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Committee on the Rights of the Child 儿童权利委员会
General comment No. 26 (2023) on children’s rights and the environment, with a special focus on climate change 关于儿童权利与环境(重点是气候变化)的第26号一般性意见(2023年)
I. Introduction 一. 导言
1. The extent and magnitude of the triple planetary crisis, comprising the climate emergency, the collapse of biodiversity and pervasive pollution, is an urgent and systemic threat to children’s rights globally. The unsustainable extraction and use of natural resources, combined with widespread contamination through pollution and waste, have had a profound impact on the natural environment, fuelling climate change, intensifying the toxic pollution of water, air and soil, causing ocean acidification and devastating biodiversity and the very ecosystems that sustain all life. 1. 全球的三重危机,即气候紧急情况、生物多样性崩塌和遍布各地的污染,其程度之严重、规模之大,在全球对儿童权利构成了紧迫和系统性的威胁。以不可持续的方式开采和使用自然资源,加上污染和废物造成的普遍污损,对自然环境产生了深远的影响,加剧了气候变化,加重了水、空气和土壤的有毒污染,导致了海洋酸化,破坏了生物多样性和所有生命赖以生存的生态系统。
2. The efforts of children to draw attention to these environmental crises created the motivation and were the momentum behind the present general comment. The Committee benefited immeasurably from the contributions of children at its 2016 day of general discussion on children’s rights and the environment. A diverse and dedicated children’s advisory team, comprising 12 advisors of between 11 and 17 years of age, supported the consultation process undertaken for the general comment, with 16,331 contributions from children, from 121 countries, through online surveys, focus groups and in-person national and regional consultations. 2. 儿童为提请人们注意这些环境危机所作的努力提供了动力,推动了本一般性意见的产生。在2016年关于儿童权利与环境的一般性讨论日上,儿童踊跃发表意见,委员会从中受益匪浅。为支持为一般性意见开展的咨商进程,一个由12名年龄在11至17岁之间的咨商员组成的多元、专门的儿童咨商小组通过在线调查、焦点小组以及面对面的国家和区域咨商,收到了来自121个国家的儿童提出的16,331份意见。
3. The children consulted reported on the negative effects of environmental degradation and climate change on their lives and communities. They asserted their right to live in a clean, healthy and sustainable environment: “The environment is our life.” “Adults [should] stop making decisions for the future they won’t experience. [We] are the key means [of] solving climate change, as it is [our] lives at stake.” “I would like to tell [adults] that we are the future generations and, if you destroy the planet, where will we live?!” 3. 参加咨商的儿童报告了环境退化和气候变化对其生活和社区的负面影响。他们主张,自己有权在清洁、健康和可持续的环境中生活:“环境就是我们的生命。”“成年人[应该]停止为不属于他们的未来做出决定。[我们]才是解决气候变化的关键手段,因为这关系到[我们的]生命。”“我想告诉[成年人],我们就是你们的后代,如果你们把地球给毁了,我们将在哪里生活?!”
4. Child human rights defenders, as agents of change, have made historic contributions to human rights and environmental protection. Their status should be recognized, and their demands for urgent and decisive measures to tackle global environmental harm should be realized. 4. 儿童人权维护者作为变革的推动者,为人权和环境保护作出了具有历史意义的贡献。他们的地位应该得到承认,他们关于采取紧急和果断措施解决全球环境损害问题的要求应该得到实现。
5. While the present general comment is focused on climate change, its application should not be limited to any particular environmental issue. New environmental challenges may arise in the future, for example, those linked to technological and economic development and social change. States should ensure that the present general comment is widely disseminated to all relevant stakeholders, in particular children, and is made available in multiple languages and formats, including age-appropriate and accessible versions. 5. 虽然本一般性意见的重点是气候变化,但其适用范围不应局限于任何特定的环境问题。今后可能还会出现新的环境挑战,如与技术和经济发展以及社会变革有关的挑战。各国应确保向所有相关利益攸关方,特别是儿童,广泛传播本一般性意见,并提供多种语文和格式,包括适合儿童年龄的版本和无障碍版本。
A. Child rights-based approach to environmental protection A. 基于儿童权利的环境保护方针
6. The application of a child rights-based approach to the environment requires the full consideration of all children’s rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocols thereto. 6. 采取基于儿童权利保护的环境方针,需要充分考虑到《儿童权利公约》及其《任择议定书》所规定的所有儿童权利。
7. In a children’s rights-based approach, the process of realizing children’s rights is as important as the result. As rights holders, children are entitled to protection from infringements of their rights stemming from environmental harm and to be recognized and fully respected as environmental actors. In taking such an approach, particular attention is paid to the multiple barriers faced by children in disadvantaged situations in enjoying and claiming their rights. 7. 在基于儿童权利的方针中,实现儿童权利的过程与结果同样重要。儿童作为权利持有人,有权得到保护,不因环境损害而权利受到侵犯,并有权作为环境行动者得到承认和充分尊重。在采取这种方针时,应特别注意处境不利的儿童在享有和伸张权利方面所面临的多重障碍。
8. A clean, healthy and sustainable environment is both a human right itself and necessary for the full enjoyment of a broad range of children’s rights. Conversely, environmental degradation, including the consequences of the climate crisis, adversely affects the enjoyment of these rights, in particular for children in disadvantaged situations or children living in regions that are highly exposed to climate change. The exercise by children of their rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, to information and education, to participate and be heard and to effective remedies can result in more rights-compliant, and therefore more ambitious and effective, environmental policies. In this way, children’s rights and environmental protection form a virtuous circle. 8. 清洁、健康和可持续的环境本身既是一项人权,也是充分享有许多儿童权利所必需的。相反,环境退化,包括气候危机的后果,会对这些权利的享有,特别是对处境不利的儿童或生活在极易受气候变化影响地区的儿童享有这些权利产生不利影响。儿童行使其表达、和平集会和结社自由权、知情权和受教育权、参与和发表意见权以及获得有效补救权,可以带来更符合人权、因而也更具雄心和效力的环境政策。这样,儿童权利和环境保护就形成了良性循环。
B. Evolution of international law on human rights and the environment B. 关于人权与环境的国际法的演变
9. The Convention explicitly addresses environmental issues in article 24 (2) (c), by which States are obliged to take measures to combat disease and malnutrition, taking into consideration the dangers and risks of environmental pollution, and under article 29 (1) (e), by which they are required to direct the education of children to the development of respect for the natural environment. Since the adoption of the Convention, growing acceptance has emerged of the wide-ranging interconnections between children’s rights and environmental protection. Unprecedented environmental crises and the resulting challenges for the realization of children’s rights require a dynamic interpretation of the Convention. 9. 《公约》第24条第2款(c)项明确涉及环境问题,其中规定各国有义务采取措施消除疾病和营养不良现象,要考虑到环境污染的危险和风险;第29条第1款(e)项规定,教育儿童的目的应是培养对自然环境的尊重。自《公约》通过以来,儿童权利与环境保护之间广泛的相互联系已越来越多地得到人们的接受。鉴于前所未有的环境危机及由此产生的对实现儿童权利的挑战,需要对《公约》作出动态的解释。
10. The Committee is mindful of efforts of relevance to its interpretation, including: (a) the recognition of the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment by the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council; (b) the framework principles on human rights and the environment; (c) the existing and evolving norms, principles, standards and obligations under international environmental law, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement; (d) the legal developments and jurisprudence at the regional level recognizing the relationship between human rights and the environment; and (e) the recognition of some form of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment in international agreements, the jurisprudence of regional and national courts, national constitutions, laws and policies by a vast majority of States. 10. 委员会注意到与《公约》解释有关的努力,包括:(a) 大会 和人权理事会 承认享有清洁、健康和可持续环境的人权;(b) 人权与环境框架原则;(c)《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《巴黎协定》等国际环境法下现有的和不断演变的规范、原则、标准和义务;(d) 承认人权与环境之间关系的区域一级的法律发展和判例;(e) 国际协定、区域和国家法院的判例、国家宪法、绝大多数国家的法律和政策都以某种形式承认享有清洁、健康和可持续环境的权利。
C. Intergenerational equity and future generations C. 代际公平与后代
11. The Committee recognizes the principle of intergenerational equity and the interests of future generations, to which the children consulted overwhelmingly referred. While the rights of children who are present on Earth require immediate urgent attention, the children constantly arriving are also entitled to the realization of their human rights to the maximum extent. Beyond their immediate obligations under the Convention with regard to the environment, States bear the responsibility for foreseeable environment-related threats arising as a result of their acts or omissions now, the full implications of which may not manifest for years or even decades. 11. 委员会承认代际公平原则和后代的利益,参加咨商的绝大多数儿童都提到了这一点。虽然现在生活在地球上的儿童的权利需要立即得到紧急关注,但不断来到这个世界的儿童也有权最大限度地实现他们的人权。除了《公约》规定的与环境有关的直接义务之外,各国还须对因其现在的作为或不作为而产生的可预见的环境威胁负有责任,而这些威胁的全部影响可能在几年甚至几十年内都不会显现。
D. Objectives D. 目标
12. In the present general comment, the Committee aims to: 12. 在本一般性意见中,委员会的目的是:
(a) Emphasize the urgent need to address the adverse effects of environmental degradation, with a special focus on climate change, on the enjoyment of children’s rights; (a) 强调迫切需要解决环境退化对享有儿童权利的不利影响,特别需要关注气候变化问题;
(b) Promote a holistic understanding of children’s rights as they apply to environmental protection; (b) 促进对儿童在环境保护方面的权利的全面了解;
(c) Clarify the obligations of States to the Convention and provide authoritative guidance on legislative, administrative and other appropriate measures to address environmental harm, with a special focus on climate change. (c) 明确各国承担的《公约》义务,并就应对环境损害的立法、行政和其他适当措施提供权威性指导,特别关注气候变化问题。
II. Specific rights under the Convention as they relate to the environment 二. 《公约》规定的与环境有关的具体权利
13. Children’s rights, like all human rights, are indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. Some rights are particularly threatened by environmental degradation. Other rights play an instrumental role in safeguarding children’s rights in relation to the environment. The right to education, for example, is a right that has both dimensions. 13. 儿童权利跟所有人权一样,都是不可分割、相互依存和相互关联的。一些权利尤其受到环境退化的威胁。另一些权利则在保障儿童与环境有关的权利方面发挥着重要作用。例如,受教育权便是一项具有两重性的权利。
A. Right to non-discrimination (art. 2) A. 不受歧视权(第2条)
14. States have an obligation to effectively prevent, protect against and provide remedies for both direct and indirect environmental discrimination . Children in general, and certain groups of children in particular, face heightened barriers to the enjoyment of their rights, due to multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination; such grounds include those specifically prohibited under article 2 of the Convention and the “other status” referred to in the article. The impact of environmental harm has a discriminatory effect on certain groups of children, especially Indigenous children, children belonging to minority groups, children with disabilities and children living in disaster-prone or climate-vulnerable environments. 14. 各国有义务切实防止直接和间接的环境歧视,提供保护和补救措施。总体来看,儿童,特别是某些儿童群体,由于多重和交叉形式的歧视,他们在享有权利方面面临更大的障碍;歧视理由包括《公约》第2条明确禁止的理由和该条提到的“其他身份”。环境损害对某些儿童群体,特别是对土著儿童、少数群体儿童、残疾儿童和生活在易受灾害或气候影响环境中的儿童,产生了歧视性的影响。
15. States should collect disaggregated data to identify the differential effects of environment-related harm on children and to better understand intersectionalities, paying special attention to groups of children who are most at risk, and to implement special measures and policies, as required. States must ensure that all legislation, policies and programmes that deal with environmental issues are not intentionally or unintentionally discriminatory towards children in their content or implementation. 15. 各国应收集分类数据,确定环境伤害对儿童的不同影响,更好地了解各种问题的相互交织,特别关注面临风险最大的儿童群体,并根据需要执行特别措施和政策。各国必须确保所有涉及环境问题的立法、政策和方案,不论是在内容上还是在执行方式上,都不会有意或无意地歧视儿童。
B. Best interests of the child (art. 3) 16. B. 儿童的最大利益(第3条)
Environmental decisions generally concern children, and the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in the adoption and implementation of environmental decisions, including laws, regulations, policies, standards, guidelines, plans, strategies, budgets, international agreements and the provision of development assistance. Where an environmental decision may have a significant impact on children, conducting a more detailed procedure to assess and determine children’s best interests that provides opportunities for their effective and meaningful participation, is appropriate. 16. 涉及环境问题的决定通常关系到儿童,在通过和执行涉及环境问题的决定时,包括在通过和执行法律、法规、政策、标准、准则、计划、战略、预算、国际协定和提供发展援助时,应把儿童的最大利益作为首要考虑因素。在涉及环境问题的决定可能对儿童产生重大影响时,宜采用较为详细的程序来评估和确定儿童的最大利益,为儿童切实有效的参与提供机会。
17. Determining the best interests of the child should include an assessment of the specific circumstances that place children uniquely at risk in the context of environmental harm. The purpose of assessing the best interests of the child shall be to ensure the full and effective enjoyment of all rights, including the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. States should not only protect children against environmental harm, but also ensure their well-being and development, taking into account the possibility of future risk and harm. 17. 在确定儿童的最大利益时,应评估在发生环境损害时使儿童面临独特风险的具体情况。评估儿童最大利益的目的应该是,确保儿童充分切实享有所有权利,包括享有清洁、健康和可持续环境的权利。各国不仅应保护儿童免受环境损害,而且还应确保他们的福祉和发展,同时还应考虑到未来发生风险和损害的可能性。
