United Nations |
联 合 国 |
FCCC/SBSTA/Agenda template_E |
FCCC/SBSTA/Agenda template_C |
Framework Convetion on Climate Change |
气候变化框架公约 |
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice |
附属科学技术咨询机构 |
Sixty-first session |
第六十一届会议 |
Baku, 11–16 November 2024 |
2024年11月11日至16日,巴库 |
Item 2(a) of the provisional agenda |
临时议程项目2(a) |
Organizational matters |
组织事项 |
Adoption of the agenda |
通过议程 |
Provisional agenda and annotations |
临时议程和说明 |
Note by the Executive Secretary, , |
执行秘书的说明,, |
I. |
一、 |
Provisional agenda, , , |
临时议程, , , |
1. |
1. |
Opening of the session. |
会议开幕。 |
2. |
2. |
Organizational matters: |
组织事项: |
(a) |
(a) |
Adoption of the agenda; |
通过议程; |
(b) |
(b) |
Election of officers other than the Chair; |
选举主席以外的主席团成员; |
(c) |
(c) |
Organization of the work of the session; |
安排会议工作; |
(d) |
(d) |
Mandated events. |
授权活动。 |
3. |
3. |
Matters relating to the global stocktake: procedural and logistical elements of the overall global stocktake process. |
与全球盘点有关的事项:全球盘点总体进程的程序和后勤要素。 |
4. |
4. |
Research and systematic observation. |
研究和系统观测。 |
5. |
5. |
Matters relating to adaptation: |
与适应有关的事项: |
(a) |
(a) |
Matters relating to the global goal on adaptation; |
与全球适应目标有关的事项; |
(b) |
(b) |
Report of the Adaptation Committee; |
适应委员会的报告; |
(c) |
(c) |
Review of the progress, effectiveness and performance of the Adaptation Committee. |
审评适应委员会的进展、成效和业绩。 |
6. |
6. |
Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts: |
气候变化影响相关损失和损害华沙国际机制: |
(a) |
(a) |
Joint annual report of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts and the Santiago network for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change; |
气候变化影响相关损失和损害华沙国际机制执行委员会与避免、尽量减轻和处理气候变化不利影响相关损失和损害问题圣地亚哥网络的联合年度报告; |
(b) |
(b) |
2024 review of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts. |
气候变化影响相关损失和损害华沙国际机制2024年审评。 |
7. |
7. |
Sharm el-Sheikh mitigation ambition and implementation work programme. |
沙姆沙伊赫减缓力度和实施工作方案。 |
8. |
8. |
United Arab Emirates just transition work programme. |
阿拉伯联合酋长国公正转型工作方案。 |
9. |
9. |
Matters relating to the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures serving the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. |
与服务于《公约》、《京都议定书》和《巴黎协定》的实施应对措施的影响问题论坛有关的事项。 |
10. |
10. |
Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security. |
关于开展农业和粮食安全气候行动的沙姆沙伊赫联合工作。 |
11. |
11. |
Matters relating to technology development and transfer: joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network.* |
与技术开发和转让有关的事项:技术执行委员会及气候技术中心和网络的联合年度报告。 |
12. |
12. |
Matters relating to the operation of the clean development mechanism. |
与清洁发展机制的运作有关的事项。 |
13. |
13. |
Matters relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: |
与《巴黎协定》第六条有关的事项: |
(a) |
(a) |
Guidance on cooperative approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement and in decision 2/CMA.3; |
第2/CMA.3号决定所载关于《巴黎协定》第六条第二款所述合作方法的指南; |
(b) |
(b) |
Rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement and referred to in decision 3/CMA.3; |
第3/CMA.3号决定所述根据《巴黎协定》第六条第四款所建立机制的规则、模式和程序; |
(c) |
(c) |
Work programme under the framework for non-market approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 8, of the Paris Agreement and in decision 4/CMA.3. |
第4/CMA.3号决定所载《巴黎协定》第六条第八款所述非市场方法框架下的工作方案。 |
14. |
14. |
Methodological issues: |
方法学问题: |
(a) |
(a) |
Greenhouse gas data interface; |
温室气体数据接口; |
(b) |
(b) |
Emissions from fuel used for international aviation and maritime transport; |
国际空运和海运所使用的燃料引起的排放; |
(c) |
(c) |
Reporting tools under the enhanced transparency framework. |
强化透明度框架下的报告工具。 |
15. |
15. |
Annual reports on technical reviews: |
技术审评的年度报告: |
(a) |
(a) |
Technical review of information reported by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention in their biennial reports and national communications; |
《公约》附件一所列缔约方在两年期报告和国家信息通报中提交的信息的技术审评; |
(b) |
(b) |
Technical review of greenhouse gas inventories of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention; |
《公约》附件一所列缔约方温室气体清单技术审评; |
(c) |
(c) |
Technical review of greenhouse gas inventories and other information reported by Parties included in Annex I. |
附件一所列缔约方 报告的温室气体清单和其他信息技术审评。 |
