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Template-CRC-OPSC-Concluding Observation CRC-OPSC结论性意见E 20240311.docx (English) Template-CRC-OPSC-Concluding Observation CRC-OPSC结论性意见C 20240311.docx (Chinese)
United Nations 联 合 国 
Convention on the Rights of the Child 儿童权利公约
Committee on the Rights of the Child 儿童权利委员会
Concluding observations on the report submitted by Benin under article 12 (1) of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography 关于贝宁根据《儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和 儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》第12条第1款提交的 报告的结论性意见
Introduction 导言
1. 1.
The Committee considered the report of Benin (CRC/C/OPSC/BEN/1) at its 2325th and 2326th meetings (see CRC/C/SR.2325 and 2326), held on 26 September 2018, and adopted the present concluding observations at its 2340th meeting, held on 5 October 2018. 委员会在2018年9月26日举行的第2325和第2326次会议(见CRC/C/SR.2325 和2326)上审议了贝宁的报告(CRC/C/OPSC/BEN/1),并在2018年10月5日举行的第2340次会议上通过了本结论性意见。
2. 2.
The Committee welcomes the submission of the report of the State party and the written replies to the list of issues (CRC/C/OPSC/BEN/Q/1/Add.1). 委员会欢迎缔约国提交报告并对问题清单作出书面答复(CRC/C/OPSC/ BEN/Q/1/Add.1)。
The Committee expresses appreciation for the constructive dialogue held with the high-level delegation of the State party. 委员会赞赏与缔约国高级别代表团进行的建设性对话。
3. 3.
The Committee reminds the State party that the present concluding observations should be read in conjunction with the concluding observations on the combined third to fifth periodic reports submitted by the State party under the Convention (CRC/C/NER/CO/3-5), adopted on 5 October 2018. 委员会提醒缔约国,在阅读本结论性意见时,应参考2018年10月5日通过的关于缔约国根据《公约》提交的第三至第五次合并定期报告的结论性意见 (CRC/C/NER/CO/3-5)。
The Committee reminds the State party that the present concluding observations should be read in conjunction with the concluding observations on the report of the State party submitted under the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict (CRC/C/OPAC/GEO/CO/1), adopted on 27 September 2019. 委员会提醒缔约国,在阅读本结论性意见时,应参考2019年9月27日通过的关于缔约国根据《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》提交的报告的结论性意见(CRC/C/OPAC/GEO/CO/1)。
The Committee reminds the State party that the present concluding observations should be read in conjunction with the concluding observations on the combined third to fifth periodic reports submitted by the State party under the Convention (CRC/C/BEN/CO/3-5), adopted on 29 January 2016, and on the report of the State party submitted under the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict (CRC/C/OPAC/BEN/CO/1), adopted on 5 October 2018. 委员会提醒缔约国,在阅读本结论性意见时,应参考2016年1月29日通过的关于缔约国根据《公约》提交的第三至第五次合并定期报告的结论性意见(CRC/C/BEN/CO/3-5)和2018年10月5日通过的关于缔约国根据《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》提交的报告的结论性意见(CRC/C/OPAC/BEN/CO/1)。
General observations 一般性意见
Positive aspects 积极方面
4. 4.
The Committee notes with appreciation the accession or ratification by the State party of: 委员会赞赏地注意到缔约国加入或批准了以下文书:
(a) (a)
The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure, in 2016; 《儿童权利公约关于设定来文程序的任择议定书》,2016年;
(b) (b)
The Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, in 2014; 《欧洲委员会保护儿童免遭性剥削和性虐待公约》,2014年;
(c) (c)
The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, in 2012; 《欧洲委员会网络犯罪公约》,2012年;
(d) (d)
The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, in 2017. 《欧洲委员会预防和打击暴力侵害妇女行为及家庭暴力公约》,2017年。
5. 5.
The Committee welcomes the various measures taken by the State party in areas relevant to the implementation of the Optional Protocol, including the adoption of: 委员会欢迎缔约国在与执行《任择议定书》有关的领域采取的各种措施,包括通过了:
6. 6.
Furthermore, the Committee notes with appreciation the progress achieved in the establishment of institutions and the adoption of national plans and programmes that facilitate the implementation of the Optional Protocol, including: 此外,委员会赞赏地注意到在建立机构和通过有利于执行《任择议定书》的国家计划和方案方面取得的进展,包括:
Factors and difficulties impeding the implementation of the Optional Protocol 妨碍执行《任择议定书》的因素和困难
IV. 四 
Data 数据
Data collection 数据收集
7. 7.
