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United Nations联 合 国
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国 贸易和发展会议
Distr.: GeneralDistr.: General
10 November 202110 November 2021
Original: EnglishChinese
Fifteenth session第十五届大会
Virtual Barbados巴巴多斯(视频会议)
3–7 October 20212021年10月3日至7日
The Bridgetown Covenant布里奇顿协定
From inequality and vulnerability to prosperity for all走出不平等和脆弱性,迈向共同繁荣
Nearly six decades ago, the international community came together in Geneva in the firm conviction that trade could make a difference to the world and do more to connect nations and peoples and enhance their economic opportunities.将近六十年前,国际社会在日内瓦聚集一堂,坚信贸易可以改变世界,为各国和各国人民相互连接和增加经济机会发挥更大的作用。
In a spirit of solidarity and cooperation, the world came together to ensure that progress achieved became prosperity shared.本着团结与合作的精神,为了确保取得的进步成为共同的繁荣,世界走到了一起。
The phrase “prosperity for all” captured the ideals and objectives of the first session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and its realization became the raison d’être of UNCTAD and, subsequently, its creed.“共同繁荣”的口号体现了联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)第一届大会的理想和目标,实现这一目标成为了贸发会议存在的理由,随后也成为了贸发会议的信条。
The serious challenges to multilateralism are being exacerbated.多边主义面临的严峻挑战正在加剧。
Strengthened multilateralism and coordinated international action are crucial for effectively addressing these challenges and improving prosperity for all.加强多边主义和协调国际行动对于有效应对这些挑战和改善共享繁荣至为关键。
Inequality, within and between countries, exacerbated by vulnerability, has become one of the most challenging issues facing policymakers at the national and international levels.国家内部和国家之间的不平等因脆弱性而扩大,已经成为国家和国际层面决策者面临的最具挑战性的问题之一。
Now, the Conference meets again, for the fifteenth time, in the most unprecedented of circumstances.现在,贸发会议第十五次举行大会,这是在绝然空前的情况下再次召开的会议。
In addition to climate change threats, we are experiencing a coronavirus disease (COVID‑19) pandemic which has generated a global health and economic crisis, exacerbating fiscal as well as other challenges faced by developing countries.除了气候变化的威胁之外,我们正在经历一场冠状病毒病(COVID-19)疫情,它引发了全球健康和经济危机,加剧了发展中国家面临的财政和其他挑战。
In this scenario, and faced with declining resources, it is paramount that member State engagement with UNCTAD be strengthened.在这种情况下,面对各种资源不断减少的局面,成员国加强与贸发会议的接触至关重要。
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 5 million people have lost their lives.自COVID-19疫情爆发以来,已有将近500万人丧生。
Global gross domestic product (GDP) contracted severely in 2020.2020年全球国内生产总值严重萎缩。
Millions of people have already lost their jobs, and millions more have had their livelihoods compromised.数百万人已经失去工作,还有数百万的人生计受到影响。
Most disturbingly, more than 150 million people are expected to join the ranks of extreme poverty by the end of 2021, depending on the severity of the economic contraction.最为令人不安的是,预计到2021年底,将有1.5亿多人加入极端贫困的行列,这取决于经济收缩的严重程度。
These grim figures and facts reflect the profound human suffering and immense challenges ahead.这些严峻的数字和事实反映了人类面临的深重苦难和巨大挑战。
The end of the pandemic may be in sight with the arrival of a vaccine, but the scale and scope of the crisis and its consequences are likely to be long-lasting and have yet to be fully appreciated.随着疫苗的到来,疫情有望结束,但这场危机的规模和范围及其后果可能会持续很久,目前尚无法充分评估。
UNCTAD should contribute to the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of relevant global conferences, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and, as appropriate, the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, among other relevant international agreements and outcomes.贸发会议应当促进相关全球会议成果的贯彻落实和后续行动,包括《2030年可持续发展议程》、《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,并酌情包括《联合国气候变化框架公约》下的《巴黎协定》以及其他相关国际协定和成果。
While enhancing its work in support of addressing the trade and development challenges of all developing countries across all regions, UNCTAD should:在加强工作支持应对所有区域内所有发展中国家的贸易和发展挑战的同时,贸发会议应当:
Strengthen its special focus on the trade and development needs of the least developed countries across all areas of its mandate, in accordance with the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011–2020 (Istanbul Programme of Action) and any relevant successor agreement reached at the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries;根据《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》(《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》)和第五次联合国最不发达国家问题会议达成的任何相关后续协议,在所有任务领域加强对最不发达国家贸易和发展需求的特别关注;
Continue to support Africa in addressing its special concerns and needs, including as articulated in the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, and in the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area,继续支持非洲解决其特殊关切和需求,包括《非洲发展新伙伴关系》中阐述的关切和需求,并支持落实非洲大陆自由贸易区;
Further address the special trade, investment and development needs of landlocked developing countries, including through continuation of its support for effective implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014–2024 (Vienna Programme of Action);进一步解决内陆发展中国家在贸易、投资和发展方面的特殊需求,包括继续支持有效执行《内陆发展中国家2014-2024年十年维也纳行动纲领》(《维也纳行动纲领》);
Continue its work in assisting small island developing States to address persistent trade, investment and development challenges that they encounter, including through the implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway;继续努力协助小岛屿发展中国家应对在贸易、投资和发展领域面临的持续挑战,包括通过实施小岛屿发展中国家快速行动方式(萨摩亚途径);
Continue to give focus to the special needs and problems of structurally weak and vulnerable small economies in order to foster sustained economic growth and sustainable and inclusive development;继续聚焦结构薄弱和易受冲击的小型经济体的特殊需求和问题,以促进持续经济增长以及可持续和包容性发展;
Continue to support the development efforts of middle-income countries, according to their needs, in facing specific challenges of sustainable economic development and poverty eradication.继续根据中等收入国家的需要,支持这些国家在应对可持续经济发展和消除贫穷的具体挑战方面的发展努力。
The year 2020 marked the start of the decade of action 2020–2030 to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.2020年标志着争取实现《2030年可持续发展议程》的2020-2030行动十年的开始。
However, the COVID‑19 pandemic has exacerbated existing challenges and created new vulnerabilities, especially for developing countries, and threatens to reverse the hard-fought progress on the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental.然而,COVID-19疫情加剧了现有的挑战,造成了新的脆弱性,特别是对发展中国家而言,并有可能逆转经济、社会和环境这三个可持续发展层面来之不易的进展。
It is important to ensure a concerted global response, bearing in mind that the 2030 Agenda should serve as the blueprint to rebuild and to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.重要的是要确保协调一致的全球对策,同时铭记应当把《2030年议程》作为开展重建努力和减轻COVID-19疫情影响的蓝图。
Focused and sustained efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda for all, with a focus on the poorest and most vulnerable, are necessary for a strengthened and accelerated decade of action for building more sustainable, peaceful, just, equitable, prosperous, inclusive and resilient societies and economies.为了加强和加快行动十年的进展,建设更可持续、和平、公正、公平、繁荣、包容和有复原力的社会和经济,需要付出重点明确和持之以恒的努力,为所有人实施《2030年议程》,重点关注最贫穷和最弱势的群体。
Our success in recovering from the pandemic and paving the way to a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world will depend on the decisions and actions taken by the global community.我们能否从疫情中复苏并为创建一个更具包容性、复原力和更可持续的世界铺平道路,将取决于全球社会作出的决定和采取的行动。
The entire global community, public and private, as well as national and international actors, must jointly take decisions and actions that will determine to what extent and how fast the recovery from the crisis will be.整个全球社会,公共和私营部门,以及国家和国际行为者,都必须共同作出决定并采取行动,这些决定和行动事关从危机中复苏的程度和速度。
In this regard, it is essential to recognize the critical role that women are playing in COVID‑19 response efforts, as well as the disproportionate negative impact of the pandemic, notably the socioeconomic impact, on women and girls.在这方面,必须认识到妇女在COVID-19应对工作中发挥的关键作用,以及这一流行病对妇女和女童造成的不成比例的负面影响,特别是社会经济影响。
This may further deepen already existing inequalities and risks reversing the progress in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in recent decades.这可能会进一步加深已经存在的不平等,并有可能逆转近几十年来在实现性别平等和增强妇女和女童权能方面取得的进展。
Concrete actions are necessary to minimize this impact and ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and youth in the development and implementation of an adequate and sustainable response to the pandemic.必须采取实际行动,最大限度地减少这种影响,确保妇女和青年充分、平等和有意义地参与制定和实施应对这一疫情病的适当和可持续的对策。
The pandemic underscored the uneven resilience and capacities of countries to deal with crises.这次的疫情凸显了各国复原力和危机应对能力参差不齐的局面。
In response to the pandemic, many developing countries lacked the ability to use fiscal and monetary measures, among others, to respond to the crisis.在抗击疫情的过程中,许多发展中国家缺乏利用财政和货币措施等等应对危机的能力。
It is imperative that international cooperation advance to combat and recover from the pandemic and provide assistance to the countries and regions most in need.当务之急是推进国际合作,抗击疫情并从中恢复,并向最有需要的国家和地区提供援助。
It is important to ensure timely, global and equitable access to safe, effective and affordable COVID-19 tools (vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and personal protective equipment), recognizing extensive COVID-19 immunization as a global public good to help overcome the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide and recover the momentum for sustainable development.必须确保及时、全面和公平地获得安全、有效和负担得起的COVID-19工具(疫苗、治疗、诊断和个人防护器具),同时认识到广泛的COVID-19疫苗接种是一项全球公益事业,有助于在全世界战胜COVID-19疫情,恢复可持续发展的势头。
The sharing of information and technology for the detection, prevention, treatment and control of the pandemic is necessary, as well as initiatives in this regard, such as the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, Friends of the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX) Facility, the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) and relevant pledging appeals.有必要分享用于检测、预防、治疗和控制疫情的信息和技术以及这方面的举措,如获取COVID-19工具(ACT)加速计划、COVID-19疫苗全球获取(COVAX)机制之友、COVID-19技术获取池以及相关的认捐呼吁。
The speed at which the pandemic has spread has also been a reminder that this is an age of unprecedented interdependence and interconnectedness.疫情蔓延的速度也提醒我们,这是一个前所未有的相互依存和相互关联的时代。
Therefore, a full global recovery will not be possible without global cooperation and until the pandemic subsides in all countries.因此,疫情在所有国家消退之前,如果不开展全球合作,就不可能实现全面的全球复苏。
Recent years have highlighted the link between trade and development and some key global challenges.近些年的情况突出表明,贸易和发展与一些主要的全球挑战之间存在着联系。
For instance, an increase in the number of refugees and displaced people has additionally strained the socioeconomic conditions for the economies of developing countries hosting these groups.例如,难民和流离失所者的增多使接收这些人员的发展中国家的社会经济状况变得更加紧张。
Additionally, health concerns, both non-communicable and communicable diseases, can hinder immediate and long-term productive capacities.此外,一些健康关切,包括非传染性和传染性疾病,可能会阻碍当前和长期的生产能力。
For instance, COVID-19 has caused significant global economic shocks and exacerbated food insecurity.例如,COVID-19已经造成了相当大的全球经济冲击,加剧了粮食不安全状况。
The COVID-19 pandemic is a firm reminder of the value of an integrated approach that fosters cooperation between environmental conservation and the human health, animal health and plant health sectors.COVID-19有力地提醒人们,有必要采取综合做法,促进环境保护与人类健康、动物健康和植物健康部门之间合作。
Similarly, natural disasters, which are increasing in frequency due to climate change, as well as man-made disasters, such as maritime and industrial accidents, frequently lead to biodiversity loss, environmental degradation and an additional strain on limited trade and development logistics, resources and infrastructure.同样,自然灾害――由于气候变化,此种灾害的频率正在上升,以及海上和工业事故等人为灾害,常常会导致生物多样性丧失、环境退化,并使本已有限的贸易和发展物流、资源及基础设施变得更加紧张。
To address these interrelated challenges and build a world that is sustainable, more prosperous and more inclusive, holistic policies at all levels are needed.为应对这些相互关联的挑战,建设一个更加可持续、更加繁荣和更加包容的世界,需要在各级采取全面的政策。
In this sense, effective inclusion through targeted social policies and social investment is crucial in order to strengthen people’s skills and capacities and help them to participate fully in employment and social life.从这个意义上说,为提高人们的技能和能力,帮助他们充分就业,参与社会生活,通过有针对性的社会政策和社会投资实现包容至关重要。
The fifteenth session of the Conference is therefore an opportunity to embrace cooperation and interdependence, strengthen the connections between us, better recover from the pandemic and empower the international community to realize the Sustainable Development Goals.因此,贸发十五大提供了一个机会,可据以利用合作和相互依存,加强我们之间的联系,更好地从疫情中复苏,并增强国际社会实现《可持续发展目标》的能力。
This pandemic presents an opportunity and an urgent need to envision and shape a new path where trade, investment, technology and finance can be harnessed to achieve sustainable progress and build a more resilient, inclusive, environmentally sound and sustainable world.这次的疫情是一个机会,同时也表明迫切需要设想和开辟一条新的道路,以便利用贸易、投资、技术和金融实现可持续进步,建设一个更具复原力、包容性、更加无害环境和更可持续的世界。
Learning from experience: Looking back to move forward从经验中学习:回顾以往,向前迈进
In Nairobi, in 2016, the fourteenth session of the Conference celebrated the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals.2016年,在内罗毕,贸发十四大庆祝了《可持续发展目标》的通过。
Important advances were registered since, even if insufficient to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.此后取得了重要进展,尽管尚不足以在2030年前实现《可持续发展目标》。
Furthermore, the COVID-19 crisis has made it increasingly challenging to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.此外,COVID-19危机使得实现《可持续发展目标》越来越具有挑战性。
Overcoming this situation requires learning from experience in dealing with emerging and persistent challenges.克服这种局面,就需要从应对新出现的和持续性的挑战的经验中学习。
There is an urgent need to advance, with determination, bold and concerted actions to address the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, while striving to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.迫切需要坚定地推进果敢无畏和协调一致的行动,以应对COVID-19疫情的社会和经济影响,同时努力回到实现《可持续发展目标》的轨道上来。
This will require designing recovery strategies that will accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the achievement of the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement, as well as helping to reduce the risk of future shocks.这将需要设计复苏战略,加快全面执行《2030年可持续发展议程》和实现《巴黎协定》长期目标的进度,并帮助降低未来冲击的风险。
The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic should ensure the smooth flow of global trade and be supportive of the multilateral trading system, both of which are crucial for sustainable and resilient value chains.应对COVID-19疫情的全球对策应确保全球贸易的平稳流动,并支持多边贸易体系,这两者对于可持续的和有复原力的价值链都至关重要。
Since the inception of UNCTAD, one of its goals has been the better and more meaningful integration of developing countries into the multilateral trading system.贸发会议自成立以来的目标之一,就是让发展中国家更好和更有意义地融入多边贸易体系。