16. |
16. |
Other matters. |
其他事项。 |
17. |
17. |
Closure of and report on the session. |
会议闭幕和会议报告。 |
II. |
二、 |
Annotations to the provisional agenda |
临时议程的说明 |
Items from Previous Agendas |
过往议程项目 |
1. |
1. |
Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. |
关于气候变化影响、脆弱性和适应的内罗毕工作方案。 |
2. |
2. |
Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the global goal on adaptation. |
格拉斯哥-沙姆沙伊赫全球适应目标工作方案。 |
2.A. |
2.A. |
Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the global goal on adaptation referred to in decision 7/CMA.3. |
第7/CMA.3号决定所述格拉斯哥-沙姆沙伊赫全球适应目标工作方案。 |
3. |
3. |
Report of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts. |
气候变化影响相关损失和损害华沙国际机制执行委员会的报告。 |
4. |
4. |
Matters relating to the Santiago network under the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts. |
与气候变化影响相关损失和损害华沙国际机制之下的圣地亚哥网络有关的事项。 |
5. |
5. |
Terms of reference for the 2024 review of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts. |
气候变化影响相关损失和损害华沙国际机制2024年审评的职权范围。 |
6. |
6. |
Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform. |
地方社区和土著人民平台。 |
7. |
7. |
Matters relating to the work programme for urgently scaling up mitigation ambition and implementation referred to in paragraph 27 of decision 1/CMA.3. |
与第1/CMA.3号决定第27段所述紧急提高减缓力度和扩大实施的工作方案有关的事项。 |
8. |
8. |
Matters relating to the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement. |
与《巴黎协定》之下的全球盘点有关的事项。 |
9. |
9. |
Sources of input for the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement. |
根据《巴黎协定》进行的全球盘点的投入来源。 |
10. |
10. |
Development and transfer of technologies: joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network. |
技术的开发和转让:技术执行委员会及气候技术中心和网络的联合年度报告。 |
11. |
11. |
Koronivia joint work on agriculture. |
科罗尼维亚农业联合工作。 |
12. |
12. |
Matters related to science and review: |
与科学和审评有关的事项: |
(a) |
(a) |
Second periodic review of the long-term global goal under the Convention and of overall progress towards achieving it. |
对《公约》之下的长期全球目标和实现该目标方面总体进展情况的第二次定期审评。 |
13. |
13. |
Matters relating to reporting and review under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement: options for conducting reviews on a voluntary basis of the information reported pursuant to chapter IV of the annex to decision 18/CMA.1, and respective training courses needed to facilitate these voluntary reviews. |
与《巴黎协定》第十三条规定的报告和审评有关的事项:在自愿基础上对根据第18/CMA.1号决定附件第四章报告的信息进行审评的备选方案,以及便利开展上述自愿审评所需的相应培训课程。 |
14. |
14. |
Methodological issues under the Convention: |
《公约》之下的方法学问题: |
(a) |
(a) |
Training programme for review experts for the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention; |
对《公约》附件一所列缔约方温室气体清单进行技术审评的审评专家培训方案; |
(b) |
(b) |
Training programme for review experts for the technical review of biennial reports and national communications of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention; |
对《公约》附件一所列缔约方两年期报告和国家信息通报进行技术审评的审评专家培训方案; |
(c) |
(c) |
Revision of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual inventories for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention; |
修订对《公约》附件一所列缔约方的《气候公约》年度清单报告指南; |
(d) |
(d) |
Guidelines for the technical review of information reported under the Convention related to greenhouse gas inventories, biennial reports and national communications by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention; |
《公约》附件一所列缔约方根据《公约》提交的温室气体清单、两年期报告和国家信息通报所载信息的技术审评指南; |
(e) |
(e) |
Common metrics to calculate the carbon dioxide equivalence of greenhouse gases; |
用以计算温室气体二氧化碳当量的通用指标; |
15. |
15. |
Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol: |
《京都议定书》之下的方法学问题: |
(a) |
(a) |
Land use, land-use change and forestry under Article 3, paragraphs 3–4, of the Kyoto Protocol and under the clean development mechanism; |
《京都议定书》第三条第3款和第4款之下以及清洁发展机制之下的土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业; |
(b) |
(b) |
Implications of the inclusion of reforestation of lands with forest in exhaustion as afforestation and reforestation clean development mechanism project activities. |
将枯竭林地中再造林列为造林和再造林清洁发展机制项目活动的影响。 |
16. |
16. |
Methodological issues under the Paris Agreement: |
《巴黎协定》之下的方法学问题: |
(a) |
(a) |
