A/79/10 |
A/79/10 |
United Nations |
联 合 国 |
Report of the InternationalLaw Commission |
国际法委员会报告 |
Seventy-fifth session |
第七十五届会议 |
(29 April–31 May and 1 July–2 August 2024) |
(2024年4月29日至5月31日和7月1日至8月2日) |
General Assembly |
大 会 |
Official RecordsSeventy-ninth SessionSupplement No. 10 (A/79/10) |
正式记录 第七十九届会议 补编第10号(A/79/10) |
General Assembly |
大 会 |
Official Records |
正式记录 |
Seventy-ninth Session |
第七十九届会议 |
Supplement No. 10 |
补编第10号 |
A/79/10 |
A/79/10 |
Report of the International Law Commission |
国际法委员会报告 |
Seventy-fifth session |
第七十五届会议 |
(29 April–31 May and 1 July–2 August 2024) |
(2024年4月29日至5月31日和7月1日至8月2日) |
United Nations • New York, 2024 |
联合国·纽约,2024年 |
Note |
说明 |
Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. |
联合国文件用大写英文字母附加数字编号。 |
Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. |
凡是提到这种编号,就是指联合国的某一个文件。 |
The word Yearbook followed by suspension points and the year (e.g. Yearbook … 1971) indicates a reference to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission. |
前有年份和省略号的“年鉴”(如《1971年……年鉴》)是指《国际法委员会年鉴》。 |
A typeset version of the report of the Commission will be included in Part Two of volume II of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2024. |
委员会报告的排版本将载入《2024年国际法委员会年鉴》第二卷第二部分。 |
ISSN 0251-822X |
ISSN 0251-8562 |
[8 August 2024] |
[2024年8月8日] |
Summary of contents |
简要目录 |
Chapter |
章次 |
Page |
页次 |
I. |
一. |
Introduction |
导言 |
1 |
1 |
II. |
二. |
Summary of the work of the Commission at its seventy-fifth session |
委员会第七十五届会议工作概况 |
6 |
7 |
III. |
三. |
Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission |
委员会特别想听取意见的具体问题 |
15 |
15 |
IV. |
四. |
Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties |
国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决 |
17 |
17 |
V. |
五. |
Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段 |
29 |
28 |
VI. |
六. |
Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea |
防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为 |
54 |
52 |
VII. |
七. |
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction |
国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免 |
64 |
62 |
八. |
Non-legally binding international agreements |
不具法律约束力的国际协定 |
78 |
75 |
IX. |
九. |
Succession of States in respect of State responsibility |
国家责任方面的国家继承 |
90 |
86 |
X. |
十. |
Sea-level rise in relation to international law |
与国际法有关的海平面上升 |
94 |
90 |
XI. |
十一. |
Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission |
委员会的其他决定和结论 |
113 |
109 |
Annexes |
附件 |
I. |
一. |
Compensation for the damage caused by internationally wrongful acts |
国际不法行为所造成损害的补偿 |
125 |
121 |
II. |
二. |
Due diligence in international law |
国际法中的必要勤勉 |
146 |
143 |
Contents |
目录 |
Chapter |
章次 |
Page |
页次 |
I. |
一. |
Introduction |
导言 |
1 |
1 |
A. |
A. |
Membership |
委员 |
1 |
1 |
B. |
B. |
Casual vacancies |
临时空缺 |
2 |
2 |
C. |
C. |
Officers and the Enlarged Bureau |
主席团成员和扩大的主席团 |
2 |
2 |
D. |
D. |
Drafting Committee |
起草委员会 |
3 |
3 |
E. |
E. |
Working Groups and Study Group |
工作组和研究组 |
3 |
4 |
F. |
F. |
Secretariat |
秘书处 |
4 |
5 |
G. |
G. |
Agenda |
议程 |
4 |
5 |
II. |
二. |
Summary of the work of the Commission at its seventy-fifth session |
委员会第七十五届会议工作概况 |
6 |
7 |
III. |
三. |
Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission |
委员会特别想听取意见的具体问题 |
15 |
15 |
A. |
A. |
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction |
国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免 |
15 |
15 |
B. |
B. |
General principles of law |
一般法律原则 |
15 |
15 |
C. |
C. |
Sea-level rise in relation to international law |
与国际法有关的海平面上升 |
15 |
15 |
D. |
D. |
Non-legally binding international agreements |
不具法律约束力的国际协定 |
15 |
15 |
IV. |
四. |
Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties |
国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决 |
17 |
17 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
17 |
17 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
17 |
17 |
C. |
C. |
Text of the draft guidelines on settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties provisionally adopted thus far by the Commission |
委员会迄今暂时通过的国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决指南草案案文 |
18 |
18 |
1. |
1. |
Text of the draft guidelines |
指南草案案文 |
18 |
18 |
2. |
2. |
Text of the draft guidelines and commentaries thereto provisionally adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fifth session |
委员会第七十五届会议暂时通过的指南草案案文及其评注 |
19 |
19 |
Guideline 3 |
指南3 |
Scope of the present Part |
本部分的范围 |
19 |
19 |
Commentary |
评注 |
19 |
19 |
Guideline 4 |
指南4 |
Resort to means of dispute settlement |
诉诸争端解决方法 |
22 |
22 |
Commentary |
评注 |
22 |
22 |
Guideline 5 |
指南5 |
Accessibility of means of dispute settlement |
争端解决方法的可及性 |
24 |
24 |
Commentary |
评注 |
24 |
24 |
Guideline 6 |
指南6 |
Requirements for arbitration and judicial settlement |
对仲裁和司法解决的要求 |
25 |
25 |
Commentary |
评注 |
25 |
25 |
V. |
五. |
Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段 |
29 |
28 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
29 |
28 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
29 |
28 |
C. |
C. |
Text of the draft conclusions on subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law provisionally adopted thus far by the Commission |
委员会迄今暂时通过的关于确定国际法规则的辅助手段的结论草案案文 |
30 |
29 |
1. |
1. |
Text of the draft conclusions |
结论草案案文 |
30 |
29 |
2. |
2. |
Text of the draft conclusions and commentaries thereto provisionally adoptedby the Commission at its seventy-fifth session |
委员会第七十五届会议暂时通过的结论草案案文及其评注 |
31 |
30 |
Conclusion 4 |
结论4 |
Decisions of courts and tribunals |
法院和法庭的决定 |
32 |
30 |
Commentary |
评注 |
32 |
31 |
Conclusion 5 |
结论5 |
Teachings |
学说 |
38 |
36 |
Commentary |
评注 |
38 |
37 |
Conclusion 6 |
结论6 |
Nature and function of subsidiary means |
辅助手段的性质和作用 |
41 |
40 |
Commentary |
评注 |
41 |
40 |
Conclusion 7 |
结论7 |
Absence of legally binding precedent in international law |
在国际法中没有具法律约束力的先例 |
43 |
41 |
Commentary |
评注 |
43 |
41 |
Conclusion 8 |
结论8 |
Weight of decisions of courts and tribunals |
法院和法庭决定的权重 |
47 |
46 |
Commentary |
评注 |
48 |
46 |
VI. |
六. |
Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea |
防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为 |
54 |
52 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
54 |
52 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
54 |
52 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the second report |
特别报告员介绍第二次报告 |
55 |
53 |
2. |
2. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
58 |
56 |
3. |
3. |
Concluding remarks by the Special Rapporteur |
特别报告员的总结 |
62 |
60 |
VII. |
七. |
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction |
国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免 |
64 |
62 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
64 |
62 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
64 |
63 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the first report |
特别报告员介绍第一次报告 |
65 |
63 |
2. |
2. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
67 |
65 |
3. |
3. |
Concluding remarks by the Special Rapporteur |
特别报告员的总结 |
75 |
73 |
八. |
Non-legally binding international agreements |
不具法律约束力的国际协定 |
78 |
75 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
78 |
75 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
78 |
75 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the first report |
特别报告员介绍第一次报告 |
78 |
75 |
2. |
2. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
80 |
76 |
3. |
3. |
Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur |
特别报告员的总结发言 |
86 |
83 |
IX. |
九. |
Succession of States in respect of State responsibility |
国家责任方面的国家继承 |
90 |
86 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
90 |
86 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
90 |
86 |
C. |
C. |
Report of the Working Group |
工作组的报告 |
91 |
87 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction |
导言 |
91 |
87 |
2. |
2. |
Work undertaken at the present session |
本届会议上开展的工作 |
92 |
88 |
X. |
十. |
Sea-level rise in relation to international law |
与国际法有关的海平面上升 |
94 |
90 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
94 |
90 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
94 |
90 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction of the additional paper (A/CN.4/774 and Add.1) to the second issues paper by the Co–Chairs |
共同主席介绍第二份问题文件的补充文件(A/CN.4/774及Add.1) |
95 |
91 |
2. |
2. |
Summary of the exchange of views |
意见交流概要 |
96 |
92 |
XI. |
十一. |
Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission |
委员会的其他决定和结论 |
113 |
109 |
A. |
A. |
Special memorial meeting |
特别纪念会 |
113 |
109 |
B. |
B. |
Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea |
防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为 |
113 |
109 |
C. |
C. |
Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation |
委员会的方案、程序和工作方法以及文件 |
113 |
109 |
1. |
1. |
Working Group on the long-term programme of work |
长期工作方案工作组 |
113 |
109 |
2. |
2. |
Working Group on methods of work and procedures of the Commission |
委员会工作方法和程序工作组 |
114 |
110 |
3. |
3. |
Consideration of General Assembly resolution 78/112 of 7 December 2023 on the rule of law at the national and international levels |
讨论联大2023年12月7日关于国内和国际的法治的第78/112号决议 |
115 |
111 |
4. |
4. |
Commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the International Law Commission |
纪念国际法委员会成立七十五周年 |
117 |
113 |
5. |
5. |
Honoraria |
酬金 |
117 |
113 |
6. |
6. |
Documentation and publications |
文件和出版物 |
118 |
114 |
7. |
7. |
Yearbook of the International Law Commission |
《国际法委员会年鉴》 |
119 |
115 |
8. |
8. |
Trust fund on assistance to Special Rapporteurs of the International Law Commission, established by General Assembly resolution 77/103, and matters ancillary thereto |
联大第77/103号决议设立的协助国际法委员会特别报告员及其附属事项信托基金 |
120 |
116 |
9. |
9. |
Assistance of the Codification Division |
编纂司的协助 |
120 |
116 |
10. |
10. |
Websites |
网站 |
120 |
116 |
11. |
11. |
Webcast |
网播 |
121 |
116 |
12. |
12. |
United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law |
联合国国际法视听图书馆 |
121 |
117 |
13. |
13. |
Consideration of the convening in the present quinquennium of the first part of the seventy-seventh session of the Commission in New York |
审议本五年期内在纽约举行委员会第七十七届会议第一期会议的问题 |
121 |
117 |
14. |
14. |
Date and place of the seventy-sixth session of the Commission |
委员会第七十六届会议的日期和地点 |
121 |
117 |
D. |
D. |
Cooperation with other bodies |
与其他机构的合作 |
122 |
117 |
E. |
E. |
Representation at the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly |
出席联大第七十九届会议的代表 |
122 |
118 |
F. |
F. |
International Law Seminar |
国际法讲习班 |
122 |
118 |
Annexes |
附件 |
I. |
一. |
Compensation for the damage caused by internationally wrongful acts |
国际不法行为所造成损害的补偿 |
125 |
121 |
II. |
二. |
Due diligence in international law |
国际法中的必要勤勉 |
146 |
143 |
Chapter I |
第一章 |
Introduction |
导言 |
1. |
1. |
The International Law Commission held the first part of its seventy-fifth session from 29 April to 31 May 2024 and the second part from 1 July to 2 August 2024 at its seat at the United Nations Office at Geneva. |
国际法委员会分别于2024年4月29日至5月31日和2024年7月1日至8月2日在联合国日内瓦办事处委员会所在地举行了第七十五届会议第一期会议和第二期会议。 |
The session was opened by Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Chair of the seventy-fourth session of the Commission. |
本届会议由委员会第七十四届会议主席帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士主持开幕。 |
A. |
A. |
Membership |
委员 |
2. |
2. |
The Commission consists of the following members: |
委员会由下列委员组成: |
Mr. Dapo Akande (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
达波·阿坎德先生(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国) |
Mr. Carlos J. Argüello Gómez (Nicaragua) |
卡洛斯·阿圭略·戈麦斯先生(尼加拉瓜) |
Mr. Masahiko Asada (Japan) |
浅田正彦先生(日本) |
Mr. Yacouba Cissé (Côte d’Ivoire) |
雅库巴·西塞先生(科特迪瓦) |
Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla (Egypt) |
艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先生(埃及) |
Mr. Rolf Einar Fife (Norway) |
罗尔夫·埃纳尔·法伊夫先生(挪威) |
Mr. Mathias Forteau (France) |
马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生(法国) |
Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo (Brazil) |
乔治·罗德里戈·班代拉·加林多先生(巴西) |
Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles (Portugal) |
帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士(葡萄牙) |
Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff (Chile) |
克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生(智利) |
Mr. Huikang Huang (China) |
黄惠康先生(中国) |
Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh (Sierra Leone) |
查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生(塞拉利昂) |
Mr. Ahmed Laraba (Algeria) |
艾哈迈德·拉腊巴先生(阿尔及利亚) |
Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee (Republic of Korea) |
李根宽先生(大韩民国) |
Mr. Xinmin Ma (China) |
马新民先生(中国) |
Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul (Thailand) |
威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士(泰国) |
Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis (Cyprus) |
安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生(塞浦路斯) |
Mr. Ivon Mingashang (Democratic Republic of the Congo) |
伊冯·明加尚先生(刚果民主共和国) |
Mr. Giuseppe Nesi (Italy) |
朱塞佩·内西先生(意大利) |
Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen (Viet Nam) |
阮洪滔先生(越南) |
Ms. Phoebe Okowa (Kenya) |
菲比·奥科瓦女士(肯尼亚) |
Ms. Nilüfer Oral (Türkiye) |
尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士(土耳其) |
Ms. Alina Orosan (Romania) |
阿林娜·奥罗桑女士(罗马尼亚) |
Mr. Hassan Ouazzani Chahdi (Morocco) |
哈桑·瓦扎尼·沙赫迪先生(摩洛哥) |
Mr. Mario Oyarzábal (Argentina) |
马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生(阿根廷) |
Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis (Latvia) |
马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生(拉脱维亚) |
Mr. Bimal N. Patel (India) |
比马尔·帕特尔先生(印度) |
Mr. August Reinisch (Austria) |
奥古斯特·赖尼施先生(奥地利) |
Ms. Penelope Ridings (New Zealand) |
佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(新西兰) |
Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria (Peru) |
胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生(秘鲁) |
Mr. Alioune Sall (Senegal) |
阿利翁·萨勒先生(塞内加尔) |
Mr. Louis Savadogo (Burkina Faso) |
路易·萨瓦多戈先生(布基纳法索) |
Mr. Munkh-Orgil Tsend (Mongolia) |
蒙赫奥尔吉勒·曾德先生(蒙古) |
Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez (Ecuador) |
马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生(厄瓜多尔) |
Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov (Russian Federation) |
耶夫格尼·扎加伊诺夫先生(俄罗斯联邦) |
B. |
B. |
Casual vacancies |
临时空缺 |
3. |
3. |
At its 3660th meeting, on 1 May 2024, the Commission elected Ms. Alina Orosan (Romania) to fill the casual vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Bogdan Aurescu who had been elected to the International Court of Justice. |
在2024年5月1日第3660次会议上,委员会选举阿林娜·奥罗桑女士(罗马尼亚)填补因当选国际法院法官的波格丹·奥雷斯库先生辞任 而出现的临时空缺。 |
4. |
4. |
At its 3699th meeting, on 31 July 2024, the Commission elected Mr. Xinmin Ma (China) to fill the casual vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Huikang Huang. |
在2024年7月31日第3699次会议上,委员会选举马新民先生(中国)填补因黄惠康先生辞任 而出现的临时空缺。 |
C. |
C. |
Officers and the Enlarged Bureau |
主席团成员和扩大的主席团 |
5. |
5. |
At its 3658th meeting, on 29 April 2024, the Commission elected the following officers: |
在2024年4月29日第3658次会议上,委员会选出以下主席团成员: |
Chair: |
主席: |
Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez (Ecuador) |
马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生(厄瓜多尔) |
First Vice-Chair: |
第一副主席: |
Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis (Latvia) |
马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生(拉脱维亚) |
Second Vice-Chair: |
第二副主席: |
Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul (Thailand) |
威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士(泰国) |
Chair of the Drafting Committee: |
起草委员会主席: |
Ms. Phoebe Okowa (Kenya) |
菲比·奥科瓦女士(肯尼亚) |
Rapporteur: |
报告员: |
Ms. Penelope Ridings (New Zealand) |
佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(新西兰) |
6. |
6. |
The Enlarged Bureau of the Commission was composed of the officers of the present session, the Special Rapporteurs and the Co-Chairs of the Study Group on sea-level rise in relation to international law. |
委员会扩大的主席团由本届会议主席团成员、特别报告员 和与国际法有关的海平面上升专题研究组共同主席 组成。 |
7. |
7. |
On 13 May 2024, the Planning Group was constituted, composed of the following members: Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis (Chair); |
规划组于2024年5月13日成立,由下列委员组成:马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生(主席); |
Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, Mr. Keun–Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Mr. Hassan Ouazzani Chahdi, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio). |
浅田正彦先生、罗尔夫·埃纳尔·法伊夫先生、马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生、乔治·罗德里戈·班代拉·加林多先生、帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生、黄惠康先生、查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生、李根宽先生、威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士、安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生、朱塞佩·内西先生、阮洪滔先生、尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士、哈桑·瓦扎尼·沙赫迪先生、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生、比马尔·帕特尔先生、胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生、阿利翁·萨勒先生、马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、叶夫根尼·扎加伊诺夫先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(当然成员)。 |
D. |
D. |
Drafting Committee |
起草委员会 |
8. |
8. |
At its 3662nd, 3667th, 3672nd and 3680th meetings, on 3, 15, 28 May and 9 July 2024, the Commission established a Drafting Committee, composed of the following members for the topics indicated: |
在2024年5月3日、15日、28日和7月9日举行的第3662、3667、3672和3680次会议上,委员会为下列专题设立了由下列委员组成的起草委员会: |
(a) |
(a) |
Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties: Ms. Phoebe Okowa (Chair), Mr. August Reinisch (Special Rapporteur), Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Louis Savadogo, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio); |
国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决:菲比·奥科瓦女士(主席)、奥古斯特·赖尼施先生(特别报告员)、达波·阿坎德先生、浅田正彦先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先生、罗尔夫·埃纳尔·法伊夫先生、马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生、乔治·罗德里戈·班代拉·加林多先生、帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生、黄惠康先生、查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生、李根宽先生、威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士、安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生、朱塞佩·内西先生、阮洪滔先生、尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士、阿林娜·奥罗桑女士、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生、马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生、比马尔·帕特尔先生、胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生、阿利翁·萨勒先生、路易·萨瓦多戈先生、马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(当然成员); |
(b) |
(b) |
Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law: Ms. Phoebe Okowa (Chair), Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh (Special Rapporteur), Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Ivon Mingashang, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Louis Savadogo, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio); |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段:菲比·奥科瓦女士(主席)、查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生(特别报告员)、达波·阿坎德先生、浅田正彦先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先生、罗尔夫·埃纳尔·法伊夫先生、马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生、乔治·罗德里戈·班代拉·加林多先生、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生、黄惠康先生、李根宽先生、威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士、安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生、伊冯·明加尚先生、朱塞佩·内西先生、阮洪滔先生、阿林娜·奥罗桑女士、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生、马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生、比马尔·帕特尔先生、胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生、阿利翁·萨勒先生、路易·萨瓦多戈先生、马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、耶夫格尼·扎加伊诺夫先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(当然成员); |
(c) |
(c) |
Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea: Ms. Phoebe Okowa (Chair), Mr. Yacouba Cissé (Special Rapporteur), Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio); |
防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为:菲比·奥科瓦女士(主席)、雅库巴·西塞先生(特别报告员)、达波·阿坎德先生、浅田正彦先生、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生、黄惠康先生、李根宽先生、威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士、安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生、朱塞佩·内西先生、尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士、阿林娜·奥罗桑女士、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生、马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生、比马尔·帕特尔先生、胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(当然成员); |
(d) |
(d) |
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction: Ms. Phoebe Okowa (Chair), Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff (Special Rapporteur), Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. August Reinisch, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio). |
国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免:菲比·奥科瓦女士(主席)、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生(特别报告员)、达波·阿坎德先生、浅田正彦先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先生、罗尔夫·埃纳尔·法伊夫先生、马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生、乔治·罗德里戈·班代拉·加林多先生、查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生、李根宽先生、威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士、安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生、朱塞佩·内西先生、阮洪滔先生、阿林娜·奥罗桑女士、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生、马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生、比马尔·帕特尔先生、奥古斯特·赖尼施先生、胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生、阿利翁·萨勒先生、马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生、叶夫根尼·扎加伊诺夫先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(当然成员); |
9. |
9. |
The Drafting Committee held a total of 21 meetings on the four topics indicated above. |
起草委员会就上述四个专题共举行了21次会议。 |
E. |
E. |
Working Groups and Study Group |
工作组和研究组 |
10. |
10. |
On 14 May 2024, the Planning Group established the following Working Groups: |
2024年5月14日,规划组设立了以下工作组: |
(a) |
(a) |
Working Group on the long-term programme of work: Mr. Marcelo Vázquez–Bermúdez (Chair), Mr. Carlos J. Argüello Gómez, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Ivon Mingashang, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Phoebe Okowa, Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Hassan Ouazzani Chahdi, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. August Reinisch, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Alioune Sall, Mr. Louis Savadogo, Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio); |
长期工作方案工作组:马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生(主席)、卡洛斯·阿圭略·戈麦斯先生、浅田正彦先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先生、罗尔夫·埃纳尔·法伊夫先生、马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生、乔治·罗德里戈·班代拉·加林多先生、帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生、黄惠康先生、查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生、李根宽先生、威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士、安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生、伊冯·明加尚先生、朱塞佩·内西先生、阮洪滔先生、菲比·奥科瓦女士、尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士、阿林娜·奥罗桑女士、哈桑·瓦扎尼·沙赫迪先生、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生、马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生、比马尔·帕特尔先生、奥古斯特·赖尼施先生、胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生、阿利翁·萨勒先生、路易·萨瓦多戈先生、耶夫格尼·扎加伊诺夫先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(当然成员); |
(b) |
(b) |
Working Group on methods of work and procedures: Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh (Chair), Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Keun–Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio). |
工作方法和程序工作组:查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生(主席)、达波·阿坎德先生、浅田正彦先生、马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生、乔治·罗德里戈·班代拉·加林多先生、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生、黄惠康先生、李根宽先生、威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士、安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生、朱塞佩·内西先生、阮洪滔先生、阿林娜·奥罗桑女士、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生、马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生、比马尔·帕特尔先生、胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生、马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(当然成员); |
11. |
11. |
At its 3659th meeting, on 30 April 2024, the Commission established a Study Group on sea-level rise in relation to international law, composed of the following members: Mr. Yacouba Cissé (Co-Chair), Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles (Co-Chair, and Chair at the current session), Ms. Nilüfer Oral (Co-Chair), Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria (Co-Chair and Chair at the current session), Mr. Dapo Akande, Mr. Masahiko Asada, Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Huikang Huang, Mr. Ahmed Laraba, Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, Ms. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Mr. Hong Thao Nguyen, Ms. Phoebe Okowa, Ms. Alina Orosan, Mr. Hassan Ouazzani Chahdi, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Mr. Mārtiņš Paparinskis, Mr. Bimal N. Patel, Mr. August Reinisch, Mr. Louis Savadogo, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez and Ms. Penelope Ridings (ex officio). |
在2024年4月30日第3659次会议上,委员会设立了与国际法有关的海平面上升专题研究组,由下列委员组成:雅库巴·西塞先生(共同主席)、帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士(共同主席和本届会议主席)、尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士(共同主席)、胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生(共同主席和本届会议主席)、达波·阿坎德先生、浅田正彦先生、罗尔夫·埃纳尔·法伊夫先生、马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生、乔治·罗德里戈·班代拉·加林多先生、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生、黄惠康先生、艾哈迈德·拉腊巴先生、李根宽先生、威拉旺·曼格拉达那库女士、安德烈亚斯·马夫罗扬尼斯先生、朱塞佩·内西先生、阮洪滔先生、菲比·奥科瓦女士、阿林娜·奥罗桑女士、哈桑·瓦扎尼·沙赫迪先生、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生、马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯先生、比马尔·帕特尔先生、奥古斯特·赖尼施先生、路易·萨瓦多戈先生、马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士(当然成员)。 |
12. |
12. |
At its 3667th meeting, on 15 May 2024, the Commission re-established an open-ended Working Group on “Succession of States in respect of State responsibility” chaired by Mr. August Reinisch. |
在2024年5月15日第3667次会议上,委员会重新设立了一个关于“国家责任方面的国家继承”的不限成员名额工作组,由奥古斯特·赖尼施先生担任主席。 |
F. |
F. |
Secretariat |
秘书处 |
13. |
13. |
Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel, represented the Secretary-General. |
主管法律事务副秘书长兼联合国法律顾问米格尔·德塞尔帕·苏亚雷斯先生担任秘书长的代表。 |
Mr. Huw Llewellyn, Director of the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs, acted as Secretary to the Commission and, in the absence of the Legal Counsel, represented the Secretary-General. |
法律事务厅编纂司司长休·卢埃林先生担任委员会秘书,并在法律顾问缺席时担任秘书长的代表。 |
Mr. Arnold Pronto, Principal Legal Officer, served as Principal Assistant Secretary to the Commission. |
首席法律干事阿诺德·普龙托先生担任委员会首席助理秘书。 |
Ms. Carla Hoe, Senior Legal Officer, served as Senior Assistant Secretary to the Commission. |
高级法律干事卡拉·霍女士担任委员会高级助理秘书。 |
Mr. Carlos Ivan Fuentes, Mr. Jorge Paoletti, Ms. Paola Patarroyo and Mr. Douglas Pivnichny, Legal Officers, and Mr. Alexey Bulatov, Associate Legal Officer, served as Assistant Secretaries to the Commission. |
法律干事卡洛斯·伊万·富恩特斯先生、豪尔赫·保莱蒂先生、保拉·帕塔罗约女士和道格拉斯·皮夫尼尼先生以及协理法律干事阿列克谢·布拉托夫先生担任委员会助理秘书。 |
G. |
G. |
Agenda |
议程 |
14. |
14. |
The Commission adopted an agenda for its seventy-fifth session consisting of the following items: |
委员会通过了其第七十五届会议议程,项目如下: |
1. |
1. |
Organization of the work of the session. |
会议工作安排。 |
2. |
2. |
Filling of casual vacancy. |
填补临时空缺。 |
3. |
3. |
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction. |
国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免。 |
4. |
4. |
Succession of States in respect of State responsibility. |
国家责任方面的国家继承。 |
5. |
5. |
Sea-level rise in relation to international law. |
与国际法有关的海平面上升。 |
6. |
6. |
Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties. |
国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决。 |
7. |
7. |
Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为。 |
8. |
8. |
Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law. |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段。 |
9. |
9. |
Non-legally binding international agreements. |
不具法律约束力的国际协定。 |
10. |
10. |
Commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Commission. |
纪念委员会成立七十五周年。 |
11. |
11. |
Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation. |
委员会的方案、程序和工作方法以及文件。 |
12. |
12. |
Date and place of the seventy-sixth session. |
第七十六届会议的日期和地点。 |
13. |
13. |
Cooperation with other bodies. |
与其他机构的合作。 |
14. |
14. |
Other business. |
其他事项。 |
Chapter II |
第二章 |
Summary of the work of the Commission at its seventy-fifth session |
委员会第七十五届会议工作概况 |
15. |
15. |
With respect to the topic “Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties”, the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur on the topic (A/CN.4/766), which concentrated on “international disputes”. |
关于“国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员关于该专题的第二次报告(A/CN.4/766),其中集中论述了“国际争端”。 |
The second report provided an analysis of the practice of settling international disputes to which international organizations are parties, as well as of policy issues relevant to the Commission’s work on the topic. |
第二次报告分析了在国际组织作为当事方的国际争端的解决方面的实践,以及与委员会该专题工作有关的政策问题。 |
The Special Rapporteur also outlined his plans for the future work on the topic. |
特别报告员还概述了他对该专题今后工作的计划。 |
The Special Rapporteur proposed four draft guidelines. |
特别报告员提出了四项指南草案。 |
The Commission also had before it a memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/764) providing information on the practice of States and international organizations which may be of relevance to the future work of the Commission on the topic, including both international disputes and disputes of a private law character, on the basis of the questionnaire prepared by the Special Rapporteur. |
委员会还收到了秘书处的一份备忘录(A/CN.4/ 764),其中载有国家和国际组织根据特别报告员编制的调查问卷提供的可能与委员会本专题今后工作相关的在国际争端和私法性质争端方面的实践的资料。 |
16. |
16. |
In his second report, the Special Rapporteur explained that the report focused on international disputes between international organizations as well as between international organizations and States or other subjects of international law arising under international law. |
特别报告员在第二次报告中说明,该报告的重点是国际组织之间以及国际组织与国家或其他国际法主体之间在国际法下产生的争端。 |
The report did not address disputes of a non-international character, which would be covered in the third report. |
报告不涉及非国际性争端,非国际性争端将在第三次报告中处理。 |
In analysing the practice of international organizations, all forms of dispute settlement were used in practice and with different frequency. |
对国际组织实践的分析显示,各种形式的争端解决办法都曾在实践中被使用,而且使用频率不同。 |
The prevalence of negotiation, consultation or other amicable dispute settlement means seemed to be reflective of the fact that many dispute settlement provisions provided for this form of dispute settlement as a first step, and a result of the preference of international organizations and States to discreetly and diplomatically settle disputes in an informal manner. |
谈判、协商或其他友好解决争端办法的高频使用似乎是以下事实的反映:许多争端解决方面的条款规定将上述形式的争端解决办法作为第一步,另一个原因是,国际组织和国家倾向于以谨慎和委婉的非正式方式解决争端。 |
Mediation, conciliation, enquiry or fact–finding did not appear to be very frequently resorted to by international organizations. |
国际组织似乎不经常采用调停、和解、调查或查明事实的办法。 |
There was also only limited practice of arbitration as a means of settling international disputes to which international organizations were parties, mainly due to arbitration being specifically provided for only in a limited number of treaties and an apparent reluctance of international organizations and other parties to initiate arbitration. |
在以仲裁手段解决国际组织作为当事方的国际争端方面,相关实践也有限,主要原因是,只有少数条约就仲裁作了具体规定,并且各国际组织和其他当事方显然不愿提起仲裁。 |
In terms of judicial dispute settlement, various international courts and tribunals had played an important role in the settlement of international disputes to which international organizations were parties, particularly in providing advisory opinions and in allowing judicial settlement of disputes between regional economic integration organizations and their members. |
在以司法手段解决争端方面,各国际性法院和法庭为解决国际组织作为当事方的国际争端发挥了重要作用,特别是为此提供咨询意见,并让区域经济一体化组织及其成员能够通过司法手段解决二者间的争端。 |
The second report also addressed policy issues anchored in the rule of law as endorsed on the international level, notably three particular aspects: access to dispute settlement; adjudicatory independence and impartiality; and due process or a fair trial. |
第二次报告还处理了基于国际层面认可的法治的政策问题,特别是三个具体方面:获得解决争端的机会、裁决的独立性和公正性、正当程序或公正审判。 |
The Special Rapporteur also explained that his third report in 2025 would analyse the practice of the settlement of non-international disputes to which international organizations were parties. |
特别报告员还说明,他2025年的第三次报告将分析国际组织作为当事方的非国际争端的解决方面的实践。 |
This would enable the conclusion of the first reading of the topic and a second reading would take place based on the comments of States in 2027. |
这将有助于完成该专题的一读,并在2027年基于各国的评论进行二读。 |
17. |
17. |
The Special Rapporteur proposed four draft guidelines on the topic. |
特别报告员提出了该专题的四项指南草案。 |
Draft guideline 3 set out what was meant by “international disputes” and draft guideline 4 addressed the practice of the settlement of disputes to which international organizations were parties. |
指南草案3提出了“国际争端”的含义,指南草案4处理国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决方面的实践。 |
Draft guidelines 5 and 6 addressed the policy considerations and recommendations identified in the second report. |
指南草案5和6处理第二次报告提出的政策考虑和建议。 |
18. |
18. |
Members of the Commission welcomed the extensive and comprehensive analysis of dispute settlement practice contained in the second report of the Special Rapporteur. |
委员会委员欢迎特别报告员第二次报告对争端解决方面的实践作了广泛而全面的分析。 |
Members noted the challenge of distinguishing between international and non-international disputes. |
委员们指出了在区分国际争端和非国际争端方面的挑战。 |
Different views were expressed on whether the distinction should be drawn on the basis of the parties to the dispute, or the applicable law, or both. |
对于区分的依据是争议当事方、适用的法律还是二者皆为依据,委员们表达了不同意见。 |
In drawing on the dispute settlement practice of international organizations, members preferred a draft guideline with a normative content, rather than a description of that practice. |
关于对国际组织的争端解决实践的利用,委员们倾向于制定一项具有规范性内容而非描述这种实践的指南草案。 |
It was noted that the description of dispute settlement practice proposed by the Special Rapporteur appeared to imply a certain hierarchy among the means of dispute settlement, with an emphasis placed on adjudicatory means for the settlement of disputes. |
有委员指出,特别报告员提出的争端解决实践的描述似乎意味着争端的解决手段之间存在某种等级之分,并将争端解决方面的裁决手段放在突出位置。 |
Members considered that there were practical considerations such as cost, speed and preservation of relationships that would often seem to make arbitration or judicial settlement less attractive than their non-adjudicatory counterparts. |
委员们认为,出于成本、速度和维护关系等实际考虑,相较于非裁决性的解决办法,仲裁或司法解决的吸引力似乎往往较低。 |
Similarly, members expressed caution over the desirability of recommending more use of arbitration and judicial dispute settlement, as compared with making these means more widely accessible. |
同样,委员们对更多地利用仲裁和司法办法解决争端这一建议的可取性持谨慎态度,倾向于更广泛地提供利用这些手段的机会。 |
It was emphasized that depending on the type of dispute, different forms of dispute settlement might be appropriate to the circumstances. |
有委员强调,不同的争端解决形式可能适合不同的情况,需视争端类型而定。 |
Members supported the basic policy recommendation that adjudicatory forms of dispute settlement should conform to rule of law requirements, but differed over how best to express this. |
委员会们支持裁决形式的争端解决办法需符合法治要求这一基本政策建议,但对于如何最好地加以表达持不同意见。 |
Members also expressed appreciation for the “road map” outlined by the Special Rapporteur for the topic, although some members considered that it was rather ambitious. |
委员们还表示赞赏特别报告员概述的该专题“路线图”,但有些委员认为这一路线图过于雄心勃勃。 |
19. |
19. |
Following the debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer draft guidelines 3, 4, 5 and 6, as proposed in the second report, to the Drafting Committee, taking into account the comments and observations made in plenary. |
经全体会议辩论后,委员会考虑到全体会议上提出的评论和意见,决定将第二次报告提出的指南草案3、4、5和6转交起草委员会。 |
There was an extensive and thorough debate in the Drafting Committee on draft guideline 3, which focused on the use of the term “international disputes”; whether it was appropriate for the draft guideline to contain a reference to the parties to the dispute and to the applicable law; and the use of the term “other subjects of international law”. |
起草委员会就指南草案3进行了广泛而深入的辩论,辩论的重点是,“国际争端”一词的使用、指南草案提及争端当事方和适用的法律是否适当,以及“其他国际法主体”一语的使用。 |
The Drafting Committee decided to arrange the draft guidelines into different parts, with draft guideline 3 clarifying the scope of Part Two. |
起草委员会决定将指南草案安排为几个部分,以指南草案3澄清第二部分的范围。 |
The reference to “arising under international law” was removed for reasons of clarity and on the understanding that the commentaries would explain the law applicable to the disputes that fell under draft guideline 3. |
为明确起见,删除了“在国际法下产生的”一语,但有一项谅解,即评注将解释适用于指南草案3所指争端的法律。 |
Some members reserved their position on this removal. |
一些委员就这一删除持保留立场。 |
After an exchange of differing views, the reference to “other subjects of international law” was also deleted. |
在交换了不同意见后,“其他国际法主体”一语也被删除。 |
Both draft guidelines 4 and 5 were revised to meet concerns of members, particularly over a perceived hierarchy of means of dispute settlement. |
起草委员会为解决委员们的关切,特别是就争端解决手段会被认为有等级之分提出的关切,对指南草案4和5进行了修订。 |
The Drafting Committee also revised draft guideline 6 to remove the express reference to the rule of law and to emphasize the judicial guarantees of independence, impartiality and due process. |
起草委员会还修订了指南草案6, 删除了对法治的明确提及,突出了对独立性、公正性和正当程序的司法保障。 |
Upon consideration of the report of the Drafting Committee (A/CN.4/L.998 and Add.1), the Commission provisionally adopted draft guidelines 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the commentaries thereto (chap. IV). |
在审议了起草委员会的报告(A/CN.4/L.998和Add.1)后,委员会暂时通过了指南草案3、4、5和6及其评注(第四章)。 |
20. |
20. |
As regards the topic “Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law”, the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/769), which addressed, inter alia, the work of the Commission on the topic thus far and the views of States in the Sixth Committee; |
关于“确定国际法规则的辅助手段”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/769),其中除其他外,论述了委员会迄今为止关于该专题的工作和各国在第六委员会的意见; |
the nature and function of subsidiary means, focusing on judicial decisions as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law; |
辅助手段的性质和作用,并重点讨论作为确定国际法规则的辅助手段的司法决定; |
the general nature of precedent in domestic and international adjudication, including the relationship between Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), and Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice; |
国家和国际裁决先例的一般性质,包括《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项和第五十九条之间的关系; |
and the future programme of work on the topic with the completion of the first reading scheduled for the seventy-sixth session (2025). |
以及关于该专题的今后工作方案,定于在第七十六届会议(2025年)完成一读。 |
The Commission also had before it a second memorandum by the Secretariat providing examples of judicial decisions and other materials found in the case law of international courts, tribunals and other bodies that might assist the Commission in its future work (A/CN.4/765). |
委员会还收到了秘书处的第二份备忘录(A/CN.4/765),其中提供了国际性法院、法庭和其他机构判例中可能有助于委员会今后工作的司法决定实例和其他材料。 |
21. |
21. |
In his second report, the Special Rapporteur explained the nature and general function of subsidiary means, recalling that they were subordinate to the sources of international law found in subparagraphs (a) through (c) of Article 38, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. |
特别报告员在第二次报告中处理了辅助手段的性质和一般作用,并回顾指出,辅助手段相对于《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(子)项至(寅)项确定的国际法渊源处于次要地位。 |
They played an assistive role in relation to the sources of international law. |
辅助手段在国际法渊源方面发挥辅助作用。 |
This was supported by the drafting history of Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice and confirmed in the actual practice of the International Court of Justice and other international courts and tribunals, in the practice of some domestic courts and by the works of scholars. |
在这方面,《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项的起草历史可以作为支持,国际法院和其他国际性法院和法庭的实际实践、一些国家法院的实践以及学者的著作也予以确认。 |
The Special Rapporteur also addressed the general nature of precedent in domestic and international adjudication. |
特别报告员还处理了国家和国际裁决先例的一般性质。 |
Although international law lacked a formal theory or doctrine of precedent within the narrow sense of the term, the International Court of Justice and other international courts and tribunals followed prior decisions and judgments where, inter alia, there was no reason to depart from previous legal reasoning that might still be regarded as sound. |
虽然国际法中没有关于狭义上的先例的正式理论或学说,但国际法院和其他国际性法院和法庭会遵循先前的决定和判决,特别是在没有理由偏离可能仍然被视为合理的先前法律推理的情况下。 |
In this connection, he examined the relationship between Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), and Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, which provided that the decisions of the Court were binding only on the parties to the case and qualified the use of the former; |
在这方面,他审查了《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项和第五十九条之间的关系,后者规定国际法院的决定只对案件当事方有约束力,限定了前者的使用。 |
the link between Articles 59 and 61; and the practice of courts and tribunals, in particular the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. |
他还审查了第五十九条和第六十一条之间的联系,以及法院和法庭的实践,特别是国际法院和国际海洋法法庭的实践。 |
He concluded that although there is no stare decisis in international law, the legal effects of decisions were constraining not only on the parties, as the effects were also felt by third parties, due to the force of the decisions of the International Court of Justice as expressions of rules of international law, and followed for reasons of legal certainty and predictability and the persuasive and practical value of past decisions in helping resolve a later dispute. |
他的结论是,虽然国际法中没有“遵循先例”的规定,但国际法院的决定作为国际法规则的体现,其法律效力不仅对当事方具有制约作用,也能被第三方感知,并且由于法律确定性和可预测性,以及先前的决定在帮助解决以后的争端方面的说服价值和实用价值,因此被遵循。 |
22. |
22. |
The Special Rapporteur proposed three draft conclusions on the nature and function of subsidiary means (draft conclusion 6); the absence of a rule of precedent in international law (draft conclusion 7); and the persuasive value of decisions of courts or tribunals (draft conclusion 8). |
特别报告员就辅助手段的性质和作用(结论草案6)、国际法中没有先例规则(结论草案7)、法院和法庭决定的说服价值(结论草案8)提出了三项结论草案。 |
23. |
23. |
Members of the Commission welcomed the Special Rapporteur’s comprehensive report and its rich discussion of complex conceptual issues. |
委员会委员欢迎特别报告员的全面报告及其中对多个复杂概念性问题的丰富讨论。 |
They supported the Special Rapporteur’s view that subsidiary means were not a source of international law, and the view that in general there was no system of binding precedent in international law, but that judicial decisions were followed, including for reasons of legal certainty and predictability, which was the essence of any legal system based on the rule of law. |
他们支持特别报告员的观点,即辅助手段不是国际法的渊源,并且一般而言,国际法中没有具有约束力的先例制度,但由于法律确定性和可预测性等原因,司法决定会被遵循,法律确定性和可预测性是任何基于法治的法律制度的精髓。 |
Hesitancy was expressed, however, over the reference to the “persuasive value” of judicial decisions. |
然而,有委员就司法决定的“说服价值”这一提及持犹豫态度。 |
Some members sought clarification of the reference made by the Special Rapporteur in his second report not only to the general function of subsidiary means, but also to specific functions that one or other of the subsidiary means might have. |
几位委员提出,特别报告员的第二次报告不仅提及辅助手段的一般作用,还提及一种或另一种辅助手段可能的具体作用,应就此作出澄清。 |
Some members also suggested that the draft conclusions give guidance not just to courts and tribunals as users of judicial decisions, but to others including policymakers, legal advisers, agents and advocates. |
一些委员还建议,结论草案不仅为法院和法庭这些司法决定的使用方提供指导,也为决策者、法律顾问、代理人和辩护人等其他各方提供指导。 |
24. |
24. |
Following the plenary debate, the Commission referred draft conclusions 6, 7 and 8, as presented in the second report, to the Drafting Committee. |
经全体会议辩论后,委员会决定将第二次报告提出的结论草案6、7和8转交起草委员会。 |
The Special Rapporteur introduced the conclusions and presented a series of working papers adjusting his proposed draft conclusions to take into account the views of members expressed during the debate. |
特别报告员介绍了这几项结论草案,并提出了一系列工作文件以调整他提出的结论草案,以考虑委员们在辩论期间表达的意见。 |
Concerning draft conclusion 6, the Drafting Committee favoured a negative phrasing that subsidiary means were not a source of international law; |
关于结论草案6, 起草委员会赞成作出辅助手段不是国际法渊源这一否定性表述; |
decided to address the nature and function in a single provision which referred to the assistive function of subsidiary means; |
决定在一项提及辅助手段的辅助作用的单一条款中处理其性质和作用; |
and clarified that this was without prejudice to the use of the same materials for other purposes. |
起草委员会澄清,这样做并不妨碍为其他目的使用相同的材料。 |
The Special Rapporteur recommended that the question of the placement of draft conclusion 6 on function be revisited once the Commission had completed its first reading on the topic in 2025. |
特别报告员建议,委员会一旦在2025年完成该专题的一读,就应该重新审议关于作用的结论草案6的位置问题。 |
Regarding draft conclusion 7 on the absence of legally binding precedent in international law, the Drafting Committee decided on a general rule in the first sentence that “[d]ecisions of international courts and tribunals may be followed on points of law where those decisions address the same or similar issues”; |
关于结论草案7“国际法中没有具法律约束力的先例”,起草委员会决定在第一句中采用一项一般规则,即“在国际性法院或法庭的决定涉及相同或相似问题时,可在法律要点上遵循这些决定”; |
and in the second sentence a clear statement that “[s]uch decisions do not constitute legally binding precedent unless otherwise provided for in a specific instrument or rule of international law”. |
并在第二句中明确指出,“此类决定不构成具有法律约束力的先例,除非具体的国际法文书或国际法规则另有规定”。 |
As to draft conclusion 8, the Drafting Committee noted that the non-exhaustive criteria in draft conclusion 8 concerning the weight to be accorded to decisions of courts and tribunals were supplemental to draft conclusion 3, as envisaged by the Commission in the commentary to that conclusion adopted in 2023. |
关于结论草案8, 起草委员会指出,正如委员会在2023年通过的结论草案3的评注中所设想的,结论草案8中关于法院和法庭决定的权重的非详尽标准是对结论草案3的补充。 |
Upon consideration of the report of the Drafting Committee (A/CN.4/L.999), the Commission provisionally adopted draft conclusions 6, 7 and 8 and commentaries thereto. |
在审议了起草委员会的报告(A/CN.4/L.999)后,委员会暂时通过了结论草案6、7和8及其评注。 |
The Commission had, earlier in the current session, also provisionally adopted draft conclusion 4 (Decisions of courts and tribunals) and draft conclusion 5 (Teachings), as orally revised, which had only been taken note of during the seventy-fourth session (A/CN.4/L.985/Add.1), and also adopted commentaries thereto (chap. V). |
委员会在本届会议早些时候还暂时通过了经口头订正的结论草案4 (法院和法庭的决定)和结论草案5 (学说),这两项结论草案(A/CN.4/L.985/ Add.1)在第七十四届会议期间仅被注意到,委员会还通过了这两项结论草案的评注(第五章)。 |
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With regard to the topic “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea”, the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/770), which discussed the practice of international organizations involved in combating piracy and armed robbery at sea; reviewed the regional and subregional approaches to combating piracy and armed robbery at sea; described the practice of States in concluding bilateral agreements; and outlined the future work on the topic. |
关于“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/770),其中讨论了参与打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的国际组织的实践,审查了打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的区域和次区域方法,介绍了各国缔结双边协定的实践,并概述了该专题今后的工作。 |
The Commission also had before it a memorandum prepared by the Secretariat providing information on the treatment of the provision containing the definition of piracy in the 1956 draft articles concerning the law of the sea; views expressed by States at the First United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea and at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea; and writings relevant to the definitions of piracy and of armed robbery at sea (A/CN.4/767). |
委员会还收到了秘书处编写的一份备忘录(A/CN.4/767),其中说明1956年海洋法条款草案如何处理载有海盗行为定义的条款,各国在第一次联合国海洋法会议和第三次联合国海洋法会议上发表的意见,以及与海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的定义有关的著作。 |
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In his second report, the Special Rapporteur first described the practice of international organizations involved in the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea, in particular resolutions of the General Assembly, the Security Council and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as well as the practice of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with regard to naval interventions carried out pursuant to the authorization of the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. |
特别报告员在第二次报告中首先介绍了参与打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的国际组织的实践,特别是联大、安全理事会和国际海事组织的决议,以及北大西洋公约组织根据安全理事会依《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动的授权进行海军干预的实践。 |
He noted that criminalization and the establishment of the jurisdiction of national courts were two requirements consistently recalled by the Security Council, the General Assembly and IMO. |
他指出,刑事定罪和确立国家法院的管辖权是安全理事会、联大和国际海事组织一贯回顾的两项要求。 |
He then focused on the practice of regional and subregional organizations in the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas and Oceania. |
他接着重点介绍了区域和次区域组织在非洲、亚洲、欧洲、美洲和大洋洲防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的实践。 |
This practice showed the different modalities of cooperation and gave substantive meaning and operational content to cooperation. |
这些实践体现了不同的合作模式,并赋予合作以实质性意义和可操作内容。 |
The Special Rapporteur also examined bilateral agreements that sought to strengthen cooperation in the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea and covered a range of legal issues. |
特别报告员还审查了旨在加强防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为方面的合作的双边协定,这些协定涉及一系列法律问题。 |
He explained that he proposed to study, in his third report, the doctrine or academic writings on aspects that raised legal questions concerning the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
他指出,他提议第三次报告就涉及防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的相关法律问题的理论或学术著作开展研究。 |
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The Special Rapporteur proposed four draft articles, as contained in his second report. |
特别报告员的第二次报告提出了四项条款草案。 |
Draft articles 4 and 5 aimed to reflect and give material content to the general obligation of article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
第4和第5条草案旨在反映《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条的一般义务并赋予这一义务以实质内容。 |
Draft articles 6 and 7 concerned, respectively, the criminalization of piracy and armed robbery at sea under domestic law and the establishment of the jurisdiction of national courts, both of which were considered fundamental conditions for the repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
第6和第7条草案分别涉及在国内法下将海盗和海上武装抢劫行为定为刑事犯罪以及确立国家法院的管辖权,这二者都被视为打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的基本条件。 |
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Members of the Commission generally welcomed the second report by the Special Rapporteur and the richness of the material it contained and highlighted the importance and complexity of the topic. |
委员会委员普遍欢迎特别报告员的第二次报告及其中所载的丰富材料,并强调了该专题的重要性和复杂性。 |
Members raised a number of key points: the relevance of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea as the starting point for the analysis; |
委员们提出了多个关键问题:《联合国海洋法公约》作为分析起点的相关性; |
the importance of several other international conventions and the desirability of not duplicating existing legal frameworks; |
其他几项国际公约的重要性以及不重复现有法律框架的希望; |
the need for a cautious approach when analysing the practice of the General Assembly and Security Council as this practice did not derogate from the norms of international law; |
在分析联大和安全理事会的实践时,需谨慎行事,因为此类实践并未偏离国际法准则; |
and the importance of distinguishing between piracy and armed robbery at sea, given their different jurisdictions and applicable laws, when analysing practice. |
鉴于与海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为有关的管辖权和适用法律不同,在分析实践时必须对这两种行为加以区分。 |
Members expressed support for the inclusion of a provision concerning the general obligation of States to cooperate in the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea, and generally supported the promotion of harmonization of national laws for the criminalization of piracy and armed robbery at sea, as well as the establishment of national jurisdiction over these crimes. |
委员们表示支持列入一项关于各国合作防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的一般义务的规定,并普遍支持在将海盗和海上武装抢劫行为定为刑事犯罪方面促进统一各国的法律,并确立对这些罪行的国家管辖权。 |
Members questioned some of the drafting of the proposed draft articles, including the obligation to repress piracy and armed robbery at sea; |
委员们对拟议条款草案的某些起草方式提出质疑,包括打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的义务; |
the reference to “armed conflict”; |
对“武装冲突”的提及; |
the treatment of armed robbery at sea as an international crime; |
将海上武装抢劫行为作为国际罪行处理; |
the requirement for cooperation with non-State actors; |
与非国家行为体合作的要求; |
the reference to crimes committed pursuant to an order of a Government or by a person performing an official function; |
对根据政府命令所犯罪行或由履行官方职能人员所犯罪行的提及; |
whether the crimes should not be subject to any statute of limitations; |
相关罪行是否不受任何时效限制; |
and whether armed robbery at sea was subject to universal jurisdiction. |
以及海上武装抢劫行为是否受普遍管辖权管辖。 |
Members also suggested that the Commission would benefit from a discussion on a “road map” or a general framework for the analysis of the topic. |
委员们还建议,委员会不妨就分析这一专题的“路线图”或总体框架进行讨论。 |
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Following the debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer draft articles 4, 5, 6 and 7, as contained in the second report of the Special Rapporteur, to the Drafting Committee, taking into account the views expressed in the plenary debate. |
经全体会议辩论后,委员会考虑到全体会议辩论中提出的意见,决定将特别报告员第二次报告所载第4、第5、第6和7条草案转交起草委员会。 |
That included the understanding that the Committee would first hold a general discussion on the topic as a whole and its future direction. |
在这方面有一项谅解,即起草委员会将首先就整个专题及其今后方向进行一般性讨论。 |
In this discussion, members of the Drafting Committee agreed that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was the starting point for the topic and the approach of the Commission was to not alter but to work within the normative limits of the Convention. |
在讨论中,起草委员会成员一致同意,《联合国海洋法公约》是该专题的起点,委员会的方法是不作改变、在《公约》的规范范围内开展工作。 |
As that Convention did not explicitly address armed robbery at sea, the Commission could clarify relevant rules, noting that matters not regulated by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea were governed by general international law. |
由于《公约》没有明确涉及海上武装抢劫行为,委员会可澄清相关规则,并指出《联合国海洋法公约》未作规定的事项受一般国际法管辖。 |
The relevance of other instruments, particularly the Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and their respective protocols, was highlighted. |
成员们强调了其他文书,特别是《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》、《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及这两项公约各自议定书的相关性。 |
The Drafting Committee identified areas where there were gaps or legal issues that needed to be addressed. These included the definitions of piracy and armed robbery at sea (such as “illegal acts of violence or depredation” and “private ends”); |
起草委员会确定了存在空白或有需要解决的法律问题的领域,包括海盗和海上武装抢劫的定义(如“非法暴力或掠夺行为”和“私人目的”); |
new technologies (such as the use of drones and autonomous craft); |
新技术(如使用无人机和自主飞行器); |
modern piracy including acts committed on land; |
现代海盗行为,包括在陆地上实施的行为; |
and further issues such as national legislation, jurisdiction, enforcement, pursuit of offenders, private security providers and the root causes of piracy. |
以及国家立法、管辖权、执法、追捕罪犯、私营安保提供商和海盗行为根源等其他问题。 |
There was also a need to address the modalities of cooperation, such as sharing shipriders, mutual legal assistance and human rights considerations. |
还需要解决合作模式问题,如共派登船执法人员、司法互助和人权考虑。 |
The Drafting Committee recognized that the jurisdictional basis for piracy and armed robbery at sea were different. |
起草委员会认识到,海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为的管辖权基础不同。 |
The legal basis for rules regarding armed robbery at sea were not as clear as the provisions on piracy in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, but they should be considered in a coordinated manner and dealt with together and separately where appropriate. |
虽然相较于《联合国海洋法公约》中关于海盗行为的规定,在关于海上武装抢劫行为的规则方面没有同样明确的法律依据,但需以协调的方式审议这些规则,酌情一并或单独处理。 |
Members of the Drafting Committee also identified several areas where the Commission could add value by proposing draft articles for a possible future convention. |
起草委员会成员还确定了委员会可以在哪些区域通过为未来或有的公约提出条款草案来增加价值。 |
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The Drafting Committee considered the draft articles proposed by the Special Rapporteur and adopted draft article 4. This was based on a revised proposal of the Special Rapporteur that built on draft articles 4 and 5. |
起草委员会审议了特别报告员提出的条款草案,并基于特别报告员在第4条和第5条草案基础上提出的订正提案通过了第4条草案。 |
It expressed a general obligation to prevent and to repress piracy and armed robbery at sea, in conformity with international law through, first, taking effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other appropriate measures; |
该条草案指出,存在根据国际法防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的一般义务,履行方式为:第一,采取有效的立法、行政、司法措施或其他适当措施; |
and second, cooperating to the fullest possible extent with other States and competent international organizations at the international, regional and subregional levels. |
第二,在国际、区域和次区域层面与其他国家和主管国际组织尽可能充分合作。 |
The Commission heard an interim oral report of the Chair of the Drafting Committee. |
委员会听取了起草委员会主席的临时口头报告。 |
The report of the Drafting Committee on the topic (A/CN.4/L.1000) would be considered at a future session, as it had not been possible to prepare draft commentaries at the current session. |
起草委员会关于该专题的报告(A/CN.4/L.1000)将在今后的某一届会议上审议,因为无法在本届会议编写评注草案。 |
Following the resignation of Mr. Yacouba Cissé as Special Rapporteur for the topic, the Commission appointed Mr. Louis Savadogo as Special Rapporteur at its 3701st meeting, on 2 August 2024 (chap. VI). |
在雅库巴·西塞先生辞去本专题特别报告员职务后,委员会在2024年8月2日第3701次会议上任命路易·萨瓦多戈先生为特别报告员(第六章)。 |
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With respect to the topic “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction”, the Commission had before it the first report of Special Rapporteur Claudio Grossman Guiloff (A/CN.4/775), which covered draft articles 1 to 6. |
关于“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫的第一次报告(A/CN.4/775),其中述及第1至第6条草案。 |
The Special Rapporteur explained some of the challenges faced in completing the report. |
特别报告员说明了在完成报告方面面临的一些挑战。 |
The presentation of State responses to draft articles 1 to 6 only was an approach that was in accordance with the wish expressed by some States to have more time to reflect on the topic and to allocate more than one session to complete the second reading. |
报告只载录各国对第1至第6条草案的答复,这种做法为了符合一些国家所表达的期望,即有更多的时间用于思考该专题,并将完成二读的相关工作分配至不止一届会议。 |
The report of the Special Rapporteur considering the comments and observations of Governments regarding draft articles 7 to 18 was to be presented and considered in 2025. |
特别报告员关于审议各国政府对第7至第18条草案的评论和意见的报告将于2025年提交和接受审议。 |
The Commission also had before it a compilation of comments and observations received from Governments on the draft articles on immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, adopted on first reading by the Commission at its seventy-third session (2022) (A/CN.4/771 and Add.1–2). |
委员会还收到了各国政府就委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)一读通过的国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免条款草案提出的评论和意见汇编(A/CN.4/771和Add.1-2)。 |
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In his first report, the Special Rapporteur explained his approach to the consideration of the draft articles on second reading whereby he presented a summary of the comments and observations received from States, his analysis as Special Rapporteur and a set of recommendations for amending the draft articles to reflect States’ comments. |
特别报告员在第一次报告中说明了他二读审议条款草案的方法:他概述从各国收到的评论和意见、他作为特别报告员所作的分析以及一套关于修订条款草案以反映各国评论的建议。 |
In response to the views of States, he proposed further clarifying in the commentaries the distinction between the exercise of criminal jurisdiction and inviolability and explaining with examples what was meant by “State official” and “act performed in an official capacity”. |
为回应各国的意见,他提议在评注中进一步澄清刑事管辖权的行使与不可侵犯性之间的区别,并举例说明“国家官员”和“以官方身份实施的行为”的含义。 |
He proposed an amendment to draft article 1, paragraph 3, to clarify the relationship with international courts and tribunals, including those established by the Security Council. |
他提议修订第1条草案第3款,以澄清与国际性法院和法庭,包括安全理事会设立的法院和法庭的关系。 |
He did not recommend any changes to draft article 3 on the limitation of immunity ratione personae to the troika. |
他不建议对关于将属人豁免限于三巨头的第3条草案作任何修改。 |
However, he proposed clarifying a few of the draft articles, including draft article 5, that some States had found problematic. |
然而,他提议澄清有些国家认为有问题的条款草案,包括第5条草案。 |
The Special Rapporteur proposed that some other drafting proposals from States be considered in the Drafting Committee. |
特别报告员提议由起草委员会审议各国提出的其他起草提案。 |
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Members of the Commission welcomed the first report of the Special Rapporteur and were in general agreement with the decision to focus on draft articles 1 to 6. |
委员会委员欢迎特别报告员的第一次报告,对特别报告员重点关注第1至第6条草案的决定普遍表示赞同。 |
Members noted that the topic was of high importance and generally supported the approach of the Special Rapporteur of concentrating on draft articles 1 to 6 and the progress that had been made on the topic to date. |
委员们指出,该专题非常重要,并普遍支持特别报告员专注于第1至第6条草案的做法以及迄今为止在该专题上取得的进展。 |
Some members of the Commission were in favour of defining the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction and inviolability, if not in the draft articles, in the commentaries. |
一些委员会委员支持对外国刑事管辖权的行使和不可侵犯性进行界定,表示即使不在条款草案中界定,也应在评注中界定。 |
Various views were expressed on particular drafting suggestions. |
委员们就具体的起草建议发表了多种意见。 |
These were considered in the Drafting Committee. |
起草委员会审议了这些意见。 |
A number of members of the Commission responded to the Special Rapporteur’s invitation to the Commission to consider possible recommendations for the General Assembly, to commend the draft articles to the attention of States in general or to use them as the basis to negotiate a treaty on the topic. |
特别报告员请委员会考虑可能向联大提出的建议,并提请各国普遍注意条款草案,或以条款草案为基础就该专题谈判一项条约,一些委员会委员就此作了回应。 |
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The Drafting Committee considered the draft articles proposed by the Special Rapporteur. |
起草委员会审议了特别报告员提出的条款草案。 |
The Drafting Committee proposed some adjustments to the draft articles in light of the views of States and the proposals of the Special Rapporteur. |
起草委员会成员根据各国的意见和特别报告员的提议,建议对条款草案作一些调整。 |
The Commission took note of draft articles 1, 3, 4 and 5 (chap. VII). |
委员会注意到第1、第3、第4和第5条草案(第七章)。 |
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Concerning the topic “Non-legally binding international agreements”, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/772). |
关于“不具法律约束力的国际协定”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/772)。 |
The Special Rapporteur explained that his first report was of a preliminary nature and deliberately did not propose any draft provisions. |
特别报告员说明,他的第一次报告是初步性的,未提出任何条文草案是有意为之。 |
It contained a general discussion of the topic and a first assessment of the relevant material and proposals for the scope of the topic and the questions to be examined. |
报告载有对该专题的一般性讨论、对有关材料的初步评估以及关于该专题范围和有待审查的问题的建议。 |
The objective of this preliminary assessment was to enable the Commission to be better prepared to undertake a drafting exercise in 2025 on the basis of the general orientations that would be collectively defined at the current session. |
这一初步评估的目的是让委员会能够更好地做好准备,基于将在本届会议上集体确定的总体方向,于2025年开展起草工作。 |
He described certain issues on which it would be particularly useful to obtain views, including the reference to “agreements” in the title; |
他介绍了一些特别需要征求意见的问题,包括在标题中提及“协定”; |
the precise scope of the topic, such as the exclusion of acts adopted by international organizations as such, oral or tacit agreements, and inter-institutional agreements; |
该专题的确切范围,例如排除国际组织本身通过的文件、口头或默示协定以及机构间协定; |
the question of the (potential) legal effects of non-legally binding international agreements; |
不具法律约束力的国际协定的(潜在)法律效力问题; |
and the final form of the outcome of the topic, currently proposed to be draft conclusions. |
以及该专题成果的最后形式,目前提议的形式为结论草案。 |
He also placed great weight on the need for representativeness of State practice and would be seeking such practice from members of the Commission and States. |
他还大力强调,必须重视国家实践的代表性,他将从委员会委员和各国搜集此类实践。 |
He also emphasized the need to proceed as cautiously as possible on the topic, to avoid converting indirectly non-binding agreements into binding ones, which they were not, and to maintain flexibility in international cooperation. |
他还强调,有必要尽可能谨慎地处理该专题,避免将实际上并不具约束力的协定间接转变为具有约束力的协定,并在国际合作中保持灵活性。 |
36. |
36. |
Members of the Commission welcomed the first report of the Special Rapporteur and his approach of beginning with a general discussion on the topic. |
委员会委员欢迎特别报告员的第一次报告以及他从关于该专题的一般性讨论入手的做法。 |
They agreed on the need to focus on the practical aspects of the topic and to ensure the representativeness of State practice. |
委员们一致认为,需要重点关注该专题的实际方面,并确保国家实践的代表性。 |
Differing views were expressed on the title of the topic, with a majority of members supporting the reference in the title to “agreements”, and others expressing support for other alternatives. |
关于该专题的标题,委员们表达了不同意见,大多数委员支持在标题中提及“协定”,其他委员则表示支持其他备选案文。 |
Of the alternatives, “instruments” was considered by a number of members to be overly broad, including because it would mean that resolutions adopted by international organizations as such would have to be included within the scope of the topic. |
关于备选案文,一些委员认为“文书”过于宽泛,因为该词意味着国际组织本身通过的决议也必须纳入该专题的范围内。 |
Some thought the term “arrangements” did not clearly express the scope of the topic and was difficult to translate into all official languages. |
一些委员认为,“安排”一词不仅没有明确表明该专题的范围,也难以翻译成所有正式语文。 |
With respect to the scope of the topic, members of the Commission generally agreed that the topic should exclude oral or tacit agreements, unilateral acts, non-binding provisions in treaties, and agreements stating exclusively factual matters and positions. |
关于该专题的范围,委员会委员普遍同意,该专题应该排除口头或默示协定、单方面文件、条约中不具约束力的规定以及仅说明事实事项和立场的协定。 |
Different views were expressed on the inclusion of agreements at the inter-institutional level and stemming from inter-governmental conferences, and it was suggested that there was a need for some flexibility. |
对于是否纳入机构间一级的协定和政府间会议产生的协定,委员们表达了不同意见,认为需要有一定的灵活性。 |
A few members suggested including agreements concluded with non-State actors, at least tangentially. |
几位委员建议至少间接地纳入与非国家行为体缔结的协定。 |
Regarding the outcome of the topic, some members preferred draft conclusions, as proposed by the Special Rapporteur, while others preferred draft guidelines. |
关于该专题的结果,一些委员倾向于特别报告员提议的结论草案,另一些委员则倾向于指南草案。 |
Members agreed, however, that the outcome of the topic should not be prescriptive. |
但委员们一致认为,该专题的结果不应该是规定性的。 |
37. |
37. |
In light of the debate on the title of the topic, the Special Rapporteur indicated that the current title of the topic should be maintained, at least pending the debate in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly. |
特别报告员基于关于该专题标题的辩论,指出至少在联大第六委员会辩论之前,应该保留该专题目前的标题。 |
In any case, it would be expressly stated in the commentaries of the draft provisions to be adopted that the title was without prejudice to the nature of the agreements covered by the draft provisions and to the terminological choices made by States in their practice. |
无论如何,拟通过的条文草案的评注将明确指出,该标题不妨碍条文草案所涵盖协定的性质,也不影响各国在实践中所作的术语选择。 |
With respect to the scope of the topic, the Special Rapporteur noted the general agreement on most areas and suggestions made in the first report, but also the need to be flexible in defining the contours of the topic and not take too categorical a perspective, in particular with regard to inter-institutional agreements and acts adopted by international conferences. |
关于该专题的范围,特别报告员注意到,第一次报告提出的大多数领域和建议获得了普遍同意,但也注意到有必要灵活界定该专题的轮廓,不要采取过于绝对的视角,特别是在国际会议通过的机构间协定和文件方面。 |
On the outcome of the topic, the Special Rapporteur indicated that as he had initially proposed draft conclusions and as this proposal had received the support of a slight majority of members, he would retain this pending receipt of the views of States and the drafting of provisions to begin at the following session. |
关于该专题的结果,特别报告员指出,考虑到他最初提议了结论草案,并且这一提议得到了略多于半数的委员的支持,因此,在收到各国的意见和下届会议开始起草条文之前,他将保留这一提议。 |
He noted that his second report in 2025 would focus on the object and scope of the topic and what were seen by the members as the most important issues to be addressed, such as the criteria for distinguishing between legally binding and non-legally binding agreements (chap. VIII). |
他指出,他2025年的第二份报告将侧重于该专题的目的和范围,以及委员们认为需要处理的最重要问题,如具有法律约束力的协定和不具法律约束力的协定的区分标准(第八章)。 |
38. |
38. |
Regarding the topic “Succession of States in respect of State responsibility”, the Commission re-established a Working Group on the topic, chaired by Mr. August Reinisch, with a view to making a recommendation on the way forward for the topic. |
关于“国家责任方面的国家继承”专题,委员会重新设立了关于该专题的工作组,由奥古斯特·赖尼施先生担任主席,以期就该专题的前进方向提出建议。 |
The Working Group had before it a working paper prepared by the Chair of the Working Group. |
国家责任方面的国家继承工作组收到了工作组主席编写的工作文件。 |
Issues discussed in the Working Group included the sufficiency of State practice and the representativeness of State practice; |
工作组讨论的问题包括:国家实践的充分性和国家实践的代表性; |
the extent to which negotiated solutions among the States concerned could be taken as evidence of rules of customary international law; |
有关国家之间谈判达成的解决办法可以在多大程度上被视为习惯国际法规则的证据; |
the distinction between a transfer of responsibility as such and the transfer of rights and obligations arising from the responsibility of the predecessor State; |
责任转移本身与被继承国责任所产生的权利和义务的转移二者之间的区别; |
the need to distinguish between codification and progressive development; |
对编纂与逐渐发展进行区分的必要性; |
policy justifications for and against automatic succession and the “clean slate” approach; |
支持和反对自动继承和“白板”方法的政策理由; |
whether a parallel between State responsibility and State debts was justified; |
国家责任与国家债务间的类比是否合理; |
and the relationship of the draft guidelines to the principle of unjust enrichment. |
以及指南草案与不当得利原则的关系。 |
The Working Group also noted several issues in the draft guidelines that merited clarification. |
工作组还指出了指南草案中值得澄清的几个问题。 |
39. |
39. |
In light of the issues and difficulties, the Working Group considered various possible ways forward to complete the work of the Commission on the topic. |
工作组基于对这些问题和困难的考虑,审议了委员会在完成该专题工作方面各种可能的前进方式。 |
After discussion of the options, the Chair of the Working Group observed that the prevailing view of its members was in favour of a summary report that would describe the difficulties faced in the work on the topic without going into its substance and that would be prepared with a view to concluding the work on the topic at the following session of the Commission. |
在讨论了备选方案后,工作组主席指出,工作组成员的普遍意见是,赞成编写一份概要报告,在其中说明该专题工作所面临的困难但不涉及其实质内容,编写这一报告是为了让委员会在下届会议上完成该专题的工作。 |
The Commission decided to establish a Working Group at the seventy-sixth session for the purpose of drafting a report that would bring the work of the Commission on the topic to an end and to appoint Mr. Bimal N. Patel as its Chair (chap. IX). |
委员会决定在第七十六届会议上设立一个工作组,由比马尔·帕特尔先生担任主席,以起草一份报告,结束委员会关于该专题的工作(第九章)。 |
40. |
40. |
With respect to the topic “Sea-level rise in relation to international law”, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on sea-level rise in relation to international law. |
关于“与国际法有关的海平面上升”专题,委员会重组了与国际法有关的海平面上升专题研究组。 |
The Study Group had before it the additional paper (A/CN.4/774) to the second issues paper, prepared by the Co-Chairs, Ms. Galvão Teles and Mr. Ruda Santolaria, which addressed two subtopics, namely statehood and the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise. |
研究组收到了共同主席加尔旺·特莱斯女士和鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生编写的第二份问题文件的补充文件(A/CN.4/774),其中处理了国家地位和受海平面上升影响人员的保护这两个分专题。 |
A selected bibliography, prepared in consultation with members of the Study Group, was issued as an addendum (A/CN.4/774/Add.1) to the additional paper. |
经与研究组成员协商编写的选定参考文献目录已作为该补充文件的增编(A/CN.4/774/Add.1)印发。 |
The Study Group also had before it a memorandum by the Secretariat identifying elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be relevant for its future work on the topic (A/CN.4/768). |
研究组还收到了秘书处的备忘录(A/CN.4/768),其中列有委员会以往工作中可能与该专题今后工作相关的内容。 |
41. |
41. |
The Study Group had an extensive exchange of views on the additional paper. |
研究组成员就补充文件广泛交换了意见。 |
Members of the Study Group reiterated the topic’s importance and relevance to States, especially those that were directly affected by sea-level rise, and the need to demonstrate the practical value of the topic to States. |
研究组成员重申该专题对各国,特别是直接受海平面上升影响的国家的重要性和相关性,并重申有必要向各国展示该专题的实际价值。 |
The interrelationship between the three subtopics of the sea-level rise topic was also emphasized. |
成员们还强调了海平面上升专题的三个分专题之间的相互关系。 |
42. |
42. |
With respect to the subtopic of statehood, the Study Group generally supported the continuity of statehood and agreed that the criteria in article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, generally accepted as establishing the existence of a State as a subject of international law, did not address as such the question of the continuity of statehood. |
关于国家地位这一分专题,研究组总体上支持国家地位的存续,并一致认为,1933年蒙得维的亚《国家权利与义务公约》第1条中的标准虽然被普遍接受为确定国家作为国际法主体存在的标准,但该条本身并没有处理国家地位存续的问题。 |
Indeed, State practice had revealed a degree of flexibility in the application of international law to the issues of statehood. |
事实上,国家实践表明,国际法在国家地位问题上的适用具有一定程度的灵活性。 |
The Pacific Islands Forum’s 2023 Declaration on the Continuity of Statehood and the Protection of Persons in the Face of Climate Change-Related Sea-Level Rise, which presumed the continuity of statehood regardless of the impact of sea-level rise, was particularly illustrative. |
太平洋岛国论坛《2023年关于面对与气候变化有关的海平面上升问题国家地位存续和人员保护宣言》假定,无论海平面上升的影响如何,国家地位都将存续,这一点特别能说明问题。 |
Drawing on the additional paper, the Study Group discussed various bases for the continuity of statehood, including the right of States to preserve their existence; |
研究组基于这份补充文件,讨论了国家存续的多种依据,包括国家维护自身存在的权利; |
the role of recognition in the continuity of statehood; |
承认在国家地位存续方面的作用; |
the right of each State to defend its territorial integrity; |
每个国家捍卫其领土完整的权利; |
the right of self-determination of peoples; |
人民的自决权; |
and consent on the part of the State facing a loss of habitable territory. |
以及面临丧失可居住领土的国家的同意。 |
Reference was also made to security, stability, certainty and predictability; |
研究组成员还提及了安全性、稳定性、确定性和可预测性; |
equity and justice; |
公平和正义; |
sovereign equality of States; |
各国主权平等; |
permanent sovereignty of States over their natural resources; |
国家对其自然资源的永久主权; |
the maintenance of international peace and security; |
维护国际和平与安全; |
the stability of international relations; |
国际关系的稳定; |
and international cooperation. |
国际合作。 |
43. |
43. |
In discussing scenarios relating to statehood in the context of sea-level rise, the Study Group agreed that a distinction should be drawn between situations of partial submergence of land surface that would be uninhabitable and situations of total submergence of the land surface as a result of the phenomenon. |
在讨论与海平面上升背景下的国家地位有关的情形时,研究组成员一致认为,需区分陆地表面被部分淹没而不宜居住的情况和陆地表面因海平面上升现象被完全淹没的情况。 |
States had a right to provide for their preservation, which could take many forms, including various adaptation measures to reduce the impacts of sea-level rise. |
各国有权以多种形式为维护自身存续做准备,包括就此采取各种减少海平面上升影响的适应措施。 |
International cooperation for such efforts was considered essential. |
研究组成员认为,国际合作对这方面的努力来说至关重要。 |
While various possible future modalities were considered by the Study Group, reference was made to the need to consult and cooperate in good faith with the populations concerned, including indigenous peoples, and the need for international cooperation between affected States and other members of the international community based on the sovereign equality of States, as well as considerations of equity and fairness. |
研究组审议了今后可能采取的各种模式,同时提及有必要与包括土著人民在内的有关民众进行真诚磋商与合作,受影响国家与国际社会其他成员有必要基于国家主权平等以及公平和公正的考虑开展国际合作。 |
44. |
44. |
With respect to the subtopic of protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, the Study Group agreed with the conclusion contained in the additional paper that the current international legal frameworks that were potentially applicable to the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise were fragmented and mostly not specific to sea-level rise. |
关于受海平面上升影响人员的保护这一分专题,研究组成员同意补充文件所载的结论,即可能适用于受海平面上升影响人员的保护的现有国际法律框架不成体系,并且大多不专门针对海平面上升问题。 |
The Study Group welcomed the analysis in the additional paper of possible elements for the legal protection of persons affected by sea-level rise based on such current international legal frameworks, such as human dignity as a guiding principle for any action to be taken in the context of sea-level rise; |
研究组欢迎补充文件基于现有国际法律框架对受海平面上升影响人员的法律保护的可能要素进行的分析,这些要素包括:将人的尊严作为一项在海平面上升背景下采取任何行动的指导原则; |
the need for combined needs-based and rights-based approaches as the basis for the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise; |
有必要将基于需求和基于权利的办法结合起来,作为保护受海平面上升影响人员的基础; |
the need to delineate human rights obligations of different human rights duty bearers; |
需要界定不同人权义务承担方的人权义务; |
the recognition of the importance of general human rights obligations in the context of the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise; |
对受海平面上升影响人员的保护方面的一般人权义务重要性的承认; |
the acknowledgement of the various tools that may be applicable to address the protection of persons; |
确认可能适用于处理人员保护问题的各种工具; |
and the importance of the duty to cooperate for the protection of persons in the context of sea-level rise. |
以及合作义务在保护受海平面上升影响人员方面的重要性。 |
The Study Group held a broad discussion of the 12 elements contained in the additional paper which could be either used for the interpretation and application of hard- and soft-law instruments applicable to the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, and/or could be included in further such instruments concluded at the regional or international levels. |
研究组广泛讨论了补充文件所载的12项要素,这些要素可用于解释和适用适用于受海平面上升影响人员的保护的硬法和软法文书,并/或可被纳入区域或国际层面缔结的其他此类文书。 |
It was noted that such elements could be further developed and specified, and could be restructured according to their varying legal relevance. |
研究组指出,可以进一步发展和具体说明这些要素,并可以根据其不同的法律相关性加以调整。 |
45. |
45. |
The Study Group also held a discussion on the future programme of work on the topic and confirmed the proposal that at the Commission’s session in 2025, the Study Group would consider a joint final report on the topic as a whole to be prepared by the Co-Chairs, consolidating the work undertaken so far on the three subtopics, with a set of conclusions. |
研究组还讨论了该专题的今后工作方案,并确认了一项提议,即研究组将在委员会2025年届会期间审议由共同主席编写的关于整个专题的联合最后报告,该报告将整合迄今就三个分专题开展的工作并提出一套结论。 |
The importance of taking into account the views of States and international developments was reaffirmed. |
研究组成员重申,必须考虑到各国的意见和国际事态发展。 |
The Commission adopted the report of the Study Group on its work at the current session (chap. X). |
委员会通过了本届会议的研究组工作报告(第十章)。 |
46. |
46. |
Concerning “Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission”, the Commission re-established a Planning Group to consider its programme, procedures and working methods, which in turn decided to re-establish the Working Group on the long-term programme of work, chaired by Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, and the Working Group on methods of work and procedures of the Commission, chaired by Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh (chap. XI, sect. C). |
关于“委员会的其他决定和结论”,委员会重新设立了一个规划组,以审议其方案、程序和工作方法,规划组又决定重新设立长期工作方案工作组(由马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生担任主席)以及委员会工作方法和程序工作组(由查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生担任主席)(第十一章C节)。 |
The Commission decided to include in its long-term programme of work the topic “Compensation for the damage caused by internationally wrongful acts” and the topic “Due diligence in international law” (chap. XI, sect. C and annexes). |
委员会决定将“国际不法行为所造成损害的补偿”专题和“国际法中的必要勤勉问题”专题列入长期工作方案(第十一章C节和附件)。 |
47. |
47. |
Judge Nawaf Salam, President of the International Court of Justice, addressed the Commission on 17 July 2024. |
2024年7月17日,国际法院院长纳瓦夫·萨拉姆法官在委员会发言。 |
Due to the liquidity crisis at the United Nations, the Commission’s session, as approved by General Assembly resolution 78/108 of 7 December 2023, was reduced from twelve to ten weeks. |
由于联合国的流动性危机,经联大2023年12月7日第78/108号决议批准,委员会届会的会期从12周减至10周。 |
Therefore, the Commission was unable to have its traditional exchange of views with international and regional international legal bodies. |
因此,委员会无法按照传统与国际性和区域性国际法律机构进行意见交流。 |
Nevertheless, members of the Commission held an informal exchange of views with the International Committee of the Red Cross on 11 July 2024 (chap. XI, sect. D). |
尽管如此,委员会委员于2024年7月11日与红十字国际委员会进行了非正式意见交流(第十一章D节)。 |
48. |
48. |
The Commission decided that its seventy-sixth session would be held in Geneva from 14 April to 30 May and from 30 June to 31 July 2025 (chap. XI, sect. C). |
委员会决定于2025年4月14日至5月30日和6月30日至7月31日在日内瓦举行第七十六届会议(第十一章C节)。 |
49. |
49. |
The Commission filled two casual vacancies during the session. |
委员会在本届会议期间填补了两个临时空缺。 |
Ms. Alina Orosan was elected on 1 May 2024 to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Bogdan Aurescu, who had been elected to the International Court of Justice. |
阿林娜·奥罗桑女士于2024年5月1日当选,填补因当选国际法院法官的波格丹·奥雷斯库先生辞任而出现的空缺。 |
Mr. Xinmin Ma was elected on 31 July 2024 to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Huikang Huang (chap. I, sect. B). |
马新民先生于2024年7月31日当选,填补因黄惠康先生辞任而出现的空缺(第一章,B节)。 |
Chapter III |
第三章 |
Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission |
委员会特别想听取意见的具体问题 |
A. |
A. |
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction |
国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免 |
50. |
50. |
To afford the opportunity for more Governments to comment, the Commission would appreciate receiving any further comments and observations from Governments, by 15 November 2024, concerning draft articles 7 to 18 and the draft annex of the draft articles on immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, as adopted on first reading at its seventy-third session (2022), and the commentaries thereto. |
为了让更多国家政府有机会发表评论,委员会希望各国政府在2024年11月15日之前就委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)一读通过的国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免条款草案第7至18条草案和附件草案 及其评注 提出进一步的评论和意见。 |
B. |
B. |
General principles of law |
一般法律原则 |
51. |
51. |
The Commission recalls that it completed the first reading of the draft conclusions on the topic “General principles of law” at its seventy-fourth session (2023) and had decided, in accordance with articles 16 to 21 of its statute, to transmit the draft conclusions, through the Secretary-General, to Governments for comments and observations, with the request that such comments and observations be submitted to the Secretary-General by 1 December 2024. |
委员会回顾,委员会在第七十四届会议(2023年)上完成了“一般法律原则”专题结论草案的一读并决定根据其章程第16至21条,通过秘书长向各国政府转发这些结论草案,征求其评论和意见,并要求在2024年12月1日前向秘书长提交这些评论和意见。 |
The Commission reiterates the importance it attaches to receiving such comments and observations from as many Governments as possible. |
委员会重申重视从尽可能多的国家政府收到这种评论和意见。 |
C. |
C. |
Sea-level rise in relation to international law |
与国际法有关的海平面上升 |
52. |
52. |
The Commission would welcome any information that States, international organizations and other relevant entities could provide on their practice, as well as other pertinent information concerning sea-level rise in relation to international law, and reiterates its requests made in chapter III of its reports on the work of its seventy-first (2019), seventy–second (2021), seventy-third (2022), and seventy-fourth (2023) sessions. |
委员会欢迎各国、国际组织和其他相关实体提供与国际法有关的海平面上升方面的实践以及其他相关资料,并重申其在第七十一届会议(2019年)、第七十二届会议(2021年)、第七十三届会议(2022年) 和第七十四届会议(2023年) 工作报告第三章中提出的请求。 |
53. |
53. |
At the seventy-sixth session (2025), the Study Group will seek to produce its final report on the subject of sea-level rise in relation to international law. |
研究组将争取在第七十六届会议(2025年)上提交关于与国际法有关的海平面上升专题的最后报告。 |
In this connection, the Commission reiterates that it would appreciate receiving information from States who have not submitted information in the past, any updates or additional information, including comments on the reports of the Co-Chairs and Study Group in relation to the law of the sea, statehood and protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, by 1 December 2024. |
在这方面,委员会重申希望过去未提交资料的国家在2024年12月1日前提供资料、任何最新资料或补充资料,包括对共同主席和研究组关于海洋法、国家地位和保护受海平面上升影响人员问题的报告的评论。 |
D. |
D. |
Non-legally binding international agreements |
不具法律约束力的国际协定 |
54. |
54. |
The Commission would appreciate receiving by 31 December 2024, information from States on their practice concerning non-legally binding international agreements which may be of relevance to its future work on the topic. |
委员会希望各国在2024年12月31日前提供资料,说明它们在不具法律约束力的国际协定方面可能与委员会今后关于此专题的工作相关的实践。 |
The Commission would in particular appreciate receiving examples relevant to this topic of: |
委员会特别希望收到与此专题有关的下列实例: |
(a) |
(a) |
the practice of competent ministries and decisions of national courts, as appropriate, concerning non–legally binding international agreements; |
在不具法律约束力的国际协定方面的主管部委实践和国内法院决定(酌情); |
and |
(b) |
(b) any guidelines on non-legally binding international agreements adopted at the national level that States could publicly share with the Special Rapporteur and the Commission. |
各国可与特别报告员和委员会公开分享的任何在国家一级通过的关于不具法律约束力的国际协定的指南。 |
Chapter IV |
第四章 |
Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties |
国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
55. |
55. |
The Commission, at its seventy-third session (2022), decided to include the topic “Settlement of international disputes to which international organizations are parties” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. August Reinisch as Special Rapporteur for the topic. |
委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)决定将“国际组织作为当事方的国际争端的解决”专题列入工作方案 并任命奥古斯特·赖尼施先生为专题特别报告员。 |
Also at its seventy-third session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a memorandum providing information on the practice of States and international organizations which may be of relevance to its future work on the topic, including both international disputes and disputes of a private law character. |
也是在第七十三届会议上, 委员会请秘书处编写一份备忘录,提供与委员会今后就此专题开展工作可能有关的国家和国际组织实践的信息,包括国际争端,以及具有私法性质的争端。 |
The Commission also approved the Special Rapporteur’s recommendation that the Secretariat contact States and relevant international organizations in order to obtain information and their views for the purposes of the memorandum. |
委员会还批准了特别报告员的建议,即秘书处应与各国和相关国际组织联系,以便为编写备忘录收集资料并征求意见。 |
56. |
56. |
The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 77/103 of 7 December 2022, subsequently took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work. |
联大随后在2022年12月7日第77/103号决议第7段中表示,注意到委员会决定将此专题列入工作方案。 |
57. |
57. |
At its seventy-fourth session (2023), the Commission considered the first report of the Special Rapporteur, which addressed the scope of the topic and provided an analysis of the subject matter of the topic in light of previous work of the Commission relevant to it and of other international bodies. |
委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)审议了特别报告员的第一次报告,报告论述了此专题的范围,并参照委员会和其他国际机构以前的相关工作对此专题的主题事项进行了分析。 |
The report also addressed certain definitional issues. |
报告还论述了某些定义问题。 |
Following the debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer draft guidelines 1 and 2, as contained in the Special Rapporteur’s first report, to the Drafting Committee. |
经全体会议辩论后,委员会决定将特别报告员第一次报告所载的指南草案1和2转交起草委员会。 |
The Commission provisionally adopted draft guidelines 1 and 2, together with commentaries thereto, and decided to change the title of the topic from “Settlement of international disputes to which international organizations are parties” to “Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties”. |
委员会暂时通过了指南草案1和2及其评注,并决定将此专题的标题从“国际组织作为当事方的国际争端的解决”改为“国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决”。 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
58. |
58. |
At the present session, the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/766), as well as the memorandum by the Secretariat providing information on the practice of States and international organizations which may be of relevance to the future work of the Commission on the topic, including both international disputes and disputes of a private law character (A/CN.4/764). |
本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/766)以及秘书处的备忘录,备忘录提供了与委员会今后就此专题开展工作可能有关的国家和国际组织的实践,包括国际争端和具有私法性质的争端(A/CN.4/764)。 |
In his second report, the Special Rapporteur focused on the discussion of “international disputes”. |
在第二次报告中,特别报告员着重就“国际争端”进行了讨论。 |
He also provided an analysis of the practice of settling international disputes to which international organizations are parties, as well as of policy issues relevant to the Commission’s work on the topic, and outlined his plans for the future work on the topic. |
特别报告员还分析了解决国际组织作为当事方的国际争端的实践,分析了委员会此专题的工作的相关政策问题,并介绍了他关于此专题今后工作的计划。 |
The Special Rapporteur proposed four draft guidelines: one on the definition of international disputes for the purposes of the draft guidelines, one on the practice of dispute settlement, one on access to arbitration and judicial settlement, and one on dispute settlement and rule of law requirements. |
特别报告员提出了四条指南草案:一条关于为指南草案的目的对国际争端的定义; 一条关于争端解决实践; 一条关于诉诸仲裁和司法解决; |
59. The Commission considered the second report of the Special Rapporteur and the memorandum by the Secretariat at its 3658th to 3662nd meetings, from 29 April to 3 May 2024. |
还有一条关于争端解决和法治要求。 59. 委员会在2024年4月29日至5月3日举行的第3658次至第3662次会议上审议了特别报告员的第二次报告和秘书处的备忘录。 |
At its 3662nd meeting, on 3 May 2024, the Commission decided to refer draft guidelines 3, 4, 5 and 6, as contained in the second report, to the Drafting Committee, taking into account the views expressed in the plenary debate. |
委员会在2024年5月3日第3662次会议上,考虑到全体辩论期间发表的意见,决定将第二次报告所载指南草案3、4、5、6转交起草委员会。 |
60. |
60. |
At its 3673rd meeting, on 31 May 2024, the Commission considered the report of the Drafting Committee on the topic (A/CN.4/L.998 and Add.1) and provisionally adopted draft guidelines 3 to 6 (see sect. C.1 below). |
委员会在2024年5月31日第3673次会议上审议了起草委员会关于此专题的报告(A/CN.4/L.998和Add.1),并暂时通过了指南草案3至6 (见下文C.1节)。 |
61. |
61. |
At its 3688th to 3692nd meetings, from 23 to 25 July 2024, the Commission adopted the commentaries to the draft guidelines provisionally adopted at the current session (see sect. C.2 below). |
委员会在2024年7月23日至25日举行的第3688至3692次会议上通过了本届会议暂时通过的指南草案的评注(见下文C.2节)。 |
C. |
C. |
Text of the draft guidelines on settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties provisionally adopted thus far by the Commission |
委员会迄今暂时通过的国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决指南草案案文 |
1. |
1. |
Text of the draft guidelines |
指南草案案文 |
62. |
62. |
The text of the draft guidelines provisionally adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fourth and seventy-fifth sessions is reproduced below. |
委员会第七十四和第七十五届会议暂时通过的指南草案案文载录如下。 |
Part One |
第一部分 |
Introduction |
导言 |
Guideline 1 |
指南1 |
Scope |
范围 |
The present draft guidelines concern the settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties. |
本指南草案涉及国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决。 |
Guideline 2 |
指南2 |
Use of terms |
用语 |
For the purposes of the present draft guidelines: |
为本指南草案的目的: |
(a) |
(a) |
“international organization” means an entity possessing its own international legal personality, established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law, that may include as members, in addition to States, other entities, and has at least one organ capable of expressing a will distinct from that of its members. |
“国际组织”是指根据条约或受国际法制约的其他文书建立的具有独立国际法律人格的实体,其成员除了国家以外还可包括其他实体,并且拥有至少一个能够表达有别于其成员的意愿的机关。 |
(b) |
(b) |
“dispute” means a disagreement concerning a point of law or fact in which a claim or assertion is met with refusal or denial. |
“争端”是指在一法律争议点或事实争议点上的意见分歧,在该分歧中,有一项主张或断言遭到了拒绝或否认。 |
(c) |
(c) |
“means of dispute settlement” refers to negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of resolving disputes. |
“争端解决方法”是指谈判、调查、调解、和解、仲裁、司法解决、诉诸区域机构或安排,或解决争端的其他和平方法。 |
Part Two |
第二部分 |
Disputes between international organizations as well as disputes between international organizations and States |
国际组织之间的争端以及国际组织与国家之间的争端 |
Guideline 3 |
指南3 |
Scope of the present Part |
本部分的范围 |
This Part addresses disputes between international organizations as well as disputes between international organizations and States. |
本部分述及国际组织之间的争端以及国际组织与国家之间的争端。 |
Guideline 4 |
指南4 |
Resort to means of dispute settlement |
诉诸争端解决方法 |
Disputes between international organizations or between international organizations and States should be settled in good faith and in a spirit of cooperation by the means of dispute settlement referred to in draft guideline 2, subparagraph (c), that may be appropriate to the circumstances and the nature of the dispute. |
对于国际组织之间或国际组织与国家之间的争端,需本着诚意与合作精神,通过指南草案2(c)项所述、可能适合争端的情况和性质的争端解决方法予以解决。 |
Guideline 5 |
指南5 |
Accessibility of means of dispute settlement |
争端解决方法的可及性 |
The means of dispute settlement, including arbitration and judicial settlement, as appropriate, should be made more widely accessible for the settlement of disputes between international organizations or between international organizations and States. |
对于争端解决方法,包括酌情使用仲裁和司法解决,需使之更加广泛可及,用于解决国际组织之间或国际组织与国家之间的争端。 |
Guideline 6 |
指南6 |
Requirements for arbitration and judicial settlement |
对仲裁和司法解决的要求 |
Arbitration and judicial settlement shall conform to the requirements of independence and impartiality of adjudicators and due process. |
仲裁和司法解决应符合裁决者独立性和公正性以及正当程序的要求。 |
2. |
2. |
Text of the draft guidelines and commentaries thereto provisionally adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fifth session |
委员会第七十五届会议暂时通过的指南草案案文及其评注 |
63. |
63. |
The text of the draft guidelines, together with commentaries provisionally adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fifth session, is reproduced below. |
委员会第七十五届会议暂时通过的指南草案案文及其评注载录如下。 |
Guideline 3 |
指南3 |
Scope of the present Part |
本部分的范围 |
This Part addresses disputes between international organizations as well as disputes between international organizations and States. |
本部分述及国际组织之间的争端以及国际组织与国家之间的争端。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft guideline 3 sets out the scope of Part Two of the draft guidelines. |
指南草案3阐述了本指南草案第二部分的适用范围。 |
Part Two is entitled “Disputes between international organizations as well as disputes between international organizations and States”. |
第二部分的标题是“国际组织之间的争端以及国际组织与国家之间的争端”。 |
Draft guideline 3 is not intended to be a definition of certain types of disputes. |
指南草案3并不旨在对争端的特定类型下定义。 |
Rather, it lays out the scope of Part Two by outlining which disputes are addressed therein. |
而是要列出第二部分所述及的争端,从而阐述第二部分的范围。 |
(2) |
(2) |
Disputes between international organizations have been rare in practice. |
在实践中,国际组织之间的争端是罕见的。 |
They concern matters arising from joint projects, issues concerning operational activities and/or their funding. |
它们涉及联合项目产生的事项、涉及业务活动和/或其资金的问题。 |
Few instances have led to third-party dispute settlement procedures. |
很少有引发第三方争端解决程序的案例。 |
(3) |
(3) |
Disputes between international organizations and States occur more frequently. |
国际组织与国家之间的争端发生的频率更高。 |
They range from headquarters-related disputes between organizations and their host States, disputes involving the privileges and immunities enjoyed by international organizations and persons connected with them, to disputes concerning the withdrawal from membership. |
这些争端既包括组织与东道国之间与总部有关的争端,又包括涉及国际组织及其有关人员享有的特权和豁免的争端,还包括有关退出成员资格的争端,不一而足。 |
They may also relate to the scope of the powers of organizations or the compliance of member States with their obligations. |
这些争端还可能涉及组织的各项权力的范围,或成员国遵守义务的情况。 |
(4) |
(4) |
An example of a dispute between international organizations and States concerning rights and obligations under headquarters or seat arrangements can be found in the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in the WHO Regional Office case, which addressed the question under what conditions and modalities a specialized agency’s regional office might be transferred. |
国际法院在世卫组织区域办事处案中的咨询意见 载有国际组织与国家之间就总部或所在地安排下的权利和义务发生争端的实例,这项咨询意见述及了专门机构区域办事处可在何种条件下以何种方式迁移的问题。 |
Another example is the PLO Mission case, which determined whether a dispute had arisen between the United Nations and the United States that had triggered the obligation to arbitrate under the Headquarters Agreement. |
另一个例子是巴勒斯坦解放组织代表团案,这项咨询意见确定了联合国与美国之间是否产生了触发《总部协定》下仲裁义务的争端。 |
Privileges and immunities of international organizations, their officials and State representatives may give rise to disputes between international organizations and States. |
国际组织、其官员和国家代表的特权和豁免可引起国际组织与国家之间的争端。 |
They are routinely handled through direct consultations, including in host country committees. |
这些争端通常通过直接协商来处理,包括在东道国委员会进行直接协商。 |
Sometimes, however, they may lead to arbitration. |
但有时这些争端也可能导致仲裁。 |
Examples of this are the EMBL case, assessing the scope of tax privileges of an international organization, and the UNESCO case, concerning the tax privileges of an international organization’s retired officials. |
这方面的例子有:评估国际组织税务特权范畴的欧洲分子生物学实验室案,以及关于国际组织退休官员税务特权的教科文组织案。 |
They also may result in judicial pronouncements, such as in the advisory opinion with binding effect of the International Court of Justice in the Cumaraswamy case, wherein the Court found that Malaysia had to respect the jurisdictional immunity of the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers when acting in the course of the performance of his mission. |
这些争端还可能导致司法声明,例如国际法院在坎马拉斯瓦米案 中发表的具有约束力的咨询意见,国际法院在其中认定,马来西亚必须尊重法官和律师独立问题特别报告员在执行任务过程中的管辖豁免。 |
(5) |
(5) |
In some regional economic integration organizations, disputes between international organizations and their member States arise with more frequency than in organizations with a lesser degree of integration. |
与一体化程度较低的组织相比,在一些区域经济一体化组织中,国际组织与其成员国之间的争端发生频率较高。 |
Their constituent treaties sometimes provide for recourse to courts before which members can challenge the legality of acts of the organs of organizations in proceedings often termed “annulment actions” and where the compliance of member States with the law of the respective organizations can be tested by their organs in “infringement actions”. |
这些组织的组织条约有时规定可诉诸法院,成员可在法院通过通常称为“废除诉讼” 的程序对组织机关行为的合法性提出异议,而成员国遵守有关组织法律的情况可由组织机关在“侵权诉讼”中检验。 |
(6) |
(6) |
To the extent that regional economic integration organizations exercise powers conferred by their member States, they may also act as substitute for them in disputes with third States. |
区域经济一体化组织在行使其成员国所赋予的权力的限度内,可在与第三国的争端中代替成员国。 |
This is the case in the World Trade Organization, where the European Union, a founding member of the organization, regularly takes part in the quasi-judicial dispute settlement system offered by the organization to settle its trade disputes with third countries. |
例如在世界贸易组织内,欧洲联盟作为该组织的创始成员,经常参加该组织提供的准司法争端解决机制,以解决与第三国的贸易争端。 |
Since the World Trade Organization is open to any “separate customs territory”, other regional economic integration organizations may also become members of this organization and thus participate in this form of dispute settlement. |
由于世界贸易组织对任何“单独关税区”开放,其他区域经济一体化组织也可能成为世界贸易组织的成员,从而参与这种形式的争端解决。 |
International organizations may also become members of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and take part in the dispute settlement procedures provided therein. |
国际组织也可成为《联合国海洋法公约》的成员,并参加其中规定的争端解决程序。 |
To date few disputes to which international organizations are parties have been brought before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. |
迄今为止,很少有国际组织作为当事方的争端诉诸国际海洋法法庭。 |
(7) |
(7) |
Most disputes between international organizations or disputes between international organizations and States arise under international law. |
国际组织之间或国际组织与国家之间的大部分争端在国际法下产生的。 |
They may concern questions of treaty interpretation and application. |
这些争端可能涉及条约解释和适用的问题。 |
Disputes between international organizations and States may also concern customary international law, such as the dispute that formed the background to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in the Reparation for Injuries case or the dispute between Belgium and the United Nations concerning harm suffered by Belgian nationals in the course of United Nations military operations. |
国际组织与国家之间的争端也可能涉及习惯国际法,例如构成国际法院伤害赔偿案咨询意见 背景的争端,或比利时与联合国之间关于比利时国民在联合国军事行动中所受损害的争端。 |
(8) |
(8) |
While the disputes addressed in Part Two generally arise under international law, that does not exclude the possibility that disputes may also arise under domestic law. |
尽管第二部分述及的争端一般在国际法下产生,但这并不排除争端也可能在国内法下产生。 |
International organizations and States may subject agreements they have entered into to domestic law. |
国际组织和国家可使它们缔结的协定受国内法制约。 |
There does not appear to be a frequent practice in this regard, but examples of a service and a loan agreement between international organizations and sub-State entities that have given rise to arbitration and judicial settlement illustrate this possibility. |
这方面的做法似乎并不常见,但国际组织与次国家实体之间的服务协定 和贷款协定 引起仲裁和司法解决的实例说明这种可能性是存在的。 |
(9) |
(9) |
The formulation of draft guideline 3, specifying that Part Two addresses disputes between international organizations as well as disputes between international organizations and States, does not exclude the possibility that disputes may arise between international organizations and sui generis subjects of international law. |
指南草案3明确指出第二部分述及国际组织之间的争端以及国际组织与国家之间的争端,这种措辞并未排除以下可能性,即国际组织与自成一类的国际法主体之间可能产生争端。 |
Since there appears to be hardly any practice concerning disputes between international organizations and such subjects of international law, it does not seem necessary to expressly mention them in the text of draft guideline 3. |
对于国际组织与这类国际法主体之间的争端,几乎不存在任何实践,因此似乎没有必要在指南草案3的案文中予以明确提及。 |
It is however understood that, should such disputes arise, they would also be covered by Part Two. |
但理解是,这种争端如果产生,也属于第二部分的范围之内。 |
(10) |
(10) |
Private parties, including individuals or legal persons under national law such as corporations or associations, can also be viewed as subjects of international law to the extent that they are direct bearers of rights and/or obligations under international law, as in the fields of international human rights law or international criminal law. |
私人当事方,包括国内法下的个人或者公司或协会等法人,也可被视为国际法主体,限定条件是它们是国际法之下权利和/或义务的直接承担者,例如在国际人权法或国际刑法领域。 |
Private parties regularly enjoy certain rights with regard to the settlement of disputes stemming from treaty or customary international law guaranteeing access to justice and due process. |
在解决源自保障诉诸司法机会和正当程序的条约法或习惯法的争端方面,私人当事方通常享有某些权利。 |
Their disputes with international organizations will be addressed in Part Three of the present draft guidelines. |
它们与国际组织的争端将在本指南草案第三部分述及。 |
Guideline 4 |
指南4 |
Resort to means of dispute settlement |
诉诸争端解决方法 |
Disputes between international organizations or between international organizations and States should be settled in good faith and in a spirit of cooperation by the means of dispute settlement referred to in draft guideline 2, subparagraph (c), that may be appropriate to the circumstances and the nature of the dispute. |
对于国际组织之间或国际组织与国家之间的争端,需本着诚意与合作精神,通过指南草案2(c)项所述、可能适合争端的情况和性质的争端解决方法予以解决。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft guideline 4 generally recommends that the disputes covered by Part Two be settled by resorting to appropriate means of dispute settlement. |
指南草案4总体上建议,对于第二部分所涵盖的争端,应诉诸适当的解决争端方法予以解决。 |
(2) |
(2) |
In practice, international organizations settle their disputes with other international organizations and States by having recourse to all means of dispute settlement referred to in draft guideline 2, subparagraph (c). |
在实践中,国际组织会诉诸指南草案2(c)项所述的所有争端解决方法以解决与其他国际组织和国家的争端。 |
Since disputes are often settled in a confidential manner, it is difficult to precisely assess the actual use and frequency of specific dispute settlement means. |
争端往往以保密方式解决,因此难以准确评估具体争端解决方法的实际使用情况和使用频率。 |
However, both international organizations and States often express a preference for “amicable” methods of dispute settlement, in the form of direct negotiations and/or having recourse to diplomatic means. |
然而,国际组织和国家往往表示倾向于采用“友好”解决争端的方法,这种方法可采取直接谈判和/或诉诸外交手段的形式。 |
This suggests that they aim at settling disputes without resorting to independent third-party adjudication, in the form of arbitration or judicial settlement. |
这表明,它们的目标是解决争端,但不以仲裁或司法解决的形式诉诸独立第三方裁决。 |
To what extent the availability of the latter types of dispute settlement facilitates amicable dispute settlement is difficult to assess empirically, although it appears that such availability may increase the willingness to find a negotiated settlement. |
提供后一类争端解决方法会在多大限度内有助于友好解决争端,这难以凭经验评估,不过提供这种解决方法似乎可能提升当事方寻求谈判解决的意愿。 |
(3) |
(3) |
Draft guideline 4 recommends the settlement of disputes between international organizations or between international organizations and States by any means of peaceful dispute settlement referred to in draft guideline 2, subparagraph (c). |
指南草案4建议以指南草案2(c)项所述的任何和平解决争端的方法解决国际组织之间或国际组织与国家之间的争端。 |
Draft guideline 2, subparagraph (c), in turn encompasses all peaceful means of dispute settlement contained in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations, as reaffirmed by the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes. |
指南草案2(c)项则包括《联合国宪章》第三十三条所载的并经《关于和平解决国际争端的马尼拉宣言》重申的所有解决争端的和平方法。 |
By broadly referring to the means of peaceful dispute settlement, draft guideline 4 makes clear that the recommendation does not prioritize any specific means of dispute settlement. |
指南草案4笼统地提到和平解决争端的方法,表明这项建议并不对任何具体的争端解决方法赋予优先地位。 |
(4) |
(4) |
The free choice of dispute settlement means is reinforced by the additional language of draft guideline 4 referring to means “that may be appropriate to the circumstances and the nature of the dispute”. |
指南草案4载有额外措辞,提及了“可能适合争端的情况和性质的”方法,从而强化了对争端解决方法的自由选择。 |
This language is inspired by paragraph 5 of the Manila Declaration which refers to “such peaceful means as may be appropriate to the circumstances and the nature of their dispute”. |
这一措辞是受《马尼拉宣言》第5段的启发,该段提到“适合于它们争端的性质和情况的和平方法”。 |
Depending on the nature of the dispute and the circumstances, certain forms of dispute settlement may be more appropriate than others. |
根据争议的性质和有关情况,某些争端解决形式可能比其他形式更为合适。 |
Where a dispute mainly involves a disagreement over facts, enquiry or fact-finding may be a more appropriate method of dispute settlement, while a dispute concerning the existence of a legal obligation may be more aptly settled through arbitration or judicial settlement. |
对于主要涉及事实分歧的争端,调查或查明事实可能是更适合的争端解决方法,而对于涉及是否存在法律义务的争端,可能更适合通过仲裁或司法解决方法来解决。 |
(5) |
(5) |
Draft guideline 4 recommends resorting to dispute settlement but avoids using language that could be understood as creating a legally binding obligation. |
指南草案4建议诉诸争端解决,但未使用可被理解为产生具有法律约束力的义务的语言。 |
Therefore, the term “should” is more appropriate than the expression “shall” in this context. |
因此,在这种情况下,“需”一词比“应”更为恰当。 |
(6) |
(6) |
The recommendatory language is also an acknowledgment that, in some situations, specific means of dispute settlement may be legally provided for in treaties. |
用语虽然是建议性的,但这也承认了在某些情况下,可能在条约中从法律上规定了具体的争端解决方法。 |
A number of constituent documents of international organizations, some multilateral privileges and immunities treaties, and many bilateral headquarters agreements contain express obligations with regard to the settlement of specific types of disputes to which international organizations are parties. |
若干国际组织组成文件、一些多边特权和豁免条约 以及许多双边总部协定 都载有关于解决国际组织作为当事方的特定类型争端的明确义务。 |
The draft guidelines do not intend to alter such obligations. |
本指南草案无意改变这些义务。 |
By recommending resorting to the appropriate means, they acknowledge that, in some situations, specific means may be obligatory. |
本指南草案建议诉诸适当方法,就是承认某些情况下的具体手段可能具有强制性。 |
(7) |
(7) |
Draft guideline 4 recommends the settlement of disputes between international organizations or between international organizations and States in good faith and in a spirit of cooperation, which is also language inspired by paragraph 5 of the Manila Declaration. |
指南草案4建议本着诚意与合作精神解决国际组织之间或国际组织与国家之间的争端,这一措辞亦是受《马尼拉宣言》第5段启发。 |
This clarifies that good faith and cooperation are underlying obligations that should guide the efforts to settle disputes covered by Part Two. |
这说明,诚意与合作是基本义务,解决第二部分所涵盖争端的努力需以此为指导。 |
Guideline 5 |
指南5 |
Accessibility of means of dispute settlement |
争端解决方法的可及性 |
The means of dispute settlement, including arbitration and judicial settlement, as appropriate, should be made more widely accessible for the settlement of disputes between international organizations or between international organizations and States. |
对于争端解决方法,包括酌情使用仲裁和司法解决,需使之更加广泛可及,用于解决国际组织之间或国际组织与国家之间的争端。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft guideline 5 addresses the accessibility of dispute settlement means. |
指南草案5述及争端解决方法的可及性。 |
While draft guideline 4 recommends the use of the appropriate means of peacefully settling disputes to which international organizations are parties, draft guideline 5 addresses the separate issue of whether dispute settlement means are actually available and accessible. |
指南草案4建议使用适当方法和平解决国际组织作为当事方的争端,指南草案5则处理另一个问题,即争端解决方法是否实际可用和可及。 |
(2) |
(2) |
Draft guideline 5 recommends the wider accessibility of the means of dispute settlement referred to in draft guideline 2, subparagraph (c). |
指南草案5建议使指南草案2(c)项所述的解决争端方法更加广泛可及。 |
The expression “accessibility” has been chosen to emphasize practical issues, such as costs and legal remedies available, and not only the legal availability of means of dispute settlement. |
选择“可及性”一词是为了强调实际问题,例如费用和可用的法律补救办法,而不是仅在法律上有争端解决方法可用。 |
The recommendation that means of dispute settlement, including arbitration and judicial settlement, as appropriate, should be made more widely “accessible” is intended to focus on the practical use of the different forms of settling disputes to which international organizations are parties. |
对于争端解决方法,包括酌情使用仲裁和司法解决,需使之更加广泛“可及”,这一建议侧重于实际使用不同形式解决国际组织作为当事方的争端。 |
(3) |
(3) |
While amicable forms of dispute settlement, such as negotiations or consultations, are practically always available, other means of dispute settlement, especially those involving neutral third parties, may not be easily available. |
