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Twelfth session第十二届大会
Ghana, Accra加纳,阿克拉
20–25 April 20082008年4月20日至25日
Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on its twelfth session联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届大会报告
Held in Ghana, Accra, from 20 to 25 April 20082008年4月20日至25日在加纳阿克拉举行
Page章 次
Preface页 次 前 言.
Accra Declaration阿克拉宣言.
Accra Accord阿克拉协议.
Statements of position立场声明.
Organizational, procedural and other matters组织、程序和其他事项.
Annexes附 件
Agenda for the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届大会议程
Ministerial Declaration of the Group of 77 and China on the occasion of UNCTAD XII77国集团和中国在贸发十二大之际发表的部长宣言
Declaration of the Least Developed Countries Ministerial Meeting at UNCTAD XII贸发十二大最不发达国家部长会议宣言
Ministerial Communiqué of Landlocked Developing Countries内陆发展中国家部长公报
Civil Society Forum Declaration to UNCTAD XII贸发十二大民间社会论坛宣言
List of events活动详览.
Lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution1995 (XIX)联大第1995(XIX)号决议附件所载国家名单
List of documents文件一览表.
Preface前 言
In conformity with General Assembly resolutions 1995 (XIX) of 30 December 1964 and 60/184 of 22 December 2005, the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development was held at the International Conference Centre in Accra, Ghana, from 20 to 25 April 2008.按照联大1964年12月30日第1995(XIX)号决议和2005年12月22日第60/184号决议,联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届大会于2008年4月20日至25日在加纳阿克拉国际会议中心举行。
The theme and sub-themes of the Conference were approved by the Trade and Development Board at its forty-first executive session, held from 18 to 20 April 2007, and the provisional agenda for the Conference was approved by the Board at its fifty-fourth session, held from 1 to 11 October 2007.贸易和发展理事会在2007年4月18日至20日举行的第四十一届执行会议上核准了这次大会的主题以及分主题。贸易和发展理事会在2007年10月1日至11日举行的第五十四届会议上批准了这次大会的临时议程。
Also at its fifty-fourth session, the Board established the open-ended Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XII, to be chaired by the President of the Board, Mr. Petko Draganov (Bulgaria), in order to consider the pre-Conference negotiating text.同在第五十四届会议上,贸易和发展理事会成立了由理事会主席佩特科·德拉加诺夫先生(保加利亚)任主席的不限成员名额的第十二届贸发大会筹备委员会,以便审议会前谈判案文。
At its twenty-fourth special session, held from 17 to 20 March 2008, the Board took note of the report of the Chair of the Preparatory Committee.贸易和发展理事会2008年3月17日至20日举行的第二十四次特别会议注意到筹备委员会主席的报告。
At its plenary meeting on 7 April 2008, the Preparatory Committee of the Trade and Development Board decided to transmit the draft UNCTAD XII negotiated text to the Conference.贸易和发展理事会筹备委员会在2008年4月7日的全体会议上,决定将第十二届贸发大会的谈判案文草案提交第十二届大会。
The pre-Conference events held between 18 and 20 April 2008 included meetings of the World Investment Forum, the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and the United Nations Chief Executives Board Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity.在2008年4月18日至20日举行的大会会前活动包括:世界投资论坛会议、世界投资促进机构协会会议、联合国行政首长协调会机构间贸易和生产能力类别会议。
The opening ceremony and opening plenary were held on 20 April (see chap. IV).大会开幕式和开幕全体会议于4月20日举行(见第四章)。
The topic of the high-level segment held on 21 April was “Trade and development for Africa’s prosperity: action and direction”.4月21日举行的高级别会议部分的主题是:“贸易和发展促进非洲繁荣:行动和方向”。
In the course of the Conference, a series of round tables were held on topics related to the sub-themes of the Conference.在大会举行期间,围绕大会的分主题举办了一系列专题圆桌会议。
In addition, ministerial meetings of the Group of 77 and China, the Least Developed Countries and the Landlocked Developing Countries, and two meetings of the Civil Society Forum, were held in conjunction with the Conference and transmitted declarations to the Conference (see annexes II–V).此外,还与大会同步进行了77国集团和中国部长会议、最不发达国家部长会议和内陆发展中国家部长会议,以及两次民间社会论坛会议,并将其宣言提交给了这次大会(见附件二至五)。
At its closing plenary meeting, on 25 April 2008, the Conference adopted the Accra Declaration and the Accra Accord (see chaps. I and II, respectively).在2008 年4月25日的闭幕全体会议上,本次大会通过了《阿克拉宣言》和《阿克拉协议》(分别见第一和第二章)。
Accra Declaration阿克拉宣言
We, the member States of UNCTAD, gathered in Ghana, Accra, from 20 to 25 April 2008, for the twelfth session of the Conference, agree on the following declaration:我们,贸发会议成员国,自2008年4月20日至25日齐聚加纳阿克拉,举行第十二届大会,兹议定宣言如下:
The visionaries who created UNCTAD in 1964, just as most people on this great continent of Africa were winning their independence, would have felt vindicated by today’s interconnected world and its globalized economy.贸发会议创建于伟大的非洲大陆上的大多数人正在赢取独立的1964年,当年那些富有想象力的创始人,看到如今世界已相互关联、经济全球化的景象,会感到自己确有先见之明。
Their founding tenet, that broad-based and sustainable prosperity cannot be achieved without both trade and development working in harmony in an interdependent world, has never been more pertinent.创始者们的理念是,在一个相互依存的世界上,如果没有贸易与发展的和谐运作,就不可能实现基础广泛、可以持续的繁荣,这一理念如今比以往任何时候都更具有现实意义。
We commend UNCTAD – as the focal point of the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and the interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development – for its substantial contribution to advancing the development agenda and supporting developing countries to address challenges and maximize benefits from the globalized world economy.我们赞扬贸发会议作为联合国综合处理贸易与发展问题、以及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联问题的协调中心,为推进发展议程,支持发展中国家应对全球化世界经济带来的各种挑战并从中获得最大好处而做出的实质性贡献。
We reiterate our commitment to UNCTAD.我们重申,我们对贸发会议矢志不渝。
Today, we recommit ourselves to uphold a well-functioning, universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system which promotes development.今天,我们再次承诺维护一种运转良好、具有普遍性、依照规则、公开、一视同仁、公平和促进发展的多边贸易制度。
We strongly emphasize global partnership to maximize development gains for all from globalization.我们大力强调全球伙伴关系,以便使所有人从全球化中获得最大的发展好处。
We uphold the decisions taken at UNCTAD XII and urge member States and UNCTAD to put into effect the Accra Accord.我们拥护贸发十二大作出的决定,敦促各成员国和贸发会议落实《阿克拉协议》。
The outcome of this Conference will make an important contribution towards equitable and inclusive access to benefits of globalization arising from trade, finance, investment, technology and innovation, and full and productive employment.本次大会的成果将极大地促进各方都能够公平地获得贸易、金融、投资、技术和创新以及充分的生产性就业带来的全球化好处。
It will also inform the forthcoming major events on development, including the Development Cooperation Forum of the Economic and Social Council, the Accra High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, the high-level event on the Millennium Development Goals during the sixty-second session of the General Assembly, and the Financing for Development Review Conference, as well as other relevant initiatives on development.大会的成果还将为即将举行的关于发展问题的大型活动提供信息,包括经济及社会理事会发展合作论坛、阿克拉援助效力问题高级别论坛、联大第六十二届会议期间关于《千年发展目标》的高级别活动、发展融资审查会议以及其他有关发展的相关主动行动。
Our deliberations at UNCTAD XII took place near the mid-point in the global effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).我们贸发十二大的审议工作是在争取实现《千年发展目标》全的球努力接近其中间点之时进行的。
Our collective record in attaining the MDGs is mixed.在实现《千年发展目标》方面,我们的集体记录喜忧参半。
If the current trend is sustained, the MDG poverty-reduction target will be met for the world as a whole and for most regions.如果保持目前的趋势,整个世界和大部分地区将会实现《千年发展目标》中的减贫目标。
Yet some regions are not on track to achieve all the MDGs, and the projected shortfalls are most severe in sub-Saharan Africa.然而,有些地区实现所有《千年发展目标》的工作还没有走上轨道,预计达不到目标的情况以撒哈拉以南非洲最为严重。
Moreover, challenges such as rising food and energy prices, and global economic uncertainties, compounded by climate change, have the potential to decelerate global and developing countries’ growth, undermine gains from poverty reduction efforts, and pose direct risks to the poor, as well as to the social and political fabric in many countries.而且,食品和能源价格上涨、全球经济的不确定因素、加上气候变化等各种挑战,有可能减缓全球和发展中国家的增长,损害减贫努力的收获,并给穷人以及许多国家的社会和政治结构造成直接风险。
We must remain vigilant to ensure that our economic policies and the work of UNCTAD promote inclusive growth that will help countries attain and sustain the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs.我们必须保持警惕,确保我们的经济政策和贸发会议的工作促进包容性的增长,帮助各国实现并维持国际商定的发展目标,包括《千年发展目标》。
We resolve to find integrated solutions to these challenges.我们决心找到综合解决这些挑战的办法。
We recommit ourselves to redouble our efforts to combat poverty and hunger, and pledge to take immediate steps to bolster the world’s food security.我们再次承诺,加倍努力与贫困和饥饿作斗争,并保证立即采取措增进世界粮食安全。
We will take all necessary measures to meet urgent humanitarian needs in developing countries, particularly least developed countries (LDCs) and Africa.我们将采取一切必要措施,满足发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家和非洲的紧急人道主义需求。
We will pay special attention to the food and nutritional needs of mothers and children.我们将特别重视母亲和儿童的食品和营养需求。
Care should be taken to ensure that trade in food products is not unnecessarily inhibited.应当注意确保食品贸易不致受到不必要的限制。
In the medium to longer term, we will support national efforts towards increased food production, especially in Africa, LDCs and net food-importing developing countries.在中期和较长的时期内,我们将支持各国努力增加粮食生产,特别是非洲、最不发达国家和粮食净进口的发展中国家。
These efforts need to be accompanied by collective measures at the global level and an enabling environment – particularly by meaningful reform and liberalization of trade in agriculture and improved official development assistance (ODA) flows to the agricultural sector of developing countries.这些努力需要辅之以全球一级的集体措施和一种扶持性的环境—特别是有实质意义的农产品贸易改革和自由化,改善投向发展中国家农业部门的官方发展援助(官发援)。
We also welcome the decision of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to establish a high-powered task force, comprised of eminent experts and leading policy authorities, to address the food security issue.我们还欢迎联合国秘书长决定设立一个由知名专家和著名的政策权威人士组成的权力很大的工作队,处理食品保障问题。
We recognize that rising food prices and agriculture input costs reflect an emerging new global commodity economy.我们承认,食品价格和农业投入成本上涨反映了正在出现的一种新型全球初级商品经济。
These developments also present a unique opportunity to promote economic growth and sustainable development by improving the productivity of the commodity sectors of developing countries.这些事态发展也提供了一个独特的机会,可以通过提高发展中国家初级商品部门的生产率,促进经济增长和可持续发展。
We will strengthen the commodity sectors by substantially increased public and private investment, and greater value added and diversification.我们将通过大量增加公共和私人投资、提高附加值和多样性,加强初级商品部门。
UNCTAD XII took place at an important point in the evolution of the world economy.贸发十二大在世界经济发展的一个重要时刻举行。
It followed a five-year run of robust global economic growth, prior to the onset of current difficulties. A new phase of globalization has emerged, in which the developing countries play an important role as a new and additional engine of the global economy.在目前的困难发端之前,全球经济曾连续五年强劲增长,出现了全球化的一个新阶段,发展中国家作为全球经济新的和额外的发动机,在这一阶段中发挥了重要作用。
Although many old development challenges persist, including enduring poverty and inequality in many parts of the world, the emergence of some developing countries as regional and global dynamos of trade and investment presents fresh opportunities for development.尽管许多旧有的发展难题依然存在,包括世界许多地方的长期贫困和不平等,但是,一些发展中国家崭露头角,成为区域和全球贸易和投资的火车头,为发展提供了新机遇。
The potentials of South–South cooperation should be fully harnessed as a real complement to, and not a substitute for, North–South cooperation.应当充分利用南南合作的潜力,将其作为对北南合作的真正补充,而不是替代。
We recognize that many developing countries, especially African countries and the LDCs, continue to remain on the margins of the globalization process, and are lagging behind in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.我们承认,许多发展中国家,特别是非洲国家和最不发达国家,继续徘徊于全球化进程的边缘,在实现《千年发展目标》方面远远落在后面。
Their development will remain a key priority of the international community.这些国家的发展仍将是国际社会的一个重要优先事项。
We commend the efforts of these countries to scale up their development performance, and encourage them to deepen such efforts.我们赞扬这些国家为提高其发展成效而做出的努力,并鼓励这些国家深化这种努力。
The international community will make further efforts – including through mobilizing development finance and technical cooperation, broadening market access and effectively dealing with trade-distorting non-tariff measures – to accelerate development and promote positive integration into the world economy.国际社会将进一步做出努力,包括通过筹集发展资金和开展技术合作,扩大市场准入和有效地处理扭曲贸易的非关税措施问题,以加速发展并促进上述国家积极融入世界经济。
We will strengthen support to the ongoing integration process in Africa, in particular the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).我们将加强对非洲目前一体化进程的支持力度,特别是支持非洲发展新伙伴关系。
The outcome of the Doha Round of trade negotiations should ensure fair, balanced, equitable and market-opening commitments, which can deliver major benefits for development.多哈回合贸易谈判的结果应确保各国做出公正、平衡、公平和开放市场的承诺,从而为发展确实带来重大好处。
We resolve to redouble efforts towards an expeditious conclusion of the negotiations, with meaningful and significant development outcomes.我们决心加倍努力尽快结束谈判,取得有意义和实质性的发展成果。
The agreement reached at the Sixth World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, held in China, Hong Kong, to provide duty-free and quota-free market access for LDCs should be respected and implemented.在中国香港举行的世贸组织第六次部长会议达成的给予最不发达国家免关税和免配额的市场准入协议,应得到尊守和落实。
The commitments made at the same conference with regard to cotton should be honoured.同一次会议上做出的棉花方面的承诺也应当兑现。
In the context of Aid for Trade, we call for stronger national action and international support to help build domestic productive competitive export supply capacities, as well as trade-supportive logistics for developing countries, including Africa, LDCs, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and other structurally weak and vulnerable small economies.关于贸易援助计划,我们要求采取更有力的国家行动和给予更有力的国际支持,帮助发展中国家,包括非洲、最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家及其他结构薄弱容易受害的小型经济体,建立国内具有竞争力的出口供应的生产力以及支持贸易的物流。
Aid for Trade could make a meaningful contribution to respond to these challenges.贸易援助计划可为应对这些挑战做出真正的贡献。
Aid for Trade should be adequately resourced and implemented, through multilateral and bilateral channels, with the United Nations and other multilateral organizations playing an important role.贸易援助计划应当通过多边和双边渠道,在联合国及其他多边组织发挥重要作用的情况下,得到充足的资源而加以落实。
Implementation, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms should ensure efficient and effective utilization of Aid for Trade resources.执行、监督和评价机制应确保高效和有效地利用贸易援助计划的资源。
We recognize that mobilizing public and private financial resources for development is an integral element of the global partnership for development.我们承认,筹集公共和私人资金用于发展是全球促进发展伙伴关系的一项重要内容。
We are concerned at the decline in the levels of ODA in recent years.我们关切近年官发援水平的下降。
We commend the sharp increase in ODA by a number of donor countries, and call upon all donors to honour their ODA commitments and to improve the effectiveness of ODA in support of nationally-owned national development strategies.我们赞扬一些捐助国大幅度增加官发援,要求所有捐助国都履行其官发援承诺,提高官发援的效力,支持各国自主的国家发展战略。
We also emphasize the special importance of continued work towards durable solutions to the debt sustainability and management problems of developing countries.我们还强调尤其需要继续努力,争取持久解决发展中国家债务可持续性和债务管理问题。
Foreign direct investment can generate employment, transfers of technology and knowledge, access to international markets and competition, and can be complementary to national, regional and international efforts to mobilize resources for development.外国直接投资可以带来就业、技术和知识转让、进入国际市场的机会和竞争,还可以补充国家、区域和国际筹集发展资金的努力。
To seize opportunities, countries need active and well-sequenced policies to maximize the development benefits of investment flows.为抓住机会,各国需要采取积极有序的政策,使投资的发展收益最大化。
All countries should contribute to an enabling environment to attract foreign direct investment and increase domestic investment.所有国家都应大力营造有利的环境,吸引外国直接投资和增加国内投资。
In this context, investment in infrastructure, development of human resources and strengthening of institutional capacities are all relevant for sustained economic growth.为此,基础设施投资、人力资源开发和机构力量的增强,都有利于经济的持续增长。
Financial systems continue to adapt to the realities of the twenty-first century, and should have the capacity to help reduce uncertainty and support economic growth.金融系统继续适应二十一世纪的现实,应当具备减少不确定性和支持经济增长的能力。
All countries can contribute to international financial resiliency by promoting transparent, predictable and effective regulatory regimes.所有国家均能通过推动建立透明、可预测而且切实有效的监管制度,提高国际金融的弹性。
In order to complement national development efforts, we recognize the urgent need to enhance coherence, governance and consistency of the international monetary, financial and trading systems.为了辅助国家的发展努力,我们认为迫切需要强化国际货币、金融和贸易体系的协调、治理和一致性。
There is now greater urgency to enhance the voice and participation of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in policymaking in the areas of trade, money and finance.现时更为迫切的是要加强发展中国家和经济转型期国家在贸易、货币和金融领域决策过程中的话语权和参与。
We encourage further progress in this regard.我们鼓励在这方面进一步取得进展。
Inclusive globalization will require fuller participation of all countries in today’s global knowledge and information society.包容性的全球化将需要提高所有国家充分参与今天的全球知识型、信息型社会的程度。
We will encourage public sector, private sector and civil society actors to strengthen efforts to put the dynamic forces of information, technology, innovation, creativity and diversity at the service of fair and equitable development for all.我们将鼓励公共部门、私营部门和民间社会行为体加强努力,让信息、技术、创新、创造力和多样性这些能动力量服务于全人类的公平和公正发展。
While development is the primary responsibility of each country, domestic efforts should be facilitated and complemented by an enabling international environment based on multilaterally agreed and applied rules.虽然各国要自己首先肩负发展的责任,但本国的努力还应通过建立在多边商定和适用的规则基础上的有利发展的国际环境加以推动和补充。
It is for each Government to evaluate the trade-off between the benefits of accepting international rules and commitments, and the constraints posed by the loss of policy space.接受国际规则和承诺的好处与丧失政策空间而产生的制约之间的取舍应由每个国家政府自己权衡。
We also underline the importance of sound policies and good governance at all levels, and the effective participation and contribution of all stakeholders, including the Government, private sector and civil society.我们还强调必须在各级实行稳健的政策和良政,政府、私营部门和民间社会等利益攸关方均须有效参与和做出贡献。
We call for further progress in enhancing the role of women at all levels of society.我们还要求在社会各级增强妇女作用方面进一步取得进展。
We also emphasize the importance of competition policies to improve consumer welfare and competitiveness.我们也强调竞争政策对改善消费者福祉和提高竞争力的重要。
Climate change currently poses a significant challenge, especially to the poor, who are least equipped to adapt.Climate change adaptation and mitigation need to be urgently addressed, in accordance with the provisions and principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, bearing in mind the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and taking into account social and economic conditions and other relevant factors.目前,气候变化构成严峻挑战,特别是对于最无力应对的穷人尤为严峻,因此急需根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》的规定和原则,铭记共同但有区别的责任及各尽其力的原则,并考虑到社会和经济条件及其他相关因素,着手处理适应和减缓气候变化问题。
Adequate financing and technology will be critical to help developing countries to rise to this challenge.足够的资金和技术,对协助发展中国家应对这一挑战不可或缺。
The trade and development aspects of climate change are important for development prospects of developing countries, and should be adequately taken into account in mitigation and adaptation strategies.气候变化对贸易和发展的影响对发展中国家的发展前景十分重要,在减缓和适应战略中应给予充分的考虑。
Our accomplishments in Accra, and our actions to strengthen UNCTAD by enhancing its developmental role, impact and institutional effectiveness, represent our abiding commitment to the vision of global economic growth and shared prosperity that our UNCTAD founders brought to this process 44 years ago.我们在阿克拉取得的成就、以及我们通过加强贸发会议的发展作用、影响力和机构效力从而加强贸发会议的行动,表明我们坚定秉持贸发会议创始人44年前提出的全球经济增长和共同繁荣的愿景。
 We best honour them by translating our decisions at this Conference into concrete actions for the benefit of future generations.我们纪念他们的最好方式是将我们这次大会的决定变成造福子孙后代的具体行动。
To this end, we pledge to keep our multilateral trade and development institutions strong.为此,我们承诺保持我们的多边贸易和发展机构的强大。
In this spirit, let us move forward together towards UNCTAD XIII in Qatar.让我们本着这种精神,共同前进,共襄卡塔尔贸发十三大盛举。
Accra Accord 阿克拉协议
Introduction导 言
Addressing the opportunities and challenges of globalization for development应对全球化给发展带来的机遇和挑战
Since the turn of the century, the fast-accelerating globalization of trade and capital flows has brought rapid economic growth to many countries, including developing countries and countries with economies in transition.自世纪之交以来,贸易和资本流动的全球化的飞快加速给许多国家,包括发展中国家和经济转型期国家在内,带来了迅速的经济增长。
Following an extraordinary increase in their exports, many of these countries have significantly increased their real income and enjoyed growth in employment and a reduction in poverty.其中许多国家在出口超常增长后,实际收入显著增加,就业增长和贫困减少。
Some appear to be on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals.一些国家似乎即将实现《千年发展目标》。
However, these advances have not been shared by all.然而,并非所有国家都分享到了这些进步。
A number of developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, have not fully participated in the global boom.一些发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家,未能充分参与全球繁荣。
In Africa, the host continent of UNCTAD XII, nearly half of all countries have not been lifted sufficiently by the recent economic recovery, although they have made efforts to face the challenges of globalization.在主办贸发十二大的非洲,有近半数国家,尽管为迎接全球化的挑战付出了努力,但没有在最近的经济复苏中得到充分的提升。
Their growth rate did not increase in the period 2000–2006 as compared with 1995–2000, or else it remained below 3 per cent.与1995-2000年相比,2000-2006年期间增长率没有提高,或者说仍在3%以下。
For developing countries to reap the benefits of globalization in the future, there is a need to address the impact of commodity dependence, including the volatility of prices, the pro-poor and transparent allocation of revenues as well as the diversification of production structures in economies dependent on a few commodities.发展中国家今后若要从全球化中获益,就需要解决依赖初级商品的影响问题,包括处理价格波动,以有利于贫困者和透明的方式分配收入,以及使依赖几种初级商品的经济体的产品结构多元化。
All developing countries, in particular the least developed, have to build productive capacity, ensure access to basic services and strengthen their legal and regulatory frameworks and institutions.所有发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家,都必须发展生产力,确保获得基本服务,加强法律和监管的框架及机构。
The pro-development impact of globalization is not a given, but needs to be supported by political decisions and actions.全球化对发展的积极影响不是想当然的事,而是需要得到政治决策和行动支持的。
Development policies and strategies at the national, regional and international levels should aim to address development opportunities and challenges, while at the same time harnessing the positive forces of globalization.国家、区域和国际各层面的发展政策及战略,在利用全球化积极力量的同时,还应当积极应对各种发展挑战,包括系统协调。
National and regional efforts should be complemented by supportive global actions and by measures and policies aimed at expanding the developmental opportunities of developing countries, while taking into account national conditions and ensuring respect for national ownership, strategies and sovereignty.国家和区域进行努力的同时,还应辅之以全球性支持行动和扩大发展中国家发展机遇的措施及政策,同时考虑到各国国情并确保各国的自主权、战略和主权得到尊重。
Recognizing the interplay between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of globalization, these policies should be tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each country.鉴于全球化的经济、社会和环境因素之间的相互作用,这类政策应该根据每个国家的具体需求和国情量身定做。
The increasing interdependence of national economies in a globalizing world and the emergence of rules-based regimes for international economic relations have meant that the space for national economic policy, that is, the scope for domestic policies, especially in the areas of trade, investment and industrial development, is now often framed by international disciplines, commitments and global market considerations.在全球化的世界中,各国经济日益相互依存,国际经济关系中出现了各种基于规则的制度,这就意味着国家经济政策空间,即国内政策的范围,尤其是贸易、投资和工业发展等领域的政策范围,现在往往受到国际规定、承诺和全球市场因素的限定。
It is for each Government to evaluate the trade-off between the benefits of accepting international rules and commitments and the constraints posed by the loss of policy space.接受国际规则和承诺带来的好处与丧失政策空间产生的限制之间的取舍,要由每个国家政府自己权衡。
It is particularly important for developing countries, bearing in mind development goals and objectives, that all countries take into account the need for appropriate balance between national policy space and international disciplines and commitments.从发展目标和目的考虑,发展中国家都尤其需要考虑到国家政策空间与国际规定和承诺两者适当平衡兼顾的必要性。
Good governance at all levels, freedom, peace and security, domestic stability, respect for human rights, including the right to development, the rule of law, transparency, gender equality, market-oriented policies and an overall commitment to just and democratic societies are essential to all countries to attain sustainable and equitable growth and development.各级都行良政,自由、和平与安全、国内稳定,尊重包括发展权在内的人权,法治、透明度、性别平等、面向市场的政策,以及对公正和民主社会的全面承诺,是所有国家实现可持续和公平增长与发展的必要条件。
Sustained economic growth, poverty eradication and employment creation further require sound economic policies and solid democratic institutions responsive to the needs of the people.持续的经济增长、消除贫困和创造就业,还需要有因应人民需要的、合理的经济政策和坚实的民主机制。
Both the role of the State and the role of the market are vital for designing and implementing successful development strategies, reducing poverty and attaining equitable income distribution, building physical and human infrastructure and addressing market failures where they occur.国家的作用和市场的作用,对于制定和执行成功的发展战略、减轻贫困,实现公平收入分配、建设物质和人力基础设施,以及纠正市场失灵,都是不可或缺的。
The emergence of new major global players among developing countries and among countries with economies in transition has been a particularly important feature of the globalization experience of recent years.近年来由发展中国家和经济转型期国家中新涌现的全球重量级角色,成为全球化的一个显著特点。
While asymmetries in international economic relations remain, the new geography of the global economy has the potential to broaden the spectrum of multilateral cooperation and to promote the integration of all developing countries in the long term.尽管国际经济关系依然呈不对称状态,但全球经济新地理格局有可能扩大多边合作的范围,促进所有发展中国家长期融入世界经济体系。
South–South economic cooperation complements rather than substitutes North–South cooperation, and can contribute to balanced global growth and development.南南经济合作是北南合作的补充而不是替代,可有助于实现全球的平衡增长和发展。
In an increasingly complex global economy, UNCTAD has an important role to play as an institution with universal membership and a mandate to serve as the focal point of the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.在日益复杂的全球经济中,贸发会议作为一个各国普遍都参加的机构,具有重要的作用,受权担任联合国综合处理金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域的贸易和发展问题及相互关联的各种问题的协调单位。
Increasing interdependence in the globalized economy lends UNCTAD XII additional significance.全球化经济中相互依赖的日益增强,使贸发十二大具有格外重大的意义。
The Accra Accord builds upon the São Paulo Consensus while providing updated policy analysis and policy responses as well as guidelines to strengthen UNCTAD and to enhance its development role, its impact and its institutional effectiveness.阿克拉协议以《圣保罗共识》为基础,同时提出了最新的政策分析和政策应对措施,提出了加强贸发会议的指导方针,强化贸发会议在发展方面的作用、影响力和机构效能。
UNCTAD should examine new and long-standing issues which can foster a better understanding of the feasible ways and means of ensuring that the positive impact of globalization and trade on development is maximized.贸发会议应研究新问题和长期未得解决的问题,从而能够深入了解以何种可行的方式和方法,确保最大限度地发挥全球化和贸易对发展的积极作用。
While working in support of all developing countries and countries with economies in transition, UNCTAD should enhance its work on the special problems of the African continent and of the least developed countries.在支持所有发展中国家和经济转型期国家的同时,贸发会议应着重处理非洲大陆和最不发达国家的特殊问题。
UNCTAD should also, as appropriate, enhance its work on the special needs and problems of small island developing States, landlocked developing countries and other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies.贸发会议还应当酌情加强研究小岛屿发展中国家、内陆发展中国家和其他结构薄弱、易受影响的小型经济体的特殊需求和问题。
It should also assist transit developing countries with their special challenges in relation to infrastructure and transport.贸发会议还应当协助过境发展中国家解决基础设施和运输方面遇到的特殊难题。
UNCTAD, within its mandate, should make a contribution to the implementation and follow-up to the outcomes of relevant global conferences.贸发会议应当在其职责范围内,为有关全球会议成果的落实和后续行动做出贡献。
It should continue to contribute to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.它应当继续推动国际议定的发展目标,包括《千年发展目标》的实现。
With all aspects of its work it will help to implement the global development agenda and pave the way to 2015.它将在其工作的所有方面协助执行全球发展议程, 为2015年铺路。
It should also contribute to the implementation of specific actions requested in the 2005 World Summit, the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001–2010, the Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation agreed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, and the Declaration of Principles and the Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society.此外还应当推动落实2005年世界峰会、《2001-2010年最不发达国家十年行动方案》、发展筹资问题国际会议《蒙特雷共识》、可持续发展世界峰会的《约翰内斯堡执行计划》以及信息社会世界峰会的《原则宣言和行动计划》中要求采取的具体行动。
It should also contribute to furthering the implementation of the internationally agreed goals in the Doha Ministerial Declaration and other relevant decisions.贸发会议还应当进一步推动落实《多哈部长宣言》和其他有关决定中国际议定的目标。
Sub-theme 1: Enhancing coherence at all levels for sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in global policymaking, including the contribution of regional approaches分主题1:在全球决策中为促进可持续发展和减少 贫困加强各层面协调,包括加强区域协调的作用
Policy analysis政策分析
Over the past two decades, national economic reform agendas have increasingly relied on market forces for more efficient resource allocation, focusing on improvements in the incentive structure and reduced State intervention.在过去20年中,各国在开展国家经济改革时更加借重市场力量提高资源分配的效率,注重改进奖励结构,减少国家干预。
In the last five years, these policies, combined with favourable global conditions, have contributed to promoting overall growth in income and stability in many countries.过去5年间,在有利的全球环境推动下,这些政策有助于促使不少国家收入的总体增长和进一步稳定。
However, proactive policies, at the national and international levels, that support capital accumulation and enhance productivity have been used for the successful integration of all developing countries into international economic relations and for sustained improvements in the welfare of all groups of the population.而在国内和国际上采取了支持资本积累和提高生产率的积极政策,争取所有的发展中国家都与国际经济成功接轨,并使人口中所有群体的福利得到持续的改善。
Regional integration and cooperation, including through specific initiatives and agreements, have become a prominent feature of the international economic landscape.区域一体化和合作,包括通过具体倡议和协定实现区域一体化和合作,是国际经济格局的一个突出特点。
Geographical and cultural proximity offers considerable advantages in a range of economic areas.地理毗邻和文化相近在一系列经济领域里成为巨大优势。
The further integration of developing countries and regions can contribute substantially to supporting national development agendas and fostering economic growth and efficiency, including by providing new trading opportunities and generating benefits of economies of scale for participating countries, and it is particularly important for countries of small economic size.发展中国家和地区进一步融入世界经济,包括为参与国提供新的贸易机会,创造规模经济的效益,可有力支持国内发展议程,促进经济增长,提高经济效率; 这对经济规模小的国家尤其重要。
Given the growing number of regional integration initiatives, their impact on developing countries deserves special attention taking into account different levels of development.鉴于区域一体化倡议不断增加,其对发展中国家的影响值得关注,其中要考虑到发展水平的不同。
In order to complement national development efforts, there is an urgent need to enhance the coherence, governance and consistency of the international monetary, financial and trading systems.为配合各国的发展努力,迫切需要增强国际货币、金融和贸易体系的协调、管理和一贯性。
To contribute to that end, it is important to continue to improve global economic governance and to strengthen the leadership role of the United Nations in promoting development.为此必须继续改善全球经济管理,加强联合国在促进发展中的领导作用。
With the same purpose, efforts should be strengthened at the national level to enhance coordination among all relevant ministries and institutions.本着同一目的,各国应加紧努力加强各有关部委和机构之间的协调。
Similarly, policy and programme coordination of international institutions and coherence at the operational and international levels should be encouraged in order to meet the Millennium Declaration development goals of sustained economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable development.同样,也应鼓励各国际机构进行政策和方案的协调,求得业务和国际层面上的统一,以实现《千年宣言》的可持续经济增长、减贫和可持续发展等各项发展目标。
Fast growth in the world economy in recent years has been associated with large current-account and capital-account imbalances.近年来世界经济的快速增长造成了经常账户和资本账户的严重失衡。
An orderly unwinding of global imbalances is a shared responsibility. It is important to promote international financial stability and sustainable growth.有序地减少全球失衡是共同的责任,必须促进国际金融稳定和可持续增长。
The efforts undertaken to this end by the International Monetary Fund and the Financial Stability Forum, as well as the consideration by the International Monetary and Financial Committee of ways to sharpen tools designed to promote international financial stability and enhance crisis prevention, are welcomed.因此欢迎国际货币基金和金融稳定论坛为此做出努力,欢迎国际货币和金融稳定委员会考虑如何强化有利于促进国际金融稳定和加强危机防范的手段。
The past few years have been characterized by a favourable international environment for the external debt of developing countries.过去几年有一个特点是国际环境对发展中国家的外债有利。
Improved global liquidity and policy improvements in developing countries have reduced risk aversion among international investors and resulted in large flows of private capital to middle-income developing countries.全球资金流动的改善和发展中国家政策的改善减少了国际投资者对风险的担忧,并使大量私人资本流入中等收入发展中国家。
However, recent episodes of financial turmoil indicate that these favourable conditions may not last forever.然而,最近的金融动荡局面表明,这些有利的条件不会永远保持不变。
Moreover, some countries, including a few developing countries and countries with economies in transition, are still characterized by large current-account deficits.此外,包括少数发展中国家和转型经济国家在内的若干国家仍然存在经常账户巨额逆差。
Effective public finance, including taxation, is an essential element in financing development.有效的公共财政,包括税收,是筹集发展资金的主要方式。
However, in many developing countries the current effective tax base is too small to generate adequate public revenues, and the institutional capacities for tax collection and redistribution policies are often weak.然而,在许多发展中国家,有效税基过小,无法产生足够的公共收入。收税和再分配政策执行机构的力量往往比较薄弱。
Official development assistance (ODA) can help a country to reach adequate levels of domestic resource mobilization over an appropriate time horizon, while human capital and productive and export capacities are enhanced.官方发展援助(官发援)可以帮助一个国家在一定时期内筹集到足够数量的国内资源,同时又可以增强人力资本及生产和出口能力。
For many countries in Africa, least developed countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, ODA is still the largest source of external financing and is critical to the achievement of development goals and targets in national development strategies as well as those of the Millennium Declaration and other internationally agreed development targets.对许多非洲国家、最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和内陆发展中国家而言,官发援仍然是外部融资的最大来源,对于实现国家发展战略中的发展目标和指标必不可少,也是实现《千年宣言》各项发展目标和其他国际议定目标的关键所在。
Thus, effective aid flows and cooperation in their delivery can be vital to efforts to achieve national and internationally agreed development goals while countries pursue efforts to develop sufficient domestic resources.因此,有效的援助资金流入和在提供援助方面开展有效合作,在各国努力开发筹措充足的国内资源的同时,对实现国家和国际议定的各项发展目标至关重要。
Despite debt relief initiatives, many developing countries still face financing challenges and require continued international support.尽管实施了债务减免倡议,但许多发展中国家仍存在融资困难,需要持续的国际支持。
ODA commitments, including those by many developed countries to achieve the ODA target of 0.7 per cent of gross national product by 2015, should be fulfilled in the context of the global partnership based on shared responsibilities.官发援承诺,包括许多发达国家作出的到2015年达到官发援占国民生产总值0.7%的目标的承诺,应当在立足于责任分担原则的全球伙伴关系范围内予以履行。
The substantial new aid commitments made by many donors should make it possible for net nominal ODA to surpass its current levels, already reached in the early 1990s.许多捐助国做出了大量新的援助承诺,这使官发援名义净值有可能超过早在1990年代初就已达到过的目前水平。
Policy responses政策应对措施
Efforts by developing countries to achieve the internationally agreed development goals should be firmly rooted in a global partnership for development and a strong United Nations system that is responsive and accountable to the needs and priorities of all countries, particularly the developing countries.发展中国家实现国际议定发展目标的努力应当深植于全球发展伙伴关系之中以及一个强大的、积极应对所有国家、特别是发展中国家需求和优先事项并能对之负起责任的联合国系统之中。
Policy diversity can help countries attain their development priorities and objectives.政策多样性可以帮助各国落实发展的优先事项和目标。
The diversity of economic conditions, cultures, human capital and historical experiences means that, while general principles for achieving sustained economic growth and human development can be identified, there is no one precise model for improved, growth-enhancing governance and institutions.经济条件、文化、人力资本和历史经验的多样性意味着,虽然可以找到实现可持续经济增长和人文发展的一般原则,但经过改善促进增长的治理和机构,并非只有一种确切的模式可循。
The specific policies and practices required for improved, growth-enhancing governance and institutions should be based on detailed and rigorous diagnostic analysis that identifies binding constraints on private-sector-led growth and development.经过改善促进增长的治理和机构所需的具体政策和惯例,应当建立在细致和严格诊断分析的基础上,找出制约私营部门拉动增长和发展的根源。
Thus, national strategies for development should take into account the needs and circumstances of each country.因此,国家发展战略应考虑到每个国家的具体需求和国情。
States are strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measure not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impedes the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries, and that affects commercial interests.强烈敦促各国不要颁布和实行任何不符合国际法和《联合国宪章》的单方面经济、金融或贸易措施,妨碍全面实现经济社会的发展,特别是发展中国家经济社会的发展,影响商业利益。
These actions hinder market access, investments and freedom of transit and the well-being of the population of affected countries.这类行动妨碍市场准入、投资和自由过境,以及受影响国家民众的福利。
Each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development, and the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized.各国对自身的经济和社会发展负有主要责任,国家政策和发展战略的作用如何强调都不为过。
National development efforts should be supported by an enabling national and international economic environment, and the effective implementation of a national development strategy can benefit from supportive regional and global policy measures and greater coherence in the international monetary, financial and trading systems.国家发展努力应得到有力的本国和国际环境的支持。扶持性的区域和全球政策措施,强化国际货币、金融和贸易制度的协调一致,有利于国家发展战略的有效实施。
Sustainable development requires, at the national and international levels, pro-growth macroeconomic policies that take into account their environmental and social impact, and efficient structural policies.可持续发展需要在国家一级和国际一级采取兼顾环境和社会影响和促进增长的宏观经济政策以及高效的结构性政策。
Such policies should be accompanied by strengthened efforts to improve government effectiveness, regulatory quality, transparency and accountability.实行这类政策的同时应加大力度提高政府效力、监管质量、透明度和问责程度。
Trade policies should be fully integrated into a sound domestic policy framework and national development strategies.贸易政策应该完全融入稳健的国内政策框架和国家发展战略之中。
Poverty reduction and trade should be incorporated into the United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs).联合国发展援助框架(发援框架) 应该将减贫与贸易纳入其中。
There are close links between sustainable development and poverty reduction and the empowerment of women and they are important for the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals.可持续发展、减贫与赋予妇女权利三者之间存在着密切的联系,这对于实现国际商定的发展目标十分重要。
Gender equality and women’s empowerment should be mainstreamed in development policies and practices.男女平等和赋予妇女权利应纳入发展政策及惯例的主流。
At the national level, coherence between macro- and microeconomic policies is crucial.在国家层面,宏观经济政策与微观经济政策的协调十分重要。
Microeconomic and structural policies can be designed to provide incentives for investment that can bring about productivity growth and improve the international competitiveness of domestic enterprises.微观经济政策和结构政策可以设计得具有刺激投资的作用,从而促进生产率的提高,增强国内企业的国际竞争力。
The impact of policies to foster industrial development and technological upgrading can be enhanced by policies to attract foreign direct investment and trade and competition policies.吸引外国直接投资的政策和贸易及竞争政策有助于增强产业发展政策和技术升级政策的影响力。
Macroeconomic policies and domestic investment incentives are more likely to succeed in stimulating investment when they are complemented by structural and technological change.宏观经济政策和国内投资激励措施,辅之以结构和技术变革,更有可能成功地刺激投资。
Trade integration is most effective when it is connected with technological upgrading and increases domestic value-added through a network of domestic forward and backward production linkages.贸易一体化若与技术升级相联系极有成效,通过国内生产的前向和后向联系网增加国内附加值。
The macroeconomic management of higher fiscal and foreign-exchange earnings from commodity exports should aim to ensure that the current boom in commodity prices contributes to sustainable development, including through structural change and reforms, strengthened revenue collection and appropriate transparency, diversification, industrialization and sustainable employment creation.对来自初级商品出口的财政和外汇收入的上升进行宏观经济管理,其目标应是确保目前商品价格的暴涨有利于可持续发展,包括利用结构变革和改革,加强税收和透明度、多样化、工业化和创造可持续的就业机会促进可持续发展。
Resource-rich developing countries, with the support of the international community, should also use rising resource rents to ensure long-term sustainability, by investing in material and human capital and by addressing employment and social needs.资源丰富的发展中国家,在国际社会的协助下,也应利用日益上涨的资源租金确保长期可持续性,进行物力和人力投资,同时解决就业和社会需求。
In developing countries, the imperatives of enterprise development and structural change imply the provision by institutions of mechanisms to implement policies designed to achieve high rates of investment and the adoption of new technologies.在发展中国家,企业发展和结构变革的必要性意味着应由机构建立有关机制,执行旨在实现高投资率和采用新技术的政策。
The guiding principle behind institutional reform should be to address the information, coordination and communication failures that undermine entrepreneurial decision-making and to improve transparency.机构改革的指导原则应当是解决损害企业决策的信息、协调和沟通失灵问题,并提高透明度。
The participation of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in international economic decision-making and norm-setting should be broadened and strengthened.应当扩大和加强发展中国家和经济转型期国家参与国际经济决策和准则制定进程。
