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Template-HRC-Summary record HRC届会简要记录E 2023.06.27.docx (English) Template-HRC-Summary record HRC届会简要记录C 2023.06.27.docx (Chinese)
A/HRC/48/SR.41 A/HRC/48/SR.41
A/HRC/48/SR.41 A/HRC/48/SR.41
GE.21-14468 GE.21-14468
GE.21-14468 GE.21-14468
United Nations 联 合 国
A/HRC/48/SR.41 A/HRC/48/SR.41
General Assembly 大 会
Human Rights Council 人权理事会
Forty-eighth session 第四十八届会议
Summary record of the 41st meeting 第41次会议简要记录
Summary record (partial)* of the 43rd meeting 第43次会议简要记录(部分)*
Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 7 October 2021, at 3.30 p.m. 2021年10月7日星期四下午3时30分在日内瓦万国宫举行
President: 主席:
Ms. Khan 汗女士
(Fiji) (斐济)
Contents  目录
Agenda item 1: Organizational and procedural matters 议程项目1:组织和程序事项
Agenda item 2: Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General 议程项目2:联合国人权事务高级专员的年度报告以及高级专员办事处的报告和秘书长的报告
Agenda item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development 议程项目3:促进和保护所有人权――公民权利、政治权利、经济、社会及文化权利,包括发展权
The meeting was called to order at 3.35 p.m. 下午3时35分宣布开会。
Draft statement by the President (A/HRC/48/L.28): Reports of the Advisory Committee 主席声明草案(A/HRC/48/L.28):咨询委员会的报告
The President said that the draft statement, which had no programme budget implications, had been prepared in consultation with all the parties concerned. 主席说,该声明草案不涉及方案预算问题,经与所有有关各方协商后编写。
She understood that it enjoyed the support of all States members of the Council. 她的理解是,草案得到理事会所有成员国的支持。
The draft statement by the President contained in document A/HRC/48/L.28 was adopted. A/HRC/48/L.28号文件所载主席声明草案获得通过。
Draft resolution A/HRC/48/L.11: Situation of human rights in Yemen 决议草案A/HRC/48/L.11:也门的人权状况
Mr. Bekkers (Netherlands), introducing the draft resolution on behalf of the main sponsors, namely Belgium, Canada, Ireland, Luxembourg and his own delegation, said that … Bekkers先生(荷兰)代表主要提案国比利时、加拿大、爱尔兰、卢森堡和荷兰介绍该决议草案时说,……
The President said that 11 States had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution, which had programme budget implications amounting to $7,981,700. 主席说,11个国家已加入为该决议草案的提案国,决议草案所涉方案预算为7,981,700美元。
Ms. Tichy-Fisslberger (Austria), making a general statement before the voting on behalf of the States members of the European Union that were members of the Council, said that … Tichy-Fisslberger女士(奥地利)代表属于理事会成员的欧洲联盟成员国在表决前作一般性发言指出, ……
Ms. Stasch (Germany), making a general statement before the voting, said that Stasch女士(德国)在表决前作一般性发言指出, ……
The President invited the State concerned by the draft resolution to make a statement. 主席请该决议草案所涉国家发言。
Statements made in explanation of vote before the voting 表决前为解释投票立场所作的发言
Statements by observer delegations on the resolutions and decisions considered at the session 观察员代表团就本届会议审议的决议和决定所作的发言
Brazil would vote in favour of draft resolution A/HRC/48/L.11. 巴西将对决议草案A/HRC/48/L.11投赞成票。
China intended to vote against the draft resolution. 中国准备对该决议草案投反对票。
The President said that Denmark had withdrawn its sponsorship of the draft resolution. 主席说,丹麦已退出该决议草案提案国的行列。
Denmark intended to vote in favour of the draft resolution. 丹麦准备对该决议草案投赞成票。
Japan intended to abstain from voting on the draft resolution. 日本准备对该决议草案投弃权票。
At the request of the representative of Bahrain, a recorded vote was taken. 应巴林代表的请求,进行了记录表决。
In favour: Bahrain, Brazil, Denmark and Japan 赞成:巴林、巴西、丹麦、日本
Against: 反对:
Abstaining: 弃权:
Draft resolution A/HRC/48/L.11 was rejected by 21 votes to 18, with 7 abstentions. 决议草案A/HRC/48/L.11以21票反对、18票赞成、7票弃权被否决。
Ms. Pipan (Observer for Slovenia), introducing the draft resolution on behalf of the European Union, said that … Pipan女士(斯洛文尼亚观察员)代表欧洲联盟介绍该决议草案时说,……
The President said that several amendments to the draft resolution had been proposed by the delegation of China. 主席说,中国代表团对该决议草案提出了几项修正案。
Noting that the proposed amendment contained in document A/HRC/48/L.43 had been withdrawn, she invited the representative of China to introduce the proposed amendments to the draft resolution contained in documents A/HRC/48/L.44. 她注意到A/HRC/48/L.43号文件所载拟议修正案已被撤回,请中国代表介绍A/HRC/48/L.44号文件所载该决议草案的拟议修正案。
The President invited the Council to take action on the proposed amendment contained in document A/HRC/48/L.44. 主席请理事会就A/HRC/48/L.44号文件所载拟议修正案采取行动。
Ms. Tichy-Fisslberger (Austria), speaking in explanation of vote before the voting on behalf of the States members of the European Union that were members of the Council, said that … Tichy-Fisslberger女士(奥地利)代表属于理事会成员的欧洲联盟成员国在表决前发言解释投票立场时说,……