Despite the massive expansion of trade and investment in the last decades, effective integration into global trade patterns remains challenging for many developing countries.尽管过去几十年来贸易和投资大规模扩张,但对许多发展中国家而言,有效融入全球贸易模式仍然是一项挑战。
Free trade, set in an open and rules-based multilateral trading system, remains the most powerful engine for growth and development, which can help to create millions of jobs and enhance prosperity.建立在开放和基于规则的多边贸易体系中的自由贸易仍然是增长和发展的最强大引擎,可以帮助创造数百万个就业机会和促进繁荣。
In particular, the least developed countries face considerable challenges in harnessing the full potential of international trade and benefiting from the opportunities afforded by global value chains and foreign investment.特别是,最不发达国家在充分利用国际贸易潜力和受益于全球价值链和外国投资提供的机会方面面临着艰巨挑战。
Since the first session of the Conference, the expansion of trade has enabled a profound geopolitical and economic transformation, marked by the economic growth of developing countries, the emergence of some nations from the periphery of the world economy and into the global spotlight and a concomitant and significant reduction of poverty around the globe.自第一届贸发大会以来,贸易的扩大促成了深刻的地缘政治和经济转型,其标志是发展中国家取得了经济增长,一些国家从世界经济的边缘崛起而成为全球瞩目的焦点,全球范围内的贫困显著减少。
The success of economic transformation, however, varies across regions and countries.然而,经济转型的成功与否因地区和国家而异。
Countries in Asia have seen their trade with the world grow substantially, but this is less true for other regions.亚洲国家与世界间的贸易大幅增长,但其他地区的情况则与此不同。
In the last decade, the least developed countries were expected to double their share of global trade, but this has hardly increased.原本预期,最不发达国家的全球贸易份额在过去十年中会翻一番,但实际上却几乎没有增加。
Some developing countries managed to partake in the global economy through their commodity exports, yet were unable to diversify.一些发展中国家设法通过初级商品出口参与全球经济,但无法实现多样化。
This highlighted the importance that these countries diversify, producing higher value added goods and enhancing the sustainability and resilience of their economies.这突出表明了这些国家实现多样化、生产高附加值产品和增强其经济可持续性和复原力的重要性。
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing climate resilience and promoting sustainable development are indispensable to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Sustainable Development Goal 13.减少温室气体排放、增强气候复原力和促进可持续发展,对于实现《可持续发展目标》,特别是《可持续发展目标》13不可或缺。
A more equitable and sustainable approach to development strategies and globalization is therefore needed.因此,需要对发展战略和全球化采取更加公平和更可持续的方法。
The Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change provides a framework for crucial decoupling of economic growth from environmental degradation through nationally determined contributions and long-term strategies for coordinated collective action at the global level.《联合国气候变化框架公约》下的《巴黎协定》提供了一个框架,通过国家自主贡献和全球一级协调集体行动的长期战略,使经济增长与环境退化决然脱钩。
This document recognizes all the principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and reaffirms our strong and steadfast commitment to strengthen implementation of the Paris Agreement which is to reflect equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.本文件确认《联合国气候变化框架公约》的所有原则,并重申我们坚定不移地致力于加强《巴黎协定》的执行,该协定旨在根据不同国情,反映公平及共同但有区别的责任和各自能力的原则。
Technological advancements continue to transform the way people produce, work, interact and live.技术进步继续改变着人们生产、工作、互动和生活的方式。
By any measure, the digital transformation is well under way and accelerating further.无论以何种标准衡量,数字化转型正在顺利进行,并进一步加速。
The number of new broadband connections is soaring, and mobile telephone usage continues to climb.新宽带连接的数量正在激增,移动电话的使用率继续攀升。
The pandemic resulted in a push towards more teleworking, changed consumer behaviour and accelerated digitalization globally and presented many new opportunities.这场疫情推动了更多的远程工作,改变了消费者行为,加速了全球数字化,并带来了许多新的机会。
The utilization and sharing of best practices in digital technologies can contribute to reducing gaps and inequalities in developing countries.利用和分享数字技术的各种最佳做法有助于减少发展中国家的差距和不平等。
Yet a deep digital divide remains.然而,深刻的数字鸿沟依然存在。
In the absence of coordinated action by all relevant actors, the digital divide is likely to increase.如果没有所有相关行为体的协调行动,数字鸿沟很可能会扩大。
The spread of the Internet has made it possible for people to connect in and to an unprecedented way and degree.互联网的普及使人们能够以前所未有的方式和程度互通互联。
However, there is a need to address the challenges that digital transformation poses to societies.然而,有必要应对数字化转型给社会带来的挑战。
Since the fourteenth session of the Conference, noteworthy achievements in regional and international cooperation were registered, such as the historic Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area, the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.自贸发十四大以来,区域和国际合作取得了显著成就,例如历史性的《建立非洲大陆自由贸易区协定》、《太平洋更紧密经济关系协定》和《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》得到缔结。
Nevertheless, trade tensions have increased.然而,贸易紧张局势有所加剧。
Multilateralism needs to rise to the challenge of combating protectionism and non‑compliance with multilateral rules.多边主义需要勇敢地同保护主义和不遵守多边规则现象作斗争。
Global trade is identified by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda as an important engine for inclusive economic growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction, and the multilateral trading system as embodied by the World Trade Organization is the primary channel for its promotion.《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》将全球贸易视为可推动包容性经济增长、可持续发展和减贫的重要引擎,世界贸易组织所体现的多边贸易体系是促进全球贸易的主要渠道。
In this regard, promoting a universal, rules‑based, open, transparent, predictable, inclusive, non‑discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system, under the World Trade Organization, is crucial.在这方面,提倡建立一个世贸组织之下的普遍、基于规则、开放、透明、可预测、包容、非歧视、公平的多边贸易体系,至关重要。
Today, many Sustainable Development Goals are behind schedule, and, despite remarkable efforts and progress, many people and places have not managed to enjoy the benefits of progress.今天,许多《可持续发展目标》落后于时间表,尽管做出了显著努力并取得了突出进展,但许多人和地方仍未能享受到进步带来的好处。
The tools of trade, investment, technology and finance can do more to change this reality and foster a more inclusive, sustainable, equitable and resilient world.贸易、投资、技术和金融工具可以做更多的事情来改变这一现实,并促进一个更具包容性、可持续、公平和复原力的世界。
Major global challenges重大全球性挑战
Attempts to put the global economy back on track and accelerate the pace towards the timely accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals take place in the context of major global challenges that have become more acute since the fourteenth session of the Conference.在存在重大全球性挑战――自贸发十四大以来,这些挑战变得更为严峻――的背景下,人们试图使全球经济重回正轨,并加快及时实现《可持续发展目标》的步伐。
These challenges include growing inequality and vulnerabilities, including high debt levels;这些挑战有: 不平等和脆弱性逐步加剧;
accelerating climate change and continuing environmental degradation;气候变化加速,环境持续退化;
and the widening digital divide.数字鸿沟逐步扩大等。
Accomplishing the 2030 Agenda and putting development back on track will require that all institutions and stakeholders in development play their mandated parts in the global effort to realize prosperity for all.实现《2030年议程》并使发展回到正轨,将需要发展领域的所有机构和利害关系方都在实现共同繁荣的全球努力中发挥要求发挥的作用。
In addressing these three challenges, UNCTAD should give account to a number of essential underlying issues for sustainable, inclusive and equitable growth and development, most notably:在应对这三项挑战时,贸发会议应考虑到可持续、包容性和公平增长和发展方面的一些基本问题,尤其是:
Respect for human rights, including the right to development, gender equality, women’s and youth’s empowerment, and an overall commitment to just, non-discriminative and democratic societies based on the rule of law;尊重人权[包括发展权],性别平等,增强妇女和青年权能,以及总体上致力于建设公正、非歧视性、基于法治的民主社会;
Good governance and an enabling environment at all levels;各级善治和扶持性环境;
Continue its efforts to enhance its efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability, including through effective results-based management and ensuring a member State‑driven process through the intergovernmental machinery, and ensure effective employment of resources.继续努力提高效率、有效性、透明度,加强问责,包括为此实行有效的成果管理制,同时通过政府间机制确保成员国驱动的进程,并确保有效利用资源。
Inequality and vulnerability不平等和脆弱性
High levels of inequality represent an obstacle to sustainable development and a major brake on sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.高度不平等是可持续发展的障碍,也是可持续经济增长和减贫的主要障碍。
The economic recovery requires evolving policies at all levels to tackle these issues.经济复苏要求在所有各级制定政策解决这些问题。
For decades, the wealth gap has been widening between and within countries.几十年来,国家之间和国家内部的财富差距一直在扩大。
Even before the pandemic, nearly 700 million people remained in extreme poverty, with the indignity and vulnerability this implies.甚至在疫情之前,就有近7亿人仍然处于意味着屈辱和脆弱性的极端贫困之中。
Billions of people have no access to modern technologies, including some that are now considered essential, such as access to the Internet.数十亿人无法获得现代技术,包括一些现在被认为至关重要的技术,如互联网。
Women around the world continue to struggle to claim their rightful place in society and in the economy, remaining, on average, poorer and more vulnerable than men, regardless of their country of origin.世界各地的妇女仍在奋力争取她们在社会和经济中的合法地位,平均而言,她们比男子更贫穷、更脆弱,无论她们来自哪个国家。
The impressive expansion of global trade, investment and technology registered over the past decades has unfortunately not resulted in benefits for all.令人遗憾的是,过去几十年来,全球贸易、投资和技术取得了令人瞩目的发展,但却并没有给所有人带来好处。
Support and consideration must be given to those who are vulnerable or in vulnerable situations, such as women and girls, youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, indigenous peoples, refugees, internally displaced persons, homeless and jobless people, migrants and other marginalized groups, in order to leave no one behind.必须支持和考虑弱势或处境脆弱的人,如妇女和女童、青年、残疾人、老年人、土著人民、难民、境内流离失所者、无家可归者和失业者、移民和其他边缘化群体,以便不让任何人掉队。
These inequalities have contributed to the fuelling of discontent with globalization which, among other factors, threatens multilateralism, hindering the collective ability to achieve the 2030 Agenda and leave no one behind.这些不平等助长了对全球化的不满,这种不满加上其他一些因素,会威胁到多边主义,阻碍实现《2030年议程》和不让任何人掉队的集体能力。
The achievements made over the years in poverty reduction, a key goal and indispensable requirement for sustainable development, may be compromised in the face of the COVID‑19 pandemic, and the development gap between and within countries is at risk of widening.由于COVID-19疫情,多年来在减贫――可持续发展方面的一项关键目标和不可或缺的要求――方面取得的成就可能会受到损害,国家之间和内部的发展差距有可能扩大。
Delivering on the 2030 Agenda requires doubling down on our efforts, including by boosting resources, private and public, and domestic and international.实现《2030年议程》需要我们加倍努力,包括为此增加私人和公共资源以及国内和国际资源。
Effectively addressing the issue of debt vulnerability can help mobilize financial resources for development.切实处理债务脆弱性问题有助于调动财政资源促进发展。
As highlighted in multilateral forums, the accumulation of debt in developing countries has reached record high levels.正如多边论坛所强调的那样,发展中国家积累的债务额之高,已经达到创纪录的数额。
This implies serious constraints on opportunities for inclusive and sustainable economic growth.这意味着包容性和可持续经济增长的机会受到严重限制。
Balancing the need to reduce debt vulnerability with the need to stimulate development, especially in a post-pandemic world, will be a key issue in ensuring inclusive and sustainable development.对需要减少债务脆弱性和需要刺激发展这两者进行兼顾,尤其是是在疫情之后这样做,将是确保包容性和可持续发展方面的一个关键问题。
It is important to broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance.有必要扩大和加强发展中国家对全球治理机构的参与。
Addressing vulnerability can promote inclusive and sustainable development.处理脆弱性可促进包容性和可持续发展。
Inherent vulnerabilities limit the ability to respond effectively to external shocks, such as natural disasters, climate change and pandemics.固有的脆弱性会限制有效应对自然灾害、气候变化和疫情病等外部冲击的能力。
Policies and strategies are needed to improve the resilience of the vulnerable and thereby support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.需要制定政策和战略,提高弱势群体的复原力,从而为《可持续发展目标》的实现提供支持。
To buttress economic and environmental resilience, the causes and effects of vulnerability need to be effectively addressed.为加强经济和环境复原力,需要切实处理脆弱性的根源及其影响。
Climate change and environmental degradation气候变化和环境退化
Certain past and present production and consumption patterns that have proven to be unsustainable compromise prosperity.过去和现在被证明是不可持续的某些生产和消费模式损害了繁荣。
Decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation is crucial to ensure sustainable progress, as well as to reduce vulnerability.将经济增长与环境退化脱钩,对于确保可持续发展和减少脆弱性至关重要。
In this sense, concrete and coordinated actions, in line with the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, are required, as well as a meaningful outcome at the twenty-sixth Conference of the Parties this year.从这个意义上说,需要根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》下的《巴黎协定》采取具体和协调的行动,并在今年的第二十六届缔约方会议上取得有意义的成果。
The widening digital divide and the uneven speed of digital transformation不断扩大的数字鸿沟和不均衡的数字转型速度
Digitalization has truly been transformative, significantly altering many aspects of modern life and being at the centre of a formidable economic transformation with vast opportunities, and changing what is consumed, produced and traded.数字化确实是一场变革,极大地改变了现代生活的许多方面,成为具有丰富良机的强大经济转型的中心,并且改变了消费、生产和交易的内容。
But this also comes with challenges, such as the digital divide.但这也带来了挑战,例如数字鸿沟。
Support is needed to ensure that the benefits of this transformation are shared by all in order to close economic and social gaps across the world.需要提供支持,以确保所有人都能分享这一转型的好处,从而缩小世界各地的经济和社会差距。
Proper utilization of digital technologies, backed by adequate infrastructure, can contribute to reducing gaps and inequalities in developing countries.在充分的基础设施支持下,恰当利用数字技术有助于减少发展中国家的差距和不平等。
True equality also requires consideration of the broader concept of digital inclusion.真正的平等还需要考虑更广泛的数字包容概念。
Technology and innovation skills development, including through international cooperation, are key components for driving structural transformation that results in a competitive, sustainable, inclusive and resilient economy.技术和创新技能开发,包括通过国际合作开发技术和创新技能,是推动结构转型的关键组成部分,结构转型可形成具有竞争力、可持续、具有包容性和复原力的经济。
Development, transfer, dissemination, diffusion and access to environmentally sound technologies by developing countries, on mutually agreed terms, are important means for implementing the 2030 Agenda and achieving a sustainable economy, as well as ensuring that every country has a real opportunity to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation and reducing waste.发展中国家按照相互商定的条件开发、转让、传播、推广和获取无害环境技术,是执行《2030年议程》、实现可持续经济,以及确保每个国家都真正有机会将经济增长与环境退化脱钩并且减少浪费的重要手段。
Foreign direct investment and trade play an important role in this, as do international arrangements and measures, such as the Technology Facilitation Mechanism and the United Nations Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries.外国直接投资和贸易在这方面发挥着重要作用,技术促进机制和联合国最不发达国家技术银行等国际安排和措施也是如此。
