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Template-CRC-Concluding Observation CRC结论性意见E 20231110.docx (English) Template-CRC-Concluding Observation CRC结论性意见C 20231110.docx (Chinese)
United Nations 联 合 国
Template-CRC-Concluding Observation Template-CRC-Concluding Observation
Convention on the Rights of the Child 儿童权利公约
Committee on the Rights of the Child 儿童权利委员会
Concluding observations on the initial report of Rwanda 关于卢旺达初次报告的结论性意见
Concluding observations on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Rwanda 关于卢旺达第五和第六次合并定期报告的结论性意见
Concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Rwanda 关于卢旺达第七次定期报告的结论性意见
I. 一.
Introduction 导言
1. 1.
The Committee considered the initial report of Rwanda (CRC/C/RWA/1) at its 2358th and 2359th meetings (see CRC/C/SR.2358 and 2359), held on 24 and 25 January 2020, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 2370th meeting, held on 1 February 2020. 委员会在2020年1月24日和25日举行的第2358和第2359次会议(见CRC/C/SR.2358和2359)上审议了卢旺达的初次报告(CRC/C/RWA/1),并在2020年2月1日举行的第2370次会议上通过了本结论性意见
The Committee considered the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Rwanda (CRC/C/RWA/5-6) at its 2358th and 2359th meetings (see CRC/C/SR.2358 and 2359), held on 24 and 25 January 2020, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 2370th meeting, held on 1 February 2020. 委员会在2020年1月24日和25日举行的第2358和第2359次会议(见CRC/C/SR.2358和2359)上审议了卢旺达的第五和第六次合并定期报告(CRC/C/RWA/5-6),并在2020年2月1日举行的第2370次会议上通过了本结论性意见。
The Committee considered the seventh periodic report of Rwanda (CRC/C/RWA/7) at its 2358th and 2359th meetings (see CRC/C/SR.2358 and 2359), held on 24 and 25 January 2020, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 2370th meeting, held on 1 February 2020. 委员会在2020年1月24日和25日举行的第2358和第2359次会议(见CRC/C/SR.2358和2359)上审议了卢旺达的第七次定期报告(CRC/C/RWA/7),并在2020年2月1日举行的第2370次会议上通过了本结论性意见。
2. 2.
The Committee welcomes the submission of the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of the State party and the written replies to the list of issues (CRC/C/RWA/Q/5-6/Add.1), which allowed for a better understanding of the situation of children’s rights in the State party. 委员会欢迎缔约国提交第五和第六次合并定期报告并对问题清单作出书面答复(CRC/C/RWA/Q/5-6/Add.1),藉此可以更好地了解缔约国的儿童权利状况。
3. 3.
The Committee expresses appreciation for the constructive dialogue held with the multisectoral delegation of the State party. 委员会赞赏与缔约国多部门代表团进行的建设性对话。
The Committee expresses appreciation for the constructive dialogue held with the high-level delegation of the State party. 委员会赞赏与缔约国高级别代表团进行的建设性对话。
The Committee expresses appreciation for the constructive dialogue held with the high-level and multisectoral delegation of the State party. 委员会赞赏与缔约国高级别多部门代表团进行的建设性对话。
II. 二.
Follow-up measures taken and progress achieved by the State party 缔约国采取的后续措施和取得的进展
4. 4.
The Committee welcomes the ratification of or accession to the following instruments: 委员会欢迎缔约国批准或加入以下文书:
III. 三.
Factors and difficulties impeding the implementation of the Convention 妨碍执行《公约》的因素和困难
IV. 四.
Main areas of concern and recommendations 关注的主要领域及建议
5. 5.
The Committee reminds the State party of the indivisibility and interdependence of all the rights enshrined in the Convention and emphasizes the importance of all the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations. 委员会提醒缔约国注意《公约》规定的各项权利不可分割且相互依存,强调本结论性意见所载各项建议都十分重要。
The Committee would like to draw the State party’s attention to the recommendations concerning the following areas, in respect of which urgent measures must be taken:.  委员会提请缔约国注意关于以下领域的建议,对此必须采取紧急措施:
the definition of the child, especially in relation to child marriage (para. 5). 儿童的定义,特别是涉及童婚问题时的儿童定义(第5段)。
6. 6.
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure the realization of children’s rights in accordance with the Convention and the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography throughout the process of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 委员会建议缔约国确保在执行《2030年可持续发展议程》的整个过程中,按照《公约》及其《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》和《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》实现儿童权利。
7. 7.