Efforts to reform the international financial architecture continue to be important, given that enhancing the voice and participation of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the Bretton Woods institutions remains a continuous concern.改革国际金融结构的努力依然十分重要,因为加强发展中国家和经济转型期国家在布雷顿森林机构中的话语权和参与仍然是一个令人不断关切的问题。
Regional cooperation among developing countries, as well as integration where pursued, can reinforce national development strategies and multilateral agreements and enhance developing countries’ output growth, trade and influence.发展中国家之间进行区域合作,有的还争取实现区域一体化,这可以增强各国国内发展战略和多边协定,加强发展中国家的产出增长、贸易和影响力。
Such cooperation can deliver substantial development gains if it extends beyond trade liberalization and encompasses policies in support of growth, stability, industrial development, infrastructure, employment and structural change, it can also support innovative approaches and expand the policy options for development.这种合作如若扩大为贸易自由化,涉及到有利于增长、稳定、工业发展、基础设施、就业和结构改革的政策,可产生巨大的发展效益,还能够支持创新举措并扩大促进发展的政策选择范围。
Regional monetary and financial cooperation could be an important consideration in the further evolution of the international monetary system.区域货币和金融合作可成为国际货币体系进一步发展方面值得考虑的一大因素。
Regional financing mechanisms, such as regional development banks or regional capital markets, can complement international institutions and provide long-term sources of finance, especially for small economies that do not have well-developed domestic financial markets.区域融资机制,如区域发展银行和区域资本市场,可以成为国际机构的补充,尤其可为没有发展成熟的国内金融市场的小型经济体提供长期融资渠道。
Another positive form of cooperation involving a region’s central banks relates to trade facilitation and short-term financing.贸易便利化和短期融资是涉及区域中央银行的另一种积极合作形式。
Regional arrangements to promote stable exchange rates among countries within a region that enjoy a high and increasing share of intraregional trade and financial flows can be an important element in establishing a common market.在区域内贸易和资金流动量大且不断增长的地区,促进区域内各国汇率稳定的区域安排可成为构建共同市场的一项重要内容。
There is a need to enhance the role of regional and subregional agreements and free trade areas, consistent with the multilateral trading system, in the construction of a better world trading system.在建设一个更加完美的世界贸易体系过程中,需要增强符合多边贸易体系要求的区域和次区域协定以及自由贸易区的作用。
International financial institutions, including the regional development banks, should continue to support projects that promote subregional and regional integration among developing countries and countries with economies in transition.国际金融机构,包括各区域开发银行,应继续支持促进发展中国家和经济转型期国家的次区域和区域一体化的项目。
Monetary and financial stability at the national and international level and crisis prevention are important for sustainable development and growth.在国家和国际层面保持货币和金融稳定并预防危机,对可持续发展和增长十分重要。
All countries can contribute to international financial stability by promoting transparent, predictable and effective regulatory regimes.所有国家都能通过推行透明、可预测和有效的监管体制促进国际金融稳定。
At the national and international levels, monetary and financial stability has to be underpinned by effective institutions identifying and preventing potential crises.在国家和国际层面,保持货币和金融稳定,需要建立有效的机制,及时发现和预防潜在的危机。
At all levels this requires transparent, accurate and timely macroeconomic data, regular monitoring of debt structures and a comprehensive analysis of international capital flows.在所有层面,都需要透明、准确和及时的宏观经济数据、对债务结构的经常性监测和对国际资本流动的全面分析。
Multilateral surveillance needs to remain at the centre of crisis prevention efforts and should focus not only on crisis-prone countries but also on the stability of the system as a whole.多边监督必须保持在危机预防工作的核心位置上,不仅应当着重关注易发生危机的国家,而且也应关注整个体系的稳定。
Measures to mitigate the impact of excessive volatility of short-term capital flows and to improve transparency of and information about financial flows are important and must be considered.采取措施减少短期资本流动过分波动的影响,改善资金流动的透明度和信息传播,这十分重要,必须考虑采取。
Measures to deepen the resilience of economies to external and domestic shocks are also vital to crisis prevention efforts and should be enhanced.采取措施强化经济体抵御外部和内部冲击的柔韧性,对预防危机的努力来说至关重要,应当得到加强。
Beyond efforts to strengthen financial stability, policy measures and technical assistance to enhance the authorities’ responsiveness to risk, including strengthening macroeconomic management, mobilizing domestic resources and enhancing debt sustainability, are important.除了必须设法加强金融稳定外,旨在提高主管机构应对风险能力的政策措施和技术援助,包括加强宏观经济管理、调动内部资源及增强债务可持续性等,非常重要。
Debt sustainability is essential for underpinning growth and, with effective debt management, is important to efforts to achieve national development goals.债务可承受性是巩固增长基础的关键,而有效的债务管理对于实现国家发展目标的努力十分重要。
Debt sustainability analyses play a vital role in identifying the potential for debt crises.债务可承受性分析对于查明潜在债务危机起着关键作用。
Financial resources liberated through debt relief should be directed towards activities consistent with poverty eradication, sustained economic growth, sustainable development and the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.通过债务减免获得的财政资源应专用于经济增长、可持续发展和实现国际商定的发展目标,包括与《千年发展目标》有关的活动。
The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative should implemented fully and in a timely manner and additional resources should be provided to ensure that the financial capacity of the international financial institutions is not reduced.应当全面和及时执行《重债穷国倡议》和《多边债务减免倡议》,并应提供额外资源,以确保国际金融机构的财政能力不致受到削弱。
There is a need for all creditors, including non–Paris Club and commercial creditors to participate in this effort on an equitable basis.所有债权人,包括非巴黎俱乐部债权国和商业债权人,应平等参与这一努力。
Donors are urged to ensure that their commitments to the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative and the HIPC Initiative are additional to existing aid flows.应敦促捐助方在不影响其现有援助资金的情况下,对《多边债务减免倡议》和《重债穷国倡议》做出承诺。
Creditors and debtors are encouraged to fulfil their commitments as rapidly as possible and to engage in responsible borrowing and lending practices to achieve debt sustainability.应鼓励债权人和债务人尽快履行承诺,并采取负责任的借贷办法,以实现债务的可承受性。
Where appropriate, on a case-by-case basis, mechanisms such as debt swap should continue to be used.应酌情逐案分别情况继续采用债务转换等机制。
In the area of ODA, quantity and quality issues raise complex analytical challenges.在官发援方面,数量和质量问题的分析构成了复杂的挑战。
Neither measuring the quantity of aid nor measuring its quality or its effective use is an easy exercise.无论是测算援助量,还是衡量援助质量和有效利用情况,都不是容易的事情。
Further cooperation among development partners and the relevant international institutions, including the non-Development Assistance Committee (non-DAC) partners of development finance where appropriate, can improve country ownership, the closer alignment of external resources to national development priorities and mutual accountability.发展伙伴和有关国际机构,包括非发展援助委员会发展融资伙伴之间的进一步合作,可以改善国家拥有权,使外部资源更加确切地对准国家发展重点,并能够相互问责。
In this respect, the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness has made an important contribution, on which the United Nations system can build.在这方面,《援助实效问题巴黎宣言》做出了重要贡献,联合国也可以做出贡献。
The Conference welcomes the increased resources that will become available as a result of the establishment of timetables by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance by 2015 and to reach at least 0.5 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance by 2010 as well as, pursuant to the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001–2010, 0.15 per cent to 0.20 per cent for the least developed countries no later than 2010, and urges those developed countries that have not yet done so to make concrete efforts in this regard in accordance with their commitments.许多发达国家订出时间表,计划到2015年使官发援达到占其国民生产总值0.7%的目标,到2010年达到至少占其国民生产总值0.5%的目标,并根据《2001-2010十年期最不发达国家布鲁塞尔行动计划》,在2010年之前使援助最不发达国家的部分达到占其国民生产总值0.15%-0.20%,因此资源将有增加,大会对此表示欢迎,并敦促尚未这样做的发达国家,根据其承诺,在这方面做出具体努力。
International cooperation should continue to be supportive of the development efforts of middle-income countries, taking into account their economic and social characteristics and circumstances as well as their specific needs and priorities.国际合作应当继续根据中等收入国家的经济特点和条件及其具体需求和优先事项,支持它们的发展努力。
UNCTAD’s contribution贸发会议的贡献
UNCTAD, as the focal point within the United Nations system for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development, should conduct research into and analysis of macroeconomic policies, trade, investment, finance, debt and poverty, and their interdependence.贸发会议作为联合国系统在金融、技术、投资以及可持续发展等领域综合处理贸易和发展及其相关问题的协调中心,应当对宏观经济政策、贸易、投资、金融、债务和贫困及其相互之间的依赖关系进行研究和分析。
Such research should be used to help developing countries to meet their development goals, including poverty eradication, to improve the welfare of their citizens and to address the opportunities and challenges created by globalization.应利用这种研究协助发展中国家实现包括根除贫困在内的发展目标,改善公民福利,把握全球化带来的机遇,驾驭这方面的挑战。
UNCTAD should continue its important role and specificity in delivering policy analysis and identifying policy options at the global and national levels.贸发会议应继续发挥其重要作用和专长,在全球和国家层面作出政策分析,找出各种可选用的政策。
In its work on globalization and development strategies, UNCTAD should focus on:贸发会议在开展全球化和发展战略的工作时应将重点放在:
Identifying specific needs and measures arising from the interdependence between trade, finance, investment, technology and macroeconomic policies from the point of view of its effect on development;确定由贸易、金融、投资、技术以及宏观经济政策之间的相互依存产生的具体需求,并从其对发展的影响着眼,确定需要采取的措施;
Contributing to a better understanding of coherence between international economic rules, practices and processes, on the one hand, and national policies and development strategies, on the other;促使人们提高对国际经济规则、惯例和程序与国内政策和发展战略之间相结合的认识;
Supporting developing countries in their efforts to formulate development strategies adapted to their specific circumstances and to the opportunities and challenges of globalization;支持发展中国家根据具体国情以及全球化的机遇和挑战制定发展战略;
Addressing the complex and wide-ranging special needs and problems faced by landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies; and处理内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家及其他结构薄弱、易受影响的小型经济体面临的复杂、广泛的特殊需要和问题;
Contributing to the global development policy debate by highlighting the interlinkages between globalization, trade and development indicators based on reliable and timely statistics.根据可靠和及时的统计资料,突出介绍全球化、贸易和发展方面的统计指标之间的相互联系,为全球发展政策辩论建言献策。
UNCTAD’s expertise should be used to explore how globalization can support inclusive and equitable development, sustainable growth and appropriate development strategies, including an enabling environment for the private sector.应利用贸发会议的专长,探讨如何使全球化支持具有包容性的、平衡的发展,支持可持续增长和妥善的发展战略,包括为私营部门创造扶持环境。
It should also contribute to the objective of promoting full and productive employment by examining, in cooperation with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and other relevant international organizations, the contribution of trade to growth, employment creation and poverty reduction.它还应与国际劳工组织和其他有关国际组织合作,研究贸易对增长、创造就业和减贫的贡献,以此促进全面生产性就业目标的实现。
At the international level, UNCTAD’s work should contribute to increasing coherence in global economic policymaking, particularly in terms of the interdependence and consistency of international trade, investment and financial policies and arrangements, with a view to helping developing countries to integrate successfully into the global economy and to reap greater benefits from globalization.在国际上,贸发会议的工作应有助于加强全球经济决策工作的协调,特别是在国际贸易、投资和金融政策及安排的相互依存和统一方面的协调,帮助发展中国家顺利融入全球经济,并从全球化中收获更多的利益。
At the national level, areas to which UNCTAD should give special attention include:在国家一级,贸发会议应予以特别重视的领域包括:
The impact of growth-oriented macroeconomic and financial policies on development;面向增长的宏观经济和金融政策对发展的影响;
The creation of an enabling environment for the private sector and entrepreneurial investment;为私营部门和企业家投资创造有利的环境;
Policies to enhance the productive capacity of developing countries, particularly the least developed countries (LDCs), and improve their ability to compete in the global economy;提高发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家的生产能力及其在全球经济中的竞争力的政策;
Poverty eradication, income distribution and public revenue systems; and除贫制度,收入分配制度和公共收入制度;
Strengthening development-relevant domestic institutions.强化国内负责发展工作的机构。
UNCTAD should continue its analysis of debt and development finance issues and should maintain its capacity-building programme for public debt management.贸发会议应继续对债务和发展融资问题进行分析,继续执行公共债务管理能力建设方案。
On the basis of its analytical work, UNCTAD should continue to provide technical assistance and support for developing countries in building national capacities through the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) programme, in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other stakeholders.贸发会议应在其分析工作的基础上,并在国际货币基金组织、世界银行和其他利益相关者的合作下,通过债务管理和金融分析统(债管金融分析统)方案,继续向发展中国家提供技术援助和支持,帮助它们建立国家能力。
UNCTAD should continue to contribute to multilateral processes on external debt and finance, including in the “Paris Club” and the Development Cooperation Forum.贸发会议应继续推动,包括通过“巴黎俱乐部”和发展合作论坛,推动关于外部债务和融资问题的多边进程。
Maximum synergy should be sought between analytical work and technical assistance.应力争最大限度地实现分析工作与技术援助的协同效应。
UNCTAD must strengthen its special focus on the needs of the least developed countries and Africa across all areas of its mandate and in accordance with the Bangkok Plan of Action and the São Paulo Consensus.贸发会议必须在其任务所涉各个领域内按照《曼谷行动计划》和《圣保罗共识》的要求,更加注重满足最不发达国家和非洲的需要,
It should also continue to devote attention to other groups of countries with special needs, in accordance with those needs.贸发会议还应继续关注其他几类有着特殊需要的国家,设法满足其需要。
UNCTAD should contribute to the efforts by the United Nations system to make practical policy recommendations to ensure beneficial globalization for all developing countries, drawing on UNCTAD’s particular areas of expertise and comparative advantage.贸发会议应当推动联合国系统借助贸发会议在某些领域的专长和相对优势,努力提出实用的政策建议,确保所有发展中国家都能得益于全球化。
UNCTAD should support the development efforts of middle-income countries, in particular in facing specific challenges of sustainable economic development and poverty reduction.贸发会议应当支持中等收入国家的发展努力,特别是帮助这些国家努力应对可持续经济发展和减贫的具体挑战。
UNCTAD has traditionally played a substantive role in supporting economic cooperation among developing countries in all three pillars of its work.贸发会议工作的三大支柱部门一向都为支持发展中国家间的经济合作发挥重大作用。
It should strengthen its work in this area by:贸发会议应通过以下方面加强这一领域的工作:
(a) deepening research on and analysis of the synergies created by South–South trade, investment and finance;(a)对南南贸易、投资和融资创造的协同效应开展进一步深入研究和分析;
(b) upgrading data and analytical tools on South–South flows and cooperation;(b)南南资金流量和合作的数据收集和分析工具的升级换代;
and (c) (c)
promoting South–South and triangular cooperation.促进南南合作和三角合作。
Support to the Palestinian people should be intensified to alleviate the adverse economic and social situation in the Palestinian territory with a view to creating the conditions conducive to building a sovereign and viable Palestinian State in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions, the Road Map, the Annapolis Conference Joint Understanding and the Paris conferences.应加强对巴勒斯坦人民的支持,以缓解巴勒斯坦领土恶劣的经济和社会状况,以期创造有利条件,依照联合国的有关决议、《路线图》、《安纳波利斯会议共同谅解》及巴黎会议的规定,推动建立一个主权、有自持能力的巴勒斯坦国。
UNCTAD’s programme of assistance to the Palestinian people in the areas of capacity-building, trade policy, trade facilitation, financial management, development strategies, enterprise development and investments is welcome and should be strengthened with adequate resources and related operational activities.贸发会议在能力建设、贸易政策、贸易便利化、金融管理、发展战略、企业发展和投资等领域执行的援助巴勒斯坦人民的方案令人欢迎,此一方案应当通过投入充足的资源和开展相关的业务活动予以加强。
Sub-theme 2: Key trade and development issues and the new realities in the geography of the world economy分主题2:贸易和发展的关键问题和 世界经济布局新的现实情况
Policy analysis政策分析
Participation in the international trading system has created opportunities and challenges for developing countries, particularly LDCs.加入国际贸易体系为发展中国家创造了机会,也带来了挑战,特别对于最不发达国家来说更是如此。
Some developing countries have emerged as regional and global dynamos of trade.一些发展中国家作为区域和全球贸易的火车头崭露头角。
Competition for commodities has intensified.对初级商品的争夺加剧。
There is a move towards regionalism.区域主义开始萌生。
In the global pursuit of cost-competitive and quality-competitive labour, skills and services, a high premium is placed on knowledge, innovation and technological edge.在全球性的追求具有成本竞争力和质量竞争力的劳工、技能和服务的过程中,知识、创新和技术领先受到高度重视。
Reducing trade barriers can promote more efficient production and higher productivity and incomes while increasing access to goods and services.减少贸易壁垒,可促进效率更高的生产,提高生产能力和收入,同时还可以扩大获得商品和服务的机会。
More open markets, however, usually entail adjustment costs that are of particular concern in developing countries.但更加开放的市场往往也带来发展中国家特别关注的调整适应的成本问题。
These must be effectively addressed for developing countries to ensure that trade liberalization promotes fully inclusive growth, development and poverty reduction.必须为发展中国家切实有效解决这些问题,确保贸易自由化促进全面的增长、发展和减贫。
Maximizing the benefits and minimizing the costs of international trade liberalization calls for mutually supportive and coherent policies and governance at all levels.要尽量增加国际贸易自由化的收益和尽量缩小其代价,就需要各级政策和治理的相互支持和协调。
A challenge in the further development of the multilateral trading system is to ensure that trade will be an engine of economic growth and sustainable development, as well as poverty eradication.多边贸易体系进一步发展遇到的一个挑战,是确保贸易成为经济增长和可持续发展以及消除贫困的引擎。
A well-functioning, universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system can deliver major benefits for development.一个职能健全、普遍、建立在规则基础上的开放、不歧视和公平的多边贸易体系,可为发展带来巨大好处。
The Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations should contribute to this objective.多边贸易谈判多哈回合应促进实现这一目标。
The Doha Round should therefore also facilitate the beneficial integration of developing countries, including LDCs, and countries with economies in transition, into the international trading system, and its final results should ensure fair, balanced, equitable and market-opening commitments among all members.因此,多哈回合应便利发展中国家,包括最不发达国家和经济转型期国家加入国际贸易体系并从中受益,多哈回合的最后结果应确保所有成员都作出公正、平衡、公平和开放市场的承诺。
Accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is an integral part of the development strategies of most countries aiming to benefit fully from the international trading system.加入世界贸易组织是希望从国际贸易体系中全面受益的多数国家的发展战略的一个组成部分。
Making the WTO membership truly global is important.世界贸易组织真正实现成员的全球化十分重要。
While joining the WTO brings benefits, it can be a complex and comprehensive process.虽然加入世界贸易组织可带来好处,但它也是一个复杂和综合的进程。
In some cases, acceding countries lack adequate resources, policies and institutions.在有些情况下,加入国缺少足够的资源、政策和机构。
In this regard, the importance of technical assistance provided by UNCTAD, WTO and other donors, particularly for LDCs, is noted.在这方面,贸发会议、世贸组织和其他捐助方提供的技术援助,特别是向最不发达国家提供技术援助具有重要意义。
The process of accession of developing countries to WTO should be consistent with WTO agreements and with their developing-country status.发展中国家加入世贸组织的程序,应符合世贸组织的各项协定和发展中国家的地位。
Accession of countries with economies in transition should also be consistent with WTO agreements and with their status.经济转型期国家的加入,也应符合世贸组织的协定和这些国家的地位。
Some countries consider that they face excessive demands, beyond the commitments of WTO members, to accede to WTO.一些希望加入世贸组织的国家认为,对它们的要求过高,超出了世贸组织成员的承诺。
Different types of regional trade agreements, concluded among developed countries, developing countries, as well as between developed and developing countries, are proliferating.发达国家之间、发展中国家之间,以及发达国家与发展中国家之间达成的各种区域贸易协定,势如雨后春笋。
Almost 50 per cent of global merchandise trade is covered by regional trade agreements and is not subject to most-favoured-nation treatment.全球商品贸易近50%是在区域贸易协定下进行的,不享受最惠国待遇。
Regional integration can help developing countries to overcome the limitations of small economic size by creating more trading opportunities, enhancing efficiency, increasing attractiveness for foreign direct investment, enabling economies of scale and securing greater bargaining power for countries that are members of an integrated region, thus promoting economic and social development, as well as contributing to peace and stability.区域一体化可帮助发展中国家克服经济规模狭小的局限,创造更多的贸易机会,提高效率,增加对外国直接投资的吸引力,有助于实现规模经济,确保一体化区域成员国谈判实力的增强,从而促进经济和社会发展,也可促进和平与稳定。
Regional trade agreements should be transparent and consistent with multilateral trading rules and designed to contribute to an environment conducive to sustainable development.区域贸易协定应当透明,符合多边贸易规则,其宗旨是促进有利于可持续发展的环境的形成。
Notwithstanding their gradual erosion as a result of several factors, including, inter alia, multilateral trade liberalization, trade preferences, including the Generalized System of Preferences, play a useful role in helping countries achieve market access and become more competitive, especially when combined with long-term national strategies to promote adjustment by preference-dependent countries to more open international markets.尽管由于包括多边贸易自由化在内的多种因素,贸易优惠措施逐步受到削弱,但此种优惠措施,包括普遍优惠制在内,在帮助一些国家取得市场准入和提高竞争力方面发挥着有益的作用,尤其是若与长期国内战略相结合促使依赖优惠的国家为适应更加开放的国际市场而作出调整时更有作用。
The challenges regarding commodity trade continue to be a major issue in the twenty-first century.商品贸易所面临的挑战仍将是21世纪的一个重大问题。
While the current commodity boom has improved the situation of primary commodities in world trade and revived the potential role of commodity trade in contributing to sustained economic growth and poverty reduction in the globalized economy, key realities of the commodity economy remain, including price volatility in the sector, and its impact on incomes in real terms, limited development gains from the production and trade of primary commodities for many developing countries, especially LDCs, and continued difficulties in diversification.虽然当前的价格暴涨改善了初级商品在世界贸易中的处境,使贸易在全球化经济中重新发挥推动可持续经济增长和减贫的潜在作用,但商品经济的一些关键的现实问题依然存在,包括这一部门的价格极不稳定及其对实际收入的影响,很多发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家从初级商品生产和贸易中得到的发展效益有限,在实现多样化方面也依然困难重重。
A long-term resurgence in the demand for, and value of, primary commodities in world trade would hold out the possibility that commodity-dependent developing countries may be able to generate sufficient gains from commodity trade to relieve financing constraints and enable them to launch their economies on a sustained growth path of rising income, diversification and poverty reduction.世界贸易中初级商品需求和初级商品价值的长期复苏,使依赖商品的发展中国家有可能从商品贸易中取得足够的收益,从而解除资金的制约,使本国经济走上持续增长的道路,收入增加、经济多样化,贫困减少。
These prospects raise opportunities and challenges for trade and development, and the need for appropriate policy responses at the national, regional and international levels.这种前景为贸易和发展创造了机会也带来了挑战,必须在国家、区域和国际上采取适当的应对政策。
Several emerging issues have a bearing on the extent to which stronger demand and higher prices for commodities will be translated into sustainable growth, development and poverty reduction.对商品的强劲需求和商品价格的上扬在多大程度上能转化为持久的增长、发展和减贫,受到一些新出现问题的影响。
Key among these are:其中最关键的几个问题是:
the consolidation and concentration of firms in international commodity supply chains and the need for a competitive environment for commodities;国际商品供应链中企业的整合和集中而商品需要一个竞争性环境;
exchange rate appreciation and loss of competitiveness;汇率上升而竞争力丧失;
the distribution of the gains between different actors in the commodity sector;商品部门不同行为体之间获益的分配;
the channelling of revenues to investment in infrastructure and human capital;将收入用于对基础设施和人力资本的投资;
the relationship between greater commodity use and sustainable development;商品用量增加与可持续发展之间的关系;
the use of commodities as an asset;将商品作为一种宝贵财富使用;
as well as the implications of volatile energy and food prices.以及能源和食品价格波动的影响。
South–South cooperation has grown in importance, supported by a confluence of policy- and market-related factors.在政策和市场因素的共同作用下,南南合作的重要性增加。
The new opportunities for trade, investment and economic cooperation among developing countries need to be fully exploited, and this tendency should be encouraged and benefits extended to all regions.必须充分利用发展中国家之间贸易、投资和经济合作的新机会,应该推动这一趋势,使所有地区从中受益。
It should complement North–South trade and economic cooperation for development.南南合作应成为对南北贸易和经济合作促进发展进程的补充。
There is considerable potential for trade and investment among countries with economies in transition and developing countries.经济转型期国家与发展中国家之间的贸易和投资也存在巨大的潜力。
While all States have a responsibility to safeguard their population, technical regulations should be formulated and implemented in a manner consistent with the provisions of the multilateral trading system.虽然所有国家都有责任保护本国人民,但制定和执行技术性规范应符合多边贸易制度的规定。
There is a need to promote the full and meaningful participation of developing countries in international standard-setting processes, design new standards in a transparent and inclusive way and strengthen institutional and technical capacity in developing countries to facilitate compliance with new standards in export markets.需要促进发展中国家全面和真正地参加国际制定标准的工作,采取透明和包容性的方式制定新的标准,加强发展中国家的机构和技术力量,以便它们遵照实行出口市场的新标准。
If the opportunities arising from liberalization and integration are to be fully exploited, there needs to be an enabling environment that may include both national and regional competition policies and international cooperation, to deal with anti-competitive practices, particularly those that affect trade and development of developing countries.若要充分利用自由化和一体化所带来的机会,必须创造有利的环境,包括制定国家和区域竞争政策,开展国际合作,对付反竞争惯例,特别是影响发展中国家贸易和发展的惯例。
The increased scope of anti-competitive practices, including abuse of dominance, may negate the benefits of trade and investment liberalization by developing countries.反竞争惯例的范围扩大,包括滥用市场支配地位,会抵消发展中国家实行贸易和投资自由化带来的好处。
The services economy is the new frontier for the expansion of trade, productivity and competitiveness, and for the provision of essential services and universal access.服务业经济是扩大贸易、提高生产能力和竞争力,提供基本服务和普遍准入机会的新边疆。
In recent years, some developing countries have performed well in trade in services.近年来,一些发展中国家在服务贸易方面表现突出。
Positively integrating developing countries, especially LDCs, into the global services economy and increasing their participation in services trade, particularly in modes and sectors of export interest to them, remains a major development challenge.积极帮助发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家跻身全球服务业经济,提高它们参与服务贸易的程度,尤其是在对它们的出口有影响的贸易模式和部门中予以帮助,仍然是一大发展难题。
The process of liberalization shall take place with due respect for national policy objectives, the level of development of individual countries and the principle of progressive liberalization, as provided for in article XIX of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).自由化进程要根据《服务贸易总协定》第十九条规定,适当尊重国家的政策目标,具体国家的发展水平和渐进开放的原则的情况下展开。
Globalization and interdependence have resulted in increasing international migration flows.全球化和相互依存造成国际移民流的扩大。
This phenomenon has served to underscore the important nexus between international migration and development.这一现象突出表明了国际劳工流动和发展之间的关系。
All migrants should be accorded the full protection of human rights and the full observance of labour laws applicable to them, including the principles and labour rights embodied in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.对所有流动人员都应充分保护其人权,充分遵守对其适用的劳工法,包括劳工组织《关于工作中的基本原则和权利宣言》所载原则和劳工权利。
Globalized production processes, intra-company trade and just-in-time deliveries all require efficient, cost-effective and reliable transport and logistics services and fewer administrative hurdles.全球化生产工序、公司内部贸易和准时交货,都有赖于效率高、成本低和可靠的运输和物流服务,以及行政关卡的减少。
Access to global transport networks, reduced transport and transaction costs and effective trade facilitation measures are crucial for active participation in international trade.进入全球运输网、降低运输和交易成本,和有效的贸易便利措施,是积极参加国际贸易的关键。
In many developing countries, in particular LDCs and landlocked developing countries, the necessary basic transport infrastructure and essential trade facilitation measures are still lacking.很多发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家和内陆发展中国家,还缺少必要的基本运输基础设施和关键的贸易便利措施。
Further steps are needed at the national and international levels to achieve full implementation of essential trade facilitation measures.需要在国家和国际上进一步采取步骤,全面落实基本贸易便利措施。
Climate change must be addressed owing to its economic and human implications.气候变化对经济和人都产生着影响,因此这一问题必须得到处理。
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, is the appropriate forum for negotiating issues related to the reduction of global warming.《联合国气候变化框架公约》是根据共同但有差别的责任和各尽其力的原则谈判减缓全球变暖问题的适当论坛。
Climate change response measures can have trade and development implications, in particular for developing countries, especially LDCs, small island developing States and low-lying coastal States.应对气候变化的措施可对贸易和发展产生影响,尤其会对发展中国家特别是最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和低地沿海国家的贸易和发展产生影响。
The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity provides new opportunities for developing countries’ trade and investment, as well as for their small and medium-sized enterprises dealing with biodiversity products.保护和可持续利用生物多样性,可为发展中国家的贸易和投资,及其从事生物多样性产品生产的中小型企业提供新的机会。
Trade in products and services related to biodiversity provides, for some countries, an important tool for preserving biodiversity and enhancing development, while acknowledging the social, cultural, legal and economic complexity of this issue.生物多样性产品和服务贸易为一些国家提供了保护生物多样性和加速发展的重要手段,同时也应承认这个问题在社会、文化、法律和经济上的复杂性。
Traditional knowledge, genetic resources, innovation and practices are important assets of developing countries, but these can be subject to loss and misappropriation.传统知识、基因资源、创新和惯例,是发展中国家的重要财富,但这些财富有可能丢失或被滥用。
Their preservation, protection and sustainable use remain important.维护、保护和可持续利用这些财富仍是一个重要问题。
Aid for Trade is an important tool for international trade and development.贸易援助计划是促进国际贸易和发展的一个重要手段。
It can help all developing countries, especially LDCs, to meaningfully exploit market access opportunities.它可帮助所有发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家切实利用市场准入机会。
Implementation and effective use of Aid for Trade can help developing countries to put in place accompanying measures that assist them in implementing and benefiting from WTO agreements and more broadly in expanding their trade.执行和有效利用贸易援助,可帮助发展中国家制定辅助措施,帮助它们执行世贸组织的协定并从中受益,并在更大的范围内扩大其贸易。
Aid for Trade cannot be a substitute for the development benefits resulting from a successful and balanced outcome of the Doha Round but will be a valuable complement to them.贸易援助不能替代多哈回合圆满、均衡的成果带来的发展益处,但可以成为这些益处的重要补充。
Policy responses政策应对措施
In order to make globalization a positive force for all, with its benefits shared equitably, a comprehensive and coherent set of development policies and initiatives is required.为使全球化成为有利于所有人的积极力量,使人人公平分享其利,需要有一套全面和连贯的发展政策和举措。
Ensuring the effective, qualitative and beneficial participation of all countries, in particular developing countries, in the international trading system is a critical challenge and opportunity.确保所有国家,尤其是发展中国家有效、有质量和有收益地参与国际贸易体系是一项关键的挑战和机遇。
All WTO members should uphold and reiterate their commitment within WTO to promote a well-functioning, rules-based, open, equitable, predictable and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system that promotes development.所有世贸组织成员国都应当坚持并重申其在世贸组织内所作的承诺,推动建立一个运作良好、基于规则、开放、公平、可预测、无歧视和能够促进发展的多边贸易体系。
They must demonstrate their shared interest in, and the political will to achieve, the successful completion of the WTO Doha Round of negotiations and the full realization of its core agenda, in line with its overall development dimension.所有成员国都必须表明有共同兴趣和政治意愿争取圆满完成世贸组织多哈回合的谈判,并按其发展方面的总体目标充分实现其核心计划。
Developing countries, LDCs and countries with economies in transition that are acceding to WTO should be able to do so on terms that reflect their individual trade, financial and development circumstances.正在争取加入世贸组织的发展中国家、最不发达国家和经济转型国家应当能够以反映其各自贸易、金融和发展水平的条件来加入世贸组织。
These terms should be consistent with the rights and obligations of WTO members.这些条件应当与世贸组织成员国的权利和义务相一致。
WTO members should fully and faithfully implement the guidelines on LDC accession to WTO that were adopted by the WTO General Council on 10 December 2002.世贸组织成员应全面、认真地履行2002年12月10日世贸组织总理事会通过的关于最不发达国家加入世贸组织的准则。
Developing countries, in particular LDCs, and countries with economies in transition that are acceding to WTO should, as appropriate, be provided with technical assistance prior to, during and in the follow-up to the accession process depending on their level of development and needs, and impediments should be removed so as to facilitate the accession process.发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家以及经济转型国家,在加入世贸组织时,应视其各自发展的水平和需要,在加入进程之前、之中及其后续过程中酌情获得帮助,并应扫除各种障碍,以便于加入。
All countries must honour their respective commitments on duty-free and quota-free market access for LDCs, as provided for in the Ministerial Declaration of the Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference.所有国家必须都按照世贸组织第六次部长级会议《部长宣言》的规定,信守其各自在最不发达国家享受无关税和免配额市场准入方面做出的承诺。
Countries engaging in regional trade agreements should ensure policy coherence and compatibility with WTO rules.参加区域贸易协定的国家应确保其政策与世贸组织规则协调一致。
Both North–South as well as South–South regional trade agreements could serve as instruments for sustainable development and poverty alleviation and regional integration processes, and could strengthen the multilateral trading system.南北和南南区域贸易协定应成为促进可持续发展和扶贫以及区域一体化进程的手段,并有助于加强多边贸易体系。
Enhancing the integration of developing countries, particularly LDCs, into international trade requires building their productive capacities and bolstering their participation in value chains, including in new and dynamic sectors of world trade.增强发展中国家特别是最不发达国家跻身国际贸易的进程,要求提高这些国家的生产力,促进它们参与价值链分工,包括参与世界贸易中新的有活力的部门。
Innovation, adaptation and the adjustment of institutional structures for economic cooperation among developing countries, and regional and interregional forums for dialogue and cooperation, are important.发展中国家之间经济合作的体制结构区域和区际的对话与合作论坛的创新,整改和调整十分重要。
The Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries (GSTP) and other similar South–South interregional initiatives are important.发展中国家间全面贸易优惠制度(全面贸易优惠制)以及类似的南南区际倡议也十分重要。
In this context, the ongoing third round of negotiations of the GSTP (the São Paulo round) has an important role to play.在这方面,目前进行的全面贸易优惠制第三轮谈判(圣保罗回合)可以发挥重要作用。
GSTP and other South–South interregional initiatives can contribute to strengthening developing countries’ role as a dynamic force in the growth of world trade.全面贸易优惠制和其他南南区际倡议有助于加强发展中国家作为世界贸易增长中有活力的力量的作用。
Attention should be paid to helping countries with economies in transition and developing countries to mutually benefit from increased trade and investment flows.应注意帮助经济转型国家及发展中国家通过扩大贸易和投资而互利。
While developing countries must continue to assume responsibility for their own development, the international community should assist developing countries, especially LDCs, in their efforts to develop human, institutional, regulatory, and research and development capacities and infrastructure for effective, informed and beneficial participation in international trade and in the international trading system and to engage effectively and proactively in negotiations on international trade and related areas, including through appropriately tailored technical assistance.虽然发展中国家必须继续就自己的发展承担起责任,但国际社会应当比如通过提供有针对性的技术援助,协助发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家开发人力,提高机构、监管以及研究与开发的能力,发展基础设施,从而能够以有效、知情和受益的方式参与国际贸易,加入国际贸易体系,并能够有效和积极地参与国际贸易和相关领域的谈判。
Adequate resources should be allocated for these purposes, in particular within the framework provided by national development strategies and including those strategies aimed at poverty reduction that integrate trade-related assistance and capacity-building needs, including supply-side needs.应为上述目的划拨充分的资源,特别是在国家发展战略的框架内,包括那些减贫战略的框架内,这种战略将与贸易相关的援助和能力建设需要结合起来,包括把供应方面的需要也考虑在内。
Aid for Trade, including effective technical assistance, should aim to help developing countries in their efforts to implement and benefit from trade liberalization and reform so as to build productive capacities and trade-related infrastructure based on each country’s needs and priorities.贸易援助计划,包括有效的技术援助,其目标应当是帮助发展中国家实施贸易自由化和改革并从中受益,以便建设生产能力和与贸易相关的基础设施,并以各国的需要和优先目标为基础。
Increased and more effective Aid for Trade is needed to support all developing countries, in particular LDCs, to benefit from the rule-based international trading system.需要提供更多和更有效的贸易援助,帮助所有发展中国家特别是最不发达国家从基于规则的国际贸易体系中获益。
Additional, predictable, sustainable and effective financing is fundamental to fulfilling the Aid for Trade mandate.额外的、可预测、可持续且有效的融资对完成《贸易援助计划》的任务也很重要。
Beneficiary countries should mainstream trade and integrate Aid for Trade into their development strategies, in accordance with their national priorities, as a basis for effective and sustainable support.受益国应按照本国优先次序,将贸易主流化,并将《贸易援助计划》纳入其发展战略,以此作为有效和可持续援助的依据。
Standards and technical regulations must be developed transparently and applied non-discriminatorily, and should not pose unnecessary obstacles to trade.标准和技术规范必须以透明方式制定并须没有歧视地一概适用,不应对贸易构成任何不必要的障碍。
Developing countries should continue to be provided with technical assistance and capacity-building support to meet standards effectively.发展中国家应当继续获得切实达标的技术援助和能力建设支持。
In addition, effective measures should be taken to facilitate the full and meaningful participation of developing countries in international standard-setting processes.此外,应采取有效措施,方便发展中国家充分、真正地参与国际标准制定过程。
Special attention needs to be paid to improving the physical and quality-assurance infrastructure of developing countries and enhancing the participation of their small and medium-sized enterprises in global supply chains.应当特别注意改善发展中国家保证质量的物质基础设施,强化发展中国家中小企业参与全球供应链分工。
Meaningful trade liberalization will also require addressing non-tariff measures, including, inter alia, unilateral measures, where they may act as unnecessary trade barriers.真正的贸易自由化还需要解决非关税措施,其中主要包括单方面的措施,有时这些措施可成为不必要的贸易壁垒。
The use of unilateral actions that are inconsistent with WTO rules can have a negative effect on efforts to move towards a truly non-discriminatory and open trading system.采取不符合世贸组织规则的单方面行动,可能对努力实现真正不歧视和开放的贸易体系产生不利影响。
International efforts should be made to address non-tariff measures and reduce or eliminate arbitrary or unjustified non-tariff barriers.国际社会应努力解决非关税措施,减少或消除任意或不公正的非关税措施。
Efforts should be made to prevent and dismantle anti-competitive structures and practices and to promote responsibility and accountability of corporate actors at both the national and the international level, thereby enabling developing countries’ producers, enterprises and consumers to take advantage of trade liberalization.应做出努力,预防清除反竞争的架构和惯例,并在国家和国际两级强化企业行为体的责任和问责制,从而使发展中国家的生产者、企业和消费者都能从贸易自由化中获益。
This should be supplemented by the promotion of a culture of competition and improved cooperation between competition authorities.与此同时应当培养一种竞争的风气,改善竞争管理部门之间的合作。
Developing countries are encouraged to consider, as a matter of importance, establishing competition laws and frameworks best suited to their development needs, complemented by technical and financial assistance for capacity-building, taking fully into account national policy objectives and capacity constraints.应鼓励发展中国家作为一件大事,在充分考虑到其本国政策目标和能力制约因素的情况下,考虑制定最适合其发展需要的竞争法律和框架,同时以促进能力建设的技术和资金援助相配合。
States are encouraged to implement the voluntary consultation mechanism provided for in section F of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices, with a view to finding mutually acceptable solutions.鼓励各国使用《多边协议的一套管制限制性商业惯例的公平原则和规则》F节规定的自愿磋商机制,以便找到能够相互接受的解决办法。
Capacity-building for competition agencies in developing countries and countries with economies in transition should be strengthened.应当加强发展中国家和经济转型国家竞争管理机构的能力建设。
International cooperation to deal with anti-competitive practices, including through the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy, should be continued.应当继续开展国际合作,包括通过竞争法律和政策政府间专家组,处理反竞争惯例问题。
Furthermore, donors are encouraged to consider providing funding on a voluntary basis for an international project for capacity-building on national and regional competition law and policy.此外,应当鼓励捐助国考虑以自愿的方式为一项国际项目提供资助,用于国家和区域竞争法律和政策方面的能力建设。
The international community, especially donors and international financial institutions, should ensure that the Aid for Trade initiative is comprehensive in scope and delivered effectively, taking into account, as applicable, the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.国际社会,特别是捐助国和国际金融机构,应确保《贸易援助计划》具有全面性,并且能有效实施,并在适当时充分考虑到《援助实效问题巴黎宣言》。
Additional, predictable and sustainable and effective financing is fundamental to fulfilling the Aid for Trade mandate.进一步的、可预测和可持续的有效资助对于完成《贸易援助计划》的任务是具有根本意义的。
Aid for Trade is needed to support all developing countries, in particular LDCs, to better integrate into and adjust to the world trading system, and to build productive capacity, trade-related infrastructure and competitiveness.《贸易援助计划》对于支持所有发展中国家特别是最不发达国家都是需要的,能够帮助它们融入并适应国际贸易体系,提高生产能力、与贸易相关的基础设施以及竞争力。
In this context, the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries is important for LDCs.在这方面,《向最不发达国家提供涉贸技术援助的强化综合框架》对于最不发达国家来说十分重要。
Aid for Trade should meet the common and specific needs of developing countries in a demand-driven and needs-based manner.贸易援助应当由需求驱动和基于需求的方式来满足发展中国家的共同和具体需要。
Aid for Trade should thus reflect the priorities of beneficiaries and be consistent with their development priorities.《贸易援助计划》因而应反映受益国的优先目标,并且应与其发展的优先目标保持一致。
Actions are needed to deal with long-standing commodity trade and development opportunities and challenges in order to ensure that commodity-dependent developing countries, particularly the least developed among them, are able to derive increased benefits from the global integration of markets and to meet the Millennium Development Goals;需要采取行动处理长期存在的商品贸易和发展机会和挑战的问题,以确保依赖商品贸易的发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家,能够从市场的全球一体化中获得更多益处,并实现《千年发展目标》;
and to harness development gains from the boom in commodity prices.并能从商品价格的上涨中获得发展收益。
In relation to long-standing commodity trade and development opportunities and challenges, policy actions are needed to mitigate the impact of highly volatile prices and incomes, especially for agricultural commodities on commodity-dependent countries and poor farmers.关于长期存在的商品贸易和发展机会和挑战问题,需要采取一些政策行动,缓和因价格和收入大幅波动、尤其是农业商品价格和收入剧烈波动对依赖初级商品出口的国家和贫苦农民的影响。
