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CRPD/C/GC/8 2216259E.docx (ENGLISH) CRPD/C/GC/8 2216259C.docx (Chinese)
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 残疾人权利委员会
General comment No. 8 (2022) on the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment 关于残疾人工作和就业权的第8号一般性意见(2022年)
I. Introduction 一. 导言
1. The aim of the present general comment is to clarify the obligations of States parties regarding the right to work and employment as enshrined in article 27 of the Convention. The Convention sets out the principles and standards of the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment, and provides the basis for States parties to meet their commitments under the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly target 8.5, on achieving, by 2030, full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value. 1. 本一般性意见的目的是澄清缔约国在《公约》第二十七条所载工作和就业权方面的义务。《公约》规定了残疾人工作和就业权的原则和标准,为缔约国履行可持续发展目标下的承诺提供了基础,特别是具体目标8.5, 即到2030年,所有男女,包括残疾人实现充分和生产性就业,有体面工作,并做到同工同酬。
2. The right to work is a fundamental right, essential for realizing other human rights, and forms an inseparable and inherent part of human dignity. The right to work also contributes to the survival of individuals and to that of their family, and, insofar as work is freely chosen or accepted, to their development and recognition within the community. The right to work is recognized in several international and regional legal instruments. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights proclaims the right to work in a general sense in article 6, and explicitly develops the individual dimension of the right to work through the recognition in article 7 of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work, in particular safe working conditions. The collective dimension of the right to work is addressed in article 8 of the Covenant, which enunciates the right of all persons to form trade unions and to join the trade union of their choice and the right of trade unions to function freely. The Committee has drawn upon its own jurisprudence, and that of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other human rights treaty bodies, to develop the present general comment. 2. 工作权是一项基本权利,对于实现其他人权至关重要,是人类尊严不可分割的固有部分。工作权也有助于个人及其家庭的生存,并且只要是自由选择或接受的工作,工作权就有助于个人的发展和获得所在社区的认可。 工作权在若干国际和区域法律文书中得到承认。《经济社会文化权利国际公约》第六条从一般意义上阐述了工作权,并在第七条中通过承认人人有权享受公正和良好的工作条件,尤其是安全的工作条件,明确引申了工作权的个人内涵。《公约》第八条阐述了工作权的集体内涵,阐明人人有权组织工会和加入所选择的工会,并有权使工会自由运作。委员会借鉴了自己的判例以及经济、社会及文化权利委员会和其他人权条约机构的判例,编写了本一般性意见。
3. Meaningful work and employment are essential to a person’s economic security, physical and mental health, personal well-being and sense of identity. However, the Committee is aware that a value system known as ableism adversely affects the opportunities for many persons with disabilities to have meaningful work and employment. Ableism and its impact have been described as “a value system that considers certain typical characteristics of body and mind as essential for living a life of value. Based on strict standards of appearance, functioning and behaviour, ableist ways of thinking consider the disability experience as a misfortune that leads to suffering and disadvantage and invariably devalues human life.” The foundation of the medical and charity models of disability, ableism leads to social prejudice, inequality and discrimination against persons with disabilities, as it underpins legislation, policies and practices such as segregated employment – for example “sheltered workshops” – and can result in involuntary participation in the informal economy. 3. 有意义的工作和就业对一个人的经济保障、身心健康、个人福祉和认同感至关重要。但是,委员会了解到,一种被称为健全主义的价值体系对许多残疾人获得有意义的工作和就业机会产生了不利影响。健全主义及其影响被描述为一种价值体系,“这种价值体系认为身体和精神的某些典型特征对于过上有价值的生活至关重要。健全主义的思维方式基于严格的外表、功能和行为标准,认为身患残疾是一种不幸,会导致痛苦和劣势,并不可避免地降低人的生命价值。” 健全主义是残疾问题的医疗和慈善模式的基础,导致对残疾人的社会偏见、不平等和歧视,因为健全主义是立法、政策以及做法(例如“庇护工场”等隔离就业)的依据,并可能导致非自愿参与非正规经济。
4. Persons with disabilities face barriers to gaining access to and exercising their right to work and employment in the open labour market, on an equal basis with others. Persons with disabilities face high unemployment rates, lower wages, instability, lower standards in hiring conditions, and lack of accessibility of the work environment, and are also less likely than other persons to be appointed to managerial positions when they are formally employed. All such barriers are exacerbated for women with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are more likely to earn lower wages than other persons and are more likely to be in vulnerable employment, including being employed in the informal sector, being self-employed or engaging in part-time employment. Data and other evidence indicate that these differences particularly affect persons with disabilities on such grounds as age, gender, sex, ethnicity and place of residence. 4. 残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上在开放劳动力市场获得和行使他们的工作和就业权方面面临障碍。残疾人面临高失业率、工资低、不稳定、雇用条件标准较低、工作环境缺乏无障碍设施等问题,而且在正式就业时,与其他人相比,被任命担任管理职位的可能性较小。所有这些障碍对残疾妇女而言都更加严重。与其他人相比,残疾人更有可能赚取较低的工资,并且更有可能工作不稳定,包括在非正规部门工作、自营职业或从事非全时工作。 数据和其他证据表明,这些差异因年龄、社会性别、生理性别、族裔和居住地等因素而尤其影响到残疾人。
5. Evolving conditions in economies and the labour market create new challenges and opportunities to ensure the right to work. New technologies, including artificial intelligence and the shift to digital work, can create new barriers or forms of discrimination as well as offering new pathways into work and new forms of employment. Economic transformations, such as the transition to a green economy or the response to crises, create opportunities for inclusion as well as the threat of leaving people behind. 5. 经济和劳动力市场不断变化的条件为确保工作权带来了新的挑战和机遇。新技术,包括人工智能和向数字化工作的转变,可能会制造新的障碍或新的歧视形式,同时也提供新的工作途径和新的就业形式。向绿色经济转型或应对危机等经济转型,既创造了包容的机会,也有可能让人们掉队。
6. Article 27 of the Convention incorporates several interdependent and interrelated rights within the right to work, including, in article 27 (1) (b), the rights of persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, to just and favourable conditions of work and to safe working conditions, including protection from harassment, and, in article 27 (1) (c), the collective dimension of the right to work and the exercise by persons with disabilities of their labour and trade union rights on an equal basis with others. The aim of the present general comment is to provide a comprehensive overview of the obligations of States parties under article 27, considering the interdependence of the measures on the right to work listed in that article, and the interrelationship of the right to work and employment with the provisions of other articles of the Convention. 6. 《公约》第二十七条将若干相互依存和相互关联的权利纳入工作权,其中包括第二十七条第一款第(二)项残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上享有公平和良好的工作条件和安全的工作环境,包括不受搔扰的权利,以及第二十七条第一款第(三)项工作权的集体内涵以及残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上行使工会权。 本一般性意见的目的是全面概述缔约国根据第二十七条承担的义务,同时考虑到该条所列工作权相关措施的相互依存关系,以及工作和就业权与《公约》其他条款的相互关系。
II. Human rights model of disability 二. 残疾的人权模式
7. The Committee has consistently expressed concern that the legislation and policies of States parties still reflect an ableist approach to disability, through charity and/or medical models, despite the incompatibility of those models with the Convention. Under those models, persons with disabilities are not acknowledged as subjects of rights and as rights holders, but are instead “reduced” to their impairments. Discriminatory or differential treatment and the exclusion of persons with disabilities are seen as the norm, legitimized by a medically-driven, incapacity approach to disability. Such ableist approaches preclude States parties from eliminating persistent barriers, particularly disability stereotypes and stigmas that prevent persons with disabilities from being able to work on an equal basis with others. 7. 委员会一贯表示关切的是,缔约国的立法和政策仍然反映了通过慈善和/或医疗模式对待残疾问题的健全主义方式,尽管这些模式不符合《公约》。 在这些模式下,残疾人不被承认为权利主体和权利持有者,而是被“降到”残障地位。 对残疾人的歧视性或差别待遇和排斥被视为一种常态,并因医疗驱动的“丧失能力即残疾”的方式使其正当化。这种健全主义的做法使缔约国无法消除长期存在的障碍,特别是妨碍残疾人在与他人平等的基础上工作的残疾成见和污名。
8. To realize the rights in the Convention, States parties need to apply the human rights model of disability. In its general comment No. 6 (2018) on equality and non-discrimination, the Committee sets out the human rights model of disability, under which it is recognized that disability is a social construct, that impairments are a valued aspect of human diversity and dignity and that impairments must not be taken as legitimate grounds for the denial or restriction of human rights. Disability is acknowledged as one of many multidimensional layers of identity, meaning that laws and policies must take the diversity of persons with disabilities into account. Human rights are recognized as being interdependent, interrelated and indivisible. 8. 为实现《公约》规定的权利,缔约国需要适用残疾的人权模式。在关于平等和不歧视的第6号一般性意见(2018年)中,委员会阐述了残疾的人权模式,该模式确认残疾是一种社会建构,残障是人类多样性和尊严的一个重要方面,不得将残障视为剥夺或限制人权的正当理由。残疾被认为是身份的多维层面之一,这意味着法律和政策必须考虑到残疾人的多样性。人权被认为是相互依存、相互关联和不可分割的。
III. Normative content 三. 规范性内容
9. The right to work is a fundamental human right and an essential component of human dignity. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the right to work is recognized in article 23. Beyond the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the right to work is covered in article 8 (1), (2) and (3) (a) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 5 (e) (i) and (ii) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, article 11 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and articles 25, 26, 40, 52 and 54 of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. Similarly, the General Assembly proclaimed the right to work in the Declaration on Social Progress and Development (art. 6), in its resolution 2542 (XXIV) of 11 December 1969. 9. 工作权是一项基本人权,也是人类尊严的重要组成部分。《世界人权宣言》第二十三条承认了工作权。除《经济社会文化权利国际公约》外,以下公约也载有工作权:《公民及政治权利国际公约》第八条第一款、第二款和第三款(子)项、《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第五条(辰)项(1)目和(2)目、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第十一条、《儿童权利公约》第32条以及《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》第25、第26、第40、第52和第54条。同样,联合国大会在1969年12月11日第2542(XXIV)号决议所载的《社会进步和发展宣言》(第六条)中也阐述了工作权。
10. Several regional instruments provide for the right to work – including the European Social Charter of 1961 (part II, arts. 1–10) and the European Social Charter (Revised) of 1996 (part II, arts. 1–10), the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (art. 15) and the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (arts. 6–8) – and affirm the principle that respect for the right to work imposes on States parties an obligation to take measures aimed at the realization of full employment. 10. 一些区域文书规定了工作权,包括1961年《欧洲社会宪章》(第二部分,第一至第十条)、1996年《欧洲社会宪章》(修订本)(第二部分,第一至第十条)和《非洲人权和民族权宪章》(第十五条)以及《美洲人权公约关于经济、社会和文化权利领域的附加议定书》(第六至第八条),这些文书都确认尊重工作权的原则使缔约国有义务采取旨在实现充分就业的措施。
11. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has identified a set of fundamental conventions related to rights at work. The subjects covered are considered to be fundamental principles and rights at work, and include freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. 11. 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)确定了一套与工作权有关的基本公约。 所涉主题被认为是工作中的基本原则和权利,包括结社自由和有效承认集体谈判权、消除一切形式强迫或强制劳动、有效废除童工以及消除就业和职业方面的歧视。
A. Right to work, on an equal basis with others, including the right to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in an open, inclusive and accessible workplace (art. 27 (1), chapeau) A. 在与他人平等的基础上享有工作权,包括在开放、包容和无障碍的工作场所为谋生自由选择或接受工作的权利(第二十七条第一款,起首部分)
