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United Nations 联 合 国
TD/519/Add.1 TD/519/Add.1
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国 贸易和发展会议
Distr.: General Distr.: General
11 August 2016 11 August 2016
Original: English Original: English
Fourteenth session 第十四届大会
Nairobi 内罗毕
17–22 July 2016 2016年7月17日至22日
Nairobi Azimio 内罗毕宣言
We, the member States of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), gathered in Nairobi from 17 to 22 July 2016 for the fourteenth session of the Conference (UNCTAD XIV), under the theme “From decision to action: Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development”, agree on the following declaration, hereinafter referred to as the Nairobi Azimio, that is firmly anchored in the heritage of the achievements of UNCTAD since its creation in 1964 and places UNCTAD on a strong footing to enter a new and revitalized phase in its history so it can contribute to prosperity for all: 我们,联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)成员国,于2016年7月17日至22日齐聚内罗毕,举行主题为“从决定到行动:走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展”的贸易和发展会议第十四届大会(贸发十四大),兹议定宣言如下(下称“内罗毕宣言”),宣言牢牢立足于贸发会议自1964年成立以来取得的成就,使贸发会议能够稳步进入一个新的、更加欣欣向荣的历史阶段,从而为共同繁荣作出贡献:
1. 1.
We thank the Government and the people of Kenya for hosting UNCTAD XIV and for the warm hospitality extended to delegations. 我们感谢肯尼亚政府和人民主办贸发十四大,感谢他们对代表团的热情款待。
2. 2.
We recall that 40 years ago, Kenya first welcomed the international community to the fourth session of UNCTAD, held in Nairobi in 1976, when developing countries sought a new international economic system in which all would benefit, requiring “nothing less than a Nairobi charter for some new and truly international economic order”. 我们记得,40年前,肯尼亚首次在1976年内罗毕举行的贸发会议第四届大会上欢迎国际社会,当时发展中国家正在探索一个让所有人获益的国际经济新制度,“正需要一项内罗毕宪章,以建立某种新的、真正国际化的经济秩序”。
3. 3.
We reaffirm our commitment to UNCTAD. 我们重申对贸发会议的承诺。
The important role of UNCTAD will be strengthened as the focal point within the United Nations system for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development as dispensed through its three pillars of consensus-building, research and analysis, and technical assistance, with the overall objective of achieving prosperity for all. 贸发会议以实现共同繁荣为总目标,围绕建立共识、研究与分析、技术援助这三大支柱开展工作,是联合国内部综合处理贸易与发展问题及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联问题的协调中心,贸发会议的这一重要作用将得到加强。
4. 4.
We uphold the decisions taken at UNCTAD XIII and urge member States and UNCTAD to fully implement the Nairobi Maafikiano, which places UNCTAD on a strong footing to ensure prosperity for all. 我们拥护贸发十三大作出的决定,敦促各成员国和贸发会议充分落实《内罗毕共识》,该共识使贸发会议能够有力地确保共同繁荣。
5. 5.
We recognize that UNCTAD XIV is the first major United Nations conference in the area of trade and development since the landmark outcomes of 2015. 我们认识到,贸发十四大是2015年达成具有里程碑意义的成果以来,联合国在贸易和发展领域的第一次会议。
It should seize the opportunity and take the lead in charting the way towards moving from decision to action. 贸发十四大应当把握机遇,带头规划如何将决定变为行动。
We underscore the important role of UNCTAD in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is a transformative and universal development agenda emphasizing that prosperity is for all, as well as relevant aspects of other major outcomes of the recent past that include the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on financing for development; 我们强调贸发会议在执行《2030年可持续发展议程》(一项变革性、全球性的发展议程,强调繁荣属于所有人)方面的重要作用,以及对落实近期其他重大成果的相关方面的重要作用,这些重大成果包括关于发展筹资问题的《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》、
the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as adopted by the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties; 《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第二十一届会议通过的《巴黎协定》、
and the Nairobi Ministerial Declaration of the World Trade Organization. 世界贸易组织《内罗毕部长宣言》。
Its focus should be on addressing the trade and development challenges of all developing countries across all regions, and especially those with specific needs such as in Africa, the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States. 它的重点应当是:应对各区域所有发展中国家(尤其是诸如非洲等区域有具体需要的发展中国家)、最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家所面临的贸易和发展挑战。
6. 6.