Policies should also facilitate value addition and greater participation in commodity value chains by commodity-producing countries.还应制定政策,促进商品生产国增加附加值和更多地参与商品价值链分工。
Efforts should be made at all levels, and for all participants in the commodity sector, to improve transparency and accountability.各级均应做出努力,帮助商品部门所有参与者改善透明度和问责制。
Welfare safety nets, the use risk management tools to hedge against price volatility, diversification of the economic bases of countries benefiting from rising commodity prices, and facilitation of access to resources for financing commodity development are also important policies.建立福利安全网,使用风险管理工具对付价格波动,使商品价格上涨的受益国经济基础多样化,以及方便获得更多的资金促进商品开发,这些也是重要的政策。
Actions are needed to support the effective utilization by commodity-dependent developing countries of the opportunities offered by current higher commodity prices to initiate a process of sustained economic growth towards the goal of poverty eradication.需要采取行动,支持依赖初级商品的发展中国家更有效地利用目前初级商品价格上涨带来的机会,启动可持续经济增长进程、争取实现铲除贫困的目标。
The current commodity boom is also having serious detrimental effects on the commodity-importing developing countries, particularly LDCs. These detrimental effects range from balance-of-payments problems to reduced development expenditures and to food insecurity.目前的初级商品市场繁荣也对发展中的初级商品进口国、尤其是最不发达国家产生有害影响,从国际收支问题到发展支出减少和粮食无保障等一系列有害影响。
Concerns have also been expressed by some developing countries about market failures, the efficient functioning of markets and the need to improve dialogue between the food-importing and food-exporting countries to reduce and stabilize world food prices.一些发展中国家还对市场失灵、市场的高效运作以及必须改进粮食进口国和出口国之间的对话以降低和稳定世界粮价问题表示关切。
In this regard, the decision of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to immediately establish a high-powered task force, comprised of eminent experts and leading policy authorities, to address the current food crisis and its impact on poverty and the long-term food security challenges facing such countries is welcomed.在这方面,各方欢迎联合国秘书长决定立即成立一个很有权的工作队,由著名专家和显要政策权威组成,处理目前的粮食危机及其对这些国家面临的贫穷和长期粮食保障挑战造成的影响。
The increasing integration of developing countries into the global services economy will be facilitated by progressively lowering domestic and foreign trade barriers in the Doha Round and regional trade agreements.通过在多哈回合和区域贸易协定中逐步降低国内和外贸壁垒,将有助于发展中国家逐步融入到全球服务经济中。
Sound national, regional and international policies, strategies, regulations and institutions in the area of services are necessary to foster an enabling environment for building a competitive services supply and tackling poverty and infrastructure and human capital deficits.在服务领域,营造一种有利的环境,以便建立有竞争力的服务供应,并解决贫困和基础设施与人力资本的不足,需要健全的国家、区域和国际各层次的政策、战略、管理条例和机构。
Improved market-opening would unlock new opportunities in sectors of interest to developing countries.更好地开放市场,在对发展中国家十分重要的部门就会创造出新的机会。
The international community should then pay special attention to the services and modes of export interest to developing countries, including LDCs.因此,国际社会应当特别注意对发展中国家,包括最不发达国家具有出口意义的服务和模式。
In this context, developing countries underscore the importance to them of effective liberalization of temporary movement of natural persons under Mode 4 of GATS.在这方面,发展中国家强调,按照《服务贸易总协定》方式4,有效地放宽自然人的临时流动,对它们来说具有重要意义。
Developing countries, in accordance with their national development priorities and capabilities, should devise national and regional strategies, as well as complementary policies, and build regulatory frameworks and institutions, to develop competitive service sectors.发展中国家,应按照其本国发展的优先目标和能力,制定国家和区域战略,以及补充性的政策,建立监管框架和机构,以发展具有竞争力的服务部门。
The development implications of ensuring universal access to essential services merit particular attention.使人民普遍能够获得基本的服务对发展的意义,尤其值得重视。
Countries are encouraged to take into consideration the development dimension of migration in the areas of global, regional and interregional cooperation with a view to facilitating dialogue and the exchange of information and experience, fostering coordination at the regional and national levels, building common understanding, promoting cooperation, contributing to capacity-building and strengthening partnership among countries of origin, transit and destination in order to take full advantage of the benefits and opportunities that migration brings to the global community.鼓励各国在全球、区域和区际合作领域考虑到劳工流动对发展的重要意义,以便促进对话及信息和经验交流,促进区域和国家级别的协调,建立共识,促进合作,协助能力建设,加强原籍国、过境国和目的地国之间的伙伴关系,从而充分利用劳工流动给全球社会带来的好处和机会。
Oil exporters would gain from channelling revenues into investments in infrastructure and human capital for the benefit of future generations.石油输出国如果为造福后代而将石油收入用于基础设施和人力资本的投资,会有好处。
Attention should be given to the diversification of the energy matrix, including renewable energies.应注意使能源的组合多样化,包括使用可再生能源。
The international community, including Governments and international financial institutions, should promote an enabling environment for the development and utilization of financing mechanisms for new energy technology and infrastructure.国际社会,包括各国政府和国际金融机构,应当促进建立一种有利于开发利用融资机制的环境,发展新能源技术和基础设施。
Countries should also exchange experiences and analysis, in order to further explore the sustainable use of the biofuels alternative in a way that would promote social, technological, agricultural and trade development, while being aware of countries’ needs to ensure a proper balance between food security and energy concerns.各国还应当交流经验和分析结果,以便进一步探索使用替代性生物燃料的可能性,促进社会、技术、农业和贸易发展,同时认识到各国需要确保粮食安全与能源关切两者得到适当兼顾。
The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity provide opportunities in trade, investment and development for developing countries.生物多样性的维护和可持续利用为发展中国家的贸易、投资和发展提供了机会。
Strategies to facilitate trade in products and services related to biodiversity should be considered, as appropriate, to promote trade and sustainable development.应酌情考虑制定战略,促进与生物多样性有关的产品和服务的贸易,从而促进贸易和可持续发展。
Further work is needed to support developing countries, in particular LDCs, and countries with economies in transition on key issues at the interface between trade, the environment and development, such as new standards, including issues concerning eco-labelling and certification, as well as environmentally preferable products and the transfer of and cooperation on environmentally sound technology.在贸易、环境与发展相互关联的关键问题上,例如实行新标准,包括生态标签和认证、环境上值得优先采用的产品以及有利于环境的技术的转让和这方面的合作等,需要开展进一步的工作,支持发展中国家特别是最不发达国家以及经济转型国家。
National and international efforts are needed to preserve, protect and promote the sustainable use of traditional knowledge and genetic resources and to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of their benefits.需要各国及国际社会做出努力,以保存、保护和促进可持续地利用传统知识和基因资源,确保公正和公平地分享其收益。
The development of efficient transport, communications and logistics infrastructure and services, and capacity-building, are strategic factors in expanding trade opportunities, in particular for landlocked developing countries and LDCs.发展高效运输、通信和后勤基础设施及服务,加强能力建设,是扩大贸易机会的战略性要素,尤其对内陆发展中国家和最不发达国家而言。
Developing countries need to strengthen their trade and transport-related facilitation systems. Regional cooperation, partnerships and other initiatives in trade and transport facilitation should be developed and strengthened.发展中国家需要加强其贸易和与运输有关的便利制度,应当发展并加强便利贸易和运输方面的区域合作、伙伴关系和其他主动行动。
A multilateral legal framework on international trade facilitation would bring substantial development benefits, in particular to landlocked developing countries, recognizing the importance to them of technical assistance and support for capacity-building.鉴于技术援助和能力建设的支助对它们具有重要意义,制定便利国际贸易的多边法律框架,将能够带来巨大的发展效益,特别是给内陆发展中国家带来效益。
Trade should be further facilitated by more streamlined trade procedures, reduced administrative barriers and the increased use of information and communication technologies.应当通过简便化贸易程序,减少行政壁垒,更多地使用信息和通信技术,进一步方便贸易。
In view of the erosion of trade preferences, including the Generalized System of Preferences, which has both trade and development impacts on preference-receiving developing countries, including LDCs, there is a need to find appropriate solutions.贸易优惠,包括普遍优惠制遭到减损,对于接受优惠的发展中国家、包括最不发达国家的贸易和发展都有影响,因此需要找到适当的解决办法。
In this respect, the international community should support, through effective and appropriate measures, including the outcome of the multilateral trade negotiations, preference-dependent countries in their long-term strategies to diversify their economic bases, enhance competitiveness and productive capacities, develop new export opportunities, and to integrate into the global economy.在这方面,国际社会应当通过有效和适当的措施,包括多边贸易谈判的结果,支持依赖优惠的国家建立长期战略,使经济基础多样化,提高竞争力和生产能力,开拓新的出口机会,融入全球经济。
UNCTAD’s contribution贸发会议的贡献
UNCTAD’s contribution on trade and development should continue through analytical, consensus-building and technical assistance work in the areas of international trade in goods, services and commodities and the international trading system as provided below.贸易会议应按下文所述,通过在商品、服务和初级商品国际贸易领域开展分析、建立共识和技术援助工作,并通过国际贸易体系,继续在贸易和发展方面作出贡献。
UNCTAD should enhance its work on the linkages between trade and internationally agreed development goals and objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals.贸发会议应当加强研究贸易与包括《千年发展目标》在内的国际商定的发展目标之间的联系。
UNCTAD should continue to cooperate closely with other international organizations and foster coordination of system-wide United Nations activities in the area of trade and development.贸发会议应当继续密切与其他国际组织的合作,促进联合国整个系统内在贸易和发展领域的活动的协调。
UNCTAD should:贸发会议应:
Continue to monitor and assess the evolution of the international trading system and of trends in international trade from a development perspective, and in particular analyse issues of concern to developing countries, placing greater emphasis on practical solutions;继续从发展的角度,监测并评估国际贸易体系以及国际贸易趋势的演化,尤其应分析发展中国家所关切的问题,其中更着重寻求实际解决办法;
Continue its work on developments in the post-Doha work programme of particular concern to developing countries;继续研究发展中国家特别关注的多哈后工作方案的进展情况;
Help develop capacities in developing countries and countries with economies in transition to establish their own negotiating priorities, and their capacity to negotiate and implement bilateral, regional and multilateral trade agreements;帮助发展中国家及经济转型国家培养确立自己在谈判工作中的优先目标的能力,谈判并实施双边、区域和多边贸易协定的能力;
Intensify its trade and trade-related technical cooperation and capacity-building activities.加强贸易以及与贸易相关的技术合作与能力建设活动。
It should strengthen its contribution to the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries and the Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Programme (JITAP);贸发会议应加大力度推动落实《向最不发达国家提供涉贸技术援助的强化综合框架》和《一体化联合技术方案》;
Continue to provide and strengthen technical support to and cooperation with developing countries, according to their level of development, particularly LDCs and countries with economies in transition, prior to, during and in the follow-up to their WTO accession process;继续在它们加入世贸组织之前、加入过程之中及其后续活动中,向发展中国家特别是最不发达国家和经济转型国家,根据其发展水平提供并加强技术援助和合作;
Promote coherence and consistency of regional trade agreements with the multilateral trading system;促进区域贸易协定与多边贸易制度保持协调一致;
Support and strengthen regional cooperation mechanisms;支持并加强区域合作机构;
Examine ways of improving the utilization of trade preferences and of making preference schemes more predictable, and continue its work on the issue of erosion of preferences;探讨如何改善贸易优惠的使用和如何使贸易优惠计划更可预测,继续研究优惠受到减损的问题;
Assist developing countries, in particular LDCs, in integrating trade and development concerns into their national development plans and poverty reduction strategies; and协助发展中国家特别是最不发达国家在本国的发展计划和减贫战略中考虑到贸易与发展方面关切的问题;
Assist structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies in their efforts to integrate into the multilateral trading system and to address their exposure to internal and external economic shocks.协助结构上脆弱并且规模较小的国家融入多边贸易体系,并解决它们容易遭受内部和外部经济冲击的问题。
UNCTAD should continue to play a key role, with appropriate coordination with other international and regional actors, including with relevant international commodity bodies, to address the trade and development problems associated with the commodity economy, giving due attention to all commodity sectors such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, metals and minerals and oil and gas.贸发会议应继续发挥关键作用,在与其他国际和区域行为体进行适当协调的情况下,包括与有关国际商品机构进行协调,解决与初级商品经济相关的贸易与发展问题,适当注意所有初级商品部门,例如农业、林业、渔业、金属和矿产以及石油和天然气。
In this context, it should monitor developments and challenges in commodity markets and address links between international commodity trade and national development, particularly with regard to poverty reduction.在这方面,贸发会议应当监测初级商品市场中的发展动态和挑战,解决国际初级商品贸易与国家发展、特别是与减贫的联系。
UNCTAD should enhance its efforts, under the three pillars of its work, to help commodity-dependent developing countries to harness development gains from the current boom in commodity prices, as well as to deal with trade and development problems related to commodity dependence.贸发会议应在其三大项工作中,加强努力,帮助依赖初级商品的发展中国家从目前的初级商品价格上涨中获得发展收益,并解决与初级商品依赖相关的贸易与发展问题。
In this context, it should:在这方面,贸发会议应:
Assist commodity-dependent developing countries, particularly small commodity producers, in their efforts to:协助依赖初级商品的发展中国家,特别是较小的初级商品生产国,努力做到:
develop national commodity strategies, including mainstream commodity policies into their national and regional development strategies;制订国家初级商品战略,包括将初级商品政策纳入本国和区域发展战略的主流;
build supply-side capacity and attain competitiveness;扩大供应能力并形成竞争力;
move up value chains and diversify commodity sectors;向价值链分工的高端发展,并使商品部门多样化;
comply with public and private international trade standards;遵照执行公共和私营部门的国际贸易标准;
access commodity information and databases;获取商品信息和数据库;
take advantage of export opportunities for commodities in emerging markets;充分利用在新兴市场出现的初级商品出口机会;
assist developing countries, upon request, in building human and institutional capacities;协助发展中国家进行人力和机构能力建设;
assist developing countries, on request, in promoting and improving transparency and accountability in the public, private and corporate sectors in order to enable the countries concerned to maximize the benefits that accrue to them from the extractive industries, taking into account, where appropriate, the implementation of relevant initiatives on extractive industries;协助提出请求的发展中国家增进提高公共、私营和公司部门的透明度和问责制,以便考虑到有关的采掘业倡议的实施情况,使有关国家能够最大限度地从采掘行业获得收益;
establish effective marketing systems and support frameworks for small commodity producers, including economically viable safety-net programmes;为较小的商品生产国建立有效的销售系统和支持框架,包括实行经济上可行的安全网方案;
and develop commodity financing and risk management schemes (including commodity exchanges).发展初级商品融资和风险管理机制 (包括初级商品交易所)。
In carrying out this work, UNCTAD should avoid duplication and therefore work in coordination with other relevant actors already active in this area;在开展这些工作时,贸发会议应避免工作重复,因此应与其他已经活跃在这一领域的相关行为体进行协调;
Promote intergovernmental cooperation in the field of commodities and consensus-building on ways of integrating commodity policies into national, regional and international development and poverty reduction strategies;促进在初级商品领域开展政府间合作,就如何将初级商品政策纳入国家、区域和国际发展以及减贫战略建立共识;
trade-related policies and instruments for resolving commodity problems;推动采用解决初级商品问题的与贸易有关的政策和工具;
and investment and financial policies for accessing financial resources for commodity-based development, including with respect to ODA, Aid for Trade and other possibilities;推行投资和金融政策,使得商品开发方面的工作能够获得资金,包括获得官发援、贸易援助以及其他便利;
Contribute to building effective multi-stakeholder partnerships with a view to identifying innovative approaches to resolving commodity-related problems.促进建立有效的多种利益相关方组成的伙伴关系,以期找到创新的方法,来解决与初级商品有关的问题。
UNCTAD should strengthen its comprehensive work on services, trade and development by:贸发会议应当以下列方式加强对服务、贸易与发展的全面研究工作:
Enhancing its analysis of the capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to increase their participation in global services production and trade;加强对发展中国家和经济转型国家能力的分析,扩大它们对全球服务业生产与贸易的参与;
Assisting developing countries and countries with economies in transition in establishing regulatory and institutional frameworks and cooperative mechanisms to support strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness;协助发展中国家和经济转型国家建立监管和机构框架以及合作机制,支持它们加强本国的服务生产能力及效率和竞争力;
Providing support in national services assessment and policy reviews;为各国的服务业评估和政策评审提供支持;
Examining issues relating to the liberalization of trade in services and its development impact, including at the regional level;审查服务贸易自由化以及对发展的影响等问题,包括在区域一级的影响;
Giving attention to multilateral rule-making in services, taking into account the interests and concerns of developing countries;在考虑到发展中国家的利益和关切的情况下,注意服务业多边规则的制定工作,;
Fostering recognition of qualifications and standards;促进对资格和标准的承认;
Providing support to multilateral and regional negotiations on services;为多边和区域性的服务业谈判提供支持;
and (h)(h)
Strengthening services data and statistics.加强服务业的数据收集和统计。
Without prejudice to the work undertaken in other forums and in cooperation with other organizations, UNCTAD, within its mandate and in relation to the contribution of migrants to development, should conduct research and analysis on the potential benefits and opportunities of trade, investment and developmental links between countries of origin of migrants and their communities abroad.在不影响其他论坛已经开展的工作并与其他组织合作的情况下,贸发会议在本身的任务范围内并在涉及外劳对发展的贡献时,研究和分析外劳原籍国和国外外劳社群之间在贸易、投资和发展方面的联系的潜在好处和机会。
UNCTAD should also:贸发会议还应:
Help strengthen the participation of developing countries in dynamic and new sectors of world trade;帮助加强发展中国家对有活力的新的世界贸易部门的参与;
Address the trade and development impact of non-tariff barriers;处理非关税壁垒对贸易和发展的影响;
Further improve and disseminate its analytical tools, such as the Trade and Development Index, and databases and software, such as TRAINS/WITS;进一步改进并传播其各种分析工具,例如贸易发展指数、数据库和软件,例如贸易分析和信息系统/世界综合贸易方案(TRAINS/WITS);
and (d)(d)
Strengthen its work on the linkages between trade and internationally agreed development goals and objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals, including poverty reduction and gender equality.加强研究贸易与国际商定的发展目标和目的,包括《千年发展目标》、包括减贫和性别平等在内的目标和目的的联系。
UNCTAD should promote and support economic cooperation among developing countries, including through the exchange of experiences and institution-building.贸发会议应促进和支持发展中国家间经济合作,途径包括经验交流和体制建设。
It should upgrade its data and analytical tools on South–South trade and strengthen related technical assistance programmes.应当更新其关于南南贸易的数据收集和分析工具,加强有关的技术援助方案。
It should also continue its support for the revitalization and greater utilization of the Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries and other initiatives that stimulate South–South trade.还应当继续支持全面贸易优惠制的振兴及发展中国家对全面优惠制的更多利用,并支持促进南南贸易的其他倡议。
UNCTAD’s work on energy-related issues should be addressed from the trade and development perspective, where relevant in the context of UNCTAD’s work on commodities, trade and environment, new and dynamic sectors, and services.贸发会议围绕与能源相关的问题开展的工作应当从贸易和发展的角度着手,酌情联系贸发会议围绕商品、贸易和环境、新的有活力部门、服务业等方面所开展的工作进行。
UNCTAD should continue its work under the Biofuels Initiative, striving to maximize trade and development gains for developing countries and countries with economies in transition while minimizing the potentially adverse environmental and social aspects of the biofuel option.贸发会议应继续开展关于生物燃料倡议的工作,努力为发展中国家和经济转型国家取得最大贸易和发展方面的效益,同时将生物燃料方案对环境和社会的潜在不利影响降到最低。
UNCTAD, within its mandate and without duplicating the ongoing work of other organizations, should consider climate change in its ongoing work of assisting developing countries with trade- and investment-related issues in development strategies.贸发会议在其任务范围内,并在不重复其他组织正在进行的工作的情况下,应在其开展的协助发展中国家在发展战略中处理贸易、投资和发展问题的工作中,考虑到气候变化因素。
UNCTAD should continue to provide support to developing countries and countries with economies in transition on issues at the interface between trade and environment, such as market access, agriculture, the transfer of environmentally sound technology, environmental goods and services, environmentally preferable products, and standards, including issues concerning eco-labelling and certification costs, and follow up on trade-related issues contained in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.贸发会议应当继续在贸易与环境等问题上,向发展中国家及经济转型国家提供支持,例如市场准入、农业、环境无害技术的转让、环境商品和服务、有利环境的产品和标准,包括与生物标签和认证费用有关的问题,并就《约翰内斯堡执行计划》所包含的与贸易相关的问题开展后续行动。
It should strengthen work on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)-UNCTAD Capacity-Building Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development.贸发会议应加强联合国环境规划署(环境署)和贸发会议合设贸易、环境与发展方面能力建设问题专门工作组的工作。
UNCTAD should continue to build on its experience to enhance its Biotrade Initiative, which gives support to the growing market for biodiversity products and services produced in a sustainable manner.贸发会议应继续运用自己的经验,加强《生物贸易倡议》的效力。 这一倡议支持了以可持续方式生产的生物多样性产品和服务市场的日益扩大。
The Biotrade Initiative should continue to support the creation of an enabling policy and environment to foster private sector engagement in the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, while acknowledging the social, cultural, legal and economic complexity of this issue.《生物贸易倡议》应当继续支持制定有利的政策和环境,促进私人部门参与生物多样性的可持续利用和保护,同时承认这一问题所具有的社会、文化、法律和经济的复杂性。
UNCTAD should further promote and support cooperation, including by facilitating voluntary consultations among member States and regional groupings, in line with section F of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices, adopted by the General Assembly in 1980 and reaffirmed in the São Paulo Consensus and at the Fifth Conference to Review All Aspects of the Set, held in 2005.贸发会议应进一步促进和支持合作,包括根据大会1980年通过并得到《圣保罗共识》以及2005年的第五次全面审查会议确认的《多边协议的一套管制限制性商业惯例的公平原则和规则》F节,促进成员国和区域集团之间的自愿协商。
UNCTAD is the focal point on the work on competition policy and related consumer welfare within the United Nations system.贸发会议是联合国系统内处理竞争政策和相关消费者福利的主管部门。
It provides to its member States a forum for intergovernmental policy dialogue and consensus-building in the area of competition laws and policies.在竞争法律和政策方面,贸发会议向成员国提供了开展政府间政策对话和建立共识的论坛。
It should continue to carry out research and analysis in this area for, and/or in collaboration with, its member States and international networks on competition policy.贸发会议应继续为各成员国和国际性竞争政策研究网服务,并且或者与其合作开展这方面的研究与分析。
UNCTAD should continue to be a forum to discuss competition issues on the multilateral level, with close linkages to existing networks of competition authorities, and to promote the use of competition law and policy as tools for achieving domestic and international competitiveness.贸发会议应继续作为多边讨论竞争问题的论坛,与现有的各竞争主管部门网保持密切联系,并推动各国将竞争法律和政策作为工具,用以提高国内和国际竞争力。
UNCTAD’s work in this area should promote competition law regimes that take into account the prevailing conditions in the developing countries.贸发会议在这一领域应当努力提倡制订考虑到发展中国家现有条件的竞争法律制度。
Accordingly, future action by UNCTAD in this area needs to focus on:因此,贸发会议今后在这方面采取的行动需要侧重:
The preparation and implementation of national and regional competition law and policies and measures appropriate to developing countries’ development needs and their consumers’ welfare;制订并实施适合发展中国家的发展需要及其消费者福利的国内和区域竞争法律、政策及措施;
Research and deliberations regarding anti-competitive practices in different sectors, their effects on consumer welfare and global markets and developing countries’ markets in particular, and mechanisms to address such effects;研究和讨论不同产业部门的反竞争惯例,其对消费者的利益和全球市场、尤其是对发展中国家市场的影响,以及处理这种影响问题的机制;
Examining all issues relating to the interface between competition, privatization and innovation and their impacts on trade and development, including at the regional level;探讨竞争、私有化和创新相互之间的所有有关问题及其对贸易和发展的影响,包括区域一级的影响;
Providing support to regional and South–South cooperation on competition policies;向竞争政策方面的区域和南南合作提供支持;
Supporting developing countries in the formulation and implementation of competition laws;支持发展中国家拟定和实施竞争法律;
Voluntary peer reviews of competition policy in UNCTAD should be extended to a wider group of developing countries and their regional economic organizations;在贸发会议内对竞争政策自愿进行的同行评审应当扩大到更多的发展中国家及其区域经济组织;
and (g)并 (g)
Facilitating the exchange of experiences and best practices in capacity-building in different regions, including programmes like the technical assistance programme on competition and consumer protection policies for Latin America (Compal), which should be strengthened.促进不同地区交流能力建设的经验和最佳做法,包括像应当得到加强的拉丁美洲竞争和消费者保护技术援助方案一类的方案的交流。
Taking into account the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Development Agenda and without prejudice to the work undertaken in other forums, UNCTAD, within its mandate, should continue to undertake research and analysis on trade and development aspects of intellectual property, including on the protection of traditional knowledge, genetic resources and folklore and fair and equitable sharing.在考虑到世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)的《发展议程》,并在不影响其他论坛工作的情况下,贸发会议应在自己的任务范围内,就知识产权涉及的发展层面,并就保护传统知识、基因资源、民间传说以及公平分享等问题,继续开展研究。
UNCTAD should continue to play an important role in developing and implementing projects under Aid for Trade.贸发会议应继续在制订和实施《贸易援助计划》方面的项目上发挥重要作用。
UNCTAD should continue to provide focused support to developing countries, in building their capacity to meaningfully participate in, and benefit from, the international trading system and to address the opportunities and challenges that this system offers.贸发会议应继续着重支持发展中国家,帮助它们加强能力,使其能够真正参与国际贸易体系,从中获益,并探讨处理这一体系所提供的机会和挑战问题。
UNCTAD should provide technical assistance to landlocked developing countries and transit developing countries to help them ensure that adequate and efficient infrastructure and services, as well as effective transit transport arrangements, are in place to support trade.贸发会议应向内陆发展中国家和过境发展中国家提供技术援助,帮助它们获得足够和有效的基础设施和服务,并获得有效的过境运输安排,以便支持贸易。
Sub-theme 3: Enhancing the enabling environment at all levels to strengthen productive capacity, trade and investment: mobilizing resources and harnessing knowledge for development分主题3:改进各级扶持环境,以提高生产能力、 贸易和投资:筹集资源和利用知识促进发展
Policy analysis政策分析
Successful integration into international trading, production and technology networks depends both on boosting productive capacities and on benefiting from the activities of transnational corporations (TNCs), through, inter alia, establishing business linkages between domestic small and medium-sized enterprises and global TNCs and enabling them to enter into global and regional value chains through such linkages.能否成功地融入国际贸易、生产和技术网络,既取决于提高生产能力,还取决于从跨国公司的活动中受益,其中主要包括在国内中小企业与全球性跨国公司之间建立经营联系,并利用这种联系使这些企业进入全球和区域价值链分工。
Achieving this requires enabling policies at both the national and the international level to encourage enterprise development by, inter alia, fostering business linkages, industry clusters and entrepreneurship.要实现这一目标就需要在国家和国际层面采取扶持政策,主要通过增进企业联系,发展产业集群,发扬创业精神,以促进企业发展。
Global inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI), including to developing countries, have increased in recent years.外国直接投资(直接外资)的全球流动,包括向发展中国家的流动近年来急剧增加。
However, they remain uneven in terms of economic activities and recipient countries.然而,以经济活动和外资接收国而言,这些流动依然不均衡。
For instance, investments in some countries, especially in Africa, remained concentrated in extractive industries in 2006.例如,对某些国家的投资,尤其是对非洲的投资,2006年主要集中在采掘业。
LDCs still attract only 0.7 per cent of global inflows (or 2.5 per cent of inflows to developing countries).最不发达国家仍只占全球流入量的0.7%(或占发展中国家总流入量的2.5%)。
The question of how to maximize benefits from global investment activities for developing countries, particularly LDCs, requires further attention.需要进一步重视解决如何使发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家从全球投资活动中获得最大收益的问题。
While most FDI still originates in developed countries, the South accounts for a growing share of outward FDI.尽管直接外资大部分仍起源于发达国家,但南方目前在直接外资流出量中所占份额日益增加。
The rise of Southern TNCs is a relatively recent trend that opens new development opportunities.南方跨国公司的崛起是新出现的趋势,它带来了新的发展机遇。
South–South FDI constitutes almost half of all inward FDI in a number of LDCs.在几个最不发达国家,南南直接外资目前已占直接外资总流入量的几乎过半。
In addition to capital flows, FDI can generate employment, transfers of technology and knowledge, access to international markets and competition.除了资本流动以外,直接外资带来了就业、技术和知识的转让,进入国际市场的机会和竞争。
Furthermore, FDI can be complementary to national, regional and international efforts to mobilize resources for development.此外,直接外资还可为国家、区域和国际的发展筹资努力做出补充。
Along with the expected benefits of FDI, potential risks include crowding out local investments, anti-competitive practices, transfer pricing and environmental and social impacts.直接外资除带来预期收益之外,还存在一些潜在风险,包括排挤当地投资,反竞争惯例,转移定价和环境及社会影响。
Countries should therefore consider both the quality and quantity of FDI.因此各国应对直接外资的质和量两方面都要加以考虑。
To seize opportunities, countries need active and well-sequenced policies to maximize the development benefits of investment flows.为抓住机遇,各国需要采取积极的、有条不紊的政策,以尽量扩大投资流入产生的发展效益。
In relation to international investment agreements, there is a need to balance the interests of home countries, host countries and foreign investors.在国际投资协定方面,应平衡母国、东道国和外国投资者之间的利益。
The settlement of disputes between investors and States deserves special attention, and national capacities to negotiate development-friendly investment agreements need to be enhanced.应特别重视投资者与国家之间的争端解决问题,同时也应加强各国谈判达成有利于发展的投资协定的能力。
Infrastructure improvements and domestic reforms are crucial to attracting FDI.改善基础设施和推行国内改革对于吸引直接外资极为重要。
The effectiveness of national policies could be enhanced if complemented by well-designed international rules and cooperation that take into account individual countries’ particular circumstances.利用兼顾各国具体国情的周全的国际规则和合作对国家政策加以补充,可大大提高国家政策的效力。
Developing countries should pursue development strategies that are compatible with their specific conditions within the framework of an enabling State, which is a State that deploys its administrative and political means for the task of economic development, efficiently focusing human and financial resources.发展中国家应当在一个扶持性国家的框架内,推行与其具体国情相符的发展战略,扶持性国家指一个国家部署运用行政和政治手段,高效集中使用人力和财力,执行经济发展任务。
Such a State should also provide for the positive interaction between the public and private sectors.这样的一个国家还应为公私营部门之间的积极互动创造条件。
Building productive capacities requires the establishment of an enabling environment for private sector development which takes into account the dynamics of different kinds of enterprises.提高生产能力需要建立一个兼顾不同类型企业的活力、有利于私营部门发展的扶持环境。
In seeking to seize opportunities from globalization, small and medium-sized enterprises from developing countries face challenges in terms of managerial and financial resources and the ability to upgrade and innovate.发展中国家的中小企业要把握全球化带来的机遇,就必须解决在管理人才和资金方面的困难,同时解决在提升和革新方面能力有限的困难。
The development of entrepreneurial capacities in this respect is crucial, in particular in LDCs.在这方面发展培养创业能力是极为关键的,尤其是在最不发达国家。
Insurance can help facilitate trade and commerce, generate employment, contribute to building developing countries’ financial markets and spread risk.保险业有助于促进贸易和商业,创造就业,有利于增强发展中国家的金融市场和分散风险。
Catastrophe risk insurance has become particularly important.灾害保险已具有特殊的重要性。
The insurance services sector needs to be improved in many developing countries.许多发展中国家保险服务业仍有待改进。
New demands for financial and non-financial corporate transparency also create challenges, as reporting standards and codes are formulated for highly developed capital markets.对公司财务和非财务方面透明度提出的新要求也带来了一些挑战,因为各种报告标准和准则是为高度发达的资本市场制定的。
Implementation can be a further challenge.执行工作又是另一项难题。
In view of growing environmental concerns, companies will face rising demands from various stakeholders on environmental accounting and financial reporting.鉴于对环境问题的关注日益增加,公司将面对各利益相关方日益提高的环境会计和财务报告要求。
The technology gap is linked to the socio-economic gap between and within nations.技术差距是致使各国之间和各国内部经济社会差距日益扩大的重要原因之一。
Today, all countries, including LDCs, need to harness knowledge and technology, and stimulate innovation, if they are to be competitive and benefit from trade and investment.目前所有发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家都需要利用知识和技术、推动革新,从而获得竞争力并从贸易和投资中获益。
Efforts are needed to ensure that intellectual property systems contribute to the promotion of technological innovation and to the transfer and dissemination of technology, to the mutual advantage of producers and users of technological knowledge and in a manner conducive to social and economic welfare and to a balance of rights and obligations, in accordance with article 7 of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the TRIPS Agreement).应努力根据《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》第7条,确保知识产权制度有助于促进技术革新和技术转让和传播,为技术知识的生产者和使用者都带来益处,并有助于改进社会经济福祉,平衡权利与义务。
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are helping to drive globalization by lifting enterprises into the knowledge-based economy.信息和通信技术(信通技术)正在将企业提升进入知识型经济,从而驱动全球化。
They also contribute to the fragmentation of global value chains.但信通技术也使全球价值链分工的分散。
Access to low-cost ICTs, in particular telecommunications, is crucial to the development of a competitive business sector, even in traditional activities of importance to developing countries, such as tourism.对于发展具有竞争力的企业部门而言,获得低成本的信通技术,尤其是在电信方面,是至关重要的,甚至在旅游业等对发展中国家具有重要意义的传统活动方面也是如此。
Trade facilitation and access to efficient transport systems, as well as improvement of productive capacities, are essential for trade competitiveness.贸易便利化,使用高效运输系统的机会以及提高生产能力对于贸易竞争力是必不可少的。
Ineffective trade procedures, excessive transport costs and lack of connectivity undermine the export competitiveness of developing countries, especially landlocked developing countries.低效率的贸易程序、过高的运输成本和各环节缺乏衔接,影响了发展中国家,尤其是内陆发展中国家的出口竞争力。
Developing countries also face increasing demands to comply with different requirements in respect of maritime trade and supply-chain security.发展中国家还面临日益增加的压力,要求它们遵守海运贸易和供应链安全方面的各种不同要求。
Remittances have become significant private financial resources for households in countries of origin of migration.侨汇已成为外劳原籍国社区的重要私人资金来源。
Remittances cannot be considered as a substitute for FDI, ODA, debt relief or other public sources of finance development.不应将侨汇视为可替代官发援、减免债务、直接外资或其他公共的发展资金来源。
They are typically wages transferred to families mainly to meet part of the needs of the recipient households.侨汇是汇给家人的所得工资,主要用于消费。
The manner of their disposal or deployment is an individual choice.如何利用和安排这类钱完全是个人选择。
A large proportion of migrants’ incomes is spent in destination countries and constitutes an important stimulus to domestic demand in their economies.外劳收入的绝大部分花在了目的地国,对这些经济体的国内需求起了重要的刺激作用。
Policy responses政策应对措施
Efforts at all levels to promote a conducive environment for development and to introduce reform and eradicate poverty need to be supported in order to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and commitments.各级努力推动创造一个有利于发展的环境,推行改革和根除贫困的工作需要加以支持,以实现国际商定的包括《千年发展目标》在内的发展目标和发展承诺。
The primary responsibility for boosting productive capacity and technological upgrading lies with countries themselves.增强生产能力和技术升级换代的主要责任在于各国本身。
Attracting and benefiting from FDI requires appropriate national investment and development policies.要吸引和利用直接外资,必须制定适当的投资和发展政策。
To enable policymakers to make better informed decisions, improved data and more analysis are needed on the social, economic and development impacts of FDI and TNC activities.要使政策制定者做出更为知情的决策,就必须改进数据收集并加强分析工作,以便确切了解直接外资和跨国公司活动对社会、经济和发展的影响。
Good governance at all levels and the rule of law can help create an environment conducive to the mobilization of resources for development, including FDI.各级施行良政和法治可有助于创造一个有利于筹资包括直接外资在内的发展资金的环境。
Home countries can help promote development gains from FDI in host countries through measures such as incentives, risk mitigation and capacity-building measures aimed at facilitating private flows to developing countries.直接外资的母国可利用诸如奖励措施,减轻风险和能力建设之类的措施,便利私人资本流向发展中国家,从而促进东道国从直接外资中获得发展收益。
In the context of FDI, and in addition to their compliance with national laws and regulations, voluntary codes of conduct and corporate responsibility can help TNCs to be a positive agent for development.在直接外资方面,除了要遵守国家法律和规章制度以外,自发的行为守则和公司责任有助于使跨国公司成为促进发展的有利推动者。
TNCs should be encouraged to adopt voluntary codes of conduct that establish good business practices to address economic, social and environmental concerns.应鼓励跨国公司采纳自发行为准则,采取良好的经营方式,解决经济、社会和环境关切问题。
Investment in basic economic and social infrastructure is vital for developing countries.基本的经济和社会基础设施的投资对于发展中国家是必不可少的。
Developing countries’ efforts to identify and overcome obstacles to mobilizing domestic resources need to be complemented by external flows, including FDI, other private flows and ODA.必须利用外部资金流入,包括直接外资、其他私人资本流入和官发援,补充发展中国家为解决和克服国内资金筹资的困难所做出的努力。
Countries can learn from the mistakes and successes of others, especially in an international setting that creates a global pool of existing experiences.各国可从别国的成败中学习,尤其是可以在汇集全球现有经验的国际环境中学习。
Regional arrangements or South–South cooperation may help countries to deal with some issues, forge consensus and establish a common bargaining position.区域安排或南南合作有助于各国处理某些问题,形成共识,并确立共同的谈判立场。
National Governments, international institutions and the international community can help countries create an attractive investment environment by providing better information on national laws and regulations, as well as on international agreements and on country opportunities and risks.各国政府、国际机构和国际社会可通过提供更多更好的信息,宣传其各国的法律和规章制度、国际协定以及国家的机遇和风险,协助各国创造有利的投资环境。
Sovereign risk assessments made by the private sector should maximize the use of strict, objective and transparent parameters, which can be facilitated by high-quality data and analysis.私营部门进行的主权风险评估所用的参数应尽量严格、客观和透明,这可借助于高质量的数据收集和分析。
Improved partnerships with the private sector both at home and abroad can help to strengthen the integration of developing countries and local producers into global production systems.改进与国内外私人部门的伙伴关系有助于推动发展中国家和当地生产商进入国际生产体系。
Developing internationally competitive small and medium-sized enterprises requires policies aimed at domestic entrepreneurial capabilities, business linkages and industry clusters.发展具有国际竞争力的中小企业需要实行发展国内企业实力、建立企业联系和产业集群的政策。
If they are to influence emerging standards on corporate transparency and accounting, developing countries need to coordinate their efforts, share their experiences with implementation, and monitor standards and codes.发展中国家要对新的公司透明度和会计标准产生影响,就必须协调它们之间的努力,分享执行工作方面的经验,并监测各项标准和守则。
More work is needed on developing sound environmental accounting and reporting frameworks.需要开展更多的工作,制定完善的环境会计和报告框架。
For developing countries and countries with economies in transition that make the strengthening of their insurance sector a priority, targeted international assistance should be made available.将加强保险业部门作为优先重点的发展中国家和经济转型期国家需要获得有针对性的国际援助。
Policy responses should concentrate on the establishment of competitive and well-regulated insurance markets, policy advice on WTO negotiations and training programmes.政策应对措施应注重建立有竞争力和调控得当的保险市场,并提供关于世贸组织谈判的政策咨询和培训方案。
To help upgrade technological capabilities, Governments should regularly assess the conditions for technology acquisition and upgrading and should implement and review their science, technology and innovation (STI) policies.为协助技术能力的升级换代,各国政府应定期评估技术获取和升级的条件,执行并审查其科学、技术和革新(科技和革新)政策。
Supportive institutions may include public-private partnerships and STI policies may be incorporated into national development policies and poverty reduction strategies.支助性体制可包括公私营伙伴关系,并将科技和革新政策纳入国家发展政策和减贫战略。
North–South, and also South–South, partnerships and cooperation should be strengthened for the sharing of knowledge, innovation and technology transfer, and to address the gaps in science and technology, education and research in developing countries, especially LDCs.应加强南北、南南伙伴关系和合作,以分享知识、革新和开展技术转让,同时缩小发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家在科学和技术、教育和研究方面的差距。
The international community should continue its efforts to maintain the balance and effectiveness of the international intellectual property system, in line with the agreed recommendations of the WIPO Development Agenda.国际社会应继续努力根据《知识产权组织发展议程》的商定建议建立一个平衡和有效的国际知识产权制度。
Measures to develop ICT infrastructure and build ICT skills must be taken to narrow the digital divide and to ensure countries’ full and effective participation in the knowledge-based economy.必须采取措施,发展信通技术基础设施,培养信通技术的技能,以缩小数码鸿沟,确保各国全面切实参与知识型经济。
These should continue to be supported by full participation of developing countries in ICT-related international discussions, in particular those within the framework of the follow-up to and implementation of the outcome of the World Summit on the Information Society and the discussions in the Commission on Science and Technology for Development.应继续为此提供支持,促使发展中国家全面参与有关信通技术的国际讨论,尤其是在信息社会世界峰会的后续行动和落实世界峰会成果工作的框架内所开展的讨论,以及全面参与科学和技术促进发展委员会的讨论。
At the national level, ICT policies and strategies need to create an enabling environment for the domestic information economy and a competitive ICT industry.在国家一级,信通技术政策和战略需要为发展国内信息经济和具有竞争力的信通技术产业创造有利环境。
The main elements include developing the ICT infrastructure and the telecommunications sector, upgrading digital skills, implementing a legal and regulatory framework to support ICT-related business development, trade and investment, e-government and technological innovation.主要内容包括发展信通技术基础设施和电信部门,更新数字技术,执行法律和监管框架,以支持与信通技术相关的业务的发展、贸易和投资、电子政务和技术革新。
These actions need to be integrated in national development plans or poverty reduction strategy papers, and ICT policies need to be regularly reviewed.需要将这些行动纳入国家发展计划或减贫战略文件,而且需要定期审查信通技术政策。
International trade and transportation require an enabling legal framework that facilitates cross-border transactions.国际贸易和运输需要一个有利于跨界交易的扶持性法律框架。