The States members of the European Union that were members of the Council would vote against the amendment. 属于理事会成员的欧洲联盟成员国将对该修正案投反对票。
Mr. Chernyakov (Russian Federation), speaking in explanation of vote before the voting, said that … Chernyakov先生(俄罗斯联邦)在表决前发言解释投票立场时说,……
The President invited the Council to take action on draft resolution A/HRC/48/L.24/Rev.1, as orally revised. 主席请理事会就经口头订正的决议草案A/HRC/48/L.24/Rev.1采取行动。
Draft resolution A/HRC/48/L.24/Rev.1, as orally revised, was adopted by 28 votes to 5, with 14 abstentions. 经口头订正的决议草案A/HRC/48/L.24/Rev.1以28票赞成、5票反对、14票弃权获得通过。
The President invited delegations to make statements in explanation of vote or general statements on either of the draft resolutions considered under agenda item 2. 主席请各代表团就议程项目2下审议的任一决议草案发言解释投票立场或作一般性发言。
Mr. Bekkers (Netherlands), speaking also on behalf of Belgium, Canada, Ireland and Luxembourg, said that … Bekkers先生(荷兰)同时代表比利时、加拿大、爱尔兰和卢森堡发言指出,……
Ms. Tichy-Fisslberger (Austria), making a general statement before the decision, said that … Tichy-Fisslberger女士(奥地利)在决定前作一般性发言时指出, ……
Accordingly, it did not support the resolutions on the situations in Syria, Belarus and Eritrea and distanced itself from the consensus on the resolution on Myanmar. 因此,它不支持关于叙利亚、白俄罗斯和厄立特里亚局势的决议,并与关于缅甸问题决议的协商一致意见保持距离。
Egypt welcomed the renewal of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, but nevertheless wished to dissociate itself from the second preambular paragraph of draft resolution A/HRC/50/L.7. 埃及欢迎延长暴力侵害妇女和女童问题特别报告员的任务,但不认同决议草案A/HRC/50/L.7序言部分第2段。
The President said that the proposed amendment contained in document A/HRC/52/L.80 had been withdrawn. 主席说, A/HRC/52/L.80号文件所载拟议修正案已被撤回。
The President invited the representative of the Russian Federation to introduce the proposed amendment contained in document A/HRC/52/L.64. 主席请俄罗斯联邦代表介绍A/HRC/52/L.64号文件所载拟议修正案。
The President invited members of the Council to make general statements on the draft resolution and the proposed amendment. 主席请理事会成员就决议草案和拟议修正案作一般性发言。
He called on the members of the Council to adopt the draft resolution by consensus. 他呼吁理事会成员以协商一致方式通过该决议草案。
The President announced that 12 States had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution, the programme budget implications of which had been published on the Council’s extranet. 主席宣布,12个国家已加入为该决议草案的提案国,决议草案所涉方案预算已在理事会外联网上公布。
The President said that the programme budget implications of the draft resolution had been published on the Council’s extranet. 主席说,该决议草案所涉方案预算已在理事会外联网上公布。
He invited the Council to take action on the proposed amendment contained in document A/HRC/52/L.64. 他请理事会就A/HRC/52/L.64号文件所载拟议修正案采取行动。
Statements made in explanation of position before the decision 决定前为解释立场所作的发言
India would dissociate itself from the consensus on the draft resolution. 印度不参加关于该决议草案的协商一致。
Mr. Ballinas Valdés (Mexico) said that the sponsors of the draft resolution could not accept the proposed amendments. Ballinas Valdés先生(墨西哥)说,该决议草案的提案国不能接受这些拟议修正案。
His delegation requested a vote on all of the proposed amendments. 墨西哥代表团要求对所有拟议修正案进行表决。
The proposed amendment contained in document A/HRC/52/L.48, as orally revised, was rejected by 22 votes to 12, with 13 abstentions. 经口头订正的A/HRC/52/L.48号文件所载拟议修正案以22票反对、12票赞成、13票弃权被否决。
After the customary exchange of courtesies, the President declared the fiftieth session of the Human Rights Council closed. 在按惯例相互致意后,主席宣布人权理事会第五十届会议闭幕。
The discussion covered in the summary record was suspended at 5.15 p.m. and resumed at 5.30 p.m. 简要记录所述讨论于下午5时15分暂停, 5时30分复会。
The meeting rose at 6.10 p.m. 下午 6 时 10 分散会。
* No summary records were issued for the 1st to 40th meetings. *第1次至第40次会议未印发简要记录。
* No summary record was prepared for the rest of the meeting. *本次会议其余内容未作简要记录。
This record is subject to correction. 本记录可以更正。
Corrections should be set forth in a memorandum and also incorporated in a copy of the record. 更正之处应以备忘录说明,并改在一份已印发的记录上。
They should be sent within one week of the date of the present record to the Documents Management Section ( 更正应在本记录印发之日起一周内送交文件管理科(。
Any corrected records of the public meetings of the Council at this session will be reissued for technical reasons after the end of the session. 理事会本届会议公开会议的更正记录将在届会结束后以技术理由重新印发。