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Template-FCCC-CMA-Agenda FCCC_CMA_Agenda Template_E update 2023.docx (English) Template-FCCC-CMA-Agenda FCCC_CMA_Agenda Template_C update 2023.docx (Chinese)
United Nations 联 合 国
FCCC/PA/CMA/Agenda template_E FCCC/PA/CMA/Agenda template_C
Framework Convention on Climate Change 气候变化框架公约
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement 作为《巴黎协定》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议
Fourth session 第四届会议
Sharm el-Sheikh, 6–18 November 2022 2022年11月6日至18日,沙姆沙伊赫
Item 2(a) of the provisional agenda 临时议程项目2(a)
Organizational matters 组织事项
Adoption of the agenda 通过议程
Provisional agenda and annotations 临时议程和说明
Note by the Executive Secretary 执行秘书的说明
Addendum 增编
I. 一.
Introduction 导言
II. 二.
Provisional agenda 临时议程
Supplementary provisional agenda 补充临时议程
1. 1.
Opening of the session. 会议开幕。
2. 2.
Organizational matters: 组织事项:
(a) (a)
Adoption of the agenda; 通过议程;
(b) (b)
Election of additional officers; 增选主席团成员;
(c) (c)
Organization of work, including for the sessions of the subsidiary bodies; 安排工作,包括附属机构届会的工作;
(d) (d)
Approval of the report on credentials. 核可全权证书报告。
3. 3.
Reports of the subsidiary bodies: 附属机构的报告:
(a) (a)
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice; 附属科学技术咨询机构的报告;
(b) (b)
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation. 附属履行机构的报告。
4. 4.
Matters relating to the work programme for urgently scaling up mitigation ambition and implementation referred to in paragraph 27 of decision 1/CMA.3. 与第1/CMA.3号决定第27段所述紧急提高减缓力度和扩大实施的工作方案有关的事项。
5. 5.
Reporting and review pursuant to Article 13 of the Paris Agreement: 根据《巴黎协定》第十三条进行的报告和审评:
(a) (a)
Provision of financial and technical support to developing country Parties for reporting and capacity-building; 为发展中国家缔约方的报告和能力建设提供资金和技术支持;
(b) (b)
Options for conducting reviews on a voluntary basis of the information reported pursuant to chapter IV of the annex to decision 18/CMA.1, and respective training courses needed to facilitate these voluntary reviews. 在自愿基础上对根据第18/CMA.1号决定附件第四章报告的信息进行审评的备选方案,以及便利开展上述自愿审评所需的相应培训课程。
6. 6.
Matters relating to adaptation: 与适应有关的事项:
(a) (a)
Report of the Adaptation Committee; 适应委员会的报告;
(aa) (aa)
Review of the Adaptation Committee; 对适应委员会的审评;
(b) (b)
Review of the progress, effectiveness and performance of the Adaptation Committee; 审评适应委员会的进展、成效和业绩;
(c) (c)
Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the global goal on adaptation referred to in decision 7/CMA.3; 第7/CMA.3号决定所述格拉斯哥-沙姆沙伊赫全球适应目标工作方案;
(d) (d)
The global goals on adaptation; 全球适应目标;
(e) (e)
Recognition of adaptation efforts of developing country Parties; 承认发展中国家缔约方的适应努力;
(f) (f)
Enhancing the implementation of adaptation action taking into account the adaptation communication referred to in Article 7, paragraph 10; 加强开展适应行动,同时考虑第七条第十款所述的适应信息通报;
(g) (g)
The adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support provided for adaptation. 适应的充足性和有效性以及对适应提供的支助情况。
7. 7.
Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts. 气候变化影响相关损失和损害华沙国际机制。
8. 8.