In this respect, the development of internationally agreed rules and standards, such as international conventions and other legal instruments agreed under the auspices of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and other relevant bodies, as well as their implementation at national levels, is required to bring about genuine benefits to traders and help reduce legal, administrative and transaction costs.在这方面,制定国际商定的规则和标准,如在联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会)及其他有关机构主持下商定的国际公约和其他法律文书,及这些公约和法律文书在国家层面上的落实,对于为贸易商带来真正的利益以及降低法律、行政和交易成本是必不可少的。
It is important that developing countries participate in relevant international consensus-building and negotiation processes and that their concerns and interests are taken into account.发展中国家必须参与有关的国际达成共识和谈判进程,使它们的关切和利益得到考虑。
Developing countries may also require capacity-building and technical assistance, to help them in the national implementation of internationally agreed rules and standards.发展中国家还需要开展能力建设,获得技术援助,从而在国家层面上落实国际商定的规则和标准。
With the increasing involvement of the private sector in transport infrastructure development, developing countries need to strengthen their capacity to monitor, regulate and facilitate this sector at the national level.随着私营部门日益参与运输基础设施的发展,发展中国家应加强在国家层面上监测、监管和便利这一部门活动的能力。
Policies are needed to promote competitive and effective transportation systems for both landlocked and transit developing countries, in particular in the framework of bilateral and regional arrangements.需要制定各项政策,尤其是在双边和区域安排的框架内促进为内陆发展中国家和过境发展中国家建立具有竞争力和有效的运输系统。
In this context, full support should be given to the comprehensive and timely implementation of the Almaty Ministerial Declaration and the Almaty Programme of Action.为此,应为全面和及时落实《阿拉木图部长宣言》和《阿拉木图行动纲领》提供全面的支持。
All efforts must be made to ensure that the outcome of the Mid-term Review of the Implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action, to be held in 2008, contributes to the establishment of efficient transit and transport systems, addressing the challenges of transit developing countries, and the integration of landlocked developing countries into the international trading system, while taking note of the Ulaanbaatar Declaration.应不遗余力地确保使定于2008年举行的对《阿拉木图行动纲领》执行工作中期审查的结果有利于建立高效率的过境和运输系统,兼顾《乌兰巴托宣言》,解决过境发展中国家的难题,并将内陆发展中国家纳入国际贸易体系。
Measures to enhance the security of international supply chains and to address environmental concerns also have to be taken into account.还应考虑采取措施,改善国际供应链安全并解决环境关切问题。
The international community has an important role to play in maximizing the benefits derived by individuals from remittances sent by migrants.国际社会可以在使个人从外劳汇款中得到得的好处最大化方面发挥重要作用。
Action should, inter alia, be aimed at reducing transaction costs and expanding access to financial services for migrants and their families.主要应采取行动减少交易费用,扩大外劳及其家属利用金融服务的渠道。
Such access allows migrants and their families to save, obtain credit and acquire productive assets.这样的便利使得外劳及其家属能够储蓄、获得信贷和生产性资产。
Efforts to promote full and productive employment and decent work at the national level should be promoted, including through the use of the ILO Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work, as approved by the United Nations system in May 2007.在国家一级努力促进全面和生产性就业和体面工作,包括使用2007年5月联合国系统核准的就业和体面工作主流化工具包。
The Conference welcomes the strong development orientation of the Geneva and Tunis phases of the World Summit on the Information Society and renews its commitment to the implementation of the principles and goals contained therein.会议欢迎信息社会世界峰会的日内瓦会议段和突尼斯会议段确立的强有力的发展方向,并重申致力于实现其中所载的原则和目标。
UNCTAD member States remain fully committed to the Internet Governance Forum and to the multi-stakeholder approach of the Forum as enshrined in the Tunis Agenda, which stands at the core of its success.贸发会议成员国继续全力支持互联网治理论坛,以及《突尼斯议程》所提出的多边利益相关方参与互联网治理论坛的方针,这一方针正是该论坛成功的关键所在。
UNCTAD’s contribution贸发会议的贡献
UNCTAD’s work on investment should continue to assist all developing countries, in particular LDCs and countries with special needs, in designing and implementing active policies to boost productive capacities and international competitiveness.贸发会议的投资工作应继续协助为所有发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家和有特殊需要的国家设计和执行促进提高生产能力和国际竞争力的积极政策。
Attention should be paid to the role of both North–South and South–South investment and domestic investment, both private and public.应重视北南和南南公私两方面的投资和国内投资的作用。
The work should have the objective of sustainable development and a supportive investment climate in national development strategies.这项工作的目标在于将可持续发展和扶持性投资环境纳入国家发展战略。
UNCTAD’s activities in this area should address in particular the needs of LDCs, as well as the specific needs and problems of landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies.贸发会议在这方面的活动尤应着重解决最不发达国家的需要,以及内陆发展中国家[过境发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家和其他结构薄弱、脆弱和小型经济体的具体需要和问题。
UNCTAD should continue to produce policy analysis on the development impact of FDI.贸发会议应继续就直接外资对发展的影响问题作出政策分析。
It should focus on ways to maximize the net development benefits of FDI through appropriate host- and home-country policies.应重点分析如何通过适当的东道国和母国政策,尽可能地扩大直接外资带来的净发展效益。
It should develop its activities in collecting and analysing data on TNC activity and relevant national and international laws and regulations, and strengthen its assistance to help LDCs formulate better policies on the basis of accurate and up-to-date information.贸发会议应开展活动,对跨国公司的活动以及有关的国家和国际法律和规章制度搜集数据,对数据进行分析,并进一步加强对最不发达国家的援助,协助它们在准确和最新的信息的基础上,制定更完善的政策。
It should continue its policy-oriented research on issues related to the interaction of FDI and domestic investment, the relationship between ODA and FDI, the impact of FDI on industrialization and entrepreneurship, and the role of FDI in services, infrastructure development and the building of export capacity and human resources.贸发会议应就与下列事项相关的问题加强政策导向的研究:直接外资与国内投资之间的互动,官发援与直接外资之间的关系,直接外资对工业化和创办企业所产生的影响,直接外资在服务业、基础设施发展、建立出口能力和人力资源方面的作用。
Other issues include the linkages between foreign and domestic firms and best practices to encourage greater flows of investment that is conducive to development.其他问题还包括外国公司与本国公司之间的联系以及促进更多有利于发展的投资流入的最佳做法。
In addition, UNCTAD should further analyse investment from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, as well as explore the scope for deeper South–South cooperation.此外,贸发会议还应进一步分析来自发展中国家和经济转型期国家的投资,以及探讨进一步深化南南合作的空间。
UNCTAD should provide a platform for an international dialogue on best practice in investment policies.贸发会议应提供一个平台,以便就投资政策最佳做法开展国际对话。
An inventory of best policy practices could contribute to a dialogue on policymaking know-how.编制一份最佳政策做法的清单,有助于就政策制定方面的专门诀窍开展对话。
UNCTAD, together with intergovernmental and regional organizations, particularly those from developing countries, and other partners, as well as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), should engage countries at every development level to help ensure an institutional environment conducive to FDI and development.贸发会议应与政府间和区域组织,尤其是来自发展中国家的这类组织以及其他伙伴及经济合作和发展组织(经合组织)合作,让各国参与所有层面上的工作,以协助确保建立一个有利于直接外资和发展的体制环境。
In the context of developing best practices in investment policies, it should endeavour to work with relevant regional development banks such as the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank.在研究开发投资政策方面的最佳做法方面,贸发会议应努力与有关区域开发银行,如非洲开发银行、亚洲开发银行、美洲开发银行、伊斯兰开发银行等进行合作。
UNCTAD should support developing countries and countries with economies in transition in formulating and implementing investment policies and should assist them with relevant legislation and regulations, in line with their development strategies, as well as with their international obligations.贸发会议应支持发展中国家和经济转型期国家制定和执行投资政策,并协助它们根据发展战略以及国际义务制定和落实相关的立法和规章制度。
Investment policy reviews (IPRs) and their follow-up, and assistance to national and subnational investment promotion agencies, play an important role in this regard.投资政策审查及其后续行动以及为国家级和次国家级投资促进机构提供援助,在这方面发挥着重要作用。
A broader and more structural approach to the process of undertaking IPRs should be considered, under which UNCTAD would be entrusted with drafting the reviews, ensuring wider coverage of developing countries and elaborating on the development implications of FDI and the related investment framework.应考虑更广泛、更有章法地开展投资政策审查,据此将委托贸发会议起草审查报告,保证涵盖更多的发展中国家,并审议直接外资和相关投资框架对发展的影响问题。
IPRs should be regularly updated so as to maintain the focus and follow up recommendations.应定期更新投资政策审查的内容,以便保持重点突出并落实各项建议。
In its advisory services, analytical work and capacity-building programmes in the field of investment promotion, UNCTAD should develop pragmatic tools and investment guides and identify best practices.在投资促进领域的咨询服务、分析工作和能力建设方案方面,贸发会议应开发实用工具、制定投资指南和汇编最佳做法。
In UNCTAD’s advisory services, attention should be paid to the issues of interest to all developing countries, particularly issues of relevance to LDCs such as good governance in investment promotion.贸发会议在开展咨询服务时应重视对所有发展中国家、尤其是对最不发达国家事关重要的问题,如投资促进领域的良政问题。
Investment guides should be produced for all landlocked developing countries requesting one, subject to the availability of extrabudgetary resources.应视预算外资源到位情况,为所有需要的内陆发展中国家编写投资指南。
UNCTAD should continue to help developing countries participate in the debate on international investment agreements (IIAs).贸发会议应继续协助发展中国家参加国际投资协定的辩论。
It should focus on the development dimension of IIAs and examine the effects of IIAs.贸发会议应注重国际投资协定的发展层面,研究国际投资协定的效果。
UNCTAD’s work in this area should include policy analysis and capacity-building in relation to the negotiation and implementation of current and future bilateral and regional investment agreements, management of investor-State disputes, alternative means of dispute settlement, the approach to investment promotion and the effects of IIAs.贸发会议这一领域的工作应包括对目前和未来双边及区域投资协定的谈判和实施、投资者与国家之间争端的管控,其他争端解决手段,投资促进办法及国际投资协定的影响等方面开展政策分析和能力建设工作。
UNCTAD should analyse voluntary enterprise policies on corporate social responsibility and other codes of conduct as a complement to national legislation with a view to identifying best practices for maximizing the development impact of corporate activities, in particular by TNCs.贸发会议应对公司社会责任和其他行为守则等企业自发政策进行分析,这些政策是对国家立法的补充,分析有助于查明最佳做法,以尽可能扩大包括跨国公司在内的企业活动对发展的影响。
UNCTAD should coordinate its activities in this area with other relevant international bodies, including OECD, the World Bank, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Global Compact and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Working Group on Social Responsibility, to maximize the value added of its work.贸发会议应协调与其他有关国际机构在这一领域的活动,其中包括经合组织、世界银行、联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)、联合国全球契约和国际标准化组织社会责任工作组,从而确保使其工作获得最大的增值。
Taking into account the WIPO Development Agenda and without prejudice to the work undertaken in other forums, UNCTAD, within its mandate, should continue to undertake research and analysis on trade and development aspects of intellectual property, including in the areas of investment and technology.贸发会议应在其职权范围内,参照《知识产权组织发展议程》,并在不妨碍其他论坛所做工作的情况下,继续开展关于知识产权的贸易和发展问题的研究和分析,包括在投资和技术领域。
UNCTAD should strengthen its activities in research and analysis, technical assistance and consensus-building with regard to stimulating enterprise development and business facilitation.贸发会议应加强在激励企业发展和经营便利化方面的研究、技术援助和建立共识活动。
Measures should be identified to enable enterprises, especially small and medium-sized ones in developing countries, to comply with international standards, promote their technological and innovation capacities, access new technologies and enhance their participation in global value chains.应查明哪些措施能够促使发展中国家的企业,特别是中小企业遵守国际标准,提高它们的技术和革新能力,获取新技术,并深化它们对全球价值链分工的参与。
UNCTAD should analyse the linkages between small and medium-sized enterprises and foreign affiliates in order to increase the development benefits of FDI and enhance the international competitiveness of firms from developing countries.贸发会议应分析中小企业与外国分公司之间的联系,以便增加直接外资给发展带来的收益,增强发展中国家公司的国际竞争力。
UNCTAD should help developing countries, including by building their technical capacity, to improve their e-government practices in order to enhance the transparency and simplification of government procedures in areas such as investment and the creation and development of enterprises.贸发会议应协助发展中国家,包括通过增强其技术能力,改善它们的电子政务管理方法,从而提高对投资以及企业创办发展等方面管理程序的透明度和简化这些程序。
Through the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR), UNCTAD should help developing countries participate in the processes that set internationally recognized accounting and reporting standards and codes.贸发会议应通过国际会计和报告准则政府间专家工作组,帮助发展中国家参与制订国际公认的会计和报告准则和规范的进程。
Alongside development partners, UNCTAD should assist developing countries in building the technical capacity and institutions needed for the implementation of such standards and codes.贸发会议应与发展合作伙伴合作,协助发展中国家建立执行这些准则和规范所需的技术能力和体制。
It should continue to contribute to the field of environmental accounting and reporting with a view to promoting a harmonized approach among member States.它应继续在环境会计和报告领域做出贡献,以促进成员国采取统一的做法。
UNCTAD should continue to support developing countries and countries with economies in transition in adopting and implementing the International Financial Reporting Standards.贸发会议应继续支持发展中国家和经济转型期国家采用和执行《国际财务报告准则》。
UNCTAD should continue to provide policy analysis and capacity-building on prudential regulatory frameworks, the establishment of competitive insurance markets and human resources development.贸发会议应继续就审慎监管框架,建立具有竞争力的保险市场和人力资源开发方面提供政策分析和开展能力建设。
UNCTAD should also assist countries in the development of their insurance sector with a view to creating benefits for development.贸发会议应协助各国发展保险业,从而带来发展效益。
In this context, assistance should be provided especially to countries in Africa and small economies that are particularly vulnerable to catastrophic risks.为此,应着重为特别易于受到灾害打击的非洲经济体和小型经济体提供援助。
UNCTAD should further strengthen its research and analysis in the area of science, technology and innovation, including ICTs, and should promote effective international and national policies, in collaboration with other relevant international organizations working in this area.贸发会议应与其他在这一领域开展工作的有关国际组织协作,加强在科学、技术和革新,包括信通技术领域的研究和分析工作,并推进有效的国际和国家政策。
It should also draw lessons from successful experiences with the transfer and diffusion of technology through all channels, including FDI.贸发会议还应总结通过各种渠道,包括直接外资进行技术转让和传播方面的成功经验。
It should also enhance its support to the efforts by developing countries, in particular LDCs, to respond to technological changes and assess the effectiveness of domestic innovation policy.它还应为发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家的努力进一步提供支持,以便对技术变革作出反应并评估国内革新政策的效力。
UNCTAD should help strengthen North–South and South–South cooperation in harnessing knowledge and technology for development, and assist developing countries and countries with economies in transition through science, technology and innovation policy reviews and related technical assistance.贸发会议应通过科学、技术和革新政策审查以及相关的技术援助活动协助加强在利用知识和技术促进发展方面的北南和南南合作,并为发展中国家和经济转型期国家提供援助。
UNCTAD should also contribute to consensus-building in the international debate on science and technology for development, including ICTs and their implications for development, and continue to provide support as the secretariat to the Commission on Science and Technology for Development.贸发会议还应为关于科学和技术促进发展,包括信通技术及其对发展所涉影响的国际讨论形成共识做出贡献,同时作为科学技术促进发展委员会秘书处应继续提供支助。
UNCTAD should continue to help developing countries to participate effectively in international discussions on technology transfer and knowledge-sharing, and to identify policy options and best practice in this area.贸发会议应继续协助发展中国家有效参加关于技术转让和技术分享的国际讨论,提出这一领域的备选政策和最佳做法。
UNCTAD should furthermore continue to assist developing countries in identifying ways and means to operationalize technology transfer clauses in international agreements and in the outcomes of major United Nations conferences and summits in order to maximize their potential benefits.贸发会议还应继续协助发展中国家探讨各种方式和途径,使国际协定以及联合国各次主要大会和首脑会议成果文件中有关技术转让的条款付诸实施,从而使其潜在的收益得到尽可能的发挥。
UNCTAD should continue to provide technical assistance to countries in the area of ICT, notably on ICT policy reviews, pro-poor policies, legal and regulatory frameworks, and measuring the information economy, including through the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development launched at UNCTAD XI.贸发会议应通过贸发十一大启动的衡量信通技术以促进发展伙伴关系等途径,继续向各国提供信通技术领域的技术援助,尤其是在信通技术政策审查,有利于穷人的政策、法律和监管框架以及衡量信息经济等方面。
UNCTAD should contribute to the implementation of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) action lines on capacity-building, an enabling environment, e-business and e-science, in cooperation with other relevant international organizations.贸发会议应与其他有关国际组织合作推动落实信息社会世界峰会关于能力建设、扶持环境、电子商务和电子科学的行动路线。
UNCTAD, also in its capacity as secretariat to the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, should assist the Commission in implementing its mandate on the follow-up to the WSIS outcomes.贸发会议作为科学技术促进发展委员会秘书处,应协助委员会完成其开展信息社会世界峰会成果后续行动的工作。
UNCTAD should enhance its assistance in cross-divisional capacity-building programmes, including training for policymakers on the integrated treatment of the trade, investment, finance, technology and development issues referred to in paragraph 166 of the Bangkok Plan of Action, which must ensure wide and inclusive participation of developing countries.贸发会议应在司际能力建设方案方面加强协助,包括对政策制定者进行《曼谷行动计划》第166段所提及的综合处理贸易、投资、金融、技术和发展问题的培训,必须确保发展中国家广泛参与。
It should also continue to support the development of local teaching and research capacities in member countries’ academic institutions through the Virtual Institute, and foster training and capacity-building aimed at trade practitioners in order to assist member countries in developing a sustainable local capacity in trade, investment and development issues through TrainForTrade.同时还应继续支持成员国学术机构通过虚拟研究所发展提高本国教学和研究能力,并加强对贸易从业人员的培训和能力建设,协助各成员国利用贸易培训方案使它们处理贸易、投资和发展问题的本国能力得到持续的发展提高。
UNCTAD should also continue to use these programmes to strengthen the synergies between its research and capacity-building activities.贸发会议应继续利用这些方案进一步增强其研究活动和能力建设活动之间的协同效应。
Also in the area of capacity-building, the UNCTAD e-Tourism initiative, launched at UNCTAD XI, should continue to be implemented, with a view to promoting the contribution of tourism to development.同样,在能力建设领域,应继续执行贸发十一大启动的贸发会议电子旅游业倡议,以便促进旅游业对发展的贡献。
In the area of trade facilitation, transport and related services of interest to developing countries, UNCTAD should continue to analyse issues that affect the trade and transport of developing countries and international supply-chain security.在对发展中国家事关重要的贸易便利化、运输和相关服务方面,贸发会议应继续对影响发展中国家贸易和运输以及国际供应链安全的问题进行分析。
It should also disseminate its analyses and relevant information, and promote the exchange of experiences.贸发会议还应传播这些分析和有关信息,并促进经验交流。
UNCTAD should undertake research to develop policy recommendations that will enable developing countries to cut transport costs and improve transport efficiency and connectivity.贸发会议应开展研究,制订有助于发展中国家降低运输成本、改善运输效率和运输联接的政策建议。
The research should pay special attention to the needs of the most vulnerable economies, and in particular to the development and implementation of coherent transit systems that will benefit landlocked developing countries and transit developing countries, taking into account the Almaty Ministerial Declaration and Programme of Action.这一研究应特别重视最脆弱经济体的需要,尤其是兼顾《阿拉木图部长宣言和行动纲领》,制定和执行有利于内陆发展中国家和过境发展中国家的融会贯通的过境制度。
Attention should also be paid to the promotion of multimodal transport.还应当重视促进多式联运。
UNCTAD should continue to provide capacity-building and technical assistance to policymakers and other stakeholders in developing countries on such issues as reducing transport costs and improving transport connectivity and competitiveness, developing and implementing appropriate institutional and legal frameworks, and devising and implementing national and international actions to promote transport and trade facilitation, including in transit corridors.贸发会议应继续向发展中国家的政策制定者和贸易商提供关于以下问题的能力建设援助和技术援助:降低运输成本,改进运输联接和提高竞争力,制定并执行适当的机构和法律框架,拟定和执行包括在过境走廊促进运输和贸易便利化的国家行动和国际行动。
It should coordinate this work with other relevant organizations where appropriate.应当酌情与其他相关组织协调这一工作。
It should continue to assist developing countries in transport and trade facilitation negotiations, including in the context of the Doha Round, and in ensuring the effective implementation of agreed rules and standards.应当继续协助发展中国家参加运输和贸易便利化谈判,包括结合多哈回合谈判,确保商定的规则和标准得到有效执行。
UNCTAD should continue to provide assistance to developing countries to design and implement policies and actions aimed at improving the efficiency of trade transactions as well as the management of transport operations.贸发会议应继续为发展中国家提供援助,制订和执行各项政策和措施,以改进贸易交易效率并改进运输业务的管理。
It should also continue to cooperate with member States in implementing Asycuda, the automated system for customs data.贸发会议也应继续与成员国合作落实海关数据自动化系统。
Through its research and policy analysis, UNCTAD should help developing countries make informed policy choices to address the environmental challenges in relation to transport strategies, and to help identify associated capacity-building needs and appropriate regulatory responses.贸发会议应通过其研究和政策分析,协助发展中国家作出知情的政策抉择,解决运输战略方面的环境挑战,并协助确定相关的能力建设需要和适当的应对监管措施。
UNCTAD should intensify its activities concerning public investment and public-private partnerships, by strengthening its research and analysis on the different forms of public investment and accounting criteria, as well as by cooperation and technical assistance.贸发会议应通过进一步加强关于不同形式的公共投资和会计标准的研究和分析,并通过合作和技术援助加紧开展关于公共投资和公私营伙伴关系方面的活动。
Without prejudice to the work undertaken in other forums and in cooperation with other organizations, UNCTAD, within its mandate, should continue to analyse the potential of migrants’ remittances to contribute to development.在不影响其他论坛开展的工作并在与其他组织合作之下,贸发会议应在其职权范围内,继续分析侨汇对促进发展所可能起的作用。
It should focus on ways to expand the access of migrants to financial services, maximize the benefits derived from such remittances and minimize the cost through appropriate policies, while respecting their character as private funds.分析应侧重如何扩大外劳工人获得金融服务的渠道,最大限度地使这种汇款产生效益,并通过适当政策将费用降到最低程度,同时尊重汇款的私人资金性质。
Sub-theme 4: Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its development role, impact and institutional effectiveness分主题4:加强贸发会议:强化其 发展作用、影响力和体制效力
UNCTAD is the focal point within the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and the interrelated issues of finance, investment, technology and sustainable development.贸发会议是联合国综合处理贸易与发展以及相关的金融、投资、技术和可持续发展问题的牵头单位。
For over 40 years UNCTAD has consistently addressed the concerns of all developing countries in the areas within its mandate and expertise, with the objective of assisting them in successfully integrating into the global economy.过去四十多年里,贸发会议一直在其授权任务和专长范围各领域内处理所有发展中国家的关切问题,以协助它们实现与全球经济的接轨。
In the context of deepening interdependence between all countries, UNCTAD should continue its unique orientation and commitment to development through its three pillars, while remaining responsive and accountable to all member States.在各国之间相互依存关系日益加强的背景下,贸发会议应继续通过其三大支柱部门,保持对发展工作的独特立足点和承诺,同时继续为所有成员国提供服务和向它们负责。
In the context of changing realities of the global economy and changing development needs, strengthening of UNCTAD’s development role, impact and institutional effectiveness is needed in order for UNCTAD to be able to provide effective guidance and support with respect to both emerging issues and long-standing problems at the interface between trade and development.在全球经济形势不断变化和发展需要不断变化的情况下,贸发会议要加强其发展作用、影响力和体制效力,从而为解决新的问题以及界于贸易与发展之间长期悬而未决的问题提供有效的指导和支持。
This strengthening process should include, inter alia, the adoption of new and improved indicators of achievement and performance measures in the context of the Strategic Framework, the continued adaptation of its working methods and structures and a more focused approach in order to better address those issues of trade and development within UNCTAD’s mandate that continue to respond to the needs, concerns and priorities of its membership, as identified through the intergovernmental process.要强化贸发会议的这一进程,其中主要应包括在战略框架范围内采用新的、经改进的成果和业绩衡量指标,继续改进工作方法和结构,采取更为重点突出的工作方法,以便进一步解决贸发会议任务范围内的那些贸易与发展问题,同时继续对在政府间会议上查明的其成员的需要、关切和优先事项作出回应。
In all its work UNCTAD will make efforts to mainstream cross-cutting issues of gender equality and the empowerment of women, the promotion of sustainable development and full and productive employment.在所有工作中,贸发会议都努力将性别平等、提高妇女地位、促进可持续发展和充分生产性就业纳入主流。
In a manner that preserves UNCTAD’s mandated role, UNCTAD should strategically position itself by translating into practice the following principal criteria:为了维护贸发会议所承担的作用,贸发会议应根据下列主要标准把握自己的战略立足点:
comparative advantage;相对优势、
differentiation and complementarity;差异性和互补性;
and strategic and catalytic intervention, so as to put the organization’s strengths to the best use in achieving development results.战略和催化干预作用,从而尽可能发挥本组织的优势实现发展成果。
Since UNCTAD XI, discussions on strengthening the organization have involved a number of processes, namely the mid-term review conducted by the Trade and Development Board in 2006, the work of the Panel of Eminent Persons established by the Secretary-General of UNCTAD in 2005, and the preparations for UNCTAD XII.自贸发十一大以来,关于加强本组织的讨论经历了几个过程,包括2006年贸易和发展理事会进行的中期审查,贸发会议秘书长2005年设立的知名人士小组的工作,以及为贸发十二大开展的筹备工作。
In this regard the Conference notes with appreciation the agreed outcome contained in the report of the Trade and Development Board on its forty-first executive session with the objective of strengthening UNCTAD.在这方面,会议赞赏地注意到贸易和发展理事会第四十一届执行会议报告所载的以加强贸发会议为目标的商定结果。
Those recommendations contained in clusters one and two that have already been endorsed by member States should be fully implemented.第一和第二组建议已得到成员国的批准,因此应加以全面执行。
The secretariat should report to and consult member States on a regular basis in this regard.秘书处应定期就执行工作向成员国提交报告和开展协商。
Efforts to strengthen UNCTAD’s role are also being made within the context of United Nations reform.结合联合国的改革工作,也正在做出努力,加强贸发会议的作用。
UNCTAD should fully engage in the United Nations reform processes, particularly concerning the role of the United Nations in development and, consequently, efforts to strengthen system-wide coherence.贸发会议全面参与了联合国改革进程,尤其是结合联合国的发展作用开展的改革,随后还参加了加强全系统协调连贯性的工作。
Trade and development will remain a core preoccupation in the ongoing reforms in the United Nations, and UNCTAD will have a distinct role to play in carrying forward the trade and development mission of the United Nations.贸易与发展将继续是联合国改革进程中的一项主要任务,贸发会议在贯彻执行联合国的贸易与发展任务方面有着独特的作用。
In order to implement effectively the United Nations reform process, it is important that the process be promoted by all organizations, and that all organizations focus on their comparative advantages and cost-effectiveness and avoid the overlapping of mandates.为了有效地开展联合国改革工作,所有组织都必须推进这一进程,所有组织都应抓住各自的相对优势、注重成本效益并避免任务的重复。
UNCTAD’s three pillars of research and analysis, consensus-building and technical cooperation form an organic whole and are inherently interlinked;they must be strengthened in order to ensure that the organization fulfils its mandate.贸发会议的研究和分析,达成共识和技术援助三大支柱部门构成有机的整体、有着内在的相互联系,必须加强这三大部门,从而确保该组织完成其任务。
To ensure synergy among its three pillars, UNCTAD should strengthen its internal coordination as well as align more closely the thematic focus of its research and analysis, technical assistance and intergovernmental discussions.为保证三大支柱部门之间的协调效应,贸发会议应加强内部协调并使其研究和分析、技术援助和政府间讨论这些专题重点工作更为协调连贯。
It should also designate regional focal points, within the current structure and within existing resources, in order to deepen its regional perspectives.贸发会议还应在现有结构和资源的基础上指定区域联络点,从而使其区域视觉得到进一步的深化。
These three pillars should contribute, from a trade and development perspective, to the integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields, as well as to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.三大支柱部门应从贸易与发展的角度,促进综合协调落实联合国在经济、社会和相关领域的主要大会和首脑会议成果并采取后续行动,同时为实现包括《千年发展目标》在内的国际商定的发展目标做出贡献。
UNCTAD and other parts of the United Nations system, other international and regional organizations and relevant international bodies should actively pursue stronger and more coherent cooperation with each other on matters pertaining to trade and development and related issues.贸发会议和联合国系统其他方面、其他国际和区域组织以及有关的国际机关在与贸易与发展及有关问题方面应更积极地加强相互间的合作,
This cooperation should be based on a clearer division of labour and maximizing synergies, complementarity and efficiency.应通过更明确的劳动分工和进一步扩大协同效应、互补性和提高效率开展合作。
UNCTAD should also enhance its work with civil society and the private sector, while preserving its intergovernmental nature.贸发会议也应在保持其政府间组织性质的前提下加强与民间社会和私营部门的合作。
UNCTAD should continue and strengthen its participation in the Economic and Social Council policy dialogue with the Bretton Woods institutions and WTO, given the importance of this dialogue in coordinating efforts to assist countries in achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.贸发会议应进一步继续参与经济及社会理事会与布雷顿森林机构和世贸组织之间的政策对话,这一对话对于协调各方努力,协助各国实现包括《千年发展目标》在内的国际商定发展目标极其重要。
The Conference reaffirms its support for the International Trade Centre (ITC).会议重申了对国际贸易中心(国贸中心)的支持。
There is particular potential for greater cooperation and complementarity between ITC and UNCTAD.在国贸中心与世贸组织之间加强合作和互补性有着特殊的潜力。
ITC is the export development arm of UNCTAD and WTO, and it helps the business sector in developing countries take advantage of trade opportunities.国贸中心是贸发会议和世贸组织的出口发展分支,它协助发展中国家的企业界利用贸易机会。
ITC and UNCTAD should cooperate, each focusing on its comparative advantages.国贸中心和贸发会议应利用各自的相对优势,开展合作。
The development impact of many ITC activities could be enhanced through stronger linkages with UNCTAD.应通过进一步加强与贸发会议的联系,使国贸中心的许多活动的发展影响力得到加强。
Similarly, many UNCTAD activities could benefit from the experience of ITC in meeting the needs of the business community.同样,贸发会议的许多活动可借鉴国贸中心如何满足企业界需要的经验。
UNCTAD and ITC should also enhance their collaboration at the national level through mechanisms such as the inter-agency cluster on trade and productive sectors.贸发会议和国贸中心应通过机构间贸易和生产部门集群等机制进一步加强国家层面上的协作。
In view of the current challenges in commodities markets, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is urged to transform the existing Commodities Branch into an autonomous unit reporting directly to the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, within existing resources of the Commodities Branch of the Division of International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities, while retaining the Branch mandate and taking into account, without duplicating, the work of other relevant organizations.有鉴于商品市场目前的挑战,会议敦促联合国秘书长在货物和服务国际贸易以及初级商品司商品处的现有资源范围内,将现有的商品处改为一个向贸发会议秘书长直接报告工作的独立单位,同时保留该处的职权不变,并考虑到其他有关组织的工作,避免重复。
Through the guidance and leadership of the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, this unit should contribute more effectively to developing countries’ efforts to formulate strategies and policies to respond to the challenges and opportunities of commodity markets.通过贸发会议秘书长的指导和领导,这个单位应能为发展中国家拟订战略和政策,迎接商品市场的挑战和机遇做出更有效的贡献。
Research and analysis研究和分析
Research and analysis is the backbone of UNCTAD’s work and it should be development-oriented, independent and grounded in solid evidence.研究和分析是贸发会议工作的中枢,应以发展为导向、独立并立足可靠的证据。
It should also:此外还应:
Provide ahead-of-the-curve and innovative work on trade and development and related issues;就贸易与发展及相关问题开展超前和创新的工作;
Focus on the main challenges that all developing countries and countries with economies in transition face in the areas of trade and development and in the interrelated issues of finance, investment, technology and sustainable development in pursuing the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.注重发展中国家和经济转型期国家在力争实现包括《千年发展目标》在内的国际商定的发展目标的过程中遇到的贸易与发展、以及金融、投资、技术和可持续发展等相关领域的主要挑战。
In this regard, special attention should be paid to LDCs;在这方面,应特别重视最不发达国家;
Provide practical solutions and policy options and an analytical response to emerging and long-standing development challenges and continue to examine systemic issues related to trade and development and interrelated issues;为新出现的和长期悬而未决的贸易与发展及相关领域的发展难题提出具体可行的解决办法和备选政策,并做出有针对性的分析;
Identify opportunities within UNCTAD’s mandate to help developing countries use globalization as an engine for economic growth and poverty reduction and put forward practical policy recommendations taking into account, inter alia, international, regional and national best practices;根据贸发会议的授权任务,研究有哪些机会可协助发展中国家利用全球化作为经济增长和扶贫的推动力,并根据国际、区域和国家最佳做法等,提出切实可行的政策建议;
Take into account the needs, priorities and experiences of developing countries and their different levels of development;兼顾发展中国家的需要,优先重点和经验以及各自不同的发展水平;
Prepare, on demand and with donor support, country-specific policy reviews and case studies in the areas of investment, trade, services, commodities, science and technology and innovation, and ICTs;根据要求并在捐助方的支持下,编写在投资、贸易、服务业、初级商品、科学技术和革新以及信通技术领域的国别政策审查和个案研究;
and (g)(g)
Analyse existing national policies that support development, with a view to identifying various effective policies, including innovative policies, that developing countries in general and LDCs in particular could consider in their national development strategies or incorporate in a concrete plan for the implementation of such policies in cooperation with potential beneficiaries.分析目前各国现行的国家发展政策,从而找出各项有效政策,包括创新政策,供所有发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家在制定国家发展战略时加以考虑,并将这些政策纳入一项具体计划,与潜在受援国合作加以执行。
UNCTAD’s research and analysis should stimulate and underpin, and draw input from, the discussion at all levels of the intergovernmental machinery in the areas of UNCTAD’s mandate.贸发会议的研究和分析工作应促进和支持贸发会议任务的各领域里各级政府间机构的讨论,并从中汲取资料。
The published outcome of UNCTAD’s research and analysis should be subject to an effective clearance process within the secretariat to ensure coherence by the organization in all areas of major policy importance.贸发会议研究和分析成果时应经过秘书处内部的切实审批后方可出版,以保证本组织有重大政策意义的各领域保持协调一致。
In its research, UNCTAD should make use of inputs from national and regional think tanks and academia.贸发会议在研究中应利用国家和区域智囊团和学术界的投入。
It should also enhance its peer reviews to improve the quality of its work further.同时还应加强同行间的评论,进一步提高工作质量。
Greater impact and effectiveness of UNCTAD’s policy research and analysis can be achieved by focusing the research commitment within each sub-programme element, ensuring interdivisional cross-fertilization and collaboration and further promoting creative partnerships with other United Nations entities and other international organizations, enhancing development-oriented complementarity, synergies and coherence consistent with each organization’s mandate, and conducting systematic evaluation of research products.应将研究力量集中在次级方案的每个单元上,保证各司之间取长补短和协作,并进一步加强与其他联合国实体和其他国际机构的创造性伙伴关系,根据各自组织的授权加强发展导向的互补性.协同效应和连贯性,并对研究成果进行系统评估,以提高贸发会议政策研究和分析工作的影响力和效力。
UNCTAD should fully implement Trade and Development Board decision 449 (EX-17) and, on that basis, it should update and improve its publications policy by focusing on its flagship research products and on the major study series and high-quality technical materials.贸发会议应全面落实贸易和发展理事会第449号决定(EX-17),并在此基础上订正和改进其出版物政策,将工作重点放在旗舰研究产品、主要系列研究和高质量的技术资料上。
UNCTAD should also streamline its publication programme taking into consideration the needs of developing countries and the requirements identified in the intergovernmental process.贸发会议应根据发展中国家的需要以及政府间进程所提出的要求,精简出版物方案。
UNCTAD’s biennial publications programme should continue to be reviewed and endorsed by the Trade and Development Board, according to established programme budget categories (recurrent, non-recurrent and technical publications), to ensure consistency, effectiveness and relevance.贸易和发展理事会应继续根据既定的方案预算类别(经常性、非经常性和技术出版物),对贸发会议的两年期出版物方案进行审批,以保证连贯性、实效和相关性。
The secretariat should also develop a more effective communication strategy.秘书处也应制定一项更有效的推介战略。
The strategy should target a wider audience, including high-level policymakers, the media, academic and research institutions, and civil society entities in developed and, in particular, in developing countries.这项战略应锁定更广泛的对象,包括发达国家的、特别是发展中国家的高级别政策制定者,传媒,学术界和研究机构以及民间社会组织。
There should be greater use of electronic tools, including the UNCTAD website, and an emphasis on producing timely translations in all the official languages of the United Nations.应进一步利用包括贸发会议网站在内的电子手段,并重视以联合国所有正式语文及时进行翻译。
Publications should also be disseminated in partnership with national, regional and other international organizations.同时也应与国家、区域和其他国际性组织合作分发传播出版物。
The communication strategy, including the updated publication policy, should be approved by the Trade and Development Board no later than its fifty-sixth session.推介战略,包括更新的出版政策应在贸易和发展理事会第五十六届会议之前批准。
The consensus-building pillar of UNCTAD’s work is of fundamental importance.贸发会议工作的建立共识支柱具有根本性的重要意义。
The intergovernmental machinery should strive to build consensus on policies that allow developing countries to maximize the opportunities and address the challenges of globalization and economic integration, and that promote an enabling environment for sustained economic growth and sustainable development.努力就政策问题建立共识,使得发展中国家最大限度利用全球化和经济一体化的机会并应对其挑战,为可持续经济增长和可持续发展建立有利的环境。
It should also provide guidance for the work of the secretariat in all three pillars of UNCTAD.它还应为秘书处在贸发会议全部三个支柱部门的工作提供指导。
The intergovernmental character of UNCTAD must be preserved, and the coherence between the different levels of the intergovernmental process must be enhanced.贸发会议的政府间性质必须得到维持,各级政府间进程之间的一致性必须得到加强。
The outcomes of intergovernmental meetings should be more action-oriented and should identify practical solutions to trade and development problems.政府间会议的结果应当更加面向行动,应当为贸易和发展问题找出切实可行的解决办法。
Greater participation of non-State actors, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders should be encouraged in UNCTAD’s intergovernmental meetings, including expert meetings, in accordance with the established rules of procedure and as prescribed in paragraphs 115–118 of the São Paulo Consensus.应当鼓励非国家行为体、民间社会、私营部门和其它利害关系方按照既定议事规则,并依照《圣保罗共识》第115至118段的规定,在更大程度上参加贸发会议的政府间会议包括专家会议。
Trade and Development Board贸易和发展理事会
As the highest body of UNCTAD between Conferences, the Board should strengthen its decision-making and policy function and its governance function.作为贸发会议在大会闭会期间的最高机构,理事会应当加强其决策和政策职能及管理职能。
It should ensure overall consistency in the organization’s activities and their implementation in accordance with established mandates.理事会应当确保贸发会议活动的总体一致性,并确保这些活动按照既定职责开展。
In carrying out its mandated functions, the Board should place particular focus on:在行使为其规定的职能时,理事会应当尤其注重:
Conducting policy dialogue and intergovernmental consensus-building on substantive and strategic policy issues;就实质性和战略性政策问题进行政策对话和推动政府间建立共识;
Reviewing the flagship publications and acting as a forum for disseminating key findings;审评最重要的出版物,并充当传播主要结论的论坛;
Integrating, in a systematic and coherent manner, the outcomes of its subsidiary bodies so as to provide overall policy guidance, including direction for new work covering its three pillars;以有系统和一致的方式对其附属机构的结果加以综合,以便提供总体政策指导,包括为涉及其三个支柱部门的新工作指明方向;
Ensuring that the interaction among the three pillars of UNCTAD is effective and that the synergies among them are operational;确保贸发会议三大支柱部门之间的相互作用切实有效,并确保它们之间的协同作用联系付诸实施;
Considering the work programme of the organization as a whole and its consistency with mandates;整体考虑贸发会议的工作方案,看其是否与任务受权一致;
Overseeing the operation of its subsidiary bodies and ensuring that they and the secretariat are discharging their mandates in accordance with intergovernmental decisions of UNCTAD;监督其附属机构的运行,并确保这些机构和秘书处按照贸发会议的政府间决定履行职责;
Considering and approving UNCTAD’s technical cooperation strategy, based on the recommendations of the Working Party on the Medium-term Plan and the Programme Budget;根据中期计划和方案预算工作组的建议,审议并批准贸发会议的技术合作战略;
and (h)(h)
Following up on UNCTAD’s communication strategy, including its publication policy and dissemination of publications, to ensure their effective implementation, and updating as necessary, based on the recommendations of the Working Party on the Medium Term-plan and the Programme Budget.根据中期计划和方案预算工作组的建议,跟踪贸发会议的传播战略,包括其出版物政策和出版物散发工作,以确保其有效落实,并在必要时修改此种战略和政策。
The Board’s agenda should reflect the interests and concerns of the UNCTAD membership, be policy-oriented, include varied and topical issues falling under the purview of UNCTAD, and be organized around themes agreed to by member States.理事会的议程应当反映贸发会议成员的利益和关切,面向政策,包含属于贸发会议范围的各个不同专题,并围绕成员国商定的主题编排。
In organizing the substantive discussions, including the high-level segment, particular attention should be paid to achieving an interactive debate drawing on, inter alia, UNCTAD’s research and analysis findings.在组织实质性讨论包括高级别会议时,应当尤其侧重安排在贸发会议的研究和分析结论基础上进行的交互式讨论。
The Board will add to the agenda of its regular session an additional item entitled “Development strategies in a globalized world”.理事会常会的议程将加上一个项目,叫为“全球化世界中的发展战略”。
As an organ of the General Assembly, UNCTAD should enhance its contribution to the work of its parent body.贸发会议作为联大的一个机构,应当加强其对联大工作的贡献。
The Board’s report to the General Assembly will continue to comprise negotiated outcomes on Africa, the LDCs and technical cooperation, chair’s summaries and negotiated outcomes addressed to the secretariat.理事会提交联大的报告仍将包括关于非洲、最不发达国家和技术合作问题的谈判结果、主席的摘要,以及针对秘书处的有关管理问题的谈判结果。
The Board should also contribute more to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in accordance with relevant General Assembly resolutions, particularly to work related to the integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits.理事会还应当按照联大的有关决议,为经济及社会理事会的工作做出更大贡献,具体而言,为综合协调落实联合国各主要会议和首脑会议结果的工作做出更大贡献。
The annual regular session of the Board will take place in early September.理事会的年会将在9月初举行。
In accordance with its mandated functions, the Board should make arrangements to enhance links with intergovernmental bodies whose activities are relevant to its functions.根据为其规定的职能,理事会应当做出安排,加强与所开展的活动同理事会的职能相关的政府间机构的联系。