The Committee recommends that the State party: 委员会建议缔约国:
(a) (a)
Develop and implement a comprehensive, coordinated and effective system of data collection, analysis, monitoring and impact assessment for all areas covered by the Optional Protocol, including child prostitution, child pornography and sexual exploitation of children in the context of travel and tourism, with agreed child indicators; 制定并实施全面、协调、有效的数据收集、分析、监测和影响评估系统,用于《任择议定书》涵盖的所有领域,包括儿童卖淫、儿童色情制品以及旅行和旅游业中对儿童的性剥削,并包括商定的儿童指标;
(b) (b)
Disaggregate data by, inter alia, sex, age, nationality and ethnic origin, region and socioeconomic status; 除其他外,按性别、年龄、民族或族裔出身、地区和社会经济地位分列数据;
(c) (c)
Integrate the data-collection system into the existing national information systems on child protection issues; 将数据收集系统纳入国家现有的儿童保护问题信息系统;
(d) (d)
Utilize the information collected for evidence-based programming, policy, law, decision-making, impact assessments and the monitoring of progress on the implementation of the Optional Protocol, including to inform decisions on budget allocation; 利用收集的信息开展下列工作:循证方案编制,制定政策、法律、决策,开展影响评估并监测《任择议定书》的执行进展情况,包括为关于预算分配的决定提供参考;
(e) (e)
Collect data on how children access and use digital and social media, the impact of digital and social media on children’s lives and safety and factors that affect children’s resilience to online risks as they access and use information and communications technology; 收集数据,了解儿童如何接触和使用数字和社交媒体,数字和社交媒体对儿童生活和安全的影响,以及影响儿童在接触和使用信息和通信技术时抵御在线风险的因素;
(f) (f)
Collect data on the number of cases reported, prosecutions and convictions and the redress provided to child victims, disaggregated by the type of offence, including with regard to online and offline activity, details regarding the perpetrator and the sex, age, nationality and ethnic origin, geographic location and socioeconomic status of the victims; 收集关于报告、起诉和定罪的案件数量,以及向儿童受害人提供的补救措施的数据,按犯罪类型分类,包括网上和网下活动、犯罪者的详细情况以及受害人的性别、年龄、民族和族裔出身、地理位置和社会经济地位;
(g) (g)
Give due respect to children’s right to privacy in collecting, analysing and storing data; 在收集、分析和存储数据时对儿童的隐私权予以应有的尊重;
(h) (h)
Analyse the data collected and use it as a basis for designing policies and strategies to implement the Optional Protocol while assessing progress achieved towards that objective. 分析所收集的数据,并将其作为制定执行《任择议定书》的政策和战略的依据,同时评估在实现这一目标方面取得的进展。
General measures of implementation 一般执行措施
Legislation 立法
8. 8.
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that all acts and activities referred to in the Optional Protocol are fully covered under its criminal law, including all forms of the sale of children. 委员会建议缔约国确保《任择议定书》中提到的所有行为和活动都充分纳入刑法,包括一切形式的买卖儿童。
Comprehensive policy and strategy 全面的政策和战略
9. 9
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that its strategy and national plans of action on human rights include measures for specifically addressing all issues covered under the Optional Protocol and that adequate human and financial resources are provided for their implementation. 委员会建议缔约国确保人权战略和国家行动计划包括具体处理《任择议定书》涵盖的所有问题的措施,并为执行这些措施提供充足的人力和财政资源。
10. 10.
With reference to its concluding observations on the Convention (see CRC/C/AGO/CO/5-7, para. 7), the Committee recommends that the State party: 委员会参照关于《公约》的结论性意见(见CRC/C/AGO/CO/5-7,第7段),建议缔约国:
(a) (a)
Carry out a study to analyse and evaluate the nature, extent, root causes, and consequences on children of the commission of the offences covered by the Optional Protocol in the State party; 开展一项研究,分析和评估缔约国内儿童遭受《任择议定书》所涵盖罪行侵害的性质、程度、根源和影响;
(b) (b)
Develop a comprehensive strategy aimed at specifically addressing all issues covered under the Optional Protocol; 制订一项旨在具体处理《任择议定书》涵盖的所有问题的全面战略;
(c) (c)
Provide adequate human, technical and financial resources for the implementation of that strategy; 为执行该战略提供充足的人力、技术和财政资源;
(d) (d)
In doing so, pay particular attention to the implementation of all provisions of the Optional Protocol, taking into account the outcomes of the world congresses against commercial sexual exploitation of children. 在此过程中,特别关注《任择议定书》所有条款的执行,并考虑到禁止对儿童进行商业性性剥削世界大会的成果。
Coordination and evaluation 协调与评价
11. 11.