18. The adoption of all measures of implementation should also follow a procedure that ensures that the best interests of the child are a primary consideration. A child rights impact assessment should be used to evaluate the environmental impact of all implementation measures, such as any proposed policy, legislation, regulation, budget or other administrative decision concerning children, and should complement ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the impact of measures on children’s rights. 18. 所有执行措施的采纳,也应遵循一个确保将儿童最大利益列入首要考虑的程序。应运用儿童权利影响评估来评价所有执行措施(如任何拟议的政策、立法、法规、预算或其他涉及儿童的行政决定)对环境的影响,这项评估也应辅助持续监测和评价各项措施对儿童权利影响的工作。
19. Potential conflicts of the best interests of the child with other interests or rights should be resolved on a case-by-case basis, carefully balancing the interests of all parties. Decision makers should analyse and weigh the rights and interests of all those concerned, giving appropriate weight to the primacy of the best interests of the child. States should take into account the possibility that environmental decisions that seem reasonable individually and on a shorter timescale can become unreasonable in aggregate and when considering the full harm that they will cause to children throughout their life courses. 19. 对于儿童的最大利益与其他利益或权利之间的潜在冲突,应在认真平衡各方利益的基础上根据具体情况加以解决。决策者应适当考虑将儿童最大利益放在首位,分析和权衡所有有关各方的权利和利益。各国应考虑到,有这样一种可能性,即个别在短期内看似合理的涉及环境问题的决定,如果考虑到这些决定将在儿童的整个生命过程中对他们造成的全面伤害,则在整体上可能会变得不合理。
C. Right to life, survival and development C. 生命、生存和发展权(第6条)
20. The right to life is threatened by environmental degradation, including climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss, which are closely linked to other fundamental challenges impeding the realization of this right, including poverty, inequality and conflict. States should take positive measures to ensure that children are protected from foreseeable premature or unnatural death and threats to their lives that may be caused by acts and omissions, as well as the activities of business actors, and enjoy their right to life with dignity. Such measures include the adoption and effective implementation of environmental standards, for example, those related to air and water quality, food safety, lead exposure and greenhouse gas emissions, and all other adequate and necessary environmental measures that are protective of children’s right to life. 20. 生命权受到环境退化,包括气候变化、污染和生物多样性丧失的威胁,而这些威胁与贫困、不平等和冲突等阻碍实现这一权利的其他根本性挑战密切相关。各国应采取积极措施,确保儿童得到保护,免遭可预见的过早死亡或非自然死亡,免遭可能因作为和不作为以及企业行为体的活动而对他们生命造成的威胁,并享有有尊严的生命权。 这种措施包括采用和切实执行环境标准,例如与空气质量和水质量、食品安全、铅接触和温室气体排放有关的标准,以及所有保护儿童生命权的其他适当和必要的环保措施。
21. The obligations of States under article 6 of the Convention also apply to structural and long-term challenges arising from environmental conditions that may lead to direct threats to the right to life and require taking appropriate measures to tackle those conditions, for example, the sustainable use of resources needed for covering basic needs and the protection of healthy ecosystems and biodiversity. Special measures of protection are needed to prevent and reduce child mortality from environmental conditions and for groups in vulnerable situations. 21. 《公约》第6条规定的国家义务也适用于环境条件引起的结构性和长期性挑战,这些挑战可能导致对生命权的直接威胁,需要采取适当措施来应对这种环境条件,例如,以可持续的方式使用满足基本需求所需的资源,保护健康的生态系统和生物多样性。需要采取特别保护措施,防止和减少环境条件造成的儿童死亡,并保护弱势群体。
22. Environmental degradation increase children’s risk of facing grave rights violations in armed conflict due to displacement, famine and increased violence. In the context of armed conflict, States should prohibit the development or retention of, and ensure the clean-up of areas contaminated by, unexploded ordnance and residue of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, in line with international commitments. 22. 环境退化增加了儿童在武装冲突中因流离失所、饥荒和暴力增加而面临的权利遭到严重侵犯的风险。在武装冲突时期,各国应根据国际承诺,禁止发展或保留未爆弹药以及生物、化学和核武器残留物,并确保清理受其污染的地区。
23. Environmental degradation jeopardizes children’s ability to achieve their full developmental potential, with implications for a wide range of other rights under the Convention. The development of children is intertwined with the environment in which they live. The developmental benefits of a healthy environment include those linked to opportunities to experience outdoor activities and to interact with and play in natural environments, including the animal world. 23. 环境退化会危及儿童充分实现其发展潜力的能力,并会对《公约》规定的其他一系列权利产生影响。儿童的发展与他们生活的环境密不可分。健康环境对发展的益处包括,有机会体验户外活动、与自然环境(包括动物世界)互动玩耍。
24. Younger children are particularly susceptible to environmental hazards due to their unique activity patterns, behaviours and physiology. Exposure to toxic pollutants, even at low levels, during developmental windows of increased vulnerability can easily disrupt the maturational processes of the brain, organs and the immune system and cause disease and impairments during and beyond childhood, sometimes after a substantial latency period. The effects of environmental contaminants may even persist in future generations. States should consistently and explicitly consider the impact of exposure to toxic substances and pollution in early life. 24. 幼儿由于其独特的活动模式、行为和生理,特别容易受到环境危害的影响。在尤其脆弱的发育窗口期接触有毒污染物,即使是低水平的接触,也很容易破坏大脑、器官和免疫系统的成熟过程,并在儿童期及以后,有时是在很长的潜伏期之后,引起疾病和损伤。环境污染的影响甚至可能持续到后代。各国应始终如一地明确考虑到在生命早期接触有毒物质和污染的影响。
25. States should recognize each stage of childhood, the importance of each stage for subsequent stages of maturation and development and children’s varying needs at each stage. To create an optimal environment for the right to development, States should explicitly and consistently consider all factors required for children of all different ages to survive, develop and thrive to their fullest potential and design and implement evidence-based interventions that address a wide range of environmental determinants during the life course. 25. 各国应对儿童期的每个阶段有所认识,并应认识到每个阶段对随后的成熟和发展阶段的重要性以及儿童在每个阶段的不同需求。为了创造一个有利于发展权的最佳环境,各国应始终如一地明确考虑不同年龄的所有儿童生存、发展和茁壮成长所需的所有因素,以充分发挥其潜力,并设计和实施经过实践证明的干预措施,着手解决人的一生中的各种环境决定因素。
D. Right to be heard (art. 12) D. 表达意见权(第12条)
26. Children identify environmental issues as being highly important to their lives. Children’s voices are a powerful global force for environmental protection, and their views add relevant perspectives and experience with respect to decision-making on environmental matters at all levels. Even from an early age, children can enhance the quality of environmental solutions, for example, by providing invaluable insights into issues such as the effectiveness of early warning systems for environmental hazards. Children’s views should be proactively sought and given due weight in the design and implementation of measures aimed at addressing the significant and long-term environmental challenges that are fundamentally shaping their lives. Creative means of expression, such as art and music, may be used by children to participate and express their views. Additional support and special strategies may be required to empower children in disadvantaged situations, such as children with disabilities, children belonging to minority groups and children living in vulnerable areas, to exercise their right to be heard. The digital environment and tools can enhance consultations with children and expand their capacity and opportunities to be effectively engaged in environmental matters, including through collective advocacy, if carefully used, with due attention given to challenges regarding digital inclusion. 26. 儿童认为环境问题对他们的生活非常重要。儿童的声音是一股强大的全球环保力量,他们的观点为各级环境事务决策增添了相关的视角和经验。从很小的时候起,儿童就可以提高环境解决办法的质量,例如,对环境危害预警系统的效力等问题提供宝贵的见解。在设计和执行措施应对从根本上影响儿童生活的重大长期环境挑战时,应积极主动地征求儿童的意见,并给予应有的重视。儿童可利用艺术、音乐等创造性表达方式参与并表达自己的意见。可能需要提供额外的支持和特别战略,以增强残疾儿童、少数群体儿童和生活在困难地区的儿童等处境不利儿童的权能,使他们能够行使发表意见的权利。数字环境和数字工具,如加以谨慎使用,同时适当注意数字包容方面的问题,可增进与儿童的咨商,扩大他们切实参与环境事务的能力和机会,包括集体开展倡导活动。
27. States must ensure that age-appropriate, safe and accessible mechanisms are in place for children’s views to be heard regularly and at all stages of environmental decision-making processes for legislation, policies, regulations, projects and activities that may affect them, at the local, national and international levels. For free, active, meaningful and effective participation, children should be provided with environmental and human rights education, age-appropriate and accessible information, adequate time and resources and a supportive and enabling environment. They should receive information about the outcomes of environment-related consultations and feedback on how their views were taken into account and have access to child-sensitive complaint procedures and remedies when their right to be heard in the environmental context is disregarded. 27. 各国必须确保建立适合儿童年龄、安全、无障碍的机制,以便在地方、国家和国际各级就可能影响儿童的立法、政策、法规、项目和活动进行环境决策的所有阶段,定期听取儿童的意见。为使儿童能够自由、积极、切实有效地参与,应向他们提供环境教育和人权教育、适合其年龄和无障碍的信息、充足的时间和资源以及有利的扶持性环境。他们应该了解环境相关咨商的结果,以及他们的意见如何得到考虑的反馈,如果他们在环境方面的表达意见权被忽视,则可以利用顾及儿童特点的申诉程序和补救办法。
28. At the international level, States, intergovernmental organizations and international non-governmental organizations should facilitate the involvement of children’s associations and child-led organizations or groups in environmental decision-making processes. States should ensure that their obligations concerning children’s right to be heard are incorporated into international environmental decision-making processes, including in negotiations and the implementation of instruments of international environmental law. Efforts to enhance youth participation in environmental decision-making processes should be inclusive of children. 28. 在国际层面,各国、政府间组织和国际非政府组织应协助儿童协会和儿童领导的组织或团体参与环境决策进程。各国应确保将其对儿童表达意见权的义务纳入国际环境决策进程,包括国际环境法文书的谈判和执行工作。加强青年参与环境决策进程的努力应容纳儿童。
E. Freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly (arts. 13 and 15) E. 表达、结社与和平集会自由(第13和第15条)
29. Children across the world are taking action, individually and collectively, to protect the environment, including by highlighting the consequences of climate change. States shall respect and protect children’s rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly in relation to the environment, including by providing a safe and enabling environment and a legal and institutional framework within which children can effectively exercise their rights. Children’s rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly shall not be subjected to restrictions other than those imposed in conformity with the law and that are necessary in a democratic society. 29. 世界各地的儿童正在单独和集体采取行动,通过彰显气候变化的后果等方法保护环境。各国应尊重和保护儿童在环保方面的表达、结社与和平集会自由权,包括提供安全有利的环境以及能让儿童切实行使自己的权利的法律和体制框架。儿童的表达自由、结社与和平集会自由权不应受到任何限制,除非符合法律所规定并在民主社会中所必需。
30. Children who exercise their right to freedom of expression or engage in protests on environmental matters, including children environmental human rights defenders, often face threats, intimidation, harassment and other serious reprisals. States are required to protect their rights, including by providing a safe and empowering context for initiatives organized by children to defend human rights in schools and other settings. States, State actors, such as the police, and other stakeholders, including teachers, should receive training on children’s civil and political rights, including measures to ensure that children can enjoy them safely. States must take all appropriate measures to ensure that no restrictions other than those that are provided by law and that are necessary are imposed on forming and joining associations or taking part in environmental protests. Laws, including those relating to defamation and libel, should not be abused to suppress children’s rights. States should adopt and implement laws to protect child human rights defenders in accordance with international human rights standards. States should provide effective remedies for violations of children’s rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association. 30. 行使表达自由权或参与环境问题抗议活动的儿童,包括儿童环境人权维护者,常常面临威胁、恐吓、骚扰和其他严重报复。各国必须保护儿童的权利,包括为儿童在学校和其他场所组织的维护人权的活动提供一个能够增强权能的安全环境。各国、警察等国家行为体以及包括教师在内的其他利益攸关方应接受培训,了解儿童公民权利和政治权利,包括确保儿童能够安全享有这些权利的措施。各国必须采取一切适当措施,确保除法律规定和必要的限制外,不对成立和加入社团或参加环境抗议活动施加任何限制。不应滥用法律,包括诽谤和中伤方面的法律,来压制儿童权利。各国应根据国际人权标准,通过和实施保护儿童人权维护者的法律。各国应针对侵犯儿童表达、和平集会与结社自由权的行为提供有效补救。
31. States should foster, recognize and support the positive contribution of children to environmental sustainability and climate justice, as an important means of civil and political engagement through which children can negotiate and advocate for the realization of their rights, including their right to a healthy environment, and hold States accountable. 31. 各国应促进、承认和支持儿童对环境可持续性和气候公正的积极贡献,将其作为公民和政治参与的一个重要手段,儿童可借此进行谈判,要求实现自己的权利,包括享有健康环境权,并让国家承担责任。