12. Under article 27 (1) of the Convention, States parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis with others, including the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. This concept reflects the jurisprudence of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in which that Committee has made reference to the principle of equality in connection with work and employment by persons with disabilities: it has noted that the right of all persons to the opportunity to gain their living by work that they freely choose or accept is not realized where the only real opportunity open to persons with disabilities is to work in segregated facilities, and considers that persons with disabilities should not be segregated in sheltered workshops. Article 27 (1), in expressly identifying these rights of persons with disabilities, clearly indicates that segregated employment settings are inconsistent with them. 12. 根据《公约》第二十七条第一款,缔约国确认残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上享有工作权,包括在开放、具有包容性和对残疾人不构成障碍的劳动力市场和工作环境中,有机会凭借自由选择或接受的工作来谋生的权利。这一概念反映了经济、社会及文化权利委员会的判例,该委员会在判例中提到残疾人在工作和就业方面的平等原则:委员会指出,如果残疾人唯一的真正机会是在隔离设施中工作,则无法实现人人有机会凭借自由选择或接受的工作来谋生的权利, 委员会认为,残疾人不应被隔离在庇护工场中。 第二十七条第一款明确确定了残疾人的这些权利,明确指出隔离就业环境与这些权利不符。
13. Despite some progress, lack of access to the open labour market and segregation continue to be the greatest challenges for persons with disabilities. Discrimination, such as denial of reasonable accommodation, inaccessible workplaces and harassment, poses further obstacles to employment in an open labour market and work environment, leading to a false choice of employment in a closed workplace on the basis of disability. The ILO Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), refers to “full, productive and freely chosen employment”, linking States parties’ obligation to create the conditions for full employment with their obligation to ensure the absence of forced labour. 13. 尽管取得了一些进展,但缺乏进入开放劳动力市场的机会以及隔离的工作环境仍然是残疾人面临的最大挑战。歧视(如拒绝提供合理便利)、不便进出的工作场所以及骚扰,进一步阻碍了在开放的劳动力市场和工作环境中就业,导致基于残疾状况作出错误的就业选择,在封闭的场所工作。劳工组织《1964年就业政策公约》(第122号)提到“充分、生产性和自由选择的就业”,将缔约国创造充分就业条件的义务与确保不存在强迫劳动的义务联系起来。
14. The Committee observes that segregated employment, such as sheltered workshops, includes a variety of practices and experiences, characterized by at least some of the following elements: 14. 委员会注意到,隔离就业(例如庇护工场)包括各种做法和经验,其特征至少包括以下某些要素:
(a) The persons with disabilities are segregated, away from open, inclusive and accessible employment; (a) 残疾人被隔离,远离开放、包容和无障碍的就业;
(b) The employment is organized around certain specific activities that persons with disabilities are deemed to be able to carry out; (b) 认为残疾人能够从事某些具体活动,围绕这些活动而组织就业;
(c) The medical and rehabilitation approaches to disability are focused on and emphasized; (c) 重视和强调对残疾的医疗和康复办法;
(d) Transition to the open labour market is not effectively promoted; (d) 没有有效促进向开放劳动力市场的过渡;
(e) The persons with disabilities do not receive equal remuneration for work of equal value; (e) 残疾人同工不同酬;
(f) The persons with disabilities are not remunerated for their work on an equal basis with others; (f) 残疾人没有在与其他人平等的基础上获得工作报酬;
(g) The persons with disabilities do not usually have regular employment contracts and are therefore not covered by social security schemes. (g) 残疾人通常没有正规的就业合同,因此不在社会保障计划的覆盖范围之内。
15. Segregated employment for persons with disabilities, such as sheltered workshops, is not to be considered as a measure of progressive realization of the right to work, which is evidenced only in employment that is freely chosen or accepted and performed in an open and inclusive labour market. Employment ventures that are managed and led by persons with disabilities, including those that are jointly owned and democratically controlled, may not be considered segregated employment if they provide just and favourable conditions of work on an equal basis with others. 15. 残疾人的隔离就业,如庇护工场,不应被视为逐步实现工作权的措施,只有在开放和包容的劳动力市场上自由选择或接受并从事的就业才能体现工作权。由残疾人管理和领导的就业企业,包括共同拥有和民主控制的就业企业,如果在与其他人平等的基础上提供公正和良好的工作条件,则可能不被视为隔离就业。
B. Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability (art. 27 (1) (a)) B. 禁止基于残疾的歧视(第二十七条第一款第(一)项)
16. Non-discrimination and equality are core obligations of article 27, extend to the actions of third parties, such as the business sector, and apply throughout the employment cycle, which includes recruitment, hiring and employment, continuance of employment, training programmes and career advancement, as well as searching and applying for work and exiting work. The Committee has noted in its jurisprudence that to achieve de facto equality in terms of the Convention, States parties must ensure that there is no discrimination on the grounds of disability in connection to work and employment. International human rights practice identifies a number of forms of discrimination, which can occur individually or simultaneously: direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, denial of reasonable accommodation, harassment and discrimination by association. 16. 不歧视和平等是第二十七条的核心义务,扩展到第三方的行动,如企业部门,并适用于整个就业周期,包括招聘、雇用和就业、继续就业、培训方案和职业提升,以及寻找和申请工作和离职。委员会在其判例中指出,为了实现《公约》规定的事实上的平等,缔约国必须确保在工作和就业方面不存在基于残疾的歧视。 国际人权实践确定了多种形式的歧视,这些歧视可能单独发生,也可能同时发生,包括直接歧视、间接歧视、拒绝提供合理便利、骚扰和连带歧视。
17. Direct discrimination occurs when persons with disabilities are treated unfavourably for any reason related to their impairment. An example is a public sector employer not considering a person with disabilities for a job on the assumption that the person with disabilities will be unable to do the work. 17. 直接歧视是指残疾人因与其残疾有关的任何原因而受到不利待遇。例如,公共部门的雇主不考虑雇佣残疾人担任某项职位,因其认为残疾人无法从事这项工作。
18. Indirect discrimination refers to the application of laws, policies or practices that appear neutral but have a negative impact on persons with disabilities. It occurs when an opportunity excludes persons with disabilities because the framing of the opportunity does not take account of their situation and, as a result, they are unable to benefit from the opportunity itself. For example, if the only way to enter a public building for a job interview is by a set of stairs, candidates who use wheelchairs are put in an unequal position because they are unable to enter the building. Implied in the prohibition of indirect discrimination is an ongoing obligation to ensure accessibility through universal design in all situations. 18. 间接歧视是指适用看似中性的法律、政策或做法,但对残疾人有负面影响。如果一个机会的框架设计没有考虑到残疾人的情况,从而将残疾人排除在外,导致残疾人无法从该机会受益,这就是间接歧视。例如,要进入一栋公共大楼参加工作面试,唯一的途径是走楼梯,那么坐轮椅的候选人就被置于不平等的地位,因为他们无法进入该大楼。 禁止间接歧视隐含着一项持续的义务,即确保在所有情况下通过通用设计实现无障碍。
19. Denial of reasonable accommodation occurs when necessary and appropriate individualized modifications, adjustments and support (that do not impose a disproportionate or undue burden) are not implemented. Reasonable accommodation means those modifications, adjustments and support that are needed to ensure the equal enjoyment or exercise of a human right or fundamental freedom. For example, a public sector employee with a vision impairment who is not provided with the appropriate equipment to perform allocated tasks, such as a computer programme that magnifies text on a computer screen, has been denied reasonable accommodation. Other examples of reasonable accommodation include making information accessible to the individual with disabilities, modifying equipment, enabling work from home, ensuring that an interpreter is provided in meetings, reorganizing activities, rescheduling work or providing support personnel. To fall within the concept of reasonable accommodation, the changes need to be negotiated with the individual. The duty to provide reasonable accommodation is applicable from the moment that a request for such accommodation is received or the need becomes apparent. The Committee emphasizes that the duty to provide reasonable accommodation is different from the duty to ensure accessibility, which flows from the prohibition of indirect discrimination and is set out in articles 4 and 9 of the Convention. While both duties are aimed at guaranteeing accessibility, the duty to ensure accessibility through universal design or assistive technologies involves building accessibility into systems and processes without regard to the needs of a particular person with disabilities, for example, to have access to a building on an equal basis with others. The duty to provide reasonable accommodation, on the other hand, applies from the moment that a person with disabilities seeks to exercise their rights or requires access in non-accessible situations or environments. 19. 拒绝提供合理便利是指没有实施必要和适当(不造成过度或不当负担)的个性化修改、调整和支持。合理便利是指为确保平等享有或行使人权或基本自由所需的修改、调整和支持。 例如,一名有视力障碍的公共部门雇员,执行分配的工作时没有获得适当的设备,例如用于放大计算机屏幕上文本的计算机程序,这就是被拒绝提供合理便利。合理便利的其他例子包括使残疾人能够无障碍地获取信息,改装设备,允许在家办公,确保在会议中提供口译,重新组织活动,重新安排工作或提供支助人员。 为了使改动符合合理便利的概念,需要与相关个人协商作出改动。提供合理便利的义务自收到此种便利的请求之时或需求变得明显之时起即适用。 委员会强调,提供合理便利的义务不同于确保无障碍的义务,后者源于禁止间接歧视,载于《公约》第四和第九条。虽然这两项义务都旨在确保无障碍,但通过通用设计或辅助技术确保无障碍的义务涉及在各种系统和流程中溶入无障碍元素,而不是考虑某个特定残疾人的需要,例如在与其他人平等的基础上出入建筑物。 另一方面,提供合理便利的义务从残疾人寻求行使其权利或需要进入有障碍环境的那一刻起开始适用。
20. Harassment is a form of discrimination when unwanted conduct related to disability or other prohibited grounds takes place with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person and of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. Under the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190), the term “violence and harassment” in the world of work refers to a range of unacceptable behaviours and practices, or threats thereof, whether a single occurrence or repeated, that aim at, result in, or are likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm, and includes gender-based violence and harassment. 20. 骚扰是一种形式的歧视,指的是与残疾或其他禁止的理由有关的不受欢迎的行为,其目的或后果是侵犯人的尊严并制造恐吓、敌对、有辱人格、羞辱性或冒犯性的环境。 根据国际劳工组织《2019年暴力和骚扰公约》(第190号),工作场所的“暴力和骚扰”是指一系列不可接受的行为和做法,或这种行为和做法的威胁,无论是一次发生还是多次发生,其目的和结果或可能的结果是导致身体、心理、性或经济伤害,包括性别暴力和骚扰。
21. Discrimination by association may occur when family members or a person otherwise associated with a person with disabilities is subjected to discrimination at work because of that relationship, which has a direct or indirect impact on the life of the person with disabilities. 21. 连带歧视是指家庭成员或与残疾人有其他联系的人因这种关系而在工作中受到歧视,这对残疾人的生活有直接或间接的影响。
22. Persons with disabilities are often disproportionately affected by multiple and intersectional discrimination. The diversity of persons with disabilities means that they face diverse barriers to realizing the right to work and follow different pathways into employment throughout their working lives. Multiple discrimination occurs when a person experiences discrimination on two or more grounds, leading to discrimination that is compounded or aggravated, and intersectional discrimination occurs when several grounds interact with each other at the same time in such a way as to be inseparable. The concepts of multiple and intersectional discrimination reflect the fact that individuals do not experience discrimination as members of a homogeneous group but, rather, as individuals with multidimensional layers of identities, statuses and life circumstances. Intersecting layers of identity include age, race, indigenous, national or social origin, refugee, migrant or asylum-seeking status, political or other opinion, religion, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity. 22. 残疾人往往受到多重和交叉歧视的过度影响。残疾人的多样性意味着他们在实现工作权方面面临不同的障碍,在整个工作生涯中遵循不同的就业途径。多重歧视是指一个人受到基于两个或更多理由的歧视,导致歧视加深或加重的情况;交叉歧视是指多个理由同时以不可分割的方式相互作用的情况。 多重歧视和交叉歧视的概念反映了这样一个事实,即个人不是作为同质群体的成员遭受歧视,而是作为具有多层面身份、地位和生活环境的个人遭受歧视。身份的交叉因素包括年龄、种族、土著、民族或社会出身、难民、移民或寻求庇护者身份、政治或其他见解、宗教、性别、性取向和性别认同。
23. These concepts reflect the lived realities and experiences of heightened disadvantage of individuals caused by multiple and intersectional forms of discrimination. The Committee has addressed different situations of multiple and intersectional discrimination. For example, women and gender-nonconforming persons with disabilities face an intersection of gender- and disability-related barriers in attitudes, circumstances and work itself, including the compounded effects of multiple discrimination that limit opportunities to work, affect their right to equal pay and increase the risk of violence and harassment in the workplace. Similarly, disability- and age-related discrimination interact to mean that youth and older persons with disabilities can face substantially different challenges to realize the right to work. 23. 这些概念反映了多重和交叉形式的歧视导致个人处于更不利地位的生活现实和经历。 委员会处理了多重和交叉歧视的不同情况。例如,妇女和非常规性别残疾人面临着与性别和残疾有关的交叉障碍,涉及态度、环境和工作本身,包括多重歧视的复合影响,会限制工作机会,影响他们的同工同酬权利,并增加工作场所暴力和骚扰的风险。同样,与残疾和年龄有关的歧视相互作用,意味着残疾青年和残疾老年人在实现工作权方面可能面临截然不同的挑战。