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure effective coordination among the various agencies and commissions working on developing and implementing child rights policies, and designate a single body capable of providing leadership and effective general oversight for the monitoring and evaluation of activities under the Convention, the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict across sectoral ministries and at all levels of government, from the central to the local level. 委员会建议缔约国确保从事制订和执行儿童权利政策工作的各机构和委员会之间的有效协调,并指定一个单一机构,负责为各相关部委和中央到地方各级政府提供领导和有效的总体监督,以便监测和评价《公约》、《关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》和《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》之下开展的活动。
Dissemination, awareness-raising and training 传播、提高认识和培训
12. 12.
The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to strengthen its training and dissemination activities. 委员会建议缔约国采取措施加强培训和传播活动。
In that regard, the State party should ensure that such activities are systematic and multidisciplinary, cover all areas under the Optional Protocol and are provided to all relevant professionals working with and for children, including judges, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, social workers, investigators and immigration officials, and also to employees of the travel and tourism industry. 在这方面,缔约国应确保这些活动具有系统性和多学科性,涵盖《任择议定书》的所有领域,并且面向所有从事儿童工作的相关专业人员,包括法官、执法人员、检察官、社会工作者、调查人员和移民官员,以及旅行和旅游业的雇员。
13. 13.
The Committee recommends that the State party: 委员会建议缔约国:
(a) (a)
Disseminate more widely information on the offences covered by the Optional Protocol and on prevention measures among government officials and the general public, particularly among children in vulnerable situations, parents, caregivers and all relevant professional groups and community and religious leaders, especially by involving the media in awareness-raising activities; 更广泛地向政府官员和广大公众传播关于《任择议定书》所涵盖罪行和预防措施的信息,尤其是向弱势儿童、父母、照料者和所有相关专业群体以及社区和宗教领袖传播,特别要让媒体参与宣传活动;
(b) (b)
Swiftly adopt a national strategy for human rights education, as recommended in the framework of the World Programme for Human Rights Education, and ensure that the principles and provisions of the Optional Protocol are prominently featured. 按照《世界人权教育方案》框架内的建议,迅速通过一项国家人权教育战略,并确保以《任择议定书》所载的原则和条款为主要内容。
Allocation of resources 资源分配
14. 14.
With reference to its 2016 concluding observations under the Convention (CRC/C/BEN/CO/3-5, para. 14), the Committee recommends that the State party ensure that sufficient and targeted resources are allocated for the effective implementation of all areas of the Optional Protocol, including by increasing the financial resources allocated to the sectors responsible for child protection and ensuring the equal distribution of national resources to protect children who are especially vulnerable to the offences covered by the Optional Protocol. 参照2016年根据《公约》提出的一般性意见(CRC/C/BEN/CO/3-5, 第14段),委员会建议缔约国确保为切实执行《任择议定书》的所有领域划拨充足的专项资源,包括为儿童保护部门分配更多财政资源,并确保平等分配国家资源,以保护特别容易遭受《任择议定书》所涵盖罪行伤害的儿童。
Prevention of the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (art. 9 (1) and (2)) 防止买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题(第9条第1和第2款)
Measures adopted to prevent offences prohibited under the Optional Protocol 为防止《任择议定书》所禁止罪行而采取的措施 
Sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism 旅行和旅游业中对儿童的性剥削
15. 15.
