至8日及10日和14日举行的第31593163次会议上进行了审议。

34. In his first report, the Special Rapporteur, after addressing the scope, aim and possible outcome of the work on this topic (section II), considered the general rule and means of treaty interpretation (section III); subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as means of interpretation (section IV); the definition of subsequent agreement and subsequent practice as means of treaty interpretation (section V); and attribution of a treaty related practice to a State (section VI).

34. 在其第一次报告中,特别报告员先是处理了此专题的范围、目标和可能成果(第二节),然后考虑了条约解释通则和资料(第三节);以嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为解释资料(第四节);嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为条约解释资料的定义(第五节);将与条约有关的惯例归于一个国家(第六节)

The report also contained some indications as to the future programme of work (section VII).


The Special Rapporteur proposed a draft conclusion corresponding with each of the four issues addressed in sections III to VI.


35. At its 3163rd meeting, on 14 May 2013, the Commission referred draft conclusions 1 to 4, as contained in the Special Rapporteurs first report, to the Drafting Committee.

35. 2013514日第3163次会议上,委员会将载于特别报告员第一次报告的结论草案14移交起草委员会。

36. At its 3172nd meetings, on 31 May 2013, the Commission considered the report of the Drafting Committee and provisionally adopted five draft conclusions (see section C.1 below).

36. 2013531日第3172次会议上,委员会审议了起草委员会的报告并暂时通过了五项结论草案(见下文C.1)

37. At its 3191st to 3193rd meetings, on 5 and 6 August 2013, the Commission adopted the commentaries to the draft conclusions provisionally adopted at the current session (see section C.2 below).

37. 201385日和6日第3191至第3193次会议上,委员会通过了本届会议暂时通过的结论草案的评注(见下文C.2)

C. Text of the draft conclusions on subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties, as provisionally adopted by the Commission at its sixty-fifth session

C. 委员会第六十五届会议暂时通过的关于与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例的结论草案案文

1. Text of the draft conclusions

1. 结论草案案文

38. The text of the draft conclusions provisionally adopted so far by the Commission is reproduced below.

38. 委员会迄今为止暂时通过的结论草案案文载录如下。

Conclusion 1 General rule and means of treaty interpretation

结论1 条约解释通则和资料

1. Articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties set forth, respectively, the general rule of interpretation and the rule on supplementary means of interpretation.

1. 《维也纳条约法公约》第三十一和第三十二条分别规定了解释条约的通则和关于解释条约的补充资料的规则。

These rules also apply as customary international law.


2. A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to its terms in their context and in the light of its object and purpose.

2. 条约应按照其用语按上下文所具有的通常含义并参照该条约的目的和宗旨善意地予以解释。

3. Article 31, paragraph 3, provides, inter alia, that there shall be taken into account, together with the context, (a) any subsequent agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty or the application of its provisions; and (b) any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation.

3. 第三十一条第三款除其他外规定,应与上下文一并考虑到的还有:(a) 缔约方之间嗣后所订关于条约的解释或其规定的适用的任何协定;和(b) 在条约适用方面确定各缔约方对条约的解释意思一致的任何嗣后惯例。

4. Recourse may be had to other subsequent practice in the application of the treaty as a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32.

4. 可将条约适用方面的其他嗣后惯例作为第三十二条所称的补充的解释资料加以使用。

5. The interpretation of a treaty consists of a single combined operation, which places appropriate emphasis on the various means of interpretation indicated, respectively, in articles 31 and 32.

5. 条约的解释是单一的综合行动,这一行动对第三十一和第三十二条分别载明的各种解释资料各给予适当的强调。

Conclusion 2 Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as authentic means of interpretation

结论2 以嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为作准的解释资料

Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under article 31, paragraph 3 (a) and (b), being objective evidence of the understanding of the parties as to the meaning of the treaty, are authentic means of interpretation, in the application of the general rule of treaty interpretation reflected in article 31.


Conclusion 3 Interpretation of treaty terms as capable of evolving over time

结论3 能够随时间演变的条约用语的解释

Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32 may assist in determining whether or not the presumed intention of the parties upon the conclusion of the treaty was to give a term used a meaning which is capable of evolving over time.


Conclusion 4 Definition of subsequent agreement and subsequent practice

结论4 嗣后协定和嗣后惯例的定义

1. A subsequent agreementas an authentic means of interpretation under article 31, paragraph 3 (a) is an agreement between the parties, reached after the conclusion of a treaty, regarding the interpretation of the treaty or the application of its provisions.

1. “嗣后协定”作为第三十一条第三款(a)项之下作准的解释资料是指缔约方在条约缔结后达成的关于解释条约或适用条约规定的协定。

2. A subsequent practiceas an authentic means of interpretation under article 31, paragraph 3 (b) consists of conduct in the application of a treaty, after its conclusion, which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty.

2. “嗣后惯例”作为第三十一条第三款(b)项之下作准的解释资料是指条约缔结后确定各缔约方对条约的解释意思一致的适用条约的行为。

3. Other subsequent practiceas a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32 consists of conduct by one or more parties in the application of the treaty, after its conclusion.

3. 其他“嗣后惯例”作为第三十二条之下的补充的解释资料是指条约缔结后一个或多个缔约方适用条约的行为。

Conclusion 5 Attribution of subsequent practice

结论5 嗣后惯例的归属

1. Subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32 may consist of any conduct in the application of a treaty which is attributable to a party to the treaty under international law.

1. 第三十一和第三十二条所称的嗣后惯例可包括依国际法可归属于条约某一缔约方的任何适用条约的行为。

2. Other conduct, including by non-State actors, does not constitute subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32.

2. 其他行为,包括非国家行为者的行为,不构成第三十一和第三十二条所称的嗣后惯例。

Such conduct may, however, be relevant when assessing the subsequent practice of parties to a treaty.


2. Text of the draft conclusions and commentaries thereto provisionally adopted by the Commission at its sixty-fifth session

2. 委员会第六十五届会议暂时通过的结论草案案文及其评注

39. The text of the draft conclusions, together with commentaries, provisionally adopted by the Commission at the sixty-fifth session, is reproduced below.

39. 委员会第六十五届会议暂时通过的结论草案案文及其评注载录如下。



(1) The following draft conclusions are based on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna Convention),  which constitutes the framework for the work on the topic Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to treaty interpretation.

(1) 以下结论草案以《维也纳条约法公约》(《维也纳公约》)  为基础,该公约构成“与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”的框架。

The Commission considers that the relevant rules of the Vienna Convention today enjoy general acceptance.


(2) The first five draft conclusions are general in nature.

(2) 头五个结论草案为一般性质。

Other aspects of the topic, in particular more specific points, will be addressed at a later stage of the work.


Conclusion 1 General rule and means of treaty interpretation

结论1 条约解释通则和资料

1. Articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties set forth, respectively, the general rule of interpretation and the rule on supplementary means of interpretation.

1. 《维也纳条约法公约》第三十一和第三十二条分别规定了解释条约的通则和关于解释条约的补充资料的规则。

These rules also apply as customary international law.


2. A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to its terms in their context and in the light of its object and purpose.

2. 条约应按照其用语按上下文所具有的通常含义并参照该条约的目的和宗旨善意地予以解释。

3. Article 31, paragraph 3, provides, inter alia, that there shall be taken into account, together with the context, (a) any subsequent agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty or the application of its provisions; and (b) any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation.

3. 第三十一条第三款除其他外规定,应与上下文一并考虑到的还有:(a) 缔约方之间嗣后所订关于条约的解释或其规定的适用的任何协定;和(b) 在条约适用方面确定各缔约方对条约的解释意思一致的任何嗣后惯例。

4. Recourse may be had to other subsequent practice in the application of the treaty as a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32.

4. 可将条约适用方面的其他嗣后惯例作为第三十二条所称的补充的解释资料加以使用。

5. The interpretation of a treaty consists of a single combined operation, which places appropriate emphasis on the various means of interpretation indicated, respectively, in articles 31 and 32.

5. 条约的解释是单一的综合行动,这一行动对第三十一和第三十二条分别载明的各种解释资料各给予适当的强调。



(1) Draft conclusion 1 situates subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as a means of treaty interpretation within the framework of the rules on the interpretation of treaties set forth in articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention.

(1) 结论草案1规定,嗣后协定和嗣后惯例为在《维也纳条约法公约》(《维也纳公约》)第三十一和第三十二条所述解释条约规则框架范围内条约解释的资料。

The title General Rule and Means of Treaty Interpretationsignals two points.


First, article 31 of the Vienna Convention, as a whole, is the general ruleof treaty interpretation.


 Second, articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention together list a number of means of interpretationwhich must (article 31) or may (article 32) be taken into account in the interpretation of treaties.


(2) Paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 1 emphasizes the interrelationship between articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention, as well as the fact that these provisions, together, reflect customary international law.

(2) 结论草案11段强调《维也纳公约》第三十一和第三十二条之间的相互关系,谈到这些规定共同反映了习惯国际法。

The reference to both articles 31 and 32 clarifies from the start the general context in which subsequent agreements and subsequent practice are addressed in the draft conclusions.


(3) Whereas article 31 sets forth the general rule and article 32 deals with supplementary means of interpretation, both rules  must be read together as they constitute an integrated framework for the interpretation of treaties.

(3) 第三十一条载有通则,而第三十二条则涉及解释的补充资料,这两项规则  必须一并阅读,因为它们构成解释条约的整体框架。

Article 32 includes a threshold between the primary means of interpretation according to article 31,22  all of which are to be taken into account in the process of interpretation, and supplementary means of interpretationto which recourse may be had when the interpretation according to article 31 leaves the meaning of the treaty or its terms ambiguous or obscure or leads to a result which is manifestly absurd or unreasonable.

第三十二条含有一个分界点,区分出以下两者:在解释过程中依照第三十一条均必须考虑的主要解释资料  与依照第三十一条解释而条约意义或其术语仍属不明或难解时或所获结果显属荒谬或不合理时可使用的“解释之补充资料”。

(4) The second sentence of paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 1 confirms that the rules enshrined in articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention reflect customary international law.2322  International courts and tribunals have acknowledged the customary character of these rules.

(4) 结论草案11段第二句确认《维也纳公约》第三十一条和第三十二条所载规则反映了习惯国际法。

This is true, in particular, for the International Court of Justice,  the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS),  inter-State arbitrations  the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO),  the European Court of Human Rights,  the Inter-American Court of Human Rights,  the Court of Justice of the European Union,  and tribunals established by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States.

各种国际法院和法庭均承认这些规则的习惯性质,尤其是国际法院、  国际海洋法法庭、  国家间仲裁、  世界贸易组织(世贸组织)上诉机构、  欧洲人权法院、  美洲人权法院、  欧洲联盟法院、  和《关于解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端公约》之下的国际投资争端解决中心所设各法庭。

 Hence, the rules contained in articles 31 and 32 apply as treaty law in relation to those States which are parties to the Vienna Convention for treaties which fall within the scope of the Convention, and as customary international law between all States.


(5) The Commission also considered referring to article 33 of the Vienna Convention in draft conclusion 1 and whether this provision also reflected customary international law.

(5) 委员会还审议了在结论草案1中提到《维也纳公约》第三十三条以及该条是否也反映习惯国际法的问题。

Article 33 may be relevant for draft conclusions on the topic of Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to treaty interpretation.


A subsequent agreementunder article 31 (3) (a), for example, could be formulated in two or more languages, and there could be questions regarding the relationship of any subsequent agreement to different language versions of the treaty itself.


The Commission nevertheless decided not to address such questions for the time being, but left open the possibility to do so should this issue come up in the future work on the topic.


(6) The Commission, in particular, considered whether the rules set forth in article 33 reflected customary international law.

(6) 委员会尤其审议了第三十三条所列规则是否反映了习惯国际法的问题。

Some members thought that all the rules in article 33 reflected customary international law, while others wanted to leave open the possibility that only some, but not all, rules set forth in this provision qualified as such.


The jurisprudence of international courts and tribunals has not yet fully addressed the question.


The International Court of Justice and the WTO Appellate Body have considered parts of article 33 to reflect rules of customary international law: In LaGrand, the Court recognized that paragraph 4 of article 33 reflects customary international law.


 It is less clear whether the International Court of Justice in the Kasikili/Sedudu Island case considered that paragraph 3 of article 33 reflected a customary rule.


 The WTO Appellate Body has held that the rules in paragraphs 3 and 4 reflect customary law.


 The Arbitral Tribunal in the Young Loan Arbitration found that paragraph 1 incorporateda principle.

 仲裁法庭在Young Loan 仲裁案中认定,第1款“纳入”了一项“原则”。

 The ITLOS and the European Court of Human Rights have gone one step further and stated that article 33 as a whole reflects customary law.


 Thus, there are significant indications in the case law that article 33, in its entirety, indeed reflects customary international law.


(7) Paragraph 2 of draft conclusion 1 reproduces the text of article 31 (1) given its importance for the topic.

(7) 鉴于第三十一条第1款对于本专题的重要性,结论草案12段转载了该款的案文。

Article 31 (1) is the point of departure for any treaty interpretation according to the general rule contained in article 31 as a whole.


This is intended to contribute to ensuring the balance in the process of interpretation between an assessment of the terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of its object and purpose, on the one hand, and the considerations regarding subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in the following draft conclusions.


The reiteration of article 31 (1) as a separate paragraph is not, however, meant to suggest that this paragraph, and the means of interpretation mentioned therein, possess a primacy in substance within the context of article 31 itself.


All means of interpretation in article 31 are part of a single integrated rule.


(8) Paragraph 3 reproduces the language of articles 31 (3) (a) and (b) of the Vienna Convention, in order to situate subsequent agreements and subsequent practice, as the main focus of the topic, within the general legal framework of treaty interpretation.

 (8) 3段沿用了《维也纳公约》第三十一条第3(a)(b)项的措辞,以便将作为本专题主要核心的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例置于条约解释的一般法律框架之内。

Accordingly, the chapeau of article 31 (3) there shall be taken into account, together with the contextis maintained in order to emphasise that the assessment of the means of interpretation mentioned in paragraph 3 (a) and (b) of article 31 are an integral part of the general rule of interpretation set forth in article 31.29


(9) Paragraph 4 clarifies that subsequent practice in the application of the treaty, which does not meet all criteria of article 31 (3) (b), nevertheless falls within the scope of article 32.

(9) 4段澄清了嗣后在条约适用方面的惯例,其并不符合第三十一条第3(b)项的所有标准,但是却在第三十二条的范围之内。

Article 32 includes a non-exhaustive list of supplementary means of interpretation.24  Paragraph 4 borrows the language recourse may be hadfrom article 32 to maintain the distinction between the mandatory character of the taking into account of the means of interpretation, which are referred to in article 31, and the discretionary nature of the use of the supplementary means of interpretation under article 32.

第三十二条列入了一个非详尽的补充解释资料清单。  第4段借用了第三十二条的“得使用”的措辞,以维持第三十一条提到的考虑解释资料的强制性和根据第三十二条使用补充解释资料的更多的任意性之间的区分。

(10) In particular, subsequent practice in the application of the treaty, which does not establish the agreement of all parties to the treaty, but only of one or more parties, may be used as a supplementary means of interpretation.

(10) 特别是,嗣后在条约适用方面的惯例,其并非该条约所有缔约方、而仅仅是一个或数个缔约方的协定,可被用作解释的补充资料。

This was stated by the Commission,  and has since been recognized by international courts and tribunals,  and in the literature2424  (see in more detail paras. (22) to (36) of the commentary to draft conclusion 4).

委员会曾这样阐述,  并得到各国际法院和法庭的承认,  在文献中也得到承认  (更多详情,见结论草案4的评注第(22)至第(36))

(11) The Commission did not, however, consider that subsequent practice, which is not in the application of the treaty, should be dealt with, in the present draft conclusions, as a supplementary means of interpretation.

(11) 但是,委员会并不认为,应当在本结论草案中处理不在“条约适用方面”的嗣后惯例作为补充解释材料的问题。

Such practice may, however, under certain circumstances be a relevant supplementary means of interpretation as well.29  But such practice is beyond what the Commission now addresses under the present topic, except insofar as it may contribute to assessingrelevant subsequent practice in the application of a treaty (see draft conclusion 5 and accompanying commentary).

然而,在特定情况下,这种惯例也可作为相关补充解释资料。  但除了其可能有助于“评估”条约适用方面相关嗣后惯例之外,此类惯例超过了委员会目前在本专题之下处理的范围(见结论草案5及其评注)

Thus, paragraph 4 of draft conclusion 1 requires that any subsequent practice be in the application of the treaty, as does paragraph 3 of draft conclusion 4, which defines other subsequent practice’”.


(12) The Commission considered it important to complete draft conclusion 1 by emphasising in paragraph 529  that, notwithstanding the structure of draft conclusion 1, moving from the general to the more specific, the process of interpretation is a single combined operation, which requires that appropriate emphasisis placed on various means of interpretation.29  The expression single combined operationis drawn from the Commissions commentary to the 1966 draft articles on the Law of Treaties.

(12) 委员会认为,结论草案1若要完整,重要的是要在第5段  中强调,尽管结论草案1的结构是从一般到具体,但解释过程是一个“单一的综合行动”,要求“适当强调”各种解释资料 。 “单一的综合行动”这一表述取自委员会1966年对《条约法》条款的评注。

 There the Commission also stated that it intended to emphasize that the process of interpretation is a unity.


(13) Paragraph 5 of draft conclusion 1 also explains that appropriate emphasis must be placed, in the course of the process of interpretation as a single combined operation, on the various means of interpretation, which are referred to in articles 31 and 32.

(13) 结论草案15段还说明,在第三十一条和第三十二条提到的作为“单一的综合行动”的解释过程中,必须对各种解释资料给予适当的强调。

The Commission did not, however, consider it necessary to include a reference, by way of example, to one or more specific means of interpretation in the text of Paragraph 5 of draft conclusion 1.


 This avoids a possible misunderstanding that any one of the different means of interpretation has priority over others, regardless of the specific treaty provision or the case concerned.


(14) Paragraph 5 uses the term means of interpretation.

(14) 5段使用了“解释资料”一语。

This term captures not only the supplementary means of interpretation, which are referred to in article 32, but also the elements mentioned in article 31.2225  Whereas the Commission, in its commentary on the draft articles on the Law of Treaties, sometimes used the terms means of interpretationand elements of interpretationinterchangeably, for the purpose of the present topic the Commission retained the term means of interpretationbecause it also describes their function in the process of interpretation as a tool or an instrument.

这一术语不仅涵盖第三十二条所提及的“补充解释资料”,而且涵盖第三十一条所提到的各个要素。  在对《条约法》条款草案的评注中,委员会有时交替使用“解释资料”和“解释要素”,而为了本专题的目的,委员会保留了“解释资料”这一术语,因为它还描述了其作为工具或手段在解释过程中的作用。

 The term meansdoes not set apart from each other the different elements, which are mentioned in articles 31 and 32. It rather indicates that these means each have a function in the process of interpretation, which is a single, and at the same time a combinedoperation.


 Just as courts typically begin their reasoning by looking at the terms of the treaty, and then continue, in an interactive process,  to analyse those terms in their context and in the light of the object and purpose of the treaty,242444  the precise relevance of different means of interpretation must first be identified in any case of treaty interpretation before they can be thrown into the crucible”  in order to arrive at a proper interpretation, by giving them appropriate weight in relation to each other.

 正如法院推理通常首先是看条约的术语,继而在一个互动进程中,  结合上下文并根据条约的目的和宗旨,分析这些术语一样,  在进行条约解释的任何情况下,必须首先确定不同解释资料确切的相关性,然后才能将其 “扔进熔炉”,  对其给予相应的适当权衡,以得出一个适当的解释。

(15) The obligation to place appropriate emphasis on the various means of interpretationmay, in the course of the interpretation of a treaty in specific cases, result in a different emphasis on the various means of interpretation depending on the treaty or on the treaty provisions concerned.

(15) 在具体案件的条约解释过程中,对“各种解释资料给予适当的强调”的义务,可能产生对各种解释资料的不同的强调,取决于有关条约或条约条款的具体情况。

 This is not to suggest that a court or any other interpreter is more or less free to choose how to use and apply the different means of interpretation.


What guides the interpretation is the evaluation by the interpreter, which consists in identifying the relevance of different means of interpretation in a specific case and in determining their interaction with the other means of interpretation in this case by placing a proper emphasis on them in good faith, as required by the rule to be applied.


This evaluation should include, if possible and practicable, consideration of relevant prior assessments and decisions in the same and possibly also in other relevant areas.


(16) The Commission debated whether it would be appropriate to refer, in draft conclusion 1, to the natureof the treaty as a factor which would typically be relevant to determining whether more or less weight should be given to certain means of interpretation.

 (16) 在结论草案1中是否宜提到条约的“性质”并视之为在确定给予某些解释资料或多或少的权重时通常相关的因素,委员会进行了辩论。

 Some members considered that the subject-matter of a treaty (e.g. whether provisions concern purely economic matters or rather address the human rights of individuals; and whether the rules of a treaty are more technical or more value-oriented) as well as its basic structure and function (e.g. whether provisions are more reciprocal in nature or more intended to protect a common good) may affect its interpretation.


They indicated that the jurisprudence of different international courts and tribunals suggested that this is the case.29  It was also mentioned that the concept of the natureof a treaty is not alien to the Vienna Convention (see e.g. article 56 (1) (a))  and that the concept of the natureof the treaty and/or of treaty provisions had been included in other work of the Commission, in particular on the topic of the Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties.

他们说,各国际法院和法庭的判例表明,情况就是如此。  有人还提到,条约的“性质”的概念对《维也纳公约》而言并不陌生(参见第五十六条第(1) (a)),  条约和/或条约条款的“性质”的概念被纳入了委员会的其他工作,特别是关于武装冲突对条约的影响专题。

 Other members, however, considered that the draft conclusion should not refer to the natureof the treaty in order to preserve the unity of the interpretation process and to avoid any categorization of treaties.


The point was also made that the notion of the nature of the treatywas unclear and that it would be difficult to distinguish it from the object and purpose of the treaty.


 The Commission ultimately decided to leave the question open and to make no reference in draft conclusion 1 to the nature of the treaty for the time being.


Conclusion 2 Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as authentic means of interpretation

结论2 以嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为作准的解释资料

Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under article 31, paragraph 3 (a) and (b), being objective evidence of the understanding of the parties as to the meaning of the treaty, are authentic means of interpretation, in the application of the general rule of treaty interpretation reflected in article 31.




(1) By characterizing subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (a) and (b) of the Vienna Convention as authentic means of interpretationthe Commission indicates the reason why those means are significant for the interpretation of treaties.

(1) 通过将《维也纳公约》第三十一条第三款(a)(b)项之下的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例定性为“作准的解释资料”,委员会指出了为什么这些资料是条约解释的重要因素。

 The Commission thereby follows its 1966 commentary on the draft articles on the law of treaties which described subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under articles 31 (3) (a) and (b) as authentic means of interpretationand which underlined that:


The importance of such subsequent practice in the application of a treaty, as an element of interpretation, is obvious; for it constitutes objective evidence of the understanding of the parties as to the meaning of the treaty.



(2) Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (a) and (b) are, however, not the only authentic means of interpretation.

(2) 但是,第三十一条第三款(a)(b)项之下的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例并非唯一的“作准的解释资料”。

Analyzing the ordinary meaning of the text of a treaty, in particular, is also such a means.


As the Commission has explained


() the Commissions approach to treaty interpretation was on the basis that the text of the treaty must be presumed to be the authentic expression of the intentions of the parties, () making the ordinary meaning of the terms, the context of the treaty, its object and purpose, and the general rules of international law, together with authentic interpretations by the parties, the primary criteria for interpreting a treaty.


The term authenticthus refers to different forms of objective evidence, or proofof conduct of the parties which reflects the common understanding of the partiesas to the meaning of the treaty.


(3) By describing subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (a) and (b) as authenticmeans of interpretation the Commission recognizes that the common will of the parties, from which any treaty results, possesses a specific authority regarding the identification of the meaning of the treaty, even after the conclusion of the treaty.

(3) 通过将第三十一条第三款(a)(b)项描述为解释的“作准”资料,委员会承认缔约国的共同意愿,从这一意愿出发,任何条约结果在确定条约的意义方面都具有特定的权威性,甚至在条约缔结之后也是如此。

The Vienna Convention thereby accords the parties to a treaty a role which may be uncommon for the interpretation of legal instruments in some domestic legal systems.


(4) The character of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice of the parties under article 31 (3) (a) and (b) as authentic means of interpretationdoes not, however, imply that these means necessarily possess a conclusive, or legally binding, effect.

(4) 但是,第三十一条第三款(a)(b)项之下嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为“作准的解释资料”并不意味着这些资料必然是决定性的或具有法律约束力。

According to the chapeau of article 31 (3), subsequent agreements and subsequent practice shall, after all, only be taken into accountin the interpretation of a treaty, which consists of a single combined operationwith no hierarchy among the means of interpretation which are referred to in article 31.


 For this reason, and contrary to a view of some commentators,23  subsequent agreements and subsequent practice which establish the agreement of the parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty are not necessarily conclusive, or legally binding.29  Thus, when the Commission characterized a subsequent agreementas representing an authentic interpretation by the parties which must be read into the treaty for purposes of its interpretation,  it did not go quite as far as saying that such an interpretation is necessarily conclusive in the sense that it overrides all other means of interpretation.

 因此,与某些评论者的意见相反,  确定缔约国同意条约解释的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例并非必然是决定性的或具有法律约束力。  因此,委员会将“嗣后协定”定性为代表“缔约国的权威解释,其必须结合条约本身加以解释”,  这并非是说,在其高于所有其他解释资料这一意义上,此种解释必然是决定性的。

(5) This does not exclude that the parties to a treaty, if they wish, may reach a binding agreement regarding the interpretation of a treaty.

(5) 这不排除条约缔约国在愿意的情况下,就条约的解释达成一项具有约束力的协定。

The Special Rapporteur on the law of treaties, Sir Humphrey Waldock, stated in his Third Report on the Law of Treaties that it may be difficult to distinguish subsequent practice of the parties under what became article 31 (3) (a) and (b) which is only to be taken into account, among other means, in the process of interpretation and a later agreement which the parties consider to be binding:

条约法问题特别报告员汉弗雷·沃尔多克爵士在关于条约法的第三次报告中说,在解释过程中,可能难以区分构成第三十一条第三款(a)(b)项的缔约国嗣后协定―― 其仅应当在解释过程中与其他资料一并考虑―― 和缔约国认为具有约束力的稍后的协定:

Subsequent practice when it is consistent and embraces all the parties would appear to be decisive of the meaning to be attached to the treaty, at any rate when it indicates that the parties consider the interpretation to be binding upon them.


In these cases, subsequent practice as an element of treaty interpretation and as an element in the formation of a tacit agreement overlap and the meaning derived from the practice becomes an authentic interpretation established by agreement.


 (emphasis added)


Whereas Waldocks original view that (simple) agreed subsequent practice would appear to be decisive of the meaningwas ultimately not adopted in the Vienna Convention, subsequent agreements and subsequent practice establishing the agreement of the parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty must be conclusive regarding such interpretation when the parties consider the interpretation to be binding upon them.

沃尔多克最初的意见―― 即(单一的)商定的嗣后惯例“看来在确定意义方面具有决定性”―― 这一意见,《维也纳公约》最终没有采纳,但是,在“缔约国认为解释对其有约束力”之时,确立缔约国同意有关条约解释的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例在有关此种解释方面必定是决定性的。

It is, however, always possible that provisions of domestic law prohibit the government of a State from arriving at a binding agreement in such cases without satisfying certain mostly procedural requirements under its constitution.


(6) The possibility of arriving at a binding subsequent interpretative agreement by the parties is particularly clear in cases in which the treaty itself so provides.

(6) 在条约本身有此规定的情况下,缔约国达成有约束力的嗣后解释性协定的可能性十分明显。

Article 1131 (2) NAFTA, for example, provides that [a]n interpretation by the [inter-governmental] Commission of a provision of this Agreement shall be binding on a Tribunal established under this Section.


The existence of such a special procedure or an agreement regarding the authoritative interpretation of a treaty which the parties consider binding may or may not preclude additional recourse to subsequent agreements or subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (a) and (b).


(7) The Commission has continued to use the term authentic means of interpretationin order to describe the not necessarily conclusive, but to a more or less authoritative, character of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (a) and (b).

(7) 委员会继续使用“作准的解释资料”,以描述第三十一条第3(a)(b)项之下嗣后协定和嗣后惯例不一定具有的决定性但或多或少具有的权威性。

The Commission has not employed the terms authentic interpretationor authoritative interpretationin draft conclusion 2 since these concepts are often understood to mean a necessarily conclusive, or binding, agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty.64236829


(8) The term authentic means of interpretationencompasses a factual and a legal element.

(8) “作准的解释资料”包含了事实和法律要素。

The factual element is indicated by the expression objective evidence, whereas the legal element is contained in the concept of understanding of the parties.


Accordingly, the Commission characterized a subsequent agreementas representing an authentic interpretation by the parties which must be read into the treaty for purposes of its interpretation,  and subsequently stated that subsequent practice similarly () constitutes objective evidence of the understanding of the parties as to the meaning of the treaty.

因此,委员会将“嗣后协定”定性为表示“缔约国的权威解释,其解释必须结合条约本身阅读”,  并随后说明,嗣后惯例“同样()构成缔约国对条约意义的理解的客观证据”。

 Given the character of treaties as embodiments of the common will of their parties, objective evidenceof the understanding of the partiespossesses considerable authority as a means of interpretation.2374


(9) The distinction between any subsequent agreement(article 31 (3) (a)) and subsequent practice () which establishes the agreement of the parties(article 31 (3) (b)) does not denote a difference concerning their authentic character.

(9) “嗣后协定”(第三十一条第3(a))与“确定各当事国对协定…之嗣后惯例”(第三十一条第3(b))之间的区分并不意味着其在权威性方面有所不同。

 The Commission rather considers that a subsequent agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty or the application of its provisionsipso facto has the effect of constituting an authentic interpretation of the treaty, whereas a subsequent practiceonly has this effect if it shows the common understanding of the parties as to the meaning of the terms.


 Thus, the difference between a subsequent agreement between the partiesand a subsequent practice () which establishes the agreement of the partieslies in the manner of establishing the agreement of the parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty, with the difference being in the greater ease with which an agreement is established.


(10) Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as authentic means of treaty interpretation are not to be confused with interpretations of treaties by international courts, tribunals, or treaty bodies in specific cases.

(10) 不应当将作为作准的条约解释资料的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例与各国际法院、法庭或条约机构在具体案件中对条约的解释相混淆。

Subsequent agreements or subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (a) and (b) are authenticmeans of interpretation because they are expressions of the understanding of the treaty by the States parties themselves.


The authority of international courts, tribunals and treaty bodies rather derives from other sources, most often from the treaty which is to be interpreted.


Judgments and other pronouncements of international courts, tribunals and treaty bodies, however, may be indirectly relevant for the identification of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as authentic means of interpretation if they reflect or trigger such subsequent agreements and practice of the parties themselves.29


(11) Draft conclusions 1 and 4 distinguish between subsequent practiceestablishing the agreement of the parties under article 31 (3) (b) of the Vienna Convention, on the one hand, and other subsequent practice (in a broad sense) by one or more, but not all parties to the treaty which may be relevant as a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32.

(11) 结论草案14区分了《维也纳公约》第三十一条第3(b)项之下确定当事国之协定的“嗣后惯例”,和第三十二条之下作为补充解释资料可能相关的条约一个或多个、但并非所有当事国(广义的)其他嗣后惯例。

 Such othersubsequent interpretative practice which does not establish the agreement of all the parties cannot constitute an authenticinterpretation of a treaty by all its parties and thus will not possess the same weight for the purpose of interpretation.


(12) The last part of draft conclusion 2 makes it clear that any reliance on subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as authentic means of interpretation should occur as part of the application of the general rule of treaty interpretation reflected in article 31 of the Vienna Convention.

(12) 结论草案2的最后一部分清楚地表明,以嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为作准的解释资料应作为适用《维也纳公约》第三十一条所反映的条约解释通则的一部分。

Conclusion 3 Interpretation of treaty terms as capable of evolving over time

结论3 能够随时间演变的条约用语的解释

Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32 may assist in determining whether or not the presumed intention of the parties upon the conclusion of the treaty was to give a term used a meaning which is capable of evolving over time.




(1) Draft conclusion 3 addresses the role which subsequent agreements and subsequent practice may play in the context of the more general question of whether the meaning of a term of a treaty is capable of evolving over time.

(1) 结论草案3涉及在条约术语的含义是否能够随时间演变的更一般性问题的背景下,嗣后协定和嗣后惯例可以发挥的作用。

(2) In the case of treaties, the question of the so-called intertemporal law  has traditionally been put in terms of whether a treaty should be interpreted in the light of the circumstances and the law at the time of its conclusion (contemporaneousor staticinterpretation), or in the light of the circumstances and the law at the time of its application (evolutive, evolutionary, or dynamicinterpretation).

(2) 在涉及条约时,所谓时际法  的一般问题历来是这样提出的:条约是应当根据其缔结时的情况和法律来解释(“当时意义”或“静态”解释),还是应当根据使用之时的情况和法律来解释(“演进”、“演化”或“动态”解释)

 Arbitrator Max Hubers dictum in the Island of Palmas case according to which a judicial fact must be appreciated in the light of the law contemporary with it”  led many international courts and tribunals, as well as many writers, to generally favour contemporaneous interpretation.

 当初,仲裁官Max Hubert在帕尔马斯岛案中判词是“必须根据当时的法律来审视案件事实”,  导致许多国际法院和法庭以及许多法学家普遍赞成“注重当时意义的解释”方法。

 At the same time, the Tribunal in the Iron Rhine case asserted that there was,846984  general support among the leading writers today for evolutive interpretation of treaties.

 与此同时,法庭在“莱茵铁路公司”案中认为,  “今天,主流法学家普遍支持对条约的演进式解释”。

(3) The Commission, in its commentary on the draft articles on the law of treaties, considered in 1966 that to attempt to formulate a rule covering comprehensively the temporal element would present difficultiesand it, therefore, concluded that it should omit the temporal element.

(3) 1966年,委员会在条约法草案的评注中认为,“试图制定一项全面涵盖时间因素的通则会产生难题”,因此,委员会“得出结论认为,应忽略时间因素。”  

 Similarly, the debates within the Commissions Study Group on Fragmentation led to the conclusion in 2006 that it is difficult to formulate and to agree on a general rule which would give preference either to a principle of contemporaneous interpretationor to one which generally recognizes the need to take account of an evolving meaningof treaties.


(4) Draft conclusion 3 should not be read as taking any position regarding the appropriateness of a more contemporaneous or a more evolutive approach to treaty interpretation in general.

(4) 结论草案3不应当被视为一般条约解释采取当时意义办法适当还是采取演进办法适当这一问题采取了任何立场。

Draft conclusion 3 rather emphasizes that subsequent agreements and subsequent practice, as any other means of treaty interpretation, can support both a contemporaneous and an evolutive interpretation (or, as it is often called, evolutionary interpretation), where appropriate.


The Commission, therefore, concluded that these means of treaty interpretation may assist in determining whether or notan evolutive interpretation is appropriate with regard to a particular treaty term.


(5) This approach is confirmed by the jurisprudence of international courts and tribunals.

(5) 各国际法院和法庭的判例确认了这一办法。

The various international courts and tribunals which have engaged in evolutive interpretation albeit in varying degrees appear to have followed a case-by-case approach in determining, through recourse to the various means of treaty interpretation which are referred to in articles 31 and 32, whether or not a treaty term should be given a meaning capable of evolving over time.

采用演进解释办法―― 尽管程度不同―― 的各国际法院和法庭,看来都采用逐案处理的办法,通过第三十一条和第三十二条提到的各种条约解释资料,确定是否应当赋予条约术语以能够随时间演变的含义。

(6) The International Court of Justice, in particular, is seen as having developed two strands of jurisprudence, one tending towards a more contemporaneousand the other towards a more evolutionaryinterpretation, as Judge ad hoc Guillaume has pointed out in his Declaration in Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights.

(6) 特别是,国际法院被视为做出了两种判例,一种更偏向于“当时意义”解释,一种更偏向于“演变性”解释,正如纪尧姆专案法官在其关于航行权和相关权利的争端案的声明中所指出的。

 The decisions which favour a more contemporaneous approach mostly concern specific treaty terms (water-parting;  main channel/Thalweg;  names of places;  mouthof a river ).

 他认为,更倾向于当时意义办法的法院裁决大多涉及相当具体的条约术语(“分水岭”;  “主航道/河流最深线”;  地名;  “河口”  )

On the other hand, the cases which support an evolutive interpretation seem to relate to more general terms.


This is true, in particular, for terms which are by definition evolutionary, such as the strenuous conditions of the modern worldor the well-being and development of such peoplesin article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.


The International Court of Justice, in its Namibia Opinion, has given those terms an evolving meaning by referring to the evolution of the right of peoples to self-determination after the Second World War.


 The genericnature of a particular term in a treaty  and the fact that the treaty is designed to be of continuing duration”  may also give rise to an evolving meaning.

 某个条约的特定用语具有“通用”性质,  以及条约旨在“长期有效”,  可能也引起演变的含义。

(7) Other international judicial bodies sometimes also employ an evolutive approach to interpretation, though displaying different degrees of openness towards such interpretation.

(7) 其他国际司法机构有时也采用演进解释办法,尽管对此种解释表现出不同的开放程度。

The Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization has only occasionally resorted to evolutive interpretation.


In a well-known case it has, however, held that the generic term natural resourcesin article XX (g) is not staticin its content or reference but is rather by definition, evolutionary.


 The Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea has held that the meaning of certain obligations to ensure”  “may change over time,  and has emphasized that the rules of State liability in UNCLOS are apt to follow developments in the law and are not considered to be static.

 国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭认为,某些 “确保…的义务”的含义  “会随着时间而变化”,  并强调,《联合国海洋法公约》中关于国家责任的条款会随着法律的发展而发展,而“不会被认为是静止的”。

 The European Court of Human Rights has held more generally that the Convention is a living instrument which () must be interpreted in the light of present-day conditions.


 The Inter-American Court of Human Rights also more generally follows an evolutive approach to interpretation, in particular in connection with its so­called pro homine approach.


 In the Iron Rhine case the continued viability and effectiveness of a multi-dimensional cross-border railway arrangement was an important reason for the Tribunal to accept that even rather technical rules may have to be given an evolutive interpretation.


(8) In the final analysis, most international courts and tribunals have not recognized evolutive interpretation as a separate form of interpretation, but instead have arrived at such an evolutive interpretation in application of the various means of interpretation which are mentioned in articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention, by considering certain criteria (in particular those mentioned in paragraph (6) above) on a case-by-case basis.

(8) 归根到底,大多数国际法院和法庭并未将演进解释承认为解释的一种单独形式,而是通过在个案的基础上考虑某些标准(特别是以上第(6)段提到的标准),在使用各种解释资料中得出此种演进解释。

Any evolutive interpretation of the meaning of a term over time must therefore result from the ordinary process of treaty interpretation.


(9) The Commission considers that this state of affairs confirms its original approach to treaty interpretation:

(9) 委员会认为,这种情况确认了其最初对条约解释的办法:

() the Commissions approach to treaty interpretation was on the basis that the text of the treaty must be presumed to be the authentic expression of the intentions of the parties, and that the elucidation of the meaning of the text rather than an investigation ab initio of the supposed intentions of the parties constitutes the object of interpretation () making the ordinary meaning of the terms, the context of the treaty, its object and purpose, and the general rules of international law, together with authentic interpretations by the parties, the primary criteria for interpreting a treaty.

()委员会对条约解释的办法的基础是,条约案文必须假定为当事国意图的权威表述,案文意义的阐释―― 而非从头开始调查所谓当事国的意图―― 构成解释的目的(),将用语的通常含义、上下文、欺侮地和宗旨、国际法一般规则,以及当事国的权威解释作为条约解释的首要标准。 ”

Accordingly, draft conclusion 3, by using the phrase presumed intention, refers to the intention of the parties as determined through the application of the various means of interpretation which are recognized in articles 31 and 32.


The presumed intentionis thus not a separately identifiable original will, and the travaux préparatoires are not the primary basis for determining the presumed intention of the parties, but they are only, as article 32 indicates, a supplementary means of interpretation.


And although interpretation must seek to identify the intention of the parties, this must be done by the interpreter on the basis of the means of interpretation which are available at the time of the act of interpretation, and which include subsequent agreements and subsequent practice of parties to the treaty.


The interpreter thus has to answer the question whether parties can be presumed to have intended, upon the conclusion of the treaty, to give a term used a meaning which is capable of evolving over time.


(10) Draft conclusion 3 does not take a position regarding the question of the appropriateness of a more contemporaneous or a more evolutive approach to treaty interpretation in general (see above commentary, at paragraph (4)).

(10) 结论草案3没有普遍就条约解释应更多采取当时意义办法适当还是采取演进办法适当这一问题采取任何立场。 (见以上评注,第(4))

The conclusion should, however, be understood as indicating the need for some caution with regard to arriving at a conclusion in a specific case whether to adopt an evolutive approach.


For this purpose, draft conclusion 3 points to subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as means of interpretation which may provide useful indications to the interpreter for assessing, as part of the ordinary process of treaty interpretation, whether the meaning of a term is capable of evolving over time.23

为此目的,结论草案3将嗣后协定和嗣后惯例作为解释资料,从而可能提供有益的借鉴,有利于解释者评估―― 作为条约解释正常程序的一部分评估――术语的含义是否能够随时间演变。

(11) This approach is based on and confirmed by the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and other international courts and tribunals.

(11) 这一办法以国际法院和各其他国际法院和法庭的判例为基础并为其所确认。

In the Namibia Opinion the International Court of Justice referred to the practice of United Nations Organs and of States in order to specify the conclusions which it derived from the inherently evolutive nature of the right to self-determination.


 In the Aegean Sea case, the Court found it significantthat what it had identified as the ordinary, generic senseof the term territorial statuswas confirmed by the administrative practice of the United Nations and by the behaviour of the party which had invoked the restrictive interpretation in a different context.


10 In any case, the decisions in which International Court of Justice has undertaken an evolutive interpretation have not strayed from the possible meaning of the text and from the presumed intention of the parties to the treaty, as they had also been expressed in their subsequent agreements and subsequent practice. 11

10 无论如何,国际法院采取演进办法的裁定并未偏离案文可能具有的含义,并未偏离―― 如其在嗣后协定和嗣后惯例中也表示的―― 条约当事国的推定意图。 11

(12) The judgment of the International Court of Justice in Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights also illustrates how subsequent agreements and subsequent practice of the parties can assist in determining whether a term has to be given a meaning which is capable of evolving over time.

(12) 国际法院关于“关于航行权和相关权利的争端案”的判决也表明,缔约国的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例如何能够帮助确定某一术语是否具有能够随时间演变的含义。

Interpreting the term comercioin a treaty of 1858, the Court held:


On the one hand, the subsequent practice of the parties, within the meaning of article 31 (3) (b) of the Vienna Convention, can result in a departure from the original intent on the basis of a tacit agreement between the parties.


On the other hand, there are situations in which the partiesintent upon conclusion of the treaty was () to give the terms used () a meaning or content capable of evolving, not one fixed once and for all, so as to make allowance for, among other things, developments in international law.


The Court then found that the term comerciowas a generic termof which the parties necessarilyhad been aware that the meaning () was likely to evolve over timeand that the treaty has been entered into for a very long period, and concluded that the parties must be presumed () to have intendedthis term to have an evolving meaning.


13 Judge Skotnikov, in a Separate Opinion, while disagreeing with this reasoning, ultimately arrived at the same result by accepting that a more recent subsequent practice of Costa Rica related to tourism on the San Juan river for at least a decadeagainst which Nicaragua never protestedbut rather engaged in consistent practice of allowing tourist navigationand concluded that this suggests that the parties have established an agreement regarding its interpretation. 14

13 在个人意见中,斯科特尼科夫法官尽管不同意这一推理,但他最后也得出了同样的结果,他接受,对于哥斯达黎加最近“至少十年”有关圣胡安河旅游的嗣后惯例,尼加拉瓜“从未抗议”,而是“采取允许旅游航行的一贯做法”,并得出结论认为,这“表明当事国就其解释达成了一致”。 14

(13) The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia has sometimes taken more general forms of State practice into account, including trends in the legislation of States which, in turn, can give rise to a changed interpretation of the scope of crimes or their elements.

(13) 前南国际刑事法庭有时考虑到更普遍的国家惯例形式,包括会员国立法趋势,这反过来又可能改变对犯罪范围或犯罪要件的解释。

In Furundžija, for example, the Chamber of the ICTY, in search of a definition for the crime of rape as prohibited by article 27 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, article 76 (1) of the first Additional Protocol, and article 4 (2) (e) of the second Additional Protocol, 15 examined the principles of criminal law common to the major legal systems of the world and held

例如,在Furundzija一案中,前南问题国际法庭的分庭为界定《日内瓦第四公约》第27条、第一附加议定书第76(1)款和第二附加议定书第4(2)(E)项所禁止的强奸罪, 15 检查了世界各主要法律制度通用的刑法原则,并认为:

that a trend can be discerned in the national legislation of a number of States of broadening the definition of rape so that it now embraces acts that were previously classified as comparatively less serious offences, that is sexual or indecent assault.


This trend shows that at the national level States tend to take a stricter attitude towards serious forms of sexual assault.


(14) The living instrumentapproach of the European Court of Human Rights is also based, inter alia, on different forms of subsequent practice.29 17 While the Court does not generally require the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretationin the sense of article 31 (3) (b), the decisions in which it adopts an evolutive approach are regularly supported by an elaborate account of subsequent (state, social, and international legal) practice. 18

(14) 欧洲人权法院的“活的文书”的办法除其他外也是基于嗣后惯例的不同形式。 17 尽管该法院并不一般要求第三十一条第三款(b)项意义上的“当事国同意对条约解释之…”,但其采取演进办法的裁定往往辅之以详细叙述嗣后(国家、社会和国际法律)惯例。 18

(15) The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, despite its relatively rare mentioning of subsequent practice, frequently refers to broader international developments, an approach which falls somewhere between subsequent practice and other relevant rulesunder article 31 (3) (c).

(15) 美洲人权法院尽管相对而言很少提到嗣后惯例,但该法院常常提到更广泛的国际发展,这一办法介于嗣后惯例和第三十一条第3(c)项之下其他“相关规则”之间。

19 In the case of Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni Community v. Nicaragua, for example, the Court pointed out that

19 例如,在“Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni社区诉尼加拉瓜”案中,美洲人权法院指出:

human rights treaties are live instruments [instrumentos vivos] whose interpretation must adapt to the evolution of the times and, specifically, to current living conditions.

“人权条约是活动文书[instrumentos vivo],其解释必须适应于时代的演变,具体而言,适应于目前的生活条件。 ”

(16) The Human Rights Committee also on occasion adopts an evolutive approach which is based on developments of State practice.

(16) 人权事务委员会有时也采用基于国家实践的发展的演进办法。

Thus, in Judge v. Canada, the Committee abandoned its Kindler  jurisprudence, elaborating that:

因此,在法官诉加拿大案中,人权事务委员会放弃了其在Kindler案  中的判例,阐述说:

The Committee is mindful of the fact that the above-mentioned jurisprudence was established some 10 years ago, and that since that time there has been a broadening international consensus in favour of abolition of the death penalty, and in States which have retained the death penalty, a broadening consensus not to carry it out.

“委员会意识到,上述判例是大约10年以前做出的,自那时以来,国际协商一致意见更加广泛地主张废除死刑,而在保留死刑的国家中,更加广泛的协商一致意见是不执行死刑。 ”

In Yoon and Choi, the Committee stressed that the meaning of any right contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) evolved over time and concluded that article 18 (3) now provided at least some protection against being forced to act against genuinely-held religious beliefs.


The Committee reached this conclusion since an increasing number of those States parties to the Covenant which have retained compulsory military service have introduced alternatives to compulsory military service.


(17) Finally, ICSID tribunals have emphasized that subsequent practice can be a particularly important means of interpretation for such provisions which the parties to the treaty intended to evolve in the light of their subsequent treaty practice.

(17) 最后,投资争端解决中心法庭着重指出,对于条约当事国意图根据其嗣后条约惯例而演变的这种条款,嗣后惯例可能是特别重要的解释资料。

In the case of Mihaly International Corporation v. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, for example, the Tribunal held that:


Neither party asserted that the ICSID Convention contains any precise a priori definition of investment.


Rather, the definition was left to be worked out in the subsequent practice of States, thereby preserving its integrity and flexibility and allowing for future progressive development of international law on the topic of investment.

而是将此种定义留待嗣后国家实践确定,从而保留了其完整性和灵活性,并为投资专题方面国际法未来的逐渐发展留出了余地。 ”

(18) The jurisprudence of international courts, tribunals, and other treaty bodies thus confirms that subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32 may assist in determiningwhether or not a termshall be given a meaning which is capable of evolving over time.

(18) 因此,各国际法院、法庭和其他条约机构的判例确认,第三十一和第三十二条所称的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例“可协助确定”缔约方在缔结条约之时的推定意图是不是赋予“用语”以能够随时间演变的含义。

The expression termis not limited to specific words (like commerce, territorial status, rape, or investment), but may also encompass more inter-related or cross-cutting concepts (such as by law(article 9 of the ICCPR) or necessary(article 18 of the ICCPR), as they exist, for example, in human rights treaties).


Since the termsof a treaty are elements of the rules which are contained therein, the rules concerned are covered accordingly.


Conclusion 4 Definition of subsequent agreement and subsequent practice

结论4 嗣后协定和嗣后惯例的定义

1. A subsequent agreementas an authentic means of interpretation under article 31 (3) (a) is an agreement between the parties, reached after the conclusion of a treaty, regarding the interpretation of the treaty or the application of its provisions.

1. “嗣后协定”作为第三十一条第三款(a)项之下作准的解释资料,是指缔约方在条约缔结后达成的关于解释条约或适用条约规定的协定。

2. A subsequent practiceas an authentic means of interpretation under article 31 (3) (b) consists of conduct in the application of a treaty, after its conclusion, which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty.

2. “嗣后惯例”作为第三十一条第三款(b)项之下作准的解释资料,是指条约缔结后确定各缔约方对条约的解释意思一致的适用条约的行为。

3. Other subsequent practiceas a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32 consists of conduct by one or more parties in the application of the treaty, after its conclusion.

3. 其他“嗣后惯例”作为第三十二条之下的补充的解释资料,是指条约缔结后一个或多个缔约方适用条约的行为。



(1) Draft conclusion 4 defines the three different subsequentmeans of treaty interpretation which are mentioned in draft conclusion 1, paragraphs 3 and 4, i.e. subsequent agreementunder article 31 (3) (a), subsequent practiceunder article 31 (3) (b), and other subsequent practiceunder article 32.

(1) 结论草案4对结论草案13和第4段中讲到的“嗣后”对条约进行解释的三种不同的方法做了定义,即第三十一条第三款(a)项下的“嗣后协定”、第三十一条第三款(b)项下的“嗣后惯例”,和第三十二条下的其他的“嗣后惯例”。

(2) In all three cases the term subsequentrefers to acts occurring after the conclusion of a treaty.

(2) 在所有三种情况下,“嗣后”一词均指在“一项条约缔结后”发生的行为。

 This point in time is often earlier than the moment when the treaty enters into force (art. 24).


Various provisions of the Vienna Convention (e.g. article 18) show that a treaty may be concludedbefore its actual entry into force.44  For the purposes of the present topic, conclusionis whenever the text of the treaty has been established as definite.

《维也纳公约》各种条款(例如第十八条)表明,一项条约可在它实际生效之前“缔结”。  为了本专题的目的,只要条约案文最后确定即为“缔结”。

It is after conclusion, not just after entry into force, of a treaty when subsequent agreements and subsequent practice can occur.


Indeed, it is difficult to identify a reason why an agreement or practice which take place between the moment when the text of a treaty has been established as definite and the entry into force of that treaty should not be relevant for the purpose of interpretation.


(3) Article 31 (2) of the Vienna Convention provides that the contextof the treaty includes certain agreementsand instruments23  that are made in connection with the conclusion of the treaty.

(3) 《维也纳公约》第三十一条第二款规定,条约的“内容”包括若干“协定”和“文书”,  这些“协定”和“文书”的订立是与缔结条约联系在一起的。

The phrase in connection with the conclusion of the treatyshould be understood as including agreements and instruments which are made in a close temporal and contextual relation with the conclusion of the treaty.2464  If they are made after this period, then such agreementsand agreed upon instrumentsconstitute subsequent agreementsor subsequent practice under article 31 (3).44

“因缔结条约”这一短语应理解为包括在与缔结条约相关的那段封闭的时间里或背景下订立的协定和文书。  如果是在这段时间之后订立的,则这种“协定”和议定的“文书”即为第三十一条第三款下的“嗣后协定”或嗣后惯例。  

(4) Paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 4 provides the definition of subsequent agreementunder article 31 (3) (a).

(4) 结论草案4的第1段规定了第三十一条第三款(a)项下“嗣后协定”的定义。

(5) Article 31 (3) (a) uses the term subsequent agreementand not the term subsequent treaty.

(5) 第三十一条第三款(a)项使用了“嗣后协定”一词,而非“嗣后条约”。

A subsequent agreementis, however, not necessarily less formal than a treaty.


Whereas a treaty within the meaning of the Vienna Convention must be in written form (article 2 (1) (a)), the customary international law on treaties knows no such requirement.44  The term agreementin the Vienna Convention  and in customary international law does not imply any particular degree of formality.

虽然《维也纳公约》意义下的条约必须是书面形式的(第二条第一款(a)),但关于条约的习惯国际法则没有这种要求。 《维也纳公约》之下的“协定”一词  和习惯国际法下的“协定”一词,并不意味着任何特定的正式程度。

Article 39 of the Vienna Convention, which lays down the general rule according to which (a) treaty may be amended by agreement between the parties, has been explained by the Commission to mean that (a)n amending agreement may take whatever form the parties to the original treaty may choose.44  In the same way, the Vienna Convention does not envisage any particular formal requirements for agreements and practice under article 31 (3) (a) and (b).69

《维也纳公约》第三十九条规定了一般规则,根据该项规则,“(a)条约可根据缔约方之间的协定作出修正”,委员会对此的解释是,“修正协定可采取原条约缔约方所选择的任何形式”。  同样,《维也纳公约》并未对第三十一条第三款(a)(b)项下的协定和惯例设定任何具体形式的要求。  

(6) While every treaty is an agreement, not every agreement is a treaty.

(6) 虽然所有条约都是协定,但并非每项协定都是条约。

Indeed, a subsequent agreementunder article 31 (3) (a) shallonly be taken into accountin the interpretation of a treaty.


Therefore, it is not necessarily binding.


The question under which circumstances a subsequent agreement between the parties is binding, and under which circumstances it is merely a means of interpretation among several others, will be addressed at a later stage of the work on the topic.


(7) The Vienna Convention distinguishes a subsequent agreementunder article 31 (3) (a) from any subsequent practice () which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretationunder article 31 (3) (b).

(7) 《维也纳公约》对第三十一条第三款(a)项下的“嗣后协定”与第三十一条第三款(b)项下缔约方对条约解释达成一致的任何嗣后惯例作了区分。

This distinction is not always clear and the jurisprudence of international courts and other adjudicative bodies shows a certain reluctance to assert it.


In Libya v. Chad, the International Court of Justice used the expression subsequent attitudes, to denote both what it later described as subsequent agreementsand as subsequent unilateral attitudes.


 In the case of Indonesia v. Malaysia, the International Court of Justice left the question open whether the use of a particular map could constitute a subsequent agreement or subsequent practice.


 WTO Panels and the Appellate Body have also not always distinguished between a subsequent agreement and subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (a) and (b).


(8) The NAFTA Tribunal in CCFT v. US,  however, has squarely addressed this distinction.

(8) 但《北美自由贸易协定》法庭在CCFT诉美国案中,  直截了当地作出了这一区分。

In that case the United States asserted that a number of unilateral actions by the three NAFTA parties could, if considered together, constitute a subsequent agreement.


 In a first step, the Panel did not find that the evidence was sufficient to establish such a subsequent agreement under article 31 (3) (a).


40 In a second step, however, the Tribunal concluded that the very same evidence constituted a relevant subsequent practice which established an agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation:

40 但进入第二阶段,法庭认为,同样这些证据构成的相关的嗣后惯例,进而确定了缔约方对于解释达成的一致:

The question remains: is there subsequent practicethat establishes the agreement of the NAFTA Parties on this issue within the meaning of Article 31 (3) (b)? The Tribunal concludes that there is.


Although there is, to the Tribunal, insufficient evidence on the record to demonstrate a subsequent agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty or the application of its provisions,the available evidence cited by the Respondent demonstrates to us that there is nevertheless a subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its applications.


(9) This reasoning suggests that one difference between a subsequent agreementand subsequent practiceunder article 31 (3) lies in different forms which embody the authenticexpression of the will of the parties.

(9) 这一论证表明,第三十一条第三款之下的“嗣后协定”和“嗣后惯例”之间的一个区别,在于体现缔约方意愿的作准表述的不同形式。

Indeed, by distinguishing between any subsequent agreementunder article 31 (3) (a) and subsequent practice () which establishes the agreement of the partiesunder article 31 (3) (b) of the Vienna Convention, the Commission did not intend to denote a difference concerning their possible legal effect.


42 The difference between the two concepts, rather, lies in the fact that a subsequent agreement between the partiesipso facto has the effect of constituting an authentic means of interpretation of the treaty, whereas a subsequent practiceonly has this effect if its different elements, taken together, show the common understanding of the parties as to the meaning of the terms.7943

42 这两个概念之间的区别在于“缔约方之间的嗣后协定”当然具有作准的解释资料的作用,而“嗣后惯例”只是在其不同内容联系在一起能够表明“缔约方对术语的意义持有共同理解”时,方才具有这种效果。 43

(10) Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice under article 31 (3) are hence distinguished based on whether an agreement of the parties can be identified as such, in a common act, or whether it is necessary to identify an agreement through individual acts which in their combination demonstrate a common position.

(10) 因此,第三十一条第三款之下的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例,其区分的根据是,是否可以找到缔约方之间在一个共同的行动中达成的一项名副其实的协定,还是必须通过若干单独的行动,综合这些行动可以表明一个共同的立场,由此确定缔约方的一致。

A subsequent agreementunder article 31 (3) (a) must therefore be reachedand presupposes a single common act by the parties by which they manifest their common understanding regarding the interpretation of the treaty or the application of its provisions.


(11) Subsequent practiceunder article 31 (3) (b), on the other hand, encompasses all (other) relevant forms of subsequent conduct by the parties to a treaty which contribute to the identification of an agreement, or understanding,134 44 of the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty.

(11) 而第三十一条第三款(b)项下的“嗣后惯例”,则囊括了条约缔约方所有(其他)形式的相关的嗣后行为,这些行为可帮助确定缔约国在条约解释方面的协定或“谅解”。 44

It is, however, possible that practiceand agreementcoincide in specific cases and cannot be distinguished.


This explains why the term subsequent practiceis sometimes used in a more general sense which encompasses both means of interpretation that are referred to in article 31 (3) (a) and (b). 45

这就解释了为什么“嗣后惯例”一词有时在一般意义上使用,同时包含第三十一条第三款(a)(b)项所指的解释资料。 45

(12) A group of separate subsequent agreements, each between a limited number of parties, but which, taken together, establish an agreement between all the parties to a treaty regarding its interpretation, is not normally asubsequent agreement under article 31 (3) (a).

(12) 一组单独的嗣后协定,每项协定仅限于少数缔约方,但把这些协定放在一起,便可形成条约所有缔约方对于条约解释的协定,这些嗣后协定通常不属于第三十一条第三款(a)项下的“一项”嗣后协定。

The term subsequent agreementunder article 31 (3) (a) should, for the sake of clarity, be limited to a single agreement between all the parties.


Different later agreements between a limited number of parties which, taken together, establish an agreement between all the parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty constitute subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (b).


Different such agreements between a limited number of parties which, even taken together, do not establish an agreement between all the parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty, may have interpretative value as a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32 (see below at paragraphs (22) and (23)).


Thus, the use of the term subsequent agreementis limited to agreements between all the parties to a treaty which are manifested in one single agreement or in a common act in whatever form that reflects the agreement of all parties. 46


(13) A subsequent agreement under article 31 (3) (a) must be an agreement regardingthe interpretation of the treaty or the application of its provisions.

(13) 第三十一条第三款(a)项下的嗣后协定,必须是“关于”条约解释或适用条款规定的协定。

The parties must therefore purport, possibly among other aims, to clarify the meaning of a treaty or how it is to be applied.7447

因此,缔约方必须除其他可能的目的外,力求澄清一项条约的含义,或应如何适用。 47

(14) Whether an agreement is one regardingthe interpretation or application of a treaty can sometimes be determined by some reference which links the subsequent agreementto the treaty concerned.

(14) 一项协定是不是“关于”条约解释或适用的协定,有时可以通过其中使用的一些词语来确定,这些词语将“嗣后协定”与相关的条约联系来。

Such reference may also be comprised in a later treaty.


In the Jan Mayen case between Denmark and Norway, for example, the International Court of Justice appears to have accepted that a subsequent treatybetween the parties in the same fieldcould be used for the purpose of the interpretation of the previous treaty.

例如,在丹麦与挪威之间的Jan Mayen案中,国际法院显然已经接受当事国之间“在同一领域”的一项“嗣后条约”可用于解释前一项条约的目的。

In that case, however, the Court ultimately declined to use the subsequent treaty for that purpose because it did not in any way referto the previous treaty.


48 In Dispute Regarding Navigation and Related Rights between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Judge Guillaume referred to the actual practice of tourism on the San Juan River in conformity with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two States.

48 在哥斯达黎加和尼加拉瓜“关于航行和相关权利的争端”中,Guillaume法官提到了San Juan河的旅游业,根据两国间的一项《谅解备忘录》,实际采用的做法。

49 It was not clear, however, whether this particular MoU was meant by the parties to serve as an interpretation of the boundary treaty under examination.

49 然而并不清楚两国是否准备将这份《谅解备忘录》用于解释所审议的边界条约。

(15) Paragraph 2 of draft conclusion 4 does not intend to provide a general definition for any form of subsequent practice that may be relevant for the purpose of the interpretation of treaties.

(15) 结论草案4的第2段并不是要为任何形式的嗣后惯例作出一般性定义,可能用于条约解释的目的。

Paragraph 2 is limited to subsequent practice as a means of authentic interpretation which establishes the agreement of all the parties to the treaty, as formulated in article 31 (3) (b).


Such subsequent practice (in a narrow sense) is distinguishable from other subsequent practice(in a broad sense) by one or more parties which does not establish the agreement of the parties, but which may nevertheless be relevant as a subsidiary means of interpretation according to article 32 of the Vienna Convention.


(16) Subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (b) may consist of any conduct.

(16) 第三十一条第三款(b)下的嗣后惯例可以包括任何“行为”。

The word conductis used in the sense of article 2 of the Commissions articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


 It may thus include not only acts, but also omissions, including relevant silence, which contribute to establishing agreement.


 The question under which circumstances omissions, or silence, can contribute to an agreement of all the parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty will be addressed at a later stage of the work.


(17) Subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (b) must be conduct in the application of the treaty.

(17) 第三十一条第三款(b)项下的嗣后惯例,必须是“适用条约过程中”的行为。

This includes not only official acts at the international or at the internal level which serve to apply the treaty, including to respect or to ensure the fulfilment of treaty obligations, but also, inter alia, official statements regarding its interpretation, such as statements at a diplomatic conference, statements in the course of a legal dispute, or judgments of domestic courts; official communications to which the treaty gives rise; or the enactment of domestic legislation or the conclusion of international agreements for the purpose of implementing a treaty even before any specific act of application takes place at the internal or at the international level.


(18) It may be recalled that, in one case, a NAFTA Panel denied that internal legislation can be used as an interpretative aid:

(18) 不妨一提的是,在一起案件中,《北美自由贸易协定》的一个专家组否定了国内法可用来帮助作出解释:

Finally, in light of the fact that both Parties have made references to their national legislation on land transportation, the Panel deems it appropriate to refer to Article 27 of the Vienna Convention, which states that A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty.

“最后,鉴于双方都提到他们本国有关陆路运输的法律,专家组认为,应当提及《维也纳公约》第二十七条,该条规定:“一当事国不得援引其国内法规定为理由而不履行条约。 ”

This provision directs the Panel not to examine national laws but the applicable international law.


Thus, neither the internal law of the United States nor the Mexican law should be utilized for the interpretation of NAFTA.


To do so would be to apply an inappropriate legal framework.


Whereas article 27 of the Vienna Convention is certainly valid and important, this rule does not signify that national legislation may not be taken into account as an element of subsequent State practice in the application of the treaty.


There is a difference between invoking internal law as a justification for a failure to perform a treaty and referring to internal law for the purpose of interpreting a provision of a treaty law.


Accordingly, international adjudicatory bodies, in particular the WTO Appellate Body and the European Court of Human Rights, have recognized and regularly distinguish between internal legislation (and other implementing measures at the internal level) which violates treaty obligations, and national legislation and other measures which can serve as a means to interpret the treaty.


 It should be noted, however, that an element of bona fides is implied in any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty.

 然而,应当指出,任何“适用条约的嗣后惯例”,都离不开有一个要素―― 善意。

A manifest misapplication of a treaty, as opposed to a bona fide application (even if erroneous), is therefore not an application of the treatyin the sense of articles 31 and 32.


(19) The requirement that subsequent practice in the application of a treaty under article 31 (3) (b) must be regarding its interpretationhas the same meaning as the parallel requirement under article 31 (3 (a) (see above paragraphs (13) and (14)).

(19) 第三十一条第三款(b)项下适用条约的嗣后惯例,要求必须是“有关条约解释的”,与第三十一条第三款(a)项下的平行要求同等意义(见上文第(13)和第(14))

It may often be difficult to distinguish between subsequent practice which specifically and purposefully relates to a treaty, i.e. is regarding its interpretation, and other practice in the application of the treaty.


The distinction, however, is important because only conduct that the parties undertake regarding the interpretation of the treatyis able to contribute to an authenticinterpretation, whereas this requirement does not exist for other subsequent practice under article 32.


(20) The question under which circumstances an agreement of the parties regarding the interpretation of a treatyis actually established, will be addressed at a later stage of the work on the topic.