To ensure the potential development benefits of technology, an effective domestic and international enabling environment is needed.为了确保技术的潜在发展益处,需要一个有效的国内和国际扶持环境。
Challenges and the sustainable path to prosperity挑战与通往繁荣的可持续道路
These challenges will have important effects on development aspirations and, thus, will need to be fully incorporated into any attempts to rebuild the path to prosperity, including achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.这些挑战将对发展愿望产生重要影响,因此需要充分纳入重建繁荣之路的任何努力,包括到2030年实现《可持续发展目标》。
Transformations for a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable world实现转型,争取建设一个更具复原力、包容性和可持续的世界
A recovery which brings the world back to the development paradigm that existed before the pandemic will be insufficient.让世界回到疫情之前的发展范式的复苏是不够的。
Business as usual will not enable the world economy to recover from the pandemic and chart a path to ensure that all people can live in dignity, let alone keep development on track.一切照旧的做法无法使世界经济从疫情中复苏,也无法规划一条确保所有人都能有尊严地生活的道路,更不用说使发展不偏离正确的轨道了。
Indeed, progress towards many Sustainable Development Goals was off track even before the pandemic struck.实际上,甚至在疫情发生之前,多项可持续发展目标就已经偏离了轨道。
The crisis unearthed and accentuated existing vulnerabilities and weaknesses that need to be addressed.这场危机暴露并突出了需要处理的现有脆弱性和弱点。
Four major transformations are needed to move to a more resilient, digital and inclusive world of shared prosperity:要走向一个更具复原力、数字化程度更高、更具包容性的共享繁荣的世界,需要四大转变:
transforming economies through diversification;通过多样化实现经济转型;
fostering a more sustainable and more resilient economy;培育更加可持续和更具复原力的经济;
improving the way development is financed;改进发展筹资方式;
and revitalizing multilateralism.振兴多边主义。
Transforming economies through diversification通过多样化实现经济转型
Since the fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the global economy has faced a series of persistent and emerging challenges to ensuring stable economic growth as well as to achieving inclusive and sustainable development.自联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届会议以来,在确保经济稳定增长以及实现包容性和可持续发展方面,全球经济面临一系列持续和新出现的挑战。
These challenges include, among others, commodity dependence, increasing debt, growing energy demands, weak information and communications technology infrastructure, slow economic growth and the challenges of climate change, as well as challenges in transport and trade logistics due to geographical barriers.除其他外,这些挑战包括对初级商品的依赖、债务不断增加、能源需求持续扩大、信息和通信技术基础设施薄弱、经济增长缓慢和气候变化的挑战,以及由于地理障碍造成的运输和贸易物流方面的挑战。
Building resilience to these challenges is critical to achieving inclusive sustainable development.建设抵御这些挑战的能力,对于实现包容性可持续发展至为关键。
The advances resulting from the needed economic transformations are necessary to reduce vulnerability to economic shocks and inequality across and within countries and require an enabling environment at all levels.必要的经济转型带来的进步,是减少国家之间和国家内部在经济冲击和不平等之下的脆弱性的必要条件,需要在各级创造有利环境。
From graduating from the least developed country category to escaping the middle-income trap, structural transformation matters.从脱离最不发达国家类别到摆脱中等收入陷阱,结构转型意义重大。
Particular attention should be paid to the most vulnerable countries, such as the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States.应特别关注最脆弱的国家,如最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家。
Despite the impressive expansion of trade and the emergence of global value chains, most developing countries remain commodity dependent, and those in manufacturing or services remain tied to lower value added activities.尽管贸易显著扩大,也形成了全球价值链,但大多数发展中国家仍然依赖初级商品,与制造业或服务业挂钩的仍然是附加值较低的活动。
Almost two thirds of developing and transition economies are commodity dependent, the majority of which are least developed countries, which are particularly vulnerable to volatile international commodity markets.几乎三分之二的发展中经济体和转型经济体依赖初级商品,其中大多数是最不发达国家,特别容易受到国际商品市场波动的影响。
Moreover, lack of appropriate technologies and financial resources have proved to be a challenge to taking advantage of improved market access.此外,缺乏适当的技术和资金资源已经证明是利用改善的市场准入的一个挑战。
In cases where not accompanied by appropriate enabling domestic policies as well as robust institutions that provide for a conducive business environment, improved market access alone cannot result in diversified economic activity.在没有适当的扶持性国内政策和缺乏强有力的机构提供有利商业环境的情况下,仅仅改善市场准入并不能带来多样化的经济活动。
Digitalization has changed the way that people produce, consume, trade and live.数字化改变了人们生产、消费、交易和生活的方式。
Narrowing the technological gap and closing the digital divide between and within developed and developing countries provide an opportunity for structural transformation and economic diversification and, therefore, provide options for improving the income and resilience, as well as reducing the vulnerabilities, of the poorest, in particular of women and youth.缩小发达国家和发展中国家之间和内部的技术差距和缩小数字鸿沟能为结构转型和经济多样化提供机会,因此,也就能为提高最贫穷者,特别是妇女和青年的收入和复原力以及减少其脆弱性提供选择。
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated some trends, such as the growing relevance of the digital dimension of the economy and the reshoring or the shortening of global value chains.COVID-19疫情加速了一些趋势,例如经济的数字层面日益重要,全球价值链重新定位或缩短。
This will change the landscape of international trade and how countries can be affected or benefit from it.这将改变国际贸易的格局以及各国从中受到影响或收获惠益的方式。
The current crisis has highlighted the role of digital technologies and relevant business models in building resilient systems that are open, inclusive and secure and benefit everyone.当前的危机凸显了数字技术和相关商业模式在建设开放、包容和安全、惠及所有人的有复原力系统方面的作用。
Supporting countries’ digital transformation, while taking account of the challenges and opportunities of new realities and swift technological change, must be a priority in order to successfully address existing inequalities and the digital divide.支持各国的数字转型,同时考虑到各种新的现实和技术快速转型的挑战和机遇,必须成为优先事项,以便成功地处理现有的不平等和数字鸿沟。
Multilateral discussions on digital trade and cooperation will be useful to address the digital divide.关于数字贸易与合作的多边讨论将有助于处理数字鸿沟。
Foreign direct investment has a key role to play in structural transformation.外国直接投资在结构转型中具有关键作用。
Through its impact on the building of productive capacities, foreign direct investment can be a catalyst for structural transformation, raising the value added of the domestic economy and linking it more effectively into global value chains.通过对生产能力建设的影响,外国直接投资可以成为结构转型的催化剂,提高国内经济的附加值,并更有效地将国内经济与全球价值链联系起来。
This points to the importance of policies that support moving up the value chain, the adaptation of trade and investment relations to modern realities, including through the creation of sustainable value chains, and exploitation of new economic opportunities by leveraging technology and foreign direct investment to build productive capacities in accordance with national economic development strategies.这表明,必须实行扶持政策,促进向价值链上游发展,支持根据现实情况调整贸易和投资关系,包括建立可持续的价值链,同时推动利用技术和直接外资,根据国家经济发展战略建设产能,以利用新的经济机会。
In addition to trade and investment policies, capacity-building for entrepreneurship, innovation, training, education and skills development policies, including through technical cooperation, would be essential.除了贸易和投资政策之外,创业、创新、培训、教育和技能发展政策方面的能力建设,包括通过技术合作开展的能力建设,也至关重要。
Foreign direct investment has been an effective channel for technological and knowledge development.外国直接投资是开发技术和知识的有效渠道。
It has enabled impressive economic diversification in some developing countries.直接外资使一些发展中国家实现了令人瞩目的经济多样化。
However, not everyone has been able to benefit from these flows.然而,并不是每个人都能从这些流动中受益。
In some cases, the flows have been insufficient; in others, they have reinforced previous production patterns.外国直接投资在某些情况下流量不足,在其他一些情况下强化了旧有的生产模式。
Attracting more foreign direct investment, including through an enabling environment at all levels and in line with a country’s development priorities, is critical to support economic diversification in goods and in services, which have proven to be a powerful engine of economic growth, technology transfer on mutually agreed terms and employment opportunities, including for women.吸引更多的外国直接投资,包括通过有利的各级环境和按照一个国家的发展优先事项吸引外资,对于支持商品和服务的经济多样化至为关键,事实证明,商品和服务是带动经济增长,促进按照相互商定的条件进行技术转让,创造就业机会,包括妇女就业机会的强大引擎。
Clear and predictable multilateral and regional trade and investment rules and preferential market access can be significantly beneficial.明确和可预测的多边和区域贸易和投资规则以及优惠的市场准入可带来极大的益处。
As countries attempt to scale the ladders of value addition, emphasis must be placed on ensuring that trade measures do not become barriers.当各国试图攀登增值阶梯时,必须强调确保贸易措施不会成为壁垒。
The least developed countries lose a significant amount of revenue opportunities every year, as these countries and their firms have challenges to fully comply with the non-tariff measures in certain destination markets.最不发达国家及其企业在全面遵守某些目的地市场的非关税措施方面面临挑战,这些国家每年都因此失去大量的收入机会。
Thus, supporting countries to meet multilateral standards, as well as benefit from agreements and waivers to facilitate and incentivize an economic transformation, is crucial.所以,必须支持各国达到多边标准,并且从各种促进和激励经济转型的协议和豁免中获益。
Non-reciprocal preferential market access conditions for the least developed countries, including those under the Generalized System of Preferences, are of key importance.为最不发达国家提供非互惠性的优惠市场准入条件,包括普遍优惠制下的此类条件极为重要。
Therefore, it is essential to ensure timely implementation of duty-free, quota-free market access on a lasting basis for all least developed countries to facilitate market access.因此,必须确保在持久的基础上为所有最不发达国家及时实施免税、免配额的市场准入,便利这些国家进入市场。
The loss of access to a range of international support measures, including some significant trade-related special and differential treatment and exemptions, after graduating from the least developed country category, calls for mitigating and support measures to ensure a smooth transition.从最不发达国家类别毕业,即失去获益于一系列国际支助措施的资格,包括一些重要的与贸易有关的特殊和差别待遇和豁免,这要求采取缓解和支持措施,以确保平稳过渡。
In this regard, it is important to continue supporting these countries, commensurate with their needs and capacity constraints, to ensure their smooth transition after graduation.在这方面,必须继续向这些国家提供与其需求和能力局限相称的支持,以确保它们在毕业后的平稳过渡。
For trade diversification to be effective in developing countries, efficient and quality trade infrastructure, trade finance, effective trade and investment facilitation measures and a conducive business and trade environment are crucial.高效优质的贸易基础设施、贸易融资、有效的贸易和投资便利化措施以及有利的商业和贸易环境,对于使贸易多样化在发展中国家行之有效至为关键。
It is also important to limit opportunities for illicit trade through relevant technologies and infrastructure.通过相关的技术和基础设施限制非法贸易的机会也很重要。
The pandemic caused significant disruptions in international maritime and air transport networks, with a particular impact on regional trade, port operations and logistics.疫情对国际海运和空运网络造成了严重破坏,对区域贸易、港口业务和物流产生了特别的影响。
Consequently, the pandemic significantly disrupted global supply chains and business continuity, with a particular impact on countries with limited transport routes and high dependence on regional trade.因此,疫情严重扰乱了全球供应链和业务连续性,对于运输路线有限和高度依赖区域贸易的国家影响尤其严重。
These developments highlight the need for resilient air and maritime transportation systems, including regional transportation systems, which are essential for deepening regional integration processes and critical to accelerating developing countries’ integration into the global economy.这些动态突出表明,需要具有复原力的空运和海运系统,包括区域运输系统,这对深化区域一体化进程不可或缺,对加快发展中国家融入全球经济至关重要。
The importance of services in the global and national economy has been increasing.服务业在全球和国家经济中的重要性一直在增加。
Therefore, enabling policies and a conducive business environment are needed to strengthen and improve the resilience and sustainability of the services sector in developing countries.因此,需要采取扶持政策和建立有利的商业环境加强和改善发展中国家服务部门的复原力和可持续性。
No transformation is possible without adequate levels of productive capacity.没有足够的产能,任何转型都是不可能的。
Production resources, entrepreneurial capabilities and production linkages, together, determine a country’s ability to produce goods and services that will help it grow and develop.生产资源、创业能力和生产联系放在一起,决定着一个国家是否有能力生产出帮助自身增长和发展的商品和服务。
Strengthening these capabilities must continue to be at the centre of any transformation effort, supported through effective policies and good governance at all levels.必须继续把加强这些产能置于任何转型努力的核心位置,同时辅之以各级的有效政策和善治。
For an economic transformation to be inclusive, it must incorporate microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, including women- and youth-owned and -run microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, and start-ups, formal and informal, which are an integral part of economic transformation, as they represent most of the employment in developing countries.要使经济转型具有包容性,就必须纳入微型企业和中小型企业,包括妇女和青年拥有和经营的微型企业和中小型企业,以及正规和非正规的初创企业,这些企业是经济转型的组成部分,因为它们代表着发展中国家的大部分就业。
Moreover, many of these firms have not benefited much from the expansion of trade or their inclusion in regional and global value chains.此外,很多这些公司并没有从贸易扩张或被纳入区域和全球价值链中获得多少益处。
An enabling business environment, including support for access to finance, entrepreneurial skills, information and markets, as well as inclusion in regional and global value chains, are key for these companies to thrive, and can raise their competitiveness and productivity, connect them to international trade and investment, build resilience to disruptive emergencies and ultimately lead to broad-based growth and job creation and better distribution of the benefits of global trade.扶持性的商业环境,包括支持获得资金、创业技能、信息和市场,以及融入区域和全球价值链,是这些公司蓬勃发展的关键,可以提高它们的竞争力和生产力,将它们与国际贸易和投资联系起来,建立破坏性紧急情况下的复原力,并最终实现基础广泛的增长和创造就业以及更好地分配全球贸易的好处。
The creative economy has become an important contributor to economic growth and serves as a new prospect for developing countries to diversify their economies and leapfrog into new, high-growth sectors of the world economy towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.创意经济已成为经济增长的重要贡献者,并为发展中国家实现经济多样化和跨越式进入世界经济新的高增长部门,争取实现《可持续发展目标》提供了新的前景。
It is thus important to create an enabling environment for the promotion of the creative economy, among others, by encouraging creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, supporting the development of cultural institutions and cultural industries, providing technical and vocational training for culture professionals and increasing employment opportunities in the cultural and creative sector.因此,除其他外,必须鼓励创造力、创新和创业精神、支持文化机构和文化产业的发展、为文化专业人员提供技术和职业培训以及增加文化和创意部门的就业机会,通过这些办法为促进创意经济创造有利环境。
Migrants can meaningfully contribute to structural transformation and sustainable development, including through remittances.移民能够切实推动结构转型和可持续发展,包括通过汇款在这方面作出贡献。
Appropriate policies, such as entrepreneurial support, are needed to allow migrants to thrive, which will benefit all economies, and to address trade- and development-related challenges and harness the opportunities of migration.需要适当的政策,如支持创业的政策等,以使移民能够致富――这将惠及所有经济体,并应对与贸易和发展相关的挑战和利用移徙的机会。
