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United Nations 联 合 国
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国 贸易和发展会议
Fourteenth session 第十四届大会
Nairobi 内罗毕
17–22 July 2016 2016年7月17日至22日
Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on its fourteenth session 联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会报告
Held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, from 17 to 22 July 2016 2016年7月17日至22日在内罗毕肯雅塔国际会议中心举行
Contents 目录
Page 页次
Introduction 导言
I. Action taken by the Conference 一. 大会采取的行动
A. Credentials of representatives to the fourteenth session of the Conference A. 出席第十四届贸发大会代表的全权证书
B. From decision to action: Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development B. 从决定到行动:走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展
C. Other business C. 其他事项
II. President’s summary 二. 主席的总结
III. Organizational, procedural and other matters 三. 组织、程序和其他事项
A. Opening of the Conference A. 大会开幕
B. Election of the President B. 选举主席
C. Establishment of sessional bodies C. 设立会期机构
D. Election of Vice-Presidents and the Rapporteur D. 选举副主席和报告员
E. Credentials of representatives to the Conference E. 与会代表的全权证书
F. Adoption of the agenda F. 通过议程
G. General debate G. 一般性辩论
H. From decision to action: Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development H. 从决定到行动:走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展
I. Other business I. 其他事项
J. Adoption of the report of the Conference to the General Assembly J. 通过大会提交联大的报告
K. Expression of gratitude to the Government and people of the Republic of Kenya K. 向肯尼亚共和国政府和人民致谢
L. Closing plenary L. 闭幕全体会议
Annexes 附件
I. Agenda for the fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 一. 联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会议程
II. Statements of position 二. 立场声明
III. List of events 三. 活动清单
IV. Attendance 四. 出席情况
V. Lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) 五. 联大第1995(XIX)号决议附件所载国家名单
VI. List of documents 六. 文件一览表
Introduction 导言
In conformity with General Assembly resolutions 1995 (XIX) of 30 December 1964 and 63/204 of 28 January 2009, the fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIV) was held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre from 17 to 22 July 2016. 按照联大1964年12月30日第1995(XIX)号决议和2009年1月28日第63/204 号决议,联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会(贸发十四大)于2016年7月17日至22日在内罗毕肯雅塔国际会议中心举行。
The theme and sub-themes of the Conference were approved by the Trade and Development Board at its sixty-second session, held 14–25 September 2015, as was the provisional agenda for the Conference. 贸易和发展理事会在2015年9月14日至25日举行的第六十二届会议上核准了这届大会的主题和分主题以及大会临时议程。
Also at its sixty-second session, the Trade and Development Board established the Preparatory Committee for the fourteenth session of the Conference, to be chaired by the President of the Board, Mr. Alberto Pedro D’Alotto (Argentina), in order to consider the pre-Conference negotiating text. 在第六十二届会议上,贸易和发展理事会还设立了第十四届贸发大会筹备委员会,由理事会主席Alberto Pedro D’Alotto先生(阿根廷)担任主席,以便审议会前谈判案文。
At its thirtieth special session, held 13 June 2016, the Board recorded the transfer of the Presidency of the Trade and Development Board to Mr. Alfredo Suescum (Panama), as from 11 April 2016. 在2016年6月13日举行的第三十次特别会议上,理事会记录了贸易和发展理事会主席一职自2016年4月11日起转由Alfredo Suescum先生(巴拿马)担任一事。
Also at its thirtieth special session, the Board approved the recommendation of the Preparatory Committee to transmit the version of the negotiating text that it had endorsed the morning of 13 June 2016 to the Conference, as contained in document TD(XIV)/PC/1/Rev.1. 在第三十次特别会议上,理事会还核准了筹备委员会关于将其2016年6月13日上午核可的载于TD(XIV)/PC/1/Rev.1号文件的谈判案文转交第十四届大会的建议。
The pre-Conference events held between 15 and 17 July 2016 included meetings of the Global Commodities Forum and the Civil Society Forum; 2016年7月15日至17日期间举行的大会会前活动包括:全球初级商品论坛和民间社会论坛会议;
the latter forum held further meetings during the Conference. 民间社会论坛在大会期间又举行了几次会议。
The opening ceremony and opening plenary meeting of the Conference were held in the afternoon of 17 July (see chapter I). 大会开幕式和开幕全体会议于7月17日下午举行(见第一章)。
The World Leaders Summit and Round Table of Heads of Agencies was held on 18 July on the topic of paving the way to 2030 (TD/INF.52). 世界领导人峰会和国家机构主管圆桌会议于7月18日举行,讨论的专题是“为2030年铺平道路”(TD/INF. 52)。
Eight high-level events were held from 18 to 21 July on topics related to the theme and four sub-themes of the Conference (see chapter II). 7月18日至21日期间,举行了8场高级别活动,讨论的专题涉及大会的主题和四个分主题(见第二章)。
In the course of the Conference, 16 round tables were held on topics related to the action lines in the report of the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to the Conference. 大会期间,围绕贸发会议秘书长提交大会的报告中所列的行动路线的有关专题举行了16场圆桌会议。
In addition, ministerial meetings of the Group of 77 and China, the least developed countries and the landlocked developing countries were held in conjunction with the Conference, as well as meetings of the World Investment Forum and the Youth Forum. 此外,还与大会同步举行了77 国集团和中国部长级会议、最不发达国家部长级会议和内陆发展中国家部长级会议,以及世界投资论坛会议和青年论坛会议。
At its closing plenary meeting, on 22 July 2016, the Conference adopted the Nairobi Azimio and the Nairobi Maafikiano. 在2016年7月22日的闭幕全体会议上,大会通过了《内罗毕宣言》和《内罗毕共识》。
In the course of the session, the Conference held nine plenary meetings, the 287th to the 295th. 大会期间,共举行了9次全体会议,即第287至第295次全体会议。
Resolution 179 (XIV) 第179(XIV)号决议
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易和发展会议,
Approves the report of the Credentials Committee. 核准全权证书委员会的报告。
295th plenary meeting 22 July 2016 第295次全体会议 2016年7月22日
1. At its 295th (closing) plenary meeting, on 22 July 2016, the Conference adopted the Nairobi Azimio and the Nairobi Maafikiano (see TD/519/Add.1 and TD/519/Add.2, respectively). 1. 在2016年7月22日的第295次(闭幕)全体会议上,大会通过了内罗毕宣言和内罗毕共识(分别见TD/519/Add.1和TD/519/Add.2)。
2. Also at its 295th (closing) plenary meeting, on 22 July 2016, the Conference took note of the declarations transmitted to it by meetings of groups, as follows: 2. 在2016年7月22日的第295次(闭幕)全体会议上,大会还注意到集团会议送交大会的如下声明:
the Ministerial Communiqué of the Landlocked Developing Countries as contained in document TD/504, the Declaration of the Least Developed Countries Ministerial Meeting to UNCTAD XIV as contained in document TD/505, the Declaration of Civil Society to UNCTAD XIV as contained in document TD/506, 内陆发展中国家部长公报,载于TD/504号文件; 参加贸发十四大的最不发达国家的部长会议宣言,载于TD/505号文件; 参加贸发十四大的民间社会的宣言,载于TD/506号文件;
the Ministerial Declaration of the Group of 77 and China to UNCTAD XIV as contained in document TD/507 and the Youth Forum Declaration as contained in document TD/517. 参加贸发十四大的77国集团和中国的部长宣言,载于TD/507号文件; 和青年论坛宣言,载于TD/517号文件。
II. President’s summary From decision to action: Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development (Agenda item 8) 二. 主席的总结 从决定到行动:走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展 (Ag议程项目8)
3. From 18–21 July 2016, eight high-level events were held, organized as panel discussions, on topics related to the theme and sub-themes of the Conference. 3. 2016年7月18日至21日期间,举行了8场专题小组讨论会形式的高级别活动,讨论的专题涉及大会的主题和分主题。
The events covered the following topics: 这些专题如下:
(a) implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals – opportunities and challenges; (a) 落实可持续发展目标―― 机遇和挑战;
(b) transforming economies for sustainable and inclusive growth; (b) 实现经济转型,促进可持续和包容性增长;
(c) building economic resilience for the most vulnerable; (c) 培养最脆弱经济体的抗御能力;
(d) bolstering public policies for vibrant and inclusive markets; (d) 支持公共政策,建设充满活力和包容的市场;
(e) promoting a global environment for prosperity for all; (e) 促进实现共同繁荣的全球环境;
(f) making innovation a driver for sustainable development; (f) 以创新作为可持续发展的驱动力;
(g) fostering Africa’s structural transformation; (g) 促进非洲的结构转型;
and (h) a ministerial segment of the Youth Forum. (h) 青年论坛部长级会议。
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: Opportunities and challenges 落实可持续发展目标――机遇和挑战
4. During the discussion, panellists agreed that all voices should be heard in the decision-making process. 4. 讨论期间,专题小组成员同意,在决策过程中,应当听取各方面的意见。
Every citizen needed to have ownership of the Sustainable Development Goals, and awareness of that was important to obtain broader public support. 每个公民都需要在可持续发展目标上有其发言权,而意识到这一点对于获取公众更广泛的支持十分重要。
Implementation needed to be in partnership with all actors, including Governments, international organizations, the private sector, civil society organizations and youth. 需要与所有行为方结成伙伴来共同落实目标,这些行为方包括政府、国际组织、私营部门、民间社会组织和青年。
Representatives of Governments and the private sector shared experiences in implementing the challenging and ambitious agenda of indivisible, global and universal goals. 政府和私营部门的代表交流了他们在落实这个追求不可分割的全球普遍性目标且极具挑战性和雄心勃勃的议程方面的经验。
They provided examples of varied approaches to implementation from six countries across four regions. 他们以分属四个区域的六个国家为例,说明了有各式各样的落实方法。
Partnerships at all levels, including Governments and the private sector, were being developed to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals as not even multinational organizations had the human and financial resources to achieve the numerous demands. 正在发展各个层面――包括政府和私营部门层面――的伙伴关系,以实现可持续发展目标,因为即使是多国组织也没有足够的人力和财力来满足林林总总的需求。
5. Panellists noted that the United Nations system needed to reconsider its organization in order to take on an advisory and enabling role instead of a project implementation role. 5. 专题小组成员指出,联合国系统需要重新审视其自身的组织,以担负起咨询和扶持作用,而不是项目实施作用。
This could be done through existing coordination mechanisms, such as the United Nations Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity and the eTrade for All initiative launched at the fourteenth session of the Conference, which would bring together the 15 United Nations agencies of the Inter-Agency Cluster and 22 business and industry groups to support the Goals. 这可以通过现有的协调机制来进行,如联合国贸易和生产能力问题机构间小组以及贸发十四大推出的普惠电子贸易倡议,后者将汇集联合国机构间小组的15个成员机构和22个工商集团,以支持可持续发展目标。
6. The role of the private sector, especially public–private partnerships that were transparent, based on equal relations among partners and relied on strong institutions and the rule of law, was noted and would have to go beyond corporate social responsibility. 6. 私营部门的作用,特别是基于伙伴之间相互平等并依赖强有力的体制和法治的透明公私伙伴关系的作用,也得到了强调,而且其作用不限于公司的社会责任。
Plans, policies and institutions needed to be aligned to market signals, investments, trade and South–South cooperation with the Sustainable Development Goals so as to complement official development assistance. 计划、政策和体制需力求市场信号、投资、贸易和南南合作与可持续发展目标相契合,以补充官方发展援助。
Regaining citizen trust in public and private leaders, and thus avoiding social unrest, required policies that prevented business tax evasion, made use of labour down the supply chain, ensured workers a living wage and included social safety nets. 为了恢复公众对公共部门和私营部门领导人的信任,避免社会动荡,就必须制定相关政策,以防止企业逃税,沿着整个供应链对劳动力加以利用,确保工人获得可维持生计的工资,包括建立社会安全网。
Aligning business incentives with the Sustainable Development Goals was needed for a new way of conducting business to emerge, respectful of international conventions, labour rights and safety. 企业的激励措施需要与可持续发展目标保持一致,以采取一种遵守国际公约、尊重劳工权利并关注安全的全新的经营方式。
Businesses were profit-driven and responded to market incentives. 企业受利润驱动,并回应市场激励。