C. Right to just and favourable conditions of work on an equal basis with others (art. 27 (1) (b)) C. 在与他人平等的基础上享有公正和良好工作条件的权利(第二十七条第一款第(二)项)
24. Article 27 (1) (b) refers to the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, to just and favourable conditions of work, including: 24. 第二十七条第一款第(二)项提到保护残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上享有公正和良好工作条件的权利,包括:
(a) Equal opportunities and equal remuneration for work of equal value; (a) 机会均等和同工同酬的权利;
(b) Safe and healthy working conditions, including protection from harassment; (b) 享有安全和健康的工作环境,包括不受搔扰的权利;
(c) The redress of grievances. (c) 享有申诉的权利。
25. The right of persons with disabilities to just and favourable conditions of work is a corollary of the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work that is freely chosen or accepted. It is an important component of other rights enshrined in the Convention, such as trade union rights (art. 27 (1) (c)), and enjoyment of it is a prerequisite for, and the result of, the enjoyment of other Convention rights, such as the right to an adequate standard of living (art. 28) through decent remuneration. 25. 残疾人享有公正和良好工作条件的权利是有机会凭借自由选择或接受的工作来谋生的权利带来的必然结果。该权利是《公约》所载其他权利的重要组成部分,如工会权利(第二十七条第一款第(三)项),享有这项权利是享有《公约》所载其他权利的先决条件和结果,如通过体面的报酬获得适当生活水准的权利(第二十八条)。
26. The right to just and favourable conditions of work is a right of all workers with disabilities in all settings, regardless of impairment, gender, age, cultural or linguistic background or migrant status, or whether they are employed in the formal or informal sectors, self-employed or employed in the agricultural sector or in rural and remote areas. Further, the right to just and favourable conditions of work requires that payment below the minimum wage on the basis of disability not be justified under any circumstances. 26. 享有公正和良好工作条件的权利是所有场所的所有残疾工人的一项权利,不论其残疾情况、性别、年龄、文化或语言背景或移民身份,也不论其是在正规或非正规部门就业、自营职业还是在农业部门或农村和偏远地区就业。 此外,享有公正和良好工作条件的权利要求,在任何情况下都不得以残疾为由支付低于最低工资的工资。
27. Just and favourable conditions of work for persons with disabilities includes the benefits and protections enjoyed by other workers, such as a retirement benefit fund, sick leave, long-service leave, parental leave, promotion, rest, leisure and periodic holidays with pay. 27. 残疾人享有的公正和良好工作条件包括其他工人享有的福利和保护,如退休金、病假、长期服务假、育儿假、晋升、休息、休闲和定期带薪休假。
28. Workers with disabilities have the right to receive equal remuneration as other workers when they perform the same or similar jobs. Further, their remuneration should also be equal even when their work is completely different but nonetheless of equal value. States parties should ensure that workplaces that are in the process of making the transition away from segregated employment are not exempt from paying equal remuneration for work of equal value. 28. 残疾劳动者在从事与其他劳动者相同或类似的工作时,有权获得同等的报酬。此外,即使他们的工作完全不同但价值相同,他们的报酬也应该相同。缔约国应确保正在摆脱隔离就业的工作场所不得免于同工同酬。
29. The right to a safe and healthy work environment includes the requirement for a coherent national policy on occupational health that is inclusive of workers with disabilities. The aim of such a policy is to prevent accidents and injuries arising from, linked with or occurring during work. The policy should cover the protection of all workers, including those with disabilities, and also including those who hold short- or long-term contracts, work part-time, are apprentices, are self-employed, are migrant workers or are employed in the informal sector. Organizations of persons with disabilities should participate in the formulation, implementation and review of the national policy to ensure that national policies do not enable discrimination. 29. 享有安全和健康工作环境的权利包括要求制定一项包容残疾工人的统一的国家职业健康政策。这项政策的目的是防止因工作引起、与工作有关或在工作期间发生的事故和伤害。该政策应涵盖对所有工人的保护,包括残疾工人,也包括持有短期或长期合同者、从事非全时工作者、学徒、自营职业者、移民工人或在非正规部门就业的工人。残疾人组织应参与国家政策的制定、执行和审查,以确保国家政策不会助长歧视。
30. As the Committee has noted in its jurisprudence, protection from harassment in connection with work and employment extends throughout the employment cycle and requires effective remedies through the enactment and enforcement of specific and comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation. The legislation should be accompanied by appropriate and effective legal remedies and sanctions in relation to discrimination in civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. Individual remedies should be accompanied by effective changes in the workplace to prevent future violations. 30. 正如委员会在其判例中所指出的,在工作和就业方面免受骚扰的保护贯穿整个就业周期,需要通过颁布和执行具体和全面的反歧视法提供有效补救。 针对民事、行政和刑事诉讼中的歧视,反歧视法应辅之以适当和有效的法律补救措施和制裁。在采取个人补救措施的同时,还应有效改变工作场所,以防止今后发生侵权行为。
D. Labour and trade union rights (art. 27 (1) (c)) D. 劳工和工会权利(第二十七条第一款第(三)项)
31. Trade union rights, freedom of association and the right to strike are crucial means of introducing, maintaining and defending just and favourable conditions of work. Trade unions should admit, accept and enable the full and meaningful participation of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others. Trade unions should play an important role in defending the right of persons with disabilities to work, including persons with disabilities still working in segregated employment. States parties have an obligation to respect and protect the work of human rights defenders and other members of civil society, in particular trade unions, who assist persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups in the realization of their right to work. 31. 工会权利、结社自由和罢工权是引入、维持和捍卫公正和良好的工作条件的重要手段。工会应接纳、接受残疾人并使残疾人能够在与其他人平等的基础上充分和切实地参与。工会应在维护残疾人工作权方面发挥重要作用,包括维护仍在隔离就业中的残疾人的工作权。缔约国有义务尊重和保护人权维护者和民间社会其他成员的工作,尤其是工会,是它们帮助残疾人和其他边缘化群体实现工作权。
32. The promotion of employment for persons with disabilities requires the effective involvement of trade unions and other representative associations that protect and promote the rights of workers with disabilities in the definition of priorities, decision-making, planning, implementation and evaluation of strategies. 32. 促进残疾人就业需要工会和其他保护和促进残疾工人权利的代表协会有效参与确定优先事项、决策、规划、执行和评价战略。
33. General labour laws and codes should explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and should include the responsibility to ensure that trade union workers, employers and labour market institutions are fully aware of issues of equality and non-discrimination in the context of the work and employment of persons with disabilities. 33. 一般劳动法和守则应明确禁止基于残疾的歧视,并应规定有责任确保工会工作者、雇主和劳动力市场机构充分认识到残疾人工作和就业方面的平等和不歧视问题。
34. Collective bargaining arrangements should prohibit discrimination on the basis of impairment. Where they specify working conditions, the arrangement must include a mechanism by which employees can seek reasonable accommodation. 34. 集体谈判安排应禁止基于残疾的歧视。在规定工作条件时,安排必须包括一种机制,使雇员得以寻求合理便利。
E. Access to technical and vocational guidance, placement services and training (art. 27 (1) (d)) E. 获得技术和职业指导、职业介绍服务和培训(第二十七条第一款第(四)项)
35. Non-discriminatory access to general technical and vocational guidance, training and placement services, both public and private, on an equal basis with others is required for the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment. The participation of persons with disabilities in mainstream services promotes the non-segregation of services and access by persons with disabilities to open employment and vocational training services. Such services may be appropriate for entry into work, during the course of employment or for transitions between roles. States parties should take measures to ensure the certification of capacities and attainments on an equal basis with others, the explicit inclusion of persons with disabilities in legislation dealing with vocational training, explicit references to persons with disabilities in general policies regulating vocational training, the accessibility of premises, information and materials, the provision of vocational training on the rights of persons with disabilities and funding for reasonable accommodation. Vocational and professional preparation, training and other services should be provided in accessible and inclusive ways, including financial support for participation. 35. 要实现残疾人的工作和就业权,就需要让残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上不受歧视地获得公共和私人的一般技术和职业指导、培训和职业介绍服务。 残疾人参与主流服务,有助于消除服务的隔离现象,并使残疾人有机会获得开放就业和职业培训服务。 此类服务可能适用于进入工作岗位、就业期间或职责之间的转换。缔约国应采取措施,确保在与其他人平等的基础上对能力和成就进行认证,在有关职业培训的立法中明确纳入残疾人,在规范职业培训的一般政策中明确提及残疾人,确保场地、信息和材料无障碍,提供关于残疾人权利的职业培训以及为合理便利提供资金。应以无障碍和包容的方式提供职业和专业准备、培训和其他服务,包括为参与提供财政支助。
F. Promotion of employment opportunities and career advancement (art. 27 (1) (e)) F. 促进就业机会和职业提升(第二十七条第一款第(五)项)
36. States parties should ensure that persons with disabilities have meaningful opportunities to develop their careers, whatever the form of their employment. Opportunities for development include reskilling and upskilling, training, lifelong learning and mentorship programmes. 36. 缔约国应确保残疾人有切实的机会发展其职业,无论其就业形式如何。 发展机会包括技能重塑、技能提升、培训、终身学习和指导方案。
37. All workers with disabilities have the right, on an equal basis with others, to be considered for promotion through fair, merit-based and transparent processes. States parties should analyse the direct and indirect barriers to career advancement encountered by persons with disabilities, in particular by women with disabilities. Vocational training referred to under article 27 (1) (d) includes training undertaken by workers with disabilities to advance their careers. Courses must be accessible and workers must be able to seek reasonable accommodation. 37. 所有残疾工人都有权在与其他人平等的基础上,通过公平、择优和透明的程序作为晋升的候选者。缔约国应分析残疾人,特别是残疾妇女,在职业提升方面遇到的直接和间接障碍。第二十七条第一款第(四)项所指的职业培训包括残疾工人为促进其职业发展而接受的培训。课程必须是无障碍的,工人必须能够寻求合理的便利条件。
G. Promotion of opportunities for self-employment, entrepreneurship and cooperatives (art. 27 (1) (f)) G. 促进自营就业、创业经营和合作社工作机会(第二十七条第一款第(六)项)
38. Persons with disabilities have the right to freely choose their work, including whether they wish to be self-employed, start their own business or work in a cooperative. States parties should take targeted measures to protect and support persons with disabilities in the informal economy, to promote and accelerate their transition to the formal economy, and to prevent work in the formal economy from becoming informal. 38. 残疾人有权自由选择工作,包括自营职业、自主创业或在合作社工作。缔约国应采取有针对性的措施,保护和支持非正规经济中的残疾人,促进和加快他们向正规经济转型,并防止正规经济中的工作变成非正规工作。
39. The promotion of opportunities for work that is freely chosen requires accessible information on entrepreneurship, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and other forms of business models and economic units, such as cooperatives. Non-discriminatory access to business services, markets, infrastructure and technology, occupational health and safety, financial services, mentorship and networking also needs to be considered. States parties should formulate and implement an integrated policy framework that is inclusive of persons with disabilities, ensuring coordination across different levels of government and cooperation between the relevant bodies and authorities, such as tax authorities and social security institutions. 39. 促进自由选择的工作机会需要提供关于创业、微型和中小型企业以及其他形式的商业模式和经济单位(如合作社)的无障碍信息。 还需要考虑不受歧视地获得商业服务、市场、基础设施和技术、职业健康和安全、金融服务、指导和网络。缔约国应制定和实施包容残疾人的综合政策框架,确保各级政府之间的协调以及税务机关和社会保障机构等相关机构和当局之间的合作。
H. Employment in the public sector (art. 27 (1) (g)) H. 在公共部门就业(第二十七条第一款第(七)项)
40. The provisions of other subparagraphs of article 27 apply equally to the public and private sectors. However, where the State party is the employer, it should take a more rigorous approach to inclusion. States parties should introduce objective standards for hiring and promoting persons with disabilities on merit and be committed to increasing the number of employees with disabilities. If necessary, specific measures should be taken to build awareness within the public sector, attract and recruit persons with disabilities and support public sector employees with disabilities, with the aim of reflecting the diversity of the community and benefiting from the lived experiences of persons with disabilities. 40. 第二十七条其他各项的规定同样适用于公共和私营部门。然而,如果缔约国是雇主,则应采取更严格的包容方式。缔约国应采用客观的标准来雇用和晋升残疾人,并致力于增加残疾雇员的数量。如有必要,应采取具体措施,在公共部门内提高认识,吸引和招聘残疾人,并支持公共部门的残疾雇员,以反映社群的多样性,并受益于残疾人的生活经验。