The Committee urges the State party to continue to conduct advocacy with the tourism industry on the harmful effects of the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, widely disseminate the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the United Nations World Tourism Organization among travel agents and tourism agencies, and encourage operators in the travel and tourism industry to become signatories to the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism. 委员会敦促缔约国继续向旅游业宣传旅行和旅游业中对儿童性剥削的有害影响,在旅行社和旅游机构中广泛传播联合国世界旅游组织《全球旅游业道德守则》,并鼓励旅行和旅游业经营者签署《保护儿童免受旅行和旅游业中的性剥削行为守则》。 
The Committee also urges the State party to impose appropriate penalties on the perpetrators of child sexual exploitation in travel and tourism. 委员会还敦促缔约国适当惩处在旅行和旅游业中对儿童进行性剥削的犯罪者。
Measures to prevent and address online child sexual exploitation and abuse 预防和处理网上儿童性剥削和性虐待的措施
Prohibition of the sale of children, child pornography and child prostitution and related matters (arts. 3, 4 (2) and (3) and 5-7) 禁止买卖儿童、儿童色情制品和儿童卖淫及相关事项(第3条、第4条第2和第3款、第5至第7条)
Criminal or penal laws and regulations in force 现行刑事法律和法规
Impunity 有罪不罚 
Liability of legal persons 法人的责任
Extraterritorial jurisdiction and extradition 域外管辖权和引渡
Protection of the rights of child victims (arts. 8 and 9 (3) and (4)) 保护受害儿童的权利(第8条和第9条第3和第4款)
Measures adopted to protect the rights and interests of child victims of offences prohibited under the Optional Protocol 为保护《任择议定书》所禁止罪行受害儿童的权益而采取的措施 
Recovery and reintegration of victims 受害者的康复和重返社会
Helpline 求助热线
International assistance and cooperation (art. 10) 国际援助与合作(第10条)
Multilateral, bilateral and regional agreements 多边、双边和区域协定
16. 16.
In the light of article 10 (1) of the Optional Protocol, the Committee encourages the State party to continue to strengthen international cooperation through multilateral, regional and bilateral arrangements, especially with neighbouring countries, including by strengthening procedures and mechanisms for coordinating the implementation of such arrangements, with a view to making progress in respect of the prevention of offences covered by the Optional Protocol and the detection, investigation, prosecution and punishment of those responsible for any such offences. 委员会参照《任择议定书》第10条第1款,鼓励缔约国继续通过多边、区域和双边安排加强国际合作,特别是与周边国家的合作,包括加强协调实施此类安排的程序和机制,以便在防止《任择议定书》所述罪行以及侦察、调查、起诉和惩治此类罪行的责任人方面取得进展。
Ratification of the Optional Protocol on a communications procedure 批准《关于设定来文程序的任择议定书》
17. 17.
The Committee recommends that, in order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children’s rights, the State party ratify the Optional Protocol on a communications procedure. 委员会建议缔约国批准《关于设定来文程序的任择议定书》,以进一步加强儿童权利的落实。
XI. 十一.
Implementation and reporting 落实和报告
A. A.
Follow-up and dissemination 后续行动和传播
18. 18.
The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure that the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations are fully implemented, including by transmitting them to relevant government ministries, the parliament and the national and local authorities for appropriate consideration and further action. 委员会建议缔约国采取一切适当措施,确保本结论性意见所载建议得到充分落实,包括将这些建议转发政府有关部委、议会以及国家和地方当局,供其适当考虑并采取进一步行动。
19. 19.
The Committee recommends that the report and the written replies to the list of issues submitted by the State party and the present concluding observations be made widely available, including through the Internet, to the public at large, civil society organizations, youth groups, professional groups and children, in order to generate debate on and awareness of the Optional Protocol and its implementation and monitoring. 委员会建议缔约国通过互联网等各种方式,向广大公众、民间社会组织、青年团体、专业团体和儿童广泛传播缔约国提交的报告和对问题清单的书面答复以及本结论性意见,以促进公众对《任择议定书》及其实施和监测情况的讨论和了解。
B. B.
Next periodic report 下次定期报告
20. 20.
In accordance with article 12 (2) of the Optional Protocol, the Committee requests the State party to include further information on the implementation of the Optional Protocol and the present concluding observations in its next periodic report to be submitted in accordance with article 44 of the Convention. 委员会根据《任择议定书》第12条第2款,请缔约国在按照《公约》第44条提交的下次定期报告中进一步说明《任择议定书》和本结论性意见的落实情况。
* Adopted by the Committee at its seventy-ninth session (17 September–5 October 2018). * 委员会第七十九届会议(2018年9月17日至10月5日)通过。