We acknowledge that, over the years, the world has witnessed a decline in global extreme poverty and other positive developments, although these have not been equally shared. 我们承认,近年来,全球极端贫穷状况有所缓解,还出现了其他积极发展,可是并没有造福所有人。
The benefits of globalization, combined with a general improvement in macroeconomic management, have helped the integration of many developing countries into the global economy. 全球化带来的好处,加上宏观经济管理的普遍改善,帮助许多发展中国家融入了全球经济。
7. 7.
Nevertheless, the world continues to face the persistent effects of the global economic and financial crisis, the spectre of a prolonged period of slow growth in some countries, the challenges represented by new technologies for the future of labour and the creation of employment, the re-emergence of unsustainable debt burdens, continued volatility in commodity prices, widening levels of income and wealth inequality, and unprecedented migration flows, as well as the challenges arising from climate change, food and energy insecurity, and the associated economic, political and social instability. 然而,世界继续面临全球经济和金融危机的持续影响、一些国家长期增长缓慢的兆头、新技术对劳动力的未来和创造就业的挑战、不可持续的债务负担的再次出现、商品价格的持续波动、收入差距和贫富差异的日益扩大、前所未有的移民潮、气候变化、粮食和能源无保障带来的挑战,以及由此导致的经济、政治和社会不稳定。
8. 8.
UNCTAD XIV provides an opportunity to look forward towards the realization of a global and universal development agenda. 贸发十四大提供了一个展望如何实现全球和普遍发展议程的机会。
We still face an unequal global distribution of resources and opportunities, but today we are better placed to take concrete actions that can address the inequalities between and among countries and peoples. 资源和机会的全球分布仍然不均,但如今我们更有条件采取具体行动,消除国与国以及民族与民族之间的不平等。
In 2015, world leaders agreed on how to better position the international community to address some of the most pressing global challenges. 2015年,世界领导人就如何使国际社会更好地应对一些最紧迫的全球挑战达成了共识。
These agreements and outcomes collectively offer a blueprint for how the global economy, society and environment should look in 2030. 这些协定和成果共同构划了2030年全球经济、社会和环境的蓝图。
The outcomes further spell out the means of implementation that will guide global collective action on development for the next 15 years. 这些成果进一步阐明了将指导今后15年发展方面的全球集体行动的执行手段。
If implemented effectively, these agreements will contribute towards the realization of common aspirations to achieve prosperity, dignity and a better planet for all. 这些协定如果得到有效执行,将有助于实现共同愿望:人人享有繁荣、尊严和一个更美好的地球。
9. 9.
We recognize that economic activities should be at the service of persons. 我们确认,经济活动应当为人服务。
Any development and growth strategy should aim at the promotion of every human being and at the primacy of human work. 任何发展和增长战略都应当力求推动每个人的发展,力求以人的工作为先。
10. 10.
We also recognize that achieving gender equality and the empowerment and promotion of entrepreneurship of women and youth are vital to achieve sustainable development and significantly enhance economic growth and productivity for present and future generations. 我们还确认,实现性别平等、赋予妇女和青年权能并促进他们创业,对实现可持续发展、大幅促进今世后代的经济增长和生产力至关重要。
We reiterate the need for gender mainstreaming, including targeted actions and investments in the formulation and implementation of all financial, economic, environmental and social policies. 我们重申需要使性别平等主流化,包括在制订和执行所有金融、经济、环境和社会政策方面进行有针对性的行动和投资。
11. 11.
We emphasize the importance of strengthened global partnerships to eradicate poverty and leave no one behind. 我们强调,必须加强全球伙伴关系,以消除贫穷,并且不落下任何人。
In this regard, we reaffirm the importance of North–South, South–South and triangular regional and international cooperation, while taking into account that South–South cooperation is not a substitute, but a complement to North–South cooperation. 为此,我们重申南北合作、南南合作、三方区域合作以及国际合作的重要性,同时考虑到南南合作是南北合作的补充,而不是替代品。
We further recognize the importance of partnerships between and among policymakers and major stakeholders including the private sector, academia and civil society in achieving sustainable development. 我们进一步确认,决策者与主要利益攸关方,包括私营部门、学术界、民间社会结成伙伴关系对实现可持续发展至关重要。
12. 12.
We thank the Secretary-General of UNCTAD for his report to the Conference. 我们感谢贸发会议秘书长向本届大会提交报告。
The report contributed to our discussions and in articulating our common cause in going forward towards the implementation of various issues, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. 该报告有助于我们的讨论,也有助于阐明我们在努力落实各项问题方面,包括在努力落实《2030年可持续发展议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》方面的共同事业。
13. 13.