(20) 在什么情况下“缔约方对条约解释的一致”实际得到“确定”,这个问题将在本专题工作以后的阶段处理。

(21) Article 31 (3) (b) does not explicitly require that the practice must be conduct of the parties to the treaty themselves.

(21) 第三十一条第三款(b)项并没有明确要求“惯例”必须是条约缔约方自己的行为。

It is, however, the parties themselves, acting through their organs,79  or by way of conduct which is attributable to them, who engage in practice in the application of the treaty which may establish their agreement.

然而,首先是缔约方自己,通过他们的机构行事,  或通过可归于这些机构的行为,具体践行条约,才可能形成协定。

The question whether other actors can generate relevant subsequent practice is addressed in draft conclusion 5.


(22) Paragraph 3 of draft conclusion 4 addresses othersubsequent practice, i.e. practice other than that referred to in article 31 (3) (b).

(22) 结论草案4的第3段论及“其他”的嗣后惯例,即第三十一条第三款(b)项中没有讲到的其他惯例。

This paragraph concerns subsequent practice in the application of the treaty as a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32, as mentioned in paragraph 4 of draft conclusion 1.


This form of subsequent practice, which does not require the agreement of all the parties, was originally referred to in the commentary of the Commission as follows:


But, in general, the practice of an individual party or of only some parties as an element of interpretation is on a quite different plane from a concordant practice embracing all the parties and showing their common understanding of the meaning of the treaty.


Subsequent practice of the latter kind evidences the agreement of the parties as to the interpretation of the treaty and is analogous to an interpretative agreement.


For this reason the Commission considered that subsequent practice establishing the common understanding of all the parties regarding the interpretation of a treaty should be included in paragraph 3 [of what became Article 31 (3) of the Vienna Convention] as an authentic means of interpretation alongside interpretative agreements.


The practice of individual States in the application of a treaty, on the other hand, may be taken into account only as one of the furthermeans of interpretation mentioned in article 70.

而单个国家在适用条约方面的做法,只能作为第七十条中讲到的“进一步的”解释资料之一加以考虑。 ”

(23) Paragraph 3 of draft conclusion 4 does not enunciate a requirement, as it is contained in article 31 (3) (b), that the relevant practice be regarding the interpretationof the treaty.

(23) 结论草案4的第3段并没有像第三十一条第三款(b)项那样,阐明一项要求,即相关惯例必须是“有关条约解释的”。

Thus, for the purposes of the third paragraph, any practice in the application of the treaty that may provide indications as to how the treaty should be interpreted may be a relevant supplementary means of interpretation under article 32.


(24) This othersubsequent practice, since the adoption of the Vienna Convention, has been recognized and applied by international courts and other adjudicatory bodies as a means of interpretation (see below paragraphs (25)(33)).

(24) 此处的“其他”嗣后惯例,是在通过《维也纳公约》之后,已被各种国际法院和其他裁判机构作为一种解释手段予以承认并且适用的嗣后惯例(见下文第(25)段至(33))

It should be noted, however, that the WTO Appellate Body, in Japan Alcoholic Beverages II,  has formulated a definition of subsequent practice for the purpose of treaty interpretation which seems to suggest that only such subsequent practice in the application of the treaty” “which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretationcan at all be relevant for the purpose of treaty interpretation, and not any other form of subsequent practice by one or more parties:

然而,应当指出,世贸组织的上诉机构,在日本―― 酒精饮料案()中,  为条约解释之目的提出了一个嗣后惯例的定义,该定义似乎认为,在条约适用上的这种嗣后惯例,确定了缔约方对条约解释的一致,只有这种惯例才能用于条约解释的目的,而不是任何其他形式的、一个或多个缔约方的嗣后惯例:

Subsequent practice in interpreting a treaty has been recognized as a concordant, common and consistentsequence of acts or pronouncements which is sufficient to establish a discernable pattern implying the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation.

“用于解释条约的嗣后惯例,公认应当是‘协调的、共同的和一致的’系列行为或声明,足以确定一个明确的模型,表明缔约方对条约解释的一致。 ”

However, the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and other international courts and tribunals, and ultimately even that of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body itself (see below (32) and (33)), demonstrate that subsequent practice which fulfils all the conditions of article 31 (3) (b) of the Vienna Convention is not the only form of subsequent practice by parties in the application of a treaty which may be relevant for the purpose of treaty interpretation.


(25) In the Case of Kasikili/Sedudu Island, for example, the International Court of Justice held that a report by a technical expert which had been commissioned by one of the parties and which had remained at all times an internal document,  while not representing subsequent practice which establishes the agreement of the parties under article 31 (3) (b), could nevertheless support the conclusionswhich the Court had reached by other means of interpretation.

(25) 例如,在卡西基里/塞杜杜岛一案中,国际法院认为,一位技术专家编写的报告,该报告是由一个缔约方委托编写的,“始终是一份国内文件”,  虽然报告不能代表第三十一条第三款(b)项下确定各缔约方一致意见的嗣后惯例,但仍可支持国际法院根据其他解释资料得出的结论。

(26) ICSID Tribunals have also used subsequent State practice as a means of interpretation in a broad sense.

(26) 国际投资争端解决中心的法庭也使用了国家的嗣后惯例作为广义上的解释资料。

 For example, when addressing the question whether minority shareholders can acquire rights from investment protection treaties and have standing in ICSID procedures, the tribunal in CMS Gas v. Argentina held that:

 例如,在处理少数股权所有人是否享有投资保护条约中的权利和是否有资格进入投资争端解决中心的程序问题时,法庭在CMS Gas诉阿根廷一案中认为:

State practice further supports the meaning of this changing scenario. () Minority and non-controlling participations have thus been included in the protection granted or have been admitted to claim in their own right.

“国家惯例进一步支持了这种物换星移的意义所在。 ()少数和非控股参与也因此被纳入受保护的范围,或被允许要求他们自身的权利。

Contemporary practice relating to lump-sum agreements () among other examples, evidence increasing flexibility in the handling of international claims.

当今流行的各种一次性付清协议的做法(),还有其他例子,都证明在处理国际索赔中采取灵活的做法日益普遍。 ”

(27) The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held in Loizidou v. Turkey  that its interpretation was confirmed by the subsequent practice of the Contracting Parties,  i.e. the evidence of a practice denoting practically universal agreement amongst Contracting Parties that Articles 25 and 46 () of the Convention do not permit territorial or substantive restrictions.

(27) 欧洲人权法院在Loizidou诉土耳其一案中裁定 ,该法院的解释“得到各缔约方嗣后惯例的确认”,  即有一种做法,表明缔约方几乎普遍同意《公约》第二十五条和第四十六条()不允许作出领土或实质上的限制。

 More often the ECHR has relied on not necessarily uniform subsequent State practice by referring to national legislation and domestic administrative practice, as a means of interpretation.

 欧洲人权法院经常借助缔约国的嗣后惯例―― 虽然并非一成不变―― 援引一国的法律或国内的行政惯例作为解释的资料。

In the case of Demir and Baykara v. Turkey,  for example, the Court held that as to the practice of European States, it can be observed that, in the vast majority of them, the right for public servants to bargain collectively with the authorities has been recognised”  and that the remaining exceptions can be justified only by particular circumstances.

例如,在DemirBaykara诉土耳其一案中,  法院裁定,“关于欧洲国家的惯例,可以发现在,他们中的绝大多数国家,公务员与主管机关进行集体谈判的权利是得到承认的,”  “其余的少数例外,只能根据具体情况作出解释”。

(28) The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR), when taking subsequent practice of the parties into account, has also not limited its use to cases in which the practice established the agreement of the parties.

(28) 美洲人权法院在考虑到缔约方的嗣后惯例时,也没有将惯例的使用限于缔约方已就惯例取得一致的案件。

Thus, in the case of Hilaire, Constantine and Benjamin and others v. Trinidad and Tobago,  the IACtHR held that the mandatory imposition of the death penalty for every form of conduct which resulted in the death of another person was incompatible with article 4 (2) of the American Convention on Human Rights (imposition of the death penalty only for the most serious crimes).

例如,在HilaireConstantineBenjamin等人诉特里尼达和多巴哥一案中,  美洲人权法院裁定,所有造成另一人死亡的行为必须判处死刑的做法,不符合《美洲人权公约》第四条第2(只能对最严重的犯罪判处死刑)

In order to support this interpretation, the Court held that it was useful to consider some examples in this respect, taken from the legislation of those American countries that maintain the death penalty.

为了支持这一解释,法院认为,“在这方面,有些例子值得考虑―― 那些仍然保留死刑的美洲国家法律中的例子”。  

(29) The Human Rights Committee under the ICCPR is open to arguments based on subsequent practice in a broad sense when it comes to the justification of interferences with the rights set forth in the Covenant.

(29) 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》下设的人权事务委员会,在审议为侵犯公约规定的权利提出的辩解时,对根据广义上的嗣后惯例提出的论点持开放态度。

 Interpreting the rather general terms contained in article 19 (3) of the ICCPR (permissible restrictions of the freedom of expression), the Committee observed that similar restrictions can be found in many jurisdictions,  and concluded that the aim pursued by the contested law did not, as such, fall outside the legitimate aims of article 19 (3) of the ICCPR.

 委员会对《公约》第十九条第3款中较为笼统的规定(可允许的对言论自由的限制)做了解释,认为“在很多司法制度中都可以找到类似的限制,”  委员会的结论是,存在争议的法律所追求的目标,本身并没有超出《公约》第十九条第3款的目标。

(30) ITLOS has on some occasions referred to the subsequent practice of the parties without verifying whether such practice actually established an agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty.

(30) 国际海洋法法庭几次提到缔约方的嗣后惯例,但却没有核实惯例是否实际上在缔约方之间就条约的解释取得一致。

In The M/V SAIGA(No 2),  for example, the Tribunal reviewed State practice with regard to the use of force to stop a ship according to UNCLOS.

例如,在M/VSAIGA(2)一案中,  法庭根据《联合国海洋法公约》审议了使用武力迫使船只停止航行的做法。

 Relying on the normal practice used to stop a ship, the Tribunal did not specify the respective State practice but rather assumed a certain general standard to exist.


(31) The ICTY, referring to the Genocide Convention, noted in the Jelisić Judgment that:

(31) 前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭在Jelisić判决中提到《灭绝种族罪公约》,指出:

the Trial Chamber () interprets the Conventions terms in accordance with the general rules of interpretation of treaties set out in Articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.


() The Trial Chamber also took account of subsequent practice grounded upon the Convention.


Special significance was attached to the Judgments rendered by the Tribunal for Rwanda.


() The practice of States, notably through their national courts, and the work of international authorities in this field have also been taken into account.



(32) The WTO dispute settlement bodies also occasionally distinguish between subsequent practicewhich satisfies the conditions of article 31 (3) (b) and other forms of subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which they also recognize as being relevant for the purpose of treaty interpretation.

(32) 世贸组织的解决争端机构有时也对满足所有第三十一条第三款(b)项条件的“嗣后惯例”,与在适用条约方面其他形式的嗣后惯例之间作出区分,他们认为后者对条约解释目的而言也是相关的。

In US Section 110(5) Copyright Act  (not appealed), for example, the Panel had to determine whether a minor exceptions doctrineconcerning royalty payments applied.

例如,在美国版权法第110(5)节条款案中  (未上诉),专家组必须确定,有关支付版权的“轻微例外原则”是否适用。

 The Panel found evidence in support of the existence of such a doctrine in several Member Statesnational legislation and noted:


We recall that Article 31 (3) of the Vienna Convention provides that together with the context (a) any subsequent agreement, (b) subsequent practice, or (c) any relevant rules of international law applicable between the parties, shall be taken into account for the purposes of interpretation.

“我们忆及《维也纳公约》第三十一条第三款规定,(a) 任何嗣后协定,(b) 嗣后惯例,或(c) 任何对缔约方适用的相关的国际法规则,对解释目的而言均应予以考虑。

We note that the parties and third parties have brought to our attention several examples from various countries of limitations in national laws based on the minor exceptions doctrine.


In our view, State practice as reflected in the national copyright laws of Berne Union members before and after 1948, 1967 and 1971, as well as of WTO Members before and after the date that the TRIPS Agreement became applicable to them, confirms our conclusion about the minor exceptions doctrine.

我们认为,伯尔尼联盟成员国本国的版权法在194819971971年之前和之后,以及世贸组织成员国的版权法在《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》对他们生效之前和之后,其中所反映的各国的做法,证实了我们对轻微例外原则所做的结论。 ”

And the Panel added the following cautionary footnote:


By enunciating these examples of State practice we do not wish to express a view on whether these are sufficient to constitute subsequent practicewithin the meaning of Article 31 (3) (b) of the Vienna Convention.


(33) In EC Computer Equipment, the Appellate Body criticized the Panel for not having considered decisions by the Harmonized System Committee of the World Customs Organization (WCO) as a relevant subsequent practice:

(33) 在“欧共体-电脑设备”一案中,上诉机构批评专家组没有作为相关的嗣后惯例,考虑世界海关组织协调制度委员会的决定:

A proper interpretation also would have included an examination of the existence and relevance of subsequent practice.


We note that the United States referred, before the Panel, to the decisions taken by the Harmonized System Committee of the WCO in April 1997 on the classification of certain LAN equipment as ADP machines.


Singapore, a third party in the panel proceedings, also referred to these decisions.


The European Communities observed that it had introduced reservations with regard to these decisions () However, we consider that in interpreting the tariff concessions in Schedule LXXX, decisions of the WCO may be relevant.

欧洲共同体认为,共同体对那些决定提出保留。 ()然而,我们认为,在解释关税减让税率表LXXX方面,海关组织的决定可能是相关的。”

Thus, on closer inspection, the WTO dispute settlement bodies also recognize the distinction between subsequent practiceunder article 31 (3) (b), and a broader concept of subsequent practice which does not presuppose an agreement between all the parties of the treaty.


(34) In using subsequent practice by one or more, but not all, parties to a treaty as a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32 one must, however, always remain conscious of the fact that the view of one State does not make international law.

 (34) 在采用一个或几个缔约方,但不是所有条约缔约方的嗣后惯例作为第三十二条下解释的补充资料时,必须始终牢记,“一个国家的意见不构成国际法”。

 In any case, the distinction between agreed subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (b), as an authentic means of interpretation, and other subsequent practice (in a broad sense) under article 32, implies that a greater interpretative value should be attributed to the former.


(35) The distinction between subsequent practice under article 31 (3) (b) and subsequent practice under article 32 also contributes to answering the question whether subsequent practice requires repeated action with some frequency  or whether a one-time application of the treaty may be enough.

(35) 第三十一条第三款(b)项下(达成一致的)嗣后惯例,与(第三十二条之下)适用条约的任何特例意义上的嗣后惯例,两者之间的区分也有助于回答嗣后惯例是否需要某种频率的重复行动的问题,  或是否一次适用条约便已足够。

 In the WTO framework, the Appellate Body has found:


An isolated act is generally not sufficient to establish subsequent practice; it is a sequence of acts establishing the agreement of the parties that is relevant.

“一个孤立的行为一般而言不足以确定嗣后惯例,必须是缔约方的一系列行动,确定了彼此之间的一致,方为有效。 ”

If, however, the concept of subsequent practice as a means of treaty interpretation is distinguished from a possible agreement between the parties, frequency is not a necessary element of the definition of the concept of subsequent practicein the broad sense (under article 32).


(36) Thus, subsequent practicein the broad sense (under article 32) covers any application of the treaty by one or more parties.

(36) 因此,(第三十二条下)广义的“嗣后惯例”,涵盖了一个或多个缔约方的任何适用条约的行为。

It can take various forms.


 Such conduct by one or more parties in the application of the treatymay, in particular, consist of a direct application of the treaty in question, conduct which is attributable to a State party as an application of the treaty, a statement or a judicial pronouncement regarding its interpretation or application.

 具体而言,这种“一个或多个缔约方适用条约的行为”可包括直接适用有关条约―― 一个可归属于一缔约国适用条约的行为,或有关条约解释或适用的声明或司法宣示。

Such conduct may include official statements concerning the treatys meaning, protests against non-performance, or tacit acceptance of statements or acts by other parties.


Conclusion 5 Attribution of subsequent practice

结论5 嗣后惯例的归属

1. Subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32 may consist of any conduct in the application of a treaty which is attributable to a party to the treaty under international law.

1. 第三十一和第三十二条所称的嗣后惯例可包括依国际法可归属于条约某一缔约方的任何适用条约的行为。

2. Other conduct, including by non-State actors, does not constitute subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32.

2. 其他行为,包括非国家行为者的行为,不构成第三十一和第三十二条所称的嗣后惯例。

Such conduct may, however, be relevant when assessing the subsequent practice of parties to a treaty.




(1) Draft conclusion 5 addresses the question of possible authors of subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32.

(1) 结论草案5涉及第三十一条和第三十二条所称的嗣后惯例的可能主体问题。

The phrase under articles 31 and 32makes it clear that this draft conclusion applies both to subsequent practice as an authentic means of interpretation under article 31 (3) (b) and to subsequent practice as a supplementary means of interpretation under article 32 of the Vienna Convention.


Paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 5 defines positively whose conduct in the application of the treaty may constitute subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32, whereas paragraph 2 states negatively which conduct does not, but which may nevertheless be relevant when assessing the subsequent practice of parties to a treaty.


(2) Paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 5, by using the phrase any conduct which is attributable to a party to a treaty under international law, borrows language from article 2 (a) of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.

(2) 结论草案51段采用的说法“依国际法可归属于条约某一缔约方的任何适用条约的行为”借用了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第2(a)项的措词。

 Accordingly, the term any conductencompasses actions and omissions and is not limited to the conduct of State organs of a State, but also covers conduct which is otherwise attributable, under international law, to a party to a treaty.


The reference to the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts does not, however, extend to the requirement that the conduct in question be internationally wrongful(see below para. (8)).


(3) An example of relevant conduct which does not directly arise from the conduct of the parties, but nevertheless constitutes an example of State practice, has been identified by the International Court of Justice in the Kasikili/Sedudu case.

(3) 国际法院在卡西基里/塞杜杜岛案中确认了这样一个实例:一种行为虽不是直接源于缔约方的行为,但仍构成国家惯例。

There the Court considered that the regular use of an island on the border between Namibia (former South-West Africa) and Botswana (former Bechuanaland) by members of a local tribe, the Masubia, could be regarded as subsequent practice in the sense of article 31 (3) (b) of the Vienna Convention if it


was linked to a belief on the part of the Caprivi authorities that the boundary laid down by the 1890 Treaty followed the Southern Channel of the Chobe; and, second, that the Bechuanaland authorities were fully aware and accepted this as a confirmation of the treaty boundary.

“此种经常使用与卡普里维当局的这一观点相关:1890 年条约规定的边界是沿乔贝河的南河道划定的;而且贝专纳兰当局完全了解这种使用并予以认可,以此作为对条约边界的确认。 ”

(4) By referring to any conduct in the application of the treaty which is attributable to a party to the treaty, however, paragraph 1 does not imply that any such conduct necessarily constitutes, in a given case, subsequent practice for the purpose of treaty interpretation.

(4) 第一段述及可归属于条约某一缔约方的任何适用条约的行为,但这并不意味着这种行为必定在给定案件中构成条约解释意义上的嗣后惯例。

The use of the phrase may consistis intended to reflect this point.


This clarification is particularly important in relation to conduct of State organs which might contradict an officially expressed position of the State with respect to a particular matter, and thus contribute to an equivocal conduct by the State.


(5) The Commission debated whether draft conclusion 5 should specifically address the question under which conditions the conduct of lower State organs would be relevant subsequent practice for purposes of treaty interpretation.

(5) 委员会讨论过结论草案5是否应专门述及在哪些情况下下级国家机关的行为构成出于条约解释目的的相关嗣后惯例。

In this regard, several members of the Commission pointed to the difficulty of distinguishing between lower and higher State organs, particularly given the significant differences in the internal organization of State governance.


The point was also made that the relevant criterion was less the position of the organ in the hierarchy of the State than its actual role in interpreting and applying any particular treaty.


Given the complexity and variety of scenarios that could be envisaged, the Commission concluded that this matter should not be addressed in the text of draft conclusion 5 itself, but rather in the commentary.


(6) Subsequent practice of States in the application of a treaty may certainly be performed by the high-ranking government officials mentioned in article 7 of the Vienna Convention.

(6) 国家在适用条约方面的嗣后惯例当然可以由《维也纳公约》第七条所指高级政府官员实施。

Yet, since most treaties typically are not applied by such high officials, international courts and tribunals have recognized that the conduct of lower authorities may also, under certain conditions, constitute relevant subsequent practice in the application of a treaty.


Accordingly, the International Court of Justice recognized in the case of Rights of U.S. Nationals in Morocco that article 95 of the Act of Algeciras had to be interpreted flexibly in light of the inconsistent practice of local customs authorities.


 The jurisprudence of arbitral tribunals confirms that relevant subsequent practice may emanate from lower officials.


In the German External Debts Award, the Arbitral Tribunal considered a letter of the Bank of England to the German Federal Debt Administration as relevant subsequent practice.


 And in the case of Tax regime governing pensions paid to retired UNESCO officials residing in France the Arbitral Tribunal accepted, in principle, the practice of the French tax administration of not collecting taxes on the pensions of retired UNESCO employees as being relevant subsequent practice. Ultimately, however, the Arbitral Tribunal considered some contrary official pronouncements by a higher authority, the French Government, to be decisive.


(7) It thus appears that the practice of lower and local officials may be subsequent practice in the application of a treatyif this practice is sufficiently unequivocal and if the government can be expected to be aware of this practice and has not contradicted it within a reasonable time.

(7) 因此,下级和地方官员的做法可以成为“适用条约”的嗣后惯例,前提是该做法足够明确,且政府应知道该做法且没有在合理时间内否定这种做法。  

(8) The Commission did not consider it necessary to limit the scope of the relevant conduct by adding the phrase for the purpose of treaty interpretation.

(8) 委员会认为没有必要通过增加“出于条约解释的目的”短语来限制相关行为的范围。

 This had been proposed by the Special Rapporteur in order to exclude from the scope of the term subsequent practicesuch conduct which may be attributable to a State but which does not serve the purpose of expressing a relevant position of a State regarding the interpretation of a treaty.


 The Commission, however, considered that the requirement, that any relevant conduct must be in the application of the treaty, would sufficiently limit the scope of possibly relevant conduct.


Since the concept of application of the treatyrequires conduct in good faith, a manifest misapplication of a treaty falls outside this scope.


(9) Paragraph 2 of draft conclusion 5 comprises two sentences.

(9) 结论草案5的第2段由两句话组成。

The first sentence indicates that conduct other than that envisaged in paragraph 1, including by non-State actors, does not constitute subsequent practice under articles 31 and 32.


The phrase other conductwas introduced in order clearly to establish the distinction between the conduct contemplated in paragraph 2 and that contemplated in paragraph 1.


At the same time, the Commission considered that conduct not covered by paragraph 1 may be relevant when assessingthe subsequent practice of parties to a treaty.


(10) Subsequent practice in the application of a treatywill be brought about by those who are called to apply the treaty, which are normally the States parties themselves.

(10) “条约适用方面的嗣后惯例”将由根据条约要求须适用条约者(通常是缔约国本身)提出。

The general rule has been formulated by the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal as follows:


It is a recognized principle of treaty interpretation to take into account, together with the context, any subsequent practice in the application of an international treaty.


This practice must, however, be a practice of the parties to the treaty and one which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding the interpretation of that treaty.


Whereas one of the participants in the settlement negotiations, namely Bank Markazi, is an entity of Iran and thus its practice can be attributed to Iran as one of the parties to the Algiers Declarations, the other participants in the settlement negotiations and in actual settlements, namely the United States banks, are not entities of the Government of the United States, and their practice cannot be attributed as such to the United States as the other party to the Algiers Declarations.


(11) The first sentence of the second paragraph of draft conclusion 5 is intended to reflect this general rule.

(11) 结论草案52段的第一句话旨在反映该一般规则。

It emphasizes the primary role of the States parties to a treaty who are the masters of the treaty and are ultimately responsible for its application.


This does not exclude that conduct by non-State actors may also constitute a form of application of the treaty if it can be attributed to a State party.


(12) Other conductin the sense of paragraph 2 of draft conclusion 5 may be that of different actors.

(12) 结论草案52段所述的“其他行为”可能是不同行为者的其他行为。

Such conduct may, in particular, be practice of parties which is not in the application of the treaty, or statements by a State, which is not party to a treaty, about the latters interpretation,  or a pronouncement by a treaty monitoring body or a dispute settlement body in relation to the interpretation of the treaty concerned,  or acts of technical bodies which are tasked by Conferences of the States Parties to advise on the implementation of treaty provisions, or different forms of conduct or statements of non-State actors.

具体而言,这些行为可能包括不是缔约方“适用条约”的行为、非条约缔约方的国家关于条约解释的声明、  条约监督机构或与解释所涉条约有关的争端解决机构的声明、  受缔约方会议委派就条约条款的落实提供咨询意见的技术机构的行为或非国家行为者的不同形式的行为或声明。

(13) The phrase assessing the subsequent practicein the second sentence of paragraph 2 should be understood in a broad sense as covering both the identification of the existence of a subsequent practice and the determination of its legal significance.

(13) 2段第2句话中的“评估嗣后惯例”应被理解为从广义上涵盖查明嗣后惯例的存在和确定其法律意义。

Statements or conduct of other actors, such as international organizations or non-State actors, can reflect, or initiate, relevant subsequent practice of the parties to a treaty.


 Such reflection or initiation of subsequent practice of the parties by the conduct of other actors should not, however, be conflated with the practice by the parties to the treaty themselves, including practice which is attributable to them.


Activities of actors which are not State parties, as such, may only contribute to assessing subsequent practice of the parties to a treaty.


(14) Decisions, resolutions and other practice by international organizations can be relevant for the interpretation of treaties in their own right.

(14) 国际组织的决定、决议和其他惯例本身就可能与条约的解释相关。

This is recognized, for example, in article 2 (j) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations and between International Organizations which mentions the established practice of the organizationas one form of the rules of the organization.


 Draft conclusion 5 only concerns the question whether the practice of international organizations may be indicative of relevant practice by States parties to a treaty.


(15) Reports by international organizations at the universal level, which are prepared on the basis of a mandate to provide accounts on the State practice in a particular field, may enjoy considerable authority in the assessment of such practice.

(15) 全球性组织根据任务为说明某一特定领域国家惯例而编写的报告具有相当的权威性。

For example, the Handbook of the UNHCR on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees (Handbook) is an important work which reflects and thus provides guidance for State practice.


 The same is true for the so-called 1540 Matrix, which is a systematic compilation by the United Nations Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) of implementation measures taken by Member States.

 同样的还有所谓的1540汇总表,该表是根据第1540 (2004)号决议设立的联合国安理会委员会对会员国所采取的执行措施的系统汇编。

 As far as the Matrix relates to the implementation of the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BWC),  as well as to the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), 10 it constitutes evidence for and an assessment of subsequent State practice to those treaties. 11

 只要汇总表涉及1972年《关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》(《生物武器公约》)  以及1993年《化学武器公约》, 10 它就构成了这些条约嗣后国家惯例的证据,以及对这些条约嗣后国家惯例的评估。 11

(16) Other non-State actors may also play an important role in assessing subsequent practice of the parties in the application of a treaty.

(16) 其他非国家行为者也可能在评估缔约方适用公约方面发挥重要作用。

A pertinent example is the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). 12 12 红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)是一个相关实例。

Apart from fulfilling a general mandate conferred on it by the Geneva Conventions and by the Statutes of the Movement, 13 the ICRC occasionally provides interpretative guidance on the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols on the basis of a mandate from the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

除了完成日内瓦四公约和运动章程赋予的一般性任务, 13 红十字委员会还不时就日内瓦四公约及各项附加议定书的解释提供指导,这是《国际红十字与红新月运动章程》规定的任务。

14 Article 5 (2) (g) of the Statutes provides:

14 该《章程》第5条第2(7)项规定:

The role of the International Committee, in accordance with its Statutes, is in particular: () (g) to work for the understanding and dissemination of knowledge of international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts and to prepare any development thereof.


On the basis of this mandate, the ICRC, for example, published in 2009 an Interpretative Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities under International Humanitarian Law.


15 The Guidance is the outcome of an expert processbased on an analysis of State treaty and customary practice and it reflect[s] the ICRCs institutional position as to how existing IHL should be interpreted.

15 该指南是基于有关国家条约和习惯做法的“专家进程”的成果,“反映了红十字委员会关于如何解释现行国际人道主义法的机构立场”。

16 In this context it is, however, important to note that States have reaffirmed their primary role in the development of international humanitarian law.

16 但在这方面,应注意到各国已重申其在发展国际人道主义法方面的主要作用。

Resolution 1 of the 31st Red Cross and Red Crescent Conference of 2011, while recalling the important roles of the ICRC, emphasiz[es] the primary role of States in the development of international humanitarian law. 17

2011年第31届红十字与红新月大会第1项决议在强调“红十字委员会的重要作用”的同时,“强调各国在发展国际人道主义法方面的主要作用”。 17

(17) Another example for conduct of non-State actors which may be relevant for assessing the subsequent practice of States parties is The Monitor, a joint initiative of the International Campaign to Ban Landminesand the Cluster Munitions Coalition.

(17) 在评估缔约方嗣后惯例时可能具有意义的非国家行为者行为的另一实例是“国际禁止地雷运动”和“集束弹药联盟”的一项联合举措―― “监测组织”。

The Monitoracts as a de facto monitoring regime 18 for the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (Ottawa Convention) 19 and the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions (Dublin Convention).

“监测”起到了1997年《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约》 (《渥太华公约》) 18 2008年《集束弹药公约》(《都柏林公约》) 19 “事实上的监测机制”的作用。

20 The Cluster Munitions Monitor lists pertinent statements and practice by States parties and signatories and identifies, inter alia, interpretative questions concerning the Dublin Convention. 21

20《集束弹药监测报告》列出了缔约国和签署国的相关声明和惯例,并确认,除其他外,涉及《都柏林公约》的各种解释性问题。 21

(18) The examples of the ICRC and of The Monitorshow that non-State actors can provide valuable evidence of subsequent practice of parties, contribute to assessing this evidence, and even solicit its coming into being.

(18) 红十字委员会和“监测组织”的实例说明,非国家行为者可以提供缔约方嗣后惯例的宝贵证据,促进对这种证据的评估,甚至促使证据形成。

However, non-State actors can also pursue their own goals, which may be different from those of States parties.


Their assessments thus must be critically reviewed.


(19) The Commission considered whether it should also refer, in the text of draft conclusion 5, to social practiceas an example of other conduct which may be relevant when assessing the subsequent practice of parties to a treaty.

(19) 委员会审议了是否应在结论草案5的案文中提及“社会惯例”,作为“在评估条约缔约方的嗣后惯例时可能具有意义…的其他行为。”

22 Taking into account the concerns expressed by several members regarding the meaning and relevance of that notion, the Commission considered it preferable to address the question of the possible relevance of social practicein the commentary.

22 考虑到一些委员就这一概念的含义和相关性表示的关切,委员会认为最好在评注中论述“社会惯例”可能的相关性问题。

(20) The European Court of Human Rights has occasionally considered increased social acceptance23 and major social changes24 to be relevant for the purpose of treaty interpretation.

(20) 欧洲人权法院有时认为“社会接受程度增加” 23 和“重大社会变革” 24 与条约解释目的相关。

The invocation of social changesor social acceptanceby the Court, however, ultimately remains linked to State practice.


25 This is true, in particular, for the important cases of Dudgeon v. the United Kingdom 26 and Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom.

25 对于Dudgeon诉联合王国案 26 Christine Goodwin诉联合王国案 27 等重要案件尤为如此。

27 In Dudgeon v. the United Kingdom, the Court found that there was an increased tolerance of homosexual behaviourby pointing to the fact that in the great majority of the member States of the Council of Europe it is no longer considered to be necessary or appropriate to treat homosexual practices of the kind now in question as in themselves a matter to which the sanctions of the criminal law should be applied, and that it could therefore not overlook the marked changes which have occurred in this regard in the domestic law of the member States.


28 The Court further pointed to the fact that in Northern Ireland itself, the authorities have refrained in recent years from enforcing the law.

28 法院还指出,“就在北爱尔兰本身,当局近年来也不再执行该法”。

29 And in Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom, the Court attached importance to the clear and uncontested evidence of a continuing international trend in favour not only of increased social acceptance of transsexuals but of legal recognition of the new sexual identity of post-operative transsexuals.

29 Christine Goodwin诉联合王国案中,法院重视“明确、无可争议的证据所表明的一个持续的国际趋势,这一趋势不仅支持社会更加接受变性者,而且支持从法律上承认手术后变性者的新性别身份。 ”

(21) The European Court of Human Rights thus verifies whether social developments are actually reflected in State practice.

(21) 欧洲人权法院因此核实社会发展是否已实际体现在国家惯例中。

This was true, for example, in cases concerning the status of children born out of wedlock  and in cases that concerned the alleged right of certain Roma (Gypsy) people to have a temporary place of residence assigned by municipalities in order to be able to pursue their itinerant lifestyle.

例如,涉及非婚生儿童地位问题的案件  和关于宣称罗姆人(“吉普赛人”)有权由市政当局指定一个临时居住地,以便保持其居无定所的生活方式的案件  便是如此。

(22) It can be concluded that mere (subsequent) social practice, as such, is not sufficient to constitute relevant subsequent practice in the application of a treaty.

(22) 因此,可以断定,仅是这样的(嗣后)社会惯例不足以构成适用条约的相关嗣后惯例。

Social practice has, however, occasionally been recognized by the European Court of Human Rights as contributing to the assessment of State practice.


Chapter V Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

第五章 国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免

A. Introduction

A. 导言

40. The Commission, at its fifty-ninth session (2007), decided to include the topic Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdictionin its programme of work and appointed Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin as Special Rapporteur.

40. 委员会在第五十九届会议(2007)上决定将“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”这一专题列入工作方案,并任命罗曼·阿·科洛德金先生为特别报告员。

 At the same session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a background study on the topic, which was made available to the Commission at its sixtieth session.


41. The Special Rapporteur submitted three reports.

41. 特别报告员提交了三份报告。

The Commission received and considered the preliminary report at its sixtieth session (2008) and the second and third reports at its sixty-third session (2011).


 The Commission was unable to consider the topic at its sixty-first session (2009) and at its sixty-second session (2010).


42. The Commission, at its sixty-fourth session (2012), appointed Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández as Special Rapporteur to replace Mr. Kolodkin, who was no longer with the Commission.

42. 委员会第六十四届会议(2012)任命康塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士代替科洛德金先生担任特别报告员,科洛德金先生不再担任委员会委员。

The Commission received and considered the preliminary report of the newly appointed Special Rapporteur at the same session (2012).


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

43. The Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/661).

43. 委员会收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/661)

The Commission considered the report at its 3164th to 3168th and 3170th meetings, on 15 to 17, 21, 22 and 24 May 2013, respectively.


44. In the second report, the Special Rapporteur built upon the methodological approaches and general workplan set out in the preliminary report (A/CN.4/654), taking into account the debates, in 2012, in the Commission and the Sixth Committee.

44. 在第二次报告里,特别报告员在初次报告 (A/CN.4/654)中的处理方法和一般工作计划基础上更进一步,同时考虑到委员会和第六委员会在2012年期间的辩论。

The report considered: (a) the scope of the topic and of the draft articles; (b) the concepts of immunity and jurisdiction; (c) the difference between immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae; and (d) the identification of the normative elements of the regime of immunity ratione personae.

报告考虑了以下问题:(a) 专题及条款草案的范围;(b) 豁免和管辖的概念;(c) 属人豁免与属事豁免的区别;(d) 查明了构成属人豁免制度的基本规范。

On the basis of the analysis, six draft articles were presented for the consideration of the Commission.


These draft articles addressed the scope of the draft articles (draft article 1);  immunities not included in the scope of the draft articles (draft article 2);  definitions of criminal jurisdiction, immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction, immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae (draft article 3); 40 the subjective scope of immunity ratione personae (draft article 4); 41 the material scope of immunity ratione personae (draft article 5); 42 and the temporal scope of immunity ratione personae (draft article 6). 43

这些条文草案处理了条款草案的范围(1条草案);  条款草案的范围没有涵盖的豁免 (2条草案);  刑事管辖、外国刑事管辖豁免、属人豁免和属事豁免的定义(3条草案)40 属人豁免的主体范围(4条草案)41 属人豁免的实际范围(5条草案)42 属人豁免的时间范围(6条草案)43

45. Following its debate on the second report of the Special Rapporteur, the Commission, at its 3170th meeting on 24 May 2013, decided to refer the six draft articles contained therein to the Drafting Committee with the understanding that it would take into account the views expressed in the plenary debate.

45. 在对特别报告员第二次报告进行辩论之后, 委员会在2013524日第3170次会议上决定将报告所载的六条草案转给起草委员会,同时有一项谅解是起草委员会将考虑到全体辩论中表达的意见。

46. At its 3174th meeting, on 7 June 2013, the Commission received the report of the Drafting Committee and provisionally adopted three draft articles (see section C.1. below).

46. 201367日第3174次会议上,委员会收到起草委员会的报告并暂时通过了三条草案(见下文C.1)

47. At its 3193rd to 3196th meetings, on 6 and 7 August 2013, the Commission adopted the commentaries to the draft articles provisionally adopted at the present session (see section C.2 below).

47. 201386日和7日第3193至第3196次会议上,委员会通过了本届会议暂时通过的条款草案的评注(见下文C.2)

C. Text of the draft articles on Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction provisionally adopted so far by the Commission

C. 委员会迄今为止暂时通过的国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免条款草案案文

1. Text of the draft articles

1. 条款草案案文

48. The text of the draft articles provisionally adopted so far by the Commission is reproduced below.

48. 委员会迄今为止暂时通过的条款草案案文载录如下。

Part One Introduction

第一部分 导 言

Article 1 Scope of the present draft articles

1条 本条款草案的范围

1. The present draft articles apply to the immunity of State officials 44 from the criminal jurisdiction of another State.

1. 本条款草案适用于国家官员 44 对另一国刑事管辖享有的豁免。

2. The present draft articles are without prejudice to the immunity from criminal jurisdiction enjoyed under special rules of international law, in particular by persons connected with diplomatic missions, consular posts, special missions, international organizations and military forces of a State.

2. 本条款草案不妨碍依照国际法特别规则享有的刑事管辖豁免,特别是与外交使团、领馆、特别使团、国际组织和一国军事力量相关的人员所享有的刑事管辖豁免。

Part Two Immunity ratione personae

第二部分 属人豁免

Article 3 Persons enjoying immunity ratione personae

3条 享有属人豁免的人员

Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs enjoy immunity ratione personae from the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction.


Article 4 Scope of immunity ratione personae

4条 属人豁免的范围

1. Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs enjoy immunity ratione personae only during their term of office.

1. 国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长仅在其任职期间享有属人豁免。

2. Such immunity ratione personae covers all acts performed, whether in a private or official capacity, by Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs during or prior to their term of office.

2. 国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长享有的此种属人豁免涵盖他们在任职之前或任职期间的所有行为,无论是私人行为还是公务行为。

3. The cessation of immunity ratione personae is without prejudice to the application of the rules of international law concerning immunity ratione materiae.

3. 属人豁免的停止不妨碍关于属事豁免的国际法规则的适用。

2. Text of the draft articles and commentaries thereto provisionally adopted by the Commission at its sixty-fifth session

2. 委员会第六十五届会议暂时通过的条款草案案文及其评注

49. The text of the draft articles, together with commentaries, provisionally adopted by the Commission at the sixty-fifth session, is reproduced below.

49. 委员会第六十五届会议暂时通过的条款草案案文及其评注载录如下。

Part One Introduction

第一部分 导 言

Article 1 Scope of the present draft articles

1条 本条款草案的范围

1. The present draft articles apply to the immunity of State officials 45 from the criminal jurisdiction of another State.

1. 本条款草案适用于国家官员 45 对另一国刑事管辖享有的豁免。

2. The present draft articles are without prejudice to the immunity from criminal jurisdiction enjoyed under special rules of international law, in particular by persons connected with diplomatic missions, consular posts, special missions, international organizations and military forces of a State.

2. 本条款草案不妨碍依照国际法特别规则享有的刑事管辖豁免,特别是与外交使团、领馆、特别使团、国际组织和一国军事力量相关的人员所享有的刑事管辖豁免。



(1) Draft article 1 is devoted to establishing the scope of the draft articles on immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

(1) 本条草案专门用于确定国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免条款草案的范围。

It incorporates in a single provision the dual perspective originally proposed by the Special Rapporteur in two separate articles.


46 Paragraph 1 explains the cases to which the draft articles apply, while paragraph 2 contains a saving or without prejudiceclause listing the situations which, under international law, are governed by special regimes that are not affected by the present draft articles.

46 1款解释条款草案适用的情况,而第2款载有一项但书或“不妨碍”条款,列出了在国际法上由特别制度管辖而不受本条款草案妨碍的情况。

In the past, the Commission has used various techniques for defining this dual dimension of the scope of a set of draft articles, 47 but in this case it has thought it preferable to combine both dimensions in a single provision, especially since this presents the advantage of facilitating the simultaneous treatment of both dimensions under a single title.

过去,委员会使用了各种手段界定一套条款草案范围的双重内容, 47 但在目前情况下,它认为在单独一条中将这两点内容结合起来更好,特别是因为这体现出在一个标题下便于同时处理两点内容的优势。

It also avoids the use in the title of a different article of expressions such as do not apply, excludeand do not affect, which some members of the Commission see as not entirely compatible with the without prejudiceclause.


(2) Paragraph 1 establishes the scope of the draft articles in its positive dimension.

(2) 1款从正面规定条款草案的范围。

To this end, in the paragraph, the Commission has decided to use the phrase the present draft articles apply to, which is the wording used recently in other draft articles adopted by the Commission that contain a provision referring to their scope. 48

为此,在第1条草案第1款,委员会决定使用“本条款草案适用于”这一短语,这是最近在委员会通过的其他载有范围规定的条款草案中使用的措辞。 48

On the other hand, the Commission considered that the scope of the draft articles should be defined as simply as possible, so that it could frame the rest of the draft articles and not affect or prejudge the other issues to be addressed later in other provisions in the text.


Accordingly, the Commission decided to make a descriptive reference to the scope, listing the elements comprising the title of the topic itself.


For the same reason, the phrase from the exercise of, initially proposed by the Special Rapporteur, has been left out of the definition of the scope.


This phrase was interpreted by various members of the Commission in different and even contradictory ways, in terms of the consequences for the definition of the scope of foreign criminal jurisdiction.


Account was also taken of the fact that the phrase exercise ofis used in other draft articles formulated by the Special Rapporteur.


49 The Commission was therefore of the view that the phrase was not needed to define the general scope of the draft articles and has reserved it for use in other parts of the draft articles in which it will have a better place.

49 因此,委员会认为,不需要用这二字来界定条款草案的一般范围,并且将它们留用于条款草案其他部分更合适的地方。

(3) Paragraph 1 covers the three elements defining the purpose of the draft articles, namely: (a) who are the persons enjoying immunity? (State officials); (b) what type of jurisdiction is affected by immunity? (criminal jurisdiction); and (c) in what domain does such criminal jurisdiction operate? (the criminal jurisdiction of another State).

(3) 1款涵盖了界定条款草案宗旨的三个要素,即:() 谁能享受豁免?(国家官员)() 豁免影响哪些类型管辖权?(刑事管辖权);以及() 这类刑事管辖权是在什么领域行使的?(另一国的刑事管辖权)

(4) As to the first element, the Commission has chosen to confine the draft articles to the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction that may be enjoyed by those persons who represent or act on behalf of a State.

(4) 关于第一个要素,委员会选择将本条款草案限于代表一国的或为一国利益行事的人员可享有的外国刑事管辖豁免。

In the Commissions previous work, the persons enjoying immunity have been referred to using the term officials.


 However, the use of this term, and its equivalents in the other language versions, has raised certain problems to which the Special Rapporteur has drawn attention in her reports,  and which have also been pointed out by some members of the Commission.

 然而,使用这一术语以及其他语言文本的对等措辞,引起了若干问题。 特别报告员在她的报告中已经提请注意这一点,  并且委员会一些委员也指出过。

It should be noted, first, that the terms used in the various language versions are neither interchangeable nor synonymous.


It should also be taken into account that these terms are not necessarily suitable for referring to each and every person to whom the present draft articles apply.


The Commission consequently considers that the definition of official(and its equivalents in the various language versions), as well as decisions on the terms to be used to refer to the persons to whom immunity applies, are matters requiring detailed consideration which, the Special Rapporteur has proposed, should be undertaken at a later stage, particularly in connection with the analysis of immunity ratione materiae.


Consequently, at the present stage of the work, the Commission has decided to continue to use the original terminology, on the understanding that it will be given consideration later.


This is reflected by the footnote in the text of draft article 1, paragraph 1.


The use of the term officialin the commentaries must be understood to be subject to the same reservation.


(5) Secondly, the Commission has decided to confine the scope of the draft articles to immunity from criminal jurisdiction.

(5) 第二,委员会决定将条款草案范围限于刑事管辖豁免。

The present draft article is not intended to define the concept of criminal jurisdiction, which is being considered by the Commission in relation to another draft article.


 Nevertheless, the Commission has debated the scope of criminal jurisdictionin relation to the acts that would be covered by the concept, particularly with reference to the extension of immunity to certain acts that are closely linked to the concept of personal inviolability, such as the arrest or detention of an individual.


With this in mind, and subject to later developments in the Commissions treatment of this issue, for the purposes of defining the scope of the present draft articles, the reference to foreign criminal jurisdiction should be understood as meaning the set of acts linked to judicial processes whose purpose is to determine the criminal responsibility of an individual, including coercive acts that can be carried out against persons enjoying immunity in this context.


(6) Thirdly, the Commission decided to confine the scope of the draft articles to immunity from the foreigncriminal jurisdiction, that which reflects the horizontal relations between States.

(6) 第三,委员会决定将本条款草案的范围限于国家间平行关系中称为“外国”的刑事司法管辖豁免。

This means that the draft articles will be applied solely in respect to the immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of another State.


Consequently, the immunities enjoyed before international criminal tribunals, which are subject to their own legal regime, will remain outside the scope of the draft articles.


This exclusion must be understood to mean that none of the rules that govern immunity before such tribunals are to be affected by the content of the present draft articles.


Nevertheless, the need to consider the special problem presented by so-called mixed or internationalized criminal tribunals has been raised.


Similarly, a question has been raised regarding the effect that existing international obligations imposed on States to cooperate with international criminal tribunals would have on the present draft articles.


Although diverse views were expressed with regard to both subjects, it is not possible at this stage to definitively address these aspects.


(7) It must be emphasized that paragraph 1 refers to immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of another State.

(7) 必须强调,本条草案第1款指的是“对另一国刑事管辖…的豁免”。

The use of the term fromcreates a link between the concepts of immunityand foreign criminal jurisdiction(or jurisdiction of another State) that must be duly taken into account.


On this point, the Commission is of the view that the concepts of immunity and foreign criminal jurisdiction are closely interrelated: it is impossible to view immunity in abstract terms, without relating it to a foreign criminal jurisdiction which, although it exists, will not be exercised by the forum State precisely because of the existence of immunity. Or, as the International Court of Justice has put it, it is only where a State has jurisdiction under international law in relation to a particular matter that there can be any question of immunities in regard to exercise of that jurisdiction.


(8) The Commission regards immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction as being procedural in nature.

(8) 委员会将外国刑事管辖豁免视为程序性的。

Consequently, immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction cannot constitute a means of exempting the criminal responsibility of a person enjoying immunity from the substantive rules of criminal law, a responsibility which accordingly is preserved, independently of the fact that a State cannot, through the exercise of its jurisdiction, determine that such responsibility exists at a specific moment and with regard to a given person.


On the contrary, immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction is strictly a procedural obstacle or barrier to the exercise of a States criminal jurisdiction against the officials of another State.


This position was affirmed by the International Court of Justice in the Arrest Warrant case,  which is followed in the majority of State practice and in the literature.

国际法院在逮捕证案中确认了这一立场,  大部分国家实践和文献也采取了这一立场。

(9) Paragraph 2 refers to cases in which there are special rules of international law relating to immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

(9) 这条草案第二款涉及到在外国刑事管辖豁免方面存在着国际法特别规则的情况。

This category of special rules has its most well-known and frequently cited manifestation in the regime of privileges and immunities granted under international law to diplomatic agents and to consular officials.


 However, there are other examples in contemporary international law, both treaty-based and custom-based, which in the Commissions view should likewise be taken into account for the purposes of defining the scope of the present draft articles.


Concerning those special regimes, the Commission considers that these are legal regimes that are well established in international law and that the present draft articles should not affect their content and application.


It should be recalled that during the preparation of the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property, the Commission acknowledged the existence of special immunity regimes, albeit in a different context, and specifically referred to them in article 3, entitled Privileges and immunities not affected by the present articles.


The relationship between the regime for immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction set out in the draft articles and the special regimes just mentioned was established by the Commission with the inclusion of a saving clause in, paragraph 2, according to which the provisions of the present draft articles are without prejudiceto what is set out in the special regimes; here the Commission has followed the wording it used before, in the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property.


(10) The Commission has used the term special rulesas a synonym for the words special regimesin its earlier work.

(10) 委员会在早先的工作中使用了“特别规则”一词,作为“特别制度”的同义词。

Although the Commission has not defined the concept of special regime, attention should be drawn to the conclusions of the Study Group on Fragmentation of International Law, particularly conclusions 2 and 3.


 For the purposes of the present draft articles, the Commission understands special rulesto mean those international rules, whether treaty- or custom-based, that regulate the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction of persons connected with activities in specific fields of international relations.


The Commission sees such special rulesas coexisting with the regime defined in the present draft articles, the special regime being applied in the event of any conflict between the two regimes.


 In any event, the Commission considers that the special regimes in question are only those established by rules of international law, this reference to international law being essential for the purpose of defining the scope of the without prejudiceclause.


(11) The special regimes included in paragraph 2 relate to three areas of international practice in which norms regulating immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction have been identified, namely: (a) the presence of a State in a foreign country through diplomatic missions, consular posts and special missions; (b) the various representational and other activities connected with international organizations; and (c) the presence of a States military forces in a foreign country.

(11) 2款涵盖的特别制度涉及到已经确定了外国刑事管辖豁免规范的三个国际惯例领域,分别是:(a) 一国以外交使团、领事馆和特别使团的形式存在于某一外国;(b) 与国际组织有关的各种派驻代表活动和其他活动;(c) 一国军事力量驻扎在某一外国。

Although in all three areas, treaty-based norms establishing a regime of immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction may be identified, the Commission has not thought it necessary to include in paragraph 2 an explicit reference to such international conventions and instruments.


The first group includes special rules relating to the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction of persons connected with carrying out the functions of representation, or protection of the interests of the State in another State, whether on a permanent basis or otherwise, while connected with a diplomatic mission, consular post or special mission.


The Commission takes the view that the rules contained in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the Convention on Special Missions, as well as the relevant rules of customary law, fall into this category.


The second group includes special rules applicable to the immunity from criminal jurisdiction enjoyed by persons connected with an activity in relation to or in the framework of an international organization.


In this category are included the special rules applicable to persons connected with missions to an international organization or delegations to organs of international organizations or to international conferences.


 The Commissions understanding is that it is unnecessary to include in this group of special rules those that apply in general to the international organizations themselves.


However, it considers that this category does include norms applicable to the agents of an international organization, especially in cases when the agent has been placed at the disposal of the organization by a State and continues to enjoy the status of State official during the time when he or she is acting on behalf of and for the organization.


Regarding this second group of special regimes, the Commission has taken into account the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, as well as other treaty-based and customary norms applicable in this area.


The third group of special rules includes those according immunity from criminal jurisdiction to persons connected with the military forces of a State located in a foreign State.


This category includes the whole set of rules regulating the stationing of troops in the territory of a third State, even those included in Status of Forces Agreements (the so-called SOFAs) and those included in headquarters agreements or military cooperation accords envisaging the stationing of troops.


Also included in this category are agreements made in connection with the short-term activities of military forces in a foreign State.


(12) The list of the special rules described in paragraph 2 is qualified by the words in particularto indicate that the clause does not exclusively apply to these special rules.

(12) 2款所述的特别规则前面加上了“特别是”几个字,以此表示这一款并不是排他性地适用于这些特别规则。

In this connection, various members of the Commission drew attention to the fact that special rules in other areas may be found in practice, particularly in connection with the establishment in a States territory of foreign institutions and centres for economic, technical, scientific and cultural cooperation, usually on the basis of specific headquarters agreements.


Although the Commission has accepted in general terms the existence of these special regimes, it has considered that there is no need to mention them in paragraph 2.


(13) Lastly, it should be noted that the Commission considered the possibility of including in paragraph 2, the practice whereby a State unilaterally grants a foreign official immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

(13) 最后,应当指出的是,委员会考虑了能否在第2款中包括一国单方面向外国官员赋予外国刑事管辖豁免的做法。

However, the Commission decided against such inclusion.


This issue may be revisited at a later stage in the consideration of work on the topic.


(14) On the other hand, the Commission has considered that the formulation of paragraph 2 should parallel the structure of paragraph 1 of the draft article.

(14) 另一方面,委员会认为,第2款的写法应与本条草案第1款的结构保持平行。

It must thus be borne in mind that the present draft articles refer to the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction of certain persons described as officialsand that consequently, this subjective element should also be reflected in the without prejudiceclause.


This is why paragraph 2 refers expressly to persons connected with.


The phrase persons connected withhas been used in line with the terminology in the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property (art. 3).


The scope of the term persons connected withwill depend on the content of the rules defining the special regime that applies to them; it is therefore not possible a priori to draw up a single definition for this category.


This is also true for civilian personnel connected with the military forces of a State, who will be included in the special regime only to the extent that the legal instrument applicable in each case so establishes.


(15) The combination of the terms persons connected withand special rulesis essential in determining the scope and meaning of the saving or without prejudiceclause in paragraph 2.

(15) 将“相关的人员”和“特别规则”结合起来,对于确定第1条第2款中的但书或“不妨碍”条款的范围和含义,必不可少。

The Commission considers that the persons covered in this paragraph (diplomatic agents, consular officials, members of special missions, agents of international organizations and members of the military forces of a State) are automatically excluded from the scope of the present draft articles, not by the mere fact of belonging to that category of officials, but by the fact that one of the special regimes referred to in draft article 1, paragraph 2, applies to them under certain circumstances.


In such circumstances, the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction that these persons may enjoy under the special regimes applicable to them will not be affected by the provisions of the present draft articles.


Part Two Immunity ratione personae

第二部分 属人豁免

Article 3 Persons enjoying immunity ratione personae

3条 享有属人豁免的人员

Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs enjoy immunity ratione personae from the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction.




(1) Draft article 3 lists the State officials who enjoy immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction, namely: the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs.

(1) 3条草案列出了享有外国刑事管辖豁免的国家官员,包括:国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长。

The draft article confines itself to identifying the persons to whom this type of immunity applies, making no reference to its substantive scope, which will be dealt with in other draft articles.


(2) The Commission considers that there are two reasons, representational and functional, for granting immunity ratione personae to Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs.

(2) 委员会认为,从代表和职能这两个方面看有理由给予国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长以属人豁免。

First, under the rules of international law, these three office holders represent the State in its international relations simply by virtue of their office, directly and with no need for specific powers to be granted by the State.  Second, they must be able to discharge their functions unhindered.

首先,根据国际法,任这些职位的人员仅凭其职务就可在国际关系中直接代表国家而无需国家专门授权其这样做,  其次,他们必须能够不受阻碍地行使职权。

 It is irrelevant whether those officials are nationals of the State in which they hold the office of Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs.


(3) The statement that the Heads of State enjoy immunity ratione personae is not subject to dispute, given that this is established in existing rules of customary international law.

(3) 国家元首享有属人豁免,对此没有争议,因为这一点在现行习惯国际法规则中已得到确立。

In addition, various conventions contain provisions referring directly to the immunity from jurisdiction of the Head of State.


In this connection, mention must be made of article 21, paragraph 1, of the Convention on Special Missions, which expressly acknowledges that when the Head of State leads a special mission, he or she enjoys, in addition to what is granted in the Convention, the immunities accorded by international law to Heads of State on an official visit.


Similarly, article 50, paragraph 1, of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character refers to the other immunities accorded by international law to Heads of State.


Along the same lines, albeit in a different field, the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property includes, in the saving clause in article 3, paragraph 2, an express reference to the immunities accorded under international law to Heads of State.


The immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction of the Head of State has also been recognized in case law at both the international and national levels.


Thus, the International Court of Justice has expressly mentioned the immunity of the Head of State from foreign criminal jurisdiction in the Arrest Warrant  and Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters  cases.

为此,国际法院在逮捕证案  和关于刑事事项互助的若干问题案  中明确提到国家元首享有外国刑事管辖豁免。

It must be emphasized that examples of national judicial practice, although limited in number, are consistent in showing that Heads of State enjoy immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction, both in the proceedings concerning the immunity of the Head of State and in the reasoning that such courts follow in deciding whether or not other State officials also enjoy immunity from criminal jurisdiction.


The Commission considers that the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction ratione personae of the Head of State is accorded exclusively to persons who actually hold that office, and that the title given to the Head of State in each State, the conditions under which he or she acquires the status of Head of State (as a sovereign or otherwise) and the individual or collegial nature of the office are irrelevant for the purposes of the present draft article.

委员会认为,关于国家元首的外国刑事管辖属人豁免,该豁免仅赋予现任该职位的人员,各国给予国家元首的头衔、他或她获得国家元首身份的条件(主权或其他)以及该职位是个人还是集体性质,就本条款草案的目的而言无关紧要 。

(4) The recognition of immunity ratione personae in favour of the Head of Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs is a result of the fact that, under international law, their representative functions of the State have become recognized as approximate to those of the Head of State.

(4) 政府首脑和外交部长享有属人管辖豁免之所以得到承认是因为,依照国际法,其作为国家代表的职能接近于国家元首并且这一点得到承认。

Examples of this may be found in the recognition of full powers for the Head of Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs for the conclusion of treaties  and the equality of the three categories of officials in terms of their international protection  and their involvement in the representation of the State.

政府首脑和外交部长缔结条约的全权得到承认 、三类官员在享受国际保护  和在国际上参与代表国家方面  享有的平等都是这一现象的实例。

 The immunity of Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs has been referred to in the Convention on Special Missions, the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character, and, implicitly, in the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property.


 The inclusion of the Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, is particularly significant, since in its own draft articles on the subject, the Commission decided not to include government officials in the list of persons internationally protected,  but the Minister for Foreign Affairs was nevertheless included in the final Convention adopted by States.

 将外交部长纳入《关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约》意义特别重大,因为委员会在关于该议题的条款草案中决定不将政府官员纳入受国际保护人员名单,  但外交部长还是纳入了最终由各国通过的《公约》。

All of the above-mentioned examples have emerged from the work of the Commission, which has on several occasions dealt with the question of whether or not expressly to include Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs in international instruments.


In this connection, there was noted that there was specific mention to the Head of State in article 3 of the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property while excluding any express reference to the Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs.

如上文所述,最终每个案件各自通过了不同的解决方案。 对此,有委员提到,《联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约》第三条具体提及国家元首,只字未提政府首脑和外交部长。

However, there is very little reason to conclude that these examples mean that in the present draft article, the Commission must treat Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs differently. It is even less reasonable to conclude that the Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs must be excluded from draft article 3.


A number of factors must be taken into account here.


First, the present draft articles refer solely to the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction of State officials, whereas the Convention on Special Missions, and the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character, refer to all the immunities from which Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs may enjoy.


Secondly, the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property refers to the immunities of States; immunity from criminal jurisdiction remains outside its scope.


 In addition, far from rejecting the immunities that might be enjoyed by the Head of Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Commission actually recognized them, but simply did not mention these categories specifically in article 3, paragraph 2, since it would be difficult to prepare an exhaustive list, and any enumeration of such persons would moreover raise the issues of the basis and of the extent of the jurisdictional immunity exercised by such persons.


 And thirdly, it must also be borne in mind that all the examples mentioned above preceded the judgment by the International Court of Justice in the Arrest Warrant case.


(5) In its judgment in the Arrest Warrant case, the International Court of Justice expressly stated that in international law it is firmly established that, as also diplomatic and consular agents, certain holders of high-ranking office in a State, such as the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs, enjoy immunities from jurisdiction in other States, both civil and criminal.

(5) 国际法院在逮捕证案的判决中明确表示,“国际法中已明确确立的一点是,国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长等一些任国家高级官员的人员同外交和领事人员一样在他国享有管辖豁免,包括民事和刑事豁免”。

 This statement was later reiterated by the Court in the case concerning Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.


 Both of these judgments were discussed extensively by the Commission, particularly with regard to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.


During the discussion, most members expressed the view that the Arrest Warrant case reflects the current state of international law and that it must accordingly be concluded that there is a customary rule under which the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction ratione personae of the Minister for Foreign Affairs is recognized.


In the view of these members, the position of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the special functions he or she carries out in international relations constitute the basis for the recognition of such immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction.


On the other hand, some members of the Commission pointed out that the Courts judgment was not sufficient grounds for concluding that a customary rule existed, as it did not contain a thorough analysis of the practice and that several judges expressed opinions that differed from the majority view.


 One member of the Commission who considers that the Courts judgment does not show that there is a customary rule nevertheless said that, in view of the fact that the Courts judgment in that case has not been opposed by States, the absence of a customary rule does not prevent the Commission from including that official among the persons enjoying immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction, as a matter of progressive development of international law.


(6) As to the practice of national courts, the Commission has also found that while there are very few rulings on the immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction of the Head of Government and almost none in respect of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the national courts that have had occasion to comment on this subject have nevertheless always recognized that those high-ranking officials do have immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction during their term of office.

(6) 关于国家法院的惯例,委员会还考虑到,判决涉及政府首脑外国刑事管辖属人豁免的情况极少,而涉及外交部长外国刑事管辖属人豁免的情况几乎不存在,尽管如此,曾对这一专题发表意见的国家法院总是承认这些高级官员在任期内确实享有外国刑事管辖豁免。

(7) As a result of the discussion, the Commission found that there are sufficient grounds in practice and in international law to conclude that the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs enjoy immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

(7) 根据讨论,委员会发现,在实践和在国际法中有充分理由断定,国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长享有外国刑事管辖属人豁免。

Consequently, it has been decided to include them in draft article 3.


(8) The Commission has also looked into whether other State officials could be included in the list of the persons enjoying immunity ratione personae.

(8) 委员会还审查了其他类别的国家官员能否被列入享受属人豁免的人员清单。

This has been raised as a possibility by some members of the Commission in the light of the evolution of international relations, particularly the fact that high-ranking officials other than the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs are becoming increasingly involved in international forums and making frequent trips outside the national territory.


Some members of the Commission have supported the view that other high-ranking officials should be included in draft article 3 with a reference to the Arrest Warrant case, stating that the use of the words such asshould be interpreted to extend the regime of immunity ratione personae to high-ranking State officials, other than the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs, who have major responsibilities within the State and who are involved in representation of the State in the fields of their activity.


In this connection, some members of the Commission have suggested that immunity ratione personae is enjoyed by a Minister of Defence or a Minister of International Trade.


Other members of the Commission, however, see the use of the words such asas not widening the circle of the persons who enjoy this category of immunity, since the Court uses the words in the context of a specific dispute, the subject of which is the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction of a Minister for Foreign Affairs.


Lastly, several members of the Commission have drawn attention to the difficulty inherent in determining which persons should be deemed to be other high-ranking officials,since this will depend to a large extent on each countrys organizational structure and method of conferring powers, which differ from one State to the next.


(9) In the case concerning Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, the International Court of Justice reverted to the subject of the immunity of high-ranking State officials other than the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs.

(9) 在关于刑事事项互助的若干问题案中,国际刑事法院重新提到国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长之外的其他高级国家官员的豁免这一主题,尽管该案的判决并不能得出法院承认这类高级官员的属人豁免的结论。

The Court dealt separately with the immunity of the Head of State of Djibouti and of the two other high-ranking officials, namely the Attorney-General (procureur de la République) and the Head of National Security.


With regard to the Head of State, the Court made a very clear pronouncement that in general, he or she enjoys immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction ratione personae, although that was not applicable in the specific case, since the invitation to testify issued by the French authorities was not a measure of constraint.


 With regard to the other high-ranking officials, the Court argued that the acts attributed to them were not carried out within the scope of their duties;  it considered that Djibouti did not make it sufficiently clear whether it was claiming State immunity, personal immunity or some other type of immunity; and it concluded that the Court notes first that there are no grounds in international law upon which it could be said that the officials concerned were entitled to personal immunities, not being diplomats within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, and the Convention on Special Missions of 1969 not being applicable in this case.

 关于其他高级官员,法院认为,归于他们的行为不是在他们职责范围内实施的;  法院认为,吉布提没有充分明确的说明它主张的是国家豁免、属人豁免还是其他类型的豁免;法院断定,“法院注意到,首先,由于有关官员不是1961年《维也纳外交关系公约》所称的外交官,1969年《特别使团公约》也不适用于本案,因而国际法中没有理由支持有关官员享有属人豁免的说法”。

(10) In national judicial practice, a number of decisions deal with the immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction of other high-ranking officials.

(10) 在国家司法实践中,有多项判决涉及其他高级官员的外国刑事管辖属人豁免问题。

However, the decisions in question are not conclusive.


While some of the decisions are in favour of the immunity ratione personae of high-ranking officials such as the Minister of Defence or Minister of International Trade,  in others, the national courts found that the person under trial did not enjoy immunity, either because he or she was not a Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs or because he or she did not belong to the narrow circle of officials who deserve such treatment,  which illustrates the major difficulty involved in identifying the high-ranking officials other than the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs who can indisputably be deemed to enjoy immunity ratione personae.

一些判决赞成国防部长或国际贸易部长等高级官员享有属人豁免,  而在其他判决中,国家法院判定受审人不享有豁免,或因为他或她不是国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长,或因为他或她不属于有资格享受这项待遇的少数官员,  这显示了确定除国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长以外可以被视为毫无争议地享有属人豁免的高级官员的主要难点。

It should also be pointed out, however, that in some of these decisions, the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction of a high-ranking official is analysed from various perspectives (immunity ratione personae, immunity ratione materiae, State immunity, immunity deriving from a special mission), reflecting the uncertainty in determining precisely what might be the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction that is enjoyed by high-ranking officials other than the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs.


