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United Nations 联 合 国
TD/519/Add.2 TD/519/Add.2*
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国 贸易和发展会议
Fourteenth session 第十四届大会
Nairobi 内罗毕
17–22 July 2016 2016年7月17日至22日
Nairobi Maafikiano 内罗毕共识
From decision to action: Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development 从决定到行动:走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展
Introduction 导言
1. The fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIV) takes place at a watershed moment for the international community, in particular for developing countries. 1. 联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会(贸发十四大)是在国际社会、特别是发展中国家处于转折关头召开的。
Since the last session of the Conference in Doha, the global economy has seen 2.4 per cent growth but continues to struggle, due in great measure to macroeconomic and financial challenges, as well as differing impacts of recent declines in oil and commodity prices and country-specific factors. 自贸发会议于多哈召开上届大会以来,全球经济增长了2.4%,但仍举步维艰,这在很大程度上是由于宏观经济和财政方面的挑战、近期石油和初级商品价格下降产生的不同影响,以及具体国家的具体因素。
Seven years after the financial crisis, the global economy is still facing subdued growth and aggregate demand, income inequality and financial fragility. 在金融危机发生七年之后,全球经济仍面临增长和总体需求低迷、收入不平等和金融脆弱的局面。
Trade has grown still more slowly, and, although interest rates are now beginning to rise, capital flows are again becoming volatile. 贸易的增速更为缓慢; 而利率目前虽已开始抬升,但资本流量又显波动。
Notwithstanding the impact of the financial crisis, financial flows and developing countries’ share in world trade have continued to increase. 尽管受到金融危机的影响,但资金流量和发展中国家在世界贸易中的份额继续增长。
These advances have contributed towards a substantial reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty. 这些进展使得极端贫困人口大幅度减少。
Despite these gains, many countries, particularly developing countries, still face considerable challenges and some have fallen further behind. 尽管取得了这些成绩,许多国家、特别是发展中国家仍然面临重大挑战,一些国家落后更远。
In that context, 2015 proved to be a critical year for development, as a succession of international agreements and outcomes created a new global agenda for inclusive and sustainable development. 因此,2015年是发展的一个关键年头,因为一系列国际协定和成果创建了一个新的关于包容性和可持续发展的全球议程。
2. These agreements and outcomes started in March 2015 with the adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 that aimed to enhance disaster risk reduction through international cooperation to support national actions. 2. 这些协定和成果始于2015年3月通过的《2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架》,目的在于通过国际合作支持国别行动加强减少灾害风险工作。
In July, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda was adopted, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and supports, complements and helps to contextualize the 2030 Agenda’s means of implementation targets. 7月通过了《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,这是《2030年可持续发展议程》的一个有机组成部分,支持和补充《2030年议程》的执行手段目标,并为其提供背景介绍。
In September 2015, world leaders adopted a comprehensive and ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the United Nations sustainable development summit, committing themselves and the international community to eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty. 2015年9月,世界各国领导人在联合国可持续发展首脑会议上通过了全面和雄心勃勃的《2030年可持续发展议程》,表示他们和国际社会承诺消除一切形式和表现的贫困,包括极端贫困。
In December 2015, the twenty-first Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change agreed, with similar ambition, to address the challenges related to climate change, including adopting a goal to limit the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. 2015年12月,《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第二十一届会议以同样的雄心一致同意应对气候变化相关的挑战,包括通过了把全球平均气温升幅控制在工业化前水平以上低于2°C之内的目标。
In the same month, the Tenth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization adopted several key decisions that reaffirmed the centrality of development in the work of the World Trade Organization. 同月,世界贸易组织第十次部长级会议通过了若干项关键决定,重申了发展在世界贸易组织工作中的核心地位。
3. These agreements and outcomes have reinforced the critical role of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology and investment for inclusive and sustainable development, and the need to provide integrated policy responses to issues arising in these areas, including addressing inequalities within and among countries. 3. 这些协定和成果增强了贸易和发展以及金融、技术和投资领域相互关联的问题在促进包容性和可持续发展方面的关键作用,强调有必要针对这些领域出现的问题提出综合政策对策,包括解决一国内部和各国之间的不平等问题。
They are the culmination of a half-century of changes in the world economic order, which have influenced the efforts of developed and developing countries to reap the benefits of globalization and deal with the challenges related to it, in particular for developing countries, and to achieve more prosperous and dignified lives. 它们是半个世纪以来世界经济秩序变化的结果,影响到发达国家和发展中国家获取全球化带来的益处和应对与其相关的挑战,特别是对发展中国家而言,并实现人民生活更加繁荣和更加有尊严的努力。
They have reinforced that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized. 这些协定和成果强调,国家政策和发展战略的作用怎样强调也不为过。
Furthermore, while each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development, the support of an enabling international environment is integral to the success of national efforts, in particular for developing countries. 此外,虽然各国对于本国的经济和社会发展负有首要责任,但支持创造扶持型国际环境对于各国的努力取得成功不可或缺,对于发展中国家来说更是如此。
These outcomes have also recognized the importance of international cooperation, finance, technology and capacity-building to support national efforts in line with national priorities and respecting each country’s policy space, while remaining consistent with relevant international rules and its commitments. 这些成果还认识到国际合作、资金、技术和能力建设对于支持各国根据其国家优先事项并在尊重各国政策空间的情况下在国内开展工作很重要,同时符合相关国际规则和承诺。
4. The timing of UNCTAD XIV provides an invaluable opportunity to move from decisions to actions in moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development, and thereby to be true to the commitment enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations “to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”. 4. 贸发十四大召开的时机为我们提供了一个宝贵的机遇,使我们能够从决定转向行动,走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展,从而真正履行《联合国宪章》中所载的承诺,即促成大自由中之社会进步及较善之民生"。
The aim is therefore to develop a consensus about the actions required to realize the global development agenda, including the Sustainable Development Goals, through contributing to the establishment of a holistic trade and development agenda based on the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and thus better address persistent and emerging economic challenges. 因此,目标是通过协助创建一个全面的、以《联合国宪章》所载原则为基础的贸易和发展议程,就实现全球发展议程、包括可持续发展目标所需采取的行动达成共识,从而更好地处理长期存在的和新出现的经济挑战。
It also requires the leadership of an adequately resourced, relevant, coherent, efficient and effective United Nations, stressing that UNCTAD has a distinct role to play in carrying forward the trade and development mission of the United Nations. 这还要求一个资源充足、切合实际、协调一致、高效和有效的联合国发挥领导作用,同时强调贸发会议在推进联合国的贸易和发展使命方面能够发挥独特作用。
5. The universality of the Sustainable Development Goals, combined with the breadth and ambition of the 2030 Agenda, highlight the need for new coordinated approaches to development and a revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development and comparably ambitious means of implementation. 5. “可持续发展目标”的普遍性加上《2030年议程》的广度和雄心,突出表明需要对发展问题采取新的协调方针,重振可持续发展全球伙伴关系,还需要同样雄心勃勃的执行手段。
Sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development remain a challenge for the entire international community in the twenty-first century, in particular in developing countries. 持续、包容和公平的经济增长和可持续发展仍然是二十一世纪整个国际社会的一大挑战。
Meeting that challenge will mean integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development and creating an enabling environment at all levels for inclusive and sustainable development. 应对这一挑战将意味着融合可持续发展的经济、社会和环境层面,在各级创造促进包容性和可持续发展的扶持环境。
6. This document recognizes all the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, including, inter alia, the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, as set out in principle 7 thereof. 6. 本文件承认《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》载明的所有原则,尤其包括原则7提出的共同但有区别的责任原则。
7. As recognized in the 2030 Agenda, there are different approaches, visions, models and tools available to each country, in accordance with its national circumstances and priorities, to achieve sustainable development; 7. 正如《2030年议程》所承认的那样,每个国家都可以根据本国国情和优先事项,以不同的办法、愿景、模式和工具,从三个层面实现可持续发展。
and the planet Earth and its ecosystems are our common home and “Mother Earth” is a common expression in a number of countries and regions. 地球及其生态系统是我们共同的家园,“地球母亲”是一些国家和区域的常见说法。
8. UNCTAD was established to promote an inclusive global economy, through informing national and international policies, while giving priority consideration for the needs and interests of developing countries. 8. 设立贸发会议的宗旨是通过为国内和国际政策提供参考促进包容的全球经济,同时对发展中国家的需要和利益给予优先考虑。
This would lead to better standards of life and create a better and more effective system of international economic cooperation whereby the division of the world into areas of poverty and plenty may be banished and prosperity achieved by all. 这将提高生活水平,创建一个更加完善和有效的国际经济合作体系,从而消除世界各地区的贫富之分,实现共同富裕。
9. In an ever more complex and interdependent global economy, trade and interrelated issues in the areas of investment, finance and technology are key drivers of the inclusive, equitable global economic environment for sustainable development to which the 2030 Agenda aspires. 9. 在日趋复杂和相互依存的全球经济中,贸易及投资、金融和技术领域相互关联的问题是《2030年议程》希望实现的包容性和公平的全球经济环境以实现可持续发展的关键驱动因素。
As the focal point of the United Nations for the integrated treatment of those issues, and with its universal membership, UNCTAD thus has a critical role to play in advising on the policy dimensions of trade and sustainable development and supporting the actions which flow from recent global agreements and outcomes, while promoting the integrity and the complementarity of the three dimensions of sustainable development. 贸发会议作为联合国综合处理这些问题的协调中心,更兼其普遍的成员结构,可发挥关键作用,就贸易和可持续发展的政策层面提供咨询意见,并支持因近期达成的全球协定和成果而须采取的行动,同时促进可持续发展三个层面融为一体,相互补充。
The recent celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of UNCTAD is a reminder of how much the trade and development context has changed in this period and of the importance of the historical context and of the founding principles of UNCTAD and subsequent experience in plotting the course ahead. 不久前庆祝贸发会议成立50周年,这让人们意识到贸易和发展的背景在这段时期已发生了多么巨大的变化,意识到贸发会议的历史背景和创建原则的重要意义,并意识到创建以来贸发会议在开拓前进道路方面的经验。
In moving forward to a new chapter, past achievements and failures and the lessons to be learned from those experiences should be reflected on. 在翻开新篇章之际,应当思考过去的成败,思考从这些经验中可汲取的教训。
10. UNCTAD should contribute to the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of relevant global conferences, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and, as appropriate, the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, among other relevant international agreements and outcomes. 10. 贸发会议应当推动落实和跟进相关全球会议的成果,包括《2030年可持续发展议程》、《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,还可酌情包括《联合国气候变化框架公约》下的《巴黎协定》以及其他相关的国际协定和成果。
While enhancing its work in support of addressing the trade and development challenges of all developing countries across all regions, UNCTAD should: 在加强其工作支持各地区所有发展中国家应对其所面对的贸易和发展挑战时,贸发会议应:
(a) Strengthen its special focus on the trade and development needs of the least developed countries across all areas of its mandate, in accordance with the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011–2020 (Istanbul Programme of Action) and other relevant outcomes on the least developed countries; (a) 按照《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》(《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》)和关于最不发达国家问题的其他相关成果,在其任务所涉各个领域内加强对最不发达国家贸易和发展需要的特别关注;
(b) Continue to support Africa to address its special concerns and needs, including as articulated in the New Partnership for Africa’s Development while reaffirming the importance of supporting Agenda 2063 of the African Union; (b) 继续支持非洲解决其特殊关切和需要,包括“非洲发展新伙伴关系”中阐明的关切和需要,同时重申必须支持《非洲联盟2063年议程》;
(c) Further address the special trade, investment and development needs of landlocked developing countries, including through continuing its support for effective implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014–2024 (Vienna Programme of Action); (c) 进一步处理内陆发展中国家在贸易、投资和发展方面的特殊需求,包括为此继续支持有效执行《2014-2024十年期内陆发展中国家维也纳行动纲领》(《维也纳行动纲领》);
(d) Continue its work in assisting small island developing States to address persistent trade, investment and development challenges that they encounter, including through the implementation of the Small Island Developing States Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA Pathway); (d) 继续开展工作,援助小岛屿发展中国家应对其长期面对的贸易、投资和发展挑战,包括为此落实《小岛屿发展中国家加速行动方式(萨摩亚)途径》;
(e) Continue to give focus to the special needs and problems of structurally weak and vulnerable small economies in order to foster sustained economic growth and sustainable and inclusive development; (e) 继续侧重结构薄弱、易受冲击的小型经济体的特殊需要和问题,以推动持续经济增长及可持续和包容性发展;
(f) Continue to support the development efforts of middle-income countries, according to their needs, in facing specific challenges of sustainable economic development and poverty eradication; (f) 继续根据需要支持中等收入国家的发展努力,帮助它们应对可持续经济发展和消除贫困等具体挑战;
11. Reaffirming the Doha Mandate, this document provides updated policy analysis and policy responses, as well as guidelines to enhance the developmental role, impact, and institutional effectiveness of UNCTAD. 11. 本文件重申《多哈授权》,提供最新的政策分析和政策应对措施,以及旨在加强贸发会议在发展方面的作用、影响和体制效力的指导原则。
In a manner that preserves its mandated role, UNCTAD should strategically position itself by translating into practice the following principal criteria: comparative advantage; 贸发会议应当以能够维护其授权职责的方式,将以下主要标准转化成行为,从而战略性地对自身加以定位:比较优势;
differentiation of its work with respect to other organizations; 在工作方面与其他组织实现差异化;
and complementarity, so as to put the organization’s strengths to the best use to address the needs and priorities of developing countries for sustainable development and strengthening their role in the global economy. 互补性,以最大限度地利用本组织的优势,处理发展中国家的需要和优先事项,从而促进可持续发展,并加强它们在全球经济中的作用。
12. The important role of UNCTAD will be strengthened as the focal point in the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development. 12. 贸发会议仍然是联合国综合处理贸易和发展问题以及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联问题的协调中心。
13. In order to effectively support and complement the efforts of the international community to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, UNCTAD may consider as appropriate, in collaboration with national Governments, the following four action lines as identified in the report by the Secretary-General of UNCTAD of September 2015 entitled From Decisions to Actions: building productive capacity to transform economies; 13. 为切实支持和辅助国际社会努力实现“可持续发展目标”,贸发会议可与各国政府合作,酌情考虑贸发会议秘书长2015年9月题为“从决定到行动”的报告中列出的以下4个行动领域:建设生产能力,实现经济转型;
promoting a development focus and more efficient markets; 推动以发展为重点,提高市场效率;
tackling vulnerabilities, building resilience; 克服脆弱性,建设复原力;
and strengthening multilateralism and finding common solutions. 加强多边主义,寻求共同解决办法。
14. In strengthening the role of UNCTAD, and in carrying out its activities, in accordance with its mandate and through utilizing its available resources, the work of UNCTAD through its three pillars should give priority to issues of developing countries. 14. 在加强贸发会议的作用和开展活动时,按照其任务授权,通过利用现有资源,贸发会议通过三大支柱开展的工作应优先重视发展中国家的问题。
It should effectively contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and relevant targets set in the outcomes of other major United Nations conferences, continue to promote synergies and complementarities with other international organizations and work with relevant international economic cooperation forums where appropriate. 贸发会议应切实推动实现“可持续发展目标”和联合国其他重要会议的成果中设定的相关目标,继续促进与其他国际组织的协同作用和互补性,并酌情与相关国际经济合作论坛合作。
In moving from decisions to actions, UNCTAD should undertake the following actions: 在将决定转化为行动的过程中,贸发会议应采取以下行动:
(a) Give due account to cross-cutting issues such as good governance at all levels, freedom, peace and security, respect for human rights, including the right to development, gender equality and women’s empowerment, youth and an overall commitment to just and democratic societies, which are essential to all countries to attain sustainable and equitable growth and development; (a) 适当考虑到交叉性问题,例如各级的良好治理、自由、和平与安全、尊重包括发展权在内的人权、性别平等和增强妇女权能、青年和对公正和民主社会的总体承诺,这些问题对于所有国家实现可持续和公平增长和发展都至关重要;
(b) Continue its efforts in all its work to mainstream cross‐cutting issues of gender equality and the empowerment of women, and the promotion of sustainable development and full and productive employment; (b) 继续努力在所有工作中将性别平等和增强妇女权能等交叉性问题主流化,并促进可持续发展以及充分和生产性就业;
(c) Continue and strengthen its engagement with Governments, in particular those of developing countries, and all relevant stakeholders including civil society, academia and the private sector; (c) 继续并加强与各国政府、特别是发展中国家政府以及包括民间社会、学术界和私营部门在内的全体相关利益方的接触;
(d) Continue its efforts to enhance its efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability, including through effective results-based management and ensuring a member State-driven process through the intergovernmental machinery. (d) 继续努力提高效率、有效性、透明度和问责,包括为此使用成果管理制,并确保由成员国通过政府间机制驱动的进程。