41. The Committee has recommended to States parties that, in an effort to increase employment of persons with disabilities in the public sector, they develop and implement affirmative action measures, such as the allocation of targeted funding to promote the employment of persons with disabilities in the public and private sectors, including vocational programmes. Further measures include quotas – requirements that at least a specific percentage of an employer’s workforce be made up of employees with disabilities — or targets. All measures should be accompanied by an annual reporting requirement on compliance by public authorities. 41. 委员会建议缔约国,为努力增加残疾人在公共部门的就业,应制定和实施平权行动措施,例如划拨专项资金,促进残疾人在公共和私营部门的就业,包括职业方案。 进一步的措施包括规定配额或目标,要求雇主的劳动力中至少有一定比例的残疾雇员。所有措施都应附有关于公共当局合规情况的年度报告要求。
I. Promotion of employment in the private sector, including affirmative action programmes (art. 27 (1) (h)) I. 促进在私营部门的就业,包括采取平权行动方案(第二十七条第一款第(八)项)
42. The Committee has recommended strategies to States parties to increase the employment of persons with disabilities in the public sector that are equally applicable to the private sector. Specific affirmative action measures may be required, such as quotas to increase the employment of persons with disabilities in the private sector. At the same time, quotas alone are insufficient to promote the employment of persons with disabilities and may be resisted by persons with disabilities if the system focuses on impairment rather than ability. Quotas also raise issues of confidentiality. Other affirmative action measures include public procurement measures, such as tendering processes, that give preference to enterprises owned by persons with disabilities or that employ persons with disabilities, and the allocation of targeted funding to promote the employment of persons with disabilities, such as modifications of the working environment, apprentice wage support, payroll tax deductions and wage subsidies. 42. 委员会向缔约国建议了增加残疾人在公共部门就业的战略,这些战略同样适用于私营部门。可能需要采取具体的平权行动措施,例如增加残疾人在私营部门就业的配额。同时,仅靠配额不足以促进残疾人就业,如果制度侧重于残疾而非能力,可能会遭到残疾人的抵制。配额还会引发保密问题。其他平权行动措施包括公共采购措施,如招标程序,优先考虑残疾人拥有的企业或雇用残疾人的企业,以及分配专项资金以促进残疾人就业,如修改工作环境、学徒工资支助、工资税减免和工资补贴。
43. Preferential purchasing policies that promote or support segregated employment are not affirmative action measures that are consistent with the Convention. In order to ensure consistency with the Convention, affirmative action involves, inter alia: 43. 促进或支持隔离就业的优惠采购政策不是符合《公约》的平权行动措施。为了确保符合《公约》,平权行动主要包括:
(a) Ensuring that employers do not restrict persons with disabilities to certain occupations, reserved jobs or specific employment units; (a) 确保雇主不将残疾人限制在某些职业、保留职位或特定就业单位;
(b) Ensuring that employers do not restrict access for persons with disabilities to opportunities for promotion and career growth; (b) 确保雇主不限制残疾人获得晋升和职业发展的机会;
(c) Taking steps to ensure that work promoted under these measures does not constitute “fake” employment, whereby persons with disabilities are engaged by employers but do not perform work or do not have meaningful employment on an equal basis with others; (c) 采取步骤,确保根据这些措施促进的工作不构成“假就业”,“假就业”是指残疾人得到雇主的雇用,但不用工作或没有在与其他人平等的基础上从事有意义的工作;
(d) Incorporating a disability, gender and age perspective throughout the workplace. (d) 在整个工作场所纳入残疾、性别和年龄视角。
44. States parties should consult closely with organizations of persons with disabilities when designing affirmative action measures. Such measures in the private sector will be most effective if they form part of a holistic approach by States parties to promote the employment of persons with disabilities. 44. 缔约国在制定平权行动措施时应与残疾人组织密切协商。 私营部门的此类措施若能成为缔约国促进残疾人就业的整体办法的一部分,将最为有效。
J. Provision of reasonable accommodation in the workplace (art. 27 (1) (i)) J. 在工作场所提供合理便利(第二十七条第一款第(九)项)
45. The duty to provide reasonable accommodation is different from the duty to ensure accessibility. Reasonable accommodation involves the provision of individualized modifications, adjustments and support to enable persons with disabilities to perform the inherent requirements of their work on an equal basis with others. States parties should ensure that the provision of reasonable accommodation is facilitated through measures and programmes that provide technical and financial assistance to public and private employers. Nevertheless, as part of their accessibility duty, public and private employers need to ensure they have a clear, accessible and timely process for dealing with the need for reasonable accommodation. Where a barrier to full inclusion of an individual with disabilities is identified by the individual or the employer, the employer must take the following steps, as failure to do so would constitute denial of reasonable accommodation: 45. 提供合理便利的义务不同于确保无障碍的义务。合理便利涉及提供个性化的修改、调整和支持,使残疾人能够在与其他人平等的基础上履行其工作的固有要求。缔约国应确保通过向公共和私营雇主提供技术和财政援助的措施和方案,促进提供合理便利。然而,作为确保无障碍义务的一部分,公共和私营雇主需要确保他们有一个明确、方便和及时的程序来处理合理便利的需要。如果个人或雇主发现残疾人完全融入的障碍,雇主必须采取以下步骤,否则将构成拒绝提供合理便利:
(a) The employer works with the individual to identify potential solutions to remove or avoid the barrier, including the individual’s preferred solution; (a) 雇主与个人合作,确定消除或避免该障碍的潜在解决方案,包括个人首选的解决方案;
(b) The employer implements the individual’s preferred solution, unless it would impose an undue burden, in which case the employer implements another identified solution that does not impose an undue burden, or implements the preferred solution to the extent possible without experiencing the undue burden. (b) 雇主实施个人首选的解决方案,除非该解决方案会造成不当负担,在这种情况下,雇主实施另一种不会造成不当负担的已确定的解决方案,或在不承受不当负担的情况下尽可能实施首选解决方案。
K. Promotion of work experience in the open labour market (art. 27 (1) (j)) K. 促进在开放劳动力市场获得工作经验(第二十七条第一款第(十)项)
46. Work experience in the open labour market may be promoted through internships, workplace learning schemes, scholarships, bursaries and financial incentives for businesses, such as apprenticeships and other workplace-based learning schemes. As well as being essential to developing the skills of persons with disabilities, work experience offers an opportunity to transform employment conditions and build connections and understanding among employers. 46. 可通过实习、工作场所学习计划、奖学金、助学金和对企业的财政激励,如学徒和其他工作场所学习计划,促进在开放劳动力市场获得工作经验。工作经验不仅对发展残疾人的技能至关重要,而且提供了一个机会来改变就业条件并在雇主之间建立联系和理解。
47. Persons with disabilities are at particular risk of the inappropriate use of unpaid internships, training programmes and volunteering schemes, which negatively affects job security and career prospects. Young persons with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in this regard. States parties should clearly regulate and monitor the situation of persons with disabilities under such programmes. 47. 残疾人特别容易被不当利用,参与无薪实习、培训方案和志愿服务计划,这对工作保障和职业前景有不利影响。残疾青年在这方面尤其脆弱。缔约国应明确规范和监测此类方案下残疾人的状况。
L. Promotion of vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return-to-work programmes (art. 27 (1) (k)) L. 促进职业和专业康复服务、保留工作和恢复工作方案(第二十七条第一款第(十一)项)
48. All workers may experience the need to retrain, develop new skills or change their occupation. Job retention and return-to-work programmes for persons with disabilities are part of wider efforts to ensure continual workforce development. States parties need to ensure that persons with disabilities are supported to stay in work or transition to new roles after the acquisition of a new impairment or the exacerbation of an existing impairment. 48. 所有工人都可能需要再培训、发展新技能或改变职业。针对残疾人的保留工作和恢复工作方案是确保劳动力持续发展这项更广泛工作的一部分。缔约国需要确保残疾人在遭受新的残疾或现有残疾恶化后,能够得到支持,继续工作或过渡到新的职位。
49. In the provision of rehabilitation, States parties should ensure that workers with disabilities as a result of an accident or illness and, where relevant, their dependants receive adequate compensation, including for costs of treatment, loss of earnings and other costs, in addition to access to rehabilitation services. 49. 在提供康复服务时,缔约国尤其应确保因事故或疾病致残的工人(适当时包括这些工人的家属)能获得适当补偿,包括对治疗费用、丧失收入和其他费用的补偿,并有机会享有康复服务。
50. Return-to-work programmes may lead to the employee concerned continuing in the same role, transferring to a different role with the same employer or taking on a role with a different employer. Such programmes should not be used to promote employment in segregated work settings. 50. 恢复工作方案可能使有关雇员继续担任同一职位,或在同一雇主处调任不同职位,或在不同雇主处担任不同职位。此类方案不应用于促进隔离工作环境中的就业。
M. Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour (art. 27 (2)) M. 奴役、驱役和强迫或强制劳动(第二十七条第二款)
51. The prohibition of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour is at the core of international human rights law. Persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, are at an increased risk of experiencing situations of slavery or servitude, such as segregated employment, abduction and forced labour. Such situations extend to debt bondage, trafficking, begging, and work in sweatshops, on farms or in segregated employment for little or no pay. 51. 禁止奴役、驱役和强迫或强制劳动是国际人权法的核心。残疾人,包括残疾儿童,被奴役或驱役的风险更高,例如隔离就业、绑架和强迫劳动。 此类情况还延伸至债役、贩运、乞讨以及在血汗工厂、农场或隔离就业中工作,但报酬很少或没有报酬。
52. States parties should develop comprehensive measures to prevent and to investigate all instances of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour. Such measures should include awareness-raising programmes, information campaigns, legislative provisions, complaints procedures, sanctions regimes, investigation mechanisms, and redress and reparation measures. 52. 缔约国应制定全面措施,防止和调查所有奴役、驱役和强迫或强制劳动的情况。此类措施应包括提高认识方案、宣传运动、立法规定、申诉程序、制裁制度、调查机制以及补救和赔偿措施。
53. To fulfil their obligations under article 27 (2) of the Convention, States parties should pay attention to the right of persons with disabilities to choice, consent and freedom from coercion. Choice must be understood in the context of the harm that conditions of work may cause. In some cases, available working conditions may be harmful to the health and well-being of persons with disabilities for reasons related to their disability. These individuals require reasonable accommodation through modifications to working conditions, and meaningful social protection and other support to ensure that they are not forced to perform work against their will. In other cases, persons with disabilities experience harm through discrimination caused by segregation, lack of equal remuneration for work of equal value and limited pathways to employment that is freely chosen, on an equal basis with others. The risk of coercion stems from the fact that persons with disabilities often face wider social vulnerability, lack of meaningful alternatives and relations of dependency or care that become exploitative. This risk needs to be taken into account for the purposes of understanding whether consent has been given. Even when consent has been given, attention should be paid to a wider context of exploitation or coercion. Consent is not sufficient to indicate that someone is not in a situation of slavery, servitude or trafficking. 53. 为履行《公约》第二十七条第二款规定的义务,缔约国应注意残疾人享有的选择、同意和免受胁迫的权利。必须知悉工作条件可能造成的损害,在此背景下理解残疾人的选择。在某些情况下,因残疾相关的原因,残疾人的健康和福祉可能因现有的工作条件而受损害。这些人要求通过工作条件的修改、切实的社会保障和其他支助来获得合理便利,以确保他们不会被迫从事违背自己意愿的工作。在其他情况下,残疾人因以下原因受到伤害:隔离造成歧视,同工不同酬,以及在与其他人平等的基础上自由选择就业的途径有限。胁迫的风险源于这些事实:残疾人往往在更广泛的社会领域中处于弱势,缺乏切实的替代办法以及身处的依赖或照料关系变得具有剥削性。需要考虑到胁迫风险,以了解残疾人是否已表示同意。即使残疾人已表示同意,也应注意更广泛的剥削或胁迫情况。表示同意不足以表明某人不处于奴役、驱役或贩运的情况下。
IV. Obligations of States parties 四. 缔约国的义务
A. General obligations A. 一般义务
54. Article 4 (2) of the Convention requires that, with regard to economic, social and cultural rights, States parties take measures to the maximum of their available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international cooperation, with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of those rights. The principal general obligation of States parties is therefore to ensure the progressive realization of the right to work. Deliberate, concrete and targeted steps towards that goal must be taken within a reasonably short time after the Convention’s entry into force for the State party concerned. This obligation sits alongside States parties’ immediate obligations, under articles 4 (1), 5 and 27, to ensure non-discrimination with regard to the right to work. 54. 《公约》第四条第二款要求,在经济、社会和文化权利方面,各缔约国尽量利用现有资源并于必要时在国际合作框架内采取措施,以期逐步充分实现这些权利。因此,缔约国的主要一般义务是确保逐步实现工作权。必须在《公约》对有关缔约国生效后的合理短期内采取审慎、具体和有针对性的步骤来实现这一目标。 这项义务与第四条第一款、第五条和第二十七条规定的缔约国的直接义务并行,以确保在工作权方面不受歧视。