谈判或协商等友好解决争端的形式实际上总是存在的,但其他争端解决方法,特别是涉及中立第三方的争端解决方法,可能并不轻易可用。 |
Whether international organizations or States have, for instance, access to arbitration or judicial settlement in practice mostly depends upon whether such means of dispute settlement have been expressly stipulated. |
例如,国际组织或国家在实践中能否诉诸仲裁或司法解决,主要取决于这种争端解决方法是否得到了明确规定。 |
International organizations and States are always free to agree on any form of dispute settlement in an ad hoc fashion once a dispute has already arisen. |
一旦争端已经产生,国际组织和国家总是可以商定任何专门的争端解决形式。 |
Practice demonstrates, however, that such forms of ex post agreement to resolve disputes by arbitration or judicial settlement rarely occur. |
然而实践表明,以这种事后协议形式通过仲裁或司法解决来解决争端的情况很少发生。 |
Thus, to make them practically available, a recommendation to make such forms of dispute settlement more widely accessible appears useful. |
因此,为了使这些方法切实可用,似乎宜建议使这种争端解决形式更加广泛可及。 |
(4) |
(4) |
Like draft guideline 4, draft guideline 5 does not establish a hierarchy of the different means of dispute settlement. |
同指南草案4一样,指南草案5没有在不同的争端解决方法之间确立位阶。 |
This is stressed by the use of the words “as appropriate” after “means of dispute settlement, including arbitration and judicial settlement”. |
在“使用仲裁和司法解决”之前使用“酌情”一词强调了这一点。 |
The words “as appropriate” also align with the idea expressed in draft guideline 4 that different means of dispute settlement may be appropriate for the settlement of different disputes. |
“酌情”一词也符合指南草案4所表达的意见,即不同的争端解决方法可能适合解决不同的争端。 |
(5) |
(5) |
Draft guideline 5 recommends the wider accessibility of all means of dispute settlement and does not prioritize any particular means. |
指南草案5建议使所有争端解决方法更加广泛可及,没有对任何特定方法赋予优先地位。 |
The phrase “including arbitration or judicial settlement” was inserted because these methods of dispute settlement are particularly inaccessible if not expressly stipulated. |
插入“包括……仲裁和司法解决”一语,是因为在没有明确规定的情况下,这些争端解决方法的可及性特别低。 |
The Commission has noted the problem of limited access to justice for international organizations several times. |
委员会曾多次指出国际组织诉诸司法机会有限的问题。 |
(6) |
(6) |
The limited access of international organizations to dispute settlement in general, and to the International Court of Justice in particular, has led to repeated calls for broader access of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, as well as international organizations generally, to the Court, including to its contentious jurisdiction. |
国际组织诉诸争端解决的机会普遍有限,特别是诉诸国际法院的机会有限,因此,一再有人呼吁扩大联合国及其专门机构以及一般国际组织诉诸国际法院的机会,包括诉诸国际法院的诉讼管辖权。 |
(7) |
(7) |
The recommendation to make the means of dispute settlement, including arbitration and judicial settlement, more widely accessible for the settlement of disputes covered by Part Two of the draft guidelines is not intended to encourage resort to specific forms thereof, especially to litigation or arbitration. |
建议使包括仲裁和司法解决在内的争端解决方法更加广泛可及,用于解决指南草案第二部分所涵盖的争端,并不是要鼓励诉诸其中具体的某几种争端解决形式,特别是诉讼或仲裁。 |
Rather, it is premised on the notion that the availability and accessibility of such means will contribute to the settlement of disputes by alternative means. |
相反,这项建议所立足的概念是,这些方法的可用性和可及性将有利于使用替代方法解决争端。 |
Guideline 6 |
指南6 |
Requirements for arbitration and judicial settlement |
对仲裁和司法解决的要求 |
Arbitration and judicial settlement shall conform to the requirements of independence and impartiality of adjudicators and due process. |
仲裁和司法解决应符合裁决者独立性和公正性以及正当程序的要求。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft guideline 6 addresses core requirements of the rule of law for the settlement of disputes through arbitration or judicial settlement. |
指南草案6论述以仲裁或司法解决的方法解决争端的法治核心要求。 |
(2) |
(2) |
The concept of the rule of law has developed at the national level. |
法治的概念发展于国家层面。 |
Its relevance at the international level, namely with regard to States and international organizations, is strongly supported by the 2012 declaration of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the rule of law at the national and international levels, as well as by the resolutions on the same topic that the General Assembly has adopted annually since the rule of law was put on its agenda in 2006. |
该概念在国际层面的相关性,即在涉及国家和国际组织方面的相关性得到2012年《国内和国际的法治问题大会高级别会议宣言》 的有力支持,也得到联大自2006年将法治问题列入议程以来每年就同一议题通过的决议 的有力支持。 |
The General Assembly confirmed in its 2012 declaration that “the rule of law applies to all States equally, and to international organizations, including the United Nations and its principal organs, and that respect for and promotion of the rule of law and justice should guide all of their activities”. |
联大在2012年宣言中确认,“法治原则平等地适用于所有国家,适用于包括联合国及其主要机关在内的国际组织,尊重和推动法治与正义是各国和国际组织各项活动所应当遵循的指导原则”。 |
(3) |
(3) |
Draft guideline 6 focuses on arbitration and judicial settlement because it is in these forms of third-party dispute settlement that independence and impartiality, as well as compliance with due process, are most crucial and well established. |
指南草案6重点讨论仲裁和司法解决,因为在这两种第三方争端解决形式中,独立性和公正性以及符合正当程序是最为重要并确立已久的。 |
This does not affect the requirement of independence and impartiality of some other forms of dispute settlement, such as conciliation or mediation. |
这并不影响对和解或调解等一些其他争端解决形式提出独立性和公正性的要求。 |
(4) |
(4) |
By requiring the “independence and impartiality of adjudicators”, draft guideline 6 refers to the core requirement of the rule of law for those who have been empowered to settle a dispute by adjudication. |
通过要求“裁决者独立性和公正性”,指南草案6提出了被授权通过裁决解决争端者需满足的法治核心要求。 |
Independence primarily refers to the relationship between an adjudicator and the parties or their counsel, thus demanding an absence of organizational, personal, financial, or other close connection to them, whereas impartiality relates more to the views and opinions held by an adjudicator, requiring a lack of bias. |
独立性主要指裁决人与各当事方或其律师之间的关系,因此要求裁决人与当事方或其律师之间没有组织、个人、财务联系或其他密切的联系,而公正性更多地指裁决人持有的观点和意见,要求裁决人没有偏见。 |
(5) |
(5) |
Independence and impartiality of judges and arbitrators are required in the applicable rules. |
适用的规则要求法官和仲裁员的独立性和公正性。 |
The core meaning and substantive content of the requirements of independence and impartiality are made more precise by various non-binding instruments or by provisions contained in the statutes of international courts and tribunals, as well as in their rules of procedure. |
独立性和公正性要求的核心含义和实质内容在各种非约束性文书 或者国际性法院和法庭的规约 及程序规则 所载的规定中有更为明确的表述。 |
In addition to independence and impartiality, some instruments also refer to integrity, propriety, competence and/or diligence as requirements for adjudicators – concepts that often overlap with and/or complement independence and impartiality. |
除独立性和公正性外,一些文书还提到,品格、正当得体、称职和/或尽责是对裁决人的要求,这些概念往往与独立性和公正性有所重叠和/或对之有所补充。 |
(6) |
(6) |
By requiring “due process”, draft guideline 6 refers to the core procedural requirements of adjudicatory third-party dispute settlement. |
通过要求“正当程序”,指南草案6提出了第三方争端裁决解决的核心程序要求。 |
Due process or a fair trial/hearing specifically entails the right to be heard and the right to be heard equally. |
正当程序或公正审判/审讯特别包括平等表达意见和被听取意见的权利。 |
(7) |
(7) |
Both the independence and impartiality of adjudicators, and due process are core elements of the rule of law relevant to dispute settlement. |
裁决人的独立性和公正性以及正当程序都是与争端解决相关的法治的核心要素。 |
In the practice of the International Court of Justice, these elements are also referred to as requirements of “the good administration of justice”. |
国际法院在实践中也指出,这些要素是对“良好司法”的要求。 |
The Court, for instance, found that “[t]he principle of equality of the parties follows from the requirements of good administration of justice”. |
例如,国际法院裁定“当事方平等原则源于良好司法的要求”。 |
It further determined that “the right to have the case heard and determined within a reasonable time; |
法院还裁定“使案件在合理时间获得审理和裁决的权利; |
the right to a reasonable opportunity to present the case to the tribunal and to comment upon the opponent’s case; |
有合理机会向法庭进行陈述并就对方陈述发表意见的权利; |
the right to equality in the proceedings vis-à-vis the opponent” are elements of the well-recognized right to a fair hearing. |
在诉讼程序中与对方平等的权利”是公正审讯权的公认要素。 |
It also considered “the right to a reasonable opportunity to present the case to the tribunal and to comment upon the opponent’s case” as well as “the right to equality in the proceedings vis-à-vis the opponent” to be “elements of the right to a fair hearing”. |
法院又认为“有合理机会向法庭陈述并就对方陈述发表意见的权利”以及“在诉讼程序中与对方平等的权利”是“公正审讯权的要素”。 |
(8) |
(8) |
In light of the general acceptance that the independence and impartiality of adjudicators and due process are not merely aspirations, but legal obligations under applicable rules of international law, draft guideline 6 is formulated in obligatory language, stating that arbitration and judicial settlement “shall” conform to these requirements of the rule of law. |
鉴于人们普遍认为,裁决人的独立性和公正性以及正当程序不仅仅是愿望,而且是适用的国际法规则规定的法律义务,因此指南草案6在措辞上使用了强制性语言,提出仲裁和司法解决“应”符合这些法治的要求。 |
(9) |
(9) |
Draft guideline 6 only refers to the requirements of the rule of law pertinent once international organizations and States have access to arbitration or judicial settlement and does not encompass a right of access to justice for such organizations or States. |
指南草案6只提到在国际组织和国家诉诸仲裁或司法解决情况下相关的法治要求,并不包括这些组织或国家诉诸司法的权利。 |
Such a right of access to justice is often considered to be part of the rule of law with regard to private parties. |
对于私人当事方而言,这种诉诸司法的权利往往被认为是法治的一部分。 |
(10) |
(10) |
The formulation of draft guideline 6 does not alter the fact that wider accessibility of all means of dispute settlement, including arbitration and judicial settlement, is to be recommended, as provided for in draft guideline 5. |
指南草案6的措辞不改变以下事实,即按照指南草案5的规定,建议使包括仲裁和司法解决在内的所有争端解决方法更加广泛可及。 |
Chapter V |
第五章 |
Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
64. |
64. |
The Commission, at its seventy-third session (2022), decided to include the topic “Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh as Special Rapporteur. |
委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)决定将“确定国际法规则的辅助手段”专题列入工作方案,并任命查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生为特别报告员。 |
Also at its seventy–third session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a memorandum identifying elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant for its future work on the topic, to be submitted for the seventy-fourth session (2023); and a memorandum surveying the case law of international courts and tribunals, and other bodies, which would be particularly relevant for its future work on the topic, to be submitted for the seventy-fifth session (2024). |
在第七十三届会议上, 委员会还请秘书处为第七十四届会议(2023年)编写一份备忘录,说明委员会以往工作中可能与本专题今后工作特别相关的内容,并为第七十五届会议(2024年)编写一份备忘录,调查国际性法院和法庭以及其他机构可能与本专题今后工作特别相关的判例。 |
65. |
65. |
The General Assembly, in paragraph 26 of its resolution 77/103 of 7 December 2022, subsequently took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work. |
此后,联大2022年12月7日第77/103号决议第26段注意到委员会决定将本专题列入工作方案。 |
66. |
66. |
At its seventy-fourth session (2023), the Commission considered the first report of the Special Rapporteur, which addressed the scope of the topic and the main issues to be addressed in the course of the work of the Commission. |
委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)审议了特别报告员的第一次报告, 该报告论述了本专题的范围和委员会在工作中应处理的主要问题。 |
The report also considered the previous work of the Commission on the topic; |
报告还审议了委员会以往关于本专题的工作; |
the nature and function of sources of international law and their relationship to the subsidiary means; |
国际法渊源的性质和作用及其与辅助手段的关系; |
and the drafting history of Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice and its status under customary international law. |
《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项的起草历史及其在习惯国际法中的地位。 |
The Commission also had before it the memorandum it had requested from the Secretariat identifying elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant to the topic. |
委员会还收到了请秘书处编写的备忘录,其中说明了委员会以往工作中可能与本专题特别相关的内容。 |
67. |
67. |
Following the debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer draft conclusions 1 to 5, as presented in the Special Rapporteur’s first report, to the Drafting Committee. |
经全体会议辩论后,委员会决定将特别报告员第一次报告所载结论草案1至5转交起草委员会。 |
The Commission provisionally adopted draft conclusions 1, 2 and 3, together with commentaries, and took note of the report of the Drafting Committee on draft conclusions 4 and 5. |
委员会暂时通过了结论草案1、2和3及其评注,并注意到起草委员会关于结论草案4和5的报告。 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
68. |
68. |
At the present session, the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/769). |
委员会本届会议收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/769)。 |
The Special Rapporteur addressed: the work of the Commission on the topic thus far; |
特别报告员论述了:委员会迄今就本专题开展的工作; |
the functions of subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law, including in the drafting history of Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the practice of the International Court of Justice and other international tribunals, and scholarly writings concerning the functions of subsidiary means; |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段的作用,包括《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项的起草历史、国际法院和其他国际法庭的实践以及关于辅助手段作用的学术著作; |
and the general nature of precedent in domestic and international adjudication, including Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), and its relationship to Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, as well as the relationship between Article 59 and Article 61 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, and the link to the rights of third States. |
国内和国际裁定中先例的一般性质,包括《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项及其与第五十九条的关系,以及《国际法院规约》第五十九条与第六十一条的关系和与第三国权利的联系。 |
He proposed three draft conclusions and also made suggestions for the future programme of work on the topic. |
他提出了三项结论草案,并就本专题今后的工作方案提出了建议。 |
69. |
69. |
The Commission also had before it the memorandum it had requested from the Secretariat identifying elements in “the case law of international courts and tribunals, and other bodies, which would be particularly relevant for its future work on the topic” (A/CN.4/765). |
委员会还收到了请秘书处编写的备忘录,其中查明了“国际性法院和法庭以及其他机构可能与本专题今后工作特别相关的判例”中的要素(A/CN.4/765)。 |
70. |
70. |
The Commission considered the second report of the Special Rapporteur and the memorandum by the Secretariat at its 3663rd to 3667th meetings, from 9 to 15 May 2024. |
在2024年5月9日至15日第3663至3667次会议上,委员会审议了特别报告员的第二次报告和秘书处的备忘录。 |
At its 3667th meeting, on 15 May 2024, the Commission decided to refer draft conclusions 6, 7 and 8, as contained in the second report, to the Drafting Committee, taking into account the views expressed in the plenary debate. |
在2024年5月15日第3667次会议上,委员会考虑到全体会议辩论中所表达的意见,决定将第二次报告所载结论草案6、7和8转交起草委员会。 |
71. |
71. |
At its 3661st meeting, on 2 May 2024, the Commission, having considered the report of the Drafting Committee on the topic at its seventy-fourth session, provisionally adopted draft conclusions 4 and 5, as orally revised (see sect. C.1 below). |
委员会第七十四届会议审议了起草委员会关于本专题的报告, 在2024年5月2日第3661次会议上,委员会暂时通过了经口头订正的结论草案4和5(见下文C.1节)。 |
72. |
72. |
At its 3674th meeting, on 1 July 2024, the Commission considered the report of the Drafting Committee on the topic (A/CN.4/L.999) and provisionally adopted draft conclusions 6, 7 and 8 (see sect. C.1 below). |
在2024年7月1日第3674次会议上,委员会审议了起草委员会关于本专题的报告(A/CN.4/L.999),并暂时通过了结论草案6、7和8(见下文C.1节)。 |
73. |
73. |
At its 3693rd to 3699th meetings, from 25 to 31 July 2024, the Commission adopted the commentaries to the draft conclusions provisionally adopted at the current session (see sect. C.2 below). |
在2024年7月25日至31日举行的第3693至第3699次会议上,委员会通过了本届会议暂时通过的结论草案的评注(见下文C.2节)。 |
C. |
C. |
Text of the draft conclusions on subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law provisionally adopted thus far by the Commission |
委员会迄今暂时通过的关于确定国际法规则的辅助手段的结论草案案文 |
1. |
1. |
Text of the draft conclusions |
结论草案案文 |
74. |
74. |
The text of the draft conclusions provisionally adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fourth and seventy-fifth sessions is reproduced below. |
委员会第七十四届和第七十五届会议暂时通过的结论草案案文载录如下: |
Conclusion 1 |
结论1 |
Scope |
范围 |
The present draft conclusions concern the use of subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law. |
本结论草案涉及使用辅助手段确定国际法规则。 |
Conclusion 2 |
结论2 |
Categories of subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段的类别 |
Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law include: |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段包括: |
(a) |
(a) |
decisions of courts and tribunals; |
法院和法庭的决定; |
(b) |
(b) |
teachings; |
学说; |
(c) |
(c) |
any other means generally used to assist in determining rules of international law. |
一般用于协助确定国际法规则的任何其他手段。 |
Conclusion 3 |
结论3 |
General criteria for the assessment of subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段的一般评估标准 |
When assessing the weight of subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law, regard should be had to, inter alia: |
在评估确定国际法规则的辅助手段的权重时,除其他外,需考虑到: |
(a) |
(a) |
their degree of representativeness; |
其代表性的程度; |
(b) |
(b) |
the quality of the reasoning; |
论证的质量; |
(c) |
(c) |
the expertise of those involved; |
有关人员的专门知识; |
(d) |
(d) |
the level of agreement among those involved; |
有关人员之间的一致程度; |
(e) |
(e) |
the reception by States and other entities; |
各国和其他实体的接受情况; |
(f) |
(f) |
where applicable, the mandate conferred on the body. |
在适用的情况下,赋予该机构的任务。 |
Conclusion 4 |
结论4 |
Decisions of courts and tribunals |
法院和法庭的决定 |
1. |
1. |
Decisions of international courts and tribunals, in particular of the International Court of Justice, are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
国际性法院和法庭的决定,特别是国际法院的决定,是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
2. |
2. |
Decisions of national courts may be used, in certain circumstances, as a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
在某些情况下,国内法院的决定可用作确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
Conclusion 5 |
结论5 |
Teachings |
学说 |
Teachings, especially those generally reflecting the coinciding views of persons with competence in international law from the various legal systems and regions of the world, are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
学说,特别是那些普遍反映来自世界各法律体系和各区域的具有国际法专业能力的人的一致观点的学说,是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
In assessing the representativeness of teachings, due regard should also be had to, inter alia, gender and linguistic diversity. |
在评估学说的代表性时,除其他外,需适当考虑到性别和语言多样性。 |
Conclusion 6 |
结论6 |
Nature and function of subsidiary means |
辅助手段的性质和作用 |
1. |
1. |
Subsidiary means are not a source of international law. |
辅助手段不是国际法的渊源。 |
The function of subsidiary means is to assist with the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
辅助手段的作用是协助确定国际法规则的存在及内容。 |
2. |
2. |
The use of materials as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law is without prejudice to their use for other purposes. |
材料用作确定国际法规则的辅助手段,不妨碍将其用于其他目的。 |
Conclusion 7 |
结论7 |
Absence of legally binding precedent in international law |
在国际法中没有具法律约束力的先例 |
Decisions of international courts or tribunals may be followed on points of law where those decisions address the same or similar issues as those under consideration. |
在国际性法院或法庭的决定涉及的问题与所审议的问题相同或相似时,可在法律要点上遵循这些决定。 |
Such decisions do not constitute legally binding precedent unless otherwise provided for in a specific instrument or rule of international law. |
此类决定不构成具有法律约束力的先例,除非国际法的具体文书或规则另有规定。 |
Conclusion 8 |
结论8 |
Weight of decisions of courts and tribunals |
法院和法庭决定的权重 |
When assessing the weight of decisions of courts or tribunals, regard should be had to, in addition to the criteria set out in draft conclusion 3, inter alia: |
在评估法院或法庭决定的权重时,除结论草案3所列标准外,还需主要考虑到: |
(a) |
(a) |
whether the court or tribunal has been conferred with a specific competence with regard to the application of the rule in question; |
法院或法庭是否被赋予适用有关规则的具体权限; |
(b) |
(b) |
the extent to which the decision is part of a body of concurring decisions; and |
该决定在多大程度上是大量一致决定的一部分; |
(c) |
(c) |
the extent to which the reasoning remains relevant, taking into account subsequent developments. |
考虑到后续事态发展,论证在多大程度上仍然相关。 |
2. |
2. |
Text of the draft conclusions and commentaries thereto provisionally adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fifth session |
委员会第七十五届会议暂时通过的结论草案案文及其评注 |
75. |
75. |
The text of the draft conclusions, together with commentaries provisionally adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fifth session, is reproduced below. |
委员会第七十五届会议暂时通过的结论草案案文及其评注载录如下。 |
Conclusion 4 |
结论4 |
Decisions of courts and tribunals |
法院和法庭的决定 |
1. |
1. |
Decisions of international courts and tribunals, in particular of the International Court of Justice, are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
国际性法院和法庭的决定,特别是国际法院的决定,是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
2. |
2. |
Decisions of national courts may be used, in certain circumstances, as a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
在某些情况下,国内法院的决定可用作确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft conclusions 4 (decisions of courts and tribunals) and 5 (teachings) build on the prior work of the Commission. |
结论草案4 (法院和法庭的决定)和5 (学说)以委员会以前的工作为基础。 |
They both seek to clarify how decisions of courts and tribunals and teachings, the two principal subsidiary means derived from Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, are to be used for the purpose of determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
这两条结论草案都力求澄清,法院和法庭的决定以及学说这两个源于《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项的主要辅助手段,如何用来确定国际法规则的存在及内容。 |
(2) |
(2) |
Draft conclusion 4 concerns the role of decisions of international and national courts and tribunals as subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
结论草案4涉及国际性及国内法院和法庭的决定作为确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段的作用。 |
It consists of two paragraphs. |
该结论草案由两段组成。 |
Paragraph 1 addresses decisions of international courts and tribunals, especially those of the International Court of Justice, which are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
第1段涉及国际性法院和法庭的决定,特别是国际法院的决定,这些决定是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
Paragraph 2 considers the more limited role of decisions of national courts as a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
第2段述及国内法院的决定作为确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段的较为有限的作用。 |
As indicated in draft conclusion 6, paragraph 2, the latter use of decisions of national courts is without prejudice to their other uses. |
如结论草案6第2段所述,国内法院决定的这种用途不妨碍它的其他用途。 |
It is also without prejudice to the use of decisions in the writings of scholars and in other subsidiary means. |
此外,也不妨碍决定在学者的著作和在其他辅助手段中的使用。 |
Key elements of each of the two paragraphs of draft conclusion 4 are considered below. |
结论草案4每一段的主要内容如下。 |
Paragraph 1 |
第1段 |
“Decisions of international courts and tribunals, in particular of the International Court of Justice” |
“国际性法院和法庭的决定,特别是国际法院的决定” |
(3) |
(3) |
The term “decisions”, as used in the present commentaries, was already explained in the commentary to draft conclusion 2, subparagraph (a). |
本评注中使用的“决定”一词已在结论草案2(a)分段的评注中作了解释。 |
It is therefore sufficient to recall here that the Commission there indicates that the narrow term “judicial decisions”, found in Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, had been broadened by using the unqualified term “decisions” in order to reflect contemporary practice. |
因此,这里只需回顾,委员会在评注中指出,扩大了《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项中的“司法判例”这一狭义用语的范围,使用了“决定”这一不加限定的用语,以反映当代实践。 |
That contemporary practice confirms the use of a wider set of decisions from a wide variety of bodies, not just judicial ones, as part of the process of identifying or determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
当代实践证实,在识别或确定国际法规则的存在及内容的过程中,使用了各种机构作出的更广泛的决定,而不仅是司法机构的决定。 |
The Commission has explained that this broader meaning of “decisions” would include final judgments, advisory opinions, awards and any other orders issued in incidental or interlocutory proceedings, including provisional measures. |
委员会解释说,“决定”的这一更广泛的含义包括最终判决、咨询意见、裁决和任何其他在附带程序或中间程序中下达的命令,包括临时措施。 |
(4) |
(4) |
In the commentary to draft conclusion 2, the term “courts and tribunals” was also explained as forming part of two broad types or categories of courts: first, “international courts and tribunals”; |
在结论草案2的评注中,“法院和法庭”一词也被解释为包括两大类法院:一是“国际性法院和法庭”; |
and second, “national courts”. |
二是国内法院。 |
The distinction between international courts and tribunals, on the one hand, and national courts, on the other, in the present draft conclusion carries implications for the weight to be attached to the decisions of courts and tribunals and is further elaborated below in relation to paragraph 2. |
在本条结论草案中,国际性法院和法庭与国内法院之间的区别对法院和法庭决定的权重具有影响,下文将就第2段对此作进一步阐述。 |
(5) |
(5) |
The current draft conclusion underscores that the decisions of “international courts and tribunals” should be understood broadly. |
目前的结论草案强调,“国际性法院和法庭”的决定需作广义理解。 |
The term is intended to cover “any international body exercising judicial powers” and which is called upon to determine the existence and content of rules of international law. |
这一用语意在涵盖被提请确定国际法规则的存在及内容的“任何行使司法权的国际机构”。 |
Examples of such international courts today abound. |
如今,此类国际性法院的例子比比皆是。 |
They would include permanent bodies such as the International Court of Justice, but also a wide variety of other specialist and regional courts and tribunals, some of which may be ad hoc instead of permanent and may be inter-State arbitral tribunals or other types of tribunals applying international law. |
它们包括国际法院等常设机构,也包括各种其他专门的和区域性的法院和法庭,其中有些可能是特设而不是常设法院和法庭,可能是国家间仲裁法庭或适用国际法的其他类型法庭。 |
The body of law that they apply, as well as the skills and the breadth of evidence usually at the disposal of international courts and tribunals, may lend significant weight to their decisions, subject to the considerations mentioned in draft conclusion 3 providing general criteria for the assessment of subsidiary means and draft conclusion 8 identifying specific criteria to evaluate the weight of decisions of courts and tribunals. |
国际性法院和法庭适用的大量法律和它们通常掌握的技能和证据的广度,可能会使其决定具有重要分量,但须考虑到结论草案3和结论草案8中提到的因素,前者规定了评估辅助手段的一般标准,后者则确定了评估法院和法庭决定权重的具体标准。 |
(6) |
(6) |
While paragraph 1 clarifies that decisions of all international courts and tribunals are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law, the Commission expressly refers to the International Court of Justice. |
虽然第1段阐明,所有国际性法院和法庭的决定都是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段,但委员会明确提到了国际法院。 |
This understanding is captured by the formulation “in particular of the International Court of Justice”. |
这一理解体现在“特别是国际法院”的表述中。 |
This language is identical to paragraph 1 of conclusion 13 (decisions of courts and tribunals) of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 9 (subsidiary means for the determination of the peremptory character of norms of general international law) of the draft conclusions on identification and legal consequences of peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens) and paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 8 (decisions of courts and tribunals) of the draft conclusions on general principles of law. |
该措辞与关于习惯国际法识别的结论 中的结论13 (法院和法庭的判决)第1段、关于一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)的识别和法律后果的结论草案 中的结论草案9 (确定一般国际法规范强制性的辅助手段)第1段和关于一般法律原则的结论草案 中的结论草案8 (法院和法庭的决定)第1段相同。 |
(7) |
(7) |
The Commission considers that highlighting the International Court of Justice in paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 4 is warranted for several reasons. |
委员会认为,结论草案4第1段强调国际法院是有道理的,其中有几个原因。 |
First, Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), is the applicable law clause of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, which forms an integral part of the Charter of the United Nations and directs the judges when resolving disputes between States in accordance with international law or issuing advisory opinions, to “apply” subject only to the provisions of Article 59 “judicial decisions” as a “subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law”. |
首先,第三十八条第一款(卯)项是《国际法院规约》的适用法条款,该规约是《联合国宪章》的组成部分,指示法官在根据国际法解决国家间争端或发表咨询意见时,在第五十九条的规定之下,“适用”作为“确定法律规则的辅助手段”的“司法决定”。 |
Naturally, a study such as the present one aimed at clarifying the practice in relation to a provision contained in the Statute of the Court ought to give due deference to that body’s extensive judicial practice. |
当然,像本报告这样旨在澄清与《国际法院规约》所载规定有关的实践的研究报告,应适当尊重该机构广泛的司法实践。 |
In fact, the practice indicates that the Court routinely refers to its own previous decisions, and increasingly those of other courts and tribunals, although without necessarily characterizing them as “subsidiary means”. |
事实上,实践表明,国际法院经常参考其本身以前的决定,而且越来越多地参考其他法院和法庭的决定,尽管不一定将它们定性为“辅助手段”。 |
In this way, the Court does not only apply the applicable law provision as a function of its own Statute, now deemed to be part of customary international law, it also issues authoritative decisions that assist in upholding the unity and coherence of international law as a legal system. |
这样,国际法院不仅作为其自身《规约》赋予的职能,适用现在已被视为习惯国际法一部分的这项适用法规定,还发布权威性决定,协助维护国际法作为一个法律体系的统一性和连贯性。 |
(8) |
(8) |
Second, under Article 92 of the Charter of the United Nations, the International Court of Justice is “the principal judicial organ of the United Nations”. |
第二,根据《联合国宪章》第九十二条,国际法院是“联合国之主要司法机关”。 |
Besides the fact that all Members of the United Nations are ipso facto “parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice”, its members are elected by the main political organs of the United Nations, namely, the General Assembly and the Security Council. |
除了联合国各会员国为“《国际法院规约》之当然当事国” 之外,国际法院的法官也是由联合国主要政治机关,即大会和安全理事会选举产生的。 |
The persons elected to the Court are not only required to individually possess the qualifications required by the Statute, but the body as a whole represents the main regions and legal systems of the world. |
当选的法院法官不仅个人必须具备《规约》所要求的资格,而且法官全体能代表世界各主要区域及各主要法系。 |
The Court, in other words, is a truly universal body of jurists founded by a truly universal international organization that is broadly representative of the main regions and legal systems of the world. |
换言之,国际法院是一个真正具有普遍性的法学家机构,由一个真正具有普遍性的国际组织设立,广泛代表世界各主要区域和法律体系。 |
Its judicial findings therefore possess the legitimizing features that have rightly led to it be described as the “World Court”. |
因此,其司法裁决具有合法化特点,这正是它被称为“世界法院”的原因。 |
(9) |
(9) |
Third, while some States have established courts to judicially settle disputes among themselves at the regional level, the International Court of Justice remains the only international tribunal to date with general subject matter jurisdiction. |
第三,虽然一些国家设立了法院,在区域一级通过司法途径解决相互之间的争端, 但国际法院仍然是迄今唯一具有一般属事管辖权的国际法庭。 |
Although this power is not unique, the Court also possesses the competence to give advisory opinions on any legal questions requested by the two main political organs, as well as by other United Nations organs and their specialized agencies. |
虽然这一权力并非独一无二,但国际法院还有权就两个主要政治机关以及联合国其他机关及其专门机构提出请求的任何法律问题发表咨询意见。 |
It follows that there is some merit in attaching significance to its case law, given its special status as the only standing international court of general subject matter jurisdiction. |
因此,并鉴于其作为具有一般属事管辖权的唯一常设国际性法院的特殊地位,重视其判例是有一定道理的。 |
(10) |
(10) |
Fourth, and this point also flows from Article 94 of the Charter of the United Nations, each Member of the United Nations undertakes to comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice in any case to which it is a party. |
第四,这一点也源于《联合国宪章》第九十四条,即联合国每一会员国承诺遵守国际法院对其作为当事一方的任何案件作出的判决。 |
Such decisions, including final judgments, are enforceable by the Security Council. |
这些判决,包括最终判决,可由安全理事会强制执行。 |
The Security Council may, if it deems necessary, make recommendations or decide upon measures to be taken to give effect to the judgment. |
安全理事会认为必要时,可提出建议或就为执行判决而应采取的措施作出决定。 |
This power has not been frequently invoked in practice. |
在实践中,这一权力并不经常被援引。 |
Yet, the option for States to resort to that provision for the enforcement of the decisions of the Court remains under the Charter of the United Nations. |
然而,各国在要求执行法院的判决时,仍可根据《联合国宪章》诉诸这一规定。 |
(11) |
(11) |
Overall, taking into account the foregoing considerations, the Commission considered it appropriate to highlight the role of the International Court of Justice without implying that a hierarchy exists vis-à-vis other international courts and tribunals created by States or international organizations exercising specific competencies conferred on them by their constitutive instruments. |
总的来说,考虑到上述因素,委员会认为强调国际法院的作用是适当的,但这不意味着与国家设立或行使组织文书赋予的具体权限的国际组织设立的其他国际性法院和法庭存在等级关系。 |
For example, on matters of international criminal law, international human rights law, the law of the sea, and international economic law, decisions of the ad hoc or permanent international courts and tribunals created by States and international organizations must be taken into account and, in some cases, given considerable or even great weight compared to general courts. |
例如,在国际刑法、国际人权法、海洋法和国际经济法等问题上,必须考虑各国和国际组织创立的特设或常设国际性法院和法庭的决定,在某些情况下,与普通法院的决定相比,必须给予这些决定相当大甚至很大的重视。 |
The legal value to attribute to such decisions from all such bodies will vary depending on the context and the quality of the reasoning and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. |
对所有这些机构的此类决定赋予的法律价值将因情况而异,论证的质量必须进行逐案评估。 |
“are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law” |
“是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段” |
(12) |
(12) |
In the final element of paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 4, the Commission has determined that decisions of international courts and tribunals, especially those of the International Court of Justice, “are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law” (emphasis added). |
在结论草案4第1段的最后部分,委员会确定,国际性法院和法庭的决定,特别是国际法院的决定,“是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段”(强调是后加的)。 |
The decisions of such courts and tribunals on questions of international law, in particular those decisions in which treaty rules are interpreted and applied or the existence of rules of customary international law, general principles of law or peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens) is identified and applied, may offer valuable guidance for determining the existence or content of rules of international law. |
这些法院和法庭关于国际法问题的决定,尤其是解释和适用条约规则或识别和适用习惯国际法规则、一般法律原则或一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)的决定,可为确定国际法规则的存在及内容提供宝贵的指导。 |
(13) |
(13) |
The terms “subsidiary means” and “determination” were already explained in the commentary to draft conclusion 1. |
结论草案1的评注中已经解释了“辅助手段”和“确定”二词。 |
Reference can be had to that explanation in the earlier part of the commentary to that draft conclusion (see paras. (10)–(13) thereof). |
可参考该条结论草案评注的前一部分(见第(10)-(13)段)中作出的这一解释。 |
There, the Commission already established that the term “determination” relates to two main aspects. |
委员会在评注中已经确认,“确定”一词涉及两个主要方面。 |
Consequently, the term “determination” encompasses different operations for the purposes of the draft conclusions. |
因此,在本结论草案中,“确定”一词可用于涵盖不同的行动。 |
Similarly, the commentary also clarified the terms “existence and content” of rules of international law (para. (3) of the general commentary). |
同样,该评注还澄清了国际法规则的“存在及内容”(总评注第(3)段)。 |
Thus, the reference to the “existence and content” reflects the fact that, while often in practice there may be a need to use such a subsidiary means to ascertain the existence of a rule, in some cases, it may already be accepted that the rule exists but its precise content is what is disputed and therefore needs to be determined. |
因此,“存在及内容”的提法反映了这样一个事实,即虽然在实践中可能经常需要使用这种辅助手段来查明一项规则的存在,但在某些情况下,该规则的存在可能已被接受,但其确切内容却存在争议,因此需要加以确定。 |
Both scenarios are captured by the formulation used. |
所使用的表述方式考虑到这两种情况。 |
(14) |
(14) |
Regarding the term “rules of international law”, the earlier commentary (para. (3) of the commentary to draft conclusion 1) explained the phrase, to the effect that “rules of law” is actually used in Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. |
关于“国际法规则”一词,先前的评注(结论草案1的评注第(3)段)对这一用语作出了解释,大意是《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项实际上使用的是“法律规则”一词。 |
The Commission notes the case law has explained the reference to “rules” is meant to encompass all those rules that may be found in the sources of international law. |
委员会指出,判例已作出解释,国际法“规则”的提法意在包括国际法渊源中可能存在的所有规则和原则。 |
(15) |
(15) |
Furthermore, the Commission had previously determined that, as with the sources of international law referred to in the preceding paragraph, decisions of international courts and tribunals are a subsidiary means for determining the peremptory character of norms of general international law. |
此外,委员会以前曾确定,与上段所述的国际法渊源一样,国际性法院和法庭的决定也是确定一般国际法规范强制性的辅助手段。 |
It was elucidated in previous work that there “is an abundance of [such] examples”, including in the case law of various international tribunals such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. |
以前的工作阐明,“有大量[此类]实例”, 包括各种国际性法庭如前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭判例中的实例。 |
In short, consistent with the Commission’s approach on recent topics and as clarified in the commentary to draft conclusion 1 on scope, decisions of international courts and tribunals are a subsidiary means for determining the existence and content of rules of international law. Paragraph 2 |
简而言之,根据委员会对最近专题的处理办法,并如关于范围的结论草案1的评注所阐明的,国际性法院和法庭的决定是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
Decisions of national courts may be used, in certain circumstances, as a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law |
第2段――在某些情况下,国内法院的决定可用作确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段 |
(16) |
(16) |
Paragraph 2 of draft conclusion 4 concerns decisions of national courts, which may be used, in certain circumstances, as a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
结论草案4第2段涉及国内法院的决定,在某些情况下,这些决定可用作确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
Two preliminary points appear necessary before explaining the text of the paragraph. |
在解释该段案文之前,似乎有必要提出两个初步问题。 |
First, the Commission recalls that Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice refers to “judicial decisions” without distinguishing the use of such decisions as emanating from international or national courts. |
首先,委员会必须回顾,《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项提到“司法判例”,但没有区分这些判例是国际性法院还是国内法院的判例。 |
This means that decisions of both international and national courts could serve as subsidiary means that may be used to determine the existence and the content of rules of international law. |
这意味着,国际性法院的决定和国内法院的决定都可作为辅助手段,用于确定国际法规则的存在及内容。 |
(17) |
(17) |
Second, while it is usually not problematic to draw a distinction in practice between the decisions of international courts and tribunals, on the one hand, and the decisions of national courts, on the other, given the emergence of a new type of so-called “hybrid” courts, the distinction is not always clear-cut. |
第二,虽然在实践中区分国际性法院和法庭的决定与国内法院的决定通常并不困难,但鉴于出现了一种新型的所谓“混合”法院,这种区分并不总是明确的。 |
(18) |
(18) |
The Commission places greater emphasis on the decisions of international courts and tribunals as subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
委员会更加强调的是,国际性法院和法庭的决定是确定国际法规则是否存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
However, the use of the decisions of national courts calls for some caution. |
然而,国内法院决定的使用需要谨慎。 |
This caution is reflected in the use of the terms “may be used” and “in certain circumstances” in paragraphs 1 and 2, qualifying the phrase “subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law”. |
这种谨慎反映在第1段和第2段中使用了短语“可用作”和“在某些情况下”来限定“确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段”。 |
Paragraph 1 definitively states that the decisions of international courts and tribunals “are” a subsidiary means. |
第1段明确指出,国际性法院和法庭的决定“是”一种辅助手段。 |
The use of “in certain circumstances” expresses essentially the same idea found in the Commission’s prior work on the identification of customary international law (conclusion 13, para. 2) and general principles of law (draft conclusion 8, para. 2) – “[r]egard may be had, as appropriate” – or its work on the topic identification and legal consequences of peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens) (draft conclusion 9, para. 1) – “[r]egard may also be had, as appropriate”. |
使用“在某些情况下”一语,与委员会以前关于习惯国际法的识别(结论13, 第2段)和一般法律原则(结论草案8, 第2段)的工作――“可酌情考虑”――或其关于一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)的识别和法律后果专题的工作(结论草案9, 第1段) ――“还可酌情考虑”――所表达的想法基本相同。 |
(19) |
(19) |
The Commission has emphasized that sound reasons exist to distinguish between the decisions of international courts and tribunals and those of national courts. |
委员会强调,将国际性法院和法庭的决定和国内法院的决定加以区分是有充分理由的。 |
The decisions of international courts and tribunals reflect the views of international tribunals that are constituted to interpret and apply international law and that are typically composed of benches that are reflective of the main legal systems and regions of the world. |
国际性法院和法庭的决定反映了为解释和适用国际法而设立的国际性法庭的观点,这些法庭通常由反映世界主要法律体系和区域的法官组成。 |
They are therefore an authoritative means for identifying the existence of and determining the scope and content of rules of international law. |
因此,它们是确定国际法规则的存在、范围和内容的权威手段。 |
(20) |
(20) |
In contrast, national courts operate within a particular legal system, which may incorporate international law only in a particular way and to a limited extent. |
相比之下,国内法院在一个特定的法律体系内运作,该体系可能仅以特定方式、在有限的范围内纳入国际法。 |
Unlike international courts and tribunals, national courts sometimes lack international law expertise. |
与国际性法院和法庭不同,国内法院有时缺乏国际法专门知识。 |
They may have also reached their decisions without the benefit of hearing arguments advanced by States, or even where such arguments are heard, they may reflect the views of one or two organs of only one State. |
它们也可能在没有听取各国论点的情况下作出决定,或者即使听取了这些论点,也只反映一个国家的一两个机关的意见。 |
That said, even within the category of national courts, reference should be had to the quality of the reasoning in the decision which must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. |
尽管如此,即使在国内法院类别中,也需参考决定中论证的质量,必须逐案进行评估。 |
Greater weight is often placed on the decisions of national higher courts, such as supreme or constitutional courts. |
国内上级法院,如最高法院或宪法法院的决定也往往被赋予更大的权重。 |
Less weight will attach to decisions of lower national courts. |
国内下级法院的决定则较不受重视。 |
National court decisions that have been overturned by a higher national court, or through the passage of domestic legislation, may not carry much or any weight. |
被国内上级法院推翻或通过国内立法被推翻的国内法院决定可能没有多少权重,或者完全没有权重。 |
(21) |
(21) |
Draft conclusion 4 must be read together with draft conclusion 3, which indicates the general criteria for the assessment of subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law, draft conclusion 7, which addresses the absence of legally binding precedent in international law, as well as draft conclusion 8, which sets out illustrative criteria for the assessment of the weight to be given to decisions of any court or tribunal, whether international, national or hybrid. |
结论草案4须与结论草案3、结论草案7和结论草案8一并阅读,结论草案3指出了评估用于确定国际法规则的辅助手段的一般标准,结论草案7涉及在国际法中没有具法律约束力的先例的问题,结论草案8则提出了评估任何法院或法庭(无论是国际性法院,国内法院还是混合法院)的决定权重的说明性标准。 |
(22) |
(22) |
The Commission here underlines that the degree of representativeness of court decisions that are used in the determination of rules of international law is an important consideration that ought to be taken into account. |
委员会在此强调,用于确定国际法规则的法院决定的代表性程度是一个应予考虑的重要因素。 |
Far too often, in practice, the decisions of certain courts from certain regions are given priority to the exclusion of others. |
在实践中,某些区域的某些法院的决定往往优先于其他法院的决定。 |
This may have the unintended effect of undermining the global acceptance of international law. |
这可能会产生意想不到的结果,损害全球对国际法的接受。 |
In the view of the Commission, much as with teachings as a subsidiary means in draft conclusion 5, best efforts should be made to use a representative set of court decisions from the various legal systems, regions and languages of the world. |
委员会认为,与结论草案5将学说作为辅助手段一样,需尽最大努力采用世界各法律体系、各区域和各语言的一套具有代表性的法院决定。 |
This helps to enhance legitimacy and the development of a truly universally applicable body of international law. |
这有助于加强合法性和发展真正普遍适用的国际法体系。 |
Conclusion 5 |
结论5 |
Teachings |
学说 |
Teachings, especially those generally reflecting the coinciding views of persons with competence in international law from the various legal systems and regions of the world, are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
学说,特别是那些普遍反映来自世界各法律体系和各区域的具有国际法专业能力的人的一致观点的学说,是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段。 |
In assessing the representativeness of teachings, due regard should also be had to, inter alia, gender and linguistic diversity. |
在评估学说的代表性时,除其他外,需适当考虑到性别和语言多样性。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft conclusion 5 concerns the role of teachings or materials (“la doctrine” in French and “la doctrina” in Spanish) understood in a broad sense to include writings, as well as recorded lectures and audiovisual materials. |
结论草案5涉及学说或材料(法文为“la doctrine”,西班牙文为“la doctrina”)的作用,从广义上理解包括著作,以及录制的讲座和视听材料。 |
The term also generally encompasses teachings produced by an individual or collectives of individuals organized into ad hoc or permanent expert groups, whether created by individuals or by States and/or international organizations. |
该用语一般还包括由个人或集体组成的特设或常设专家组提出的学说,无论这些专家组是个人设立的,还是由国家和/或国际组织设立的。 |
The draft conclusion takes up “teachings” whenever they are used in the process of determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
本条结论草案述及在确定国际法规则的存在及内容的过程中使用的“学说”。 |
(2) |
(2) |
The present draft conclusion comprises two sentences. |
本条结论草案由两句组成。 |
The first sentence primarily sets out the general rule concerning teachings. |
第一句主要阐述了关于学说的一般规则。 |
The second sentence highlights particular aspects of the representativeness of teachings. |
第二句强调了学说的代表性的特定方面。 |
(3) |
(3) |
The first sentence provides that “[t]eachings, especially those generally reflecting the coinciding views of persons with competence in international law from the various legal systems and regions of the world, are a subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law.” |
第一句规定:“学说,特别是那些普遍反映来自世界各法律体系和各区域的具有国际法专业能力的人的一致观点的学说,是确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段”。 |
The Commission recalls that the present formulation differs from the approach taken to the formulation of the conclusion on “Teachings” in the topics relating to the sources of international law. |
委员会回顾指出,这一表述不同于涉及国际法渊源的各专题中关于“学说”的结论所采用的表述方式。 |
The differences relate primarily to two elements. |
差异主要涉及两个要素。 |
First, in draft conclusion 5, the Commission has replaced the identical albeit archaic language of Article 38, paragraph 1 (d), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, which employs “teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations”, with the more contemporary formulation used at the beginning of this paragraph. |
首先,在结论草案5中,委员会更换了《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(卯)项中使用的“各国权威最高之公法学家学说”这一相同但过时的措辞,采用了本段开头所使用的更现代的表述。 |
That said, for reasons of consistency, the much shorter title “Teachings”, as used in the other topics, has been retained. |
尽管如此,为了保持一致性,仍保留了其他专题中使用的“学说”这一较短的标题。 |
(4) |
(4) |
Second, whereas in previous conclusions teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations “may serve as” a subsidiary means, the Commission employed in the present draft conclusion the more direct formulation that teachings “are” a subsidiary means. |
其次,在以前的结论中,各国权威最高的公法学家学说“可作为”一种辅助手段,而委员会在本条结论草案中采用了更直接的表述,即学说“是”一种辅助手段。 |
Specifically with regard to teachings, the phrase “may serve as” was used in conclusions on teachings in the topics “Identification of customary international law” (conclusion 14) and “General principles of law” (draft conclusion 9) and in draft conclusion 9 of the draft conclusions on identification and legal consequences of peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens). |
具体就学说而言,在习惯国际法的识别专题(结论14)和一般法律原则专题(结论草案9)关于学说的结论中,以及关于一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)的识别和法律后果的结论草案之结论草案9 中,使用了“可作为”一语。 |
(5) |
(5) |
As with decisions of courts and tribunals, referred to above in draft conclusion 4, teachings are not themselves sources of international law. |
与上文结论草案4中提到的法院和法庭的决定一样,学说本身并不是国际法的渊源。 |
They may, however, offer useful guidance for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
但它们可为确定国际法规则的存在及内容提供有益的指导。 |
It follows that the use of “are” was not meant to alter the auxiliary role of teachings. |
因此,使用“是”字并不是要改变学说的辅助作用。 |
Instead, it merely recognizes the value that teachings may have in the process of determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
相反,它只是承认学说在确定国际法规则的存在及内容的过程中可能具有的价值。 |
(6) |
(6) |
As regards the first part of the first sentence of draft conclusion 5, the Commission has previously indicated, including in the commentaries adopted at its seventy-fourth session, that the term “teachings” is a broad category. |
关于结论草案5第一句的第一部分,委员会以前曾指出,包括在其第七十四届会议通过的评注中指出,“学说”一词是一个宽泛的类别。 |
The word “especially” was included in the part of the first sentence, set off by commas, to emphasize that there could, in some situations, be an abundance of teachings that could be employed to determine the existence and content of rules of international law. |
在第一句中使用“特别是”一词,并用逗号隔开,是为了强调,在某些情况下,可能会有大量的学说可用来确定国际法规则的存在及内容。 |
Particular attention in such cases should be paid to “those [teachings] generally reflecting the coinciding views of persons with competence in international law”. |
在这种情况下,需特别关注“那些普遍反映具有国际法专业能力的人的一致观点的[学说]”。 |
(7) |
(7) |
The preponderance of views contained in teachings from those with competence in international law from the various legal systems and regions of the world, expressed in the first sentence, may reflect a general trend when considered in totality against the body of scholarly work available. |
如果对照现有的大量学术著作整体考虑,第一句中所表达的来自世界各法律体系和各区域的具有国际法专业能力的人的学说中所载的大量观点,可能反映了一种普遍趋势。 |
In such instances, this could be an indication that those views – to the extent that they are diverse and representative – are more likely to carry greater weight. |
在此种情况下,这可以表明,这些观点――只要它们是多样的、有代表性的――更可能具有更大的分量。 |
The draft conclusion does not require scholarly consensus, let alone unanimity, for a high–quality teaching to be found valuable in determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
本条结论草案并不要求达成学术共识,更不要求全体一致,才能认为高质量的学说对确定国际法规则的存在及内容具有价值。 |
On the other hand, that there are diverging views among scholars could also be relevant to determining the weight to attach to a particular teaching. |
另一方面,学者之间的意见分歧对于确定某一学说的权重也可能具有相关性。 |
Where scholarly views are divided, and perhaps matched by uncertainty in the other subsidiary means such as in decisions, this could indicate that the law on the issue under consideration is unsettled. |
如果学术观点存在分歧,而且决定等其他辅助手段可能也存在不确定性,这可能表明,关于所审议问题的法律尚未确定。 |
(8) |
(8) |
While there may be express preference for teachings that reflect special expertise or competence in international law, the Commission recognizes the possibility that there may be circumstances whereby teachings in disciplines other than international law could also be relevant for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. This may arise, for instance, in the case of related subject areas, such as comparative law. |
虽然人们可能明确倾向于反映国际法方面的专门知识或专业能力的学说,但委员会认识到,在某些情况下,国际法以外学科的学说对于确定国际法规则的存在及内容也可能具有相关性。 |
(9) |
(9) |
The formulation of teachings in the present draft conclusion speaks to the critical issue of the need for their representativeness when they are being consulted and taken into account. |
本条结论草案关于学说的表述涉及一个关键问题,即在参考和考虑学说时,必须确保其代表性。 |
The draft conclusion, as framed, underlines the particular value that might be placed on certain teachings that come, first, from the various legal systems and, second, from the various regions of the world. |
所拟订的结论草案应从以下方面强调某些学说可能具有的特殊价值:首先,来自“各法律体系”的学说,其次,来自“世界各区域”的学说。 |
Such teachings will carry greater weight as subsidiary means for the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
作为确定国际法规则的存在及内容的辅助手段,这些学说将具有更大的权重。 |
The intention of the Commission here is to stress that teachings that, on balance, reflect the rich array of legal traditions of a pluralistic world should be accorded greater weight in the process of determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
委员会在这里的意图是强调,在确定国际法规则的存在及内容的过程中,需更加重视那些总体上反映多元世界丰富多彩的法律传统的学说。 |
If the teachings consulted are of high quality but reflect only one legal system, instead of a wide variety of legal systems and regions of the world, then it would be harder for them to enjoy persuasive authority. |
如果参考的学说质量很高,但只反映了一种法律体系,而不是世界上的各法律体系和各区域,那么这些学说就很难具有令人信服的权威性。 |
(10) |
(10) |
The formulation “especially those generally reflecting the coinciding views of persons with competence in international law from various legal systems and regions of the world” is an inclusive and broad phrasing. |
“特别是那些普遍反映来自世界各法律体系和各区域的具有国际法专业能力的人的一致观点的学说”这一表述具有包容性和宽泛性。 |
It seeks to ensure that the diversity of viewpoints and teachings from different parts of the world are fully considered when determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
这一表述旨在确保在确定国际法规则的存在及内容时充分考虑到来自世界不同地区的观点和学说的多样性。 |
The reference to “various legal systems and regions of the world” also indicates that, on the whole, even the weight of a particular teaching would be enhanced where it engages in a survey demonstrating that a certain rule of international law is prevalent in various systems representing the main legal families and traditions of the world. |
“世界各法律体系和各区域”的提法还表明,总体而言,如果调查表明某项国际法规则在代表世界各主要法系和法律传统的各种制度中普遍存在,则该学说的权重也会增加。 |
(11) |
(11) |
The second sentence of draft conclusion 5 develops, in an illustrative manner, the criterion of representativeness that ought to be taken into account, by indicating that “due regard should also be had to, inter alia, gender and linguistic diversity”. |
结论草案5的第二句以说明的方式,阐述了应予考虑的代表性标准,指出,“在评估学说的代表性时,除其他外,还需适当考虑性别和语言的多样性”。 |
(12) |
(12) |
The Commission considered that gender and linguistic diversity as well as viewpoint diversity are all important considerations that may need to be weighed when assessing the representativeness of the teachings being consulted. |
委员会认为,种族、性别和语言多样性以及观点多样性都是重要的考虑因素,在评估所参考学说的代表性时可能需要加以权衡。 |
However, since the reference to various regions of the world already reflected various forms of diversity, such as that of race, and the idea was to develop an illustrative instead of exhaustive list of factors to take into account, it was felt necessary to highlight only gender and linguistic diversity which, in the view of members that ultimately prevailed, would not necessarily be covered by the phrase “from the various legal systems and regions of the world”. |
然而,由于提及世界各区域已经反映了各种形式的多样性,如种族多样性,而且所设想的是拟订一份说明性的而非详尽无遗的考虑因素清单,因此有必要只强调性别和语言多样性,因为根据最终占上风的委员们的意见,“来自世界各法律体系和各区域”一语不一定涵盖这些多样性。 |
The view was, however, expressed by several members, and two States in the context of the Sixth Committee debate of the present draft conclusion, that racial diversity should have been included for the same reasons that linguistic and gender diversity were included. |
不过,有几位委员和两个国家 在第六委员会对本条结论草案进行辩论时表示,本应列入种族多样性,理由与列入语言和性别多样性相同。 |
These reasons included the enumeration of race, alongside gender, as a prohibited ground of discrimination in international instruments such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and in regional human rights treaties and most national constitutions from all the different parts of the world. |
这些理由包括:在《公民及政治权利国际公约》 等国际文书以及区域人权条约和世界各地大多数国家的宪法中,种族与性别一样,都是被禁止的歧视理由。 |
(13) |
(13) |
The formula “due regard should also be had to, inter alia,” would require users of the draft conclusion to undertake best efforts to ensure the representativeness of the teachings that they consider when using teachings as subsidiary means. |
“除其他外,还需适当考虑”这一措辞要求结论草案的使用者在将学说用作辅助手段时,尽最大努力确保所考虑的学说的代表性。 |
The term “should” is used instead of “shall”. |
使用了“需”这一用语,而不是“应”。 |
The use of the term “also” indicates that the listing that follows is additional to what had been stated before. |
“还”字的使用表明,后面列出的内容是对前面所述内容的补充。 |
The last element, i.e. “inter alia”, meaning among other things, clarifies that gender and linguistic diversity are not exhaustive of the forms of diversity that ought to be considered. |
最后一个要素即“除其他外”的意思是除了别的以外,说明性别和语言多样性并不是应予考虑的多样性形式的全部。 |
Thus, the Commission here highlights some, though not all, of the considerations that may be relevant to the assessment of how representative teachings are, which, in addition to racial diversity, may include ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, as well as sexual orientation. |
因此,委员会在此强调了一些(但不是全部)可能与评估学说的代表性有关的一些考虑因素,除了种族多样性之外,这些因素还可能包括族裔、文化和宗教多样性以及性取向。 |
(14) |
(14) |
The Commission considers that teachings do play a vital role in the process of determining and applying rules of international law. |
委员会认为,学说在确定和适用国际法规则的过程中确实发挥着至关重要的作用。 |
The importance of teachings notwithstanding, as indicated in the prior topics, there is a need for caution when drawing upon teachings because their actual value for the assessment of the existence and content of rules of international law may vary for different reasons. |
不过,尽管学说很重要,但如前几个专题所述,在借鉴学说时需要保持谨慎,因为它们对于评估国际法规则的存在及内容的实际价值可能因不同原因而异。 |
First, teachings sometimes seek not merely to record the state of the law as it is (lex lata) but to advocate for its development (lex ferenda). |
首先,学说有时不仅试图记录法律的现状(现行法),还设法支持其发展(拟议法)。 |
Second, teachings may reflect the national or other individual viewpoints of their authors. |
其次,学说可能反映了著述者本国的观点或其他个人观点。 |
Third, teachings may differ greatly in quality. Assessing the authority of a given work is thus essential. |
再次,学说的质量参差不齐,因此,评估某一特定著作的权威性至关重要。 |
This approach is well established in State practice. |
这一做法在国家实践中已得到充分确立。 |
For instance, the Supreme Court of the United States referred, in its Paquete Habana ruling of 8 January 1900, to “the works of jurists and commentators, who by years of labour, research and experience, have made themselves peculiarly well acquainted with the subjects of which they treat. |
例如,美国最高法院在1900年1月8日对Paquete Habana案作出的裁决中提到,“各法院可以参考的法学家和评论家的著作,这些法学家和评论家通过多年的努力、研究和经验,特别熟悉其所论述的主题。 |
Such works are resorted to by judicial tribunals, not for the speculations of their authors concerning what the law ought to be, but for trustworthy evidence of what the law really is”. |
法庭参考这些著作“不是为了了解著述者关于法律应该是什么的猜测,而是为了求得关于法律实际上是什么的可靠证据”。 |
(15) |
(15) |
Another more recent example shows not only how teachings are used in practice, but how they may interact with judicial decisions as subsidiary means. |
另一个更近的例子不仅显示了学说如何在实践中使用,而且显示了它们如何作为辅助手段与司法决定相互作用。 |
The Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa, determined in its March 2016 ruling, the narrow question of whether customary international law permitted exceptions to the immunity of Heads of State that might enable South Africa, including its courts, to disregard such immunity and authorize the execution of an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court for then President of Sudan, Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir. |
南非最高上诉法院 在其2016年3月的裁决中确定了一个很具体的问题,即习惯国际法是否允许国家元首豁免的例外情况,以便使南非,包括其法院,能够无视这种豁免,授权执行国际刑事法院对时任苏丹总统奥马尔·哈桑·艾哈迈德·巴希尔发出的逮捕令。 |
The Court analysed the Rome Statute before turning to customary international law and, faced with the difficulty of answering the question through analysis of those two sources contained in Article 38, paragraphs 1 (a) and (b), of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, considered that judicial decisions, including from the International Court of Justice, as well as teachings could offer “guidance” on whether an exception existed. |
该法院在对《罗马规约》进行分析后转向了习惯国际法,很难通过分析《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(子)项和(丑)项所载的这两个渊源来回答这个问题,认为司法决定,包括国际法院的司法决定,以及学说可以就例外是否存在提供“指导”。 |
As part of that analysis, the Court examined the writings of several scholars and noted that their views were divided on the question of whether or not immunity applied. |
作为分析的一部分,该法院审查了几位学者的著作,并注意到他们在豁免是否适用的问题上存在意见分歧。 |
In the end, it rejected the appellant’s submission that such an exception existed under international law in so far as national courts were concerned. |
最终,法院驳回了上诉人的意见,即就国内法院而言,国际法下存在这种例外。 |
The Court observed that the views of scholars on the immunity point could “inform future debate and contribute to the development of customary international law”. |
该法院指出,学者们关于豁免问题的观点可以“为今后的辩论提供参考,并有助于习惯国际法的发展”。 |
The latter observation addresses another role of teachings that must be borne in mind in the context of the present draft conclusion. |
后一项意见涉及学说的另一个作用,在本结论草案的背景下必须牢记。 |
It clarified that, instead of resolving academic debates, its own task was more limited to assessing the state of customary international law as it stood and to apply it without creating new law. |
该法院澄清说,它本身的任务不是解决学术辩论,而是更多地局限于评估习惯国际法的现状,并在不创立新法律的情况下适用习惯国际法。 |
Conclusion 6 |
结论6 |
Nature and function of subsidiary means |
辅助手段的性质和作用 |
1. |
1. |
Subsidiary means are not a source of international law. |
辅助手段不是国际法的渊源。 |
The function of subsidiary means is to assist with the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
辅助手段的作用是协助确定国际法规则的存在及内容。 |
2. |
2. |
The use of materials as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law is without prejudice to their use for other purposes. |
材料用作确定国际法规则的辅助手段,不妨碍将其用于其他目的。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft conclusion 6 aims to clarify the role of subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law vis-à-vis the sources of international law. |
结论草案6旨在澄清确定国际法规则的辅助手段相对于国际法渊源的作用。 |
It consists of two paragraphs. |
该结论草案由两段组成。 |
Paragraph 1 considers the nature and function of subsidiary means, while paragraph 2 is a without prejudice clause. |
第1段考虑了辅助手段的性质和作用,第2段是不妨碍条款。 |
Paragraph 1 – the nature and function of subsidiary means |
第1段――辅助手段的性质和作用 |
(2) |
(2) |
Paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 6 is composed of two sentences. |
结论草案6第1段由两句话组成。 |
The first sentence addresses the nature of subsidiary means and provides that subsidiary means are not a source of international law. |
第一句论述了辅助手段的性质,规定辅助手段不是国际法的渊源。 |
The Commission found that there is an extensive body of international and national judicial practice and scholarly works, as well as drafting history, to justify this conclusion. |
委员会认为,有大量国际和国家司法实践、学术著作以及起草历史可以证明这一结论。 |
(3) |
(3) |
Implicit in the negative formulation of the first sentence specifying what the subsidiary means are not, instead of what they are, is the question of the relationship between the sources of international law and the subsidiary means for the determination of the rules of international law. |
第一句的否定措词指明了辅助手段不是什么,而非指明辅助手段是什么,其中隐含了国际法渊源与确定国际法规则的辅助手段之间的关系问题。 |
In formulating the Commission’s position, two main alternatives were considered. |
在拟定委员会的立场时,委员会审议了两种主要备选方案。 |
The first was to provide that the subsidiary means are auxiliary in nature vis-à-vis treaties, customary international law and general principles of law and that they are mainly resorted to when determining the rules of international law. |
第一种是规定,相对于条约、习惯国际法和一般法律原则而言,辅助手段具有辅助性质,主要在确定国际法规则时使用。 |
(4) |
(4) |
The second alternative was to indicate that subsidiary means are not an “autonomous” source of international law or that they are “distinct from” the sources of international law. |
第二种是指出,辅助手段不是国际法的“自主”渊源,或“有别于”国际法渊源。 |
While it was found that there was merit in each of those approaches, several questions were raised about each of the alternatives, including the possible need to explain them further. |
虽然委员会认为这两种方案均有可取之处,但对两者都提出了一些问题,包括可能需要进一步加以解释。 |
The Commission therefore opted for the more direct formulation, stating simply that they are not sources of international law. |
因此,委员会选择了更直接的表述,简单指出辅助手段不是国际法的渊源。 |
Still, a view was expressed that the proposition contained in the first sentence was too categorical in light of their use for other purposes and that some nuances of what actually occurs in practice regarding the subsidiary means risk being lost. |
还有一种观点认为,考虑到它们可用于其他目的,第一句中的主张过于绝对,可能无法反映出实践中关于辅助手段的某些细微差别。 |
(5) |
(5) |
The second sentence of paragraph 1 of draft conclusion 6 builds on the basic proposition contained in the first sentence by indicating that the function of subsidiary means “is to assist with the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law”. |
结论草案6第1段第二句以第一句的基本主张为基础,指出辅助手段的作用“是协助确定国际法规则的存在及内容”。 |
Alternative formulations considered included specifying that subsidiary means are assistive or auxiliary in nature. |
审议的备选措辞包括明确指出辅助手段具有协助或辅助性质。 |
For various reasons, the Commission did not choose those formulations. |
出于各种原因,委员会没有选择这些表述。 |
In this regard, it was observed that the term “auxiliary” is used to describe “subsidiary” in other languages. |
在这方面,有人指出,在某些语文中用“auxiliary”来描述“subsidiary”。 |
This means that, if the term auxiliary is used in this draft conclusion, when translated into other official languages such as French, Spanish and Russian, it would not only be repetitive but also circular. |
这意味着,如果在本结论草案中使用“auxiliary”一词,在翻译成法文、西班牙文和俄文等其他正式语文时,会造成同义反复。 |
In that context, it was considered sufficient to simply provide that the function of subsidiary means is “to assist” in the process of determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
有鉴于此,委员会认为,只需规定辅助手段的作用是“协助”确定国际法规则的存在及内容。 |
That said, the Commission did not exclude, by this formulation, the possibility that materials used as subsidiary means could perform other functions as confirmed by paragraph 2 of draft conclusion 6. |
尽管如此,委员会的这一表述并没有排除用作辅助手段的材料发挥其他作用的可能性,结论草案6第2段确认了这一点。 |
Paragraph 2 – use of materials as subsidiary means is without prejudice to their other uses |
第2段――将材料用作辅助手段不妨碍将其用于其他用途 |
(6) |
(6) |
Paragraph 2 of draft conclusion 6 is comprised of a single sentence. |
结论草案6第2段只有一句话。 |
It provides, in a simple statement, that the use of “materials” as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law is without prejudice to their use for other purposes. |
该段简单规定,“材料”用作确定国际法规则的辅助手段,不妨碍将其用于其他目的。 |
This proposition takes as a point of departure the fact that materials used as subsidiary means, for example judicial decisions and teachings, may be used for multiple purposes. |
这一主张的出发点是,司法决定和学说等用作辅助手段的材料可用于多种目的。 |
(7) |
(7) |
In the first place, such materials may be used to assist in determining the existence and content of rules of international law. |
首先,此类材料可用于协助确定国际法规则的存在及内容。 |
In the second place, they may be used for a wide variety of other purposes. |
其次,还可用于多种其他目的。 |
For instance, when it comes to the decisions of national courts, the Commission has already determined in its previous works that they may serve a dual function: |
例如,就国家法院的决定而言,委员会已在以往工作中确定,这些决定可发挥双重作用: |
(a) either as evidence of the constituent elements of customary international law; |
(a) 作为习惯国际法组成要素的证据; |
or (b) as subsidiary means that are useful to assess whether there exists evidence of State practice and opinio juris. |
或(b) 作为辅助手段,用于评估是否存在国家惯例和法律确信的证据。 |
Similarly, when it comes to general principles of law, judicial decisions – in particular those derived from national legal systems – may be used to determine the existence or lack thereof of general principles of law as well as their content. |
同样,在涉及一般法律原则时,司法决定,特别是源自国内法律体系的决定,可用于确定一般法律原则的存在与否及内容。 |
Moreover, when identifying an international legal norm as constituting jus cogens, the subsidiary means, such as the decisions of national courts, may also constitute primary evidence of acceptance and recognition, but may not, in and of themselves, be the evidence of such acceptance and recognition. |
此外,在确定一项国际法律规范构成强行法时,国家法院的决定等辅助手段也可能构成接受和承认的主要证据,但其本身可能不是此种接受和承认的证据。 |
(8) |
(8) |
The broad reference to other uses of the materials is additionally important for another reason. |
广泛提及材料的其他用途还有另一个重要原因。 |
The Commission contemplated, in draft conclusion 2, subparagraph (c), the possibility of the existence of other materials that could fall within the category of subsidiary means as part of “any other means generally used to assist in determining rules of international law”. |
委员会在结论草案2(c)分段中考虑到,可能存在其他材料,这些材料属于“一般用于协助确定国际法规则的任何其他手段”这一辅助手段类别。 |
In any case, when it reaches the first reading stage of this topic, the Commission will revert to the separate question of the best placement of the present draft conclusion. |
无论如何,在本专题进入一读阶段后,委员会将重新审议本结论草案的最佳位置这一单独问题。 |
Conclusion 7 |
结论7 |
Absence of legally binding precedent in international law |
在国际法中没有具法律约束力的先例 |
Decisions of international courts or tribunals may be followed on points of law where those decisions address the same or similar issues as those under consideration. |
在国际性法院或法庭的决定涉及的问题与所审议的问题相同或相似时,可在法律要点上遵循这些决定。 |
Such decisions do not constitute legally binding precedent unless otherwise provided for in a specific instrument or rule of international law. |
此类决定不构成具有法律约束力的先例,除非国际法的具体文书或规则另有规定。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft conclusion 7 deals with the question of precedent in international law. |
结论草案7涉及国际法中的先例问题。 |
It confirms the existence of an extensive practice from which the Commission has established that, as a general rule, there is no system of legally binding precedent, or stare decisis, in international courts or tribunals under international law. |
该结论草案确认存在广泛实践,委员会据此确定,一般而言,根据国际法,国际性法院或法庭没有具法律约束力的先例制度,即遵循先例制度。 |
However, for reasons of legal security, stability and consistency, which is the essence of any rule of law-based legal system, international courts or tribunals routinely take into account the legal reasoning contained in the decisions of other courts and tribunals, although they are not obligated to apply them. |
然而,出于法律保障、稳定性和一致性的原因(这是所有基于法治的法律制度的本质),国际性法院或法庭通常会考虑其他法院和法庭的决定中所包含的法律推理,尽管它们没有义务适用这些推理。 |
The general rule, in international adjudication involving States, is that decisions of courts are binding only on the parties to the case – as is stated in Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. |
涉及国家的国际裁决的一般规则是,法院的决定只对案件当事方具有约束力,《国际法院规约》第五十九条对此曾有论述。 |
(2) |
(2) |
The present draft conclusion consists of two interrelated sentences. |
本结论草案由两句相互关联的句子组成。 |
The first sentence provides that “[d]ecisions of international courts or tribunals may be followed on points of law where those decisions address the same or similar issues as those under consideration”. |
第一句规定,“在国际性法院或法庭的决定涉及的问题与所审议的问题相同或相似时,可在法律要点上遵循这些决定”。 |
The Commission considered that the term “decisions”, as well as the phrase “international courts or tribunals”, should be understood in the same way as described in the context of draft conclusion 4. |
委员会认为,“决定”以及“国际性法院或法庭”需按照结论草案4所述的方式理解。 |
The general proposition that decisions of international courts or tribunals “may be followed on points of law” requires fulfilment of a precondition triggering its application, namely, “where those decisions address the same or similar issues as those under consideration”. |
要适用“可在法律要点上遵循”国际性法院或法庭的决定这一一般性主张,必须满足一个先决条件,即“决定涉及的问题与所审议的问题相同或相似”。 |
(3) |
(3) |
First, with regard to the formulation of the key elements of the first sentence of draft conclusion 7, the Commission selected the term “may”. |
首先,关于结论草案7第一句关键要素的表述,委员会选择使用“可”一词。 |
The idea is that the possibility exists for an international court or tribunal to follow other decisions on points of law, but also clarifies that doing so is not mandatory. |
这表明,国际性法院或法庭可以在法律要点上遵循其他决定,但这样做不是强制性的。 |
Second, the term “points of law”, which is a reference to the legal reasoning and legal conclusions, was used to describe what could potentially be followed. |
第二,“法律要点”一词指的是法律推理和法律结论,用于描述可以遵循的内容。 |
The formulation “points of law” explains that the object is not the decision, as such, but the reasons in support thereof. |
“法律要点”这一表述解释了遵循的对象不是决定本身,而是支持该决定的理由。 |
(4) |
(4) |
The distinction between the decision constituting the operative part of the judgment and the reasons underlying it is well settled in the jurisprudence of both the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice. |
常设国际法院和国际法院的判例都对构成判决执行部分的决定和决定所依据的理由作了明确区分。 |
In the Polish Postal Service in Danzig case, for instance, the Permanent Court of International Justice explained that: “it is certain that the reasons contained in a decision, at least in so far as they go beyond the scope of the operative part, have no binding force as between the Parties concerned.” |
例如,常设国际法院在但泽波兰邮局案中解释说:“可以肯定的是,一项决定所包含的理由,至少在超出执行部分范围的情况下,对有关当事方不具约束力”。 |
In the Readaptation of the Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions case, the respondent State challenged the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice to hear the case. |
在马夫罗马蒂斯在耶路撒冷特许权重新调整案中,被告国对常设国际法院审理此案的管辖权提出质疑。 |
However, in decisions adopted before, it had been determined that there was jurisdiction. |
然而,法院在先前的决定中已确定存在管辖权。 |
The Court found that it had “no reason to depart from a construction which clearly flows from the previous judgments the reasoning of which it still regards as sound”. |
法院认为,“没有理由背离明显源于先前判决的解释,法院仍然认为先前判决的推理是合理的”。 |
(5) |
(5) |
The International Court of Justice has, in a series of cases, established a similar position. |
国际法院遵循了常设国际法院在一系列案件中确立了类似立场。 |
For example, the Court in Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria held that: “It is true that, in accordance with Article 59, the Court’s judgments bind only the parties to and in respect of a particular case. |
例如,在喀麦隆与尼日利亚间陆地和海洋疆界案中,国际法院指出:“根据第五十九条,法院的判决确实只对特定案件的当事方具有约束力。 |
There can be no question of holding Nigeria to decisions reached by the Court in previous cases. |
不可能要求尼日利亚遵循法院在以往案件中作出的决定。 |
The real question is whether, in this case, there is cause not to follow the reasoning and conclusions of earlier cases.” |
真正的问题在于,在本案中,是否有理由不遵循以往案件的推理和结论。 |
By this formulation, the Court made clear that its general starting point to apply would be the reasoning and conclusions on points of law in earlier cases except if there are compelling reasons. |
” 通过这一表述,国际法院明确指出,除非有迫不得已的理由,否则其适用的一般出发点是以往案件中关于法律要点的推理和结论。 |
(6) |
(6) |
A last and important consideration for the Commission when formulating the first sentence of draft conclusion 7 on the absence of legally binding precedent in international law was the notion that the decisions of the relevant tribunals, to be followed on the points of law, must address “the same or similar issues as those under consideration”. |
委员会在拟订关于在国际法中没有具法律约束力的先例的结论草案7第一句时,考虑的最后一个重要因素是,在法律要点上应遵循的相关法庭决定必须涉及“与所审议的问题相同或相似的问题”。 |
This statement indicates, as is well established in jurisprudence, that there must be a level of comparability between the case at issue and the subsequent cases. |
这一表述表明,正如判例中所确立的那样,所涉案件与之后的案件之间必须有一定程度的可比性。 |
The point is that whether to follow the prior decision on points of law in a subsequent case requires a further assessment that it concerns the same or similar issue. |
问题在于,之后的案件是否在法律要点上遵循先前的决定,需要进一步评估该案是否涉及相同或相似的问题。 |
Plainly, the earlier decision only applies to analogous cases. |
显然,先前的决定只适用于类似的案件。 |
In practice, this “means less that the facts are similar or substantially similar, than that the question raised by the facts in the subsequent case is the same as the question decided by the legal principle in the previous decision”. |
在实践中,这“与其说是指事实相似或实质相似,不如说是指之后案件的事实所提出的问题与先前裁决中法律原则所决定的问题相同”。 |
The earlier decision must also be capable of generalization, as the International Court of Justice explained in Barcelona Traction that for the general arbitral jurisprudence cited by parties in that case to be followed, the decisions cited must be capable of “giv[ing] rise to generalization going beyond the special circumstances of each case”. |
正如国际法院在巴塞罗那电车公司案中所解释的那样,先前的决定还必须具有普遍性,若要遵循该案当事方援引的一般仲裁判例,所援引的决定必须能够“产生超越个案特殊情况的普遍性”。 |
(7) |
(7) |
There is practice of certain international courts or tribunals of following previous decisions unless there are “convincing reasons” or “compelling reasons” not to do so, or the existence of a provision to the effect that they “shall be guided by” their own previous decisions as in the statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone or those of another international court or tribunal. |
某些国际性法院或法庭的做法是遵循以前的决定,除非有“令人信服的理由” 或“迫不得已的理由” 不这样做,或者有一项规定,即这些法院或法庭“应以”自己以前的决定(如《塞拉利昂问题特别法庭规约》)或另一国际性法院或法庭的决定“为指导”。 |
This practice of certain international courts and tribunals could be seen, to some extent, as a functional equivalent to a rule of binding precedent. |
某些国际性法院和法庭的这种做法在某种程度上可以被视为与具有约束力的先例规则功能等同。 |
However, in these situations, there is no obligation under international law for the international courts or tribunals to follow previous decisions as legally binding precedents. |
然而,在这些情况下,根据国际法,国际性法院或法庭没有义务遵循先前的决定,将其作为具有法律约束力的先例。 |
For such an obligation to exist, it should be provided for in a specific instrument or a specific rule, as contemplated by the second sentence of draft conclusion 7. |
要使这种义务存在,就需如结论草案7第二句所考虑的那样,在具体文书或具体规则中加以规定。 |
(8) |
(8) |
In the second sentence of draft conclusion 7, the Commission seeks to clarify the legal consequences that flow from the first sentence. |
在结论草案7的第二句中,委员会试图澄清第一句产生的法律后果。 |
It therefore expressly states that the fact that “[s]uch decisions” (i.e. those of international courts or tribunals) may in some circumstances be followed on points of law (as indicated by the first sentence) does not mean that they “constitute legally binding precedent”. |
因此,该句明确指出,在某些情况下可在法律要点上遵循“此类决定”(即国际性法院或法庭的决定)(如第一句所示),但这并不意味着此类决定“构成具有法律约束力的先例”。 |
The only exceptions to the general rule that decisions do not constitute legally binding precedent is indicated by the phrase “unless otherwise provided for”. |
“除非……另有规定”表明了此类决定不构成具有法律约束力的先例这一一般规则的唯一例外情况。 |
The qualifier concerns two situations. |
该限定语涉及两种情况。 |
First, where that possibility is contemplated in “a specific instrument” or, second, where it is provided for in a specific “rule of international law”. |
第一,在“具体文书”中设想了这种可能性,第二,在具体“国际法规则”中作了规定。 |
A combined reading of these terms reflects the Commission’s intention to capture the full range of situations where a system of bindingness to precedent in an international court or tribunal is provided for in instruments such as a treaty, statute or other constitutive or founding document of a tribunal. |
对这些用语的综合解读反映了委员会的意图,即涵盖由以下文书规定的国际性法院或法庭遵循先例制度的所有情况:条约、规约或法庭的其他组织或成立文件等文书。 |
(9) |
(9) |
For example, according to article 221 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas Establishing the Caribbean Community including the CARICOM Single Market and Economy, “[j]udgments of the [Caribbean Court of Justice] shall constitute legally binding precedents for parties in proceedings before the Court unless such judgments have been revised in accordance with Article 219”. |
例如,根据《经修订的关于建立加勒比共同体包括加共体单一市场和经济体的查瓜拉马斯条约》第221条,“加勒比法院的判决应对法院诉讼的当事方构成具有法律约束力的先例,除非已根据第219条对此类判决进行了修改”。 |
The title of article 221 is “judgment of the Court to constitute stare decisis”. |
第221条的标题是“法院的判决构成遵循先例”。 |
(10) |
(10) |
A second example is the Court of Justice of the European Union, which, in at least two situations under its statute regarding appeals and reviews, is empowered to quash the decision of the General Court in an appeal and even itself give final judgment in the matter or even choose to refer a case back to the General Court, in which case the latter tribunal “shall be bound by the decision of the Court of Justice on points of law”. |
第二个例子是欧洲联盟法院,根据其规约,在涉及上诉和复审的至少两种情况下,法院有权在上诉程序中推翻普通法院的决定,甚至有权就此事项作出最终判决,或选择将案件发回普通法院,在这种情况下,普通法院“在法律要点上应受欧洲联盟法院决定的约束”。 |
A third example is the European Free Trade Association Court, which under the agreement on the European Economic Area is under an obligation to interpret its provisions “in conformity with the relevant rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Communities given prior to the date of signature of this agreement”. |
第三个例子是欧洲自由贸易联盟法院,根据《欧洲经济区协定》,该法院有义务“按照欧洲共同体法院在本协定签署之日前作出的有关裁决”解释其规定。 |
(11) |
(11) |
A fourth illustration could be the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. |
第四个例子可能是美洲人权法院。 |
Although its founding treaties and rules do not expressly provide for this, in a rich jurisprudence that has developed and strengthened over the years, the Inter-American Court has determined on the basis of its interpretation of its constitutive documents that: |
虽然该法院的成立条约和规则并未对此作出明确规定,但在多年来不断发展和加强的丰富判例中,美洲人权法院依据其对组织文件的解释认定: |
the [j]udiciary must exercise a sort of “conventionality control” between the domestic legal provisions which are applied to specific cases and the American Convention on Human Rights. |
司法机构必须在适用于具体案件的国内法律规定与《美洲人权公约》之间实行某种“公约控制”。 |
To perform this task, the Judiciary has to take into account not only the treaty, but also the interpretation thereof made by the Inter-American Court, which is the ultimate interpreter of the American Convention. |
为了完成这项任务,司法机构不仅要考虑条约,还要考虑美洲法院对条约的解释,因为美洲法院是《美洲人权公约》的最终解释者。 |
Later judgments have held that the application by national court judges of the rulings of the Inter-American Court is obligatory. |
之后的判决认为,国家法院法官必须适用美洲人权法院的裁决。 |
This implies that the binding nature of decisions may not be limited to the parties to the particular case. |
这意味着决定的约束性质可能不局限于具体案件的当事方。 |
While this interpretation has led to a lively scholarly debate, which need not be entered into by the Commission for the purpose of providing this example of a regional court where a specific rule providing for the binding nature of its decisions has been developed through judicial decisions, it can be noted that some States in the Americas have accepted or acquiesced to the judicial interpretation given by the Inter-American Court, while several others have expressed some doubts. |
虽然这一解释引发了激烈的学术讨论, 但委员会不应参与讨论,因为委员会的目的是提供一个区域法院的案例,说明该法院通过判例制定了一项具体规则,规定其决定具有约束性质,值得注意的是,美洲的一些国家接受或默认了美洲法院的这一司法解释,而另外几个国家 则表示了一些怀疑。 |
(12) |
(12) |
In the view of the Commission, given the above practice, the general proposition contained in draft conclusion 7 that there is no system of legally binding precedent in international law remains valid. |
委员会认为,鉴于上述实践,结论草案7中所载的一般主张,即在国际法中没有具法律约束力的先例制度,仍然有效。 |
However, in some circumstances, such as those discussed above, the obligation to follow prior decisions is established in either a specific instrument or a specific rule of international law. |
然而,在某些情况下,例如上文讨论的情况下,遵循先前决定的义务是在一项具体文书或一项具体规则中确立的。 |
Conclusion 8 |
结论8 |
Weight of decisions of courts and tribunals |
法院和法庭决定的权重 |
When assessing the weight of decisions of courts or tribunals, regard should be had to, in addition to the criteria set out in draft conclusion 3, inter alia: |
在评估法院或法庭决定的权重时,除结论草案3所列标准外,还需主要考虑到: |
(a) |
(a) |
whether the court or tribunal has been conferred with a specific competence with regard to the application of the rule in question; |
法院或法庭是否被赋予适用有关规则的具体权限; |
(b) |
(b) |
the extent to which the decision is part of a body of concurring decisions; and |
该决定在多大程度上是大量一致决定的一部分; |
(c) |
(c) |
the extent to which the reasoning remains relevant, taking into account subsequent developments. |
考虑到后续事态发展,论证在多大程度上仍然相关。 |
Commentary |
评注 |
(1) |
(1) |
Draft conclusion 8 sets out more specific criteria to guide users when employing decisions of courts and tribunals in the determination of the existence and content of rules of international law. |
结论草案8提出了更具体的标准,使用者在确定国际法规则的存在及内容时采用法院和法庭的决定。 |
It builds on the general criteria for the assessment of subsidiary means for determining rules of international law contained in draft conclusion 3. |
它借鉴了结论草案3所载的确定国际法规则的辅助手段的一般评估标准。 |
In other words, while draft conclusion 3 concerns the general criteria for assessing the weight to be given to subsidiary means, draft conclusion 8 serves the specific purpose of clarifying how the decisions of courts and tribunals are to be assessed by adding additional relevant criteria that should be considered to carry out a proper assessment. |
换言之,结论草案3涉及评估赋予辅助手段的权重的一般标准,而结论草案8 的具体目的是澄清如何评估法院和法庭的决定,增加了进行适当评估需考虑的其他相关标准。 |
(2) |
(2) |
The general criteria recommended an assessment of the degree of representativeness of the materials being used as subsidiary means, the quality of the reasoning, the expertise of those involved, the level of agreement among those involved, the reception of States and other entities, and, where applicable, the mandate conferred on the body. |
一般标准建议评估被用作辅助手段的材料的代表性程度、论证的质量、有关人员的专门知识、有关人员之间的一致程度、各国和其他实体的接受程度,以及在适用的情况下,赋予该机构的任务。 |
The Commission considers that, in the specific context of the use of decisions of courts or tribunals, only some of these general criteria should be accorded weight. |
委员会认为,在使用法院或法庭的决定的具体情况下,只有其中一些一般标准需受到重视。 |
Indeed, the commentary to draft conclusion 3 stating the general criteria foreshadowed this point by clarifying that “which factors would be relevant, and to what extent, would depend on the specific subsidiary means in question and the prevailing circumstances”. |
事实上,阐述该一般标准的结论草案3的评注为这一点做了铺垫,其中说明“哪些因素具有相关性,具有多大的相关性,将取决于所涉辅助手段本身和具体情况”。 |
The present draft conclusion seeks to specify which additional criteria the Commission deems particularly appropriate to ensure that proper weight is given to decisions of courts or tribunals as subsidiary means. |
本结论草案试图具体说明委员会认为哪些补充标准特别适合于确保法院或法庭的决定作为辅助手段获得适当的权重。 |
Chapeau of draft conclusion 8 |
结论草案8前导句 |
(3) |
(3) |
The draft conclusion opens with a chapeau followed by three subparagraphs. |
结论草案以一个前导句开头,后面是三个分段。 |
For consistency reasons, the chapeau of draft conclusion 8 is formulated in analogous language to the chapeau of draft conclusion 3. |
为保持一致,结论草案8的前导句采用与结论草案3的前导句相似的措辞。 |
With minor textual adjustments, the text provides that, “when assessing the weight of decisions of courts or tribunals, regard should be had to, in addition to the criteria set out in draft conclusion 3, inter alia”, three factors, contained in subparagraphs (a) to (c), when using decisions to determine the existence and content of rules of international law. |
案文稍作文字调整,规定,在利用决定确定国际法规则的存在及内容时,“在评估法院或法庭决定的权重时,除结论草案3所列标准外,还需主要考虑到”第(a)至(c)分段所载的三个因素。 |
(4) |
(4) |
Through their analogous formulation, although in this case referring specifically to the decisions of courts or tribunals only, instead of all subsidiary means, the chapeau incorporates the substantive criteria established in draft conclusion 3. |
尽管在这种情况下仅具体提及法院或法庭的决定,而不是所有辅助手段,但通过类似的表述,起首部分纳入了结论草案3中确立的实质性标准。 |
For the avoidance of doubt, the scope of application of the term “decisions of courts or tribunals” is intended to apply to decisions of all types whether of international courts and tribunals or those of national courts. |
为免生疑义,“法院或法庭的决定”一词的适用范围意在适用于所有类型的决定,包括国际法院和法庭的决定,以及国家或国内法院和法庭的决定。 |
(5) |
(5) |
By expressly stating that “regard should be had to”, the Commission indicates that the three specific factors that follow in this draft conclusion, although in many cases desirable, are meant to serve as a form of guideline instead of being mandatory elements. |
通过明确指出“需……考虑到”,委员会表明,本结论草案中的三个具体因素虽然在许多情况下是可取的,但其目的是作为一种指南,而不是强制性要素。 |
The “inter alia” towards the end of the clause also confirms that the listed criteria are merely illustrative of the most likely scenarios to arise. |
该句中间的“主要”一词还确认,所列标准只是说明最有可能出现的情况。 |
It also seeks to account for the fact that some users, for example different courts and tribunals, may take different criteria into account and place different weight on them. |
它还试图解释这样一个事实,即一些使用者,例如不同的法院和法庭,可能会考虑不同的标准,并给予它们不同的权重。 |
For example, a tribunal may place greater weight on decisions issued by the same court than those issued by another court or tribunal. |
例如,一个法庭给予同一法院作出的决定的权重可能大于另一法院或法庭作出的决定。 |
(6) |
(6) |
Finally, as formulated, it is made clear that the factors or considerations set out in draft conclusion 8 are to be read together with those in draft conclusion 3. |
最后,目前的措辞明确指出,结论草案8中列出的因素或考虑因素应与结论草案3中的因素或考虑因素一并解读。 |
That is why the Commission states that they are additional criteria for the assessment of the weight to be given to decisions of courts and tribunals. |
所以,委员会指出,它们是评估法院和法庭决定权重的补充标准。 |
Thus, the specific factors in the present draft conclusion are intended to supplement the general criteria for subsidiary means set out in draft conclusion 3. |
因此,本结论草案中的具体因素意在补充结论草案3中列出的辅助手段的一般标准。 |
A discussion of each of the three more specific criteria applicable to the assessment of the weight of decisions of courts and tribunals follows. |
下文将逐一讨论适用于评估法院和法庭的决定的权重的三个更具体的标准。 |
Subparagraph (a) – whether the court or tribunal has a specific competence |
(a)分段――法院或法庭是否拥有具体权限 |
(7) |
(7) |
Subparagraph (a) of draft conclusion 8 refers to the question “whether the court or tribunal has been conferred with a specific competence with regard to the application of the rule in question”. |
结论草案8(a)分段提到“法院或法庭是否被赋予适用有关规则的具体权限”的问题。 |
This formulation is similar to the criterion contained in draft conclusion 3, subparagraph (f), referring to the specific mandate conferred on a body. |
这一提法类似于结论草案3(f)分段所载的标准,其中提到赋予一个机构的具体任务。 |
In that earlier context, the Commission’s commentary already explained that a relevant consideration to take into account is whether a particular subsidiary means is produced by a body acting under an official mandate conferred by States. |
在上述情况下,委员会的评注已经解释说,要考虑的一个相关因素是,某一辅助手段是否由根据国家授予的正式任务授权行事的机构产生。 |
It was further explained that this general criterion was to be used when determining, for instance, whether special regard should be given to decisions of a particular court and, if so, whether to confer greater weight on such decisions. |
该评注还解释称,这一一般标准将用于确定,例如,是否需对某一法院的决定给予特殊考虑,如果是,是否给予此类决定更大的权重。 |
Several illustrations were given of specialist courts and tribunals with specific competencies in relation to various subject matter, such as those relating to the law of the sea (the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea), international criminal and humanitarian law (the ad hoc international criminal tribunals and the International Criminal Court) and international trade law (Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization). |
该评注例举了对各种主题事项具有具体权限的专门法院和法庭,例如与海洋法(国际海洋法法庭)、国际刑法和人道法(各特设国际刑事法庭和国际刑事法院)和国际贸易法(世界贸易组织争端解决机构)有关的法院和法庭。 |
(8) |
(8) |
In the context of the current draft conclusion, which addresses the weight of decisions of courts and tribunals specifically, the Commission considered it appropriate to reflect more directly in the draft conclusion the practice of international, regional and national courts or tribunals under which the specific competence given to a court or tribunal to apply a particular treaty is treated as a relevant consideration in assessing the authority to ascribe to its pronouncements. |
本结论草案具体述及法院和法庭的决定的权重,委员会认为,在结论草案中更直接地反映国际性、区域 和国内 法院或法庭的实践是适当的,根据这些实践,赋予法院或法庭适用某一条约的具体权限被视为评估赋予其判决的权威性的相关考虑因素。 |
In this regard, for example, the International Court of Justice has referred on at least seven occasions to the outputs, including decisions concerning individual cases, of both regional human rights courts and commissions, and human rights treaty bodies. |
例如,在这方面,国际法院至少七次提到区域人权法院和区域人权委员会以及人权条约机构的产出,包括关于个案的决定。 |
Thus, with this criterion, the Commission follows the practice suggesting an assessment of whether the body concerned has a specific competence with regard to the application of the rule in question. |
因此,根据这一标准,委员会遵循建议对有关机构在适用有关规则方面是否具有具体权限进行评估的做法。 |
Before turning to a specific example, it is to be noted that, while for the most part assessment of the competence of a tribunal might be found in the treaty concerned, there may be jurisdictions that do not initially possess the competence referenced, but subsequent developments – including those found in a subsidiary means such as a judicial decision or a series of such decisions – may give rise to such competence. |
在讨论一个具体的例子之前,需要指出的是,虽然对法庭权限的评估在很大程度上可以在有关条约中找到,但可能有些管辖机构最初并不拥有所提及的权限,但随后的发展――包括来自于司法决定或一系列此类决定等辅助手段的发展――可能会产生这种权限。 |
(9) |
(9) |
To illustrate, in the Ahmadou Sadio Diallo case, the International Court of Justice pointed out that, while it was in no way obliged to do so in the exercise of its judicial functions, when applying a human rights treaty, reference can be had to the works of the independent bodies that have been specifically established to supervise the application of the treaty in question for reasons of clarity, essential consistency of international law, as well as legal security for the individuals and States concerned. |
例如,在艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案中,国际法院指出,虽然它在行使司法职能时没有义务这样做,但在适用一项人权条约时,出于国际法的明确性和至关重要的一致性以及有关个人和国家在法律上的安全性的原因, 可以参考专门为监督有关条约的适用情况而设立的独立机构的工作。 |
Thus, the Court referred to the “considerable body of interpretative case law” of the Human Rights Committee, which, though not a court, had been expressly mandated by States to monitor the application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. |
因此,法院提及人权事务委员会的“大量解释性判例”,该委员会虽然不是一个法院,但各国明确授权它监测《公民及政治权利国际公约》 的适用情况。 |
The Court ultimately concluded “that it should ascribe great weight to the interpretation adopted by this independent body that was established specifically to supervise the application of that treaty”. |
法院最终得出结论认为,“对于专门为监督该条约的适用情况而设立的这一独立机构所做的解释,需予以高度重视”。 |
(10) |
(10) |
Similarly, in relation to the interpretation it had given to a specific provision of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which was consistent with the “case law” of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – a quasi-judicial body established by the African Charter, the International Court of Justice emphasized the importance of taking “due account of the interpretation of that instrument adopted by the independent bodies which have been specifically created, if such has been the case, to monitor the sound application of the treaty in question”. |
同样,关于国际法院对《非洲人权和民族权宪章》一项具体条款(与《非洲宪章》设立的准司法机构非洲人权和民族权委员会的“判例” 相符)的解释,国际法院强调,必须“适当考虑到专门为监测有关条约的正确适用而设立的独立机构对该文书的解释”。 |
(11) |
(11) |
Moreover, in the Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination case, the Court recalled that “in its jurisprudence, it has taken into account the practice of committees established under human rights conventions, as well as the practice of regional human rights courts, in so far as this was relevant for the purposes of interpretation”, although it also reiterated that it was not under an obligation to automatically adhere to the interpretations given by human rights treaty bodies. |
此外,在《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的适用案中,法院回顾指出,“法院在其判例中考虑到了根据人权公约设立的委员会的做法以及区域人权法院的做法,只要这与解释的目的有关”, 尽管它也重申它没有义务自动遵守人权条约机构的解释。 |
(12) |
(12) |
It is clear that a close reading of the decisions of the International Court of Justice mentioned above might suggest drawing a distinction between “great weight” and “due account”, depending on the type of body concerned: in the view of the Commission, the broader and more important point is that the decisions issued by bodies with specific competencies, however they may be characterized, deserve to be considered when interpreting instruments concerned, even if such decisions or interpretations need not be followed by other tribunals. |
显然,仔细阅读上述国际法院的决定可能会表明,根据有关机构的类型,对“很大权重”和“适当考虑”加以区分:委员会认为,更广泛和更重要的一点是,在解释有关文书时,具有具体权限的机构作出的决定(无论其名称如何)值得考虑,尽管其他法庭不需要遵循这种决定或解释。 |
Subparagraph (b) – whether the decision is a part of a body of concurring decisions |
(b)分段――该决定是否是大量一致决定的一部分 |
(13) |
(13) |
Subparagraph (b) of draft conclusion 8 refers to a second more specific criterion for evaluating the weight of a decision: “the extent to which the decision is part of a body of concurring decisions”. |
结论草案8(b)分段提及评价一项决定的权重的第二个更具体的标准:“该决定在多大程度上是大量一致决定的一部分”。 |
Here, the Commission accepts, based on practice, that, in some situations, a single or a few decisions could be particularly authoritative or even determinative of a particular legal question. |
在此,委员会根据实践承认,在某些情况下,一项或几项决定可能对某一法律问题特别具有权威性,甚至是决定性。 |
First, the definition of a “dispute” for the purposes of adjudication before international tribunals given by the Permanent Court of International Justice in its judgment is a case in point. |
首先,常设国际法院在其判决中为国际法庭裁决的目的对“争端”所下的定义就是一个恰当的例子。 |
A second example, the case involving Monetary Gold, is so well known that the name of the case is associated with the principle it espoused following the 1954 judgment of the International Court of Justice. |
第二个例子是涉及货币黄金的案件,这一案件众所周知,以至于在国际法院1954年判决后该案件的名称与它所支持的原则被联系在一起。 |
The third example is the judgment in the LaGrand case, which recognized, for the first time, the binding effect of orders for provisional measures. |
第三个例子是拉格朗案的判决,该判决首次承认临时措施命令的约束力。 |
In all these cases, considerable weight is subsequently accorded to the decisions concerned that they would be cited in a long line of later cases by the same court and even other international tribunals. |
在所有这些案件中,随后对有关决定赋予了相当大的权重,同一法院甚至其他国际法庭会在之后的一长串案件中都会援引这些决定。 |
(14) |
(14) |
At the same time, while it seems evident that a single decision or a handful of decisions may sometimes carry considerable and even decisive weight, the Commission with this formulation of subparagraph (b) of draft conclusion 8 indicates that there is a greater likelihood in international law for a body of jurisprudence or line of authority to become authoritative. |
与此同时,虽然一项决定或几项决定有时显然可能具有相当大甚至决定性的权重,但委员会对结论草案8(b)项的这一表述表明,在国际法中,大量判例或权限更有可能具有权威性。 |
In other words, in some cases when assessing the weight of decisions of courts or tribunals, there might already be a wider body of concurring decisions (or jurisprudence constante) supporting a particular decision, thereby indicating that potentially the same legal reasoning could be useful to address the legal issue at hand or under consideration. |
换言之,在某些案件中,在评估法院或法庭的决定的权重时,可能已经有更多的一致决定(或一贯判例)支持某一特定决定,从而表明同样的法律推理可能有助于处理手头或正在审议的法律问题。 |
(15) |
(15) |
In its practice, the International Court of Justice periodically refers to a basically equivalent notion of a body of concurring decisions by using terms such as “settled jurisprudence”, “consistent jurisprudence” and “established case law”. |
国际法院在其实践中经常使用“既定判例”、“一致判例” 和“既有案例” 等术语,提及基本上相同的大量一致决定概念。 |
Out of many possible examples, the Court has determined, for instance, that in accordance with its “consistent jurisprudence … only ‘compelling reasons’ may lead the Court to refuse [to give] its [advisory] opinion”. |
例如,在许多可能的例子中,法院确定,根据其“一贯的判例……只有‘令人信服的理由’才能导致法院拒绝[发表]其[咨询]意见”。 |
In a similar manner, it referenced the “consistent jurisprudence” and “established case law” to adduce the meaning of a “dispute” in the Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions case. |
在马夫罗马蒂斯在巴勒斯坦的特许权案中,法院以同样的方式,援引“一致判例” 和“既定案例” 举例说明“争端”的含义。 |
The Court has also determined: that it was established that jurisdiction must be examined at the time of a State’s filing of an application before it; |
法院还裁定:已经得到普遍承认,管辖权必须在向法院提交申请时确定; |
that, in establishing its methodology for effecting maritime delimitation, the “first stage of the Court’s approach is to establish the provisional equidistance line”; |
在确定实施海洋划界的方法时,“法院所采取办法的第一阶段是确定临时等距线”; |
that “a dispute must exist for a request for interpretation to be admissible”; |
“必须存在争议才可受理解释请求”; |
and that “the Court … must examine propio motu the question of its own jurisdiction” to consider the application made by a State. |
而且在审议一国提出的申请时,“法院……必须自行审查其自身的管辖权问题”。 |
(16) |
(16) |
Similarly, in the Indus Waters arbitration, the tribunal in the case observed that: |
同样,在印度河水域仲裁案中,法庭指出: |
fewer propositions in international law can be more confidently advanced than that the non-appearance of a party does not deprive a properly constituted court or tribunal of its competence. |
在国际法中,很少有比一方不出庭并不剥夺适当组成的法院或法庭的管辖权更有把握的主张了。 |
Whether a court has been properly constituted in a specific instance is not a matter that can be subjectively determined by a party to a dispute and then resolved simply through non-appearance by that party. |
在具体情况下,法院是否适当组成,不是一个可以由争端一方主观确定,然后简单地通过不出庭来解决的问题。 |
In the same case, the tribunal determined it had a duty to satisfy itself that it had jurisdiction over the dispute, pointing out that “the wealth of judicial and arbitral decisions on the matter confirms that this duty is undoubtedly part of jurisprudence constante”. |
在同一案件中,法庭确定,它有义务确信它对争端拥有管辖权,指出,“关于这一事项的大量司法和仲裁决定证实,该项义务无疑是法院惯例的一部分”。 |
(17) |
(17) |
Based on the above sample of the extensive practice available, the Commission considers that, while it is not necessarily required that a decision in each case be part of a body of concurring decisions, where such concurring decisions exist and support the findings and conclusions of a particular decision, the fact that they do so will likely give it more weight, provided that such decision is well reasoned and persuasive to a later user. |
基于上述广泛现有实践的例子,委员会认为,虽然不一定要求每一起案件中的决定都是大量一致决定的一部分,但如果这样的一致决定存在并支持某一决定的裁决结果和结论,那么这一事实很可能会使这一决定更有分量,前提是这一决定理由充分并对后来的使用者有说服力。 |
Subparagraph (c) – whether the reasoning remains relevant |
(c)分段――论证是否仍然相关 |
(18) |
(18) |
Subparagraph (c), containing a third criterion for evaluating the decisions of courts and tribunals introduced by draft conclusion 8, indicates the requirement to take into consideration “the extent to which the reasoning remains relevant, taking into account subsequent developments”. |
(c)分段载有结论草案8提出的评价法院和法庭决定的第三个补充标准,表明需要考虑到“考虑到后续事态发展,论证在多大程度上仍然相关”。 |
The Commission included this criterion in order to take into account the possible evolution of international law, which might result in less weight being given to previous decisions. |
委员会纳入这一标准是为了考虑到国际法可能的演变,这种演变可能会导致以前的决定获得的权重变小。 |
It should be recalled that a decision issued by a court or tribunal may apply at a certain time, but does not necessarily freeze the law or its evolution. |
应该回顾,法院或法庭作出的决定可能在某个时候适用,但不一定会冻结法律或其演变。 |
(19) |
(19) |
Developments may overtake a decision with the passage of time. |
随着时间的推移,事态发展可能会超越一项决定。 |
The phrase “subsequent developments” was therefore chosen to introduce a measure of flexibility in allowing for changes to the weight to be given to a decision or group of decisions considering new events. |
因此,选择了“后续事态发展”这一短语,以引入一定程度的灵活性,允许在考虑新事件的情况下改变给予一项或一组决定的权重。 |
These include not only decisions of courts and tribunals, but also factual or legal developments, such as the emergence of a different rule following, for example, the adoption of a treaty or the subsequent practice of States, that would limit the applicability or relevance of the reasoning of a court or tribunal in an earlier decision. |
这不仅包括法院和法庭的决定,还包括事实或法律方面的发展,例如在一项条约获得通过或经过国家的嗣后实践之后出现了一项不同的规则,这些事态发展将限制法院或法庭在一项先前决定中的论证的适用性或相关性。 |
Decisions may also change where a tribunal decides to change its stance to reflect more contemporary understandings of issues or as circumstances change, for example. |
例如,当法庭决定改变立场以反映对问题的更现代的理解时或情况发生变化时,决定也可能改变。 |
Users of the present draft conclusions must therefore keep this in mind when evaluating the weight to accord to the decisions of courts and tribunals as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law. |
因此,本结论草案的使用者在评估作为确定国际法规则的辅助手段的法院和法庭的决定的权重时,必须牢记这一点。 |
Chapter VI |
第六章 |
Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea |
防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为 |
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Introduction |
导言 |
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The Commission, at its seventy-third session (2022), decided to include the topic “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Yacouba Cissé as Special Rapporteur for the topic. |
委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)决定将“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”专题列入委员会工作方案, 并任命雅库巴·西塞先生为该专题特别报告员。 |
Also at its seventy–third session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a memorandum concerning the topic, addressing in particular: elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant for its future work on the topic and the views expressed by States; |
委员会第七十三届会议 请秘书处就该专题编写一份备忘录,具体处理以下问题:委员会以往工作中可能与关于本专题的今后工作特别相关的内容以及各国所表达的意见; |
writings relevant to the definitions of piracy and of armed robbery at sea; |
与海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为的定义有关的著述; |
and resolutions adopted by the Security Council and by the General Assembly relevant to the topic. |
安全理事会和联大通过的与该专题有关的决议。 |
The Commission also approved the Special Rapporteur’s recommendation that the Secretariat contact States and relevant international organizations in order to obtain information and views concerning the topic. |
委员会还批准了特别报告员的建议,即秘书处应与各国以及相关国际组织联系,以便就该专题征求相关信息和意见。 |
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The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 77/103 of 7 December 2022, subsequently took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work. |
联大随后在2022年12月7日第77/103号决议第7段中注意到委员会决定将此专题列入工作方案。 |
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At its seventy-fourth session (2023), the Commission considered the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/758), which addressed the historical, socioeconomic and legal aspects of the topic, including an analysis of the international law applicable to piracy and armed robbery at sea, and the shortcomings thereof. |
委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)审议了特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/ 758),报告讨论了此专题的历史、社会经济以及法律层面的相关内容,包括分析了适用于海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为的国际法及其所具有的缺点。 |
In that report, the Special Rapporteur reviewed the national legislation and judicial practice of States concerning the definition of piracy and the implementation of conventional and customary international law. |
特别报告员在报告中审查了各国关于海盗行为定义的国内立法和司法实践以及协定国际法和习惯国际法的执行情况。 |
The Commission also had before it the memorandum prepared by the Secretariat concerning the topic (A/CN.4/757), providing elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be particularly relevant for its future work on the topic and the views expressed by States, as well as information on resolutions adopted by the Security Council and by the General Assembly relevant to the topic. |
委员会还收到了秘书处就该专题编写的备忘录(A/CN.4/ 757),其中介绍了委员会以往工作中可能与委员会今后关于该专题的工作特别相关的内容和各国发表的意见,并提供了关于安全理事会和联大就该专题通过的有关决议的信息。 |
Following the debate in plenary, the Commission decided to refer draft articles 1 to 3, as contained in the Special Rapporteur’s first report, to the Drafting Committee. |
经全体会议辩论后,委员会决定将特别报告员第一次报告所载第1至第3条草案提交起草委员会。 |
The Commission provisionally adopted draft articles 1 to 3, together with commentaries thereto. |
委员会暂时通过了第1至第3条草案及其评注。 |
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Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
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At the present session, the Commission had before it the second report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/770) and a second memorandum prepared by the Secretariat concerning the topic (A/CN.4/767), providing information on: the treatment of the provision containing the definition of piracy in the 1956 draft articles concerning the law of the sea; |
在本届会议上,委员会收到了特别报告员的第二次报告(A/CN.4/770)和秘书处就这一专题编写的第二份备忘录(A/CN.4/767),其中提供了以下方面的资料:对1956年海洋法条款草案中载有海盗定义的规定的处理; |
views expressed by States at the First United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, which resulted in the adoption of the Convention on the High Seas, and at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, which resulted in the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; |
各国在通过了《公海公约》 的第一次联合国海洋法会议和通过了《联合国海洋法公约》 的第三次联合国海洋法会议上发表的意见; |
and writings relevant to the definitions of piracy and of armed robbery at sea. |
与海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为的定义有关的著述。 |
In his second report, the Special Rapporteur provided a description and analysis of the practice of international organizations involved in combating piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
特别报告员在第二次报告中介绍和分析了参与打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的国际组织的做法。 |
He reviewed the regional and subregional approaches to combating piracy and armed robbery at sea, as well as the practice of States in concluding bilateral agreements. |
他回顾了打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的区域和次区域办法,以及各国缔结双边协议的做法。 |
He also provided an outline of the future work on the topic. |
他还概述了今后关于这一专题的工作。 |
The Special Rapporteur proposed four draft articles: on general obligations, on the obligation of prevention, on criminalization under national law, and on the establishment of national jurisdiction. |
特别报告员提出了四项条款草案:一般义务、防止的义务、依照国内法定为刑事犯罪和国家管辖权的确立。 |
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The Commission considered the second report of the Special Rapporteur and the memorandum by the Secretariat at its 3668th to 3672nd meetings, from 21 to 28 May 2024. |
委员会在2024年5月21日至28日第3668至第3672次会议上审议了特别报告员的第二次报告和秘书处编写的备忘录。 |
At its 3672nd meeting, on 28 May 2024, the Commission decided to refer draft articles 4, 5, 6 and 7, as contained in the second report, to the Drafting Committee, taking into account the views expressed in the plenary debate. |
委员会在2024年5月28日第3672次会议上,考虑到全体会议辩论中所表达的意见,决定将第二次报告所载第4、第5、第6和第7条草案提交起草委员会。 |
That included the understanding that the Committee would first hold a general discussion on the topic as a whole and its future direction. |
这包括一项谅解,即委员会将首先就整个专题及其未来方向进行一般性讨论。 |
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At its 3674th meeting, on 1 July 2024, the Chair of the Drafting Committee presented an interim oral report of the Drafting Committee on the general discussion regarding the topic as a whole and its future direction and on draft article 4, provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee (see A/CN.4/L.1000). |
在2024年7月1日第3674次会议上,起草委员会主席就起草委员会关于整个专题及其未来方向的一般性讨论情况以及起草委员会暂时通过的第4条草案(见A/CN.4/L.1000)作了中期口头报告。 |
The report was presented for information only and is available on the website of the Commission. |
该报告仅供参考,可在委员会网站上查阅。 |
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At its 3681st meeting, on 10 July 2024, the Commission was informed that Mr. Yacouba Cissé had resigned as Special Rapporteur for the topic. |
在2024年7月10日第3681次会议上,委员会获悉,雅库巴·西塞先生已辞去本专题特别报告员的职务。 |
The Commission expressed its deep appreciation to Mr. Cissé for his initiative in proposing the important topic of “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” for its programme of work and the important contributions made in his capacity as Special Rapporteur. |
委员会对西塞先生主动提出将“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”这一重要专题纳入委员会工作方案以及他以特别报告员身份所作的重要贡献深表感谢。 |
At its 3701st meeting, on 2 August 2024, the Commission appointed Mr. Louis Savadogo as Special Rapporteur for the topic. |
委员会在2024年8月2日第3701次会议上任命路易·萨瓦多戈先生为本专题的特别报告员。 |
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Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the second report |
特别报告员介绍第二次报告 |
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The Special Rapporteur recalled that the object of his second report was to deal with cooperation as provided for in the provisions of article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which defines the general obligations of States regarding the prevention and repression of maritime piracy and which was the basis for the draft articles proposed in the report. |