Therefore, prices needed to reflect the true social and environmental costs. 因此,价格需要反映真实的社会成本和环境成本。
Policies were also needed to address the mismatch between skills required by the private sector and existing skill sets. 还需要制定相关政策,以解决私营部门所需的技能与现有成套技能之间不匹配的问题。
Another major challenge was addressing the tension between the long-term and short-term perspectives of Governments and private sector decision makers. 另一个重大挑战是化解政府与私营部门决策者长期和短期考虑之间的紧张关系。
The role of science, technology and innovation as a cross-cutting means of implementation was also key. 科学、技术和创新作为贯穿各领域的实施手段的作用也很关键。
7. Participants requested that UNCTAD: 7. 与会者请贸发会议:
(a) help embed international conventions into trade agreements; (a) 协助将国际公约嵌入贸易协定;
(b) ensure that trade blocs did not impede market access by non-member countries; (b) 确保贸易集团不会阻碍非成员国的市场准入;
(c) mobilize resources to support targets 17.10, 17.11 and 17.12 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially in the least developed countries; (c) 调动资源支持实现《2030年可持续发展议程》的目标17.10、17.11和17.12, 尤其是在最不发达国家;
and (d) cooperate with other organizations in providing capacity-building in trade, investment and development to unlock constraints and permit the private sector to prosper. (d) 与其他组织合作,提供贸易、投资和发展方面的能力建设,以消除限制因素,促进私营部门的繁荣。
Transforming economies for sustainable and inclusive growth 实现经济转型,促进可持续和包容性增长
8. Speakers and discussants identified the responsibility of Governments and of the private sector and social cohesion as premises for effective economic transformation. 8. 发言者和参与讨论者指出,经济实现有效转型需要具备的条件是:政府的责任、私营部门的责任和社会团结。
Governments needed to take responsibility for creating an enabling environment for growth. 政府需要承担起责任,创造有利于增长的扶持性环境。
Good governance and the rule of law were preconditions for successful industrialization and the creation of high-value jobs. 善治和法治是成功实现工业化和创造高价值就业机会的必要先决条件。
More effective tax systems were needed for domestic resource mobilization. 需要为调动国内资源建立更为有效的税收制度。
Promoting responsible business conduct for international investors was important, including payment of taxes and support for the long-term development prospects of economies in which investors operated. 有必要倡导国际投资者要作出负责任的经营行为,包括纳税,以及为投资者开展业务的经济体的长期发展前景提供支持。
Social cohesion, including well-structured and institutionalized industrial relations, was likewise important to attract investment for economic transformation. 社会团结,包括结构完善且制度化的劳资关系,对于吸引投资推动经济转型也很重要。
9. Participants agreed that Governments alone could not mobilize the resources required for successful and sustainable economic transformation in line with the Sustainable Development Goals; 9. 与会者一致认为,政府无法仅依靠自身力量筹措到与可持续发展目标相一致的成功且可持续的经济转型所需的所有资源;
the financing role of the private sector was indispensable. 私营部门在融资方面的作用不可或缺。
Recognizing that many countries had set up schemes to promote investment, participants suggested that UNCTAD could support developing countries in building agencies with the skills and authority to effectively promote and facilitate investments. 与会者认识到许多国家制订了投资促进方案,建议贸发会议支持发展中国家建立具有相关权能的机构,从而可切实促进和便利投资。
UNCTAD could provide support in investment facilitation, for example, through its action menu on investment facilitation, especially in the least developed countries and countries that had recently graduated from the least developed country category. 在投资便利化方面,贸发会议可提供支持,例如,可采用贸发会议投资便利化行动菜单等手段,尤其是在最不发达国家和最近脱离最不发达国家类别的国家这样做。
The international policy regime for investment was also an important framework for the promotion of productive investment to support economic transformation. 促进投资的国际政策制度也是促进生产性投资以支持经济转型的一个重要的框架条件。
10. Speakers agreed broadly that UNCTAD should continue to support developing countries in their efforts to upgrade along global value chains. 10. 发言者广泛同意,贸发会议应继续支持发展中国家努力向全球价值链的高端移动。
The main economic transformation that developing countries needed was moving from production and exports of basic commodities to parts of the value chain with higher value added and greater opportunities for income generation. 发展中国家需要的主要的经济转型就是从生产和出口基本初级商品转向具有更高附加值和更多创收机会的价值链环节。
UNCTAD should also continue to provide guidance to policymakers and support to Governments and the private sector to build linkages between domestic economies and global value chains of multinational firms. 贸发会议还应继续为决策者提供指导,为政府和私营部门提供支持,以便建立国内经济与多国公司全球价值链之间的联系。
11. Participants suggested that UNCTAD should promote the positive technological spillovers that could ensue from international production and investment, while ensuring the maximum developmental impact of dissemination of technology, technical expertise and know-how. 11. 与会者建议贸发会议促进积极的技术外溢,这种外溢可来自国际生产和投资,同时确保技术、技术专门知识和诀窍能够最大限度地对发展产生影响。
Innovation, as a first step, could make a contribution towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in generating and exploiting better data. 创新作为第一步,可生成和利用更好的数据,从而有助于实现可持续发展目标。
Open access to data was important to provide visibility on what was needed and show where opportunities could be found. 开放获取数据非常重要,可以让人们注意到具体需要,并了解哪里存在着机遇。
12. Participants discussed how UNCTAD should continue to support entrepreneurship and boost resource mobilization for enterprise development and economic diversification, as domestic enterprise development was essential to building a healthy private sector and contributing to growth and job creation. 12. 与会者讨论了贸发会议应如何继续支持创业和推动资源筹措,以促进企业发展和经济多样化,因为本国企业的发展对于建设健全的私营部门以及推动增长和创造就业机会至为关键。
Building enabling policy frameworks for entrepreneurship and providing assistance on business facilitation needed priority; 建立有利于创业的扶持性政策框架并在企业便利化方面提供协助,需要受到优先关注。
key areas of support could include promotion of better access to finance for new businesses and networking. 主要支持领域可包括促进新企业更好地获取资金以及结成网络等。
Working with educational institutions would bring them closer to the needs of the private sector and improve the way technology was taught, focusing on market opportunities. 与教育机构协作,可使其更好地满足私营部门的需要,并改善技术传授的方式,侧重市场机遇。
To help businesses develop and grow, facilitating business registration and other aspects of e-governance were important. 为了帮助企业发展和成长,便利企业登记注册和电子政务的其他方面也十分重要。
UNCTAD could also develop its policy frameworks, tools and support to increase and enhance the participation of women, youth and other marginalized groups in the economy, as well as promote green enterprise development. 贸发会议还可制定政策框架、开发工具和提供支持,以加大和增强妇女、青年和其他边缘化群体对经济的参与,以及促进绿色企业的发展。
13. Some participants suggested that UNCTAD could explore how public–private partnerships could be used more effectively to identify priorities to create a better enabling environment for business and investment and to jointly finance projects that were key for sustainable economic development through blended finance mechanisms. 13. 一些与会者认为,贸发会议可探讨如何更有效地利用公私伙伴关系来确定优先事项,为企业和投资创造更好的扶持环境,并且通过混合资金机制共同为那些对于可持续经济发展至关重要的项目供资。
Participants agreed that international solidarity, cooperation and coordination were needed to boost the development impact of policies aimed at building productive capacities. 与会者一致认为,需要促进国际团结、合作与协调,以增强旨在建设生产能力的政策对发展产生的影响。
Building economic resilience for the most vulnerable 培养最脆弱经济体的抗御能力
14. A high-level panel of ministers, heads of agencies and private sector and civil society participants, including academia, discussed the root causes of social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities and the importance of building economic resilience to address the related challenges. 14. 一个由部长、国家机构主管、私营部门和民间社会包括学术界的与会者组成的高级别小组就造成社会、经济和环境脆弱性的根本原因以及培养经济抵御能力以应对相关挑战的重要性进行了讨论。
The panel addressed factors responsible for the increased vulnerability of economies, how economies could build resilience to shocks to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, how developing countries could foster gender inclusion and reduce inequality in a rapidly deteriorating global environment, the tools and instruments needed for disaster risk reduction in vulnerable economies and the linkages between peace and security and resilience-building. 专题小组探讨了:哪些因素对各经济体脆弱性的增加负有责任? 经济体如何培养抵御冲击的能力以实现可持续发展目标? 发展中国家如何在迅速恶化的全球环境中促进性别包容并减少不平等现象?
15. Panellists noted a series of critical issues that entailed risks, uncertainties and inherent vulnerabilities and others, equally responsible for causing exogenous shocks and uncertainties and vulnerabilities in the global economy and domestic economies. 脆弱经济体有哪些减少灾害风险的手段和工具? 以及和平与安全同抗御能力的培养之间有何种联系? 15. 专题小组成员指出,一系列关键问题造成了风险、不确定性和固有的脆弱性,还指出另一些问题同样造成了对全球经济和国内经济的外来冲击、不确定性和脆弱性。
The recent economic and financial crisis, for instance, had contributed to the vulnerability of developing countries to exogenous shocks. 例如,最近的经济和金融危机使得发展中国家易受外来冲击。
The crisis had also highlighted the positive role that macroeconomic policy could play in handling such shocks and in generating the conditions for resilient, strong and sustained economic growth. 这场危机还突出了宏观经济政策在处理此类冲击和为具有抗御能力的强有力持续经济增长创造条件方面可以发挥的积极作用。
While no single framework or blueprint served all countries or communities to effectively address vulnerabilities and build economic resilience, broad policy options and actions could include: 虽然没有任何单一的框架或蓝图能够供所有国家或社区来有效解决脆弱性问题并培养经济的抗御能力,但仍有一些广泛的政策选择和行动,其中包括:
(a) addressing the need to build better social safety nets to protect the most vulnerable sections of society, such as women and children; (a) 解决改善社会安全网的需求,以保护社会中最弱势的群体,如妇女和儿童;
(b) implementing sound policies and strategies for inclusive and broad-based economic growth; (b) 实施健全的政策和战略,促进具有包容性和基础广泛的经济增长;
(c) building productive capacities and fostering structural economic transformation through industrialization, including commodity diversification and value addition; (c) 通过产业化,包括初级商品多样化和增值,建设生产能力并促进经济结构转型;
(d) developing systems and mechanisms to mitigate the impact of shocks on poor people and communities, with a focus on agricultural communities; (d) 开发系统和机制,以减缓冲击对穷人和贫困社区的影响,重点放在农业社区;
(e) continuously improving agricultural productivity, expanding rural non-farm services and dealing with the impacts of climate change; (e) 不断提高农业生产率和扩大农村的非农服务业,并应对气候变化的影响;
(f) enhancing the role of the private sector in development, with a particular focus on small and medium-sized enterprises; (f) 加强私营部门在发展中的作用,尤其侧重小型和中型企业;
(g) creating decent jobs, particularly for youth; (g) 创造体面的工作,特别是为青年;
(h) improving coherence between international rules and regimes in trade, investment and finance on the one hand and domestic policies and strategies on the other, and enhancing domestic resources mobilization. (h) 加大贸易、投资和金融领域的国际规则与制度同国内政策与战略之间的一致性,并加强国内资源调动。
16. Addressing gender inequalities, expanding opportunities for all by dealing with income inequality, improving access to finance and social services such as health, sanitation and education, and building physical and technological infrastructure were also critical to effectively address the root causes of vulnerability. 16. 解决性别不平等问题,通过处理收入不平等为所有人扩大机会,改善获得资金以及保健、卫生和教育等社会服务的机会,建立实体和技术基础设施等,也对有效解决脆弱性的根本原因非常重要。
State and social institutions that were responsive to the needs of poor people were equally critical to reducing economic, environmental and social vulnerability. 负责对穷人需求作出回应的国家和社会机构对减少经济、环境和社会脆弱性同样重要。
The capacity to stave off deeper and wider impacts of shocks varied across countries. 各国抵御冲击所造成的更深入和更广泛的破坏性影响的能力各异。