15. Midway through the conference quadrennium there will be an additional agenda item at the regular session of the Trade and Development Board entitled “Evaluation and review of UNCTAD’s implementation of the quadrennial conference outcome”. 15. 在大会四年期中期,贸易和发展理事会常会将增加一个议程项目,题为“评价和审查贸发会议执行四年期大会成果情况”。
This session of the Trade and Development Board may be adapted, as required, to undertake this agenda item. 如有必要,可对贸易和发展理事会本届会议加以调整,使其能够审议本议程项目。
The Secretary-General of UNCTAD will present a report on UNCTAD’s implementation of the quadrennial outcome; 贸发会议秘书长将提交一份关于贸发会议执行四年期成果情况的报告;
this report will be the basis for member States’ discussions, which may result in recommendations regarding the implementation of the outcome document. 该报告将作为成员国讨论的基础,讨论之后可能提出关于执行成果文件的建议。
The occurrence of future midterm reviews will be considered at the next quadrennial Conference. 今后如何举行中期审查的问题将在下一届四年期大会上审议。
Sub-theme 1 Challenges and opportunities in multilateralism for trade and development 分主题1 促进贸易和发展的多边主义的挑战和机遇
Policy analysis 政策分析
16. Multilateralism has been the cornerstone of the international economic order and a major driving force of globalization, which has delivered unprecedented economic and social progress on a global scale. 16. 多边主义是国际经济秩序的基石,是全球化的主要驱动力之一,带来了全球范围内前所未有的经济和社会进步。
It has fostered international trade by reducing trade-related barriers between national economies and reducing geographical barriers through improved transportation and communications across borders. 多边主义促进了国际贸易,因为它减少了各国经济之间的贸易壁垒,而跨境运输和通信的改善又减少了地理方面的障碍。
With lower barriers, falling transportation costs, increasing financial and investment flows, technological advancements and the dawn of the information age, our world has become interconnected to a degree never experienced before. 随着壁垒的降低,运输成本的下降,资金和投资流量的增多,以及信息时代的到来,我们这个世界的相互关联达到了前所未有的程度。
17. An increasing number of developing countries and countries with economies in transition have integrated into the world economy, bringing an unprecedented expansion in international trade. 17. 越来越多的发展中国家和经济转型期国家融入世界经济,带来国际贸易的空前扩大。
Even countries that were marginal players in international trade some three decades ago have seen major increases in merchandise exports – fivefold in the case of the least developed countries. 即便是30年前还处于国际贸易边缘的国家,其商品出口也有了大幅增长―― 最不发达国家的增长达5倍之多。
However, their total share of global exports is only 0.97 per cent, which is below the 2 per cent target set for 2020 by the Istanbul Programme of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals. 然而,它们在全球总出口中所占的份额只有0.97%,低于《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》和“可持续发展目标”为2020年设定的2%的目标。
Increasing trade and foreign direct investment have been mutually supportive, contributing to the unprecedented transformation of many developing countries, some of which have become important engines of growth, regionally and globally, and major drivers of global trade and investment. 贸易和外国直接投资的增加相辅相成,促成了许多发展中国家史无前例的变化,其中有些国家成为区域和全球的重要增长引擎,以及全球贸易和投资的主要动力。
Those developments supported by, inter alia, sound economic and social policies, have been important factors in lifting more than 1 billion people out of extreme poverty. 这些动态由稳健的经济和社会政策支持,是帮助10亿多人摆脱极端贫困的重要因素。
In this context, it is essential to address impediments and promote broader participation in the multilateral trading system so as to enable developing countries to achieve their development goals and contribute to the global economy. 在这方面,有必要处理阻碍多边贸易体系的各种因素,并促进各方更广泛地参与其中,从而使发展中国家能够实现发展目标并为全球经济作出贡献。
18. Global trade is identified by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda as an important engine for inclusive economic growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction, and the multilateral trading system as embodied by the World Trade Organization is the primary channel for its promotion. 18. 《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》认为,全球贸易是包容性经济增长、可持续发展和减贫的重要引擎,世界贸易组织所体现的多边贸易体系是促进全球贸易的主要渠道。
A strong, efficient and rules-based multilateral trading system is also a key element in generating the significant opportunities that come with globalization, as well as in finding solutions to the challenges of globalization. 一个强有力、高效、基于规则的多边贸易体系也是创造全球化带来的大量机遇和寻求解决全球化挑战的办法的一个重要因素。
These include fuller integration of developing countries into the global economy. 这些解决办法包括让发展中国家更充分地融入全球经济。
To this end, a universal, rules-based, open, transparent, predictable, inclusive, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization, as well as meaningful trade liberalization with appropriate supporting policies, are needed. 为此,需要在世界贸易组织之下建立普遍、基于规则、开放、透明、可预测、包容、非歧视和公平的多边贸易体系,实现重大贸易自由化并制定适当的配套政策。
19. The experience of globalization in recent decades has also demonstrated that the nexus between international trade and development is affected by a variety of factors. 19. 近几十年全球化的经验还表明,国际贸易与发展的联系受多种因素影响。
Economic interdependence among countries has greatly increased, in particular through the accelerated integration of financial systems of developing countries into international financial markets and the global financial architecture. 各国经济的相互依存度大为提高,尤其是因为发展中国家的金融系统加速融入世界金融市场和全球金融构架。
So, too, have the complex interrelationships among trade, finance, technology, investment and sustainable development. 贸易、金融、技术、投资和可持续发展的相互关系也是如此。
Likewise, the 2030 Agenda, and other recent landmark agreements and outcomes, by their very nature, call for integrated global solutions to global challenges. 同样,《2030年议程》和近期其他具有里程碑意义的协定和成果,其性质决定需要用综合的全球办法应对全球挑战。
The need for an integrated approach to these global issues, which is the defining characteristic of the activities and mandate of UNCTAD, has thus never been so great. 因此,现在比以往任何时候都更需要以综合方针处理这些全球问题,而综合方针正是贸发会议活动和任务的决定性特色。
20. Notwithstanding the opportunities brought by globalization, major challenges still remain to be addressed through multilateralism. 20. 虽然全球化带来了许多机遇,但仍有重大挑战需要通过多边主义加以解决。
Challenges regarding the balance of the global economic system remain, as well as the socioeconomic gaps both between countries and within them. 全球经济体系平衡方面的挑战以及一国内部和各国之间的社会经济差距依然存在。
The gains from globalization, while reducing extreme poverty by half, have been unevenly distributed, giving rise to extreme global inequality over the last 30 years. 全球化使得极端贫困减半,但其益处分布不均,导致过去30年间全球极端不平等。
Growth has also been uneven, intermittent and often unsustainable, punctuated by damaging financial shocks and crises, and many nations and people are still left behind. 增长不平衡、断续间歇,而且往往不可持续,时而发生损伤性的金融冲击和危机,许多国家和人民仍落在后面。
Approximately 1 billion people still remain in extreme poverty, and poverty is declining only slowly in many developing countries, especially in most least developed countries. 约10亿人仍然继续生活在极端贫困中,在许多发展中国家、特别是在大多数最不发达国家,贫困的减退很缓慢。
One fifth of humanity lives in States affected by conflict and one tenth suffers chronic hunger and malnutrition. 人类五分之一生活在受冲突影响的国家,十分之一遭受长期饥饿和营养不良。
21. Urgent action is required to improve the global economic environment to support all countries, in particular developing countries, in their efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda, by finding effective and adequate solutions to problems and strengthening policy coordination. 21. 必须立即采取行动,寻找解决这些问题的有效和适当办法,并加强政策协调,以此改善全球经济环境,从而支持所有国家、特别是最不发达国家努力执行《2030年议程》。
Reaching the levels of development needed to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals and to achieve the universally agreed long-term goal of prosperity for all will require action by all acting together in a revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. 达到实现可持续发展目标和实现普遍商定的共同富裕这一长期目标所需的发展水平将要求所有人齐心协力,在得以重振的可持续发展全球伙伴关系之下采取行动。
22. The current global financial context has raised concerns about the sustainability of debt and vulnerability to exogenous shocks, particularly for a number of least developed countries, small island developing States, some developed countries, and for heavily commodity-dependent exporters, which implies serious constraints on opportunities for inclusive and sustainable economic growth. 22. 当前的全球金融形势引发了关于债务可持续性和对外部冲击的脆弱性方面的担忧,特别是对于一些最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家、某些发达国家和严重依赖初级商品的出口国而言,这意味着包容性和可持续经济增长的机遇受到严重限制。
Although many countries remain vulnerable to debt crises, strengthened macroeconomic and public resource management has led to a substantial decline in the vulnerability of many countries to sovereign debt distress, as has the substantial debt reduction through the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative. 尽管仍有许多国家易受债务危机的影响,但宏观经济和公共资源管理的加强以及通过“重债穷国倡议”和“多边债务减免倡议”进行的大量债务减免,使许多国家大大降低了对主权债务困境的脆弱性。
Important improvements have also been made regarding the restructuring of sovereign obligations including, in the Paris Club of official creditors and the Paris Forum, among others, that contribute to fostering dialogue among sovereign creditors and debtors on debt issues, and the market acceptance of new standard clauses of government bond contracts. 在加强主权债务合作重组进程方面取得了重要改进,包括在有助于促成主权债权人和债务人就债务问题举行对话的“官方债权人巴黎俱乐部”和“巴黎论坛”等倡议以及市场对政府债券合同新标准条款的接受度方面取得了重要进展。
Nevertheless, there is scope for further work with a view to facilitating fair burden-sharing, improving predictability and promoting an orderly, timely and efficient restructuring that respects the principles of shared responsibility and is conducive to the rapid restoration of public debt sustainability, while preserving access to financing resources under favourable conditions. 不过,仍有进一步改进的空间,以便推动公平的责任分担,提高可预测性和促进有序、及时、高效、尊重共同责任原则、有利于恢复公共债务可持续性的重组,同时保持在优惠条件下获得资金资源的途径。
Further improvements are also needed on transparency in debt issues, including the need to reduce reliance on credit-rating agency assessments and to improve the quality of the information they provide has also been recognized. 还需要进一步提供债务问题的透明度,我们亦认识到,需要降低对信用评级机构开展的评估的依赖性,并提高它们所提供的信息的质量。
Given growing concerns about external debt sustainability, public debt management to prevent and pre-empt financial and debt crises is important. 鉴于人们日益担忧外部债务的可持续性,有必要进行公共债务管理,以防止和预防金融和债务危机。
The need for a central data registry, including information on debt restructurings, has also been recognized. 我们还认识到,需要设立一个中央数据登记册,包括债务重组的有关信息。
In this regard, the longstanding work of UNCTAD on debt issues within the United Nations, including through promotion of its Principles on Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing, is recognized. 在这方面,各方认可贸发会议长期以来在联合国之内就债务问题开展的工作,包括宣传“负责任的借贷”原则。
The work of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank remains important. 联合国、国际货币基金组织和世界银行的工作仍然很重要。
23. Investment can be a powerful means to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 23. 投资可作为支持实现“可持续发展目标”的有力途径。
Investment can bring innovative technology, can stimulate production and employment, and can enable access to international markets for better expertise and increased development opportunities. 投资能够带来创新技术,能够促进生产和就业,能够促成国际市场准入以取得更好的专业知识并增加发展机会。
The international community should continue to cooperate and engage in dialogue with a view to maintaining a conducive policy environment for investment, and addressing shared investment policy challenges. 国际社会应继续开展合作并进行对话,以期维持有利的投资政策环境,并应对共同的投资政策挑战。
Governments reaffirm the right to regulate investment for legitimate public policy purposes. 各国政府重申它们有权出于正当的公共政策目的对投资进行监管。
24. It is important to promote awareness and capacity-building to support developing countries in attracting and promoting investment that contributes to the achievement of national development strategies. 24. 必须提高认识并推动能力建设,以支持发展中国家吸引和促进有助于实现国家发展战略的投资。
25. Effective taxation will be critical in the mobilization of resources for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and overall economic advancement of developing countries. 25. 在调集资源落实可持续发展目标和实现发展中国家总体经济进步的过程中,有效的税收至关重要。
This includes reducing opportunities for tax avoidance, as well as addressing illicit financial flows and the activities that underlie their occurrence, such as tax evasion, illegal exploitation of natural resources, corruption, embezzlement and fraud. 这包括减少避税机会,并解决非法资金流动及其背后的活动,如逃税、非法开采自然资源、腐败、贪污和欺诈行为。
This is a global issue that requires further multilateral cooperation. 这是一个需要进一步多边合作的全球性问题。
Current initiatives should also be more inclusive with regard to the participation of developing countries. 目前的举措在吸收发展中国家的参与方面也应更具包容性。
26. Technology, including information and communications technology and innovation, plays a critical role in trade and development, including through its essential contribution to structural transformation, productive capacities, competitiveness and the diversification of production and exports as well as to advancing food security. 26. 包括信息和通信技术在内的技术和创新在贸易和发展中发挥着关键作用,包括通过对结构转型、生产能力、竞争力、生产和出口多样化以及推动粮食安全作出根本性贡献。
It is thus a key means of implementation and a component of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 因此,技术和创新是一个重要的执行手段,也是实现“可持续发展目标”的一个组成部分。
It is also one of the most important levers of change for achieving inclusive and sustainable development. 它也是实现包容性和可持续发展的最重要的变革杠杆之一。
The development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technology to developing countries on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed, is a means to implement the 2030 Agenda. 以有利条件、包括彼此商定的减让和优惠条件,开发并向发展中国家转让、传播和推广无害环境的技术是落实《2030年议程》的一种手段。
International arrangements and measures including the Technology Facilitation Mechanism and operationalization of the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries as agreed in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, are welcome. 我们欢迎国际安排和措施,包括“技术便利化机制”,以及为支持“可持续发展目标”的落实启动《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》中商定的最不发达国家技术库。
27. Inclusive and sustainable development requires an enabling environment at all levels in the form of relevant policy frameworks, robust rules and effective cooperation. 27. 包容性和可持续发展要求在各级创造扶持环境,其形式包括相关的政策框架、严格的规则和有效的合作。
Such a conducive national and international environment would contribute to supporting domestic productive investment, increasing flows of stable long-term development finance and greenfield foreign direct investment to developing countries. 这种有利的国内和国际环境将有助于支持发展中国家的国内生产性投资、增加对它们的稳定的长期发展资金流量,以及对它们的“绿地”外国直接投资。
Strengthening the enabling environment for productive investment in developing countries is key to the incorporation and scaling-up of technologies to increase their productivity and competitiveness. 加强发展中国家生产性投资的扶持环境,是这些国家吸收和加大利用技术以提高生产力和竞争力的关键。
Publicly available, high-quality statistics that adhere to international standards are also needed. 同时还需要符合国际标准的公开的高质量统计数据。
28. Trade liberalization can play a significant role in integrating developing countries positively into the global trading system especially when accompanied by balanced and sustainable policies at all levels in support of growth, stability, industrial development, infrastructure, employment and structural change, and are essential for achieving global growth, job creation, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. 28. 贸易自由化可在发展中国家正面融入全球贸易体系方面发挥重要作用,特别是如果同时在各级辅以平衡和可持续的政策,支持增长、稳定性、工业发展、基础设施、就业和结构改革; 贸易自由化对于实现全球经济增长、创造就业机会、减贫和可持续发展至关重要。
In this regard and in line with the Nairobi Ministerial Declaration of the Tenth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, the work of the World Trade Organization shall maintain development at its centre, with provisions for special and differential treatment remaining integral. 有鉴于此,根据世界贸易组织第十次部长级会议通过的《内罗毕部长宣言》,世界贸易组织的工作应继续以发展为中心,特殊和差别待遇条款仍然必不可少。
The elements included in the package reached at the Tenth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, in particular those in favour of the least developed countries, are therefore welcome. 因此,我们欢迎世界贸易组织第十次部长级会议上达成的各项协议,特别是有利于最不发达国家的协议。
World Trade Organization members have made significant progress towards the goal of providing duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis for all products for all least developed countries and further improvement in this direction would be welcome. 世界贸易组织成员在向所有最不发达国家的所有产品长期提供免关税和免配额市场准入的目标方面取得了重大进展,如能沿着这一方向作出进一步改进,我们将表示欢迎。
29. Regional integration can be an important catalyst to reduce trade barriers, implement policy reforms, decrease trade costs and increase developing country participation in regional and global value chains. 29. 区域一体化还可成为减少贸易壁垒、执行政策改革、降低贸易成本并加大发展中国家参与区域和全球价值链的一个重要催化剂。
There is a need to ensure that bilateral and regional trade agreements remain complementary to, not a substitute for, the multilateral trading system. 需要确保双边和区域贸易协定继续补充、而不是替代多边贸易体系。
These agreements should be consistent with, and should contribute towards a stronger multilateral trading system. 这些协定应符合并应有助于建立一个更强有力的多边贸易体系。
30. Greater transparency is needed in commodities markets, in both source and destination countries, and this should include implementing methods to strengthen transparency and capacity in tax administration systems. 30. 需要从来源国和目的地国两方面提高初级商品市场的透明度,其中应当包括采取办法提高税收管理体系的透明度和能力。
The rich resource endowment of the world’s poorest countries, combined with massive capital flight from many commodity-dependent developing countries, highlights the need for a comprehensive assessment of the exploitation and marketing of primary commodities in both source and destination countries. 世界最贫穷国家丰富的自然资源禀赋,再加上许多依赖初级商品的发展中国家巨额的资本外流量,突出表明需要在来源国和目的地国全面评估初级商品的利用和销售情况。