特别报告员回顾称,他第二次报告的目的是讨论《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条规定的合作问题,该条规定了各国在防止和打击海盗行为方面的一般义务,也是该报告提出的条款草案的基础。 |
Draft articles 4 and 5 aimed to reflect and give material content to the general obligations of article 100, while draft articles 6 and 7 concerned, respectively, criminalization under domestic law and the establishment of national competence. |
第4条和第5条草案旨在反映第一〇〇条的一般义务并赋予其实质内容,而第6条和第7条草案分别涉及依照国内法定为刑事犯罪和国家管辖权的确立。 |
He stated that criminalization and establishment of competence were two requirements consistently recalled by the Security Council, the General Assembly and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as well as more generally within the framework of the regional organizations. |
他指出,定为刑事犯罪和确立管辖权是安全理事会、联大和国际海事组织以及更广泛的区域组织框架内一贯指出的两项要求。 |
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The Special Rapporteur explained that the description and analysis of regional approaches also drew their basis from article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, given that it established cooperation as a legal obligation under which States were responsible for defining the content and determining the form. |
特别报告员解释说,对区域办法的说明和分析也以《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条为依据,因为该条规定合作是一项法律义务,根据该义务,各国负责界定合作的内容,确定合作的形式。 |
The question that arose, in the view of the Special Rapporteur, was that of knowing what meaning or content should be given to the notion of cooperation as envisaged in article 100. |
特别报告员认为,由此产生的问题是,需赋予第一〇〇条所设想的合作概念什么含义或内容。 |
He was of the opinion that the study of regional approaches to the prevention and repression of those two crimes at sea was of great relevance to understanding article 100. |
他认为,研究防止和打击这两种海上犯罪的区域办法对于理解第一〇〇条具有重要意义。 |
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Regarding the first part of his report, the Special Rapporteur noted that he had first dealt with the practice of international organizations involved in the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea, such as the United Nations through the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council, and then examined the resolutions of IMO, as the specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for the safety of navigation. |
关于报告的第一部分,特别报告员指出,他首先论述了参与打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的国际组织的做法,例如联合国通过联大和安全理事会的决议采取的做法,然后审视了负责航行安全的联合国专门机构国际海事组织的决议。 |
He also recalled the examination of the practice of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Atalanta operation of the European Union – EUNAVFOR Somalia, whose operational interventions in the Indian Ocean and off the coast of Somalia had effectively contributed to the significant reduction in incidents of piracy and to the suppression of that crime. |
他还回顾了对北大西洋公约组织(北约)和欧洲联盟“阿塔兰特”行动-欧盟海军打击索马里海盗行动做法的审查,北约在印度洋和索马里沿海的行动干预有效地促进了海盗事件的大幅减少和对这一犯罪的打击。 |
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The Special Rapporteur recalled that the General Assembly was seized of several issues concerning international maritime affairs, including maritime piracy, armed robbery at sea and other crimes committed at sea. |
特别报告员回顾称,联大一直在处理各类涉及国际海洋事务的问题,包括海盗、海上武装抢劫和其他海上犯罪行为。 |
He noted that the General Assembly had adopted several resolutions concerning the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea, taking care to emphasize from the start the obligation for States to cooperate to prevent and repress such acts. |
他指出,联大通过了多项关于防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的决议,从一开始就慎重强调各国有义务合作防止和打击此种行为。 |
He also recalled that the cooperation encouraged by the General Assembly was incumbent on all States, but more particularly on coastal States located in the affected regions, who were called upon to take all necessary measures to prevent and combat piracy and armed robbery at sea, to investigate or cooperate to investigate such incidents wherever they occurred and to bring to justice those allegedly responsible. |
他还回顾说,联大鼓励开展的合作是所有国家,特别是受影响区域的沿海国的责任,联大呼吁各国采取一切必要措施,防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为,调查或配合调查在任何地方发生的此类事件,并将被指控的实施者绳之以法。 |
The Special Rapporteur indicated that the General Assembly had recalled, in its resolutions, the fundamental role of international cooperation at the multilateral, regional, subregional and bilateral levels in the fight against threats to maritime security in general, and in particular against acts of piracy and armed robbery committed at sea. |
特别报告员指出,联大在其决议中回顾了多边、区域、次区域和双边各级的国际合作在打击对海上安保的总体威胁,特别是打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为方面的重要作用。 |
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The Special Rapporteur then described the role of the Security Council, which had adopted a series of resolutions relating to several questions of criminal law, which included the obligation to legislate by establishing piracy as a criminal offence, legal proceedings, the transfer of alleged pirates, detention, the need to conclude bilateral or regional agreements, the preservation of evidence, the conduct of investigations, the extradition of perpetrators of acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea and the administration of justice. |
特别报告员随后介绍了安全理事会的作用,安全理事会就若干刑法问题通过了一系列决议,其中包括将海盗行为定为刑事犯罪的立法义务、法律程序、移交海盗嫌疑人、拘留、缔结双边或区域协定的必要性、保存证据、开展调查、引渡海盗和海上武装抢劫行为实施者,以及司法。 |
Those questions raised by the Security Council, in the view of the Special Rapporteur, could not be effectively addressed without the necessary cooperation between States, including through mutual legal assistance procedures. |
特别报告员认为,如果没有各国之间的必要合作,包括通过司法协助程序进行合作,安全理事会提出的这些问题就无法得到有效解决。 |
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As for IMO, the Special Rapporteur explained, its role in that area had been of great importance in view of the resurgence of piracy. |
至于国际海事组织,特别报告员解释说,鉴于海盗活动重新抬头,国际海事组织在这方面的作用非常重要。 |
He recalled that, in addition to alerting the international community to the serious threats posed by the crimes of piracy and armed robbery at sea for maritime security, IMO had also asked the Security Council to promote a rapid and coordinated response at the national and international levels, and to call on States to put in place effective legislation to bring to justice alleged perpetrators of acts of piracy. |
他回顾说,除了提醒国际社会注意海盗和海上武装抢劫罪行对海事安全构成的严重威胁外,国际海事组织还促请安全理事会推动在国家和国际一级迅速作出协调反应,并敦促各国制定有效立法,将海盗行为嫌疑人绳之以法。 |
He noted that IMO had also contributed to facilitating regional cooperation in the fight against those two crimes at sea, by providing assistance to the regional organizations concerned through the development of codes, agreements and directives on the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
他指出,国际海事组织还为促进打击这两种海上犯罪的区域合作做出了贡献,通过制定关于防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的守则、协定和指令,向有关区域组织提供援助。 |
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The Special Rapporteur also noted that NATO had played an important role in the fight against maritime piracy and armed robbery at sea through its naval interventions carried out pursuant to the authorization of the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. |
特别报告员还指出,安全理事会根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,对北约进行了授权,北约通过海军干预,在打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为方面发挥了重要作用。 |
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Turning to the second part of his report, the Special Rapporteur stated that he had focused on the practice of regional and subregional organizations in the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
谈到报告的第二部分,特别报告员说,他着重介绍了区域和次区域组织在防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为方面的做法。 |
The regions concerned were Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas and Oceania. |
所涉区域包括非洲、亚洲、欧洲、美洲和大洋洲。 |
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The Special Rapporteur explained that he had focused on initiatives within the framework of cooperation at sea at the regional level. |
特别报告员解释说,他重点关注区域一级海上合作框架内的举措。 |
He listed the regional agreements and other legal instruments of cooperation that specifically dealt with maritime piracy and armed robbery at sea or more generally maritime security that were examined in his report, namely: the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Maritime and Airspace Security Cooperation Agreement of 2008, the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia of 2004, the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of a Sub-Regional Integrated Coast Guard Function Network in West and Central Africa of 2008, the Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy, Armed Robbery against Ships and Illicit Maritime Activity in West and Central Africa (Yaoundé Code of Conduct) of 2013, the Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden (Djibouti Code of Conduct) of 2009, and the Charter on Maritime Security and Safety and Development in Africa (Lomé Charter) of 2016. |
他列举了报告中审视的专门处理海盗和海上武装抢劫或者更广泛的海上安全问题的区域协定和其他合作法律文书,即:2008年《加勒比共同体(加共体)海上和空域安全合作协定》、2004年《亚洲地区反海盗及武装劫船合作协定》、2008年《关于在西非和中部非洲建立次区域一体化海岸警卫职能网络的谅解备忘录》、2013年《关于在西非和中非打击海盗、武装抢劫船只和海上非法活动的行为守则》(《雅温得行为守则》)、2009年《关于打击西印度洋和亚丁湾海盗和武装抢劫船舶的吉布提行为守则》(《吉布提行为守则》) 以及2016年《非洲海上安保安全与发展宪章》(《洛美宪章》)。 |
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The Special Rapporteur highlighted that cooperation, through regional practices, could take several forms not defined in article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
特别报告员强调,通过区域做法开展的合作可以采取《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条中未定义的多种形式。 |
In his view, the examination of regional practices showed that cooperation to prevent and suppress piracy under different modalities had made it possible to significantly reduce the number of acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
他认为,对区域做法的审查表明,通过以不同方式开展合作,防止和打击海盗行为,已使海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的数量大幅减少。 |
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The Special Rapporteur recalled that, in the third part of his second report, bilateral practices related to the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea were examined and analysed. |
特别报告员回顾,他在第二次报告第三部分审查和分析了与防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为有关的双边做法。 |
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The bilateral agreements he had identified dealt with, among other issues, the question of joint patrols in territorial waters, exchange of information on suspicious activities at sea, pursuit of suspected pirates and their extradition with a view to their trial. |
除其他问题外,他所界定的双边协定涉及在领海内联合巡逻、交流海上可疑活动情报、逮捕海盗嫌疑人并将其引渡受审的问题。 |
He recalled that many States had concluded bilateral agreements for the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea covering several legal issues, including the facilitation of the transfer and prosecution of pirates captured, detention, trial and conviction of suspected pirates, the creation of a specialized jurisdiction, strengthening cooperation in maritime security and the fight against piracy, exchanges of information, mutual assistance or legal assistance, coordination of maritime patrols, surveillance of waters and coordination of responses to piracy incidents. |
他回顾说,许多国家缔结了防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的双边协定,其中涉及若干法律问题,包括为移交和起诉抓获的海盗提供便利,对海盗嫌疑人进行拘留、审判和定罪,设立专门管辖机构,加强海上安全和打击海盗方面的合作,交流信息,相互援助或司法协助,协调海上巡逻、水域监视,以及协调应对海盗事件的措施。 |
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By way of concluding his report, the Special Rapporteur had stated that it was necessary to strengthen regional cooperation and fight more effectively against piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
特别报告员在报告的最后指出,必须加强区域合作,更有效地打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为。 |
However, the Special Rapporteur had also noted that the efficiency and effectiveness of any cooperation in the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea would largely depend on national criminalization laws that were harmonized and that complied with applicable rules of general international law. |
不过,特别报告员也指出,在防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为方面的任何合作能否切实有效,在很大程度上取决于将这些行为定罪的国家法律是否协调一致,是否符合适用的一般国际法规则。 |
He also highlighted the importance of rules adopted by the member States of regional organizations fighting against all forms of maritime offences, and more particularly those preventing and repressing piracy and armed robbery in sea. |
他还强调了各区域组织成员国为打击一切形式的海上犯罪、特别是为防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为而通过的规则的重要性。 |
96. |
96. |
With regard to his future work on the topic, the Special Rapporteur had proposed to study in his third report the doctrine on different issues relating to the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
关于他今后就这一专题开展的工作,特别报告员提议在第三次报告中研究与防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为有关的各种主题的理论。 |
He explained that such study would involve reviewing doctrinal positions and academic writings on aspects that raised legal questions, in particular those concerning prevention and repression, the supervision of the activities of private maritime security companies, problems relating to national jurisdiction and the universal jurisdiction of States in the pursuit and trial of suspected pirates, the transfer of suspected or convicted pirates, their extradition or prosecution, and the question of mutual legal assistance. |
他解释说,这一研究将牵涉到审视关于引起法律问题的各个方面的理论立场和学术著述,特别是与防止和打击有关的问题,监督私营海事保安公司的活动,与各国在起诉和审判海盗嫌疑人方面的国家管辖权和普遍管辖权有关的问题,移交、引渡或审判海盗嫌疑人或罪犯以及司法互助问题。 |
He also planned to examine questions concerning the adducing or admissibility of evidence before domestic courts, the application of penalties, the non–prescription of the crimes in question, respect for international human rights law in the framework of legal actions against alleged pirates and armed robbers at sea, competent courts, enforcement measures, and provisions relating to liability and compensation. |
他还计划审视以下问题:国内法院证据的管理和可采性、处罚的适用、所涉罪行不受时效限制、在对海盗和海上武装抢劫行为嫌疑人的司法行动中遵守国际人权法、主管法院、执行措施以及关于责任和赔偿的规定。 |
97. |
97. |
The Special Rapporteur explained the reasons that had led him to propose the four draft articles contained in his report. |
特别报告员解释了他在报告中提出四项条款草案的理由。 |
Regarding draft article 4, he considered that it was justified, since regional approaches in that area drew their legal basis from article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which defined the general obligations of States with regard to the prevention of piracy. |
关于第4条草案,他认为这是合理的,因为这方面的区域办法的法律依据来自《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条,该条规定了各国在防止海盗行为方面的一般义务。 |
Given the generality of the provisions of article 100, the Special Rapporteur had examined how States in different regions concerned directly or indirectly by these crimes gave real and operational content to the concept of cooperation. |
鉴于第一〇〇条规定的一般性质,特别报告员审查了直接或间接受到这些罪行影响的不同区域的国家如何赋予合作概念以实际和可操作的内容。 |
98. |
98. |
Moving to draft article 5, the Special Rapporteur recalled that article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea established an obligation to cooperate in the repression of piracy. |
关于第5条草案,特别报告员回顾说,《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条规定了合作打击海盗行为的义务。 |
He also recalled that his second report had described and analysed the forms of regional cooperation that had, in one way or another, emphasized the requirement for cooperation to prevent acts of piracy. |
他还回顾说,他的第二次报告介绍并分析了各种形式的区域合作,这些合作都以某种方式强调了合作防止海盗行为的必要性。 |
He noted that the obligation of prevention was also taken up by the Institute of International Law, which, in its last report on the topic of piracy, tended also to include prevention within repression, and he consequently considered that it was not fundamental to distinguish between repression and prevention. |
他指出,国际法学会也讨论了防止的义务,该学会上一次关于海盗问题的报告 也倾向于将防止纳入打击的范围,因此,他认为区分打击和防止并不重要。 |
99. |
99. |
With respect to draft article 6, the Special Rapporteur recalled the fundamental principle of criminal law that no act could be considered a crime and no punishment could be imposed unless both the act and the punishment were clearly defined and prescribed by law. |
关于第6条草案,特别报告员回顾了刑法的基本原则,即除非法律对行为和处罚都有明确的界定和规定,否则不得将任何行为视为犯罪,也不得施加任何处罚。 |
He recalled that the Security Council, the General Assembly, IMO and the regional organizations had made the criminalization and establishment of the jurisdiction of national courts a fundamental condition for the repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
他回顾说,安全理事会、联大、国际海事组织和各区域组织已将定为犯罪和确立国家法院的管辖权作为打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的基本条件。 |
100. |
100. |
As for draft article 7, the Special Rapporteur recalled the examination of the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, as well as the instruments adopted within the framework of regional organizations, that had established the jurisdiction of national courts as a fundamental condition for the repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
关于第7条草案,特别报告员回顾了对安全理事会和联大的决议以及在区域组织框架内通过的文书的审视,这些决议和文书规定国家法院的管辖权是打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的基本条件。 |
He considered it relevant and appropriate to dedicate a draft article to that question, especially given that it was a requirement under criminal law, which had been recalled on several occasions by the competent international organizations. |
他认为,专门为这一问题拟订一项条款草案是相关和适当的,特别是考虑到这是刑法的一项要求,主管国际组织已多次重申这一点。 |
2. |
2. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
(a) |
(a) |
General comments |
一般性评论 |
101. |
101. |
Members generally welcomed the second report by the Special Rapporteur, highlighting the importance and complexity of the topic. |
委员们普遍欢迎特别报告员的第二次报告,同时强调该专题的重要性和复杂性。 |
Members also commended the richness of the material provided by the Special Rapporteur in outlining international and regional approaches to cooperation with regard to the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
委员们还赞扬特别报告员提供了丰富的材料,概述了在防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为方面开展合作的国际和区域办法。 |
Members also welcomed the memorandum prepared by the Secretariat. |
委员们也欢迎秘书处编写的备忘录。 |
102. |
102. |
Members reiterated that the starting point for the analysis of the topic was the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
委员们重申,分析这一专题的出发点是《联合国海洋法公约》的规定。 |
Support was expressed for an approach that sought to develop and complement existing norms already found in the Convention. |
委员们对寻求发展和补充《公约》中现有规范的办法表示支持。 |
In that regard, it was noted that the Convention did not contain provisions explicitly dealing with armed robbery at sea. |
在这方面,有人指出,《公约》中没有明确涉及海上武装抢劫的规定。 |
It was also recalled that the preamble of the Convention affirmed that matters not regulated therein continued to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law. |
还有人回顾说,《公约》序言申明,《公约》未予规定的事项继续受一般国际法规则和原则的管辖。 |
103. |
103. |
From the outset, members highlighted the importance of the freedom of the high seas in the context of the fight against piracy. |
委员们从一开始就强调了公海自由在打击海盗方面的重要性。 |
The view was expressed that, if the high seas freedoms protected by the Convention and customary international law were to be real and effective, there was also a need to reflect on effective regulation addressing genuine threats to such freedoms. |
有意见认为,要使《公约》和习惯国际法所保护的公海自由真实有效,还需要考虑进行有效监管,消除对这些自由的真正威胁。 |
It was recalled that, in addition to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, several other conventions could be taken into account in the study of the topic. |
有人回顾说,除了《联合国海洋法公约》之外,在研究这一专题时还可以考虑其他几项公约。 |
Members particularly noted, inter alia, the 1979 International Convention against the Taking of Hostages, the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, and the Protocol thereto for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf, and the 2000 United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto. |
除其他外,委员们特别注意到:1979年《反对劫持人质国际公约》、1988年《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》及其《制止危及大陆架固定平台安全非法行为议定书》,以及2000年《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其议定书。 |
The desirability of not duplicating existing frameworks was also highlighted. |
委员们还强调,不宜重复现有框架。 |
104. |
104. |
It was emphasized that, in the course of the study of the topic, the Commission should aim to identify issues of common concern. |
有人强调,在研究这一专题的过程中,委员会需力求确定共同关心的问题。 |
In that regard, members particularly highlighted the need for strengthening international cooperation for the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
在这方面,委员们特别强调需要加强国际合作,以防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为。 |
It was also noted that it would be desirable to promote the harmonization of national laws with international law. |
还有人指出,应促进国内法与国际法协调一致。 |
105. |
105. |
The resolution on the topic of piracy adopted by the Institute of International Law on 30 August 2023, during the session held in Angers, was recalled. |
会上回顾了国际法学会于2023年8月30日在昂热举行会议期间通过的关于海盗问题的决议。 |
Approach by the Special Rapporteur |
特别报告员的工作方式 |
106. |
106. |
Members offered the Special Rapporteur several ideas on the general direction the work on the topic could take at future sessions, while providing some insights concerning the complexity of the issues discussed in the second report. |
委员们就本专题工作在今后届会上可采取的总体方向向特别报告员提出了一些想法,同时就第二次报告中所讨论问题的复杂性提出了一些见解。 |
Members noted a certain degree of disconnection between the substantive issues discussed in the second report of the Special Rapporteur and the proposed draft articles. |
委员们注意到,特别报告员第二次报告中讨论的实质性问题与拟议的条款草案之间存在一定程度的脱节。 |
In that regard, members expressed the wish that the Special Rapporteur had explained in more detail in his second report how the practice highlighted in the report linked to the content of the proposed draft articles. |
在这方面,委员们表示特别报告员本应当在第二次报告中更详细地解释报告中强调的实践如何与拟议条款草案的内容联系起来。 |
In particular, there was a call for further analysis of how the practice supported the rights and obligations contained in the proposals of the Special Rapporteur. |
特别是,有人呼吁进一步分析这种实践如何支持特别报告员的提议中所载的权利和义务。 |
107. |
107. |
The need for a cautious approach when analysing the practice was underscored. |
有人强调,在分析实践时需持谨慎态度。 |
The view was expressed that the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and the Security Council could serve as evidence of practice in cooperation and coordination. |
有意见认为,联大和安全理事会通过的决议可以作为合作与协调方面的实践证据。 |
However, members warned against interpreting resolutions of the Security Council as derogations from the norms of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
不过,委员会们告诫不要将安全理事会的决议解释为对《联合国海洋法公约》规范的减损。 |
108. |
108. |
The view was expressed that the treatment of the topic would require a study of existing international law applicable to piracy and armed robbery at sea, especially those rules that would benefit from strengthening. |
有意见认为,要处理这一专题,就必须研究适用于海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的现行国际法,特别是那些需要加强的规则。 |
It was also noted that some of the provisions proposed by the Special Rapporteur seemed to go beyond the content of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
还有人指出,特别报告员提议的一些规定似乎超出了《联合国海洋法公约》的内容。 |
109. |
109. |
Members noted the importance of distinguishing between piracy and armed robbery at sea when analysing the practice. |
委员们指出,在对实践进行分析时,必须区分海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为。 |
It was suggested that, in view of the differences between piracy and armed robbery at sea, there was a need to adopt different approaches for each crime. |
有人建议,鉴于海盗行为与海上武装抢劫行为之间的差异,有必要对每一种罪行采取不同的做法。 |
It was further suggested that the Commission could consider addressing each crime in separate articles or parts. |
还有人建议,委员会可以考虑在单独的条款或部分中处理每一种罪行。 |
110. |
110. |
Members suggested that the Commission would benefit from a discussion on a road map or a general framework for the analysis of the topic. |
委员们建议,委员会不妨就分析这一专题的路线图或总体框架进行讨论。 |
Members also offered further examples of practice that could serve as basis for future analysis by the Special Rapporteur. |
委员们还提供了更多实践案例,可作为特别报告员今后分析的基础。 |
(b) |
(b) |
Draft article 4 |
第4条草案 |
111. |
111. |
Members expressed support for the inclusion of a provision concerning the general obligations of States with regard to piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
委员们表示支持列入一项关于各国对海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的一般义务的规定。 |
It was noted that the formulation used by the Special Rapporteur in paragraph 1 of draft article 4 drew upon article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
有人指出,特别报告员在第4条草案第1款中使用的表述借鉴了《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条。 |
In that regard, the view was expressed that the paragraph could follow more closely the text of the Convention, including having a stand-alone draft article on the obligation of cooperation. |
在这方面,有意见认为,该款可以更紧密地遵循公约的案文,包括单设一项关于合作义务的条款草案。 |
Some members expressed uncertainty as to whether the obligation therein applied equally to armed robbery at sea, and others suggested that the paragraph should focus solely on piracy. |
一些委员表示不确定该款规定的义务是否同样适用于海上武装抢劫,另一些委员则建议,该款应该只关注海盗行为。 |
112. |
112. |
With regard to the obligation of cooperation, members suggested that there was a need for clarification of the specific areas in which States were under an obligation to cooperate for the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
关于合作义务,委员们建议,有必要说明各国有义务在哪些具体领域开展合作,以防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为。 |
It was also suggested that specific forms of cooperation could be enumerated, including as found in article 2 of the Institute of International Law resolution of Angers. |
还有人建议,可以列举具体的合作形式,包括国际法学会昂热决议第2条所列的合作形式。 |
The question was asked whether the obligation of cooperation was one of due diligence, means or results. |
有人问,合作的义务是必要勤勉义务、手段义务还是结果义务。 |
As for the obligation to cooperate for prevention, doubts were expressed as to whether it should be included in the draft article. |
关于为了防止而进行合作的义务,有人对是否应该将其列入条款草案表示怀疑。 |
113. |
113. |
It was noted that article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provided for an obligation to cooperate in the repression of piracy. |
有人指出,《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条规定了合作打击海盗行为的义务。 |
In that regard, members questioned whether there was a legal basis for the obligation not only to cooperate but to repress piracy, as expressed in paragraph 2 of draft article 4 as proposed by the Special Rapporteur. |
在这方面,委员们质疑,特别报告员提议的第4条草案第2款所述的不仅合作而且打击海盗行为的义务是否具有法律依据。 |
It was also noted that some coastal States might not have the capacity to adhere to a strict obligation to repress piracy. |
还有人指出,一些沿海国可能没有能力遵守打击海盗行为的严格义务。 |
Members also expressed doubts as to the inclusion of an obligation to repress armed robbery at sea in the draft article. |
委员们还对在该条草案中列入打击海上武装抢劫行为的义务表示质疑。 |
114. |
114. |
Members expressed the preference to omit the phrase in paragraph 2 of draft article 4 that qualified both piracy and armed robbery at sea as international crimes. |
委员们表示倾向于删除第4条草案第2款中将海盗和海上武装抢劫行为均定性为国际罪行的措辞。 |
Similarly, members expressed doubts as to the need to refer to armed conflict in the context of the crimes of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
同样,委员们对是否有必要在海盗和海上武装抢劫罪行的背景下提及武装冲突表示怀疑。 |
It was suggested that the relationship between those crimes and armed conflicts could be addressed in the commentaries. |
有人建议,这些罪行与武装冲突之间的关系可在评注中处理。 |
115. |
115. |
With regard to paragraph 3 of draft article 4 as proposed by the Special Rapporteur, caution was expressed as to the Special Rapporteur’s conclusion that no circumstances may be invoked as a justification of piracy or armed robbery at sea. |
关于特别报告员提议的第4条草案第3款,有人对特别报告员的结论表示谨慎,即任何情况都不得被援引为海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的理由。 |
While support was expressed by some members, it was noted that the content of paragraph 3 might not correspond to the national legislation of many States. |
虽然有些委员表示支持,但有人指出,第3款的内容可能与许多国家的国内立法不相符。 |
(c) |
(c) |
Draft article 5 |
第5条草案 |
116. |
116. |
A view was expressed that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea did not refer to an obligation to cooperate in the prevention of piracy. |
有一种意见认为,《联合国海洋法公约》没有提及在防止海盗行为方面进行合作的义务。 |
Members generally expressed support for the content of draft article 5. |
委员们普遍表示支持第5条草案的内容。 |
Members noted, however, that although the title proposed by the Special Rapporteur indicated that the obligations set forth in the draft article were those of prevention, the content discussed both elements of prevention and repression. |
然而,委员们指出,虽然特别报告员提议的标题表明,该条草案规定的义务是防止的义务,但其内容同时讨论了防止和打击两个要素。 |
In that regard, it was suggested that the Special Rapporteur might wish to clarify the difference between prevention and repression and address the two separately. |
在这方面,有人建议,特别报告员不妨澄清防止和打击之间的区别,并将二者分开处理。 |
117. |
117. |
The view was expressed that the obligation of prevention in the case of piracy was different from that in the case of armed robbery at sea, at the level of jurisdiction and applicable law. |
有意见认为,在管辖权和适用的法律层面,防止的义务对于海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为有所不同。 |
118. |
118. |
The suggestion was made that the Commission carefully consider the implications for the principles of the freedom of the high seas and exclusive flag State jurisdiction of draft article 5, subparagraph (a), which detailed the type of preventive measures to be adopted by States within the maritime areas under their jurisdiction and on the high seas. |
有人建议委员会认真考虑第5条草案(a)项对公海自由和船旗国专属管辖权原则的影响,该项详细规定了各国在其管辖的海域内和公海应采取的预防措施的类型。 |
It was further stated that any preventive measure taken could not interfere with those principles and upset the very carefully negotiated balance found in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
还有人指出,所采取的任何预防措施都不能干涉这些原则,也不能破坏《联合国海洋法公约》中经过精心谈判达成的平衡。 |
119. |
119. |
Members noted the call to cooperate with competent intergovernmental organizations and, as appropriate, with other organizations or non-State actors with an interest in the safety of maritime navigation, in draft article 5, subparagraph (b). |
委员们注意到,第5条草案(b)项呼吁与主管政府间组织合作,并酌情与关心海上航行安全的其他组织或非国家行为体合作。 |
While members generally welcomed the strengthening of cooperation with intergovernmental organizations, it was suggested that the term should be changed to “international organizations” to ensure coherence with the work of the Commission on other topics. |
虽然委员们普遍欢迎加强与政府间组织的合作,但有人建议将该用语改为“国际组织”,以确保与委员会其他专题的工作保持一致。 |
Some members questioned whether the reference to non-State actors would be welcomed by Member States, while others insisted on the need to explain which were the organizations and actors envisaged in the draft article. |
一些委员质疑,非国家行为体的提法是否会受到会员国的欢迎,而另一些委员则坚持认为,有必要解释该条草案所设想的是哪些组织和行为体。 |
(d) |
(d) |
Draft article 6 |
第6条草案 |
120. |
120. |
Members generally agreed that there was a need to promote harmonization of national laws for the criminalization of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
委员们普遍同意,有必要促进将海盗和海上武装抢劫行为定为刑事犯罪的各国法律的协调一致。 |
It was recalled that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea allowed for the characterization of piracy as a crime but did not make it mandatory. |
有人回顾,《联合国海洋法公约》允许将海盗行为定性为犯罪,但并没有强制规定。 |
In that regard, views were expressed on whether the draft articles should encourage States to criminalize acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea as defined in the draft articles. |
在这方面,有人就条款草案是否应该鼓励各国将条款草案所界定的海盗和海上武装抢劫行为定为刑事犯罪发表了意见。 |
Members also welcomed the broad approach of including inciting, facilitating and other inchoate offences within the obligation to criminalize, but noted that it would be useful to detail the different elements of the acts constituting a crime to ensure clarity and accuracy. |
委员们还欢迎采取广泛的做法,将教唆、便利和其他未完成罪纳入刑事定罪的义务,但指出,宜详细说明构成犯罪的行为的不同要素,以确保清晰和准确。 |
121. |
121. |
The references to criminal acts committed pursuant to an order of a Government and those committed by a person performing an official function, contained in paragraphs 4 and 5 of draft article 6, were considered problematic. |
第6条草案第4款和第5款提及奉政府之命实施的犯罪行为和由行使公务的人实施的犯罪行为,被认为是有问题的。 |
As the definitions adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fourth session rested on the premise that piracy and armed robbery at sea were committed for private ends, members considered that the factual scenario posited in those paragraphs was incompatible with the general understanding of both crimes. |
由于委员会第七十四届会议通过的定义所依据的前提是海盗和海上武装抢劫行为是为私人目的实施的,委员们认为,这两款中所设想的事实情况不符合对这两种罪行的一般理解。 |
In that regard, it was suggested that the Special Rapporteur might wish to clarify that the acts had to be committed in a personal capacity, in order to avoid the implication that a public official could commit an act of piracy in an official capacity. |
在这方面,有人建议特别报告员不妨澄清,这些行为必须是以个人身份实施的,以避免暗示公职人员可以以官方身份实施海盗行为。 |
122. |
122. |
With regard to paragraph 6 of draft article 6, members expressed concerns regarding the proposal that the crimes of piracy and armed robbery at sea should not be subject to any statute of limitations. |
关于第6条草案第6款,委员们对海盗和海上武装抢劫罪行不需受任何时效限制的提议表示关切。 |
Doubts were expressed as to whether that proposal was based on the practice of States, in particular regarding armed robbery at sea. |
有人怀疑该提议是否基于国家实践,特别是关于海上武装抢劫的实践。 |
(e) |
(e) |
Draft article 7 |
第7条草案 |
123. |
123. |
Members expressed general support for a provision on the establishment of national jurisdiction over the crimes of piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
委员们普遍支持制定一条关于确立对海盗和海上武装抢劫罪行的国家管辖权的规定。 |
It was noted that it might be appropriate to have separate provisions for piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
有人指出,似宜对海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为分别作出规定。 |
The view was expressed that the establishment of national jurisdiction for piracy was not an obligation under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, as the Convention only authorized States to exercise jurisdiction following an arrest. |
有意见认为,确立国家对海盗行为的管辖权不是《联合国海洋法公约》规定的义务,因为《公约》只授权各国在逮捕后行使管辖权。 |
124. |
124. |
The view was expressed that clarification might be needed in the case of multiple claims to jurisdiction. |
有意见认为,可能需要澄清对管辖权提出多重主张的情况。 |
It was suggested that an indication of order of preference for the exercise of jurisdiction be included in case of conflicting jurisdiction. |
有人建议,在管辖权发生冲突时,应说明行使管辖权的优先顺序。 |
125. |
125. |
While some members found the inclusion of stateless persons who were habitual residents of a State for the purposes of establishing jurisdiction useful, others found the formulation problematic. |
一些委员认为,为了确立管辖权,不妨将惯常居住在一国的无国籍人包括在内,但另一些委员则认为这一提法有问题。 |
It was suggested that a formulation focusing on the country of residence would be more precise. |
有人建议,以居住国为重点的表述将更为准确。 |
126. |
126. |
Members expressed doubts as to the applicability to armed robbery at sea of a universal jurisdiction regime, as contained in paragraph 2 of draft article 7 as proposed by the Special Rapporteur. |
委员们对特别报告员提议的第7条草案第2款所载的普遍管辖权制度是否适用于海上武装抢劫行为表示怀疑。 |
Furthermore, questions were raised as to whether paragraph 2 of draft article 7 reflected customary international law. |
此外,有人对第7条草案第2款是否反映习惯国际法提出疑问。 |
127. |
127. |
Regarding paragraph 3 of draft article 7, it was suggested that the current drafting could be interpreted to allow States to exercise jurisdiction with regard to armed robbery at sea committed in the territory of another State on the pretext of their respective national law. |
关于第7条草案第3款,有人提出,目前的措辞可被解释为允许各国以本国法律为借口,对在另一国境内实施的海上武装抢劫行为行使管辖权。 |
It was further stated that, while the provision might be accepted for piratical acts, it extends a quasi-universal jurisdiction to armed robbery at sea that was not based on customary international law. |
还有人指出,虽然这项规定对于海盗行为可能是可以接受的,但它将准普遍管辖权扩大到了并非基于习惯国际法的海上武装抢劫行为。 |
(f) |
(f) |
Final form |
最终形式 |
128. |
128. |
Members stressed the need to determine the final form of the outcome of the work of the Commission on the topic. |
委员们强调,需要确定委员会关于这一专题的工作成果的最后形式。 |
While some members supported the continued work of the Commission on draft articles that could be the basis for a binding instrument to be negotiated by States, other members raised the possibility of drafting guidelines directed at harmonizing the law and identifying lacunae on the topic. |
一些委员支持委员会继续就条款草案开展工作,可以将其作为各国谈判达成具有约束力的文书的基础,而另一些委员则提出可否起草旨在使法律协调一致并查明本专题的空白的指南。 |
There was also a suggestion to wait until the third report of the Special Rapporteur before deciding on future steps. |
还有人建议等到特别报告员提交第三次报告后再决定今后的步骤。 |
(g) |
(g) |
Future programme of work |
今后的工作方案 |
129. |
129. |
While support was expressed for the future work on the topic as proposed by the Special Rapporteur, some members expressed doubt as to whether the future report of the Special Rapporteur should focus on the doctrine separately from the study of practice and case law. |
虽然有委员表示支持特别报告员提议的今后关于这一专题的工作,但对于特别报告员今后的报告是否把重点放在学说上,与实践和判例研究分开,一些委员表示了疑问。 |
It was suggested that, rather than proceeding with a source-based approach, the Special Rapporteur might wish to conduct his analysis by theme. |
有人建议,特别报告员不妨按主题进行分析,而不是采取基于资料来源的办法。 |
130. |
130. |
Suggestions were made as to the possible themes that the Special Rapporteur might discuss in his third report. |
有人就特别报告员在第三次报告中可能讨论的主题提出了建议。 |
Members highlighted, in particular: criminal law aspects of the topic, including the applicability of universal jurisdiction; |
委员们特别强调了以下主题:该专题的刑法方面,包括普遍管辖权的适用性; |
police cooperation and mutual legal assistance; |
警务合作和司法协助; |
root causes of piracy and armed robbery at sea; |
海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的根源; |
repression of those crimes by members of armed forces or by private military contractors; |
武装部队成员或私营军事公司对这些罪行的打击; |
the consequences of technological developments in the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea; |
技术发展对打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的影响; |
humanitarian aspects including the assistance, compensation and repatriation of victims; |
人道主义方面,包括受害者的援助、赔偿和遣返; |
the right to conduct hot pursuit across maritime zones; |
跨海区紧追的权利; |
and the issue of the loss of flag. |
以及失去船旗的问题。 |
The view was expressed that issues related to admissibility of evidence before courts and imposition of penalties were beyond the scope of the topic. |
有意见认为,与法庭证据的可采性和施加处罚有关的问题超出了本专题的范围。 |
3. |
3. |
Concluding remarks by the Special Rapporteur |
特别报告员的总结 |
131. |
131. |
In his concluding remarks, the Special Rapporteur thanked members for their comments and contributions, in particular those providing references to international agreements beyond the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea that could serve as a basis for the future work of the topic, namely: the International Convention against the Taking of Hostages of 1979, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation of 1988 and the 2005 Protocol thereto, and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime of 2000. |
特别报告员在总结发言中感谢委员们的评论和贡献,特别是那些提到《联合国海洋法公约》以外的国际协定的评论和贡献,这些协定可以作为此专题今后工作的基础,即:1979年《反对劫持人质国际公约》、1988年《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》及其2005年议定书, 以及2000年《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》。 |
He also recalled the references by members to the work of the Institute of International Law on piracy, particularly the Naples Declaration of 2009 and the Angers Resolution of 2023. |
他还回顾了委员们提到的国际法学会关于海盗问题的工作,特别是2009年那不勒斯宣言 和2023年昂热决议。 |
132. |
132. |
The Special Rapporteur recalled that his first report showed that State practice was not general, constant or uniform, which had led him to conclude that a work of codification was not possible in the current topic. |
特别报告员回顾说,他的第一次报告表明,国家实践并不具备普遍性、一致性和统一性,这使他得出结论认为,在本专题中不可能开展编纂工作。 |
In that regard, he stated that the path ahead was that of progressive development in areas where the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea presented some gaps or insufficiencies to be filled. |
在这方面,他指出,今后的道路是在《联合国海洋法公约》的规定存在一些空白或不足的领域逐步发展。 |
The Special Rapporteur expressed his belief that the work on the topic was about advancing the law for combating piracy without fundamentally changing it. |
特别报告员表示,他相信,关于这一专题的工作是为了推进打击海盗行为的法律,而不是从根本上改变它。 |
133. |
133. |
He noted that many members recalled the importance of maintaining the distinction between piracy and armed robbery at sea. |
他指出,许多委员回顾了区分海盗行为和海上武装抢劫行为的重要性。 |
The Special Rapporteur agreed that there were fundamental differences between the two crimes and suggested discussing in the Drafting Committee a formulation that took into account those differences. |
特别报告员同意,这两种罪行之间存在根本区别,并建议在起草委员会讨论一种考虑到这些区别的提法。 |
He also considered carefully the warnings of members against the duplication of existing frameworks. |
他还认真考虑了委员们关于避免重复现有框架的告诫。 |
134. |
134. |
On the question of the harmonization of national legislation, the Special Rapporteur explained that his proposal was not for a harmonization of legislation at the global level, in the sense that all the States of the world should adopt the same laws on piracy. |
关于协调国家立法的问题,特别报告员解释说,他的提议并不是要在全球一级统一立法,即世界上所有国家都需通过关于海盗行为的同样的法律。 |
He clarified that his proposal pertained to harmonization of legislation at the regional or subregional level, where States could seek to adopt laws that were not uniform but in harmony, i.e., more or less comparable with regard to prevention and the application of penalties. |
他澄清说,他的建议涉及区域或次区域一级的立法协调,各国可设法通过不统一但协调一致的法律,即在防止和实施处罚方面大致相似。 |
135. |
135. |
Regarding the references to armed conflict in draft article 4, the Special Rapporteur explained that they had been included to place the issue in a broader context and to clarify that the legal status of piracy was the same whether in times of peace or armed conflict. |
关于第4条草案中提及武装冲突的内容,特别报告员解释说,列入这些内容是为了把这个问题放在更广泛的背景下,并澄清无论是在和平时期还是在武装冲突时期,海盗行为的法律地位都是相同的。 |
136. |
136. |
As for draft article 5, the Special Rapporteur noted that he wished to put forward a provision on prevention, considering that it followed naturally from the obligation to cooperate within the meaning of article 100 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
关于第5条草案,特别报告员指出,他希望提出一项关于防止的规定,并认为它自然产生于《联合国海洋法公约》第一〇〇条所指的合作义务。 |
While noting that article 100 did not mention the obligation of prevention, he recalled that the 2023 report from the Institute of International Law pointed out that the obligation of repression included or encompassed that of prevention and that it was not relevant to distinguish between them. |
他注意到,第一〇〇条没有提及防止的义务,但他回顾说,国际法学会2023年报告 指出,打击的义务包括或涵盖了防止的义务,对它们加以区分是没有意义的。 |
137. |
137. |
The Special Rapporteur concluded his remarks by thanking members for their observations and proposals, and by expressing the hope to have a constructive discussion regarding the topic as a whole and its future direction within the Drafting Committee. |
特别报告员在结束发言时感谢委员们提出的意见和建议,并表示希望在起草委员会内就整个专题及其今后的方向进行建设性的讨论。 |
Chapter VII |
第七章 |
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction |
国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
138. |
138. |
The Commission, at its fifty-ninth session (2007), decided to include the topic “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin as Special Rapporteur. |
委员会第五十九届会议(2007年)决定将“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”专题列入工作方案,并任命罗曼·科洛德金先生为特别报告员。 |
At the same session, the Commission requested the Secretariat to prepare a background study on the topic, which was made available to the Commission at its sixtieth session (2008). |
委员会同届会议请秘书处编写一份关于此专题的背景研究报告,该研究报告提交给了委员会第六十届会议(2008年)。 |
139. |
139. |
The Special Rapporteur submitted three reports. |
特别报告员提交了三次报告。 |
The Commission received and considered the preliminary report at its sixtieth session (2008) and the second and third reports at its sixty-third session (2011). |
委员会第六十届会议(2008年)收到并审议了初步报告,第六十三届会议(2011年)收到并审议了第二次和第三次报告。 |
The Commission was unable to consider the topic at its sixty-first (2009) and sixty-second (2010) sessions. |
委员会第六十一届会议(2009年)和第六十二届会议(2010年)未能审议此专题。 |
140. |
140. |
The Commission, at its sixty-fourth session (2012), appointed Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández as Special Rapporteur to replace Mr. Kolodkin, who was no longer a member of the Commission. |
委员会第六十四届会议(2012年)任命康塞普西翁·埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士代替不再是委员会委员的科洛德金先生担任特别报告员。 |
The Special Rapporteur submitted eight reports. |
特别报告员提交了八次报告。 |
The Commission received and considered the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur at the same session (2012), her second report during the sixty-fifth session (2013), her third report during the sixty-sixth session (2014), her fourth report during the sixty-seventh session (2015), her fifth report during the sixty-eighth (2016) and sixty-ninth sessions (2017), her sixth report during the seventieth (2018) and seventy-first (2019) sessions, her seventh report during the seventy-first session (2019), and her eighth report during the seventy-second session (2021). |
委员会同届会议(2012年)收到并审议了该特别报告员提交的初步报告,第六十五届会议(2013年)收到并审议了其第二次报告,第六十六届会议(2014年)收到并审议了其第三次报告,第六十七届会议(2015年)收到并审议了其第四次报告,第六十八届会议(2016年)和第六十九届会议(2017年)收到并审议了其第五次报告,第七十届会议(2018年)和第七十一届会议(2019年)收到并审议了其第六次报告,第七十一届会议(2019年)收到并审议了其第七次报告,第七十二届会议(2021年)收到并审议了其第八次报告。 |
141. |
141. |
At its seventy-third session (2022), the Commission adopted, on first reading, the entire set of draft articles on immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction which comprised 18 draft articles and a draft annex, together with commentaries thereto. |
委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)一读通过了关于国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免的整套条款草案,其中包括18项条款草案和一份附件草案及其评注。 |
It decided, in accordance with articles 16 to 21 of its statute, to transmit the draft articles, through the Secretary-General, to Governments for comments and observations. |
委员会根据其《章程》第16至第21条,决定通过秘书长向各国政府转发这些条款草案,以征求评论和意见。 |
142. |
142. |
The Commission, at its seventy-fourth session (2023), appointed Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff as Special Rapporteur to replace Ms. Escobar Hernández, who was no longer a member of the Commission. |
委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)任命克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生代替不再是委员会委员的埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士担任特别报告员。 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
143. |
143. |
At the present session, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/775), as well as comments and observations received from Governments (A/CN.4/771 and Add.1 and 2). |
委员会本届会议收到了特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/775),以及各国政府提交的评论和意见(A/CN.4/771及Add.1和2)。 |
The Special Rapporteur, in his first report, examined the general comments and observations received from Governments on the draft articles, as well as the comments and observations received from Governments specifically on draft articles 1 to 6, as adopted on first reading. |
特别报告员在其第一次报告中审查了各国政府对条款草案的一般性评论和意见,以及各国政府专门就一读通过的第1至第6条草案提出的评论和意见。 |
He made proposals for consideration on second reading in relation to draft articles 1 to 6, in light of the comments and observations made by States in both written comments and in the Sixth Committee. |
他参考各国在书面评论和第六委员会提出的评论和意见,对第1至第6条草案提出了建议,供二读审议。 |
144. |
144. |
At its 3674th to 3680th meetings, from 1 to 9 July 2024, the Commission considered the first report of the Special Rapporteur. |
委员会在2024年7月1日至9日第3674次至第3680次会议上,审议了特别报告员的第一次报告。 |
At its 3680th meeting, on 9 July 2024, the Commission decided to refer draft articles 1 to 6 to the Drafting Committee, taking into account the comments and observations made during the plenary debate. |
委员会在2024年7月9日第3680次会议上,决定将第1至第6条草案转交起草委员会,同时考虑到全体辩论期间提出的评论和意见。 |
The summary of the plenary debate can be found in paragraphs 146 to 214 below. |
全体会议辩论摘要见下文第146至214段。 |
145. |
145. |
At its 3698th meeting, on 30 July 2024, the Chair of the Drafting Committee introduced the report of the Drafting Committee (see A/CN.4/L.1001). |
在2024年7月30日第3698次会议上,起草委员会主席介绍了 起草委员会的报告(见A/CN.4/L.1001)。 |
At the same meeting, the Commission took note of draft articles 1, 3, 4 and 5. |
在同次会议上,委员会注意到第1、第3、第4和第5条草案。 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the first report |
特别报告员介绍第一次报告 |
146. |
146. |
The Special Rapporteur emphasized that the Commission found itself in the second reading of the topic, where both the views of States as well as new developments were central to the work of the Commission. |
特别报告员强调,委员会目前正在开展该专题的二读阶段的工作,各国的意见以及新的事态发展对委员会的工作至关重要。 |
He began by highlighting the importance of the topic, which had been a priority for the Commission since 2007. |
他首先强调了本专题的重要性,本专题自2007年以来一直是委员会的优先事项。 |
He recalled the progress achieved to date by the Commission, including the adoption at the seventy-third session (2022) of 18 draft articles along with the annex and commentaries at first reading. |
他回顾了委员会迄今取得的进展,包括委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)一读通过了18项条款草案及其附件和评注。 |
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147. |
The Special Rapporteur further elaborated on his first report, which comprised a summary of States’ comments and observations on the draft articles adopted on first reading, his analysis of the subject matter discussed, and his reflections on said comments and observations. |
特别报告员进一步阐述了其第一次报告,其中包括各国对一读通过的条款草案的评论和意见概述、特别报告员对所讨论主题事项的分析以及他对上述评论和意见的思考。 |
His first report covered draft articles 1 to 6. |
第一次报告涉及第1至第6条草案。 |
The Special Rapporteur noted two reasons for the difficulty of reviewing all the draft articles for the purpose of the second reading. |
特别报告员指出了难以审查所有条款草案以供二读的两个原因。 |
First, some State submissions were delayed, which in turn led to a subsequent delay in receiving translations of those submissions. |
首先,一些国家的提交材料迟交,随之导致这些材料的翻译延迟。 |
Second, the Special Rapporteur referred to the request by States for additional time to comment on the entire set of draft articles. |
其次,特别报告员提到各国要求更多时间对整套条款草案作出评论。 |
He announced his intention to present a report on the remaining draft articles at the seventy-sixth session (2025) and expressed the hope that dividing the second reading over two sessions would allow the Commission sufficient time to consider States’ views thoroughly. |
他宣布打算在第七十六届会议(2025年)上提交一份关于其余条款草案的报告,并表示希望将二读分两次会议进行,给予委员会充足时间彻底审议各国的意见。 |
Additionally, he proposed to the Commission allowing a period until the first week of November for States to comment particularly on draft articles 7 to 18, to be considered at the next session. |
此外,他建议委员会给各国留出一段时间,以便各国在11月第一周前特别就第7至18条草案发表意见,供下届会议审议。 |
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148. |
The Special Rapporteur observed that, of the 35 States that had provided comments, several had underscored the promotion of friendly relations between States and the stability of international relations as the main guiding principles and rationale for the Commission’s work on the topic. |
特别报告员注意到,在35个提供评论的国家中,有若干国家强调,促进国家间友好关系和国际关系稳定是委员会就本专题开展工作的主要指导原则和理由。 |
He also noted States’ general recognition of the importance of balancing the principle of sovereign equality of States with accountability for international crimes. |
他还注意到,各国普遍认识到平衡各国主权平等原则与追究国际罪行责任的重要性。 |
He further observed that some States saw a need to balance those principles with the maintenance of international peace and security, a subject he recommended the Commission explore further during its consideration of draft articles 7 to 18. |
他进一步注意到,一些国家认为有必要在这些原则与维护国际和平与安全之间取得平衡,他建议委员会在审议第7至第18条草案时对这一主题进行进一步探讨。 |
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149. |
The Special Rapporteur acknowledged the various positions of States as to whether the draft articles reflected the codification of existing customary international law or the progressive development of international law. |
特别报告员承认,对于条款草案是反映了现有习惯国际法的编纂还是国际法的逐渐发展,各国持不同立场。 |
Nevertheless, he recalled paragraph (12) of the general commentary to the draft articles, which clarified that the draft articles contained a proposal for elements of both, as appropriate, and explained that the commentary would aim to provide States with enough information to ensure transparency. |
尽管如此,他仍然回顾了条款草案总评注第(12)段,其中明确指出,条款草案酌情载有关于这两方面要素的建议,他解释说,评注的目的是向各国提供充分的信息,以确保透明度。 |
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150. |
The Special Rapporteur also raised the differing views of States with respect to the final form of the work of the Commission, with some States favouring a draft treaty, some proposing to leave the outcome as draft articles and others suggesting a mixture of draft articles and draft guidelines. |
特别报告员还指出各国对委员会工作的最终形式持有不同意见,一些国家赞成条约草案的形式,一些国家提议将结果保留为条款草案,另一些国家则建议将条款草案和指南草案相结合。 |
He recalled the question posed to States in paragraph (13) of the general commentary adopted on first reading and considered it important for the Commission to clarify the final form of its work on the topic at the present stage. |
他回顾了一读通过的总评注第(13)段向各国提出的问题,并认为委员会有必要在现阶段澄清其关于该专题的工作的最终形式。 |
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151. |
With respect to draft article 1, the Special Rapporteur explained that the provision referred to the scope of the project and limited its application to foreign criminal jurisdiction. |
关于第1条草案,特别报告员解释说,该条款提及专题范围,并将其适用限于外国刑事管辖。 |
He emphasized that special legal regimes, including States’ obligations under particular international agreements, were outside the scope of the project. |
他强调,特别法律制度,包括国家在特定国际协定下的义务,不属于本专题的范围。 |
He also concurred with the States that requested clarification on the relationship between immunity and inviolability and expressed the intention to provide such clarification in the commentary. |
他还同意一些国家提出的澄清豁免与不可侵犯性之间关系的要求,并表示打算在评注中对此进行澄清。 |
The Special Rapporteur proposed a new formulation of draft article 1, paragraph 3, to separate international criminal courts and tribunals established by treaties and those established by binding resolutions. |
特别报告员就第1条草案第3款提出了新案文,将根据条约设立的国际性刑事法院和法庭与根据具有约束力的决议设立的国际性刑事法院和法庭区分开来。 |
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152. |
In connection with draft article 2, subparagraph (a), which defined the term “State official”, the Special Rapporteur explained that he agreed with the suggestion to use the term “agent de l’État” instead of “représentant de l’État” to refer to State officials in French. |
关于界定“国家官员”一词的第2条草案(a)项,特别报告员解释说,他同意关于在法文本中使用“agent de l’État”而不是“représentant de l’État”来指国家官员的建议。 |
While he also agreed with those States who thought it would be inappropriate to include a list of types of State officials in the text of the provision, he stated that he intended to include more examples in the commentary. |
他也同意一些国家的意见,认为在条款案文中罗列国家官员类别是不适当的,但他表示打算在评注中列入更多的例子。 |
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153. |
With respect to subparagraph (b), which defined the term “act performed in an official capacity”, the Special Rapporteur noted the requests by States for clarification of the treatment of ultra vires acts. |
关于界定“以官方身份实施的行为”一语的(b)项,特别报告员注意到各国要求澄清如何处理越权行为。 |
He also noted a request by a State for a definition of “criminal jurisdiction”, as well as concerns about the relationship between the draft articles and the rules regarding the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts. |
他还注意到一个国家要求对“刑事管辖”下定义,也注意到在条款草案与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的规则之间的关系方面存在关切。 |
He expressed his view that it was unnecessary to change the text of draft article 2, but the concerns raised by States could be addressed in the commentary to the extent that they had not already been addressed. |
他认为,没有必要修改第2条草案的案文,但各国提出的关切如果有尚未得到处理的,可以在评注中加以处理。 |
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154. |
With regard to draft article 3, which identified the persons enjoying immunity ratione personae, the Special Rapporteur observed that States generally shared the view that the provision reflected customary international law. |
关于确定享有属人豁免的人员的第3条草案,特别报告员注意到,各国普遍认为,该条款反映了习惯国际法。 |
While noting that some States proposed extending the definition to categories of officials beyond Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs, he suggested maintaining the current text of draft article 3, as he did not see sufficient legal grounds to justify such proposals. |
他注意到一些国家提议将定义扩大到国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长以外的官员类别,但他建议保留第3条草案目前的案文,因为他认为没有充分法律依据可以证明这些提议的合理性。 |
In his view, there was no evidence of consistent State practice to support the extension. |
他认为,没有证据表明存在一致的国家实践支持这种扩大。 |
He recalled that such officials might nevertheless enjoy immunity under other legal rules, such as those relating to special missions or official visits. |
他回顾说,此类官员仍然可以根据其他法律规则享有豁免,例如与特别使团或正式访问有关的规则。 |
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155. |
The Special Rapporteur noted that States generally agreed with the substance of draft article 4, which concerned the scope of immunity ratione personae, and that their suggestions primarily concerned its terminology and structure. |
特别报告员注意到,各国普遍同意关于属人豁免的范围的第4条草案的实质内容,各国的建议主要涉及其术语和结构。 |
While acknowledging the concern that the phrase “term of office” might not be appropriate to officials whose period of office was not fixed, he proposed that the question would best be addressed in the commentary. |
他认识到有关切称“任期”一词可能不适合任职期限不固定的官员,但他提议最好在评注中处理这一问题。 |
He noted the desire of some States for paragraph 3 to be structured as a “without prejudice” provision and proposed removing the words “the rules of international law concerning” from its text. |
他注意到一些国家希望将第3款的结构调整为“不妨碍”条款,建议将案文中的“国际法规则”等词删除。 |
He also agreed with the suggestion to use the term “cessation” instead of “extinction” in the French text of paragraph 3 of the provision. |
他也同意在该条款第3款的法文本中使用“cessation”一词代替“extinction”一词的建议。 |
He indicated that he was open to restructuring the provision and that issues of the temporal scope of immunity ratione personae and inviolability would be further clarified in the commentary. |
他表示愿意调整该条款的结构,并将在评注中进一步澄清属人豁免的时间范围和不可侵犯性问题。 |
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156. |
Regarding draft article 5, the Special Rapporteur expressed his agreement with the concerns raised by States regarding the phrase “acting as such”, which some considered could lead to confusion, while others considered superfluous. |
关于第5条草案,特别报告员表示同意各国对“以……身份行事”一语提出的关切,有些国家认为该表述可能导致混淆,而另一些国家则觉得多余。 |
He highlighted his proposal to omit said phrase and to consider adding the phrase “in accordance with draft article 6” to the provision to link it to the following draft article. |
他着重强调,他建议删除上述短语,并考虑在该条款中添加“根据第6条草案”一语,以便与下一条草案相关联。 |
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157. |
With respect to draft article 6, the Special Rapporteur highlighted the support of States for the substance of the provision, while noting the view that paragraph 2 might not appropriately reflect the exceptions to immunity ratione materiae. |
关于第6条草案,特别报告员强调指出,各国支持该条款的实质内容,同时注意到,有国家认为第2款可能没有适当反映属事豁免的例外情形。 |
He agreed with suggestions for clarifying the paragraph and proposed expressly stating in the text that immunity “ratione materiae” applied beyond the cessation of immunity ratione personae for the troika. |
他同意有关澄清该款的建议,并提议在案文中明确指出,在三巨头的属人豁免终止后,“属事”豁免继续适用。 |
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158. |
The Special Rapporteur also noted proposals to merge various provisions. |
特别报告员还注意到关于合并不同条款的建议。 |
He recalled a proposal to merge the definitions in draft article 2 with other substantive provisions. |
他回顾了将第2条草案中的定义与其他实质性条款合并的建议。 |
With respect to draft articles 5 and 6, the Special Rapporteur favoured maintaining the former as a stand-alone provision. |
关于第5和第6条草案,特别报告员赞成保留第5条,将之作为一项独立的条款。 |
He considered that proposals to merge the respective paragraphs 3 of draft articles 4 and 6 could be discussed by the Drafting Committee. |
他认为,起草委员会可以对合并第4条草案第3款和第6条草案第3款的建议进行讨论。 |
159. |
159. |
The Special Rapporteur concluded his introductory remarks by thanking his fellow Commission members and the Secretariat for their assistance. |
特别报告员在介绍性发言的最后,感谢了委员会其他委员和秘书处给予的协助。 |
2. |
2. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
(a) |
(a) |
General comments |
一般性评论 |
160. |
160. |
Members welcomed the first report of the Special Rapporteur. |
委员们欢迎特别报告员的第一次报告。 |
Several members expressed appreciation for his efforts to respond to the concerns raised by Governments in their written comments and observations and in the Sixth Committee. |
几位委员表示赞赏特别报告员努力回应各国政府在书面评论和意见中以及在第六委员会提出的关切。 |
Approval was also expressed for the modesty of the changes he had proposed to draft articles 1 to 6, as adopted on first reading. |
还有人表示赞同他对一读通过的第1至第6条草案提出的适度修改。 |
In addition, several members expressed gratitude for the work of the two previous Special Rapporteurs for the topic, Mr. Kolodkin and Ms. Escobar Hernández, and for the compilation of comments and observations received from Governments. |
此外,几位委员表示感谢两位前任特别报告员科洛德金先生和埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士就本专题所做的工作,并感谢对各国政府的评论和意见所做的汇编。 |
161. |
161. |
Several members highlighted the importance of the topic for States and the need for the Commission to appropriately balance respect for the sovereign equality of States and ensuring accountability for the most serious crimes under international law. |
几位委员强调了本专题对各国的重要性,并强调委员会需要在尊重各国主权平等与确保对国际法规定的最严重罪行追究责任之间取得适当平衡。 |
Others underscored the need to preserve friendly relations between States and maintain international peace and security. |
其他委员强调,需要维持国家间的友好关系,维护国际和平与安全。 |
It was recalled that immunity of State officials stemmed from both the State character of their functions and the need for such officials to be able to represent the State. |
有人回顾,国家官员的豁免源于其职能的国家性质以及这些官员需要能够代表国家。 |
The view was expressed that immunity was a procedural bar to the exercise of jurisdiction and could not efface accountability for violations. |
有人认为,豁免是对行使管辖权的程序性阻碍,不能免除对违法行为的问责。 |
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162. |
Several members observed that the content of draft article 7 would be central to the success of the draft articles as a whole. |
几位委员指出,第7条草案的内容对整套条款草案的成功至关重要。 |
Support was expressed for the provision and for including the crime of aggression within its scope; |
有人表示支持该条款,并支持将侵略罪列入其范围。 |
however, concerns regarding its content were also recalled. |
然而,也有人回顾了有关其内容的关切。 |
Recent national judicial decisions both consistent with draft article 7 and upholding immunity for crimes within its scope were cited, and the need to update the relevant commentary in that respect was highlighted. |
有人援引了最近的国家司法裁决――这些裁决既符合第7条草案,又维护了对该条款范围内的罪行的豁免,并强调有必要更新这方面的相关评注。 |
It was noted that, while draft article 7 was described as an exception to immunity, immunity itself could be seen as an exception to the general rule of territorial sovereignty of the forum State, as it was in the Commission’s 1949 draft declaration on the rights and duties of States. |
有人指出,虽然第7条草案被描述为豁免的例外,但豁免本身可被视为法院地国领土主权一般规则的例外,如委员会1949年国家权利和义务宣言草案所述。 |
In that connection, some members questioned whether State practice supported the existence of a rule of customary international law providing for immunity in each case. |
在这方面,一些委员问及,国家实践是否能够证明,存在一项习惯国际法规则,对每种情形下的豁免都作出了规定。 |
Others suggested the opposite. |
还有一些委员表达了相反的意见。 |
Clarity in the commentary as to whether acts amounting to crimes within the scope of draft article 7 could be characterized as acts performed in an official capacity was requested. |
有人要求在评注中明确说明构成第7条草案范围内罪行的行为是否可以定性为以官方身份实施的行为。 |
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163. |
Concerning calls by States for further clarification on whether particular provisions reflected existing rules of customary international law or represented proposals for the progressive development of the law, several members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that the Commission had adequately addressed the matter in paragraph (12) of its general commentary to the draft articles. |
关于各国要求进一步澄清特定条款是反映了现有的习惯国际法规则还是代表了关于逐渐发展国际法的建议,几位委员同意特别报告员的观点,认为委员会已在条款草案总评注第(12)段中充分处理了这一问题。 |
Nevertheless, a few members encouraged the Commission to consider providing further information on those specific points where States requested it. |
尽管如此,几位委员鼓励委员会考虑就各国要求澄清的具体问题提供进一步资料。 |
The need to properly substantiate any statements of the law was also underscored. |
还有人强调,任何有关法律的说法都需要进行适当证实。 |
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164. |
On the approach to be taken by the Commission on second reading, a number of members considered that changes to the draft articles and commentaries thereto should be limited to those necessary to respond to comments by States and to developments since the first reading. |
关于委员会二读将采取的做法,一些委员认为,对条款草案及其评注修改应该仅限于为回应各国的评论和一读以来的事态发展所需的修改。 |
However, the view was expressed that the Commission should not overly hesitate to make adjustments, as that would be the first opportunity for the members who joined the Commission after 2022 to work on the topic. |
但也有人认为,委员会在调整时无需过于犹豫,因为这将是2022年后加入委员会的委员就本专题开展工作的第一次机会。 |
It was recalled that the draft articles had not been amended beyond toilettage at the end of the first reading in 2022. |
有人回顾,在2022年一读结束时,条款草案只进行了润色,没有作任何修正。 |
The possibility of correcting any inconsistencies in the first reading text and commentaries was raised. |
有人提出,是否有可能纠正一读案文和评注中的任何不一致之处。 |
On the other hand, it was recalled that the draft articles were adopted in 2022 and included references to jurisprudence up to that point. |
另一方面,有人回顾,条款草案是在2022年通过的,其中提到了截止当时的判例。 |
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165. |
Several members highlighted the central role that Government comments should play in the Commission’s consideration at second reading. |
几位委员强调,各国政府的评论应该在委员会二读审议中发挥核心作用。 |
Some members recalled comments made by States before the conclusion of the first reading and suggested that those might be relevant to the Commission’s present work. |
一些委员回顾了各国在一读结束前提出的评论,认为这些评论可能与委员会目前的工作有关。 |
Other members supported the methodology of the Special Rapporteur. |
另一些委员支持特别报告员的方法。 |
The importance of giving adequate and equal consideration to the views of States from all regions was emphasized. |
有人强调,必须充分平等地考虑所有区域的国家的观点。 |
The Commission was encouraged to take into consideration relevant views expressed by States in contexts outside the formal process of consultations by the Commission. |
有人鼓励委员会考虑各国在委员会正式磋商进程之外表达的相关观点。 |
The difficulty of interpreting silence by those Governments that had not submitted observations was also noted, and the hope was expressed that more delegations would offer their views in the debate in the Sixth Committee on the present report. |
也有人指出,很难解释没有提交意见的政府保持沉默的原因,并希望更多的代表团能够在第六委员会的辩论中就本报告提出观点。 |
The goal of building consensus, taking into account the different views of States, was highlighted. |
有人强调了在考虑到各国不同观点的情况下建立共识的目标。 |
166. |
166. |
Members also emphasized the need to reflect new developments in State practice, jurisprudence and teachings relevant to the topic, which was especially pertinent in view of the time elapsed since the provisional adoption of draft articles 1 to 6 on first reading. |
委员们还强调,有必要反映与本专题有关的国家实践、判例和学说的新发展,考虑到一读暂时通过第1至第6条草案以来已经过去了一段时间,这一点尤其重要。 |
The relevance of the practice of States beyond their judiciaries was also underscored. |
也有人强调了司法系统以外的国家实践的相关性。 |
The need to review the cases cited in the commentary was also highlighted, and the pertinence of cases relating to sovereign immunity, those relating to immunity from civil jurisdiction or cases in which immunity was not invoked was questioned. |
还有人强调需要审查评注中引用的案例,并对涉及主权豁免、民事管辖豁免或未援引豁免的案例的相关性提出质疑。 |
Other members reiterated that draft articles 1 to 6 were provisionally adopted in 2022 and the jurisprudence referenced indicated that there had been a thorough discussion at that time. |
其他委员重申,第1条至第6条草案已于2022年暂时通过,所引用的判例表明当时进行了彻底的讨论。 |
167. |
167. |
Members reflected on the challenges the Commission would face as it proceeded with the second reading of the draft articles. |
委员们思考了委员会对条款草案进行二读将面临的挑战。 |
The Commission was encouraged to seek solutions that could be applied generally in light of the subtleties of the topic and the differences in the views of States. |
有人鼓励委员会根据本专题的微妙之处和各国的不同观点,寻求可普遍适用的解决办法。 |
The importance of reflecting customary international law in a technical and apolitical way was underscored, and a request that the Commission refocus its work on codification of existing rules was noted. |
有人强调有必要以技术性和非政治的方式反映习惯国际法,并指出有国家要求委员会将工作重点重新放在现有规则的编纂上。 |
The Commission was also encouraged to add value through progressive development. |
也有人鼓励委员会通过逐渐发展,提供附加价值。 |
Several members cautioned that the Commission should not hinder the development of international law or propose regressive changes in the law. |
几位委员告诫委员会不应阻碍国际法的发展,也不应对法律提出倒退性的修改意见。 |
(b) |
(b) |
Draft article 1 (Scope of the present draft articles) |
第1条草案(本条款草案的范围) |
168. |
168. |
In the discussion of draft article 1, a number of questions were raised in connection with the scope of the draft articles. |
在对第1条草案的讨论中,提出了一些有关条款草案范围的问题。 |
Some members considered that definitions of “criminal jurisdiction” and “exercise of criminal jurisdiction” were necessary, at least in the commentary. |
一些委员认为,有必要对“刑事管辖权”和“行使刑事管辖权”进行定义,至少应在评注中进行定义。 |
Others agreed with the Special Rapporteur that such definitions were not needed. |
另一些委员同意特别报告员的意见,即不需要此类定义。 |
It was noted that paragraph (5) of the commentary to draft article 9 contained reflections on the notion of exercise of criminal jurisdiction that might be better placed in the general commentary. |
有人指出,第9条草案评注第(5)段载有对行使刑事管辖权概念的思考,放到总评注中可能会更好。 |
It was recalled that the first Special Rapporteur had explained that immunity only related to “criminal procedural measures that imposed an obligation on the official or were coercive”. |
有人回顾指出,第一任特别报告员曾解释说,豁免只涉及“对官员施加义务或者具有强制性的刑事诉讼措施”。 |
The importance of discussing the distinction between immunity from criminal jurisdiction and immunity from other forms of jurisdiction, including civil jurisdiction and administrative jurisdiction, was raised. |
有人提出,有必要讨论刑事管辖豁免与其他形式的管辖豁免之间如何区分,包括与民事管辖豁免和行政管辖豁免之间的区分。 |
The view was also expressed that such distinctions should be left to national legal systems. |
还有人认为,这种区分应该留给国内法律体系处理。 |
169. |
169. |
A number of members supported the proposal of the Special Rapporteur to clarify the distinction between immunity and inviolability in the commentaries. |
一些委员支持特别报告员的建议,即在评注中澄清豁免与不可侵犯性之间的区别。 |
It was observed that the International Court of Justice had combined discussion of the two concepts in its decisions. |
有人指出,国际法院在其决定中对这两个概念进行了合并讨论。 |
The view was expressed that inviolability could be seen as comprising a form of immunity from enforcement jurisdiction. |
有人认为,不可侵犯性可被视为是执法管辖豁免的一种形式。 |
It was noted that there were acts that could concern the inviolability of a State official but fell outside the scope of the topic as they did not relate to the exercise of criminal jurisdiction. |
有人指出,有些行为可能涉及国家官员的不可侵犯性,但不属于本专题的范围,因为它们与行使刑事管辖权无关。 |
The relevance of draft articles 9 and 14 to inviolability was highlighted. |
有人强调指出,第9和第14条草案与不可侵犯性相关。 |
It was proposed that concrete examples of allowed or disallowed procedures be added in the commentary. |
有人建议在评注中加入有关允许或不允许的程序的具体实例。 |
Some members proposed moving references to inviolability in the commentary to draft article 9 to that of draft article 1. |
一些委员提议将第9条草案评注中提到不可侵犯性的内容移至第1条草案评注中。 |
Relevant references to the Arrest Warrant case, the Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran case and article 29 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations were also proposed. |
还有人建议提及相关的逮捕令案、驻德黑兰外交和领事人员案 以及《维也纳外交关系公约》 第二十九条。 |
It was also suggested that inviolability could be dealt with by the addition of a “without prejudice” or “as appropriate” clause. |
还有人建议,可通过增加“不妨碍”条款或“酌情”条款来处理不可侵犯性问题。 |
170. |
170. |
With respect to paragraph 1 of draft article 1, some members suggested drafting changes. |
关于第1条草案第1款,一些委员建议修改措辞。 |
It was proposed that the text refer to “current and former” State officials to reflect that former State officials could also enjoy immunity ratione materiae. |
有人提出,案文应提及“现任和前任”国家官员,以反映前任国家官员也可享有属事豁免。 |
It was also suggested that reference be made to immunity “from the exercise of criminal jurisdiction”, in particular to avoid the implication that immunity from prescriptive jurisdiction existed. |
还有人建议,应提及对“刑事管辖权的行使”享有豁免,主要目的是避免暗示存在对立法管辖的豁免。 |
However, the concern was raised that such a change might overly limit the scope of the draft articles. |
但有人提出关切,认为这样的改动可能会过分限制条款草案的范围。 |
171. |
171. |
Members generally agreed with the Special Rapporteur that there was no need to modify paragraph 2. |
委员们普遍同意特别报告员的意见,认为没有必要修改第2款。 |
However, the inclusion in the commentary of more examples of special rules raised by States, including those relating to international conferences, international commissions and international judicial or arbitral proceedings, was recommended. |
但有人建议在评注中列入各国提出的有关特别规则的更多例子,包括与国际会议、国际委员会和国际司法或仲裁程序有关的规则。 |
It was suggested that the commentary explain more clearly that members of armed forces were not necessarily excluded from the scope of the draft articles, particularly when participating in an armed conflict. |
有人建议,评注应更明确地解释,武装部队成员,特别是在其参与武装冲突的情况下,不一定被排除在条款草案的范围之外。 |
The view was also expressed that they were covered by the doctrine of combatant immunity. |
还有人认为,他们属于战斗人员豁免理论的范畴。 |
It was questioned whether immunity ratione personae applied as between belligerent States in situations of conflict. |
有人询问,属人豁免是否在冲突局势中的交战国之间适用。 |
Furthermore, additional clarification in the commentary as to the significance of the different wording of paragraphs 2 and 3 was requested. |
此外,有人要求在评注中进一步澄清第2款和第3款采用不同措辞的意义。 |
172. |
172. |
A number of members supported the inclusion of paragraph 3, as it made clear that the draft articles were without prejudice to the special regimes that apply to international criminal tribunals. |
一些委员支持列入第3款,因为该款表明,条款草案不妨碍适用于国际性刑事法庭的特别制度。 |
The importance of the paragraph were the draft articles to become a treaty was highlighted, as without it, the rule reflected in article 30 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties that a later treaty takes precedence over an earlier one would apply. |
有人强调指出,如果条款草案成为条约,该款就很重要,因为如果没有这一款,《维也纳条约法公约》第三十条所反映的后订条约优先于前订条约的规则 就会适用。 |
However, a number of members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that the paragraph needed modification, and several of them supported his proposed amendment. |
不过,一些委员同意特别报告员的意见,认为该款需要修改,其中一些委员支持他提出的修正建议。 |
It was thought that his proposals could make the paragraph both clearer and more inclusive. |
有人认为,他的建议能够让该款更加明确,更具包容性。 |
173. |
173. |
Members discussed the scope of the terms “treaty” and “agreement” in the paragraph. |
委员们讨论了该款中“条约”和“协定”两词的范围。 |
Several members expressed a preference for one term or the other and generally supported the consistent use of one term or the other. |
几位委员表示倾向于使用其中一词,并普遍支持前后一致地使用该词。 |
Some members noted that the first reading text could be interpreted as not covering all possible modalities for the establishment of international criminal tribunals; for example, the ad hoc tribunals established by the Security Council. |
一些委员指出,一读案文可能会被解读为没有涵盖设立国际性刑事法庭的所有可能模式,例如安全理事会设立的特设法庭。 |
However, it was also noted that the legal basis for such tribunals was ultimately a treaty, namely the Charter of the United Nations. |
但也有人指出,此类法庭的法律依据最终仍是条约,即《联合国宪章》。 |
A single paragraph covering “treaties serving as a legal basis for establishing” international criminal courts and tribunals was proposed to bring such tribunals within the scope of the provision. |
有人提议单列一款以涵盖“作为设立国际性刑事法院和法庭的法律依据的条约”,将此类法庭纳入本条款范围。 |
A number of members suggested the terms “instruments” and “binding instruments”, in order to cover tribunals established by treaties and under the auspices of international organizations. |
一些委员建议使用“文书”和“具有约束力的文书”等表述,以涵盖根据条约设立的法庭和在国际组织主持下设立的法庭。 |
Some members also supported the idea of referring to instruments “establishing or relating to the operation of” international criminal courts and tribunals, as some States had proposed. |
一些委员还支持一些国家提出的想法,即提及“设立国际性刑事法院和法庭或与其运作有关”的文书。 |
174. |
174. |
Some members expressed concern that it was not clear whether hybrid and internationalized tribunals were included within the scope of the provision, and it was suggested that a separate subparagraph might be necessary to that end. |
一些委员表示关切的是,混合法庭和国际化法庭是否包括在该条款范围内并不明确,建议可能需要为此单列一项。 |
It was also proposed that more nuance be added in the commentary concerning the factors that made a criminal tribunal an international one, a question that had been addressed by the Appeals Chamber of the Special Court for Sierra Leone in the Taylor case. |
还有人提议在评注中更加细致地区分使刑事法庭成为国际性法庭的因素,塞拉利昂问题特别法庭上诉分庭在Taylor案 中曾探讨过这个问题。 |
Another approach proposed to ensure inclusivity was to use negative phrasing, for example to refer to “criminal jurisdiction[s] other than that of another State”. |
为确保包容性而提出的另一种办法是使用否定性措辞,例如提及“另一国刑事管辖以外的刑事管辖”。 |
175. |
175. |
With respect to subparagraph (a), as proposed by the Special Rapporteur, some members requested the deletion of the phrase “as between the parties to those agreements”, which was considered problematic, as it might call into question the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and the obligation of States parties to the Rome Statute to cooperate with it. |
关于特别报告员提议的(a)项,一些委员要求删除“在这些协定缔约方之间”一语,认为该表述存在问题,可能会使人对国际刑事法院的管辖权和《罗马规约》缔约国与之合作的义务 产生疑问。 |
Other members supported the retention of the phrase, which in their view restated the fundamental principle of the law of treaties that a treaty could not create obligations for States not party to it. |
另一些委员支持保留该表述,认为该表述重申了条约法的基本原则,即条约不能对非缔约国产生义务。 |
176. |
176. |
A number of members supported the proposed subparagraph (b) as a solution to some of the concerns raised regarding tribunals established other than directly by treaty. |
一些委员支持拟议的(b)项,认为它可以解决对非直接根据条约设立的法庭提出的一些关切。 |
However, some members considered that further clarification was needed as to which acts of international organizations and which States were implicated by the provision. |
但一些委员认为,需要进一步澄清该条款涉及国际组织的哪些行为和哪些国家。 |
With respect to the acts, one proposal was to refer to “legally binding resolutions”. |
关于行为,有人建议提及“具有法律约束力的决议”。 |
It was also suggested that the question of bindingness should be left to the rules of the organization in question. |
还有人建议在有关组织的规则中处理约束力问题。 |
The term “acts of an international organization” was also proposed, to align the text with the previous work of the Commission. |
还有人提议使用“国际组织的行为”一词,以使案文与委员会以前的工作保持一致。 |
177. |
177. |
Several members considered that the paragraph should specify that it only covered those States bound by the relevant resolution, and text was proposed to that effect. |
几位委员认为,该款需明确指出,它仅涵盖受相关决议约束的国家; 并为此提出了案文。 |
One solution proposed by some members was to limit the scope of the provision to decisions of the Security Council, which all Member States had agreed to accept and carry out. |
一些委员提出了一个解决办法,即将该条款的范围限于所有会员国同意接受和执行的安全理事会决定。 |
However, other members opposed limiting the paragraph to the Security Council, to avoid foreclosing future developments. |
但其他委员反对将该款局限于安全理事会,以避免妨碍未来的发展。 |
The importance of that was highlighted in light of ongoing discussions of acceptable ways to establish international criminal courts and tribunals. |
有人结合有关设立国际性刑事法院和法庭的可接受方式的现有讨论,强调了这一点的重要性。 |
178. |
178. |
Some members proposed the deletion of paragraph 3. |
一些委员提议删除第3款。 |
The view was expressed that such deletion was necessary to prevent the draft articles from undermining the developments restricting the scope of immunity of State officials that had coincided with the development of international criminal law. |
有人认为,有必要删除该款,以防止条款草案削弱与国际刑法发展同步的限制国家官员豁免范围方面的发展。 |
It was also suggested that the matter could be sufficiently clarified in the commentary. |
还有人建议,可在评注中充分澄清这一事项。 |
(c) |
(c) |
Draft article 2 (Definitions) |
第2条草案(定义) |
179. |
179. |
With regard to draft article 2, subparagraph (a), on the definition of “State official”, the discussion concentrated on the use of the term “current and former State officials”. |
对于涉及“国家官员”定义的第2条草案(a)项,讨论集中在“既指现任也指前任国家官员”这一用语的使用上。 |
Some members suggested omitting such terms to streamline the text and its application vis-à-vis draft article 6 on the scope of immunity ratione materiae. |
一些委员建议省略这一用语,以精简案文,并简化其相对于关于属事豁免范围的第6条草案的适用。 |
It was also proposed that the content of subparagraph (a) be moved to draft article 5 or draft article 6. |
还有人提议将(a)项的内容移至第5条草案或第6条草案。 |
Nevertheless, a number of members agreed with the proposal by the Special Rapporteur not to amend draft article 2, since any necessary clarification regarding the provision could be appropriately dealt with in the commentary and thus no textual change was required. |
然而,一些委员同意特别报告员的建议,即不修改第2条草案,因为对该项规定的任何必要澄清都可以在评注中适当处理,因此不需要修改案文。 |
It was also stated that the definition of State official did not relate only, or mainly, to immunity ratione materiae and, as a result, moving it to draft article 6 would not be appropriate. |
还有人指出,国家官员的定义并不仅仅涉及或主要涉及属事豁免,因此,将其移至第6条草案是不适当的。 |
While some members supported the Commission’s decision not to provide a list with examples of State officials, it was emphasized that practical guidance should be added to the commentary for the purpose of determining whether an individual qualified as a State official. |
一些委员支持委员会关于不提供国家官员实例清单的决定,但有人强调,应该在评注中增加实际指导,以确定一个人是否有资格作为国家官员。 |
Some members were also of the view that the term “représentants” in French, as adopted on first reading, should be retained instead of replacing it with “agents”; |
一些委员还认为,应该保留一读通过的法文“représentants”一词,而不是改为“agents”; |
it was recalled inter alia that the first reading text had been discussed and adopted in three languages in the Drafting Committee (English, French and Spanish), the applicable jurisprudence used both terms interchangeably, and the previous work of the Commission on “Jurisdictional immunities of States and their property” used the term “représentants”. |
还有人回顾,起草委员会以三种语文(英文、法文和西班牙文)讨论和通过了一读案文,适用的判例交替使用这两个词,委员会先前关于“国家及其财产的管辖豁免”的工作使用了“représentants”一词。 |
180. |
180. |
Regarding subparagraph (b), on the definition of “act performed in an official capacity”, some members favoured keeping the text as adopted on first reading, while others expressed doubts as to whether the provision was necessary or if it would be more appropriate to incorporate the provision into draft article 6. |
关于(b)项,即“以官方身份实施的行为”的定义,一些委员赞成保留一读通过的案文,而另一些委员则表示怀疑这项规定是否有必要,或将这项规定纳入第6条草案是否更加恰当。 |
On the differences between acts performed in an official capacity, ultra vires acts and illegal acts, several members considered that there was still confusion on the matter and saw the need for further explanation in the commentary. |
关于以官方身份实施的行为、越权行为和非法行为之间的区别,几位委员认为在这一问题上仍然存在混淆,并认为有必要在评注中作进一步解释。 |
Various views on the substance were expressed by members. |
委员们就实质性问题发表了各种意见。 |
Some members stated that immunity, as a procedural restriction on the exercise of jurisdiction, prevented a foreign State from independently deciding whether a given action of an official fell within their official powers. |
一些委员指出,豁免作为对行使管辖权的一种程序性限制,使外国无法独立决定一名官员的某一行为是否属于其职权范围。 |
While the view was expressed that immunity did not apply to ultra vires acts, another view was taken that there was little evidence in practice to support the conclusion that official conduct must be lawful to enjoy immunity. |
有意见认为,豁免不适用于越权行为,但另一种意见认为,实践中几乎没有证据支持官方行为必须合法才能享有豁免的结论。 |
In that connection, it was stressed that it would be erroneous to suggest that just because an act was performed ultra vires it was not done in the exercise of official capacity and therefore did not attract immunity. |
在这方面,有人强调,如果仅仅因为一项行为是越权行为,就认为该行为不是以官方身份实施的,因此不享有豁免,这是错误的。 |
Some members called for clarity on what the Commission meant by acts performed ultra vires. |
一些委员要求明确委员会所称越权行为的含义。 |
It was stated that the Commission ought to steer States in the direction of normative coherence by providing a set of criteria by which to judge State conduct, and providing an indicative, non-exhaustive list of acts performed in an official capacity was suggested. |
有人指出,委员会应提供一套判断国家行为的标准,从而引导各国实现规范上的一致性,还有人建议委员会提供一份以官方身份实施的行为的指示性不完全清单。 |
A view was expressed that the draft article needed to detail which acts fell under immunity ratione materiae in relation to ultra vires acts, including an expanded definition of what constituted an ultra vires act. |
有意见认为,该条草案需要详细说明哪些行为属于越权行为的属事豁免,包括扩大越权行为的定义。 |
181. |
181. |
Several members discussed the relationship between the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts and draft article 2, in particular rules concerning attribution. |
几位委员讨论了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款与第2条草案之间的关系,特别是关于归属问题的规则。 |
It was stated that careful consideration and a detailed analysis in the commentary of the relationship and the differences between the two regimes was needed. |
有人指出,需要在评注中仔细考虑和详细分析这两种制度之间的关系和差异。 |
It was highlighted that, while the connection between the two should be recognized, the differences ought to be explained. |
有人强调,虽然需承认两者之间的联系,但也应该解释两者之间的差异。 |
The view was expressed that the regime of immunity and attribution under the law of State responsibility were aligned; |
有意见认为,国家责任法中的豁免制度和归属制度是一致的; |
article 7 of the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts was cited in that regard. |
在这方面,援引了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第7条。 |
According to another view, there was a need to harmonize the two fields and a proposal was made to replace “in the exercise of State authority” in subparagraph (b) with “in the exercise of elements of the governmental authority”, taking into account the case Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters. |
另一种意见认为,有必要使这两个领域协调一致,并建议将(b)项中的“行使国家权力”改为“行使政府权力要素”,同时考虑到刑事事项互助的若干问题案。 |
Moreover, a proposal was made for a new draft article concerning the relationship between immunity and State responsibility, following the case Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, to strengthen the balance between immunity and the fight against impunity. |
此外,有人建议根据刑事事项互助的若干问题案,就豁免与国家责任之间的关系拟订一条新的条款草案,以加强豁免与打击有罪不罚现象之间的平衡。 |
182. |
182. |
Some members proposed additional terms to be defined under draft article 2, such as “immunity”, “criminal jurisdiction”, “jurisdiction”, “exercise of criminal jurisdiction”, and “inviolability”, while noting that appropriate explanations could also be added to the commentary instead of the provision itself. |
一些委员建议在第2条草案中对更多用语进行定义,如“豁免”、“刑事管辖”、“管辖”、“行使刑事管辖权”和“不可侵犯性”,同时指出,也可以在评注中而不是在条款本身中添加适当的解释。 |
The Commission was urged to take a cautious approach when considering whether to add new definitions to draft article 2, in particular regarding the difference between criminal jurisdiction and exercise of criminal jurisdiction. |
有人敦促委员会在考虑是否在第2条草案中增加新的定义时采取谨慎做法,特别是关于刑事管辖和行使刑事管辖权之间的区别。 |
Greater clarity in the commentary was deemed necessary on the distinction between immunity and inviolability; |
有人认为,有必要在评注中进一步明确豁免与不可侵犯性之间的区别; |
the cases Arrest Warrant and Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters were cited in that regard. |
在这方面援引了逮捕令案 和刑事事项互助的若干问题案。 |
The view was expressed that, since draft article 2 dealt with definitions, its consideration should be suspended until the Commission had the entire text of the draft articles under consideration. |
有意见认为,因为第2条草案涉及定义,所以应该暂停对该条的审议,直至委员会审议完条款草案的全部案文。 |
183. |
183. |
It was also proposed that cases regarding the nationality of a State official, such as where an official may be the national of a State but serve as a State official for a different State, be clarified in the commentary. |
还有人建议在评注中澄清关于国家官员国籍的情况,例如官员可能是一国国民,但担任另一国的国家官员。 |
It was likewise proposed that issues related to status–of–forces agreements, status-of-mission agreements and the primary responsibility of the State of nationality be made clear in the commentary. |
同样,有人建议在评注中阐明与部队地位协定、特派团地位协定和国籍国的首要责任有关的问题。 |
(d) |
(d) |
Draft article 3 (Persons enjoying immunity ratione personae) |
第3条草案(享有属人豁免的人员) |
184. |
184. |
Members generally accepted the proposal by the Special Rapporteur not to amend draft article 3 and, accordingly, not to expand immunity ratione personae to State officials beyond those officials envisaged in draft article 3, i.e., Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs (the so-called troika). |
委员们普遍接受特别报告员的建议,即不修改第3条草案,从而不将属人豁免的范围扩大到第3条草案规定的官员以外的国家官员,即不扩大到国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长(所谓的三巨头)以外的国家官员。 |
There were several reasons for that, including: (a) draft article 3 was consistent with, and reflected, settled customary international law; |
这样做有几个原因,包括:(a) 第3条草案符合并反映了既定的习惯国际法; |
(b) in the light of the case Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, there were no legal grounds to expand the scope of the provision; |
(b) 根据刑事事项互助的若干问题案,没有扩大该规定范围的法律依据; |
(c) there was nothing in recent practice that would justify the provision being amended; |
(c) 在最近的实践中,并无任何理由支持修正该规定; |
(d) in current international law, there was no general practice, or clear and established practice, or opinio juris, to expand immunity ratione personae to other State officials; |
(d) 在现行国际法中,没有将属人豁免扩大到其他国家官员的一般做法、明确和既定的惯例或法律确信; |
and (e) different countries had different regimes for their high-ranking officials and it would be challenging to establish a consistent list of high-ranking officials eligible for immunity ratione personae outside the troika. |
(e) 不同国家对高级官员有不同的制度,在三巨头以外建立一个有资格享有属人豁免的高级官员的一致名单将是一项挑战。 |
The commentary to draft article 3, as adopted on first reading, and in-depth explanation of the issue contained therein was recalled by several members. |
几位委员回顾了一读通过的第3条草案的评注以及其中对该问题的深入解释。 |
Some members expressed the view that States that had submitted written comments suggesting that there was a need to include other high-ranking officials in the scope of draft article 3 had not justified their position on legal grounds. |
一些委员认为,有些国家提交了书面评论,建议有必要将其他高级官员纳入第3条草案的范围,但这些国家没有从法律层面证明其立场。 |
185. |
185. |
While noting the open-ended wording in the Arrest Warrant case, where the International Court of Justice had used the term “such as” before referring to Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs, some members emphasized that draft article 3 should not be amended, because any expansion of the scope of immunity ratione personae would require fact-specific, case-by-case analysis. |
一些委员注意到,国际法院在逮捕令案中使用了开放式措辞,在提到国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长之前使用了“如”字, 但强调不应该修订第3条草案,因为属人豁免范围的任何扩大都需要针对具体事实进行逐案分析。 |
Other members were of the view that, because of the use of the term “such as” by the Court, if draft article 3 was intended to reflect customary international law, the words “such as” ought to be added to the draft article when referring to Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs. |
另一些委员认为,由于国际法院使用了“如”字,如果第3条草案意在反映习惯国际法,则在提及国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长时,应在该条草案中加上“如”字。 |
In that same vein, some members did not support the view that immunity ratione personae was limited to the troika. |
同样,一些委员不支持属人豁免仅限于三巨头的观点。 |
It was pointed out that other high-ranking officials at times were called upon to perform international functions and the current reality attested to the fact that immunity ratione personae extended beyond the troika, as some States had mentioned in their written comments. |
有人指出,其他高级官员有时被要求履行国际职能,而当前的现实证明,属人豁免超出了三巨头的范围,一些国家在书面评论中提到了这一点。 |
The Arrest Warrant case and the Convention on Special Missions were recalled in that connection. |
在这方面,回顾了逮捕令案 和《特别使团公约》。 |
It was stated that, should draft article 3 not be amended to expand its scope, the commentary had to at least make it clear that the provision was without prejudice to existing practice related to other officials. |
有人指出,如果不对第3条草案进行修正以扩大其范围,评注至少必须明确指出,该规定不妨碍与其他官员有关的现行做法。 |
Conversely, it was stressed that the draft articles on the topic were without prejudice to the rules relating to immunity of special missions and thus senior State officials not within the troika would enjoy immunity ratione personae when they were on official business abroad. |
反之,有人强调,关于这一专题的条款草案不妨碍与特别使团豁免有关的规则,因此,不在三巨头之列的国家高级官员在国外执行公务时将享有属人豁免。 |
With regard to officials abroad on private visits, a view was expressed that extending such immunity to all members of the troika was already far reaching, given that the International Court of Justice in the Arrest Warrant case did not offer sufficient practice to place the Head of Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs in the same category as the Head of State or to conclude that it was firmly established that all three enjoyed immunity from criminal jurisdiction when abroad on private visits. |
关于因私出国访问的官员,有人认为,将这种豁免扩大到三巨头的所有成员已经十分广泛,这是因为国际法院在逮捕令案中没有提供足够的实践,将政府首脑和外交部长与国家元首归为一类,也没有得出结论认为,三巨头在因私出国访问时均享有刑事管辖豁免是已明确确立的事实。 |
186. |
186. |
Calls were made for greater nuance in the commentary regarding special cases where officials who were not formally Heads of State or Heads of Government, but de facto occupied a comparable place in national hierarchy. |
有人呼吁在评注中对虽非正式国家元首或政府首脑但事实上在国家等级制度中占有类似地位的官员的特殊情况作出更细致的说明。 |
A view was expressed that the commentary could benefit from explaining the immunity status of acting Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs, and a request was made for further details on the temporal scope of immunity ratione personae. |
有人认为,评注最好能解释代理国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长的豁免地位,并要求进一步详细说明属人豁免的时间范围。 |
It was also considered important to strengthen the commentary to take into account recent decisions by national courts, as well as States’ submissions before international courts and tribunals on immunity ratione personae. |
还有人认为,必须加强评注,以考虑到国内法院最近作出的裁决以及各国就属人豁免问题向国际性法院和法庭提交的材料。 |
187. |
187. |
While some members suggested merging draft articles 3 and 4 to ensure coherence between the two provisions, retaining stand-alone provisions was preferred for clarity. |
一些委员建议合并第3条和第4条草案,以确保这两项规定之间的连贯性,但为了清晰起见,最好保留单独的规定。 |
(e) |
(e) |
Draft article 4 (Scope of immunity ratione personae) |
第4条草案(属人豁免的范围) |
188. |
188. |
Regarding draft article 4, a number of members generally agreed with the approach by the Special Rapporteur. |
关于第4条草案,一些委员大体上同意特别报告员采用的方法。 |
With respect to paragraph 1, several members preferred retaining the expression “term of office”. |
关于第1款,几位委员倾向于保留“任期”一词。 |
While acknowledging that the expression might not accurately reflect certain situations in practice, those members considered that the issue would be better explained in the commentary since the current text was widely used, avoided ambiguity and circumvented challenges that could be presented with the particularities of legal and institutional practices of national law. |
这些委员承认,这一表述可能无法准确反映实践中的某些情况,但他们认为,这一问题最好在评注中加以解释,因为目前的案文已被广泛使用,避免了模糊性,并规避了可能因国内法的法律和体制实践的特殊性而带来的挑战。 |
The Advisory Opinion OC-28/21 of the Inter–American Court of Human Rights was mentioned, as it addressed the question of presidential term limits for office. |
有人提到美洲人权法院的OC-28/21号咨询意见,因为该意见涉及总统任期限制问题。 |
The view was expressed that any effort to extend personal immunity beyond the official entry into office, or before taking an oath, was invalid. |
有意见认为,将属人豁免扩大到正式就职以外或宣誓就职之前的任何努力都是无效的。 |
Nevertheless, several members felt that the phrase “term of office” in the English version did not accurately reflect, notably, the circumstances of officials that did not have predetermined terms of office. |
不过,几位委员认为,英文本中的“任期”一词尤其没有准确反映没有预先确定任期的官员的情况。 |
Hence, they suggested replacing the phrase “during their term of office” with “during the time of being in office”, “during the period of office” or “the fact of being in office”. |
因此,他们建议将“在任期内”改为“在任职期间”、“在任期间”或“在职这一事实”。 |
The current text of paragraph 1 was considered confusing due mainly to the word “term”. |
第1款目前的案文被认为令人困惑,主要是因为“任期”一词。 |
Alignment with the Arrest Warrant case, which used the phrase “during the period of office”, was suggested. |
有人建议与逮捕令案保持一致,该案使用了“在任期间”一语。 |
189. |
189. |
With respect to paragraph 2, a proposal was made to merge it with paragraph 1, as it would clarify the text without having an impact on the content. |
关于第2款,有人建议将其与第1款合并,因为这样既能澄清案文,又不会影响内容。 |
On paragraph 3, while several members supported the proposal by the Special Rapporteur to amend it by omitting the phrase “the rules of international law concerning”, others opposed it. |
关于第3款,虽然有几位委员支持特别报告员提出的修正建议,删除“关于……的国际法规则”一语,但另一些委员表示反对。 |
Members who supported it were of the view that the proposal simplified the text without affecting its content or losing the essential legal point. |
支持的委员认为,该建议简化了案文,但不影响其内容,也没有失去基本的法律要点。 |
It was also considered that there was no doubt that the application of immunity rules presupposed the existence of the rules of international law in that domain. |
还有人认为,毫无疑问,豁免规则的适用以该领域存在国际法规则为前提。 |
The importance was underlined of using the commentary to provide such clarifications and a direct reference to the relevant rules of customary international law and treaty law related to immunity, should the Commission adopt the proposed amendment. |
有人强调,如果委员会通过提议的修正,则必须利用评注作出澄清,并直接提及与豁免有关的习惯国际法和条约法的相关规则。 |
Members who opposed the proposal were of the view that deleting the phrase would have the effect of suggesting that immunity ratione materiae automatically applied after the cessation of immunity ratione personae, which was deemed to be unfounded, in particular in relation to crimes covered by draft article 7. |
反对该建议的委员认为,删除这一短语会产生暗示属事豁免在属人豁免终止后自动适用的效果,而这被认为是没有根据的,特别是就第7条草案所涵盖的罪行而言。 |
190. |
190. |
A proposal was made to delete paragraph 3 in its entirety or merge it with paragraph 3 of draft article 6, as both paragraphs 3 were considered to largely cover the same issue. |
有人建议删除整个第3款,或将其与第6条草案第3款合并,因为这两个第3款被认为基本上涉及同一问题。 |
However, some members were not convinced that merging the two paragraphs was warranted. |
然而,一些委员认为,没有必要将这两款合并。 |
Another proposal was made to merge paragraphs 1 and 3 into a single paragraph, since they both addressed temporal elements. |
另一项建议是将第1款和第3款合并为一款,因为这两款均涉及时间要素。 |
In relation to the commentary, the view was expressed that it was necessary to clarify that the immunity status of family members of the troika fell outside the scope of the draft article. |
关于评注,有意见认为,有必要澄清,三巨头家庭成员的豁免地位不属于该条草案的范围。 |
(f) |
(f) |
Draft article 5 (Persons enjoying immunity ratione materiae) |
第5条草案(享有属事豁免的人员) |
191. |
191. |
With respect to draft article 5, members generally supported the suggestion of the Special Rapporteur to delete the phrase “acting as such”. |
关于第5条草案,委员们普遍支持特别报告员关于删除“在以此种身份行事时”一语的建议。 |
A number of them considered that the phrase duplicated the content of draft articles 2, subparagraph (a), and 6, and was therefore unnecessary. |
其中一些委员认为,这一短语重复了第2条草案(a)项和第6条草案的内容,因此没有必要。 |
Others considered that, by using wording that differed from those provisions, the phrase added potential for confusion. |
另一些委员则认为,该短语使用的措辞与这些规定不同,增加了混淆的可能性。 |
It was recalled that the phrase had been included in the provision to signal the distinction between immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae. |
有人回顾,该规定中纳入这一短语是为了表明属人豁免和属事豁免之间的区别。 |
192. |
192. |
Furthermore, a number of members supported the addition of the phrase “in accordance with draft article 6” at the end of the provision. |
此外,一些委员支持在该规定末尾添加“根据第6条草案”一语。 |
Some members proposed instead to use broader phrasing referring to Part Three or the draft articles as a whole, to clarify that those provisions also applied to the enjoyment of immunity ratione materiae. |
一些委员则建议使用更宽泛的措辞,提及第三部分或整个条款草案,以说明这些规定也适用于属事豁免的享有。 |
The view was also expressed that such a reference was not necessary. |
也有意见认为,这种提法没有必要。 |
193. |
193. |
A number of members proposed merging draft article 5 with draft article 6, and particularly with draft article 6, paragraph 1. |
一些委员建议将第5条草案与第6条草案合并,特别是与第6条草案第1款合并。 |
Other members opposed such a merger. |
另一些委员反对合并。 |
Some of them considered it useful to have a separate provision setting forth clearly the general rule on immunity ratione materiae. |
其中一些委员认为,宜制定一项单独条款,明确规定关于属事豁免的一般规则。 |
Others considered it helpful to the clarity and readability of the text overall to maintain a parallel structure between Parts Two and Three. |
另一些委员则认为,保持第二部分和第三部分的平行结构有助于案文整体的清晰度和可读性。 |
However, the view was also expressed that a difference in structure between the two parts would help emphasize the difference between immunity ratione personae and immunity ratione materiae. |
然而,也有意见认为,这两个部分在结构上的不同将有助于强调属人豁免和属事豁免之间的差异。 |
(g) |
(g) |
Draft article 6 (Scope of immunity ratione materiae) |
第6条草案(属事豁免的范围) |
194. |
194. |
Support was also expressed for the content of draft article 6. |
也有人表示支持第6条草案的内容。 |
It was proposed that the phrase “in accordance with international law” be added to the end of both paragraphs 1 and 2 to reflect the applicability of draft article 7. |
有人建议在第1款和第2款开头添加“根据国际法”一语,以反映第7条草案的适用性。 |
195. |
195. |
With respect to paragraph 3, a number of members supported the proposal of the Special Rapporteur to add the words “ratione materiae” to the paragraph. |
关于第3款,一些委员支持特别报告员的建议,在该款中添加“属事”一词。 |
However, the reasons for not including the words at first reading, explained in paragraph (13) of the commentary, were recalled as a counter to the proposal. |
然而,有人回顾了评注第(13)段中解释的在一读时不添加该词的理由,以反对这一建议。 |
It was also suggested to omit the words “ratione materiae” from both paragraphs 2 and 3, since referring to “immunity ratione materiae with respect to acts performed in an official capacity” might be viewed as tautological. |
还有人建议从第2款和第3款中删除“属事”一词,因为提及“以官方身份实施的行为的属事豁免”可能被视为同义反复。 |
Support was also expressed for the proposal of the Special Rapporteur to clarify in the commentary that immunity ratione materiae persisted after the cessation of immunity ratione personae for the troika, as an act in an official capacity. |
也有人表示支持特别报告员的建议,即在评注中澄清,以官方身份实施的行为的属事豁免在三巨头的属人豁免终止后继续存在。 |
196. |
196. |
Members highlighted several points to be further developed in the commentary to draft article 6. |
委员们强调了第6条草案评注中有待进一步阐述的几个要点。 |
It was proposed that the Commission add to the commentary concrete examples of measures of constraint precluded by immunity. |
有人建议委员会在评注中增加不属于豁免范围的限制措施的具体例子。 |
It was also suggested that further explanation of the implications of the inviolability of State officials on such acts of constraint would be helpful. |
还有人建议,进一步解释国家官员的不可侵犯性对此类限制行为的影响,将有所助益。 |
Clarification that immunity from criminal jurisdiction also extended to immunity from measures of execution was also requested. |
还有人要求澄清,刑事管辖豁免也扩大到执行豁免。 |
(h) |
(h) |
Final form |
最终形式 |
197. |
197. |
Members noted the various possible final outcomes of the work of the Commission on the topic and the views of States on the question. |
委员们注意到委员会关于这一专题的工作可能产生的各种最后成果以及各国对这一问题的看法。 |
Differing views were expressed as to whether the final outcome of the Commission’s work should be decided at the present stage or after the consideration of the draft articles on second reading. |
对于委员会的最后工作成果是在现阶段决定,还是在二读审议条款草案之后决定,表达了不同意见。 |
Additionally, it was suggested that clarity and consistency in the draft articles and the commentaries should be a priority, while simultaneously recognizing that the draft articles involved two types of immunity. |
此外,有人建议,条款草案和评注的清晰度和一致性应该是一个优先事项,同时也承认,条款草案涉及两类豁免。 |
198. |
198. |
Several members expressed their support for, or openness to, a recommendation to the General Assembly to negotiate a treaty on the basis of the draft articles. |
一些委员表示支持或愿意接受向联大提出建议,在条款草案的基础上谈判一项条约。 |
It was noted that such an outcome would be consistent with the previous recommendations of the Commission, especially in the field of immunity. |
有人指出,这样的成果将与委员会以往的建议相一致,特别是在豁免领域的建议。 |
Some members observed that a treaty would be necessary to give effect to the safeguards contained in Part Four. |
一些委员认为,有必要缔结一项条约,以落实第四部分所载的保障措施。 |
It was also recognized that proposing a treaty would not deprive the draft articles of their general relevance as both evidence of State practice and of the view of the Commission itself. |
此外还承认,提出一项条约并不会使条款草案失去其作为国家实践和委员会本身意见的证据的普遍相关性。 |
199. |
199. |
A number of members expressed a preference not to recommend the negotiation of a new treaty. |
一些委员表示倾向于不建议谈判一项新条约。 |
A doubt was raised as to whether the negotiation of a treaty would be politically feasible in light of the differences of view among States, and it was recalled that the 2004 United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property had not yet entered into force. |
有人怀疑,由于各国之间存在意见分歧,谈判一项条约在政治上是否可行,有人回顾,2004年《联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约》 尚未生效。 |
It was suggested that the Commission should recommend that the draft articles be brought to the attention of States, possibly leaving the question of a treaty to a later date. |
有人建议,委员会应该建议提请各国注意条款草案,可能的话将条约问题留待以后处理。 |
It was noted that, following the example of the 2001 articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, this would allow the rules time to develop in practice. |
有人指出,按照2001年关于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款的例子,这将使规则有时间在实践中发展。 |
200. |
200. |
Some members expressed support for the proposal of certain Governments to reflect Parts One to Three in draft articles but to frame Part Four, which they considered to reflect proposals for new legal rules, as draft guidelines. |
一些委员表示支持某些国家政府的建议,即在条款草案中反映第一至第三部分,但将第四部分作为指南草案,因为他们认为第四部分反映了关于新法律规则的建议。 |
Others supported a unified outcome, and it was suggested that a split outcome would undervalue the role of the Commission in the progressive development of the law. |
另一些委员支持形成统一的成果,有人认为,分割的成果会降低委员会在法律逐渐发展方面的作用。 |
(i) |
(i) |
Future programme of work |
今后的工作方案 |
201. |
201. |
A number of members welcomed the decision of the Special Rapporteur to conduct the second reading over more than one session. |
一些委员欢迎特别报告员决定在不止一届会议上进行二读。 |
While the timing difficulties faced by the Special Rapporteur were recognized, a number of members expressed regret that the Commission did not have before it a report on the full set of draft articles. |
虽然承认特别报告员在时间安排上遇到的困难,但一些委员对委员会没有收到关于整套条款草案的报告表示遗憾。 |
Some members proposed that, in the future, the deadline for Government comments and observations should be in August or September of the year preceding second reading, to allow time for translation and reflection. |
一些委员建议,今后政府提出评论和意见的截止日期应该是二读前一年的8月或9月,以便有时间进行翻译和思考。 |
The Special Rapporteur was encouraged to use informal methods to advance the work of the Commission on the topic during the intersessional period. |
有人鼓励特别报告员在闭会期间采用非正式方法推进委员会关于本专题的工作。 |
The importance of keeping the whole of the draft articles in mind throughout the second reading was underscored. |
有人强调,在整个二读过程中必须牢记全部条款草案。 |
3. |
3. |
Concluding remarks by the Special Rapporteur |
特别报告员的总结 |
202. |
202. |
In his summary of the debate, the Special Rapporteur extended his appreciation to the members of the Commission and welcomed the fruitful debate on the topic. |
特别报告员在辩论总结中,向委员会委员表示了感谢,并对关于这一专题的富有成果的辩论表示欢迎。 |
The Special Rapporteur focused first on general comments made by members, followed by specific comments on draft articles 1 to 6. |
特别报告员首先着重介绍了委员们提出的一般性评论,然后是对第1至第6条草案的具体评论。 |
203. |
203. |
He noted the support of some members of the Commission for his approach to the second reading and highlighted the importance for the Commission to strike a balance in reaching a conclusion on its work on the topic. |
他注意到委员会一些委员支持他对二读采取的方法,并强调委员会在就本专题的工作达成结论时必须取得平衡。 |
The Special Rapporteur shared his intention to follow the normal practice on second reading of refining the text of the draft articles adopted on first reading and considering modifications only for compelling reasons, that is, either on the basis of comments submitted by States or new developments in international law relevant to the topic. |
特别报告员表示,他打算遵循二读时的通常做法,即完善一读通过的条款草案案文,只有在有令人信服的理由时,即基于各国提交的评论意见或与本专题有关的国际法的新发展,才考虑修改。 |
With respect to comments submitted by States prior to the Commission’s adoption of the draft articles on first reading, the Special Rapporteur clarified that those comments had not been made based on the entire set of the draft articles and that the two former Special Rapporteurs had already taken them into account in their respective reports. |
关于各国在委员会一读通过条款草案之前提交的评论意见,特别报告员澄清说,这些评论不是根据整套条款草案提出的,两位前任特别报告员在各自的报告中已经考虑到这些评论。 |
Therefore, he suggested focusing on the comments submitted by States since 2022, both in writing and made orally at the Sixth Committee. |
因此,他建议重点关注各国自2022年以来提交的评论,包括书面评论和在第六委员会口头发表的评论。 |
He acknowledged that recent developments in national jurisprudence related to the topic should be taken into account, where appropriate. |
他承认,应该酌情考虑与本专题有关的国家判例的最新发展。 |
204. |
204. |
Regarding comments made by members on the geographical diversity of State practice in the commentary adopted on first reading, the Special Rapporteur expressed his agreement that the draft articles ought to be representative of the practice of States of all areas of the globe. |
关于委员们就一读通过的评注中国家实践的地域多样性提出的评论意见,特别报告员表示同意,认为条款草案应代表全球所有地区的国家实践。 |
He indicated that he was conducting research on the jurisprudence and the legislative and executive practice of various States, while noting that some of the developments were connected to draft article 7, which would be the focus of his next report. |
他表示,他正在研究各国的判例以及立法和行政实践,同时指出,一些进展与第7条草案有关,而该条草案将是他下一次报告的重点。 |
On draft article 7, he acknowledged comments that the provision was central to the consideration of the Commission of the topic on second reading. |
关于第7条草案,他对一些评论认为该条款是委员会二读审议该专题的核心表示认可。 |
He stressed that the Commission would nevertheless have the opportunity to consider draft articles 7 to 18, as well as a complete set of revised draft articles and commentaries, before adopting them on second reading. |
他强调,在二读通过之前,委员会仍将有机会审议第7至第18条草案,以及一整套经修订的条款草案和评注。 |
In relation to the request for clarification on the distinction between progressive development and codification of international law, the Special Rapporteur cited paragraph (12) of the general commentary to the draft articles. |
关于澄清国际法的逐渐发展与编纂之间的区别的要求,特别报告员援引了条款草案总评注第(12)段。 |
205. |
205. |
Lastly, the Special Rapporteur reiterated that the draft articles should have a unified outcome and that he saw merit in recommending that they be used as the basis for a treaty. |
最后,特别报告员重申,条款草案应该形成一个统一的成果,他认为,建议将条款草案作为一项条约的基础,是有其道理的。 |
206. |
206. |
On draft article 1, the Special Rapporteur noted the support expressed by members for retaining paragraphs 1 and 2 as they were and focused his remarks on paragraph 3 as proposed in his first report. |
关于第1条草案,特别报告员注意到委员们表示支持将第1款和第2款按目前的措辞予以保留,并将他的评论重点放在第一次报告中提出的第3款上。 |
With respect to subparagraph (a) of paragraph 3, the Special Rapporteur recognized the concerns about the phrase “as between the parties to those agreements” and its possible interpretation regarding the obligation of States parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. |
关于第3款(a)项,特别报告员承认,有人对“在这些协定缔约方之间”一语以及在《国际刑事法院罗马规约》缔约国的义务方面可能对其作出的解释表示关切。 |
He also noted the diverging views regarding the use of the term “treaties” as opposed to “agreements”. |
他还注意到对于使用“条约”一词还是“协定”一词的不同意见。 |