F. Access to information (arts. 13 and 17) F. 获取信息权(第13和第17条)
32. Access to information is essential for enabling children and their parents or caregivers to comprehend the potential effects of environmental harm on children’s rights. It is also a crucial prerequisite for realizing the rights of children to express their views, to be heard and to effective remedy regarding environmental matters. 32. 获取信息对于儿童及其父母或照料者了解环境损害对儿童权利的潜在影响至关重要。这也是实现儿童就环境问题表示观点、表达意见和获得有效补救的权利的一个重要先决条件。
33. Children have the right to access to accurate and reliable environmental information, including about the causes, effects and actual and potential sources of climate and environmental harm, adaptive responses, relevant climate and environmental legislation, regulations, findings from climate and environmental impact assessments, policies and plans and sustainable lifestyle choices. Such information empowers children to learn what they can do in their immediate environment related to waste management, recycling and consumption behaviours. 33. 儿童有权获得准确和可靠的环境信息,包括气候和环境损害的原因、影响和实际及潜在来源、适应对策、相关气候和环境立法、法规、气候和环境影响评估结果、政策和计划以及可持续生活方式选择方面的信息。这些信息使儿童能够了解他们在身边与废物管理、回收和消费行为有关的方面可以做些什么。
34. States have an obligation to make environmental information available. Dissemination methods should be appropriate to children’s ages and capacities and aimed at overcoming obstacles, such as illiteracy, disability, language barriers, distance and limited access to information and communications technology. States should encourage the media to disseminate accurate information and materials regarding the environment, for example, measures that children and their families can take to manage risks in the context of climate change-related disasters. 34. 各国有义务提供环境信息。信息的传播方法应适合儿童的年龄和能力,旨在克服各种障碍,如文盲、残疾、语言障碍、距离以及获取信息和通信技术的机会有限。各国应鼓励媒体传播关于环境的准确信息和材料,例如,儿童及其家人在发生气候变化相关灾害时可采取的风险管理措施。
G. Right to freedom from all forms of violence (art. 19) G. 免受一切形式暴力的权利(第19条)
35. Environmental degradation, including the climate crisis, is a form of structural violence against children and can cause social collapse in communities and families. Poverty, economic and social inequalities, food insecurity and forced displacement aggravate the risk that children will experience violence, abuse and exploitation. For example, poorer households are less resilient to environment-related shocks, including those caused or exacerbated by climate change, such as rising sea levels, floods, cyclones, air pollution, extreme weather events, desertification, deforestation, droughts, fires, storms and biodiversity loss. The financial hardships, food and clean water shortages and fragile child protection systems brought about by such shocks undermine families’ daily routines, place an extra burden on children and increase their vulnerability to gender-based violence, child marriage, female genital mutilation, child labour, abduction, trafficking, displacement, sexual violence and exploitation and recruitment into criminal, armed and/or violent extremist groups. Children must be protected from all forms of physical and psychological violence and from exposure to violence, such as domestic violence or violence inflicted on animals. 35. 环境退化,包括气候危机,是一种针对儿童的结构性暴力,可以导致社会和家庭分崩离析。贫困、经济和社会不平等、粮食不安全和被迫流离失所状态加剧了儿童遭受暴力、虐待和剥削的风险。例如,贫困家庭对环境相关冲击,包括海平面上升、洪水、旋风、空气污染、极端天气事件、荒漠化、毁林、干旱、火灾、风暴和生物多样性丧失等气候变化造成或加剧的冲击的抵御能力较弱。这种冲击造成的经济困难、粮食和清洁水短缺以及脆弱的儿童保护系统会破坏家庭的日常生活,给儿童带来额外负担,并使他们更容易遭受性别暴力、童婚、切割女性生殖器做法、童工、绑架、贩运、流离失所、性暴力和剥削,也更容易被招募加入犯罪、武装和(或)暴力极端主义团体。必须保护儿童免遭一切形式的身心暴力,免于目睹家庭暴力或对动物施加的暴力。
36. Investment in children’s services can considerably reduce the overall environmental risks faced by children worldwide. States should adopt cross-sectoral measures to address the drivers of violence against children linked to environmental degradation. 36. 对儿童服务进行投资,可大大减少全世界儿童面临的总体环境风险。各国应采取跨部门措施,着手解决与环境退化相关的暴力侵害儿童行为的驱动因素。
H. Right to the highest attainable standard of health (art. 24) H. 享有可达到的最高健康标准的权利(第24条)
37. The right to health includes the enjoyment of a variety of facilities, goods, services and conditions that are necessary for the realization of the highest attainable standard of health, including a healthy environment. This right is dependent on and is indispensable to the enjoyment of many other rights under the Convention. 37. 健康权包括享有实现可达到的最高健康标准所必需的各种设施、商品、服务和条件,包括健康的环境。这项权利取决于能否享有《公约》规定的其他许多权利,同时对于享有这些权利也是不可或缺的。
38. Environmental pollution is a major threat to children’s health, as explicitly recognized in article 24 (2) (c) of the Convention. However, in many countries, pollution is often overlooked and its impact underestimated. Lack of potable water, inadequate sanitation and household air pollution pose serious threats to children’s health. Pollution associated with past and present industrial activities, including exposure to toxic substances and hazardous waste, presents more complex threats to health, often resulting in effects long after exposure. 38. 正如《公约》第24条第2款(c)项明确承认的那样,环境污染是对儿童健康的一个重大威胁。然而,在许多国家,污染往往被忽视,其影响也被低估。缺乏饮用水、卫生设施不足和室内空气污染对儿童的健康构成严重威胁。过去和现在的工业活动造成的污染,包括接触有毒物质和危险废物,对健康构成的威胁更为复杂,往往在接触后很久才产生影响。
39. Climate change, biodiversity loss and the degradation of ecosystems are obstacles to the realization of children’s right to health. These environmental factors often interact, exacerbating existing health disparities. For example, rising temperatures caused by climate change increase the risk of vector-borne and zoonotic diseases and concentrations of air pollutants that stunt brain and lung development and exacerbate respiratory conditions. Climate change, pollution and toxic substances all represent key drivers of the alarming loss in biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystems on which human health depends. Specific effects include reductions in microbial diversity, which is critical to the development of children’s immune systems, and the increasing prevalence of autoimmune diseases, with long-term effects. 39. 气候变化、生物多样性丧失和生态系统退化是实现儿童健康权的障碍。这些环境因素往往相互作用,加剧了现有的健康差距。例如,气候变化导致的气温上升增加了病媒传播疾病和人畜共患疾病的风险,增加了空气污染物的浓度,阻碍了大脑和肺部的发育,加剧了呼吸道疾病。气候变化、环境污染和有毒物质,这些都是生物多样性惊人丧失和人类健康所依赖的生态系统退化的主要驱动因素。具体影响包括,对儿童免疫系统发育至关重要的微生物多样性减少,具有长期影响的自身免疫疾病日益流行。
40. Air and water pollution, exposure to toxic substances, including chemical fertilizers, soil and land degradation and other types of environmental harm increase child mortality, especially among children under 5 years of age, and contribute to the prevalence of disease, impaired brain development and subsequent cognitive deficits. The effects of climate change, including water scarcity, food insecurity, vector-borne and waterborne diseases, the intensification of air pollution and physical trauma linked to both sudden- and slow-onset events, are disproportionately borne by children. 40. 空气污染和水污染、接触包括化肥在内的有毒物质、土壤和土地退化以及其他类型的环境损害提升了儿童死亡率,特别是5岁以下儿童的死亡率,并导致疾病流行、大脑发育受损以及随后的认知缺陷。儿童过多地承担了气候变化的影响,包括缺水、粮食无保障、病媒传播和水传播疾病、空气污染加剧以及突发事件和缓发事件造成的身体创伤。
41. Another concern is children’s current and anticipated psychosocial and mental health conditions caused by environmental harm, including climate change-related events. The clear emerging link between environmental harm and children’s mental health, such as depression and eco-anxiety, requires pressing attention, both in terms of response and prevention programmes, by public health and education authorities. 42. 41. 另一个令人关切的问题是,环境损害,包括气候变化相关事件,造成了儿童目前和预期的心理社会和精神健康状况。环境损害与儿童心理健康(如抑郁症和生态焦虑症)之间正在出现明显的联系,这需要公共卫生部门和教育部门采取应对和预防方案予以紧急关注。
States should integrate measures to address environmental health concerns relevant to children into their national plans, policies and strategies relating to both health and the environment. Legislative, regulatory and institutional frameworks, including regulations dealing with the business sector, should effectively protect children’s environmental health where they live, study, play and work. Environmental health standards should be consistent with the best available science and all relevant international guidelines, such as those established by the World Health Organization, and be strictly enforced. The obligations of States under article 24 of the Convention also apply when developing and implementing environmental agreements to address transboundary and global threats to children’s health. 42. 各国应将解决与儿童有关的环境健康问题的措施纳入与健康和环境相关的国家计划、政策和战略。立法、监管和体制框架,包括涉及企业部门的法规,应切实保护儿童生活、学习、游戏和工作场所的环境健康。环境健康标准应符合现有最佳科学和所有相关国际准则,如世界卫生组织制定的准则,并应严格执行。在制定和执行环境协定以应对儿童健康所面临的跨界威胁和全球性威胁时,《公约》第24条规定的国家义务也应适用。
43. The right to health includes access for children affected by environmental harm to high-quality public health and health-care facilities, goods and services, and particular attention should be given to underserved and hard-to-reach populations and to delivering high-quality prenatal maternal health care nationwide. Facilities, programmes and services should be equipped to respond to environmental health hazards. Health protection also applies to the conditions that children need to lead a healthy life, such as a safe climate, safe and clean drinking water and sanitation, sustainable energy, adequate housing, access to nutritionally adequate and safe food and healthy working conditions. 43. 健康权包括受环境损害影响的儿童获得高质量的公共卫生和保健设施、商品和服务,应特别关注得不到充分服务和难以接触到的人口,并特别注意在全国范围内提供高质量的孕产妇产前保健。设施、方案和服务应具备应对环境健康危害的能力。健康保护也适用于儿童过上健康生活所需的条件,如安全的气候、安全清洁的饮用水和卫生设施、可持续能源、适当的住房、营养充足和安全的食物以及健康的工作条件。
44. The availability of high-quality data is crucial for adequate protection against climate and environmental health risks. States should assess the local, national and transboundary health effects of environmental harm, including the causes of mortality and morbidity, while taking into consideration the entire life course of children and the vulnerabilities and inequalities that they face at each life stage. Priority concerns, the impacts of climate change and emerging environmental health issues should be identified. In addition to data collected through routine health information systems, research is required, for example, for longitudinal cohort studies and studies of pregnant women, infants and children that capture risks at critical windows of development. 44. 获得高质量的数据对于充分防范气候和环境健康风险至关重要。各国应评估环境损害对健康的地方性影响、全国性影响和跨界影响,包括死亡和发病的原因,同时考虑到儿童的整个生命周期以及他们在生命每个阶段所面临的脆弱性和不平等。应确定优先关注事项、气候变化的影响和新出现的环境健康问题。除了通过常规卫生信息系统收集的数据之外,还需要进行研究,例如,纵向的组群研究和对孕妇、婴儿和儿童的研究,以掌握关键发育窗口期的风险。
I. Right to social security and adequate standard of living (arts. 26 and 27) I. 社会保障权和适当生活水准权(第26和第27条)
45. Children have the right to a standard of living adequate for their physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. A clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a prerequisite for the realization of this right, including to adequate housing, food security and safe and clean drinking water and sanitation. 45. 儿童有权得到适合于他们身心、精神、道义和社会成长的生活水准。清洁、健康和可持续的环境是实现这一权利,包括享有适当住房、粮食安全以及安全清洁的饮用水和卫生设施的权利的先决条件。
46. The Committee underlines that the rights to adequate housing, food, water and sanitation should be realized sustainably, including with respect to material consumption, resource and energy use and the appropriation of space and nature. 46. 委员会强调,应当以可持续的方式实现享有适当住房、粮食、水和卫生设施的权利,包括在物质消费、资源和能源使用以及空间和自然占用方面采用可持续的方式。
47. Exposure to environmental harm has both direct and structural causes and exacerbates the effects of multidimensional child poverty. In the environmental context, social security, as guaranteed under article 26 of the Convention, is particularly relevant. States are urged to introduce features into social security policies and social protection floors that provide children and their families with protection against environmental shocks and slow-onset harms, including from climate change. States should strengthen child-centred poverty alleviation programmes in the areas that are most vulnerable to environmental risks. 47. 儿童暴露在环境损害中,这既有直接原因,也有结构性原因,而且会加剧了儿童的多维贫困的影响。在环境领域,《公约》第26条所保证的社会保障特别重要。委员会敦促各国在社会保障政策和社会保护最低标准中纳入一些内容,为儿童及其家庭提供保护,使其免受环境冲击和缓发损害,包括气候变化的危害。各国应在最易遭受环境风险的地区加强以儿童为中心的扶贫方案。
48. Children, including displaced children, should have access to adequate housing that conforms to international human rights standards. Housing should be sustainable and resilient and should not be built on polluted sites or in areas facing a high risk of environmental degradation. Homes should have safe and sustainable sources of energy for cooking, heating, lighting and appropriate ventilation and be free from mould, toxic substances and smoke. There should be effective management of waste and litter, protection from traffic, excessive noise and overcrowding and access to safe drinking water and sustainable sanitation and hygiene facilities. 48. 儿童,包括流离失所儿童,应能获得符合国际人权标准的适当住房。住房应具有可持续性和抗灾能力,不应建在受污染的地点或面临环境退化高风险的地区。住房应有安全且可持续的能源,以用于烹饪、取暖、照明和适当的通风,并且没有霉菌、有毒物质和烟雾。应对废物和垃圾进行有效管理,保护儿童免受交通拥堵、过度噪音和过度拥挤的影响,并提供安全饮用水及可持续的环境卫生和个人卫生设施。