(11) On another level, it must be recalled that the Commission has already referred to the immunity of other high-ranking officials, in its draft articles on special missions and its draft articles on the representation of States in their relations with international organizations of a universal character.

(11) 在另一个层面上,应回顾指出,委员会在关于特别使团的条款草案和关于国家在其对普遍性国际组织关系上的代表权的条款草案中已提及其他高级官员的豁免。

 It must be recalled that these instruments only establish a regime under which such persons continue to enjoy the immunities accorded to them under international law beyond the framework of those instruments.


However, neither in the text of the draft articles nor in the Commissions commentaries thereto is it clearly indicated what these immunities are and whether they do or do not include immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction ratione personae.


It must also be emphasized that although these high-ranking officials may be deemed to be included in the category of State representativesmentioned in article 2, paragraph 1 (a) (iv), of the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property, that instrument as previously mentioned does not apply to criminal proceedings.


Nevertheless, some members of the Commission stated that high-ranking officials do benefit from the immunity regime of special missions, including immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction, when they are on an official visit to a third State as part of their fulfilment of the functions of representing the State in the framework of their substantive duties.


It was said that this offers a means of ensuring the proper fulfilment of the sectoral functions of this category of high-ranking officials at the international level.


(12) In view of the foregoing, the Commission considers that other high-ranking officialsdo not enjoy immunity ratione personae for purposes of the present draft articles, but that this is without prejudice to the rules pertaining to immunity ratione materiae, and on the understanding that when they are on official visits, they enjoy immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction based on the rules of international law relating to special missions.

(12) 考虑到上文所述,委员会认为,为了本条款草案的目的,其他“高级官员”不享有属人豁免,但这并不影响关于属事豁免的规则,也不影响这样一种理解,即这些高级官员在进行正式访问时基于有关特别使团的国际法规则享有外国刑事管辖豁免。

(13) The phrase from the exercise ofhas been used in the draft article with reference both to immunity ratione personae and to foreign criminal jurisdiction.

(13) 条款草案中在提及属人豁免和外国刑事管辖时使用了“行使的”一词。

The Commission decided not to use the same phrase in draft article 1 (Scope of the present draft articles) so as not to prejudge the substantive aspects of immunity, in particular its scope, that will be taken up in other draft articles.


 In the present draft article, the Commission has decided to retain the phrase from the exercise of,since it illustrates the relationship between immunity and foreign criminal jurisdiction and emphasizes the essentially procedural nature of the immunity that comes into play in relation to the exercise of criminal jurisdiction with respect to a specific act.


Article 4 Scope of immunity ratione personae

4条 属人豁免的范围

1. Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs enjoy immunity ratione personae only during their term of office.

1. 国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长仅在其任职期间享有属人豁免。

2. Such immunity ratione personae covers all acts performed, whether in a private or official capacity, by Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs during or prior to their term of office.

2. 国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长享有的此种属人豁免涵盖他们在任职之前或任职期间的所有行为,无论是私人行为还是公务行为。

3. The cessation of immunity ratione personae is without prejudice to the application of the rules of international law concerning immunity ratione materiae.

3. 属人豁免的停止不妨碍关于属事豁免的国际法规则的适用。



(1) Draft article 4 deals with the scope of immunity ratione personae from both the temporal and material standpoints.

(1) 4条草案从时间和内容角度阐述了属人豁免的范围。

The scope of immunity ratione personae must be understood by looking at the temporal aspect (paragraph 1) in conjunction with the material aspect (paragraph 2).


Although each of these aspects is conceptually distinct, the Commission has chosen to cover them in a single article, since this offers a more comprehensive view of the meaning and scope of the immunity enjoyed by Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs.


The Commission has decided to cover the temporal aspect first, since this gives a better understanding of the material scope of immunity ratione personae, which is limited to a specific period of time.


(2) With regard to the temporal scope of immunity ratione personae, the Commission has thought it necessary to include the term onlyso as to emphasize the point that this type of immunity applies to Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs exclusively during the period when they hold office.

(2) 关于属人豁免的时间范围,委员会认为有必要加上“仅”字,以强调国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长享有的这种豁免只在其任职期间适用。

This is consistent with the very reason for according such immunity, which is the special position held by such officials within the States organizational structure and which, under international law, places them in a special situation of having a dual representational and functional link to the State in the ambit of international relations.


Consequently, immunity ratione personae loses its significance when the person enjoying it ceases to hold one of those posts.


This position has been upheld by the International Court of Justice, which stated in the Arrest Warrant case that () after a person ceases to hold the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs, he or she will no longer enjoy all of the immunities accorded by international law in other States.


Provided that it has jurisdiction under international law, a court of one State may try a former Minister for Foreign Affairs of another State in respect of acts committed prior or subsequent to his or her period of office, as well as in respect of acts committed during that period of office in a private capacity.


 Although the Court was referring to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the same reasoning applies, a fortiori to the Head of State and the Head of Government.


Moreover, the limitation of immunity ratione personae to the period of time in which the persons enjoying such immunity hold office is also recognized in the conventions establishing special regimes of immunity ratione personae, particularly the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Convention on Special Missions.


 The Commission itself, in its commentaries to the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property, stated that the immunities ratione personae, unlike immunities ratione materiae which continue to survive after the termination of the official functions, will no longer be operative once the public offices are vacated or terminated.

 委员会本身也在对关于国家及其财产的管辖豁免的条款草案的评注中也说过:“与在公职结束后仍然有效的属事豁免不同,属人豁免在职务腾出或终止后便不再有效。 ”

 The strict temporal scope of immunity ratione personae is also confirmed by various national court decisions.


Consequently, the Commission considers that after the term of office of the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs has ended, immunity ratione personae ceases.


The Commission has not thought it necessary to indicate the specific criteria to be taken into account in order to determine when the term of office of the persons enjoying such immunity begins and ends, since this depends on each States legal order, and practice in this area varies.


(3) During and only during the term of office, immunity ratione personae extends to all the acts carried out by the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs, both those carried out in a private capacity and those performed in an official capacity.

(3) 属人豁免涵盖国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长任职期间―― 仅限任职期间―― 的所有行为,不论是私人行为还是公务行为。

In this way, immunity ratione personae is configured as full immunity”  with reference to any act carried out by any of the individuals just mentioned.


This configuration reflects State practice.


As the International Court of Justice stated in the Arrest Warrant case, with particular reference to a Minister for Foreign Affairs, extension of immunity to acts performed in both a private and official capacity is necessary to ensure that the persons enjoying immunity ratione personae are not prevented from exercising their specific official functions, since [t]he consequences of such impediment to the exercise of those official functions are equally serious, () regardless of whether the arrest relates to alleged acts performed in an officialcapacity or a privatecapacity.

正如国际法院在逮捕证案中特别提到逮捕外交部长问题时所述,对以私人身份和公务身份作出的行为都给予豁免是必要的,因为需要确保享有属人豁免者可以不受阻碍地行使公职,因为“()不论逮捕原因是公务行为还是私人行为,阻碍行使这类公职的后果同样严重。 ”

 Thus, no distinction can be drawn between acts performed by a Minister for Foreign Affairs in an officialcapacity, and those claimed to have been performed in a private capacity’”.


 The same reasoning must apply, a fortiori, to the Head of State and Head of Government.


(4) As regards the terminology used to refer to acts covered by immunity ratione personae, it must be borne in mind that no single, uniform wording is actually in use.

(4) 关于指代属人豁免涵盖的行为的术语,必须注意到,实际上没有单一、统一的措词。

For example, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations makes no express distinction between acts carried out in a private or official capacity in referring to acts to which the immunity from criminal jurisdiction of diplomatic agents extends, although it is understood to apply to both categories.


 Moreover, the terminology in other instruments, documents and judicial decisions, as well as in the literature, also lacks consistency, with the use, among others, of the terms official acts and private acts, acts performed in the exercise of their functions, acts linked to official functionsand acts carried out in an official or private capacity.


In the present draft article, the Commission has found it preferable to use the phrase acts performed, whether in a private or official capacity, following its use by the International Court of Justice in the Arrest Warrant case.


However, the Commission has not found it necessary to take a position at the present time on what types of acts should be considered acts performed in an official capacity, since this is a category of acts which will be taken up at a later stage, in connection with the analysis of immunity ratione materiae, and which should not be prejudged now.


It should also be pointed out that in adopting paragraph 2, the Commission has not concerned itself with the issue of possible exceptions to immunity, a subject that will be taken up at a later stage.


(5) The Commission understands the term actsto refer both to acts and to omissions.

(5) 委员会认为“行为”一词既指作为,也指不作为。

Although the terminology to be employed has been the subject of debate, the Commission has chosen to use the term actsin line with the English text of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, article 1 of which uses the term actsin the sense that an act may consist in one or more actions or omissions or a combination of both.


 In addition, the term actis commonly used in international criminal law to define conduct (active and passive) from which criminal responsibility is established.


In the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the term actshas been used in a general sense in articles 6, 7 and 8, without having elicited questions about whether both acts and omissions are included under that term, since this depends solely on each specific criminal offence.


The statutes of the ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda use the term actto refer to conduct, both active and passive, constituting an offence falling within the competence of those tribunals.


The term acthas also been used in various international treaties which are designed to impose obligations upon States but nevertheless specify conduct that may give rise to criminal responsibility.


This is the case, for example, with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (art. 2) and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (art. 1).


(6) The acts to which immunity ratione personae extends are those that a Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs has carried out during or prior to their term of office.

(6) 属人豁免涵盖的行为是国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长在任职期间或上任之前的行为。

The reason for this is the purpose of immunity ratione personae, which relates both to protection of the sovereign equality of the State and to guarantees that the persons enjoying this type of immunity can perform their functions of representation of the State unimpeded throughout their term of office.


In this sense, there is no need for further clarification regarding the applicability of immunity ratione personae to the acts performed by such persons throughout their term of office.


As regards acts performed prior to the term of office, it must be noted that immunity ratione personae applies to them only if the criminal jurisdiction of a third State is to be exercised during the term of office of the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs.


This is because, as the International Court of Justice stated in the Arrest Warrant case, [] no distinction can be drawn () between acts performed before the person concerned assumed office as Minister for Foreign Affairs and acts committed during the period of office.


Thus, if a Minister for Foreign Affairs is arrested in another State on a criminal charge, he or she is clearly thereby prevented from exercising the functions of his or her office.


The consequences of such impediment to the exercise of those official functions are equally serious, regardless of whether () the arrest relates to acts allegedly performed before the person became the Minister for Foreign Affairs or to acts performed while in office.


In any event, it must be noted that, as the International Court of Justice has also stated in the same case, immunity ratione personae is procedural in nature and must be interpreted, not as exonerating a Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs from criminal responsibility for acts committed during or prior to their term of office, but solely as suspending the exercise of foreign jurisdiction during the term of office of those high-ranking officials.


 Consequently, when the term of office ends, the acts carried out during or prior to the term of office cease to be covered by immunity ratione personae and may, in certain cases, be subject to the criminal jurisdiction that cannot be exercised during the term of office.


Lastly, it should be noted that immunity ratione personae does not in any circumstances apply to acts carried out by a Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs after their term of office.


Since they are now considered formerHead of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs such immunity would have ceased when the term of office ends.

由于他们现在被认为是“前” 国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长,这种豁免随着任期的结束而终止。

(7) Paragraph 3 addresses what happens with respect to acts carried out in an official capacity while in office by the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs after their term of office ends. Paragraph 3 proceeds with the principle that immunity ratione personae ceases when the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs leaves office.

(7) 本条草案第3款处理的是:任期结束后,国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长在任期间以公务身份实施的行为将受到何种待遇?第3款遵循国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长离任后便不再享有属人豁免的原则。

Consequently, immunity ratione personae no longer exists after their term of office ends.


Nevertheless, it must be kept in mind that a Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs may, during their term of office, have carried out acts in an official capacity which do not lose that quality merely because the term of office has ended and may accordingly be covered by immunity ratione materiae.


This matter has not been disputed in substantive terms, although it has been expressed variously in State practice, treaty practice and judicial practice.


Thus paragraph 3 sets forth a without prejudiceclause on the potential applicability of immunity ratione materiae to such acts.


This does not mean that immunity ratione personae is prolonged past the end of term of office of persons enjoying such immunity, since that is not in line with paragraph 1 of the draft article.


Nor does it mean that immunity ratione personae is transformed into a new form of immunity ratione materiae which applies automatically by virtue of paragraph 3.


The Commission considers that the without prejudiceclause simply leaves open the possibility that immunity ratione materiae might apply to acts carried out in an official capacity and during their term of office by a former Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs when the rules governing that category of immunity make this possible.


Paragraph 3, does not prejudge the content of the immunity ratione materiae regime, which will be developed in Part III of the draft articles.


Chapter VI Protection of persons in the event of disasters

第六章 发生灾害时的人员保护

A. Introduction

A. 导言

50. The Commission, at its fifty-ninth session (2007), decided to include the topic Protection of persons in the event of disastersin its programme of work and appointed Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina as Special Rapporteur.

50. 委员会第五十九届会议(2007)决定在其工作方案中列入“发生灾害时的人员保护”专题,并任命爱德华多·巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生为特别报告员。

 At the same session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a background study, initially limited to natural disasters, on the topic.


51. At the sixtieth session (2008), the Commission had before it the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/598), tracing the evolution of the protection of persons in the event of disasters, and identifying the sources of the law on the topic, as well as previous efforts towards codification and development of the law in the area.

51. 在第六十届会议上(2008),委员会收到特别报告员的初步报告(A/CN.4/ 598),报告追踪了发生灾害时对人员的保护的演变,查明关于这个专题的法律渊源以及先前在该领域编纂和发展法律的努力。

It also presented in broad outline the various aspects of the general scope with a view to identifying the main legal questions to be covered and advancing tentative conclusions without prejudice to the outcome of the discussion that the report aimed to trigger in the Commission.


The Commission also had before it a memorandum by the Secretariat, focusing primarily on natural disasters (A/CN.4/590 and Add.1 to 3) and providing an overview of existing legal instruments and texts applicable to a variety of aspects of disaster prevention and relief assistance, as well as of the protection of persons in the event of disasters.


52. The Commission considered, at its sixty-first session (2009), the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/615 and Corr.1) analysing the scope of the topic ratione materiae, ratione personae and ratione temporis, and issues relating to the definition of disasterfor purposes of the topic, as well as undertaking a consideration of the basic duty to cooperate.

52. 在第六十一届会议上(2009),委员会审议了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/615Corr.1)。 该报告分析了专题的属事理由、属人理由和属时理由范围,以及本专题范围内有关“灾害”定义的问题,并且审议了合作的基本义务问题。

The report contained proposals for three draft articles.


The Commission also had before it written replies submitted by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to the questions addressed to them by the Commission in 2008.


53. At its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission provisionally adopted draft articles 1 (Scope), 2 (Purpose), 3 (Definition of disaster), 4 (Relationship with international humanitarian law) and 5 (Duty to cooperate), which had been considered at the previous session, at the 3057th meeting, held on 4 June 2010.

53. 在第六十二届会议(2010)期间,委员会在201064日举行的第3057次会议上暂时通过了第1条草案(范围)、第2条草案(宗旨)、第3条草案(灾害的定义)、第4条草案(与国际人道主义法的关系)和第5条草案(合作的义务)

The Commission further had before it the third report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/629) providing an overview of the views of States on the work undertaken by the Commission, a consideration of the principles that inspire the protection of persons in the event of disasters, and a consideration of the question of the responsibility of the affected State.

委员会还收到了特别报告员的第三次报告(A/CN.4/629)。 该报告概述了各国对委员会所开展的工作的意见,审议了激发发生灾害时人员保护工作的各项原则,并且审议了受灾国的责任问题。

Proposals for three further draft articles were made in the report.


54. At its sixty-third session (2011), the Commission provisionally adopted draft articles 6 (Humanitarian principles in disaster response), 7 (Human dignity), 8 (Human rights) and 9 (Role of the affected State), which had been considered at the previous session, at the 3102nd meeting, held on 11 July 2011.

54. 在第六十三届会议(2011)期间,委员会在2011711日举行的第3102次会议上暂时通过了第6条草案 (应对灾害的人道主义原则)、第7条草案(人的尊严)、第8条草案(人权)和第9条草案(受灾国的作用)

The Commission also had before it the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1) containing, inter alia, a consideration of the responsibility of the affected State to seek assistance where its national response capacity is exceeded, the duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent to external assistance, and the right to offer assistance in the international community.

委员会收到了特别报告员的第四次报告(A/CN.4/643Corr.1)。 该报告除其他外,审议了受灾国在灾害超过其国家应对能力时寻求援助的责任、受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助的义务、以及国际社会提议援助的权利。

Proposals for a further three draft articles were made in the report.


The Commission provisionally adopted draft articles 10 (Duty of the affected State to seek assistance) and 11 (Consent of the affected State to external assistance) at the 3116th meeting, held on 2 August 2011, but was unable to conclude its consideration of draft article 12 owing to a lack of time.


55. At its sixty-fourth session (2012), the Commission had before it the fifth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/652) providing an overview of the views of States on the work undertaken by the Commission, a brief discussion of the Special Rapporteurs position on the Commissions question in Chapter III.C of its 2011 annual report, as well as a further elaboration of the duty to cooperate.

55. 在第六十四届会议(2012)期间,委员会收到特别报告员的第五次报告(A/CN.4/652),该报告概述了各国对委员会所开展的工作的意见,简要讨论了特别报告员对委员会在2011年年度报告第三章C节所提问题的意见,进一步阐述了合作的义务。

The report also contained a discussion of the conditions for the provision of assistance and the question of the termination of assistance.


Proposals for an additional three draft articles were made in the report. At its 3152nd meeting, on 30 July 2012, the Commission took note of draft articles 5 bis and 12 to 15, as provisionally adopted by the Draft Committee (A/CN.4/L.812).


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

56. At the present session, the Commission had before it the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/662) dealing with aspects of prevention in the context of the protection of persons in the event of disasters, including disaster risk reduction, prevention as a principle of international law, and international cooperation on prevention.

56. 在本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第六次报告(A/CN.4/662)。 报告处理了发生灾害时的人员保护所涉及的预防问题,包括减少灾害风险、将预防视为国际法原则、预防方面的国际合作等。

The report further provided an overview of national policy and legislation.


Proposals for the following two draft articles were made in the report: draft articles 5 ter (Cooperation for disaster risk reduction)  and 16 (Duty to prevent).

报告提出了下述两条草案的案文建议:第5条草案之三(减少灾害风险的合作)  和第16条草案(预防的义务)。  

57. The Commission considered the sixth report at its 3175th to 3180th meetings, from 8 to 16 July 2013.

57. 委员会在201378日至16日的第3175次至3180次会议上审议了第六次报告。

58. At its 3180th meeting, on 16 July 2013, the Commission referred draft articles 5 ter and 16 to the Drafting Committee.

58. 2013716日第3180次会议上,委员会将第5条草案之三和第16条草案转交起草委员会。

59. The Commission adopted the report of the Drafting Committee on draft articles 5 bis and 12 to 15, which had been considered at the previous session, at the 3162nd meeting, held on 10 May 2013.

59. 2013510日的第3162次会议上,委员会通过了起草委员会关于上届会议曾审议过的第5条草案之二、之三及第12至第15条草案的报告。

The Commission further adopted the report of the Drafting Committee on draft articles 5 ter and 16, at the 3187th meeting, held on 26 July 2013 (sect. C.1 below).


60. At its 3190th and 3191st meeting, on 2 and 5 August 2013, the Commission adopted commentaries to draft articles 5 bis, 5 ter and 12 to 16 (sect. C.2 below).

60. 201382日和5日的第3190和第3191次会议上,委员会通过了第5条草案之二、之三及第12至第16条草案的评注(见下文C.2)

C. Text of the draft articles on the Protection of persons in the event of disasters provisionally adopted so far by the Commission

C. 委员会迄今为止暂时通过的发生灾害时的人员保护条款草案案文

1. Text of the draft articles

1. 条款草案案文

61. The text of the draft articles provisionally adopted so far by the Commission is reproduced below.

61. 委员会迄今为止暂时通过的条款草案案文载录如下。  

Article 1 Scope

1条 范围

The present draft articles apply to the protection of persons in the event of disasters.


Article 2 Purpose

2条 宗旨

The purpose of the present draft articles is to facilitate an adequate and effective response to disasters that meets the essential needs of the persons concerned, with full respect for their rights.


Article 3 Definition of disaster

3条 灾害的定义

Disastermeans a calamitous event or series of events resulting in widespread loss of life, great human suffering and distress, or large-scale material or environmental damage, thereby seriously disrupting the functioning of society.


Article 4 Relationship with international humanitarian law

4条 与国际人道主义法的关系

The present draft articles do not apply to situations to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable.


Article 5 Duty to cooperate

5条 合作的义务

In accordance with the present draft articles, States shall, as appropriate, cooperate among themselves, and with the United Nations and other competent intergovernmental organizations, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and with relevant non-governmental organizations.


Article 5 bis Forms of cooperation

5条之二 合作的形式

For the purposes of the present draft articles, cooperation includes humanitarian assistance, coordination of international relief actions and communications, and making available relief personnel, relief equipment and supplies, and scientific, medical and technical resources.


Article 5 ter Cooperation for disaster risk reduction

5条之三 减少灾害风险的合作

Cooperation shall extend to the taking of measures intended to reduce the risk of disasters.


Article 6 Humanitarian principles in disaster response

6条 应对灾害的人道主义原则

Response to disasters shall take place in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality, and on the basis of non-discrimination, while taking into account the needs of the particularly vulnerable.


Article 7 Human dignity

7条 人的尊严

In responding to disasters, States, competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations shall respect and protect the inherent dignity of the human person.


Article 8 Human rights

8条 人权

Persons affected by disasters are entitled to respect for their human rights.


Article 9 Role of the affected State

9条 受灾国的作用

1. The affected State, by virtue of its sovereignty, has the duty to ensure the protection of persons and provision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory.

1. 受灾国由于其主权,有责任在其领土上确保保护人员和提供抗灾救济和援助。

2. The affected State has the primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of such relief and assistance.

2. 受灾国在指挥、控制、协调和监督抗灾救济和援助方面应发挥主要作用。

Article 10 Duty of the affected State to seek assistance

10条 受灾国寻求援助的责任

To the extent that a disaster exceeds its national response capacity, the affected State has the duty to seek assistance from among other States, the United Nations, other competent intergovernmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations, as appropriate.


Article 11 Consent of the affected State to external assistance

11条 受灾国对外部援助的同意

1. The provision of external assistance requires the consent of the affected State.

1. 提供外部援助需要征得受灾国的同意。

2. Consent to external assistance shall not be withheld arbitrarily.

2. 受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助。

3. When an offer of assistance is extended in accordance with the present draft articles, the affected State shall, whenever possible, make its decision regarding the offer known.

3. 对按照本条款草案提出的援助提议,受灾国应在可能的情形下告知就该援助提议作出的决定。

Article 12 Offers of assistance

12条 提议援助

In responding to disasters, States, the United Nations, and other competent intergovernmental organizations have the right to offer assistance to the affected State.


Relevant non-governmental organizations may also offer assistance to the affected State.


Article 13 Conditions on the provision of external assistance

13条 对提供外部援助规定条件

The affected State may place conditions on the provision of external assistance.


Such conditions shall be in accordance with the present draft articles, applicable rules of international law, and the national law of the affected State.


Conditions shall take into account the identified needs of the persons affected by disasters and the quality of the assistance.


When formulating conditions, the affected State shall indicate the scope and type of assistance sought.


Article 14 Facilitation of external assistance

14条 便利外部援助

1. The affected State shall take the necessary measures, within its national law, to facilitate the prompt and effective provision of external assistance regarding, in particular:

1. 受灾国应在其国内法范围内采取必要措施,便利迅速及有效地提供外部援助,尤其是:

(a) civilian and military relief personnel, in fields such as privileges and immunities, visa and entry requirements, work permits, and freedom of movement; and

(a) 对于民事救灾人员和军队救灾人员,在诸如特权和豁免、签证和入境要求、工作许可证、通行自由等方面提供便利;以及

(b) goods and equipment, in fields such as customs requirements and tariffs, taxation, transport, and disposal thereof.

(b) 对于货物和设备,在诸如海关要求和关税、征税、运输以及处置等方面提供便利。

2. The affected State shall ensure that its relevant legislation and regulations are readily accessible, to facilitate compliance with national law.

2. 受灾国应确保其有关法律和规章容易查阅,从而便利遵守国内法。

Article 15 Termination of external assistance

15条 终止外部援助

The affected State and the assisting State, and as appropriate other assisting actors, shall consult with respect to the termination of external assistance and the modalities of termination.


The affected State, the assisting State, or other assisting actors wishing to terminate shall provide appropriate notification.


Article 16 Duty to reduce the risk of disasters

16条 减少灾害风险的义务

1. Each State shall reduce the risk of disasters by taking the necessary and appropriate measures, including through legislation and regulations, to prevent, mitigate, and prepare for disasters.

1. 每一国均应采取包括制订法律和规章在内的必要和适当的措施减少灾害风险,以防灾、减灾和备灾。

2. Disaster risk reduction measures include the conduct of risk assessments, the collection and dissemination of risk and past loss information, and the installation and operation of early warning systems.

2. 减少灾害风险的措施包括开展风险评估、收集和传播风险和以往损失信息、安装和操作预警系统。

2. Text of the draft articles and commentaries thereto provisionally adopted by the Commission at its sixty-fifth session

2. 委员会第六十五届会议暂时通过的条款草案案文及其评注

62. The text of the draft articles, together with commentaries, provisionally adopted by the Commission at the sixty-fifth session, is reproduced below.

62. 委员会第六十五届会议暂时通过的条款草案案文及其评注载录如下。

Article 5 bis Forms of cooperation

5条之二 合作的形式

For the purposes of the present draft articles, cooperation includes humanitarian assistance, coordination of international relief actions and communications, and making available relief personnel, relief equipment and supplies, and scientific, medical and technical resources.




(1) Draft article 5 bis seeks to clarify the various forms which cooperation between affected States, assisting States, and other assisting actors may take in the context of the protection of persons in the event of disasters.

(1) 5条草案之二力求说明受灾国、援助国及其他援助方在发生灾害时可为保护人员开展的各种合作。

Cooperation is enshrined in general terms in draft article 5 as a guiding principle and fundamental duty with regard to the present topic, as it plays a central role in disaster relief efforts.


The essential role of cooperation lends itself to a more detailed enunciation of the kinds of cooperation relevant in this context.


The present draft article is therefore designed to further elaborate on the meaning of draft article 5, without creating any additional legal obligations.


(2) The list of forms of cooperation in draft article 5 bis humanitarian assistance, coordination of international relief actions and communications, and making available relief personnel, relief equipment and supplies, and scientific, medical and technical resources is loosely based on the second sentence of paragraph 4 of draft article 17 of the final draft articles on the law of Transboundary Aquifers, which expands upon the general obligation to cooperate in article 7 of those draft articles by describing the cooperation necessary in emergency situations.

(2) 5条草案之二列出的合作形式―― 人道主义援助、协调国际救灾行动和通信、提供救灾人员、救灾设备和物资以及科学、医学、技术资源―― 大致基于《跨界含水层法》最后条款草案第17条草案第4款第2句,该条描述了紧急情况下需开展的合作,是对第7条草案一般合作义务的延伸。

 The second sentence of paragraph 4 of draft article 17 reads:


Cooperation may include coordination of international emergency actions and communications, making available emergency response personnel, emergency response equipment and supplies, scientific and technical expertise and humanitarian assistance.


As this provision had been specifically drafted with reference to a related context namely, the need for cooperation in the event of an emergency affecting a transboundary aquifer the Commission felt that its language was a useful starting point for the drafting of draft article 5 bis.

鉴于上述规定是针对有关背景―― 发生影响跨界含水层的紧急情况时需要合作―― 专门起草的,委员会认为其文字是起草第5条草案之二的有益出发点。

However, the text of article 5 bis was tailored to appropriately reflect the context and purpose of the present draft articles, and to ensure that it took into account the major areas of cooperation dealt with in international instruments addressing disaster response.


Similar language is contained in the ASEAN Declaration on Mutual Assistance on Natural Disasters, of 26 June 1976, which states that Member Countries shall, within their respective capabilities, cooperate in the improvement of communication channels among themselves as regards disaster warnings, exchange of experts and trainees, exchange of information and documents, and dissemination of medical supplies, services and relief assistance.


 In a similar vein, in explaining the areas in which it would be useful for the United Nations to adopt a coordinating role and encourage cooperation, General Assembly resolution 46/182 calls for coordination with regards to specialized personnel and teams of technical specialists, as well as relief supplies, equipment, and services …”.


(3) The beginning of draft article 5 bis states that the forms of cooperation are outlined [f]or the purposes of the present draft articles.

(3) 5条草案之二开首称,“为本条款草案的目的”而列出了合作形式。

Therefore, draft article 5 bis, which is to be read in light of the other draft articles, is oriented towards the purpose of the topic as a whole as stated in draft article 2, namely, to facilitate an adequate and effective response to disasters that meets the essential needs of the persons concerned, with full respect for their rights.


In the context of the present topic, the ultimate goal of the duty to cooperate, and therefore of any of the forms of cooperation referred to in draft article 5 bis, is the protection of persons affected by disasters.


(4) While the draft article highlights specific forms of cooperation, the list is not meant to be exhaustive, but is instead illustrative of the principal areas in which cooperation may be appropriate according to the circumstances.

(4) 本条草案着重指出了具体的合作形式,不是要列举所有情况,而是为了说明可能适合具体情况的主要合作领域。

The non-exhaustive nature of the list is emphasized by the use of the word includes, and its equivalent in the other official languages.


The Commission determined that the highlighted forms are the main areas in which cooperation may be warranted, and that the forms are broad enough to encapsulate a wide variety of cooperative activities.


Cooperation may, therefore, include the activities mentioned, but is not limited to them; other forms of cooperation not specified in the present draft article are not excluded, such as financial support; technological transfer covering, among others, satellite imagery; training; information-sharing and joint simulation exercises and planning.


(5) As draft article 5 bis is illustrative of possible forms of cooperation, it is not intended to create additional legal obligations for either affected States or assisting actors to engage in certain activities.

(5) 5条草案之二只是为了说明可采取的合作形式,并不是为受灾国或援助方规定参加某些活动的额外法律义务。

The forms which cooperation may take will necessarily depend upon a range of factors, including, inter alia, the nature of the disaster, the needs of the affected persons, and the capacities of the affected State and assisting actors involved.


As with the principle of cooperation itself, the forms of cooperation in draft article 5 bis are meant to be reciprocal in nature, as cooperation is not a unilateral act, but rather one that involves the collaborative behaviour of multiple parties.


11 The draft article is therefore not intended to be a list of activities in which an assisting State may engage, but rather areas in which harmonization of efforts through consultation on the part of both the affected State and assisting actors may be appropriate.

11 因此,本条草案不是为了列举援助国可开展的活动清单,而是为了说明可通过受灾国和援助方双方的磋商协调努力的领域。

(6) Moreover, cooperation in the areas mentioned must be in conformity with the other draft articles.

(6) 此外,提到的合作领域必须与其他条文草案保持一致。

For example, as with draft article 5, the forms of cooperation touched upon in draft article 5 bis must be consistent with draft article 9, which grants the affected State, by virtue of its sovereigntythe primary role in disaster relief assistance.


Cooperation must also be in accordance with the requirement of consent of the affected State to external assistance (draft article 11), as well as the recognition that the affected State may place appropriate conditions on the provision of external assistance, particularly with respect to the identified needs of persons affected by disaster and the quality of the assistance (draft article 13).


Cooperation is also related to draft article 14, which recognizes the role of the affected State in facilitation of prompt and effective assistance to persons affected by disaster.


As such, and since draft article 5 bis does not create any additional legal obligations, the relationship between the affected State, assisting State, and other assisting actors with regards to the abovementioned forms of cooperation will be in accordance with the other provisions of the present draft articles.


(7) Humanitarian assistance is intentionally placed first among the forms of cooperation mentioned in draft article 5 bis, as the Commission considers this type of cooperation of paramount importance in the context of disaster relief.

(7) 5条草案之二提到的合作形式中,特意将人道主义援助放在第一位,这是因为委员会认为这种合作在救灾工作中最重要。

The second category coordination of international relief actions and communications is intended to be broad enough to cover most cooperative efforts in the disaster relief phase, and may include the logistical coordination, supervision, and facilitation of the activities and movement of disaster response personnel and equipment and the sharing and exchange of information pertaining to the disaster.

第二类合作―― 协调国际救灾行动和通信―― 希望尽可能涵盖救灾阶段的大多数合作努力,可包括后勤协调、监督、为救灾人员和设备的活动及通行提供便利,以及分享和交流与灾害有关的信息。

Though information exchange is often referred to in instruments that emphasize cooperation in the pre-disaster phase as a preventive mode to reduce the risk of disasters, 12 communication and information is also relevant in the disaster relief phase to monitor the developing situation and to facilitate the coordination of relief actions amongst the various actors involved.

虽然强调灾前合作的文书经常提到信息交流是减少灾害风险的预防手段, 12 但是通信和信息对于在救灾过程中监督灾情发展、推动协调各参与方的救援行动也十分重要。

A number of instruments deal with communication and information sharing in the disaster relief context.


13 The mention of making available relief personnel, relief equipment and supplies, and scientific, medical and technical resourcesrefers to the provision of any and all resources necessary for disaster response operations.

13 提到“提供救灾人员、救灾设备和物资以及科学、医学、技术资源”是指提供救灾行动所需的任何及一切资源。

The reference to personnelmay entail the provision of and cooperation between medical teams, search and rescue teams, engineers and technical specialists, translators and interpreters, or other persons engaged in relief activities on behalf of one of the relevant actors affected State, assisting State, or other assisting actors.

提到“人员”是指可能需要提供医疗小组、搜寻和救援小组、工程师和技术专家、笔译和口译员,或代表某参与方―― 受灾国、援助国或其他援助方―― 参加救援行动的其他人员,并需要他们之间的合作。

The term resourcescovers scientific, technical, and medical expertise and knowledge as well as equipment, tools, medicines, or other objects that would be useful for relief efforts.


(8) Draft article 5 bis presents a list of the possible forms of cooperation in the disaster relief, or post-disaster, phase.

(8) 5条草案之二列出了救灾过程中或灾后阶段可采取的合作形式。

As such, the content of the draft article is without prejudice to any applicable rule on cooperation in the pre-disaster phase, including disaster prevention, preparedness, and mitigation.


Article 5 ter Cooperation for disaster risk reduction

5条之三 减少灾害风险的合作

Cooperation shall extend to the taking of measures intended to reduce the risk of disasters.




(1) While draft article 5 bis concerns the various forms which cooperation may take in the disaster relief or post-disaster phase of the disaster cycle, draft article 5 ter indicates that the scope of application ratione temporis of the duty to cooperate, enshrined in general terms in draft article 5, also covers the pre-disaster phase.

(1) 5条草案涉及在灾害周期的救灾或灾后阶段可采取的各种合作形式,而第5条草案之三指出,第5条草案以一般措辞体现的合作义务适用范围在时间上也涵盖灾前阶段。

Thus, while draft article 5 bis deals with the response to a disaster, draft article 5 ter addresses the reduction of disaster risk.


(2) This provision qualifies the cooperation referred to as being related to the taking of measures intended to reduce the risk of disasters.

(2) 这一条款将所指的合作界定为与“采取旨在减少灾害风险的措施”相关的合作。

This phrase is to be understood in the light of both paragraphs of draft article 16, in particular its paragraph 2 which envisages a series of measures that are specifically aimed at the reduction of disaster risk.


(3) Draft article 5 ter has been provisionally adopted on the understanding that adoption was without prejudice to its final location in the set of draft articles, including, in particular, its being incorporated at the same time as draft article 5 bis, into a newly revised draft article 5.

(3) 暂时通过第5条草案之三时所依据的理解是,通过它不妨碍这套条款草案的最终位置,特别是包括将它与第5条草案之二同时纳入一个新修订的第5条草案。

These are matters that have been left in abeyance for adjustment during the finalization of the first reading of the draft articles.


Article 12 Offers of assistance

12条 提议援助

In responding to disasters, States, the United Nations, and other competent intergovernmental organizations have the right to offer assistance to the affected State.


Relevant non-governmental organizations may also offer assistance to the affected State.




(1) Draft article 12 acknowledges the interest of the international community in the protection of persons in the event of disasters, which is to be viewed as complementary to the primary role of the affected State enshrined in draft article 9.

(1) 12条草案承认国际社会愿意在发生灾害时保护人员,这被视为对第9条草案所载受灾国主要作用的补充。

It is an expression of the principle of solidarity underlying the whole set of draft articles on the topic and, in particular, of the principle of cooperation embodied in draft articles 5 and 5 bis.


(2) Draft article 12 is only concerned with offersof assistance, not with the actual provisionthereof.

(2) 12条草案只涉及“提议”援助,不涉及实际“提供”援助。

Such offers, whether made unilaterally or in response to a request, are essentially voluntary and should not be construed as recognition of the existence of a legal duty to assist.


Nor does an offer of assistance create for the affected State a corresponding obligation to accept it.


In line with the fundamental principle of sovereignty informing the whole set of draft articles, an affected State may accept in whole or in part, or not accept, offers of assistance from States or non-State actors in accordance with article 11. 14


The requirement that offers of assistance be made in accordance with the present draft articlesimplies, among other consequences, that such offers cannot be discriminatory in nature nor be made subject to conditions that are unacceptable to the affected State.


(3) Offers of assistance which are consistent with the present draft articles cannot be regarded as interference in the affected States internal affairs.

(3) 根据现有条款草案提出的援助提议本身不得视为干涉受灾国内部事务。

This conclusion accords with the statement of the Institut de Droit International in its 1989 resolution on the protection of human rights and the principle of non-intervention in internal affairs of States:


An offer by a State, a group of States, an international organization or an impartial humanitarian body such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, of food or medical supplies to another State in whose territory the life or health of the population is seriously threatened, cannot be considered an unlawful intervention in the internal affairs of that State.


(4) Draft article 12 addresses the question of offers of assistance to affected States made by third actors by mentioning in two separate sentences those most likely to be involved in such offers after the occurrence of a disaster.

(4) 12条草案涉及第三方向受灾国提议援助的问题,分别在两句中提到了最有可能在发生灾害后提出这类提议的行为方。

States, the United Nations and other competent intergovernmental organizations are listed in the first sentence while the second concerns non-governmental organizations.


The Commission decided to use a different wording in each of the two sentences.


In the first sentence it opted for the phrasing have the right to offer assistancefor reasons of emphasis.


States, the United Nations and intergovernmental organizations not only are entitled but are also encouraged to make offers of assistance to the affected State.


When referring to non-governmental organizations in the second sentence, the Commission adopted instead the wording may also offer assistanceto stress the distinction, in terms of nature and legal status, that exists between the position of those organizations and that of States and intergovernmental organizations.


(5) The second sentence of draft article 12 recognizes the important role played by those non-governmental organizations which, because of their nature, location and expertise, are well placed to provide assistance in response to a particular disaster.

(5) 12条草案第二句承认非政府组织发挥的重要作用,它们凭借其性质、位置和专长,能够针对特定灾难提供援助。

The position of non-governmental, and other, actors in carrying out relief operations is not a novelty in international law.


The Geneva Conventions of 1949 already provided that, in situations of armed conflict:


] An impartial humanitarian body, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, may offer its services to the Parties to the conflict.

[]公正的人道主义团体,如红十字国际委员会,得向冲突之各方提供服务。 ”

Similarly, the Protocol II Additional to the Geneva Conventions provides that:


Relief societies located in the territory of the High Contracting Party, such as Red Cross (Red Crescent, Red Lion and Sun) organizations, may offer their services for the performance of their traditional functions in relation to the victims of the armed conflict.


The civilian population may, even on its own initiative, offer to collect and care for the wounded, sick and shipwrecked.


The important contribution of non-governmental organizations, working with strictly humanitarian motives, in disaster response was stressed by the General Assembly in its resolution 43/131 of 8 December 1988, entitled Humanitarian assistance to victims of natural disasters and similar emergency situations, in which the Assembly, inter alia, invited all affected States to facilitate the work of [such] organizations in implementing humanitarian assistance, in particular the supply of food, medicines and health care, for which access to victims is essentialand appealed to all States to give their support to [those] organizations working to provide humanitarian assistance, where needed, to the victims of natural disasters and similar emergency situations. 18

大会1988128日题为“向自然灾害和类似紧急情况的受害者提供人道主义援助”的第43/131号决议强调了纯粹出于人道主义动机工作的非政府组织在救灾工作中的重要贡献,除其他外,大会在决议中请所有受灾国“便利[这类]组织提供人道主义援助的工作,特别是提供粮食、药品和医疗保健,而这些援助切需到达灾民手中”,并呼吁“所有国家支持向自然灾害和类似紧急情况的灾民提供人道主义援助的[那些]组织”。 18

Article 13 Conditions on the provision of external assistance

13条 对提供外部援助规定条件

The affected State may place conditions on the provision of external assistance.


Such conditions shall be in accordance with the present draft articles, applicable rules of international law, and the national law of the affected State.


Conditions shall take into account the identified needs of the persons affected by disasters and the quality of the assistance.


When formulating conditions, the affected State shall indicate the scope and type of assistance sought.




(1) Draft article 13 addresses the establishment of conditions by affected States on the provision of external assistance on their territory.

(1) 13条草案涉及受灾国对在其领土上提供外部援助规定条件。

It affirms the right of affected States to place conditions on such assistance, in accordance with the present draft articles and applicable rules of international and national law.


The article indicates how such conditions are to be determined.


The identified needs of the persons affected by disasters and the quality of the assistance guide the nature of the conditions.


It also requires the affected State, when formulating conditions, to indicate the scope and type of assistance sought.


(2) The draft article furthers the principle enshrined in draft article 9, which recognizes the primary role of the affected State in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory.

(2) 本条草案进一步体现了第9条草案规定的原则,第9条草案确认受灾国在指挥、控制、协调和监督抗灾救济和援助方面应发挥主要作用。

By using the phrasing may place conditions, which accords with the voluntary nature of the provision of assistance, draft article 13 acknowledges the right of the affected State to establish conditions for such assistance, preferably in advance of a disasters occurrence but also in relation to specific forms of assistance by particular actors during the response phase.

通过采用“可…规定条件”的说法―― 这符合提供援助的自愿性质,第13条草案承认受灾国有权对这类援助规定条件,最好在灾害发生前规定条件,不过也可以在救灾过程中就已知援助方的具体援助形式规定条件。

The Commission makes reference to externalassistance because the scope of the provision covers the assistance provided by third States or other assisting actors, such as international organizations, but not assistance provided from internal sources, such as domestic non-governmental organizations.


(3) The draft article places limits on an affected States right to condition assistance, which must be exercised in accordance with applicable rules of law.

(3) 本条草案对受灾国规定援助条件的权利施加了限制,即必须依据适用的法律规则施加条件。

The second sentence outlines the legal framework within which conditions may be imposed, which comprises the present draft articles, applicable rules of international law, and the national law of the affected State.


The Commission included the phrase the present draft articlesto stress that all conditions must be in accordance with the principles reflected in previous and subsequent articles, there being no need to repeat an enumeration of the humanitarian and legal principles already addressed elsewhere, notably, good faith, sovereignty and the humanitarian principles dealt with in draft article 6, that is, humanity, neutrality, impartiality and non-discrimination.


(4) The reference to national law emphasizes the authority of domestic laws in the particular affected area.

(4) 委员会提到国内法,强调了具体受灾国的国内法律的权威。

It does not, however, imply the prior existence of national law geared to the specifics of the conditions brought forth by an affected State in the event of a disaster.


Although there is no requirement of specific national legislation before conditions can be fixed, they must be in accordance with whatever relevant domestic legislation is in existence in the affected State.


(5) The affected State and the assisting actor must both comply with the applicable rules of national law.

(5) 受灾国和援助方都必须遵守国内法的适用规则。

The affected State can only impose conditions that are in accordance with such laws, and the assisting actor must comply with such laws at all times throughout the duration of assistance.


This reciprocity is not made explicit in the draft article, since it is inherent in the broader principle of respect for national law.


Existing international agreements support the assertion that assisting actors must comply with national law.


The ASEAN Agreement, for example, provides in article 13 (2) that [m]embers of the assistance operation shall respect and abide by all national laws and regulations.


Several other international agreements also require assisting actors to respect national law 19 or to act in accordance with the law of the affected State. 20

其他一些国际协定也要求援助方遵守国内法 19 或依据受灾国的法律开展活动。 20

(6) The duty of assisting actors to respect national law implies the obligation to require that: members of the relief operation observe the national laws and regulations of the affected State, 21 the head of the relief operation takes all appropriate measures to ensure the observance of the national laws and regulations of the affected State, 22 and assisting personnel cooperate with national authorities.

(6) 援助方遵守国内法的义务意味着有义务要求救援行动成员遵守受灾国的国内法律和规章, 21 救援行动负责人采取一切适当措施确保遵守受灾国的国内法律和规章, 22 援助人员与受灾国当局合作。

23 The obligation to respect the national law and to cooperate with the authorities of the affected State accords with the overarching principle of the sovereignty of the affected State and the principle of cooperation.

23 遵守受灾国国内法并与受灾国当局合作的义务与受灾国主权至上的原则和合作原则是一致的。

(7) The right to condition assistance is the recognition of a right of the affected State to deny unwanted or unneeded assistance, and to determine what and when assistance is appropriate.

(7) 规定援助条件的权利承认受灾国有权拒绝不想要或不需要的援助,以及决定援助内容和时间。

The third sentence of the draft article gives an explanation of what is required of conditions set by affected States, namely, that they must take into accountnot only the identified needs of the persons affected by disasters but also the quality of the assistance.


Nevertheless, the phrase take into accountdoes not denote that conditions relating to the identified needs and the quality of assistance are the only ones which States can place on the provision of external assistance.


(8) The Commission included the word identifiedto signal that the needs must be apparent at the time conditions are set and that needs can change as the situation on the ground changes and more information becomes available.

(8) 委员会使用“查明的”一词,以显示规定条件时必须有明显的需要,而且随着实地情况的变化以及更多信息的出现,需要也可能随之变化。

It implies that conditions should not be arbitrary, but be formulated with the goal of protecting those affected by a disaster.


Identifiedindicates there must be some process by which needs are made known, which can take the form of a needs assessment, preferably also in consultation with assisting actors.


However, the procedure to identify needs is not predetermined, and it is left to the affected State to follow the most suitable one.


This is a flexible requirement that may be satisfied according to the circumstances of a disaster and the capacities of the affected State.


In no instance should identifying needs hamper or delay prompt and effective assistance.


The provision of the third sentence is meant to meet the essential needs of the persons concernedin the event of a disaster, as expressed in draft article 2, and should be viewed as further protection of the rights and needs of persons affected by disasters.


The reference to needsin both draft articles is broad enough to encompass the special needs of women, children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and vulnerable or disadvantaged persons and groups.


(9) The inclusion of the word qualityis meant to ensure that affected States have the right to reject assistance that is not necessary or that may be harmful.

(9) 使用“质量”一词是为了确保受灾国有权拒绝不必要或可能有害的援助。

Conditions may include restrictions based on, inter alia, safety, security, nutrition and cultural appropriateness.


(10) Draft article 13 contains a provision on the scope and type of assistance sought.

(10) 13条草案包含关于“寻求的援助的范围和种类”的规定。

This is in line with previous international agreements that contain a similar provision.


24 By the use of the words shall indicatethe draft article puts the onus on the affected State to specify the type and scope of assistance sought when placing conditions on assistance.

24 通过使用“应指明”一词,本条草案规定受灾国在施加援助条件时有责任明确说明寻求的援助种类和范围。

At the same time, it implies that once fixed, the scope and type of such assistance will be made known to the third actors that may provide it, which would facilitate consultations.


This will increase the efficiency of the assistance process, and will ensure that appropriate assistance reaches those in need in a timely manner.


(11) The Commission considered several possibilities for the proper verb to modify the word conditions.

(11) 关于使用什么动词修饰“条件”一词,委员会考虑了多种可能。

The Commissions decision to use two different words, placeand formulate, is a stylistic choice that does not imply differentiation of meaning between the two uses.

委员会决定使用两个不同的词―― “规定”和“拟定”是为了避免用词重复,并不表示不同的含义。

Article 14 Facilitation of external assistance

14条 便利外部援助

1. The affected State shall take the necessary measures, within its national law, to facilitate the prompt and effective provision of external assistance regarding, in particular:

1. 受灾国应在其国内法范围内采取必要措施,便利迅速及有效地提供外部援助,尤其是:

(a) civilian and military relief personnel, in fields such as privileges and immunities, visa and entry requirements, work permits, and freedom of movement; and

(a) 对于民事救灾人员和军队救灾人员,在诸如特权和豁免、签证和入境要求、工作许可证、通行自由等方面提供便利;以及

(b) goods and equipment, in fields such as customs requirements and tariffs, taxation, transport, and disposal thereof.

(b) 对于货物和设备,在诸如海关要求和关税、征税、运输以及处置等方面提供便利。

2. The affected State shall ensure that its relevant legislation and regulations are readily accessible, to facilitate compliance with national law.

2. 受灾国应确保其有关法律和规章容易查阅,从而便利遵守国内法。



(1) Draft article 14 addresses the facilitation of external assistance.

(1) 14条草案涉及便利外部援助。

Its purpose is to ensure that national law accommodates the provision of prompt and effective assistance.


To that effect, it further requires the affected State to ensure that its relevant legislation and regulations are readily accessible to assisting actors.


(2) The draft article provides that affected States shall take the necessary measuresto facilitate the prompt and effective provision of assistance.

(2) 本条草案规定受灾国“应…采取必要措施”,方便迅速及有效地提供援助。

The phrase take necessary measures, within its national lawmay include, inter alia, legislative, executive, and administrative measures.


Measures may also include actions taken under emergency legislation, as well as permissible temporary adjustment or waiver of the applicability of particular national legislation or regulations, where appropriate.


In formulating the draft article in such a manner, the Commission encourages States to allow for temporary non-applicability of their national laws in the event of disasters, and for appropriate provisions to be included within their national law so as to not create any legal uncertainty in the critical period following a disaster when such emergency provisions become necessary.


(3) The draft article outlines examples of areas of assistance in which national law should enable the taking of appropriate measures.

(3) 本条草案列出了国内法应允许采取临时措施的援助领域。

The words in particularbefore the examples indicate that this is not an exhaustive list, but rather an illustration of the various areas that may need to be addressed by national law to facilitate prompt and effective assistance.


(4) Subparagraph (a) envisages relief personnel.

(4) 本条(a)项涉及救灾人员。

Specific mention of both civilian and military relief personnel indicates the Commissions recognition that the military often plays a key role in disaster response actions.


Military relief personnel are those involved in the provision of humanitarian assistance.


The areas addressed in the subparagraph provide guidance as to how personnel can be better accommodated.


Granting of privileges and immunities to assisting actors is an important measure included in many international agreements to encourage the help of foreign aid workers.


25 Waiver or expedition of visa and entry requirements and work permits is necessary to ensure prompt assistance.

25 免签证或快速办理签证,以及在入境要求和工作许可证方面提供便利是确保迅速提供援助的关键。

26 Without a special regime in place, workers may be held up at borders or unable to work legally during the critical days after a disaster, or forced to exit and re-enter continually so as not to overstay their visas.

26 如果没有特殊机制,救援人员可能被拦在边境,或无法在灾害发生后的关键几天合法地开展工作,或为避免逗留时间超过签证期限而不得不反复出入境。

Freedom of movement means the ability of workers to move freely within a disaster area in order to properly perform their specifically agreed upon functions.


27 Affected States can restrict access to certain sensitive areas while still allowing for freedom within the area concerned.

27 受灾国允许在相关区域内通行自由的同时,可限制进入某些敏感地区。

Unnecessary restriction of movement of relief personnel inhibits workersability to provide flexible assistance.


(5) Subparagraph (b) addresses goods and equipment, which encompasses any and all supplies, tools, machines, foodstuffs, medicines, and other objects necessary for relief operations.

(5) 本条(b)项涉及货物和设备,包括任何以及一切物资、工具、机器、食物、药物,以及救援行动所需的其他物品。

The Commission intends that this category also include search dogs, which are normally regarded as goods and equipment, rather than creating a separate category for animals.

委员会希望将该类别也包括搜救犬―― 一般视为货物和设备,而不是为动物单独设一类。

Goods and equipment are essential to the facilitation of effective assistance, and national laws must be flexible to address the needs of persons affected by disasters and to ensure prompt delivery.


Custom requirements and tariffs, as well as taxation, should be waived or lessened in order to reduce costs and prevent delay of goods.


28 Goods and equipment that are delayed can quickly lose their usefulness, and normal procedures in place aiming at protecting the economic interests of a State can become an obstacle in connection with aid equipment that can save lives or provide needed relief.

28 货物和设备如果不能及时送到,可能很快就派不上用场了,通常的程序旨在保护一国经济利益,但是可能阻碍拯救生命或提供所需援助的救援设备的送达。

(6) The second paragraph of the draft article requires that all relevant legislation and regulations are readily accessible to assisting actors.

(6) 本条草案第2款要求所有有关法律和规章对援助方而言,容易查阅。

By using the words readily accessible, what is required is ease of access to such laws without creating the burden on the affected State to physically provide this information separately to all assisting actors.


Article 15 Termination of external assistance

15条 终止外部援助

The affected State and the assisting State, and as appropriate other assisting actors, shall consult with respect to the termination of external assistance and the modalities of termination.


The affected State, the assisting State, or other assisting actors wishing to terminate shall provide appropriate notification.




(1) Draft article 15 deals with the question of termination of external assistance.

(1) 15条草案涉及终止外部援助的问题。

The provision is comprised of two sentences.


The first sentence concerns the requirement that the affected State, the assisting State, and as appropriate other assisting actors consult each other as regards the termination of the external assistance, including the modalities of such termination.


The second sentence sets out the requirement that parties wishing to terminate assistance provide appropriate notification.


(2) When an affected State accepts an offer of assistance, it retains control over the duration for which that assistance will be provided.

(2) 受灾国接受援助提议后,保留对援助期限的控制权。

Draft article 9, paragraph 2, explicitly recognizes that the affected State has the primary role in the direction, control, coordination and supervision of disaster relief and assistance on its territory.


For its part, draft article 11 requires the consent of the affected State to external assistance, with the caveat that consent shall not be withheld arbitrarily.


The combined import of the foregoing provisions is that the affected State can withdraw consent, thereby terminating external assistance and bringing to an end the legal regime under which the assistance was being provided.


(3) Draft article 15 seeks to strike a balance between the right of the affected State to terminate external assistance and the position of assisting actors, with a view to providing adequate protection to persons affected by disasters.

(3) 15条草案力求平衡受灾国终止外部援助的权利以及援助方的地位,以期为受灾人员提供充分保护。

Accordingly, the provision does not recognize the right of only the affected State to unilaterally terminate assistance.


Instead, the Commission acknowledges that assisting States and other assisting actors may themselves need to terminate their assistance activities.


Draft article 15 thus preserves the right of any party to terminate the assistance being provided, on the understanding that this is done in consultation with the other States or actors, as appropriate.


(4) The words assisting actorsare drawn from existing instruments 29 to describe international organizations and non-governmental organizations which provide disaster relief and assistance, on the understanding that they will be defined in an article on the use of terms.

(4) “援助方”一词出自提供救灾和援助的国际组织及非政府组织的当前文书, 29 当然将在关于“用语”的条款中加以定义。

Draft article 15 is drafted in bilateral terms, but it does not exclude the scenario of multiple assisting actors providing external assistance.


(5) The requirement to consult reflects the spirit of solidarity and cooperation implicit throughout the draft articles, and the principle of cooperation enshrined in draft articles 5 and 5 bis.

(5) 磋商要求反映了贯穿于本套条款草案的团结和合作精神,以及第5条草案和第5条草案之二所载的合作精神。

The Commission anticipates that termination may become necessary for a variety of reasons and at different stages during the provision of assistance.


The relief operations may reach a stage where it would be only logical either for the affected State or one or more of the assisting parties to cease operations.


Circumstances leading to termination may include instances in which the resources of assisting actors are depleted, or where the occurrence of another disaster makes the diversion of resources necessary.


Draft article 15 is flexible, allowing adjusting the duration of assistance according to the circumstances, while implying that parties should consult in good faith.


In any event, draft article 15 should be read in light of the purpose of the draft articles, as indicated in draft article 2; thus, decisions regarding the termination of assistance are to be made taking into consideration the needs of the persons affected by disaster, namely, whether and how far such needs have been met.


(6) The word modalitiesrefers to the procedures to be followed in terminating assistance.

(6) “方式”指终止援助需遵循的程序。

Even though termination on a mutual basis may not always be feasible, consultation in relation to the modalities would enable the relevant parties to facilitate an amicable and efficient termination.


(7) The second sentence establishes a requirement of notification by the party wishing to terminate external assistance.

(7) 第二句规定希望终止外部援助的一方应发出通知。

Appropriate notification is necessary to ensure a degree of stability in the situation, so that no party is adversely affected by an abrupt termination of assistance.


The provision is drafted flexibly so as to anticipate notification before, during or after the consultation process.


No procedural constraints have been placed on the notification process.


However, notification should be appropriateaccording to the circumstances, including the form and timing, preferably early, of the notification.


Article 16 Duty to reduce the risk of disasters

16条 减少灾害风险的义务

1. Each State shall reduce the risk of disasters by taking the necessary and appropriate measures, including through legislation and regulations, to prevent, mitigate, and prepare for disasters.

1. 每一国均应采取包括制订法律和规章在内的必要和适当的措施减少灾害风险,以防灾、减灾和备灾。

2. Disaster risk reduction measures include the conduct of risk assessments, the collection and dissemination of risk and past loss information, and the installation and operation of early warning systems.

2. 减少灾害风险的措施包括开展风险评估、收集和传播风险和以往损失信息、安装和操作预警系统。



(1) Draft article 16 deals with the duty to reduce the risk of disasters.

(1) 16条草案阐述关于减少灾害风险的责任。

The draft article is composed of two paragraphs.


Paragraph 1 establishes the basic obligation to reduce the risk of disasters by taking certain measures, and paragraph 2 provides an indicative list of such measures.


(2) Draft article 16 represents the acknowledgement of the need to cover in the draft articles on Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters, not only the response phase of a disaster, but also the pre-disaster duties of States.

(2) 16条草案体现的是,承认在发生灾害时的人员保护条款草案中不仅需要涵盖灾害应对阶段,而且也需要涵盖国家的灾前职责。

The concept of disaster risk reduction has its origins in a number of General Assembly resolutions and has been further developed through the 1994 World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction in Yokohama, 30 the 2005 Hyogo Framework for Action 20052015, 31 and four sessions of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, the latest of which took place in May of 2013.

减少灾害风险的概念来源于大会的一些决议,并且通过1994年横滨减少自然灾害世界会议、 30 2005年《2005-2015年兵库行动框架》 31 以及全球减少灾害风险平台的四届会议(最近一届于20135月举行) 而得到进一步发展。

(3) As stated in the 2005 Hyogo Declaration: a culture of disaster prevention and resilience, and associated pre-disaster strategies, which are sound investments, must be fostered at all levels, ranging from the individual to the international levels Disaster risks, hazards and their impacts pose a threat, but appropriate response to this can and should lead to actions to reduce risks and vulnerabilities in the future.

(3) 2005年《兵库宣言》指出的:“必须在一切层面,从个人到国际一级,培养防灾抗灾的氛围,并推动制定与之相关的、属于必要投资性质的灾前战略…灾害风险、危害及其影响确实构成威胁,但是,通过适当的应对就可以也必定能够采取行动,减少未来的风险和降低脆弱度”。

At the fourth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2013, the concluding summary by the Chair drew attention to the growing recognition that the prevention and reduction of disaster risk is a legal obligation, encompassing risks assessments, the establishment of early warning systems, and the right to access risk information.


(4) The rule embodied in draft article 16 draws inspiration from among the sources of law identified by Article 38, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice.

(4) 16条草案体现的规则受到《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款确认的法律渊源的启发。

The Commission bases itself on the fundamental principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention and, at the same time, draws on principles emanating from international human rights law, including the Statesobligation to respect, protect, and fulfil human rights, in particular the right to life.


Protection not only relates to actual violations of human rights but also entails an affirmative obligation on States to take the necessary and appropriate measures which are designed to prevent the occurrence of such violations, no matter the source of the threat.


This is confirmed by the decisions of international tribunals, notably the European Court of Human Rights judgments in the Öneryildiz v. Turkey 32 and Budayeva and Others v. Russia 33 cases, which affirmed the duty to take preventive measures.

这一点得到国际法庭裁决的确认,特别是欧洲人权法院关于Öneryildiz诉土耳其案 32 Budayeva等诉俄罗斯案 33 的裁决。 这些裁决确认了采取预防措施的责任。

In addition, draft article 16 draws from a number of international environmental law principles, including the due diligenceprinciple.


(5) An important legal foundation for draft article 16 is the widespread practice of States reflecting their commitment to reduce the risk of disasters.

(5) 16条草案的重要法律基础是,存在着反映各国承诺减少灾害风险的广泛实践。

Many States have entered into multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements concerned with reducing the risk of disasters, including: the ASEAN Agreement; 34 the Beijing Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia (2005); the Delhi Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia (2007); the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia (2008); the 2010 Fourth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, leading to the Incheon Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and the Pacific 2010, the Incheon Regional Roadmap and Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction through Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific, reaffirming the Framework for Action and proposing Asian initiatives for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction considering vulnerabilities in the region; 35 the African Union Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction of 2004, which was followed by a programme of action for its implementation (originally for the period 20052010, but later extended to 2015); 36 four sessions of the African Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, the most recent in 2013; 37 the Arab Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction 2020, adopted by the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment at its twenty-second session, in December 2010; 38 and, lastly, the Nayarit Communiqué on Lines of Action to Strengthen Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas (2011). 39

许多国家签订了有关减少灾害风险的具有约束力的多边、区域和双边协议,其中包括:《东盟协定》; 34 《亚洲减少灾害风险北京行动计划》 (2005); 《亚洲减少灾害风险德里宣言》 (2007);《2008亚洲减少灾害风险吉隆坡宣言》 (2008)2010年第四届亚洲部长级减灾大会,该次会议产生了《亚太2010年减轻灾害风险仁川宣言》和《亚太适应气候变化减轻灾害风险仁川区域路线图》,重申了《行动纲领》,提出了考虑到该区域脆弱性的适应气候变化和减少灾害风险的亚洲倡议; 35 2004年《非洲联盟区域减少灾害风险战略》,随后又有实施该战略的行动方案(原订2005-2010年时间,后来延长至 2015)36 四届非洲区域减少灾害风险平台会议,最近的一届是在2013年; 37 《阿拉伯2020减少灾害风险战略》,由201012月举行的阿拉伯环境部长理事会通过; 38 最后,《关于加强美洲减少灾害风险行动的纳亚里特公报》(2011)39

(6) Recognition of this commitment is further shown by the Statesincorporation of disaster risk reduction measures into their national policies and legal frameworks.

(6) 各国对这一承诺的承认也体现在各国将减少灾害风险措施纳入其国家政策和法律框架这一点上。

A compilation of national progress reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework 40 indicates that 64 States or areas reported having established specific policies on disaster risk reduction, evenly spread throughout all continents and regions, including the major hazard-prone locations.

通过对各国实施《兵库框架》 40 进展报告汇编之后可以发现,提交报告的64个国家或地区已经确立了关于减少灾害风险的专门政策,这些国家或地区均匀地分布于各大洲和各个地区,包括了主要的易受灾地点。

They are: Algeria, Anguilla, Argentina, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte dIvoire, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United Republic of Tanzania, United States, Vanuatu and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).


More recently, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) has identified 76 States that have adopted national platforms, defined as a coordinating mechanism for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development policies, planning and programmes, to implement disaster risk reduction strategies.


41 Several countries have adopted legislation specifically addressing disaster risk reduction either as stand-alone legislation or as part of a broader legal framework concerning both disaster risk management and disaster response, including: Algeria, 42 Cameroon, 43 China, 44 the Dominican Republic, 45 El Salvador, 46 Estonia, 47 France, 48 Guatemala, 49 Haiti,  Hungary,  India,  Indonesia,  Italy,  Madagascar,  Namibia,  New Zealand,  Pakistan,  Peru,  the Philippines,  the Republic of Korea,  Slovenia,  South Africa,  Thailand  and the United States.

41 好几个国家制订了法律,要么单独、专门处理减少灾害风险问题,要么在更广泛的法律框架内结合灾害应对一并处理灾害风险管理问题。 这些国家包括:阿尔及利亚、 42 喀麦隆、 43 中国、 44 多米尼加共和国、 45 萨尔瓦多、 46 爱沙尼亚、 47 法国、 48 危地马拉、 49 海地、  匈牙利、  印度、  印度尼西亚、  意大利、  马达加斯加、  纳米比亚、  新西兰、  巴基斯坦、  秘鲁、  菲律宾、  大韩民国、  斯洛文尼亚、  南非、  泰国  、美国。  

(7) Draft article 16 is to be read together with the rules of general applicability adopted thus far, including those principally concerned with the response to a disaster.

(7) 16条草案应与迄今通过的普遍适用性规则、包括那些主要关系到灾害应对的规则一起解读。

Its ultimate placing in the first reading set of draft articles will be decided at the time that reading is completed.


Paragraph 1


(8) Paragraph 1 starts with the words Each State.

(8) 1款以“每一国”开始。

The Commission opted for this formula over States, for the sake of consistency with the draft articles previously adopted, where care had been taken to identify the State or States which bore the legal duty to act.


In contrast to those draft articles dealing directly with disaster response where a distinction exists between an affected State or States and other States, in the pre-disaster phase the obligation in question applies to every State.


Furthermore as is evident from paragraph 2, the obligation to reduce risk implies measures primarily taken at the domestic level.


Any such measures requiring interaction between States or with other international actors are meant to be covered by article 5 ter.


In other words, the obligation applies to each State individually.


Hence the Commission decided against using the word Statesalso to avoid any implication of a collective obligation.


(9) The word shallsignifies the existence of the international legal obligation to act in the manner described in the paragraph and is the most succinct way to convey the sense of that legal obligation.

(9) “应”一词表示存在着以这一款所述方式行事的国际法律义务,并且是传达这一法律义务的含义的最简洁方式。

This is confirmed by the title of the draft article, which refers to the dutyto reduce the risk of disasters.


While each State bears the same obligation, the question of different levels of capacity among States to implement the obligation is dealt with under the phrase by taking the necessary and appropriate measures.


(10) The obligation is to reduce the risk of disasters.