On subparagraph (b) of paragraph 3, the Special Rapporteur mentioned the different proposals concerning the phrase “binding resolutions” and the request for clarification on its meaning. |
关于第3款(b)项,特别报告员提到关于“具有约束力的决议”一语的不同建议,以及对澄清其含义的要求。 |
He also noted the suggestions to retain the first reading text, as well as to remove paragraph 3 in its entirety. |
他还注意到关于保留一读案文以及删除整个第3款的建议。 |
The Special Rapporteur suggested discussing the matters further in the Drafting Committee. |
特别报告员建议在起草委员会进一步讨论这些问题。 |
207. |
207. |
The Special Rapporteur noted the call to clarify or set out a definition for certain terms, including “immunity”, “criminal jurisdiction”, “exercise of criminal jurisdiction”, and “inviolability”. |
特别报告员注意到有人呼吁澄清或规定某些用语的定义,包括“豁免”、“刑事管辖”、“行使刑事管辖权”和“不可侵犯性”。 |
The Special Rapporteur recalled the statement by the Chair of the Drafting Committee at the seventy-third session (2022) on the topic, which explained that the issues relating to those terms had been addressed in 2013 and 2022, and a decision had been taken not to define them. |
特别报告员回顾了起草委员会主席在第七十三届会议(2022年)上关于本专题的发言,其中解释说,2013年和2022年已讨论了与这些用语有关的问题,并决定不对其进行定义。 |
He expressed his willingness to expand the commentary on those terms, as needed. |
他表示愿意根据需要扩大对这些用语的评注。 |
208. |
208. |
As to draft article 2, subparagraph (a), the Special Rapporteur reiterated his preference to maintain the first reading text, while demonstrating his openness to discuss in the Drafting Committee the various drafting proposals made by members, in particular those concerning the expression “both current and former State officials”. |
关于第2条草案(a)项,特别报告员重申他倾向于保留一读案文,同时表示愿意在起草委员会讨论委员们提出的各种起草建议,特别是关于“既指现任也指前任国家官员”一语的建议。 |
He agreed with those members who expressed a preference for retaining the word “représentant” in French. |
他同意一些委员表示倾向于保留法文“représentants”一词的意见。 |
209. |
209. |
In relation to subparagraph (b) of draft article 2, the Special Rapporteur acknowledged certain overlapping terms and subject matter between the topic and the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, while emphasizing that they were separate legal regimes. |
关于第2条草案(b)项,特别报告员承认该专题与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款之间存在某些用语和主题事项的重叠,同时强调它们是不同的法律制度。 |
He stated that, under the international legal regime of immunity, State officials did not enjoy immunity for ultra vires acts, because acts that fell outside the scope of the official’s duty and mandate were personal acts, and not acts performed in accordance with the official’s State duties. |
他指出,根据豁免的国际法律制度,国家官员的越权行为不享有豁免,因为超出官员职责和任务范围的行为属于个人行为,而不是根据官员的国家职责实施的行为。 |
The Special Rapporteur expressed his intention to strengthen the commentary with respect to those issues. |
特别报告员表示打算加强有关这些问题的评注。 |
Lastly, he favoured keeping draft articles 2, 5, and 6 as standalone provisions unless the majority of the members preferred otherwise. |
最后,他赞成将第2、第5和第6条草案作为单独的规定保留,除非大多数委员另有其他意愿。 |
He expressed openness to restructuring the draft articles. |
他表示对调整条款草案的结构持开放态度。 |
210. |
210. |
On draft article 3, the Special Rapporteur reiterated his preference for maintaining the first reading text, most notably since the majority of the members had recognized in their statements that the provision adequately reflected customary international law. |
关于第3条草案,特别报告员重申,他倾向于保留一读案文,主要是因为大多数委员在发言中承认,该规定充分反映了习惯国际法。 |
The Special Rapporteur indicated that he would continue to follow developments on pending cases before national courts that were relevant to draft article 3. |
特别报告员表示,他将继续关注与第3条草案有关的国内法院待决案件的进展情况。 |
An expansion of the analysis of immunity ratione personae and the troika would be dealt with in the commentary. |
将在评注中对属人豁免和三巨头作进一步分析。 |
211. |
211. |
In relation to draft article 4, paragraphs 1 and 2, the Special Rapporteur reiterated his position on maintaining the first reading text albeit with cognizance of several inputs and issues raised by members during plenary on the expression “term of office”. |
关于第4条草案第1和第2款,特别报告员重申了他的立场,即保留一读案文,但注意到委员们在全体会议上就“任期”一词提出的意见和问题。 |
He explained that those issues would be better addressed in the commentary. |
他解释说,这些问题最好在评注中加以处理。 |
The Special Rapporteur appreciated comments made by members on paragraph 3, in particular on his suggested amendment to remove the phrase “the rules of international law concerning”. |
特别报告员赞赏委员们就第3款发表的评论意见,特别是对他提出的删除“关于……的国际法规则”一语的修正建议所作的评论。 |
Given the differing views expressed by members, he suggested further discussing his proposal in the Drafting Committee. |
鉴于委员们表达了不同的意见,他建议在起草委员会进一步讨论他的建议。 |
212. |
212. |
On draft article 5, recalling his remarks in relation to draft article 2, the Special Rapporteur reiterated his proposal to replace the phrase “acting as such” with “in accordance with draft article 6”. |
关于第5条草案,特别报告员回顾了他关于第2条草案的意见,重申了他的建议,即将“在以此种身份行事时”改为“根据第6条草案”。 |
He further restated his preference for avoiding merging draft article 2 with draft articles 5 or 6. |
他进一步重申,他倾向于避免将第2条草案与第5条或第6条草案合并。 |
213. |
213. |
Regarding draft article 6, the Special Rapporteur acknowledged the various proposals made by members during the debate. |
关于第6条草案,特别报告员确认了委员们在辩论期间提出的各种建议。 |
Even though members had expressed broad support for paragraphs 1 and 2, he noted the differing views of members on his proposal to add “ratione materiae” in paragraph 3. |
尽管委员们对第1和第2款表示了广泛支持,但他注意到委员们对他提出的在第3款中添加“属事”一词的建议有不同意见。 |
He also noted the proposals regarding the structure of the draft articles and, in particular, draft articles 3, 4, 5 and 6. |
他还注意到关于条款草案结构的建议,特别是第3、第4、第5和第6条草案。 |
He asserted that the proposals should be seriously considered in the Drafting Committee and expressed his general flexibility to discuss them. |
他主张在起草委员会认真审议这些建议,并表示他对讨论这些建议总体上持灵活态度。 |
214. |
214. |
The Special Rapporteur closed his statement by expressing his gratitude for the contribution of the members of the Commission and the rich exchanges. |
特别报告员在结束发言时感谢委员会委员的贡献和内容丰富的意见交流。 |
He called for informal consultations to facilitate the work of the Commission in completing a second reading on the topic. |
他呼吁进行非正式磋商,以便利委员会完成对本专题的二读。 |
Chapter VIII |
第八章 |
Non-legally binding international agreements |
不具法律约束力的国际协定 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
215. |
215. |
The Commission, at its seventy-fourth session (2023), decided to include the topic “Non-legally binding international agreements” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Mathias Forteau as Special Rapporteur. |
委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)决定将“不具法律约束力的国际协定”专题列入其工作方案,并任命马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生为特别报告员。 |
216. |
216. |
The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 78/108 of 7 December 2023, subsequently took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work. |
联大随后在2023年12月7日第78/108号决议第7段中表示注意到委员会决定将此专题列入其工作方案。 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
217. |
217. |
At the present session, the Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/772). |
委员会本届会议收到了特别报告员的第一次报告(A/CN.4/772)。 |
218. |
218. |
The Commission considered the first report of the Special Rapporteur at its 3681st to 3687th meetings, from 10 to 19 July 2024. |
委员会在2024年7月10日至19日举行的第3681至第3687次会议上审议了特别报告员的第一次报告。 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction by the Special Rapporteur of the first report |
特别报告员介绍第一次报告 |
219. |
219. |
The Special Rapporteur stated that the first report was preliminary in nature and intended to enable an initial discussion with a view to defining the general direction of the Commission’s work on the topic, its scope, questions to be examined and the form of the final outcome of the work on the topic. |
特别报告员指出,第一次报告就其性质而言是初步报告,旨在促成初步讨论,以期确定委员会就该专题开展工作的总体方向、该专题的范围、拟予仔细研究的问题以及该专题相关工作最后成果的形式。 |
Accordingly, no draft provisions were proposed at that stage, and therefore there was no need to establish a drafting committee. |
因此,现阶段未提出任何条文草案,因而无需成立起草委员会。 |
220. |
220. |
The Special Rapporteur explained that his report did not address reasons for the considerable growth in the practice of non-legally binding agreements, which, as had been noted by various authors, included the need for flexibility and efficiency, as well as sometimes of confidentiality, in contemporary modes of international cooperation. |
特别报告员解释说,其报告没有探讨不具法律约束力协定相关实践显著增多的原因。 正如多位著述者所指出的那样,上述原因包括,当代国际合作模式中需要灵活性和效率,有时还需要保密。 |
In his view, the Commission should not take a position on those matters, nor should it encourage or discourage States from entering into non-legally binding international agreements. |
他认为,委员会不应就这些问题采取立场,也不应鼓励或阻拦各国缔结不具法律约束力的国际协定。 |
The Commission’s work on the topic was not meant to be prescriptive, but should rather clarify the nature, regime and potential legal effects of non-legally binding international agreements, in view of existing practice, jurisprudence and doctrine. |
委员会就该专题开展的工作不是为了设立规定,而是应根据现有的实践、裁判规则和学说澄清不具法律约束力的国际协定的性质、制度和潜在法律效果。 |
He noted that it was imperative for the Commission to find the right balance between the necessary work of legal clarification and avoiding undue limitations on the freedom of States to have recourse to non-binding agreements. |
他指出,委员会务须在开展必要的法律澄清工作和避免过度限制各国采用不具约束力协定的自由之间找到适当的平衡。 |
He also noted that the work on the topic should concentrate on its practical aspects, rather than on exclusively theoretical considerations. |
他还指出,该专题相关工作应专注于实践层面,而不应只注重理论方面的考虑。 |
221. |
221. |
The Special Rapporteur briefly outlined the content of chapters III to X of his first report. |
特别报告员简要概述了其第一次报告第三至第十章的内容。 |
He observed that a growing body of practice on the subject of non-legally binding international agreements existed, which was giving rise to increasingly pressing legal questions of a practical nature. |
他指出,不具法律约束力的国际协定相关实践日益增多,引起了越来越紧迫的实际法律问题。 |
In his view, the practical importance of the topic was further confirmed by: comments made by States in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly; |
他认为,以下各方面进一步证实了该专题的实际重要性:各国在联大第六委员会发表的评论; |
recent decisions of international courts and tribunals addressing whether an agreement was a treaty or a non-legally binding international agreement; |
国际性法院和法庭最近就一项协定是属于条约还是属于不具法律约束力的国际协定作出的裁定; |
certain practical problems posed by the existence of international agreements that did not create rights or obligations addressed in the work of the Commission on the law of treaties and at the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties; |
委员会的条约法相关工作中和联合国条约法会议上讨论的因存在不产生权利和义务的国际协定而引发的某些实际问题; |
the existence of a large number of agreements whose nature and legal effects had been the subject of debate in the doctrine; |
存在着大量其性质和法律效果一直是学说争论主题的协定; |
the fact that non–legally binding agreements were the subject of scrutiny by various international institutions, including the Institute of International Law, the Inter-American Juridical Committee and the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI); |
事实上,不具法律约束力的协定是包括国际法学会、美洲法律委员会和国际公法法律顾问委员会(公法顾委)在内的多家国际机构仔细审视的对象; |
and the adoption by several States of guidelines at the domestic level on the use of non-legally binding agreements. |
几个国家在国内层面通过了采用不具法律约束力协定的相关指南。 |
222. |
222. |
The Special Rapporteur observed that his preliminary research on the topic unambiguously demonstrated that non-legally binding international agreements were connected to international law and that the purpose of the topic was to identify the nature of such connection and the ways in which it manifested itself. |
特别报告员指出,他对该专题的初步研究明确表明不具法律约束力的国际协定与国际法存在关联,而该专题的目的是确定此种关联的性质及其表现方式。 |
223. |
223. |
The Special Rapporteur concluded by highlighting the following five issues on which he invited Commission members to take a position in their plenary statements. |
最后,特别报告员着重谈到以下五个问题,并邀请委员会成员在全体会议发言中就这些问题表明立场。 |
224. |
224. |
First, he emphasized the importance of ensuring that the Commission’s work was as representative as possible. |
首先,他强调务应确保委员会的工作尽可能具有代表性。 |
The Special Rapporteur recalled that contributions of all members were essential to ensure that the examples cited and materials used in the work of the Commission were geographically diverse. |
特别报告员回顾指出,所有委员作出贡献,对于确保委员会工作中引用的例子和使用的材料具有地域多样性至关重要。 |
He invited the Commission to support the proposal contained in paragraphs 70, 79, 82 and 83 of the first report to request the Secretariat of the Commission to contact the Secretariat of the Council of Europe with a view to requesting access to the work of CAHDI on the topic, as well as to including in the Commission’s annual report a request for relevant information from States and possibly also international organizations. |
他邀请委员会支持第一次报告第70、79、82和83段所载提议,即请委员会秘书处与欧洲委员会秘书处联系,以便请求了解公法顾委就该专题开展的工作,并在委员会年度报告中纳入请各国可能还有国际组织提供相关资料的内容。 |
225. |
225. |
Second, he recalled that there had been proposals from some States to replace the word “agreements” in the title of the topic with another term, such as “instruments” or “arrangements”. |
第二,他回顾说,有些国家建议将该专题标题中的“协定”改为“文书”或“安排”。 |
However, in the Special Rapporteur’s view, and for the reasons explained in paragraphs 94 to 96 of the first report, it was imperative to keep the term “agreements”. |
但是,特别报告员认为,出于第一次报告第94至96段所解释的原因,务须保留“协定”一词。 |
226. |
226. |
Third, there were a number of questions about the scope of the topic that required further consideration. |
第三,关于该专题的范围,有若干问题需要进一步审议。 |
The Special Rapporteur emphasized that the scope of the topic should include only “agreements” and not other types of non-legally binding instruments. |
特别报告员强调,该专题的范围应只包括“协定”,而不包括其他类型不具法律约束力的文书。 |
For that reason, acts adopted by international organizations and other unilateral acts were to be excluded from the Commission’s purview. |
因此,应将国际组织通过的文件及其他单方面文件排除在委员会的工作范围之外。 |
Equally, the scope should exclude “agreements” formed by a simple combination of two unilateral undertakings that did not together form an identifiable instrument. |
同样,应排除将两项单方面承诺简单地结合在一起的并不能合而成为一项可辨识文书的“协定”。 |
The Special Rapporteur noted that there was a need to determine whether to address acts adopted within the framework of intergovernmental conferences that did not have separate legal personality; |
特别报告员指出,有必要确定是否处理在不具备独立法律人格的政府间会议框架内通过的文件; |
he recalled his position on that question in paragraph 99 of his first report. |
他回顾了自己在第一次报告第99段中对于该问题的立场。 |
He also recommended restricting the scope of the topic to agreements in writing and thus excluding oral or tacit agreements. |
他还建议将该专题的范围限于书面协定,从而排除口头协定或默契。 |
With regard to the parties to the agreements, it was proposed to cover agreements concluded between States, between international organizations, and between international organizations and States. |
关于协定方,建议涵盖国家之间、国际组织之间以及国际组织与国家之间缔结的协定。 |
He also expressed the view that agreements concluded between a State or an international organization with a private person should be excluded. |
他还表示,应将国家或国际组织与私人之间缔结的协定排除在外。 |
Finally, the Special Rapporteur reiterated the question contained in paragraph 113 of the first report of how to treat arrangements concluded between sub-State entities of different countries. |
最后,特别报告员重申了第一次报告第113段提到的问题,即如何处理不同国家的次国家实体之间缔结的安排。 |
He suggested that, given their particular nature, it was advisable to exclude such agreements from the scope of the topic. |
他建议,鉴于此类协定的特殊性质,最好将其排除在该专题范围之外。 |
227. |
227. |
Fourth, the Special Rapporteur recalled that chapter VIII of his first report identified several questions that would merit examination by the Commission under the present topic. |
第四,特别报告员回顾说,其第一次报告第八章提出了几个值得委员会在该专题下仔细研究的问题。 |
Those questions were grouped into three general categories: (a) criteria for distinguishing treaties from non-legally binding international agreements; |
这些问题分为三大类:(a) 区分条约与不具法律约束力的国际协定的标准; |
(b) regime of non-legally binding international agreements; |
(b) 不具法律约束力的国际协定的制度; |
and (c) (potential) legal effects of non-legally binding international agreements. |
(c) 不具法律约束力的国际协定的(潜在)法律效果。 |
The Special Rapporteur referred to several examples of such questions and noted that those questions were exploratory, primarily indicative and did not prejudge the substantive answers to them. |
特别报告员就上述问题举了几个例子,并指出这些问题是探索性的,主要起指示作用,并不预判其实质性答案。 |
228. |
228. |
Fifth, the members of the Commission were invited to express their views on the form of the final outcome of the work, taking into consideration the Special Rapporteur’s proposal in chapter IX of the first report to prepare a set of draft conclusions. |
第五,邀请委员们虑及特别报告员在第一次报告第九章中提出的关于编写一套结论草案的提议,就该工作最终成果的形式发表意见。 |
2. |
2. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
(a) |
(a) |
General comments |
一般性评论 |
229. |
229. |
Members generally welcomed the first report of the Special Rapporteur. |
委员们总的来说对特别报告员的第一次报告持欢迎态度。 |
Several members commended the decision to focus on discussing general issues related to the topic and not propose draft provisions at that stage. |
几位委员赞扬特别报告员决定现阶段重点讨论与该专题有关的一般性问题,而不是提出条文草案。 |
Furthermore, the intention of the Special Rapporteur to focus on practical aspects of the topic, without engaging in exclusively theoretical considerations, was met favourably by a number of members. |
此外,特别报告员打算重点关注该专题的实践层面,而不进行纯粹的理论考量,若干委员对此表示赞同。 |
A view was expressed that theoretical discussions should only be pursued if they could contribute to developing practical recommendations for States. |
有委员表示,只有当理论讨论有助于为各国制定切实可行的建议时,才应进行理论讨论。 |
According to another view, engaging with certain conceptual or theoretical questions related to the topic could be beneficial at the initial stage of the Commission’s work. |
另一种意见则认为,在委员会工作的初始阶段,探讨与该专题有关的某些概念问题或理论问题,可能会有助益。 |
230. |
230. |
The goal of the Commission’s work on the topic formulated by the Special Rapporteur – to provide legal clarification on relevant issues – was supported. |
特别报告员提出的委员会该专题相关工作的目标,即从法律上澄清相关问题,得到了支持。 |
Some members stated that the work on the topic should be oriented towards giving States practical guidance on the considerations they should be aware of as they considered whether or not to conclude non–legally binding international agreements, rather than encouraging or discouraging their use. |
一些委员指出,该专题相关工作应着眼于就各国在考虑是否缔结不具法律约束力的国际协定时应虑及的问题提供实际指导,而不是鼓励或阻拦各国采用此类协定。 |
The view was expressed that the Commission should refrain from creating new rules that could potentially limit the flexibility and utility of less formal forms of agreements. |
有委员表示,委员会应避免制定可能会对不那么正式的协定的灵活性和实用性造成限制的新规则。 |
The view was expressed that the unique practical importance of the topic would be lost if non-legally binding international agreements were subsequently used for interpretative purposes or constituting subsequent practice with a view to giving them legal content. |
有委员表示,若不具法律约束力的国际协定随后被用于解释目的或构成嗣后实践以期赋予其法律上的实质内容,该专题将失去其特有的在实践方面的重要意义。 |
231. |
231. |
A number of members noted the unique practical importance of the topic. |
若干委员指出,该专题具有独特的实践上的重要意义。 |
It was observed that non-legally binding international agreements were a well-known phenomenon in international relations, extensively discussed by practitioners and various institutions. |
有委员指出,不具法律约束力的国际协定是国际关系中一种众所周知的现象,从业人员和多家机构对此进行了广泛讨论。 |
In that regard, the importance of using diverse and representative materials was highlighted and the Special Rapporteur’s efforts in that direction were particularly welcomed. |
就此,有委员着重谈到采用多样化且具有代表性的材料很重要,而特别报告员朝着这一方向作出的努力尤其受到欢迎。 |
Several members emphasized that the practice examined by the Commission should be representative of regions, legal systems, forms of agreements and legal issues associated with them. |
几位委员强调,委员会所研究的实践应能代表各区域、各种法律体系、各种协定形式以及与之相关的各种法律问题。 |
It was noted that, while jurisprudence and doctrine could provide useful guidance to the Commission, it was imperative to focus primarily on State practice and legal positions taken, in particular those taken by States with regard to non-legally binding international agreements. |
有委员指出,虽然裁判规则和学说可为委员会提供有益指导,但务须主要侧重于国家实践及采取的法律立场,特别是各国就不具法律约束力的国际协定采取的立场。 |
Accordingly, support was voiced for the proposal in the first report to request information relating to the topic from States, as well as from international organizations and expert institutions. |
因此,有委员表示支持第一次报告中提出的关于请各国以及国际组织和专家机构提供该专题相关资料的建议。 |
Examples of States resorting to non-legally binding international agreements and references to existing national guidelines on the drafting of non-legally binding agreements were mentioned. |
有委员提到国家采用不具法律约束力的国际协定的实例和起草不具法律约束力协定方面现有的国家指南。 |
232. |
232. |
The view was expressed that the growing number of States adopting texts in their national law to govern their international practice regarding non-legally binding international agreements were not necessarily motivated by the intention to include such agreements in the legal realm, but by the need to formalize procedures for their conclusion. |
有委员表示,越来越多的国家在本国法律中纳入了旨在规范其在不具法律约束力的国际协定方面的国际实践的内容,此举并不一定是为了将此类协定纳入法律范畴,而是因为需要使缔结此类协定的程序正规化。 |
233. |
233. |
The explanation contained in the first report that examples of agreements cited therein were for illustrative purposes only and that there was no intention for the Commission to take a position on the nature of those agreements was welcomed. |
第一次报告中解释称,其中引用的协定实例仅用于说明目的,委员会无意就这些协定的性质采取立场。 有委员对此表示欢迎。 |
(b) |
(b) |
Scope of the topic |
该专题的范围 |
(i) |
(一) |
“Agreements” |
“协定” |
234. |
234. |
A number of members agreed with the use of the term “agreements”. |
若干委员同意采用“协定”一词。 |
It was noted that such term referred to the result of an exchange, consultation or negotiation reflecting the opinions or sentiments of the parties to it on a given issue. |
有委员指出,该术语是指交流、协商或谈判的结果,反映的是协定各方对某一特定问题的意见或感受。 |
It was recalled that the drafting history of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, as well as other relevant sources, supported the position that the term “agreement” could refer to non-binding instruments. |
有委员回顾指出,《维也纳条约法公约》的起草历史 以及其他相关来源都支持如下立场:“协定”一词可以指不具约束力的文书。 |
A view was expressed that the final output of the Commission on the topic would provide clarification on the various approaches on the use of the term “agreement”. |
有委员表示,委员会关于该专题的最终产物会有助于澄清“协定”一词使用方面的各种不同处理方法。 |
235. |
235. |
Several members suggested that the terms “instruments” or “arrangements” could be more appropriate for the purposes of the topic. |
几位委员建议,就该专题而言,“文书”或“安排”可能更合适。 |
It was noted that those terms avoided confusion, as the term “agreements” was frequently used in practice to refer to both binding and non-binding documents. |
有委员指出,上述术语可以避免混淆,因为在实践中,“协定”一词经常既用于指称具有约束力的文件,也用于指称不具约束力的文件。 |
A view was expressed that many States deliberately and consistently used terms such as “agreement” for the title of the document and “agree” as the operative verb to indicate bindingness. |
有委员表示,许多国家有意且一贯将“协定”等术语用于文件标题,并用“商定”作关键动词,以表示约束力。 |
236. |
236. |
It was noted that the use of the term “agreements” was not universal and certain States in their practice preferred it to the term “instruments” to designate documents of a non–binding nature. |
有委员指出,“协定”一词的用法并非千篇同律,某些国家在实践中更愿意用“协定”而不是“文书”来指称不具约束力的文件。 |
It was recalled that several States, during the debate in the Sixth Committee at the seventy-eighth session of the General Assembly, had indicated their preference for the use of the term “instruments”. |
有委员回顾指出,联大第七十八届会议上,有几个国家在第六委员会辩论过程中表示更愿意用“文书”一词。 |
The term “understandings” was also proposed as a possible alternative. |
也有人提议可代之以“谅解”一词。 |
According to another view, the most appropriate term to capture the intended scope of the study would be “actes concertés non conventionnels”. |
另一种观点认为,最能体现该研究预期范围的术语是“actes concertés non conventionnels”。 |
237. |
237. |
It was noted that while the term “arrangements”, in French, could be helpful as a middle ground between “agreements” and “instruments”, it could also be linked to a very specific meaning in the context of sub-State entities and lead to confusion. |
有委员指出,法文中“安排”一词可有助于在“协定”和“文书”之间折衷,但该词也可能被联想成次国家实体语境中一种非常特定的含义,从而导致混淆。 |
It was stated that the term “instruments” might be overly broad and thus substantially widen the scope of the topic. |
有委员指出,“文书”一词可能过于宽泛,从而大大扩大了该专题的范围。 |
The view was expressed that the term “understandings” was not appropriate as it created ambiguities. |
有委员表示,“谅解”一词并不恰当,因为会造成歧义。 |
238. |
238. |
It was emphasized that there would be a need to indicate that the title of the topic was without prejudice to the terminological choices that some States made to guide their practice. |
有委员强调,有必要表明该专题的标题不妨碍一些国家为指导本国实践而作出的术语选择。 |
239. |
239. |
The view was expressed that the term “international” was not needed in the title of the topic, as it was apparent that the Commission would only address the issue from an international law perspective. |
有委员表示,该专题的标题中无需有“国际”一词,因为委员会显然只会从国际法角度来处理这个问题。 |
(ii) |
(二) |
“Non-legally binding” |
“不具法律约束力” |
240. |
240. |
Some members considered that agreements within the scope of the topic were of a non-legally binding nature because they entailed commitments of a political nature or because they were governed by the domestic laws of States or entities that were parties to such agreements. |
一些委员认为,该专题范围内的协定之所以有着不具法律约束力的性质,是因为其所牵涉的承诺是政治性的,或是因为其受签署此类协定的国家或实体的国内法管辖。 |
241. |
241. |
The use of the phrase “non-legally binding” before the term “agreements” was welcomed by some members because it avoided any possible confusion with treaties, which were legally binding under international law. |
一些委员欢迎在“协定”一词前使用“不具法律约束力”短语,因为此举可避免与条约产生任何混淆――条约在国际法下是具有法律约束力的。 |
It was stated that the use of the phrase “non–legally binding” allowed for a possibility that an instrument could be binding morally, politically or otherwise. |
有委员指出,使用“不具法律约束力”短语,为文书可能在道德、政治或其他方面具有约束力留下了余地。 |
At the same time, it was suggested that the phrases “legally non–binding” or “not legally binding” could be preferable, in order to clarify that the Commission only focused on the legal bindingness, and also to align the various language versions. |
与此同时,有委员建议说,“法律上不具约束力”或“法律上没有约束力”短语可能更可取,以便澄清委员会只关注法律上的约束力,并使各语文文本保持一致。 |
Another proposal was made to simply refer to “non-binding agreements”, which could help to avoid the impression that such agreements were legally binding. |
另一项建议是,仅称之为“不具约束力的协定”,因为此举可能有助于避免留下此类协定在法律上具有约束力的印象。 |
242. |
242. |
Some members expressed the view that the Special Rapporteur should clarify the use of expressions that suggest that international law could apply to non-legally binding international agreements, as they could be read as being in tension with the understanding that the Commission’s work would not transform non-legally binding international agreements into legally binding agreements. |
一些委员表示,特别报告员应就使用意味着国际法可适用于不具法律约束力国际协定的表述作出澄清,因为上述表述可能被解读为与以下理解相矛盾:委员会的工作不会将不具法律约束力的国际协定转变为具有法律约束力的协定。 |
It was also stressed that the phrase “governed by international law” was a touchstone for the definition of treaties in article 2 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. |
还有委员强调,“以国际法为准”短语是《维也纳条约法公约》第二条中条约定义的检验标准。 |
(iii) |
(三) |
International agreements within the scope of the topic |
该专题范围内的国际协定 |
243. |
243. |
Members generally agreed that the scope of the topic should cover only international agreements, and should include agreements entered into between States, between States and international organizations, and between international organizations. |
委员们普遍认为,该专题的范围应只涵盖国际协定,包括国家之间、国家与国际组织之间以及国际组织之间缔结的协定。 |
A view was expressed that non-legally binding international agreements entered into by international organizations should be excluded from the scope of the topic. |
有委员表示,应将国际组织缔结的不具法律约束力的国际协定排除在该专题范围之外。 |
244. |
244. |
Several members suggested that the work of the Commission on the topic should focus on written texts that were not treaties, intended not to be binding, but that contained an agreement between their signatories, and that might have a normative component. |
几位委员建议,委员会的该专题相关工作应重点关注不是条约且有意不具约束力但载有签署方之间的协议且可能包含规范性内容的书面文本。 |
At the same time, a view was expressed that unwritten agreements should also be considered. |
与此同时,有委员表示,非书面协定也应考虑。 |
Some members welcomed the view of the Special Rapporteur that provisions contained in treaties that did not contain binding text and the legal effect of treaties that had not entered into force should be excluded from the scope of the topic. |
特别报告员认为应将条约中不含约束性文字的条款以及尚未生效条约的法律效力问题排除在该专题范围之外,一些委员对此表示欢迎。 |
245. |
245. |
It was also noted that the title of the document should not be the decisive factor in including it in the work on the topic. |
也有委员指出,文件的标题不应成为是否纳入该专题工作范围的决定性因素。 |
The view was expressed that the Commission should clarify that it was dealing with agreements that contained political or moral commitments and were not intended to create legal rights and obligations. |
有委员表示,委员会应澄清指出,其所处理的是含有政治或道德承诺而无意产生法律上的权利和义务的协定。 |
According to another view, the Special Rapporteur’s intention to limit the scope of the topic to agreements in which States agreed to make a commitment could cause some practical complications, as it could exclude from the Commission’s consideration a considerable number of documents considered by some States as non-binding international agreements. |
另一种观点认为,特别报告员有意将该专题的范围限于国家在其中同意作出承诺的协定,而这样做可能会造成一些实际问题,因为可能会将大量被一些国家视为不具约束力国际协定的文件排除在委员会的考虑范围之外。 |
246. |
246. |
Some members supported the consideration of resolutions of international organizations, as they were usually negotiated between the members of international organizations and could not be considered unilateral acts. |
一些委员支持将国际组织的决议考虑在内,因为此类决议通常是在国际组织成员间谈判达成的,不能被视为单方面文件。 |
However, several members expressed the view that the scope of the topic should exclude resolutions and other acts of international organizations. |
但是,几位委员表示,该专题的范围应排除国际组织的决议及其他文件。 |
The Special Rapporteur’s intention to exclude unilateral acts of States and non-binding provisions in treaties from the scope of the topic was welcomed. |
特别报告员有意将国家的单方面文件和条约中不具约束力的条款排除在该专题范围之外,委员们对此表示欢迎。 |
247. |
247. |
Several members considered that resolutions of intergovernmental conferences should not necessarily be excluded from the scope of the topic as these were agreements among multiple legal entities. |
几位委员认为,不一定应将政府间会议决议排除在该专题范围之外,因为此类决议属于多个法律实体之间的协定。 |
While some members expressed that they would be flexible as to their exclusion from the scope of the topic, it was noted that the explanation for the decision to exclude them warranted further detail. |
一些委员表示对将此类决议排除在该专题范围之外持灵活态度,但同时指出,若决定将其排除在外,须进一步详细说明理由。 |
248. |
248. |
The view was expressed that the scope of the topic should not exclude agreements concluded within multilateral institutional frameworks, as they represented a large number of the non-legally binding agreements that had been concluded between multiple parties, including States and international organizations. |
有委员表示,不应将多边体制框架内缔结的协定排除在该专题范围之外,因为包括国家和国际组织在内的多方之间缔结的不具法律约束力的协定当中,有大量是此类协定。 |
A view was also expressed that the Special Rapporteur could explore the role of non-legally binding agreements in inter-State interactions within the broader framework of international organizations. |
也有委员表示,特别报告员可以在更广泛的国际组织框架内探讨不具法律约束力协定在国家间互动中的作用。 |
249. |
249. |
A view was expressed that the study of the topic should include non-binding declarations annexed to some treaties, including side arrangements in the context of bilateral treaties. |
有委员表示,该专题相关研究应涵盖一些条约所附带的不具约束力声明,包括涵盖双边条约框架内的附带安排。 |
It was noted that some such annexes could include model texts for a future agreement, an agreed interpretation or establishing agreements for the implementation of a treaty based on a model text. |
有委员指出,一些此类附件可能包含未来协定的示范文本、商定解释或根据示范文本订立的条约执行协定。 |
250. |
250. |
Several members saw a need for the inclusion of inter-institutional agreements or administrative arrangements within the scope of the topic, for example between administrative authorities, federated States or other territorial units of States and central banks of different States. |
几位委员认为,有必要将机构间协定或行政安排纳入该专题范围,例如不同国家的行政当局、联邦成员州或国家其他领土单位以及中央银行之间的协定或安排。 |
It was observed that a large portion of non-legally binding international agreements was concluded at sub-State level and excluding them from the scope of the topic could hamper the Commission’s work. |
有委员指出,不具法律约束力的国际协定当中,有很大一部分是在次国家一级缔结的,将其排除在该专题范围之外可能会妨碍委员会的工作。 |
251. |
251. |
Some members noted that inter-institutional agreements were allowed by domestic law in various States and did not create internationally binding obligations, while in some domestic legal systems they might create legally binding obligations. |
一些委员指出,多国的国内法允许缔结机构间协定,而不产生具有国际约束力的义务,但在某些国内法律体系中,机构间协定可能产生具有法律约束力的义务。 |
A view was expressed that, while those agreements might be considered non-legally binding agreements between States, their study might not be appropriate. |
有委员表示,此类协定可能被视为国家间的不具法律约束力协定,但对其进行研究可能并不合适。 |
Another view was expressed that it was not advisable for the Commission to consider inter-institutional agreements, as it was noted that the nature of such documents was often dictated by the distribution of powers between the central and local authorities within States, resulting in a huge variety of forms those documents could take. |
另有一种意见认为,委员会不宜考虑机构间协定,因为此类文件的性质往往取决于国家内部中央和地方当局之间的权力分配,从而导致此类文件可能采取的形式千差万别。 |
252. |
252. |
Some members stated that the Commission could consider agreements between States and actors other than States and international organisations, for example agreements concluded between States and rebel or insurrectional movements or non-State armed groups. |
一些委员指出,委员会可以考虑国家与国家和国际组织以外的行为体之间缔结的协定,例如国家与反叛或叛乱运动或者非国家武装团体达成的协定。 |
It was also noted that agreements between States and non-recognized States or governments could be included in the scope of the topic. |
还有委员指出,可将国家与未得到承认的国家或政府之间的协定纳入该专题范围。 |
The observation was made that even if these categories of agreements were later excluded from the scope of the topic, that decision should be taken after a careful assessment. |
有委员指出,上述类别的协定即使之后被排除在该专题范围外,排除决定也应是在经过仔细评估后作出的。 |
(c) |
(c) |
Identification of questions to be examined |
确定拟予仔细研究的问题 |
(i) |
(一) |
Criteria for distinguishing treaties from non-legally binding agreements |
区分条约与不具法律约束力的协定的标准 |
253. |
253. |
Several members considered that the purpose of the consideration of the topic in the Commission was to assist in distinguishing between legally and non-legally binding agreements. |
几位委员认为,在委员会内审议该专题,目的在于协助区分具有法律约束力的协定和不具法律约束力的协定。 |
It was emphasized that the work of the Commission should begin by clearly indicating what was meant by non-legally binding international agreements, and that there would be no presumption that the use of the term “agreement” in the title of the document would mean that the text was legally binding. |
有委员强调指出,委员会的工作首先应明确指出不具法律约束力的国际协定的含义,从而不会有人想当然地推定文件标题中使用“协定”一词就意味着案文具有法律约束力。 |
254. |
254. |
Several members were of the view that the primary criterion should be the intention of the States as indicated in the text of the agreement. |
几位委员认为,首要标准应当是国家在协定案文中所表明的意图。 |
A view was expressed that the intention of the parties could be different and change over time, thus it should not be considered as the determining factor. |
有委员表示,协定各方的意图可能不同,且会随着时间的推移而改变,因而不应将其视为决定性因素。 |
It was noted that there were situations in which an agreement expressly stated that it was non-binding but, at the same time, contained several linguistic markers that led one to conclude that it was, in fact, a binding agreement. |
有委员指出,有些情况中,协定明确指出其不具约束力,但与此同时,其中却含有几处标志性用语,让人得出结论认为该协定实际上是具有约束力的协定。 |
Several members stated that various objective elements, including the text, the form and the circumstances surrounding an agreement’s formation should also be considered. |
几位委员指出,还应考虑多项客观要件,包括案文、形式和订立协定的相关情况。 |
It was suggested that the Commission could adopt a holistic approach, taking into account both objective and subjective criteria. |
有委员建议,委员会可采取综合方针,既虑及客观标准,又虑及主观标准。 |
The subsequent practice of parties to a non-legally binding agreement was considered to be relevant. |
不具法律约束力协定缔约方的嗣后实践被视为具有相关性。 |
The need to assess each instrument on a case-by-case basis was emphasized. |
有委员强调有必要对每一项文书进行逐案评估。 |
It was noted that no indicator was individually decisive as to the potential binding nature of the agreement, that there should be no hierarchy among the indicators or criteria, and that all factors should be considered and weighed together on a case-by-case basis. |
有委员指出:没有任何指标能仅凭一己之力决定协定是否可能具有约束力; 各项指标或标准之间不应有位阶之分; 应逐案综合考虑和权衡所有因素。 |
255. |
255. |
With respect to the types of criteria for distinguishing treaties from non-legally binding international agreements, it was asserted that the presence of final clauses, including the need for ratification, the possibility of unilaterally revoking the agreement, and the fact that monitoring or dispute settlement mechanisms were contemplated, were not decisive in making such a distinction. |
关于条约和不具法律约束力国际协定区分标准的类型,有委员坚持主张,在进行此种区分时,是否存在着最后条款――包括是否规定了须予以批准,是否存在着单方面取消协定之可能性,以及是否考虑了设立监督或争端解决机制,均不是决定性因素。 |
Based on the definition of the term “treaty” under article (2) (1) (a) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, a view was expressed that determining whether the parties to an agreement were subjects of international law and whether the governing law of an agreement was international law were additional criteria that would be of practical use and should be studied. |
根据《维也纳条约法公约》第二条第一款(a)项所规定的“条约”一词定义,有委员表示,确定协定各方是否系国际法主体以及协定所适用的法律是否系国际法,是具有实际价值的另一些标准,应当加以研究。 |
256. |
256. |
Some members expressed the view that the preparation by the Commission of indicators to identify the intention of States could be helpful to clarify the distinctions between legally and non-legally binding agreements, as States had increasing recourse to such agreements instead of treaties. |
一些委员表示,随着各国越来越多地采用此类协定而非条约,委员会编列用以确定国家意图的指标,可能有助于澄清具有法律约束力的协定与不具法律约束力的协定之间的区别。 |
According to some members, the work of the Commission on the topic should avoid blurring the distinction between treaties and non–legally binding agreements or equating those agreements with sources of international law. |
一些委员认为,委员会该专题相关工作应避免模糊条约与不具法律约束力协定之间的区别,还应避免将此类协定与国际法渊源等同视之。 |
A view was expressed that the topic could add legal precision to the distinction between binding and non-binding effects of certain agreements, which had not been fully identified in some judicial decisions and could not be found in treaties such as the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. |
有委员表示,该专题可为区分某些协定的约束性效果和非约束性效果增加法律上的精确性。 一些司法裁决中未充分确定上述区别,且在《维也纳条约法公约》等条约中也找不到上述区别。 |
257. |
257. |
It was stated that drawing up criteria to distinguish between treaties and non-legally binding international agreements could cast doubt on the agreements concluded before the work of the Commission on the topic. |
有委员指出,制订条约与不具法律约束力国际协定之间的区分标准,可能会令人对委员会就该专题开展工作之前所缔结的协定产生怀疑。 |
It was thus suggested that the work of the Commission should focus on highlighting the aspects to be taken into account by States when drafting such documents and should not override the will of the parties when entering into them. |
因此,有委员建议,委员会的工作重点应是指出国家在起草此类文件时应予考虑的方方面面,而不应凌驾于协定各方在订立此类文件时的意愿之上。 |
258. |
258. |
Some members were of the view that there should not be any presumptions on the subject, nor that, in the absence of proof to the contrary, an international agreement should or should not be presumed legally binding. |
一些委员认为,在这个问题上,不应有任何推定,除非有证据,不应推定一项国际协定具有或不具法律约束力。 |
According to another view, while the Commission should study possible presumptions on the subject, the general presumption should be that, in the absence of clear proof to the contrary, an international agreement that had not indicated that it was, or was meant to be, legally binding should be presumed to be non-binding. |
另一种意见认为,委员会应当研究在这个问题上可能存在的推定,但一般来说,推定应当是,在没有明确的相反证据情况下,应推定一项未表明其具有或意在具有法律约束力的国际协定是不具约束力的。 |
259. |
259. |
Regarding the question whether judicial bodies had the power to recategorize an agreement in cases where the parties had expressly indicated in the agreement that they considered it binding (or non-binding), it was suggested that the intention of the parties, especially where they were expressed in writing, was of key importance. |
关于协定各方已在协定中明确表示协定具有约束力(或不具约束力)的情况下司法机构是否有权为协定重新定性的问题,有委员建议,协定各方的意图,尤其是以书面形式表达的意图,具有关键意义。 |
Some members considered that it was not for the Commission to determine whether judicial bodies could recategorize an agreement as binding where the parties indicated otherwise, and that such determination of the authority of judicial bodies was beyond the scope of the topic. |
一些委员认为:不应由委员会来确定司法机构是否可将协定各方已表示不具约束力的协定重新定性为具有约束力; 这种确定司法机构是否有权限的工作,超出了该专题的范围。 |
Some members stated that judicial bodies should not have the power to recategorize agreements. |
一些委员指出,司法机构不应有权为协定重新定性。 |
(ii) |
(二) |
Regime of non-legally binding international agreements |
不具法律约束力的国际协定的制度 |
260. |
260. |
Members generally agreed with the conclusion contained in the first report that non–legally binding international agreements were not, as such, governed by the law of treaties. |
委员们总的来说同意第一次报告所载结论,即不具法律约束力的国际协定本身不受条约法管辖。 |
Some members stated that non-legally binding international agreements were not governed by international law at all. |
一些委员指出,不具法律约束力的国际协定根本就不受国际法管辖。 |
In that regard, the use of the term “regime” was considered confusing, as it implied that international law might have rules that governed the conclusion and operation of those agreements. |
在这个问题上,有委员认为“制度”一词的使用令人困惑,因其意味着国际法可能有管辖此类协定的缔结和实施问题的规则。 |
Nevertheless, it was suggested that the law of treaties could at times be of practical help, for example by applying by analogy certain general rules of treaty interpretation to non-legally binding international agreements. |
无论如何,有委员建议,条约法有时可以提供实际帮助,例如可以通过类推将某些解释条约的一般规则适用于不具法律约束力的国际协定。 |
261. |
261. |
It was noted that non-legally binding international agreements did not exist in a legal vacuum and States would still be bound by rules of international law when concluding such agreements, inter alia, by norms of a jus cogens character. |
有委员指出,不具法律约束力的国际协定并非存在于法律真空中,国家在缔结此类协定时仍将受国际法规则的约束,特别是受具有强行法性质的规范的约束。 |
In the event of a conflict between a non-legally binding international agreement and a peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens), such agreement would be void. |
如果不具法律约束力的国际协定与一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)发生冲突,则此类协定无效。 |
A view was expressed that some of the elements contained in Part V of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties relating to the validity of treaties could be included in the scope of the study of the effect of non-legally binding international agreements. |
有委员表示,可以将《维也纳条约法公约》第五编所载关于条约效力的一些内容纳入关于不具法律约束力的国际协定效力问题的研究范围。 |
According to another view, the causes for invalidity contained in Part V of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties should be considered in a more nuanced manner in the context of non-legally binding international agreements, since such agreements might be chosen by States because of their flexibility. |
另一种意见认为,在不具法律约束力的国际协定框架内考虑《维也纳条约法公约》第五编所载失效理由,方式应更加微妙,因为国家选择此类协定可能是因其具有灵活性。 |
262. |
262. |
Some members highlighted that States that had entered into a non-legally binding agreement were under the general obligation of good faith. |
一些委员着重指出,订立不具法律约束力协定的国家负有一般性的善意义务。 |
It was emphasized that the legal effects of non-legally binding international agreements could arise from rules of international law and a non-binding international agreement could be part of a conduct that was inconsistent with the principle of good faith, acquiescence, estoppel, the doctrine of abuse of rights or the duty to settle disputes by peaceful means. |
有委员强调:不具法律约束力的国际协定,其法律效果的产生可能源自国际法规则; 不具约束力的国际协定,也可能是违背善意原则、默许、禁止反言原则、滥用权利理论或和平解决争端义务之行为的组成部分。 |
263. |
263. |
Some members expressly referred to the possibility of addressing estoppel in the context of the study of the topic. |
一些委员专门提到在该专题相关研究框架内处理禁止反言问题的可能性。 |
It was stated that the binding effect of estoppel would take place due to its operation separately and therefore should be excluded. |
有委员指出,禁止反言原则的约束效力会因协定的实施而另行产生,因此应予排除。 |
The possibility of legal effects arising out of acquiescence were deemed worthy of further consideration. |
因默许而产生法律效果的可能性值得进一步考虑。 |
A view was expressed that a breach of a non-legally binding agreement could have certain consequences, including the rights of an injured party to resort to countermeasures. |
一种意见认为,违反不具法律约束力的协定可能会产生某些后果,其中包括受害方有权诉诸于反措施。 |
264. |
264. |
Some members addressed a possible conflict between a treaty and a non-legally binding international agreement. |
一些委员谈到了条约与不具法律约束力的国际协定之间可能存在冲突的情况。 |
A view was expressed that a conflict would arise only if both instruments were treaties. |
一种意见认为,只有在两项文书都是条约的情况下才会发生冲突。 |
Another view was expressed that the solution in the event of a conflict would not be as straightforward as having the treaty prevail and that the circumstances of the conclusion of the treaty should be considered. |
另一种意见认为,发生冲突时的解决办法并不是以条约为准那么简单,应考虑到缔结条约时的情况。 |
265. |
265. |
Some members noted that the work of the Commission on the topic should not lead to the creation of a separate legal regime parallel to that of the law of treaties. |
一些委员指出,委员会的该专题相关工作不应导致另行建立起一个与条约法平行的法律制度。 |
(iii) |
(三) |
(Potential) legal effects of non-legally binding international agreements |
不具法律约束力的国际协定的(潜在)法律效果 |
266. |
266. |
Some members were of the view that non-legally binding international agreements might produce direct or indirect legal effects in certain circumstances. |
一些委员认为,不具法律约束力的国际协定在特定情况下可能会产生直接或间接的法律效果。 |
The view was expressed that there was a need to distinguish direct legal effects from indirect legal effects. |
有委员表示,有必要区分直接法律效果和间接法律效果。 |
According to another view, it was advisable not to retain the distinction between direct and indirect legal effects, as it could impact on the overall clarity of the Commission’s work. |
另一种意见认为,最好不要区分直接法律效果和间接法律效果,因为此举可能影响委员会工作的整体清晰度。 |
It was noted that the potential effects identified by the Special Rapporteur in paragraph 138 of his first report were a good starting point for the Commission’s work. |
有委员指出,特别报告员在其第一次报告第138段中确定的潜在效果是委员会开展工作的一个良好起始点。 |
Some members suggested the use of alternative terms, such as “legal implications” or “legal consequences”. |
一些委员建议代之以诸如“法律影响”或“法律后果”术语。 |
267. |
267. |
Some members considered that non-legally binding agreements could have various functions in relation to sources of international law, such as assisting in the interpretation of legally binding agreements contained in, for example, treaties on the same subject. |
一些委员认为,不具法律约束力的协定可在国际法渊源方面发挥多种作用,如有助于解释同主题相关条约等文书中具有法律约束力的协议。 |
The commentary to conclusion 12 of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, where it was stated that “other acts adopted … at intergovernmental conferences … whether or not they are legally binding”, was recalled, as such “other acts” may be forms of evidence of the constitutive elements of a rule of customary international law. |
有委员回顾了关于习惯国际法识别问题的结论当中结论12的评注,因为其中提到“……政府间会议通过的……其他文件……无论是否具有法律约束力”,而此类“其他文件”可能是习惯国际法规则构成要素的证据形式。 |
It was also stated that non-legally binding international agreements could be considered “international instruments” as possible evidence of recognition of general principles of law, as mentioned in the commentary to draft conclusion 7 of the draft conclusions on general principles of law, adopted on first reading by the Commission at its seventy-fourth session. |
也有委员指出,可将不具法律约束力的国际协定视为“国际文书”,像委员会第七十四届会议一读通过的关于一般法律原则的结论草案中结论7草案评注 所述那样作为承认一般法律原则的可用证据。 |
268. |
268. |
It was suggested that non-legally binding international agreements could also be used as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law, or could serve as the basis for the definition of a rule of customary international law or the formulation of a provision in a treaty. |
有委员建议,不具法律约束力的国际协定还可用作确定国际法规则的辅助手段,或者充当界定某项习惯国际法规则或拟定某项条约条款的依据。 |
Some members were of the view that the work of the Commission on the topic should explore further the use of non-legally binding agreements to determine the existence of a rule of customary international law. |
一些委员认为,委员会的该专题相关工作应进一步探讨利用不具法律约束力的协定来确定是否存在某项习惯国际法规则的问题。 |
269. |
269. |
Some members expressed reservations with considering non-legally binding international agreements as a form of subsequent agreements in the interpretation of treaties, as assimilating them to a source of international law or considering them as subsequent agreements should be avoided. |
一些委员表示对在解释条约时将不具法律约束力的国际协定视为一种嗣后协定形式持保留意见,认为应避免将此类协定比作一种国际法渊源或是将其视为嗣后协定。 |
The view was expressed that giving non-legally binding international agreements potential legal effects could affect their use by States by creating legal obligations that were not the intention of States to create. |
有委员认为,赋予不具法律约束力的国际协定以潜在法律效果,可能会因产生国家无意产生的法律义务而影响各国采用此类协定。 |
270. |
270. |
It was considered essential to distinguish between “legally binding force” and “legal effects”. |
有委员认为,务须区分“法律约束力”和“法律效果”。 |
The need to distinguish between “legally binding” and “having legal effects” was also emphasized. |
还有委员强调有必要区分“具有法律约束力”和“具有法律效果”。 |
Thus, the Special Rapporteur was requested to further explain the legal effects of non-legally binding international agreements. |
因此,要求特别报告员进一步说明不具法律约束力的国际协定的法律效果问题。 |
It was recalled that the Guide to Provisional Application of Treaties was directly relevant to the work of the Commission on the topic, as guideline 6 referred to the concept of legal effect. |
有委员回顾,《条约的暂时适用准则》与委员会该专题相关工作直接相关,因为准则6提到了法律效果概念。 |
271. |
271. |
The view was expressed that, on occasion, the use of non-legally binding international agreements could raise questions concerning the relationship between non-binding international agreements and soft law. |
有委员表示,有时,采用不具法律约束力的国际协定会引起关于不具约束力的国际协定与软法之间的关系问题。 |
According to another view, the relationship between soft law and non-legally binding agreements should not be part of the scope of the topic. |
另一种意见认为,软法与不具法律约束力协定之间的关系问题不应属于该专题的范围。 |
It was observed that soft law, although perceived to be corresponding to non-legally binding agreements, had a broader concept that included unilateral instruments and instruments adopted by private entities. |
有委员指出,软法虽被视为相当于不具法律约束力的协定,但其概念更为宽泛,其中包括单边文书和私人实体通过的文书。 |
Yet another view was that the notion of soft law was not particularly useful in this context, as non-legally binding international agreements were not necessarily soft. |
但另有一种观点认为,软法概念在该专题框架内没多大用处,因为不具法律约束力的国际协定并不一定是软性的。 |
(d) |
(d) |
Form of the final outcome of the work |
该工作最终成果的形式 |
272. |
272. |
A number of members agreed with the Special Rapporteur’s proposal for the output of the Commission to be in the form of draft conclusions, in particular because the aim would be to state or clarify in a non-prescriptive way the existing practice without prejudging States’ freedom in relation to non-legally binding agreements. |
若干委员同意特别报告员关于委员会的工作产物拟采取结论草案形式的提议,尤其是鉴于该专题的目的是在不影响各国在不具法律约束力的国际协定方面的自由度情况下以不设立规定的方式阐述或澄清现有实践。 |
On the other hand, several members were of the view that the output should be draft guidelines, in view of the subject-matter of the topic and the fact that draft conclusions were the output used by the Commission for topics related to sources of international law, such as “Identification of customary international law” and “General principles of law”. |
另一方面,有几位委员认为,考虑到该专题的主题,考虑到结论草案是委员会用于例如“习惯国际法的识别”和“一般法律原则”等国际法渊源相关专题的工作产物形式,该专题产物应为指南草案。 |
Reference was also made to the use of draft guidelines in the Commission’s work on the topics “Reservations to treaties” and “Provisional application of treaties”. |
也有委员提到委员会“对条约的保留”和“条约的暂时适用”相关专题采用了指南草案。 |
273. |
273. |
It was also suggested that States could benefit from best practices, model clauses or other recommendations in addition to draft guidelines. |
也有委员建议,除指南草案外,最佳做法、示范条款或其他建议也可使各国受益。 |
Conversely, according to some members, the formulation of best practices, model clauses or other recommendations would not be appropriate. |
相反,一些委员认为,不宜拟订最佳做法、示范条款或其他建议。 |
It was also suggested that a list of specific vocabulary or some limited model clauses as a practical tool to identify a non-legally binding international agreement could be of aid to States. |
还有委员建议,以一份具体的词汇表或一些有限的示范条款作为识别不具法律约束力国际协定的一项实用工具,可能会对各国有帮助。 |
274. |
274. |
Some members stated that, as part of the study of the existing practice of non-legally binding international agreements, the Commission could sketch a possible typology or provide examples of categories of agreements for illustrative purposes. |
一些委员指出,委员会可以作为不具法律约束力的国际协定方面现有实践相关研究的组成内容,以说明为目的,勾勒出协定可能有哪些类型,或是就协定的类别举出例子。 |
Such categories mentioned by members included peace agreements and agreements that contained modalities or conditionalities for performance of complex technical cooperation in certain areas, such as environmental law or humanitarian assistance. |
委员们提到的上述类别包括和平协定以及其中载有在诸如环境法或人道主义援助等特定领域内开展复杂技术合作的模式或条件的协定。 |
(e) |
(e) |
Future programme of work |
未来工作方案 |
275. |
275. |
The programme of work proposed by the Special Rapporteur was generally supported. |
总的来说,委员们支持特别报告员所提议的工作方案。 |
276. |
276. |
The view was expressed that a questionnaire concerning the practice of States should be prepared and any consideration of the potential legal effects of non-legally binding international agreements should be conducted only upon receipt of responses of States to such a questionnaire on the topic. |
有委员表示,应就国家实践编制一份调查问卷,只有在收到各国对该专题相关调查问卷的答复后,才能对不具法律约束力的国际协定的潜在法律效果问题进行任何审议。 |
277. |
277. |
Several members expressed support for the proposal of the Special Rapporteur to request information on the practice of States, international organizations and, in particular, access to the work carried out on the subject in the context of CAHDI. |
几位委员表示支持特别报告员关于就国家和国际组织的实践征集信息的提议,尤其是请求了解公法顾委就该主题所开展的工作的提议。 |
3. |
3. |
Concluding remarks of the Special Rapporteur |
特别报告员的总结发言 |
278. |
278. |
In his summary of the debate, the Special Rapporteur expressed his gratitude to the members of the Commission and welcomed the enriching debate concerning his first report and references to additional research materials. |
特别报告员在总结辩论时向委员们表示感谢,并对就其第一次报告进行有助于充实内容的辩论和提及其他研究材料表示欢迎。 |
He considered that the debate had achieved its objective and had allowed him to identify points of agreement, gather ideas and suggestions, as well as identify points where important divergences were expressed. |
他认为辩论达到了目的,使其得以确定共识之处,收集想法和建议,并发现存在重大分歧的问题。 |
He emphasized that he had carefully analysed the arguments and concerns of members during the debate and welcomed the collaborative work. |
他强调,他仔细分析了委员们在辩论过程中提出的主张和关切,并对协作开展工作表示欢迎。 |
279. |
279. |
The Special Rapporteur indicated that he took note of the comments and suggestions of members, in particular those referring to: the criteria for distinguishing treaties from non–legally binding international agreements; |
特别报告员表示注意到委员们的评论和建议,特别是涉及以下内容的评论和建议:区分条约与不具法律约束力的国际协定的标准; |
the potential legal effects of non-legally binding international agreements; |
不具法律约束力的国际协定的潜在法律效果; |
and the elements of national practices using non-legally binding international agreements. |
采用不具法律约束力的国际协定的国家实践的要素。 |
He also stated that he would consider such observations and reflections in due course in his future reports to re-evaluate some proposals made in the first report that had received legitimate criticism during the debate, such as the issue of possible presumptions regarding the bindingness or non-bindingness of agreements, or the power of courts or tribunals to recategorize the nature of agreements. |
他还表示,他将适时在今后的报告中考虑上述意见和思考,以重新评估第一次报告中提出的一些在辩论过程中受到合理批评的提议,例如可能就协定具有约束性或不具约束性产生的推定问题,或是法院或法庭是否有权重新为协定定性的问题。 |
280. |
280. |
Regarding the scope of the topic, the Special Rapporteur emphasized that treaties and non-legally binding international agreements were of a different nature and that it was fundamental to reassure States about such distinction. |
关于该专题的范围,特别报告员强调,条约和不具法律约束力的国际协定具有不同的性质,向国家保证存在上述区别至关重要。 |
Concerning the methodology, he suggested that the Commission should follow an inductive rather than a deductive approach and reiterated that the work of the Commission would depend on it paying adequate attention to the practice of States, while maintaining robust academic discipline. |
关于系统方法,特别报告员建议委员会应采取归纳法而非演绎法,并重申委员会的工作将有赖于对国家实践给予充分关注并与此同时保持学术上的严谨。 |
281. |
281. |
The Special Rapporteur noted that the discussion on the object and scope of the topic provided a road map that would enable him to present proposals for a draft text in line with the general points emerging from that discussion. |
特别报告员指出,关于该专题目的和范围的讨论提供了路线图,使其能够根据讨论中得出的一般要点拿出案文草案提案。 |
In his summary, the Special Rapporteur focused on five points. |
特别报告员在总结当中重点阐述了五点。 |
282. |
282. |
First, the Special Rapporteur observed that members largely converged in considering that the topic was of great practical importance and that the Commission should focus on the practical aspects. |
第一,特别报告员注意到,委员们基本上一致认为,该专题在实践方面具有重大意义,委员会应重点关注实践层面。 |
The work of the Commission should be guided by a prudent balance between two aspects, i.e., the maintenance of the freedom of States and the need for legal certainty. |
委员会的工作应以审慎地在维护国家的自由度和提供法律上的确定性这两个方面之间取得平衡为导向。 |
Thus, according to the Special Rapporteur, the work of the Commission should not seek to be prescriptive. |
因此,特别报告员认为,委员会的工作不应寻求设立规定。 |
Instead, the goal should be to reduce, as far as possible, the areas of legal uncertainty that appeared in the field. |
相反,目标应当是尽可能减少该领域出现的法律上不确定的方面。 |
283. |
283. |
Second, the Special Rapporteur referred to the materials to be studied and indicated that there was consensus around the need to ensure their representative character. |
第二,特别报告员提到拟予研究的材料,并指出大家一致认为有必要确保上述材料具有代表性。 |
He noted that many members called for the practice of States to be a starting point for the work on the topic. |
他指出,许多委员呼吁将国家实践作为该专题相关工作的起始点。 |
He also welcomed the support for the proposal contained in his first report to request information from States at the present session, while indicating that he would be favourable to requesting information from international organizations at the subsequent sessions of the Commission. |
此外,他欣见其第一次报告中关于向国家征求信息的提议在本届会议上得到了支持,同时表示他将在委员会随后的届会上支持向国际组织征求信息。 |
The Special Rapporteur took note of the proposal by various members to prepare a questionnaire for States on the effects of non-legally binding international agreements, suggesting that said proposal should be discussed when the Commission addressed that aspect of the topic. |
特别报告员表示注意到多位委员提议就不具法律约束力的国际协定的效果问题编制一份针对国家的调查问卷,并建议委员会在处理该专题的这项内容时应讨论上述提议。 |
284. |
284. |
Third, the Special Rapporteur observed that questions of terminology led to multiple commentaries and that three terms posed difficulties: “agreements”, “regime” and “effects”. |
第三,特别报告员注意到,术语问题引发了多种评论,有三个术语提出了难题:“协定”、“制度”和“效果”。 |
285. |
285. |
Concerning the term “agreements”, the Special Rapporteur recalled that, as indicated in the debate, the title should adequately describe the object and scope of the work of the Commission, which in his view was the case with the current title. |
关于“协定”一词,特别报告员回顾称,正如辩论当中指出的那样,标题应充分说明委员会工作的目的和范围,而他认为当前标题即是如此。 |
He stressed that the travaux préparatoires of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties suggested that all treaties were agreements but not all agreements were treaties. |
他强调,《维也纳条约法公约》的准备工作文件表明,所有条约都是协定,但并非所有协定都是条约。 |
He also noted the reference by some members to the work of the Inter-American Juridical Committee which proceeded accordingly. |
他还注意到,一些委员提到美洲法律委员会相应开展的工作。 |
286. |
286. |
The Special Rapporteur indicated that insofar as there was a trend to exclude from the scope of the topic resolutions of international organizations, the alternative term “instruments” could be misleading as it could give the impression that the topic covered any type of instrument, including the aforementioned resolutions. |
特别报告员指出,鉴于存在着将国际组织的决议排除在该专题范围之外的趋势,另一个词“文书”可能会引起误解,因为这个词会让人以为该专题涵盖任何类型的文书,包括上述决议在内。 |
He also noted that the use of such a term would broaden the scope of the topic. |
他还指出,使用这个词将会扩大该专题的范围。 |
The Special Rapporteur considered that the term “arrangements” had an administrative or operational meaning in some legal systems, and the expression “instruments concertés non conventionnels” in French was difficult to translate into the other official languages of the United Nations, as well as not used frequently in practice and would not allow for an immediate understanding of the object of the topic. |
特别报告员认为,“安排”一词在某些法律制度中具有行政意味或实施意味,而法文“instruments concertés non conventionnels”很难翻译成联合国其他正式语文,且在实践中也并不经常使用,无法让该专题的目的一目了然。 |
287. |
287. |
The Special Rapporteur also recalled that, contrary to what had been suggested by some members, only 10 States in the Sixth Committee had expressed a preference for a term other than “agreements”. |
特别报告员还回顾称,与一些委员的建议相反的是,第六委员会中只有10个国家已表示倾向于不使用“协定”,而是使用其他词语。 |
He also considered that some States might take a different view on the use of such term after they had considered the work of the Commission at the present session. |
他还认为,有些国家在考虑了委员会在本届会议上开展的工作之后,可能会对该词的使用持不同看法。 |
288. |
288. |
The Special Rapporteur emphasized that, to avoid any misunderstanding, the commentaries to the provisions on the topic should indicate in a precise manner that the term “agreements” was understood as a meeting of the wills (mutual consent) of the parties, and that the use of said term was without prejudice to the nature and effects of the agreement and the terminological choices made by States in their practice. |
特别报告员强调,为避免任何误解,该专题相关条文评注应明确指出“协定”一词系指协定方意愿一致(彼此均同意),采用该词不影响协定的性质和效力,也不影响国家在实践当中作出的术语选择。 |
289. |
289. |
Concerning the title of the topic, the Special Rapporteur indicated that it should be kept as it was, but noted that the English version might require an adjustment to align it with other language versions, such as French and Spanish. |
关于该专题的标题,特别报告员表示应保持原样,但指出英文版本可能需要调整,以便与法文和西班牙文等其他语文版本一致。 |
Such change could be to refer to “legally non-binding” agreements rather than “non-legally binding” agreements. |
上述改动可能是将“non-legally binding agreements”改为“legally non-binding agreements”。 |
He suggested the English language group could provide advice to the Commission in that regard. |
他建议英语语言组可就此向委员会提供建议。 |
290. |
290. |
The Special Rapporteur stressed that the term “legally” in the title of the topic should be kept insofar as the scope of the topic was the study of the agreements from the perspective of international law, since an agreement could be politically binding without being legally binding. |
特别报告员强调,只要该专题的范围是从国际法角度研究协定,就应保留标题中的“法律”一词,因为协定有可能具有政治约束力而没有法律约束力。 |
291. |
291. |
As to the use of the term “regime” in his first report, the Special Rapporteur agreed with the views of members that the use of said term had been imprudent and had not been intended to suggest that the Commission would prepare a new legal framework for non–legally binding agreements. |
关于在第一次报告中使用“制度”一词,特别报告员同意委员们的意见,即使用该词是不谨慎的,其用意并不是暗示委员会将就不具法律约束力的协定制定新的法律框架。 |
This was without prejudice to the possibility of applying by analogy some provisions from the law of treaties that reflected general rules or fundamentals of international law. |
这并不妨碍通过类推适用一些反映国际法一般规则或基本原则的条约法条款的可能性。 |
The Special Rapporteur acknowledged that some members had expressed doubts as to the practical use of that issue. |
特别报告员承认,一些委员对该问题的实际用处表示怀疑。 |
292. |
292. |
The Special Rapporteur indicated that the use of the term “potential legal effects” might also have been imprudent and highlighted suggestions by some members for alternatives, such as “implications” or “consequences”. |
特别报告员表示使用“潜在法律效果”一词可能也是不谨慎的,并着重谈到一些委员提出的替换词,例如“影响”或“后果”。 |
293. |
293. |
Fourth, the Special Rapporteur was of the view that the scope of the topic should not include the reasons why States decided to use non-legally binding international agreements. |
第四,特别报告员认为,该专题的范围不应包括国家决定采用不具法律约束力的国际协定的原因。 |
The work of the Commission should cover only written agreements and exclude non-binding provisions in treaties and unilateral acts. |
委员会的工作应只涵盖书面协定,而不涵盖条约当中不具约束力的条款和单方面文件。 |
He clarified that agreements resulting from an exchange of letters would be included as an agreement in the scope of the study, and that the topic would cover bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements. |
他澄清说,以互致信函形式达成的协定将作为一种协定形式纳入研究范围,且该专题将涵盖双边、区域和多边协定。 |
294. |
294. |
The Special Rapporteur stated that agreements with private persons should be excluded from the scope of the topic, as they would lead to the study of instruments of a different nature, while agreements with international organizations should be included. |
特别报告员指出,与私人签订的协定应排除在该专题范围之外,因为此类协定会导致对另一种性质的文书进行研究,而与国际组织签订的协定,则应包括在内。 |
As to the normative component of the agreements to be studied, the Special Rapporteur indicated that the proposed starting point for the study would be to refer to agreements that included an undertaking to do something and that were not limited to the enunciation of facts or positions. |
关于拟予研究的协定的规范性内容,特别报告员指出,所提议的研究起点是查阅那些内含某种做事承诺而非仅限于阐述事实或立场的协定。 |
295. |
295. |
Additionally, the Special Rapporteur noted that, while he had proposed in his report to exclude inter-institutional agreements, several members had supported their inclusion. |
此外,特别报告员指出,虽然他在报告当中提议将机构间协定排除在外,但几位委员支持将其纳入范围。 |
He considered that the types of inter-institutional agreements to be covered should be defined more specifically, for example, by limiting the scope to those that were relevant under international law. |
他认为,应更具体地界定拟予涵盖的机构间协定的类型,例如,将范围限制在与国际法具有相关性的协定上。 |
He also noted that the consideration of such agreements should not be perceived as validating practices that were not necessarily authorized by the national authorities in charge of foreign affairs. |
他还指出,考虑此类协定,不应被视为认可不一定已获得国家外事主管部门授权的实践。 |
296. |
296. |
The Special Rapporteur stated that there was a tendency in the views of members towards excluding the acts of international organizations acting as such, and noted that some members considered that resolutions of international organizations should not be excluded categorically from the topic. |
特别报告员表示,委员们的意见当中,有一种倾向是将国际组织以国际组织身份通过的文件排除在外。 他指出,一些委员认为不应将国际组织的决议全然排除在该专题之外。 |
As to acts of intergovernmental conferences, the Special Rapporteur noted that the views expressed by members seemed to suggest openness to their consideration, as they represented the bulk of the non-legally binding international agreements at multilateral level. |
至于政府间会议的文件,特别报告员指出,委员们表达的意见似乎表明对考虑此类文件持开放态度,因为此类文件代表了多边层面不具法律约束力的国际协定的主体。 |
He proposed including them in the future work. |
他提议将此类文件纳入将来的工作当中。 |
297. |
297. |
Fifth, concerning the final form of the work of the Commission, the Special Rapporteur observed that members had expressed differing views, albeit with a slight preference for draft conclusions. |
第五,关于委员会工作产物的最终形式,特别报告员注意到,委员们表达了不同的意见,但稍微倾向于结论草案。 |
He recalled that members had generally agreed that the work of the Commission should not be prescriptive. |
他回顾称,委员们总的来说同意委员会的工作不应是设立规定。 |
He also noted that the practice of the Commission showed that the difference between draft conclusions and draft guidelines was slight and the general commentaries of recent work of the Commission in both formats used similar terms interchangeably to describe their respective functions. |
他还指出,委员会的实践表明,结论草案和指南草案之间的差别很小,委员会近期以这两种形式呈现的工作成果的总评注中以可以换用的方式使用了相似的术语来描述各自的功能。 |
298. |
298. |
The Special Rapporteur concluded that the choice between draft guidelines or draft conclusions was essentially related to the message that the Commission would like to convey. |
特别报告员的结论是,在指南草案或结论草案之间作选择,本质上涉及的是委员会想要传达什么讯息。 |
He considered that draft guidelines seemed more prescriptive than draft conclusions. |
他认为,指南草案似比结论草案更具规定性。 |
He noted that in French the term “directives” had a stronger sense than the term “guidelines” in English and suggested that the term “lignes directrices” could be used in French, should the Commission decide to adopt draft guidelines. |
他指出法语中的“directives”一词比英语中的“指南”一词语义更重,并建议,若委员会决定采用指南草案形式,则法语中可以使用“lignes directrices”一词。 |
299. |
299. |
The Special Rapporteur proposed provisionally presenting the work of the Commission as draft conclusions in his next report and revisiting that decision in accordance with the comments from States at the Sixth Committee. |
特别报告员提议,在其下一次报告当中暂时将委员会的工作呈现为结论草案,再根据各国在第六委员会发表的评论意见重新考虑该决定。 |
He also took note of the interest expressed by some members in having model clauses or identifying best practices. |
他还表示注意到一些委员对制定示范条款或确定最佳做法表示了兴趣。 |
300. |
300. |
The Special Rapporteur stated that the programme of work suggested in his first report would be followed and the second report would focus on the scope of the topic and what had been identified by some members as the most important aspect of the topic, i.e., the criteria for distinction between treaties and non-legally binding internationally agreements. |
特别报告员指出,将遵循他在第一次报告中建议的工作方案,而第二次报告将重点关注该专题的范围和一些委员所确定的该专题最重要内容,即区分条约与不具法律约束力的国际协定的标准。 |
The Special Rapporteur recalled that he had not specified in the first report an expected date for conclusion of the first reading, noting that when the first reading would take place depended on the progress of the work on the topic. |
特别报告员回顾指出他在第一次报告中未具体说明预计完成一读的日期,并表示何时进行一读取决于该专题相关工作的进展情况。 |
Chapter IX |
第九章 |
Succession of States in respect of State responsibility |
国家责任方面的国家继承 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
301. |
301. |
At its sixty-ninth session (2017), the Commission decided to include the topic “Succession of States in respect of State responsibility” in its programme of work and appointed Mr. Pavel Šturma as Special Rapporteur. |
委员会在第六十九届会议(2017年)上决定将“国家责任方面的国家继承”专题列入工作方案,并任命帕维尔·斯图尔马先生为特别报告员。 |
The General Assembly, in its resolution 72/116 of 7 December 2017, took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work. |
联大在2017年12月7日第72/116号决议中表示注意到委员会决定将该专题列入其工作方案。 |
302. |
302. |
The Special Rapporteur submitted five reports from 2017 to 2022. |
2017年至2022年,特别报告员提交了五份报告。 |
The Commission also had before it, at the seventy-first session (2019), a memorandum prepared by the Secretariat providing information on treaties which may be of relevance to its future work on the topic. |
委员会在第七十一届会议(2019年)上还收到了秘书处编写的一份备忘录,其中提供了可能与委员会今后的该专题相关工作有关的条约相关资料。 |
Following the debate on each report, the Commission decided to refer the proposals for draft articles made by the Special Rapporteur to the Drafting Committee. |
在就每一份报告进行辩论后,委员会决定将特别报告员提出的条款草案交由起草委员会处理。 |
The Commission heard interim reports and statements from the successive Chairs of the Drafting Committee on succession of States in respect of State responsibility at the sixty-ninth to seventy-third sessions (2017 to 2019, 2021 and 2022). |
委员会在第六十九至第七十三届会议(2017年至2019年、2021年和2022年)上听取了国家责任方面的国家继承问题起草委员会历任主席的临时报告和发言。 |
303. |
303. |
At its seventy-third session (2022), on 17 May 2022, the Commission decided, on the recommendation of the Special Rapporteur, to instruct the Drafting Committee to proceed with the preparation of draft guidelines on the basis of the provisions previously referred to the Drafting Committee (including those provisions provisionally adopted by the Commission at previous sessions), taking into account the debate held in the plenary on the Special Rapporteur’s fifth report. |
2022年5月17日,委员会在第七十三届会议(2022年)上根据特别报告员的建议,决定指示起草委员会参考全体会议关于特别报告员第五次报告的辩论情况,在先前交由起草委员会的条文(包括委员会前几届会议暂时通过的条文)基础上着手编写指南草案。 |
304. |
304. |
Also at its seventy-third session, the Commission provisionally adopted, with commentaries, draft guidelines 6, 10, 10 bis and 11, which had been provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee in 2018 and 2021, as well as draft guidelines 7 bis, 12, 13, 13 bis, 14, 15 and 15 bis, which were provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee in 2022. |
也是在第七十三届会议上,委员会连带评注暂时通过了起草委员会于2018年和2021年暂时通过的指南6、10、10之二和11草案,以及起草委员会于2022年暂时通过的指南7之二、12、13、13之二、14、15和15之二草案。 |
As a result of the change of the proposed form of the outcome, the Commission also took note of draft articles 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9, as revised by the Drafting Committee to be draft guidelines. |
由于所提议的工作成果形式发生了变化,委员会还表示注意到经起草委员会改为指南草案的第1、第2、第5、第7、第8和第9条条款草案。 |
305. |
305. |
At its seventy-fourth session (2023), the Commission had no report before it on the topic, as the Special Rapporteur was no longer with the Commission. |
委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)没有收到关于该专题的报告,因为特别报告员已从委员会离任。 |
At its 3621st meeting, on 10 May 2023, the Commission decided to establish a Working Group on the topic and appointed Mr. August Reinisch as its Chair (see section C.1 below). |
在2023年5月10日举行的第3621次会议上,委员会决定就该专题设立一个工作组,并任命奥古斯特·赖尼施先生为工作组主席(见下文C.1节)。 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
306. |
306. |
At the present session, the Commission re-established the working group, with Mr. August Reinisch as Chair. |
在本届会议上,委员会重新设立了工作组,由奥古斯特·赖尼施先生担任主席。 |
The working group held two meetings, on 20 May and 8 July 2024. |
工作组于2024年5月20日和7月8日举行了两次会议。 |
307. |
307. |
At its 3694th meeting, on 26 July 2024, the Commission considered and took note of the report of the Working Group (A/CN.4/L.1003), which is reproduced, in part, in section C below. |
委员会在2024年7月26日第3694次会议上审议并表示注意到工作组的报告(A/CN.4/L.1003)。 该报告部分内容载于下文C节。 |
308. |
308. |
At the same meeting, the Commission, having considered the recommendations of the Working Group: |
在同一次会议上,委员会在审议了工作组的建议后: |
(a) |
(a) |
decided to establish at its seventy-sixth session (2025) a Working Group on succession of States in respect of State responsibility for the purpose of drafting a report that would bring the work of the Commission on the topic to an end; |
决定在第七十六届会议(2025年)上就国家责任方面的国家继承问题设立一个工作组,负责起草一份为委员会该专题相关工作收尾的报告; |
(b) |
(b) |
decided that the report would contain a summary of the difficulties that the Commission would face if it were to continue its work on the topic and explain the reasons for the discontinuance of such work; |
决定上述报告将概述委员会若继续就该专题开展工作将会面临的困难,并说明停止该项工作的理由; |
and |
(c) |
(c) decided to appoint Mr. Bimal N. Patel as Chair of the Working Group to be established at the seventy-sixth session of the Commission and recommended that the Chair be encouraged to prepare the draft report of the Working Group in advance of the next session, in close collaboration with interested members. |
决定任命比马尔·帕特尔先生担任拟于委员会第七十六届会议上设立的工作组主席,并建议鼓励主席在与有关委员密切协作下在下一届会议之前编写工作组的报告草稿。 |
C. |
C. |
Report of the Working Group |
工作组的报告 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction |
导言 |
309. |
309. |
The International Law Commission, at its 3621st meeting on 10 May 2023, decided to establish a Working Group on the topic “Succession of States in respect of State responsibility” and appointed Mr. August Reinisch as its Chair. |
国际法委员会在2023年5月10日第3621次会议上决定就“国家责任方面的国家继承”专题设立一个工作组,并任命奥古斯特·赖尼施先生为工作组主席。 |
The purpose of the Working Group was to consider the future of the work of the Commission on the topic, as the Special Rapporteur was no longer with the Commission. |
设立工作组,目的是考虑委员会该专题相关工作的未来,因为特别报告员已从委员会离任。 |
The Working Group held four meetings at the seventy-fourth session (2023). |
工作组在委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)期间举行了四次会议。 |
310. |
310. |
The Working Group decided to recommend that the Commission continue its consideration of the topic, while refraining, at that stage, from proceeding with the appointment of a new Special Rapporteur. |
工作组决定建议委员会继续审议该专题,同时在现阶段暂不着手任命新的特别报告员。 |
It further recommended that the Working Group be re-established at the seventy-fifth session (2024) of the Commission, with the same open–ended composition, with a view to undertaking further reflection on the way forward for the topic and making a recommendation thereon, taking into account the views expressed, and the options identified, in the Working Group. |
工作组还建议在委员会第七十五届会议(2024年)上重新设立成员同样不限名额的工作组,以期在虑及工作组内发表的意见和确定的选择方案情况下,进一步思考该专题的前进方向并就此提出建议。 |
311. |
311. |
At its 3648th meeting, on 27 July 2023, the Commission took note of the oral report of the Chair of the Working Group, including the recommendations contained therein. |
在2023年7月27日第3648次会议上,委员会表示注意到工作组主席的口头报告,包括其中包含的建议。 |
312. |
312. |
On 20 December 2023, the Chair of the Working Group convened an online meeting of interested members of the Commission in order to discuss issues to be addressed by the Working Group. |
2023年12月20日,工作组主席召开了一次由委员会有关委员参加的在线会议,目的是讨论工作组拟予处理的问题。 |
During that intersessional meeting, a number of issues were identified as requiring further reflection by the Commission. |
在这次闭会期间会议上,确定了需要委员会进一步思考的若干问题。 |
One prominent question was whether there existed sufficient State practice in the field and, in particular, whether the State practice identified by the Commission so far was sufficiently wide and representative in order to draw any conclusions about the existence of applicable rules of customary international law. |
一个突出问题是,该领域是否存在足够多的国家实践? 特别是,委员会迄今所确定的国家实践是否足够广泛且足具代表性,以至于能就存在适用的习惯国际法规则得出任何结论? |
In view of the usefulness of negotiated solutions among the affected States in any given situation, the question was raised as to whether such specifically tailored solutions could form the basis for the identification of rules of customary international law. |
考虑到任何特定情境中受影响国家间谈判达成解决办法均有助益,有委员提出以下问题:此类针对具体情况量身定制的解决办法能否成为识别习惯国际法规则的基础? |
313. |
313. |
Members recognized that it might be necessary to develop more fully the necessity and possibility of distinguishing between a transfer of responsibility as such, and a transfer of rights and obligations arising from the responsibility of a predecessor State. |
委员们认识到,也许有必要更充分地探讨是否有必要和有可能在转移责任本身和转移因被继承国的责任而产生的权利和义务之间作出区分。 |
The question appeared to be particularly important in view of what could be perceived as differences in the provisions considered by the Commission thus far with regard to rights, on the one hand, and obligations, on the other. |
鉴于有人可能认为委员会迄今审议的有关权利与义务的条文中存在差异,这一问题似乎尤为重要。 |
314. |
314. |
It seemed appropriate to distinguish more clearly between what the Commission might consider to be codification and what would be progressive development of international law in the field of State succession with regard to State responsibility. |
在国家责任方面的国家继承领域,似宜更明确地区分委员会可能视为编纂的内容和属于逐渐发展国际法的内容。 |
It also appeared important to more clearly emphasize the underlying policy justifications for the proposed draft guidelines. |
此外,似须更明确地强调所提议的指南草案背后的政策依据。 |
Such justifications had been made clear in the work of the Institute of International Law, but were less explicit in that of the Commission. |
上述政策依据在国际法学会的工作中已得到明确阐述,但在委员会的工作中却不甚明确。 |
315. |
315. |
It also appeared necessary to devote further thought to the question of the extent to which a parallel might be drawn between the rules concerning succession to State debts and the question of succession in respect of State responsibility. |
此外,似有必要进一步思考国家债务继承相关规则与国家责任方面的继承问题之间有多大可比性的问题。 |
Such parallels were partly alluded to in the Commission’s work to date. |
委员会迄今的工作中在一定程度上略为提及了上述可比之处。 |
However, the extent to which they provided a sufficient justification for the proposed draft guidelines was unclear. |
但是,还不清楚上述可比之处能在多大程度上为所提议的指南草案提供充分依据。 |
316. |
316. |
It seemed necessary to devote more attention to the principle of unjust enrichment, which was referred to in justifying specific draft guidelines, but which might underlie, in a broader, conceptual sense, the current draft guidelines as formulated. |
似有必要对不当得利相关原则予以更多关注。 在证明具体的指南草案合理时曾提及该原则,但该原则或许能在更广泛的概念意义上为目前拟订的指南草案提供根据。 |
It also appeared that some of the draft guidelines provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee required further clarification and harmonization. |
起草委员会暂时通过的一些指南草案似也有待进一步澄清和统一。 |
317. |
317. |
Finally, further reflection on the outcome of the Commission’s work was considered necessary by the interested members, in particular, as regards the possibility of the Commission opting to prepare a final report covering the topic. |
最后,有关委员认为有必要进一步思考委员会的工作成果,特别是思考委员会是否可能选择就该专题编写一份最后报告。 |
318. |
318. |
Further to the Commission’s recommendation, adopted at its seventy-fourth session, a working paper was prepared by the Chair of the Working Group, with the assistance of interested members. |
根据委员会第七十四届会议通过的建议,工作组主席在有关委员的协助下编写了一份工作文件。 |
It contained a procedural summary of the work on the topic to date, together with an outline of the issues to be addressed by the Working Group as identified in the intersessional meeting, as well as an indication of the options open to the Commission for its future work on the topic. |
其中载有迄今为止该专题相关工作的程序性概况和闭会期间会议上确定的有待工作组处理的问题纲要,并指出了委员会今后的该专题相关工作可以采取的选择方案。 |
2. |
2. |
Work undertaken at the present session |
本届会议上开展的工作 |
319. |
319. |
The Working Group on succession of States in respect of State responsibility was reconvened at the 3658th meeting, held on 29 April 2024. |
在2024年4月29日举行的第3658次会议上,再次召集了国家责任方面的国家继承问题工作组。 |
The Working Group held two meetings at the present session of the Commission, on 20 May 2024 and 8 July 2024, respectively. |
工作组在委员会本届会议期间举行了两次会议,分别为2024年5月20日和2024年7月8日。 |
It had before it the working paper prepared by the Chair of the Working Group. |
工作组收到了工作组主席编写的工作文件。 |
The Working Group considered and approved its report at its second meeting. |
工作组在第二次会议上审议并批准了其报告。 |
(a) |
(a) |
Discussion within the Working Group |
工作组内的讨论 |
320. |
320. |
At the first meeting of the Working Group, its members expressed their gratitude to the Chair for the intersessional work he had led and the working paper he had prepared on that basis. |
在工作组第一次会议上,工作组成员向主席表达了谢意,感谢他领导闭会期间工作并在此基础上编写了工作文件。 |
They also thanked the members of the Commission who had participated in such work, especially Mr. Patel for his extensive contribution to the working paper. |
他们还感谢参与上述工作的委员会委员,特别是感谢帕特尔先生为工作文件作出的大量贡献。 |
321. |
321. |
The Working Group engaged in a discussion of the difficulties that would face the Commission in its further consideration of the topic, especially those identified in the working paper. |
工作组讨论了委员会若进一步审议该专题将面临的困难,特别是工作文件中所指出的困难。 |
Members highlighted the overall complexity and sensitivity of the topic. |
工作组成员着重指出了该专题的总体复杂性和敏感性。 |
Many members recalled the lack of State practice relevant to the topic, which impeded the identification of rules of customary international law. |
许多成员回顾指出,缺乏与该专题有关的国家实践,对于识别习惯国际法规则造成了阻碍。 |
A number of them noted that such State practice as had been identified was not consistent, and several noted that the practice from various regions of the world, particularly with regard to African and Asian States, had been insufficiently reflected. |
若干成员指出,已经发现的此类国家实践并不一致。 有几位成员指出,世界多个地区的实践,尤其是非洲国家和亚洲国家的实践,尚未得到充分的反映。 |
It was also recalled that much of the practice identified took the form of treaties between the States concerned, and members pointed to the difficulty in establishing the relationship between such practice and rules of customary international law. |
此外,有成员回顾指出,已发现的国家实践,其形式大多是有关国家之间的条约。 有数位成员指出,难以在此类实践与习惯国际法规则之间建立关联。 |
Several members suggested that continuing study of the topic would require thorough consideration of the widest possible range of State practice. |
几位成员指出,继续对该专题进行研究,将有赖于全面考虑尽可能广泛的国家实践。 |
322. |
322. |
Members also recalled a number of outstanding substantive aspects of the topic that the Commission had not yet addressed fully. |
工作组成员们还回顾了委员会尚未充分处理的该专题有待处理的若干实质性问题。 |
Those included the questions of: whether it was responsibility or the rights and obligations that arose therefrom that would be transferred upon a succession of States; |
其中包括以下问题:在发生国家继承时,转移的是责任,还是责任所产生的权利和义务; |
whether a parallel with cases of succession to State debts was appropriate; |
与国家债务继承情况作比较是否适当; |
and the relationships between both the topic and the law concerning unjust enrichment, and the rules governing the legal consequences of internationally wrongful acts. |
该专题与不当得利问题相关法律之间的关系,以及该专题与国际不法行为的法律后果相关规则之间的关系。 |
It was noted that several delegations in the Sixth Committee had called on the Commission to distinguish more clearly between instances of codification and progressive development in its work on the topic. |
有成员指出,几个代表团在第六委员会呼吁国际法委员会在该专题相关工作中就编纂情况和逐渐发展情况作出更明确的区分。 |
It was further advised that the Commission would need to approach such work cautiously. |
也有成员建议,委员会需谨慎对待这项工作。 |
323. |
323. |
The importance of ensuring consistency with the prior work of the Commission, in particular that on other aspects of the succession of States and the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, was emphasized. |
有工作组成员强调,务应确保与委员会先前的工作保持一致,特别是国家继承的其他方面相关工作和国家对国际不法行为的责任条款相关工作。 |
The need to assess the policy justifications for various legal solutions and the achievability of a universally applicable outcome was also raised. |
还有成员提出,有必要对各种法律解决方案的政策依据以及是否有可能达成一项可以普遍适用的成果进行评估。 |
(b) |
(b) |
Options for the way forward |
可以选择的前进方向 |
324. |
324. |
In the light of the issues and difficulties discussed, the Working Group also considered various possible ways forward to complete the work of the Commission on the topic. |
鉴于讨论过的各种问题和困难,工作组还考虑了结束委员会该专题相关工作的各种可行办法。 |
It was generally agreed that it was necessary to determine the way forward at the present session. |
工作组普遍认为,有必要在本届会议上确定前进方向。 |
Members recalled that several States had expressed an interest in the conclusion of the work in a timely manner. |
有工作组成员回顾指出,已有几个国家表示希望及时结束这项工作。 |
A number of possibilities were considered. |
考虑了若干可能性。 |
325. |
325. |
One proposal was for the Commission to establish a working group to proceed with the further substantive study of the topic. |
一项提议是,委员会应设立一个工作组,继续就该专题开展进一步的实质性研究。 |
It was noted that a number of delegations in the Sixth Committee had expressed interest in the continuation of work. |
有工作组成员指出,若干代表团曾在第六委员会表示希望继续开展这项工作。 |
Several members highlighted the possibility of additional research being undertaken into the practice of States, with a focus on those in Africa and Asia. |
几位工作组成员着重指出,可以非洲和亚洲为关注重点,就国家实践开展更多研究。 |
It was also proposed that such a working group could examine outstanding substantive aspects of the topic. |
也有成员提议可由这样一个工作组对该专题有待处理的实质性问题进行仔细研究。 |
The report could also include a comprehensive and multilingual bibliography for the topic. |
此外,可在报告中纳入全面且多语种的该专题文献目录。 |
326. |
326. |
Another possibility raised was the establishment of a working group with the mandate to prepare a procedural report that could bring the work of the Commission to a close at its next session. |
提出的另一种可能性是设立一个工作组,负责编写一份程序性报告,以期在委员会的下一届会议上结束这项工作。 |
It was proposed that such a report could summarize the work of the Commission on the topic to date. |
有工作组成员提议,这样一份报告可以总结委员会迄今就该专题开展的工作。 |
It was suggested that the report could contain a detailed explanation of why the Commission was ending its work on the topic by surveying the difficulties encountered and the issues the Commission was not in a position to study. |
有成员建议,该报告可通过阐述所遇到的困难和委员会无法研究的问题,详细说明委员会为何要结束该专题相关工作。 |
Several members expressed support for such outcome. |
几位成员表示支持这样的结果。 |
327. |
327. |
Members further discussed the incorporation of the provisions already worked out by the Commission and the Drafting Committee in the report of a possible working group. |
工作组成员进一步讨论了将委员会和起草委员会已经确定的条文纳入可能设立的工作组报告的问题。 |
It was proposed that the draft guidelines could be simplified and incorporated into the report of such a working group, or simply reproduced in an annex. |
有成员提议,可将指南草案简化,纳入上述工作组的报告,或仅以附件形式转载。 |
However, the need to treat the draft guidelines with care to avoid confusion as to how the Commission interpreted their status was highlighted. |
但是,有成员着重指出,有必要谨慎对待指南草案,以免在委员会如何解释其地位的问题上产生混淆。 |
328. |
328. |
It was noted that the Commission could also continue its work on the topic by proceeding to the appointment of a new special rapporteur. |
有工作组成员指出,委员会也可着手任命一位新的特别报告员,从而继续就该专题开展工作。 |
Such possibility did not attract significant support, as members considered that the time and resources of the Commission would be more efficiently used by undertaking work on other topics. |
这种可能性没有得到很多支持,因为成员们认为,将委员会的时间和资源用于开展其他专题相关工作,效率会更高。 |
329. |
329. |
It was also noted that the Commission could opt to discontinue its work simply by deciding not to pursue further its work on the topic and reflect such decision in its report. |
也有工作组成员指出,委员会可选择仅以决定不再继续就该专题开展工作的方式停止这项工作,并在其报告中反映上述决定。 |
It was recalled that the Commission had taken such a route in respect of the topic “Relations between States and international organizations (second part of the topic)” at its forty-fourth session (1992). |
有成员回顾指出,委员会曾在第四十四届会议(1992年)上就“国家和国际组织间的关系(专题第二部分)”采取这样一条道路。 |
Such an option was not supported by members, many of whom emphasized the need to acknowledge and take into account the work achieved by the Commission and the former Special Rapporteur, Mr. Pavel Šturma, thus far. |
这项方案没有得到成员们的支持。 很多成员强调,有必要承认并考虑委员会和前任特别报告员帕维尔·斯图尔马先生迄今完成的工作。 |
330. |
330. |
In summing up the discussion in the Working Group, the Chair observed that the prevailing tendency of its members was in favour of a summary report that would describe the difficulties faced in the work on the topic but would not go into their substance, and would be prepared with a view to concluding the work on the topic at the next session of the Commission. |
主席在总结工作组内的讨论时指出,工作组成员中的主流意见倾向于编写一份总结报告,在不触及实质内容的情况下说明该专题相关工作中面临的困难,以期在委员会下一届会议上结束该专题相关工作。 |
Chapter X |
第十章 |
Sea-level rise in relation to international law |
与国际法有关的海平面上升 |
A. |
A. |
Introduction |
导言 |
331. |
331. |
At its seventy-first session (2019), the International Law Commission decided to include the topic “Sea-level rise in relation to international law” in its programme of work. |
国际法委员会第七十一届会议(2019年)决定将“与国际法有关的海平面上升”专题列入工作方案。 |
The Commission also decided to establish an open-ended Study Group on the topic, to be co–chaired, on a rotating basis, by Mr. Bogdan Aurescu, Mr. Yacouba Cissé, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Ms. Nilüfer Oral and Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria. |
委员会还决定就该专题设立一个不限成员名额研究组,由波格丹·奥雷斯库先生、雅库巴·西塞先生、帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士、尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士和胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生轮流担任共同主席。 |
The Study Group discussed its composition, its proposed calendar and programme of work, and its methods of work. |
研究组讨论了其成员组成、所提议的会议日历和工作方案及其工作方法。 |
At its 3480th meeting, on 15 July 2019, the Commission took note of the joint oral report of the Co-Chairs of the Study Group. |
委员会在2019年7月15日第3480次会议上表示注意到研究组共同主席的联合口头报告。 |
332. |
332. |
At its seventy-second session (2021), the Commission reconstituted the Study Group, and considered the first issues paper on the topic, which had been issued together with a preliminary bibliography. |
委员会第七十二届会议(2021年)重组了研究组,并审议了关于该专题的第一份问题文件。 该文件在印发时附有初步参考文献目录。 |
At its 3550th meeting, on 27 July 2021, the Commission took note of the joint oral report of the Co-Chairs of the Study Group. |
委员会在2021年7月27日第3550次会议上表示注意到研究组共同主席的联合口头报告。 |
333. |
333. |
At its seventy-third session (2022), the Commission reconstituted the Study Group, and considered the second issues paper on the topic, which had been issued together with a preliminary bibliography. |
委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)重组了研究组,并审议了关于该专题的第二份问题文件。 该文件在印发时附有初步参考文献目录。 |
At its 3612th meeting, on 5 August 2022, the Commission considered and adopted the report of the Study Group on its work at the seventy-third session. |
在2022年8月5日第3612次会议上,委员会审议并通过了研究组在第七十三届会议上的工作报告。 |
334. |
334. |
At its seventy-fourth session (2023), the Commission reconstituted the Study Group, and considered the additional paper to the first issues paper on the topic, which had been issued together with a bibliography. |
委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)重组了研究组,并审议了关于该专题的第一份问题文件的补充文件。 该文件在印发时附有参考文献目录。 |
At its 3655th meeting, on 3 August 2023, the Commission considered and adopted the report of the Study Group on its work at the seventy–fourth session. |
在2023年8月3日第3655次会议上,委员会审议并通过了研究组在第七十四届会议上的工作报告。 |
B. |
B. |
Consideration of the topic at the present session |
本届会议审议此专题的情况 |
335. |
335. |
At the present session, the Commission reconstituted the Study Group on sea-level rise in relation to international law, chaired by the two Co-Chairs on issues related to statehood and to the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, namely Ms. Galvão Teles and Mr. Ruda Santolaria. |
委员会在本届会议上重组了与国际法有关的海平面上升专题研究组,由负责受海平面上升影响的国家地位相关问题和人员保护相关问题的两位共同主席,即加尔旺·特莱斯女士和鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生,共同主持。 |
336. |
336. |
In accordance with the agreed programme of work and methods of work, the Study Group had before it the additional paper to the second issues paper on the topic (A/CN.4/774), prepared by Ms. Galvão Teles and Mr. Ruda Santolaria. |
根据商定的工作方案和工作方法,研究组收到了由加尔旺·特莱斯女士和鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生编写的该专题第二份问题文件补充文件(A/CN.4/774)。 |
A selected bibliography, prepared in consultation with members of the Study Group, was issued as an addendum to the additional paper (A/CN.4/774/Add.1). |
作为该补充文件的增编,印发了经与研究组成员协商编写的精选参考文献目录(A/CN.4/774/Add.1)。 |
337. |
337. |
The Study Group, which at the present session comprised 27 members, held 10 meetings, from 30 April to 9 May and from 2 to 8 July 2024. |
研究组在本届会议上有27名成员, 于2024年4月30日至5月9日和7月2日至8日举行了10次会议。 |
338. |
338. |
At its 3694th meeting, on 26 July 2024, the Co-Chairs, Ms. Galvão Teles and Mr. Ruda Santolaria, introduced the report of the Study Group (A/CN.4/L.1002). |
在委员会于2024年7月26日举行的第3694次会议上,共同主席加尔旺·特莱斯女士和鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生介绍了研究组的报告(A/CN.4/L.1002)。 |
At the same meeting, the Commission took note of the report. |
在同一次会议上,委员会表示注意到该报告。 |
At its 3698th meeting, on 30 July 2024, the Commission considered and adopted the report of the Study Group on its work at the present session, as reproduced below. |
在2024年7月30日举行的第3698次会议上,委员会审议并通过了下文载录的研究组在本届会议上的工作报告。 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction of the additional paper (A/CN.4/774 and Add.1) to the second issues paper by the Co-Chairs |
共同主席介绍第二份问题文件的补充文件(A/CN.4/774及Add.1) |
(a) |
(a) |
Procedure followed by the Study Group |
研究组遵循的程序 |
339. |
339. |
At the first meeting of the Study Group, held on 30 April 2024, the Co-Chair (Ms. Galvão Teles) indicated that the purpose of the six meetings scheduled in the first part of the session was to allow for an exchange of views on the additional paper to the second issues paper and any other matters related to the two subtopics under consideration. |
共同主席(加尔旺·特莱斯女士)在2024年4月30日举行的研究组第一次会议上指出,本届会议第一期会议安排的六次会议,目的是就第二份问题文件的补充文件以及与正在审议的两个分专题有关的任何相关事宜交换意见。 |
The outcome of the first part of the session would be a draft interim report of the Study Group, to be considered and complemented during the second part of the session. |
第一期会议的成果将是研究组的临时报告草稿,供第二期会议审议并加以补充。 |
The draft report would then be agreed upon in the Study Group and subsequently presented by the Co-Chairs to the Commission, with a view to being included in the annual report of the Commission. |
之后,将在研究组内商定报告草稿,随后由共同主席将报告草稿提交委员会,以期列入委员会的年度报告。 |
(b) |
(b) |
Presentation of the additional paper to the second issues paper |
介绍第二份问题文件的补充文件 |
340. |
340. |
At the first meeting of the Study Group the Co-Chairs (Ms. Galvão Teles and Mr. Ruda Santolaria) made a general presentation of the additional paper. |
共同主席(加尔旺·特莱斯女士和鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)在研究组第一次会议上概括介绍了补充文件。 |
It was noted that the topic “Sea-level rise in relation to international law” had generated increasing interest among members of the Commission and Member States. |
他们指出,委员会委员和会员国越来越关注“与国际法有关的海平面上升”专题。 |
Reference was made to the progress that had been achieved so far on all three subtopics under consideration, through in-depth discussions within the framework of the Study Group and the Commission, which had been further enriched by comments conveyed by Member States either in the Sixth Committee or in response to questions raised by the Commission. |
他们提到迄今已在审议的所有三个分专题上取得的进展。 取得上述进展,系通过在研究组和委员会框架内开展的深入讨论,而会员国在第六委员会内或针对国际法委员会提出的问题发表的评论也进一步丰富了讨论内容。 |
It was also emphasized that some States, including those most affected by the phenomenon, had been particularly active in drawing attention to the urgency of addressing the multiple challenges ahead and in identifying potential legal solutions. |
他们强调,一些国家,包括受海平面上升现象影响最严重的国家在内,尤为积极地提请注意应对未来多重挑战的紧迫性,也尤为积极地寻找可能的法律解决方案。 |
Particular attention was drawn to the Declaration on the Continuity of Statehood and the Protection of Persons in the Face of Climate Change-related Sea-level Rise, adopted by the leaders of the States, countries and territories of the Pacific Islands Forum on 9 November 2023 (2023 Pacific Islands Forum Declaration). |
他们特别提请注意太平洋岛屿论坛国家和地区领导人2023年11月9日通过的《面临与气候变化有关的海平面上升情况下国家地位存续和人员保护宣言》(2023年太平洋岛屿论坛宣言)。 |
Furthermore, it was noted that, in addition to the Commission, the Security Council, the General Assembly and various other United Nations bodies had addressed the topic of sea-level rise; |
此外,他们指出:除委员会外,安全理事会、联大和其他多个联合国机构也讨论了海平面上升问题; |
it was also being considered by international and regional courts and tribunals in the context of the advisory proceedings relating to climate change, namely by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the International Court of Justice. |
有国际性和区域性法院和法庭,即美洲人权法院、国际海洋法法庭和国际法院,也正在有关气候变化的咨询程序框架内审议这一问题。 |
341. |
341. |
The Co-Chair (Ms. Oral) further reiterated the importance of the topic and emphasized its immediate relevance to Member States around the world. |
共同主席(奥拉尔女士)进一步重申了该专题的重要性,并强调该专题与全世界的会员国均直接相关。 |
She presented the Study Group with an overview of events addressing the issue of sea-level rise that had taken place in 2023. |
她向研究组概括介绍了2023年开展的应对海平面上升问题的活动。 |
In particular, she recalled that the Security Council had held a meeting on 14 February 2023 on the subject of “Sea-level rise: implications for international peace and security”, under the agenda item “Threats to international peace and security”, at which Mr. Aurescu, who was a Co-Chair of the Study Group at that time, had delivered a briefing on the progress of the Commission’s work. |
具体而言,她回顾指出,安全理事会于2023年2月14日在议程项目“对国际和平与安全的威胁”下就“海平面上升:对国际和平与安全的影响”主题举行了一次会议,当时的研究组共同主席之一奥雷斯库先生在会上简要介绍了委员会工作的进展情况。 |
She also noted that the President of the General Assembly had convened an informal plenary meeting of the General Assembly on existential threats of sea-level rise amidst the climate crisis, on 3 November 2023. |
她还指出,联大主席于2023年11月3日就气候危机中海平面上升造成的生存威胁召开了一次联大非正式全体会议。 |
Finally, it was recalled that the General Assembly had decided to convene a high-level plenary meeting on 25 September 2024 to address existential threats posed by sea-level rise. |
最后,她回顾指出,联大已决定于2024年9月25日召开一次高级别全体会议,讨论海平面上升所造成的生存威胁问题。 |
342. |
342. |
The Co-Chairs (Ms. Galvão Teles and Mr. Ruda Santolaria) indicated that the purpose of the additional paper was to supplement and develop the content of the second issues paper (2022) on the basis of a number of suggestions by the Co-Chairs and members of the Study Group that were proposed during the debate on that paper during the seventy-third session of the Commission. |
共同主席(加尔旺·特莱斯女士和鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)指出,补充文件的目的是,根据研究组共同主席和成员们在委员会第七十三届会议期间就第二份问题文件(2022年)进行辩论时提出的若干建议,补充和发展第二份问题文件的内容。 |
Positions of Member States on both subtopics, including as expressed during the debates in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly and submitted to the Commission for consideration, had been duly considered and reflected in the additional paper. |
会员国关于这两个分专题的立场,包括在联大第六委员会辩论过程中表明的立场和提交委员会考虑的立场,已得到应有考虑,并已反映在补充文件当中。 |
343. |
343. |
Introducing the subtopic on statehood, the Co-Chair (Mr. Ruda Santolaria) reiterated that, while sea-level rise was a phenomenon with different impacts around the globe, the problem it posed was of an existential character, with threats to low-lying coastal States, archipelagic States, small island States and small island developing States, as their land surface might be totally or partially submerged or rendered uninhabitable. |
共同主席(鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)在介绍关于国家地位的分专题时重申,海平面上升现象对全球各地产生的影响各不相同,但其造成的问题关乎生存,对低洼沿海国家、群岛国家、小岛屿国家和小岛屿发展中国家构成威胁,因为这些国家的陆地表面可能被全部或部分淹没,或变得不宜居住。 |
The additional paper analysed the following points: the configuration of the State as a subject of international law and the continuity of its existence; |
补充文件分析了以下要点:作为国际法主体的国家的构成及其存在的连续性; |
scenarios linked to statehood in the context of sea–level rise and the right of the State to provide for its preservation; |
关于海平面上升情境中国家地位的各种设想,以及国家自我保全的权利; |
and eventual alternatives to face the phenomenon in relation to statehood. |
就国家地位而言应对海平面上升现象的最终替代方案。 |
344. |
344. |
With respect to the subtopic on the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, the Co-Chair (Ms. Galvão Teles) firstly recalled some of the preliminary observations contained in the second issues paper on the topic, noting in particular that the current international legal frameworks that were potentially applicable to the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise were fragmented, mostly not specific to sea-level rise and required further development. |
关于受海平面上升影响人员的保护问题分专题,共同主席(加尔旺·特莱斯女士)首先回顾了该专题第二份问题文件所载的一些初步意见,并特别指出,目前可能适用于受海平面上升影响人员保护问题的国际法律框架不成体系,且大多并非专门针对海平面上升问题,还有待进一步发展。 |
She further recalled that relevant State practice was sparse at the global level and was not always specific to sea-level rise. |
她还回顾指出,全球层面相关国家实践很少,且并不都是专门涉及海平面上升问题。 |
Following the discussions in the Study Group in 2022, a number of elements for legal protection had been identified for further exploration in the additional paper, without prejudice to the possibility of further examining other issues as appropriate. |
继于2022年在研究组内讨论之后,在补充文件内确定了法律保护的若干要素,以供进一步探讨,但并不妨碍可能酌情探讨其他问题。 |
2. |
2. |
Summary of the exchange of views |
意见交流概要 |
(a) |
(a) |
General comments on the topic and the additional paper |
关于该专题和补充文件的一般性评论 |
345. |
345. |
Members of the Study Group expressed gratitude to the Co-Chairs (Ms. Galvão Teles and Mr. Ruda Santolaria) for a very well-documented and structured additional paper. |
研究组成员感谢共同主席(加尔旺·特莱斯女士和鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)编写了一份佐证翔实、结构严谨的补充文件。 |
They also welcomed the memorandum by the Secretariat identifying elements in the previous work of the Commission that could be relevant for its future work on the topic (A/CN.4/768). |
研究组成员还对秘书处的备忘录(A/CN.4/768)表示欢迎,其中列有委员会以往工作中可能与该专题今后工作有关的内容。 |
346. |
346. |
Commenting on the topic in general terms, members of the Study Group reiterated the topic’s relevance and the crucial importance of the Commission’s discussion to the international community in general and particularly to States that are directly affected by sea–level rise. |
在对该专题进行一般性评论时,研究组成员重申,对于整个国际社会而言,尤其是对于直接受海平面上升影响的国家而言,该专题具有现实意义,委员会的讨论也至关重要。 |
Some members also expressed a sense of urgency given the issues at stake and the gravity of the situation. |
一些成员还表示,利害攸关的问题以及形势的严重,让他们有一种紧迫感。 |
It was highlighted that the phenomenon affected persons in vulnerable situations, as well as having the effect of placing persons in such situations. |
有成员着重指出,海平面上升现象影响处境脆弱者,且会导致人们陷入脆弱处境。 |
It was also noted that sea-level rise was a direct consequence of the global climate change, with some members underlining the anthropogenic nature of the phenomenon. |
此外,有成员指出海平面上升是全球气候变化的一个直接后果。 一些成员强调指出了该现象的人为性质。 |
347. |
347. |
Members recalled recent developments in the practice of Members States and international organizations, including those mentioned by the Co-Chairs, as well as the ongoing proceedings before various international and regional courts and tribunals, and emphasized the need for the Study Group to duly reflect such developments in its work. |
研究组成员们回顾了会员国和国际组织在实践方面的近期动态,其中包括共同主席提及的动态,还回顾了多个国际性和区域性法院及法庭正在进行的诉讼。 他们强调,研究组有必要在其工作中妥为反映上述动态。 |
348. |
348. |
While some members noted the need to draw from the past work of the Commission, the Study Group was cautioned against drawing too many parallels, in particular with the draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters adopted by the Commission in 2016. |
一些研究组成员指出有必要借鉴委员会先前的工作,但另有成员提醒称,研究组不应作过多比较,特别是不应与委员会2016年通过的关于发生灾害时的人员保护的条款草案 作过多比较。 |
The connection between all three subtopics under consideration and the need to ensure coherence between them was emphasized. |
有成员强调,正在审议的所有三个分专题之间存在关联,有必要确保三者之间协调一致。 |
(b) |
(b) |
Reflections on statehood |
关于国家地位的思考 |
349. |
349. |
The Study Group considered Part One of the additional paper, entitled “Reflections on statehood”, at the first to third meetings of the Study Group, held on 1, 2 and 7 May 2024. |
研究组在2024年5月1日、2日和7日举行的第一至第三次会议上审议了补充文件题为“关于国家地位的思考”的第一部分。 |
(i) |
(一) |
Introduction by the Co-Chair |
共同主席的介绍 |
350. |
350. |
In introducing Part One of the additional paper, the Co-Chair (Mr. Ruda Santolaria) observed that while climate change-induced sea-level rise was a global phenomenon with differentiated impacts in the distinct regions of the world, it posed a particularly serious threat to small island developing States, whose land surface might be totally or partially submerged or rendered uninhabitable by rising sea levels. |
共同主席(鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)在介绍补充文件第一部分时指出,气候变化引起的海平面上升是一个全球现象,对世界不同区域的影响各不相同,但对小岛屿发展中国家构成的威胁特别严重。 这些国家的陆地表面可能因海平面上升而被全部或部分淹没,或变得不宜居住。 |
In his view, there existed a strong presumption of continuity in the case of States whose land surface might be totally or partially submerged or rendered uninhabitable by rising sea-levels caused by climate change. |
他认为,就国家的陆地表面可能因气候变化引起的海平面上升而被全部或部分淹没或是变得不宜居住的情况而言,存在着关于国家地位存续的有力推定。 |
Accordingly, the continuity of statehood was linked to security, stability, certainty and predictability, as well as to considerations of equity and justice, and, as such, served as a manifestation of the applicability of the principles of self-determination, protection of the territorial integrity of the State, sovereign equality of States, permanent sovereignty of States over their natural resources, the maintenance of international peace and security, and the stability of international relations and international cooperation. |
据此,国家地位存续涉及到安全性、稳定性、确定性和可预测性,还涉及到公平和正义考量,并因而体现着自决、保护国家领土完整、各国主权平等、国家对其自然资源拥有永久主权、维护国际和平与安全以及国际关系稳定和国际合作等原则的适用性。 |
(ii) |
(二) |
General comments |
一般性评论 |
351. |
351. |
Members of the Study Group discussed the central question concerning the continuity of statehood in circumstances where the land surface becomes totally or partially submerged or rendered uninhabitable by rising sea levels. |
研究组成员讨论了在陆地表面因海平面上升而被全部或部分淹没或变得不宜居住情况下国家地位存续这一核心问题。 |
They supported in general terms the approach taken by the Co-Chair on that issue in the additional paper. |
他们总体上支持共同主席在补充文件中就该问题采取的态度。 |
It was observed that the conclusion drawn therein flowed also from the debate held at the previous session of the Commission on the implications of sea-level rise for the law of the sea. |
有成员注意到,补充文件中得出的结论也源自委员会上届会议就海平面上升对海洋法的影响问题进行的辩论。 |
It was also noted by some members that the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise was linked to the question of the continuation of statehood, in that the potential loss of statehood raised the spectre of statelessness. |
还有一些成员指出,受海平面上升影响人员的保护问题与国家地位存续问题存在关联,因为丧失国家地位的可能性引发对出现无国籍情况的担忧。 |
Reference was made to the 1928 Arbitral Award in the Island of Palmas case, which had placed emphasis not only on the rights of States and the creation of rights or entitlements, but also on corollaries such as duties with regard to the protection of certain key interests. |
有成员提及1928年帕尔马斯岛一案的仲裁裁决,其中不仅强调了国家的权利问题以及权利或应享权利的产生问题,还强调了诸如保护某些关键利益之义务等必然结果。 |
352. |
352. |
Reference was made to the various views expressed by States during the debates in the Sixth Committee, as also detailed in the additional paper. |
有成员提到会员国在第六委员会辩论过程中发表的各种意见。 补充文件中也详细载录了上述意见。 |
Some members of the Study Group noted the need to carefully identify the precise rationale for those statements, without reading into them views that States had potentially consciously chosen not to put forward, since the topic of statehood was of relevance to many fields of international law. |
一些研究组成员指出,有必要仔细分辨这些发言的确切原因,而不是从中解读出各国可能有意选择不予提出的观点,因为国家地位问题涉及到国际法的很多领域。 |
It was further observed that those States that supported the continuity of statehood could have made claims of several kinds, including: (1) that there existed an established positive international law rule on the point; |
有成员进一步指出,支持国家地位存续的国家可能提出几种主张,包括:(1) 在该问题上存在着既有的实定国际法规则; |
(2) that there could be flexibility in the application of a vague but still positive rule to address the point; |
(2) 适用模糊但仍属实定规则的规则来处理该问题,可能会带来灵活性; |
(3) that there existed reasons why developing international law in a certain direction would go with the grain of the legal system, particularly when invoking situations by analogy; |
(3) 朝着某种特定方向发展国际法,会与该法律体系的本质相符,尤其是在以类比方式援引相关情况时,而之所以如此,是有原因的; |
and (4) that they were taking no position on the existence or desirability of positive rules at all and were simply indicating a policy preference. |
(4) 各国根本没有就实定规则是否存在或是否可取采取任何立场,而只是表明了一种政策倾向。 |
(iii) |
(三) |
Creation of a State as a subject of international law and continued existence of the State |
国家作为国际法主体的产生和国家的继续存在 |
a. |
a. |
Distinction between the criteria for the creation of a State and those for its continuity |
国家产生的标准与国家存续的标准之间的区别 |
i. |
一. |
Introduction by the Co-Chair |
共同主席的介绍 |
353. |
353. |
The Co-Chair (Mr. Ruda Santolaria) recalled that, when considering the legal basis for the continuation of statehood, the key reference point was article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States of 1933, which had established a set of criteria for an entity to qualify as a State that had since come to be generally accepted in establishing the existence of a State as a subject or person of international law. |
共同主席(鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)回顾称,考虑国家地位存续的法律依据时,主要的参考依据是1933年《蒙得维的亚国家权利与义务公约》 第1条,其中就一个实体够条件成为国家确立了一套标准。 自那时起,上述标准已发展成为确定国家是否作为国际法主体或法人存在方面普遍接受的标准。 |
In the view of the Co-Chair, a distinction could be drawn between situations where the provisions of article 1 of the Montevideo Convention were applicable in order for the State to be considered a subject of international law and situations in which circumstances arose in relation to existing States in which one or more of the criteria of article 1 of the Montevideo Convention ceased to be present. |
共同主席认为,可在以下两种情况之间作出区分:一种情况是,为确定国家是否应被视为国际法主体而适用《蒙得维的亚公约》第1条的规定; 另一种情况是,现有国家发生的事态使之不再具备《蒙得维的亚公约》第1条所规定的一项或多项条件。 |
He observed that the Convention did not address the question of the loss of statehood but included, instead, the right of each State to preserve its continued existence and independence. |
他注意到,该公约未触及丧失国家地位问题,而是在其中规定每个国家均有权存续并保有其独立性。 |
Such position had been confirmed as recently as in the 2023 Pacific Islands Forum Declaration. |
这一立场最近在2023年太平洋岛屿论坛宣言中得到了确认。 |
The Declaration presumed the continuity of statehood regardless of the impact of sea-level rise. |
该宣言推定,不论海平面上升有何影响,国家地位均将存续。 |
ii. |
二. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
354. |
354. |
During the ensuing discussion in the Study Group, support was expressed for the position taken in the additional paper that the Montevideo Convention criteria did not address as such the question of continuing statehood. |
在研究组随后的讨论中,有成员表示支持补充文件中的看法,即《蒙得维的亚公约》所规定的标准本身并未触及国家地位存续问题。 |