49. Children should not be subject to forced evictions without prior provision of adequate alternative accommodation, including relocation linked to development and infrastructure projects addressing energy and/or climate mitigation and adaptation action. Child rights impact assessments should be a prerequisite for such projects. Particular attention should be paid to preserving the traditional land of Indigenous children and protecting the quality of the natural environment for the enjoyment of their rights, including their right to an adequate standard of living. 49. 如果事先没有提供适当的替代住所,就不应强迫儿童搬迁,包括与解决能源问题和(或)作为气候变化减缓和适应行动的开发项目和基础设施项目相关的搬迁。对儿童权利影响进行评估应成为此类项目的先决条件。应特别注意保护土著儿童的传统土地,保护自然环境的质量,使他们能够享有自己的权利,包括适当生活水准权。
50. In situations of cross-border displacement and migration linked to climate-related and environment-related events and related to armed conflict situations, the Committee underlines the importance of international cooperation and the obligation of States to undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure the rights under the Convention for all children within their jurisdiction, without discrimination. Relevant authorities should consider the risk of children’s rights violations caused by the impacts of environmental degradation, including climate change, when deciding upon admission and when reviewing claims for international protection, in particular given, for example, the particularly serious consequences for children of the insufficient provision of food or health services. States should not deport children and their families to any place where they would face a real risk of grave violations as a result of the adverse effects of environmental degradation. 50. 委员会强调,在气候和环境相关事件以及与武装冲突局势有关的跨界迁移和移民情形中,国际合作尤其重要,以及各国有义务采取一切适当的立法措施、行政措施和其他措施,确保其管辖范围内的所有儿童不受歧视地享有《公约》规定的权利。有关部门在决定接纳入境和审查国际保护申请时,应考虑环境退化(包括气候变化)的影响造成的儿童权利受到侵犯的风险,特别要考虑到食物或卫生服务不足对儿童造成的特别严重的后果。各国不应将儿童及其家人驱逐到他们会因环境退化的不利影响而面临严重侵犯人权行为的真实风险的任何地方。
J. Right to education (arts. 28 and 29 (1) (e)) J. 受教育权(第28条和第29条第1款(e)项)
51. Education is one of the cornerstones of a child rights-based approach to the environment. Children have highlighted that education is instrumental in protecting their rights and the environment and in increasing their awareness and preparedness for environmental damage; however, the right to education is highly vulnerable to the impact of environmental harm, as it can result in school closures and disruptions, school dropout and the destruction of schools and places to play. 51. 教育是基于儿童权利的环境方针的基石之一。儿童们强调,教育有助于保护他们的权利和环境,有助于提高他们对环境损害的认识和准备;然而,受教育权极易受到环境损害的影响,因为环境损害可能导致学校关门、停学,导致辍学,导致学校和游戏场所被毁。
52. Article 29 (1) (e) of the Convention, requiring that the education of a child be directed to the development of respect for the natural environment, should be read in conjunction with article 28, to ensure that every child has the right to receive an education that reflects environmental values. 52. 《公约》第29条第1款(e)项要求教育儿童的目的是培养对自然环境的尊重,这项规定应结合第28条来理解,以确保每个儿童都有权接受反映环境价值观的教育。
53. A rights-based environmental education should be transformative, inclusive, child-centred, child-friendly and empowering. It should pursue the development of the child’s personality, talents and abilities, acknowledge the close interrelationship between respect for the natural environment and other ethical values enshrined in article 29 (1) of the Convention and have both a local and global orientation. School curricula should be tailored to children’s specific environmental, social, economic and cultural contexts and promote understanding of the contexts of other children affected by environmental degradation. Teaching materials should provide scientifically accurate, up-to-date and developmentally and age-appropriate environmental information. All children should be equipped with the skills necessary to face expected environmental challenges in life, such as disaster risks and environment-related health impacts, including the ability to critically reflect upon such challenges, solve problems, make well-balanced decisions and assume environmental responsibility, such as through sustainable lifestyles and consumption, in accordance with their evolving capacities. 53. 基于权利的环境教育应具有变革性和包容性,以儿童为中心,与儿童友善,并能增强儿童权能;应致力于发展儿童的人格、才智和能力,承认尊重自然环境与《公约》第29条第1款所载的其他道德价值观之间的密切关系,并且既面向当地,也面向全球。 学校课程应适合儿童具体的环境、社会、经济和文化背景,并促进对受环境退化影响的其他儿童的情况的了解。教材应提供具有科学准确性、适合儿童发展程度和年龄的最新环境信息。所有儿童都应具备必要的技能,以应对生活中可能遇到的环境挑战,如灾害风险和与环境相关的健康影响,包括根据儿童不断发展的能力,对这些挑战进行批判性反思、解决问题、作出周全的决定并通过可持续的生活方式和消费等方式承担环境责任的能力。
54. Environmental values should be reflected in the education and training of all professionals involved in education, encompassing teaching methods, technologies and approaches used in education, school environments and preparing children for green jobs. Environmental education extends beyond formal schooling to embrace the broad range of lived experiences and learning. Exploratory, non-formal and practical methods, such as outdoor learning, are a preferred way of delivering this aim of education. 54. 环境价值观应反映在对教育领域的所有专业人员的教育和培训中,包括教育中使用的教学方法、技术和手段,反映在学校环境以及培养儿童从事绿色就业。环境教育超出了正规学校教育的范围,涵盖了大量的生活经验和学习内容。户外学习等探索性、非正式的实用方法,是实现这一教育目标的首选方式。
55. States should build safe, healthy and resilient infrastructure for effective learning. This includes ensuring the availability of pedestrian and biking routes and public transportation to school and that schools and alternative learning facilities are located at safe distances from sources of pollution, flooding, landslides and other environmental hazards, including contaminated sites, and the construction of buildings and classrooms with adequate heating and cooling and access to sufficient, safe and acceptable drinking water and sanitation facilities. Environmentally friendly school facilities, such as those with lighting and heating sourced from renewable energy and edible gardens, can benefit children and ensure compliance by States with their environmental obligations. 55. 各国应建立安全、健康、有韧性的基础设施,以开展有效的学习。这包括确保有上学的步行路线和自行车路线以及公共交通,学校和替代教学设施的地点在远离污染源、洪水、山体滑坡和其他环境危害(包括受污染场所)的安全距离之外,建造有适当供暖和制冷设施的大楼和教室,并提供充足、安全和可接受的饮用水 和卫生设施。环境友好型学校设施,例如使用可再生能源照明和供暖的设施、菜园等,可以使儿童受益,并确保各国遵守其环境义务。
56. During and after water scarcity, sandstorms, heatwaves and other severe weather events, States should ensure physical access to schools, especially for children in remote or rural communities, or consider alternative teaching methods, such as mobile educational facilities and distance learning. Underserved communities should be prioritized for the climate-proofing and renovation of schools. States should ensure alternative housing for displaced populations as soon as possible to ensure that schools are not used as shelters. When responding to emergencies caused by severe weather events in areas already affected by armed conflict, States should ensure that schools do not become targets for armed groups’ activity. 56. 在缺水、沙尘暴、热浪和其他恶劣天气事件期间和之后,各国应确保学生,特别是偏远社区或农村社区的儿童能够去学校上学,或考虑替代教学方法,如流动教育设施和远程教学。应优先考虑在得不到充分服务的社区对学校进行气候防御和翻修工作。各国应确保尽快为流离失所人口提供替代住房,以确保学校不被用作庇护所。在应对已受武装冲突影响地区的恶劣天气事件造成的紧急情况时,各国应确保学校不成为武装团体活动的目标。
57. States should recognize and address the disproportionate indirect and knock-on effects of environmental degradation on children’s education, paying special attention to gender-specific situations, such as children leaving school due to additional domestic and economic burdens in households facing environment-related shocks and stress. 57. 各国应认识到并着手解决环境退化对儿童教育造成的过度的间接影响和连锁反应,特别关注于性别问题有关的情况,如来自面临环境冲击和压力的家庭的儿童因家庭经济负担增加而辍学。
K. Rights of Indigenous children and children belonging to minority groups (art. 30) K. 土著儿童和少数群体儿童的权利(第30条)
58. Indigenous children are disproportionately affected by biodiversity loss, pollution and climate change. States should closely consider the impact of environmental harm, such as deforestation, on traditional land and culture and the quality of the natural environment, while ensuring the rights to life, survival and development of Indigenous children. States must undertake measures to meaningfully engage with Indigenous children and their families in responding to environmental harm, including harm caused by climate change, taking due account of and integrating concepts from Indigenous cultures and traditional knowledge in mitigation and adaptation measures. While children in Indigenous communities face unique risks, they can also act as educators and advocates in applying traditional knowledge to reduce the impact of local hazards and strengthen resilience, if this knowledge is passed on and supported. Comparable measures should be taken regarding the rights of children belonging to non-Indigenous minority groups whose rights, way of life and cultural identity are intimately related to nature. 58. 土著儿童受到生物多样性丧失、污染和气候变化的影响尤为严重。各国应认真考虑毁林等环境损害对传统土地和文化以及自然环境质量的影响,同时确保土著儿童的生命权、生存权和发展权。各国必须采取措施,让土著儿童及其家人切实参与应对环境损害,包括气候变化造成的损害的工作,同时适当考虑到土著文化和传统知识的概念,并将其纳入减缓措施和适应措施。虽然土著社区的儿童面临着独特的风险,但是,如果传统知识得到传承和支持,那么,他们也可以充当教育者和倡导者的角色,运用传统知识减少当地灾害的影响、增强抗灾能力。对于属于非土著少数群体的儿童的权利,也应采取类似的措施,因为他们的权利、生活方式和文化特性与自然密切相关。
L. Right to rest, play, leisure and recreation (art. 31) L. 休息、游戏、闲暇和娱乐的权利(第31条)
59. Play and recreation are essential to the health and well-being of children and promote the development of creativity, imagination, self-confidence, self-efficacy and physical, social, cognitive and emotional strength and skills. Play and recreation contribute to all aspects of learning, are critical to children’s holistic development and afford important opportunities for children to explore and experience the natural world and biodiversity, benefiting their mental health and well-being and contributing to understanding, appreciation and care for the natural environment. 59. 游戏和娱乐对儿童的健康和福祉至关重要,可促进创造性、想像力、自信、自我效能以及身体、社会、认知和情感力量与技能的培养。游戏和娱乐有助于学习的各个方面,对儿童的全面发展至关重要, 为儿童探索和体验自然世界和生物多样性提供了重要机会,有益于他们的心理健康和福祉,并有助于他们了解、欣赏和爱护自然环境。
60. Conversely, unsafe and hazardous environments undermine the realization of the rights under article 31 (1) of the Convention and are risk factors for children’s health, development and safety. Children need inclusive spaces for play that are close to their homes and free from environmental hazards. The impacts of climate change exacerbate these challenges, while climate change-related stress on household incomes may reduce children’s available time for, and ability to engage in, rest, leisure, recreation and play. 60. 相反,不安全和危险的环境有损于实现《公约》第31条第1款规定的权利,是儿童健康、发展和安全的风险因素。儿童需要在家附近没有环境危害的包容性游戏空间。气候变化的影响加剧了这些挑战,而气候变化带来的家庭收入压力可能减少儿童休息、休闲、娱乐和游戏的时间和能力。
61. States shall take effective legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that all children, without discrimination, are able to play and engage in recreational activities in safe, clean and healthy environments, including natural spaces, parks and playgrounds. In public planning, in rural and urban settings, children’s views should be given due weight and the creation of environments promoting their well-being should be prioritized. Consideration should be given to: (a) providing access, by means of safe, affordable and accessible transportation, to green areas, large open spaces and nature for play and recreation; (b) creating a safe local environment that is for free play, free from pollution, hazardous chemicals and waste; and (c) undertaking road traffic measures to reduce pollution levels near households, schools and playgrounds, including through the design of zones in which children playing, walking and cycling have priority. 61. 各国应采取有效的立法、行政和其他措施,确保所有儿童都能不受歧视地在安全、清洁和健康的环境中,包括在自然空间、公园和游乐场中玩耍和从事娱乐活动。在农村和城市的公共规划中,应适当考虑儿童的意见,并优先考虑创造促进儿童福祉的环境。应考虑:(a) 通过安全、负担得起和无障碍的交通工具,提供进入绿地、大型开放空间和大自然的机会,供人玩耍和娱乐;(b) 创造一个安全的当地环境,供自由玩耍,没有污染,没有危险化学品和废物;(c) 采取道路交通措施,包括设计优先供儿童玩耍、步行和骑车的地带,以减低住宅、学校和游乐场附近的污染程度。
62. States should introduce legislation, regulations and guidelines, accompanied by necessary budgetary allocations and effective monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, to ensure that third parties comply with article 31 of the Convention, including by establishing safety standards for all toys and play and recreational facilities, in particular concerning toxic substances, in urban and rural development projects. In situations of climate change-related disasters, measures should be taken to restore and protect these rights, including through the creation or restoration of safe spaces and by encouraging play and creative expression to promote resilience and psychological healing. 62. 各国应制定法律、法规和准则,并辅之以必要的预算拨款及有效的监督和执行机制,以确保第三方遵守《公约》第31条,包括为所有玩具和游戏及城乡发展项目中的娱乐设施制定安全标准,特别是有关有毒物质的安全标准。在发生气候变化引起的灾害时,应采取措施恢复和保护这些权利,包括通过创建或恢复安全空间,鼓励游戏和创造性表达,以提高韧性,实现心理康复。