55. The right of all persons with disabilities to work imposes three types or levels of obligations on States parties: the obligations to respect, to protect and to fulfil. In turn, the obligation to fulfil contains obligations to facilitate, to provide and to promote. The obligation to respect is contained in article 4 (1) (d) of the Convention, under which the State party is required to refrain from engaging in any act or practice that is inconsistent with the Convention. The obligation to protect is contained in article 4 (1) (c) and (e), under which the State party is required to take into account the protection and promotion of the human rights of persons with disabilities in all policies and programmes and to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability by third parties, including private enterprises. The obligation to fulfil is contained in, for example, article 4 (1) (f) and (g), under which the State is required to undertake or promote research and development of universally designed goods and services and new assistive technologies. 55. 为实现所有残疾人的工作权,缔约国应履行三种类型或三种层次的义务:尊重的义务、保护的义务和实现的义务。实现的义务则包含便利的义务、提供的义务和促进的义务。《公约》第四条第一款第(四)项载有尊重的义务,其中要求缔约国不实施任何与《公约》不符的行为或做法。保护的义务载于第四条第一款第(三)和第(五)项,其中要求缔约国在一切政策和方案中考虑保护和促进残疾人的人权,并采取一切适当措施,消除第三方,包括私营企业基于残疾的歧视。实现的义务载于第四条第一款第(六)和第(七)项,其中要求国家从事或促进研究和开发通用设计的货物和服务以及新的辅助技术。
56. Retrogressive measures are not permissible in relation to any of the rights covered by the Convention, including the right to work. If any deliberately retrogressive measures are taken, the State party has the burden of proving that they have been introduced after the most careful consideration of all alternatives, that they are duly justified, by reference to the totality of the rights provided for in the Convention, in the context of the full use of the State party’s maximum available resources, and that they do not have a disproportionate impact on persons with disabilities. 56. 不允许对《公约》所涵盖的任何权利(包括工作权)采取倒退措施。如果采取任何倒退措施,缔约国有责任证明,是在极为仔细地考虑了所有替代办法以后才采取这些措施的;缔约国在尽量充分利用现有资源以实现《公约》规定的全部权利的背景下,采取这些措施是完全正当的; 这些措施对残疾人不会产生过度影响。
57. The obligation to respect requires States parties to refrain from interfering directly or indirectly with the enjoyment of the right to work by, inter alia, refraining from denying or limiting equal access to decent work for all persons with disabilities, refraining from exempting employers from paying the national minimum wage on the basis on disability, and prohibiting forced or compulsory labour. States parties are bound by the obligation to respect the right of women with disabilities and young persons with disabilities to have access to just and favourable conditions of work, and are thus required to take measures to combat multiple and intersectional discrimination and to achieve equal opportunity for promotion and equal remuneration for work of equal value. Any assessment by States parties of the “value” of work must avoid stereotypes relating to persons with disabilities, including concerning their sex or gender, that could undervalue work predominantly performed by women with disabilities. Additionally, States parties should take immediate measures to remove barriers in laws, policies and programmes that associate disability with “inability to work”. In particular, measures to assess or classify disability status should not be based on or lead to limitation of the right of persons with disabilities to work. 57. 尊重的义务要求缔约国不直接或间接干预工作权的享有,特别是不剥夺或限制所有残疾人平等获得体面工作的机会,不以残疾为由免除雇主支付国家最低工资,以及禁止强迫或强制劳动。缔约国有义务尊重残疾妇女和残疾青年获得公正和良好工作条件的权利,因此要求缔约国采取措施打击多重和交叉歧视,实现平等晋升机会和同工同酬。缔约国对工作“价值”的任何评估都必须避免与残疾人有关的成见,包括关于残疾人的性或性别的成见,这种成见可能会导致主要由残疾妇女从事的工作被低估。 此外,缔约国应立即采取措施,消除法律、政策和方案中将残疾与“无工作能力”联系起来的障碍。特别是,对残疾状况进行评估或分类的措施不应基于或导致对残疾人工作权的限制。
58. The obligation to protect requires States parties to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability by private, non-State actors, such as private business enterprises, trade unions and all members of society, to prevent interference with the guarantees of article 27. In particular, States parties have an obligation to protect persons with disabilities from the main forms of discrimination in connection to work and employment – direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, denial of reasonable accommodation, harassment and discrimination by association – which may occur individually or simultaneously. Furthermore, the Committee has in its jurisprudence recommended measures to address multiple and intersectional discrimination, including the following: adopting legislation, policies and programmes that explicitly recognize multiple and intersectional discrimination, to ensure that complaints of such discrimination are considered to determine both liability and remedies; establishing a framework for data collection relevant to combating the intersectional discrimination faced by women and girls with disabilities; permitting complaints of discrimination on more than one ground, establishing higher levels of compensation for victims and imposing higher penalties for perpetrators; strengthening anti-discrimination laws to address intersectional discrimination; examining the appropriateness of current structures used to deal with intersectional discrimination and adopting effective and specific measures to prevent intersectional forms of discrimination against women and girls; and developing frameworks for the inclusive, comprehensive and transparent participation of organizations of persons with disabilities, including those experiencing intersectional discrimination. 58. 保护的义务要求缔约国采取一切适当措施,消除私人非国家行为体(如私营企业、工会和社会所有成员等)基于残疾的歧视,防止干扰第二十七条规定的保障。 特别是,缔约国有义务保护残疾人在工作和就业方面免遭可能单独或同时发生的主要歧视形式,即直接歧视、间接歧视、拒绝提供合理便利、骚扰和连带歧视。此外,委员会在其判例中建议采取措施解决多重和交叉歧视问题,包括以下措施:通过立法、政策和方案,明确承认多重和交叉歧视, 以确保对此类歧视的申诉得到考虑,进而确定责任和补救措施;建立与消除残疾妇女和女童面临的交叉歧视相关的数据收集框架; 允许基于一种以上理由提出歧视申诉,规定增加对受害者的赔偿,并加重对肇事者的惩罚; 加强反歧视法律,以解决交叉歧视问题; 审查用于处理交叉歧视的现有机制是否适当,并采取有效和具体的措施,防止对妇女和女童的交叉歧视; 为残疾人代表组织制定包容、综合和透明参与的框架,涵盖遭受交叉歧视的残疾人。
59. Lastly, the obligation to fulfil – containing the obligations to facilitate, provide and promote – requires States to adopt appropriate legislative, administrative, budgetary, judicial, promotional and other measures towards ensuring work environments are open, inclusive and accessible. 59. 最后,实现的义务(包括便利的义务、提供的义务和促进的义务)要求各国采取适当的立法、行政、预算、司法、促进和其他措施,以确保工作环境开放、包容和无障碍。
60. In order to meet the obligation to facilitate the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment, States parties are required to take positive measures to enable and assist persons with disabilities to undertake technical and vocational education and training, and to implement technical and vocational education plans to facilitate access to employment. States parties are also obligated to undertake or promote research and development of and promote the availability and use of new technologies, including information and communications technology, mobility aids, devices and assistive technologies, giving priority to technologies at an affordable cost. 60. 为了履行对残疾人工作和就业权的便利义务,缔约国必须采取积极措施,促使并协助残疾人接受技术和职业教育和培训,并实施技术和职业教育计划,便利他们获得就业。缔约国还有义务从事或促进研究和开发新技术,并促进提供和使用这些新技术,包括信息和通信技术、助行器具、设备和辅助技术,优先考虑价格低廉的技术。
61. In order to meet the obligation to provide for the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment, States parties are obliged to recognize this right in national legal systems and to adopt a national policy and detailed action plan for its realization. The policy and plan should have sufficient resources allocated to it to increase the participation of persons with disabilities, particularly women with disabilities, in work and employment. States parties are also obliged to provide persons with disabilities with accessible information on the new technologies developed pursuant to the obligation to facilitate. 61. 为了履行对残疾人工作和就业权的提供义务,缔约国有义务在国家法律制度中承认这一权利,并通过一项国家政策和详细的行动计划以实现这一权利。应为该政策和计划分配足够的资源,以增加残疾人,特别是残疾妇女对工作和就业的参与度。缔约国还有义务向残疾人提供无障碍信息,介绍根据便利义务开发的新技术。
62. In order to meet the obligation to promote the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment, States parties should take steps to ensure appropriate education, information and awareness-raising campaigns, including gender mainstreaming, in both the private and public sectors. Awareness-raising campaigns should target private and public sector employers and employees, recruiters and employment agencies, and the general public, and should be in relevant languages and accessible formats for persons with disabilities. 62. 为了履行对残疾人工作和就业权的促进义务,缔约国应采取步骤,确保在私营和公共部门开展适当的教育、宣传和提高认识运动,包括性别平等主流化。提高认识运动应针对私营和公共部门的雇主和雇员、招聘人员和职业介绍所以及一般公众,并应以残疾人的相关语言和无障碍形式开展。
B. Core obligations B. 核心义务
63. States parties have an immediate, minimum core obligation to ensure the satisfaction of, at the very least, minimum essential levels of the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment. In the context of article 27, this core obligation encompasses the obligation to ensure non-discrimination and equal protection of employment. 63. 缔约国需立即承担最低限度的核心义务,确保残疾人的工作和就业权至少在最低限度和基本水平上得到了满足。 在第二十七条范围内,这一核心义务包括确保不歧视和平等保护就业的义务。
64. In its jurisprudence on article 5 of the Convention, the Committee has set out the immediate steps that States parties are required to take to achieve de facto equality and ensure non-discrimination on the grounds of disability in relation to the right to work and employment. In particular, in order to ensure the provision of reasonable accommodation pursuant to articles 5 (3) and 27 (1) (i) and to achieve or accelerate de facto equality in work and employment pursuant to article 5 (4), States parties should: 64. 在关于《公约》第五条的判例中,委员会规定了缔约国必须立即采取的步骤,以实现事实上的平等以及确保在工作和就业方面不存在因残疾而造成的歧视。 特别是,为了确保根据第五条第三款和第二十七条第一款第(九)项提供合理便利,并根据第五条第四款实现或加速实现工作和就业方面事实上的平等,缔约国应当:
(a) Facilitate the transition away from segregated work environments for persons with disabilities and support their engagement in the open labour market, and in the meantime ensure the immediate applicability of labour rights to segregated settings; (a) 促进残疾人摆脱隔离工作环境,支持他们进入开放劳动力市场,与此同时确保劳工权利立即适用于隔离环境;
(b) Promote the right to supported employment, including to work assistance, job coaching and vocational qualification programmes, protect the rights of workers with disabilities and ensure the right of workers to freely choose their employment; (b) 促进获得支助性就业的权利,包括获得工作援助、职业辅导和职业资格计划的权利,保护残疾工人的权利,并确保工人自由选择职业的权利;
(c) Ensure that persons with disabilities are paid no less than the minimum wage and do not lose the benefit of disability allowances when they start work; (c) 确保残疾人的报酬不低于最低工资,在开始工作后也不失去残疾津贴福利;
(d) Expressly recognize the denial of reasonable accommodation as discrimination and prohibit multiple and intersectional discrimination, and harassment; (d) 明确承认拒绝提供合理便利是歧视,禁止多重和交叉歧视以及骚扰;
(e) Ensure proper transition into and out of employment for persons with disabilities in a non-discriminatory manner, and equal and effective access to benefits and entitlements, such as retirement or unemployment benefits, which must not be infringed upon by exclusion from employment, thereby further exacerbating the situation of exclusion; (e) 确保残疾人进出就业时能适当过渡且不受歧视,并平等和有效地获得福利和应享权利,如退休金或失业救济金,这些不得因残疾人被排斥在就业之外而受影响,否则会进一步加剧排斥状况;
(f) Promote work in inclusive, accessible, safe and healthy working environments in the public and private sectors, including access to suitable bathroom facilities; (f) 促进在公共和私营部门包容、无障碍、安全和健康的工作环境中工作,包括使用适当的卫生间设施;
(g) Ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy equal opportunities for career advancement through regular assessment meetings with their managers and by defining the objectives to be achieved, as part of a comprehensive strategy; (g) 作为全面战略的一部分,通过与管理人员定期举行评估会议并确定要实现的目标,确保残疾人享有平等的职业提升机会;