(10) 义务是“减少灾害风险”。

 The Commission adopted the present formula in recognition of the fact that the contemporary view of the international community, as reflected in several major pronouncements, most recently in the Hyogo Declaration issued at the 2005 World Conference on Disaster Reduction, was that the focus should be placed on the reduction of the risk of harm caused by a hazard, as distinguished from the prevention of disasters themselves.


Accordingly, the emphasis in paragraph 1 is placed on the reduction of the risk of disasters.


This is achieved by taking certain measures so as to prevent, mitigate and prepare for such disasters.


(11) The phrase by taking the necessary and appropriate measuresindicates the specific conduct being required.

(11) “采取必要和适当的措施”几字指出所要求的具体行为。

In addition to the further specification about legislation and regulations explained in paragraph (13) below, the measuresto be taken are qualified by the words necessaryand appropriatewhich accord with common practice.


What might be necessary and appropriatein any particular case is to be understood in terms of the stated goal of the measures to be taken, namely to prevent, mitigate, and prepare for disastersso as to reduce risk.


This is to be evaluated within the broader context of the existing capacity and availability of resources of the State in question, as has been noted in paragraph (8) above.


The fundamental requirement of due diligence is inherent to the concept of necessary and appropriate.


It is further understood that the question of the effectiveness of the measures is implied in that formula.


(12) The paragraph indicates by means of the phrase including through legislation and regulations, the specific context in which the corresponding measures are to be taken.

(12) 通过“包括制订法律和规章”这一短语,这一款指出应采取的相应措施的具体背景。

The envisaged outcome consists of a number of concrete measures which are typically taken within the context of a legislative or regulatory framework.


Accordingly, for those States which do not already have such framework in place, the general obligation to reduce the risk of disasters would also include an obligation to put such legal framework into place so as to allow for the taking of the necessary and appropriatemeasures.


The phrase legislation and regulationsis meant to be understood in broad terms to cover as many manifestations of law as possible, it being generally recognized that such law-based measures are the most common and effective way for facilitating (hence the word through) the taking of disaster risk reduction measures at the domestic level.


(13) The qualifier includingindicates that while legislation and regulationsmay be the primary methods, there may be other arrangements under which such measures could be taken.

(13) 限定词“包括”表明,尽管“法律和规章”可能是主要的方法,但还可能有其他可以据之采取这些措施的安排。

The word includingwas chosen in order to avoid the interpretation that the adoption and implementation of specific legislation and regulations would always be required.


This allows a margin of discretion for each State to decide on the applicable legal framework, it being understood that having in place a legal framework which anticipates the taking of the necessary and appropriate measuresis a sine qua non for disaster risk reduction.


The use of the definite article thebefore necessary, therefore, serves the function of specifying that it is not just any general measures which are being referred to, but rather, specific, and concrete, measures aimed at prevention, mitigation and preparation for disasters.


(14) The phrase through the adoption of legislation and regulationsimports a reference to ensuring that mechanisms for implementation and accountability for non-performance be defined within domestic legal systems.

(14) “制定法律和规章”这一短语意味着需确保在国内法律制度中界定执行机制和针对不执行的问责制。

Since such issues, though important, are not the only ones which could be the subject of legislation and regulations in the area of disaster risk reduction, singling them out in the text of paragraph 1 could have led to a lack of clarity.


(15) The last clause, namely to prevent, mitigate, and prepare for disastersserves to describe the purpose of the necessary and appropriatemeasures which States are to take during the pre-disaster phase, with the ultimate goal of reducing their exposure to the risk of disasters.

(15) 最后一句,即“防灾、减灾和备灾”,用于说明国家在灾前阶段应采取的、终极目标是减少其面临灾害风险的“必要和适当”措施的目的。

The phrase tracks the now well-accepted formula used in major disaster risk reduction instruments.


The Commission was cognizant of the fact that adopting a different formulation could result in unintended a contrario interpretations as to the kinds of activities being anticipated in the draft article.


(16) To illustrate the meaning of each of the three terms used, prevention, mitigation and preparedness, the Commission deems it appropriate to have recourse to the Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction prepared by UNISDR in 2009,  according to which:

(16) 为说明防灾、减灾和备灾这三个用语各自的含义,委员会认为应当参照联合国减灾署在2009年编写的《减少灾害风险词汇》,  根据这一词汇:

(i) Prevention is the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters’…

() “防灾是‘全面防止致灾因子和相关灾害的不利影响。

Prevention (i.e. disaster prevention) expresses the concept and intention to completely avoid potential adverse impacts through action taken in advance


Very often the complete avoidance of losses is not feasible and the tasks transform to that of mitigation.


Partly for this reason, the terms prevention and mitigation are sometimes used interchangeably in casual use;


(ii) Mitigation is the lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters’ …

() “减灾是‘减轻或限制致灾因子和相关灾害的不利影响’…

The adverse impacts of hazards often cannot be prevented fully, but their scale or severity can be substantially lessened by various strategies and actions


It should be noted that in climate change policy mitigationis defined differently, being the term used for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that are the source of climate change;

…应该注意在气候变化政策里“减轻”的表述不一样,为:减少作为气候变化根源的温室气体排放。 ”


(iii) Preparedness is the knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to and recover from the impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions’ …

() “备灾是‘由政府、专业灾害响应和恢复机构、社区和个人建立的知识和能力,对可能发生的、即将发生的、或已经发生的危险事件或条件,以及它们的影响进行有效的预见、应对和恢复。

Preparedness action is carried out within the context of disaster risk management and aims to build the capacities needed to efficiently manage all types of emergencies and achieve orderly transitions from response through sustained recovery.


Preparedness is based on a sound analysis of disaster risks and good linkages with early warning systems


[The measures to be taken] must be supported by formal institutional, legal and budgetary capacities.


Paragraph 2


(17) Paragraph 2 lists three categories of disaster risk reduction measures, namely: the conduct of risk assessments, the collection and dissemination of risk and past loss information, and the installation and operation of early warning systems.

(17) 2款列出三类减少灾害风险的措施,即:开展风险评估、收集和传播风险和以往损失信息、以及安装和操作预警系统。

As noted in paragraph (3), these three measures were singled out in the Chairs summary at the conclusion of the fourth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction held in May 2013.


The Commission decided to refer expressly to the listed three examples as reflecting the most prominent types of contemporary disaster risk reduction efforts.


The word includeserves to indicate that the list is non-exhaustive.


The listing of the three measures is without prejudice to other activities aimed at the reduction of the risk of disasters which are being undertaken at present, or which may be undertaken in the future.


(18) The practical measures that can be adopted are innumerable and depend on the social, environmental, financial, cultural, and other relevant circumstances.

(18) 可采取的切实可行措施是无数的,并依赖于社会、环境、金融、文化和其他相关情况。

Practice in the public and private sectors provides a wealth of examples.


Among them may be cited: community-level preparedness and education; the establishment of institutional frameworks; contingency planning; setting up of monitoring mechanisms; land-use controls; construction standards; ecosystems management; drainage systems; funding; and insurance.


(19) The three consecutive measures selected in paragraph 2 share a particular characteristic: they are instrumental to the development and applicability of many if not all other measures, for instance in decision-making, concerning definitions of priorities or investment planning, both in the public and the private sector.

(19) 2款所着眼的三个连续措施具有一个共同特征:都有助于制订和适用许多、即使并非全部其他措施,例如在公共和私营部门涉及重点确定或投资规划的决策中。

(20) The first measure risk assessments is about generating knowledge concerning both hazards and vulnerabilities.

(20) 第一项措施―― 风险评估―― 涉及到培养有关危险和脆弱性的知识。

As such, it is the first step towards any sensible measure to reduce the risk of disasters.


Without a sufficiently solid understanding of the circumstances surrounding disasters and their characteristics, no effective measure can be enacted.


Risk assessments also compel a closer look at local realities and the engagement of local communities.


(21) The second measure the collection and dissemination of risk and past loss information is the next step.

(21) 第二项措施―― 收集和传播风险和以往损失信息―― 是下一个步骤。

Reducing disaster risk requires action by all actors in the public and private sectors and civil society.


Collection and dissemination should result in the free availability of risk and past loss information, which is an enabler of effective action.


It allows all stakeholders to assume responsibility for their actions and to make a better determination of priorities for planning purposes; it also enhances transparency in transactions and public scrutiny and control.


The Commission wishes to emphasize the desirability of the dissemination and free availability of risk and past loss information, as it is the reflection of the prevailing trend focusing on the importance of public access to such information.


The Commission, while recognizing the importance of that trend, felt that it was best dealt with in the commentary and not in the body of paragraph 2, since making it a uniform legal requirement could prove burdensome for States.


(22) The third measure concerns early warning systems, which are instrumental both in initiating and implementing contingency plans, thus limiting the exposure to a hazard; as such, they are a pre-requisite for effective preparedness and response.

(22) 第三项措施是预警系统;它同时有助于启动和实施应急计划,从而限制危险的出现;正因为如此,这是有效备灾和应对的一个先决条件。

(23) As it has been explained in paragraph (11), paragraph 2 concerns the taking of the envisaged measures within the State.

(23) 如上文第(11)段所解释的,第2款事关在国内采取预想措施。

Any inter-State component would be covered by the duty to cooperate in article 5, read together with article 5 ter.


Accordingly, the extent of any international legal duty relating to any of the listed and not listed measures that may be taken in order to reduce the risk of disasters is to be determined by way of the relevant specific agreements or arrangements each State has entered into with other actors with which it has the duty to cooperate.


Chapter VII Formation and evidence of customary international law

第七章 习惯国际法的形成与证据

A. Introduction

A. 导言

63. The Commission, at its sixty-fourth session (2012), decided to include the topic Formation and evidence of customary international lawin its programme of work and appointed Mr. Michael Wood as Special Rapporteur.

63. 委员会第六十四届会议(2012)决定将“习惯国际法的形成与证据”专题列入其工作方案,并任命迈克尔·伍德先生为特别报告员。

 At the same session, the Commission had before it a Note by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/653).


 Also at the same session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a memorandum identifying elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant to this topic.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

64. At the present session, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/663), as well as a memorandum of the Secretariat on the topic (A/CN.4/659).

64. 在本届会议上,委员会收到特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/663)以及秘书处就该专题编写的一份备忘录(A/CN.4/659)

The Commission considered the report at its 3181st to 3186th meetings, from 17 to 25 July 2013.


65. At its 3186th meeting, on 25 July 2013, the Commission decided to change the title of the topic to Identification of customary international law.

65. 委员会在2013725日第3186次会议上决定将专题的名称改为“习惯国际法的识别”。

1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the first report

1. 特别报告员介绍第一次报告

66. The first report, which was introductory in nature, aimed to provide a basis for future work and discussions on the topic, and set out in general terms the Special Rapporteurs proposed approach to it.

66. 第一次报告本质上属于导论性质,其目的是为今后有关本专题的工作和讨论奠定基础,并笼统介绍了特别报告员为本专题建议的方针。

The report presented, inter alia, a brief overview of the previous work of the Commission relevant to the topic, and highlighted some views expressed by delegates made in the context of the Sixth Committee during the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly.


It also discussed the scope and possible outcomes of the topic, and considered some issues concerning customary international law as a source of law.


It proceeded to describe the range of materials to be consulted, as well as a proposed programme for the Commissions future work on the topic.


67. In introducing his report, the Special Rapporteur noted the importance of taking into account the practice of States from all legal systems and regions of the world while considering this topic, as well as the usefulness of exchanges of views between the Commission and other bodies and with the wider academic community.

67. 特别报告员介绍其报告时指出,在审议本专题时,考虑到世界所有法律制度和所有区域的国家的惯例十分重要,在委员会和其他机构之间以及与更广泛的学术界交换意见十分有益。

The Special Rapporteur also considered that the Memorandum prepared by the Secretariat, which described elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant to the topic, would be of substantial assistance.


In particular, the Memorandums observations and explanatory notes would constitute important points of reference for the Commissions future work.


68. The Special Rapporteur was fully aware of the complexities involved in the topic and the need to approach it with caution so as to ensure, in particular, that the flexibility of the customary process was preserved.

68. 特别报告员充分认识到这一专题涉及的复杂性和谨慎从事的必要性,以特别确保习惯进程中的灵活性得以保留。

He recalled that the intention was neither to consider the substance of customary international law nor to resolve purely theoretical disputes about the basis of customary law.


Instead, the Special Rapporteur proposed that the Commission focus on the elaboration of conclusions, with accompanying commentaries, on the identification of rules of customary international law.


It was envisaged that such an outcome would be of practical assistance to judges and lawyers, particularly those who may not be well versed in public international law.


69. In light of the proposed focus on the method of identifying customary rules, and since the title of the topics reference to formationhad given rise to some confusion regarding the scope of the topic, the Special Rapporteur suggested changing the title to the Identification of customary international law.

69. 鉴于特别报告员建议侧重于识别习惯规则的系统方法,也由于本专题目前的标题提及“形成”导致人们对于本专题的范围产生一些困惑,因此特别报告员建议将标题改为“习惯国际法的识别”。

Even if the title were changed, the proposed work of the Commission would nevertheless include an examination of the requirements for the formation of rules of customary international law, as well as the material evidence of such rules, both being necessary to the determination of whether a rule of customary international law existed.

即使更改了标题,建议委员会开展的工作仍将包括审查形成习惯国际法规则的要求以及此类规则的实质性证据。 要确定某一习惯国际法规则是否存在,这两个要素必不可少。

The Special Rapporteur further reiterated his preference to not deal with jus cogens as part of the scope of the present topic.


70. Concerning customary international law as a source of international law, the Special Rapporteur first turned to Article 38, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, on the basis that it was an authoritative statement of sources of international law.

70. 关于习惯国际法作为国际法的渊源问题,特别报告员首先转向《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款,因为该款是国际法渊源的权威表述。

The Special Rapporteur then addressed the relationship between customary international law and other sources of international law.


While observing that its relationship with treaties was a matter of great practical importance, he also noted that it was a relatively well-understood question.


Less obvious, in his view, was the relationship between customary international law and general principles of law, which required a careful examination by the Commission.


In drawing attention to the importance of consistent terminology he further proposed to include a conclusion on use of terms.


71. The report also provided an illustrative list of materials relevant for the consideration of the topic.

71. 报告还提供了与审议该专题有关的材料的说明性清单。

Although not intended to be exhaustive, the materials identified were thought to reflect the general approach to the formation and evidence of customary international law.


Upon an initial examination of certain materials on State practice, as well as the case law of the International Court of Justice and other courts and tribunals, the Special Rapporteur preliminarily noted that, although there were some inconsistencies, virtually all of the materials reviewed stressed that both State practice and opinio juris were required for the formation of a rule of customary international law.


He further observed that the work of other bodies on this topic, such as the International Law Association, the Institut de droit international and the International Committee of the Red Cross, as well as ensuing debates and writings, would be of interest.


72. While the Special Rapporteur observed that the inclusion of two draft conclusions in the report confirmed his intention concerning the form of the outcome of the Commissions work, he considered it premature to refer them to the Drafting Committee.

72. 特别报告员指出,在报告中加入两项结论草案确认了他对委员会工作成果的形式的想法,但认为现在就将结论草案提交起草委员会为时过早。

Instead, his intention was to conduct informal consultations in order to reach agreement on the title of the topic and whether or not to deal with jus cogens.


2. Summary of the debate

2. 辩论摘要

(a) General comments

(a) 一般评论

73. There was general agreement that the work of the Commission could usefully shed light on the process of identifying rules of customary international law.

73. 委员们普遍同意,委员会的工作可为识别习惯国际法规则的进程提供有益的启示。

Broad support was expressed for the development of a set of conclusions with commentaries, a practical outcome which would serve as a guide to lawyers and judges who are not experts in public international law.

委员们广泛支持制定一系列附加评注的结论。 这一实际成果将用以指导那些不专门研究国际公法的律师和法官。

It was underscored that customary international law remained highly relevant despite the proliferation of treaties and the codification of several areas of international law.


At the same time, it was the general view of the Commission that the work on this topic should not be unduly prescriptive, as the flexibility of the customary process remained fundamental.


It was also emphasized that the process of formation of customary international law is a continuing one, which does not stop when a rule has emerged.


74. Some members commented on the need to identify the added value that the Commission could offer on this topic, and to distinguish the work on this topic from the prior work of the Commission and other entities.

74. 一些委员评论说,有必要查明委员会能够就这一专题提供的附加值,并在这一专题工作与委员会先前的工作以及其他实体的工作之间加以区分。

In this regard, it was suggested that it was important to distinguish the work of the Commission from similar work undertaken by the International Law Association, and to clarify which gaps in treatment the Commission would address.


75. A number of members noted the complexity and difficulty inherent in the topic. The view was expressed that the ambiguities surrounding the identification of customary international law had given rise to legal uncertainty and instability, as well as opportunistic or bad faith arguments regarding the existence of a rule of customary international law.

75. 一些委员注意到这一专题所固有的复杂性和难度,认为识别习惯国际法方面存在的模糊性已然引发法律不确定性和不稳定性,以及关于一条习惯国际法规则是否存在的投机性或恶意争论。

The proposed effort to clarify the process by which a rule of customary international law is identified was thus generally welcomed.


(b) Scope of the topic

(b) 专题的范围

76. A preliminary matter which raised issues relating to scope was the title of the topic.

76. 一个引发了与范围有关的问题的初步事项是专题的标题。

Several members agreed with the proposal of the Special Rapporteur to change the title from Formation and evidence of customary international lawto the Identification of customary international law, though several members also expressed support for maintaining the current title.


Other members suggested alternative titles, including The evidence of customary international lawand The determination of customary international law.


The view was also expressed that it would not be appropriate for the Commission to address the theoretical aspects relating to formation, and it should thus be removed from the title.


Ultimately, there was a general view that, even if the title were changed, it remained important to include both the formation and evidence of customary international law within the scope of the topic.


77. There was general agreement that the main focus of the Commissions work should be to clarify the common approach to identifying the formation and evidence of customary international law.

77. 委员们普遍同意,委员会工作的主要侧重点应当是阐明识别习惯国际法在形成和证据方面的要素所使用的共同方针。

The relative weight to be accorded to the consideration of formationand evidencewas, however, the subject of debate.


Some members were sceptical that the largely academic or theoretical questions relating to the formation of customary international law were necessary or relevant to the Commissions work on the topic.


A view was expressed that formation and evidence are diametrically opposed concepts, as the former refers to dynamic processes that occur over time, while the latter refers to the state of the law at a particular moment.


Several other members were of the view that it was impossible to distinguish the process of formation from the evidence required to identify the existence of a rule.


78. Several members agreed with the proposal to not undertake a study of jus cogens within the scope of the topic.

78. 若干委员赞同不在本专题范围内对强制法详加研究的提议。

A number of members observed that jus cogens presented its own peculiarities in terms of formation and evidence.


The identification of the existence of a rule of customary international law was a different question than whether such a rule also possessed the additional characteristic of not being subject to derogation by way of treaty.


It was also noted that a proposal had been made for a possible new topic on jus cogens.


Other members suggested that jus cogens should be dealt with as part of this topic, as the interrelation between the two concepts is substantial and should be studied.


Some members indicated that it would be useful to address the issue of the hierarchy of sources of international law, including treaty law and jus cogens.


79. Several members agreed with the proposal of the Special Rapporteur to study the relationship between customary international law and general principles of international law and general principles of law.

79. 若干委员赞同特别报告员提出的研究习惯国际法与一般国际法原则和一般法律原则之间的关系的提议。

It was suggested that the Commission should endeavour to clarify the complex and unclear relationship between the concepts.


In this regard, some members noted that distinguishing between general principles of international law and customary international law is not always possible.


A similar point was made as to general principles of law and customary international law.


At the same time, some members were of the view that broad questions relating to general principles and general principles of international law that are unrelated to customary international law should be excluded, as any study of such matters would unduly broaden this topic.


80. General support was expressed for an examination of the relationship between customary international law and treaty law.

80. 委员们普遍支持研究习惯国际法和条约法之间的关系。

It was recalled in this context that it is generally recognized that treaties may codify, crystallize or generate rules of customary international law.


The point was also made that a rule of customary international law may operate in parallel to an identical treaty provision.


Support was also expressed for the study of the effects on customary international law of multilateral treaties with very few States parties.


It was suggested that any examination of the relationship with treaty law should be reserved for a later stage of the work on the topic, as a thorough analysis of the constitutive elements of customary international law was first required.


81. Consideration of the relationship between customary international law and other sources of international law, including unilateral declarations, was also recommended.

81. 委员们还建议审议习惯国际法和国际法其他渊源(包括单边宣言)之间的关系。

Some members suggested an analysis of the interplay between non-binding instruments or norms and the formation and evidence of customary international law.


82. Some members expressed support for the study of regional customary international law, with particular emphasis on the relationship between regional and general customary international law.

82. 一些委员表示支持研究区域习惯国际法,尤需重点研究区域习惯国际法和一般习惯国际法之间的关系。

As part of its consideration of this relationship, it was suggested that the Commission look at regional practice, including relevant judicial decisions, agreements and regulations.


It was noted in this context that it can be difficult to distinguish between the practice of regional organizations and individual States.


(c) Methodology

(c) 方法学

83. Broad support was expressed for the proposal of the Special Rapporteur to consider both the formative elements of customary international law, namely the elements that give rise to the existence of a rule of customary international law, as well as the requisite criteria for proving the existence of such elements.

83. 委员们广泛支持特别报告员提出的同时审议习惯国际法两大形成要素的提议。 这两大要素亦即:使得一条习惯国际法规则存在的要素,以及证明此类要素存在所需的必要标准。

General support was also expressed for the proposed focus on the practical process of identifying rules of customary international law, rather than the content of such rules.


It was suggested, however, that it would be impossible to fully distinguish the substance of primary rules from the analysis of applicable secondary rules.


According to another view, the emphasis on the approach to the identification of rules would need to be supported by illustrative examples of primary rules.


84. Broad support was also expressed for the Special Rapporteurs proposal carefully to examine State practice and opinio juris sive necessitates, the two widely accepted constituent elements of customary international law.

84. 委员们还广泛支持特别报告员关于仔细研究国家惯例和法律必要确念―― 习惯国际法公认的两大构成要素的建议。

Several members noted that the identification of rules of customary law must be based on an assessment of State practice, and due regard should be given to the generality, continuity and representativeness of such practice.


It was agreed that not all international acts bear legal significance in this regard, particularly acts of comity or courtesy.


Some members similarly suggested that certain State positions may not reflect opinio juris, particularly where a State indicates as much.


Several members commented that identifying the existence of the requisite State practice and/or opinio juris was a difficult process.


It was also noted that opinio juris may be revealed in both acts and omissions.


85. Attention was drawn to the need to study carefully the temporal aspects of the two-elementsapproach, in particular whether opinio juris may precede State practice, and whether a rule of customary international law may emerge in a short period of time.

85. 有人提请注意,有必要仔细研究这种“双重要素”方针的时间问题,尤其是法律确念是否可能先于国家惯例,以及一条习惯国际法规则是否可能在短期内出现。

The utility of determining the relative weight accorded to State practice and opinio juris was also mentioned.


In this regard, it was suggested that the Commissions work on the topic could be critical to bridging the gap between the traditionaland modernapproaches to customary international law.


According to the view of other members, while it was important to analyse varying approaches to customary international law, classifying such approaches with terms such as traditionaland modernwas unnecessary or misleading.


86. Several members agreed that the Commission should aspire towards the elaboration of a common, unified approach to the identification of rules of customary international law, as such rules arise in a single, interconnected international legal system.

86. 若干委员同意,委员会应努力制定一项共同的、统一的识别习惯国际法规则的方针,因为这类规则出现在一个单一的、相互关联的国际法律体系中。

According to the view of several other members, a system-wide or unitary approach should not be assumed as the approach to the identification of rules may vary according to the substantive area of international law.


The view was expressed that the relative weight to be accorded to the evidence of State practice or opinio juris may vary depending on the field.


In this regard, it was suggested that differing weight was accorded to certain materials in different fields of international law.


In particular, it was suggested that soft lawmay play a greater role in the formation of customary international law in certain areas.


87. A view was expressed that the proposed approach of the Special Rapporteur did not take sufficient account of the distinction between formal and material sources of customary international law.

87. 一种观点认为,特别报告员建议的方针没有充分考虑到习惯国际法正式渊源和实质渊源之间的区别。

It was also suggested that the proposal of the Special Rapporteur to incorporate the definition of international custom contained in the Statute of the International Court of Justice may be misguided.


Some members indicated that a definition of customary international law should consider Article 38, paragraph 1 (b), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, particularly as the constituent elements identified therein are widely cited and accepted, but any definition produced by the Commission should focus primarily on the core elements which give customary international law its binding nature.


88. Some members also stressed the importance of addressing the process by which a rule of customary international law becomes obsolete.

88. 一些委员还强调,有必要处理如何确定某一习惯国际法规则已过时的程序。

89. A number of members recommended that the Commission examine the role of other actors in the formation of customary international law.

89. 一些委员建议委员会审查其他行为方在习惯国际法形成过程中的作用。

In particular, it was suggested that the potential juridical value of determinations of sui generis subjects of international law, such as the International Committee for the Red Cross, should be examined.


A view was expressed that such actors and interest groups play a significant role in the development, and the pace of development, of customary international law in certain fields.


According to another view, determinations of certain non-governmental organizations should be accorded lesser weight than the practice or pronouncements of States.


(d) Range of materials to be consulted

(d) 应参考的材料的范围

90. There was general support for the range of materials the Special Rapporteur proposed to consult.

90. 委员们普遍支持特别报告员建议参考的材料的范围。

It was suggested, however, that a distinction should be made between the relative weight accorded to different materials.


91. There was broad support for a careful examination of the practice of States.

91. 委员们广泛支持仔细审查国家惯例。

A view was expressed that materials on State practice should be examined from all areas of the world, though it was also noted that, regrettably, not all States publish a survey of State practice.


It was suggested that State practice in some areas may be limited as not all States have participated in the formation of certain rules of customary international law.


Several members suggested that the Commission research the decisions of national courts, statements of national officials, as well as State conduct.


The view was expressed that the Commission should carefully consider the actual behaviour of States, particularly where it conflicted with national statements.


Attention was also drawn to Statesarguments before international courts and tribunals, as they may usefully indicate positions on the formation and evidence of customary international law.


In addition, where available, it was suggested that the Commission consider the analysis of legal advisers to governments, as well as the relevance of confidential exchanges of views between States.


92. With regard to the jurisprudence of national courts, several members agreed that such cases should be approached cautiously, and should be carefully scrutinized for consistency.

92. 关于国家法院的判例,若干委员同意,应当谨慎处理此类案件,并仔细审查其连贯性。

It was suggested that the manner in which national courts apply customary international law is a function of internal law, and domestic judges may not be well versed in public international law.


93. There was general support for the proposal to examine the jurisprudence of international, regional and subregional courts.

93. 委员们普遍支持审查国际、区域和次区域法院的判例的提议。

Several members expressed particular support for an analysis of the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice.


Some members expressed the view that the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice may be considered the primary source of material on the formation and evidence of rules of customary international law, as it constituted the principal judicial organ of the United Nations whose authoritative status on such matters was widely recognized.


The view was expressed that advisory opinions, while not binding, may also deserve consideration.


Several members also stressed the importance of analysing the jurisprudence of other international courts and tribunals, particularly as it appeared that certain courts and tribunals adopted varying approaches to the assessment of customary international law.


94. The view was expressed that the Commission should be careful not to place too much emphasis on jurisprudence, as courts and tribunals are charged with the resolution of specific disputes, and not with the development of uniform international legal criteria or procedures.

94. 有人认为,委员会应谨慎从事,勿过于重视判例,因为法院和法庭负责解决具体纠纷,而不是制定统一的国际法律标准或程序。

Some members also indicated that the apparent difference in approaches among courts and tribunals may, in actuality, simply constitute variance in drafting.


95. The general view was that the role of the practice of international and regional organizations merited consideration.

95. 委员们普遍认为,国际组织和区域组织的惯例的作用值得审议。

Attention was drawn to the value of resolutions, declarations, recommendations and decisions of such organizations as potential evidence of both State practice and opinio juris.


It was suggested, however, that greater weight should be accorded to the practice of the intergovernmental organs of international organizations.


96. Some members were of the view that the Commission should not have an overly restrictive conception of the lawrelevant to its work on this topic.

96. 一些委员认为,在有关本专题的工作方面,委员会对于“法”的概念不应过于狭隘。

In particular, it was noted that soft lawnorms have played a role in the emergence of rules of customary international law.


97. The point was also made that writings of publicists would usefully shed light on the topic.

97. 有人认为,国际法学家的著作将为这一专题提供有益的启示。

Attention was drawn to the widespread support among writers for the two-elementsapproach to customary international law, as well as to the existence of critics advocating other approaches.


(e) Future work on the topic

(e) 今后有关本专题的工作

98. The general view was that the Commission should produce a practical outcome that would be useful to practitioners and judges.

98. 普遍认为委员会应产生一项有益于从业者和法官的切实成果。

It was recalled, however, that any outcome of the Commission should not prejudice the flexibility of the customary process or future developments concerning the formation and evidence of customary international law.


99. General support was also expressed for the plan of work for the quinquennium proposed by the Special Rapporteur.

99. 委员们还普遍支持特别报告员建议的五年期工作计划。

Several members were, however, of the view that the plan of work was overly ambitious and may not be feasible given the difficulties inherent in the topic, though it was also noted that the proposed focus on practical issues could make the work plan feasible.


In addition, the suggestion that the Commission ask States to respond to a request for information on their practice relating to the topic by no later than 31 January 2014 was generally welcomed.


A view was expressed that the lack of practice provided so far by States was regrettable.


100. Several members expressed support for the proposed effort to build common understanding and usage of terminology by developing a glossary of terms in all languages.

100. 若干委员表示支持编制所有语文的术语表、从而努力建设对术语的统一理解和使用的提议。

The potential practical utility of such an endeavour was emphasized.


According to the view of some other members, a rigid lexicon of terms was not advisable since a general phrase such as rules of international lawmight not adequately reflect the spectrum of customary international law, which includes principles and norms as well as rules.

另一些委员认为,严格的术语词汇表可能并不可取,因为“国际法规则”这样一个一般短语可能并不能充分反映习惯国际法的全部内容。 除规则之外,习惯国际法还包括原则和准则。

According to another view, a lexicon or glossary of terms might not result in the desired clarity as it would be difficult to suggest that certain terms have been consistently used while others have not.


Attention was also drawn to the varying use of terms and standards by the Commission itself in its identification of rules of customary international law.


3. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

3. 特别报告员的总结

101. The Special Rapporteur observed that there was general agreement that the outcome of the work of this topic should be of an essentially practical nature.

101. 特别报告员指出,人们普遍同意,本专题工作的成果本质上应是务实的。

In that regard, there was broad support for the elaboration of a set of conclusionswith commentaries.


He also noted the general support among members for the two-elementsapproach, that is to say, that the identification of customary international law requires an assessment of both State practice and opinio juris, while recognizing that the two elements might sometimes be closely entangled, and that the relative weight to be given to each might vary depending on the context.


102. There also seemed to be support among members for a unified or common approach to the identification of customary international law.

102. 委员们似乎还支持统一或共同的习惯国际法识别方法。

103. With regard to the scope of the topic, there seemed to be broad support for examining the relationship between customary international law and other sources of international law, including treaty law and general principles of law.

103. 关于专题的范围,人们似乎广泛支持研究习惯国际法与国际法其他渊源(包括条约法和一般法律原则)的关系。

There was also widespread interest in the consideration of regional customary international law.


As to jus cogens, the Special Rapporteur observed that there was general agreement that it should not be dealt with in detail as part of the present topic.


104. As to the concerns expressed about his emphasis on terminological clarity, the Special Rapporteur indicated that his underlying intention was to promote a degree of clarity in reasoning.

104. 关于人们对他强调术语明晰性所表示的关切,特别报告员表明,他的根本意图是提高论证的明晰度。

He added that the Commission had over the years been able to bring a degree of terminological clarity and uniformity to many areas of international law.


At the same time, there was a balance to be struck between clarity and flexibility.


105. The Special Rapporteur was aware that his proposal to conclude work on the topic by 2016 might not be feasible; there had to be adequate time for research, study and reflection within the Commission, the Sixth Committee and the international community more generally.

105. 特别报告员意识到他关于2016年前完成本专题工作的建议未必可行;必须有充足时间在委员会、第六委员会和更广泛的国际社会内进行调查、研究和思考。

He explained that the proposed date should be understood simply as a target date, and not as suggesting an intention to rush ahead with undue speed.


106. With respect to the proposal to change the title of the topic, the Special Rapporteur noted that the issue had also been discussed in informal consultations.

106. 关于变更本专题标题的建议,特别报告员注意到非正式磋商讨论了这一问题。

Consensus had been reached on the title in all official languages, including Identification of customary international lawin English and La détermination du droit international coutumierin French.

已就该标题的各种官方语文表述达成了共识,包括英文“The identification of customary international law”和法文“La détermination du droit international coutumier”。

The Special Rapporteur recommended that the title be changed accordingly.


107. The Special Rapporteur welcomed the important discussion on the matter of the publication of State practice, and indicated that a good first step would be to draw up a comprehensive list of existing digests and publications.

107. 特别报告员欢迎关于发表国家惯例的重要讨论,并表示拟定一份现有文摘和出版物的全面列表将是一个良好的开端。

There was also general support for a renewed call to States for information on their approach to the identification of customary international law.


Chapter VIII Provisional application of treaties

第八章 条约的暂时适用

A. Introduction

A. 导言

108. At its sixty-fourth session (2012), the Commission decided to include the topic Provisional application of treatiesin its programme of work and appointed Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

108. 在第六十四届会议(2012)上,委员会决定将“条约的暂时适用”专题列入工作方案,并任命胡安·曼努埃尔·戈麦斯-罗夫莱多先生为本专题特别报告员。

 At the same session, the Commission took note of an oral report, presented by the Special Rapporteur, at the 3151st meeting, on 27 July 2012, on the informal consultations held on the topic, under his chairmanship.


The Commission also decided to request from the Secretariat a memorandum on the previous work undertaken by the Commission on the subject in the context of its work on the law of treaties, and on the travaux préparatoires of the relevant provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969 (Vienna Convention).


The General Assembly subsequently, in resolution 67/92 of 14 December 2012, noted with appreciation the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.

大会后来在20121214日第67/92 号决议中赞赏地注意到委员会决定将此专题列入其工作方案。

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

109. At the present session, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/664) which sought to establish, in general terms, the principal legal issues that arose in the context of the provisional application of treaties by considering doctrinal approaches to the topic and briefly reviewing the existing State practice.

109. 在本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第一次报告 (A/CN.4/664) ,该报告旨在通过探讨如何从理论角度处理这一专题以及简要回顾现有的国家实践,设法从总体上确定在条约的暂时适用方面出现的主要法律问题。

The Commission also had before it a memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/658) which traced the negotiating history of article 25 of the Vienna Convention both in the Commission and at the Vienna Conference of 196869, and included a brief analysis of some of the substantive issues raised during its consideration.

委员会还收到了秘书处编写的一份备忘录(A/CN.4/658) ,其中叙述了当初委员会和1968-1969年维也纳会议对1969年《维也纳公约》第二十五条的谈判情况,并简要分析了审议期间提出的一些实质性问题。

110. The Commission considered the first report at its 3185th to 3188th meetings, from 24 to 30 July 2013.

110. 委员会在2013724日至30日第3185次至第3188次会议上审议了第一次报告。

1. Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the first report

1. 特别报告员介绍第一次报告

111. The Special Rapporteur explained that the object of his preliminary report was to establish the main parameters of provisional application, so as to encourage greater recourse to it by States.

111. 特别报告员表示,他这份初步报告的目的是确定与暂时适用有关的主要因素,以鼓励各国更多地暂时适用。

The Vienna Convention was the logical point of departure.


He indicated a provisional preference for not considering the question of the provisional application of treaties by international organizations, as envisaged in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations, 1986.


112. In providing an overview of his report, the Special Rapporteur pointed to the terminological discrepancy between the draft article adopted by the Commission in 1966, which referred to provisional entry into force, and article 25, which had been modified at the Vienna Conference so as to refer to provisional application.

112. 在概述其报告时,特别报告员指出,委员会于1966年通过的条文草案所指的是“暂时生效”,这一用语有别于第二十五条的用语,因为维也纳会议改用了“暂时适用”一词。

While the record showed that the two phrases had been used somewhat interchangeably, he noted that, upon closer scrutiny, they were distinct legal concepts.


The Special Rapporteur further recalled the possible reasons which motivated States to resort to provisional application, as outlined in his report.


113. Concerning the legal effects of provisional application, the Special Rapporteur noted that, as a general matter, such effects could depend on the content of the substantive rule of international law being provisionally applied.

113. 关于暂时适用条约的法律效应,特别报告员指出,一般说来,法律效应可能取决于所暂时适用的实质性国际法规则的内容。

The secondary consequences of the breach of an obligation arising from a rule being provisionally applied arose not from the fact of provisional application, but from the normal application of the secondary rules of international law pertaining to breaches of obligations.


It was also suggested that the provisional application of treaties had to be considered within the general context of article 31, paragraph 2, of the Vienna Convention.


114. While it was his intention to consider the question of the legal effects in greater detail at a later stage, the Special Rapporteur recalled that both Special Rapporteurs Fitzmaurice and Waldock had been of the view that the provisional application of a treaty gave rise to the same obligations which would arise upon the entry into force of the treaty.

114. 特别报告员打算在后一阶段更详细地探讨法律效果问题,但他回顾说,先前两位特别报告员菲茨莫里斯和沃尔多克都认为条约的暂时适用所产生的义务与条约生效所产生的义务相同。

He pointed in that regard to the relevance of the principle of pacta sunt servanda as reflected in article 26 of the Vienna Convention.


He, furthermore, recalled the view which had emerged from the informal consultations, held in 2012, that the provisional application of a treaty gave rise to obligations which extended beyond that not to defeat the object and purpose of a treaty prior to its entry into force (article 18 of the Vienna Convention).


115. He pointed to the key features of the legal regime applicable to provisional application of treaties, namely: that it may be envisaged expressly in a treaty, or provided for by means of a separate agreement between the parties; that States may express their intention to provisionally apply a treaty either expressly or tacitly; and that termination of provisional application may be undertaken unilaterally or by agreement between the parties.

115. 他指出,条约的暂时适用所适用的法律制度的主要特征有:可在条约中明文加以规定,或各缔约方间另外缔结协定加以规定;各国可明示或默示意图暂时适用条约;以及可单方面或通过各缔约方间的协议终止暂时适用。

116. The Special Rapporteur expressed his preliminary view that the topic was best suited for the development of guidelines or model clauses aimed at providing guidance to governments.

116. 特别报告员的初步看法是,对于这一专题,最适合制定准则或示范条款,以便为各国政府提供指导。

2. Summary of the debate

2. 辩论摘要

117. The Commission joined the Special Rapporteur in expressing appreciation to the Secretariat for the preparation of the memorandum.

117. 委员会与特别报告员一道,对秘书处编写备忘录表示感谢。

118. The view was expressed that it was inappropriate, as a matter of legal policy, for the Commission to seek to promote the provisional application of treaties.

118. 一种意见认为,作为一个法律政策问题,委员会不宜谋求促进条约的暂时适用。

Examples were cited where the provisional application of treaties had discouraged their ratification.


Other members pointed out that it was not the task of the Commission to encourage or discourage recourse to provisional application, since such decision was essentially a policy matter for States.


From the perspective of international law, States were free to decide to provisionally apply a treaty or not.


It was also noted that the significance of the possibility of provisional application was confirmed by its frequent use by States.


Far from being a means of undermining treaties, the drafters of article 25 had viewed it as a practical way of ensuring legal security, e.g. in the case of successive treaties, by providing an expedited path for States to begin cooperation with regard to a treaty.


119. A further concern was expressed that the provisional application of treaties raised serious questions about the circumvention of established domestic procedures, including constitutional requirements, for participation in treaties.

119. 还有人表示关切的是,条约的暂时适用引起了规避加入条约的既定国内程序(包括宪法要求)的严重问题。

Other members did not share such concerns.


It was observed that States were free to establish rules, under their respective internal legal systems, on how to engage at the international level.


The Commission had to proceed from the assumption that the provisional application of treaties was undertaken in conformity with the internal laws of the State in question (subject to the applicability of article 46 of the Vienna Convention).

委员会的出发点只能是假设暂时适用条约这一举措是依照有关国家的国内法行事的 (但须适用1969年《维也纳公约》第四十六条)

The Commissions task was simply to consider the extent to which contemporary international law was required to take into account limitations under domestic laws, without considering those limitations themselves.


From the perspective of international law, the consent of a contracting State was decisive.


Once such consent to provisionally apply a treaty had been given, whether in the treaty itself or by means of a separate agreement, the State could not invoke the provisions of its internal law as a justification for its failure to perform its international obligations (article 27 of the Vienna Convention).


It was also suggested that concerns about the circumvention of domestic rules could be met by clarifying that the provisional applicationof a treaty carried with it the consequence that the obligations under the treaty would become binding on the State.


This would help States decide whether they were constitutionally empowered to provisionally apply a treaty.


120. It was observed that the Commissions task was to develop a practical guide for States when they negotiated new clauses on provisional application, or when they interpreted and applied existing clauses; especially since the 1966 commentaries on the law of treaties did not deal with important aspects of the text of article 25, as adopted in Vienna.

120. 有人指出,委员会的任务是为国家拟订实际指南,供国家在谈判关于暂时适用的新条款时或解释和适用现有条款时参考,特别是因为1966年关于条约法的评注并未涉及在维也纳通过的第二十五条案文的一些重要方面。

121. The view was expressed that determining the legal effect of provisional application was the central task at hand.

121. 有人表示,目前的中心任务是确定暂时适用的法律效应。

Several members were of the opinion that, unless the parties agreed otherwise, agreement to provisionally apply a treaty implied that the parties concerned were bound by the rights and obligations under the treaty in the same way as if it were in force.


The view was expressed that the Commission ought not to ascribe legal significance to the shift in terminology from provisional entry into forceto provisional application.


In terms of another suggestion, a distinction could be drawn between treaties being provisionally applied and provisionalor interimagreements.


The Special Rapporteur was further encouraged to consider the relationship with other provisions of the Vienna Convention, including articles 18, 26, 27 and 46.


Different views were expressed on the advisability of considering questions of State responsibility within the topic.


122. It was suggested that the Special Rapporteur could seek to ascertain whether the rules in article 25 were applicable, as rules of customary international law or otherwise, in cases where the Vienna Convention did not apply.

122. 有人表示,特别报告员不妨探讨,在1969年《维也纳公约》不适用的情况下,第二十五条中的规则是作为习惯国际法规则适用还是作为另外规则适用。

A further suggestion was to consider the extent to which the fact that a treaty was being provisionally applied might contribute to the formation of rules of customary international law.


123. Other suggestions for possible discussion included: determining whether there existed procedural requirements for the provisional application of treaties; considering the relationship between parties provisionally applying a treaty and third parties; analyzing the requirement that the intention to provisionally apply a treaty should be clear and unambiguous; considering the applicability of the rules on reservations to treaties; analyzing the distinction between provisional application and the necessary application of certain provisions of a treaty from the time of the adoption of its text (article 24, paragraph (4), of the Vienna Convention); considering the applicability of the rules on interpretation of treaties; studying the question of the termination of provisional application (including the effect on the legal position of third parties); considering the position of non-signatory or acceding States wishing to provisionally apply a multilateral treaty; considering whether certain provisions of a treaty, such as those establishing monitoring mechanisms, would, by definition, fall outside of provisional application; clarifying the temporal scope of provisional application, including the possibility of indefinite provisional application; and considering the question of the retroactivity of obligations once a treaty which had been applied provisionally entered into force.

123. 建议讨论的其他问题包括:确定对条约的暂时适用是否存在程序方面的要求;考虑暂时适用条约的各缔约方与第三方之间的关系;分析暂时适用条约的意图须明确和毫不含糊这一要求;考虑对条约保留的规则的适用问题;分析暂时适用与某些规定自条约约文议定时起即适用(《维也纳公约》第二十四条第四款)之间的区别;考虑条约解释规则的适用问题;探讨终止暂时适用的问题(包括对第三方法律地位的影响);考虑希望暂时适用一项多边条约的非签署国或加入国的地位问题;考虑条约的某些规定诸如建立监测机制的条款是否理所当然地排除在暂时适用制度之外;澄清暂时适用的时间范围,包括无限期暂时适用的可能性;和考虑暂时适用的条约一旦生效后的义务追溯问题。

It was further suggested that a general distinction be drawn between provisional application in the context of bilateral and multilateral treaties.


124. A preference was expressed for including article 25 of the Vienna Convention of 1986 within the scope of the topic, since international organizations could also be involved in the provisional application of treaties.

124. 有人表示,最好把1986年《维也纳公约》第二十五条也包括在本专题的范围内,因为条约的暂时适用也有可能关系到国际组织。

125. Some members were of the view that it was too early to take a position on the eventual outcome of the topic, while several stated that conclusions with commentaries could be a useful way of clarifying various aspects related to the provisional application of treaties.

125. 一些委员认为,对本专题的最终成果采取立场为时过早。 还有几位委员则认为,结论若附有评注,可有助于澄清与条约的暂时适用有关的不同方面。

3. Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur

3. 特别报告员的总结

126. The Special Rapporteur indicated that the Commission should be guided by the practice of States during the negotiation, implementation and interpretation of treaties being provisionally applied.

126. 特别报告员表示,委员会应以国家在谈判、执行和解释暂时适用的条约的过程中的实践作为指导。

He stressed his support for the view that the Commission should not be seen as encouraging or discouraging recourse to provisional application.


The objective was to provide greater clarity to States when negotiating and implementing provisional application clauses.


On the question of terminology, he indicated that, notwithstanding the reference to provisional entry into forcein the Commissions earlier work, the focus should be on the terminology used in article 25, namely provisional application.


He was also of the view that the question of the customary international law character of the provisional application of treaties merited consideration in the situation where two or more States seeking to provisionally apply a treaty were not parties to the Vienna Convention and no separate agreement existed.


He further supported the view that it was not for the Commission to embark on an analysis of the internal rules of States.


References to domestic legislation, therefore, were to be viewed as merely illustrative of the position taken by States, and it was solely for States to ascertain the implications, for their internal legal systems, of the resort to provisional application.


127. He confirmed that he intended to consider the relationship between article 25 and other provisions of the Vienna Convention, including those on the expression of consent, the entering of reservations, the effects on third States, the applicability of the rules on interpretation, application and termination of treaties, as well as the invalidity of treaties.

127. 他确认,他准备探讨《维也纳公约》第二十五条与该公约其他条款之间的关系,这些条款涉及表示同意、提具保留、对第三国的影响、解释规则的适用、条约的适用和终止以及条约的失效等事项。

He also noted the necessity to consider the temporal component of provisional application, including whether it could be undertaken indefinitely.


Furthermore, he suggested that analysis be undertaken of the legal effect of provisional application in the context of treaty rules establishing the rights of individuals.


A further distinction worth exploring was that between multilateral and bilateral treaties.


128. The Special Rapporteur concurred with those members who preferred not to undertake an analysis of the applicable rules of State responsibility in the context of the provisional application of treaties.

128. 特别报告员同意一些委员的意见,认为最好不要分析国家责任规则在条约暂时适用的情况下的适用问题。

In his view, it was sufficient to indicate that the breach of an obligation arising from a treaty being provisionally applied triggered the legal consequences arising from the established rules on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.


He also took note of the interest of some members in including the Vienna Convention of 1986 within the scope of the topic.


129. The Special Rapporteur indicated that he considered the development of guidelines with commentaries to be an appropriate outcome of the consideration of the topic.

129. 特别报告员表示,他认为审议本专题的一个适当成果是制订出附有评注的准则。

Chapter IX Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts

第九章 与武装冲突有关的环境保护

A. Introduction

A. 导言

130. The Commission, at its sixty-third session (2011), decided to include the topic Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflictsin its long-term programme of work,  on the basis of the proposal which was reproduced in annex E to the report of the Commission on the work of that session.

130. 委员会在其第六十三届会议上(2011)决定,按照委员会该届会议工作报告附件E中载列的一项提议,  将“与武装冲突有关的环境保护”这一专题列入其长期工作方案。

 The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 66/98 of 9 December 2011, took note of the inclusion of the topic in the Commissions long-term programme of work.


131. At its 3171st meeting, on 28 May 2013, the Commission decided to include the topic Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflictsin its programme of work and decided to appoint Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson as Special Rapporteur for the topic.

131. 委员会在2013528日第3171次会议上决定将“与武装冲突有关的环境保护”这一专题列入其工作方案,并决定任命玛丽·雅各布松女士为该专题的特别报告员。

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

132. At its 3188th meeting, on 30 July 2013, the Special Rapporteur presented to the Commission the following oral report on the informal consultations held on the topic, under her chairmanship, on 6 June and 9 July 2013.

132. 2013730日第3188次会议上,特别报告员向委员会作了下述口头报告,报告了在她主持下于201366日和79日举行的有关这一专题的非正式磋商的情况。

At the same meeting, the Commission took note of the report.


Report of the Special Rapporteur on the informal consultations held on the topic


133. The purpose of the informal consultations had been to initiate an informal dialogue with members of the Commission on a number of issues that could be of relevance to the consideration of this topic during the present quinquennium.

133. 这些非正式磋商的目的是与委员会委员进行一次非正式对话,讨论可能与本五年期内审议这一专题有关的一些问题。

To facilitate the consultations, the Special Rapporteur had prepared two informal papers setting forth some preliminary elements, which were to be read together with the syllabus reproduced in annex E to the Commissions 2011 report (A/66/10) containing the initial proposal for the topic.


134. The initial consultations had offered members of the Commission an opportunity to reflect and comment on the road ahead.

134. 这些初步磋商为委员会委员提供了一个就今后的方向进行反思和提出评论意见的机会。

The elements of the work discussed included scope and methodology, the general direction of work, as well as the timetable for future work.


135. With respect to the questions of scope and methodology, the Special Rapporteur had proposed that the topic could be addressed through a temporal perspective, rather than from the perspective of various areas of international law, such as international environmental law, the law of armed conflict and international human rights law, so as to make the topic more manageable and easier to delineate.

135. 关于范围和方法问题,特别报告员提议,应该从时间角度来研究这一专题,而不是从各种国际法领域的角度加以研究,例如国际环境法、武装冲突法和国际人权法,目的是比较容易掌控其专题并比较容易划定其界限。

The temporal phases would address legal measures taken to protect the environment before, during and after an armed conflict (respectively, Phase I, Phase II and Phase III).


Such an approach was encouraged as it would allow the Commission to identify concrete legal issues relating to the topic that arose at the different stages relating to an armed conflict.


The identification of such issues could then facilitate the development of concrete conclusions or guidelines.


136. The Special Rapporteur further proposed that the focus of the work would be on Phase I, i.e., obligations of relevance to a potential armed conflict, and Phase III, post-conflict measures.

136. 特别报告员还提议,工作重点应是第一阶段,即与潜在的武装冲突有关的义务,以及第三阶段,即冲突后的措施。

Phase II, i.e., the phase during which the laws of war apply, would be given less focus, as it was suggested that it was not the task of the Commission to modify those existing legal regimes.


It was proposed that the work on Phase II would also focus on non-international armed conflicts.


137. The approach of addressing the topic in temporal phases had been generally welcomed by members of the Commission.

137. 分时间阶段来研究这一专题的办法普遍受到了委员会委员的欢迎。

Several members emphasized that Phase II was the most important phase.


Other Members were of the opinion that the most important phase was either Phase I or Phase III or both.


Ultimately, there was general agreement with the view of the Special Rapporteur that, although the work was to be divided in temporal phases, there could not be a strict dividing line between the different phases.


Such a dividing line would be artificial and would not correspond with the way in which the relevant legal rules operated.


The law of armed conflict, for example, consisted of rules applicable before, during and after an armed conflict.


138. The informal consultations also addressed whether the Commission should consider the effects of certain weapons on the environment.

138. 这些非正式磋商还讨论了委员会是否应该审议某些武器对环境的影响问题。

The Special Rapporteur proposed that the effect of particular weapons should not be the focus of the topic.


Some members had agreed, cautioning against consideration of the issue of weapons, whereas a few members had taken the view that it should be addressed.


139. In order to facilitate a discussion on the road ahead, the Special Rapporteur had circulated an outline for the future work on the topic, including the proposed focus of her first report.

139. 为了便利讨论今后方向问题,特别报告员分发了一份关于本专题今后工作的纲要,包括第一份报告的拟议重点。

A three-year timetable for the work was proposed, with one report to be submitted for consideration by the Commission each year.


140. The Special Rapporteur indicated that she intended to present her first report to the Commission for consideration at its sixty-sixth session (2014).

140. 特别报告员表示,她准备将第一份报告提交委员会第六十六届会议审议(2014)

The focus of the first report would be on Phase I, namely obligations of relevance to a potential armed conflict.


It would not address post-conflict measures per se, even if preparation for post-conflict measures needed to be undertaken before an armed conflict had broken out.


The Special Rapporteur also indicated that she planned to identify, for purposes of her first report, the issues previously considered by the Commission which could be of relevance to the present topic.


141. It was proposed that the second report, to be submitted in 2015, would be on the law of armed conflict, including non-international armed conflict, and would contain an analysis of existing rules.

141. 她提议,将于2015年提交的第二份报告将陈诉武装冲突法,包括非国际性武装冲突,并将载有一份关于现有规则的分析。

The third report would focus on post-conflict measures, including reparation for damage, reconstruction, responsibility, liability and compensation, with particular attention being given to the consideration of case law.


All three reports would contain conclusions or draft guidelines to be discussed in the Commission, with the possibility of referral to the Drafting Committee.


142. To assist with her work on the topic, the Special Rapporteur indicated that it would be important to gather information from a variety of sources.

142. 为了便利其就本专题展开工作,特别报告员表示,必须从各个来源收集信息。

In that regard, the Special Rapporteur indicated that it would be useful if the Commission could ask States to provide examples of when international environmental law, including regional and bilateral treaties, had continued to apply in times of international or non-international armed conflict.


Members of the Commission had also encouraged consultations with other United Nations organs or international organizations involved in the protection of the environment, such as UNEP, UNESCO, UNHCR and the ICRC.


Consultations with regional bodies, such as the African Union, the European Union, the League of Arab States and the Organization of American States, had also been generally welcomed.


143. With respect to the final outcome of the Commissions work on the topic, the Special Rapporteur indicated that the topic was more suited to the development of non-binding draft guidelines than to a draft convention.

143. 关于委员会有关本专题工作的最后结果,特别报告员表示,这一专题可能比较适用于制定非拘束性准则草案,而不是制定一项公约草案。

Some members had considered it premature to decide on the final form of the work.


144. Attention was also drawn to a discrepancy in the prior translation of the title of the topic into certain official languages, which had been the source of confusion.

144. 她还提请注意先前将本专题的标题翻译成某些正式语文方面出现的误差,因为这引起了混乱。

The title of the topic should read Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict.


The phrase in relation tohad to be included in all languages so as to indicate that the topic covered the three temporal phases, and was not limited to the armed conflict phase.


Chapter X The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)

第十章 引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

A. Introduction

A. 导言

145. The Commission, at its fifty-seventh session (2005), decided to include the topic The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki as Special Rapporteur.

145. 委员会第五十七届会议(2005)决定将“引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”专题列入其工作方案,并任命兹齐斯拉夫·加利茨基先生为特别报告员。  

146. The Special Rapporteur submitted four reports.

146. 特别报告员提交了四次报告。

The Commission received and considered the preliminary report at its fifty-eighth session (2006), the second report at its fifty-ninth session (2007), the third report at its sixtieth session (2008) and the fourth report at its sixty-third session (2011).


147. At the sixty-first session (2009), an open-ended Working Group was established under the chairmanship of Mr. Alain Pellet,  and from its discussions, a proposed general framework for consideration of the topic, specifying the issues to be addressed by the Special Rapporteur, was prepared.

147. 委员会第六十一届(2009)会议设立了由阿兰·佩莱先生担任主席的不限成员名额工作组,  经过讨论,产生了关于对本专题进行审议的拟议总框架,具体说明了特别报告员需处理的问题。

 At the sixty-second session (2010), the Working Group was reconstituted and, in the absence of its Chairman, was chaired by Mr. Enrique Candioti.

 在第六十二届(2010)会议上,重新组建了工作组。 工作组因其主席缺席,由恩里克·坎迪奥蒂先生代理主席。

 The Working Group had before it the Survey of multilateral conventions which might be of relevance for the topic prepared by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/630).


At the sixty-fourth session (2012), the Commission established an open-ended Working Group on the obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare), under the chairmanship of Mr. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree, to evaluate progress of work on the topic in the Commission and to explore possible future options to be taken by the Commission.

在第六十四届会议上(2012),委员会设立了由江萨·吉滴猜萨里先生担任主席的引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)问题不限成员名额工作组,审查委员会就此专题开展的工作的进展,并探讨委员会今后可能采用的备选方案。  

B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

148. At the present session, the Commission reconstituted the open-ended Working Group on the obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) under the chairmanship of Mr. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree.

148. 在本届会议上,委员会重新组建了引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)问题不限成员名额工作组,由江萨·吉滴猜萨里先生担任主席。

The Working Group continued to evaluate work on this topic, particularly in the light of the judgment of the International Court of Justice in the Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) case, of 20 July 2012.


The Working Group held 7 meetings, on 8, 14, 16 and 28 May, on 5 June and on 18 and 24 July 2013.


149. At its 3189th meeting, on 31 July 2013, the Commission took note of the report of the Working Group, which appears as Annex A to the present report.

149. 委员会在20137313189次会议上注意到工作组的报告,该报告作为附件载于本报告之后。

Chapter XI The Most-Favoured-Nation clause

第十一章 最惠国条款

A. Introduction

A. 导言

150. The Commission, at its sixtieth session (2008), decided to include the topic The Most-Favoured-Nation clausein its programme of work and to establish, at its sixty-first session, a Study Group on the topic.

150. 委员会第六十届会议(2008)决定将“最惠国条款”专题列入其工作方案,并在第六十一届会议上设立了一个有关此专题的研究组。  

151. The Study Group, co-chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae and Mr. A. Rohan Perera, was established at the sixty-first session (2009),  and reconstituted at the sixty-second (2010) and sixty-third (2011) sessions, under the same co-chairmanship.

151. 在第六十一届会议上(2009),委员会设立了由唐纳德·麦克雷先生和罗汉·佩雷拉先生担任联合主席的研究组,  在第六十二届会议(2010)和第六十三届会议(2011)期间重新设立了研究组,仍由上述两人担任联合主席。

 At the sixty-fourth session, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause, under the chairmanship of Mr. Donald M. McRae.


B. Consideration of the topic at the present session

B. 本届会议审议此专题的情况

152. At the present session, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause, under the chairmanship of Mr. Donald M. McRae.

152. 在本届会议上,委员会重新组建了最惠国条款研究组,由唐纳德·麦克雷先生担任主席。

In his absence, Mr. Mathias Forteau served as Chairman.


The Study Group held four meetings on 23 May, and on 10, 15 and 30 July 2013.


153. At its 3189th meeting, on 31 July 2013, the Commission took note of the report of the Study Group.

153. 2013731日第3189次会议上,委员会注意到研究组的报告。

1. Work of the Study Group

1. 研究组的工作

154. It will be recalled that the overall objective of the Study Group is to seek to safeguard against fragmentation of international law and to stress the importance of greater coherence in the approaches taken in the arbitral decisions in the area of investment particularly in relation to MFN provisions.

154. 需要回顾的是,研究组的总体目标是争取防止国际法碎片化,强调投资领域的仲裁裁决所采取的做法、尤其在最惠国条款方面采取的做法必须加强一致性。

The Study Group continues to work towards making a contribution in assuring greater certainty and stability in the field of investment law.


It intends to elaborate an outcome that would be of practical use to those involved in the investment field and to policymakers.


It is not the intention of the Study Group to prepare any draft articles or to revise the 1978 draft articles of the Commission on the Most-Favoured-Nation clause.


155. In seeking to throw further light on the contemporary challenges posed by the MFN clause in investment law, the Study Group had since 2010 prepared and considered several background working papers.

155. 为进一步阐明投资法领域最惠国条款在当代所造成的挑战,研究组自2000年以来编写并审议了好几份背景工作文件。

In particular, it had examined: (a) the typology of existing MFN provisions, which is an ongoing exercise; (b) the 1978 Draft articles adopted by the Commission and areas of their continuing relevance; (c) aspects concerning how the MFN clause had developed and was developing in the context of the GATT and the WTO; (d) other developments in the context of the OECD and UNCTAD; (e) contemporary issues concerning the scope of application of the MFN clause, such as those arising in the Maffezini award; (f) how the MFN clause had been interpreted by investment tribunals, Maffezini and post-Maffezini; and (g) the effect of the mixed nature of investment tribunals on the application of MFN Clauses to procedural provisions.

具体地说,研究组已经审议过 (a) 现行最惠国条款的组成格局(此项工作仍在进行)(b) 委员会1978年通过的条款草案以及该草案仍具有意义的方面;(c) 涉及最惠国条款当初在关贸总协定以及后来在世贸组织范围内如何发展演变的各方面情况;(d) 在经合组织和贸发会议范围内的其他发展演变情况;(e) 当代涉及最惠国条款适用范围的问题,诸如“马菲基尼”仲裁产生的问题;(f) 投资法庭如何解释最惠国条款,马菲基尼案及该案件之后的情况;(g) 投资仲裁庭的混合性质对最惠国条款适用于程序规定的影响。

156. The Study Group had also undertaken work identifying the arbitrators and counsel in investment cases involving MFN clauses, together with the type of MFN provision interpreted.

156. 研究组还努力查明涉及最惠国条款的投资案的仲裁员和律师以及所解释的最惠国条款的类型。

Additionally, to identify further the normative content of the MFN clauses in the field of investment, it considered an informal paper on model MFN clauses post-Maffezini, examining the various ways in which States have reacted to the Maffezini decision, including by specifically stating that the MFN clause does not apply to dispute resolution provisions, specifically stating that the MFN clause does apply to dispute resolution provisions, or specifically enumerating the fields to which the MFN clause applies.


It has also considered an informal working paper providing an overview of MFN-type language in Headquarters Agreements, conferring on representatives of States to an organization the same privileges and immunities granted to diplomats in the host State.


These informal working papers, together with an informal working paper on Bilateral Taxation Treaties and the Most-Favoured-Nation Clause, are still a work in progress.


157. The Study Group had previously identified the need to study further the question of MFN in relation to trade in services under GATS and investment agreements, the relationship between MFN, fair and equitable treatment, and national treatment standards, as well as regional economic integration agreements (REIOs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) to assess whether any application of MFN in such areas might provide some insight for the work of the Study Group.

157. 研究组此前已认定需要进一步研究关贸总协定和各种投资协定下的服务贸易所涉最惠国待遇、最惠国待遇与公正和公平待遇及国民待遇标准之间的关系、区域经济一体化协定、自由贸易协定等问题,以便评估最惠国条款在这些领域的适用可否为研究组的工作提供一些深刻启示。

Attention was also drawn to the need to consider the relationship between bilateral and multilateral treaties and how the MFN clause operated in a more varied and complex environment since the adoption by the Commission of the 1978 draft articles on the MFN clause; and the question of reciprocity in the application of MFN, particularly in agreements between developed and developing countries.


158. It was generally understood that the end goal would be to put together an overall report that systematically analyses the various issues identified as relevant.

158. 普遍的理解是,最终目标是汇编出一本总的报告,系统地分析被认定为相关的各种问题。

It was envisaged that the final report would provide a general background to the work within the broader framework of general international law, in the light of subsequent developments, including following the adoption of the 1978 Draft articles.


Accordingly, the report would also seek to address contemporary issues concerning MFN clauses, analysing in that regard such aspects as the contemporary relevance of MFN provisions, the work on MFN provisions done by other bodies, and the different approaches taken in the interpretation of MFN provisions.


It was considered that the final report of the Study Group might address broadly the question of the interpretation of MFN provisions in investment agreements in respect of dispute settlement, analysing the various factors that are relevant to that process and presenting, as appropriate, guidelines and examples of model clauses for the negotiation of MFN provisions, based on State practice.


2. Discussions of the Study Group at the present session

2. 研究组在本届会议期间进行的讨论

159. The Study Group had before it a working paper entitled A BIT on Mixed Tribunals: Legal Character of Investment Dispute Settlementsby Mr. S. Murase, as well as a working paper entitled Survey of MFN language and Maffezini-related Jurisprudenceby Mr. M.D. Hmoud.

159. 研究组收到了村濑信也先生编写的题为“混合法庭所处理的双边投资协定:投资争端解决办法的法律性质”的工作文件和哈穆德先生编写的题为“最惠国条款案文调查及与马菲基尼有关的判例”的工作文件。

The Study Group also continued to examine contemporary practice and jurisprudence relevant to the interpretation of MFN clauses.


In that connection, it had before it recent awards and dissenting and separate opinions  addressing the issues under consideration by the Study Group.


160. The working paper by Mr. Murase addressed an aspect of prior discussion of the Study Group in 2012 in relation to a working paper by Mr. M. Forteau on the Effect of the Mixed Nature of Investment Tribunals on the Application of MFN Clauses to Procedural Provisions, which had analysed the phenomenon of mixed tribunals by offering an explanation of the mixed nature of arbitration in relation to investment; assessing the peculiarities of the application of the MFN clause in mixed arbitration; studying the impact of such arbitration on the application of the MFN clause to procedural provisions; considering that the mixed nature of investment arbitration operated at two levels, because the parties to the proceedings, being a private claimant and a respondent State, were not of the same nature; and arguing that the tribunal in such instance was a functional substitute for an otherwise competent domestic court of the host State.

160. 村濑信也先生的工作文件处理了研究组原先于2012年进行的讨论的一个方面,涉及福尔托先生的题为“投资仲裁庭的混合性质对最惠国条款适用于程序规定的影响”的工作文件,该文件分析了混合仲裁庭的现象,对投资仲裁的混合性质作出了解释;评估了最惠国条款在混合裁决中的适用所具有的独特性;研究了这种裁决对最惠国条款适用于程序性规定的影响;认为投资仲裁的混合性展现在两个层面,因为诉讼双方为私人索赔方和国家应诉方,两者性质不同;认为这样一种仲裁庭在功能上取代了本来由东道国国内主管法院发挥的功能。

Accordingly, a mixed arbitration was situated between the domestic plane and international plane, with affinities in relation to investment to both international commercial arbitration and public international arbitration; having both a private and a public element to it.