III. Right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment 三. 享有清洁、健康和可持续环境的权利
63. Children have the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. This right is implicit in the Convention and directly linked to, in particular, the rights to life, survival and development, under article 6, to the highest attainable standard of health, including taking into consideration the dangers and risks of environmental pollution, under article 24, to an adequate standard of living, under article 27, and to education, under article 28, including the development of respect for the natural environment, under article 29. 63. 儿童有权享有清洁、健康和可持续的环境。这项权利隐含在《公约》中,特别是与第6条所规定的生命权、生存权和发展权,第24条所规定的享有可达到的最高标准健康的权利(包括考虑到环境污染的危险和风险的权利),第27条所规定的享有适当生活水准的权利,以及第28条所规定的受教育的权利,包括第29条规定的培养对自然环境的尊重直接相关。
64. The substantive elements of this right are profoundly important for children, given that they include clean air, a safe and stable climate, healthy ecosystems and biodiversity, safe and sufficient water, healthy and sustainable food and non-toxic environments. 64. 这项权利的实质性要素对儿童极为重要,因为这些要素包括清洁的空气、安全和稳定的气候、健康的生态系统和生物多样性、安全和充足的水、健康和可持续的食物以及无毒的环境。
65. Towards the realization of this right for children, the Committee considers that States should immediately take the following action: 65. 为了实现儿童的这项权利,委员会认为各国应立即采取下列行动:
(a) Improve air quality, by reducing both outdoor and household air pollution, to prevent child mortality, especially among children under 5 years of age; (a) 改善空气质量,减少户外和室内空气污染,防止儿童死亡,特别是5岁以下儿童死亡;
(b) Ensure access to safe and sufficient water and sanitation and healthy aquatic ecosystems to prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses among children; (b) 确保安全和充足的水和卫生设施以及健康的水生生态系统,以防止水传播疾病在儿童中流传;
(c) Transform industrial agriculture and fisheries to produce healthy and sustainable food aimed at preventing malnutrition and promoting children’s growth and development; (c) 改造工业化农业和渔业,生产健康和可持续的食品,以防止营养不良,促进儿童的生长和发育;
(d) Equitably phase out the use of coal, oil and natural gas, ensure a fair and just transition of energy sources and invest in renewable energy, energy storage and energy efficiency to address the climate crisis; (d) 公平地逐步淘汰煤炭、石油和天然气的使用,确保能源的公平和公正过渡,并对可再生能源、能源储存和能源效率进行投资,以应对气候危机;
(e) Conserve, protect and restore biodiversity; (e) 养护、保护和恢复生物多样性;
(f) Prevent marine pollution, by banning the direct or indirect introduction of substances into the marine environment that are hazardous to children’s health and marine ecosystems; (f) 防止海洋污染,禁止将危害儿童健康和海洋生态系统的物质直接或间接投放到海洋环境;
(g) Closely regulate and eliminate, as appropriate, the production, sale, use and release of toxic substances that have disproportionate adverse health effects on children, in particular those substances that are developmental neurotoxins. (g) 密切监管并酌情消除对儿童健康有极大不利影响的有毒物质,特别是发育神经毒素物质的生产、销售、使用和排放。
66. Procedural elements, including access to information, participation in decision-making and child-friendly access to justice, with effective remedies, have equal importance to the empowerment of children, including through education, to become agents of their own destiny. 66. 程序要素,包括获取信息、参与决策和对儿童友好的司法救助,加上有效的补救措施,对于增强儿童权能,包括通过教育增强儿童权能,使其成为自己命运的主宰,具有同等重要性。
67. States should incorporate children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment into their national legislation and take adequate measures to implement it in order to strengthen accountability. This right should be mainstreamed across all decisions and measures concerning children, including policies related to education, leisure, play, access to green spaces, child protection, children’s health and migration, and national frameworks for the implementation of the Convention. 67. 各国应将儿童享有清洁、健康和可持续环境的权利纳入国家立法,并采取适当措施落实这项权利,以加强问责。应将这项权利纳入所有涉及儿童的决定和措施,包括与教育、休闲、游戏、绿色空间使用、儿童保护、儿童健康和移民现象有关的政策以及执行《公约》的国家框架。
IV. General measures of implementation (art. 4) 四. 一般执行措施(第4条)
A. Obligation of States to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights A. 各国尊重、保护和实现儿童权利的义务
68. States must ensure a clean, healthy and sustainable environment in order to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights. The obligation to respect children’s rights requires States to refrain from violating them by causing environmental harm. They shall protect children against environmental damage from other sources and third parties, including by regulating business enterprises. States parties are also under the obligation to prevent and remediate the impacts of environmental hazards on children’s rights, even where such threats are beyond human control, for example, by establishing inclusive early warning systems. States must take urgent steps to fulfil their obligation to facilitate, promote and provide for the enjoyment by children of their rights, including their right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, such as by transitioning to clean energy and adopting strategies and programmes to ensure the sustainable use of water resources. 68. 为尊重、保护和实现儿童权利,各国必须确保有一个清洁、健康和可持续的环境。尊重儿童权利的义务要求各国避免造成环境损害从而侵犯儿童权利。各国应通过监管工商企业等方法,保护儿童免受其他源头和第三方造成的环境损害。缔约国还有义务通过建立包容性的预警系统等办法,防止环境危害对儿童权利的影响并提供补救,即使这种威胁是人类无法控制的。各国必须采取紧急步骤履行义务,推动、促进儿童享有自己的权利,包括享有清洁、健康和可持续环境的权利,并作出相应规定,例如向清洁能源过渡,并采取战略和方案确保水资源的可持续利用。
69. States have a due diligence obligation to take appropriate preventive measures to protect children against reasonably foreseeable environmental harm and violations of their rights, paying due regard to the precautionary principle. This includes assessing the environmental impacts of policies and projects, identifying and preventing foreseeable harm, mitigating such harm if it is not preventable and providing for timely and effective remedies to redress both foreseeable and actual harm. 69. 各国有尽责义务采取适当的预防措施,保护儿童免遭可合理预见的环境损害和侵犯其权利的行为,同时适当注意预防原则。这包括评估政策和项目对环境的影响,查明和预防可预见的损害,在不可预防的情况下减轻这种损害,并规定及时有效的补救措施,以纠正可预见的损害和实际损害。
70. States are also obliged to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights that are exercised in relation to the environment. The obligation to respect rights requires that they refrain from any action that would limit children’s right to express their views on matters relating to the environment and from impeding access to accurate environmental information, and protect children from misinformation concerning environmental risks and from the risk of violence or other reprisals. The obligation to fulfil rights requires that States combat negative societal attitudes to children’s right to be heard and to facilitate their meaningful participation in environmental decision-making. 70. 各国还有义务尊重、保护和落实儿童行使的环境权利。尊重儿童权利的义务要求各国不得采取任何行动限制儿童就环境相关事项表达意见的权利,不得阻碍儿童获得准确的环境信息,并保护儿童免受有关环境风险的错误信息,免受暴力或其他报复的风险。落实权利的义务要求各国消除社会上对儿童表达意见权的否定态度,并帮助儿童切实参与环境决策。
71. States must take deliberate, specific and targeted steps towards achieving the full and effective enjoyment of children’s rights related to the environment, including their right to a healthy environment, including through the development of legislation, policies, strategies or plans that are science-based and consistent with relevant international guidelines related to environmental health and safety and by refraining from taking retrogressive measures that are less protective of children. 71. 各国必须采取审慎、具体和有针对性的步骤,包括制定基于科学并符合与环境健康和安全有关的国际准则的法律、政策、战略或计划,避免采取对儿童保护不足的倒退措施,争取实现儿童充分切实享有环境权利,包括享有健康环境的权利。
72. States are obliged to devote financial, natural, human, technological, institutional and informational resources to realize children’s rights in relation to the environment to the maximum extent of their available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international cooperation. 72. 各国有义务在现有资源所允许的最大限度范围内,必要时在国际合作的框架内,投入财政、自然、人力、技术、体制和信息资源,实现与环境有关的儿童权利。
73. Subject to any obligations under international law, including those contained in multilateral environmental agreements to which they are party, States retain discretion in arriving at a reasonable balance between determining the appropriate levels of environmental protection and achieving other social goals in the light of available resources. Nevertheless, such leeway is limited by the obligations of States under the Convention. Children are far more likely than adults to suffer serious harm, including irreversible and lifelong consequences and death, from environmental degradation. Given their heightened duty of care, States should therefore set and enforce environmental standards that protect children from such disproportionate and long-term effects. 73. 各国在遵守国际法规定的任何义务,包括其加入的多边环境协定所载义务的前提下,仍然享有酌处权,可依现有资源在确定适当的环境保护水平和实现其他社会目标之间达成合理的平衡。不过,这种回旋余地受到《公约》规定的国家义务的限制。儿童比成年人更有可能遭受环境退化带来的严重伤害,包括不可逆转的终身后果和死亡。鉴于国家的照顾责任更大,因此,国家应制定和执行环境标准,保护儿童免受这种过度和长期的影响。
74. States should ensure the collection of reliable, regularly updated and disaggregated data and research on environmental harm, including the risks and actual impacts of climate change-related harm on children’s rights. They should include longitudinal data on the effects of environmental harm on children’s rights, in particular on health, education and standard of living at different ages. Such data and research should inform the formulation and evaluation of environmental legislation, policies, programmes and plans at all levels and must be made publicly available. 74. 各国应确保收集关于环境损害的可靠、定期更新的分类数据和研究,包括与气候变化有关的损害的风险和对儿童权利的实际影响。此类数据和研究应包括环境损害对儿童权利的影响,特别是对不同年龄的人的健康、教育和生活水平的影响的纵向数据,并应为各级环境立法、政策、方案和计划的制定和评估工作提供参考,而且应公布于众。
B. Child rights impact assessments B. 儿童权利影响评估
75. All proposed environment-related legislation, policies, projects, regulations, budgets and decisions, and those already in force, require vigorous children’s rights impact assessments, in accordance with article 3 (1) of the Convention. States should require the assessment, both before and after implementation, of the possible direct and indirect impact on the environment and climate, including the transboundary, cumulative, and both production and consumption effects, on the enjoyment of children’s rights. 75. 所有拟议的和已经生效的与环境有关的立法、政策、项目、法规、预算和决定,都需要根据《公约》第3条第1款进行严格的儿童权利影响评估。各国应要求在实施之前和之后,评估对环境和气候可能产生的直接和间接影响,包括对儿童享有权利的跨界影响和累积影响,包括生产影响和消费影响。
76. Whether child rights impact assessments are included within the framework of an environmental or integrated impact assessment, or carried out as a standalone assessment, they should incorporate a special regard for the differential impact of environmental decisions on children, in particular young children and other groups of children most at risk, as measured against all relevant rights under the Convention, including short-, medium- and long-term, combined and irreversible impacts, interactive and cumulative impacts and impacts in the different stages of childhood. For example, States that have substantial fossil fuel industries should assess the social and economic impact on children of their related decisions. 77. 76. 不论是将儿童权利影响评估纳入环境影响或综合影响评估的框架,还是将其作为一项单独的评估,都应对照《公约》规定的所有相关权利,特别考虑到环境决定对儿童,尤其是对幼儿和其他风险最大的儿童群体的不同影响,包括综合和不可逆转的短期、中期、长期影响、互动和累积的影响以及对儿童不同阶段的影响。例如,拥有大量矿物燃料工业的国家应对其相关决定对儿童的社会经济影响进行评估。
Child rights impact assessments should be undertaken as early as possible in the decision-making process, at crucial stages of decision-making and in follow up to the measures taken. Such assessments should be conducted with the participation of children and due weight should be given to their views and those of thematic experts. The findings should be published in child-friendly language and in the languages that children use. 77. 儿童权利影响评估应在决策过程中、在决策的关键阶段以及在所采取措施的后续行动中尽早进行。这种评估应在儿童的参与下进行,并应适当考虑儿童和主题专家的意见。调查结果应以儿童易于理解的语言和儿童使用的语言公布。
C. Children’s rights and the business sector C. 儿童权利与企业部门
78. Businesses have the responsibility to respect children’s rights in relation to the environment. States have the obligation to protect against the abuse of child rights by third parties, including business enterprises. 78. 企业有责任尊重儿童的环境权利。国家有义务保护儿童权利不受第三方(包括企业)的侵犯。
79. Business activity is a source of significant environmental damage, contributing to child rights abuses. Such damage results, for example, from the production, use, release and disposal of hazardous and toxic substances, the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, industrial air and water pollution and unsustainable agriculture and fishing practices. Businesses contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, which adversely affect children’s rights, and to short- and long-term infringements of their rights linked to the consequences of climate change. The impacts of business activities and operations may undermine the ability of children and their families to adapt to the impacts of climate change, for example, where land has been degraded, thereby exacerbating climate stress. States should strengthen the realization of children’s rights by sharing and making accessible existing technologies and exerting influence on business operations and value chains to prevent, mitigate and adapt to climate change. 79. 商业活动是重大环境破坏的一个来源,助长了侵犯儿童权利的行为。例如,危险物质和有毒物质的生产、使用、排放和处置,矿物燃料的开采和燃烧,工业空气和水污染以及不可持续的农业和渔业做法造成了这种破坏。企业在很大程度上造成了温室气体排放,对儿童权利产生了不利影响,并造成了与气候变化后果相关的对儿童权利的短期和长期侵犯。商业活动和经营的影响可能会有损于儿童及其家庭适应气候变化影响的能力(例如出现土地退化时),从而使气候更加承压。各国应通过分享和提供现有技术,并对商业运作和价值链施加影响,以预防、减缓和适应气候变化,从而加强实现儿童权利的工作。