In this respect, the President of the Trade and Development Board should continue to participate in the General Assembly deliberations on trade and development and in the special high-level meetings of the Economic and Social Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, WTO and UNCTAD, and may participate in other major events in Geneva, upon invitation.为此,贸易和发展理事会主席应当继续参加联大审议贸易和发展问题的活动,参加经济及社会理事会同布雷顿森林机构、世贸组织及贸发会议进行的高级别特别会议,并且还可应邀参加在日内瓦举行的其它重要活动。
The President of the Board will brief UNCTAD member States on the outcomes of such meetings and his or her participation therein.理事会主席将向贸发会议成员国通报此种会议的结果及其参会情况。
The President of the Board should hold monthly consultations with the extended Bureau of the Board and interested States member to allow for regular briefings by the secretariat on forthcoming meetings, informal follow-up to meetings, and procedural and housekeeping matters.理事会主席应与理事会扩大主席团和有兴趣的成员国举行每月协商会议,让秘书处就即将举行的会议、对会议采取的非正式后续行动、程序性和后勤工作等做定期的简报。
The monthly consultations should continue to serve as a forum for dialogue between the secretariat and member States on issues of interest to the organization.每月协商会议应继续作为秘书处与成员国之间就本组织关心的问题举行对话的论坛。
The Conference welcomes the establishment of the Global Network of Development Think Tanks, involving institutions at the country level and regional networks.大会欢迎发展问题智囊团全球网络的设立,该网络得到国家一级的机构和区域网络的参与。
The Conference invites the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, on the basis of the experience gained and the lessons drawn in the operation of the network, in particular the virtual discussion forum, to explore the feasibility of organizing an annual meeting of the Global Network to be held in conjunction with the regular session of the Board.大会请贸发会议秘书长考虑到该网络的运行尤其是虚拟论坛的运行方面积累的经验和吸取的教益,研究配合理事会常会安排举行一次全球网络年度会议的可行性。
There will be an additional agenda item at the regular session of the Trade and Development Board in 2010 entitled “Evaluation and review of UNCTAD’s implementation of the Accra Accord”.贸易和发展理事会2010年常会议程将增加一个项目,称为“评价和审查贸发会议执行《阿克拉协议》的情况”。
To address this agenda item, this regular session will be extended by one week.为了处理这一项目,这届常会将延长一个星期。
The Secretary-General of UNCTAD will present a report on UNCTAD’s implementation of the Accra Accord;贸发会议秘书长将提交关于贸发会议执行《阿克拉协议》情况的报告。
this report will be the basis for member States’ discussion, which may result in recommendations to the secretariat regarding its implementation of the Accord.这一报告将成为成员国进行讨论的基础,讨论可能会产生向秘书处提出的关于执行该协定的建议。
Commissions委 员 会
The commissions are subsidiary bodies of the Trade and Development Board and their reports, including any conclusions and recommendations agreed within the scheduled time of their sessions, will be submitted to the Trade and Development Board for approval.委员会是贸易和发展理事会的附属机构。 委员会的报告,连同在预定会期内商定的任何结论和建议,将提交贸易和发展理事会核准。
They are intergovernmental meetings attended by government representatives.委员会会议是政府代表出席的政府间会议。
The role of the commissions is:委员会的作用是:
to conduct policy dialogue on one or two selected issues;就一个或两个选定的问题开展政策对话;
to consider reports of expert meetings;审议专家会议的报告;
to manage and recommend for approval the work programme of expert meetings within their purview;管理其负责的专家会议的工作方案并提请核准;
and to promote and strengthen synergies among the three pillars.促进和加强三大支柱部门之间的协同作用联系。
There will be two commissions: one entitled the Trade and Development Commission and the second entitled the Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission.将设两个委员会:一个是“贸易和发展委员会”,另一个是“投资、企业和发展委员会”。
The Trade and Development Commission will have the mandate of the previous Commission on Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities, and will also assume responsibility for transport and trade logistics issues from the previous Commission on Enterprise, Business Facilitation and Development.贸易和发展委员会将拥有原先货物和服务贸易及初级商品委员会的职权,同时还将负责原先的企业、工商促进和发展委员会与运输和贸易后勤有关的问题。
The Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission will have the mandate of the previous Commission on Investment, Technology and Related Financial Issues, and will also assume responsibility for enterprise and ICT issues from the previous Commission on Enterprise, Business Facilitation and Development.投资、企业和发展委员会将拥有原先的投资、技术及相关的资金委员会的职权,同时还将负责原先的企业、工商促进和发展委员会的与企业和信通技术有关的问题。
The outcomes of commission sessions will be agreed conclusions from the policy dialogue and recommendations to the secretariat achieved within the scheduled time of the session.委员会届会的结果将有在预定会期内由政策对话产生的议定结论和向秘书处提出的建议。
In this regard, recommendations could include suggestions on areas and topics of research.为此,建议可包括关于研究领域和专题的建议。
On the basis of a dialogue between beneficiaries and donors, recommendations could also include suggestions on the implementation and, if so agreed by the interested parties, on the discontinuation of technical cooperation projects.在受益方和捐助方进行对话的基础上,建议还可包括关于执行以及在有关各方达成一致的前提下终止技术合作项目的建议。
These conclusions and recommendations should be focused, brief and directly related to the agenda of the session and should provide inputs to the research and analysis pillar and the technical cooperation pillar.这种结论和建议应当有所侧重、简要、与届会议程直接相关,为研究和分析支柱部门及技术合作支柱部门提供投入。
They will be reflected in the reports of the commissions.这些结果应反映在委员会的报告里。
The substantive topics for commission sessions will be decided upon by the Trade and Development Board, upon the recommendation of the Bureau of the Board, at least six months in advance of the commission session, and will be based on a topic or topics selected from the secretariat research or from issues of interest identified in the reports of expert meetings.委员会届会的实质性专题,将由贸易和发展理事会根据理事会主席团的建议,在委员会届会举行至少六个月之前决定,并且将以从秘书处的研究工作或专家会议报告确定的令人关注的问题中选定的一个或多个专题为基础。
In order to allow for greater responsiveness to member States’ interest in preparing for commission sessions, between sessions the Bureau of the Trade and Development Board will follow up on preparations for the next commission’s session.为了能够在更大程度上顾及成员国对委员会届会筹备工作的关注,贸易和发展理事会主席团将在闭会期间跟踪委员会下一届会议的筹备情况。
Commission sessions will be held at the same time each year in the Spring and back-to-back, in order to allow better planning and attendance, including from capitals.委员会届会将在每年春天相同时间举行,这样,就能够更好地制订计划并便利出席,包括便利各国从首都派代表与会。
Each session will have a duration of five days, and this time period will include a break of one day for informal consultations.每届会议的会期定为五天,其中包括一天休会时间,用于非正式磋商。
The first three days will focus on the substantive items of the agenda, comprising one or two topics decided in advance by the Bureau of the Trade and Development Board and consideration of expert meetings’ reports and work plans.头三天将主要讨论议程上的实质性项目,这些项目为主席团预先决定的一个或两个专题以及审议专家会议的报告和工作计划。
After a break of one day, on the last day of the session the commission will address the institutional issues on the agenda and adopt any agreed outcome.在休息一天之后,委员会将在届会的最后一天处理议程上的体制机构问题,并通过议定结果。
The commission meetings will have as their inputs:委员会会议将收到以下材料作为对会议的投入:
substantive documentation prepared by the secretariat, providing secretariat views and recommendations based on secretariat research and analysis;秘书处编写的实质性文件,此种文件在秘书处进行的研究和分析基础上,提出秘书处的看法和建议;
reports of expert meetings;专家会议报告;
inputs from the Global Network of Development Think Tanks, civil society and the private sector;发展问题智囊团全球网络、民间社会及私营部门的投入;
and secretariat activity reports.秘书处活动报告。
Documentation will be produced at least six weeks in advance of the session in all official United Nations languages, in accordance with United Nations rules.相关文件将根据联合国规则,在届会举行前至少六周以联合国所有正式语文编写。
Expert meetings专家会议
Expert meetings will continue to be held under the auspices of the commissions.专家会议将继续在委员会的主持下举行。
Expert meetings should be strengthened so that experts make a greater contribution to UNCTAD’s programme of work in all three pillars.专家会议应当得到加强,这样,专家们就能够为贸发会议在所有三大支柱部门内的工作方案做出更大的贡献。
Expert meetings will be held in single sessions or in multi-year sessions.专家会议将以单届会议或多年度届会的方式举行。
There will be no increase in the total number of expert meetings per year (eight), and individual sessions will not last more than three days.专家会议每年的总数将不增加(八次),而且每次会议的会期将不超过三天。
All expert meetings will comprise experts designated by member States but serving in their personal capacities.所有专家会议都将由成员国指定但以个人身份行事的专家出席。
Balanced participation from capitals in different regions should be encouraged.应当鼓励不同区域的国家均派代表出席会议。
Expert meetings should be interactive and enable all experts to participate fully;专家会议应当具有互动性质并使所有专家都能充分参与;
they should encourage sharing of experience and best practices;会议应当鼓励交流经验和最佳做法;
and they should facilitate networking among experts.并且应当方便专家们相互建立网络联系。
They may generate, as part of the report of the Chair, practical options and actionable outcomes for consideration by the commissions, such as inventories of best practices, checklists, indicative guidelines, sets of criteria or principles, and model frameworks.专家会议可作为主席的报告的一部分,提出实际备选办法和能够采取行动的结果供委员会审议,如最佳做法清单、核对表、指示性指导方针、成套标准或原则、示范框架等。
The topics and the terms of reference for multi-year expert meetings will be determined by the Trade and Development Board at its fifty-fifth session.多年度专家会议的议题和职权范围将由贸易和发展理事会第五十五届会议确定。
The multi-year expert meetings will report annually to the commissions.多年度专家会议将每年向委员会提交报告。
Multi-year expert meetings will last for up to four years, though not beyond the session of the Conference following their establishment.多年度专家会议最多持续四年,但持续时间不超出组建这些会议之后的那届贸发大会。
In this regard, the Trade and Development Board will establish a multi-year expert meeting on commodities.在这方面,贸易和发展理事会将设立一个关于商品问题的多年度专家会议。
Single-session expert meetings will be convened on specific topics that require in-depth examination.将就需要深入研讨的特定专题召开只有一次届会的专家会议。
The topics will be decided by the Trade and Development Board.这些专题将由贸易和发展理事会决定。
Funding for the participation of experts from developing countries, including LDCs, and countries with economies in transition must be sustainable and predictable.发展中国家包括最不发达国家以及转型经济国家的代表与会所需经费,必须持续得到保证并具有可预测性。
Funding will come from the trust fund that exists for this purpose, and the Secretary-General of UNCTAD is requested to make a renewed, sustained effort to attract contributions to the fund on a priority basis.经费将来自为此设立的信托基金,请贸发会议秘书长做出新的、持续的努力,作为优先事项寻求对该基金的捐款。
Member States are encouraged to contribute to the fund.鼓励成员国向该基金捐款。
The Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy and the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting will continue to meet annually.竞争法和竞争政策政府间专家组以及国际会计和报告标准政府间专家工作组将继续每年举行会议。
Technical cooperation技术合作
As one of the three pillars of UNCTAD, technical cooperation should be fully integrated with the other two pillars.作为贸发会议的三大支柱部门之一,技术合作应当与其它两大支柱部门充分结合在一起。
Technical cooperation should:技术合作应当:
Deliver tangible results at the interregional, regional and national levels, to the benefit of all developing countries;在区际、区域和国家三级取得实际成果,使所有发展中国家都能获益;
Be demand-driven and embrace country ownership;以需求驱动并认可国家自主权;
Be based on the principles of transparency, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability;本着透明、高效、有效和能接受问责等原则;
Continue to address the needs of all developing countries, in particular LDCs;继续解决所有发展中国家尤其是最不发达国家的需要;
Particularly address the needs of the African continent;尤其解决非洲大陆的需要;
Be planned and implemented in a geographically balanced manner;以区域分布均衡的方式进行规划和落实;
Continue to address the special needs and problems of landlocked developing countries;继续解决内陆发展中国家的特殊需要和问题;
Also continue to address the special needs of small island developing States, and to address the special needs of other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies;继续解决小岛屿发展中国家的特殊需要,解决其他结构薄弱、易受影响、小型的经济体的特殊需要;
Be in accordance with Trade and Development Board decisions 492 (LIV) of 2007 and 478 (L) of 2003;还遵循贸易和发展理事会2007年第492(LIV)号决定和2003年第478(L)号决定;
and (j)(j)
Also be in accordance with the conclusions of the Mid-term Review in 2006.还遵循2006年中期审查的结论。
Regional partnership-based delivery of technical assistance activities should be maximized in order to benefit from pooled resources.应尽可能立足于区域伙伴关系开展落实技术援助活动,以便从资源集中利用中获益。
Local and regional expertise and material resources should be used to the maximum to enhance the institutional capacity of recipient countries and the sustainability of benefits.应尽可能利用本地和区域专长和物质资源增强受援国的机构能力,并提高效益的可持续性。
With regard to LDCs, UNCTAD should intensify its contribution to the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries.在最不发达国家方面,贸发会议应进一步加大力度推动《向最不发达国家提供涉贸技术援助的强化综合框架》。
UNCTAD, in collaboration with other participating institutions, should contribute to strengthening in-country capacities for the effective management, implementation and monitoring of the mainstreaming of trade into LDCs’ national development plans.贸发会议应与其他参与机构协作,推动驻在国加强力量,切实有效管理,落实和监测将贸易融入最不发达国家发展计划主流的工作。
The Conference takes note of the successful outcome of the Pledging Conference on the Enhanced Integrated Framework, held in Stockholm on 25 September 2007.会议注意到2007年9月25日在斯德哥尔摩举行的《强化综合框架》认捐会议取得的成功。
Efforts should be pursued to improve the management, evaluation and reporting of all technical assistance activities, with greater attention being paid to:应当设法改进所有技术援助活动的管理、评估和报告工作,在更大程度上注重:
Measuring the effectiveness and evaluating the impact of those activities, in accordance with the relevant paragraphs of Trade and Development Board decision 478 (L) and relevant United Nations rules and procedures on technical cooperation evaluation;按照贸易和发展理事会第478(L)号决定相关段落,以及联合国技术合作评估规则和程序,衡量这些活动的有效性,并评估这些活动的效果;
Clearly identifying the roles and responsibilities within the secretariat;明确秘书处内的任务和职责;
and (c)(c)
Tracking the demand for assistance and the availability of funding.跟踪援助需求和资金提供情况。
There should be more cross-divisional cooperation in order to promote a holistic, UNCTAD-wide perspective and to enhance synergies, cost-effectiveness and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned in the design and implementation of technical assistance activities.应当加强各司之间的合作,以便提倡采用从整体考虑、顾及贸发会议全系统的视角,并且在筹划和落实技术援助活动方面增强协同作用联系、提高成本效益,并加强良好做法和吸取的教益交流。
The Conference underscores Trade and Development Board decision 492 (LIV) and encourages its effective implementation in order to increase predictability, transparency and coherence in the planning and implementation of technical assistance programmes with a view to enhancing the effectiveness and impact of UNCTAD technical cooperation.大会强调贸易和发展理事会第492(LIV)号决定,并鼓励切实执行这项决定,以便提高技术援助方案的规划和执行方面的可预测性、透明度和一致性,从而增强贸发会议技术合作的有效性和效果。
Fund-raising should also be further improved.资金筹集应当进一步加以改进。
In line with Trade and Development Board decision 492 (LIV), donors and potential donors in a position to do so are urged to provide multi-year contributions to the newly established thematic trust funds so as to increase predictability in the planning and implementation of the relevant technical assistance programmes.按照贸易和发展理事会第492(LIV)号决定,敦促能够向新建立的主题信托基金提供多年度捐款的捐助方和潜在捐助方为这些基金提供此种捐款,以便提高相关技术援助方案的规划和执行方面的可预测性。
Other ways and options to improve fund-raising and diversify the funding base should also continue to be explored, such as more effective outreach and presentation of UNCTAD technical cooperation capacities and programmes and of funding needs.还应当继续探索改善资金筹集状况并使资金来源多样化的其它途径和办法,如更切实有效地宣传和介绍贸发会议技术援助活动和方案及资金需要等。
One of the key aims of the current United Nations reform proposal is to improve the ways in which United Nations agencies operate at the national level.目前联合国改革提案的关键目标之一是改进联合国各机构在国家一级的运作方式。
UNCTAD should reinforce its operational links with other United Nations organizations, particularly those operating at country level.贸发会议应加强与其他联合国组织,尤其是那些在国家一级运作的组织之间的业务联系。
The Conference welcomes the establishment by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination of the inter-agency thematic cluster on trade and productive sectors, the purpose of which is to enhance the role of trade and related issues in United Nations development assistance plans, undertake joint operations at the country level and enhance inter-agency cooperation in system-wide initiatives in these areas.会议欢迎联合国行政首长理事会机构间贸易和生产部门集群的设立,该集群的设立是为了加强贸易和相关问题在联合国发展援助计划中的地位,在国家一级联合开展活动,并加强这些领域的全系统举措的机构间合作。
The newly established training programme for United Nations resident coordinators on the activities and programmes of the thematic cluster should be pursued actively.新开办的联合国驻地协调员关于专题小组活动和方案的培训方案应得到积极的执行。
As a complement to that training, the designated regional focal points referred to in paragraph 178 above should, within the framework of established secretariat procedures, also assist United Nations resident coordinators in identifying and developing UNCTAD programmes for their countries and their inclusion in United Nations development frameworks.作为这项培训工作的补充,上文第178段所指的区域联络点,还应在秘书处现有程序框架内协助联合国驻地协调员为其所在国家确定和制定贸发会议的工作方案,并将它们纳入联合国发展框架。
General Assembly resolution 62/208, entitled “Triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system”, and subsequent resolutions on this subject, should be implemented by UNCTAD as expeditiously as possible.贸发会议应尽快落实大会题为“联合国系统发展方面的业务活动三年期全面政策审查”的第62/208号决议以及随后就这一专题通过的各项决议。
The Conference welcomes and encourages the implementation of the Aid for Trade initiative and takes note of the Aid for Trade Global Review held from 19 to 21 November 2007.大会欢迎并鼓励《贸易援助计划》的落实,并注意到2007年11月19日至21日举行的《贸易援助计划》全球审评会议。
The Aid for Trade initiative includes resources for technical assistance provided through both bilateral and multilateral channels to build capacity to formulate locally-owned trade policies, participate in trade negotiations, implement trade agreements, build supply-side capacities and offset adjustment costs.《贸易援助计划》包括通过双边和多边渠道提供技术援助所需资源,以便增强制定当地掌控的贸易政策、参与贸易谈判、执行贸易协定、建立供应方能力和抵消调整代价的能力。
UNCTAD can contribute to the realization of the Aid for Trade initiative through, inter alia, its technical cooperation activities, including through its participation in the trade and productive capacity cluster.贸发会议可以尤其通过技术合作活动,包括参加贸易和生产能力集群,为《贸易援助计划》的落实出力。
UNCTAD should also improve its technical cooperation outreach towards potential recipients, including LDCs, taking into consideration Trade and Development Board decision 478 (L).贸发会议还应当在考虑到贸易和发展理事会第478(L)号决定的前提下,改进其对包括最不发达国家在内的潜在受援者的技术合作拓展工作。
The interaction between the secretariat, potential beneficiaries and donors on UNCTAD technical cooperation should be carried out in a more structured way and facilitated within the framework of the Working Party on the Medium-term Plan and the Programme Budget (Technical Cooperation).秘书处、潜在受益者和捐助方之间在贸发会议技术合作方面的相互作用进程,应当以更为结构化的方式进行,并且应当在中期计划和方案预算工作组的框架(技术合作)内得到推动。
Implementation执 行
In order to implement the activities outlined in the operational paragraphs on UNCTAD’s contribution and on strengthening UNCTAD in the Accra Accord in an efficient and timely manner, they should be presented, in accordance with United Nations rules and practices, as the work programme for the next four years with clearly defined objectives and outputs, including timeframes and expected outcomes.为了有效及时执行《阿克拉协议》执行段落所列的关于贸发会议贡献和加强贸发会议的活动,应当按联合国的规则和惯例,将它们编列成未来四年的工作方案,提出明确的目标和产出,包括时间表和预期成果。
The Secretary-General of UNCTAD should present the work programme to member States for discussion at the first meeting of the Working Party on the Medium-term Plan and the Programme Budget and the subsequent session of the Trade and Development Board.贸发会议秘书长应当在中期计划和预算工作组第一届会议上及随后的贸易和发展理事会会议上向各成员国提出工作方案,供其讨论。
Statements of position立场声明
The representative of the United States of America said that his delegation understood the “right to development” to mean that each individual should enjoy the right to develop his or her own intellectual and other capacities to the maximum extent possible, through the exercise of the full range of civil and political rights and freedoms.美利坚合众国代表说,美国代表团对“发展权”含义的理解是,每一个人都应当有权通过行使全部公民、政治权利和自由,而最大限度地开发其本身的智力和其他能力。
The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran said that his delegation could not accept any process that led to recognition of the Israeli regime and expressed strong reservations about the inclusion of references at the end of the first sentence of paragraph 44 of the Accra Accord to the so-called “Road Map” and other processes that had not been part of General Assembly efforts and resolutions regarding the issue of Palestine.伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表说,伊朗代表团无法接受任何导致承认以色列政权的进程,并对《阿克拉协议》第44段第一句结尾处提到所谓“路线图”的说法和其他不属于联大在巴勒斯坦问题上作出的努力和决议内容的进程,持强烈保留态度。
Organizational, procedural and other matters组织和程序事项
Opening of the Conference (Agenda item 1)会 议 开 幕 (议程项目1)
The inaugural ceremony of the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development was held on 20 April 2008 at the Accra International Conference Centre, Ghana, Accra.联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届会议开幕式于2008年4月20日在加纳阿克拉的国际会议中心举行。
Opening statements were made by Mr. Luiz Inácio da Silva, President of Brazil, Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor, President of Ghana, and Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.巴西总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达西尔瓦先生、加纳总统约翰·阿吉耶库姆·库福尔先生和联合国秘书长潘基文先生致开幕辞。
The session was opened by Mr. Celso Amorim, Minister of External Relations of Brazil, speaking in his capacity as outgoing President of UNCTAD XI.巴西对外关系部长塞尔索•阿莫林先生以贸发十一大卸任主席的身份讲了话。
Election of the President (Agenda item 2)选 举 主 席 (议程项目2)
At its 270th (opening) plenary meeting, on 20 April 2008, the Conference elected by acclamation as its President Mr. Joe Baidoe-Ansah, Minister of Trade, Industry, Private Sector Development and President’s Special Initiatives of Ghana.在2008年4月20日的第270次(开幕)会议上,大会以鼓掌方式选举加纳贸易、工业、私营部门发展和总统特别倡议部长乔·柏都-安萨先生为大会主席。
Establishment of sessional bodies (Agenda item 3)设立会期机构 (议程项目3)
At the same meeting, the Conference decided to establish a committee of the whole to consider and report on the specific substantive item referred to it by the plenary (agenda item 8).在同一次会议上,大会决定设立一个全体委员会,审议全体会议交付的实质性项目并提出有关报告(议程项目8)。
It was recalled that, in line with rule 63 of the rules of procedure, the Committee of the Whole could set up such drafting groups as might be required to carry out its function.回顾按照议事规则第63条,全体委员会将按照可能的要求设立起草小组等以履行职责。
Election of vice-presidents and the Rapporteur (Agenda item 4)选举副主席和报告员 (议程项目4)
At the same meeting, the Conference decided that its Bureau would consist of 35 members, comprising the President, the vice-presidents, the Chair of the Committee of the Whole, and the Rapporteur of the Conference.在同一次会议上,大会决定主席团应由35名成员组成,包括主席、副主席、全体委员会主席和大会报告员。
It further decided that the composition of the Bureau should be such as to ensure equitable geographical distribution, i.e. seven members from Africa, seven from Asia, seven from Latin America and the Caribbean, nine from Group B, four from Group D, and China.大会还决定,主席团的构成应确保公平的地域分配,即非洲7名、亚洲7名、拉丁美洲和加勒比地区7名、B组9名、D组4名、中国1名。
It waived rule 58 of the rules of procedure concerning procedures for the election of members of the Bureau, and declared the following officers elected:大会免予适用关于主席团成员选举程序的议事规则第58条,并宣布了下列当选人员:
Chair of the Committee of the Whole:全体委员会主席:
Mr. Petko Draganov Bulgaria Petko Draganov先生 保加利亚
Vice-presidents:副 主 席:
Mr. Rashid Bladehane AlgeriaRashid Bladehane先生 阿尔及利亚
Mr. Alfredo Chiaradia ArgentinaAlfredo Chiaradia先生 阿根廷
Mr. Feroz Ahmed BangladeshFeroz Chiaradia先生 孟加拉国
Mr. Andrei Savinykh BelarusAndrei Savinykh先生 白俄罗斯
Mr. Don Stephenson CanadaDon Stephenson先生 加拿大
Mr. Yi Xiaozhun China Yi Xiaozhun先生 中国
Mr. Youssouf Soumahoro Côte d’Ivoire Youssouf Soumahoro先生 科特迪瓦
Mr. Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz Cuba Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz先生 古巴
Mr. Ramzy Ezeldin Ramzi EgyptRamzy Ezeldin Ramzy先生 埃及
Ms. Ana Vilma Albanez de Escobar El Salvador Ana Vilma Albanez de Escobar女士 萨尔瓦多
Mr. Pierre Jacquemot France Pierre Jacquemont先生 法国
Ms. Dagmar Wöhrl Germany Dagmar Wöhrl女士 德国
Mr. Rezlan Ishar Jenie IndonesiaRezlan Ishar Jenie先生 印度尼西亚
Mr. Seyed Masoud Mir Kazemi Iran (Islamic Republic of)Seyed Masoud Mir Kazemi先生 伊朗伊斯兰共和国
Mr. Ronald Robinson JamaicaRonald Robinson先生 牙买加
Mr. Yasuhide Nakayama JapanYasuhide Nakayama先生 日本
Ms. Luz María de la Mora Mexico Luz María de la Mora女士 墨西哥
Mr. Mohamed Loulichki Morocco Mohamed Loulichiki先生 摩洛哥
Mr. Haakon Arald Gulbrandsen Norway Hakon Arald Gulbrandsen先生 挪威
Mr. Ahmed Ba OmarAhmed Ba Omar先生 阿曼
Oman Mr. Shahid Khaqan AbbasiShahid Khaqan Abbasi先生 巴基斯坦
Pakistan Mr. Gonzalo Gutiérrez ReinelGonzalo Gutiérrez Reinel先生 秘鲁
Peru Ms. Erlinda F. Basilio PhilippinesErlinda A. Basilio女士 菲律宾
Mr. João Gomes Cravinho PortugalJoão Gomes Cravinho先生 葡萄牙
Mr. Vladimir Tkachenko Russian FederationVladimir Tkachenko先生 俄罗斯联邦
Ms. Andrej Ster SloveniaAndrej Ster女士 斯洛文尼亚
Mr. Rob Davies South AfricaBob Davies先生 南非
Mr. Alfredo Bonet Baiget SpainAlfredo Bonet Baiget先生 西班牙
Mr. Noppadon Pattama ThailandNoppadon Pattama先生 泰国
Mr. Nelson Gagawala Wambuzi UgandaNelson Gagawala Wambuyi先生 乌干达
Mr. George Dragnich United States of America George Dragnich先生 美利坚合众国
Mr. Jorge Valero Venezuela (Republic Bolivarian of)Jorge Valero先生 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国
Mr. Darius Kurek SwitzerlandDarius Kurek先生 瑞士
In accordance with past practice, the Conference decided that the coordinators of regional groups would be fully associated with the work of the Bureau.按照过去的惯例,大会决定,各区域集团的协调员将全面参与主席团的工作。
Credentials of representatives to the Conference (Agenda item 5)会议代表的全权证书 (议程项目5)
Appointment of the Credentials Committee任命全权证书委员会
Also at its opening plenary meeting, on 20 April 2008, and in accordance with rule 14 of the rules of procedure, the Conference established a credentials committee consisting of nine members.在2008年4月20日开幕会议上,按照议事规则第14条,大会设立了一个由9名成员组成的全权证书委员会。
In accordance with past practice, the Committee was to be composed of the same nine States as appointed by the General Assembly to serve on the Credentials Committee at its sixty-second session.按照过去的惯例,由联合国大会任命担任联大第六十二届会议全权证书委员会成员的9个国家组成本届会议的全权证书委员会。
The composition of the Credentials Committee was thus as follows: Angola, China, Chile, Namibia, Russian Federation, Singapore, Switzerland, Suriname and the United States of America.因此,全权证书委员会的构成如下:安哥拉、中国、智利、纳米比亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡、瑞士、苏里南和美利坚合众国。
Report of the Credentials Committee全权证书委员会的报告
At its 280th (closing) plenary meeting, on 25 April 2008, the Conference approved the report of the Credentials Committee, contained in document TD/440.在2008年4月25日的第280次(闭幕)全会上,会议批准了全权证书委员会的报告,载于TD/440号文件。
Adoption of the agenda (Agenda item 6)通 过 议 程 (议程项目6)
At its opening plenary meeting, the Conference adopted the provisional agenda for its eleventh session, as contained in document TD/414 (see annex I below).在同一次会议上,大会通过了TD/414号文件所载第十二届大会的临时议程(见下文附件一)。
General debate (Agenda item 7)一般性辩论 (议程项目7)
In the course of the general debate, statements were made by, or on behalf of, 95 member States, the observer for Palestine, six United Nations bodies and specialized agencies, and five intergovernmental organizations.在一般性辩论中,有95个成员国、巴勒斯坦观察员、6个联合国机构和专门机构和5个政府间组织作了发言。
Statements and archived videos of the general debate can be found at发言内容和一般性辩论的存档录像可检索网址。
Other business (Agenda item 9)其 他 事 项 (议程项目9)
Periodic review by the Conference of the lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX)贸发大会定期审查联大第1995(XIX)号决议附件所载国家名单
At its closing plenary meeting, on 25 April 2008, the Conference endorsed the lists of States contained in document TD/B/INF.211 (see annex VIII).在2008年4月25日的闭幕全会上,大会核可了载于TD/B/INF.211号文件的成员名单(见附件八)。
Report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference贸易和发展理事会提交贸发大会的报告
At the same meeting, the Conference took note of the report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference, contained in document TD/441.在同一次会议上,大会通过了TD/441号文件所载贸易和发展理事会提交本届大会的报告。
Financial implications of the actions of the Conference贸发大会采取的行动所涉经费问题
At the same meeting, Mr. Oluseye Oduyemi, Director of the Division of Management of UNCTAD, said that, owing to the late finalization of the Accra Accord, the secretariat had not been able to prepare the formal statement of the administrative and financial implications of the adoption of the Accord.在同一次会议上,贸发会议管理司司长奥鲁塞耶·欧度耶米先生说,由于《阿克拉协议》定稿时间较晚,秘书处未来得及拟出通过该协议所涉行政和经费的正式报表。
He then read out the following statement from the United Nations Comptroller:他随后宣读了联合国财务主任的下列说明:
“It is expected that the Trade and Development Board, at its fifty-fifth session, would carry out a thorough review of the Accra Accord and would make related decisions, especially with regard to paragraphs 202–214.“预计贸易和发展理事会将在第五十五届会议上对《阿克拉协议》予以透彻研究,并做出相关决定,尤其是针对第202-214段。
In this light, a resulting statement of programme budget implications, if applicable, would be submitted to the Board by the secretariat.”故由此产生的方案预算报表,如适用,将由秘书处提交理事会。”
The representative of the United States of America said that it was his understanding that the adoption of the Accord had no programme budget implications.美国代表说,他的理解是通过《阿克拉协议》不涉及方案预算问题。
Mr. Oduyemi said that he had no information to the contrary, and emphasized that a statement would be submitted only “if applicable”.欧度耶米先生说,他无相反的信息并强调,“如适用”才会提交报表。
The Conference took note of the statement by the Director of the Division of Management.会议注意到管理司司长的说明。
Adoption of the report of the Conference to the General Assembly (Agenda item 10)通过本届贸发大会提交联大的报告 (议程项目10)
Also at its closing plenary meeting, the Conference adopted its report to the General Assembly, contained in document TD/L.399, on the understanding that it would be finalized to take into account the proceedings of the closing plenary meeting under the authority of the Rapporteur.大会还在同一次会议上通过了给联大的报告,载于TD/L.399号文件,所基于的理解是,授权报告员将闭幕全会的议事录纳入最后定稿。
Expression of gratitude to the Government and people of Ghana向加纳政府和人民致谢
At the closing plenary meeting, the Conference adopted by acclamation an expression of gratitude to the Government and people of Ghana presented by the representative of the United Republic of Tanzania.在闭幕全体会议上,大会以鼓掌方式通过了坦桑尼亚联合共和国代表宣读的致加纳政府和人民的感谢信。
Venue of the thirteenth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易和发展会议第十三届会议的举行地点
At the opening plenary meeting, Mr. Yusef Hussein Kamal, Minister of Finance and Acting Minister of Economy and Commerce of Qatar, announced his Government’s offer to host the thirteenth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIII), in 2012.在开幕全体会议上,卡塔尔财政部长兼代理经济和商务部长约瑟夫·侯赛因·卡马尔先生宣布该国政府愿意在2012年承办联合国贸易和发展会议第十三届会议(第十三届贸发大会)。
The Chair of the Group of 77 and China made a statement welcoming the offer by the Government of Qatar.77国集团和中国的主席发言欢迎卡塔尔的提议。
The President of the Conference, speaking on behalf of the Conference, welcomed the offer, which he took as a sign of confidence in UNCTAD and which augured well for the success of UNCTAD XII.大会主席代表大会对这一提议表示欢迎,并认为是对贸发会议信任的表示,它预示着贸发十二大将取得成功。
Annex I附 件 一
Agenda for the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届大会议程
Opening of the Conference大会开幕
Election of the President选举主席
Establishment of sessional bodies设立会期机构
Election of vice-presidents and the Rapporteur选举副主席和报告员
Credentials of representatives to the Conference:与会代表的全权证书:
Appointment of the Credentials Committee任命全权证书委员会
Report of the Credentials Committee全权证书委员会的报告
Adoption of the agenda通过议程
General debate一般性辩论
Addressing the opportunities and challenges of globalization for development:探讨全球化给发展带来的机遇和挑战:
Enhancing coherence at all levels for sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in global policymaking, including the contribution of regional approaches加强全球各级决策对可持续的经济发展和减贫的一致性,包括发挥区域方针的作用
Key trade and development issues and the new realities in the geography of the world economy主要的贸易和发展问题以及新的世界经济格局
Enhancing the enabling environment at all levels to strengthen productive capacity, trade and investment: mobilizing resources and harnessing knowledge for development改进各级扶持环境,以提高生产能力、贸易和投资:筹集资源和利用知识促进发展
Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its development role, impact and institutional effectiveness加强贸发会议:强化其发展作用、影响力和体制效力
Other business:其他事项
Periodic review by the Conference of the lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX)贸发大会对联大第1995(XIX)号决议附件所载国家名单的定期审查
Report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference贸易和发展理事会提交贸发大会的报告
Financial implications of the actions of the Conference贸发大会采取的行动所涉经费问题
Adoption of the report of the Conference to the General Assembly 通过本届贸发大会提交联大的报告。
Annex II附 件 二
Ministerial Declaration of the Group of 77 and China on the occasion of UNCTAD XII77国集团和中国在贸发十二大之际发表的部长宣言
We, the Ministers of the member States of the Group of 77 and China, met in Ghana, Accra, on 20 April 2008 on the occasion of the twelfth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.我们,77国集团成员国和中国的部长们,于2008年4月20日联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届大会召开之际在加纳阿克拉举行了会议。
We express our appreciation and gratitude to the Republic of Ghana and its people for the excellent organization and hosting of the ministerial meeting and the warm hospitality which has been bestowed on us in the city of Accra since our arrival.我们赞赏并感谢加纳共和国及其人民出色组织并主办了部长会议,并赞赏和感谢阿克拉市自我们抵达该市以来给予我们的盛情款待。
We reaffirm the central role of UNCTAD as the focal point within the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.我们重申贸发会议作为联合国范围内全面处理贸易和发展及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展等领域相关问题的核心机构所发挥的中心作用。
UNCTAD is pre-eminently placed to respond to the current and emerging challenges facing developing countries.贸发会议在应对发展中国家面临的当前的和正在出现的挑战方面居于重要地位。
The mandate and functions of UNCTAD give the Organization a special role in the overall configuration of multilateral institutions and the United Nations system.贸发会议的职权和职能赋予了该组织在多边机构和联合国系统的整体布局中的特殊作用。
In this regard, we call for the strengthening of UNCTAD’s three pillars (research and analysis, consensus-building and technical cooperation) and the intergovernmental machinery.在这方面,我们呼吁加强贸发会议的三大支柱部门(研究和分析、建立共识和技术合作)及政府间机制。
We urgently call for the maintenance of the existing intergovernmental structure of UNCTAD comprising three commissions, one of which should be devoted to globalization to give advice to developing countries on issues relating to the challenges of globalization.我们迫切呼吁保持贸发会议由三个委员会组成的现有政府间结构,其中的一个委员会应专门负责全球化问题,为发展中国家在与全球化挑战有关的问题上提供咨询意见。
We recognize UNCTAD’s unique orientation and its commitment to serving the goal of development and are assured that it will continue to play a vital role in providing insights on strategic and systemic issues.我们确认贸发会议为发展目标服务的独特方向和承诺,相信贸发会议必将继续发挥关键作用,在战略性和系统性问题上提供深入的见解。
The three pillars of UNCTAD must work in an integrated and holistic manner to contribute directly to the global debate on development as we move towards the 2015 review meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).贸发会议的三大支柱部门必须以综合和整体的方式开展工作,在我们准备举办《千年发展目标》2015年审查会议的过程中对关于发展问题的全球对话直接做出贡献。
That occasion presents us with an excellent opportunity to further enhance the role of the United Nations in international economic governance, and its centrality in development in the United Nations agenda.该审查会议对于我们将是一个绝佳的机会,可以进一步加强联合国在国际经济治理中的作用及其在联合国议程制订中的中心地位。
We underscore the importance of strengthening multilateralism and the United Nations system in the face of growing unilateralism.面对日益强化的单边主义,我们强调加强多边主义和联合国系统的重要性。
We also reject one-size-fits-all policies and rules limiting the policy space available to developing countries and their ability to choose appropriate economic policies.我们也反对限制发展中国家政策空间及其选择适当经济政策的能力的“一刀切”政策和规则。
Recognizing our commitments to international obligations, we reaffirm that policy space is necessary to fully implement them in a manner best suited to our diverse national circumstances and conditions.我们确认对国际义务的承诺,重申必须具备政策空间,才能以最适合我们不同国情和条件的方式充分履行这些义务。
We reaffirm the Bangkok Plan of Action and the São Paulo Consensus, UNCTAD XII constitutes an excellent occasion to, building on this basis, review and reinvigorate international economic cooperation with a view to enhancing the development of all developing countries and to providing a development-oriented policy paradigm, policy dialogue and consensus-building.我们重申《曼谷行动计划》和《圣保罗共识》,贸发十二大是一个极好的时机,可以在此基础上审查并重振国际经济合作,以增进所有发展中国家的发展,并提供面向发展的政策范式、开展政策对话和建立共识。
The Conference can advance this aim by galvanizing support for a more development-friendly global economic, trade and financial system.这次大会能够通过为实现更加有利发展的全球经济、贸易和金融体系争取更多的支持而推进这一目标。
We call on development partners to continue to strengthen the North–South dialogue in pursuit of a shared development agenda.我们呼吁发展伙伴继续加强南北对话,以推进共同的发展目标。
We appreciate the importance of achieving the internationally agreed development goals, as outlined at previous United Nations summits and other forums.我们认识到实现在以往联合国首脑会议和其他论坛上提出的国际议定的发展目标的重要性。
Furthermore, we look forward to the General Assembly high-level event on the Millennium Development Goals with a focus on Africa in September 2008 to review progress made in the fulfilment of all the commitments set out in the United Nations Millennium Declaration.此外,我们期待联合国大会2008年9月以非洲为重点的《千年发展目标》问题高级别会议能够审查在兑现《联合国千年宣言》中列出的所有承诺方面所取得的进展。
We therefore welcome the United Nations Secretary-General’s initiative to scale up efforts to achieve the MDGs to enable the “bottom billion” to finally escape the poverty trap.因此,我们欢迎联合国秘书长采取主动行动,进一步加强争取实现《千年发展目标》的努力,使得“最低层10亿人民”最终能够摆脱贫困的桎梏。
In this context, we welcome the setting-up of the MDG Africa Steering Group, as it draws together United Nations agencies and other key partners to address systematically the special needs of African countries in their pursuit of development.在这方面,我们欢迎《千年发展目标》非洲指导小组的设立,这使得联合国机构和其他关键伙伴能够共同系统地处理非洲国家在争取发展方面的特殊需要。
The current global institutional architecture for global economic governance requires fundamental reforms to provide an adequate framework for dealing with the realities of today’s international economic and financial relations and to respond to the needs of the vast majority of the poor.对全球经济治理的现有全球机制构架需要进行根本性的改造,以便为对付当今国际经济和金融关系的现实提供充分的框架,并满足绝大多数穷人的需要。
Progress must be made in enhancing the coherence of the international economic architecture, particularly the interplay of the multilateral trading system and the international financial and monetary systems.必须进一步增强国际经济构架的一致性,特别是多边贸易体系与国际金融和货币体系之间互动关系的一致性。
There is a need for more inclusive and transparent governance of global economic relations, with an adequate voice and participation of developing countries in international economic decision-making.对于全球经济关系,需要更为兼容并蓄和透明的治理,要让发展中国家能够在国际经济决策中有充分的发言权和参与。
We therefore call on UNCTAD to give policy recommendations on all trade and development-related matters, including those sectors being pursued in the WTO negotiations.因此,我们呼吁贸发会议在所有涉及贸易与发展的事项上提出政策建议,包括就世贸组织目前谈判所针对的部门方面提出政策建议。
This will help developing countries maximize development gains from multilateral trading system.这将有助于发展中国家最大限度地从多边贸易体系中获取发展收益。
We are particularly concerned that the Doha Round negotiations in WTO have not concluded yet and have not met the expectations of developing countries.我们特别关注世贸组织多哈回合的谈判尚未取得结果,尚未达到发展中国家的期望。
All WTO members should uphold and reiterate their commitment for WTO to promote an open, equitable, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory and development-friendly multilateral trading system.所有世贸组织的成员都应信守并重申对世贸组织的承诺,促进建立开放的、平等的、基于规则的、可预测的、非歧视性的和有利发展的多边贸易体制。
They must demonstrate their political will and shared interest in achieving the success of the Doha Round and the realization of its development agenda, with the necessary special and differential treatment for developing countries.各成员国必须在实现多哈回合成功和实现其发展议程上,表现出它们的政治意愿和共同利益,对发展中国家给予必要的特殊和差别待遇。
The Doha Round should therefore also facilitate the beneficial integration of developing countries, particularly LDCs, into the multilateral trading system, and its final results should ensure fair, equitable and realizable commitments.因此,多哈回合还应促进发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家,从加入多边贸易制度中受益,该回合的最后结果应确保公正、平衡、和可以实现的承诺。
The specific and particular needs of LDCs must be addressed appropriately to fulfill promises made at Doha and at subsequent trade negotiation forums.必须适当解决最不发达国家的具体和特殊需要,履行在多哈及在之后的贸易谈判中作出的承诺。
We also support the Maseru LDC Ministerial Declaration and urge the international community to address the needs of LDCs.我们还支持马塞卢《最不发达国家部长宣言》,敦促国际社会解决最不发达国家的需要。
We call on UNCTAD to strengthen and prioritize its effort to help all developing countries derive development gains from their participation in the multilateral trading system and trade negotiations.我们呼吁贸发会议进一步做出努力,确定优先问题,帮助所有发展中国家从参加多边贸易制度和贸易谈判中取得发展收益。
The Doha Round should bring about improvements in multilateral rules that address and remove existing asymmetries and enhance the fairness and equity of the multilateral trading system.多哈回合应实现改进多边规则,解决并消除现有的不平衡,加强多边贸易制度的公正和平等。
In this light, the centrality of agriculture needs to be stressed: the fundamental basis for the existence of a fair and balanced trade in agriculture is the removal of the distortions currently present in agricultural trade.因此,必须强调农业需要的中心地位:公正和平衡的农产品贸易,其存在的根本基础是消除现行农产品贸易中的扭曲现象。
Agricultural domestic support granted for agricultural production by some developed countries must be effectively and substantially reduced, in accordance with the Doha mandate.必须根据多哈授权,实际并大幅度减少一些发达国家对农业生产实行的国内农业补贴。
Moreover, the Doha Round must eliminate all forms of export subsidies.此外,多哈回合必须取消一切形式的出口补贴。
We urge those developed countries providing subsidies for the cotton section to eliminate expeditiously both export subsidies and production-related domestic support, particularly with a view to fully addressing the concerns of cotton producers in Africa.我们敦促对棉花业提供补贴的发达国家立即取消出口补贴和在生产方面的国内支持,特别是着眼于全面解决非洲棉花生产国的关注。
The possible adverse impacts on LDCs and net-food-importing developing countries of a WTO agreement, including implementation costs and other concerns, must be adequately addressed.必须得到适当解决世贸组织协定对最不发达国家和粮食净进口发展中国家可能产生的不利影响,包括执行成本和其他关注。