31. Accession to the World Trade Organization remains an integral part of the development strategies of most countries aiming to benefit fully from the international trading system, and is also important for the further integration of developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, and countries with economies in transition, into the rules-based multilateral trading system. 31. 对于大多数希望充分受益于国际贸易体系的国家来说,加入世界贸易组织依然是其发展战略中一个不可或缺的组成部分,入世对于发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家和经济转型期国家进一步融入基于规则的多边贸易体系也很重要。
In this context, acceding countries, particularly the least developed countries, could need technical assistance prior to, during and in the follow-up to the accession process. 在这种情况下,加入国、特别是最不发达国家在入世之前、入世期间和入世之后都可能需要技术援助。
Obstacles should be addressed so as to facilitate the accession process, in order to achieve an early conclusion. 需要处理障碍,以推动入世进程,争取尽早完成入世程序。
Concerning acceding least developed countries, World Trade Organization members have agreed to implement the decision on the guidelines for accession of the least developed countries adopted by the World Trade Organization General Council on 25 July 2012. 关于最不发达加入国,世界贸易组织成员已经同意执行2012年7月25日世界贸易组织总理事会通过的关于最不发达国家入世指导原则的决定。
32. The Aid for Trade initiative and the Enhanced Integrated Framework remain important in the context of trade and development, particularly in building supply-side capacity and trade-related infrastructure for developing countries, in particular the least developed countries. 32. “贸易援助”计划和《强化综合框架》在贸易和发展背景下仍有其重要性,特别是在建设发展中国家、尤其是最不发达国家的供应能力和贸易相关基础设施方面。
The effectiveness of Aid for Trade should continue to be improved including by aligning support with recipient government priorities, more effectively targeting binding constraints faced by recipients and applying lessons learned through monitoring and evaluation. 应继续提高“贸易援助”计划的成效,包括使援助符合接收国政府的优先事项、更加有效地针对接收国面临的具有法律约束力的限制因素、应用通过监测和评价汲取的教训。
Its poverty reduction potential can be enhanced by policies that extend opportunities to access the benefits of trade to those living in poverty and that mitigate the costs of adjustment. 要增强这种援助的减贫潜力,可以在政策上为生活贫困的人提供获益于贸易的机会,并尽量降低调整的代价。
33. The Agreement on Trade Facilitation of the World Trade Organization is expected to accelerate the flow of goods between countries, improve transparency and reduce transaction costs. 33. 世界贸易组织《贸易便利化协定》是要加速国家间的货物流动、提高透明度和减少交易成本。
If implemented effectively, this should enhance mutual benefits to trading nations and thus promote global sustainable development, as well as generate welfare gains for consumers and businesses. 如能有效执行,应能增进贸易国的互利,从而促进全球可持续发展,并为消费者和企业带来增益。
In order to achieve the goals of the Agreement, potential implementation challenges, particularly for the least developed countries, will need to be addressed. 为了实现《协定》的目标,将需要处理潜在的执行方面的挑战,特别是对于最不发达国家来说。
The delivery of effective technical, financial and other mutually agreed forms of assistance as well as capacity-building support, is critical in this regard. 在这方面,提供有效的技术援助、财政援助和其他彼此商定的形式的援助以及能力建设支助至关重要。
34. States are strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries, and that affect commercial interests. 34. 我们强烈敦促各国不要颁布和采用不符合国际法和《联合国宪章》、阻碍各国、特别是发展中国家充分实现经济和社会发展并影响商业利益的任何单方面经济、金融或贸易措施。
These actions hinder market access, investments and freedom of transit and the well-being of the populations of affected countries. 这些行动会妨碍市场准入、投资和自由过境,以及受影响国家民众的福利。
Meaningful trade liberalization will also require addressing non-tariff measures including, inter alia, unilateral measures, where they may act as unnecessary trade barriers. 真正的贸易自由化还需要处理包括单边措施在内的非关税措施,因为它们可能构成不必要的贸易壁垒。
35. Strengthened macroeconomic and policy coordination is essential to address the structural and long-term problems exposed by the global financial crisis, so as to increase global macroeconomic stability, support global economic recovery and improve the global economic and trade environment and minimize negative spillovers on developing countries. 35. 加强宏观经济和政策协调,对于处理全球金融危机暴露的结构性问题和长期问题至关重要,可以提高全球宏观经济稳定性,支持全球经济复苏,改善全球经济和贸易环境,并尽可能减少对发展中国家的负面溢出效应。
A collective effort is needed to promote a more stable macroeconomic environment for trade and development. 需要共同努力,为贸易和发展创造更加稳定的宏观经济环境。
36. The stability of the financial system is an integral part of a global enabling environment and crucial to enable long-term growth and sustainable development. 36. 金融系统的稳定是全球扶持环境必不可少的一部分,对于实现长期增长和可持续发展至关重要。
More effective regulation of the financial system could help to connect global financial markets and long-term national sustainable development policies, and attention should be given to the potential impacts of new global financial regulations on infrastructure and microenterprises and small-medium-sized enterprises finance. 对金融系统的更有效的监管,有助于将全球金融市场和长期国家可持续发展政策联系起来; 需要注意全球金融监管新规对于基础设施以及中小微企业融资的潜在影响。
37. The enabling global economic environment needed to promote equitable and sustainable development outcomes for all in the long term requires good global governance, as well as a revitalized and reinvigorated Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. 37. 从长期角度促进人人共享公平和可持续发展的成果,需要有扶持型全球经济环境,这就要求实现良好的全球治理,重振和振兴可持续发展全球伙伴关系。
While recent measures in the international financial system have brought welcome progress towards more representative decision-making, further movement is needed to broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in decision-making, and to promote responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making on international financial issues. 国际金融体系中最近采取的措施在实现更具代表性的决策方面带来了可喜的进展,但还需要进一步改进,以扩大和加强发展中国家在决策中的参与,并推动在国际金融问题上实现反应灵敏、具有包容性、参与性和代表性的决策。
The role of UNCTAD 贸发会议的作用
38. In accordance with paragraphs 10 and 12, UNCTAD should: 38. 按照上文第10段和第12段,贸发会议应当:
(a) Continue to promote an enabling economic environment at all levels in support of inclusive and sustainable development, including by promoting multilateral solutions to common economic problems; (a) 继续在各级促进扶持型经济环境,以支持包容性和可持续发展,包括通过促进以多边办法解决共同的经济问题;
(b) Continue to provide a forum for the exchange of views and perspectives on trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology and investment as they affect the growth and development prospects of developing countries, in the context of the evolving global economic environment, to help promote policies and strategies at the national and international levels that are conducive to inclusive and sustainable development, and consistent with the priorities established by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; (b) 继续提供一个平台,以便就贸易与发展及金融、技术和投资领域相互关联的问题交换意见和观点,因为在全球经济环境不断演变的背景下,这些问题影响到发展中国家的增长和发展前景,从而帮助在国家和国际一级促进有利于包容性和可持续发展并且符合《2030可持续发展议程》所定优先顺序的政策和战略;
(c) Continue to conduct research and analysis, in cooperation with relevant agencies, to evaluate the impacts of global financial regulations on access to finance for infrastructure and microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises; (c) 继续与相关机构合作,开展研究和分析,以评估全球金融监管规则对基础设施和中小微型企业融资的影响;
(d) Support member States in finding consensus among them in addressing persistent and emerging challenges that hamper the trade prospects of developing countries; (d) 支持成员国寻求共识,应对阻碍发展中国家贸易前景的长期存在和新出现的挑战;
(e) Continue its work on the impact of non-tariff measures on the trade and development prospects of developing countries and strengthen its cooperation on the topic with other relevant partners, including through participation in the Multi-Agency Support Team on the non-tariff measure database; (e) 继续开展关于非关税措施对发展中国家贸易和发展前景的影响的工作,与其他有关伙伴加强在这个问题上的合作,包括参加非关税措施数据库问题多机构支助小组;
(f) Continue to help developing countries to participate effectively in international discussions on technology transfer and knowledge sharing, and to identify policy options and best practices. (f) 继续帮助发展中国家切实参与关于技术转让和知识共享的国际讨论,确定政策选项和最佳做法。
UNCTAD should furthermore continue to assist developing countries in identifying ways and means to operationalize technology transfer and undertake research on the impact of transfer of technology on trade and development; 贸发会议还应继续协助发展中国家确定如何实施技术转让,以及研究技术转让对贸易和发展的影响;
(g) Continue to collect statistics and conduct research and policy analysis on the development impact of foreign direct investment and the activities of multinational enterprises, including through non-equity modes of international production, to keep member States abreast of developments and enable them to assess their importance for development and devise and implement appropriate policy instruments; (g) 继续就外国直接投资和跨国企业活动(包括通过国际生产的非股权模式)对发展的影响问题收集统计数据并开展研究和政策分析,让成员国及时了解动态,使它们能够评估这些动态对发展的重要性并设计和执行适当的政策工具;
(h) Continue its analytical and policy work and technical assistance on debt issues, including the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System Programme, and to promote policies for responsible sovereign borrowing and lending, complementing the work done by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and other stakeholders, as appropriate; (h) 继续开展关于债务问题的分析和政策工作以及技术援助,包括"债务管理和金融分析系统"方案,推动负责任的主权借贷政策,酌情为世界银行、国际货币基金组织及其他利益攸关方的工作提供补充;
(i) Continue its existing work, in coordination with relevant partners, including the Task Force on Finance Statistics, to contribute to statistical series and capacity in the fields of domestic debt, external private and public debt and debt composition; (i) 与有关合作伙伴,包括财务统计工作队协调,继续开展现有工作,以帮助编制国内债务、私人和公共外债以及债务构成领域的统计丛刊,并加强这些领域的能力;
(j) Continue its work through its three pillars in the fields of international transport and transit, trade logistics, trade facilitation and related issues, as well as to support implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation of the World Trade Organization, and continue to support the development and implementation of an appropriate legal and regulatory framework that facilitates and supports international transport and trade, and reduces costs; (j) 继续通过三大支柱在国际运输和中转、贸易物流、贸易便利化及相关问题领域开展工作,为执行世界贸易组织《贸易便利化协定》提供支持,并继续协助制订和执行一个适当的法律和监管框架,为国际运输和贸易提供便利和支持并且降低成本;
(k) Continue to support developing countries in their participation in the multilateral trading system, as well as Aid for Trade and other development assistance schemes; (k) 继续支持发展中国家参与多边贸易体系、贸易援助计划和其他发展援助计划;
(l) Continue its existing programme of meetings and consultations with member States on investment agreements in accordance with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, maintaining its role as a forum for international discussion on investment agreements, and assist member States in their efforts to strengthen the development dimension, as appropriate; (l) 按照《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,继续就投资协定与成员国开展其现有会议和协商方案,继续充当国际上讨论投资协定的论坛,并酌情协助成员国努力加强发展内容;
(m) Continue to monitor and assess the evolution of the international trading system and its trends from a development perspective, with particular attention to its potential contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals; (m) 继续从发展角度监测和评估国际贸易体系的演变及趋势,特别注意国际贸易体系对“可持续发展目标”的潜在贡献;
(n) Monitor and assess persistent and emerging development challenges to trade from a sustainable development perspective; (n) 从可持续发展角度监测和评估贸易领域长期存在和新出现的发展挑战;
(o) Continue to monitor commodity markets and appropriately maintain its database on international commodity prices as part of its work on key statistics and trends; (o) 继续监测初级商品市场,并作为关于重要统计数据和趋势的工作的一部分,妥善维护国际初级商品价格数据库;
(p) Continue to provide assistance to developing countries to design and implement policies and actions aimed at improving the efficiency of trade transactions as well as the management of transport operations. (p) 继续为发展中国家提供援助,制订和执行各项政策和措施,以提高贸易交易效率并改进运输业务的管理。
It should also continue to cooperate with member States in implementing, the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA); 还应当继续与成员国合作推行海关数据自动化系统(ASYCUDA);
UNCTAD should also continue its work on taxation as it relates to investment policy; 贸发会议还应当继续开展与投资政策有关的税务方面的工作;
(q) Continue its work on private standards, including sustainability standards; (q) 继续就民间标准、包括可持续性标准开展工作;
(r) Address the trade and development impact of non-tariff barriers; (r) 应对非关税壁垒对贸易和发展的影响;
(s) Assist the least developed countries in making use of existing initiatives and programmes such as duty-free and quota-free schemes, preferential rules of origin for those countries and the least developed countries services waiver, as well as targeted assistance under initiatives such as the Enhanced Integrated Framework and Aid for Trade; (s) 帮助最不发达国家利用现有举措和方案,例如免关税免配额计划、针对最不发达国家的优惠原产地规则和服务产品豁免,以及强化综合框架和贸易援助计划等举措规定的有针对性的援助;
(t) Assist developing countries, through analytical work and policy design, in the development of regional mechanisms to facilitate the mobilization of financial resources for inclusive and sustainable development, including from international financial institutions and the private sector; (t) 通过分析工作和政策设计,协助发展中国家发展区域机制,便利为包容和可持续的发展调动资金,包括向国际金融机构和私营部门筹集资金;
(u) Contribute, as a member of the United Nations inter-agency task team on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals and as secretariat to the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, to the implementation of outcomes related to science, technology and innovation of the 2030 Agenda, including the Technology Facilitation Mechanism and operationalization of the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries; (u) 作为科学、技术、创新促进可持续发展目标联合国机构间任务小组成员以及科学和技术促进发展委员会的秘书处,帮助落实《2030年议程》与科学、技术和创新有关的成果,包括技术便利化机制,并帮助面向最不发达国家的技术银行投入运作;
(v) Continue and enhance its work programme on science, technology and innovation, including the science, technology and innovation policy reviews to support policymaking in developing countries by assessing effectiveness and identifying priorities for action leading to sustainable development; (v) 继续开展并加强关于科学、技术、创新的工作方案,包括科学、技术和创新政策审查,以便通过评估促进可持续发展行动的有效性并确定优先顺序,为发展中国家的政策制订提供支持;
(w) Continue its work on the linkages between international trade and financial and macroeconomic issues, with a view to helping developing countries to integrate successfully into the global economy; (w) 继续就国际贸易与金融及宏观经济问题之间的联系开展工作,以期帮助发展中国家成功融入全球经济;
(x) Continue to provide and reinforce its technical assistance and capacity-building to developing countries and countries with economies in transition before, during and in the follow-up of the process of accession to the World Trade Organization; (x) 继续在加入世界贸易组织的前、中、后阶段,向发展中国家和经济转型期国家提供并加强技术援助和能力建设;
(y) Continue, as a contribution to the work of the United Nations, research and analysis on the prospects of, and impact on, developing countries in matters of trade and development, in light of the global economic and financial crisis; (y) 作为对联合国工作的贡献,继续研究和分析在全球经济和金融危机的背景下,发展中国家的贸易和发展前景及所受影响;
(z) Continue to provide technical assistance and capacity-building to developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the area of multilateral and regional trade negotiations, formulation of trade policy frameworks and services policy reviews and other related trade policy aspects; (z) 继续在多边和区域贸易谈判、贸易政策框架制订和服务政策审查以及其他相关贸易政策方面,向发展中国家和经济转型期国家提供技术援助和能力建设;
(aa) Assist developing countries, including through capacity-building, with the creation of methodologies, within its mandate, to measure the impact of national policy efforts towards achieving sustainable development, and with the maintenance of appropriate and updated national statistics in order to adhere to international standards. (aa) 在其任务范围内,通过能力建设等方式,协助发展中国家制定方法,以衡量国家为实现可持续发展所作的政策努力的影响,并协助其维护适当和最新的国家统计数据,以符合国际标准。
Sub-theme 2 Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth through trade, investment, finance and technology to achieve prosperity for all 分主题2 通过贸易、投资、金融和技术促进持久、包容和可持续的经济增长,实现共同繁荣
39. Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth is a fundamental prerequisite for poverty eradication, job creation, technological upgrading, economic diversification and transformation, reduction of income inequality within and between countries and achieving sustainable development and prosperity for all. 39. 促进持久、包容和可持续的经济增长,是消除贫困、创造就业、技术升级、经济多样化和转型、缩小国家内部和国家之间收入差距、实现可持续发展和共同繁荣的基本前提。
However, this requires effective measures at all levels, to overcome weak economic growth and persistent and emerging challenges to strong and stable development. 不过,这要求在所有层面采取有效措施,克服经济增长乏力问题以及阻碍有力、稳定发展的长期存在和新出现的挑战。
Inclusiveness and sustainability are key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 包容和可持续是实现《2030年可持续发展议程》的关键。
Such measures, while remaining consistent with relevant international rules and commitments, have to be tailored to take into account different national capacities, needs and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities. 这类措施在遵守相关国际规则和承诺的同时,必须加以调整,以照顾不同国家的能力、需要和发展水平,并尊重国内政策和优先事项。
It is equally important to ensure that the benefits of development are fairly shared by all, and support the needs of present and future generations. 同样重要的是,应确保发展的果实能够为所有人公平分享,并支持当代和子孙后代的需要。
40. Economic growth has to be inclusive to ensure the well-being of the population. 40. 只有包容的经济增长才能确保人民的福祉。
Inclusiveness requires creating opportunities for all segments of society, especially the most disadvantaged, and distributing the gains from prosperity more equally. 包容要求为社会各阶层、尤其是最弱势群体创造机会,并且更公平地分配繁荣带来的收益。