In the process of transformation, it is fundamental for fair, sound and robust competition and consumer protection policies and enforcement to maintain a robust, level playing field and enhance transparency for all participants, so that market access is not under anticompetitive practices.在转型过程中,公平、健全和有力的竞争和消费者保护政策和执法的基本条件是为所有参与者维持一个有力、公平的竞争环境并提高透明度,以便市场准入不会受到反竞争做法的影响。
Ensuring effective competition, including through support in developing and implementing competition policies and through cooperation among competition authorities, paired with robust consumer protection in the market, will help foster economic efficiency, resulting in safer and better products at lower prices for consumers.确保有效竞争,包括支持制定和执行竞争政策以及在竞争主管机构之间开展合作,加上市场上强有力的消费者保护,将有助于提高经济效率,为消费者带来更安全、更好、价格更低的产品。
For structural transformation to be truly inclusive, it cannot leave behind half of the world’s population.要使结构转型真正具有包容性,就不能让世界人口的一半掉队。
It is also important to urgently support people in vulnerable situations, including women and girls, youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, indigenous peoples, local communities, refugees, involuntarily displaced persons and migrants.还有必要向包括妇女和女童、青年、残疾人、老年人、土著人民、当地社区、难民、非自愿流离失所者、移民等弱势者提供紧急支助。
It is necessary to protect human rights for all so that no country or person is left behind.有必要保护所有人的人权,以便不让任何国家或个人掉队。
Women continue to be disproportionately engaged in informal and unpaid work and underrepresented in terms of power and decision-making, and are usually among the first to feel the negative impact of economic downturns.妇女仍然过多地从事非正规和无报酬工作,在权力和决策方面代表性不足,而且通常是最先受到经济衰退不利影响的群体之一。
Therefore, policies that look at structural transformation need to go beyond encompassing a gender perspective and to actively promote the inclusion and empowerment of women and youth.因此,结构转型政策仅包含性别观点还不够,还需要积极提倡让妇女和青年参与和对其赋权。
Gender-disaggregated data are important to build the evidence base for these policies.按性别分列的数据十分重要,有助于建立这些政策的证据基础。
In the context of swift technological change, special attention must be placed on the development implications of the fast digitalization of the economy and the fourth industrial revolution.在技术迅速变革的背景下,必须特别关注经济快速数字化和第四次工业革命对发展的影响。
The rapid development and diffusion of digital technologies present new opportunities and challenges for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.数字技术的快速发展和传播为实现《可持续发展目标》带来了新的机遇和挑战。
These technologies hold promise for structural transformation, as well as for inclusive and sustainable development.这些技术为结构转型以及包容性和可持续发展带来了希望。
However, embracing digital technologies may also disrupt labour markets, exacerbate existing inequalities or create new ones, unless done in an inclusive, sustainable and responsible manner.然而,数字技术的采纳必须以包容、可持续和负责任的方式进行,否则就有可能扰乱劳动力市场,加剧现有的不平等或制造新的不平等。
The benefits of digital technologies, for example, have not been evenly spread across and within countries.例如,数字技术的好处并没有在国家之间和国家内部平均分配。
The digital divide spans several domains, including infrastructure, regulations, policies, enforcement capabilities and institutions.数字鸿沟跨越若干领域,包括基础设施、法规、政策、执法能力和机构。
The Internet and digital platforms enable many firms and entrepreneurs in developing countries to access international markets, yet the role of most of these in digital value chains remains marginal.互联网和数字平台使发展中国家的许多公司和企业家能够进入国际市场,但其中大多数在数字价值链中的作用仍然是边际性的。
Bridging the digital divide between and within countries is of critical importance to developing countries, particularly vulnerable groups and those furthest behind.弥合国家之间和国家内部的数字鸿沟对发展中国家,特别是对弱势群体和最落后的群体至关重要。
Special attention should be given to the building of capacities and quality infrastructure, and accessibility and affordability of the digital economy.应特别关注能力和优质基础设施的建设,以及数字经济的可及性和可负担性。
It is also important to build the digital literacy of the disadvantaged groups and populations.培养弱势群体和人口的数字素养也很重要。
A substantial mobilization of resources, supported by a conducive investment climate and business environment, is necessary to support enterprises and institutions to effectively leverage the opportunities created by the digital economy and e-commerce to build the required digital infrastructure and know-how.必须在有利的投资环境和商业环境的支持下大量调动资源,以支持企业和机构有效利用数字经济和电子商务创造的机会,建设所需的数字基础设施和专门知识。
Digital issues should not be addressed in isolation, but rather through a multi‑stakeholder holistic approach within the context of trade and development.数字问题不应当孤立地加以处理,而是应当联系贸易和发展,采取有多个利害关系方参与的综合做法加以处理。
Technical changes often outpace policy and regulatory responses.技术变革的速度往往快于政策和监管应对的速度。
Developing countries require support to design and implement appropriate and effective policies that foster innovation and enable these countries to effectively participate in the digital economy, reap the developmental benefits of digitalization and mitigate risks.为设计和实施适当、有效的政策,发展中国家需要得到支持。 这些政策可促进创新,使这些国家能够有效参与数字经济,获得数字化带来的发展效益并减轻风险。
Adaptation to rapid technological change should be considered not only as a function of sustainable development and the spreading of information and communications technologies, but also with respect to the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms.适应快速进行的技术变革不仅应当被视为可持续发展及信息和通信技术的传播的一个函数,而且还应当被视为关系到人权和基本自由的实现的一个因素。
Special attention should be given to supporting microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises.应当尤其重视支持微型企业和中小企业。
Multilateral dialogue and cooperation are crucial in areas such as the governance of new and emerging technologies, including those related to data management, competition and consumer protection.在新技术和新兴技术治理等领域,包括与数据管理、竞争和消费者保护有关的领域,多边对话与合作十分重要。
Special attention should also be paid to the challenges of electronic commerce and the digital economy through an integrated approach to many strategic areas.还应通过采取综合做法对待诸多具有战略意义的领域,特别重视电子商务和数字经济的挑战。
Increased international cooperation is required, including in digital platforms’ governance, to promote data flow with trust, safety and confidence in their use, in accordance with national regulations and relevant international commitments.需要加强国际合作,包括加强数字平台治理方面的合作,以便根据本国规章和相关国际承诺促进数据流动,使人们信任数据的使用,对数据的使用有信心,并使数据的使用安全可靠。
Regional economic integration is an important driver for building productive capacities and achieving structural transformation for sustained development.区域经济一体化是建设生产能力和实现结构转型以促进可持续发展的重要驱动力。
Through integration of value chains and use of respective comparative advantages, regional economic groupings continue to boost trade, investment and economic growth and strengthen economic integration among their members, as well as facilitate economic diversification and integration into the global economy.通过整合价值链和利用各自的比较优势,区域经济集团继续推动贸易、投资和经济增长,加强成员间的经济一体化,并促进经济多样化和融入全球经济。
Industrialization in developing countries is an important source of growth, job creation and value addition, with important spillover effects to the rural economy, including by creating demand for high‑value goods and services.发展中国家的工业化是增长、创造就业和附加值的重要来源,对农村经济具有重要的外溢效应,包括通过创造对高价值商品和服务的需求。
To ensure industrialization contributes to the 2030 Agenda, its sustainability and inclusiveness, as well as the harnessing of its benefits, must be assured.为了确保工业化对《2030年议程》的贡献,就必须保证工业化的可持续性和包容性以及工业化惠益的利用。
Transforming to a more sustainable and more resilient economy向更可持续和更具复原力的经济转型
In 1964, when UNCTAD was created, the risk of ecological disaster was hardly on the international agenda.1964年贸发会议成立之时,国际议程上几乎见不到关于生态灾难风险的议题。
Today, at the fifteenth session of the Conference, the grave threat of climate change, and the immense challenge of biodiversity loss and environmental degradation, have become key challenges for sustainable development.如今,在贸发会议召开第十五届大会之际,气候变化的严重威胁以及生物多样性丧失和环境退化的巨大挑战成为了可持续发展面临的重大挑战。
The economic progress achieved in the last decades has been remarkable, yet the paradigm has been unsustainable.过去几十年取得了显著的经济增长,但其模式不可持续。
The past and ongoing overexploitation of resources and expansion of unsustainable economic activities are resulting in the degradation of habitats, the progressive loss of biodiversity, through accelerated extinction of plant and animal varieties and species, and the potential destruction of entire ecosystems.过去和现在对资源的过度开发,加上不可持续的经济活动不断扩张,导致生境退化,生物多样性逐渐丧失,动植物品种和物种加速灭绝,并有可能毁灭整个生态系统。
The progress achieved has been at a high cost, including a trail of greenhouse gas emissions causing the Earth’s climate to change at a frightening pace, compromising the progress achieved in the field of development and the opportunities for future generations to live in an environmentally safe and sustainable world.取得的进展代价巨大,包括一系列的温室气体排放导致地球气候以惊人的速度变化,损害了发展领域取得的进展和今后世代在环境安全和可持续的世界中生活的机会。
This situation presents a significant challenge regarding how to ensure an increase in prosperity without unsustainable production and consumption patterns.这种局面对如何确保在摈弃不可持续的生产和消费模式的同时扩大繁荣提出了重大挑战。
As the world has prospered over the last decades, yearly emissions of greenhouse gases have increased dramatically, with the negative impacts hitting particularly the most vulnerable and the poorest segments of the population from developing countries.随着世界过去几十年的不断发展,温室气体年排放量急剧增加,对发展中国家最脆弱和最贫穷的人口造成的负面影响尤其严重。
To ensure prosperity for all is achieved and is sustainable, greater emphasis must be placed on decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, in line with relevant conventions and international agreements.为了确保实现共同繁荣并确保这种繁荣可以持续,必须按照相关公约和国际协定更加注重经济增长与环境退化脱钩。
This transformation requires strong political will, as well as coordination and actions, involving the full participation of all relevant actors at all levels.这一转型需要强有力的政治意愿以及协调和行动,需要各级的所有相关行为体充分参与。
In this regard, public–private partnerships are valuable policy instruments to advance this transformational process.在这方面,公私伙伴关系是推进这一转型进程的宝贵政策工具。
To support such transformation, effective and sustainable approaches to trade, investment and technology policies and measures need to be developed and implemented, in line with relevant international rules.为了支持这种转型,需要根据相关国际规则制定和实施行之有效和可持续的贸易、投资和技术政策和措施。
There is an increasing need for the mutual supportiveness of trade policy tools and environmental objectives.目前越来越需要贸易政策工具和环境目标之间的相互支持。
Trade and investment can be effective mechanisms to facilitate the production and flow of environmentally friendly goods and services.贸易和投资可以成为促进环境友好型产品和服务的生产和流动的有效机制。
To ensure the effectiveness of such trade and investment policies, efforts should be made to assist developing countries, including by providing the means of implementation, addressing their trade-related constraints and enhancing the appropriate quality infrastructure.为确保此类贸易和投资政策的有效性,应当努力援助发展中国家,包括提供执行手段,解决它们面临的贸易相关制约因素,并加强适当的高质量基础设施。
In many countries, the effects of climate change, such as sea-level rise and the increased frequency of extreme weather events, carry substantial economic costs, increase catastrophe risk and compromise infrastructure that is necessary for production and trade.在许多国家,气候变化的影响,如海平面上升和极端天气事件日益频繁,带来了巨大的经济成本,增加了灾难风险,损害了生产和贸易所必需的基础设施。
Investment in sustainable, resilient and quality infrastructure is vital to strengthen a country’s resilience to trade.投资于可持续、有复原力和高质量的基础设施,对于加强一国的贸易复原力至关重要。
Transforming to a climate resilient and a more sustainable and more resilient economy requires decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation and greenhouse gas emissions diversifying towards more sustainable energy.向具有气候适应能力、更可持续和更具复原力的经济转型,需要将经济增长与环境退化和温室气体排放脱钩,多样化地发展更可持续的能源。
This will require capacity-building and investment to support developing countries in building enabling infrastructure, human capital skills and adopting environment-friendly technologies that enhance efficiency of current sources of energy and promote a sustainable energy transition, as well as the medium-term rationalization and phasing out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, while providing targeted support for the poorest.这将需要进行能力建设和投资,支持发展中国家建设使能型基础设施,加强人力资本技能并采用环境友好型技术,以提高现有能源的效率,促进可持续的能源转型,在中期使助长浪费型消费的低能效化石燃料的补贴趋于合理并逐步取消这种补贴,同时为最贫穷者提供有针对性的支持。
Reducing waste also implies moving away from the traditional linear economy of production, consumption and disposal, towards more sustainable patterns of production and consumption.减少废物还意味着摆脱传统的生产-消费-丢弃的线性经济模式,转向更可持续的生产和消费模式。
A circular economy offers opportunities to reuse and recycle materials and reduce pressure on strained ecosystems and the climate.循环经济可为材料的再利用和再循环提供机会,并减轻对紧张的生态系统和气候的压力。
In addition, the circular economy is an alternative economic framework which can play an important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.此外,循环经济是一种替代经济框架,可以为实现可持续发展目标发挥重要作用。
The loss of biodiversity, which compromises necessities that make civilization possible such as the availability of safe drinking water, clean air and food, is a serious problem closely linked to climate change and desertification and deforestation.生物多样性的丧失危及人类文明发展的必需品,如安全饮用水、清洁空气和食物,是一个与气候变化和荒漠化及森林砍伐密切相关的严重问题。
The loss of biodiversity can also reduce the ability of ecosystems to adapt to and mitigate climate change.生物多样性的丧失也会削弱生态系统适应和减缓气候变化的能力。
International cooperation and instruments to promote and mainstream biodiversity in policies, strategies, and practices of global value chains is important to ensuring the necessary conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems.开展国际合作并制定国际文书,促进生物多样性并将其纳入政策、战略和全球价值链的实践中,对确保必要地保护和可持续地利用生物多样性和生态系统十分重要。
This includes cooperation between major producers and major consumers of products that are associated with biodiversity loss.这包括与生物多样性丧失有关的产品的主要生产者与主要消费者之间的合作。
To address biodiversity loss, climate change and land and ecosystem degradation, a comprehensive and mutually reinforcing approach is needed, as called for by the initiative of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity at its fourteenth meeting to promote a coherent approach between the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa.要解决生物多样性丧失、气候变化以及土地和生态系统退化问题,需要像《生物多样性公约》第十四次缔约方大会的倡议呼吁的那样,采取全面和相辅相成的办法,以促进《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《生物多样性公约》和《联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约》采取一致的方针。
It is important for member States to work together towards the adoption of a post-2020 global biodiversity framework during the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.重要的是,会员国应共同努力,在《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十五届会议期间通过一个2020年后全球生物多样性框架。