(h) Ensure access to training, retraining and education, including vocational training and capacity-building for employees with disabilities, and provide training on the employment of persons with disabilities and reasonable accommodation for employers, representative organizations of employees and employers, unions and competent authorities; (h) 确保残疾雇员有机会获得培训、再培训和教育,包括职业培训和能力建设,并为雇主、雇员和雇主的代表组织、工会和主管当局提供关于残疾人就业和合理便利的培训;
(i) Work towards universally applicable occupational health and safety measures, including occupational safety and health regulations that are non-discriminatory and inclusive of persons with disabilities; (i) 致力于普遍适用的职业健康和安全措施,包括不歧视和包容残疾人的职业安全和健康条例;
(j) Recognize the right of persons with disabilities to have access to trade and labour unions. (j) 承认残疾人加入工会的权利。
65. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural rights has also identified core obligations regarding the right to just and favourable conditions of work. In particular, States parties should: 65. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会还确定了关于享有公正和良好工作条件权利的核心义务。 特别是,缔约国应:
(a) Put in place a comprehensive system to combat gender discrimination at work, including with regard to remuneration; (a) 建立一个全面的系统,打击工作场所的性别歧视,包括薪酬方面的歧视;
(b) Establish in legislation and in consultation with workers and employers, their representative organizations and other relevant partners, minimum wages that are non-discriminatory and non-derogable, fixed by taking into consideration relevant economic factors and indexed to the cost of living so as to ensure a decent living for workers and their families; (b) 经与工人和雇主、其代表组织和其他相关伙伴协商之后,在法律中规定不具歧视性、不可克减的最低工资,在规定最低工资时考虑到有关经济因素,并按生活成本加以调整,以确保工人及其家人能够过上体面生活;
(c) Define and prohibit harassment, including sexual harassment, at work through law, ensure appropriate complaints procedures and mechanisms and establish criminal sanctions for sexual harassment; (c) 通过法律对工作场所的骚扰包括性骚扰作出定义并予以禁止,确保适当的申诉程序和机制,并对性骚扰处以刑事处罚;
(d) Introduce and enforce minimum standards in relation to rest, leisure, reasonable limitation of working hours, paid leave and public holidays. (d) 制定并执行有关休息、休闲、工作时间的合理限制、带薪休假和节假日的最低标准。
V. Relationship with other articles of the Convention 五. 与《公约》其他条款的关系
66. Article 5 of the Convention, on equality and non-discrimination, requires States parties to promote inclusive equality and eliminate discrimination – direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, denial of reasonable accommodation, harassment and discrimination by association – in all matters of work, employment and the employment cycle. Furthermore, women with disabilities, gender-nonconforming persons with disabilities, older persons with disabilities and young persons with disabilities face an intersection of barriers, related to sex, gender, age and disability, that limit opportunities to work, adversely affect enjoyment of the right to equal pay for work of equal value and increase the risk of violence and harassment in the workplace. 66. 《公约》关于平等和不歧视的第五条要求缔约国在工作、就业和就业周期的所有事项上促进包容性平等并消除歧视,包括直接歧视、间接歧视、拒绝提供合理便利、骚扰和连带歧视。此外,残疾妇女、非常规性别残疾人、残疾老年人和残疾青年面临着与性、性别、年龄和残疾有关的各种障碍,这些障碍限制了工作机会,对享有同工同酬的权利产生不利影响,并增加了工作场所暴力和骚扰的风险。
67. Women with disabilities (art. 6) experience multiple and intersectional discrimination in work and employment and throughout the employment cycle, resulting in barriers to equal participation in the workplace. Such barriers include sexual harassment, unequal pay for work of equal value, lack of career options, less prestigious career paths than other persons to be able to obtain employment, lack of access to redress because of discriminatory attitudes that result in dismissal of their claims, and physical, information and communications barriers. Women with disabilities are at risk of exploitation in the informal economy and in unpaid work, which in turn exacerbates inequalities in areas such as remuneration, health and safety, rest, leisure and paid leave, including maternity leave. 67. 残疾妇女(第六条)在工作和就业中以及在整个就业周期中遭受多重和交叉歧视,导致在工作场所面临平等参与的障碍。这些障碍包括性骚扰、同工不同酬、缺乏职业选择、以往的职业道路不如其他人光鲜亮丽而无法获得就业、由于歧视性态度导致申诉被驳回而无法获得补救,以及设施、信息和通信方面的障碍。 残疾妇女在非正规经济部门和无报酬工作中面临被剥削的风险,这反过来又加剧了薪酬、健康和安全、休息、休闲和带薪休假(包括产假)等方面的不平等。
68. The number of children with disabilities (art. 7) globally is estimated at almost 240 million. Millions of children, with and without disabilities, are working as domestic workers or in non-hazardous occupations with their families without adequate rest or education, throughout most of their childhood. Children and youth with disabilities are at greater risk of exposure to hazardous child labour than other children and youth. 68. 全球残疾儿童人数(第七条)估计将近2.4亿。数百万的残疾和非残疾儿童在其童年的大部分时间里与家人一起作为家庭佣工或从事不危险的工作,得不到充分的休息或教育。 残疾儿童和青年比其他儿童和青年更有可能从事危险的童工劳动。
69. Awareness-raising (art. 8) campaigns targeting the public and private sectors regarding persons with disabilities and their rights are required to combat stereotypes, prejudices and harmful practices relating to persons with disabilities in all areas of life. Such campaigns should include awareness-raising to combat stereotypes based on assumptions that some persons with disabilities – such as autistic persons, deaf persons, blind persons, persons with psychosocial disabilities and others – are unlikely to interact with their work colleagues or to be distracted in the workplace and hence have greater productivity than their co-workers. Values systems such as ableism, that underpin legislation, policies and practices leading to inequality and discrimination, need to be identified and eliminated. 69. 需要针对公共和私营部门开展关于残疾人及其权利的提高认识运动(第八条),以消除生活各个领域中与残疾人有关的成见、偏见和有害做法。此类运动应包括提高认识,消除基于以下假设的成见:有些残疾人,如自闭症患者、失聪者、盲人、社会心理残疾者等,不太可能与同事互动或在工作场所分心,因此生产力高于其他同事。需要确定并消除导致不平等和歧视的立法、政策和做法所依据的价值体系,如健全主义。
70. Persons with disabilities cannot effectively enjoy their right to work and employment on an equal basis with others in the absence of accessibility (art. 9) and personal mobility (art. 20) throughout the employment cycle, whether in the workplace, in trade union activities or through accessible transport and support services to get to their workplace. All information related to work and employment must be accessible through sign language, Braille, Easy Read, accessible electronic formats, alternative script and augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of communication. 70. 残疾人在整个就业周期内,无论是在工作场所,工会活动中,还是通过无障碍交通和支助服务前往工作场所过程中,如果没有无障碍环境(第九条)和个人行动能力(第二十条),就无法在与其他人平等的基础上有效享有工作和就业权。与工作和就业有关的所有信息必须通过手语、盲文、易读、无障碍电子格式、替代文字以及辅助和替代性交流方式、手段和模式提供。
71. Persons with disabilities have the right to recognition everywhere as persons before the law (art. 12), and they enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life, including the exercise of legal capacity throughout the employment cycle, especially on entry into an employment relationship (for example, through a formal contract), and for access to finance, credit and insurance. The provision of support in the exercise of legal capacity may include supported decision-making. 71. 残疾人享有在法律面前的人格在任何地方均获得承认的权利(第十二条),他们在生活的各方面在与其他人平等的基础上享有法律行为能力,包括在整个就业周期行使法律行为能力,特别是在建立就业关系时(例如通过正式合同)以及在获得资金、信贷和保险方面。在行使法律行为能力方面提供的支持可包括辅助决策。
72. Persons with disabilities are entitled to access to justice (art. 13) on an equal basis with others, regarding all areas of employment law, including with regard to industrial relations and injury compensation claims related to employment. 72. 残疾人有权在与其他人平等的基础上获得司法保护(第十三条),涉及就业法的所有领域,包括劳资关系以及与就业有关的伤害赔偿要求。
73. Persons with disabilities have the right to choice, consent and freedom from coercion. The risk of coercion stems from the fact that persons with disabilities experience greater social and environmental barriers resulting in increased vulnerability, lack of meaningful alternatives and relations of dependency or care that can become exploitative (art. 16). Understanding whether consent has been given is crucial. As noted above, even when consent has been given, the wider context of coercion, exploitation and meaningful alternatives must be considered. Consent is not sufficient to indicate that a person with disabilities is not in a situation of servitude or slavery. Children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to economic exploitation, including child labour, drug trafficking and begging. Young persons with disabilities are also at particular risk of inappropriate use of unpaid internships, training programmes and volunteering schemes. 73. 残疾人享有选择、同意和免受胁迫的权利。胁迫的风险源于这样的事实:残疾人面临更大的社会和环境障碍,导致他们更加脆弱,缺乏切实的替代办法以及身处的依赖或照料关系可能具有剥削性(第十六条)。必须要了解残疾人是否已表示同意。如上所述,即使残疾人已表示同意,也必须考虑到胁迫、剥削和切实替代办法等更广泛的背景。表示同意不足以表明残疾人不处于奴役或驱役情况下。残疾儿童特别容易受到经济剥削,包括童工、贩毒和乞讨。 残疾青年还特别容易被不当利用,参与无薪实习、培训方案和志愿服务计划。
74. Free choice of work and employment on an equal basis with others is fundamental to living independently and being included in the community (art. 19). It provides economic independence, choice, social connections, friendships and identity. For many people with disabilities, programmes and financial support for the provision of personal assistance is critical to ensuring their right to work. 74. 在与他人平等的基础上自由选择工作和就业是独立生活和融入社区的根本(第十九条)。它提供了经济独立、选择、社会关系、友谊和身份。对许多残疾人而言,提供个人援助的方案和财政支助对于确保他们的工作权至关重要。
75. Respect for privacy (art. 22) is important factor in life and often involves sensitive personal issues. Respect for the privacy of employees with disabilities requires employers to obtain the consent of an employee with disabilities before sharing – with human resources staff, for example – disability- or impairment-related information that is disclosed to them. The requirement to protect confidential information extends throughout the employment cycle and includes protection from the use of genetic information that could indicate a potential predisposition to certain impairments. 75. 尊重隐私(第二十二条)是生活中的重要因素,往往涉及敏感的个人问题。尊重残疾员工的隐私,要求雇主在与人力资源人员分享残疾员工已向其披露的残疾或残障相关信息之前,必须征得残疾员工的同意。保护机密信息的要求贯穿整个就业周期,包括防止使用可能表明存在某些残疾倾向的遗传信息。
76. Inclusive education (art. 24) plays a vital role in ensuring that persons with disabilities are able to exercise their right to work and employment that is freely chosen on an equal basis with others. Quality inclusive education prepares persons with disabilities for work and employment through the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary for participation in the open labour market. However, a third of out-of-school children worldwide are children with disabilities. Many Governments officially promote inclusive education, but, in practice, children with disabilities, especially girls with disabilities, are either excluded or segregated in special schools, which will negatively affect their enjoyment of the right to work and employment that is freely chosen on an equal basis with others. The transition from secondary or tertiary education to employment needs particular attention to realize the right to work. It is important to ensure that pathways into the open labour market are promoted for persons with disabilities, and that persons with disabilities are not channelled into segregated settings of work. Lifelong education is a key component to ensuring and fostering the continued career development of persons with disabilities. 76. 全纳教育(第二十四条)在确保残疾人能够行使其在与其他人平等的基础上自由选择工作和就业的权利方面发挥着至关重要的作用。优质全纳教育使残疾人获得参与开放劳动力市场所需的知识、技能和信心,为工作和就业做好准备。 但是,全世界三分之一的失学儿童是残疾儿童。许多国家政府正式推行全纳教育,但实际上,残疾儿童,特别是残疾女童,被排除在外或被隔离在特殊学校中, 这将对他们享有在与其他人平等的基础上自由选择工作和就业的权利产生不利影响。需要特别注意从中等或高等教育过渡到就业的过程,以实现工作权。必须确保为残疾人开辟进入开放劳动力市场的途径,并确保残疾人不被引入隔离工作环境。终身教育是确保和促进残疾人持续的职业发展的关键组成部分。
77. Employers have a fundamental responsibility to protect the health and safety of workers (art. 25). Comprehensive habilitation and rehabilitation services and programmes (art. 26) are vital for the employment of persons with disabilities. When persons with disabilities are injured at work or when a person acquires a disability through work, it is essential that rehabilitation and return-to-work measures fully respect the choice and preferences of the person and are not used to promote employment in segregated work settings. 77. 雇主负有保护工人健康和安全的基本责任(第二十五条)。综合性适应训练和康复服务和方案(第二十六条)对残疾人就业至关重要。当残疾人因工受伤或因工致残时,康复和恢复工作措施必须充分尊重个人的选择和偏好,而不是用来促进在隔离工作环境中就业。