It also requires close attention to horizontal inequalities, including gender inequality, and to issues related to youth empowerment. 包容还要求密切关注包括性别不平等在内的各种横向不平等以及与扶持青年有关的问题。
Achieving sustainable economic growth requires the talents, creativity and entrepreneurial vigour of the entire population as well as supportive policies towards skills development, microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, capacities to innovate and absorb new technologies, the ability to produce a higher quality and greater range of products, infrastructure and other investments. 实现可持续的经济增长需要全体人民的才干、创造性和创业活力,还需要针对以下方面的扶持政策:技能发展、中小微企业、创新和吸收新技术的能力、生产更高质量更多品种产品的能力、基础设施和其他投资。
41. The realization of inclusive and sustainable development depends, inter alia, on trade serving as an engine for economic growth and poverty eradication. 41. 实现包容和可持续的发展一方面取决于贸易是否能够作为引擎,带动经济增长和消除贫困。
Trade is a means to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. 对于执行《2030年可持续发展议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,贸易是一种支持手段。
With appropriate supporting policies, adequate infrastructure and an educated and trained workforce, it can also help to promote productive employment, youth and women’s empowerment, food security and reduced inequality. 有了稳妥的扶持政策、适当的基础设施、受过教育和培训的劳动力队伍,贸易还可以帮助促进生产性就业、增强青年和妇女权能、粮食安全以及减少不平等。
42. However, the effectiveness of trade in promoting growth and poverty eradication depends in part upon multisectoral investment and technological upgrading at the national level. 42. 然而,贸易促进增长和消除贫困的有效性在一定程度上取决于国家一级的多部门投资和技术升级。
Productive investment is critical, to drive growth, job creation, innovation and trade. 生产性投资是带动增长、创造就业、创新和贸易的关键。
So, too, is the finance needed to provide enterprises with the capital they need to develop. 同样重要的是资金,为企业提供发展所需的资本。
Investment in infrastructure is essential for development and is a catalyst for growth, and to facilitate private and public investments and competitiveness. 基础设施投资是发展所必不可少的,也是增长的催化剂,还能促进公共和私人投资以及提高竞争力。
43. Mobilization of financial resources to developing countries and the enhancement of investment in the real economy, particularly in sustainable infrastructure development, including public–private partnerships and production capacity, in developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, play a key role in trade and development. 43. 为发展中国家筹集资金,加强对实体经济的投资,尤其是为可持续的基础设施发展投资,包括为公私伙伴关系和生产能力投资,可为发展中国家、尤其是最不发达国家的贸易和发展发挥重要作用。
Raising public and private investment, both domestic and foreign, will be critical. 增加公共和私营部门的国内外投资将至关重要。
44. International public finance plays an important role in complementing the efforts of countries to mobilize public resources domestically. 44. 国际公共资金为各国筹集国内公共资源的努力提供了重要补充。
Not all programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions are able to access a wide range of finance and remain reliant on official development assistance as a predictable source of finance for their implementation. 并非所有全面消除贫困的方案和政策都能获得多方位的资金,这些方案和政策的执行仍然依赖官方发展援助作为一个可预测的资金来源。
Targeting the eradication of poverty in its multiple dimensions, including extreme poverty, is particularly important for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 力求在多个层面上消除贫困、包括极端贫困,对实现可持续发展目标尤为重要。
In this regard, it is important that access to cooperation and the measurement of development recognize the multidimensional nature of poverty and the challenge specificities and the need to address key structural vulnerabilities in developing countries. 在这方面,重要的是,提供合作和衡量发展时要认识到贫困的多面性、挑战的具体性,以及应对发展中国家重大结构性弱点的必要性。
An important use of international public finance, including official development assistance, is to catalyse additional resource mobilization from other sources, public and private. 国际公共资金、包括官方发展援助的一个重要用途是,促进从其他公共和私人来源调动更多资源。
Modernization of the official development assistance measurement and the proposed measure of “total official support for sustainable development” should not dilute commitments already made. 官方发展援助计量的现代化和“官方可持续发展支助总量”的拟议计量办法不应削弱已经作出的承诺。
45. Technology and its financing are a key means of implementation and a component of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 45. 技术和为技术筹资是重要执行手段,也是实现“可持续发展目标”的要素。
However, for the majority of developing countries, the potential of science, technology and innovation remains unfulfilled. 然而,大多数发展中国家尚未充分发挥科学、技术和创新的潜力。
Closing technological gaps is both essential for poverty eradication and a key instrument for reducing inequality within and among countries. 弥合技术差距既是消除贫困的关键,也是减少国家内部和国家之间不平等的重要手段。
The means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals includes the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies, on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed. 可持续发展目标的执行手段包括以有利的条件,包括双方商定的减让和优惠条件,开发、转让、传播和推广无害环境技术。 来自海外侨民的知识转移也可做出重要贡献。
Knowledge transfer from diasporas can also make an important contribution. 外国直接投资和贸易可在向发展中国家传播无害环境技术和促进技术开发方面发挥重要作用。
Foreign direct investment and trade can play a key role in disseminating environmentally sound technologies to developing countries and in stimulating technology development. 向发展中国家推广技术可采取多种措施,包括消除各级可能存在的技术转让壁垒; 提供资金; 降低技术价格;
Technology diffusion to developing countries can be facilitated by various measures, including through addressing potential barriers to technology transfer at all levels, access to finance, making technology more affordable, trade liberalization with appropriate supporting policies, investment in human capital and increasing the capacity of domestic industries and infrastructure to support technology attraction and absorption, recognizing the importance of the adequate, balanced and effective protection of intellectual property rights in both developed and developing countries in line with nationally defined priorities and with full respect for international obligations. 通过适当的扶持政策实现贸易自由化; 人力资本投资并增强国内产业和基础设施为技术引进和吸收提供支持的能力; 确认必须在符合国内确定的优先事项和充分遵守国际义务的前提下,在发达国家和发展中国家适当、均衡、有效地保护知识产权。
An effective domestic and international enabling environment is also needed to ensure the potential development benefits of technology. 确保技术带来潜在的发展收益还需要国内和国际上有效的扶持环境。
46. South–South cooperation as a complement not a substitute to North–South cooperation, and triangular cooperation, have an important role in achieving inclusive and sustainable development, including in finance and technology. 46. 南南合作是南北合作的补充而不是替代,三方合作在实现包容和可持续发展、包括融资和技术方面有着重要作用。
South–South cooperation should be seen as an expression of solidarity among peoples and countries of the South, based on their shared experiences and objectives. 应当把南南合作视为南方人民和国家基于共同经历和目标所表现出的团结。
By assisting developing countries in establishing development paths that promote equity, openness, comprehensiveness and innovation, the increased importance of South–South cooperation and triangular cooperation has been recognized as supporting the realization of the 2030 Agenda. 通过帮助发展中国家制订促进平等、开放、全面和创新的发展路径,南南合作和三方合作日益增加的重要性被认为有助于实现《2030年议程》。
Stronger economic ties among developing countries will also continue to have a positive impact on trade and financial flows, building of local technological capability and economic growth in developing countries. 发展中国家之间更强的经济联系也将继续促进发展中国家的贸易和资金流动、当地技术能力建设和经济增长。
47. Sustainable and inclusive development thus requires national efforts to promote inclusive and sustainable development to be matched with reforms at the international level to create such an environment. 47. 所以,可持续和包容的发展要求在国家努力促进这种发展的同时,得到国际一级为创造这种环境进行的改革的配合。
In endorsing the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the global community has committed itself to the pursuit of an enabling environment for sustainable development nationally and internationally, and to facilitating the means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, at all levels. 国际社会通过《2030年议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,即承诺力求在国家和国际一级为可持续发展创造扶持环境,并在所有各级为“可持续发展目标”的执行手段提供便利。
48. As highlighted by the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the fulfilment of all official development assistance commitments remains crucial. 48. 正如《2030年议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》所强调的,履行所有官方发展援助承诺仍然至关重要。
Providers of official development assistance reaffirmed their respective commitments, including the commitments by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income as official development assistance to developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of gross national income as official development assistance to the least developed countries. 官方发展援助提供方重申其各自的承诺,包括许多发达国家就实现以下目标作出的承诺:将国民总收入的0.7%用作对发展中国家的官方发展援助,将国民总收入的0.15%至0.20%用作对最不发达国家的官方发展援助。
49. While increasing public investment is necessary to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, there is also untapped potential for private sector participation. 49. 实现“可持续发展目标”需要增加公共投资,但私营部门的参与也存在尚未挖掘的潜力。
However, mobilizing and channelling that potential faces a number of policy challenges, including those surrounding some of the public–private partnerships. 然而,调动和引导这种潜力面临若干政策挑战,包括围绕某些公私伙伴关系的挑战。
Leadership and coordination are needed, nationally and globally, to provide guiding principles to deal with such policy dilemmas, ensure policy coherence, avoid hidden costs and catalyse action. 需要国家和全球一级的领导和协调,为处理这些政策难题提供指导原则,确保政策的一致性,避免隐性成本并推动采取行动。
The work of UNCTAD on investing in the Sustainable Development Goals can be a source of guidance in this regard in order to strengthen national institutional capacities. 贸发会议关于为可持续发展目标投资的工作可作为这方面的一个指导,以便加强国家体制能力。
50. As per the 2030 Agenda, and in line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and other relevant outcomes of the United Nations system investment in public–private partnerships for infrastructure development is an effective way to address infrastructure gaps and to build productive capacities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. 50. 按照《2030年议程》以及《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》和联合国系统的其他相关成果,为发展基础设施投资于公私伙伴关系是弥补基础设施不足和建设生产能力以求实现可持续发展目标的有效途径。
51. More generally, there is a need for additional sustainable productive investment in developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, small island developing States, landlocked developing countries and other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies, African countries and countries in conflict and post-conflict situations. 51. 总体而言,发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家、内陆发展中国家和其他结构脆弱、易受冲击的小经济体、非洲国家以及冲突和冲突后国家,都需要额外的可持续生产性投资。
Similarly, there are solid grounds for the international community to support member States that are bearing the brunt of geopolitical or other non-economic spillovers, in order to mitigate the economic impact. 同样,国际社会理应为受地缘政治或其他非经济溢出效应影响最大的成员国提供支持,以减轻其经济受到的影响。
There is a need for new approaches, nationally and internationally, to guide investment policy, to ensure coherence with other public policies, including through support to long-term financing for microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises and the promotion of public investment in infrastructure, and to stimulate foreign direct investment that benefits the real economy, as outlined in the UNCTAD Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development. 正如贸发会议《可持续发展投资政策框架》所述,需要在国家和国际一级采取新的方针,为投资政策提供指导,确保与其他公共政策一致(包括通过为中小微型企业的长期融资提供支持和促进对基础设施的公共投资),并鼓励有利于实体经济的外国直接投资。
52. Information technology and the digital economy, including electronic commerce (e-commerce), have an increasing impact on global trade and development. 52. 信息技术和数字经济,包括电子商务,对全球贸易和发展的影响越来越大。
Further research is needed on the trade and development aspects of these issues. 需要对这些问题的贸易和发展方面开展进一步研究。
53. Achieving the Goals of the 2030 Agenda will require a revitalized and reinvigorated Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people, and as outlined in the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. 53. 如《2030年议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》所述,实现《2030年议程》的各项目标将需要本着加强全球团结的精神,在所有国家、所有利益攸关方和全体人民参与的情况下,重振和振兴可持续发展全球伙伴关系,尤其注重满足最贫困、最弱势群体的需求。
The revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development should continue to be anchored on States and focus on enhancing the three pillars of sustainable development in a balanced and complementary manner. 恢复活力的可持续发展全球伙伴关系应当继续植根于国家,注重以均衡和互补的方式加强可持续发展的三大支柱。
54. In particular, investment in sustainable infrastructure is urgently needed to address the environmental challenge of rapid urbanization. 54. 特别是,要应对迅速的城市化带来的环境挑战,亟需对可持续基础设施进行投资。
Acknowledging the key role of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, and the work of other relevant agencies, there is a need for well-planned urbanization strategies given the role of urbanization in driving economic growth, while taking into consideration the needs of rural populations and environmental challenges. 在承认联合国人类住区规划署的关键作用和其他有关机构的工作的同时,鉴于城市化对经济增长的推动作用,需要精心规划城市化战略,同时考虑到农村人口的需要和各类环境挑战。
55. In accordance with paragraphs 10 and 12, UNCTAD should: 55. 按照第10段和第12段,贸发会议应当:
(a) Identify specific needs and measures arising from the interdependence between trade, finance, investment, technology and macroeconomic policies, from the point of view of its effect on development; (a) 从对发展的影响着眼,确定贸易、金融、投资、技术以及宏观经济政策之间的相互依存而产生的具体需求和需采取的措施;
(b) Undertake research and analysis and provide technical assistance on the changing international trade landscape, including identifying means of stimulating economic diversification, reducing trade costs and promoting value added production, including in global value chains for goods and services, while addressing transparency, social and environmental responsibility and their potential development impacts; (b) 就不断变化的国际贸易格局开展研究和分析并提供技术援助,包括确定如何激励经济多样化、降低贸易成本、促进高附加值生产,包括在全球货物和服务价值链内促进高附加值生产,同时处理透明度问题、社会和环境责任问题以及它们对发展的潜在影响;
(c) Support developing countries, upon their request, in the formulation and implementation of national trade policy and regulatory frameworks and their integration into national development strategies and macroeconomic policies, thus contributing to an enabling environment at all levels for inclusive and sustainable development; (c) 应发展中国家的请求,帮助它们制订和落实国家贸易政策和监管框架,并将这些政策和框架纳入国家发展政策和宏观经济政策,从而在各级为包容和可持续的发展创造扶持环境;
(d) Continue to support commodity-dependent developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, through policy reviews, dialogues and technical assistance in maximizing the development benefits of links between commodity production and trade; (d) 继续为依赖初级商品的发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家提供支持,通过政策审查、对话和技术援助,最大限度地从初级商品生产与贸易的联系中获得发展收益;
(e) Continue to support cotton-producing developing countries in particular the least developed countries, in their specific needs and challenges; (e) 继续针对生产棉花的发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家的具体需要和挑战提供支助;
(f) Continue to address the nexus between trade, development and environment, through research and technical cooperation on environmental sustainability, including sharing of best practices and assistance to member States in developing sustainable natural resource management systems and appropriate responses to the impacts of climate change as they relate to trade and development; (f) 通过关于环境可持续性的研究和技术合作,继续探讨贸易、发展与环境的联系,包括交流最佳做法,并协助成员国建立可持续的自然资源管理体系,拟定应对气候变化与贸易和发展有关的影响的适当办法;
(g) Continue to assess the role of official development assistance as a source of financing for development, including mobilizing private capital, particularly in the context of the emergence of new sources of financial assistance in conjunction with the Sustainable Development Goals; (g) 继续评估官方发展援助作为发展融资来源之一的作用,包括筹集私人资本的作用,尤其是结合新出现的与“可持续发展目标”相关的新资金援助来源开展评估;
(h) Continue its work on issues related to South–South cooperation and integration and triangular cooperation; (h) 继续就与南南合作、一体化和三方合作有关的问题开展工作;
(i) Continue its work in transport, including maritime transport, ports, multimodal and transit and provide member States with guidance to make transport more efficient and reduce transport costs while increasing its resilience, enhancing trade and port efficiency and improving transit, trade facilitation and transport connectivity. (i) 继续在运输领域、包括海运、港口、多式联运和过境运输的工作,向成员国提供指导,在增强其适应能力的同时提高运输效率和降低运输成本,提高贸易和港口的效率,改进过境运输、贸易便利化和运输连通。
In this regard, particular attention and assistance should be given to the needs of the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States and transit developing countries and structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies, in relation to transport transit and infrastructure; 在这方面应尤其注意最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家、过境发展中国家、结构薄弱、脆弱和小型经济体在过境运输和基础设施方面的需要,并予以援助。
in this respect, UNCTAD should assist developing countries in identifying and leveraging existing and new sources and mechanisms of additional finance; 在这方面,贸发会议应当协助发展中国家确定和优化利用现有和新的资金来源和机制。
UNCTAD should provide capacity-building and technical assistance in this area; 贸发会议应在这一领域提供能力建设和技术援助;
(j) Contribute to strengthening, including through analysis and technical assistance, the cooperation between landlocked developing countries and transit countries, including by facilitating the harmonization of policies in regional and transit infrastructure development and streamlining of customs and border crossing procedures; (j) 通过分析和技术援助等途径,推动加强内陆发展中国家和过境国家之间的合作,包括为协调区域和过境基础设施开发政策以及简化海关和过境手续提供便利;