It was suggested that a distinction could be drawn between the creation of a right and its continuation. |
有成员建议,可在权利的产生和权利的存续之间作出区分。 |
Reference was made again to the Island of Palmas Award which stated that “[a] distinction must be made between the creation of rights and the existence of rights”. |
再次有成员提到帕尔马斯岛案的裁决,其中指出,“必须区分权利的产生和权利的存在”。 |
The view was expressed that the Montevideo Convention was not decisive in any way with regard to the issue of the continued existence of rights. |
有成员表示,《蒙得维的亚公约》在权利存续问题上没有任何决定性意义。 |
It was observed that the object of the Montevideo Convention was the rights and duties of States, and not the question of statehood or the recognition of statehood. |
有成员指出,《蒙得维的亚公约》系针对国家的权利和义务,而不是针对国家地位问题或国家地位的承认问题。 |
The matter, therefore, was not whether the Convention applied to continuity, but rather whether the Convention reflected customary international law regarding the continuity of statehood. |
因此,问题不在于该公约是否适用于国家存续问题,而在于该公约是否反映了关于国家地位存续问题的习惯国际法。 |
State practice seemed to suggest that the Convention did not do so. |
国家实践似乎表明,该公约并未反映国家地位存续方面的习惯国际法。 |
It was recalled that for a number of States in the twentieth century some of the requirements of the Montevideo Convention had either not been present at some point or only marginally so, but they had, nonetheless, continued to be recognized as States. |
有成员回顾指出,在二十世纪,有若干国家或在某段时间不符合《蒙得维的亚公约》的某些要求,或仅仅勉强符合要求,但仍继续被承认为国家。 |
Such overall assessment had been further substantiated by the fact that several States in the Sixth Committee had called on the international community to confirm the continuity of statehood in situations where the land surface of a State becomes totally submerged or rendered uninhabitable due to sea-level rise. |
几个国家曾在第六委员会呼吁国际社会确认在海平面上升导致一国陆地表面被完全淹没或不宜居住的情况下国家地位仍将存续,这一事实进一步证明上述总体评估意见是有根据的。 |
355. |
355. |
The view was expressed that advances in science and technology had, in fact, allowed for uninhabitable territory to be used and thus still continue to contribute to satisfying the elements of statehood. |
有成员表示,实际上,科学和技术的进步使不适宜居住的领土得以被利用,从而仍有助于满足国家地位要素。 |
Likewise, it was recalled that, under the law of the sea, uninhabitability did not a priori affect the status of territory as territory of a State. |
同样,有成员回顾指出,根据海洋法,不适宜居住,并不能先入为主地影响领土作为一国领土的地位。 |
Reference was made, by way of substantiation, to article 121 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 under which rocks that could not sustain human habitation or economic life of their own could nonetheless still generate a territorial sea. |
作为佐证,有成员提到了1982年《联合国海洋法公约》 第一二一条,其中规定,不能维持人类居住或自身经济生活的岩礁仍可产生领海。 |
356. |
356. |
The view was also expressed that the most important consideration was that States had the right to preserve their existence. |
此外,有成员指出,最重要的考量因素是,国家有权维护其存在。 |
Such understanding underpinned the notion that the Montevideo Convention criteria applied only to the creation of a State and could not be applied a contrario to deny the continuation of a State’s existence. |
此种理解支持以下观点:《蒙得维的亚公约》所规定的标准只适用于国家的产生,而不能反过来用于否定国家的存续。 |
At the same time, the view was expressed that the permanence of the situation facing States at risk because of sea-level rise could be distinguished from that of the temporary loss of, for example, government, such that the considerations that arose in relation to the latter circumstances might not entirely apply to the permanent loss of one of the Montevideo Convention criteria, even if in practice the two situations might not be markedly different. |
与此同时,有成员表示,因海平面上升而岌岌可危的国家,其所面临的情况具有永久性,可与暂时失去例如政府的情况区别开来,因此,后一种情况所引发的考量,可能并不完全适用于永久丧失《蒙得维的亚公约》所规定的一项要素的情况,即使在实践当中两种情况可能并没有明显不同。 |
While the relevance of the practice concerning governments in exile, referred to in the additional paper at paragraph 112, was questioned in light of the fact that it dealt with scenarios that were typically temporary in nature, the view was also expressed that such practice (for example, that in the context of the continuity of the Baltic States between 1940 and 1990) demonstrated the openness of international law to longstanding juridical continuity with limited or no factual control of territory, especially when anchored in continuing membership of universal international institutions. |
有成员质疑补充文件第112段提及的有关流亡政府的实践是否具有相关性,因为其所涉及的情况通常是暂时性的,但也有成员认为,此类实践(例如1940年至1990年间波罗的海国家存续方面的实践)表明,在一国对其领土实际控制有限或无实际控制的情况下,国际法对其法律上的长期连续性持开放态度,尤其是在上述连续性系植根于该国仍具有的普遍性国际机构成员身份情况下。 |
357. |
357. |
A similar view was expressed that an analysis was warranted of the role of the recognition by other States of the continuity of statehood of a State whose land surface was submerged under the sea in part or in whole. |
有成员表达了类似观点,认为有必要分析其他国家对陆地表面部分或全部被海水淹没的国家国家地位存续予以承认所发挥的作用。 |
Reference was made to views of James Crawford, who had described statehood as being not simply a factual situation, but a legally circumscribed claim of right, specifically to the competence to govern a territory. |
有成员提到詹姆斯·克劳福德的观点。 他曾将国家地位描述为不仅仅是一种事实状况,而且是一种受法律限制的权利主张,具体而言,是对管理领土之管辖权的主张。 |
Whether such right was justified depended both on the facts and on whether it was disputed. |
此种权利主张是否具有合理理由,既取决于事实,也取决于是否存在争议。 |
This suggested that there existed a role for recognition in concluding whether an entity, even if it no longer fulfilled one of the relevant criteria, remained an entity that States continued to consider as a member of the international community, and one with whom they dealt on equal terms and which enjoyed international legal personality. |
这表明,在推断某实体――即便该实体已不再符合某项相关标准――是否仍被各国视为国际社会的成员、视为本国与之平等交往的对象和视为享有国际法律人格时,承认与否可以发挥某种作用。 |
358. |
358. |
It was also suggested that the Montevideo Convention criteria could be understood as reflecting a general requirement of effectiveness. |
也有成员表示,《蒙得维的亚公约》所规定的标准可以理解为反映了一种笼统的对于有效性的要求。 |
As such, the question being confronted by the Commission was whether the traditional conception of statehood as effectiveness applied in the situation being considered, or whether a modern conception of effectiveness might not necessarily require the spatially, geographically, coextensive application of all elements of statehood. |
这样的话,委员会所面临的问题是,在所审议的情况中是否适用了体现为有效性的传统的国家地位概念? 或者说,现代的有效性概念是否并不一定要求在空间上和地理上同时全面适用国家地位的所有要素? |
A further view was that it was important, when considering the question of continuity of statehood, to focus on the viability of statehood when a large proportion of the affected State’s land surface was submerged by sea. |
还有一种观点认为,在受影响国家一大部分陆地表面被海水淹没的情况下,在考虑国家地位存续问题时,务应重点关注国家地位的可行性。 |
The view was expressed that it was important to establish criteria for the continuity of statehood in order to ensure that it be maintained in the face of any legal challenges that might emerge in circumstances where key elements of statehood ceased to exist permanently. |
有成员表示,务应就国家地位存续问题制定标准,以确保在国家地位的关键要素永远不复存在的情况下,面对可能出现的任何法律挑战,国家地位仍能得以维持。 |
359. |
359. |
Furthermore, it was observed that the application of the right of self-determination of peoples and the right of each State to defend its territorial integrity and independence would serve to constrain States from prematurely withdrawing recognition granted to a State whose land surface could be totally submerged by rising sea levels. |
此外,有成员指出,适用人民自决权和国家捍卫其领土完整和独立的权利,将有助于限制各国过早地撤销对陆地表面可能因海平面上升而被完全淹没的国家给予的承认。 |
It was recalled that the additional paper had identified the existence of sovereignty or independence as being the key criteria with regard to the continuity of statehood, even if they were concepts usually conceived of by reference to a territory. |
有成员回顾指出,补充文件将主权或独立性的存在确定为国家地位存续的关键标准,尽管主权和独立性是通常在提及领土时想到的概念。 |
360. |
360. |
Another possible legal basis identified for the continuation of statehood was consent, which was a well-known concept in international law. |
就国家地位存续问题确定的另一项可行的法律依据是同意。 这是国际法中一个为人熟知的概念。 |
It was observed that, in the period since the adoption of the Charter of the United Nations, there had been very few cases of extinction of States, and almost none of involuntary extinction. |
有成员指出,自通过《联合国宪章》以来,国家消亡的情况寥寥无几,非自愿消亡的情况几乎没有。 |
All the various scenarios and alternatives for States facing a loss of habitable land territory described in the additional paper had assumed consent on the part of the affected State. |
补充文件中就国家面临丧失可居住陆地领土所描述的种种设想情形和替代方案,均想当然地认定受影响国会同意。 |
b. |
b. |
Presumption of the continuation of statehood |
关于国家地位存续的推定 |
i. |
一. |
Introduction by the Co-Chair |
共同主席的介绍 |
361. |
361. |
It was recalled by the Co-Chair (Mr. Ruda Santolaria), among other members, that, as had been indicated in the second issues paper, considered in 2022, there existed a strong presumption of the continuity of statehood of States whose land surface could be partially or fully submerged by the sea or become uninhabitable because of sea-level rise caused by climate change. |
共同主席(鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)和另一些成员回顾指出,如2022年审议的第二份问题文件所述,对于陆地表面可能因气候变化引起的海平面上升而被全部或部分淹没或是变得不宜居住的国家,存在着其国家地位存续的有力推定。 |
Such presumption arose from the fact, as discussed above, that fundamental changes in one or more of the requirements laid down in the Montevideo Convention for the establishment of a State did not traditionally result in the State ceasing to exist, in the sense of it being assumed that the State concerned could no longer maintain relations of various kinds with other members of the international community, including diplomatic relations, nor the treaty-making power or gain membership in universal and regional international organizations. |
上述推定源于前面讨论过的事实,即《蒙得维的亚公约》就建立国家所规定的一项或多项要件发生根本变化,传统上并未导致国家在以下意义上不复存在:相关国家已被想当然地认为不能继续与国际社会其他成员保持包括外交关系在内的各种关系,不能再保有缔结条约的权力,也不能再获得世界性和区域性国际组织的成员身份。 |
ii. |
二. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
362. |
362. |
General support was expressed in the Study Group in favour of the continuity of statehood. |
研究组内总的来说支持国家地位存续。 |
It was noted that non-continuity would have significant implications, including: the sudden creation of a legal vacuum with the disappearance of nationality, rendering the prior bearers of such nationality stateless; |
有成员指出,不存续会产生重大影响,包括:随着国籍的消失突然出现法律真空,导致先前拥有相关国籍者成为无国籍人; |
the implosion of resource management agreements for the seas concerning environmental or sustainable management of living resources; |
有关生物资源的环境管理或可持续管理的海洋资源管理协定土崩瓦解; |
and the introduction of insecurity or instability, which could threaten international peace and security, for example, by calling into question the validity of existing maritime boundaries. |
引起不安全或不稳定,例如导致现有海洋边界的有效性受到质疑,进而可能威胁国际和平与安全。 |
Nor did international law envisage the possibility of the entire disappearance of international legal obligations as a consequence of anthropogenic developments for which small island developing States, in particular, held no responsibility. |
国际法也并未设想过因小岛屿发展国家具体而言对之并不负有任何责任的人类活动的发展而导致国际法律义务完全消失的可能性。 |
Terminating statehood solely because of the consequences of sea-level rise caused by climate change would be a profound injustice. |
仅因气候变化引起的海平面上升所造成的后果便终止国家地位,将是一种极度的不公正。 |
The international community had a collective responsibility to support such States in preserving their territory and territorial integrity and safeguarding their people. |
国际社会有着支持这些国家维护其领土和领土完整并保护其人民的集体责任。 |
It was suggested that even referring to the possibility of the “discontinuation” or “extinction” of statehood would be misleading, since such outcomes were inaccurate as a matter of existing law. |
有成员认为,即便是提及国家地位“中止”或“消亡”的可能性,也会产生误导,因为根据现行法律,这种结果是不正确的。 |
363. |
363. |
Different views were, however, expressed as to whether it was preferable to describe the prevailing legal situation as giving rise to a “presumption” of continuity or whether it was preferable to refer to the existence of a “principle” of continuity. |
但是,对于是将这一影响深远的法律状况描述为引起了关于存续的“推定”更好,还是提及存在着一项关于存续的“原则”更好,有成员表达了不同意见。 |
Some members preferred admitting the existence of a “principle” out of concern that a presumption could be rebuttable. |
出于担心推定可能可予反驳,一些成员倾向于承认存在着一项“原则”。 |
The question then would be under what circumstances could such rebuttal arise? |
那么问题是,什么情况下会遭到反驳? |
It was conceivable that it could arise in situations where submergence had advanced to such an extent that the question of the continuance of statehood became contested. |
可以想见的是,在淹没情况严重到一定程度,以至于使国家地位存续问题引起争议的情况下,可能会出现反驳。 |
The view was expressed that, in such scenario, the possible bases for departing from the presumption of continuity included: the position taken by the directly affected States themselves, such as in circumstances where an affected State chose not to continue, in one way or another, to exist because it decided to associate with another State; |
有成员表示,这种情况下,可能被用来支持背离存续推定的依据包括:直接受影响国家本身所采取的立场,例如受影响国选择以某种方式不复存在,因为该国已决定与另一国结合; |
or the cessation of recognition by States. |
或者,其他国家不再承认该国。 |
The view was further expressed that there would be practical difficulties in ascertaining definitively whether and when a presumption was rebutted. |
有成员进一步表示,在明确确定存续推定是否以及何时会遭到反驳方面,将会面临实际困难。 |
364. |
364. |
A different view was that the affirmation of a principle of continuity of statehood in general terms seemed to suggest that States had unlimited continuity in time. |
一种不同的观点认为,笼统地确认国家地位存续原则,似乎意味着国家在时间上具有无限的连续性。 |
Such outcome would contradict the historical fact that States had ceased to exist. |
这种结果将与曾有国家不复存在的历史事实相矛盾。 |
Furthermore, while the loss of land territory owing to sea-level rise would in and of itself not be sufficient to negate or rebut a presumption of continuity, a reference to the existence of such a “presumption”, as opposed to that of a “principle”, was nonetheless considered by some members as being more legally appropriate precisely because loss of statehood was conceivable in extreme cases where there arose an almost total loss of both territory and population. |
此外,虽然因海平面上升导致陆地领土丧失本身并不足以否定或反驳存续推定,但一些成员仍认为,提及存在着此种“推定”,而非提及存在着一项“原则”,在法律上更为妥当,而这恰恰是因为,在领土和人口均几乎完全丧失的极端情况下,国家地位的丧失是可以想见的。 |
Furthermore, the concern was expressed that governments in different forums might become wary of the unintended collateral consequences of the existence of such a “principle”, in contexts which had nothing to do with those States that were actually facing a possible loss of statehood. |
此外,有成员表示担心的是,这样一项“原则”的存在,可能会在各种不同论坛上引起各国政府的警惕,担心其在完全不涉及那些确实面临丧失国家地位可能性的国家的情况当中产生本无意产生的附带后果。 |
365. |
365. |
The Study Group was encouraged to stick to the narrow focus of the additional paper on the two categories of States that were vulnerable or susceptible to losing statehood because of sea-level rise. |
有成员鼓励研究组坚持补充文件中的做法,即仅重点关注两类容易或可能因海平面上升而丧失国家地位的国家。 |
Those were the States whose land surface could be totally submerged, and the States whose land surface could be partially submerged or rendered uninhabitable by rising sea levels. |
这两类国家是指,陆地表面可能因海平面上升而被完全淹没的国家和陆地表面可能因海平面上升而被部分淹没或变得不适宜居住的国家。 |
Another view was that focusing only on the relatively small number of States that might be most directly affected risked minimizing the extent of the threat they faced, potentially leading to solutions that might not meet the needs of those particularly affected States. |
另一种观点则认为,只关注数量相对较少的可能受到最直接影响的国家,可能会严重低估所面临威胁的范围,从而可能导致解决方案无法满足那些受影响特别严重国家的需求。 |
366. |
366. |
The view was also expressed that it was not clear what the framing of the issue in terms of a claim of presumption of continuity, as distinguished from a claim to continuity or claim to statehood, added. |
也有成员表示,不清楚从主张存续推定角度――而非从主张存续或主张国家地位角度――来界定问题有何益处。 |
Other framings were possible, including simply recognizing the continuity of statehood. |
还可以有其他界定方式,包括干脆承认国家地位存续。 |
Another suggestion was to focus on the lack of legal impediment to continuity, which avoided the question of whether a legal presumption or principle existed, but rather emphasized the principles of stability, certainty and predictability, as well as those of equity and fairness, especially where the causes of sea-level rise were not primarily of the making of the State affected. |
另一种建议是将关注重点放在存续在法律上不面临障碍上。 此举回避了是存在法律推定还是存在法律原则的问题,而是强调了稳定性、确定性和可预测性原则以及公平和公正原则,尤其是在海平面上升并非主要是由受影响国家造成的情况下。 |
It was recalled that, in the 2023 Pacific Islands Forum Declaration, beyond the fact that it was affirmed that international law supported a presumption of continuity of statehood, it was also recognized that international law did not contemplate the demise of statehood in the context of climate change-related sea-level rise. |
有成员回顾指出,2023年太平洋岛屿论坛宣言除断言国际法支持国家地位存续推定外,还确认国际法并未在气候变化引起海平面上升框架内考虑过国家地位消亡问题。 |
Another view was that it was not clear how the absence of a legal impediment for the continuation of a legal status was different from a positive rule of continuity. |
另一种意见是,不清楚某种法律地位的存续在法律上不存在障碍与存在着关于存续的实定规则之间有何不同。 |
It was also pointed out that it was precisely because the question of whether a State might or might not continue to exist in circumstances where it did not meet some of the criteria for the creation of a State as a subject of international law, depending on the circumstances, that a presumption in favour of continuity provided a useful starting point. |
也有成员指出,恰恰是因为存在着一国在不能满足作为国际法主体的国家产生的某些标准(取决于具体情况)情况下能否继续存在的问题,支持存续的推定才提供了一个有益的起始点。 |
367. |
367. |
Nonetheless, the view was expressed that, regardless of the approach taken, what was important was to have a clear basis in international law for the notion of the continuity of statehood. |
不过,有成员表示,无论采取何种处理方针,重要的是国家地位存续概念在国际法中要有明确的依据。 |
It was pointed out that, while a temporary loss of one of the criteria established by the Montevideo Convention, such as in the case of the absence of a government, was tolerable – as discussed earlier, so as to maintain the presumption of the continuity of statehood – the situation was not entirely comparable to the permanent loss of one of those criteria. |
有成员指出,如先前所讨论的那样,暂时丧失《蒙得维的亚公约》所规定的要素之一的情况,例如政府缺失的情况,是可以接受的,因而会继续推定国家地位存续,但此种情况与永久丧失其中一项要素的情况并不完全具有可比性。 |
While it would be premature to assume loss of statehood in such circumstances, the question was posed as to how long the presumption would continue to apply and under what circumstances? |
此种情况下想当然地认定国家地位丧失还为时尚早,但问题是,存续推定会继续适用多久? 会在何种情况下继续适用? |
Furthermore, what would happen if the State were to become extinct over time, or if States were to have differences as to the presumed continuity of a particular State? |
此外,如果国家随着时间的推移而消亡,或者如果各国在推定某一特定国家存续方面存在分歧,会出现什么情况? |
As such, it was considered necessary to develop a more objective set of elements supporting such presumption of continuity in international law by way of providing guidance. |
因此,有成员认为,有必要制定一套更为客观的要素,以提供指导的方式支持国际法中的存续推定。 |
368. |
368. |
Several ideas to be taken into account when ascertaining the legal basis for the continuity of statehood in situations where the land surface of the State was completely submerged or rendered uninhabitable as a result of sea-level rise were proposed, including: |
成员们就确定国家陆地表面因海平面上升而被完全淹没或变得不宜居住情况下国家地位存续的法律依据时应予考虑的问题提出了几项建议,包括: |
the need to prioritize legal stability, security, certainty and predictability in international relations. |
有必要优先考虑国际关系中的法律稳定性、安全性、确定性和可预测性。 |
the application of the principles of territorial integrity, sovereign equality of States and permanent sovereignty over natural resources, the maintenance of international peace and security, and the application of the right to self-determination. |
适用领土完整、各国主权平等、对自然资源拥有永久主权以及维护国际和平与安全等原则,且适用自决权。 |
considerations of equity, such as the fact that the effects of an anthropogenic phenomenon such as sea-level rise were not caused by those States suffering its consequences the most. |
公平方面的考量,例如,事实上海平面上升这种人为现象的结果并不是由那些受影响最严重的国家造成的。 |
the possibility of the existence at the national level of a general principle related to the presumption of continuity of statehood transposable to international law. |
国家层面是否可能存在着可移植到国际法中的有关国家地位存续推定的一般原则。 |
the possibility of deducing a principle of continuity of statehood, regardless of whether in relation to partial or total submergence of the land surface of a State, from the interpretation of existing treaties. |
是否可能通过解释现有条约推导出国家地位存续原则,无论事涉一国陆地表面被部分淹没还是全部淹没的情况。 |
The combined application of the Montevideo Convention, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 was suggested. |
有成员建议将《蒙得维的亚公约》、《联合国海洋法公约》和1969年《维也纳条约法公约》 的适用相结合。 |
It was observed that neither the Montevideo Convention nor the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea explicitly addressed the potential disappearance of the State and that, under the law of the sea, once delineated the outer limit of the continental shelf remained permanent regardless of any change to the land to which it was connected, and maritime boundaries were not affected by the successful invocation of a fundamental change of circumstances, in accordance with article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. |
有成员指出,《蒙得维的亚公约》和《联合国海洋法公约》均未明确触及国家可能消失的问题,且根据海洋法,大陆架外部界限一旦划定,即是永久性的,无论其所连接的陆地发生何种变化,而根据《维也纳条约法公约》第六十二条,在援引情况发生根本改变为由时取得了成功,并不会影响到海洋边界。 |
the fact that membership of a State in international bodies established under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was assumed to continue and not to be automatically forfeited. |
事实上,一国在《联合国海洋法公约》下设国际机构的成员资格被想当然地视为继续有效而不是自动丧失。 |
the fact that international law did not prescribe an established pattern for statehood. |
事实上,国际法并未就国家地位规定某种既定模式。 |
the fact that there existed in international law an acceptance of a degree of flexibility as to what amount of public authority should be exercised in order to demonstrate a title. |
事实上,国际法在应行使多少公共权力才能证明所有权方面可以接受一定的灵活性。 |
the fact that State practice had revealed a degree of flexibility in the application of international law to the issues of statehood in the context of submergence of land surface due to sea-level rise. |
事实上,国家实践显示,海平面上升导致陆地表面被淹没的情况中,在适用国际法处理国家地位问题方面存在着一定的灵活性。 |
369. |
369. |
The view was expressed that the Commission should not seek to address questions of statehood in general terms, which went beyond the mandate of the Study Group, nor to stray too far from the traditional criteria for statehood, including that of territory, since there existed certain fundamental rules of international law that could not be isolated from territory or statehood, for example, those concerning the exercise of jurisdiction. |
有成员表示,委员会不应试图笼统地处理国家地位相关问题――这已超出了研究组的任务范围,也不应过于偏离有关国家地位的传统标准,包括领土标准在内,因为存在着某些不能脱离领土或国家地位的国际法基本规则,例如关于行使管辖权的基本规则。 |
As such, any discussion as to the modification of the established criteria of statehood should be undertaken with caution, in particular in relation to that of territory. |
因此,进行任何关于修改国家地位既定标准的讨论均应谨慎,进行关于修改领土标准的讨论应尤为谨慎。 |
(iv) |
(四) |
Scenarios relating to statehood in the context of sea-level rise and the right of the State to provide for its preservation |
关于海平面上升情境中国家地位的各种设想和国家自我保全的权利 |
a. |
a. |
Introduction by the Co-Chair |
共同主席的介绍 |
370. |
370. |
In introducing Part One, chapter III, section B, of the additional paper, the Co-Chair (Mr. Ruda Santolaria) observed that it was important to emphasize the right of the affected State to preserve its existence, as had been mentioned earlier in the discussion, by adopting different measures to ensure its continuity, by which it was understood its continuation of its sovereignty and sovereign rights, encompassing the land surface and the sea surface composed of the maritime areas under its jurisdiction, while conserving and sustainably using the natural resources existing there, as well as preserving biodiversity and ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations of its population. |
共同主席(鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)在介绍补充文件第一部分第三章B节时指出,务应强调的是,如先前讨论所提到的那样,受影响国有权采取各种不同措施确保本国存续,以维持本国的存在。 存续意味着受影响国继续享有其主权和主权权利,包括对陆地表面和所管辖海域构成的海洋表面享有主权和主权权利,同时养护并可持续利用其中存在的自然资源,并为造福今世后代而保护生物多样性和生态系统。 |
371. |
371. |
As had been discussed during the debate on the continuity of statehood, two scenarios were being envisaged. |
正如在就国家地位存续问题进行辩论过程中所讨论的那样,设想了两种情形。 |
The first was where the land surface of the State concerned was affected by erosion, salinization and partial submergence, potentially becoming uninhabitable, despite only being partially submerged by the sea, due to the unavailability of a sufficient fresh water supply and thus resulting in the population having to move elsewhere within the territory of the affected State or migrating to another State or States. |
第一种情形是所涉国家的陆地表面被侵蚀、盐碱化和部分淹没,虽然仅部分被海水淹没,但因淡水供应不足而可能不再宜居,从而导致民众只得迁移到受影响国领土内的其他地区或移民至另一个或另几个国家。 |
The second scenario was that of total submergence where the land surface of the affected State was completely covered by the sea. |
第二种情形是完全淹没,即受影响国的陆地表面完全被海水覆盖。 |
372. |
372. |
It was observed that several coastal States had already been adopting measures to reduce the impacts of sea-level rise, including the installation or reinforcement of dikes, barriers or coastal defences, as well as the construction of artificial islands in the maritime areas under their jurisdiction, where parts of their population could settle. |
补充文件指出,有几个沿海国家已经在采取措施减轻海平面上升的影响,包括安装或加固堤坝、屏障或沿海防护设施以及在所管辖海域内建造可供本国部分人口定居的人工岛屿。 |
Various options were envisaged, including the possibility of combining the installation or reinforcement of coastal barriers or artificial islands with the use of natural means, such as the establishment of mangroves, which were more environmentally sustainable, the relocation of persons affected by sea-level rise to other places, as well as the installation of desalination plants to process seawater. |
文件中设想了多种选项,其中包括能否在安装或加固沿海屏障或建造人工岛屿的同时,结合诸如种植红树林等环境上更可持续的自然手段、将受海平面上升影响的人员迁居至其他地方以及修建处理海水的海水淡化厂等其他手段。 |
373. |
373. |
In addition, international cooperation through the provision of technical or logistical assistance, qualified human resources or financial assistance to States particularly affected by the phenomenon that lacked sufficient capacity of their own was considered essential. |
此外,补充文件认为,开展国际合作,向尤其受到海平面上升现象影响但自身能力不足的国家提供技术或后勤援助、合格的人力资源或是财政资源,至关重要。 |
In addition to the interpretation and application of existing instruments, consideration needed to be given to the possibility of concluding new bilateral or plurilateral agreements between the most directly affected States and third States or instruments that could be adopted within the framework of regional or universal international organizations, particularly in the context of the United Nations system. |
除了解释和适用现有文书外,还有必要考虑是否有可能在最直接受影响的国家和第三国之间缔结新的双边或多边协定,或是缔结可在区域性或全球性国际组织框架内――尤其是在联合国系统框架内――予以通过的文书。 |
In concluding such instruments, it was important to ensure that the formulas to be employed transcended short-term needs, while respecting individual rights and the right to self-determination of the peoples of the affected States. |
在缔结此类文书时,务应确保拟予采取的方案超越短期需求,与此同时尊重个体权利和受影响国人民的自决权。 |
b. |
b. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
374. |
374. |
During the ensuing debate, agreement was expressed with the assessment that the process was likely to be gradual and that a distinction could be drawn between the situations of partial and total submergence of the land surface. |
在随后的辩论过程中,有成员表示赞同关于过程很可能是渐进式的和关于可在陆地表面被部分淹没和被完全淹没两种情况之间作出区分的评估意见。 |
In both situations, affected States retained the right to provide for their preservation, which could take many forms. |
两种情况中,受影响国均有自我保全的权利,而自我保全可采取多种形式。 |
A view was expressed that it was advisable to focus on the question of the legal consequences of the uninhabitability of a territory due to partial submersion owing to sea-level rise, which would occur before full submersion of the land surface. |
有成员表示,陆地表面在被完全淹没之前会被部分淹没,可取的做法是重点关注因海平面上升导致陆地表面被部分淹没而出现的领土不宜居情况的法律后果问题。 |
375. |
375. |
Some members expressed agreement with the view taken in the additional paper that a State whose land surface had become totally submerged as a result of sea-level rise continued to exist as a State; |
一些成员表示同意补充文件中的观点,即因海平面上升导致陆地表面被完全淹没的国家作为一个国家仍继续存在; |
a position that was closely related to the discussion on the law of the sea aspects of the topic undertaken at the Commission’s session in 2023. |
这一立场与委员会2023年届会期间就该专题的海洋法层面进行的讨论密切相关。 |
It was further pointed out that the link between jurisdiction and territory was historically very recent and had not always necessarily been a prerequisite for the application of law. |
有成员进一步指出,管辖权与领土相关联的历史很短,且并不一定总会成为适用法律的一项先决条件。 |
As had been mentioned during the earlier discussion, the need to ensure legal security and stability was an important consideration when addressing the issues and interests at stake. |
正如先前的讨论中所提到的那样,在处理利害攸关的问题和利益时,一项重要考量是,有必要确保法律上的安全性和稳定性。 |
376. |
376. |
Another view was taken that it was more advisable to focus on both the notion of preservation of legal entitlements and the protection of certain interests that were worthy of legal protection. |
另一种意见认为,更可取的做法是,既重点关注保有法定应享权利这一概念,又重点关注保护应在法律上予以保护的某些利益。 |
In doing so, it was important to go beyond a State-centred approach to the preservation of rights and to also consider indigenous identities, languages and all the various elements that might, in certain contexts, go beyond the notion of cultural heritage or protection of cultural heritage, but nonetheless had to do with legal norms that should be respected. |
为此,务应超越以国家为中心来保有权利的方法,且务应虑及土著身份、语言以及在某些情况中可能超出文化遗产或保护文化遗产概念但仍涉及到应当遵守的法律规范的各种要素。 |
As such, what was called for was less the right to ensure the maintenance of territory, which related more to the establishment of physical barriers and other mitigation efforts, but more the preservation of legal entitlements to land and maritime spaces under the affected State’s jurisdiction. |
所以说,要考虑的与其说是确保保有领土的权利――保有领土的权利更多涉及的是修建物理屏障和其他减灾努力,不如说是维持对受影响国所辖陆地和海域享有的法定应享权利。 |
It would thus be necessary to consider the precise duties of States in relation to such preservation of legal entitlements and statehood. |
因此,有必要考虑国家在维持法定应享权利和国家地位方面的确切职责。 |
It was maintained that such issues were best dealt with at regional or local levels, with a view to devising arrangements, which could take into consideration, for instance, the different approach to considering applications from individuals who wanted to be relocated versus taking a collective approach. |
有成员认为,此类问题最好在区域或地方一级处理,以便制订安排,其中可以考虑采取不同的办法来处理想要搬迁者的个人申请,而不是采取集体处理办法。 |
It was important to adopt innovative and expeditious solutions in order to avoid competing interests. |
务应采取具有创新性且迅速的解决办法,以避免利益冲突。 |
It was also suggested that the Study Group analyse the notion of acquired rights and its relationship with international human rights law. |
还有成员建议研究组应分析既得权利概念及其与国际人权法的关系。 |
377. |
377. |
Agreement was also expressed with the view that it was essential for the Commission to focus on the duty of cooperation, whether as a general principle of law or as a rule of customary international law. |
还有人表示同意如下观点:委员会务须把重点放在合作义务上,无论是作为一项一般法律原则还是作为一项习惯国际法规则。 |
Reference was made to the provisions on cooperation in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea that merited further consideration in the present context. |
有成员提及《联合国海洋法公约》中关于合作的规定,认为应在当前框架内进一步审议。 |
It was recalled that the obligation to cooperate had also featured in some of the Commission’s earlier work. |
有成员回顾指出,合作义务在委员会早前的一些工作中也占有显著地位。 |
378. |
378. |
It was pointed out that there existed multiple obligations to cooperate, some expressed in a “softer” form, as in the case of draft article 7 of the draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters, than others that were formulated in more stringent terms, as in the case of article 197 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
有成员指出,存在着多种合作义务,一些表述得“较为柔和”,例如《发生灾害时的人员保护条款草案》第7条草案,另一些则表述得较为严格,例如《联合国海洋法公约》第一九七条。 |
(v) |
(五) |
Possible alternatives for addressing the phenomenon in relation to statehood |
就国家地位而言应对海平面上升现象的最终替代方案 |
a. |
a. |
Introduction by the Co-Chair |
共同主席的介绍 |
379. |
379. |
In introducing the question of possible scenarios, the Co-Chair (Mr. Ruda Santolaria) recalled the observation of the Secretary-General that the far-reaching effects of the phenomenon of sea-level rise on the legal and human rights spheres required innovative legal and practical solutions. |
共同主席(鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生)在介绍具有可能性的设想办法问题时,回顾了秘书长的意见,即海平面上升现象对于法律领域和人权领域影响深远,须在法律上和实践上采取创新性的解决办法加以应对。 |
In the view of the Co-Chair, as long as the land surface was not totally covered by the sea, the State’s Government could be installed or could function from some point on the unsubmerged land surface, where a portion of the population, however small, could be symbolically maintained. |
共同主席认为,只要陆地表面没有完全被海水覆盖,相关国家的政府就可以在未被淹没的陆地表面上的某个地点建立或运转――可以在该地点象征性地保留一部分人口,无论数量有多么少。 |
The population of the affected State would be considered to be those persons who could continue to reside somewhere within the territory of the State, as well as those who possessed the nationality of the State, despite being physically located in the territory of another State. |
受影响国的人口将被视为能够继续在该国境内某处居住者和实际居住在另一国境内但拥有受影响国国籍者。 |
It was not a matter of attributing new rights to the States affected by sea-level rise, but of ensuring the preservation of existing rights that the affected States legitimately possessed under international law. |
这并不是要赋予受海平面上升影响的国家以新的权利,而是要确保维持受影响国根据国际法合法拥有的现有权利。 |
380. |
380. |
Furthermore, in order to ensure that the nationals of a State affected by the phenomenon of sea-level rise who reside in other States have adequate assistance or protection and efficient access to certain basic services and documentation that would usually be provided by the affected State, it was necessary to strengthen assistance through consular offices in States where the largest number of individuals moving from that State were concentrated, as well as to organize or strengthen digital platforms connecting nationals of the State scattered around the world with the affected State. |
此外,为了确保居住在其他国家的受海平面上升现象影响国家的国民能得到适当的协助或保护,且能高效率地获得通常由受影响国提供的特定基本服务和文件,有必要通过受影响国在其迁出人口聚居数量最多的国家设立的领事机构加强协助,还有必要搭建或加强数字平台,在散居世界各地的受影响国国民与受影响国之间建立起联系。 |
381. |
381. |
In addition, consideration had to be given to the possibility that, by virtue of amendments to domestic legislation or bilateral or plurilateral agreements between the affected State and other States, nationals of the former could be granted longer residence rights and/or the nationality of one of the latter States without losing their nationality of origin or that, in the context of a broader agreement in the framework, for example, of a possible confederation of States, they could acquire the citizenship of the latter without losing their nationality of origin. |
此外,还必须考虑以下可能性:通过修改国内法或通过受影响国与其他国家之间的双边或多边协议,使受影响国的国民能在不丧失原国籍情况下获得更长期的居留权和/或另一国国籍; 或者,在例如可能建立的国家邦联架构内的一项内容更广泛的协议框架内,使受影响国的国民能在不丧失原国籍的情况下获得邦联公民身份。 |
382. |
382. |
Reference was made to the example of the European Union, as a possible further model for the establishment of common citizenship of belonging to more than one State, existing in addition to the nationality of origin, and giving rise to new and specific rights, such as those existing within the framework of the European Union whereby, if no diplomatic or consular representation of a particular European Union State exists, another State member of the Union could provide assistance and protection on the basis of the existence of a common European Union citizenship. |
共同主席援引欧洲联盟为例,认为可进一步参考欧盟模式设立属于一个以上国家的共同公民身份。 这是在原国籍之外增加的身份,会产生新的具体权利,例如在欧洲联盟框架内存在的权利。 根据上述权利,在某一特定欧盟成员国未设外交或领事代表的情况下,另一欧盟成员国可基于存在着欧洲联盟共同公民身份而提供协助和保护。 |
In such circumstances, it was not that the common citizenship replaced the nationality of the State, but that it existed in addition to the nationality of the State on the basis of membership in the European Union. |
此类情况中,共同公民身份并未取代相关国家的国籍,而是基于欧洲联盟成员地位在相关国家国籍之外存在。 |
383. |
383. |
The point of departure is the strong presumption of the continuity of the statehood and the international legal personality of the State directly affected by the phenomenon. |
立论起点是关于直接受海平面上升现象影响国家的国家地位和国际法律人格存续的有力推定。 |
The sovereignty of the State over its territory should be preserved, including the land surface covered or not by the sea and the sovereign rights in its maritime zones, as well as the natural resources therein in favour of the present and future generations of its population. |
一国应保持对其领土的主权,包括保持对其无论是否被海水覆盖的陆地表面的主权和对其海区及其中自然资源的主权权利,以使该国今世和后世的民众获益。 |
It was explained that some of the options set out in the additional paper envisaged a State whose land surface had become uninhabitable or totally submerged by rising sea level nonetheless retaining its legal status, while other alternatives envisaged the State being integrated into another State, but preserving the core aspects of its identity and retaining a sufficient degree of autonomy and the authority to exercise certain powers despite becoming part of that other State. |
共同主席解释称,补充文件提出的一些可选方案设想让陆地表面因海平面上升而变得不宜居住或完全被淹没的国家仍然保留其法律地位,而另一些替代方案则设想的是,让相关国家并入另一国,但保留本国身份的核心内容,并保持足够的自治程度和行使某些权力的权威,即使该国已成为另一国的组成部分。 |
In addition, it would be necessary to consider the legal aspects relating to the possible establishment in another State’s territory of the Government of the State directly affected by the rise in sea level, as well as other issues related to the preservation of the international legal personality of that State. |
此外,有必要考虑可能要在另一国领土内设立直接受海平面上升影响国家的政府所涉及到的法律问题,还有必要考虑保持受影响国国际法律人格所涉及到的其他问题。 |
384. |
384. |
With a view to respecting the self-determination of the peoples of the States and countries affected by the phenomenon, the formula used in each case should be subject to a consultation procedure with the population concerned. |
为了尊重受海平面上升现象影响国家人民的自决权,每一种情况下所采取的方案均应与相关民众进行咨商。 |
Among the various modalities envisaged was the possibility that an affected State could acquire, with or without transfer of sovereignty, a portion or extension of land in the territory of another State, or enter into an association agreement with other States or into a confederation through agreements that would make possible the continuity of the affected State and its international legal personality. |
在所设想的各种方式中有这样一种可能性,即受影响国可在让渡或不让渡主权情况下获得另一国领土内的一块或一片土地,或是与其他国家订立联合协议,或是通过订立使受影响国及其国际法律人格得以存续的协议加入邦联。 |
A further scenario was integration into a federation with another State, where, although the affected State would no longer exist as such, it could nonetheless retain a high degree of autonomy. |
另一种情形是受影响国与另一国整合为联邦。 这种情况下,受影响国作为一个国家虽已不复存在,但仍能保持高度自治。 |
A similar option was unification with another State, where some form of autonomy could also be contemplated in favour of the affected State, and which would imply that it had ceased to exist as an independent State. |
一个类似的可选方案是受影响国与另一国统一。 这种情况下,也可以考虑实行有利于受影响国的某种形式自治,而这将意味着受影响国不再作为独立国家存在。 |
Finally, the additional paper identified the possibility of the resort to ad hoc legal formulas or regimes allowing affected States to preserve their international legal personality, and their rights with respect to maritime spaces and the resources existing therein. |
最后,补充文件提出了实行使受影响国能保持其国际法律人格并保留对海域及其中资源的权利的特设法律方案或制度的可能性。 |
b. |
b. |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
385. |
385. |
During the ensuing discussion in the Study Group, it was noted that the progressive inability to perform State functions could present a critical challenge well before the land surface was totally covered by the sea. |
在研究组随后进行的讨论中,有成员指出,履行国家职能的能力,可能远在陆地表面被海水完全覆盖之前即已逐渐丧失,带来严峻的挑战。 |
The question thus arose as to what would happen to the natural resources of a State that had lost its ability to exercise its functions, and how people could access the benefits of such resources in the future. |
由此产生的问题是,一个已丧失履行国家职能之能力的国家,其自然资源将何去何从? 其人民今后如何得享上述资源的惠益? |
386. |
386. |
It was suggested that the international community could assist with the restoration of territorialized statehood. |
有成员建议,国际社会可帮助恢复领土化的国家地位。 |
As such, the Commission could envisage interim forms of administration that could assist affected States to recuperate the effectiveness required for the preservation of their statehood. |
照此建议,委员会可设想有助于受影响国恢复维持国家地位所需的有效性的临时性行政管理形式。 |
It was likewise important to consider the practices that existed within the United Nations system, although not fully transferrable to the sea-level rise context, such as those related to United Nations-administered territories, or the governance of resources by an appropriate international organization on behalf of the affected State and/or its peoples. |
同样,考虑联合国系统内已有的实践很重要,例如联合国托管领土相关实践,或由适当的国际组织代表受影响国和/或其人民管理资源的实践,尽管上述实践并不能完全移植到海平面上升情境中。 |
387. |
387. |
The view was expressed that, while the modalities outlined in the additional paper, such as land acquisition, association, confederation, federation, unification and ad hoc legal regimes offered feasible avenues for affected States, a more in-depth analysis was required. |
有成员表示,补充文件列出的购置土地、联合、邦联、联邦、统一和特设法律制度等方式虽为受影响国提供了可行的途径,但仍有待进行更深入的分析。 |
It was necessary to comprehend the implications of each option, particularly concerning national security and the ongoing functioning of government administration, including aspects like defence capacity, border control, resource management and the ability to maintain essential services for citizens. |
有必要了解每一种选项的影响,尤其是对国家安全和政府行政部门持续运转的影响,包括国防能力、边境管控、资源管理和保持为公民提供基本服务的能力等方面。 |
Only through such a nuanced examination could it be ensured that such modalities truly supported the long-term security and well-being of affected States. |
只有通过这种细致入微的仔细研究,才能确保上述方式能够真正支撑受影响国的长期安全和福祉。 |
388. |
388. |
The reference in the additional paper to a nation ex situ as a legal framework for States whose land surface was totally submerged was mentioned as a step towards addressing what were unprecedented challenges. |
作为解决前所未有挑战的一个步骤,补充文件中提到以“领土消失迁徙国”作为适用于陆地表面被完全淹没国家的法律框架。 |
While it disrupted the traditional territorial basis for statehood, such an innovative approach compelled the consideration of new solutions in the face of a rising sea level. |
这种具有创新性的处理方法打破了国家地位的传统领土基础,迫使人们在面对海平面上升问题时思考新的解决方案。 |
Nonetheless, further study and consideration of the concept of States ex situ was called for, with a view to considering the possibility of developing a new legal regime for those States. |
不过,“领土消失迁徙国”概念仍有待进一步研究和考虑,以期审议是否有可能为这些国家制定一种新的法律制度。 |
Further reflection would also be needed as regards the question of the impact on ongoing negotiations with neighbouring States on maritime boundaries. |
还有必要进一步思考会对相邻国家正在进行的海洋边界谈判有何影响的问题。 |
389. |
389. |
It was suggested that the emphasis should be placed on the interpretation and innovative application of existing treaties and arrangements, since it was not realistic to expect that an entirely new treaty, or even amendments to existing treaties, would be adopted to cover the issues under consideration by the Study Group. |
有研究组成员建议,应将重点放在解释和以创新方式适用现有的条约和安排上,因为指望通过一项全新的条约来处理研究组正在审议的问题是不现实的,甚至指望就现有条约通过修正案也是不现实的。 |
Nonetheless, it was pointed out that some issues mentioned in the additional paper, such as the availability of digital solutions for the provision of diplomatic and consular rights, visas, privileges and immunities etc., were already a reality for some States. |
尽管如此,有成员指出,补充文件中提到的一些问题,例如就外交和领事权利、签证、特权和豁免等问题提供数字解决方案,对于一些国家来说已经是现实。 |
390. |
390. |
It was suggested that a distinction be drawn between three different sets of issues: the legal entitlements relating to the nature of the sovereignty or relating to the statehood of the State that continued to exist (concerning the competencies and entitlements in relation to the land surface which might be submerged); the practical arrangements around the nationality of the members of the community in question (practical arrangements concerning government etc.); and the possibilities that might arise where the State actually ceased to exist on the basis of unification with another State or merger with another State into a federation (where the international legal personality of the State ceased). |
有成员建议区分三组不同问题:与主权的性质或与存续国的国家地位有关的法定应享权利(涉及的是可能被淹没的陆地表面相关权力和权利)、围绕相关社会成员国籍问题的实际安排(涉及的是政府等的实际安排)、受影响国因与另一国统一或与另一国合并为联邦而实际上不复存在(受影响国的国际法律人格终止)情况下可能出现的各种可能性。 |
391. |
391. |
The concern was expressed that the Study Group was going beyond its mandate by proposing essentially political solutions, which were more appropriately considered by States. |
有成员表示关切说,研究组是在超出其任务范围提出本质上属于政治性的解决方案,而政治性解决方案由各国来考虑更为妥当。 |
In particular, some members of the Study Group cautioned against making proposals that could prove difficult to implement (such as promoting the notion of a digital nation) or which raised sensitive political considerations (such as proposing the modification of laws relating to nationality). |
尤其是,几位研究组成员提醒说,不要提出可能难以落实的建议(例如推介数字国家概念),也不要提出会引发敏感的政治考量的建议(例如提议修改国籍方面的法律)。 |
It was also important to guarantee that the results of the Commission’s work in the Study Group did not threaten in any way existing legal provisions, for example in a situation where persons opted to preserve their nationality of origin. |
此外,务须保证委员会在研究组内的工作成果不会以任何方式威胁到现有的法律规定,例如在相关人员选择保留原国籍的情况当中。 |
A view was expressed that it was advisable to draw a sharper line between legally relevant considerations and desirable policies, with the Commission being better suited to consider the former than the latter. |
有成员表示,明智的做法是更明确地区分法律方面的相关考量与可取政策――委员会更适于审议前者而非后者。 |
Any discussion of alternatives was considered by some members to be inherently speculative, since it was not possible to suggest a one-size-fits-all solution. |
一些成员认为,任何关于替代方案的讨论都具有内在的不确定性,因为提出一项万能的解决方案是不可能的。 |
392. |
392. |
It was proposed that the Commission could, instead, focus on certain basic parameters, including the requirement of ensuring the consent of the affected peoples, proposing the adoption of bilateral, regional, or multilateral agreements and emphasizing the obligation to cooperate. |
有成员提议,委员会可转而将关注重点放在某些基本准则上,其中包括要求确保征得受影响人民的同意,提议通过双边、区域性或多边协定,以及强调合作义务。 |
The following parameters were also proposed by members of the Study Group in the course of the debate: |
辩论过程中,研究组成员还提出了以下准则: |
the sovereignty and sovereign rights of a State over its territory and in the surrounding maritime zones should be preserved; |
一国对其领土及周边海区的主权和主权权利应当存续; |
these would comprise the land territory, any land territory that had become submerged owing to sea-level rise to which sovereignty still applied, and the maritime areas under its jurisdiction. |
这其中包括陆地领土、任何因海平面上升而被淹没但仍适用主权的陆地领土,以及该国所管辖海域。 |
the right to self-determination of the affected peoples should be preserved, in keeping with the unity and territorial integrity of the State concerned. |
与所涉国家的统一和领土完整一致的是,受影响人民的自决权应当存续。 |
the right to self-determination of the affected peoples extended to the rights of indigenous peoples in the context of sea-level rise, and included their right to organize themselves and to handle their own affairs, as well as the right to participate in decision-making. |
受影响人民的自决权涵盖土著人民在海平面上升情境中的权利,其中包括土著人民自我组织和处理自身事务的权利以及参与决策的权利。 |
consultations with the relevant persons, including indigenous peoples, were essential, since the interests and needs of affected persons were a fundamental consideration to be taken into account in any future arrangements. |
与包括土著人民在内的有关人员咨商至关重要,因为受影响人员的利益和需求是将来的任何安排均必须纳入考量的一项基本因素。 |
States affected by sea-level rise retained the responsibility for ensuring the protection of their population affected by sea-level rise, including with respect to human rights duties, political status, culture, cultural heritage, identity and dignity, and meeting essential needs. |
受海平面上升影响的国家仍有责任确保其受海平面上升影响的人口得到保护,包括在人权义务、政治地位、文化、文化遗产、身份和尊严以及满足基本需求等方面。 |
in order to preserve cultural, social and political identity, the State must consult with its population on any future arrangements, including those remaining on the territory, and those that might have had to move elsewhere. |
为了保持文化、社会和政治上的特性,受影响国必须就未来的任何安排与其民众咨商,包括仍留在领土上的民众和可能已不得不迁居别处的民众在内。 |
any arrangements for the relocation of a Government to another State or regarding the political status of relocated peoples should be set out in an agreement addressing issues such as the establishment and functioning of the Government, its independence, the manner in which it would operate, the scope of its functions or competences, the modalities for consulting its nationals, the administration of the maritime areas under its jurisdiction, financial arrangements, the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, and the conduct of international relations. |
关于政府迁往另一国或关于迁居人民的政治地位的任何安排,均应在一项协定当中予以阐明。 该协定应述及诸如政府的建立和运转、政府的独立性、政府的运转方式、政府的职能或权限范围、与国民咨商的方式、所管辖海域的管理、财政安排、文化遗产的保护和保全以及国际关系的开展等问题。 |
any such arrangements must uphold the human rights of the affected persons and preserve the culture, cultural heritage, identity and language of the affected populations. |
任何此类安排均必须维护受影响人员的人权,并保全受影响人口的文化、文化遗产、身份和语言。 |
any such arrangements would need to give consideration to the nationality of affected persons, the status of persons who no longer resided in a State affected by the impacts of sea-level rise, and to the consular assistance and diplomatic protection of affected populations. |
任何此类安排均有必要考虑到受影响人员的国籍、不再居住于受海平面上升影响国家的人员的地位,以及对受影响人口的领事协助和外交保护。 |
in addressing the impacts of sea-level rise, international cooperation was required between affected States and other members of the international community; |
在应对海平面上升的影响方面,须在受影响国与国际社会其他成员之间开展国际合作; |
cooperation had to be based on the sovereign equality of States, as well as considerations of equity and fairness. |
合作必须以各国主权平等以及公平和公正考量为基础。 |
agreements and modalities adopted by States should recognize the importance of legal stability, security, certainty and predictability in international relations and should respect the human dignity of persons directly facing the impacts of sea-level rise. |
各国通过的协定和采取的方式应认识到法律上的稳定性、安全性、确定性和可预测性在国际关系中的重要性,且应尊重直接受海平面上升影响人员的尊严。 |
393. |
393. |
As regards the right to self-determination of indigenous peoples in particular, reference was made to article 4 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which referred to self-governance and autonomy as being the central element of self-determination. |
关于土著人民的自决权这一具体问题,有成员提及《联合国土著人民权利宣言》 第4条,其中提到自治和自主是自决的核心要素。 |
The question then was how to guarantee such autonomy in situations related to the detrimental impact of sea-level rise and how such rights were to be transferred to new States in which affected persons could find themselves. |
那么问题是,在海平面上升造成有害影响情况中,如何保障上述自主权? 还有,如何将上述权利转移至受影响人员可能移居的新国家。 |
Furthermore, it was recalled that the right of self-determination had been principally related to the process of decolonization and its applicability should be linked to the application of other principles of international law, such as that of territorial integrity and the non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, since the application of the right to self-determination outside of the context of decolonization had given rise to disputes in practice. |
此外,有成员回顾指出,自决权主要与去殖民化进程有关,其适用性应与诸如领土完整和不干涉他国内政等其他国际法原则的适用关联在一起,因为在去殖民化情境之外适用自决权已在实践当中引起争议。 |
394. |
394. |
In connection with the question of nationality, it was suggested, in contrast with the possibility of considering experiences of common citizenship such as in the European Union, that the Commission take into account its own prior work in the context of the articles on nationality of natural persons in relation to the succession of States. |
关于国籍问题,有成员建议,与考虑例如欧洲联盟在共同公民身份方面的经验相比,委员会应考虑其先前在关于国家继承涉及的自然人国籍问题的条款 框架内开展的工作。 |
It was recalled that those articles, although applicable in a context different from sea-level rise, where there was a strong presumption of the continuity of statehood, operated under an imperative to avoid statelessness, and that the corresponding commentary provided interesting practical solutions, including the right to opt for the nationality of the predecessor State or that of the successor State, as well as the conclusion of international agreements between States to regulate the question of nationality with a view to avoiding statelessness. |
有成员回顾指出,虽说上述条款在存在着关于国家地位存续之有力推定的不同于海平面上升的情境中适用,但它们是在必须避免无国籍情况的责任之下适用的,且相应的评注提供了值得关注的实际解决方案,其中包括在被继承国国籍和继承国国籍之间作出选择的权利,以及为避免出现无国籍情况而在国家间缔结规范国籍问题的国际协定。 |
In addition, attention was drawn, in particular, to article 5 and the commentary thereto, as well as to articles 12 and 13. |
此外,有成员特别提请注意第5条及其评注,以及第12条和第13条。 |
Another view was that those articles were not directly relevant as they, by their own terms, limited their applicability to situations of succession, which was conceptually opposite to that of the continuity of statehood. |
另一种观点认为,上述条款不具直接相关性,因为条款本身的内容已将其适用性局限于国家继承情况,而国家继承在概念上与国家地位存续背道而驰。 |
(c) |
(c) |
Protection of persons affected by sea-level rise |
受海平面上升影响人员的保护 |
395. |
395. |
The Study Group considered Part Two of the additional paper, entitled “Protection of persons affected by sea-level rise”, at its fourth and fifth meetings, held on 7 and 8 May 2024. |
研究组在2024年5月7日和8日举行的第四和第五次会议上审议了题为“受海平面上升影响人员的保护”的补充文件第二部分。 |
(i) |
(一) |
Introduction by the Co-Chair |
共同主席的介绍 |
396. |
396. |
During the general introduction of Part Two, at the first meeting of the Study Group, the Co-Chair (Ms. Galvão Teles) had explained that the additional paper examined selected developments in State practice and in the practice of international organizations, as well as the relevant legal issues identified in the second issues paper that could form possible elements for legal protection of persons affected by sea-level rise. |
共同主席(加尔旺·特莱斯女士)在研究组第一次会议上对第二部分作一般性介绍时解释说,补充文件仔细研究了从国家实践和国际组织实践中采选的发展动态,还仔细研究了第二份问题文件中所确定的可能构成受海平面上升影响人员法律保护要素的相关法律问题。 |
She had noted that the additional paper analysed possible elements for the legal protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, inter alia, highlighting the different obligations of distinct duty bearers, the importance of combining a needs-based and a rights-based approach, as well as the importance of international cooperation. |
她指出,补充文件分析了受海平面上升影响人员法律保护的可能要素等内容,并着重指出了不同的责任承担方所承担的不同义务、以需求为基础的方针和以权利为基础的方针相结合的重要意义以及国际合作的重要意义。 |
In terms of possible outcomes for the subtopic, the Co-Chair observed that elements identified in the additional paper could be either used for the interpretation and application of hard and soft-law instruments that were applicable mutatis mutandis to the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, and/or could be included in further such instruments concluded at the regional or international levels. |
关于该分专题的可能成果,共同主席指出,补充文件所确定的要素可或用于解释和适用经在细节上作必要调整后可适用于保护受海平面上升影响人员的硬法和软法文书,也可/或可被纳入在区域或国际层面缔结的更多此类文书。 |
397. |
397. |
At the fourth meeting, the Co-Chair (Ms. Galvão Teles) also observed that the list of the 12 elements for possible legal protection of persons, as proposed in the additional paper to the second issues paper, was mostly based on the findings of the second issues paper, and the discussions thereof in the Study Group. |
在第四次会议上,共同主席(加尔旺·特莱斯女士)指出,第二份问题文件补充文件中提出的可能构成对受影响人员的法律保护的一系列12项要素,其主要依据是第二份问题文件中的结论和在研究组内就上述结论进行的讨论。 |
She noted that one additional element related to the protection of cultural heritage had been included at a later stage, with a view to the importance that had been given to cultural rights and cultural heritage in the 2023 Pacific Islands Forum Declaration. |
她指出,考虑到2023年太平洋岛屿论坛宣言对文化权利和文化遗产的重视,后来又加上了一项与保护文化遗产有关的要素。 |
She further recalled the relevance of the Commission’s past work, recalling that the additional paper should be read in conjunction with the memorandum by the Secretariat on the two subtopics (A/CN.4/768). |
她进一步回顾了委员会以往工作所具有的相关性,指出补充文件应结合秘书处关于这两个分专题的备忘录(A/CN.4/768)一并阅读。 |
The Co-Chair also referred to the Committee on International Law and Sea-Level Rise of the International Law Association, noting the natural synergy between its work and that of the Study Group. |
共同主席还提到国际法协会国际法与海平面上升问题委员会,指出该委员会的工作与研究组的工作之间有着天然的协同增效作用。 |
She then reiterated the importance of recent judgments and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as the upcoming advisory opinions by the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. |
她随后重申了欧洲人权法院近期判决和裁定的重要意义,以及国际法院、国际海洋法法庭和美洲人权法院即将出具的咨询意见的重要意义。 |
The Co-Chair then gave brief introductions to each of the possible elements for legal protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, making references to the relevant parts of the additional paper. |
随后,共同主席引述补充文件的相关内容,简要介绍了受海平面上升影响人员法律保护的每一项可能要素。 |
(ii) |
(二) |
Summary of the debate on possible elements for legal protection of persons affected by sea-level rise |
关于受海平面上升影响人员的法律保护的可能要素的辩论摘要 |
a. |
a. |
General comments |
一般性评论 |
398. |
398. |
Members of the Study Group agreed with the conclusion contained in the additional paper that the current international legal frameworks that were potentially applicable to the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise were fragmented and mostly not specific to sea-level rise. |
研究组成员同意补充文件所载的结论,即可能适用于受海平面上升影响人员保护问题的现有国际法律框架不成体系,且大多并不专门针对海平面上升问题。 |
It was further noted that sea-level rise presented new challenges that the current legal frameworks were not fully equipped to resolve. |
有成员进一步指出,海平面上升带来了新的挑战,而现有法律框架并不完全具备解决上述挑战的能力。 |
The absence of specialized protection mechanisms within international law for persons internally displaced due to sea-level rise or environmental migrants was emphasized. |
有成员强调指出,国际法中没有专门保护因海平面上升而在境内流离失所人员的机制,也没有保护环境移民的机制。 |
A view was expressed that it was important to incorporate an eco-centric approach into the analysis, reflecting upon the need to repair damage to ecosystems affected by sea-level rise. |
有成员表示,务应在分析当中纳入以生态为中心的方针,对修复海平面上升对生态系统所造成损害的必要性进行反思。 |
399. |
399. |
The analysis in the additional paper of possible elements for the legal protection of persons affected by sea-level rise was welcomed. |
有成员对补充文件就受海平面上升影响人员法律保护的可能要素所作的分析表示欢迎。 |
Some members observed that the list of elements was very broad and that it was not possible for the Study Group to explore them in depth. |
一些成员指出,这一系列要素非常广泛,研究组不可能对之进行深入探讨。 |
It was also noted that such elements required further development and specification, as they were of varying legal relevance and in that regard could be restructured. |
还有成员指出,上述要素有待进一步发展和详述,因为其在法律上所具有的相关性各不相同,就此而言可予以重组。 |
400. |
400. |
Some members considered it crucial for the Study Group to closely consider the positions of Member States, as well as the practice of relevant international organizations. |
一些成员认为,研究组务须密切地考虑会员国的立场和相关国际组织的实践。 |
It was regretted that only a limited number of States had submitted information in response to the Commission’s requests. |
有成员表示遗憾的是,只有为数有限的国家应委员会的要求提交了资料。 |
The importance of keeping track of ongoing proceedings before various international and regional courts and tribunals was also emphasized. |
还有成员强调指出,务应密切关注各国际性和区域性法院和法庭正在进行的诉讼。 |
Similarly, the potential relevance of decisions of domestic courts was also noted. |
同样,有成员指出国内法院的裁决也可能具有相关性。 |
401. |
401. |
Differing views were expressed as to whether the Commission’s 2016 draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters could serve as a good basis for the Commission’s work on the subtopic on the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise. |
对于委员会2016年关于发生灾害时的人员保护的条款草案 是否可以充当委员会受海平面上升影响人员保护问题分专题相关工作的良好基础,研究组成员表达了不同的意见。 |
Support was voiced for the use of the draft articles as the basis for future work of the Commission, given that the draft articles could be applicable to sea-level rise as a slow onset disaster, and thus it would be more efficient to build upon the broader framework of the protection of persons in the event of disasters. |
鉴于可将海平面上升视为一种缓发灾害适用上述条款草案,有成员表示支持以上述条款草案作为委员会今后工作的基础,这样的话,在发生灾害时的人员保护这一更广泛的框架基础上开展工作,将会更有效率。 |
According to another view, the draft articles should not be a reference point for the Study Group, as disaster legal frameworks typically prioritized the obligation of the affected States to seek assistance and provided a limited set of obligations for third States, while in the context of climate change-induced sea-level rise, affected States were more likely to request assistance and third States had a wider array of responsibilities under international law. |
另一种观点则认为,不应以上述条款草案作为研究组的参照点,因为灾害方面的法律框架通常会优先考虑受影响国寻求援助的义务,且针对第三国规定的是一套有限的义务,而在气候变化引起的海平面上升情境中,受影响国请求援助的可能性更大,而第三国在国际法下承担的一系列责任也更广泛。 |
It was suggested, as a middle-ground approach, that while the sea-level rise phenomenon might not be fully classified as a disaster, within the meaning of the draft articles, many of its manifestations did fall under such category. |
作为一种折中办法,有成员建议说,海平面上升现象或许不能完全被归类为上述条款草案所指灾害,但尽管如此,其诸多具体表现确实属于灾害。 |
Therefore, such manifestations, including the consequences of sea-level rise, could be considered as a disaster on a case-by-case basis. |
因此,上述具体表现,包括海平面上升的后果在内,可根据具体情况视为灾害。 |
b. |
b. |
Human dignity as an overarching principle |
将人之尊严作为一项总原则 |
402. |
402. |
Agreement was expressed with the conclusion of the additional paper that human dignity should constitute a guiding principle for any action to be taken in the context of sea–level rise. |
有成员表示赞同补充文件中的结论,即人之尊严应成为海平面上升情境中拟予采取的任何行动一项指导原则。 |
It was noted that the qualification of this principle in the additional paper as “overarching” should be understood to mean that the principle had influenced and underpinned various international instruments. |
有成员指出,补充文件将该原则定性为“总原则”,应理解为意指该原则影响和支撑了多项国际文书。 |
Examples of international agreements and jurisprudence reflecting the principles of human dignity and humanity were recalled. |
有成员回顾了体现人之尊严原则和人道原则的国际协定和裁判规则实例。 |
Some members were of the view that human dignity was an overly general concept and questioned whether it could be of practical use. |
一些成员认为人之尊严是一个过于笼统的概念,质疑该概念是否有实用价值。 |
It was suggested that the Study Group could determine the normative value and functions of the principle with a view to operationalizing it. |
有成员建议研究组可确定该原则的规范价值和功能,以期将之付诸应用。 |
Some members also noted that the principle of human dignity brought up the question of the extraterritorial application of human rights. |
一些成员还指出,人之尊严原则提出了人权的域外适用问题。 |
c. |
c. |
Combination of needs-based and rights-based approaches |
以需求为基础方针和以权利为基础方针相结合 |
403. |
403. |
Support was voiced for the conclusions of the additional paper on the question of the combined needs-based and rights-based approaches as the basis for the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise. |
有成员表示支持补充文件在以需求为基础方针和以权利为基础方针相结合为基础保护受海平面上升影响人员问题上的结论。 |
Several members emphasized that the approaches were not mutually exclusive, so that it was not necessary to seek a compromise between them. |
几位成员强调,两种方针并不相互排斥,因而没有必要在二者之间寻求折中。 |
A question was raised, however, as to how to quantify the needs-based based approach. |
但是,有成员提出了一个问题,即以需求为基础的方针如何量化? |
It was noted that the origins of the legal status of the needs-based approach and its relationship to human rights was not fully clear and required further consideration. |
有成员指出,以需求为基础方针的法律地位渊源及其与人权的关系并不完全明确,有待进一步考虑。 |
A concern was also raised that there existed a risk in conflating the complex policy matters related to needs with legal rights and obligations. |
还有成员表示关切的是,将涉及需求的复杂政策问题与法律上的权利和义务混为一谈是有风险的。 |
It was further noted that diluting the border between legal rights and obligations and policy could diminish the significance of the former. |
有成员进一步指出,淡化法律上的权利和义务与政策之间的界限,可能会削弱前者的重要性。 |
A proposal was made to consider incorporating the capacity-based perspective to take into account the resources and capacities of both the affected and assisting States. |
有成员提议应考虑纳入以能力为基础的视角,以虑及受影响国和援助国的资源和能力。 |
d. |
d. |
General human rights obligations |
一般性人权义务 |
404. |
404. |
Members of the Study Group noted the importance of general human rights obligations in the context of the protection of persons affected, including by sea-level rise. |
一些研究组成员指出,一般性人权义务在保护受影响人员――包括保护受海平面上升影响人员――方面具有重要意义。 |
Some members highlighted the applicability of civil and political rights, including the right to life, the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and the right to property. |
一些成员着重指出,公民权利和政治权利适用,包括生命权和不受酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的权利以及财产权在内。 |
A view was expressed that the Study Group should prioritize the consideration of economic, social, and cultural rights, as they were more likely to be impacted. |
有成员表示,研究组应优先考虑经济、社会及文化权利,因为这些权利更有可能受到影响。 |
According to another view, it was preferable to avoid drawing any hierarchy between civil and political and economic, social, and cultural rights, as that could result in their misapplication. |
另一种观点认为,最好避免在公民权利、政治权利以及经济、社会和文化权利之间划分位阶,因为这样做可能导致错误地适用这些权利。 |
The need to highlight the indivisibility of human rights was also emphasized. |
还有成员强调,有必要着重指出人权具有不可分割性。 |
It was proposed that the Study Group should shift its focus from considering general human rights obligations to exploring more closely the work of United Nations specialized agencies and other relevant specialized institutions. |
有成员提议,研究组应将其重点从考虑一般性人权义务转向更密切地探究联合国专门机构和其他相关专门机构的工作。 |
It was emphasized that States affected by sea-level rise bore primary responsibility to proactively protect rights of people under their jurisdiction. |
有成员强调,受海平面上升影响的国家负有积极保护辖下人民权利的首要责任。 |
A suggestion was made to list separately human rights obligations of States on their territory and those that also existed extraterritorially. |
有成员建议分别列出国家在其域内的人权义务和在其域外也同样存在的人权义务。 |
Some members noted the importance of addressing the applicability of collective rights. |
一些成员指出,务应处理集体权利是否适用的问题。 |
A suggestion was also made to further explore the relevance of the right to participation. |
还有成员建议进一步探讨参与权的相关性问题。 |
Some members made references to relevant judgments and decisions of international and regional human rights courts and tribunals, addressing the general human rights obligations of States. |
一些成员援引了涉及国家的一般性人权义务的国际性和区域性人权法院和法庭的相关判决和裁定。 |
It was also proposed that the Commission should explore the relationship between sea-level rise and the issue of poverty. |
也有成员提议委员会应探讨海平面上升与贫困问题之间的关系。 |
e. |
e. |
Different human rights duties and different human rights duty bearers |
不同的人权义务和不同的人权义务承担方 |
405. |
405. |
While addressing the section of the additional paper on different human rights duties and different human rights duty bearers, the need to analyse the distribution of obligations between States and the substantive content of such duties was emphasized by some members of the Study Group. |
在讨论补充文件中关于不同的人权义务和不同的人权义务承担方的章节时,研究组一些成员强调有必要分析国家间的义务分布问题以及此类义务的实质性内容。 |
In particular, it was noted that in the context of migration induced by sea-level rise, it was necessary to determine and delineate the duties of States of origin and transit, as well as of receiving States. |
具体而言,有成员指出,在海平面上升导致移民的情境中,有必要确定和界定原籍国、过境国以及接收国的义务。 |
The question of extraterritorial applicability of human rights was again considered to be of high relevance. |
人权在域外的适用性问题再次被认为具有高度相关性。 |
It was noted that the conclusion made in paragraph 215 of the additional paper that the exercise of jurisdiction over a person, irrespective of whether it was exercised territorially or extraterritorially, was the criterion for determining that the duty bearer, while generally correct, could be not applicable to certain human rights treaty regimes and required further consideration. |
有成员指出,补充文件第215段得出的结论,即对相关人员行使管辖权――无论是在域内还是在域外――是确定谁是义务承担方的标准,虽然总体上是正确的,但对某些人权条约制度可能并不适用,有待进一步审议。 |
It was also noted that derogations and limitations of human rights should not apply in the sea-level rise context since, unlike other emergency situations, sea-level rise constituted a permanent threat. |
还有成员指出,对人权的克减和限制不应适用于海平面上升情况,因为与其他紧急情况不同的是,海平面上升是一种长期威胁。 |
The need for affirmative action in the sea-level rise context was emphasized. |
有成员强调,有必要在海平面上升情境中采取平权行动。 |
The decision of the Human Rights Committee in Billy et al. v. Australia was recalled and highlighted as a significant step forward in the development of legal frameworks that specifically addressed human rights challenges presented by sea-level rise. |
有成员回顾了人权事务委员会在Billy等人诉澳大利亚案 中的决定,并着重指出该决定是在制定专门处理海平面上升所带来的人权挑战的法律框架方面向前迈出的重要一步。 |
f. |
f. |
Protection of persons in vulnerable situations |
保护处境脆弱者 |
406. |
406. |
With respect to the issue of protection of persons in vulnerable situations, the Study Group was urged to adopt a granular approach and distinguish the vulnerability of areas potentially exposed to climate-related hazards, the vulnerability of particular groups or regions, and individual vulnerability of persons. |
关于保护处境脆弱者问题,有成员敦促研究组采取细化方针,区分可能遭受气候相关灾害地区的脆弱性、特定群体或区域的脆弱性和个人的脆弱性。 |
A suggestion was made to develop an illustrative list of vulnerable groups to avoid leaving the term “vulnerable persons” to be interpreted by decision makers. |
有成员建议就处境脆弱群体编列一份示意性清单,以避免由决策者来解释“处境脆弱者”一词。 |
The Sixth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, containing a list of groups and persons susceptible to the impacts of climate change, was suggested as an example. |
有成员建议,政府间气候变化专门委员会第六次评估报告 载有易受气候变化影响的群体和个人清单,可以之为范例。 |
g. |
g. |
Principle of non-refoulement |
不推回原则 |
407. |
407. |
Members agreed that the principle of non-refoulement was well established in international law and that it could be relevant for the protection of persons affected by sea–level rise. |
成员们一致认为,不推回原则已在国际法中牢固确立,可能与受海平面上升影响人员的保护问题具有相关性。 |
The importance of the Views adopted by the Human Rights Committee in Teitiota v. New Zealand was recalled. |
有成员回顾了人权事务委员会在Teitiota诉新西兰 一案中采取的意见所具有的重要意义。 |
At the same time, a question was raised as to whether the principle was useful and capable of providing a lasting solution, as it generally applied to individual cases, and not to mass migrations. |
与此同时,有成员提出了问题:这项一般适用于个体案件而非大规模移民情况的原则是否有用? 是否能够提供持久性的解决方案? |
Accordingly, given that the law was still developing, it was suggested that the Study Group take a cautious approach when considering the general applicability of the principle of non-refoulement to persons who had been affected by climate change and sea-level rise. |
据此,有成员建议,鉴于法律仍在发展当中,研究组在审议不推回原则是否普遍适用于受气候变化和海平面上升影响人员时,应采取谨慎态度。 |
h. |
h. |
Guidelines in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and other soft–law instruments |
《安全、有序和正常移民全球契约》及其他软法文书中的指导原则 |
408. |
408. |
The importance of relevant soft-law instruments, including the Guidelines in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, was noted. |
有成员指出,相关软法文书,包括《安全、有序和正常移民全球契约》 中的指导原则在内,具有重要意义。 |
At the same time, some members underlined that it was crucial to draw a clear distinction between lex lata and lex ferenda. |
与此同时,一些成员强调指出,务须明确区分实然法和应然法。 |
It was considered necessary to explicitly indicate that soft-law instruments were not legally binding and were of a policy nature. |
有成员认为,有必要明确指出软法文书不具法律约束力,而是具有政策性质。 |
i. |
i. |
Applicability of complementary protection |
补充保护的适用性 |
409. |
409. |
On the issue of complementary protection, it was recalled from the outset that the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees in 1951 limited access to international protection to five grounds of persecution, thus excluding many other typical drivers of forced migration, such as natural disasters and sea-level rise. |
关于补充保护问题,从一开始就有成员回顾指出,1951年《关于难民地位的公约》 将国际保护的获得限于五种迫害理由,从而将另外很多典型的被迫移民驱动因素排除在外,例如自然灾害和海平面上升。 |
It was suggested that the Study Group could consider approaches adopted in different regional contexts and reflect on how this could influence the general framework of refugee protection in international law. |
有成员建议,研究组可以考虑在不同区域背景下采取的处理办法,并反思这会对国际法中关于难民保护的一般框架产生何种影响。 |
The examples of the OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa and the Cartagena Declaration on Refugees were recalled. |
有成员回顾了《非统组织关于非洲难民问题某些特定方面的公约》 和《关于难民的卡塔赫纳宣言》 等实例。 |
j. |
j. |
Humanitarian visas and similar administrative policies |
人道主义签证和类似的行政政策 |
410. |
410. |
Questions related to humanitarian visas and similar administrative policies were considered to be relevant to the subtopic. |
与人道主义签证和类似的行政政策有关的问题,被视为与该分专题具有相关性。 |
In that regard, several examples of regional international cooperation in the area of humanitarian visas were recalled, with a special focus on Latin America, the Caribbean and Pacific regions, where climate change mobility had become part of international arrangements. |
有成员就此以拉丁美洲、加勒比和太平洋地区为特别关注重点,回顾了在人道主义签证领域开展区域性国际合作的几个实例――在上述地区,气候变化下的流动已成为国际安排的组成内容。 |
At the same time, it was noted that matters of admission of foreign nationals fell under the purview of domestic authorities. |
与此同时,有成员指出,接纳外国国民事宜属于国内主管部门的职权范围。 |
Furthermore, the Study Group was cautioned against assuming that people affected by sea-level rise would always want to relocate. |
此外,有成员提醒研究组,不要想当然地认为受海平面上升影响的人员一定希望搬迁。 |
k. |
k. |
Tools for the avoidance of statelessness |
避免出现无国籍情况的工具 |
411. |
411. |
Some members noted the primary way to avoid statelessness in the context of sea–level rise was to provide for the continuity of States. |
一些成员指出,在海平面上升情境中避免出现无国籍情况的主要途径是让国家存续。 |
However, it was noted that in situations where the land surface of a State would be totally covered by the sea, there would in any event be a general obligation to prevent statelessness. |
但是,有成员指出,在一国的陆地表面完全被海水覆盖的情况中,无论如何都会存在防止出现无国籍情况的一般性义务。 |
The relevance of the 1954 Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness was noted. |
有成员指出,1954年《关于无国籍人地位的公约》 和1961年《减少无国籍状态公约》 具有相关性。 |
l. |
l. |
International cooperation |
国际合作 |
412. |
412. |
Several members of the Study Group recalled the importance of international cooperation in the sea-level rise context, as previously discussed. |
几位研究组成员回顾了先前讨论过的在海平面上升情境中开展国际合作的重要意义。 |
Several members were of the view that there should be a general duty to provide assistance and discussed whether such duty was already grounded in international law. |
几位成员认为应当有提供援助的一般性义务,并讨论了此项义务是否有国际法基础。 |
It was suggested that the Commission’s draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters, in particular draft article 7, could be used as a potential basis for developing a substantive duty to cooperate in the context of sea-level rise. |
有成员建议,可以委员会关于发生灾害时的人员保护问题的条款草案――尤其是第7条草案――作为拟定海平面上升情境中进行合作的实质性义务的潜在基础。 |
According to another view, the duty to cooperate contained therein was limited and insufficiently specific to sea-level rise. |
另一种观点认为,上述条款草案中所载的合作义务是有限的,对于海平面上升问题而言不够具体。 |
It was suggested that the Study Group could consolidate and further develop the existing rules on cooperation, also by providing for procedural measures, such as the exchange of information. |
有成员建议,研究组可整合并进一步发展现有的合作问题相关规则,还可以规定诸如交流信息等程序性措施。 |
At the same time, given the significant divergence of the scope and content of the principle of cooperation, a call for caution was made against inferring a general rule. |
与此同时,鉴于合作原则在范围和内容上存在着重大差异,有成员呼吁谨慎行事,不要推导一般性规则。 |
Several members emphasized the need to address the relationship between cooperation and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. |
几位成员强调,有必要处理合作与共同但有区别的责任原则之间的关系问题。 |
It was also suggested that the relevance of the principles of solidarity, equity, and prevention be considered. |
还有成员建议,团结、公平和预防等原则所具有的相关性也应得到考虑。 |
m. |
m. |
Protection of the cultural heritage |
保护文化遗产 |
413. |
413. |
It was noted that the issue of the protection of the cultural heritage of individuals and groups that might be affected by sea-level rise was closely linked to the rights of indigenous peoples. |
有成员指出,可能受海平面上升影响的个人和群体的文化遗产保护问题与土著人民的权利密切联系在一起。 |
It was recalled that the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights had recognized a connection between the cultural heritage and indigenous lands. |
有成员回顾指出,美洲人权法院的判例已承认文化遗产与土著土地之间存在关联。 |
A question was raised as to how it would be possible to achieve the transfer of cultural rights of peoples relocated due to sea-level rise, in particular to States with limited protection of such rights. |
有成员提出了如下问题:因海平面上升而迁移的人民,其文化权利如何才能转移,尤其是转移至对此类权利保护有限的国家? |
Reference was made to the need to consult and cooperate in good faith with indigenous peoples, as contained in article 19 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. |
有成员提到《联合国土著人民权利宣言》第19条,其中规定有必要一秉诚意与土著人民协商和合作。 |
(d) |
(d) |
Working methods of the Study Group and future work on the topic |
研究组的工作方法和该专题今后的相关工作 |
(i) |
(一) |
Summary of the debate |
辩论摘要 |
414. |
414. |
In connection with the Study Group’s future work and working methods, a concern was expressed that the scope of the subtopics was too broad and it was suggested that the number of questions under examination be reduced. |
关于研究组今后的工作和工作方法,有成员表示关切称各分专题的范围过于宽泛,建议减少所审议问题的数目。 |
The limits set forth in the syllabus prepared in 2018 on the scope of the topic were recalled. |
有成员回顾了2018年编写的提纲当中就该专题范围设定的限制。 |
It was also observed that the Study Group had raised a large number of pertinent questions but was yet to provide definitive answers to most of them. |
还有成员指出,研究组已提出了大量有关的问题,但尚待就其中大多数问题提供明确的答案。 |
According to another view, the added value of the Study Group had been precisely in raising questions and that its work had already had significant influence on State practice. |
另一种观点则认为,研究组的附加价值恰恰在于提出问题,其工作已经对国家实践产生了重大影响。 |
415. |
415. |
Several members supported the plan for the Study Group to consider a joint final report on the topic as a whole, in 2025, to be prepared by the Co-Chairs consolidating the work undertaken on the three subtopics, with a set of draft conclusions to be discussed by the Study Group. |
几位成员支持研究组拟于2025年审议就整个专题联合编写的最后报告的计划。 该报告拟由各共同主席编写,其中整合就三个分专题开展的工作,并提出一套结论草案供研究组讨论。 |
The importance of analysing the possible linkages between the three subtopics – the law of the sea, statehood and the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise – in the joint final report was emphasized. |
有成员强调,在联合编写的最后报告中,务应对三个分专题――即海洋法、国家地位和受海平面上升影响人员的保护――之间可能存在的联系进行分析。 |
It was suggested that the final report should address duties and responsibilities of States and possible consequences of sea-level rise, without attempting to rewrite the existing international legal frameworks. |
有成员建议,最后报告应讨论国家的义务和责任以及海平面上升可能带来的后果,而非试图改写现有的国际法律框架。 |
Some members recalled that the Commission had agreed, in the syllabus prepared in 2018, to limit the Study Group’s mandate so that it would not propose any amendments to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
一些成员回顾指出,委员会已在2018年编写的提纲 当中商定对研究组的任务授权加以限制,以使其不会针对《联合国海洋法公约》提出任何修订意见。 |
At the same time, questions were raised with regard to the overall role of the Study Group. |
与此同时,有成员对研究组的总体作用提出了疑问。 |
It was noted that it should aim to identify and develop rules of international law relevant in the context of sea-level rise, and not engage in policy discussions. |
有成员指出,研究组的目标应是确定和发展与海平面上升有关的国际法规则,而不是进行政策讨论。 |
416. |
416. |
In addition to the proposals voiced during the previous sessions, various proposals were made concerning the possible outcome of the Study Group’s work, including drafting a framework convention on issues related to sea-level rise or seeking to introduce the sea–level rise dimension into the ongoing negotiations about the possible elaboration of a convention on the basis of the draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters. |
除了前几届会议上的提议外,研究组成员还就研究组工作的可能成果提出了多项提议,其中包括就与海平面上升有关的问题起草一项框架公约,或是寻求将海平面上升问题纳入目前正在就以发生灾害时的人员保护条款草案为基础拟订一项公约的可能性进行的谈判。 |
It was proposed that the Study Group could finalize its mapping exercise, group the existing legal principles and indicate areas that were in need of further development. |
有成员提议,研究组可为其梳理工作收尾,将现有法律原则分门别类,并指出有待进一步发展的领域。 |
It was suggested that the views of States, particularly the ones most affected by sea-level rise, should play an important role in defining the direction of the Study Group’s future work. |
有成员建议,各国的意见,尤其是受海平面上升影响最严重国家的意见,应在确定研究组今后工作方向时发挥重要作用。 |
(ii) |
(二) |
Conclusion by the Co-Chair |
共同主席的总结 |
417. |
417. |
Concerning the future work of the Study Group, the Co-Chair (Ms. Galvão Teles) made reference to paragraphs 307 to 314 of the additional paper and reiterated that a joint final report on the topic as a whole, consolidating the work undertaken so far on the three subtopics, with a set of conclusions, would be submitted by the Co-Chairs for consideration of the Study Group at the Commission’s seventy-sixth session (2025). |
关于研究组今后的工作,共同主席(加尔旺·特莱斯女士)提到补充文件第307至第314段,并重申,将由共同主席提交一份就整个专题联合编写的最后报告,其中整合迄今就三个分专题开展的工作并提出一套结论,供研究组在委员会第七十六届会议(2025年)上审议。 |
Chapter XI |
第十一章 |
Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission |
委员会的其他决定和结论 |
A. |
A. |
Special memorial meeting |
特别纪念会 |
418. |
418. |
At its 3697th meeting, held on 30 July 2024, the Commission convened a memorial meeting in honour of the memory of former member Mehmet Güney. |
在2024年7月30日举行的第3697次会议上,委员会举行了一次纪念会,悼念委员会前委员穆罕默德·居内伊先生。 |
B. |
B. |
Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea |
防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为 |
419. |
419. |
At its 3701st meeting, on 2 August 2024, Mr. Louis Savadogo was appointed Special Rapporteur for the topic “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” to replace Mr. Yacouba Cissé, who had resigned as Special Rapporteur for the topic. |
在2024年8月2日举行的第3701次会议上,委员会任命路易·萨瓦多戈先生为“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”专题特别报告员,接替已辞去该专题特别报告员职务的雅库巴·西塞先生。 |
C. |
C. |
Programme, procedures and working methods of the Commission and its documentation |
委员会的方案、程序和工作方法以及文件 |
420. |
420. |
On 13 May 2024, the Planning Group was constituted for the present session. |
2024年5月13日,成立了本届会议规划组。 |
421. |
421. |
The Planning Group held six meetings on 14 and 31 May and 4, 16 and 18 July 2024. |
规划组于2024年5月14日和31日及7月4日、16日和18日举行了六次会议。 |
It had before it the topical summary of the discussion held in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly during its seventy-eighth session, prepared by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/763); |
规划组收到了:秘书处编写的联大第七十八届会议期间第六委员会讨论情况专题摘要(A/CN.4/763); |
General Assembly resolution 78/108 of 7 December 2023 on the report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-fourth session; |
联大2023年12月7日关于国际法委员会第七十四届会议工作报告的第78/108号决议; |
General Assembly resolution 78/112 of 7 December 2023 on the rule of law at the national and international levels; |
联大2023年12月7日关于国内和国际的法治的第78/112号决议; |
and the proposed programme budget for 2025, Programme 6, Legal affairs, subprogramme 3, concerning the progressive development and codification of international law. |
2025年拟议方案预算中的方案6 (法律事务)之次级方案3 (国际法的逐渐发展和编纂)。 |
The Planning Group also received a proposal by Mr. Bimal N. Patel entitled “Survey of International Law in relation to the work of the International Law Commission”. |
规划组还收到比马尔·帕特尔先生的提案,题为“从国际法委员会的工作角度综览国际法”。 |
The Planning Group, however, did not have sufficient time to consider such proposal, which will be returned to next year. |
但是,规划组没有足够的时间考虑该提案。 将于明年回头处理该提案。 |
1. |
1. |
Working Group on the long-term programme of work |
长期工作方案工作组 |
422. |
422. |
At its 1st meeting, on 14 May 2024, the Planning Group decided to reconstitute the Working Group on the long-term programme of work for the present quinquennium, with Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez as Chair. |
在2024年5月14日举行的第1次会议上,规划组决定重新设立本五年期长期工作方案工作组,由马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生担任主席。 |
The Chair of the Working Group presented an interim oral report of the work of the Working Group to the Planning Group, at its 2nd meeting, on 31 May 2024. |
该工作组主席在2024年5月31日举行的第2次会议上就该工作组的工作向规划组作了临时口头报告。 |
The Planning Group took note of the interim oral report. |
规划组表示注意到上述临时口头报告。 |
On 16 July 2024 at the 4th meeting of the Planning Group, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, on behalf of the Chair of the Working Group, presented an oral report on the work of the Working Group, including proposals for topics being considered at the current session to the Planning Group. |
在2024年7月16日举行的规划组第4次会议上,胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生代表该工作组主席向规划组口头报告了该工作组的工作,其中包括就本届会议上审议的各项专题提出的建议。 |
The Planning Group took note of the oral report. |
规划组表示注意到上述口头报告。 |
423. |
423. |
At the present session, the Commission, on the recommendation of the Working Group, decided to recommend the inclusion of the following topics in the long-term programme of work of the Commission: |
委员会本届会议根据该工作组的建议,决定建议将以下专题列入委员会长期工作方案: |
(a) |
(a) |
compensation for the damage caused by internationally wrongful acts; |
国际不法行为所造成损害的补偿; |
and |
以及 |
(b) |
(b) |
due diligence in international law. |
国际法中的必要勤勉。 |
424. |
424. |
In the selection of the topics, the Commission was guided by its recommendation at its fiftieth session (1998) regarding the criteria for the selection of topics, namely: (a) the topic should reflect the needs of States in respect of the progressive development and codification of international law; |
在选择这些专题时,委员会遵循了第五十届会议(1998年)关于专题选择标准的建议,即:(a) 专题应反映各国在逐渐发展和编纂国际法方面的需要; |
(b) the topic should be at a sufficiently advanced stage in terms of State practice to permit progressive development and codification; |
(b) 专题应在国家实践方面处于足够成熟的阶段,从而容许进行逐渐发展和编纂; |
and (c) the topic should be concrete and feasible for progressive development and codification. |
(c) 专题应具体且可行,宜于进行逐渐发展和编纂。 |
The Commission further agreed that it should not restrict itself to traditional topics, but could also consider those that reflect new developments in international law and pressing concerns of the international community as a whole. |
委员会还商定,委员会不应局限于传统专题,也可以考虑反映国际法新动态和整个国际社会紧迫关切问题的专题。 |
The Commission considered that the topics chosen would constitute useful contributions to the progressive development of international law and its codification. |
委员会认为,所选专题将是对逐渐发展和编纂国际法作出的有益贡献。 |
The syllabuses of the topics selected appear as annexes I and II to the present report. |
所选专题的提纲载于本报告附件一和附件二。 |
425. |
425. |
The Commission recalls that eight other topics remain on the long-term programme of work from previous quinquennia, namely: (a) ownership and protection of wrecks beyond the limits of national maritime jurisdiction; |
委员会回顾,长期工作方案上仍有八个源自以往五年期的专题,即:(a) 国家海事管辖范围以外的沉船的所有权及保护; |
(b) jurisdictional immunity of international organizations; |
(b) 国际组织的管辖豁免; |
(c) protection of personal data in transborder flow of information; |
(c) 信息跨界流动中的个人数据保护; |
(d) extraterritorial jurisdiction; |
(d) 域外管辖权; |
(e) the fair and equitable treatment standard in international investment law; |
(e) 国际投资法律中的公正和公平待遇标准; |
(f) evidence before international courts and tribunals; |
(f) 向国际性法院和法庭提交的证据; |
(g) universal criminal jurisdiction; |
(g) 普遍刑事管辖权; |
and (h) reparation to individuals for gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law. |
(h) 就严重违反国际人权法和严重违反国际人道法行为对个人的赔偿。 |
2. |
2. |
Working Group on methods of work and procedures of the Commission |
委员会工作方法和程序工作组 |
426. |
426. |
At its 1st meeting, on 14 May 2024, the Planning Group decided to reconvene the Working Group on methods of work and procedures of the Commission, with Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh as Chair. |
在2024年5月14日举行的第1次会议上,规划组决定重新召集委员会工作方法和程序工作组,由查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生担任主席。 |
The Working Group held two meetings on 24 and 27 May 2024. |
该工作组于2024年5月24日和27日举行了两次会议。 |
427. |
427. |
The Chair of the Working Group presented an oral report on the work of the Working Group at the current session to the Planning Group at its 4th meeting, on 16 July 2024. |
该工作组主席在规划组于2024年7月16日举行的第4次会议上,向规划组口头报告了该工作组在本届会议上的工作。 |
428. |
428. |
The Planning Group took note of the oral report. |
规划组表示注意到上述口头报告。 |
The Working Group continued with the consideration of its standing agenda, made up of the following three items: |
该工作组继续审议其常设议程,其中包含以下三个项目: |
1. |
1. |
Revitalization of the working methods and procedures of the International Law Commission. |
恢复国际法委员会工作方法和程序的活力。 |
2. |
2. |
Relationship of the International Law Commission with the General Assembly and other bodies. |
国际法委员会与联大和其他机构的关系。 |
3. |
3. |
Other issues. |
其他问题。 |
429. |
429. |
Owing to time limitations this year, including stemming from the shortening of the approved General Assembly session of 12 weeks to 10 weeks, only two formal meetings of the Working Group took place. |
由于今年的时间限制,包括因核准的联大届会从12周缩短为10周而导致的时间限制,该工作组只举行了两次正式会议。 |
The two meetings of the Working Group largely focused on the first agenda item, even though preliminary discussions were also carried out on the last two agenda items. |
该工作组的两次会议主要侧重于第一个议程项目,但对后两个议程项目也进行了初步讨论。 |
In particular, the question of the relationship between the Commission and the General Assembly, especially the Sixth Committee, was subject to discussion along with the need to strengthen cooperation between the Commission and other bodies, such as the codification bodies in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. |
特别是,讨论了委员会与联大尤其是第六委员会的关系问题,以及需要加强委员会与诸如非洲、亚洲、欧洲以及拉丁美洲和加勒比的编纂机构等其他机构之间的合作的问题。 |
It was the view of the Working Group that the consideration of the proposals for improvement of the methods of work and procedures of the Commission should be done in the context of the preparation of a handbook. |
该工作组认为,关于改进委员会工作方法和程序的提议,其相关审议工作应在编写手册的框架内进行。 |
Such handbook on the methods of work and procedures of the Commission would be an official document, with the proviso that some elements could be kept as an informal document of the Commission. |
上述关于委员会工作方法和程序的手册将是一份正式文件,但会附文注明有些内容可仍视为委员会的非正式文件。 |
The official document would be aimed at enhancing transparency and providing greater understanding to States and other observers of the Commission of its internal working methods and procedures. |
该正式文件旨在提高透明度,使各国和委员会其他观察员能更好地了解委员会的内部工作方法和程序。 |
During the session, the Working Group considered a draft outline for such handbook, prepared by the Secretariat, and recommended that the Commission request the preparation of draft sections by the Secretariat to serve as the basis for such handbook, including elements from the proposals for improvement made by the members in the last quinquennium. |
在本届会议期间,该工作组审议了由秘书处编写的上述手册纲要草稿,并建议委员会请秘书处编写各章节草稿,以充当该手册的基础,其中纳入委员们在上一个五年期内提出的改进建议中的内容。 |
430. |
430. |
The Commission requests the Secretariat to prepare draft sections of a handbook on the methods of work and procedures of the Commission, containing relevant material drawn from the Work of the International Law Commission, vol. I, and the reports of the Commission addressing methods of work from 1996 and 2011, as well as proposals for improvement made by members in the previous quinquennium, to be considered by the Working Group throughout the present quinquennium. |
委员会请秘书处编写委员会工作方法和程序手册各章节草稿,其中应载有摘自《国际法委员会的工作》第一卷以及委员会1996年和2011年关于工作方法的报告的相关材料,还应载有委员们在上一个五年期内提出的改进建议,供该工作组在本五年期内审议。 |
The Secretariat prepared initial drafts of one of the chapters of the handbook, which were then presented to members for their comments and input. |
秘书处已编写了该手册其中一章的初稿,并随后将其提交委员们征求意见和建议。 |
It is expected that, depending on the amount of time allocated to the Working Group meetings next year, the above-mentioned work will continue. |
预计将根据明年分配给该工作组会议的时间继续开展上述工作。 |
The hope is to advance the work on the handbook, possibly alongside other elements, such as the consideration of the nomenclature and forms of output by the Commission, which topic had been extensively discussed in the last quinquennium with the idea of adopting a recommendation on that issue for sharing with States. |
希望能推进该手册相关工作,并能同时开展其他工作,例如审议委员会工作产物的术语和形式。 已在上一个五年期内就该议题进行过广泛讨论,并打算就此通过一项建议,与各国分享。 |
The importance of allocating more time for the Working Group to accomplish its ambitious mandate, already brought to the attention of States in the Commission’s 2023 report to the General Assembly, was also emphasized. |
此外,强调务应为该工作组分配更多时间,使其得以完成其宏伟的任务。 这一点已在委员会提交联大的2023年报告中提请各国注意。 |
It was recalled, in this regard, that time constraints had partly led to the inability of the Working Group to submit a substantive report in the previous quinquennium. |
有委员就此回顾指出,工作组在上一个五年期内未能提交实质性报告,部分原因就在于时间有限。 |
3. |
3. |
Consideration of General Assembly resolution 78/112 of 7 December 2023 on the rule of law at the national and international levels |
讨论联大2023年12月7日关于国内和国际的法治的第78/112号决议 |
431. |
431. |
The General Assembly, in its resolution 78/112 on the rule of law at the national and international levels, inter alia, reiterated its invitation to the Commission to comment, in its report to the General Assembly, on its current role in promoting the rule of law. |
除其他内容外,联大关于国内和国际的法治的第78/112号决议重申邀请委员会在提交联大的报告中就委员会目前在促进法治方面发挥的作用发表评论。 |
Since its sixtieth session (2008), the Commission has commented at each of its sessions on its role in promoting the rule of law. |
委员会自第六十届会议(2008年)以来,在每一届会议上都就其在促进法治方面发挥的作用发表了评论。 |
The Commission notes that the comments contained in paragraphs 341 to 346 of its 2008 report remain relevant and reiterates the comments made at its previous sessions. |
委员会指出其2008年报告 第341至第346段所载评论依然适用,并重申了其在此前多届会议上所作的评论。 |
432. |
432. |
The Commission recalls that the rule of law is of the essence of its work. |
委员会回顾指出,法治是其工作的核心。 |
The Commission’s purpose, as set out in article 1 of its statute, is to promote the progressive development of international law and its codification. |
委员会章程第1条规定,委员会以促进国际法的逐渐发展和编纂为宗旨。 |
433. |
433. |
Having in mind the principle of the rule of law in all its work, the Commission is fully conscious of the importance of the implementation of international law at the national level, and aims at promoting respect for the rule of law at the international level. |
委员会在其所有工作中均铭记法治原则,充分意识到在国家层面实施国际法的重要性,并致力于在国际上促进尊重法治。 |
434. |
434. |
In fulfilling its mandate concerning the progressive development of international law and its codification, the Commission will continue to take into account the rule of law as a principle of governance and the human rights and sustainable development that are fundamental to the rule of law, as reflected in the preamble and Article 13 of the Charter of the United Nations, as well as in the declaration of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the rule of law at the national and international levels. |
委员会在履行其逐渐发展和编纂国际法的任务过程中,将继续如《联合国宪章》序言部分和第十三条以及《国内和国际的法治问题大会高级别会议宣言》 所表明的那样,将法治作为一项治理原则纳入考量,并将对法治具有根本意义的人权和可持续发展纳入考量。 |
435. |
435. |
In its current work, the Commission is aware of “the interrelationship between the rule of law and the three pillars of the United Nations (peace and security, development, and human rights)”, which are mutually reinforcing. |
委员会在目前的工作中已认识到“法治与联合国三个支柱(和平与安全、发展、人权)之间的相互关系”。 三个支柱彼此辅相成。 |
The Commission also welcomes recent developments addressing sustainable development and climate change, and the recourse to advisory proceedings, in particular, the General Assembly’s request for an advisory opinion submitted by consensus to the International Court of Justice. |
此外,委员会欢迎可持续发展和气候变化方面的近期发展动态,也欢迎诉诸于咨询程序,尤其是联大经协商一致后向国际法院提出的咨询意见请求。 |
436. |
436. |
In fulfilling its mandate concerning the progressive development of international law and its codification, the Commission is conscious of the extent and urgency of the challenges concerning the strengthening of the rule of law, including the need to ensure gender parity in national and international institutions. |
委员会在履行其逐渐发展和编纂国际法的任务时,知道在加强法治方面所面临挑战的严峻程度和紧迫程度,其中包括需要确保国家和国际机构中性别均等。 |
In this regard, the Commission itself recognizes that, in terms of its own composition, further progress should be made to comply with this objective. |
在这方面,委员会自知,就其自身组成而言,应取得更大进展,以符合上述目标。 |
437. |
437. |
The Commission notes that technological innovations may both pose challenges and provide opportunities for international law. |
委员会指出,技术革新既可能对国际法提出挑战,也可能为国际法提供机会。 |
For example, as evidenced by the work on the topic of prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea, which was considered in the present session, technology has changed the way in which these crimes are carried out. |
例如,正如就本届会议上审议的防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为专题开展的工作所显示的那样,技术已经改变了这些罪行的实施方式。 |
The Commission in its debate considered current and emerging technologies and the role that they may play in both combating piracy and armed robbery at sea, as well as facilitating the international cooperation essential to ensuring justice and access to justice for those affected by these crimes. |
委员会在辩论过程中审议了现有技术和新兴技术及其在打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为方面和促进开展必不可少的国际合作以确保这些罪行的受害者能伸张正义和诉诸司法方面可能发挥的作用。 |
The Commission is consistently mindful of technological challenges faced by the various nations of the world and works to ensure that the outcomes of Commission topics are sufficiently inclusive and practical to be of greatest possible value now and in the future. |
委员会始终关注世界各国面临的技术挑战,并努力确保委员会各专题的工作成果足具包容性和实用性,以便现在和将来均具有可能具有的最大价值。 |
Accordingly, the Commission wishes to reiterate the great value of input from States and international organizations, particularly on how they are using technologies to improve access to justice for all within their own States and within their international partnerships. |
因此,委员会希望重申,各国和各国际组织提供的材料有着巨大的价值,尤其是就其如何在本国境内及其国际伙伴关系框架内利用技术改善所有人诉诸司法的机会提供的材料。 |
The Commission stressed the importance of its website to disseminate its work. |
委员会强调指出,委员会的网站在宣传其工作方面发挥着重要作用。 |
The Commission pays due regard to issues directly linked to technological advances, such as those related to artificial intelligence. |
委员会对与技术进步直接相关的问题给予应有的关注,例如与人工智能有关的问题。 |
The Commission is of the opinion that, when new technologies are placed at the service of the law enshrined in multilateral treaties, the rule of law benefits. |
委员会认为,如能使新技术服务于多边条约所载的法律,会使法治受益。 |
438. |
438. |
Recalling that the General Assembly has stressed the importance of promoting the sharing of national best practices on the rule of law, the Commission wishes to recall that much of its work consists of collecting and analysing national practices related to the rule of law with a view to assessing their possible contribution to the progressive development and codification of international law. |
委员会忆及联大曾强调促进就法治问题分享各国最佳做法的重要性,希望回顾指出,委员会的工作有很大一部分是收集和分析法治方面的国家实践,以期评估上述实践是否有可能为逐渐发展和编纂国际法作出贡献。 |
439. |
439. |
The Commission will give its full attention to the subtopic of the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly on “The full, equal and equitable participation at all levels in the international legal system”. |
委员会将充分关注联大第七十九届会议关于“在各级充分、平等、公平地参与国际法律体系”的分专题。 |
Technological innovations may facilitate such participation. |
技术上的创新或可为上述参与提供便利。 |
Moreover, the Commission considers obtaining broadest possible input on State practice to be essential to its work. |
此外,委员会认为,在国家实践方面获得尽可能广泛的资料,对于其工作至关重要。 |
It thus encourages active participation of States in providing both information and comments in this regard. |
因此,委员会鼓励各国积极参与在这方面提供信息和评论意见。 |
440. |
440. |
In keeping with its long-standing vocation, the Commission will continue to anchor its work in reality, and thus satisfy the needs expressed by States. |
委员会将继续遵照其长期使命,立足现实开展工作,以便满足各国所表达的需求。 |
Bearing in mind the role of multilateral treaty processes in advancing the rule of law, the Commission recalls that the work of the Commission on different topics has led to several multilateral treaty processes and to the adoption of a number of multilateral treaties. |
委员会铭记多边条约进程在推进法治方面的作用,回顾指出,委员会围绕各个不同专题开展的工作,已促成了几项多边条约进程,并导致通过了若干多边条约。 |
441. |
441. |
In the course of the present session, the Commission continues to make its contribution to the promotion of the rule of law, including by working on the topics in the programme of work for the present session: “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction”; |
本届会议期间,委员会继续为促进法治作出贡献,包括通过就本届会议工作方案中的以下专题开展工作而为促进法治作出贡献:“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”; |
“Succession of States in respect of State responsibility”; |
“国家责任方面的国家继承”; |
“Sea-level rise in relation to international law”; |
“与国际法有关的海平面上升”; |
“Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties”; |
“国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决”; |
“Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea”; |
“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”; |
“Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law”; |
“确定国际法规则的辅助手段”; |
and “Non-legally binding international agreements”. |
“不具法律约束力的国际协定”。 |
442. |
442. |
The Commission reiterates its commitment to the promotion of the rule of law in all of its activities. |
委员会重申致力于在其所有活动中促进法治。 |
4. |
4. |
Commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the International Law Commission |
纪念国际法委员会成立七十五周年 |
443. |
443. |
The Commission, at its seventy-fourth session (2023), recommended that anniversary events be held during its seventy-fifth session, in 2024. |
委员会第七十四届会议(2023年)建议在2024年第七十五届会议期间举行周年活动。 |
The General Assembly took note with appreciation of these recommendations. |
联大表示赞赏地注意到上述建议。 |
444. |
444. |
Due to the liquidity crisis facing the United Nations, the Commission’s session, as approved by General Assembly resolution 78/108, was reduced from 12 to 10 weeks. |
由于联合国面临流动性危机,联大第78/108号决议核准的委员会本届会议从12周缩短至10周。 |
Therefore, the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Commission was held in a reduced format, with an event organized with the generous assistance of the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland on 24 May 2024. |
因此,委员会成立七十五周年的纪念活动缩小了规模,在日内瓦国际关系及发展高等学院和瑞士联邦外交部的慷慨协助下于2024年5月24日举办了一次活动。 |
445. |
445. |
The commemorative event in Geneva was enriched by other events, in which the members of the Commission and representatives of States, international organizations and academic institutions participated. |
另有委员会委员以及各国、国际组织和学术机构的代表参加的其他活动充实了在日内瓦举办的纪念活动。 |
Such events included: a commemorative seminar organized by the Rashtriya Raksha University in India with the generous assistance of the Ministry of External Affairs of India on 29 February and 1 March 2024, in which several members of the Commission, senior officials from the Codification Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, legal advisers and officials from various countries, including the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, participated; |
这些活动包括:印度国防大学在印度外交部的慷慨协助下于2024年2月29日和3月1日举办的一次纪念研讨会,委员会几位委员、联合国法律事务厅编纂司高级官员、来自多个国家的法律顾问和官员,包括亚非法律协商组织在内,出席了此次研讨会; |
and a conference entitled “Unlocking opportunities: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and dry port development in landlocked developing countries” organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia held on 25 and 26 March 2024. |
蒙古外交部于2024年3月25日和26日举办的一个题为“释放机遇:《联合国海洋法公约》与内陆发展中国家的陆港发展”的会议。 |
5. |
5. |
Honoraria |
酬金 |
446. |
446. |
The Commission reiterates its views concerning the question of honoraria, resulting from the adoption by the General Assembly of its resolution 56/272 of 27 March 2002, which have been expressed in the previous reports of the Commission. |
委员会重申其在此前报告 中就因联大通过2002年3月27日第56/272号决议而引发的酬金问题所表明的意见。 |
The Commission emphasizes that resolution 56/272 especially affects Special Rapporteurs, as it compromises support for their research. |
委员会强调,第56/272号决议尤其影响到特别报告员,因其削弱了对特别报告员研究工作的支持。 |
This is without prejudice to the establishment of the trust fund pursuant to paragraph 37 of resolution 77/103 of 7 December 2022. |
这不妨碍根据2022年12月7日第77/103号决议第37段设立信托基金。 |
6. |
6. |
Documentation and publications |
文件和出版物 |
447. |
447. |
The Commission underscored once more the unique nature of its functioning in the progressive development of international law and its codification, in that it attaches particular relevance to State practice and the decisions of national and international courts in its treatment of questions of international law. |
委员会再次强调指出,委员会在逐渐发展和编纂国际法方面履行职能有其独特性,因为委员会在处理国际法问题时特别重视国家实践以及国内法院和国际性法院的裁决。 |
The Commission reiterated the importance of providing and making available all evidence of State practice and other sources of international law relevant to the performance of the function of the Commission. |
委员会重申,务应提供和开放一切与委员会履行职能有关的国家实践和其他国际法渊源相关证据。 |
The reports of its Special Rapporteurs require an adequate presentation of precedents and other relevant data, including treaties, judicial decisions and doctrine, and a thorough analysis of the questions under consideration. |
委员会特别报告员的报告须充分介绍先例和其他有关资料,包括条约、司法裁决和理论学说在内,还须透彻分析所考虑的问题。 |
The Commission stressed that it and its Special Rapporteurs are fully conscious of the need to achieve economies whenever possible in the overall volume of documentation and will continue to bear such considerations in mind. |
委员会强调,委员会及其特别报告员均充分认识到有必要在文件总量方面尽可能节约,并将继续铭记这一点。 |
While the Commission is aware of the advantages of being as concise as possible, it reiterates its strong belief that an a priori limitation cannot be placed on the length of the documentation and research projects relating to the work of the Commission. |
委员会知道尽可能简洁的好处,但仍重申,委员会坚信不应预先限定委员会工作相关文件和研究项目的篇幅。 |
It follows that Special Rapporteurs cannot be asked to reduce the length of their reports following submission to the Secretariat, irrespective of any estimates of their length made in advance of submission to the Secretariat. |
正因如此,不能在报告提交秘书处之后要求特别报告员缩短篇幅,无论在报告提交秘书处之前预估的篇幅是多长。 |
Word limits are not applicable to Commission documentation, as has been consistently reiterated by the General Assembly. |
联大一再重申,字数限制不适用于国际法委员会的文件。 |
The Commission stresses also the importance of the timely preparation of reports by Special Rapporteurs and their submission to the Secretariat for processing and submission to the Commission sufficiently in advance so that the reports are issued in all official languages, ideally four weeks before the start of the relevant part of the session of the Commission. |
委员会还强调,特别报告员务应及时编写报告并充分提前将报告提交秘书处处理和向委员会提交,以便最好在委员会届会相关环节开始之前提前四周以所有正式语文印发报告。 |
In this respect, the Commission reiterates the importance of Special Rapporteurs submitting their reports within the time limits specified by the Secretariat. |
在这个问题上,委员会重申,特别报告员务应在秘书处规定的时限内提交报告。 |
Only on this basis can the Secretariat ensure that official documents of the Commission are published in due time in the six official languages of the United Nations. |
只有这样,秘书处才能确保按时以联合国六种正式语文印发委员会的正式文件。 |
448. |
448. |
On the other hand, the Commission called on the Secretariat to ensure that the documentation services involved in editing and translating documents increase their efficiencies, in particular, in ensuring the timely processing and circulation of Special Rapporteur reports from the original languages in which they are prepared to all the other official languages of the United Nations. |
另一方面,委员会吁请秘书处确保参与编辑和翻译文件的各文件服务部门提高效率,尤其是在确保及时将特别报告员的报告从其所用语文译成联合国其他所有正式语文并予以分发方面提高效率。 |
449. |
449. |
The Commission recognizes the particular relevance and significant value to the work of the Commission of the legal publications prepared by the Secretariat. |
委员会认识到,秘书处编写的法律出版物对于委员会的工作而言具有特别的相关意义和重要价值。 |
The Commission notes with appreciation the efforts of the Secretariat in desktop publishing, which greatly enhanced the timely issuance of such publications for the Commission, despite constraints due to lack of resources. |
委员会赞赏地注意到秘书处在桌面出版方面所作的努力。 上述努力尽管因缺乏资源而受到限制,但却大大促进了委员会此类出版物的及时印发。 |
The Commission expressed its appreciation for the issuance of the tenth edition of The Work of the International Law Commission in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish this year, which is a vital tool in the Commission’s work. |
委员会对今年以阿拉伯文、中文、法文、俄文和西班牙文印发《国际法委员会的工作》第十版表示感谢。 该出版物是委员会工作的一个重要工具。 |
450. |
450. |
The Commission reiterated its firm view that the summary records of the Commission, constituting crucial travaux préparatoires in the progressive development and codification of international law, cannot be subject to arbitrary length restrictions. |
委员会重申,委员会坚定地认为其简要记录构成逐渐发展和编纂国际法过程中的重要准备工作文件,在篇幅上不能受到任意限制。 |
The Commission once more noted with satisfaction that the measures introduced at its sixty-fifth session (2013) to streamline the processing of its summary records had resulted in the more expeditious transmission to members of the Commission of the English version for timely correction and prompt release. |
委员会再次满意地指出,委员会第六十五届会议(2013年)实行的旨在简化简要记录处理程序的措施加快了向委员会委员传送英文本的速度,方便及时改错和迅速印发。 |
The Commission once more called on the Secretariat to resume the practice of preparing provisional summary records in both English and French, and to continue its efforts to sustain the measures in question, in order to ensure the expeditious transmission of the provisional records to members of the Commission. |
委员会再次吁请秘书处恢复以英文和法文编写临时简要记录的做法,并继续努力保持有关措施,以确保向委员会委员迅速传送临时记录。 |
The Commission further noted that the more recent practice of submitting to the members of the Commission the provisional records electronically for corrections to be made in track changes was working smoothly. |
委员会还指出,最近采取的向委员会委员提交电子版临时记录从而方便以显示修改之处的方式进行更正的做法进展顺利。 |
The Commission also welcomed the fact that those working methods had led to the more rational use of resources and called on the Secretariat to continue its efforts to facilitate the preparation of the definitive records in all official languages, without compromising their integrity. |
委员会还欣闻这些工作方法使资源得到了更合理的利用,并吁请秘书处继续努力,便利以所有正式语文编写简要记录定本,同时不影响其完整性。 |
451. |
451. |
The Commission expressed its gratitude to all Services involved in the processing of documentation, both in Geneva and in New York, for their efforts in seeking to ensure timely and efficient processing of the Commission’s documents, often under narrow time constraints. |
委员会感谢日内瓦和纽约参与文件处理的所有部门努力确保及时而高效地处理委员会文件,而且经常是在时间紧迫的情况下完成工作。 |
It emphasized that timely and efficient processing of documentation was essential for the smooth conduct of the Commission’s work. |
委员会强调,及时而高效地处理文件对于委员会顺利开展工作至为重要。 |
The work done by all Services was all the more appreciated under the current conditions. |
在目前情况下,尤为感谢所有部门所做的工作。 |
452. |
452. |
The Commission reaffirmed its commitment to multilingualism and recalled the paramount importance to be given in its work to the equality of the six official languages of the United Nations, which had been emphasized in General Assembly resolution 76/268 of 10 June 2022. |
委员会重申对使用多种语文的承诺,并回顾其工作中高度重视联大2022年6月10日第76/268号决议 所强调的联合国六种正式语文的平等地位。 |
453. |
453. |
The Commission expressed its gratitude for the effective research support services, including the online information package and multilingual bibliographies, prepared by the United Nations Library in Geneva especially for the Commission and expressed its satisfaction for the support provided by the Library despite the measures put in place at the United Nations Office at Geneva due to the liquidity crisis of the United Nations in 2024. |
委员会表示感谢联合国日内瓦图书馆切实为研究工作提供支助服务,包括专门为委员会编写在线资料包和多语种书目,并对图书馆在联合国日内瓦办事处因联合国2024年流动性危机而采取措施的情况下依然提供的支助表示满意。 |
454. |
454. |
The limitations imposed by the liquidity crisis that severely affected the work of the members of the Commission highlighted even more the necessity of the Library services for the work of the Commission, as well as the importance of providing appropriate means to the Library to implement its mandate and maintain its collections and services. |
流动性危机所施加的限制严重影响了委员会委员的工作,更加突显了图书馆服务对于委员会工作的必要性,以及向图书馆提供适当资源以履行其任务并维持其藏书和服务的重要性。 |
The Commission expressed appreciation for the efforts made by the administration of the United Nations Office at Geneva to arrange for a partial return to the Library for part of the session of the Commission, following feedback received from members. |
委员会表示赞赏联合国日内瓦办事处行政部门在收到委员反馈意见后作出努力,安排在委员会届会的部分时间内重新部分开放图书馆。 |
455. |
455. |