It depended on the degree of overall economic resilience, human resources and institutional capabilities, and policies and strategies pursued with those objectives in mind. 这取决于整体经济抗御能力、人力资源和体制能力的水平以及为追求这些目标而实施的政策和战略。
17. International support measures such as market access; 17. 国际支持措施如:市场准入;
official development assistance; 官方发展援助;
increased investment flows, including foreign direct investment; 增加投资流动,包括外国直接投资;
and technical assistance and technology transfer needed to contribute to building the economic resilience of countries and communities in developing countries. 以及技术援助及技术转让等,需要为发展中国家及其社区培养经济抗御能力作出贡献。
Panellists encouraged developing country Governments, in partnership with the private sector and civil society, to develop mechanisms, policies and strategies that took into account the socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilities of their citizens, such as institutional reforms to promote pro-poor economic growth, mobilization of domestic resources, curbing of illicit financial flows and enforcing accountability in economic governance and management. 专题小组成员鼓励各发展中国家的政府与私营部门和民间社会结成伙伴,考虑到本国公民的社会经济和环境脆弱性,制订各项机制、政策和战略,诸如:体制改革,以促进有利于穷人的经济增长; 调动国内资源; 遏制非法资金流动;
Bolstering public policies for vibrant and inclusive markets 以及在经济治理和管理中实施问责制。
18. The event, introduced by the Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD, addressed the roles of the State and the market and what was essential to delivering the Sustainable Development Goals. 支持公共政策,建设充满活力和包容的市场 18. 贸发会议副秘书长介绍了这个活动,讨论的专题是:国家和市场的作用以及对于实现可持续发展目标来说至关重要的一些因素。
The Deputy Secretary-General noted the low level of trust in market outcomes in developing and developed countries. 副秘书长指出,发展中国家和发达国家对市场结果的信任度都较低。
19. The first panellist stressed the importance of efficient use of resources for the benefit of people. 19. 第一位专题小组成员强调,有必要高效率地使用资源造福人民。
Inclusiveness, especially financial inclusion, was crucial. 包容,特别是金融包容,至关重要。
Empowering consumers and increasing competition could bring about better quality and better prices. 扶持消费者和加强竞争,可以提高质量,降低价格。
In Egypt, consumers were given more choice through access to a pool of goods from among which to choose based on their needs. 埃及提供多种商品,因此消费者有很大的挑选余地,可以根据需要作出选择。
Producers, suppliers, wholesalers and retailers were linked through information technology. 生产者、供应商、批发商和零售商通过信息技术建立联系。
20. Another panellist noted the importance of development strategies, inclusive policies to end poverty and investment in infrastructure to move economic development forward. 20. 另一位专题小组成员指出,为求推动经济发展,有必要制定发展战略、推行消灭贫困的包容性政策以及投资于基础设施等。
In India, for example, policy measures such as trade facilitation, simplified procedures for services, skills development and financial inclusion, backed by the necessary legislation, had resulted in improved business environments. 例如,印度实行了贸易便利化、简化服务手续、技能开发和金融包容等政策措施,同时实施了必要的立法,使得工商环境得到改善。
A third panellist elaborated on how Governments and the private sector could work together towards sustainable development. 第三位专题小组成员阐述了政府和私营部门可以如何共同致力于实现可持续发展。
Portugal, for example, had put in place measures to allow small and medium-sized enterprises to grow and to improve efficiency in energy consumption by industries. 例如,葡萄牙采取了一些措施,使中小企业能够成长,并提高工业的能源消耗效率。
21. Another panellist noted that the Washington Consensus promoted trade opening and left the rest to markets, while the Geneva Consensus advocated the idea that free trade could only work if specific conditions were met and focused on those conditions, such as a fair international trade regime and domestic policies. 21. 另一位专题小组成员表示,“华盛顿共识”提倡开放贸易,把余下的一切交给市场,而“日内瓦共识”则主张只有在满足某些条件的情况下自由贸易才能发挥作用。 “日内瓦共识”注重公平国际贸易制度和国内政策等条件。
Highlighting UNCTAD work in competition policy, he noted that lack of an appropriate international benchmark for the area was a lacuna. 他提到了贸发会议在竞争政策领域开展的工作,指出在这个领域缺乏恰当的国际基准,而这意味着存在空白。
Regional integration was the way forward, especially for African countries, to extend markets beyond national frontiers and to benefit from economies of scale. 区域一体化是前进之路,能够扩展市场,使其范围超出国界,并得益于规模经济,对非洲国家来说尤其是这样。
22. Another panellist stressed the importance of collaboration and dialogue between the public and private sectors and of government policy coherence to foster investment in local value chains and contribute to sustainable local socioeconomic development. 22. 还有一位专题小组成员强调了公营部门与私营部门之间协作和对话的重要性,还强调需要保持政府政策的一贯性,以鼓励对当地价值链的投资,推动当地可持续的社会经济发展。
Access to inputs and financial inclusion of farmers were essential policy measures for inclusive development. 获取投入和对农民实行金融包容,是有利于实现包容性发展的基本政策措施。
Common values between producers and local communities were important in closing value chain gaps. 生产者和当地社区共享价值,在缩小价值链差距方面起着重要作用。
He shared an example of how one company working in Ethiopia and Kenya had successfully applied this approach. 他举例说明了一家在埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚经营业务的公司如何成功地实行了这个方针。
23. The final panellist emphasized empowering and protecting consumers to make markets vibrant and inclusive. 23. 最后一位专题小组成员强调,为了使市场具有活力和包容性,需要扶持和保护消费者。
The General Assembly had in December 2015 adopted the revised United Nations guidelines for consumer protection, which set out principles to ensure inclusive markets that worked for consumers; 联大于2015年12月通过了经修订的《联合国保护消费者准则》,其中规定了确保市场具有包容性并为消费者服务的原则。
the task ahead was to implement them. 今后的任务是执行这些原则。
An Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy, established with the cooperation of the international community, would provide a platform for consumer agencies and civil society organizations to cooperate and exchange experiences. 此外,与国际社会合作,设立了一个消费者保护法律和政策政府间专家组。 该专家组将为消费者机构和民间社会组织开展合作和交流经验提供一个平台。
24. Discussants noted issues concerning the need for a workable correlation between international trade rules and the domestic development needs of the least developed countries, and provided policy examples from the Russian Federation, such as export support, special economic zones and tax deductions, to promote the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises and their integration into global value chains. 24. 参与讨论者指出,需要在国际贸易规则与最不发达国家的国内发展需要之间确立一种可行的关联,并举出俄罗斯联邦的政策实例,诸如出口支持、特别经济区和减税等,这些做法可增强中小企业的竞争力,有助于这类企业融入全球价值链。
Panellists pointed to the policy space provided to the least developed countries in the international trading system, to put in place trade regimes that promoted local production, and Aid for Trade, where UNCTAD was a crucial actor, which helped them to increase their capacity to trade. 专题小组成员提到,可在国际贸易体系中为最不发达国家提供政策空间,以建立能够促进当地生产的贸易制度,还提到了贸易援助举措有助于最不发达国家提高交易能力。贸发会议是该举措的一个关键行为方。
Promoting a global environment for prosperity for all 促进实现共同繁荣的全球环境
25. Discussions at the event highlighted the importance of restructuring the international economic architecture and revitalizing multilateralism to enable the international community to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. 25. 会上的讨论强调,改革国际经济结构和重振多边主义对于国际社会能够实现可持续发展目标十分重要。
The Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD noted that the world economy was in poor health and growth of gross domestic product had not fully rebounded from the effects of the 2008/09 global financial crisis. 贸发会议副秘书长指出,世界经济低迷,国内生产总值的增长尚未从2008-2009年全球金融危机的阴影中完全恢复。
International trade had also posted the slowest period of growth in the modern era. 此外,国际贸易陷入了这个时代最缓慢的增长期。
Achievement of the new and ambitious development goals adopted by the international community would depend on a strong and vibrant international enabling environment. 国际社会订立的这一组新的、雄心勃勃的发展目标的实现,需要一个稳固且充满活力的国际扶持环境。
26. Panellists agreed that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development gave reason for hope and was rooted in the recognition that it affected all humanity. 26. 专题小组成员一致认为,人们有理由对《2030年可持续发展议程》抱有期望,深信该议程影响全人类。
Reversing the trend towards economic and social exclusion would be a major undertaking if the primacy of human beings over markets was to be achieved. 要想实现人高于市场的目标,一项重要任务就是扭转经济和社会排斥的趋势。
The Sustainable Development Goals offered a possibility for all to work together in a global partnership at the multilateral, national and local levels to ensure prosperity and dignity for all. 可持续发展目标使人人有机会结成全球伙伴关系,在多边、国家和地方层面上共同努力,以确保所有人的繁荣和尊严。
Several panellists observed that the current global environment was however not conducive to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 一些专题小组成员认为,当前的全球环境不利于实现可持续发展目标。
The world economy was again slowing down in many developing countries in particular. 世界经济再度放缓,特别是在许多发展中国家。
The global unemployment rate was rising, with 200 million people currently unemployed. 全球失业率持续上升,失业人口目前已达到两亿。
Collective action was needed to reverse those trends and kick-start the engines of growth. 需采取集体行动,扭转这种趋势,发动增长引擎。
27. The end of the “supercycle” of international commodity prices had had serious repercussions on the growth prospects of many developing countries, obliging them to diversify their productive structure and industrialize. 27. 国际初级商品价格的“超级周期”结束,严重影响了许多发展中国家的增长前景,迫使它们实行生产结构的多样化并进行工业化。
As developing countries had diverse needs and experiences, no single approach could work. 发展中国家的需求和经历各不相同,所以不能“一刀切”。
Furthermore, boosting global demand could only be achieved through multilateral coordination. 此外,拉动全球需求只能通过多边协调实现。
28. Several panellists stated that policy space was crucial for developing countries, which needed to experiment and address the challenges facing them. 28. 一些专题小组成员说,政策空间对发展中国家至关重要,发展中国家需要不断尝试和应对面前的挑战。
The global economic architecture, nonetheless, imposed many constraints on developing countries and prevented them from using key policy instruments. 然而,全球经济结构对发展中国家施加了诸多限制,使它们无法利用重要的政策工具。
This was apparent in macroeconomic policies, as well as in trade, investment policy, intellectual property rights, innovation and the like. 这一点在宏观经济政策、贸易、投资政策、知识产权、创新等领域都很明显。
29. One panellist said that financing for development was a key component of the new international development agenda. 29. 一位专题小组成员指出,发展融资是新的国际发展议程的重要组成部分。
Domestic mobilization of resources was as essential as foreign direct investment, remittances and official development assistance for development. 外国直接投资、汇款和官方发展援助固然对发展至关重要,调动国内资源也同样重要。
UNCTAD should have a clear mandate to work on issues of tax evasion, tax avoidance and illicit flows of capital, which deprived developing countries of resources needed to achieve their development goals. 逃税和避税以及非法资本流动使发展中国家失去了实现其发展目标所需的资源,应明确授权贸发会议处理这些问题。
30. Most panellists agreed that the world had changed, with progress made in many developing countries in the past 15 years, and a new global economic architecture was needed. 30. 大多数专题小组成员都认为,世界发生了变化:许多发展中国家在过去15年取得了进展,需要一个新的全球经济结构。
That could only be achieved through multilateralism, which itself required renewal. 这只能通过多边主义实现,而多边主义本身亦需重振。
Global challenges needed global solutions. 全球挑战需要全球性的解决办法。
31. A representative of the Youth Forum said youth wanted to be heard but also included in the decision-making process affecting their future as they would “inherit the Earth”. 31. 青年论坛的一名代表说,青年不仅希望他们的意见能够被听到,而且希望参与到影响其未来的决策过程中,因为青年将是“地球的继承者”。
Their role should not be underestimated or ignored. 不应低估或忽视青年的作用。