The working paper by Mr. Murase sought to bring a historical perspective to development of the law in this area.


It recalled that the process of internationalizationof concession agreementsconcluded between an investor company and the host State emerged in the 19th and early 20th century.


Those agreements were considered to be private law contractsor public law (or administrative) contractsregulated by the domestic law of either the investors home State or the host State.


After the Second World War, the exclusion of domestic law and domestic jurisdiction became an evident trend in such agreements, giving rise, in the doctrine, to considerations that such agreements were regulated by the general principles recognized by civilized nationsrather than domestic law of either State and that such agreements were economic development agreementsgoverned neither by domestic law nor by international law but by the lex contractus, even though case law rejected such characterizations.


 It was asserted that these concession agreements or economic development agreements were a precursor leading to the subsequent conclusion of numerous bilateral investments agreements (BITs), which are inter-State agreements, whose substantive rules are governed by international law.


However, procedurally, it was argued that no matter the extent to which mixed tribunals may resemble inter-State tribunals, the Study Group ought to treat them with care, and differently from, for instance, WTO dispute cases.


161. The working paper by Mr. Hmoud provided a compilation of relevant treaty provisions which were the subject of examination in awards, and which addressed the Maffezini-related issue of whether an MFN clause extended to dispute settlement clauses, together with the relevant excerpts of the awards.

161. 哈穆德先生编写的工作文件汇编了在裁决案中受审视的有关的条约条款,这些条款处理了与马菲基尼有关的最惠国条款是否扩展至争端解决条款的问题。 该工作文件还节选了裁决的有关案文。

162. With regard to the Daimler and the Kılıç awards before the Study Group, it noted that they dealt with similar issues of contention as the Maffezini case and that the various elements raised in the awards could be of relevance to its work, as the Study Group in 2012 had addressed the various factors that tribunals take into account in the interpretation of MFN clauses.

162. 对于研究组所考虑的DaimlerKılıç 裁决,研究组指出,这两个案件与马菲基尼案件一件,处理的是类似的争议,裁决中所提出的各种因素可对研究组的工作具有参考意义,因为在2012年,研究组就处理过仲裁庭在解释最惠国条款时曾考虑到的各种因素。

In particular, the Study Group recognized that the arbitral tribunalsinterpretative approaches to the MFN clause and the relevance of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties for this purpose were of particular interest.


The awards highlighted several important aspects of treaty interpretation, such as the text and contextual framework of the treaty, including the treaty practice of the States concerned, the object and purpose of the treaty, as well as consent and contemporaneity.


The Study Group also took note of the fact that the arbitral tribunal in the Daimler case examined the meaning of the concept moreor lessfavourable treatment as related to the various dispute settlement procedures available to the parties under a treaty.


It further considered that the overview in the Kılıç award of relevant jurisprudence could be useful in the development of its final report.


163. It had been anticipated that at the present session the Study Group would begin the consideration of the draft final report, which was to be prepared by the Chairman, taking into account the various working papers that had been presented to the Study Group.

163. 人们曾预料,在本届会议期间,研究组会以审议最后报告草稿开始工作,该草稿拟由主席在考虑到提交给研究组的各种工作文件的情况下编写。

In the absence of the Chairman, the Study Group nevertheless exchanged further views on the broad outlines of its final report, recognizing once more that while the focus of its work was in the area of investment, the issues under discussion would best be located within a broader framework, namely against the background of general international law and prior work of the Commission.


The report would address such issues as: origins and purpose of the work of the Study Group; the 1978 draft articles and their relevance; developments since 1978; the contemporary relevance of MFN provisions, including of the 1978 draft articles; the consideration of MFN provisions in other bodies such as UNCTAD and the OECD; contextual considerations, such as the phenomenon of mixed arbitrations as highlighted, for example, in the paper by Mr. Murase; and conflicting approaches to the interpretation of the MFN provisions in the case law.


164. In further addressing the interpretation of MFN provisions in investment agreements, with the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties serving as a point of departure, the Study Group noted the possibility of developing for the final report guidelines and model clauses.

164. 为了进一步处理投资协定中最惠国规定的解释问题,在以《维也纳条约法公约》为起点的情况下,研究组指出,有可能在最后报告里拟订出准则和示范条款。

It nevertheless recognized the risks of any outcome being overly prescriptive. Instead, it was noted that it might be useful to catalogue the examples that had arisen in the practice relating to treaties and drawing the attention of States to the interpretation that various awards had given to a variety of provisions.


It was considered that the survey commenced by Mr. Hmoud would be helpful when the Study Group eventually addressed the question of guidelines and model clauses in relation to issues raised in the Maffezini award.


The Study Group once more recalled that it had previously identified the need to study further the question of MFN in relation to trade in services under GATS and investment agreements, as well as the relationship between MFN, fair and equitable treatment, and national treatment standards.


All those aspects would continue to be monitored by the Study Group as its work progressed.


The Study Group was at the same time mindful that it should not overly broaden the scope of its work.


Chapter XII Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission

第十二章 委员会的其他决定和结论

A. Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation

A. 委员会的方案、程序和工作方法以及文件

165. At its 3160th meeting, on 7 May 2013, the Commission established a Planning Group for the current session.

165. 201357日第3160次会议上,委员会为本届会议设立了规划组。

166. The Planning Group held three meetings.

166. 规划组举行了三次会议。

It had before it Section I of the Topical Summary of the discussion held in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly during its sixty-seventh session entitled Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission; General Assembly resolution 67/92 on the Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its sixty-third and sixty-fourth sessions, in particular paragraphs 23 to 28; General Assembly resolution 67/1 of 24 September 2012 containing the Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels; and General Assembly resolution 67/97 of 14 December 2012 on the rule of law at the national and international levels.


1. Inclusion of new topics on the programme of work of the Commission

1. 将新专题列入委员会工作方案

167. At its 3171st meeting, on 28 May 2013, the Commission decided to include the topic Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflictsin its programme of work and to appoint Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson as the Special Rapporteur for the topic.

167. 2013528日第3171次会议上,委员会决定将“与武装冲突有关的环境保护”专题列入工作方案并任命玛丽·雅各布松女士为该专题特别报告员。

168. At its 3197th meeting, on 9 August 2013, the Commission decided to include the topic Protection of the atmospherein its programme of work and to appoint Mr. Shinya Murase as the Special Rapporteur for the topic.

168. 201389日第3197会议上,委员会决定将“大气层的保护”专题列入工作方案并任命村濑信也先生为该专题特别报告员。

The Commission included the topic in its programme on the understanding that:


(a) Work on the topic will proceed in a manner so as not to interfere with relevant political negotiations, including on climate change, ozone depletion, and long-range transboundary air pollution.

(a) 此专题工作的进行方式不会影响有关的政治谈判,包括就气候变化、臭氧层消耗、长途跨界空气污染进行的政治谈判。

The topic will not deal with, but is also without prejudice to, questions such as: liability of States and their nationals, the polluter-pays principle, the precautionary principle, common but differentiated responsibilities, and the transfer of funds and technology to developing countries, including intellectual property rights;


(b) The topic will also not deal with specific substances, such as black carbon, tropospheric ozone, and other dual-impact substances, which are the subject of negotiations among States.

(b) 这一专题也不会处理具体物质,例如国家之间正在谈判的黑碳、对流层臭氧以及其他双重影响物质。

The project will not seek to fillgaps in the treaty regimes;


(c) Questions relating to outer space, including its delimitation, are not part of the topic;

(c) 与外层空间有关的问题,包括外层空间的划界问题,不在专题的范围之内;

(d) The outcome of the work on the topic will be draft guidelines that do not seek to impose on current treaty regimes legal rules or legal principles not already contained therein.

(d) 这个专题的工作结果将是指南草案,但这种指南草案不会试图给现行条约制度规定条约制度尚不具有的法律规则或法律原则。

The Special Rapporteurs reports would be based on such understanding.


2. Working Group on the Long-term Programme of Work

2. 长期工作方案工作组

169. At its 1st meeting, on 7 May 2013, the Planning Group decided to reconstitute for the current session the Working Group on the Long-term Programme of Work.

169. 201357日第一次会议上,规划组决定为本届会议重新设立长期工作方案工作组。

In the absence of its chairman Mr. Donald M. McRae, the Working Group was chaired by Mr. Mahmoud D. Hmoud. Mr. Hmoud submitted an oral interim report to the Planning Group, at its 2nd meeting, on 6 June and another report at its 3rd meeting, on 25 July 2013.

因工作组主席唐纳德·麦克雷先生不在,工作组由马哈茂德·哈穆德先生主持会议。 哈穆德先生在66日第2次会议上向工作组提交了临时口头报告,在2013725日提交了另一次临时口头报告。

The Working Group recommended the inclusion in the long-term programme of work of the Commission of the topic Crimes against humanityon the basis of the proposal prepared by Mr. Sean D. Murphy.


The Working Group was guided by the recommendation of the Commission at its fiftieth session (1998) regarding the criteria for the selection of the topics, namely that:


(a) The topic should reflect the needs of the States in respect of the progressive development and codification of international law;

(a) 专题应反映各国在逐渐发展和编纂国际法方面的需要;

(b) The topic should be sufficiently advanced in stage in terms of State practice to permit progressive development and codification;

(b) 专题在国家实践方面应足够成熟,从而允许逐渐发展和编纂;

(c) The topic is concrete and feasible for progressive development.

(c) 专题为逐渐发展的目的应当是具体和可行的。

The Commission also agreed that it should not restrict itself to traditional topics, but could also consider those that reflect new developments in international law and pressing concerns of the international community as a whole.


170. The Commission endorsed the recommendation for the inclusion of the topic Crimes against humanityin the long-term programme of work.

170. 委员会同意关于将“危害人类罪”专题列入长期工作方案的建议。

The view was expressed that the consideration of the topic in the syllabus should have taken a broader perspective, including the coverage of all core crimes.


The syllabus of the topic included by the Commission in its long-term programme of work at the present session appears in Annex B to the present report.


3. Consideration of General Assembly resolution 67/97 of 14 December 2012 on the rule of law at the national and international levels

3. 审议关于国内和国际法治的大会20121214日第67/97号决议

171. The General Assembly, in resolution 67/97 of 14 December 2012, on the rule of law at the national and international levels, inter alia, reiterated its invitation to the Commission to comment, in its report to the General Assembly, on its current role in promoting the rule of law.

171. 大会在关于国内和国际法治的20121214日第67/97号决议中重申请委员会在提交大会的报告中就其在促进法治方面的作用作出评论。

The Commission has commented annually on its role in promoting the rule of law since its sixtieth session (2008).


The Commission notes that the substance of the comprehensive comments contained in paragraphs 341 to 346 of its 2008 report (A/63/10) remains relevant and reiterates the comments in paragraph 231 of its 2009 report (A/64/10), paragraphs 390 to 393 of its 2010 report (A/65/10), paragraphs 392 to 398 of its 2011 report (A/66/10) and paragraphs 274 to 279 of its 2012 report (A/67/10).


172. The Commission welcomes the Declaration of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels contained in General Assembly resolution 67/1 and shares the commitment in the Declaration to an international order based on the rule of law, and the recognition that the rule of law applies to all States equally and to international organizations.

172. 委员会欢迎大会第67/1号决议所载的《国内和国际的法治问题大会高级别会议宣言》,赞同宣言所申明的对基于法治的国际秩序的承诺以及确认法治原则平等地适用于所有国家和国际组织。

The Commission also notes the appreciation expressed of the work of the International Law Commission in advancing the rule of law at the international level through the progressive development of international law and its codification.


173. The Commission recalls that the rule of law constitutes the essence of the Commission, for its basic mission is to work for the progressive development of international law and its codification, bearing in mind its implementation at the national level.

173. 委员会回顾说,法治是委员会的核心,因为委员会的根本使命是从事国际法逐渐发展和编纂工作,同时铭记其在国家层面的落实。

174. The Commission wishes to reiterate that its work has led to the adoption by States of a significant number of conventions.

174. 委员会希望重申,由于委员会的工作,各国通过了数目可观的公约。

For such conventions to serve their full purpose they need to be ratified and implemented.


In addition to formulating draft articles, the Commissions output takes other forms, which also contribute to the progressive development of international law and its codification.


Having in mind the principle of the rule of law in all its work, the Commission is fully conscious of the importance of the implementation of international law at the national level, and aims at promoting the rule of law as a principle of governance at the international level.


175. The Commission welcomes the positive contribution of the General Assembly, as the chief deliberative and representative organ of the United Nations, to the rule of law in all its aspects through policy making and standard setting, and through the progressive development of international law and its codification.

175. 委员会欢迎大会作为联合国主要辩论机关和代表机关,通过制订政策和确立标准以及通过逐渐发展和编纂国际法,对法治所做的积极贡献。

176. The Commission, as an organ established by the General Assembly and in keeping with the mandate set out in Article 13 (1) (a) of the Charter of the United Nations, and in its Statute, and in line with views expressed by States in the Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law, will continue to advance the rule of law through the progressive development of international law and its codification.

176. 委员会作为大会设立的机关,按照《联合国宪章》第十三条第一款()项及委员会章程所规定的任务,并参照各国在《国内和国际的法治问题大会高级别会议宣言》中表达的意见,将继续通过逐渐发展和编纂国际法而推进法治。

177. The Commission welcomes the decision of the General Assembly to select The rule of law and the peaceful settlement of international disputesas the thematic subject for the debate in the Sixth Committee this year.

177. 委员会欢迎大会作出决定,将“法治与国际争端的和平解决”选作今年第六委员会辩论的主题。

178. Bearing in mind the close interrelation of the rule of law at the national and international levels, the Commission, in fulfilling its mandate concerning the progressive development of international law and its codification, considers that its work should take into account, where appropriate, the principles of human rights that are fundamental to the rule of law as reflected in the preamble and in Article 13 of the Charter of the United Nations and in the Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels.

178. 委员会铭记国内和国际法治之间的密切相互联系,在履行编纂和逐渐发展国际法的任务时,认为自身的工作应当酌情考虑到人权原则。 人权原则是国际法治的根本,体现在《联合国宪章》的序言和第十三条以及《国内和国际的法治问题大会高级别会议宣言》中。

179. Accordingly, the Commission has promoted awareness of the rule of law at the national and international levels, including, in particular, through its work on such topics as expulsion of aliens; protection of persons in the event of disasters; the obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) and immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.

179. 因此,委员会尤其通过其关于驱逐外国人、发生灾害时的人员保护、引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)、国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免等专题的工作,推动国内和国际法治意识的提高。

180. The Commission reiterates its commitment to the rule of law in all of its activities.

180. 委员会重申在其全部活动中都致力于促进法治。

4. Honoraria

4. 酬金

181. The Commission reiterates once more its views concerning the question of honoraria, resulting from the adoption by the General Assembly of its resolution 56/272 of 27 March 2002, which has been expressed in the previous reports of the Commission.

181. 委员会再次重申对大会2002327日通过第56/272号决议所引起的酬金问题的意见,委员会以前的报告表明了这些意见。

 The Commission emphasizes that the above resolution especially affects Special Rapporteurs, as it compromises support for their research work.


5. Documentation and publications

5. 文件和出版物

182. The Commission reiterated its recognition of the particular relevance and significant value to its work of the legal publications prepared by the Secretariat.

182. 委员会重申秘书处编写的法律出版物对其工作特别有用并很有价值。

 It noted with appreciation that the Codification Division was able significantly to expedite the issuance of its publications through the continuation and expansion of its desktop publishing initiative which greatly enhanced the timeliness and relevance of these publications to the Commissions work.


183. The Commission noted with satisfaction that the Summary records of the Commission, constituting crucial travaux préparatoires in the progressive development and codification of international law, would not be subject to arbitrary length restrictions.

183. 委员会满意地指出,委员会的简要记录构成国际法逐渐发展和编纂过程中的重要准备工作,将不受任意的篇幅限制。

Given, however, that a shortage of staff in the units responsible for drafting Summary records might have an impact on the integrity and quality of the records, a number of experimental measures to streamline the processing of the Commissions Summary records were introduced following exchanges between the Secretariat of the Commission and the drafting units.


The new arrangements entail more expeditious transmission of the provisional records to members of the Commission for timely correction, and prompt release of the final texts.


It is hoped that they will result in a more rational use of resources and facilitate the preparation of the definitive records in all languages, without compromising their integrity.


184. The Commission is aware that in the present financial situation the continuation of several publications of the Codification Division may be in jeopardy.

184. 委员会意识到,在目前的财政情况下,编纂司好几个出版物的出版工作恐怕会遇到极大困难。

185. In view of the extreme usefulness of the following publications to its work, the Commission decided to recommend that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to continue these publications:

185. 鉴于下列出版物对于委员会的工作极为有用,委员会决定建议大会请秘书长继续编印下列出版物:

(a) The Work of the International Law Commission in all six official languages at the beginning of each quinquennium;

(a) 在每个五年期开始时以全部六种语文出版《国际法委员会的工作》;

(b) Reports of International Arbitral Awards in English or French; and

(b) 以英文和法文出版《国际仲裁裁决汇编》;

(c) Summaries of the Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice in all six official languages every five years.

(c) 每隔五年以全部六种语文出版《国际法院判决、咨询意见和命令摘要》。

186. The Commission expressed its gratitude to all Services involved in the processing of documents, both in Geneva and in New York, for their timely and efficient processing of the Commissions documents, often under narrow time constraints, which contributed to the smooth conduct of the Commissions work.

186. 委员会向日内瓦和纽约的参与了文件处理的各个部门表示感谢,感谢这些部门经常在时间紧迫的情况下及时并高效率地处理委员会的文件,从而为委员会工作的顺利进行做出了贡献。

187. The Commission expressed its appreciation to the United Nations Office at Geneva Library, which assisted its members very efficiently and competently.

187. 联合国日内瓦办事处图书馆以十分高效和专业的方式向委员们提供了协助,委员会对此表示赞赏。

6. Trust fund on the backlog relating to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission

6. 处理《国际法委员会年鉴》积压工作问题的信托基金

188. The Commission reiterated that the Yearbooks were critical to the understanding of the Commissions work in the progressive development of international law and its codification, as well as in the strengthening of the rule of law in international relations.

188. 委员会重申,《年鉴》对于了解委员会在逐渐发展和编纂国际法以及加强国际关系中法治方面的工作具有关键意义。

The Commission took note that the General Assembly, in its resolution 67/92, expressed its appreciation to governments that had made voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund on the backlog relating to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission, and encouraged further contributions to the Trust Fund.


7. Yearbook of the International Law Commission

7. 《国际法委员会年鉴》

189. The Commission decided to recommend that General Assembly express its satisfaction with the remarkable progress achieved in the last few years in catching up with the backlog of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission in all six languages, and welcome the efforts made by the Division of Conference Management, especially its Editing Section of the United Nations Office at Geneva in effectively implementing relevant resolutions of the General Assembly calling for the reduction of the backlog; encourage the Division of Conference Management to provide continuous necessary support to the Editing Section in advancing the Yearbook; and request that updates on the progress in this respect be provided to the Commission on a regular basis.

189. 鉴于在其《年鉴》上所取得的进展,委员会决定建议大会对过去几年中在赶上国际法委员会《年鉴》积压的所有六种语文本方面取得的显著进展表示满意,并欢迎会议管理司所作的努力,特别是其在联合国日内瓦办事处编辑科有效地执行大会的有关决议,其中呼吁减少积压;鼓励会议管理司向《年鉴》编辑科提供持续的必要支持,以推进《年鉴》的编辑工作,并要求定期向委员会提供这方面的最新进展情况。

8. Assistance of the Codification Division

8. 编纂司的协助

190. The Commission expressed its appreciation for the valuable assistance of the Codification Division of the Secretariat in its substantive servicing of the Commission and its involvement in research projects on the work of the Commission.

190. 委员会感谢秘书处编纂司在为委员会提供实质服务方面提供宝贵协助,并参与关于委员会工作的研究项目。

In particular, the Commission expressed its appreciation to the Secretariat for its preparation of two memoranda on the topic Provisional application of treaties(A/CN.4/658) and Formation and evidence of customary international law(A/CN.4/659).


The Commission reiterated the particular relevance and significant value of the legal publications prepared by the Codification Division to its work, and reiterated its request that the Codification Division continue to provide it with those publications.


9. Websites

9. 网站

191. The Commission once again expressed its appreciation for the results of the activity of the Secretariat in its continuous updating and management of its website on the International Law Commission.  The Commission reiterated that the website and other websites maintained by the Codification Division  constitute an invaluable resource for the Commission and for researchers of the work of the Commission in the wider community, thereby contributing to the overall strengthening of the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law.

191. 委员会再次表示赞赏秘书处不断更新和管理国际法委员会网站的工作成果。  委员会重申,这个网站以及由编纂司维护的其他网站  是委员会和研究委员会工作的更多学者的宝贵资源,有助于全面加强国际法的教学、研究、传播以及对国际法的广泛理解。

The Commission welcomed the fact that the website on the work of the Commission included information on the current status of the topics on the agenda of the Commission, as well as advance edited versions of the summary records of the Commission.


B. Date and place of the sixty-sixth session of the Commission

B. 委员会第六十六届会议的日期和地点

192. The Commission decided that its sixty-sixth session be held in Geneva from 5 May to 6 June and 7 July to 8 August 2014.

192. 委员会决定,委员会第六十六届会议于201455日至66日和77日至88日在日内瓦举行。

C. Cooperation with other bodies

C. 与其他机构的合作

193. At the 3182nd meeting, on 18 July 2013, Judge Peter Tomka, President of the International Court of Justice, addressed the Commission and briefed it on the recent judicial activities of the Court,  while also drawing attention to recent efforts to encourage the acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court in accordance with its Statute.

193. 国际法院院长彼得·托姆卡法官在委员会2013718日第3182次会议上发言,通报了国际法院最近的司法活动。  他还提请注意最近在鼓励按照国际法院规约接受该法院强制管辖方面所作的努力。

An exchange of views followed.


194. The Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) was represented at the present session of the Commission by its Secretary-General, Mr. Rahmat Mohamad, who addressed the Commission at the 3176th meeting, on 9 July 2013.

194. 亚非法律协商组织秘书长拉赫马特·穆罕默德先生代表该组织出席委员会本届会议,并在201379日第3176次会议上发了言。

 He focused on views of Member States of AALCO, on the basis of their statements in other international fora, on three topics on the programme of work of the Commission, namely Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, Protection of persons in the event of disasters; and the Formation and evidence of customary international law.


An exchange of views followed.


195. The European Committee on Legal Cooperation and the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI) of the Council of Europe were represented at the present session of the Commission by the Chair of the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public international Law, Ms. Liesbeth Lijnzaad, and the Head a.i. of the Public International Law Division of the Council of Europe, Ms. Christina Olsen, both of whom addressed the Commission at the 3177th meeting, on 10 July 2013.

195. 国际公法法律顾问委员会主席Liesbeth Lijnzaad女士和欧洲委员会国际公法司代理司长Christina Olsen女士代表欧洲委员会的欧洲法律合作委员会和国际公法法律顾问委员会出席委员会本届会议,并都在2013710日第3177次会议上发了言。

 They focused on the current activities of CAHDI on a variety of legal matters, as well of the Council of Europe.


An exchange of views followed.


196. The Inter-American Juridical Committee was represented at the present session of the Commission by Mr. Miguel Pichardo Olivier, who addressed the Commission at the 3180th meeting, on 16 July 2013.

196. Miguel Pichardo Olivier先生代表美洲司法委员会出席委员会本届会议,并在2013716日第3180次会议上发了言。

 He gave an overview of the activities of the Committee as contained in its annual report and those planned for 2013.


An exchange of views followed.


197. The African Union Commission on International Law was represented at the present session of the Commission by its Chairperson, Mr. Adelardus Kilangi, who addressed the Commission at the 3189th meeting, on 31 July 2013.

197. 非洲联盟国际法委员会主席Adelarus Kilangi先生代表该委员会出席委员会本届会议,并在2013731日第3189次会议上发了言。

 He gave an overview of the activities of the African Union Commission on International Law.


An exchange of views followed.


198. On 16 July 2013, an informal exchange of views was held between members of the Commission and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on topics of mutual interest.

198. 2013716日,委员会委员与红十字国际委员会(红十字会)就共同关心的议题非正式地交换了意见。

Presentations were given on the activities of the ICRC Legal Division and on the Arms Trade Treaty and its humanitarian objective, as well as on topics on the programme of work of the Commission, including the topic Formation and evidence of customary international law.

在双方的介绍中,概述了红十字会法律事务司的活动和武器贸易条约及其人道主义目标,并概述了委员会工作方案所列各专题和介绍了“习惯国际法的形成与证据”这一专题。  随后交换了意见。

D. Representation at the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly

D. 出席大会第六十八届会议的代表

199. The Commission decided that it should be represented at the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly by its Chairman, Mr. Bernd H. Niehaus.

199. 委员会决定由主席贝恩德·尼豪斯先生代表委员会出席大会第六十八届会议。

200. In view of the fact that the debate in the Sixth Committee on the topic Reservations to treatieswas postponed to the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly, the Commission reiterated its wish made at its last session (2012) that the former Special Rapporteur on the topic, Mr. Alain Pellet, be invited by the Sixth Committee in order to attend the debate in the Sixth Committee on the chapter of the 2011 report of the Commission which relates to that topic.

200. 鉴于第六委员会将“对条约的保留”专题的辩论推迟到大会第六十八届会议举行,委员会重申其上届会议(2012)所表达的愿望,即:希望该专题原特别报告员阿兰·佩莱先生得到第六委员会的邀请,能够参加第六委员会对于委员会2011年报告与此专题有关的一章的辩论。

E. Gilberto Amado Memorial Lecture

E. 吉尔贝托·阿马多纪念演讲

201. On 17 July 2013, members of the Commission, participants in the International Law Seminar and other experts of international law attended the Gilberto Amado Memorial Lecture, entitled Contemporary trends on opinio juris and the material evidence of customary international law, which was delivered by Professor Paulo Borba Casella of the University of São Paulo. A discussion followed.

201. 2013717日,委员会委员、国际法讲习班学员和其他国际法专家参加了由Paulo Borba Casella 教授所作的吉尔贝托·阿马多纪念演讲,题为“法律见解的当前趋势和习惯国际法的实质性证据”。

F. International Law Seminar

F. 国际法讲习班

202. Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 67/92, the forty-ninth session of the International Law Seminar was held at the Palais des Nations from 8 to 26 July 2013, during the present session of the Commission.

202. 依照大会第67/92号决议,在国际法委员会本届会议期间,第四十九届国际法讲习班于201378日至26日在万国宫举行。

The Seminar is intended for advanced students specializing in international law and for young professors or government officials pursuing an academic or diplomatic career or in posts in the civil service of their country.


203. Twenty-one participants of different nationalities, from all regional groups took part in the session.

203. 来自世界各个地区分属不同国籍的21名学员参加了这届讲习班。

The participants attended plenary meetings of the Commission, specially arranged lectures, and participated in working groups on specific topics.


204. The Seminar was opened by Mr. Bernd Niehaus, Chairman of the Commission.

204. 讲习班由委员会主席贝恩德·尼豪斯先生主持开幕,

Mr. Markus Schmidt, Senior Legal Adviser of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), was responsible for the administration, organization and conduct of the Seminar.


The substantive coordination of the Seminar was ensured by the University of Geneva.


Mr. Vittorio Mainetti, international law expert from the University of Geneva, acted as coordinator, assisted by Mr. Martin Denis, legal assistant.


205. The following lectures were given by members of the Commission: Mr. Ernest Petrič: The Work of the International Law Commission; Mr. Georg Nolte: Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice in Relation to Treaty Interpretation; Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández: Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction; Mr. Dire Tladi: The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Treaty Interpretation: Use of Subsequent Practice and Subsequent Agreements to Resolve Controversies on the Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity; Mr. Michael Wood: Formation and Evidence of Customary International Law; Mr. Sean D. Murphy: Selecting New Topics for the International Law Commission: Process and Substance; Mr. Mathias Forteau: Fair and Equitable Treatment in International Investment Law; and Mr. Shinya Murase: International Law-Making for the Protection of Global Environment.

205. 委员会委员作了以下演讲:埃内斯特·彼得里奇先生:“国际法委员会的工作”;格奥尔格·诺尔特先生:“与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”;康塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士:“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”;迪雷·特拉迪先生:“《联合国海洋法公约》和条约解释:应用嗣后惯例和嗣后协定来解决关于可持续利用海洋生物多样性的争议”;迈克尔·伍德先生:“习惯国际法的形成与证据”;肖恩·墨菲先生:“为国际法委员会选择新专题:程序和实质”;马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生:“国际投资法律中的公正和公平待遇”;和村濑信也先生:“保护全球环境的国际法的制定”。


206. A lecture was also given by Ms. Iris Müller, Legal Adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross, on Customary International Humanitarian Law.

206. 红十字国际委员会法律事务司法律顾问Iris Müller女士也作了演讲:“习惯国际人道主义法”。

207. Seminar participants attended a special external Brainstorming sessionorganized by the University of Geneva on the topic: The Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict.

207. 讲习班学员参加了由日内瓦大学组织的关于“与武装冲突有关的环境保护”专题的特别外部“头脑风暴会议”。

During this session, Ms. Marie Jacobsson, member of the Commission and Special Rapporteur on this topic, introduced the topic.


Her introduction was followed by presentations and comments by Prof. Marco Sassoli, University of Geneva; Prof. Robert Kolb, University of Geneva; Prof. Makane Mbengue, University of Geneva; Dr. Mara Tignino, Senior Researcher, University of Geneva; Ms. Marie-Louise Tougas, International Committee of the Red Cross; Ms. Karen Hulme, Senior Lecturer, University of Essex; Ms. Britta Sjostedt, Researcher, University of Lund; and Mr. David Jensen, Head of Environment Cooperation for Peacebuilding, UNEP.

日内瓦大学Marco Sassoli教授;日内瓦大学Robert Kolb教授;日内瓦大学Makane Mbengue教授;日内瓦大学高级研究员Mara Tignino博士;红十字国际委员会Marie-Louise Tougas女士;埃塞克斯大学高级讲师Karen Hulme女士;伦德大学研究员Britta Sjostedt女士;和联合国环境规划署环境合作促进建设和平处处长David Jensen先生。

208. Seminar participants also attended the Gilberto Amado Memorial Lecture, delivered on 17 July 2013, followed by a reception offered by Brazil.

208. 讲习班学员还参加了2013717日举行的吉尔贝托·阿马多纪念演讲以及随后由巴西主办的招待会。

209. Seminar participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the work of other international organisations based in Geneva.

209. 讲习班学员有机会熟悉总部设在日内瓦的其他国际组织的工作。

A visit to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) was organized, and a presentation was given by Mr. Alexander Beck, Senior Legal Adviser at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

组织学员参观了国际电信联盟(电联),学员还在联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)听取了高级法律顾问Alexander Beck先生的介绍。

210. Three Seminar working groups on Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice in Relation to Treaty Interpretation, Protection of Persons in the Event of Disastersand Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdictionwere organized.

210. 围绕“与条约解释相关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例”、“发生灾害时的人员保护”和“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”组织了三个讲习班工作组。

Each Seminar participant was assigned to one of them.


Three members of the Commission, Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández, Mr. Georg Nolte and Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina supervised and provided expert guidance to the working groups.


Each group prepared a report and presented its findings to the Seminar in a special session.


The reports were compiled and distributed to all participants as well as to the members of the Commission.


211. The Republic and Canton of Geneva offered the participants a guided tour of the Geneva Town Hall and the Alabama Room.

211. 日内瓦共和国和州政府派人带学员参观了日内瓦市政厅和阿拉巴马厅。

212. Mr. Bernd Niehaus, Chairman of the Commission, Mr. Markus Schmidt, Director of the Seminar, and Ms. Pamela López-Ruiz Montes (Peru), on behalf of the participants of the seminar, addressed the Commission and the participants during the closing ceremony of the Seminar.

212. 讲习班闭幕式上,国际法委员会主席贝恩德·尼豪斯先生、讲习班主任马库斯·施密特先生以及讲习班学员代表Pamela López-Ruiz Montes女士(秘鲁)向委员会和学员们致辞。

Each participant was presented with a certificate attesting to his or her participation in the forty-ninth session of the Seminar.


213. The Commission noted with particular appreciation that since 2010 the Governments of Argentina, Austria, China, Finland, India, Ireland, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland had made voluntary contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund for the International Law Seminar.

213. 委员会特别感谢地指出,自2010年以来,阿根廷、奥地利、中国、芬兰、印度、爱尔兰、墨西哥、瑞典、瑞士、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国等国政府向联合国国际法讲习班信托基金提供了自愿捐款。

The financial situation of the Fund allowed awarding a sufficient number of fellowships to deserving candidates especially from developing countries in order to achieve adequate geographical distribution of participants.


This year, 15 fellowships for travel and subsistence allowance were awarded.


214. Since 1965, 1,115 participants, representing 170 nationalities, have taken part in the Seminar.

214. 1965年以来,分属170个不同国籍的1,115名学员参加了讲习班,其中684人获得了研究金。

Of them, 684 have received a fellowship.

215. 委员会强调,它十分重视讲习班。

215. The Commission stresses the importance it attaches to the Seminar, which enables young lawyers, especially from developing countries, to familiarize themselves with the work of the Commission and the activities of the many International Organizations based in Geneva.


The Commission recommends that the General Assembly should again appeal to States to make voluntary contributions in order to secure the organization of the Seminar in 2014 with as broad participation as possible, especially in the light of the forthcoming 50th anniversary of the Seminar.


G. Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the International Law Seminar

G. 纪念国际法讲习班开办50周年

216. The Commission expressed its satisfaction that in 2014 the International Law Seminar will hold its 50th session and recognized the valuable contribution that the Seminar has made in allowing successive generations of young international lawyers to follow the debates and better understand the functioning of the Commission.

216. 委员会感到高兴的是,2014年国际法讲习班将是第50期,委员会承认讲习班所做出的宝贵贡献。 借助于讲习班,一代又一代的年轻国际法学者观摩委员会的辩论,对委员会的运作方式有了更好的了解。

217. It was decided that the Commission, in cooperation with the Legal Liaison Office of the United Nations in Geneva, would organize an appropriate commemoration of the 50th anniversary, if possible inviting former participants of the Seminar, including those who later became members of the Commission and the International Court of Justice.

217. 委员会决定,委员会与联合国日内瓦办事处法律联络处合作举办适当的50周年纪念活动,如有可能应邀请讲习班的原学员、包括后来成为委员会委员和国际法院法官的原学员参加。

218. This commemoration could coincide with the visit to the Commission of the President of the International Court of Justice. Annexes

218. 纪念活动可与国际法院院长访问委员会一事同时进行。

Annex A.

附件  附件A.

Report of the Working Group on the Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)

引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)工作组的报告

Annex B.


Crimes against humanity


Annex A Report of the Working Group on the Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)

附件A  引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)工作组的报告

1. Introduction

1. 导言

1. Purpose.

1. 目的。

This report is intended to summarize and to highlight particular aspects of the work of the Commission on the topic The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare), in order to assist States and to facilitate discussion on the topic in the Sixth Committee.

本报告意在概述并强调委员会就“引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”专题所做工作的各个具体方面,为各国提供协助,便利在第六委员会讨论这一专题。

2. Obligation to fight impunity in accordance with the rule of law.

2. 按照法治原则同有罪不罚现象做斗争的义务。

States have expressed their desire to cooperate among themselves, and with competent international tribunals, in the fight against impunity for crimes, in particular offences of international concern  and in accordance with the rule of law.

各国表示愿意相互之间合作并与有关国际法庭进行合作,与犯罪者有罪不罚现象,特别是引起国际关切的犯罪者有罪不罚形象做斗争  并在此过程中遵守法治原则。

 In the Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels, the Heads of State and Government and heads of delegation attending the meeting on 24 September 2012 committed themselves to ensuring that impunity is not tolerated for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and for violations of international humanitarian law and gross violations of human rights law, and that such violations are properly investigated and appropriately sanctioned, including by bringing the perpetrators of any crimes to justice, through national mechanisms or, where appropriate, regional or international mechanisms, in accordance with international law …”.

 在《国内和国际的法治问题大会高级别会议宣言》中,参加2012924日会议的各国元首和政府首脑作出承诺,“对于灭绝种族罪和危害人类罪,对于违反国际人道主义法行为和严重违反人权法行为,确保绝不容忍有罪不罚,并确保对于此类违法行为要进行适当调查,给予适当制裁,包括通过国家机制,或根据国际法酌情通过区域或国际机制,将任何罪行的实施者绳之以法。  …”

 The obligation to cooperate in combating such impunity is given effect in numerous conventions, inter alia, through the obligation to extradite or prosecute.


 The view that the obligation to extradite or prosecute plays a crucial role in the fight against impunity is widely shared by States;  the obligation applies in respect of a wide range of crimes of serious concern to the international community and has been included in all sectoral conventions against international terrorism concluded since 1970.

 各国广泛地赞同关于引渡或起诉的义务在同有罪不罚现象做斗争方面起着至关重要的作用的观点。  这一义务对引起国际社会严重关切的一系列犯罪行为都适用并且已经写入自1970年以来签订的反对国际恐怖主义的所有部门公约中。

3. The role the obligation to extradite or prosecute plays in supporting international cooperation to fight impunity has been recognized at least since the time of Hugo Grotius, who postulated the principle of aut dedere aut punire (either extradite or punish): When appealed to, a State should either punish the guilty person as he deserves, or it should entrust him to the discretion of the party making the appeal.

3. 引渡或起诉的义务在同有罪不罚做斗争的国际合作方面所起的作用已经至少从雨果·格老秀斯时代起就得到承认,他提出了aut dedere aut punire 原则(即或引渡或处罚原则):在接到请求之后,一国要么应给予有罪者以应得的惩罚,要么将他交由请求国处置。

 The modern terminology replaces punishmentwith prosecutionas the alternative to extradition in order to reflect better the possibility that an alleged offender may be found not guilty.


4. The importance of the obligation to extradite or prosecute in the work of the International Law Commission.

4. 引渡或起诉的义务在国际法委员会工作中的重要性。

The topic may be viewed as having been encompassed by the topic Jurisdiction with regard to crimes committed outside national territorywhich was on the provisional list of fourteen topics at the first session of the Commission in 1949.


 It is also addressed in articles 8 (Establishment of jurisdiction) and 9 (Obligation to extradite or prosecute) of the 1996 draft code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind.


Article 9 of the draft code stipulates an obligation to extradite or prosecute for genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against United Nations and associated personnel, and war crimes.


 The principle aut dedere aut judicare is said to have derived from a number of multilateral conventions”  that contain the obligation.

 aut dedere aut judicare原则据说源于包含了这项义务的“若干多边公约”。

An analysis of the draft codes history suggests that draft article 9 is driven by the need for an effective system of criminalization and prosecution of the said core crimes, rather than actual State practice and opinio juris.


 The article is justified on the basis of the grave nature of the crimes involved and the desire to combat impunity for individuals who commit these crimes.


 While the draft codes focus is on core crimes,  the material scope of the obligation to extradite or prosecute covers most crimes of international concern, as mentioned in (2) above.

 虽然治罪法草案的侧重点是核心罪行,  但正如上文第(2)段提到的,引渡或起诉义务的实质范围涵盖了引起国际关切的所有严重罪行。

5. Use of the Latin terminology aut dedere aut judicare.

5. 拉丁术语 “aut dedere aut judicare”的使用。

In the past, some members of the Commission, including Special Rapporteur Zdzislaw Galicki, doubted the use of the Latin formula aut dedere aut judicare, especially in relation to the term judicare, which they considered as not reflecting precisely the scope of the term prosecute.

过去,委员会一些委员,包括特别报告员兹齐斯拉夫·加利茨基在内,曾怀疑使用拉丁词语“aut dedere aut judicare”的做法,特别是对“judicare”一词的用法有疑问,他们认为这个词不足以精确地反映“起诉”一词的范围。

However, the Special Rapporteur considered it premature at that time to focus on the precise definition of terms, leaving them to be defined in a future draft article on Use of terms.


 The report of the Working Group proceeds on the understanding that whether the mandatory nature of extraditionor that of prosecutionhas priority over the other depends on the context and applicable legal regime in particular situations.


2. Summary of the Commissions work since 2006

2. 委员会自2006年以来所做工作概述

6. The Commission included the topic The Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)in its programme of work at the fifty-seventh session (2005) and appointed Mr. Zdzislaw Galicki as Special Rapporteur.

6. 委员会第五十七届会议(2005)将“引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”列入工作方案并任命兹齐斯拉夫·加利茨基先生为特别报告员。

 This decision was endorsed by the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly.


 From its fifty-eighth session (2006) to its sixty-third session (2011), the Commission received and considered four reports and four draft articles submitted by the Special Rapporteur.


 A working group on the topic was established in 2009 under the Chairmanship of Mr. Alain Pellet to draw up a general framework for consideration of the topic, with the aim of specifying the issues to be addressed and establishing an order of priority.


 The Commission took note of the oral report of the Chairman of the Working Group and reproduced the proposed general framework for consideration of the topic, prepared by the Working Group, in its annual report of the sixty-first session (2009).


7. Pursuant to section (a) (ii) of the proposed general framework which refers to The obligation to extradite or prosecute in existing treaties, the Secretariat conducted a Survey of multilateral conventions which may be of relevance for the Commissions work on the topic The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)”  (hereinafter Secretariats Survey (2010)).

7. 提议的总框架(a) 节第()小节提及“现有条约中的引渡或起诉的义务”,秘书处据此进行了一次对国际法委员会就“引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)”专题开展的工作可能有关的多边公约的调查  (下称“秘书处的调查(2010))

The study identified multilateral instruments at the universal and regional levels that contain provisions combining extradition and prosecution as alternatives for the punishment of offenders.


8. In June 2010, the Special Rapporteur submitted a working paper entitled Bases for discussion in the Working Group on the topic The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare),  making observations and suggestions on the 2009 proposed general framework and drawing upon the Secretariats Survey (2010).

8. 20106月,特别报告员提交了一份工作文件,题为“工作组关于‘或引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)’专题讨论的依据”,  就2009年提议的总框架发表了意见和建议,同时借鉴了秘书处的调查(2010)

In particular, the Special Rapporteur drew attention to questions concerning: (a) the legal bases of the obligation to extradite or prosecute; (b) the material scope of the obligation to extradite or prosecute; (c) the content of the obligation to extradite or prosecute; and (d) the conditions for the triggering of the obligation to extradite or prosecute.

特别报告员尤其提请注意下列问题:(a) 引渡或起诉义务的法律依据;(b) 引渡或起诉义务的实质范围;(c) 引渡或起诉义务的内容;(d) 触发引渡或起诉义务的条件。

9. In 2010, the Working Group, under the acting chairmanship of Mr. Enrique J.A. Candioti, recognized that the Secretariats Survey (2010) helped to elucidate aspects of the proposed general framework of 2009.

9. 2010年,由恩里克·坎迪奥蒂先生任代理主席的工作组确认,秘书处的调查(2010)有助于澄清2009年提议的总框架的某些方面。

It was noted that, in seeking to throw light on the questions agreed upon in the proposed general framework, the multilateral treaty practice on which the Secretariats Survey (2010) had focused needed to be complemented by a detailed consideration of other aspects of State practice (including, but not limited to, national legislation, case law and official statements of governmental representatives).


In addition, it was pointed out that, as far as the duty to cooperate in the fight against impunity seemed to underpin the obligation to extradite or prosecute, a systematic assessment of State practice in that regard was necessary.


This would clarify the extent to which that duty influenced, as a general rule or in relation to specific crimes, the Commissions work on the topic, including work in relation to the material scope, the content of the obligation to extradite or prosecute and the conditions for triggering of the obligation.


10. At the sixty-fourth session (2012), the Commission established an open-ended working group under the Chairmanship of Mr. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree to evaluate the progress of work on the topic in the Commission and to explore future possible options for the Commission to take.

10. 委员会第六十四届会议(2012)设立了一个不限成员名额工作组,由江萨·吉滴猜萨里先生任主席,评估委员会就此专题开展工作取得的进展,并探讨委员会今后可采取的备选办法。

 At that juncture, no Special Rapporteur was appointed to replace Mr. Galicki, who was no longer a member of the Commission.


The Chairman of the Working Group submitted four informal working papers at the sixty-fourth session (2012) and another four informal working papers at the sixty-fifth session (2013).


The Working Groups discussion of those informal working papers forms a basis of this report.


3. Consideration by the Working Group in 2012 and 2013

3. 工作组在2012年和2013年进行的审议

11. The Working Group considered the Secretariat Survey (2010) and the Judgment of 20 July 2012 of the International Court of Justice in Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) useful in its work.

11. 工作组认为秘书处的调查(2010)和国际法院2012720日对与引渡或起诉义务有关的问题(比利时诉塞内加尔)案的判决对其工作有用。

12. Typology of provisions in multilateral instruments.

12. 多边文书中的条款类型。

The Secretariats Survey (2010) proposed a description and a typology of the relevant instruments in light of these provisions, and examined the preparatory work of certain key conventions that had served as models in the field.


For some provisions, it also reviewed any reservations made. It pointed out the differences and similarities between the reviewed provisions in different conventions and their evolution, and offered overall conclusions as to: (a) the relationship between extradition and prosecution in the relevant provisions; (b) the conditions applicable to extradition under the various conventions; and (c) the conditions applicable to prosecution under the various conventions.

对于某些条款,该研究报告还审查了所作出的任何保留,指出了不同公约中受审查条款之间的差异及其演变情况,提出了一些全面性结论,涉及:(a) 相关条款中引渡与起诉之间的关系;(b) 不同公约中适用于引渡的条件;以及(c) 不同公约中适用于起诉的条件。

The survey classified conventions that included such provisions into four categories: (a) the 1929 Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency and other conventions that have followed the same model; (b) regional conventions on extradition; (c) the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the 1977 Additional Protocol I; and (d) the 1970 Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft and other conventions that have followed the same model.

调查将含有此类规定的公约划分为以下四类:(a) 1929年《取缔伪造货币国际公约》以及沿用相同模式的其他公约;(b) 关于引渡的区域性公约;(c) 1949年《日内瓦四公约》及1977年《第一附加议定书》;和(d) 1970年《关于制止非法劫持航空器的海牙公约》以及沿用相同模式的其他公约。

13. The 1929 Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency and other conventions that have followed the same model  typically: (a) criminalize the relevant offence, which the States parties undertake to make punishable under their domestic laws; (b) make provision for prosecution and extradition which take into account the divergent views of States with regard to the extradition of nationals and the exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction, the latter being permissive rather than compulsory; (c) contain provisions which impose an obligation to extradite, with prosecution coming into play once there is a refusal of extradition; (d) establish an extradition regime by which States undertake, under certain conditions, to consider the offence as extraditable; (e) contain a provision providing that a States attitude on the general issue of criminal jurisdiction as a question of international law was not affected by its participation in the Convention; and (f) contain a non-prejudice clause with regard to each States criminal legislation and administration.

13. 1929年《取缔伪造货币国际公约》以及沿用相同模式的其他公约  通常:(a) 将相关罪行定为刑事罪,缔约国承诺依据国内法给予惩处;(b) 关于起诉和引渡的条款,这些条款顾及各国对引渡国民和行使域外管辖权的不同意见,行使域外管辖权允许选择而非强制;(c) 含有规定了引渡义务的条款,一旦拒绝引渡则应起诉;(d) 确立一项引渡制度,各国据此承诺在某些条件下认定该罪行为可予引渡的罪行;(e) 含有限制条款,使公约不影响各国按国际法问题处理刑事管辖权问题的方法;以及(f) 含有一项不妨碍各国刑事立法和司法的条款。

While some of the instruments under this model contain terminological differences of an editorial nature, others modify the substance of the obligations undertaken by States Parties.


14. Numerous regional conventions and arrangements on extradition also contain provisions that combine options of extradition and prosecution,  although those instruments typically emphasize the obligation to extradite (which is regulated in detail) and only contemplate submission to prosecution as an alternative to avoid impunity in the context of that cooperation.

14. 有众多区域引渡公约和安排载有将引渡与起诉选项相结合的条款,  虽然这些文书通常强调引渡的义务 (被详加规定),只将起诉设想为在开展这一合作时为避免有罪不罚而可采用的备用办法。

Under that model, extradition is a means to ensure the effectiveness of criminal jurisdiction.


States parties have a general duty to extradite unless the request fits within a condition or exception, including mandatory and discretionary grounds for refusal.


For instance, extradition of nationals could be prohibited or subject to specific safeguards.


Provisions in subsequent agreements and arrangements have been subject to modification and adjustment over time, particularly in respect of conditions and exceptions.

不需要满足双重犯罪这一要求。 此种协议和安排中的规定随着时间的推移发生过修改和调整,特别是在条件和例外方面。  

15. The four Geneva Conventions of 1949 contain the same provision whereby each High Contracting Party is obligated to search for persons alleged to have committed, or to have ordered to be committed, grave breaches, and to bring such persons, regardless of their nationality, before its own courts.

15. 1949年日内瓦四公约载有相同的规定,据此,各缔约国有义务搜捕被控为曾犯或曾令人犯此种严重破坏本公约行为之人,并应将此种人,不分国籍,送交各该国法庭。

However, it may also, if it prefers, and in accordance with its domestic legislation, hand such persons over for trial to another High Contracting Party concerned, provided that the latter has established a prima facie case.


 Therefore, under that model, the obligation to search for and submit to prosecution an alleged offender is not conditional on any jurisdictional consideration and that obligation exists irrespective of any request for extradition by another party.


 Nonetheless, extradition is an available option subject to a condition that the prosecuting State has established a prima facie case.


That mechanism is made applicable to Additional Protocol I of 1977 by renvoi.


16. The 1970 Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, stipulates in article 7 that [t]he Contracting State in the territory of which the alleged offender is found shall, if it does not extradite him, be obliged to submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution.

16. 1970年《关于制止非法劫持航空器的海牙公约》第7条规定:“在其境内发现被指称的罪犯的缔约国,如不将此人引渡,则不论罪行是否在其境内发生,应…将此案件提交其主管当局以便起诉”。

This Hague formulais a variation of the Geneva Conventions formula and has served as a model for several subsequent conventions aimed at the suppression of specific offences, principally in the field of the fight against terrorism, but also in many other areas (including torture, mercenarism, crimes against United Nations and associated personnel, transnational crime, corruption, and enforced disappearance).

这一“海牙套语”是《日内瓦四公约》套语的变体,后来成为好几 惩治具体罪行的公约的范本,主要是在反对恐怖主义领域,也涉及许多其他领域(包括酷刑、雇佣军、危害联合国人员和有关人员罪行、跨国罪行、腐败、强迫失踪等)

 However, many of those subsequent instruments have modified the original terminology which sometimes affect the substance of the obligations contained in the Hague formula.


17. In his Separate Opinion in the Judgment of 20 July 2012 of the International Court of Justice in Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal), Judge Yusuf also addressed the typology of treaties containing the formula aut dedere aut judicareand divided them into two broad categories.

17. 2012720日国际法院针对与引渡或起诉义务有关的问题(比利时诉塞内加尔)案所作的判决所附的个别意见里,优素福法官还论及“含有aut dedere aut judicare套语的条约”的类型,并将这些条约大致分为两类。

 The first category comprised clauses which impose an obligation to extradite, and in which submission to prosecution becomes an obligation only after the refusal of extradition.


Those conventions are structured in such a way that gives priority to extradition to the State in whose territory the crime is committed.


The majority of those conventions do not impose any general obligation on States parties to submit to prosecution the alleged offender, and such submission by the State on whose territory the alleged offender is present becomes an obligation only if a request for extradition has been refused, or some factors such as nationality of the alleged offender exist.


Examples of the first category are article 9, paragraph 22 of the 1929 International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency, article 15 of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption, and article 5 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.


The second category of international conventions comprises clauses which impose an obligation to submit to prosecution, with extradition being an available option, as well as clauses which impose an obligation to submit to prosecution, with extradition becoming an obligation if the State fails to do so.


Such clauses in that category can be found in, for example, the relevant provisions of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, article 7, paragraph 1 of the 1970 Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, and article 7, paragraph 1 of the Convention against Torture.


18. In light of the above, the Working Group considers that when drafting treaties States can decide for themselves as to which conventional formula on the obligation to extradite or prosecute best suits their objective in a particular circumstance.

18. 鉴于以上所述,工作组认为各国可自行决定哪一种关于引渡或起诉义务的公约套语在特定情况下最适合它们的目的。

Owing to the great diversity in the formulation, content, and scope of the obligation to extradite or prosecute in conventional practice, it would be futile for the Commission to engage in harmonizing the various treaty clauses on the obligation to extradite or prosecute.


19. Although the Working Group finds that the scope of the obligation to extradite or prosecute under the relevant conventions should be analysed on a case-by-case basis, it acknowledges that there may be some general trends and common features in the more recent conventions containing the obligation to extradite or prosecute.

19. 虽然工作组认为应该逐案地审查有关公约中的引渡或起诉义务的范围,但工作组也承认,在更近些的含有引渡或起诉义务的条款的公约中,可能存在着一些一般趋势和共同特征。

One of the most relevant trends appears to be the Hague formulathat serves as a model for most of the contemporary conventions for the suppression of specific offences.


 Of the conventions drafted on or after 1970, approximately three-quarters follow the Hague formula.


In those post-1970 conventions, there is a common trend that the custodial State shall, without exception, submit the case of the alleged offender to a competent authority if it does not extradite.


Such obligation is supplemented by additional provisions that require States parties: (a) to criminalize the relevant offence under its domestic laws; (b) to establish jurisdiction over the offence when there is a link to the crime or when the alleged offender is present on their territory and is not extradited; (c) to make provisions to ensure the alleged offender is under custody and there is a preliminary enquiry; and (d) to treat the offence as extraditable.

对此义务还以附加规定加以补充,要求缔约国:(a) 在国内法中规定相关罪行为刑事犯罪;(b)当与罪行存在着某种联系或被指称犯罪者在本国领土内并且未被引渡时,则确立对罪行的管辖权;(c) 规定采取措施羁押罪犯并对事实进行初步调查;(d) 将罪行视为可予引渡。

 In particular, under the prosecution limb of the obligation, the conventions only emphasize that the case be submitted to a competent authority for the purpose of prosecution.


To a lesser extent, there is also a trend of stipulating that, absent prosecution by the custodial State, the alleged offender must be extradited without exception whatsoever.


20. The Working Group observes that there are important gaps in the present conventional regime governing the obligation to extradite or prosecute which may need to be closed.

20. 工作组指出,在关于引渡或起诉义务的目前公约制度中存在着一些重要缺陷,可能需要加以弥补。

Notably, there is a lack of international conventions with this obligation in relation to most crimes against humanity,  war crimes other than grave breaches, and war crimes in non-international armed conflict.

尤其是相对于大多数危害人类罪、  严重违反公约以外的战争罪以及在非国际武装冲突中的战争罪而言,缺乏含有这一义务的国际公约。

 In relation to genocide, the international cooperation regime could be strengthened beyond the rudimentary regime under the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948.


As explained by the International Court of Justice in Case Concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), article VI of the Genocide Convention only obligates Contracting Parties to institute and exercise territorial criminal jurisdiction as well as to cooperate with an international penal tribunalunder certain circumstances.



4. Implementation of the obligation to extradite or prosecute

4. 履行引渡或起诉的义务

21. The Hague formula.

21. 海牙套语。

The Working Group views the Judgment of the International Court of Justice in Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) to be helpful in elucidating some aspects relevant to the implementation of the obligation to extradite or prosecute.


The Judgment confines itself to an analysis of the mechanism to combat impunity under the Convention against Torture.


In particular, the Judgment focuses on the relationship between the different articles on the establishment of jurisdiction (article 5), the obligation to engage in a preliminary inquiry (article 6), and the obligation to prosecute or extradite (article 7).


 While the Courts reasoning relates to the specific implementation and application of issues surrounding that Convention, since the relevant prosecute-or-extradite provisions of the Convention against Torture are modelled upon those of the Hague formula, the Courts ruling may also help to elucidate the meaning of the prosecute-or-extradite regime under the 1970 Hague Convention and other conventions which have followed the same formula.


 As the Court has also held that the prohibition of torture is a peremptory norm (jus cogens),  the prosecute-or-extradite formula under the Convention against Torture could serve as a model for new prosecute-or-extradite regimes governing prohibitions covered by peremptory norms (jus cogens), such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and serious war crimes.

 由于法院还认为酷刑是受强制法禁止的罪行, 《禁止酷刑公约》所用的起诉或引渡套语可用作强制法禁止的其他核心罪行例如灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪以及严重战争罪的起诉或引渡制度的范本。

22. The Court determined that States parties to the Convention against Torture have obligations to criminalize torture, establish their jurisdiction over the crime of torture so as to equip themselves with the necessary legal tool to prosecute that offence, and make an inquiry into the facts immediately from the time the suspect is present in their respective territories.

22. 法院认定,《禁止酷刑公约》缔约国有义务将酷刑定为刑事罪,对酷刑罪确立管辖权以拥有对这一犯罪进行起诉的必要法律工具,在犯罪嫌疑人一出现在各自领土内时即对事实开展。

The Court declares: These obligations, taken as a whole, might be regarded as elements of a single conventional mechanism aimed at preventing suspects from escaping the consequences of their criminal responsibility, if proven.


 The obligation under article 7, paragraph 1, to submit the case to the competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution, which the Court calls the obligation to prosecute, arises regardless of the existence of a prior request for the extradition of the suspect.


However, national authorities are left to decide whether or not to initiate proceedings in light of the evidence before them and the relevant rules of criminal procedure.


40 In particular, the Court rules that [e]xtradition is an option offered to the State by the Convention, whereas prosecution is an international obligation under the Convention, the violation of which is a wrongful act engaging the responsibility of the State.

40 法院尤其裁定,“引渡是由公约提供给国家的一种选择,而起诉是根据公约承担的国际义务,违背此项义务则属于能够导致国家责任的不法行为”。

41 The Court also notes that both the 1970 Hague Convention and the Convention against Torture emphasize that the authorities shall take their decision in the same manner as in the case of any ordinary offence of a serious nature under the law of the State concerned. 42

41 法院还指出,1970年《海牙公约》和《禁止酷刑公约》都强调 “主管当局应根据该国法律,以对待情节严重的任何普通犯罪案件的同样方式作出决定”。 42

23. Basic elements of the obligation to extradite or prosecute to be included in national legislation.

23. 须纳入国内法律的引渡或起诉义务基本要点。

The effective fulfilment of the obligation to extradite or prosecute requires undertaking necessary national measures to criminalize the relevant offences, establish jurisdiction over the offences and the person present in the territory of the State, investigate or undertake primary inquiry, apprehend the suspect, and submit the case to the prosecuting authorities (which may or may not result in the institution of proceedings) or extradition, if an extradition request is made by another State with the necessary jurisdiction and capability to prosecute the suspect.


24. Establishment of the necessary jurisdiction.

24. 确立必要管辖权。

Establishing jurisdiction is a logical prior stepto the implementation of an obligation to extradite or prosecute an alleged offender present in the territory of a State.


43 For the purposes of the present topic, when the crime was allegedly committed abroad with no nexus to the forum State, the obligation to extradite or prosecute would necessarily reflect an exercise of universal jurisdiction, 44 which is the jurisdiction to establish a territorial jurisdiction over persons for extraterritorial events45 where neither the victims nor alleged offenders are nationals of the forum State and no harm was allegedly caused to the forum States own national interests.

43 当罪行据称是在国外犯下并且与法院地国没有连结时,引渡或起诉的义务必然反映出是对普遍管辖权的行使, 44 而普遍管辖权是“是针对域外事件而对人确立的领土管辖权” 45,这里,受害者和被指称犯罪者均不是法院地国的国民,据称也没有给法院地国的国家利益造成损害。

However, the obligation to extradite or prosecute can also reflect an exercise of jurisdiction under other bases.


Thus, if a State can exercise jurisdiction on another basis, universal jurisdiction may not necessarily be invoked in the fulfilment of the obligation to extradite or prosecute.


Universal jurisdiction is a crucial component for prosecuting alleged perpetrators of crimes of international concern, particularly when the alleged perpetrator is not prosecuted in the territory where the crime was committed.


46 Several international instruments, such as the very widely ratified four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Convention against Torture, require the exercise of universal jurisdiction over the offences covered by these instruments, or, alternatively to extradite alleged offenders to another State for the purpose of prosecution.

46 好几项国际文书,例如得到广泛批准的1949年日内瓦四公约和《禁止酷刑公约》,都要求对这些文书所涵盖的罪行行使普遍管辖权,或者如不起诉,则将被指称犯罪者引渡到另一国以便进行起诉。

25. Delay in enacting legislation.

25. 制订法律方面的拖延。

According to the Court in Belgium v. Senegal, delay in enacting necessary legislation in order to prosecute suspects adversely affects the State partys implementation of the obligations to conduct a preliminary inquiry and to submit the case to its competent authorities for the purposes of prosecution.


47 The States obligation extends beyond merely enacting national legislation.

47 国家的义务远不止单纯地制订本国法律。

The State must also actually exercise its jurisdiction over a suspect, starting by establishing the facts. 48


26. Obligation to investigate.

26. 调查的义务。

According to the Court in Belgium v. Senegal, the obligation to investigate consists of several elements:


· As a general rule, the obligation to investigate must be interpreted in light of the object and purpose of the applicable treaty, which is to make more effective the fight against impunity;49

· 一般来说,调查的义务必须依适用的条约的目标和宗旨来加以解释,而目标和宗旨便是使同有罪不罚的斗争更为有效。

· The obligation is intended to corroborate the suspicions regarding the person in question.

49· 这项义务意在证实对有关的人的怀疑。

 The starting point is the establishment of the relevant facts, which is an essential stage in the process of the fight against impunity;


· As soon as the authorities have reason to suspect that a person present in their territory may be responsible for acts subject to the obligation to extradite or prosecute, they must investigate.

· 一旦当局有理由怀疑其境内的某人可能对某些行为负有责任,而这些行为在引渡或起诉义务的约束范围之内,则必须进行调查。

The preliminary inquiry must be immediately initiated.


This point is reached, at the latest, when the first complaint is filed against the person,  at which stage the establishment of the facts becomes imperative;

这一点最晚必须在对该人提出首次控诉时做到,  在此阶段必须确定事实。

· However, simply questioning the suspect in order to establish his/her identity and inform him/her of the charges cannot be regarded as performance of the obligation to conduct a preliminary inquiry;

· 然而,简单地讯问嫌疑人,以查明其身份并告知他或她控诉的罪名,这不能视为履行了进行初步调查的义务。  

· The inquiry is to be conducted by the authorities who have the task of drawing up a case file and collecting facts and evidence (for example, documents and witness statements relating to the events at issue and to the suspects possible involvement).

· 初步调查由负责拟订案件文档和负责收集事实和证据(例如文件、证人关于事件经过及嫌疑人可能参与其中的证词)的当局实施。

These authorities are those of the State where the alleged crime was committed or of any other State where complaints have been filed in relation to the case.


In order to fulfil its obligation to conduct a preliminary inquiry, the State in whose territory the suspect is present should seek cooperation of the authorities of the aforementioned States;


· An inquiry taking place on the basis of universal jurisdiction must be conducted according to the same standards in terms of evidence as when the State has jurisdiction by virtue of a link with the case in question.

· 依据普遍管辖权进行的调查必须遵循相同的证据标准,就如该国因与案件具有联系而行使管辖权时一样。  

27. Obligation to prosecute.

27. 起诉的义务。

According to the Court in Belgium v. Senegal, the obligation to prosecute consists of certain elements:


· The obligation to prosecute is actually an obligation to submit the case to the prosecuting authorities; it does not involve an obligation to initiate a prosecution.

· 起诉的义务实际上是将案件提交起诉当局的义务,不涉及提起起诉的义务。

Indeed, in light of the evidence, fulfilment of the obligation may or may not result in the institution of proceedings.


 The competent authorities decide whether to initiate proceedings, in the same manner as they would for any alleged offence of a serious nature under the law of the State concerned.


· Proceedings relating to the implementation of the obligation to prosecute should be undertaken without delay, as soon as possible, in particular once the first complaint has been filed against the suspect.

· 与履行起诉的义务有关的程序应毫不拖延地尽快实施,尤其是针对嫌疑人一旦提出了首次申诉之后。

· The timeliness of the prosecution must be such that it does not lead to injustice; hence, necessary actions must be undertaken within a reasonable time limit.

· 必须确保起诉及时,以免发生不公正,因此必须在合理的时限内采取必要行动。  

28. Obligation to extradite.

28. 引渡的义务。

With respect to the obligation to extradite:


· Extradition may only be to a State that has jurisdiction in some capacity to prosecute and try the alleged offender pursuant to an international legal obligation binding on the State in whose territory the person is present.

· 引渡的目的地国只能是以某种身份具有管辖权,依照国际法律义务(该义务对该国具有约束力)可以起诉并审判被指称犯罪者的且该人所在国家。

· Fulfilling the obligation to extradite cannot be substituted by deportation, extraordinary rendition or other informal forms of dispatching the suspect to another State.

· 履行引渡的义务不能用驱逐、非常规引渡或将嫌疑人发送到另一国的其他非正式形式来替代。

 Formal extradition requests entail important human rights protections which may be absent from informal forms of dispatching the suspect to another State, such as extraordinary renditions.

 正式的引渡请求涉及重要的人权保护措施,这些措施 在诸如将嫌疑人发送到另一国的非正式形式例如非常规引渡中是没有的。

Under extradition law of most, if not all, States, the necessary requirements to be satisfied include double criminality, ne bis in idem, nullem crimen sine lege, speciality, and non-extradition of the suspect to stand trial on the grounds of ethnic origin, religion, nationality or political views.


29. Compliance with object and purpose.

29. 符合目标和宗旨。

The steps to be taken by a State must be interpreted in light of the object and purpose of the relevant international instrument or other sources of international obligation binding on that State, rendering the fight against impunity more effective.


 It is also worth recalling that, by virtue of article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which reflects customary international law, a State party to a treaty may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty.


 Besides, the steps taken must be in accordance with the rule of law.


30. In cases of serious crimes of international concern, the purpose of the obligation to extradite or prosecute is to prevent alleged perpetrators from going unpunished by ensuring that they cannot find refuge in any State.

30. 如果涉及引起国际关切的严重罪行,引渡或起诉义务的宗旨是确保被指称犯罪者不能在任何国家得到庇护,从而逃避惩罚。  

31. Temporal scope of the obligation.

31. 义务的时间范围。

The obligation to extradite or prosecute under a treaty applies only to facts having occurred after its the entry into force of the said treaty for the State concerned, unless a different intention appears from the treaty or is otherwise established.