The Commission noted the commitment of the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva to ensure that Library spaces and services will be available in 2025 for the entirety of its seventy-sixth session ahead of renovations planned in the Library and Archives building under the Strategic Heritage Plan. |
委员会注意到,联合国日内瓦办事处总干事承诺,在根据“战略遗产计划”对图书馆和档案馆楼进行计划进行的翻修之前,确保2025年在委员会第七十六届会议整个会议期间提供图书馆空间和服务。 |
456. |
456. |
Regarding the continuing evolution of the United Nations Library and Archives in Geneva, the Commission supported the ongoing development of the capacity of the Library and Archives to act as a centre for research with focus on international law and multilateralism. |
关于联合国日内瓦图书馆和档案馆的继续发展问题,委员会支持不断发展图书馆和档案馆的能力,使之成为以国际法和多边主义为重点的研究中心。 |
In this context, the Commission highlighted the need for diversity of resources and multilingualism, as well as the value of the Library, not only in supporting directly the work of the Commission, but also as a resource for researchers and current and future international law researchers and practitioners. |
在上述框架内,委员会着重指出有必要实现资源多样性和使用多种语文,还着重指出图书馆的价值不仅在于直接支持委员会的工作,还在于它是研究人员以及当前和未来的国际法研究人员和从业人员的资料库。 |
7. |
7. |
Yearbook of the International Law Commission |
《国际法委员会年鉴》 |
457. |
457. |
The Commission reiterated that the Yearbook of the International Law Commission was critical to the understanding of the Commission’s work in the progressive development of international law and its codification, as well as in the strengthening of the rule of law in international relations. |
委员会重申,《国际法委员会年鉴》对于了解委员会在逐渐发展和编纂国际法以及在国际关系中加强法治方面所开展的工作具有关键意义。 |
The Commission took note that the General Assembly, in its resolution 78/108, expressed its appreciation to Governments that had made voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund on the backlog relating to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission, and encouraged further contributions to this Trust Fund. |
委员会注意到,联大在第78/108号决议中表示赞赏有关国家政府为帮助解决《国际法委员会年鉴》工作积压问题的信托基金提供自愿捐助,并鼓励各方进一步为该信托基金捐助。 |
458. |
458. |
The Commission recommends that the General Assembly, as in its resolution 78/108, express its satisfaction with the remarkable progress achieved in recent years in catching up with the backlog of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission in all six languages, and welcome the efforts made by the Division of Conference Management of the United Nations Office at Geneva, especially its Editing Section, in effectively implementing relevant resolutions of the General Assembly calling for the reduction of the backlog; |
委员会建议联大如在第78/108号决议中那样:对过去几年在减少所有六种语文版《国际法委员会年鉴》积压方面取得显著进展表示满意,并欢迎联合国日内瓦办事处会议管理司,特别是其编辑科作出努力,切实执行联大要求减少文件积压的有关决议; |
and encourage the Division of Conference Management to continue providing all necessary support to the Editing Section in advancing work on the Yearbook. |
鼓励会议管理司继续向编辑科提供一切必要支持,推动《年鉴》的相关工作。 |
8. |
8. |
Trust fund on assistance to Special Rapporteurs of the International Law Commission, established by General Assembly resolution 77/103, and matters ancillary thereto |
联大第77/103号决议设立的协助国际法委员会特别报告员及其附属事项信托基金 |
459. |
459. |
In resolution 78/108 of 7 December 2023, the General Assembly expressed its appreciation for contributions made to the trust fund for assistance to Special Rapporteurs of the International Law Commission or Chairs of its Study Groups and matters ancillary thereto, established by resolution 77/103 of 7 December 2022, and invited further contributions to the trust fund, in accordance with the terms of the trust fund, including the need for the financial contributions not to be earmarked for any specific activity of the International Law Commission, its Special Rapporteurs or Chairs of its Study Groups. |
联大2023年12月7日第78/108号决议表示赞赏向联大2022年12月7日第77/103号决议设立的协助国际法委员会特别报告员或研究组主席及其附属事项信托基金所作捐助,并邀请各方按照信托基金条款向信托基金作出进一步捐助,包括捐款不得指定用于国际法委员会、其特别报告员或研究组主席的任何具体活动。 |
Following the establishment of the trust fund, in 2023 contributions were received from Austria ($3,341.70), the Czech Republic ($2,201.29) and Cyprus ($5,500), and, in 2024, Finland ($21,574.97) and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ($3,094.50). |
该信托基金设立后,2023年收到了奥地利(3,341.70美元)、捷克共和国(2,201.29美元)和塞浦路斯(5,500美元)的捐款,2024年收到了芬兰(21,574.97美元)和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(3,094.50美元)的捐款。 |
The fund balance on 30 June 2024 was $35,712.46. |
截至2024年6月30日,基金结余为35,712.46美元。 |
9. |
9. |
Assistance of the Codification Division |
编纂司的协助 |
460. |
460. |
The Commission expressed its appreciation for the invaluable assistance of the Codification Division of the Secretariat in its substantive servicing of the Commission and the ongoing assistance provided to Special Rapporteurs, and Co-Chairs of the Study Group, and the preparation of in-depth research studies pertaining to aspects of topics presently under consideration, as requested by the Commission. |
委员会感谢秘书处编纂司在向委员会提供实质性服务方面提供宝贵协助,以及一直向特别报告员和研究组共同主席提供协助,并应委员会的要求就目前所审议专题的方方面面内容编写深入的研究报告。 |
In particular, the Commission expressed its appreciation to the Secretariat for the preparation of memorandums on settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties (A/CN.4/764); |
委员会特别感谢秘书处编写了关于以下专题的备忘录:国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决(A/CN.4/764); |
subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law (A/CN.4/765); |
确定国际法规则的辅助手段(A/CN.4/765); |
prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea – writings relevant to the definitions of piracy and of armed robbery at sea (A/CN.4/767); |
防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为――与海盗和海上武装抢劫行为的定义有关的著述(A/CN.4/767); |
sea-level rise in relation to international law – elements in the previous work of the International Law Commission that could be particularly relevant to the topic (A/CN.4/768); |
与国际法有关的海平面上升――国际法委员会以往工作中可能与该专题特别相关的内容(A/CN.4/ 768); |
and the compilations of comments and observations received from Governments on immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction (A/CN.4/771 and Add.1 and Add.2). |
各国政府关于国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免的评论和意见汇编(A/CN.4/771及Add.1和Add.2)。 |
The Commission also recognized the work of the Codification Division in providing texts in different languages to ensure the quality and representativeness of the work of the Drafting Committee. |
委员会还感谢编纂司为确保起草委员会工作的质量和代表性而提供不同语文文本的努力。 |
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10. |
Websites |
网站 |
461. |
461. |
The Commission expressed its appreciation to the Secretariat for the website on the work of the Commission, and welcomed its continuous updating and improvement. |
委员会对秘书处维护关于委员会工作的网站表示感谢,并欢迎不断更新和完善该网站。 |
The Commission reiterated that the website and other websites maintained by the Codification Division constitute an invaluable resource for the Commission and for researchers of the work of the Commission in the wider community, thereby contributing to the rule of law and to the overall strengthening of the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law. |
委员会重申,该网站以及由编纂司维护的其他网站 是委员会和广大社会中研究委员会工作者的宝贵资源,因而有助于法治,也有助于全面加强国际法的教学、研究、传播和全面加强对国际法的更广泛理解。 |
The Commission welcomed the fact that the website on the work of the Commission included information on the current status of the topics on the agenda of the Commission, as well as links to the advance edited versions of the summary records of the Commission and the audio recordings of the plenary meetings of the Commission. |
委员会欣见关于委员会工作的网站还介绍了委员会议程上各个专题的现状,并收录了委员会简要记录的预先编辑版和委员会全体会议录音的链接。 |
The Commission expressed that it would be desirable to allocate additional funding to the website of the Commission to make it accessible in the six official languages of the United Nations. |
委员会表示,宜为委员会网站增拨资金,以使其能以联合国六种正式语文提供网页。 |
11. |
11. |
Webcast |
网播 |
462. |
462. |
The Commission expressed concern about the discontinuance of the live streaming service of the United Nations webcast of its plenary meetings. |
委员会对其全体会议的联合国网播实况流播服务停止表示关切。 |
The Commission noted the importance of the availability of the webcast to facilitate the engagement of delegates of the Sixth Committee with the work of the Commission and noted the feedback obtained in the past that expressed interest in following the work of the Commission with such a tool. |
委员会指出,提供网播对于便利第六委员会代表参与委员会工作具有重要意义,且过去曾收到过表示有兴趣利用这样一项工具跟踪委员会工作的反馈意见。 |
12. |
12. |
United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law |
联合国国际法视听图书馆 |
463. |
463. |
The Commission once more noted with appreciation the extraordinary value of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law in promoting a better knowledge of international law and the work of the United Nations in the field, including the work of the Commission. |
委员会再次赞赏地指出,联合国国际法视听图书馆 对于增进对国际法和联合国在该领域的工作(包括委员会的工作)的了解,意义非凡。 |
The Commission expressed concern about the impact of the liquidity crisis on the functioning of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, in particular, delays to the addition of new content. |
委员会对流动性危机对联合国国际法视听图书馆运转的影响,尤其是对新增内容方面的延误,表示关切。 |
13. |
13. |
Consideration of the convening in the present quinquennium of the first part of the seventy-seventh session of the Commission in New York |
审议本五年期内在纽约举行委员会第七十七届会议第一期会议的问题 |
464. |
464. |
Further to paragraph 281 of the report of its seventy-third session (2022) and paragraph 291 of the report of its seventy-fourth session (2023), the Commission reiterated its recommendation to hold the first part of the seventy-seventh session (2026) in New York with the view to enhancing its dialogue with the General Assembly and to facilitate direct contact between the Commission and delegates of the Sixth Committee. |
委员会回顾其第七十三届会议(2022年)报告第281段和第七十四届会议(2023年)报告第291段,重申建议在纽约举行第七十七届会议(2026年)第一期会议,以期加强与联大的对话,并促进委员会与第六委员会代表之间的直接接触。 |
The Commission requests the Secretariat to proceed with the necessary administrative and organizational arrangements to facilitate the holding of that part of the session in New York. |
委员会请秘书处着手作出必要的行政和组织安排,以协助在纽约举行该届会议第一期会议。 |
Particular attention was drawn to the need to ensure access to sufficient conference and library facilities at Headquarters and electronic access to the resources and research assistance of the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva. |
特别提请注意的是,须确保能够利用总部充足的会议设施和图书馆设施,并能以电子方式利用联合国日内瓦办事处图书馆的资源和研究协助。 |
The need to ensure access and sufficient space for assistants to members of the Commission to attend meetings of the Commission was also emphasized. |
还强调须确保委员会委员的助理有出席委员会会议的机会和足够的空间。 |
14. |
14. |
Date and place of the seventy-sixth session of the Commission |
委员会第七十六届会议的日期和地点 |
465. |
465. |
Owing to the impact of the liquidity crisis of the United Nations on the activities of the Commission at the seventy-fifth session, and taking into account the volume of work anticipated for the seventy-sixth session, including two topics at the second reading stage (“Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction” and “General principles of law”) and the final report on the topic “Sea-level rise in relation to international law”, the Commission stressed the importance of having at a minimum a 12-week session for its seventy-sixth session. |
鉴于联合国流动性危机对委员会第七十五届会议活动产生的影响,又考虑到第七十六届会议的预计工作量――其中包括两个处于二读阶段的专题(“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”和“一般法律原则”)和“与国际法有关的海平面上升”专题最后报告, 委员会强调指出,第七十六届会议的会期务应至少有12周。 |
466. |
466. |
The Commission decided that its seventy-sixth session would be held in Geneva from 14 April to 30 May and from 30 June to 31 July 2025. |
委员会决定,其第七十六届会议将于2025年4月14日至5月30日和6月30日至7月31日在日内瓦举行。 |
D. |
D. |
Cooperation with other bodies |
与其他机构的合作 |
467. |
467. |
At the 3685th meeting, on 17 July 2024, Judge Nawaf Salam, President of the International Court of Justice, addressed the Commission and briefed it on the recent judicial activities of the Court. |
国际法院院长纳瓦夫·萨拉姆法官在委员会2024年7月17日举行的第3685次会议上讲话,简要介绍了国际法院最近的司法活动。 |
An exchange of views followed. |
随后交流了意见。 |
468. |
468. |
Due to the liquidity crisis facing the United Nations, the Commission’s session, as approved by General Assembly resolution 78/108, was reduced from 12 to 10 weeks. |
由于联合国面临流动性危机,联大第78/108号决议核准的委员会本届会议从12周缩短至10周。 |
Therefore, the Commission was unable to have an exchange of views with the African Union Commission on International Law, the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law of the Council of Europe or the Inter-American Juridical Committee. |
因此,委员会未能与非洲联盟国际法委员会、亚非法律协商组织、欧洲委员会国际公法法律顾问委员会以及美洲法律委员会交流意见。 |
The Commission continues to value its cooperation with such bodies and expresses the hope that the exchanges of views can be organized at future sessions. |
委员会仍然重视与此类机构的合作,并表示希望能在今后的届会上组织意见交流。 |
469. |
469. |
On 11 July 2024, an informal exchange of views was held between members of the Commission and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on matters of mutual interest. |
2024年7月11日,委员会委员与红十字国际委员会(红十字会)就共同关心的问题非正式交流了意见。 |
Welcoming remarks were made by Mr. Gilles Carbonnier, Vice-President of ICRC, and opening remarks by Ms. Cordula Droege, Chief Legal Officer and Head of the Legal Division, ICRC, and Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Chair of the Commission. |
红十字会副主席吉勒·卡尔博尼耶先生致欢迎词,红十字会首席法律干事兼法律司司长科尔杜拉·德勒格女士和委员会主席马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生致开场词。 |
A presentation was made on the work of the Commission on the topics “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction” by Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff and “Non–legally binding international agreements” by Mr. Mathias Forteau, Special Rapporteurs on the respective topics. |
委员会相关专题特别报告员介绍了以下专题相关工作:克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生介绍了“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”专题相关工作; 马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生介绍了“不具法律约束力的国际协定”专题相关工作。 |
A presentation on “Non-binding documents in international humanitarian law – EWIPA Declaration, Paris Commitments to Protect Children from Unlawful Recruitment or Use and the Safe Schools Declaration, Montreux Document” was made by Ms. Abby Zeith, Ms. Vanessa Murphy and Mr. Matt Pollard, Legal Advisers, ICRC. |
红十字会法律顾问阿比·蔡思女士、瓦妮莎·墨菲女士和马特·波拉德先生介绍了“国际人道法中的不具约束力文件:《关于加强保护平民免受在人口稠密地区使用爆炸性武器造成的人道主义后果的政治宣言》、《保护儿童免遭武装部队或武装团体非法招募或使用的巴黎承诺》和《安全学校宣言》以及《蒙特勒文件》”。 |
The presentations were followed by an exchange of views. |
随后交流了意见。 |
Concluding remarks were made by Ms. Droege. |
德勒格女士作了总结发言。 |
E. |
E. |
Representation at the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly |
出席联大第七十九届会议的代表 |
470. |
470. |
The Commission decided that it should be represented at the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly by its Chair, Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez. |
委员会决定应由其主席马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生代表委员会出席联大第七十九届会议。 |
F. |
F. |
International Law Seminar |
国际法讲习班 |
471. |
471. |
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 78/108 of 7 December 2023, the fifty–eighth session of the International Law Seminar was held at the Palais des Nations from 1 to 19 July 2024, during the present session of the Commission. |
根据联大2023年12月7日第78/108号决议,第五十八届国际法讲习班在委员会本届会议期间于2024年7月1日至19日在万国宫举行。 |
The Seminar is intended for young jurists specializing in international law, and young professors or government officials pursuing an academic or diplomatic career in posts in the civil service of their countries. |
讲习班的对象是专门研究国际法的年轻法学家,以及在本国公务员系统中从事学术或外交工作的年轻教师或政府官员。 |
472. |
472. |
Twenty-seven participants of different nationalities, from all regional groups, took part in the session. |
来自所有区域集团的不同国籍27名学员参加了讲习班。 |
The participants attended plenary meetings of the Commission and specially arranged lectures, and participated in working groups on specific topics. |
学员们出席了委员会的全体会议以及特别安排的讲座,并参与了关于具体专题的工作组。 |
473. |
473. |
Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, Chair of the Commission, and Mr. Huw Llewellyn, Director of the Codification Division, opened the Seminar. |
委员会主席马塞洛·巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生和编纂司司长胡夫·卢埃林先生宣布讲习班开幕。 |
The Legal Office of the United Nations Office at Geneva was responsible for the administration, organization and conduct of the Seminar. |
联合国日内瓦办事处法律办公室负责讲习班的行政管理、组织事宜和活动进行。 |
Mr. Vittorio Mainetti, international law expert and consultant, acted as Coordinator, assisted by Ms. Letícia Machado Haertel and Ms. Yitong Sun, legal assistants. |
国际法专家、顾问维托里奥·马伊内蒂先生在法律助理莱蒂西娅·马沙多·黑特尔女士和孙艺桐女士的协助下担任协调员。 |
474. |
474. |
Mr. Huw Llewellyn delivered a lecture entitled “The UN and the Progressive Development of International Law and its Codification”, providing participants with a comprehensive overview of the work of the International Law Commission. |
胡夫·卢埃林先生作了题为“联合国与国际法的逐渐发展和编纂”的讲座,向学员们全面介绍了国际法委员会的工作。 |
475. |
475. |
The following lectures were given by members of the Commission: “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction” by Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff; |
委员会委员作了以下讲座:克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生主讲“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”; |
“Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” by Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee; |
李根宽先生主讲“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”; |
“The ILC as seen from the outside” by Mr. Giuseppe Nesi; |
朱塞佩·内西先生主讲“从外部看国际法委员会”; |
“Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law” by Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh; |
查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生主讲“确定国际法规则的辅助手段”; |
“Non-binding agreements” by Mr. Mathias Forteau; |
马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生主讲“不具约束力的协定”; |
“Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties” by Mr. August Reinisch. |
奥古斯特·赖尼施先生主讲“国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决”。 |
In addition, a round table was organized with the three Co-Chairs of the Study Group on the topic “Sea-level rise in relation to international law”, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Ms. Nilüfer Oral and Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria. |
此外,还与“与国际法有关的海平面上升”专题研究组的三位共同主席帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士、尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士和胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生组织了一次圆桌会议。 |
476. |
476. |
Participants attended a conference organized in cooperation with the Geneva Water Hub on “Water, peace, and international law”, where speakers including Ms. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Professor at the University of Geneva, Mr. Mark Zeitoun, Professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and Director of the Geneva Water Hub, Ms. Sonja Koeppel, Secretary of the Water Convention, Mr. Mutoy Mubiala, Professor at the University of Kinshasa, and Ms. Mara Tignino, Senior Lecturer at the University of Geneva, shared their insights on various aspects of water law. |
学员们出席了与日内瓦水问题研究中心合作举办的关于“水、和平与国际法”的会议。 会上,包括日内瓦大学教授劳伦斯·布瓦松·德沙祖尔内女士、日内瓦国际关系及发展高等学院教授兼日内瓦水问题研究中心主任马克·扎伊通先生、《水公约》秘书索尼娅·科佩尔女士、金沙萨大学教授穆托亚·马比亚拉先生和日内瓦大学高级讲师玛拉·蒂尼诺女士在内的发言人员就水法的诸多方面分享了自己的见解。 |
477. |
477. |
Participants also visited the World Trade Organization (WTO) and attended presentations by Ms. Gabrielle Marceau, Senior Counsellor at the Research Division, and Mr. Juan Pablo Moya Hoyos, Dispute Settlement Lawyer at WTO. |
学员们还访问了世界贸易组织(世贸组织),听取了研究司高级顾问加布里埃尔·玛索女士和世贸组织争端解决律师胡安·巴勃罗·莫亚·奥约斯先生的演讲。 |
478. |
478. |
Participants attended a workshop hosted by the University of Geneva on the topic “The ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change and International Law”, with the participation of Mr. Frédéric Bernard, Professor and Director of the Department of Public Law of the University of Geneva, Mr. Lucius Caflisch, honorary professor of international law at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights and former member of the International Law Commission, Ms. Mara Tignino, Senior Lecturer at the University of Geneva, Mr. Vittorio Mainetti, Adjunct Professor of International Law at the University of Milan and Coordinator of the International Law Seminar, and Mr. Rolf Einar Fife, Mr. Mario Oyarzábal and Ms. Penelope Ridings, members of the Commission. |
学员们参加了由日内瓦大学主办的题为“国际海洋法法庭关于气候变化与国际法的咨询意见”的研讨会。 参加研讨会的有:日内瓦大学教授兼公法系主任弗雷德里克·伯纳德先生,日内瓦国际关系及发展高等学院国际法荣誉教授、欧洲人权法院前法官和国际法委员会前委员卢修斯·卡弗利施先生,日内瓦大学高级讲师玛拉·蒂尼诺女士,米兰大学国际法客座教授兼国际法讲习班协调员维托里奥·马伊内蒂先生,以及委员会委员罗尔夫·埃纳尔·法伊夫先生、马里奥·奥亚萨瓦尔先生和佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士。 |
479. |
479. |
A workshop was organized to facilitate participant exchanges, where 14 persons presented on a diverse range of international law issues. |
为了促进学员们的交流,组织了一次研讨会,其间有14人就各种国际法问题发言。 |
480. |
480. |
Two working groups, on “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction” and “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” were organized and participants were assigned to one of them. |
就“国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免”和“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”专题组建了两个工作组。 学员们被分配进了其中之一。 |
Two members of the Commission, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff and Mr. Keun-Gwan Lee, respectively, supervised and provided guidance to the working groups. |
委员会的两位委员,即克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生和李根宽先生,为工作组担任导师,提供指导。 |
Each group prepared a report and presented its findings during the last working session of the Seminar. |
每个工作组都编写了一份报告,并在讲习班的最后一次工作会议上介绍了其中的结论。 |
The reports were compiled and distributed to all participants, as well as to the members of the Commission. |
已将报告汇编并分发给所有学员以及委员会委员。 |
481. |
481. |
The Republic and Canton of Geneva offered its traditional hospitality at the Geneva Hôtel de Ville. |
日内瓦共和国暨日内瓦州在日内瓦市政厅进行了传统的款待。 |
Seminar participants visited the Alabama room and the premises of the cantonal authorities, guided by the Protocol Service of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. |
讲习班学员们在日内瓦共和国暨日内瓦州礼宾司的带领下,参观了阿拉巴马厅和州政府办公地。 |
482. |
482. |
The first Vice-Chair of the Commission, the Coordinator of the International Law Seminar and Ms. Elizabeth Nwarueze (Nigeria), on behalf of participants attending the Seminar, addressed the Commission during the ceremony of diplomas. |
委员会第一副主席、国际法讲习班协调员以及讲习班学员代表伊丽莎白·恩瓦鲁埃泽女士(尼日利亚)在颁发证书仪式上向委员会致词。 |
Each participant was presented with a diploma. |
每位学员都获得了一份证书。 |
483. |
483. |
The Commission noted with concern that, in recent years, the finances of the International Law Seminar have been adversely affected by economic and financial factors, which in turn has had an impact on what the Seminar can offer in terms of stipends. |
委员会关切地注意到,近年来,国际法讲习班的经费受到经济和财政因素的不利影响,进而影响到讲习班能够提供的津贴。 |
The situation has improved since 2022, due to two large voluntary contributions from States that the Seminar has now secured on a regular basis. |
情况自2022年起有所改善,因为讲习班现在能定期获得由国家提供的两大笔自愿捐款。 |
However, the Seminar must nonetheless reflect on ways and means to broaden its financial base in the future. |
但是,讲习班必须思考今后扩大其财政基础的方式方法。 |
In 2024, 17 fellowships were granted (13 for travel and subsistence, 4 for subsistence only). |
2024年,发放了17笔研究金(13笔用于旅费和生活津贴,4笔仅用于生活津贴)。 |
484. |
484. |
Since its inception in 1965, 1,334 participants, representing 178 nationalities, have taken part in the Seminar. |
自1965年开始举办讲习班以来,已有来自178个国家的1,334名学员参加了讲习班。 |
Some 814 participants have received a fellowship. |
约814名学员获得了研究金。 |
485. |
485. |
The Commission stresses the importance it attaches to the Seminar, which enables young lawyers, especially those from developing countries, to familiarize themselves with the work of the Commission and the activities of the many international organizations based in Geneva. |
委员会强调它对讲习班的重视。 讲习班使得青年律师――尤其是发展中国家的青年律师――能够熟悉委员会的工作和总部设在日内瓦的许多国际组织的活动。 |
The Commission recommends that the General Assembly should again appeal to States to make voluntary contributions in order to secure the organization of the Seminar in 2025 with as broad a participation as possible, and with an adequate geographical distribution. |
委员会建议联大应再次呼吁各国提供自愿捐款,以确保2025年能举办讲习班,且参与尽可能广泛,地域分配也适当。 |
Annexes |
附件 |
Annex I |
附件一 |
Compensation for the damage caused by internationally wrongful acts |
国际不法行为所造成损害的补偿 |
by Mārtiņš Paparinskis |
马廷什·帕帕林斯基斯 |
Introduction |
导言 |
1. |
1. |
Compensation under the international law of responsibility, particularly State responsibility, is a topic of considerable pedigree in public international law. |
关于责任特别是国家责任的国际法下的补偿问题,是国际公法中一个由来已久的专题。 |
The traditional position on compensation was set out in Factory at Chorzów by the Permanent Court of International Justice, as part of the discussion of the principle of reparation: |
作为关于赔偿原则的讨论的一部分,常设国际法院在霍茹夫工厂案中阐明了关于补偿的传统立场: |
“payment of a sum corresponding to the value which a restitution in kind would bear; |
“给予价值相当于恢复原状的数额; |
the award, if need be, of damages for loss sustained which would not be covered by restitution in kind or payment in place of it—such are the principles which should serve to determine the amount of compensation due for an act contrary to international law.” |
如有必要,在所受损失无法通过恢复原状或支付相当于恢复原状的金额而得到弥补时,须赔偿损失――这些原则有助于确定违反国际法的行为应付的赔偿数额。 |
At the 1930 League of Nations Conference for the Codification of International Law held in The Hague, States expressed general approval of the idea of reparation but mostly without entering into the detail of compensation, which in pre-Second World War practice was rather addressed in decisions of international arbitral tribunals. |
1930年在海牙举行的国际联盟国际法编纂会议上,各国表示普遍赞同赔偿的想法,但大多数国家没有讨论补偿细节, 而在第二次世界大战前的实践中,补偿问题是通过国际性仲裁法庭的裁决处理的。 |
2. |
2. |
The contribution of decisions of international courts and tribunals to the topic of compensation was more limited in the post-War international legal order in the second half of the last century. |
在上世纪后半段的战后国际法律秩序中,国际性法院和法庭的裁决对补偿专题的贡献更为有限。 |
By way of example, the 1949 judgment in the first contentious case of the International Court of Justice, the Corfu Channel case, remained its sole award of compensation in the twentieth century. |
例如,1949年国际法院第一起诉讼案件科孚海峡案的判决仍然是该法院在二十世纪唯一的补偿裁决。 |
When the issue of compensation was raised in some form in later cases, States variously did not request the Court to determine the quantum of damages due, failed to provide detailed evidence or, in the one case where a thorough legal and factual argument was presented, discontinued the proceedings (and even the Corfu Channel case provides virtually no guidance on the judicial methodology of determination of compensation). |
在之后的案件中,当补偿问题以某种形式提出时,所涉国家或是没有要求法院确定应支付的损害赔偿的数额, 或是没有提供详细的证据, 而在唯一提出了全面法律和事实论据的案件中, 所涉国家中止了诉讼程序 (即便是科孚海峡案,实际上也没有对确定赔偿的司法方法提供任何指导)。 |
When the Commission turned to compensation in the 1990s, it could therefore draw upon only “relatively few recent reasoned awards dealing with the assessment of material damage as between State and State”. |
因此,当委员会在1990年代转向补偿问题时,只能借鉴“近来很少的涉及国与国之间的物质损害的经论证的裁决”。 |
3. |
3. |
The Commission addressed rules on compensation in its draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, recognized to be reflective of customary international law. |
委员会在国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案中处理了补偿的规则, 这套条款被认为反映了习惯国际法。 |
In article 36 of the draft articles, compensation is expressed in terms of a general principle, rather than detailed criteria (similarly to the approach taken earlier in the first reading): |
条款草案第36条以一般原则而不是详细标准对补偿进行了表述(类似于一读时采取的办法): |
1. |
1. |
The State responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to compensate for the damage caused thereby, insofar as such damage is not made good by restitution. |
一国际不法行为的责任国有义务补偿该行为造成的任何损害,如果这种损害没有以恢复原状的方式得到赔偿。 |
2. |
2. |
The compensation shall cover any financially assessable damage including loss of profits insofar as it is established. |
这种补偿应该弥补在经济上可以评估的任何损害,包括可以确定的利润损失。 |
While the drafting of article 36 was prudent in light of the available materials, and the provision has to be read alongside its very thorough commentary, some have suggested since then that the Commission did not go far enough in addressing the “many and complex” “real-life issues”. |
考虑到可获得的资料,第36条的语言是谨慎的,而且该条款必须与其非常全面的评注一并解读, 但在此之后,一些人认为委员会在处理“许多复杂的”“现实问题”方面做得不够。 |
The Secretariat noted in a somewhat similar vein in its 2016 Working Paper on the long-term programme of work that, “[w]hile States often prefer compensation to other forms of reparation, the 2001 articles provide only limited guidance on the quantification of compensation”. |
秘书处在2016年关于长期工作方案的工作文件中以类似的语气指出,“虽然各国往往倾向于补偿而不是其他形式的赔偿,但《2001年条款》仅就量化补偿提供了有限的指导。 |
Certain decisions of international tribunals seem to be in line with the concerns about insufficient detail of the Commission’s work on the topic, for example when they turn instead to domestic tort law scholarship to articulate the international rules on compensation. |
国际法庭的某些裁决似乎符合对委员会关于这一专题的工作不够详细的关切,例如,这些裁决在阐述关于补偿的国际规则时会转而求助于国内的侵权法学术研究。 |
4. |
4. |
There is now significantly more relevant practice than when the Commission adopted the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts in 2001. |
与委员会2001年通过国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案时相比,如今相关实践显著增加。 |
Compensation is addressed in a rich body of reasoned decisions by inter-State courts and tribunals as well as bodies considering claims brought by individuals and other non-State entities. |
国家间法院和法庭以及审议个人和其他非国家实体所提交申诉的机构作出的大量经论证的决定都对补偿问题有所涉及。 |
The International Court of Justice has dealt with compensation in three cases relating to varied fields of international law: in Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, the field of human rights; |
国际法院在三个涉及国际法不同领域的案件中处理了补偿问题:艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,涉及人权领域; |
in Certain Activities Carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area, regarding environmental damage; |
尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动案,涉及环境损害; |
and in Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo, concerning the use of force, humanitarian law, human rights, and environmental and macroeconomic damage (and yet further decisions may be rendered in subsequent phases of proceedings of currently pending cases). |
以及刚果境内的武装活动案,涉及使用武力、人道法、人权以及环境和宏观经济损害 (但在目前未决案件的后续诉讼阶段还可能会作出更多相关决定)。 |
In addition, reasoned decisions on compensation have been rendered since 2001 in inter-State cases on law of the sea, human rights, and by the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal and the Eritrea–Ethiopia Claims Commission, as well as in cases brought by individuals and other non-State entities before African, American and European regional human rights courts and investor–State arbitral tribunals. |
此外,2001年之后,在关于海洋法、人权 的国家间案件中,在伊朗-美国索赔法庭 和厄立特里亚-埃塞俄比亚索赔委员会,以及在个人和其他非国家实体向非洲、美洲和欧洲区域人权法院和投资者-国家仲裁法庭提出的案件中,都曾就补偿问题作出经论证的决定。 |
Compensation in the field of human rights has also been addressed in the works of international organizations and expert bodies established by States and international organizations. |
人权领域的补偿问题也在国际组织 以及各国各国际组织设立的专家机构的工作中有所涉及。 |
Relevant practice may also be provided by registers of damage, particularly when established by the United Nations. |
损失登记册,特别是联合国建立的损失登记册,也可提供相关惯例。 |
5. |
5. |
The argument for why the topic of compensation fits the programme of work of the Commission is twofold. |
补偿专题符合委员会工作方案的理由有二。 |
First, it would enable the Commission to address compensation in terms that are general in scope and also sufficiently detailed in substance to reflect its importance in the law of responsibility. |
首先,由此委员会将能够以范围宽泛但实质内容又足够详细的方式来反映该专题在责任法中的重要性。 |
The argument would follow the Commission’s work on State responsibility in particular (addressing compensation in terms of secondary rules regarding one form of reparation for the injury caused by the internationally wrongful acts), while moving in the focus and depth beyond what was possible in the earlier, broader engagement with responsibility. |
专题的论证将特别遵循委员会关于国家责任的工作 (以关于国际不法行为所造成损害的一种赔偿形式的次要规则处理补偿问题), 同时在关注重点和深度上超越早期对责任问题更宽泛的处理。 |
An analogy in the past work of the Commission for providing legal granularity to accepted rules of State responsibility is the 2006 draft articles on diplomatic protection, which were also intended to “give content to [a] provision” of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts. |
委员会过去也有同样为已接受的国家责任规则提升法律“颗粒度”的工作,即2006年关于外交保护的条款草案,这套条款草案也意在“赋予[国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案的一项]规定以内容”。 |
Second, the topic would be approached with a practical orientation, building on the increase and diversification of decisions of international courts and tribunals concerning compensation since the adoption of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, noted in the previous paragraph, that have provided further material to make the topic sufficiently feasible and concrete for codification and progressive development. |
其次,该专题将从注重实践的角度入手,立足于上一段所提到的自国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案以来增加的国际性法院和法庭关于补偿的多样化决定,这些决定提供了进一步的材料,足以使得本专题的编纂和逐渐发展具体可行。 |
In both respects, the proposal takes as the starting point the position expressed in the 2016 Working Paper, the strength of which has only been further increased by the developments of the intervening eight years. |
在这两个方面,本提案均以2016年工作文件中表达的立场为出发点,而其间这八年的发展进一步强化这一立场。 |
6. |
6. |
The next chapters will consider in turn the scope of the proposed topic and issues to be addressed (chapter I), how the proposed topic fits the criteria for selecting new topics (chapter II), the past work of the Commission on the proposed topic (chapter III) and the possible form of output of the Commission (chapter IV). |
以下各章将依次讨论:拟议专题的范围和要处理的问题(第一章),拟议专题如何符合选定新专题的标准(第二章)、委员会以往关于拟议专题的工作(第三章)以及委员会工作成果可能采取的形式(第四章)。 |
A select bibliography is also provided. |
之后还提供了参考文献选编。 |
I. |
一. |
The scope of the proposed topic and issues to be addressed |
拟以专题的范围和要处理的问题 |
7. |
7. |
The topic would be firmly situated within the Commission’s work on responsibility and follow its conceptual framework and analytical distinctions, particularly in two respects. |
本专题将完全属于委员会关于责任的工作范围,并遵循其概念框架和分析性区别,特别是在两个方面。 |
First, it will take as a given the distinction between primary and secondary rules in general, and in particular between, on the one hand, compensation for conduct which is internationally wrongful and, on the other hand, where States incur obligations to compensate for the injurious consequences of conduct which is not prohibited under international law (“liability”). |
首先,本专题将以主要规则和次要规则之间的一般区别为前提条件,特别是以下两点之间的区别:对国际不法行为的补偿,以及国家有义务对国际法不加禁止的行为的损害性后果给予补偿的情况(“赔偿责任”)。 |
Second, the new legal relations that arise from the commission by a State of an internationally wrongful act, including in terms of reparation for any injury done, will be assumed to have a general character and not vary with the nature of the underlying primary rule in question (in the absence of lex specialis). |
其次,由一国犯下国际不法行为所引起的新的法律关系,包括对所造成损害进行赔偿的法律关系,都将被假定为具有一般性质,不因相关主要规则的性质而变化(在没有特别法的情况下)。 |
8. |
8. |
This chapter considers in turn the title of the proposed topic, its scope and identification and application of the rules of international law on compensation. |
本章依次讨论拟议专题的标题、范围以及国际法中补偿规则的识别和适用。 |
The distinction between identification and application replicates the approach of the recent judgments of the International Court of Justice on compensation, which pose the legal question in terms of general principles of, or consistent with, the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, and answer it by reference to diverse authorities that constitute the best examples in the particular field of international law. |
分开处理识别和适用照搬了国际法院最近关于补偿的判决的做法,就国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案的一般原则或与条款草案是否一致的角度提出了法律问题, 并通过援引构成国际法特定领域最佳范例的各种权威判例来回答这个问题。 |
A. |
A. |
Title of the proposed topic |
拟议专题的标题 |
9. |
9. |
The title of the proposed topic is “Compensation for the damage caused by internationally wrongful acts”. |
拟议专题的标题是“国际不法行为所造成损害的补偿”。 |
The formulation takes as the starting point the suggested title in the 2016 Working Paper (“Compensation under international law”), and adjusts it in line with article 36, paragraph 1, of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts (“The State responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to compensate for the damage caused thereby”). |
这一表述以2016年工作文件中建议的标题(“国际法下的补偿”)为出发点,并根据国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条第1款(“一国际不法行为的责任国有义务补偿该行为造成的任何损害”)进行了调整。 |
The title situates the topic within the conceptual framework of the Commission’s past work on international responsibility, with a clear focus on issues addressed in article 36. |
此标题将本专题置于委员会以往关于国际责任的工作的概念框架内,同时明确侧重于第36条所述问题。 |
The title emphasizes the wrongful act and not the type of entity responsible for it so as to permit engagement with the responsibility of States as well as international organizations. |
此标题强调的是不法行为,而不是对不法行为负责的实体的类型,由此能够同时涉及国家和国际组织的责任。 |
The focus on the wrongful act also reflects the exclusion from the scope of the topic of compensation required by primary rules in the absence of internationally wrongful acts (“liability”). |
把重点放在不法行为上,也就在专题范围内排除了在不存在国际不法行为的情况下主要规则所要求的补偿(“赔偿责任”)。 |
B. |
B. |
Scope of the proposed topic |
拟议专题的范围 |
10. |
10. |
The topic focuses primarily on article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts and also addresses other issues necessarily implicated by identification of rules on compensation and commonly involved with their application in practice. |
本专题主要关注国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条,也处理了在识别补偿规则时以及在其实际适用中必然涉及的其他问题。 |
The topic covers compensation for damage caused by the internationally wrongful acts regardless of the origin and character of the applicable primary rules; |
本专题涵盖国际不法行为所引发的补偿,而无论适用的主要规则的起源和性质如何; |
in that sense, it differs from the treatment of compensation in relation to breach of specific primary rules. |
在这个意义上,它不同于对违反特定主要规则的补偿的处理。 |
It also considers only compensation and is without prejudice to the other consequences of an internationally wrongful act such as other forms of reparation (restitution and satisfaction), cessation, and guarantees of non-repetition. |
本专题也只考虑补偿问题,不影响国际不法行为的其他后果,例如其他的赔偿形式(恢复原状和抵偿)、停止和保证不再犯。 |
The focus of the topic is fully in line with and does not undermine the customary and treaty obligations of full reparation, providing for various forms of reparation of which compensation is but one. |
本专题的重点完全符合且不损害充分赔偿的习惯义务和条约义务, 这些义务规定了各种形式的赔偿,补偿只是其中一种。 |
The topic does not address issues in Part One of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts (“The internationally wrongful act of a State”), such as international obligations in force for a State or compensation for any material loss caused by the act in relation to which a circumstance precluding wrongfulness has been invoked. |
本专题不涉及国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第一部分(“一国的国际不法行为”)中的问题,例如对一国为有效的国际义务,或对援引解除不法性的情况的行为所造成的任何物质损失的赔偿问题。 |
Nor does it address issues in Part Three of the draft articles (“The implementation of the international responsibility of a State”), such as invocation of responsibility or countermeasures, or enforcement more generally. |
本专题也没有处理条款草案第三部分(“一国国际责任的履行”)中的问题,例如援引责任或反措施,或是更一般性的执行问题。 |
11. |
11. |
The scope of the topic is delineated by reference to two elements: entities to which the right to compensation accrues, and entities that are obliged to provide compensation. |
本专题的范围参照两个要素划定:拥有获得补偿权的实体和有义务提供补偿的实体。 |
12. |
12. |
First, the topic addresses compensation owed in the inter-State setting, as well as situations where the right to compensation accrues directly to any person or entity other than a State. |
首先,本专题处理的是国家间的补偿, 以及任何人或国家以外的实体可直接取得的补偿权利。 |
This is in line with the routine reliance on materials not limited to the inter-State setting in the commentary to article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts and Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, as well as the fact that many recent decisions on the topic are rendered in cases brought by individuals and other non-State entities before regional human rights courts and investor–State arbitral tribunals. |
这与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条评注中 以及艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案中 对不限于国家间背景的材料的惯常依赖是相符的,而且事实上最近许多关于这一专题的决定出自个人和其他非国家实体向区域人权法院和投资者-国家仲裁法庭提交的案件。 |
13. |
13. |
Second, the topic addresses compensation arising under the law of responsibility of States as well as international organizations. |
其次,本专题处理关于国家责任和国际组织责任的法律下的补偿问题。 |
This is consistent with the identical expression of rules on compensation in the 2011 draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations and the possibility that further relevant materials may be provided by the Commission’s work on the settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties. |
这符合2011年国际组织的责任条款草案中对补偿规则的相同表述, 而且委员会关于国际组织作为当事方的争端解决的工作也可能提供进一步相关材料。 |
The topic would address those aspects of the law of responsibility of international organizations that do not raise issues distinct from State responsibility, and frame the inquiry so as to build upon and supplement, and not overlap with, the Commission’s work on other topics. |
本专题将处理国际组织责任法中不会引起与国家责任不同的问题的那些方面,并设计调查框架,以便能够发展和补充委员会关于其他专题的工作,而不会与之重叠。 |
For greater certainty, the topic would not address reparations to, or in respect of, victims, by a person convicted by an international court or tribunal such as the International Criminal Court. |
为提高确定性,本专题将不涉及被国际性法院或法庭(如国际刑事法院)定罪的人对受害者的赔偿或与受害者有关的赔偿问题。 |
C. |
C. |
Identification of the rules of international law of compensation |
识别国际法中的补偿规则 |
14. |
14. |
Taking the 2016 Working Paper as the starting point, one group of issues that could be considered relates to identification and clarification of rules applicable to compensation, expressed in article 36 and other provisions related to reparation more generally. |
以2016年工作文件为出发点,可以审议的一组问题涉及识别和澄清适用于补偿的规则,这些规则在第36条以及其他涉及更广泛赔偿的条款中有所阐述。 |
First, the conditions of applicability of compensation would be addressed, confirming that it is neither the primary nor the sole form of reparation. |
首先,将讨论补偿的适用条件,确认补偿既不是主要的赔偿形式,也不是唯一的赔偿形式。 |
Second, “damage” would require consideration of article 36 and article 31, paragraph 2, and discussion of material and moral damage as well as confirmation of the impermissibility of punitive damages. |
第二,“损害”需要考虑第36条和第31条第2款,讨论物质和精神损害,并确认不允许惩罚性赔偿。 |
The Commission may also address the question left open by the International Court of Justice in Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo, “whether a claim for macroeconomic damage resulting from a violation of the prohibition of the use of force, or a claim for such damage more generally, is compensable under international law”. |
委员会还可以处理国际法院在刚果境内武装活动案中未解决的问题,即“对违反禁止使用武力规定造成的宏观经济损害提出的索赔,或对更广泛的此类损害提出的索赔,根据国际法是否应予补偿”。 |
Third, “caused”, in line with article 36 and article 31, paragraph 1, would call for discussion of the factors that may be relevant for application of causality, and the distinction between factual causation and legal causation, as well as the effect of mitigation of damage and concurrency of several factors or actors. |
第三,根据第36条和第31条第1款,“造成”一词需要讨论可能与因果关系的适用相关的因素、事实因果关系与法律因果关系之间的区别、减轻损害的影响以及多个因素或行为体共同作用的情况。 |
Fourth, the Commission may want to (re)consider another question left open in Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo, “whether, in determining the amount of compensation, account should be taken of the financial burden imposed on the responsible State, given its economic condition”. |
第四,委员会不妨(重新)审议刚果境内武装活动案中的另一个未决问题,即“在确定补偿数额时,是否应考虑责任国因其经济状况而承受的财政负担”。 |
Fifth, the topic could address the relevance of equity and general principles of law. |
第五,本专题可以探讨公平 和一般法律原则 的相关性。 |
Sixth, the related questions of interest and contribution to injury, expressed in respectively articles 38 and 39, could also be considered, since they play an important role in the practice of determination of compensation. |
第六,还可以审议分别在第38条和第39条中阐述的利息和促成损害问题,因为这两个问题在确定补偿的实践中发挥着重要作用。 |
The final question relates to the broader perspective of compensation before different courts and tribunals, and has two aspects. |
最后一个问题涉及不同法院和法庭处理补偿问题的更广泛视角,有两个方面。 |
One aspect relates to the extent, if any, that the applicable secondary rules may be affected by the character of the entity invoking responsibility, particularly (certain) non-State entities. |
一个方面涉及适用的次要规则是否以及在多大程度上受到援引责任的实体,特别是(特定)非国家实体的性质的影响。 |
Another aspect considers the uniformity of approaches in different settings, and whether “those principles [are] capable of being applied in a consistent and coherent manner, so that the amount awarded can be regarded as just … by comparison with other cases”. |
另一个方面是考虑不同情况下的做法是否一致,以及“这些原则是否能够以一致和连贯的方式适用,从而使裁定的数额与其他案件相比可被视为公正……”。 |
D. |
D. |
Application of the rules of international law of compensation |
适用国际法中的补偿规则 |
15. |
15. |
Again taking the 2016 Working Paper as the starting point, another group of issues relate to application of the rules and the determination of quantum of compensation, with an eye to article 36, paragraph 2, and also article 38 (“Interest”). |
同样以2016年工作文件为出发点,另一组问题涉及规则的适用和补偿金额的确定,着眼于第36条第2款和第38条(“利息”)。 |
Relevant legal questions would include, first, the determination of applicable standards of compensation and the different methods to assess fair market value, including their interrelationships. |
相关的法律问题包括:第一,确定适用的补偿标准和评估公平市场价值的不同方法,包括它们之间的相互关系。 |
The second question is the determination of lost profits. |
第二个问题是确定利润损失。 |
The topic could explore how decisions since 2001 have addressed the negative aspects of the rule (the general caution against claims with inherently speculative elements, specifically against awarding loss of profits and interest over the same period of time to avoid double recovery), as well as the categories of lost profits identified as “covered”. |
本专题可以探讨自2001年以来的决定如何处理该规则的消极方面(对本身带有推测成分的索赔普遍保持警惕, 特别是避免在同一时期既裁决赔偿利润损失又裁决支付利息从而造成双重追偿), 以及被确定为“涵盖在内”的利润损失类别。 |
An additional question, not prominently considered by the Commission, is whether double recovery takes place by award of loss of profits if valuation of income-producing assets has already taken into account their effectiveness in producing future profits. |
委员会没有重点审议的另一个问题是,如果对产生收入的资产的估价已经考虑到其在未来可能产生的利润,那么裁决赔偿利润损失是否会造成双重追偿。 |
Third, the choice of interest rate and the application of simple interest and compound interest could be addressed, reflecting on the sceptical attitude to compound interest in the commentary to article 38 in light of post-2001 practice. |
第三,可以讨论利率的选择以及单利和复利的适用问题, 结合2001年后的实践反思第38条评注中对复利所持的怀疑态度。 |
Finally, in line with the approach of the International Court of Justice outlined in paragraph 8 above, the Commission would identify the best practices and methods of determination of compensation in particular specialist fields, just as the commentary to article 36 did. |
最后,委员会将根据上文第8段所述的国际法院的做法,识别在特定专业领域确定补偿的最佳做法和方法,正如第36条评注所做的那样。 |
By way of one example of what that exercise would entail, the award of a global sum in Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo gave rise to a rich variety of judicial views, which could inform the discussion regarding its legal rationale as well as conditions and practicalities of implementation. |
仅举一例说明这项工作的内容,在刚果境内武装活动案中裁定一笔补偿总额引发了各种各样的司法意见,这些意见可以为关于此裁决的法律依据以及其执行的条件和实际情况的讨论提供信息。 |
II. |
二. |
The proposed topic and the criteria for selecting new topics |
所提议的专题和选定新专题的标准 |
16. |
16. |
The proposed topic meets the criteria for selection of new topics set by the Commission. |
拟议专题符合委员会制定的新专题选择标准。 |
17. |
17. |
First, the proposed topic reflects the needs of States. |
首先,拟议专题反映了各国的需要。 |
Secondary rules of responsibility regarding compensation continue to be of increasing practical importance for States in different fields of international law and before different international courts and tribunals, reflected in the frequency of explicit invocation of article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts and related provisions before and in the decisions of international courts and tribunals. |
在不同的国际法领域以及不同的国际性法院和法庭上,关于补偿责任的次要规则对各国的实际重要性日益增加,这反映在国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条和相关条款在国际性法院和法庭上及其决定中被频繁明确援引。 |
All States may face claims regarding compensation and may invoke responsibility of other States themselves or have nationals that directly invoke it. |
所有国家都有可能面临索赔要求,也有可能援引其他国家的责任,或由其国民直接援引其他国家的责任。 |
The introduction has outlined the richness of developments since 2001, including the decisions of the International Court of Justice, tribunals adjudicating claims under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, the Eritrea–Ethiopia Claims Commission, regional courts and universal expert bodies dealing with human rights, investor–State arbitration tribunals, and registers of damages. |
导言概述了自2001年以来的丰富发展,包括国际法院、根据《联合国海洋法公约》审理索赔的法庭、伊朗-美国索赔法庭、厄立特里亚-埃塞俄比亚索赔委员会、处理人权问题的区域法院和全球专家机构、投资者与国家间仲裁法庭以及损失登记册的决定。 |
Recently instituted contentious proceedings before the International Court of Justice specifically seeking compensation suggest that the general importance of compensation is likely to continue in future. |
最近在国际法院提起的专门寻求补偿的争端诉讼表明,补偿的普遍重要性今后可能会持续存在。 |
In these circumstances, States would seem to have a shared interest in greater clarity regarding the content of applicable rules and the better instances of their application, to further peaceful settlement of international disputes before international courts and tribunals, as well as by other means in less formalized settings where compensation claims – or defences against such claims – are considered, prepared and settled. |
在这种情况下,各国似乎都希望进一步明确适用规则的内容,并更好地适用这些规则,以促进在国际性法院和法庭以及通过其他非正式的审议、准备和解决索赔要求(或对此类索赔进行抗辩)的机制和平解决国际争端。 |
The Commission’s work on international responsibility is at the core of these developments, and it is the Commission, taking into account the important contributions by courts and tribunals as well as by specialised organizations, that would be best placed to address the topic at the general and universal level. |
委员会在国际责任方面的工作是这些发展的核心,委员会最适合在一般和普遍层面处理这一专题,同时要考虑到各法院和法庭以及专门组织的重大贡献。 |
18. |
18. |
Second, the topic is at a sufficiently advanced stage in terms of State practice and decisions of courts and tribunals to permit progressive development and codification. |
第二,就国家实践以及法院和法庭的决定而言,本专题已处于足够成熟的阶段,可以进行逐渐发展和编纂。 |
The Commission could rely on its earlier work on State responsibility, the responsibility of international organizations and protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts, as well as the decisions of international courts and tribunals in different fields of international law. |
委员会可以依据其先前关于国家责任、国际组织的责任和与武装冲突有关的环境保护的工作,以及国际性法院和法庭在国际法不同领域的决定。 |
The richness and representativeness of the body of decisions, particularly since the adoption of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, may permit, after careful assessment, identification of genuinely universal rules on compensation that reflect the perspectives from the various legal systems and regions of the world. |
特别是自国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案通过以来,这些决定内容丰富、具有代表性, 委员会在进行认真评估后,也许可以确定能够反映全球各法律体系和各地区观点的真正具有普遍性的补偿规则。 |
The key recent decisions have been rendered in intra-African and intra-Latin American disputes (and in other cases Western European and other States have often been respondents), and recent rules have been strongly shaped by the contributions of African and American regional institutions. |
近期的一些重要决定涉及非洲内部和拉丁美洲内部的争端 (而在另一些案件中,西欧和其他国家往往是被告), 近期的规则在很大程度上受到非洲和美洲区域机构的影响。 |
The leading teachings on compensation and reparation also reflect a high degree of gender diversity. |
关于补偿和赔偿的主要学说也体现了高度的性别多样性。 |
19. |
19. |
Third, the topic is concrete and feasible for progressive development and codification. |
第三,本专题的逐渐发展和编纂具体可行。 |
The topic falls within the law of international responsibility, which is one of the areas in which the Commission has considerable and long-standing expertise due to its universalist and generalist character. |
本专题属于国际责任法的范畴,由于国际责任法具有普遍性和一般性,因此是委员会拥有大量长期专业知识的领域之一。 |
The draft articles on diplomatic protection, somewhat analogous to this topic in terms of framing, have been recognized by international courts and tribunals to be reflective of customary international law on several points. |
外交保护条款草案在框架上也与本专题有些类似,国际性法院和法庭已确认其在多个方面反映了习惯国际法。 |
20. |
20. |
Fourth, while compensation is a traditional topic within the field of State responsibility, this proposal is driven by new developments in international law, particularly in the number and quality of decisions of international courts and tribunals on the topic since the adoption of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts as well as their increased significance in international relations. |
第四,虽然补偿是国家责任领域内的传统专题,但本提议是由国际法的新发展推动的,特别是自国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案通过以来,国际性法院和法庭就这一专题所作决定的数量和质量不断提升,并且在国际关系中的重要性日益增加。 |
21. |
21. |
Finally, recent practice of the Commission supports the conclusion that the topic of compensation satisfies the criteria. |
最后,委员会最近的实践支持关于补偿专题符合标准的结论。 |
In 2019, the Commission included in the long-term programme of work the topic proposed by Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, “Reparation to individuals for gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law”, which addressed compensation as part of full reparation for the breach of these primary obligations. |
2019年,委员会将克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生提议的“就严重违反国际人权法和严重违反国际人道法行为对个人的赔偿”专题列入长期工作方案,该专题涉及补偿问题,作为就违反上述主要义务行为进行充分赔偿的一部分。 |
Other concluded topics have addressed compensation as part of full reparation for the breach of the relevant primary obligations. |
其他已完成的专题也讨论了补偿问题,作为就违反相关主要义务行为进行充分赔偿的一部分。 |
These examples, while importantly different from the proposed topic which focuses on compensation under general secondary rules and without limitation to responsibility for breach of specific primary obligations, show that the Commission has recently accepted related issues as falling within its mandate. |
虽然这些例子与拟议专题有很大的不同,因为拟议专题侧重于一般次要规则下的补偿,并不局限于违反特定主要义务的责任,但这些例子表明,委员会最近已认可相关问题属于其任务范围。 |
III. |
三. |
The past work of the Commission on the proposed topic |
委员会以往关于拟议专题的工作 |
22. |
22. |
The approach to compensation under the international law of State responsibility adopted by the Commission in the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts may be traced back to the fourth Special Rapporteur on State responsibility, Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz. |
委员会在国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案中采用的关于国家责任的国际法下的补偿办法可以追溯到第四任国家责任专题特别报告员加埃塔诺·阿兰焦-鲁伊斯先生。 |
In 1993, the Commission adopted draft article 8 (“Compensation”) with commentary on first reading (renumbered as article 44 in the 1996 draft articles on State responsibility): |
1993年,委员会一读通过了第8条草案(“补偿”)及其评注 (在1996年关于国家责任的条款草案中重新编为第44条): |
“1. |
“1. |
The injured State is entitled to obtain from the State which has committed an internationally wrongful act compensation for the damage caused by that act, if and to the extent that the damage is not made good by restitution in kind. |
在受害国所受到的损失未以恢复原状方式得到补偿的条件和限制下,受害国有权从实行了国际不法行为的国家获得补偿。 |
“2. |
“2. |
For the purposes of the present article, compensation covers any economically assessable damage sustained by the injured State, and may include interest and, where appropriate, loss of profits.” |
为了本条的目的,补偿包括受害国所蒙受的、可从经济上加以估价的任何损失,可包括利息,并在适当情形下包括利润损失。 |
23. |
23. |
The fifth Special Rapporteur on State responsibility, Mr. James Crawford, addressed compensation in 2000 in his third report on State responsibility. |
第五任国家责任专题特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生在2000年关于国家责任的第三次报告中讨论了补偿问题。 |
He suggested that the Commission “was faced with a choice between two solutions: it could either draft article 44 succinctly, stating a very general principle in flexible terms, or it could go into some detail and try to be exhaustive”. |
他建议,委员会“面临两种选择:可以简练的方式起草第44条,以灵活的用语说明一项概括性极强的原则; 也可深入地阐述,力求详尽”。 |
Crawford emphasized that it was essential to take account of the different legal relations involved, including legal relations with non-State entities. |
克劳福德强调,必须考虑到所涉及的不同法律关系,包括与非国家实体的法律关系。 |
In light of the discussion, in 2000 the Drafting Committee provisionally adopted on second reading draft article 37 (“Compensation”), with language identical to that of article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts. |
根据讨论情况,起草委员会于2000年二读暂时通过了第37条草案(“补偿”),其措辞与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条相同。 |
States were generally welcoming, and in 2001 the Drafting Committee decided to retain the previous year’s text without any changes. |
各国普遍表示欢迎, 2001年起草委员会决定保留前一年的案文,不作任何修改。 |
24. |
24. |
To fully appreciate the law of compensation for damage caused by an internationally wrongful act, article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts is to be read alongside other provisions of Part Two (“Content of the international responsibility of a State”). |
为了充分理解对国际不法行为造成的损害进行补偿的法律,应将国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条与第二部分(“一国国际责任的内容”)其他条款一并阅读。 |
The terms “damage” and “caused” are elaborated upon in article 31 (“Reparation”). |
第31条(“赔偿”)详细阐述了“损害”和“造成”的含义。 |
On second reading, the Commission chose to draft these issues as aspects of the general principle of full reparation, rather than relating specifically to compensation (as in the first reading). |
在二读时,委员会选择将这些问题作为充分赔偿的一般原则的一部分来起草,而不是像一读时那样专门述及补偿问题。 |
Article 31 elaborates on the use of the term “caused” in its paragraph 1 in the commentary, emphasising the variety of factors that may be relevant for applying causality for different breaches of international obligations, accepting mitigation of damage but rejecting (in a departure from the first reading) concurrency as an element affecting the scope of reparation. |
第31条的评注详细阐述了第1款中使用的“造成”一词,强调了对不同的违反国际义务行为适用因果关系时可能涉及的各种因素, 同意将减轻损害视为影响赔偿范围的要素, 但与一读不同的是, 拒绝将多个原因并发视为影响赔偿范围的要素。 |
The notion of “damage” refers back to article 31, paragraph 2; |
“损害”的概念可追溯到第31条第2款; |
that is any damage, whether material or moral, which is explained in the commentary as, respectively, damage to property or other interests of the State or its nationals assessable in financial terms and such items as individual pain and suffering, loss of loved ones or personal affront. |
即任何损害,无论是物质损害还是精神损害, 评注中将物质损害解释为对国家和其国民的财产或其他利益造成的经济上可评估的损害,将精神损害解释为个人的哀伤和苦难、失去亲人或个人受到冒犯等事项。 |
Two further provisions expressed as applicable to all forms of reparation, but particularly important in practice for compensation, are article 38 (“Interest”) and article 39 (“Contribution to the injury”). |
第38条(“利息”) 和第39条(“促成损害”) 适用于所有形式的赔偿,但在实践中对补偿问题尤为重要。 |
25. |
25. |
The Commission also addressed compensation after the adoption of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts. |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案通过之后,委员会也曾处理补偿问题。 |
The draft articles on diplomatic protection, despite Crawford’s expectations, did not deal with the question of quantification of compensation arising in the context of injury to aliens. |
尽管克劳福德有所期望, 但外交保护条款草案并没有处理外国人受到损害时补偿的量化问题。 |
The draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations essentially replicated the text of article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts in drafting the provision on compensation. |
国际组织的责任条款草案在起草关于补偿的规定时,基本照搬了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条的案文。 |
Compensation was discussed as part of the topic of succession of States in respect of State responsibility. |
补偿问题作为国家责任方面的国家继承专题的一部分得到了讨论。 |
The identification of compensation as a possible future topic by the Secretariat and its treatment in the syllabus for the topic “Reparation to individuals for gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law” and within the concluded topics have already been noted above at paragraphs 3 and 21 respectively. |
上文第3段和第21段已分别指出,秘书处曾将补偿问题确定为今后可能讨论的专题, 并在“就严重违反国际人权法和严重违反国际人道法行为对个人的赔偿”专题的大纲中 以及已完成的专题中处理了补偿问题。 |
IV. |
四. |
The possible form of the work of the Commission |
委员会工作可能采取的形式 |
26. |
26. |
The work of the Commission may take the form of principles, in line with how reparation and compensation were addressed most recently by the Commission. |
委员会的工作可以采取原则的形式,与委员会最近处理赔偿和补偿问题的方式保持一致。 |
This form would be suitable for the practical orientation of the topic and reflect the recognized customary international law character of article 36 and other related provisions of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts. |
这种形式适合本专题的实际方向,反映了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条 和其他相关条款的公认习惯国际法性质。 |
Alternatively, the form of articles would be in line with the treatment of secondary rules of international responsibility in the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the draft articles on diplomatic protection, and the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations. |
或者可以采取条款的形式,与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案、外交保护条款草案和国际组织的责任条款草案中处理国际责任次要规则的方式保持一致。 |
Commentaries to article 36 and other related provisions of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts show that practical issues can be addressed in this way in a satisfactory and well-received manner. |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条和其他相关条款的评注表明,可以通过这种方式令人满意地解决实际问题并得到广泛接受。 |
On balance, principles are the preferable form for addressing the topic in relation to rules of international responsibility reflecting customary international law and the best practices of their application. |
总体而言,在处理与反映习惯国际法的国际责任规则及其最佳适用做法有关的专题时,原则是首选形式。 参考文献选编 A/79/10 |
Select bibliography |
A/79/10 GE.24-14319 GE.24-14319 |
Annex II |
附件二 |
Due Diligence in International Law |
国际法中的必要勤勉 |
by Penelope Ridings |
佩内洛普·赖丁斯女士撰写 |
1. |
1. |
Introduction |
导言 |
1. |
1. |
The obligation of ‘due diligence’ has a long historical pedigree in international law. |
“必要勤勉”义务在国际法中有着悠久的历史渊源。 |
It developed in the nineteenth century through State practice and arbitral decisions in the context of the law of neutrality and the protection of aliens and their property. |
它是十九世纪在中立法和保护外国人及其财产方面的国家实践和仲裁裁决中发展而来。 |
International judicial decisions in the twentieth century advanced the concept and gave it more concrete form. |
二十世纪的国际司法裁决推进了这一概念,并赋予其更为具体的形式。 |
Judicial decisions grounded due diligence in the notion that States must prevent the use of their territory for activities that are detrimental to the rights and interests or would harm other States. |
司法裁决中的必要勤勉义务系建立在以下概念基础上:国家必须防止其领土被用于有损其他国家权利和利益或对其他国家造成危害的活动。 |
The International Court of Justice in the Corfu Channel case gave expression to this as the obligation of States not to allow their territory to be used for acts contrary to the rights of other States. |
国际法院在科孚海峡案中将这一概念表述为国家有义务不允许其领土被用于违犯其他国家权利之行为。 |
It has gained even further judicial recognition since the 1980s. |
自1980年代以来,这一概念在司法上得到了更多承认。 |
2. |
2. |
At the most general level, due diligence has been understood as a duty or standard of care that should be applied to a State’s actions on its territory or activities subject to its jurisdiction or control, which harm the rights and interests of other States. |
在最泛泛的层面上,必要勤勉被理解为一项予以注意的责任或标准,应适用于危害其他国家权利和利益的一国在其领土上的行动或应受其管辖或控制的活动。 |
Due diligence is commonly associated with international environmental law, in particular the duty to prevent transboundary environmental harm. |
必要勤勉常与国际环境法――尤其是与预防跨界环境损害之责――联系在一起。 |
According to the International Court of Justice this duty of prevention flows from “the due diligence required of a State in its territory”. |
据国际法院认为,此项预防义务源于“国家在其领土上的应尽之责”。 |
As is clear from the language of the Court, due diligence is broader than this specific application to the prevention of transboundary environmental harm. |
从该法院的表述来看,必要勤勉义务的范围明显比上述在预防跨界环境损害方面的具体应用更广泛。 |
For example, it is associated, inter alia, with the protection of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel and the failure of a State to prevent harmful acts of non-State actors subject to its jurisdiction or control. |
例如,除其他外,保护外交和领事馆舍和人员,以及一国未能防止应受其管辖或控制的非国家行为体的有害行为的情况,也涉及到必要勤勉义务。 |
3. |
3. |
Due diligence may be considered a general principle of law which applies in different areas of international law, generating specific expressions of the due diligence obligation in those areas. |
或可将必要勤勉视为一项适用于国际法不同领域的一般法律原则――上述领域对于必要勤勉义务有具体的表述。 |
Indeed, there is a multiplicity of special international law regimes in which commentators have sought to use due diligence. |
事实上,多个具体的国际法制度中,都有评论者试图应用必要勤勉义务。 |
These include international humanitarian law, international law of the sea, international cybersecurity law, international organisations law where it addresses the responsibility for human rights violations committed abroad by international organisations, including the United Nations and international financial institutions, and international human rights law, where it is associated with the duty of a State to protect people within its jurisdiction from harm and the control of corporations in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. |
这其中包括国际人道法、国际海洋法、国际网络安全法、国际组织法(其中涉及的是包括联合国和国际金融机构在内的国际组织在海外实施的侵犯人权行为的责任问题),以及国际人权法(其中涉及的是国家保护其管辖范围内的人员免受伤害的义务 和按照联合国《工商企业与人权指导原则》管控公司的问题)。 |
It is also finding relevance in new areas of international law, such as space law, global health, and the development of artificial intelligence. |
此外,必要勤勉义务在诸如外空法、全球卫生 以及人工智能的发展等新的国际法领域也具有相关性。 |
4. |
4. |
The obligation of due diligence lies at the nexus between the responsibility of States as members of the international community and the sovereign right of States to act within their territory. |
必要勤勉义务存在于国家作为国际社会成员的责任与国家在其领土内采取行动的主权权利之间相结合之处。 |
In the contemporary interconnected world, there is a heightened focus on the extent to which the actions of a State, and the natural and juridical persons subject to its jurisdiction or control, adversely impact on the rights and interests of other States and persons. |
在当代相互关联的世界中,对于国家以及受其管辖或控制的自然人和法人的行动在多大程度上对其他国家和个人的权利和利益产生不利影响,有了更多的关注。 |
There is an expectation of a standard of conduct on the part of States that they will act reasonably with regard to the rights and interests of others in the international community. |
对于国家有着行为标准方面的期待,即期待国家在事关国际社会其他成员权利和利益时能合理行事。 |
The obligation of due diligence gives expression to this expectation. |
必要勤勉义务即体现了上述期待。 |
5. |
5. |
While due diligence has been addressed in various special regimes of international law, there are common characteristics of due diligence in international law that can be ascertained from the abundant State practice, judicial decisions and doctrinal writings. |
虽说已在多个具体的国际法制度中触及了必要勤勉问题,但国际法中的必要勤勉义务仍存在着共有的特征,可从丰富的国家实践、司法裁决和理论著述中予以确定。 |
Although there have been attempts to articulate these common characteristics in the past, including by the International Law Association (ILA), there is room for a systematic approach which examines the full ambit of the obligation of due diligence. |
过去曾尝试阐明上述共有特征,其中包括国际法协会所作的尝试,但尽管如此,仍然存在着采用系统方法仔细研究必要勤勉义务全部范围的空间。 |
6. |
6. |
Such a study would draw on the growing interest in due diligence in international law, particularly in academic writings, and the more frequent recourse to the obligation of due diligence in pleadings before international courts and tribunals. |
这样一项研究将从对国际法中必要勤勉问题日益增长的兴趣――尤其是学术著述中日益增长的兴趣 ――以及提交国际级法院和法庭的诉状更频繁地诉诸于必要勤勉义务这一现象 当中汲取灵感。 |
Nevertheless, the legal character, scope and content of the duty of due diligence at international law is not well defined. |
不过,国际法中必要勤勉之责的法律性质、范围以及内容并未明确界定。 |
A topic on due diligence in international law would give concrete guidance to States on the necessary requirements to enable them to meet their due diligence obligations. |
一个关于国际法中必要勤勉问题的专题,将就履行必要勤勉义务的必要要件为各国提供具体的指导。 |
7. |
7. |
The sections that follow first address the past work of the Commission on the topic (Section 2). |
下面的章节首先讨论委员会过去开展的该专题相关工作(第2节)。 |
This provides the necessary background for consideration of the scope of the proposed topic and issues to be addressed (Section 3). |
这为审议所提议专题的范围和拟予处理的问题提供必要的背景(第3节)。 |
This is followed by consideration of the criteria for the selection of topics (Section 4), and the possible form of the output of the topic (Section 5). |
接下来会考虑选定专题的标准(第4节)以及该专题的产物可能采取的形式(第5节)。 |
A selected bibliography is also provided. |
还提供了一个精选参考书目。 |
2. |
2. |
The past work of the Commission related to the proposed topic |
委员会过去开展的与所提议专题有关的工作 |
8. |
8. |
Due diligence in international law is grounded in the past work of the Commission and a topic on due diligence in international law would add to, and not detract from, that earlier work. |
国际法中的必要勤勉问题,系建立在委员会过去工作的基础之上。 一个关于国际法中必要勤勉问题的专题,将会补充而非减损上述此前开展的工作。 |
9. |
9. |
In its first session in 1949, the Commission included the topic of State responsibility in its provisional list of topics selected for codification. |
在1949年举行的第一届会议上,委员会将国家责任专题列入了选定编纂的专题暂定清单。 |
10. |
10. |
Following the submission of the Second Report of Special Rapporteur Robert Ago, the Commission decided to split consideration of State responsibility for lawful activities and State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts and to deal first with the latter. |
继特别报告员罗伯托·阿戈提交第二次报告后,委员会决定分开审议国家对合法活动的责任和国家对国际不法行为的责任,并决定先处理后者。 |
In part this was due to the different basis of the “so-called responsibility for risk” which made the simultaneous consideration of the two subjects difficult. |
此举部分原因在于,“所谓的风险责任”依据不同,使得难以同时审议这两个主题。 |
11. |
11. |
In his Fourth Report Special Rapporteur Robert Ago introduced due diligence in his draft article 11 on attribution of the conduct of private parties where he cited at length State practice on the protection of aliens. |
特别报告员罗伯托·阿戈在其第四次报告当中,在关于私人当事方行为归责问题的第11条草案中提出了必要勤勉问题,并详细列举了保护外国人方面的国家实践。 |
The concept of negligence on the part of States was further introduced into the draft articles on State Responsibility in his Seventh Report, and in particular through draft article 23, as well as his distinction between obligations of conduct and obligations of result, covered by draft articles 20 and 21. |
特别报告员在其第七次报告当中,在关于国家责任的条款草案中进一步提出了国家疏忽概念――尤其是借由第23条草案,还借由第20条草案和第21条草案就行为义务和结果义务作出了区分。 |
Special Rapporteur James Crawford expressed considerable caution in his Second Report on Robert Ago’s classification, and it was abandoned on second reading in the draft articles on State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts. |
特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德在其第二次报告当中对罗伯托·阿戈的分类表示了相当的谨慎。 在《国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案》二读时,放弃了上述分类。 |
In concluding the articles on State responsibility, the Commission consigned the function of due diligence to the level of primary rules and as a standard which varies from one context to another and in light of the rules giving rise to the primary obligation. |
委员会在完成关于国家责任的条款时,将必要勤勉之责置于主要规则层次上,将其视为一项依情境不同且根据产生初级义务的规则而各异的标准。 |
12. |
12. |
The Commission’s work on State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts was commenced in advance of the topic of international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, although they were eventually completed in parallel. |
委员会就国家对国际不法行为的责任问题开展的工作,始于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任专题之前,不过二者最终是同步完成的。 |
The First Special Rapporteur for the topic of international liability for injurious consequences, Robert Quentin-Baxter, grounded the topic in the recognition that there were activities that are in principle useful and legitimate, and should therefore not be prohibited, but which entailed an element of transboundary harm or the risk of such harm. |
损害性后果的国际责任专题第一任特别报告员罗伯特·昆廷-巴克斯特将该专题立足于以下认识:有些活动在原则上是有益的、正当的,因而不应予以禁止,但这些活动会造成一定跨界损害或带来造成此类损害的风险。 |
Initially the topic was intended by him to have a wide application to activities undertaken within the territory or jurisdiction of a State which cause injury or harm. |
最初,他有意将该专题广泛适用于一国领土或管辖范围内进行的造成伤害或损害的活动。 |
However, the Commission decided to limit it to the physical environment. |
但是,委员会决定将之局限于物理环境。 |
13. |
13. |
The Commission continued to discuss the single topic of international liability for injurious consequences not prohibited by international law until 1997 when it was split into two parts: prevention of transboundary damage from hazardous activities and international liability in case of loss from transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities. |
委员会继续作为一个专题讨论国际法不加禁止的损害性后果的国际责任问题,直至1997年将该专题分成了两个部分:预防危险活动的跨界损害和危险活动引起跨界损害造成损失情况下的国际责任。 |
Due diligence was discussed in the context of prevention, and characterised as a central component of the duty to prevent transboundary harm. |
在预防框架内讨论了必要勤勉问题,并将其定性为预防跨界损害之责的一项核心内容。 |
Indeed, the articles on prevention of transboundary harm treat the duty of prevention in the same breath as the duty of due diligence. |
事实上,关于预防跨界损害的条款将预防义务与必要勤勉义务相提并论。 |
While the articles give some content to the duty of due diligence in the context of transboundary harm from ultrahazardous activities in the environmental field, they are limited in their application. |
上述条款在环境领域超危险活动造成跨界损害框架内赋予了必要勤勉义务一些内容,但其适用范围有限。 |
14. |
14. |
The relationship between due diligence and State responsibility has occupied the Commission for decades. |
必要勤勉与国家责任之间的关系问题,已经让委员会思考了数十年之久。 |
Quentin-Baxter had initially raised the duty of care or due diligence as a central factor that operated as a function of the obligation of prevention. |
最初是昆廷-巴克斯特作为一项核心因素提出了作为预防义务的一项功能发挥作用的注意之责或必要勤勉之责。 |
He later abandoned the phrase ‘duty of care’ as having “too many overtones to justify its retention in the vocabulary of the present topic”. |
后来,他放弃了“注意之责”短语,因其“有太多言外之意,没有理由将其保留在本专题的用语当中”。 |
Part of his justification for doing so was because the phrase, even when applied to ‘acts not prohibited by international law’, suggested a standard which, if disregarded, would entail the responsibility of a State for wrongful acts, which was not within the scope of the topic. |
他此举的部分理由是,该短语即便是在适用于“国际法不加禁止的行为”时,也是在暗示着某种标准――忽视该标准将引发国家对不法行为的责任问题,而这不在该专题范围之内。 |
He reaffirmed the Commission’s decision that “the topic lay within the field of ‘primary’ rules, i.e. rules that are governed by and do not compete with the established system of State responsibility for wrongful acts or omissions”. |
他重申了委员会的决定,即“本专题属于‘主要’规则范畴,即受既有的国家对不法行为或不作为的责任制度制约而非与之争锋的规则”。 |
Nevertheless, a duty of care subsequently appeared in the reports of the second and third Special Rapporteurs on the topic. |
但尽管如此,注意之责随后出现在该专题第二任和第三任特别报告员的报告当中。 |
The conundrum of the place of due diligence within the system of State responsibility has pervaded consideration of the duty of due diligence since then. |
自那时以来,必要勤勉在国家责任体系中处于什么位置这一难题,一直充斥在有关必要勤勉之责的考量当中。 |
15. |
15. |
The duty of due diligence has also featured in other outputs of the Commission’s work, including non-navigational uses of watercourses. |
必要勤勉之责还出现在委员会其他工作产物当中,包括水道的非航行使用相关产物在内。 |
Draft article 7 of the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses placed due diligence as a central element in the use of international watercourses so as not to cause significant harm to other States in whose territory part of an international watercourse is situated. |
国际水道非航行使用法第7条草案把必要勤勉作为使用国际水道的一项核心要素,以避免对国际水道部分位于其领土内的其他国家造成重大损害。 |
In the draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters, article 9 addresses the reduction of disasters and was inspired by principles of international environmental law, including due diligence. |
在关于发生灾害时的人员保护的条款草案当中,第9条涉及减少灾害问题,系受到国际环境法原则的启发,其中包括必要勤勉在内。 |
The draft guidelines on the protection of the atmosphere include an obligation on States to protect the atmosphere by exercising due diligence. |
关于保护大气层的指南草案内含各国通过践行必要勤勉保护大气层的义务。 |
Most recently the Commission addressed due diligence in the draft principles on the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict, principle 10 of which addresses corporate due diligence when business enterprises act in an area affected by an armed conflict. |
最近,委员会在与武装冲突有关的环境保护原则草案中谈及了必要勤勉问题,其中原则10谈到企业在受武装冲突影响地区开展活动时须履行应尽职责。 |
16. |
16. |
This review makes it clear that the duty of due diligence has featured in the past work of the Commission. |
上述盘点表明,必要勤勉之责在委员会过去的工作当中占据了显著地位。 |
However, the Commission has never comprehensively addressed the duty as a stand-alone duty with wider application than environmental harm. |
但是,委员会从未将该项义务作为一项适用范围不止于环境损害的单立义务予以全面处理。 |
The Commission’s consideration of the contours of the duty have not always been consistent. |
委员会对该项义务轮廓的考量并非总是一以贯之。 |
This has made identification of the scope and core contents of the duty difficult. |
这使确定该项义务的范围和核心内容变得困难。 |
It also sits somewhat uneasily between primary obligations and secondary obligations of responsibility. |
此外,该项义务在责任的初级义务和次级义务之间,位置也有些尴尬。 |
The proposed topic would complement the past work of the Commission and address matters not covered to date by the Commission. |
所提议的专题将补充委员会此前的工作,并处理委员会迄今未涵盖的问题。 |
3. |
3. |
Scope of the proposed topic and issues to be addressed |
所提议专题的范围和拟予解决的问题 |
17. |
17. |
The topic would seek to clarify the legal character, scope and content of the due diligence obligation. |
该专题将致力于澄清必要勤勉义务的法律性质、范围和内容。 |
Due diligence is often referred to as a ‘duty’ or an ‘obligation’ where the content of the duty is ascertained from the content of the primary obligation which it qualifies and the rights and interests of other States which are to be protected. |
必要勤勉通常被指称为一种“责任”或“义务”,而其内容要根据其所描述的主要义务的内容以及有待保护的其他国家的权利和利益来确定。 |
It is referred to as a standard of conduct by which to assess the conduct of a State in meeting its primary obligations. |
它被指称为一种据以对一个国家在履行其主要义务方面的行为表现进行评估的行为标准。 |
It may also be considered a general principle of law which finds expression in different areas of international law. |
它还可能被视为一项在国际法不同领域均有体现的一般法律原则。 |
The term ‘due diligence’ may take on different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. |
取决于使用语境,“必要勤勉”一词可能有不同的含义。 |
In order to more clearly delineate the topic, the core of the due diligence obligation will be that enunciated by the International Court of Justice in the Corfu Channel case that a State should not allow its territory to be used for acts contrary to the rights and interests of other States protected by international law. |
为了更清楚地勾勒该专题的轮廓,将以国际法院在科孚海峡案中所阐明的义务作为必要勤勉义务的核心,即一国不应允许利用其领土从事违犯其他国家受国际法保护之权利和利益的行为。 |
18. |
18. |
The objective of the topic would be to identify the legal character, scope and content of a due diligence obligation in international law through discerning common elements of the due diligence obligation that can be applied both generally in international law and to special regimes of international law. |
该专题的目的,将是通过发现既可泛泛适用于国际法又可适用于国际法具体制度的必要勤勉义务共有要素,来确定国际法中必要勤勉义务的法律性质、范围和内容。 |
The topic would map the normative contours of the due diligence obligation through an analysis of State practice, judicial decisions and doctrine on due diligence as applied in different fields of international law with the objective of identifying the core characteristics of due diligence that are not dependent on the primary obligation to which due diligence is attached. |
该专题将通过分析国家实践、司法裁决以及国际法不同领域所适用的有关必要勤勉的理论,勾画出必要勤勉义务的规范轮廓,目的是确定必要勤勉无需视其所涉主要义务而定的核心特征。 |
This will enable a deductive approach to be adopted which deduces from these individual elements those that are common characteristics of due diligence. |
此举将为采用演绎推理法创造条件,即从这些单独的要素中演绎出系属必要勤勉共有特征的要素。 |
Although some commentators have disputed that there exists a general regime of due diligence, others have illustrated the promise of such a regime. |
一些评论者曾对是否存在关于必要勤勉的一般制度提出质疑,但尽管如此,另有评论者已阐明了此种制度存在的可能性。 |
(a) |
(a) |
Title of the proposed topic |
所提议专题的标题 |
19. |
19. |
The title of the proposed topic is ‘Due Diligence in International Law’. |
所提议的专题题为“国际法中的必要勤勉”。 |
The use of ‘due diligence’ as a general term, rather than any of its elements, is deliberate. |
采用通用术语“必要勤勉”,而非其任何要素,是有意为之。 |
It allows the topic to be concentrated on the common aspects of due diligence and does not prejudice the identification of any specific meaning of due diligence. |
此举使该专题可集中着眼于必要勤勉的共有内容,且不妨碍发现其任何具体含义。 |
It should be noted, however, that the topic would address due diligence, whether as an obligation, a duty or a principle. |
不过,应当指出的是,该专题将处理必要勤勉问题,无论是作为一项义务、一项责任还是一项原则。 |
However, it would not directly address questions of State responsibility. |
但是,该专题不会直接处理国家责任方面的问题。 |
The reference to ‘international law’ signals that the topic addresses due diligence in the context of general international law. |
提及“国际法”,表明该专题处理一般国际法框架内的必要勤勉问题。 |
(b) |
(b) |
Scope of the proposed topic |
所提议专题的范围 |
20. |
20. |
This section considers the elements of the scope of the topic: the legal character of due diligence, the scope, and the content of the due diligence obligation. |
本节考虑有关该专题范围的问题:必要勤勉的法律性质、范围和内容。 |
It also seeks to confine the scope of the topic by excluding certain elements that are peripheral to the main objective of the topic. |
本节还试图通过排除对于该专题的主要目标而言无关紧要的某些问题来限制该专题的范围。 |
i. |
(1) |
Legal character of due diligence |
必要勤勉的法律性质 |
21. |
21. |
There is a lack of clarity over the legal character or foundation of due diligence as a general principle of law or a customary international law obligation and therefore its relationship to the sources of law under Article 38(1)(a) to (c) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. |
必要勤勉作为一项一般法律原则或习惯国际法义务,其法律性质或法律基础是不明确的,其与《国际法院规约》第三十八条第一款(子)项至(寅)项所规定的法律渊源之间的关系因而也并不明确。 |
It is sometimes referred to as a ‘principle of international law’ in the sense of a general standard of behaviour applicable across international law. |
有时,它会被指称为一项“国际法原则”,意指一项适用于整个国际法的一般行为标准。 |
On the other hand, its status as a principle has been questioned. |
而另一方面,其作为一项原则的地位曾遭质疑。 |
An understanding of the legal character of the duty of due diligence may assist in considering how it may be applied in both general and specific fields of international law. |
理解必要勤勉之责的法律性质,可能有助于考虑如何在一般国际法和国际法的具体领域内予以适用。 |
Similarly, in the orthodoxy of the articles on State responsibility, due diligence is an element of primary rules. |
同样,在具有正统地位的国家责任条款中,必要勤勉是主要规则的一项内容。 |
It nevertheless has a necessary connection to secondary rules of responsibility arising from the consequences of breach of the obligation. |
无论如何,它与因违背义务而产生的次要规则责任之间有着必然的联系。 |
Understanding due diligence within the orthodox framework of State responsibility, as well as within the dichotomy of obligations of conduct and obligations of result, can assist in a better appreciation of its character. |
在正统的国家责任框架内以及行为义务和结果义务的二分法框架内理解必要勤勉,可有助于更好地领悟其性质。 |
ii. |
(2) |
Scope and content of due diligence |
必要勤勉的范围和内容 |
22. |
22. |
The topic would seek to identify common elements of due diligence gleaned from a survey of State practice, judicial decisions and doctrine related to the obligation of due diligence in specific areas of international law. |
该专题将寻求确定从对国际法具体领域内与必要勤勉义务有关的国家实践、司法裁决和司法学说的盘点当中收集到的必要勤勉的共有内容。 |
It would examine a range of issues associated with the due diligence obligation, including the following: |
该专题将审视与必要勤勉义务有关的一系列问题,包括以下问题: |
whether there are conditions under which due diligence arises that are specific to the due diligence standard, and not dependent on a particular obligation; |
是否存在着会产生必要勤勉义务的专门涉及必要勤勉标准而不取决于某种特定义务的情况; |
the relevance of the circumstances or capabilities of the State concerned and the degree of their control over the sources of harm; |
有关国家的国情或能力所具有的相关性,以及有关国家对损害来源的掌控程度; |
the extent and nature of the variability of the standard of conduct that is required by the duty of due diligence; |
必要勤勉之责所要求的行为标准可变的程度和性质; |
and the degree of care or vigilance, or the absence of negligence, that is required; |
所要求的注意或警觉程度,或者说不疏忽程度; |
whether there is a minimum level of risk of harm and the gravity of the harm before the obligation of due diligence is activated; |
触发必要勤勉义务之前是否存在最低的损害风险水平,以及损害严重到何种程度会触发必要勤勉义务; |
and questions over the relevant knowledge requirement and foreseeability of the risk of harm; |
有关损害风险的相关必备知识和可预见性方面的问题; |
and the reasonableness of the standard of conduct with regard to a State’s activities and the activities of non-state actors subject to their jurisdiction or control, including consideration of the duty of due diligence as an objective standard. |
国家活动和应受国家管辖或控制的非国家行为体活动相关行为标准的合理性,包括将必要勤勉义务视为一项客观标准来考虑。 |
23. |
23. |
The topic would not be limited geographically but would have a wide application in light of the context of the primary obligations with which due diligence is associated. |
该专题不会囿于地域,而是会根据必要勤勉所涉主要义务的情境予以广泛适用。 |
The geographical scope to which due diligence applies would include areas beyond national jurisdiction where the rights and interests of the international community are engaged. |
必要勤勉所适用的地域范围将包含涉及国际社会权利和利益的国家管辖范围以外区域。 |
iii. |
(3) |
Confining the scope of the topic |
限制该专题的范围 |
24. |
24. |
Given the multiplicity of the regimes in which due diligence obligations are found, it is necessary to clearly delineate the scope of the topic. |
鉴于必要勤勉义务见于多种制度,有必要明确界定该专题的范围。 |
25. |
25. |
The topic would address due diligence obligations of States. |
该专题将处理国家的必要勤勉义务。 |
It would not extend to due diligence that may be required of international organisations in the conduct of their internal processes, nor to due diligence that may be required of multinational corporations, business operators, private investors or other non-State actors. |
该专题不会涵盖国际组织在进行内部程序时可能须要践行的必要勤勉,也不会涵盖跨国公司、企业经营者、私人投资者或其他非国家行为体可能须要践行的必要勤勉。 |
The applicability of due diligence to international organisations differs from that applying to States, due to the variety of their legal and institutional structures and their degree of control and institutional autonomy. |
必要勤勉对国际组织的适用性不同于对国家的适用性,因其法律和机构架构多种多样,且其控制程度和机构自主权也各不相同。 |
In some contexts, due diligence can be seen as a process whereby non-State actors, such as corporations, identify, assess, and manage risks related to their investment or activities. |
在某些情境中,必要勤勉可被视为诸如公司等非国家行为体就其投资或活动发现、评估和管理相关风险的过程。 |
In light of these differences and the challenge of identifying commonalities in the application of due diligence to different actors, due diligence as applied to international organisations and non-state actors is not within the proposed scope of the topic. |
鉴于上述差异,也鉴于将必要勤勉适用于不同行为体时的共有特征难以确定,适用于国际组织和非国家行为体的必要勤勉不在所提议的该专题范围内。 |
26. |
26. |
The topic would not encompass the application or operationalisation of due diligence in particular circumstances as this would depend to a large extent on the content of the primary obligation to which due diligence is attached. |
该专题将不包含必要勤勉在特定情况中的适用或实行问题,因为这在很大程度上要取决于必要勤勉所涉主要义务的内容。 |
Similarly, the topic would not undertake a micro-level analysis of the different individual primary obligations to which due diligence is associated as the focus would be on due diligence and not on primary obligations. |
同样,该专题不会对必要勤勉涉及的各个不同的主要义务进行微观分析,因为关注重点是必要勤勉,而不是主要义务。 |
27. |
27. |
The proceduralisation of the due diligence obligation has become particularly pervasive in international environmental law and is also found in international human rights law. |
必要勤勉义务的程序化现象,在国际环境法领域已变得尤为多见,在国际人权法领域也有体现。 |
Due diligence is seen as entailing certain procedural obligations, such as notification, information sharing, consultation, cooperation, assessment and monitoring. |
必要勤勉被视为蕴含着特定的程序性义务,例如通知、共享信息、协商、合作、评估和监测。 |
However, the nature and scope of these procedural obligations depend on the relevant primary obligations. |
但是,上述程序性义务的性质和范围取决于相关的主要义务。 |
Thus, in identifying common elements of due diligence it will be a challenge to identify generally applicable procedural obligations in a way that clarifies and gives substance to the due diligence obligation in general international law. |
所以说,在确定必要勤勉的共有内容时,以能澄清一般国际法中的必要勤勉义务并赋予其实质内容的方式确定普遍适用的程序性义务,将会是一项挑战。 |
For this reason, the topic will not seek to identify any particular procedural obligations that are associated with due diligence in the special regimes of international law, as distinct from procedural obligations that possess a customary international law character and are applicable as common elements of the due diligence obligation. |
出于这一原因,较之具有习惯国际法特征且作为必要勤勉义务的共有内容适用的程序性义务而言,该专题不会寻求确定与国际法具体制度中的必要勤勉有关的任何特定的程序性义务。 |
28. |
28. |
The proposed topic would not directly address issues of State responsibility. |
所提议的专题不会直接处理国家责任问题。 |
However, as due diligence is associated with primary rules, the topic should assist in clarifying the relationship between primary and secondary rules and between obligations of conduct and obligations of result. |
但是,鉴于必要勤勉涉及主要规则,该专题应有助于澄清主要规则和次要规则之间以及行为义务和结果义务之间的关系。 |
It may also need to cover some aspects of circumstances precluding wrongfulness which are relevant to due diligence, such as force majeure, distress or necessity, where the contributory conduct of a State may arise. |
该专题可能还需涵盖与必要勤勉具有相关性的某些解除不法性的情况,例如不可抗力、危难或紧要情况――此类情况中可能会出现国家行为发挥促成作用的问题。 |
In general, however, the topic would not encompass the relationship of due diligence with the question of attribution of conduct and responsibility, the question of causation and allocation of responsibility and the question of reparations in case of negligent conduct by States. |
但是,总体而言,该专题不会包含必要勤勉与行为和责任归属问题之间的关系问题、因果关系和责任分配问题以及国家存在疏忽行为情况下的赔偿问题。 |
These are specific to the regime of State responsibility and any discussion of them in the context of a study of due diligence in international law would overlap with past work of the International Law Commission. |
上述问题是国家责任制度处理的具体问题,在关于国际法中的必要勤勉问题的研究当中对上述问题进行任何讨论,将会与国际法委员会过去的工作重叠。 |
It would also blur the distinction between primary and secondary rules that the Commission has sought to maintain in the past. |
此举还会使委员会曾试图保持的主要规则和次要规则之间的区别变得模糊。 |
4. |
4. |
ILC’s criteria for the selection of topics |
国际法委员会选定专题的标准 |
29. |
29. |
The proposed topic would meet the Commission’s criteria for the selection of topics. |
所提议的专题将符合委员会选定专题的标准。 |
It would fit within the schema for the International Law Commission’s long-term programme of work, and in particular Section IX on the law of international relations/responsibility. |
该专题将符合国际法委员会长期工作方案纲要,尤其是关于国际关系/责任法的第九节。 |
This is in keeping with the earlier treatment by the Commission of State responsibility and international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law. |
这与委员会早前处理国家责任和国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的方式是一致的。 |
As indicated in section 2, the topic would flow from and complement the work the Commission on the 2001 Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts and the 2001 Articles on the Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities. |
如第2节所述,该专题将顺承并补充委员会2001年《国家对国际不法行为的责任条款》和2001年《关于预防危险活动的跨界损害条款》相关工作。 |
30. |
30. |
Any new topic should meet the Commission’s criteria for the selection of topics. |
任何新专题均应符合委员会选定专题的标准。 |
These are that the topic should: (a) reflect the needs of States in respect of the progressive development of international law and its codification; |
上述标准是,该专题应:(a) 反映各国在逐渐发展和编纂国际法方面的需要; |
(b) be sufficiently advanced in stage in terms of State practice to permit progressive development and codification; |
(b) 在国家实践方面处于足够成熟的阶段,从而容许进行逐渐发展和编纂; |
and (c) be concrete and feasible for progressive development and codification. |
(c) 具体且可行,宜于进行逐渐发展和编纂。 |
The Commission also agreed not to restrict itself to traditional topics but to also consider those that reflect new developments in international law and pressing concerns of the international community. |
委员会还商定,不应局限于传统专题,也应考虑反映出国际法新的发展动态和整个国际社会的紧迫关切问题的专题。 |
31. |
31. |
The Commission’s criteria for the selection of topics are fulfilled in this instance. |
就该专题情况而言,委员会选定专题的标准得到了满足。 |
The topic is important to States which must decide how to navigate an increasingly complex world where the range of international actors is expanding, threats are increasing, including those associated with technological advances, and there is heightened concern over the harmful effects of governmental and private actions in an interconnected world. |
在日趋复杂的世界当中,国际行为体的范围在扩大,威胁在增多,其中包括与技术进步有关的威胁,且对于相互关联的世界当中政府行动和私人行动的有害影响有了越来越多的关切。 对于必须决定如何在上述世界中摸索前行的各国而言,该专题具有重要意义。 |
Due diligence is increasingly being seen as a tool to address situations in which care and oversight is required in order to prevent conduct which amounts to State responsibility. |
必要勤勉越来越被视为一种用以处理需要注意和监督的情况以防止构成国家责任之行为的工具。 |
32. |
32. |
The topic is also sufficiently advanced in terms of State practice to permit codification and progressive development. |
就国家实践而言,该专题也已足够成熟,可予以编纂和逐渐发展。 |
There is a growing body of judicial decisions, State practice and scholarly writings to advance the codification and progressive development of due diligence in international law. |
存在着越来越多的司法裁决、国家实践和学术著述,可用以推动国际法中必要勤勉问题的相关编纂和逐渐发展工作。 |
Due diligence has featured in the advisory opinion of the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea on climate change, and the advisory opinion on climate change sought from International Court of Justice can be expected to further assist in clarifying the scope of the duty. |
必要勤勉在国际海洋法法庭关于气候变化的咨询意见中占有显著地位,且可以预计的是,向国际法院征求的有关气候变化的咨询意见会进一步有助于澄清该项责任的范围。 |
33. |
33. |
An ILC topic on due diligence would also complement the work of the ILA which undertook a study into due diligence in international law and considered the extent to which there was a commonality of understanding between the distinctive areas of international law in which due diligence is applied. |
国际法委员会有关必要勤勉问题的专题,也会对国际法协会的工作起到补充作用。 国际法协会就国际法中的必要勤勉问题开展了一项研究,并考虑了适用必要勤勉的国际法各不同领域之间在多大程度上存在着理解上的共同之处。 |
This study, however, centred on due diligence as a standard of conduct and did not address due diligence as an obligation within the Corfu Channel paradigm. |
但是,该项研究是围绕作为一项行为标准的必要勤勉,并没有将其作为科孚海峡案框架内的一项义务来处理。 |
Neither did it address the legal character of due diligence and its relationship to secondary rules of responsibility. |
该项研究也没有处理必要勤勉的法律性质问题及其与有关责任的次要规则之间的关系问题。 |
The Institut de Droit International is currently examining the “Harm Prevention Rules Applicable to the Global Commons” and intends to elucidate the parameters and application of the obligation to protect the environment of areas beyond national jurisdiction. |
国际法学会目前正在仔细研究“适用于全球公域的预防危害规则”,并有意阐明保护国家管辖范围以外地区环境之义务的范围和适用性。 |
As a part of this it will elaborate on what the attendant standard of due diligence requires of States with respect to compliance with this obligation. |
作为这项工作的一项组成内容,国际法学会将详细阐述相应的必要勤勉标准在遵守上述义务方面对各国有何要求。 |
However the proposed topic on due diligence would be broader in geographical scope than the work undertaken by the Institut and would be more systematic than the work of the ILA. |
但是,所提议的必要勤勉专题要比国际法学会开展的工作地域范围更广,要比国际法协会开展的工作更系统。 |
34. |
34. |
The topic of due diligence is both concrete and feasible for progressive development and codification. |
就逐渐发展和编纂而言,必要勤勉专题既具体又可行。 |
A systematic examination of its content, based on State practice and subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law, can serve to elucidate the contours of the obligation. |
在国家实践和确定国际法规则的辅助手段基础上系统地对其内容进行仔细研究,可有助于阐明该项义务的轮廓。 |
The role of due diligence is acknowledged in judicial decisions and in the practice of States and can be a tool to address contemporary issues involving the harmful effects of activities of States and non-State actors subject to their jurisdiction or control and the consequent impact on the rights and interests of other States. |
必要勤勉的作用在司法裁决和国家实践当中均得到承认,可以成为一项工具,用以处理与国家活动和应受其管辖或控制的非国家行为体的活动的有害影响以及由此对其他国家权利和利益产生的影响有关的当代问题。 |
It would also reflect new developments in international law and pressing concerns of the international community. |
该专题还将反映国际法领域新的发展动态以及国际社会的紧迫关切问题。 |
35. |
35. |
The study of due diligence would benefit from independent analysis and consideration by international legal experts. |
有关必要勤勉的研究将得益于国际法律专家进行的独立分析和考量。 |
Through its methodological approach, the International Law Commission can give greater precision and form to the due diligence obligation through the elaboration of a legal framework of due diligence that can be used by States to minimise the harmful effects of their actions and of those subject to their jurisdiction or control. |
国际法委员会可借助其系统方法,通过就必要勤勉详细阐述一个可供各国用以尽量减轻其行动和应受其管辖或控制者的行动所造成的有害影响的法律框架,使必要勤勉义务更加精确,并赋予其以形式。 |
In this way it would assist States in providing them guidance to enable them to fulfil their obligations and to assist in addressing potentially harmful situations before they arise. |
以此种方式,该专题将帮助各国,为各国提供指导,使其得以履行本国义务,并帮助防患于未然。 |
36. |
36. |
Finally, it is important that the Commission be fully engaged with the contemporary needs of the international community. |
最后,委员会务应充分关注国际社会的当代需求。 |
International law must keep pace with the changing reality and with the increasing complexity of today’s world. |
国际法必须跟上不断变化的现实,跟上当今世界日益复杂的形势。 |
The International Law Commission has a role to play in the codification and progressive development of due diligence in international law. |
在编纂和逐渐发展国际法中的必要勤勉义务方面,国际法委员会有作用亟待发挥。 |
Given its composition and collegial working methods, and its close relationship with States through the General Assembly, the Commission would be able to make a useful contribution to international law on due diligence. |
考虑到国际法委员会的组成和共事合议工作方法,考虑到国际法委员会经由联大与各国建立的密切关系,委员会将能够在必要勤勉问题上对国际法作出有益的贡献。 |
5. |
5. |
Possible form of output |
产物可以采取的形式 |
37. |
37. |
The primary purpose of the topic is the codification of the practice relating to the obligation of due diligence in international law. |
该专题的主要目的是编纂国际法中必要勤勉义务的相关实践。 |
Given its practical orientation, the preferred form is that of draft principles which can be used to assist States in their implementation of the due diligence requirement. |
鉴于该专题以务实为导向,优选的形式是可用以协助各国履行必要勤勉要求的原则草案。 |
A set of principles on due diligence in international law would bring together the fundamental normative content of the due diligence obligation which is sufficiently general and broadly supported so that it can serve as a guide to States for its practical application. |
一套有关国际法中的必要勤勉问题的原则,将把必要勤勉义务的基本规范性内容汇集到一起。 上述基本规范性内容足具普遍性,且得到广泛支持,可为各国的实际应用充当指南。 |
Other alternative forms could be considered in light of progress on the topic, such as draft conclusions. |
根据该专题的进展情况,可考虑其他替代形式,例如结论草案。 |
Draft articles would be consistent with the 2001 Articles on State Responsibility and the 2001 Articles on Transboundary Harm and complement the past work of the Commission on interconnected legal issues. |
若采用条款草案形式,将与2001年关于国家责任的条款和2001年关于跨界损害的条款保持一致,对委员会过去就相互关联的法律问题开展的工作起到补充作用。 |
However draft principles are the preferred form of the output of the topic due to its practical orientation and the intent to formulate propositions at an appropriate level of generality to guide States. |
但是,原则草案是该专题产物的优选形式,因为该专题以务实为导向,且意在拟订具有适度普遍性的建议,以为各国提供指导。 |
Selected Bibliography |
精选参考书目 |
See paragraph 4 below. |
见下文第4段。 |
See paragraph 4 below. |
见下文第4段。 |
See paragraph 3 below. |
见下文第3段。 |
See A/CN.4/773 and Add.1. |
见A/CN.4/773和Add.1。 |
See A/CN.4/776 and Add.1. |
见A/CN.4/776和Add.1。 |
Mr. Yacouba Cissé, Mr. Mathias Forteau, Mr. Claudio Grossman Guiloff, Mr. Charles Chernor Jalloh, Mr. August Reinisch and Mr. Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez. |
雅库巴·西塞先生、马蒂亚斯·福尔托先生、克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫先生、查尔斯·切尔诺·贾洛先生、奥古斯特·赖尼施先生和马塞洛·巴斯克斯·贝穆德斯先生。 |
At its 3681st meeting, on 10 July 2024, the Commission was informed that Mr. Yacouba Cissé had resigned as Special Rapporteur for the topic “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea”. |
在2024年7月10日第3681次会议上,委员会获悉,雅库巴·西塞先生已辞去“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”专题特别报告员的职务。 |
At its 3701st meeting, on 2 August 2024, Mr. Louis Savadogo was appointed Special Rapporteur for the topic. |
在2024年8月2日第3701次会议上,路易·萨瓦多戈先生被任命为该专题的特别报告员。 |
Mr. Yacouba Cissé, Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles, Ms. Nilüfer Oral and Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria. |
雅库巴·西塞先生、帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯女士、尼吕费尔·奥拉尔女士和胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生。 |
See footnote 6 above. |
见上文脚注6。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), para. 68. |
《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第68段。 |
Ibid., para. 69. |
同上,第69段。 |
Ibid., Seventy-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), para. 38. |
同上,《第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第38段。 |
Ibid., Seventy-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), paras. 31–33. |
同上,《第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/10),第31-33段。 |
Ibid., Seventy-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/76/10), para. 26. |
同上,《第七十六届会议,补编第10号》(A/76/10),第26段。 |
Ibid., Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), para. 28. |
同上,《第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第28段。 |
Ibid., Seventy-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), para. 28. |
同上,《第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第28段。 |
At its 3582nd meeting, on 17 May 2022. |
在2022年5月17日第3582次会议上。 |
The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its sixty-eighth session (2016), on the basis of the proposal contained in an annex to the report of the Commission to that session (Yearbook … 2016, vol. II (Part Two), annex I, p. 233). |
委员会第六十八届会议(2016年)按照委员会该届会议报告附件所载的建议(《2016年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),附件一,第233段),将此专题列入长期工作方案。 |
At its 3612th meeting, on 5 August 2022. |
在2022年8月5日第3612次会议上。 |
A/CN.4/756. |
A/CN.4/756. |
See A/78/10, paras. 44–49. |
见A/78/10, 第44-49段。 |
The reasons for which the Commission has decided to introduce a distinction between two categories of disputes (those between international organizations and international organizations and States on the one hand, and those between international organizations and private parties on the other hand) are presented in the statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee delivered on 31 May 2024 (https://legal.un.org/ilc/documentation/english/statements/2024_dc_chair_statement_sidio.pdf). |
起草委员会主席2024年5月31日发表的声明阐述了委员会决定区分两类争端(一类是国际组织与国际组织和国家之间的争端,另一类是国际组织与私人当事方之间的争端)的原因 (https://legal.un.org/ilc/documentation/english/statements/2024_dc_chair_statement_sidio.pdf)。 |
Second report on the settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/766), para. 15. |
特别报告员关于国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决的第二次报告(A/CN.4/766),第15段。 |
See, e.g., Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Management Group v. European Union, represented by the European Commission, Case Nos. 2017-03 and 2017-04. |
例如见Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Management Group v. European Union, represented by the European Commission, Case Nos. 2017-03 and 2017-04。 |
See https://pca-cpa.org/ en/cases/157/ and https://pca-cpa.org/en/cases/158/. |
见https://pca-cpa.org/en/cases/157/ and https://pca-cpa.org/en/cases/158/。 |
Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties, Memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/764), chap. II, sect. B 1. |
国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决,秘书处的备忘录(A/CN.4/764),第二章,B 1节。 |
Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt, Advisory Opinion of 20 December 1980, I.C.J. Reports 1980, p. 73. |
1951年3月25日世界卫生组织同埃及的协定的解释,1980年12月20日咨询意见,《1980年国际法院案例汇编》,第73页。 |
Applicability of the Obligation to Arbitrate under Section 21 of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement of 26 June 1947, Advisory Opinion of 26 April 1988, I.C.J. Reports 1988, p. 12. |
1947年6月26日《联合国总部协定》第二十一节规定的仲裁义务的适用,1988年4月26日咨询意见,《1988年国际法院案例汇编》,第12页。 |
See, e.g., Committee on Relations with the Host Country, established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 2819 (XXVI) of 15 December 1971. |
例如见东道国关系委员会,1971年12月15日根据联大第2819(XXVI)号决议设立。 |
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) v. Germany, Arbitration Award, 29 June 1990, International Law Reports, vol. 105 (1997), pp. 1–74. |
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) v. Germany, Arbitration Award, 29 June 1990, International Law Reports, vol. 105 (1997), pp. 1–74. |
Question of the tax regime governing pensions paid to retired UNESCO officials residing in France, Decision, 14 January 2003, Reports of International Arbitral Awards (UNRIAA), vol. XXV,pp. 231–266. |
居住在法国的教科文组织退休职员所领退休金的征税制度问题,决定,2003年1月14日,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十五卷,第231-266页。 |
Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 62. |
关于人权委员会特别报告员享有法律程序豁免的争议,咨询意见,《1999年国际法院案例汇编》,第62页。 |
Art. VIII, sect. 30, Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (General Convention) (New York, 13 February 1946), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1, No. 4, p. 15; art. IX, sect. 32, Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (New York, 21 November 1947), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 33, No. 521, p. 261. |
《联合国特权和豁免公约》(《普遍性公约》)(1946年2月13日,纽约)第八条第三十节,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1卷,第4号,第15页; 《专门机构特权和豁免公约》(1947年11月21日,纽约)第九条第三十二节,联合国,《条约汇编》,第33卷,第521号,第261页。 |
See also Roberto Ago, “‘Binding’ advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice”, American Journal of International Law, vol. 85 (1991), pp. 439–451; |
另见Roberto Ago, “‘Binding’ advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice”, American Journal of International Law, vol. 85 (1991), pp. 439-451; |
Guillaume Bacot, “Réflexions sur les clauses qui rendent obligatoires les avis consultatifs de la C.P.J.I et de la C.I.J.”, Revue générale de droit international public, vol. 84 (1980), pp. 1027–1067. |
Guillaume Bacot, “Réflexions sur les clauses qui rendent obligatoires les avis consultatifs de la C.P.J.I et de la C.I.J.”, Revue générale de droit international public, vol. 84 (1980), pp. 1027–1067。 |
See, e.g., art. 263, Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Official Journal of the European Union, C 115, 9 May 2008, p. 162; |
例如见《欧洲联盟运作条约》合并版第263条,《欧洲联盟公报》,C 115, 2008年5月9日,第162页; |
art. 22 (b), Convention on the Statute of the Central American Court of Justice (Panama City, 10 December 1992), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1821, No. 31191, p. 279; |
《中美洲法院规约公约》(1992年12月10日,巴拿马城)第22条(b)项,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1821卷,第31191号,第279页; |
arts. 17 et seq., Treaty Creating the Court of Justice of the Cartagena Agreement (Andean Community) (Cartagena, 28 May 1979), International Legal Materials, vol. 18 (1979), p. 1203, as amended by the Protocol of Cochabamba amending the Treaty creating the Court of Justice (Cochabamba, 28 May 1996), available from https://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/treaties/details/401; |
《〈卡塔赫纳协定〉(安第斯共同体)法院创建条约》(1979年5月28日,卡塔赫纳)第17条及以下各条,《国际法律资料》,第18卷(1979年),第1203页,经《修正〈法院创建条约〉的科恰班巴议定书》修正(1996年5月28日,科恰班巴),可查阅https://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/treaties/details/401; |
art. 9, para. 1 (c), Protocol on the Community Court of Justice (ECOWAS) (Abuja, 6 July 1991), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2375, No. 14843, p. 178, as amended by the Supplementary Protocol amending the Protocol on the Community Court of Justice (Accra, 19 January 2005), ECOWAS document A/SP.1/01/05; |
《共同体法院议定书(西非经共体)》(1991年7月6日,阿布贾)第9条第1款(c)项,联合国,《条约汇编》,第2375卷,第14843号,第178页,经《修正〈共同体法院议定书〉的补充议定书》修正(2005年1月19日,阿克拉),西非经共体文件A/SP.1/01/05; |
art. 15, para. 2, Règlement n°1 1/96/CM portant Règlement des procédures de la Cour de Justice de l’UEMOA (Rules of procedure of the West African Economic and Monetary Union Court of Justice) (5 July 1996). |
关于西非经济货币联盟法院议事规则的第1/96/CM号条例(1996年7月5日)第15条第2款。 |
See, e.g., arts. 258 and 259, Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; |
例如见《欧洲联盟运作条约》合并版第258和第259条; |
arts. 23 et seq., Cochabamba Protocol; |
《科恰班巴议定书》第23条及以下各条; |
art. 9, para. 1 (d), Protocol on the Community Court of Justice (ECOWAS), as amended; |
经修正的《共同体法院议定书(西非经共体)》第9条第1款(d)项; |
art. 15, para. 1, Rules of procedure of the West African Economic and Monetary Union Court of Justice. |
《西非经济货币联盟法院议事规则》第15条第1款。 |
See, in detail, A/CN.4/766, paras. 159 et seq. |
详见A/CN.4/766, 第159段及以下各段。 |
Art. XI, para. 1, Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (Marrakesh, 15 April 1994), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1867–1869, No. 31874. |
《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》(1994年4月15日,马拉喀什)第11条第1款,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1867-1869卷,第31874号。 |
World Trade Organization, “The European Union and the WTO: disputes involving the European Union (formerly EC) – cases”, available at https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/countries_e/ european_communities_e.htm. |
世界贸易组织,“欧洲联盟与世贸组织:涉及欧洲联盟(原欧共体)的争端――案例”,可查阅https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/countries_e/european_communities_e.htm。 |
Art. XII, para. 1, Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization. |
《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》第12条第1款。 |
Art. 305, para. 1 (f), and annex IX, art. 1, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Montego Bay, 10 December 1982), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1833, No. 31363, p. 3; |
《联合国海洋法公约》(1982年12月10日,蒙特哥湾)第三〇五条第1款(f)项以及附件九第一条,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1833卷,第31363号,第3页; |
Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 (with annex), adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 28 July 1994, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1836, No. 31364, p. 3. Annex IX, art. |
联合国大会1994年7月28日通过的《关于执行1982年12月10日〈联合国海洋法公约〉第十一部分的协定》(及附件),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1836卷,第31364号,第3页。 |
7 (Participation by international organizations), United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. |
《联合国海洋法公约》附件九(国际组织的参加)第七条。 |
See, e.g., Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Swordfish Stocks (Chile/European Community), Order of 20 December 2000, ITLOS Reports 2000, p. 148. |
例如见养护和可持续开发箭鱼种群(智利诉欧洲共同体),2000年12月20日命令,《2000年海洋法法庭案例汇编》,第148页。 |
See paras. (2) to (7) of the commentary to draft guideline 1 of the draft guidelines on settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties provisionally adopted by the Commission at its seventy-fourth session, A/78/10, para. 49. |
见委员会第七十四届会议暂时通过的国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决指南草案,指南草案1评注第(2)至第(7)段,A/78/10, 第49段。 |
See also Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2016, vol. II (Part Two), annex I, para. 3. |
另见《2016年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),附件一,第3段。 |
Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion of 11 April 1949, I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 174. |
联合国公务中所受伤害赔偿案,1949年4月11日咨询意见,《1949年国际法院案例汇编》,第174页。 |
Exchange of Letters Constituting an Agreement between the United Nations and Belgium Relating to the Settlement of Claims Filed against the United Nations in the Congo by Belgian Nationals (New York, 20 February 1965), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 535, No. 7780, p. 197. |
《构成联合国和比利时关于解决比利时国民对联合国刚果行动索赔案的协定的换文》(1965年2月20日,纽约),联合国,《条约汇编》,第535卷,第7780号,第197页。 |