We underline the importance of major events of UNCTAD XIV, including the World Leaders Summit, the fifth World Investment Forum, the Civil Society Forum, the seventh Global Commodities Forum and, indeed, the first ever global Youth Forum. 我们着重指出,贸发十四大的各项主要活动具有重要意义,包括世界领导人峰会、第五届世界投资论坛、民间社会论坛、第七届全球初级商品论坛,以及史上首个全球青年论坛。
The diversity of thematic issues and participation reinforces the principle of partnership while recognizing the transgenerational vision and perspective that today’s world calls for. 专题事项及与会人员的多样巩固了伙伴关系原则,同时也确认了当今世界所需的跨代视野和视角。
14. 14.
We welcome the formal unveiling of the eTrade for All initiative at UNCTAD XIV. 我们欢迎贸发十四大正式出台“普惠电子贸易”举措。
It provides a new approach to trade development through electronic exchanges by allowing developing countries to more easily navigate the supply of technical assistance for building capacity in e-commerce readiness and for donors to get a clear picture of programmes that they could fund. 该举措提供了一种通过电子交易发展贸易的新方法,更便于发展中国家浏览为电子商务准备度方面的能力建设提供的技术援助,也便于捐助方清楚地了解有哪些可资助的方案。
15. 15.
We recognize that UNCTAD XIV is an important step in strengthening multilateralism and an international economic system that recognizes the interdependence of trade, finance, investment, technology and development. 我们确认,贸发十四大是在加强多边主义和加强承认贸易、金融、投资、技术与发展相互依存的国际经济体系方面迈出的重要一步。
We commend UNCTAD for its substantial contribution since its creation in 1964 to advancing the global discourse on development and in enhancing the beneficial integration of developing countries into the global economy. 我们称赞贸发会议自1964年成立以来为推动发展问题的全球讨论和推进发展中国家以有益方式融入全球经济作出的重大贡献。
In this regard, we reiterate our commitment to UNCTAD and to revitalize its intergovernmental machinery so that it continues to serve as an important incubator of ideas, including for collective global action. 在这方面,我们重申对贸发会议的承诺,致力于重振贸发会议的政府间机制,以便该组织能继续充当重要的思想孵化器,包括促进全球集体行动的思想孵化器。
16. 16.
We underscore international trade as an engine for inclusive economic growth, poverty eradication and the promotion of sustainable development and, therefore, continue to promote a universal, rules-based, open, transparent, predictable, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system. 我们强调,国际贸易是实现包容性经济增长、消除贫困和促进可持续发展的动力,因此,我们继续倡导普遍、基于规则、开放、透明、可预测、不歧视和公平的多边贸易体系。
We recommit to continuing to make positive efforts designed to ensure that developing country members, and especially the least developed country members among them, secure a share in the growth of world trade commensurate with the needs of their economic development, and that provisions for special and differential treatment shall remain integral. 我们再次承诺,将继续作出积极努力,力求确保发展中国家成员,特别是其中的最不发达国家成员在全球贸易增长中取得与其经济发展需求相称的份额,并确保特殊和差别待遇条款始终不可或缺。
In this regard, we call for strengthened complementarity between the work of UNCTAD, the World Trade Organization and other relevant agencies with a view to realizing the full developmental potential of trade. 在这方面,我们呼吁加强贸发会议、世界贸易组织和其他有关机构工作的互补性,以期充分实现贸易的发展潜力。
Accession to the World Trade Organization by developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, enhances the universality of the trading system. 发展中国家、尤其是最不发达国家加入世界贸易组织能够增强贸易体系的普遍性。
17. 17.
Investment, particularly in infrastructure development, is a critical issue that cuts across the implementation of all the Sustainable Development Goals. 投资,特别是基础设施投资,是所有可持续发展目标的落实工作都要涉及的关键问题。
We emphasize the importance of investment and enterprise development for enhancing productive capacities to transform economies. 我们强调,投资和企业发展对加强生产能力以实现经济转型具有重要意义。
A sound investment climate is necessary to attract foreign direct investment flows, encourage domestic investment and support sustainable development. 必须具备健全的投资环境,方能吸引外国直接投资流入、鼓励国内投资并支持可持续发展。
We call upon UNCTAD to further develop its activities for promoting and facilitating investment and entrepreneurship for sustainable development. 我们吁请贸发会议进一步发展其促进和便利投资和创业的活动,以利可持续发展。
18. 18.