Common reporting tables for the electronic reporting of the information in the national inventory reports of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases; |
用于以电子形式报告温室气体源的人为排放和汇的清除国家清单报告中所载信息的通用报告表格; |
(b) |
(b) |
Common tabular formats for the electronic reporting of the information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving nationally determined contributions under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement; |
用于以电子形式报告跟踪在根据《巴黎协定》第四条执行和实现国家自主贡献方面取得的进展所需信息的通用表格格式; |
(c) |
(c) |
Common tabular formats for the electronic reporting of the information on financial, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building support provided and mobilized, as well as support needed and received, under Articles 9–11 of the Paris Agreement; |
用于以电子形式报告在《巴黎协定》第九至第十一条下提供和调动资金、技术开发和转让及能力建设支助的情况以及需要和接受支助的情况的通用表格格式; |
(d) |
(d) |
Outlines of the biennial transparency report, national inventory document and technical expert review report pursuant to the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support; |
根据行动和支助透明度框架的模式、程序和指南编写的两年期透明度报告、国家清单文件和技术专家审评报告的大纲; |
(e) |
(e) |
Training programme for technical experts participating in the technical expert review. |
面向参与技术专家审评的技术专家的培训方案。 |
17. |
17. |
Matters relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: |
与《巴黎协定》第六条有关的事项: |
(a) |
(a) |
Guidance on cooperative approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement; |
关于《巴黎协定》第六条第二款所述合作方法的指南; |
(b) |
(b) |
Rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement; |
根据《巴黎协定》第六条第四款所建立机制的规则、模式和程序; |
(c) |
(c) |
Work programme under the framework for non-market approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 8, of the Paris Agreement. |
《巴黎协定》第六条第八款所述非市场方法框架下的工作方案。 |
18. |
18. |
Market and non-market mechanisms under the Convention: |
《公约》下的市场机制和非市场机制: |
(a) |
(a) |
Framework for various approaches; |
各种方法的框架; |
(b) |
(b) |
Non-market-based approaches; |
非市场型方法; |
(c) |
(c) |
New market-based mechanism. |
基于市场的新机制。 |
19. |
19. |
Cooperation with other international organizations. |
与其他国际组织的合作。 |
20. |
20. |
Annual report on the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. |
关于《公约》附件一所列缔约方温室气体清单技术审评的年度报告。 |
21. |
21. |
Annual reports on technical reviews: |
技术审评的年度报告: |
(a) |
(a) |
Technical review of information reported under the Convention by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention in their biennial reports and national communications; |
《公约》附件一所列缔约方在两年期报告和国家信息通报中根据《公约》提交的信息的技术审评; |
(b) |
(b) |
Technical review of greenhouse gas inventories and other information reported by Parties included in Annex I, as defined in Article 1, paragraph 7, of the Kyoto Protocol. |
《京都议定书》第一条第7款界定的附件一所列缔约方报告的温室气体清单和其他信息技术审评。 |
22. |
22. |
Work programme on just transition pathways referred to in decision 1/CMA.4, paragraphs 50–52. |
第1/CMA.4号决定第50–52段所述关于公正转型路径的工作方案。 |
23. |
23. |
Developed countries’ immediate and urgent action to achieve net zero emissions at the latest by 2030 and net negative emissions thereafter. |
发达国家立即采取紧急行动,最迟于2030年实现净零排放,此后实现净负排放。 |
† This document was scheduled for publication after the standard publication date owing to circumstances beyond the submitter's control. |
† 因提交方无法控制的情况,本文件安排在标准发布日期之后发布。 |
* This document was submitted after the due date owing to the need for internal consultations. |
*由于需要进行内部协商,本文件逾期提交。 |
* This document was submitted to the conference services for processing after the deadline as a result of the extensive internal consultations required for finalizing it. |
*由于定稿需要进行大量内部协商,本文件逾期提交会议服务部门处理。 |
1 |
1 |
The abbreviations and acronyms list can be found at the end of the document. |
简称和缩略语表见本文件末尾。 |
2 |
2 |
Joint SBSTA 60–SBI 60 agenda items and mandated events (see chap. II.2(d) below) are marked with two asterisks. |
科技咨询机构第六十届会议—履行机构第六十届会议联合议程项目和授权活动(见下文第二章2 (d))以两个星号标示。 |
3 |
3 |
Joint SBSTA–SBI agenda items are marked with an asterisk. |
科技咨询机构-履行机构联合议程项目以星号标示。 |
4 |
4 |
Joint SBSTA 58–SBI 58 agenda items are marked with two asterisks. |
科技咨询机构第五十八届会议-履行机构第五十八届会议联合议程项目以两个星号标示。 |
5 |
5 |
As defined in Article 1, para. 7, of the Kyoto Protocol. |
定义见《京都议定书》第一条第7款。 |