80. States have obligations to provide a framework to ensure that businesses respect children’s rights through effective, child-sensitive legislation, regulation, enforcement and policies and remedial, monitoring, coordination, collaboration and awareness-raising measures. States should require businesses to undertake child rights due diligence procedures to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for their impact on the environment and children’s rights. Such due diligence is a risk-based process that involves focusing efforts where the risks from environmental damage are severe and likely to materialize, paying special attention to the risk exposure of certain groups of children, such as working children. Immediate steps should be taken in the event that children are identified as victims to prevent further harm to their health and development and to adequately and effectively repair the damage done in a timely and effective manner. 80. 各国有义务提供一个框架,通过行之有效的、顾及儿童的法律、法规、执法和政策以及补救、监测、协调、协作和宣传措施,确保企业尊重儿童权利。各国应要求企业开展儿童权利尽责调查程序,以查明、防止、减轻和说明其对环境和儿童权利的影响。这种尽责调查是一项评估风险的进程,即将注意力放在环境损害风险严重并可能成为现实的地方,同时特别注意某些儿童群体,如童工所面临的风险。一旦儿童被确认为受害者,便应立即采取措施,防止其健康和发展受到进一步损害,并及时有效地充分和切实修复所造成的破坏。
81. The Committee recommends the development by businesses, in partnership with stakeholders, including children, of due diligence procedures that integrate children’s rights impact assessments into their operations. Marketing standards should ensure that businesses do not mislead consumers, in particular children, through practices of green-washing or green-sheening, by which businesses falsely portray efforts to prevent or mitigate environmental harm. 81. 委员会建议企业与包括儿童在内的利益攸关方合作,制定尽责程序,将儿童权利影响评估纳入其业务范围。营销标准应确保企业不通过洗绿或漂绿的做法,即通过对防止或减缓环境损害所作的努力作不实描述来误导消费者,特别是儿童。
D. Access to justice and remedies D. 诉诸司法和获得补救
82. Effective remedies should be available to redress violations and promote social justice. Despite children having been at the vanguard of several environmental and climate change cases and their recognition under the Convention as rights holders, children, due to their status, encounter barriers to attaining legal standing in many States, thereby limiting their means of asserting their rights in the environmental context. 82. 应提供有效的补救办法,以纠正侵权行为、促进社会正义。 尽管儿童在若干环境和气候变化案件中冲锋在前,而且《公约》承认儿童为权利持有人,但由于儿童的地位,他们在许多国家获得起诉资格时遇到障碍,这限制了他们在环境方面伸张自己权利的手段。
83. States should provide access to justice pathways for children, including complaint mechanisms that are child-friendly, gender-responsive and disability-inclusive, to ensure their engagement with effective judicial, quasi-judicial and non-judicial mechanisms, including child-centred national human rights institutions, for violations of their rights relating to environmental harm. This includes removing barriers for children to initiate proceedings themselves, adjusting the rules of standing and empowering national human rights institutions with mandates to receive complaints from children. 83. 各国应为儿童提供诉诸司法的途径,包括对儿童友好、考虑到性别因素和包容残疾人的申诉机制,以确保他们在环境损害方面的权利受到侵犯时,能够诉诸有效的司法、准司法和非司法机制,包括以儿童为中心的国家人权机构。这包括消除儿童自己提起诉讼的障碍,调整起诉资格规则,并授权国家人权机构受理儿童的申诉。
84. Mechanisms should be available for claims of imminent or foreseeable harms and past or current violations of children’s rights. States should ensure that these mechanisms are readily available to all children under their jurisdiction, without discrimination, including children outside their territory affected by transboundary harm resulting from States’ acts or omissions occurring within their territories. 84. 应建立机制,处理据称即将发生或可预见的伤害以及过去或现在侵犯儿童权利的行为。各国应确保其管辖范围内的所有儿童,包括受其境内发生的国家作为或不作为造成的跨界损害影响的境外儿童,都能不受歧视地随时利用这些机制。
85. States should provide for collective complaints, such as class action suits and public interest litigation, and extend the limitation periods regarding violations of children’s rights due to environmental harm. 85. 各国应规定集体申诉,如集体诉讼和公共利益诉讼, 并延长因环境损害而侵犯儿童权利的诉讼时效。
86. The complexity of cases involving environmental harm due to transboundary effects, causation and cumulative impacts necessitates effective legal representation. Litigation is often a lengthy process, and supranational bodies generally require the exhaustion of domestic remedies prior to filing a complaint. Children should have access to free legal and other appropriate assistance, including legal aid and effective legal representation, and be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial or administrative proceedings affecting them. States should consider additional measures to lower the costs for children seeking remedies, for example, through protection from adverse cost orders, to limit the financial risk to children who bring cases in the public interest regarding environmental matters. 86. 由于跨界影响、因果关系和累积影响,环境损害案件十分复杂,因此需要有效的法律代理。诉讼往往是一个漫长的过程,而且超国家机构通常要求在提出申诉之前用尽国内补救办法。儿童应能获得免费的法律援助和其他适当援助,包括法律援助和有效的法律代理,并有机会在影响到他们的任何司法或行政诉讼中发表意见。各国应考虑采取额外措施,降低儿童寻求补救的费用,例如,保护儿童免受不利的缴付讼费命令的影响,以限制儿童就环境问题提起公益诉讼的经济风险。
87. To enhance accountability and promote children’s access to justice in environmental matters, States should explore options for shifting the onerous burden of proof from child plaintiffs to establish causation in the face of numerous variables and information deficits. 87. 为加强追责并帮助儿童在环境问题上诉诸司法,各国应探讨各种方案,为在变量众多而信息不足的情况下确定因果关系,将沉重的举证责任从儿童原告身上移开。
88. Children may face particular difficulties in obtaining remedies in cases involving business enterprises that may be causing or contributing to abuses of their rights, especially concerning transboundary and global impacts. States have an obligation to establish non-judicial and judicial mechanisms to provide access to effective remedies for abuses of children’s rights by business enterprises, including as a result of their extraterritorial activities and operations, provided that there is a reasonable link between the State and the conduct concerned. In line with international standards, businesses are expected to establish or participate in effective grievance mechanisms for children who have been victims of such abuses of their rights. States should also ensure the availability of regulatory agencies, monitor abuses and provide adequate remedies for violations of children’s rights related to environmental harm. 88. 在涉及可能造成或助长侵犯儿童权利的工商企业的案件,特别是涉及跨界和全球影响的案件中,儿童获得补救可能尤其困难。只要国家与相关行为之间存在合理联系,国家就有义务建立非司法机制和司法机制,为工商企业侵犯儿童权利的行为,包括因其域外活动和业务而侵犯儿童权利的行为,提供获得有效补救的途径。根据国际标准,企业应建立或参与有效的申诉机制,帮助权利受到侵犯的儿童。各国还应确保设立监管机构,监测侵犯行为,并为与环境损害有关的侵犯儿童权利行为提供充分的补救。
89. Appropriate reparation includes restitution, adequate compensation, satisfaction, rehabilitation and guarantees of non-repetition, with regard to both the environment and the children affected, including access to medical and psychological assistance. Remedial mechanisms should consider the specific vulnerabilities of children to the effects of environmental degradation, including the possible irreversibility and lifelong nature of the harm. Reparation should be swift, to limit ongoing and future violations. The application of novel forms of remedy is encouraged, such as orders to establish intergenerational committees, in which children are active participants, to determine and oversee the expeditious implementation of measures to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. 89. 适当的赔偿涉及环境和受影响儿童两个方面,包括恢复原状、充分的赔偿、抵偿、康复和保证不再发生,包括提供医疗和心理援助。补救机制应考虑到儿童尤其易受环境退化的影响,包括损害可能不可逆转而且具有终生性质。赔偿应迅速进行,以便对正在发生和今后发生的侵犯行为加以限制。鼓励采用新颖的补救办法,例如下令设立代际委员会,由儿童积极参与其中,以确定和监督减缓和适应气候变化影响的措施的快速实施。
90. Access to applicable international and regional human rights mechanisms should be available, including through ratification of the Optional Protocol on a communications procedure. Information about such mechanisms and how to use them should be made widely known to children, parents, caregivers and professionals working with and for children. 90. 应通过批准《关于设定来文程序的任择议定书》等方法,提供诉诸适用的国际和区域人权机制的途径。应向儿童、家长、照料者和从事儿童工作的专业人员广泛宣传这些机制及其使用方法。
E. International cooperation E. 国际合作
91. States have an obligation to take action, separately and jointly, through international cooperation, to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights. Article 4 of the Convention emphasizes that the implementation of the Convention is a cooperative exercise for the States of the world, and the full realization of children’s rights under the Convention is in part contingent upon how States interact. Climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss clearly represent urgent examples of global threats to children’s rights that require States to work together, calling for the widest possible cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response. The obligations of international cooperation of each State depends in part on its situation. In the context of climate change, such obligations are appropriately guided by taking into account the historical and current emissions of greenhouse gases and the concept of common but differentiated responsibilities and States’ respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances, while requiring the provision of technical and financial assistance from developed States to developing States consistent with article 4 of the Convention. States should engage in international cooperation to ensure the conformity of standards for developing and implementing children’s rights and environmental due diligence procedures. 91. 各国有义务通过国际合作单独或联合采取行动,尊重、保护和落实儿童权利。《公约》第4条强调,执行《公约》是世界各国的一项合作活动, 充分实现《公约》规定的儿童权利在一定程度上取决于各国如何互动。气候变化、环境污染和生物多样性丧失显然是全球对儿童权利的紧迫威胁的例子,需要各国共同努力,要求所有国家尽可能广泛地开展合作,并参与有效和适当的国际应对行动。 每个国家的国际合作义务部分取决于其国情。在气候变化方面,这些义务应根据不同的国情,考虑到温室气体的过去和目前的排放量、共同但有区别的责任概念和各国各自的能力,并以之为适当指导, 同时要求发达国家按照《公约》第4条向发展中国家提供技术和财政援助。各国应开展国际合作,以确保制定和实施儿童权利的标准与环境尽责程序相一致。
92. In general, developed States have committed to supporting action to address the intersecting global environmental challenges in developing countries by facilitating the transfer of green technology and contributing to financing environmental measures, in line with internationally agreed climate and biodiversity finance goals. The Convention should be a core consideration in global environmental decisions, including in States’ international mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage strategies. The environment-related programmes of donor States should be rights-based, while States that receive international environmental finance and assistance should consider allocating a substantive part of that aid specifically to child-focused programmes. Implementation guidelines should be reviewed and updated to take into account the child rights obligations of States. 92. 总体而言,发达国家已承诺支持采取行动,按照国际商定的气候和生物多样性资金目标,通过促进绿色技术转让和为环保措施提供资金,着手解决发展中国家面临的相互交叉的全球环境挑战。《公约》应成为全球环境决策,包括各国的国际减缓、适应以及损失和损害战略的一个核心考虑因素。 捐助国与环境有关的方案应建立在权利的基础上,而接受国际环保资金和援助的国家应考虑将援助的很大一部分专门分配给以儿童为重心的方案。应审查和更新执行准则,以考虑到各国对儿童权利的义务。
93. States should ensure that environmental measures supported by international environmental finance mechanisms and international organizations respect, protect and proactively seek to fulfil children’s rights. States should integrate standards and procedures to assess the risk of harm to children into the planning and implementation of new environment-related projects and take measures to mitigate the risks of harm, in compliance with the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto. States should cooperate to support the establishment and implementation of procedures and mechanisms to provide access to effective remedies for violations of children’s rights in this context. 93. 各国应确保得到国际环保资金机制和国际组织支持的环保措施尊重、保护并积极争取落实儿童权利。各国应遵循《公约》及其《任择议定书》,将评估对儿童伤害风险的标准和程序纳入新的环境相关项目的规划和实施工作,并采取措施减轻损害风险。各国应开展合作,支持建立和实施相关程序和机制,为侵犯儿童这方面权利的行为提供有效补救。
94. States should cooperate in good faith in the establishment and funding of global responses to address environmental harm suffered by people in vulnerable situations, paying particular attention to safeguarding the rights of children in the light of their specific vulnerabilities to environment-related risks and addressing the devastating impact of both sudden- and slow-onset forms of climate disruption on children, their communities and their nations. States should cooperate to invest in conflict prevention and efforts to sustain peace that will positively contribute to mitigating any environmental harm to children that could result from armed conflict and should consider the views of children in peacemaking and peacebuilding. 94. 各国应真诚合作,制定并资助全球应对措施,着手解决弱势人群所遭受的环境损害,同时特别注意保障儿童的权利,因为他们特别容易受到环境相关风险的影响,并着手解决突发和缓发气候失调对儿童、其所在社区和国家造成的破坏性影响。各国应开展合作,投资于预防冲突和保持和平的努力,这将发挥积极影响,有助于减轻武装冲突可能对儿童造成的任何环境损害,并应在建立和平和建设和平过程中考虑儿童的意见。