32. Some representatives of civil society organizations said UNCTAD should evaluate the effects of multilateral, plurilateral and bilateral trade and investment agreements and their effects on developing countries, including in cases when they were not signatories to those agreements. 32. 民间社会组织的一些代表说,贸发会议应评估多边、诸边、双边贸易和投资协定的影响以及这些协定对发展中国家包括非签署国的影响。
Making innovation a driver for sustainable development 让创新成为可持续发展的驱动力
33. The high-level event brought together ministers, business executives and leading representatives of the development community to share views on the policies needed to unleash the full potential of science, technology and innovation to attain the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 33. 本场高级别活动吸引了各国部长、企业高管和发展界主要代表齐聚一堂,就需要采取何种政策以充分发挥科学、技术和创新的潜力从而实现《2030年可持续发展议程》的目标各抒己见。
Several panellists noted that, given the speed and depth of technological change, putting science, technology and innovation in the service of all countries and communities, for the benefit of all people, was urgent. 几位专题小组成员指出,鉴于技术变革日新月异,迫切需要确保科学、技术和创新服务于所有国家和社区并惠及所有人。
One participant said innovation was a tool for development, not an outcome. 一位与会者指出,创新不是结果,而是发展的工具。
34. One panellist noted that promoting an innovative ecosystem through public policy required appropriate conditions and foundations, established over a relatively long time horizon and involving diverse actors and sectors. 34. 一位专题小组成员指出,应通过公共政策促进有利于创新的生态系统,这就需要具有适当的条件和基础,而在创造条件和基础的过程中要放眼长远,并吸收各种各样的行为方和部门参与其中。
Another panellist underlined the importance of coordination of innovation, trade, investment and other macroeconomic policies to achieve inclusive and sustainable development. 另一位专题小组成员强调了创新、贸易、投资和其他宏观经济政策的协调对实现包容性和可持续发展的重要性。
35. One participant noted that Governments could stimulate innovation by playing the roles of catalysts, service providers, investors and connectors of stakeholders. 35. 一位与会者指出,政府可发挥催化剂、服务提供者、投资者和利益攸关方牵线人的作用,以激励创新。
One panellist highlighted that Governments could consider supporting innovation ecosystems at local and city levels, where most innovation occurred, when designing innovation policies. 一位专题小组成员强调,鉴于大多数创新是在地方和城市一级发生的,政府在制定创新政策时可考虑在地方和城市一级支持创新生态系统。
36. Panellists and participants reiterated the need for national and international action to set up appropriate policies and innovation coalitions to boost productivity, create jobs and unleash entrepreneurship. 36. 专题小组成员和与会者重申,需要在国家和国际层面采取行动,制定适当的政策并建立创新联盟,以提升生产率、创造就业机会和发挥创业精神。
They broadly agreed that digital technologies would increasingly transform and shape the world, including markets and the public and private sectors, and that increased resource mobilization was key to creating new and innovative products and services that contributed to sustainable development. 他们广泛认同,数字技术将日益改变并塑造世界,包括市场以及公共部门和私营部门,而且加大资源调集力度对于创造有助于可持续发展且具有创新意义的新产品和服务很重要。
Several participants noted that Governments could support innovation activities through favourable regulation, support to microenterprises and start-ups (for example, financing, co-workspaces and tax incentives) and procurement as a demand-side instrument to foster the creation of new companies. 几位与会者指出,政府可通过以下方式支持创新活动:实行有利的监管; 向微型企业和初创企业提供支持(例如融资、共享工作空间和税收激励机制); 以及作为需求端工具进行采购,以推动创立新公司。
37. Several participants noted the role of the private sector in supporting innovation and start-ups. 37. 若干与会者指出了私营部门在支持创新和初创企业方面的作用。
Some panellists cautioned that new technologies such as three-dimensional printing, quantum computing, drones and automation provided many benefits but could also make attaining universally sustainable development and inclusive prosperity more challenging. 一些专题小组成员提醒说,3D打印、量子计算、无人机和自动化等新技术有诸多益处,但同时也可能使普遍实现可持续发展和包容性繁荣更加困难。
One panellist noted that technical change was not neutral, favouring either capital or labour. 一位专题小组成员指出,技术变革并不是中性的,它要么偏爱资方、要么偏爱劳方。
Therefore, the key challenge that many countries faced was how to ensure the full benefits of science, technology and innovation for sustainable development, and how global communities could address that challenge through partnerships. 因此,很多国家面临的主要挑战是:如何确保充分发挥科学、技术和创新的益处来促进可持续发展; 以及全球社会如何通过伙伴关系携手应对这一挑战。
38. Participants highlighted that there were a number of solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals related to science, technology and innovation; it was important to develop evidence-based approaches to identifying and scaling the most promising solutions. 38. 与会者着重指出,实现与科学、技术和创新有关的可持续发展目标存在若干解决方案,有必要制定以证据为基础的办法,寻找最有前景的解决方案并使之规模化。
Some participants addressed the potential of North–South and South–South research collaborations. 一些与会者讨论了南北和南南合作开展研究的潜力。
There was also broad consensus on the role of international organizations and institutions, such as the United Nations, in encouraging innovation and technical change towards inclusive and sustainable development. 人们还广泛认同联合国等国际组织和机构在鼓励创新和技术变革促进包容性和可持续发展方面的作用。
Several panellists noted the important role of the United Nations in facilitating technology transfer via partnerships and the application of modern information and communications technologies and of the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development, the Technology Facilitation Mechanism and the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries. 几位专题小组成员指出,联合国的一个重要作用是通过伙伴关系和应用现代信息和通信技术推动技术转让,还强调了联合国科学和技术促进发展委员会、技术便利化机制和最不发达国家技术库的重要作用。
39. The role of young scientists was important and required support, including for research, resource mobilization and mentoring. 39. 青年科学家的作用很重要,需要加以支持,包括为研究提供支持、调集资源和开展辅导。
Some participants requested Governments and academia to work closely with young innovators to scale their innovations for sustainable development. 一些与会者请政府和学术界与青年创新家密切合作,将其创新成果规模化,以促进可持续发展。
Fostering Africa’s structural transformation 促进非洲的结构转型
40. Opening the event, the Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD noted that Africa had enjoyed a steady trajectory of impressive gross domestic product growth since 2002, including double-digit growth in some instances. 40. 贸发会议副秘书长在开幕词中指出,自2002年以来,非洲国内生产总值稳定增长,令人印象深刻,有的国家还出现了两位数的增长。
Sound macroeconomic policies and political stability were at the heart of the “Africa rising” story. 健全的宏观经济政策和政治稳定是“非洲崛起”故事的核心。
However, analysis showed that growth could be attributed more to domestic consumption than to investment or manufactures exports, which partly explained the rapid growth of the services sector that accounted for almost half of the continent’s output. 然而,分析表明,增长可能更多地归因于国内消费而不是投资或制成品出口,这部分解释了占非洲大陆产出将近一半的服务业的快速增长。
Shifting from agriculture to non-tradable services, without improving productivity through industrialization, technical change and formal job creation, had not promoted the kind of structural transformation that Africa urgently needed. 从农业转向非贸易型服务而不通过工业化、技术变革和创造正规就业机会提高生产力,并未促进非洲所迫切需要的结构转型。
41. Panellists highlighted the importance of implementing the African Union’s Agenda 2063, with its vision and mission for Africa, which was a key driver of regional integration. 41. 专题小组成员强调了落实非洲联盟《2063年议程》的重要性,其中载有非洲的愿景和使命,因而是区域一体化的关键驱动因素。
Participants noted that African countries had collaborated well, with common positions at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012, at the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and on the financing for development initiative. 与会者指出,非洲各国合作良好,在2012年联合国可持续发展会议、《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第二十二届会议以及发展融资倡议问题上保持了共同立场。
The framework for cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union included a capacity-building programme for Africa to begin in 2017 and enhancing the synergies between Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 联合国与非洲联盟的合作框架包括:2017年将开始实施非洲能力建设方案; 以及加强《2063年议程》与《2030年可持续发展议程》之间的协同增效。
42. Panellists agreed that Africa needed to choose appropriate technologies for its own production and secure the necessary investment to spur innovation, especially in the agricultural sector. 42. 专题小组成员一致认为,非洲需要为其生产选择适合的技术,确保必要的投资,以刺激创新,尤其是在农业部门。
African agriculture and industrialization were not mutually exclusive. 非洲的农业和工业化并非互相排斥。
In addition, there was an important role for women. 此外,妇女可发挥重要作用。
43. Commodity dependence needed to be addressed through a drive to enhance economic diversification. 43. 需要通过努力促进经济多样化来解决依赖初级商品的问题。
UNCTAD was commended for linking structural transformation to regional trade integration, as the latter could help speed up the former and most of Africa’s trade was North–South; 与会者赞扬贸发会议将结构转型与区域贸易一体化联系起来,因为区域贸易一体化可帮助加速结构转型。 非洲贸易大多是北南贸易;
intraregional trade was at only about 13 per cent. 区域内贸易仅占13%左右。
Participants requested African leaders to support, with resources, the doubling of intra-African trade within a generation. 与会者要求非洲国家领导人拿出资源支持非洲在一代人的时间内使非洲内部贸易增加一倍。
44. Key points of consensus during the session included the following: 44. 会议期间达成共识的要点包括:
(a) Africa needed to open up capital and, particularly, goods and labour markets, and freedom of movement would help boost productivity and growth across the continent; (a) 非洲需要开放资本市场,特别是商品和劳务市场,而流动自由将有助于整个非洲大陆提高生产率和实现增长;
(b) trade, especially through a continental free trade area to boost intraregional trade, was of critical importance; (b) 贸易,特别是通过非洲大陆自由贸易区促进区域内贸易,至关重要;
(c) corruption must be addressed, and African judiciaries needed to play a key role in developing Africa through tackling corruption, which would have important implications for trade, investor confidence in the continent and secure property rights; (c) 腐败问题必须解决,非洲司法部门需要通过反腐在非洲发展中发挥关键作用。 这将对贸易、投资者对非洲大陆的信心和确保产权产生重大影响;
(d) the African Development Bank, national Governments and the African Union needed to foster structural transformation through boosting investment in energy and electricity infrastructure provision; (d) 非洲开发银行、 各国政府和非洲联盟需要通过提高能源和电力基础设施的投资促进结构转型;
and (e) African Governments needed to foster technological innovation and mechanization in the agricultural sector, to raise the sector’s competitiveness and, inter alia, raise incomes in rural communities, where poverty was most entrenched. (e) 非洲各国政府需要促进农业部门的技术创新和机械化,以提高农业部门的竞争力,特别是增加贫困根深蒂固的农村社区的收入。
45. Africa had set itself an ambitious trade integration agenda. 45. 非洲为自己制定了一个雄心勃勃的贸易一体化议程。
Through a continental free trade area, Africa could dismantle tariff barriers and streamline regulations in support of an integrated African market. 通过大陆自由贸易区,非洲可以拆除各种关税壁垒,简化规章,支持非洲市场的一体化。
Most panellists agreed that this could create unprecedented opportunities to deepen agricultural markets, widen the base for Africa’s manufacturing sector and tap into the expanding African services market. 大多数专题小组成员同意,这可以创造前所未有的机遇,深化农产品市场,扩大非洲制造部门的基础,并发掘不断扩展的非洲服务市场。
UNCTAD XIV Youth Forum: Ministerial segment 贸发十四大青年论坛:部长级会议
46. Under the theme of “Shaping the world we want”, UNCTAD held its first Youth Forum. 46. 在“塑造我们想望的世界”主题下,贸发会议首次举行了青年论坛。
More than 250 students and young professionals between the ages of 18 and 30 from over 70 countries participated. 来自70多个国家的250多名18至30岁学生和青年专业人员参加了会议。
47. The panellists were the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands, the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs of Kenya, the Chief Executive Officer of Safaricom and the Envoy on Youth of the United Nations Secretary-General, with the discussion moderated by the Kenyan activist and Director of Investments for the Governance and Citizen Engagement Initiative in Africa of the Omidyar Network. 47. 专题小组成员是荷兰外贸和发展合作部长、肯尼亚公共服务、青年和性别事务部内阁秘书、Safaricom公司首席执行官和联合国秘书长青年特使。 小组讨论由肯尼亚活动家兼奥米德亚网络的非洲治理和公民参与倡议投资董事主持。