Matters relating to finance: 与资金有关的事项:
(a) (a)
Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance; 与资金问题常设委员会有关的事项;
(i) (一)
Report of the Standing Committee on Finance – Paris Agreement matters; 资金问题常设委员会的报告――《巴黎协定》事项;
(ii) (二)
First report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement; 关于确定发展中国家缔约方与执行《公约》和《巴黎协定》相关需求的第一份报告;
(iii) (三)
Fourth (2020) Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows; 第四次(2020年)气候资金流动两年期评估和概览;
(b) (b)
Guidance to the Green Climate Fund; 对绿色气候基金的指导意见;
(c) (c)
Guidance to the Global Environment Facility; 对全球环境基金的指导意见;
(d) (d)
Matters relating to the Adaptation Fund; 与适应基金有关的事项;
(e) (e)
New collective quantified goal on climate finance; 气候资金新的集体量化目标;
(f) (f)
Matters relating to funding arrangements for addressing loss and damage; 与处理损失和损害的供资安排有关的事项;
(g) (g)
Compilation and synthesis of, and summary report on the in-session workshop on, biennial communications of information related to Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement; 《巴黎协定》第九条第五款所涉两年期信息通报的汇编与综合和两年期信息通报会期研讨会概要报告;
(h) (h)
Seventh review of the Financial Mechanism. 对资金机制的第七次审评。
9. 9.
Matters relating to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement. 与《巴黎协定》第二条第一款第(三)项有关的事项。
10. 10.
Development and transfer of technologies and implementation of the Technology Mechanism: 技术的开发和转让以及技术机制的实施:
(a) (a)
Joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network; 技术执行委员会及气候技术中心和网络的联合年度报告;
(b) (b)
First periodic assessment referred to in paragraph 69 of decision 1/CP.21. 第1/CP.21号决定第69段所述定期评估之首次评估。
11. 11.
Capacity-building under the Paris Agreement. 《巴黎协定》之下的能力建设。
12. 12.
Matters relating to the least developed countries. 与最不发达国家有关的事项。
13. 13.
Report of the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures. 实施应对措施的影响问题论坛的报告。
14. 14.
Guidance on cooperative approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement. 关于《巴黎协定》第六条第二款所述合作方法的指南。
15. 15.
Rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement. 根据《巴黎协定》第六条第四款所建立机制的规则、模式和程序。
16. 16.
Work programme under the framework for non-market approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 8, of the Paris Agreement. 《巴黎协定》第六条第八款所述非市场方法框架下的工作方案。
17. 17.
Report of the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance referred to in Article 15, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement. 《巴黎协定》第十五条第二款所述促进履行和遵守的委员会的报告。
18. 18.
Special needs and special circumstances of Africa. 非洲的特殊需要和特殊情况。
19. 19.
Administrative, financial and institutional matters: 行政、财务和体制事项:
(a) (a)
Audit report and financial statements for 2021; 2021年审计报告和财务报表;
(b) (b)
Budget performance for the biennium 2020–2021; 2020-2021两年期预算执行情况;
(c) (c)
Programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023. 2022-2023两年期方案预算。
20. 20.
High-level segment: 高级别会议:
(a) (a)
Statements by Parties; 缔约方的发言;
(b) (b)
Statements by observer organizations. 观察员组织的发言。
21. 21.
Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. 将全球变暖限制在1.5°C。
22. 22.
Implementation of decisions 1/CP.26, paragraph 11, and 1/CMA.3, paragraph 18, on adaptation finance. 关于适应资金的第1/CP.26号决定第11段和第1/CMA.3号决定第18段的执行情况。
23. 23.
Other matters. 其他事项。
24. 24.
Conclusion of the session: 会议结束:
(a) (a)
Adoption of the draft report on the session; 通过届会报告草稿;
(b) (b)
Closure of the session. 会议闭幕。
III. 三.
Proposed organization of the session: overview 拟议的会议安排:概述
IV. 四.
Annotations to the provisional agenda 临时议程的说明
Annotations 说明
† This document was scheduled for publication after the standard publication date owing to circumstances beyond the submitter's control. †因提交方无法控制的情况,本文件安排在标准发布日期之后发布。
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The abbreviations and acronyms list can be found at the end of the document. 简称和缩略语表见本文件末尾。
3 3
Neither the inclusion of this item in the agenda nor the annotations to it prejudge outcomes on matters related to the governance of the Warsaw International Mechanism. 本项目列入议程及其相关说明均不预判与华沙国际机制治理有关的事项上的结果。