See para. (3) of the commentary to draft article 2 of the draft articles on the law of treaties between States and international organizations or between international organizations, Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1982, vol. II (Part Two), para. 63. |
见国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间的条约法条款草案,第2条评注第(3)段,《1982年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第63段。 |
Permanent Court of Arbitration, District Municipality of La Punta (Peru) v. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Case No. 2014-38. |
Permanent Court of Arbitration, District Municipality of La Punta (Peru) v. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Case No. 2014-38. |
Available at https://pcacases.com/web/view/109. |
可查阅https://pcacases.com/web/view/109。 |
Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development v. Cross River State, Judgment No. ECW/CCJ/JUD/01/21, 5 February 2021. |
Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development v. Cross River State, Judgment No. ECW/CCJ/JUD/01/21, 5 February 2021. |
See A/CN.4/766, para. 21. |
见A/CN.4/766, 第21段。 |
For instance, the Sovereign Order of Malta which has retained treaty-making powers and the right to send and receive diplomatic representatives (see Second issues paper by Patrícia Galvão Teles and Juan José Ruda Santolaria, Co-Chairs of the Study Group on sea-level rise in relation to international law (A/CN.4/752), paras. 126–137) as well as other entities which may have treaty-making capacity in certain circumstances, such as insurgents, have traditionally been considered to be sui generis subjects of international law. |
例如,马耳他主权骑士团保留了缔约权力以及派遣和接待外交代表的权利(见与国际法有关的海平面上升专题研究组共同主席帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯和胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚的第二份问题文件(A/CN.4/752),第126-137段),其他实体在某些情况下也可能具有缔约能力,例如叛乱分子传统上被认为是自成一类的国际法主体。 |
See also Janne Elisabeth Nijman, The Concept of International Legal Personality: An Inquiry into the History and Theory of International Law (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2004); |
另见Janne Elisabeth Nijman, The Concept of International Legal Personality: An Inquiry into the History and Theory of International Law (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2004); |
Roland Portmann, Legal Personality in International Law (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 5–28; |
Roland Portmann, Legal Personality in International Law (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 5–28; |
James Crawford and Ian Brownlie, Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law, 9th ed. |
James Crawford and Ian Brownlie, Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law, 9th ed. |
(Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019), pp. 105–116; |
(Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019), pp. 105–116; |
Pierre-Marie Dupuy and Yann Kerbrat, Droit International Public, 14th ed. |
Pierre-Marie Dupuy and Yann Kerbrat, Droit International Public, 14th ed. |
(Paris, Dalloz, 2018), pp. 27–30. |
(Paris, Dalloz, 2018), pp. 27–30。 |
See, e.g., Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, International Law for Humankind: Towards a New Jus Gentium, 3rd revised ed. |
例如见Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, International Law for Humankind: Towards a New Jus Gentium, 3rd revised ed. |
(Leiden/Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2020), pp. 213–273; |
(Leiden/Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2020), pp. 213–273; |
Louis Henkin, “International Law: Politics, Values and Functions”, Recueil des Cours, vol. 216 (1989), pp. 33–35; |
Louis Henkin, “International Law: Politics, Values and Functions”, Recueil des Cours, vol. 216 (1989), pp. 33–35; |
Hersch Lauterpacht, International Law and Human Rights (London, Stevens, 1950), pp. 27–72; |
Hersch Lauterpacht, International Law and Human Rights (London, Stevens, 1950), pp. 27–72; |
Manuel Diez de Velasco, Instituciones de Derecho Internacional Público, 18th ed. |
Manuel Diez de Velasco, Instituciones de Derecho Internacional Público, 18th ed. |
(Madrid, Tecnos, 2013), pp. 301–302; |
(Madrid, Tecnos, 2013), pp. 301–302; |
José E. Alvarez, “Are Corporations ‘Subjects’ of International Law?”, Santa Clara Journal of International Law, vol. 9 (2011), pp. 1–36; |
José E. Alvarez, “Are Corporations ‘Subjects’ of International Law?”, Santa Clara Journal of International Law, vol. 9 (2011), pp. 1–36; |
Hernán Valencia Restrepo, Derecho Internacional Público, 4th ed. |
Hernán Valencia Restrepo, Derecho Internacional Público, 4th ed. |
(Medellín, Libréría Jurídica Sánchez R Ltda., 2016), paras. 371–377; |
(Medellín, Libréría Jurídica Sánchez R Ltda., 2016), paras. 371–377; |
cf. Raymon Ranjeva and Charles Cadoux, Droit International Public (Vanves, Edicef, 1992), p. 127. |
参阅Raymon Ranjeva and Charles Cadoux, Droit International Public (Vanves, Edicef, 1992), p. 127。 |
Art. 10, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, General Assembly resolution 217 (III); |
《世界人权宣言》第十条,联大第217(III)号决议; |
art. 6 para. 1, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (European Convention on Human Rights) (Rome, 4 November 1950), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 213, No. 2889, p. 221; |
《保护人权与基本自由公约》(《欧洲人权公约》)(1950年11月4日,罗马)第6条第1款,联合国,《条约汇编》,第213卷,第2889号,第221页; |
art. 14 para. 1, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (New York, 16 December 1966), ibid., vol. 999, No. 14668, p. 171; |
《公民及政治权利国际公约》(1966年12月16日,纽约)第十四条第1款,同上,第999卷,第14668号,第171页; |
art. 8 para. 1, American Convention on Human Rights: “Pact of San José, Costa Rica” (San José, 22 November 1969), ibid., vol. 1144, No. 17955, p. 123; |
《美洲人权公约》(《哥斯达黎加圣何塞公约》)(1969年11月22日,圣何塞)第8条第1款,同上,第1144卷,第17955号,第123页; |
art. 7 para. 1, African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Nairobi, 27 June 1981), ibid., vol. 1520, No. 26363, p. 217. |
《非洲人权和民族权宪章》(1981年6月27日,内罗毕)第7条第1款,同上,第1520卷,第26363号,第217页。 |
See also Francesco Francioni, “The rights of access to justice under customary international law”, in Francesco Francioni (ed.), Access to Justice as a Human Right (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. 1–55; |
另见Francesco Francioni, “The rights of access to justice under customary international law”, in Francesco Francioni (ed.), Access to Justice as a Human Right (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. 1-55; |
Amal Clooney and Philippa Webb, The Right to a Fair Trial in International Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021). |
Amal Clooney and Philippa Webb, The Right to a Fair Trial in International Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021)。 |
See the overview in A/CN.4/766, paras. 27–198; |
见A/CN.4/766第27-198段中的概述; |
see also A/CN.4/764. |
另见A/CN.4/764。 |
Miguel de Serpa Soares, “Responsibility of international organizations”, Courses of the Summer School on Public International Law, vol. 7 (Moscow, 2022), p. 125. |
Miguel de Serpa Soares, “Responsibility of international organizations”, Courses of the Summer School on Public International Law, vol. 7 (Moscow, 2022), p. 125. |
See also A/CN.4/764, chap. II, sect. B. |
另见A/CN.4/764, 第二章,B节。 |
Gerald Fitzmaurice, “The future of public international law and of the international legal system in the circumstances of today”, in Institute of International Law (eds.), Livre du Centenaire 1873–1973. |
Gerald Fitzmaurice, “The future of public international law and of the international legal system in the circumstances of today”, in Institute of International Law (eds.), Livre du Centenaire 1873–1973. |
Evolution et perspectives du droit international (Basel, Editions S. Karger S.A., 1973), pp. 196–363, at p. 276; |
Evolution et perspectives du droit international (Basel, Editions S. Karger S.A., 1973), pp. 196–363, at p. 276; |
C. Wilfred Jenks, The Prospects of International Adjudication (London, Stevens, 1964), p. 107. |
C. Wilfred Jenks, The Prospects of International Adjudication (London, Stevens, 1964), p. 107. |
General Assembly resolution 37/10 of 15 November 1988, annex. |
联大1988年11月15日第37/10号决议,附件。 |
See, e.g., art. XIV, para. 2, Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (London, 16 November 1945), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 4, No. 52, p. 275; art. |
例如见联合国教育、科学及文化组织《组织法》(1945年11月16日,伦敦)第十四条第2款,联合国,《条约汇编》,第4卷,第52号,第275页; |
XVIII (a), Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization “INTELSAT” (Washington, 20 August 1971), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1220, No. 19677, p. 21. |
《国际通信卫星组织协定》(1971年8月20日,华盛顿)第十八条(a)项,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1220卷,第19677号,第21页。 |
See, e.g., art. VIII, sect. 30, Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (General Convention); art. |
例如见《联合国特权和豁免公约》(《普遍性公约》)第八条第三十节。 |
IX, sect. 32, Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies; |
《联合国特权和豁免公约》第九条第三十二节。 |
art. X, sect. 34, Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, 1 July 1959), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 374, No. 5334, p. 147; art. |
《国际原子能机构特权和豁免协定》(1959年7月1日,维也纳)第十条第34节,联合国,《条约汇编》,第374卷,第5334号,第147页。 |
32, Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court (New York, 9 September 2002), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2271, No. 40446, p. 3. |
《国际刑事法院特权和豁免协定》(2002年9月9日,纽约)第32条,联合国,《条约汇编》,第2271卷,第40446号,第3页。 |
See, e.g., art. VIII, sect. 21, Agreement regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations (Lake Success, 26 June 1947), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 11, p. 11; art. |
例如见《关于联合国总部的协定》(1947年6月26日,成功湖)第八条第21节,联合国,《条约汇编》,第11卷,第11页; |
XVII, sect. 35, Agreement regarding the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Washington, 31 October 1950), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1409, No. 23602, p. 521; |
《关于联合国粮食及农业组织总部的协定》(1950年10月31日,华盛顿)第十七条第35节,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1409卷,第23602号,第521页; |
art. 29, para. 1, Agreement (with annexes) regarding the Headquarters of UNESCO and the Privileges and Immunities of the Organization on French Territory (Paris, 2 July 1954), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 357, No. 5103, p. 3. |
《关于教科文组织总部及该组织在法国领土上特权和豁免的协定》(及附件)(1954年7月2日,巴黎)第二十九条第1款,联合国,《条约汇编》,第357卷,第5103号,第3页。 |
See para. (6) of the commentary to draft guideline 4 above. |
见上文指南草案4评注第(6)段。 |
See also A/CN.4/766, paras. 52 et seq. |
另见A/CN.4/766, 第52段及以下各段。 |
See the rare example of such a compromis in Exchanges of Notes Constituting an Agreement for the Settlement of a Dispute Concerning the Taxation Liability of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) Employees Working in the United Kingdom on the Dragon Project (Brussels, 11 July 1966), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 639, No. 9147, p. 99, which led to the arbitral award in Taxation liability of Euratom employees between the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 25 February 1967, UNRIAA, vol. XVIII, p. 503. |
这种特别协议的罕见实例,见《构成解决欧洲原子能共同体在联合王国从事龙项目工作的雇员的纳税责任争端之协定的换文》(1966年7月11日,布鲁塞尔),联合国,《条约汇编》,第639卷,第9147号,第99页,该协议导致了以下案件中的仲裁裁决:欧洲原子能共同体委员会与联合王国原子能管理局之间关于欧洲原子能共同体委员会雇员纳税责任的争端案,1967年2月25日,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第十八卷,第503页。 |
See, e.g., Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2002, vol. II (Part Two), para. 486, noting the inadequacy of available dispute settlement options for international organizations, in particular in regard to responsibility issues. |
例如见《2002年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第486段,指出可供国际组织使用的争端解决方法不足,涉及责任问题时尤甚。 |
Further, the topics “Arrangements to enable international organizations to be parties to cases before the International Court of Justice” (Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1968, vol. II, document A/7209/Rev.1, at p. 233) and “Status of international organizations before the International Court of Justice” (Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1970, vol. II, document A/CN.4/230, p. 268, para. 138) have been proposed to be included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission; |
此外,已建议将“国际组织成为由国际法院审理的案件的当事方的安排”(《1968年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷,A/7209/Rev.1号文件,见第233页)和“国际组织在国际法院中的地位”(《1970年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷,A/CN.4/230号文件,第268页,第138段)列入委员会的长期工作方案; |
Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2016, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/679, para. 58. |
《2016年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),A/CN.4/679号文件,第58段。 |
Report of the Secretary-General on a review of the role of the International Court of Justice (A/8382). |
秘书长关于审查国际法院作用的报告(A/8382)。 |
See also Philippe Couvreur, “Développements récents concernant l’accès des organisations intergouvernementales à la procédure contentieuse devant la Cour Internationale de Justice”, in Emile Yakpo and Tahar Boumedra (eds.), Liber Amicorum Judge Mohammed Bedjaoui (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1999), pp. 293–323; |
另见Philippe Couvreur, “Développements récents concernant l’accès des organisations intergouvernementales à la procédure contentieuse devant la Cour Internationale de Justice”, in Emile Yakpo and Tahar Boumedra (eds.), Liber Amicorum Judge Mohammed Bedjaoui (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1999), pp. 293–323; |
Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern, “Access of international organizations to the International Court of Justice,” in A.S. Muller, D. Raič and J.M. Thuránszky (eds.), The International Court of Justice (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1997), pp. 189–203; |
Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern, “Access of international organizations to the International Court of Justice,” in A.S. Muller, D. Raič and J.M. Thuránszky (eds.), The International Court of Justice (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1997), pp. 189–203; |
Jerzy Sztucki, “International organizations as parties to contentious proceedings before the International Court of Justice?,” in Muller, Raič and Thuránszky (eds.), The International Court of Justice, pp. 141–167; |
Jerzy Sztucki, “International organizations as parties to contentious proceedings before the International Court of Justice?,” in Muller, Raič and Thuránszky (eds.), The International Court of Justice, pp. 141–167; |
Tullio Treves, “International organizations as parties to contentious cases: selected aspects”, in Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Cesare P.R. Romano and Ruth Mackenzie (eds.), International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement: Trends and Prospects (Ardsley, New York, Transnational Publishers, 2002), pp. 37–46; |
Tullio Treves, “International organizations as parties to contentious cases: selected aspects”, in Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Cesare P.R. Romano and Ruth Mackenzie (eds.), International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement: Trends and Prospects (Ardsley, New York, Transnational Publishers, 2002), pp. 37–46; |
International Law Association, Final report on accountability of international organisations, Report of the Seventy-first Conference held in Berlin, 16–21 August 2004, pp. 231–233. |
国际法协会,关于国际组织问责制的最后报告,2004年8月16日至21日在柏林举行的第七十一届会议的报告,第231-233页。 |
See para. (2) of the commentary to draft guideline 4 above. |
见上文指南草案4评注第(2)段。 |
General Assembly resolution 67/1 of 24 September 2012. |
联大2012年9月24第67/1号决议。 |
See, most recently, The rule of law at the national and international levels, General Assembly resolution 78/112 of 7 December 2023; |
最近的决议见国内和国际的法治,联大2023年12月7日第78/112号决议; |
The rule of law at the national and international levels, General Assembly resolution 77/110 of 7 December 2022; |
国内和国际的法治,联大2022年12月7日第77/110号决议; |
The rule of law at the national and international levels, General Assembly resolution 76/117 of 9 December 2021. |
国内和国际的法治,联大2021年12月9日第76/117号决议。 |
General Assembly resolution 67/1, para. 2. |
联大第67/1号决议,第2段。 |
See, e.g., arts. 4 and 7, para. 1, Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Conciliation Rules (1996); |
例如见《常设仲裁法院任择调解规则》(1996年),第4条和第7条,第1款; |
arts. 12–14, Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (Washington, 18 March 1965), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 575, No. 8359, p. 159; |
《关于解决国家和他国国民之间投资争端公约》(1965年3月18日,华盛顿特区),第12至第14条,联合国,《条约汇编》,第575卷,第8359号,第159页; |
art. 5, Convention on Conciliation and Arbitration within the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (Stockholm, 15 December 1992), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1842, No. 31413, p. 121; |
《欧洲安全和合作会议调解和仲裁公约》(1992年12月15日,斯德哥尔摩),第5条,联合国,《条约汇编》,第1842卷,第31413号,第121页; |
art. 7, United Nations Model Rules for the Conciliation of Disputes between States, General Assembly resolution 50/50 of 11 December 1995, annex; |
《联合国调解国家间争端示范规则》第7条,联大1995年12月11日第50/50号决议,附件; |
art. 3, UNCITRAL Mediation Rules, Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Fifty-fourth Session (28 June–16 July 2021) (A/76/17), annex III. See also Christian Tomuschat and Marcelo Kohen (eds.), Flexibility in International Dispute Settlement: Conciliation Revisited, (Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2020), pp. 25 et seq. |
《贸易法委员会调解规则》第3条,联合国国际贸易法委员会的报告,第五十四届会议(2021年6月28日至7月16日)(A/76/17),附件三。 另见Christian Tomuschat and Marcelo Kohen (eds.), Flexibility in International Dispute Settlement: Conciliation Revisited, (Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2020), pp. 25 et seq。 |
General Assembly resolution 67/1, para. 13 (“We are convinced that the independence of the judicial system, together with its impartiality and integrity, is an essential prerequisite for upholding the rule of law and ensuring that there is no discrimination in the administration of justice.”); |
联大第67/1号决议,第13段(“我们深信,司法制度的独立,还有司法制度的公正和廉正,是维护法治的必要先决条件,也是确保司法工作不歧视的必要先决条件。 |
Application for Review of Judgment No. 158 of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1973, p. 166, para. 92 (identifying “the right to an independent and impartial tribunal established by law” as an element of the right to a “fair hearing”); |
申请复核联合国行政法庭第158号判决,咨询意见,《1973年国际法院案例汇编》,第166页,第92段(明确“由依法设立的独立和公正的法庭审理的权利”是“公正审讯”权的一项要素); |
Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, document E/CN.4/2003/65, annex, adopted by the Judicial Group on Strengthening Judicial Integrity, The Hague, 25–26 November 2001, recognized by the Economic and Social Council as a further development and as complementary to the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary in its resolution 2006/23 on strengthening basic principles of judicial conduct (E/2006/99(SUPP)), para. 2 (“WHEREAS a competent, independent and impartial judiciary is likewise essential if the courts are to fulfil their role in upholding constitutionalism and the rule of law”, Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, fifth preambular paragraph); |
《班加罗尔司法行为原则》,E/CN.4/2003/65号文件,附件,2001年11月25日至26日在海牙由加强司法廉正工作组通过,经济及社会理事会在其关于加强司法行为基本原则的第2006/23号决议中确认这是对《关于司法机关独立的基本原则》的进一步发展和补充(E/2006/99(SUPP)),第2段(“鉴于在法院履行拥护宪法及法治的责任方面,具司法管辖权、独立及公正无私的司法机关亦同样重要”,《班加罗尔司法行为原则》,序言部分第5段); |
Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, Value 1 (“Judicial independence is a pre-requisite to the rule of law”). |
《班加罗尔司法行为原则》,准则一(“司法独立乃法治之先决条件”)。 |
See also Hélène Ruiz-Fabri and Jean-Marc Sorel (eds.), Indépendance et impartialité des juges internationaux (Paris, Pedone, 2010); |
另见Hélène Ruiz-Fabri and Jean-Marc Sorel (eds.), Indépendance et impartialité des juges internationaux (Paris, Pedone, 2010); |
Giuditta Cordero-Moss (ed.), Independence and Impartiality of International Adjudicators (Cambridge, Intersentia, 2023). |
Giuditta Cordero-Moss (ed.), Independence and Impartiality of International Adjudicators (Cambridge, Intersentia, 2023)。 |
See, e.g., Code of Conduct for the Judges of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal and the United Nations Appeals Tribunal, 2011, General Assembly resolution 66/106 of 9 December 2011,paras. 1–2; |
例如见《联合国争议法庭和联合国上诉法庭法官行为守则》,2011年,联大2011年12月9日第66/106号决议,第1至第2段; |
UNCITRAL, Draft code of conduct for arbitrators in international investment dispute resolution and commentary (A/CN.9/1148), sect. II. C., text of the draft commentary, para. 19. |
贸易法委员会,“国际投资争端解决仲裁员行为守则草案及评注”(A/CN.9/1148),第二.C节,评注草案案文,第19段。 |
See, e.g., arts. 2 and 20, Statute of the International Court of Justice (respectively, “The Court shall be composed of a body of independent judges” and “Every member of the Court shall, before taking up [their] duties, make a solemn declaration in open court that [they] will exercise [their] powers impartially and conscientiously”); |
例如见《国际法院规约》第二条和第二十条(分别为“法院以独立法官若干人组织之”和“法官于就职前应在公开法庭郑重宣言本人必当秉公竭诚行使职权”); |
art. 2, para. 1, Statute of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (“The Tribunal shall be composed of a body of 21 independent members”); |
《国际海洋法法庭规约》第2条第1款(“法庭应由独立法官二十一人组成”); |
art. 21, para. 4, European Convention on Human Rights (“During their term of office the judges shall not engage in any activity which is incompatible with their independence, impartiality or with the demands of a full-time office”); |
《保护人权与基本自由公约》第21条第4款(“法官在任期内不得从事任何与其独立性、公正性或全职工作要求不符的活动”); |
art. 17, Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Establishment of an African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Ouagadougou, 10 June 1998), available on the website of the African Commission: https://au.int/ (under “Treaties”) (“The independence of the judges shall be fully ensured in accordance with international law”); |
《关于建立非洲人权和民族权法院的〈非洲人权和民族权宪章〉议定书》(1998年6月10日,瓦加杜古)第17条,可查阅非洲委员会网站:https://au.int/ (“Treaties”栏目)(“应以符合国际法的方式充分确保法官的独立性。 |
art. 71, American Convention on Human Rights (San José, 22 November 1969), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1144, No. 17955, p. 144 (“The position of judge of the Court or member of the Commission is incompatible with any other activity that might affect the independence or impartiality of such judge or member, as determined in the respective statutes”); |
《美洲人权公约》(1969年11月22日,圣何塞),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1144卷,第17955号,第114页,第71条(“法院的法官或委员会成员的地位,正如各自章程中所规定的那样,同可能影响该法官或该成员的独立性或公正性的任何其他活动都是不相容的”); |
art. 6, para. 7, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (2010) and art. 6, para. 3, Permanent Court of Arbitration, Arbitration Rules (17 December 2012) (referring to an “independent and impartial arbitrator”); |
《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》(2010年)第6条第7款,常设仲裁法院,《仲裁规则》(2012年12月17日)第6条第3款(“独立和公正的仲裁员”); |
art. 18, para. 1, Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (1 January 2017) (“Every arbitrator must be impartial and independent”). |
斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院仲裁规则(2017年1月1日)第18条第1款(“每个仲裁员必须公正和独立”)。 |
See, e.g., Burgh House Principles on the Independence of the International Judiciary, adopted in 2004 by the International Law Association Study Group on the Practice and Procedure of International Courts and Tribunals, in association with the Project on International Courts and Tribunals; |
例如见2004年由国际法协会国际性法院和法庭惯例和程序研究组与国际性法院和法庭项目联合通过的《关于国际司法机构独立性的博格房原则》; |
Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct; |
《班加罗尔司法行为原则》; |
International Bar Association, Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration (adopted by resolution of the Council of the International Bar Association on 23 October 2014); |
国际律师协会,《国际仲裁利益冲突指引》(2014年10月23日国际律师协会理事会决议通过); |
UNCITRAL, Draft code of conduct for arbitrators in international investment dispute resolution and commentary. |
贸易法委员会,“国际投资争端解决仲裁员行为守则草案及评注”。 |
See, e.g., Article 16–17, Statute of the International Court of Justice. |
例如见《国际法院规约》第十六至第十七条。 |
See, e.g., rule 4, para. 1, European Court of Human Rights, Rules of Court. |
例如见欧洲人权法院,《法院规则》第4条第1款。 |
Available from https://prd-echr.coe.int/web/echr/rules-of-court. |
可查阅https://prd-echr.coe.int/web/echr/rules-of-court。 |
See, e.g., values 3, 4 and 6, Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct. |
例如见《班加罗尔司法行为原则》准则三、四和六。 |
See Arman Sarvarian and others (eds.), Procedural Fairness in International Courts and Tribunals (London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2015), pp. 108–109; |
见Arman Sarvarian and others (eds.), Procedural Fairness in International Courts and Tribunals (London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2015), pp. 108–109; |
Clooney and Webb, The Right to a Fair Trial in International Law. |
Clooney and Webb, The Right to a Fair Trial in International Law。 |
Institute of International Law, resolution on the equality of parties before international investment tribunals, Yearbook, vol. 80 (2018–2019), Session of The Hague (2019), pp. 1–11 (referring in the preamble to “the principle of equality of the parties [as] a fundamental element of the rule of law that ensures a fair system of adjudication”); |
国际法学会,关于国际投资法庭面前各方平等的决议,《年鉴》,第80卷(2018-2019年),海牙会议(2019年),第1至第11页(序言部分“各方平等的原则是法治的基本要素,可确保一个公正的裁决制度”); |
European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), Report on the rule of law, document CDL-AD(2011)003rev, 4 April 2011, para. 60 (“The rights most obviously connected to the rule of law include … (3) the right to be heard”). |
通过法律实现民主欧洲委员会(威尼斯委员会),《关于法治的报告》,CDL-AD(2011)003rev号文件,2011年4月4日,第60段(“与法治最明显相关的权利包括……(3) 被听取意见的权利”)。 |
Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the I.L.O. upon complaints made against the U.N.E.S.C.O., Advisory Opinion of 23 October 1956, I.C.J. Reports 1956, p. 77, at p. 85; |
国际劳工组织行政法庭就针对教科文组织的指控所作出的判决,1956年10月23日咨询意见,《1956年国际法院案例汇编》,第77页,见第85页; |
Application for Review of Judgment No. 158 of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal (see footnote 65 above); |
申请复核联合国行政法庭第158号判决(见上文脚注65); |
Judgment No. 2867 of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization upon a Complaint Filed against the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2012, p. 10, at para. 47. |
国际劳工组织行政法庭就针对国际农业发展基金提出的指控所作第2867号判决,咨询意见,《2012年国际法院案例汇编》,第10页,第47段。 |
Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the I.L.O. upon complaints made against the U.N.E.S.C.O. (see footnote 74 above), p. 86. |
国际劳工组织行政法庭就针对教科文组织的指控所作出的判决(见上文脚注74),第86页。 |
Application for Review of Judgment No. 158 of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, (see footnote 65 above), para. 92. |
申请复核联合国行政法庭第158号判决(见上文脚注65),第92段。 |
Judgment No. 2867 of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization upon a Complaint Filed against the International Fund for Agricultural Development, (see footnote 74 above), para. 30. |
国际劳工组织行政法庭就针对国际农业发展基金提出的指控所作第2867号判决(见上文脚注74),第30段。 |
General Assembly resolution 67/1, para. 14. |
联大第67/1号决议,第14段。 |
See also European Court of Human Rights, Golder v. United Kingdom, No. 4451/70, 21 February 1975, Series A no. 18, para. 36; |
另见European Court of Human Rights, Golder v. United Kingdom, No. 4451/70, 21 February 1975, Series A no. 18, para. 36; |
Waite and Kennedy v. Germany [GC], No. 26083/94, 18 February 1999, para. 50. |
Waite and Kennedy v. Germany [GC], No. 26083/94, 18 February 1999, para. 50. |
See also Francesco Francioni, “The rights of access to justice under customary international law”, in Francesco Francioni (ed.), Access to Justice as a Human Right (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. 1–55, at p. 3; |
另见Francesco Francioni, “The rights of access to justice under customary international law”, in Francesco Francioni (ed.), Access to Justice as a Human Right (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. 1-55, at p. 3; |
Tom Bingham, The Rule of Law (London, Penguin, 2010), p. 85. |
Tom Bingham, The Rule of Law (London, Penguin, 2010), p. 85。 |
At its 3583rd meeting, on 17 May 2022. |
2022年5月17日第3583次会议。 |
The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its seventy-second session (2021), on the basis of the proposal contained in an annex to the report of the Commission to that session (Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/76/10), annex). |
根据委员会第七十二届会议(2021年)报告附件(《大会正式记录,第七十六届会议,补编第10号》(A/76/10),附件)所载的建议,委员会第七十二届会议已将本专题列入委员会的长期工作方案。 |
At its 3612th meeting, on 5 August 2022. |
2022年8月5日第3612次会议。 |
A/CN.4/760. |
A/CN.4/760. |
A/CN.4/759. |
A/CN.4/759. |
A/CN.4/L.985/Add.1. |
A/CN.4/L.985/Add.1. |
See para. (4) of the commentary to draft conclusion 2, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), para. 126, at p. 81. |
见决定草案2评注第(4)段,《大会正式记录,第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第126段,见第81页。 |
See paras. (6)–(7), ibid., pp. 81–82 (note that the reference to courts and tribunals would also encompass regional judicial bodies, such as the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the Caribbean Court of Justice, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States, the East African Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter–American Court of Human Rights). |
见第(6)-(7)段,同上,第81-82页(其中指出,所提及的法院和法庭还包括区域司法机构,如非洲人权和民族权法院、加勒比法院、欧洲联盟法院、西非国家经济共同体法院、东非法院、欧洲人权法院和美洲人权法院)。 |
See para. (5) of the commentary to conclusion 13 of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, Yearbook … 2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 66, at p. 109 (“the term ‘decisions’ includes judgments and advisory opinions, as well as orders on procedural and interlocutory matters”). |
见关于习惯国际法的识别的结论,结论13评注第(5)段,《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第66段,见第109页(“‘判决’一词包括判决和咨询意见以及关于程序事项和中间事宜的指示”)。 |
Para. (4) of the commentary to conclusion 13 of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, Yearbook … 2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 66, at p. 109. |
关于习惯国际法的识别的结论,结论13评注第(4)段,《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第66段,见第109页。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
There is a burgeoning number of international courts and tribunals. |
国际性法院和法庭的数量正在迅速增加。 |
For example, while studies show that around 1989 there were only six permanent international courts, over a dozen such bodies that had issued over 37,000 rulings existed as of 2014. |
例如,虽然研究表明,1989年前后只有六个常设国际法院,但截至2014年,有十多个此类机构发布了37,000多项裁决。 |
See, in this regard, Karen J. Alter, The New Terrain of International Law: Courts, Politics, Rights (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2014). |
在这方面,见Karen J. Alter, The New Terrain of International Law: Courts, Politics, Rights (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2014)。 |
Yearbook … 2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 65. |
《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第65段。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), para. 43. |
《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第43段。 |
Ibid., Seventy-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), para. 40. |
同上,《第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第40段。 |
See memorandum by the Secretariat on subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law: elements in the previous work of the International Law Commission that could be particularly relevant to the topic (A/CN.4/759), para. 219. |
见秘书处关于确定国际法规则的辅助手段的备忘录:国际法委员会以往工作中可能与该专题特别相关的内容(A/CN.4/759),第219段。 |
See Charter of the United Nations, Article 92: “The International Court of Justice shall be the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. |
见《联合国宪章》第九十二条:“国际法院为联合国之主要司法机关,应依所附规约执行其职务。 |
It shall function in accordance with the annexed Statute, which is based upon the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice and forms an integral part of the present Charter.” |
该项规约系以国际常设法院之规约为根据并为本宪章之构成部分。 |
See Charter of the United Nations, Article 93, paragraph 1: “All Members of the United Nations are ipso facto parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice.” |
见《联合国宪章》第九十三条第一款:“联合国各会员国为国际法院规约之当然当事国。 |
For example, see United States of America, “The United States and the ‘World Court’”, Congressional Research Service, 17 October 2018, CRS Report No. LSB10206, available from https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10206 (noting that the International Court of Justice is “commonly called the ‘World Court’”). |
例如见美利坚合众国,“The United States and the ‘World Court’”, Congressional Research Service, 17 October 2018, CRS Report No. LSB10206, 可查阅https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10206 (指出国际法院“通常被称为‘世界法院’”)。 |
See, for example, Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas Establishing the Caribbean Community including the CARICOM [Caribbean Community] Single Market and Economy (Nassau, 5 July 2001), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2259, No. 40269, p. 403, art. 211 and 212 (noting the court has jurisdiction to resolve contentious disputes between member States and to issue advisory opinions); |
例如,见《经修订的关于建立加勒比共同体包括加共体单一市场和经济体的查瓜拉马斯条约》(2001年7月5日,拿骚),联合国,《条约汇编》,第2259卷,第40269号,第403页,第211和第212条(指出法院有权解决成员国之间有争议的争端并发表咨询意见); |
Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community (Arusha, 30 November 1999), ibid., vol. 2144, No. 37437, p. 255, art. 32, subpara. (b) (the East African Court of Justice has jurisdiction over disputes “[a]rising from a dispute between the Partner States regarding [the] Treaty if the dispute is submitted to it under a special agreement between the Partner States concerned”); |
《建立东非共同体条约》(1999年11月30日,阿鲁沙),同上,第2144卷,第37437号,第255页,第32条(b)项(东非法院对“因伙伴国之间关于本条约的争端而产生的、根据有关伙伴国之间的特别协定提交法院审理的争端”具有管辖权); |
Statute of the Central American Court of Justice (Panama City, 10 December 1992), ibid., vol. 1821, No. 31191, p. 291, art. 22, subpara. (a) (“The Court’s competence includes the following: … To hear, at the request of the Member States, the controversies that arise among them”); |
《中美洲法院规约》(1992年12月10日,巴拿马城),同上,第1821卷,第31191号,第291页,第22条(a)项(“法院的权限如下:……应成员国的请求,审理成员国之间发生的争端”); |
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (European Convention on Human Rights) (Rome, 4 November 1950), ibid., vol. 213, No. 2889, p. 221, as revised, art. 33 (referring to inter-State cases heard before the European Court of Human Rights: “Any High Contracting Party may refer to the court any alleged breach of the provisions of the Convention and the protocols thereto another High Contracting Party”). |
《保护人权与基本自由公约》(《欧洲人权公约》)(1950年11月4日,罗马),同上,第213卷,第2889号,第221页,修订版,第33条(提及欧洲人权法院审理的国家间案件:“任何缔约方可以向法院提交声称另一个缔约方违反了公约和议定书规定的案件”)。 |
See Charter of the United Nations, Article 94, paragraph 1: “Each Member of the United Nations undertakes to comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice in any case to which it is a party.” |
见《联合国宪章》第九十四条第一款:“联合国每一会员国为任何案件之当事国者,承诺遵行国际法院之判决。 |
The United Kingdom requested the Security Council to call upon Iran to act in conformity with provisional measures that the International Court of Justice indicated in the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. case. |
联合王国请安全理事会呼吁伊朗根据国际法院在英伊石油公司案中指示的临时措施采取行动。 |
For a discussion of the debate, see https://legal.un.org/repertory/art94/english/rep_orig_vol5_art94.pdf. |
对有关辩论的讨论,见https://legal.un.org/repertory/art94/english/rep_orig_vol5_art94.pdf。 |
The Court addressed the effect and the force of its judgment under Article 94 of the Charter of the United Nations in Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1982, p. 18, at para. 29. |
国际法院论述了其根据《联合国宪章》第九十四条在大陆架案(突尼斯/阿拉伯利比亚民众国)中作出的判决的效果和效力,判决,《1982年国际法院案例汇编》,第18页起,见第29段。 |
Similarly, Article 94 was relevant in: Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, I.C.J. Reports 1986, p. 14, at para. 178; |
同样,第九十四条在以下案件中也具有相关性:尼加拉瓜境内和针对尼加拉瓜的军事和准军事活动案(尼加拉瓜诉美利坚合众国),实质问题,《1986年国际法院案例汇编》,第14页,见第178段; |
LaGrand Case (Germany v. the United States of America), I.C.J. Reports 2001, p. 466; |
拉格朗案(德国诉美利坚合众国),《2001年国际法院案例汇编》,第466页; |
Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 31 March 2004 in the Case concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America) (Mexico v. United States of America), Provisional Measures, Order of 16 July 2008, I.C.J. Reports 2008, p. 311; |
关于2004年3月31日对“阿韦纳和其他墨西哥国民案(墨西哥诉美利坚合众国)”所作判决的解释请求(墨西哥诉美利坚合众国),临时措施,2008年7月16日命令,《2008年国际法院案例汇编》,第311页; |
Case concerning the Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador v. Honduras: Nicaragua intervening), Judgment, 11 September 1992, I.C.J. Reports 1992, p. 350; |
陆地、岛屿和海洋边界争端案(萨尔瓦多诉洪都拉斯:尼加拉瓜参加诉讼),1992年9月11日判决,《1992年国际法院案例汇编》,第350页; |
and Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 303. |
以及喀麦隆和尼日利亚间陆地和海洋疆界案(喀麦隆诉尼日利亚:赤道几内亚参加诉讼),判决,《2002年国际法院案例汇编》,第303页。 |
A/78/10, para. 126. |
A/78/10, 第126段。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
The International Court of Justice explained this in Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1984, p. 246, at para. 79 (“the association of the terms ‘rules’ and ‘principles’ is no more than the use of a dual expression to convey one and the same idea, since in this context, ‘principles’ clearly means principles of law, that is, it also includes rules of international law in whose case the use of the term ‘principles’ may be justified because of their more general and more fundamental character”). |
国际法院在缅因湾地区海洋边界划界案中对此作了解释,《1984年国际法院案例汇编》,第246页,见第79段(“将‘规则’和‘原则’这两个词连在一起,只是在用双重表述来表达同一个意思,因为在此处,‘原则’显然指法律原则,换言之,它也包括国际法规则,在此情况下,使用‘原则’一词也许是合理的,因为原则更具一般性和根本性”)。 |
European Court of Human Rights: Soering v. the United Kingdom, 7 July 1989, Series A No. 161; |
European Court of Human Rights: Soering v. the United Kingdom, 7 July 1989, Series A No. 161; |
Cruz Varas and Others v. Sweden, 20 March 1991, Series A No. 201; |
Cruz Varas and Others v. Sweden, 20 March 1991, Series A No. 201; |
and Chahal v. the United Kingdom, 15 November 1996, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996-V. |
and Chahal v. the United Kingdom, 15 November 1996, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996-V. |
Para. (3) of the commentary to draft conclusion 9 of the draft conclusions on identification and legal consequences of peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens), A/77/10, para. 44. |
见关于一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)的识别和法律后果的结论草案,结论草案9评注第(3)段,A/77/10, 第44段。 |
See International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Prosecutor v. Anto Furundžija, Case No. IT-95-17/1-T, Judgment, 10 December 1998, Trial Chamber, Judicial Reports 1998, vol. 1, p. 467, at p. 569, paras. 153–154. |
见International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Prosecutor v. Anto Furundžija, Case No. IT-95-17/1-T, Judgment, 10 December 1998, Trial Chamber, Judicial Reports 1998, vol. 1, p. 467, at p. 569, paras. 153–154。 |
The European Court of Human Rights later relied on this interpretation in Al-Adsani v. the United Kingdom [Grand Chamber (GC)], No. 35763/97, ECHR 2001-XI, para. 30. |
欧洲人权法院后来在下述案件中依据了这一解释:Al-Adsani v. the United Kingdom [Grand Chamber (GC)], No. 35763/97, ECHR 2001-XI, para. |
30。 |
See also Inter–American Court of Human Rights, Goiburú et al. v. Paraguay, Judgment (Merits, Reparations and Costs), 22 September 2006, Series C, No. 153, para. 128, and Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Michael Domingues v. United States, Case 12.285, Merits, 22 October 2002, Report No. 62/02, para. 49. |
另见Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Goiburú et al. v. Paraguay, Judgment (Merits, Reparations and Costs), 22 September 2006, Series C, No. 153, para. 128, 以及Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Michael Domingues v. United States, Case 12.285, Merits, 22 October 2002, Report No. 62/02, para. 49。 |
See para. (6) of the commentary to conclusion 13 of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, Yearbook …2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 66, at pp. 109–110. |
见关于习惯国际法的识别的结论,结论13评注第(6)段,《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第66段,见第109-110页。 |
There are several types of such tribunals that are hybrid to varying degrees. |
这些法庭有若干类型,其混合程度各不相同。 |
Some of the “hybrid courts” form part of or operate within a national legal system, while others operate as independent institutions with their own distinct legal personality under international law. |
有些“混合法院”是国内法律制度的一部分或在国内法律制度内运作,另一些则作为独立机构运作,根据国际法具有自己独特的法律人格。 |
Often discussed in terms of the legal basis for their establishment and whether they have mixed composition in terms of staff or apply international or national law, at least three broad categories can be identified. |
通常从其设立的法律依据,以及其人员组成是否混合,或者适用国际法还是国内法等方面来讨论,至少可以确定三大类。 |
First, courts established through a treaty between either a State or an international or regional organization. |
第一类是通过国家或国际或区域组织之间的条约设立的法院。 |
Second, tribunals established by an international transitional administration charged with administering a country in transition. |
第二类是由负责管理过渡期国家的国际过渡行政当局设立的法庭。 |
Third, courts established by States under their national law with some level of international, including technical and funding, support. |
第三类是各国根据国内法设立并得到一定程度的国际支持,包括技术和资金支持的法院。 |
The Extraordinary African Chambers within the Senegalese judicial system and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia are examples of the former. |
塞内加尔司法系统内的非洲特别法庭和柬埔寨法院特别法庭就是前者的例子。 |
The Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon were created through bilateral treaties between the United Nations, on the one part, and, on the other part, the Governments of Sierra Leone and Lebanon, respectively. |
塞拉利昂问题特别法庭和黎巴嫩问题特别法庭是分别是根据联合国与塞拉利昂政府和黎巴嫩政府之间的双边条约设立的。 |
Other “hybrid” tribunals were established by international administrations such as the Special Panels for Serious Crimes in East Timor and the War Crimes Chamber in Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
国际行政当局设立的其他“混合”法庭如东帝汶重罪特别审判小组和波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那战争罪分庭。 |
Yet more examples are the internationally assisted national accountability efforts, such as those of the International Crimes Division of the High Court of Uganda, the War Crimes Chamber of the Belgrade District Court in Serbia supported by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic. |
还有更多的例子是国际协助下的国内问责努力,如乌干达高等法院国际罪行分庭、欧洲安全与合作组织支持的塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德地区法院战争罪分庭,以及中非共和国特别刑事法院等。 |
For more on hybrid courts, see: Sarah Williams, Hybrid and Internationalized Criminal Tribunals: Selected Jurisdictional Issues (Oxford, Bloomsbury, 2012); |
有关混合法院的更多信息,见Sarah Williams, Hybrid and Internationalized Criminal Tribunals: Selected Jurisdictional Issues (Oxford, Bloomsbury, 2012); |
Laura A. Dickinson, “The promise of hybrid courts”, American Journal of International Law, vol. 97 (2003), pp. 295-310; |
Laura A. Dickinson, “The promise of hybrid courts”, American Journal of International Law, vol. 97 (2003), pp. 295-310; |
Cesare P.R. Romano, André Nollkaemper and Jann K. Kleffner (eds.), Internationalized Criminal Courts: Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo, and Cambodia (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004); |
Cesare P.R. Romano, André Nollkaemper and Jann K. Kleffner (eds.), Internationalized Criminal Courts: Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo, and Cambodia (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004); |
Chiara Ragni, I Tribunali penali internazionalizzati. |
Chiara Ragni, I Tribunali penali internazionalizzati. |
Fondamento, giurisdizione, diritto applicabile (Milan, Giuffrè Editore, 2012); |
Fondamento, giurisdizione, diritto applicabile (Milan, Giuffrè Editore, 2012); |
Hervé Ascensio et al. (eds.), Les juridictions pénales internationalisées (Cambodge, Sierra Leone, Timor Leste) (Paris, Société de Législation Comparée, 2006); |
Hervé Ascensio et al. (eds.), Les juridictions pénales internationalisées (Cambodge, Sierra Leone, Timor Leste) (Paris, Société de Législation Comparée, 2006); |
Anne-Charlotte Martineau, Les juridictions pénales internationalisées – Un nouveau modèle de justice hybride ? |
Anne-Charlotte Martineau, Les juridictions pénales internationalisées – Un nouveau modèle de justice hybride ? |
(Paris, Pedone, 2007). |
(Paris, Pedone, 2007). |
On decisions of national courts as a subsidiary means for the determination of rules of customary international law see, for example, United Kingdom, Supreme Court, Mohammed and others v. Ministry of Defence, [2017] UKSC 2 (17 January 2017), paras. 149–151 (Lord Mance). |
关于国内法院的决定作为确定习惯国际法规则的辅助手段,例如见United Kingdom, Supreme Court, Mohammed and others v. Ministry of Defence, [2017] UKSC 2 (17 January 2017), paras. 149–151 (Lord Mance)。 |
Yearbook … 2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 65. |
《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第65段。 |
A/78/10, para. 40. |
A/78/10, 第40段。 |
A/77/10, para. 43. |
A/77/10, 第43段。 |
See para. (7) of the commentary to conclusion 13 of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, Yearbook …2018, vol. II (Part Two), p. 110. |
见关于习惯国际法的识别的结论,结论13评注第(7)段,《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第110页。 |
See James Thuo Gathii, “Promise of international law: a third world view (including a TWAIL bibliography 1996–2019 as an appendix)”, American Society of International Law Proceedings, vol. 114 (2020), pp. 165–187. |
见James Thuo Gathii, “Promise of international law: a third world view (including a TWAIL bibliography 1996–2019 as an appendix)”, American Society of International Law Proceedings, vol. 114 (2020), pp. 165–187。 |
In its prior work, the Commission has determined that “teachings” are “to be understood in a broad sense”. |
委员会在其以前的工作中已确定,“学说”应“从广义上理解”。 |
It also considered that the category would include “teachings in non-written form, such as lectures and audiovisual materials”. |
委员会还认为,这一类别包括“非书面形式的学说,如讲座和视听材料”。 |
See para. (1) of the commentary to conclusion 14 of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, Yearbook … 2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 66, at p. 110. |
见关于习惯国际法的识别的结论,结论14评注第(1)段,《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第66段,见第110页。 |
The inclusion of teachings produced by individuals as well as collectives whether created privately or by States or international organizations is consistent with the prior work of the Commission. |
将个人以及集体提出的学说包括在内,无论这些集体是私人创立的还是由国家或国际组织创立的,与委员会以前的工作相一致。 |
See, inter alia, para. (4), ibid. |
除其他外,见第(4)段,同上。 |
Examples of these private bodies include “the Institute of International Law (Institut de droit international) and the International Law Association” (see para. (5) of the commentary to draft conclusion 9 of the draft conclusions on general principles of law, as adopted on first reading, A/78/10, para. 41, at p. 28), and the Harvard Research in International Law. |
这些私人机构的例子包括“国际法学会(Institut de droit international)和国际法协会”(见一读通过的一般法律原则结论草案的结论草案9的评注第(5)段,A/78/10, 第41段,见第28页)和哈佛国际法研究部。 |
That said, in the context of the present topic, the Commission has indicated that it will revisit this issue. |
尽管如此,就本专题而言,委员会表示将重新讨论这一问题。 |
See draft conclusion 14, ibid., and para. 2 of draft conclusion 9 of the draft conclusions on identification and legal consequences of peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens), A/77/10, para. 44, at p. 43. |
见结论草案14, 同上; 以及关于一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)的识别和法律后果的结论草案,结论草案9评注第(2)段,A/77/10, 第44段,见第43页。 |
Yearbook … 2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 65. |
《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第65段。 |
A/78/10, para. 40. |
A/78/10, 第40段。 |
A/77/10, para. 43. |
A/77/10, 第43段。 |
See, in this regard, the statements by Uganda and Sierra Leone to the Sixth Committee at the seventy-eighth session of the General Assembly during the debate on the report of the Commission. |
在这方面,见乌干达和塞拉利昂在联大第七十八届会议第六委员会对国际法委员会报告进行辩论期间所作的发言。 |
Available from https://www.un.org/en/ga/sixth/78/summaries.shtml. |
可查阅https://www.un.org/en/ga/sixth/78/summaries.shtml。 |
See, for instance, article 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which, inter alia, provides for State recognition of the rights recognized in the Covenant for all individuals, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language or religion, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (New York, 16 December 1966), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, No. 14668, p. 171. |
例如,见《公民及政治权利国际公约》第二条,除其他外,该条规定,国家承认《公约》所承认的所有个人的权利,不因种族、肤色、性别、语言或宗教而有任何区别,(1966年12月16日,纽约),联合国,《条约汇编》,第999卷,第14668号,第171页。 |
See United Nations, Status of Multilateral Treaties, chap. IV.4. |
见联合国,《多边条约现况》,第四章第4节。 |
United States, Supreme Court, The Paquete Habana and The Lola, 175 U.S. 677 (1900), at p. 700. |
United States, Supreme Court, The Paquete Habana and The Lola, 175 U.S. 677 (1900), at p. 700. |
Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and others v. Southern African Litigation Centre and others, 2016 (3) SA 317 (SCA) (15 March 2016). |
Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and others v. Southern African Litigation Centre and others, 2016 (3) SA 317 (SCA) (15 March 2016). |
Ibid., para. 69. |
同上,第69段。 |
Ibid., para. 70. |
同上,第70段。 |
Ibid., para. 74. |
同上,第74段。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
See second report on subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/769), paras. 64–126. |
见特别报告员关于确定国际法规则的辅助手段的第二次报告(A/CN.4/769),第64-126段。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
See para. (6) of the commentary to draft conclusion 1, A/78/10, para. 126, at p. 77 (“[subsidiary means] are used to assist or to aid in determining whether or not rules of international law exist and, if so, the content of such rules”). |
见结论草案1的评注第(6)段,A/78/10, 第126段,见第77页(“[辅助手段]被用于协助或帮助确定国际法律规则是否存在,如果存在,这些规则的内容如何”)。 |
See also A/CN.4/769, para. 21 (there was consensus among the members of the Commission during the first plenary debate on the topic of subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law that subsidiary means “play an important assistive role in the process of determining the existence and content of rules of international law”). |
另见A/CN.4/769, 第21段(委员会委员在关于确定国际法规则的辅助手段专题的第一次全体辩论中达成共识,认为辅助手段“在确定国际法规则的存在及内容的过程中发挥了重要的协助作用”)。 |
See first report on subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law by the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/760), para. 286. |
见特别报告员关于确定国际法规则的辅助手段的第一次报告(A/CN.4/760),第286段。 |
See also para. (1) of the commentary to conclusion 13 of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, Yearbook … 2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 66, at p. 109 (“decisions of national courts may serve a dual role in the identification of customary international law. |
另见关于习惯国际法的识别的结论,结论13的评注第(1)段,《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第66段,见第109页(“各国法院的判决在识别习惯国际法方面可发挥双重作用。 |
On the one hand, as draft conclusions 6 and 10 indicate, they may serve as practice as well as evidence of acceptance as law (opinio juris) of the forum State. |
一方面,正如上文结论草案6和10所指出的那样,它们可作为法院地国的惯例及被接受为法律(法律确信)的证据。 |
Draft conclusion 13, on the other hand, indicates that such decisions may also serve as a subsidiary means (moyen auxiliaire) for the determination of rules of customary international law when they themselves examine the existence and content of such rules.”). |
另一方面,结论草案13指出,当这类判决本身对习惯国际法规则的存在及内容作了审查时,它们也可用作确定习惯国际法规则的辅助手段”)。 |
See para. (5) of the commentary to draft conclusion 5 of the draft conclusions on general principles of international law, A/78/10, para. 41, at pp. 19–20. |
见关于一般法律原则的结论草案,结论草案5的评注第(5)段,A/78/10, 第41段,见第19-20页。 |
See para. (6) of the commentary to draft conclusion 9 of the draft conclusions on identification and legal consequences of peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens), A/77/10, para. 44, at p. 45. |
见关于一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)的识别和法律后果的结论草案,结论草案9的评注第(6)段,A/77/10, 第44段,见第45页。 |
Para. (18) of the commentary to draft conclusion 2, A/78/10, para. 126, at p. 84 (“The Commission has left the third category open in order not to foreclose the possibility of other subsidiary means, which may not be in widespread use now or that are in use but left out of the work on the present topic, from being covered by the present draft conclusions as the work develops”). |
结论草案2的评注第(18)段,A/78/10, 第126段,见第84页(“委员会维持第三类的开放性,是为了保留随着工作的推进本结论草案涵盖其他辅助手段的可能性,这些辅助手段现在可能尚未广泛使用,或已经在使用但被关于本专题的工作遗漏”)。 |
For example, see International Court of Justice, Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria, Preliminary Objections, I.C.J. Reports 1998, p. 275, at para. 28; |
例如,见国际法院,喀麦隆与尼日利亚间陆地和海洋疆界案,初步反对意见,《1998年国际法院案例汇编》,第275页,第28段; |
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA v. Republic of the Philippines, ICSID Case No ARB/02/6, Decision on objections to jurisdiction, 29 January 2004, para. 97; |
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA v. Republic of the Philippines, ICSID Case No ARB/02/6, Decision on objections to jurisdiction, 29 January 2004, para. 97; |
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Prosecutor v. Zoran Kupreškić et al., Case No. IT-95-16-T, Judgment, 14 January 2000, Trial Chamber, para. 540 (“generally speaking, and subject to the binding force of decisions of the Tribunal’s Appeals Chamber upon the Trial Chambers, the International Tribunal cannot uphold the doctrine of binding precedent (stare decisis) adhered to in common law countries” (emphasis added)). |
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Prosecutor v. Zoran Kupreškić et al., Case No. IT-95-16-T, Judgment, 14 January 2000, Trial Chamber, para. 540 (“一般而言,鉴于上诉分庭的决定对审判分庭具有约束力,国际法庭不能遵循普通法国家所遵循的具有约束力的先例(遵循先例)原则”)(强调是后加的)。 |
See also Institute of International Law, Resolution adopted on 1 September 2023 (Angers Session) on precedents and case law (jurisprudence) in interstate litigation and advisory proceedings, para. 3: “A precedent or case law (jurisprudence) may be used in support of a judicial pronouncement if they concern legal issues comparable to the case at hand”. |
另见Institute of International Law, Resolution adopted on 1 September 2023 (Angers Session) on precedents and case law (jurisprudence) in interstate litigation and advisory proceedings, para. 3: “先例或判例如涉及与手头案件类似的法律问题,可用于支持司法判决”。 |
Available from www.idi-iil.org. |
可查阅www.idi-iil.org。 |
See Polish Postal Service in Danzig, Advisory Opinion, P.C.I.J., Series B, No. 11, p. 6, at pp. 29–30. |
见但泽波兰邮局案,咨询意见,《常设国际法院案例汇编》,B辑,第11号,第6页起,见第29-30页。 |
Readaptation of the Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions, P.C.I.J., Series A, 1927, No. 11, p. 4, at p. 18 (emphasis added). |
马夫罗马蒂斯在耶路撒冷特许权重新调整案,《1927年常设国际法院案例汇编》,A辑,第11号,第4页起,见第18页(强调是后加的)。 |
Land and Maritime Boundary …, Preliminary Objections (see footnote 135 above), para. 28. |
陆地和海洋疆界案,初步反对意见(见上文脚注135),第28段。 |
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, Bayindir Insaat Turizm Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.Ş. v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/29, Award, 27 August 2009, para. 145 (holding that the Centre’s tribunals “ought to follow solutions established in a series of consistent cases, comparable to the case at hand, but subject of course to the specifics of a given treaty and of the circumstances of the actual case”). |
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, Bayindir Insaat Turizm Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.Ş. v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/29, Award, 27 August 2009, para. 145 (认为该中心的法庭“应遵循在一系列与当前案件类似的一致案件中确立的解决办法,但当然要服从特定条约的具体规定和实际案件情况”)。 |
See also, for instance, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes: Suez, Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A., and Vivendi Universal S.A. v. the Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/19, and AWG Group v. the Argentine Republic, Decision on Liability, 30 July 2010, para. 189; |
例如另见International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes: Suez, Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A., and Vivendi Universal S.A. v. the Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/19, and AWG Group v. the Argentine Republic, Decision on Liability, 30 July 2010, para. 189; |
Metal-Tech Ltd. v. the Republic of Uzbekistan, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/3, Award, 4 October 2013, para. 116; |
Metal-Tech Ltd. v. the Republic of Uzbekistan, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/3, Award, 4 October 2013, para. 116; |
and Renée Rose Levy and Gremcitel S.A. v. Republic of Peru, Case No. ARB/11/17, Award, 9 January 2015, para. 76. |
and Renée Rose Levy and Gremcitel S.A. v. Republic of Peru, Case No. ARB/11/17, Award, 9 January 2015, para. 76。 |
On the other hand, some caution is warranted. |
另一方面,也需谨慎行事。 |
See, for example, Wolfgang Alschner, abstract for Chapter 6 of Investment Arbitration and State-Driven Reform: New Treaties, Old Outcomes (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022). |
例如见Wolfgang Alschner, abstract for Chapter 6 of Investment Arbitration and State-Driven Reform: New Treaties, Old Outcomes (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022)。 |
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Prosecutor v. Zlatko Aleksovski, No. IT–95-14/1-A, Judgment, 24 March 2000, Appeals Chamber, para. 110. |
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Prosecutor v. Zlatko Aleksovski, No. IT–95-14/1-A, Judgment, 24 March 2000, Appeals Chamber, para. 110. |
See also Permanent Court of International Justice, Case of the S.S. “Lotus”, Judgment, 7 September 1927, Series A, No. 10, p. 4, at p. 21; |
另见常设国际法院,“莲花号”案,1927年9月7日判决,A辑,第10号,第4页起,见第21页; |
International Court of Justice, Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2008, p. 412, at para. 105. |
国际法院,《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的适用(克罗地亚诉塞尔维亚)案,初步反对意见,判决,《2008年国际法院案例汇编》,第412页,第105段。 |
Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1970, p. 3, at para. 63. |
巴塞罗那电车、电灯及电力有限公司案,判决,《1970年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页,第63段。 |
For a more recent discussion, see also ADC Affiliate Limited and ADC & ADMC Management Limited v. the Republic of Hungary, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/16, Award, 2 October 2006, para. 293. |
关于最近的讨论,另见ADC Affiliate Limited and ADC & ADMC Management Limited v. the Republic of Hungary, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/16, Award, 2 October 2006, para. 293。 |
See, for example, the decision of the International Criminal Court where its Appeals Chamber held that it will not lightly depart from its previous decisions absent “convincing reasons” given “the need to ensure predictability of the law and the fairness of adjudication to foster public reliance on its decisions”, see Situation in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire in the Case of Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé, No. ICC-02/11-01/15 OA 6, Reasons for the “Decision on the ‘Request for the recognition of the right of victims authorized to participate in the case to automatically participate in any interlocutory appeal arising from the case and, in the alternative, application to participate in the interlocutory appeal against the ninth decision on Mr. Gbagbo’s detention (ICC-02/11-01/15-134-Red3)”, 31 July 2015, Appeals Chamber, para. 14. |
例如,见国际刑事法院的决定,其上诉分庭认为,鉴于“需要确保法律的可预测性和裁决的公正性,以促进公众对其决定的信任”,在没有“令人信服的理由”的情况下,它不会轻易偏离其先前的决定,见Situation in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire in the Case of Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé, No. ICC-02/11-01/15 OA 6,Reasons for the “Decision on the ‘Request for the recognition of the right of victims authorized to participate in the case to automatically participate in any interlocutory appeal arising from the case and, in the alternative, application to participate in the interlocutory appeal against the ninth decision on Mr. Gbagbo’s detention (ICC-02/11-01/15-134-Red3)”, 31 July 2015, Appeals Chamber, para. 14。 |
See, for example, Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2015, p. 3, at para. 389 (“The Court considers that there is no compelling reason in the present case for it to depart from that approach. |
例如,见《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的适用案(克罗地亚诉塞尔维亚),判决,《2015年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页,见第389段(“法院认为,在本案中,没有迫不得已的理由使其偏离这一做法。 |
It accordingly finds that it is unnecessary to proceed any further with its examination of Croatia’s allegations in order to establish the actus reus of genocide within the meaning of Article II (c) of the Convention”). |
因此,法院认为,没有必要为了确定《公约》第二条(丙)款意义上的灭绝种族犯罪行为的目的进一步审查克罗地亚的指控”)。 |
Article 20, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, which was adopted by the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone pursuant to a bilateral treaty, sought to limit the prospect of conflicting judicial decisions and the fragmentation of international criminal law, by providing that the judges of the Appeals Chamber of that tribunal “shall be guided by the decisions of the Appeals Chamber of the International Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda. |
联合国和塞拉利昂政府根据双边条约通过的《塞拉利昂问题特别法庭规约》第20条第3款旨在限制司法决定相互冲突和国际刑法不成体系的可能性,规定该法庭上诉分庭的法官“应以前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭和卢旺达问题国际法庭的决定为指导。 |
In the interpretation and application of the laws of Sierra Leone, they shall be guided by the decisions of the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone”. |
在解释和适用塞拉利昂法律时,应以塞拉利昂最高法院的决定为指导”。 |
The initial idea had been to avoid fragmentation of international criminal law by making the appeals court of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda the appellate court for the Special Court for Sierra Leone. |
最初的想法是,通过将前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭的上诉法院作为塞拉利昂问题特别法庭的上诉法院,从而避免国际刑法不成体系。 |
But, for reasons of practicality and the workload and drawdown strategy of the former courts, it was felt that the same goal would be achieved by binding the Special Court for Sierra Leone to following the rulings of the joint International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda appellate chambers. |
但是,出于实用性以及前两个法庭的工作量和缩编战略的原因,要求塞拉利昂问题特别法庭遵守前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭联合上诉分庭的裁决被认为也能实现同样的目的。 |
The Appeals Chamber of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, in interpreting the first part of that provision, took in the Norman case a more nuanced position that: |
塞拉利昂问题特别法庭上诉分庭对该规定的第一部分作出了解释,在Norman案采取了更微妙的立场,即: |
[w]ithout meaning to detract from the precedential or persuasive utility of decisions of the [International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda] and the [International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia], it must be emphasized, that the use of the formula “shall be guided by” in Article 20 of the Statute does not mandate a slavish and uncritical emulation, either precedentially or persuasively, of the principles and doctrines enunciated by our sister tribunals. |
在无意减损[卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭]和[前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭]决定的先例作用或说服作用的情况下,必须强调,在《规约》第20条中使用“应以……为指导”这一措辞并不意味着要不加批判地一味效仿我们姐妹法庭所阐述的原则和理论,无论是在先例方面还是在说服力方面。 |
The Appeals Chamber of the Special Court explained that the authority of another decision also turns on its persuasiveness, not just a formal statutory requirement, and further that, as the highest chamber in the Special Court’s two-level system, it was duty bound to ensure interpretations from those other courts would be consistent with its own specific context. |
特别法庭上诉分庭解释说,另一项决定的权威性也取决于其说服力,而不仅仅是正式的法定要求,并进一步解释说,作为特别法庭两级系统中的最高分庭,上诉分庭有义务确保其他法院的解释符合其自身的具体情况。 |
The Appeals Chamber also clarified that it supported, at the same time, the intention of its founders to maintain consistency and uniformity in the interpretation and application of international criminal law (Special Court for Sierra Leone, Prosecutor v. Samuel Hinga Norman, Case No. SCSL-2003-08-PT, Decision the Prosecutor’s motion for immediate protective measures for witnesses and victims and for non-public disclosure, 23 May 2003, Trial Chamber, para. 11). |
上诉分庭还澄清说,它同时支持其创建者的意图,即在解释和适用国际刑法时保持一致性和统一性(Special Court for Sierra Leone, Prosecutor v. Samuel Hinga Norman, Case No. SCSL-2003-08-PT, Decision the Prosecutor’s motion for immediate protective measures for witnesses and victims and for non-public disclosure, 23 May 2003, Trial Chamber, para. 11)。 |
See articles 61, second paragraph, and 62b of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union providing for the binding application of decisions including in relation to situations concerning a serious risk of the unity or consistency of Union law (available from https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2016-08/tra-doc-en-div-c-0000-2016-201606984-05_00.pdf; |
见《欧洲联盟法院规约》第61条第2款和第62b条,其中规定决定的适用具有约束力,包括涉及严重危及欧盟法律统一性或一致性的情况(可查阅https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2016-08/tra-doc-en-div-c-0000-2016-201606984-05_00.pdf; |
containing the consolidated version of the Statute, incorporating the texts listed ibid., p. 2). |
内含《规约》合订本,纳入了同上所列案文,第2页)。 |
Agreement on the European Economic Area (Porto, 2 May 1992), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1793, No. 31121, p. 3, art. |
《欧洲经济区协定》(1992年5月2日,波尔图),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1793卷,第31121号,第3页,第6条。 |
6. See, for the seminal case, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Case of Almonacid-Arellano et al. v. Chile, Judgment (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs), 26 September 2006, Series C, No. 154, para. 124. |
关于这一重要案件,见Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Case of Almonacid-Arellano et al. v. Chile, Judgment (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs), 26 September 2006, Series C, No. 154, para. 124。 |
For examples of subsequent application and expansion of this doctrine, and its expansion to apply to other public bodies not just courts, see Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Case of Fermín Ramírez v. Guatemala and Case of Raxcacó Reyes et al. v. Guatemala, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 9 May 2008, para. 63; |
关于该原则的后续适用和扩展,以及扩展至适用于除法院以外的其他公共机构的例子,见Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Case of Fermín Ramírez v. Guatemala and Case of Raxcacó Reyes et al. v. Guatemala, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 9 May 2008, para. 63; |
Case of the “Five Pensioners” v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 24 November 2009, para. 35; |
Case of the “Five Pensioners” v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 24 November 2009, para. 35; |
Case of Bámaca Velásquez v. Guatemala, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 18 November 2010, para. 33; |
Case of Bámaca Velásquez v. Guatemala, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 18 November 2010, para. 33; |
Case of Loayza Tamayo v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 1 July 2011, para. 35; |
Case of Loayza Tamayo v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 1 July 2011, para. 35; |
Case of Castillo Petruzzi et al. v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 1 July 2011, para. 20; |
Case of Castillo Petruzzi et al. v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 1 July 2011, para. 20; |
Case of Lori Berenson Mejía v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 20 June 2012, para. 18; |
Case of Lori Berenson Mejía v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 20 June 2012, para. 18; |
Case of Barrios Altos v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 7 September 2012, para. 24; |
Case of Barrios Altos v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 7 September 2012, para. 24; |
Case of Castañeda Gutman v. Mexico, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 28 August 2013, para. 23; |
Case of Castañeda Gutman v. Mexico, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 28 August 2013, para. 23; |
11 cases against Guatemala regarding the obligation to investigate, prosecute and, if applicable, punish those responsible for human rights violations, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 21 August 2014. |
11 cases against Guatemala regarding the obligation to investigate, prosecute and, if applicable, punish those responsible for human rights violations, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment), 21 August 2014。 |
See, for instance, Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen, “Conventionality control: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)”, Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law, December 2018, available at https://opil.ouplaw.com/display/10.1093/law-mpeipro/e3634.013.3634/law-mpeipro-e3634; |
例如见Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen, “Conventionality control: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)”, Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law, December 2018, 可查阅https://opil.ouplaw. com/display/10.1093/law-mpeipro/e3634.013.3634/law-mpeipro-e3634; |
Pablo González Domínguez, “La doctrina del control de convencionalidad a la luz del principio de subsidiaredad”, Estudos Constititucionales, vol. 15 (2017), pp. 55–98; |
Pablo González Domínguez, “La doctrina del control de convencionalidad a la luz del principio de subsidiaredad”, Estudos Constititucionales, vol. 15 (2017), pp. 55–98; |
and Paolo G. Carozza and Pablo González, “The final word? |
and Paolo G. Carozza and Pablo González, “The final word? |
Constitutional dialogue and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: a reply to Jorge Contesse”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 15 (2017), pp. 436–442. |
Constitutional dialogue and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: a reply to Jorge Contesse”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 15 (2017), pp. 436-442。 |
Chile, Press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Ministry of Justice and Human Rights on the Inter-American human rights system, 23 April 2019 (see declaration by the Permanent Representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Chile). |
智利,外交部-司法和人权部关于美洲人权体系的新闻稿,2019年4月23日(见阿根廷、巴西、哥伦比亚、巴拉圭和智利常驻代表的声明)。 |
Available at https://www.minrel.gob.cl/minrel/noticias-anteriores/comunicado-de-prensa-ministerio-de-relaciones-exteriores-ministerio-de (Spanish only). |
可查阅https://www.minrel.gob.cl/minrel/noticias-anteriores/comunicado-de-prensa-ministerio-de-relaciones-exteriores-ministerio-de (只有西班牙文)。 |
Paras. (2)–(3) of the commentary to draft conclusion 3, A/78/10, para. 126, at p. 85. |
结论草案3评注第(2)-(3)段,A/78/10, 第126段,第85页。 |
Para. (3), ibid. |
第(3)段,同上。 |
Para. (12), ibid., p. 87. |
第(12)段,同上,第87页。 |
Para. (13), ibid. |
第(13)段,同上。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
International Court of Justice: Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2004, p. 136; |
国际法院:在被占领巴勒斯坦领土修建隔离墙的法律后果,咨询意见,《2004年国际法院案例汇编》,第136页; |
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2010, p. 639; |
艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国),实质问题,判决,《2010年国际法院案例汇编》,第639页; |
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Compensation, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2012, p. 324; |
艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国),赔偿,判决,《2012年国际法院案例汇编》,第324页; |
Judgment No. 2867 of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization upon a Complaint Filed against the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2012, p. 10; |
国际劳工组织行政法庭就针对国际农业发展基金提出的指控所作第2867号判决,咨询意见,《2012年国际法院案例汇编》,第10页; |
Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2012, p. 422; |
与起诉或引渡义务有关的问题案(比利时诉塞内加尔),判决,《2012年国际法院案例汇编》,第422页; |
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Qatar v. United Arab Emirates), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2021, p. 71; |
《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的适用案(卡塔尔诉阿拉伯联合酋长国),初步反对意见,判决,《2021年国际法院案例汇编》,第71页; |
Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda), Reparations, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2022, p. 13, at para. 188. |
刚果境内的武装活动案(刚果民主共和国诉乌干达),赔偿,判决,《2022年国际法院案例汇编》,第13页,第188段。 |
Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Case of the Constitutional Tribunal (Camba Campos et al.) v. Ecuador, Judgment (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs), 28 August 2013, Series C, No. 268, paras. 189 and 191; |
Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Case of the Constitutional Tribunal (Camba Campos et al.) v. Ecuador, Judgment (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs), 28 August 2013, Series C, No. 268, paras. 189 and 191; |
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Civil Liberties Organisation and others v. Nigeria, Communication No. 218/98, Decision, 7 May 2001, para. 24 (“In interpreting and applying the Charter, the Commission … is also enjoined by the Charter and by international human rights standards, which include decisions and general comments by [United Nations] treaty bodies”); |
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Civil Liberties Organisation and others v. Nigeria, Communication No. 218/98, Decision, 7 May 2001, para. 24 (“在解释和适用《宪章》时,委员会……还须遵守《宪章》和国际人权标准,包括[联合国]条约机构的决定和一般性意见”); |
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Social and Economic Rights Action Center and the Center for Economic and Social Rights v. Nigeria, Communication No. 155/96, Decision, 27 October 2001, para. 63 (“draws inspiration from the definition of the term ‘forced evictions’ by the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights “); |
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Social and Economic Rights Action Center and the Center for Economic and Social Rights v. Nigeria, Communication No. 155/96, Decision, 27 October 2001, para. 63 (“从经济、社会及文化权利委员会对‘强迫迁离’一词的定义中得到启发”); |
European Court of Human Rights: Magyar Helsinki Bizottság v. Hungary [GC], No. 18030/11, 8 November 2016, para. 141; |
European Court of Human Rights: Magyar Helsinki Bizottság v. Hungary [GC], No. 18030/11, 8 November 2016, para. 141; |
Marguš v. Croatia [GC], No. 4455/10, ECHR 2014 (extracts),paras. 48–50; |
Marguš v. Croatia [GC], No. 4455/10, ECHR 2014 (extracts), paras. 48–50; |
Baka v. Hungary, No. 20261/12, 27 May 2014, para. 58; |
Baka v. Hungary, No. 20261/12, 27 May 2014, para. 58; |
Othman (Abu Qatada) v. the United Kingdom, No. 8139/09, ECHR 2012 (extracts), paras. 107–108, 147–151, 155 and 158; |
Othman (Abu Qatada) v. the United Kingdom, No. 8139/09, ECHR 2012 (extracts), paras. 107–108, 147–151, 155 and 158; |
Gäfgen v. Germany [GC], No. 22978/05, ECHR 2010, paras. 68 and 70–72; |
Gäfgen v. Germany [GC], No. 22978/05, ECHR 2010, paras. 68 and 70–72; |
see also International Law Association, Final report on the impact of findings of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Report of the Seventy-first Conference, Berlin Conference (2004), pp. 29–38, paras. 116–155. |
另见International Law Association, Final report on the impact of findings of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Report of the Seventy-first Conference, Berlin Conference (2004), pp. 29–38, paras. 116–155。 |
International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-first Conference (see previous footnote), p. 43, para. 175; |
International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-first Conference (见前注), p. 43, para. 175; |
see, e.g., Germany, Federal Administrative Court, Bundesverwaltungsgericht, vol. 134, p. 1, at p. 22, para. 48; |
例如见Germany, Federal Administrative Court, Bundesverwaltungsgericht, vol. 134, p. 1, at p. 22, para. 48; |
Colombia, Constitutional Court, Judgment T-077/13 (2013), 14 February 2013; |
Colombia, Constitutional Court, Judgment T-077/13 (2013), 14 February 2013; |
India, High Court of Delhi, Laxmi Mandal v. Deen Dayal Harinagar Hospital & Ors, WP(C) Nos 8853 of 2008, and 10700 of 2009 (2010), Judgment, 4 June 2010, para 23; |
India, High Court of Delhi, Laxmi Mandal v. Deen Dayal Harinagar Hospital & Ors, WP(C) Nos 8853 of 2008, and 10700 of 2009 (2010), Judgment, 4 June 2010, para 23; |
Bangladesh, High Court Division of the Supreme Court, Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and ors v. Government of Bangladesh, Writ Petitions No 5863 of 2009, No 754 of 2010, No 4275 of 2010, ILDC 1916 (BD 2010), 8 July 2010, para. 45; |
Bangladesh, High Court Division of the Supreme Court, Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and ors v. Government of Bangladesh, Writ Petitions No 5863 of 2009, No 754 of 2010, No 4275 of 2010, ILDC 1916 (BD 2010), 8 July 2010, para. 45; |
Spain, Supreme Court of Spain, Judgment No. 1263/2018, 17 July 2018 (fundamento de derecho séptimo), pp. 23–24. |
Spain, Supreme Court of Spain, Judgment No. 1263/2018, 17 July 2018 (fundamento de derecho séptimo), pp. 23–24。 |
See memorandum by the Secretariat on subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law (A/CN.4/765), para. 151. |
见秘书处关于确定国际法规则的辅助手段的备忘录(A/CN.4/765),第151段。 |
Practice indicates that the basis for such a specific competence of a particular tribunal may not always be immediately apparent. |
实践表明,某一法庭的这种具体权限的依据并不总是显而易见的。 |
Thus, greater investigation of the possible application of the rule in question may be warranted. |
因此,可能需要对有关规则的可能适用进行更深入的调查。 |
For example, the East African Court of Justice determined, via a series of judicial decisions, that it was competent to exercise jurisdiction over matters touching upon human rights complaints brought by individuals even though there were no direct provisions to that effect in its founding treaty. |
例如,东非法院通过一系列司法决定确定,它有权对涉及个人提出的人权申诉的事项行使管辖权,尽管其创始条约中没有这方面的直接规定。 |
Similarly, the regional Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States initially established such competence by jurisprudence before the States concerned adopted a protocol establishing such jurisdiction. |
同样,区域性的西非国家经济共同体法院在有关国家通过确立这种管辖权的议定书之前,首先通过判例确立了这种权限。 |
For a discussion of this issue in the context of the East African Court of Justice and the evolution of the Katabazi doctrine, see James Thuo Gathii, “Mission creep or a search for relevance: the East African Court of Justice’s human rights strategy”, Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, vol. 24 (2013), pp. 249–296. |
关于东非法院背景下这一问题的讨论和凯塔拜西案声明的发展,见James Thuo Gathii, “Mission creep or a search for relevance: the East African Court of Justice’s human rights strategy”, Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, vol. 24 (2013), pp. 249–296。 |
Diallo, Merits (see footnote 156 above), para. 66. |
迪亚洛案,实质问题(见上文脚注156),第66段。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (New York, 16 December 1966), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, No. 14668, p. 171. |
《公民及政治权利国际公约》(1966年12月16日,纽约),联合国,《条约汇编》,第999卷,第14668号,第171页。 |
Diallo, Merits (see footnote 156 above), para. 66 (emphasis added). |
迪亚洛案,实质问题(见上文脚注156),第66段(强调是后加的)。 |
Ibid., para. 67 (the International Court of Justice noted “[w]hen the Court is called upon … to apply a regional instrument for the protection of human rights, it must take due account of the interpretation of that instrument adopted by the independent bodies which have been specifically created, if such has been the case, to monitor the sound application of the treaty in question”). |
同上,第67段(国际法院指出,“当法院被要求……适用一项保护人权的区域文书时,它必须适当考虑到专门为监测有关条约的正确适用而设立的独立机构对该文书的解释”)。 |
Ibid., para. 67 (emphasis added), citing African Commission on Human and People’s Rights Kenneth Good v. Republic of Botswana, Communication No. 313/05, Decision, 26 May 2010, para. 204, and World Organization against Torture and International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Commission of Jurists, Inter-African Union for Human Rights v. Rwanda, Communications Nos. 27/89-46/91-49/91-99/93, Decision, 31 October 1996. |
同上,第67段(强调是后加的),援引African Commission on Human and People’s Rights Kenneth Good v. Republic of Botswana, Communication No. 313/05, Decision, 26 May 2010, para. 204, and World Organization against Torture and International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Commission of Jurists, Inter-African Union for Human Rights v. Rwanda, Communications Nos. 27/89-46/91-49/91-99/93, Decision, 31 October 1996。 |
See also Mads Andenas and Johann R. Leiss, “The systemic relevance of ‘judicial decisions’ in Article 38 of the ICJ Statute”, Heidelberg Journal of International Law, vol. 77 (2017), pp. 907–972, for a discussion of Article 38 and the International Court of Justice approach to judicial decisions. |
关于第三十八条和国际法院处理司法决定的方法的讨论,另见Mads Andenas and Johann R. Leiss, “The systemic relevance of ‘judicial decisions’ in Article 38 of the ICJ Statute”, Heidelberg Journal of International Law, vol. 77 (2017), pp. 907–972。 |
Application of the International Convention … (Qatar v. United Arab Emirates) (see footnote 156 above), para. 77, citing Diallo, Compensation (see footnote 156 above), paras. 13 and 24; |
《……国际公约》的适用案(卡塔尔诉阿拉伯联合酋长国),(见上文脚注156),第77段,援引迪亚洛案,赔偿(见上文脚注156),第13和24段; |
Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal) (see footnote 156 above), para. 101; |
起诉或引渡义务案(比利时诉塞内加尔)(见上文脚注156),第101段; |
Diallo, Merits (see footnote 156 above), para. 66; |
迪亚洛案,实质问题(见上文脚注156),第66段; |
Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall (see footnote 156 above), paras. 109 and 136. |
修建隔离墙的法律后果(见上文脚注156),第109和136段。 |
Application of the International Convention … (Qatar v. United Arab Emirates) (see footnote 156 above), para. 101. |
《……国际公约》的适用案(卡塔尔诉阿拉伯联合酋长国),(见上文脚注156),第101段。 |
Permanent Court of International Justice, Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, Jurisdiction, Series A, No. 2, 30 August 1924, p. 6, at p. 11. |
常设国际法院,马夫罗马蒂斯在巴勒斯坦的特许权案,管辖权,汇编A, 第2号,1924年8月30日,第6页起,见第11页。 |
Case of the monetary gold removed from Rome in 1943 (Preliminary Question), Judgement of June 15th, 1954: I.C.J. Reports 1954, p. 19, at pp. 32–33. |
1943年从罗马运走货币黄金案(初步问题),1954年6月15日判决:《1954年国际法院案例汇编》,第19页起,见第32至33页。 |
LaGrand (see footnote 98 above), para. 109. |
拉格朗案(见上文脚注98),第109段。 |
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 43, at para. 407. |
《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的适用案(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那诉塞尔维亚和黑山),判决,《2007年国际法院案例汇编》,第43页,见第407段。 |
Certain Property (Liechtenstein v. Germany), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2005, p. 6, at para. 24. |
某些财产案(列支敦士登诉德国),初步反对意见,判决,《2005年国际法院案例汇编》,第6页,第24段。 |
See Obligations concerning Negotiations relating to Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and to Nuclear Disarmament (Marshall Islands v. United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2016, p. 833, at para. 37; |
见关于就停止核军备竞赛和实行核裁军进行谈判的义务案(马绍尔群岛诉联合王国),初步反对意见,判决,《2016年国际法院案例汇编》,第833页,见第37段; |
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Georgia v. Russian Federation), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2011, p. 70, at para. 30. |
《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的适用案(格鲁吉亚诉俄罗斯联邦),初步反对意见,判决,《2011年国际法院案例汇编》,第70页,见第30段。 |
Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2019, p. 95, at para. 65, citing Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall (see footnote 156 above), para. 44; |
1965年查戈斯群岛从毛里求斯分裂的法律后果,咨询意见,《2019年国际法院案例汇编》,第95页,见第65段,援引修建隔离墙的法律后果(见上文脚注156),第44段; |
Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2010, p. 403, at para. 30; |
科索沃单方面宣布独立是否符合国际法,咨询意见,《2010年国际法院案例汇编》,第403页,见第30段; |
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 226, at para. 14. |
以核武器进行威胁或使用核武器的合法性,咨询意见,《1996年国际法院案例汇编》,第226页,见第14段。 |
Certain Property (see footnote 173 above), para. 24. |
某些财产案(见上文脚注173),第24段。 |
See Obligations concerning Negotiations (footnote 174 above), para. 37; |
见关于谈判的义务(上文脚注174),第37段; |
Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Georgia v. Russian Federation) (footnote 174 above), para. 30. |
《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的适用案(格鲁吉亚诉俄罗斯联邦),(上文脚注174),第30段。 |
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2022, p. 266, at para. 41; |
加勒比海主权权利和海洋空间受侵犯的指控案(尼加拉瓜诉哥伦比亚),判决,《2022年国际法院案例汇编》,第266页,第41段; |
Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3, at para. 26. |
2000年4月11日逮捕令案(刚果民主共和国诉比利时),判决,《2002年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页,见第26段。 |
See Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine) Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2009, p. 61, para. 118. |
见黑海海洋划界案(罗马尼亚诉乌克兰),判决,《2009年国际法院案例汇编》,第61页,见第118段; |
See also Maritime Delimitation in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua) and Land Boundary in the Northern Part of Isla Portillos (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2018, p. 139, at para. 98 (“In accordance with its established jurisprudence, the Court will proceed in two stages: first, the Court will draw a provisional median line; |
另见加勒比海和太平洋海洋划界案(哥斯达黎加诉尼加拉瓜)和波蒂略岛北部陆地边界案(哥斯达黎加诉尼加拉瓜),判决,《2018年国际法院案例汇编》,第139页,见第98段(“根据其既定判例,法院将分两个阶段开展工作:首先,法院将划定一条临时中线; |
second, it will consider whether any special circumstances exist which justify adjusting such a line”), citing Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v. Bahrain), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2001, p. 40, at para. 176; |
其次,法院将考虑是否存在任何特殊情况,证明有理由调整这条中线”),援引卡塔尔和巴林间海洋划界和领土问题案(卡塔尔诉巴林),实质问题,判决,《2001年国际法院案例汇编》,第40页,见第176段; |
Territorial and Maritime Dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Honduras), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 659, at para. 268. |
尼加拉瓜和洪都拉斯在加勒比海的领土和海洋争端案(尼加拉瓜诉洪都拉斯),判决,《2007年国际法院案例汇编》,第659页,见第268段。 |
Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 31 March 2004 in the Case concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America) (see footnote 98 above), para. 21, citing Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of November 20th, 1950, in the Asylum Case, Judgment of November 27th, 1950: I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 395, at p. 402; |
关于2004年3月31日对“阿韦纳和其他墨西哥国民案(墨西哥诉美利坚合众国)”所作判决的解释请求(见上文脚注98),第21段,援引请求解释1950年11月20日对庇护案所作判决,1950年11月27日判决:《1950年国际法院案例汇编》,第395页起,见第402页; |
Application for Revision and Interpretation of the Judgment of 24 February 1982 in the Case concerning the Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) (Tunisia v. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1985, p. 192, at para. 56. |
申请复核和解释1982年2月24日对大陆架(突尼斯/阿拉伯利比亚民众国)案所作判决(突尼斯诉阿拉伯利比亚民众国),判决,《1985年国际法院案例汇编》,第192页,见第56段。 |
See also Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 11 June 1998 in the Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria), Preliminary Objections (Nigeria v. Cameroon), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 31, at para. 12. |
另见请求解释1998年6月11日对喀麦隆和尼日利亚间陆地和海洋疆界案(喀麦隆诉尼日利亚)的初步反对意见所作判决(尼日利亚诉喀麦隆),判决,《1999年国际法院案例汇编》,第31页,见第12段。 |
Fisheries Jurisdiction (Federal Republic of Germany v. Iceland), Decision, 2 February 1973, General List No. 56, p. 49, at para. 13. |
渔业管辖权案(德意志联邦共和国诉冰岛),判决,1973年2月2日,总表第56号,第49页,第13段。 |
See also Fisheries Jurisdiction (United Kingdom v. Iceland), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1973, p. 3, at para. 12; |
另见渔业管辖权(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国诉冰岛),判决,《1973年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页,见第12段; |
Aegean Sea Continental Shelf, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1978, p. 3, at para. 15. |
爱琴海大陆架案,判决,《1978年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页,第15段。 |
Permanent Court of Arbitration, Indus Waters Treaty Arbitration (Pakistan v. India), PCA Case No. 2023-01, Award on the Competence of the Court, 6 July 2023, para. 126, citing Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (see footnote 98 above); |
常设仲裁法院,印度河水域条约仲裁案(巴基斯坦诉印度),常设仲裁法院第2023-01号案件,关于法院权限的裁决,2023年7月6日,第126段,援引尼加拉瓜境内和针对尼加拉瓜的军事和准军事活动案(见上文脚注98); |
South China Sea Arbitration between the Republic of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China, Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, 29 October 2015, Reports of International Arbitral Awards (UNRIAA), vol. XXXIII, pp. 1–152; |
菲律宾共和国和中华人民共和国之间的南海仲裁案,2015年10月29日关于管辖权和可受理性的裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第三十三卷,第1-152页; |
Arctic Sunrise (Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation), Award on Jurisdiction, 26 November 2014, UNRIAA, vol. XXXII, pp. 183–353. |
北极日出号案(荷兰王国诉俄罗斯联邦),关于管辖权的裁决,2014年11月26日,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第三十二卷,第183-353页。 |
Indus Waters (see previous footnote), para. 135, citing Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (see footnote 98 above); |
印度河水域案(见前注); 第135段,援引尼加拉瓜境内和针对尼加拉瓜的军事和准军事活动案(见上文脚注98); |
South China Sea (see previous footnote); |
南海案(见前注); |
Arctic Sunrise (see previous footnote); |
北极日出号案(见前注); |
Aegean Sea (see footnote 181 above), para. 15. |
爱琴海案(见上文脚注181),第15段。 |
One example, which is also relevant for draft conclusion 3, is the rejection by States of some part of the reasoning of the Permanent Court of International Justice in the Lotus case (see footnote 141 above), where the Court identified customary international law in relation to the criminal jurisdiction of States in case of a high seas collision between two ships. |
一个与结论草案3也相关的例子是,各国拒绝接受常设国际法院在“荷花”号案中的部分推理(见上文脚注141),在该案中,法院确定了在两船在公海相撞情况下与国家刑事管辖权有关的习惯国际法。 |
The reasoning of the Court was successively reversed by the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Arrest of Sea-going Ships (Brussels, 10 May 1952, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 439, No. 6330, p. 193), by the Commission in its draft articles on the law of the sea (see para. (1) of draft article 35 of the draft articles concerning the law of the sea, Yearbook … 1956, vol. II, p. 265, at p. 281), and ultimately by the 1958 and 1982 United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea. |
法院的推理被《统一海船扣押若干规则的国际公约》(1952年5月10日,布鲁塞尔,联合国《条约汇编》,第439卷,第6330号,第193页),国际法委员会海洋法条款草案(见海洋法条款草案第35条草案第(1)款,《1956年……年鉴》,第二卷,第265页,见第281页)以及1958年海洋法公约和1982年《联合国海洋法公约》相继推翻。 |
In the said commentary to draft article 35, the Commission stated that the Lotus judgment, “which was carried by the President’s casting vote after an equal vote of six to six, was very strongly criticized and caused serious disquiet in international maritime circles. |
在对第35条草案的上述评注中,委员会指出,“荷花号案的判决在以六比六票数相等后,由院长的关键性投票通过,该判决受到了非常强烈的批评,并在国际海事界引起了严重不安。 |
A diplomatic conference held at Brussels in 1952 disagreed with the conclusions of the judgement. |
1952年在布鲁塞尔举行的一次外交会议不同意该判决的结论。 |
The Commission concurred with the decisions of the conference” (ibid.). |
委员会同意该会议的决定”(同上)。 |
As the Arbitral Tribunal in Enrica Lexie put it in 2020, “[i]n its commentary to Article 35 of the ILC Draft Articles Concerning the Law of the Sea”, which was “the precursor to Article 97 of the [United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea concluded in 1982], the ILC explained that the provision was intended to reverse the judgment rendered by the PCIJ in the S.S. “Lotus” case” (Permanent Court of Arbitration, The “Enrica Lexie” Incident, PCA Case No. 2015-28, Award, 21 May 2020, paras. 644–645). |
正如仲裁庭2020年在“恩丽卡·莱克西”号案中指出的那样,“在其对国际法委员会海洋法条款草案第35条([1982年通过的《联合国海洋法公约》]第九十七条的前身)的评注中”,国际法委员会解释说,该条款旨在推翻常设国际法院在“荷花”号案中作出的判决(常设仲裁法院,“恩丽卡·莱克西”号事件案,常设仲裁法院第2015-28号案,2020年5月21日的裁决,第644-645段)。 |
At its 3582nd meeting, on 17 May 2022 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), para. 239). |
在2022年5月17日第3582次会议上(《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第239段)。 |
The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its seventy-first session (2019), on the basis of the proposal contained in annex C to the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), para. 290 (b)). |
在委员会第七十一届会议(2019年)期间,根据委员会报告附件C所载的建议,此专题被列入委员会长期工作方案(《大会正式记录,第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/10),第290(b)段)。 |
At its 3612th meeting, on 5 August 2022 (A/77/10, para. 243). |
在2022年8月5日第3612次会议上(A/77/10, 第243段)。 |
At its 3612th meeting, on 5 August 2022 (ibid., para. 244). |
在2022年8月5日第3612次会议上(同上,第244段)。 |
At its 3625th meeting, on 16 May 2023 (A/78/10, para. 54). |
在2023年5月16日第3625次会议上(A/78/10, 第54段)。 |
At its 3634th, 3649th and 3651st meetings, on 2 June, 27 July and 31 July 2023, respectively (ibid., paras. 55–56). |
分别在2023年6月2日、7月27日和7月31日第3634、第3649和第3651次会议上(同上,第55-56段)。 |
Convention on the High Seas (Geneva, 29 April 1958), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 450, No. 6465, p. 11. |
《公海公约》(1958年4月29日,日内瓦),联合国,《条约汇编》,第450卷,第6465号,第11页。 |
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Montego Bay, 10 December 1982), ibid., vol. 1833, No. 31363, p. 3. |
《联合国海洋法公约》(1982年12月10日,蒙特哥湾),同上,第1833卷,第31363号,第3页。 |
https://legal.un.org/ilc/guide/7_8.shtml. |
https://legal.un.org/ilc/guide/7_8.shtml. |
CARICOM Maritime and Airspace Security Cooperation Agreement (4 July 2008), Law of the Sea Bulletin, No. 68 (2008), p. 20. |
《加共体海上和空域安全合作协定》(2008年7月4日),《海洋法公报》,第68(2008)号,第20页。 |
Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (Tokyo, 11 November 2004), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2398, No. 43302, p. 199. |
《亚洲地区反海盗及武装劫船合作协定》(2004年11月11日,东京),联合国,《条约汇编》,第2398卷,第43302号,第199页。 |
Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of a Sub-Regional Integrated Coast Guard Function Network in West and Central Africa (Dakar, 31 July 2008), Law of the Sea Bulletin, No. 68 (2008), p. 51 (Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa, document MOWCA/XIII GA.08/8). |
《关于在西非和中部非洲建立次区域一体化海岸警卫职能网络的谅解备忘录》(2008年7月31日,达喀尔),《海洋法公报》,第68(2008)号,第51页(中西部非洲海事组织,MOWCA/XIII GA.08/8号文件)。 |
Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy, Armed Robbery against Ships and Illicit Maritime Activity in West and Central Africa (Yaoundé, 25 June 2013). |
《关于在西非和中非打击海盗、武装抢劫船只和海上非法活动的行为守则》(2013年6月25日,雅温得)。 |
Available at https://wwwcdn.imo.org/localresources/en/OurWork/Security/Documents/code_of_conduct%20signed%20from%20ECOWAS%20site.pdf. |
可查阅:https://wwwcdn.imo.org/localresources/en/OurWork/Security/Documents/code_of_conduct%20signed%20from%20ECOWAS%20site.pdf。 |
Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden (Djibouti, 29 January 2009), IMO, document C102/14, annex, attachment 1, annex to resolution 1. |
《关于打击西印度洋和亚丁湾海盗和武装抢劫船舶的吉布提行为守则》(2009年1月29日,吉布提),国际海事组织,C102/14号文件,附件,附文1, 决议1之附件。 |
See also https://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/ Security/Pages/DCoC.aspx. |
另见https://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Security/Pages/DCoC.aspx。 |
This Code of Conduct was revised at a high-level meeting held in Jeddah (10–12 January 2017). |
该行为准则在吉达举行的高级别会议(2017年1月10日至12日)上进行了修订。 |
The revised code of conduct is known as “Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct 2017”. |
经修订的行为守则被称为“《吉布提行为守则》2017年吉达修正案”。 |
African Charter on Maritime Security and Safety and Development in Africa (Lomé, 15 October 2016). |
《非洲海上安保安全与发展宪章》(2016年10月15日,洛美)。 |
Available at https://au.int/en/treaties/african-charter-maritime-security-and-safety-anddevelopment-africa-lome-charter. |
可查阅:https://au.int/en/treaties/african-charter-maritime-security-and-safety-anddevelopment-africa-lome-charter。 |
Available from https://www.idi-iil.org/en/publications-par-categorie/resolutions/. |
可查阅https://www.idi-iil.org/en/publications-par-categorie/resolutions/。 |
International Convention against the Taking of Hostages (New York, 17 December 1979), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1316, No. 21931, p. 205. |
《反对劫持人质国际公约》(1979年12月17日,纽约),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1316卷,第21931号,第205页。 |
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation and the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf (Rome, 10 March 1988), ibid., vol. 1678, No. 29004, p. 201. |
《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》和《制止危及大陆架固定平台安全非法行为议定书》(1988年3月10日,罗马),同上,第1678卷,第29004号,第201页。 |
United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (New York, 15 November 2000), ibid., vol. 2225, No. 39574, p. 209; |
《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》(2000年11月15日,纽约),同上,第2225卷,第39574号,第209页; |
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (New York, 15 November 2000), ibid., vol. 2237, No. 39574, p. 319; |
《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》(2000年11月15日,纽约),同上,第2237卷,第39574号,第319页; |
Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (New York, 15 November 2000), ibid., vol. 2241, No. 39574, p. 480; |
《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击陆、海、空偷运移民的补充议定书》(2000年11月15日,纽约),同上,第2241卷,第39574号,第480页; |
Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (New York, 31 May 2001), ibid., vol. 2326, No. 39574, p. 208. |
《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书》(2001年5月31日,纽约),同上,第2326卷,第39574号,第208页。 |
See footnote 199 above. |
见上文脚注199。 |
Protocol of 2005 to the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf (London, 14 October 2005), IMO, document LEG/CONF.15/22 of 1 November 2005. |
《2005年制止危及大陆架固定平台安全非法行为议定书》(2005年10月14日,伦敦),国际海事组织,2005年11月1日LEG/CONF.15/22号文件。 |
Available from https://www.idi-iil.org/en/publications-par-categorie/declarations/. |
可查阅https://www.idi-iil.org/en/publications-par-categorie/declarations/。 |
Available from https://www.idi-iil.org/en/publications-par-categorie/rapports/. |
可查阅https://www.idi-iil.org/en/publications-par-categorie/rapports/。 |
At its 2940th meeting, on 20 July 2007 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 376). |
在2007年7月20日第2940次会议上(《大会正式记录,第六十二届会议,补编第10号》(A/62/10),第376段)。 |
The General Assembly, in paragraph 7 of its resolution 62/66 of 6 December 2007, took note of the decision of the Commission to include the topic in its programme of work. |
联大在2007年12月6日第62/66号决议第7段中注意到委员会决定将此专题列入其工作方案。 |
The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its fifty-eighth session (2006), on the basis of the proposal contained in annex A of the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 257). |
委员会第五十八届会议(2006年)按照委员会报告附件A所载的建议,将此专题列入了长期工作方案(《大会正式记录,第六十一届会议,补编第10号》(A/61/10),第257段)。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/62/10), para. 386. |
《大会正式记录,第六十二届会议,补编第10号》(A/62/10),第386段。 |
For the memorandum prepared by the Secretariat, see A/CN.4/596 and Corr.1. |
秘书处编写的备忘录见A/CN.4/596和Corr.1。 |
A/CN.4/601, A/CN.4/631 and A/CN.4/646, respectively. |
分别为A/CN.4/601、A/CN.4/631和A/CN.4/646。 |
See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), para. 207; |
见《大会正式记录,第六十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/64/10),第207段; |
and ibid., Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/65/10), para. 343. |
同上,《第六十五届会议,补编第10号》(A/65/10),第343段。 |
Ibid., Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/67/10), para. 266. |
同上,《第六十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/67/10),第266段。 |
A/CN.4/654, A/CN.4/661, A/CN.4/673, A/CN.4/686, A/CN.4/701, A/CN.4/722, A/CN.4/729, and A/CN.4/739, respectively. |
分别为A/CN.4/654、A/CN.4/661、A/CN.4/673、A/CN.4/686、A/CN.4/701、A/CN.4/722、A/CN.4/729和A/CN.4/739。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), paras. 64–65. |
《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第64-65段。 |
Ibid., para. 66. |
同上,第66段。 |
Ibid., Seventy-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), para. 250. |
同上,《第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第250段。 |
Statement of the Chair available on the website of the Commission at https://legal.un.org/ilc/guide/4_2.shtml. |
主席的发言可查阅委员会网站:https://legal.un.org/ilc/guide/4_2.shtml。 |
Yearbook … 1949, document A/925, pt. II, art. |
《1949年……年鉴》,A/925号文件,第二部分,第二条。 |
II. Yearbook … 2011, vol. I, 3115th meeting, para. 44. |
《2011年……年鉴》,第一卷,第3115次会议,第44段。 |
Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 3. |
2000年4月11日逮捕令案(刚果民主共和国诉比利时),判决,《2002年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页。 |
United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1980, p. 3. |
美国驻德黑兰外交和领事人员案,判决,《1980年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页。 |
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (Vienna, 18 April 1961), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 500, No. 7310, p. 95. |
《维也纳外交关系公约》(1961年4月18日,维也纳),联合国,《条约汇编》,第500卷,第7310号,第95页。 |
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna, 23 May 1969), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, No. 18232, p. 331. |
《维也纳条约法公约》(1969年5月23日,维也纳),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1155卷,第18232号,第331页。 |
See Special Court for Sierra Leone, Prosecutor v. Charles Ghankay Taylor, Case No. SCSL-2003-01-I, Decision on Immunity from Jurisdiction, 31 May 2004, Appeals Chamber, paras. 37–42. |
见塞拉利昂问题特别法庭,检察官诉Charles Ghankay Taylor案,SCSL-2003-01-I号案,关于管辖豁免的决定,2004年5月31日,上诉分庭,第37-42段。 |
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome, 17 July 1998), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, No. 38544, p. 3. |
《国际刑事法院罗马规约》(1998年7月17日,罗马),联合国,《条约汇编》,第2187卷,第38544号,第3页。 |
Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v. France), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2008, p. 177. |
刑事事项互助的若干问题案(吉布提诉法国),判决,《2008年国际法院判例汇编》,第177页。 |
Ibid., at para. 196. |
同上,第196段。 |
See footnote 219 above. |
见上文脚注219。 |
Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (see footnote 225 above), para. 194: “The Court notes first that there are no grounds in international law upon which it could be said that the officials concerned [procureur de la République and Head of National Security] were entitled to personal immunities, not being diplomats within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, and the Convention on Special Missions of 1969 not being applicable in this case.” |
刑事事项互助的若干问题案(见上文脚注225),第194段:“法院注意到,首先,由于有关官员[共和国总检察长和国家安全主管]不是1961年《维也纳外交关系公约》所称的外交官,1969年《特别使团公约》也不适用于本案,因而国际法中没有支持有关官员享有属人豁免的任何依据。 |
Arrest Warrant (see footnote 219 above), para. 51: “The Court would observe at the outset that in international law it is firmly established that, as also diplomatic and consular agents, certain holders of high-ranking office in a State, such as the Head of State, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs, enjoy immunities from jurisdiction in other States, both civil and criminal”. |
逮捕令案(见上文脚注219),第51段:“法院首先要指出,国际法中已明确确立的一点是,某些担任国家高级职务者,如国家元首、政府首脑和外交部长,同外交和领事人员一样在他国享有管辖豁免,包括民事和刑事豁免”。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
Convention on Special Missions (New York, 8 December 1969), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1400, No. 23431, p. 231. |
《特别使团公约》(1969年12月8日,纽约),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1400卷,第23431号,第231页。 |
Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Advisory Opinion OC-28/21, 7 June 2021, Series A No. 28. |
美洲人权法院,OC-28/21号咨询意见,2021年6月7日,A系列第28号。 |
United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property (New York, 2 December 2004), Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 49 (A/59/49), vol. I, resolution 59/38, annex. |
《联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约》(2004年12月2日,纽约),《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第49号》(A/59/49),第一卷,第59/38号决议,附件。 |
Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee at the seventy-third session of the International Law Commission, 3 June 2022, pp. 6–7, available at https://legal.un.org/ilc/documentation/english/statements/2022_dc_chair_statement_iso.pdf. |
起草委员会主席在国际法委员会第七十三届会议上的发言,2022年6月3日,第6-7页,可查阅https://legal.un.org/ilc/documentation/english/statements/2022_dc_chair_statement_iso.pdf。 |
At its 3656th meeting, on 4 August 2023. |
在2023年8月4日举行的委员会第3656次会议上。 |
The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its seventy-third session (2022), on the basis of the proposal contained in an annex to the report of the Commission to that session (Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), annex I). |
已于委员会第七十三届会议(2022年)期间根据委员会该届会议报告附件(《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),附件一)所载提案,将该专题列入委员会长期工作方案。 |
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna, 23 May 1969), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, No. 18232, p. 331. |
《维也纳条约法公约》(1969年5月23日,维也纳),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1155卷,第18232号,第331页。 |
Para. (2) of the commentary to conclusion 12 of the conclusions on identification of customary international law, Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2018, vol. II (Part Two), para. 66, at p. 107. |
关于习惯国际法的识别的结论,结论12评注第(2)段,《2018年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第66段,第107页。 |
Para. (3) of the commentary to draft conclusion 7 on “General principles of law”, General Assembly, Official Records, Seventy-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), para. 41, at p. 23. |
关于“一般法律原则”的结论7草案评注第(3)段,《大会正式记录,第七十八届会议,补编第10号(A/78/10)》,第41段,第23页。 |
Guideline 6 of the Guide to Provisional Application of Treaties, General Assembly resolution 76/113 of 9 December 2021, annex. |
《条约的暂时适用准则》中的准则6,联大2021年12月9日第76/113号决议,附件。 |
At its 3354th meeting, on 9 May 2017. |
在2017年5月9日第3354次会议上。 |
The topic had been included in the long-term programme of work of the Commission during its sixty-eighth session (2016), on the basis of the proposal contained in annex B to the report of the Commission (Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-first Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/71/10)). |
已于委员会第六十八届会议(2016年)期间根据委员会报告(《大会正式记录,第七十一届会议,补编第10号》(A/71/10))附件B所载提案,将该专题列入委员会长期工作方案。 |
A/CN.4/708, A/CN.4/719, A/CN.4/731, A/CN.4/743 and Corr.1, and A/CN.4/751, respectively. |
分别为A/CN.4/708、A/CN.4/719、A/CN.4/731、A/CN.4/743及Corr.1,以及A/CN.4/751。 |
A/CN.4/730. |
A/CN.4/730。 |
See https://www.idi-iil.org/app/uploads/2017/06/2015_Tallinn_14_en-1.pdf. |
见https://www.idi-iil.org/app/uploads/2017/06/2015_Tallinn_14_en-1.pdf。 |
At the present session, Mr. Aurescu was no longer with the Commission, as he had been elected to the International Court of Justice. |
本届会议上,奥雷斯库先生不再担任委员会委员,因为他已当选为国际法院法官。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), paras. 265–273. |
《大会正式记录,第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/10),第265-273段。 |
A/CN.4/740 and Corr.1. |
A/CN.4/740及Corr.1。 |
A/CN.4/740/Add.1. |
A/CN.4/740/Add.1。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/76/10), paras. 247–296. |
《大会正式记录,第七十六届会议,补编第10号》(A/76/10),第247-296段。 |
A/CN.4/752. |
A/CN.4/752。 |
A/CN.4/752/Add.1. |
A/CN.4/752/Add.1。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), paras. 153–237. |
《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第153-237段。 |
A/CN.4/761. |
A/CN.4/761。 |
A/CN.4/761/Add.1. |
A/CN.4/761/Add.1。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), paras. 128–230. |
《大会正式记录,第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第128-230段。 |
Following the resignation of Mr. Huikang Huang (see A/CN.4/776), the Study Group comprised 26 members during the second part of the present session. |
黄惠康先生辞任(见A/CN.4/776)后,研究组在本届会议第二期会议期间由26名成员组成。 |
See 2023 submission by the Pacific Islands Forum, available at https://legal.un.org/ilc/guide/8_9.shtml. |
见太平洋岛屿论坛2023年提交的材料,可查阅https://legal.un.org/ilc/guide/8_9.shtml。 |
Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2016, vol. II (Part Two), para. 48. |
《2016年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第48段。 |
Island of Palmas case (Netherlands, U.S.A.), Award, 4 April 1928, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, vol. II, pp. 829–871. |
帕尔马斯岛案(荷兰、美国),1928年4月4日裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二卷,第829-871页。 |
Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (Montevideo, 26 December 1933), League of Nations, Treaty Series, vol. CLXV, No. 3802, p. 19. |
《国家权利与义务公约》(1933年12月26日,蒙得维的亚),国际联盟,《条约汇编》,CLXV卷,第3802号,第19页。 |
Island of Palmas (see footnote 258 above), p. 845. |
帕尔马斯岛案(见上文脚注258),第845页。 |
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Montego Bay, 10 December 1982), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1833, No. 31363, p. 3. |
《联合国海洋法公约》(1982年12月10日,蒙特哥贝)。 联合国,《条约汇编》,第1833卷,第31363号,第3页。 |
See draft Declaration on Rights and Duties of States with commentaries, para. (49). |
见《国家权利与义务宣言草案》及其评注,第(49)段。 |
Yearbook … 1949, vol. I, pp. 287–290. |
《1949年……年鉴》,第一卷,第287-290页。 |
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna, 23 May 1969), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, No. 18232, p. 331. |
《维也纳条约法公约》(1969年5月23日,维也纳),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1155卷,第18232号,第331页。 |
Reference was made to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice in the 1975 Western Sahara Advisory Opinion (“No rule of international law, in the view of the Court, requires the structure of a State to follow any particular pattern”), and there may well be States of a special character. |
成员们提到了国际法院在1975年西撒哈拉咨询意见中的咨询意见(“本法院认为,没有任何国际法规则要求一个国家的结构应遵循任何特定模式”),很可能存在具有特殊特点的国家。 |
Western Sahara, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1975, p. 12, at pp. 43–44, paras. 94–95. |
西撒哈拉,咨询意见,《1975年国际法院案例汇编》,第12页起,见第43-44页,第94-95段。 |
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (New York, 16 December 1966), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, No. 14668, p. 171. |
《公民及政治权利国际公约》(1966年12月16日,纽约),联合国,《条约汇编》,第999卷,第14668号,第171页。 |
General Assembly resolution 61/295 of 13 September 2007. |
联大2007年9月13日第61/295号决议。 |
The articles adopted by the Commission and the commentaries thereto are reproduced in Yearbook … 1999, vol. II (Part Two), paras. 47–48. |
委员会通过的条款及其评注载于《1999年……年鉴》第二卷(第二部分),第47-48段。 |
See also General Assembly resolution 55/153 of 12 December 2000, annex. |
另见联大2000年12月12日第55/153号决议,附件。 |
The draft articles adopted by the Commission and commentaries thereto are reproduced in Yearbook … 2016, vol. II (Part Two), paras. 48–49. |
委员会通过的条款草案及其评注载于《2016年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第48-49段。 |
CCPR/C/135/D/3624/2019. |
CCPR/C/135/D/3624/2019. |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. |
政府间气候变化专门委员会,《气候变化2023:综合报告》。 |
Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva, 2023). |
政府间气候变化专门委员会第六次评估报告第一、第二和第三工作组的报告(2023年,日内瓦)。 |
CCPR/C/127/D/2728/2016. |
CCPR/C/127/D/2728/2016. |
General Assembly resolution 73/195 of 19 December 2018, annex. |
联大2018年12月19日第73/195号决议,附件。 |
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Geneva, 28 July 1951), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, No. 2545, p. 137. |
《关于难民地位的公约》(1951年7月28日,日内瓦),联合国,《条约汇编》,第189卷,第2545号,第137页。 |
OAU [Organization of African Unity] Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa (Addis Ababa, 10 September 1969), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1001, No. 14691, p. 45. |