V. Climate change 五. 气候变化
A. Mitigation A. 减缓
95. The Committee calls for urgent collective action by all States to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, in line with their human rights obligations. In particular, historical and current major emitters should take the lead in mitigation efforts. 95. 委员会呼吁所有国家根据其人权义务紧急采取集体行动,减少温室气体排放。过去和目前的主要排放国尤其应率先作出减排努力。
96. Insufficient progress in achieving international commitments to limit global warming exposes children to continuous and rapidly increasing harms associated with greater concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions and the resulting temperature increases. Scientists warn about tipping points, which are thresholds beyond which certain effects can no longer be avoided, posing dire and uncertain risks to children’s rights. Avoiding tipping points requires urgent and ambitious action to reduce atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. 96. 在履行控制全球变暖的国际承诺方面裹足不前,这使儿童面临持续并迅速增加的伤害,而这种伤害与温室气体排放浓度增加以及由此造成的气温上升有关。科学家们警告说,一旦超过临界点,某些影响便无法避免,这会给儿童权利带来可怕和不确定的风险。要避免达到临界点,就需要采取雄心勃勃的紧急行动,降低大气中温室气体的浓度。
97. Mitigation objectives and measures should be based on the best available science and be regularly reviewed to ensure a pathway to net zero carbon emissions at the latest by 2050 in a manner that prevents harm to children. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has illustrated that it is imperative to accelerate mitigation efforts in the near term, to limit the temperature increase to below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and that international cooperation, equity and rights-based approaches are critical to achieving ambitious climate change mitigation goals. 97. 减缓目标和措施应基于现有最佳科学,并定期进行审查,以确保最迟在2050年以防止伤害儿童的方式实现碳净零排放。政府间气候变化专门委员会已表明,必须在近期加快减缓努力,将气温升幅限制在比工业化前水平高1.5°C以下,而国际合作、公平和基于权利的方针对于实现雄心勃勃的减缓气候变化目标至关重要。
98. When determining the appropriateness of their mitigation measures in accordance with the Convention, and also mindful of the need to prevent and address any potential adverse effects of those measures, States should take into account the following criteria: 98. 各国在根据《公约》确定其减缓措施是否适当时,应注意到需要防止和处理这些措施的任何潜在不利影响,并考虑到以下标准:
(a) Mitigation objectives and measures should clearly indicate how they respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights under the Convention. States should transparently and explicitly focus on children’s rights when preparing, communicating and updating nationally determined contributions. This obligation extends to other processes, including biennial transparency reports, international assessments and reviews and international consultations and analyses; (a) 减缓目标和措施应明确表明如何尊重、保护和落实《公约》规定的儿童权利。各国在编制、通报和更新国家自主贡献时,应透明和明确地侧重于儿童权利。 这一义务也延伸到其他进程,包括两年期透明度报告、国际评估和审评以及国际咨商和分析;
(b) States have an individual responsibility to mitigate climate change in order to fulfil their obligations under the Convention and international environmental law, including the commitment contained in the Paris Agreement to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2030. Mitigation measures should reflect each State party’s fair share of the global effort to mitigate climate change, in the light of the total reductions necessary to protect against continuing and worsening violations of children’s rights. Each State, and all States working together, should continuously strengthen climate commitments in line with the highest possible ambition and their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capacities. High-income States should continue to take the lead by undertaking economy-wide absolute emission reduction targets, and all States should enhance their mitigation measures in the light of their different national circumstances in a manner that protects children’s rights to the maximum possible extent; (b) 各国负有减缓气候变化的单独责任,以履行《公约》和国际环境法规定的义务,包括《巴黎协定》中的承诺,即到2030年把全球平均气温升幅控制在比工业化前水平高出2°C以下,并努力将气温升幅限制在比工业化前水平高出1.5°C之内。 减缓措施应考虑到为保护儿童权利不受持续和不断恶化的侵犯所需的总减排量,反映每个缔约国在全球减缓气候变化努力中的公平份额。每个国家,加上所有国家共同努力,应尽可能根据最大雄心、共同但有区别的责任和各自的能力,不断加强气候承诺。高收入国家应继续率先采取实现整体经济的绝对减排目标,所有国家都应根据各自不同的国情,以最大限度地保护儿童权利的方式加强减缓措施;
(c) Successive mitigation measures and updated pledges should represent the efforts of States in a progression over time, keeping in mind that the time frame for preventing catastrophic climate change and harm to children’s rights is shorter and requires urgent action; (c) 连续的减缓措施和最新的承诺应代表各国随着时间的推移而逐渐增加的努力, 同时铭记防止灾难性气候变化、防止损害儿童权利的时限较短,需要采取紧急行动;
(d) Short-term mitigation measures should take into consideration the fact that delaying a rapid phase out of fossil fuels will result in higher cumulative emissions and thereby greater foreseeable harm to children’s rights; (d) 短期减缓措施应考虑到,推迟迅速逐步淘汰矿物燃料将导致累积排放量增加,从而对儿童权利造成更大的可预见的损害;
(e) Mitigation measures cannot rely on removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in the future through unproven technologies. States should prioritize rapid and effective emissions reductions now in order to support children’s full enjoyment of their rights in the shortest possible period of time and to avoid irreversible damage to nature. (e) 减缓措施不能依赖于今后通过未经证实的技术从大气中清除温室气体。各国现在应优先考虑迅速和有效的减排措施,以支持儿童在尽可能短的时间内充分享有自己的权利,并避免对自然造成不可逆转的破坏。
99. States should discontinue subsidies to public or private actors for investments in activities and infrastructure that are inconsistent with low greenhouse gas emission pathways, as a mitigation measure to prevent further damage and risk. 99. 作为防止进一步破坏和风险的减缓措施,各国应停止补贴公共或私人行为方对不符合温室气体低排放路径的活动和基础设施的投资。
100. Developed States should assist developing countries in planning and implementing mitigation measures, in order to help children in vulnerable situations. The assistance could include providing financial and technical expertise and information and other capacity-building measures that specifically contribute to the prevention of harm to children caused by climate change. 100. 发达国家应协助发展中国家规划和实施减缓措施,以帮助弱势儿童。这种援助可包括提供资金、技术专门知识和信息,以及其他专门有助于防止气候变化对儿童造成损害的能力建设措施。
B. Adaptation B. 适应
101. Since climate change-related impacts on children’s rights are intensifying, a sharp and urgent increase in the design and implementation of child-sensitive, gender-responsive and disability-inclusive adaptation measures and associated resources is necessary. States should identify climate change-related vulnerabilities among children concerning the availability, quality, equity and sustainability of essential services for children, such as water and sanitation, health care, protection, nutrition and education. States should enhance the climate resilience of their legal and institutional frameworks and ensure that their national adaptation plans and existing social, environmental and budgetary policies address climate change-related risk factors by assisting children within their jurisdiction to adapt to the unavoidable effects of climate change. Examples of such measures include strengthening child protection systems in risk-prone contexts, providing adequate access to water, sanitation and health care, as well as safe school environments, and strengthening social safety nets and protection frameworks, while giving priority to children’s right to life, survival and development. Healthy ecosystems and biodiversity also play an important role in supporting resilience and disaster risk reduction. 101. 由于气候变化对儿童权利的影响正在加剧,因此必须紧急大幅增加顾及儿童特点、促进性别平等并包容残疾的适应措施的设计和执行以及相关资源。各国应查明儿童在水和卫生设施、医疗保健、保护、营养和教育等儿童基本服务的可获得性、质量、公平性和可持续性方面与气候变化相关的脆弱性。各国应加强其法律和体制框架的气候适应能力,并确保其国家适应计划和现有的社会、环境和预算政策通过协助其管辖范围内的儿童适应气候变化不可避免的影响,着手解决与气候变化相关的风险因素。这类措施如:在易发生风险的环境中加强儿童保护系统,提供充足的水、卫生设施和医疗保健以及安全的学校环境,加强社会安全网和保护框架,同时优先考虑儿童的生命权、生存权和发展权。健康的生态系统和生物多样性在支持抗灾能力和减少灾害风险方面也发挥着重要作用。
102. In adaptation measures, including disaster risk reduction, preparedness, response and recovery measures, due weight should be given to the views of children. Children should be equipped to understand the effects of climate-related decisions on their rights and have opportunities to meaningfully and effectively participate in decision-making processes. Neither the design nor the implementation of adaptation measures should discriminate against groups of children at heightened risk, such as young children, girls, children with disabilities, children in situations of migration, Indigenous children and children in situations of poverty or armed conflict. States should take additional measures to ensure that children in vulnerable situations affected by climate change enjoy their rights, including by addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability. 102. 在采取适应措施,包括减少灾害风险、备灾、应对和恢复措施时,应适当考虑儿童的意见。儿童应当有能力理解气候相关决定对儿童权利的影响,并有机会切实有效地参与决策进程。适应措施的设计和执行都不应歧视高风险儿童群体,如幼儿、女童、残疾儿童、移民儿童、土著儿童以及贫困儿童或武装冲突中的儿童。各国还应采取更多措施,确保受气候变化影响的弱势儿童能够享有自己的权利,包括着手解决造成脆弱性的根本原因。
103. Adaptation measures should be targeted at reducing both the short-term and the long-term impacts, such as by sustaining livelihoods, protecting schools and developing sustainable water management systems. Measures that are necessary to protect children’s rights to life and health from imminent threats, such as extreme weather events, include establishing early warning systems and increasing the physical safety and resilience of infrastructure, including school, water and sanitation and health infrastructure, to reduce the risk of climate change-related hazards. States should adopt emergency response plans, such as measures to provide inclusive early warning systems, humanitarian assistance and access to food and water and sanitation for all. In formulating adaptive measures, the relevant national and international standards, such as those contained in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, should also be considered. Adaptation frameworks should address climate change-induced migration and displacement and include provisions for ensuring a child rights-based approach to these issues. In the event of imminent threats of climate change-related harm, such as extreme weather events, States should ensure the immediate dissemination of all information that would enable children and their caregivers and communities to take protective measures. States should strengthen awareness among children and their communities of disaster risk reduction and prevention measures. 103. 适应措施应通过维持生计、保护学校和发展可持续的水管理系统等办法,既要减少短期影响,也要减少长期影响。为保护儿童的生命权和健康权不受极端天气事件等迫在眉睫的威胁,必须采取必要措施,包括建立预警系统,提高基础设施(包括学校、水和卫生设施及卫生基础设施)的实体安全和抗灾能力,以减少气候变化相关灾害的风险。各国应制定应急计划,例如采取措施,为所有人提供包容性的预警系统、人道援助以及获得食物、水和卫生设施的渠道。在制定适应措施时,还应考虑相关的国家和国际标准,如《2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架》所载标准。适应框架应着手解决气候变化引起的移民和流离失所现象,并列入确保对这些问题采取基于儿童权利的方针的规定。如果出现气候变化造成损害的迫在眉睫的威胁,如极端天气事件,则各国应确保立即传播所有信息,使儿童及其照料者和社区能够采取保护措施。各国应加强儿童及其社区对减少和预防灾害风险措施的认识。
C. Loss and damage C. 损失和损害
104. In the Paris Agreement, the parties addressed the importance of averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse impacts of climate change. Through a human rights lens, the adverse impacts of climate change have led to significant losses and damages, in particular for those in the developing world. 104. 在《巴黎协定》中,缔约方强调必须避免、最大限度地减少和应对气候变化不利影响相关损失和损害。从人权的角度来看,气候变化的不利影响已导致重大损失和损害,尤其是对发展中国家的人民而言。
105. The manner in which climate-related loss and damage affect children and their rights may be both direct and indirect. Direct impacts include instances where both sudden-onset extreme weather events, such as floods and heavy rains, and slow-onset events, such as droughts, lead to the violation of rights under the Convention. Indirect impacts may include situations in which States, communities and parents are forced to reallocate resources away from intended programmes, such as those for education and health care, towards addressing environmental crises. 105. 与气候相关的损失和损害影响儿童及其权利的方式可能是直接的,也可能是间接的。直接影响包括洪水和暴雨等突发极端天气事件,以及干旱等缓发事件,导致《公约》规定的权利受到侵犯。间接影响可能包括国家、社区和家长被迫从教育和医疗保健等预定方案中调拨资源,以应对环境危机。
106. In this respect, it is critical to acknowledge loss and damage as a third pillar of climate action, along with mitigation and adaptation. States are encouraged to take note that, from a human rights perspective, loss and damage are closely related to the right to remedy and the principle of reparations, including restitution, compensation and rehabilitation. States should undertake measures, including through international cooperation, to provide financial and technical assistance for addressing loss and damage that have an impact on the enjoyment of the rights under the Convention. 106. 在这方面,必须承认,损失和损害是除减缓和适应之外的气候行动的第三大支柱。鼓励各国注意,从人权角度看,损失和损害与获得补救权和赔偿原则(包括归还、补偿和恢复原状)密切相关。 各国应采取措施,包括通过国际合作,提供财政和技术援助,着手解决影响享有《公约》规定的权利的损失和损害。