We are aware of the negative effects of unsustainable debt on development, particularly for developing countries, and recognize the need to assist developing countries to achieve long-term debt sustainability through sound debt management and coordinated policies aimed at fostering debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring, as appropriate, and to address the external debt of highly indebted poor countries to reduce debt distress. 我们认识到不可持续负债对发展的不利影响,特别是对发展中国家发展的不利影响,并确认有必要通过健全的债务管理和旨在酌情推动债务融资、债务减免和债务重组的协调的政策,帮助发展中国家实现债务的长期可持续性,还确认有必要处理重债穷国的外债问题,以减轻其债务压力。
Recalling that debtors and creditors must work together to prevent and resolve unsustainable debt situations and that maintaining sustainable debt levels is the responsibility of the borrowing countries, we reaffirm that lenders also have a responsibility to lend in a way that does not undermine a country’s debt sustainability. 我们回顾,债务国和债权国必须共同努力,防止和消除债务不可持续的局面,而保持可持续的债务水平是借款国的责任,我们同时重申,贷款国也有责任以不削弱一国债务可持续性的方式贷款。
19. 19.
We support the mobilization of all means of implementation – financial and human resources, technology and capacity-building, including through technical assistance – to enable full implementation at all levels of the multilateral commitments and targets agreed in 2015. 我们支持调动一切执行手段――人力和财力、技术和能力建设,包括通过技术援助――以便帮助在各级充分落实2015年商定的多边承诺和具体目标。
We therefore reaffirm the importance of stronger North–South cooperation as imperative to the successful implementation of the various outcomes of major United Nations summits and conferences, in particular the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 我们因此重申,加强南北合作十分重要,这是成功落实联合国主要峰会和会议的各种成果,特别是《2030年可持续发展议程》所不可或缺的。
While recognizing the need to enhance resource mobilization at all levels, including from public and private sources, we reiterate the need to fulfil all official development assistance commitments by some developed countries, including the achievement of the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income for official development assistance, as adopted in United Nations General Assembly resolution 2626 in October 1970, and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of gross national income as official development assistance to the least developed countries, as emerged from the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011–2020 (Istanbul Programme of Action) in May 2011. 我们认识到有必要加强各级,包括从公共和私营来源的资源调动,但我们也重申,一些发达国家有必要履行所有官方发展援助承诺,包括实现1970年10月联合国大会第2626号决议通过的官方发展援助占国民总收入0.7%的目标,以及2011年5月《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》(《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》)提出的对最不发达国家的官方发展援助占国民总收入0.15%至0.20%的目标。
20. 20.
We reiterate that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized. 我们重申,每个国家对本国的经济和社会发展负有主要责任,国家政策和发展战略的作用无论怎样强调都不过分。
We will respect each country’s policy space and leadership to implement policies for poverty eradication and sustainable development, while remaining consistent with relevant international rules and commitments. 我们将尊重每个国家在遵守相关国际规则和承诺的前提下,在执行消除贫困和可持续发展政策方面的政策空间和领导权。
21. 21.
Our accomplishments in Nairobi and our actions to strengthen the important role of UNCTAD as the focal point within the United Nations system for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development reflect our common conviction that, by enhancing its developmental role, impact and institutional effectiveness, UNCTAD will help turn a new page in international economic relations, in support of the new consensus for development. 我们在内罗毕取得的成就,以及我们为加强贸发会议作为综合处理贸易与发展问题及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联问题的协调中心的重要作用而采取的行动,均反映了我们共同的信念,即加强贸发会议的发展作用、影响和体制效力,该组织就能帮助国际经济关系翻开新的一页,支持达成新的发展共识。
In this spirit, let us move forward to UNCTAD XV and pave the road towards 2030 with this Nairobi Azimio and the Nairobi Maafikiano as our guide. 让我们本着这一精神向贸发十五大迈进,并以本《内罗毕宣言》和《内罗毕共识》为指引,铺平通往2030年的道路。
1 2
Azimio is Swahili for declaration. “宣言”一词原文采用了斯瓦西里语“Azimio”。
2 3
See the statement of Mr. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, President of Kenya, delivered at the inaugural ceremony of UNCTAD IV in Nairobi on 5 May 1976, in Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Fourth session, Nairobi, vol. 1, Report and Annexes (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.II.D.10), annex III, p. 96. 见肯尼亚总统姆齐·乔莫·肯雅塔先生1976年5月5日在内罗毕贸发四大开幕式上的发言,载于《联合国贸易和发展会议议事录,第四届大会,内罗毕,第1卷,报告和附件》(联合国出版物,出售品编号E.76.II.D.10),附件三,第96页。
3 4
Maafikiano is Swahili for consensus. “共识”一词原文采用了斯瓦西里语“Maafikiano”。