(k) Continue to assist developing countries in enhancing the sustainability and climate resilience of their transport systems and infrastructure, including coastal transport infrastructure and services and transport corridors, and hold expert meetings within the present framework to monitor and discuss relevant developments, share experiences on different approaches and identify best practices and recommendations on sustainable and resilient transport infrastructure and trade logistics; (k) 继续协助发展中国家增进运输系统和基础设施的可持续性和气候抗御力,包括沿岸运输基础设施和服务以及运输走廊,并在本框架范围内举行专家会议,监测和讨论有关动态,就不同办法交流经验,确定关于可持续和有抗御力的运输基础设施和贸易物流的最佳做法并提出相关建议;
(l) Continue to contribute to policy dialogue and cooperation mechanisms in support of sustainable transport, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction for transport infrastructure, services and operations, including collaborative efforts to support and strengthen the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources; (l) 继续为政策对话和合作机制做出贡献,支持可持续的运输、适应气候变化和减少运输基础设施、服务和业务的灾害风险,包括为支持和加强海洋及其资源的养护和可持续利用所开展的合作;
(m) Promote, from a trade and development perspective, extensive use of renewable and low-emission energy sources and technologies that generate a more diverse and sustainable energy mix and facilitate cooperation on technology and identification of finance in this field, in collaboration with other agencies, where appropriate; (m) 从贸易和发展角度促进可再生能源和低排放能源和技术的广泛使用,形成更加多样和可持续的能源结构,并酌情与其他机构合作,便利该领域的技术合作和筹资;
(n) Continue and reinforce its work on trade in services, services data and statistics and analysis of trade and services for development; (n) 继续并加强关于服务贸易、服务业数据和贸易和服务促进发展统计数据和分析的工作;
(o) Continue to assist developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, in strengthening their capacities to harness the potential of tourism that may positively contribute to inclusive economic growth, sustainable development and graduation from the least developed countries category in cooperation, where appropriate, with other relevant agencies; (o) 继续酌情与其他有关机构合作,协助发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家加强能力,发挥旅游业的潜力,积极促进包容性经济增长、可持续发展和脱离最不发达国家类别;
(p) Support responsible investment initiatives, including the Sustainable Stock Exchanges and Business Schools for Impact initiatives, building on its action plan for investing in the Sustainable Development Goals, to channel investment into Sustainable Development Goals sectors and to continue its work on corporate social responsibility, including through accountability initiatives that take into account social and environmental concerns; (p) 支持负责任的投资倡议,包括“可持续证券交易所”和“商学院发挥影响”倡议,为此要立足于贸发会议投资于“可持续发展目标”的行动计划,引导投资流向“可持续发展目标”部门,并继续开展关于企业社会责任的工作,包括采取考虑到社会和环境关切的问责举措;
(q) Develop and promote a new generation of investment promotion and facilitation strategies, institutions and best-practice policies to align investment with inclusive and sustainable development objectives; (q) 制订和促进新一代的投资促进和投资便利化战略、机构和最佳做法政策,使投资与包容和可持续发展的目标挂钩;
(r) Continue assisting developing countries in translating the UNCTAD Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development into national action plans and toolkits, through investment policy reviews, investment promotion, investment guides and other related products. (r) 通过投资政策审查、投资促进、投资指南和其他有关产品,继续协助发展中国家将贸发会议的“可持续发展投资政策框架”转化为国家行动计划和工具包。
It should continue to help countries to promote enterprise development and entrepreneurship, reduce bureaucratic barriers and streamline business registration, through the Entrepreneurship Policy Framework, Empretec and the Business Facilitation Programme; 贸发会议应当通过创业政策框架、经营技术方案和工商促进项目,继续协助各国促进企业发展、创业、减少官僚主义障碍和精简企业注册程序;
(s) Acknowledging that the World Intellectual Property Organization has the lead in intellectual property rights issues in the United Nations system, UNCTAD will continue its work on intellectual property rights as it relates to trade and development. (s) 确认在联合国系统中,世界知识产权组织在知识产权问题上发挥牵头作用,贸发会议将继续开展与贸易和发展有关的知识产权工作;
(t) Promote effective international and national policies to help developing countries harness science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship as an effective means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, through policy analysis, sharing of experiences and policy-oriented capacity-building; (t) 通过政策分析、经验交流和面向政策的能力建设,促进有效的国际和国家政策,帮助发展中国家利用科学、技术、创新和创业作为“可持续发展目标”的有效执行手段;
(u) Strengthen its work on enhancing development gains from the digital economy and e-commerce through policy analysis, national information and communications technology policy reviews, capacity-building in the area of e-commerce legislation and improving access to data and statistics on the information economy to assess policies and measure impact, including through the Partnership on Measuring Information and Communications Technology for Development; (u) 强化关于从数字经济和电子商务获得更多发展收益的工作,方法包括政策分析、国家信息和通信技术政策审评、电子商务立法领域的能力建设以及为评估政策和衡量影响改进信息经济数据和统计资料的获取途径,包括通过“衡量信息通信技术促进发展伙伴关系”;
(v) Assist developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States address the challenges and opportunities in relation to the use of the Internet and e-commerce, to develop their international trade capacities. (v) 协助发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家,应对使用互联网和电子商务方面的挑战和机遇,以发展其国际贸易能力。
It should, in cooperation where appropriate with other relevant international organizations, facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue on how to expand the benefits from e-commerce and digital trade in developing countries, including through the development of eTrade for All; 贸发会议应酌情与其他相关国际组织合作,便利关于如何扩大发展中国家电子商务和数字贸易效益问题的多利益攸关方对话,包括通过发展“全民电子贸易”。
(w) Contribute to the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, including the outcome document of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the Overall Review of the Implementation of the Outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, particularly with regard to its facilitation role in the relevant action lines and in its capacity as secretariat of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development; (w) 为推动落实信息社会世界首脑会议的成果做出贡献,包括全面审查信息社会世界首脑会议成果执行情况的大会高级别会议的成果文件,特别注意贸发会议在相关行动路线中的推动作用,及其作为科学和技术促进发展委员会秘书处的作用;
(x) Continue its work on trade facilitation and reinforce its support to developing countries to undertake trade facilitation reforms, including implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation of the World Trade Organization; (x) 继续开展贸易便利化工作,并加强对发展中国家实行贸易便利化改革、包括执行世贸组织《贸易便利化协定》的支持;
(y) Continue to assist developing countries, in particular the least developed countries and countries with economies in transition, in designing strategies and policies to enhance the contribution of foreign investment to inclusive growth and the Sustainable Development Goals, including through participation in the higher levels of value addition in global value chains; (y) 继续协助发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家和经济转型期国家设计战略和政策,以增强外国投资对包容性增长和“可持续发展目标”的贡献,包括通过参与全球价值链的较高层次;
(z) Continue capacity-building activities, including Train for Trade, as reflected in paragraph 56 (r) of the Doha Mandate; (z) 根据《多哈授权》第56(r)段继续开展能力建设活动,包括贸易培训方案;
(aa) Contribute to supporting effective trade-related public–private partnerships, in order to promote and achieve sustainable development in developing countries in line with each country’s national development strategies; (aa) 为支持与贸易有关的有效的公私伙伴关系做出贡献,以便按照各国的国家发展战略,促进和实现发展中国家的可持续发展;
(bb) Reinforce its work on the links between gender equality, women’s and girls’ empowerment and trade and development, and support member States in the design and implementation of policies and the establishment of institutions that support women’s economic empowerment, economic security and rights, and enhance their economic opportunities; (bb) 加强关于性别平等、增强妇女和女童权能与贸易和发展联系的工作,协助成员国设计和执行政策,以及建立支持妇女经济赋权、经济安全和权利并增进妇女经济机会的机构;
(cc) Continue its work on research and analysis, within its mandate, on enhancing the impact of migrants’ remittances on development, including their social and economic benefits, reducing their transaction costs and expanding access to financial services, while respecting their character as private funds; (cc) 继续在任务范围内开展研究和分析工作,加强移徙者汇款对发展的影响,包括带来的社会和经济福利,降低汇款交易成本并扩大获得金融服务的机会,同时尊重其作为私人资金的特性:
(dd) Continue to assess the economic development prospects of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and examine obstacles to trade and development, and should strengthen its programme of assistance to the Palestinian people with adequate resources and effective operational activities, including relevant studies as part of the international community’s commitment to building an independent Palestinian State, and with a view to alleviating the adverse economic and social conditions imposed on the Palestinian people, in line with the Accra Accord and the Doha Mandate; (dd) 继续根据《阿克拉协议》和《多哈授权》,评估巴勒斯坦被占领土的经济发展前景,审查贸易和发展面临的障碍,并且应当加强其“援助巴勒斯坦人民方案”,提供充足资源并开展有效的业务活动,包括相关研究,作为国际社会对于建立一个独立的巴勒斯坦国的承诺的一部分,以期缓解巴勒斯坦人民遭遇的不利经济和社会条件;
(ee) Continue to work with universities and research institutes, especially those located in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, through its Virtual Institute among other means, to strengthen their research and teaching capacities on trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development; (ee) 继续与大学和研究机构合作,尤其是发展中国家和经济转型期国家的这类机构合作,通过贸发会议的虚拟研究所及其他方式,加强它们在贸易与发展问题以及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联问题上的研究和教学能力;
(ff) Continue to provide analytical and technical support to member States that are bearing the brunt of geopolitical or other non-economic spillovers, in order to address the trade and development impacts in accordance with its mandate; (ff) 继续为受地缘政治或其他非经济溢出效应影响最大的成员国提供分析和技术支助,以根据其任务应对贸易和发展的影响;
(gg) Continue to work in collaboration with other United Nations entities and other stakeholders to enhance the development of transparent measures of progress in terms of sustainable development through its research and analysis, data collection and statistics, including the enhancement of vulnerability indices in the area of trade and development; (gg) 继续与其他联合国实体和其他利益攸关方协作,设法借助研究和分析、数据收集和统计资料,加强可持续发展方面进展的透明衡量标准的制订工作,包括改进贸易和发展领域的脆弱性指数;
(hh) Continue to build a better understanding of investment issues and investment policies that promote development, and promote a better understanding of issues related to international investment agreements and their development dimension. (hh) 继续提高对投资问题和促进发展的投资政策的认识,并促进更好地了解与国际投资协定及其发展层面有关的问题。
Sub-theme 3 Advancing economic structural transformation and cooperation to build economic resilience and address trade and development challenges and opportunities, at all levels, within the UNCTAD mandate 分主题3 在贸发会议任务授权范围内,推动经济的结构转型与合作,以在各个层面建立经济抗御能力,应对贸易和发展的挑战和机遇
56. The global economy faces a series of persistent and emerging challenges to ensuring stable economic growth as well as achieving inclusive and sustainable development. 56. 在确保稳定的经济增长并实现包容和可持续发展方面,全球经济面临着一系列长期存在和新出现的挑战。
These challenges include slow economic growth, challenges of climate change and response to growing energy demands. 这些挑战包括经济增长缓慢、气候变化带来的挑战、能源需求不断增长的应对之策。
To this end, increasing resilience to these shocks is critical to achieving inclusive sustainable development. 为此,增进对上述冲击的抗御力对实现包容和可持续发展极为重要。
Key elements of such resilience are structural transformation, the development of productive capacities, economic diversification and industrialization, which all need an enabling environment at all levels. 这种抗御力的关键要素是结构转型、发展生产能力、经济多样化和工业化。 以上种种,均需要在各级建立扶持环境。
Poverty eradication and development efforts focused on stimulating sustainable long-term economic productivity and competitiveness can also play a role by generating domestic revenues to help build resilience, including through investment in physical and human infrastructure. 消除贫困和注重激励可持续的长期经济生产力和竞争力的发展努力也可发挥作用,即通过创造国内收入,包括通过投资于有形和无形基础设施,帮助建设抗御力。
57. Economic structural transformation through diversification into more modern sustainable and technologically advanced activities and the production of higher value products is very important for resilience-building and sustainable long-term growth. 57. 通过多样化―― 即转向更现代的可持续和技术先进的活动和高价值的产品生产―― 实现经济结构转型,对于建设抗御力和可持续的长期增长非常重要。
However, structural transformation has proved challenging, partly reflecting limited technological development, poor infrastructure, in particular access to electricity, weak skills bases, domestic supply-side constraints and a challenging global economic environment, in particular uncertainty in global financial and commodity markets. 然而,结构转型有其难处,一定程度上反映出技术发展有限、基础设施差(特别是电力供应方面)、技能基础薄弱、国内供应侧存在制约,以及全球经济困难,特别是全球金融和初级商品市场的不确定性。
Those challenges have affected the required mobilization of resources from both domestic and external sources to finance the investment essential to promote economic structural transformation. 这些挑战影响了从国内外调动资源,为促进经济结构转型进行投资需要这些资源。
It will also require sound social, environmental and economic policies, including countercyclical fiscal policies, adequate fiscal space, good governance and democratic and transparent institutions at all levels. 应对这些挑战,还需有合理的社会、环境和经济政策,包括反周期财政政策、充足的财政空间、各级的善治和民主而透明的制度。
58. Closely connected to structural transformation, and central to inclusive and sustainable development, is the development of productive capacities. 58. 发展生产能力与结构转型密切相连,也是包容和可持续发展的核心。
Building productive capacities requires holistic and integrated approaches to exploit the nexus between trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology and investment, to promote and upgrade domestic competitive production, which will enable developing countries to better integrate into and maximize the benefits of participation in regional and global value chains. 建设生产能力要求采取整体和综合方针,利用好贸易与发展以及金融、技术、投资领域相互关联问题之间的纽带,并促进和升级国内具有竞争力的生产,这将使发展中国家能够更好地融入区域和全球价值链,并尽可能从参与区域和全球价值链中获益。
59. Diversification of production and value addition, together with increasing productivity in traditional sectors such as agriculture, is critical to increasing economic resilience and building the productive capacities needed to create jobs, generate sustainable livelihoods, contribute to food security, increase incomes and improve quality of life. 59. 要想增强经济抗御力,建设必要的生产能力,以创造就业、实现可持续生计、加强粮食安全、增加收入、提高生活质量,实现生产多样化和增值,以及提高农业等传统部门的生产力是关键。
It is also critical to the establishment of inclusive and sustainable development. 这对实现包容和可持续的发展也极为重要。
Diversification and value addition are particularly important in commodity-dependent countries, given the current depressed prices for some raw materials, to reduce exposure to volatile international commodity markets and facilitate movement up regional and global value chains. 鉴于目前某些原材料价格低迷,在依赖初级商品的国家,多样化和增值尤其重要,因为这可以减轻受国际初级商品市场波动影响的程度,并促进向区域和全球价值链上端移动。
Infrastructure investments, environmentally sound technologies, capacity-building and training in transferable skills can increase value added from extractive trade activities along a value chain to allow countries to better take advantage of the opportunities and diffuse the benefits of resource rents to the wider economy, develop all stages of production and help local communities take advantage of the resulting opportunities. 基础设施投资、无害环境技术、能力建设和可转让技能的培训,可以提高采掘产品贸易活动在价值链上的附加值,从而使各国得以更好地利用机会,并让资源租金的收益扩散到更广的经济面,发展生产的各个阶段,并帮助当地社区利用由此产生的机会。
60. Successful diversification requires an international enabling environment, including a trading regime, conducive to the achievement of inclusive and sustainable development and sustained growth. 60. 成功的多样化要求具备有利于实现包容、可持续发展和持续增长的扶持型国际环境,包括贸易制度。
Cooperation with other relevant international forums, such as the Group of 20 and Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation, can make a contribution in this respect. 与其他相关国际论坛,如20国集团和亚洲太平洋经济合作组织的合作,可以在这方面有所贡献。
A stable international financial and monetary system also contributes to that end. 稳定的国际金融和货币体系也有助于实现上述目标。
An international economic environment that fails to support diversification risks jeopardizing all efforts to meet the needs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular in developing countries. 国际经济环境若不能为多样化提供支持,可能会危及为满足《2030年可持续发展议程》的需要而付出的所有努力,尤其是在发展中国家。
61. Industrialization is an important source of growth, job creation and value addition, as well as a significant source of inputs for the rural economy and a basis for the development of high-value services. 61. 工业化是增长、创造就业和增值的一个重要源泉,也是农村经济的重要投入来源之一,是发展高价值服务的基础。
Its sustainability should be promoted, including through the provision of appropriate means of implementation for developing countries. 应当促进工业化的可持续性,包括为发展中国家提供适当的执行手段。
This has been an important subject of the analytical and policy-oriented work of UNCTAD, and is now incorporated as an objective in the Sustainable Development Goals, together with related targets in the fields of industrial diversification, entrepreneurial and technological upgrading and progress. 工业化一直是贸发会议分析和政策导向工作的一项重要课题,现在又列为“可持续发展目标”之一,同时列入的还有产业多样化、创业以及技术升级和进步方面的相关具体目标。
62. Industrialization, structural transformation, the development of productive capacities and diversification are all dependent on investment, which is also central to inclusive and sustainable development, employment and innovation and harnessing trade successfully for growth and poverty eradication. 62. 工业化、结构转型、发展生产能力和多样化都要依靠投资,而投资也是包容和可持续发展、就业和创新以及成功借助贸易促进增长和减贫的核心。