It urges the State party to ensure the meaningful participation of children in the design and implementation of policies and programmes aimed at achieving all 17 Sustainable Development Goals, insofar as they concern children. 委员会敦促缔约国确保儿童有意义地参与设计和执行政策和方案,以实现全部17项可持续发展目标中与儿童有关的部分。
It also urges the State party to ensure the meaningful participation of children in the design and implementation of policies and programmes aimed at achieving all 17 Sustainable Development Goals as far as they concern children. 委员会还敦促缔约国确保儿童有意义地参与设计和执行政策和方案,以实现全部17项可持续发展目标中与儿童有关的部分。
A. A.
General measures of implementation (arts. 4, 42 and 44 (6)) 一般执行措施(第4条、第42条和第44条第6款)
The Committee’s previous recommendations 委员会先前的建议
Reservations 保留
Legislation 立法
Comprehensive policy and strategy 全面的政策和战略
Coordination 协调
Allocation of resources 资源分配
Data collection 数据收集
Independent monitoring 独立监测
International cooperation 国际合作
Children’s rights and the business sector 儿童权利与工商业部门
Dissemination, awareness-raising and training 传播、提高认识和培训
Cooperation with civil society 与民间社会的合作
B. B.
Definition of the child (art. 1) 儿童的定义(第1条)
C. C.
General principles (arts. 2, 3, 6 and 12) 一般原则(第2条、第3条、第6条和第12条)
Non-discrimination 不歧视
Best interests of the child 儿童的最大利益
Right to life, survival and development 生命权、生存权和发展权
Respect for the views of the child 尊重儿童的意见
D. D.
Civil rights and freedoms (arts. 7, 8 and 13-17) 公民权利和自由(第7条、第8条和第13至第17条)
Right to identity 身份权
Nationality 国籍
Birth registration 出生登记
Freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly 表达、结社与和平集会自由
Right to privacy 隐私权
Access to appropriate information 获得适当信息
E. E.
Violence against children (arts. 19, 24 (3), 28 (2), 34, 37 (a) and 39) 暴力侵害儿童(第19条、第24条第3款、第28条第2款、第34条、第37条(a)项和第39条)
Corporal punishment and mental violence 体罚和精神暴力
Corporal punishment 体罚
Violence, abuse and neglect 暴力、虐待和忽视
Abuse and neglect 虐待和忽视
Sexual exploitation and abuse 性剥削和性虐待
Cyberbullying and grooming 网络欺凌和诱骗
Helplines 求助热线
Harmful practices 有害做法
F. F.
Family environment and alternative care (arts. 5, 9-11, 18 (1) and (2), 20, 21, 25 and 27 (4)) 家庭环境和替代性照料(第5条、第9至第11条、第18条第1和第2款、第20条、第21条、第25条和第27条第4款)
Family environment 家庭环境
Children deprived of a family environment 被剥夺家庭环境的儿童
Adoption 收养
Children of incarcerated parents 父母被监禁的儿童
G. G.
Disability, basic health and welfare (arts. 6, 18 (3), 23, 24, 26, 27 (1)-(3) and 33) 残疾、基本保健和福利(第6条、第18条第3款、第23条、第24条、第26条、第27条第1至第3款和第33条)
H. H.
Children with disabilities (art. 23) 残疾儿童(第23条)
I. I.
Basic health and welfare (arts. 6, 18 (3), 24, 26, 27 (1)–(3) and 33) 基本保健和福利(第6条、第18条第3款、第24条、第26条、第27条第1至第3款和第33条)
Health and health services 健康和保健服务
Mental health 精神卫生
Impact of climate change on the rights of the child 气候变化对儿童权利的影响
Adolescent health 青少年健康
Breastfeeding 母乳喂养
Standard of living 生活水准
J. J.
Education, leisure and cultural activities (arts. 28-31) 教育、闲暇和文化活动(第28至第31条)
Education, including vocational training and guidance 教育,包括职业培训和指导
Human rights education 人权教育
Rest, leisure, recreation and cultural and artistic activities 休息、闲暇、娱乐、文化和艺术活动
K. K.
Special protection measures (arts. 22, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37 (b)-(d) and 38-40) 特别保护措施(第22条、第30条、第32条、第33条、第35条、第36条、第37条(b)至(d)项和第38至第40条)
Children in situations of migration 处于移民状态的儿童
Asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children 寻求庇护儿童、难民儿童和移民儿童
Asylum-seeking and refugee children 寻求庇护儿童和难民儿童
Children belonging to minority or indigenous groups 少数群体或土著群体的儿童
Economic exploitation, including child labour 经济剥削,包括童工
Children in street situations 街头儿童
Sale, trafficking and abduction 买卖、贩运和绑架
Sale and trafficking 买卖和贩运
Administration of child justice 儿童司法
Child victims and witnesses of crime 犯罪行为的儿童受害人和证人
L. L.
Follow up to the Committee’s previous concluding observations and recommendations concerning the implementation of the Optional Protocols to the Convention 后续落实委员会先前提出的关于执行《公约》各项任择议定书的结论性意见和建议
Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography 《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》
Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict 《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》
M. M.
Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on a communications procedure 批准《公约关于设定来文程序的任择议定书》
Ratification of the Optional Protocols to the Convention 批准《公约》各项任择议定书
8. 8.