48. The moderator invited the youth to present the Youth Forum Declaration, prepared online and in person over months. 48. 主持人邀请青年介绍数月来他们在网上亲自研拟的《青年论坛宣言》。
The Declaration, closely linked to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, covered access to and quality of education, decent jobs and youth unemployment, and State accountability. 《宣言》与《2030年可持续发展议程》紧密相联,涵盖了受教育机会和教育质量、体面工作和青年失业以及国家责任。
49. Addressing the event, the Secretary-General of UNCTAD noted that youth needed an opportunity to become champions of multilateralism. 49. 贸发会议秘书长的讲话谈到青年需要有机会成为多边主义倡导人。
UNCTAD, institutionally, was aiming at “walking the talk” of inclusivity, as the decisions-makers of today would not be the ones held accountable in 2030. 在体制上,贸发会议力求在包容性的问题上“身体力行”,因为今天作决定的人在2030年不会有机会被追责。
There was therefore a need to engage those who would be at the centre of the world in 2030. 因此,有必要让那些在2030年处于世界中心的人参与进来。
50. The Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands recognized the leadership of UNCTAD in talking with youth and referred to the challenges they faced, such as youth unemployment, and the critical role education played in what youth learned and links to the knowledge and skills expected when they entered the job market. 50. 荷兰外贸和发展合作部长承认贸发会议在与青年交谈方面起了带头作用,谈到青年面对的挑战,诸如青年失业,还提到教育在青年学习中发挥的关键作用以及教育内容与期望青年在进入就业市场时具备的知识和技能之间的联系。
51. The Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs of Kenya highlighted the universality of challenges that youth faced. 51. 肯尼亚公共服务、青年和性别事务部内阁秘书强调了青年面临的挑战的普遍性。
Under the framework of the African Union, 2017 was earmarked as the year of youth. 在非洲联盟的框架下,2017年被指定为青年年。
Youth should make their needs known and their space should be increased through the creation of monitoring frameworks on best practices in which they could actively participate. 青年应阐明他们的需要,应通过创建他们可积极参与的关于最佳做法的监测框架增加他们的空间。
As market access went beyond borders, the United Nations was the correct forum through which to channel youth-related conversations. 由于市场准入问题超越边界,联合国是开展与青年相关的对话的正确渠道。
52. The Chief Executive Officer of Safaricom discussed debt and the need for youth to hold Governments and private businesses to account with the aim of not overburdening youth with debt in the future. 52. Safaricom首席执行官提到债务问题,指出青年需要向政府和私营企业问责,使青年不致在未来过度负债。
The current trend on debt was not good. 债务的目前趋势不妙。
He also advised youth to be inclusive and not to leave those living in rural areas behind, giving as an example the Kenyan youth who could not access the Youth Forum. 他还建议青年具有包容精神,不要将生活在农村地区的人弃置一旁,并以无法参与青年论坛的肯尼亚青年为例。
53. The Envoy on Youth of the United Nations Secretary-General shifted the conversation from creating more jobs, to creating decent jobs and unlocking the potential of young people, and referred to stagnation of wages and unemployment, as well as the generation of the absence of jobs. 53. 联合国秘书长青年特使将话题从创造更多的就业机会转向创造体面的工作和释放青年人的潜力,并提到工资停滞和失业问题,指出整整一代人缺乏工作。
He noted the high levels of early demise of fledgling small and medium-sized enterprises in Africa as well as the need for coaching and learning. 他还指出,非洲刚起步的中小型企业过早倒闭率很高,需要辅导和学习。
54. The Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kenya, in her capacity as the President of the fourteenth session of the Conference, responded positively to the request by youth to take their messages forward and work closely with them. 54. 肯尼亚外交部内阁秘书以第十四届贸发大会主席的身份积极回应了青年提出的请求,承诺要宣扬他们的主张并与他们密切合作。
The Youth Forum Declaration would be considered a part of UNCTAD XIV. 《青年论坛宣言》将被视为贸发十四大的一部分。
She expected to continuously find passion, commitment and energy from the youth, noting that youth were both the present and the future. 她期望继续看到青年满怀热情、努力不懈、干劲十足,指出青年是现在也是未来。
A. Opening of the Conference (Agenda item 1) A. 大会开幕 (议程项目1)
55. The inaugural ceremony of the fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development was held on 17 July 2016 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi. 55. 联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会开幕式于2016年7月17日在内罗毕的肯雅塔国际会议中心举行。
Opening statements were made by Mr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD; 下列人士致开幕辞:贸发会议秘书长穆希萨#基图伊先生;
Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations; 联合国秘书长潘基文先生;
Mr. Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, Vice-President of Uganda; 乌干达副总统爱德华#塞瓦努卡#塞坎迪先生;
and Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya. 和肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁#肯雅塔先生。
B. Election of the President (Agenda item 2) B. 选举主席 (议程项目2)
56. At its 287th (opening) plenary meeting, on 17 July 2016, the Conference elected by acclamation as its President Ms. Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kenya. 56. 在2016年7月17日的第287次(开幕)全体会议上,大会以鼓掌方式选举肯尼亚外交部内阁秘书Amina Mohamed女士担任主席。
Her name was put into nomination by Mr. Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari, Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Qatar, who noted that, as President of thirteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in 2012, he was honoured to be nominating a representative of the host country of UNCTAD XIV. 她由卡塔尔文化、艺术和遗产大臣哈马德#本#阿卜杜阿齐兹#库瓦里先生提名。 库瓦里先生表示,作为2012年第十三届贸发大会主席,他荣幸地提名贸发第十四届大会东道国的代表担任主席。
C. Establishment of sessional bodies (Agenda item 3) C. 设立会期机构 (议程项目3)
57. At the same meeting, the Conference decided to establish a Committee of the Whole to consider and report on the specific substantive item referred to it by the plenary (agenda item 8). 57. 在同一次会议上,大会决定设立一个全体委员会,负责审议和报告由全体会议转交的具体实质性项目(议程项目8)。
It was recalled that, in line with rule 63 of the rules of procedure, the Committee of the Whole could set up such drafting groups as might be required to carry out its functions. 大会回顾,根据议事规则第63条,全体委员会可根据履行职能的需要设立起草组等机构。
D. Election of Vice-Presidents and the Rapporteur (Agenda item 4) D. 选举副主席和报告员 (议程项目4)
58. At the 287th (opening) plenary meeting, the Conference decided that its Bureau would consist of 35 members, comprising the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Chair of the Committee of the Whole and the Rapporteur of the Conference. 58. 在第287次(开幕)全体会议上,大会决定主席团由35名成员组成,包括主席、副主席、全体委员会主席和大会报告员。
It further decided that the composition of the Bureau should be such as to ensure equitable geographical distribution, i.e. six members from Africa, seven from Asia, six from Latin America and the Caribbean, six from Group B, four from Group D and one from China. 大会还决定,主席团成员构成要确保公平地域分配,即非洲成员六名、亚洲成员七名、拉丁美洲和加勒比成员六名、B组成员六名、D组成员四名、中国一名。
At the same meeting and the 295th (closing) plenary, it declared the following officers elected: 大会宣布了下列当选成员:
Chair of the Committee of the Whole: 全体委员会主席:
Mr. Alfredo Suescum Alfredo Suescum先生
Panama 巴拿马
Vice-Presidents: 副主席:
Mr. Héctor M. Cima Héctor M. Cima先生
Argentina 阿根廷
Mr. Tofail Ahmed Tofail Ahmed先生
Bangladesh 孟加拉国
Ms. Tamara Kharushun Tamara Kharushun女士
Belarus 白俄罗斯
Mr. Delphin O. Koudande Delphin O. Koudande先生
Benin 贝宁
Mr. Héctor Casanueva Héctor Casanueva先生
Chile 智利
Mr. Shouwen Wang China 王受文先生 中国
Mr. Euloge Landry Kolelas Euloge Landry Kolelas先生
Congo 刚果
Mr. Amr Ramadan Amr Ramadan先生
Egypt 埃及
Ms. Carmen Elena Castillo Carmen Elena Castillo女士
El Salvador 萨尔瓦多
Mr. Jüri Seilenthal Jüri Seilenthal先生
Estonia 爱沙尼亚
Mr. Yaekob Yalla Yaekob Yalla先生
Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚
Mr. Faiyaz Siddiq Koya Faiyaz Siddiq Koya先生
Fiji 斐济
Ms. Paivi Kairamo Paivi Kairamo女士
Finland 芬兰
Ms. Dorothea Schutz Dorothea Schutz先生
Germany 德国
Mr. Eduardo Sperisen-Yurt Eduardo Sperisen-Yurt先生
Guatemala 危地马拉
Ms. Rita Teaotia Rita Teaotia女士
India 印度
Mr. Michael Tene Michael Tene先生
Indonesia 印度尼西亚
Mr. Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh先生
Islamic Republic of Iran 伊朗伊斯兰共和国
Mr. Ryosuke Kuwana Ryosuke Kuwana先生
Japan 日本
Mr. Raimundas Karoblis Raimundas Karoblis先生
Lithuania 立陶宛
Ms. Maureen Hinda Maureen Hinda女士
Namibia 纳米比亚
Mr. Aminu Aliyu Bisalla Aminu Aliyu Bisalla先生
Nigeria 尼日利亚
Mr. Khurram Dastgir Khan Khurram Dastgir Khan先生
Pakistan 巴基斯坦
Mr. Gerald Pajuelo Ponce Gerald Pajuelo Ponce先生
Peru 秘鲁
Ms. Cecilia Rebong Cecilia Rebong女士
Philippines 菲律宾
Ms. Victoria Francolino Victoria Francolino女士
Uruguay 乌拉圭
Mr. Stanislav Voskresenkiy Stanislav Voskresenkiy先生
Russian Federation 俄罗斯联邦
Mr. Alberto Sanz Alberto Sanz先生
Spain 西班牙
Ms. Cecilia Ekholm Cecilia Ekholm女士
Sweden 瑞典
Mr. Raymund Furrer Raymund Furrer先生
Switzerland 瑞士
Mr. Mark Matthews Mark Matthews先生
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
Mr. Kurt Tong Kurt Tong先生
United States of America 美利坚合众国
Rapporteur: 报告员:
Mr. David Usher David Usher先生
Canada 加拿大
59. In accordance with past practice, the Conference decided that the coordinators of regional groups and chairs of subsidiary bodies would be fully associated with the work of the Bureau. 59. 按照以往的惯例,大会决定各区域组协调员和附属机构主席将全面参与主席团工作。
E. Credentials of representatives to the Conference (Agenda item 5) E. 与会代表的全权证书 (议程项目5)
(a) Appointment of the Credentials Committee (a) 任命全权证书委员会
60. Also at its opening plenary meeting, and in accordance with rule 14 of the rules of procedure, the Conference established a Credentials Committee consisting of nine members. 60. 在开幕全体会议上,大会还根据议事规则第14条设立了由九名成员组成的全权证书委员会。
In accordance with past practice, the Committee was to be composed of the same nine States as appointed by the General Assembly to serve on the Credentials Committee at its most recent (seventieth) session. 按照以往的惯例,委员会由联合国大会任命担任联大最近一届会议(第七十届会议)全权证书委员会委员的九个会员国组成。
The composition of the Credentials Committee was thus as follows: Argentina, Austria, Barbados, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, South Africa and the United States of America. 因此,全权证书委员会的组成如下:阿根廷、奥地利、巴巴多斯、中国、科特迪瓦、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯联邦、南非和美利坚合众国。
(b) Report of the Credentials Committee (b) 全权证书委员会的报告
61. At its 295th (closing) plenary meeting, on 22 July 2016, the Conference approved the report of the Credentials Committee and the draft resolution therein, as contained in document TD/510 (see chapter I above). 61. 在2016年7月22日的第295次(闭幕)全体会议上,大会核准了全权证书委员会的报告及所载决议草案,载于TD/510号文件(见以上第一章)。
F. Adoption of the agenda (Agenda item 6) F. 通过议程 (议程项目6)
62. At its opening plenary meeting, the Conference adopted the provisional agenda for its fourteenth session, as contained in document TD/501 (see annex I). 62. 在开幕全体会议上,大会通过了TD/501号文件所载第十四届大会临时议程(见附件一)。
G. General debate (Agenda item 7) G. 一般性辩论 (议程项目7)
63. In the course of the general debate, from the 288th to the 294th plenary meetings, statements were made by, or on behalf of, 95 member States, the State of Palestine, four United Nations funds, programmes, specialized agencies and offices, four intergovernmental organizations, four regional groups, one other group and one non-governmental organization. 63. 在第288至第294次全体会议上进行的一般性辩论中,有95个成员国或以它们的名义、巴勒斯坦国、4个联合国基金、方案、专门机构和办事处、4个政府间组织、4个区域组、1个其他组和1个非政府组织发了言。
Statements and archived videos of the general debate can be found at . 发言内容和一般性辩论的存档录像可检索网址: .