63. Though not Sustainable Development Goals in themselves, entrepreneurial activity, related educational curricula, support for professional training, research and development, and related innovation should be promoted, as they can help to generate sustainable economic growth. 63. 创业活动及相关的教育课程、为专业培训提供的支持、研究与开发活动,以及相关的创新活动,本身虽然不是可持续发展目标,但因有助于带来可持续经济增长而应予以促进。
Supporting the creation of inclusive businesses, particularly those owned by women and individuals from economically disadvantaged groups, can contribute to social inclusion, by generating income as well as offering goods and services to that part of the population. 支持创建包容型企业,尤其是妇女和来自经济弱势群体的个人所有的企业,可创收并向那部分人口提供商品和服务,从而促进社会包容。
Governments can play an important role in this regard, including by promoting investment in microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises and improving their access to finance, technologies and services, as well as through supporting the enabling environment at all levels. 政府在这方面可发挥重要作用,包括促进对中小微型企业的投资,帮助它们更好地获得资金、技术和服务,也包括为各级的扶持环境提供支持。
A particular challenge is posed by very large and growing informal sectors in many developing countries, partly reflecting a combination of complex socioeconomic transformation processes, and a rate of industrialization insufficient for surplus labour to be absorbed into formal markets. 许多发展中国家已经十分庞大并在继续扩大的非正规部门是一个特别的挑战,一定程度上反映了以下两个因素的共同作用:复杂的社会经济转型进程,以及工业化速度不足以让剩余劳动力被正规市场吸收。
64. Investment in hard and soft infrastructure development and maintenance is essential for promoting inclusive and sustainable development and for economic growth and poverty eradication. 64. 对软硬基础设施的发展和维护进行投资,既是促进包容和可持续发展的关键,也是经济增长和消除贫困的关键。
Inadequate basic infrastructure physically disconnects many people in developing countries, restricting market size, hampering production and raising trade costs, as well as contributing to social exclusion. 基本基础设施的欠缺造成发展中国家许多人民之间的有形隔离,限制市场规模,阻碍生产和增加贸易成本,并造成社会排斥。
Facilitating the development of reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries, including through enhanced financial technological and technical support, can help boost the development of sustainable systems and increase long-term benefits. 通过加强财政和技术支助等方式,在发展中国家推动发展可靠、可持续和抗御力强的基础设施,有助于促进可持续制度的发展并增加长远利益。
65. Each country needs to adopt measures tailored to its own particular circumstances and priorities. 65. 每个国家需要采取符合本国国情和优先事项的措施。
There is thus no single universal policy blueprint for inclusive and sustainable development. 所以,促进包容和可持续发展没有单一、普遍适用的政策蓝图。
In exercising their right and fulfilling their responsibility to advance their economic and social development and improve the welfare of their people, countries must select from the different approaches, visions and tools available, in accordance with local capabilities, conditions and needs and a country’s history and evolving role in the global economy while bearing in mind relevant international agreements and outcomes. 各国在行使权利和履行责任促进本国经济和社会发展、改善人民福祉时,必须根据本地能力、条件和需要以及一国的历史和在全球经济中不断变化的角色,同时铭记相关国际协定和成果,在现有的各种不同方针、愿景和工具中做出选择。
66. Some commonalities may nonetheless be identified in the policies and institutions needed for inclusive and sustainable development. 66. 不过,在包容和可持续发展所需的政策和机构中还是可以找到一些共性。
The central role of the State in promoting equitable and sustainable development has long been recognized. 国家在促进公平和可持续发展方面的核心作用早已得到承认。
This role extends beyond mitigating market failures and imperfections. 这一作用不仅限于减轻市场失灵和缺陷的影响。
A State that actively promotes development policies is also needed to bring about markets, to direct resources from low value added to higher productivity sectors and to promote sound investment policies. 还需要一个积极推行发展政策的政府,将资源从低附加值生产部门引向生产力较高的部门,并推行合理的投资政策。
Open trade and free markets should be governed by prudent policy and sound regulation, avoiding the extremes of protectionism on the one hand and ungoverned markets on the other, and macroeconomic, environmental and social policies should focus on job creation, social inclusion, infrastructure investment and interconnectivity. 开放贸易和自由市场应由审慎的政策和健全的规章加以调控,一方面避免极端保护主义,一方面避免无节制的市场; 宏观经济和社会政策应当聚焦创造就业、社会包容、基础设施投资和互联互通。
67. It is crucial to maintain States’ capacity for effective policy design and implementation consistent with their international obligations, including appropriately targeted trade and other policies and appropriate market regulation to achieve industrialization, structural transformation, sustainable development and growth, to build resilience in the interests of the population as a whole. 67. 必须保持国家有效制订和执行与国际义务相符的政策的能力,包括制订和执行有适当针对性的贸易和其他政策以及适当的市场规范,以实现工业化、结构转型、可持续发展和增长,为保护全体人民的利益建设抗御力。
Capacity is also necessary to implement inclusive policies that tend to be cross-sectoral. 还需要实施往往涉及多个部门的包容性政策的能力。
68. Another common component of national policies for inclusive and sustainable development is the creation of a safe, stable and attractive environment for enterprise and industry, including through appropriate macroeconomic and fiscal policies which support demand and better economic opportunities and reduce income inequalities. 68. 促进包容和可持续发展的国家政策还有一个共性,这就是为企业和产业创建一个安全、稳定和有吸引力的环境,包括通过适当的宏观经济和财政政策支持需求,改善经济机会和减少收入不平等。
Such an environment should stimulate entrepreneurship, reward innovation, offer opportunities and incentives for productive investment and be open to competition and market expansion. 这种环境应当能够激励创业、奖励创新、为生产性投资提供机会和激励措施,并且不限制竞争和市场扩张。
Policies, along with the business practices of large and transnational companies, should enable local firms of all sizes, particularly microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, both to participate in and benefit fully from regional and global value chains to increase value addition. 各种政策和大公司及跨国公司的商业做法应扶持各种规模的地方企业,特别是中小微型企业,使之能够参与并充分利用区域和全球价值链提高附加值。
There is potential to enhance the developmental impact of cooperation between the public and private sectors, including through appropriately designed public–private partnerships and innovative financial instruments where appropriate. 公私部门合作对发展的影响还有增进的潜力,包括酌情通过适当设计的公私伙伴关系和创新的金融工具。
Clear guidelines for responsible investment are important, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. 为负责任的投资提供明确指南很重要,包括《联合国工商业与人权指导原则》。
In addition, it is recognized that many countries have national regulations that go beyond common approaches to corporate social responsibility. 此外,人们认识到许多国家具有超越企业社会责任一般方针的国家法规。
Compliance by large and multinational companies, including those involved in extractive industries, with applicable national laws and regulations, including with respect to social and environmental rules, is important. 大公司和跨国公司,包括采掘业的大公司和跨国公司,必须遵守适用的国家法律和法规,包括有关社会和环境的法律和法规。
69. Fair, sound and robust national competition and consumer protection laws and policies are also important, as is international cooperation, information exchange and capacity-building in these areas, particularly in light of the expansion of global markets, the increasing role of transnational companies, the need for enhanced transparency and accountability, the information and communications technology revolution and the emergence of e-commerce. 69. 公平、合理和有力的国家竞争和消费者保护法律和政策也很重要,同样重要的还有这些领域的国际合作、信息交流和能力建设,特别是鉴于全球市场的扩张、跨国公司作用的增大、增强透明度和问责的必要性、信息和通信技术革命以及电子商务的出现。
70. Strengthening infrastructure through increased investment is a high priority. 70. 通过增加投资加强基础设施是一个当务之急。
This requires identifying and addressing infrastructure gaps in developing countries, including, in particular, the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States, other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies and in African countries, and highlighting environmentally, socially and economically sustainable opportunities for investment and cooperation. 这要求找出发展中国家的基础设施缺口,特别包括最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家、其他结构脆弱、易受冲击的小经济体以及非洲国家,并着重指明环境、社会和经济上可持续的投资和合作机会。
Regional approaches to mobilizing and utilizing financial and real resources to develop human and physical infrastructure are of key importance. 调动和利用资金和实物资源以发展无形和有形基础设施的区域方针至关重要。
With effective regional collaboration and regulation, the increasing integration of infrastructure systems within and across regions also offers potentially significant benefits through strengthening regional connectivity to meet social needs, by sharing resources and exploiting potential economies of scale. 借助有效的区域合作和监管,增进区域内部和区域之间基础设施体系的一体化,通过加强区域连接满足社会需要、共享资源和利用规模经济的潜力,也会提供潜在的大量好处。
71. Sound investments in human and institutional capacity-building, education, training, health and nutrition are also important to structural transformation, the development of productive capacities and sustainable and inclusive development, through the development of a diverse, skilled and qualified workforce that meets the demands of the economy and society. 71. 人力和机构能力建设、教育、培训、健康和营养方面的合理投资,对结构转型、发展生产能力以及可持续和包容性发展也很重要,因为这种投资可形成一个能满足经济和社会需求的、多样的、有技能和有资质的劳动力队伍。
72. The achievement of sustainable development in all three of its dimensions requires learning the lessons of earlier development strategies Of particular importance is inclusiveness, to ensure that all people have access to resources and opportunities, including women, children, youth, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, migrants, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities and others in vulnerable situations. 72. 在三个层面全面实现可持续发展需要从以往的发展战略中吸取经验教训。 包容性尤其重要,因为要确保全体人民都能获得资源和机会,包括妇女、儿童、青年、老人、残疾人、移徙者、土著人民、少数民族以及其他弱势群体。
This contributes to the economic pillar of sustainable development as well as the social pillar. 这既有益于可持续发展的经济支柱,也有益于社会支柱。
Women and young people, in particular, have a potentially transformative effect on development. 尤其是妇女和青年,对发展有着潜在的变革性影响。
73. Women play a critical role in development and contribute to structural transformation. 73. 妇女在发展方面发挥着关键作用,能够促进结构转型。
Therefore, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is essential to unlock this potential. 因此,性别平等和赋予妇女和女童权能对于发挥这种潜力至关重要。
Globally, women comprise more than 40 per cent of the workforce, and 45 per cent in the least developed countries, and play a critical role as producers and traders. 妇女占全球劳动力人口的40%以上,占最不发达国家劳动力人口的45%,并且作为生产者和贸易者发挥着重大作用。
Obstacles to women’s empowerment such as gender bias and income inequality remain important. 赋予妇女权能仍面临重大障碍,例如性别偏见和收入不平等。
Actions are required to address specific challenges to their equal and active participation in domestic, regional and international trade, especially to foster women’s entrepreneurship and increase the participation of women-owned companies in international trade. 需采取行动,解决她们在平等和积极参与国内、区域和国际贸易方面所面临的具体困难,尤其是培养妇女的创业能力,并提高妇女所有的公司在国际贸易中的参与程度。
These actions include enhancing access to education and finance, increasing skills and knowledge and securing an enabling environment at all levels. 这些行动包括增加获得教育和资金的机会、提高技能和增加知识,并在各级确保扶持环境。
The role of the financial sector in promoting the entrepreneurship of both women and youth also merits particular attention. 金融部门在推动妇女和青年创业方面的作用也值得特别关注。
74. Youth unemployment is a particular concern, as it stifles the transformative potential of young people in sustainable development. 74. 青年失业特别令人关切,因为失业抑制了青年在可持续发展中的变革潜力。
Investment, especially in education, training and technology, is needed to empower young people and foster active citizenship. 需要通过投资,特别是通过教育、培训和技术方面的投资,增强青年的权能,将其培养成积极向上的公民。
So, too, is a nurturing environment for the full realization of their rights and capabilities. 还需要一个有利于成长的环境,让他们充分享有权利和发挥能力。
This includes education to increase literacy, numeracy and skills relevant to decent work, entrepreneurship and the needs of the private sector. 这包括通过教育提高读写和算数能力,增强与体面工作、创业及私营部门的需要有关的技能。
75. Integrating environmental considerations into national trade and development strategies, where appropriate, is equally essential to the long-term sustainability and success of these strategies. 75. 在国家贸易和发展战略中酌情考虑环境问题,对这些战略的长期可持续性和成功同样重要。
Such considerations should be viewed as part of an approach encompassing all three pillars of sustainable development, taking into account the relationship between trade and competitiveness, and activities oriented to environmental concerns. 应结合贸易和竞争力与针对环境关切的活动之间的联系,将环境考虑视为涵盖可持续发展所有三大支柱的方针的一部分。
76. In accordance with paragraphs 10 and 12, UNCTAD should: 76. 按照第10段和第12段,贸发会议应当:
(a) Provide statistics, analytical work and technical assistance to developing countries in the areas of trade, economic diversification, industrial policies and the effective mobilization of financial resources for structural transformation, to enhance growth and development and to integrate beneficially into the global economy, including through the development of sectors and activities that generate greater value addition and effective exploitation of trade opportunities offered by multilateral and regional initiatives; (a) 围绕以下方面,向发展中国家提供统计资料、分析工作和技术援助:贸易、经济多样化、产业政策、为结构转型有效调动资金以促进增长和发展以及融入全球经济并从中获益,包括通过发展可创造更大附加值和有效利用全球和区域倡议所提供的贸易机会的部门和活动;
(b) Continue its efforts to promote strategies for the structural transformation of developing countries and countries with economies in transition, working closely with other United Nations agencies, relevant international organizations and other stakeholders, while also matching needs with relevant support mechanisms and promoting dialogue among countries on their transformational efforts towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals; (b) 继续与其他联合国机构、相关国际组织和其他利益攸关方密切合作,努力促进发展中国家和经济转型期国家的结构转型战略,同时在需求与相关支助机制之间牵线搭桥,并推动各国围绕其为实现“可持续发展目标”而付出的转型努力开展对话;
(c) Develop statistics and conduct research on emerging and long-standing development challenges to the least developed countries and analyse national and international policy strategies and programmes aimed at their graduation and sustainable development to provide practical solutions and policy options, including through the promotion of investment and entrepreneurship and building productive capacities; (c) 就最不发达国家新出现和长期存在的发展挑战收集统计资料和开展研究,并分析旨在帮助这些国家脱离最不发达国家类别和实现可持续发展的国家和国际政策战略和方案,以求提供实际解决办法和政策选项,包括通过促进投资和创业以及建设生产能力;
(d) Continue and strengthen technical cooperation activities in the least developed countries through training and capacity-building, in accordance with the Istanbul Programme of Action; (d) 根据《伊斯坦布尔行动计划》,通过培训和能力建设,继续开展并加强在最不发达国家的技术合作活动;
(e) Continue and further address the needs of landlocked developing countries in formulating and implementing policies and strategies centred on fostering productive capacities and structural economic transformation, in accordance with the Vienna Programme of Action; (e) 按照《维也纳行动纲领》,继续并进一步满足内陆发展中国家在制订和执行以促进生产能力和经济结构转型为中心的政策和战略方面的需要;
(f) Continue to assist the small island developing States in their efforts to address their physical and economic vulnerabilities, promote structural economic transformation and build resilience and productive capacities in accordance with the SAMOA Pathway; (f) 按照《萨摩亚途径》,继续协助小岛屿发展中国家努力应对物质条件和经济的脆弱性,促进经济结构转型并建设抗御力和生产能力;
(g) Continue activities to disseminate research findings and policy analysis on the least developed countries and enhance policy dialogue with least developed countries policymakers; (g) 继续开展活动,传播关于最不发达国家的研究结论和政策分析,并加强与最不发达国家政策制定者的政策对话;
(h) Continue to address, through its work on the integrated treatment of trade and development and the interrelated issues on areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development, the specific challenges faced by middle-income countries, according to their needs for structural transformation. (h) 继续通过其关于综合处理贸易与发展问题以及金融、技术,投资、可持续发展领域相互关联问题的工作,根据中等收入国家的结构转型需求,处理它们所面临的具体挑战。
These challenges may include the slow pace of diversification and the impact of premature deindustrialization; 这些挑战可能包括多样化速度缓慢和过早去工业化的影响;
(i) Continue to assist structurally weak and vulnerable small economies in their efforts to promote investment and build productive capacity and report on the results of this work; (i) 继续协助结构脆弱、易受冲击的小经济体努力促进投资和建设生产能力,并报告这项工作的结果;
(j) Continue its support to addressing the special concerns and needs of Africa, including through the provision of policy advice and analysis; (j) 继续通过提供政策咨询和分析等方式,为应对非洲的特殊关切和需要提供支持;
(k) Provide an operational methodology for, and policy guidelines on, mainstreaming productive capacities in national development policies and strategies, including through the development of productive capacity indices, so that productive capacities are placed at the centre of national and international efforts to address the specific needs and challenges of the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and Africa; (k) 为将生产能力纳入国家发展政策和战略的主流(包括通过制订生产能力指数)提供操作方法和政策指南,以便将生产能力作为应对最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲具体需要和挑战的国家和国际努力的重点;
(l) Assist the least developed countries to progress towards and prepare for graduation from the least developed countries category, including strategies for facilitating a smooth transition, a clear understanding of the post-graduation environment and challenges and of the need to build productive capacities, and promote the structural transformation necessary for post-graduation sustainable development; (l) 协助最不发达国家向脱离最不发达国家类别迈进并为之做准备,包括制订便利平稳过渡的战略、清楚地了解脱离后的环境和挑战以及建设生产能力的必要性,并促进脱离后可持续发展所需的结构转型;