The Committee recommends that the State party, in order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children’s rights, ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on a communications procedure. 委员会建议缔约国,为进一步加强儿童权利的落实,批准《公约关于设定来文程序的任择议定书》。
The Committee recommends that the State party, in order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children’s rights, ratify the Optional Protocols to the Convention on the involvement of children in armed conflict, on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and on a communications procedure. 委员会建议缔约国,为进一步加强儿童权利的落实,批准《公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》、《公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》和《公约关于设定来文程序的任择议定书》。
N. N.
Ratification of international human rights instruments 批准国际人权文书
9. 9.
The Committee recommends that the State party, in order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children’s rights, ratify the following core human rights instruments to which it is not yet a party: 委员会建议缔约国,为进一步加强儿童权利的落实,批准其尚未加入的以下核心人权文书:
The Committee recommends that the State party, in order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children’s rights, consider ratifying the following core human rights instruments to which it is not yet a party: 委员会建议缔约国,为进一步加强儿童权利的落实,考虑批准其尚未加入的以下核心人权文书:
O. O.
Cooperation with regional bodies 与区域机构的合作
Cooperation with international bodies 与国际机构的合作
Cooperation with regional and international bodies 与区域和国际机构的合作
10. 10.
The Committee recommends that the State party cooperate with the Council of Europe. 委员会建议缔约国与欧洲委员会合作。
V. 五.
Implementation and reporting 落实和报告
A. A.
Follow-up and dissemination 后续落实和传播
11. 11.
The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure that the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations are fully implemented. 委员会建议缔约国采取一切适当措施,确保本结论性意见所载建议得到充分落实。
12. 12.
The Committee also recommends that the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports, the written replies to the list of issues and the present concluding observations be made widely available in the languages of the country. 委员会还建议缔约国以本国各种语言广泛传播第五和第六次合并定期报告、对问题清单的书面答复和本结论性意见。
B. B.
National mechanism for reporting and follow-up 负责提交报告和后续落实的国家机制
13. 13.
The Committee recommends that the State party establish a national mechanism for reporting and follow-up as a standing government structure that is mandated with coordinating and preparing reports to and engaging with international and regional human rights mechanisms, as well as with coordinating and tracking national follow-up to and implementation of treaty obligations and the recommendations and decisions emanating from such mechanisms. 委员会建议缔约国建立国家报告和后续行动机制,作为常设政府机构,负责协调和编写提交国际和区域人权机制的报告并与之接触,以及协调、跟踪本国后续落实和执行条约义务以及这些机制所提建议和决定的情况。
The Committee emphasizes that such a structure should be adequately and continuously supported by dedicated staff and should have the capacity to consult systematically with the national human rights institution and civil society. 委员会强调,此类机构应长期配备充足的专职工作人员,并应有能力系统地征求国家人权机构和民间社会团体的意见。
C. C.
Next report 下次报告
14. 14.
The Committee will establish and communicate the due date of the combined seventh and eighth periodic reports of the State party in due course, in line with the envisaged predictable reporting calendar based on an eight-year review cycle and following the adoption of a list of issues and questions prior to reporting, if applicable, for the State party. 委员会将根据以八年为一个审议周期的可预测报告日程表,并在通过缔约国报告前议题和问题清单(如适用)之后,在适当时候确定并告知缔约国应提交第七和第八次合并定期报告的截止日期。
15. 15.
The Committee invites the State party to submit its seventh periodic report by 22 February 2025 and to include therein information on the follow-up to the present concluding observations. 委员会请缔约国在2025年2月22日前提交第七次定期报告,并在报告中说明本结论性意见的后续落实情况。
16. 16.
The report should be in compliance with the Committee’s harmonized treaty-specific reporting guidelines adopted on 31 January 2014 (CRC/C/58/Rev.3) and should not exceed 21,200 words (see General Assembly resolution 68/268, para. 16). 报告应遵循委员会2014年1月31日通过的《条约专要报告协调准则》(CRC/C/58/Rev.3),字数不得超过21,200 (见大会第68/268号决议,第16段)。
In the event that a report exceeding the established word limit is submitted, the State party will be asked to shorten the report. 如果提交的报告超过规定字数,将请缔约国缩减报告篇幅。
If the State party is not in a position to review and resubmit the report, translation thereof for the purposes of consideration by the Committee cannot be guaranteed. 如果缔约国不能重新审核并提交报告,则无法保证将报告译出供委员会审议。
17. 17.
The Committee also invites the State party to submit an updated core document, not exceeding 42,400 words, in accordance with the requirements for the common core document contained in the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including guidelines on a common core document and treaty-specific documents (see HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6, chap. I) and paragraph 16 of General Assembly resolution 68/268. 委员会还请缔约国按照《包括共同核心文件和条约专要文件准则在内的根据国际人权条约提交报告的协调准则》(见HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6,第一章)和大会第68/268号决议第16段有关共同核心文件的要求,提交最新核心文件,字数不得超过42,400。
* Adopted by the Committee at its eighty-third session (20 January–7 February 2020). * 委员会第八十三届会议(2020年1月20日至2月7日)通过。