Likewise, reporting and accounting tools that consider actual economic cost while encouraging corporate social responsibility and responsible business conduct, allow investors to reward those firms that protect communities and the planet, while making businesses economically sustainable.同样,报告和会计工具,凡考虑到实际经济成本,同时又鼓励企业社会责任和负责任的商业行为的,可使投资者能够在企业可持续经营的同时,奖励那些保护社区和地球的公司。
This can provide incentives for firms to engage in business practices that are environmentally friendly, sustainable and in line with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations.这可以激励企业采取环境友好型、可持续和符合联合国《工商企业与人权指导原则》的商业做法。
Identifying and helping to promote supporting domestic policies can be important in this regard.在这方面,确定并帮助促进扶持型国内政策可能很重要。
Transforming to a more sustainable economy under the current climate trends requires enhancing the ability of countries and economies to adapt to higher temperatures, thus necessitating a better understanding of how trade and development will be affected by a warmer world.在当前的气候趋势下,向更可持续的经济转型需要增强国家和经济体适应温度升高的能力,这就需要更好地了解全球变暖将如何影响贸易和发展。
Mitigation and adaptation are two sides of the same coin in the fight against global warming to be implemented in accordance with the Paris Agreement.在根据《巴黎协定》实施的应对全球变暖的斗争中,减缓和适应是同一事物的两面。
Efforts to preserve the planet need to take place both on land and sea.保护地球的努力需要在陆地和海洋上同时进行。
The world needs a healthy ocean to preserve and save the planet.世界需要一个健康的海洋来保护和拯救地球。
This calls for recognizing the interrelated and multifaceted nature of the oceans economy, an area which requires greater understanding and clearer definition in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.这就需要认识到海洋经济的相互关联性和多面性,需要进一步认识这一领域,并根据可持续发展目标作出更明确的定义。
It is important to ensure conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, including addressing the discharge of plastic litter and other waste in oceans and significantly reducing marine pollution of all kinds and ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.必须确保对海洋和海洋资源的保护和可持续利用,包括解决向海洋倾倒塑料垃圾和其他废弃物的问题,大幅减少各类海洋污染,确保可持续的消费和生产模式。
In addition, it is also important to urgently finalize a World Trade Organization agreement on fisheries subsidies to prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies, which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, and eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing countries and the least developed countries should be an integral part of negotiation.此外,还亟需敲定世界贸易组织关于渔业补贴的协议,以禁止某些助长产能过剩和过度捕捞的渔业补贴,取消各种助长非法、未报告和无管制捕捞活动的补贴,同时承认给予发展中国家和最不发达国家合理、有效的特殊和差别待遇应是谈判不可或缺的组成部分。
The endeavour to protect and conserve the planet must be inclusive and efficient, as well as nurturing and cultivating a knowledgeable, environmentally conscious and digitally fluent generation.保护和养护地球的努力必须包容和高效,同时培养和塑造知识渊博、环保意识强和数字能力强的一代人。
A concerted effort is needed to prepare this new generation to be true global citizens and to transform to a more sustainable and resilient economy.需要共同努力,将这一代人培养成为真正的全球公民,并准备好向更可持续和更具复原力的经济转型。
Transforming how development is financed发展筹资方式转型
Financing development, from domestic and external public and private sources, is intricately linked to poverty eradication, an essential ingredient of inclusion and an overarching goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.通过国内外公共和私人来源为发展筹资与消除贫穷有着错综复杂的联系,消除贫穷是包容性的一个重要组成部分,也是《2030年可持续发展议程》的一个总体目标。
Recovering more sustainably and resiliently from the current crisis depends on the world’s ability to effectively mobilize and deploy the needed financial resources and achieve progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.能否以更可持续和更有复原力的方式从当前危机中恢复,取决于世界有效调动和划拨所需财政资源以及在可持续发展目标方面取得进展的能力。
The pandemic has placed a great strain on Governments’ finances and their abilities to finance their countries’ development.疫情给各国政府的财政和提供国家发展资金的能力带来了巨大压力。
Under the circumstances, and taking note of the high-level events on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond, advancing policy options on financing for development and accelerating the implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda are therefore urgent.因此,在这种情况下,并注意到“COVID-19大流行时期及以后的发展筹资问题”高级别活动,迫切需要推进发展筹资的各种政策选项,加快执行《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》。
The financing gap to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and support long-term economic transformation can only be bridged through the effective mobilization and utilization of the different sources of finance.只有通过有效调动和利用多种不同的资金来源,才能填补实现可持续发展目标和支持长期经济转型的资金缺口。
Financing for development efforts should be aligned with the national development priorities of recipient countries and global efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals.发展筹资努力应当与受援国的国家发展优先事项以及落实可持续发展目标的全球努力保持一致。
Integrated national financing frameworks can support nationally owned sustainable development strategies by effectively mobilizing and aligning a wide range of financing sources and instruments with the 2030 Agenda.国家综合筹资框架可以通过有效调动各种资金来源和工具并使之与《2030年议程》保持一致,支持国家自主的可持续发展战略。
Greater uptake and operationalization of integrated national financing frameworks should be supported, in line with the principle of voluntary adoption, country ownership, alignment to national priorities and tailoring to local contexts.应根据自愿采用、国家自主、与国家优先事项保持一致和适合当地情况的原则,支持更多地采用和运行国家综合筹资框架。
The implementation of UNCTAD work, within the United Nations system, on financing for development should be carried out in accordance with its mandate, pursuant to the relevant resolutions on this matter, and in cooperation with international financial institutions, including the Bretton Woods institutions, and other relevant forums.贸发会议在联合国系统内开展的发展筹资工作应遵循有关这一问题的相关决议,根据其任务授权,与包括布雷顿森林机构在内的国际金融机构和其他相关论坛合作进行。
Official development assistance (ODA) is key and indispensable for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.官方发展援助对实现可持续发展目标至关重要,不可或缺。
It is important that ODA providers reaffirm their respective ODA commitments, including the commitment by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of ODA/gross national income (GNI) and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to the least developed countries, as outlined in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.官方发展援助提供方必须重申各自的官方发展援助承诺,包括如《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》所述,许多发达国家承诺实现官方发展援助占国民总收入0.7%以及给予最不发达国家的官方发展援助占国民总收入0.15%至0.20%的具体目标。
South–South and triangular cooperation are important elements of international cooperation for development, as a complement, not a substitute, to North–South cooperation.南南合作和三方合作是国际发展合作的重要组成部分,是对南北合作的补充,而不是替代。
It is important to strengthen such cooperation as a means of bringing relevant experience and expertise to bear in development cooperation and to enhance its development effectiveness.必须加强这种合作,作为将相关经验和专门知识运用于发展合作并提高发展成效的手段。
International public finance plays an important role in complementing the efforts of countries to mobilize public resources domestically, especially in the poorest and most vulnerable countries with limited domestic resources.国际公共资金对于各国调动国内公共资源的努力发挥重要补充作用,特别是在国内资源有限的最贫穷和最脆弱的国家。
An important use of international public finance, including official development assistance, is to catalyse additional resource mobilization from other sources, public and private.包括官方发展援助在内的国际公共资金的一个重要用途,是促进从其他的公共和私人来源调动更多资源。
National policies to enhance domestic resources mobilization, including through an effective domestic and international taxation system, and to create an enabling environment for investments are relevant in this sense.从这个意义上看,加强调动国内资源――包括通过有效的国内和国际税收制度调动资源――的国家政策,以及为投资创造有利环境的国家政策都是有用的。
Such an enabling environment and relevant policies can guide private and public capital flows, including foreign direct investment, towards the achievement of national development objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals.这种有利的环境和相关政策可以引导私人和公共资本流动,包括外国直接投资,用于实现国家发展目标和可持续发展目标。
Of great concern is the negative impact of illicit financial flows on sustainable development, especially in developing countries.非法资金流动对可持续发展的负面影响,特别是对发展中国家的影响,令人极为关切。
Global cooperation is needed, and existing work avenues should be strengthened, to tackle illicit financial flows and the activities that underlie their occurrence.需要开展全球合作,还应加强现有的工作渠道,以打击非法资金流动及其背后的活动。
This requires addressing the challenge faced by many developing countries in the estimation of illicit trade, including the assessment of their impact on resource mobilization for development, specifically, and on national development strategies.这需要应对许多发展中国家在估计非法贸易方面面临的挑战,包括评估非法贸易对调动资源促进发展的影响,特别是对国家发展战略的影响。
Illicit trade creates a triple threat to the financing of development: crowding out legitimate economic activity, depriving Governments of revenues for investment in vital public services and increasing the costs of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.非法贸易对发展筹资造成三重威胁:排挤合法经济活动,使政府损失了用来投资于重要公共服务的收入,增加实现可持续发展目标的成本。
The current pandemic has exposed the multidimensional nature of the vulnerability of developing countries to external shocks, from financial and economic crises, to climate change, natural disasters and pandemics.当前疫情暴露了发展中国家面对外部冲击――从金融和经济危机到气候变化、自然灾害和全球大流行病――的多层面脆弱性。
This demonstrates the need to consider criteria beyond GDP/GNI per capita and continue the work on vulnerability indices, to contribute to our efforts in building the resilience of vulnerable nations.这表明,除了人均国内生产总值/国民总收入之外,还需要考虑其他标准,并继续开展脆弱性指数方面的工作,以推进我们建设脆弱国家复原力的努力。
Enhancing the access of developing countries to climate finance, including through the diversification of sources, is fundamental for the transition towards a low-emission, competitive and climate-resilient and sustainable economy.加大发展中国家获得气候资金的机会,包括通过扩大资金来源,对于向低排放、有竞争力和有气候适应能力的可持续经济过渡至关重要。
Such finance should address the specific needs, circumstances and priorities of developing countries, as provided for in the Paris Agreement.气候资金应按照《巴黎协定》的规定,应对发展中国家的具体需求、情况和优先事项。
There is a need to strengthen efforts to increase adaptation finance and prioritize grant finance for developing countries, in particular those most vulnerable to the adverse impact of climate change.需加强努力,增加适应资金,并优先向发展中国家,特别是最容易受到气候变化不利影响的发展中国家提供赠款。
Domestic resource mobilization and international development finance can play a catalytic role in this regard.国内资源调动和国际发展筹资可以在这方面发挥催化作用。
Developed countries should jointly mobilize US$100 billion of climate finance per year through to 2025.到2025年,发达国家应每年联合调集1,000亿美元的气候资金。
Open and equitable cooperation is key in tax matters, including the fight against tax evasion and capital flight resulting from corruption, embezzlement and fraud.公开和公平的合作是解决税务问题,包括打击逃税以及腐败、挪用公款和欺诈导致的资本外逃的关键。
There is a need to eliminate practices that create incentives for the transfer abroad of stolen assets and for illicit financial flows.需要消除助长向国外转移被盗资产和助长非法资金流动的做法。
There is a necessity to implement appropriate measures on anti-money-laundering and on combating the financing of terrorism to promote transparency and to fight illicit financial activities, including all forms of financial crime, as well as to address harmful tax practices.必须采取打击洗钱和恐怖主义融资的适当措施,以提高透明度,打击非法金融活动,包括一切形式的金融犯罪,并消除有害的税务做法。
There is also a need to strengthen international cooperation on tax matters, strengthen national institutions and implement applicable international measures on tax transparency, anti-money-laundering and combating the financing of terrorism in a non-discriminatory, fair and balanced manner, and to continue to promote the full and meaningful participation of developing countries in the forums for international tax cooperation.还需要加强国际税务合作,加强国家机构,以非歧视、公平和平衡的方式执行国际上适用的税收透明、反洗钱和打击恐怖融资措施,并继续促进发展中国家充分和有意义地参与国际税务合作论坛。
The accumulation of debt by developing countries has reached a record high.发展中国家累积的债务已创历史新高。
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing debt vulnerabilities and exposed fragilities in the international financial architecture, with many vulnerable developing countries at high risk of or already in debt distress.COVID-19大流行加剧了原有的债务脆弱性,暴露了国际金融结构的脆弱性,许多脆弱的发展中国家极有可能陷入或已经陷入债务困境。
Important progress was nevertheless achieved through the Debt Service Suspension Initiative of the Group of 20 in facilitating higher pandemic-related spending and the Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the Debt Service Suspension Initiative to address debt vulnerabilities on a case-by-case basis and in a coordinated manner.不过,通过20国集团的暂缓偿债倡议取得了重大进展,不仅加大了与疫情有关的支出,还推动了暂缓偿债倡议之外的债务处理共同框架,以协调的方式逐案解决债务脆弱性问题。
All official bilateral creditors should implement the Debt Service Suspension Initiative fully and in a transparent manner.所有官方双边债权人都应当以透明的方式充分执行暂缓偿债倡议。
Further efforts are needed to examine ways to improve the architecture for sovereign debt restructuring involving private-sector creditors and to implement initiatives that contribute to debt sustainability in developing countries, such as responsible borrowing and lending in accordance with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the UNCTAD Principles on Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing.需要进一步研究如何改进涉及私营部门债权人的主权债务重组架构,以及如何实施有助于提高发展中国家债务可持续性的举措,如根据《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》和贸发会议《促进负责任的主权放款和借款原则》进行负责任的借贷。
Additionally, continued inclusive dialogues and cooperation with international financial institutions and relevant actors are needed to advance the discussion on debt treatment, debt transparency, data quality, debt management capacity-building and the rules of engagement, including with the private sector.此外,需要继续与国际金融机构和相关行为体开展包容性对话与合作,以推动关于债务处理、债务透明度、数据质量、债务管理能力建设和追债规则的讨论,包括与私营部门的讨论。
Due attention should be given to the responsibilities of lenders and borrowers to take measures to minimize the risks of new debt crises.应适当注意贷款人和借款人的责任,采取措施尽量降低新债务危机的风险。
High-quality and comparable reporting by the public and private sectors plays an important role in delivering on the 2030 Agenda.公共和私营部门提供具有可比性的高质量报告对于实现《2030年议程》至关重要。
It is important for public and private actors to align their actions with the Sustainable Development Goals, in order to identify and address financial, economic, social and environmental risks.公共和私人行为体应使其行动与可持续发展目标保持一致,以确定和应对金融、经济、社会和环境风险。
It is also important to continue holding open, inclusive and transparent discussions on the modernization of ODA measurement and on the proposed measure of “total official support for sustainable development”, taking into consideration that any such measure will not dilute the commitments already made.此外,还应继续就官方发展援助计量方法现代化和“官方可持续发展支助总量”的拟议计量方法举行公开、包容和透明的讨论,同时考虑到任何此种措施都不会削弱已经做出的承诺。
Transforming multilateralism多边主义转型
The world is interdependent and interconnected.世界是相互依存、相互联系的。
Globalization has resulted in rapid change, creating both challenges and opportunities.全球化引发了快速变化,既带来了挑战,也造就了机遇。