H. From decision to action: Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development (Agenda item 8) H. 从决定到行动:走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展 (议程项目8)
Committee of the Whole 全体委员会
64. The Committee of the Whole met in two formal plenary meetings and various informal meetings to continue the task of completing the negotiations under agenda item 8. 64. 全体委员会举行了两次正式全体会议和多次非正式会议,以完成议程项目8下的谈判工作。
The Chair of the Committee of the Whole, reporting at the closing plenary meeting of the Conference, stated that the Committee had reached consensus on the negotiated text and approved it at its second formal plenary meeting. 全体委员会主席在大会的闭幕全体会议上报告说,该委员会已就谈判案文达成一致并在其第二次正式全体会议上予以核可。
The Chair thus recommended the draft Nairobi Maafikiano to the plenary of the Conference for formal adoption. 委员会主席因而建议大会全体会议正式通过内罗毕共识草案。
I. Other business (Agenda item 9) I. 其他事项 (议程项目9)
(a) Periodic review by the Conference of the lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) (a) 大会定期审查联大第1995(XIX)号决议附件所载国家名单
65. At the 295th (closing) plenary meeting, on 22 July 2016, the Conference endorsed the lists of States contained in document TD/B/INF.235 (see annex V). 65. 在2016 年7月22日的第295次(闭幕)全体会议上,大会核可了载于TD/B/INF.235号文件的国家名单(见附件五)。
(b) Report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference (b) 贸易和发展理事会提交大会的报告
66. At its closing plenary meeting, the Conference took note of the report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference, as contained in document TD/503. 66. 在闭幕全体会议上,大会注意到TD/503号文件所载贸易和发展理事会提交大会的报告。
(c) Financial implications of the actions of the Conference (c) 贸发大会采取的行动所涉费用问题
67. At the same meeting, the Chief, Resources Management Service of UNCTAD, informed the Conference that the activities resulting from adoption of the Nairobi Maafikiano could be met from resources approved by the General Assembly in the programme budget for the biennium 2016–2017. 67. 在同一次会议上,贸发会议资源管理处处长向大会通报说,将从联大核准的2016–2017两年期方案预算的资源中支付《内罗毕共识》通过后产生的活动费用。
J. Adoption of the report of the Conference to the General Assembly (Agenda item 10) J. 通过大会提交联大的报告 (议程项目10)
68. Also at its 295th (closing) plenary meeting, the Conference adopted its report to the General Assembly on the understanding that it would be finalized, under the authority of the Rapporteur, taking into account the proceedings of the closing plenary meeting. 68. 在第295 次(闭幕)全体会议上,大会还通过了提交联大的报告,但有一项理解是:报告员将负责为报告定稿,以考虑到闭幕全体会议的议事情况。
The Nairobi Azimio and the Nairobi Maafikiano are published as addenda (TD/519/Add.1 and TD/519/Add.2, respectively) to the present report and considered integral parts of it. 《内罗毕宣言》和《内罗毕共识》将作为本报告的增编印发(分别载于TD/519/Add.1和TD/519/Add.2),并视为本报告的组成部分。
69. At the closing plenary meeting, the Conference adopted by acclamation an expression of gratitude to the Government and people of the Republic of Kenya, as presented in document TD/513. 69. 在闭幕全体会议上,大会以鼓掌方式通过了TD/513号文件所载致肯尼亚共和国政府和人民的谢辞。
70. At the 295th (closing) plenary meeting, some delegations expressed their appreciation of the Conference. 70. 在第295次(闭幕)全体会议上,一些代表团对大会表示赞赏。
Some other delegations made statements of position (see annex II). 另一些代表团作了立场声明(见附件二)。
Annex I 附件一
Agenda for the fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会议程
1. Opening of the Conference 1. 大会开幕
2. Election of the President 2. 选举主席
3. Establishment of sessional bodies 3. 设立会期机构
4. Election of Vice-Presidents and the Rapporteur 4. 选举副主席和报告员
5. Credentials of representatives to the Conference: 5. 与会代表的全权证书:
6. Adoption of the agenda 6. 通过议程
7. General debate 7. 一般性辩论
8. From decision to action: Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development: 8. 从决定到行动:走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展:
(a) Challenges and opportunities in multilateralism for trade and development; (a) 多边主义促进贸易和发展的挑战和机遇;
(b) Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth through trade, investment, finance and technology to achieve prosperity for all; (b) 通过贸易、投资、金融和技术促进持续、包容和可持续的经济增长,实现共同繁荣;
(c) Advancing economic structural transformation and cooperation to build economic resilience and address trade and development challenges and opportunities, at all levels, within the UNCTAD mandate; (c) 在贸发会议任务授权范围内,推动经济的结构转型与合作,以在各个层面建立经济抗御能力,应对贸易和发展的挑战和机遇;
(d) Contributing to the effective implementation of and follow-up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and relevant outcomes from global conferences and summits, as related to trade and development. (d) 在贸易和发展方面推动切实执行和跟进《2030年可持续发展议程》以及全球会议和首脑会议的相关成果。
9. Other business: 9. 其他事项:
(a) Periodic review by the Conference of the lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) (a) 大会定期审查联大第1995(XIX)号决议附件所载国家名单;
(b) Report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference (b) 贸易和发展理事会提交大会的报告;
(c) Financial implications of the actions of the Conference (c) 大会采取的行动所涉费用问题
10. Adoption of the report of the Conference to the General Assembly 10. 通过大会提交联大的报告
Annex II 附件二
Statements of position 立场声明
The statements contained in the present annex are reproduced, in the order in which they were made, at the request of the corresponding member States. 本附件中的声明根据相应成员国的请求,按声明发表顺序全文载录。
All statements are unedited reproductions presented in the language in which they were received or made. 所有声明未经编辑,原文照录。
Annex III 附件三
List of events 活动清单
Pre-Conference events 会前活动
Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XIV: First hearing with civil society and the private sector (Geneva, 6 April) 贸发十四大筹备委员会:第一次民间社会和私营部门意见听取会(4月6日,日内瓦)
Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XIV: Second hearing with civil society and the private sector (Geneva, 26 May) 贸发十四大筹备委员会:第二次民间社会和私营部门意见听取会(5月26日,日内瓦)
Global Commodities Forum: Opening ceremony; 全球初级商品论坛:开幕式;
Keynote session; 主旨会议;
From local content to shared value creation in extractive industries; 采掘业从当地含量到创造共同价值;
The changing landscape of export diversification (Nairobi, 15 July) 出口多样化的演变(7月15日,内罗毕)
Global Commodities Forum: Linking family farms to markets; 全球初级商品论坛:家庭农场与市场连接;
Special session: The role of natural gas in the transition to achieving sustainable energy for all in Africa; 特别会议:天然气在非洲过渡到人人可享有可持续能源方面发挥的作用;
Ministerial round table: Commodity-led development and the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa; 部长圆桌会议:非洲以初级商品为导向的发展与可持续发展目标;
Closing address (Nairobi, 16 July) 闭幕演讲(7月16日,内罗毕)
Civil Society Forum: Opening ceremony; 民间社会论坛:开幕式;
Challenges and opportunities in multilateralism (Nairobi, 15 July) 多边主义的挑战和机遇(7月15日,内罗毕)
Civil Society Forum: Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth; 民间社会论坛:促进持续、包容和可持续的经济增长;
Advancing economic structural transformation; 推动经济结构转型;
Contributing to the 2030 Agenda (Nairobi, 16 July); 为《2030年议程》作贡献(7月16日,内罗毕);
Private session (Nairobi, 17 July) 非公开会议(7月17日,内罗毕)
Ministerial Meeting of the Landlocked Developing Countries (Nairobi, 16 July) 内陆发展中国家部长级会议(7月16日,内罗毕)
Ministerial Meeting of the Least Developed Countries (Nairobi, 16 July) 最不发达国家部长级会议(7月16日,内罗毕)
Meeting of the Group of 77 Senior Officials (Nairobi, 16 July) 77国集团高官会议(7月16日,内罗毕)
Fourteenth Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 and China (Nairobi, 17 July) 77国集团和中国第十四次部长级会议(7月17日,内罗毕)
Pre-World Investment Forum event: Investment promotion and facilitation workshop (Nairobi, 17 July) 世界投资论坛会前活动:投资促进和便利化研讨会(7月17日,内罗毕)
Conference events 大会活动
UNCTAD XIV: Opening ceremony and opening plenary meeting (17 July) 贸发十四大:开幕式和开幕全体会议(7月17日)
World Leaders Summit and Round Table of Heads of Agencies (18 July) 世界领导人峰会和国家机构主管圆桌会议(7月18日)
Committee of the Whole: Opening plenary, private sessions, closing plenary (18–22 July) 全体委员会:开幕全体会议、非公开会议、闭幕全体会议(7月18–22日)
General debate (18–21 July) 一般性辩论(7月18–21日)全体会议
High-level event: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: Opportunities and challenges (18 July) 高级别活动:落实可持续发展目标:机遇和挑战(7月18日)全体会议
High-level event: Transforming economies for sustainable and inclusive growth (19 July) 高级别活动:实现经济转型,促进可持续和包容性增长 (7月19日)全体会议
High-level event: Building economic resilience for the most vulnerable (19 July) 高级别活动:培养最脆弱经济的抗御能力(7月19日)全体会议
High-level event: Bolstering public policies for vibrant and inclusive markets (20 July) 高级别活动:支持公共政策,建设充满活力和包容的市场(7月20日)
High-level event: Promoting a global environment for prosperity for all (20 July) 高级别活动:促进实现共同繁荣的全球环境(7月20日)
High-level event: Making innovation a driver for sustainable development (21 July) 高级别活动:让创新成为可持续发展的驱动力(7月21日)
High-level event: Fostering Africa’s structural transformation (21 July) 高级别活动:促进非洲的结构转型(7月21日)
High-level event: Ministerial segment of the Youth Forum (21 July) 高级别活动:青年论坛部长级会议(7月21日)
Closing plenary meeting: Adoption of the ministerial declaration (21 July) 闭幕全体会议:通过部长宣言(7月21日)
UNCTAD XIV: Closing ceremony (22 July) 贸发十四大:闭幕式(7月22日)
Other events 其他活动
Ministerial round table: Where next for the multilateral trading system? 部长圆桌会议:多边贸易体制何去何从?
(18 July) (7月18日)
Ministerial round table: Unleashing the power of e-commerce for development (18 July) 部长圆桌会议:释放电子商务促进发展的潜力(7月18日)
Ministerial round table: Lowering hurdles for trade – trade costs, regulatory convergence and regional integration (19 July) 部长圆桌会议:减少贸易障碍――贸易成本、监管趋于一致和区域一体化(7月19日)
Ministerial round table: A world without least developed countries – towards a better framework to assist structural transformation for least developed country graduation (19 July) 部长圆桌会议:没有最不发达国家的世界――为协助最不发达国家实现结构转型脱离最不发达地位制定更好的框架(7月19日)
Ministerial round table: Road map for recovery – economic development prospects of the Occupied Palestinian Territory through addressing obstacles to trade and development (19 July) 部长圆桌会议:复苏的路线图――被占领巴勒斯坦领土的经济发展前景:消除贸易和发展障碍(7月19日)
Ministerial round table: Women as agents for economic change – smallholder farming, food security, agricultural upgrading and rural economic diversification in least developed countries (19 July) 部长圆桌会议:妇女作为经济变革的推手――最不发达国家的小农户、粮食安全、农业升级和农村经济多样化(7月19日)
Ministerial round table: South–South mechanism to tackle vulnerabilities and build resilience – regional and monetary integration and innovative finance (19 July) 部长圆桌会议:减小脆弱性和培养抗御能力的南南机制――区域和货币一体化及创新型金融(7月19日)
Ministerial round table: Empowering consumers and fostering competition to transform markets (20 July) 部长圆桌会议:让消费者有能力和促进竞争以推动市场转型(7月20日)
Ministerial round table: Escaping the middle-income trap (20 July) 部长圆桌会议:逃避中等收入陷阱(7月20日)
Ministerial round table: Looking beyond emergencies – creating opportunities in migrant sourcing and transiting countries (20 July) 部长圆桌会议:不仅仅是应急―― 在移民来源国和中转国创造机会(7月20日)
Ministerial round table: The trillion dollar question – how to kick-start trade and output growth? 部长圆桌会议:万亿美元问题―― 如何启动贸易和产出增长?