78. Persons with disabilities are entitled to social protection (art. 28) to cover the loss or lack of earnings due to the inability to obtain or maintain freely chosen employment on an equal basis with others. The social protection system must ensure adequate protection of unemployed workers with disabilities on an equal basis with others. The right to social protection extends to part-time workers with disabilities, casual workers with disabilities, seasonal workers with disabilities and self-employed persons with disabilities, and persons with disabilities working in the informal economy. Benefits should include the continuation of support payments until such time that it is clear that the employment is sustained, and cover periods of loss of earnings when employees with disabilities are requested not to report for work during a public health or other emergency. Where employment ceases, support payments should be immediately reinstated. Support payments related to essential disability-related expenses should be continued throughout employment, to ensure employment on an equal basis with others. The support provided should also cover individuals, including primary caregivers (who are overwhelmingly female) and relatives, who support persons with disabilities. Concepts such as “inability to work” and “fitness to work” are not components of the design of social protection systems. The diversity of personal circumstances, needs and barriers that persons with disabilities experience in seeking, retaining and returning to paid employment requires the design of flexible social protection systems that are responsive to individual situations. 78. 残疾人有权获得社会保护(第二十八条),以弥补因无法在与其他人平等的基础上获得或保持自由选择的工作而造成的收入损失或收入不足。社会保护制度必须确保失业的残疾工人在与其他人平等的基础上得到充分保护。获得社会保护的权利延伸到非全时残疾工人、临时残疾工人、季节性残疾工人和自营职业的残疾人以及在非正规经济部门工作的残疾人。福利应包括在工作显然得以维持之前继续支付支助款项,并涵盖残疾雇员在公共卫生或其他紧急情况下被要求不上班的收入损失期。 一旦就业停止,应立即恢复支付支助款项。在整个就业过程中,应继续支付与残疾相关的基本费用,以确保在与其他人平等的基础上就业。所提供的支助还应涵盖相关个人,包括主要照顾者(绝大多数为女性)和支助残疾人的亲属。 社会保护制度的设计中不包含“无法工作”和“适合工作”等概念。残疾人在寻求、保留和重返有偿就业时的个人情况、需求和障碍各不相同,因此需要设计灵活的社会保护制度,以适应个人情况。
79. Collective bargaining is a tool of fundamental importance in the formulation of employment policies. Trade union-related rights apply equally to workers with disabilities as to other workers. Article 27 (1) (c), read in conjunction with article 29, serves to emphasize the importance of the right of persons with disabilities to form their own organizations. If these organizations are to be effective in the promotion and protection of the economic and social interests of persons with disabilities, they should be consulted regularly by government bodies and others in relation to all matters affecting them. It may also be necessary for these organizations to be supported financially, so as to ensure their viability. 79. 集体谈判是制定就业政策中具有根本重要性的工具。 与工会有关的权利同样适用于残疾工人和其他工人。第二十七条第一款第(三)项与第二十九条一并解读,旨在强调残疾人有权组建自己的组织。政府机构和其他相关机构应就影响到残疾人的所有事项定期与这些组织协商,这样才能使这些组织有效地促进和保护残疾人的经济和社会利益。还可能需要为这些组织提供财政支持,以确保其生存能力。
80. The collection and analysis of data (art. 31), disaggregated on the basis of disability, in order to identify all forms of discrimination, including multiple and intersectional discrimination, is essential to monitor the barriers to employment for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others. Appropriately disaggregated data also allows the identification of those working in the informal economy and of the barriers related to self-employment and entrepreneurship. 80. 收集和分析按残疾分类的数据(第三十一条),以查明一切形式歧视,包括多重和交叉歧视,这对于监测残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上就业所面临的障碍至关重要。适当分列的数据还有助于查明在非正规经济部门工作的人员以及与自营职业和创业有关的障碍。
81. International cooperation (art. 32) is essential in terms of promoting national efforts to realize the right to work and advancing progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly target 8.5 thereof, on achieving full and productive employment and decent work for all persons and equal pay for work of equal value. International cooperation is also essential in terms of addressing inequitable access to assistive technologies in resource-scarce settings, so that persons with disabilities are able to participate in the labour marker on an equal basis with others. 81. 国际合作(第三十二条)对于促进各国努力实现工作权和推动实现可持续发展目标的进展至关重要,特别是具体目标8.5, 即所有人实现充分和生产性就业,有体面工作,并做到同工同酬。国际合作对于解决在资源匮乏的环境中获得辅助技术的机会不平等问题也至关重要,以便残疾人能够在与其他人平等的基础上参与劳动力市场。
VI. Implementation at the national level 六. 国家层面的执行
82. In order to ensure the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment on an equal basis with others, and in addition to upholding the normative content and meeting the obligations outlined above, States parties should take the following measures to ensure the full implementation of article 27 of the Convention: 82. 为了确保残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上工作和就业的权利,除了维护规范性内容和履行上述义务外,缔约国还应采取以下措施,确保充分执行《公约》第二十七条:
(a) Undertake a comprehensive study to determine the impact of ableism on the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment, on an equal basis with others, including the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen; (a) 开展一项全面研究,以确定健全主义对残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上工作和就业的权利的影响,包括对有机会凭借自由选择的工作来谋生的权利的影响;
(b) Undertake studies on barriers to access by persons with disabilities to the right to work, identify the specific gender- and age-related challenges that persons with disabilities face in terms of realizing this right, and highlight innovative practices and solutions that emerge from the protection and promotion of the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment; (b) 就残疾人享有工作权的障碍开展研究,查明残疾人在实现这项权利方面面临的与性别和年龄有关的具体挑战,并突出强调在保护和促进残疾人工作和就业权方面出现的创新做法和解决方案;
(c) Consistent with article 4 (3) of the Convention, closely consulting and actively involving persons with disabilities, including underrepresented groups, through their representative organizations, conduct a review of national employment legislation, policies, programmes and practices and harmonize them with the Convention, repeal discriminatory laws and regulations that are inconsistent with the Convention, change or abolish customs and practices that are discriminatory against persons with disabilities, and develop a code of practice for the employment of persons with disabilities to serve as a step-by-step guide to prevent discrimination against persons with disabilities in the labour market and in the workplace; (c) 根据《公约》第四条第三款,通过残疾人代表组织,与残疾人,包括代表性不足的群体密切协商并让他们积极参与,对国家就业立法、政策、方案和做法进行审查,并使其与《公约》保持一致,废除不符合《公约》的歧视性法律和法规,改变或废除歧视残疾人的习俗和做法,并制定残疾人就业行为守则,作为防止在劳动力市场和工作场所歧视残疾人的分步指南;
(d) Ensure that the review extends across the public and private sectors, that it includes the incorporation of gender, age and disability perspectives into laws, policies and programmes and into the implementation and evaluation thereof, and that it extends to the following areas: the promotion of youth employment; occupational health and safety measures; protections against violence, including gender based violence, harassment and forced labour; and the transition from the informal to the formal economy; (d) 确保审查范围扩大到公共和私营部门,将性别、年龄和残疾视角纳入法律、政策和方案及其执行和评价中, 并扩大到以下领域:促进青年就业;职业健康和安全标准;防止暴力,包括性别暴力、骚扰和强迫劳动;以及从非正规经济向正规经济的过渡;
(e) Develop a national employment strategy and plan of action, inclusive of persons with disabilities, that is devised and reviewed on the basis of a participatory and transparent process, and that includes methods such as indicators and benchmarks by which progress can be monitored; (e) 制定一项包括残疾人在内的国家就业战略和行动计划,在参与性和透明进程的基础上设计和审查,并包括可用来监测进展的指标和基准等方法;
(f) Ensure that the protection and promotion of the right of persons with disabilities to work is integrated into emerging areas of work and employment, including the digital economy, teleworking, regulation of the gig economy and of the platform economy, economic reactivation or recovery from crisis, transition to a green economy, and use of artificial intelligence in recruitment and work; (f) 确保将保护和促进残疾人工作权纳入新兴的工作和就业领域,包括数字经济、远程工作、零工经济和平台经济的监管、经济复苏或从危机中恢复、向绿色经济过渡以及在招聘和工作中使用人工智能;
(g) Ensure that measures to protect and promote the right to work cover the diversity of persons with disabilities, their professional experience and skills; (g) 确保保护和促进工作权的措施涵盖残疾人的多样性及其专业经验和技能;
(h) Ensure that measures are taken to eliminate the exploitation of women with disabilities, children with disabilities and gender-nonconforming persons with disabilities in the formal and informal economy and in unpaid work, including the following: ensuring parental leave rights for all; taking affirmative action to increase the number of women with disabilities in the formal work sector; adopting laws and policies to allow for sufficient paid parental leave, for affordable, accessible and appropriate childcare of good quality, and for social protection that does not negatively affect persons with disabilities who are pregnant or those who must take leave to meet caregiving obligations; adopting laws and policies to protect all child workers from conditions that violate their rights; and adopting laws and policies to ensure that employers prevent and respond to gender-based violence efficiently and to promote a paradigm shift related to cultural and societal norms that contribute to gender-based violence; (h) 确保采取措施,消除在正规和非正规经济部门以及无报酬工作中对残疾妇女、残疾儿童和非常规性别残疾人的剥削,包括:确保人人享有育儿假权利;采取平权行动,增加残疾妇女在正规工作部门的人数;通过法律和政策,规定足够的带薪育儿假,提供负担得起、无障碍和适当的优质托儿服务,并提供不会对怀孕的残疾人或必须休假以履行照料义务的残疾人产生不利影响的社会保护;通过法律和政策,保护所有童工免受侵犯其权利的条件之害;以及通过法律和政策,以确保雇主有效预防和应对性别暴力,并促进与助长性别暴力的文化和社会规范相关的范式转变;
(i) Expeditiously phase out segregated employment, including sheltered workshops, by adopting concrete action plans, with resources, time frames and monitoring mechanisms, to ensure the transition from segregated employment to the open labour market, which include obligations: (i) 通过采取具体的行动计划,配备资源、时间框架和监测机制,迅速逐步取消隔离就业,包括庇护工场,以确保从隔离就业过渡到开放的劳动力市场,其中包括以下义务:
(i) To review the laws, policies, approaches and assumptions on which the promotion of sheltered employment has been based; (一) 审查促进庇护就业所依据的法律、政策、方法和假设;
(ii) To closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, as a matter of priority, in the design, implementation and monitoring of transition processes; (二) 作为优先事项,通过残疾人代表组织与残疾人密切协商并让他们积极参与过渡进程的设计、实施和监测;
(j) Develop and carry out knowledge, awareness-raising and capacity-building programmes, with the meaningful participation of persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, including training in the public and private sectors and the informal economy, to ensure compliance with the Convention; (j) 通过残疾人代表组织,在残疾人的切实参与下,制定和实施知识、提高认识和能力建设方案,包括在公共和私营部门以及非正规经济部门开展培训,以确保遵守《公约》;
(k) Establish methods for collecting appropriately disaggregated data, according to a strong human rights conceptual and methodological framework, as set out in Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation, to facilitate understanding of the situation of persons with disabilities in and out of employment, with particular attention to the relevance and efficacy of State party measures to promote employment in the formal economy; (k) 按照《人权指标:衡量和执行指南》规定的强有力的人权概念和方法框架,制定收集适当分类数据的方法, 以促进对残疾人进出就业情况的了解,特别注意缔约国促进正规经济就业措施的相关性和有效性;
(l) Establish accessible and effective redress mechanisms and ensure access to justice, on an equal basis with others, for victims of discrimination based on disability, encompassing access by all persons with disabilities to effective judicial and/or administrative procedures, including effective and accessible complaints mechanisms, and to appropriate, affordable and quality legal aid; (l) 建立无障碍和有效的补救机制,确保基于残疾的歧视的受害者在与其他人平等的基础上诉诸司法,包括所有残疾人都能够诉诸有效的司法和/或行政程序,包括有效和无障碍的申诉机制,以及适当、负担得起和高质量的法律援助;