《非统组织(非洲统一组织)关于非洲难民问题某些特定方面的公约》(1969年9月10日,亚的斯亚贝巴),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1001卷,第14691号,第45页。 |
Cartagena Declaration on Refugees, adopted at the Colloquium on the International Protection of Refugees in Central America, Mexico and Panama: Legal and Humanitarian Problems, held in Cartagena, Colombia, 19–22 November 1984. |
1984年11月19日至22日在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳举行的“中美洲、墨西哥和巴拿马难民国际保护问题座谈会:法律和人道主义问题”通过的《关于难民的卡塔赫纳宣言》。 |
Available at www.oas.org/dil/1984_Cartagena_Declaration_on_Refugees.pdf. |
可查阅www.oas.org/dil/1984_Cartagena_Declaration_on_Refugees.pdf。 |
Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (New York, 28 September 1954), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 360, No. 5158, p. 117. |
《关于无国籍人地位的公约》(1954年9月28日,纽约),联合国,《条约汇编》,第360卷,第5158号,第117页。 |
Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (New York, 30 August 1961), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 989, No. 14458, p. 175. |
《减少无国籍状态公约》(1961年8月30日,纽约),联合国,《条约汇编》,第989卷,第14458号,第175页。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/73/10), annex B. |
《大会正式记录,第七十三届会议,补编第10号》(A/73/10),附件B。 |
Yearbook … 1998, vol. II (Part Two), p. 110, para. 553. |
《1998年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第110页,第553段。 |
See also Yearbook … 1997, vol. II (Part Two), para. 238. Yearbook … |
另见《1997年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第238段。 |
1996, vol. II (Part Two), para. 248 and annex II, Addendum 2. |
《1996年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第248段和附件二增编2。 |
Yearbook … 2006, vol. II (Part Two), para. 257 and annex II. |
《2006年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第257段和附件二。 |
Ibid., annex IV. |
同上,附件四。 |
Ibid., annex V. |
同上,附件五。 |
Yearbook … 2011, vol. II (Part Two), para. 365 and annex IV. |
《2011年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第365段和附件四。 |
Yearbook…2017, vol II (Part Two), para. 267 and annex II. |
《2017年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第267段和附件二。 |
Yearbook…2018, vol II (Part Two), para. 369 and annex I. |
《2018年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第369段和附件一。 |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), para. 290 and annex II. |
《大会正式记录,第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/10),第290段和附件二。 |
Yearbook … 2008, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 146–147. Yearbook … |
《2008年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第146-147页。 |
2009, vol. II (Part Two), p. 150, para. 231; Yearbook … |
《2009年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第150页,第231段; |
2010, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 202–204, paras. 390–393; Yearbook … |
《2010年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第202-204页,第390-393段; |
2011, vol. II (Part Two), p. 178, paras. 392–398; Yearbook … |
《2011年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第178页,第392-398段; |
2012, vol. II (Part Two), p. 87, paras. 274–279; Yearbook … |
《2012年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第87页,第274-279段; |
2013, vol. II (Part Two), p. 79, paras. 171–179; Yearbook … |
《2013年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第79页,第171-179段; |
2014, vol. II (Part Two) and Corr.1, p. 165, paras. 273–280; |
《2014年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)及Corr.1, 第165页,第273-280段; |
Yearbook … 2015, vol. II (Part Two), p. 85, paras. 288–295; |
《2015年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第85页,第288-295段; |
Yearbook … 2016, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 227–228, paras. 314–322; |
《2016年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第227-228页,第314-322段; |
Yearbook … 2017, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 149–150, paras. 269–278; |
《2017年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第149-150页,第269-278段; |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/73/10), paras. 372–380; |
《大会正式记录,第七十三届会议,补编第10号》(A/73/10),第372-380段; |
ibid., Seventy-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), paras. 293–301; |
同上,《第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/10),第293-301段; |
ibid., Seventy-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/76/10), paras. 304–312; |
同上,《第七十六届会议,补编第10号》(A/76/10),第304-312段; |
and ibid., Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), paras. 258–269; |
同上,《第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第258-269段; |
and ibid., Seventy-eighth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), paras. 262–274. |
同上,《第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第262-274段。 |
General Assembly resolution 67/1 of 24 September 2012 on the declaration of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the rule of law at the national and international levels, para. 41. |
联大2012年9月24日关于国内和国际的法治问题大会高级别会议宣言的第67/1号决议,第41段。 |
Report of the Secretary-General on measuring the effectiveness of the support provided by the United Nations system for the promotion of the rule of law in conflict and post-conflict situations, S/2013/341, para. 70. |
秘书长关于衡量联合国系统在冲突中和冲突后支持促进法治的效力的报告,S/2013/341, 第70段。 |
General Assembly resolution 77/276 of 29 March 2023, entitled, “Request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States in respect of Climate Change”. |
联大2023年3月29日题为“请求国际法院就各国在气候变化方面的义务提供咨询意见”的第77/276号决议。 |
See International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Request for an advisory opinion submitted by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law, 12 December 2022, and Request for an advisory opinion submitted by the Commission of Small Island States on climate change and international law, Advisory Opinion, 21 May 2024, Case No. 31. |
见:国际海洋法法庭,小岛屿国家气候变化与国际法问题委员会2022年12月12日提交的咨询意见请求,以及2024年5月21日出具的《小岛屿国家气候变化与国际法问题委员会提交的咨询意见请求:咨询意见》,案件编号31。 |
See also Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Request for an advisory opinion on the climate emergency and human rights submitted by Chile and Colombia, 9 January 2023. |
另见:美洲人权法院,智利和哥伦比亚提交的关于气候紧急情况与人权的咨询意见请求,2023年1月9日。 |
See section 10, below, and https://legal.un.org/ilc/. |
见下文第10节和https://legal.un.org/ilc/。 |
General Assembly resolution 78/112 on the rule of law at the national and international levels, paras. 2 and 19. |
联大关于国内和国际的法治的第78/112号决议,第2和第19段。 |
Ibid., para. 24. |
同上,第24段。 |
See, more specifically, Yearbook … 2015, vol. II (Part Two), para. 294. |
详见:《2015年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第294段。 |
General Assembly resolution 78/108 of 7 December 2023. |
联大2023年12月7日第78/108号决议。 |
For the programme and further information on the event, see: https://legal.un.org/ilc/sessions/75/index.shtml#a8. |
该活动的日程和更多相关信息见:https://legal.un.org/ilc/sessions/75/index.shtml#a8。 |
See Yearbook … 2002, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 102–103, paras. 525–531; |
见:《2002年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第102-103页,第525-531段; |
Yearbook … 2003, vol. II (Part Two), p. 101, para. 447; |
《2003年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第101页,第447段; |
Yearbook … 2004, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 120–121, para. 369; |
《2004年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第120-121页,第369段; |
Yearbook … 2005, vol. II (Part Two), p. 92, para. 501; |
《2005年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第92页,第501段; |
Yearbook … 2006, vol. II (Part Two), p. 187, para. 269; |
《2006年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第187页,第269段; |
Yearbook … 2007, vol. II (Part Two), p. 100, para. 379; |
《2007年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第100页,第379段; |
Yearbook … 2008, vol. II (Part Two), p. 148, para. 358; |
《2008年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第148页,第358段; |
Yearbook … 2009, vol. II (Part Two), p. 151, para. 240; |
《2009年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第151页,第240段; |
Yearbook … 2010, vol. II (Part Two), p. 203, para. 396; |
《2010年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第203页,第396段; |
Yearbook … 2011, vol. II (Part Two), p. 178, para. 399; |
《2011年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第178页,第399段; |
Yearbook … 2012, vol. II (Part Two), p. 87, para. 280; |
《2012年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第87页,第280段; |
Yearbook … 2013, vol. II (Part Two), p. 79, para. 181; |
《2013年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第79页,第181段; |
Yearbook … 2014, vol. II (Part Two) and Corr.1, p. 165, para. 281; |
《2014年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)及Corr.1, 第165页,第281段; |
Yearbook … 2015, vol. II (Part Two), p. 87, para. 299; |
《2015年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第87页,第299段; |
Yearbook … 2016, vol. II (Part Two), p. 229, para. 333; |
《2016年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第229页,第333段; |
Yearbook … 2017, vol. II (Part Two), p. 150, para. 282; |
《2017年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第150页,第282段; |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/73/10), para. 382; |
《大会正式记录,第七十三届会议,补编第10号》(A/73/10),第382段; |
ibid., Seventy-fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), para. 302; |
同上,《第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/10),第302段; |
ibid., Seventy-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/76/10), para. 317; |
同上,《第七十六届会议,补编第10号》(A/76/10),第317段; |
ibid., Seventy-seventh Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), para. 270; |
同上,《第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第270段。 |
and ibid., Seventy-eight Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), para. 277. |
同上,《第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第277段。 |
For considerations relating to page limits on the reports of Special Rapporteurs, see, for example, Yearbook … 1977, vol. II (Part Two), p. 132, and Yearbook … |
关于特别报告员报告页数限制的考虑因素,例见:《1977年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第132页; |
1982, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 123–124. |
《1982年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第123-124页。 |
See also General Assembly resolution 32/151 of 9 December 1977, para. 10, and General Assembly resolution 37/111 of 16 December 1982, para. 5, as well as subsequent resolutions on the annual reports of the Commission to the General Assembly. |
另见联大1977年12月9日第32/151号决议第10段、联大1982年12月16日第37/111号决议第5段,以及随后关于委员会提交联大的年度报告的各项决议。 |
See Yearbook … 2007, vol. II (Part Two), paras. 387–395. |
见《2007年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第387-395段。 |
See also Yearbook … 2013, vol. II (Part Two), para. 185. |
另见《2013年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第185段。 |
See also General Assembly resolutions 69/324 of 11 September 2015; |
另见:联大2015年9月11日第69/324号决议; |
71/328 of 17 September 2017; |
联大2017年9月17日第71/328号决议; |
and 73/346 of 16 September 2019. |
联大2019年9月16日第73/346号决议。 |
See further General Assembly resolutions 77/103 and 78/108. |
还见联大第77/103号和第78/108号决议。 |
http://legal.un.org/ilc. |
http://legal.un.org/ilc. |
In general, available from: http://legal.un.org/cod/. |
概况可查阅:http://legal.un.org/cod/。 |
http://legal.un.org/avl/intro/welcome_avl.html. |
http://legal.un.org/avl/intro/welcome_avl.html. |
The following topics in the Commission’s programme of work are at the first reading stage: “Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties” and “Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law”, as well as “Prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” and “Non-legally binding international agreements”. |
委员会工作方案上的下列专题处于一读阶段:“国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决”和“确定国际法规则的辅助手段”,以及“防止和打击海盗和海上武装抢劫行为”和“不具法律约束力的国际协定”。 |
The statement is recorded in the summary record of that meeting. |
发言载于该次会议简要记录。 |
The following persons participated in the Seminar: Ms. Rashida Abbas (Pakistan); |
下列人士参加了讲习班:Rashida Abbas女士(巴基斯坦); |
Mr. Oscar Orlando Casallas Mendez (Colombia); |
Oscar Orlando Casallas Mendez先生(哥伦比亚); |
Mr. Carlos Antonio Cruz Carrillo (Mexico); |
Carlos Antonio Cruz Carrillo先生(墨西哥); |
Mr. Abel Mbaihoundaroua Djetourané (Chad); |
Abel Mbaihoundaroua Djetourané先生(乍得); |
Ms. Tuulaikhuu Enkhee (Mongolia); |
Tuulaikhuu Enkhee女士(蒙古); |
Ms. Ligia Lorena Flores Soto (El Salvador); |
Ligia Lorena Flores Soto女士(萨尔瓦多); |
Ms. Karima Ftiss (Tunisia); |
Karima Ftiss女士(突尼斯); |
Mr. Yusuke Hatakeyama (Japan); |
Yusuke Hatakeyama先生(日本); |
Mr. Sanitya Kalika (Nepal); |
Sanitya Kalika先生(尼泊尔); |
Mr. Matúš Košuth (Slovakia); |
Matúš Košuth先生(斯洛伐克); |
Ms. Alis Lungu (Romania); |
Alis Lungu女士(罗马尼亚); |
Mr. Cham Riphat Prince Matsiona Kinkoulou (Congo (the)); |
Cham Riphat Prince Matsiona Kinkoulou先生(刚果); |
Ms. Thirusha Naidoo (South Africa); |
Thirusha Naidoo女士(南非); |
Ms. Elizabeth Nwarueze (Nigeria); |
Elizabeth Nwarueze女士(尼日利亚); |
Ms. Miora Tanteliniaina Randrianirina (Madagascar); |
Miora Tanteliniaina Randrianirina女士(马达加斯加); |
Mr. Juan Manuel Ruiz Ballester (Argentina); |
Juan Manuel Ruiz Ballester先生(阿根廷); |
Ms. Paulina Rundel (Germany); |
Paulina Rundel女士(德国); |
Ms. Sarra Sefrioui (Morocco); |
Sarra Sefrioui女士(摩洛哥); |
Mr. Luis Alberto Serrano Molinos (Chile); |
Luis Alberto Serrano Molinos先生(智利); |
Ms. Mariyam Shaany (Maldives); |
Mariyam Shaany 女士(马尔代夫); |
Ms. Shelly-Ann Thompson (Jamaica); |
Shelly-Ann Thompson女士(牙买加); |
Ms. Akshita Tiwary (India); |
Akshita Tiwary女士(印度); |
Ms. Filomena Medea Tulli (Italy); |
Filomena Medea Tulli女士(意大利); |
Mr. Nattachaat Urairong (Thailand); |
Nattachaat Urairong先生(泰国); |
Ms. Julia Vassileva (Bulgaria); |
Julia Vassileva女士(保加利亚); |
Mr. Kiswendsida Marius Zongo (Burkina Faso); |
Kiswendsida Marius Zongo先生(布基纳法索); |
Mr. Marek Zukal (Czech Republic). |
Marek Zukal先生(捷克共和国)。 |
The Selection Committee, chaired by Mr. Makane Moïse Mbengue, Professor of International Law at the University of Geneva, met on 3 May 2024 and selected 27 candidates from 221 applications. |
由日内瓦大学国际法教授Makane Moïse Mbengue先生担任主席的甄选委员会于2024年5月3日开会,从221名申请人中选出了27名候选人。 |
The author wishes to thank his research assistants Marcie Rotblatt, Luis Felipe Viveros and Yanwen Zhang for their help in preparing the present proposal. |
作者谨感谢他的研究助理Marcie Rotblatt、Luis Felipe Viveros和Yanwen Zhang对编写本提案提供的帮助。 |
Alabama claims of the United States against Great Britain, Award of 14 September 1872, UNRIAA, vol. XXIX, pp. 125–134, at pp. 133–134; |
美国向英国提出的“阿拉巴马号”索赔案,1872年9月14日的裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十九卷,第125-134页,见第133-134页; |
and Institute of International Law, “Responsabilité internationale des États à raison des dommages causés sur leur territoire à la personne et aux biens des étrangers”, Yearbook, vol. 33-III (1927), pp. 330 et seq., at pp. 333–334, arts. 10–11 (and pp. 81–168, and ibid., vol. 33-I, pp. 455–562). |
以及Institute of International Law, “Responsabilité internationale des États à raison des dommages causés sur leur territoire à la personne et aux biens des étrangers”, Yearbook, vol. 33-III (1927), pp. 330 et seq., at pp. 333–334, arts. 10–11 (and pp. 81–168, and ibid., vol. 33-I, pp. 455–562)。 |
See also G. Salvioli, “La responsabilité des États et la fixation des dommages et intérêts par les tribunaux internationaux”, Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law, vol. 28 (1929-III), pp. 231 et seq.; |
另见G. Salvioli, “La responsabilité des États et la fixation des dommages et intérêts par les tribunaux internationaux”, Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law, vol. 28 (1929-III), pp. 231 et seq.; |
W. Buder, Die Lehre vom völkerrechtlichen Schadensersatz, Begach, 1932; |
W. Buder, Die Lehre vom völkerrechtlichen Schadensersatz, Begach, 1932; |
A. Roth, Schadensersatz für Verletzungen Privater bei völkerrechtlichen Delikten, Heymann, 1934; |
A. Roth, Schadensersatz für Verletzungen Privater bei völkerrechtlichen Delikten, Heymann, 1934; |
L. Reitzer, La réparation comme conséquence de l’acte illicite en droit international (PhD thesis, Université de Genève), Liège, G. Thone, 1938; |
L. Reitzer, La réparation comme conséquence de l’acte illicite en droit international (PhD thesis, Université de Genève), Liège, G. Thone, 1938; |
J. Personnaz, La réparation du préjudice en droit international public, Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1939; |
J. Personnaz, La réparation du préjudice en droit international public, Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1939; |
and M. M. Whiteman, Damages in International Law, vols. |
and M. M. Whiteman, Damages in International Law, vols. |
I–II, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1937, and vol. III, 1943. |
I–II, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1937, and vol. III, 1943。 |
Factory at Chorzów, Judgment No. 13 (Claim for Indemnity) (Merits), P.C.I.J., Series A, No. 17 (1928), p. 47. |
霍茹夫工厂案,第13号判决(赔偿要求)(案情实质),《国际常设法院案例汇编》,A辑,第17号(1928年),第47页。 |
See the text of articles adopted on first reading by the Third Committee of the Conference for the Codification of International Law (The Hague, 1930), Yearbook … 1956, vol. II, document A/CN.4/96, Annex 3, p. 225, art. 3 (“The international responsibility of a State imports the duty to make reparation for the damage sustained in so far as it results from failure to comply with its international obligation”). |
见国际法编纂会议(1930年,海牙)第三委员会一读通过的条款案文,《1956年……年鉴》,第二卷,A/CN.4/96号文件,附件3,第225页,第3条(“一国的国际责任意味着对于一国未履行国际义务所造成的损害进行补偿的义务”)。 |
See also basis of discussion No. 29 of the Bases of Discussion Drawn up in 1929 by the Preparatory Committee of the Conference for the Codification of International Law (The Hague, 1930) in ibid., Annex 2, pp. 223–225, at p. 225; |
另见国际法编纂会议(1930年,海牙)筹备委员会1929年起草的讨论基础第29条,同上,附件2,第223-225页,见第225页; |
League of Nations, Conference for the Codification of International Law, Bases of Discussion for the Conference drawn up by the Preparatory Committee, vol. III: Responsibility of States for Damage caused in their Territory to the Person or Property of Foreigners (Ser. L.o.N. P. 129.V.3), document C.75.M.69.1929.V), pp. 75 et seq., at pp. 146–151; |
国际联盟,国际法编纂会议,筹备委员会编写的讨论基础,第三卷:国家对在其境内的外国人的人身或财产损害的责任(Ser. L.o.N. P. 129.V.3)(C.75.M.69.1929.V号文件),第75页和以下各页,见第146-151页; |
and League of Nations, Acts of the Conference for the Codification of International Law held at The Hague from March 13th to April 12th, 1930, vol. IV: Minutes of the Third Committee (document C.351(c).M.145(c).1930.V.), pp. 129–142. |
以及国际联盟,1930年3月13日至4月12日海牙国际法编纂会议文件,第四卷:第三委员会会议记录(C.351(c).M.145(c).1930.V.号文件),第129-142页。 |
See, generally, Whiteman (footnote 1 above). |
一般性见Whiteman (上文脚注1)。 |
Corfu Channel case, Compensation, Judgment of 15 December 1949, I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 244. |
科孚海峡案,补偿,1949年12月15日判决,《1949年国际法院案例汇编》,第244页。 |
See Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/ Slovakia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1997, p. 7, at p. 81, para. 152. |
见加布奇科沃-大毛罗斯项目案(匈牙利/斯洛伐克),判决,《1997年国际法院案例汇编》,第7页起,见第81页,第152段。 |
See Fisheries Jurisdiction (Federal Republic of Germany v. Iceland), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1974, p. 175, at pp. 204–205, para. 76. |
见渔业管辖权案(德意志联邦共和国诉冰岛),实质问题,判决,《1974年国际法院案例汇编》,第175页起,见第204-205页,第76段。 |
See Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Memorial of Nicaragua of 29 March 1988, available from the website of the International Court of Justice: www.icj-cij.org, Cases. |
见尼加拉瓜境内和针对尼加拉瓜的军事和准军事活动案(尼加拉瓜诉美利坚合众国),1988年3月29日尼加拉瓜诉状,可查阅国际法院网站:www.icj-cij.org,案件。 |
Ibid., Order of 26 September 1991, I.C.J. Reports 1991, p. 47. |
同上,1991年9月26日命令,《1991年国际法院案例汇编》,第47页。 |
Corfu Channel case (see footnote 5 above), p. 248 (“It is sufficient for the Court to convince itself by such methods as it considers suitable that the submissions [of the United Kingdom] are well founded”), and p. 249 (“The Court considers that the figures submitted by the United Kingdom Government are reasonable and that its claim is well founded”). |
科孚海峡案(见上文脚注5),第248页(“法院通过其认为适当的方法足以使自己相信[联合王国]的陈述有充分根据”)和第249页(“法院认为联合王国政府提交的数字是合理的,其主张有充分依据”)。 |
Third report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford, Yearbook … 2000, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/507 and Add.1–4, p. 48, para. 155. |
特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生关于国家责任的第三次报告,《2000年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/507和Add.1-4号文件,第48页,第155段。 |
See article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 98 et seq. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第98页和以下各页。 |
See also articles 31, 34 and38–39, ibid., pp. 91 et seq. |
另见第31、第34和第38-39条,同上,第91页和以下各页。 |
See Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 43, at pp. 232–233, para. 460; |
见《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的适用案(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那诉塞尔维亚和黑山),判决,《2007年国际法院案例汇编》,第43页起,见第232-233页,第460段; |
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Compensation, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2012, p. 324, at p. 342, para. 49; |
艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国),补偿,判决,《2012年国际法院案例汇编》,第324页起,见第342页,第49段; |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Judgment, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, ITLOS Reports 2018–2019, p. 10, at p. 116, para. 431; |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Judgment, International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea, ITLOS Reports 2018–2019, p. 10, at p. 116, para. 431; |
and The “Enrica Lexie” Incident (Italy v. India), PCA Case No 2015-28, Award of 21 May 2020, Permanent Court of Arbitration, p. 305, para. 1087, note 1934. |
以及 The “Enrica Lexie” Incident (Italy v. India), PCA Case No 2015-28, Award of 21 May 2020, Permanent Court of Arbitration, p. 305, para. 1087, note 1934。 |
See the third report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford, Yearbook … 2000, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/507 and Add.1–4, pp. 50–51, paras 158–160. |
见特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生关于国家责任的第三次报告,《2000年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/507和Add.1-4号文件,第50-51页,第158-160段。 |
See also the second report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Yearbook … 1989, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/425 and Add.1, chap. II, pp. 8 et seq.; |
另见特别报告员加埃塔诺·阿兰焦-鲁伊斯先生关于国家责任的第二次报告,《1989年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/425和Add.1号文件,第二章,第8页和以下各页; |
and article 44 of the draft articles on State responsibility, Yearbook … 1996, vol. II (Part Two), p. 63. |
以及国家责任条款草案第44条,《1996年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第63页。 |
Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 98 et seq., art. 36. |
《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第98页和以下各页,第36条。 |
The title of the topic is based on paragraph 1 of draft article 36. |
专题的标题根据第36条第1款。 |
Ibid., pp. 98–105. |
同上,第98-105页。 |
R. Higgins, “Overview of Part Two of the articles on State responsibility”, in J. Crawford, et al. (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 537–544, at p. 539. |
R. Higgins, “Overview of Part Two of the articles on State responsibility”, in J. Crawford, et al. (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 537–544, at p. 539. |
See also D. Shelton, “Righting wrongs: reparations in the articles on State responsibility”, American Journal of International Law, vol. 96, No. 4 (October 2002), pp. 833–856; |
另见 D. Shelton, “Righting wrongs: reparations in the articles on State responsibility”, American Journal of International Law, vol. 96, No. 4 (October 2002), pp. 833–856; |
and C. Gray, “Remedies”, in C. P. R. Romano, K. J. Alter, and Y. Shany (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 871, 873 and 881. |
以及 C. Gray, “Remedies”, in C. P. R. Romano, K. J. Alter, and Y. Shany (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 871, 873 and 881。 |
Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat on the long-term programme of work: possible topics for consideration taking into account the review of the list of topics established in 1996 in the light of subsequent developments (A/CN.4/679/Add.1), para. 36. |
秘书处编写的关于长期工作方案的工作文件:考虑到根据嗣后情况发展对1996年编订的专题清单的审查结果提出的可能审议的专题(A/CN.4/679/Add.1),第36段。 |
See The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (IV) and A24, Final Award No. 602-A15(IV)/A24-FT of 2 July 2014, Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, pp. 23–25, paras. 51–52, and p. 37–38, para. 93; |
见The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (IV) and A24, Final Award No. 602-A15(IV)/A24-FT of 2 July 2014, Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, pp. 23–25, paras. 51–52, and p. 37–38, para. 93; |
and The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020, Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, pp. 459–460, paras. 1793 and 1795. |
以及 The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020, Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, pp. 459–460, paras. 1793 and 1795。 |
United Nations, Materials on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, 2nd ed. (United Nations publication, Sales No.: E.23V.36), 2023, pp. 396–414. |
联合国,《关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的材料》,第二版,(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.23V.36),2023年,第396-414页。 |
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (see footnote 13 above). |
艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(见上文脚注13)。 |
Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), Compensation, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2018, p. 15. |
尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动案(哥斯达黎加诉尼加拉瓜),补偿,判决,《2018年国际法院案例汇编》,第15页。 |
Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda), Reparations, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2022, p. 13. |
刚果境内的武装活动案(刚果民主共和国诉乌干达),赔偿,判决,《2022年国际法院案例汇编》,第13页。 |
Certain Iranian Assets (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America), Judgment of 30 March 2023, para. 231, available from the website of the International Court of Justice, www.icj-cij.org, Cases. |
某些伊朗资产案(伊朗伊斯兰共和国诉美利坚合众国),2023年5月30日判决,第231段,可查阅国际法院网站:www.icj-cij.org, 案件。 |
See also the recently instituted proceedings claiming compensation, discussed in footnote 87 below. |
另见最近提出的索赔诉讼,下文脚注87中进行了讨论。 |
See The M/V “Virginia G” Case (Panama/Guinea-Bissau), Case No. 19, Judgment of 14 April 2014, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, ITLOS Reports 2014; |
见The M/V “Virginia G” Case (Panama/Guinea-Bissau), Case No. 19, Judgment of 14 April 2014, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, ITLOS Reports 2014; |
Arctic Sunrise, Award on Compensation of 10 July 2017, UNRIAA, vol. XXXII, pp. 183–353, at p. 317; |
北极日出号案,2017年7月10日补偿裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第三十二卷,第183-353页,见第317页; |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Judgment (footnote 13 above); |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Judgment (footnote 13 above); |
The Duzgit Integrity Arbitration (Malta v. São Tomé and Príncipe), Case No. 2014-07, Award on Reparation of 18 December 2019, Permanent Court of Arbitration, Oxford Reports on International Courts of General Jurisdiction, p. 535. |
The Duzgit Integrity Arbitration (Malta v. São Tomé and Príncipe), Case No. 2014-07, Award on Reparation of 18 December 2019, Permanent Court of Arbitration, Oxford Reports on International Courts of General Jurisdiction, p. 535。 |
See also the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (signed at Montego Bay on 10 December 1982, entered into force on 16 November 1994), United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1833, No. 31363, p. 3, at p. 494, art. 235, para. 3; |
另见《联合国海洋法公约》(1982年12月10日在蒙特哥贝签署,1994年11月16日生效),联合国,《条约汇编》,第1833卷,第31363号,第3页起,见第494页,第235条,第3款; |
Responsibilities and obligations of States with respect to activities in the Area, Advisory Opinion, 1 February 2011, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, ITLOS Reports 2011, p. 10, at p. 31, para. 67, and, by analogy, “Hoshinmaru” (Japan v. Russian Federation), Prompt Release, Judgment, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, ITLOS Reports 2005–2007, p. 18, at p. 45, para. 82 (“‘the reasonableness of the bond’”). |
Responsibilities and obligations of States with respect to activities in the Area, Advisory Opinion, 1 February 2011, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, ITLOS Reports 2011, p. 10, at p. 31, para. 67, 并类比参见, “Hoshinmaru” (Japan v. Russian Federation), Prompt Release, Judgment, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, ITLOS Reports 2005–2007, p. 18, at p. 45, para. 82 (“‘保证金的合理性’”)。 |
Cyprus v. Turkey, Application no. 25781/94, Judgment of 12 May 2014 on Just Satisfaction, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights; |
Cyprus v. Turkey, Application no. 25781/94, Judgment of 12 May 2014 on Just Satisfaction, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights; |
Case of Georgia v. Russia (I), Application no. 13255/07, Judgment of 31 January 2019 on Just Satisfaction, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights; |
Case of Georgia v. Russia (I), Application no. 13255/07, Judgment of 31 January 2019 on Just Satisfaction, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights; |
and Case of Georgia v. Russia (II), Application no. 38263/08, Judgment of 28 April 2023 on Just Satisfaction, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights. |
以及 Case of Georgia v. Russia (II), Application no. 38263/08, Judgment of 28 April 2023 on Just Satisfaction, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights。 |
The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. |
The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. |
A15 (IV) and A24, Final Award No. 602-A15(IV)/A24-FT of 2 July 2014 (see footnote 19 above); |
A15 (IV) and A24, Final Award No. 602-A15(IV)/A24-FT of 2 July 2014 (见上文脚注19); |
and The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No.604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (see footnote 19 above). |
以及The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No.604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (见上文脚注19). |
Final Award (Eritrea’s Damages Claims), 17 August 2009, Eritrea–Ethiopia Claims Commission, UNRIAA, vol. XXVI, pp. 505–630; |
终局裁决(厄立特里亚的损害索赔),2009年8月17日,厄立特里亚-埃塞俄比亚索赔委员会,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十六卷,第505-630页; |
and Final Award (Ethiopia’s Damages Claims), 17 August 2009, ibid., pp. 631–770. |
以及终局裁决(埃塞俄比亚的损害索赔),2009年8月17日,同上,第631-770页。 |
See, generally, United Nations, Materials on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (footnote 20 above), pp. 396–414. |
一般性见联合国,《关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的材料》(上文脚注20),第396-414页。 |
See Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, General Assembly resolution 60/147 of 16 December 2005, annex, para. 20. |
见《联合国关于严重侵犯国际人权法和国际人道主义法行为的受害者获得补救和赔偿权的基本原则和准则》,大会2005年12月16日第60/147号决议,附件,第20段。 |
Human Rights Committee, General comment No. 31 [80]: the nature of the general legal obligation imposed on States parties to the Covenant, adopted on 29 March 2004, Report of the Human Rights Committee, vol. I, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth session, Supplement No. 40 (A/59/40), annex III, p. 178, para. 16; |
人权事务委员会第31(80)号一般性意见:《公约》缔约国所承担的一般法律义务的性质,2004年3月29日通过,人权事务委员会的报告,《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第40号》(A/59/40),第一卷,附件三,第178页,第16段; |
Committee against Torture, General comment No. 3 (2012): implementation of article 14 by States parties, adopted on 13 December 2012, Report of the Committee against Torture, vol. I, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-eighth session, Supplement No. 44 (A/68/44), annex X, p. 255, paras. 9–10; |
禁止酷刑委员会,第3号一般性意见(2012年):缔约国对第14条的执行,2012年12月13日通过,禁止酷刑委员会的报告,《大会正式记录,第六十八届会议,补编第44号》(A/68/44),第一卷,附件十,第255页,第9-10段; |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General comment No. 24 (2017) on State obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the context of business activities (E/C.12/GC/24), pp. 12–13, para. 41, and p. 15, para. 53; |
经济、社会及文化权利委员会,关于国家在工商活动中履行《经济社会文化权利国际公约》规定的义务的第24号一般性意见(2017年)(E/C.12/GC/24),第12-13页,第41段以及第15页,第53段; |
and Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, General recommendation No. 38 (2020) on trafficking in women and girls in the context of global migration (CEDAW/C/GC/38), p. 10, para. 43, and pp. 20–21, paras. 101 and 108. |
以及消除对妇女歧视委员会,关于全球移民背景下贩运妇女和女童问题的第38号一般性建议(2020年)(CEDAW/C/GC/38),第10页,第43段,以及第20-21段,第101和第108段。 |
See Establishment of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, General Assembly resolution ES-10/17 of 15 December 2006; |
见建立联合国关于在被占领巴勒斯坦领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册,大会2006年12月15日第ES-10/17号决议; |
and most recently Progress report of the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, enclosed in annex to the Letter dated 26 May 2023 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the General Assembly (A/ES-10/949). |
以及联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册委员会的最新进度报告,载于2023年5月26日秘书长给大会主席的信的附件(A/ES-10/949)。 |
See also Furtherance of remedy and reparation for aggression against Ukraine, General Assembly resolution ES-11/5 of 14 November 2022, para. 4; |
另见推进就侵略乌克兰行为提供补救和赔偿,大会2022年11月14日第ES-11/5号决议,第4段; |
and Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers, Resolution establishing the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine, adopted on 12 May 2023, (CM/Res(2023)3). |
以及Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers, Resolution establishing the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine, adopted on 12 May 2023, (CM/Res(2023)3)。 |
On the practice of bodies established by the United Nations, in particular the United Nations Compensation Commission, see the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 101, paragraph (14) of the commentary to article 36, and p. 108, paragraph (4) of the commentary to article 38. |
关于联合国所设立机构的惯例,特别是联合国赔偿委员会的惯例,见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案(《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第101页,第36条评注第(14)段,以及第108页,第38条评注第(4)段。 |
See the Working paper prepared by the Secretariat (footnote 18 above), paras. 36 and 38. |
见秘书处编写的工作文件(上文脚注18),第36和第38段。 |
See the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 31, paragraph (1) of the general commentary; |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第31页,总评注第(1)段; |
and the draft articles on diplomatic protection, Yearbook … 2006, vol. II (Part Two), p. 27, paragraph (2) of the commentary to article 1. See Yearbook … |
以及外交保护条款草案,《2006年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第27页,第1条评注第(2)段。 |
2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, art. 31, p. 91, art. 34, p. 95, and art. |
见《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第31条,第91页,第34条,第95页,以及第36条,第98页。 |
36, p. 98. Ibid., art. 36, p. 98; |
同上,第36条,第98段; |
and article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations, Yearbook … 2011, vol. II (Part Two), p. 79. |
以及国家组织的责任条款草案第36条,《2011年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第79页。 |
Paragraph (2) of the general commentary to the draft articles on diplomatic protection, Yearbook … 2006, vol. II (Part Two), p. 26 (referring to article 44 of the 2001 draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 120). |
外交保护条款草案总评注第(2)段,《2006年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第26页(提及2001年国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第44条,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第120页)。 |
See the Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (footnote 18 above), para. 38. |
见秘书处编写的工作文件(上文脚注18),第38段。 |
Ibid., paras. 36 and 38. |
同上,第36和第38段。 |
See the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 31–32, para. (4) (c) of the general commentary. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第31-32页,总评注第(4)(c)段。 |
See also the draft articles on prevention of transboundary harm from hazardous activities, ibid., p. 148, paras. (1)–(2) of the general commentary, and p. 150, para. (6) of the commentary to article 1; |
另见关于预防危险活动的跨界损害的条款草案,同上,第148页,总评注第(1)-(2)段,以及第150页,第1条评注第(6)段; |
paragraph (6) of the commentary to principle 1 of the draft principles on the allocation of loss in the case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, Yearbook … 2006, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 62–63; |
危险活动所致跨界损害的损失分配原则草案原则1评注第(6)段,《2006年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第62-63段; |
and A. Boyle, “Liability for injurious consequences of acts not prohibited by international law”, in J. Crawford, et al. (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility, Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 95. |
以及A. Boyle, “Liability for injurious consequences of acts not prohibited by international law”, in J. Crawford, et al. (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility, Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 95。 |
See the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 31, paragraph (3) (f) of the general commentary, and p. 140, paragraph (4) of the commentary to article 55. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第31页,总评注第(3)(f)段,以及第140页,第55条评注第(4)段。 |
See Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (footnote 13 above), p. 331, para. 13; |
见艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(上文脚注13),第331页,第13段; |
Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (footnote 22 above), pp. 25–28, paras. 29–35 and 41; |
尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动案(上文脚注22),第25-28页,第29-35段和第41段; |
and Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (footnote 23 above), p. 50, paras. 99–102. |
刚果境内的武装活动案(上文脚注23),第50页,第99-102段。 |
See Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (footnote 13 above), p. 331, para. 13, p. 334, para. 24, p. 337, para. 33, pp. 339–340, para. 40, and p. 342, para. 49; |
见艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(上文脚注13),第331页,第13段,第334页,第24段,第337页,第33段,第339-340页,第40段,以及第342页,第49段; |
Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (footnote 22 above), p. 31, para. 52, and, generally, Part III, pp. 28 et seq.; |
尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动案(上文脚注22),第31页,第52段,以及整个第三部分,第28页和以下各页; |
and Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (footnote 23 above), p. 137, para. 407, and, generally, Part III, pp. 58 et seq. |
以及刚果境内的武装活动案(上文脚注23),第137页,第407段,以及整个第三部分,第58页和以下各页。 |
Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (see footnote 18 above), sect. II.E. |
秘书处编写的工作文件(见上文脚注18),第二章E节。 |
See paragraph 1 of article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 98. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条第1款,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第98页。 |
See the discussion in paragraph 13 below. |
见上文第13段中的讨论。 |
See footnote 40 above. |
见上文脚注40。 |
See article 12 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 54. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第12条,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第54页。 |
See article 12, paragraph 3, of the draft articles on prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity, and paragraphs (17)–(23) of the commentary to thereto, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-first session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-fourth session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), chap. IV, para. 45; |
见防止及惩治危害人类罪条款草案第12条第3款,以及该条款的评注第(17)-(23)段,国际法委员会第七十一届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/ 10),第四章,第45段; |
C. Grossman Guiloff, “Reparation to individuals for gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law”, ibid., Annex B, para. 23 (a); |
克劳迪奥·格罗斯曼·吉洛夫,“就严重违反国际人权法和严重违反国际人道法行为对个人的赔偿”,同上,附件B,第23(a)段; |
conclusion 19, paragraph 4, and paragraph (18) of the commentary to draft conclusion 19 of the draft conclusions on identification and legal consequences of peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens) adopted by the Commission on second reading, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-third session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), chap. IV, sect. E.2, para. 44; |
委员会二读通过的关于一般国际法强制性规范(强行法)的识别和法律后果的结论草案结论19第4段以及结论草案19评注第(18)段,国际法委员会第七十三届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第四章,E.2节,第44段; |
and principle 9, paragraph 1, and paragraphs (5)–(8) of the commentary to principle 9 of the draft principles on the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts adopted by the Commission on second reading, ibid., chap. V, sect. E.2, para. 59. |
以及委员会二读通过的与武装冲突有关的环境保护原则草案原则9第1段以及原则9评注第(5)-(8)段,同上,第五章,E.2节,第59段。 |
See articles 30, 35 and 37 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 88, 96 and 105, respectively. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第30、第35和第37条,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,分别见第88、96和105页。 |
See Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (footnote 23 above), p. 43, para. 70. |
见刚果境内的武装活动案(上文脚注23),第43页,第70段。 |
Ibid., p. 50, para. 101. |
同上,第50页,第101段。 |
See also rehabilitation, Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (footnote 13 above), separate opinion of Judge Cançado Trindade, p. 347, at pp. 377–380, paras. 81–85; |
另见康复,艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(上文脚注13),坎卡多·特林达德法官的个别意见,第347页起,见第377-380页,第81-85段; |
and Basic Principles and Guidelines … (footnote 30 above), para. 21. |
以及《基本原则和准则》(上文脚注30),第21段。 |
See articles 13 and 27 (b) of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook …2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 57 and 85, respectively. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第13条和第27条(b)项,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,分别见第57和85页。 |
See also CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic, Case No. ARB/01/08, Decision on Annulment of 25 September 2007, International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), paras. 146–147; |
另见CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic, Case No. ARB/01/08, Decision on Annulment of 25 September 2007, International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), paras. 146–147; |
and EDF International SA et al. v. Argentine Republic, Case No. ARB/03/23, Decision on Annulment of 5 February 2016, ICSID, para. 330. |
以及 EDF International SA et al. v. Argentine Republic, Case No. ARB/03/23, Decision on Annulment of 5 February 2016, ICSID, para. 330。 |
Plurality of responsible actors may also be relevant for the determination of content of responsibility, Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (see footnote 23 above), pp. 49–50, para. 98 (also referring to the commentary to article 47 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 124). |
存在数个责任方对于确定责任的内容也可能具有相关性,刚果境内的武装活动案(上文脚注23),第49-50页,第98段(也提及国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第47条评注,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第124页)。 |
See article 33, paragraph 1, of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, ibid., p. 94. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第33条第1款,同上,第94页。 |
See ibid., art. 33, para. 2, and p. 95, paragraph (4) of the commentary to article 33. |
见同上,第33条第2款,以及第95页,第33条评注第(4)段。 |
Ibid., pp. 99–100, paragraph (6), p. 102, paragraph (19), and pp. 104–105, paragraphs (27) and (32) of the commentary to article 36, as well as pp. 99 et seq., footnotes 515–516, 520–522, 524, 546–547, 549, 550, 553, 555–560, 564–566, 570, 576 and 579. |
同上,第36条评注,第99-100页,第(6)段,第102页,第(19)段,和第104-105页,第(27)和(32)段,以及第99页和以后各页,脚注515-516、520-522、524、546-547、549、550、553、555-560、564-566、570、576和579。 |
See also the third report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford, Yearbook … 2000, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/507 and Add.1–4, pp. 50–51, paras. 156–158. |
另见特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生关于国家责任的第三次报告,《2000年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/507和Add.1-4号文件,第50-51页,第156-158段。 |
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (see footnote 13 above), p. 331, para. 13, and declaration of Judge Greenwood, p. 391, at p. 394, para. 8. |
艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(上文脚注13),第331页,第13段,格林伍德法官的声明,第391页起,见第394页,第8段。 |
United Nations, Materials on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (footnote 20 above), pp. 396–414. |
联合国,《关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的材料》(上文脚注20),第396-414页。 |
See also Grossman Guiloff (footnote 49 above), para. 20. |
另见格罗斯曼·吉洛夫(上文脚注49),第20段。 |
See Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 174, at p. 181; |
见执行联合国职务时所受损害的赔偿案,咨询意见,《1949年国际法院案例汇编》,第174页起,见第181页; |
Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 62, at pp. 88–89, para. 66. |
关于人权委员会特别报告员诉讼程序豁免权的分歧案,咨询意见,《1999年国际法院案例汇编》,第62页起,见第88-89页,第66段。 |
Except for replacing the term “State” by “international organization”: see the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations, Yearbook … 2011, vol. II (Part Two), p. 80, paragraph (4) of the commentary to article 36. |
除了将“国家”一词改为“国际组织”:见国际组织的责任条款草案,《2011年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第80页,第36条评注第(4)段。 |
These articles were also followed with minimal changes on other points of content of responsibility relevant for compensation, see ibid., p. 77, paragraph (8) of the commentary to article 31, and p. 81, commentary to article 38 and paragraph (1) of the commentary to article 39. |
其他与补偿有关的责任的内容也遵循了这些条款的措辞,仅作了最低限度的修改,见同上,第77页,第31条评注第(8)段,第81页,第38条评注,以及第39条评注第(1)段。 |
See Settlement of disputes to which international organizations are parties, memorandum by the Secretariat (A/CN.4/764). |
见国际组织作为当事方的争端的解决,秘书处的备忘录(A/CN.4/764)。 |
The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen, Case No. ICC-02/04-01/15-2074, Reparations Order of 28 February 2024, Trial Chamber IX, International Criminal Court, paras. 56–58 and 77–87. |
The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen, Case No. ICC-02/04-01/15-2074, Reparations Order of 28 February 2024, Trial Chamber IX, International Criminal Court, paras. 56–58 and 77–87. |
Draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 91, article 31, paragraph 2, and p. 111, paragraph (5) of the general commentary to Part Two, chapter III. See also, on the choice of the form of reparation, ibid., p. 119, article 43, paragraph 2 (b). |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第91页,第31条第2款,和第111页,第二部分第三章总评注第(5)段。 关于赔偿形式的选择,另见同上,第119页,第43条第2款(b)项。 |
Ibid., p. 91, article 31, paragraph 2, and p. 99, paragraph (4) of the commentary to article 36. |
同上,第91页,第31条第2款,和第99页,第36条评注第(4)段。 |
Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (see footnote 23 above), p. 130, para. 381, and separate opinion of Judge Robinson, p. 165, at p. 183–184, paras. 44–46. |
刚果境内武装活动案(见上文脚注23),第130页,第381段,和鲁滨逊法官的个别意见,第165页起,见第183-184页,第44-46段。 |
Draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 91, article 31, paragraph 1, and pp. 100–101, paragraphs(9)–(13) of the commentary to article 36; |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第91页,第31条第1款,和第100-101页,第36条评注第(9)-(13)段; |
and the Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (see footnote 18 above), para. 41. |
秘书处编写的工作文件(见上文脚注18),第41段。 |
On the bearing of the law of occupation on the requisite causal nexus, see Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (footnote 23 above), pp. 44–45, para. 78, and separate opinion of Judge Yusuf, p. 145, at pp. 146 et seq., section II. |
关于占领法对必要因果关系的影响,见刚果境内武装活动案(上文脚注23),第44-45页,第78段,和优素福法官的个别意见,第145页起,见第146页及以下各页,第二节。 |
Ibid., p. 137, para. 407, and separate opinion of Judge Yusuf, p. 154, para. 23. |
同上,第137页,第407段,和优素福法官的个别意见,第154页,第23段。 |
See also Final Award (Eritrea’s Damages Claims) (footnote 28 above), paras. 19–23; |
另见终局裁决(厄立特里亚烦的损害索赔)(上文脚注28),第19-23段; |
Final Award (Ethiopia’s Damages Claims) (ibid.), paras. 19–23; |
终局裁决(埃塞俄比亚的损害索赔)(同上),第19-23段; |
and The Duzgit Integrity Arbitration (footnote 25 above), dissenting opinion of Judge Kateka, paras. 24–26. |
The Duzgit Integrity Arbitration (上文脚注25),卡特卡法官的反对意见,第24-26段。 |
See Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (footnote 13 above), pp. 334–335, para. 24, and declaration of Judge Greenwood, p. 391, at pp. 393–394, paras. 5, 7 and 9; |
见艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(上文脚注13),第334-335页,第24段,和格林伍德法官的声明,第391页起,见第393-394页,第5、7和9段; |
Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (footnote 22 above), pp. 26–27, para. 35; |
尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动案(上文脚注22),第26-27页,第35段; |
and Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (footnote 23 above), pp. 51–52, para. 106, pp. 70–71, paras. 164 and 166, p. 76, para. 181, p. 79, para. 193, p. 83, para. 206, pp. 88–89, para. 225, p. 98, para. 258, and p. 127, para. 365. |
刚果境内武装活动案(上文脚注23),第51-52页,第106段,第70-71页,第164和166段,第76页,第181段,第79页,第193段,第83页,第206段,第88-89页,第225段,第98页,第258段,和第127页,第365段。 |
See the second report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Yearbook … 1989, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/425 and Add.1, pp. 10–11, paras. 27 and 29; |
见特别报告员加埃塔诺·阿兰焦-鲁伊斯先生关于国家责任的第二次报告,《1989年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/425和Add.1号文件,第10-11页,第27和29段; |
and The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (footnote 19 above), p. 459, paras. 1793–1794, pp. 461–462, para. 1797, p. 505, para. 1946, and pp. 542–543, para. 2087. |
The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (上文脚注19),第459页,第1793-1794段,第461-462页,第1797段,第505页,第1946段,和第542-543页,第2087段。 |
P. Nevill, “Award of interest by international courts and tribunals”, British Year Book of International Law, vol. 78, No. 1 (2007), pp. 255–341; |
P. Nevill, “Award of interest by international courts and tribunals”, British Year Book of International Law, vol. 78, No. 1 (2007), pp. 255–341; |
and D. Dreyssé, Le comportement de la victime dans le droit de la responsabilité internationale, Paris, Dalloz, 2021. |
和D. Dreyssé, Le comportement de la victime dans le droit de la responsabilité internationale, Paris, Dalloz, 2021。 |
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (see footnote 13 above), declaration of Judge Greenwood, p. 391, at pp. 393–394, para. 7, also paras. 8–9. |
艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(见上文脚注13),格林伍德法官的声明,第391页起,第393-394页,第7段,另见第8-9段。 |
See also Arctic Sunrise, Award on Compensation (footnote 25 above), p. 338, para. 73. |
另见北极日出号案,补偿裁决(上文脚注25),第338页,第73段。 |
Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (see footnote 18 above), para. 41. |
秘书处编写的工作文件(见上文脚注18),第41段。 |
Ibid. |
同上。 |
See paragraphs (27) and (32) of the commentary to article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook …2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 104–105 (endorsed in Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (see footnote 13 above), p. 342, para. 49). |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条评注第(27)和第(32)段,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第104-105页。(在以下案件中得到认可:艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(见上文脚注13),第342页,第49段)。 |
See paragraph (33) of the commentary to article 36 and paragraph (11) of the commentary to article 38 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 105 and 109, respectively. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条评注第(33)段和第38条评注第(11)段,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,分别见第105页和第109页。 |
See paragraphs (27)–(31) of the commentary to article 36, ibid., pp. 104–105. |
见第36条评注第(27)-(31)段,同上,第104-105页。 |
See A. C. Smutny, “Some observations on the principles relating to compensation in the investment treaty context”, ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, vol. 22 (2007), p. 1, at pp. 11–14. |
见A. C. Smutny, “Some observations on the principles relating to compensation in the investment treaty context”, ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, vol. 22 (2007), p. 1, at pp. 11–14。 |
Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (see footnote 18 above), para. 41. |
秘书处编写的工作文件(见上文脚注18),第41段。 |
See paragraphs (8)–(9) of the commentary to article 38 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 108–109. |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第38条评注第(8)-(9)段,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第108-109页。 |
In post-2001 inter-State cases, compound interest has been awarded in law of the sea disputes, rejected by the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, and not requested before the International Court of Justice; |
在2001年后的国家间案件中,在海洋法争端中曾裁定支付复利,伊朗-美国索赔法庭驳回了复利请求,国际法院未收到提出复利请求的案件; |
in investor–State arbitration, compound interest is increasingly, although not invariably, awarded when requested, see M. Paparinskis, “Article 38”, in P. Bodeau–Livinec and P. Galvão Teles (eds.), Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts: a Commentary, Oxford University Press, forthcoming. |
在投资者与国家间的仲裁中,有越来越多应请求裁定支付复利的情况,尽管并非总是如此,见M. Paparinskis, “Article 38”, in P. Bodeau-Livinec and P. Galvão Teles (eds.), Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts: a Commentary, Oxford University Press, forthcoming。 |
See paragraphs (7)–(34) of the commentary to article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 100–105; |
见国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条评注第(7)-(34)段,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第100-105页; |
and paragraphs (5)–(8) of the commentary to principle 9 of the draft principles on the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-third session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), chap. V, sect. E.2, para. 59. |
关于与武装冲突有关的环境保护原则草案原则9评注第(5)-(8)段,国际法委员会第七十三届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第五章,E.2节,第59段。 |
Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (see footnote 23 above), pp. 51 et seq.,paras. 106–107, 166, 181, 193, 206, 221, 225–226, 253, 258, 298, 310, 322, 332, 344, 363, 365–366, 392 and 405; |
刚果境内武装活动案(见上文脚注23),第51页起,第106-107、166、181、193、206、221、225-226、253、258、298、310、322、332、344、363、365-366、392和405段; |
declaration of Judge Tomka, p. 140, at pp. 142–143, para. 9; |
通卡法官的声明,第140页起,见第142-143页,第9段; |
separate opinion of Judge Yusuf, p. 145, at pp. 153–164, sections III–IV; |
优素福法官的个别意见,第145页起,见第153-164页,第三至第四节; |
separate opinion of Judge Robinson, p. 165; |
鲁滨逊法官的个别意见,第165页; |
declaration of Judge Salam, p. 185, at p. 189, para. 17, and p. 191, para. 23; |
萨拉姆法官的声明,第185页起,见第189页,第17段,和第191页,第23段; |
separate opinion of Judge Iwasawa, p. 192, at p. 193, paras. 4–5, and p. 195, para. 10; |
岩泽法官的个别意见,第192页起,见第193页,第4-5段,和第195页,第10段; |
and dissenting opinion of Judge ad hoc Daudet, p. 200, at pp. 207–208, paras. 27 and 29. |
道德特专案法官的反对意见,第200页起,见第207-208页,第27和29段。 |
Yearbook … 1997, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 71–72, para. 238; |
《1997年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第71-72页,第238段; |
and Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-third session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), chap. X, sect. C, para. 252. |
国际法委员会第七十三届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第十章,C节,第252段。 |
Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (see footnote 18 above), para. 38 (“Such developments illustrate both the need and the potential for a more general approach to the determination of quantum in the law of international responsibility”). |
秘书处编写的工作文件(见上文脚注18),第38段(“这些事态发展表明,在国际责任法中采用更一般性的方法进行定量既有必要也有可能”)。 |
See United Nations, Materials on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (footnote 20 above), pp. 383–414 (art. 36). |
见联合国,《关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的材料》(上文脚注20),第383-414页(第36条)。 |
See also ibid., pp. 320–354 (art. 31), 362–369 (art. 34), 422–437 (art. 38) and 438–445 (art. 39). |
另见同上,第320-354页(第31条)、第362-369页(第34条)、第422-437页(第38条)和第438-445页(第39条)。 |
See the discussion in footnotes 20–32 above. |
见上文脚注20-32中的讨论。 |
Application of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Canada and the Netherlands v. Syrian Arab Republic), Joint Application Instituting Proceedings filed with the Registry on 8 June 2023, International Court of Justice, available from the Court’s website: www.icij-cij.org, Cases), para. 60 f; |
《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》的适用案(加拿大、荷兰诉阿拉伯叙利亚共和国),2023年6月8日向法院书记官处提交的联合起诉书,国际法院,可查阅国际法院网站:www.icij-cij.org,第60 f段; |
Alleged Violations of State Immunities (Islamic Republic of Iran v. Canada), Application Instituting Proceedings filed in the Registry of the Court on 27 June 2023, ibid., para. 26 (f); |
关于侵犯国家豁免的指控案(伊朗伊斯兰共和国诉加拿大),2023年6月27日向法院书记官处提交的起诉书,同上,第26(f)段; |
and Aerial Incident of 8 January 2020 (Canada, the Kingdom of Sweden, Ukraine and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. the Islamic Republic of Iran), Application Instituting Proceedings concerning a Dispute under the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation filed with the Registry on 4 July 2023, ibid., para. 41 (c)(ii). |
2020年1月8日空中事件案(加拿大、瑞典王国、乌克兰和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国诉伊朗伊斯兰共和国),2023年7月4日向法院书记官处提交的根据《关于制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约》提起争端诉讼的起诉书,同上,第41(c)(ii)段。 |
Brattle Group, The Report on Reparation for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery in the Americas and the Caribbean, 8 June 2023, available from: https://uwitv.global/news/reparations-symposium-brattle-paper. |
Brattle Group, The Report on Reparation for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery in the Americas and the Caribbean, 8 June 2023, 可查阅:https://uwitv.global/news/reparations-symposium-brattle-paper. |
UNCITRAL, Summary of the intersessional meeting on investor–State dispute settlement (ISDS) reform submitted by the Government of Belgium (A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.242), para. 46 (“ensuring that the draft provision [on assessment of damages and compensation] would align with the customary international law principles of full reparation for internationally wrongful acts was mentioned”). |
贸易法委员会,比利时政府提交的关于投资人与国家间争端解决制度改革闭会期间会议纪要(A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.242),第46段(“提到应确保[关于损害评估和补偿的]条款草案符合就国际不法行为进行充分赔偿的习惯国际法原则”)。 |
See also UNCITRAL, Possible reform of investor–State dispute settlement (ISDS): assessment of damages and compensation, Note by the Secretariat (A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.220), paras. 8, 15–17, 31, 35, 38, 43, 49, 57 and 61; |
另见贸易法委员会,投资人与国家间争端解决制度的可能改革:评估损害与补偿,秘书处的说明(A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.220),第8、15-17、31、35、38、43、49、57和61段; |
Report of Working Group III (Investor–State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-third session (Vienna, 5–16 September 2022), (A/CN.9/1124), chap. VI; |
第三工作组(投资人与国家间争议解决制度改革)第四十三届会议工作报告(2022年9月5日至16日,维也纳)(A/CN.9/1124),第六章; |
and Report of Working Group III (Investor–State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty–sixth session (Vienna, 9–13 October 2023) (A/CN.9/1160), chap. IV.C. |
第三工作组(投资人与国家间争议解决制度改革)第四十六届会议工作报告(2023年10月9日至13日,维也纳)(A/CN.9/1160),第四章C节。 |
Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (see footnote 18 above), para. 39. |
秘书处编写的工作文件(见上文脚注18),第39段。 |
See United Nations, Materials on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (footnote 20 above), pp. 396–414. |
见联合国,《关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的材料》(上文脚注20),第396-414页。 |
See conclusion 3 of the draft conclusions on subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law provisionally adopted by the Commission, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-fourth session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-eighth session, Supplement No. 10 (A/78/10), chap. VII, sect. C.2, para. 127. |
见委员会暂时通过的关于确定国际法规则的辅助手段的结论草案结论3, 国际法委员会第七十四届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十八届会议,补编第10号》(A/78/10),第七章,C.2节,第127段。 |
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (see footnote 13 above); |
艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(见上文脚注13); |
Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (see footnote 22 above); |
尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动案(见上文脚注22); |
and Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (see footnote 23 above). |
刚果境内武装活动案(见上文脚注23)。 |
See also Final Award (Eritrea’s Damages Claims) (footnote 28 above); |
另见终局裁决(厄立特里亚的损害索赔)(上文脚注28); |
Final Award (Ethiopia’s Damages Claims) (ibid.); |
终局裁决(埃塞俄比亚的损害索赔)(同上); |
and The M/V “Virginia G” Case (footnote 25 above) between Panama and Guinea-Bissau. |
巴拿马与几内亚比绍之间的The M/V “Virginia G” Case (上文脚注25)。 |
For example, The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (IV) and A24, Final Award No. 602-A15(IV)/A24-FT of 2 July 2014 (see footnote 19 above); |
例如,The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (IV) and A24, Final Award No. 602-A15(IV)/A24-FT of 2 July 2014 (见上文脚注19); |
The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (see footnote 19 above); |
The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (见上文脚注19); |
and M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Judgment (see footnote 13 above). |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Judgment (见上文脚注13)。 |
See also Certain Iranian Assets (footnote 24 above). |
另见某些伊朗资产案(上文脚注24)。 |
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (see footnote 13 above), p. 331, para. 13, pp. 333–334, paras. 18–24, p. 337, para. 33, and pp. 339–340, para. 40; |
艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿(见上文脚注13),第331页,第13段,第333-334页,第18-24段,第337页,第33段,和第339-340页,第40段; |
separate opinion of Judge Cançado Trindade, pp. 370–378, paras. 60–80; |
坎卡多·特林达德法官的个别意见,第370-378页,第60-80段; |
declaration of Judge Yusuf, p. 385, at p. 386, para. 5, and p. 389, para. 15; |
优素福法官的声明,第385页起,见第386页,第5段,和第389页,第15段; |
and declaration of Judge Greenwood, p. 394, para. 9. |
格林伍德法官的声明,第394页,第9段。 |
See Whiteman (footnote 1 above); |
见Whiteman (上文脚注1); |
B. Bollecker-Stern, Le préjudice dans la théorie de la responsabilité internationale, Paris, Pedone, 1973; |
B. Bollecker-Stern, Le préjudice dans la théorie de la responsabilité internationale, Paris, Pedone, 1973; |
C. Gray, Judicial Remedies in International Law, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987; |
C. Gray, Judicial Remedies in International Law, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987; |
P. N. Okowa, State Responsibility for Transboundary Air Pollution in International Law, Oxford University Press, 2000, chap. 6, pp. 171–202; |
P. N. Okowa, State Responsibility for Transboundary Air Pollution in International Law, Oxford University Press, 2000, chap. 6, pp. 171–202; |
Shelton, “Righting wrongs …” (footnote 17 above); |
Shelton, “Righting wrongs”(上文脚注17); |
Xue H., Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2003; |
Xue H., Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2003; |
Nevill (footnote 71 above); |
Nevill (上文脚注71); |
Smutny (footnote 78 above); |
Smutny (上文脚注78); |
I. Marboe, Die Berechnung von Entschädigung und Schadenersatz in der internationalen Rechtsprechung, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2009; |
I. Marboe, Die Berechnung von Entschädigung und Schadenersatz in der internationalen Rechtsprechung, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2009; |
Higgins (footnote 17 above); |
Higgins (上文脚注17); |
C. L. Beharry (ed.), Contemporary and Emerging Issues on the Law of Damages and Valuation in International Investment Arbitration, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2018; |
C. L. Beharry (ed.), Contemporary and Emerging Issues on the Law of Damages and Valuation in International Investment Arbitration, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2018; |
V. Fikfak, “Changing state behaviour: damages before the European Court of Human Rights”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 29, No. 4 (November 2018), pp. 1091–1125; |
V. Fikfak, “Changing state behaviour: damages before the European Court of Human Rights”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 29, No. 4 (November 2018), pp. 1091–1125; |
and Dreyssé (footnote 71 above). |
以及 Dreyssé (上文脚注71)。 |
Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (see footnote 18 above), para. 38 (“Since the adoption of the 2001 articles, the case law of international courts and tribunals concerning the quantification of compensation has increased and diversified, making the topic sufficiently feasible and concrete for codification and progressive development”). |
秘书处编写的工作文件(见上文脚注18),第38段(“自2001年条款通过以来,国际性法院和法庭关于量化补偿的判例有所增加并呈现多样化,足以使编纂和逐渐发展该专题变得具体可行”)。 |
See United Nations, Materials on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (footnote 20 above). |
见联合国,《关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的材料》(上文脚注20)。 |
See Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 582, at p. 599, para. 39; |
见艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案(几内亚共和国诉刚果民主共和国),初步反对意见,判决,《2007年国际法院案例汇编》,第582页起,见第599页,第39段; |
Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2019, p. 558, at p. 605, para. 129; |
《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》和《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的适用案(乌克兰诉俄罗斯联邦),初步反对意见,判决,《2019年国际法院案例汇编》,第558页起,见第605页,第129段; |
and Certain Iranian Assets (footnote 24 above), paras. 61, 66 and 68. |
某些伊朗资产案(上文脚注24),第61、66和68段。 |
See also The M/V “Virginia G” Case (footnote 25 above), p. 53, para. 153; |
另见The M/V “Virginia G” Case (上文脚注25),p. 53, para. 153; |
Cyprus v. Turkey (footnote 26 above), paras. 45–46; |
Cyprus v. Turkey (上文脚注26),paras. 45-46; |
Arctic Sunrise, Award on Merits of 14 August 2015 (see footnote 25 above), p. 210, at p. 256, note 168; |
北极日出号案,2015年8月14日对实质问题的裁决(见上文脚注25),第210页起,见第256页,注168; |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, ITLOS Reports 2016, p. 44, at p. 102, para. 266; |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, ITLOS Reports 2016, p. 44, at p. 102, para. 266; |
and Case of H. F. and Others v. France, Applications nos. 24384/19 and 44234/20, Judgment of 14 September 2022, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights, paras. 87–92, 211 and 257. |
和Case of H. F. and Others v. France, Applications nos. 24384/19 and 44234/20, Judgment of 14 September 2022, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights, paras. 87–92, 211 and 257。 |
In 2023, the Institute of International Law established the Twelfth Commission: The Determination of Quantum in International Adjudication, see www.idi-iil.org/en/commissions/page/2. |
2023年,国际法学会成立了第十二委员会:国际裁决中的定量问题,见www.idi-iil.org/en/commissions/page/2。 |
Grossman Guiloff (see footnote 49 above), para. 23 (a). |
格罗斯曼·吉洛夫(见上文脚注49),第23(a)段。 |
See paragraphs (17) to (23) of the commentary to article 12 of the draft articles on prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity adopted by the Commission on second reading, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-first session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-fourth session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), chap. IV, sect E.2, para. 45; |
见国际法委员会二读通过的防止及惩治危害人类罪条款草案第12条评注第(17)至(23)段,国际法委员会第七十一届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/10),第四章,E.2节,第45段; |
and paragraphs (5) to (8) of the commentary to principle 9 of the draft principles on protection of the environment in related to armed conflicts, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-third session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), chap. VI, sect. C.2, para. 71. |
与武装冲突有关的环境保护原则草案原则9评注第(5)至(8)段,国际法委员会第七十三届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第六章,C.2节,第71段。 |
Second report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Yearbook … 1989, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/425 and Add.1, chap. II, pp. 8 et seq. |
特别报告员加埃塔诺·阿兰焦-鲁伊斯先生关于国家责任的第二次报告,《1989年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/425和Add.1号文件,第二章,第8页起。 |
See Yearbook … 1993, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 67–76; |
见《1993年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第67-76页; |
and ibid., vol. I, 2321st meeting, 19 July 1993, pp. 165–167, paras. 42–73, 2322nd meeting, 19 July 1993, pp. 172–174, paras. 33–77, 2323rd meeting, 20 July 1993, pp. 174–176, paras. 1–33, and 2324th meeting, 21 July 1993, pp. 177–178, paras. 1–10. |
同上,第一卷,1993年7月19日第2321次会议,第165-167页,第42-73段,1993年7月19日第2322次会议,第172-174页,第33-77段,1993年7月20日第2323次会议,第174-176页,第1-33段,和1993年7月21日第2324次会议,第177-178页,第1-10段。 |
Article 44 of the draft articles on State responsibility, Yearbook … 1996, vol. II (Part Two), p. 63. |
关于国家责任的条款草案第44条,《1996年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第63页。 |
Third report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford, Yearbook … 2000, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/507 and Add.1–4, pp. 47–52, paras. 147–166. |
特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生关于国家责任的第三次报告,《2000年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/507和Add.1-4号文件,第47-52页,第147-166段。 |
Yearbook … 2000, vol. II (Part Two), p. 39, para. 192. |
《2000年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第39页,第192段。 |
Ibid., p. 43, para. 230. |
同上,第43页,第230段。 |
Ibid., p. 68, art. |
同上,第68页,第37条。 |
37. Fourth report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/517 and Add.1, pp. 9–10, paras. 33–34 (see limited questions regarding moral damage and “financial assessability”), and Annex, pp. 19 and 24. |
特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生关于国家责任的第四次报告,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/517和Add.1号文件,第9-10页,第33-34段(见关于精神损害和“在资金上可以评估的”问题),以及附件,第19和24页。 |
See the first statement by the Chairperson of the Drafting Committee, Mr. Peter Tomka, on “Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts [State responsibility]”, available from the Commission’s website, documents of the fifty-third session. |
见起草委员会主席彼得·通卡先生关于“国家对国际不法行为的责任[国家责任]”的第一次发言,可查阅委员会网站,第五十三届会议文件。 |
See Yearbook … 2001, vol. I, 2682nd meeting of 30 May 2001, p. 103, para. 6. |
见《2001年……年鉴》,第一卷,2001年5月30日第2682次会议,第103页,第6段。 |
See also article 42 of the draft articles on State responsibility, Yearbook … 1996, vol. II (Part Two), p. 63; Yearbook … |
另见关于国家责任的条款草案第42条,《1996年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第63页; |
1993, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 68–70, paras. (6)–(13) of the commentary to draft article 44 [originally numbered article 8] (discussing causality), and pp. 71–72, paras. (16)–(19) of the same commentary (on material and moral damage); |
《1993年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第68-70段,第44条草案[原第8条]评注第(6)-(13)段(讨论因果关系),和第71-72页,同一评注第(16)-(19)段(关于物质和精神损害); |
and articles 31 and 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 91 and 98, respectively. |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第31条和第36条,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,分别见第91页和第98页。 |
See also the third report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford, Yearbook … 2000, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/507 and Add.1–4, pp. 18–20, paras 27–29 and 31–37. |
另见特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生关于国家责任的第三次报告,《2000年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/507和Add.1-4号文件,第18-20页,第27-29段和第31-37段。 |
Paragraphs (9)–(10) of the commentary to article 31 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 92–93 (see, similarly, Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (footnote 22 above), p. 26, para. 34). |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第31条评注第(9)-(10)段,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第92-93页(同样见尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动案(上文脚注22),第26页,第34段)。 |
Paragraph (11) of the commentary to article 31 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 93 (explicitly endorsed in The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (see footnote 19 above), para. 1796). |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第31条评注第(11)段,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第93页(在以下案件中得到明确认可:The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (见上文脚注19),para. 1796)。 |
See also Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/ Slovakia) (footnote 6 above), p. 55, para 80. |
另见加布奇科沃-大毛罗斯项目(匈牙利/斯洛伐克)(上文脚注6),第55页,第80段。 |
Yearbook … 1993, vol. II (Part Two), p. 70, paras. (12)–(13) of the commentary to draft article 44 [originally numbered article 8]. |
《1993年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第70页,第44条草案[原第8条]评注第(12)-(13)段。 |
Paragraphs (12)–(13) of the commentary to article 31 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 93–94 (explicitly endorsed in Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (see footnote 23 above), p. 49, para. 98). |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第31条评注第(12)-(13)段,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第93-94页(在以下案件中得到明确认可:刚果境内武装活动案(见上文脚注23),第49页,第98段)。 |
See the first statement by the Chairperson of the Drafting Committee, Mr. Peter Tomka, on “Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts [State responsibility]”, available from the Commission’s website, documents of the fifty-third session. |
见起草委员会主席彼得·通卡先生关于“国家对国际不法行为的责任[国家责任]”的第一次发言,可查阅委员会网站,第五十三届会议文件。 |
Paragraph 2 of article 31 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts and paragraph (5) of the commentary thereto, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, pp. 91–92. |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第31条第2款及其评注第(5)段,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第91-92页。 |
Ibid., art. 38, p. 107. |
同上,第38条,第107页。 |
See also the first statement by the Chairperson of the Drafting Committee, Mr. Peter Tomka, on “Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts [State responsibility]”, available from the Commission’s website, documents of the fifty-third session (“a mere reference in the context of compensation … in the draft articles adopted on first reading”). |
另见起草委员会主席彼得·通卡先生关于“国家对国际不法行为的责任[国家责任]”的第一次发言,可查阅委员会网站,第五十三届会议文件(“像一读通过的条款草案那样只在处理补偿的上下文中提及”)。 |
Article 39 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 109. |
国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第39条,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第109页。 |
See the third report on State responsibility by Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford, Yearbook … 2000, vol. II (Part One), document A/CN.4/507 and Add.1–4, p. 51, para. 158 (b). |
见特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生关于国家责任的第三次报告,《2000年……年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),A/CN.4/507和Add.1-4号文件,第51页,第158(b)段。 |
Paragraph (1) of the general commentary to the draft articles on diplomatic protection, Yearbook … 2006, vol. II (Part Two), p. 26, note 21 (referring back to article 36 of the draft articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, Yearbook … 2001, vol. II (Part Two) and corrigendum, p. 68). |
外交保护条款草案的总评注第(1)段,《2006年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第26页,注21(提及国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案第36条,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分)和更正,第68页)。 |
See the discussion in footnote 61 above. |
见上文脚注61的讨论。 |
Fourth report on succession of States in respect of State responsibility, by Special Rapporteur Mr. Pavel Šturma (A/CN.4/743), paras. 49–66, and Annex, draft article 17; |
特别报告员帕维尔·斯图尔马先生关于国家责任方面的国家继承的第四次报告(A/CN.4/743),第49-66段,以及附件,第17条草案; |
and the Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-second session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-sixth session, Supplement No. 10 (A/76/10), chap. VII, paras. 129–130, 146 and 159. |
国际法委员会第七十二届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十六届会议,补编第10号》(A/76/10),第七章,第129-130、146和159段。 |
Working Paper prepared by the Secretariat (see footnote 18 above), sect. II.E. |
秘书处编写的工作文件(见上文脚注18),第二章E节。 |
Grossman Guiloff (see footnote 49 above), para. 23 (a). |
格罗斯曼·吉洛夫(见上文脚注49),第23(a)段。 |
See paragraphs (17) to (23) of the commentary to article 12 of the draft articles on prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-first session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-fourth session, Supplement No. 10 (A/74/10), chap. IV, para. 45; |
见防止及惩治危害人类罪条款草案第12条评注第(17)至(23)段,国际法委员会第七十一届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十四届会议,补编第10号》(A/74/10),第四章,第45段; |
and paragraphs (5) to (8) of the commentary to principle 9 of the draft principles on protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-third session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), chap. V, sect. E.2, para. 59. |
与武装冲突有关的环境保护原则草案原则9评注第(5)至(8)段,国际法委员会第七十三届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第五章,E.2节,第59段。 |
See paragraphs (5) to (8) of the commentary to principle 9 of the draft principles on protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-third session, Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-seventh session, Supplement No. 10 (A/77/10), chap. V, sect. E.2, para. 59. |
见与武装冲突有关的环境保护原则草案原则9评注第(5)至(8)段,国际法委员会第七十三届会议工作报告,《大会正式记录,第七十七届会议,补编第10号》(A/77/10),第五章,E.2节,第59段。 |
See footnote 13 above. |
见上文脚注13。 |
Case of Georgia v. Russia (I) (see footnote 26 above), para. 54; |
Case of Georgia v. Russia (I) (见上文脚注26),para. 54; |
The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. |
The Islamic Republic of Iran v. the United States of America, Cases Nos. |
A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (see footnote 19 above), paras. 1787–1788; |
A15 (II:A), A26 (IV) and B43, Partial Award No. 604-A15 (II:A)/A26 (IV)/B43-FT of 10 March 2020 (见上文脚注19),第1787-1788段; |
The “Enrica Lexie” Incident (see footnote 13 above), para. 1082; |
The “Enrica Lexie” Incident (见上文脚注13),第1082段; |
and Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (see footnote 23 above), p. 43, para. 70, and p. 50, para. 101. |
刚果境内武装活动案(见上文脚注23),第43页,第70段,和第50页,第101段。 |
See reliance on the relevant commentaries in Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Compensation (footnote 13 above), p. 342, para. 49; |
关于对相关评注的依赖见艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛案,补偿的相关评论(上文脚注13),第342页,第49段; |
Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (footnote 22 above), p. 58, para. 151; |
尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动案(上文脚注22),第58页,第151段; |
Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (footnote 23 above),pp. 49–50, para. 98, pp. 63–64, para. 148, and p. 130, para. 382; |
刚果境内武装活动案(上文脚注23,第49-50页,第98段,第63-64页,第148段,和第130页,第382段; |
Arctic Sunrise, Award on Compensation (footnote 25 above), p. 344, paras. 91, and p. 350, para. 118; |
北极日出号案,补偿裁决(上文脚注25),第344页,第91段,和第350页,第118段; |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Judgment (footnote 13 above), p. 122, para. 458; |
M/V “Norstar” (Panama v. Italy), Judgment (上文脚注13),p. 122, para. 458; |
and The Duzgit Integrity Arbitration (footnote 25 above), para. 212. |
和The Duzgit Integrity Arbitration (上文脚注25),para. 212。 |
For an examination of the history of due diligence see Giulio Bartolini, “The Historical Roots of the Due Diligence Standard”, in Heike Krieger, Anne Peters, and Leonhard Kreuzer, Due Diligence in the International Legal Order (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 23–41; |
关于必要勤勉的历史沿革,详见:Giulio Bartolini, “The Historical Roots of the Due Diligence Standard”, in Heike Krieger, Anne Peters, and Leonhard Kreuzer, Due Diligence in the International Legal Order (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 23-41; |
Samantha Besson, La due diligence en droit international (The Pocket Books of The Hague Academy of International Law / Les livres de poche de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye https://brill.com/view/serial/HAPB), vol. 46 (2021) pp. 33–71; |
Samantha Besson, La due diligence en droit international (The Pocket Books of The Hague Academy of International Law / Les livres de poche de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye https://brill.com/view/serial/HAPB), vol. 46 (2021) pp. 33-71; |
Samantha Besson, Due Diligence in International Law (Hague Academy Special Editions) (2023) pp. 38–48; |
Samantha Besson, Due Diligence in International Law (Hague Academy Special Editions) (2023) pp. 38-48; |
Jan Arno Hessbruegge, “The Historical Development of the Doctrines of Attribution and Due Diligence in International Law”, N.Y.U. J. Int’l. L. & Pol., vol. 36 (2003–2004), pp. 265–306; |
Jan Arno Hessbruegge, “The Historical Development of the Doctrines of Attribution and Due Diligence in International Law”, N.Y.U. J. Int'l. L. & Pol., vol. 36 (2003-2004), pp. 265-306; |
Awalou Ouedraogo, “La neutralité et l’émergence du concept de due diligence en droit international: l’affaire de l’Alabama revisitée”, Journal of the History of International Law, vol. 13(2) (2011), pp. 307–346. |
Awalou Ouedraogo, “La neutralité et l’émergence du concept de due diligence en droit international: l’affaire de l’Alabama revisitée”, Journal of the History of International Law, vol. 13(2) (2011), pp. 307-346。 |
See Alabama Claims Arbitration (United States of America v. United Kingdom), Final Award of 14 September 1872, RIAA Vol. XXIX pp. 125–134 at p. 129, which was governed by the rules set out in Article VI of the 1871 Treaty of Washington, including the ‘due diligence’ that ought to be exercised by neutral governments; |
见:阿拉巴马号索赔仲裁案(美利坚合众国诉联合王国),1872年9月14日最终裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二十九卷,第125-134页,见第129页,该案适用1871年《华盛顿条约》第六条所载规则,其中包括中立国政府应予践行的“必要勤勉”; |
Frederick Wipperman Arbitration (United States of America v. Venezuela), Final Award of 2 September 1890, Moore, History and Digest, vol. 3, pp. 3039–3043 atpp. 3041–3042. |
Frederick Wipperman仲裁案(美利坚合众国诉委内瑞拉),1890年9月2日最终裁决,Moore, History and Digest, 第3卷,第3039-3043页,见第3041-3042页。 |
See e.g. Affaire des biens britanniques au Maroc espagnol (Espagne contre Royaume Uni) [British Property in Spanish Morocco Arbitration (Spain v. United Kingdom)], Final Award of 1 May 1925, RIAA Vol. II pp. 615–742; |
例如,见:英国在摩洛哥西班牙保护区财产案(西班牙诉联合王国),1925年5月1日最终裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二卷,第615-742页; |
Island of Palmas Arbitration (The Netherlands v. United States of America), Final Award of 4 April 1928, RIAA Vol. II pp. 829–871; |
帕尔马斯岛仲裁案(荷兰诉美利坚合众国),1928年4月4日最终裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第二卷,第829-871页; |
William E. Chapman Arbitration (United States of America v. United Mexican States), Final Award of 24 October 1930, RIAA Vol. IV pp. 632–640; |
William E. Chapman仲裁案(美利坚合众国诉墨西哥合众国),1930年10月24日最终裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第四卷,第632-640页; |
Trail Smelter Arbitration (United States of America v. Canada), Final Award of 11 March 1941, RIAA Vol. III pp. 1905–1982; |
特雷尔冶炼厂仲裁案(美利坚合众国诉加拿大),1941年3月11日最终裁决,《国际仲裁裁决汇编》,第三卷,第1905-1982页; |
Dissenting Opinion of Judge Moore, in S.S. Lotus (France v. Turkey), Judgment of 7 September 1927, P.C.I.J. Reports 1927, Series A No. 10,pp. 65–94 at p. 88; |
Moore法官在“莲花号”案(法国诉土耳其)中的不同意见,1927年9月7日判决,《1927年常设国际法院案例汇编》,A辑,第10号,第65-94页,见第88页; |
Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania), Judgment of 9 April 1949, I.C.J. Reports (1949) p. 4 at p. 22. |
科孚海峡案(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国诉阿尔巴尼亚),1949年4月9日判决,《1949年国际法院案例汇编》,第4页起,见第22页。 |
Corfu Channel Case supra n. 3. |
科孚海峡案,前注3。 |
Interestingly, the English text of the case includes the word “knowingly” whereas the French text omits this and states: “l’obligation, pour tout Etat, de ne pas laisser utiliser son territoire aux fins d’actes contraires aux droits d’autres Etats.” |
耐人寻味的是,该案的英文案文中有“故意”一词,而法文案文则略去该词,表述为“各国均有义务不允许利用其领土从事违犯其他国家权利之行为”。 |
See e.g. United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran, Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1980 p. 3, paras. 67–68; |
例如,见:在德黑兰的美国外交和领事人员案,实质问题,判决,《1980年国际法院案例汇编》,第3页,第67-68段; |
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, Merits, Judgments, I.C.J. Reports 1986 p. 14, paras. 157–158, Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 226, paras. 241–242; |
在尼加拉瓜和针对尼加拉瓜的军事和准军事活动案,实质问题,判决,《1986年国际法院案例汇编》,第14页,第157-158段; 以核武器相威胁或使用核武器的合法性,咨询意见,《1996年国际法院案例汇编》,第226页,第241-242页; |
The Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project, Merits, I.C.J. Reports 1997, p. 7, para. 53; |
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros项目案,实质问题,《1997年国际法院案例汇编》,第7页,第53段; |
Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay, Merits, I.C.J. Reports 2010, p. 14, para. 101; |
乌拉圭河沿岸的纸浆厂案,实质问题,《2010年国际法院案例汇编》,第14页,第101段; |
Certain Activities carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area, Merits, I.C.J. Reports 2015, p. 665, para. 104; |
尼加拉瓜在边界地区开展的某些活动,实质问题,《2015年国际法院案例汇编》,第665页,第104段; |
Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration, Partial Award of 18 February 2013, PCA 2011-01, paras. 449–450; |
印度河水域基申甘加工程仲裁案,2013年2月18日部分裁决,常设仲裁法院,案件号2011-01,第449-450段; |
ITLOS, Responsibilities and Obligations of States Sponsoring Persons and Entities with Respect to Activities in the Area, Advisory Opinion, 2011, p. 41, para. 110; |
国际海洋法法庭,资助个人和实体开展“区域”内活动的国家的责任和义务,咨询意见,2011年,第41页,第110段; |
ITLOS, Request for an Advisory Opinion submitted by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law, Advisory Opinion, 21 May 2024. |
国际海洋法法庭,小岛屿国家气候变化与国际法问题委员会征求咨询意见的请求,咨询意见,2024年5月21日。 |
Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina/Uruguay) supra n. 5, para. 101. |
乌拉圭河纸浆厂案(阿根廷诉乌拉圭),前注5, 第101段。 |
United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran, supra n. 5, paras. 67–68. |
在德黑兰的美国外交和领事人员案,前注5, 第67-68段。 |
Case Concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda) Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2005 p. 168, paras. 246–250, where the Court uses the term ‘vigilance’. |
刚果境内的武装活动案(刚果民主共和国诉卢旺达),判决,《2005年国际法院案例汇编》,第168页,第246-250段,其中国际法院采用了“警觉”一词。 |
Antal Berkes, ‘The standard of ‘Due Diligence’ as a result of interchange between the law of armed conflict and general international law’, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, vol. 23(3) (2018), pp. 433–460; |
Antal Berkes, ‘The standard of 'Due Diligence' as a result of interchange between the law of armed conflict and general international law’, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, vol. 23(3) (2018), pp. 433-460; |
Marco Longobardo, ‘The Relevance of the Concept of Due Diligence for International Humanitarian Law’ Wisconsin International Law Journal 37 (2019) 44–87. |
Marco Longobardo, ‘The Relevance of the Concept of Due Diligence for International Humanitarian Law’ Wisconsin International Law Journal 37 (2019) 44-87. |
See e.g. ITLOS, Responsibilities and Obligations of States in the Area, supra n. 5, paras. 110–112; |
例如,见:国际海洋法法庭,“区域”内国家的责任和义务,前注5, 第110-112段; |
ITLOS, Request for an Advisory Opinion submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission, Advisory Opinion, 2015, para. 129; |
国际海洋法法庭,次区域渔业委员会提出的咨询意见请求,咨询意见,2015年,第129段; |
ITLOS, Request for an Advisory Opinion submitted by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law, supra n. 5. |
国际海洋法法庭,小岛屿国家气候变化与国际法问题委员会征求咨询意见的请求,前注5。 |
Michael. N. Schmitt (ed.), Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations, 2nd ed., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), Rules 6 and 7; |
Michael. N. Schmitt (ed.), Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations, 2nd ed., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017),规则6和7; |
Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, 22 July 2015, UN Doc. A/70/173 (Cybersecurity Report), paras. 13 (c) and 28 (a) and (b). |
从国际安全角度看信息和电信领域的发展政府专家组的报告,2015年7月22日,联合国文件A/70/173 (网络安全报告),第13(c)、28(a)和28(b)段。 |
Ellen Campbell et al, “Due diligence obligations of international organisations under international law”, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, vol. 50(2) (2018) pp. 541–604; |
Ellen Campbell等人,“Due diligence obligations of international organisations under international law”, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, vol. 50(2) (2018) pp. 541-604; |
International Law Association, Accountability of International Organizations, Berlin Conference (2004); |
国际法协会,Accountability of International Organizations, Berlin Conference (2004); |
Nigel. D. White, “Due Diligence, the UN and Peacekeeping”, in Peters, Krieger and Kreuzer (eds.), Due Diligence in International Legal Order, pp. 217–233; |
Nigel. D. White, “Due Diligence, the UN and Peacekeeping”, in Peters, Krieger and Kreuzer (eds.), Due Diligence in International Legal Order, pp. 217-233; |
Regis Bismuth “The Emerging Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence Responsibility of Financial Institutions” in William Blair, Chiara Zilioli and Christos Gortsos (eds), International Monetary and Banking Law post COVID-19 (Oxford University Press, 2023), pp. 330–351. |
Regis Bismuth “The Emerging Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence Responsibility of Financial Institutions” in William Blair, Chiara Zilioli and Christos Gortsos (eds), International Monetary and Banking Law post COVID-19 (Oxford University Press, 2023), pp. 330-351. |
See for example in relation to the protection of women from violence: Opuz v. Turkey, European Court of Justice (Application no. 33401/02), Judgment, 9 June 2009. |
例如,就保护妇女免遭暴力侵害而言,见Opuz诉土耳其案,欧洲法院(案件编号33401/02),判决,2009年6月9日。 |
Jonathan Bonnitcha & Robert McCorquodale, “The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” The European Journal of International Law, Vol. 28(3) (2017) pp. 899–919; |
Jonathan Bonnitcha & Robert McCorquodale, “The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” The European Journal of International Law, Vol. 28(3) (2017) pp. 899-919; |
John Gerard Ruggie, & John F. Sherman III, “The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Reply to Johnathan Bonnitcha and Robert McCorquodale”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 28 (2017) pp. 921–928. |
John Gerard Ruggie, & John F. Sherman III, ‘’The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Reply to Johnathan Bonnitcha and Robert McCorquodale”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 28 (2017) pp. 921-928. |
Ahmed Alfatlawi & Azhar Al-Fatlawi, “Conceptual framework of due diligence and notification in light of the rules of international responsibility: COVID 19 as a model” Al-rafidain of Law. vol. 24(79) (June 2022) pp. 72–110; |
Ahmed Alfatlawi & Azhar Al-Fatlawi, “Conceptual framework of due diligence and notification in light of the rules of international responsibility: COVID 19 as a model” Al-rafidain of Law. vol. 24(79) (June 2022) pp. 72-110; |
Antonio Coco, Talita de Souza Dias, “Prevent, respond, cooperate: states’ due diligence duties vis-à-vis the Covid-19 pandemic”, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, vol.11 (2020), pp. 218–236. |
Antonio Coco, Talita de Souza Dias, “Prevent, respond, cooperate: states' due diligence duties vis-à-vis the Covid-19 pandemic”, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, vol.11 (2020), pp. 218-236. |
See Arbitrator Max Huber, Case of the Island of Palmas (Netherlands v. USA), supra n. 3 at p. 839: “Territorial sovereignty … involves the exclusive right to display the activities of a State. |
见仲裁员Max Huber,帕尔马斯岛案(荷兰诉美国),前注3, 见第839页:“领土主权……涉及展现一国之活动的专属权利。 |
This right has as corollary a duty: the obligation to protect within the territory the rights of other States …”. |
该项权利必然伴随着一项责任,即在领土内保护其他国家权利之义务……。 |
International Law Association, Duncan French (Chair) Tim Stephens (Rapporteur) “ILA Study Group on Due Diligence in International Law: First Report” (International Law Association Reports) 2014; |
国际法协会,Duncan French (主席)、Tim Stephens (报告员),《国际法协会国际法中的必要勤勉问题研究组:第一次报告》(国际法协会报告),2014年; |
International Law Association, Duncan French (Chair) Tim Stephens (Rapporteur) “ILA Study Group on Due Diligence in International Law: Secord Report” (International Law Association Reports) 2016. |
国际法协会,Duncan French (主席)、Tim Stephens (报告员),《国际法协会国际法中的必要勤勉问题研究组:第二次报告》(国际法协会报告),2016年。 |
Besson, La due diligence en droit international, supra n. 1; |
Besson, La due diligence en droit international, supra n. 1; |
Besson, Due Diligence in International Law, supra n. 1; |
Besson, Due Diligence in International Law, supra n. 1; |
Krieger, Peters, & Kreuzer, Due Diligence, supra n. 1; |
Krieger, Peters, & Kreuzer, Due Diligence, supra n. 1; |
Joanna Kulesza, Due Diligence in International Law, (Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2016); |
Joanna Kulesza, Due Diligence in International Law, (Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2016); |
Alice Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations in International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022); |
Alice Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations in International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022); |
Societe Francaise pour de Droit International (SFDI)/Sarah Cassella (eds), Le standard de due diligence et la responsabilité internationale (Paris: Pedone, 2018). |
Societe Francaise pour de Droit International (SFDI)/Sarah Cassella (eds), Le standard de due diligence et la responsabilité internationale (Paris: Pedone, 2018). |
See for example the Written Statements and Oral Statements before the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea, ITLOS, Request for an Advisory Opinion submitted by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law. |
例如,见:向国际海洋法法庭作出的书面陈述和口头陈述,国际海洋法法庭,小岛屿国家气候变化与国际法问题委员会征求咨询意见的请求。 |
For a description of the work of the International Law Commission on the relationship between due diligence and State responsibility see Kulesza, Due Diligence, supra n. 18, pp. 115–220. |
关于国际法委员会就必要勤勉与国家责任之间的关系问题所开展的工作的描述,见:Kulesza, Due Diligence, 前注18, 第115-220页。 |
UN ILC, Yearbook … 1949, Vol. I, pp. 49–50, paras. 27–32. |
《1949年国际法委员会年鉴》,第一卷,第49-50页,第27-32段。 |
UN ILC, Yearbook … 1970, Vol. II, p. 178, para. 6. |
《1970年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷,第178页,第6段。 |
Ibid., Vol. II, p. 178, para 6 and p. 306, para. 66. |
同上,第二卷,第178页第6段和第306页第66段。 |
UN ILC, Yearbook … 1972, Vol. II, pp. 95–126, paras. 61–146. |
《1972年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷,第95-126页,第61-146段。 |
See also International Responsibility, Second Report of Special Rapporteur Francisco V. Garcia Amador, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1957, Vol. II, pp. 121–130. |
另见《国际责任:特别报告员弗兰西斯科·V·加西亚·阿马多尔的第二次报告》,《1957年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷,第121-130页。 |
UN ILC, Yearbook … 1978, Vol. II (Part One), pp. 32–37, paras. 1–19. |
《1978年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第32-37页,第1-19段。 |
UN ILC, Yearbook … 1977, Vol. II (Part One), pp. 4–20, paras. 1–46. |
《1977年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第4-20页,第1-46段。 |
See Paul-Marie Dupuy, “Reviewing the Difficulties of Codification: On Ago’s Classification of Obligations of Means and Obligations of Result in Relation to State Responsibility”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 10 (1999), pp. 371–385 for a critique of Ago’s approach to obligations of conduct and obligations of result. |
对阿戈区分行为义务和结果义务这一处理方法的评论,见Paul-Marie Dupuy, “Reviewing the Difficulties of Codification: On Ago’s Classification of Obligations of Means and Obligations of Result in Relation to State Responsibility”, European Journal of International Law, vol. 10 (1999), pp. 371-385。 |
UN ILC, Yearbook … 1999, Vol. II (Part One), pp. 27–29, paras. 80–92. |
《1999年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第27-29页,第80-92段。 |
James Crawford, State Responsibility: The General Part (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) pp. 226–232. |
James Crawford, State Responsibility: The General Part (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) pp. 226-232. |
UN ILC, Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, with commentaries, Yearbook … 2001 Vol. II, Part 2, General Commentary, pp. 31–32, paras. 1–4. |
国际法委员会,《国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案及评注》,《2001年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),总评注,第31-32页,第1-4段。 |
For a spirited response of Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford to suggestions that due diligence be addressed within the draft articles on state responsibility, see UN ILC, Yearbook … 1999 Vol. I, pp. 181–183; paras. 51–71. |
特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德针对关于必要勤勉问题应在国家责任条款草案框架内处理的建议作出的慷慨激昂的答复,见:《1999年国际法委员会年鉴》,第一卷,第181-183页,第51-71段。 |
Second report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, by Mr. Robert Q. Quentin-Baxter, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1981, Vol. II, (Part One), pp. 122–123; |
特别报告员罗伯特·Q·昆廷-巴克斯特关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的第二次报告,《1981年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第122-123页,第78-93段; |
paras. 78–93; Fourth report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, by Mr. Robert Q. Quentin-Baxter, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1983, Vol. II, (Part One), p. 201–202, para. 2. |
特别报告员罗伯特·Q·昆廷-巴克斯特关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的第四次报告,《1983年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第202页,第2段。 |
Fourth report by Quentin-Baxter, supra n. 30, p. 202, footnote 8. |
昆廷-巴克斯特的第四次报告,前注30, 第202页,脚注8。 |
First report on prevention of transboundary damage from hazardous activities, by Mr Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1998, Vol. II (Part One), p. 193, para. 71. |
特别报告员彭马拉朱·斯雷尼瓦萨·拉奥关于预防危险活动的跨境损害的第一次报告,《1998年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第193页,第71段。 |
UNGA Resolution, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-ninth session A/RES/52/156, 26 January 1998. |
联大决议,《国际法委员会第四十九届会议工作报告》,A/RES/52/156, 1998年1月26日。 |
For a review of the previous work on the Commission on the topic, see First report on prevention of transboundary damage from hazardous activities, by Mr Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1998, Vol. II (Part One) pp. 186–193, paras. 32–70. |
欲回顾委员会此前就该专题开展的工作,见特别报告员彭马拉朱·斯雷尼瓦萨·拉奥关于预防危险活动的跨境损害的第一次报告,《1998年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第186-193页,第32-70段。 |
Second report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law (prevention of transboundary damage from hazardous activities), by Mr. Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1999 Vol II (Part One) pp. 116–121, paras. 18–49. |
特别报告员彭马拉朱·斯雷尼瓦萨·拉奥关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任(预防危险活动的跨界损害)的第二次报告,《1999年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第116-121页,第18-49段。 |
Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities, General Commentary, UN ILC Yearbook … 2001, Vol. II (Part Two) p. 148, para. 2. |
关于预防危险活动的跨界损害的条款,总评注,《2001年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第148页,第2段。 |
Nevertheless Crawford has explained that there is a difference between them: an obligation of due diligence would be breached by failure to take action, whether the prohibited event in fact took place, while in the case of the obligation of prevention, there must be a failure to take steps as well as the occurrence of the event: Crawford, State Responsibility, supra n. 28, pp. 231–232. |
尽管如此,克劳福德曾解释说,二者之间是有区别的――未能采取行动即会违反必要勤勉义务,无论所禁止的事件实际上是否发生,而就预防义务而言,必须是未能采取举措且事件确有发生,克劳福德,《国家责任》,前注28, 第231-232页。 |
Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities, General Commentary, UN ILC Yearbook … 2001, Vol. II (Part Two), Commentary to Article 3, pp. 154–155, paras. 7–18. |
关于预防危险活动的跨界损害的条款,总评注,《2001年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第3条评注,第154-155页,第7-18段。 |
Second report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, by Mr. Robert Q. Quentin-Baxter, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC Yearbook … 1981, Vol. II (Part One), pp. 119–123, paras. 68–72 and 90. |
特别报告员罗伯特·Q·昆廷-巴克斯特关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的第二次报告,《1981年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第119-123页,第68-72段和第90段。 |
Third report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, by Mr. Robert Q. Quentin-Baxter, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1982, Vol. II (Part One), pp. 55–57, paras. 19–23. |
特别报告员罗伯特·Q·昆廷-巴克斯特关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的第三次报告,《1982年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第55-57页,第19-23段。 |
Fourth report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, by Mr. Robert Q. Quentin-Baxter, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1983, p. 203, para. 7. |
特别报告员罗伯特·Q·昆廷-巴克斯特关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的第四次报告,《1983年国际法委员会年鉴》,第203页,第7段。 |
See Second report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, by Mr. Julio Barboza, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC Yearbook … 1986, Vol. II (Part One), p. 149, para. 18; |
见:特别报告员胡利奥·巴尔沃萨关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的第二次报告,《1986年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第149页,第18段; |
Second report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law (prevention of transboundary damage from hazardous activities), by Mr. Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1999 Vol. II (Part One), p. 119, para. 32. |
特别报告员彭马拉朱·斯雷尼瓦萨·拉奥关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任(预防危险活动的跨界损害)的第二次报告,《1999年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第119页,第32段。 |
See for example UN ILC, Yearbook … 1999 Vol. I, pp. 181–183; paras. 51–71 and the discussion between Special Rapporteur Mr. James Crawford and Mr. Hafner and Mr. Simma on due diligence. |
例如,见:《1999年国际法委员会年鉴》,第一卷,第181-183页,第51-71段;特别报告员詹姆斯·克劳福德先生与哈夫纳先生和辛马先生就必要勤勉问题进行的讨论。 |
See Fourth report on the law of the non navigational uses of international watercourses, by Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey, Special Rapporteur, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1988, Vol. II (Part One), pp. 237–243. |
见特别报告员斯蒂芬·麦卡弗里关于国际水道非航行使用法的第四次报告,《1988年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第一部分),第237-243页。 |
UN ILC, Yearbook … 1994, Vol. II (Part Two), pp. 103–104, paras. 3–9 of the commentary to draft article 7. |
《1994年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第103-104页,第7条草案评注,第3-9段。 |
Draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters, with commentaries 2016, UN Doc A/71/10, commentary to draft article 9, para. 4. |
关于发生灾害时的人员保护的条款草案及评注(2016年),联合国文件A/71/10, 第9条草案评注,第4段。 |
See also draft article 16 which establishes the obligation for the affected State to take the measures that would be appropriate in the circumstances to ensure the protection of relief personnel, equipment and goods involved in the provision of external assistance. |
另见第16条草案,其中规定受灾国有义务采取适当措施,确保提供外部援助的救灾人员、设备和物资得到保护。 |
Draft guidelines on the protection of the atmosphere, with commentaries 2021, UN Doc A/76/10, draft guideline 3. |
保护大气层指南草案及评注(2021年),联合国文件A/76/10, 指南3草案。 |
Draft principles on the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict, with commentaries 2022, UN Doc A/77/10, draft principle 10. |
与武装冲突有关的环境保护原则草案及评注(2022年),联合国文件A/77/10, 原则10草案。 |
Besson, Due Diligence, supra n. 1, p. 65. |
Besson, Due Diligence, 前注1, 第65页。 |
Riccardo Pisillo-Mazzeschi, “The Due Diligence Rule and the Nature of the International Responsibility of States”, German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 35 (1992), pp. 9–51 at p. 42; |
Riccardo Pisillo-Mazzeschi, “The Due Diligence Rule and the Nature of the International Responsibility of States”, German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 35 (1992), pp. 9-51 at p. 42; |
International Law Association Study Group on Due Diligence in International Law, ‘Second Report’, supra n. 18; |
国际法协会,国际法中的必要勤勉问题研究组,第二次报告,前注18; |
Caroline Foster, Global Regulatory Standards in Environmental and Health Disputes: Regulatory Coherence, Due Regard, and Due Diligence, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), pp. 99–129. |
Caroline Foster, Global Regulatory Standards in Environmental and Health Disputes: Regulatory Coherence, Due Regard, and Due Diligence, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), pp. 99-129. |
International Law Association Study Group on Due Diligence in International Law, ‘Second Report,’ supra n. 18, p. 6. |
国际法协会,国际法中的必要勤勉问题研究组,第二次报告,前注18, 第6页。 |
See for example the use of ‘due diligence’ by the International Court of Justice in the Bosnian Genocide case, as a standard to define the scope of the duty to prevent genocide: Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) (Merits) Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 43 at para. 430. |
例如,见:国际法院在波斯尼亚灭绝种族案当中作为界定防止灭绝种族之责范围的一项标准使用了“必要勤勉”,《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的适用案(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那诉塞尔维亚和黑山)(实质问题),判决,《2007年国际法院案例汇编》,第43页,第430段。 |
Corfu Channel Case, supra n. 3. |
科孚海峡案,前注3。 |
See Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, “Le chemin étrange de la due diligence: d’un concept mystérieux à un concept surévalué”, in SFDI (ed.), Le standard de due diligence et la responsabilité internationale: Journée d’études franco-italienne du Mans, (Paris: Pedone, 2018) pp. 323–338. |
见Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, “Le chemin étrange de la due diligence: d’un concept mystérieux à un concept surévalué”, in SFDI (ed.), Le standard de due diligence et la responsabilité internationale: Journée d’études franco-italienne du Mans, (Paris: Pedone, 2018) pp. 323-338. |
ILA, Study Group on Due Diligence in International Law, First and Second Reports, supra n. 18; |
国际法协会,国际法中的必要勤勉问题研究组,第一次和第二次报告,前注18; |
Robert Barnidge, “The Due Diligence Principle under International Law”, International Community Law Review, vol 8 (2006), pp. 81; |
Robert Barnidge, “The Due Diligence Principle under International Law”, International Community Law Review, vol 8 (2006), pp. 81; |
Awalou Ouedraogo, “La due diligence en droit international: de la règle de la neutralité au principe general”, Revue Général de Droit, vol. 42 (2012), p. 641; |
Awalou Ouedraogo, “La due diligence en droit international: de la règle de la neutralité au principe general”, Revue Général de Droit, vol. 42 (2012), p. 641; |
Besson, La due diligence en droit international, supra n.1; |
Besson, La due diligence en droit international,前注1; |
Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, supra n. 18. |
Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations,前注18。 |
Kulesza, Due Diligence, supra n. 18, pp. 272–6; |
Kulesza, Due Diligence, 前注18, 第272-6页; |
Barnidge, “The Due Diligence Principle”, supra n. 54; |
Barnidge, “The Due Diligence Principle”,前注54; |
Ouedraogo, « La due diligence en droit international » (2012), supra n. 54. |
Ouedraogo, « La due diligence en droit international » (2012),前注54。 |
See Neil McDonald, “The Role of Due Diligence in International Law” International & Comparative Law Quarterly 68(4) (2019), who bases this in part on the non-legal policy considerations that may condition a State’s conduct; |
见Neil McDonald, “The Role of Due Diligence in International Law” International & Comparative Law Quarterly 68(4) (2019), who bases this in part on the non-legal policy considerations that may condition a State’s conduct; |
Heike Krieger & Anne Peters, ‘Due Diligence and Structural Change in the International Legal Order’, in Krieger, Peters, Kreuzer, Due Diligence, supra n. 1, pp. 371-6. |
Heike Krieger & Anne Peters, ‘Due Diligence and Structural Change in the International Legal Order’, in Krieger, Peters, Kreuzer, Due Diligence, 前注1, 第371-376页。 |
See Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, supra n. 18, pp. 64–130. |
见Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, 前注18, 第64-130页。 |
See International Law Association, Accountability of International Organizations, Berlin Conference (2004); |
见:国际法协会,Accountability of International Organizations, Berlin Conference (2004); |
United Nations, Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations Support to Non-United Nations Security Forces, 2013, UN Doc. A/67/775–S/2013/110. |
联合国,《关于联合国向非联合国安全部队提供支持的人权尽职政策》,2013年,联合国文件A/67/775-S/2013/110。 |
For example, the United Nations Human Rights Council, ‘Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework’ (2011) UN Doc. A/HRC/17/31. |
例如,联合国人权理事会,《工商企业与人权指导原则:实施联合国“保护、尊重和补救”框架》(2011年),联合国文件A/HRC/17/31。 |
Besson, Due Diligence, supra n. 1, pp. 81–85. |
Besson, Due Diligence, 前注1, 第81-85页。 |
Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, supra n. 18, pp. 58–61. |
Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, 前注18, 第58-61页。 |
See Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, supra n. 18, pp. 232–265. |
见Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, 前注18, 第232-265页。 |
Art. 23(2)(a), Art. 24(2)(a) and Art. 25(2)(b), ILC, Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, with commentaries, UN ILC, Yearbook … 2001, Vol. II (Part 2), pp. 76–84; |
国际法委员会,国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案及其评注,第23条第2款(a)项、第24条第2款(a)项和第25条第2款(b)项,《2001年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第76-84页; |
Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, supra n. 18, pp. 218–225. |
Ollino, Due Diligence Obligations, 前注18, 第218-225页。 |
International Law Commission, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-eighth session, 6 May – 26 July 1996, UN ILC, Yearbook … 1996, Vol II (Part Two), Annex II, pp. 133–136. |
国际法委员会,《国际法委员会第四十八届会议(1996年5月6日至7月26日)工作报告》,《1996年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),附件二,第133-136页。 |
ITLOS, Request Submitted to the Tribunal by the Commission of Small Islands Staes on Climate Change and International Law, Advisory Opinion, 21 May 2024. |
海洋法法庭,小岛屿国家气候变化与国际法问题委员会向海洋法法庭提出的请求,咨询意见,2024年5月21日。 |
International Law Association, Study Group on Due Diligence in International Law, supra n. 18. |
国际法协会,国际法中的必要勤勉问题研究组,前注18。 |
Institut de Droit International, 3rd Commission, Harm Prevention Rules Applicable to the Global Commons, Editions, A. Pedone, 2023, p. 104. |
国际法学会,第三委员会,Harm Prevention Rules Applicable to the Global Commons,Editions A. Pedone出版社,2023年,第104页。 |
Ibid., p. 105. |
同上,第105页。 |