Aid for Trade should be adequately funded through additionality and predictability of resources, to ensure that the needs of all developing countries, particularly LDCs, are met.“《贸易援助计划》”应得到充分的资金,如提供新的和可预测的资源,确保满足所有发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家的需要。
The North–South dialogue and negotiations, including triangular cooperation as a means of simultaneously promoting South–South and North–South cooperation, require genuine cooperation for development through global partnership.南北对话和谈判,包括同时促进南南合作和南北合作的三方合作,需要通过全球伙伴关系促进真正的发展合作。
The growing number and complexity of North–South trade agreements, such as bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) and economic partnership agreements (EPAs) between the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and the European Union, point to the importance of ensuring coherence for sustainable development and a positive interface between regional trade agreements (RTAs) and the multilateral trading system, as well as with national development strategies of developing countries, so that these agreements more effectively contribute to the attainment of the MDGs and poverty eradication.不断增加和日益复杂的南北贸易协定,如双边自由贸易协定(自贸协定)和非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家与欧洲联盟之间的经济伙伴协定(经伙协定),表明必须确保协调的可持续发展,确保区域贸易协定和多边贸易制度之间,以及与发展中国家本国的发展战略之间的积极互动,以便这些协定能够更有效地促进实现《千年发展目标》和消除贫困。
RTAs should be compliant with WTO rules, taking into account their development dimension.区域贸易协定应符合世贸组织的规则,并考虑到它们的发展层面。
North–South RTAs should not result in additional burdens for developing countries, particularly for LDCs.南北之间的区域贸易协定,不应对发展中国家造成额外负担,特别是最不发达国家。
We emphasize the importance of strengthening WTO universality and accession.我们强调,必须加强世贸组织的普遍性和广泛加入。
The accession process should be accelerated without political impediments and in an expeditious and transparent manner for developing countries, especially for LDCs applying to join the Organization.对申请加入世贸组织的发展中国家,特别是对最不发达国家,应加快加入程序,不应附带任何政治障碍,还应采取便捷和透明的方式。
This would contribute to the rapid and full integration of these countries into the multilateral trading system.这将有助于这些国家尽快和全面加入多边贸易体制。
UNCTAD’s unique role in and quality assistance for WTO accession should be strengthened and prioritized.贸发会议在帮助加入世贸组织方面发挥着独特和优异的作用,应予加强并制定出优先事项。
We note with concern that recent escalations in food and grain prices have caused social and political destabilization and market instability in several of our member States.我们关切地注意到,最近的食品和谷物价格攀升在我们的一些成员国中造成了社会政治动乱和市场不稳。
Collective urgent measures at the global level are required to assure the world of adequate food security and stable food and grain markets.必须在全球范围内共同采取紧急措施,保证世界充分的粮食安全和稳定的食品和谷物市场。
Renewed attention is required for the development of the agricultural sector, particularly in Africa and the net-food-importing developing countries.农业部门的发展必须重新引起重视,特别是在非洲和粮食净进口发展中国家。
We call on UNCTAD to help developing countries address the impact of commodity dependence, as well as the diversification of production structures in economies dependent on a few commodities.我们要求贸发会议协助发展中国家处理依赖初级商品的影响以及依赖少数几种商品的经济体实现生产结构的多元化。
Domestic commodity diversification efforts need to be supported by specific actions by the international community to address the productive capacity deficiencies of commodity-dependent countries, particularly the LDCs.国际社会应通过具体行动支持发展中国家国内初级商品多样化的努力,解决依赖初级商品的国家特别是最不发达国家的生产能力不足问题。
UNCTAD has been, and should remain, at the forefront of efforts to resolve the trade and development problems associated with commodity dependence.贸发会议已经并应继续站在前列,努力解决与初级商品有关的贸易和发展问题。
Policy options should be developed to garner assistance for commodity-dependent developing countries through UNCTAD’s pillars in order to mainstream commodity policies into their national and regional development strategies.应当研究各种政策选择,通过贸发会议的各个支柱部门,为依赖初级商品的发展中国家提供援助,以期将初级商品政策纳入其国家和区域发展战略主流。
We underscore the importance of the Arusha Declaration and Plan of Action on African Commodities (2005), the African Union Trade Ministers’ declaration on UNCTAD XII (2008), the outcome of the pre-UNCTAD XII Brasilia Conference on the Global Initiative on Commodities (2007), the Arusha outcome of the expert meeting of LDCs (2007) in preparation for UNCTAD XII and General Assembly resolution 61/190, and request the support of the international community for their full implementation.我们强调《非洲初级商品问题阿鲁沙宣言和行动计划》(2005年)、《贸发十二大非洲联盟贸易部长宣言》(2008年)、贸发十二大前全球初级商品倡议巴西利亚会议的成果(2007年)、最不发达国家筹备贸发十二大专家会议的阿鲁沙成果(2007年),和联合国大会第61/190号决议的重要性,请国际社会支持全面落实这些文书。
We also underscore the importance of achieving a development-oriented outcome within the context of the Doha Round of negotiations.我们还强调在多哈回合谈判中取得面向发展的成果的重要性。
We call on the Secretary-General of the United Nations to urgently establish a subprogramme on commodities at UNCTAD during the current UNCTAD work programme, taking into account the recommendations of regional and international organizations;我们呼吁联合国秘书长,在贸发会议的现行工作方案期间,考虑到区域和国际组织的建议,立即在贸发会议内设立一个初级商品问题次级方案;
and we invite UNCTAD members to establish a commodity-specific intergovernmental machinery, in the form of a multi-year committee or a group of experts entrusted with the monitoring of the above-mentioned programme.我们还请贸发会议成员国建立一个专门负责初级商品问题的政府间机制,可采取多年制委员会或专家组的形式,负责监测上述方案的工作。
The subprogramme on commodities should take into account work being undertaken in regional/international organizations, including the World Trade Organization.关于初级商品问题的次级方案应考虑到区域/国际组织正在开展的工作,包括世界贸易组织。
We express concern over the current subprime financial and credit crisis as well as the recent financial market instability and their adverse impact on the development prospects of developing countries, including the latter’s access to crucial finance and credits.我们十分关切目前次级贷款造成的金融和信贷危机,以及近年金融市场的不稳定及其对发展中国家发展前景的不利影响,包括后者获得关键的资金和贷款的机会问题。
These situations require a vigorous international response to ensure that the sustained growth of the world economy and the development efforts of developing countries are not severely affected.这些情况需要国际社会采取有力措施,确保世界经济持续增长,发展中国家的发展努力不受严重影响。
In this respect, we also highlight the need for the establishment of new international financial architecture which guarantees the full participation of developing countries, including through reforms of the monitoring and regulatory systems.为此,我们认为有必要建立新的国际金融机构,国际金融机构应保证发展中国家的充分参与,包括改革监测和监管制度。
This architecture should further improve response capabilities for dealing with the emergence and spread of financial crises, and should give developing countries greater flexibility and autonomy in the management of capital flows.这一机构应加强国际社会应对金融危机的发生和传播的能力,并给予发展中国家管理资本流动的更大灵活性和自主权。
The discussions on the reform of the international financial architecture should place greater emphasis on the democratization of international economic decision-making, enhanced measures to mitigate excessive volatility, and financing for development.关于国际金融机构改革的讨论应更加重视国际经济决策的民主化,强化减少过渡流动和增加发展资金的措施。
We are concerned about the decline in levels of official development assistance (ODA) to less than one-third of the internationally agreed target of 0.7 per cent of the gross national product (GNP) of donor countries.我们关切官发援下降到占捐助国国民生产总值0.7%的国际议定目标的不足三分之一。
We reiterate the need to meet, in an expeditious manner, the internationally agreed targets for ODA of 0.7 per cent of GNP of donor countries to developing countries and of an additional 0.15 per cent to 0.2 per cent of GNP to the least developed countries by 2015, in accordance with the Monterrey Consensus and the renewed commitments undertaken in various subsequent forums.我们重申,根据《蒙特雷共识》和在随后各论坛上再次作出的承诺,需要加快实现2015年之前对发展中国家官发援占捐助国国民生产总值0.7%的国际商定目标,并争取实现对最不发达国家的援助再增加相当于捐助国国民生产总值0.15%-0.2%的国际议定目标。
We reiterate the call made by the leaders of the Group of 77 and China at the Second South Summit in 2005 in Qatar for the establishment of an effective monitoring mechanism to ensure that the internationally agreed ODA targets, most recently those established for Africa, are met.我们重申77国集团和中国领导人2005年在卡塔尔第二次南方峰会上提出的建立有效监督机构的要求,确保国际议定的官发援特别是最近对非洲国家的国际议定官发援目标能够实现。
We look forward to the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus, later this year at Qatar, Doha.我们期待着今年晚些时候在卡塔尔多哈举行“审查蒙特雷共识执行情况的发展筹资问题后续国际会议”。
This should contribute, inter alia, to building consensus on a durable solution to developing countries’ external debt problems, including through debt relief from developed country creditors.这次会议应有助于就长久解决发展中国家外债问题达成共识,包括发达国家债权人的债务减免行动。
The review should also address ways and means of addressing the long-term needs and challenges in the area of development financing, inter alia by ensuring a conducive global environment for development.审查活动应讨论如何应对发展筹资领域的长期需求和挑战的方式方法,包括营造有利的全球发展环境。
We call on UNCTAD to assist developing countries in addressing the development dimension of intellectual property and the trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, including improvements in the transfer of technology to developing countries, the development dimension and implications of the establishment and enforcement of intellectual property rights, as well as protection of traditional knowledge, genetic resources and folklore and fair and equitable benefit-sharing.我们要求贸发会议协助发展中国家解决知识产权促进发展方面以及与贸易有关的知识产权问题,包括改进对发展中国家的技术转让、建立和实施知识产权所涉发展问题及影响,保护传统知识、遗传资源和民俗,公平和公正的利益分配。
We further call on the international community to continue its efforts towards a balanced international intellectual property system, in accordance with the Development Agenda of the World Intellectual Property Organization.我们还要求国际社会遵照《世界知识产权组织发展议程》,继续努力建立平衡的国际知识产权制度。
We call on UNCTAD to take a proactive role in addressing the trade and development dimension of the new and emerging issues of energy, climate change and migration.我们呼吁贸发会议发挥更积极的作用,处理新出现的能源、气候变化和劳动力流动等问题所涉及的贸易和发展方面。
With regard to energy, we acknowledge the need to address the issue of renewable sources of energy, including biofuels.关于能源问题,我们承认有必要处理可再生能源问题,包括生物燃料问题。
Special attention must be paid to the maintenance of food security while producing biofuels.在生产生物燃料的同时,必须特别注意维护粮食安全。
Moreover, we are fully committed to the effective follow-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (Bali, 2007).另外,我们全力承诺对联合国气候变化会议(2007年,巴厘)采取有效的后续行动。
Finally, we recognize the challenges posed by migration;最后,我们承认劳动力流动所带来的挑战;
however, developing countries need to be enabled to derive development-friendly benefits from it.然而,发展中国家需要能够从这种流动中获得有益于发展的收益。
Special attention to these issues is needed, because of their bearing on development efforts.因这些问题对发展具有影响,需要对这些问题给予特别注意。
We recognize the increased relevance of South–South cooperation, both as a strategy in support of development efforts of developing countries and as a means of enhancing the participation of developing countries in the emerging global economy.我们承认南南合作具有越来越重要的意义,南南合作既是支持发展中国家发展努力的战略,也是促进发展中国家参与正在出现的全球经济的办法。
We reaffirm commitments to implement fully the Havana Programme of Action, the Marrakech Framework of Implementation of South–South Cooperation and the Doha Plan of Action, which, taken together, represent a comprehensive framework for intensified cooperation among developing countries.我们重申承诺,全面实施《哈瓦那行动纲领》、《执行南南合作的马拉加什框架》以及《多哈行动计划》,这三者结合在一起,构成了发展中国家加强合作的全面框架。
We welcome General Assembly resolution 62/209 for the convening of a high-level conference on South-South cooperation in commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action in 1978, and welcome in this regard the generous offer made by the Government of Argentina to host this event in the first half of 2009.我们欢迎关于召开南南合作高级会议,纪念《布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划》通过三十周年的大会第62/209号决议,并欢迎在这方面阿根廷政府提出的在2009年上半年主办这一会议的慷慨承诺。
We look forward to the follow-up in 2008 to the Buenos Aires Plan of Action for promoting and implementing technical cooperation among developing countries, and its success, and to the outcome of the Ministerial Meeting of the Africa–South America Summit, to be held in Morocco, Marrakech, in June 2008.我们期待着在2008年进行促进和执行发展中国家技术合作的《布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划》(1978年)的后续行动,并期待着这些行动取得成功,也期待着2008年6月在马拉加什(摩洛哥)举行的非洲南美洲高峰会议部长级会议的结果。
We welcome the progress made in the third round of the Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP), as an important instrument for South–South trade.我们欢迎全面贸易优惠制度第三轮谈判取得的进展,这是促进南南贸易的重要工具。
In this regard, we take note of the efforts of the participants in the Third Round of the GSTP towards the successful conclusion of the negotiations by the end of 2008.在这方面,我们注意到参加全面贸易优惠制第三轮谈判的与会者对在2008年年底成功地完成谈判而做出的努力。
We firmly reject the imposition of laws and regulations that entail extraterritorial consequences and all other forms of coercive economic measures, including unilateral sanctions against developing countries.我们坚决反对强行采用引起域外后果的法律和规章以及所有其他形式的强制经济措施,包括对发展中国家的单方面的制裁。
We urge the international community to adopt urgent and effective measures to eliminate the use of such measures.我们敦促国际社会采取紧急和有效的措施,消除这种措施的滥用现象。
Support to the Palestinian people must be sustained by analysing and alleviating the adverse economic impact of the prolonged Israeli occupation and conflict conditions, with a view to ending the occupation and achieving a sovereign, economically viable and independent State Palestinian.必须继续对巴勒斯坦人民给予支持,分析并减轻以色列长期占领以及冲突形势所产生的不利的经济影响,以期最终结束占领,实现拥有主权、经济上可以生存并独立的巴勒斯坦国。
In this regard, UNCTAD’s programme of assistance to the Palestinian people should intensify its policy advice and related operational activities and dedicate adequate resources to its activities in this regard.在这方面,贸发会议援助巴勒斯坦人民的方案应当强化其政策方面的建议以及相关的业务活动,并为这方面的活动拨出充足的资源。
We recognize the different levels of development and size of economies among the developing countries, and call on UNCTAD to enhance its work on the special problems of LDCs, African countries, small island developing States, structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies and the related problems and challenges faced by middle-income countries.我们承认发展中国家在发展水平和经济规模上的差异,呼吁贸发会议加强重视解决最不发达国家、非洲国家、小岛屿发展中国家、结构脆弱、易受伤害的经济体和小型经济体所面临的特殊问题,以及中等收入国家所面临的相关问题和挑战。
In addition, we call on UNCTAD to provide appropriate support to facilitate the implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001–2010, the Barbados Programme of Action and the Mauritius Strategy.此外,我们呼吁贸发会议提供适当支持,促进《2001-2010十年期支援最不发达国家布鲁塞尔行动纲领》、《巴巴多斯行动纲领》和《毛里求斯战略》的实施。
We recognize the special needs of the landlocked developing countries (LLDCs), and call on UNCTAD to continue to address those needs and provide appropriate support for the comprehensive and timely implementation of the Almaty Ministerial Declaration and Programme of Action.我们承认内陆发展中国家的特殊需要,呼吁贸发会议继续解决这种需要,并为全面及时地实施《阿拉木图部长宣言和行动纲领》提供适当支持。
All efforts must be made to ensure that the outcome of the mid-term review of the implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action to be held in 2008 contributes to establishing efficient transport systems and integration of LLDCs into the international trading system and addressing the challenges and problems faced by transit developing countries.必须做出一切努力,确保拟在2008年举行的《阿拉木图行动纲领》执行情况中期审查会议的结果,有助于建立高效率的运输系统,使内陆发展中国家融入到国际贸易体系中,并解决过境发展中国家所面对的挑战和问题。
We also take note of the Ulaanbaatar Declaration.我们还注意到《乌兰巴托宣言》。
We reiterate the need to continue strengthening the capabilities of the Group of 77 and China to address today’s challenges and opportunities through, inter alia, further enhancing coordination among the various chapters based in the various United Nations host cities at both the formal and informal levels, and strengthening coordination and cooperation with relevant South institutions, including through the use of modern technology, so that the collective wisdom and experience of the Group could be brought to bear in addressing the international agenda, inter alia through multilateral negotiations.我们重申需要继续加强77国集团和中国处理当今的挑战和机会的能力,其中主要需要进一步加强设在世界各地的联合国各机构之间正式和非正式的协调,加强与有关研究南方国家问题的机构的协调与合作,包括利用现代技术,充分发挥这一集团的集体智慧和经验,解决国际议程,包括通过多边谈判的方式。
In accordance with the Second South Summit outcomes, the Group should continue to explore ways to establish an open-ended working group to study possible ways and means of strengthening the G77 and China and its secretariat, including identifying common modalities to facilitate inter-chapter cooperation as well as innovative approaches to address resource and personnel requirements of the G77 secretariat so that it may meet the needs of the entire Group of 77 and China.根据第二次南方首脑会议的结果,这一集团应当继续探讨如何建立一个开放的工作组,研究加强77国集团和中国及本集团秘书处的可能的方式和方法,包括找出共同的方式便利跨机构之间的合作,并找出创新方式解决77国集团秘书处的资源和人力要求,以便它能够充分满足整个77国集团和中国的需要。
We call on the donors to increase their contribution to UNCTAD in order to enable it to effectively discharge its mandate for the benefits of all developing countries.我们呼吁所有捐助国增加对贸发会议的捐助,以便使它能够有效地履行其服务于所有发展中国家的任务。
We welcome and endorse the generous offer of the Government of Qatar to host UNCTAD XIII in 2012.我们欢迎并赞同卡塔尔政府主办2012年贸发会议第十三届大会的慷慨承诺。
Annex III Declaration of the Least Developed Countries Ministerial Meeting at UNCTAD XII附 件 三 贸发十二大最不发达国家部长会议宣言
We, the Ministers of the least developed countries (LDCs), having met in Ghana, Accra, on 19 April 2008, in the context of the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XII), held from 20 to 25 April 2008,我们,在联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届大会(贸发十二大)2008年4月20日至25日举行之际,于2008年4月19日在加纳阿克拉聚会,
Recalling the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001–2010 and the outcome of the high-level meeting on the mid-term review of progress made in the implementation of actions and commitments therein,回顾《2001-2010年支援最不发达国家十年行动纲领》和关于其行动和承诺执行进展情况中期审查的高级别会议的结果,
Recalling also paragraph 114 of the Brussels Programme of Action on the holding of the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries towards the end of the current decade;还回顾《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》第114段请大会在临近本十年底的时候举行联合国第四次最不发达国家问题会议;
and welcoming in this regard the decision of the United Nations General Assembly at its sixty-second session, in which it invited the Secretary-General to prepare a note outlining the modalities of such a conference, including its preparatory process,为此欢迎联合国大会第六十二届会议决定请秘书长编写一份关于此次会议的模式包括其筹备进程的说明,
Recalling further the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), aimed inter alia at reducing extreme poverty by half by 2015,又回顾《千年宣言》和《千年发展目标》,除其他外力争到2015年将极端贫困人口减少一半,
Reaffirming the declarations of Addis Ababa, Maseru and Istanbul, adopted, respectively, by the ministers of trade and finance of the African Union (1–3 April 2008), the ministers of LDCs responsible for trade (27–29 February 2008) and the Ministerial Conference of Least Developed Countries (9–10 July 2007),重申非洲联盟贸易和财政部长们(2008年4月1日至3日)、最不发达国家负责贸易的部长们(2008年2月27日至29日)和最不发达国家部长会议(2007年7月9日至10日)分别通过了亚的斯亚贝巴、马塞卢和伊斯坦布尔宣言,
Expressing our serious concerns on the current astronomical rise in food and energy prices that have adverse effects on our peoples;对目前粮食和能源价格飙升表示严重关切,已对我们的人民造成严重影响;
and urging development partners, especial donors and creditor institutions to provide more aid to ensure access to food to needy people and to help small farmers in our countries,敦促发展伙伴,特别是捐助国和债权机构提供更多的援助,以确保穷人能够获得粮食,向我们各自国家的小农户提供协助,
Expressing further our appreciation and full support to the United Nations Secretary-General’s important and timely initiative to make the year 2008 “the year of the bottom billion” aimed at ensuring the benefits from globalization to the poorest of the poor,还表示赞赏和充分支持秘书长将2008年指定为“最低层10亿人口年”的重要和及时的倡议,目的是确保全球化惠及穷人中的最贫困者,
Urging our trading and development partners to step up efforts to support our development process though, among other things, improved and strengthened international support measures, particularly in the areas of official development assistance (ODA), debt relief, market access, foreign direct investment (FDI), and transfer of technology and technological know-how to our countries,敦促我们的贸易和发展伙伴加倍努力,通过各种手段支持我们的发展进程,如改进和加强国际支持措施,特别是官发援、债务减免、直接外资和对我们各自国家转让技术和技术专长,
Adopt the following Declaration:通过以下宣言:
We are encouraged by the recent improvements in the overall economic performance of our countries as a group, largely driven by improved world commodity prices, growth in traditional and non-traditional exports, improved domestic policies and increased international support measures.我们欣喜地看到各自国家总体经济绩效近年有所改善,主要是世界商品价格提高、传统和非传统品出口增长、国内政策改进和国际支持措施加强的结果。
While such an improvement is a cause for optimism, there is a concern that it has not been accompanied by structural transformation in our economies, implying a high degree of vulnerability to shocks and crises – leading to a sudden collapse in national output, a rise in unemployment and a sharp increase in income poverty.虽然这一改善使我们有理由感到乐观,但仍关切我们的经济结构并没有随之转变,意味着较容易遭受冲击和危机――冲击和危机将导致国内产出骤降、失业增加和收入贫困加剧。
In order for our countries to take advantage of globalization, their vulnerability to shocks and crises should be mitigated through combined national and international measures.为了使我们各国能够利用全球化,国内和国际应当共同采取措施,增强抵御冲击和危机的能力。
At the national level, we reaffirm our commitment to continue improving our macroeconomic and fiscal policies in order to mitigate policy-induced risks of vulnerability and growth collapse in our countries.在国家层面,我们重申将继续改进我们的宏观经济和财政政策,以减少我们各自国家政策诱导的脆弱性和增长剧降的风险。
Our efforts will, in particular, aim at creating an enabling environment to diversify our economic base and to improve productive capacities of our economies into production of higher value-added goods and services, leading to fundamental socio-economic transformations.我们将特别努力创造有利的环境,使经济基础多样化,提高各自经济的生产能力,转向较高附加值产品和服务,实现基本的经济和社会变革。
However, our domestic efforts are necessary yet insufficient to ensure sustained, accelerated and balanced economic growth and development as a basis for mitigating the risks of economic vulnerability and improving the living standards of our peoples.我们国内的努力是必要的,但不足以确保持续、快速和平衡的经济增长及发展,以减少经济脆弱性风险和提高我们的人民生活水准。
Consequently, if current poverty trends continue, most of our countries will not be able to meet the MDGs, particularly poverty reduction goals.所以,如果目前的贫困趋势持续,大多数国家将无法实现《千年发展目标》,特别是减贫目标。
This is particularly the case with our countries, which are unable to stave off shocks and crises originating outside their borders.这对于无法抵御来自境外的冲击和危机的国家尤其如此。
The support of our development partners is a crucial complement to our country-level actions to ensure sustained economic growth and accelerated poverty reduction in our countries.国际发展伙伴的支持是我们各自国家努力确保持续经济增长和快速减贫行动的重要补充。
We welcome the recent increase, in absolute terms, in net ODA flows to our countries.我们欢迎按绝对数字计算近年对我们各自国家的官发援净流入额的增加。
We express our appreciation to donors who have already met or surpassed the special ODA target of 0.15–0.20 per cent of their gross national product (GNP) to LDCs, and we urge those who have not done so to fully and expeditiously meet their commitment to devote 0.20 per cent of gross national income to LDCs before 2010.我们对已达到或超过其对最不发达国家的官发援占其国民生产总值0.15%-0.20%目标的捐助国表示感谢,敦促尚未做到的国家充分和尽速地履行到2010年前达到对最不发达国家的援助占其国民生产总值0.20%目标的承诺。
We welcome the debt relief granted under the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) and the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC), which has released some resources for poverty reduction and human development.我们对“多边债务减免倡议”和“重债穷国倡议”下给予的债务减免表示欢迎,为减贫和人的发展释放了一些资源。
However, not all LDCs are eligible for HIPC and MDRI.然而,不是所有的最不发达国家都有资格享受这两项倡议下的债务减免。
All LDC external debts must be cancelled forthwith, without discrimination or conditionalities.对所有最不发达国家的外债都应当不加歧视或不附加条件地立即免除。
If a country fulfils the criteria of being an LDC, it should be eligible for debt write-off to reduce its resource gaps and accelerate its economic development and poverty eradication efforts.如果一个国家符合最不发达国家的标准,它就应当有资格被免除债务,以缩小其资源差额,加速经济发展和消除贫困的努力。
International support measures should also aim at improving the quality of development aid, including its effectiveness and sectoral balance, with greater emphasis on building productive capacities in LDCs.国际支持措施应致力于改进发展援助的质量,包括其效力和部门平衡,更加重视发展发展中国家的生产能力。
We call on our development partners to sustain and strengthen their constructive engagement with our countries in support of our development efforts, especially by streamlining donor practices in terms of aid delivery and by providing development aid on a more predictable basis with long-term commitments.我们要求各发展伙伴维持和加强与我们各国的建设性接触,以支持我们的发展努力,特别是改进援助国提供援助的做法,作出长期承诺,可预测地提供援助。
More importantly, international policies and rules governing trade, investment, finance and environment should work in harmony and in coherence with our national policies and strategies.更重要的是,有关贸易、投资、金融和环境的国际政策和规则应与国家政策和战略协调和并行不悖。
We reiterate our strong and long-held view that both the market and the State have an important role to play in our development process, and it is vital to ensure that their respective roles are complementary and mutually supportive.我们重申我们一贯的坚定信念,无论市场和国家都应当在我们的发展进程中发挥重要作用,必须确保它们各自的作用相互补充和互相支持。
An effective developmental State is vital for building physical and human infrastructure, addressing market failures where they occur and providing enabling macroeconomic conditions and a sound regulatory framework.切实有效的发展型国家对物质和人力基础设施的建设,解决出现的市场失灵问题,营造有利的宏观经济条件和健全的监管框架至关重要。
It is essential that our countries should have policy flexibility and autonomy in designing and implementing home-grown market-oriented development policies and strategies.我们各自国家还必须在设计和执行产生于国内的市场政策和战略时拥有政策灵活性和自主权。
We are convinced that trade can serve as an engine of growth and contribute to poverty reduction in our countries.我们相信贸易可成为增长的引擎并为我们各国的减贫做出贡献。
However, despite decades of trade liberalization policies, LDCs, which account for nearly 12 per cent of the world population, contributed only 0.69 per cent of global output in 2005.然而,尽管实行了数十年的贸易自由化政策,但几乎占世界人口12%的最不发达国家2005年对全球产出的贡献仅为0.69%。
Currently, their share stands at about 0.5 per cent of world exports and 0.7 per cent of world imports.目前,它们占全世界出口的份额约0.5%,占全世界进口的份额为0.7%。
In this regard, trade liberalization should be gradual, better designed and properly sequenced, based on country-specific circumstances.在这方面,贸易自由化应当根据本国的具体情况逐步实施、妥善设计并恰当排序。
It should be linked to the development of supply capacities and realigned with the development objectives of our countries.它应当与发展供应能力挂钩并与我们各国的发展目标保持一致。
We welcome the Aid for Trade initiative as a complement to, not a substitute for, the Doha Development Agenda.我们欢迎《贸易援助计划》作为《多哈发展议程》的一种补充而非替代。
We also take note of the global review held in WTO on 19–21 November 2007 and the subsequent road map.我们还注意到2007年11月19至21日在世贸组织举行的全球审查和随后定出的路线图。
We urge UNCTAD to play an important role in the immediate implementation of Aid for Trade as an additional, substantial and predictable financial mechanism to strengthen supply-side and infrastructure capacity, help diversify the export basket in LDCs and address the adjustment-related costs and challenges of trade liberalization.我们促请贸发会议发挥重要作用立即实施《贸易援助计划》,作为加强供应方和基础设施能力,帮助最不发达国家出口产品实现多样化和解决与贸易自由化有关的调整代价和挑战的一种补充性、实质性和可预测的金融机制。
LDCs accord high priority to national ownership of the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical assistance to Least Developed Countries (EIF) as an effective tool to enhance economic development by mainstreaming trade into national development plans.最不发达国家高度重视国家自主执行《向最不发达国家提供涉贸技术援助的强化综合框架》(强化框架),作为一种有效手段,通过将贸易纳入国家发展规划的主流,加强经济发展的。
We urge UNCTAD, as one of the six participating EIF agencies, as well as other agencies and donors, to work towards the early operationalization of the EIF so that LDCs start benefiting from the facilities by mid-2008.我们敦促作为《强化框架》的6个参加机构之一贸发会议及其他机构和捐助方,努力早日争取使《强化框架》投入运行,以便使最不发达国家能够于2008年中期开始从这一资金设施中受益。
Market access conditions for LDCs need to be further improved and made more predictable and sustainable through the elimination of remaining tariff and non-tariff barriers, relaxation of rules of origin, expansion of product coverage and simplification of administrative procedures in relation to the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and other market access arrangements.最不发达国家的市场准入条件需要通过取消其余的关税和非关税壁垒、放松原产地规则、拓宽产品覆盖面及简化与普遍优惠制(普惠制)和其他市场准入安排有关的行政程序,进一步予以改善,使其更具有确定性和可持续性。
We call on developed countries that have not already done so to provide immediate, predictable, duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis to all products originating from all least developed countries by 2008, as undertaken at the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization.我们呼吁尚未这样做的发达国家,按照世界贸易组织第六次部长级会议的承诺,从2008年开始为源于所有最不发达国家的全部产品立即且持久提供可预见、免税和免配额的市场准入。
In this regard, we also call on those developing countries that are in a position to do so to extend commercially meaningful duty-free and quota-free market access to exports of these countries.在这方面,我们还呼吁有能力这样做的发展中国家将具有商业意义的免税和免配额市场准入扩大到这类国家的出口。
In addition, we reaffirm the need to consider additional measures for progressive improvement of market access for least developed countries, and further reaffirm the need for WTO members to take additional measures to provide effective market access, both at the border and otherwise, including simplified and transparent rules of origin so as to facilitate exports from LDCs;此外,我们重申需要考虑逐步改善最不发达国家市场准入的补充措施,并且还重申世贸组织成员需要采取额外措施,在边界和其他地方提供有效的市场准入,其中包括简化和透明的原产地规则,以方便最不发达国家的出口。
For our countries – depending on specific national circumstances, potentials and natural endowments – dynamic gains and poverty reduction can also accrue, particularly from other non-traditional exports.对于我们这些国家来说,依具体的国情、潜力和自然禀赋而定,也可以获得生机勃勃的收益和做到减贫,尤其是从其他非传统出口方面获得。
There is also considerable scope for many LDCs to join the group of successful agricultural commodity exporters in speciality and niche markets.许多最不发达国家还有很大的余地可加入专业化和细化市场中成功的农业初级产品出口国行列。
However, most LDC exports face intense competition and must satisfy the demanding quality and delivery schedules of developed-country markets.然而,大多数最不发达国家的出口面临激烈竞争,而且必须达到发达国家市场要求的严格质量和发货时间。
The development and trading partners of LDCs should provide technical and financial assistance to help them meet standards-related requirements of consumers and industries.最不发达国家的发展和贸易伙伴应当向它们提供技术和资金援助,帮助它们满足消费者和各行各业与标准有关的要求。
Their partners should also make efforts to harmonize their national standards with those agreed at the international level.这些伙伴还应努力将其国家标准与国际商定的标准接轨。
Another promising area for our countries for economic growth and poverty reduction is the services sector, including tourism.我们这些国家经济增长和减贫的另一个有前景的领域是服务业,其中包括旅游业。
In view of the growing socio-economic importance of this sector for our countries, the modalities for special treatment for LDCs in the WTO negotiations on trade in services should be fully implemented.鉴于该部门对于我们这些国家社会经济日益增长的重要性,世贸组织关于服务业贸易的谈判应当全面落实对最不发达国家的特殊待遇方式。
In this regard, special priority needs to be accorded to modes and sectors of export interest to LDCs, including on movements of natural persons under mode 4, as per the commitments undertaken in China, Hong Kong.在这方面,一如在中国香港作出的承诺那样,需要特别优先重视对于最不发达国家具有出口利益的方式和部门,其中包括方式4下的自然人流动。
It is recognized that the accession process to WTO is complicated and lengthy, and is compounded by the lack of financial, technical and human resources capacity of acceding LDCs.世贸组织的加入程序一般公认是复杂且漫长的,申请加入的最不发达国家缺乏资金、技术和人才力量而使之更形复杂。
LDCs that are in the WTO accession process should be provided with adequate financial and technical assistance to adjust and build their institutional, regulatory and administrative capacities.对正处于加入世贸组织进程中的最不发达国家应提供充分的财力和技术援助,以调整和建设体制、监管和行政能力。
We call for a binding mechanism to fast-track accession of LDCs, as per the agreed guidelines for LDCs’ accession to WTO that were adopted by the General Council in December 2002.我们呼吁按照商定的并由总理事会2002年12月通过的《最不发达国家加入世贸组织方针》,使最不发达国家的快道加入成为一种有约束力的机制。
It is also recognized that newly acceded LDCs are facing tremendous challenges in implementing their WTO commitments and reform programmes and, therefore; adequate technical and financial assistance should be provided to them in order to fulfil their work in this regard.“还承认新加入的最不发达国家在落实其世贸组织承诺和改革方案方面面临巨大的挑战,因此应当为它们提供充分的技术和财政援助,以便使它们能够完成这方面的工作”。
We call on WTO members to refrain from raising non-trade issues in relation to acceding countries.我们呼吁世贸组织成员避免对加入国提出非贸易问题。
Furthermore, as per the General Council decision quoted above, WTO members should exercise restraint in seeking concessions and commitments on trade in goods and services from acceding LDCs and should not assume commitments and obligations that go beyond what the current WTO LDCs had undertaken.此外,按照以上援引的总理事会决定,世贸组织成员应当力避向申请加入的最不发达国家谋求货物和服务贸易方面的减让和承诺,后者不应承担超出目前世贸组织最不发达国家已经承担的承诺和义务。
We invite UNCTAD, in collaboration with the WTO sub-committee on LDCs, to review the accession process, including the implementation of the LDC accession guidelines, in addition to strengthening technical assistance to acceding LDCs.我们请贸发会议与世贸组织最不发达国家小组委员会协作,除了加强对申请加入的最不发达国家的技术援助之外,审查加入进程,包括执行《最不发达国家加入方针》的落实情况。
We are concerned by policies of developed countries, especially on agriculture, which are adversely affecting the role and contribution of our agricultural sector to our socio-economic progress.我们对发达国家的政策,尤其是农业政策感到关切,因为这类政策对我们的农业部门为我们的社会经济进步所发挥的作用和贡献带来有害影响。
We reiterate our call that the ongoing Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations should take urgent action on agricultural subsidies in industrialized countries and resolve, as expeditiously as possible, the problems arising from such subsidies, which are undermining the trade performance and competitiveness of our countries in international markets.我们重申呼吁正在进行的多边贸易谈判多哈回合应针对工业化国家的农业补贴采取紧迫行动,并尽快解决由这类补贴产生的问题,因为这类补贴损害了我们这些国家在国际市场中的贸易表现和竞争力。
Since development is at the heart of the Doha Round of trade negotiations, we reiterate that in order to integrate LDCs in the multilateral trading system, the interests and difficulties of LDCs, as the most vulnerable group in the United Nations community, should be taken on board.鉴于发展问题属于多哈贸易谈判的核心,我们重申为了使最不发达国家融入多边贸易体系,应当将作为联合国大家庭中最弱势群体的最不发达国家的利益和困难纳入考虑范围。
In this regard, we urge the international community to address the issues mentioned in the Maseru Declaration of LDC trade ministers of February 2008.在这方面,我们促请国际社会解决最不发达国家贸易部长2008年2月《马塞卢宣言》中提到的问题。
We express our solidarity with the cotton-producing countries of Africa, especially LDCs.我们声援非洲棉花生产国,尤其是最不发达国家,
We urge developed-country members to eliminate trade-distorting support and export subsidies to cotton and cotton by-products and grant duty-free and quota-free market access to cotton imports from LDCs, as well as enhancing the development assistance aspects of cotton along with other development partners.我们敦促发达国家成员取消对棉花和棉花副产品的扭曲贸易的支持和出口补贴,并为从最不发达国家进口的棉花提供免税和免配额市场准入,并与其他发展伙伴一道加强对棉花的发展援助。
The socio-economic difficulties faced by LDCs that are facing or emerging from political unrest, civil strife or protracted armed conflicts are enormous.正在面临或刚刚结束政治动荡、社会骚乱或长期武装冲突的最不发达国家所面对的社会经济困难艰巨无比。
National, regional and international efforts to make and build lasting peace in countries in such special situations should be an integral part of an overall conflict resolution mechanism, including efforts to address the root causes of political instability and conflicts.为这类形势特殊的国家为缔造和建立持久和平付出的本国、区域和国际努力应当成为全面冲突解决机制的一个有机组成部分,其中包括努力解决政治不稳定和冲突的根源。
We urge our development partners to enhance their assistance for peace-building and for rehabilitation, reconstruction and rebuilding economic infrastructure in these countries, and for their smooth transition from relief to development.我们敦促发展伙伴加强其对这类国家建立和平和恢复、重建和重造经济基础设施的援助,并将救灾援助转化为发展援助帮助它们平稳过度。
We welcome the graduation of a number of LDCs to developing-country status as a concrete sign of economic progress within our group.我们欢迎作为我们这一组国家经济进步的一个具体表现,一部分最不发达国家的优惠待遇已被取消,而取得了发展中国家地位。
We recognize that graduation brings with it many significant challenges and opportunities.我们承认取消优惠带来许多重大的挑战和机遇。
The challenges need to be effectively addressed in order for progress in graduating countries to be broad-based, long-lasting and sustainable.需要有效应对挑战,使优惠待遇正在取消的国家的进展基础广泛、持久而且能够承受。
We therefore urge the international community to put in place a smooth transition strategy for countries graduating from LDC status.因此,我们促请国际社会为正在取消最不发达国家地位的国家制定平稳过渡的战略。
UNCTAD should also continue to play a lead role, through its policy research and analysis, impact assessments, technical cooperation and capacity-building activities, in supporting countries that have recently graduated and those in the transition phase for graduation.贸发会议应通过其政策研究和分析,效果评估、技术合作和能力建设活动继续发挥带头作用,支持最近刚刚取消优惠的国家和那些正在向取消优惠阶段过渡的国家。
We recognize the increasing linkages between trade, development and climate change and welcome the adoption of the Bali Plan of Action for a long-term cooperative framework to address mitigation, adaptation, finance and technology transfers.我们承认贸易、发展与气候变化之间的联系越来越密切,我们欢迎通过《巴厘行动计划》这一长期合作框架以解决缓解、适应、资金和技术转让问题。
In this regard, we urge the developed countries to commit to deeper cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases.在这方面,我们敦促发达国家做出更大的温室气体减排承诺。
We also call for urgent and concrete international actions to immediately assist the small island and low-lying coastal States which are already experiencing the impact of climate change我们还呼吁采取紧迫和具体的国际行动,立即援助已经面临气候变化影响的小岛屿低洼沿岸国家。
We also recognize that global warming and climate change can severely hamper the lives and livelihoods of millions of poor people living in the least developed countries, especially in the small islands and low-lying coastal States.我们还承认,全球变暖和气候变化可严重影响最不发达国家数百万人的生活和生计,特别是小岛屿和地势低的沿海国家。
We urge developed countries to increase financial and technological support for adaptation to climate change and facilitate transfer of eco-friendly technologies for sustainable development of our countries.我们敦促发达国家增加对适应气候变化的财政和技术支持,促进无害生态技术的转让,实现我们这些国家的可持续发展。
We also urge UNCTAD to mainstream, both in its work and in the work of the intergovernmental machinery, environment and climate change as cross-cutting issues of importance to the development of our countries.我们还敦促贸发会议将环境和气候变化作为对我们这些国家的发展具有重要影响的跨部门问题,纳入其工作中和政府间机制的主流。
The current high and volatile energy prices have had an adverse impact, particularly on the economies of non-oil-exporting and net-food-importing LDCs, as reflected in high import bills, inter alia for their food imports, that impose major burdens on many of our countries.目前高昂且极不稳定的能源价格,造成了有害影响,特别是对非石油输出而粮食净进口的最不发达国家,反映在进口费用高涨,特别是它们的粮食进口,对很多最不发达国家构成了沉重负担。
Concerted efforts should be made by major oil-exporting and oil-importing countries to stabilize the energy market.主要的石油输出国和输入国应共同做出努力,稳定能源市场。
We are particularly concerned by soaring food prices, against the backdrop of global financial crisis and economic slowdown, which have adverse socio-economic consequences that could in turn trigger major political crises in our countries.我们对在国际金融危机和经济放缓的背景下粮食价格飙升尤其感到关注,它所造成的有害的社会经济后果,可在我们这些国家引发重大的政治危机。
In this regard, we welcome a “new deal” to tackle the international food crisis which was endorsed at the IMF-World Bank spring meeting of finance and development ministers held in Washington on 13–14 April 2008.在这方面,我们欢迎解决国际粮食危机的“新政”,“新政”在国际货币基金组织和世界银行于2008年4月13日至14日在华盛顿举行的财政和发展部长春季会议上得到认可。
We urge donor countries and creditor institutions to provide additional aid to our countries in order to enhance domestic agricultural production and build infrastructure, including distribution and storage systems, and to remove policy distortions such as subsidies that discourage food production and barriers to trade.我们敦促捐助国和信贷机构为我们这些国家提供补充援助,增加国内农业生产和建设基础设施,包括分配和储藏系统,敦促消除政策扭曲行为,如限制粮食生产和造为贸易壁垒的补贴措施等。
In this context, we propose that the United Nations Secretary-General establish a new mechanism to address the grave food crisis in many LDCs.在这方面,我们建议联合国秘书长设立一个新的机制,解决很多最不发达国家严重的粮食危机。
We feel strongly that a high-powered panel comprising eminent persons should be formed immediately to address this issue.我们强烈感到,应立即组成一个由知名人士组成的有较大权力的小组解决这个问题。
The panel must seek to reduce market failures and improve coordination between cereal-importing and cereal-exporting countries to reduce and stabilize world food prices.小组应设法减少市场出现的问题,加强粮食进口国与粮食出口国之间的协调,降低并稳定世界粮食价格。
The panel should address long-term food security issues, including the issues of agricultural productivity, land utilization and biofuels, and submit its findings and recommendations to the United Nations Secretary-General in three months’ time.小组应解决长期的粮食安全问题,包括农业生产能力、土地使用和生物燃料等问题,并在三个月内向联合国秘书长提交他们的结论和意见。
The Secretary-General may convene an international meeting to deliberate on the recommendations and take appropriate policy actions.秘书长可召开一次国际会议,讨论他们的建议,并采取适当的政策行动。
We also request UNCTAD to enhance its expertise on South–South cooperation so as to enable LDCs to genuinely benefit from best practices and experiences that have been successfully implemented on food security and food in other developing countries.我们还请贸发会议增加有关南南合作的专门知识,是最不发达国家能够真正地学到其他发展中国家在成功落实粮食安全和解决粮食问题上的最佳做法和经验。
Private domestic and foreign direct investments have become essential components of development finance for LDCs.私人的国内和直接外资已成为最不发达国家发展资金的重要组成部分。
However, despite the adoption by our Governments of national policies and measures aimed at creating a favourable investment climate, the share of LDCs in total inflows of FDI as a whole remains extremely low (less than one per cent of global FDI flows).然而尽管最不发达国家政府采取了营造有利投资环境的国家政策和措施,最不发达国家在整个直接外资总流量中所占的份额仍然极低(不到全球直接外资流量的1%)。
Moreover, FDI flows have continued to be concentrated in only a few countries and a few sectors.而且,直接外资输入仍然只集中在少数国家和少数部门。
We reiterate our call to our development partners to adopt home-country policies and measures to promote and enhance flows of foreign direct investment and the transfer of technology to our countries.我们再度呼吁我们的发展伙伴,采取多种母国政策和措施,促进和增强直接外资,并向我们各国转让技术。