(m) Identify and strengthen pathways into work for persons with disabilities, including through job-matching mechanisms that act as a bridge between persons with disabilities and employers, and the development of specific entry mechanisms into public sector employment; (m) 确定和加强残疾人的就业途径,包括通过充当残疾人和雇主之间桥梁的职业匹配机制,以及制定公共部门就业的具体进入机制;
(n) Foster and strengthen multi-stakeholder partnerships and networks to promote employment for persons with disabilities, including using networks to bring employers together on the promotion of work for persons with disabilities; working collaboratively with organizations of persons with disabilities, including by systematically sending public and private sector employment vacancies to those organizations; and encouraging mainstream agencies that promote employment to strengthen their ability to support persons with disabilities through partnerships with organizations working on disability rights; (n) 促进和加强多利益攸关方伙伴关系和网络,以促进残疾人就业,包括利用网络使雇主得以合作,共同促进残疾人工作;与残疾人组织合作,包括系统地向这些组织发送公共和私营部门的职位空缺;并鼓励促进就业的主流机构通过与致力于残疾人权利的组织建立伙伴关系,加强其支持残疾人的能力;
(o) Promote reporting by State and non-State employers on the levels and conditions of employment of persons with disabilities, including information on measures taken and results achieved with regard to career advancement among employees with disabilities; (o) 促进国家和非国家雇主报告残疾人的就业水平和条件,包括关于在残疾雇员职业提升方面采取的措施和取得的成果的信息;
(p) Promote the employment of persons with disabilities, in particular women with disabilities, including through affirmative action such as quota mechanisms and targets, and take measures to mitigate the possibility of unintended negative consequences, such as the reinforcement of stereotypes, limited compliance and the creation of employment opportunities for only limited groups among persons with disabilities, in particular by: (p) 促进残疾人、特别是残疾妇女的就业,包括通过配额机制和指标等平权行动,并采取措施减少意外负面后果的可能性,例如强化成见、遵守程度有限以及仅为残疾人中的有限群体创造就业机会,特别是采取以下措施:
(i) Ensuring clear monitoring, transparency and reporting; (一) 确保明确的监测、透明度和报告;
(ii) Identifying and preventing work practices that are not consistent with the Convention, including segregation, stereotyping or discrimination; (二) 查明并防止不符合《公约》的工作做法,包括隔离、成见或歧视;
(iii) Assessing performance and results, including evaluating the quality of work achieved and checking whether employees with disabilities become restricted to certain roles or types of work and whether only certain groups of persons with disabilities are benefiting from employment; (三) 评估业绩和成果,包括评价所完成的工作质量,并检查残疾雇员是否被限制在某些职责或工作类型中,以及是否只有某些残疾人群体从就业中受益;
(iv) Ensuring appropriate accountability and enforcement mechanisms; (四) 确保适当的问责和执行机制;
(v) Ensuring that affirmative action is accompanied with measures to support employers in fulfilling them. (五) 确保在采取平权行动的同时,采取措施支持雇主履行这些行动。
* Adopted by the Committee at its twenty-seventh session (15 August–9 September 2022). * 委员会第二十七届会议(2022年8月15日至9月9日)通过。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 18 (2005), para. 1. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会第18号一般性意见(2005年),第1段。
A/HRC/43/41, para. 9. A/HRC/43/41, 第9段。
Disability and Development Report: Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals by, for and with Persons with Disabilities – 2018 (United Nations publication, 2019), pp. 155–158. 2018年《残疾与发展问题报告:由残疾人、为残疾人和与残疾人一起实现可持续发展目标》(联合国出版物,2019年),第155-158页。
Article 27 (1), chapeau, and (1) (b) and (c) relates directly to three interdependent articles of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, namely articles 6, 7 and 8. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has issued general comments on articles 6 and 7 of the Covenant. 第二十七条第一款起首部分和第一款第(二)项和第(三)项直接涉及《经济社会文化权利国际公约》的三个相互依存的条款,即第六、第七和第八条。经济、社会及文化权利委员会就《公约》第六和第七条发表了一般性意见。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 6 (2018), para. 2. 残疾人权利委员会,第6号一般性意见(2018年),第2段。
Ibid., para. 8. 同上,第8段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 5 (1994), para. 21. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第5号一般性意见(1994年),第21段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 23 (2016), para. 47 (c). 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第23号一般性意见(2016年),第47(c)段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 24 (2017), para. 7. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第24号一般性意见(2017年),第7段。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 6 (2018), para. 67. 残疾人权利委员会,第6号一般性意见(2018年),第67段。
Ibid., para. 18 (a). 同上,第18(a)段。
Ibid., para. 18 (b). 同上,第18(b)段。
Ibid., para. 18 (c). 同上,第18(c)段。
Ibid., para. 23. 同上,第23段。
Ibid., para. 24 (b). 同上,第24(b)段。
Ibid., para. 24 (a). 同上,第24(a)段。
Ibid., para. 24 (b). 同上,第24(b)段。
Ibid., para. 18 (d). 同上,第18(d)段。
See, for example, Bellini et al. v. Italy (CRPD/C/27/D/51/2018). 例如见Bellini等人诉意大利案(CRPD/C/27/D/51/2018)。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 3 (2016), para. 4 (c). 残疾人权利委员会,第3号一般性意见(2016年),第4(c)段。
Ibid., para. 16. 同上,第16段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 23 (2016), para. 47 (c). 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第23号一般性意见(2016年),第47(c)段。
Ibid., para. 5. 同上,第5段。
For further details, see Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 23 (2016). 更多详情,见经济、社会和文化权利委员会第23号一般性意见(2016年)。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 6 (2018), para. 22. 残疾人权利委员会,第6号一般性意见(2018年),第22段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 18 (2005), para. 51. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第18号一般性意见(2015年),第51段。
See the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, art. 6, and the ILO Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 (No. 159). 见《经济社会文化权利国际公约》第六条和劳工组织《1983年(残疾人)职业康复和就业公约》(第159号)。
See CRPD/C/2/3, annex. 见CRPD/C/2/3, 附件。
For an example of where such support was not meaningfully provided, see Gröninger et al. v. Germany (CRPD/C/D/2/2010). 关于未能切实提供此类支助的例子,见Gröninger等人诉德国案(CRPD/C/D/2/2010)。
See ILO, Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204). 见劳工组织,《关于从非正规经济向正规经济转型建议书》,2015年(第204号)。
Ibid., para. 11 (g). 同上,第11(g)段。
Ibid., para. 12. 同上,第12段。
For example, CRPD/C/CAN/CO/1, para. 48 (c); CRPD/C/GTM/CO/1, para. 63; CRPD/C/JOR/CO/1, para. 50 (c); and CRPD/C/URY/CO/1, paras. 57–58. 例如,CRPD/C/CAN/CO/1, 第48(c)段;CRPD/C/GTM/CO/1, 第63段;CRPD/C/JOR/CO/1, 第50(c)段;以及CRPD/C/URY/CO/1, 第57-58段。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 6 (2018), para. 29. 残疾人权利委员会,第6号一般性意见(2018年),第29段。
See J.M. v. Spain (CRPD/C/23/D/37/2016) and V.F.C. v. Spain (CRPD/C/21/D/34/2015), in which the Committee found that the State party had failed to fulfil its obligations under the Convention by failing to ensure the authors’ continuance of employment through assignment to modified duties. 见J.M.诉西班牙案(CRPD/C/23/D/37/2016)和V.F.C.诉西班牙案(CRPD/C/21/D/34/2015),委员会在这两个案件中认为,缔约国未能履行《公约》规定的义务,没有通过修改工作职责确保提交人继续就业。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 23 (2016), para. 29. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第23号一般性意见(2016年),第29段。
CRPD/C/BOL/CO/1, paras. 41–42. CRPD/C/BOL/CO/1, 第41-42段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 3 (1990), para. 2. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第3号一般性意见(1990年),第2段。
In its general comments No. 12 (1999) (para. 15) and No. 13 (1999) (para. 46), the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights noted that the obligation to fulfil incorporated both an obligation to facilitate and an obligation to provide. In its general comment No. 14 (2000) (para. 33), it then also incorporated a third obligation – the obligation to promote – into the obligation to fulfil, based on the importance of health promotion in the work of the World Health Organization and others. Given that the purpose of the Convention, under article 1, is to promote the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities and to promote respect for their inherent dignity, in the present general comment the obligation to promote has been included under the obligation to fulfil. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会在其第12号一般性意见(1999年)(第15段)和第13号一般性意见(1999年)(第46段)中指出,实现的义务包括便利的义务和提供的义务。在第14号一般性意见(2000年)(第33段)中,该委员会还基于“健康促进”在世界卫生组织和其他机构工作中的重要性,在实现义务中加入了第三项义务,即促进的义务。鉴于《公约》第一条的宗旨是促进所有残疾人充分和平等地享有所有人权和基本自由,并促进对残疾人固有尊严的尊重,因此,在本一般性意见中,促进的义务被列入实现的义务之下。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comments No. 3 (1990), para. 9, and No. 14 (2000), para. 32. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第3号一般性意见(1990年),第9段,以及第14号一般性意见(2000年),第32段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 23 (2016), para. 47 (a). 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第23号一般性意见(2016年),第47(a)段。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 3 (2016), para. 18; Human Rights Committee, general comments No. 18 (1989), para. 9, and No. 28 (2000), para. 31; Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 20 (2009), para. 11; Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, general recommendation No. 28 (2010), para. 9; and Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, general recommendation No. 25 (2000), paras. 1–2. 残疾人权利委员会,第3号一般性意见(2016年),第18段;人权事务委员会,第18号一般性意见(1989年),第9段,以及第28号一般性意见(2000年),第31段;经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第20号一般性意见(2009年),第11段;消除对妇女歧视委员会,第28号一般性建议(2010年),第9段;以及消除种族歧视委员会,第25号一般性建议(2000年),第1-2段。
CRPD/C/BRA/CO/1, para. 13, and CRPD/C/MUS/CO/1, paras. 10 and 12. CRPD/C/BRA/CO/1, 第13段,以及CRPD/C/MUS/CO/1, 第10和第12段。
CRPD/C/CZE/CO/1, para. 14, and CRPD/C/DEU/CO/1, para. 16 (b). CRPD/C/CZE/CO/1, 第14段,以及CRPD/C/DEU/CO/1, 第16(b)段。
CRPD/C/DNK/CO/1, para. 17. CRPD/C/DNK/CO/1, 第17段。
CRPD/C/AUS/CO/1, para. 15. CRPD/C/AUS/CO/1, 第15段。
CRPD/C/SWE/CO/1, paras. 12 and 14. CRPD/C/SWE/CO/1, 第12和第14段。
CRPD/C/DEU/CO/1, para. 10. CRPD/C/DEU/CO/1, 第10段。
Convention, art. 4 (1) (g). 《公约》第四条第一款第(七)项。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 3 (1990), para. 10. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第3号一般性意见(1990年),第10段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 18 (2005), para. 31. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第18号一般性意见(2005年),第31段。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 6 (2018), para. 67. 残疾人权利委员会,第6号一般性意见(2018年),第67段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 23 (2016), para. 65. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第23号一般性意见(2016年),第65段。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 3 (2016), para. 58. 残疾人权利委员会,第3号一般性意见(2016年),第58段。
Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 17 (2013), para. 29. 残疾人权利委员会,第17号一般性意见(2013年),第29段。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 2 (2014), para. 41. 残疾人权利委员会,第2号一般性意见(2014年),第41段。
See Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 1 (2014). 见残疾人权利委员会,第1号一般性意见(2014年)。
Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 9 (2006), para. 75. 儿童权利委员会,第9号一般性意见(2006年),第75段。
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 4 (2016), para. 56. 残疾人权利委员会,第4号一般性意见(2016年),第56段。
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, general recommendation No. 36 (2017), paras. 43–44. 消除对妇女歧视委员会,第36号一般性建议(2017年),第43-44段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 18 (2005), para. 37. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第18号一般性意见(2005年),第37段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 5 (1994), para. 28. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第5号一般性意见(1994年),第28段。
CRPD/C/15/4 and CRPD/C/15/4/Corr.1, para. 102. CRPD/C/15/4和CRPD/C/15/4/Corr.1, 第102段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural rights, general comment No. 18 (2005), para. 39. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第18号一般性意见(2005年),第39段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 5 (1994), para. 26. See also Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 7 (2018). 经济、社会及文化权利委员会,第5号一般性意见(1994年),第26段。另见残疾人权利委员会,第7号一般性意见(2018年)。
CRPD/C/DNK/CO/1, para. 19. CRPD/C/DNK/CO/1, 第19段。
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva, 2012). See also CRPD/C/CZE/CO/1, para. 14. 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(日内瓦,2012年)。另见CRPD/C/CZE/CO/1, 第14段。
CRPD/C/DNK/CO/1, para. 18. CRPD/C/DNK/CO/1, 第18段。