D. Business and climate change D. 企业与气候变化
107. States must take all necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures to protect against harms to children’s rights related to climate change that are caused or perpetuated by business enterprises, while businesses have the responsibility to respect children’s rights in relation to climate change. States should ensure that businesses rapidly reduce their emissions and should require businesses, including financial institutions, to conduct environmental impact assessments and children’s rights due diligence procedures to ensure that they identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address actual and potential adverse climate change-related impacts on children’s rights, including those resulting from production-related and consumption-related activities and those connected to their value chains and global operations. 107. 各国必须采取一切必要、适当和合理的措施,保护儿童权利免受工商企业造成或延续的与气候变化有关的损害,而企业有责任尊重与气候变化有关的儿童权利。各国应确保企业迅速减少排放,并应要求企业,包括金融机构,开展环境影响评估和儿童权利尽责调查程序,以确保企业查明、防止、减轻和说明如何应对气候变化对儿童权利的实际和潜在不利影响,包括生产和消费相关活动所产生的风险以及与其价值链和全球业务有关的风险。
108. Home States have obligations to address any harm and climate change-related risks to children’s rights in the context of business enterprises’ extraterritorial activities and operations, provided that there is a reasonable link between the State and the conduct concerned, and should enable access to effective remedies for rights violations. This includes cooperation to ensure the compliance of business enterprises operating transnationally with applicable environmental standards aimed at protecting children’s rights from climate change-related harm and the provision of international assistance and cooperation with investigations and enforcement of proceedings in other States. 108. 只要国家与有关行为之间存在合理的联系,母国就有义务处理工商企业域外活动和业务对儿童权利造成的任何损害和与气候变化有关的风险,并应使儿童能够因权利受到侵犯而获得有效补救。这包括开展合作,确保跨国经营的工商企业遵守旨在保护儿童权利免受气候变化相关损害的适用环境标准,并为其他国家的调查和诉讼程序提供国际援助与合作。
109. States should incentivize sustainable investment in and use of renewable energy, energy storage and energy efficiency, in particular by State-owned or controlled enterprises and those that receive substantial support and services from State agencies. States should enforce progressive taxation schemes and adopt strict sustainability requirements for public procurement contracts. States can also encourage community control over the generation, management, transmission and distribution of energy to increase access to and the affordability of renewable technology and the provision of sustainable energy products and services, in particular at the community level. 109. 各国应鼓励,特别是鼓励国有或国有控股企业以及从国家机构获得大量支持和服务的企业,对可再生能源、能源储存和能源效率进行可持续投资和使用。各国应执行累进税制,并对公共采购合同采用严格的可持续性要求。 各国还可以鼓励社区控制能源的生产、管理、传输和分配,以提供更多、更负担得起的可再生技术,并提供可持续能源产品和服务,特别是在社区内提供。
110. States should ensure that their obligations under trade or investment agreements do not impede their ability to meet their human rights obligations and that such agreements promote rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and other measures to mitigate the causes and effects of climate change, including through the facilitation of investment in renewable energy. The climate change-related impacts on children’s rights connected to the implementation of the agreements should be regularly assessed, allowing for corrective measures, as appropriate. 110. 各国应确保其在贸易或投资协定下的义务不妨碍其履行人权义务的能力,并确保此类协定促进快速减少温室气体排放和采取其他措施,包括通过促进对可再生能源的投资,减缓气候变化的原因和影响。 应定期评估因执行协定而造成的气候变化对儿童权利的影响,以便酌情采取纠正措施。
E. Climate finance E. 气候资金
111. Both international climate finance providers and recipient States should ensure that climate finance mechanisms are anchored in a child rights-based approach aligned with the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto. States should ensure that any climate finance mechanisms uphold and do not violate children’s rights, increase policy coherence between children’s rights obligations and other objectives, such as economic development, and strengthen the demarcation of roles of various stakeholders in climate finance, such as Governments, financial institutions, including banks, businesses and affected communities, especially children. 111. 国际气候资金提供方和接受国都应确保气候资金机制立足于符合《公约》及其《任择议定书》的基于儿童权利的方针。各国应确保气候资金机制都是维护而不是侵犯儿童权利,提高儿童权利义务与经济发展等其他目标之间的政策一致性,并强化政府、金融机构(包括银行)、企业和受影响社区(特别是儿童)等利益攸关方在气候资金中的角色划分。
112. In line with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, States’ national circumstances need to be taken into account in efforts to address climate change. Developed States should cooperate with developing States in providing climate finance for climate action that upholds children’s rights, in line with the international climate-related commitments that States have made. In particular, despite the link between various financing mechanisms, including on sustainable development, climate finance provided by developed States should be transparent, additional to other financial flows that support children’s rights and properly accounted for, including by avoiding tracking challenges such as double counting. 112. 根据共同但有区别的责任和各自能力原则,在应对气候变化的努力中需要考虑到各国的国情。发达国家应与发展中国家合作,根据各国作出的与气候有关的国际承诺,为维护儿童权利的气候行动提供气候资金。具体而言,尽管包括可持续发展融资机制在内的各种融资机制之间存在联系,但发达国家提供的气候资金应该是透明的,是对支持儿童权利的其他资金流的补充,并进行适当核算,包括避免重复计算等跟踪方面的挑战。
113. Developed States need to urgently and collectively address the current climate finance gap. The current distribution of climate finance, which is overly slanted towards mitigation at the cost of adaptation and loss and damage measures, has discriminatory effects on children who reside in settings where more adaptation measures are needed and children who are confronted with the limitations of adaptation. States should bridge the global climate finance gap and ensure that measures are financed in a balanced manner with consideration given to measures on adaptation, mitigation, loss and damage and broader means of implementation, such as technical assistance and capacity-building. The determination by States of the total global climate finance required should be informed by the documented needs of communities, especially to protect children and their rights. Climate finance provided to developing countries should be in the form of grants, rather than loans, to avoid negative impacts on children’s rights. 113. 发达国家需要紧急共同解决当前的气候资金缺口。目前的气候资金分配过度倾向于减缓措施,而牺牲了适应措施以及损失和损害措施,这对居住在需要更多适应措施的环境中的儿童和面临适应措施的局限性的儿童产生了歧视性影响。各国应弥合全球气候资金缺口,确保以平衡的方式为各项措施提供资金,同时考虑到适应措施、减缓措施、损失和损害措施以及技术援助和能力建设等范围更广的执行手段。各国在确定所需的全球气候资金总额时,应考虑到有据可查的社区需求,特别是保护儿童及其权利的需要。向发展中国家提供气候资金应采用赠款而不是贷款的形式,以避免对儿童权利产生负面影响。
114. States should ensure and facilitate access for affected communities, especially children, to information on activities supported by climate finance, including possibilities to lodge complaints alleging violations of children’s rights. States should devolve decision-making on climate finance to strengthen the participation of beneficiary communities, especially children, and make the approval and execution of climate finance subject to a child rights impact assessment to prevent and address the financing of measures that could lead to the violation of children’s rights. 114. 各国应确保并便利受影响社区,特别是儿童,了解有关气候资金支持的活动,包括就侵犯儿童权利的行为提出申诉的可能性。各国应下放气候资金方面的决策权,以加强受益社区,特别是儿童的参与,并规定气候资金的批准和提供须经过儿童权利影响评估,以防止和解决为可能导致侵犯儿童权利的措施提供资金的问题。
115. Children are calling for the collective action of States. According to two children consulted for the present general comment: “The Governments of each country should cooperate to reduce climate change.” “They need to acknowledge us and say, ‘we hear you; here is what we are going to do about this problem’.” 115. 儿童在呼吁各国采取集体行动。为编写本一般性意见而参加咨商的两名儿童说:“各国政府应开展合作,减少气候变化。”“他们需要认可我们,并说,‘我们听到了你们说的话;这就是我们解决这个问题所要做的’。”
* Adopted by the Committee at its ninety-third session (8–26 May 2023). * 委员会第九十三届会议(2023年5月8日至26日)通过。
See 见
General Assembly resolution 76/300. 大会第76/300号决议。
Human Rights Council resolution 48/13. 人权理事会第48/13号决议。
A/HRC/37/59, annex. A/HRC/37/59, 附件。
See A/HRC/43/53. 见A/HRC/43/53.
General comment No. 14 (2013) on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration, paras. 16 (e), 71 and 74. 关于儿童将他或她的最大利益列为一种首要考虑的权利的第14号一般性意见(2013年),第16(e)、第71和第74段。
Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 36 (2018) on the right to life, para. 62. 人权事务委员会关于生命权的第36号一般性意见(2018年),第62段。
General comment No. 25 (2021) on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment, paras. 16 and 18. 关于与数字环境有关的儿童权利的第25号一般性意见(2021年),第16和第18段。
For example, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Sixth Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers, figure SPM.1, The data show the disproportionate, cumulative and long-term effects of climate change on people born in 2020. 例如,政府间气候变化专门委员会第六次评估报告,面向决策者的摘要,图SPM.1, 数据显示气候变化对2020年出生的人的过度、累积的长期影响。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 15 (2002) on the right to water, para. 3; and Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, para. 48. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会关于水权的第15号一般性意见(2002年),第3段;儿童权利委员会关于儿童享有可达到的最高标准健康的权利问题的第15号一般性意见(2013年),第48段。
General comment No. 11 (2009) on Indigenous children and their rights under the Convention, paras. 34 and 35. 关于土著儿童及其在《公约》下的权利的第11号一般性意见(2009年),第34和第35段。
General comment No. 1 (2001) on the aims of education, para. 13. 关于教育的目的的第1号一般性意见(2001年),第13段。
Ibid., paras. 2, 12 and 13. 同上,第2、第12和第13段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 15 (2002), paras. 12 (c) (i) and 16 (b). 经济、社会及文化权利委员会第15号一般性意见(2002年),第12(c)(i)段和第16(b)段。
General comment No. 17 (2013) on the right of the child to rest, leisure, play, recreational activities, cultural life and the arts, paras. 9 and 14 (c). 关于儿童享有休息和闲暇、从事游戏和娱乐活动、参加文化生活和艺术活动的权利的第17号一般性意见(2013年),第9和第14(c)段。
See A/74/161, A/75/161, A/76/179, A/HRC/40/55, A/HRC/46/28 and A/HRC/49/53. 见A/74/161、A/75/161、A/76/179、A/HRC/40/55、A/HRC/46/28和A/HRC/49/53.
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic, art. 2.2 (a). 《保护东北大西洋海洋环境公约》,第2.2(a)条。
See A/HRC/49/53. 见A/HRC/49/53.
General comment No. 19 (2016) on public budgeting for the realization of children’s rights, para. 75. 关于实现儿童权利的公共预算编制的第19号一般性意见(2016年),第75段。
A/HRC/37/58, paras. 56 and 57. A/HRC/37/58, 第56和第57段。
General comment No. 16 (2013) on State obligations regarding the impact of the business sector on children’s rights, paras. 28, 42 and 82. 关于商业部门对儿童权利影响方面国家义务的第16号一般性意见(2013年),第28、第42和第82段。
General comment No. 5 (2003) on general measures of implementation of the Convention, para. 24; and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, art. 2 (3). 关于执行《儿童权利公约》的一般措施的第5号一般性意见(2003年),第24段;《公民及政治权利国际公约》,第二条第三款。
General comment No. 16 (2013), para. 68; and general comment No. 25 (2021), para. 44. 第16号一般性意见(2013年),第68段;第25号一般性意见(2021年),第44段。
General comment No. 5 (2003), para. 60. 第5号一般性意见(2003年),第60段。
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, preamble; and Human Rights Council resolutions 26/27 and 29/15. 《联合国气候变化框架公约》序言部分;人权理事会第26/27和第29/15号决议。
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, preamble and art. 3 (1); Paris Agreement, art. 2 (2); and Human Rights Council resolutions 26/27 and 29/15. 《联合国气候变化框架公约》,序言部分和第三条第1款;《巴黎协定》,第二条第二款;人权理事会第26/27和第29/15号决议。
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, art. 4 (5); and Paris Agreement, art. 9 (1). 《联合国气候变化框架公约》,第四条第5款;《巴黎协定》,第九条第一款。
See 见
Paris Agreement, art. 4 (2). 《巴黎协定》,第四条第二款。
Ibid., art. 14 (4). 同上,第十四条第四款。
Ibid., art. 2 (1) (a); and Sacchi et al. v. Argentina (CRC/C/88/D/104/2019), para. 10.6. See also Sacchi et al. v. Brazil (CRC/C/88/D/105/2019), Sacchi et al. v. France (CRC/C/88/D/106/2019) and Sacchi et al. v. Germany (CRC/C/88/D/107/2019) and Sacchi et al. v. Turkey (CRC/C/88/D/108/2019). 同上,第二条第一款第(一)项;以及Sacchi等人诉阿根廷(CRC/C/88/D/104/2019),第10.6段。另见Sacchi等人诉巴西(CRC/C/88/D/105/2019)、Sacchi等人诉法国(CRC/C/88/D/106/2019)、Sacchi等人诉德国(CRC/C/88/D/107/2019)、Sacchi等人诉土耳其(CRC/C/88/D/108/2019)。
Paris Agreement, art. 4 (4). 《巴黎协定》,第四条第四款。
Ibid., arts. 3 and 4 (3). 同上,第三条和第四条第三款。
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, arts. 4 (1) (h)–(j) and (2) (b); and Paris Agreement, preamble and arts. 4 (8), 12 and 13. 《联合国气候变化框架公约》,第四条第1款(h)-(j)项和第2款(b)项;《巴黎协定》,序言部分及第四条第八款、第十二和第十三条。
Paris Agreement, art. 13 (9). 《巴黎协定》,第十三条第九款。
A/77/226, para. 26. A/77/226, 第26段。
General comment No. 16 (2013), para. 62. 第16号一般性意见(2013年),第62段。
Ibid., paras. 43 and 44. 同上,第43和44段。
Ibid., para. 27. 同上,第27段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 24 (2017) on State obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the context of business activities, para. 13. 经济、社会及文化权利委员会关于国家在工商活动中履行《经济社会文化权利国际公约》规定的义务的第24号一般性意见(2017年),第13段。
See 见