Tackling the common challenges facing humanity and harnessing opportunities require collective action.应对人类面临的共同挑战和抓住各种机遇需要采取集体行动。
Inclusive and development-oriented multilateral cooperation that considers local particularities is of central importance.兼顾当地特点的包容性的、面向发展的多边合作至关重要。
In this regard, the constructive and cooperative approach to multilateralism based on the Charter of the United Nations and international law that benefits all and leaves no one behind, and avoiding actions that undermine that spirit, remains paramount.在这方面,基于《联合国宪章》和国际法、具有建设性和合作性、惠及所有人而不让任何人掉队,并避免有损于这一精神的行为的多边主义方针,仍然至高无上。
Multilateralism is the defining characteristic of the United Nations and critical for our shared development efforts.多边主义是联合国的决定性特征,对我们共同的发展努力至为关键。
The 2030 Agenda requires bold changes to the United Nations development system, as agreed by the United Nations General Assembly, and UNCTAD, as part of the United Nations system, is committed to implementing and contributing to such reforms.《2030年议程》要求按照联合国大会的商定,对联合国发展系统实行大胆改革,贸发会议作为联合国系统的一部分,致力于实施和推动这些改革。
Development efforts should consider best practices, as well as locally driven and home-grown development approaches among countries and regions.发展努力应考虑最佳做法,以及国家和区域中由当地驱动和本土自主的发展方式。
A strong multilateral trading system is more important now than ever as the world builds back from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.随着世界从COVID-19大流行的经济影响中重建,一个强大的多边贸易体系现在比以往任何时候都更加重要。
Trade is an important engine for inclusive economic growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction.贸易是包容性经济增长、可持续发展和减贫的重要引擎。
An effective, rules-based multilateral trading system is fundamental to providing the stable and predictable rules that allow developing countries to integrate into the global economy and thereby allow cross-border trade to transform economies, unlock growth and reduce poverty.一个有效的、基于规则的多边贸易体系对于提供稳定和可预测的规则至关重要,这些规则使发展中国家能够融入全球经济,从而通过跨境贸易实现经济转型、释放增长和减少贫困。
The fifteenth session of the Conference reaffirms its commitment to an open, transparent, inclusive, non-discriminatory, rules-based, multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization.贸发会议第十五届大会重申对世界贸易组织规定的开放、透明、包容、非歧视、基于规则的多边贸易体系的承诺。
Trade liberalization, including through accession to the World Trade Organization, and combating protectionism can play a significant role in integrating developing countries and countries with economies in transition positively into the multilateral trading system, as embodied by the World Trade Organization, especially when accompanied by balanced, appropriate supporting and sustainable policies at all levels, including in the context of national policy objectives.贸易自由化――包括通过加入世界贸易组织――以及打击保护主义,可以为将发展中国家和经济转型国家积极纳入世界贸易组织所体现的多边贸易体系发挥重要作用,特别是在各级同时采取平衡和适当的支持和可持续政策的情况下,包括在国家政策目标方面。
The World Trade Organization is encouraged to maintain development at its centre, continue to facilitate the removal of trade barriers and enhance the participation of all developing countries in international trade, including with provisions for special and differential treatment for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, in accordance with World Trade Organization agreements, with a view to ensuring a level playing field for all.鼓励世界贸易组织以发展为中心,继续推动消除贸易壁垒,并加强所有发展中国家对国际贸易的参与,包括根据世界贸易组织的协议,为发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家提供特殊和差别待遇,以确保为所有国家提供公平的竞争环境。
Acceding countries, particularly the least developed countries, also need technical assistance prior to, during and in the follow-up to the accession process.加入国,特别是最不发达国家,在入世进程之前、期间和之后也需要技术援助。
It is vital that the world work to strengthen multilateralism and the rules‑based, multilateral trading system, with an emphasis on ensuring that the system works effectively for developing countries and is a driver for inclusive and sustainable development.极为重要的是,世界努力加强多边主义和基于规则的多边贸易体系,并侧重确保这一体系对发展中国家发挥有效作用,成为包容性和可持续发展的驱动力。
While globalization has brought many benefits for many countries and peoples, not all have been able to benefit, and this is a serious concern that needs to be addressed.虽然全球化给许多国家和人民带来了很多好处,但并非所有国家和人民都能受益,这是一个需要解决的严重问题。
This calls for a broad-based and constructive dialogue on strengthening and revitalizing multilateralism and international cooperation, continuing the constructive and comprehensive reflection on how globalization impacts inclusive and sustainable development.这要求就加强和振兴多边主义和国际合作开展基础广泛的建设性对话,继续有建设性和全面地思考全球化对包容性和可持续发展的影响。
Such reflection should inform possible approaches to development to create an enabling development framework at all levels, to better address the challenges and to allow countries to benefit from opportunities, including through enhanced participation of developing countries in global economic frameworks.这种思考应当为可能的发展方式提供信息,以便在各级建立有利的发展框架,更好地应对挑战,并让各国从机遇中获益,包括发展中国家通过加强对全球经济框架的参与获益。
The United Nations is the appropriate forum for multilateral dialogue on sustainable development given the universality of its membership.联合国成员具有普遍性,因此,联合国是可持续发展多边对话的适当论坛。
Sustainable development should be at the centre of all processes, at the multilateral, regional and bilateral levels.可持续发展应当是多边、区域和双边层面所有进程的核心。
The challenges to multilateralism need to be addressed through enhanced international cooperation underpinned by full respect for international law and the purposes and principles enshrined under the Charter of the United Nations.应对多边主义面临的挑战,需要在充分尊重国际法和《联合国宪章》所载宗旨和原则的基础上加强国际合作。
States are strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations, in light of concerns over the constraining nature and developmental implications of such measures that negatively impact the well-being of the populations and can impede the full achievement of economic and social development in the concerned States, as well as impair their trade relations.强烈敦促各国不要颁布和实施任何不符合国际法和《联合国宪章》的单边经济、金融或贸易措施,因为人们担心这类措施的限制性和发展影响会对人民的福祉产生负面影响,可能妨碍有关国家充分实现经济和社会发展,并损害它们的贸易关系。
Emergency trade measures for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic must be targeted, proportionate, transparent, temporary and consistent with World Trade Organization rules.应对COVID-19大流行的紧急贸易措施必须是有针对性的、相称的、透明的、暂时的,并符合世界贸易组织规则。
It is important to keep trade flows open and supply chains running to ensure the continued flow of vital medical and food supplies and equipment, and other essential goods and services, to meet basic needs, keeping national requirements in view without creating unnecessary barriers.重要的是保持贸易流动和供应链的运行,以确保重要医疗用品和设备、食物及其他基本货物和服务的持续流动能够满足基本需求,同时考虑到国家的要求,不制造不必要的障碍。
More attention should be paid to multilateral solutions that address the vulnerabilities faced by developing countries, especially the poorest and most vulnerable among them.应当更加重视多边解决方案,解决发展中国家,特别是其中最贫穷和最脆弱的国家面临的脆弱性。
Many of these countries have a much higher dependence on international trade and are more vulnerable to trade shocks.其中许多国家对国际贸易的依赖程度远高于其他国家,更容易受到贸易冲击。
They therefore need predictable and stable market access conditions.因此,它们需要可预测和稳定的市场准入条件。
Developing countries may continue to need supporting policies, commensurate with their needs and constraints, even after their graduation from the scheme of generalized preferences by virtue of their attainment of middle-income status.发展中国家可能继续需要与其需求和困难相称的支持政策,即便在达到中等收入地位而不再享受普遍优惠制之后。
There is a need to consider more customized differentiation and the maintenance of benefits of such a scheme for such countries.有必要考虑为这些国家提供更有针对性的差别待遇,继续让这类国家受益。
The increase in non-tariff policies that could have implications on trade is a growing concern for developing countries.可能对贸易产生影响的非关税政策不断增加,是发展中国家日益关切的问题。
These include, inter alia, technical measures, sanitary and phytosanitary standards and other regulations affecting market access rules for goods and services.这类措施除其他外,包括技术措施、卫生和植物检疫标准以及影响商品和服务市场准入规则的其他条例。
It is important that focus be paid on analysing such measures and the potential negative impacts on developing countries and to look for effective solutions to strengthen the capacity to meet the demands of such measures.应注重分析这些措施及其对发展中国家的潜在负面影响,并寻找有效的解决办法,加强能力,以达到这些措施的要求。
In the area of investment, international investment relations are governed by a myriad of bilateral, regional, but also multilateral rules.在投资领域,国际投资关系受到大量双边、区域以及多边规则的制约。
Reform of the international investment regime should be continued to better integrate sustainable development, ensure predictability, investment protection and the right to regulate for legitimate public policy purposes, and promote, as well as improve, investment promotion, investment facilitation and responsible business conduct and corporate social responsibility provisions.应当继续改革国际投资制度,以便更好地纳入可持续发展要求,确保可预测性、投资保护和出于合法的公共政策目的进行监管的权利,促进和改善投资促进、投资便利化和负责任的商业行为和企业社会责任条款。
Regional cooperation has proven to be of vital importance to advance cooperation in functional areas, with the hope of greater integration.事实证明,区域合作对于推进职能领域的合作至为关键,有望实现更大程度的一体化。
Interregional forums and mechanisms have also served as important means of strengthening cooperation and promoting greater understanding.区域间论坛和机制也是加强合作和增进理解的重要手段。
Greater interaction between regional integration processes and groups and the United Nations and its various processes is beneficial, including through dialogue, experience sharing and consensus-building.区域一体化进程和集团与联合国及其各种进程之间加强互动,包括开展对话、分享经验和建立共识,是有益的。
Ultimately, given the realities of the day and the inextricable link between sustainable development and peace and security, embarking on the transformations necessary to realize inclusive prosperity and resilience for all is crucial.归根结底,鉴于当今现实以及可持续发展与和平和安全之间密不可分的联系,启动必要的转型以实现所有人的包容性繁荣和复原力至关重要。
UNCTAD in a world in transformation世界转型中的贸发会议
UNCTAD plays an important role as the focal point of the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, investment, technology and sustainable development.贸发会议作为联合国综合处理金融、投资、技术和可持续发展领域的贸易和发展相关问题的协调中心发挥着重要作用。
In the implementation of and follow-up to the progress towards Sustainable Development Goals and relevant outcomes of other major United Nations conferences, UNCTAD should continue to contribute by monitoring global, regional and national trends and policies that could affect, or foster, the ability of countries to build a fairer, more equitable, resilient, inclusive, just and sustainable world – a world of shared prosperity.在可持续发展目标和联合国其他主要会议相关成果的执行活动和已有进展的后续行动中,贸发会议应当继续通过监测全球、区域和国家趋势和政策做出贡献,这些趋势和政策可能影响或促进各国建设一个更公平、更平等、更有复原力、包容、公正和可持续的世界――一个共享繁荣的世界的能力。
In doing so, in accordance with its mandate and within available resources, the UNCTAD focus should be guided by its comparative advantage, differentiation and complementarity of its work with respect to other organizations, and through intergovernmental consensus, so as to put the organization’s strengths to the best use to address the needs and priorities of developing countries for sustainable development and strengthen their role in the global economy.在这一工作中,根据其任务并在可用资源范围内,贸发会议的工作重点应以相对于其他组织的自身比较优势、差异化和互补性为指导,以政府间共识为途径,以便最大限度地发挥本组织的优势,处理发展中国家可持续发展的需求和优先事项,并加强这些国家在全球经济中的作用。
The work of UNCTAD is universal in nature but gives priority to the needs and interests of developing countries, in accordance with paragraph 5.根据第5段,贸发会议的工作具有普遍性,但优先考虑的是发展中国家的需要和利益。
Special attention should be paid to the most vulnerable and those furthest behind.应特别关注最脆弱和最落后的国家。
As the world changes and responds to a new reality, and as the international community strives to effect the necessary transformations, so too must UNCTAD become a more agile organization that can adapt to the spirit of the times and better respond to the needs and orientations of member States.随着世界发生变化并对新的现实作出应对,并且,随着国际社会努力实现必要的变革,贸发会议也必须成为一个更加灵活的组织,它能够适应时代精神,更好地满足成员国的需要和方向。
This includes building on the experiences and lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.这包括借鉴COVID-19大流行期间的经验教训。
The role of UNCTAD as an important intergovernmental forum for consensus-building on trade and development therefore needs to be meaningfully reinvigorated.因此,需要以有意义的方式恢复贸发会议作为就贸易和发展问题建立共识的重要政府间论坛的作用。
Results-based management, applied in line with guidelines and practices of the United Nations Secretariat, should be continuously enhanced and applied as a flexible management tool to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of UNCTAD work, as well as streamlining of reporting.根据联合国秘书处的准则和做法实行的成果管理制应不断得到加强,并作为一种灵活的管理工具加以应用,以增进贸发会议工作的效力、效率和影响,并精简报告程序。
Through its work, UNCTAD will contribute to implementing the transformations outlined in this document and focus its mandated activities to deliver efficiently and avoid unnecessary duplication with the work of other relevant entities.贸发会议将通过其工作,为实施本文件中概述的转型作出贡献,并将已获授权的活动作为重点,以便有效开展工作,避免与其他相关实体的工作发生不必要的重复。
The Secretary-General of UNCTAD is responsible for all the activities of UNCTAD, and provides overall direction on substantive and managerial matters, including the implementation of its work programme.贸发会议秘书长负责贸发会议的所有活动,并就实质性和管理性事务提供全面指导,包括执行其工作方案。
Moreover, the Secretary-General of UNCTAD received a delegation of authority from the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the purposes of decentralizing decision-making, aligning authorities with responsibilities and strengthening accountability, and to delegate to managers the necessary managerial authority over human, financial and physical resources to allow for effective mandate delivery.此外,联合国秘书长向贸发会议秘书长进行了授权,目的是分散决策权,使权力与职责挂钩,加强问责制,并向管理人员下放必要的人力、财政和实物资源方面管理权,以便有效完成任务。
The Secretary-General of UNCTAD is therefore called upon to exercise that responsibility and authority in line with the needs of member States.因此,贸发会议秘书长应要求按照成员国的需要行使这项责任和权力。
The analytical work of UNCTAD贸发会议的分析工作
UNCTAD shall continue its analytical work through monitoring of global, regional and national trends and policies that cover all areas of its mandate.贸发会议应当通过监测涵盖其任务所有领域的全球、区域和国家趋势和政策,继续开展分析工作。
The importance of the research and analysis pillar of UNCTAD is underscored, in particular regarding policy recommendations to inform policymakers, and the other two pillars of work.要突出贸发会议研究和分析支柱的重要性,特别是在为决策者以及其他两个工作支柱提供政策建议方面。
It should continue being development‐oriented, independent and grounded in solid evidence.这方面的工作应当继续以发展为导向,保持独立,并以坚实的证据为基础。
In its endeavour to continuously improve the quality of its analytical work, the UNCTAD secretariat should:为了不断提高分析工作的质量,贸发会议秘书处应当:
Enhance its peer reviews within UNCTAD and with relevant other United Nations entities and international organizations;加强贸发会议内部以及与其他相关联合国实体和国际组织的同行审评;
Build upon relevant existing research and provide innovative work on trade and development and related issues;在现有相关研究的基础上,就贸易和发展及相关问题开展创新工作;