 After a State becomes party to a treaty containing the obligation to extradite or prosecute, it is entitled, with effect from the date of its becoming party to the treaty, to request another State partys compliance with the obligation to extradite or prosecute.


 Thus, the obligation to criminalize and establish necessary jurisdiction over acts proscribed by a treaty containing the obligation to extradite or prosecute is to be implemented as soon as the State is bound by that treaty.


 However, nothing prevents the State from investigating or prosecuting acts committed before the entry into force of the treaty for that State.


32. Consequences of non-compliance with the obligation to extradite or prosecute.

 32. 不遵守引渡或起诉义务的后果。

In Belgium v. Senegal, the Court found that the violation of an international obligation under the Convention against Torture is a wrongful act engaging the responsibility of the State.


 As long as all measures necessary for the implementation of the obligation have not been taken, the State remains in breach of its obligation.


 The Commissions articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts stipulate that the commission of an internationally wrongful act attributable to a State involves legal consequences, including cessation and non-repetition of the act (article 30), reparation (articles 31, 3439) and countermeasures (articles 4954).


33. Relationship between the obligation and the third alternative.

33. 该义务与“第三种选择”的关系。

With the establishment of the International Criminal Court and various ad hoc international criminal tribunals, there is now the possibility that a State faced with an obligation to extradite or prosecute an accused person might have recourse to a third alternative that of surrendering the suspect to a competent international criminal tribunal.


 This third alternative is stipulated in article 11, paragraph 1 of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2006.


34. In her dissenting opinion in Belgium v. Senegal, Judge Xue opines that had Senegal surrendered the alleged offender to an international tribunal constituted by the African Union to try him, they would not have breached their obligation to prosecute under article 7 of the Convention against Torture, because such a tribunal would have been created to fulfil the purpose of the Convention, and this is not prohibited by the Convention itself or by State practice.

34. 在对于比利时诉塞内加尔案发表的不同意见中,薛法官认为,假如塞内加尔已经将被指称犯罪者送交由非洲联盟组建的国际法庭进行审判,他们就没有违反《禁止酷刑公约》第7条所规定的起诉的义务,因为这样的法庭就是为满足公约的目的而设立的,公约本身不禁止,国家惯例也不禁止。

 Of course, if a different intention appears from the treaty or is otherwise established”  so as not to permit the surrender of an alleged offender to an international criminal tribunal, such surrender would not discharge the obligation of the States parties to the treaty to extradite or prosecute the person under their respective domestic legal systems.

 当然,如果“条约表示不同意思,或另经确定”,  因而不许将受指控的犯罪者移交国际刑事法庭,则这样的移交并不免除条约缔约国根据其各自国内法律制度引渡或起诉该犯罪者的义务。

35. It is suggested that in light of the increasing significance of international criminal tribunals, new treaty provisions on the obligation to extradite or prosecute should include this third alternative, as should national legislation.

35. 有人提议,鉴于国际刑事法庭日益重要,关于引渡或起诉义务的新条约规定与国内法一样,应包含这第三种选择。

36. Additional observation.

36. 补充意见。

A State might also wish to fulfil both parts of the obligation to extradite or prosecute, for example, by prosecuting, trying and sentencing an offender and then extraditing or surrendering the offender to another State for the purpose of enforcing the judgment.


Annex B Crimes against humanity (Mr. Sean D. Murphy)

附件B 危害人类罪 (肖恩·墨菲先生)

A. Introduction

A. 导言

1. In the field of international law, three core crimes have emerged: war crimes; genocide; and crimes against humanity.

1. 在国际法领域,出现了三项核心罪行:战争罪、灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪。

 While all three crimes have been the subject of jurisdiction within the major international criminal tribunals established to date, only two of them have been addressed through a global treaty that requires States to prevent and punish such conduct and to cooperate among themselves toward those ends.


War crimes have been codified by means of the grave breachesprovisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions  and Protocol I.  Genocide has been codified by means of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

严重的战争罪已经借助于1949年日内瓦四公约  和第一议定书  的“严重违约”条款得到编纂,灭绝种族罪借助于1948年《灭绝种族罪公约》  得到编纂。

 Yet no comparable treaty exists concerning crimes against humanity, even though the perpetration of such crimes remains an egregious phenomenon in numerous conflicts and crises worldwide.


2. For example, the mass murder of civilians perpetrated as part of an international armed conflict would fall within the grave breaches regime of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, but the same conduct arising as part of an internal armed conflict (as well as internal action below the threshold of armed conflict) would not.

2. 例如,在国际武装冲突中对平民的大规模谋杀即属于1949年日内瓦四公约“严重违约”制度的范围,但在国内武装冲突(以及算不上国内武装冲突的国内行动)中产生的相同行为却不在此制度的范围内。

Such mass murder might meet the special requirements of the Genocide Convention, but often will not, as was the case with respect to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.


Consequently, when mass murder or other atrocities occur, there will often be no applicable treaty that addresses inter-State cooperation.


3. As such, a global convention on crimes against humanity appears to be a key missing piece in the current framework of international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and international human rights law.

 3. 有鉴于此,一项全球性的《危害人类罪公约》似乎是目前国际人道主义法律、国际刑事法律和国际人权法律框架所缺乏的一个重要构件。

The objective of the International Law Commission on this topic, therefore, would be to draft articles for what would become a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Humanity (Crimes against Humanity Convention).


B. Emergence of the concept of Crimes against Humanity

B. “危害人类罪”概念的产生

4. The Martens Clauseof the 1899/1907 Hague Conventions made reference to the laws of humanity and the dictates of public consciencein the crafting of protections to persons in time of war.

4. 1899/1907年海牙公约中的“马顿斯条款”曾在论及战时对人员的保护时提到“人道主义法规和…公众良知的要求”。

 Thereafter, further thought was given to a prohibition on crimes against humanity,with the central feature being a prohibition upon a government from inflicting atrocities upon its own people, and not necessarily in time of war.


The tribunals established at Nuremberg and Tokyo in the aftermath of the Second World War included as a component of their jurisdiction crimes against humanity,characterizing them as:


murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation or other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.


5. The principles of international law recognized in the Nuremberg Charter were reaffirmed in 1946 by the General Assembly,  which also directed the International Law Commission to formulatethose principles.

 5. 《纽伦堡宪章》中认定的国际法原则于1946年得到联合国大会的确认,  大会还指示国际法委员会“编订”这些原则。

The Commission then studied and distilled the Nuremberg principles in 1950, defining crimes against humanity as


murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.


6. The Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, adopted by the General Assembly in 1968, called upon States to criminalize nationally crimes against humanityas defined in the Nuremberg Charter and to set aside statutory limitations on prosecuting the crime.

6. 联合国大会1968年通过的《战争罪及危害人类罪不适用法定时效公约》吁请各国在本国境内将《纽伦堡宪章》所界定的“危害人类罪”定为罪行,并取消对此种罪行进行起诉的法定时效。

 Consisting of just four substantive articles, that convention is narrowly focused on statutory limitations; while it does call upon Parties to take steps with a view to making possibleextradition for the crime, the convention does not expressly obligate a Party to exert jurisdiction over crimes against humanity.

 该公约仅包含四项实质性条款,单纯侧重于法定时效问题。 虽然该公约吁请各国采取步骤“以期使”对该罪行的引渡“成为可能”,但该公约并没有明确规定缔约国须对危害人类罪行使管辖权。

The convention has, at present, attracted adherence by 54 States.


7. In 1993, the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) included crimes against humanityas part of its jurisdiction,  as did the Statute for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in 1994.

7. 1993年,《前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭规约》将“危害人类罪”列入其管辖范围,1994年《卢旺达问题国际法庭规约》也如此处理。

 In 1996, the Commission defined crimes against humanityas part of its 1996 draft code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind,  a formulation that would heavily influence the incorporation of the crime within the 1998 Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court (ICC).

 1996年,委员会对“危害人类罪”作了界定,列为其1996年《危害人类和平及安全治罪法草案》的一部分,  委员会的措词明显影响到1998年《国际刑事法院罗马规约》,  后者也将此种罪行纳入其范围。

 Among other things, the Rome Statute defined the crime as being committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack.


C. Key elements to be considered for a convention

 C. 须考虑的公约关键要素

8. There are several possible elements of a Crimes against Humanity Convention, which would need to be studied carefully by the Commission in the course of its work.

8. 《危害人类罪公约》可能有好几项要素,委员会在其工作中需要给予认真的研究。

The key elements that would appear necessary are to:


· Define the offence of crimes against humanityfor purposes of the Convention as it is defined in Article 7 of the Rome Statute;

· 为该公约的目的界定“危害人类罪”,像《罗马规约》第7条所作的界定那样;

· Require the Parties to criminalize the offence in their national legislation, not just with respect to acts on its territory or by its nationals, but also with respect to acts by non-nationals committed abroad who then turns up in the Partys territory;

· 要求各缔约国在其本国法律中将此种行为定为罪行,不仅指其本国国民在本国境内作出的行为,也指非国民在国外作出此种行为而后出现在缔约国境内的情况;

· Require robust inter-State cooperation by the Parties for investigation, prosecution, and punishment of the offence, including through mutual legal assistance and extradition, and recognition of evidence; and

· 要求各缔约国为调查、起诉、惩罚此种罪行而相互间开展有力的合作,包括通过法律互助和引渡以及承认证据等;以及

· Impose an aut dedere aut judicare obligation when an alleged offender is present in a Partys territory.

· 当受指控的犯罪者处在一缔约国境内时,须要求履行引渡或起诉的义务(aut dedere aut judicare)

Many conventions on other crimes have focused only on these core elements and the Commission could decide that a streamlined convention is also best in this instance.

涉及其他罪行的许多公约仅侧重于这些核心要素。 委员会可作出决定,让一项优化的公约成为这方面最好的公约。

 In the course of its work on this topic, however, the Commission might identify additional elements that should be addressed.


D. Relationship of the Convention to the International Criminal Court

D. 公约与国际刑事法院的关系

9. A natural question is how a Crimes against Humanity Convention would relate to the ICC.

9. 一个自然而然的问题便是《危害人类罪公约》将与国际刑事法院具有什么样的关系。

Certainly the drafting of the Convention would benefit considerably from the language of the Rome Statute and associated instruments and jurisprudence.


At the same time, adoption of the Convention would advance key initiatives not addressed in the Rome Statute, while simultaneously supporting the mission of the ICC.


10. First, the Rome Statute regulates relations between its States Parties and the ICC, but does not regulate matters among the Parties themselves (nor among Parties and non-Parties).

10. 首先,《罗马规约》调整的是缔约国与国际刑事法院的关系,但不调整缔约国相互之间(以及缔约国与非缔约国之间)的事项。

At the same time, Part 9 of the Rome Statute on International Cooperation and Judicial Assistanceimplicitly acknowledges that inter-State cooperation on crimes within the scope of the ICC will continue to operate outside the Rome Statute.


The Convention would help promote general inter-State cooperation on the investigation, apprehension, prosecution, and punishment of persons who commit crimes against humanity, an objective fully consistent with the Rome Statutes object and purpose.


11. Second, while the ICC will remain a key international institution for prosecution of high-level persons who commit this crime, the ICC was not designed (nor given the resources) to prosecute all persons who commit crimes against humanity.

11. 其次,虽然国际刑事法院在起诉犯下此种罪行的高级别人员方面依然是关键的国际机构,但国际刑事法院的使命不是起诉犯下危害人类罪的所有人员(也未获得这样做所必需的资源)

Rather, the ICC is predicated on the notion that national jurisdiction is, in the first instance, the proper place for prosecution, in the event appropriate national laws are in place (the principle of complementarity).


In the view of many, given that the ICC does not have the capacity to prosecute all persons who commit crimes against humanity, effective prevention and prosecution of such crimes is necessary through the active cooperation among and enforcement by national jurisdictions.


12. Third, the Convention would require the enactment of national laws that prohibit and punish crimes against humanity, which many States to date have not done.

12. 第三,公约将要求各国制订禁止并惩治危害人类罪的国内法律―― 许多国家还没有这样做。

As such, the Convention would help fill a gap, and in doing so might encourage all States to ratify or accede to the Rome Statute.


For States that have already adopted national laws on crimes against humanity, those laws often only allow for national prosecution of crimes committed by that States nationals or on its territory; the Convention would also require the State Party to extend its law to cover other offenders who are present in its territory (non-nationals who commit the offence in the territory of another Party to the Convention).


13. Fourth, in the event that a State Party to the Rome Statute receives a request from the ICC for the surrender of a person to the ICC and also receives a request from another State for extradition of the person pursuant to the Convention, the Rome Statute provides in Article 90 for a procedure to resolve the competing requests.

13. 第四,如果《罗马规约》某一缔约国收到该法院要求将某人移交该法院的请求并且也收到另一缔约国依据公约要求将该人引渡的请求,《罗马规约》第90条规定了解决竞合请求的程序。

The Convention can be drafted to ensure that States Parties to both the Rome Statute and the Convention may continue to follow that procedure.


E. Whether the topic meets the Commissions standards for topic selection

E. 此专题是否符合委员会选择专题的标准

14. The Commission has previously determined that any new topic should: (a) reflect the needs of States in respect of the progressive development and codification of international law; (b) be sufficiently advanced in stage in terms of State practice to permit progressive development and codification; and (c) be concrete and feasible for progressive development and codification.

14. 委员会原先曾确定,任何新专题:(a) 应反映各国在逐步发展和编纂国际法方面的需要;(b) 应在国家实践上处于较高级的阶段,已经容许逐步发展和编纂;并且(c) 对于逐步发展和编纂而言应是具体和可行的。


15. With respect to (b) and (c), this topic is sufficiently advanced in terms of State practice given the emergence of national laws addressing crimes against humanity in approximately one-half of United Nations Member States, and the considerable attention given to this crime over the past twenty years in the constituent and associated instruments and jurisprudence of the international criminal tribunals, including the ICC, ICTY, ICTR, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Special Panels for Serious Crimes in East Timor, and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.

15. 关于(b)(c)项,鉴于联合国约一半会员国制订了处理危害人类罪的国内法律,并且在过去20年里各国际刑事法庭(包括国际刑事法院、前南问题国际法庭、卢旺达问题国际法庭、塞拉利昂问题特别法庭、东帝汶重罪特别审判分庭、柬埔寨法院特别法庭在内)的宪章性文件和相关文件及判例对这种罪行给予了大量注意,故这一专题在国家实践上处于足够高级的阶段。

Further, the drafting of the Convention appears technically feasible at this time given the large number of analogous conventions covering other types of crimes.


The drafting of the Convention would build upon the Commissions prior work in this area, such as its reports and the Secretariats study concerning aut dedere aut judicare,  and the Commissions 1996 draft code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind, which sought to promote, inter alia, cooperation among States in the criminalization, prosecution, and extradition of persons who commit crimes against humanity.

起草这项公约也将以委员会先前在这方面开展的工作为基础,例如委员会的报告和秘书处关于引渡或起诉义务的研究以及委员会1996年《危害人类和平及安全治罪法草案》,  该治罪法草案除其他外,力图促进各国在对犯下危害人类罪的人予以刑罪化、起诉和引渡方面开展合作。

16. With respect to (a), States have shown a considerable interest in promoting measures that would punish serious international crimes, as is evident in the establishment of the ICC, and interest in concluding global instruments that define international criminal offences and call upon States to prevent and punish offenders.

16. 关于(a)项,各国显示出很有兴趣采取措施,如设立国际刑事法院这样的措施,对严重国际罪行予以惩罚,也有兴趣缔结全球性文书,对国际刑事罪行进行界定并吁请各国防止此种犯罪并惩治犯罪人。

At present, there is considerable interest in developing national capacity for addressing serious international crimes, especially to ensure a well-functioning principle of complementarity.


In light of these trends, States may wish to adopt a well-crafted Convention on Crimes against Humanity.


Further, the possibility of a convention of this type has received support in recent years from numerous judges and prosecutors of the ICC and of other international criminal tribunals, as well as former United Nations and government officials, and those in the academic community.


F. Possible timetable

F. 可能的时间表

17. If the Commission were to add this topic to its Long-Term Work Program during its sixty-fifth session, it then could seek the views of States in the Sixth Committee during the fall of 2013.

17. 委员会如果在第六十五届会议期间将此专题列入长期工作方案,便可在2013年秋季在第六委员会征求各国的意见。

If those reactions are favourable, the Commission could proceed during its sixty-sixth session with the topic as appropriate, perhaps through the appointment of a Special Rapporteur and the submission of a first report.


Thereafter, completion of the project would depend on many factors, but the existence of analogous conventions, as well as a considerable foundation derived from the existing international criminal tribunals, suggests that the Commission may be able to adopt a full set of draft articles on first reading before the end of the current quinquennium.


G. Background materials

G. 背景材料

 See para. 3 below.


 Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. E. Petrič and Mr. N. Wisnumurti.


 Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. J.M. Gómez-Robledo, Ms. M.G. Jacobsson, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina and Mr. M. Wood.


 See below, chap. XII, sect. A.1.


 The Commission decided at its 3186th meeting, on 25 July 2013, to change the title of the topic to Identification of customary international law.


See chap. VII, sect.


B.  ICSID Case No. ARB/05/1 dispatched to the parties on 22 August 2012.


 ICSID Case No. ARB/10/1 dispatched to the parties on 2 July 2013.


 At its 2997th meeting, on 8 August 2008.


See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 353.


For the syllabus of the topic, see ibid., annex A.


The General Assembly, in paragraph 6 of resolution 63/123 of 11 December 2008, took note of the decision.


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), paras. 220226.


 Ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 344354; and ibid., Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), para. 337.


 Ibid., Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), paras. 338341; and Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), paras. 230231.


 Ibid., Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), paras. 232234.


 For the text of the preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group, see ibid., Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), para. 344.


 For the text of the preliminary conclusions by the Chairman of the Study Group, see ibid., Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), para. 240.


 Ibid., paras. 235239.


 Ibid., paras. 226 and 239.


 Ibid., para. 227.


 The four draft conclusions proposed by the Special Rapporteur read as follows:


Draft conclusion 1


General rule and means of treaty interpretation


Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, as treaty obligation and as reflection of customary international law, sets forth the general rule on the interpretation of treaties.


The interpretation of a treaty in a specific case may result in a different emphasis on the various means of interpretation contained in articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention, in particular on the text of the treaty or on its object and purpose, depending on the treaty or on the treaty provisions concerned.


Draft conclusion 2


Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as authentic means of interpretation


Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice between the parties to a treaty are authentic means of interpretation which shall be taken into account in the interpretation of treaties.


Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice by the parties may guide an evolutive interpretation of a treaty.


Draft conclusion 3


Definition of subsequent agreement and subsequent practice as means of treaty interpretation


For the purpose of treaty interpretation a subsequent agreementis a manifested agreement between the parties after the conclusion of a treaty regarding its interpretation or the application of its provisions.


For the purpose of treaty interpretation subsequent practiceconsists of conduct, including pronouncements, by one or more parties to the treaty after its conclusion regarding its interpretation or application.


Subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation is a means of interpretation according to article 31 (3) (b) of the Vienna Convention.


Other subsequent practice may under certain circumstances be used as a supplementary means of interpretation according to article 32 of the Vienna Convention.


Draft conclusion 4


Possible authors and attribution of subsequent practice


Subsequent practice can consist of conduct of all State organs which can be attributed to a State for the purpose of treaty interpretation.


Subsequent practice by non-State actors, including social practice, may be taken into account for the purpose of treaty interpretation as far as it is reflected in or adopted by subsequent State practice, or as evidence of such State practice.


 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, No. 18232, p. 331 (Vienna Convention).


 See below draft conclusion 1, para. 1 and accompanying commentary.


 Title of article 31 of the Vienna Convention, ibid.


 First Report on Subsequent Agreement and Subsequent Practice in relation to Treaty Interpretation, A/CN.4/660, 19 March 2013 (First Report), p. 6, para. 8; M.E. Villiger, The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: 40 Years After, Recueil des cours de lAcadémie de droit international de La Haye, vol. 344 (2009), p. 9, at pp. 118119, 126128.

 “关于与条约解释有关的嗣后协定和嗣后惯例的第一次报告”,A/CN.4/660, 2013319(“第一次报告”),第6页,第8段;M.E. Villiger,1969年《维也纳条约法公约》:40年之后”,《海牙国际法学院教程汇编》,第344(2009),第9页,见118-119页、第126128页。

 On the meaning of the term rulesin this context: Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 218219; R. Gardiner, Treaty Interpretation (Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 3638.

 关于这一上下文中“规则”一词的含义:见《1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第218-219页;R. Gardiner, 《条约解释 》(牛津大学出版社,2008),第36-38页。

 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, p. 223, para. (19); Waldock, Third Report on the Law of Treaties, Yearbook 1964, vol. II, pp. 5859, para. (21); M.K. Yasseen, LInterprétation des Traités daprès la Convention de Vienne sur le Droit des Traités, Recueil des cours, vol. 151 (1976), p. 1, at p. 78; I. Sinclair, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Manchester University Press, 1984), pp. 141142; M.E. Villiger, supra note , pp. 127128.

 1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第223页,第19段;沃尔多克,关于条约法的第三次报告,《1964年…年鉴》,第二卷,第58-59页,第21段;M.K. Yasseen,“根据《维也纳条约法公约》对条约进行解释”,《海牙国际法教程汇编》,第151(1976),第1页起,见第78页;I. Sinclair,《维也纳条约法公约》(曼彻斯特大学出版社,1984),第141-142页;M.E. Villiger, 上文脚注22, 127-128页。

 Y. le Bouthillier, Commentary on Article 32 of the Vienna Conventionin O. Corten and P. Klein (eds.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties: A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 841, at pp. 843846, paras. 48; P. Daillier, M. Forteau, A. Pellet, Droit International Public, 8th edition (L.G.D.J., 2009), at pp. 285286; Gardiner, supra note , at pp. 1219; M.E. Villiger, supra note , pp. 132133.

 Y. le Bouthillier, “对《维也纳公约》第三十二条的评注”,载O. Corten P. Klein (), 《〈维也纳条约法公约〉评注》(牛津大学出版社, 2011),第841页,见843-846页,第48段;P. Daillier, M. Forteau, A. Pellet, 《国际公法》,第8(L.G.D.J.2009),见285-286页;Gardiner, 上文脚注23, 见第12-19页;M.E. Villiger, 上文脚注 22, 132-133页。

 Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2010, p. 14, at p. 46, para. 65 (Vienna Convention, art. 31); Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2009, p. 213, at p. 237, para. 47; Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 43, at pp. 109110, para. 160; Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2004, p. 136, at p. 174, para. 94; Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2004, p. 12, at p. 48, para. 83; Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia v. Malaysia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 625, at p. 645, para. 37; LaGrand (Germany v. United States of America), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2001, p. 466, at p. 501, para. 99 (Vienna Convention, art. 31); Kasikili/Sedudu Island (Botswana v. Namibia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 1045, at p. 1059, para. 18 (Vienna Convention, art. 31); Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. Chad), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1994, p. 6, at pp. 2122, para. 41 (Vienna Convention, art. 31, and without expressly mentioning article 32 of the Vienna Convention but referring to the supplementary means of interpretation).


 Responsibilities and obligations of States sponsoring persons and entities with respect to activities in the Area, Advisory Opinion, 1 February 2011, ITLOS Reports 2011, p. 10, at para. 57.


 Arbitration regarding the Iron Rhine (Ijzeren Rijn) Railway (Belgium v. Netherlands), Award, 24 May 2005, United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. XXVII, p. 35, at para. 45 (Vienna Convention, arts. 3132).


 Article 3 paragraph 2 of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) provides that () it serves to () to clarify the existing provisions of [the WTO-covered] agreements in accordance with customary rules of interpretation of public international law, but does not specifically refer to articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention.


However, the Appellate Body consistently has recognized that articles 31 and 32 reflect rules of customary international law, and has resorted to them by reference to article 3.2 of the DSU.


See, e.g., WTO Appellate Body Report, US-Gasoline, WT/DS2/AB/R, adopted 29 April 1996, Section B 1 (Vienna Convention, art. 31(1)); WTO Appellate Body Report, Japan-Alcoholic Beverages II, WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, adopted 4 October 1996, Section D (Vienna Convention, arts. 3132); Second Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over Timein G. Nolte (ed.), Treaties and Subsequent Practice (Oxford University Press, 2013), p. 213, at p. 215.

例如见世贸组织上诉机构的报告,美国――汽油案,1996429日通过的WT/DS2/AB/R, B 1(《维也纳公约》第三十一条第1);世贸组织上诉机构的报告,日本―― 酒精饮料案()1996104日通过的WT/DS8/AB/RWT/DS10/AB/RWT/DS11/AB/R, D (《维也纳公约》第三十一至第三十二条);国际法委员会条约随时间演变问题研究组的第二次报告,诺尔特(),《条约和嗣后惯例》(牛津大学出版社,2013),第213页起,见第215页。

 Golder v. United Kingdom, Judgment, 21 February 1975, Application No. 4451/70, ECHR Series A No. 18, para. 29; Witold Litwa v. Poland, Judgment, 4 April 2000, Application No. 26629/95, ECHR 2000-III, para. 58 (Vienna Convention, art. 31); Demir and Baykara v. Turkey [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 12 November 2008, Application No. 34503/97, ECHR 1345, para. 65 (by implication Vienna Convention, arts. 3133).

 Golder诉联合王国,判决,1975221日,第4451/70号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》A辑,第18号,第29段;Witold Litwa诉波兰,判决,200044日,第26629/95号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2000-III, 58(《维也纳公约》第三十一条)DemirBaykara诉土耳其[GC],判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)20081112日,第34503/97号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》1345, 65(暗指《维也纳公约》第三十一条至第三十三条)

 The Effect of Reservations on the Entry into Force of the American Convention on Human Rights (Arts. 74 and 75), Advisory Opinion, 24 September 1982, OC-2/82, Inter-Am. Ct. H.R. Series A No. 2, para. 19 (by implication Vienna Convention, arts. 3132); Hilaire, Constantine and Benjamin and others v. Trinidad and Tobago, Judgments (Merits, Reparations and Costs, Judgment), 21 June 2002, Inter-Am. Ct. H.R. Series C No. 94, para. 19 (Vienna Convention, art. 31 (1)).

 保留对《美洲人权公约》生效的影响(7475),咨询意见,1982924日,OC-2/82, 美洲人权法院,A辑第2号,第19(暗指《维也纳公约》第三十一至第三十二条)Hilaire, ConstantineBenjamin和其他人诉特立尼达和多巴哥,判决(案情、赔偿和费用,判决)2002621日,美洲人权法院,C辑第94号,第19(《维也纳公约》第三十一条第1)

 Brita GmbH v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Hafen, Judgment, 25 February 2010, Case C-386/08, ECR I-01289, paras. 4143 (Vienna Convention, art. 31).

 Brita GmbHHauptzollamt Hamburg-Hafen, 判决,2010225日,Case C-386/08, ECR I-01289, 41-43(《维也纳公约》第三十一条)

 National Grid plc v. The Argentine Republic, Decision on Jurisdiction (UNCITRAL), 20 June 2006, para. 51 (Vienna Convention, arts. 3132); Canfor Corporation v. United States of America, Tembec Inc., Tembec Investments Inc. and Tembec Industries Inc. v. United States of America, and Terminal Forest Products Ltd. v. United States of America, Order of the Consolidation Tribunal, 7 September 2005, para. 59 (Vienna Convention, arts. 3132).

 National Grid 公司诉阿根廷共和国,管辖权裁决(国际贸易法委员会)2006620日,第51(《维也纳公约》第三十一至第三十二条)Canfor Corporation诉美利坚合众国,Tembec公司、Tembec Investments 公司和Tembec Industries公司诉美利坚合众国,以及Terminal Forest Products公司诉美利坚合众国,合并法庭命令,200597日,第59(《维也纳公约》第三十一至第三十二条)

 LaGrand, I.C.J. Reports 2001, p. 466, at p. 502, para. 101.


 Kasikili/Sedudu Island, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 1045, at p. 1062, para. 25; the Court may have applied this provision only because the parties had not disagreed about its application.


 WTO Appellate Body Report, US Final Countervailing Duty Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada, WT/DS257/AB/R, 19 January 2004, para. 61 (Vienna Convention, art. 33 (3)); WTO Appellate Body Report, US Subsidies on Upland Cotton, WT/DS267/AB/R, 3 March 2005, para. 424, where the Appellate Body applied and expressly referred to article 33 (3) of the Vienna Convention without suggesting its customary status; WTO Appellate Body Report, Chile Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products, WT/DS207/AB/R, 23 September 2002, para. 271 (Vienna Convention, art. 33 (4)).

 世贸组织上诉机构报告,美国――对加拿大的某些软木木材反倾销关税最终裁断,WT/DS257/AB/R, 2004119日,第61(《维也纳公约》第三十三条第3);世贸组织上诉机构报告,美国――高地棉补贴案,WT/DS267/AB/R, 200533日,第424段,上诉机构适用并明确提到《维也纳公约》第三十三条第3款,而没有表明其习惯地位;世贸组织上诉机构报告,智利――某些农产品的价格幅度制度和保障措施案,WT/DS207/AB/R, 2002923日,第271(《维也纳公约》第三十三条第4)

 Young Loan Arbitration on German External Debts (Belgium, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States v. Germany), 16 May 1980, UNRIAA, vol. XIX, p. 67; ILR, vol. 59 (1980), p. 494, at para. 17.

 Young Loan Arbitration on German External Debts(比利时、法国、瑞士、英国、美国诉德国)1980516日,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》, 第十九卷, 67; ILR, 59(1980),第494页,第17段。

 Responsibilities and obligations of States sponsoring persons and entities with respect to activities in the Area, Advisory Opinion, ITLOS Reports 2011, p. 10, at para. 57; Golder v. United Kingdom, Judgment, 21 February 1975, Application No. 4451/70, ECHR Series A No. 18, para. 29; Witold Litwa v. Poland, Judgment, 4 April 2000, Application No. 26629/95, ECHR 2000-III, para. 59; Demir and Baykara v. Turkey [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 12 November 2008, Application No. 34503/97, ECHR 1345, para. 65 (Vienna Convention, arts. 3133).

 资助个人和实体从事该领域活动的国家的责任和义务(向海底争端法庭提交咨询意见的要求),咨询意见,《2011年国际海洋法法庭案例汇编》,第10页,见第57段。 Golder诉联合王国,判决,1975221日,第4451/70号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》A辑,第18号,第29段;Witold Litwa诉波兰,判决,200044日,第26629/95号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2000-III, 59Demir Baykara诉土耳其[GC],判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)20081112日,第34503/97号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》1345, 65(《维也纳公约》第三十一至第三十三条)

 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 219220, para. (8).


See, in detail, below para. (12) of the commentary to draft conclusion 1, para. 5.


 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, p. 220, para. (8); Introductory Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over timein Nolte, supra note , p. 169 at p. 177.


 Yasseen, supra note , at p. 79.

 Yasseen, 上文脚注24, 见第79页。

 Yearbook 1964, vol. II, pp. 203204, para. (13).


 Kasikili/Sedudu Island, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 1045, at p. 1096, paras. 7980; Loizidou v. Turkey, Judgment (Preliminary Objections), 23 March 1995, Application No. 15318/89, ECHR Series A No. 310, paras. 7981; Hilaire, Constantine and Benjamin and others v. Trinidad and Tobago, Judgments (Merits, Reparations and Costs, Judgment), 21 June 2002, Inter-Am. Ct. H.R. Series C No. 94, para. 92; Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases (New Zealand v. Japan; Australia v. Japan), Provisional Measures, Order of 27 August 1999, ITLOS Reports 1999, p. 274, at para. 50; WTO Appellate Body Report, EC Computer Equipment, WT/DS62/AB/R, WT/DS67/AB/R and WT/DS68/AB/R, 5 June 1998, para. 90; see also WTO Appellate Body Report, US COOL, WT/DS384/AB/R and WT/DS386/AB/R, 29 June 2012, para. 452.

 卡西基里/塞杜杜岛案(博茨瓦纳诉纳米比亚),判决,《1999年国际法院案例汇编》,第1045页起,见第1096页,第79-80段;Loizidou诉土耳其,判决(初步反对意见)1995323日,第15318/89号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》A辑,第310号,第79-81段;HilaireConstantineBenjamin及其他人诉特立尼达和多巴哥,判决(案情实质、赔偿和费用、判决)2002621日,美洲人权法院,C辑,第94号,第92段;南方金枪鱼案(新西兰诉日本;澳大利亚诉日本),临时措施,1999827日命令,《1999年海洋法法庭案例汇编》,第274, 50段;世贸组织上诉机构报告,欧盟―― 计算机设备案,WT/DS62/AB/RWT/DS67/AB/RWT/DS68/AB/R, 199865日,第90段;另参见世贸组织上诉机构报告,美国――COOL案,WT/DS384/AB/RWT/DS386/AB/R, 2012629日,第452段。

 Yasseen, supra note , at p. 52 ([] la Convention de Vienne ne retient pas comme élément de la règle générale dinterprétation la pratique ultérieure en général, mais une pratique ultérieur spécifique, à savoir une pratique ultérieur non seulement concordant, mais également commune à toutes les parties. ] Ce qui reste de la pratique ultérieure peut être un moyen complémentaire dinterprétation, selon larticle 32 de la Convention de Vienne.) (emphasis added); Sinclair, supra note , at p. 138: () paragraph 3(b) of Article 31 of the Convention [covers] only a specific form of subsequent practice that is to say, concordant subsequent practice common to all the parties.

   Yasseen, 上文脚注24,见第52([] la Convention de Vienne ne retient pas comme élément de la règle générale dinterprétation la pratique ultérieure en général, mais une pratique ultérieur spécifique, à savoir une pratique ultérieur non seulement concordant, mais également commune à toutes les parties. [] Ce qui reste de la pratique ultérieure peut être un moyen complémentaire dintérpretation, selon larticle 32 de la Convention de Vienne.) (强调是后加的)Sinclair, 上文脚注 24, 138页:“() 《公约》第三十一条第3(b) 项仅[涉及]一种具体形式的司法惯例―― 即所有当事方共有的一致性嗣后惯例。

Subsequent practice which does not fall within this narrow definition may nonetheless constitute a supplementary means of interpretation with the meaning of Article 32 of the Convention(emphasis added); S. Torres Bernárdez, Interpretation of Treaties by the International Court of Justice following the Adoption of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treatiesin G. Hafner, G. Loibl, A. Rest, L. Sucharipa-Behrmann, K. Zemanek, (eds.), Liber Amicorum: Professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern, in honour of his 80th birthday (Kluwer Law International, 1998), p. 721, at p. 726; M.E. Villiger, Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009), pp. 431432.

然而不在这一狭窄定义范围内的嗣后惯例可构成《公约》第三十二条意义上的补充的解释资料” (强调是后加的)S. Torres Bernárdez, “自1969年《维也纳条约法公约》通过以来国际法院对条约的解释”,载于G. HafnerG. LoiblA. RestL. Sucharipa-BehrmannK. Zemanek ()Liber AmicorumProfessor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern, in honour of his 80th birthday (Kluwer Law International, 1998),第721页,见第726页;M.E. Villiger, 《对1969年〈维也纳条约法公约〉的评论》(Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009),第431432页。

 L. Boisson de Chazournes, Subsequent Practice, Practices, and Family Resemblance: Towards Embedding Subsequent Practice in its Operative Milieuin Nolte, supra note , p. 53, at pp. 5962.

 L. Boisson de Chazournes,Subsequent Practice, Practices, and Family Resemblance”:Towards Embedding Subsequent Practice in its Operative Milieu”,见诺尔特,上文脚注29, 53页,见59-62页。 

 First Report, para. 64; Introductory Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over time, in Nolte, supra note , p. 169, at pp. 171 and 177.


 On the different function of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to other means of interpretation, see First Report, paras. 4257; Introductory Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over Time, in Nolte, supra note , p. 169, at p. 183.

 关于嗣后协定和嗣后惯例相对于其他解释资料的不同作用,见第一次报告,第42-57段;国际法委员会条约随时间演变研究组的介绍性报告,上文脚注29, 169页,见第183页。

 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 219220, para. (8).




 This had been proposed by the Special Rapporteur, see First Report, para. 28 ((1) General rule and means of treaty interpretation () The interpretation of a treaty in a specific case may result in a different emphasis on the various means of interpretation contained in Articles 31 and 32 VCLT, in particular on the text of the treaty or on its object and purpose, depending on the treaty or on the treaty provisions concerned.

 这是特别报告员的提议,见第一次报告,第28((1) 条约解释通则和资料―― ()在一个具体案件中解释一项条约时,会导致对《维也纳公约》第三十一和三十二条所载各种解释资料给予不同程度的强调,尤其是根据所涉条约或条约条款,对条约案文或条约目的和宗旨给予不同程度的强调。

See also analysis in First Report, paras. 827.


 See also commentary to draft conclusion 1, para. 1; Villiger, supra note , p. 129; Daillier et al., supra note , at pp. 284289.

 也见结论草案11段的评注;Villiger,上文脚注22,第129页;Daillier et al, 上文脚注 25,见第284-289页。

 Provisional Summary Record of the 3172nd meeting, A/CN.4/SR.3172, p. 4.

 3172次会议临时简要记录,A/CN.4/SR.3172, 4页。


Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 219220, para. (8). 




Yearbook 1966, Vol. II, p. 219, para. (6); Yasseen, supra note , at p. 58; Sinclair, supra note , at p. 130; J. Klabbers, Treaties, Object and Purpose, Max Planck Encyclopedia on Public International Law (, para. 7; Villiger, Commentary, supra note , at p. 427, para. 11; Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras), Jurisdiction and Admissibility, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1988, p. 69, at p. 89, paras. 4546; Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Republic, Decision of 30 June 1977, UNRIAA, vol. XVIII, p. 3, at pp. 3235, para. 39.

 1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第219页,第(6)段;Yasseen, 上文脚注24, 见第58页;Sinclair, 上文脚注 24,见第130页;J. Klabbers, “条约:目标和宗旨”,《马克斯·普朗克国际公法百科全书》(,第7段;Villiger,《评论》,上文脚注44,第427页,第11段;边界与跨界武装行动(尼加拉瓜诉洪都拉斯),管辖权和是否可受理,判决,《1988年…年鉴》,第69页,见第89页,第45-46段;大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国与法兰西共和国大陆架划界案,1977630日的裁决,《联合国国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第十八卷,第3页起,见第32-35页,第39段。



 First Report, draft conclusion 1, para. (2), at para. 28, and, generally, paras. 1027.

 第一次报告,结论草案1, (2)段,见第28段,并一般见第10-27段。

 The First Report, ibid., refers to the jurisprudence of different international courts and tribunals as examples of how the weight of a means in an interpretation exercise is to be determined in specific cases, and demonstrates how given instances of subsequent practice and subsequent agreements contributed, or not, to the determination of the ordinary meaning of the terms in their context and in light of the object and purpose of the treaty.


 See First Report, ibid., draft conclusion 1, para. (2), and analysis at paras. 828.

 见第一次报告,同上,结论草案1, (2)段,以及第8-28段中的分析。

 WTO Panels and the Appellate Body, for example, seem to emphasize more the terms of the respective WTO covered Agreement (e.g., WTO Appellate Body, Brazil Export Financing Programme for Aircraft, Recourse by Canada to Article 21.5 of the DSU, WT/DS46/AB/RW, 21 July 2000, para. 45), whereas the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights highlight the character of the Convention as a human rights treaty (e.g. Mamatkulov and Askarov v. Turkey [GC], Judgment, 4 February 2005, Applications nos. 46827/99 and 46951/99, ECHR 2005-I, para. 111; The Right to Information on Consular Assistance In the Framework of the Guarantees of the due Process of Law, Advisory Opinion OC-16/99, 1 October 1999, Inter-Am. Ct. H.R. Series A No. 16, para. 58); see also Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10 and Add. 1), p. 281282, and Second Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over Time, in Nolte, supra note , p. 213, at pp. 216, 244246, 249262, 270275.

 例如,世贸组织各专家组和上诉机构看来更加强调世贸组织所涉各协定的术语(例如世贸组织上诉机构报告,巴西-航空器出口融资方案,加拿大援引争端解决谅解书第21.5条,WT/DS46/AB/RW, 2000721日,第45),而欧洲人权法院和美洲人权法院则强调有关公约作为人权条约的性质(例如,MamatkulovAskarov诉土耳其[GC],判决,200524日,第46827/9946951/99号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2005-I, 111段;在正当法律程序保障框架内获得领事协助信息的权利,咨询意见OC-16/99, 1999101日,美洲人权法院,A辑,第16号,第58);参见国际法委员会报告,2011年,A/66/10Add.1, 281-282页,和关于国际法委员会条约随时间演变研究组的第二次报告,诺尔特(),上文脚注29, 216244-246249-262270-275页。

 M. Forteau, Les Techniques Interpretatives de la Cour Internationale de Justice, Revue générale de droit international public, vol. 115 (2011), p. 399, at pp. 406407, 416; Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory Opinion (Separate opinion of Judge Dillard), I.C.J. Reports 1971, p. 16, at pp. 138, p. 154, fn. 1.

 M. Forteau, Les Techniques Interpretatives de la Cour Internationale de Justice’,Revue générale de droit international public, 115(2011),第399页,见第406-407页、第416页;南非不遵守安全理事会第276(1970)号决议继续留驻纳米比亚(西南非洲)对各国的法律后果,咨询意见(Dillard法官的个别意见),《1971年国际法院案例汇编》,第16页,见第138和第154页,脚注1

 Articles on the Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties (art. 6 (a)), General Assembly Resolution 66/99, annex; see also Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10 and Add.1); guideline 4.2.5 refers to the nature of obligations of the treaty, rather than the nature of the treaty as such.


 According to the commentary to guideline 4.2.5 of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties it is difficult to distinguish between the nature of treaty obligations and the object and purpose of the treaty.


Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, commentary to guideline 4.2.5, para. (3), in Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10 and Add.1).


On the other hand, article 6 of the Articles on the Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties suggests a series of factors pertaining to the nature of the treaty, particularly its subject matter, its object and purpose, its content and the number of the parties to the treaty, ibid., commentary to article 6, para. (3).


 See R. Jennings, A. Watts (eds.), Oppenheims International Law (Longman, 9th ed., 1992), vol. 1, p. 1268, para. 630; G. Fitzmaurice, The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice 1951-4: Treaty Interpretation and Certain other Treaty PointsBritish Yearbook of International Law 1957, vol. 33, p. 203, at pp. 223225; WTO Panel Report, US Large Civil Aircraft (2nd complaint), WT/DS353/R, 31 March 2011, para. 7.953.

  R. Jennings, A. Watts (),《奥本海国际法》(朗曼,第9版,1992),第1卷,第1268页,第630段;G. 菲茨莫里斯,“国际法院的法律和程序(1951-4):条约的解释与其他某些条约问题”《英国国际法年鉴》,1957年,第33卷,第203页,见223-225页;世贸组织专家组报告,美国―― 大型民用飞机案(2次申诉)WT/DS353/R, 2011331日,第7.953段。

 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 221222, para. (15).  Yearbook


1964, vol. II, pp. 204205, para. (15); see also ibid., pp. 203204, para. (13): Paragraph 3 specifies as further authentic elements of interpretation: (a) agreements between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty, and (b) any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which clearly established the understanding of all the parties regarding its interpretation.(emphasis added); on the other hand, Waldock explained that travaux préparatoires are not, as such, an authentic means of interpretation, see ibid., pp. 5859, para. (21).  Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 219220, paras. (8) and (9).

  1964年…年鉴》,第二卷,第204-205页,第(15)段;也参见同上,第203-204页,第(13)段:“第3款具体规定,进一步的[着重号另加]权威解释要素:(a) 关于条约之解释之任何协定,和(b) 嗣后在条约适用方面确定各当事方对条约解释之协定之任何惯例”;另一方面,沃尔多克解释了准备工作本身并非作准解释资料,见同上,第58-59页,第(21)段。

 M.E. Villiger, The Rules on Interpretation: Misgivings, Misunderstandings, Miscarriage?


The CrucibleIntended by the International Law Commissionin E. Cannizaro (ed.), The Law of Treaties beyond the Vienna Convention (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 105, at p. 111; Gardiner, supra note , at p. 32; O. Dörr, Commentary on Article 31 of the Vienna Conventionin O. Dörr, K. Schmalenbach (eds.), Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Springer, 2012), p. 521, at pp. 553554, paras. 7275; K. Skubiszewski, Remarks on the Interpretation of the United Nations Charterin R. Bernhardt et al. (eds.), Völkerrecht als Rechtsordnung, Internationale Gerichtsbarkeit, Menschenrechte Festschrift für Hermann Mosler (Springer, 1983), p. 891, at p. 898.

  M.E. Villiger, “解释规则:担心、误解、误用?国际法委员会所设想的‘熔炉’”,载于E. Cannizaro (),《〈维也纳公约〉之后的条约法》(牛津大学出版社,2011),第105页,见第111页;Gardiner, 上文脚注23, 见第32页;O. Dörr, “对《维也纳公约》第三十一条的评论”,O. DörrK. Schmalenbach (),《维也纳条约法公约》(Springer, 2012),第521页,见第553-554页,第72-75段;K. Skubiszewski, “漫谈《联合国宪章》的解释问题”,载于R. Bernhardt et al.()Völkerrecht als Rechtsordnung, Internationale Gerichtsbarkeit, Menschenrechte Festschrift für Hermann Mosler (Springer, 1983),第891页,见第898页。

 H. Fox, Article 31 (3) (a) and (b) of the Vienna Convention and the Kasikili Sedudu Island Casein M. Fitzmaurice, O. Elias, P. Merkouris (eds.), Treaty Interpretation and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: 30 Years on (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010), p. 59, at pp. 6162; A. Chanaki, Ladaptation des traités dans le temps (Bruylant, 2013), pp. 313315; M. Benatar, From Probative Value to Authentic Interpretation: The Legal Effect of Interpretative Declarations, Revue belge de droit international, vol. 44 (2011), p. 170, at pp. 194195; cautious: J.M. Sorel, B. Eveno, Commentary on Article 31 of the Vienna Conventionin O. Corten, P. Klein (eds.), The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2011), vol. I, p. 804, at p. 826, paras. 42 and 43; see also Third Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over Timein Nolte, supra note , p. 307, at p. 375, para. 16.4.3.

  H. Fox, “《维也纳公约》第三十一条第3(a)(b)项与卡西基里/塞塞杜岛案”,载于M. 菲茨莫里斯、O. EliasP. Merkouris (),《条约解释与〈维也纳条约法公约〉:30年之后》(Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010),第59页,见第61-62页;A. Chanaki, Ladaptation des traités dans le temps (Bruylant, 2013)pp. 313-315M. Benatar, “从证明价值到作准的解释:解释性声明的法律效果”,Revue belge de droit international, 44(2011),第170页,见第194-195页;提醒:J.M. Sorel, B. Eveno, “对《维也纳公约》第三十一条的评论”载于O. Corten, P. Klein (),《〈维也纳条约法公约〉评论》(牛津大学出版社,2011),第一卷,第804页,见第826页,第42和第43段;也见“国际法委员会条约随时间演变问题研究组第三次报告”,载于诺尔特(),上文脚注29, 307页,见375页,第16.4.3段。

 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, p. 221, para. (14).


 Waldock, Third Report on the Law of Treaties, Yearbook 1964, vol. II, p. 60, para. (25).


 This issue will be addressed at a later stage of the work on the topic.


 This question will be explored in more detail at a later stage of the work on the topic; see also Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, 1994, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1867, No. 31874, p. 3, art. IX, para. 2, and WTO Appellate Body Report, EC Chicken Cuts, WT/DS269/AB/R, WT/DS286/AB/R, 12 September 2005, para. 273; WTO Appellate Body Report, EC Bananas III, Second Recourse to Article 21.5, WT/DS27/AB/RW2/ECU, WT/DS27/AB/RW/USA, 26 November 2008, paras. 383 and 390.

  这一问题正在关于本专题工作的稍后阶段详细探讨;另参见《世界贸易组织协定》1994年,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1867卷,第31874号,第3页,第九条第2款,和世贸组织上诉机构报告,欧盟委员会鸡肉切片案,WT/DS269/AB/RWT/DS286/AB/R2005912日,第273段;世贸组织上诉机构报告,欧盟委员会香蕉案(),第二次诉诸第21.5条, WT/DS27/AB/RW2/ECUWT/DS27/AB/RW/USA, 20081126日,第383390段。

 See e.g. Methanex Corporation v. United States of America, UNCITRAL Arbitration under NAFTA Chapter Eleven, Final Award on Jurisdiction and Merits, 9 August 2005, Part II, Chapter H, para. 23 (with reference to Jennings & Watts (eds.), supra note , p. 1268, para. 630); Gardiner, supra note , at p. 32; U. Linderfalk, On the Interpretation of Treaties (Springer, 2007), p. 153; Skubiszewski, supra note , at p. 898; G. Haraszti, Some Fundamental Problems of the Law of Treaties (Akadémiai Kiadó, 1973), p. 43; see also Second Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over Time, in Nolte, supra note , p. 213, at p. 242, para. 4.5.

  例如参见 Methanex公司诉美利坚合众国案,国际贸易法委员会依据《北美自由贸易协定》第十一章进行的仲裁,对管辖权和案情实质的最后裁决,200589日,第二部分,H章,第23(提及Jennings & Watts (),上文脚注64,第1268页,第630)Gardiner, 上文脚注23,见第32页;U. Linderfalk,《论条约的解释》(Springer2007),第153页;Skubiszewski,上文脚注68,第898页;G. Haraszti,《条约法的一些基本问题》(Akadémiai Kiadó,1973),第43页;另见国际法委员会条约随时间演变问题研究组调查报告,上文脚注29,第213页,见第242页,第4.5段。

 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, p. 221, para. (14).


 Ibid., pp. 221222, para. (15).


 Gardiner, supra note , at pp. 32 and 354355; Linderfalk, On the Interpretation of Treaties, supra note , at pp. 152153.

 Gardiner, 上文脚注23, 见第32页和第354-355页;Linderfalk, 关于条约的解释,上文脚注 74,第152-153段。

 First Report, p. 29.


 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 221222, para. (15); W. Karl, Vertrag und spätere Praxis im Völkerrecht (Springer, 1983), p. 294.

 1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第221-222页,第(15)段;W. Karl, Vertrag und spätere Praxis im Völkerrecht (Springer, 1983),第294页。

 Case concerning Kasikili/Sedudu Island, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 1045, at p. 1087, para. 63, see also draft conclusion 4 and the accompanying commentary.


 This aspect will be addressed in more detail at a later stage of the work on the topic; see e.g. Third Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over Timein Nolte, supra note , p. 307, at pp. 381 ff, para. 17.3.1.

 这一方面将在关于本专题工作的稍后阶段详细处理;例如见国际法委员会条约随时间演变问题研究组第三次报告,诺尔特,上文脚注29, 307页起,见第381页及以下各页,第17.3.1段。

 See in particular paras. (22) to (36) of the commentary to draft conclusion 4 (3).


 See in more detail paras. (9) to (11) and 4 (3), and para. (34) of the commentary to draft conclusion 1, para. (4).


 T.O. Elias, The Doctrine of Intertemporal Law, American Journal of International Law, vol. 74 (1980), pp. 285 ff; D. Greig, Intertemporality and the Law of Treaties (British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2003); M. Fitzmaurice, Dynamic (Evolutive) Interpretation of Treaties, Part I, Hague Yearbook of International Law, vol. 21 (2008), pp. 101 ff; M. Kotzur, Intertemporal Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (; U. Linderfalk, Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason: Why Dynamic or Static Approaches Should be Taken in the Interpretation of Treaties, International Community Law Review, vol. 10 (2008), pp. 109 ff; A. Verdross and B. Simma, Universelles Völkerrecht, 3rd edition (Duncker & Humblot, 1984), pp. 496 ff, paras. 782 ff.

 T.O. Elias, “国际法理论”,《美国国际法杂志》第74(1980),第285页及以下各页; D. Greig, Intertemporality and the Law of Treaties (英国国际法和比较法学会,2003)M. 菲茨莫里斯,“动态性(演变性)条约解释,第一部分”,《海牙国际法年鉴》,第21(2008),第101页及以下各页M. Kotzur, “国际法”,《马克斯普朗克国际公法百科全书》( Linderfalk, “出于正确的理由做正确的事情:对于条约解释为何应当采取动态或静态的办法”,《国际社会法律评论》,第10(2008),第109页及以下各页;A. Verdross B. Simma, Universelles Völkerrecht, 3rd edition (Duncker & Humblot, 1984)pp. 496ffparas. 782ff. 

 M. Fitzmaurice, supra note 84, pp. 101 ff.


 Island of Palmas case (Netherlands v. USA), Award, 4 April 1928, UNRIAA, vol. 2, p. 829, at p. 845.




1966, vol. II, pp. 220221, para. (11).


 Arbitration regarding the Iron Rhine (Ijzeren Rijn) Railway (Belgium v. Netherlands) UNRIAA, vol. XXVII, p. 35, at para. 81; see, for example, A. Aust, Modern Treaty Law and Practice, 2nd edition (Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 243244; M. Fitzmaurice, supra note , at pp. 2931; G. Di Stefano, Linterprétation évolutive de la norme internationale, RGDIP, vol. 115 (2011-II), p. 373, at pp. 384 and 389 ff; R. Higgins, Some Observations on the Inter-Temporal Rule in International Lawin J. Makarczyk (ed.), Theory of International Law at the Threshold of the 21st Century (Kluwer Law International, 1996), p. 173, at pp. 174 ff; Sorel & Boré Eveno, supra note , at p. 808, para. 8; P.-M.

 莱茵铁路公司案仲裁(比利时诉荷兰),《联合国国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十七卷,第35页,第81段;例如见A. Aust, 《现代条约法和实践》,第2(剑桥大学出版社,2007),第243-244页;M. 菲茨莫里斯,上文脚注84, 见第29-31页;G. Di Stefano, Linterprétation évolutive de la norme internationale”,RGDIP, vol. 115 (2011-II)p. 373, at pp. 384 and 389ffR. Higgins, Some Observations on the Inter-Temporal Rule in International Law” 载于 J. Makarczyk (),《处于21世纪门槛的国际法理论》(Kluwer Law International, 1996)173页,见第174页及以下各页;Sorel & Boré Eveno, 上文脚注 69, 见第808页,第8段; P.-M. Dupuy, “以演进方式解释条约”载于E. Cannizzaro (),《〈维也纳公约〉之后的条约法》(牛津大学出版社,2011),第123页,见第125页及以下各页;M. Kotzur,“国际法”,上文脚注84,见第14段。

Dupuy, Evolutionary interpretation of treatiesin E. Cannizzaro (ed.), The Law of Treaties beyond the Vienna Convention (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 123, at pp. 125 ff; M. Kotzur, Intertemporal Law, supra note , at para. 14.  Yearbook

 1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第222页,第16段;R. Higgins,上文脚注84    国际法不成体系问题研究组的报告,A/CN.4/L.682Corr.1, 478段。

1966, vol. II, p. 222, para. (16); R. Higgins, supra note 84.  Report of the Study Group on the Fragmentation of International Law, 2006, A/CN.4/L.682 and Corr.1, para. 478.  Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), I.C.J. Reports 2009, p. 213, Declaration of Judge ad hoc Guillaume, p. 290, at pp. 294 ff, paras. 9 ff; see also Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), para. 479); Report of the Study Group on the Fragmentation of International Law, 2006, A/CN.4/L.682 and Corr.1, para. 478; Institut de Droit International, resolution on Le problème intertemporel en droit international public, Annuaire de lInstitut de droit international (1975), pp. 536 ff.

 关于航行权和相关权利的争端案(哥斯达黎加诉尼加拉瓜),判决,《2009年国际法院案例汇编》,第213页,纪尧姆专案法官的声明,第290页,见第294页及以下各页,第9段及以下各段;另见《大会正式记录,第六十届会议,补编第10号》(A/60/10, 479段;国际法不成体系问题研究组的报告,2006年,A/CN.4/L.682Corr.1, 478段;国际法学会关于 “Le problème intertemporel en droit international public”的决议,Annuaire de lInstitut de droit international (1975),第536页及以下各页。

 Case concerning a boundary dispute between Argentina and Chile concerning the delimitation of the frontier line between boundary post 62 and Mount Fitzroy, Decision of 21 October 1994, UNRIAA, vol. XXII, p. 3, at p. 43, para. 130; see also, with respect to the term watershed, Case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand), Judgment (Merits), I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 6, at pp. 1622.

 阿根廷和智利在第62号界桩与菲茨罗伊峰之间划界争端案,19941021日的裁决, 《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十二卷,第3页起,见第43页,第130段;另外对于“分水岭”一词,参见隆瑞古寺案(柬埔寨诉泰国),判决(案情实质),《1962年国际法院案例汇编》,第6页,见第16-22页。

 Case concerning Kasikili/Sedudu Island, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 1056, at pp. 10601062, paras. 21 and 25.


 Decision regarding delimitation of the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia (Eritrea v. Ethiopia), UNRIAA, vol. XXV, p. 83, p. 110, para. 3.5.


 Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 303, at p. 339, para. 48 and p. 346, para. 59.


 Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council resolution 276, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1971, p. 16, at p. 31, para. 53.


 Aegean Sea Continental Shelf case (Greece v. Turkey), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1978, 3, p. 32, para. 77; Report of the Study Group on the Fragmentation of International Law, 2006, A/CN.4/L.682 and Corr.1, para. 478.

  爱琴海大陆架案(希腊诉土耳其),判决,《1978年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页,见第32页,第77段;国际法委员会国际法不成体系问题研究组的报告,2006年,A/CN.4/L.682Corr.1, 478段。

 Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), I.C.J. Reports 2009, p. 213, at p. 243, para. 66.


 WTO Appellate Body Report, US Shrimp, WT/DS58/AB/R, 12 October 1998, para. 130.

   世贸组织上诉机构的报告,美国虾案,WT/DS58/AB/R, 19981012日,第130段。

 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1833, No. 31383, p. 3, art. 153 (4) and art. 4 (4) in annex III.


 Responsibilities and obligations of States sponsoring persons and entities with respect to activities in the Area, Advisory Opinion, ITLOS Reports 2011, p. 10, at para. 117.


 Ibid., para. 211.


 Tyrer v. the United Kingdom (1978), Judgment, Application No. 5856/72, ECHR Series A, No. 26, para. 31.


 The Right to Information on Consular Assistance In the Framework of the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law, Advisory Opinion, 2 October 1999, OC-16/99, para. 114 (This guidance is particularly relevant in the case of international human rights law, which has made great headway thanks to an evolutive interpretation of international instruments of protection.

 在正当法律程序保障框架内获得领事协助信息的权利,咨询意见,1999102日,OC-16/99, 114(“这一指导意见与国际人权法问题特别相关,由于对有关保护的国际文书的演进解释,国际人权法取得了很大进展。

That evolutive interpretation is consistent with the general rules of treaty interpretation established in the 1969 Vienna Convention.


Both this Court, in the Advisory Opinion on the Interpretation of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man (1989) and the European Court of Human Rights, in Tyrer v. United Kingdom (1978), Marckx v. Belgium (1979), Loizidou v. Turkey (1995), among others, have held that human rights treaties are living instruments whose interpretation must consider the changes over time and present-day conditions.(footnotes omitted)).


 Arbitration regarding the Iron Rhine (Ijzeren Rijn) Railway (Belgium v. Netherlands), UNRIAA, vol. XXVII, p. 35, at para. 80: in the present case it is not a conceptual or generic term that is in issue, but rather new technical developments relating to the operation and capacity of the railway; see also Aegean Sea Continental Shelf case (Greece v. Turkey), I.C.J. Reports 1978, p. 3, at p. 32, para. 77; see Case concerning the delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal), Award, 31 July 1989, UNRIAA, vol. XX, p. 119, at pp. 151152, para. 85.

 莱茵铁路公司仲裁案(比利时诉荷兰),裁定,2005524日,第80段:“在本案中,问题并非是概念还是通用术语问题,而是一个涉及铁路运营和能力的新的技术发展的问题。 ”;另见爱琴海大陆架案(希腊诉土耳其),判决,《1978年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页起,见第32页,第77段;见几内亚比绍和塞内加尔海洋疆界划界案(几内亚比绍诉塞内加尔),裁决,1989731日,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十卷,第119页起,见第151-152页,第85段。

 As the Report of the Study Group on Fragmentation has phrased it, (T)he starting-point must be () the fact that deciding (the) issue (of evolutive interpretation) is a matter of interpreting the treaty itself, Report of the Study Group on the Fragmentation of International Law, 2006, A/CN.4/L.682 and Corr.1, para. 478.

 正如国际法不成体系问题研究组报告所说的,“起点必须是()就此(演变性解释)问题做出决定就是一件解释条约本身的事情”,国际法不成体系问题研究组报告,2006年, A/CN.4/L.682Corr.1,第478段。

 Yearbook 1964, vol. II, pp. 204205, para. (15); see also ibid., pp. 203204, para. (13) ([p]aragraph 3 specifies as further authentic elements of interpretation: (a) agreements between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty, and (b) any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which clearly established the understanding of all the parties regarding its interpretation.); on the other hand, Waldock explained that travaux préparatoires are not, as such, an authentic means of interpretation, see ibid., pp. 5859, para. (21).

  1964年…年鉴》,第二卷,第204页,第15段;另参见同上,第203页,第13段:“第3款具体规定,进一步的[着重号另加]权威解释要素:(a) 关于条约之解释之任何协定,和(b) 嗣后在条约适用方面确定各当事方对条约解释之协定之任何惯例”;另一方面,沃尔多克解释了准备工作本身并非作准解释资料,见同上,第58页,第(21)段。

 See also Gardiner, supra note , at pp. 253254; R. Kolb, Interprétation et Création du Droit International (Bruylant, 2006), pp. 488501; J. Arato, Subsequent practice and evolutive interpretation, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, vol. 9 (2010), p. 443, at pp. 444445, 465 ff.

  另参见Gardiner, 上文脚注23, 见第253-254页;R. Kolb, Interprétation et Création du Droit International (Bruylant, 2006),第488-501页;J. Arato, “嗣后惯例与演进性解释”,《国际法院和法庭的法律和实践》,第9(2010),第443页,见第444-445页,第465页及以下各页。

 Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council resolution 276, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1971, p. 16, at pp. 3031, paras. 4951.

   南非不遵守安全理事会第276号决议继续留驻纳米比亚(西南非洲)对各国的法律后果,咨询意见,《1971年国际法院案例汇编》,第16页起,见第30-31页,第49-51段。 10

10 Aegean Sea Continental Shelf case (Greece v. Turkey), I.C.J. Reports 1978, p. 3, at p. 31, para. 74.


11 See also Case concerning the delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal), Award, 31 July 1989, UNRIAA, vol. XX, p. 119, at pp. 151152, para. 85.

11 参见几内亚比绍与塞内加尔海洋疆界划界案(几内亚比绍诉塞内加尔),裁定,1989731日,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十卷,第119页起,见第151-152页,第85段。

12 Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), I.C.J. Reports 2009, p. 213, at p. 242, para. 64.

12 关于航行权和相关权利的争端案(哥斯达黎加诉尼加拉瓜),判决,《2009年国际法院案例汇编》,第213页起,见第242页,第64段。

13 Ibid., paras. 6668.

13 同上,第66-68段。

14 Ibid., Separate Opinion of Judge Skotnikov, p. 283, at p. 285, paras. 910.

 14 同上,斯科特尼科夫法官的个别意见,第283页起,见第285页,第9-10段。

15 Prosecutor v. Furundžija, Trial Chamber, Judgment, 10 December 1998, ICTY-95-17/1, paras. 165 ff.

15   检察官诉Furundžija, 审判庭,判决,19981210日,ICTY-95-17/1, 165段及以下各段。 16

16 Ibid., para. 179; similarly The Prosecutor v. Alfred Musema, Trial Chamber I, Judgment, 27 January 2000, ICTR-96-13-A, paras. 220 ff., in particular para. 228.

  同上,第179段;同样,检察官诉Alfred Musema,第一审判庭,判决,2000127日,ICTR-96-13-A,第220段及以下各段,尤其是第228段。

17 Second Report for the ILC Study Group on Treaties over Time, in Nolte, supra note , p. 213, at pp. 246 ff.

17 国际法委员会条约随时间演变问题研究组第二次报告,见诺尔特,上文脚注29,第213页起,见第246页及以下各页。

18 Öcalan v. Turkey, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 12 May 2005, Application No. 46221/99, ECHR 2005-IV, para. 163; Vo v. France [GC], Judgment, 8 July 2004, Application No. 53924/00, ECHR 2004-VIII, paras. 4 and 70; Johnston et al. v. Ireland, Judgment, 18 December 1986, Application No. 9697/82, ECHR Series A No. 112, para. 53; Bayatyan v. Armenia [GC], Judgment, 7 July 2011, Application No. 23459/03, para. 63; Soering v. the United Kingdom, Judgment, 7 July 1989, Application No. 14038/88, ECHR Series A No. 161, para. 103; Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi v. the United Kingdom, Judgment, 4 October 2010, Application No. 61498/08, paras. 119120; Demir and Baykara v. Turkey [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 12 November 2008, Application No. 34503/97, ECHR 2008, para. 76.

18 Öcalan诉土耳其,判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)2005512日,第46221/99号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2005-IV, 163段;Vo诉法国[GC],判决,200478日,第53924/00号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2004-VIII,第4和第70段;Johnston et al诉爱尔兰,判决,19861218日,第9697/82号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》A辑,第112号,第53段;Bayatyan诉美国[GC],判决,201177日,第23459/03号申诉,第63段;Soering诉联合王国,判决,198977日,第14038/88号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》A辑,第161号,第103段;Al-SaadoonMufdhi诉联合王国,判决,2010104日,第61498/08号申诉,第119-120段;DemirBaykara诉土耳其[GC],判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)20081112日,第34503/97号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2008, 76段。

19 See e.g. Velásquez-Rodríguez v. Honduras, Judgment, Merits, 29 July 1988, Inter-Am. Ct. H.R. Series C No. 4, para. 151; The Right to Information on Consular Assistance In the Framework of the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law, Advisory Opinion, 2 October 1999, OC-16/99, paras. 130133, 137.

19   如见 Velásquez-Rodríguez诉洪都拉斯,判决,案情实质,1988729日,美洲人权法院,C辑,第4号,第151段;关于在正当法律程序保障框架内获得领事协助信息的权利,咨询意见,1999102日,OC-16/99, 130-133段、第137段。 

 Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni Community v. Nicaragua, Judgment (Merits, Reparations and Costs), 31 August 2001, Series C No. 79, para. 146; also see Interpretation of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man within the Framework of Article 64 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Advisory Opinion, 14 July 1989, OC­10/89, Series A No. 10, para. 38.

  Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni Community诉尼加拉瓜,判决(案情实质、赔偿和费用)2001831日,C辑第79号,第146段;另参见关于在《美洲人权公约》第64条框架内对《美洲关于人的权利和义务宣言》的解释,咨询意见,1989714日,OC­10/89, A辑第10号,第38段。

 Kindler v. Canada, Views, 30 July 1993, communication No. 470/1991, CCPR/C/48/D/470/1991.

 Kindler诉加拿大,意见,1993730日,第470/1991号来文来文,CCPR/C/48/ D/470/1991

 Judge v. Canada, Views, 5 August 2002, communication No. 829/1998, CCPR/C/78/D/829/1998, para. 10.3.

 法官诉加拿大案,意见,200285日,第829/1998号来文,CCPR/C/78/D/829/1998, 10.3段。

 Yoon and Choi v. the Republic of Korea, Views, 3 November 2006, communication Nos. 1321/2004 and 1322/2004, CCPR/C/88/D/1321-1322/2004, para. 8.4.

 YoonChoi诉大韩民国,意见,2006113日,第1321/20041322/2004号来文,CCPR/C/88/D/1321-1322/2004, 8.4段。

 Mihaly International Corporation v. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (United States/Sri Lanka BIT), Award and Concurring Opinion, 15 March 2002, ICSID Case No. ARB/00/2, ICSID Reports, vol. 6 (2004), p. 310, para. 33; similarly Autopista Concesionada de Venezuela, CA v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Decision on Jurisdiction, 27 September 2001, ICSID Case No. ARB/00/5, ICSID Rep., vol. 6 (2004), p. 419, para. 97.

 米海利国际公司诉斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国(美国/斯里兰卡双边投资条约),裁定和同意意见,2002315日,解决投资争端国际中心案件编号ARB/00/2, 《解决投资争端国际中心案例汇编》,第6(2004),第310页起,第33段;同样Autopista Concesionada de Venezuela, CA诉委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国,关于管辖权的决定,2001927日,解决投资争端国际中心案件编号ARB/00/5, 《解决投资争端国际中心案例汇编》,第6(2004), 第419页,第97段。

 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, p. 221, para. (14).  Brierly, Second Report on the Law of Treaties, Yearbook


1951, vol. II, pp. 70 ff.; Yearbook 1956, vol. II, p. 112; S. Rosenne, Treaties, Conclusion and Entry into Forcein R. Bernhardt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. 4 (North Holland Publishing, 2000), p. 933 ([s]trictly speaking it is the negotiation that is concluded through a treaty); Villiger, Commentary, supra note , at pp. 7880, paras. 914.

  布赖尔利,关于条约法的第二次报告,《1951年…年鉴》,第二卷,第70页及以下各页;《1956年…年鉴》,第二卷,第112页;S. Rosenne, “条约、缔结与生效”载于R. Bernhardt (),《国际公法百科全书》,第4(North Holland Publishing2000),第933(“严格地说,正是通过缔结条约而完成了谈判)Villiger, 《评论》,上文脚注44, at pp. 78-80页,第9-14段。

 See e.g. Declaration on the European Stability Mechanism, agreed on by the Contracting Parties to the TESM, 27 September 2012.


 See Yearbook 1966, vol. II, p. 221, para. (13); the German Federal Constitutional Court has held that this term may include unilateral declarations if the other party did not object to them, see German Federal Constitutional Court, BVerfGE, vol. 40, p. 141, at p. 176; see generally Gardiner, supra note , at pp. 215216.

 见《1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第221页,第(13)段;《德意志联邦宪法》认为,这个术语可包括单方面宣布,如果另一方不提出反对的话。 见《德意志联邦宪法》,BVerfGE,第40卷,第141页起,见第176页;一般见Gardiner, 上文脚注23, 见第215-216页。

 Yasseen, supra note , at p. 38; Jennings & Watts (eds.), supra note , p. 1274, para. 632 (but, on the other hand, too long a lapse of time between the treaty and the additional agreement might prevent it being regarded as made in connection with the conclusion ofthe treaty).

 Yasseen, 上文脚注24,见38页;Jennings & Watts (),上文脚注64,第1274页,第632(“但另一方面,如果条约和补充协定之间间隔的时间太长,可能会妨碍把它与“条约的缔结”联系起来。

 See Yearbook 1966, vol. II, p. 221, para. (14); see also Villiger, Commentary, supra note , at p. 431, paras. 2021; see also K.J. Heller, The Uncertain Legal Status of the Aggression Understandings, Journal of International Criminal Justice, vol. 10 (2012), p. 229, at p. 237.

 见《1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第221页,第(14)段;另见Villiger, 评注,上文脚注44, 见第431页,第20-21段;另见K.J. Heller, The Uncertain Legal Status of the Aggression Understandings”,《国际刑事司法杂志》,第10(2012),第229页起,见第237页。

 Villiger, Commentary, supra note , at p. 80, para. 15; P. Gautier, Commentary on Article 2 of the Vienna Conventionin O. Corten and P. Klein (eds.), The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties A Commentary, vol. I (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 33, at pp. 3840, paras. 1418; J. Klabbers, The Concept of Treaty in International Law (Kluwer Law International, 1996), pp. 4950; see also A. Aust, The Theory and Practice of Informal International Instruments, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 35 (1986), p. 787, at pp. 794 ff.

   Villiger, 《评论》,上文脚注44, 80页,第15段;P. Gautier,“对《维也纳公约》第二条的评论”,载于CortenP. Klein (),《〈维也纳条约法公约〉――评论》,第一卷(牛津大学出版社,2011),第33页,见第38-40页,第14-18段;J. Klabbers,《国际法中的条约概念》(Kluwer Law International, 1996),第49-50页;也见A. Aust,“非正式国际文书的理论和实践”,International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 35(1986),第787页,见第794页及以下各页。

 See articles 2 (1) (a), 3, 24 (2), 3941, 58, 60.  Yearbook


1966, vol. II, p. 232; see also Villiger, Commentary, supra note , at p. 513, para. 7; P. Sands, Commentary on Article 39 of the Vienna Conventionin O. Corten and P. Klein (eds.), The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties A Commentary, vol. II (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 963, at pp. 971972, paras. 3134.

 1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第232页;另参阅Villiger, Commentary, 上文脚注44,见第513页,第7段;P. Sands,“对《维也纳公约》第三十九条的评注》,载于O. CortenP. Klein (),《〈维也纳条约法公约〉――评论》,第二卷(牛津大学出版社,2011),第963页,见971-972页,第31-34段。

 Draft article 27, paragraph (3) (b), which later became article 31, paragraph (3) (b), of the Vienna Convention, contained the word understandingwhich was changed to agreementat the Vienna Conference.


This change was merely a drafting matter, see Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, First session, Vienna 26 March 24 May 1968, A/CONF.39/11, p. 169; Fox, supra note , at p. 63.

这个改变“只是一个起草问题”,见《联合国条约法会议正式记录,第一届会议,维也纳,1968326日至524日》,A/CONF.39/11,第169页;H. Fox, 上文脚注69, 63页。

 Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. Chad), I.C.J. Reports 1994, p. 6, at pp. 34 ff. paras. 66 ff.


 Case concerning Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan, I.C.J Reports 2002, p. 625, at p. 656, para. 61; in the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros case, the Court spoke of subsequent positionsin order to establish that the explicit terms of the treaty itself were, therefore, in practice acknowledged by the parties to be negotiable, Case concerning the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia), Judgment, I.C.J Reports 1997, p. 7, at p. 77, para. 138, see also Case concerning Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v. Bahrain), Judgment (Jurisdiction and Admissibility), I.C.J Reports 1995, p. 6, at p. 122, para. 28 (subsequent conduct).

 Pulau LigitanPulau Sipadan主权案,《2002年国际法院案例汇编》,第625页起,见第656页,第61段;在加布奇科沃-大毛罗斯一案中,法院讲到“嗣后立场”,以便确定“因此,条约本身的明确措辞表明,缔约方实际上承认是可以谈判的”,加布奇科沃-大毛罗斯项目案(匈牙利诉斯洛伐克),判决,《1997年国际法院案例汇编》,第7页起,见第77页,第138段,也见卡塔尔和巴林之间的海洋划界和领土问题案(卡塔尔诉巴林),判决(管辖权和可否受理),《1995年国际法院案例汇编》,第6页起,见第122页,第28(‘嗣后行为’)

 See Scheduling guidelinesin WTO Panel Report, Mexico Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services, WT/DS204/R, 2 April 2004, and in WTO Appellate Body Report, US Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services, WT/DS285/AB/R, 7 April 2005; to qualify a 1981 Understandingin WTO Panel Report, US Tax Treatment for Foreign Sales Corporations, WT/DS108/R, 8 October 1999; Tokyo Round SCM Codein WTO Panel Report, Brazil Measures Affecting Desiccated Coconut, WT/DS22/R, 17 October 1996, and a waiverin WTO Appellate Body Report, EC Bananas III, Second Recourse to Article 21.5, WT/DS27/AB/RW2/ECU, WT/DS27/AB/RW/USA, 26 November 2008.

 见世贸组织专家组报告中的“具体承诺表指南”,墨西哥―― 影响电信服务的措施,WT/DS204/R, 200442日,以及世贸组织上诉机构报告中的“具体承诺表指南”,美国―― 影响跨界提供赌博服务的措施,WT/DS285/AB/R200547日;对世贸组织专家组报告中“1981年谅解”的限定,美国―― “外国销售公司”的税务待遇,WT/DS108/R, 1999108日;世贸组织专家组报告中的“东京回合补贴和反补贴协定”,巴西―― 影响椰子粉的措施,WT/DS22/R, 19961017日,以及世贸组织上诉机构报告中的“放弃”,欧盟―― 香蕉案(),第二次诉诸第21条第5款,WT/DS27/AB/RW2/ECUWT/DS27/AB/RW/USA20081126日。

 C.C.F.T. v. United States, UNCITRAL Arbitration under NAFTA Chapter Eleven, Award on Jurisdiction, 28 January 2008; see also Compañía de Aguas del Aconquija S.A. and Vivendi Universal S.A. v. Argentine Republic, Decision on the Challenge to the President of the Committee, 3 October 2001, ICSID Case No. ARB/97/36, ICSID Rep. (2004), p. 168, at p. 174, para. 12; P. Merkouris and M. Fitzmaurice, Canons of Treaty Interpretation: Selected Case Studies from the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreementin M. Fitzmaurice, O. Elias and P.

 C.C.F.T诉美国案,国际贸易法委员会依照《北美自贸协定》第十一章进行的仲裁,关于管辖权的裁决,2008128日;也见Compañía de Aguas del Aconquija S.A. and Vivendi Universal S.A. v. Argentine Republic, Decision on the Challenge to the President of the Committee, 3 October 2001, 投资争端解决中心案件编号 ARB/97/36, 《投资争端解决中心案例汇编》(2004)p. 168, at p. 174, para. 12P. Merkouris and M. 菲茨莫里斯,“Canons of Treaty InterpretationSelected Case Studies from the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreementin M. 菲茨莫里斯,O. Elias and P.

Merkouris (eds.), Treaty Interpretation and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: 30 Years on (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010), p. 153, at pp. 217233.  C.C.F.T. v. United States, UNCITRAL Arbitration under NAFTA Chapter Eleven, Award on Jurisdiction, 28 January 2008, paras. 174177.

Merkouris (),《条约解释与〈维也纳条约法公约〉:30年之后》(Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010)p. 153, at pp. 217-233.  C.C.F.T诉美国案,国际贸易法委员会依照《北美自贸协定》进行的仲裁,关于管辖权的裁决,2008128日,paras. 174-177

40 Ibid., paras. 184187.

40 同上,第184-187段。

41 Ibid., paras. 188189; in a similar sense: Aguas del Tunari SA v. Republic of Bolivia (Netherlands/Bolivia Bilateral Investment Treaty), Decision on Respondents Objections to Jurisdiction, ICSID Case No. ARB/02/3, 21 October 2005, ICSID Review Foreign Investment Law Journal, vol. 20 (2005), p. 450, at pp. 528 ff, paras. 251 ff.

41 同上,第188-189段;类似情况:Aguas del Tunari SA 诉玻利维亚共和国(荷兰/玻利维亚双边投资条约),就应诉方反对管辖权作出的裁决,投资争端解决中心案件编号ARB/02/3, 20051021日,《投资争端解决中心评论―― 外国投资法律杂志》,第20(2005),第450页,见528页及以下各页,第251段及以下各段。

42 Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 221222, para. (15).

42 1966年…年鉴》,第二卷,第221-222页,第15段。

43 Ibid.; Karl, supra note , at p. 294.

43 同上;Karl, 上文脚注79, 见第294页。

44 The word understandinghad been used by the Commission in the corresponding draft article 27 (3) (b) on the law of treaties (see supra note ).

44 委员会在关于条约法的相应条款草案第27条第三款(b)项中使用了“理解”一词(见上文脚注134)

45 Case concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay), Order (Provisional Measures), I.C.J. Reports 2006, p. 113, at pp. 127128, para. 53: in this case, even an explicit subsequent verbal agreement was characterised by one of the parties as subsequent practice.

45 乌拉圭河纸浆厂案(阿根廷诉乌拉圭),命令(临时措施),《2006年国际法院案例汇编》,第113页起,见第127-128页,第53段:在该案中,即使一个明确的嗣后口头协定,也被一个缔约方定性为“嗣后惯例”。

46 See WTO Appellate Body Report, US Measures Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products, WT/DS381/AB/R, 16 May 2012, para. 371.

46 见世贸组织上诉机构的报告,美国―― 关于进口、营销和销售金枪鱼和金枪鱼产品的措施,WT/DS381/AB/R, 2012516日,第371段。

This aspect will be addressed further at a later stage of this topic.


47 Ibid., paras. 366378, in particular 372; Linderfalk, On the Interpretation of Treaties, supra note , at pp. 164 ff.

47 同上,第366-378段,特别是372段;Linderfalk,《关于条约的解释》,上文脚注74,见第164页及以下各页。

48 Case concerning Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1993, p. 38, at p. 51, para. 28.

48   格陵兰和扬马延之间区域的海洋划界案(丹麦诉挪威),《1993年国际法院案例汇编》,第38页起,见第51页,第28段。

49 Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), I.C.J. Reports 2009, p. 213, Declaration of Judge ad hoc Guillaume, p. 290, at pp. 298299, para. 16.

49 航行权和相关权利争端案(哥斯达黎加诉尼加拉瓜),《2009年国际法院案例汇编》,第213页,专案法官纪尧姆的声明,第290页起,见第298-299页,第16段。

 On the distinction between the two forms of subsequent practice see below, commentary, paras. (22) and (23).


 Yearbook 2001, vol. II (Part 2) and corrigendum, pp. 3435, paras. 24.


 Waldock, Third Report on the Law of Treaties, Yearbook 1964, vol. II, pp. 6162, paras. (32)(33); Case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand), I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 6, p. 23; Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Judgment (Jurisdiction and Admissibility), I.C.J. Reports 1984, p. 392, at p. 410, para. 39; Dispute between Argentina and Chile concerning the Beagle Channel, UNRIAA, vol. XXI, p. 53, at pp. 186187, paras. 168169.


 NAFTA Arbitral Panel Final Report, Cross-Border Trucking Services (Mexico v. United States of America), No. USA-MEX-98-2008-01, adopted 6 February 2001, para. 224.

 《北美自贸协定》仲裁专家组最后报告,跨界卡车运输服务(墨西哥诉美国),编号USA-MEX-98-2008-01, 200126日通过,第224段。

 For example, WTO Panel Report, US Section 110(5) Copyright Act, WT/DS160/R, 15 June 2000, para. 6.55; WTO Panel Report, US Continued Existence and Application of Zeroing Methodology, WT/DS350/R, 1 October 2008, para. 7.173; WTO Appellate Body Report, US Definitive Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China, WT/DS379/AB/R, 11 March 2011, para. 335336; CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic (United States/Argentina Bilateral Investment Treaty), Decision on Objections to Jurisdiction, 17 July 2003, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, ICSID Rep., vol. 7 (2003), p. 492, para. 47; V v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 16 December 1999, Application No. 24888/94, ECHR 1999-IX, para. 73; Kart v. Turkey [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 3 December 2009, Application No. 8917/05, para. 54; Sigurdur A Sigurjónsson v. Iceland, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 30 June 1993, Application No. 16130/90, ECHR Series A No. 264, para. 35.

   例如世贸组织专家组报告,US - Section 110(5) Copyright Act, WT/DS160/R, 2000615日,第6.55段;世贸组织专家组报告,US - Continued Existence and Application of Zeroing Methodology, WT/DS350/R, 2008101日,第7.173段;世贸组织上诉机构报告,美国―― 对中国某些产品确定征收的反倾销税和反补贴税,WT/DS379/AB/R, 2011311日,第335-336段;CMS Gas 输送公司诉阿根廷共和国(美国/阿根廷双边投资条约),就反对管辖权作出的裁决,2003717日,投资争端解决中心案件编号 ARB/01/8, 《投资争端解决中心案例汇编》,第7(2003),第492页,第47段;V诉英国[GC], 判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)19991216日,第24888/94号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》1999-IX, 73段;Kart v. Turkey [GC],判决 (案情实质和公正抵偿)2009123日,第8917/05号申诉,第54段;Sigurdur A Sigurjónsson诉冰岛,判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)1993630日,第16130/90号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》A辑第264号,第35段。 

 Karl, supra note , at pp. 115 ff.

  Karl, 上文脚注79, 见第115页及以下各页。

 See draft conclusion 5 (2).




1964, vol. II, p. 204, para. 13; see also Yearbook 1966, vol. II, pp. 221222, para. (15).


 WTO Appellate Body Report, Japan Alcoholic Beverages II, WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R and WT/DS11/AB/R, 4 October 1996, and WTO Report of the Panel, WT/DS8/R, WT/DS10/R and WT/DS11/R, 11 July 1996.

 世贸组织上诉机构的报告,日本―― 酒精饮料案()WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/RWT/DS11/AB/R, 1996104日,和世贸组织专家组报告,WT/DS8/RWT/DS10/RWT/DS11/R1996711日。

 Ibid. (WTO Appellate Body Report), section E, p. 13.


 Case concerning Kasikili/Sedudu Island, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 1045, at p. 1078, para. 55.


 Ibid., p. 1096, para. 80.


 O.K. Fauchald, The Legal Reasoning of ICSID Tribunals An Empirical Analysis, European Journal of International Law, vol. 19 (2008), p. 301, at p. 345.

   O.K. Fauchald, “解决投资争端国际中心法庭的法律推理―― 实证分析”,《欧洲国际法杂志》,第19(2008),第301页,见第345页。 

 CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic (United States/Argentina Bilateral Investment Treaty), Decision on Objections to Jurisdiction, 17 July 2003, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, ICSID Rep., vol. 7 (2003), p. 492, at para. 47.

  CMS燃气输送公司诉阿根廷共和国(美国/阿根廷双边投资条约),就反对管辖权作出的裁决,2003717日, 投资争端解决中心案件编号 ARB/01/8, 《投资争端解决中心案例汇编》,第7(2003),第492页, 第47段。

 Loizidou v. Turkey, Judgment (Preliminary Objections), 23 March 1995, Application No. 15318/89, ECHR Series A No. 310.

 Loizidou 诉土耳其,判决(初步反对意见)1995323日,第15318/89号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》A辑第310号。

 Ibid., para. 79.


 Ibid., para. 81; it is noteworthy that the Court described such a State practiceas being uniform and consistentdespite the fact that it had recognised that two States possibly constituted exceptions (Cyprus and the United Kingdom; whatever their meaning), paras. 80 and 82.


 Demir and Baykara v. Turkey [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 12 November 2008, Application No. 34503/97, ECHR 2008.


 Ibid., para. 52.


 Ibid., para. 151; similarly Jorgic v. Germany, Judgment, 12 July 2007, Application No. 74613/01, ECHR 2007-III, para. 69.

 同上,第151段;类似情况,Jorgic 诉德国,判决,2007712日,第74613/01号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2007-III,第69段。

 Hilaire, Constantine and Benjamin and others v. Trinidad and Tobago, Judgment (Merits, Reparations and Costs), 21 June 2002, Inter-Am. Ct. H.R. Series C No. 94.


 Ibid., para. 12.


 Jong-Cheol v. The Republic of Korea, Views, 27 July 2005, communication No. 968/2001, CCPR/C/84/D/968/2001.

 Jong-Cheol诉大韩民国,意见,2005727日,第968/2001号来文,CCPR/C/84/D/ 968/2001

 Ibid., para. 8.3.


 Ibid.; see also Yoon and Choi v. The Republic of Korea, Views, 3 November 2006, Communication nos. 1321/2004 and 1322/2004, CCPR/C/88/D/1321-1322/2004, para. 8.4.

 同上;也见YoonChoi诉大韩民国,意见,2006113日,第1321/2004和第1322/2004号来文,CCPR/C/88/D/1321-1322/2004, 8.4段。

 The M/V SAIGA(No. 2) Case (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea), Judgment, ITLOS Reports 1999, p. 262, at paras. 155156.

 M/V SAIGA(2)(圣文森特和格林纳丁斯诉圭亚那),判决,《1999海洋法法庭案例汇编》,第262页,见第155-156段。

 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, art. 293.


 The M/V SAIGA(No. 2) Case (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea), Judgment, ITLOS Reports 1999, p. 262, at paras. 155 and 156; see also The TomimaruCase (Japan v. Russian Federation), Prompt Release, Judgment, ITLOS Reports 20052007, p. 74, para. 72; Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases (New Zealand v. Japan; Australia v. Japan), Provisional Measures, Order of 27 August 1999, ITLOS Reports 1999, p. 280, at paras. 45 and 50.

 M/V SAIGA(2)(圣文森特和格林纳丁斯诉圭亚那),判决,《1999年海洋法法庭案例汇编》,第262页,见第155156段;也见The Tomimaru”案(日本诉俄罗斯联邦),立即释放,判决,《2005-2007年海洋法法庭案例汇编》,第74页,第72段;Southern Bluefin Tuna (新西兰诉日本;澳大利亚诉日本),临时措施,1999827日命令, 《1999年海洋法法庭案例汇编》,第280页,见第4550段。

 The Prosecutor v. Goran Jelisić, Trial Chamber, Judgment, 14 December 1999, IT-95-10-T, para. 61; similarly Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstić, Trial Chamber, Judgment, 2 August 2001,IT-98-33-T, para. 541.

 检察官诉 Goran Jelisić案,审判庭,判决,19991214日,IT-95-10-T, 61段;类似案例,检察官诉Radislav Krstić案,审判庭,判决,200182日,IT-98-33-T, 541段。

 WTO Panel Report, US Section 110(5) Copyright Act, WT/DS160/R, 15 June 2000.


 See Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), art. 9.1.


 WTO Panel Report, US Section 110 (5) Copyright Act, WT/DS160/R, 15 June 2000, para. 6.55.

 世贸组织专家组报告,美国版权法第110(5)节条款案,WT/DS160/R, 6.55段,2000615日。

 Ibid., footnote 68.


 WTO Appellate Body Report, EC Computer Equipment, WT/DS62/AB/R, WT/DS67/AB/R and WT/DS68/AB/R, 5 June 1998, at para. 90.

 世贸组织上诉机构报告,欧共体―― 电脑设备,WT/DS62/AB/RWT/DS67/AB/RWT/DS68/AB/R, 199865日,第90段。

See also I. van Damme, Treaty Interpretation by the WTO Appellate Body (Oxford University Press, 2009), p. 342.

也见 I. van Damme, 《世贸组织上诉机构对条约的解释》(牛津大学出版社,2009),第342页。

 See also WTO Appellate Body Report, US COOL, WT/DS384/AB/R and WT/DS386/AB/R, 29 June 2012, para. 452.

 也见世贸组织上诉机构报告,美国―― COOL案,WT/DS384/AB/R WT/DS386/AB/R, 2012629日,第452段。

 Sempra Energy International v. Argentine Republic, Award, 28 September 2007, ICSID Case No. ARB/02/16, para. 385; see also Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets, L.P. v. Argentine Republic, Award, 22 May 2007, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/3, para. 337; WTO Panel Report, US Large Civil Aircraft (2nd complaint), WT/DS353/R, 31 March 2011, fn. 2420 in para. 7.953.

 Sempra Energy International诉阿根廷共和国,裁决,2007928日,投资争端解决中心案件编号ARB/02/16, 385段;也见Enron Corporation Ponderosa Assets, L.P. 诉阿根廷共和国,裁决,2007522日,投资争端解决中心案件编号 ARB/01/3, 337段;世贸组织专家组报告,美国―― 大型民用飞机案(第二次申诉)WT/DS353/R, 2011331日,第7.953段中脚注2420

 Villiger, Commentary, supra note 44, at p. 431, para. 22.

 Villiger, 评论,上文脚注44, 见第431页,第22段。

 Linderfalk, On the Interpretation of Treaties, supra note 74, at p. 166.

 Linderfalk,《关于条约的解释》,上文脚注74, 见第166页。

 WTO Appellate Body Report, Japan Alcoholic Beverages II, WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R and WT/DS11/AB/R, 4 October 1996, section E, p. 13.

 世贸组织上诉机构的报告,日本―― 酒精饮料案()WT/DS8/AB/RWT/DS10/AB/RWT/DS11/AB/R, 1996104日,E节,第13页。

 Kolb, supra note 108, pp. 506507.

 Kolb, 上文脚注108,第506-507页。

 Aust, supra note 88, at p. 239.

 Aust, 上文脚注88,第239页。

 Karl, supra note 79, at pp. 114f.

 Karl, 上文脚注79,第114页及以下各页。

 Articles on the Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, with commentaries, Yearbook 2001, vol. II, (Part 2) and corrigendum, p. 35, para. 4.; the question of the attribution of relevant subsequent conduct to international organizations for the purpose of treaty interpretation will be addressed at a later stage of the work on the topic.  Case concerning Kasikili/Sedudu Island, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 1045, at p. 1095, para. 74.

   国家对国际不法行为的责任条款及评注,《2001年…年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第35页,第4段;为了条约解释的目的,国际组织的相关嗣后行为的归属问题将在本专题工作以后阶段进行讨论。  卡西基里/塞杜杜岛案(博茨瓦纳诉纳米比亚),《1999年国际法院案例汇编》,第1045页起,见第1095页,第74段。

 Case concerning Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1952, p. 176, at p. 211.


 Case concerning the question whether the re-evaluation of the German Mark in 1961 and 1969 constitutes a case for application of the clause in article 2 (e) of Annex I A of the 1953 Agreement on German External Debts between Belgium, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America on the one hand and the Federal Republic of Germany on the other, Award, 16 May 1980, UNRIAA, vol. XIX, p. 67, at pp. 103104, para. 31.


 Question of the tax regime governing pensions paid to retired UNESCO officials residing in France, Award, 14 January 2003, UNRIAA, vol. XXV, p. 231, at p. 257, para. 66 and p. 259, para. 74.


 See Chanaki, supra note 69, at pp. 323328; Gardiner, supra note 23, at p. 239; M. Kamto, La volonté de lEtat en droit international, Recueil des cours, vol. 310 (2004), p. 9, pp. 142144; Dörr, supra note 68, at pp. 555556, para. 78.

   Chanaki, 上文脚注69,第323-328页;Gardiner, 上文脚注239M. Kamto, 《国际法中的国家意志》,海牙国际法学院讲义,第310(2004),第9页,见第142-144页;Dörr, 上文脚注68,第555-556页,第78段。

 See First Report, p. 55, para. 144 (draft conclusion 4, para. 1).

 见第一次报告,第55页,第144(结论草案4, 1)

 Ibid., p. 46, para. 120.


 See para. (18) of the commentary to draft conclusion 4.


 Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Award No. 108-A-16/582/591 FT, The United States of America, and others and The Islamic Republic of Iran, and others, Iran-USCTR, vol. 5 (1984), p. 57, at p. 71; similarly Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Interlocutory Award No. ITL 83-B1-FT (Counterclaim), The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Iran-USCTR (20042009), vol. 38, p. 77, at pp. 124125, paras. 127128; see also Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Interlocutory Award No. ITL 37-111- FT, International Schools Services, Inc. (ISS) and National Iranian Copper Industries Company (NICICO), Iran-USCTR, vol. 5 (1984), p. 338, Dissenting Opinion of President Lagergren, p. 348, at p. 353: the provision in the Vienna Convention on subsequent agreements refers to agreements between States parties to a treaty, and a settlement agreement between two arbitrating parties can hardly be regarded as equal to an agreement between the two States that are parties to the treaty, even though the Islamic Republic of Iran was one of the arbitrating parties in the case.

 伊朗-美利坚合众国索赔法庭,第108-A-16/582/591 FT 号裁决,美利坚合众国等与伊朗伊斯兰共和国等,Iran-USCTR, 5(1984),第57页起,见第71页;相似的还有伊朗-美利坚合众国索赔法庭,第ITL 83-B1-FT号中间裁决(反诉),伊朗伊斯兰共和国诉美利坚合众国,Iran-USCTR (2004年――2009),第38卷,第77页,见第124-125页,第127-128段;另见伊朗-美利坚合众国索赔法庭,第ITL 37-111- FT号中间裁决,“国际学校服务公司和伊朗国家铜业公司”, Iran-USCTR ,第5(1984),第338页起,见第348页,Lagergren庭长的不同意见,第348页起,见第353页:“《维也纳公约》关于嗣后协定的规定系指条约当事国之间的协定,尽管伊朗伊斯兰共和国是该案仲裁当事方之一,但仲裁当事双方之间的和解协定很难被视为等同于均为条约缔约方的两国间的协定”。 

 See, e.g., Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Award No. 108-A-16/582/591-FT, The United States of America, and others and The Islamic Republic of Iran and others, Iran-USCTR, vol. 5 (1984), p. 57, Dissenting Opinion of Parviz Ansari, Iran-USCTR, vol. 9 (1985), p. 97, at p. 99.

  例如见伊朗-美利坚合众国索赔法庭,第108-A-16/582/591-FT号裁决,美利坚合众国等与伊朗伊斯兰共和国等,Iran-USCTR, 5(1984),第57页,Parviz Ansari的不同意见,Iran-USCTR, 9(1985),第97页起,见第99页。

 See, for example, Observations of the United States of America on the Human Rights Committees General Comment 33: The Obligations of States Parties under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 22 December 2008, p. 1, para. 3 (available at: ).


To the extent that the statement by the United States relates to the interpretation of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, to which the US is not party nor a contracting State, its statement constitutes other conductunder draft conclusion 5 (2).


 See, e.g., International Law Association, Committee on International Human Rights Law and Practice, Final Report on the Impact of the Findings of United Nations Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Bodies, International Law Association Reports of Conferences, vol. 71 (2004), p. 621, paras. 21 ff.


 See Gardiner, supra note 23, at p. 239.

  Gardiner, 上文脚注23, 239页。

 This aspect of subsequent practice to a treaty will be the addressed at a later stage of the work on the topic.


 See UNHCR, Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees (January 1992 reedited), HCR/IP/4/Eng/REV.1, Foreword at VII; the view that the UNHCR Handbook itself expresses State practice has correctly been rejected by the Federal Court of Australia in Semunigus v. The Minister for Immigration & Multicultural Affairs [1999] FCA 422 (1999), Judgment, 14 April 1999, paras. 513; the Handbook nevertheless possesses considerable evidentiary weight as a correct statement of subsequent State practice.

 见难民署,《根据关于难民地位的1951年公约和1967年议定书确定难民身份的程序和标准手册》(19921月—重新编辑) HCR/IP/4/Eng/REV.1, 前言第七段;“Semunigus诉澳大利亚移民和多元文化事务部长案”正确地否决了难民署手册本身体现国家惯例的意见,[1999] FCA 422(1999)1999414日判决,第5-13段;但手册作为一项关于嗣后国家惯例的正确声明具有重要的证据份量。

Its authority is based on article 35 (1) of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, No. 2545, p. 137, according to which the Contracting States undertake to cooperate with the Office of the United Nations () in the exercise of its functions, and shall in particular facilitate its duty of supervising the application of the provisions of this Convention.


 Security Council resolution 1540 (28 April 2004), operative para. 8 (c); according to the 1540 Committees website, the 1540 Matrix has functioned as the primary method used by the 1540 Committee to organize information about implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1540 by Member States ()( (accessed 24 July 2013)).

 安理会第1540号决议(2004428),执行部分第8 (c)段;根据1540委员会的网页,“1540汇总表是1540委员会使用的一个主要方法,用于汇总会员国执行联合国安全理事会第1540号决议工作的有关信息()( matrix.shtml (2013724日读取))

 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction, 1972, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1015, No. 14860, p. 163.

 《关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》(《生物武器公约》联合国,《条约汇编》,第1015卷,第14860, 163号。

10 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, 1993, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1974, No. 33757, p. 317.

10 《关于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约》(《化学武器公约》)联合国,《条约汇编》,第1974卷,第33757号,第317页。

11 See generally Gardiner, supra note 23, at p. 239.

11 一般性资料见Gardiner, 上文脚注23, 239页。

12 H.-P.


Gasser, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, (, para. 20.

  H.-P. Gasser, “红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)”,《马克思普朗克国际公法百科全书》,(),第20段。

13 Ibid., para. 25.

13 同上,第25段。

14 Adopted by the 25th International Conference of the Red Cross at Geneva in 1986 and amended in 1995 and 2006.

14 1986年在日内瓦举行的第25届国际红十字大会通过,并于1995年和2006年进行了修正。

15 ICRC, Direct Participation in Hostilities (2009), p. 10.

15 红十字委员会,《直接参与敌对行动》(2009),第10页。

16 Ibid., p. 9.

16 同上,第9页。

17 ICRC, 31st International Conference 2011: Resolution 1 Strengthening legal protection for victims of armed conflicts, 1 December 2012.

17 红十字委员会,2011年第31届国际大会:第1号决议――加强对武装冲突受害者的法律保护,2012121日。

18 See (accessed 24 July 2013).

18 (2013724日读取)

19 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, 1997, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2056, No. 35597, p. 211.

19   《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约》,1997年,联合国,《条约汇编》,第2056卷,第35597号,第211页。

20 Convention on Cluster Munitions, 2008, United Nations, Treaty Series, No. 47713.

20 《集束弹药公约》,2008年,联合国,《条约汇编》,第47713号。 21

21 See, e.g., Cluster Munitions Monitor (2011), pp. 2431.


22 See First Report, paras. 129 ff.

22 见第一次报告,第129段及以下各段。

23 Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 11 July 2002, Application No. 28957/95, ECHR 2002-VI, para. 85.

23 Christine Goodwin诉联合王国”[GC],判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)2002711日,第28957/95号请讼书,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2002-VI,第85段。 24

24 Ibid., para. 100.


25 See also I. v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 11 July 2002, Application No. 25680/94, para. 65; Burden and Burden v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment, 12 December 2006, Application No. 13378/05, para. 57; Shackell v. the United Kingdom, Decision on Admissibility, 27 April 2000, Application No. 45851/99, para. 1; Schalk and Kopf v. Austria, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 24 June 2010, Application No. 30141/04, ECHR 2010, para. 58.

25 另见“I.诉联合王国”[GC],判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)2002711日,第25680/94号申诉,第65段;“BurdenBurden诉联合王国”[GC],判决,20061212日,第13378/05号申诉,第57段;“Shackell诉联合王国”,关于可否受理的裁定,2000427日,第45851/99号申诉,第1段;“SchalkKopf诉奥地利”,判决(案情实质和公正抵偿) 2010624日,第30141/04号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2010,第58段。

26 Dudgeon v. the United Kingdom, Judgment (Merits), 22 October 1981, Application No. 7525/76, ECHR Series A No. 45, in particular para. 60.

26   Dudgeon诉联合王国”,判决(案情实质)19811022日,第7525/76号申诉,A辑第45号,特别是第60段。

27 Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 11 July 2002, Application No. 28957/95, ECHR 2002-VI, in particular para. 85.

27 Christine Goodwin诉联合王国”[GC],判决(案情实质和公正抵偿)2002711日第28957/95号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2002-VI,特别是第85段。

28 Dudgeon v. the United Kingdom, Judgment (Merits), 22 October 1981, Application No. 7525/76, Series A No. 45, para. 60.

28 Dudgeon诉联合王国”,判决(案情实质)19811022日,第7525/76号申诉,A辑第45号,第60段。

29 Ibid.

29 同上。

 Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 11 July 2002, Application No. 28957/95, ECHR 2002-VI, para. 85, see also para. 90.

 Christine Goodwin诉联合王国”[GC],判决(案情实质和公正赔偿)2002711日第28957/95号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2002-VI,第85段,另见第90段。

 Mazurek v. France, Judgment, 1 February 2000, Application No. 34406/97, ECHR 2000-II, para. 52; see also Marckx v. Belgium, Judgment, 13 June 1979, Application No. 6833/74, ECHR Series A, No. 31, para. 41; Inze v. Austria, Judgment, 28 October 1987, Application No. 8695/79, ECHR Series A No. 126, para. 44; Brauer v. Germany, Judgment (Merits), 28 May 2009, Application No. 3545/04, para. 40.


 Chapman v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment, 18 January 2001, Application No. 27238/95, ECHR 2001-I, paras. 70 and 93; see also Lee v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment, 18 January 2001, Application No. 25289/94, paras. 9596; Beard v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment, 18 January 2001, Application No. 24882/94, paras. 104105; Coster v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment, 18 January 2001, Application No. 24876/94, paras. 107108; Jane Smith v. the United Kingdom [GC], Judgment, 18 January 2001, Application No. 25154/94, paras. 100101.

   Chapman诉联合王国”[GC],判决,2001118日,第27238/95号申诉,《欧洲人权法院案例汇编》2001-I,第7093段;另见“Lee诉联合王国”[GC],判决,2001118日,第25289/94号申诉,第95-96段;“Beard诉联合王国”[GC],判决,2001118日,第24882/94号申诉,第104-105页;“Coster诉联合王国”[GC],判决,2001118日,第24876/94号,第107-108段;“Jane Smith诉联合王国”[GC],判决,2001118日,第25154/94号申诉,第100-101段。 

 At its 2940th meeting, on 20 July 2007 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 376).


The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of resolution 62/66 of 6 December 2007, took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its fifty-eighth session (2006), on the basis of the proposal contained in annex A of the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 257).


 Ibid., Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 386.


For the memorandum prepared by the Secretariat, see A/CN.4/596 and Corr.1.

秘书处编写的备忘录见A/CN.4/596 Corr.1号文件。

 A/CN.4/601 (preliminary report); A/CN.4/631 (second report); and A/CN.4/646 (third report).


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 207; and ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 343.


 A/CN.4/654 (preliminary report).

 A/CN.4/654 (初次报告)

 Draft article 1 read as follows:


Scope of the draft articles


Without prejudice to the provisions of draft article 2, these draft articles deal with the immunity of certain State officials from the exercise of criminal jurisdiction by another State.


 Draft article 2 read as follows:


Immunities not included in the scope of the draft articles


The following are not included in the scope of the present draft articles:


(a) Criminal immunities granted in the context of diplomatic or consular relations or during or in connection with a special mission;


(b) Criminal immunities established in headquarters agreements or in treaties that govern diplomatic representation to international organizations or establish the privileges and immunities of international organizations and their officials or agents;


(c) Immunities established under other ad hoc international treaties;


(d) Any other immunities granted unilaterally by a State to the officials of another State, especially while they are in its territory.


40 Draft article 3 read as follows:

40 3条草案案文如下:



For the purposes of the present draft articles:


(a) The term criminal jurisdictionmeans all of the forms of jurisdiction, processes, procedures and acts which, under the law of the State that purports to exercise jurisdiction, are needed in order for a court to establish and enforce individual criminal responsibility arising from the commission of an act established as a crime or misdemeanour under the applicable law of that State.


For the purposes of the definition of the term criminal jurisdiction, the basis of the States competence to exercise jurisdiction is irrelevant;


(b) Immunity from foreign criminal jurisdictionmeans the protection from the exercise of criminal jurisdiction by the judges and courts of another State that is enjoyed by certain State officials;


(c) Immunity ratione personaemeans the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction that is enjoyed by certain State officials by virtue of their status in their State of nationality, which directly and automatically assigns them the function of representing the State in its international relations;


(d) Immunity ratione materiaemeans the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction that is enjoyed by State officials on the basis of the acts which they perform in the discharge of their mandate and which can be described as official acts.

“属事豁免”是指国家官员依据其在履行职责时实施的可被称为“公务行为”的行为而享有的外国刑事管辖豁免。 41

41 Draft article 4 read as follows:


The subjective scope of immunity ratione personae


Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs enjoy immunity from the exercise of criminal jurisdiction by States of which they are not nationals.

国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长对于其不是国民的国家行使的刑事管辖享有豁免。 42

42 Draft article 5 read as follows:


The material scope of immunity ratione personae


1. The immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction that is enjoyed by Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs covers all acts, whether private or official, that are performed by such persons prior to or during their term of office.

1. 国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长享有的外国刑事管辖豁免涵盖他们在任职之前或任职期间的所有行为,无论是私人行为还是公务行为。

2. Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs do not enjoy immunity ratione personae in respect of acts, whether private or official, that they perform after they have left office.

2. 国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长卸任后,对于其行为,无论是私人行为还是公务行为,不享有属人豁免。

This is understood to be without prejudice to other forms of immunity that such persons may enjoy in respect of official acts that they perform in a different capacity after they have left office.


43 Draft article 6 read as follows:

43 6条草案案文如下:

The temporal scope of immunity ratione personae


1. Immunity ratione personae is limited to the term of office of a Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs and expires automatically when it ends.

1. 属人豁免仅限于国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长任职期,任期结束后即自动失效。

2. The expiration of immunity ratione personae is without prejudice to the fact that a former Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs may, after leaving office, enjoy immunity ratione materiae in respect of official acts performed while in office.

2. 属人豁免失效不妨碍前国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长卸任后在实施其任内的公务行为时可享有的属事豁免。

44 The use of the term officialswill be subject to further consideration.

44 对使用“官员”一词,将予以进一步审议。

45 Idem.

45 同前引。

46 See A/CN.4/661, draft arts. 1 and 2.

46   A/CN.4/661号文件,第12条草案。

See also paras. 1934.


47 In the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property, the Commission chose to deal with the dual dimension of the scope in two separate draft articles, and this was ultimately reflected in the Convention adopted in 2004 (see United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property, 2004, General Assembly resolution, 59/38 of 2 December 2004, annex, arts. 1 and 3).

47 在国家及其财产的管辖豁免条款草案中,委员会选择了在两条不同草案中处理范围的双重内容,而且这最终反映在2004年通过的公约中(《联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约》,2004年,大会2004122日第59/38号决议,附件,第一和第三条)

On the other hand, in the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character, 1975, A/CONF.67/16, and in the United Nations Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of Watercourses, 1997, General Assembly resolution 51/229 of 21 May 1997, annex, the various aspects of the scope are defined in a single article, which also refers to special regimes.


Although the draft articles on the Expulsion of aliens, adopted by the Commission, on first reading, in 2012, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), chap. IV, also dealt with the scope in a single article consisting of two paragraphs, the same draft articles include other separate provisions whose purpose is to keep certain special regimes within a specific scope.


48 This wording has been used, for example, in draft art. 1 of the draft articles on the Expulsion of aliens.

48 比如说,这一措辞已经在驱逐外国人条款草案中使用过。

49 See, in particular, draft art. 3 (b) and 4, as originally proposed by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/661, paras. 46 and 67).

49 尤其见特别报告员最初提出的第3条草案(b)项和第4条草案(A/CN.4/661号文件,第4667)

 Thus, draft art. 3, as adopted by the Commission (Persons enjoying immunity ratione personae).


 The words used in the various language versions are as follows: المسؤولون (Arabic), 官员 (Chinese), officials(English), représentants(French), должностные лица (Russian) and funcionarios(Spanish)

  在不同语言文本中使用的措辞如下: المسؤولون(阿拉伯文);官员(中文);“officials(英文);“représentants(法文);“должностные лица”(俄文) andfuncionarios(西班牙文) 

 See A/CN.4/654, para. 66, and A/CN.4/661, para. 32.


 It must be kept in mind that the Special Rapporteur formulated a draft definition of criminal jurisdiction in her second report in the context of a draft article on definitions (A/CN.4/661, draft art. 3.

   必须铭记,在她的第二次报告中,特别报告员就一条关于定义的草案而起草了刑事管辖权定义(A/CN.4/661号文件,第3条草案。 另见同一份报告第36至第41)

See also paras. 36 to 41 of the same report).


This draft article has been referred to the Drafting Committee which, after extensive discussion, decided to take it up progressively throughout the quinquennium, and not to take a decision on it now.


 Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, para. 46.


See also the Commissions commentary to art. 6 of the Draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property, particularly paras. (1), (2) and (3) (Yearbook 1991, vol. II (Part Two)).



 Arrest Warrant case, para. 60.


The International Court of Justice has taken the same position regarding State immunity: see Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy: Greece intervening), Judgment of 3 February 2012, I.C.J. Reports 2012, paras. 58 and 100.


 See the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 500, No. 7310, p. 95., art. 31, and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 596, No. 8638, p. 261, art. 43.




See Yearbook 1991, vol. II (Part Two), commentary to art. 3.


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 251.


 In its commentary to art. 3 of the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property, the Commission referred to this aspect in the following terms: The article is intended to leave existing special regimes unaffected, especially with regard to persons connected with the missions listed(para. (5) of the commentary).


See also para. (1) of the same commentary.


 The Commission also included a reference to international law in the above-mentioned art. 3 of the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property.


It should be noted that the Commission drew special attention to this formulation in its commentary to the draft article, particularly paras. (1) and (3) thereof.


 It must be kept in mind that the Commission also did not list such conventions in the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property.


However, the commentary to draft art. 3 (para. (2) thereof) referred to the areas in which there are such special regimes and expressly mentioned some of the conventions establishing those regimes.


 This list corresponds to the one already formulated by the Commission in draft art. 3, para. 1 (a), of the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property.


 The International Court of Justice has stated that it is a well-established rule of international law that the Head of State, the Head of Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs are deemed to represent the State merely by virtue of exercising their functions(Armed activities on the territory of the Congo (New application: 2002) (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda), Jurisdiction and admissibility, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2006, para. 46).


 See the Arrest Warrant case, paras. 53 and 54, in which the International Court of Justice particularly emphasized the second element with respect to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.


 Arrest Warrant case, para. 51.


 Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v. France), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2008, para. 170.


 National courts have on many occasions cited the immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction of the Head of State as grounds for their decisions on substance and their findings that criminal proceedings cannot be brought against an incumbent Head of State.


In this regard, see Re Honecker, Federal Supreme Court, Second Criminal Chamber (Federal Republic of Germany), Judgment of 14 December 1984 (Case No. 2 ARs 252/84) reproduced in International Law Reports, vol. 80, pp. 365366; Rey de Marruecos, Audiencia Nacional (Spain), Auto de la Sala de lo Penal, 23 December 1998; Kadhafi, Cour de cassation (Chambre criminelle) (France), Judgment No. 1414 of 13 March 2001 reproduced in Revue générale de droit international public, vol. 105 (2001), p. 474; English version in International Law Reports, vol. 125, p. 508510; Fidel Castro, Audiencia Nacional (Spain), Auto del Pleno de la Sala de lo Penal, 13 December 2007 (the tribunal had already made a similar ruling in two other cases against Fidel Castro, in 1998 and 2005); and Case against Paul Kagame, Audiencia Nacional, Juzgado de Instrucción No. 4 (Spain), Judgment of 6 February 2008.

这方面,见Re Honecker, 联邦最高法院第二刑事法庭(德意志联邦共和国)19841214日的判决,(2ARs 252/84号案件),载录于International Law Reports, 80卷,第365366页;Rey de Marruecos, 国家法院(西班牙) Auto de la Sala de lo Penal, 19981223日;卡扎菲,上诉法院(刑事分庭)(法国)2001313日第1414号判决,载录于Revue générale de droit international public, 105(2001),第474页;英文本见International Law Reports, 125卷,第508510页;菲德尔·卡斯特罗,国家法院(西班牙) Auto del Pleno de la Sala de lo Penal, 20071213(法庭在1998年和2005年的另两个起诉菲德尔·卡斯特罗的案件中曾作出类似判决);以及起诉保罗·卡加梅案,国家法院第4号初审法庭(西班牙)200826日的判决。

Again in the context of criminal proceedings, but this time as obiter dicta, various courts have on numerous occasions recognized immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction in general.


In those cases, the national courts have not referred to the immunity of a specific Head of State, either because the person had completed his or her term of office and was no longer an incumbent Head of State or because the person was not and had never been a Head of State.


See: Pinochet (solicitud de extradición), Audiencia Nacional, Juzgado de Instrucción No. 5 (Spain), request for extradition of 3 November 1998; Regina v. Bartle and the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others Ex Parte Pinochet Ugarte (Pinochet (No. 3)), House of Lords (United Kingdom), Judgment of 24 March 1999 reproduced in International Legal Materials, vol. 38 (1999), pp. 581663; H.S.A. et al. v. S.A. et al. (indictment of Ariel Sharon, Amos Yaron and others), Court of Cassation (Belgium), Judgment of 12 February 2003 (P-02-1139) reproduced in ILM, vol. 42, No. 3 (2003), pp. 596605; Scilingo, Audiencia Nacional, Sala de lo penal, third section (Spain), Judgment of 27 June 2003; Association Fédération nationale des victimes daccidents collectifs FONVAC SOS catastrophe; Association des familles des victimes du Joola, Cour de cassation, Chambre criminelle (France), Judgment of 19 January 2010 (09-84818); Khurts Bat v. Investigating Judge of the German Federal Court, High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division Administrative Court (United Kingdom), Judgment of 29 July 2012 ([2011] EWHG 2020 (Admin)); Nezzar, Federal Criminal Tribunal (Switzerland), Judgment of 25 July 2012 (BB.2011-140).

这方面见以下案件:皮诺切特(solicitud de extradición),国家法院第5号初审法庭(西班牙)1998113日的引渡请求;ReginaBartle和市警察局长等人,皮诺切特·乌加特缺席(皮诺切特(3)),上议院(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国) 1999324日的判决,载录于International Legal Materials, 38(1999),第581663页;H.S.A.等人诉S.A.等人,(对阿里埃勒·沙龙和阿莫斯·亚龙等人的起诉),上诉法院(比利时)2003212日的判决(P-02-1139),载录于ILM, 42卷,第3(2003),第596605页;Scilingo, 国家法院Sala de lo penal第三庭(西班牙)2003627日的判决;Association Fédération nationale des victimes daccidents collectifs FONVAC SOS catastrophe”;Association des familles des victimes du Joola, 上诉法院刑事法庭(法国)2010119日的判决(09-84818)Khurst Bat诉德国联邦法院调查法官案,高等法院王座法庭行政庭 (联合王国)2012729日的判决([2011] EWHG 2020 (Admin))Nezzar, 联邦刑事法庭(瑞士)2012725日的判决(BB.2011-140)

It should be emphasized that national courts have never stated that a Head of State does not have immunity from criminal jurisdiction, and that this immunity is ratione personae.


It must also be kept in mind that civil jurisdiction, under which there is a greater number of judicial decisions, consistently recognizes the immunity ratione personae from jurisdiction of Heads of State.


For example, see: Kline v. Kaneko, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Judgment of 31 October 1988 (141 Misc.2d 787); Mobutu v. SA Cotoni, Civil Court of Brussels, Judgment of 29 December 1988; Ferdinand et Imelda Marcos v. Office fédéral de la police, Federal Tribunal (Switzerland), Judgment of 2 November 1989; Lafontant v. Aristide, United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York (United States), Judgment of 27 January 1994; W. v. Prince of Liechtenstein, Supreme Court (Austria), Judgment of 14 February 2001 (7 Ob 316/00x); Tachiona v. Mugabe (Tachiona I), District Court for the Southern District of New York, Judgment of 30 October 2001 (169 F.Supp.2d 259); Fotso v. Republic of Cameroon, District Court of Oregon (United States), Judgment of 22 February 2013 (6:12CV 1415-TC).

例如,见下列案件:KlineKaneko, 纽约州最高法院,19881031日的判决(141 Misc.2d 787);蒙博托诉SA Cotoni, 布鲁塞尔民事法院,19881229日的判决;费迪南和伊梅尔达·马科斯诉联邦警察局,联邦法庭(瑞士)1989112日的判决;Lafontant诉阿里斯蒂德斯,美国纽约东区法院(美国)1994127日的判决;W诉列支敦士登王子,最高法院(奥地利)2001214日的判决 (7 Ob 316/00x)Tachiona 诉穆加贝(Tachiona I),纽约南区法院,20011030日的判决(169 F.Supp.2d 259)Fotso 诉喀麦隆共和国,俄勒冈区法院(美国)2013222日的判决(612CV 1415-TC)

 In this connection, the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character (art. 50, para. 1) and the Convention on Special Missions, 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1400, No. 23431, p. 231 (art. 21, para. 1), which refer to the case of collegial bodies acting as Head of State, are of interest.


On the other hand, the Commission did not see any need to include a reference to this category in the draft articles on the prevention and punishment of internationally protected persons, including diplomatic agents (see Yearbook 1972, vol. II, para. (2) of the commentary to draft art. 1), and no reference was accordingly made in the Convention.


 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969, art. 7, para. 2 (a).


The International Court of Justice has made a similar statement on the capacity of the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs to make a commitment on behalf of the State through unilateral acts (Armed activities case, para. 46).


 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, 1973, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1035, No. 15410, p. 167, art. 1, para. 1 (a).


 In this connection, see the Convention on Special Missions, art. 21, and the Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character, art. 50.


 Art. 21 of the Convention on Special Missions, in addition to the Head of State, refers to the Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs, although it does so in separate paragraphs (para. 1 refers to the Head of State and para. 2 refers to the Head of Government, Minister for Foreign Affairs and other persons of high rank).


The same model is followed in the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character, which also refers to the officials mentioned in separate paragraphs.


By contrast, the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property includes only a mention eo nomine of the Head of State (art. 3, para. 2), and the other two categories of officials must be considered as included in the concept of representatives of the Statefound in art. 2.1 (a) (iv)).


See paras. 6 and 7 of the commentary to draft article 3 on jurisdictional immunities of States and their property, Yearbook 1991, vol. II (Part Two).

参阅国家及其财产司法豁免公约条款草案第3条的评注第(6)和第(7)段,《1991年…年鉴》第二卷 (第二部分)

 See Yearbook 1972, vol. 2, para. (3) of the commentary to draft art. 1.


It must be kept in mind that the Commission decided not to make this reference because it could not be based upon any broadly accepted rule of international law, but it did acknowledge that [a] cabinet officer would, of course, be entitled to special protection whenever he was in a foreign State in connexion with some official function(Yearbook 1972.


This sentence is included in both the English and French versions of the commentary, but not in the Spanish version).


 The statement that the Convention does not cover criminal proceedingswas proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee set up on the subject by the General Assembly and was ultimately included in para. 2 of General Assembly resolution 59/38 of 2 December 2004, by which the Convention was adopted.


 See para. (7) of the commentary to draft art. 3 of the draft articles (Yearbook 1991).

 见对第3条草案的评注第(7)(1991年…年鉴》)  逮捕证案,第51段。


 Arrest Warrant case, para. 51.


 Certain Questions case, para. 170.  See in particular the joint separate opinion, in the Arrest Warrant case, of Judges Higgins, Kooijmans and Buergenthal; the dissenting opinion of Judge Al-Kasawneh; and the dissenting opinion of Judge ad hoc Van den Wyngaert.


 With regard to recognition of the immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction of the Head of Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, see the following cases, both criminal and civil, in which national courts have made statements on this subject, either as the grounds for decisions on substance or as obiter dicta: Ali Ali Reza v. Grimpel, Court of Appeal of Paris (France), Judgment of 28 April 1961 (implicitly recognizes, a contrario, the immunity of a Minister for Foreign Affairs) reproduced in ILR, vol. 47, pp. 275277 (original French version in RGDIP (1962), p. 418, translated version in ILR, vol. 47, p. 276); Chong Boon Kim v. Kim Tong Shik and David Kim, Circuit Court of the First Circuit (State of Hawaii) (United States), Judgment of 9 September 1963, reproduced in American Journal of International Law, vol. 58 (1964), pp. 186187; Saltany and others v. Reagan and others, District Court for the District of Columbia (United States), Judgment of 23 December 1988, 702 F.Supp. 319; Tachiona v. Mugabe (Tachiona I), District Court for the Southern District of New York (United States), Judgment of 30 October 2001 (169 F.Supp.2d.259); H.S.A. et al. v. S.A. et al. (indictment of Ariel Sharon, Amos Yaron and others), Court of Cassation (Belgium), Judgment of 12 February 2003 (P-02-1139.f).

  关于承认政府首脑和外交部长的外国刑事管辖豁免的问题,见以下刑事和民事案件,国家法院在这些案件中就这一专题发表了声明,或作为关于实质性判决的理由或作为附带意见:Ali Ali RezaGrimpel, 巴黎上诉法院(法国)1961428日的判决(相反地,它以隐含的方式承认外交部长的豁免),载录于ILR, 47卷,第275-277(法文原文载于RGDIP(1962),第418页,译文见ILR, 47卷,第276)Chong Boon KimKim Tong ShikDavid Kim, 第一巡回区巡回法院(夏威夷州)(美国)196399日的判决载录于《美国国际法杂志》,第58(1964),第186-187页;Saltany等诉Reagan等,哥伦比亚特区地方法院(美国)19881223日的判决702, F. Supp. 319TachionaMugabe(Tachiona I),纽约南区地方法院(美国)20011030日的判决(169 F.Supp.2d.259)H.S.A等诉S.A.(控告Ariel SharonAmos Yaron等人),上诉法院(比利时)2003212日的判决(P-02-1139.f)

 This problem has already been raised by the Commission itself, in para. (7) of its commentary to draft art. 3 of the draft articles on Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property (see, Yearbook


1991, vol. II (Part Two). The Commission drew attention to the same problems in para. (3) of the commentary to draft art. 1 of the draft articles on the Prevention and punishment of crimes against internationally protected persons (Yearbook 1972, vol. II) and in para. (3) of the commentary to draft art. 21, para. 1, of the draft articles on Special missions (Yearbook 1967, vol. II). Certain Questions case, paras. 170180.

委员会提请注意关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员的罪行的条款草案第1条的评注的第(3)(1972年…年鉴》,第二卷)和关于特别使团的条款草案的第21条第1款的评注的第(3)(1967年…年鉴》,第二卷)中的相同问题。  若干问题案,第170-180段。 

Ibid., para. 191


 Ibid., para. 194.


 . See, in general, paras. 181197.





 In this connection, see the case Re General Shaul Mofaz (Minister of Defence of Israel), Bow Street MagistratesCourt (United Kingdom), Judgment of 12 February 2004; and the case Re Bo Xilai (Minister for International Trade of China), Bow Street MagistratesCourt, Judgment of 8 November 2005, in which the immunity of Mr. Bo Xilai is acknowledged, not just because he was considered to be a high-ranking official, but particularly because he was on special mission in the United Kingdom.


A year later, in a civil case, a U.S. court recognized Mr. Bo Xilais immunity, again because he was on special mission in the United States: Suggestion of Immunity and Statement of Interest of the United States, District Court for the District of Columbia, Judgment of 24 July 2006 (Civ. No. 04-0649).

一年后,在一宗民事案件中,北美的一家法院承认了薄熙来先生的豁免,仍是因为他是访问美国的特别使团成员:豁免建议和美国的利益声明,哥伦比亚特区地方法院,2006724日的判决(Civ. No. 04-0649)

In the Association Fédération nationale des victimes daccidents collectifs FONVAC SOS catastrophe; Association des familles des victimes du Joola case (Cour de cassation, Chambre criminelle (France), Judgment of 19 January 2010 (09-84818)), the court acknowledged in general terms that an incumbent Minister of Defence enjoys immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction, but in the specific case recognized only immunity ratione materiae, since the person on trial no longer held that office.

Association Fédération nationale des victimes daccidents collectifs FONVAC SOS catastrophe”;Association des familles des victimes du Joola案中,(最高法院,刑事法庭(法国)2010119(09-84818)),法院笼统地承认一名现任国防部长享有外国刑事管辖属人豁免,但在具体案件中仅承认属事豁免,因为受审者已经不再担任该职位。

In the Nezzar case (Federal Criminal Tribunal, Switzerland, Judgment of 25 July 2012 (BB.2011-140)), the tribunal stated in general that an incumbent Minister of Defence enjoyed immunity ratione personae from foreign criminal jurisdiction, but in the case in question, it did not recognize immunity because Mr. Nezzar had completed his term of office, and the acts carried out constitute international crimes, depriving him also of immunity ratione materiae.


 An example of this is the case of Khurts Bat v. Investigating Judge of the German Federal Court, High Court of Justice Queens Bench Division Administrative Court (United Kingdom), Judgment of 29 July 2011 ([2011] EWHG 2020 (Admin)), in which the court admitted, based on the International Court of Justices Judgment in the Arrest Warrant case, that in customary international law certain holders of high-ranking office are entitled to immunity ratione personae during their term of officeas long as they belong to a narrow circle of specific individuals because it must be possible to attach to the individual in question a similar statusto that of the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs referred to in the above-mentioned judgment.

 一个最佳实例是Khurst Bat诉德国联邦法院调查法官案,高等法院王座分庭行政法庭(联合王国,2011729日的判决([2011] EWHG 2020 (Admin)),法庭在该案中承认,基于国际法院关于逮捕证案的判决,“在习惯国际法中,只要某些高级官员属于少数的具体个人,他们在其任期内即享有属人豁免”,因为“必须有可能将有关个人与一个身份联系起来”这种身份应与以上判决述及的国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长相似。

After analysing the functions carried out by Mr. Khurts Bat, the court concluded that he falls out with that narrow circle.

在分析了Khurst Bat先生行使的职权后,法院断定他“超出了少数范围”。

Earlier, the Paris Court of Appeal also failed to recognize the immunity of Mr. Ali Ali Reza because, although he was Minister of State of Saudi Arabia, he was not the Minister for Foreign Affairs (see Ali Ali Reza v. Grimpel, Court of Appeal of Paris (France), Judgment of 28 April 1961).

之前,巴黎上诉法院也没有承认Ali Ali Reza先生的豁免,因为他虽然是沙特阿拉伯的国务大臣,但不是外交大臣(Ali Reza v. Grimpel, 巴黎上诉法院(法国)1961428日的判决)

In the United States of America v. Manuel Antonio Noriega case, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, in its Judgment of 7 July 1997 (appeals Nos. 92-4687 and 96-4471), stated that Mr. Noriega, former Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Panama, could not be included in the category of persons who enjoy immunity ratione personae, dismissing Mr. Noriegas allegation that at the time of the events, he had been Head of State, or de facto leader, of Panama.

在美利坚合众国诉Manuel Antonio Noriega案中,第十一巡回区上诉法院在199777日的判决(92-4687号和第96-4471号上诉)认为,巴拿马武装部队前总司令诺列加先生不能被列入享有属人豁免的这类人员,驳回了诺列加先生关于事件发生时他是巴拿马国家元首或事实上的领导人的说法。

Another court, in the Republic of the Philippines v. Marcos case (District Court of the Northern District of California, Judgment of 11 February 1987 (665 F. Supp. 793)), indicated that the Attorney-General of the Philippines did not enjoy immunity ratione personae.

在菲律宾共和国诉马科斯案(加利福尼亚北区地方法院,1987211日的判决(665 F.Supp. 793))中,另一家法院指出,菲律宾总检察长不能享有属人豁免。

In the case I.T. Consultants, Inc. v. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, Judgment of 16 December 2003, the court did not recognize the immunity of the Ministry of Agriculture of Pakistan.


Similarly, in the recent case Fotso v. Republic of Cameroon, the court found that the Minister of Defence and the Secretary of State for Defence did not enjoy immunity ratione personae, which it nevertheless acknowledged was enjoyed by the President of Cameroon.


It should be kept in mind that the three cases previously cited involved the exercise of civil jurisdiction.


It must also be noted that on some occasions, national courts have not recognized the immunity from jurisdiction of persons holding high-ranking posts in constituent units within a federal State.


In this connection, see the following cases: R. (on the application of Diepreye Solomon Peter Alamieyeseigha) v. The Crown Prosecution Service, Queens Bench Division (Divisional Court) (United Kingdom), Judgment of 25 November 2005 (EWHC (QB) 2704), in which the court did not recognize the immunity of the Governor and Chief Executive of Bayelsa State in the Federal Republic of Nigeria; and Public Prosecutor (Tribunal of Naples) v. Milo Djukanovic, Court of Cassation (Third Criminal Section) (Italy), Judgment of 28 December 2004, in which the court denied immunity to the President of Montenegro before it became an independent State.

在这方面,见以下案件:R (关于Diepreye Solomon Peter Alamieyeseigha的上诉)诉皇家检察署,王座分庭(分庭法院)(联合王国)20051125日的判决(EWHC (QB) 2704),在该案中,法院不承认尼日利亚联邦共和国巴耶尔萨州州长和行政长官的豁免;“检察官(那不勒斯法庭)Milo Djukanovic”案,上诉法院(第三刑事部)(意大利)20041228日的判决,在该案中,法院拒绝在黑山成为一个独立国家前给予其总统豁免。

Finally, in Evgeny Adamov v. Federal Office of Justice, Federal Tribunal (Switzerland), Judgment of 22 December 2005, the court denied immunity to a former Minister of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation in an extradition case; however, it acknowledged in an obiter dictum that it was possible for high-ranking officials, without stating that they do enjoy immunity.

最后,Evgeny Adamov诉联邦司法部案,联邦法庭(瑞士)20051222日的判决,法院在一宗引渡案件中拒绝给予俄罗斯联邦一位前原子能部长豁免;但在附带意见中,法院在没有说明高级官员享有豁免的情况下承认存在这种可能性。

 The decision in the Khurts Bat case cited above is a good example of this.

 以上引用的Khurts Bat案的裁定是这方面一个很好的实例。

In the Association Fédération nationale des victimes daccidents collectifs FONVAC SOS catastrophe; Association des familles des victimes du Joola case, Judgment of 19 January 2010 (09-84818), the court ruled simultaneously, and without sufficiently differentiating its ruling, on immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae.

Association Fédération nationale des victimes daccidents collectifs FONVAC SOS catastrophe"Association des familles des victimes du Joola案中,法院在没有充分区分其裁决的情况下同时做出了关于属人豁免和属事豁免的判决。

In the Nezzar case, after making a general statement about immunity ratione personae, the Swiss Federal Criminal Tribunal also considered whether immunity ratione materiae or diplomatic immunity claimed by the person concerned could be applied.