We recognize the important role, for a number of our countries, of remittances from nationals living and working abroad, as additional resources that contribute to narrowing the resources gap needed for our development purposes.我们承认,对我们当中的一些国家而言,在国外生活和工作的国民,这些人的侨汇起着重要作用,是一笔补充资源,可帮助缩小实现我们的发展目标所需的资源不足。
There is a greater need for coordinated efforts by the international community, especially between migrant-sending and migrant-receiving countries, to promote channels, mechanisms and international policies to reduce the transaction costs and placement costs in temporary labour migration that hamper the use and flows of remittances as a source of development financing in our countries.国际社会需要进一步协调努力,特别是在外劳派出国和外劳接受国之间,应通过各种渠道、办法和国际政策,促进降低汇兑费用和临时移徙劳工的安置成本,这些费用妨碍最不发达国家使用和得到 侨汇作为发展资金来源。
We recognize the critical role of UNCTAD in supporting our countries’ development process, including through the implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action in areas of its expertise and competence.我们承认贸发会议在支持我们这些国家的发展进程中的所起的重要作用,包括在贸发会议拥有专门知识和能力的领域执行《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》。
We encourage UNCTAD to further strengthen and expand its policy research and analysis, consensus-building and technical cooperation functions in favour of our countries and to make a substantive contribution to the fourth United Nations Conference on LDCs, to be convened towards the end of the present decade in accordance with General Assembly resolution 62/203.我们鼓励贸发会议进一步加强和扩大关于我们这些国家的政策研究和分析、建立协商一致和发挥技术合作职能,并为第四次联合国最不发达国家会议做出实质性贡献。 根据大会第62/203号决议,第四次最不发达国家会议应在本十年结束前召开。
While expressing our deep appreciation to UNCTAD for its long-standing support to our countries, we remain concerned by the modest level of resources available to this Organization to advance the cause of LDCs and other disadvantaged groups of countries.对贸发会议长期以来给予我们这些国家的支持,我们深表感谢,但我们感到关注的是,贸发会议用于推动最不发达国家和其他各类穷国事业的资源有限。
In this regard, we welcome the report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on improving institutional effectiveness and efficient delivery of the mandates of the development-related activities of the United Nations.在这方面,我们欢迎联合国秘书长关于联合国有关发展的活动“提高机构作用和任务执行效率”的报告。
We call for adequate allocation of resources for the work of UNCTAD, as the principal United Nations agency for trade and development, especially in advancing the cause of LDCs in these areas.我们呼吁为贸发会议的工作拨出足够的资源,贸发会议是联合国促进贸易和发展的主要机构,特别是在这些领域推进最不发达国家的事业。
We recognize the role of the UNCTAD trust fund for LDCs as an important vehicle for initiating, designing and implementing technical cooperation and capacity-building activities in our countries.我们承认贸发会议-最不发达国家信托基金的作用,是为最不发达国家提出、制定和开展技术合作和能力建设活动的重要工具。
While expressing our gratitude to those donors that have been making financial contributions to the fund, we invite other donors that have not done so to take similar measures as urgently as possible.我们对向基金提供捐款的捐助人表示感谢,也请尚未捐款的其他捐助人尽快采取同样措施。
There is a pressing need for regular replenishment of the fund on a more predictable and secure basis so as to finance multi-year, multi-sector projects in our countries.迫切需要在更可预测和更加确定的基础上,定期对基金补充资金,以便为最不发达国家的多年、多部门项目提供资金。
We express our deep appreciation to the Secretary-General of UNCTAD for his continued efforts and personal commitment to advance the trade and development interests of our countries.我们对贸发会议秘书长坚持不懈的努力和个人承诺,推动最不发达国家的贸易和发展效益深表感谢。
While welcoming the measures he has already taken to consolidate the work of UNCTAD in favour of our countries, we encourage him to take further steps to strengthen the Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes by allocating adequate human and financial resources to enable it to discharge fully its duties and responsibilities.我们欢迎他迄今已经采取的措施,巩固贸发会议援助最不发达国家的工作,我们也鼓励他采取进一步措施,加强非洲最不发达国家司和特别方案,拨出充分的人力和资金,使之能够充分履行任务和职责。
We are particularly grateful to the Secretary-General for his special role in mobilizing extrabudgetary resources to support our countries’ participation in UNCTAD XII, including through undertaking a comprehensive assessment of our countries’ trade and development challenges, needs and priorities.我们特别感谢秘书长为帮助最不发达国家参加贸发十二大筹集预算外资源所发挥的特殊作用,包括对我们这些国家的贸易和发展挑战、需要和优先事项进行综合评估。
We are also thankful to UNCTAD for having convened an expert meeting of LDCs in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, in preparation for the Conference.我们还感谢贸发会议为筹备这次大会,在坦桑尼亚的阿鲁沙举行了最不发达国家专家会议。
We welcome the outcome of that meeting as an important contribution to our collective engagement for the success of the Conference.我们欢迎那次会议的成果,它为我们共同努力实现本次大会的成功做出了重要贡献。
We invite UNCTAD, the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and States Developing Island Small, and relevant United Nations agencies and other international organizations to continue to enhance their cooperation in support of our countries in their development efforts.我们请贸发会议、最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家代表办事处与联合国有关机构和其他国际组织继续加强合作,支持最不发达国家的发展努力。
We express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the people and Government of Ghana for their warm hospitality and for the excellent arrangements made for the organization of UNCTAD XII.我们对加纳人民和政府的热情款待和对贸发十二大组织工作所作的周到安排,表示真心的赞赏和诚挚的感谢。
We would also like to express our appreciation to our development partners for making available financial resources to assist in the participation of our countries in the Conference.我们还要对我们的发展伙伴为帮助最不发达国家参加此次大会提供资金表示感谢。
Finally, we reiterate the commitment of the LDC group to make UNCTAD XII a success.最后,我们重申,最不发达国家集团决心使贸发十二大成为一次成功的大会。
We hope that UNCTAD XII will come out with a work programme for the next four years that will have a development focus with particular attention to LDCs in its three pillars, namely, intergovernmental consensus-building, research and policy analysis, and technical cooperation.我们希望贸发十二大将达成一项今后四年的工作方案,以发展为重点,在贸发会议的三个主要支柱部门方面,即政府间协商一致、研究和政策分析,和技术合作上,特别关注最不发达国家。
Annex IV附 件 四
Ministerial Communiqué of Landlocked Developing Countries内陆发展中国家部长公报
We, trade ministers of landlocked developing countries, having met on 22 April 2008 in Accra within the framework of UNCTAD XII,我们内陆发展中国家的贸易部长在贸发十二大期间于2008年4月22日相会于阿克拉,
Recalling the United Nations Millennium Declaration in which heads of State and Government recognize the special needs and problems of landlocked developing countries (LLDCs), and urging both bilateral and multilateral donors to increase financial and technical assistance to this group of countries in order to help them overcome the impediments of geography,回顾联合国千年宣言 ,其中国家元首和政府首脑们认识到内陆发展中国家的特殊需要和问题,并促请双边和多边捐助方增加对这一类国家的财政和技术援助,以满足其特殊发展需要,并通过改善过境运输系统帮助它们克服地理障碍,
Recalling the Almaty Programme of Action “Addressing the special needs of landlocked developing countries within a new global framework for transit transport cooperation for landlocked and transit developing countries” and the Almaty Declaration endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly at its fifty-eighth session,回顾关于“在内陆发展中国家和过境发展中国家过境运输合作新的全球框架内解决内陆发展中国家的特殊需要”的《阿拉木行动纲领》和由联合国大会第五十八届会议核可的《阿拉木图宣言》,
Recalling the outcome of the 2005 World Summit, in which the special needs and challenges of LLDCs were reaffirmed along with reiterated commitments of world leaders to urgently address those challenges by effectively implementing the Almaty Programme of Action,回顾2005年世界首脑会议的成果, 其中世界领导人再度确认内陆发展中国家的特殊需要和挑战,并重申保证通过有效执行《阿拉木图宣言》解决这类挑战,
Recalling General Assembly resolutions 56/180, 57/242, 58/201, 59/245, 60/208, 61/212 and 62/204 on the specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries,回顾关于内陆发展中国家特殊需要和问题的具体行动的大会第56/180号、第57/242号、第58/201号、第59/245号、第60/208号、第61/212号和第62/204号决议,
Recalling the Asunción Platform for the Doha Development Round, adopted at the meeting of trade ministers of LLDCs on 10 August 2005 in Asunción,忆及由内陆发展中国家贸易部长于2005年8月10日在亚松森通过的《多哈发展回合亚松森纲领》,
Recalling the Ulaanbaatar Declaration, adopted at the meeting of trade ministers of LLDCs on 29 August 2007 in Ulaanbaatar,忆及内陆发展中国家贸易部长于2007年8月29日在乌兰巴托通过的《乌兰巴托宣言》,
Adopt the following communiqué:兹通过以下公报:
We recognize the adverse developmental impact of high transaction costs incurred by landlocked developing countries in international merchandise trade due to geographical isolation and remoteness, lack of territorial access to the sea, additional and often cumbersome customs procedures, as well as other administrative burdens related to transit transport operations.我们承认内陆发展中国家由于地理遥远闭塞,领土缺乏出海口,海关手续繁多复杂以及在过境运输方面的其他行政负担,其国际商品贸易交易费用高昂,对发展造成不利影响。
We emphasize the need for particular attention to be given in the current negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) on market access for agricultural and non-agricultural goods to products of special interest to landlocked developing countries, including cotton producers, and the granting of special and differential treatment on account of these countries’ disadvantaged geographical location that undermines their international competitiveness.我们强调世界贸易组织(世贸组织)目前关于农业和非农产品市场准入的谈判需要特别重视对内陆发展中国家具有特殊利益的产品,其中包括棉花产品,并且由于这些国家地理位置不利妨碍其国际竞争力,故应给予它们特殊和差别待遇。
We underline the importance of trade facilitation measures for the growth and expansion of the external trade of landlocked developing countries and its positive impact on their economic development.我们强调贸易便利化措施对于内陆发展中国家外贸增长和扩展的重要性以及对于它们经济发展的积极作用。
As called for in the Doha Ministerial Declaration of WTO, high priority should be given to the landlocked developing countries in implementing a technical assistance programme in the area of trade facilitation.正如世贸组织《多哈部长宣言》的要求那样,应优先重视内陆发展中国家在贸易便利化领域落实一项技术保障方案。
We call on WTO member States to initiate the provision of assistance in the context of the Aid for Trade agenda as soon as possible and independently from the final result of the ongoing round of negotiations.我们呼吁世贸组织成员尽快在《贸易援助计划》范围内着手提供援助,并且不受目前谈判回合最后结果的影响。
Priority areas of Aid for Trade assistance should include capacity-building for the formulation of trade policies; participation in trade negotiations;implementation of international agreements; strengthening of productive capacities;and development of transport and ICT infrastructure for competitive export products of landlocked developing countries.贸易援助的优先领域应当包括以下领域的能力建设:制定贸易政策、参加贸易谈判、执行国际协议、加强生产能力和为内陆发展中国家有竞争力的出口产品开发运输和信通技术基础设施。
We call on WTO member States to take into account specific needs and problems of landlocked developing countries in the process of WTO accession negotiations.我们呼吁世贸组织成员国在内陆发展中国家加入世贸组织的谈判进程中将它们的特殊需要和问题纳入考虑。
We note the contribution that foreign direct investment (FDI) can make to strengthening productive capacities and the private sector in landlocked developing countries, so as to enable these countries to make better use of trading opportunities, and call on UNCTAD to give special attention to their needs in its analytical work and technical assistance activities that help attract FDI, including the coverage of all landlocked developing countries in UNCTAD investment policy reviews, investment guides and FDI Blue Books.我们注意到外国直接投资(直接外资)为加强内陆发展中国家的生产能力和私营部门所能做出的贡献,以使这类国家更好地利用贸易机会,故吁请贸发会议在其有助于吸引外资的分析工作和技术援助活动中注意这类国家的特殊需要,其中包括在贸发会议的投资政策审评、投资指南和《外资蓝皮书》中列入所有内陆发展中国家。
We call for the full and effective implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action at international, regional and national levels, and welcome the forthcoming mid-term review of the implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action to be held in October 2008, as an opportunity to take stock and to focus on the next steps.我们呼吁在国际、区域和国家一级充分有效执行《阿拉木图行动纲领》,并欢迎以即将于2008年10月举行的《阿拉木图行动纲领》执行情况中期审查为契机作出形势分析和注重今后的步骤。
We invite the organizations of the United Nations system, particularly UNCTAD, the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, the United Nations Development Programme, the regional commissions and other international bodies, especially the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and the World Customs Organization, to strengthen their work within their respective mandates towards the implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action.我们请联合国系统各组织,特别是贸发会议、最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办公室(特别代表办公室)、联合国开发计划署、各区域委员会和其他国际机构,尤其是世界银行、世界贸易组织和世界海关组织,加强其各自职权范围内执行《阿拉木图行动纲领》的工作。
We call for the successful implementation of the Ulaanbaatar Declaration, adopted at the Meeting of Trade Ministers of the LLDCs in August 2007, and request the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, in cooperation and consultation with the Office of the High Representative and other relevant United Nations organizations and international agencies, to assist in setting up an international think tank, which will contribute towards addressing the challenges of LLDCs and their integration into the international trading system.我们呼吁成功执行2007年8月在内陆发展中国家贸易部长会议上通过的《乌兰巴托宣言》,并请贸发会议秘书长在特别代表办公室和其他有关的联合国组织和国际机构的合作和协商下,帮助成立一个国际智库,使之为解决内陆发展中国家的挑战并使其融入国际贸易体制做出贡献。
We request the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, in cooperation and consultation with the Office of the High Representative and other relevant United Nations organizations and international agencies, to assist landlocked developing countries in organizing a meeting of ministers of trade of LLDCs in 2009.我们请贸发会议秘书处在高级代表办公室和其他有关的联合国组织和国际机构的合作和协商下,帮助内陆发展中国家筹组2009年内陆发展中国家贸易部长会议。
We request the Secretary-General of the United Nations to undertake all necessary measures to strengthen the Office of the High Representative.我们请联合国秘书长采取一切必要措施加强高级代表办公室。
We call on the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to strengthen its institutional and operational capacity for addressing the complex and severe development challenges faced by LLDCs, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 56/227 and other relevant resolutions.我们吁请贸发会议秘书长按照联大第56/227号决议和其他有关决议,为解决内陆发展中国家所面临的复杂和严重发展挑战加强贸发会议的体制和业务能力。
We urge both bilateral and multilateral donors, in accordance with the United Nations Millennium Declaration, to increase financial and technical assistance to the LLDCs in order to enable them to meet their special development needs and overcome the impediments of geography, with a view to helping them participate effectively in the multilateral trading system.我们敦促双边和多边捐助方遵照《联合国千年宣言》,扩大对内陆发展中国家的财政和技术援助,以便使它们能够满足其特殊发展需要并克服地理障碍,以便帮助它们有效参加多边贸易体制。
We express our sincere appreciation to the continued efforts made by Paraguay, as coordinator of the Group of the Landlocked Developing Countries in Geneva, in close coordination with Mali, as chair of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries in New York, on matters related to trade and development.我们真诚感谢巴拉圭作为日内瓦内陆发展中国家小组协调员在纽约内陆发展中国家小组主席马里的密切配合下在有关贸易和发展问题上做出的持续努力。
Annex V 附 件 五
Civil Society Forum Declaration to UNCTAD XII “Poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere”(Declaration of Philadelphia, International Labour Organization, 1944)贸发十二大民间社会论坛宣言 “任何地方的贫穷都危及所有地区的繁荣” (《费城宣言》,国际劳工组织,1944年)
 Civil Society Forum民间社会论坛
The Civil Society Forum, meeting on the occasion of UNCTAD XII (20–25 April 2008), took place in Ghana, Accra, from 17 to 19 April 2008.民间社会论坛在贸发十二大(2008年4月20日至25日)召开之际于2008年4月17日至19日在加纳阿克拉举行了会议。
It brought together social movements, pro-development groups, women’s groups, trade unions, peasants and agricultural organizations, environmental organizations, faith-based organizations and fair trade organizations (hereafter referred to as “We”), which expressed a variety of perspectives on trade, investment and competition policies and their impacts on development.它使各种社会运动、促进发展团体、妇女团体、工会、农民和农业组织、环境组织、宗教组织和公平贸易组织(以下统称“我们”)汇聚一堂,它们对贸易、投资和竞争政策及其对发展的影响表现出各种不同的视角。
Forum participants were united in the defence of a number of principles, positions and actions they wished to present to the member States of the United Nations Trade and Development Conference at its twelfth session.论坛的参加者以团结一致的态度维护他们要在联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届大会上向贸发会议成员国陈述的一系列原则、立场和行动。
Global context全球背景
The era of globalization is proving to be a time of persistent and growing inequalities.全球化时代正在证明是一个不平等状况顽固存在且不断加剧的时期。
Current neoliberal policies are far from neutral.
World trade growth has been accompanied by the dislocation of the poorest societies, including least developing countries (LDCs), and the continued suffering of the most vulnerable groups, particularly hundreds of millions of women.在世界贸易增长的同时,包括最不发达国家在内的最贫穷社会却面临混乱失调,最为脆弱的群体,特别是亿万妇女,正在继续遭受苦难。
UNCTAD XII is taking place at a critical juncture for the global economy and multilateral system.贸发十二大是在全球经济和多边体系的一个关键时刻召开的。
The looming recession, volatile food and commodity prices and the credit crunch that are part of the backdrop to UNCTAD XII are all manifestations of a dysfunctional global system.正在迫近的衰退、剧烈波动的粮食和初级商品价格以及信贷危急状况,这些都构成这次贸发十二大背景的一部分,是全球系统功能紊乱的表征。
The opposite poles of wealth and poverty reinforce each other with every new manifestation of the flaws of the system.财富与贫困相互对立,随着整个体系缺陷的每一种新的表征而相互强化。
The most notable problems today are, first, the massive losses (now estimated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at almost US$ 1 trillion) arising from the global financial crisis, and, second, the world crisis of rising food prices and food shortages.当前最突出的问题首先是全球金融危机引起的巨额损失(目前国际货币基金组织(货币基金)估计将近达1万亿美元),其次是粮食价格上涨和粮食短缺这一世界性的危机。
We want Governments and UNCTAD XII to take action now on these two fronts.我们要求各国政府在贸发十二大上立即从这两个方面采取行动。
Financial institutions and speculation must be regulated, along with the global financial system that promotes the unregulated flow of capital, particularly speculative funds and activities.对于金融机构和投机行为必须加以管制,而对于主张放任资本流动、特别是放任投机性资金和活动的全球金融体系也必须加以管制。
The UNCTAD secretariat has done great work on finance.贸发会议秘书处在金融问题上做了出色的工作。
If the international community had followed its advice, there might not have been such a crisis today.如果国际社会采纳它的建议,或许本来不会发生当前这样的危机。
UNCTAD XII must mandate the Organization to expand its work on finance, including how developing countries would be affected by the fallout of the financial crisis, what they can do about it, and how to overhaul the global financial architecture.贸发十二大必须在任务中规定贸发会议扩大关于金融问题的工作,包括研究金融危机的后果将会如何影响发展中国家、发展中国家可以如何加以应对,以及如何彻底改造全球金融构架。
The objective should be to ensure that finance serves development, not the greed of speculators.目标应是确保金融服务于发展,而不是服务于投机者的贪欲。
The goals of development include decent work, full employment, adequate income, environmental sustainability and gender equality.发展的目标包括体面的工作、充分就业、适足的收入、环境的可持续性以及男女平等。
The food crisis is mainly caused by a mismatch of supply and demand.造成粮食危机的主要原因是供求失调。
Another reason is the shift from producing food to biofuels, a trend which should be reviewed and reversed.另一个原因是从生产粮食转为生产生物燃料的趋向,对此应加以审查并予以扭转。
But another reason is that developing countries were wrongly pressured by the loan conditionalities of the World Bank and IMF to cut Government subsidies, support to small farmers, and food import duties.但是,还有一个原因则是发展中国家受到世界银行和货币基金贷款条件的不当压力,要求它们取消政府补贴、对小农经营者的支助以及粮食进口税。
At the same time, high agricultural subsidies continue in rich countries.同时,富国却仍在实行高额农业补贴。
Local farmers, who have been submerged by cheap, subsidized exports, have livelihood problems.当地农民在受补贴的廉价出口商品压抑下生计出现困难。
The food crisis makes policy change necessary.粮食危机意味着必须修改政策。
Developing countries must be allowed to defend their food security and small farmers, so as to quickly expand food production through sustainable agriculture and raise tariffs in order to prevent import surges.必须允许发展中国家维护本国的粮食安全和保护小农经营者,以便通过可持续的农业迅速扩大粮食生产,并通过提高关税防止进口大量涌入。
Developed countries must quickly phase out their trade-distorting subsidies, including those within the so-called Green Box subsidies.发达国家必须迅速着手取消扭曲贸易的补贴,包括所谓“绿箱”补贴措施。
Land set aside for biofuel production should be reclaimed for farming.专为生物燃料生产划定的土地必须重新用于农业生产。
There must be changes to policies at the World Bank, the IMF and the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to free trade agreements (FTAs), including economic partnership agreements (EPAs).必须修改世界银行、货币基金和世界贸易组织(世贸组织)的政策,修改自由贸易协定(自贸协定),包括经济伙伴关系协定(经伙协定)。
UNCTAD can play a central role in this reform, helping to find the right solutions to the food crisis.贸发会议可在这项改革中发挥中心作用,帮助寻找正确的办法解决粮食危机。
A major achievement of UNCTAD XI was to recognize the importance of policy space for developing countries.贸发十一大的一项主要成就在于承认了发展中国家的政策空间。
However, policy space for government intervention and regulation has shrunk further since then.然而,从那时以来,政府干预和调控的政策空间却发生了进一步的收缩。
In particular, this has been caused by loan conditionalities and existing WTO rules, as well as substantial increases in bilateral and regional free trade agreements.具体而言,造成这种状况的原因是贷款的条件要求和世贸组织规则,以及双边和区域自由贸易协定的大量增多。
These agreements lock developing countries into inappropriate liberalization of imported goods and services and unsuitable intellectual property rights policies.这些协定造成发展中国家陷身于对进口货物和服务的不适当的自由化以及不合适的知识产权政策。
The FTAs and EPAs also introduce new rules on liberalizing investment and government procurement that go beyond WTO commitments, eroding Governments’ ability to regulate for development and for the public welfare.自由贸易协定和经伙协定还带来了超出世贸组织承诺的、关于投资和政府采购自由化的新规则,侵蚀了政府通过调控促进发展和公共福利的能力。
This erosion of policy space remains the main issue, especially since this loss of policy space also poses a threat to the ability of developing countries to deal with the finance and food crises.政策空间的这种侵蚀仍然是主要问题,尤其是因为政策空间的这种损失还危及发展中国家对付金融危机和粮食危机的能力。
Consequently, our principal demand is that UNCTAD XII deal even more forcefully with the issue of policy space.因此,我们的主要诉求是,贸发十二大应进一步大力处理政策空间问题。
UNCTAD – both the Secretariat and the inter-governmental machinery – must be given an expanded mandate to empower developing countries with the use of policy tools for development.必须扩大贸发会议――秘书处和政府间机制――的任务,帮助发展中国家掌握利用政策工具促进发展的能力。
As a result of orthodox policy prescriptions, the policy space to exercise governmental intervention and regulation by developing countries has diminished.由于传统政策规定的影响,发展中国家行使政府干预和调控的政策空间已经收缩。
While developed countries ensure they retain sufficient possibilities for national policy intervention, the needed range of policy options is not available to developing countries.在发达国家确保为国家政策干预保留足够可能性的同时,发展中国家则不具备必要范围的政策办法。
Over the last decades, as part of structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) as well as WTO and bilateral North–South trade negotiations, developing countries have given up substantial policy space, resulting in an inability to respond adequately to economic instabilities and social emergencies and impeding long-term development.过去几十年来,由于结构调整方案以及世贸组织和双边南北贸易谈判,发展中国家放弃了大量的政策空间,造成无力充分应对经济动荡和社会经济状况,并阻滞了长期发展。
The increasing number and expanding scope of bilateral and regional North–South agreements that go beyond WTO commitments and ruthlessly promote the North’s corporate agenda constitute a grave danger for democracy, development and social solidarity at local, national and international levels, as most of these North–South FTAs, including EPAs, drastically erode the policy space required for economic and social development.超出世贸组织承诺、一味推行北方国家公司利益的双边和区域南北协定越来越多,范围不断扩大,在地方、国家和国际三级严重危及民主、发展和社会团结,因为大多数这类南北自贸协定,包括经伙协定,都大幅度挤压了经济和社会发展的必要政策空间。
The international rules and conditionalities imposed on developing country governments not only limit their ability to choose and implement appropriate development policies but also hinder genuine dialogue with citizens and civil society, since policymakers believe they are constrained to follow the policies laid down through institutions such as the World Bank, IMF and regional banks and through trade agreements.强加给发展中国家政府的国际规则和条件要求不仅限制了发展中国家选择和执行适当发展政策的能力,而且阻碍着与公民和民间社会进行真正的对话,因为决策者认为自己只能遵循世界银行、货币基金和区域银行等机构以及贸易协定所规定的政策。
Developing countries face continuous pressures to liberalize their imports, even though local industries and agricultural sectors in many countries have been hamstrung by cheap imports.发展中国家面临不断的压力,要求它们实行进口自由化,尽管廉价的进口品已经在摧残着许多国家的地方工业和农业部门。
In many poor countries, the dumping of subsidized farm exports from the North onto world markets continues to destroy rural livelihoods.来自北方的补贴出口农产品在世界市场上的倾销正不断破坏许多穷国的农村生计。
Many LDCs, especially in Africa, have seen their local industries close or lose their share of the local market due to import liberalization imposed by the World Bank, IMF and regional development banks.由于世界银行、货币基金和区域开发银行强加的进口自由化,许多最不发达国家,特别是非洲最不发达国家的地方工业纷纷倒闭或丧失在本地市场上的份额。
The EPAs negotiated with the European Union will cause a new wave of economic dislocation in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.与欧洲联盟谈判缔结的经伙协定将在非洲、加勒比和太平洋(非加太)国家造成新的一波经济紊乱。
At WTO, the Doha negotiations have so far produced very imbalanced draft proposals.在世贸组织,多哈谈判到目前为止所形成的只是十分不均衡的提案草案。
Developed countries can continue their high agricultural subsidies through shifting of the boxes or categories of subsidies because many of the so-called non-trade-distorting Green Box subsidies have been found in reality to be trade distorting (and to adversely affect quality production and exports of developing countries), but proposals to improve disciplines to limit these subsidies are weak and grossly inadequate.由于许多所谓非贸易扭曲性“绿箱”补贴措施在实践中被认为会扭曲贸易(并给发展中国家的高质量生产和出口造成不利影响),发达国家可以通过改换补贴措施的“箱子”或类别而继续实行高水平的农业补贴,但关于通过改进纪律限制这些补贴的提案却相当薄弱和十分不足。
Yet while the North maintains its subsidies, developing countries are pressured to cut their agricultural tariffs further by an average 36 per cent (which is more than the 24 per cent in the Uruguay Round), making them even more vulnerable to import surges and consequent rural dislocation.然而,在北方保持补贴的同时,发展中国家却面临压力,被要求进一步削减农业关税,平均减少36%(高于乌拉圭回合中确定的24%的减幅),造成它们更加易受大量进口涌入的影响,并由此造成农村的困境。
In the negotiations on industrial goods, the “Swiss formula”, never before used, will slash tariffs for industrial goods in developing countries, damaging or even destroying many local industries.在工业品谈判中,以前从未使用过的“瑞士计算公式”将造成发展中国家对工业品的关税大幅度削减,损害乃至摧毁许多地方工业。
LDCs do not have to reduce their tariffs through the Doha Round, but most of them may also be affected by deep tariff cuts through other mechanisms, including bilateral agreements like the EPAs, and further loan conditionalities.最不发达国家不必通过多哈回合削减关税,但大多可能会受包括经济伙伴协定等双边协定在内的其他机制的大幅度关税削减以及进一步的贷款条件要求的影响。
Meanwhile, developed countries not only maintain their agricultural subsidies but also plan to protect their important agricultural products from tariff cuts through various mechanisms, and are only prepared to cut their industrial tariffs by lower rates than developing countries under the “Swiss formula”.同时,发达国家不仅保持着农产品补贴,而且还计划通过各种机制保护重要农产品的关税不受削减,并且仅准备以低于发展中国家在“瑞士计算公式”之下的税率削减其工业关税。
Non-tariff barriers are increasingly used to block market access for products from developing countries.非关税壁垒正在越来越多地被用于阻挡来自发展中国家的产品的市场准入。
The Doha deal is turning out to work against the developing countries, although it was intended to be a Development Round.多哈回合尽管本意要成为一个发展回合,但谈判结果可能变得不利于发展中国家。
Furthermore, developed countries are pushing for liberalization of services through regional and multilateral trade agreements.另外,发达国家正在通过区域和多边贸易协定推动服务自由化。
Strategic sectors such as finance and telecommunications may well end up dominated by foreign firms.金融和电信等战略部门最终有可能被外国公司所支配。
In addition, the role of the State in providing public services may be further threatened.此外,政府在提供公共服务方面的作用有可能进一步受到威胁。
Access to social services is also threatened by intellectual property regimes that limit access to medicines and information.取得社会服务的途径也受到限制医药和信息获取条件的知识产权制度的威胁。
In particular, women’s access to health care, information and education is affected, further denying their empowerment and undermining their efforts to participate in political and public activities and ensure a sustainable livelihood.具体而言,妇女取得卫生保健、信息和教育的途径受到影响,进一步妨碍她们掌握能力,损害她们争取参与政治和公共活动以及确保可持续生计的努力。
Despite the dangers of climate change, unsustainable levels and patterns of production and consumption continue to prevail in the industrialized countries, accelerating the endangerment of and stress to global natural resources.尽管面临气候变化的危险,但无法持续的生产和消费水平及形态仍在工业化国家居主导地位,加剧全球自然资源面临的危险和压力。
The North continues to incur an ecological debt to the South, but developing countries still come under pressure to allow exploitation of natural resources by multinational enterprises (MNEs).北方国家继续对南方欠下“生态债”,但发展中国家仍然面对压力,被要求允许多国企业进入开发自然资源。
The right to regulate and inclusiveness in decision-making processes, both nationally and internationally, are in danger.国家和国际两级决策进程中的调控权和包容性受到威胁。
Social dialogue is weakened by structural adjustment policies.结构调整政策造成社会对话的削弱。
Social and economic rights, and labour and trade union rights, including freedom of association and non-discrimination, are weakened, not guaranteed by the globalization of production methods.社会和经济权利,以及劳动和工会权利,包括结社自由和不受歧视的权利,均受到削弱,并且在生产方法的全球化之下得不到保障。
Although there is a prevalent idea that greater foreign direct investment (FDI) is the main development option for developing countries;in reality, FDI results in more costs and losses in many cases.虽然有一种流行的看法认为增加直接外资是发展中国家的主要发展选择,但实际上直接外资在许多情况下却造成成本和亏损增加。
In many countries, it exacerbates the outflow of resources, including investment resources, from these countries and the acute imbalance that arises in the global economy.在许多国家,直接外资加剧包括投资资源在内的各种资源从这些国家向外流动,并加剧全球经济中出现的严重失衡。
Moreover, Africa, the poorest continent in the world, is a net exporter of capital, even while the burden of its external (and internal) debt continues to crush development possibilities and aspirations year after year.此外,全世界最贫穷的大陆非洲是资本的净输出地区,尽管其外债(和内债)负担仍在年复一年地损害发展可能性和希望。
Domestic resource mobilization is seriously hampered by imbalanced resource flows, especially capital flight.不平衡的资源流动,特别是资本外逃,严重阻碍了国内的资源调动。
The benefits of globalization remain in the hands of a few.全球化的收益仍集中在少数者手中。
Development promises made by the economic export-led model and by import liberalization remain unmet in most countries.经济出口导向模式和进口自由化提供的发展前景在多数国家依然未能兑现。
Even though prices have increased recently, the benefits of commodity production have been limited for commodity producers, as a result of the scant domestic value added to commodities and the concentration of control of much of the value chain in the hands of MNEs and others.尽管初级商品价格近来有所上升,但初级商品生产的收益仍限于其生产者,其原因在于初级商品的国内增值极少,而且价值链分工的很大一部分控制权集中在多国企业等手中。
Increasing economic integration of many developing countries in the world economy has not addressed the development concerns of their populations.许多发展中国家在经济上更多地融入世界经济,但这种状况并没有解决其人口在发展方面的关注。
The need for decent and productive employment has not been met by current models of development, as unemployment and underemployment remain unacceptably high.当前的发展模式由于失业率和就业不足率仍然过高,未能满足对体面和生产性就业的需要。
Another example is the irony of “jobless growth”, accentuated by the dislocation and expulsion of tens of millions from production activities and alternative non-market socio-economic micro-systems that have historically maintained some access to life resources for some of the most vulnerable in developing countries.这方面的另一例证是“失业性增长”,造成这种状况加剧的则是数千万人处于困境,并且被迫退出生产活动和具有替代作用的非市场性社会经济微观系统,而这种系统以往曾为发展中国家的某些最弱势群体保持了某种取得生活资源的途径。
What has been described as the “commodification of the commons”, together with the spread of market-driven commodity chains and attendant property forms over natural resources, is imposing unprecedented labour intensity and precarious “flexibilization” and “casualization” on a minority lucky to hold on to steady employment in the formal sector and forced to share resources, as well as compete, with a vast sea of dispossessed human capacity.所谓的“共同资源的商品化”,再加上市场驱动的初级商品链以及对自然资源的相应产权形式的扩散,正在迫使少数有幸能保住正规部门稳定就业的人承受前所未有的劳动密集度以及不稳定的“灵活化”和“随意化”,使他们被迫与失去财产的庞大人力大军分享资源,并且与之相互竞争。
We reaffirm that employment is the key to poverty eradication, but this implies the inclusion of full and productive employment and decent work in agriculture, services and industrialization as the main goal in policymaking and requires trade policies and financial policies that are consistent with this objective.我们重申,就业是消除贫困的关键,但这意味着要在农业、服务业和工业化中将充分和生产性就业以及体面的工作定为决策的主要目标,并要求贸易政策和金融政策符合这一目标。
UNCTAD should incorporate into its activities the commitment to decent work which was adopted by all United Nations member States at the 2005 World Summit of the United Nations General Assembly and reaffirmed in the 2006 Ministerial Declaration of the United Nations Economic and Social Council.贸发会议应在活动中纳入对体面工作的承诺,这项承诺是联合国所有会员国在2005年联合国大会世界首脑会议上所通过的,并在2006年联合国经济及社会理事会部长宣言中得到重申。
As the dominant models have failed to ensure social welfare, there is a need to explore alternative diverse and participatory economic systems that are adapted to local and national realities, while also prioritizing and protecting equity, democracy and diversity, human rights, labour rights, ecology, food security and sustainable production and consumption.由于主导型的模式未能确保社会福利,因此需要探索替代性的、多种不同的以及参与型的经济体系,既要适应地方现实,又要适应全国现实,同时还要优先注意和保护公平、民主和多样性、人权、劳工权利、生态、粮食安全以及可持续的生产和消费。
Specific issues by sub-theme按分主题分列的具体问题
Sub-theme 1: Enhancing coherence at all levels for sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in global policymaking, including the contribution of regional approaches分主题1:加强全球各级决策在可持续经济发展和减贫 方面的一致性,包括发挥区域办法的效力
A major challenge in the discussion on coherence is the different interpretations of coherence.在讨论一致性方面,一个主要的挑战是对一致性的不同解释。
For States in developed countries, the main view of coherence is the harmonization of policies that guarantee more markets and profits for their companies.对发达国家而言,关于一致性的主要观点是统一政策,保证其公司获得更多的市场和利润。
For civil society, coherence means that policies should aim to promote poverty eradication, social equity, gender equity and social development;对民间社会而言,一致性意味着有关政策的目标应当是,促进减贫、社会公平、男女平等和社会发展;
increase employment;增加就业;
and ensure the livelihoods of farmers and the process of industrialization through sustainable development.通过可持续发展确保农民的生计和工业化进程。
The Bretton Woods institutions and the most powerful member States within WTO currently consider coherence to be the harmonization of national policies, in order to ensure that these do not conflict with the prevailing international neoliberal economic order.布雷顿森林机构和世贸组织中最强大的成员国目前应将一致性视为统一国家政策,以确保国家政策不与流行的国际新自由主义经济秩序相冲突。
On this assumption, structural adjustment programmes, poverty reduction strategy papers, bilateral and multilateral trade and investment rules, underpinned by the aid regime, all demand that developing countries, LDCs and countries in transition tailor their economic policies to fit a corporate-driven model.基于这一假定,援助制度的支持下的结构调整方案、减贫战略文件、双边和多边贸易和投资规则都要求发展中国家、最不发达国家和转型期经济国家使其经济政策适合于一种公司驱动的模式。
For the ordinary citizens of the world and for civil society organizations, however, coherence means, as stated in the São Paulo Consensus, that international economic policies must address the needs of all people.然而,对世界普通公民和民间社会组织而言,正如圣保罗共识所述,一致性意味着国际经济政策必须处理所有人民的需求问题。
To achieve such an objective, autonomous, sovereign, and participatory development priorities must be the entry point and chief determinant of negotiations and obligations involving these countries in institutions of economic governance.为了实现这样一个目标,在有关这些国家参与经济治理机构的谈判和义务方面,必须以自主、主权、和参与性的发展优先事项为切入点和主要决定因素。
Furthermore, the Governments of developing countries and LDCs and democratically elected politicians must be much more strongly represented in the decision-making processes of these institutions.而且,在这些机构的决策进程中,发展中国家和最不发达国家政府以及民主选举的政治家必须得到更加强有力的代表。
The lack of representation of developing countries in global governance results in top–down development approaches and policies, while maintaining a disconnect between decision-making centres and recipient countries and their peoples.发展中国家在全球治理中缺乏代表性导致了一种从上至下的发展方针和政策,同时,决策中心与接受国及其人民一直脱节。
“Coherence” around the wrong principles and measures, which now prevails, has led to the wrong outcomes.现在流行的围绕错误原则和措施的“一致性”导致了错误的结果。
Many North–South regional and bilateral trade agreements are used to promote the wrong kind of coherence.许多南-北区域贸易协定和双边贸易协定被用以促进错误类型的一致性。
They make developing countries enter into undertakings that go beyond WTO commitments and include issues such as investment and government procurement that were rejected at WTO.它们使得发展中国家从事超过世贸组织承诺范围的工作,纳入了被世贸组织所拒绝的投资和政府采购等问题。
They significantly erode whatever policy space exists in developing countries, in addition to undermining the prospects for South–South cooperation and regional integration.除了损害南南合作和区域一级化的前景之外,它们还极大地侵蚀了发展中国家存在的一点政策空间。
An additional problem is the use of the so-called “development aspect” of trade agreements such as EPAs, which is used as “bait” by developed country parties to draw developing countries into the main aspects of FTAs or EPAs that are detrimental to development.另外一个问题是使用贸易协定的所谓“发展方面”,如经伙协定,发达国家将其用作“诱饵”,将发展中国家吸引到对其发展不利的自贸协定或经伙协定的主要方面。
UNCTAD should take note of the above dangers and wrong manifestations of “coherence”, striving towards policy coherence that is appropriate, in which all policy advice, measures and agreements are focused and geared to the development of developing countries.贸发会议应注意到“一致性”的上述危险和错误表现形式,努力争取恰当的政策一致性,使所有政策咨询意见、措施和协定都侧重并致力于发展中国家的发展。
UNCTAD XII must be based on a radically different form of “coherence”: a reorientation and integration of policies that ensure that the international economic order is adjusted to meet the development needs of the groups most affected by corporate-driven globalization.贸发十二大应建立在与此完全不同的“一致性”基础上:调整政策的方向,并对政策加以整合,以确保国际经济秩序得到调整,适应受公司引导的全球化影响最重的各群体的发展需要。
Sub-theme 2: Key trade and development issues and the new realities in the geography of the world economy分主题2:主要的贸易和发展问题以及 新的世界经济格局
The debate on the link between trade and development is ongoing.关于贸易与发展联系问题的辩论正在进行。
The orthodox position is that trade and the dominant trade policy are positive for development.正统的立场是,贸易和占支配地位的贸易政策对发展有利。
However, a majority of developing countries have suffered from inappropriate import liberalization while gaining little from exports.然而,大多数发展中国家由于不恰当的进口自由化而遭受痛苦,同时从出口中所得甚少。
Their local industries and agriculture have been stifled by cheap imports, with loss of farm livelihoods and industrial jobs.其地方工业和农业由于廉价进口品而遭到窒息,丧失了农业生计和工业职位。
The one-size-fits-all approach to economic and trade policymaking does not work and results in wrong policies and great cost to many developing countries and their people.用通用办法处理经济决策的做法没有奏效,导致了错误的政策,使许多发展中国家及其人民付出了沉重代价。
Contrary to the prevailing view of the international financial institutions, the road to sustainable development is not the same for everyone.与国际金融机构的流行观点相反,可持续发展的道路并非对每个人来说都相同。
North–South FTAs including EPAs, mainly promote the North’s corporate agenda and pose a grave threat to developing countries.南北自贸协定(包括经伙协定)主要是促进北方的公司议程,对发展中国家构成严重威胁。
UNCTAD’s Trade and Development Report 2007 was valuable for highlighting the cost and benefits of North–South FTAs, and the Organization must continue to focus on this.贸发会议《2007年贸易和发展报告》十分可贵,着重谈到了南北自贸协定的代价和好处,本组织必须继续侧重于这一问题。
We stress the need for immediate rectification of the wrong policies of the World Bank and IMF and recently of the EPAs and FTAs.我们强调,必须立即纠正世界银行和货币基金、以及最近经伙协定和自贸协定的错误政策。
As for the EPAs, the European Union should stop pressuring the ACP countries to conclude them.关于经伙协定,欧洲联盟应停止对非加太国家施加压力,不要强行要求其缔结这些协定。
An alternative to EPAs should be found, with the non-reciprocal principle at the centre of the trade aspect, which also does not contain the issues of services, intellectual property rights (IPRs), investment and government procurement.应找出经伙协定的替代办法,在贸易方面,以非对等原则为核心,其中也不包含服务、知识产权、投资和政府采购问题。
African civil society, backed by European civil society, has been campaigning against the EPAs and their framework while advocating alternative approaches that retain preferences for ACP countries without an obligation for them to liberalize their goods imports on a reciprocal basis.非洲民间社会在欧洲民间社会的支持下正在开展反对经伙协定及其框架的运动,同时主张采用替代的办法,保留对非加太国家的优惠,而又不使其负有义务,在对等的基础上使其货物进口自由化。
In addition, it wishes to exclude other issues such as services, IPRs, investment, competition and government procurement.此外,非洲民间社会希望排除其他一些问题,如服务、知识产权、投资、竞争和政府采购等。
It is largely felt that the EPAs were signed not as an instrument for delivering development in ACP countries but out of fear that if access to the EU market was not preserved, some of their trade would be disrupted.人们主要认为,经伙协定并非作为为了在非加太国家实现发展的文书而签署,而是出于如果不能维持对欧洲市场的准入,其贸易有些就会陷入混乱这样一种担心而签署。
There should be a renegotiation of those EPAs that have been already negotiated and a review in other countries that have not yet signed the EPAs, allowing civil society to assess the full implications so that informed decisions (including opting for alternatives to the EPAs) can be made without pressure.应重新谈判业已谈定的经伙协定,在尚未签署经伙协定的国家,应进行审查,允许民间社会评估全面的影响,以便能够在没有压力的情况下作出知情的决定(包括选择经伙协定的备选办法)。
At WTO, the latest proposals on the Doha negotiations, if adopted, would have a deeply imbalanced outcome, with developed countries continuing to maintain high agricultural subsidies while reducing their industrial tariffs at rates lower than developing countries undertaking the “Swiss formula” cuts.在世贸组织,最近关于多哈谈判的提议如果得到通过将会产生严重不平衡的结果:发达国家继续保持对农业的高补贴,而在削减工业关税方面,其比率却低于那些采取“瑞士计算方式”削减的发展中国家。
Developing countries would have to make deeper tariff cuts in industrial and agricultural goods. Many of the poorer countries, which may not undertake tariff cuts through the Doha negotiations, would have to do so under the EPAs.发展中国家在工业品和农业品方面将不得不做出更大的关税削减,许多较穷的国家可以不通过多哈谈判削减关税,但在经伙协定之下却不得不削减。
Global trade rules must recognize the vital role for Governments in regulation and thus preserve or expand policy space so that each country can plan and manage its own economic development as well as mitigate the risks associated with the volatilities arising from integration of markets.全球贸易规则必须承认政府在监管方面至关重要的作用,从而保留或扩大政策空间,使每个国家能够规划和管理自己的经济发展,减少与市场一体化所引起波动相关的风险。
The use of conditionalities in loans and aid has often resulted in inappropriate trade and investment policies in many developing countries.在贷款和援助方面设置条件常常导致许多发展中国家不当的贸易和投资政策。