Further promote partnerships with other United Nations entities and international organizations to promote synergies, complementarity and coherence;进一步促进与其他联合国实体和国际组织的伙伴关系,以促进协同作用、互补性和一致性;
Focus the research within each subprogramme and within its mandate, while ensuring interdivisional cross‑fertilization and coherence;将研究工作集中在每个次级方案及其任务范围内,同时确保部门间的相互促进和一致性;
Propose a biennial review of the publications policy based on the efficiency and effectiveness of publications, to be reviewed by the Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance and endorsed by the Trade and Development Board.提议根据出版物的效率和效用对出版物政策进行两年一次的审查,由方案计划和方案业绩工作组审查,并由贸易和发展理事会批准。
The technical cooperation work of UNCTAD贸发会议的技术合作工作
UNCTAD should continue its work to support developing countries, through capacity-building and technical assistance.贸发会议应当继续通过能力建设和技术援助开展支持发展中国家的工作。
In consultations with the membership, a comprehensive and coherent technical cooperation strategy should be prepared by the secretariat, which will define the UNCTAD focus for future technical cooperation within its mandate.秘书处应与成员国协商,制定一项综合全面和连贯一致的技术合作战略,确定贸发会议任务范围内未来技术合作的重点。
UNCTAD technical cooperation should continue to assist developing countries and be adapted to the new opportunities and challenges in the fields of trade and development and interrelated issues.贸发会议的技术合作应继续援助发展中国家,并适应贸易和发展领域以及相关问题的新机遇和挑战。
It should support countries in addressing the challenges exacerbated or revealed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and build resilience to future economic shocks, by building productive capacities, and support sustainable development.应通过建设生产能力和支持可持续发展,支持各国应对因COVID-19大流行而加剧或暴露的挑战,并建设抵御未来经济冲击的能力。
The activities under paragraph 166 of the Bangkok Plan of Action have proven to be of great importance and utility and should be continued.事实证明,根据《曼谷行动计划》第166段开展的活动非常重要和有用,应该继续下去。
Revitalizing the intergovernmental machinery振兴政府间机制
Trade and Development Board贸易和发展理事会
As the highest body of UNCTAD between conferences, the Trade and Development Board should strengthen its decision-making and policy function and its governance function.贸易和发展理事会作为贸发会议闭会期间的最高机构,应加强决策和政策职能及其治理职能。
In doing so, the regular sessions of the Board should:在这方面,理事会常会应:
Ensure a robust consideration of the annual report prepared by the secretariat.确保对秘书处编写的年度报告进行有力的审议。
The annual report should focus on the results achieved, assessed against the guidance provided by the quadrennial outcome and proposed programme plan and performance information, and with a clear set of indicators.年度报告应侧重于取得的成果,对照四年期成果和拟议方案计划及业绩信息提供的指导进行评估,并有一套明确的指标。
It should also provide information on the implementation of intergovernmental decisions of UNCTAD, in particular those from the Trade and Development Board and the Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance.年度报告还应说明贸发会议政府间决定的执行情况,特别是贸易和发展理事会以及方案计划和方案业绩工作组决定的执行情况。
It should also include recommendations for potential adjustments and focus for future work, as well as on management and institutional matters, for the Board’s consideration.报告中还应包括关于未来工作的潜在调整和重点以及管理和体制事项的建议,供理事会审议;
Provide for an exchange on development issues of shared interest, spanning across the different areas of UNCTAD work.就共同关心的、涉及贸发会议不同工作领域的发展问题开展交流。
Individual UNCTAD reports will serve as the basis for the exchanges and consensus-building efforts across the agreed discussion topics.贸发会议的各项报告将作为就商定的讨论议题进行交流和建立共识的基础;
Conduct policy dialogue and support intergovernmental consensus-building on substantive and strategic policy issues.就实质性和战略性政策问题开展政策对话,支持建立政府间共识。
UNCTAD should enhance its contribution to the work of the United Nations General Assembly.贸发会议应当加强对联合国大会工作的贡献。
In accordance with paragraph 195 of the Accra Accord, the Board’s report to the General Assembly could include highlights on the work of the subsidiary bodies of the Board during that year.依照《阿克拉协议》第195段,理事会提交大会的报告可包括理事会附属机构的该年工作要点。
To follow-up on decisions taken by the Trade and Development Board, a register of decisions and outcomes shall be kept and made available to the membership as well as be publicly available.为了后续贯彻贸易和发展理事会作出的决定,应保存一份决定和结果登记册,并向成员公开提供。
The two Commissions shall meet back to back.两个委员会将连续开会。
The sessions of the Commissions will focus on consideration of the outcomes of the expert meetings and on synergies between the three pillars and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD.委员会各届会议将集中审议专家会议的成果以及贸发会议三大支柱和次级方案工作之间的协同增效作用。
The Commissions will conduct policy dialogue on one or two selected issues.两个委员会将就一两个选定的问题开展政策对话。
Their reports, including any conclusions and recommendations, will be submitted to the Trade and Development Board for approval.委员会的报告,包括任何结论和建议,将提交贸易和发展理事会批准。
Intergovernmental groups of experts政府间专家组
The work of the Intergovernmental Groups of Experts established at the fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development are important elements under the intergovernmental machinery.联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会设立的政府间专家组的工作是政府间机制的组成部分。
In order to ensure their proper functioning, increased efforts should be made to ensure coherence and avoid potential duplication of work with other competent forums, as well as to seek input from all relevant actors, thus providing for an inclusive, balanced and well-informed exchange, and credibility of the outcomes.为确保其正常运作,应加大努力确保一致性,避免与其他有关论坛的工作发生重复,并征求寻求所有相关行为方的意见,从而提供包容、平衡和知情的交流,提高成果的可信度。
The leadership of member State experts should be ensured.应确保成员国专家的领导地位。
Based on these parameters, the two Intergovernmental Group of Experts will be reviewed at the next UNCTAD quadrennial conference.基于这些参数,将在下一届贸发会议四年期大会上对这两个政府间专家组进行审查。
Multi-year and single-year expert meetings多年期和一年期专家会议
The topics for the five multi-year expert meetings shall be in line with the Bridgetown Covenant.五次多年期专家会议的议题应符合《布里奇顿协定》。
The topics will be determined by the membership in line with the established process, taking into account the recommendations of the secretariat.这些议题将由成员按照既定程序确定,同时考虑到秘书处的建议。
A review of the multi-year expert meetings should take place before the next Conference.应在下届会议之前对多年期专家会议进行审查。
Work programme of UNCTAD贸发会议工作方案
In its programme of work, UNCTAD should support the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States, African countries, other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies and countries in conflict and post‑conflict situations, while also taking account of the challenges of middle-income countries and countries with economies in transition.贸发会议应在工作方案中支持最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家、非洲国家、其他结构薄弱、易受冲击的小经济体以及处于冲突和冲突后局势中的国家,同时也要考虑到中等收入国家和经济转型国家面临的挑战。
UNCTAD should contribute to the coordinated international dialogue on COVID-19 response and recovery measures to counter the negative impact of the pandemic on the global economy and trade.贸发会议应当促进关于COVID-19应对和恢复措施的协调国际对话,以应对这场疫情对全球经济和贸易的负面影响。
The Trade and Development Board will strive to ensure that the next quadrennial conference will also take stock of the work and accomplishments of UNCTAD over the preceding six decades, including through appropriate activities and initiatives, with a view to further ensuring that it will help deliver prosperity for all.贸易和发展理事会将努力确保下一届四年期大会还将评估贸发会议在过去六十年中的工作和成就,包括就此推出适当的活动和举措,以期进一步确保贸发会议将有助于实现共享繁荣。
The role of UNCTAD贸发会议的作用
UNCTAD, as the focal point within the United Nations system for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development, should continue its work through the three pillars, building on the Nairobi Maafikiano and based on the preceding policy analysis of the Bridgetown Covenant.贸发会议作为联合国系统内综合处理贸易和发展以及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相关问题的协调中心,应当以《内罗毕宣言》为基础,以《布里奇顿协定》的以上政策分析为依据,继续通过三大支柱开展工作。
Therefore, UNCTAD should:因此,贸发会议应:
In accordance with its mandate in the interrelated areas of trade and sustainable development, contribute, through its three pillars of work, to the implementation, monitoring and review of the 2030 Agenda, and the relevant Sustainable Development Goal targets;根据在贸易和可持续发展相关领域的任务,通过三大工作支柱,为执行、监测和审查《2030年议程》和相关的可持续发展目标做出贡献;
Continue its efforts, across the three pillars and in all its work, to mainstream the cross‐cutting issue of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, thus contributing to the promotion of sustainable development and full and productive employment, including through the continuation of its reinforced work on the links between gender equality, women’s and girls’ empowerment and trade and development, and support member States in the design and implementation of policies and the establishment of institutions, frameworks and/or mechanisms that support women’s economic empowerment, economic security and rights, and enhance their economic and digital skills and opportunities.继续努力,在三大支柱和所有工作中,将性别平等和增强妇女和女童权能这一贯穿各领域的问题纳入主流,从而促进可持续发展和充分的生产性就业,包括继续开展关于性别平等、增强妇女和女童权能与贸易和发展之间关联的强化工作,支持会员国拟订和执行政策及建立机构、框架和(或)机制,以支持增强妇女的经济权能、经济安全和权利,增强妇女的经济和数字技能和机会;
Continue to provide assistance to developing countries to design and implement policies and actions aimed at improving the efficiency of trade transactions as well as the management of transport operations;继续为发展中国家提供援助,制订和执行各项政策和措施,以提高贸易交易效率并改进运输业务的管理;
it should also continue to cooperate with member States in implementing, the Automated System for Customs Data;还应当继续与成员国合作推行海关数据自动化系统;
UNCTAD should also continue its work on taxation as it relates to investment policy;贸发会议还应当继续开展与投资政策有关的税务方面的工作;
Contribute to and support the debate on the multilateral trading system, with a particular focus on the needs of most vulnerable populations and the promotion of their economic opportunities;促进和支持关于多边贸易体系的辩论,特别注重最弱势群体的需求和促进他们的经济机会;
Analyse the opportunities and challenges of the multilateral trading system and support developing countries to enhance their participation in the multilateral trading system, taking into consideration their sustainable development needs;分析多边贸易体系的机遇和挑战,支持发展中国家更多地参与多边贸易体系,同时考虑到它们的可持续发展需求;
Conduct research and technical analysis on the impact of the multilateral trading system and its rules on developing countries, as well as deepen its work in promoting dialogue and consensus among member States on key elements of the multilateral trading system, including the determination of policy space to support national development objectives, while remaining consistent with relevant international rules and countries’ commitments;就多边贸易体系及其规则对发展中国家的影响开展研究和技术分析,并深化在促进成员国就多边贸易体系的关键要素进行对话和达成共识方面的工作,包括确定政策空间以支持国家发展目标,同时保持与相关国际规则和国家承诺的一致性;
Continue its work on the impact of non-tariff measures on trade relations, market access, investment and transit, and thus their development implications and impact on the well-being of the population of affected countries, including through the strengthening of its cooperation on the topic with other relevant partners, as well as through participation in the Multi-Agency Support Team on the non-tariff measures database;继续研究非关税措施对贸易关系、市场准入、投资和过境的影响,以及这些措施因此对发展造成的影响和对受影响国家人民福祉的影响,包括通过加强与其他相关伙伴在这个专题上的合作,以及通过参加关于非关税措施数据库多机构支助小组;
Focus on mitigating the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different countries by providing a platform for exchange of information, experiences, lessons learned and success stories among different countries, as well as conducting research to find policy options for successful recovery from the economic crisis;为不同国家之间交流信息、经验、教训和成功故事提供一个平台,以及开展研究找出从经济危机中成功复苏的政策选择,以此着力减缓COVID-19大流行对不同国家的负面影响;
Promote an enabling international environment and support developing countries in fostering, at a national level, policy frameworks that are effective, stable and predictable, as well as robust rules that could lead to increasing flows of foreign direct investment to developing countries;促进有利的国际环境,支持发展中国家在国家一级建立有效、稳定和可预测的政策框架,并制定有利于外国直接投资更多地流向发展中国家的强有力的规则;
Continue to conduct research and technical analysis and propose policy options on investment for development;继续进行研究和技术分析,提出投资促进发展的政策选择;
Work with other relevant organizations, both within and outside the United Nations system, bearing in mind its mandate as well as the specific mandates of other international bodies, to promote complementary and mutually reinforcing trade and health policies in order to build resilience to face potential external shocks, including those arising from global and regional health shocks;铭记其任务以及其他国际机构的具体任务,与联合国系统内外的其他相关组织合作,促进相辅相成的贸易和卫生政策,以建立抵御潜在外部冲击,包括全球和区域卫生冲击的能力;
Continue to address commodity dependency, including by strengthening the capacity of commodity dependent developing countries to mitigate negative effects of commodity price volatility through instruments for market risk management;继续解决初级商品依赖问题,包括通过市场风险管理工具加强依赖初级商品的发展中国家减轻初级商品价格波动负面影响的能力;
there is a need to analyse and study the policy options available to Governments in order to diversify and transform the structure of their economies;有必要分析和研究各国政府现有的政策选项,以便使其经济结构实现多样化和转型;
Pay special attention to the challenges of the commodity dependent developing countries, as well as net food-importing developing countries;特别关注依赖初级商品的发展中国家以及粮食净进口发展中国家面临的挑战;
Continue and reinforce its work through its three pillars to support implementation of trade facilitation reforms, including the Agreement on Trade Facilitation of the World Trade Organization, and enhance its support to the development and the implementation of appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks that reduce trade transaction costs;通过其三大支柱继续并加强工作以支持贸易便利化改革,包括世界贸易组织的《贸易便利化协定》的落实,并加强支持制定和实施适当的法律和监管框架,以降低贸易交易成本;
Continue its work in the context of the reform of the international investment regime and to work towards coherence in its modernization process, including issues such as the State’s right to regulate for legitimate public policy purposes and investment protection, while developing tools and guidelines to operationalize policy options for international investment agreement reform in support of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as with regard to multilateral rules on investment facilitation;继续国际投资制度改革方面的工作,努力争取这一制度现代化进程的连贯一致,包括处理国家为合法的公共政策目的和投资保护进行监管的权利等问题,同时为支持实现可持续发展目标的国际投资协定改革以及关于投资便利化的多边规则制定执行政策选项的工具和准则;
Continue to conduct research and analysis and propose policy recommendations on bilateral trade agreements between developing ‎countries and their trading partners, linking the results of these activities with implementation mechanisms which would reduce‏ ‏import and export ‎costs and facilitate supply chains to support the manufacturing‏ ‏and export ‎sectors, especially for microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises;继续对发展中国家与贸易伙伴之间的双边贸易协定进行研究和分析并提出政策建议,把这些活动的结果与各种降低进出口成本和便利供应链以支持制造和出口部门的执行机制挂钩,特别是有利于微型企业和中小型企业的此类机制;