The arguments used by national courts in other cases are even more imprecise, as in the case of Kilroy v. Windsor, District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, which in its Judgment of 7 December 1978 in a civil case (Civ. No. C-78-291), recognized the immunity ratione personae of the Prince of Wales because he was a member of the British royal family and was heir apparent to the throne, but also because he was on official mission to the United States.

国家法院在其他案件中使用的论据甚至更不明确,如KilroyWindsor案,俄亥俄州北区地方法院东部分区,法院在1978127日的一宗民事案件(Civ. No. C-78-291)的判决中确认威尔士亲王的属人豁免,因为他是英国王室成员及王位法定继承人,还因为他当时正在对美国进行正式访问。

Noteworthy in the Bo Xilai case was the fact that, while both the British and the U.S. courts recognized the immunity from jurisdiction of the Chinese Minister of Commerce, they did so because he was on official visit and enjoyed the immunity derived from special missions.


 On other occasions the Commission has used the expressions other persons of high rank(draft articles on the Prevention and punishment of crimes against internationally protected persons) and high official(draft articles on Special missions).

 在其他情况下,委员会使用过“其他高级人员(other persons of high rank)(关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员的罪行的条款草案)和“高级官员(high official)(关于特别使团的条款草案)等表述。

 See above, para. (2) of the above-mentioned commentary.


 See Arrest Warrant case, para. 60, and Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy: Greece intervening), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2012, para. 58.


 Arrest Warrant case, para. 61.


 See the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, art. 39, para. 2, and the Convention on Special Missions, art. 43, para. 2.


 It added: All activities of the sovereigns and ambassadors which do not relate to their official functions are subject to review by the local jurisdiction, once the sovereigns or ambassadors have relinquished their posts.


Yearbook 1991, vol. II (Part Two), para. (19) of the commentary to draft art. 2, para. 1 (b) (v).


 Such decisions often arisen in the context of civil cases, where the same principle of a temporal limitation for the immunity applies.


See, e.g., Cour dappel de Paris, Mellerio c. Isabelle de Bourbon, ex-Reine dEspagne, 3 June 1872; Tribunal civil de la Seine, Seyyid Ali Ben Hammond, Prince Rashid c. Wiercinski, 25 July 1916; Cour dappel de Paris, Ex-roi dEgypte Farouk c. s.a.r.l. Christian Dior, 11 April 1957, reproduced in Journal du droit international (1957), pp. 716718; Tribunal de Grande Instance de la Seine, Société Jean Dessès c. Prince Farouk et Dame Sadek, 12 June 1963, reproduced in Clunet, 1964, p. 285 and, English version, in ILR, vol. 33, pp. 3738; United States of America v. Noriega (1990) 746 F.Supp. 1506; In re Estate of Ferdinand Marcos, 25 F.3d 1467, 1471 (9th Cir. 1994); and the Spanish request for extradition delivered on 3 November 1998 in the Pinochet case (Auto de solicitud de extradición de Pinochet, Madrid, 3 November 1998).

例如见Cour dappel de Paris, Mellerio c. Isabelle de Bourbon, ex-Reine dEspagne, 187263日;Tribunal civil de la Seine, Seyyid Ali Ben Hammond, Prince Rashid c. Wiercinski, 1916725日;Cour dappel de Paris, Ex-roi dEgypte Farouk c. s.a.r.l. Christian Dior, 1957411日,转载于Journal du droit international (1957),第716-718页;Tribunal de Grande Instance de la Seine, Société Jean Dessès c. Prince Farouk et Dame Sadek, 1963612日,转载于 Clunet, 1964年,第 285页,英文本见ILR, 33卷,第37-38页;美利坚合众国诉诺列加(1990) 746 F.Supp. 1506In re Estate of Ferdinand Marcos, 25 F.3d 1467, 1471 (9th Cir. 1994);以及西班牙于1998113日针对皮诺切特案送达的引渡要求(Auto de solicitud de extradición de Pinochet, 马德里,1998113)

 The International Court of Justice refers to the material scope of immunity ratione personae as full immunity(Arrest Warrant case, para. 54).


The Commission itself, for its part, has stated with reference to the immunity ratione personae of diplomatic agents that [t]he immunity from criminal jurisdiction is complete(see Yearbook 1958, vol. II, p. 98, para. (4) of the commentary to art. 29 of the draft articles on Diplomatic intercourse and immunities).


 See, e.g., Arafat e Salah, Rivista di diritto internazionale, vol. LXIX (1986), p. 886; Ferdinand et Imelda Marcos c. Office fédéral de police, ATF 115 Ib 496, partially reproduced in Revue suisse de droit international et de droit européen (1991), pp. 534537 (English version in ILR, vol. 102, pp. 198205); House of Lords, Regina v. Bartle and the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others Ex Parte Pinochet, 24 March 1999, reproduced in ILM, vol. 38, 1999, p. 592; Court of Appeal of Paris (Chambre daccusation), Affaire Kadhafi, Judgment of 20 October 2000 (English version in ILR, vol. 125, p. 495, at p. 509); H.S.A. et al. v. S.A. et al., Decision related to the indictment of Ariel Sharon, Amos Yaron and others, No.

 例如见Arafat e Salah, Rivista di diritto internazionale, vol. LXIX (1986)p. 886Ferdinand et Imelda Marcos c. Office fédéral de police, ATF 115 Ib 496, 部分转载于Revue suisse de droit international et de droit européen (1991),第534-537(英文本见ILR, 102卷,第198-205);上议院,Regina v. Bartle and the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others Ex Parte Pinochet, 1999324日,转载于ILM, 38卷,1999年,第592页;巴黎上诉法院(Chambre daccusation),卡扎菲案,20001020日的判决 (英文本见 ILR, 125卷,第495页,见第509)H.S.A. et al. v. S.A. et al.,与指控阿里埃勒·沙龙、阿莫斯·亚龙等人有关的决定,

P.02.1139.f, 12 February 2003, reproduced in ILM, vol. 42, No. 3 (2003), p. 596, at p. 599; Supreme Court of Sierra Leone, Issa Hassan Sesay a.k.a. Issa Sesay, Allieu Kondewa, Moinina Fofana v. President of the Special Court, Registrar of the Special Court, Prosecutor of the Special Court, Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Judgment of 14 October 2005, SC No. 1/2003; Case against Paul Kagame; Spain, Auto del Juzgado Central de Instrucción No. 4 (2008), pp. 156157.

No. P.02.1139.f, 2003212日,转载于ILM, 42卷,第3(2003),第596页起,见第599页;塞拉利昂最高法院,Issa Hassan Sesay a.k.a. Issa Sesay, Allieu Kondewa, Moinina Fofana v. President of the Special Court, Registrar of the Special Court, Prosecutor of the Special Court, Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, 20051014日的判决,SC No. 1/2003;对Paul Kagame起诉案,西班牙,Auto del Juzgado Central de Instrucción No. 4 (2008),第156-157页。

Among more recent cases, see Association fédération nationale des victimes daccidents collectifs Fenvac SOS catastrophe, Association des familles des victimes du Joola et al., Paris Chambre dinstruction de la Cour dAppel, Judgment, 16 June 2009, confirmed by the Cour de Cassation, Judgment, 19 January 2010; Khurts Bat v. Investigating Judge of the German Federal Court, High Court of Justice Queens Bench Division Administrative Court, Judgment, 29 July 2011 ([2011] EWHG 2020 (Admin), para. 55); and Nezzar case, Swiss Federal Criminal Court, Judgment, 25 July 2012 (case No. BB.2011-140, legal ground No. 5.3.1).

更近些时候的案件,见Association fédération nationale des victimes daccidents collectifs Fenvac SOS catastrophe”,Association des familles des victimes du Joola et al.Paris Chambre dinstruction de la Cour dAppel, 判决,2009616日,得到Cour de Cassation的确认,判决,2010119日;Khurts Bat v. Investigating Judge of the German Federal Court, High Court of Justice Queens Bench Division Administrative Court, 判决,2011729([2011] EWHG 2020 (Admin)para. 55);以及Nezzar案,瑞士联邦刑事法院,判决,2012725(case No. BB.2011-140, legal ground No. 5.3.1)

See also Cour dAppel de Paris, Pôle 7, Deuxième chambre dinstruction, Judgment, 13 June 2013.

也见Cour dAppel de Paris, Pôle 7, Deuxième chambre dinstruction, 判决,2013613日。

 Arrest Warrant case, para. 55.




 This is the conclusion to be drawn from reading art. 31, para. 1, in conjunction with art. 39, para. 2, of the Convention.


Arts. 31, para. 1, and 43, para. 2, of the Convention on Special Missions must be construed in the same way.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/56/10), p. 63: para. (1) of the commentary to draft art. 1.


It should be pointed out that although the Spanish and French versions use different terms to refer to the same category of acts (hechoand fait, respectively), in the part of the Commissions commentary cited above, the three language versions coincide.


 Arrest Warrant case, para. 55.


 Jurisdictional immunity may well bar prosecution for a certain period or for certain offences; it cannot exonerate the person to whom it applies from all criminal responsibility(Arrest Warrant case, para. 60).


 Thus, for example, with reference to the immunity of members of diplomatic missions, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations expressly states that with respect to acts performed by such a person in the exercise of his functions as a member of the mission, immunity shall continue to subsist(art. 39, para. 2); the formulation is repeated in the Convention on Special Missions (art. 43, para. 1). In the judicial practice of States, this has been expressed in a wide variety of ways: reference is sometimes made to residual immunity, the continuation of immunity in respect of official actsor similar wording.

 例如,《维也纳外交关系公约》提到外交使团成员享有的豁免时称,“关于其以使馆人员资格执行职务之行为,豁免应始终有效”(第三十九条第2);《外交使团公约》中重复了这一说法(第四十三条第1)。 国际法学会在2001年决议中采用了更加中立的措辞,称“[前国家元首]在刑事()诉讼中也不享有管辖豁免,除非其行为是在行使官方职能时所实施,或与行使官方职能有关”(第十三条第2)。 各国的司法实践以不同方式表达了这一立场:有时提到“余效赦免”,有时提到“公务行为赦免的延续”或类似措辞。

On this aspect, see the analysis by the Secretariat in its 2008 memorandum (A/CN.4/596, paras. 137 et seq).

关于这一点,见秘书处2008年备忘录中的分析(A/CN.4/596, 137段及之后段落)

 At its 2929th meeting, on 1 June 2007, (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 375).


The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 62/66 of 6 December 2007, took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its fifty-eighth session (2006), on the basis of the proposal contained in Annex D to the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10)).


 Draft article 5 ter read as follows:


Cooperation for disaster risk reduction


Cooperation shall extend to the taking of measures intended to reduce the risk of disasters.


 Draft article 16 read as follows:


Duty to prevent


1. States shall undertake to reduce the risk of disasters by adopting appropriate measures to ensure that responsibilities and accountability mechanisms be defined and institutional arrangements be established, in order to prevent, mitigate and prepare for such disasters.

1. 各国应保证采取适当的措施减少灾害风险,确保界定各项责任和问责机制并做出机构安排,以防灾、减灾和备灾。

2. Appropriate measures shall include, in particular, the conduct of multi- hazard risk assessments, the collection and dissemination of loss and risk information and the installation and operation of early warning systems.

2. 适当的措施尤其应包括开展多灾害风险评估、收集和传播损失和风险信息以及安装和操作预警系统。

 For the commentaries to draft articles 1 to 5, see Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 331.


For the commentaries to draft articles 6 to 11, see Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), para. 289.


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), Chapter IV.E, paras. 5354.




 ASEAN Documents Series 1976.


10 Para. 27.

10 27段。

11 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 331, commentary to draft article 5, para. (6).

11 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第10号》(A/65/10),第331段,对第5条草案的评注,第(6)段。

12 See e.g., ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response, (26 July 2005), ASEAN Documents Series 2005, p. 157 (ASEAN Agreement), art. 18, para. 1.

12   例如,见《东盟灾害管理与紧急应对协定》(《东盟协定》)(2005726)2005年东盟文件汇编,第18条第1款。 13

13 See e.g., Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2296, p. 5 (Tampere Convention), art. 3 (calling for the deployment of terrestrial and satellite telecommunication equipment to predict, monitor and provide information concerning natural hazards and disasters,and the sharing of information about natural hazards, health hazards and disasters among the States Parties and with other States, non-State entities and intergovernmental organizations, and the dissemination of such information to the public, particularly to at-risk communities); Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief (Oslo Guidelines), as revised in 2006, para. 54.


See also discussion in Secretariat Memorandum, A/CN.4/590, paras. 15972.

另见秘书处备忘录中的讨论,A/CN.4/590, 159-72段。

14 For the views expressed on draft article 12 see Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), paras. 278283.

14 对第12条草案发表的意见见《大会正式记录,第六十六届会议,补编第10号》(A/66/10),第278-283段。

See also ibid. para. 44 and A/CN.4/652, paras. 5578.

另见同上,第44段和A/CN.4/652, 55-78段。

15 Institut de Droit International, Session of Santiago de Compostela, The Protection of human rights and the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of States(13 December 1989), art. 5.

15   国际法学会,圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉会议,“保护人权和不干涉他国内部事务的原则”(19891213),第5条。

16 See, for example, the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 1949, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, No. 970, p. 31, art. 3 (2).

16 例如见1949年《改善战地武装部队伤者病者境遇之日内瓦公约》,联合国,《条约汇编》,75卷,第970号,第31页,第三条第()款。

17 Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 1977, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1125, No. 17513, p. 609, art. 18 (1).

17 《一九四九年八月十二日日内瓦四公约关于保护非国际性武装冲突受难者的附加议定书》(第二议定书)1977年,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1125卷,第17513号,第609页,第十八条第一款。

18 See General Assembly resolution 43/131 of 8 December 1988, paras. 45.

18 见大会1988128日第43/131号决议,第4-5段。

19 See, for example, the Inter-American Convention to Facilitate Disaster Assistance, 1991, arts. VIII and XI (d); and the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, 1986, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1457, No. 24643, p. 133, art. 8 (7).

19 例如见《美洲便利灾难援助公约》,1991年,第八条和第十一条(d)项;《核事故或辐射紧急情况援助公约》,1986年,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1457卷,第24643号,第133页,第8条第7款。

20 Ibid., Agreement among the Governments of the Participating States of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) on Collaboration in Emergency Assistance and Emergency Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters, 1998, arts. 5 and 9.

20 同上;《黑海经济合作组织(黑海经合组织)参加国政府关于就自然灾害和人为灾害提供紧急援助做出紧急反应的合作协定》,1998年,第5条和第9条。

21 See, for example, Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, 17 March 1992, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2105, No. 36605, p. 457, annex X (1): The personnel involved in the assisting operation shall act in accordance with the relevant laws of the requesting Party.

21 例如见《关于工业事故越界影响的公约》,1992317日,联合国,《条约汇编》,第2105卷,第36605号,第457页,附件十(1):“参加援助行动的人员需依据求助国家的相关法律开展活动。

22 See, for example, ASEAN Agreement, art. 13 (2): The Head of the assistance operation shall take all appropriate measures to ensure observance of national laws and regulations.

22 例如见《东盟协定》,第13条第(2)款:“援助行动负责人应采取一切适当措施,确保遵守国内法律和规章。

23 See, for example, Peter MacAlister-Smith, Draft international guidelines for humanitarian assistance operations (Heidelberg, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 1991), para. 22 (b): At all times during humanitarian assistance operations the assisting personnel shall [c]ooperate with the designated competent authority of the receiving State.

23 例如见Peter MacAlister-Smith, 人道主义援助行动国际指导方针草案(海德堡,德国:马克斯·普朗克比较公法和国际法研究所,1991),第22(b)段:“在人道主义援助行动的任何时候,援助人员都应…与受援国的指定主管部门合作。

24 See, for example, Tampere Convention, article 4 (2): A State Party requesting telecommunication assistance shall specify the scope and type of assistance required.

24 例如,见《坦佩雷公约》,第4条第2款:“请求提供电信援助的缔约国应具体说明所需援助的范围和类型。

25 See, for example, the Framework Convention on Civil Defence Assistance, of 22 May 2000, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2172, No. 38131, p. 213, art. 4 (5): The Beneficiary State shall, within the framework of national law, grant all privileges, immunities, and facilities necessary for carrying out the assistance.

25   例如见《民防援助框架公约》,2000522日,联合国,《条约汇编》,第2172卷,第18131号,第213页,第4条第5款:“受援国应在其国内法律框架内提供开展援助所需要的所有特权、豁免和便利。

26 The League of Red Cross Societies has long noted that entry requirements and visas serve as a time-consuming procedure which often delays the dispatch of such delegates and teams,thus delaying the vital assistance the affected State has a duty to provide.

26 红十字会协会早就指出,入境要求和签证是一项“耗时的程序,经常耽误派遣这类代表和团队,”因此延误受灾国有义务提供的重要援助。

Resolution adopted by the League of Red Cross Societies Board of Governors at its 33rd session, Geneva, 28 October1 November, 1975.


27 See Model Rules for Disaster Relief Operations, 1982, United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Policy and Efficacy Studies No. 8 (Sales No. E.82.XV.PE/8), annex A, rule 16, which states that an affected State must permit assisting personnel freedom of access to, and freedom of movement within, disaster stricken areas that are necessary for the performance of their specifically agreed functions.

27 见《救灾行动示范规则》,1982年,联合国训练研究所,政策和效能研究丛书第8(销售编号E.82.XV.PE/8),附件A, 规则16称受灾国必须允许援助“人员自由进入履行其专门商定的职责而必须进入的灾区,并在灾区内自由通行。

28 This is stressed in various international treaties.

 28  各项国际条约强调了这一点。

See, for example, Tampere Convention, art. 9 (4); see also ASEAN Agreement, art. 14 (b).


29 Article 12 of the Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance, November 2007, adopted at the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, Geneva, 26-30, 30IC/07/R4, annex, and annotations thereto.

29 20071126-30日举行的红十字会与红新月会国际联合会第30届国际大会通过的《国内便利和管理国际救灾和初期恢复援助工作导则》第12条,30IC/07/R4, 附件,及有关说明。

30 See Yokohama Strategy for a Safer World: Guidelines for Natural Disaster Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation and Plan of Action, A/CONF.172/9, chap. I, resolution I, annex I.

30 见《建立更安全的世界的横滨战略:预防、防备和减轻自然灾害的指导方针》及《行动计划》,A/CONF.172/9, 第一章,决议一,附件一。

31 Hyogo Framework for Action 20052015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters, A/CONF.206/6 and Corr.1, chap.

31 2005-2015年兵库行动框架:建立国家和社区的抗灾复原能力》,A/CONF.206/6Corr.1,

I, resolution 2.


32 European Court of Human Rights, Öneryildiz v. Turkey, Case No. 48939, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 30 November 2004.

 32 欧洲人权法院,Öneryildiz诉土耳其,案件号48939, 大审判庭,20041130日的判决。

33 European Court of Human Rights, Budayeva and Others v. Russia, Chamber (First Section), Case Nos. 15339/02, 21166/02, 20058/02, 11673/02 and 15343/02, Judgment, 20 March 2008.

33 欧洲人权法院,Budayeva等人诉俄罗斯,第一庭,案件号15339/0221166/0220058/0211673/0215343/02, 2008320日的判决。

34 The Agreement is the first international treaty concerning disaster risk reduction to have been developed after the adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action.

34 该协定是在《兵库行动框架》获得通过之后制订的第一个关于减少灾害风险的国际条约。

35 For the text of the Declaration, see

35   宣言的全文见

36 Extended Programme of Action for the Implementation of the Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (20062015), Introduction.

36 《减少灾害风险非洲区域战略延长的行动方案(2006-2015)》,导言。

37 UNISDR, Africa seeks united position on disaster risk reduction, 13 February 2013.

37 联合国国际减灾战略署,“非洲针对减灾问题寻求统一的立场”,2013213日。

Available from


38 For the text of the Strategy, see

38 该项战略的全文见

39 For the text of the Communiqué, see

39 公报全文见

40 Hyogo Framework for Action (20092011), Hyogo Framework for Action priority 1, core indicator 1.1.

40 兵库行动框架(2009-2011),兵库行动框架优先事项1, 核心指标1.1

41 For a list of States that have adopted national platforms, see

41 建立了国家平台的国家名单见

42 Algeria, Risk Prevention and Disaster Management Act of 25 December 2004.

42 阿尔及利亚,预防灾害和灾害管理法,20041225日。

43 Cameroon, Arrêté No. 037/PM du 19 mars 2003 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement dun Observatoire National des Risques.

43 喀麦隆,Arrêté No. 037/PM du 19 mars 2003 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement dun Observatoire National des Risques.

44 China, Disaster Prevention and Response Act (2002).

44   中国,防灾救灾法(2002)45

45 Dominican Republic, Decree No. 874-09 approving the Regulation for the application of Law No. 147-02 on Risk Management and repealing Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Decree No. 932-03 (2009).

  多米尼加共和国,第No. 874-09号法令,该法令批准关于风险管理的第147-02号法律实施条例并废除第932-03号法令(2009)中的第12345章。

46 El Salvador, Law on Civil Protection, Disaster Prevention and Disaster Mitigation (2005).

46 萨尔瓦多,民防、防灾、减灾法(2005)

47 Estonia, Emergency Preparedness Act (2000).

47 爱沙尼亚,防备紧急情况法(2000)

48 France, Law No. 2003-699 regarding the prevention of technological and natural risks and reparation of damages (2003).

48   法国,关于预防技术和自然风险和损害赔偿法的第2003-699号法律(2003)49

49 Guatemala, Decree No. 109-96, Law on the National Coordinator for the Reduction of Natural or Man-made Disasters (1996).


 Haiti, National Risk and Disaster Management Plan (1988).


 Hungary, Act LXXIV on the management and organization for the prevention of disasters and the prevention of major accidents involving dangerous substances (1999).


 India, Disaster Management Act, No. 53 (2005).


 Indonesia, Law No. 24 of 2007 Concerning Disaster Management.


 Italy, Decree of the Prime Minister to establish a national platform for disaster risk reduction (2008).


 Madagascar, Decree No. 2005-866 setting out the manner of application of Law No. 2003-010 of 5 September 2003 on the national risk and disaster management policy (2005).


 Namibia, Disaster Risk Management Act (2012).


 New Zealand, National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan Order 2005 (SR 2005/295), part 3.

 新西兰,2005年全国民防应急管理计划令(SR 2005/295),第3部分。

 Pakistan, National Disaster Management Act (2010).


See also the official statement of the Government of Pakistan at the third session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, in 2011, available from




 Peru, Law No. 29664 creating the National System for Disaster Risk Management (2011).


 The Philippines, Philippine Disaster Risk Management Act (2006).


 Republic of Korea, National Disaster Countermeasures Act (1995); National Disaster Management Act (2010).


 Slovenia, Act on the Protection against Natural and Other Disasters (2006).


 South Africa, Disaster Management Act No. 57 of 2002.


 Thailand, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act (2007).


 United States, Disaster Mitigation Act (2000).


 The Commission notes the existence of a linguistic difference involving the United Nations official translation into French of the term Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR).

 委员会指出,联合国在将“Disaster Risk Reduction(减少灾害风险)正式译成法文时存在着语言上的差异。



 The Commission is conscious of the discrepancy in the concordance between the English and French versions of the official United Nations use of the term mitigation.


 At its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), para. 157).


The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 67/92 of 14 December 2012, noted with appreciation the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its sixty-third session (2011), on the basis of the proposal contained in annex A to the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), pp. 305314).


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), paras. 157202.


 Ibid., para. 159.


 At its 3132nd meeting, on 22 May 2012, (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), para. 267).


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its sixty-third session (2011), on the basis of the proposal contained in Annex C to the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10)).


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), paras. 365367.


 Ibid., pp. 347364.


 At its 2865th meeting, on 4 August 2005 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), para. 500).


The General Assembly, in paragraph 5 of resolution 60/22 of 23 November 2005, endorsed the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work.


The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission at its fifty-sixth session (2004), on the basis of the proposal annexed to that years report (Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/59/10), paras. 362363).


 A/CN.4/571 (preliminary report); A/CN.4/585 and Corr.1 (second report); A/CN.4/603 (third report); and A/CN.4/648 (fourth report).


 During its sixtieth session, at its 2988th meeting on 31 July 2008, the Commission decided to establish a working group on the topic under the chairmanship of Mr. Alain Pellet, with a mandate and membership to be determined at the sixty-first session (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 315).


 For the proposed general framework prepared by the Working Group, see ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 204.


 At its 3071st meeting, on 30 July 2010, the Commission took note of the oral report of the temporary Chairman of the Working Group (ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 337340).

   2010730日第3071次会议上,委员会注意到由工作组临时主席提出的口头报告。 (同上,《第六十五届会议,补编第10号》(A/65/10),第337340)

 At its 3152nd meeting, on 30 July 2012, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Chairman of the Working Group (ibid., Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), paras. 208221).

 2012730日第3152次会议上,委员会注意到工作组主席提出的口头报告。 (同上,《第六十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/67/10),第208221)

 At its 2997th meeting, on 8 August 2008 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 354).


For the syllabus of the topic, see ibid., annex B.


The General Assembly, in paragraph 6 of its resolution 63/123 of 11 December 2008, took note of the decision.


 At its 3029th meeting, on 31 July 2009, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group on The Most-Favoured-Nation clause (ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), paras. 211216).


The Study Group considered, inter alia, a framework that would serve as a road map for future work and agreed on a work schedule involving the preparation of papers intended to shed additional light on questions concerning, in particular, the scope of MFN clauses and their interpretation and application.


 At its 3071st meeting, on 30 July 2010, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group (ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), paras. 359373).


The Study Group considered and reviewed the various papers prepared on the basis of the 2009 framework to serve as a road map of future work, and agreed upon a programme of work for 2010.


At its 3119th meeting, on 8 August 2011, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Co-Chairmen of the Study Group (ibid., Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), paras. 349363). The Study Group considered and reviewed additional papers prepared on the basis of the 2009 framework.


 At its 3151st meeting, on 27 July 2012, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Chairman of the Study Group (ibid., Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), paras. 245265). The Study Group considered and reviewed additional papers prepared on the basis of the 2009 framework.


 Catalogue of MFN provisions (Mr. D.M. McRae and Mr. A.R. Perera); The 1978 draft articles of the International Law Commission (Mr. S. Murase) (this paper was further revised in 2013); MFN in the GATT and the WTO (Mr. D.M. McRae); The Work of OECD on MFN (Mr. M. Hmoud); The Work of UNCTAD on MFN (Mr. S.C. Vasciannie); The Maffezini problem under investment treaties (Mr. A.R. Perera); Interpretation and Application of MFN Clauses in Investment Agreements (D.M. McRae); Interpretation of MFN Clauses by Investment Tribunals (D.M. McRae); and Effect of the Mixed Nature of Investment Tribunals on the Application of MFN Clauses to Procedural Provisions (Mr. M. Forteau).

 《最惠国条款目录》(麦克雷先生和佩雷拉先生);《国际法委员会1978年条款草案》(村濑信也先生)(这一文件于2013年作了进一步修订);《关贸总协定和世贸组织的最惠国待遇》(麦克雷先生);《经合组织就最惠国待遇问题所做的工作》(哈穆德先生);《贸发会议就最惠国待遇问题所做的工作》(瓦钱尼先生);《投资条约下的马菲基尼问题》(佩雷拉先生)。 《投资协定最惠国条款的解释和适用》(麦克雷先生);《投资仲裁庭的混合性质对最惠国条款适用于程序规定的影响》(福尔托先生)



Daimler Financial Services AG v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/05/1 dispatched to the parties on 22 August 2012 and dissenting opinion of Judge Charles N.Brower and opinion of Professor Domingo Bello Janeiro; Kılıç Ĭnşaat Ĭthalat Ĭhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi v. Turkmenistan, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/1 dispatched to the parties on 2 July 2013 and separate opinion of Professor William W. Park.

戴姆勒金融服务公司诉阿根廷共和国,ICSID案件号ARB/05/1, 2012822日发送给当事方,以及查尔斯·布劳尔法官的不同意见和Domingo Bello 1eiro教授的意见;Kılıç Ĭnşaat Ĭthalat Ĭhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi诉土库曼斯坦,ICSID案件号ARB/10/1, 201372日发送给当事方,以及William W. Park教授的个别意见。

See also ICSID decision on the objection to jurisdiction for lack of consent in Garanti Koza LLP v. Turkmenistan of 3 July 2013.  Cf.

也见解决投资争端中心201373日对Garanti Koza LLP 诉土库曼斯坦一案中因缺乏同意而反对管辖权一事的裁决。

The International Court of Justice in the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. case (Jurisdiction), Judgment of 22 July 1952, I.C.J. Reports 1952, p. 93 at 112 stated that: The Court cannot accept the view that the contract signed between the Iranian Government and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company has a double character.


It is nothing more than a concessionary contract between a government and a foreign corporation.


 Yearbook 1998, vol. II (Part Two), p. 10, para. 553.


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement 10 (A/57/10), paras. 525-531; ibid., Fifty-eighth Session, Supplement 10 (A/58/10), para. 447; ibid., Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement 10 (A/59/10), para. 369; ibid., Sixtieth Session, Supplement 10 (A/60/10), para. 501; ibid., Sixty-first Session, Supplement 10 (A/61/10), para. 269; ibid., Sixty-second Session, Supplement 10 (A/62/10), para. 379; ibid., Sixty-third Session, Supplement 10 (A/63/10), para. 358; ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement 10 (A/64/10), para. 240; ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 396, and ibid., Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/66/10), para. 399; and ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement 10 (A/64/10), para. 280.

 见《大会正式记录,第五十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/57/10),第525-531段;同上,《第五十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/58/10),第447段;同上,《第五十九届会议,补编第10号》(A/59/10),第369段;同上,《第六十届会议,补编第10号》(A/60/10),第501段;同上,《第六十一届会议,补编第10号》(A/61/10),第269段;同上,《第六十二届会议,补编第10号》(A/62/10),第379段;同上,《第六十三届会议,补编第10号》(A/63/10),第358段;同上,《第六十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/64/10),第240段;同上,《第六十五届会议,补编第10号》(A/65/10),第396段和同上,《第六十六届会议,补编第10号》 (A/66/10),第399段;以及同上,《第六十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/64/10),第280段。

 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), paras. 387395.


 Located at .


 Generally accessible through:


 This statement is recorded in the summary record of that meeting.










 Mr. Laurent Colassis, Deputy Head, Legal Division, ICRC, provided an overview of the work of the ICRC Legal Division and Ms. Nathalie Weizmann, Legal Adviser, Arms Unit, ICRC gave a presentation on the Arms trade treaty and its humanitarian objective. Mr. S.D.

   红十字会法律事务司副司长Laurent Colassis先生概述了红十字会法律事务司的活动,红十字会武器事务股法律顾问Nathalie Weizmann女士介绍了武器贸易条约及其人道主义目标。

Murphy provided an overview of the topics of the programme of work of the Commission and Mr. M. Wood gave a presentation on Formation and evidence of customary international law.


 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10, A/66/10 (chap. IV) and Add.1.


 The following persons participated in the Seminar: Mr. Hatem Alabd (Egypt), Ms. Makiko Asami (Japan), Mr. Jonas Attenhofer (Switzerland), Ms. Danai Azaria (Greece), Mr. Eduardo Cagnoni (Argentina), Mr. Jorge Luis Cepero Aguilar (Cuba), Mr. Rasmané Congo (Burkina Faso), Ms. Fiona Devlin (Ireland), Ms. Athikarn Dilogwathana (Thailand), Ms. Alicia Gauto Vázquez (Paraguay), Ms. Hyun Jung Kim (South Korea), Ms. Pamela López-Ruiz Montes (Peru), Mr. Brian McGarry (United State of America), Ms. Ha Thi Ngoc Nguyen (Viet Nam), Ms. Siham Sebbar (Morocco), Mr. Edgardo Sobenes Obregon (Nicaragua), Ms. Sarala Subramaniam (Singapore), Mr. Alexey Nikolayevich Trofimenkov (Russian Federation), Mr. Zoilo Velasco (Philippines), Mr. Mawuse Vormawor (Ghana), and Ms. Olga Voronovich (Belarus).

 下列人员参加了讲习班:Hatem Alabd先生(埃及)Makiko Asami 女士(日本)Jonas Attenhofer先生(瑞士)Danai Azaria女士(希腊)Eduardo Cagnoni先生(阿根廷)Jorge Luis Cepero Aguilar 先生(古巴)Rasmané 刚果先生(布基纳法索)Fiona Devlin女士(爱尔兰)Athikarn Dilogwathana女士(泰国)Alicia Gauto Vázquez 女士(巴拉圭)Hyun 6g Kim 女士(大韩民国)Pamela López-Ruiz Montes 女士(秘鲁)Brian McGarry先生(美利坚合众国)Ha Thi Ngoc Nguyen女士(越南)Siham Sebbar女士(摩洛哥)Edgardo Sobenes Obregon 先生(尼加拉瓜)Sarala Subramaniam 女士(新加坡)Alexey Nikolayevich Trofimenkov 先生(俄罗斯联邦)Zoilo Velasco 先生(菲律宾)Mawuse Vormawor 先生(加纳)Olga Voronovich 女士(白俄罗斯)

The Selection Committee, chaired by Mr. Marco Sassoli, Professor and Director of the Department of public international Law of the University of Geneva, met on 22 April 2013 at the Palais des Nations and selected 24 candidates out of 86 applications for participation in the Seminar.

由日内瓦大学国际公法系主任Marco Sassoli教授先生担任主席的甄选委员会于2013422日在万国宫举行会议,从86位申请人中录取了24人参加本届讲习班。

At the last minute, three selected candidates could not attend the seminar.


 See, e.g., General Assembly resolution 2840 (XXVI) of 18 December 1971 entitled Question of the punishment of war criminals and of persons who have committed crimes against humanity; General Assembly resolution 3074 (XXVIII) of 3 December 1973 on the Principles of international cooperation in the detection, arrest, extradition and punishment of persons guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity; and principle 18 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/65 of 24 May 1989 entitled Effective prevention and investigation of extra-legal, arbitrary and summary executions.

 例如参阅题为“战争罪犯及危害人类罪犯的惩治问题”的大会19711218日第2840 (XXVI)号决议、“关于侦察、逮捕、引渡和惩治战争罪犯和危害人类罪犯的国际合作原则”的大会1973123日第3074(XXVIII)号决议以及题为“法外、任意和即决处决的有效防止和调查”的经济及社会理事会1989524日第1989/65号决议中的原则18

 General Assembly resolution 67/1 of 24 September 2012.


 Ibid., para. 22.


 See Part 3 below.


In Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal), the International Court of Justice states: “… Extradition and prosecution are alternative ways to combat impunity in accordance with Art. 7, para. 1 [of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 1984]. (Judgment of 20 July 2012, para. 50).


The Court adds that the States parties to the Convention against Torture have a common interest to ensure, in view of their shared values, that acts of torture are prevented and that, if they occur, their authors do not enjoy impunity(ibid., para. 68).


The Court reiterates that the object and purpose of the Convention are to make more effective the struggle against torture by avoiding impunity for the perpetrators of such acts(ibid., para. 74 and cf. also para. 75).


Special Rapporteur Zdzislaw Galickis fourth report dealt at length with the issue of the duty to cooperate in the fight against impunity.


He cited the following examples of international instruments which provide a legal basis for the duty to cooperate: Art. 1 (3) of the Charter of the United Nations, the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the preamble to the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and guideline XII of the Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on eradicating impunity for serious human rights violations, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 30 Mar. 2011, A/CN.4/648, paras. 2633.

他列举了为合作义务提供了法律根据的下列国际文书:《联合国宪章》第一条第三款,《关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》,1998年《国际刑事法院罗马规约》序言,以及2011330日欧洲委员会部长理事会通过的“欧洲委员会部长理事会关于消除对严重侵犯人权行为有罪不罚现象的准则”第十二条,A/CN.4/648, 26-33段。

 For example, Belgium (A/CN.4/612, para. 33); Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (A/C.6/66/SR.26, para. 10); Switzerland (ibid., para. 18); El Salvador (ibid., para. 24); Italy (ibid., para. 42); Peru (ibid., para. 64); Belarus (A/C.6/66/SR. 27, para. 41); Russian Federation (ibid., para. 64); and India (ibid., para. 81).

 例如比利时(A/CN.4/612, 33);丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典(A/C.6/66/SR.26, 10);瑞士(同上,第18);萨尔瓦多(同上,第24);意大利(同上,第42);秘鲁(同上,第64);白俄罗斯(A/C.6/66/SR.27, 41);俄罗斯联邦(同上,第64);以及印度(同上,第81) 

 Hugo Grotius, De Jure Belli ac Pacis, Book II, chapter XXI, section IV (English translation by Francis W. Kelsey, (Oxford/London: Clarendon Press/Humphrey Milford, 1925), pp. 527529 at 527).

雨果·格劳秀斯,《战争与和平法》第二册,第二十一章第四节(Francis W.Kelsey英译本,牛津-伦敦,Clarendon Press-Humphrey Milford, 1925年,第527-529页,见第527)

 United Nations, The Work of the International Law Commission, Eighth edition (New York: United Nations 2012), vol. 1, p. 37.


 Without prejudice to the jurisdiction of an international criminal court, the State Party in the territory of which an individual alleged to have committed a crime set out in article 17 [genocide], 18 [crimes against humanity], 19 [crimes against United Nations and associated personnel] or 20 [war crimes] is found shall extradite or prosecute that individual.


See also the Commissions commentary on this article (Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/51/10), chap. II).


 Draft code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind with Commentaries, art. 8, para. (3) (ibid.).


 Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/49/10), p. 80, para. 142.


 Draft code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind with Commentaries, art. 8, paras. (3), (4) and (8) and art. 9, para. (2) (ibid., Fifty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/51/10)).


 At the first reading in 1991, the draft code comprised the following 12 crimes: aggression; threat of aggression; intervention; colonial domination and other forms of alien domination; genocide; apartheid; systematic or mass violations of human rights; exceptionally serious war crimes; recruitment, financing and training of mercenaries; international terrorism; illicit traffic in narcotic drugs; and wilful and severe damage to the environment.


At its sessions in 1995 and 1996, the Commission reduced the number of crimes in the final draft code to four crimes: aggression; genocide; war crimes; and crimes against humanity, adhering to the Nuremberg legacy as the criterion for the choice of the crimes covered by the draft code.

19951996年会议上,委员会在治罪法草案定稿中将罪行减为四项:侵略罪行;灭绝种族罪行;战争罪行;危害人类罪行。 这样做坚守了《纽伦堡宪章》等遗产,并将之作为选定治罪法草案涵盖的罪行的标准。

The primary reason for this approach appeared to have been the unfavourable comments by 24 Governments to the list of 12 crimes proposed in 1991.

这样做的主要原因似是24国政府对1991年所提议的12种罪行所持的不赞同意见(A/CN.4/448 Add.1)

A fifth crime, crimes against United Nations and associated personnel, was added at the last moment on the basis of its magnitude, the seriousness of the problem of attacks on such personnel and its centrality to the maintenance of international peace and security(A/CN.4/448 and Add.1).


The crime of aggression was not subject to the provision of art. 9 of the draft code.


In the Commissions opinion, [t]he determination by a national court of one State of the question of whether another State had committed aggression would be contrary to the fundamental principle of international law par in parent imperium non habet. [and] the exercise of jurisdiction by the national court of a State which entails consideration of the commission of aggression by another State would have serious implications for international relations and international peace and security.(draft code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind with Commentaries, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/51/10), p. 30, para. 14).

委员会认为,“由一国国内法院确定另一国是否犯有侵略罪的问题,这有违“平等者之间无管辖权”这一国际法基本原则。 ”一国国内法院行使管辖权从而导致认为另一国犯有侵略罪,这将对国际关系与国际和平与安全产生严重的影响。 ”(《危害人类和平及安全治罪法草案及其评注》,《大会正式记录,第五十一届会议,补编第10号》(A/51/10),第30页,第14)

 A/CN.4/603, paras. 3637.

 A/CN.4/603, 36-37段。

In his preliminary report, the Special Rapporteur discussed various Latin formulas relevant to this topic; namely: aut dedere aut punire; judicare aut dedere; aut dedere aut prosequi; aut dedere, aut judicare, aut tergiversari; and aut dedere aut poenam persequi (A/CN.4/571, paras. 58).

在初次报告里,特别报告员讨论了与这一专题有关的各种拉丁语说法,即aut dedere aut punirejudicare aut dedereaut dedere aut prosequiaut dedere, aut judicare, aut tergiversari;以及 aut dedere aut poenam persequi (A/CN.4/571, 5-8)

See also: Raphäel van Steenberghe, The Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute: Clarifying its Nature(Journal of International Criminal Justice, vol. 9 (2011), p. 1089 at pp. 11078, on the formulas aut dedere aut punire, aut dedere aut prosequi, and aut dedere aut judicare.

另见 Raphäel van Steenberghe, “引渡或起诉的义务:澄清其性质”(《国际刑事司法杂志》,第9(2011),第1089页起,见第1107-8页,该文论及aut dedere aut punieraut dedere aut prosequiaut dedere aut judicare等说法。

 At its 2865th meeting, on 4 August 2005 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/60/10), para. 500).

 200584日第2865次会议(《大会正式记录,第六十届会议,补编第10号》(A/60/10), 第500)

 General Assembly resolution 60/22 of 23 November 2005.


 The Special Rapporteur produced the preliminary report (A/CN.4/571) in 2006, his second report (A/CN.4/585 and Corr.1) in 2007, his third report (A/CN.4/603) in 2008, and his fourth report (A/CN.4/648) in 2011.

 特别报告员于2006年提交了初次报告(A/CN.4/571)2007年提交了第二次报告(A/CN.4/585 Corr.1)2008年第三次报告(A/CN.4/603)2011年第四次报告(A/CN.4/648)

Special Rapporteur Galicki proposed the draft articles in his second report (A/CN.4/585, para. 76), third report (A/CN.4/603, paras. 110129) and, three years later, in his fourth report (A/CN.4/648, paras. 40, 7071, and 95).

特别报告员加利茨基在其第二次报告(A/CN.4/585, 76)、第三次报告(A/CN.4/603, 110-129)及三年之后其第四次报告(A/CN.4/648, 40、第70-71和第95)里提出了条款草案案文。

 At its 2988th meeting, on 31 July 2008, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), para. 315.


 Ibid., Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 204.






 Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), para. 206.


 E.g., (a) 1936 Convention for the Suppression of the Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs; (b) the 1937 Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism; (c) the 1950 Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others; (d) the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs; and (e) the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances.

 例如(a) 1936年《取缔非法贩卖危险药品公约》;(b) 1937年《防止和惩治恐怖主义公约》;(c) 1950年《禁止贩卖人口及取缔意图营利使人卖淫的公约》;(d) 1961年《麻醉品单一公约》;以及(e) 1971年《精神药物公约》。

 These instruments include: (a) the 1928 Convention on Private International Law, also known as the Bustamante Code, under Book IV (International Law of Procedure), Title III (Extradition); (b) the 1933 Convention on Extradition; (c) the 1981 Inter-American Convention on Extradition; (d) the 1957 European Convention on Extradition; (e) the 1961 General Convention on Judicial Cooperation (Convention générale de coopération en matière de justice); (f) the 1994 Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Convention on Extradition; and (g) the London Scheme for Extradition within the Commonwealth.

 这些文书包括:(a) 1928年《国际私法公约》,另外也称作“布斯塔曼特法典”,见第四卷(国际程序法),第三章(引渡)(b) 1933年《引渡公约》;(c) 1981年《美洲引渡公约》;(d) 1957年《欧洲引渡公约》;(e) 1961年《司法合作总公约》(Convention générale de coopération en matière de justice)(f) 1994年《西非国家经济共同体引渡公约》;以及(g)《英联邦内伦敦引渡计划》。

 It may also be recalled that General Assembly has adopted the Model Treaty on Extradition (resolution 45/116, annex) and the Model Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (resolution 45/117).


 Arts. 49, 50, 129, and 146, respectively, of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Geneva Conventions.


The reason these Geneva Conventions use the term hand overinstead of extraditeis explained in the Secretariats Survey (2010) at para. 54.


According to Claus Kreβ (Reflection on the Iudicare Limb of the Grave Breaches RegimeJournal of International Criminal Justice, vol. 7 (2009), p. 789, what the iudicare limb of the grave breaches regime actually entails is a duty to investigate and, where so warranted, to prosecute and convict.

根据Claus Kreβ (“对严重破坏公约行为之制度的审判方面的思考”,《国际刑事司法杂志》,第7(2009),第789),严重破坏公约行为之制度的审判方面实际上意味着有义务调查以及在必要时起诉并定罪。

 See Jean S. Pictet (ed), The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949: Commentary, vol. IV (International Committee of the Red Cross 1958) 593.

 Jean Pictet()《对1949812日日内瓦第四公约的评论》,第四卷,(日内瓦,红十字国际委员会,1958),第593页。 

 Art. 85 (1), (3) and art. 88 (2) of Additional Protocol I of 1977.


 These include, inter alia,: (a) the 1971 Organization of American States (OAS) Convention to Prevent and Punish the Acts of Terrorism Taking the Form of Crimes Against Persons and Related Extortion that are of International Significance; (b) the 1971 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation; (c) the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents; (d) the 1977 European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism; (e) 1977 Organization of African Unity Convention for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa; (f) the 1979 International Convention against the Taking of Hostages; (g) the 1979 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; (h) the 1984 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; (i) the 1985 Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture; (j) the 1987 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism and the 2004 Additional Protocol thereto; (k) the 1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation; (l) the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation; (m) the 1988 United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; (n) the 1989 International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries; (o) the 1994 Inter-American Convention on the Forced Disappearance of Persons; (p) the 1994 Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel and its 2005 Optional Protocol; (q) the 1996 Inter-American Convention against Corruption; (r) the 1997 Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials; (s) the 1997 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions; (t) the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; (u) the 1998 Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law; (v) the 1999 Criminal Law Convention on Corruption; (w) the 1999 Second Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict; (x) the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism; (y) the 2000 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography; (z) the 2000 United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols; (aa) the 2001 Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime; (bb) the 2003 African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption; (cc) the 2003 United Nations Convention against Corruption; (dd) the 2005 International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism; (ee) the 2005 Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism; (ff) the 2006 International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance; (gg) the 2007 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Convention on Counter-Terrorism; (hh) 2010 Protocol Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft; and (ii) the 2010 Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Relating to International Civil Aviation.

 除其他外,这些公约包括:(a) 1971年《美洲国家组织防止和惩治以侵害个人罪行和相关勒索罪行形式进行的具有国际影响的恐怖主义行为公约》;(b) 1971年《关于制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约》;(c) 1973年《关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约》;(d) 1977年《欧洲制止恐怖主义公约》;(e) 1977年非洲统一组织《消除非洲雇佣军制度公约》;(f) 1979年《反对劫持人质国际公约》;(g) 1979年《核材料实物保护公约》;(h) 1984年《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》;(i) 1985 年《美洲防止和惩处酷刑公约》;(j) 1987年《南亚区域合作联盟制止恐怖主义区域公约》及其2004年附加议定书;(k) 1988年《制止在用于国际民用航空的机场发生的非法暴力行为以补充〈制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约〉的议定书》;(l) 1988年《制止危害航海安全的非法行为公约》;(m) 1988年《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》;(n) 1989年《反对招募、使用、资助和训练雇佣军国际公约》;(o) 1994年《美洲被迫失踪人士公约》;(p) 1994年《联合国人员和有关人员安全公约》及其2005年任择议定书;(q) 1996 年《美洲国家反腐败公约》;(r) 1997年《美洲国家禁止非法制造和贩运火器、弹药、爆炸物及其他相关材料公约》;(s) 1997年《经济合作与发展组织禁止在国际商业交易中贿赂外国公职人员公约》;(t) 1997年《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》;(u) 1998年《通过刑法保护环境公约》;(v) 1999年《反腐败刑法公约》;(w) 1999年《关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的公约第二号议定书》;(x) 1999年《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》;(y) 2000年《儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》;(z) 2000年《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其议定书;(aa) 2001年《欧洲委员会打击网络犯罪公约》;(bb) 2003年《非洲联盟防治腐败公约》;(cc) 2003年《联合国反腐败公约》;(dd) 2005年《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约》;(ee) 2005年《欧洲委员会防止恐怖主义公约》;(ff) 2006年《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国际公约》;(gg) 2007年《东南亚国家联盟反恐怖主义公约》;(hh) 2010年《制止非法劫持航空器公约的补充议定书》;以及(ii) 2010年《制止与国际民用航空有关的非法行为的公约》。

 Separate Opinion of Judge Yusuf in Belgium v. Senegal, paras. 1922. See also Secretariat survey (2010), para. 126.


Cf. also Belgiums comments submitted to the Commission in 2009, where Belgium identified two types of treaties: (a) treaties which contain an aut dedere aut judicare clause with the obligation to prosecute conditional on refusal of a request for extradition of the alleged perpetrator of an offence; and (b) treaties which contain a judicare vel dedere clause with the obligation on States to exercise universal jurisdiction over perpetrators of the offences under the treaties, without making this obligation conditional on refusal to honour a prior extradition request (A/CN.4/612, para. 15), quoted by Special Rapporteur Galicki in his fourth report (A/CN.4/648, para. 85 and fn. 56).

另参阅比利时2009年提交国际法委员会的评论,比利时列出了两类条约:(a) 一类条约含有aut dedere aut judicare条款,把不接受对被指控犯罪者的引渡要求作为起诉义务的条件;(b) 另一类条约载有未求引渡也须起诉条款,规定各国须对犯有条约规定的罪行的犯罪者行使普遍管辖权,而这项义务并不以拒绝满足先前的引渡要求为条件(A/CN.4/612, 15),特别报告员加利茨基在其第四次报告中曾引用(A/CN.4/648, 85段和脚注56) 

 As the Secretariats Survey (2010) concludes (A/CN.4/630, para. 153):

  秘书处的调查(2010)的结论是(A/CN.4/630, 153)

“… The examination of conventional practice in this field shows that the degree of specificity of the various conventions in regulating these issues varies considerably, and that there exist very few conventions that adopt identical mechanisms for the punishment of offenders (including with respect to the relationship between extradition and prosecution).


The variation in the provisions relating to prosecution and extradition appears to be determined by several factors, including the geographical, institutional and thematic framework in which each convention is negotiated and the development of related areas of international law, such as human rights and criminal justice.


It follows that, while it is possible to identify some general trends and common features in the relevant provisions, conclusive findings regarding the precise scope of each provision need to be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the formulation of the provision, the general economy of the treaty in which it is contained and the relevant preparatory works.


 Ibid., para. 91.


 Ibid., para. 109.


 The 2006 International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance follows the Hague formula, and refers to the extreme seriousnessof the offence, which it qualifies, when widespread or systematic, as a crime against humanity.


However, outside of this, there appears to be a lack of international conventions with the obligation to extradite or prosecute in relation to crimes against humanity.


 The underlying principle of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 is the establishment of universal jurisdiction over grave breaches of the Conventions.


Each Convention contains an article describing what acts constitute grave breaches that follows immediately after the extradite-or-prosecute provision.


For the First and Second Geneva Conventions, this article is identical (arts. 50 and 51, respectively): Grave breaches to which the preceding Article relates shall be those involving any of the following acts, if committed against persons or property protected by the Convention: wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, and extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.


Art. 130 of the Third Geneva Convention stipulates: Grave breaches to which the preceding Article relates shall be those involving any of the following acts, if committed against persons or property protected by the Convention: wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, compelling a prisoner of war to serve in the forces of the hostile Power, or wilfully depriving a prisoner of war of the rights of fair and regular trial prescribed in this Convention.


Art. 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention provides: Grave breaches to which the preceding Article relates shall be those involving any of the following acts, if committed against persons or property protected by the present Convention: wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement of a protected person, compelling a protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power, or wilfully depriving a protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial prescribed in the present Convention, taking of hostages and extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.


The four Conventions and the Additional Protocol I of 1977 do not establish an obligation to extradite or prosecute outside of grave breaches.


No other international instruments relating to war crimes have this obligation, either.


 I.C.J. Reports 2007, paras. 442, 449.


Art. VI reads: Persons charged with genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be tried by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those Contracting Parties which shall have accepted its jurisdiction.


The Court at para. 442 did not exclude other bases when it observed that Article VI only obliges the Contracting Parties to institute and exercise territorial criminal jurisdiction; while it certainly does not prohibit States, with respect to genocide, from conferring jurisdiction on their criminal courts based on criteria other than where the crime was committed which are compatible with international law, in particular the nationality of the accused, it does not oblige them to do so.

法院在第442段里没有排除其他基础,法院指出:“《灭绝种族公约》第六条只是规定缔约国有义务确立并行使领土内刑事管辖权。 法院当然不禁止各国在灭绝种族罪事项上依据犯罪发生地(这与国际法是相符的)以外的标准,例如被控告者的国籍,赋予刑事法院以管辖权,但没有规定必须这样做。 

 Belgium v. Senegal, paras. 71121.


 The Court notes that art. 7 (1) of the Convention against Torture is based on a similar provision contained in the 1970 Hague Convention (ibid., para. 90).


As Judge Donoghue puts it: The dispositive paragraphs of todays Judgment bind only the Parties.


Nonetheless, the Courts interpretation of a multilateral treaty (or of customary international law) can have implications for other States.


The far-reaching nature of the legal issues presented by this case is revealed by the number of questions posed by Members of the Court during oral proceedings.


(Declaration of Judge Donoghue in Belgium v. Senegal, para. 21.)


 Belgium v. Senegal, para. 99.


 Ibid., para. 91.


See also paras. 7475, 78, 94.


40 Ibid., paras. 90, 94.

40 同上,第9094段。

41 Ibid., para. 95.

41 同上,第95段。

42 Art. 7, para. 2 of the Convention against Torture and art. 7 of the Hague Convention of 1970, ibid. para. 90.

42 《禁止酷刑公约》第7条第2款和1970年《海牙公约》第7条,同上,第90段。

43 Report of the AU-EU Technical ad hoc Expert Group on the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction (8672/1/09/ Rev.1), annex, para. 11.

43 非盟―― 欧盟普遍管辖权原则特设技术专家组的报告(8672/1/09/Rev.1),附件,第11段。

The International Court of Justice in Belgium v. Senegal holds that the performance by States parties to the Convention against Torture of their obligation to establish universal jurisdiction of their courts is a necessary condition for enabling a preliminary inquiry and for submitting the case to their competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution (Belgium v. Senegal, Judgment, para. 74).

国际法院在比利时诉塞内加尔案的判决中认为,《禁止酷刑公约》缔约国履行其确立其法院的普遍管辖权的义务是必要的条件,有了此条件,方能进行初步调查并将案件提交主管当局以便进行起诉。 (比利时诉塞内加尔案,判决,第74)

44 According to one author, The principle of aut dedere aut judicare overlaps with universal jurisdiction when a State has no other nexus to the alleged crime or to the suspect other than the mere presence of the person within its territory.

44 一位学者认为,“除了嫌疑人身在一国境内这一点以外,当该国与指称的犯罪或嫌疑人没有联结时,aut dedere aut judicare 原则即与普遍管辖权相重叠。”

(Mitsue Inazumi, Universal Jurisdiction in Modern International Law: Expansion of National Jurisdiction for Prosecuting Serious Crimes under International Law (Intersentia, 2005), p. 122).

(Mitsue Inazumi, 现代国际法中的普遍管辖权:为了依国际法对严重罪行进行起诉而将国家管辖权扩大(Intersentia 2005),第122页。

45 Case Concerning the Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium) I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3, Joint Separate Opinion of Judges Higgins, Kooijmans and Buergenthal, para. 42.

45 2000411日逮捕证(刚果民主共和国诉比利时)案,《2002年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页,法官希金斯、科艾曼斯、比尔根塔尔的联合个别意见,第42段。

46 It should be recalled that the Obligation to extradite or prosecute”‘ in art. 9 of the 1996 draft code is closely related to the “‘Establishment of jurisdiction”‘ under art. 8 of the draft code, which requires each State party thereto to take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against United Nations and associated personnel, and war crimes, irrespective of where or by whom those crimes were committed.

46   应该回顾的是,1996年治罪法草案第9条所提到的“引渡或起诉的义务”该治罪法草案第8条的“确立管辖权”密切相关,这要求每一缔约国都采取必要措施,确立对灭绝种族罪行、危害人类罪行、危害联合国人员和有关人员罪行以及战争罪行的普遍管辖权,而不论犯罪发生在何地,由谁实施。

The Commissions commentary to art. 8 makes it clear that universal jurisdiction is envisaged (Official Record of the General Assembly, Fifty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/51/10), para. 7).


47 Belgium v. Senegal, paras. 76, 77.

47 比利时诉塞内加尔案,第7677段。 48

48 Ibid., para. 84.


49 Ibid., para. 86.

49 同上,第86段。

 Ibid., para. 83.


 Ibid., paras. 8586.


 Ibid., para. 88.


 Ibid., para. 86.


 Ibid., para. 85.


 Ibid., para. 83.


 Ibid., para. 84.


 Cf. also Chili Komitee Nederland v. Pinochet, Court of Appeal of Amsterdam, 4 Jan. 1995 Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, vol. 28 (1997), pp. 363365, in which the Court of Appeal held that the Dutch Public Prosecutor did not err in refusing to prosecute former Chilean President Pinochet while visiting Amsterdam because Pinochet might be entitled to immunity from prosecution and any necessary evidence to substantiate his prosecution would be in Chile with which the Netherlands had no cooperative arrangements regarding criminal proceedings.

 另参见 Chili Komitee Nederland诉皮诺切特,阿姆斯特丹上诉法院,199514日《荷兰国际法年鉴》,第28(1997)363365页,上诉法院认为,荷兰公共检察官在智利前总统皮诺切特访问阿姆斯特丹时拒绝起诉他,这并没有错,因为皮诺切特或许有权享有不受起诉的豁免权,而为证明任何起诉所需要的证据都会在智利,但荷兰与智利没有关于刑事诉讼程序的合作协议。

See Kimberley N. Trapp, State Responsibility for International Terrorism (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011), p. 88, fn. 132.

Kimberley N. Trapp, 国际恐怖主义的国家责任(牛津:牛津大学出版社2011),第88页,脚注132

 Belgium v. Senegal, paras. 90, 94.


 Ibid., paras. 115, 117.


 Ibid., paras. 114, 115.



Separate Opinion of Judge Çancado Trindade in that case at paras. 148, 151153; Dissenting Opinion of Judge ad hoc Sur in the same case at para. 50; and Dissenting Opinion of Judge Xue, at para. 28.  Belgium v. Senegal, para. 120.




Draft article 13 of the draft articles on the expulsion of aliens adopted by the Commission on first reading in 2012, see Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement 10 (A/67/10), chap. IV and European Court of Human Rights, Bozano v. France, Judgment of 18 December 1986, Application No. 9990/82, paras. 5260, where the European Court of Human Rights has held that extradition, disguised as deportation in order to circumvent the requirements of extradition, is illegal and incompatible with the right to security of person guaranteed under art. 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

  比利时诉塞内加尔案,第120段。  参阅委员会2012年一读通过的驱逐外国人条款草案第13条草案,见《大会正式记录,第六十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/67/10),第四章,以及欧洲人权法院,Bonzano诉法国,19861218日的判决,第9990/82号请求书,第52-60段。 欧洲人权法院认为,为了避开引渡方面的要求而以驱逐为幌子的引渡是非法的,与《欧洲人权公约》第5条所保障的人身安全权不符。

 See the reasoning in Belgium v. Senegal, paras. 8586.


Therefore, the Court rules that financial difficulties do not justify Senegals failure to comply with the obligations under the Convention against Torture (ibid., para. 112).


Likewise, seeking guidance from the African Union does not justify Senegals delay in complying with its obligation under the Convention (ibid.).


 Ibid., para. 113.


 Belgium v. Senegal, para. 120.


As also explained by Judge Cançado Trindade,


“… The conduct of the State ought to be one which is conducive to compliance with the obligations of result (in the cas despèce, the proscription of torture).


The State cannot allege that, despite its good conduct, insufficiencies or difficulties of domestic law rendered it impossible the full compliance with its obligation (to outlaw torture and to prosecute perpetrators of it); and the Court cannot consider a case terminated, given the allegedly good conductof the State concerned.

国家不能声称,尽管其行为良好,但国内法不足或困难致使它无法充分履行其义务(即将酷刑定为非法行为并起诉犯罪者),而法院不能因有关国家据称‘行为良好’而认为案件已结。 ”

(Separate Opinion of Judge Cançado Trindade in Belgium v. Senegal, para. 50 and see also his full reasoning in paras. 4351.)


 Belgium v. Senegal, paras. 100102, citing art. 28 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which reflects customary international law.


 Ibid., paras. 103105.


 Ibid., para. 75.


 Ibid., paras. 102, 105.


 Ibid., para. 95.


 Ibid., para. 117.


 Art. 9 of the 1996 draft code of Crimes against the Peace of Mankind stipulates that the obligation to extradite or prosecute under that article is [w]ithout prejudice to the jurisdiction of an international criminal court.


 The State party in the territory under whose jurisdiction a person alleged to have committed an offence of enforced disappearance is found shall, if it does not extradite that person or surrender him or her to another State in accordance with its international obligations or surrender him or her to an international criminal tribunal whose jurisdiction it has recognized, submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution.


 Dissenting Opinion of Judge Xue, at para. 42 (dissenting on other points).


 Article 28 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.


 This possibility was raised by Special Rapporteur Galicki in his preliminary report (A/CN.4/571), paras. 4950.


 A fourth core crime is expected to become an operable part of the International Criminal Courts jurisdiction the crime of aggression.


Further, important treaties regulate specific types of crimes (e.g., torture, apartheid, or enforced disappearance) that if, committed on a widespread or systematic basis, may constitute crimes against humanity.

此外,有一些重要的条约针对某些具体类别的罪行 (例如酷刑、种族隔离、强迫失踪等)作了规定,这些罪行如果是广泛或有系统地犯下的,则可构成危害人类罪。

 Geneva Convention Relative to the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 1949, United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (U.S.T.), vol. 6, p. 3114, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, No. 970, p. 31; Geneva Convention Relative to the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, 1949, U.S.T., vol. 6, p. 3217, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, No. 971, p. 85; Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 1949, U.S.T., vol. 6, p. 3316, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, No. 972, p. 135; Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, 1949, U.S.T., vol. 6, p. 3526, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, No. 973, p. 287.

 《改善战地武装部队伤者病者境遇之日内瓦公约》,1949年,美利坚合众国条约和其他国际协定 (U.S.T.),第6卷,第3114页,联合国,《条约汇编》,第75卷,第970号,第31页;《改善海上武装部队伤者病者及遇船难者境遇的日内瓦公约》,U.S.T.,第6卷,第3217页,联合国,《条约汇编》,第75卷,第971号,第85页;《关于战俘待遇的日内瓦公约》,1949年,U.S.T.,第6卷,第3316页,联合国,《条约汇编》,第75卷,第972号,第135页;《关于战时保护平民的日内瓦公约》,1949年,U.S.T.,第6卷,第3526页,联合国,《条约汇编》,第75卷,第973号,第287页。

 Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts, 1977, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1125, No. 17512, p. 3.


 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1948, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 78, No. 1021, p. 277.


 Existing treaties may address limited aspects of the atrocities.


See, e.g., Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal), Judgment of 20 July 2012, paras. 5355 at (where despite alleged crimes against humanity, the relevant inter-State cooperation focused solely on conduct falling within the scope of the Convention against Torture).

例如参见与起诉或引渡义务有关的问题(比利时诉塞内加尔)案,2012720日的判决,第53-55段,见 (尽管指控了危害人类罪,但有关国家之间的合作单纯侧重于《禁止酷刑公约》范围内的行为)

 Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, Oct. 18, 1907, preamble, Stat., vol. 36, p. 2277, Consol. T.S., vol. 187, p. 227.

 《陆战法规与惯例公约》,19071018日,序言,Stat.,第36卷,第2277页,Consol. T.S.,第187卷,第227页。

 Agreement for the Prosecution and Punishment of the Major War Criminals of the European Axis, Annex, Charter of the International Military Tribunal, 1945, Art. 6 (c), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 82, No. 251, p. 280; Charter of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Jan. 19, 1946, Art. 5 (c), amended Apr. 26, 1946, Bevans, vol. 4, p. 20.


No persons, however, were convicted of this crime at the Tokyo Tribunal.


 Affirmation of the Principles of International Law Recognized by the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal, General Assembly resolution 95 (I), A/64/Add.1, at p. 188.


 Yearbook 1950, vol. II, p. 374.


 General Assembly resolution 2391 (XXIII), annex, A/7218 (1968), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 754, No. 10823, p. 73.

 大会第2391(XXIII)号决议,附件,A/7218(1968), 联合国,《条约汇编》,第754卷,第10823号,第73页。

 Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Security Council resolution 827, Annex at Art. 5 (May 25, 1993).


 Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Security Council resolution 955, Annex at Art. 3 (Nov. 8, 1994).


 Yearbook 1996, vol. II (Part Two), para. 50, at Art. 18.


 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 1998, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, No. 38544, p. 3.


 Art. 7.


 See, e.g., Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents, 1973, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1035, No. 15410, p. 167.


Drafted by the Commission at its twenty-fourth session in 1972, the Convention was opened for signature in 1973, entered into force in 1977, and at present has 176 States Parties.


 Various studies have attempted to assess the existence of national legislation on crimes against humanity.


See Amnesty International, Universal Jurisdiction: A Preliminary Survey of Legislation Around the World (2011); M.


Cherif Bassiouni, Crimes against Humanity: Historical Evolution and Contemporary Application (2011) (see chapter 9 on A Survey of National Legislation and Prosecutions for Crimes Against Humanity); International Committee of the Red Cross, International Humanitarian Law National Implementation Database (updated periodically), at


A study undertaken by the George Washington University Law School International Human Rights Law Clinic projects that about one-half of United Nations Member States have not adopted national legislation on crimes against humanity a statistic that does not significantly change when limited to just States that are Parties to the Rome Statute, even though the preamble of the Rome Statute identifies a duty to adopt national laws.


See Rome Statute, preamble at para. 6 (recalling that it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for international crimes).


Further, the study indicates that States that have adopted national legislation often have not included all the elements of the Rome Statute and/or have not criminalized conduct by non-nationals committed abroad.


 Yearbook 1997, vol. II (Part Two), para. 238 (1997).




 See L. Sadat (ed.), Forging a Convention for Crimes against Humanity (2011) (containing testimonials and endorsements).

 参见L. Sadat ()Forging a Convention for Crimes against Humanity (2011) (含有证词和赞同意见)