(m) Support developing countries and countries with economies in transition in diversifying production and exports, including in new sustainable growth areas such as sustainable agriculture, including organic agriculture and creative industries; (m) 帮助发展中国家和经济转型期国家实现生产和出口多样化,包括在可持续农业(包括有机农业)和创业产业等新的可持续增长领域;
(n) Support developing countries relying significantly on natural resources exports and facing particular challenges, by encouraging sustainable investment in value addition and the processing of natural resources and productive diversification, while ensuring such investment is responsible and does no harm, and by addressing excessive tax incentives related to foreign direct investment, particularly in the extractive industries, as well as agro-based industries; (n) 通过鼓励在自然资源的增值和加工以及生产多样化等方面进行可持续投资,同时确保投资是负责任的且不会造成危害,以及通过解决对外国直接投资的过度税收优惠,尤其是采掘业和以农业为基础的产业的这类优惠,向严重依赖自然资源出口并面临特定挑战的发展中国家提供支持;
(o) Devise approaches to stimulating economic diversification and promoting higher value added production, including through trade, investment and entrepreneurship, with a view to providing equal economic opportunity for all in developing countries, especially in the least developed countries; (o) 制订方针,通过贸易、投资和创业等途径,刺激经济多样化并促进更高附加值的生产,以期为发展中国家、尤其是最不发达国家的所有人提供平等的经济机会;
(p) Strengthen the capacity of commodity-dependent and net food-importing developing countries to reduce the short-term negative effects of price volatility, through instruments for market risk management; (p) 通过市场风险管理工具加强依赖初级商品和粮食净进口的发展中国家的能力,以减少价格波动的短期负面影响;
(q) Promote sustainable trade in biodiversity products and services to strengthen the sustainability of biodiversity and foster sustainable growth, in close cooperation with other relevant agencies where appropriate; (q) 酌情与其他相关机构密切合作,促进生物多样性产品和服务的可持续贸易,以加强生物多样性的可持续性和促进可持续增长;
(r) Conduct policy analysis and identify policy options aimed at strengthening domestic and international resource mobilization for developing countries and countries with economies in transition; (r) 开展政策分析,并找出旨在加强发展中国家和经济转型期国家的国内和国际资源调动的政策选项;
(s) Assist developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, in assessing progress towards structural transformation, resilience-building, resource mobilization, economic diversification and competitiveness in support of their national development strategies, including through the analysis of policy best practices; (s) 协助发展中国家、尤其是最不发达国家评估结构转型、抗御力建设、资源调动、经济多样化和竞争力方面的进展,以支持其国家发展战略,包括通过分析政策上的最佳做法;
(t) Continue and further enhance its work on infrastructure services and support developing countries in the establishment of policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks that contribute to infrastructure development; (t) 继续开展并进一步加强关于基础设施服务的工作,并支持发展中国家建立促进基础设施发展的政策、规章和体制框架;
(u) Assist developing countries, including the least developed countries, in building a macroeconomic and business environment that stimulates enterprise development and competitiveness and maximizes sustainable investment opportunities; (u) 协助发展中国家、包括最不发达国家建设一个激励企业的发展和竞争力并最大化地利用可持续投资机会的宏观经济环境和商业环境;
(v) Assess, in cooperation with other relevant international organizations such as the International Labour Organization, the impact of labour and employment policies on economic growth, including the interrelation between macroeconomic and labour policies; (v) 与劳工组织等其他相关国际组织合作,评估劳工和就业政策对经济增长的影响,包括宏观经济政策与劳工政策之间的相互联系;
(w) Develop and disseminate further its Entrepreneurship Policy Framework and assist developing countries in building a competitive microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises sector, as well as better integrating into global value chains, including through its Empretec programme, including for the promotion of youth and women’s entrepreneurship, and smallholding farmers; (w) 制定并进一步推广贸发会议的创业政策框架,为促进青年和妇女创业以及小户农民的发展,通过经营技术方案等途径,协助发展中国家建设有竞争力的中小微型企业部门,并更好地融入全球价值链;
(x) Continue to assist developing countries and countries with economies in transition to formulate and implement competition and consumer protection policies and laws, including through voluntary peer reviews and the sharing of best practices; (x) 继续协助发展中国家和经济转型期国家制订并执行竞争和消费者保护政策和法律,包括通过自愿同行审评和交流最佳做法;
as well as facilitating international cooperation among competition and consumer protection agencies together with other relevant international organizations, taking into account the revised United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection; 并结合经修订的《联合国保护消费者准则》,与其他有关国际组织一道,为竞争机构与消费者保护机构之间的国际合作提供便利;
(y) Advance its work on international standards of accounting and reporting, and promote best practices in corporate transparency and accounting, including through the use of its Accounting Development Tool, in coordination with international efforts in the field of sustainability accounting as appropriate; (y) 酌情配合可持续性会计领域的国际努力,推进贸发会议关于国际会计和报告准则的工作,并推广企业透明度和会计的最佳做法,包括通过使用其“会计发展工具”;
(z) Continue to develop statistics on investment, the creative economy and the global economy and the operations of multinational enterprises; (z) 继续编制关于投资、创意经济和全球经济以及跨国企业运营状况的统计数据;
(aa) Complementing the work of other organizations, continue its research and analysis within its mandate on the impact of migration, including vulnerable migrants, on development and trade capacity, considering its opportunities and challenges; (aa) 为其他组织的工作提供补充,继续在其任务范围内,结合移徙带来的机遇和挑战,研究和分析移徙(包括弱势移徙者)对发展和贸易能力的影响;
(bb) Promote and facilitate international cooperation for productive capacity and the industrial upgrading of developing countries, and advise countries on the appropriate measures to be taken in this regard in cooperation with other relevant international organizations; (bb) 与其他相关国际组织合作,推动和协助开展国际合作,以促进发展中国家的生产能力和产业升级,并就该领域应予采取的适当措施向各国提出建议;
(cc) Through its three pillars, work to facilitate domestic and regional resource mobilization to allow for long-term structural transformation in developing economies. (cc) 通过其三大支柱,努力促进国内和区域的资源调动工作,使发展中经济体的长期结构转型成为可能。
Sub-theme 4 Contributing to the effective implementation of and follow-up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and relevant outcomes from global conferences and summits, as related to trade and development 分主题4 推动切实执行和跟进《2030年可持续发展议程》以及与贸易和发展有关的全球会议和首脑会议的成果
77. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a historic agreement of unprecedented scope and significance that will shape the global economic and development agenda for the next 15 years and require the full engagement of the international community. 77. 《2030年可持续发展议程》是一项历史性的协议,具有前所未有的范围和意义,必将影响未来15年的全球经济和发展议程,要求国际社会全面参与。
The success of the new development agenda will depend on all members of the international community playing their respective roles and fulfilling their mandates in its implementation. 这个新发展议程的成功需要国际社会全体成员在执行中发挥各自的作用、完成各自的任务。
The role of UNCTAD within this broader process will be determined primarily by its mandate and also by its ability to ensure that its research and analysis and technical cooperation activities contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and by its capacity to strengthen synergies and coherence between the three pillars of UNCTAD. 在这个广义的进程中,贸发会议的作用将主要取决于它的任务授权,但也要取决于它是否有能力确保其研究与分析和技术合作活动促进《2030年议程》的执行,取决于它是否能够加强贸发会议三大支柱之间的协同作用和协调统一。
78. Sustainable development is about meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. 78. 可持续发展就是要在不妨碍后代满足其需要的前提下满足当代的需要。
It includes improving living standards, while advancing long-term economic goals. 它包括提高生活水平,同时推进长期经济目标。
The 2030 Agenda reaffirms the importance of the balance between the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development and integrating them into policies and programmes, while taking into account different national realities, capacities, needs and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities. 《2030年议程》重申必须结合各国不同的国情、能力、需要和发展水平,在尊重国家政策和优先事项的前提下,平衡可持续发展的经济、社会和环境支柱,并将它们纳入各项政策和方案。
It means protecting the environment, including tackling climate change and its impacts, and it requires actions at all levels by public sector, private sector and civil society, to ensure that their decisions contribute to an excellent quality of life for both present and future generations. 这意味着要保护环境,包括应对气候变化及其影响,这就要求公共部门、私营部门和民间社会在各级采取行动,确保它们的决定能为实现今世后代的优质生活做出贡献。
Such efforts can be enhanced by developing transparent measures of progress on sustainable development that go beyond per capita income to encompass the social, economic and environmental aspects of domestic output and structural gaps at all levels, together with tools to mainstream sustainable development into national development strategies and to monitor its realization in different economic activities. 要加强这些努力,可以制订衡量可持续发展的透明标准,不仅衡量人均收入,而且衡量国内产出的社会、经济、环境方面和各级的结构性缺口,同时开发各种工具,将可持续发展纳入国家发展战略的主流,并监测其在不同经济活动中的实现程度。
79. The 2030 Agenda is broader than a set of goals; it is, rather, a plan of action, and its implementation requires urgent bold and transformative steps. 79. 《2030年议程》不仅是一套目标,更是一项行动计划,其执行需要刻不容缓地采取大胆的变革性步骤。
All countries have committed to implement the necessary changes, nationally and internationally, in collaborative partnership with other stakeholders, in a spirit of strengthened global solidarity and for the full benefit of all. 所有国家都承诺,为了全面造福所有人,要本着更强的全球团结精神,与其他利益攸关方合作,在国内和国际一级进行必要的改革。
These steps are included in the 2030 Agenda itself, as means of implementation, which are indivisible from, and of equal importance with, the goals for sustainable development outcomes. 这些步骤作为执行手段列在《2030年议程》中,与争取可持续发展成果不可分割且具有同等重要性。
They are also, in part, reflected in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. 这些步骤也在《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》中得到一定的反映。
80. The primary means of fulfilling the 2030 Agenda is through national sustainable development strategies supported by an enabling international economic environment which is integral to their success. 80. 落实《2030年议程》的首要途径是国家的可持续发展战略,战略成功的关键是扶持型的国际经济环境。
This will require the intensive global engagement of Governments, international bodies and other stakeholders in support of the implementation and mobilization of available policy instruments and resources. 这将要求全球高度参与,要求各国政府、国际机构及其他利益攸关方支持实施和调动一切可用的政策工具和资源。
Effective and decisive action by international bodies in line with their mandates, particularly the United Nations and its specialized agencies, is thus an essential part of a revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. 因此,国际机构、特别是联合国及其专门机构根据其任务采取的有效而果断的行动对重振可持续发展全球伙伴关系至关重要。
Outcomes in other international forums such as the World Trade Organization also contribute to the accomplishment of the 2030 Agenda. 世界贸易组织等其他国际论坛的成果也有助于实现《2030年议程》。
81. For the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda, it is important that relevant international agreements, rules and standards are not only mutually consistent, but also consistent with and support, progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. 81. 切实执行《2030年议程》至关重要的一点是,国际协定、规则和标准不仅要相互一致,而且要与逐步实现“可持续发展目标”保持一致并为其提供支持。
82. Effective implementation will require sound and coherent policy frameworks and statistics at the international level, based on pro-poor, inclusive and gender-sensitive development strategies. 82. 有效的执行将需要国际一级基于扶贫、包容、性别敏感的发展战略的健全、连贯的政策框架和统计资料。
This includes, in particular, promoting coherent and mutually supporting world trade, monetary, financial and development systems based on stronger global economic governance and enhanced cooperation between international institutions. 具体而言,这包括以更有力的全球经济治理和强化的国际机构间合作为基础,推动连贯一致和相辅相成的世界贸易、货币、金融和发展体系。
It will require efforts to limit the excessive volatility of commodity prices. 这将需要努力限制初级商品价格的过度波动。
83. The challenge of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is compounded by the current uncertainty in the global economic environment. 83. 实现“可持续发展目标”的挑战还要加上当前全球经济环境的不确定。
Success will depend on, inter alia, a global monetary and financial system conducive to financial stability, as well as mobilizing the additional resources needed for investment and improving international tax cooperation to strengthen domestic revenue bases. 除其他外,成功将取决于一个有利于金融稳定的全球货币和金融体系,以及为投资调动所需的额外资源,并改进国际税务合作,以加强国内财税基础。
This includes, inter alia, improved early warning of macroeconomic and financial risks and a strengthened permanent international financial safety net, including more comprehensive and flexible financial responses to the needs of developing countries, as recognized in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. 除其他外,这包括改善宏观经济和金融风险的早期预警,加强固定的国际金融安全网,其中又包括按照《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》提出的,更加全面、灵活地响应发展中国家的需要。
84. As envisaged in the 2030 Agenda, achieving these changes will depend on a more coherent, inclusive and representative global architecture for sustainable development. 84. 按照《2030年议程》的设想,实现这些变革将需要创造一个更一致、更包容和更具代表性的全球可持续发展架构。
This therefore requires responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels through effective, accountable and inclusive regional and international institutions, with broader and stronger participation by developing countries. 因此,这要求通过有效、接受问责和包容的区域和国际机构,在发展中国家更广泛、更有力的参与下,在各级作出反应灵敏、有包容性、参与性和代表性的决策。
It also requires the leadership of an adequately resourced, relevant, coherent, efficient and effective United Nations. 这还需要一个资源充足、切合实际、协调一致、高效率和高效能的联合国系统发挥领导作用。
85. UNCTAD has an important role in this process. 85. 贸发会议在这一进程中具有重要作用。
Previous quadrennial conferences have mandated UNCTAD to implement and follow up on relevant outcomes from global conferences and summits on development and trade and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology and investment play a key role in supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. 以往四年一届的贸发大会要求贸发会议贯彻落实关于发展问题的全球会议和首脑会议的相关成果,而贸易以及金融、技术、投资领域相互关联的问题在支持执行《2030年可持续发展议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》方面可发挥关键作用。
UNCTAD should contribute to the United Nations high-level political forum which is the central follow-up and review platform for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 贸发会议应当为联合国高级别政治论坛贡献力量,该论坛是跟进和评估《2030年可持续发展议程》的主要平台。
UNCTAD will contribute to this monitoring process. 贸发会议将为这一监测进程贡献力量。
86. The challenges and commitments contained in the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and other agreements and outcomes in 2015 encompass all elements of the core mandate of UNCTAD and they are closely interrelated, requiring integrated and holistic solutions. 86. 《2030年议程》、《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》和2015年其他协定和成果所包含的挑战和承诺涵盖贸发会议核心任务的所有要素,它们密切相互关联的,要求采取综合和整体的解决办法。
The Sustainable Development Goals and the associated targets, in particular, including the means of implementation, are multidimensional, interlinked and indivisible. 具体而言,“可持续发展目标”和相关的具体目标,包括执行手段,是多层面、相互联系和不可分割的。
The 2030 Agenda itself emphasizes that these interlinkages and the integrated nature of the Agenda are of crucial importance to ensuring that its purpose is realized. 《2030年议程》本身就强调,这些联系以及《议程》的综合性对确保实现其宗旨至关重要。
Thus, these recent agreements and outcomes confer an essential role on UNCTAD, as the focal point in the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology and investment. 因此,近期的这些协定和成果为贸发会议规定了重要作用,即作为联合国综合处理贸易与发展问题以及金融、技术、投资领域相互关联问题的协调中心。
UNCTAD already plays an important role in the implementation of and follow-up to the Istanbul Programme of Action, the Vienna Programme of Action and the SAMOA Pathway. 贸发会议已在贯彻落实《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》、《维也纳行动纲领》和《萨摩亚途径》方面发挥重要作用。
87. By virtue of its mandate, UNCTAD provides added value within the international system, and has an important role in the implementation of recent global agreements and outcomes, including the goal of revitalizing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. 87. 按照任务规定,贸发会议在国际体系内提供增值,在执行近期的全球协定和成果方面具有重要作用,包括实现重振可持续发展全球伙伴关系这个目标。
In particular, it provides a useful platform for dialogue between developed and developing countries and its intergovernmental machinery, in particular consensus-building, is an important contributor to global good governance, as a channel for articulating the interests of developing countries. 具体而言,贸发会议为发达国家与发展中国家之间的对话提供一个有益的平台,贸发会议的政府间机制,尤其是建立共识,作为反映发展中国家利益的渠道,是全球善治的一个重要促进因素。
However, its contribution depends in part upon raising the profile of its work programme, and the issues falling under its core mandate and its role as the focal point within the United Nations system for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development. 然而,贸发会议的贡献在一定程度上取决于它能否提高其工作方案以及核心任务范围内的各项问题的受关注程度,能否加强它作为联合国系统内综合贸易与发展问题以及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联问题的协调中心的作用。
88. Strengthening UNCTAD contributions implies intensifying mutual cooperation and communications with other United Nations agencies and international organizations and can contribute to more efficient resource use, increased coherence and enhanced synergies between them. 88. 加强贸发会议的贡献意味着加强与联合国其他机构和国际组织的相互合作和交流,这有助于更有效地利用资源,加强它们之间的一致性和协同作用。
The role of UNCTAD in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Addis Ababa Action Agenda thus offers the opportunity to strengthen the networking and interaction of the global community on trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development. 因此,贸发会议在执行《2030年议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》方面的作用可提供机会,加强国际社会在贸易与发展以及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联问题上的联网和互动。