Continue to provide statistics, analytical work and technical assistance to developing countries, to promote structural transformation;继续为发展中国家提供统计数据、分析工作和技术援助,以促进结构转型;
In collaboration with agencies within and outside the United Nations system, continue to provide support in the area of development of microenterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and start‑ups, including women- and youth-owned small and medium-sized enterprises, through:与联合国系统内外的机构合作,继续在微型企业、中小型企业和初创企业,包括妇女和青年拥有的中小型企业的发展领域提供支持,途径是:
Enterprise development initiatives, including capacity-building and assistance to attract investment capital, grow business linkages with transnational corporations and participate in global and regional value chains;企业发展举措,包括能力建设和援助,以吸引投资资本,发展与跨国公司的商业联系,并参与全球和区域价值链;
Business facilitation initiatives to assist Governments to improve the business, investment and trade climate, for example, by enhancing transparency and access to trade-related information and regulations and simplification of trade-related administrative procedures;协助各国政府改善商业、投资和贸易环境的商业便利化举措,例如,通过提高透明度和获取与贸易有关的信息和法规,简化与贸易有关的行政程序;
Entrepreneurship policy support for the implementation of robust national and regional policy frameworks;为实施强有力的国家和区域政策框架提供创业政策支持;
Continue to advance UNCTAD work on international standards of accounting and reporting;继续推进贸发会议关于国际会计和报告准则的工作;
Provide technical guidance and promote sharing of best practices on the integration into regional and global value and supply chains, including by taking advantage of international air and maritime transport networks;提供技术指导,促进相互借鉴融入区域和全球价值链和供应链,包括利用国际空运和海运网络的最佳做法;
Formulate and promote policies fostering productive capacities and structural transformation in developing countries, working closely with other United Nations agencies, relevant international organizations and other stakeholders, including by matching needs with relevant support mechanisms and promoting dialogue among countries on their transformational efforts towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals;与其他联合国机构、相关国际组织和其他利益攸关方密切合作,制定和促进扶持发展中国家生产能力和结构转型的政策,包括通过将需求与相关支持机制相匹配,并促进各国就实现可持续发展目标的转型努力进行对话;
In accordance with paragraph 5:按照第5段:
Support the least developed countries, most notably to effectively take advantage of preferential market access available for the least developed countries, enhancing productive capacity, addressing acute macro and structural vulnerabilities, and facilitating technology uptake in accordance with article 66.2 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights;根据《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》第66条第2款,支持最不发达国家,特别是有效利用最不发达国家可获得的优惠市场准入,提高生产能力,解决严重的宏观和结构脆弱性,并促进技术吸收;
Support landlocked developing countries, most notably on trade and investment facilitation, transport and digital connectivity, and on enhancing productive capacities;支持内陆发展中国家,特别是在贸易和投资便利化、运输和数字连通以及提高生产能力方面;
Support small island developing States, most notably in addressing their specific vulnerabilities, build resilience and promote structural economic transformation and productive capacities;支持小岛屿发展中国家,特别是解决这些国家特定的脆弱性,建设复原力,促进结构性经济转型和提高生产能力;
Support other structurally weak and vulnerable economies in order to foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth, attract productive investment and build their productive capacity and competitiveness;支持其他结构薄弱和脆弱的经济体,以促进包容性和可持续的经济增长,吸引生产性投资,并建设生产能力和竞争力;
Support middle-income countries, according to their specific needs and challenges, most notably the slow pace of diversification and structural transformation and the impact of premature deindustrialization;根据中等收入国家的具体需求和挑战,特别是多样化和结构转型步伐缓慢以及过早去工业化的影响,为这些国家提供支持;
Support African countries in the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area and the achievement of Agenda 2063, most notably through the review of progress and challenges in implementation;支持非洲国家落实非洲大陆自由贸易区和实现《2063年议程》,特别是通过审查实施进展和挑战予以支持;
Continue its work on issues related to South–South cooperation, triangular cooperation and regional cooperation, including by promoting dialogue between economic integration structures with a view to enhancing mutual trade and exchanging best practices and experiences, towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals;继续就与南南合作、三角合作和区域合作有关的问题开展工作,包括促进经济一体化构架之间的对话,以期加强相互贸易,交流最佳做法和经验,实现可持续发展目标;
Devise approaches to stimulate economic diversification and promote higher value added production, including through domestic policies on trade, investment and entrepreneurship, and promote technology transfer on mutually agreed terms;制定激励经济多样化和促进高附加值生产的方法,包括通过关于贸易、投资和创业的国内政策提供激励的方法,并按照相互商定的条件促进技术转让;
In collaboration with other relevant organizations, in particular the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the World Intellectual Property Organization, continue its work on industrial policy, including on the analysis of new and recent features and interlinkages, as well as challenges faced by developing countries in relation to frontier technologies;与其他相关组织,特别是联合国工业发展组织和世界知识产权组织合作,继续开展工业政策方面的工作,包括分析新的和最近的特点和相互关联以及发展中国家在前沿技术方面面临的挑战;
Continue to assist developing countries to formulate and implement competition and consumer protection policies and laws, facilitate cooperation among competition and consumer protection agencies, conduct peer reviews and foster the exchange of knowledge and best practices, including through multilateral forums, such as the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy and the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy, and by contributing to the implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conferences to Review All Aspects of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices and of the revised United Nations guidelines for consumer protection;继续协助发展中国家制定和执行竞争和消费者保护政策和法律,促进竞争和消费者保护机构之间的合作,开展同行审评,促进知识和最佳做法的交流,包括通过多边论坛开展交流,如竞争法和竞争政策政府间专家组以及消费者保护法和消费者保护政策政府间专家组,并为执行联合国全面审查《管制限制性商业惯例的一套多边协议的公平原则和规则》会议的成果和经修订的联合国保护消费者准则作出贡献;
In cooperation with relevant stakeholders and within its mandate, continue to assist developing countries in formulating holistic development policies at all levels, including due consideration of interrelated challenges;与相关利益攸关方合作,并在其任务范围内,继续协助发展中国家在各级制定全面发展政策,包括适当考虑到相互关联的挑战;
Continue to assess the economic development prospects of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and examine economic costs of the occupation and obstacles to trade and development, and strengthen its programme of assistance to the Palestinian people with adequate resources and effective operational activities, including relevant studies as part of the international community’s commitment to building an independent Palestinian State, and with a view to alleviating the adverse economic and social conditions imposed on the Palestinian people, in line with the Accra Accord, the Doha Mandate and the Nairobi Maafikiano;继续根据《阿克拉协议》、《多哈授权》和《内罗毕共识》,评估巴勒斯坦被占领土的经济发展前景,审查占领的经济成本以及贸易和发展面临的障碍,并且加强其“援助巴勒斯坦人民方案”,提供充足资源并开展有效的业务活动,包括相关研究,作为国际社会对于建立一个独立的巴勒斯坦国的承诺的一部分,以期缓解巴勒斯坦人民遭遇的不利经济和社会条件;
Assist developing countries in their efforts to attract, and enhance capacities in attracting, investment that supports inclusive development, structural transformation, strengthening investment promotion agencies and investment facilitation, encouraging corporate social responsibility and responsible business conduct, and development of investment and entrepreneurship, in line with their development priorities;根据发展中国家的发展优先事项,协助它们努力吸引投资并提高吸引投资的能力,这些投资应支持包容性发展、结构转型、加强投资促进机构和投资便利化、鼓励企业社会责任和负责任的商业行为,以及发展投资和创业精神;
Provide support for the least developed countries who are either in the process of graduation or recently graduated from the least developed country category to ensure a smooth transition towards their new status, and explore, through research, effective procedures for the consideration of trade-related provisions of United Nations General Assembly resolutions for the least developed countries after their graduation;为正在或刚刚从最不发达国家类别毕业的最不发达国家提供支持,以确保它们实现向新身份的顺利过渡,并通过开展研究,探索审议联合国大会决议中为最不发达国家毕业后规定的贸易相关条款的有效程序;
Continue the work on analysing the creative industries and providing insight into the global creative economy through the UNCTAD creative economy programme and creative economy network that can support countries to take advantage of the potential offered in this field;继续开展分析创意产业的工作,并通过可为各国利用这一领域的潜力提供支持的贸发会议创意经济方案和创意经济网络帮助深入了解全球创意经济;
Support and promote activities and initiatives in developing countries through the improvement in trade in services, including the utilization of special economic zones;通过改善服务贸易,包括利用经济特区,支持和促进发展中国家的活动和举措;
Strengthen the work on assisting developing countries to systematically assess their state-of-play and readiness to engage and integrate into the digital economy, thus contributing to the closing of the digital divide;加强工作,协助发展中国家系统地评估参与和融入数字经济的现状和准备情况,从而促进缩小数字鸿沟;
in doing, so it is important to support the strengthening of the collection and processing of available data in order to produce statistics and policy analysis in relation to the opportunities and challenges of digital economy;在这项工作中,必须支持加强现有数据的收集和处理,以便针对数字经济的机遇和挑战进行统计和政策分析;
Conduct work across its three pillars on the development dimension of the use of data and frontier technologies, in cooperation with other multilateral, intergovernmental and international specialized organizations;与其他多边、政府间和国际专门组织合作,就数据和前沿技术使用的发展层面在三大支柱领域开展工作;
Provide analysis for the design of policies to seize the opportunities and address the challenges for capturing value in the digital economy and promote the development of infrastructure for digitalization, including through the digital aspect of regional integration;为政策设计提供分析,以抓住机遇,应对挑战,从数字经济中获取价值,并促进数字化基础设施的发展,包括区域一体化的数字化努力;
Contribute, as a member of the United Nations inter-agency task team on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals and, as secretariat of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, to the implementation of outcomes related to science, technology and innovation of the 2030 Agenda, including the Technology Facilitation Mechanism and the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries;作为联合国科学、技术和创新促进可持续发展目标机构间工作组的成员,并作为科学和技术促进发展委员会的秘书处,为落实《2030年议程》中与科学、技术和创新有关的成果做出贡献,包括技术促进机制和最不发达国家技术库;
Continue to address the challenges faced by developing countries in diversifying their economies, and assist them in formulating development policies conducive to achieving sustainable and inclusive development;继续应对发展中国家在经济多元化方面面临的挑战,协助其制定有利于实现可持续和包容性发展的发展政策;
Support developing countries in identifying relevant trade and investment policies to contribute to the attainment of the climate and environmental goals of the 2030 Agenda, with due cooperation with relevant international organizations;与相关国际组织适当合作,支持发展中国家确定相关贸易和投资政策,以促进实现《2030年议程》的气候和环境目标;
Promote, from a trade and development perspective, extensive use of renewable and low-emission energy sources and technologies that generate a more diverse and sustainable energy mix and facilitate cooperation on technology and identification of finance in this field, in collaboration with other agencies, where appropriate;从贸易和发展角度促进可再生能源和低排放能源和技术的广泛使用,形成更加多样和可持续的能源结构,并酌情与其他机构合作,便利该领域的技术合作和筹资;
Continue to support, through policy dialogue and cooperation mechanisms, international and regional transport networks, ensuring their sustainability and resilience, and promote the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources;通过政策对话和合作机制,继续支持国际和区域运输网络,确保其可持续性和复原力,并促进海洋及海洋资源的养护和可持续利用;
Continue to build on the analytical and policy-oriented work of UNCTAD in the field of financing for development, in cooperation with other institutional stakeholders, in the United Nations follow-up and review process on financing for development, and assist developing countries in identifying policy options aimed at strengthening mobilization of domestic and international, public and private, resource mobilization for the timely attainment of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals;在联合国发展筹资后续行动和审查进程中,与其他机构利益攸关方合作,继续发展贸发会议在发展筹资领域的分析性和政策性工作,并协助发展中国家确定旨在加强调动国内和国际、公共和私营部门资源以及时实现《2030年议程》和《可持续发展目标》的政策选择;
Continue to assess the role of ODA as a source of financing for development, including mobilizing private capital, particularly in the context of the emergence of new sources of financial assistance in conjunction with the Sustainable Development Goals;继续评估官方发展援助作为发展融资来源之一的作用,包括筹集私人资本的作用,尤其是结合新出现的与“可持续发展目标”相关的新资金援助来源开展评估;
Contribute to discussions on the modernization of the measurement of ODA;为关于官方发展援助计量现代化的讨论作出贡献;
Continue its work on the negative impact of illicit financial flows on developing countries and support international efforts for the development of a methodology to produce estimates of the total value of inward and outward illicit financial flows and of illicit trade;继续开展关于非法资金流动对发展中国家的负面影响的工作,并支持国际社会努力制定一种方法,对流入和流出的非法资金和非法贸易的总价值作出估计;
Continue its analytical and policy work and technical assistance on debt issues, including the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System programme, and promote policies for responsible sovereign borrowing and lending, complementing the work done by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and other stakeholders, as appropriate;继续开展关于债务问题的分析和政策工作以及技术援助,包括“债务管理和金融分析系统”方案,推动负责任的主权借贷政策,酌情为世界银行、国际货币基金组织及其他利益攸关方的工作提供补充;
Continue its existing work, in coordination with relevant partners, including the Inter-Agency Task Force on Finance Statistics, to contribute to statistical series and capacity in the fields of domestic debt, external private and public debt and debt composition;与有关合作伙伴,包括机构间金融统计工作队协调,继续开展现有工作,以帮助编制国内债务、私人和公共外债以及债务构成领域的统计丛刊,并加强这些领域的能力;
Contribute to the discussion within the United Nations system on an appropriate multidimensional vulnerability index for small island developing States, including on its potential finalization and use;为联合国系统内关于适合的小岛屿发展中国家多维脆弱性指数包括订定和使用该指数的可能性的讨论作出贡献;
Continue to contribute, in accordance with its mandate and complementing the work done by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and other relevant stakeholders to enhance the efficiency of the global economic system, international trade and debt sustainability, for the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.继续按照其任务,补充世界银行和国际货币基金组织以及其他相关利益攸关方所作的工作,为提高全球经济体系效率、加强国际贸易和债务可持续性作出贡献,以实现《2030年可持续发展议程》。