(20 July) (7月20日)
Ministerial round table: Reassessing debt sustainability in the contemporary economy – risks, vulnerabilities and policy options (20 July) 部长圆桌会议:重新评估当代经济中的债务可持续性―― 风险、脆弱性和政策选择(7月20日)
Ministerial round table: Sustainable transportation for the 2030 Agenda: Boosting the arteries of global trade (21 July) 部长圆桌会议:《2030年议程》的可持续交通运输问题――强化全球贸易的动脉(7月21日)
Ministerial round table: Fostering green economies through trade, investment and innovation (21 July) 部长圆桌会议:通过贸易、投资和创新促进绿色经济(7月21日)
Ministerial round table: Political challenges to globalization – are we coming to the end of the era of globalization as we know it? 部长圆桌会议:全球化面对的政治挑战――我们所知道的全球化时代快要结束了吗?
(21 July) (7月21日)
Ministerial round table: Making trade work (better) for Africa and least developed countries – how to ensure that trade is inclusive and pro-poor (21 July) 部长圆桌会议:使贸易更好地为非洲和最不发达国家服务――如何确保贸易具有包容性并为穷人造福(7月21日)
World Investment Forum (18–21 July): Grand opening and Global Leaders Investment Forum, opening reception, Investment Promotion Awards 2016 Ceremony; 世界投资论坛(7月18–21日):盛大开幕,举行全球领导人投资论坛,开幕招待会,2016年投资促进奖颁奖仪式;
Leaders luncheon – twelfth meeting of the Investment Advisory Council; 领导人午餐会――投资咨询理事会第十二次会议;
High-level Tripartite Conference on Investment Promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals; 可持续发展目标中的投资促进问题高级别三方会议;
High-level International Investment Agreements Conference; 国际投资协定高级别会议;
High-level Chief Executive Officer matchmaking breakfast; 首席执行官配对高级别早餐会;
Promoting investment in urban development; 为城市发展促进投资;
Sustainable Stock Exchanges Executive Dialogue on Green Finance; 可持续证券交易所经理绿色金融对话;
High-level round table on investment and enterprise development; 投资和企业发展高级别圆桌会议;
Lunch session: Access to medicines in Africa; 午餐会:非洲获取药品问题;
Investing in Eastern Africa; 投资于东非;
International standards of accounting and reporting; 国际会计和报告准则;
Private sector development and gender dialogue, Women in Business Awards 2016 Ceremony 私营部门的发展和性别对话, 2016年女企业家奖颁奖仪式
Civil Society Forum (continued, 18–21 July): Side events – Challenges and opportunities in multilateralism for trade and development; 民间社会论坛(7月18–21日,续):会外活动――多边主义促进贸易和发展的挑战和机遇;
Plenary; 全体会议;
Finance and debt; 金融与债务;
Women in trade and development; 妇女在贸易和发展中的作用;
Structural transformation; 结构转型;
Inclusive growth and development; 包容性增长和发展;
and Civil society contribution to the 2030 Agenda; 民间社会对《2030年议程》的贡献;
Closing ceremony 闭幕式
Youth Forum (18–21 July): Informal private seminar; 青年论坛(7月18–21日):非正式非公开研讨会;
opening; 开幕;
private sessions 非公开会议
Global Services Forum (21 July): Infrastructure services as key enablers of the 2030 Agenda; 全球服务论坛(7月21日):基础设施服务业作为《2030年议程》的主要推手;
Facilitation of trade in services; 服务贸易便利化;
Promoting tourism as an engine of inclusive growth and sustainable development in Africa 发展旅游业以推动非洲的包容性增长和可持续发展
Launch of the eTrade for All initiative (18 July) 普惠电子贸易倡议启动(7月18日)
Life after accession to the World Trade Organization: Launch of post-accession support strategy (19 July) 加入世界贸易组织后的处境:启动入世后的扶持战略(7月19日)
Delivering as one: Information session on a multi-donor trust fund for the United Nations Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity (19 July) 统一提供捐助:为联合国机构间贸易和生产能力小组建立多边捐助方信托基金的情况通报会(7月19日)
From trade to sustainable and creative livelihoods: Biodiversity and design, followed by a fashion show (19 July) 从贸易到可持续且富有创意的生活:生物多样性和设计,随后举行时装秀 (7月19日)
Post-accession Forum: Maximizing the benefits of World Trade Organization membership – best practices on post-accession, lessons learned from 36 completed accessions (19 July) 入世后论坛:使加入世界贸易组织的利益最大化――入世后的最佳做法,36个经济体完全入世的经验教训(7月19日)
Measuring and reporting South–South cooperation: How to grasp the contribution of South–South cooperation to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (19 July) 南南合作的量度和报告:如何估算南南合作对实现可持续发展目标的贡献 (7月19日)
Latest developments in regional integration efforts of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and implications for foreign direct investment (19 July) 伊斯兰合作组织区域一体化努力的最新情况及外国直接投资的影响(7月19日)
Best practices for competition in Africa (20 July) 非洲在竞争方面的最佳做法(7月20日)
What role for competition policies in regional integration? 竞争政策在区域一体化中有何作用?
The cases of Africa and Latin America (20 July) 非洲和拉丁美洲的案例(7月20日)
What will it take to support least developed countries to meet the Sustainable Development Goals? 如何支持最不发达国家实现可持续发展目标?
Illicit trade: A new global partnership to tackle a rising threat (20 July) 非法贸易:结成新的全球伙伴关系来应对日益严重的威胁(7月20日)
Evidence-based development cooperation and management of South–South and triangular cooperation to support the Sustainable Development Goals (20 July) 以证据为基础开展发展合作并对南南和三边合作加以管理,以支持可持续发展目标(7月20日)
Working breakfast on best practices for competition in Africa (20 July) 非洲最佳竞争做法工作早餐会(7月20日)
Transparent markets for sustainable energy investments: policy options for sustainable energy investment strategies (20 July) 市场透明以促进可持续能源的投资:可持续能源投资战略的政策选择(7月20日)
UNCTAD, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, East African Community and Southern African Development Community training on non-tariff measures; 贸发会议、东南非共同市场、东非共同体和南部非洲发展共同体非关税措施培训;
launch of UNCTAD non-tariff measures support programme for the African Union continental free trade area negotiations (20 July) 启动贸发会议非关税措施支持方案,以促进非洲联盟大陆自由贸易区谈判(7月20日)
E-certification: The trade facilitation measure (21 July) 电子核证:贸易便利化措施(7月21日)
E-learning: Leapfrogging skills development (21 July) 电子学习:跳跃式技能培养(7月21日)
Launch of the Economic Development in Africa Report 2016 (21 July) 发布《2016年非洲经济发展报告》(7月21日)
Mainstreaming trade facilitation for regional integration (21 July) 将贸易便利化纳入区域一体化的主流(7月21日)
Book launch: Rethinking Bilateral Investment Treaties: Critical Issues and Policy Choices (21 July) 新书发布:《重新思考双边贸易条约:重大问题和政策选择》(7月21日)
Harnessing the blue economy for sustainable economic growth and development (21 July) 利用蓝色经济促进可持续经济增长和发展(7月21日)
Annex IV 附件四
Attendance 出席情况
1. The following States members of UNCTAD were represented at the Conference: 1. 贸发会议以下成员国派代表出席了大会:
2. Representatives of the following member of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development attended the session: 2. 贸发会议以下成员派代表出席了大会:
Holy See 教廷
3. Representatives of the following non-member observer State of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development attended the session: 3. 贸发会议以下非成员国派观察员出席了大会:
State of Palestine 巴勒斯坦国
4. The following intergovernmental organizations were represented at the Conference: 4. 下列政府间组织派代表出席了大会:
African Development Bank 非洲开发银行
African Union 非洲联盟
African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States 非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团
Common Fund for Commodities 商品共同基金
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 东非和南部非洲共同市场
Commonwealth Secretariat 英联邦秘书处
Customs Cooperation Council 海关合作理事会
Economic Community of West African States 西非国家经济共同体
Eurasian Economic Commission 欧亚经济委员会
European Union 欧洲联盟
Intergovernmental Standing Committee on Shipping 政府间常设航运委员会
International Organization for Migration 国际移徙组织
Islamic Development Bank 伊斯兰开发银行
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作与发展组织
Organisation internationale de la francophonie 法语国家国际组织
Organization of American States 美洲国家组织
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States 东加勒比国家组织
Organization of Islamic Cooperation 伊斯兰合作组织
Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration 中美洲经济一体化总条约常设秘书处
South Centre 南方中心
Southern African Customs Union 南部非洲关税同盟
Union of African Shippers Councils 非洲托运人理事会联盟
West African Economic and Monetary Union 西非经济和货币联盟
5. The following international organization of parliamentarians was represented at the Conference: 5. 下列国际议会组织派代表出席了大会:
Inter-Parliamentary Union 各国议会联盟
6. The following United Nations organs, bodies and programmes were represented at the Conference: 6. 下列联合国机关、机构和方案派代表出席了大会:
Committee of Experts on Public Administration 公共行政专家委员会
Department for General Assembly and Conference Management 大会和会议管理部
Department of Economic and Social Affairs 经济和社会事务部
Department of Management 管理事务部
Department of Public Information 新闻部
Department of Safety and Security 安全保障部
Economic Commission for Africa 非洲经济委员会
Economic Commission for Europe 欧洲经济委员会
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会
Executive Office of the Secretary-General 秘书长办公厅
International Trade Centre 国际贸易中心
Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States 最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办事处
Office of the Special Adviser on Africa 非洲问题特别顾问办公室
United Nations Capital Development Fund 联合国资本发展基金
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易和发展会议
United Nations Development Programme 联合国开发计划署
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women 联合国促进两性平等和增强妇女权能署
United Nations Environment Programme 联合国环境署
United Nations Human Settlements Programme 联合国人类住区规划署
United Nations Office at Geneva 联合国日内瓦办事处
United Nations Office at Nairobi 联合国内罗毕办事处
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室
United Nations Population Fund 联合国人口基金
World Food Programme 世界粮食计划署
7. The following specialized agencies and related organizations were represented at the Conference: 7. 下列专门机构和有关组织派代表出席了大会:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 联合国粮食及农业组织
International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司
International Fund for Agriculture Development 国际农业发展基金
International Labour Organization 国际劳工组织
International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织
International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金
United Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国工业发展组织
Universal Postal Union 万国邮政联盟
World Bank Group 世界银行集团
World Health Organization 世界卫生组织
World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织
World Meteorological Organization 世界气象组织
World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织
World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
8. The following non-governmental organizations with status with UNCTAD were represented at the Conference: 8. 在贸发会议具有咨商地位的下列非政府组织派代表出席了大会:
General category 普通类
Action Aid 国际救援行动会
Arab NGO Network for Development 阿拉伯非政府组织发展网络
Center for Economic and Policy Research 经济和政策研究中心
Consumer Unity and Trust Society International 消费者团结与信任协会
Environmental Development Action in the Third World 第三世界环境与发展行动
European Network on Debt and Development 欧洲债务和发展网络
International Institute for Sustainable Development 国际可持续发展研究所
International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织
International Trade Union Confederation 国际工会联合会
LDC Watch 最不发达国家观察
Oxfam International 国际乐施会
Public Services International 公用事业工会国际
Society for International Development 国际发展学会
Third World Network 第三世界网络
Village Suisse ONG 瑞士乡村非政府组织
World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises 世界中小企业协会
World Vision International 世界展望国际组织
Special category 特别类
Center of Concern 关心中心
Coopérative d’Épargne et de Crédit pour des Chrétiens Unis 基督教团结储蓄信贷合作社
International Environmental Law Research Centre 国际环境法研究中心
World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies 世界投资促进机构协会
Accredited to UNCTAD XIV 核准出席贸发十四大的其他非政府组织:
Action communautaires pour le développement intégral 促进综合发展社区行动
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development 非洲债务和发展问题论坛
African Women’s Development and Communication Network 非洲妇女发展暨通讯网络
African Youth Movement 非洲青年运动
Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development 发展合作和研究机构
Amis des Étrangers au Togo 多哥外国人之友
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development 亚洲及太平洋妇女、法律和发展论坛
Association for Women’s Rights in Development 促进妇女发展权协会
Both Ends 两端基金会
Centre for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy 人权与和平宣传中心
Centre for International Governance Innovation 国际施政创新中心
Centre for Policy Dialogue 政策对话中心
Changemaker Norway 挪威变革会
China–Africa Business Council 中国非洲商业理事会
Collectif des Femmes pour la Protection de l’Environnement et de l’Enfant 妇女保护儿童和环境合作社
Compagnon d’Action Pour le Développement Familial 家庭发展行动成员组
Concile Mondial de Congrès Diplomatiques des Aumôniers pour la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques 人权和司法权普遍和平布道牧师外交官代表大会世界主教会议
Consortium d’Appui aux Actions pour la Promotion et le Développement de l'Afrique 采取行动促进和发展非洲援助会
Convention de la Société Civile Ivoirienne 科特迪瓦民间社会大会
Debt Justice Norway 挪威债务公正会
Fairtrade Africa 非洲公平贸易会
Financial Transparency Coalition 金融透明联盟
Fondation pour les Études et Recherches sur le Développement International 国际发展调查研究基金会
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung 弗里德里希・艾伯特基金会
Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation 全球基础设施巴塞尔基金会