Commodity-dependent developing countries are confronted with complex problems ranging from price volatility to corporate concentration.依赖初级商品的发展中国家面临各种复杂的问题,从价格波动到公司集中化。
UNCTAD XII should provide practical solutions such as price-stabilizing mechanisms and regulation of corporate activities.贸发十二大应提供实际的解决办法,如价格稳定机制和监管公司活动。
An expanded commodity programme for UNCTAD is needed.贸发会议需要一个扩大的初级商品方案。
Developing countries also face increasing non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to their products in developed countries.发展中国家的产品在发达国家还面临越来越多的非关税壁垒。
A major problem is the use of unilateral measures.一个主要的问题是采用单方面措施。
While safety and technical regulations are needed, they are also prone to be used for protectionist purposes.安全和技术规则是需要的,但这些规则容易被用于保护主义的目的。
Moreover, most developing countries lack the capacity to keep up with increasing standards in developed country markets.而且,大多数发展中国家缺乏能力,跟不上发达国家日益提高的标准。
Developed countries should not make use of unilateral, protectionist measures.发达国家不应采用单方面保护主义措施。
Proper international standards should be established and developing countries must be assisted in negotiating and implementing those standards.应确立适当的国际标准,在谈判和执行这些标准方面,发展中国家必须得到帮助。
UNCTAD should work on NTBs and assist developing countries in that regard.贸发会议应开展非关税壁垒方面的工作,并在这方面帮助发展中国家。
South–South cooperation offers the potential for partnerships among developing countries that can be mutually beneficial.南南合作为发展中国家之间的伙伴关系提供了潜力,这种关系可以对双方有利。
A few countries have experienced sustained high rates of growth, and this has assisted other countries through higher demand for their commodity exports.数个国家持续保持高增长率,通过对其他国家初级商品出口需求的增加帮助了其他国家。
However, it is not certain that this process will be sustained, especially if there is a global recession.然而,难以肯定的是,这一进程是否会持续,尤其是在出现全球衰退的情况下。
Consequently, concrete measures must be taken to strengthen and institutionalize South–South cooperation.因此,必须采取具体措施,加强南南合作并使其制度化。
There is a need to strengthen the Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP) mechanism in order to achieve tangible concrete results.需要加强全面贸易优惠制的机制,以便取得实实在在的具体成果。
However, steps must be taken to ensure that within South–South agreements, weaker partners are accorded special and differential treatment, including sufficient incentives and preferences, and are not asked to undertake liberalization or implement policies that make them vulnerable to negative effects.但还必须采取措施,确保在南南协定之内给予较弱的伙伴以特殊和有区别的待遇,包括充分的激励措施和优惠,而不要求其实施自由化或执行可能使其易受到不利影响的各种政策。
UNCTAD should also play a role in promoting and assessing South–South cooperation and integration processes.贸发会议还应在促进和评估南南合作和一体化进程方面发挥作用。
Sub-theme 3: Enhancing the enabling environment at all levels to strengthen productive capacity, trade and investment: mobilizing resources and harnessing knowledge for development分主题3:改进各级扶持环境,以提高生产能力、贸易和 投资:筹集资源和利用知识促进发展
Investment and investment flows do not behave in the manner claimed by those who try to justify globalization of finance, trade and production.投资和投资流动并未按照那些试图证明金融、贸易和生产全球化合理的人们所宣称的方式进行。
The share of resources going into new productive investments has declined relative to the share going to financial and speculative ventures.投入新的生产性投资的资源比例比流入金融和投机冒险的资源比例减少了。
Africa remains a net exporter of capital due to capital flight, even as it is dependent on foreign investment and aid flows.非洲尽管依赖于外国投资和援助资金,但由于资本外逃,仍然是资本净输出大陆。
In cases where developing countries have succeeded in attracting and using investment, the factors for their success include appropriate regulation, strategic direction and a direct if selective role for the State in the economy.在发展中国家成功地吸引并利用了投资的情况中,其成功的因素包括适当的规划、战略指导和国家在经济中(有选择性地)发挥直接作用。
In poorer countries, there is a lack of domestic private investment.较穷的国家缺乏国内私人投资。
There are benefits and costs to foreign investment in developing countries.在发展中国家的直接外资既有好处也有代价。
While benefits are often exaggerated, costs are often not overlooked or left out of policy decisions.好处可能常常被夸大,而代价却常常被忽略或被置于决策之外。
Developing countries should take a holistic view and design policy on the basis of assessments of costs and benefits, with the help of UNCTAD.发展中国家应采取整体观点,在贸发会议的帮助下,在评估代价和好处的基础上设计有关政策。
In that context, what is also important are the terms of the contract between the State and the foreign investors.在这方面,重要的是国家与外国投资者之间的合同条件。
UNCTAD should help developing countries to improve those terms so as to increase their benefits.贸发会议应帮助发展中国家改善这些条件,以增加其好处。
Also, the terms for foreign investment must be such that they do not affect the sovereignty of developing countries by limiting their policy space.还有,外国投资的条件必须做到不致由于限制政策空间而影响发展中国家的主权。
Any international framework on investment should promote the rights and interests of host developing countries and ensure their policy space to regulate investments for the national and public interest.关于投资的任何国际框架都应促进接受投资的发展中国家的权利和利益,确保其具有为国家和公共利益而监管投资的政策空间。
UNCTAD should also research successful experiences of developing countries that have negotiated good terms in foreign investment contracts and disseminate those experiences.贸发会议还应研究谈判了良好外国投资合同条件的发展中国家的成功经验,并推广这些经验。
Of major significance for successful development is the revival of the developmental State or a democratic State that develops and sustains the capacities of decision-makers and institutions to plan and navigate the necessary strategic course, based on an autonomous and endogenous agenda whose content has been determined by, and is an expression of, democratic political consensus for integrated and balanced development.成功发展的主要意义在于振兴发展的国家或民主国家,在自主和内生的议程基础上,发展和维持决策者和机构的能力,规划和引导必要的战略方向,有关议程的内容由争取综合和平衡发展的民主政治协商一致意见所决定,并表现了这种协商一致意见。
UNCTAD should counterbalance many of the instruments of the World Bank, OECD and donor agencies that lead to reforms of national investment and business laws which are designed to benefit foreign investors but which erode or remove people’s rights and restrict the policy space of Governments and parliamentarians.贸发会议应弥补世界银行、经合组织和捐助机构的许多文书的缺陷,这些文书导致了国家投资和企业法律的改变,使之为外国投资者谋利益,但却侵蚀或剥夺了人民的权利,限制了政府和立法人的政策空间。
Investment agreements often put the burden of costs on Governments and their populations while leaving multinational enterprises (MNEs) free of any responsibility.投资协议常常让有关政府及其人民承受代价,而多国企业却没有任何责任。
In some cases, those agreements include dispute settlement systems that allow a MNE to sue its host government for compensation.在有些情况下,这些投资协议包括争端解决制度,允许多国企业起诉东道国政府,要求赔偿。
The new FTAs, including EPAs, incorporate new investment liberalization with many new restrictions preventing Governments from regulating activities.新的自贸协定――包括经伙协定――列入了新的投资自由化条款,有许多新的限制,阻止政府监管有关活动。
Countries should review their investment policies that place investors’ rights above the rights of citizens.各国应审查其将投资者权利置于公民权力之上的投资政策。
Withdrawing from bilateral investment treaties in favour of more balanced ones, as some developing countries have begun to do, is an option.一种备选办法是退出双边投资条约,转而缔结更为平衡的条约,一些发展中国家已经开始这样做。
Sub-theme 4: Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its development role, impact and institutional effectiveness分主题4:加强贸发会议:强化其作用、 影响力和体制效力
We believe UNCTAD has a unique role, especially in these uncertain times.我们认为贸发会议可发挥独特的作用,特别是在这种前途不明朗的时代。
Its function as a support to developing countries in development issues and processes must be expanded.贸发会议支持发展中国家解决发展问题并推动其发展进程的职能必须得到扩大。
UNCTAD was mandated by UNCTAD XI to establish a task force on commodities.贸发十一大曾决定,贸发会议应设立一个初级商品问题工作组。
This has yet to be operationalized, and the Organization should be enabled to do so as soon as possible.这一工作组尚未开始运作。应尽快地使本组织有能力开始这项工作。
UNCTAD’s work on commodities should be expanded with a view to helping developing countries boost food production;贸发会议围绕初级商品问题所做的工作应予扩大,以便帮助发展中国家促进粮食生产;
obtain better value for their commodities;为其初级商品争取更好的价值;
and add value to their raw materials through processing and manufacturing.通过加工和制造而使其原材料增加价值。
UNCTAD’s expanded efforts with regard to commodities should include finding solutions at the international and national levels and combining both old and innovative approaches in order to ensure that the current boom in commodity prices leads to sustainable development and diversification of developing countries.贸发会议围绕初级商品问题所增加的努力应包括在国际和国家一级寻找解决办法,将新老办法结合起来,确保目前初级商品价格的高涨能有益于发展中国家的可持续开展和经济多样化。
Activities can focus on helping developing countries benefit from the opportunities arising from rising commodity prices as well as avoiding and containing the negative consequences of falling commodity prices when they do fall.所开展的活动可以侧重于帮助发展中国家充分利用初级商品价格上涨所带来的机会,避免并遏制在价格下跌时可能带来的消极后果。
UNCTAD should also continue its efforts to analyse the development implications of North–South FTAs, following up on the Trade and Development Report 2007 which highlighted the imbalances in such agreements.贸发会议还应继续努力,分析南北自贸协定对发展所具有的影响,并对《2007年贸易和发展报告》采取后续行动,该报告曾强调了这类协定所存在的不平衡。
Its work in this area and on bilateral investment agreements should be guided by the development perspective.贸发会议在这一领域以及在双边投资协定方面所做的工作应从发展的角度出发。
UNCTAD should rethink its investment policy advice.贸发会议应反思其投资政策方面的咨询服务。
It should help stop the “race to the bottom” regarding incentives for investments, including tax holidays.它应帮助制止在鼓励投资包括提供免税待遇等方面的恶性竞争。
It should provide analysis on costs and benefits of foreign investment, and advice on policies to maximize benefits while minimizing costs.它应分析外国投资的成本和效益,并围绕使效益最大化、成本最小化的政策提供咨询意见。
It should also analyse in greater depth the development implications of bilateral investment treaties, as well as investment chapters and proposals in FTAs.它应深入分析双边投资条约和自贸协定中与投资有关的章节和建议对发展具有的影响。
Independent research and alternative policy formulation by the UNCTAD secretariat are necessary.贸发会议秘书处有必要开展独立的研究,并拟订替代性政策。 贸发会议必须在这方面继续开展并提供支持。
UNCTAD must continue to develop and provide analysis and support in this respect, and should be given the means to provide analysis and policy advice to developing countries.它应当获得很必要能力,以便向发展中国家提供分析和政策咨询。
The UNCTAD secretariat must be allowed to continue its research in an independent manner so that it can produce objective research aimed at supporting the development goals of developing countries, thereby adding to the diversity of views among the international agencies.必须容许贸发会议秘书处继续以独立的方式开展研究,从而能产生客观的研究成果,支持发展中国家的发展目标,从而使国际机构的意见更具有多样性。
UNCTAD’s research work makes an important contribution to knowledge about trade and development issues and has contributed historically to the definition of new trends.贸发会议的研究工作是对贸易与发展问题知识库的重要贡献,从历史上看它也对界定新的趋势做出了贡献。
It is important that UNCTAD maintain its research independence.必须使贸发会议保持其研究的独立性。
We urge member States to provide UNCTAD with the means to continue its independent research and call on the management of UNCTAD to strive to improve the dissemination of the Organization’s research work and publications.我们敦促成员国向贸发会议提供支持,使它能够继续其独立研究,并呼吁贸发会议的管理层努力改善本组织研究工作和出版物的传播。
UNCTAD needs to expand its research to include analysis of trade liberalization proposals and their impact on the quantity and quality of employment.贸发会议需要扩大其研究范围,将分析贸易自由化建议及其对就业数量和质量的影响也包括在内。
With a rising world population, changing climate conditions and new demands for agriculture products, agriculture’s role is swiftly evolving, posing a major challenge for sustainable development in coming years.随着世界人口增加,气候发生变化,以及对农产品需求扩大,农业的作用也正在迅速地演变,这在今后数年里对可持续发展构成重大的挑战。
UNCTAD will need to help developing countries identify the best policies for sustainable agriculture to deal with these new challenges.贸发会议需要帮助发展中国家找出发展可持续农业的最佳政策,以解决这些新的挑战。
UNCTAD should study the policy options for developing countries for industrialization, bearing in mind the changing world conditions and learning from the experiences of developing and developed countries.贸发会议应研究发展中国家在工业化政策方面的备选方案,铭记世界不断变化的形势,并从发展中国家和发达国家的经验中学习。
The commissions of UNCTAD perform an important function and should continue on a more effective basis.贸发会议的各委员会起着重要的作用,应继续有效地发挥其作用。
In addition, a new commission on globalization and development strategies should be established by UNCTAD XII.此外,贸发十二大应设立一个新的全球化与发展战略委员会。
UNCTAD should be given an expanded mandate on policy space, the concept and its application.在政策空间、概念及其适用方面,应扩大贸发会议的职权。
UNCTAD should be asked to expand its work on topical issues that are important to the world, including the food crisis, finance and development, climate change, migration, trade agreements, intellectual property and South–South cooperation.应请贸发会议扩大围绕对世界具有重要意义的当今重要话题所开展的工作,包括粮食危机、金融与发展、气候变化、劳动力流动、贸易协定、知识产权以及南南合作。
It must provide a development perspective and show the way forward on these issues.贸发会议必须从发展的角度提供见解,指出这些问题的解决之道。
On climate change, UNCTAD can concentrate on the inter-relationship between climate change and trade and development, with a view to strengthening developing countries’ ability to withstand the negative impact and effects of climate change on development, and also to ensure that proposals on climate change that relate to trade do not adversely affect developing countries in an imbalanced way and are in line with the “common but differentiated responsibility” principle.关于气候变化,贸发会议可侧重于气候变化与贸易和发展的相互关系问题,以便加强发展中国家抵御气候变化对发展的不利影响的能力,同时也确保与贸易有关的气候变化方面的建议不会过于不利地影响到发展中国家,并且符合“共同但有差别的责任”原则。
Intellectual property rights (IPRs), and especially their implications for development, have emerged as a major issue of interest and concern to the public worldwide.知识产权,特别是对发展的影响问题,已经成为世界舆论普遍注意和感到关切的重要问题。
Civil society organizations and developing country governments are calling for greater flexibilities for developing countries in the implementation of international obligations such as in the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights or agreements under the World Intellectual Property Organization.民间社会组织和发展中国家的政府都在呼吁在实施国际义务方面,给予发展中国家更大的灵活性,比如在实施与贸易有关的知识产权协定或世界知识产权组织协定方面。
UNCTAD has an important role in highlighting the development dimension in the IPR debate and in assisting developing countries to formulate their IPR measures and legislation in a manner that is development oriented.贸发会议在关于知识产权的辩论中能够强调发展问题,协助发展中国家拟订面向发展的知识产权措施和立法。
UNCTAD has been addressing IPR, access to technology and development concerns for many years, and its efforts in this area which are guided by this development perspective should be strengthened.贸发会议多年来一直在处理知识产权、获取技术以及解决发展关切等问题,它从发展的角度在这一领域所做的工作应当得到加强。
An invigorated UNCTAD is necessary and should not interpret its mandate restrictively.贸发会议应是一个富有生机的机构,对其职权范围不应作狭隘的解释。
UNCTAD’s technical assistance should be driven by the needs of recipients, including civil society, not those of donors.贸发会议的技术援助应取决于受援助国的需要,包括民间社会的需要,而不是捐助国的需要。
It should for instance not be limited to implementing existing international frameworks, such as WTO rules, but should also creatively explore development-oriented alternatives in a fast-changing world.例如它不应仅限于实施现有的国际框架,例如世贸组织规则,而是应针对这个迅速变化的世界,创造性地探索有利于发展的替代方案。
The intergovernmental consensus-building role of UNCTAD is important and should be given more emphasis and priority.在建立政府间共识方面,贸发会议也可发挥重要作用,这一作用应更多强调,并置于优先地位。
This can complement the negotiations or discussions taking place in other fora.这一作用可对其他论坛上进行的谈判或讨论起到补充作用。
If taken more seriously, this intergovernmental function can make UNCTAD the venue for a revitalized North–South dialogue on development issues, and on the link between development with trade, finance and other issues.这种政府间的职能如果能得到更多的重视,可以使贸发会议成为就发展问题以及就发展与贸易、金融和其他问题之间联系重新开始南北对话的地点。
UNCTAD, in collaboration with other United Nations specialized agencies, is examining the impact of the concentration of market power in the hands of a few firms on the international agriculture markets.贸发会议与其他联合国专门机构一道,正在讨论市场力量集中于少数公司手中而对国际农产品市场影响的问题。
Similar examples of concentration of power can be found in manufacturing, such as electronics, textiles and clothing, where subcontracting exerts downward pressure on wages and working conditions for those at the bottom end of the supply chain.支配力量高度集中的类似例子也可在制造业中看到,例如在电子、纺织品和服装等行业。
Reliance on corporate social responsibility to meet these challenges is insufficient: UNCTAD should be given a mandate to explore how best to address market concentration through laws and policies at both the national and international levels.在这些行业,由于大量分包,对供应链下端的那些人的工资和工作条件造成了进一步降低的压力。 单独靠公司的社会责任来应对这些挑战是不够的:贸发会议应获得授权,能够探讨如何在国家和国际两级通过法律和政策解决市场高度集中的问题。
UNCTAD should also play a monitoring role as regards assessments of MNEs’ role and impact on development.在评估跨国企业对发展的作用和影响时,贸发会议也应发挥一种监视作用。
To that end, it could foster discussion between developing country governments, other United Nations agencies, business, unions and NGOs.为此,贸发会议应促进发展中国家政府、联合国其他机构、工商界、工会以及非政府组织之间的讨论。
UNCTAD should play a stronger role in ensuring the effective implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001–2010, including through urging and assisting LDCs and their development partners.贸发会议应在确保有效地执行《2001-2010十年期支援最不发达国家布鲁塞尔行动纲领》方面发挥更强有力的作用,包括敦促和协助最不发达国家及其发展伙伴。
The primacy of political sovereignty must be assured.必须确保政治主权的至高地位。
Sovereignty over natural resources, commodities and biodiversity should be guaranteed.应保障对自然资源、初级商品和生物多样性的主权。
Although they are conflicting paradigms, both globalization and development are in essence political and political economy processes, and the actual political balance weighing in one or another direction can often be decisive.虽然属于相互冲突的范式,但全球化与发展从根本上说是政治与政治经济进程,在实际当中政治天平偏向任何一个方向都可能具有决定性的作用。
UNCTAD’s efforts to further the cause of development and its collaboration with those working for development add up to a more favourable political balance.贸发会议推动发展事业,并同促进发展的各方开展协作,有助于改善政治平衡。
Since UNCTAD X and the Bangkok Plan of Action, the hopes of civil society that UNCTAD and the United Nations would play a greater role in international social, environmental and economic policymaking have been consistently dashed.自第十届贸发大会和《曼谷行动计划》通过以来,民间社会关于贸发会议和联合国在国际的社会、环境和经济决策过程中发挥更大作用的希望一再落空。
UNCTAD’s role has been weakened rather than strengthened in recent years, a trend that should be reversed.贸发会议的作用近年来受到了削弱而不是得到加强,这种趋势应予扭转。
Although UNCTAD is important, it continues to be deprived of the means to play a pivotal role, calling into question the credibility of the global governance system.虽然贸发会议很重要,但它依然得不到发挥重要作用的手段,这就令人对全球治理制度的可信性产生疑问。
In the current context, with the crisis at WTO and in the Bretton Woods institutions, the need for an alternative forum is even more important.在目前的背景下,随着世贸组织和布雷顿森林机构发生危机,创建一个替代性的论坛的必要性更为重要了。
However, this will require a joint effort by all members to engage towards designing a sustainable model of globalization.这就要求所有成员国做出共同的努力,一道来设计一个可持续的全球化模式。
We urge UNCTAD to work with civil society organizations, social movements, gender-based movements and community-based groups on a permanent basis throughout the world.我们敦促贸发会议与世界各地的民间社会组织、社会运动、男女平权运动和社群性团体一道做出长期努力。
More participation of civil society organizations, in particular NGOs and trade unions in expert meetings and commission meetings, including as panellists, as well as engagement with civil society in developing countries on technical cooperation activities and research is necessary.有必要使民间社会组织,特别是非政府组织和工会,更多地参与各种专家会议和委员会会议,包括作为参加小组讨论的专家成员;有必要调动发展中国家的民间社会参与技术合作活动和研究。
Research done by civil society organizations should be recognized and used by UNCTAD.贸发会议应承认并充分利用民间社会组织所作的研究。
Hearings with civil society should engage the whole range of UNCTAD’s membership.听取民间社会的意见的会议应当让贸发会议的全体成员参与。
The Organization indeed has a global role to play.本组织的确具有全球性作用。
It can contribute to sustainable political and social peace globally.它能够在全球范围内对可持续的政治和社会和平做出贡献。
As already stated during UNCTAD XI, we hope that all member States will provide the necessary support and commitment to make UNCTAD strong enough to contribute to the political shaping of appropriate policies in the areas of sustainable development, social inclusion and gender equality all over the world.正如贸发十一大已指出的,我们希望所有成员国都给予必要的支持和承诺,使贸发会议强大得足以促进全世界各国政府在可持续发展、社会包容和男女平等诸方面制定恰当的政策。
Annex VI附 件 六
List of events活 动 清 单
Pre-Conference events会前活动
Global Initiative on Commodities (Brasilia, 7–11 May 2007)全球初级商品倡议(2007年5月7-11日,巴西利亚)
Preparatory meeting of experts from LDCs for UNCTAD XII (Arusha, 22–24 October 2007)贸发十二大最不发达国家专家筹备会议(2007年10月22-24日,阿鲁沙)
India-Africa Hydrocarbon Conference and Exhibition (New Delhi, 6–7 November 2007)印度――非洲碳氢化合物会议和展览(2007年11月6-7日,新德里)
Meeting on trade and development implications of tourism services for developing countries (Geneva, 19–20 November 2007)关于旅游业对发展中国家贸易和发展的影响的会议(2007年11月19-20日,日内瓦)
Biofuels: an option for a less carbon-intensive economy (Rio de Janeiro, 4–5 December 2007)生物燃料:减少碳密集经济的一种选择(2007年12月4-5日,里约热内卢)
Science, technology, innovation and ICTs for development (Geneva, 6 December 2007)科学、技术、革新及信息和通信技术促进发展(2007年12月6日,日内瓦)
Globalization of port logistics: opportunities and challenges for developing countries (Geneva, 12 December 2007)港口物流全球化:发展中国家的机会与挑战(2007年12月12日,日内瓦)
Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Creative Economy and Industries for Development (Geneva, 14–15 January 2008)秘书长创新经济和产业促进发展高级别小组会议(2008年1月14-15日,日内瓦)
Aid for Trade: global and regional perspectives workshop (Bangkok, 24–25 January 2008)《贸易援助计划》:全球和区域视角研讨会(2008年1月24-25日,曼谷)
Hearing with civil society and the private sector (Geneva, 28 January 2008)民间社会和私营部门听证会(2008年1月28日,日内瓦)
Hearing with civil society and the private sector (Geneva, 3 March 2008)民间社会和私营部门听证会(2008年3月3日,日内瓦)
High-level workshop for African LDCs (Izmir, 4–5 March 2008)关于非洲最不发达国家问题高级别研讨会(2008年3月4-5日,伊兹密尔)
South–South trade in Asia and the role of regional trade agreements (Tokyo, 25 March 2008)亚洲南南贸易和区域贸易协定的作用(2008年3月25日,东京)
Lessons learned from South–South trade in Asian regions (Geneva, 2 April 2008)亚洲地区南南贸易汲取的教益(2008年4月2日,日内瓦)
Making sustainability standards work for small-scale farmers (Arusha, 7–9 April 2008)让可持续标准为小农经营者所用(2008年4月7-9日,阿鲁沙)
Workshop on Development Strategies in Africa (Accra, 19 April 2008)非洲发展战略讲习班(2008年4月19日,阿克拉)
Conference events会议活动
High-level segment: “Trade and development for Africa's prosperity: action and direction”高级别部分:“贸易和发展促进非洲繁荣:行动和方向”
Round table 1: “Globalization, development and poverty reduction: their social and gender dimensions”第1圆桌会议:“全球化、发展与减贫:其社会和性别问题”
Round table 2: “Creating an institutional environment conducive to increased foreign investment and sustainable development”第2圆桌会议:“营造一种有利于增加外国投资和可持续发展的体制环境”
Round table 3: “The changing face of commodities in the twenty-first century”第3圆桌会议:“二十一世纪初级商品形势的变化”
Round table 4: “Emergence of a new South and South-South trade as a vehicle for regional and interregional integration for development”第4圆桌会议:“新兴的南方和南南贸易成为推动区域和区际发展一体化的手段”
Round table 5: “Harnessing knowledge and technology for development”第5圆桌会议:“利用知识和技术促进发展”
Round table 6: “Debt management solutions supporting trade and development”第6圆桌会议:“有利于贸易和发展的债务管理办法”
Round table 7: “Developing productive capacities in least developed countries”第7圆桌会议:“发展最不发达国家的生产能力”
Round table 8: “Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its development role”第8圆桌会议:“加强贸发会议:强化其发展作用”
Round table 9: “Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its impact and institutional effectiveness”第9圆桌会议:“加强贸发会议:强化其影响力和体制效力”
Parallel events平行活动
World Investment Forum (organized by UNCTAD in partnership with WAIPA)世界投资论坛(由贸发会议与世界投资促进机构协会联合举办)
Session I: Prospects for global FDI and new business opportunities第一场会:全球直接外资的前景和新的商业机遇
Session II: Global value chains第二场会:全球价值链分工
Session III: Africa: a new emerging market for FDI第三场会:吸引直接外资的新兴市场
Investment Advisory Council投资咨询理事会
Global Leaders Investment Debate全球领袖投资辩论
Capacity-building workshops on investment (organized by WAIPA in collaboration with UNCTAD)投资能力建设问题研讨会(由世界投资促进机构协会与贸发会议协作举办)
Improving your country's investment climate改善贵国投资环境
How to turn global trends into local prosperity如何将全球趋势转化为当地的繁荣
Lessons learned from best IPA practices around the world世界各地投资促进机构最佳做法的教益
Emerging markets: towards an alternative source of investment新兴市场:转向一种替代型投资来源
Annual Conference of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA)世界投资促进机构协会年度会议
Civil Society Forum (Accra, 17–25 April 2008)民间社会论坛(2008年4月17-25日,阿克拉)
Meeting of the United Nations Chief Executives Board (CEB): Inter-agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity联合国行政首长协调会:机构间贸易与生产能力集群
Ministerial meeting of least developed countries最不发达国家部长会议 7
Ministerial meeting of the Group of 777国集团部长会议
Ministerial meeting of landlocked developing countries内陆发展中国家部长会议
Global System of Trade Preferences: meeting of senior officials全面贸易优惠制度:高级官员会议
Global System of Trade Preferences: ministerial meeting全面贸易优惠制度:部长会议
High-level meeting organized by the Agency for International Trade Information and Cooperation (AITIC) and the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, in collaboration with UNCTAD, on “Trade facilitation and Aid for Trade: keys for unlocking the landlocked”国际贸易信息与合作署和联合国最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发 展中国家高级代表办公室同贸发会议协作举办的关于“贸易便利和《贸易援助计划》: 开启内陆国家的钥匙”高级别会议
Other events其他活动
“Trade, commodities and development: perspectives on a development agenda in commodities trade” (organized by the South Centre)“贸易、初级商品与发展:初级商品贸易发展议程面面观”(由南方中心举办)
“Delivering on development: the role of UNCTAD”“兑现发展:贸发会议的作用”
“Trade and gender: perspectives for sustainable growth and poverty reduction”“贸易与性别问题:可持续增长和减贫问题面面观”
“Making sustainability standards work for pro-poor agricultural trade and development”“使可持续发展标准服务于有利穷人的农业贸易和发展”
“Aid for Trade: perspectives of regional commissions” (organized by United Nations regional commissions)“《贸易援助计划》:区域委员会的观点”(由联合国区域委员会举办)
“Compal: what type of deliverables on competition law and policy?”“拉美竞争和消费者保护方案:那种类型的竞争法和竞争政策可以兑现?”
“Making trade work for biodiversity sustainable use”“通过贸易促进生物多样性的可持续利用”
“Potential and prospects for trade and investment between developing countries and transition economies”“发展中国家与转型经济体之间贸易和投资的潜力和前景”
“Biofuels: opportunities and risks for small producers in developing countries”“生物燃料:发展中国家小生产商的机会和风险”
Amandla (light) project initiative with Philips, and exhibition of Philips corporate social responsibility products与菲律宾的阿曼德拉项目计划和展示菲律宾合作社社会责任产品
UNCTAD Empretec Africa Forum launch创立贸发会议经营技术发展方案非洲论坛
Inauguration of the Dominican Republic Sugar Cane Industry Project多米尼加共和国蔗糖业项目揭幕
Launch of the Creative Economy Report发布创意经济报告
Exhibition of African Art非洲艺术展览
Women in Business Awards为商界妇女颁奖
Creative Africa: concert and film festival魅力非洲:音乐会和电影节
Annex VII附 件 七
The following States members of UNCTAD were represented at the Conference:贸发会议以下成员国派代表出席了大会:
Palestine was represented as an observer at the Conference.巴勒斯坦派观察员出席了大会。
The following intergovernmental organizations were represented at the Conference:下列政府间组织派代表出席了大会:
African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团
African Export-Import Bank非洲进出口银行
African Union非洲联盟
Agency for International Trade Information and Cooperation国际贸易信息与合作署
Cocoa Producers’ Alliance可可生产者联盟
Common Fund for Commodities商品共同基金
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa东部和南部非洲共同市场
Commonwealth Secretariat英联邦秘书处
Economic Community of West African States西非国家经济共同体
European Commission欧盟委员会
European Parliament欧洲议会
Inter-African Coffee Organization非洲咖啡组织
Inter-Parliamentary Union各国议会联盟
International Cotton Advisory Committee国际棉花咨询委员会
International Sugar Organization国际糖业组织
Investment Climate Facility for Africa非洲投资环境融资机制
Islamic Development Bank伊斯兰开发银行
League of Arab States阿拉伯国家联盟
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作与发展组织
Organisation Internationale de la francophonie法语国家国际组织
Southern African Customs Union南部非洲关税同盟
South Centre南方中心
West African Monetary Institute西非货币机构
The following United Nations organs, bodies and programmes were represented at the Conference:下列联合国部门、机构和方案派代表出席了大会:
Economic Commission for Africa非洲经济委员会
Economic Commission for Europe欧洲经济委员会
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia西亚经济社会委员会
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change政府间气候变化专门委员会
International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO贸发会议与世贸组织合设国际贸易中心
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements联合国人类住区中心
United Nations Development Programme联合国开发计划署
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change联合国气候变化框架公约
World Food Programme世界粮食计划署
The following specialized agencies and related organizations were represented at the Conference:下列专门机构和相关组织派代表出席了大会:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations联合国粮食及农业组织
International Labour Organization国际劳工组织
International Monetary Fund国际货币基金
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教育、科学及文化组织
United Nations Industrial Development Organization联合国工业发展组织
World Bank世界银行
World Intellectual Property Organization世界知识产权组织
World Tourism Organization世界旅游组织
World Trade Organization世界贸易组织
The following non-governmental organizations with status with UNCTAD were represented at the Conference:在贸发会议具有咨商地位的下列非政府组织派代表出席了大会:
General Category普通类
Action Aid International 国际救援行动会
African Insurance Organization非洲保险组织
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches世界基督教协进会教会国际事务委员会
Environment Development Action in the Third World第三世界环境发展行动
Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo促进民主与发展全球基金
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy农业与贸易政策研究学会
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development国际贸易与可持续发展中心
Coopération internationale pour le développement et la solidarité国际合作促进发展和团结组织
Public Services International公务员国际
Special Category 特别类
Concern of Center关心中心
International Federation of Agricultural Producers国际农业生产者联合会
International Institute for Sustainable Development国际可持续发展研究学会
International Trade Union Confederation国际工会联合会
Oxfam International国际乐施会
Service Centre for Development Cooperation – KEPA发展合作服务中心
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development贸易和可持续发展国际中心
Organization of African Trade Union Unity非洲工会统一组织
Organisation camerounaise de promotion de la coopération économique internationale喀麦隆促进国际经济合作组织
Third World Network 第三世界网络
Traidcraft Exchange同业交流会
Village Suisse ONG瑞士乡村非政府组织
World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows前联合国实习者和访问学者世界协会
Accredited to UNCTAD XII核准出席贸发十二大的其他非政府组织如下:
Action Aid Ghana救援行动加纳分支
Africa Women’s Economic Policy Network非洲妇女经济政策网络
African Cocoa and Coffee Farmers’ Organization非洲可可和咖啡种植者组织
African Peace Network非洲和平网络
Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development促进发展合作与研究机构
Alliance for Arab Women阿拉伯妇女联盟
Alliance ivoirienne pour l’habitat科特迪瓦妇女争取住房权联盟
Asociación Boliviana de Economía Política de la Globalización玻利维亚全球化政治经济问题协会
Association pour l’action sociale et le développement社会行动与发展协会
Association des femmes de Côte d’Ivoire – Madina科特迪瓦妇女协会――马迪纳
Association jeunesse et enfance Côte d’Ivoire科特迪瓦少年儿童协会
Association tunisienne des mères突尼斯母亲协会
Banana Link香蕉批发网
Benin Rural Assistance贝宁农村援助社
Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations与联合国有咨商关系的非政府组织会议
Canadian Council for International Cooperation加拿大国际合作委员会
Commission africaine des promoteurs de la santé et des droits de l’homme / African非洲增进健康和人权委员会/非洲
Commission of Health Promoters健康促进者委员会
Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society社区经济与发展中心顾问协会
Center for Research on Multinational Corporations跨国公司研究中心
Centre du commerce international pour le développement国际商业促进发展中心
Christian Aid基督教援助会
Cercle d’Initiative Commune pour la Recherche, l’Environnement et la Qualité研究、环境与质量共同倡议小组
Civil Society Trade Network of Zambia赞比亚民间社会贸易网络
Collectif des femmes pour la protection de l’enfant et de l’environnement妇女保护儿童和环境合作社
Comité français pour la solidarité internationale法国国际互助委员会
Community Action of Brazil巴西社区行动
Cellule de coordination des ONG africaines des droits de l’homme非洲人权非政府组织协调小组
Consumer Unity and Trust Society消费者团结信任协会
Cooperation for Fair Trade in Africa非洲公平贸易合作
Coordination S.U.D.南方协调中心
Consumer Unity and Trust Society – London Resource Centre消费者团结信任协会――伦敦资源中心
 Ecologie du village (Eva)乡村生态
Ethiopian Economic Association / Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute埃塞俄比亚经济协会/埃塞俄比亚经济政策研究所
Ehuzu Africa International非洲救助艾滋病孤儿国际
Equitable Tourism Options (Equations)公平旅游选择(等式)
Pan-African Federation of Filmmakers泛非制片人联盟
Fondation des œuvres pour la solidarité et le bien-être social促进社会互助和福祉书籍基金会
Free World Foundation自由世界基金会
Ghana Trade and Livelihoods Coalition加纳贸易与生计同盟
Groupement des aides privées私人援助团体
International Federation of Agricultural Producers国际农业生产者联合会
Iniciativa Cultural – Instituto das Industrias Caritativas文化倡议――慈善事业研究学会
Institute for African Development非洲发展研究会
Institute for Sustainable Development and Research可持续发展与研究学会
Socioeconomics of Institute Studies社会经济研究学会
Instituto Observatorio Social社会观察学会
International Centre for Conflict and Human Rights Analysis国际冲突与人权分析中心
International Federation of University Women国际大学妇女联合会
Italian Confederation of Trade Union Workers意大利工会工人联合会
Kenya Human Rights Commission肯尼亚人权委员会
Least Developed Country Watch (LDC Watch)最不发达国家观察社
Magnificat Environment Association圣姆颂环境协会
Maison de l’entreprise du Burkina Faso布基纳法索企业协会
Microteam éducation, apprentissage et nouvelles technologies教育、实习与新技术团体
Network for Women’s Rights in Ghana (Netright)加纳妇女权利网络
Office africain pour le développement et la coopération非洲发展与合作办事处
Organización Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores美洲工人区域组织
Oxfam Novib牛津救济会――荷兰
Pan-African Federation of Filmmakers泛非制片人联合会
Panos London帕诺斯――伦敦
Prague Global Policy Institute, Glopolis布拉格全球政策研究所
Rainbow Push – Public Policy Institute彩虹联盟――公共政策研究所
Reality of Aid援助实情社
Réseau des plates-formes nationales des ONG d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre非政府组织西非和中非国家讲坛网络
Resource Link Foundation资源连结基金会
Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute南部和东部非洲贸易咨询和谈判研究所
Social Development Network社会发展网络
Social Enterprise Development Foundation of West Africa西非社会企业发展基金会
Students in Free Enterprise自由企业学生会
Tax Justice Network Association International国际税收公正网络协会
Third World Network Africa非洲第三世界网络
Ubuntu – World Forum of Civil Society Networks乌班图――民间社会网络世界论坛
United Youth Front International 国际青年统一战线
Voices of African Mothers非洲母亲之声
Women in Development Europe欧洲发展中妇女组织
World Development Movement世界发展运动
Zonta International国际崇德社
Annex VIII附 件 八
Lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) 联大第1995(XIX)号决议附件所载国家名单
Annex IX附 件 九
List of documents文件一览表
Report of the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to UNCTAD XII贸发会议秘书长提交贸发十二大的报告
Provisional agenda and annotations临时议程和说明
Organization of the work of the Conference大会的工作安排
Outcome of the expert meeting in preparation for UNCTAD XII: identifying issues and priorities for least developed countries for action during and beyond UNCTAD XII筹备贸发十二大的专家会议成果:为最不发达国家在贸发十二大期间及以后的行动确定问题和优先顺序
Outcome of the conference “Biofuels: an option for a less carbon-intensive economy”会议结果“生物燃料:减少碳密集经济的一种选择”‎
Outcome of the meeting “Science, technology, innovation and ICTs for development”“科学、技术、革新及信息和通信技术促进发展”会议的结果
Outcome of the India-Africa Hydrocarbon Conference and Exhibition印度――非洲碳氢化合物问题会议的成果
Outcome of the meeting “Globalization of port logistics: opportunities and challenges for developing countries”“港口物流全球化:发展中国家的机会和挑战”问题会议的成果
Developing productive capacities in least developed countries发展最不发达国家的生产能力
Harnessing knowledge and technology for development筹集资源和利用知识促进发展
Globalization, development and poverty reduction: their social and gender dimensions全球化、发展和减贫:其社会和性别层面
Pre-conference event Outcome of the Secretary-General’s high-level panel on the creative economy and industries for development会 前 活 动 秘书长创新经济和产业促进发展高级别小组的成果
Debt management solutions for trade and development有利于贸易和发展的债务管理办法
Emergence of a new South and South–South trade as a vehicle for regional and interregional integration for development新南方和南南贸易的兴起作为推动有利于发展的区域和区际一体化的手段
Creating an institutional environment conducive to increased foreign investment and sustainable development营造一种有利于增加外国投资和可持续发展的体制环境
Pre-conference event Meeting on trade and development implications of tourism services for developing countries会 前 活 动关于旅游业对发展中国家贸易和发展的影响的会议
TD/428 and Corr.1TD/428 and Corr.1
The changing face of commodities in the twenty-first century二十一世纪初级商品面貌变化
Pre-conference event Aid for Trade and development: towards a new global solidarity initiative会 前 活 动贸易和发展援助:实现全球互助新倡议
Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its development role加强贸发会议:强化其发展作用
Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its impact and institutional effectiveness加强贸发会议:强化其影响力和体制效力
Pre-conference event Outcome of the high-level workshop for African LDCs会 前 活 动为非洲最不发达国家举行的高级别研讨会的结果
High-level Segment of Heads of State and Government Trade and development for Africa’s prosperity: action and direction国家元首和政府首脑高级别部分 贸易和发展促进非洲繁荣:行动和方向
Declaration of the Least Developed Countries Ministerial Meeting at UNCTAD XII贸发十二大最不发达国家部长会议宣言
World Investment Forum – Session I, “Prospects for global FDI and new business opportunities”, and Session II, “Global value chains: Opportunities and challenges for international and domestic firms”世界投资论坛――第一场会“全球直接外资的前景和新的商业机遇”,第二场会“全球价值链分工:对国际和国内企业的契机和挑战”
TD/436 and Corr.1TD/436 and Corr.1
Ministerial Declaration of the Group of 77 and China on the occasion of UNCTAD XII77国集团和中国在贸发十二大召开之际发表的部长宣言
Civil Society Forum Declaration to UNCTAD XII贸发十二大民间社会论坛宣言
World Investment Forum – Session III, “A new emerging market for FDI”世界投资论坛――第三场会“吸引直接外资的新兴市场”
Ministerial Communiqué of Landlocked Developing Countries内陆发展中国家部长公告
Report of the Credentials Committee全权证书委员会的报告
Report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference贸易和发展理事会提交会议的报告
TD/L.398 and Add.1–4TD/L.398 and Add.1-4
Draft UNCTAD XII negotiated text贸发十二大谈判案文草案
Draft report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development at its twelfth session联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届会议报告草稿
Summary of the UNCTAD XII pre-event, Workshop on Development Strategies in Africa贸发十二大会前活动――非洲发展战略讲习班记要
Summary of the Creative Africa free dialogues有创造力的非洲自由对话纪要
Summary of the High-level Segment Trade and development for Africa’s prosperity: Action and direction高级别部分会议纪要 贸易和发展促进非洲繁荣:行动和方向
Summary of the seventh meeting of the UNCTAD/ICC Investment Advisory Council on the occasion of UNCTAD XII贸发十二大期间贸发会议/国际商会投资咨询理事会第七次会议记要
Summary of interactive thematic round table 3 The changing face of commodities in the twenty-first century第3互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 二十一世纪商品形势的变化
Summary of interactive thematic round table 1 Globalization, development and poverty reduction: their social and gender dimensions第1互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 全球化、发展与减贫:其社会和性别问题
Summary of interactive thematic round table 2 Creating an institutional environment conducive to increased foreign investment and sustainable development第2互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 创造有助于增加外国投资和可持续发展的扶持性环境
Summary of the UNCTAD side event Compal: what type of deliverables on competition law and policy?贸发会议会外活动纪要 拉丁美洲竞争和消费者保护政策方案(Compal):竞争法和竞争政策领域可取得哪些成果?
Summary of interactive thematic round table 4 Emergence of a new South and South–South trade as a vehicle for regional and interregional integration for development第4互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 新兴的南方和南南贸易成为推动区域和区际发展一体化的手段
Summary of the UNCTAD side event Trade and gender: Perspectives for sustainable growth and poverty reduction贸发大会会外活动纪要 贸易与性别:可持续增长和减贫问题面面观
Summary of the UNCTAD side event Making trade work for biodiversity sustainable use贸发会议会外活动纪要 通过贸易促进生物多样性可持续利用
Summary of the UNCTAD side event Potential and prospects for trade and investment between developing countries and transition economies贸发会议的会外活动纪要 发展中国家与转型经济体之间的贸易和投资的潜力和前景
Summary of interactive thematic round table 5 Harnessing knowledge and technology for development第5互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 利用知识和技术促进发展
The Accra Declaration阿克拉宣言
Draft Accra Accord阿克拉协议草案
Summary of the UNCTAD side event Aid for Trade: Perspectives of regional commissions贸发会议会外活动纪要 《贸易援助计划》:区域委员会的观点
Summary of interactive thematic round table 7 Developing productive capacities in least developed countries第7互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 发展最不发达国家的生产能力
Summary of interactive thematic round table 6 Debt management solutions supporting trade and development第6互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 有利于贸易和发展的债务管理办法
Summary of interactive thematic round table 8 Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its development role第8互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 加强贸发会议:强化其发展作用
Summary of interactive thematic round table 9 Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its impact and institutional effectiveness第9互动性主题圆桌会议纪要 加强贸发会议:强化其影响力和体制效力
General information与会者须知
List of participants出席者名单
Report on the pre-UNCTAD XII event, the conference “Global initiative on commodities: Re-launching the commodities agenda”贸发十二大会前准备工作――“全球初级商品倡议:重新启动初级商品议程”会议报告
The interface between trade and climate change policies and the role of UNCTAD贸易和气候变化政策与贸发会议作用的界面问题
UNCTAD XII pre-event: “Globalization of port logistics: opportunities and challenges for developing countries”贸发十二大会前准备工作――港口物流全球化:发展中国家的机遇与挑战
Secretary-General’s high-level panel on the creative economy and industries for development秘书长创新经济和产业促进发展高级别小组
Provisional list of participants暂定与会者名单
Pre-Conference negotiating text会前谈判案文
Report of the hearing with civil society and the private sector Geneva, 28 January 2008民间社会和私营部门听证会 2008年1月28日,日内瓦
Report of the hearing with civil society and the private sector Geneva, 3 March 2008民间社会和私营部门听证会的报告 2008年3月3日,日内瓦
List of intergovernmental organizations participating in the activities of UNCTAD参加贸发会议活动的政府间机构的名单
List of non-governmental organizations participating in the activities of UNCTAD参加贸发会议活动的非政府组织名单