89. UNCTAD has a unique and central role as a producer and provider of statistics across all areas of its work. 89. 贸发会议在整理和提供其所有工作领域的统计资料方面具有独一无二的重要作用。
In addition to the integrated treatment of trade with other global and macroeconomic issues from a development perspective, UNCTAD should also continue to pursue its established mandate in the provision of technical assistance on trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development. 除了从发展角度综合处理贸易与其他全球和宏观经济问题外,贸发会议还应当继续完成既定任务―― 就贸易与发展问题以及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联的问题提供技术援助。
90. In focusing on its mandate across the three pillars of research and analysis, technical assistance and consensus-building, UNCTAD should strengthen its role in addressing the needs and priorities of developing countries for sustainable development and strengthening their role in the global economy. 90. 贸发会议既要聚焦其在研究与分析、技术援助和建立共识这三大支柱下的任务,也应当大力应对发展中国家的可持续发展需要和优先事项,并加强发展中国家在全球经济中的作用。
Cooperation with civil society should also be strengthened, to enhance their advocacy for inclusive sustainable development, as should consultation with other private sector actors to identify key obstacles to investment, particularly in the least developed countries. 还应当加强与民间社会的合作,增进它们对包容性可持续发展的宣传力度,并征求其他私营部门行为方的意见,以期找出主要投资障碍,特别是在最不发达国家。
91. UNCTAD should maintain its support for the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States, African countries and other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies, while also taking account of the continued challenges faced by some other developing countries and countries with economies in transition and continuing to support their efforts to address these challenges. 91. 贸发会议应当继续为最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家、非洲国家和其他结构脆弱、易受冲击的小型经济体提供支持,同时也要考虑某些其他发展中国家和经济转型期国家所面临的挑战,并继续支持它们努力应对这些挑战。
Emphasis on graduation from the least developed countries category should be increased, including through the continued provision of advisory services and policy analysis in collaboration with the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States. 应当更加重视最不发达国家脱离这个类别,包括通过与最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办事处合作,继续提供咨询意见和政策分析。
92. The three pillars of consensus-building, research and analysis and technical assistance remain of equal strategic importance. 92. 建立共识、研究与分析和技术援助这三大支柱依然具有同等的战略重要性。
Further efforts are needed to increase their linkages and complementarity, to enhance the contribution of UNCTAD to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. 需要进一步努力,增进三大支柱的联系和互补,以此增进贸发会议对执行《2030年议程》的贡献。
The intergovernmental machinery should determine the institution’s direction and provide the political context for its research and analytical work, which in turn should inform and support consensus-building on development challenges. 政府间机制应当确定本机构的方向,并为其研究与分析工作提供政治背景,而研究与分析工作则应当为围绕发展挑战建立共识提供参考和支持。
93. The role of the Trade and Development Board should be central to these efforts and should be strengthened. 93. 贸易和发展理事会应当对这些努力至关重要,应当加强其作用。
The Working Party on the Strategic Framework and Programme Budget, and through it the Trade and Development Board, should be supplied in a concise and timely manner with the necessary aggregate information by the UNCTAD secretariat to adequately fulfil this role. 贸发会议秘书处应该应当简明扼要并且及时地向战略框架和方案预算工作组,以及通过该工作组向贸易和发展理事会提供所需的汇总信息,以便充分发挥这一作用。
94. The existing intergovernmental machinery of UNCTAD should be revitalized, thus better supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. 94. 应当重振贸发会议现有的政府间机制,从而更好地为执行《2030年议程》提供支持。
The Geneva Dialogues should continue as a mechanism for the continued analytical and research-based discussion of the systemic impact of development policies at the global level on national policymaking and implementation. 应当继续利用日内瓦对话这一机制,继续就全球一级发展政策对国家决策和执行的系统性影响开展基于研究的分析讨论。
Areas of attention should include persistent and emerging economic challenges from a development perspective. 需注意的方面应当包括从发展视角来看长期存在和新出现的经济挑战。
95. Expert group meetings should be improved by ensuring through and within all available means more participation of experts from developing countries, and by exploring all links with the Sustainable Development Goals, thus better supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. 95. 应当改进专家会议,通过采用和利用一切现有手段确保加大发展中国家专家的参与,并通过利用与“可持续发展目标”的所有联系,从而更好地为执行《2030年议程》提供支持。
They should lead to concrete outcomes for consideration by all countries. 专家会议应当产生具体成果,供所有国家审议。
Expert group meetings should be more distinct from the discussions in the Trade and Development Board. 专家组会议的讨论应当与贸易和发展理事会的讨论有更明显的区别。
96. The Independent development-oriented analytical work of UNCTAD is crucial to inform the deliberations of member States. 96. 贸发会议以发展为导向的独立分析工作的一个关键作用,是为成员国的审议提供参考。
It should continue to provide regular analysis of the global trends in trade and development and interrelated issues, with a particular focus on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. 贸发会议应当继续就贸易、发展以及相互关联问题的全球趋势提供定期分析和评估,特别注重《2030年议程》和“可持续发展目标”的执行。
It should encompass issues related to the sustainability and predictability of innovative and new sources of finance, the role of the private sector, the financing of microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, and trends related to investment. 这项工作涵盖的问题应涉及创新资金来源和新资金来源的可持续性和可预测性、私营部门的作用、中小微型企业融资以及投资相关趋向。
97. UNCTAD flagship reports should provide substantive recommendations for the consideration of the Trade and Development Board, which would help to make them more focused. 97. 贸发会议的旗舰报告应当为贸易和发展理事会的审议工作提供实质建议,这将有助于提高报告的针对性。
Outreach and engagement, for capacity-building as well as research, could be enhanced through greater and more effective use of new communications technologies, including web-based and online training. 可通过更多、更有效地利用新通信技术,包括网上培训和在线培训,为能力建设和研究工作加强外联和接触。
98. UNCTAD technical assistance should be further improved throughout project cycles. 98. 应当进一步在整个项目周期内提高贸发会议技术援助的质量。
Technical assistance should seek to enhance the capacity of developing countries in understanding the nature and dynamics of the global economic system and alternatives for its reform in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 技术援助应当着眼于提高发展中国家按照《2030年可持续发展议程》理解全球经济体系本质和动态以及改革选项的能力。
It should also promote and facilitate international cooperation for the development of productive capacities and industrial upgrading in developing countries, and advise countries on appropriate measures to this end. 技术援助还应当促进和便利发展中国家为提高生产能力和产业升级开展国际合作,并为此向各国建议适当措施。
UNCTAD can also assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development, particularly in its economic dimension, as well as assist member States in monitoring progress towards the targets set out in the recent global agreements and outcomes as they relate to trade and development issues. 贸发会议还可以协助发展中国家实现可持续发展,特别是在经济层面,并协助成员国监测实现近期全球协定和成果所订与贸易和发展有关的具体目标的进展情况。
Its technical cooperation and capacity-building, including at the ministerial level, should thus support member States, in areas encompassed by its mandate, in defining and coordinating national development strategies oriented towards sustainable development, incorporating the different approaches, visions and tools available. 因此,贸发会议的技术合作和能力建设,包括部长级的技术合作和能力建设,应当在其任务涵盖的各领域,采用各种不同办法、愿景和可用的工具,为成员国制订和协调以可持续发展为导向的国家发展战略提供支持。
99. Results-based management should be continuously enhanced and applied as a flexible management tool, whereby it offers a cost-effective means of advancing initiatives and development outcomes. 99. 应当不断加强成果管理制,作为一种灵活的管理工具加以应用,这种管理制度提供了一种具有成本效益的推进举措和发展成果的方式。
This can contribute to improving the effectiveness, efficiency and impact on development outcomes of UNCTAD operations through sharing lessons, continuously improving the benefits of UNCTAD operations for recipients and streamlining reporting to donors. 这有助于增进贸发会议业务的效能、效率和影响,因为它既能交流经验教训,又能不断改进贸发会议业务给受援国带来的益处并精简对捐助方的报告。
100. In accordance with paragraphs 10 and 12, UNCTAD should: 100. 按照第10段和第12段,贸发会议应当:
(a) Contribute, through its three pillars of work, to the implementation, monitoring and review of the 2030 Agenda, especially the relevant targets in the areas of trade and development and interrelated areas of finance, technology and investment across the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 17 on revitalizing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development; (a) 通过其工作的三大支柱,帮助执行、监测和审查《2030年议程》,尤其是“可持续发展目标”中贸易和发展领域以及金融、技术、投资等相互关联领域的相关具体目标,特别是关于重振可持续发展全球伙伴关系的目标17;
(b) In cooperation with relevant partners, consider ways of mobilizing additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources; (b) 与有关合作伙伴一道,考虑如何从不同来源为发展中国家调集额外资金;
(c) Utilize the World Investment Forum for the regular exchange of experiences and best practices in the area of investment and enterprise policies for development, involving the widest possible range of stakeholders and providing for a universal, inclusive and transparent review of progress towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the highest level and continue to use the World Investment Report to analyse global foreign direct investment trends, which includes an in-depth analysis of relevant foreign direct investment topics; (c) 利用世界投资论坛,定期交流促进发展的投资和企业政策领域的经验和最佳做法,吸收尽可能广泛的利益攸关方参加,安排在最高层级对落实“可持续发展目标”的进展进行普遍、全面和透明的审查,并继续利用《世界投资报告》分析外国直接投资的全球趋势,包括深入分析相关的外国直接投资专题;
(d) Contribute actively, in cooperation with relevant partners as appropriate, to the effective implementation of international agreements and outcomes that recognize the role of transport infrastructure, trade logistics and trade facilitation in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; (d) 酌情与相关伙伴合作,积极帮助切实执行承认运输基础设施、贸易物流和贸易便利化在执行《2030年议程》中作用的国际协定和成果;
(e) Assist, as appropriate, member States, in particular developing countries, in implementing and monitoring progress towards landmark outcomes of major United Nations summits and conferences as well as other relevant international conferences that have implications for trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology and investment; (e) 酌情协助成员国、特别是发展中国家落实对贸易与发展以及金融、技术、投资领域相互关联问题有影响的联合国重要首脑会议、会议及其他有关国际会议具有里程碑意义的成果,并监测进展情况;
(f) Provide a forum for the exchange of experiences and assist countries in their reporting through national reviews in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals; (f) 结合《2030年议程》和“可持续发展目标”,提供一个交流经验的平台,并通过国家审评协助各国报告情况;
(g) Continue its research and analysis on the prospects and impacts of global economic trends, as well as developments in the policies of relevant international institutions on national trade and development policies deployed to attain sustainable development, in particular by developing countries; (g) 继续研究和分析全球经济趋势和相关国际机构政策演变的前景,以及这种趋势和演变对―― 特别是发展中国家―― 为实现可持续发展而部署的国家贸易和发展政策的影响;
(h) In preparing its reports related to commodity-dependent developing countries, assess the trade and development-related implications of the agreement made in the context of the twenty-first Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals; (h) 在编写关于依赖初级商品的发展中国家的报告时,评估在《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第二十一届会议所缔结的协定以及“可持续发展目标”对贸易和发展的影响;
(i) Continue to contribute to the dedicated follow-up to and review of the International Conference on Financing for Development outcomes; (i) 继续帮助开展对发展筹资问题国际会议成果的专项落实和审查;
(j) Contribute to the monitoring, discussion and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by providing relevant, reliable and timely statistics, disaggregated as appropriate, and through statistical capacity-building at the national level, as an essential basis for policy analysis and informed decision-making on trade and development; (j) 为监测、讨论和落实“可持续发展目标”做出贡献,为此要提供相关、可靠和及时的统计数据,酌情分列,并在国家一级开展统计能力建设,因为这是进行政策分析以及就贸易和发展问题作出知情决策的重要依据;
(k) Focus on the main challenges that all developing countries face in the areas of trade and development and in interrelated issues of finance, investment, technology and sustainable development in pursuing internationally agreed development goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals. (k) 重点关注所有发展中国家在力争实现包括“可持续发展目标”在内的国际商定的发展目标的过程中,在贸易与发展领域以及金融、投资、技术和可持续发展领域相互关联的问题上遇到的主要挑战。
In this regard, special attention should be paid to the least developed countries and commodity-dependent developing countries, as well as net food-importing developing countries; 在这方面,应当特别注意最不发达国家和依赖初级商品的发展中国家以及粮食净进口发展中国家;
(l) Assess, including through research and analysis on a regular basis, and promote consensus on how development cooperation and partnerships, including those involving South–South cooperation, can further contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries; (l) 通过定期研究和分析等方式,评估发展合作和伙伴关系,包括涉及南南合作的伙伴关系,如何能进一步推动发展中国家实现“可持续发展目标”,并推动就此达成共识;
(m) Provide, at the request of member States, briefings on current trade and development-related issues, including at the ministerial level; (m) 应成员国请求,包括在部长一级提供关于当前贸易和发展问题的情况通报;
(n) Report annually to the Trade and Development Board on the implementation of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review; (n) 每年向贸易和发展理事会报告四年期全面政策审查的执行情况;
(o) Contribute to discussions on the modernization of the measurement of official development assistance; (o) 为关于官方发展援助计量现代化的讨论作出贡献;
(p) Discussions in the regular sessions of the Trade and Development Board should provide high-level guidance to the work of UNCTAD and, as appropriate, contain agreed conclusions specifically addressing the UNCTAD contribution to the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals and the broader trade and development agenda. (p) 贸易和发展理事会常会上的讨论应为贸发会议的工作提供高级别指南,应酌情提出专门针对贸发会议对实现“可持续发展目标”贡献的商定结论以及总的贸易和发展议程。
To this end, the background documentation for the Trade and Development Board, including the respective flagship publications and outcomes of relevant expert meetings, should contain specific policy recommendations for the consideration of the Board; 为此,贸易和发展理事会的背景文件,包括各旗舰出版物以及相关专家会议的成果,应载有供理事会审议的具体政策建议。
(q) The Trade and Development Board should, where appropriate, organize special sessions to provide the contribution of UNCTAD to the substantive preparatory processes of relevant United Nations conferences and summits. (q) 贸易和发展理事会应酌情安排特别届会,以便在相关联合国会议和首脑会议的实质性筹备阶段提供贸发会议的贡献。
In accordance with existing practice, the outcomes of those special sessions could, if necessary, be in the form of a President’s summary of the proceedings. 按照现有做法,如果必要,这些特别届会的成果可采取主席对议事情况的总结的形式。
(r) In line with the structure of the intergovernmental machinery as laid out in the Accra Accord, the Trade and Development Board will operationalize the creation of two intergovernmental expert groups. (r) 按照《阿克拉协议》规定的政府间机制的结构,贸易和发展理事会将落实两个政府间专家组的设立工作。
The topics to be considered will include inter alia e-commerce and the digital economy; 审议的专题除其他外将包括电子商务和数字经济;
and financing for development, as reflected in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and within the work of UNCTAD; 以及《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》和贸发会议的工作中所反映的发展筹资问题。
(s) The allocation of resources for the operationalization of the newly established intergovernmental expert groups could be through utilizing the resources and time allocations of the existing expert group meetings and the two Commissions, without impacting the delivery of the Commissions’ mandates. (s) 为新设立的政府间专家组的运作划拨资源,可以在不影响委员会履行任务的前提下,利用现有专家组会议及两个委员会的资源和时间安排。
The UNCTAD secretariat shall present options for the operationalization of the intergovernmental expert groups, including their placement in the intergovernmental machinery, within existing resources, to the Trade and Development Board for its consideration. 贸发会议秘书处应在现有资源范围内,提出政府间专家组运作的备选方案,包括它们在政府间机制中的位置,供贸易和发展理事会审议。
The intergovernmental expert group mandates will be reviewed at the next quadrennial Conference. 下一届四年期大会将对政府间专家组的任务进行审查。
The topics of the existing multi-year expert meetings shall remain the same unless the Trade and Development Board decides otherwise; 除非贸易和发展理事会另有决定,现有多年期专家会议的专题应保持不变。
(t) In cooperation with other relevant international organizations and other stakeholders, support developing countries, in particular small island developing States, in the advancement of Sustainable Development Goal 14 in the design and implementation of regional and/or national economic development strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, seeking to promote sustainable trade in ocean-based sectors, including through the analysis of fisheries subsidies that lead to overcapacity and overfishing and subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and the challenges they pose to developing countries, particularly in connection with the conservation of marine resources and food security. (t) 与其他有关国际组织及其他利益攸关方合作,为发展中国家、特别是小岛屿发展中国家推进可持续发展目标14提供支持,协助制订和执行关于养护和可持续利用海洋及其资源的区域和/或国家经济发展战略,力求促进海洋产业的可持续贸易,方法包括分析导致产能过剩和过度捕捞的渔业补贴,助长非法、未报告和无管制捕捞的补贴,以及这些补贴对发展中国家构成的挑战,特别是对它们保护海洋资源和保障粮食安全构成的挑战。
* Reissued for technical reasons on 5 October 2016. * 因技术原因于2016年10月5日重新印发。
1 See paragraph 88 of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. 1 见《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》第88段。