Global Network of Export–Import Banks and Development Finance Institutions 进出口银行与发展金融机构全球网络
IBON International 伊彭国际
Institute of Economic Affairs 经济事务研究所
International Investment Center 国际投资中心
International Young Catholic Students 国际天主教青年学生会
International-Lawyers.Org 国际律师组织
Jubilee Germany (Entwicklung braucht Entschuldung) 德国久比利活动社(发展需要减免债务)
Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development 南亚太平洋债务与发展运动久比利活动社
Jubilee USA 美国久比利活动社
Kenya Debt Relief Network 肯尼亚债务减免网络
Latin American Network on Debt, Development and Rights 拉丁美洲债务、发展和权利网络
Medicines for Malaria Venture 疟疾新药研发公司
Mkokoteni Aid Development Organization 购物车援助开发组织
Overseas Development Institute 海外发展研究所
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance 泛非气候公正联盟
Reality of Aid Africa Network 援助非洲现实网络
Research and Information System for Developing Countries 发展中国家研究和信息系统
Réseau Intercontinental de Promotion de l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire 促进社会连带关系经济洲际网络
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 纳穆尔圣母修女会
Society EnaBanda EnaBanda社
Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute Kenya 南部和东部非洲贸易、信息和谈判研究所肯尼亚分所
Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute Uganda 南部和东部非洲贸易、信息和谈判研究所乌干达分所
Summer Institute of Linguistic, Inc. 夏季语言学院
Tax Justice Network, Africa 税收正义网(非洲)
Third World Network, Africa 第三世界网(非洲)
Vision Welfare Group 愿景福利小组
World Action Fund 世界行动基金
Xalgorithms Foundation Xalgorithms基金会
Youth for Human Rights Pakistan 青年促进巴基斯坦人权会
Annex V 附件五
Lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) 联大第1995(XIX)号决议附件所载国家名单
List A 名单A
Algeria 阿尔及利亚
Angola 安哥拉
Bahrain 巴林
Botswana 博茨瓦纳
Brunei Darussalam 文莱达鲁萨兰国
Burkina Faso 布基纳法索
Burundi 布隆迪
Cambodia 柬埔寨
Cameroon 喀麦隆
Cabo Verde 佛得角
Central African Republic 中非共和国
Chad 乍得
China 中国
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国
Democratic Republic of the Congo 刚果民主共和国
Djibouti 吉布提
Eritrea 厄立特里亚
Gabon 加蓬
Gambia 冈比亚
Ghana 加纳
Guinea 几内亚
Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 伊朗伊斯兰共和国
Iraq 伊拉克
Israel 以色列
Jordan 约旦
Kenya 肯尼亚
Kuwait 科威特
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 老挝人民民主共和国
Lebanon 黎巴嫩
Lesotho 莱索托
Liberia 利比里亚
Libya 利比亚
Malawi 马拉维
Maldives 马尔代夫
Mali 马里
Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛
Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚
Mauritius 毛里求斯
Micronesia (Federated States of) 密克罗尼西亚联邦
Mongolia 蒙古
Morocco 摩洛哥
Mozambique 莫桑比克
Myanmar 缅甸
Niger 尼日尔
Oman 阿曼
Palau 帕劳
Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚
Republic of Korea 大韩民国
Rwanda 卢旺达
Samoa 萨摩亚
Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美和普林西比
Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯
Seychelles 塞舌尔
Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂
Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛
Somalia 索马里
South Africa 南非
Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡
Sudan 苏丹
Syrian Arab Republic 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国
Thailand 泰国
Timor-Leste 东帝汶
Togo 多哥
Tonga 汤加
Tunisia 突尼斯
Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦
United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国
United Republic of Tanzania 坦桑尼亚联合共和国
Vanuatu 瓦努阿图
Viet Nam 越南
Yemen 也门
Zambia 赞比亚
Zimbabwe 津巴布韦
List B 名单B
Andorra 安道尔
Australia 澳大利亚
Austria 奥地利
Cyprus 塞浦路斯
Denmark 丹麦
Greece 希腊
Iceland 冰岛
Italy 意大利
Liechtenstein 列支敦士登
Malta 马耳他
Monaco 摩纳哥
Netherlands 荷兰
Norway 挪威
Portugal 葡萄牙
San Marino 圣马力诺
List C 名单C
Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达
Bahamas 巴哈马
Barbados 巴巴多斯
Belize 伯利兹
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 多民族玻利维亚国
Brazil 巴西
Colombia 哥伦比亚
Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加
Cuba 古巴
Dominica 多米尼克
Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国
Ecuador 厄瓜多尔
Grenada 格林纳达
Guyana 圭亚那
Haiti 海地
Honduras 洪都拉斯
Mexico 墨西哥
Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜
Paraguay 巴拉圭
Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯
Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
Suriname 苏里南
Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国
List D 名单D
Albania 阿尔巴尼亚
Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆
Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
Bulgaria 保加利亚
Croatia 克罗地亚
Czech Republic 捷克共和国
Georgia 格鲁吉亚
Hungary 匈牙利
Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦
Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦
Latvia 拉脱维亚
Montenegro 黑山
Poland 波兰
Republic of Moldova 摩尔多瓦共和国
Serbia 塞尔维亚
Slovakia 斯洛伐克
Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国
Ukraine 乌克兰
Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦
Annex VI 附件六
List of documents 文件一览表
Provisional agenda and annotations Note by the UNCTAD secretariat 临时议程和说明 贸发会议秘书处的说明
Organization of the work of the Conference Note by the UNCTAD secretariat 大会的工作安排 贸发会议秘书处的说明
Transmittal of the resolution adopted by the Council of Ministers of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States by the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to the Conference 贸发会议秘书长向大会转交非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家部长理事会通过的决议
Report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference Note by the UNCTAD secretariat 贸易和发展理事会提交大会的报告 贸发会议秘书处的说明
Ministerial Communiqué of the Landlocked Developing Countries 内陆发展中国家部长公报
Declaration of the Least Developed Countries Ministerial Meeting to UNCTAD XIV 参加贸发十四大的最不发达国家的部长会议宣言
Declaration of Civil Society to UNCTAD XIV 参加贸发十四大的民间社会的宣言
Ministerial Declaration of the Group of 77 and China to UNCTAD XIV 参加贸发十四大的77国集团和中国的部长宣言
High-level event: Transforming economies for sustainable and inclusive growth Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 高级别活动:实现经济转型,促进可持续和包容性增长 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
High-level event: Implementation of the sustainable development goals: Opportunities and challenges Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 高级别活动:落实可持续发展目标:机遇和挑战 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Report of the Credentials Committee 全权证书委员会的报告
High-level event: Building economic resilience for the most vulnerable Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 高级别活动:培养最脆弱经济的抗御能力 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
High-level event: Bolstering public policies for vibrant and inclusive markets Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 高级别活动:支持公共政策,建设充满活力和包容的市场 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Expression of Gratitude to the Government and People of the Republic of Kenya 向肯尼亚共和国政府和人民表示感谢
High-level event: Fostering Africa’s structural transformation Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 高级别活动:促进非洲的结构转型 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
High-level event: Making innovation a driver for sustainable development Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 高级别活动:让创新成为可持续发展的驱动力 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
High-level event: Promoting a global environment for prosperity for all Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 高级别活动:促进实现共同繁荣的全球环境 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development: Youth Forum Declaration 走向包容性和公平的全球经济环境,促进贸易和发展: 青年论坛宣言
Summary of UNCTAD XIV Youth Forum: Ministerial segment 贸发十四大青年论坛:部长级会议概要
Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on its fourteenth session, Addendum 1, Nairobi Azimio 联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会报告增编1 《内罗毕宣言》
Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on its fourteenth session, Addendum 2, Nairobi Maafikiano 联合国贸易和发展会议第十四届大会报告增编2 《内罗毕共识》
Report of the first hearing with civil society and the private sector Geneva, 6 April 2016 Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 第一次民间社会和私营部门意见听取会的报告 2016年4月6日,日内瓦贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Report of the second hearing with civil society and the private sector Geneva, 26 May 2016 Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 第二次民间社会和私营部门意见听取会的报告 2016年5月26日,日内瓦贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Seventh Global Commodities Forum: Breaking the chains of commodity dependence Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 第七次全球初级商品论坛:打破初级商品依赖的锁链 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Unleashing the power of e-commerce for development Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:释放电子商务促进发展的潜力 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Lowering hurdles for trade – trade costs, regulatory convergence and regional integration Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:减少贸易障碍―― 贸易成本、监管趋于一致和区域一体化 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
World Leaders Summit Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 世界领导人峰会 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: A world without least developed countries – towards a better framework to assist structural transformation for least developed country graduation Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:没有最不发达国家的世界―― 为协助最不发达国家实现结构转型脱离最不发达地位制定更好的框架 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Road map for recovery – economic development prospects of the Occupied Palestinian Territory through addressing obstacles to trade and development Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:复苏的路线图―― 被占领巴勒斯坦领土的经济发展前景:消除贸易和发展障碍 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Women as agents for economic change – smallholder farming, food security, agriculture upgrading and rural economic diversification in least developed countries Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:妇女作为经济变革的推手―― 最不发达国家的小农户、粮食安全、农业升级和农村经济多样化 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: South–South mechanisms to tackle vulnerabilities and build resilience – the innovative use of regional financial and monetary integration Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:减小脆弱性和培养抗御能力的南南机制―― 以创新的方式利用区域金融和货币一体化 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Empowering consumers to transform markets Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:让消费者有能力推动市场转型 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Escaping the middle-income trap Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:逃避中等收入陷阱 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Looking beyond emergencies – creating opportunities in migrant sourcing and transiting countries Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:不仅仅是应急――在移民来源国和中转国创造机会 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: The trillion dollar question – how to kick-start trade and output growth? 部长圆桌会议:万亿美元问题――如何启动贸易和产出增长?
Ministerial round table: Reassessing debt sustainability in the contemporary economy – risks, vulnerabilities and policy options Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:重新评估当代经济中的债务可持续性――风险、脆弱性和政策选择 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Sustainable transportation for the 2030 Agenda – boosting the arteries of global trade Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:《2030年议程》的可持续交通运输问题―― 强化全球贸易的动脉 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Fostering green economies through trade, investment and innovation Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:通过贸易、投资和创新促进绿色经济 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Ministerial round table: Making trade work better for Africa and the least developed countries – how to ensure that trade is inclusive and pro-poor Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 部长圆桌会议:使贸易更好地为非洲和最不发达国家服务――如何确保贸易具有包容性并为穷人造福 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Civil Society Forum Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 民间社会论坛 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
World Investment Forum Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 世界投资论坛 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Global Services Forum Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 全球服务论坛 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
Youth Forum Summary prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat 青年论坛 贸发会议秘书处编写的概要
List of participants 与会者名单
1 The UNCTAD XIV website ( contains all material relating to the Conference, including the programme, documentation and webcasts. 1 贸发十四大网站(载有与大会有关的所有材料,包括日程安排、文献和网络广播节目。
2 Full summaries of the high-level events are contained in documents TD/508, TD/509, TD/511, TD/512, TD/514, TD/515, TD/516 and TD/518. 2 高级别活动情况的全面概述载于TD/508、TD/509、TD/511、TD/512、TD/514、TD/515、TD/516和 TD/518号文件。
8 For the list of participants, see TD(XIV)/INF.1. 8 与会者名单见TD(XIV)/INF.1。
9 The documents listed are available on the UNCTAD XIV website ( 9 所列文件可上贸发十四大网站(查阅。